#wft is his name
bumpkinspice0 · 8 months
Parallels Chapter 16: Empty
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Miguel O'Hara x Spider!FemReader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: A month in and neither of you have worked up the courage to take the cure. The days seeming go longer as you prolong the inevitable.
Warnings: Jesus Christ the Angst, heartbreak, longing, sexual frustration, unhealthy coping mechanisms, obsessive/ possessive behavior, like WFT am I doing??
A/N:  An update in just over a week?! Yeah, I'm surprised too. This is going to make everything worse and I'm so sorry.
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Chapter 16
There’s a deep aching in your chest that won’t go away. Something physical just to remind you how much life sucked right now. You used to think the term heartbreak was completely metaphorical. Turns out there’s some truth behind it. How can a heart break? Maybe not break completely, but you think it can crack. It can fracture and bleed. I vital part of your being was working at half capacity with no time to fix it.
Maybe that’s what you were feeling, you were bleeding out. Eventually, there’d be nothing left. 
It’d been a month since you’d seen him, but seemingly not a moment goes by that you don’t think of him. It felt stupid. Dramatic like in the movies. You and your lover can’t be together so now you spend your days wallowing, fighting, and eating too many cheeze itz. This is what the pinnacle of a hero’s sacrifice looks like, ladies and gentlemen. All done for the greater good of the universe. 
Your chest ached since you got home and your ears started ringing yesterday and haven’t stopped. The spider-sense won’t let you forget how miserable you are either. The buzzing is almost deafening, the carnal urges unsatiated by your own hands. You cry out his name whenever another unfulfilling orgasm shakes you, only precious seconds of faint relief. 
You could have put a stop to this weeks ago. The key to your salvation sat idly on your kitchen counter, waiting to be used. 
The cure. 
You’d pick it up every night thinking tonight will be the night, then as you hold the needle to your skin dread overtakes you. Like you’re going to burst into the flames if a drop of that poison gets into your body. It felt… wrong. Like cutting out a perfectly healthy organ. You just couldn’t do it. Not yet. 
Or maybe you were just trying to cling to some part of him— grasping at whatever pieces of Miguel you had left. 
You couldn’t let him go. Not yet.
Is he suffering as much as you are? A spiteful part of you hopes so, if it would only mean you’re not suffering alone. Misery loves company after all. Not that you really had company lately… 
You’d stopped yourself from calling him a few times when the urges got too painful. It would be so easy. Just seeing him would be enough, you’re sure of it. Would he even come? The tugging on the other end of your invisible chain tells you yes. Then you open the watch to see Lyla hoving there, disappointment tugging at her artificial features, and you instantly feel like a scolded child.
You’d barely been to the citadel because of it, worming your way out of any missions you can. Just being in the same building as him was borderline unbearable. Jess and Peter asked you a few times if you were okay. Apparently, you weren’t hiding it well. 
So instead you bury yourself in your work here, in your dimension where things made sense— and somewhere Miguel O’Hara was far, far away from. 
If you kept yourself busy with hero work then what time would there be left to grieve? An absolutely rock-solid plan that always worked when someone is in crisis. And the very thing you’d scolded Gwen for when she’d first come. Much harder to stop in practice, it turns out. 
Your late/ early hours in the city didn’t go unnoticed, Jack was checking up on you near constantly. It was sweet of him to be worried but there was nothing he could do. Even if he tried to be a voice of reason, you wouldn’t listen anyway. Maybe you just wanted to brood. Stew in your misery until it eats you up completely. It was so much easier to do that than to move on. Moving on required work. It required you to finally let go.
So dramatic. That’s your life now, you suppose. 
You lie awake in your bed, another sleepless night. The buzzing too powerful to ignore— because it was never supposed to be ignored. That’s what a spider-sense is for! To tell you something is wrong. He wasn’t here and it was wrong. 
You kick the sweat-soaked sheets off with a frustrated groan. You can't keep going on like this. It had to end. You march down to the kitchen, for the millionth time, with every intention in the world to end this cycle. 
The plastic of the injector gun groans in protest under your grasp as you hold it over your left wrist. It was right there. It was right there. You notice the pale liquid in the vial shaking. Your hand was trembling. 
“Come on!” you scream at yourself, “Just do it! Just do it!” 
You slide the gun away and bury your face in your hands.
The sun is coming up. Jack will be here in a few hours to use the studio. This house was more his than yours now, anyway. You’ll be gone when he gets here, not wanting to sit through another lecture about self-love and moving on. 
You slide your suit on and leave for the city that awaits outside. At least that still made sense to you. 
Miguel had found anger was a good substitution for feeling nothing. Not that it was really a continuous decision. He’d always been quick to anger, but now it was just easier. 
“You know you're supposed to bring them in alive, right?” Gabe had scolded him a few weeks ago when he brought in another Kraven anomaly, bloodied and battered with two broken arms. Not dead though. He seemingly couldn’t help himself, the hunter's face reminding him of that final mission he had with you all those weeks ago.
“He is alive,” Miguel mumbled back before disappearing into another portal. He spends more time in realities other than his own these days.
He wasn’t a killer, but he also didn’t have any pity for those who chose evil as a career path. Villains are no more than a distraction lately. Normally he’d bury himself in his science work when moods like this popped up. Countless engineering projects gather dust, just waiting for his skillful touch. He’d barely been in his lab the last month.
He could still smell you there. In his sheets, on his suit— your taste still lingering on his lips. You followed him everywhere and he couldn’t outrun it. Still, it didn’t stop him from trying. He’d cleared a record number of anomalies this month. 
He was burying himself in his work… in a way. 
Seemingly endless nights lying awake with the sense ringing in his ears. Hollow feeling jerk-offs in the shower, just to get any inkling of relief. They never did. He thinks he feels you too, sometimes— through the link. Doing the same shameful things as he did. It didn’t help to know you were suffering too. Suffering because of him. 
He hadn’t even touched it— the cure. 
You were right to be afraid of it, he was too. Every instinct in his mind was begging him to dump it down the drain. To get rid of it and never think about it again. He knew he couldn’t. It had to be done… eventually. 
He’d seen you only once. Passing by from a distance in the tower. You were exiting the lobby with Jess and Peter and he was on a walkway at least 5 stories up. He felt the tug and spotted you instantly. Sometimes advanced senses were a curse. That familiar urge stirred in him at just the sight of you, his cock instantly shamefully bulging in his pants. 
He saw you pause, undoubtedly feeling the desire too— the unbearable longing. If you felt him, then you hadn’t taken the cure either. A part of him wanted to rejoice and the other part wanted to scream. Neither of you could do it. But if just one of you broke that barrier then it surely would be easier for the other, right? To end this suffering. So far, it seems like neither of you were brave enough.
You didn’t seem to come to the tower much anymore. He can’t blame you. Still, it didn’t stop him from checking in on you any way he could. Channeling in on your dimensions news, watching you fight from across the vast multiverse. It felt dirty, spying on you this way. Yet by the time the disgust and guilt for his actions registered, a screen with you on it had already been playing for hours. 
You never seemed to stop, constantly on the prowl day and night. Either your city was under such a criminal siege that you had no time to rest… or you were distracting yourself just like he was.
Why did he torture himself this way? He tried to justify it by convincing himself it was for your safety. To make sure you were alright, ignoring the fact that you were just as capable of a spider as he was. You weren’t some damsel that needed saving or a lover that could be used as leverage. You were strong. A hero. Just like him. 
So why did he really keep up this dangerous game? Why didn’t he just bite the bullet and take the cure, making yet another ultimate sacrifice like he had so many times before?
Because Miguel was completely in love with you. 
He was in love again and he simply could not let that go so easily. Even just thinking beyond the spider-sense, he’s sure he’d loved you for months. He couldn’t even say it started out innocent because it definitely didn’t. Two spiders acting on their most primal of urges, devouring one another until they found the person on the other side of this desire. A beautiful, perfect, captivating person. A bond turned to an agreement out of necessity— now ending in the greatest heartbreak. 
Another thing he couldn’t have dangled in front of him and swiftly ripped away. Fuck the universe and all its cruelty. Fuck this job. Fuck you for even having the audacity to exist. Just fuck… everything.
Miguel rips through a portal into his lab, dragging a caged Sandman behind him. 
“From universe-694, take him down to Byte,” he commands into the ambient space. Instantly the ever diligent spider-bots emerge from the shadows, taking the caged villain down to sector two to be shipped back home. A constant ritual. Constant work. 
“Lyla,” he commands again, “Find me another one.”
“There isn’t another one,” the AI illuminates in front of him, “Everything’s being handled.”
“By who?” He bites out.
“I don’t know, the countless other spiders you hired to do this job exactly.” She glitches closer to him, doing her best to properly scold the seemingly emotionless Spider-man. 
“There’s always more.”
“Take. A. Break.”
He growls in frustration, swatting away her pixelated form. Fine, he could take a breather, just for a little bit. 
He jumps up to his desk, the various monitors illuminating in an instant. He wanted to see you, just for a little bit. He types in the coordinates to your universe, Earth-727.  The video feed illuminates for just a moment before it’s zapped back to black. 
“Lyla!” he barks, “Turn it on.”
She blips to the desk in front of him, “No. This isn’t healthy, Miguel.”
He rages, clawing through the projected monitors and pushing the mess off his desk. He’s not proud of it, but it doesn’t stop him from throwing a tantrum anyway. 
He takes a moment to gather himself, to just calm down, “Lyla please.”
Her yellow form stands there unmoving, sympathy drooping her artificial features.
“I… don’t think you should.”
Her tone makes him perk up. There was something to it. Something more than just pity.
“Why?” he asks cautiously. 
“I… told you, it’s not health—”
“You never tried to stop me before though. Not with her, not with my family.” He steps closer to the AI, as if he could actually intimidate her, “Why now?”
