#welp yeah I gotta get to know this kid better
Aware of Abuse AU
Nino in this is a little fascinating to me, cause I can’t see him NOT becoming friends with Adrien. I can see them maybe not being super close, especially at first, but I can’t see them being enemies. But I can also see Nino becoming the first class kid (outside Sabrina, and I’m not sure how she counts) to really GET the rich kid trio, and start trying to make proper friends with them.
Like, Just How I See This In My Head
(sorry to put this under a readmore but it’s a little long)
So, we have the first day shenanigans, who knows what, but we still have a bit of seat drama. Adrien ends up sitting in the front on Chloé’s side, Sabrina and Chloé behind him (protecting him, but shhhhh, that wasn’t on PURPOSE). Which means that there’s an empty seat next to Adrien, and … no one really wants to sit IN FRONT of Chloé. It’s not that they think she’ll DO something, but it Makes most of them uncomfortable. Like, no one’s being explicit about it (except maybe Marinette) but everyone’s reluctant to take that seat. So, Nino decides, “welp, someone’s gotta sit there. New kid doesn’t seem too bad, questionable friends aside” and plops himself down, introduces himself to Adrien.
Like, keep in mind, he’s been in the same class as Chloé for most of his school life, but Nino isn’t someone who’d be much on Chloé radar. He isn’t her friend (Sabrina) or her “obstacle./rival/jealousy-crush (Marinette). He and Chloé probably butted heads a few times, but nothing serious. Plus, she doesn’t mutter (Max) or kick the chair in front of her (Kim). She’s a tolerable seat mate. If it gets bad, well. He has headphones. He can probably just ignore her.
So, like, Nino takes the seat, introduces himself. Adrien starts to light up, because yay! New friend! But Nino probably still asks why he’s friends with Chloé. His light dims a bit. He gets quiet. He’s seen today why he’d ask, but he’s also seen other shit. He’s BEEN through some shit. He’s also been through the WRINGER today, fighting a giant stone monster did a NUMBER on him. He’s TIRED. So Adrien responds in a way he might not normally. "If you knew her, you wouldn’t have to ask.”
Nino’s a bit taken aback - that is a … weirdly solemn, serious response?? vaguely concerning?? - but decides, ok, sure. Why not? That could be a valid point, Nino doesn’t actually know Chloé personally, despite them being in school together most of their lives. She could genuinely be nice to some people. Or she could be a manipulative fuck, again, Nino doesn’t actually know her that well personally. Maybe she’s a decent person to people she considers “worthwhile” or some shit. Maybe she’s brainwashed Adrien like most of the class think she did to Sabrina. Who knows? Not Nino. But he doesn’t have to be a dick about it. If Chloé’s an amazing friend to Adrien, awesome. Maybe he’ll help mellow her out. If she’s actually the Anti-Christ, Nino can hopefully provide an example of a good friend for Adrien to look at and realize he deserves better.
(For the record, Nino does NOT think Chloé is devil spawn, he’s just looking at the two most extreme possibilities in his head)
So, he nods, concedes the point - “Yeah, that’s fair. We don’t really hang.” Adrien lights up a bit more, pleased. They chat a bit, about school, hobbies. (Behind them, Chloé’s in a state of shock, because what??? Someone??? Admitted she might?? Be good?? Not bad?? In a roundabout way, BUT STILL????!?)
So Adrien and Nino are … maybe not FRIENDS right away, but FRIENDLY. They talk. They exchange numbers. Adrien misses a day for a photoshoot, and Nino helps Sabrina take his notes. Nino still mostly hangs out with Marinette, Alya, the rest of the class, but he makes time to hang with Adrien too. At first just them, wandering around Paris, or hanging in his bedroom, but slowly, Nino gets invited to hang with Adrien, Chloé and Sabrina, sometimes Kagami.
And like … It’s awkward. We won’t pretend it’s not. But while Chloé is blunt, sometimes rude, she isn’t going out of her way to be MEAN. Isolated from the environment Nino’s used to seeing her in, it becomes really clear that Chloé just doesn’t have many other ways to interact with the world, and either has difficulty learning, or in a few cases doesn’t see the point. Away from everyone else, she’s also much more friendly to Sabrina - tries to talk her up more, get her to take more agency (maybe … not always in the best way, but she’s TRYING). And like, hanging with her at the mall, and then seeing her in school is a bit of whiplash for behaviour, but like. Now Nino’s SEEN her be a decent person with stunted social skills. He doesn’t think it EXCUSES anything, but like. He no longer buys Marinette’s “Rich Brat, Perfect Life” rant.
I think the big turning point for all of them would be Nino finding out how much their jokes about their parents aren’t exaggerated jokes. They aren’t “this is funny cause it’s ‘out there’” the jokes are “this funny cause it’s true”.
Cause like. At first, Nino honestly believes thats what they are. “The gates of hell would open before my dad threw me a birthday party.” / “I think my mother would fire me, if it wouldn’t look bad for the press.” “Like, fire you from being her daughter, or set you on fire?” “Yes.” / “Do you think my dad would notice if I pierced my ears?” “Oh, absolutely! Can’t have the face of his brand altered without prior agreement!” “True, true. What about you?” “Oh, I could dye my hair a different colour every day for a month and he wouldn’t notice.”
Like, Nino thinks it might just be some weird, rich people thing? It doesn’t help that, like, Adrien and Chloé don’t tend to make that many of those sort of jokes around him. I mean, they might know their parents suck, but they don’t want anyone ELSE to. It’s personal. Other people won’t get it. They don’t want pity. Whatever the reason, they try to keep the jokes on the downlow when hanging out with Nino. So, Nino doesn’t get the full force. A few black humour style jokes like that are … concerning, but Nino doesn’t think they’re, like, full on awful. Maybe a bit “rich parent neglectful” but like. Not bad, right? His friends aren’t in that bad of a situation, right?
I like to think the tipping point is a slip up. Something dramatic, because. I mean. Look at these kids. Drama follows them.
Like, say Nino’s over at Adrien’s. Gabriel is out for the day, which means the two have run of the place. They’re relaxing, playing video games, whatever, when Chloé bursts into the room in tears. Nino’s so shocked he falls off the sofa.
Chloé, however, doesn’t even look at him. No, all her focus is on Adrien, cause GUESS WHAT MUMMY DEAREST DID NOW!? Maybe it was a dinner gone wrong. A gift turned sour. A random argument. But just because Chloé KNOWS her mom is a bitch, doesn’t mean it hurts any less when Audrey demeans her. When she knows which nerves to hit and buttons to press. She’s ranting, sobbing about how, oh, of course she did this, why am I even surprised, I should have expected this, honestly. I knew what she was going to do, why open my big mouth!? It’s ridiculous, utterly-!
Chloé stops. Because she just noticed Nino. Who is having a horrible paradigm shift, realizing oh. Those jokes were NOT exaggerated. His friends’ parents ARE that bad. They DO suck that much.
Chloé’s ready to start falling apart all over again, because god, could she GET any more pathetic, she just spilled her guts in front-! She didn’t even SEE him, why wasnt she more careful-! Adrien is trying to figure out damage control. Nino can see them both panicking, and just says, “We could sell her kneecaps on eBay.”
Chloé & Adrien: “… . what?”
Nino, straight faced: “eBay. I heard kneecaps go for a lot, these days.”
Adrien, after a pause: “Audrey’s though?”
Nino: *shrugs* “I mean, I don’t think we’d get much for them, especially once they’ve been shattered, but I still think we could get SOMETHING.”
More silence.
Nino: “Like … four dollars? I’m pretty sure we could get at LEAST four dollars. Maybe some old, chewed gum. Some dryer lint, if we feel like pushing it.”
Chloé, starting to smile a little: “… Mom has security.”
Nino: “I have a nine-iron, a taser, and six years of parkour. Also, I’m pretty sure Max has access to the dark web, and he owes me a no-questions-asked favour.”
Yes!! YES!!!!!
This is the vibes I am imagining!!
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blackhakumen · 3 months
Mini Fanfic #1216: Small Beach Crush (Sonic X SSBU)
4:42 p.m. at the Smash Local Beach..........
A race has been going on in the bright, sunny day at the Smash Beach, that specializes in Extreme Gears founded and provided by the Babylon Rogue Inc.
The two racers, Sonic The Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk, appear to neck to neck towards the Finish Line, in the last lap.....That is until the final racer swoops in outta nowhere, with more vigorous speed, sweeping both of his competition off their boards and onto the sandy ground, much to their surprise.
The crowd begins to roar in applause the very moment he crossed that Finish Line before sticking a gnarly, perfect landing on the ground. It wasn't long before a Shy Guy announcer runs in to announce the winner helping him holding his own arm up, which just so happens to be...I...
Announcer: The Winner of the 5-Lap Riders Prix.....FUUUUNKY KOOOOOOONG!!!
'Even More Applause'
Sonic: (Groans a Bit While Getting Himself Back on his Feet) Darn...... The folks weren't kidding when they say he's the Best Extreme Gear rider of this part of town.
Jet: (Sighs While Getting Up From the Ground as Well) The guy's a natural born surfer. He can make even the most uncontrollable board a cakewalk to ride on.
Sonic: (Begins to Stretch his Back Forward Befire Stretching his Arm Up Next) Welp! If that's the case, I'm gonna that means I gotta to work a little harder next time. Can't afford to be in 2nd Place forever, you know?
Jet: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) More like 3rd Place...
Sonic: (Turns to Jet With a Raised Eyebrow) Pardon?
Jet: You heard me! 3rd! The place- (Points at Sonic) YOU are currently in!
Sonic: Oh get real. (Starts Butting Heads with Jet) I clearly crossed that line before you could even get close to me!
Jet: Big talk for a guy who's tip of his board Isa millimeter shorter than mines!
Sonic: Oh, so we're measuring boards now?
Jet: If it proves that I'm better than you, why the hell not at this point?
Sonic: (Shrugs) Alright. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Still can't beat me in a fist fight though.
Jet: (Angrily Cracking his Knuckles at his Rival) Wanna bet? I been wanting to pulverize that stupid face of your some time now!
Sonic: (Waves Both his Hands Back to Him in a Very Competitive Fashion) Well, bring it then, Birdbrain. I ain't got all-
????: BOYS!
The rivals turns to see the Certified Moms giving both of them their collective Motherly Glares in the mid.
Samus: What the hell did we say about being civil?
Peach: This is a place for fun and relaxation.
Sonic: (Sighs in Defeat Along with Jet) Yes, ma'ams......
Jet: Won't happen again.....(Turns to Sonic) Forgot how scary your moms are..........
Sonic: (Shrugs) They gotta take their jobs seriously somehow....
?????: Hey now!
The duo turns to see the winner of their race, Funky Kong, walk over to them along with the crowd, with a bright, chill smile on his face.
Funky: No need to fuss n' fight now. You both did great out there. Actually had me to workin' up a sweat just to keep up.
Sonic: (Smiles Softly at Funky) Thanks, man. Congratulations on the win.
Jet: Yeah, congrats. But uh...('Clears Throat') Who would you say is the fastest between the two of us here, hm?
