#wes weston is a conspiracy theorist
invis-o-william · 1 month
Day 5: Nails
Wes Weston had been suspicious of Danny for weeks. Every time a ghost attacked, Danny conveniently disappeared right before the mysterious Invis-o-Bill showed up to fight the spector back to wherever they came from. Sam and Tucker also seemed to have an excuse for being present at every ghost appearance, so he knew they had to be involved.
Wes grimaced as he tapped his pen on his notebook. If Danny was Invis-o-Bill, how did he manage to look human most of the time? The common consensus was that their local hero was a ghost, which made sense at first glance, but there had to be some reason that Danny seemed so…normal otherwise. Maybe a little too pale to be healthy, but still normal.
There had to be something he was missing. Wes scribbled out ‘Not a ghost?’ on a post-it before slapping it onto his wall. He stepped back to take it all in, all his leads and theories on Danny and Invis-o-Bill. He would have to buy some red yarn soon to connect his evidence.
It'd only been a few months since he began his investigation, but his wall was already filled with sticky notes, news clippings, and blurry photographs he was able to take during ghost fights.
The door to Wes’ bedroom then creaked open.
“Hey bro, having fun with your conspiracy wall?” Kyle said while leaning against the doorway, his laid back attitude ever present.
Wes whirled around to face his brother, “It's not a conspiracy wall! All of this is evidence!” He fumed as he gestured wildly at the wall.
Kyle chuckled, “Alright man, whatever you say. Dinner is in five though.” And with that he made his way back downstairs.
Wes looked back at his notes. He needed more proof, something solid he could really work with.
. . .
The day has been a boring one at school. There were no ghosts in sight, so Danny and his friends had been acting normal. Exhaustingly normal, if you asked Wes. The three of them had talked about the game ‘Doomed’ all during lunch, never once saying something that might give Wes a clue to the mystery that was Invis-o-Bill.
Now he was fighting to stay awake in Lancer's class when something finally happened.
He had looked over at Danny and to his surprise he no longer looked quite…human. Danny was staring off into the distance, eyebrows furrowed as if recalling a troubling memory. His eyes were mixing between their normal blue and a toxic hazardous green.
But it was his hands that had really caught Wes’ attention. Gripping the sides of the desk, Danny's nails had somehow morphed into wicked looking claws. They had to be at least an inch long and they were gouging the wood of the desk leaving what Wes was sure to be deep holes.
Wes gaped at the sight. At least until Sam noticed Danny's situation, and gave the boy's leg a quick kick.
Startled, Danny looked at her, the green retreating from his eyes. Sam pointedly tapped her fingers on the desk and Wes heard him whisper an almost inaudible “Shoot!” before his claws quickly morphed back to normal human-looking nails.
Wes turned back to his desk and brought out his notebook before he began to write in it furiously.
‘Danny’s nails can turn into claws??’
‘What other parts of his body can he change while looking human?’
‘What’s up with his eyes???’
Wes then began to list out Danny's inhuman attributes;
- Can fly
- Eyes change color
- Changes appearance (hair)
- Grows claws
- Super strong
- Can turn invisible
- Is blurry in photos
His pen stuttered to a stop on the page as a thought flashed through his mind. He had it! It was the only thing that made sense! All these characteristics, Danny's generally pale appearance, plus his friends constantly, almost impulsively covering for him…like they were under some spell…
“He's a vampire!” Wes inadvertently shouted. Everyone in the class jumped, and Wes clapped a hand over his mouth. He couldn't let Danny know that he knew his secret! What if he decided to make Wes his next thrall?
Mr. Lancer cleared his throat. “While I appreciate your enthusiasm Mr. Weston, I would ask that you raise your hand before you suggest something. Now while it is an interesting thought, I don't quite agree that Mr. Darcy could be seen as some sort of emotional vampire…”
Wes sighed with relief as Lancer droned on. That had been a close one. Now he just had to figure out where to get some string. This theory was genius and he had to make sure all his evidence lined up!
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pencil-for-a-dog · 4 months
Amity Park is a danger.
It has been quarantined from the rest of the world and tthe government keeps getting more strange about it.
The Justice league is suspecting.
None of their magical experts could explain Amity Park and what's happening there it to much death magic, it's not likely to be good or to the people to be in a good state. But the government is getting shadier, something it's off, they need an recent ex-resident, someone who may know what's happening.
Enter Wesley "Wes" Weston.
Wes had moved out of Amity when school ended because of the bitterness remaining of the diffusion of his theories. He knows he went too far with Danny's one, especially once the GIW had the control over Amity Park.
He had been out for a less than a yera when it happened and he feels bad, guilty, for not bwing there, for escaping. But he has a chance to free them, he knows.
And he knew the moment it was given once that Tim Drake, a.k.a Red Robin, started to stare at him in the coffee shop. He just have to wait for the heros to make a move, any move from now on.
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jaytriesstuff · 2 years
Bernard Dowd: *long rant about how clearly the Justice League is made up of reincarnated gods sent to protect earth and how the non-super members are are the older gods trying to mimic mortality*
Wes Weston: Totally! And if my theory about Fenton being Phantom and Phantom being the Ghost King is correct then he’s kinda a god too!
Bernard Dowd: don’t be ridiculous Wes, ghost aren’t real
Wes Weston: ಥ‿ಥ
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wildestheart4ever · 3 months
One thing that boggles me about the fanon character Wes Weston, is what an morally gray asshole he is.
Like, his whole schtick is obsessively trying to prove that Danny is Phantom and being driven nuts because no one else believes him…..
