#theres so many ways ive seen it spelled
crystalis · 6 months
i really miss dq11 and i want an excuse to play it again but i cant think of any challenges that might be fun to do
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linksqueerawakening · 3 months
something i didnt realize until (relatively) recently is that the yiga in BOTW steal peoples faces. once i met a yiga and chuckled bc his face was so small for his head, and it stuck in my head. then a few irl days later i was wandering around and came across a merchant on the road and froze bc. it was the exact same guy! but this one had a name, not just unlabeled as "traveler" or something the way yiga are when you talk to them. and he was just a normal friendly npc
after that i started paying attention and realized that pretty much all of the disguised yiga along the roads in botw are using actual NPCs you can meet as their disguise. usually traveling merchants
ive been thinking about the implications for like a month now. like. can they not make their own original hylian designs? is the spell limited to only copying someone else? is the same thing going on in TOTK, or am i just not noticing it happening bc there are so many more NPCs wandering around so its harder to remember them all? if they arent copying people in TOTK, is it bc they only learned how to make new faces in the interim between the two games, or is it just that theyre copying people that link cant run into? we know there are more people in hyrule than the ones we see; several gerudo in BOTW mention their husbands who live in some other locations outside of gerudo town, presumably in homesteads outside of any town? but close enough that the married vai can reasonably send their money home and ya know. spend time with the guy they spent so much time hunting down. are some of those unseen husbands being impersonated by the yiga clan? are there more prisoners like the ones forced to make clothes in TOTK that are being kept for their faces? or have they just improved the spell? or am i just unobservant and they ARE copying NPCs we meet, and my memory is just bad? do any of the BOTW merchants know they were being impersonated? if they saw a yiga disguised as them, would they even know it IS a magical face-stealing assassin, or would they come to the far more plausible explanation that they have a coincidental look-alike or long-lost twin?
the one question i dont have is "why mainly traveling merchants?" bc quite frankly that just makes sense. someone that goes to and from settlements and stables, a face thats familiar enough to let in, to not question why theyre on the road, but not so familiar as to notice any out of character behaviors. it might just be the smartest bit of critical thinking ive seen on the yigas part, though i suppose theres always a chance they didnt think that hard about it. they could very well have just gone with the people they see a lot in their own travels between settlements and targets
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xiulric · 7 months
On SV fics and jin lan city AU fanfics
Jin lan city is one of my fave arcs in SV bc we have all this wonderful tension coming to a head. Sqq's devotion to binghe turned over its head, into fear and animosity
meanwhile binghe laboriously built himself up, meticulously planned and manipulated his way into a favorable political position both in the demon realm and as a huan hua disciple
despite his anger and resentment. he thinks this will prove to shizun that hes still valuable. bc xin mo digs its claws into binghes insecurity: sqq either rejected him bc of his demon heritage, or worse. sqq found him unlovable, the person who knew him best, saw the core of who he is, found him insufficient
hell. maybe this was a long con years in the making, sqq hated him since they met, and then only pretended to be nice to binghe so that sqqs betrayal would hurt more
and all this planning bites him in the ass!!!! it makes shizun resent him more!!!
some fics make the mistake of dissolving this tension too early. for the sake of speeding up the bingqiu cuddles
and like i think thats a waste bc those same misunderstandings, when resolved with good storytelling, lead to a satisfying conclusion that makes bingqiu feel deeper, with a stronger connection ! 
so anyway theres so many ways the jin lan meeting post abyss couldve gone. RIPE with potential for a variety of fun fanfic scenarios!!!
ive seen truth serum jin lan city aus, or obedience spell aus. even ones where sqq forces a soul connection so binghe. cant kill him without hurting himself
point is!! SO MANY OPTIONS
but my absolute favourite jin lan city aus, the most ironic, juicy, and hardest to execute imo :
aus where Binghe realizes something baffling about his shizun. the key to successfully manipulating SQQ and resolving this post-abyss misunderstanding.
its not through demonic power, prestige, manners or huan hua palace.
it's by binghe showing the most unlovable, weak side of himself. that makes sqq crumble like wet tissue paper IN AN INSTANT
if binghe in jin lan city cries, if hes hurt or sick, sqq will be there to help him immediately despite sqqs fear of binghe
sqq is so so weak to white lotus binghe that he would risk getting mauled by the demon emperor. bc he cant hold back his own need to coddle binghe
a sub point to this same weakness sqq has; jin lan aus where binghe pushes the limit of "how far will shizun go to pamper me?"
that one is tricky bc. it can sound OOC if written without believable buildup
disciple white lotus binghe is aware that sqq favours him; sqq vastly prefers binghes cooking over any other food. sqq got without-a-cure for binghes sake. binghe is head disciple.
but its not always that binghe realizes how FAR sqq would go to coddle binghe, and worse, sqq justifies it and lies to himself about it. "its only what binghe is owed! hes the protagonist! this world was built for him!"
so in some delicious jin lan aus, binghe goes; ok ok. shizun hates me now. but when i hug him.. he doesnt push me away? when i kill all the sowers, and jin lan proclaims me a hero, and i ask for shizuns hand in marriage... he doesnt DENY it to me??
shizun doesnt look happy. but he goes along willingly!?!?!?  WHAT IS GOING ON
basically it leads to more misunderstandings before a resolution BUT ITS SO JUICY!? SQQ's love for binghe vs his lying to himself about loving binghe! a truth he can hardly admit in the privacy of his mind !
and binghes confusion blending with his delight and the stinging betrayal of 3 years ago!!! CHEFS KISS
example below of this dynamic; from Sadie Hawkins fic by X_los
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crow-aeris · 5 months
This one goes out to you, @freelancerofthetriforcekeyblade!
So when it comes to magic and such, i think it depends on the spells and what it requires of the user. like, if the magic runs off of like, life energy or whatever, then it would probably take a toll on the user and their wings would look tattered and unkempt, the feathers fraying, thinning, becoming brittle and fragile.
with the flashes, theyre all wither hummingbirds, or sunbirds. like, not all hummers/sunbirds are flashes, but all flashes are hummers/sunbirds 😔
in all seriousness tho, theyd have to bind/hide their wings since they create drag, and having their wings just out there behind them would 1, slow them down SIGNIFICANTLY, and 2, have the potential to just... rip off of them if the flashes are going too fast. it doesnt matter how good their healing is, i doubt they can regrow limbs.
