#websites to distract you
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You are amazing and you matter. No matter how your day is going, I hope you never forget that you are enough just as you are (you always have been and always will be).
We all struggle from time to time, and it's okay. We're only human. Sometimes we feel comfortable reaching out, sometimes we just need a little encouragement. I hope you find something on this page to make you smile, bring you motivation, or just remind you that you will be okay.
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Got a word of encouragement, self-care ideas, helpful websites or resources you think should be added? Just send them my way and I'll get them up.
This page is currently under development and more will be added as soon as possible.
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You can do it. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when things feel overwhelming. Pause and breathe. Remember how far you've come. You are so very capable. You will get through this.
It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to struggle. It's okay not to know what comes next. It's okay to say no. It's okay to stand up for yourself and what you believe. It's okay to choose what is right for you even when others don't understand. It's okay. You will be okay.
Take a moment to focus on all that you are instead of all you aren't because you are amazing just as you are. You have nothing to prove to anyone.
A bad day doesn't mean it's a bad life. I know that can be hard to believe, especially when that bad day turns into a bad week, month, or even year. Please know how strong you are. I see you. I see your struggle. You are not alone. You've survived all those bad days. Your good days will come. Until then, have hope, reach out to a friend. You will get through this.
You don't have to do everything at once, baby steps still take you forward.
There's no need to apologize for making yourself a priority. You should always put yourself first. Do what you have to do for yourself
It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be confused. It's okay to not know your next step. Just keep going. You'll figure it out. (source)
By opening up bit by bit and around someone you trust, you can learn to show the world how amazing your true self is. (source)
You are still okay and loved if: you like to spend time with yourself, you don't have a lot of close friends, you have frequent panic or anxiety attacks, you cry at random times, you need to take naps, you feel sad or empty, you feel lonely, you have a mental illness. (source)
Don't push yourself too hard. It's okay if you can't do it. It's okay if you can't finish it. It's okay if you need help. It's okay if you need to take a break. It's okay if you need to just try again tomorrow. It's okay if you can't do it as well as someone else. It's okay if you do it more slowly than someone else. Everyone has their own limits. It's okay. (source)
Encouragement for Writers + Creators:
Your stories are valid, regardless of the notes, of how many people read it. The time you spent planning, writing and editing wasn't a waste if (re)reading makes you happy.
It's okay not be productive everyday. The low phases of your creative cycle don't mean your ability isn't real and won't go away. It's simply dormant. Be gentle with yourself and soon it'll flourish again.
"You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page" ~Jodi Picoult
If you feel stuck, you're allowed to take a step back and do something else. There's no shame about taking a break.
Allow yourself to be proud of and love your writing. There is nothing cool about self-deprecation. Being proud doesn't make you bad. It doesn't make you vain. It doesn't make you selfish. It doesn't make you self-centered. It doesn't make you think you're superior. It just means you recognize your own effort and appreciate the effort that you put in, just like you do with others. What makes you think that just because you made it, you don't deserve the same respect, love and appreciation you give to other writers? You don't have to search for that validation in others. You're allowed to give it to yourself. (source)
On particularly tough days, when you're sure you can't possibly endure, remember your track record for getting through bad days is 100% and that's pretty good!
The road to success is never straight.
Believe in unknown miracles already on their way to you.
When you meet resistance, you are growing in the right direction.
Find More Encouragement Quotes:
#SpreadJoy Quotes with Choices Characters
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Take a step outside. Go to a forest, a park or to the beach. No goal in mind, just get some air and enjoy the moment. Maybe explore somewhere you haven't been yet.
Do something new. Maybe something you have wanted to try for a while. Be it crafts, different activities, baking/cooking, or even just watching a new show.
Spend 10 minutes writing down words that make you smile, make you dream or just make you feel good.
Organize your space
Create an "it's done" list to celebrate all you accomplish (nothing is too small)
Take a social media break (don't compare yourself to others and their "lives")
Daily Accomplishment Bingo Board (click to view)
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988: Crisis Hotline (call or text or visit website to chat, 24/7)
A Soft Murmur : Mix and combine ambient sounds that fit you and your mood (rain, thunder, waves, wind, fire, birds)
Emergency Compliment: Need a compliment? Enjoy these hilariously random and entertaining compliments
Happify: Science based activities and games to reduce stress and build confidence
Pixel Thoughts: Write what's troubling you an a star and watch it shrink into the distance over a 60 second relaxation period
Pop Bubble Wrap: Pop one bubble and four more appear!
QuietKit: Guided Meditation for beginners
Rainy Mood: Listen to ambient rain sounds (then open a live feed of a cozy fire on Youtube) and relax.
Scream Into the Void : Type anything you want to say or get out of your head and then send it into the void. (actual screaming sound effect include)
The Oregon Trail: Head back in time with this vintage game
The Quiet Place Project: Take a few seconds out of your day to sit, relax, and breathe.
This is Sand : Create your own virtual sand art
Tone Matrix: Make your own music with these pleasant sounding bells
Weave Silk: An online tool for creating symmetrical art, including rotational symmetry.