Sonic: (Rolls his Eyes at Jet) Could you not waste his time asking that dumb question? The answer's obviously me.
Jet: (Glares at Sonic) Lies! It's me and everyone out here knows it.
Sonic: Yeah, keep telling yourself that you-
Funky: (Breaks Up the Potential Fighting Between Hedgehog and Bird) Hey-Hey-Hey! No more of that now. We're a the fastest here in this wicked beach time. (Holds Both Sonic and Jet's Hands Up) AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE!?
'Uproarious Cheers and Applauses'
Tails: (Watches the Crowd in the Distance With Amy and Coco Sitting Next to Him) Never thought I'd see the day someone would actually out speed Sonic in anything, but...here we are.
Amy: (Sighs Dreamingly at her Man) He may have lost the race, but he'll always be The Fastest, Most Handsomest Thing in my eyes and heart~ (Takes a Look at the Time on her Phone) What is taking Wave so long to get here? (Starts Pouting a Bit) If her boss starts picking fights with Sonic again, there's gonna be heck to pay!
Coco: You know Wave: Have to make extra sure her work is completely done before she could do anything else. (Notices Something) Ooh, speaking of which- (Points Tails and Amy to Their Swallow Friend Walking in the Distance) There she is right now. (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Looking a lot more girlier than usual......
Tails: Girlier?- (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Realization) Wait s second! Is she looking pretty for someone?
Amy: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) A secret admirer perhaps?~
Coco: (Casually Shrugs While Forming a Teasing Smirk on her Face) It's the only reason I can think of~
Funky: (Happily Greets Wave) Yooo, Wave, you finally made it!
Wave: Yeah, sorry it took me so long to get here. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) You know how I am when it comes getting everything done down in the workplace....B-But I was able to catch some of your racing highlights on stream. (Starts Blushing a Bit) You were.....pretty gnarly out there, I must admit~
Funky: (Chuckles Lightly) Appericate the wicked feedback, little lady. And here I was worried that I ticked you off for outstaging your boss out there.
Wave: (Playfully Scoffs) Please. There's a lot of things that would drive me up the wall. But winning a race against Jet is definitely not one of them.
Funky: Good, good. So, now that you're out and about, what you plan on doing from here on out?
Wave: Well, I-
???: Ohhh Waveee!~
Wave turns around to see Amy giggling softly and Coco and Tails waving at her with teasing grins on each of their faces before letting out an annoyed sigh and turning back to Funky.
Wave: I have a couple of twer-I mean-('Sigh') Friends I gotta to hang out with.
Funky: (Smiles Brightly) Nice! Friends are the one thing that could help build up your character after all, especially in an awesome place like this!
Wave: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit in Annoyance) To an egregious sense maybe.....(Puts on a Small Smile on her Face) Catch you later then?
Funky: (Happily Nodded) Sure thing. Go out and enjoy yourself, Wave! You've earned it after all the work you've done.
Wave: Thanks, Funky. You too. (Walks Away)
Funky: (Watches Wave Leave Before Going Back to the Crowd) Now, which one of you crazy people are up for a game of LIMBO!!?
'Even More Applause'
Wave: (Walks Ovver to the Trio, Already Annoyed) ('Sigh') Alright. Get it all out of your systems already.
Coco: Why hello here, Wave~
Tails: Whatever do you mean exactly?~
Wave: (Glares at her Felliw Tech Friends) Oh don't even try and play the innocent card on me, you little twerps! I can tell by the look in your dumb faces that you're gonna the annoy the hell outta me over this.
Coco: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, considering all the times you tease us on being a potential couple, it's only fair we find some way to return a flavor~
Tails: All's fair in love and harmless teasings~
Wave: ('Ugh') Whatever. (Turns to an Giddied Up Amy Rose) And what are you smiling about over there?
Amy: Oho nothing too noteworthy!~ Just admiring the fact that a bookworm like you is having yourself a school girl crush~
Wave: (Was About to Ipen her Mou-)
Amy: Don't even try to deny it. (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk of her Own) We seen the way you look and talk to him over there. You're in looove~
Tails and Coco hold onto to each other hands and starts making kissy noises just to get under Wave's skin.
Wave: (Comically Glares at the Duo Again) Will you cut that out!? I'm not crushing over Funky!....At...least not completely!
Amy, Coco, and Tails stares at their blushing swallow friend, unconvinced on everything she's telling them.
Wave: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, so maybe I do have a tiny bit of mushy feelings for him these days. We've been working together on a few business projects as of late. Didn't care for him at first glance, but the more days we work, the....(Starts Blushing a Bit) More I started to enjoy his company a bit. He nice, compassionate with his craftsmanship and profession, and a lot more intelligent than I gave him credit for. He's incredible~
Amy: And just your tyyyyype?~
Wave: ('Sigh') I dunno. Maybe? He's a lot more laid back and outgoing, despite him not being a fan of going out on adventures all that much, oddly enough. Meanwhile, I'm as boring as they come, or as Storm would irritatingly put it...."A Killjoy".
Tails: (Gives Wave a More Reassuring Smile Along with Coco) Come on, Wave, you're none of those things.
Coco: Yeah. I mean, you can be a real pain sometimes, but you're still cool be around in our books.
Wave: (Turns to Coco With Genuine Surprised on her Face) Wow. That.....might be the most nicest thing you've ever said about me yet, kid. Thanks.
Coco: No problem. Don't expect this to be a recurring thing though. (Smirks Again) You're still a nagging know-it-all in my eyes.
Wave: (Smirks Back at Coco) ('Hmph') And you're still a half pint brat.
Coco: Better than being bossy.
Wave: Better than being annoying.
Coco: Better than being an eyesore.
Wave: Takes one to know one, brat.
Coco: Hey, I am PLEASANT to be around!
Wave: Could've fooled me.
Coco: Yeah, well....(Continues Arguing with Wave)
Tails: (Sighs While Watching his Two Tech Friends Bickering With One Another Again) It was fine to see two get along while it lasted, albeit a few seconds. (Turns to See Amy Writing Something Down on her Mini Notebook) Whatcha writing over there, Amy?
Amy: A few confessional and romantic ideas. I'm gonna help make Wave's dating dream come to reality and I want you and Coco to help me.
Tails: (Gives Amy an Uncertain Look on his Face) You sure you want our help on this? We're not really that knowledgeable when it comes to anything romance related.
Amy: Yeah, but you guys know Wave way better than I do these days, so you're crucial for this operation. (Gives Tails the Sad Puppy Dog Look) Plus, I really want us to spend more time together these days~ I miss you-
Tails: ('Sigh') Lower those eyes, Ames, we'll help out. Just.....don't expect this operation to go as flawlessly as you hoped.....Also, I missed you too.
Amy happily pulls Tails into a loving hug as they continue to enjoy their time at the beach together.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
The problem with being on Volume 9 is that means we're on the last buffer before Volume 10, and I am Not Ready. None of us are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 9, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 9 Covers
Ugh, we just have to start with a Vashwood cover, don't we? I have too many Vashwood feels right now. I can't handle this.
Ah, the return of the blow-up doll. Is... is she jealous of whatever the hell is going on with Vash and Wolfwood here? (Honestly, I have no idea what's going on with them here, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightow doesn't know, either.)
Back cover Liviooooooo.... Oh, shit, he's not wearing his skull there.
Ahahahahahaha, that's a no-face reference on the back there. Looks like he's got some dolls of his own. I... I don't know what to think about that. I'm just not going to lest it make my brain hurt.
What kind of chapter/volume name is "LR"??
Someone take down the Kuroneko-sama. I'm pretty sure she's dry.
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Chapter 1: Home
In Stampede, "Home" was a reference to the place where Luida and them live. Here, it seems to refer to the orphanage.
Baby Livio! Baby Nico!!!
Wolfwood, feeding the forlorn. Of course.
Ah, I see he's been reunited with Angelina II. Get yourself reunited with Vash, you idiot.
Aaaand he's going against the caravan for some reason.
LOL, he is DETERMINED to get through going the wrong way. And quickly. This feels like a bit of overkill for a simple gate.
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Heh, even as a child, he still has so many Wolfwood mannerisms.
Oh, shit. He's going back for Livio, isn't he?
He really loved his life at the orphanage....
Goshdarn puppies getting in stupid places.
Yeah! Go, baby Livio! Do good things!
Oh, Livio, honey.... If you thought you getting dumped here was because you didn't do something--whatever that might be--to make yourself lovable, you are dead wrong. I don't have to know any more about where you came from to know that.
Baby Wolfwood is such a big brother to everyone here.
Something wrong with his eyes...? Is that...?
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Did he ("he") kill the puppy because it put someone else in danger?
Hahahahaha, no secrets between siblings. And an orphanage has a LOT of siblings.
Oh, no. Poor baby Livio. He's just... got a lot going on, I'm sure. But it might be easier with friends.
Hey, is this round guy the kid Wolfwood used to walk to the bathroom?
Hahahaha, yeah, it's him. He doesn't recognize his big bro, of course. Wolfwood's been through a lot.
Twelve, huh? Why's it always gotta be twelve? Something something religious imagery, I know.
Ohhhh, nooooo. Livio, this isn't where you should be....
He's helped set a trap for Wolfwood? My dude, no.
Also, goshdarn, why's he gotta be good-looking?? There are some grumbling about his looks in Stampede, but both versions of him are freaking dorito chips with long hair and goth aesthetic, so I'm not complaining.
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Yeah, Wolfwood definitely sucks at cutting ties to people he cares about. I'm not sure if Knives really succeeded or really fucked up by ordering him to escort Vash, 'cause there was no way in hell Wolfwood wasn't gonna get attached to Vash.
Wait, did Livio do something to get on the Eye of Michael's bad side? Also, just how big is their cult? I thought a good chunk of it got wiped out a few volumes ago by that horn-headed guy and the weird CLAMP bishounen. Also also, wasn't Chapel bragging to Wolfwood about how Livio was basically like a better version of him... but Livio got kicked out??? Questions.
Dude, is this little Cactus kid gonna try and take on Eye of Michael by himself?? Dang, no wonder they recruit from this orphanage. These kids got guts.
Side note, I love how Wolfwood's chillin' here, loading up his gun, but also his whole demeanor is like he's just one of the kids.
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Oh, I guess these guys aren't true EoM. They're... like... mercenaries or some such.
"Once this ark scare is over...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hoo boy, who's gonna tell him?
Welp, this guy is trash. He needs a name. I'm gonna call him... Cable-Face.
Seriously?? He wants interesting reactions from the child he's tormenting and likely to kill?? This guy needs new hobbies.
As someone who worked in dentistry, I like the implication that nearly every one of Cable-Face's teeth are fake. AND he still managed to chip TWO. This kid's life might be worthless, but so is your dental hygiene, Cable-Face.
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Oh, I guess Cable-Face was very cyborg. Whatever, he may not have needed to be if he had taken better care of himself. And Livio's right; he was pretty annoying.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go simp for Livio for a bit.
*This space reserved for Livio simping*
(Crap, I just put two and two together and I think I know what "LR" stands for now. MOVING ON!!!)
