#welp guess we'll never find out :)
lonely-night · 2 years
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- I'm sorry? "Them"? 
- They're created in pairs. 
- Twins? 
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longroadstonowhere · 10 months
guess it's 'listen to umineko soundtrack' hours
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suction-cup-fan-man · 4 months
Getting Along?
--Charlie was left alone after Vaggie and everyone else beside Lucifer and Alastor left. She then heard a noise and started to investigate what it was... definitely wasn't what she was expecting.--
|Lees: Lucifer and Alastor||Lers: Lucifer and Alastor|
FT: Angel, Husk, Vaggie, Charlie, Nifty, The Eggies, & Sir Pentious
Ships known in this fic: Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie), (kinda) HuskerDust (Husk(er) x Angel Dust), & RadioApple (Platonic) (Alastor x Lucifer)
"Awh... are you *sure* you can handle them, Vaggie? They seem like a handful today..." Charlie spoke as she placed her hands on her girlfriends shoulders. "Don't worry, hun. I got thiissss-- NIFTY YOU PUT THAT DOWN--" Vaggie put her girlfriend to the side and snatched the knife outta Niftys hand. "Hey!!>:(" Nifty whined, jumping a little and raising her arms in an attempt to get her knife back. "I don't... trussssst her with a knifffffe..." Sir Pentious statted, backing up a little. "It's okay, boss! We'll protect you!" Frank said, jumping up and down. "You eggs couldn't do shit, even if your life depended on it." Said Husk, drinking his booze. "Now you take that back!!" Sir Pentious pointed his finger to the ceiling, hissing a little. "Ooooh! Is a fight gonna break down?~ *baby voice* Are you gonna win whiskers?~" Angel said, wrapping his arms around Husk until Husk pushed him off. "Go fuck yourself..." "Only if you WATCH me~" Angel smirked, winking at Husk, which he only got a flustered little grumble in response. "Disssssgusting!!" Sir Pentious covered his eyes and curled up his tail a bit. "That's it. Everyone outside NOW. And wait there." Vaggie instructed, throwing the knife behind her and pointing outside. The others shrugged and walked outside, leaving the couple alone.
"Ugh... they act like kids!" Vaggie said, turning around to meet with Charlie's eyes. "You'll get used to it..." Charlie smiled and kissed Vaggies cheek. "I guess... say, uh... where's Alastor and Lucifer?" Vaggie questioned, raising a brow. "They said they didn't wanna go, then Alastor pulled my dad somewhere. I-I'll find them soon enough! Probably in separate areas." Charlie said, smiling. "If you say so. I better get going. See ya." Vaggie gave her a goodbye kiss and walked out of the hotel.
"Welp... time to find--" Charlie got cut off by a shreik. She raised a brow and walked upstairs to the second floor where the library was. She walked over and took a peak inside. Man, has she never found anything cuter...
"AHAHAHAHAHALASTOHOHOR-- NAT THEHERE-- *squeal*" Lucifer squirmed in Alastors lap. "C'mon Luciferrrrr~ I promised if you'd be quiet I'd stoppppp~!" Alastor teased, spidering up Lucifers ribs. "YOHOHOHOHO'RE MAHAHAHAHAKING IT UNFAAAAHAHAHAHAIRRRR!" Lucifer whined in between his laughter. "Do you want me to switch spots?~" "YEHEHEHEHES!!" Once Lucifer said that, Alastor switched to Lucifer's stomach and sides, softly scratching at them. "Hohohoholy fuhuhuck!" Lucifer giggled, curling up a little. "You're the one who asked for this~" Alastor chuckled and lightly blew at Luci's neck. "I-I knohohow... hehehehehe!" Lucifer covered his face from blushing so much. "You know you enjoy it~" Alastor giggled a little and lightly circled around Lucifers belly button. "Nohoho teheheasing!" "No teasing? Yeah? And what of I don't? What're you gonna do about it?~" Alastor teased, lightly going up to the kings underarms. "Th-ThihihiHIS--!!" Lucifer then shot his arms up to Alastors armpits. Since the raido demon was caught off guard, he couldn't help but let giggles slip out. "H-Hehehehey! Th-Thahahahat was uncalled fohohohohor!! Nahahahaha!" Al curled his legs up a little, now just making Lucifer trapped on Al's lap. "Yeah? Was it uncalled for?~" Lucifer teased, moving up to lightly scratch behind the deers' ears. "Dohohont tehehease me-- AH-- YOU BIHIHITCH!" "Now that wasn't very nice!~" Lucifer chuckled and looked down, seeing Alastors' little tail wagging. "Awww! Do you wike it, buddyyy?~ Do you like my wittle twickles?~ Yeah?~" Lucifer teased in a baby voice, still scratching gently behind Al's ears. "FUHUHUCK!! L-LUHUHUHUCIF-- *raido static*" Alastors face flushed as he covered his eyes with his arm, which only made Lucifer giggle. "OHOHOHOHO-- I'LL GIHIHVE YOU SOMETHING TP GIHIHIGGLE ABOUT--" Alastor dug his thumbs into Lucifer's ribs making Lucifer SQUEAL, but that just made Lucifer go down to the raido demons sides. "AH FUHUHUCK-- YA BRHAHAHAT!!" Lucifer laughed, drilling and tickling Al's sides. "SAHAHAHAYS YOHOHOHOU--"
Charlie's eyes sparkled in joy. "Awh... they're getting along..." He mumbled to herself as she smiled. She decided to walk away from the scene, letting it play and die down. They'd be at it for a whole while anyway.
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howlingday · 5 months
(1) / 2 / 3 / 4
Starting today, you're moving in with your uncle and cousin living in Patch, and you will be living here for the next year. But first, do you want to see a totally unrelated picture of a barely legal supermodel athlete in a bikini? >Yes< Yes
Ohohohoho yeaaaaah... Wait, what? Oh. Yeah, right. Moving in with your aunt, or whatever.
Qrow: Hey! I'm Qrow Branwen, and this is Ruby.
Ruby: ...
"It's nice to meet you."
Qrow: Hey, no need to be so formal!
Qrow: Welp, let's head home!
???: Hey! I'm a totally unimportant dust store owner!
Ruby: Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good.
Yeah. Seriously. Could it be because of that creepy dust shop worker from earlier who touched you for no reason? NOPE! You're just tired. NOW STOP THINKING ABOUT THINGS!
Qrow: So let me tell you about this one time when I changed your diaper.
Qrow: (Phone rings, Answers) What?
???: Mr. Branwen, sir! They're selling those cute ice cream sandwiches you love so much at Coal & Sons!.
