#what I wouldn’t give to be sitting on a bench by the lake right now
ghuleh-recs · 10 months
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c*nty Olympic figure skater Terzo and his starry-eyed hockey goon bf Omega from @ramblingoak’s iconic new speed skater!Copia AU. Run—don’t walk—to read it here: Copia on ICE!
Excerpt and costume inspo under the cut. (Yes. Yes, it is Johnny Weir.)
“Do you think he’s into fisting?”
“Jesus Christ Terzo!” You slid to a stop in front of where your friend and roommate was lounging against the rink wall staring at his phone. “What the hell?”
“I’m just asking!”
“But why are you asking me when you should be asking him?”
“I will but you know, one needs to prepare themselves for every possibility.” He glanced up from his phone with a smirk on his face. “Like fisting.”
“How about you keep your possibilities to yourself.” You skated to his side, placing your elbows on the low wall while you gave him a stern look. “And stop saying fisting.”
“Fine, fine.” His phone screen lit up and Terzo grinned at whatever was on there before he quickly typed out a response. When he was done he turned and gave you a quick grin. “Have I ever told you that you are my favorite person?”
“Yes, but you only tell me that when you have bad news or you want something.” Terzo’s grin wavered a bit but his phone lit up again and he giggled at whatever he saw on it. “Just spit it out Terzo.”
“Would you mind terribly if I left early?”
“How early? We still have the rink for a few hours.”
He winced, glancing at his phone again before sheepishly meeting your eyes.
“Now? Terzo, you need to practice!”
“SÍ, grazie coach, I know.” He pushed off the wall and skated around you to the opening. “I’ve been practicing for weeks. Months.” You watched as he grabbed his blade covers and went to sit on the bench where he’d tossed all his gear. “Years!”
“That’s the point Terzo! We do all this practicing for a reason, to get to where we are today.” You grabbed your own covers and followed him out of the rink. “You do remember we’re at the Winter Olympics, right?”
“We’re at the Olympics?!” Terzo gave an exaggerated gasp and you rolled your eyes. “Amica mia, I know this. How can I forget when you’re covered in feathers.”
Glancing down at your costume you let out a sigh. Swan Lake hadn’t been your first choice of song for your short program, mostly because you knew your coach would lean into the swan aspect way too much. White feathers decorated the fabric from your chest down to the short skirt. When you looked at the ground you could see a few feathers had fallen off and were scattered over the floor. With a huff you crossed your arms and looked back to glare at Terzo.
“At least I’m covered in something. Your costume is 80% lace. Does that even meet the regulations?”
“Omega liked it.”
“Oh well if Omega likes it then that’s all that matters.” You both glared at each other for a few beats before you sighed and trudged over to sit by him on the bench. “Is he a snowboarder?”
“Well Secondo will be pleased at least.”
“Eh, he plays for Sweden.” At that you winced, Terzo’s older brother was the head coach for team Italy and probably wouldn’t be thrilled Terzo was sleeping with someone from a rival team. “You should see him, cara mia. Wide shoulders, thick arms and an ass to die for.”
“That sounds like most hockey players.”
“No no, he’s not just a hockey player. He’s the captain.”
“The captain? Then why the fuck are you still here? Go get him!”
Terzo laughed, leaning in to give you a quick kiss on your forehead.
“I knew you’d understand.”
Read the rest here!
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✨ He really did that ✨
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Oh what an angst about Steve Rogers leaving his girlfriend, reader behind and going to the past with stones to be with Peggy!
It Was Always Gonna Be Her- Steve Rogers xreader request fic
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Summary: Steve is being sent back to return the infinity stones after saving the world yet again and decides after returning the stones to go be with Peggy his former love without telling Reader.
Warnings: angst, mentions regret, mentions of self doubt, not a happy ending on this one, emotional moments, let me know if I missed anything
Bruce was giving Steve the case with the infinity stones and setting everything up so he could return the stones and Sam said to Steve “Steve you don’t have to be the one to go back and return them one of us could go instead plus Y/N here needs you.” Bucky spoke up and said “Sam is right Steve have me or someone else go.” Steve shook his head and put his hand on Bucky’s shoulder and looked at him and said “I’ll be back Buck I’m the one that needs to do this.”
I rolled my eyes feeling upset he was leaving again and Steve came over to me and I wouldn’t look at him but Steve tilted my chin to have me look at him in the eyes and he softly said “I’ll be back doll I always come back.” I wanted to believe him but something told me this time was different. Steve hugged me and then went up onto the platform and nodded at Bruce and he got transported.
Bucky squeezed my hand gently and we were both worried and Bruce counted saying “bringing you back in 3.. 2.. 1.. now.” He didn’t show and Bucky went over by Bruce and said where is he banner??” Bruce was confused and said he flew by his time slot he should be here.”
Sam was looking over by the lake and I wanted to know what he saw and Sam said “wait Buck, he did come back.” Bucky turned around and Sam pointed by the person on the bench and we all walked over and I couldn’t help but feel something changed about what Steve said.
Bucky walked over to the person sitting on the bench and said “Steve?.. that you man?” The older gentleman looked over at him and smiled and said “hey Buck.” I started crying and I walked over to him crying saying “it was always gonna be her wasn’t it??.. I loved you Steve.. why did you?..” I took a deep breath and said “goodbye Rogers.” And then I walked away and Sam already knew something wasn’t right.
Bucky said “that wasn’t right what you did to Y/N Steve she loves you, why didn’t you tell her?” Steve sighed and said “I know I should have.. I just didn’t know how and when I saw Peggy when I was returning the stones.. my feelings for her came back and I just didn’t know what I wanted until that moment.”
I overheard what Steve said to Bucky and I went back over there in tears & said “did you feel bad about leaving me behind?.. I just.. I wanna know Steve, the truth.” Steve nodded and said “I did love you Y/N I really did I’m sorry doll.” I left and kept thinking it was something I did or said but I guess I’ll never know.
Here ya go hun I hope it’s close to what you wanted 🤍🙂 xx
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melis-writes · 2 years
Request for where Sonny doesn’t call Victoria a slut or whore or those sort of names because he knows that what they have together is different and much more than an affair and is true deep love & affection for each other, that they only want each other.
Oooh, I see. 👀 I know they can get it on with dirty talk in the bed but we definitely are sorely missing some fluffy, romantic moments for Victonny!! ❤
Siting out upon the balcony at Sonny and Sandra’s private estate, away from prying eyes and listening ears, you feel a harmonious kind of peace and privacy overlooking the gorgeous waters of Lake Tahoe with Sonny sitting next to you.
“I’ve never seen you this happy before.” Gazing at Sonny, your eyes momentarily flicker down to his hand gently clasping over yours.
“Does it surprise you?” Sonny chuckles, meeting your glance.
“A little.” You blush, intertwining your fingers with his. “Because it’s at the cost of someone else’s happiness.”
“I know you don’t mean that.” Sonny’s eyes flash with playfulness. “Because that would contradict our lifestyles, wouldn’t it?”
You laugh softly, nodding. “I suppose it would, though the last thing I want to tell you is that Sandra—”
“Is happier without me?” Sonny raises a brow. “Yeah, you can say it. I know we both see it anyway.”
“Sonny,” you frown, squeezing his hand. “But still—”
“I don’t care, Vic.” Sonny tells you. “I honestly can’t even express to you in some kinda way how much I don’t give a shit about her or any of this. She’s glad to be out of my face all the time? Fine then, whatever. She’s doin’ me a favour because I don’t want her.”
“Not anymore?” You ask, unable to stop yourself from pitying the inevitable demise of Sonny and Sandra’s marriage.
“That’s the thing,” a wry grin forms over Sonny’s lips. “Since when, right?”
“Since us.” You mention, feeling your cheeks burn with blush at the very words coming out of your mouth.
“Even before then, but all because of you.” Sonny replies, raising your hand up to his mouth before kissing the back of it deeply. “Pop was the only one who noticed and man, he gave me an earful.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” Blushing furiously, even Sonny’s able to tell by your rosy cheeks as to just how flustered you’re getting.
“When you first came to meet our family,” Sonny begins to confess, “and you walked into my father’s office. It’s like I regretted every other life choice I made before then, ya know? I saw you and—”
“Santinoooo,” you whine, growing embarrassed and suddenly shy from his confession.
Sonny pulls you closer to him on the bench by your hip, grinning at you. “C’mon, baby, it’s the truth. I’, not making this shit up. You think Michael was the only one who looked at you in there and thought ‘this woman is everything I want and more’? I’ve craved you since then, even if I couldn’t have you. And now? I don’t even consider myself married to Sandra.”
“Actually?” Your eyes begin to widen.
“When I’m with you, everything’s different.” Sonny can practically feel his heart aching within his chest. “’Cause to me it’s not the sex, it’s not what we had in New York. It’s so much more even if it can’t legally be.”
“I don’t need a bunch of paperwork telling me what I am and who I’m with.” You mumble back, snuggling onto Sonny’s arm. “I know what I want and what I have.”
“You know I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.” Sonny runs his free hand through your hair, stroking it back. “And that ain’t gonna change for anyone or anything—Mike included.”
“I knew it’d get to this.” You whisper back, unable to push back your growing shyness. “I wanted it to so badly.”
Sonny stares at you for a moment, utterly bewildered. “You’ve no idea how much I needed to hear that.”
“I’m in love with you.” You admit, speaking your truth. “I’m not in an affair with you. That’s what this is—what this all means to me. It is so much more. I’m not thinking about New York either, I’m not thinking about any of that. I’ve lived a double life since the day I was born, and that’s what I’ll continue to do now if it means we can keep what we have.”
“I’d never say no to that.” Sonny’s both thrilled and stunned by your words. “But you know if you ever want to stop living a life like that, you can run away with me anytime you want.”
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jovesstudyroom · 2 years
Slytherin party one shot (Theo Nott)
An angsty story between two angsty Hogwarts university students. Theo Nott and you have had a strained friendship, but one night at a party something breaks within him, sending everything into motion and you both aren't exactly happy with it. After crushing on him for so long you told yourself Theo was just some mean guy who drove you mad, but you never fully believed it did you? (Almost smut but not...could be if y'all like it????)
Theo's Arrow
The Slytherin common room was engulfed in flashing green lasers that streaked across hazy air. Black lake’s water glinted as green-tinted moonlight shimmered along the rough brick stone walls. Loud music blasted across the dungeon so loudly that sometimes it seemed like just ear-ripping noise. The crowd of students around me felt electric. They pushed and shoved me, making excitement sit humming in my bones. But I couldn’t be focused on all of that because my attention, my world, was enraptured by the intense stare of a dumb boy on a dais.
What did he want?
The surrounding beauty was only seen in Theo’s gloomy gaze across the room as lasers and refracted moonlight danced in his lazy dark eyes. His body leaned against a wall.
I didn’t know what he wanted. Theodore had fallen back into being reticent the week before the party. He would only dare speak one word to me every three days. 
Since becoming somewhat friends last year, Theo had a habit of pulling away for weeks on end. Whatever positive feelings I had felt for him had been scared away by his shitty demeanour. However, here he was after this weeks disappearing, with his jaw clenched and brows slightly furrowed. I had no clue if I had done something wrong, or if he was just having a bad time. Maybe it was both. However, if he needed something, I don’t think I could handle it. Being around him right now was just to hard. It hurt.
A drunk Slytherin friend fell into me, releasing the heavy thoughts. 
I helped her get their balance and adjusted the top of black dress. With a deep breath for clarity, I rejoined the rest of my partying group. The lit up faces of all those around me were so happy and easygoing, and exactly what I needed. I let buzzing of the bass release the grip Theo had under my skin. The shots my friends handed me freed my body from the tightness it felt, as if I had binds around me that were undone at last. The pushing, laughing, swaying, and sick feeling all called and commanded me to have mindless fun. Everything was going to be okay. No way was Theo’s inability to be a decent person going to affect me. Not anymore. If he couldn’t stand me without some demeaning break, then I wouldn’t bear him. My brain retaliated in some angry feeling that I couldn't understand; an angry ball of confusing knots itching for a release.
It would never be that easy.
Theo didn’t move for the next half hour. His face nonchalantly looked around the room. I peeked his way, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, I peeked often. There was something about him, beyond his impassive surface, that I couldn’t stop wanting to witness. It was irritating. I couldn’t look away from the disaster that was Theodore Nott. He was a burning sun about to explode, yet somehow colder than ice, a combination for catastrophic storms.
I shook myself from the disgustingly poetic rabbit hole I kept falling down. Theo had infected my brain. It was so infuriating to think so deeply about someone who couldn’t give a shit about me. 
I was now just embarrassed and angry. My cheeks heated, and my chest filled with butterflies. No, just flies that ate me from the inside out, looking for an escape. I needed to go. 
The upper part of the Slytherin dungeon was filled with people, and away from Theo’s eyes. Along the sides of the room were some small unoccupied benches jutting out of the wall’s window sills. The rough stone welcomed me to have a dramatic sit down. I sat and pressed my head against the cold vibrating glass with a sigh. My eyes focused on the dark water outside.
After trying to collect myself in vain, something tapped my shoulder. Looking behind me, I saw Theo. My heart stumbled. I hated how anxious he made me feel. How unsure.
“What do you want?” 
He stared silently while I gazed up, trying to make out what he could be thinking. His face seemed so soft, but like a statue, it was a crafted illusion.  Underneath, Theo would always be as harsh as stone. I’d spent the past year I had tried to make myself believe that there was more to him. I was wrong.
A beat passed before he suddenly wrapped his hand around my wrist, pulling me up from my seat.
“Theo!” his hand lightly squeezed my wrist.
With no reply, he guided me through the churning crowd. I stumbled slightly, but he kept me going with firm momentum. Now more than before, I couldn’t even begin guess what was going through his mind. The anticipation was eating me up as we crossed the bustling main room. Yet, I didn’t want this moment to end. I feared what would happen.
Theo led me down the short main staircase. His fingers flexed in control as he tried to not yank me too hard. I focused on moving around the wasted crowd, and the feeling of his hand around my wrist. Luckily, those shots were starting to wear off.
Soft as stone.
There were fewer people on the lower level, but it was still busy. I spotted a group of my friends by a wall and caught one of their attention’s. Lavender, who upon spotting me, quickly went from cheerful to mad as she saw Theo holding my arm. Lav despised him. I gave her an I don’t know look.
“What do you think you're doing?” She started forward. Theo kept moving, but Lav didn’t. A hand shot out to stop her.
It was Blaise’s hand. He whispered something into Lavender’s ear that made her nod sheepishly and retreat. Somehow him and Theo had a plan that included Blaise watching out for Lav. This was beyond confusing.
I tugged at him, trying to get answers. Theo gritted his teeth, barely even looking my way. A realisation hit me. This level held the doors to both the dorms and the exit. 
And then finally, Theo stopped and thought.
“Theo, what the fuck is going on? This is beyond your usual dickishness,” I said indignantly.
His head snapped to look at me as if he had forgotten I was there. He had a knack in making me feel insignificant by accident, but this was different. Theo’s eyes instantly bore into my worried face.
