#what a fun ask eheheh
everchased · 9 months
Given that Finch and Debt existed in our real world, do you think they would enjoy wearing "ugly" holiday sweaters? Why/why not? If they do, what kind of sweater do you think they'd go for? Bright and festive? Ironic? Lewd?
(Feel free to ignore this if you yourself don't celebrate anything and/or this question makes you uncomfortable)
i think they both would, with varying degrees of approval from their partners
debt is very subdued about holidays and celebrations (mostly because she's worried she's somehow faking her own excitement and she'll find a way to ruin them for others) but she would easily be convinced to wear something bright and festive with karlach.
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finch... would find something ironic/lewd to wear. half because he saw it in a store and it got a small chuckle out of him and half because he knows astarion will have a fit about it.
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osarina · 2 months
FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: dazai is on the verge of falling apart. he can feel it happening, it's just a matter of whether or not he's going to be able to get out of your apartment before you come back and catch him like this. he has the opportunity for it—he does—but when he realizes that you might be in just as bad of a state as he's in, dazai decides to swallow his pride and put aside his own struggles to try to help you in the same way you've helped him in the past. {sfw, 3.2k}
AUTHOR'S NOTES: the first time fic stays hoarded for another week ... but i think this one is just as good eheheh. fun fact, when they're 22, reader acknowledges that this is probably the night she fell in love with dazai.
(warnings: fem!reader, pm!reader, in the beginning of the fic dazai is on the brink of a major depressive episode, reader is not in a good headspace when she shows up, reader has ambiguous injuries)
Dazai is not in a good headspace.
He arrives at your apartment in a whirlwind, not even your doorman dared to say anything to him on the way in. He’s wet and cold, his mind is in turmoil; he can’t stop the way his body is shaking no matter how hard he tries. The bandages on his wrist are fraying and the cool air conditioning of your apartment washing against his bare skin makes his body crawl uncomfortably. As he rushes into the bathroom, he nearly stumbles over his own feet, grateful that you’re not there to see the onset of what he knows is going to be a bad episode.
He doesn’t even know what triggered this one. 
The air getting to his lungs feels thin and shallow like he’s on a mountain peak and not in the comfort of your apartment. His fingers tug at his button-up as he falls to his knees in your bathroom, rifling through the cabinet to find his bandages—he needs to replace the ones that are coming off and then he needs to leave because he thinks he would rather die than let you see him like this.
His vision spins as he unwinds the bandages around his forearm, leaning his shoulder against the cabinet as he tries to keep himself steady. His fingers are cold and clunky, he can hardly wrap the fresh bandages back around his scarred skin, can hardly breathe. He tilts his head back, trying to force himself to get more air to his lungs but it’s just so difficult.
He drags his knees to his chest trying to calm himself down, resting his forehead on his knees, rocking back and forth slowly. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. He needs to focus—for ten minutes, he needs to focus. He can’t let you see him like this, can’t go out of the apartment with his bandages coming apart; he has to finish his left arm and then he can drag himself out of your apartment and rush back to the shipping container and ride out the worst of the episode alone, without your lingering eyes to see him at his lowest.
But as he unwinds the bandages of his left arm and starts to rewrap it with the fresh bandages, he finds his chest caving in because he doesn’t want to go back to the shipping container. The thought of not being able to curl up in the soft sheets of the bed in your spare room makes Dazai’s stomach churn, waking up cold and alone on the metal floor of the shipping container… all of the dark claws tearing his brain apart get sharper at the mere thought.
Maybe he can just lock the door, he thinks desperately. He can lock the door to the spare bedroom and he won’t let you in until it’s passed. He’ll rot in bed for days until he can force himself out from beneath the covers and then he’ll pretend like it never happened, evade all of your questions and brush off your concerns until you get frustrated and stop asking him.
Yeah, he thinks, this could work. It could work, and it means he wouldn’t have to go back to that cold, damp, uncomfortable container. 
No, he realizes, it won’t work, because you’re you and you’re frustratingly observant and have a quick mind to rival his own. More than that, you seem to actually care about him for whatever reason. You probably won’t let him rot there when you realize he’s not even coming out to eat and it just won’t work because he doesn’t want you to see him like this. 
He doesn’t want you to see him weak. Doesn’t want to lash out at you while he’s too consumed by his own mind to control himself. Doesn’t want to lose one of his only friend. (Maybe his only friend—is Chuuya actually his friend? Dazai is never sure) Not for the first time, Dazai wishes he was anyone else in the world, wishes that he didn’t have to constantly be at war with his own brain, wishes that he was normal. 
He’s tried so hard to keep up that facade around you even if he does know deep down that you know it’s a front. He’s been so careful, so meticulous in his efforts to act the way he thinks a normal sixteen-year-old would act and now it’s all going to be blown because what?
No, he can’t let that happen. He has to get out of here before you get home.
He doesn’t even know how this happened. Usually, he can feel a depressive episode coming from a mile away—he’s so used to them by now that it should be impossible for them to sneak up on him like this. The telltale signs are always glaring, always all-consuming; it’s impossible for him to ignore the way blackness edges at the corners of his vision, the way his chest becomes heavy with an indescribable weight, the way his feet become anchored to the ground, an effort to even just drag them against the ground. 
It’s impossible for him to miss all of this, he doesn’t know how he managed to do it this time. 
His nails scrape against the floor as he pushes himself to his feet after he tucks the edge of his bandage in to keep it in place. Even that takes an agonizing amount of energy, his lashes flutter as he tries to brace himself for the walk across the city. He steps out into your hallway, takes another deep breath of the familiar air of your apartment, trying to savor it before he leaves to deal with days of hell on the cold floor of the shipping container he used to live in. 
And then-
And then the elevator up to your apartment slides right open and you walk out.
Dazai’s lips part in horror—he can’t even rush to his bedroom because he would have to get past you to do it. His mind races as he tries to figure out what to do, but it feels like the equivalent of wading through waist-deep water, his thoughts are slow and sluggish and stupid—he feels like Chuuya—and he desperately tries to mask his internal struggle with a smile, forcing his face to light up at the sight of you.
He can fake it—he can fake it and then he can make an excuse to leave and then-
You walk right past him.
You walk right past him.
It startles Dazai so bad that he finds himself freezing, head turning to follow you as you walk past him to sit right on the couch. There’s an empty expression on your face, distant and unreadable and entirely too familiar to Dazai—something that he sees in the mirror every night, something that he’s never seen on you.
This is his chance, he realizes. He can leave in the elevator you just came from, make a break for it before you notice he’s there, but… his gaze lingers on how you sat so rigidly on the couch, staring at the black TV screen, hands folded in your lap, so lost in thought that you’re seemingly blind to your surroundings.
Instead of making his way toward the elevator, his feet move toward you and he finds himself sitting primly on the couch next to you. He glances at you from the corner of his eye, unsure what to say, and then glances back down at his lap. 
You don’t even acknowledge his presence.
Finally, he clears his throat and asks, “Where were you?”
“A mission,” you say, voice bland and you still don’t look at him. “Had to get information.”
Dazai has never felt uncomfortable in your presence before, but he feels uncomfortable now because he just doesn’t know what to say when you’re like this. A part of him still wants to flee but you wouldn’t flee if it was him and something isn’t settling right in his stomach about it.
He glances over at you, eyes catching on discolored marks staining your wrists and forearms. He pauses, reaching out hesitantly to grab one of your wrists—your skin is soft beneath his fingers and a spark shoots up his arm from the pads of his fingers. You don’t pull away as he gingerly pulls your arm into his lap, frowning when he sees the bruises on you.
“Who did this?” he asks quietly, jaw tightening. “Who-”
“It doesn’t matter,” you tell him. 
Dazai gives you a sharp look, careful to not tighten his grip on your arm. “You’re hurt, it does matter. Tell-”
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, voice sharper this time. “Drop it, Dazai.”
Dazai falters at your tone—you’ve never spoken to him like that before. He doesn’t let go of your wrist but he does lower his gaze, unsure of what to do.
He doesn’t like this. He’s becoming increasingly more uncomfortable with each passing second. Doesn’t like the tight feeling in his chest. Doesn’t like seeing you like this. Doesn’t like the way he has no idea how to approach this. Doesn’t like that he doesn’t know how to help you. Doesn’t like that he wants to help you. He doesn’t like any of this.  
Dazai stares down at your hand. It’s still resting in his lap, you haven’t pulled it back to you. You’re just staring ahead again, you’re sad, and he feels a bit lost. And Dazai never feels lost, he always knows what to do but he doesn’t know now when it matters. He can talk his way out of every situation, makes plans to win any battle, but he doesn’t know how to fix this.
Dazai doesn’t even finish what he was going to say. Honestly, he doesn’t even know what he was going to say. He turns his head back to look at you, feeling increasingly more helpless, and he doesn’t even notice the way the dark claws that had been threatening to tear him open slowly start to recede, doesn’t notice how the emptiness in his chest starts to disappear the more he focuses on trying to help you.
How do you help him? 
You sit with him sometimes when he starts to get lost in his own thoughts. You try to be casual about it so it doesn’t seem like you’re hovering. He figures it’s because you know he’ll get shifty and defensive if he knows you’re lingering because you’re worried about it, but Dazai knows, he just pretends like he doesn’t because everything feels less painful and lonely when you’re around even if he doesn’t understand why. And then that first time-
The first time.
“The roof!” Dazai suddenly says loudly, jumping to his feet. You twist your head to look up at him, a hint of curiosity in your eyes, and Dazai reaches down to snatch your hand, pulling you to your feet. He yanks you so hard that you stumble right into him but Dazai is unperturbed, dragging you forward to the elevator. “We’re going to the roof!”
Dazai doesn’t have to look back to see your confusion, but Dazai has tunnel vision now. He bounces on the balls of his feet impatiently as he waits for the elevator to come back up, staring as the numbers as they tick upward. His fingers entwine with yours, grip tightening on your hand as he swings your joined arms impatiently.
You don’t say anything, more proof of how in your own head you must be right now. You’re always usually the one leading the conversation with him until you get him talking about something he can ramble about, then you just sit and listen, but you’re always the one to get the ball rolling. 
As the elevator arrives at your floor and he jerks you into the elevator with him, he can’t help the way his lips start to curl up, proud of himself for figuring out what to do with you. You’d found him up on the roof that night he’d nearly jumped, you had him lay down on a blanket with you and the two of you spent the night watching the stars. 
You showed him your favorite constellations, and told him the story behind them. Cassiopeia, the vain queen in Greek mythology who angered the Sea God; Andromeda, the princess who was sacrificed because of her mother’s hubris, and Perseus, the hero who had saved her. You told him that one day you wanted to learn the stories behind all of the constellations, but you haven’t had the time to look into them at all.
You’d seemed sad about it—sad that you haven’t been able to look into it, sad because you probably won’t ever have the time for it with how busy you constantly are with mafia business. You’re busier than even Dazai is most days, always out and about working on something.
So, Dazai learned them all—memorized all eighty-eight of their positions in the sky, learned the stories word for word, learned the histories behind the stories so he could give you the whole picture.
He figured maybe one day he’d end up back on the roof with you and he’d be able to show off his newfound knowledge. You’d be impressed, you would simply have to admit that he’s better than Chuuya, because he’s been trying to get you to admit it from day one but you have yet to utter the words out loud. He thinks maybe it’ll also make you happy, but he’s definitely more concerned with getting you to vocally admit that he’s better with Chuuya so he can hold it over the other boy’s head. 
He types in the keycode for the roof—he can feel your eyes on him, narrowed and suspicious, because he’s not supposed to know the keycode to the roof. He gives you a sweet smile, mourning the fact that you’re going to have the code changed again and he’s going to have to go through the process of figuring it out all over again.
It only takes a few moments for the elevator to reach the rooftop and Dazai is rushing out into the cool night immediately, dragging you behind him. His gaze darts around until it lands on where you folded the thick blanket underneath an overhang and he finally lets go of your arm so he can snatch it up and lay it out in the center of the roof. He plops down immediately and then motions for you to join him.
When you sit down, you sit so close to him that your thighs are brushing and it makes Dazai’s cheeks heat up a little so he’s grateful that the darkness masks it. He lays down against the blanket and stares up at the sky, you follow him down and Dazai’s steady heartbeat wavers when he realizes that your fingers are brushing each other’s—he could grab your hand again if he wanted, it would only take the smallest shift of his hand to slip his fingers between yours, but he can’t bring himself to now without the excuse of dragging you somewhere to shield him.
So, the two of you just lay there, shoulders pressed together, fingers brushing, Dazai’s heartbeat thuds in his chest and his mouth feels dry, all plans of telling you the stories of the constellations out the window because suddenly all of the stars look the same. All of his practice pinpointing them is gone, he’s too hyperaware of your skin against his, how close you are, how stupid he’ll look if he’s wrong.
“That one is called Cygnus,” he blurts out finally, lifting his hand to point to one of the first ones he can recognize. “It’s a swan. There are a bunch of stories, but I think you’d like the Roman one the most. It’s mostly about Phaethon—he was the son of the Sun God, and he wanted to ride the sun chariot for a day, but he couldn’t control it. Zeus had to destroy it while he was in it and it killed Phaethon, the chariot crashed into the river. Cygnus was Phaethon’s lover, he spent weeks diving into the river to collect all of Phaethon’s bones to give him a proper burial. The gods were so moved by his devotion that they turned him into a swan and placed him in the stars.”
All of the theatrical narration he thought he’d be able to give you is long gone. His words are short and stunted, awkward, he rambles in a way that’s painful to his own ears. He swallows thickly when he hears you shift to look at him, fumbling as he tries to find another constellation before you can say anything.
“That one is Draco,” he says, pointing to one that he knows is near Cygnus, heart rate calming as he slowly starts to pinpoint each of the constellations. “It’s another one with a bunch of stories, but I think the most fitting one is the one that has to do with the Twelve Labours of Heracles—Heracles is right next to Draco, see, it’s right there. The dragon was called Ladon, he guarded the golden apples in the garden of Hesperides…”
As he continues to talk, his voice becomes more animated, easing into the stories as he moves from constellation to constellation, each story flowing into the next. He spins you a tale of each of the Twelve Labors of Heracles before shifting into the myth of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. He talks so much that his voice starts becoming hoarse but he clears his throat and pushes through it.
It’s at the end of the tale of the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux, that Dazai finally dares to glance over at you. There’s a soft smile on your lips, a lidded look to your eyes that makes it clear you’re on the verge of drifting off to sleep. 
All of the tension and emptiness on your face is gone, you look ethereal beneath the moonbeams—so much so that Dazai stutters over the transition into the story of Orion. You’re prettier than any of the stars in the sky, more enchanting of any of the eighty-eight tales he learned for you. Your lashes flutter before looking up at him, eyes tired and sleepy and so full of emotion, and Dazai can barely breathe at the sight of it.