It doesn’t matter that he knows he’s right [Whether or not he had visual proof], but his continued failure to convince everyone plus Danny&Co’s smugness drives the need to prove himself right and rub it in their faces….
This is the agreed consensus on the character.
But I’m surprised not a lot of people point out this need to out Danny would put Danny in serious trouble.
Now whether or not one chooses to make the Fentons bad parents is one thing
But the GIW however have proven that they are willing to hunt down a human teenager on the basis that they’re a ghost [Elliot/Gregor - Reality gauntlet] for dubiously unethical reasons….
Whether or not that has crossed the fanon character’s mind doesn’t seem widely accepted.
But the thing is that he is willing to overlook that if it means proving those naysayers wrong.
And I find that an interesting aspect of the character. Whether or not Wes was just meant to be a comical “Conspiracy Theorist” character
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Hello people who are getting into Danny Phantom through dpxdc!
I am not a dpxdc blog, but I am a gen dp blog. Here's a few things you should know about us:
👻 Most of us do not like Butch Hartman, the executive producer. We typically ignore him now. What you may not know is that while he was the "business guy" and the one who pitched the show, beloved artist and character designer Stephen Silver is actually the one who designed the characters for Danny Phantom (and, presumably, his team). Not only that, but he has also designed characters for many other shows of that era, including Kim Possible.
👻 Yes, we call ourselves the "phandom." We also, jokingly, sometimes put a ph in front of other things, like calling a fic a phic. It's a bit—don't take it too seriously.
👻 Yes, we have a subgenre of our fanfiction dubbed as the "dissection fic." While I may be a bit biased (as I've written a few), I think it's pretty good. You may enjoy it too if you like angst, who knows.
👻 No, you did not miss an episode, we collectively "made" an OC named Wes Weston who had the same character model as Danny but with a different color pallet. We just thought it was funny. You can read about his story here. The tl;dr is that he's the town crazy conspiracy theorist, he's the only one who knows Danny Fenton is Phantom, and he is constantly trying to prove it but nobody believes him. You remember Dib from Invader Zim? He's like Dib.
👻 On the contrary, you remember the finale of the show? That's okay, we don't either. Phantom Planet who? Never heard of her.
👻 But on the topic of adding things to fanon, the show's been off the air for decades. We're still around. Naturally, we've added things and made different AUs overtime. Different creators have different AUs they like, but you don't have to prescribe to any of them if you don't want. If you're confused about anything you see, feel free to pop me or anyone else an ask and we'd be happy to explain!
👻 There's also different bits of lore that were hinted on in canon that we've expanded. Things like ghost cores, half-ghost biology, worldbuilding with the ghost zone, ghosts having obsessions, dynamics at the school, etc. You're free to adopt or ignore whatever you'd like.
👻 The show is no ATLA, and it's a bit dated for its time, but overall it's a fairly fun background show you can throw on while you're cooking. If you've never seen an episode, I highly recommend watching at least a few fan favorites. I made a list here a while back, and I think it still holds up pretty well.
👻 We host a LOT of events. There's a full calendar of them here. You can assume these are crossover-friendly unless the event coordinators state otherwise (like in the case of phic phight). Feel free to join some!
Welcome, and have fun!
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debruhbot5000 · 7 months
Tumblr media
Whenever anyone asks Wes Weston, Amity Parks local conspiracy theorist, his thoughts on literally anything.
Dash: What the fuck is this kid doing?
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jaybirbie · 8 months
Personal HeadCanon for Wes Weston
He has Cassandra's Curse.
Cursed with the gift of prophecy Wes isn't a conspiracy theorist. He's right, but trying to prove it just means no one will ever believe him.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 3 months
Valerie the Spy
When Danny started acting weird... well... weirder than normal, Valerie sought to find out why, and to do that, no matter how much she regretted it, she enlisted the help of school conspiracy theorist Wes Weston to get to the bottom of it.
Written for the prompts:
Danny slowly discovers he has space powers, which mainly means control over gravity. But we all know what his powers are like when they're fresh and he's still learning. What kind of angsty, scary or hilarious shenanigans ensue? [from Deathcomes4u], and Valerie, fed up with Danny's suspicious activity, reluctantly teams up with Wes to get to the bottom of whatever's really going on. Wes is just excited that someone's listening to his theories. [from @46-reasonable-hamsters]
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for stalking and invasions of privacy]
It was common knowledge at Casper High—maybe even throughout Amity Park, that Danny Fenton was something of a freak. He was banned from all sensitive lab equipment, he learned how to communicate with a gorilla for extra credit, his bladder could predict ghost attacks with greater accuracy than the ghost detectors his parents had installed all over the school.
He'd been that way since he started high school, if not longer, but now that he was a sophomore, and they'd all been going to school with him for a while, more people had taken notice. Still, no one cared much. That was just Fenton. He was like that, and everyone seemed content to accept that without any further explanation—with two exceptions.
Wes Weston, the school's resident conspiracy theorist; and Valerie Gray, former A-lister turned wallflower and secret vigilante ghost hunter extraordinaire. Wes had never been willing to accept Fenton's weirdness at face value, and had developed multiple theories attempting to provide an explanation for it. Valerie had been... until recently.
But recently, the local freak had been even freakier than usual. In the past two weeks, people who passed by him would trip and fall with startling regularity. There had been numerous scraped knees, and even a few broken noses. The other day, Valerie had seen him in the quad, hugging a tree with a dead-eyed expression while his goth friend laughed at him until she, too, face-planted on the grass.