“Don’t worry. I’m sorry for all of this,” he mumbled. Another pause as he looked up at the doors, combing his hand through his hair, and then back down at me.
The decision was made. Theo quickly started towards one of the two dorm staircases. 
We walked a few seconds through the empty hallway in silence. The echos of our feet off the bare stone walls, overtook the faint party music.
Theo stopped. In front of us was a dark wooden door marked with the Slytherin emblem. Theo’s door. He twisted the silver knob and pushed it open hastily, yanking me in along with him. Then, for the first time since he grabbed my wrist, he let go.
I threw my arms up in confusion, “have you completely lost it, Theo? Can you finally tell me what’s going on?”
Theo cut in, “Y/N if you could just lis-”
 “Have I earned that privilege yet?”
“Y/N just-”
“Why the secrecy? And what was up with Blaise!?"
“Shh sh sh shut the fuck u-“
The unhinged questions were suddenly halted by Theo’s hand over my mouth.
He was close now, too close, looking down at me. He was always looking down at me. My eyes shot daggers, and he removed his hand, stepping back. 
It was my first time seeing his dorm, and despite everything, I was still interested in it. Theo’s room was tidy and melancholy. The only light source came from lamps sparsely placed around the room and some ornate wall fixtures. Dark oak made up the three Victorian square style walls in front of me while the wall behind, where the door was placed, carried a strangely patterned dark green wallpaper. Thoughtfully placed accents were everywhere, either in colours that mimicked the walls or grey. What caught my eye was this stone carved statue portraying a bird being strangled by a snake. Creepy, but on theme. And who was I to judge? Other than the colour change and décor, it was like my room. A simple university dorm with pompous add-ons.
Theo snapped me out of my half-humoures study. “This is about you, Y/N.” The statement sounded meaningful but angry.
 “Well, I gathered that. Did I do something wrong, Theo?”
He stepped back towards me, jaw set and looming, as if I was testing or daring him.
“No, I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Okay?” I said with some bite, unable to make full eye contact.
An awkward moment passed before Theo walked away with a frustrated sigh. His back faced to me. The room felt tight with tension.
“We can just discuss whatever this is when you collect yourself, and then I think it best if we were done. I’m realising it would be good for both of us.”
“What do you mean?” Theo asked plainly.
“I think-“ 
What did I think?
“I suppose we might feel a similar way towards each other, and if that is the case, then we shouldn’t be around one another.” I said fast, awaiting his mean reply.
“And what is that feeling?” Theo turned around and leaned forward, looking incredibly interested.
“I feel icky. You linger in my mind, Theo, and it can be so frustrating. No matter where I go or what I do, you are always in the back of my head. I can’t stop thinking about you either and that cannot be healthy. You have this influence over me and my emotions, and I want to be around you, but for what? To get treated like shit. This friendship or partnership, whatever the fuck this is, I think it's done. I’m done. Sorry.” 
Theo’s eyes squinted at me as he comprehended what was said and then they went wide. 
“I know it’s harsh-“
He cut my words off, walking up to me with surety. “No, Y/N. I feel the same way, actually.”
I didn't have a moment to think about that last part before Theo grabbed my face to kiss me.
Everything about him consumed me fully once and for all. I was his kindle to burn under his fervour. The coldness he had before melted into me; it wasn’t immune to this. I wanted to give Theo everything and take all I could from him. All mine.
"Theo," I mumbled. Partially out of surprise, but mostly because I just needed to.
He managed to reply between breaths. "I love the way...you say...my name."
 The stone creature had soft flesh. Theo’s face, hands, and arms all felt exactly as they should have. As I had desired them to be when I would think about him all those times. He ran his hands around my neck and into my hair. I shivered. Where Theo grabbed, I gave in. Where I pulled, he followed. For the first time, we were in absolute agreement. 
But why did it have to be so difficult between us any other time?
My mind raced with that idea. Theo was on my skin and under my nerves. I hated how much I wanted him, even before this. It would be so much easier if I had cowered away or yelled at him.
Did liking someone like this mean frustration? Resentment? Humiliation? And did he feel it as much as I did? Like a fool. 
I felt so much vulnerability and so much shame for letting Theo get to me these deeply. It pained my heart.
As if he knew my mind, Theo spoke. “I feel the anger too, Y/N, and I’m sorry,” he wrapped his arms around me and I put my forehead on his chest. 
No reply followed. We just stood there, stunned. Gutted.
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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Weekend with the Grays 2022
Day 3 - Sleigh, Ride, go!! (Abe x Emmie) Hosted by @endlessly-cursed
The tree tops were coated in sparkling white as Abraham and Emmeline stepped out of the estate and into the gardens of Winbourne. Abraham was beaming from ear to ear, the events of the previous day replaying in his mind. He was ever grateful for Prim's kind support, setting up the most beautiful scenery for the proposal. As giddy as he was about the fact Emmeline didn’t even hesitate to say yes, even the snow seemed brighter and clearer than ever before. Smiling, he offered his soon-to-be-wife his arm which she gladly accepted. 
The two didn’t make it very far when a sudden screech caught their attention. A small owl was hovering right above their heads. Emmeline immediately offered her arm for it to sit on, in its beak, an all too familiar-looking envelope. Quickly, Abraham reached for his wand and tapped the letter muttering a few inaudible words. Emmeline eyed him curiously. 
‘What was that for?’ 
‘It’s a howler. I didn’t want it to go off with all those people around,’ Abe explained and took the letter. ‘Abraham Alden,’ he read out loud. ‘Ten Galleons, it‘s your father.‘ Emmeline rolled her eyes, she knew it could only be him. Gently, she took the letter from Abraham’s hands and shoved it into her pocket. ‘We can worry about that later,’ she chuckled and tiptoed to peck his cheek. 
‘I thought we were past this. I even asked him for your hand—months ago—he knew it was coming,’ he mumbled more to himself. Emmeline couldn’t help but chuckle. 
‘He’s simply a bit overprotective. But I assure you, he loves you.’ Abraham, albeit still a little irritated, smiled. ‘I’m not too sure about that but I’ll take your word.’ 
As if all trouble had been washed away he suddenly stiffened up and put on an exaggerated posh tone, ‘Future Lady Alden would you care to join me for some ice skating?’ Emmeline shook her head but laughed nonetheless before pretending to be serious again. ‘My Lord, it would be my pleasure,’ she did a little curtsy. Abraham's eyes wrinkled in amusement. ‘Let’s go join the others on the lake then,’ he chirped and picked up the skates that were neatly lined up at the front of the manor; the letter completely erased from their minds.
The other guests had already gathered around the frozen lake. Some were standing at the rim, watching the people glide over the glimmering ice while others hurried to slip into their skates to give it a try themselves. Abraham beamed at the sight of them and dragged her towards the cheerful crowd. Laughing, the two staggered through the ankle-high snow. 
Emmeline sat down on a bench that had been placed near the lake to change her shoes. Out of instinct he kneeled down and took one of her feet into his hand to help her slip on her skates. Yet before he could even attempt to, she kicked him, softly, against his shoulder. Abraham struggled to keep his balance, frantically waving his hands around her fell backwards into the snow. ‘I can do this myself, thank you very much,’ she narrowed her eyebrows and ripped the skates from his hands. Abraham, now with regained balance, chuckled. ‘Simply telling me wouldn’t have been enough?’ Emmeline blushed but proceeded to put on the skates. Abraham couldn't stifle a laugh at her cuteness. Shaking his head, he slipped into his own. Shortly, he held out his hand for Emmeline and the two balanced towards the frozen lake. 
Abraham’s eyes were glittering like the ones of a child on Christmas morning as the couple zoomed over the ice. Soon they found themselves spinning around in circles, laughing at the top of their lungs. Most of the other guests bestowed them with disapproving looks but they couldn’t care less.
‘Race me to the other side of the lake?’ He asked, knowing very well that she couldn’t resist a good challenge, especially, when he was the one asking. And god did he love her for it. A smile grew on her face and he knew she was in. ‘On the count of three?’ Abraham nodded and got into position, and so did Emmeline. The other guests eyed them curiously as they started counting.
‘One, two—three!’ And the two were off. 
Emmeline was much faster than Abraham anticipated but maybe it was simply him getting distracted by her contagious smile and wildly dancing hair and not really focusing. Getting a hold of himself, he sped up and caught up to her. They squinted their eyes at each other and sped up some more, the tree line flying towards them. In a matter of seconds, it was only a few meters away. Both were so fast that breaking wouldn’t have saved them from their fate.
The two came to a halt with a swift twist of their skates, the sudden change in tempo catapulting them forward right into the snow. Laughing hysterically the two looked at each other.
 ‘Who won?’ Emmeline asked. 
Abraham shrugged. ‘I think it’s a tie but does it really matter?’ 
Emmeline gathered some snow and threw it into his face. ‘Yes, it does,’ she laughed.
‘Hey,’ he laughed as well and threw some snow back at her.
She brushed it off when their eyes met. He searched her face and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. ‘I can’t believe you’re going to be my wife,’ he whispered. Emmeline’s breath caught in her lungs. ‘I can’t believe you’re going to be my husband.’ She smiled but it was met by Abraham’s lips softly gracing hers. For a moment, the world stood still and it was only them. No worries, no expectations, no pressure. Just them.
Still smiling, they both pulled apart. Abraham looked over at the guests, hundreds of meters away and chuckled. ‘Luckily, we’re far enough, otherwise, we would’ve heard shocked gasps.’ Emmeline rolled her eyes. 
‘Who cares?’
‘Certainly not me,’ he chuckled and kissed her again.
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thewritingarchives · 10 months
What I know about an aftermath
Summary: War is over. The rebels won. Lorei finds out that things aren't as easy as she once imagined they would be, and their romantic interest on a slightly questionable man makes things even harder.
Things were supposed to be easier once we won, but apparently shooting a gun is way easier than running a country. Economy was in shambles, and it was up to us to prove that overriding a tyrannical dictatorship was the best scenario for everyone. Food was scarce, civilians were still scared and ready to attack at the first sign of danger. I was stressed, and angry about how hard everything was, how things were supposed to get better yet they seemed reluctant to improve. 
And among all that chaos, I met Kieran.
Kieran, the first person who managed to make me laugh in a way that made me wonder if I had felt such genuine joy before. A man who was so smart, we could have hours-long nuanced conversations about politics, about social issues or more insignificant topics, and still be the most riveting part of my day. 
He wasn’t scared to speak his mind about anything; not the dictatorship, not even about our new president, the president I had helped put on power, and the things that he was not doing correctly. I used to joke that in another life, he would make an excellent reporter.
“I get that the president doesn’t have it easy-” His arguments always started with a phrase like that, with a half-lit cigarette hanging from his mouth and a half-drank can of beer on his hand. “I just don’t get how after everything the Resistance Team has done for him, he can’t even throw them a bone.” 
I would smile then, a stupid grin that looked a lot like a smirk. And then he would see me, and smile too. “What? Don’t you agree?” 
“I just don’t think it’s that easy.” And that would make him laugh, and his laugh was enough for me to want to throw everything away, to try and get the fake passports needed to start a new life somewhere far away from all the shit-show we had been forced to live in since we were born. I wonder if he knew I would never be able to leave it, no matter how much I wanted to. I wonder if he knew that he wouldn’t either. 
“I mean it, though. It’s not like ‘you broke into the congress and shot a dictator for me, here, you get the hundred benches for you to put whoever you’d like there’.” I wasn’t looking at him anymore. I was looking at the dark water sitting in front of us. I was remembering. “Not when they miss, atleast.” Not when we miss. 
“Listen, the process isn’t important. What’s important it’s the end result.” Kieran would shake his head then, finish his beer, throw the can as far away as he could. I knew that he would pick it up later. Back then I wanted to think that he did it to avoid littering. Now I wonder if he did it to not leave signs of us in that recluded lake we used to meet at. “Maybe it should be that easy. Don’t you think politicians over-complicate these kind of things sometimes?” 
His voice was hypnotizing, in the sense that when he spoke, he managed to engulf my entire attention. Kieran spoke in calls of actions, and those kind of words always had a particular effect on me. That’s how I had gotten into politics on the first place. I thought I had grown bored of them already; turns out, I was just bored of always listening to the same thing over and over again.
And Kieran was just what I wanted: a fresh gush of fresh wind after what felt like an eternity of talking about the same topics with the same people, of ignoring things that were clearly not right in the name of a higher good I was no longer sure about. I didn’t realize how sick I had gotten of all of it.
Don’t get it mixed up, though. I knew he was going to betray me from the first moment we talked.
Maybe I’m giving myself too much credit; Maybe It wasn’t right after we first talked, but rather once our weekly meetings had turnt almost daily. Or when It became clear that I would rather be sitting on the grass in front of the lake that I had came to call ‘ours’ instead of the ministry, attending never-ending meetings where we never seemed to arrive to any concrete solution. To think that only three years ago, that would’ve been my dream.
“I really like you.” I said one day, almost without meaning too. 
Kieran didn’t seem too surprised. It was a full moon, almost impossible to see from the city. Laying on the grass of our spot, it shone brighter than ever.
“I really like you too.” 
So I knew it was fake, but I pretended I didn’t. Because his eyes looked at me with the most love I’ve ever seen in my whole life, even if none of what he was saying was true. Everything he had told me might have been lies, but I believed them out of the sheer spite it caused me to know that he was there to bring me down.
I’m going to be honest: I thought I could live forever like that. Knowing that he was a traitor, knowing that he was there just to get intel, but playing boyfriend in the meantime. I thought to myself, ‘how bad can it be?’ A year more and the president would end his term, then it would be my boss’ turn at the presidential chair. I would get some high-paying job in her team, and he would keep me company. Every now and then I would release a small, non-compromising secret to him, enough for him to bring back to base and believe that it was all still worth it. I wanted to believe it would all be just fine. 
I liked him so much, I was ready to induce myself into a delusion big enough for me to pretend that would actually work. 
“Lorei, don’t you wish things were better?” 
It was a nice spring afternoon. The sun glistened over the lake, one of the few that hadn’t been contaminated with the last government. We were laying over the grass, and I had a small flowers in between my fingers.
“Because I know how to do it.”
I wanted to tell him it was useless. That he didn’t want to win, not really; It’s always easier to be the opposition than actually in power. Instead I said, “What are you talking about?”
It was a great plan. Had I not known he was a spy then, it might’ve even worked. The idea was not that complicated: Use the celebrations from the independence of the country as a distraction; get into the main office of the party’s data collector, and release all of it to the press. Make a real revolution. I’m not sure what he thought I would believe he stood for. An anarchy, perhaps? The point is that he needed someone to open the doors, and I was the only person he knew who had the card key.
All those afternoons spent together, all those shared cans of beers and meaningless chat, in exchange for that: a card key he could’ve stolen to the stupidest of our party.
In the end, I wasn’t able to keep a straight face. I almost managed to, though. But it was when we were at the doors, my hand slightly shaking, that I finally broke down.
“Stop, I…” 
Kieran looked over at me, concerned.
“Are you okay?”  Did he actually cared about me, or was he just scared I was having second thoughts?