Xhlr: guided breathing where you can adjust the length of each part of the process (inhale, hold, exhale, hold)
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Atmosphere: relaxing sounds (free)
Finch: adopt a self-care pet and work on day-to-day goals, track your mood, journal, complete breathing activities, and more (Free and Paid versions available)
Get Color: liquid sort puzzle (free)
Pixel Art: paint by numbers (free)
Puzzle Art: jigsaw art puzzles (free)
Smiling Minds: guided meditation (free)
Zen Color: color by numbers (free)
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Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay
Walk On by U2
Pinterest: Mental Mastery
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@lovealexhunt , @lorirwritesfanfic , @princess-geek, @aallotarenunelma, @jerzwriter , @peonierose
Got a word of encouragement, self-care ideas, helpful websites or resources you think should be added? Just send them my way and I'll get them up.
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(some are repeated in the two images, but some are unique so I included both)
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alithographica · 2 years
y'all wanted pvp enabled on tumblr, I think that's exactly what this awful new note preview feature is because it's really making me want to fight people
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muffinlance · 11 months
Got some excellent friends from @palaeoplushies (le website link)
Toddler stole the ichthyosaur straight out of the box and baby has decided the bristlenose is a superior teething toy
...Friends have been made and lost
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[id: Photo of a stuffed ichthyosaur and bristlenose plecostomus along with pins of an ichthyosaur, pterodactyl, and archaeopteryx. End id.]
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klavierpanda · 1 year
Bro...aroaces are literally the most represented everywhere. And you're still complaining. Go ask aroallos and aceallos about being recognised lol
The post wasn't even about representation, it's about the fact that even in aspec spaces there is a tendency to leave out the aro part of aroace and just viewing those people as asexual where being aro is an afterthought. Do you not see how that is also harmful for both aroallos and alloaces?
In the case of aroallos it's the fact that they're forgotten about because they aren't asexual and therefore their identity isn't even at the forefront of most people's minds when discussing aspec stuff. Their aroness is erased because it is not accompanied by asexuality.
In the case of alloaces there is the underlying assumption that romantic attraction isn't felt because there is still the assumption that aroace and asexual are the same thing. The fact they do feel romantic attraction is erased by the fact they're asexual.
The underlying issue here is that there isn't a great understanding of how different attractions interact with each other and the different labels we have to describe different experiences, even within the aspec community.
I made the post because an irl aspec group that I'm in were talking about the aroace character in the new series of Heartstopper and almost all of them referred to him as asexual. I have not watched Heartstopper (romance stuff doesn't interest me) but I was informed that there's actually a stronger focus on romantic attraction, i.e. the aro part in his aroace identity. As well as a consistent feeling that my aroness was erased when I identified as aroace and is ultimately one of the reasons I dropped the ace part of the label.
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impishtubist · 9 months
There is something sobering about reading a fic that hasn't been updated in years, and then clicking over to the author's profile to find that it's the last thing they updated....they didn't switch fandoms or anything, they just stopped posting altogether.
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kojoty · 5 months
Lot of infighting would be eradicated over night if people stopped posturing that their favorite characters are an effort to be progressive and just bold faced admitted to the fact that we tend to gravitate towards characters we are attracted (romantic, sexual, or platonic) to
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
silver under nightfall by rin chupeco is a fantastic book but it has made me want to write vampire ghost x vampire hunter soap who's sooooo frustrated that he can't kill ghost
this is scraps but if you've read that book... the bones of soap as remy and ghost as malek are sooo there
vaguely based off that book but: vampire ghost and human soap in a society that's all but segregated, with human kingdoms and vampire kingdoms.
maybe soap is a decently high ranking warrior sent as an ambassador (unwillingly, mind you) to one of the vampire kingdoms. ghost (equally high ranking in his own court) is sent to escort johnny and make sure he doesn't pull any tricks or tom-foolery
cue a good several weeks travel of these two stuck together on a very difficult road, practically at each other's throats. soap is probably the most skilled human warrior alive, but he's got nothing on most vampires. he's constantly determined to prove himself to ghost (despite his supposed hatred of the other man) as a fighter
every problem they run into, ghost is taking it out before soap has a chance, all but rubbing his nose in their power difference. it just works soap up more and more, but there's nothing he can do about it
anyways. thinking about vampire!ghost taming his feral little human before they get back to his home so he can have soap as his proper pet <3
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stormrot · 7 months
"staff isn't doing x political thing right" and frankly some of us would rather it all be removed from site period so at least be happy they're on the appropriate side of arguments and let you have anything at all. this is a game for pixel dragons. this is not your social media to push one or another real world issue. it's fine if you want to do that on Tumblr or Twitter or whatever else but my god. y'all are so annoying complaining about this. I'm here for dragons, not the same politics I've blocked 100% of on every other website.
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artist-issues · 10 months
PSA to my Followers Claiming Christ
If you didn't read my Disney-Christianity-Wish reblog don't worry about it.
I mentioned that Glen Keane converted from Catholicism to Christianity. And that's on me; I should've clarified Roman Catholicism, because of the confusion surrounding the word.