Danny had always been weird, and for the most part, Valerie had been willing to roll with the punches of his slowly but steadily increasing weirdness, but this was the last straw. Clumsiness, savant-syndrome, and IBS not withstanding, Valerie couldn't think of anything that could explain away this latest uptick in weirdness, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
Valerie was a lot of things, but patience wasn't her strongest suit. Her strongest suit was black and red and packed to the brim with the latest in anti-ecto technology. After two days of investigating Danny—or attempting to, at least—and finding zilch, her frustration was mounting beyond her tolerance for it. She'd didn't really have any idea how to research or investigate someone that she couldn't track with her ghost hunting gear.
She followed him after, but didn't see anything noteworthy, didn't know what to even look for. Then, when she got a ping on her ecto-radar watch, Danny disappeared in the moment she looked down to see what direction the ghost was coming from.
After two days and zero headway, Valerie knew it was time to employ some back-up. Although she could not stress enough how much she definitely did not want to, she simply didn't have the relevant skill-set to investigate a regular human on her own. And as it happened, there was someone at school who had already 'investigated' this particular human pretty thoroughly.
With the utmost reluctance, Valerie sought out one Wesley Weston to help her figure out the truth of what was really going on with Danny. She found him at lunch and dragged him out behind the cafeteria to enlist his services.
"Wow, the elusive Red Huntress wants my help?" he said sarcastically. "I'm honored."
"I-I'm not the Red Huntress!" Valerie balked. How could he possibly know that? Was it just a lucky guess?
Wes rolled his eyes. "Sure you're not," he agreed unconvincingly. "This is a prank, right? You ask me to help you investigate Fenton, and then I get all excited and your friends show up and make fun of me for thinking you were serious? I'm not dumb."
"I know you're not," Valerie said, trying to remain civil, which was no easy feat when faced with someone as insufferable as Wes. "This isn't a prank. Something's up with Danny, something different than his usual weirdness, and I want your help to figure out what and why."
Wes narrowed his eyes in suspicion and crossed his arms.
"Why me? I know you don't believe my theory about Fenton secretly being Danny Phantom."
"Yeah, because it's ridiculous," Valerie scoffed before she could stop herself. She tensed and tried to think up some way to save face before Wes blew her off for being rude to him. "Uh... I mean... I don't believe that, but I do believe that you've found a lot of evidence by investigating Danny. I don't think that evidence points to him being dead, but it does show that you can put in the legwork."
She hadn't recovered fast enough to prevent Wes from scowling at her, but he pursed his lips in consideration and slowly started to nod.
"Alright, I'll help," he agreed, and his lips split into a grin. "Maybe working with me will be just the push you need to realize I've been right all along."
Valerie smiled to hide the fact that she was gritting her teeth against a groan. She was already regretting this team-up, but as long as he did what she needed him to, that was all that mattered. She could do this. She could work with Wes Weston... hopefully without strangling him.
"I have basketball practice after school, and I know you're working today so—"
"How do you know that?!" Valerie asked, a little alarmed.
"I know everything," Wes replied with a sly smile and a lift of his eyebrows. "Anyway, meet me on the corner of Annabelle and Stine at 10pm."
"Why there and then?"
"It's an unsuspicious corner with a clear view of Fenton Works right at Danny's curfew," Wes explained. "We'll be able to see if he makes it home in time, and if he doesn't, it gives us the chance to figure out what held him up."
"You know... it's pretty creepy that you know all this, Weston."
"Yeah, I know," he acknowledged, cringing. "But hey, that's why you asked for my help, isn't it? You need me to be creepy so you can get the four-one-one on your little crush."
"I don't have a crush on Danny!"
Wes raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Right, sure you don't."
"Well... I don't anymore," she insisted, and no, she was not pouting about it. Wes didn't really know everything, no matter what he might claim.
"If you insist," he said. "Now if you'll excuse me, you dragged me out of the lunch line, and I would actually like to eat today." With that, he turned and headed back into the cafeteria.
As he walked away, Valerie thought that Wes had actually played it pretty cool, despite the fact that she was probably the first person who'd actually wanted to talk to him about this weird fixation of his. She'd halfway expected him to be bouncing off the walls when she asked for his help, but he hadn't.
She didn't see the giddy grin that rose on his face the moment she couldn't see it anymore.
The corner of Annabelle and Stine was the edge of the park. Just as Wes had said, there was a clear view of Fenton Works, but a handful of trees obscured them from being seen easily. Technically, the park closed at sundown, so when Valerie arrived at the meeting place, having gone there directly after work, she expected that she and Wes would be alone.
However, there was someone out for a late night walk with their dog, some kind of large, herding breed, Valerie guessed from the silhouette against the street lamps. They were a good ways away, and likely didn't even realize the two teenagers were there, though, so she wasn't worried about it.
Wes, of course, was already there and staring intently at the Fenton Works building, but she'd expected that. He'd probably been there watching for hours already by this point, since basketball practice ended around five—she knew because she'd briefly dated another guy on the basketball team. That relationship had only lasted a week, courtesy of the guy being a bit of a chauvinist who treated her like some kind of fragile flower, as if she wasn't a ninth degree black-belt who could dead-lift her body weight.
Man, what a jerk. She'd almost let herself forget about him completely. Maybe there were upsides to not being an A-lister anymore, like not being expected to date misogynist jocks.
Anyway, putting that aside for now, Valerie approached Wes, walking slowly and quietly in the hopes of startling him. She wasn't usually the type to play that kind of prank on people, but she couldn't pass up the opportunity. She got right up behind him, only inches away. And then—
"Hey Valerie," Wes greeted.