I wasn’t okay, though. By no meaning was I okay. I wanted to tell him that it was wrong, it was all wrong; us, them, the party, the president, the dictatorship and the government. That any possibility of true change was a fiction, but that if we played the long run, some changes could work. And above all, I wanted to tell him that I loved him. 
“I’m scared.” It was the only thing I was able to conjure in the end.
The way he smiled at me was indescribable. It would be useless to even try to, for no words would be able to paint it in a truthful way, nor would be capable of making you feel the way I felt right then. If I had to try, I would say this: He smiled to me as if there was still hope. Hope for us. Hope for the life we were pretending to have.
“Lorei, don’t you know by now? I won’t ever let anything hurt you.”
He didn’t like me back. I wish he had, though. I really do. Maybe I wish he knew it was a trap, too. 
“Can we stay here for a little bit more?” 
“Yeah, of course.”
It was futile to extend the lie longer than it was needed, but I refused to relinquish it. In a few moments, the men of our Peace Force would storm in, take Kieran down as well as the rest of the traitors waiting for him to deliver them enough information for the ex-dictator son to take over the government. 
Right now, though, we were still a pair of people in love, doing what we thought was better for the world. I liked to pretend as if I was still capable to feel that way. As if the world hadn’t showed me enough, time and time again, that the world I wanted wasn’t one that existed.
Earlier I had been wrong, though; I said no one else had made me feel like I mattered. Not like him, who listened intently to every thought I had, every opinion I voiced. In the beginning, my party made me feel like that, too. I’m not sure when it stopped; perhaps it didn’t, I just couldn’t believe it any more. When I spoke at congresses, in those big important meetings or other events, people heard me, my boss heard me; prisoners were still taken and the justice was still bribed to rule in our favor. Maybe I was bothered by it more than I was willing to admit to anyone, even myself.
So of course the Peace Force came eventually. Kieran was surprised at first, but I saw his body relax after seeing me so in control. It was like the weight of knowing I had set him up released the tension inside of him, a logical conclusion to a logical course of action. 
I wanted to tell him something. ‘You broke my heart’, something like that. It wasn’t true, though; breaking my heart, that had been all on my own. I knew his intention from day one, and I still went behind him blindly. That was on me. 
“Don’t look at me like that!” Despite all, he was still smiling. It wasn’t the same innocent smile as before, but it definitely still looked… full of love. I wondered if he had forgotten to stop acting. “You were the one who sold me out, I should be looking at you like that.”
“You are a spy.”
He didn’t deny it. Why did it still hurt? It shouldn’t have. I knew there was no point in denying the obvious. “It appears to be I’m not a good one, though. I might give journalism a shot, but I heard they are on a tough spot right now too.” 
Had I been less heart-broken, I might’ve asked him how did he manage to joke at a time like that. He didn’t seem scared, much less regretful. The gig was up, yet he still displayed the attitudes that made me fall in love with him in the first place. 
The Peace Force took him out of the room, into the van to take him to a cell. I was tired of everyone telling me what to think, and more importantly to me, how to act. Perhaps It was a sign to start forming some convictions of my own.
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lesberrian · 2 years
From the Start
1. exploration
the bolded words are in English and non bolded are in Japanese
“You know,” Star, the second new foreign transfer student says. “Our life would’ve been easier if we did this through the exchange program. I hate having to repaint and decorate my room.”
“You were the one who didn’t want me to pay someone to do it for you. Something like ‘But what if they do it wrooong~? I don't wanna have to deal with that!’, right?” Zuri, Star’s best friend,sister, and other transfer student mimics her.
Hand on Star’s hip she sighs. “Hmph. Well, that was then. I spent all weekend painting my room and now I have no energy for decorating.”
Zuri knew what Star wanted to do. Ever since they got to Japan the blonde girl wanted to go explore the rest of Tokyo as they only got to see the Bunkyo area the first day they arrived. Closing the book Zuri was reading, she sighs. She also wanted to explore the city as well.
“Fine. Let me get ready and then we can go.”
Star jumps into the air “Yes! You’re the bestest friend ever! Let me go change I wanna look cute!”
Running upstairs to get dressed, Star’s giggles and chants of shopping slowly die down. Zuri knew that Star would take a while to pick out an outfit and took her time to clean up the living room area before getting ready herself.
After thirty minutes, Star was finally able to leave. Dressed in her favorite sanrio outfit with cinnamoroll on her sweater and as her purse. Her cute light blue and white outfit stood out in comparison to Zuri’s, which was more casual and all black. Whenever the two went somewhere they looked liked they belonged in two different cliques.
“Finally ready?” Zuri looks down at her friend who had just put her favorite red lipstick on. 
Star nods and quickly unlocks the door. “Let’s go!”
Taking the train to Shibuya, Star planned out their day on her phone. Since it was morning still they would go visit the Yoyogi park while stores start to open, maybe go get some lunch, and then start shopping before heading home to eat dinner. Showing the schedule to Zuri, the taller nods nods in agreement and goes back to the game on her phone.
Reaching their station, Star excitedly drags Zuri off of the train rambling about taking photos at certain spots in the park. There wasn’t too many people at Yoyogi park which Zuri was happy about. Star saw a few groups of people her age and what seemed to be a young blonde boy and his babysitter sitting and eating cake.
‘It’s a little early for that but I don’t have to deal with the kid so whatever.’ Star thought, turning her attention to a bridge over the lake. “Let’s go over there.”
Taking cute photos for instagram with Zuri, Star doesn’t notice the little boy she saw eating cake come up to them and tap on her shoulder. 
“Holy shit!” She turns around quickly before realising it was just the little boy. “Im so sorry. Was there something you needed?”
“My cousin Takashi saw that you dropped your keys but was to shy to give them back himself.” He smiles, holding out Stars housekeys in his palm. The girl looks up at Takashi, the boy she assumed was his baby sitter and smiled at him. “It’s because he thinks you’re pretty.” The boy whispers so only she could hear.
Star blushes slightly at what the young boy says and laughs awkwardly. “Oh, well, tell him I’m very thankful.”
The boy nods and runs back to his cousin. Star waves at the taller boy and looks back at her sister and giggles. “I really hope that boy wasn’t just making that up because his cousin is pretty cute.”
“Yeah well I’m sure there will be plenty of cute people for you too giggle about later. Let’s keep going before I decide I dont want to be your photographer anymore.”
Zuri walks away without hesitation, leaving the other girl to stand there shocked before running to catch up. “Hey! You wouldn’t really do that would you? You love me too much and you know it!”
Zuri shrugs and pushes the goddes braids that weren’t in her ponytail off of her shoulder.
Back on the bench the short blond boy named Mitsukuni laughs at his cousin who had a slight blush on his face while watching the blonde girl chase after her friend. “I hope the girls at school won’t be too upset that you found your love at first sight.”
Snapping out of it, Takashi shakes his head. “It’s not love, Mitsukuni,” He stands up and waits for the blond to do the same. “We should go now.”
Almost an hour passes and the girls decide to walk to Takeshita street and start their shopping there after eating lunch at Noa Cafe, a cute cafe near the start of the street. Going to clothing departmnts, toyshops, and anyother shop that drew their attention. Multiple times had Star been stopped and complemented on her outfit. Once a little girl dressed as hello kitty ran up to her excitedly and started talking to her about how much she loves the characters. Thankfully the mother was closeby and was able to get her child.
What the to girls had found out from the mother was that the girl and her were here to go to the pompompurin cafe for the little girls birthday and it wasn’t far from where the street ended. Waving goodbye to the mother and daughter Star wishes she could go aswell.
Seeing the look in Star’s eyes as they reach the end of the street, Zuri smiles and decides to give in. “Hold my bags and we can go.”
Without hesitation Star grabs the bags from her friends hand and they walk to the cafe for what would be their early dinner. “I really wish I wore one of my pompompurin outfits. That would’ve been so cute!”
Sitting down in a booth, they take their time to order what they want. Star chose the butter chicken curry with the custard pudding latte and Zuri chose the souffle omurice with the mango lassi.
While waiting for their order to arrive, Star rambled on about pompompurin and other sanrio characters for what Zuri swore was the thousanth time. Luckly for her when the food arrived Star was busy taking photos of the food to tell her more about a certain episode of hello kitty’s furry tale theater. 
Eating their food the conversation moved onto school. Since it was only the end of March American schools were in it’s last month and testing time. Both girls were able to take all of their tests early so they could move in time to not miss the sa=tart of the japanese school year, which starts in April.
“I really dont understand how you’re ok with those dresses.” Zuri takes a bite from her food, schrunching her nose at the thought of the school’s female uniform.
“I dunno, they aren’t what I would call adorable but they’re cute enough that i can pull it off. Technically they aren’t even required if you read the school’s rule book.” Star shrugs. Not only did Star have the intelligence of her biological mom, but also picked up on Zuri’s mother, Star’s adopetve mom, legal finesse. “But like, as if I wanna deal with that argument ya know? At least they let you get the male uniform, you’re gonna look super cool.”
Once done with dinner they decide to split a dessert before heading home. Star uses Zuri’s shoulder as a pillow while listening to music. Resting her head atop of Star’s, Zuri coulldn’t be more thankful she was her adoptive sister.
Unfortunately in the morning they had to go to Ouran academy for their schedule and campus tour to get the need supplies. Not caring to impress the kids at their school, Star puts on a more casual outfit and lets Zuri sleep in as she makes breakfast and gathers what they’ll need for the day. Since it was slightly cold out Star chose a pair of baggy jeans with a Hello Kitty shirt over a white turtle neck.
When Zuri comes downstairs dressed, The sisters sit at the couch to eat breakfast while watching the news. 
“We need to remember to put Netflix on here,” Zuri turns off the TV once she’s done eating and puts her plate in the sick. “You’re on dishes tonight by the way.”
“Mhm, I’ll do ‘em after dinner,” Star gets up and puts her bowl into the sink, dreading what she’ll have to do later. Out of all chores, dishes was her least favorite. Grabbing her water bottle from the fridge she puts it into her pawprint shaped purse that she bought yesterday. “Alright, time to go deal with richer kids than us.”
“You’ll never believe what I found out about the school, Star.”
Star raises an eyebrow and sarcastically fakes surprise, “They let a poor person in?!”
Zuri laughs and shakes her head, “No. They have this thing called a host club. A bunch of girls go and get flirted with by the guys there.”
Star bites her lip to contain her laughter and leans on the counter. “What kind of fucked up school did you get us into, girl?” Star takes a deep breat and stands up straight and laughs in disbelief. “That is… it is…it certainly is.”
“It’s certainly something alright.”
“Let’s leave it at something.”
Taking the train they have to walk a few minutes from the station to the school but they didn’t mind, it was barely a five minute walk. Reaching the gates Star laughs a bit. “Maybe Japan has similar paint history as America.” Zuri looks at her in confusion so star elaborates as the walk in. “In like a bunch of places in the past, pink and purple were rich people paint colors since they were like, crazy expensive. So super rich people would paint their entire house pink to be like ‘look how much money i have!’ and the same goes with the corn fences we saw in New orleans, it was rich people fences.”
“Huh, surprised they dont have the corn fences then.” Zuri jokes, laughing at the schools over the top design. “At least we only have to see it for a year.”
“I don’t even know if I can handle that.” Star looks distatefully around her. She could she the girls watch them and whisper while the boys laughed to themselves. “But you know what? I am. Going to. Be fun about this.”
“Be fun about this?”
“You know what I mean.”
Getting their schedules tey bothe see that besides from electives, they share the smae classes. Making their way to class 3-A Star does a double take on the two boys she passes and trips over her own feet. Blocking her fall with her arms, Star does still hit her head hard against them. Zuri turns away slightly to laugh before going to help her up.
Before Zuri could help Star up though, Mitsukuni gets to her first. “Excuse me, are you ok?”
Slowly listing her head up Star mumbles, “Yeah, just, bad at walking.”
Zuri helps her sister up and moves Star’s bangs to make sure there was no bumps. “You should be ok just… dont do that again.” Fixing her bangs Zuri looks down at the short boy. “So you two go here too?”
The boy nods excitedly. “Yeah! Im Mitsukuni buy everyone calls me Honey! And this is Taka-chan but you can call him Mori!”
Star takes a deep breath and smiles at the two boys awkwardly. “Uh, thanks for the help but we have to… find our classes. Goodbye.” Quickly turning around she walks off quickly before stumbling. “Now what the hell is wrong with me today? Seriously?!” She mumbles under her breath.
“Your shoelaces are undone.” A deep voice speaks as a hand is gently placed on her shoulder. 
Looking behind her Star realizes it was the Mori, the boy who Honey claimed thought she was cute. “Oh. That… makes sense.” Quickly tying her shoes Star stands up and looks at Zuri only to realize she left without her. “Shit. Um, I really hate to bother you but I cannot do directions to save my life, could you help me find my class? It’s 3-A.”
Honey gasps and grabs her sleeve. “We’re in that class too! Come on Taka-chan lets show… what’s your name?”
Mori lookes down at the schedule she showed him. “Elise.”
“That’s such a pretty name Elise-chan! Can i call you ellie-chan?” Honey looks up at her with puppy eyes.
Scratching the back of her head she laughs nervously. I dont actually go by that name with a lot of people. I prefer my friends call me Star.”
“That’s so cute Star-chan! You’re like a cool heroine that’s secretly a hero!”
“I dont know if I would call myself a hero but I do think Star is fitting for me. My friends say I’m just as bright and noticeable as one.” She giggles walking along with Honey as he leads her to their classroom. 
The entire walk there both Star and Honey were deep into conversation that Mori was the one who had to inform them they were there. Glancing into the room she sees Zuri sitting at a desk playing on her phone.
“Took you long enough.”
“You are so lucky they’re in this class. You woul’ve lost you’re favorite sister otherwise. You know I would’ve gotten lost forever in this school.”
“Sisters?” Honey stares at the girls. He could tell they were close but they looked nothing alike.
“She’s my parents goddaughter and a few years ago they adopted her.” Zuri shrugs. The question became normal to them very quickly. It wasn’t hard to tell that the black girl and white girl weren’t biologically related.
“Did something happen to your parents, Star-chan?” Honey looks up at her with a sad face and she freezes. She felt her stomach drop when she thought about what happened to her mother.
“Mitsukuni, that’s rude to ask.” Mori gently pulls the boy away from her. Looking at Star he watches her expression shift slightly from panic back to her normal expression, as if nothing happened.
“It’s cool. I just dont wanna talk about it since we’ve just met, ya know?” Smiling with her eyes closed Star forces herself to not think about what just happened. Opening her eyes she immediately looks at Zuri, whos asking if she’s ok with her eyes. Giving a small nod Star takes a deep breath and heads to the teacher.
“Excuse me, Sir. Could I talk to you for a moment?”
The teacher looks up from his work with a smile. “Of course. What do you need?”
“My legal name on your roster is Elise but I would prefer if you could put a note that I go by Star instead.”
The teacher, who knew what some of the students could be like when they dont get their way doesnt hesitate to make the change. He didn’t want a students parents to make him loose his job after all. “All fixed, Ms.Bell. Anything else?”