Qrow: I'm on the case! (Hangs up, Walking out) Uncle Qrow's got some (Licks lips) criminals to apprehend. (Leaves)
Ruby: (About to cry)
Zzz... Zzz... Zzz... Zzz..
Hey, guess what. It's time for your first day at school! You wonder what kinds of fun and wacky adventures await you at your new school!
Port: Now take a chastity belt and siddown!
Oobleck: (PA) Someone got killed. Now go home.
Yang: Hey, transfer student! I'm Yang Xiao Long!
Blake: And I'm uncomfortable!
Neptune: Hey, Yang, I've got-
Yang: TRIAL OF THE DRAGON! (Nutshots)
Neptune: (Falls over) Urgh... What the fuck...
Yang: Okay! Let's go to Coals!
Adam: Hiiiiiiiiii, Blaaaaaaaake.
Adam: Do you want to be my loooveeeeeeeer?
Blake: Um... no?
Adam: (Slinks away) Okaaaaaaaay...
Yang: SHEESH! What a total creep! Good thing we'll never see him again! Now let's talk about stuff nobody cares about!
Saphron: They already took it down.
Terra: Aw, man! But I love dead bodies!
Adrian: MOM! I'M HUNGRY!
Yang: I wonder what happened.
Let's find out.
Qrow: Hey! This is a crime scene!
Qrow: And as you can see, (Stuffing his face with ice cream) We're hard at work here!
Qrow: So yeah, (Nom!) you kids should head home.
You decided to head home.
TV: Tukson Nolastname was found dead on a TV and that's why you're eating alone tonight.
Ruby: (Sniffles)
Ruby: Whenever Uncle Qrow is busy working, I sing the Coal's jingle so I feel less alone!
Ruby: Every day's great a-at y-your... C... C... C...
The next day, you helped some loser rolling around in a trash can.
Neptune: Hello?! Can someone help me out of here? I thought this would be a good idea!
Neptune: Hey! I'm Neptune Vasilias! I'll do some stuff after school!
Then school happened.
Neptune: Hey, let's go get some grilled steak.
Yang: (From a distance) TRIAL OF THE DRAGON!
Neptune: No worries! I can cover-
Yang: (In Neptune's ear) TRIAL OF THE DRAGOOON!
Yang: Hey, Blake, let's go get some free steak!
Blake: Yang, I'm gonna get so fat!
Yang: Oh, okay!
Neptune brought you to the Coal's food court.
Neptune: My mom got promoted to manager and we had to move to this location to-
Yeah, whatever.
Weiss: Why am I so miserable...
Neptune: Hey! It's Weiss! Hey, We-
Neptune: W-What?
Weiss: Wait, what? I don't know, I'm so tired.
Neptune: Weiss, is there something wrong? If there is, you can tell me. Because, you see... Weiss! I lov-
Weiss: OOOOH! Is that the transfer student?!
Weiss: Hey, Neptune is kind of a loser and you should get better friends!
Neptune: Hahaha! Weiss, you're such a kidder! (Pats her back)
Weiss: Okay, bye~!
Yang: Hey, guys! They say if you look at the TV when it's raining at midnight, you can see magical people inside!
You and Neptune both agree that it was totally stupid, and then decide to try it out later that night.
TV: And now it's the evening news murder corner. Tonight, we have a very professional interview with the person who found the body.
TV: A dead body, ladies and gentlemen! Wowzers! Was it awesome? Or was it AWESOME?.
TV: Wha...?.
TV: Hey, Coal's is pretty cool!.
Ruby: Uncle Qrow! We should go to Coal's together!
Qrow: (Drunk and hungover) Clove, what the hell are you talking about? Stop putting shaved chocolate in my....
Hey. You should try that thing Yang was talking about. ... THOUARTTHEEARTTHOUSTICKYOURHANDINTHETVDOITDOITDOIT ... CHOMP!
Neptune: Hey, did you see anything last night?
Yang: I sure did! It was awesome!
You try to tell them how your TV tried to eat you last night.
Neptune/Yang: PSHAAAAW!
Neptune: Hey, Yang, let's go to Coal's to find a TV for this idiot to jump into!
Yang: I know, right?
Neptune/Yang: (You stand in front of the TV) Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Neptune/Yang: (You stick your hand into TV) AAAAAAAAAAH!
Neptune expresses his surprise in the most eloquent way possible.
Neptune/Yang: (Fall into TV) AAAAAAAAAAAAH!
You wonder why the voice acting is so poor during animated cutscenes.
Neptune: I have to pee.
Yang: What?
Neptune: I have to pee!
"We should get out of here."
Yang: You're right!
Neptune: I have to pee.
Yang: Hey, a creepy, red vortex!
Awesome! Let's go!
Neptune: I have to pee!
Yang: Whoa... What a weird room...
Neptune: You guys, I have pee SO BAD!
Neptune: I'm gonna pee RIGHT! HERE!
Neptune: ...
Neptune: ...Okay, nevermind!
Yang: Hey, there's a noose here!
Spooky. Your thoughts, Neptune?
Neptune: Nooses are bad.
Somewhat: Did somebody call for a MASCOT CHARACTER?
Somewhat: Hey, I'm gonna let you guys out of-
Neptune/Yang: AAAH! WE'RE TRAPPED!
Somewhat: Um, I just said I was gonna-
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nero-ya · 8 months
Content warning ? I don't really know to be honest but safety first so just prepare for a bit of smut I guess.
I'm normally not really one for posting shit but I really need to get this out of my system.
First of all i wanna say thanks to all creators out there writing the best fics I've ever read.
I love you guys and your writings are amazing no matter what character it features.
Every fanfic I read about law is truly amazing and I love every single one of them fluff, smut, modern au, rare pairs, drabble, Oneshot or longer story with multiple chapters they're all amazing but.....most of them I have read are nearly the same, showing law as a dominant one who always has the control and it's good yes but listen closely.
That's just my opinion but please that traumatized handsome dude went through so much shit and lost so much and it's plausible if he's afraid of not having control over everything in fear of losing someone again and I'll get it but at the same time I think it's exactly what he needs, I'm a firm believer he's a switch even though he would never ever admit it only over his dead body but he is and he fucking needs it.
He needs someone he can trust fully without fear of getting judged or laughed at, someone's that just chains him to the bed for hours on end, teasing and pleasuring him, fucking all the stress and trauma out of him and giving him the most relaxing day all week.
At least once a week he needs to be fully pampered and cared for, let him forget for a day that he's not just a captain, a friend, a Brother or a lover, most of all he's fucking human and I would love to see more about law finding a person he can be vulnerable with and let go of everything for a day without the fear of being teased for submitting and leaving his care in you're hands.