for metas like duke and hal jordan who have powers that dont directly outright change their biology or make them inhuman (if that makes sense) i think their wings are just, normal wings, maybe a bit sturdier? but hal jordan's just some guy with a powered ring (im p sure) so its whatever
being blessed/cursed would be kinda complicated since it determines what the terms of the blessing/curse are. but i think for jason blood, whenever he calls etrigan, his wings kinda just, turn into leathery stereotypical demon wings (but the transformation itches like crazy, probably.... the only thing ive seen of the two are from that one movie where zatana and john constatine team up with batman and that one acrobat ghost dude)
for billy, i think his wings would reflect the age he's at. for his 12 y/o form, i think he's have the coloration typical of his species's immature/fledgling coloration. but after he shazams himself into cpt marvel, i think he'll display the bright coloration/saturated colors that you'd find in his species (the only thing ive seen of him is the shazam movie 😔)
for martian manhunter... has he ever done hair?? cos wings are complicated, what with each individual feathers needing to be specifically recreated would be similar to hair, and then theres the matter of making the muscles work and everything move in a natural way. even if he manages to recreate wings, they’d look uncanny and wrong, and it freaks people out, and some ids may cry if they see him. It’s like a sickly victorian child looking at ai art with too many elbows/joints and too many fingers: it’d be disconcerting for them, and civillians would be distressed
and as a treat: different species would probably have like, wide-ranging diets. Like carnivorous raptors- alfred, tim, bruce, etc, would have a taste for meat whereas jason, duke, steph, and dick would be more keen toward grains, seeds, trail mixes, stuff like that. Dick in particular would be a FIEND for sweet fruit (the flashes would also all prolly be obsessed with calorie-dense and sugary fruits)
there would probably be plenty of shops/stores that sell insects for primarily insect-eating species, which means eating insects would probably be a more accepted thing in this world than it is in our world currently
As always, if ya’ll have any questions or want to know more abt this au, just shoot me an ask and I’ll (hopefully) reply!
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corvidares · 9 months
okay, so i just finished re-reading Any Way the Wind Blows and this feels so blatant as to be smacking me in the face: simon is disabled.
now, the reason why that makes itself even clearer in this book than in wayward son (where he, of course, also has the wings + tail) is because simon is once again in the world of mages - despite doing his best to leave it behind. compared to wayward son, where hes basically and literally in the wild west. where theres magical beings everywhere, where simon practically fits in because he is one.
but ill get back to that.
ive seen a lot of really interesting points about what simon's wings represent and mean, and i'm not disagreeing with those. but in a very literal sense, they are a disability.
think about it like this: the world of mages (and Normals) is not built for humanoids who have giant webbed wings and a tail. simon constantly struggles with controlling these limbs, and their size makes it ten times harder. spaces are too small, furniture and objects are broken when he spreads them, and many a shirt or jacket are ruined.
he struggles to find a good way to deal with this - spell them away? wear them out by cutting holes in things? fold them extremely painfully into his shirt? even though this last one is treated like a solution for a little while, its far from ideal. who is simon doing this for? himself, or everyone around him? yes, of course Normals cant see them. and yeah, hes expressed discomfort about baz and penny spelling them hidden. but thats not the point. even with this botch job of a way to "wear" his wings, which succeeds at hiding them from Normals, simon still states a couple times that he knows people stare at him and his seeming hunchback. i mean, thats blatant.
(he eventually, with shepard's help, realizes a good way to work around this - zippers or buckles on shirtbacks - which very much feels like an aha! disability aid moment)
im not saying disability is based in how people look at you, or it only being a societal thing. (as in, when he wasnt in the world of mages, he wasnt suddenly 'not disabled at all') disability is a huge spectrum. but those things absolutely can be a part of the disabled experience.
but all of that doesnt even get to my main point: simon has no magic anymore. and in the world of mages, thats a huge deal. magic is like living and breathing, especially for baz and penny. its not something they question or have to worry about not being able to call upon. hell, even before simon lost his magic he was disabled, just to a different extent.
before awtwb, we dont hear much about mages whose magic is weak. but they come to the forefront now - which just solidifies that solid magical ability = able bodiedness.
smith is promising a miracle cure. a cure. think of it like bullshit orgs such as aut!sm spe@ks, wanting to "cure" autism - he wants to cure people. (and hes just as full of shit) why? because weak magic is seen as a disease, a problem, even subhuman.
take daphne, baz's stepmom. her quality of life is fine, great. her weaker magic doesnt seem to put her at a disadvantage. she manages her disability well. but in comparison to the norm, to what is expected of the average mage, shes got nothing. less than nothing. she feels shame over what she cant do.
smith's case becomes even more blatant when we see, at the end of awtwb, that he wants to essentially cull weak magicians. that they're holding back society. that theyre better off as powerless as Normals - who are blatantly seen as subhuman - than as weak mages. much like how ableist rhetoric puts forward that disability is a fate worse than death.
which brings us back to simon. he insists hes a Normal, now or always has been. baz insists hes the most powerful magician to exist. both of them are wrong.
and right. and right and wrong.
simon is some third thing - not a mage, not a Normal. akin to how disability is its own minority aside from race or ethnicity he has a foot in each world, and he always has. but now he cant achieve blending into either.
this is why the increasing presence and humanization of other magical beings beside mages is so important (thank you shephard!) how mages tend to seem magical beings is very ableist. theyre subhuman, theyre not to be trusted, theyre freaks, theyre dirty, etc. except oops, how can you keep thinking that penny, when this very nice one works at a cafe and helped you translate shephard's engagement terms?
even baz and the events of wayward son play into this - yeah, some vampires are horrible people. but plenty, like baz, are just people. with a range of experiences and morals and ways of living life. (take nicodemus) (i could make a point about how simon's stalwart acceptance of baz's vampirism helps baz comes to terms with it and how this is also super disability coded, but thats another essay)
in the beginning of awtwb, he decides to go to the extreme opposite of his chosen one powered life - to live as a Normal, and the second step (after cutting himself off from baz and penny) is getting his wings removed.
except he cant do it. and even having his wings touched is horribly uncomfortable. now, this partly has to do with how much theyre sensual parts of his body - same as his tail. but its also, separately, very intimate. theyre treated very clinically, like a fascinating specimen to pore over. im not trying to give niamh shit here, just saying what i saw.
but theyre part of him. people with disabilities often deal with being stared at and poked and prodded by the medical field (if theyre not ignored or waved off. maybe both.). even every day folks feel the right to touch disabled folks, or their mobility aids.
for a lot of people, mobility aids are a part of them - its like a stranger touching your face and thinking theyre doing you a favor. when instead theyre being weird as fuck.
simon's status as previous chosen one even plays into this sort of thing - people see him more as a figurehead, for what he can and cant do (including his wings!) than a person. hes a tragedy, hes a hero. hes inspirational, hes to be pitied. sound familiar?
the end of awtwb doesnt spell out whether simon ends up deciding to keep his wings (frustratingly). but they spell out that he would absolutely would, in my opinion.
simon increasingly treats them as a natural extension of his body. think of the scene where he flies about the watford goats. how he expresses his feelings with his wings and tail. and of course, how he learns to let baz loves each and every part of him: including his dragon limbs.
baz loves him, and loves them, not in a fetishistic way, but because its simon, and he loves everything simon is. not just what he represents or can or cant do.
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angelsprettycool · 2 months
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The WORST movie I have ever seen
review/other random stuff
'spoilers' under cut!!
Ive seen this movie around, and i decided: fuck it, why not...which was a horrible...horrible decision.
the first thing youll notice is the HORRIBLE. animation. it is beyond ugly. the best way I can explain it is old shitty newgrounds animations.
