#websites to cheer you up
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You are amazing and you matter. No matter how your day is going, I hope you never forget that you are enough just as you are (you always have been and always will be).
We all struggle from time to time, and it's okay. We're only human. Sometimes we feel comfortable reaching out, sometimes we just need a little encouragement. I hope you find something on this page to make you smile, bring you motivation, or just remind you that you will be okay.
Need more support? Find a help number in your country. [Here]
Got a word of encouragement, self-care ideas, helpful websites or resources you think should be added? Just send them my way and I'll get them up.
This page is currently under development and more will be added as soon as possible.
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You can do it. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when things feel overwhelming. Pause and breathe. Remember how far you've come. You are so very capable. You will get through this.
It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to struggle. It's okay not to know what comes next. It's okay to say no. It's okay to stand up for yourself and what you believe. It's okay to choose what is right for you even when others don't understand. It's okay. You will be okay.
Take a moment to focus on all that you are instead of all you aren't because you are amazing just as you are. You have nothing to prove to anyone.
A bad day doesn't mean it's a bad life. I know that can be hard to believe, especially when that bad day turns into a bad week, month, or even year. Please know how strong you are. I see you. I see your struggle. You are not alone. You've survived all those bad days. Your good days will come. Until then, have hope, reach out to a friend. You will get through this.
You don't have to do everything at once, baby steps still take you forward.
There's no need to apologize for making yourself a priority. You should always put yourself first. Do what you have to do for yourself
It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be confused. It's okay to not know your next step. Just keep going. You'll figure it out. (source)
By opening up bit by bit and around someone you trust, you can learn to show the world how amazing your true self is. (source)
You are still okay and loved if: you like to spend time with yourself, you don't have a lot of close friends, you have frequent panic or anxiety attacks, you cry at random times, you need to take naps, you feel sad or empty, you feel lonely, you have a mental illness. (source)
Don't push yourself too hard. It's okay if you can't do it. It's okay if you can't finish it. It's okay if you need help. It's okay if you need to take a break. It's okay if you need to just try again tomorrow. It's okay if you can't do it as well as someone else. It's okay if you do it more slowly than someone else. Everyone has their own limits. It's okay. (source)
Encouragement for Writers + Creators:
Your stories are valid, regardless of the notes, of how many people read it. The time you spent planning, writing and editing wasn't a waste if (re)reading makes you happy.
It's okay not be productive everyday. The low phases of your creative cycle don't mean your ability isn't real and won't go away. It's simply dormant. Be gentle with yourself and soon it'll flourish again.
"You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page" ~Jodi Picoult
If you feel stuck, you're allowed to take a step back and do something else. There's no shame about taking a break.
Allow yourself to be proud of and love your writing. There is nothing cool about self-deprecation. Being proud doesn't make you bad. It doesn't make you vain. It doesn't make you selfish. It doesn't make you self-centered. It doesn't make you think you're superior. It just means you recognize your own effort and appreciate the effort that you put in, just like you do with others. What makes you think that just because you made it, you don't deserve the same respect, love and appreciation you give to other writers? You don't have to search for that validation in others. You're allowed to give it to yourself. (source)
On particularly tough days, when you're sure you can't possibly endure, remember your track record for getting through bad days is 100% and that's pretty good!
The road to success is never straight.
Believe in unknown miracles already on their way to you.
When you meet resistance, you are growing in the right direction.
Find More Encouragement Quotes:
#SpreadJoy Quotes with Choices Characters
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Take a step outside. Go to a forest, a park or to the beach. No goal in mind, just get some air and enjoy the moment. Maybe explore somewhere you haven't been yet.
Do something new. Maybe something you have wanted to try for a while. Be it crafts, different activities, baking/cooking, or even just watching a new show.
Spend 10 minutes writing down words that make you smile, make you dream or just make you feel good.
Organize your space
Create an "it's done" list to celebrate all you accomplish (nothing is too small)
Take a social media break (don't compare yourself to others and their "lives")
Daily Accomplishment Bingo Board (click to view)
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988: Crisis Hotline (call or text or visit website to chat, 24/7)
A Soft Murmur : Mix and combine ambient sounds that fit you and your mood (rain, thunder, waves, wind, fire, birds)
Emergency Compliment: Need a compliment? Enjoy these hilariously random and entertaining compliments
Happify: Science based activities and games to reduce stress and build confidence
Pixel Thoughts: Write what's troubling you an a star and watch it shrink into the distance over a 60 second relaxation period
Pop Bubble Wrap: Pop one bubble and four more appear!
QuietKit: Guided Meditation for beginners
Rainy Mood: Listen to ambient rain sounds (then open a live feed of a cozy fire on Youtube) and relax.