Chapter 2: Tempest
Aw, man. Them kids are putting two and two together about their good friend Wolfwood. Let us all shed a tear for Wolfwood's lost youth.
Welp, that's two "alarms" down.
G'night, Burnsie! All y'all are in for a baaaaad day for pissin' off my guy Wolfwood.
OMG he didn't kill Burnsie. And he's trying to negotiate these guys out of dying, too. He's literally fighting for the thing that matters most to him, and he's trying to do it Vash's way.
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Great camaraderie amongst these mercs, I see. /s
Ultimate tiger family?? Ugh, sure, yeah, whatever, man.
HAHAHAHAHA, Wolfwood with the backwards shooting. Get wrecked, tiger man.
Badass Wolfwood poses.
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"Keep your eyes on him!" *friend gets smacked in the face* LOL
Badass. Wolfwood. Poses.
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DAMMIT, I just remembered *redacted redacted redacted* Ugh, they really gotta do this, don't they???
Wolfwood and his kid self....
@sweetpotoooooooos noted Kid Wolfwood training with Eye of Michael looks like Megumi from JJK is cosplaying as Lara Croft and now I can't unsee it. (I think Megumi is angrier, though, and has a LOT more chill.)
Getting worse? How?? Because he doubts his right to take another's life??? Screw you, Old Man. Like, seriously. You talk like what he's doing now takes less courage and less calculation and less skill, and that's absolute bullshit.
LOL, Chapel is SO MAD! Good, be mad and dumb. Also, he's really rocking that dramatic cult leader garb today.
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*COUGH* Sorry, I had to many words and they got stuck.
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UGH, I dun want them to fight! They should be brothers!!
Duuuuuuude, something something Stampede! I can feel the influence here. Also, I'm not ready for this.
LOL, Chekov's rocket. Wolfwood sure has fun with these things.
Looks like everyone's in a lot of pain... but they're alive. And also...
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May the humiliation all these mercs faced here today inspire them to rethink their lives. Maybe make a change in their career paths.
Heh. He knows Livio is here, and he's calling him for help.
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Ok, I need to focus on this pose for just a moment. Because this is first time I've seen anything... anything resembling actual will and determination in Livio's face. And it's just for a second, a single panel, before we pull out too much to get a clear read on him again. All the rest of the time, his face is either hidden in shadows or he just looks resigned, depressed, and/or detached. But this panel? There's life in his face here.
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Haaaahahahaha, their greeting to each other is such... brothers. Sibling energy. I submit that they are both dumbasses.
One step closer....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
P3R while I was gone, part 4: RYOJI
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You know, I’ve never exactly understood why the girls at Gekkoukan are like this? Like, Ryoji is cute and endearing and obviously I love him so much, but he’s not exactly the drop-dead gorgeous male model that they act like he is. Admittedly, P3R’s art makes him look less like a pale Victorian orphan, but still.
I dunno, maybe in-universe they can see something I can’t.
Doesn’t matter, because MY BOY IS HERE.
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He’s so tall next to the teacher.
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And we are looking back, Minato! We’re making eye contact from across a crowded classroom and feeling our heart skip a beat and--
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Mhm… And, uh, what exactly ended up on the transfer paperwork? Does he have an ID? They never really do specify if he just spawned in with a full background, or if reality is just bending around him so no one asks too many questions. I usually go with the latter.
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Absolutely nailed the first impressions, both of you. Stellar first social interaction. Good job.
Ms. Toriumi sends us on an errand to the music room to drop off some boxes of sheet music, after she gives Ryoji some more paperwork about his transfer. No, seriously, do his parents have human names? Come onnnnn, tell me!
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Well, you see, I’m actually really brilliant with a sword, and--
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He’s so observant, he noticed Minato likes music, and despite getting fawned over by girls literally all day, he wants to show off for Mina, specifically. <3
Tragically, he cannot play piano beyond clumsy basics, but it’s the thought that counts.
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We’re already friends.
God I want an alternate Fortune social link so badly.
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Also, he spends all day being swarmed by girls, but then asks for my number. Smooth, Ryoji.
Hanging out with Ryoji ups all your persona’s stats, which is awesome, and more than you get for hanging out with your other non-link teammates. So. Yeah.
Anyway, gushing over my other half aside, I do still have time to spend with other people. Ken and I are going to a bar!
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Apparently he’s looking for a specific kind of tea, because he wants to gift it to Mitsuru to make her feel better. She’s still withdrawn after the death of her father, and Ken’s worried.
He’s a sweet kid, and he’s also learning to connect with everyone else, now that he no longer thinks he won’t be here.
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I said once, a long time ago, that SEES felt more like coworkers than friends, compared to the PT. But honestly, SEES now feels more like a family. All together, making this dorm into a home.
Ken says Minato is the focal point, because everyone knows that they can get through the hardest battles because Minato will be there for them when they come back. And, that’s not a bad feeling. Going from a guy who had nothing, no one, and no reason to care, to the heart of this silly little family all these broken kids have made together… It’s nice.
That’s why this game hurts so bad.
Anyway, Ken’s got his tea leaves, things are going well, and despite three different social links who all want my attention, I have other plans.
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Ryoji’s going out after school to hang out with some girls, and he invites me to come along, but apparently they want to meet up on the roof, first.
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Blah blah blah, “stay away from our girlfriends”, blaaaah. Tell your girlfriends to stay away from him. I’ve been watching girls fawn over him for three days now.
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Case in point.
But I gotta protect my boy.
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“Sorry, everyone, please excuse my idiot.”
It is nice to know I have an intimidation factor, though. :D Even if I’ve been here the whole time and they apparently didn’t notice me.
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Yes, I’ll get Sanada-senpai to kick your ass. So move along.
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Joke’s on you! :3
Ryoji promises to ask if they have boyfriends from now on before inviting them out, but it’s pretty clear that he actually… doesn’t understand what the issue is.
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He doesn’t get why, if the two people in a relationship like each other, one of them going and grabbing coffee with him is a big deal. I think he’s genuinely just asking everyone out because he wants to connect with other people.
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...yeah, but things outside of my control mean I can’t tell him I like him.
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See, he’s gone out to get food with Junpei, too. It’s not just the girls.
...I’m the only one he’s asked for tours, though. First the school, now the town. ^_^
We have a lovely time exploring Iwatodai, but eventually I have to get home. Let’s see what’s on TV before I go cry over my academic stat again.
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...are you serious? The word of the day is “lover”?
Atlus. Please. I’m begging you.
Everything is always so exciting when there’s a new transfer student. They’re the talk of the school for the whole week.
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Not as much as I’d like, Yukari.
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She’s not really a fan of all of his casual flirting. He and Junpei have hit it off really well, though.
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If only you knew, Junpei.
The school trip is coming up, and as is apparently the case every year, we’re going to Kyoto!
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Sir, you are a shitty teacher and I hate you. I don’t even know why you’re still here or have any say in anything, after the shit you pulled.
Honestly, though, I’m never going to understand these Japanese schools and their school trips. All the teachers and students (except Ekoda) act like going somewhere abroad is the only reasonable choice?
I guess I’m just boggled because the only trips we went on here were regular, single-day field trips, unless you were in the band or the chorus and went on the four-day trip. And even those single-day field trips were few and far between in high school. The only time I ever went abroad was in college. It was as part of a single class, for two weeks, and I had to pay for a chunk of it. There were maybe 20 of us on the trip, not the entire year.
In other words, I’ve never recovered from the P5 kids coming back from summer break and immediately getting ready to go to HAWAII as a school-sponsored vacation. Even when we did go on field trips, we were almost always stuck doing a worksheet or some other dumb busywork.
It’s time for the Gourmet King’s last rank-up. Tell me about your dead twin brother so I never have to speak to you again.
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…………well, uh. That sucks. A lot. But honestly, it’s come way too late. I really don’t feel sorry for you. You’ve done basically all of everything after that to yourself.
At least I get to tell him that it’s kind of fucked up that he was relieved his brother died.
I also get to tell him to stop trying to be his brother and just be himself.
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You said it, not me. But yes. You are dumb.
Also, that cleared up nothing about the cult. What the hell. Did you quit? Did you rethink your life choices? Are you going to repay the people you scammed?
I get nothing? Really?
Ugh. At least I don’t have to see you again. One less link to feel bad about ignoring when I hang out with Ryoji.
...happy birthday, Eikichi!
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I thought your birthday was the fifteenth, but whatever!
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xxemosceneacidscumxx · 6 months
Puppeteer x FEM! reader
~Wrapped around his finger~
Part 1
(Song: Paperdoll by Kittie)
I closed my eyes and inhaled as deeply as I could, the fresh country air that's imprinted on all my memories of being a little kid. I looked around at the tall dead trees, I could feel the cold going up into my nostrils, through my whole body. I jumped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Heyyy y/n" I saw my favorite cousin. "Hi Jeanne!! How are you??? I missed you!" I said grinning. "I'm good, how's college? Any new friends?... a BOYFRIEND?" She asked me raising her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. "It's going good. And I haven't really met anyone that wants to be my friend. They all keep trying to get me to party and stuff, but the parties are super sketch." Jeanne nodded "well atleast you know better, so many young ladies disappearing because common sense has gone out the window." She let out a sharp breath. "Welp that's life." I said smiling. "Hehe yeah." I zoned out a moment. "Sooo how's it going with Alex?" She nodded her head "it's going good, but he's having a bit of a hard time lately." "Whys that?" Jeanne looked around for a sec. "You gotta promise to tell NO ONE. Ok?" She said whisper yelling. "...ok?" "Ok, so he had to go down to the college in the next city over to get his sister's things because she was found strung up and contorted like some sort of sick doll circus display type shit."  I cringed "that's AWFUL, did they find who did it?" She shook her head. "All they found were old timey puppet strings on her, and an antique looking doll. They gave it to us though.... Wanna see it?" I pursed my lips contemplating if this was a trick question or not. "...sure" "ok let's go." We take the walk out of the park, and went to our cars. I get into mine and wait for Jeanne to lead me to her house I guess? I drive behind her for what feels like forever, but before I know it we pull into her driveway. I see her getting out, so I'm getting out. "Ok, so if Alex is in here try not to mention the doll because he doesn't want to be associated with it for some reason." "Ok" so we walk in and she takes me to her garage. There it is. Blonde wavy curls black eyes and a pink and white dress adorned with lace. "It's so cute" I whisper squealed giggling. "I know right? I don't know why Alex wants it gone." My head swiveled around like a seat. "Whaaat?" She nodded. "Yup. He's Done everything, to the point of giving it for free, but nobody wants it." My face lit up. "I'll take it. I can send you $70?" Jeanne shook her head. "$20 is fine." I smiled big and opened my cash app, pressed the buttons necessary, and picked up the doll. "Thank you." I beamed. She smiled back. "No problem, maybe Alex won't be so stressed now that it's gone." I nodded. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. It's mom. "Hello?" I said answering the call. "Hi honey, you're still gonna stay here for thanksgiving break right?" I giggled. "Yeah I'm on the way now, I'm at Jeanne's" "oooh we'll tell her I said hi. I'll see you soon, love you!" "Love you too" I hung up the phone. "Well, mom said hi but I must say farewell, I said with a phone curtsy. Jeanne laughed and curtsied back. "See ya cuz." "See ya." I walked up the 3 stairs, made the left, and went out the door. I unlocked my car and put the doll in the backseat. I saw headlights approaching me. I smiled big. It's my cousin's boyfriend's car. "Hey Alex!" He parked by the sidewalk. "Hi, y/n how's it going?" I smiled and told him that it's all going good, and I made haste, because I need to get to mom. "It was nice seeing you guys!" I said waving as I reversed Into the street, beginning my drive to mom's. After I made it I took my key, unlocked the door, took the doll upstairs to my room, and went to the dining room to greet my mom, who had her evening coffee. "Hi y/n!" "Hi mom!" We talked about everything that happened today, and I told her about my doll, but not the circumstances I'm which I got the doll or why because she would freak out. "Yeah Jeanne gave me this doll." I took her up and showed her. She did the mom face. Uh oh. "This doll has a strange feeling to it.. you should be careful." I rolled my eyes. "Mom
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am-i-sans · 11 months
dnd adventures 35
tori is eeby deebyd right now. and dess. dans gets to walk into an awkward encounter. he passed the guard who was beat red.