The jokes are SO BAD. its basicly all just shock humor, and just a shit ton of sex jokes. its so bad. its constant. constant sex jokes. also jay gets R@PED?? FOR LIKE NO REASON???WHY?
also there is just so..so many fart jokes. its bad. theres also jokes that just..do not make sense and are not funny at all.
theres a lot of really weird audio clips and stuff they use. at one point dante speaks, and i garentee they just recorded it from clerks. it sounds so out of place.
ALSO THEY MENTION BRONIES??? WHAT?? they also say that tara strong voices 2 of the characters, but they sound NOTHING. like her, rather it just sounds like a horrible impersonator.
on the topic of people in the movie, RAY WILLIAM JOHNSON IS IN THE MOVIE. WHY??? I DONT KNOW.
also. i never think this has been said before but: there is WAY to many scenes where the characters are just..m@sturbating..???
also one of the villans is killed by walking into a gay bar??
theres a strange amount of just racist jokes in this?
JAY IS ALSO JUST..HELD AT GUN POINT?? AS HE CRIES?? (jay can NOT catch a break a swear to god)
I honestly have no idea how this dumpsterfire of a film got made. its not so bad its good-its just bad. this film made me have to pause it and just sit and question why. why the hell was i watching this.
i have very limited things I enjoyed about this movie, but there are a few:
the facial expressions the characters made at some points were really dumb and funny
there were also some just WILD quotes from this movie, that i WISH i could put on here but i am conviced this post will be taken down
my overall rating of this movie 1/10
thanks for reading my review, full of horrible spelling mistakes, and grammer! i dont normally do stuff like this but this movie pissed me off.
Anyways, some funny screenshots i took:
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leolingo · 1 year
(rant about linguistics, aphasia and q!quackity’s impairments post-memory loss!!! to anyone who knows more about any of this, PLEASE add on or dm me id love to learn if anyones into neurolinguistics or anything of the sort)
ive been digging deeper into q!quackity’s condition (because I quite literally CAN’T stop thinking abou it) + taking note of his symptoms/behavior and it seems like what he’s dealing with could be called alexia (acquired inability to read) with agraphia (acquired inability to write), which are types of general aphasia, except i still need to know MORE about his production and comprehension i need to get in there!!!!!
it seems like he could be experiencing literal/verbal alexia with agraphia, which would mean he can’t recognize written letters or symbols at all and that is why he’s unable to read (this is all very tentative… all i have to go off of is my psycholinguistics class and as many academic articles as i can read). from what ive seen, q!q hasn’t actually tried to read any signs out loud, there’s no verbal attempt or production of speech which would make sense if he really can’t recognize the alphabet. BUT. what bothers me is that he can speak spanish with no issues. since spanish has a high proximity between phonology and orthography, theory says people who are able to speak it should be able to read and write the phonemes. and he can’t — or hasn’t tried. THAT makes me think he Can recognize the letters themselves
to confirm this i would really like to see him try to spell…. Or just name a letter! if its confirmed he CAN recognize individual letters, then id say what we’re looking at is more like pure alexia (without agraphia) — only a reading impairment, which would cause him to be unable to Arrange the letters in a sensical order. Its tough to check any of this w minecraft as a medium…. with a keyboard (or, in rp, on a communicator/in chat) it’s kind of impossible to know if he’s clicking at random or actually Trying to seek specific letters. but ill say that the way he sometimes dictates what he’s intending to write makes me think he DOES have the visual of each letter in his mind, and just struggles to order them or accurately transpose them
its also interesting to me how theres no sign of a speech impediment. q!q could speak fine from the very first moment we saw him. all hesitation was modal/owed to circumstance and not actually tied to his production of speech. i think that has more to do with the memory part of things! it could be that the extend of his memory alteration only goes as far as his writing and reading do. speech and comprehension come first in regular human development, and those are the faculties he has kept mostly unaltered. there could also be an argument to make about this pointing spanish as his first language (like cc!quackity) and english as his second, which would explain the dissonance between his production in one language and the other — but given that last stream he did express knowledge of english, idk if its relevant
i dont know much about the actual anatomy of things but i think it’s interesting that most aphasia cases are caused by lesions on the left temporal-parietal lobe. AND that its also possible for aphasia to be caused by head trauma like a hard hit to the head or deprival of oxygen (due to drowning? food for thought).
psa i know the situation in canon could be a lot less deep than im trying to make it. i get that. i dont expect the writers team to have researched the symptoms to this extent, but i enjoy discussing it. this is part of my major and a big area of interest for me so i find it really fun :) ill keep reading on this topic as much as i can and reblog w more of my musings if i find more relevant info. baseline qsmp team please let me in i need to study q!q under a microscope (lovingly)
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
aw sweet! see what it says on the calendar?summer has sprung, it seems! some might say its time to show u sillies some songs for the season!
spotify link :3 :: yt link :3
full list + notes under the cut ^w^
Aluralura - Sweet Trip: this somg is soooooo fucking smooth. and cool. using the strictest definition of cool i can. perhaps cooler than cool. dk what ud even call that but this is it. sounds like i should be cruisin down the information highway to this straight up. feels like im being hit with a million little lightning bolts in. a good way? that doesnt sound good but it is. ull get it just listen pls just li
Babe of the Abyss - Girls Rituals: UGH devi.. i was so sad when this was pulled from streaming for a bit like some of the other singles from the upcoming girls rituals, but thankfully it did return :3 unlike the rest of those songs :/ eh this one is good enough to make up for it! so glittery and clicky and kinda unlike a lot of other songs devis done but it's v unique like that :3 the cover is interesting to me too bc it looks ai generated and it reminds me of a video devi made explaining her songwriting process a bit and after setting an arpeggiater (dk if i spelled that right lmao) to random she said she likes the collaboration between her and her computer and letting the computer decide some things like that :3 idk just a neat little factoid for ya
BALD! - JPEGMAFIA: was gonna put one of the tracks off scaring the hoes in this spot but, after deciding to go through peggys solo stuff a bit i liked this one even more than those ones :3 he has a very interesting and wide ranging sound tho so im really excitied to listen to more. uhh nothing else to say really. juts good song 👍
Cops and robbers - underscores: new underscores era hello anyone rockin wit it???? ME im rocking with jt thank u very much!! that one song count of three (you can eat $#@!), which ive heard is very good :3, was the end of the fishmonger era for them, where the "thing" was apparently that underscores wanted guitar on each track. still trying to find The thing about this eras sound, and maybe its the deeming it "the Wallsocket era", but to me everything just feels very buzzy, very electrically alive idk. like theres just this CRT/fluorescent light hum that backs the bass at the beginning. and the middle section just sounds like im listening to a fucking tesla coil make a pop song. shit Rocks. and Fucks. i give this one the Makes Violet Sing And Dance Around In Her Room Alone award this season, which is something i will absolutely be doing from now on and will not forget for the fall hehe :3
Dariacore Song Tutorial - leroy/Jane Remover: wait i thought there was YEAH there was dariacore on the last one, but as ive seen it so elegantly explained, this is a jane song more than a dariacore song. i mean obviously sonically right, no memey hyperpop mash up font, just some loud ass guitars n drums, but its good!!! jane literally incapable of missing.