Valerie started. She was sure he hadn't seen her, and she could be pretty damn silent when she wanted to be, but even though she'd been trying to sneak up on him, he'd been the one to surprise her instead. Maybe Wes deserved more credit than she gave him... no, it was probably just a lucky guess. Wes didn't deserve that kind of credit.
"See anything so far?" she asked, rather than acknowledging her shock?
"It's 9:54 and no sign of Danny yet," Wes replied. "He usually cuts it pretty close, though, so that's no surprise."
Now that she was this close to him, in the darkness and the shadows of the trees, she could see that he wasn't just watching, he had a pair of binoculars held up to his face. And they looked like pretty high quality ones too, heavy-duty. Like cops and dedicated bird-watchers might use. She wondered if he'd bought them specifically to watch Danny or if he'd already had them for some reason, and where he'd even bought them in the first place.
"Hey, where did you get those?" she asked. "I've been thinking about getting a pair to keep an eye on... uh... I mean, for no reason."
"Shh!" Wes hissed. "I can see him coming." He did decide to answer her question though. "And I bought 'em online. They're 8 by 42 HD Vortex Diamondbacks, if you're curious, and they're great for keeping an eye on ghosts."
"Who said anything about ghosts?" she asked.
He merely sighed in exasperation and shook his head. "Danny's riding in on his scooter today, rather than flying."
"As a ghost, obviously," Wes replied. "Sometimes, when he's coming in really close to the wire, he'll fly in as Phantom and transform in the bushes before going in."
"Riiight," Valerie said slowly. "But he's just on his scooter today, so is there anything to actually justify us being here watching him?"
"Sure is," Wes said. "Look at his leg, at the way he moves it."
Valerie took the binoculars and looked at whatever Wes was talking about. It didn't look like anything worth looking at for a moment, but when she paid attention, she was pretty sure she could see his foot stuttering a bit when it hit the pavement to propel him forward, and lift quickly. It wasn't very efficient and slowed him down, and she knew Danny rode his scooter enough that he would have known that.
"He's injured," Wes said. "You can tell, can't you? There's something wrong with his leg. I'm thinking twisted ankle, or broken toe, what do you think?"
"I think you're very observant—but how does this help us?"
"Everything can be evidence, you just have to compile it properly before you can see what it's evidence of," Wes told her. "Danny's not very athletic, doesn't do any sports or anything, right? So how did he get hurt?"
"Maybe his scooter hit a bump earlier and threw him," Valerie suggested, trying not to sigh in her annoyance. "People can twist their ankles just walking, that doesn't prove anything."
"Not on its own, but no single piece of evidence proves anything on its own, you have to look at the whole picture. You have to make a note of everything you see, because if you don't, you might miss the key detail that makes everything come together."
Valerie looked at him blankly and handed back his binoculars. Danny had already made it home while they were talking and gone inside, so he was no longer visible to them.
"Can we get back to what the benefit of meeting here was?" Valerie asked. "All we got to see was him going home. Not exactly groundbreaking."
"Sure, but now we know he's at home."
"So what?"
"So, all locations related to Danny besides his home are free game for us to search," Wes told her. "His locker, for example."
"You want us to break into the school at ten pm to go through Danny's locker?"
Valerie was unimpressed.
"Okay, so I was kind of hoping he would be flying home and I could show you that as proof he's Phantom, but since he didn't, yes, we're going to break into the school and go through his locker."
"Sounds like a stupid plan," Valerie said.
"A lot of plans seems stupid until they work."
Kinda like Valerie's own plan to enlist Wes' help sating her curiosity, she thought. Valerie groaned. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. This was so stupid, and such a waste of time. She could be out hunting ghosts right now instead of indulging Wes' fanaticism, but she'd made her bed and now she had to lie in it. God she wanted to be lying in bed right now. Still, she indulged.
During the walk he... enlightened her about another theory of his, about ghosts drawing power from emotions and obsessions. It sounded pretty ridiculous. It even seemed to imply that the Box Ghost became more powerful the more boxes he accrued, which almost made Valerie laugh. If that were the case, he'd be the most powerful ghost in Amity Park. But Wes' explanation was enthusiastic and passionate, so she just let him go. There was no real point shutting him down, and at least the theory was funny.
At least Fenton Works wasn't too far from the school, though it was farther than Valerie really wanted to walk when it was cold and dark and late. When they got there, Wes easily picked the lock to let them in.
"Where'd you learn how to do that?" she asked.
"Who wants to know?" he replied, handing her a spare flashlight to see by.
She just rolled her eyes in response and pushed past him to where she knew Danny's locker to be. The school was eerie at night. She knew the place by heart, and was sure she could navigate the linoleum halls in her sleep, but somehow, being there in darkness, with all the lights off and no one around except her and Wes... it sent a creeping feeling down her spine. She walked quickly and didn't delay as she made a beeline for Danny's locker.
It was, predictably, locked when they got to it, but that didn't even give Wes a moment's pause as he pressed his ear to the back of the combination lock and started twisting the dial.
"So what exactly are we supposed to be looking for in Danny's locker?" she asked.
"We'll know if we see it," he said. "Now shush, I gotta start over."
She huffed once, but otherwise waited in silence for him to finish.
With a click, the lock opened and the door swung wide. Wes turned to her with a triumphant smile.
"Congrats, you've unearthed a bunch of textbooks and crumpled up papers," she said sardonically.
"Crumpled papers are the best kinds of papers!" Wes declared. "You don't crumple papers if you want people to read them you know. Crumpled papers can hold all kinds of juicy secrets. I once found a crumpled paper where Star had doodled the name Mrs. Star Sanchez all over it with little hearts and flowers. Don't tell her I told you."