'uhh did i miss something?' cam is just blushing and ignoring him. dans gives them a shit eating grin. 'cam did something happen?' all grown up now xD he puts an arm around cam and says they have a better shot with the guard than undyne and they shove him off. undynes confused lol. 'ill tell you later.' 'do not!' he gives cam another shit eating grin and heads toward soupnik.
frog is waving the goober. dans starts telling everyone about berdly and steve. dans tells undyne we dont gotta kill berdly, hes too stupid to understand what steve is. cam gets flipped off for saying dans is totally going to work for steve hint hint.
frog runs back into town oh no. gotta follow them now. suzy goes back to chicken and vani follows. fuck yeah she gave him chicken! then she locked him out of the building xD cam is trying to bathe soupnik.
frog goes book shopping! dans gives them 100 gold they deserve it. now their going to buy potions. vani tries to give cam some chicken and drag them into town. vani tosses cam onto his back and starts trotting into town. soupnik stops vani sadge ;-; sad ferret noises. then soupnik pins cam down lol. vani goes over and also sits on cam.
frog is picking potions at random. they pull out a bottle of fucking viagra and dans puts it back. 'is that one of those sex things?' 'uhhh yeah so dont tell your mom.' undyne fucking asks dans what it is and he aint talking in front of the kids.
we bump into suzy and head back to soupnik. gotta get on steve's trail. cam is still pinned down lol. 'what do you mean protecting your reputation?' frog dont ask that lol. off we go to the other town!
hey theres people alive in this one! nice. the towns a bit bigger than the last one. 3 churches, some general stores. a river and a park. a library, a butcher, gift shops. a news station? mossville. tori pops out of eeby deeby! frog waves hi. dans tells tori that berdly gave us a steve tip. a town of mostly humans.
undyne heads toward the cemetary. dans goes with her. this town is all hills lol. tori casts commune with nature. she learns there was a fiend here. a river. lots of moss. some goblin eating moss lol. suzy points out the goblin to cam and frog. cam says they cant eat moss. frog goes over, grabs some, and shoves it in their mouth.
dans and undyne get to the cemetary. its built on a hill. yep bad magic was here gotta stop it. undyne uses dispel magic. nice now to visit the other churches to see if they got ganked too.
frog is still eating moss lol. 'tastes like green!' cam and tori desperately want them to stop. their just eating it out of spite someone stop them. they stole that goblins dinner. suzy also eats some oh no. suzy comments theyve seen them eat rocks its fine. tori scoops them up and cam says their supposed to be looking for stuff. gonna go ask the shopkeeps whats been happening. suzy is trying to escape oh boy.
cam walks into a cafe and asks the owner if theyve saw steve. yep he got a cake. cam asks when he left or where he went. left same day. then cam orders a small cake lol. some other people saw him since he was distinctive so ask around.
nothing was wrong with the other graveyard so dans and undyne go to regroup. wrong gift shop undyne, lol. we find tori and kids nice. dans lets tori know we got rid of the bad magic. tori still wont put the kids down lol. undyne what is moss counted as? fungus? that aint true wtf. vani slides in and gives frog and suzy some moss. dans also takes some and eats it. blobbo also partakes. cam walks in and lets us know what they found. dans says since hes hiring people maybe someone left with him.
dans asks the giftshop guy if anyone suddenly left recently. just steve hmm. except charon?! oh no. oh shes the town bicycle. doesnt know where she lives though. welp we have nothing on steve. cant track him. random pattern. geez.
dans suggests trying to use vani to pick up a scent. the shop man tells us to try the general store for info. cam goes to the one no one goes too lol. frog says they can go with suzy to a different one. nope. the rest of us go to another one. its a bit busy so dans picks up some supplies. getting frog some choccy milk. he also grabs a small ice box. getting snacks and shit alright.
its burgerpants! nice! dans asks about steve. nope but he keeps giving tori looks. 'you could tell me their being kidnapped and i wouldnt care.' 'fair enough.' another guy comes in and calls the cashier bagelpants lol. they need him to sweep hes so pissed. 'im 19 and already wasted my entire life.' 'have you thought of getting into acting?' dans insuinates killing the lead actor if he wanted a role. dans pays and puts the food in the icebox and then into the bag.
back to cam! congrats on the empty store. their just hanging out with the shopkeeper. the keeper tells them about steve and how weird he was. real cagey asking about the cemetary. cam perks up and says that was the necromancer lol. gotta try and regroup. but first they buy some birdseed lol. 'do you have a bird?' 'oh no thats for me. wait i was raised by arakawkra.' 'doesnt that upset your sto- nevermind.' cam offers to teach them salesman ship lol. they realize how shitty that was and backtrack saying they just love tradesman shit. they can leave tips anyway lol.
dans takes a detour to the butcher! frog doesnt wanna go in cause it smells weird so dans says they can wait outside. suzy really wants meat lol. cam sees us by the butcher nice. cam hangs out with tori. guy said steve was heading to rogueport. dans and undyne comes out after getting the meat nice. cam tells them what happens and dans pulls out his map to find it. frog points it out nice. cam offer undyne a nut lol. dans gives cam the bag of birdseed and the assorted nuts. dans, frog and suzy eat some birdseed. 'itll upset your tummy!' 'ive eaten worse.' dans wtf. suzy is still mad they cant escape. she fucking bites tori lol.
going to soupnik! its late for them so they set up camp. frog goes to find herbs for soup. dans preps stuff for the soup and waits for frog. cam tries to play music. frog comes in and tosses in random plants so dans pulls them out to check. their fine so dans puts them back in with the other ingredients. dans butters some bread and waits for soup. where tf did suzy go? vani starts sniffing around and follows a trail. suzy is trying to spear fish. vani just watches them. suzy comes back, hands dans a fish, then eats one raw lol. dans lets undyne taste test the soup. tori helps dans dish it out. he also gives everyone a cookie and calls everyone for dinner. long rest!
dans starts making breakfast and undyne is stretching. theres a troll in the camp! (my internet got a little fucky) undyne told the trolls to fuck off and dans went to wake up everyone. the troll just stares. undyne points away lol. it looks then looks back at her. she points at it then away again. dans asks if anyone here speaks troll. dans picks up some breakfast and hands it over. he takes it and leaves. the other trolls are talking to each other in the distance. dans makes a little care package and sends vani to deliver it. they leave nice.
dans makes some coffee lol. tori goes into the woods and does commune with nature. undyne goes back to stretching. tori learns theres a feywilds portal nearby. she heads back to camp to do a headcount. yep everyones here. after breakfast back on soupnik! on the way dans and cam try to teach each other their languages. frog is learning too. dans switches it up and speaks primordial and scares the shit outta cam.
Rogueport! its not a port. the guards stop us and tell us a criminal escaped and to be careful. we ponder if steve broke them out. just trading info now. they tell us to talk to their boss and we follow them. we see a red light district lol. we arrive at the guard station. theres even a few paladins.
its commander barbie! we give her the rundown of the situation. she tells us about the prisoner. he went crazy and a runaway troupe? he worked for a circus? (is it jevil?) he did seem powerful, like when he broke out. (ken walks in and says hi xD) yep its jevil. frog says they know him?! they used to travel together then he went nuts. he left after a performance, talking to a man, then he went funky. (cam vaguelly recognizes the name.) jevil hurt and blinded one of the magicians then ran away. dans asks barbie if they have anything of his but no. gonna check his cell.
going down a fuckton of steps. dans asks why he was kept down here, cause he liked the dark. ken saw a weird guy in town. his eyes were spotify green xD. tori tells them to check the graveyards. vani starts sniffing around the cell! he squeaks and starts following the scent and everyone follows. he goes in circles for a while then shrugs.
dans asks frog if jevil could teleport but they dont think so? invisible? yep. ohno. tori uses detect magic. nope hes not there. undyne uses divine sense. nope. we ask frog how far they can teleport. dans says dimension door can go 500 feet. frog gets covered in dirt and injured from trying to teleport. tori heals them. time to find a spot jevil wouldve appeared at and find the scent. tori casts wildshape and becomes a wolf to also find the scent.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 6
~~~~ Three hours of running, screaming, ball throwing, and A LOT of crying later ~~~~
I have been at this for HOURS!
Screw it. I've done enough for the Professor to at least think I'm trying.
Hopefully Hugh will buy that I was just "tearfully saying goodbye to mom" or something like that.
Nearly out of pokeballs too. I am going to take the longest nap on that boart right to Castelia. I am not even kidding.
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Aww Roxie saw her dads shitty movie and thought it was 'good'. Sure thing Roxie. Sure.
Still its sweet she supports him. Keep working at it Pop Roxie. You'll get there someday!
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Oh Hugh have you, uh, been waiting here this whole time? Sorry my, uh, business took... three hours... My mom uh wouldnt stop crying about her baby girl leaving and it was all touching and...
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Aaaaand your not buying any of this?
Okay look man, I gotta level with you. The last three hours have been a hell of pokemon catching. It had to be done! I completely blanked on it before and this whole "fill the pokedex" thing is kinda my excuse to leave home. I really don't think my mom would accept "help my best friend exact his revenge on the remnants of a terrorist organization" as a proper reason for traveling. I jumped at the chance they gave me! It's not my fault it came with strings attached!
I know how to cheer you up.
You want a Pidove? I caught a pidove. No tradsies. Just free gift pokemon. Yeah you want a pidove.
Sooo we cool?
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Thats the spirit buddy!
Pop Roxie! Hoist the anchor, raise the sail, swab the poop deck! Cause we're leaving on a quest!
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I knew I liked the cut of your jib Pop Roxie!
Alrighty Hugh lets get going! NOthings gonna stop us now!
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Sorry about your shoes POP Roxie. I swear I didn't know I got seasick.
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Yeah might be kinda hard finding a handful of weirdos in funky hats in a city this big. Do you have a plan?