Scream Into the Void : Type anything you want to say or get out of your head and then send it into the void. (actual screaming sound effect include)
The Oregon Trail: Head back in time with this vintage game
The Quiet Place Project: Take a few seconds out of your day to sit, relax, and breathe.
This is Sand : Create your own virtual sand art
Tone Matrix: Make your own music with these pleasant sounding bells
Weave Silk: An online tool for creating symmetrical art, including rotational symmetry.
Xhlr: guided breathing where you can adjust the length of each part of the process (inhale, hold, exhale, hold)
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Atmosphere: relaxing sounds (free)
Finch: adopt a self-care pet and work on day-to-day goals, track your mood, journal, complete breathing activities, and more (Free and Paid versions available)
Get Color: liquid sort puzzle (free)
Pixel Art: paint by numbers (free)
Puzzle Art: jigsaw art puzzles (free)
Smiling Minds: guided meditation (free)
Zen Color: color by numbers (free)
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Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay
Walk On by U2
Pinterest: Mental Mastery
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@lovealexhunt , @lorirwritesfanfic , @princess-geek, @aallotarenunelma, @jerzwriter , @peonierose
Got a word of encouragement, self-care ideas, helpful websites or resources you think should be added? Just send them my way and I'll get them up.
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(some are repeated in the two images, but some are unique so I included both)
Need support? Find a help number in your country. [Here]
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grumpyghostdoodles · 6 months
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Im printing that notification and putting it in my wall as a badge of honour
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glad to see all of you marvel fans are waking up to the inherent homoeroticism of cars. now i have a sport for you
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killldeer · 1 year
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ballsballsbowls · 11 months
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pepprs · 2 years
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HIIIII HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!! usually on nye i share my spotify playlist of the songs that made my year… so im doing that (here for ur listening pleasure) AND for the first time in three years i get to share a summary of art too, bc i finally started drawing again this year!! (previous art summaries featured below too bc im proud of how much ive improved over the years and wanted to show off hehe 😎)
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
I feel like you probably get this a lot, but I just wanted to tell you that my 68 year old mother just texted me a screenshot of your airport story that she saw on facebook and asked me how to sign up for tumblr. I just about had a heart attack and then I had to spend like ten minutes on the phone talking her out of it because funny stories aside this website would be very much Not Her Speed. Curse you for being so funny it made my mom want to join this hellsite, but also cheers because every time you cross my dash it's a delight and the airport story was freaking hilarious. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go lie down.
Your mom lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, she can handle tumblr.
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lqvesoph · 2 months
Puppy Love || LN4
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lando norris x fem!reader
summary: Lando came home from his ‘best day at work’ and you take matters into your own hands to reunite the little puppy and your boyfriend
a/n: I couldn’t resist writing something about this bc that video has me in a chokehold
masterlist | taglist
"Baby, you won’t believe what just happened!!", your boyfriend exclaimed as he opened the door to your shared apartment.
You chuckled, moving out of the kitchen where you were making dinner to greet him in the hallway.
"Look! Oh my god!", he called, pulling out his phone and showing you a picture of him sitting on a chair, with an adorable little puppy in his arms. Your eyes widened. "Oh, Lan, that’s so cute!", you said, putting your hand in front of your mouth.
"I know right??", he spoke excitedly, swiping through his gallery to show you the other pictures. "Look! It just said down in my lap", he said, pressing play on a video.
"Lando, she’s adorable!", you muttered. "Yeah", he smiled. "Shame I can’t keep her." "She really did look incredibly comfortable on you", you agreed and looked up to find a sad smile on Lando’s face and put your hand on his cheek.
"Hey, cheer up", you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Soo, what’s for dinner?", Lando asked after pulling away, a slightly happier smile gracing his face now.
Later that night, you couldn’t stop thinking about that video Lando showed you. So, as quietly as you could you sat up in your shared bed and pulled out your laptop, searching for the shelter that he’d told you about.
You looked through the website and found the small dog. "Lia, three months old", you read as you clicked through the pictures.
Your fingered hovered over the blue button, hesitating for a second but one look at the sleeping boy beside you, gave you the reassurance you needed. As quietly as you could you closed the laptop and went back to sleep.
The next morning Lando was up before you, as usual. You found him in his sweaty training clothes in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water.
"Good morning", you greeted him, standing in the door and leaned against it. "Oh hey", he called, walking over and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. You scrunched your nose.
Lando rolled his eyes before giving you another peck. "I know, I’ll shower", he chuckled, walking past you towards the bathroom.
"Lan, I wanted to tell you that I’m flying to the UK for today", you called, making the boy stop in his tracks. "Why?", he questioned, turning around. You panicked for a second, not knowing what to tell him without revealing your surprise.