"No way."
"Yes way. Now let's get to snooping." Wes uncrumpled the first piece of paper. "Alright, failed history test, understandable but not what we're looking for."
Valerie uncrumpled the second one. "Unflattering doodles of... Mr. Lancer... I think? He's not much of an artist, is he?"
"Oh for two," Wes said, uncrumpling the third piece of paper. He grinned. "But it looks like third time's the charm!"
"What is it?" Wes handed her the paper and she shined her flashlight on it to see a list.
What's Happening? was written at the top in Danny's slanted chicken-scratch handwriting.
- floating randomly/uncontrolably - making people trip and/or fall - spontaneously crushing paper cups and soda cans - things randomly breaking - Tucker says he felt lighter - Sam says she felt heavier (Powers affecting weight??) - Also noticed some pebbles floating around my ankles earlier
Conclusion: gravity powers???
Is that even possible? Why would I have them and how did I get them? Also how am I supposed to get them under control when I don't know how I've been activating them in the first place?
"It's a creative writing project," Valerie said.
"It's Danny Phantom discovering a new power and trying to figure out what it is and how to use it," Wes disagreed. "People falling, feeling lighter, things getting spontaneously crushed or broken? You can't tell me that doesn't sound exactly like all the weird stuff that's been happening around Fenton lately! It's exactly the kind of thing you enlisted my help to look into!"
"It's not real proof! It's just a piece of crumpled up paper."
Wes stared at her silently for a long moment, looking betrayed.
"Why did you even ask for my help if you're just gonna dismiss everything I say?" he asked.
She didn't answer. She didn't really know.
"Come on, it's late," she said. "We should get out of here and head home."
"You go on ahead. I want a photo of this list, and then I've gotta lock everything back up. You can return that flashlight tomorrow."
At his behest, she left him behind in the school.
The next day, Wes pulled her aside after second period. Apparently her lack of faith in him couldn't keep him down for long.
"I found something else in the locker last night, after you left," he told her. "A scrap of notebook paper taped to the inside said 'Don't forget! Meet at Sam's for testing @4pm Fri.'"
"So today's Friday, and I know where Sam Manson lives," Wes said. "We can go there and see what exactly it is they're testing, because I'm pretty sure they won't be drilling vocab. Whenever they meet at Manson's place it's almost always because she has the biggest backyard."
"Okay, first of all, why do you know where she lives?"
Wes shrugged. "I told you, I know everything."
Valerie sighed and shook her head. "Second of all, I have a shift at four. Sorry, but you'll have to go without me."
"You can't call in sick?" he asked. "Come on, if you don't come with, you'll never believe my report about what happened."
"I... well..." technically Valerie could call in sick. She'd never taken a sick day in the year she'd worked there, so it wouldn't do too much damage to her reliability—although she had cut out during work hours to fight ghosts a couple of times, she didn't usually get caught, though. "Alright, fine. I'm curious about it too. I know Danny's not usually big on tests."
"Great! Meet me after school by the auto shop, and I'll lead the way so we can get there without intercepting Danny and his friends."
Wes didn't wait for an answer before heading off to his next class.
"Casper High has an auto shop?" she wondered aloud.
Wow, she really didn't know anything about this school that didn't align with her own interests. Not that she really wanted or needed to. As soon as her four years were up, she'd be gone, and she couldn't wait to get out of here. Her ultimate goal would be to forget what her high school mascot even was before her class' ten year reunion. Jury was still out on whether she'd actually go. Maybe, if she was wildly successful by then, she'd deign to come back and rub it in everyone's face for the way they treated her when her family fell on hard times.
That wasn't important right now, though. She had the rest of the day to figure out where the auto shop was to meet Wes, which would be no problem, but also she didn't think she knew anyone who was taking auto shop, so maybe a little more difficult than she would have liked.
It was 3:30 pm when she finally found it. In the end, everyone she'd asked where the school auto shop was had had the same reaction as her.
"Casper High has an auto shop?"
Not a single person could even point her in the right direction.
At the end of the day, she'd just walked circles around the school until she caught sight of Weston's tell-tale red hair. Of course, he didn't have to know that.
"What took you so long?" he asked when she finally arrived.
"None of your business."
"Couldn't find it, huh?" he guessed.
She huffed. "Nobody I talked to even knew we had an auto shop, let alone where it was. Why does the school offer a class if, apparently, not one person takes it?"
"They don't." Wes laughed. "Casper High stopped offering auto shop when the last teacher died of a stroke six years ago. They never found a replacement, and enrollment in the the class was declining anyway, so they dropped it from the curriculum, but the classroom's still here 'cause they're a public school and couldn't afford to allot funds for it.
Valerie stared openly when Wes finished his explanation.
"You're making that up, aren't you?"
"No! What is up with nobody ever believing me about anything?" he complained. "What reason could I possibly have for making all that up?"
"Well what reason would you have for knowing it?" Valerie shot back.
"Like I keep telling you, I know everything," Wes insisted. "Look, it's simple. When I get curious about something, I get answers. I found the auto shop freshman year, and I wanted to know why it was there when there was no auto shop elective, so I did some digging, asked some of the teachers, and figured out why. It's really not that unbelievable."
"Okay, okay, chill," Valerie said. "Are we going or not?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever," Wes grumbled. "Come on."
He led the way down the side street that passed behind the school and along a very roundabout path to the area just south of Polter Heights. The walk was pretty quiet. It seemed Wes didn't feel like expounding on yet another of his inane theories after being made fun of for something so trivial as knowing where the auto shop was.