Dress Down - Kaoru Akimoto: one of my many music moments recently has been getting into city pop more! i kiiinda only know the hits, of which this is definitely one of them, but ive seen my way around a bit B) (my cool sunglasses guy do not steal.) and even after my journey round the city.. pop, this is still one of my faves.
FELL - Varg^2™️ (im toolazy to make it superscript sowwy) & Bladee: since i began my drain journey i thought id listened to most if not all of bladees stuff besides like really old stuff that actually isnt good. like, bladee isnt good, but u get used to it as the saying goes and u kinda get to see his artistic vision unfold as he releases new stuff. but old bladee really isnt good. anyway imagine my delight and splendor when i see theres another Varg^2TM, Bladee collab... besides ecco and the rest of drain gang varg is probably my favorite bladee collaborator. in fact i almost put SHINIE, another collab from them, on some spring songs but it didnt make the cut unfortch. glad i could find something new from them to dig into mm yummy bladee :3
!¡! find the answer ¡!¡ - six impala: holy FUCK i am listening to six impala!
光の中へ (hikari no naka e)- Kessoku Band: yeah yeah i know there was kessoku band on the last one BUT THEY MADE MORE SO I LISTENED TO IT. they have such good push and pull with their tunes. like the moments of silence/slowing down before going all out. the quick drum interjections to pick things back up again. like nijikas fuckin getting it!!!! actually i read something recently about the critical reception to kessoku band, the self titled album, that makes a similar point. they were saying that although the album is just good j-rock on its own, the strength of the individual instruments and the texture of the songs themselves embodies the characters in your mind. like i listened to the beginning a bit closer one time and heard the little shreds the guitar was giving at the top and it instantly made me think like "oh shit bocchis fucking tearing it up!" soooo good instantly one of my faves from them.
It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube: fuuuuuuck i cant fucking find it i wasngonna put it here bc its the reason i added it to my playlist and have been listening to it so mch recently but. i cant find it. it was a top text bottom text cat meme edit of this song, in the same vein as that one of death grips' hacker. a very good morning walk song btw, cuz even tho it would be very easy for that situation to feel trite, im like shit. mama cooked the breakfast with no hog! todays gonna be a good day. it usually isnt with where im heading on my morning walk but. eventually itll be a good day! and the iced cube told me that.
Les Os - The Unicorns: sooooo this song is extremely horny to me sorry. also very kinda toxic t4t core but thats juts meeeeeee :3... + the singers voice is very similar in register to mine when in singing so it makes it v easy to project who daid that.... uhh anywag in the ol violet amv machine (what i call my brain) i imagine the singer with the mic stand tilted back between their legs, perhaps a cheeky little leg wrap around like sexy singers tend to do, as they stare down from the stage into yuor eyes specifically. asking u directly, out of everyone. tell me bout ur love affairs.. tell me bout ur moral resignations... so then u meet after the show and [transmission lost]
LOU - whoTF (Folie & Forget Basement), Fraxiom: [transmission regained] and from the production stylings of new hyperpop ish duo whoTF comes another lyrical miracle from the mind and pen of fraxiom music!!! includes such bangers as "I’m blowing up your car/I see Mercedes boom/I’m off four drinks of alcohol/Pissing in the ladies room!" rhyming "you can watch a youtube video" with "get your fitted tutu biddie hoe" (LIKE?) and also the amazing outro from which i could just paste the whole thing but this part resonates especially "I need to become alive, in the morning, like a rooster!/Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee and foodstuffs"..."Estradiol, finasteride, adderall, and thc im juiced up!" making rooster rhyme with foodstuff and juiced up and also everything else in that part god. they dont call them fraxiom fucking music for nothing. um but also whoTF is v good, for one without frax that is still good listen to cigs up as well :3
Natural Disasters - Enon: love me a song with a strange guitar hook! ive heard this bands like top 2 songs (which include this one) bc it was just a night of spotify surfing, but those two songs are quite good. very boucy, good energy. makes me wanna do the bounce in place dance and flail my arms as i sing only the chorus and maybe try to approximate the sounds of the lyrics i dont know. sounds like a good time to me!
Overflow - Een Glish, Tyfty, Ben Glish: eek! so ai voiced songs specifically rap is very good to me. that family ties edit with spongebob and patrick is probably one of my favorite pieces of music. but this artist is v interesting to me :3 een glish is a vocaloid (? not sure if entirely correct but u get what im getting at) made from the google translate ladys voice. and its GOOD this one specifically is very catchy but she has bars too!!! check out rap game bob ross too, and also the remix with bars from SONIC HELLO? im giving this one the Sound of the Summer distinction bc not only is it a very summery jam, but it is the one im really telling u to check out if u get the chance. lots of good jams here.
Scatman - Scatman John (DJ Kadozer 2003 Remix): (why did i accidentally type out 'evil remix' at first?) sooooo i was having a bit of a scatman moment recently, as was documented in THIS other epic music post u should go check out if u havent already hihhii :3 tho she TOTALLY STOLE the one i was gonna do, Scatman's World, cuz everyone knows scatman right? skabadaba bweebopbopbadop bop? bopbop badop bop? yeah that one! but.... have u ever heard scatman. like this???? probably not... all im sayin... scat vocals/eurobeat foundation translated to this stabbing edm remix.. its quite good. good enough that the first few seconds alone get me to smile big like this :)
Shop - Toby Fox: songs to order a You. Pick. 2... to...... haha but seriously guys this ones just a really chill one :3 i can alwasy hear the you. pick. 2. part in the song bc theyre punctuated exactly the same way its kinda hell. im chillin. like usual. listenin to undertale musicand then how boutta You. Pick. 2. with some brawwwcolli cheddah. onsecond th... and then were done with that and back to the normal undertale song! like an angle in the knight.. or tiers in the reign...... here and then gone forever. truly, ephemeral..............................
The Flag Is Raised - Asian Glow: in case we couldn't drain enough this summer, asian glow put out this really neat interpretation of one of my faves off bladee and ecco2k's recent masterpiece, Crest. follows in the footsteps of many a bladee cover for me where the cover often plays over the actual song in my head. like i expect certain isntrumentation when i listen to the original that is only present in the cover but that just means theyre both good ! the guitars and the cymbals all over this make this version feel so shiny... aww and they use the little sigil ring from Crest on the cover for it too :"3
THE FLIES - Operation Sodasteal: think i mentioned this in the tags of a post that im sure uve all read before coming to class today, but ive been listening to a lot of these guys recently! just some furry emo nightcore rock that sounds plucked right out of 2007. the one vocalist, slaney(in)famous i think? im not confident which is which, has such a good voice for it too like they have all the good vocal inflections of ur typical lead pop punk vocalist, and i usually just end up singing the lyrics like them bc im just a silly little mirror huh?
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody) - Talking Heads: ooobh i got plany off time....... yeag ive been getting down with this jam recently :3 another good morning walk tune. been trying to get into talking heads a bit more too bc every song i hear is soooo good. like i almost put the girl wants to be with the girls here bc of that OTHER meme edit i actually dont remember if it was lolcats again. it was specifically the "girls are getting into.. abstract analysis!" OHHBB it was a rose homestuck thing bc i memba her sitting at her lappytop :3 doin some fuckin abstract analysis i suppose..