"Uhm, Mum wanted to go shopping together", you lied, slapping yourself internally. Lando frowned. "Uh, okay? I’m coming with you, when are we leaving?", he wanted to know.
"No no, you have your dinner with Zak and that businessman tonight and I’ll probably will sleep at my parents’", you quickly waved it off. Lando nodded, still eying you strangely. "Well, okay then. Let me shower and then I can drive you to the airport", he muttered, before turning around to enter the bathroom.
You let out a sigh, hating yourself for not telling Lando the whole truth but reminding yourself that his face tonight will he the greatest reward.
You touched down in Heathrow around 1pm, quickly texting Lando that you had arrived before rushing out of the airport to find a taxi that would take you to Battersea.
In front of the Dog’s and Cat’s home you stepped out, thanking and paying the driver before making your way to the door.
"Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n", you told the woman at the reception. "I made an online appointment yesterday to meet with a little puppy." The brunette smiled and nodded. "Let me check for a second. Ah, yes, just down the corridor and the second door to your left. Mia should be waiting for you there", she said, whereupon you thanked her and walked down to where she had described.
You knocked on the door and waited for Mia to call, but instead she opened the door, the same warm smile on her lips as the receptionist.
"Hi, you must be Miss Y/l/n, nice to meet you!", she greeted you, reaching a hand out for you to shake. "Nice to meet you too, and please call me Y/n", you replied, following her into the room.
"So, you are here for Lia, right?", she smiled as you walked closer to the play area of about five puppies. She then took one puppy with white and brown fur out of the area.
"Oh my god, she’s even more adorable in person", you muttered as the woman placed the puppy in your arms. "Heyy, little one", you whispered, softly petting her back.
"She really seems to like you", Mia noted and nodded towards the puppy who had closed her eyes and snuggled into your arms. "Can I keep her?", you asked softly. "We gotta go over some documents first but then, sure", Mia smiled and showed you to her office.
"Okay, first of all, do you live with anyone because if you do we need their permission as well", she stated and you looked up. "Yes, I do, I live with my boyfriend in Monaco. Actually, he met the little one yesterday at work", you chuckled.
Mia stopped writing and looked at her questioningly. "Excuse me?"
"Lando Norris, you recently signed a cooperation with McLaren and he came home yesterday telling me all about that little surprise you did for him and even showed me a few videos of Lia and I wanted to surprise him with this", you explained. First Mia looked at you rather skeptical, then she started typing on her computer.
"Okay, I guess you are telling the truth", she mumbled, turning around to show you pictures of Lando and you in the paddock, the search being ‘Lando Norris Girlfriend’. You tried to hide your chuckle but failed.
"I’m sorry but the possibility of you being a crazy fan is pretty high, I didn’t mean to insult you", she immediately apologized but you waved her off. "No, it’s fine. I understand", you chuckled as she blinked a few times.
"Okay, back to the questions. I guess you have the permission of your partner. Then Monaco you said?", she moved on. You nodded. "She’d have a little play buddy in Leo, a friend’s dog, and I’m sure Alex and Charles would be happy to help us with everything in the beginning", you explained.
You went over a few more details such as allergies and vet check ups. "Okay, last one is financial security but I guess that won’t be a problem", she chuckled and if you weren’t so focused on Lia you’d have been slightly offended at her judgmental tone.
She pushed the documents over the table for you to sign and watched as you scribble your name on the line.
"Then I am happy to tell you, you have just adopted a dog", she smiled and handed you her hand to shake.
You said goodbye to her, quickly asking where the next pet shop was to get the necessary things.
Then you made your way outside again, the small puppy in your arms. "Okay, little one, let’s go shopping and then we can go home and surprise your new daddy", you whispered, gently petting her head.
Your flight back home was scheduled to arrive at 8pm, from where you then took a taxi back to Monaco.
"Welcome home, Lia", you muttered, letting her down as you closed the front door. You could tell she was curious but careful at the same time, always keeping close to you.
You placed your bag with dog food, some bowls and toys on the kitchen counter and then went to sit down on the couch and Lia immediately jumped up to cuddle into your arms again, which made you chuckle.
About two hours later you heard a key in the door and Lando entering the apartment. You decided not to say anything and simply wait until he would come into the living room, although the lights of the TV still filled the room.
"Hello?", Lando asked. "Is anyone there?" Cautiously he entered the living room, placing a hand on his heart when he saw it was only you sitting there.
"Jesus, baby, I thought there was someone in our home!", he called. "I thought you said you’re only coming back tomorrow"
"Well…", you giggled and then lifted your arm to reveal the sleeping puppy on your arm. Lando’s eyes widened, scanning the little dog.
"Wha-", he muttered perplexed. "Meet little Lia. Again", you added giggling. "You- is- is that the puppy from Battersea?", he stuttered, sitting down next to you. You nodded with a smile.