“You’re hiding something,” the acquisition is fueled by paranoia, yet he sees a shift in the small projections demeanor that shows truth behind it. She was made to mimic human mannerisms almost exactly. For all intents and purposes, Lyla basically was human—in the ways that mattered. Even she couldn’t hide things from him. 
She sighs, turning her gaze away from him. 
“I was overlooking some cannon and I came across something,” she starts, “Something in Earth-727.”
Your universe. He feels his heart clench in anticipation. 
Though Lyla could show the entire range of human emotions he’d never seen her look so… sad. 
“Miguel… She's going to die. She’s going to be killed. Tonight.”
@ineedgarlicbread @pinkiemme @thesilenthill @bontensbabygirl @fallenangelsongwolf @raerorigel @littlefreakymunson @viriexo
@w33ni3 @del-ightfulling
Taglist post here!!!
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
in the interests of positivity, what are your favorite moments/lines from the Lackadaisy and TADC pilots?
personally I like the aspect ratio change when the Savoy siblings arrive, Mordecai's expressions when he dings the wing mirror and his 'WFT?' face at Rocky's dynamite antics. also I really love the sound design on the quarry scene
for TADC I'd probably pick the shot of the table right at the end & the music they use there, plus Caine's exasperated 'what's wrong with you?' to Bubble
My favorite moments from Lackadaisy are Mordecai's clock ticking heartbeat and Rocky's poem. It blows my mind every time that it's something Tracy wrote.
From TADC, the shot of the table at the end and, oddly enough, the scene where Pomni gets her name. I just really love how respectful Caine is of her agency, how the ball's always in her court.
(My favorite Bubble moment is still "Made with all the LOVE I'm legally allowed to give...")
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rennsdeaddoves · 9 months
journey to the west book one, thoughts
so this post is going to be really messy and jumbled, i will take my thoughts one chapter at a time. since this post contains all the chapters in book one imma but everything under the cut and warn ya'll that this is HELLA long.
ok so, before we get into it i just wanna let you guy's know that if the first 13 chapters seem like they have less it's because i only really started to do this on chapter 14 and had to go back through chapters 1 - 13 and look at the notes and tabes i left to gage my reaction to them. some of them have a bit more than others and some have like none at all.
that being said enjoy the absolute crack house that is my no cotext thoughts of Journey to the West volume one!
Chapter 1
monkey is born!!
and he's already being impulsive...
calling him the handsome monkey king is gonna go straight to his head
lier! you are a certified shit disturber and you know it!
ohhhhh so thats how he got the name Sun Wukong, gotcha gotcha
Chapter 2
the dao art seems real complex
love how they casually have the way to immortality written in this book lol
teaching a suicidaly impulsive monkey how to shape shift and fly wasn't a bad idea at all!
he's showing off- of course he is-
aaaaaand he got kicked out for showing off! idiot-
oh damn- thats actually sadder than i thought it would be...
Chapter 3
holy hell....
op much???
not a monkey scaring a dragon ffs
he is just a menace this entire page! LAMO
ooooooop foreshadowing alert
oh- oh he really fucked up the life and death cycles- damn...
he was thinking of paying a visit to heaven himself?? without an invite?? oh- that would not have ended well-
Chapter 4
here we go! first rampage through heaven!!
ITS GIVING "who's this sassy lost kid?" VIBES XD
Chapter 5
does he not have a reputation yet???
Wukong is in so much fucking trouble oh god....
going to war over wine is a very Wukong thing to do-
Chapter 6
when did Nezha get here?
shapeshifter duels man... they be confusing af
oop he got caught-
Chapter 7
they seem to have forgotten what the meaning of immortal is
oop- he's being refered to as a monster instead of a king by the narrator- thats how you know he's pissed beyond all belief...
"i have to go exorcise a demon to defend the throne." pg 193
"he ligit just wrote "sun wukong was here" oh the fucking finger lmao
man... calling the banquet that is just salt in the wound.... really it is...
Chapter 8
sandy's got green skin, red hair, noted
it's pigsy -n-
he flirted with Chang'e..... this bitch
i already can't fucking stand him
Chapter 9
so he does have parents! lets see if they ever pop up again-
WHAT!?!?! WHY!?!!
Chapter 10
i didn't take in a sing thing that this chapter sad.... why is it even here-
Chapter 11
no thoughts head empty, why are we still on this? is there any plot relevance or???
Chapter 12
awwww their cute
good for him, coming from such humble beginnings
wow- ok thats kinda a really great honour to be called brother by the emperor
Chapter 13
lots of scenery! neat!
oop divine intervention o'clock
abuse???? hello??? what the actual fuck sir???
i am going to get so sick of him so quickly....
Chapter 14
wukong- bud... YOUR FUCKING FILTHY
yell that your not lying makes you less believable
brutal.... nice
ight show off, keep rambling about the shit you can do.
gay? /j but fr- i get that a naked monkey coming to your door may be a cause for concern but there was no reason to disrespect him like that-
he has a son??? when???
gross man- like i get you were trapped under a mountain- but gross
brutal... nice
thats not teaching tripitaka- a lecture is NOT teaching
GUAINYIN IS HERE!!! oh... Guanyin is here...
oh... fuck...
why is his name just 'Pilgrim' like i get it but i also don't... idk
oh he's gonna do it out of spite now for being called a bogus immortal by the dragon king
that entire painting is just of two gay lovers putting on shoes and getting immortality for it
well, he actually is really convincing, i can see why Wukong went back after those words...
yeah i'd be taken aback too bud
.......YOU COULD FINISH THE JOURNEY RN.... but he won't, that defeats the entire porpoise of it all
OH OH! so you stop when you see how the pain is LITTERALLY TEARING HIS BODY APART! fuck you
HE ACTUALLY TRIED TO KILL HIM!?!?!?!? oh my god- i mean.... jesus.....
yes. its a great idea to go to the south sea and beat up the goddess who did this to you... super smart /s
all thoughts of disobedience and rebellion? no shot
Chapter 15
ah yes, lets start the chapter with Wukong hauling ass to save Tripitaka
Jesus them some powerful eyes
lawless lizard XD
they talk about him like he's not the son of a dragon king...
so he's called 'third prince Jade dragon' gotcha
he's a fucking idiot
why are you being such a baby all of a sudden??
neat, he got the get out of danger free leaves now
if Rue had been in this part of the journey she would have been pretty interested in that
plot armour be like-
more divine intervention! oh my god-
so now it's early spring. jesus that means its almost been a year
Chapter 16
i don't know wether to be annoyed or what- were only a page into this chapter
"he may be ugly" BITCH WHAT
yeah... ight... i'd be annoyed with him too
somesones butt hurt that hes oooooold~
everyone is starting to get on my nerves like jesus-
wow the murder plots are real
he askin' for favours like he didn't just beat their asses 500 years ago
he's a little arsonist
damn- he's already on shockingly good terms with him
and after all that your response is still murder??? really????
goddman.... he so mad he defiled a corpse- that wasn't very buddhist of you tripitaka
Chapter 17
not tripitaka using wukongs temper against others-
jesus christ man
"thunder god mouth" XDDD best way to describe it 10/10
XDD the arrogance!! he called the demon "my son" before starting a lecture XDD
he gets annoyed when people call him the BanHorsePlague now, thats so fucking funny to me
he's so real for that though, i'd wanna eat in the middle of a fight too
he is actually a menace to humans goddamn
love how their calling him 'old carcass'
there is a lot of seemingly nice senery in this chapter
how'd they know all of that just by seeing a goddamn meat patty on the side of the road???
this is gonna be a pattern isn't it-
conversations with these two go no where but damn they do be giving me L O R E
he's being so nice now lmao
ok *fine* she gets a pass but jesus
jesus wukong
HA got'em
"don't start trouble again" "i won't" LIES
Chapter 18
oooooh this is the pigsy chapter!!! i can't wait to see some ass be beat!
i- i don't think i like these people...
Wukong really just said don't judge a book by it's cover
why does he always say "your poor monk" it's grinding my gears
"tell me everything!" .... "from ancient times-"
his surmname meant hog....
i can only picture that one manga panel in jjk where Yuta is dragging Yuji along lmao
ancient toilet humour?
"where are you going darling" he says as he returns to his original form
love that wukong is described and then called "virtually a living thunder god"
"i'll follow you to the ends of the earth" (menacingly)
Chapter 19
why do they all have caves?
it is pigsy
damn- Wukong's reading him
are they really throwing celestial law at one another??
he's bragging... really?
ah yes, a summary of the first seven chapters
he really said set your house on fire and follow me
man's really stripped him of all he was worth and then dragged him by the ear... he's like a mom...
HE'S REFERED TO AS IDIOT! oh this just got so much better
lmao both of them going "wine? oh we still drink that"
Wukong admitted to being a light weight XD
pigsy, trying to say a heart felt goodbye, the other two; hurry the fuck up
"you know him and not me? what kind of fuckery is this?"
"he insulted me and the pig?!" "how?" *proceeds to tell tripitaka exactly how he and pigsy were insulted*
Chapter 20
just by the title alone i know imma start to have beef with pigsy
they still call him idiot! YES
it's pigsy getting bullied hours!!!
that- that was a very round about way of calling him a dick Wukong
annnnnd he's boasting again...
huh? flying bricks, talking pots, and dancing tiles... interesting...
this old man has balls
"fix your ugliness" DUUUUUDE
i'm about to highlight each and every time Pigsy is refered to as Idiot! shits too funny!
ahhhhh pigsy's first kill steal!
dude just ripped off his own skin! what a power move!
and we get to the first time tripitaka is truely captured!