Tin Man - feeble little horse: this is another single turned favorite-song-on-the-full-album-bc-i-took-too-long-making-this-list-again-lol. i love what theyre doin to these guitars maan theyre really fuckin em up in there..... also i love that this band just calls its music guitar music. its fuckin true.
Vicinity of Obscenity - System Of A Down: songs that have done irreversible damage to my psyche and syntax. i will bust out a banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie when the fuck ever just let me know the time and place my man. it is such a vocal stim for me. this whole song is honestly. some of the silliest nu metal u can get ur paws on i checked (she is lying to u again tho it is quite silly with it 😳) + had to go with the 2008 youtube editor lyric video for the youtube playlist obviously.
ahmmmmm so thanks u all once again for enjoying some more songs with me (summer edition)!!!!! <3333 see yall...... in the fall.. with some more songs hehe (or perhaps for summer......2! who knowce :3 the summers still got plany off time as some might say)
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awsugar · 4 months
Ngl I feel like one of my fears is coming soon, and that's you officially leaving tumblr. I know you've been mentioning it for the past couple of years and you haven't been nearly as active. And I know that's because of your work schedule and eventually you'll move past this app in general. But it makes me really sad lmao. And I realize this sounds really blamey, I swear it's completely understandable that you'll leave. Idk why im sending this lol. Just I guess saying I'm gonna miss ya.
i feel like i've always said that i will never officially leave tumblr...tbh. ive gone through periods recently where i don't have enough time and tbh i would DEFINITELY spend more of my off-work time on tumblr these days if mcr were active. but they're not. at the same time, i still come on here and post. recently i've posted more since i've been out of work and yes i'm about to go back to work. but like if mcr does another tour i will be here. for any of the shows that im not at 😭 it's just that tumblr doesn't have the allure to me that it used to. the glory days of tumblr are over, anyone who was THERE knows that its true. i 100% miss the community aspect and if the community was here and i knew who to follow to get all sorts of mcr content on my dash i would follow them and maybe spend more time online but tbh its hard to hold up a fandom for a band that is not giving us anything new.
even though the glory days of tumblr are over, the pandemic provided us the perfect ecosystem to thrive tbh, no one was working, everyone was on their laptop, and there was a plethora of reunion stuff to speculate about. of course it boomed. i had SO much fun on tumblr during the pandemic/reunion era after i had tbh taken some time off of the internet for my mental health. i got pulled right back in and it was SO much fun. but rn theres nothing. if theres a big group of people having a ton of fun with creating mcr-related content/theories/etc please lead me in that direction cause i would love it! but the truth is ive been on tumblr for 15 years. same blog. ive seen a rise and fall in activity so many times. and i beleive this to be a dry spell, at least for mcr, because of the lack of anything they're giving us. and the fact that many have moved to twitter even though tumblr is so obviously superior in so many ways!
but all that being said, i dont see my last tumblr post coming any time soon. tumblr is still in the dock on my phone, one of the apps i feel like i can never remove because it has played such a big part in my life. and i will continue to come on here in varied levels of activity. but as far as deleting tumblr or making my final post or being gone for months on end with 0 posts, its not happening. im still here. i LOVE tumblr. i just miss the community. despite my lack of time if i had a group of friends to interact with i would definitely be on more.
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hi dokter (i think i spelled it right? sorry;;). im gonna sound like an asshole and i feel horrible about that but, i feel like a lot of people fake DID and multiple personality disorders. I know that i shouldnt fake claim people and such but, ive been on discord servers and theres a random channel dedicated to alters finding out who they are and then they always know how to set themselves up with a bot mechanic and switch between people rapidly. im a jerk for this, but genuinely in my head there is no logical explanation for how they have amnesia but know and understand discord completely. or how people will have fictives that are nothing like the source, just genuinely nothing like the character. its present in a lot of teenagers that struggle with mental illness and escapism, i think its less of a knowingly faking thing and more of a misdiagnosing themselves and truly WISHING there were more people there and they could share a body with dream. I feel like i do a fair amount of research, and looking into DID leaves me confused sometimes with how a lot of people online display their symptoms. why do alters all share an account and sign it? how do they all know the password? how do they all know how to operate it? (referring to tiktok because so much DID content comes from there, all with teenagers and young adults. i have yet to see someone over the age of like, 23 talking about DID. Not saying that just cause youre young you cant be blank, but i feel like its worth noting.) i guess i consider myself a kind person, and i dont care about what people do if it doesnt harm anyone. but this DOES harm people. i think its mostly people self diagnosing because they identify mood swings, different interests, and a yearning to be closer to their favorite fictional character or not be alone. so they truly do believe that this character is possessing them, even when its truly them changing their voice, putting on different clothes, adding an accent, and such. when people fake an illness, they dont fully understand what its like to have it and act in a way that is not accurate. isnt this the kind of thing that leads to stigmatization? to people completely changing their definition of DID since all they have seen is kids faking and acting like their favorite minecraft youtuber? i dont know. i feel bad since i hear from people with DID that they do feel this way, they feel like people now have a warped view of the disorder from people faking it online. Im not speaking for everyones experiences, maybe some dont care maybe some think its a coping mechanism, i have no idea. im sorry i went off on such a rant. i really like kats blog, she's helped a lot in ways. one last asshole note. A part of me is crying out that youre just kat typing while speaking her true and harsher thoughts under a different name, like an alter ego. im sorry, i know she wouldnt do that and im sure thats not what you are. i just had to ask, to clarify i guess (Even though i more just. stated it. sorry;;). i am probably not very nice in your eyes now, i dont mean to be the mental illness gatekeeper or anything but when you can very clearly tell so many are faking something serious its hard to just, go along with it. p.s. since youre a dokter who shares kats mind, how did you get all the education to be a psychiatrist? i feel like kat alone could be one, since she is very well educated and good at that stuff. is that why? or another reason. jsut genuinely curious;;.
None of us are psych professionals and none of us are claiming to have DID. Like sure there is a general issue of misdiagnosis causing the spread of misinformation which is to some degree harmful, but when I am explicitly stating that I don't have DID, how do you then read that as me faking DID? How is my experience inherently fake just because it isn't corresponding with the clinical experience of DID? Why is having the clinical disorder DID the only way my experience could be valid and real? Why is anything besides the clinical diagnosis DID fake in your eyes? Please spell that part out for me
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lumen-tellus · 1 year
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edit: here's why this stage was shit as fuck -
the achievement requires three things: 1) no sprint 2) use at least one spell per elemental type 3) cannot kill a crystal that spawns annoying adds in phase 2
tbh tho the requirements are actually fine! theres one way or another around the difficulty they place on you
the difficulty really only comes in phase 2, where at some point the boss will be immune to magic attacks. which is to say. 70% of a blue mage's toolkit. you're stuck with physical only attacks at that point.