"Wha- How- Did you fly to England just to-", he continued stammering, making you reach for his hand. "She loved you and you can’t fool me and tell me you didn’t feel the same. And about all the traveling, I can take care of her when I’m not coming to race weekends, Alex does the same. And she even has a little play buddy in Leo", you told him, interwinding your fingers.
"I love you so much, baby", he whispered and pulled you into a kiss. A small high pitched bark interrupted you and you pulled apart.
"Heyy, princess", Lando whispered, laying down so his head was level with the puppy in your arms. Lia got up and carefully sniffed Lando, probably recognizing his scent from just two days ago as she then cuddled up next to him.
You two laughed and petted her small body.
"She’s the cutest", you noted with a smile. "And you’re the best", Lando smirked up at you. "My two girls!"
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tagged: landonorris
liked by: landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 1.526.182 others
yourinstagram: Welcome home little Lia💞
landonorris: my girlssss
alexandrasaintmleux: Omg I can’t wait for playdates!!
yourinstagram: Yessss omggg, lets leave the boys at home then
landonorris: Hey!
alexandrasaintmleux: Ofc
charlesleclerc: Hey!
lilyzneimer: The cutest omg!!
mclaren: So excited to meet the little girl
fan: Omg how cute is that!!
fan: The dog on the wheel lmaooo
fan: Already coming for Lando’s seat
> liked by: yourinstagram
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tagged: yourinstagram
liked by: yourinstagram, mclaren, oscarpiastri and 2.628.529 others
landonorris: Newest member of the fam
yourinstagram: girl dad🩷
landonorris: Yessss
charlesleclerc: Lets go play paddle when the girls leave us…
landonorris: GREAT idea
carlossainz: I wanna meet her asap!!
oscarpiastri: Why couldn’t you get a cat…
landonorris: bc dogs are superior, duh
mclaren: Newest member of Mclaren🧡
> liked by landonorris
fan: OMG is that the dog from that video??
fan: I think so, yes
> liked by yourinstagram
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horreurscopes · 2 years
you don't have to pay overdraft fees ever
the biden administration recently cracked down on overdraft fees which means banks cannot force you to pay them as they have become opt-in -- however you do have to call the bank (for example, paypal payments overdraft you even if you have opted out, as they function like checks.)
my experience is with wellsfargo but i imagine that most major banks may operate similarly:
if you have an overdraft fee, call the bank, you will get a machine. go through the autentification process with it but do not mention your issue when it asks you to (specially not the word overdraft -- this is a conspiracy theory i cannot prove but i swear to god they rewire you to more aggressive phone people if you tipoff the machine) instead say "i'd like to speak to a representative" the machine will be like "lol didn't get that" so you may need to repeat it a couple more times before it wires you to a real person
wait! i'd recomend calling as early in the morning as possible to avoid elevator music.
be nice to the customer service person who picks up (i make a point of thanking them for their help and calling them by their name, if i don't catch it the first time i ask them again for it)
my script is something along the lines of: "hi, i noticed there's an overdraft fee in my account that posted on [date]. i am calling to see if we (WE -- you and the representative are a team against the problem) could do something about it" (<- you may decide to be more direct, i just put my innocent hat on)
most if not all of what they say to you is a script. they will be like "i will check that for you with the automated process that takes into account you previous refund activity" BLAH BLAH BLAH. more waiting. if you have had any refunds in the past 12 months, they will be like "sorry the system says no (:" THOUGH, VERY RECENTLY, they have tacked on this question: do you have any thoughts on that / how do you feel about that / etc. though even if they do not prompt you, here's the next step:
say: thank you! i appreciate the automated review, however i do not agree/approve/consent to being charged a fee. is there any way you could check again / anyone else i could talk to / would it be possible to refund it regardless? etc.
they will check again, possibly more waiting, and then you will get an immediate refund! in the rare case they refuse to, here is the link to the FDIC website that you can refer to (note, this is for overdraft fees only):
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8. i cannot emphasize this enough -- be nice !!!!!!!!!!! BE NICE! be cheerful, say "thank you" and "no worries" and "take your time!". it is NOT a confrontation, it is NOT their fault, and most of the time the customer service representative wants this to be as frictionless as possible. they are helping you, use the opportunity to make a moment of their day a lot less stressful than they expect it to be.
that is ALL -- i have been using wellsfargo for over eight years, and have lost hundreds of dollars to predatory overdraft fees charged as a punishment for having no money.
during the beginning covid, when they were momentarily suspended (you had to mention covid on the phone to get them back lol), i came to the realization that all of this time they could have been giving me my money back. there was no reason not to, except corporate greed.
do not let phone social anxiety let them take your money from you, now that it is easier than EVER to get it back. and if you need motivation to pick up the phone, remember this headline from a couple of years back lol:
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lostlegendaerie · 1 year
there's something deeply gutting about being a writer right now. watching studio execs brag about starving people like you out of your very house just to not pay you anything above the pennies you currently make. watching some people cheer over AO3 being targeted for a DDOS attack. the complete lack of profitability of writing commissions or writing in general in transformative spaces, especially in contrast to fanart. the pivot of so many social media platforms to be video and image based near-exclusively.