That was fine. It gave Valerie the time to mull some things over without his voice overlaying all her thoughts.
She'd written Wes off before, just like everyone else had. His claims that he knew everything were obviously pure arrogance, and his theories was completely absurd and impossible. But he knew where the auto shop was. He knew where Valerie worked, and what time her shift ended. He knew how to pick locks. And he knew where Sam Manson lived. Valerie didn't even know that, and she and Sam had been kinda-sorta friends for a while freshman year. There was no way to know everything, but... maybe Wes did know some things.
"We're here," he said, stopping in front of a huge, looming brick building with crown molded detailing and pillars in front.
"Sam lives in a mansion?" Valerie couldn't help gawking.
"Yup," Wes said. "The Manson's are stupid rich. Cellophane tipped toothpick empire, if you can believe it. Come on, we can't go in the front, but I know where we can get a good view of the backyard."
Valerie nodded silently, her mouth still agape as she stared up at the Manson house. But she followed Wes as he led her around the corner and through a narrow, wooded path behind the houses to a tall, white fence with hedges jutting over the top every few feet. There was a large boulder near the fence, and Wes climbed on top of it. Standing on it, he was just tall enough to look over the fence, his head above the nose clearing the top of it easily.
That was all well and good for a gangly basketball player, but Valerie was a good six to eight inches shorter than him, and there was no way she'd be able to see over.
"What are you waiting for," Wes whispered, fishing his binoculars out of his backpack. He gestured to the spot next to him. There was more than enough room for another person to stand on the boulder, but that wasn't the problem.
"I'm not as tall as you are," she whispered back.
He stepped down off the boulder and looked around for something. A few minutes later he came back carrying a smaller rock—though it was still pretty large, his face was all red from the exertion of carrying it. He placed the smaller rock on top of the boulder, turned it until he felt it was secure, and gestured for her to climb on.
"That doesn't seem safe," she said.
"Do you want to see or not?"
She stood on top of the rock, and Wes stepped up after her, back into his initial place, and finally pulled out his binoculars. Valerie was going to ask if he really needed those just to see what was going on in one backyard, but then she actually looked over the fence and saw how expansive that backyard actually was. The Mansons were obviously way richer than Valerie's family had ever been. Probably even richer than Paulina's family.
"They usually work on that side of the yard," Wes told her, pointing discretely to the north fence. He checked his watch. "It's almost four. Remember to keep quiet and duck below the fence or behind the hedge if they look this way, got it?"
"Got it," Valerie said.
Normally, she would have resented being told what to do, but in this case, Wes was obviously much more experienced in the situation than she was. And, to be honest, she was kind of getting into all this sneaky detective-type stuff. It was actually pretty fun, like they were spies or something. Back when Valerie was little, she'd always thought it would be super cool to be a spy, like Jason Bourne, or Mata Hari. Since her dad worked in security, he would tell her all kinds of stories about spies and famous heists, and she always asked for the former. It was why she'd started taking karate.
But then she'd learned that most of what a spy does actually isn't intense action scenes and fighting bad guys, and more secret snooping to get information, and at the time, that part hadn't really appealed to her. Now that she was older, and actually doing some snooping of her own accord, she was beginning to rethink that. Maybe she would try to become a spy after all.
"Here they come," Wes said, pulling her from her thoughts.
She zoned back in the see the back door opening—the service entrance—and Sam, Tucker, and Danny all walked out into the backyard. From a distance, it was impossible to hear what they were saying, but Valerie could tell they were talking. They put their backpack's down in the grass. Tucker took out his PDA, and Danny started stretching. After a couple of minutes, Danny shouted, loud enough to be heard at the fence.
"I'm goin' ghost!"
Valerie gasped and nearly fell off the boulder in surprise as she saw Danny transform, his black hair turning shock white, his street clothes exchanged for a black and white jumpsuit, and his ice-blue eyes glowing green.
Danny Fenton... was... Danny Phantom.
"I told you so," Wes said smugly.
"Sh-shut up."
This changed everything. Suddenly, Valerie's entire world was shifting, her life's purpose, he understanding of life and death. She didn't know what to think, or how to feel. It was impossible. But... it explained so much. But there was no way it could be true. She knew Danny. She'd dated him for a little while. Longer than she'd dated that basketball player, but not as long as Dale from the football team. She'd held his hand and laid her head against his chest. She knew him.
"But... Danny's alive," she said breathlessly. "He breathes, he blinks, his heart beats, I've heard it."
"You have?" Wes asked excitedly. "How many beats per minute? Because I've never gotten close enough to test it, but I theorize that his heartbeat should be slower than average. What about his body temperature? Is it normal, or is his skin cool to the touch?"
"He just... has poor... circulation," Valerie said, the realization dawning on her. "Oh my god.... you're right. His skin is cold. His heart beat is slow. He's alive but he's...."
"He's only half alive," Wes confirmed. "I used to think he was just a regular ghost disguising himself as a human, but I've since amended my theory. He is alive, just like everyone so helpfully points out whenever I suggest he's Danny Phantom, but it's only halfway. He's somewhere between life and death."
"Like Masters," Valerie breathed. "Phantom is like Plasmius... and his cousin too. Oh my god how did I never see it?"
"I don't know, girl, it was obvious to me," Wes told her, with absolutely no sympathy for the existential crisis she was having. "Now shush, they're getting to the good part."
Valerie straitened sharply to look back over the fence. One of them had set out a line of empty soda cans on the patio near the north fence, Sam and Tucker had moved a safe distance away, into a position where Valerie and Wes would probably be able to hear them when they next spoke. And Danny... Phantom was holding his hand out as if trying to move them telepathically.