You don’t say anything, you don’t need to, Dazai thinks your eyes say it all. He watches as they finally droop shut, your head falling to the side as you drift off to sleep next to him. He can feel your forehead brushing his shoulder, but more than that, he feels the way your fingers slip between his, loosely holding his hand as your breath evens out. 
The words of the next story freeze in the back of his throat, a type of emotion swelling in his chest that Dazai has never experienced before. As his fingers tighten just the slightest bit around your own and he shifts to see the peaceful expression on your face. He forgets all about his ulterior motives, content to just bask in your presence, knowing that he’s the reason for your smile tonight.
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
It's Christmas Eve and Leon can't quite wrap his head around his drop-dead-gorgeous girlfriend's need to be 4 inches off the ground, but maybe there's more to your fashion choices than what he considers a faux pas.
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f / m, established relationship, tooth ROTTING fluff, the barest baby twinge of angst and surprise ending ehehehe. also, super short!
word count: 898 // read on ao3
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a/n: christmas in july oh my lord. tmi i'm on my period and i've had lover by taylor swift on blast for 3 hours :( give your girl a break and pretend my dividers match
this fic belongs to sketches for my sweetheart the drunk, a collection of bite-sized fics to stretch out my writing muscles :) i hope you enjoy!
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“No, sweetheart, the- no, the buckle comes off the other way.” 
If he were a lesser man, Leon would be laughing his head off at your flushed cheeks and bleary pout. You were going to do this right here, right now, plunked on the frozen stoop of your front door, mere steps from the warmth of your apartment. 
“I can take off my own shoes! I bought them my- hic! -self.”
“You did, sweetheart, “ Leon soothes as he gets down on one knee, “and I know you can take them off fine, but you weren’t drunk when you bought them, were you?”
“I’m not drunk. I’m just...” you sulk. You would have sold the act too if it wasn’t for a sleepy jerk of your head. You always get sleepy when you’re, “...tipsy.” 
Ah, there it is.
Your toes are a half-frozen cherry red as Leon unclasps the buckle adorning your beloved heels. 
There’s not much Leon can do about your affinity for heels, even in the winter, so he grew a sixth sense for detecting falls around the time you almost tripped headfirst into the Christmas table at your parents’ house. You haven’t quite put together yet why he’s so on his toes when you wear stilettos, but Leon is okay with that. Batman never reveals his identity and if this is how he keeps Gotham’s urgent cares a little less occupied, so be it.
The fact of the matter is that Leon has perfected his method to three steps:
Watch for abnormal movement in your fingers. You start fluttering them like you’re Tinkerbell. Like you’re trying to take off from the ground and fly right back up to heaven without him, and he can’t have that just yet.
Assume position when you start laughing too hard at his jokes to distract from the fact that you’re about to fall. You never laugh at his one-liners (the best he’s ever gotten out of you is a giggle and that was on his birthday). 
Engage nearest mode of rescue the second your eyes start flitting around in search of a place to land. 
But above all, the one condition that puts him on red alert is when you’ve been drinking. His sweetheart is a complete lightweight. 
And tonight, you’d had too much fun at Claire’s Christmas dinner.
It takes a little longer than usual for Leon’s icy fingers to undo the buckle on your other shoe. “The mulled wine was that good, huh?” he asks, his lips curving into a smile as he looks up at you and your crossed arms.
He gets a hmph! in response.
“You look beautiful. You always do, it’s just…could we maybe save the ankle-breaking shoes for when the ground’s not frozen over?” 
The frown flies back on your face within seconds. His peace treaty’s gone south. “But Leon, they’re my Christmas heels! I always wear them on Christmas.”
Oh, he knows. 
“That’s why they’re Christmas heels,” you point out. 
Of course, you’re right. They’re the very same Christmas heels that so rudely interrupted his enjoyment of your mom’s to-die-for lamb roast. Leon’s also sure that they’re the ones that got repurposed on New Year’s Eve two years back. He had to kiss you under the table next to the girls chowing down grapes, and it’s a lot less romantic when half of them shoot you death glares while they’re wishing to not spend Valentine’s Day alone again. Come to think of it, Leon hasn’t had grapes in a while.
“It’s not Christmas if I don’t wear them,” you mumble. 
You don’t sound so sure of yourself. 
Leon’s plea deal might be back on the table.
His thumb rubs circles on your ankle as you swallow. His knee’s freezing over, almost attached to the sidewalk by now, but your mouse-quiet confession glues him to the spot.
“I lied.”
“These aren’t your Christmas heels?”
A snowdrop tear rolls down your cheek. 
“I didn’t buy them. You did, for me. I love them. Love you.”
You sniffle so sweetly, your cheeks still candy-apple red as he wraps your scarf tighter to keep you from catching a cold on his account. But it’s not enough to distract Leon from the fact that he bought you these shoes?
Oh no, no, no, you’re nodding as Leon’s face freezes into a horrified grimace. He’s responsible for the Heels from Hell?
“Sweetheart, I just don’t want you getting hurt.” He takes your hands in his as your lower lip wobbles. He feels just awful. “It’s Christmas because I get to spend it with you, okay? Heels or no heels.”
“You mean it?”
“Those damn things have nearly sent you to the hospital, of course I mean it.”
And finally, finally, you smile. Hark! The herald angels sing. 
“Let’s get you inside.” Leon smiles back, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He’d have gotten up too if he hadn’t suddenly come to a comical stop, his left knee still perpendicular to the ground.
You look down and stifle a giggle. “Leon, you’re frozen to the sidewalk.”
“So I am. Ow.” 
You lend him a helping hand as the two of you stumble inside the warm apartment, and Leon thinks he’ll go online shopping once you fall asleep. For less dangerous Christmas heels, sure.
But also something else. Something shiny. 
He really didn’t mind being on one knee for you.
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click for my full drabble collection, and find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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wonysugar · 1 year
keep talking | aeri uchinaga
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synopsis : your best friend, aeri, was on tour with her fellow aespa members. she missed you a whole lot though, so you guys get on call and she asks you to talk about your day, to ramble, and to just keep on talking<3
pairing : idol!giselle x fem!reader
genre : best friends to fwb, phone call, smut!!
tags : phone sex, giselle is pretty subby in this, so yknow reader is kinda dommy, long distance, bffs to fwb, fingering, clit rubbing, dirty talk, you talk her through it ehehehe, aeri is still an aespa member, they’re on tour, and aeri has practice later help, what a bummer :((
warning : none just horny smut lol
word count : around 1.2k
a/n: this has been in my drafts since july,,, SO sorry,, but anyways i hope you enjoy this :] thank you
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“a-s-a-p, babyy, hurry up, don’t be lazyy”
you heard the ringtone from your cellphone, immediately jumping on your bed from excitement as you quickly accepted the anticipated call, not even bothering to read the contact name. you’ve been planning to call her ever since she’s left the country, but she’s just been so endlessly busy recently, you couldn’t help but miss her.
immediately greeted by the voice of your best friend, aeri, a playful “heyyyy.” is what came out of your speaker.
“heyyyyy.” you sang back just as playfully, earning a giggle from her. “how is it in the uk? you having fun?” you ask, occupying your fingers by twirling and playing with your hair as she hummed. her and her band, aespa, were currently on tour. today, they landed in london, and were now getting ready for their concert tomorrow.
“it’s fun!! we landed only a few hours ago but i’m already loving the city so farrr. i went grocery shopping with ning earlier and, it was like.. so fun for no reason??” she told you, you could visualize her smile just from the way she spoke. “it would be so much more fun if you were here though, y/n..” she added, now probably pouting.
you chucked, “it’s okay, aeriii. it’s not like we’re completely separated, we have each other’s number. worst case scenario, we text a couple of times in a day.”
“but it’s not the sameee.” she whined, “seeing your best friend in person and seeing them through a screen is not the same thing at all.”
you tried reassuring her that the tour wasn’t gonna last that long, and that you both were gonna hang out as soon as it was over. she eventually agreed and shrugged the feeling off, asking about your day and how you’ve been.
“to be honest, it’s also been kinda lonely without you so i’ve just been at home in my freetime, sometimes going on walks. though i should say! listening to your music while i’m at work does help, like girl.. that shit gets me so hyped up like m-m-mamba-“ you rambled on and on, confident that she was listening to everything you were saying due to the responsive mhms she let out.
they progressively became less frequent, however, and then, at some point, they just completely stopped. you started worrying, wondering if the signal was gone or something..
“you there?” you ask.
“h-huh? y-yeah i’m still here.” she replied with a slightly shaky voice.
that didn’t sound very convincing.. was she feeling okay? before you could ask, a small noise escaped her lips. a noise that sounded like… a whimper. a whimper that was trying to held back.
“you know, we can call some other time if you don’t feel too well right no-“
“fuck y/n please don’t hang up… keep talking about whatever i don’t care but just.. please k-keep talking. i’m sorry, i’m listening i p-promise.” she interrupted in such a desperate voice, kinda whining in the process as she was breathing heavily into the mic.
you were dumbfounded. this was all so strange.. was she in danger or something? why would she ask you to just keep talking if she was, though? you just sat there for a moment, silent, a confused look plastered on your face.
until it clicked. oh.
the heavy panting.. the shake in her voice.. begging for you to keep talking.. the slight whimpering??? your stomach pleasantly twisted at the thought, was she actually..?
a smirk began to form.
“aeri..” you pause, contemplating actually asking the question. then,
“are you touching yourself right now?”
no response, just a desperate sigh. she was probably trying to think of an excuse. oh that poor girl. “oh my god you totally are.” you said, feeling like teasing her some more.
“i’m sorry y/n, i - fuck - i just missed you so- mmh..so much i couldn’t help it i’m sorry-.” she whined out.. you were imagining the look she had on her face right now, head probably buried in the pillow.
yet in another whiny voice, “this was a bad i-idea i have practice later and.. fuckfuckfuck-“ is what comes out of her mouth, almost inaudible due to how quiet she was being, careful as to not let the other members next door overhear.
you couldn’t lie, you weren’t expecting her to act like this. she never would say kinky shit to you directly, let alone do it in your company. you guys were close, so you talked about sexual things sometimes, but it was all in good fun. having her masturbate on a call got you unexpectedly and indescribably turned on.
“fuck practice aeri, describe what you’re doing.” you asked, getting undeniably hornier by every small noise she let out.
she exhaled, “i’m - ah - fingering m-myself..”
you slowly unbuttoned your jeans as you were listening to her response, “with how many fingers?” you add.
“t-two..” she panted yet again, your hand already getting into your panties and closer to your cunt.
“are you imagining they’re mine?” you spread apart your pussy lips, gently rubbing on your folds, feeling how wet you already were from her. you exhaled from relief.
she whimpered and squirmed at your words, knowing her, she was most definitely feeling embarrassed right now. then, she let out a needy mhm in response to your question as she was pumping her fingers in and out of herself.
“words, baby.” you added.
“fuck y/n - yes i am..” she quietly moaned out.
“good girl.” you praise, earning a cute little whimper from her. fuck, you couldn’t help it, hearing her pretty moans and knowing that she was touching herself to your voice made you lose it.
you inserted your own fingers into your aroused cunt, letting out a sigh of relief as you were finally doing something about the pool that was growing in between your legs ever since you figured out that your best friend was masturbating to your voice. holy shit, not even the greatest porno ever made could get you this aroused.
then, you heard a chuckle from the other side of the line. “d-did i get you horny?” she teased.
“no shit you did.” you shakily confessed as you could hear her quietly moan, “you sound so good.” you added.
“fuuck i wish i was there with you right now.” she confessed back, her voice obviously still very shaky.
“what would you - mmh - do if y-you were?” you wanted her to explain every little detail, to ramble on and on about what she was thinking of right now.
she slowed down on the fingering, as if it was really going to maximize her thinking, “w-well.. for starters..
i’d probably pin down you on the bed.. get on top of you and m-make out with you, slowly letting my - god - hands roam your entire body as i move my mouth further down. feeling the pressure from your knee in between my thighs..”
her voice started getting shakier while your cunt got just as wet hearing her describe the scene, god you needed to see her face, you needed to see how she was probably squirming at the sensation, how desperate she was getting just from imagining all of it. you needed to see it for yourself.
“aeri.” you shakily let out.
before she could even choke out a response,
“can you get on facetime?”
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Ticklish Xiao x Reader
Romantic + 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!” Requested by @beth-bethar00 for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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You couldn't hold your excitement. You really couldn't! With a smile on your face, you watched Xiao shuffle the cards. You had been dating for a while but somehow you never even imagined he would accept to play a game of cards.
It appeared you underestimated the popularity of TCG Genius Invokation, but when you walked in on Xiao and Aether playing a round, you immediately bugged Xiao that he should play with you too. And he accepted!
"You know the rules, right?" he asked.
"Of course! Aether taught me how to play."
"Good." Xiao looked so sweet and gentle, preparing the game for you two.
Watching him concentrate, you smirked and added: "But since Aether is my friend, and you are my boyfriend, let's make the game a little more interesting."
Xiao nodded. "Oh. Sure. How?"
"Winner gets to tickle the other for free. Is that a deal?"
Xiao nodded again. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!” He looked at you with a cute blush on his face, and you giggled.
"It's a simple rule right?" you said playfully. Xiao coughed and accidentally dropped some of the dice, looking totally perplexed.
"I m-mean, tickle? For free? You are being silly. It normally wouldn't have a price either," he argued. You rolled your eyes fondly.
"You know what I mean. If you win, I'll let you tickle me without resisting. If I win, I'll tickle you. No arguing, just a fun and innocent little punishment for the loser. You played more games with Aether than I did, so with all that experience it's almost a given you'll win. What, are you less certain now that I've added the tickle rule?"
Xiao glared at you. He wasn't the type to tell you 'no' easily, not even to something like this.
"No. Challenge accepted," he said stiffly. "Let's play."
Hehe! See? So cute.
That Xiao had many more experience was a fact. That you had more losses on your name than wins, in total, was also a fact. But here you were. Actually playing at your best, now that you imagined Xiao's cute potential reactions when you would tickle him afterwards.
"You are winning," he said when he still only had one card up, against two of yours. You grinned and shrugged.
"Anything can happen, still. Do you surrender?" you asked. Xiao shook his head.
"No, I won't surrender."
Xiao played until the end, and you won indeed! Beginner's luck? You watched Xiao sit before you, the look of defeat and surrender on his pretty face.
"Don't tell me you went easy on me because you were looking forward to this?" you asked, pulling him closer and reaching for his side where you started to tickle him.