I don't know. it just makes me sad to know that the hobby that kept me alive while growing up homeschooled with dial-up internet and local antenna TV... is only ever gonna be a side job with minimal engagement. I know this site is good about supporting libraries and the concept of books but, do me a favor? Reach out to a writer friend you know. Leave a comment on your last five read stories on your favorite website.
Tell us you care.
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julsvu · 5 months
mornings with the seven
fluff, gn! reader, not proofread
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jason will always find himself holding onto you tightly, before or after sleep. he makes sure you're completely warm in his arms, and indulges in the feeling of your warmth lingering on his muscles, that tense ever so slightly whenever you make the slightest movement that'd indicate you're moving away from him. cuddles with him feels like cuddling a huge plushie. he greets you with a soft good morning, kissing you on the forehead before asking how was your sleep, his morning voice deep.
with percy, you find yourself with dozens of kisses sprinkled all over your face before you both go to sleep. in the morning, he'd admire your resting face while his fingers string into your soft hair. he adores waking up with the smell of your shampoo lingering just beneath his nose. he wakes you up with a cheeky grin on his face, asking you if you'd like to watch the sunrise with him. but, before watching the sunrise, you'd have to help him cook blue pancakes. every month, sally gives him a new recipe, or rather, a new variant for blue pancakes, and this boy always insists to try them with you first and foremost.
frank has similar cuddling habits to jason. he'll wrap his limbs around you as long as you're comfortable with him doing it, almost suffocating you (in a good way, he swears). he isn't aware of it, but his hands shapeshift into a cat's paw and makes biscuits on you whenever he's too comfortable in his sleep. he invites you to have a small breakfast date once you wake up, greeting you with a warm squeeze of affection.
leo has his limbs entangled with yours, before and after sleeping. his face will always be buried into your shoulder or neck; your scent makes him relax far too much to the point of sleepiness, hence, he'd make excuses to cuddle with you no matter the place or time. he wakes you up with countless of kisses littered upon your face, and a grin paints over his lips once he sees you flutter awake, before he tells you what he had dreamt about. (his dreams somehow always involve you.)
annabeth is big on spooning. she wouldn't mind being a little spoon, but, she prefers to be the big spoon since it feels like she's protecting you, even at times of rest. she memorizes your sleep patterns; maybe she's been hanging out with you too much, and she ends up waking up at the same time as you. however, she never fails to remind you to take care of your sleeping schedule, as she brushed your morning bed hair with a small smile lingering on her lips.
hazel falls asleep holding your hand, most of the time. hazel, like annabeth, would subconsciously memorize your sleep patterns. but, unlike annabeth, she'd wake up before you. she swears that she's grown a sixth sense for her dear lover, as she greets you with breakfast in bed. she loves getting away from everything and staying with you; especially if she gets to play with your hair while you spoonfeed each other breakfast.
piper makes sure you've got everything out of your system before sleeping beside you. she never lets you fall asleep angry, or sad, no matter the reason. she holds you closely to her as you ramble to her. one half of her is listening, while the other half is admiring the way your lips seem so kissable. when you fall asleep from venting out your feelings, she kisses your forehead, already thinking of the things she can do tomorrow morning to cheer you up.
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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adventuringblind · 8 months
He Must Be Lucky!
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: fluff and crack
Summary: Max gets wasted and can't remember that the reader is his wife. It's endearing how much he simps bith sober and drunk.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, a wild party (at least for Max), Max being down bad
Notes: This one is for @amajixi! I hope you like it! Does anybody wanna send me asks and talk about drivers with me? Give me your most feral thoughts because I'm genuinely curious... please >_< (I even turned my anonymous asks back on please just send me things).
Side note: my fics haven't been getting much traction as they usually do. Is it something on my end? Have y'all disappeared on me? I know I shouldn't care, but y'all are the only ones that validate my writing T_T
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Max has a track record of partying hard. It's who he is, and she lives him for it. There isn't any kind of gripe of hang-up, just Max having fun and doing dumb shit that makes her laugh.
Lando is throwing a - well - a party. There was an excuse for it in the invitation, but she's too buzzed to remember it.
The echoing sound of Max's laughter ricochets off the walls. Daniel is with him, probably getting them into more trouble, but she knows Daniel will look after him. At least until he's trashed and can't get off the floor.