but that only makes the fight tedious. the fucking REAL annoying SHIT ASS PART is phase 2's worst aoe dumping mechanic ive ever seen and you more or less need a sprint workaround to deal with it + some manner of defense or backup to Not Die in case u do end up standing in one of the aoes by accident. aoes which go off so fast you Will die if you're in them for 1+ second anyway
also there's no checkpoints between phase 1 and 2. you need to do the whole damn gauntlet everytime you run the thing. and you BETTER not fuck up at any point or it's bye bye!!!!!!! back to the beginning!!!!!!!! and of course!! most attacks will either eat 90% of your max hp if they don't outright one hit ko you!!!!!!!!
i have fucked up many times running this shit unfortunately from imperfect positioning and terrible aoes
but. i have done it. i am. Free................................................... orz
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corpseaten · 9 days
hm, ill allow it then, so don't be surprised if im a bit off one of these days in your inbox... and scoot is very cute! one of my fav villagers at my island other than bangle. bangle is sweet as well. theres a hippo with pink colors that i forgot the name of, velma or something. i stole her from one of my old friends' islands, haha. she's with me now..... ..... and it's unfortunate we can't be friends on the games, but that's okay! i'm still here and ill always be here, so look out for me. i'm still new to enstars (less than 2 months i've been playing) so all of this info is rly helpful and a bit confusing ahahah. i have to get more into the story. and ive never seen the bandori anime(s) because s1 was so boring.. honestly... but i have so much free time outside of work i might as well check it out. i love so many bandori covers but most of my favs are roselia and herohapi, so thats that AHAHA, i think guren no yumiya (i forgot how to spell it omg) and butterfly on your right shoulder (both by roselia!) are my all time favs, with bad apple on there ofc. and loving characters that remind you of yourself is so adorable, and i can see him for you, too. you're just like all the shy, cute characters, which is so accurate to how you actually are; a sweet and adorable girl. my sweet and adorable girl, yes? my girl who'll do anything i say, whenever i say it. ofc i only want you to pay attention to me, im the only one that matters right? im your lifeline, im your heart, i own you, so don't go talking to anyone else.
i should also clarify a few things about me: i'm a girl (technically) but i also use he/him most of the time, im sapphic as well. and my actual name is adonis (guess who i got it from?) but you can ofc use clover because it's sweet. i'm 19 (i've told you before, i think). nice to properly meet you, sweet girl. - 🍀
I wont be! I’ll make sure to reply and comfort you the best I can, sometimes it takes me a while to regulate my words so if I ever take time in replying it’s most likely because of that. Bangle is adorable oh my! You like some really cute characters, I ought to explore the realm outside of cats and wolves. Kyle my beloved. Wait! I managed to add someone with the bandori id you gave me, was that not you? Tilting my head. You are new! I have been an enstarrie for over two years now, did you know theres also an enstars anime? There’s so much lore to it spanning back years so. I hope you aren’t overwhelmed with everything . . I barely know anything about half the units still. Recently I have been really getting into Fines music, I cannot stop listening to Miracle Dream Traveler. The enstars story is so good though. I recommend getting into valkyrie and their lore if you haven’t already, they have the most development in. the whole game. and it’s really good. I have cried several times over them. Season one was boring. I kind of dropped the main anime after it, but I got back into it when morfonication (stupid name.) came out. You can always spend your free time with me as well, dear. Roselia have so many good covers, Aiais vocals are so. amazing. I love her. I think my favourite roselia song isn’t a cover though, I really like Sanctuary. It is a beautiful song. Oh! ! ! I guess you are right . . I am pretty shy and reserved and. cute. I don’t know if you’ve seen it but you remind me of Reina from Hibike Euphonium. You’re making me blush, staking a claim on me already? You’re lucky I like people who are forward, darling. I will do anything you ask of me. I’m so obedient . Aren’t I good for you? Yes you do own me. I will never talk to anyone ever again. I am getting. what’s the word for like. nervous in a good way. Brain isn’t working. Short circuits. This is quite long . . I have just enjoyed going back and fourth with you, my apologies.
Thank you for letting me know! I would return my information but It is already on my profile so I am presuming you know. Adonis, that’s a lovely name, almost as lovely as you are. I’ll call you both of them , I think. My name isn’t what’s on my profile, I don’t want people online to know it, but i did use to go by sylv. I only changed it when I linked that name to a not so good person, so I don’t mind being called it here. I don’t fancy sharing my name publicly, but, I’ll tell you when we progress to the next step, which I don’t want to rush into too quickly, love blooms when you truly know someone, is what I believe! It is nice to ‘meet’ you too, I cannot wipe the smile from my face, my dove.
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dimidiom · 1 month
okay okay so i watched the new alien movie with my family last night (ive only seen the first movie all the way through and seen a majority of the second one and thats pretty much all ive seen of the franchise SO) and i thought it was pretty good.
BUT, i have opinions on the end of the movie and more specifically the final monster, and ive been rotating ideas in my head all day so i need to get it out so im not just continuously ranting about this to myself. so im putting all of that under a read more cause i have a lot to say and want to avoid spoilers for people who havent seen the movie yet (note i only watched the movie once, and i would be the first to admit i have a bad memory so i might be misremembering things) (and i also cant remember any of their names, and i cant be assed rn to look them up lmao)
(also note, i havent read any of this over,so theres probably spelling errors and me repeating myself. i just needed to get this out of my head)
i havent really seen anyone elses opinion on the final monster guy but tbh,,,, i hated it?? like i understand the whole scary idea of 'it looked human, but something was off' (and thats just a trope i personally dislike for no reason lmao) but i feel like if youre making that be what makes your monster scary, give it a new spin? like, i literally missed the first major scare with that monster because i turned to make a joke to my sibling ('oh its a person!') i hate that the design was just a tall gangly pale human that you cant see the eyes of, because ive feel like thats something thats been done SOOOO many times before and ive gotten desencitised to it
and just,,, that coming after the heavy hitters of the facehuggers and the xenomorph was just a huge let down! (i will admit that showing the tail getting longer in each shot, was pretty cool) having a tall gangly pale man being the main monster just isnt scary anymore,, you could have done something original and something super new and scary. youre showing THAT right after the fucking xenomorph?? as the final monster??? its scary cause its tall and its eyes are shadowed over??
my whole thought was if they just leaned into the horror of pregnancy, it could have been so cool??? or something along those lines??? like take notes from RE8!! the baby!! in the doll ladies house!! that shit was discusting and terrifying and awesome! instead of having the monster be an adult male, have it be a scary babyyyy
or like take notes from the boss lady(?) from the second chapter of fate!! have the movie play out the same way, but have the main character hear the other lady screaming from off screen and then have her rush over, and gasp shes not in the cryopod! and have th mc panic and look around, but then sees her friend, seemingly perfectly fine, holding a baby in her arms.
theres some really cool ideas that come from the idea of the umbilical cord not being cut. like with the idea of the lady seemingly perfectly normal holding her baby, and that (those two combined) being the new monster. your still very human looking friend, and the monster that shes now attached to. thats not your friend anymore.
