#web designer course
pickmyurl · 2 years
"PICK MY URL" is recognized as one of the Best Team in Web Designer category. Since 15 years people ratings as one of the Best SEO Company in Mumbai. 
As a Website Designing Company in Thane and Mumbai we provide 100% Responsive and Dynamic Website on WordPress Platform. SEO Optimized content includes content writing, images and videos.
Pickmyurl also provides PPC, SEM, and Web promotions using Facebook and Twitter AD's. Using Best tools of Digital Marketing we bring huge filtered traffic to your website and pages. 
We have designed and promoted hundreds of websites so far. “WE DON’T JUST MAKE A WEBSITE, WE LET YOUR WEBSITE DO BUSINESS FOR YOU !!!”. Our services are tailored to your needs, whether you are seeking lead generation, to drive sales, rich media solutions or just brand recognition, we can help you with that. We have the ability to get you the highest ROI possible.  
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
Are you an animation student in college or self taught? What is the best way to learn how to draw to get to your level? Your art is amazing by the way
I'm a multimedia student in the specialization of Graphics design ^^ Although we tend to learn something here, most of the percentage is self-taught.
The best way to be good at anything is to experience, and experience is the best teacher to have around. Have it your way with drawing even with seemingly endless trials and errors. Eventually, you learn and keep improving!
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enigmatic-enigmas · 14 days
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Moth Elias based off of the wonderful piece by @drherbertwestreal
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quirinah · 1 year
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i forgot to post this yesterday but I watched the movie and IMMEDIATELY dropped everything to open my tablet 
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codingquill · 1 year
SQL Fundamentals #1: SQL Data Definition
Last year in college , I had the opportunity to dive deep into SQL. The course was made even more exciting by an amazing instructor . Fast forward to today, and I regularly use SQL in my backend development work with PHP. Today, I felt the need to refresh my SQL knowledge a bit, and that's why I've put together three posts aimed at helping beginners grasp the fundamentals of SQL.
Understanding Relational Databases
Let's Begin with the Basics: What Is a Database?
Simply put, a database is like a digital warehouse where you store large amounts of data. When you work on projects that involve data, you need a place to keep that data organized and accessible, and that's where databases come into play.
Exploring Different Types of Databases
When it comes to databases, there are two primary types to consider: relational and non-relational.
Relational Databases: Structured Like Tables
Think of a relational database as a collection of neatly organized tables, somewhat like rows and columns in an Excel spreadsheet. Each table represents a specific type of information, and these tables are interconnected through shared attributes. It's similar to a well-organized library catalog where you can find books by author, title, or genre.
Key Points:
Tables with rows and columns.
Data is neatly structured, much like a library catalog.
You use a structured query language (SQL) to interact with it.
Ideal for handling structured data with complex relationships.
Non-Relational Databases: Flexibility in Containers
Now, imagine a non-relational database as a collection of flexible containers, more like bins or boxes. Each container holds data, but they don't have to adhere to a fixed format. It's like managing a diverse collection of items in various boxes without strict rules. This flexibility is incredibly useful when dealing with unstructured or rapidly changing data, like social media posts or sensor readings.
Key Points:
Data can be stored in diverse formats.
There's no rigid structure; adaptability is the name of the game.
Non-relational databases (often called NoSQL databases) are commonly used.
Ideal for handling unstructured or dynamic data.
Now, Let's Dive into SQL:
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SQL is a :
Data Definition language ( what todays post is all about )
Data Manipulation language
Data Query language
Task: Building and Interacting with a Bookstore Database
Setting Up the Database
Our first step in creating a bookstore database is to establish it. You can achieve this with a straightforward SQL command:
SQL Data Definition
As the name suggests, this step is all about defining your tables. By the end of this phase, your database and the tables within it are created and ready for action.
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1 - Introducing the 'Books' Table
A bookstore is all about its collection of books, so our 'bookstoreDB' needs a place to store them. We'll call this place the 'books' table. Here's how you create it:
CREATE TABLE books ( -- Don't worry, we'll fill this in soon! );
Now, each book has its own set of unique details, including titles, authors, genres, publication years, and prices. These details will become the columns in our 'books' table, ensuring that every book can be fully described.
Now that we have the plan, let's create our 'books' table with all these attributes:
CREATE TABLE books ( title VARCHAR(40), author VARCHAR(40), genre VARCHAR(40), publishedYear DATE, price INT(10) );
With this structure in place, our bookstore database is ready to house a world of books.