Alex brings her another shot glass. She has no idea what's in it, but Alex is letting loose, and she'll be damned if she doesn't partake.
He raises the shot glass in a toast. "To whatever this party is!" He cheers. They clink their glasses together and down the shots. She gags at whatever was in it.
"The fuck was that, Alex?!" She sputters.
He gives her a blank look. Really thinking hard about what he gave her. "I've got no idea."
The hours seem to tick by. The people are slowly dissipating, leaving the safety of this weird little bubble they've created.
She's lightly buzzed still, having danced off the majority of the shots Alex had her doing. The couch is her new best friend, and Lando had brought her a blanket at some point in the last twenty minutes.
A weight on the other end of the sofa catches her attention. Max, with complete adoration in his blue eyes, is staring at her. "Wow," he slurs. "You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen."
She laughs at his drunken thoughts. "You're not too bad looking yourself, babe."
The smile on his face is almost childish. It's big enough to almost fall off. His cheeks tinged a darker red with the blush adding to the alcohol flush.
"Go on a date with me? Please?" He tries to pout, but it ends up looking awkward mixed with the grin.
She flashes the ring at him. "Sorry, I'm spoken for." Alex and Lando are giggling from where they are watching this interaction unfold.
Max looks like a wounded puppy. Eye's glossing over like her might cry. "He must be such a lucky guy. You're just so perfect!"
"Awe, love, you wanna know a secret?" She leans in to whisper into Max's ear. "You married me."
If Max could hand you the world on a silver platter, he might have tried in this moment. The Dutch is vibrating in pure, unadulterated joy. Like a child who just got the ice-cream they were so desperately craving.
"Holy shit! I'm the lucky guy!"
Max smothers himself against your body. Eventually falling asleep, mumbling about how she's so amazing, and how he loves her so much. It's endearing to here his drunk affections laid bare for everyone to see.
It's the lullaby that calms her to a restful state. Fingers tangling with the softness of his hair. "You're not the only one who's lucky. I guess I'm pretty lucky, too."
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the-red-planet-mars · 5 months
4 Days Until May 14 1948
This date marks the 76th year of the Israeli oppression against Palestine. This date marks the day Israel drove out over 750, 000 people from their homeland to establish its "state".
This heinous event was called al-Nakba (the catastrophe, the disaster). This heinous event was the start of this genocide.
It did not start on October 7th 2023. It stared on May 14 1948. It. has. still. not. ended.
The Nakba did not end in 1948. It is still happening today, right at this very second.
The numbers are growing. Every. Second.
This is the day you remember the corporations that fund the genocide. This is the day you remember the governments that cheer-on the genocide. This is the day you remember how the west instigated hate-crimes towards Arabs. This is the day you remember how the west and Israel are the terrorists. This is the day you remember the millions of people who had been killed for ethnic cleansing.
This is the day you always remember. This is the day you never forget.
This is the day you cry for Palestine. This is the day you scream for Palestine.
This is the day you remind everyone of the country of Palestine. You must never stop talking about Palestine. Never.
Palestinian lives matter. Stand up for the ones that died and the ones that live. Show us you care.
Do not dare forget:
May 14 1948
If you want to help Palestine with financial aid, but don't have any money, there's a website called arab.org that donates for you with just one click of a button.
Please, do your part for Palestine.
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w2sology · 6 months
Hi can u do harry with shy and pregnant reader who ìs like a little sister to rest of the sidemen
nerf or nothing, harry lewis.
summary: the boys come over to spend a bit of time with you and harry, and they come bearing gifts!
warnings: pregancy (idk if that's even a warning?)
notes: as a shy person myself, some of this writing is heavily self inserted 🥲
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"what if they don't end up liking football though?"
"then we can try darts. or hey, even rugby."
it was past noon and you and harry were discussing things that parents to be often discussed, only harry was focused on the later years of your child's life.
the two of you sat in bed, your back leaning against his chest as you sat in between his legs, loads of catalogues scattered around you both.
"oh, about the pram that you were talking about before," harry mentioned.
"ethan said faith had loads of websites, she could send them to you if you wanted?"
"oh, god, yes." you sighed contentedly, no longer feeling the stress of having to look for a perfect pram. "or better yet, tell her that she can come over, i haven't seen her or olive in a minute."
harry told you that he'd let ethan know, kissing your forehead before leaving to the kitchen to fix you both a snack.
whilst he was in the middle of pouring you a glass of cranberry juice ─── "it's good for the body harry," you told him, to which he replied with "no, rank is what it is," ─── the doorbell rang.
confused as to who you were both expecting or if it was yet another baby purchase coming in, harry sat the glass on the counter and made his way to the door.
before he could even open it, he knew who it was judging by the loud voices and the bickering of what sounded like jj and simon.