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.... Thats not a plan Hugh. Look for now lets just... split up yeah? I'm tired. I'll go find us a hotel or a bench in the pokemon center to sleep on or something. Give me your Xtranceiver number, I'll call you when I find something. Call me if something happens yeah?
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Yeah well chances are we're gonna be splitting up a lot more after this. I still gotta catch enough pokemon to make mom and the professor think this is just a nice PG adventure. Besides, after Cheren and Roxie I think I have a taste for this whole pokemon battling thing.
With that Hugh gives a passing comment about the weird looking ship on the dock next to us and take off. Welp I'm in the big city by myself for the very first time.
And I'm exhausted. Gotta see if I can find a place to rest. So I stride into the city.
And a random clown gives me a bicycle. And ask me to do a relay. At midnight.
I've been in this city a handful of minutes and already this palce is nuts. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to ride a bike again. Pretty sure that ten year ban for running over that lillipup is up.
Whatever. Questions for later.
Couldn't find a hotel anywhere. I'll send Hugh a message and sleep at the Pokemon Center tonight.
~~~ Hugh didn't come to the Pokemon Center tonight.
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That not... concerning. I'm not concerned.
Wandered around the city doing some sight seeing. Not looking for hugh. Just sightseeing. Got the last casteliacone, visited a gallery, had a stranger come out from behind a dumpster and give me the tm for flash.
Interesting city.
Still since I can't seem to find Hugh guess I better go to the gym. Think I saw in a brochure that Castelia Cities gym is a bug type gym. If thats true Molly will probably wind up torching the place heh.
Welp guess I might as well head over. Before I leave the pokemon Center though I sell a few of the items I found around Virbank that I dont need, mostly X attack and stuff, and buy more great balls. My attempts at filling out the dex as much as I could before used up a lot of the balls I had.
I'm gonna need to fight some trainers for money soon or something. That acting stint I did was fun but did NOT pay anything. I've still got supplies, but I don't think I'm going to be doing a lot of filling out the dex until I can get more money for more balls and stuff. I mean I still have like 5 great balls, that ultra ball that neighbor in Aspertia gave, plus the heal ball and net ball I bought but thats about it.
Plus I'm down to, like $4.26. Thats not enough for lunch much less, like, 20 pokeballs.
Definitely hitting the gym. Roxie forked over quite a lot from beating her, so this Burgh guy I heard about will probably do the same. Bare minimum I'll be able to get some more Lemonades.
Aight Molly lets go get that money!
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With my money?! I mean I havent beaten him yet, sure, but its basically an inevitability here! Where did he go?!
Then this purple haired girl walks up. Apparently she and Clyde know each other? Apparently she's looking for Burgh too. Evidently this Burgh guy is the flighty sort who wanders out of his gym, like, all the time.
Yeesh, Cheren might've been a newbie and Roxie mightve been rocking out too hard to hear me, but at least they were AT their gyms. I though gym leaders had to be at their gyms at all times. Yknow like a 9-5 type deal. Is it NOT a 9-5 type deal?
Wait.... do you guys not get paid?!
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Oh sure NOW you notice me.
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I... How did you.... how could you.... How did you KNOW about that?!
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Yeah well tell that to the weirdos back in Virbank.
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..... By giving me money?
Oh oh no you meant hunting down Team Plasma. Hnngh well... If the gym leaders not here anyway... and considering that might be where Hugh went (who I haven't seen since last night)... Sure why not.
Iris mutters something about thinking where they might've gone and then just takes off too fast for me to follow! Thankfully Burgh knows this town beter than me. He said she went around the corner towards the Pokemon Center. Guess thats as good a place to start as any.
Now might also be a good time to break out that bike that clown gave me last night. Not that I'm in a hurry or nothing.
Thankfully the saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike turns out to be true and I easily catch up to Iris. She tells me we're heading for Thumb Pier. She suspects theyre probably hanging around there.
Why she suspects that I dunno. In fact I'm not even certain who this girl is. Oh well, its the only lead I've found so peddling feet dont fail me now.
As it turns out Thumb Pier is 'suspicious' because its where you enter... the sewers. She wants us... to go into... the sewers.
I mean... I guess if a terrorist organization was gonna hide out in a big place like Castelia after a failed coup the sewers isn't the weirdest place to hide out but...
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GAH Hugh! Don't sneak up on me like that! More importantly where the hell have you been?! And gods no I haven't found any members of team plasma yet. Though I think Iris here might have a lead...
Is THAT where've you been all night?!
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Dodging questions is for strange old men who jump off cliffs and run shady movie lots. NOT from supposed BFFs hunting terrorists together!
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That's what I'm trying to do! Look man you can't just disappear all night and then suddenly- Hugh! Hugh you get your edgy anime hair ass back here!
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"This tavern has the most delicious sake. It tastes even better if it's someone else's treat♪"
"I like how serious and hardworking you are, but couldn't you loosen up a bit sometimes?"
"Welp. I'm totally broke again. But, you gotta take a gamble, right?"
"Um~ Do I have to go too?"
"I don't have a clue what's going on. Let's sing!"
"Ah, you really think I'm such a bad guy? I just like to drink a little bit and have a slight money problem."
"Hey there Emma. Is there someone you have a crush on? Why don't you tell me all about it?"
"Hey, will you listen to my song? I've been desperately awaiting a chance to perform it for you."
"Whenever I can't put my feelings into words, I put them into song. Do you understand that?"
"Are you falling in love with me now? Hehe~ I'm only kidding, you and I are good friends♪"
"First we were friends. Then we were family. What would you consider our relationship now?"
"When I see how hard you work, I can't help but cheer you on."
"Now, where is the tavern…"
"Don't be discouraged, smile and laugh!"
"You should sing whatever you want, with whoever you want, and live life how you want."
"You're always going all out. That's what makes you so dazzling."
"I wonder what it sounds like when you fall in love. It must be a happy melody."
"This is the time when good girls should go to bed… Fufu, if you want, we can stay up and be naughty together."
"There are so many emotions that can be portrayed through song. Joy and sorrow. And love too, you know?"
"Thanks for staying up late with me. You've inspired me to write a new song."
"Where shall we go? I recommend a tavern!"
"I had such a wonderful time today♪ You can ask me out again whenever you want. I'm always free!"
"I don't usually sing for free. You're gonna have to reward me later~"
"Okay, I'll sing for you, but don't go falling in love with me."
"You want me to sing for you? Well, if you ask me nicely~"
"I'm flustered? I think I had a little too much to drink…"
"You know why I'm a little out of sorts right now? I ordered way too many drinks last night and now I'm broke again!"
"Do I smell like alcohol? I try not to spill, but…"
"Oh, my head hurts…I feel like I'm gonna throw up…This is a really bad hangover."
"Emma, don't look at me with those judgy eyes. It makes me sad."
"Keep your posture straight and relax your shoulders, now sing♪"
"When you sing, make sure you sing from your stomach. Okay, while you practice that, Gran, lend me some money~~!"
"I'm not trying to flatter you, but every time I give you a vocal lesson you seem to get better and better. Even I'm amazed at how fast you are learning."
"What? It's because I'm good at teaching? You say the cutest things~"
"Fufu, another person drawn in by my charms~"
"It's a perfect day for a date, isn't it?"
"You've been really busy lately, haven't you? It's important to have fun once in a while."
"When I go out with you, I often get inspired to write new songs. Are you the goddess of music perchance?"
"You want to write a poem together? It's sure to be a passionate tale."
"How about we make the theme of the poem, "My love for Rouge"?"
"Don't think so hard when writing poetry. Just go with your emotions."
"Use words that associate with each other. For example, "Rouge, Handsome, Cool, Wanderer, Super Nice, Free Spirit, Drunk, Broke…" Fufu, you could write a wonderful song about that~"
"You're asking if I wear scarves to protect my throat? Yeah, something like that."
"I wear my scarves all the time. Without them, I don't feel comfortable."
"You really want to know why I wear my scarves? Can I keep it a secret for now? I promise I'll tell you when we get to know each other a little better."
"I'll show you the steps, follow along!"
"Now, follow my steps… One step, two steps, three steps. You got it♪"
"You're such a good dancer I might hire you to dance while I perform."
"Being around you makes me feel at home. It's like the sun is beating down on me."
"Getting so close to a guy like me? Aren't you careless."
"Let's hold hands, shall we?"
"~♪ ~♪♪ I'm in such a great mood because you are here with me."
"Oh, you're leaving already? How about you stay and we spend the whole night drinking, instead?"
"Fufu~ This is so much fun. I can't believe how wonderfully your body fits against mine. We're perfect for each other, aren't we?"
"You're getting used to it, huh? Okay, let's pick up the pace."
"Yes, well done! That was so beautiful I couldn't help but admire it."
"Ah~ The feeling you just gave me… I think I'm falling for you."
"Why am I smiling? Because I'm happy."
"I can't believe I'm so happy to be with someone…"
"We were both a little reserved when we first met, weren't we? I don't feel that way any longer."
"Your eyes are so beautiful. You're making me so nervous, and you don't even seem aware of it."
"Why are you staring at me like that? Is it possible that you lost a lot of money at the casino? I sure did."
"If you keep staring at me like that, I'll get a hole in my face."
"I want to squeeze you real tight, but I don't want to hurt you."
"Lately, when I'm with you, I'm at a loss for words. I feel like it's never enough."
"Your voice is music to my ears. You know I'm being serious when I say that, right?"
"You've already shown me enough love. No more gifts."
"I can't believe you're celebrating with me. This is the best birthday I've ever had♪ You know I'm serious, right?"
(gift like) "What? How could you know I wanted this? Could it be, the power of love?"
(gift like) "You know exactly what I like, it means the world to me."
(gift normal) "Is this gift to relieve my lonely heart?"
(gift normal) "It's kinda bad…But, I'll take it."
(gift dislike) "Hang on! Emma! Why would you get me something like this? Do you not like me?"
(gift dislike) "…..Okay, if you recommend it, I'll believe in you!"
"I have a gift for you today! It's a thank you for all you do for me."
"A reward for all your hard work♪ Fufu~ I just wanted to see you smile."
ROUGE : Okay, Shaymie repeat after me, "Please, lend me some money!" Make sure you say it with a lot of sorrow, okay? SHAYMIE : Please, lend me some money~! Hahaha, I got it! So what's the plan?
ROUGE : Gran~! I'm begging you man! Please lend me the money~! If you don't, I'll starve to death! GRANDFLAIR : You're always broke, Rouge. I'm not lending you any more money.
NOAH : Don't talk to me like we're friends. Hey, Emma, don't wash his clothes with mine. ROUGE : Fufu~ Noah, you're so salty today♪
ROUGE : Gran, I have a hangover… GRANDFLAIR : I'm begging you to please take this mission seriously for once.
ROUGE : That was such a beautiful song, Shaymie! SHAYMIE : Ehehe~ I like being praised!
ROUGE : Hah…Ah…I'm finally sobering up… GRANDFLAIR : If you keep dawdling I'll leave you here, you drunkard.