2 - Making Changes to the Table
Sometimes, you might need to modify a table you've created in your database. Whether it's correcting an error during table creation, renaming the table, or adding/removing columns, these changes are made using the 'ALTER TABLE' command.
For instance, if you want to rename your 'books' table:
ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO books_table;
If you want to add a new column:
ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN description VARCHAR(100);
Or, if you need to delete a column:
3 - Dropping the Table
Finally, if you ever want to remove a table you've created in your database, you can do so using the 'DROP TABLE' command:
To keep this post concise, our next post will delve into the second step, which involves data manipulation. Once our bookstore database is up and running with its tables, we'll explore how to modify and enrich it with new information and data. Stay tuned ...
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weandthecolor · 4 days
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Learn to Create a Professional Website with WordPress
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thedailyvio · 10 months
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Day 336
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frontendforever · 1 month
Responsive Animated Website With HTML & CSS
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donatransgender · 4 months
made da boyz in Pony Tooooown :D (i have yet to actually play this game)
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Donnie has a little Shelldon plush, and Leo has a little Ussgi plush (who is also a pegasus)
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mari-g-auteur · 2 months
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uiuxcafe · 2 months
Complete Web Design Course for Beginners | Free Full Course
Welcome to the Complete Web Design Course for Beginners! In this free full course, you'll learn every step of the professional web design process and build a comprehensive project alongside me. We'll start with strategy and structure, move into the design phase, and even develop the website without writing a single line of code using Framer…
Throughout this course, you'll thoroughly understand web design techniques such as wireframing and color theory, and you'll become proficient with tools like Figma and Framer. This isn't just theory—it's practical application. By the time you finish, you'll be ready to design and publish simple websites for paying clients.
What You'll Learn:
Strategy: Client needs, identify competitors, and develop solutions
Structure: Create sitemaps, content documents, and wireframes.
Design: Research, moodboards, generate assets, and design in Figma.
Development: Build responsive websites with animations in Framer.
This course is perfect for beginners who want to dive into web design and develop their skills step-by-step. Whether you're looking to start a new career or just want to design your own website, this course has everything you need.
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happywebdesign · 6 months
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Sky Ting
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danyakoritsa · 1 year
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gopinathr · 6 months
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
I feel like I'm super annoying talking about the neocities website stuff but like
As someone who has experimented with so many different hobbies all of their life, and has only ever managed to stick to drawing and keeping everything else like writing, sewing, 3D modelling, etc on the side
It's like So refreshing to find something new that I genuinely find this much joy in doing. The fact that I feel like I've given up on drawing as a career because I want to pursue web design instead... Maybe it's too early to make those decisions, but I've had a lot of thoughts lately
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codingquill · 1 year
SQL Fundamentals #2: SQL Data Manipulation
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In our previous database exploration journey, SQL Fundamentals #1: SQL Data Definition, we set the stage by introducing the "books" table nestled within our bookstore database. Currently, our table is empty, Looking like :
| title | author | genre | publishedYear | price |
Data manipulation
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Now, let's embark on database interaction—data manipulation. This is where the magic happens, where our "books" table comes to life, and we finish our mission of data storage.
Inserting Data
Our initial task revolves around adding a collection of books into our "books" table. we want to add the book "The Great Gatsby" to our collection, authored F. Scott Fitzgerald. Here's how we express this in SQL:
INSERT INTO books(title, author, genre, publishedYear, price) VALUES('The Great Gatsby', 'F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'Classic', 1925, 10.99);
Alternatively, you can use a shorter form for inserting values, but be cautious as it relies on the order of columns in your table:
INSERT INTO books VALUES('The Great Gatsby', 'F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'Classic', 1925, 10.99);
Updating data
As time goes on, you might find the need to modify existing data in our "books" table. To accomplish this, we use the UPDATE command.For example :
UPDATE books SET price = 12.99 WHERE title = 'The Great Gatsby';
This SQL statement will locate the row with the title "The Great Gatsby" and modify its price to $12.99.
We'll discuss the where clause in (SQL fundamentals #3)
Deleting data
Sometimes, data becomes obsolete or irrelevant, and it's essential to remove it from our table. The DELETE FROM command allows us to delete entire rows from our table.For example :
DELETE FROM books WHERE title = 'Moby-Dick';
This SQL statement will find the row with the title "Moby-Dick" and remove it entirely from your "books" table.
To maintain a reader-friendly and approachable tone, I'll save the discussion on the third part of SQL, which focuses on data querying, for the upcoming post. Stay tuned ...
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