"for you culinary pleasure" XDDDD why is that so funny?
this guy's actually quite smart for that
good wisdom wukong
i love how wukong is so often describes as "the one with the thunder god mouth and hairy face"
he's got a good sense to be this scared of him
monkey-monk?? (why is that so funny to me???)
he just told wukong he was a 'buy one get one free sale'!! AND HE'S THE FREE BIT XDDDDDD
KILL STEAL!!! +1 for butality, pigsy's score is now -99 points!
Wukong actually let him have credit for the kill? goddamn- is that character growth i see?
Chapter 21
no he does not!
Aqua man?????
Really?? *face palms*
why does he insist on calling himself grandpa?
is he about to disapline him like a grandpa too??
the divine wind of Samādhi? like the Samādhi fire? NEAT!!!
more divine intervention i see
the trend of calling pigsy an idiot continues and i am thriving in this enviornment
can he be any less annoying?
*crybaby beings to play on loop in my head*
it was the fucking gold star of venus
very humble wukong
lawless ape! XDDD
love that offending the great sage is quite possibly a crime punishable by death now
Chapter 22
its sandy time!!!
wouldn't that be qualifies as an inland sea?!
i don't know how to feel about that entire passage
cloud surfing lessons
he called Wukong his assistant- oh boy if he had heard that...
he can be there in half an hour?! wild...
sandy is aquired
Chapter 23
still love that his nickname is practically idiot
please- stop refering to your staff as a rod- i can't take reading "you'll get a ___ from this Huge Rod!" anymore T-T
you fucking idiots- your banter has now left the master stranded and he's gonna get captured by demons!
serves you right
Wu kong being so shocked he actually acted poliet?
Unreal and nonexisting- well those are some red falgs if i've ever seen em in this book
she just keeps going!? dude- please- how can someone have so much
omg- this is all a test of character isn't it...
tripitaka; wukong you stay! Wukong; the fuck you mean me!? make pigsy stay
the entier latter half of this page pisses me off. fuck you pigsy
Chapter 24
serves him fucking right
i agree with Wukong, leave the pig and go
holy hell they haven't even covered one tenth of the distance yet?
this is the chapter that that one monkey king animated movie was about.
to cowardly to do it himself so he's gotta wait for Wukong lmao
thus begins an entire two-ish pages of Wukong stealing fruit again
Wukong makes me nevious frfr
if it were so embarissing maybe you shouldn't have done it in the first place
Chapter 25
wukong.... buddy.... no.....
good plan boy's
dude can pick (break?) locks.... good to know
why do you fight first and ask questions later....
he escaped thrice, got catpured thrice, kept playing tricks..... dude just wouldn't fucking stop....
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
i hate when they make a sequel to a series and make the characters terrible/abusive/neglectful/awful parents. no the FUCK he would NOT favor one kid over the others, why the FUCK would he even do that- did you even read your own book??? i hate it when ppl (authors) don’t even know the facts (their own work) and then try and have an opinion on a subject (making their OWN OCS terrible parents when they literally WOULDNT BE) that they know nothing ab. it’s the equivalent of if Rick wrote a series ab Percy and Annabeth’s, and made Percy Smelly Gabe 2.0??? We would be outraged bc wft, that’s so out of fucking character. Or he made Annabeth neglectful (like her stepmom and dad). we have so much textual evidence that supports that they would be nothing like that, and even if they were mediocre as parents (unlikely), they would still not turn out like that.
i just honestly hate when authors write their OWN CHARACTERS OOC. like, sorry JJKRF (girl who wrote hp idk) harry would NOT have named his son after SNAPE, the man who made his school years a LIVING HELL, turned out to be obsessed with his mom, and did like, one (1) thing out of self preservation that ended up helping him out???? (among other things, which included being one of the top guys in the wizarding kkk)
i just want to scream at them to read the goddamn source material, which you just so happened to write yourself.
i get that it’s their story or whatever, but sometimes i see stuff and just have to be like “i guess i only follow canon up until this bitch apparently lost her goddamn mind???”. if it doesn’t make sense for their character, and everything you’ve had them go through, learn and grow from… open up a new google docs sis, bc u ain’t publishing that shit
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emo-metalhead-punki · 3 months
Rant About SolarDiscomfort
⚠ TW // Gr00ming ⚠
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(idk I do wanna draw this so yea....this isn't a gift)
So SolarDiscomfort or Brooke which is her real name
She is a deviantart artist that I meet in 2018 when I was 13 yrs old (I was okay, kinda, mental health issues)
So I remember Brooke followed me and requested me to draw her OC and so I did, and she thanked me so yea
Then I followed her back, her art is...alright ig lol, but I think is cool but need some progress, and we send each other gift and all that, so it's before all the gr00m3R thing happened, so let's talk about that if I can remember
So on somewhere on 2020, Brooke has proposed her best friend named Kate who is 17 at the time, they been best friends for 4 years but later becomes a couple which I was "nice, congratulations you two" but it's not...so, I use the wayback machine and I do remember reading this but I didn't understand
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Ngl this give me a huge "WFT" moment like, what kind of state that you live in and how this is okay?... And get this, she doesn't support mapp even tho she DATED A 17 YEAR OLD WHILE BEEN A 20 YEAR OLD LIKE YOU CAN'T DO THAT BITCH
And then one year later, they fuxking broke up which is a good thing and I remember Brooke telling me to stop supporting Kate cuz she's.... too be honest, idk
All I remember that Kate is a tracer cuz she use a base without giving the artist credit but then her mutual tell her and then there the credit and more drama of Brooke did
Like, she would rant that one artist named serpy and I try to understand what's going on after reading the posts of Brooke but I feel like Brooke is taking her anger out on serpy, but I did stay away from the drama cuz is was too much and she keeps typing "crazy laughs" like...uhm...okay then...no one cares what you did man....I do really remember the drama but her account is deactivated....like every Deviantart artist do....
But if you know her, here a drawing of it, in case you recognized the art style
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The left one is Brooke and the left one is kate
And I do wanna talk about Kate, like she may be kinda of annoying (cuz she kept requesting me a lot like everyday ) but all in seriously, I do remember her dating that one Mexican dude named Max (not his real name lol but I'm gonna called him)
That I don't trust like I hate him, I don't trust him and I seeing his irl photo of him and I still don't trust him...and I do remember seeing the message from him like I got highly uncomfortable by him
(I'm a Mexican, if someone didn't know lol)
Oh btw he also made NSFW as well, while being a minor ofc, classic teenagers in 2017 are started drawing NSFW cuz that's fine...right?...
Nope...it's not...you gotta wait dude...
But I did check his bio for his age but he didn't put his age...but then I saw a post of it, it turns out his 18 (on 2020) so I assume that he was 15 or 16 while Kate was like either 12 or 13 (i can't do math right, if I'm wrong then yea...) but I do believe that Kate was also groomed by him and till this day, she didnt talk about this like she was like too busy being happy instead of talking about this like why, how you deal such a traumatic thing and then later forget it, i mean, good for her but I will like be traumatized for life and not feeling happy
But for Brooke, yea...so if she like made an account on Tumblr and then see saw this post I be like...yea man...you got exposed as a P3d0 and a groomer man like...you should have say any of these things and your so toxic to serpy that she didn't do anything to you
So your career is over lol but I'm glad you didn't groomed me and talk shit about me cuz I didn't even like you like your so toxic towards any artist like why man...you didn't do anything to you like "oh she suck ass" and "she ugly asf" and "she's dumb as hell*
I mean...I dont like serpy ship cuz it's a zoophilia ship like...she basically ship Anne from frozen with mr. Peabody (the dog) from I forgot the name like it's highly uncomfortable to look and which I should have say no to her when she requested me that shit...so yea...she still ship it till this day...and her ships are mostly crossover so...yea...(That one shipper that ships spinel with a fucking car from cars movie)
So yea...Brooke...if you reading this...
Keep your nasty behavior to yourself instead of spreading it like a disease, I use to think your cool but now, your just a toxic woman, a p3do and a groomer
Peeps, watch out for SolarDiscomfort in case she made a Tumblr account
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D-Day Preliminary Review:
D-Day: Is this a Stray Kids song? The autotune used in this way is a no. The song is okay apart from the chorus, which is truly awful and cringe, and I never expected to call Suga cringe. Something about the rhythm reminds me of Daechwita. The lyrics also seem to remind me of other songs of his. (7/10?)
Haegeum: The instrumental in the beginning is very cool and really sounds like Tony Montana to me. His flow many times reminds me of Daechwita, especially the bridge. The instrumental never changes just like in Daechwita, but he did a lot more with that song. Haegeum had potential but was not achieved (7.7/10?)
Huh?!: Okay, the beginning was cringe again. You're not actually a fourth gen rookie, Yoongi. I hate the chorus, my god. So cringe, WFT is happening. J-Hope sounds like a fourth gen idol too, and some of the lyrics seemed a bit cringe (the English ones). This is like a bad 3Racha song, no offense to Stray Kids (6/10, being generous...)
Amygdala: The album is improving? I'm not sure, I hate the chorus again. Suga has ruined autotune and he was literally the one who knew how to use it. Is this album so much worse than the other two because he didn't produce half the songs? But he had full creative control... Wow, will I actually like any song? This one also reminds me of SKZ, but in a bad way. (6/10)
SDL: We've moved on to softer songs. I think Suga felt pressured to write hard-hitting songs, which are Agust D's trademark, but Suga doesn't know how to write them anymore (that Agust D is gone). He told IU that he found he was better at writing softer songs, I can see why now. Suga used Adora's vocals in this track. I liked them, unlike in other tracks, because they fit the song. It sucks that they pretty much use Adora as a feature, but since she's a no name artist, they don't credit her properly. She has as many lines as IU in People Pt. 2. It's even worst in Sweet Night. Also, doesn't the beginning of this song sound like Wine? (7.8/10)
People Pt. 2: Unexpectedly, will this be the best track in the song? Maybe I liked Haegeum and SDL better (7.5/10?).