Ahhhhh I just wanna fucking pamper him and just imagine law chained to the bed, blindfolded and sprawled naked on the sheets. Tracing every tattoo he has on his body, slow and sensual, kissing every scar he got along the way, massaging the Stress and pain he feels out of his body before sucking him empty and not stopping till he forgets everything around him, the responsibility, the pain, the trauma, his papers that are stacked on his desk and how Luffy ruined his plan every damn time.
Only focused on the pleasure he feels traveling through his entire body, bringing his mind into another place and giving him one orgasm after another, one better than the last one and only stopping when his mind and body is fully blissed out and numb.
Praise him for everything, let him know he's safe and how good he's doing, how pretty he looks and encourage him to let go more and more with every soft whisper and kiss and please never ever forget aftercare it's the most important thing after every scene.
Get him down slowly and massage his limps, especially where he was chained or use some soothing creme.
Don't stop kissing and praising him on how good he was, just love the ever living shit out of him.
Get a warm wash cloth to wash away the remains before it gets too sticky and gets uncomfortable for him or even worse it makes him overstimulate.
Make sure he really sleeps before you leave his side to get something to eat and drink and maybe get him his favourite book. It's important to be there when he wakes up or comes out of his subspace just to make sure he won't drop and catch him if he does drop.
Cuddling, kisses and soft words of Courage and affirmation while staying in bed with him all day long.
Just be there for him and reassure him, make him feel safe and get him to understand it's okay to feel and be human.
Oh fuck Post got longer than I thought it would....welp whatever.
I just hope I'm not the only one thinking that way and if then we'll...fuck me also I'm always open to other opinions so just hit me like you mean it.
Have a great day or night ya all.
It feels kinda bare without a picture so here's one of my all time favorites.
Credits to the creator of this fine fanart
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
Guess who is also severely ill rn and has been throwing up non stop???
Spoilers!!!! its me.
So let me grab Viktor by the hair and pretend hes taking care of me, c'mon psstpsstpsst vikki come here
Warnings: throwing up, on the nose references to that one dream I had and Machine Heralding, probably really bad writing since my vision is kinda going wonky, cringe self indulgence bc i need it
Welp, there went your lunch.
Down the toilet, leaving you heaving for air. Fat tears rolled down your face as you sat back on your heels. Panting, like a boa constrictor was tight around your torso and throat. Dabbing pathetically at your drool, snot, and tears.
Your light meal of saltine crackers with some ice chips lasted about... 10 minutes? Maybe more, since you had time to get up and go to the bathroom this round. Wincing, you buried your face in the towel, a godforsaken headache throbbing at the front of your head.
What the hell did you do to deserve this? The stomach virus had been going sround but you knew better than a silly virus. This was the virus plus your insane stomach that could never cooperate teaming up with your migranes to form the worst day in history.
No anti-stomach acid pills worked, none of the prescribed medications for your pains stayed down long enough, and half of them needed food to accompany them before being digested.
Who decided to make that a rule? You wanted to meet up with the pharmacist who decided you had to eat something first to make your stomach stop hurting. You wanted to ask if they knew what chronic stomach pain meant. Possibly hit them with a chair but that was if you had time.
But seriously, how were you supposed to keep prescriptions down when you could hardly stomach fucking crackers?
You eventually pulled your face away from the towel, rubbing your eyes raw, at the sound of the front door opening. The tell-tale sign someone else was home, quickly being accompanied by your cat greeting them in cheerful meows. You could hear Viktor call out your name. And you could feel, if you tried to say anything above a whisper back, the breakfast you never had was about to join your lunch.
Rio knocked over some pill bottles, guessing from how multiple clattered and rattled to the floor. The tsk that followed a better indicator that your cat had cleared off the kitchen table, while you hid in the bathroom. A bottle or two was picked up before the comforting tap-tap-tapping of a cane neared the master bathroom.
Tap-tap-tap against the door. "You're sick again, aren't you?" Viktor's accented voice carried through the door. You only nodded from your seated position against the wall. As if he could see you. "Can I come in?"
You tried for an affirmative hum that quickly soured in you throat. Viktor heard it nonetheless, and gently peeked his head through the door.
"Have you eaten anything?" He was aware not eating could cause this reaction. Eating could cause it to be like this, too. Or worse.
"Nothing stays down." You managed to choke out. He walked in, leaving the door a tad open for your cat to slide in behind him.
With a small groan, he joined you on the floor. Back sliding down the wall til he sat right besides you, hand curling over yours in your lap. Rio came trotting behind, finding her place in between both yours and Viktor's knees. She curled her paws beneath, creating a rushed loaf as she bumped her head against you.
You wanted to pull your hands apart, wrap one with Viktor's and have the other one run down Rio's back. But every movement, every flicker of the bathroom's light, it made you even more nauseous.
Reading your mind, Viktor squeezed your hands in his, speaking softly, "It's alright. Rio and I will take care of you." He smiled, teasing in a little humor despite your unforgiving state.
You leaned into his shoulder. A tear rolled down your face. "It hurts."
"I know."
"I'm so sick of this, Vik."
"I know," He sighed, letting his head drop. "We'll figure this out someday." His eyes glared at his leg. He could feel it protest against it's crossed position as he sat with you.
You sighed, letting your heap drop to your knees. "How was work?"
"Mmh, nothing extraordinary." His thumb rubbed soothing circles over your knuckles. "Jayce nearly blew his hand off." He lilted. "His hand got stuck in the Atlas Gauntlet and instead of just taking the Hex crystal out, he panicked and almost blew off his arm."
You hummed. "So regular day?"
"Pretty much."
You sighed. "Do you think if I ate a hex crystal, my stomach pain would go away?" Viktor snorted.
"I very much doubt that."
"Well, you're the scientist." You pouted. "Build me a stomach that won't violently protest everything. Like a... hex-stomach or something."
"A hex-stomach?" You nodded. "Hm, I'll ask Jayce what he thinks, but it may turn calories anf sugars needed for your body to function into magic."
"I'm supposed to not like that?"
"I can't think it to be pleasent to vomit magic." He winced.
"The point of the hex-stomach is that I will no longer throw up." He squeezed your hands again, thumb brushing your knuckles still.
"We'll figure out something less... risky." He said
As if we don't know his doomed narritive. Doomed little guy. Kay im gonna go throw up now, i hope you are having a great day, if not at least better than mine.
Let me take the suffering from you since I'm already in the depths of it. You go enjoy your day.
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stardust948 · 10 months
[Frenemies AU]
Hakya edition part 1
Hakoda: So no one wants to come to the Museum of Large Bones?