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Nothing makes me feel old like realizing that I like Oistrakh quite a bit more now. When I was young, my favorite old master was Grumiaux and I felt like Oistrakh was specifically the kind of dude you appreciated more when you got older. (Very normal teenager opinions to have there, Marve.) And welp, here I am. I dunno, I think it's a particular flavor of warmth that didn't resonate with me when I was young and hungry and perpetually teetering on the verge of burnout.
Story time because fuck it, it's my blog I do what I want (but still under the cut to be nice about it):
If you're familiar with the Bay Area, the reason why I have such insane memories of high school orchestra class is because I went to Lowell. Yeah, that Lowell. Put a bunch of overachiever kids in a pressure cooker magnet school and you get some highly competitive orchestra classes. The first violin section, unsurprisingly, was made up of the cream of the overachieving crop, most of whom were planning on being either pre-med or engineering in college even though they could have easily all been music majors. And then there was my dumb ass once I made it to the first violin section, LOL. I honestly wasn't sure I was even going to make it alive to the end of high school to have a career. Violin was my lifeline and I threw everything I had into it, for better and worse.
The hilarious irony about all of this is my parents were actually not as proud of my violin achievements as they pretended to be. I don't know if I've conveyed to you what a bunch of insane freaks they were, but according to their plan I was supposed to become a piano prodigy. So when I decided in middle school that I hated piano and wanted to play violin instead, it was not received well. To their credit, once they saw I was serious about it they did get me my own instrument and some private lessons, but my mom did try to convince me to quit at several points, and my dad still has an entire-ass complex about it.
Hell, I was ambivalent about going to Lowell at all. I applied because my district assigned public high school was just that bad. That other school eventually was shut down for "underperforming", that's how bad it was. Knowing that Lowell had a good music program was my consolation for all the other shit I was about to put myself through. The secret of Lowell is that it's not the teachers or the facilities; both of those things were absolute shit when I was there (the music teachers were all cool tho). It's the kids. They know the reputation of the school they're going to. They know they'll be expected to apply to prestigious universities when they're seniors. It's the kids who are, sometimes literally, killing themselves to play this ridiculous rat-race game that they've been set to by their parents.
This is all to say that at a time in my life when I had very little control over anything and was profoundly depressed about it, I realized that I did have control over how much and how often I practiced, so I just kinda... maxxed that out. Time in the practice room was time spent on the one thing in my life that didn't suck nearly as much as everything else. It was time spent somewhere safe. It was time spent cultivating hope for the future. I used to describe it as an "emotional crutch" in a very ableist way when I was younger but now I look back on it in the sense of a more literal mobility aid, as the thing that kept me moving when I would have otherwise collapsed.
You know, I still don't feel "qualified" to say that violin has been a major part of my identity... despite it being my first act of rebellion, despite me pulling a literal Ling-Ling up the violin ranks in high school because I felt like I had nothing else to live for, despite somehow finding my way back to it after decades of being convinced I was done... don't laugh, but I still feel like I really should be better at violin than I am for all the meaning it has held for me. I gotta find that solution for my right hand issues, man! I have to make up for lost time! I have to git moar gud so the Muse will notice me. Haha whoops my hand slipped there-
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pinkhairandpokemon · 11 months
[Video attached:
The same two Cranidos from the last video are still sparring in the clearing, ramming and knocking into each other repeatedly. Behind the screen, Royce and Lotus can be heard whispering.
“Okay, we’d better go,” Royce murmurs to his sister, the camera shaking as he begins to get up from laying down in the grass. “We’ve still gotta lot of forest to cover!”
“Wait!” Lotus hisses to him, grabbing his arm. “It’s getting late, baba and dad are gonna be home soon! Don’t you think we should start heading back? It’s getting creepy out here…”
“Aw, come on,” Her brother pouts. “We can’t give up now, we’re so close!”
“We can sneak out another day,” she insists, nervously glancing between the battling Cranidos and the boy next to her. “If baba and dad find out we were out here, we’ll be in big trouble and never get that picture of Celebi!”
Royce huffed and fell silent for a moment, considering her words. “Fine,” he realized she was right and sighed, before digging a camera out from his pocket. “Just lemme get one last photo of these guys before we go!”
He handed the phone to Lotus, who focused it on the Cranidos again as Royce began to crawl towards them on his arms, camera clutched tightly in hand. He holds it up to his face, focusing intently on the ancient Pokémon before pressing the button on the top of the small device down.
There’s a blink of white light, and Royce shrinks back into the grass when both Cranidos suddenly raise their heads in alarm. “Shoot, I forgot to turn off the flash-!”
The two Cranidos’ eyes lock on him, and the three engage in a tense, awkward stare-down for a few seconds. Royce and Lotus freeze, falling dead quiet as they wait for the Pokémon to make a move.
Then, unexpectedly, the two ancient beings scamper off with a frightened screech, vanishing into the woods. Royce blinks a few times in confusion, before slowly sitting back up in the grass.
“Huh…” he mutters as he rises back onto his feet, tucking his camera back into his hoodie pocket. He stares in the direction the Cranidos disappeared in for a moment, before shrugging and turning back to his sister. “Phew, that was a relief, huh?”
“Yeah…” Lotus replies, hesitantly standing back up as well while her brother walks over to her side.
“Welp, no Celebi today,” Royce sighed a bit disappointedly, his shoulders slumping. “It’s okay, though. We still saw some pretty awesome things, huh?”
“Yeah…” his little sister repeated, her voice still a bit unsure. She glances down at the phone again, furrowing her brows in concern. “We still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with baba’s phone, though…”
Royce doesn’t seem to hear that last part she muttered, already marching off back the way they came. Lotus follows quietly behind him, her head hanging a little in thought.
Once the siblings take a few steps, though, Royce stops, face lighting up like he’s realized something. “Actually…” he glances around for a moment, before looking at his sister. “You… wouldn’t happen to know which way is out, Lottie?”
Lotus gives him an incredulous glare. “No. Keeping track of where we were going was YOUR job!”
“Well- I-” her brother sputters out in defense, but can’t think of anything. Or doesn’t get the chance to, actually, when a loud crack suddenly echoes through the woods. Both kids whirl their heads towards the clearing from before, and tensed up at the sound of thunderous stomping headed their way.
A large shadow looms over the children as a massive Rampardos comes marching out from the bushes, glowering over them. Its piercing, crimson eyes lock on the two, a breathy snarl rumbling in its throat.
Eyes going wide in shock, Royce reaches a protective, trembling arm out in front of his little sister. “Lottie… d-don’t move.”
Lotus nods, clutching the phone close to her chest. The Rampardos steps closer, sniffing the air as it seems to inspect the two cautiously, paper thin pupils darting between the siblings.
Carefully, Royce reaches into his pocket, grabbing his camera from before out. Then, with a clumsy swing of his arm, he chucks it straight at the ancient reptile. “L-leave us alone!” he cries.
The rectangular device smacks into the rock solid bump on the dinosaur’s head. It barely even flinches as the camera simply shatters on impact, tiny metal and plastic pieces crumbling uselessly at its feet.
Realizing he might’ve only made it madder, Royce squeaks and takes a step back. The Rampardos glances down at the broken camera, before its eyes lock onto Royce and glare into him like daggers.
It rears its head back, before an earth-shattering roar erupts from its maw. The kids scream in unison, Royce grabbing Lotus’ wrist before bolting away from the rampaging creature with her in tow.
The footage becomes a blur of green as the kids make a run for it through the woods and thicket, the sound of the Rampardos’ footsteps hammering down on the ground trailing close behind them. There’s another roar, followed by another pair of screams and a snap of the Rampardos’ jaws. Lotus tumbles forwards, the phone landing a few feet away.
In the last few seconds of the video, you see the Rampardos towering over Lotus’ fallen form, and you can hear Royce cry out his sister’s name from offscreen.
Lotus cowers on the ground with her arms held above her head, as the Rampardos prepares to slam its head down- but then, faster than you can blink, a green light swallows the screen. You see a blip of a small, magenta shape charge into the dinosaur, followed by an agonized roar just before the footage cuts out.]
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beevean · 2 years
The thing that frustrated me about the ‘Sonic’s stupid friends’ sentiment back at its height was that there’s an element to it I can kind of sympathise with. I love the series’ cast, but when they’re both playable in a way that isn’t fun, or portrayed badly in a way that makes them come across annoying, then yeah, I don’t blame casual audiences who don’t have an pre-existing investment in the characters for getting sick of them. Unfortunately, instead of saying ‘ok, we’ve gotta rethink how we use these characters, and make them actually fun to watch and play’ the message Sega and Somic Team seem to have received (at least back then) was ‘well, guess we’ve gotta get rid of these characters’.
I really don’t like that Sonic 4 was marketed on cutting out the other characters, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But I’m also partly inclined to blame that they were just being used poorly. I don’t blame people with that mindset for not liking the characters. I blame the idea that the solution was to all but remove them rather than using them better in the games. It’s this weird case of ‘I understand you, but you’re missing the forest for the trees’.
This is very true. I mentioned '06 for a reason: 9 different characters, each with their own unique moveset (and I'm not counting stuff like the Mach Speed sections or Shadow's vehicles), were just too much work for the team.
But also let's not kid ourselves, some fans hated the new characters because they were new and that's it. The stuff I read about Cream and Rouge would never fly nowadays lmao. Although I read one comment that said something like "how can we learn to like Cream and Rouge if we have to deal with Silver and Marine now?", which, you know what, fair point.
And you hit the nail on the head: SEGA swings from one extreme to the other. We went from a new character every game to the complete removal of anyone that isn't Sonic, Tails or Eggman. Forces was a very timid step forward, with the Avatar and Shadow, but we know how it went. But the thing is, cutting the cast really worked, it was what many fans wanted.
This is why I was so worried when Forces became the new punching bag: I still think some ideas could be salvaged, especially how it wanted to go back to a more serious tone, but who knew if SEGA would interpret it as "welp, fans love Mania, this means they like the Classic series, let's churn out even more nostalgia fests"?
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
With Tycoon back in the game, this presents us with an interesting question for future episodes: "How long can Keiwa play by the rules?" His and Neon's sudden reintroductions to the DGP seem to set the stage for a grand status quo shift, doubly so when paired with the staff actively going against Geats and the steadily growing prominence of Jyamato's gardener Archimedel. ...great name, by the way.
I hear there's a new Buckle introduced this episode! ...so soon after Slot Fever, kinda odd but okay!
-Well of course he won, you guys didn't exactly sabotage him in the smartest way. Besides, no way he was gonna die with a kid relying on him for protection.
-Undefeated Ace.
-"Why doesn't Grandpa Game Master like me, I do what he tells me to :("
-Like an episode of Boundary Break, Ace is peeking behind the curtains and loading zones to see where all the spawns and events are stored.
-Awwww, Tsumuri-neesan does care :)
-Shaddap Win, jnmljmhb
-Hello, Archimedel! I really like your Jyamato Rider Troops, they're really cool.
-Ace, you sly fox! Trying to get yourself a date so soon?
-Ayyy, Keiwa!
-He's got a jorb!
-Who dat?
-Free Core!