"Hngh- I dihihidn't," Xiao giggled, squirming softly in your arms, but a promise was a promise. You had a free pass to tickle him now, and he wasn't going to resist much.
"Lucky me~" you sang, scribbling your fingers against his stomach and sides. Xiao twisted and struggled, and more of his adorable giggles could be heard.
"Wahahait, f-fohohor hohow lohohong?" he laughed. You hummed in response, taking good care of his ticklish tummy and feeling a little distracted because of it. So distracted you forgot to answer.
"Huhuhuh?" Xiao laughed sweetly, and you gasped.
"Oh right. I don't know. For as long as I like. Or for as long as you can take it?" You shrugged.
"I cahahan't tahahake it!" Xiao laughed.
"Hmm, but that is a lie. Actually you can," you whispered in his ear. "Look how well you are taking it."
That was the last bit of teasing Xiao could take before he buried his face into your chest. He held your shoulders tightly and squirmed in your arms, giggling at your relentless tickle attack.
"Ehehehe! Not thehere," he whispered through soft giggles as soon as your fingers found his slender hips.
"And what if I do?" You gave it a try and enjoyed the little dance he did in your arms.
"Plehehease!" Noticing the lovely red color on his cheeks and ears, you decided to tickle him only for a little more... and then you stopped.
"Next time, maybe you'll win," you said as you watched Xiao catch his breath.
He nodded. "I'll definitely win." To your surprise you saw the fond smile on his face, and you blushed.
"So next time, let's play with this rule again," Xiao suggested. Ooooh. He didn't even mind it that much then! You grinned.
"Bring it on!"
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writingfromasgard · 4 months
I absolutely love dustball!!!! The perfect amount of unhinged imo. I like to think that no one (except Price) knows when her birthday is, so they all kinda just pick a day for her and leave birthday gifts/offerings in vents. I'm thinking a headlamp, batteries, and a ball of yarn along with a printed copy of Theseus and the Minotaur (the last one being tongue-in-cheek)
What gifts does Dustball accept or deny? If she lives in the vents, she must have to choose carefully.
Ehehehe. You're right. Price is the only one who knows her true birthday. Laswell, too. They're both too mischievous with each other to ruin her fun.
The confusion comes from her popping into a room after Roach. There's a cake that's clearly not a birthday cake that Roach gives her and she goes, "Fuck yeah, just in time for my birthday."
She says it every time she gets handed cake (a slice, a whole cake, a snack cake). It's resulted in people starting a 'Dustball's Birthday' calendar. People mark down the day they heard her say it. By the end of the year, they're confused. Every month has at least ten marks. A few weeks have been entirely crossed out but they are in different months that are far apart.
As far as "presents", that's on par. Especially batteries. Laptop batteries, rechargeable batteries, a power bank. She leaves dead ones in exchanged for fully changed ones. She keeps some of the more unusual things people leave in her assigned quarters - a weird sculpture, a sketch of a vent with eyeballs, a photocopy of a random rookie's ass.
For the 'choose carefully' ask.. yes, she has to be mindful of what she takes. Perishables are almost always out of the question. She has to eat 'smelly' (according to higher ups) food outside of vents since the smell of what she's cooking or eating tends to spread. That one time she wanted kimchi stew...
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freedoms-secret · 3 months
Joy and anxiety tickle fic PLSSS ehehehe anxiety needs to get wrecked by joy
Calm down, Anxiety!
Quick Summary: Anxiety isn't feeling so cheerful, but joy can help with that!
TW: Slight Angst
It was a normal day in headquarters. Everyone was okay except for... Anxiety. She wasn't feeling so energetic anymore and would talk nervously as usual, but there was a hint of sadness. Joy noticed this and walked up to her. "Hey, Anxiety... you okay..?" She said, putting her hand on her shoulder. Anxiety flinched in shock "AH-! J-Joy..! Yeah.. I'm fine-" suddenly, Joy interrupts her. "No you're not... you haven't been yourself. What's wrong..?"
Anxiety sighs and tells Joy about her troubles. "Well... it's about yesterday. I went out of control, and almost made Riley fail..!! It was all my fault..." Anxiety said, tears starting to form in her eyes "I'm... I'm sorry, Joy..." she then covered her face in self-disappointment. "Hey, hey, hey..!! It's not your fault. Sure you went a bit cuckoo on the console. But I get that you were just trying to defend her. Plus- everyone goes cuckoo at some point! It's gonna be okay..." Joy reassured her, smiling at the sad frog girl. "*Sniff* R-Really...?" "Yeah! It's gonna be okay." She said before hygging her. Anxiety smiled and hugged her back "Thanks, Joy..."
Then, Joy came up with an idea that will SURELY make Anxiety genuinely laugh! And not her usual laugh due to nervousness or worry, but a laugh of happiness! Joy then reached to Anxiety's sides and started to tickle her. "Hehehe-! H-Hey, Joy..? What you doing- Ehahahahaha!" She was interrupted by her own laughter because of how rickle-sensitive she is. Joy smirked and said "Tickling youuuu~!" Anxiety began to giggle and laugh more "Pffft- Hehehehehe! T-This is so unnecessary!" "Yes it is~! You keep worrying and worrying and worrying and worry- Ughh! You might as well need a time where you're actually laughing and having fun!"
"Ehaahahaha- *hic* stohohop!!"
After a few minutes of RELENTLESS tickling, Joy stopped.
"Phewwww...!!" Anxiety sighed. "You feeling better, Anxiety?" Joy asked while smiling at her. "Yeah..!" She smiled at her.
(As you can tell, Writing ain't my strong suit 😭 but I hope this was enough to satisfy your request! 🧡)
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satocidal · 1 year
what do you think jjk men will be like in a haunted house with you?
since its October now its fitting to talk about halloween :D
qn for u!! do you like horror movies?
i personally wanna like em but im so scared of em :/ esp the jumpscares i hate em but surprisingly i can watch a gory zombie movie without a single flinch its so weird but it only starts and stops at zombie movies. i cant watch any other types of gory movies <\3
Not me sending an ask just as I got this😭 but ok ok here we go<3
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Gojo Satoru:
Pretends to be fazed, emphasis on “pretends” because when I say he exaggerates everything? I mean it.
I mean, he’s Satoru you know—obviously he isn’t getting ‘scared’ of anything but he doesn’t let that ruin the vibe for him.
He’s so very obnoxious too- complaining about the price of the tickets and making innuendos about you loudly—poking fun at the staff, all in all, punch worthy.
Inside the house? All the more. For the darkness only ever encourages satoru to cop a feel on you here and there—blaming it all on the ‘brokensms and shitty’ decoration
. He’s a menace through and through so when bored, mid way in the house he’s already on a mission to jump scare the jump-scares — and it works so well, you’re clutching yourself, coughing out broken laughs and he’s entertained too—a win-win situation.
Also starts giving “tips” to the staff onto how to make it successful.
If you ever let out a high pitched scream he’ll try to make you scream louder later, he’s stupid like that.
Geto Suguru:
…why him? Like don’t get me wrong per se but he finds it all so stupid? But to make you happy, suguru geto will comply.
Ps. Suguru is the kind to hook you free tickets just somehow, like he will, don’t question it.
ALWAYS THE GENTLEMAN!!! He will forever hold you close, how so ever less scary it may be and always leads the way and hold your hand. He’s coded that way, nothing can be changed.
Laughs when finally, just finally a jump scare goes past his reflexes and pops out on you guys, surprising him slightly. He will steal it.
Also I think suguru is the kind who is slightly dumb —not obviously but like, he doesn’t get some jumpscares—just doesn’t get it. So when you guys will be walking out, he’ll just go “OH,”
he sincerely doesn’t give two fucks about the haunted house but when you get out, he will ask you if you liked it or no and if you wanted to try that again.
Nanami Kento:
“If you wanted to be scared, I could just show you the amount of work I have pending,” i headcanon that it’s a task in itself to get him to go because ??? Just bake some pretty cookies for yourself Lmao.
Nanami Kento pays full price and through out the way he’s calculating the number of jumpscares that come your way and to see just how much he was charged.
Yeah, Nanami seems scarier than those stupid dressed up guys - especially when you’re trying your best to hold your laugh when a guy thinks Nanami was the jumpscare.
But but but, however mad, he doesn’t break the codes—holds you close, and anytime he feels something is about to happen, he shields you with his body.
And like imagine their is booby trap on the ground (have you guys been to those?) and you notice it before him and help him get away from it? Instant head pats. Bet my ass Nanami is the kind to always and always avoid haunted house from now on and makes you repay in same way *wink wink* afterwards
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I was gonna add Sukuna and others too but ehehehe
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ashdreams2023 · 8 months
Hi, I’m not new in the Loki fandom but this is my first time to do this ask / request thingy but I was wondering if you can make a Loki x Reader sick fic and Loki is taking care of her and all 👉🏻👈🏻 idc if it’s cliche but am sick rn and I just want some Loki fluff ehehehe
Not cliche at all love and welcome 🤍!
Loki x fem reader
Summer cold
The smell of orange filled the air, you sneezed for what felt like the millionth time that day and hugged one of the decorative pillows close to your chest.
"Keep your feet off the floor" Loki yelled from the kitchen.
You sighed looking down at your cold feet, it was ridiculous how tired you felt from a simple cold, especially in a sunny day like this.
"My head hurts…"
"This will help" Loki walked into the sitting area and handed you a warm cup of orange ginger tea to warm you up.
"I want to go out with everyone, I don’t want to stay inside all day being sick"
"You would have been if you didn’t sleep directly after you showered, which o warned you about but you clearly don’t listen love"
You wanted to roll your eyes at him really bad but he was right, now everyone went the trip Tony arranged but you had to stay behind because your temperature was extremely high in the morning.
After taking a few sips from the tea you placed it on the small coffee table and laid on the sofa feeling miserable.
"You will next time, but now you have to bare with and at least you have me" Loki rubbed your arm comfortingly.
"They’re gonna have fun without me…I even bought a swimsuit that made my tits look good!"
He chuckled "I’m sure it did but you wouldn’t look so great with your nose running and your body shaking at the beach, would you?"
"Not so hot girl summer of you"
"Eh don’t say it like that I like your poetic side more" You laughed softly.
"Oh? Then I should devour you in nothing but the purest of emotion, words that leads your intelligent tired mind into a paradise of sweet nothings" your body shiver at his words.
"Shall i continue my beautiful dove?"
"Yes but I’ll like it even more if you cuddle me while you do it too"
"Your wishes are my command princess"
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friedbaekhyunandeggso · 3 months
found you - ch. 5 (part III)
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna)
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! sheltered! rbf! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, stalking/possessive themes, profanity, coercion, pet names (kitten), gaslighting, manipulation, underage drinking, praising, unprotected & protected sex, rough sex, mentions of suicide & depression, toxic jealousy, begging, chokehold, fingering, squirting, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, w33d, mentions of hard drugs (ecstasy, cocaine)
word count/plot: [15.5k!] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: ok this part took me forever to write bc i lowkey suck ass at writing backstories. hopefully ya'll r able to understand what i wrote for that part (you'll see what i mean once u read it). also i skim editted this chapter so if some of it is in lowercase, don't blame me. i actually prefer to type in lowercase but since i started writing this fic with correct capitalization i wanted to be consistent w that. anyway, have fun reading. i'm so excited to read ur guy's comments hehe
ch. 1 , ch. 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ] , ch. 3 , ch. 4 , chapter 5 [ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 ]
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Ara pulled the blanket up to Millie’s shoulders. She was passed out, like most of her classmates once they brought the party inside the penthouse suite of the hotel. It was nearly 5 am so she couldn’t blame them.
Ara glanced over to see Gojo walking her way, a drink in hand. She knew he didn’t drink so..
“If that drink is for me then you can put it away.”
He grinned, “Nah it’s water.”
“Oh,” she took it from him and then took a sip, only to spit it out, “That’s vodka!”
“Eheheh,” She shoved him as he sat down on the couch beside her. He motioned towards Millie, “She’s out?”
Ara nodded, “She drank enough for everyone combined.”
“That’s what I’m talking about.”
Ara squinted, “You don’t even drink.”
“Shhh,” he slipped his hand into hers, “Can I steal you now?”
“For what?”
“I have to show you something.”
She was silent for a moment, “It’s too early for a prank.”
He grinned brightly, “It’s not a prank. I promise.”
She let him take her by the hand and lead the way. As they walked through, she spotted Choso laying down passed out a bean bag and Geto asleep on the couch across from him, his leg hanging off the edge.
Gojo led her to one of the rooms, opening the door a bit carefully to peek inside and make sure it was the right one before pushing the door wide open for her. He motioned with his chin for her to go in, a little smirk on his face.
She entered to see balloons covering nearly every square inch of the floor, making the bed almost look like an island. The lit candles made the vast, modern room smell of comforting vanilla, maybe a hint of strawberry as well. The glass windows were wide open, revealing a sickening view of their beautiful city.
She was astonished, “Gojo..” she was about to turn around to face him but suddenly a hand rested on back, urging her forward.
“Keep going.”
She complied with his gentle pushes towards the bed, pushing aside balloons as they went. That was when she spotted the rather big box on the flower petal covered bed. The box was perfectly wrapped in glossy white wrapping paper with a pastel purple bow at the center.
She sat down on the bed, her eyes widening as she took in the box’s size.
He spoke quietly, “Open it.”
She glanced up at him, “Toru, what did you do..”
 “Just open it, open it.” he urged.
She noticed his barely contained excitement and shook her head subtly. He’d already given her so much, much more than she could ever ask for and yet here he was. Giving her a gift, as if he didn’t give her several on the daily.
He plopped down on the bed across from her, resting his head on his arm as he eagerly watched her pick up the box.
She ripped open the neat wrapping only to gape when she saw the orange box underneath. Thin black ribbon was tied around the box as well, but she’d be a fool to miss the ‘Hermes’ logo printed at the center.
“Gojo, what—“ she sputtered, at a loss for words, “You.. oh my god.”
His barely contained smirk broke out into a full grin. He continued to urge her, “Keep opening it.” He was almost tempted to open it for her at the pace she was going.
Once she got the wrapper fully off, he easily pulled the ribbon loose for her. Watching with a smile as she opened the box. 
Inside was her very first Birkin. It was mainly off-white, with an ombré effect of light brown at its edges. The crocodile pattern was unmistakable. The shiny, white-gold diamond latch glittered iridescently under the dim light. 
She was in awe.
He cupped her elbow, thumb gliding over her forearm gently, “Happy birthday, kitten.”
She set the box down, too shocked to even touch the bag itself. This was unlike any of the Birkin’s she’d ever seen—even though she’d only seen them in videos and in Shoko’s mother’s closet but still. Its grandeur was obvious and the diamonds-real diamonds on a bag? she couldn’t even comprehend it.