"It's not working!" Danny shouted to them, the ghostly tremble in his voice making it carry farther than it probably should.
"Rather than picturing a flat can, try focusing on the gravity aspect!" Sam called back. "You said that was your most likely theory, right?"
"How exactly am I supposed to visualize gravity increasing?"
"I don't know, just imagine yourself and everything around you growing heavier!" Sam suggested.
"Imagine there's a black hole under the concrete and it's pulling you down!" Tucker added.
Sam turned to him and asked. "A black hole?"
Tucker shrugged. "I don't know, Danny's really into space stuff, maybe it'll help."
Right before Valerie's eyes, all ten of the empty soda cans were smashed flat against the patio simultaneously, without anyone or anything touching them.
"You did it!" Tucker cheered.
"Now you've just gotta work on doing it in a smaller area," Sam said. "You don't want to accidentally crush a bunch of bystanders when your just trying to pull a ghost to the ground or something."
"Heh, good note," Danny told them. "I'm gonna try reversing gravity next."
"We should go," Wes whispered.
"What? Why?" Valerie asked.
"If he couldn't control the range on increasing gravity, there's a chance when he tries reversing it, we'll both get dragged into the sky and exposed," he explained. "You wanted to know what was up with Danny, now you know. Let's not risk the restraining orders, okay? All the information in the world is no good if we go to jail for stalking."
"Right..." Valerie agreed absently. "Right, you're right. We should go."
They both hopped down off the rock and headed back down the wooded path that separated this neighborhood from Polter Heights.
"You were right the whole time," she told Wes.
"And if you were right about this... what else are you right about?"
"Literally everything," he said casually. "I'm right about everything. Fenton is Phantom, you're the Red Huntress, ghosts gain power from obsessions and emotions, Star has a crush on Paulina, Kwan secretly hates football and he wants to become an artist, Lancer goes to Chicago on long weekends to do drag performances, and Mayor Masters is in love with the Wisconsin Ghost."
"Ha! Maybe not everything," Valerie disputed. That one mistake actually made her feel a little less like the Earth had shattered. "Mayor Masters is the Wisconsin Ghost. He's like Danny, I saw him transform once."
"Really?" Wes asked, obviously more excited about the truth than he was disappointed about being wrong. "Oh awesome! That's one more source for researching half-ghosts. Thanks for the tip, Valerie!"
Valerie laughed. "Out of curiosity, what's your grade point average."
Wes blushed and looked away before mumbling a shy, "two point eight."
Valerie laughed louder.
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Was Wes just this one off unnamed side character who called out Danny or?? How did he get made, what made people want to make him?
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Wes doesn't. He straight up doesn't exist at all. He's not really even a character.
So like. I was here when it happened so here's what I remember:
The phandom was kinda joking about some background characters having similar character designs to Danny and the idea of one of them kinda. If someone did realize that Phantom had a secret identity, these kids would also be suspects right?
The one that had been used in the example was this background character:
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And the joke kind of evolved from the kid just getting accused of being Phantom's secret identity, to him being the only one who has realized Phantom=Fenton because 'um it's so obvious???' but ironically no one believes him because he's a much more likely candidate.
While spitballing this character, the phandom decided that he needed a name.
They chose 'Wes' based off a scene with.... Okay I forget the episode, but Danny had talked to his dad about something and his dad was like 'ah you're trying to ask out a girl! Obviously you're asking out Sam it's fine we all know your mom and I already got you an engraved ring to give her!' so yeah there's a ring that has 'Sam' engraved on it.
But Sam gets it... somehow? I think Danny handed it to her for safekeeping. But she looks at it and reads the engraving upside down as 'Wes' and is like "who the FUCK-?!"
And then the 'Weston' came in because the name 'Wes Weston' is goddamn hilarious.
Wes's exact character did evolve into a bit of an asshole conspiracy theorist who happens to be right in this one instance. And every writer kinda takes their own spin on the details past that.
Things also kinda devolved into other lore like making various other background redheads his family (If i remember there's at least one brother named Kyle and then there's a dad that everyone decided works for Vlad) but those are more up to interpretation in his lore.
So yeah 'Wes Weston' is an OC based off a background character model that the Phandom as a whole kinda created and has now gaslit people outside of the Phandom that he's a real character
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
Just a silly little idea that popped into my head
So imagine season one The Magnus Archives Jon Sims, skeptical as all hell Jon, taking the statement of one crazy conspiracy theorist Wes Weston.
Just Wes giving this statement about his classmate. “He died but no one else noticed. No one else saw!” and Jon is doing his best, taking the statement but not really believing it. Wes getting frustrated and confrontational because he can tell Jon doesn’t believe him, before eventually rushing out in a huff.
The moment Wes leaves, an archivist assistant enters. One DJ ”Going by my first and middle initials” Nightingale, who changed his last name since even in the same circles of the Magnus institute the name Fenton is controversial.
“Was that Wes Weston?”
“You know him?”
“We went to school together. Ended up stalking some guy so bad the poor dude had to get a restraining order. He ended up moving away after all that.” said Danny, talking about himself and just conveniently leaving that fact out
“That seems to check out”
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tourettesdog · 2 years
Okay, so I've seen this dude pop up relatively frequently, but I genuinely don't recall seeing him in the show so... Who the heck is Wes Weston??
I'm relatively new to the Phandom myself, but from what I understand Wes Weston is a background character that has gained personality and infamy through the fandom.
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This guy here specifically. He has absolutely no significance in the show.