Star shakes her head. “That’s it. Have a good day!”
Walking back to Zuri she sees that Honey and Mori are still there talking to her sister. Or Honey was talking and Zuri was mindlessly nodding along to what he was saying. 
“Zuri,” Star stares at her sister, “Did I take my meds this moring?”
“Cool. Im in pain lets hurry this up.”
The two boys watch as the girls leave the classroom. Both could see the slight limp in Stars walk but mori looked at Honey as a warning to not mention it. Not long after Zuri and Star left did they decide to call for their driver and head home aswell.
“I think I’m gonna spend the rest of the day in bed, besides from just my leg I’m not feeling too well.”
Zuri looks down at Star, whos using her shoulder to help walk. “Have you been forgetting to take your meds?”
“No? At least I dont think so? I don’t know honestly.”
“I’ll look into it for you and call dad later tonight.”
“...Thanks, Zuri. You truly are the best.
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staticfangz · 2 years
angel - eddie munson
an eddie munson x reader fanfic
you’re not as brave as you may seem
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Eddie Munson was just a dealer to you, nothing else.
You were on your way to the spot you two met up at every few weeks. You gave him an awkward wave as you neared the bench. As you sat down something seemed off about him but you didn’t give it too much thought, you slid your money over to Eddie and he handed you your bag of weed.
That’s usually the end of your guys interaction but today was different. As you were getting up to leave Eddie grabbed your wrist “c-can you stay here just a bit longer” the words barely escaping his mouth. You were confused but complied and sat back down. You looked down at his hand still wrapped around your wrist, he followed your gaze and quickly let go of you as his cheeks turned a bright pink. You looked up to meet his doe eyes, trying to read them and understand why he wanted you to stay. His eyes were a lot prettier than you remembered them being. “I just need someone here with me right now” he blurted out, interrupting your admiration. He shamefully put his head down, hiding his face with his hair. You always saw Eddie as this tough guy who wouldn’t dare show anyone his emotions, especially you who was practically a stranger even though you’ve met up in this spot hundreds of times.
You moved over to where Eddie was sitting, still leaving a little distance between you two to give him space. You could hear the boy sniffling now which caused your heart to sink. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. He slowly lifted his head up revealing his tear stained face. You moved his head so he was facing you, rubbing your thumb across his cheeks softly wiping away all the tears. You looked deep into his now red eyes “talk to me” you gave him your full attention. He started to look down again but you placed your hand under his chin lifting it up until your eyes met again, you gave him a reassuring smile. “Just shit… I don’t know, i feel like i’m always running away from my problems because i’m not brave enough to face them. I feel so weak” He anxiously fidgets with his rings. You grab both his hands “You are brave” he laughs “How so?” “for opening up.. pretty metal” You see his mood alter from that one sentence, the sparkle in his eyes reappearing. All he needed was for someone to be there, for someone to listen.
You hop up from the bench reaching your hand to him, he gives you a confused look “now will this metal gentleman take me on a walk in the woods?” He grabs your hand intertwining his fingers with yours “of course sweetheart” He leads the way making sure to never let go of your hand. You two find a lake and stop there, he takes off his jacket so you have a clean place to sit. You place your head on his shoulder looking up at the starlit sky. He looks down at you and can’t help but smile, you lift your head up “what?“ you giggle. “I think you’re more beautiful then all the stars in the sky” your cheeks flush immediately. “I could say the same about you” you tease “oh really?” he raises his eyebrow. He inches closer to you until your faces are only centimeters away, your heart pounding out of your chest. He lifts your chin up with his pointer finger and places his soft lips on yours, you sink into the kiss. He’s so gentle with you. He wraps his arms around you, his lips still pressed against yours. You’ve never felt this safe in your life. You part your lips from his to catch your breath and can’t help but smile. You go in again after not even 5 seconds.
You feel your eyes growing heavy, you have no idea what time it is but you don’t want this moment to end. “I should get you home princess” Eddie lifts himself up off the ground. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist, he kisses the top of your head and starts to make his way to your house.
Once you get home you smile into your pillow. Who would of thought that Eddie Munson would make you feel this way.
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atticuswritesstuff · 3 years
Chrollo with a smarty pants/genius darling who acts out or tries to escape just because they’re bored/understimulated?
Author's note: I actually really fucking love this prompt so I am SUPER excited for this one. I too get very bored/understimulated often. Sorry, I got to it late cuz I just got back from a Montana trip!
Yandere!Chrollo x Bored!Reader
Summary: Chrollo's darling becomes bored being locked up all the time, decides to take yet another unsupervised trip out of the mansion.
Warnings: Anal/Assplay, overstimulation, punishment, spanking, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, yandere themes, BDSM themes, degradation
Character Description: afab, she/her use that's it
Word count: 4.5k
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Attempt number seven. Seven times you had slipped through his fingers since the beginning of the year alone, each time becoming more and more elaborate.
Chrollo scoffed, storming through the woods, scanner in hand. It was beeping softly, indicating you weren't far.
It wasn't like you made any attempt to escape discreetly, jamming a fork into the neck of one of Chrollo's guards, puncturing his jugular before you made your way through the garden to the edge of the forest. As Chrollo watched a recording of it from the cameras, he was shocked at how nonchalantly you stabbed him before calmly walking off. If you had intended to run far, you weren't moving very fast.
The tracker started beeping a little faster now. He was getting closer.
The early April air was nipping at his cheeks, he couldn't fathom how you were out here in your pajamas, barefoot at that. Chrollo was more worried about you than just finding you. While your previous attempts had been clever, methodical, and downright genius, this time was very different to him. As far as he knew, you'd never killed anyone, and now you had decided to not only kill someone but patiently wait for him to be unfocused before sneaking upon him. You planned this.
Chrollo walked a couple more meters, finding the tracker was leading him to the nearby lake. When he came to the forest's edge, he could see you sitting at the edge of the dock, staring up at the moon.
You heard him approaching as soon as he broke through the treeline, it took him a bit longer to retrieve you than expected, although you attributed that to him thinking you were going to try and run far. A couple miles from the house wasn't necessarily far for a commoner, but this was farther than you'd ever been allowed.
Chrollo's heavy footsteps walked the length of the dock, stopping right behind you. He knew you would come quietly, after the first few times, you'd stopped escaping to try and get away, instead, you found the chase to be much more thrilling.
"Time to go, darling," He hummed nonchalantly.
"Five more minutes," You replied, swishing your feet through the near-freezing water, "The moon is so pretty tonight, wouldn't you agree?"
Chrollo gazed down at you, you were surprisingly clean considering you'd just stabbed someone. Not a single drop of blood on you anywhere. The only thing shielding you from the cold being a thin cami and a shamefully short pair of shorts.
Chrollo always admired your body, but the pajamas were a nice touch. They were a recent purchase, baby blue fabric with white lace trim, god how he wanted to tear the set off you.
"I didn't think you'd have it in you to take a man's life, darling," Chrollo stated.
"I didn't either," You chuckled, "But it's done now."
"Why not just sneak away?" He replied, sitting on the dock next to you, "He was unfocused, you could've done it easily if this was where you intended to go all along."
"You're right, I didn't have to kill him," You sighed, bringing one of your feet onto the dock, "I just wanted to see if I could. You left an anatomy book on your desk, I found the major arteries of the body to be very interesting."
"Now that I think about it," You continued, "Maybe I should've run farther, seeing you so desperately trying to find me is rather amusing."
“You enjoy being chased like a rabbit?” Chrollo mused.
“Believe it or not the thrill is more exciting than anything you’ve ever gifted to me,” You scoffed, “At least running gave me something to do that required thought. Something you seem to forget to provide.”
Poking at Chrollo’s care tactics wasn’t smart, but you didn’t know how else to get through to him that your current environment was extremely understimulating, and that you needed more. You could tell he was growing upset, but he wouldn’t dare show it outside of the house.
You pulled your knee to your chest, resting your cheek against it, "Do I have to go back?"
"Of course you do, darling," Chrollo replied, a warm hand rubbing up and down your back, "Why wouldn't you?"
You scoffed, "Probably because being a prisoner of marble and glass is dreadfully boring."
Chrollo's hand stopped, "You think the life I've worked so hard to build is boring?"
"Yup," You replied flatly, "Honestly I thought you kidnapping me would be a lot more fun, but it's even more boring than my old life."
Chrollo was becoming angrier with each word that came out of your mouth.
"Don't get me wrong, I know how hard you try, but my god I don't know how you stand it. You're sweet and all, but you're gonna bore me to death sooner or later, escaping actually gives me something to do," You hummed, pulling your other foot out of the water, "Anyways, we can go back now, this chase was more boring than I expected."
You rose from your place, turning to walk back to your cage. It took Chrollo a minute to get up and follow you, partially from the shock of your completely arrogant and nonchalant demeanor. The person you had become over the past two years almost reminded him of a certain magician he once knew.
Chrollo eyed you as your hips swayed, every muscle in your leg flexing and relaxing as you walked. It was something he adored about you, before he took you, you were one of your tribe's best, strongest dancers. The way you swayed and glided while you did the most basic of tasks was alluring to him. Now, he just watched you sit around and observe everything.
The view from walking behind you wasn't necessarily bad, though. Your pajama shorts gave him a nice view of your ass as you walked.
Sauntering through the woods, you could no longer hide how cold you were, the incessant shivering and blue tint to your skin proved that fact. Your feet even more so from being in the water.
You knew Chrollo was upset with what you'd said, you could tell immediately, but keeping the truth from him wasn't an option anymore. You had started to care for him some time ago. You really appreciated him, but god if he didn't allow you to do something you were going to lose your mind.
When you could just barely make out the edges of the garden approaching, you stopped mid-path, "Chrollo?"
He caught up to you in an instant, "Yes, darling?"
"I don't want to go back if I have to live like this," You felt tears well up in your eyes, "Please."
His hands found your hips, "Live like what? Talk to me darling, how can I make it better?"
"I don't want to just sit around and wait for you to come back. I'm tired of you being at my beck and call. O-Or just fucking sitting around waiting for you to come back," You felt a solemn tear roll down your cheek, "It's so fucking boring. Please just take me with you or give me something I can do for you or-"
"Darling," He cut you off with a firm hand over your mouth, the other still settled on your hip. He shushed you softly, lessening the pressure on your mouth, "Don't panic, I'm listening. I promise I'm hearing you, just speak slowly alright?"
You nodded, he took his hand off your mouth slowly, "Keep going, what can I do to help you?"
You thought about it, more tears spilling down your cheeks, "Take me with you. Don't leave me by myself anymore. I just want to be useful."
Scooping you up bridal style as he headed towards the garden, "I understand. Even in your old life, you were always helping others, weren't you?"
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and tucking your head into him. Closing your eyes, you breathed in his scent, trying to commit it to memory.
Chrollo's feet hit the marble floors of the hallway that led into the house, you could feel his warmth returning as he carried you inside.
"While I understand your frustrations, you did try to escape my love," He started, bringing you into your shared bedroom, "And that requires a punishment."
You winced, shaking your head against him, "Please, not again! I'm really sorry Sir I can do better-"
"No," He shushed you, setting you on the foot of the bed, "I have the solution to your problem, but only if you take your punishment, alright?"
You nodded slightly, your tear-stained cheeks slightly puffy and red from the cold.
"Alright," He purred, his hands rubbing up and down your shoulders, "I'll try to make this at least somewhat pleasant for you, ok?"
You nodded once again, finding comfort in the fact that he was at least going to please you.
"Lay back for me," He stated, pushing you back by your shoulders, "I'll be right back."
You stared up at the ceiling in anticipation, the last punishment was hard enough, but you couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally get out of the house. Chrollo had returned from the closet, setting something on the bench at the foot of the bed. He took off his shirt before crawling over you.
"You know what your punishment is, right?" He asked, a face cupping your cheek.
You nodded, "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl," He whispered, leaning down to give you the softest of kisses, just barely ghosting over your lips as he pulled the knife out of his back pocket.
Pressing it to your throat, you froze, knowing it had already begun.
"Just focus on me, darling," Chrollo whispered against your lips, "I won't cut you."
He kissed you once more, harder this time as he slowly dragged the knife down your neck. It was a 50/50 chance he would intentionally cut you, even if he said he wouldn't. It was the only thing he'd ever lied to you about, knowing that made your heart race.
His tongue invaded your mouth as he slid the knife down your chest, coming back up to cut your bralette off in between your breasts. You didn't even register the pain from him grazing you with the knife until it started throbbing.
You looked down, seeing a thin line of blood-forming directly in between your breasts.
"Whoops," he chuckled, gazing down at the same mark you were. He sat up, straddling your hips and now pinning you to the bed by your throat. Your bare chest tempted him to carve his name into your breasts, then you'd really know who you belonged to. Chrollo briefly cut the straps of your bralette, allowing the flimsy fabric to fall away, revealing your breasts to him.
Setting the knife aside, Chrollo dragged his nails down your chest, briefly squeezing your waist before leaning down to press open-mouthed kisses all over your neck. He trailed downwards, backing off the bed as he kissed your waist, your breasts, swirling his tongue around each of your nipples lightly before backing off entirely.
"Turn over," Chrollo demanded.
"No." You said timidly, propping yourself up on your elbows.
"I'm sorry?" Chrollo replied smugly, "Wanna repeat that, darling?"
"I said n-no," You said, now even quieter than before.
"No? You don't want to be punished?" He asked, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs teasingly.
You shook your head to confirm that you indeed did not want to be punished in the way he was thinking.
"Even after killing my guard and escaping? You sure you don't want to be punished?" He asked again, his condescending tone making you whimper as you shook your head again.
Chrollo sighed, "Very well."
What? He's serious?
Untying the bandana from his forehead, he was quick to grab your hands and tie them together, placing them above your head, "I'll please you since I know that's what you really want."
Your heart jumped in your chest, somehow excited at the fact that you had gotten out of it.
Chrollo wasted no time cutting your shorts off, leaving you completely naked and exposed to him. He brought your legs up to the edge of the bed, bending them close to your chest, "Stay like this for a moment, ok?"
You gave him brief 'mhm' before he left, crossing the room to his chest of drawers. You heard him open it, the soft sound of things being moved around before he quickly came back. Craning your neck up to see what had been retrieved, you were quickly thwarted by Chrollo who pushed your head back down.
"Patience," He sighed, "Be a good girl now, hm?"
You grumbled, but let him hold you down. You knew this routine all too well, reminiscing about the fond memories of your legs pulling against the rope he was now starting to tie around your ankles. He took the time to tie up each leg, making sure they would not be able to come out of the bent position he'd placed them in.
"So pretty," Chrollo cooed, rubbing his hands up and down your waist, "Alright darling, eyes closed."
You shut your eyes as he brought a blindfold to your eyes, the soft silk being tied around the back of your head.
"There, now that you can't fight me," He started, using brute force to flip you over so you were bent over the edge of the bed, knees on the bench, "We can begin your punishment."
"That's not fair Si-"
A sharp smack was delivered to your ass, "Hush."
You went quiet, whimpering into the plush comforter.
Each word was punctuated by a harsh spanking to one of your ass cheeks. You were only four in and it already stung.