Ozai: No.
Poppy: Sorry, Bato and I have a project to work on tonight.
Bato: Enjoy the bones.
Kya: Guess it's just you and me.
Hakoda: Yeah... I uh, I can't go. I'm... busy.
Kya: Busy? You were just talking about the museum.
Hakoda: I can't go with only you.
Kya: Why?
Hakoda: Because if it's just the two of us then it's like... you know...
Kya: A date?
Hakoda: *nods*
Kya: Oh c'mon. Exes hang out together alone all the time.
Hakoda: Hmm...
Kya: Here, we won't dress nice. We'll eat horrible food. And we'll do something un-fun. Then it's not a date. Just us hanging out.
Hakoda: So opposite date?
Kya: Exactly!
Hakoda: Ok, then I'm not looking forward to it!
Kya: And I can wait to see you later!
Ursa: Hey did you find anyone to go to the bone museum with?
Hakoda: Just Kya. Everyone else is busy and Ozai's... well, Ozai.
Ursa: Ohhh.
Hakoda: It's not like that. We're just going as friends.
Ursa: Sure. *winks*
Hakoda: Stop doing that with your eye! We're just hanging out.
Ursa: So I can tell people you're going out with Kya.
Hakoda: We're not going out!
Ursa: So you're staying in? I see you, 'koda.
Hakoda: Ursa!
Ursa: Fine. I'll keep your dirty secret.
*Later that night*
Kya: See, look at us! We look awful! Not a date!
Hakoda: Oh no. I would never dress like this for a date. I didn't even shower.
Kya: Me neither! In fact, I rubbed dirt on myself.
Hakoda: You took an opposite shower!
Kya, wraps her arm around his: For our opposite date.
Hakoda, laughing: Nice.
Kya: Now for dinner. We are going to eat bad seafood! From a truck!
Hakoda: Actually that doesn't look so bad.
Kya, fanning him: Wait for it.
Hakoda, catching wind: Oh! Oh, that reeks.
Kya: Just wait till you taste it!
*orders food and eat on the curve*
Kya: How gross is this food?
Hakoda: So gross. What are these fried clams?
Kya: Maybe. Are clams supposed to have hair?
Hakoda: Oh. Ew.
Kya: See, this doesn't feel anything like a date right?
Hakoda: Total opposite of a date. *raises his drink* To seafood from a truck!
Kya, toasting his: Seafood from a truck!
Guy, coughing: Don't...don't eat the clams... *vomits*
Hakoda and Kya:
Hakoda and Kya: *throw their food away*
*End of the evening*
Kya: Welp, I say this is the perfect way to end an opposite date.
Hakoda: Yep. Waiting for dog ointment.
Old ladies: Are you two brother and sister?
Hakoda: No. Why do you ask?
Old ladies: Because I heard you say you're not on a date and you're both so young and attractive and you have a similar bone structure. So I figured if you're not on a date you must be brother and sister!
Kya: No... We're just buds.
Old ladies, not convinced: Oh?
Hakoda: I mean we did date some but-
Old ladies: But what? You two clearly are fond of each other. So what's stopping you for getting back together?
Hakoda and Kya: *look at each other*
Kya: What is stopping us?
Hakoda: I'll go see what's keeping the vets. *leaves*
Old ladies: Oh honey.
Kya: I appreciate it but please stay out of people's business next time.
Kya: Thanks for walking me home. It was a great opposite date.
Hakoda: Kya, I'm sorry about earlier. I should've-
Kya: No, no. I'm sorry for breaking the rules and asking. I let curiosity get the better of me.
Hakoda: I never wanted to hurt you. Never.
Kya: D-Don't worry about it.
Hakoda: Kya-
Kya: *punches his arm* Opposite kiss goodnight! See you at school. *goes inside*
Hakoda: Yeah... See you...
Hakoda, to himself: Coward.
Ozai: I can't believe you made me drive out here.
Ursa, on the phone: Hush. Lo and Li just confirmed they are still in love with each other.
Ozai: They're gonna find out you spied.
Ursa: It's not spying. It's lovingly lurking from a distance.
Ozai: *roll eyes*
Ursa: Besides, we owe Hakoda for helping us through relationship bumps.
Ozai: You know what else says thank you? A card.
Ursa, ignoring him: Tonight was just the start. Time to intact phase 2!
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void-cloud · 4 months
So I've been ignoring my Mom all year. Which is more than usual.
See, last year I made it a point to at least call for birthdays and meet up for food every couple months or so. But this year it's been full silence from my side since what happened in January. And with the usually obligatory major holiday meetup looming in front of me, I've been trying to figure out why.
Well, turns out: I hate her.
I know this is mental health tumblr, so this isn't really a very unique statement, but I'm happy to be part of this club now x)
I knew I didn't like her. And my entire family is united in knowing that she isn't easy to deal with. But for all this time I have maintained that I don't hate her for what happened during my childhood. Yeah sure the fallout is *vaguely motions to my entire psych rep sheet* but it's not like she is the only one who had a hand in giving me abandonement issues. Both my sisters and Dad equally fucked off and left me behind in one way or another.
And yet, I don't hold the same animosity with them the way I do with her. I can have zero contact with Sis 2 for a year and we'll get together and talk and vibe with zero problems. Sis 1 apologizing to me for leaving at that time is a memory I hold dear and while I have way more conflicting feelings about my Dad, his unwavering support in the last couple years has made up for a lot of what happened earlier.
While nothing is truly resolved (and likely won't ever be at this point cause tbh I have other priorities), they all made changes and evolved and we found ways to support each other to whatever capacity possible.
Meanwhile, the person who actually raised me has just gotten worse over the years. Getting more and more wrapped up in her own bitterness and jealousy and how she has to have it the worst and everyones problems are somehow her fault and *sighs*
She yearns for connection and yet everytime something is not about her or something that interests her then it will get dismissed and the topic changed. When I got a (second) tattoo years ago, her first reaction was to say: "No stop doing that." Whenever I tried to share my interests with her growing up, she would dismiss it cause she didn't care about the thing. And then be hurt by us not having anything to talk about. I have told her multiple times that her throwing out my cool nightlamp sucked and I still think about that sometimes and so far she has apologized twice for hiding a book that had pictures she didn't approve of. Oh no, H.R.Giger is gonna...idk, I honestly never noticed that book being gone cause it was an impulse buy.