The premise behind his characterization is that he's a conspiracy theorist who correctly recognizes that Danny is Phantom-- but no one believes him (and sometimes it gets uno-reversed onto him since he looks like Danny).
His entire shtick is trying to convince other people that he is right. He's usually used for humor, with Danny either being exasperated or annoyed with Wes, or outright messing with him. Wes Weston has a brother, Kyle Weston, who is depicted as his opposite.
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Kyle (the dude on the far left) doesn't believe in ghosts; he recognizes that Danny is Phantom, but he doesn't think Danny is a ghost to begin with.
They're both pretty much Phandom-created entities. I've seen a lot of division on the character. People either like the character, ignore him, or hate him. I can see the fun in his character, but one of the biggest criticisms against him is that he outshines some canon characters in the Phandom-- most notably Valerie.
Valerie's room in the show is papered with a bunch of articles on Phantom-- and she's already obsessed with (beating) him-- so there's sentiment that she would fill the conspiracy theorist role much better (and that she does deserve more spotlight than a random white boy design in the background).
Tho at the same time I do think you have to tweak a lot of Valerie's character to achieve the particular blend of conspiracy theorist that people seem to like with Wes, so I Do get why people gravitate towards him for certain ideas (especially with him resembling Danny).
I'm sort of on the fence with the character myself. I think he has potential and the concept is fun-- but that people are right Valerie and other characters could use more love and/or be used in his place.
But that's just my perspective as someone new to the Phandom, so I could be missing certain things.
I actually like the idea of Kyle as a character more lol
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The name Wes is permanently nothing to me because my brain had to remember it in the context of Wes Weston (conspiracy theorist loser) and Wes Pokémon Colosseum (could and would kill a man with a single glare) and they cancelled out
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
I really don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but THE TREE! by u/JaquieF
I really don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but THE TREE! So many things happen that we don't know but can only speculate about. For example: everyone was congratulating the couple who refused to turn over the mics to Madame at Kevin Costner's event and it transpires that the couple are true philanthropists - the Weston-Smiths: most people knew nothing about them. However, a few days later at Hadrian's Wall, a very significant, historic, treasured area in Great Britain, a 300 year old tree was cut down. This tree meant so much, to so many people and someone was arrested for vandalism. But was this vandalism? A tree, featured in Kevin Costner's film about Robin Hood has been destroyed. I know it sounds like a stretch but I'm so upset about this beautiful tree and actually see a connection: infamy and fame. post link: https://ift.tt/0f5yL2I author: JaquieF submitted: September 30, 2023 at 12:27AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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astravis · 2 years
I'm curious, actually. Show of hands: who was duped by Wes Weston? The funniest part is that this happened when I was 14 and watched the show religiously. I was fooled by a tumblr post with a well edited screenshot of Wes in What You Want. I can't tell you what convinced me he had a name- I suppose it was no different from how I subconsciously accepted the Red Huntress as a real name through fandom exposure. Now, what I actually thought Wes Weston was is a real background character who watched Danny transform. And it looked like he was reacting to it. I took this as some mistake on the animation team's behalf that the phandom grabbed and r a n with. What I thought until I checked the episode months later was: "He already transforms around crowds and we're supposed to suspend our disbelief, but haha look at this unmoving character not following the crowd animation!" Wes looked like he was reacting to Danny and so it made sense for the phandom to create on conspiracy theorist out of him. I thought the entire story of Wes Weston was fleshed out from this goof, this utterly hilarious mistake. I never learned of his other family members until this year.
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
Hi. I haven't watched DP in forever. Who's Wes?? I don't remember
okay there are two possible answers to this bc it is an in canon joke of who the heck wes is. so either you’re repeating the joke and keeping it going or your genuinely confused which like. fair.
keeping the joke going: lmao no clue some kid
real answer: in one episode jack gives danny a class ring to give to someone he wants to date (which apparently is a super old courtship thing??? also smells kinda elitest and exclusively american practise so i certainly never came across it) he says to danny “don’t worry i’ve already got it engraved” i forgot the exact order of events, but the ring is engraved as “sam” in fancy font. sam somehow gets hold of this ring (i think danny gives it to her or paulina does i…don’t remember), and reads the engraving but upside-down. so she goes
“who the heck is wes?”
naturally, being the fandom that dp is someone suggested “what if wes is a real person in the show and the only one who knows danny is phantom?” it then spiralled and became in an fandom joke, to the point where wes weston is a fandom wide oc that gets added to class rosters for ease of not using a canon character but not having to make their own ocs in that spot. he’s a nod in some fanfics to acknowledge his existence. in a bunch of fics there’s a lot of jokes where danny teases wes abt no one believing that danny’s phantom (and a bunch of jokes where wes is a renounded conspiracy theorist who no one listens to). either way, he’s basically a fandom thing that has almost no canonical presence EXCEPT for that one line from sam
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
see the purpose of wes weston (who is not a background character, he is a collective oc with a visual design based on a background ensemble design and thats a hill ill die on, background characters have to have character he was literally just a picture) is that he was the only other design seen in the show with the same head shape as danny, and with that plus the similar hair the oc idea was that people would see those shapes and decide he was phantom's secret identity. the whole conspiracy theorist thing came from people expanding off of the idea that he tries to out danny's identity, which was a "plot" idea that people thought would come about bc of people accusing him of being phantom, so he decides to find out the truth so he can deny the accusations. the conspiracy stuff is like 3x removed from the purpose of him as a shared oc in the first place. never forget his roots: hes Some Guy Who Looks Like Danny, and everything else is people following that thread to their own conclusions to fill in the rest of the character for their own works
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