the horror of the idea of a monster wearing the face of a friend you couldnt save thats now hunting you down. her baby, the idea of which got the both of you so happy and excited just a few hours earlier, (who shes still connected to, still holding in her arms) being the monster that also ended up corrupting her that now is hunting you
or even if you decided that you wanted to keep the tall pale man as your new monster, give it a new introduction!!! imagine the first time we see it. it just failed a stealth attack against the mc because its still attached to the dead weight of its mom that its dragging behind it via the cord. and then we can have a visual scene where we can see the monster evaluate the situation (failed a stealth attack) find the problem (not stealthy, dragging dead weight behind it that i has no control over, no way to make it useful) and then find a solution (cutting the cord itself, or for a more visceral scene, destroying the body). so we can see it thinking and rationalizing and making a plan and following through. (and its casual disregard of humanity. of its own mother)
just like,,, fear of pregnancy, of childbirth, of babies. i feel like babies, as something to be scared of, should be used more in horror. that'd be cool.
or like,,,, change the ending up,,, have the movie do the same kind of twist the first alien movie did. introduce the audience to a character, audience assumes that character is the main character, and then at some point, kill that character and have a new character become the mc!!!!! like keep the final three people alive at the end of the movie, but do a twist where the mc dies and the other lady has to find a way out! have her not inject the prometheus fire thing, but have it be known that she lost time in that ship, so something could have happened to her, and play around with the idea of her having new trauma about having that baby. like dont say anything outright in the movie, but like, have it end with her not knowing what she wants to do now thats shed not fearing for her life. does she now have fears about something alien growing inside of her, fears of something mutating the baby? give her complicated feelings on what she want to do with that baby. like,,, would she even want to go through with giving birth after literally seeing a baby alien burst out of the chest of her friend. complicated feelings of 'maybe she didnt get away from romulus scott free, and somehow her baby was affect by it'
theres a post ive seen floating around tumbr about horror movies reflecting common fears at the time,,, playing around with pregnancy being the main horror in a movie,,,, isnt a bad idea,,,,,
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livecharliereaction · 10 months
Bye tsumihoroboshi
thats all for tsumihoroboshi chapter ZAMN. omfg i did cry i cant lie at that big battle on the rooftop i did i did i did.. It just hits a litte close to home friendship and all that... I love my friends so mach i get everything theyre feeling u know... AND the delusions of rena what a crazy writing style i dont think ill get over it like ever. urgh. Well the final tip almost wanted me to consider that "ooh maybe she was right!" but honestly my takeaways from it are juts 1. disaster happens regardless no matter how the events go otherwise 2. rika was murdered? Thats pretty weird 3. BUT theres hope liek she said BECAUSE: keiichi rememberd something from "another world" (i know a timeloop when i see one. its def a timeloop. Hells yeah) 4. the scrapbooks do hvae some evil spell or something takano i am onto you its weird anyway she shows up at such times and all.. Idk if shes the #MAIN VILLAIN DEMON OMG but shes Something.
Rena i love you thank you for solidifying your place as my favorite good time. argh every chapter so far is better than the one before it goes for this one too it does it does... Which is amazing implications for next ones... Lets hope they keep it up...
And keiichi i cant lie i do love you. I love you i love you i love you. Ughh. If i was still 16 hed have a big chance at going to that kinlist. But hes so gross so i wouldnt actually have added him then either!!! im unable to kin these days because EVERY GOOD CHARACTER EVER has Some Traits I Can Relate To Myself becuase i dont know something something human emotion something i am just like everyone else and everyone is just like me in the end and i love it. But yeah keiichi love the guy hes so #Power of Friendship #Protagonist. Im mentioning this cos i loved the girls from the start and still do but keiichi had to prove himself a little...
Yeah im curious about satoko now too i dont think i paid her enough mind i sort of ended up assuming shes #Normal but just super close to rika obviously but that one line about her being older. I couldnt tell yet if its Haha satokos body is older and rikas being funny! OR Omg satoko some immortal or something too woww! but yeah. I wouldnt think she is it doesnt seem that way at all BUT u never know w this fuckass series..ou ou ou ou ou
Mion i love you the girl that you are. Rena you are everything and more. Rika how have you managed to stay mysterious ive been here for like over 30 hours total for sure maybe even 40. But hmm
if its a timeloop i still cant tell what its about. id say rikas in charge (wants to keep giving this world a chance) n takano is with the antagonistic forces But how does it work exactly? If rikas the one "looping the time" directly it doesnt really compute unless she can do it from the afterlife. I dont konw.
And Omfg i hate this series because i STILL believe satoshi will show up one day. Even though it seems impossible now. But i liked him n shion so much dude i love shion so satoshi HAS TO come back for her. Urgh urgh urgh
But yeah i fr didnt think keiichi would be able to break renas delusion even for such a long moment But he pulled it off. Shes really cool i love her. I love her i love her i love her. UGHHH. Everything and more. and i said it alr but ill say it again the portrayal of her delusional state is SO personal to me i get her i get her i DO so good... Urghh. Ok. Thank u charhigurashi6 i have to check how many games the bundle i bought still has hmm
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ok these 3 i own but havent installed lets see The first one here is um well i dont know that girl i havent seen her which is concerning! I feel like i mightve seen a sprite (in the og style that i read with) but thats kinda it. I recall seeing a name somewhere too shes a furude i think but not too sure Im always frustrated when i see a spoiler like that but then it never makes me any more knowledgeable about anything so so far its fine #LOL. proably has to do with the demon stuff tho...
takano in the middle one right takano you are so weird and offputting. Damn maybe she IS the big bad afterall
last one aww rika But yeah thats. I dont know its at least 5 hrs each but i think i spent like 10+ hrs on meakashi so it could possibly be up to like what. 15 even 20? per game. At least 15 hours left though.. Idt theres anything outside of the bundle after this its either higu anime time or umineko time ill see what kinda time i have then (i can probably watch the anime while multitasking i dont really care so much but umineko i want to be TUNED. IN.)
yay exciting ok thank u charhigurashi6 best chapter so far loved it love u rena love u everyone ok gn
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everydaydg · 11 months
I know alot of spanish speaking folks know about this show but
Have you guys ever heard of "La Rosa de Guadalupe"?
Its this super low budget series from mexico targetted towards young teens.
Its a bunch of simple stories with simple lessons that are all pretty self contained.
Where the conflict is always fixed by the blessing of Mary (from the bible) in the form of a rose as they realize what they did wrong and get their life back together.
That sounds pretty standart for christian tv or some random show you will see in nacional TV when they have nothing to air, it doesnt sound that special...
The thing is, its the funniest fucking show ive ever seen and its still airing over here at prime TV hours.
We have a show that tries to tackle serious topics like drug adictions, ,teenage pregnancy among others topics... but the writers dont know how to write a serious moment for their lives and every actor cant act.
theres like 7 actors tops
The result is a show with some dogshit writting with so many overly dramatic performances you cant take anything seriously.
At a certain point you cant even take the topics seriously they are all handled in equally ridiculous ways.