"I'm sorry!" You cried, trying to wriggle away from Chrollo, "Please Sir!"
"Mm, please what darling? Please punish you?" He hummed, rubbing your bottom with smooth circles.
"Nuh!" You whined, your voice becoming whinier under the threat of fully submitting.
"I told you I would please you, but only if you took your punishment like a good girl," Chrollo hummed, leaving a kiss on each cheek, "Do you really expect me to please you when you're not going to comply darling?"
You whined, wiggling a bit more.
"What do good girls say, darling?" Chrollo asked, softly rubbing your arched back.
"P-please," You huffed.
"Please what, love?" He replied, quietly undoing the bottle of lube he had brought to the bed.
"Please punish me," You whispered, "Sir."
"That's my good girl," He hummed.
Chrollo squirted a bit of lube onto his first two fingers, letting it warm a bit before bringing them to your ass. Mewling as Chrollo started rubbing your puckered hole, he wasted no time plunging a digit into your ass.
"Fuck!" You cried out, feeling him slipping in and out up to his first knuckle. You shook against the rope.
"Aww, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were starting to enjoy this." He teased, pushing his finger up to his second knuckle, "You're taking me so well, I can only imagine how well you're going to do later."
You gave him a long, drawn-out moan in response. He wanted you to beg, either for more or for him to stop, either way, he wanted you to be a mess.
The discomfort started to fade as he pushed his two fingers fully into you. Now, you could feel your arousal dripping as he steadily finger-fucked your ass, trying to stretch you out best he could with just two fingers.
"Already taking my fingers so well," Chrollo cooed, picking up the pace, "I think you're ready to be punished, don't you?"
You shook your head, knowing what would come next.
"Oh come now, don't be like that darling." He replied, slowly pulling his fingers from your tight hole.
You whined at the loss of contact, while it wasn't quite the pleasure you wanted, it was starting to feel good. You waited patiently as Chrollo left the bed, finding the necessary tools needed in his bedside drawer before coming back to the bench.
In one hand, he held a set of purple anal beads that gradually got bigger, in the other, a vibrating wand he fully intended on using on you. While the vibrator wasn't ever used during a punishment, Chrollo saw it to be a mercy for your honesty, therefore, he would keep his word, making his punishment at least somewhat pleasurable for you.
"Tonight's going to be a bit different, love," Chrollo started, setting the vibrator on the bench, he began covering the anal beads in a generous amount of lube, "I need you to trust me, ok?"
You didn't know what he meant by different, you assumed more painful, but knew that there would be no pleasure without pain, "I trust you."
"Good," He hummed, rubbing the first ball against your lubed hole, "You ready?"
Your faint 'mhm' had Chrollo pushing the first ball in, earning a whimper from you. It wasn't much bigger than Chrollo's finger, but you could still feel it. Mere seconds later, he was pushing the second ball in, the equivalent to a little more than two of his fingers.
You were quietly whimpering and mewling into the comforter, hoping he wouldn't hear how much you were enjoying the slow stretch.
"I need your hands," Chrollo announced, pulling you firmly upward by your shoulders, "Put them here."
He shoved your arms down toward your pussy before pushing you back down on your chest. Before, your hands had been resting on the comforter above your head. Now, they were firmly squished between your thighs. You felt Chrollo press something round into your hands before tying your wrists up. Mid-tie, he readjusted the foreign object to rest against your clit.
The vibrator.
You began to squirm a little bit, knowing that this is what he meant by tonight being a little different. You waited patiently as he tied the ropes tight, making sure you wouldn't be able to move it away, then he turned it on.
"Ah...oh fuck," You moaned, the vibrator already working to make you come undone, "Sir.."
Your moans were becoming more sultry, needier, you began panting as your legs worked up to a steady shake, he knew he would break you tonight at this rate.
"See? I told you I would please you," Chrollo hummed, pushing the next ball in, you cried out even louder, "You have permission to cum whenever you'd like."
Knowing this was going to make it a lot harder, he wanted you to submit, to break, "D..Da-Ah!"
You were stuttering as the next ball was pushed in, your asshole stretching around it.
"What was that? I don't think I heard you, princess," Chrollo teased.
"Daddy!" You wailed, giving into the submission he so desperately wanted. Your pussy began fluttering around nothing as the vibrator sent deep shock waves through your pussy, "Please!"
"Please what, princess?" He smiled, palming your ass cheeks.
"Please punish me!" You moaned, needing more stimulation, "I'm sorry I tried to escape! I've been a bad girl!"
The sight of you writhing under him was pathetic, you were truly becoming a mess and he hadn't even really touched you. Seeing how hard you were trembling, Chrollo took pity on you. Watching your pretty pussy clench and release, needing some form of stimulation, he decided to at least grant you this mercy.
Plunging two fingers into your dripping hole, he crooked his fingers, quickly finding your g-spot, "Is this what my darling needs?"
"Yes! Oh, fu-fuck please daddy!" You moaned, fucking yourself on his fingers, "Gonna cum!"
"You have permission princess, it's ok," Chrollo reaffirmed, working his fingers inside you.
It only took seconds, the knot that had been building inside you finally burst, causing you to clench around his fingers. The vibrator held firm against your clit after, the pleasure becoming painful. You started to cry through the blindfold.
Chrollo licked the mess off his fingers before slowly starting to pull the anal beads out one by one. You whined and whimpered as he did so, the action only causing you to clench to avoid feeling empty. It did nothing, Chrollo continued to pull the remaining few beads out, your asshole gaping slightly
"Mm, you're doing so well baby," Chrollo sighed, pulling his own pants down. Pumping his cock a few times before rubbing the crown of it up and down your slick.
"Daddy! D-Don't do that!" You whined, trying to pull away from his ministrations.
"What? This?" Chrollo asked innocently, repeating the action.
You lost it, cumming on the spot as the tip ghosted over your pussy, your shame covered your face in a heavy blush. It barely took anything for you to cum with the stupid vibrator continuing to buzz against your clit at the highest setting.
"S-Sorry daddy.." you slurred, still trembling as you felt your mind go blank.
"Aww, is my baby that much of a cock drunk little slut?" Chrollo teased, pressing the tip of his painfully erect cock into your ass, "I know you are, my pretty little darling wanted to be punished this whole time, huh?"
You heard him, but could barely form enough of a sentence to answer.
Chrollo pushed into you slowly, relishing in the tightness of your ass, your gummy walls fluttering around him as you were overstimulated. The feeling of being full had your tongue lolling out of your mouth.
Once fully seated inside you, Chrollo slowly dragged his nails along your back before palming your ass. Pulling your ass cheeks apart with his thumbs, he gave a few long, slow thrusts, watching the way you clenched around his cock.
"Fuck," Chrollo moaned, "I almost don't even want to punish you with the way this tight little ass wraps around my cock."
You could only moan in response, trembling as he continued his tortuously slow pace.
"How many spankings do you think you'll receive from tonight's actions, princess?" Chrollo halted, only halfway inside as his hands trailed upwards along your outer thighs, "I think forty is a good number? What say you, love?"
"Nuh-uh!" You cried, wiggling against his touch as one of his hands left your skin, "Thirty!"
Chrollo chuckled at your offer, "I was originally going to settle for twenty-five, but thirty works for me, darling."
With a crushing force, Chrollo's hand came down.
"Count, or I'll start over," Chrollo demanded.
"O-One," You whispered.
His other hand rose while the other soothed the spot he had just spanked.
"Three," Chrollo's hands were relentless, switching cheeks each time he smacked you in order to give your poor skin a break. He was merciful enough to rub the spot he had spanked before doing it again.
It took minutes to work your way up to the end, you came twice throughout the process as the vibrator held firm against your clit.
"Th-Thirty!" You were sobbing, shaking uncontrollably under the weight of Chrollo's punishment.
"There we go, all done," Chrollo cooed, softly rubbing your cherry-red ass as he set another slow pace, "You did so well for me, darling."
A warmth grew in your chest, you really did enjoy being praised by Chrollo, even if it was after a punishment with his dick in your ass. He enjoyed it too, loving the way you clenched around his cock each time he spanked you, it took a lot of focus to not cum mid punishment.
You were writhing the pressure in your core already starting to build again, your trembling never stopped, even throughout your punishment. Chrollo kept up his word to please you, but god at what cost?
"I want you to cum for me again, angel," Chrollo hummed, his hands finding your waist as he began picking up the pace, "I want to absolutely ruin you."
"No no no! Daddy, I can't!" You sobbed, knowing you would be doing more than just cumming if this kept up.
"Oh? Is my princess trying to hide the pretty mess I know she can make?" Chrollo asked, knowing what you were implying.
Grabbing the knife, he cut the ropes from your legs. He rolled your limp form over onto your back, yanking the blindfold off so he could watch as you helped overstimulate yourself. With one arm by your head to support himself, he guided his cock back into your ass, resuming the brutal pace he set.
You held Chrollo's gaze as he went absolutely feral, drilling your ass while holding one of your legs up over his shoulder. You could barely conceal your tears at this point, broken moans showing him just how bad you needed a break, but he was intent on making you squirt before he stopped.
"I know you need this," Chrollo purred, pressing his forehead to yours, "Just give in to my love, your body wants this."
You started to shake harder, legs trembling even more aggressively, he was pushing you to the edge.
"Fuck! Da...Daddy," You groaned, knowing you were only seconds away, "Kiss me, p-please."
Pulling you into his lips as you came, your screams and cries muffled against Chrollo's lips as you drenched his cock and thighs with your cum. You barely registered the feeling of his cock throbbing as he filled your ass with cum. It took several seconds for your orgasm to stop before you were finally able to collapse back onto the bed.
Chrollo was quick to shut the vibrator off as he pulled out, knowing your body had enough. He admired the way his cum began slowly trickling out of your ass while he untied your hands.
"You did so well, darling," Chrollo praised, leaving soft kisses on the inside of your calf, "So so good."
His kisses trailed upwards, his lips softly tickling your thighs as he caressed them. He continued upward with his continued praise and love, making sure each part of you had received some form of physical attention before kissing you passionately.
You were still panting, your heart thrumming in your ears as he brushed your hair away from your face. At least he held true to his word.
With your hands now free, you pulled him in for another kiss, wanting to stay enveloped in his warmth forever.
"So, my little brat," He started, interlacing his fingers with yours, "Was this enough of a cure for your boredom?"
You giggled, giving him a weak smile, "It was, but as I recall, you mentioned what sounded like a more long-term solution to this problem."
"Ah, that," Chrollo sighed, rolling over next to you. You turned on your side the best you could as he gazed up at the ceiling, "I was thinking you could officially become a spider."
Your breath hitched in your throat, "You mean like part of the phantom-troupe?"
"Yes," He replied curtly, "You'd be with me all day every day, same rules apply, but it would give you a chance to use that intelligence of yours."
You grinned, thinking it over, "Sure, why not?"
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yoooespinosa · 3 years
could you please write a draco x reader fic, where the reader is hopelessly in love with draco, and she's not afraid to show it. but draco doesn't feel the same. and draco being draco, he rejects the reader with no remorse. then when the reader finally comes to the realization that she deserves better, she started seeing new people (not necessarily dating, but more like talking), then that's when draco feels a bit jealous now that the reader isn't all over him anymore. the rest is up to you, love! just something really angsty, you could end it in any way you'd like.
also, sidenote. you're an amazing writer and i love you!!
a/n: Thank you for your request! ily <3
To say you had a crush on Draco Malfoy, was an understatement.
You couldn't help it, you couldn't just stop the feelings you developed every time he came around.
When he walked into the room it was butterflies breaking out of their cage, palms growing sweaty and your heart racing so fast you were scared you'd be able to see its indentions.
It was scary at first, to have such feelings at only thirteen years old. So you did your best to ignore them. You did your best to stay out of his way.
That only worked for so long.
When you are friends with Draco and the people that surround him, it becomes very hard to stay out of his path.
So it was only inevitable that your crush on him would become so much more. Especially as the years went on.
He hadn't made it much easier. Sometimes you felt as if, maybe, he returned your feelings. How could you think otherwise? With the way he walked with you to class, carried your books at times and spent time with you. Just you. Alone.
How could you not fall in love with him.
With all that simmering in you, you finally let it out. You made your affections obvious, not afraid to show Draco how you felt for him. You had thought it was welcomed. You thought that the feelings would be returned.
It seemed as though he could only tolerate you for so long. Yes, that was the right word for it, the only thing he had for you was toleration.
Your shoes sounded on the stone under you, on your way to the Slytherin common room. You had just got out of detention with professor Snape. You suppose it was well deserved, you had seen Draco almost put the wrong ingredient in his potion, so you being you had wandered to his table and helped him, much to Snapes dismay.
Whispering the password, you made your way through the dim passage. Chattering of people from all years and faint laughter was heard all around.
You spotted your friends right away, seated by the green flamed fireplace, as usual.
"She just can't take a hint." You heard Draco grumble, you paused your steps, you didn't mean to eavesdrop but it seemed as if your feet had a mind of its own.
"Wait," Blaise closes the book he had in his hold. "who are we talking about again?"
Pansy sighs, seeming they had been on the topic for some time. "We're talking about y/n."
Your brows furrow. Going back to the first thing you heard Draco say, she just can't take a hint, what was that supposed to mean. What hint?
"Why can't you just tell her how you feel?" Theo adds, his voice is laced with annoyance, maybe this isn't the first time they've talked about this.
"I thought how I felt would be obvious enough, without having to say anything." He huffs.
"Well," Theo sighs. "apparently not."
You were becoming anxious. What were they talking about and what exactly was Draco feeling? There was streak of hope in you, maybe he'd confess right here that he felt the same.
"What do you suggest I say then, oh-wise-one?" Draco asks teasingly.
"Easy, just say exactly what you tell us." He clears his throat dramatically, adopting a mock version of his voice, "Y/n, you have to be one of the most annoying girls, I have ever had the dissatisfaction of meeting. Please, oh please take the hint and leave me alone because these attempts at getting at me are getting more pathetic each time." He finishes with a clumsy curtsy.
The other Slytherins try to stifle their laughs.
You hadn't even noticed the gasp that escaped your throat until four heads turned to your direction.
"Y/n, I didn't kn-" You cut of Theo's words and apologetic stare.
"Is that true?" You ask Draco, your voice low, laced with hurt. Your nose was stinging and your bottom lip hung heavy, but you refused to cry in front of them. You wouldn't give them another weakness to laugh about.
Draco managed to keep his face blank, no emotions shining through. He shrugged, "Pretty much summed it up."
You almost flinched. He didn't even care about the hurt those words brought you.
You left without a look back. Leaving behind your friends call of your name. They weren't the ones you wanted an apology from. They had known how much you felt for him and didn't even bother telling you that it was definitely not mutual. They even laughed, like it was a joke, like your heart was a comedic topic.
The cold air hit your face, freezing against the tear stain tracks. You sat on a lone stone bench in the court yard, letting those tears make a home on your cheeks.
It wasn't obvious--his dislike to you. If it was, you would have gave up long ago. But a part of you felt that there was hope and you had chased after that.