Like, there are actually many things that I can rationalize away if it was just that. Her being weird about me being queer sucked, but she also never stopped me from dating same gender or otherwise express myself. Dropping me with "family" while they fought out the divorce is a good chunk of why I am as fucked as I am but also....I 100% understand that it wasn't done with any malice. From her point of view it was the best thing she could do and welp, nobody connected the dots and did some damage control afterwards. Which is also on the rest of the family tbh
The thing is that she just never stopped being that way. Unwilling to hear that her decisions weren't good and blaming people who bring these things up for attacking her and "Well ok all is just my fault! Are you happy now??! ;_;"
A lot of things broke in me in January.
My patience for her shit was one of those.
While writing this New Years passed and I did not talk to her. Instead I spent a couple days with the rest of the family on vacation.
She has tried calling me a couple times but I just stare at the phone and move on with the day.
Idk, part of me would be elated to just go fully no contact for longer, but another wants to give her...something? A notion of why this is happening I guess. Just can't find it fully in me to formulate it yet
I'm ready to say I hate her, but I'm not ready to fully abandon her
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Spoiler for my stories
While doll, reaper and the rest of the spider try to find way to get Mad hatter out of the soil, Grey spider would cook then meal from the madness mansion that mad hatter manage to summon in kkoma world, so in the middle of nowhere, there's a big pit and a beautiful mansion with vermillion blooming around them.
[ note: Doll and Reaper are digging using a shovel ]
Mad hatter to Baby blue spider who have droopy eyes since his helping around and Haven't taken a wink of sleep: shh. You can go to sleep little blue.
Baby Blue spider point at the the soil and hatter crying out something only hatter could hear: (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Mad hatter: (;^ω^) well, you need to sleep. How would you help me out tommorow then? Besides you already did help a lot. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ I felt very proud of you.
Blue spider picking up baby blue spider: ( ̄︿ ̄)???
Mad hatter: (◕દ◕)... Huh...
Blue spider then left carrying the baby blue one who refuse to go reaching out to mad hatter but only pout when his brother and him are gone into the house.
Reaper: (^~^;)ゞI dunno what's the topic at all.
Mad hatter: oh you guys don't have to worry about what they say. They don't say anything rude or anything. (ㆁωㆁ) blue just ask if he should take his brother to bed.
Reaper: oooh. Ye I guess it's pass bed time, by a lot. (;^ω^) So I guess it's good for the little guy to sleep. We'll be here to help you out anyway.
Doll: so far were doing anything at all. Through. Just what did that other bee do.
Mad hatter: faes like bee and mc can use magic.
Doll: I mean, I seen how that mc manage to do make us to kkomas, so I don't question it. (¬ ¬) but I never seen bee use magic before.
Reaper: (˘・_・˘) was the spell really that strong?
Mad hatter: ( ◜‿◝ )♡ well across the multiverse theres certain version of each one of us is the strongest in ranking.
Doll: don't tell me it's bee who's top for kohaku Oukawa. ( ̄_ ̄)・・・
Mad hatter: ah not really. (◕દ◕)
Doll: that's a surprise--
Mad hatter: it's actually Bee when his two side syncing with one another, at the moment he become full again with his other haft. Is when his the strongest.
Doll: ... Isn't that the part where bee would disappear when that happened. (`ー´)
Reaper: (˘・_・˘) being the strongest mean there's more responsibility to bear.
Mad hatter:(◕દ◕) honestly you guys shouldn't worry of bee disappearing. After all. Them synchronized to one another don't need to have the other to disappear. As long the have the same goal. Their straight would be unmatched by others.
Doll: ( ̄_ ̄)・・・ welp. That's something I guess.
Mad hatter: oh! Do you wanna know~ the strongest Mayoi Ayase is the phantom. (◍•ᴗ•◍) isn't it great doll, because of phantom and the other DD of the first doll maker of your world. Your place is safe from being corrupted by chaos.
Doll: ... (`ー´)
Reaper: chaos???
Mad hatter: I heard from them, reaper world, Mayoi Ayase was taken by chaos and in that one turn, turned everything and everyone to nothing but ice. The world of yours become frosted land, but the butterfly of chaos manage to reset your world back to the point before the tragedy. As sorry for him entering your world.
Doll: butterfly of chaos??
Mad hatter: hmm. A victim of unjust fate by another one. Another Mayoi Ayase.
Reaper:... (˘・_・˘)
Doll: (;・_・)
Mad hatter: (ㆁωㆁ) you can consider butterfly of chaos as the strongest Mayoi Ayase IF he own his powers to begin with.
The two become even more silent. They don't understand why mad hatter even know those information.
Doll: if he don't own it.
Reaper: ...who does it belongs too?
Mad hatter: (◍•ᴗ•◍) what does C of Core mean to you?
Reaper: hmm cure? Chaos? Creation? Corruption? Chain?
Doll: (`ー´)gott so it's that guy then.
Mad hatter: I do wanna clarify. Not all that seems evil are evil. Or a bad person. Even that person who abandoned his name only went far as to cause such Catastrophe because of so called Love. Nor his love who cause him to be deem evil and unjust is evil. Because they only follow through their fate thinking that with no one remembering their existance they will brought no pain in their disappearance.
Reaper: oh so you don't dislike other bee then.
Mad hatter: oh your wrong. I quite loath him very much. (ʘᴗʘ✿) he put me in this pit to begin with. And use Bee as his tool like I was use as a tool as role holder in my world. And other reason I rather not say. (ㆁωㆁ)
Doll: (¬ ¬)
Reaper: ahaha... Is that so. (^~^;)ゞ
Reaper who sees that they manage to dig out mad hatter hands out: hey we manage to get through the soil!
Doll: noice!
Mad hatter: oooo! (✯ᴗ✯) Noice job you two!
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
I got sick and didnt feel like watching dsmp so I just watched a bunch of random movies I found on my german piracy site of choice for almost a week but now Im better and Im about to watch Eryns origin story and idk man, I just felt like sharing my thoughts about that guy so far
First of all, Im so curious about this concept of any dsmp character having an origin story bc its like. their origin story is that they showed up. thats it. Like yeah, a lot of people very obviously have histories going back to before they showed up on the smp but theyre never really elaborated upon. Niki and Wilbur would kill for eachother with no hesitation, no explaination needed, stuff like that
Also, Im curious about some of the demon lore we'll potentially get bc like, demons arent a thing in minecraft the way slimes or endermen are but Eryn said he is one and also actually confirmed that BBH is one as well (I think he did anyway, I know its been popular fanon for a while but I dont remember it being brought up in canon before he said it), so Im curious how theyre gonna be integrated. My prediction is that theyre basically just gonna be like, the nether-equivalent of humans. Like, in the overworld the humans (or player characters ig) are the only sapient creatures and in the nether its demons.