“Satoru… how? Why?” It seemed English wasn’t coming to her very easily, “How much was this?”
His hand slid up her elbow to her nape. He sat up to kiss her neck. His lips on her throat made her heartbeat scatter.
“Nothing compared to you.”
“Toru,” she backed away slightly, “This isn't smart. I don’t even wear bags that much-“
“Now you will.”
She met his gaze, only for her pounding heartbeat to quicken. He was looking at her with so much adoration, maybe a hint of lust but most of all, his gaze was filled with..
She glanced away, murmuring, “This is too much.”
He always did this. Gifting her the most expensive things so easily. It never failed to make her uncomfortable at first, making her feel like he was trying to compensate her for her affection only until she realized he truly liked it—giving her things. His love language was gifts.
His fingers caressed her hair for a moment before he let go of her nape.
“Open the purse.”
Her eyes widened, “What?” 
He didn’t respond, merely pushing the box towards her.
When she didn’t move he took her hand and placed it over the Birkin’s diamond latch, expectantly waiting for her to open it.
She opened the latch hesitantly, her fingertips gliding over the bag's rigid yet wearable material before slipping her hand within. She immediately felt something.
She withdrew her hand to see a small velvet box in her palm. She opened the box to reveal a beautiful petite white-gold diamond ring. It had a twisted over pattern, with diamonds embedded in each twist. She nearly gasped.
He suddenly reached within the collar of his shirt and shuffled out a thin silver chain around his neck. At the end of the chain was a ring made of the same material as hers, shaped more like a band.
His face was flushed.
“This ring is my promise to you.” His bright blue eyes met hers and he looked serious-for once.
She noticed his adam’s apple bob in his neck.
“I promise to keep you the happiest girl in the world. I promise to give you every piece of me and more,” The corner of his lip lifted subtly, “I promise to burn down the world for you, if that’s what you want-“
She chuckled airily, shaking her head.
He took her hand, “Listen to me, I know I haven’t always been the best man but I can’t live without you, you hear? I can’t live without you.”
His eyes dropped to her hand in his, his brows furrowing,  “When you broke up with me I hated it. I hated being away from you..” 
“I never stopped thinking about you, you know,” he scanned her face, “You're right in front me and I still can’t.”
She couldn’t hold his gaze.
“I love you, Ara.” he said softly.
His thumb ran over her ring finger, “You’re getting a promise ring now but there’s gonna be an engagement ring here one day. You’re gonna be my wife.” he spoke so definitively, as if it were already fated.
She let out a small, awkward laugh, “Your seriously talking about marria-”
“I am serious.”
“You sure?” her voice was low, tantalizing, “Shoko told me you don’t believe in monogamy.”
He chuckled, “I do now.”
“I found you.”
She stared at him as he slid the ring onto her finger, his hand lingering over hers before he returned her stare.
The next thing he knew she was crawling into his lap, drawing him a hug so tight her narrow arms shook from the strength she was exerting. He smiled. He wound his arms around her just as tight while peppering her temple with kisses. His hand tangled itself in her hair before tugging her head back.
He leaned towards her but she pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him before their lips met.
“You can’t take that back y’know.”
Her hands tightened around his collar, completely losing her train of thought when she felt his hard-on brush her ass. 
Her cheeks grew warm, “e-everything you just said.”
“Never.” he panted, suddenly digging his fingers into her ass before flipping her over onto the bed—him atop her. “Never, never, never.”
Her eyes widened when she saw the mirror on the ceiling. She could see everything.. her reflection.. his face in her neck, eagerly leaving love bites.. his muscular shoulders rippling under his shirt as he reached between her legs, spreading them. His fingertips grazed her pussy lips before curling around her thong. He yanked it off.
She jolted, a loud gasp leaving her lips.
His face came before her, the ring on his thin chain dangling between them, “you’re mine ara, forever.”
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She threw her head back, her head resting on his shoulder while his face dug into the crook of her nape, his lips territorially marking her neck.
His cock pistoned in and out underneath her, his hips smacking into her ass as she sat completely naked over his lap. She was making the most obscene noises, she couldn’t help it. The hand of his that wasn’t gripping her hip was right above her cunt, his fingers working her clit.
“fuckk—toru! toru!!hnnn~” her body arched.
His fingers dug into her hip, his cock slamming into her harder. his finger playing with her clit at a dizzying pressure.
“you feelso fucking good, birthday girl.” he rasped out.
She whined.
He watched her writhe atop of him, her head bouncing on his shoulder with each forceful fuck. her hair jumped with each thrust of his hips, the dark strands splayed out over his chest, shoulder and neck. her mouth was wide open. her tits swinging up and down hypnotically.
The tear stained black mascara trailing down her cheeks made his cock jerk with more stamina. he bit her narrow shoulder.
She yanked at his fluffy white hair, “TORU!!”
“cum ara, cum right fucking now.”
She shook her head wildly. “satoru..please, i can’t-f-fuck.”
His cock hammered into her, she could barely breathe. everything hurt. she swore she could feel his cock head swell within her. his cock was so hard.
She gasped out between fucks, “hnn—can’t, toru. can’t. so big. too big.”
“i know i’m big baby. but your cunny can take it, i know she can.”
She tried to push away his hand at her clit, “i can’t,” she cried, “t’much—“
His hand remained fixed over her navel, instead his fingers picked up the pace. his cock grinding into her cervix, making her cunt let out the most embarrassingly wet sounds she’d ever heard.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, “ohhhhhnnnnm~”
Her body burned with pleasure. his cock felt obscenely hot inside her as she felt herself twitch around him. His cock made her feel so deeply full, she wondered if her cunt had finally been stretched to the limit–if he’d finally broken her.
“Ohmygod-my god-nghhh!”
Her body jerked atop him, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her. Feeling like this shouldn’t be real–all of this-him-couldn’t be real.  she couldn’t take it.
She moaned weakly. her cunt spraying liquids despite him still being inside her—deliriously grinding his cock deeper into her. His cockhead touching her deepest parts.
“Araaaaa~” he sighed brokenly into her ear. She felt like heaven.
Her eyes flitted open as her jerking subsided. She caught sight of herself in the mirror above and froze. The sight caused a cold jolt up her spine.
She looked so… hot. trails of her mascara and liner marked the corner of her eyes. her body was covered in hickeys, including one on her chin. several on her cleavage and tits. Her nipples were surrounded by teeth marks.
His white hair tickled her cheek as he shifted slightly, his cock still inside her. His hot breath traveled down her neck, making her skin tingle. she couldn’t help but notice how large his muscular thighs looked underneath her smooth ones.
Her body jerked once more, an aftermath of her high.
“Good girl.” he praised, giving her clit a small squeeze–making her entire body twitch. She whined as he laughed, his fingers continuing to explore her. He touched the wetness along her pussy lips.
She heard his breath hitch beside her ear, “This pussy is gonna be the death of me.”
Her cunt constricted around his cock and he growled. his fingers suddenly digging deep into her hips, making her yelp.
She tried to grab his wrists and pry his hands off but it was too late.
His cock plunged into her ruthlessly.
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She felt his hot, white cum spill into her. spurting along her cramped walls. she felt it travel and dribble out of her cunt, spilling down her inner thighs.
his cum was so warm.
She squeezed her thighs together, which only drew out more cum from his cockhead. she shivered, a low whine leaving her.
“Happy birthday.” he whispered above her.
Her eyes flashed opened only to close a millisecond after when his hips bucked into her again, slowly and deep. fucking his seed back into her.
He hummed as she mewled meekly underneath him. his shoulders flexed.
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“You're not even someone i should go to for this.”
“Cuz you drive hella fast.”
He snapped her seat belt in place for her, “listen, I’m still a good teacher.”
“Are you?”
“I am.”
“I just am.”
She narrowed her eyes, “Love the confidence but seriously, why can’t you just let me have a driving instructor?”
“Cuz i want to teach you, kitten. Isn’t it gonna be so cute when you tell our kids one day-“ he mockingly began to use a kid voice, “ ‘mommy how did you learn how to drive? ‘your daddy taught me—“
She punched him in the shoulder, making him yelp. He immediately cradled his arm, groaning as if she’d brutalized him.
“Can you stop being a dumbass?” she gripped the steering wheel, “Tell me what to do.”
“Get in the back seat.”
Her glare was fierce as he quickly amended, “Okay, okay, pull out this parking spot.”
“Okay.” she pressed the gas pedal only for the car to make a loud ‘vroooom’ sound but not move.
“It’s not moving.” she stated.
He was laughing, “Because you didn’t change the gear.”
“You didn’t tell me that!”
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The maid opened the door for them and they walked through. Gojo’s laughter filling the lobby.
He shook his arm around Geto’s shoulders, “Suguruuu, don’t be jealous.”
Geto shouldered him off, “I’m not jealous.”
Ara walked in after them, eyes glued to her phone.
The maid faced them, “Gojo sir, I must inform you your Dad is here. He’s currently in the gardens.”
Gojo’s grin immediately faltered, “He is?”
The maid nodded.
His voice deadpanned, “When did he come?”
“Less than an hour ago, sir.”
“Hmm,” he nodded subtly, “Thanks Macy.”
Macy merely nodded before excusing herself. Ara caught Geto’s tense expression.
Gojo spoke first, “You guys can chill in my room. I shouldn’t be long.”
She stepped up to Gojo, “What’s wrong?”
A small smile found its way to the corner of his lip, “Nothings wrong,” his hand slipped up the side of her face, “Just wasn’t expecting him that’s all.”
She searched his face, “Are you gonna be alright?”
His smile widened, “I’ll be perfect, baby.”
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She stared out the window of Gojo’s study. Her hand tightening around the circular windowsill as her eyes raked the expanse of the well kept greenery before deciding it was useless. Wherever they were they weren’t visible from her vantage point.
She was drawn from thoughts when a loud ‘thunk’ resounded from somewhere behind her.
She turned to see Geto with a book at his feet. He bent over to retrieve it, “Oops.”
She waited a brief moment, watching as he dusted off the cover before flipping it open-skimming the pages.
He immediately glanced up, his eyes a silent ‘yes?’
“Is his Dad bad?”
He glanced sideways for a moment before asking, “Satoru hasn’t mentioned him?” The question wasn’t mocking, merely inquiring with a calmness that felt almost reassuring.
There was a beat of silence, “No.”
He shut the book in his hand, a light sigh escaping him, “I don’t like him, if that’s what you wanna know. You should let Satoru tell you the whole story though.”
“There’s a story?”
He smiled slightly, “Isn’t there always?”
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The bedroom doors swung open, immediately making Ara’s head snap up from the book in her lap. She sat up on the bed just as Gojo entered. If he’d been stressed it was hard to tell because the second his eyes landed on her a wide grin swept across his lips.
He crawled onto the bed, easily crowding her space to kiss her neck before laying his head on her lap.
“Satoru.” She rested her hand on forehead, pushing his hair back, “How was it?”
He sighed, eyes flitting closed, “It was fine. He left—thank god.”
“You don’t like him?”
His eyes fluttered open, examining her. He rarely talked about his family and she wasn’t slow enough to believe that was just a coincidence.
He shook his head. His index finger twirling around a strand of her hair, “He wanted to see you.”
“He knows about me?” she asked, shocked.
His hand went still within her hair, “Everyone knows about you.”
She held his gaze for a moment, “So why didn’t you let him see me?”
She saw the corner of his mouth twitch, “Cuz you don’t like meeting new people.”
“Cuz he doesn’t deserve to yet.” His voice held more of an edge than she expected.
And that look in his eye…she hadn’t seen that on him in a while. It reminded her of when she’d struck him, the first night he had his way with her.
He took her hand from his forehead and slid it down to his cheek, lightly kissing her wrist as he did so.
“Let me explain,” he paused, as if gathering his thoughts–until his brows furrowed and he realized he wasn’t sure where to begin.
He played with her fingers as he spoke, “My Dad has a twin. Identical. But they couldn’t be more different–honestly.” he chuckled quietly.
 “I guess my Dad’s more likable–had this quality about him that made people want to listen. While my Uncle.. well, he’s persuasive in his own way.”
He continued, “The point is. They competed with each other a lot-over everything and anything. My Dad thought of their competition as harmless fun but my Unc-not so much. He’ll never admit it though, if you ask him. But everyone knows.”
“Everyone in my family,” he clarified, before smirking up at her, “It’s gonna be your family too y’know so pay attention.”
She rolled her eyes, “What do you think I’m doing.”
He smiled slightly, “Anywho, Unc should’ve felt like he won this little competition since he was given full reins of the family business but I guess he still held a grudge. Dunno if it’s cuz Dad’s political success or Dad bein’ Gramps favorite–or Mom but-”
He cut himself off, “Right, so my Mom was actually a bet between Dad and Unc. She was Unc’s college crush and for fun they decided to see who could get with her. Dad won her over and they ended up falling in love. They got married but.. my Mom never got used to it-the politician life.”
He went on, “Dad’s career as the Director of National Intelligence was actually very strategic. It was something my Gramps wanted to get his eyes in on cuz oil refinery is more political than you might think, like there were some countries we weren't permitted to source from due to a bad political climate–even though our company is private. It was something Gramps wanted to work around and possibly manipulate—”
Ara blinked, “Wouldn’t that be illegal?”
“Just a little,” he smirked, “It wasn’t just that though, you’d have to ask Gramps the details–except he’s dead, but anyway~”
Ara’s eyes widened as he nonchalantly went on, “The beef between Dad and Unc really hit the fan a few months after Gramps died–which isn’t surprising cuz Gramps was sorta the mediator but.. I guess, it was inevitable.”
Despite his nonchalance she could tell his next words were harder for him to say, “So basically Unc had a business deal going with Isreal, worth about $2 billion but since-everything going on politically, socially, you name it-Dad did not want to get involved especially monetarily. But Unc didn’t agree, he wanted to juice as much money as he could since the US was sending Israel money anyway and he wanted a piece.”
He continued, “Dad knew he would try to see the deal through with or without his call so he started involving himself in the family business to supervise Unc which he was not happy about, so you can imagine they argued–a lot. At the office, at the house, everywhere. Dad ended up kicking Unc out of the house and threatened to hurt him worse if he came back.”
He sighed, “I didn’t know Dad kicked him out, I wasn’t there for that argument. Instead I was sad that Unc wasn’t coming around anymore cuz we usually hung out a lot. We hung out more than Dad and I did anyway.”
He shook his head, “I didn’t suspect anything when Unc called me to let him in so I did. We talked for a bit, caught up, he gave me a bottle of alcohol to give my Mom. I told him to give it to her himself but he said he wanted it to be a surprise for her and asked me to keep it a secret that he came by.”