Polar Night: Okay? Forgot the song as I was writing my review (7/10).
Interlude Dawn: Really nice, actually. Suga said Ryuihci Sakamoto started out writing popular music before writings scores, and that he envisioned himself following his path because he liked writing instrumental tracks, and I think there's something there (8/10).
Snooze: The chorus is nice, the track is nice.. It's pretty comparable to People Pt. 2, maybe more my style though, it's darker and Suga's rap is more dynamic. But I loved the So Far Away callbacks, really elevated the song (8/10).
Life Goes On: He really used his LGO rap here. The original song is better, and that's not saying a lot. (6.7/10)
It's good I had low expectations for this album, especially after Face. This album is like the Face-fication of Agust D (in terms of sound). 7/10, by far the worst Suga album. It's not an Agust D album, it's a Suga album, but Suga's solo tracks in BTS are much better than this (except for Seesaw which is at the same level as some other tracks in the album). Suga said people who listened to this album only said it was okay and that he didn't have many expectations for the album, and he was right. It's just okay, whereas his other two mixtapes were outstanding, revolutionary, I cried listening to D2 for the first time because of how good it was. Musically, only RM is actually doing new stuff, challenging himself, and growing creatively. Maybe J-Hope is too, but I didn't love JITB. Fingers crossed JJK doesn't disappoint, because I need to love a BTS album again.
Favorite tracks: SDL, People Pt. 2, Interlude Dawn, Snooze.
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whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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The power of the Butterfly Miraculous was originally supposed to create superheroes and not supervillains as we found out from Nooroo (“Origins Part 1:Ladybug and Cat Noir”), but it still goes into effect no matter what the intentions are. Like the metamorphosis of the butterfly, Gabe has gone through a few transformations to suit his look from Hawk Moth to Scarlet Moth (Heroes’ Day Part 1:Catalyst) to Shadow Moth (Season 4) to now Monarch! He has gotten more powerful as well from obtaining almost all the miraculouses and it just gets worse from there onward! How much worse? You’ll see:
The Kwamis’ Choice
*Part 1:Transmission-Which ship is best for Marinette? Adrienette? ❌ Lukanette? ❌ How ‘bout Marichat!? ❌ Oh yeah, right, (hisses through grind teeth in embarrassment)😬from last eps ending, that didn’t work out either. Sh*t! Adrien doesn’t have much luck either. He’s strictly platonic with Adrigami and Ladynoir, but he’s trying for Adrienette and it’s not happenin’! The Love Squares in reverse and nobody’s together, they don’t have secondary love interests to move on to and they’re miserable! What are they to do!? The Kwami’s! They’ll know what to do! How do you solve your holders love life problem from their superhero duties? Quit being their Kwami and find new holders! WITH PERMISSION OF COURSE! (this is why Nooroo was stuck with Gabe for so long). Who’s the new Ladybug Miraculous holder? Alya! (trumpets sound) When she was Scarabella! (“Hack-San”) Who’s the new Black Cat holder? Nin-(record scratch) Wait! WTF!? Zoe!? (trumpets sound confused)…….okay. Everyone! Meet-! (trumpets about to sound) Idk (trumpets halt). Well, whatever she named herself, They got this. Especially since they took care of that akumatized victim, a boxer with a Hulk speech impediment, that clashed with Alyas older sister Nora, Boubi I mean Bibou, a giant gold boxer bear, w/ the power of the Tiger, Horse, Turtle! Ox! Mous-HEY! HEY! Whoa! Whoa! Easy there Monarch! You’re passing out miraculouses not candy! Oh whatever! The new dynamic duo handled it and Adrienette just might be happenin’.
*Part 2:Deflagration-Bad news, the new dynamic duo didn’t get the memo on the no alliance rings cuz that’s how Monarch found out who they were from what Marinette learned (“Jubilation”) :P. Sh*t! This lead Gabe to do a “happy dance” XD. WFT!? Which made him combine a few miraculous powers to snatch it from Scarabella and Kitty Noir! (so that’s her name) and become Monarchbug! Don! Don! Don! Sooooooo, does that mean the shows over? But we’re a quarter of a way in the season! Monarch couldn’t be that powerful! Course he’s not that powerful! Even w/out our new dynamic duo there’s still heroes out there. Ones that don’t need powers or costumes to be super. Who were those? Didn’t Marinette’s friends create some sort of group that fights against the akumatizations of Monarch? Was that just a one off joke or were they being serious?…….Oh wait! The Resistance! (“Illusion”) That’s the one! Yeah, they got this. For the akuma victim, it was just Chloe becoming Sole Destroyer. Just a cheap knock-off of Zoe’s Sole Crusher which Monarch just used as an excuse to trap Alya and Zoe. Sole Destroyers power in this case was turning people into shoes that sang Chloe’s praises Blah! Blah! Blah! That was Season 5 of Chloe’s akumatization and it’s the weakest of her forms used only a set-up for a bigger villain :P. The real bad guy was Monarchbug and that was more important. Despite the miraculouses however, the Kwami’s had their free will to fight against him and even stop him from being too powerful. Yea Kwami’s! They knew better then to comply to him and saw some loopholes in his scheme. Smart.
I have to admit, I thought the whole idea of Adrienette giving up being heroes was pretty selfish cuz they gave up just so they can “frick frack”. There’s a super terrorist out with almost all the miraculouses that’s gone completely insane and can damage the town and it’s civilians and alls our main characters can think about was their “silly little love lives”. This ain’t no picnic! It’s responsibilities! Putting other people’s needs before your own so as to save them from chaos and destruction! Then again, a friend of mine pointed out that it wasn’t just because of shipping, but if both are too depressed (cuz both have extreme low self esteem), then they won’t be motivated to stop Monarch and likely get akumatized which will all end in disaster, so it wasn’t for personal petty problems, it was for the greater good so they won’t struggle so much and finally be happy. We found out something new about Monarch here! He can see the negative feelings projected to him from his victims and he can pass out more than one miraculous power not just to the alliance ring, but if the victim in question wears a lot of rings! Damn! Told ya the guys getting worse! You’re probably wondering, “Why Zoe as the Black Cat Miraculous holder and not Nino!?”, “Why does she look like that in superhero form!?”. Well, for the former, Plagg didn’t choose Nino cuz since Tikki chose Alya as the new Ladybug Miraculous holder and a couple should never ever be paired together cuz well, GO BACK AND WATCH “CAT BLANC”/“EPHEMERAL”/“SHADOW MOTH’S FINAL ATTACK PART 2:STRIKE BACK”! GOD DAMN IT! COUPLES CAN’T BE SUPERHEROES! FOR CHRISTS SAKE! ADRIEN ADMITTED HIS FEELINGS FOR MARINETTE AND VICE VERSA, BUT SHE ALSO SAID SHE “DOESN’T LOVE HIM” ANYMORE AND THEY’RE STILL NOT TOGETHER!🤬. More importantly, it’s cuz she’s also more rational compared to her super shippers aboard the S.S. Adrienette. As for the latter, that’s you’re opinion if you think it looks good on her or not. The miraculous let’s you choose how you wish to look as a superhero and if Zoe likes having green highlights/lipstick, then that’s her thing. For me, I think it’s okay. This show is seriously married to the reset button isn’t it? With the near victory Monarchbug almost had, the Kwami’s and heroes realized that they need to keep things traditional and Adrienette is back to being docked. Even w/out the pressures of superherohood, Marinette still couldn’t make the ship sail (to the point of being physically unable to itself) and now is again sad and alone :(. We could’ve had a whole half a season-No! Wait! A whole new format of “Miraculous Ladybug” with Scarabella and Kitty Noir, but nooooooo! As tvtropes would say, “Status Quo Is God”! The writers are allergic to change. Course they’d write a scenario on why this couldn’t be the new show! It’s an excuse to go back to basics! :P. However, would it have been better? If they did go with the change, then the show would be renamed “Miraculous Scarabella” (shrugs). Also, I think we’d miss our original dynamic duo too much😅. Eps are coming out like tennis balls from a shooting machine, so I have a lot to catch up on. 🚨SPOILER ALERT!🚨I’ve been spoiled!😫. Oh well, see you guys when the English Dubs come out!
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hey-dont-touch-that · 2 years
The censorship on tik tok is so bad, you can’t type out Dick grayson. It’s his name right? It’s not being used inappropriately or sexually, just people making content with/about Nightwing/ Dick.
They have to type out his name as D!ck. Absolutely insanity… people have mentioned getting reported and the app removing said content for spelling his name normally as Dick.
It’s a name… for a fictional character… that has been around since the 1940s. You can look him up and see that it’s a nickname of Richard, a common nickname of the time period…
Seriously considering leaving that app for good. If I have to see unalived/ sewer slide one more time.. I will unalive someone….