This is the show that tackles a wide range of topics from evoiding drugs to my daughter is adicted to usin her phone
With other classics such as "I tried getting revenge on my sister at her birthday party with a gun because she is more popular than me", "I bought a bootleg phone and it exploded in my hand", "My neighbor seduced me", "I dont want to be the queen at the schools beauty pageant","I dont like my mom's yee yee ass car and im getting bullied for it", "Im a guy and im getting boobs", "I used all the money my mom gave me to buy tortillas on school bets"
I did not make up the second to last one btw
Its such an interesting case, I feel they know how fucking ridiculous it is but in a way they dont because the show is so earnest. They are genuinely trying to give out a serious message with them spelling out the message of the episode to you at the end in a serious manner
Its the peak of soap opera acting.
The best part is that at the end of every episode they turn on a big fucking fan on the actor so it looks like mary is giving her blessing and they have this fucking holy music going on and- just look at this askdhaskj
The show does have an official YT channel with alot of clips from the show. They still fucking post clips to this day its fucking nuts.
So yeah. if you are really bored on an afternoon, go watch some Rosa de Guadalupe. its the best bad show
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #14 ancient secrets and difficult combat
with in minutes of valdederon beeing surounded hebegins dodging attacks from the ancient gollems witch use elemtntal magic attacks one even using a type of lava magic melting the stone floor in spots
valdederon---- well this is a dam fine situation isnt it.. fuk sake.
he dodges out of the strikes and uses a quick attack to dart through a gap out of the room to get some distance and begins firing stone bullet spells to see how efective thed be only taking out 3 of the more delapidated golems the stones bouncing off the others so he switches up to wind type blade spell witch cuts into the thick stone causing light cracks.
valdederon---well..thats good to know.wind blade works to some extent.. but theres to many of them to try an use it repeatedly.
for an hour valdederon fights the hyper agressive gollems dopping them slowly 1 at a tyme having to focuse all his energy at one target at a time to take them down with any speed only having taken out 7 he pants heabily and notices at a fiar few are lined up in a perfect row and unleashes a holy javiline the spear of ligning ripping 12 in hallf all at once the other gollems backing up slighly reccognizing the danger of bunching up close together the cores of the 12 golems melted into ap udle of molten stone silver and gold.
valdederon---fuking hell these buggers are smart..
panting heavily valdederon holds his staf up and out forward of his body staring down the rest of the 31 golems both sides at a stale mate neither side making a move giving valdederon ample time to rest and recover some of his arcane power and physical stamina. soon one golem aproaches non agressively core yellowish orange instead of agressive red as if aproaching to end the stale mate.
valdederon--- can you rock heaps speak..niether one of us have gained much ground and youve all seens my holy javiline spell can tear you apart.. and to get to me youd have to enter the hallway witch would become a kill box.
the golem begins projecting poke script in the air with a magic projection
gollems pokescript --- state your business in this sacred place flesh bag.. or be torn apart
valdederon-- realy.. rock for brains.. kill box… holy javiline.. 12 dead at once.. i have more powerful and destructive spells by the way.. call me by my name.. valdederon and ill answer your question.. other wise ill come in and destoy the rest of you.. all 31 of you..
the gollem takes a moment to process it and reply
gollem pokescript --- verry well valdederon.. state your purpose in this sacred place
valdederon--- at the moment exploring and looking for any valuable knowledge.. if your willing tp part with it id also like to take some jewels and gems to help pay for the damage i caused in my guild i dont wish to plunder your.. sacred grounds dry..
the gollems all seem to think while stading still. untill attacking att at once valdederon sighing in anoyance
valdederon--- fine.. your funeral holly javiline i callapon you split your self into many and pierce my foes
a laerge gold ligning spear forms and splits into several smaller ones from edge to edge filling the hall way and unleashing them selves into the golems in a coninuous volley like a macgine gun mowing down an army after a short 10 minutes all thats left of the gollems ias a molten puffle as valdederon walks back to the room finding many books and even a old note paper next to a long dried ink well and a feather pen inside it he picks up the note and begins to read it.
note ->-- i find my self one of verry few left who still rembers the old ways of magic.. my name is sellpheema and im in some ways consideered an infadell.. the fairies have tried to shield me but the world changes and its become bigoted.. hateful distrusting.. im a half blood. a vile sach of flesh.. ive even been caled tainted fairy.. my best friend was exacuted weeks ago he was a kind boy only 326 years old.. still a young adult. his wings were riped off of his my mother a clefable told me to run and find some place safe to hold down. my dad a type of fairy called a pixie is probably out exploring old ruins and researching them. if you find this note and this old crypt treat my treasures with respect and love my delphox friend left me his staff and left a coupel days ago ugh ill have to build gollems to protect my crypt here i leave you the reader evrything i posess in the event im long since passed on. please stay safe and stand up to bullies revive magic in this world.
valdederon--- poor guy must have been rough no wonder the gollems were agressive.. ill collect this stuff after reading up thes books. ha ha vex will be happy to have some new books in the archives.
he looks through the books carefuly turing the pages by using psychic on it avoding tearing the delicate and fragile paper thats hundreds of years old or older eventualy finding out that magic once existed commonly along side pokemon some pokemon even beeingable to use magic and a diagram of the planet with 4 dots in a squar shape that form the 4 arcane nexus gates witch are now long since closed
valdederon-- odd if the arcane nexus gates are closed how can i still use magic.. could it be because my soul is conected to this world and my old world . ill have to research into it and this dark presence mentioned in the last 4 books.. its odd as well as if somthing evil is trying to pluncg the planeti into perril.
he uses his item box spell and puts evrything accept the staff in it and begins to search for an exit out of the ancient crypt eventualy finding his way out the sun now setting as he heads back to the guild furr dusty and matted from the fight and he walks up to the archives slowly and exaustivly knocking on the door to see if vex is awake to wicth she opens the door with a groggy smikle
vex--- you look like a ryhorn ran ya over.. whats up kid
valdederon--- stumbled into a crypt full of gollems and found some books for you they need to be restored and such they are evrry dellicate.. i had to use psychic just to read them they are on the verge of becoming dust.
she smiles and heads inside with valdederon and he uses psychic to pull the books out of his item box and gingerly sets them on her work table.
vex--- aint seen parchment like this in a good thousand years or so. these books are verry valuable good on you for not touching them ill get to work right away.. ill give ya some coin for them so you
valdederon shakes his head
valdederon---ive got all i wanted from them plus there were other treasures in the crypt to so i can pay back the guild for the mess i caused awhile back.. im sure the guild could also do some shopping to .
he heads to the guild masters quarters were he still sleeps and smiles when kleo and tiga both growl alittle
kleo---were have you been
taiga--- why is your furr a mess
valdederon--- kind of got stuck in a crypt while i was exploring the forrest abit might have alos melted a few gollems as well but i also came back with books for the archives and some treasuers for the guild
they sigh and chuckle at the explanation.
taiga-- well go get cleaned up and then in the morning we can look at what you got for the guild
valdederon--- i found more then just the treasures.. i found questions and more info about this world.. old secrets this world used to have magic but the sources of the magic have been closed off. tomorrow ill deposit the treasures in the guild treasury and head to the training hall im more determined now to be a pheonix hawk there are lots of questions that need answers.
he heads to the bathing hall and gets cleaned up and then comes back laying down and promptly passing out snoring deeply.
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