But thats general lore stuff, now I wanna talk about my guy Eryn !!!! :D
I like him so much and idek why. Hes just a fun guy a fun lil guy I love him :D
I guess the best way to describe it would be like, Im very charmed by him. I love that hes like, this edgy-lookin ninja guy who likes to cause trouble, hes really the chaotic teenage boy this server has been missing ever since every other teenage boy has either been horrifically traumatized or is Purpled. I also like that, despite him being this chaotic teen boy who does what he wants, he seems to very sincerely admire Eret and listens to them for some reason ?? I say 'for some reason' because Eret has kinda been old news for a long time, like the fact that theyre a king doesnt mean anything because actual governments just kinda stopped mattering to everyone except for Wilbur and Quackity, but that honestly just makes it more charming. Eryn and Erets entire dynamic is just so good idk why, but its so comfy and chill in a way where you can tell theyre still just aquaintances but its still so nice yknow. This kinda ties into my previous point as well, I really like how he put a shit ton of effort into getting good knight armor and honestly really wants to be a knight while also demonstrating that hes willing and able to like, steal shit from the prison
Another thing that I find really interesting is his complete and utter lack of connection or interaction with Dream. Like, he arrived after Dream had long been in prison and while he left an undeniable impact on literally everything in the server, no one really. talked about it? Eryn seemingly had to go out of his way to get any kind of information because when Dream was still locked up everyone was all like "welp, the big badscary villain man is gone, and we're all safe so we dont have to worry about him anymore and we'd rather not talk or think about him lest we spoil everyones good mood" and then when he escaped they were all like "oh no, we're already feeling so anxious and bad bc we dont know where he is so we'd rather not talk about him lest we make everyone feel even worse when everything is already so terrible". His mindset is that Dream hasnt harmed him personally and hes never really interacted with him so he doesnt really have an opinion on him, which is very interesting as well. On one hand, it seems a bit naive to think that way when literally everyone keeps telling him how horrible that guy is, but also, while none of the conflicts on the dream smp have ever been caused by mob mentality, they have certainly been exercabated by it, so i guess its better to have less of it
I do have mixed feelings about that though. I feel like I'd need to see Eryn interact with Dream in order to really form an opinion on that and I feel like they might actually do that. Like, Eryn is Tommys friend and I think if Dream somehow found out that he doesnt have any negative feelings towards him on the basis of "he hasnt harmed me personally", he would definitely try to exploit that and I think that could be really interesting. If that doesnt happen in canon I might write an AU about it, probably not straight up villain!Eryn but maybe leaning more towards chaotic neutral idk
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sorio99 · 2 years
How will Tears of the Kingdom deal with Breath of the Wild’s completion?
So, Tears of the Kingdom is coming in less than half a year, and I’ve gotta say, one thing that’s really been bugging me is, this is the first Zelda sequel to actually be a fully direct sequel.
Sure, we’ve had games like Link’s Awakening, Majora’s Mask, and Phantom Hourglass, which all definitely have returning Links, but those games take place in completely different locations, even completely different worlds. LA takes place on a separate island, MM in another world, PH in a completely different part of the ocean, plus all three might be dreams. TotK, meanwhile, seems to take place in the exact same Hyrule as BotW, within, like, a few years at most.
Plus, Breath of the Wild is a very different game, in terms of completion, to just about every other Zelda game. Sure, you can miss some side quests in Wind Waker and still beat the game, but unless you’re exploiting just about every possible glitch, you still have to beat all the dungeons, you still have to awaken certain sages, and you have to get certain items and equipment. BotW, meanwhile, you can beat with just four runes, a paraglider, and any spare sticks on the Great Plateau, while only talking to one (1) old ghost.
So, something I’ve been thinking about a lot is, how is Tears of the Kingdom going to deal with the various states Link could beat Breath of the Wild in? The ways Hyrule could be left after Ganon is defeated? The Schrödinger’s Champions that may still be hanging around?
Welp, I’m gonna theorize about it, and you can’t stop me.
Also, if I'm right about any of this, I'm going to be so smug.
Part 1: Link's Abilities, or Goodbye Collectibles!
I've seen one discussion about this online, where people were questioning if the game would carry over save-data from BotW, and if players would be able to keep everything they got in that game. I think what everyone realized quickly is "If they do that, the entire game is screwed."
Obviously, I don't think we're going to be able to use every ability and item we collected in BotW from the start of Tears of the Kingdom. If we could, the game's difficulty curve would look less like a curve and more like a flatline. If I had to guess, the game will probably hit the reset button during the intro, sending us back to square one. It might be nice if we get a playable sequence with an upgraded Link beforehand, kind like Metroid Prime, but I'm not exactly gonna dock a point if we don't.
As for later in the game, I imagine we'd be able to get our health and stamina back similarly to BotW, though probably not in exactly the same way? Like, I very much doubt we'll go through the exact same 120 Shrines, if we even have Shrines at all.
We'll probably also have similar if not the same equipment from the last game, in terms of weapons and armor sets. Probably some new ones, of course, and we may have some removals (I doubt we'll have the Salvager Armor, sorry Xenoblade fans), but by and large, I imagine we aren't going to be losing the Hylian outfit.
I think the only upgrade I can imagine carrying over from the start might be the Korok Seeds and Inventory Expansion? Like, I imagine we'll have MORE Korok Seeds, or some similar collectible, but I think it would make sense if we start out with our Inventory expanded at least somewhat, either through reading save-data, or just as a general upgrade to be built off of.
Part 2: The World, or Is The World Saved?
Okay, so, as mentioned, unlike just about every other Zelda game, you can beat Breath of the Wild without doing pretty much ANYTHING to make the world better except killing Calamity Ganon (and depending on TotK's story, even that might not have taken). So, how exactly would the game cope with these options?
I think it's unlikely that the actual state of Hyrule would change drastically, even if Save Data is carried over. I doubt we'll find Zora's Domain flooded, even if we never actually calmed Vah Ruta. We MAY see some alternate dialogue from NPC's if they carry over, depending on how we acted in BotW, but even that might not happen.
It's worth mentioning, considering the game originally began life as BotW DLC, that it's technically possible that TotK will include literally ALL of BotW's content in it, so it's possible that, if they carry over save-data, they'll just selectively include or close off certain parts of the game depending on what's already been done. However, I hope everyone would agree that might be the single dumbest way to make a sequel.
I'm guessing the way they'd solve the problem is through the presumed time-skip between games; namely, I'd guess that in-between BotW's ending and TotK's opening, Link and Zelda have been going around Hyrule doing stuff and fixing things, which in a less than 100% game of the former, would include completing any major story beats that were previously undone.