Why couldn't he have just told you when you first let your affections known, it seemed that he had encouraged it back then, with lingering touches and soft smiles.
Looking back now, you notice that those advantages had slowly disappeared. You had been too caught up in his silky hair, those gray eyes filled with mirth and mischief, his angular face with high bones that no one could compare to, that you hadn't notice everything was unrequited.
A sick part of you even felt honored to have your heart broken in the hold of his beautiful hands, the part that saw him do no wrong.
Maybe that was the first problem, you put him on a pedestal, so high up you weren't able to see anything negative of him. You weren't able to see his cruel reality of his feelings towards you.
And he didn't even seem sorry. He didn't even look bothered by the damage of his words.
You were so nice and considerate to him. You would support him at every quidditch game, cheer the loudest even when he lost. You bought him presents for every one of his birthdays and even Christmas, each one sentimental and thoughtful. You had comforted him when he got those letters, that he despised, from his father. You had voiced encouragements when he showed a little tell sign of his insecurities. You had been there for him.
And he treats you like this, like you can be so easily dismissed. You didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve to be called pathetic for having normal feelings and then being laughed at for it.
The longer you sat on that cold bench, the angrier you got. A bitter feeling growing in your stomach, melting away those knots.
You wasted all this time and effort on some guy who didn't even deserve it, some guy who didn't appreciate you. It wasn't fair.
"Hey, you okay?" A familiar voice sounded through your revelations.
You looked up and met green eyes framed with circular glasses.
"Yeah. I was just thinking." You mumbled, the bitter taste was stuck on your tongue, you wanted rid of it.
"Mind if I sit and think with you?" Harry asked, he was nervously scratching the back of his neck, smiling warmly at you.
You offered him a smile, welcoming his genuineness. "Go ahead."
He sat there with you for hours. Surrounded by the sound of wind. It was nice and comfortable. The bitter feeling leaving you completely. You were content now, even if you could still feel the ache in your arms from holding onto Draco for so long.
Weeks had passed. Weeks of no signs of you. The first week Draco hadn't been worried, a little curious, but that was all. The longer it went on though, he became a little more than curious. Not because he cared, cause he didn't, just that if something happened to you, it would be his fault. His rejection was the reason you ran off like a fool to who knows where.
Which is the only reason he went looking for you. He already got a lot of shit from the others, he didn't need more problems stacking up.
He checked all of your favorite places. Starting with that tree down by the black lake that you enjoyed to lean on and watch the sun go down, the sunset wasn't near so he should've known you would not have been there.
He then went to the gardens, there was a bench there that was next to a small pond. It was filled with odd creatures and was home to your favorite flowers, lotus's. You weren't there either.
Lastly, he went to a certain abandoned hall. You had to be there. You went there to be alone with your thoughts, you had taken him with you there a few times. There was a big window there with a thick ledge, streams of sunlight beamed through and tiny rainbows would reflect on the opposite wall due to the cracks on said window.
He heard you before he saw you. A soft laugh reverberating through the empty hall, a laugh he had always found annoying. Hearing it now though, just made him want to get closer to you.
So he did, walking with light footsteps. He froze, you were not alone. Sitting there in the space he once accompanied, was Harry fucking Potter. What kind of sick joke was this?
Why were you sitting with him? And does that mean you just laughed at something he said?
Your laugh sounded through again, once piercing now melodic. It was a bitter feeling, Potter shouldn't have the honor of dragging that sound out of you, he shouldn't even witness it.
Draco left the hall before either of you saw him, he needed to get himself in check.
More weeks passed. Weeks of you hanging out with Potter. You were doing things with him that you had done with Draco.
It was on purpose, you had to be doing it on purpose. You were simply trying to make him jealous and it was annoyingly working.
But how could you be doing that when you didn't even look back to see a reaction.
Draco didn't know what to think. He didn't even know what to feel, or more like let himself feel. Something had changed in the weeks you were away from him.
A revelation of sorts. He missed you. Missed what you would do for him. He regretted what he said and what he never had the chance to say. Because maybe deep down those feelings had been returned, but he was just too stubborn to show.
And now he's seeing you realizing that you deserve more than blurred lines and assumptions. And he's realizing maybe Potter is that more that you deserve.
Draco doesn't like that one bit, he can't even stomach the thought. So he promises to himself that he will do everything in his power to win you back. Even if that means saying that he was sorry and admitting that he was in the wrong, something he's never had to do before.
But if that makes you his again and gets you away from Potter, then its worth it.
Part 2
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milfjensenackles · 2 years
700 words | read it on ao3
quick little dclcu ficlet! dean wants to make a big life change and cas supports him.
“Do you ever wonder if you made the right choice?”
Cas turns toward Dean’s voice. Dean sits down next to him at the rickety old wooden picnic table they found on the side of the road. At first, Dean was vehemently against it, citing that it might give Jack a splinter. Cas liked the idea that it was full of memories from previous owners and couldn’t bear to leave it looking so sad and alone. Dean gave in.
“What choice, Dean?” Cas asks, stealing a kiss before Dean could lift the beer bottle to his lips.
Dean grins at him. “I mean… choosing to be here. With me. And Jack. Instead of fighting Heaven’s battles, doing the things you’ve always done. Wouldn’t that have been easier?”
Cas pauses and looks to the lake, searching for the right answer as though it might jump out of the water like a fish seeking to avoid a predator. “It might have been the easier choice, but it’s not the one that would have made me the happiest.”
Dean became silent, swishing the amber fluid in his bottle back and forth.
“Is there a reason you asked?” Cas asks after a few moments of silence.
Dean places his palm over Castiel’s hand. “I was just thinking…  that I might like to retire from hunting. Now that we have the lakehouse finished, and Jack is growing up… I don’t want to miss anything.”
Cas allows the tiniest upturn of the corner of his mouth. “I can’t believe he’s going to be five years old in a few days.”
Dean’s face brightens at the mention of Jack’s birthday. “Hoo boy, can you just imagine the look on that kid’s face when he sees the bouncy house we got for the party?” Dean laughs at the thought. “But seriously. What do you think? I’ve already talked to the shop down the street, and they offered me a position if I want it.”
“You’d be working on cars?” Cas asked, his smile growing bigger by the minute.
Dean suddenly becomes shy following Castiel’s reaction. “Yeah. I’ve always loved working with my hands, and I thought, you know, it might be nice to still help people somehow.”
Cas thinks back to the question that started the conversation. He knows that this life was everything he could ever want – Dean safe and comfortable at his side, Jack asleep in his ‘big boy bed’ that he picked out at IKEA the week before, and a quiet existence on the water. He just doesn’t know if that would be enough for Dean. “Are you worried that you wouldn’t be happy here long-term?”
“Nah, man. Nothing like that,” Dean quickly reassures him, “I’m worried that I’ll be missing out on something if I quit. Like I’ll be failing the people who need me.”
“Dean, there will always be new cases. And there will always be new, young hunters to take those cases. You’ve already done so much. It’s your turn to get what you want. What is it that you want?”
Dean takes a deep breath. “I want you. I want this, and this life we’ve built together. Nothing else really matters to me anymore.”
Cas gets up from his seat quietly and makes his way around the table, settling in right next to Dean on the bench so their knees touch. Cas reaches up, carefully taking the beer bottle from Dean’s hand and placing it gently on the table next to them. He presses his mouth to Dean’s softly, attempting to show him all the love he couldn’t quite put into words. This was Cas trying to tell Dean that he was cared for, he was appreciated, and whatever decision he decided to make would be fully supported.
“If I knew that’s how you were gonna react, I’d quit hunting every week!” Dean says with a red face and a cheeky grin once they pull away from one another.
Cas rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Dean.” There was no sting to his words, and this was emphasized by the gentle graze of Castiel’s thumb over Dean’s ring finger. They sat quietly for a few more minutes, before going back into their home. Together.
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chaeinedup · 3 years
Friends by chance, lovers by fate
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pairing: Park Jongseong x reader
summary: Spring was way more than just the flower season, but like those all it takes is time.
content warning: None  i don’t think.
Every monday morning you woke up early to have a silent walk and bathe in the rising sunlight as you love taking time for yourself as much as possible. With so many duties at home and your job, it was rare when you did catch a break so waking at 5am it was. Normally these walks bring nothing more than personal enjoyment and 1 or 2 animals that crossed your path. But this specific day, not something, but someone walked the same trail as you. Sure there’s plenty people that wake up early but this was a more reserved area where only people that really knew the area would venture into it.
You walked closer, following the noises that were heard from behind all the trees, meaning the person was right at the edge of the lake. You hid behind one of the bigger trees, making sure you wouldn’t frighten the other person. They were throwing rocks and seeing if they bounced in the water, you thought it was wholesome and smiled to yourself. You wondered if you should say something but they were faster than you.
??: Are you gonna stay there forever?
They didn’t even turn to you, their back was facing you and so that got you wondering what betrayed you.
Y/N: Was I that loud?
??: No, just enough for me to hear the leafs crunch. What brings you here?
Y/N: Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?
You started walking torwards them, sitting in a bench. They finally looked back at you and your mind couldn’t believe your eyes. How did someone this beautiful exist? and how did you find them in a random stroll this early in the morning. If it wasn’t for the freezing wind you would second guess your vision and tell yourself you were dreaming. It was like the cat took your tongue and not a single vowel could leave your mouth.
??: Are you okay? Did you really just freeze on me?
Y/N: No I just....well to be completly honest I’m offended, you’re prettier than me.
You realised that came out a little too blunt when the coffee he was sipping came out rushing from his mouth.
??: Give me a warning next time, coffee isn’t cheap nowadays.
Y/N: I’m really sorry that just came out, but at least now I have an excuse to ask you out. Can I please buy you a more than deserved coffee?
??: How could I ever say no to such a good offer?! Except the fact that most coffe shops are still closed.
Y/N: Don’t worry that will give us plenty time to know each other.
And that’s exactly what happened, interests were shared, opinions were given but most of all, a frienship was blossoming, one so beautiful even the flowers all around were jealous. You liked that morning so much that you both promised to meet every monday, alternating every week on who would be in charge of bringing the coffee. That day and location became yours in the same instant you became each others.
With time you finally learned all about him, his name is Jay and he’s the same age as you. Safe to say you became best friends in a very short period of time, the more you hung out the more you missed each other when left with each others scent on one another, both of you realised where this was heading but you weren’t sure how to approach the other end.
But one day he thought that it was more than time to come clear about his feelings, and he tried his hardest to make it as special as possible, without you suspecting anything. So he texted you on a sunday night, “I know tomorrow is your turn of bringing the coffee but I got us covered, I have something new for us to try!”. Of course you didn’t think anything of it’s just coffee afterall, for you yes, but the poor guy can’t even sleep that night. It was such a calming night for you, you took a nice shower, pampered yourself with the best skin care, home cooked dinner and a very happy mind, knowing you were gonna see your so called other half. While his night was the complete opposite, he had been thinking about this days prior so he began preparing for this a while back, but that still didn’t make the panic decrease. He was determined that it had to go just how he pictured, the nicest picnic breakfast for the nicest person he knew, the one he cared the most and the one he would die for. Boy was he a hopeless romantic, but so were you. That’s the only thing stopping him from having a full on mental breakdown, he knows you’ll appreciate the effort and be moved by such a heartfelt confession.
The sun rose, and so did you. You looked outside and took a deep breath, damn did it feel good to be loved. It’s not what you thought but what your heart felt every time you thought about Jay. You got ready and texted him you were heading his way. He got the text while he was preparing his little gourmet breakfast, all the cookies he baked last night, perfectly plated on one corner with 2 beautiful boxes of macaroons while the other had the new coffee he promised and 2 glasses of orange juice. In the middle was a tiny vase with your favourite flowers and the ones that were blossoming when you first met, now fully coloured and standing proud. Just like him when you arrived.
Your first reaction was to stare at the view infront of you ad it took you back to when this all started, but you weren’t hiding behind a tree and he wasn’t facing the lake, he was facing you and with with the prettiest smile you’d ever seen. It never gets old. You walked to the little buffet on the ground.
Y/N: I thought it was new coffee, not hotel service.
Jay: Funny, that was a good one, but well there was no reason for me to not do this so lets take a seat and dig in, before some squirrel steals all my hard work away.
And so you sat, and of course you enjoyed eerything he made, even the heart shapped watermelon cut outs, deep down you had a feeling of why he did this and you did love it but you felt guilt that maybe you weren’t showing him the same effort he was showing you. With you in your head it was inevitable for him to get in his, he started thinking of how to say it and all the ways you would react and how he would respond to that. After a few seconds of silence you looked at him and slightly opened your mouth as a sinal that you were going to talk but he best you to it.
Jay: I like you. And not like a best friends, i mean that too but not just like that. So many sleepless nights thinking about you and your hand on mine. I promised myself i wouldn’t stop until I made you mine and I don’t care how selfish this sounds right now because I just truly want you to understand how much you mean to me, I want to take care of you and if that means i have to bake cookies every day I gadly will.
Your mouth was now closed, complete silence from you and the surroundings. You were trying to process his confession the best you could, it felt surreal that you were living that moment right now. 
Y/N: Damn you pretty boy, you can’t offer me cookies as persuasion you never I can never say nooo!
You said this to lighten up the mood and he was glas, that silence freaked him out a little bit and anxiety started crawling up his body.
Y/N: And as bad as I am talking about feelings, I can’t deny them any longer, I like you too.
Jay didn’t even realise he was holding his breath until your last words came out and so did his first breath. He layed down on the towel underneath you and closed his eyes laughing in relief. 
Jay: You scared me with that silence DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!
You rested your head on his chest and layed besides him.
Y/N: I told you I’m not good with expressing myself.
Jay: It’s okay it’s one of the things I love about you.
He caressed your back with his right hand and locked fingers with you with the left one. The sun was hitting you both in the face, you both felt so comforted and happy you didn’t know why but your souls knew, nothing ever happens by chance.
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juviaafullbuster · 3 years
He should have known. He should have seen it coming the moment he heard that blue cat call out her name. Of course nothing good would come from this. That stupid cat, exceed, whatever he is, was raised by Natsu after all.  But he didn't think much of it when he saw him flying towards Juvia, who was currently sitting with the other girls and landing in the middle of their table.
"Yes Happy?"
"Remember what I told you when we came back from Edolas?"
Happy was wiggling his tail excitedly, while trying to hold back from spilling the information immediately. After all, he lives for the drama. Juvia on the other hand was just looking at him, confusion written all over her face.
"Juvia isn't following.."
"You know, about the Juvia in Edolas and how the Gray there is obsessed with her.."
"Oh yes! Of course Juvia remembers that! The other Juvia is very lucky.."
"Yeah, and guess what? She got even luckier. Turns out they've got-"
Gray had to stop him before he spilled too much. Why were they on the other side of the hall anyways? Juvia was always stuck to him whenever he came back from a mission. Why did she have to abandon him now of all times?
"What is it Gray? I'm busy delivering information."
"If you don't shut it that's the last information you'll ever deliver."