But parents exploiting their babies(literal newborns) can keep on posting…
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kilopreg · 2 years
Remoter issue trust deed
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The appellants succeeded before the Bermuda Supreme Court but that decision was overturned by the Bermuda Court of Appeal. The appellants challenge the validity of the amendment of the GRT’s beneficiaries and the transfer of its assets to Grand View as trustee for the WFT. (described in the Trust deed as the Principal Beneficiary), his children and remoter issue, and the spouses of the Settlor. The GRT Trustee was placed into voluntary liquidation on 29 November 2006 and dissolved on 30 January 2007. such of the children or remoter issue (if any) of the late Marcuswell Maxwell. The directors of the GRT trustee took steps to execute those decisions in September 2005. Trust Deed means the trust deed concerning the McMillan Memorial Library. In May 2005, the directors of the GRT trustee determined that the GRT trustee would (i) transfer the assets of the GRT to Grand View (of which they were also directors) as trustee for the WFT, (ii) add Grand View as a beneficiary of the GRT, and (iii) exclude all of the existing beneficiaries of the GRT (including the appellants). The Default Beneficiaries and their children and remoter issue. Winston Wong, Riley Wong, Jennifer Wang and Tony Wang were all beneficiaries of the GRT at the time of its creation and contend on this appeal that they still are. The original executed Trust Deed (or a certified copy of the original) should be sent to. A settlor had established a trust for her children and remoter issue. It was declared by the first respondent, Grand View Private Trust Company ("Grand View") on and was transferred assets worth around US$567m at the time of its creation. Power by any deed or deeds revocable or irrevocable to declare that any person or. Was the amendment of a Bermudan trusts beneficiaries and the transfer. of Beneficiaries : Select One : Name : Name : Address: Address: FOR UNIT TRUST ONLY Nature of Business: UNIT HOLDERS Please Select No. The Wang Family Trust (the "WFT") is a Bermuda perpetual purpose trust for a mixture of noncharitable and charitable purposes and has no human beneficiaries. Not Required for Unit Trust FOR FAMILY TRUST ONLY BENEFICIARIES A standard 'Remoter issue' clause is contained within the Trust deed and should be sufficient for all contingencies Please Select No. The GRT was declared on and is estimated to hold assets of over US$500m as of 2019. The Global Resource Trust No 1 (the "GRT") is a Bermudan irrevocable discretionary trust with a trust period of 100 years created for the benefit of the children and remoter issue of YC Wang and YT Wang living on or born after. Was the amendment of a Bermudan trust’s beneficiaries and the transfer of the trust’s assets to another entity by its trustee (i) beyond the scope of the trustee’s powers, a fraud on the trustees’ powers or otherwise invalid, or (ii) in violation of the terms of the trust deed, so as to render the purported amendment and transfer void? Grand View Private Trust Company and another (Respondents) v Wen-Young Wong and others (Appellants) (Bermuda) Case ID: JCPC 2020/0064 Jurisdiction: Court of Appeal for Bermuda Case summary Issue
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boffeecean · 4 years
19 days as things me and my friends have said p.8
Zheng xixi: *gasps* omg is that a cat
Jian yi: *holding up a raccoon* I got a new kitty
Zheng xixi: N O
Jian yi: Did you know pop cans explode if you leave them in the freezer too long??
Mo: Yea, y
Jian yi: *scooping out frozen slushy chunks of coke out of the freezer* No reason
*Mo’s phone buzzes*
From she li: prepare your anus :)
From mo: what does that mean
From she li: :))
Mo: what did you eat today
Zheng xixi: ass
Mo: I’m done caring about you
Jian yi: Dude can we get a shark coochie
Brother qiu: A WHAT (doesn’t know what a meme even is)
Jian yi: ya’know the thing with the cheese and crackers
Brother qiu:.......
Jian yi: *holding up mo* awww he likes me omg
Zheng xixi: no he doesn’t he’s gonna hurt you
Jian yi: no he won’t he needs a bathie
*not even 2 minutes later*
Jian yi: *loud Screeching and crashes* HE DOESNT LIKE ME GOD HELP ME *comes out of the bathroom with blood covered arms and snatches everywhere*
Zheng xixi: so... I guess I was right
Jian yi: * silently pours hand sanitizer on his hand*
He tian, mo and Zheng xixi: *all talking*
Jian yi: *stares at lighter, slowly reaches for it, carefully lights it then shoves it into this hand* ......MO HELP ME MY HANDS ON FIRE WHAT DO I DO ZHENG PLEASE OMG I DIDNT THIBK ITD DO THAT
He tian: why does he get 4 cookies, we didn’t even get one
Mo: *pointing at Jian yi* he’s had a sad life
He tian: I’ve had a sad life
Mo: sucks to be you then don’t it
He cheng: *to he tian* I don’t care about you but your dad does so I gotta pretend I do too so no you can’t die today
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frowerssx2 · 2 years
My dyslexia hates Yuuya's last name and it is so frustrating
(He has now become Sakasaki on this blog and I am so sorry, i hate it to)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
inspired by @/betweenlands’s post here... may i present: is x in stuffed bird the asshole, as of about chapter 10-ish? (the query is above the cut, the answers i found best below the cut)
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[image ID: “AITA for...
Am I the asshole for kidnapping a guy to help me kill my brother?
Let me explain myself. I recently got away from the company that created me after they screwed up and caused the apocalypse. Yeah, the company's THAT kind of place. My brother was the favorite there, and sucked up to them all the time, and always acted like he was better than me, so I wanted him dead. If I killed him, I would be totally free from the people who always hurt me, you know? And he's so perfect at everything, and I hate him for that.
The problem is, since it's the apocalypse, it was pretty dangerous to go places, and besides, I'm also a monster, and it causes problems sometimes. Luckily, I heard about this guy who works for the company that made me that's immune to the apocalypse making him a monster. I figured I'd go find him, make him help me get to my brother, and then kill him to somehow make a cure (haven't really thought out how that would work yet but obviously there has to be some way, right?) I don't know how to drive, anyway, and having another guy with me makes fighting monsters easier.
 I didn't think I'd have to feel bad about it. After all, the guy I'm kidnapping helped cause the apocalypse, and also worked for the people who made my life a living hell. However, as we've been traveling, I'm realizing he actually seems to have really bad anxiety, and he keeps on helping save me from monsters too? He deserves to cry, but also I sort of feel bad about it, so. AITA?” /end ID]
all of the answers come in three sets: one that will always rate NTA, one that will always rate YTA, and one that is trained on both options. they are listed in that order.
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[image ID: the first set of answers.
NTA: “NTA. You aren’t a mind reader and it’s possible you’re over thinking this. It’s also possible that he isn’t as immune as you think he is. Just keep an eye out for any strange behavior and if it continues, leave him behind.”
YTA: “YTA. Get a car, find your brother on your own time.”
Split: “YTA - you aren’t a killer, you just want to be one.
Don’t go after this guy, don’t take him to your brother, just walk away. I can’t imagine the guilt you would feel if you not only killed someone, but helped cause the apocalypse in the process.” /end ID]
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[image ID: the second set of answers.
NTA: “NTA - you are a human being and as such you have the right to do as you wish, even if what you wish is to kill your brother. You were put in a bad situation but that does not make you a bad person.”
YTA: “YTA. A lot of factors are going to have to align for you to be succesul in this attempt, I don’t care how much you want him dead and it doesn’t matter if he is a “perfection” compared to you. You’re also an asshole for taking advantage of his anciety”
Split: “NTA. He’s a human being with feelings and flaws like everyone else. You’re not fucking him, he’s just helping you out. You’re doing the same thing to him. The fact that he’s immune to the virus doesn’t change the fact that you’re a horrible, horrible person for doing this. But, then, probably, you already knew that.” /end ID]
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[image ID: the third set of answers.
NTA: “NTA. He was a willing participant in his own destruction. Kill him and be done with it.”
In an effort to get revenge on your brother you kidnapped and brainwashed a person. The end goal is to kill him which will then free you from the influence of those above named “people who always hurt me”. You are a child and need help very badly or else I fear for your mental stability in the future.”
Split: “YTA
WFT. You’re planning on killing someone, yourself, and you don’t even know how to drive? How are you planning on getting to your brother if you don’t even know how to drive? How are you planning on dealing with your anxiety if you don’t even know how to drive? WTF.
Note to self: if I ever get the urge to kill someone, I’m not going to do it. I’m going to kidnap someone and force them to kill my brother for me.” /end ID]
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[image ID: the fourth set of answers.
But dude. You’re seriously considering letting that guy into your truck, setting out across the country, and then promptly killing him so you can make a cure? You have no fucking plan whatsoever, and each new encounter with a zombie or other monster just makes your determination to off him that much stronger.
Just... Stop. Right Now. This is a bad, bad idea.”
YTA: “YTA. So you decided to take a guy that’s been through worse off than you, who has anxiety and probably PTSD from what sounds like a nightmare of a job. And then you want me to congratulate you for having the audacity to think this would make things better? YTA big time.
You’re not helping him at all by bringing him along with you, besides the fact he’d likely be dead either way in your eyes are focused on your revenge.”
Split: “NTA
You kidnapped a man, intent on making him help you to kill your brother.
You are a living nightmare.” /end ID]
so in conclusion... it appears that the people of fake reddit indeed think that x is the asshole! also that he should learn to drive,
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
Let’s talk about Skrael and Nari for a second.
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I think their relationship is rather interesting! Look at Skrael’s face here. He looks genuinely happy to see Nari. Like, “Hello sister! We found you and we’ve gonna bring you home! :D” Skrael doesn’t taunt her like Bellroc does. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely a twisted sort of excitement. Skrael’s basically like a yandere sibling. He has real affection for Nari but is also super toxic.
I think it was slightly hinted in Wizard’s that they had a somewhat playful relationship. When Morgana was resurrected, Nari was like, “Haha! I told you Skrael. You have no manners, huhuhu.” And Skrael is seen to have childish side himself when he tortures Steve, cackling like a child playing with a toy. Skrael isn’t like this at all with Bellroc. The way Skrael drones Nari’s name in that haunting sing-songy way coupled with this look of actual excitement, while disturbing, is telling. Even this is like a game between the two of them.
I mean, yea, Skrael is kind of mad (in the unhinged sense…again, yandere brother over here) and if it weren’t for Nari making a cheeky remark at Skrael with a grin on her face in Wizards, I’d just be like “Dude’s got a screw loose like wft” 
But if they actually had a decent relationship before Nari left, his almost soft reaction towards Nari makes a lot of sense. And whereas Nari glares at Bellroc, with Skrael she’s just like, “Oh no, oh no, it’s Skrael ;__;”
Or maybe I’m delirious and reading way too much into this and he’s just insane lol
Anyways, I just thought it was interesting huhu
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
From anon's request: "How would the boys react to see the reader appeared out of no where in the lair. Like there is a portal that open in the middle of the lair and the reader get out of it. They don’t know the reader before. How would they react? You can do separately or all together I don’t mind."