Probably the simplest and cheapest way to do this would just to have a little moment at the beginning that is like "Link and Zelda have spent X years traveling Hyrule, helping improve the Kingdom", which both serves as a wink and nudge to minimalist players, and continues on nicely from BotW's true ending. Obviously, there are more elaborate ways of doing it, though, and I could think of at least one that I'd really like to see.
Part 3: Wild Speculation, or Zelda's Diary 2 The Squeakel
Okay, hear me out: we know Zelda likes keeping journals. What if the game carries over save data from BotW, and depending on what Link did in that game, Zelda's diary changes?
It probably* wouldn't be that difficult. Just have a couple different versions of most entries, and based on the event flags triggered in the previous game, have the diary use the entry that fits. For example, if Link hasn't even started the memory side quest, have it mention that he doesn't seem to recognize her at all. If he's completed the memory side quest and seen every single memory of her, have it say that he fully remembers her.
*Disclaimer, I am not a programmer of any kind.
I don't think every single side-quest, or even most of them, need to have a role (I somehow doubt Link showing a random girl at a random stable the Master Sword is gonna play much of a role in the story, and most of the Kakariko side-quests are less important than the "Stolen Heirloom" shrine-quest), but it would be nice to see some of the more major quests from the game have some acknowledgement from its sequel.
For example:
If Link never went to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab:
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, and he seemed just as shocked to see us. He almost didn't believe it was us. He actually asked Link to take off his shirt, so he could check if Link had the scars he remembered. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
If Link reached the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab but never completed "Robbie's Research":
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, though he seemed less than thrilled to see us. He started yelling at Link, saying Link had never actually gotten the blue flame up to his furnace. I don't think Link shrugging in response helped calm him down. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
If Link completed "Robbie's Research":
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, but he seemed almost as surprise to see me. He started showing me some of the lab's newer features, introduced me to his wife, Jerrin...and showed me a robot he made that he named after Cheria. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
You know, something like that!
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babytowntm · 1 year
Branching out/ becoming adults
me again!
I'm going to be in a discord call soon with some friends of mine that I've tried to keep in touch with reguarly since our graduation last year.
We're all pretty busy though so it is quite hard, and finding time is difficult. we usually have these discord meet ups once every few months so we can update each other on our lifes and accomplishments. We also use our group chat frequently for that.
One of my friends, Annika, is currently undergoing job training as a chemical laboratorry assistent. She works in labs all day and is studying chemistry at the moment, until she gets moved to the green houses that they keep on the facility. I promised her I'd go see her facility next year so she could maybe give me a tour of the whole thing.
Another friend, Celine, is studying at uni to become a graphic designer. Originally she wasn't interested in the subject and she never really showed any passion or interest for it, at least not during our school years as far as I can remember. She started studying from home and doing an online bachelors degree. I hope she succeeds in doing so.
And lastly, Lorika, a friend of mine who needed some time to really find her way and what she wanted to do. Lorika is kind and very patient, but also a bit naive and unsteady when it comes to making decisions for herself. She needs a lot of time to think and even when decided, often thinks about the "what-if" possibilities.
Her parents are very strict, immigrant parent's are always like that one might say, and I guess in this case it is correct. They expect a lot from her and especially from her career path. So what happened? They forced her to take on a scholarship at a university to become a grade school teacher.
Shortly before we graduated, she applied for university- a uni that would be a 3h drive away from home. She even moved so she could be closer, applied for student aid and got herself a flat. Then the problems arose when she found it hard to make friends or even survive a normal day. She didn't enjoy her studies anymore (grade school teacher) and wanted to quit. Her parents didn't let her though so she was forced to suffer an entire year of uni before her parents gave out and she moved back home with them. Ever since of January 2022 she has been thinking about possible career paths for herself, maybe getting influenced by her family in the process. They ranged from Kindergarten teacher to social worker to "working with the disabled".
In the end she decided she'd to a few testing phases and applied for a few unpaid internships to gain experience. I'm proud of her, she really came a long way.
Welp, and I guess I never disclosed on here what I do. i'm also doing online uni from home to support my mom (single parent) with upkeeping the household and chores whilst also maintaining a close bond with my friends in the area. I'm working part time at an embroidery shop and study to become a social worker one day.
And by now a few of you might be thinking why I am even talking about this, and I guess I don't really have a reason other than to portray how different each of our lives have become over just one year. We've all branched out in different directions, with different interests, hobbies, study buddies and friend groups
Not going to lie, keeping in touch with friends from school is hard sometimes and it does take a lot of effort. It isn't easy to find time for each other anymore, unlike back then when you'd just meet up during lunch hour and talk about our day or teachers.
It is exciting though isn't it? We're becoming adults, slowly but surely, and it's amazing to see that development. Hopefully I'll keep that connection with them, because they mean a lot to me, but it's a bit unsteady from time to time. Sometimes we'll have months go by with that one friend just never answering or even letting us know if they're okay, and other times we'll talk on the daily.
I guess in some way this is your reminder, from little me to you, to maybe check on your friends that might have been on the down low lately.
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teacup-tyrant · 1 year
Shadow & Bone 2.1: Live review/reaction
Remember when I did these first season? I did it again because I can't help it.
In this episode: We're finally at the bottom of the Barrel where we belong, Nikolai's boat looks stupid, and "there was only one bed."
-Haha Kaz forged them papers to get into Novyi Zem, of course he did.
-Wait where are Alina's neck antlers? I can't see them. Hiding under clothes?
-So I expected that the Crows would return to find Pekka Rollins had taken over the Crow Club, but I didn't expect him to turn it into the Kaelish Prince. How dare. This is all getting very Six of Crows-y very fast.
-No one arrests Kaz Brekker so easily, excuse me.
-He's sitting SO CLOSE to people he is gonna start to FREAK OUT and I am here for it. But also, where have we seen a situation like this before with Kaz being sandwiched between people in a prison wagon, hmmm? So I guess we'll have to expect to be in the same situation in Fjerda.
-Stop touching him stop touching himmmmmm
-One of my season 2 wishes was for Kaz to have contact moments like this with no explanation given and this scene just gave me that. Thanks.
-At first I was like UGH, the Stadwatch aren't wearing purple, but like many other shows in recent time, we're just getting darkness as a directorial choice here and I couldn't tell that they actually are wearing purple. Good.
-Is that Nikolai, whuuuut? His accent is very... something. It's strong.
-“And there was only one bed” Alina and Mal moment.
-“We are not vultures, we are crows.” Favorite line so far.
-So we're getting Kaz seeing through a guy as Sturmhond only for him to see through Sturmhond as someone else during the auction scene in CK? Nah. They blew another plot hole in the duology.