"just ring it once, mate, they can definitely hear." simon groaned, trying to obstruct jj, who clearly didn't listen and kept pressing the doorbell, which earned your attention from upstairs.
harry stood a little away from the door, contemplating what would happen if he just turned around and pretended not to hear the commotion happening outside.
"we can see you, harry," ethan called from through the letterbox. so much for that plan.
harry sighed before opening the door, a smile plastered on his face as his friends all cheered, seeing them bound with gifts and food and other things.
the soft sound of your footsteps made them all turn their head to where you were on the stairs, your baby bump proudly peeking through harry's oversized shirt that you had on.
"oh," you shyly smiled. "hi guys." you didn't think they'd all be here, but there they were.
one by one they came up to you, hugging you and saying their hi's or hello's, asking how you were. and you'd reply with the same, you were doing good, more tired than usual, all that stuff.
whilst harry and simon carried the gifts and food bags to the living room, toby linked your arm with his as he walked you there, making sure you were sat comfortably before harry and simon joined.
harry, being attracted to you like a magnet, squished in next to you, his body on the edge of the sofa as you leant on him.
there was never a moment of silence when the boys came over, and like the listener you were, you loved it.
toby began to explain what each of the gifts were for, considering you didn't know the gender of the baby yet, most of then were just toys. but then again, with them being the slightly immature bunch if men they were, the toys were things like legos and nerf guns or huge dollhouses for toddlers.
"what the hell is a baby going to do with a nerf gun?" harry asked.
"i thought you of all people would like this gift," jj gasped, hand on his chest as he feigned hurt at harry's words.
"no, i'm just saying boys..." and there started the debate over suitable toys for children.
you turned to vik with a look that said 'help me' yet all he did was shrug.
"harry, a couple of months ago you would've been on board with this idea. y/n, what did you do to him?" ethan pointed a finger at you.
"what— me? he's right, a nerf gun's for toddlers, not babies!" you defended yourself.
harry's chest moved up and down as he laughed behind you, even more so at the way you groaned and his your face in your hands.
"i'm not ready for harry's mature era," simon commented.
"mature and harry don't belong in the same sentence," vik added.
"oh my days," harry mumbled as they launched into a new topic, harry's maturity level.
as they all introduced their own point, you just smiled and laughed along as you leant on your boyfriend, feeling even more excited for your baby to be welcomed into the family.
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enwoso · 3 months
Ooh what about Grumpy's first steps??
FIRST STEPS — alessia russo x child!reader
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grumpy masterlist
"that's it, walk to mama!" alessia cheered sitting on her knees on the floor her arms out ready to catch you as she tried to get you to start walking.
the key word being tried.
you were able to stand up on your own, heck you'd been pulling yourself up on the furniture since you were seven months old but now four months later just a few weeks away from your first birthday, you still hadn't took your first steps yet.
alessia knew that there was no rush in your starting to walk and that some baby's are quicker at beginning to walk than others but she just had this instinct that you were ready to take them first steps. but after weeks of trying to make it happen, it's safe to say the blonde was very close to giving up and just waiting until you did it yourself.
"lovie, walk to me!" alessia encouraged as she held her hands out making grabby hands towards you, as you stood in front of her with a big grin on your face, a slight wobble as your balance was off before you fell back sitting.
alessia's smile dropping slightly as you crawled to get your toys which were splayed out on the ground. a big sigh coming from alessia, this was at least the twelfth time that had happened.
alessia dragged her hands over her face letting out a loud groan of annoyance, as a small giggle came from you as you thought that the action your mummy was doing was funny.
sitting back on the couch as she watched over you, deep in thought of ways in trying to encourage you to walk cause she was running low on ideas to try.
close to every website on google alessia had tried as well as blogs for first time mums she had tried. she had even asked her own mum for advice on how she got alessia and her brothers to walk.
"have you gave up less?" the voice of ella came into the living room, sitting down next to the blonde, you looking up and babbling away as ella sent you a wave and a hello before you attention went back to your toys.
alessia nodded, she hadn't gave up fully- just for today she had. "she can stand up perfectly she just doesn't want to move her feet after that" alessia explained as ella hummed along.
"have you tried just holding out her toy for her to come and get?" ella asked as she watched on as you played with a small football one of the girls had gotten you and some wooden sensory cube seemingly very entertained in what you were playing with.
"sort of but she didn't seem interested in it" alessia watched as you crawled around the living room floor to gather other toys to play with as ella hummed before sliding off the couch to join you on the floor.
"what does she play with most at the moment?" ella asked as alessia pointed to the toy, your elephant teddy which went anywhere and everywhere with you to the point you couldn't sleep if it wasn't next to you in your bed.