But that's a topic for another day. I have two things to say to anyone who claims Christ and felt the need to speak up about that tiny sentence in the reblogs:
The reblog was something that, I like to think, gave glory to God for the artists He wove into Disney over history, and their faithfulness to Him. Then you guys came in and decided to distract from that by being irritated about Calvinism or Catholicism or whatever. My advice is: stop it. If something is genuinely driving non-believers to see that God had a bigger hand in something than they thought, you should not in any way make it about what irritates you. Talk to me about how I'm wrong about Catholicism or how Disney characters aren't Calvinist enough in my inbox, not in front of unbelievers on a post that could've pointed them to God's power and providence.
I did not say "Glen Keane was not a Christian when he was Catholic--" GLEN KEANE said he was not a Christian when he was Catholic. He is a kind man who doesn't intentionally ruffle feathers, but he made a point of broadcasting that part of his testimony to the world. Why don't you go tell him that he's wrong, that he submitted to God's authority and began a relationship with God and had his eternal metaphysical spirit saved before he says he did? Why don't you go gaslight Glen Keane about his own salvation because of your protectiveness of your religion? Instead of jumping on a post that was faith-focused and making it about your offense.
This isn't directed at any one person because a good handful of you have decided to go this route in your responses. But even after I reblogged and said, "what is with Christ-claimers being the only ones distracting from the point of this post" y'all just skipped right over that and kept making it about you. Not the time. Not the place.
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iniquity-fr · 1 year
fuck a baldwin queue i want an arlo queue so bad i hate having to click all that shit again every 10-15 minutes please god let me just queue up like 5 magnifying glasses at a time and forget about it for like an hour please god
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six-of-ravens · 4 months
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mikeluciraphgabe · 4 months
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wrestlezon · 10 months
big fan of reintroducing extremely old posts back into the modern day ecosystem. i should go on another archaeological dig sometime
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luckycharms1701 · 10 months
So I was looking through this website for a store that sells clothes and jewellery that's based off of famous artists' works as I cried in broke :'(
And now I have a visceral need to go on a cute artsy date with rise!Mikey whilst wearing a Michelangelo outfit
congrats anon, on your ohko
i literally fell over when i read this
i found a site immediately (not the same site you were on unfortunately, but if you send that site to me my christmas list will thank you lol), and well it would have to be this one wouldn't it
mikey's not normally a jealous or possessive turtle, but he does love seeing his name on you. it soothes some urge in his hind brain, the one that has him constantly giving you hickies
he thinks you are the Cutest, and walks around the art museum you're at with your hand held tightly in his, smirking at everyone who compliments you on your outfit because obviously you're the best dressed person there
he's so proud that you're on his arm, he can't contain himself, all "yes, my partner has the best taste" to anyone and everyone he can
the unfortunate side effect of the hand holding is that whenever something catches his attention, he drags you off in his very excited wake
'he's lucky he's cute' you have to think to yourself as you trip after him
then you go to an art meetup at a nearby cafe, and you find yourself unable to concentrate on your artwork, too busy staring at him. he's so focused, and you think he's the most beautiful person you've ever seen
when he finishes and shows you that he's drawn you, in your outfit staring up at some of Michelangelo's work at the museum, well you fall in love with him all over again
(shameless plug: if you would like to read a fic of you and rise!mikey going on a cute artsy date, i wrote it here. it's a first date. the chapters are related but pretty contained, so you don't need to read the rest of it if you don't want to)
there's a pic of the dress i linked to underneath the cut, in case the listing gets removed
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 1 year
"why do you need an mp3 player, you can just listen to music on your phone" because it's way cooler? next question
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keeps-ache · 1 year
trying to write, i want to write but the only place i have with dark mode is my computer's notepad and i can't access those files from anywhere else. augh
#just me hi#girl help my Eyeyessseses hbfvhs#i keep getting told 'use google docs' it Hurts My Eyeballs !!! let me change the funkin website theme !!!#plus when i'm writing at night i don't want the whole world knowing what's up bc i have the equivalent of a lighthouse beacon telling every#one 'HEY. THIS THING'S AWAKE !!' lol :^#i'd use google keep bc it feels. friendlier ? but also the clutter behind the note i'm writing in is making me anxious + distracting me. so#hvfbhs#this is such a silly problem but i'm running in circles just trying to rewrite p.space for the... i think eighth or ninth time now Lolll#i wanted to try wattpad again but i like not having my eyes hurt. and i'm trying to plan ahead bc i want to have a place i can write in#Consistently. ya know ?#sigh. sogh. saigh. sygh#oh and also wattpad feels too cluttered. there's something about having the writing space take up the Whole Entire Screen that doesn't#groove with my brain right. so !#this is just me being very picky for no good reason lolll :)#'just minimize the tab then' but that is still wrong bc the writing space is taking up the Entire Tab now !!#/anyway i just remembered rn why i don't explain why i'm actually having issues with things HFBVSH#it's really specific. and really vibe-based. and it's like being in the middle of a field and not being able to explain what is so wrong ab#being in the empty‚ cold‚ deadly-quiet but also piercing-loud field forever and ever and ever#do you know what i mean ??#//ANYWAY. back to whatever this problem is Lolll :3
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