She saw something flicker in his expression as he went on, he stopped playing with her fingers.
“Mom wasn’t in a great mental state–she never was, to be honest, not after marrying Dad. She hated the fame, paparazzi, everything that came with it but she tolerated it because she loved Dad. I-” Gojo never stuttered, “I didn’t know that she was an alcoholic because she hid it from me so well. She always acted happy when she was with me. She never wanted me to see her.. down. I didn’t know Unc and Dad helped her through the alcoholism and depression cuz I didn’t even know it was an issue.”
His voice was tight but he quickly recovered, “So I left the bottle on her vanity, just like he asked and she drank it all, breaking her sobriety of six months. Dad found her drunk and they started fighting–I didn’t realize they were arguing about her sobriety, I just thought he was mad she drank in general so I tried to intervene but Mom left the room once I got there. Dad and I ended up arguing but nothing came of it cuz he basically told me to shut the fuck up and get out of his face.”
His bright blue eyes were somewhat dull as he glanced up at her, “I should tell you my Dad isn’t usually an asshole but when he’s mad he’s a different person. Everything ticks him off. He was.. in this mood for a while and Mom breaking her sobriety didn’t help. She started drinking a lot again and they were just yelling all the time. No one would tell me what was going on, Mom was pushing me away and I blamed Dad for it. It felt like he was mad at everyone for no reason and I wanted him to stop.”
He exhaled, “Unc came by again and I told him everything-about Mom and Dad fighting.. how it was.. getting to me. Unc asked me why they were fighting and I told him I didn’t know. Unc then asked me if Dad was hitting Mom and I realized I wasn’t sure. But the theory made sense because why else would Mom avoid me? She probably didn’t want me to see her bruises or marks and explain that Dad did them.”
“Obviously this theory made 10 year old me extremely upset so Unc’s solution was to give me his gun. He told me the next time I overheard Mom and Dad fighting to wave it around to scare Dad off-”
Ara’s eyes widened, “What–he gave a gun to a kid? What type of solution is that?”
A low, dry laugh left him, “At the time it made sense to me cuz Unc and I used to go hunting together and all that but he also told me Dad kicked him out the estate so I kinda did want to scare him some way cuz he really felt like public enemy 1. It felt like he was tearing the family apart.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “That night…when I was in bed I heard Mom scream–and a shit ton of thrashing. I didn’t think, I grabbed the gun and ran. I saw Dad on top of somebody, throwing punches and I-I didn’t–” he spoke through gritted teeth before exhaling, “I didn’t mean to hit him.”
Her eyebrows skyrocketed, “You shot your Dad?”
“I did. Straight through the head.”
Ara’s jaw dropped, “But wait-but your Dad.. he’s still ali-”
He squeezed her hand, “Listen, listen. I thought he was on top of Mom, beating her but it turns out he was on top of my Uncle. Mom was just in the room, yelling at him to stop because I guess my Uncle just showed up uninvited.”
He stared at her, fingers tightening around hers, “My Dad died that night. I didn’t know what the hell to do. I was freaking out but Unc came up with a plan.”
He closed his eyes, “Unc said he would take the blame. He told us to tell the cops that he snuck into the estate-which he did-and that he tried to hurt Dad but then Dad shot him. Except he would pretend that he was Dad. And that the man who died was Unc.”
She was astounded, “So… your Uncle pretended to be your Dad?”
He nodded, “Yes, and he still is. The world currently thinks my Dad is alive.”
Ara was speechless as he continued, “No one else knows because Unc and Dad are identical twins. Same blood type and-miraculously-same fingerprints, etc.”
She blinked as he sat up beside her, not letting go of her hand.
He looked at her expression with a small knowing smile, “I know you have questions.”
She glanced over at him, “Why did he do that? Did he not want you to face any repercussions?”
He nodded, “I thought he was protecting me but now I know he schemed it all. He manipulated me.”
Ara’s eyes widened, “How do you know?”
“He knew about my mom’s alcoholism and told me to give her a bottle. He sneaks into the estate and causes drama the same night he gives me a gun? A gun with the safety off?” He shakes his head, “It's not a coincidence at all.”
“If he wanted to kill your Dad, why couldn’t he just kill him himself?”
“That would’ve got him nowhere but jail. But making me do it gives him all the leverage. Pretending to be Dad to protect me gives him everything he wants. My mom, Dad’s position-his connections, the family business—all in his lap.”
He laughed dryly to himself, “Well the only thing he didn’t get for long was Mom. She killed herself.”
“What?!” she exclaimed in shock.
“It was two weeks after Dad died. Found her body in the pond by the gardens. She overdosed on prozac.”
“Prozac?” Ara gasped, “the antidepressant?”
He nodded, a small sad smile spreading across his lips, “Ironic isn’t it.”
She was silent for the longest moment, processing it all. She almost couldn’t believe it was real. It felt like the plot of some really dark CEO drama but this was reality. His reality—his life. He’d only been 10 years old. A ten year old murderer.
“I wanted to believe Unc had something to do with her death.. but I know he would never hurt her. He loved her.. She left me on her own.”
Her eyes widened. This was the saddest she’d ever seen him. His eyes glossier than normal, his jaw clenched tight and yet his lips were twisted in a bitter smile.
“I would’ve done anything she asked. We could’ve taken Unc down together but she left me.”
She squeezed his hand, “Toru-“ she murmured.
“Isn’t it funny? I feel like I found out more about her after she died. All her thoughts were in her diary, everything. If she’d just told me when she was alive-I could’ve—“ he shook his head, a shiny tear slipped down his cheek, “I don’t kn-I-“
“Stop.” she pulled him into her chest, “Stop.”
He sagged into her smaller frame, clutching her waist so tight she nearly lost her breath. For the first time in her life, she felt him trembling.
Her small fingers raked through his hair, “You were just a kid. How were you supposed to know everything she was going through? She probably didn’t tell you because she wanted to protect you.”
His arms wrapped around her tighter, “She could’ve protected me by staying alive.”
Her hand went still in his hair, “Don’t you know already, adults are selfish.”
She then realized that maybe that wasn’t the most constructive thing to say.
“I’m sorry, I meant-“
“No, you're right.” his voice was muffled in her sweater, “They are selfish. Everyone is. You have to be in this world.”
He laughed softly to himself, “Eat or be eaten.”
She shook her head, clutching his chin to make him look up, “I don’t know about all that but you have to know that her.. doing that isn’t your fault-“
“Doing what? Killing herself?”
Ara’s mouth opened partially before closing. Then opening again, “Yes.”
He smiled faintly, “You can say it y’know. She killed he-“
She flinched-snapping, “Stop, it’s not a joke.” her hands tightened around his face, “what i-i’m saying is that it’s not your fault. It was her choice. She knew the consequences. You don’t have to agree with her but you have to respect it.”
She cupped his face more gently, “It doesn’t make you any less of a person, it’s what you do now that counts. She’s still watching over you.”
His gaze seemed distant, “She’ll get her justice.”
Ara blinked, “Justice?”
His eyes suddenly sharpened, “My uncle. I still need him. I don’t know how to run the business myself yet.”
Her eyes widened, “What—y-you don’t mean kill him, right?”
Suddenly a wicked grin appeared upon his lips. He leaned close, his lips brushing over hers, “Some things are worse than death, kitten.”
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She gently rubbed the face mask across her cheeks. It was a yummy baby pink color and smelled rather delicious. roses and vanilla. it already made her skin feel cool with one application.
She used the little tool it came with to scoop more product and apply it to her forehead only to flinch when she saw Gojo in the bathroom. he stood with his back to the door, arms crossed. a crooked smile on his lips.
“Hey kitten~”
She shook her head, “I hate you.”
He grinned, making his way towards her, “You love mee.”
He stood behind her, his hands interlaced behind himself. He bent down to kiss her on the head but she moved out of his way.
“Why do you like scaring me?” she grumbled, rubbing in her face mask with a bit more ferocity.
“heh. it’s not my fault you're as unaware as a baby chick.” He held her shoulders and kissed her temple-where her face mask hadn’t been applied yet.
She shoved him off, “toru! my face mask.”
It seemed a bit of the mask had landed on the tip of his nose. he wiped it away with his thumb, looking at it curiously, “mmm, smells yummy.”
She raised a brow as he continued to stare at the blob on his finger and gripped his wrist the second he brought his finger towards his lips.
“Are you stupid? it’s not edible.”
She grabbed a nearby hand towel and hastily wiped it off his finger before tossing the towel somewhere on the counter.
He watched silently as she continued applying the face mask on her face. His eyes glowing with curiosity.
“What’s it supposed to do?”
“Make you poreless.”
He picked up the face mask jar to read the description just as she’d been reaching for some more. She sucked her teeth impatiently.
He slid the jar back to her. He blinked innocently, “Can i use some?”
“Cuz you're already poreless.”
That made him grin. He touched the sides of his face as he leaned towards the mirror, “Am i?”
She rolled her eyes. It was too early for his buffoonery. This was supposed to be a self-care sunday. emphasis on self. And she’d told him that, yet here he was.
He leaned against the bathroom counter, facing her with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “If you wanted a face mask you could’ve jus asked me.”
Her brows furrowed-confused-only to freeze when she realized. she grimaced, “You're nasty as hell.”
“oh come on~”
She shoved him as he neared her, “Stop. You're actually annoying me.”
“Okay, okay fine. I’ll stop. I promise.”
“Promise what.”
“Not to annoy you.”
“Then why are you coming closer to me?”
He tugged her close, resting his chin atop her head. Her small frame easily fitting into his chest.
“Because i wanna be near you ‘kay?”
He kissed the corner of her neck, his hands gently squeezing her shoulders. She sighed.
He stared at her in the mirror as she continued to finish up the last of the face mask. He ran his hands up and down her arms repeatedly. the action oddly reassuring.
He kissed the top of her head, “Last night was fun right?” he muttered into her hair.
She blushed at the memory, “y-yeah.”
There were two things she found out last night. 1, Haibara knew how to throw a party. 2, never play hide and seek with Gojo. He’d pick the best hiding spot and no one would find you both. leaving you open to your demise at his hands.
Ara couldn’t walk after.
He smirked slightly, “What was your favorite part?”
She thought it over, “hmm probably when Geto shot all those bottles in a row. I didn’t think his aim was that good. oh! and that drink Shoko made, um, what’s it called-“
“Espresso martini.”
“Yes! That was soo good.”
his smirk widened as he nuzzled her head, “You drank a lot of green tea shots too.”
She nodded.
He kissed the crown of her head, “You look so good knocking shots back.”
She reddened, mumbling, “Shut up.”
He squeezed her shoulders once more, “Aren’t you gonna ask me my favorite part?”
She reddened more, “No.”
His arms slipped around her shoulders, squeezing her into him, “Pleaseeee~~~”
“Ah! toru! let go-“
He hugged her tighter.
“aHh! i can’t breathe. fine, fine!”
“Yay.” he loosened his hold on her and she smacked his arm.
“You promised not to annoy me.”
“Oopsies,” he grinned while staring at her ass as she bent down to pick up her fallen hair brush.
When she stood up, he placed his hands on her hips. pressing his groin right against her ass. She gasped, freezing the second she felt his erection.
He nipped at her ear, “My favorite part was holding your hips, just like this,” his fingers squeezed her hips, “and watching your ass bounce on my cock in that tiny little closet. Hearing your cute lil whimpers cuz you wanna keep quiet so bad. always so scared of getting caught-“
She faltered forward, her hands flat against the bathroom counter as he began to thrust his hard-on into her. as if his jeans and her towel weren’t in the way.
He nipped at her nape, leaving love bites along her soft skin. as if it wasn’t decorated enough.
“Your pussy gets wet so fast, kitten. everytime i fuck you your pussy makes such slutty sounds. mm-“
She gasped when the tip of his clothed cock rubbed against her bare pussy. It seemed he discovered that she wasn’t wearing anything under her towel. She saw his bright blue eyes go wide in the mirror's reflection before a devious smirk spread across his lips.
Just as she felt his hands tighten over her towel-a millisecond from ripping it off. She shoved him back.
“No!” she held her towel tightly to her chest, “Toru, please. we barely slept all night. I can’t—i can’t go another round.” she begged desperately.
“Aww~” he whined, before slipping his arms around her. Her hands on his chest weakly pushing him back. “Come on.”
“I’m gonna pass out.”
“You won’t.”
“Toru, seriously.” she looked up at him, “How can you even want to get freaky when i have this on my face.”
“You think a little face mask could stop my dick from getting hard?”
His eyes dropped to her lips, “If anything it jus makes me harder.”
Her eyes narrowed.
He pouted, “Next time you want a face mask just ask me ‘kay?”
She shoved him-successfully getting out of his hold this time, “Not happening.”
She began to clear up the bathroom counter, putting her skincare where it belonged. She glanced at him in the mirror’s reflection. she watched him tug at the belt of his pants, adjusting himself.
“C’monnn, mine probably has more natural benefits anyway.”
She looked at him incredulously, “Oh yeah? And what natural benefits would there be?”
He grinned, “my face mask is edible.”
She rolled her eyes, continuing to put stuff away, “Stop talking.”
He leant behind her, speaking in her ear, “Don’t act like you don’t like the taste. You always lick it up like your hungry-“
“Only because you feed it to me.” she spat.
She met his gaze in the reflection. fear immediately blooming in her gut the second she saw the fire in his eyes. 
Before he could move she darted around him, running straight out the bathroom. The second he moved to chase her, the bathroom door slammed shut in his face. He heard it lock from the outside.
“Ara!!” he whined, pushing at the door, “Ara!!”
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“Hm.” she barely looked up from her laptop. She was surprisingly focused for being outdoors. She wasn’t usually the type to study that well outside but something about the calm, breezy air of the estate’s gardens seemed to offer her enough solace to study.
He’d also been studying too but-of course-he finished whatever he had to do before her.
“Why’d you get a new phone?”
She froze, finally glancing up from her macbook to look at him. He was sitting on the fountain’s edge, with a loose black long sleeve and matching pants on.
He took off his sunglasses, letting the sunlight hit his eyes in a way that truly made them seem crystalline. He appeared apathetic but she knew he wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t curious. She was just surprised he’d noticed that out of all of her purchases. She hadn’t even shown him the new phone yet. but of course, she wasn't naive enough to believe any of her purchases were unsupervised. whether he was there or not.
He raised a brow at her silence.
“Oh-um-well. I wanted to give it to my dad.”
“Oh!” he then paused before tilting his head, “And how do you plan on giving it to him?”
“I… i haven’t thought that far ahead yet.”