-Hello, Naoto. I... forgot your first name Mr. Kurama, but you're always gonna be TimeFire to me, so.
-Aaaaaand off Neon goes!
-Michinaga too!
-Ah yep, it's game time!
-Jesus, aren't you a smol one?
-Aaaaand here comes Punkjack with the jump.
-Don't gotta say Henshin there.
-Got robbed by a little girl. Good job, Hareruya!
-"Wow, you're shit at sabotage, huh bear boy?"
-Driverless behavior.
-Musical chairs.
-So, does the girl just... exist as a member of the Jyamato?
-I'm gonna be real with you, Tsumuri, it kinda seems like these games are just being made up on the spot.
-...I mean, they might be!
-"You're only getting so far ahead because your dad is the admin! And as a mod, I am very angry about this bias!"
-Are you that thirsty for Tsumuri, Win?
-Reeeeeeed hat.
-Awwww, Neon-san :)
-Riders should help each other out!
-Good job, you guys!
-Hot damn!
-Love these untransformed fight scenes, love them.
-Michinaga says "Where the FUCK is that kid?", whereas Ace says "Now, how can I find that little lady?"
-Welp, if you say it like that, it was nice knowing you, Punkjack.
-Best laid schemes of mice and men, they say.
-"Fine, help me, I don't even care!"
-Sick ninja beats.
-Yeah, this episode's really been spiling me.
-Who're you?
-Jetto, Jetto, Jettoman?
-Ohhhh, hacked item.
-"Can I like... rent your driver for the rest of the episode? I'll give you all my rare drops for it."
-Ohhhhhhh, theme song time
-One buckle at a time, huh?
-Hot damn, that's good!
-Love Rider Swords, love them, love them.
-Twin Set!
-Take Off, Complete! Jet and Cannon!
-Ready, Fight!
-Hooooly shit, that's a cool suit.
-Now this feels more like a proper first upgrade!
-Daaaaaamn, those cannons!
-Too much even for you, huh Ace?
-Pawn it off on Keiwa then, gotcha!
-To be fair, he'd absolutely want a crack at it too.
-"The players aren't respecting my DM authority."
-Ahhhhh, the ID Cores make the Rider. ...y'know, obvious
-smh, I thought we were friends.
-Giroli... Girori, meaning "glaring"... That's where Glare, of course, comes from. Kinda gives me Para-DX energy with this name.
-Where'd you even get that, though? I mean, I expected you to be able to bend DGP rules a bit, but this?
-Did you make that yourself, or did you have that commissioned?
-No, better question, when am I gonna see Tsumuri throw down? Kamen Rider Blink. Her name comes from "Tsumuru", "close one's eyes", so it'd make sense if that were here Rider name. In the fairly likely event that Toei doesn't let her kick ass, that's gonna be the universe I live in.
-...y'know, unlike the Tsuki who talks endlessly about Kamen Rider Shinobi, that's another another universe.
-Right, so. That totally threw me for a loop, but I very much enjoyed this episode! Can't wait for shit to get real soon, that'll be very fun to watch. Until then, I'm gonna take a little power nap, yeah? Have fun now, drive safe, don't get eaten in the Mirror World, don't eat suspicious fruits, all that jazz.
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Tired. (2)
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Welp...I’m not about to argue with this nutjob.
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If he wants to rush towards his death, let him.
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Don’t say that! I-
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Makoto, enough. You know better than any of us that changing Kuripa’s mind is a heavy task.
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You want to have faith in him, don’t you?
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Yeah, I do...
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Makoto, he did kind of just lob the damn thing across the park, so...it’s not like he’s lacking in brawn.
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If you had that much strength, you could have shown it a little sooner you know?
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Hah. And steal everyone else’s spotlight? I’m not so cold...!
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You! Gah! You are INSUFFERABLE!
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But...thank you...For everything.
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You too. I owe you.
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If you really think you owe me, pay me back by not dying. I’ll be annoyed if you do.
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Come on. Let’s get out of here.
*Toko takes Akeru’s hand and carries Komaru on her back.
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Kuripa! Thank you! Good luck!
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Don’t mention it kid!
*Kuripa salutes them as they walk away.
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...I still don’t trust you, but...I don’t have a choice. Katagiri is a much bigger threat than I anticipated.
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Kurafto. For the good of all the people here, destroy that robot. Don’t you dare lose.
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Hah! Now why would I EVER want to disappoint you?
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*With a quiet snarl, Byakuya also rushes away.
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...You are no longer a member of the Future Foundation, so there’s no need for you to take Byakuya’s orders, or anyone’s for that matter.
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But I still see you as an ally, so naturally, I’ll take your plan into consideration.
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If that’s how you want to spin it.
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Let’s go Makoto. Kuripa can handle himself.
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...I hope so...
*Makoto then leaves with Kyoko.
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...Remember how you kicked my ass back in the factory?
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What, you think I’d just forget? I was traumatized dude, and I wasn’t even the one being beaten.
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I know. But I want you to remember what you did to me.
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And I want you to deliver TWICE as much punishment on that robot.
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That’s the plan~ Speaking of which, you’re still recovering from then, so you should get to safety.
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And Akamatsu...Thanks for the backup...and...I’m sorry.
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Apology accepted.
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Kaede! We should hurry!
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*Kaede starts to head off with Mii-Yu.
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I want to have a good long talk about all of this with you afterwards, but...I imagine Katagiri isn’t going to take your slight lying down.
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And I’m far too expended of energy right now to really confront you...Not to mention a little terrified.
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Terrified? Of me? Why would you be hehehehe...
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*sigh* Same old Kuripa...always a riot.
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It doesn’t matter. The point is I wish you luck. Don’t die.
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I’m not planning on it.
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Want me to support you?
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No, I’m fine. Ngh...I think I need to get this wound patched up quickly though. My vision’s getting dizzy.
*Shuichi limps to safety.
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Makoto is right though. That thing just molly-whopped all our asses.
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I know how strong you REALLY are, so I’m not about to stop you or...tell you not to do this, but I still think you should have some backup.
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If things go south, I’m counting on you to have my back. But for now, let a guy do what he’s gotta do. Let him MURDER a ROBOT.
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Just...be careful, ok?
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Careful? Pfft. Where’s the fun in that?
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I’ll do what you asked and contact Nico immediately. She should be back in the clocktower by now and will get everyone to safety.
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Good. Good luck, both of you.
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Same to you, my friend.
*Kibin kisses Kuripa on the cheek, and then she and Rantaro back off. Kuripa turns around to see Sage Robot Hannibal X approach him.
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“Telling your friends to leave you to die here? Seems you recognize your own weakness!”
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They’re not my weakness Katagiri. They’re my strength.
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‘Cause, y’know, whether they love me or hate me, at least they give a shit about me. That’s enough for me.
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“Ah, I see. You’re an attention seeking sociopath! You know, the AETHER was designed to keep humanity alive forever, but...the world may not be a safe place so long as YOU are a part of it!.”
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That’s rich coming from you, but I have nothing to say to that...All I’ll say is this...
*Kuripa reaches for his torn shirt and rips it off his body.
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It’s time to do the thing you fear most...
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...and DIE...!
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zaramoonchild · 8 months
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” It’s only October, but the bitter wind cuts through my jean jacket. I turn to see Hunter, one of the guys my roommates and I consider the “hot guy room”on our floor. His roommates Drew, Dom, and Sean- all fucking hot.
He’s shivering too… Idiot has a short sleeve and shorts on…really?
“Hey, Hunter, aren’t you freezing?” Captain fucking obvious, learn to flirt for fucks sake. You’re just my little whore. Gag on that dick you disgusting skank.
“My balls are frozen, should have looked at the weather I guess. You done with classes for the day?”
“Yep! What about you?”
“Yeah, and it’s THIRSTY THURSDAY BAYYBEEE. Time to get hammered.” His eyes glittered, “You do drink right?”
“Of course I do.” Be cool.
“You gonna come to that party tonight?” I know the party he is referring to. Everyone in our hall has been talking about it all week. A kid that lived a floor above was about to get kicked out of the dorms, but his parents are loaded so they convinced the board to let him stay enrolled and to “fix” it, they rented him a house on Main Street. Tonight was his first rager.
“I’m not sure yet”. Bitch you know you are going. Your roommates are out of town, and you haven’t exactly branched out.
“Well, if you decide to, pregame is in our room- 8:30. Bring whoever!” My heart flutters, he’s so fucking hot. I slip my key into my door and immediately panic. What if I see someone, him? Well… he probably wouldn’t even know, his dorm is like on the other side of campus and there are a million parties. I walk over to my closet and pick out a low cut tank, blazer and skinny jeans.
Just walk right in. Hunter said 8:30, you’ve waited the obligatory fifteen minutes you promised yourself. THEY ARE ALL HOT, just go! As I creep closer, I can hear bed rock blasting. You’ve got this.
“Y/N!!! DAMNNN YOU LOOK HOT GIRL!” Drew is the biggest douche of the hot guy room, but I mean…. I don’t give a fuck, he’s hot. I look around to see a bunch of people packed in this tiny dorm. Dom and Sean are playing ride the bus with a bunch of people from our hall.
I instantly feel an arm around my shoulders. “Whaddup Y/N”, I can tell Hunter is already buzzing, “I’m glad you came. Take a swig of the vodka! We got sprite, Gatorade or goldfish… yes, GOLDFISH IS A CHASER DOM.”
“Dude, no it’s fucking not!” Laughter erupts.
“Surprise me.”
Hunter walks over to one of the desks, and there sits the half gallon of Kamchatka- 12 dollars a half gallon. I can already feel the shivers.
“Alright. If you want to party with us, you gotta prove you can hang. Minimum of a 10 second swig. You down?” Am I down? I better be. You need this in with the hot guy room. Your roommates will love you.
“As long as you do one first”.
“Don’t gotta twist my arm”
hey Barbie, can I call you Barbara? The music blasts as Hunter hits ten.
“LEGGO, Y/N” excitement surges through my body. Shoot for 12 seconds. Respectable yet not insane.
I hit 12 with ease, all four hot boys look shocked. “Welp, she’s one of us tonight boys!” Dom inches closer, “You aren’t going to puke are you? I’m not taking care of you”.
“I’ll be fine.” It’s like I can already feel it, let’s fucking party muthafucka.
“Did anyone call a cab yet?”
“Dude let’s just walk, it’s not that far.”
“Y/N you good with that?” Hunter really seems hammered.
“Bro, of course she is. She’s one of us tonight,” Dom and Drew put their arms around me in between them. “Let’s go squad…. Wait… one more for the road?”
“FUCK YEAH” who the fuck am I?
“Dude, if Y/N says it, it’s a must”.
We do a quick swig and pass. I feel fucking fantastic.
The 15 minute walk feels like forever but none of us give a shit. We are too busy enjoying the buzz. Randomly, fear slaps me in the face…
You can do this. You are NOT in high school, and those people won’t be there. You can do this! Say yes, live a little, stop being your past. YOU ARE FUCKING HOT AS FUCK.
We skip up the porch, it’s already bumpin. As I push past the mobs of people to the first open area, I am given a red solo cup of jungle juice, “Drink up”.