-(This was, she would soon realize, a common theme of SoC scene stealing as the show progresses.)
-We're getting Jesper being a fabrikator this early? Sure makes the Ice Court reveal less fun. But Kaz keeps people's secrets. So. Maybe no one else will know.
-ZOWI!! Man the Zemeni have a much better way at looking at things than the Ravkans do.
-How is Mal's old general randomly here? Why would he get the reward for finding Alina, like he can suddenly abandon his own post and go off bounty hunting. He's as much a deserter as Mal then, it makes no sense for him to be here.
-They're in the bottom of the Barrel? Finally. Right where they belong.
-Wahhhhh Kaz trying to protect Inej by sending her away already. And she says she's not leaving him, ouch my heart.
-The way Rollins says “Brekker” reminds me of Snape saying “Pottah” hahaha
-Omg Wylan playing flute on the street, I SCREAMED. What is this Ian Anderson way of playing the flute, I ask you?!?!? You're not supposed to make sounds like that on the flute. I played flute for 12 years and never have I made those kind of noises, Wylan, that is only a Jethro Tull kind of thing and any flute teacher will scoff at you if you even bring it up.
-There you go everyone, it WAS Wylan's bomb that saved Kaz from the Darkling.
-Was that Nina stopping everyone's hearts? It WAS! I knew it. She called Kaz “Angry Hat” ahaha that is amazing, I can't wait to see her have banter with him.
-Oh shit, they're tattooing murderer on him?! Brutal. My tattoo artist roommate would have something to say about the hygiene involved here. Or, lack thereof.
-I'm sorry, I hate the design of Nikolai's ship. It's clearly something “other” because it's not wood like the rest of them, but it just looks so flat and boring. It looks like bad CG, even the parts of it that aren't CG. It also looks empty and unlived in. It's too clean.
-Hahah Nikolai's steampunk crew. I forgot how steampunk-y book 3 gets. I've only read it once so uhhh I don't remember most of it.
-Are we going to see the Slat? Are we going to see something become the Slat and all the gritty bottom of the Barrelness that I want?
-“The Barrel belongs to bastards.” You're damn right it does, get em!!
-Welp, I'm happy at the amount of Crow content we're getting. So what I'm seeing here is that... we're setting up how we get to the point where we start at Six of Crows. Sort of. So Kaz will come out of it with his gang back but living in a shithole. But Rollins still needs to be around for that, thus, we can't beat him properly this season. So.
Ep1 | Ep2 | Ep3 | Ep4 | Ep5 | Ep6 | Ep7 |Ep8
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terrifickid · 5 months
I think I'm going to go for it. If I don't, the best maybe I could do is beg for food to feed a dog I took care of somehow as a homeless person. I could keep it warm with a blanket. But even then, that's a fairly ethnically grey endeavor.
On the other hand, if through some miraculous essentially 'pre-destined' means I managed to recover somehow than I could create cool shit that was actually and effectively helpful to animals or who knows.
I really have no idea how other people live at all and basically don't want to know.
But definitely when thinking on it, I'm only ok today because of how I've lived - which in some Apuleius level absurdity, hacked open a portal for my own salvation in my life long confused misery.
And if that doesn't happen and this is all just a delusion than there was never really any hope since the day I was born.
I guess the question is not wether I am a blue ray or not, but if I am real or not and the only way to find out is to never die.
So let's jump for the glory, and take up the power and pray in the ascension magic as all the priests instructed. Wheel follow into the house of Aquarius, we'll demand terms and live and die concordantly.
There's no way I'll make it on my own, and I don't see how I'm much help to anyone. It was a death sentence on me the day I was born, and there's no help on earth for me. I'll just have to be miraculously aided as I bumble along. Unlimited werewolf style.
... no shit he was a berber ...
see that's that shit that makes me think twice.
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dinotoaster · 9 months
where did my dom side go btw? did it just hide for a while after........ u know, being manipulated into doing things it didn't want to do.. just gone until further notice? Until I feel safe and confident again? does again actually apply if I never actually felt truly safe? welp. we'll find out i guess.
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Update 1 of living with abusers for a month: I have nearly been defeated by a protein cookie box
First day's always the hardest, amirite? Anyway, guess who, after collapsing from sheer exhaustion at 11pm, woke up at 7am because of an abuser throwing a gigantic tantrum:) Thankfully I was still so tired I was able to fall back asleep
Getting breakfast also came with an issue, the issue being that the fridge was in it's usual fashion both overstuffed with thing yet lacked??? A lot of basic stuff??? Therefore goodbye breakfast as none of my safe food options had their full ingredient list:/ I did have a meeting with a friend planned, though, so I just waited it out until it was time to do so and then booked it. We got boba and ran around the centre, even finding a very big asian grocery goodies. I bought a few things but had to make sure they would be abuser-appropriate, since I know for a fact these bitches will attempt to take a piece of my food and won't take no for an answer. Guess we'll see if they get taken in the next update.
Anyway, a couple of errands later I now had to face the problem of having to sneak my protein cookies & bars through a house with an undetermined amount of abusers... So I get them from a pick-up place, and both boxes are huge!! I wanted to bring them yesterday, when I had a strategic bag with clothes to use for cover, but today? All I had on me was a tote bag, already half-full with things including the bottles my brother had me sneak in, and it didn't even have a zipper to hide stuff!!
My first plan after acquiring the boxes was to hide them on the balcony of the floor I'm at, but it was a high lose risk so I decided to open them up and attempt to cram the goodies in the bag. So I just sat there, in -10°c, far away from the entrance to the building to not be seen if anyone left, and opened the boxes by stabbing my keys into them✌🏻 Ended up covering everything by taking off my scarf and stuffing it on top of everything into the bag, and, after taking a very deep breath and reminding myself that the food is worth it, I opened the flat door mentally preparing for the worst.
...And immediately got cornered by two abusers on both sides(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ) I was too scared to put the bag down in the corridor as that is practically inviting them too look inside so I just ran to my room and hid it out of sight in case anyone comes inside it. It was a goddamn close call and I NEVER want to have to carry barely-concealed food past them.
Anyway, the timer's running so I have to get going, because, on fear of the rest of the bitches coming up with some ungodly vegetable creation, I volunteered to make dinner. So the suckers are having pancakes whether they like it or not.
Update because this was in my drafts for the night: Guess who had to suffer through EVERYBODY in the family insulting my cooking skills and yet them still eating every single pancake I made ತ⁠_⁠ತ Guess that's the question "Why do I always expect anything I cook to be criticised?" answered - It's because the fuckers DO criticize everything I cook. Welp, see if I do anything around the house now, you bitches.
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