At that Happy visibly gulped. Gray was sure he was considering whether it was worth taking the risk. He probably still remembered the incident where Gray had declared him his enemy. Gray himself didn't remember much of what happened, just that it wasn't his proudest moment when he woke up half naked on an island surrounded by strangers. Now however, he was glad it had happened. At least that cat knew what he was dealing with and wouldn't dare to finish that sentence.
"Hey popsicle, are you threatening Happy?"
This just keeps getting better. Of course Natsu had to get involved as well. All he wanted was to enjoy being back home and spending some time with Juvia. And he wasn't doing either. Really, the last thing he needed was Natsu and his damn cat to ruin things for him.
"I don't threaten anyone unless necessary. So if you want to save him from trouble, tell your cat to back off."
"Like I care. Point is, shut up."
"Stay out of it, flamebrain!"
He just needed to get to Juvia. There was no need to participate in the conversation with Natsu. Not that you could actually hold one. It would always end in a fight and if that idiot doesn't shut up soon, Gray was sure that this will be the case today as well. So he decided to be the bigger person and ignore Natsu, no matter how much he was provoked. However Natsu didn't get the message.
"What's up with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're being weird lately. Happy noticed too, right Happy?"
"I'm not being weird, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I think it's because he's jealous of you!"
"He did tell me what happened.. is it because he has more woman than you?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You know, that snow woman. He had quite a lot on his side, you however just had-"
Like it wasn't bad enough that he was going to tell Juvia about their Edolas counterparts, she really didn't need to know about that whole woman in the depth of his heart thing.
"You're jealous of me?"
"Who's jealous of who?
"Gray is jealous of Natsu."
That's it. He's going to kill that cat. But first he'll have to deal with Natsu because he was costing him his nerves as well. So next thing he knew, they were throwing fists at each other until Erza forcefully stopped them.
"What is this about? Explain yourself before I pull out my sword."
"Grays being mean to Happy."
"That's because Happy is stupid! Probably got it from you.."
"SILENCE! Happy!"
"Well, Gray is being mean to me just because I wanted to tell Juvia about what we saw in Edolas. I don't see why he's so worked up over it, I mean I was just going to say that they're married."
"Who's married?"
"Gray and Juvia!"
Silence. The whole guild went silent. Well, except for Happys snickering. Gray could swear he felt his soul leave his body. He was certain he would never hear the end of it. After all, he could already feel the eyes on him.
"Gray and Juvia are married in Edolas?" It was Juvia who decided to break the awful silence. Happy nodded eagerly in response to her question.
More silence. Or as Gray would say, the calm before the storm.
"Is that true?" Juvia was looking at him with wide eyes. He knows her well enough by now to know exactly what was currently going on in her head. He could tell her imagination was going wild with wedding pictures. But she was clearly holding back from squealing, instead she kept staring at him, desperately waiting for an answer. Gray sighed.
And then all hell broke loss. Mira was cornering him trying to find out as much as possible, while Cana kept adding her inappropriate comments. Elfman starting shouting something about marriage being manly, whatever that meant. By the time Gray had managed to escape from them Juvia was no longer in sight.
"She went outside, said she needed to cool down."  Lucy smirked proudly, making Gray fear her next sentence. "Good thing you're an ice wizard. Who else could cool her down?"
"Hilarious. I'm going outside."
"Of course you are."
Gray didn't bother reacting anymore. Instead he went to search for Juvia. The cold air outside hit him in the face. It wasn't until now that he realized how stuffy it was in there.
He distanced himself from the guild hall while keeping an eye out for his bluenette. He really had missed her during his mission and now that he was back, he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. After all, he had finally acknowledged his feelings for her and after seeing their counterparts in Edolas and that vision he had been trapped in, it just made him long for her more.
Those feelings still freaked him out somehow. He wasn't aware that he was capable of feeling this much for someone. But Juvia had really broken down every single one of his walls. And he was really grateful for that. She was the one who kept pulling him back whenever he was close to the edge. She's his power to live, even though having admitted that so bluntly in front of her still got him all embarrassed. And her teasing didn't help one bit.
"Juvia!" He spotted her on a bench near the lake. She seemed lost in thought. When she heard his voice however, she immediately spun around.
"Graysama! Juvia is sorry for leaving so abruptly.."
"Don't worry about that. Are you okay?"
He sat down next to her. Usually he would leave a space between them, not wanting to give her any ideas. But things changed. And now here he was, sitting as close to her as possible, longing for her touch. Juvia smiled at him.
"Juvia is very happy that you're back."
"I'm happy to be back too. I.." He cleared his throat and looked away shyly. "I missed you."
"Juvia missed you too. Juvia was wondering whether you were doing alright, if you manged to stay dressed and whether the others bothered to pick up the clothes you discarded.." she kept talking but Gray was too focused on her beauty, wondering how he'd gotten so lucky having someone like her in his life.
"I want what they have as well." Gray had blurted out the thought before he could realize it.
"What who has?" Juvia questioned him. He could go back on his word, pretend he never said it. But what's the point? He was just making himself suffer by prolonging it. And he had promised her to be clear with his intentions once he got back, not that he got to finish that promise before he was swept back to Elentir. Point is, it was time for him to be honest.
"I want what Edolas Gray and Juvia have.."
"You want.. you want to marry Juvia!?"
"What? No!"
This wasn't going the way he wanted it all. Gray sighed.
"One day."
"One day?"
"Yes, one day I'm going to marry you. But I think it's still a little early for that. To be fair, our counterparts in Edolas are older.."
Juvia just kept looking at him in disbelief. He couldn't blame her. It wasn't exactly his style to be so open and honest. They didn't start dating yet and he was already talking about marriage. Juvia had really impacted him..
"Listen. I want to be with you. Like Edo Gray is with Edo Juvia, like Fairy Nail Glen is with Fairy Nail Juvina.. I want Earthland Gray to be with Earthland Juvia as well."
"What's Fairy Nail? And who is Juvina?"
"That's a long story.. point is I want to be with you. I'm sorry I'm not as clear with my intentions as the other me. But that doesn't mean I want you less than he wants his Juvia.."
By this point Gray was a blushing mess. He couldn't bring himself to look at her, too afraid to see her reaction. He had literally just run her over with emotions.
"Graysama doesn't have to be sorry."
"For not being as clear with his feelings. I feel in love with this version of Gray, the Earthland version. Juvia wouldn't change a thing about you."
Gray smiled at her. She was truly too perfect. How did she always know what to say? She seemed so calm and collected while he was literally trying his best not to freak out.
"And Juvia would like that very much as well. Earthland Gray and Earthland Juvia being together.." she was looking at Gray sweetly and he couldn't help the smile that took over his face.
"I promise to be the best version of myself for you."
"You already are."
They smiled at each other and Gray tucked behind the hair that had fallen into her face. He found himself leaning closer and he saw Juvia doing the same. He had just closed his eyes, just a little away from finally kissing her after thinking about it for so long, when a voice interrupted them, making them jump apart.
"Gray loves Juvia!"
"Quiet Happy!
"They are so cute together."
"About time he made a move."
How had he not seen them hiding behind that bush. He'll admit Lucy, Wendy and Charles were hidden pretty well, but Natsus pink hair and Happys blue fur were visible to everyone. And Erza hadn't even bothered hiding. He must have been too focused on the girl in front of him to notice. Said girl was now blushing furiously.
"I'm going to kick their asses.."
"Juvia thinks it's sweet that they're so supportive of you. You have a great team."
"How are they a great team? They literally interrupted a very important moment."
"Juvia knows.. but Juvia is very happy already."
"So you don't want me to kiss you?"
"Juvia didn't say that!"
He was truly enjoying teasing her. So much, he was able to ignore his friends presence. So instead of letting them ruin their moment, he leaned in and finally, after so long, kissed her. It took her a moment to react, but once she did, Gray felt like the luckiest person in the universe. He was never going to let her go.
"Juvia loves you very much."
"And I love Juvia very much."
He kissed her again, already addicted. His friends were cheering, probably happy that he finally made a move. He couldn't blame them, it took him long enough.
"All that because I told her about Edolas Gray and Juvias marriage. Imagine what she'll do when she hears about Greige.."
"Who's Greige?"
Here you have it, my contribution to Gruvia day! I hope you like it, let me know what you think :)
Also, I'm still fangirling over the drawing we got today. Maybe I'll write something about that too one day..
Anyways, happy Gruvia day! ♡
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engie-ivy · 3 years
The Ministry’s new legislation messes up Remus’ plans, but Sirius is having none of it.
(Short Wolfstar fic, maybe a bit of angst in the beginning, but overall Fluff!)
Unlawfully Wedded
The door opens and Sirius’ voice echoes through the flat. “Moony! Guess what? Your favourite brand of chocolate was on sale! Does chocolate have an expiration date? Otherwise, I hope you’re hungry, because-”
Sirius stops talking when he sees Remus, huddled in on himself on the couch, not looking up. “Moony?” He asks, worry lacing his voice.
Remus just crouches in on himself even more.
He hears Sirius put down the groceries, and then his approaching footsteps. “Moony, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Remus can feel him sitting down next to him on the couch. Not really able to speak, he just nods at the copy of The Daily Prophet lying on the table.
With a frown, Sirius picks up the paper to read the article on which it’s opened.
Ministry Passes New Legislation Making It Illegal For Lycanthropes To Marry
Effective immediately, the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has expanded its Lycanthrope Act. According to this new law, people infected with Lycanthropy will no longer be allowed access to marriage.
By sharpening the legislation, the Ministry recognizes the danger of Lycanthropes using matrimony to pose as normal families, and thereby infiltrating our Wizarding communities. The Ministry has decided it must prevent encouraging or aiding Lycanthropes in the formation of their “packs”. These packs are known to be infested with lawlessness, violence, and immorality. Moreover, the Ministry hopes to send a clear message that breeding among Lycanthropes is undesirable, as Lycanthropes might pass on their infliction to their offspring, and raise another generation of unscrupulous creatures.
When asked about the necessity of this law, Dolores Umbridge, its initiator, smiles. “Of course one may wonder. Marriages are rare among Lycanthropes. After all, who would want to marry a Werewolf? But it is also about sending a message. Marriage is for love, and creatures who are biologically incapable of feeling that emotion should be excluded from it.”
Furiously, Sirius throws the paper back on the table. “Such bullshit! Don’t they have bloody fact-checkers at The Prophet?”
“Wouldn’t have mattered if they did,” Remus says. “All literature on Lycanthropy is terribly outdated and biased anyway.”
“Moony,” Sirius says, his voice now soft. “I don’t know what to say. I can tell you that it’s all nonsense, all lies, but you already know that. And I know it doesn’t change the fact that right now, it just sucks. I’m sorry.”
Remus doesn’t reply, and they just in silence for a while.
Then, Sirius gently bumps their shoulders together. “So, ehm, I know that any such discriminatory legislation sucks, no matter the contents, but... was it something you think you maybe would’ve wanted? Someday? Getting married, I mean.”
Remus bites his lip. It’s ruined anyway, so it doesn’t matter if he knows, right? He gestures towards his jacket, hanging on the coat rack by the door.
Sirius looks at him in a silent question, and Remus gives a small nod. Sirius gets up and walks over to the rack.
Remus doesn’t dare to look, and stares down at his knees. He hears Sirius’ sharp intake of breath. A moment later, Sirius sits back down next to him, his hands clutching a small, black box. His hands are trembling as he carefully takes out a silver ring, holding it between his thumb and index finger.
The ring has a simple elegance, but at the same time a sort of captivating beauty. Just like Sirius, Remus had thought when he picked it out.
“How were you going to ask?” Sirius’s voice is unsteady.
Remus shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“It matters to me,” Sirius says.
Remus hesitates.
“Please, Moony?”
“Not anything extravagant,” Remus shrugs. “I thought that maybe this weekend we could’ve gone by that deli to pick up those cheese sandwiches you like so much, and then we could’ve gone to that park at the outskirts of town, and maybe walk around the lake? We could’ve stopped at that bench overlooking the water and watch the sunset. And then I suppose I would’ve gone down on one knee, and, well... ask.”
“What would you have said?” Sirius sounds breathless now.
Remus laughs wryly. “Nothing you don’t already know.”
Sirius just looks at him, silently urging him on.
“You know I’m shite with words,” Remus eventually says. “But I suppose I would’ve wanted you to know you’re my best friend, and you somehow make everything better, and I never want to do without you anymore.” Remus runs a hand through his hair, allowing the words to come. “I always had these walls up, you know? I would’ve tried to explain that I never thought another person would be capable of making me feel this way, never thought I’d allow myself to love someone so completely and unapologetically.” He shakes his head. “But that’s not... That’s not even what amazes me most about being with you. I would’ve told you that it’s not even how happy you make me, it’s how happy I know I make you. Like, I don’t feel like a bother, I don’t feel like I should be grateful that you seem to want me around, because I know that everything you’re giving to me, I’m giving to you as well. You show it to me every day. I would’ve told you that you make me feel valued, important. That I’m not afraid to want you, to need you, as much as I do, because I know you want and need me just the same.” Remus lets out a small laugh. “Then, if you’re still with me by the end of all that, I would’ve asked you if you’ll marry me.”
“Yes,” Sirius chokes, barely audible through the lump in his throat, his cheeks glistening with tears. He scrapes his throat. “Yes, Moony. Yes, I will.”
Remus can’t help the surge of delight at hearing that three-lettered word that under other circumstances would’ve ensured his everlasting happiness. Caught up in the moment, he takes the ring as Sirius gives it to him, and slides it around Sirius’ finger, where it belongs. Both men stare at the elegant ring around Sirius’ slender finger, with blissful expressions on their faces.
Until Remus shakes himself out of it. “No, Sirius, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s no use. We can’t.” Once again, their lives are held back by what Remus is.
Sirius makes a dismissive gesture. “Who cares what the Ministry thinks? We’ll hold a ceremony! We’ll ask one of our friends to officiate it! We’ll write vows, we’ll exchange rings, we’ll feed each other wedding cake, we’ll celebrate with all of our loved ones! Who cares if the Ministry won’t accept it? It’ll be real to us. You’ll be my husband, and I’ll be yours.”
Fierce determination is a very good look on Sirius, Remus decides. He can feel tears well up in his eyes at the intensity of his feelings for this man. “I love you,” is all he says.
“Good,” Sirius says, wiggling his finger with the ring in Remus’ direction. “Because you kind of signed up for forever now.”
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love-is-a-dagger · 3 years
I’m in an angsty mood today 😭
Can I please have numbers 14 & 44 W/Bucky on the angst prompt please? ❤️
“Should you be drinking that much?”
“How do we fix this?”
i’m so sorry this look so long to finish, this is the longest fic I’ve written, I think. I don’t know how I think about this fic 😬
Bucky stares at the ceiling, his mind is numb, he can’t feel anything, ever since Steve left to be with her he hasn’t been the same.
There’s countless bottles surrounding him, is near impossible for him to get drunk it he’s found a way, along with Thor’s mead.
After 70 years together, and he left him without a second though he thought bitterly, grabbing a a glass of the mead and taking a big gulp.
Everything they’ve don’t together and he’s left, and now the cherry on top? He’s been ignoring you, his phone has been buzzing none stop with your constant texts and phone calls.