A/N: It got too long, but hope you like it! If you find any mistakes in the paragraphs or do not understand something, feel free to tell me.
They/them pronouns used!
The Guest
It's just another random day in the underground. Eletronic sounds from improvised machines coming from Donnie's computer station, splashing of the waterfall in the enormous main space and a Hip Hop song echoing around, filling the light dump air of the air.
Leo sat on the edge of the platform where he is used to train, a heavy breathe leaving his mouth, exausted by an intensive training session he just had; several drops of sweat slide over his muscled and hot body, clothing showing dark stains here and there as outcome of his effort. But he was satisfied by his well-conclued work. The leader takes a look around to see what is currently happening in his home, as always. Donnie isn't at his computer station or neither his lab. Well, the genius must be doing who knows what somewhere. Leonardo ran his eyes around carefully to find his purple-clad brother and Bingo! Donnie is lying down, using his tablet, on his improvised bed in the giant pipe hole with purple neon wire making a circle around the edge. Rising the corner of his mouth by the view, Leo watched around again to look for his two troublemakers brothers, but couldn't find any of them. Meybe they are distrubing each other somewhere.
Sighing, Leonardo stands and jumped off the platform, walking towards the kitchen area to take a glass of water.
''Eat Me'' red neon sign above the kitchen makes him think of inappropiate things; of course, he tried to change Mikey's mind when the young brother choose it as decoration, but there was nothing the leader could do. Leo is not gonna lie, that sign suits a lot with the kitchen...
Shaking his head to wash the naughty thoughts away and opening the high cabinet door, he picks his favourite blue glass and headed to the fridge. Opening the door he ran his eyes through the small cold space and found the jar water. After pouring the cold liquid into the blue glass, he let's out a relief sigh as brings it to his mouth, finally swallowing the fresh liquid down his throat. His muscles are exausted to continue the intense training, so the blue-clad turtle decided to take a break.
Suddenly a light beam emerged from behind him.
''What the-''
The whole lair vibrated.
He was threw against the cabinets by the shock wave. Groaning, Leo rubs behind his neck; a pair of blue ocean eyes scanned towards to where the defeaning sound came from and saw that there's a thick and dark gray fume hovering in the middle of the big space, spreading around.
"Donnie! You must be careful with your stuff!'' Leo yelled, thinking that this explosion was caused by one of Donnie's inventions.
''It wasn't me, Leo!'' Donnie protested, running beside his brother, who is already in the local of the explosion, trying so hard to see what was demaged.
''What happened?!'' Raphael shouted from a distance with Mikey walking right behind him.
Master Splinter came out of the dojo and gasped while watches the unexpected situation ''Leonardo!'' the old rat called ''Explain what just happaned here. Is everyone okay?''.
''Yes, we are, master. But I don't understand the cause of the explosion. It was so fast.''
''Do not worry, my son. The importand is that no one got hurted.''
Leo sighed relived, placing his hands on each side of his hips and just kept stand there a few seconds, watching everybody disappearing into the dense fume. The brothers walk carefully through it to find a reason of the explosin. But all they can see is the concrete ground was covered with a dark dust, for now.
Raph gasped when see a silhouette a few steps away from him, the arduous smoke difficulting his view.
The silhouette was crouched, its head lowered between its knees, and arms crossed around its body. Raph grabs his both sais and positioned them beside him, ready for the action. He slowly takes steps towards the stranger, being careful to not scare the unexpected guest.
He knew it is not Splinter because that shape is human.
As he aproaches to the mysterious form, Raph noticed that it is a person. ''What ta hell...'' he whispered. ''Hey!'' He called, but you didn't response, keeping your head down between your knees. "Hey!'' Raph called again, but has received no response yet. The brute's yell called the others attention who went quicly beside him, and got surpried by your presence.
''Who is this person?'' Mikey asked, in shock.
''I don't know.'' Leo said as take a few steps closer to you, his eyes watching you form carefully.
Donnie took a few steps foward as well, and pulled his googles down to scan you and adjusted some annulus to have a better view of your vital signals, and kneeled in front of you. ''Hey'' he called, but you kept your head lowered.
The boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
You're so afraid to lift your eyes to see what is happening or where you got. You knew that you're being watched by someone, but a discomfort high-pitched sound disturbs your ears, preventing you to hear them.
Donnie lift his hand and with all careful of the world he touches your shoulder.
You quickly rise your head, and shut your eyes open wide.
Gasping, your breathe got faster as you watch a big humanoid green creature a few inches away right in front of you. Without thinking twice you dragged yourself away from the weird creature who stands quickly and lift his hands in front of him as a peace sign. You could see that it is like a human, but with a green skin and so fucking tall; military green cargo pants, a pair of big boots, suspenders around his... plated chest, and that scary thing he's using above his eyes, or are those literally his eyes?!
"WFT?!" You thought.
"Hey, hey, It's okay!" The purple-clad terrapin said, but all you could see is his mouth moving.
You quickly moved your weak body away from him, but something hits your back, preventing you from escape. Slowly your eyes looked back and chills ran down your spine. A pair of sandals in a feet with two big fingers? Your eyes followed up slowly and saw that it is another creature, but this time it is using black pants over his thighs, something you couldn't describe over his lower legs and nothing on upper body. And... Is it wearing a blue cloth around his eyes?
But, out of all of it, you got surprised of how massive these things are. Where have you arrived? And what kind of aliens are they? Wait, they are aliens, right?
"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you" Leo said with a comfort voice but you can't hear a single word from him.
You tried to get up and run away but your legs failed, bringing you to the ground. And an excruciating pain started to roll through your legs, making you groan violently.
"Wow, easy!" Donnie shouted "Leo, they're legs are injured! Keep them on the ground or they will hurt themselves even more!".
"Raph, with me!" Leo ordered but his brother didn't even moved; Raph just crossed his arms and shift his wheight from a leg to another. Leo studied your body language, he knew that if he holds you by your legs he would cause more pain on you, so he made a decision to hold you by your arms.
''Hey, hey. Easy'' he tried to grabs your arms but you fought with all your strength to shove his three-fingered hands away. Donnie noticed that Raph doesn't want to collaborate and groaned, walking towards you and kneeling.
Mikey joined his brothers and could finally grabs your arms and laying you down on your back on the ground. Even with a hell of pain you're feeling you moved your legs to kick your immobilizer but the pain hits you so hard, making you're scream.
''We need to calm them down!" Donnie warned.
''And how we're supose to do it? They're freaking out!'' Mikey said, holding you against the ground while Leo keeps his hands on your hips to keep you immobilized.
Donnie has no choice but talk to you.
''Hey'' he carefully lands his hand agaisnt your forehead to call your attention ''I know that you're scared and that you're not understanding what is happening, but you need to calm down''.
You eyes locked with his amber ones.
''Calm down...'' he repeated ''What's your name?''
You didn't get his words and made a question expression, shaking your head from a side to another as a negative response.
''Um... Do you have a name?'' Donnie asked, and quirked a brow ridge.
''I think they're not hearing ya'' Raph opined from behind ''They didn't answer my call when I called them twice in front of them'' Raph continued, shrugging.
''Really?'' Donnie looked back at his red-banded brother.
That's make sense...
Donnie payied back his attention on you. How will he comunicate with you now?
''Can. You. Hear. Me?'' he asked slowly, making sure that his lips are moving for you understand perfectly. Of course, none of them knows language signal, so moving his lips slowly is the only way to make a communication with you. He could see your eyes locked on his lips while he talks, reading carefully each words formed.
You look back at his eyes and nod negatively.
''Oh no...'' Leo murmured.
''Are they deaf?'' Mikey asked.
''I fear...'' Donnie answered, then sighed ''But I'm relieved that they can understand lip reading. Raph" He called, looking back at his brother who was just stand behind him watching you with caution "Can you bring a pen and a paper, or whatever the thing I can write down?"
''Okay." Raph nodded, making a scary and intimidating face without breaking eye contact with you. You knew that the red-clad creature has something negative about you. His deadly stare says everything.
''Hey...'' Donnie called your attention back, and repeated the same exercise as he did to communicate with you ''Keep. Calm. We. Will. Release. You."
You nodded positively.
The boys slowly take their hands off you, waiting if in case you do another resistance or an escape attempt, but you kept layied there, calm.
''I'll need you guys to help me to take them to a confortable place'' Donnie said ''Mikey, I need you to pick them on bridal style. It's the only way to carry them''.
''But how about their legs?'' the young brother questioned, worried about hurting you by accident.
''I guess it will hurt them a bit but... It's the only way. If you lift them just by their arms, they will try to stand instinctively, and it would make them suffer even more''.
"What kind of injury they have on their legs, my son?" Splinter questioned, emerging and walking beside his taller son.
Your eyes went wide.
"I scanned their legs and I found out that they have some brusies and their muscles are demaged. I'm surprised the bones weren't broken." Donnie continued "I'm gonna care their injuries and soon they will walk again. But... I'm not sure when they will be healed a hundred per cent.''
The boys stood around you a minute watching you lay on the ground, thinking and speaking between them about what they must do to help you. And you took it as opportunity to study more carefully their forms. Green skin with scales here and there, tonic muscles on their arms and legs. "Holly fuck shit" you tryied to whisper but your voice cracked, indicating that your vocal chords are very weak as much as your body. For sure that traveling through the portal was pretty bad for you.
Your eyes studied them again and you rise an eyebrow. They're wearing backpacks. Wait, those are not backpacks... are... Shells... Shells?! And why are they're wearing colourful clothes around their eyes? Are they criminals or something?!