She’d just made the purchase yesterday.
“I can have Ijichi drop it off to his mailb-“
“No, no. It’s okay. I want to give it to him when I’m ready. or I’ll just keep it as a business phone.”
He grinned before singing, “i got two phones one for the plug and one for the load, i got two phones one for the bit—“ (a/n: he's singing 2 phones by kevin gates)
She shook her head, face-palming herself, “Please shut up.”
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He threw his arms around her, squeezing her oh so tight before dropping his bags and hoisting her legs around his waist. He supported her with one arm around her ass before beaming up at her.
“We won the game! We won—“
She cupped his face, pressing a short kiss to his lips, “I’m proud of you baby.”
She saw a light flush crawl across his cheeks. His brilliant eyes searching her face, “Yeah?”
She felt his arm tighten around her bum. “Should we celebrate?” he asked, “Let’s travel somewhere, out of the countr-“
“-try. Any country. You haven’t been out of America yet right? Let’s-“
“No, Toru, stop.”
He pouted, “C’monn. Don’t be lame. You don’t wanna travel with me?”
“I never said that.”
“Then why?”
“You want to celebrate your High School basketball game win by going out of the country?” she smacked his forehead with her palm, “We have school tomorrow idiot.”
“So? We’ll tell em it was an educational leave.”
“Educational leave?”
“Yeah..” his eyes dropped to her shapely tits in her school uniform, “for anatomy or something.”
She shoved his shoulder, “Yeah, I never want to travel with you.”
“Put me down.”
As she twisted in his hold, her tits inadvertently got in his face and he immediately opened his mouth to playfully bite one of them. She shoved his face back.
“Put me down!”
Geto sighed, shaking his head from behind them, “I hate third wheeling.”
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Ara twisted in the sheets. Her eyelids squinting together as she tried to sleep but sleep wasn’t coming to her. It just wasn’t.
She threw the blanket off frustratedly. She adjusted her pillow before lying back against the headboard, half-sitting. She reached out to grab her phone from the nightstand only to frown when she realized the time.
1:07 am
She glanced at the empty spot in bed beside her. She was silent for a long moment before glancing back at her phone to see that she didn’t have any new text messages.
He should’ve been back by now.
She opened youtube on her phone. trying to distract herself.
1:43 am
She opened netflix on her phone. an episode of gossip girl might be fun.
2:35 am
She closed out of netflix, unable to ignore her frustration. She opened her phone app. Her thumb hovering over his contact name.
Suddenly the bedroom door opened, making her jolt.
Gojo entered the barely lit room, immediately shuffling out of his jacket and tossing it onto the couch before making his way towards the bed. She watched him shake his head, droplets of water spraying here and there as if he’d just showered.
He silently removed his phone and wallet from his pocket, quietly setting it down on the nightstand before his striking eyes met hers. his face brightened.
“Oh you're up?”
“Where were you.”
He blinked at the seriousness of her tone.
“Where were you?”
A slow grin spread across his lips, “You worried about me?”
She sat up, “I said, where were you?”
“I was at Geto’s, kitten. I told you I’d be there.”
“Why are you wet?”
He sat down on the bed, “I was in his pool for a bit.” 
He crawled towards her, she leaned back into the headboard.
“Then why do you smell like soap?”
“I showered after. I hate smelling like pool water.”
He leaned over to kiss her on the neck but she stopped him by pressing a hand to his shoulder.
She glared, “You smell like perfume.”
He blinked, “What?”
Her glare intensified, shoving him back.
“Wait-kitten,” he let out a small chuckle, “I don’t smell like perfume.”
“Don’t gaslight me.” she snapped.
His eyes widened at her tone but there was mischief in his gaze, “I’m not.”
“Smell your fucking shirt.”
He held up a corner of his shirt and smelt it. A smile broke out across his face, “Its Shoko’s. She hugged me before I left.”
Just as an insult nearly left her lips, she paused. He was right. She recognized that perfume–it was shoko’s signature scent.
Her face reddened, “So you can hug girls but I can’t hug guys?”
A sly smirk lit his lips before he crawled on the bed towards her. He grabbed her leg, dragging her underneath him.
“Jealously looks so fucking sexy on you,” his eyes raked her up and down, making her feel devoured simply by that action. he pulled at the thin strap of her nightgown, “especially in this—“
She slapped his hand away, “don’t touch me.”
His hand slipped around her throat, “You think i fucked another girl, hm? Think I fucked her nice and hard and showered at her place?”
She felt her heartbeat fasten, her pulse throbbing in his firm grip. He bent lower above her. the tips of his damp hair scraping her forehead.
“You think another girl can take me like you do? Think another girl’s pussy can wrap around me so tight that I think my dick’s gonna get stuck inside you? Think another pussy could squirt back to back like it’s begging to be creamed?”
She turned away, but his hand on her throat tightened. His thumb and index finger rested on her jaw and forced her to look up at him.
“No, Ara. No is the answer.”
He released her neck, sliding his hand down the front of her body. When she writhed, his other hand gripped the hair at the crown of her head in a fist. She gasped.
He cupped her pussy through the thin nightgown. She cried out. He gripped her cunt so tight, she didn’t understand how the entirety of his hand managed to cup it all.
“This is the only pussy i want.”
He yanked her nightgown up to her hips, easily slipping his hand into her underwear. His thumb found her clit and she jerked.
“Toru-!” she mewled.
He began to rub her clit in vigorous circles, “This is the only pussy that drives me insane. Only cunt i wanna ram into again n again, I can nut in you every single second of my life and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
She let out a strangled moan, her back arching as his pace slowed around her clit. He gently pressed the hard nub at a painstakingly slow pace, sending electric currents through her body.
She gasped with each press.
“Look at you, Ara, look at you.” his long white eyelashes fluttered as he looked down at her, a light pink flush across his cheeks.
Her eyes were squinted shut. a yummy pinkish red color on her cheeks. her nightgown was practically see through. She must’ve known because she wore a cloth bra-that barely contained her tits-and matching underwear. He remembered picking that nightgown.
She looked so fucking delicious.
“You don’t even know how sweet your pussy tastes. It can make a sane man mad. It made me mad.”
His fingers gradually picked up the pace over her clit—knowing her weakness. knowing her pleasure.
Her legs trembled. She gripped his shoulders, back arching but he gripped her hair to keep her on the bed.
She squirt all over him, her juices flying into the air. wetting his shirt, his jeans, the sheets, everything.
Her body trembled, convulsing as she felt her inner thighs get sticky from her mess. Her pussy throbbing from her release. He always knew how to make her feel so fucking good.
Her eyes fluttered open, breathless, as she looked up at him. He wasn’t smiling but the gleam in his eyes was enough. It was enough to make her feel like nothing but a doll just made for him.
She jerked when she felt his fingers slide into her pussy, feeling up her gummy insides. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, she was already so sensitive.
"Toru..” she gasped out.
He took his fingers out, watching her juice separate on his fingers as he spread them. He seemed lost, as if entranced.
“This… this makes me insane.”
He stuck both fingers in his mouth, cleanly licking her juices off them in one go before lowering himself to her pussy.
She tried to close her legs, “toru—wait!”
He buried his face between her legs, sucking her clit with the entirety of mouth—suctioning her clit perfectly with his tongue. sucking the resistance right outta her.
Her back arched against the bed as she cried out.
“nghhh!! toru-huuu-nghh” she was already so sensitive down there, god please, what is he doing?
He flicked at her clit with his tongue a few times before doing what he ultimately wanted. he lowered his face, burying his tongue into her wet cunt. She was a sopping wet mess down there. one that he couldn’t wait to fuck the sense into.
His tongue slid in and out of her, making her body jerk and tremble with her moans. She grabbed his hair, she couldn’t take it. something about his tongue always felt so fucking different—so fucking good.
She was throwing her head side to side, “toru! toru!! please, please!! enough!!”
He was licking her pussy like a madman. drinking her fucking juice straight from her cunt like he’d been thirsting for it all his life. She couldn’t deal with this. it was too much. 
Her legs shook as his tongue fucked into her, as if trying to taste all of her, all the way to inside of her soul.
She glanced down between her legs. at her hand in his soft white hair, at his eyes—glued to her pussy as if lost in a trance until suddenly, his eyes flickered upto her.
He lightly bit her clit.
She erupted. Her head flung back and her hands gripped his hair so tightly, refusing to let him go anywhere else. pleasure burst through her like a bomb had been ripped inside her body. she couldn’t breathe.
It didn’t help that he was licking up everything that poured out of her at lightspeed. as if he couldn’t let a drop go to waste. as if he had to drink it all to survive. she was already so sensitive now, this was too much—
she gathered as much strength as she could-despite feeling so weak-and managed to push his head back.
“stop, toru. stop.” she spoke in between gasps. she was dizzy from pleasure.
he finally sat up, in between her legs. the lower half of his face wet from her juices. he licked his lips before letting his tongue sweep around his mouth. he then wiped the lower half of his face with his hand, gathering her remaining wetness with it before licking it off his palm.
He didn’t break eye contact with her once. she shivered.
He grabbed the hem of his shirt, easily tossing it off before spreading her legs. She shivered once more, her legs looked so small compared to his large hands on her thighs. compared to his broad shoulders that he was lifting her legs on top of.
His hair was a mess from her fingers and that look in his eyes was anything but innocent. it was depraved.
“You still think i wanna cheat on you?” he asked, his voice cold.
She flinched when she felt his cock head touch her pussy lips.
“C-condom, toru,” she rasped out, her voice barely audible, “Condom.”
He hissed, as if annoyed that she remembered. or maybe at the fact that she was sane enough to.
He reached towards the nightstand, hastily grabbing a condom and tearing it open. He didn’t waste any time putting it on before spreading her legs once again.
He placed his cock atop her navel, looking in satisfaction as the tip of his cock went an inch past her belly button. He felt her shiver sensitively.
He glanced down at her flushed face, her trembling lips and that look in her eyes. that fear mixed with want. He knew she wanted it, no matter how much she denied it. She had to have. That face is begging for it.
He could feel her juices on his balls when he rested his cock on top of her like this. He couldn’t wait to see his cockhead bulge inside her tummy either.
He grabbed her throat, before slamming his cock into her in one brutal thrust. The weak sound that left her made his cock throb with the need to cum. Her eyes rolled into her head and he was grinning like a lunatic before losing all focus when her pussy squeezed the life out of him.
He glanced down at the little bulge in her tummy. groaning as he felt her delicious tiny walls restricting his cockhead. her walls curling around him as if it could suppress him from moving.
He touched the bulge at her tummy, he groaned as he felt his cock twitch. She suddenly grabbed his hand, “Toru, please—please-don’t be rough.”
He grabbed her wrist and pinned it to bed, fucking into her as mercilessly as he wanted. fuck, her pussy felt so good. so hot. so fucking wet.
She screamed as he spoke into her cheek, “You wouldn’t even know if i fucked another girl would you? You don’t even have my location on, you never asked.”
“nghhh—ngh-ngh!! toru!”
His thrusts were hard, fast and deep.
“You don’t even check my phone as much as i check yours. You barely question me.”
His pace picked up. She screamed. She was going to break.
Her nails dug into his arm, “stop! stop! it hurts—you're gonna break me.”
He gritted his teeth, delivering another round of merciless thrusts before finally slowing down. Her pulse fluttered rapidly in her throat. she could barely think.
“Maybe i should break you.” he whispered against her lips, he thrusted into her once. letting his cock hit her womb. She cried out.
“Maybe that’ll make you care about me.”
He ground the tip of his cock into her, making her wince.
Her neck arched in his hold, “toru…”
“ah,” his cock twitched as he stared down at her, “You sound so sweet.”
His hand tightened around her throat as he fucked another powerful thrust into her. She yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her.
“Maybe i stayed out later on purpose..”
He pulled out slightly, “Maybe I showered so you could get the wrong idea..”
He pulled out a little more,  “Maybe I sprayed shoko’s perfume to see if you even noticed.”
He slammed back into her, making her moan. She scratched at his arm while her other hand struggled against his grip on her wrist.
She shook her head back and forth as he began to deliver short fucks with most of his cock inside her. She felt his tip hit her deepest part inside, making her whimper and shake all over.
Her eyes fluttered opened, staring up at his focused expression, “Toru, please, please-“ her voice broke. she felt so full.
“Please what.” he snapped, his pace picking up, “You never get jealous, Ara, ever. Do you know how insane that makes me?”
His hips smacked into her with each thrust, “I get jealous when you talk to another man—when you stand near another man. Even when you look at another man—haah, I must be crazy.”
He was fucking into her feriously now. Her body shaking from the pressure of his fucks, her body getting buried deeper and deeper into the bed.
She writhed under him, her free hand pulling at his hair, “Toru—please! slow-slow down—nghhhh!”
He let go of her throat to grab her tits. squeezing it hard in his one hand. letting his fingers sink into the entirety of her perky yet soft breast.
He nipped at her throat, “Maybe you know I won’t cheat cuz of how obsessed I am.”
He suddenly squeezed her tit hard making her wince and look down at him. His blue eyes were hazy with lust.
“But i can’t be the only one obsessed.”
She screamed as he fucked her-impossibly-harder. her insides sqlueching with her juices as her cunt tried to keep up with him but in the end she gave out. the last thing she felt was his warm cum spurt inside of her. loads and loads of it, as his cock twitched within her depths.
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She sighed at the feeling of her hair being stroked before her eyes opened in a panic.
She was met with Satoru’s big ocean blue eyes staring back at her. He was lying right beside her, facing her while she lay chest-down on the bed.
“How do you feel?”
She moved to shift her legs but winced.
He smiled slightly, repeating her words, “Achey?”
She nodded.
“You want water?”
She nodded.
He sat up easily, reaching over to grab the glass from the nightstand and offering it to her.
She tried to sit up, only to immediately crumple back at the action. Her face pinched up in pain.
His eyes widened before setting the glass down, “S’okay baby, I got you.”
He propped his pillow up on the headboard and slowly pulled her up against him so that they were half sitting, half lying down.
He then handed her the glass. He watched her attempt to hold it but her hands shook—shook so badly she could barely hold the glass.
He slipped the glass out of her fingers. She sighed weakly, leaning into his shoulder.
“I’m-i’m thirsty.” she whispered.
“I know kitten.” he replied gently before taking a rather large sip of water himself.
He then held her chin and brought her lips to him and let her drink. She drank from him. It was absurd but his hand on her chin made her less shaky. Their lips on each others made her more stable.
He gave her a peck when she finished.
“More?” he asked.
She nodded.
They did it once more, his mouth holding the water for her to drink. Maybe she was in too much of a daze from their sex to even question it but god, water never tasted better.
But it didn’t end there.