You probably think he’s dead, it wouldn’t be the first time someone he cares about to think he was dead.
He’s been like this ever since he saw old man Steve, sitting in that bench, not a care in the world or for how Bucky might feel.
Sam tried knocking his door last week after not hearing from him for a while, but eventually gave up when Bucky threw a table at the door.
He hasn’t really moved from the stop on the settee since throwing himself on there since starks funeral and What steve did.
His eyes start to grow heavy, making his blinking slow down and starts to pushing into light sleep. That was until banging starts to erupt from the front door, making him shoot up.
He gives a quick side glance at the door before laying back down as the knocks start to become more frequent and loud.
He hears your voice after you finish your assault on the door.
He ops to ignore you, hoping you’ll go away. Because that’s how he lives now, ignoring the problem until it goes away.
“James! I know your in there. I’ve watching this building for 8 days, no ones come in or out, except your your delivery of food” he rolls his eyes, you’ve always been so persistent.
He was about to throw a table at the door like he did with Sam, before it was thrown open.
“For gods sake, y/n” he rolls is eye taking a sip of the mead again.
You purse your lips, staring at all the bottles decorating his home.
“Should you be drinking that much?” You try to joke, yet with a small bit or worry, to ease the tension, as he was currently semi-glaring at you.
He grins his teeth in return, glaring at you openly, not caring if you saw, as you walk closer to him.
“Get out” he tells you calmly, his grip on the bottle tight enough to brake it.
You stare at him dumbstruck, his voice was so cold, it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Get. Out” he stands up no, towering over you.
You struggle to make an words out, stuck between opening and closing your mouth.
This is the first conversation you’ve had with him in week. You spoke to him before Steve returned the stones, but since then it’s been radio silent.
You spent five very long years without him, you were willing to give him a few weeks to mourn over Steve, as he said he want to be alone and you respected that. You were like that after thanos snapped, you wanted to be left alone.
You stare at him, a single tear falling down your face, “buck…”
All he sees is red, buck that’s what Steve used to call him, a nickname of a nickname.
He didn’t know how he got there but the next thing he knows his h a right in front of you, grasping your shoulders.
“GET OUT!” He yells making you flinch, you stare at him for a single second before shooting out his home and making your way to the door.
He watched your retreating figure, a weight being put in his chest. He rushed to the nearest window to watch you walk to you car, your face in your hands.
He watches you leave, a pain in his heart.
You cry into your hands as Sam pats your back. He watches as you take deep breaths to try and regulate your breathing.
You knocked at his door and as soon as he opens the door you collapsed into his arms.
He hated seeing you like this, he couldn’t imagine what it was like not seeing the love of his life for five years only from them to ignore you as soon as he got back.
He hears your finial sniffle as you sit up straight, wiping your tears.
Sam watches as you slowly turn to him. You send him a small smile.
Your eyes slowly focus on the widow, watching the wind blow the trees around, remind you of a time before the blip. You and Bucky used to always take walks around a small lake and most of the time it was windy.
“What do I do?” You slowly turn to Sam again, who was intensely watching you.
“Give him space, he’ll come to his senses. It is Bucky, after all” you send him a small nod, before leaving the man in peace.
Bucky throws the last of the empty beer bottle in the bin, throwing his hands on his hips as he sighs.
He hasn’t heard from you since he yelled at you, he tried to message you but couldn’t understand his phone, he ended up throwing it at the wall.
He’s about to start sorting out the furniture when there’s a knock at the door.
His head shoots up, he can’t help but feel hopeful. His heart is hammering as he walks to the door. He desperately grips the door handles, opening it with an excited smile, before it drop.
With a huff he closes a door, getting a giggle from the opposite side.
“Come on, man” he rolls his eyes as he walks to his settee, knowing it’s going to end up with him needing to sit down, letting Sam open the door.
“Dang, y/n said this place looked like a shit how” he chuckles, making Bucky almost growl.
“So…you yelled at her-“
“Hey, don’t have that attitude with with” Sam scolds Bucky, getting an eyes roll, making Sam feel ten years older.
“Listen, man, think of her point of view, you were gone for five years-“
“I know sam, I was upset, okay? Steve left me” Bucky sighs.
“I’m not telling you, you can’t mourn what happened with Steve, but you got to keep in mind what she’s been through, she went five years without you, and was willing to give you space.” He gives him a second to digest that before continuing.
“Phone her”
“I can’t”
“I don’t know how to work a phone”
You were about to get into bed when your phone rings. You roll over in your bed to get you phone to see sam’s name.
With a sigh you answer, almost throwing the phone to your ear.
“Hey doll” you feel your breath hitch.
“James” he chuckles at the use of his birth name.
“I’m sorry” with a smile, that could pass for a grimace, you nod.
“No, Bucky, I’m sorry. You need space” you cross your legs, getting comfortable on your bed.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I-I don’t know, I, uh- how do we fix this?” He’s close to tears you can tell, his words are throaty and scratchy.
You take a breath, before raising a brow, “what do you mean?”
He gulps before responding, “you’ve spent five years without me, I- I’m not the same, th- I don’t know anymore” he takes a breath, trying to not sound like he’s crying.
“How about, we start from the beginning?” You hear him take a deep breath.
“What?” He replies breathlessly.
“We forget about what happened two days ago, start from scratch” you gulp, not knowing if you worded it right.
“Yeah” he agrees.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Just The Way You Are// D.M.
Request: Hi can you do a draco x reader where they are in a relationship and her parents are like as**oles and they always bother her about her weight so one day she is with draco and makes a comment like “maybe i should stop eating so much” or something like that and Draco is like WHAT and tells her that she is beautiful and all that and he is like really worried Thanks!!
A/N: MY 100TH FIC!!! MY 100TH FIC FOR HP!!! Of course it has to be Draco!! I didn't think I would ever reach 100 fics as well as get over 1000 followers yet here I am. I am so thankful to all of you who have read everything but have also motivated me into continuing to write even when I doubt my own abilities (which is a lot). Thank you so much for requesting, lovely! I hope I have done your request justice! I enjoyed writing this, I ended up writing it all in one sitting. Please read the warnings before you read! And as always, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: food, weight issues, shitty parents, swearing (I think) BUT DRACO IS CUTE DAMMIT.
Word count: 2k
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Every morning in the Great Hall, breakfast is served at seven am sharp. This gives the students enough time to eat, socialise and let their food settle before classes begin promptly at half past eight. It also gives the students time to read over any mail that should fall with the Owls upon their arrival at eight am.
As your family owl drops a letter inscribed with the familiar handwriting of your mother, you don’t know whether to scream in frustration or burn the letter without reading. You knew that it would be filled with her usual criticism rounded off with a few sweet lines about the renovation to the house or how your cousin was doing so well on her internship abroad.
You flip the letter in your hands a few times; wondering whether the Howler from your mother would be worth it once she never got a reply from you. However, you eventually decide that the Howler would not be worth it and that your mother’s vitriol is better off read in silence.
Rolling your eyes, you try not to let the letter affect you so much. Her words are always poisonous and toxic, but this time, she cuts you where it hurts.
“My dear, how on earth is the Malfoy boy supposed to stay with you if you continue to gain weight? I’ve enclosed a new diet regiment for you to follow – stick to it, this is not an option.”
You scrunch up the letter and the included diet regiment in your hands. Crunching them up until they resemble litter rather than the foul words scrawled onto parchment.
You had never felt you had issues with your weight; there wasn’t any need to necessarily – the meals at Hogwarts were scheduled and there was enough exercise done through the day in order to get to classes on time, and this was before the weekend walks to Hogsmeade or the ambles around the Black Lake with Draco.
You don’t feel like there should be an issue with your weight, but your mother’s words are venomous barbs that stick into your brain. Her words on replay in the forefront of your mind.
There was no real excuse for the way your mother harked on about appearances and reputations. Your family hailed from an ancient line of witches and wizards; even going so far as to state that your ancestors were among the very first to attend Hogwarts when the founders were teachers.
So for your mother, everything since then had to be perfect.
Perfect hair. Perfect dress. Perfect manners.
Perfect weight, apparently.
Any appetite you had before has now dissipated. It’s funny how three lines of a letter is enough to put one off their morning meal.
You felt like a rule change should be implemented at Hogwarts; no mail until the evening - that way students don’t have the time to sit and worry about the thoughts of their parents.
Pushing your plate away from you, you bring out your reading book from your bag. Flipping through the familiar pages, you find the dog-eared corner from where you rounded off last night before falling asleep.
It’s easy to lose yourself in the pages having read the story over a thousand times before, but the niggling voice in the back of your head that sounds suspiciously similar to your mothers has you reading the same paragraph over and over again.
A kiss being pressed to the top of your hand is the first greeting from Draco. The next is a quiet good morning as he pours himself a glass of pumpkin juice.
You smile at the blonde-haired teenager, looking up from your book, but the smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Love, is everything okay?” Draco asks; immediately spotting that something is off.
You shake your head, “It’s nothing to worry about, love. I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”
Draco chuckles; not entirely convinced but happy to wait until you come to him. “It’s because you didn’t stay with me last night.”
You roll your eyes with a grin, “I’ve stayed in your dorm the last three nights; it’s only a matter of time before someone says something.”
Draco shrugs; leaning over to peck your cheek, “Let them, I don’t care.”
“You will when we get caught out by Snape on a random inspection,” You comment with a light laugh.
Draco smiles broadly at the idea of the Head of Slytherin ever completing a random inspection of the dungeon. He grabs a slice of toast from the rack and reaches for the marmalade.
His eyes wander over the lack of food in front of you, “Already eaten?”
You nod, smirking, “And all alone as well since you take so long in the mornings.”
He laughs, “It takes time to look this good, darling.”
“Sure it does,” You comment, leaning in to peck him on the lips. He hums against your mouth happily, but all too soon, you pull away, “I’m off to the library before class, I want to get ahead on the History of Magic essay. I’ll see you later.”
You drop another kiss to Draco’s mouth before hoisting your bag onto your shoulder and departing from the Great Hall.
Draco shakes his head at your retreating figure; something about you was off, but he couldn’t place his finger on what. He wasn’t going to pester you as it would only make things worse, but he knew he had to address it before you lost yourself from overthinking.
Draco bites into his toast; already thinking of the ways he can talk to you.
Your days are always filled with little highlights; seeing the first flower bloom after a long winter or reading your favourite part of your book without being interrupted or it’s finding Draco waiting outside your classroom after every lesson of the day.
You find him waiting opposite the door to your class; leaning against the wall with his robes open, showing the white buttoned shirt underneath. His rebelliousness highlighted in the undone top button and untucked shirt. You shake your head as you make your way over to the teenager that made your heart stutter.
He grins, holding his elbow out to you, “Lunch, my love?”
“Lead the way.”
The Great Hall is loud upon your arrival. Students shouting, laughing, grabbing for food from the centre of the tables. It’s a ruckus, but it makes you smile as you take a seat across from Draco at the Slytherin table.
“Is that all you’re eating?” Draco asks with a frown at the sight of your plate.
You nod your head; your mother’s words from this morning making another round in your head, “I’m not overly hungry.”
The frown doesn’t leave Draco’s face, and through lunch, he glances between your face and the plate, wondering what’s changed for your appetite to have disappeared.
Draco walks you to your next class after the bell rings signalling the end of lunch.
He pauses outside the classroom, keeping a tight grip on your hand. His other hand reaches up to caress your cheek; a rare form of PDA from the Slytherin Prince who was more than happy to kiss and hold hands but would rarely show his feelings so openly.
“You’d tell me if something was wrong wouldn’t you?” He asks; concern alight in his eyes.
You hold his hand to your cheek; pressing a kiss to the palm, “I would.”
He nods silently. Kissing your forehead, Draco turns away, striding to his next class.
Guilt stirs within you like a lead balloon; weighing you down for the rest of the day. Even the ringing of the final bell of the day wasn’t enough to lift your mood.
Draco continues to meet you after every class; his arm always ready for you to slip yours through. But he’s quieter; more sombre as he leads your through the bustling corridors and staircases.
At the end of the day, he escorts you to the Great Hall. The level of noise quieter from lunch but still loud as students discuss their plans for the evening over the food laid out on the long, wooden tables.
Dinner is a feast by any standard, and Draco tucks right in, piling food onto his plate – ravenous after a day filled with exam preparation. You take your time with your meal; selecting more and more vegetables as you think back to the letter and diet regiment now burning a hole through your bag.
Draco sighs as he watches you pick at your food. He reaches over, checking your temperature with the back of his hand on your forehead, “Well you feel fine,” he murmurs, “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve picked at your food all day, and you’ve become more distant as the day’s gone on.”
“I’ll talk to you about it in the common room,” You state.
“You will?”
Nodding, you promise,  “I will.”
Draco makes his way through the rest of the meal; drawing you into a conversation after conversation about how the day has been. When his plate is empty and yours has been pushed to one side, Draco stands from the bench. He takes one last drink of his pumpkin juice before holding his hand out to you.
The walk to the common room is quiet; you think over the letter in your bag, wondering about the reply you’re going to send back to your mother. One cross word from you and you wouldn’t be surprised if she, herself, showed up in Dumbledore’s office demanding punishment for your insolent words.
It was tiring, you realise, to be her daughter.
The Slytherin common room is silent when Draco leads you through the door; all students either still eating in the Great Hall or ambling about the castle. You settle on the black leather couch in front of the already lit fire; you hum at the warmth it gives off – holding your hands out to warm them through.
Once your hands are warm enough, you lean back into the couch. Feeling Draco’s eyes on you, you shift your head, facing him with a small smile.
Draco tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, “What’s going on in that pretty little head?”
You sigh, opening your bag and pulling out the letter. Handing it to Draco, you say wryly, “Dear old mama wrote, that’s what.”
Draco scans over the letter; getting to the three lines that have played on your mind all day and have affected your eating habits so quickly.
Draco folds the letter carefully into the three; he folds it ever so neatly before ripping it to pieces in front of your eyes, leaning forward and throwing the tiny pieces into the fire.
“I hope you don’t believe a word she’s written.”
You shrug, fiddling with your fingers, “Maybe I should stop eating so much.”
Draco leaps up from the couch; spreading his arms wide, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with your weight – you do not need to lose, you do not need to gain. You are perfect the way you are. I love you to pieces, but darling, your mother is an awful person. What sort of person sends that to their child?”
He kneels on the ground in front of you, “I will love you no matter what. The sky could be green, and the clouds could be purple hedgehogs, but even that would not distract me from my love for you.”
He gestures to the pieces of parchment now turning to ash in the flames, “Everything about you is beautiful; from the top of your head to the tip of your toes – there isn’t anything about you I don’t adore. Reply to your mother if you must; tell her that you’ve let me read the letter and that I absolutely disagree with her words.”
Draco surges forward, kissing you soundly. He shifts slightly, beginning to press you into the couch, “I love you – just the way you are.”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @dreamer821 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @msmimimerton​ @izzytheninja​ @slytherinprincess03​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @obx-beach @obxmxybxnk @sycathorn-slush @dracomalfoyswifey
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