Your eyes caught the purple clad creature kneeling beside you again. You are sure that he said something like "alright". He lift his three-fingered hand, approaching it closer to your face and you couldn't help but refuse his touch shifting your head away making Mikey and Leo kneel to hold you still, but this time not too hard as before.
Donnie touches your cheek and sotfly turn your face towards his. "Easy... We. Want. To. Help. You". Then he shares a soft smile.
You have no idea what or who they are, but you knew that whatever they're planning, is for help you. Is for your own healthy and safety. At least, if these massive creatures wanted to harm you, they would have already done it, but all they have done is being careful with you; taking care of you.
You smiled back.
Donnie lets out a heavy breathe, then glanced at Mikey and nodded. Leo stood aside to give his younger brother space enough to adjust himself beside you and pick you up. You quickly turned your eyes back at the purple-clad creature like asking him to tell you what his friend will do.
He just nodded positively, smiling.
Leo positioned himself on your another side to help Mikey, taking care to lift your upper body first. Mikey reached to support your body, placing his arm behind you. And now, the most difficult part: your injured legs. ''I'm sorry if you feel pain. You have to be strong as possible.'' Mikey murmured. But before they could work on your legs, Donnie raised his hand to call their attention and soft landed it on your knee. A soft groan left your mouth but you thanked that your knees were just a bit ached ''Wait! Let's do it one step at time. After I count three, lift them fast. Ready?'' Leo and Mikey give a firm nod. ''Alright. One.'' You read his lips, and asked to yourself why he was counting. ''Two''. Your eyes lower to take a look on your legs, and saw that they're with their hands positioned like would pick you up on bridal style. Wait... Your heart beats faster. Donnie noticed that you are staring at him with wide eyes and shaking your head from a side to another desperately, but there's nothing he could do. ''Three!''
You screamed; a heavy wave of pain ran through your weak legs like a hundred knives were penetrating your meat violently. You threw your head back, your mouth open while agonizing sounds go out; it is hard even to breathe.
''Take them to the sofa. Now!'' Donnie ordered.
Mikey quickly headed towards the .... He has to admit that hearing your protesting painfully in his arms breaks his heart. Never in his life he heard someone scream like you're doing right now.
"Here..." Leo directed, adjusting the soft sheet to lay you down and a sofa pillow to support your head. Mikey bent over to place you carefully on the sofa with Donnie holding your head. "Be careful." Leo commented. It hurt a bit when your legs were landed on two pillows, but as fast as the pain started, it ended.
Finally you can inhale oxygen after a whole minute of suffocate.
"I'll grab a medicine to lower their pain. It will get them tiredness but will worth" Donnie said, turning and heading towards his lab.
Leo and Mikey positioned themselves beside you, his eyes watching over every single movement you do. You kinda felt uncomfortable with them looking at you all the time; feeling totally vulnerable under their care, but you knew that what are they're doing is for you own good.
Your eyes caught another massive form coming closer and your bones started to shiver again. The red-cladded humanoid creature is back but this time he was holding pen and a notebook.
"Hey, guys. This is all I could find at the moment" Raph said while look at the stuff he just took, then his scary stare locked on you.
Your blood freeze.
"Thanks, Raph." The leader grabs the stuff and sat on the ground right beside you. He positioned the pen between his big fingers and the notebook on his lap, and his eyes landed on yours. You couldn't help but appreciate to utmost of how beautiful his eyes are. A deep and vividly color of blue. They're like a painting... You shook your head and looked to opposite side, hiding your blush.
"They shook their head. Why? We didn't make any questions." Mikey said.
"I don't know, but let's find out" Leo continued, writing down "Are you okay?". Finishing, he reaches out his hand and gently touches your shoulder making you snap your eyes back at his. Then Leo lifts the notebook to show you the question.
You read it and shake your hand as "So so" then pointed at your legs.
Leo nodded back, understanding your message, then placed the notebook on his lap again and wrote "My brother will take care of your injuries and certificate that you'll be okay and we will help. Don't be afraid". You read it and show a positive thumb. Leo replaced the notebook back and wrote "I'll introduce us to you". You show a positive thumb again. Then Leo wrote all their names down and lifted it to you."Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, and our father, Master Splinter".
Leo got up and started to introduce them. He pointed at his name and then at him. Then he pointed at Donnie's name and then pointed towards the lab where Donnie is preparing his medical kit. Then Leo pointed at Mickey's name and then at his brother beside him. The young turtle waved, grinning. "So cute" you thought, waving back. Then Leo pointed at Raph's name and at him, an the brute just crossed his arms. "He's kinda... Rude..." You thought again. Then Leo pointed at Splinter's name and then at him who is a few steps away from you. "Wait. Father? Father? Is he they're father?!" You practically yelled mentally. Your mind was filled with many questions about this impossibility of this giant rat be father, or he must be their adoptive father. You prayed to the second option be the true.
You were brought back to reality with another soft hudge on your shoulder, making you look back at his deep blue eyes. The blue-cladded turtle took a deep breathe and made a worry face; and lift the notebook with the next phrase: "We are mutant turtles."
Your eyes went wide. Mutants? How? Since when it is possible? The boys looked at each other already expecting your shock. What kind of place you just arrived where there're mutants?! The mutants made a fear expression, waiting for your scream. But no sound has come out from your mouth.
You just got froze.
''Won't they scream?'' Raph asked, quirking a brow ridge.
''They got shocked'' Mikey simply commented.
Leo sighed and wrote down another sentence. 'Just keep calm. I'll explain everything when you get well soon". You made an effort to nod.
After a few minutes, Donnie went back holding a first aid kit under one of his his slim but muscular arms, a medicine pack between his thick fingers and a bottle of water. Leo and Mikey took a step back to give their brother some space to work on you. First of all, Donatello shows you the medicine pack, holding it in front of you; he looked at Leo and asked for the notebook and the pen, picking it. Your eyes watched every single move he does and you got the conclusion that this mutant has quick skills and much attention in his work, murmuring who knows what while work on you. "Interesting", you thought.
After finish writing, Donnie lift the notebook. "I'll give you a medicine for your pain, but it will make you tired because it has some substances which cause tiredness. If you feel some uncomfortable symptoms, warn me". You immediately rised a positive thumb. You had taken some medicines with that description many times in your life, so you're kind of used with it. But the bad news is that it makes you fall asleep quickly, a scary idea in your opinion. You have no clue what these mutants would do when you're sleeping; if they would do dirty things or something or whatever the shit you refuse to think. You pray, at least, for these mutants do not do disrespectful things.
Donnie picks a pill from the pack and gave it to you, then the bottle of water. All the five mutants are literally watching you doing it, and it made you uncomfortable. You're not used to many people staring at you like that.
After taking the medicine, Donnie mentioned to you lay down again. The nerd placed the first aid kit on the ground and open it, his hands moving some stuff away again and again, his eyes scanning the stuff in the box. What is he looking for, exactly?
Suddenly your eyes caught his facial expression turning from serious to happy. Well, what did he just find to make him smile? The other mutants—except the red one—grinned. "Why the fuck are they grinning?" You thought. Donnie returned his attention to you with his grin. Okay, you don't know if his smile is a good sign or a naughty sign.
Then you started to feel your eyes heavy.
"Fuck... Now now..." You murmued, feeling a weariness filling your body. You hate when this medicine effect affect you rapdly, and you can't fight back.
"Hey, did they say something? I swear I heard that" Mikey commented.
"Well, they can speak by the way" Raph mocks.
Slowly your vision got blur, and the last thing you remember is they debating with each other, then the darkness pulls you for a long rest.
——————Time Skip——————
The light fills the darkness of your sleepy world like a white spot growing and consuming every single space of the dark. You are not sure how much time you slept, but at least all of it was merely dream and those creatures were just an invention of your mind.
Opening up your eyes slowly, you expected to wake up in your bedroom, but, even with your vision blurring and get used by the ambient light, the place seems totally different of your comfortable bedroom. Damp walls, two thick pipes in a corner a thin one on another, and neon lights a few steps away from where you are layied down. As you can feel, it is a comfortable bed. Groaning softly you turned your head to the space illuminated by the neon flashing lights, seeing a shell with a big backpack facing you. Immediately you recognized him.
It was not a dream.
You hear quick types on a keyboard, noticing that this mutant turtle is using his... computers? He was typing who knows what about something you have no idea, and you got surprised how fast this turtle can do it. He might be a guy of technology, you presume.
Wait. Wait...
If you can hear him working, that's mean your hearing came back to normal! You let out a happy sigh, making the genius turn his head towards you. "Oh, you're awake!" He said grinning, but palmed his face remembering that you can't listen to him. The tall purple clad terrapin takes his skateboard and rolled it beside you and sat down. ''How. Are. You. Feeling?'' he asked; you couldn't help but share a soft smile and say with a weak voice ''I'm good... And I can hear you now.''
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide.
''Hey... Are you... okay?'' you asked quietly with the corner of your mouth rised.
''Oh! I'm- Yeah. I'm-'' he rubs his hand behind his neck ''I'm glad you're okay'' he murmured, sharing a shy smile. What is going on here? You started to think that the air got ''tensed'' sunddely between you. Is it good?
''So...'' Donnie started ''About your physical condition, you're getting better. The muscles of your legs are healing and your wounds are cicatrizing. The rest you've just taken helped you a lot.'' he continued ''Uh... I almost forgot: what's your name?''
''Amazing.'' he lower his head, trying to not show a light blush over his cheeks which you already noticed. ''So, uh... Who are you, where did you come from and how did you get here?'' he asked quicly without concerns, locking his amber eyes on yours again. Okay, that was expected but too fast as he did. You looked away from his gaze, fearing your answers would not convice or be plausibles for the situation. Well, there's no way out.