Once the water was gone from his mouth it should’ve ended there but he couldn’t seem to let go of her lips. and neither could she. his hand on her chin keeping her lips to his as his tongue sweeped her mouth. a low groan leaving him.
She broke the kiss, breathless. Her hand coming to rest on his chest as she pushed him away slightly.
His arm slipped around her back, squeezing her hip as if to keep her close. He kissed her along her jaw.
“Just to keep the record straight, I didn’t stay out late on purpose.” he kissed her shoulder, “I did swim and shower and hug Shoko goodbye. I shoulda texted that I was gonna be out later but I didn't expect to, honest.”
She shifted beside him, silently letting him kiss her until he grabbed her chin and made her face him.
“Okay?” he asked.
“Yeah.” she sighed.
He scanned her before smiling faintly, “I love seeing you worry about me though.”
He reached over to squeeze one of her tits, making her shiver, “It makes me so hard.”
When she felt her nipple harden under his palm she glanced down at herself. Only to freeze when she saw she was naked under the sheets.
She looked over at him in a panic, “Why am i naked?”
He spoke from the crook of her neck, his hand still fondling her tit, “cuz we’re not done yet.”
He began to nip at her neck, she knew they’d be marks but that was the least of her worries. Her gaze dropped down to the tent in the blanket, right where his groin would be.
He suddenly pinched her nipple, making a low weak moan leave her lips.
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Ara wandered into one of the living rooms. this one had the best lighting in her opinion, perfect for reading. just as she walked towards the couch she froze.
“Oh!” it was Maid Marin, standing on the other side of the room with a vacuum beside her.
“I’m sorry to startle you, Miss.” Marin bowed her head slightly.
Ara waved her hand, “Oh no, you're good!”
“I’ll head on to another room-“
“No please, don’t worry about it.” Just as she turned around to bolt somewhere else, Marin quickly spoke.
“Please, miss, continue as you were. I just finished.”
Ara slowly turned around, belatedly noticing that the floor looked spotless. she’d thought marin was just about to get started.
“oh, um, thank you.”
Ara walked towards the couch, hesitantly getting comfortable on it before flipping through her book trying to find where she’d left off. She’d lost her bookmark for it.
Surprisingly a light laugh left marin, “You don’t have to try make my life easier you know, that’s my job.”
Ara immediately glanced up, confused.
Marin was looking at her rather fondly, “You leave your room the cleanest i’ve ever seen it. Do you put away his clothes as well?”
Ara blinked, belatedly realizing that… she did. but it wasn’t on purpose. It was because Gojo was an actual mess. He was terribly comfortable with tossing his clothes anywhere and misplacing random things after using it—which was the worst because she liked to keep things in a rather meticulous order at times. things had to be in a certain place.
Which was why his hastily tossed aside clothes in random corners of the room would not do. neither would his half-open drawers. or misplaced colognes or-god, i could really go on.
But she supposed the main reason for her minute attention to the room was because it felt ungrateful-it felt ungrateful to leave such a lavish space messy.
“Miss Natsuna?”
She snapped out of her thoughts, “Yes-um-please call me Ara.”
The maid shook her head gently, “That won’t do.”
Ara eyed her as unobtrusively as she could. This was nicest she’d ever seen Marin act with her. The older woman was usually reserved. She usually saw her in passing, as she did with the other maids or workers of the estate. But Marin was the one she interacted with the most and even that was seldom.
“I’d like you to know that i’m grateful. I’m grateful that you're here.”
Ara’s eyes widened.
“Sir gojo was barely home before you moved here but now he is here all the time. He seems so much brighter as well, more lively. He was always energetic since he was a boy but this is different. He’s so happy with you.”
She could tell the woman meant her words. Whether it be because of the care in her voice or the genuineness of her words-all she knew was that this maid really did care about Gojo.
“It’s all his Mother ever wanted for him, for him to be happy.”
Marin offered her a small smile-the first Ara had ever seen.
“I’m happy he met you.” she paused, “Please take good care of him.”
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Ara stabbed her sausage with a fork.
“So… Gojo’s birthday is coming up.”
Ara’s eyes flickered upto Millie across from her. “Is it?”
“Yeah!” millie responded indignantly, “You didn’t know?”
“Of course i know.” she responded, annoyance clear in her tone.
Idiot Haibara wouldn’t shut up about it. He was unnecessarily hype that it would be her first time attending Gojo’s bday bash. Apparently something ‘wild’ happens every year. When she asked him to give an example, she was told to ‘wait and see’ with the most goofiest smile on his face.
As if she couldn’t just ask Gojo herself.
Unfortunately she knew Haibara was right. In the previous years she remembered her fellow peers raving about his birthday parties in the following school days. Whether it be live singer or a yacht party, his bday party was the social event for these airheads.
She supposed she was one of the airheads now herself, since she was dating the biggest one.
“Well what are you gonna give him for his birthday?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know. What do you get someone who has everything?” Ara took a frustrated bite out of her sausage.
Millie placed her chin on her hand, “Hmm that’s true.” she squinted as if mulling over a few things but then dismissing them, “Damn, he really does have everything.”
“Thanks for the help.” Ara responded sarcastically before taking another bite from her sausage.
Millie eyed the sausage jealously. She’d devoured hers in two seconds. She loved how the school chef made them—suddenly her eyes widened.
“What?” Ara asked.
Millie smirked, her eyes glinting with excitement, “He technically doesn’t have everything..”
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Ara stepped out of the car feeling like a doll. Even though it was Gojo’s big day he’d rented out an entire spa and massage sesh for her and Millie cuz he could tell she was getting anxious.
Maybe because everyone was hyping Gojo’s birthday party up or maybe because it was the fact so many people were going to be there, her introvert self couldn't take it.
but after everything. hair. nails. makeup. outfit. all put together—& maybe some hits from Millie’s j. She felt more calm-ish.
It was saturday, the night of Gojo’s party even though his actual birthday was tomorrow. It was taking place at the estate. He’d considered throwing it at one of his family’s beach houses but Shoko declined the idea due to the fact that Geto apparently did that last year so they had to keep it different.
Apparently Gojo didn’t host events often at the estate-mainly for security/privacy reasons. His uncle also hated it but-according to him-his Uncle's opinion didn’t really matter.
The last time he’d thrown a birthday bash here was freshman year so he counted it as a full circle moment since they were seniors now. so they had to go all out.
Ijichi closed the car door behind her and handed her her mini bag. “Mis-“ he quickly shook his head, “Ara.”
She raised a brow, “Yes?”
“Y-you look beautiful.”
She smiled shyly, “Thank you, Ijichi.”
Suddenly Millie tapped her shoulder, “C’mon c’mon lets go.”
Music could already be heard from the estate even though it was rather early. She supposed it was never too early to start. the sun was bound to set soon.
Ara glanced back at Millie, who was smiling wide as she took in the view of the estate. The place that had homed Ara for the past few months.
“The fact that you live here… insane.”
Ara shook her head, “I’m nervous.”
Millie rubbed her back, “Don’t worry. don’t worry. No one’s here yet. We have time to chill. besides you know how to party so don’t be a party pooper now.” she teased.
Ara rolled her eyes, “thanks.”
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His friends were in the living room—chilling and smoking. It seemed everyone had gotten the memo to dress nice aka hot.
Shoko passed her cigarette to toji the second she saw ara. She ran upto her.
“Hey hey!”
Ara hugged her back.
“When did you get here?” Millie asked.
“Oh, we got here like twenty minutes ago. Where were you guys?”
“Still getting ready.” Ara answered.
“Well, it was worth it because ya’ll look-“ she bit her lower lip, making the dumbest face she’d ever seen.
Millie laughed while Ara shook her head, “Please stop.”
Shoko grinned, “Did you guys have anything to drink yet?”
Millie snapped her fingers, “Nope. Imma need that.”
Shoko gestured towards the table in the center of the living room, “Knock yourself out.”
Millie zipped straight where she pointed. Shoko then turned to her, “What about you?”
Ara was silent for a moment, examining the room. Toji sat on the couch, his feet crossed over another and propped on the coffee table before him. Haibara was on his right, blabbing about something passionately that Toji clearly could give two shits about.
Then there was Nanami sitting on the sofa across from them. He’d gotten a hair cut and-if Ara’s vision wasn’t impaired-he seemed to have filled out a bit. It suited him.
 “Where’s Gojo?”
“Oh him and Geto are upstairs. doing god knows what.” Shoko shook her head.
“Do you know how many people are coming?” she asked.
Shoko blinked, “Um.. no. Let’s just say this entire place is gonna be packed though.” she examined Ara with a raised brow, “What’s with you?”
“Nothing nothing. I’m just.. nervous.”
“What?! Why?”
Ara ran a hand though her perfectly done mermaid waves, “I don’t know.” she sighed.
“There’s got to be something.”
Ara straightened her posture, “I don’t know why.. I just feel this pressure in my-“ she gestured towards her stomach, “I can’t explain it.”
“Your anxious?”
“Yeah.” she sighed.
“You know, I think I know a cure.”
“Let me guess, a drink?”
“Damn,” Shoko grinned, “I'm predictable as hell aren’t I.”
Ara chuckled.
“Okay but listen, this drink is actually called ‘the cure’ and I invented it. All the girls love it, it’s fruity and yummy and it’ll prolly calm your nerves. Let me make it for you.”
“Don’t make it too strong please.”
“Of course, I got you.”
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“Uno!” Ara spoke a millisecond earlier than Toji.
His sexy green eyes narrowed but she didn’t miss the subtle curl of humor on his lips, “Ah-fuck you.”
He drew four cards from the pile.
She felt a slight nudge to her left and glanced down to see Nanami outstretching his fist towards her in silent commemoration. She smiled, fist bumping him back.
Nanami had already won the round so now her and Toji were fighting for 2nd place.
“Alright, your turn.” Toji grumbled.
She glanced down at the yellow card with the number 9 at the top of the pile. She bit her cheek to hide her smile before kissing her card and setting it down atop the pile.
A green nine was her last card.
Toji sucked his teeth before tossing his pile of cards on the table.
“This a damn scam.”
“You owe her 10k.” Nanami added monotonously.
He leaned forward in his seat adamantly, “The hell’s she gonna do with 10k? Gojo literally gets her Birkins every other week.”
“Are you really jealous of her gifts?” Nanami retorted, “Should she ask Gojo to get you one next?”
“ehH?” Toji’s ears turned red, “Hell no.”
Ara held back her laugh while arranging the cards on the table in a neat pile, “A deals a deal-“
Suddenly a hand clasped her shoulder and she looked up to see Millie with a bright smile on her face. She handed her a glass.
Ara hesitantly took it, looking at the pinky orange liquid within it, “What’s this?”
Millie patted her shoulder, “A gift from Dr.Shoko aka the cure.”
oh right. She’d forgotten about that.
Millie glanced over at Nanami, “By the way, she’s looking for you.”
“Where is she?” he asked.
“In the kitchen.”
“Which one?”
Millie’s eyes nearly popped out of her body, “There’s multiple?”
“Yes.” Ara, Nanami and Toji all replied at the same time.
Millie sucked her teeth, “Jesus. well, it’s the one with the blue marble countertops.”
“East wing.” Nanami muttered under his breath before getting up and leaving.
Millie quickly took his seat and held out her glass of the same drink.
“Cheers?” she asked Ara.
Ara could already tell by the glassy look in millie’s eyes that the girl had clearly got a head start with the drinks.
Ara sucked in deep breath, “We don’t need a chaser?”
Toji snorted, “For Shoko’s cure? Hell no. Shits sweet as hell.”
Millie rolled her eyes, “We get it, tough guy.”
He grinned at her.
Millie ignored him, facing Ara, “Nope you barely taste the alc in this, for real.” she held her glass up, “C’mon, c’mon.”
Ara held out her glass, a satisfying ‘clink!’ resounding from their glasses once they touched. They then linked arms and tilted their heads back, downing the drink in one go.
They set the glasses down in a fit of giggles.
Ara lightly dabbed at the corner of her lip with her fingertips, making sure none of it spilled or messed up her lipstick.
“That just tastes like juice.” Ara noted.
“Told ya.” Toji replied.
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If ara had been nervous before, she barely remembered what that felt like now. what had she even been worried about? people? ha. she barely noticed when the house began to gradually fill up.
The music was all she could focus on. It felt like it was connected to her veins. pumping through her body with each soundwave that blasted from the speakers.
She was dancing, moving her hips in ways she didn’t even know was possible. Millie wouldn’t stop laughing and it seems her laugh was too contagious cuz Ara couldn’t stop laughing either.
But suddenly, the song changed and she saw millie’s face turn serious. She grabbed Ara’s hand, leading her somewhere.
Millie climbed atop the pool table and pulled her up. She started yelling the lyrics, Ara handed her a pool stick as if it was a mic.
The surrounding people turned around, staring up at them and the next thing she knew people started to sing along, some people even started jumping. A few girls climbed on top of the pool table to join them as well.
Millie tossed the pool stick somewhere and started to dance with her. Ara only knew the chorus of the song so the second it started to play they both started pointing at each other and singing. (a/n: song is okay - by JT)
“I’m pretty than a motherfucker, hoes be lookin’ okay.”
“She think that she fuckin’ with me, is this bitch okay?”
“He said he ain’t fuckin’ round, i look at him like, okay?”
“I used to be down bad but now a bitch okay.”
Millie nearly tripped and Ara grabbed her shoulders, catching her just in time. They both gasped, staring at each other with wide eyes.
They both burst out laughing. In the midst of their laughter, they didn’t notice people cheering and making way for a certain individual.
No one other than the birthday boy himself, Gojo.
He stood a little distance away from the pool table, dapping a few people up as he passed before crossing his arms when he spotted her. A wide grin on his lips.
His vibrant eyes looked her up and down, before chewing at his lower lip and sighing.
She was wearing his favorite color on her. red—blood red. It looked so fucking good. Her dress hugged her waist so tight, those thin straps were barely holding in her yummy tits. He swore her skin glittered under the lights-and her hair, it looked so silky and wavy, swaying with each roll of her hips. She had to be a siren.
The thought of running his hands through those locks and wrapping it around his fist before spreading her glowy little legs. He wondered if her back was just as sparkly—haah. I need to calm down.
To say he was pent up wouldn’t cover it. He’d felt so utterly betrayed when she suggested that they hold off on sex before his birthday, just so he could cherish it more.
She’d suggested that he hold off for a week. Impossible. They broke that a day in. She should know he always cherished whenever they fucked. He never ran out of stamina with her and she knew it. He felt like this break was more for her than anything.
In the end he ended up only managing to hold out for two days, today being day two. He didn’t like it—not having her. Discipline wasn’t in his nature when it came to her. but-god-with the way she looked right now… mmm she better not expect to sleep tonight.