I feel a quick trail of movement over my leg. My left eye forces it’s way open, although there’s nothing to see. The magnitude of enraged thoughts build until I gasp, gripping a moment of clarity.
I’m not where I’m supposed to be.
As clarity slips, panic swells. The pressure starts in my toes, and moves toward my heart. It hits, it almost explodes. Pieces begin to stab me like a shattered mirror.
I inch my hands to my face, waves of memories flash in my head, Alex told me you’d be a dirty slut, physical pain begins to emerge, stupid whore wasn’t even tight, my leg twitches, I almost forgot where— where the fuck am I?
The smell is so pungent, I feel like gaging, but I don’t know h- FUCK.
Something falls on top of me, and I hear voices but I can barely discern what’s being said.
“JESUS CHRIST IS SHE BLEEDING, IS SHE ALIVE???” Am I bleeding? Am I alive? Where the fuck am I? Oh my god I’m in pain every-
I can finally see, and the realization of where I am makes me immediately vomit. Dumpster.
I slowly sit up, I have garbage, blood and vomit all over me. Phone, keys, purse- gone. I now understand that the voices are two people who live next door, “Are you ok?????”
“I don’t know”. My throat is killing me.
“Julie, I found her purse on the ground over there. Should we call 911?”
“Y/N? Can you walk?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ok just try to keep awake.”
I can’t though. I’m so tired I can’t even keep….
“Miss Y/N? Can you hear me?”
My eye lids slowly roll open, and my vision becomes clear. I turn over to see Advil, water, and a trash can but the room isn’t familiar. I nearly scream when I hear it.
“Hey, it’s ok. I saw you laying next to the dumpster, I’m just trying to help you. Are you alright? I’m still worried I should take you to a hospital”.
“She’ll be fine. She clearly just got wasted and blacked out.” Her voice is chilling.
“Uh, thank you for taking care of me. She’s right, I’m just a dumb ass who can’t handle her alcohol. I should go”. Get the fuck out of here. You need to go back to your dorm.
“Do you need a ride? It’s 5AM. You shouldn’t walk..”
“Really, I’m fine. Thank you, again. I really should go”. It takes everything in me to hide the surge of pain throughout my body.
“Are you sure? It’s no problem, I haven’t been..”
“I’m really fine. Thanks again”.
Every step increases the pain. In the distance, the sun is rising and the blood/vomit/unknown stains on my clothes are more evident. The walk seems 50 times longer than it did last…. LAST NIGHT.
I immediately projectile vomit. Just get back to your dorm. Just get back to your dorm. Fortunately, someone left the side door propped (usually smokers do) and I’m able to enter in without going to the front desk. The second the door clicks shut, I triple lock it and walk into the bathroom. Don’t look in the mirror, don’t look in the mirror. Just turn on the water.
Whores like you deserve this. Don’t act like you don’t like it you fucking slut. If you don’t do what I say….
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handelplayssims · 1 year
One hour until school in which we aren’t going to follow Autumn today. Enough time to get some breakfast. Whims for Freddie are to meet someone new, which is tied to his aspiration, and to brag about possessions. But I am waylaid from doing those because a song I like is on the radio that he turned on for breakfast. And I gotta listen to my song! (It’s Zumbray from the Romance station) We got Augustus Cooper dropping and wanting to be Freddie’s best friend. Eh. I’m not really spending so much time with ya so...no thanks! I mean, we know only one trait, after all. Still I get to know him and welp, now we know he’s a bro. We can have a bro-friendship!
ACK! BILLS. Bills of 18 thousand. WOOF. Cheated in money but DANG. Annnnd now Freddie is bitter towards Augustus for feeling he’s a creep. Yeesh. Going to set him to meditate to try to ease his mind before the party. Anyway, while I’m not able to do too much with Autumn’s crush on Sidney and her friendship thing before the party, might as well send some messages in Social Bunny Dms. Oh! And take days off of school! Whatever vacation time I have gathered up during the school week, hopefully five days but perhaps less, I spend on Summer Vacation for teens and kids! We got four, the fourth being earned today but I got three days left of summer work week to do!
Party time! Time to get people dancing, drinking, and even more drinking with the keg stand! First since people were gravitating towards the music, I fulfilled the dancing goal of the party. Then I focused Freddie on keg drinking! All the keg drinks all the time! Autumn, meanwhile, focused on getting food for herself. And also got a teenage pop up of heading out to an R-rated flick! Easy enough to sneak away, in the chaos of this party. Freddie was in a flirty mood for ages so I roved my eye around who to see who is the ‘hottest’ dude and picked up J Huntington. And I had my first kiss in a party! How fitting!
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And gold party achieved! Our reward? A sweet keg. Right into the inventory it goes! Autumn is back and before she goes to bed, she makes another lifestyle review, this time about media production! ...which is not even what’s she supposed to do for her job. Whoops!
Neighborhood Watch!
Tyrell Carlise in the Carlise household is now a Floral Organizer in the Floral Designer career.
Let’s try for another day. The siblings are making breakfast the day after a fantastic party. Ah fun. And Freddie is grumpy because...he sent a message to his sister being rude to her. ...I think it’s supposed to be the other way around buuuuut ah well. He’s mad and so ANGRY WORDS SHALL BE SAID! Argue over who is better! Oooooh, Freddie won the argument! Interesting. Anyway, going to lower their friendship to just friends at this point rather than good friends. And both are hurt towards each other. Autumn has itchy skin from an ailment. -checks online resources- Cold showers are evidently recommended. (Also medicine but eh) Sidney has dropped by and wants to become besties! OHMYGOD YES! Annnnd he’s flirty! Now might be the time! Reveal crush! AYE! Romance bar get! And we got asked out to Prom as friends. Oooooooooo! Anyway, time for a tried and true way of romancing someone, flirting over chess. Freddie still wants a new purchase so I got him a new tabletop decoration. And I’ll set him to DANCE!
Oooooooh! Autumn has a whim to ask out her crush! Let’s go! Nearby is a pool, a bar, a cafe, a bowling alley and a sketchy park. I think I’ll go for the pool! We’ll keep things casual first, do the friendly goals and then BAM! First kiss!
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BAM! And now he’s our boyfriend! ...really wish I could post about that on Social Bunny. At least I got a flirty tag. And let’s ask to prom properly! As a proper prom date! So yeah, lots of romance socials, lots of love and flirting and now these two are boyfriend and girlfriend!
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Also nabbed this. And now she’s smitten. Aww. Also hungry. Time to head back home! (Would go to the restaurant next door but eh, it’s experimental food. That’s for ULTRA SPECIAL occasions.) We come back to a sleepy Freddie. To bed! And after food, sleep for Autumn as well. What a day this one had been!
Neighborhood Watch!
Brindleton Bay: The Hough household has moved in.
Case diggs in the Diggs household has died. Shockingly, Case botched a repair and was electrocuted.
Windenburg: The Farley household moved out.
Kalama Kahananui in the Kahananui household has died. No cliffhanger here; Kalama slipped when rock climbing.
Armand DiAggro in the Dimaggio household left his job as an Investigative Journalist in the Journalist career.
Busy busy!
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dibs4ever · 2 years
Biggest Arrow Fan
Short little Fic about Dick and Barbara AU son
“Nate, come in here! “ Dick called from the Grayson home's living room.
“Coming Daddy!” The new four-year-olds voice could be heard from upstairs
Barbara smiled, hiking their 18-month-old daughter higher on her hip “Thanks for doing this Ollie.”
Oliver Queen, guised as the Green Arrow was standing in their living room. A broad smile played on his lips “Are you kidding? I’ve known you two since you were kids, known Bruce since before any of you other Bats were in the picture. If something this simple can make his grandson smile then I’m all in.”
Dick let out a cackle “ You’ll do more than make his day. The boy is obsessed with you. Has your sheets, pajamas, and shirts. He dressed as you for Halloween. And when he plays superhero he’s always the Green Arrow. The boy is gonna be disappointed when he finds out his family is the Bats.”
“What is it dad...dy” Nathan Grayson paused in his tracks. Jaw dropped, blue eyes wide
Oliver smiled, taking a step forward he kneeled down to the boy's height “Hey there Nate I’m -“
“The Green Arrow!” Nathan’s little voice finished in awe
With a grin, Ollie nodded “Yes, your parents tell me you are a fan of mine.”
Nathan nodded “You’re my favorite superhero.” He blurted
Ollie brought a finger to his chin “Oh yeah? Better than Batman?”
Nathan did his grin, the one that made him look exactly like his father. The one he namely used every time he wanted to get his way with his mother
“Totally better than Batman you are so cool, you shoot Arrows!” The small boy threw his hand up in excitement “Batman just.....well I don’t know what Batman does.” He brought a finger to his chin
Ollie chuckled
Nathan nodded signaling he was going to continue speaking “Mommy’s favorite superhero is Nightwing and Daddy’s is Batgirl. I get Batgirl being a favorite cause she’s a girl who can beat up bad guys without powers or help. But Nightwing just flips and stuff even my daddy can do that”. He thumbed “It’s not that amazing.”
Barbara and Dick exchanged glances, Ollie glanced up at the young married couple and smiled.
“Don’t downplay the Bats Nathan. They’re pretty amazing themselves once you get to know them.” Oliver rested a hand on his friend's grandson's shoulder
Nathan shrugged “Yeah I guess you’re right but you’re still my favorite.” He pointed
Oliver smiled reaching behind him “Your parents told me it was your birthday last week.”
Nathan nodded proudly “Umm-hmm I turned 4 years old.” He proudly displayed 4 fingers
Oliver shifted his eyes upward to Dick and Barbara. Baby Leah still rested on her mother’s hip “They also said you’re a really good son. And an amazing big brother to that baby sister of yours” he pointed
Nathan looked behind him at his family and then back towards Oliver “I try my best, sometimes my sister annoys me.”
Oliver smiled “Sisters will do that. Welp since it was your birthday I brought you a little gift.” The hero passed the present wrapped in green paper to the boy
Nathan quickly tore into the paper “Woah! An Bow and Arrow !” He turned to his parents “Mommy! Daddy! The Green Arrow gave me a real bow and arrow! Can I go shoot it?”
Barbara smiled “You can at Grandpa Bruce’s where there’s more backyard space to shoot it at.”
Dick nodded “Yeah, next week Grampie’s having a pool party, and his friend Oliver Queen will be there. Maybe he can teach you.”
Nathan scrunched up his nose, making the face he always made when he was confused. Just like his mother “Uncle Ollie? What does he know about Arrows .”
Dick laughed “a lot more than you think buddy. Now tell Mr.Green Arrow goodbye. It’s a long trip back to Star City”
Barbara nodded “Yeah and he’s gotta get back in time for Patrol.”
Nathan nodded turning back to Oliver “Thank you Green Arrow for visiting and for my Arrow. Goodbye. Be safe”
He jumped up engulfing him in a hug. The Green Arrow paused at first but soon relaxed hugging the boy back.
“Anything for my biggest fan,” he said shortly pulling back and ruffling the boy's hair
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