"hold that out and see if she walks to get it" ella handed alessia the elephant as she moved from the couch to kneel on the ground like she had been doing.
ella moved your toys away from you as you frowned at her, "ey!" you babbled as she lifted you to stand up on your feet helping you to get your balance before she let go.
"look what mama's got!" ella pointed towards alessia who held out your elephant teddy, a big smile on her face as she encouraged you to go to her. trying to lift your foot, but instead falling back to sit down as you'd lost your balance.
crawling straight towards the huddle of toys that ella had created. ella looking towards the defeated look that alessia had, the elephant hanging loose from the blondes hands.
"wait- no, no try a different toy!" ella scrambled, to grab the small football that you were reaching for. "hold this" she handed the ball to alessia who gave her best friend a pointed look.
"she's not going to do it!" alessia mumbled to herself as she watched ella stand you back up, helping you get your balance.
"tiny! look mama's got your ball! go and get it!"
and with that you looked towards your mummy who was holding your ball out, as you put one foot in front of the other slowly and a little wobbly. as alessia's face changed from a look of defeat to pure excitement as her mouth hung open wide.
you had taken your first steps.
crashing into your mummy's arms, as she attached your cheek with kisses as you didn't understand her sudden change in excitement. "oh my little girl, your so clever!" she cheered as ella looked on in adoration at the pure joy of alessia knowing the frustration she had felt the last weeks trying to get you to take your first steps.
"won't be long till she banging in goals for fun like her mama!"
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ren-is-real · 12 days
Inanimate Insanity dash simulator (pre ep 16) (i will do more of this if this goes well probably)
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
does anyone ever get so tired they start seeing spiders lol
💼 su1tcas3 Follow
me when i lay down and hallucinate the horrors lmfao
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
💼 su1tcas3 Follow
Oh so this is not a safe place suddenly
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
as an unbiased outsider im cheering for them both ^^ im so excited for the finale!!!!!!!!!!!
#idk what i'll do when this ends tbh #like damn. #we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!!
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💡 brightestlight Follow
any couple can be gay if they are bisexual and their genders are weird enough
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
why did you post this directly after talking to me and test tube
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
lightbulb why did y
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🎤 mic-row-phoen Follow
when you want to ask someone about something but the trek is IMPOSSIBLE and you will DIE (hes downstairs setting up a party im just scared)
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
i am not giving you the aux to play green day at the party
🎤 mic-row-phoen Follow
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
ok. two songs
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🎀 rain-bowz Follow
when a fake girl tryna act like me but im the only one there is
⚙️ rowbotted Follow
🎀 rain-bowz Follow
who are you.
📄pageperrr Follow
hey didnt you die. or something
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🌮absolutleynot-taco Follow
hey anyone know where pickle is haha. anyone know his room number or amything lol like it would justs be fun to know,,, hagaha,,,, yeagh
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🏆awinners-trophy Follow
imagine using a run down website that hasnt been relevant in YEARS. you all need to get off and go touch some grass or something jfc
🔪sharpest-tool-inthe-shed Follow
you're literally using it?
🏆awinners-trophy Follow
kill yourself
#you used to be cool man
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🎈coldairballoon Follow
i drew some vent art about old stuff.. im better now!! im just letting off some steam haha
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🏆awinners-trophy Follow
this is so cringe
🎈coldairballoon Follow
you're cringe.
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
trophy just ran to the bathroom sobbing
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🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
greetings tumbler! i an steve cobs, C.E.O of the meeple company. i am looking to get in contact with a mephone! specifically mephone 4. (model 4s) any help is greatly appreciated!
🖌️ brushedpaint Follow
go back to twitter vro 💀
817 notes
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⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
trying a healthier outlook on life!! i'll tell yall how it goes!!
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
i miss egg :( i wonder where the other one the aliens mentioned went. i hope it found a parent that loves it as much as i loved egg. i mean i wasnt the best parent but uh you get what i mean
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
#why is steve cobs on tumblr get off
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🕯 innerflamed Follow
i need a boyfriend except he's not a boyfriend and is just some weird british guy i drag around with me everywhere
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🍀fourleafluck Follow
diversity win!! corrupt capitalist CEO of multimillion dollar company steve cobs is bisexual!
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
who informed you of this.
🍀fourleafluck Follow
I WAS??? JOKING??????
23,105 notes
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💡 brightestlight Follow
as a member of the lgbt we do not accept steve cobs
💡 brightestlight Follow
even when he changes the meeple logo to a rainbow during pride month we dont accept him
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☯ ringinginthenewyear Follow
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☯ ringinginthenewyear Follow
just to clarify yang posted this not me -yin
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🥒 pickledposting Follow
steve cobs being bi and accidentally admitting to it on tumblr was not on my 2024 bingo card ???????
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
you'll be first.
🥒 pickledposting Follow
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