''You... will not believe me if I answer honestly'' you said with weak tone.
Donatello cocked his head to the side, quirking his brow ridges.
''I am from another... I don't know...'' you answered, sighing ''Also I don't remember exactly how I got into that portal-''
''Portal?'' He questioned.
''Yes. I do not remember how or who exactly put me in that portal, but all I can remember is of the explosion when that thing closed and then... an uncomfortable sound filled my ears and a sudden ache consumed my legs''.
''Oh, yeah. I noticed it too''.
You started to feel a little shame by your overreact you had when the boys tryied to help you; and you regret ''Sorry for my bad behaving. I was very scared...''
''Hey, there's no need to apologize. You were just shocked and didn't have time to think. It's totally okay.'' Donnie knew that going through a portal and end up in another place is odd and unconfortable, so he and his brothers will do everything to make you feel safe before find out a way to take you home. The nerdy shares a smile and comes closer to you, pulling his googles above his eyes to scan your vital signs. Your eyes went wide. That thing scared you when you saw it for the first time!
''Did you make these?'' you pointed at his goggles.
''Oh yeah! I did it all my own'' he said proundly.
You gliggled ''Amazing! But it scared the hell out of me when I saw it for the first time. I thought it were your eyes or something.''
Donnie chuckeld of your observation, which you're not wrong. ''Sorry, was not my intention. You're not the only one who got scared of my briliant creation.'' he grinned, adjusting some of his goggles annulus here and there, then actived his hologram from his watch and typed on it. You got surprised with his advanced technology, never in your life you have seen something like that. Which year are you?! A distant future?
Are these mutants evolued humans or hybrids?!
''Are you still hearing that unconfortable noise?''
You woke up from your thoughts ''What?''
''That noise you said about. Can you describe how it sounded?'' he asked without leave his attention from his screen.
''Um... it was like... uh... high-pitched sound.''
Donnie noded, still typing on his screen. You're just sit there watching him working on his whatever the thing it is, his three-fingered hand moving and shifting above the screen. ''I guess you got a temporary deaf by the reason of explosion, and I am surprised that it just gave you temporary damages. I thought your eardrums would suffer a rupture and your bones break... Well... I'm glad that you're okay now.''
You beamed timidly ''All thanks to you and your brothers''. It's just you or his cheeks are being filled with a dark colour? "So... before answer your questions, can I ask where am I? Is this place another dimension or something?''
Donnie's locked his eyes on you, not expecting this question ''What? Uh, no... Why? Are you from another dimension?''
You shrugged ''I donno. Where I came from is Earth. It's all can describe to you.
''Oh! Well, you can still keep calm because you're still on Earth''. He smiled playfulness.
You sigh relieved; thankfully you weren't thrown out of your planet. ''And... where exactly am I?...''
''New York City, USA. Technically under it; you're in mine and my family's home in the sewers''.
You froze. New York? Underground? Sewers? ''You got be kidden me...",
''No, I'm not. And... how about you?''
''Originally I'm from (your hometown). But... I just remember being kidnap and then... Everything went dark. The last thing I remember is flashbacks of some men putting me in that portal. Why did they do it? I don't know.'' you shrugged.
Donnie noded again, his head filled with several hypothesis about your weird past event. "And these men... what kind of clothing they were wearing?" he asked, rubbing his chin.
"Uh..." You made a question expression, not getting what does he want to know about something so random. But who are you to refuse to answer? This turtle must know something you don't. "There were some people wearing different kind of clothing. I remember some wearing white coats—like doctors—and... Others in black. All black. Even their masks...''
Donnie's eyes went wide. He knows exactly who wear dark clothing as in your description. Foot Clan. He stood and walked towards the exit over quick steps.
''Where're you going?''
''I'll be right back. Stay where you are, okay? Don't you dare escape.'' he pointed at you and then left, leaving you totally alone in his lab. What is he planning, by the way? Perhaps he has some knowledge about those people you have seen? Well, by his sudden shock react, he surely know.
After a few minutes, Donatello has arrived in his lab and going to where you both had a conversation. And he was not alone.
''So... what's the news?'' Mikey shares a cocky smile, picking a chair and sitting on the oposite of ot, keeping the back of this object in front of his plastron and landing his arms above the top rail. Leonardo stood right beside you and Raph a few steps away from your bed, arms crossed and looking at you with no interest, and the giant rat stood beside Mikey, who glanced at his father still with the cocky smile on his face then back at you.
"So, Y/N. Can you explain everything you know for us? We just want to help you, nothing otherwise." Leo assured, but quick steps has approached him and a sudden punch on his arm made him groan. "Help them?" Raph protested "We don't even know who they are or if they work for someone that is not by our side!". Splinter quickly acted, beating his tail behind Raphael's legs to stop "Enough! Let them speak. We will just know if they tell their story.", "But Master, if they lie?!" The brute threw his arms up in protest, but Splinter just shares an intimidating look, making his red-clad son shut up and take a step back. "I apologize, my young one. You can go ahead with your version of your story."
You took a deep breath, feeling a bit uncomfortable for being watched and sorrawnded by five mutants, but actually you don't care. They seem to be good guys—except for the hot head one. For a while, you told every single detail you remember; since your kidnapping till your arriving in this place, the people who put you in that portal, your hometown. It's so weird that all of it happened so fast which you couldn't believe that it took a while—maybe because you were put to sleep as that people did everything they want to you.
The mutants looked at each other, expressions like surprise, shock, suspicious, doubt traveled through each one. You're afraid of they all think that you're lying, well, the red one is already thinking, of course. But how about the others?
"I might think that people in black are members of Foot Clan..." Leo commented after a moment "And the people in white might be scientists. Helpers of-".
"Baxter Stockman." Donnie finished.
''You gotta be kidding me...'' you murmured, surprise that this dangerous clan are in the same universe with them. You thought you got in another dimension or wherever but you literally were transported to another place, just it. And you lived your entire life without know the existence of these mutants. You want to freak out.
''And why would those people put Y/N in that portal?'' Mikey asked ''Like, just them! Were... were you alone when you were transported, right?'' the youngest looked at you with concerns.
''Yes! As I remember, yes...''
"Well..." Leo started "From now on we have a hard work to do. Y/N, you are under our care, and you have to stay down here with us. It's for your protection".
"What?! But-"
Master Splinter takes a step forward and place one of his hands on your shoulder, looking deep into your eyes "You have no choice, my dear. But there's no need to be worry" he smiled "While you're with us, no dangerous will happen to you" then the old rat glanced at Raphael, who groaned and sighed, getting Splinter's message.
You have to be prepared for all obstacles that are coming, and you're thankful that these mutants are by your side. As Leo said before, there's hard work to execute, dangerous or not.
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maddeecee13 · 3 years
After being stalked and harassed by college acquaintance Christopher Buonocore for the majority of my adult life, I finally received justice and a judge sentenced him to jail for 15 years.
His father and brother, both named John Buonocore, enabled and protected him all these years. 10+ years ago, another victim of Chris’s went to both John Buonocore Jr. and Sr. and they urged her to not go to the police. A few years later, a second victim had the same experience with these two men. While speaking to the judge who sentenced his son to 15 years, John Buonocore Sr. admitted to telling one of the young victims that came to him to help that she would have a hard time getting the police to believe her and it would be a hard case to prove. John Buonocore Senior did have one thing right. It WAS hard to get to where we are today, but guess what? We did it and it ended with his son being sentenced to prison for 15 years. I wonder if he thinks about what could have happened if he decided to be a decent human being & the adult figure that young victim needed, instead of brushing the situation under the rug?
As for me? Instead of brushing it under a rug and pretending it never happened, I really want to share my story in hopes help others. To quote @taylorswift, “there is nothing like a mad woman”…
Thank you Micheal Paluska from ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bayfor interviewing me for this segment. @abcactionnews-blog-blog @abcnews
Cyber-stalking & Harassment, non-consensual porn, deep fakes, and other sexual crimes against people, mainly girls and women, are on the rise. If it’s happening to you or a loved one, you are not the problem, the people, statistically men, that are doing this are the problem. As with most sexual crimes, these crimes are under-reported and investigated. We are ashamed and embarrassed to come forward. We are victim shamed into thinking we are the problem. Instead of brushing it under the rug, we need to talk about it. Have open communication with your children. Be open with your friends and family.
The more we talk about it, the more we take some of the power out of the abusers hands.
The article and video is long, but if you have time, please take a look.
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shatar-aethelwynn · 3 years
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@tcheschire The argument is that because the Ancient Egyptian name for Egypt is Kmt the fact that the Hebrew Bible calls it Mizraim is proof that the people were never there. Because they use the wrong name. He extends this argument by saying that it is because of the Jews (and Christians, but he is especially focused on the 'malicious lies' of the Jews) that the name for the country jn Arabic is Misr. And this is a Very Bad Thing. Because Egypt is Kmt. And it stopped being Kmt because the Jews demoralized the entire country with their exodus-lie, which made the people unable to prevent the Persians and Greeks from taking over. The line I quoted is just one of his many maaany over-generalizations-as-facts claims. He’s saying that it is the exception to the rule for a country to be called something different in it’s native language that what the majority of the world calls it. I pointed out Japan specifically because most languages that I have come across seem to call it some recognizable variation of the English name, but if you talk about the country in Japanese it is usually “Nihon” (but also has even older names), which means it is also in a similar name situation to what he is trying to claim Egypt is in. Only his claims is invalidated by Cuneiform tablets.
His entire argument is a tied up in a mess of anti-semitism and ignorance. I only just started the chapter on the Egypt-name part of his theory so I’m sure there will be many similarly delightful “wft?!” moments to come over the next few days.
Also, Lottie actually addressed the topic of Egypt's name recently, I'll go find and reblog it again.
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