He felt an elbow jab his ribs and remembered himself. He glanced over at Geto.
“Get your shit together.”
Gojo grinned, uncrossing his arms to run a hand over his mouth, “I’m trying.”
Geto tilted his head, “Are you?”
“Gimme a sec.”
He deftly made his way towards her, standing in front of the pool table, right where she was. How distracted are you kitten? She barely looked away from Millie as they danced, enjoying the song to its fullest.
She looked so good, singing the words-word for word-fuck he was too impatient to wait. He wanted her eyes on him. She hadn’t even greeted him when she came back to the estate after getting dolled up all day.
His hand slid up her calf, immediately drawing her attention. She glanced down, her eyes instantly brightening.
The spark that ran up his spine was incomparable.
He stared up at her with a boyish grin, his hand sliding up along the back of her thigh and she leaned into him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He easily held her waist and placed her down in front of him.
He hummed, pressing her body to his by sliding his hands down her waist to her ass, squeezing her cheeks hard.
A small, sexy little yelp left her lips and he exhaled silently. She stared up at him, her hands on his chest, “Toru..” he heard the reproach in her tone until her gaze dropped to his lips.
She shook her head but he quickly cupped one side of her face. “Your lipstick..”
She smiled softly. Right. She’d gotten mad at him about that before. She tilted her head up, fully pressing her chest against his, “It’s waterproof.”
His lips crashed to hers, nearly swallowing her lips whole. The music silencing their sloppy, desperate sounds. Her hands grasped at his forearms and his hands squeezed her pretty waist. He could taste the alc on her tongue, it tasted fruity, sweet—
Her nails dug into his skin, pushing herself back.
“Toru..” she whined, resting her head on his chest.
He ran a hand down her hair before pressing his lips to the crown of her head. God, she’s so damn cute.
“Everytime I look at you i feel like the luckiest man in the world.” he muttered into her hair.
His hands found her hips, squeezing lightly as he looked down at her, “Do you know how good you look right now?”
She looked up at him, “I do.” she pressed her stomach to his groin to prove her point. His eyes widened. The action made his cock throb—painfully so. He’d been hard as a rock the second his eyes landed on her.
He grinned, “You wanna do something about it?”
She tilted her head, giving him a look.
“Fine, fine~” he pressed his forehead to hers, running a hand down her hair only to grasp her nape to drag her close. his lips her ear, “You can’t drink too much.”
He felt her hands on his chest waver, “I won’t.”
“You promise?”
She slipped her hands around his neck, pulling back to nudge her nose against his, “I promise.”
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He introduced her to a ton of people. She couldn’t possibly remember them all-but to her shock, Gojo was friends with so many nepobabies, celebrities and LA influencers, it was incredulous. she couldn’t believe they’ve never talked about it before.
She never thought in her life she would ever meet these people. and the fact that some of their classmates were talking to these celebrities as if they were friends… as if they’ve met them before. She couldn’t believe it.
Like genuinely in what world did Gojo know David Beckham’s son, Romeo? or Monica Bellucci’s daughter?
She’d done her best to remain as calm as possible whenever Gojo introduced her to these people. He loved saying it—“this my girlfriend, Ara.”
She was almost sick of hearing it so many times but she knew he ate it up. The little smile he gave her whenever he said it, he loved claiming her like this.
His arm was on her back, his hand resting low on her hip as he spoke to an actual prince-Prince Nikolai of Denmark to be exact. Then randomly, Vinnie Hacker joined their conversation. She felt like she was watching the mogging olympics. She couldn’t even focus on the conversation, merely laying her head on Gojo as she stared up at them talking.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm, prying her away from Gojo. She glanced over to see Shoko, “Come here.”
Gojo’s hand loosened on her hip, letting Shoko take her as he continued to converse. Ara slipped away, letting Shoko lead her to the corner of the room.
“How are you feeling?”
Ara slow blinked, “Um… I feel good.” The realization made a small smile spread across her lips.
“Really?” Shoko inquired, before running a hand through her hair, “Thank god.”
She tilted her head, “Why?”
“Because Millie came up to me and I don’t know if she was joking or not but she said she put ecstasy in your drink.”
Ara froze.
Shoko went on, “She said she only put a little-to ease your nerves or something but, still. I was hoping you knew… did she tell you?”
Ara answered with a simple, “Nope.”
“Oh god. Are you sure you're okay?”
She gave her a thumbs up.
Shoko raked a hand through her short hair again, “Are you sure?”
She grabbed Shoko’s arms, “I promise i’m okay, stop worryingg.”
Shoko stared at her smile for a second before nodding, “Alright, alright.”
Shoko reached out to fix one of Ara’s necklaces, “Isn’t your friend.. a little sus? Why would she not tell you that.”
Ara shrugged, high out of her mind, “Dunno, maybe she told me and I forgot.”
That was a lie. Ara would remember something like that.
Shoko shook her head, smiling slightly, “You’re a mess.”
Suddenly Mina showed up in all her blonde haired glory. Ara swore those big loose waves belonged in a Victoria Secret show. Mina grabbed ahold of both of their wrists.
She wriggled her brows, “Lets dance.”
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Ara was on the rooftop, dancing with girls she didn’t even know. Shoko knew them though.
It threw her off when some of the girls recognized her as Gojo’s girlfriend. She wondered if it had to do with Gojo’s socials. She didn’t really use social media much herself but she’d advised him against posting her too much. She wondered if he’d listened.
The breeze on the rooftop was perfect along with the sunset. The multicolored sky looked like something straight out of a landscape painting.
She walked away from the dancing girls, telling them she was going to get a drink but in reality she needed a break. She wandered to the farthest lounging chair and laid down.
She lay on her side, one leg over the other as she stared at the sky, letting the music and breeze waft over her.
She felt surreal. She didn’t want to ever stop feeling like this.
Suddenly she heard a familiar voice nearby, “Ara?”
She glanced over to see Geto hovering nearby. He bent down slightly, “Are you okay?”
She smiled a bit, “I’m great.”
“Yeah?” he sat on the seat beside her, sighing.
“Mhm, what about you?”
He scratched his brow with his thumb, “Fine, a bit… tired. Maybe I’m not drunk enough.”
She laughed lightly, “Maybe.”
“You drink enough?”
She nodded.
He set his drink down to light a cigarette. He offered her one but she shook her head. She watched him take a puff. The smokey air billowing upwards was the most interesting thing to watch.
She laid down more comfortably, adjusting her arm underneath her head. She stared at him. His black hair looked nice down. It ended a little past his shoulders. She was so used to seeing it up in a man bun that she didn’t realize how long his hair actually was.
She followed his gaze. He was looking at a girl, near their age. She swore she might’ve seen that girl on pinterest or something. Regardless, the girl was gorgeous.
“You should talk to her.” Ara suggested lightly.
His eyebrows raised slightly, “Oh no-no, she’s my friend. I’ve known her since i was little.”
She watched him lean back in his seat, raising his glass to his lips to take a sip. He gazed over the crowd uninterestedly.
“Why don’t you talk to any girls?”
He nearly spit his drink, “What?”
“I just..” her brows furrowed slightly, “I just realized I’ve never seen you talk to a girl at a party. like talk talk.”
He held her gaze for a moment, expression shocked before he hunched over in his seat, looking away.
“I’m not really good at talking to girls.”
She could see the tips of his ears reddening as he admitted this.
“No way.” she gasped out.
His eyes immediately flickered to her, “What?”
“So Gojo wasn’t lying? You’re a virgin?”
She watched color swiftly bloom along his cheeks, “He told you that?”
"I honestly don’t think that’s bad. I don’t see the big deal about losing your virginity by a certain time or age. It’s just unnecessary pressure. I was a virgin-“ she cut herself, suddenly thinking over her words.
“Um-“ she felt her face go warm, “-until-uh-“
He couldn’t seem to make eye contact, “Oh.”
She sat up, crossing one leg over the other. She adjusted the end of her mini dress.
“Anyway,” she muttered, “I don’t see the big deal. I just hope you lose it with someone you love.”
Her eyes widened as she processed her words. She felt Geto’s eyes boring into her.
“So you love him?”
She glanced over at him, unable to read his blank expression.
He offered her a small smile, “He’s been waiting to hear you say it, y’know.”
“He hasn’t said it.”
"He said he did.”
She blinked, belatedly remembering that he has. In fact, he’s said it multiple times-but he never pressured her to say it back.
Faint confusion etched her features, “He wants to hear me say it?”
“Who wouldn’t.”
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Fireworks sparked across the sky. the air was foggy with smoke. the scent of alcohol, sweat and expensive colognes and perfumes everywhere.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOJO SATORU!!!!” Haibara yelled atop his lungs into the mic after his spiel-that she could barely concentrate on-and countdown.
Gojo was laughing beside her, she playfully shoved him away. He shot her the handsomest smile as he stumbled backwards. He then faced the balcony, sharing his smile to the people below.
He easily climbed atop the balcony railing, standing on the ledge with just his two feet.
She felt like she was watching him slow motion when he slipped off his shirt. His built upper body visible to everyone. His protruding biceps, compact abs. The pool water somehow reflecting across his body, creating lines of light blue waves along his skin.
He shook his head, moving his floppy white hair out of his eyes before he blew a kiss to his fans by the pool below. He tugged at the belt of his jeans, grinning down as the party goers hooted and hollered. chanting his name.
She stared at him, looking at the shit eating grin on his face. She hated how attractive the expression was.
He tossed his Jean Paul Gaultier sunglasses off before jumping off the railing.
She watched in astonishment as he managed to curl into a ball and roll in the air a couple times before landing smack center in the pool. She swore she felt water droplets from where she stood on the rooftop.
She was gaping until his head emerged from the pool. He shook his hair out like a dog, laughing in his boisterous airy way. Several people jumped into the pool, his friends swarmed him.
She shook her head, glancing away when she felt something poke her arm. it was arden, one of Shoko’s friends. When ara glanced down she realized what had been poking her was the straw of a multi-colored fruity looking drink.
“It’s yours.” Arden offered.
“I think I’m good—“
Ara snatched it out of her hand and chugged it down.
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She laughed, shoving Millie back, “What the hell is with you?!”
Millie countered, “You feel better though, don’t you? don’t you?”
She paused before answering, “.. i do.”
They both made eye contact before breaking down in a fit of giggles.
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She bursted into one of the guest rooms to find a group of boys and girls hovered over in a loose circle. Her gaze then dropped to the tray between them and the lines of white powder on it.
“Ooops, my bad.”
She quickly slammed the door shut. her hand still on the handle as she kept her back to the door. standing in complete shock.
“What is it?”
Toji stood in front of her.
He gestured with a tilt of his chin towards the door behind her, “What’s in there?”
“You like coke?”
She let go of the door handle, “It’s all yours.”
Just as she walked around him, he grasped her wrist.
She raised a brow as she looked up at him.
“You took a line?” an undercurrent of shock and curiosity in his voice.
“Pft no.”
His eyes narrowed, a subtle grin on his lips, “Liar.”
She tried to tug her wrist away, “I didn’t.”
He let her wrist go, “You definitely took somethin’ ” he leaned in, “Your pupils are big.”
She touched her cheek, “They are?” she tried to recall reading about physical symptoms for MDMA use but couldn’t remember anything.
“Mhm.” he leaned back, “What’d you take?”
“Ecstasy… Millie said she crushed up a bit and put it in my drink. She said it would help me relax and it did.. but..”
She met his gaze, “She told me she only put a little.”
The corner of his lip curled ever so slightly, “I hope she did, for your sake.”
“Am i going to black out?”
He looked her up and down, “You don’t look like it. How do you feel?”
“I feel fine.. I feel like everything feels better.”
He smirked, “I bet.”
“Do you think i’m gonna be able to stay up all night?”
Confusion flickered across his features, “why…” a millisecond later realization made his thin brows instantly shoot up, a sly grin on his lips.
“Never mind.” she quickly spat out.
“You’re a good girlfriend.”
“Shut up.”
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Ara stood in the kitchen, scarfing down a slice of cake. It was delicious. the frosting was the best texture on the entire planet. holy grail.
The cake was a cute faded pastel blue color, the inside was made of three layers-moist chocolate cake, fluffy chocolate mousse and chocolate ganache. She wasn’t even that much of chocolate person but this tasted heavenly.
“dish is amazhing.” Some girl beside her spoke through her chewing. Ara had never met this girl in her life.
“it does.” she agreed.
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The floor pulsed with the bass of each word, each beat drop. Her heart pulsed along with it.
She was jumping so much her legs were sore. She danced with her hands on Millie’s shoulders. Millie? yes, Millie.
Millie was dancing too. her curls had loosened and appeared more mermaid-like than tightly curled. She looked like a doll.
Millie grabbed her hands and spun around with her. There were so many cheers, so many voices. everyone was so loud.
People danced in front of them, behind them. They somehow got tugged into a circle, hooting and hollering as girls and boys alike took the center space to dance. Some people were recording. Ara swore she’d seen some of the faces around her on tik tok or youtube.
Ara’s mouth dropped open when she watched a few girls slide into the center of the circle, showing off their moves in their skimpy outfits. Goddamn, they know how to dance.
She’d never seen so many people having so much fun at once. It almost felt like one of those antidepressant ads in real life–except it was real life.
Millie touched her cheek, “dance! dance! dance!” her voice echoed in her ears.
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Was music always this beautiful?
She felt hands on her waist and opened her eyes. It was dark, the sporadic neon flashes the only source of light but she could recognize the man in front of her anywhere.
His skin was poreless, smooth. Her hands touched his familiar abs.
His hand was in her hair, his other hand on her ass—keeping her groin against his. He was hard.
The neon lights flashed over his eyes and she swore they glittered—brighter than uncut diamonds.
His lips were on her neck, his lips were on her lips. his hand tugged her nape closer. His cock throbbed through his jeans, against the thin material of her dress.
She couldn’t stop his lips from moving over her own. She felt like she was gonna disappear in him and-oh she wanted to. yes she wanted to.
Her body needed something and he knew exactly what. She felt it in his hold, in the pressure of his lips against hers. She couldn’t think.
He pulled her legs up around his waist and she knew the party was behind them.
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a/n: fic continued in chapter 5 [ part 4 ] !!!!!
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Heya Kasey! If you wanna and have the time I was wondering if you have any tickle headcannons for hunter from the owl house? He’s such a silly and sweet lil goober and I wanna hear your thoughts if you have any? I hope you have a wonderful day! 💙🫂
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🌕🐺Hunter Tkl Headcanons🐦🌟
~Hi Pocky! Ehehehe I’ve been waiting for someone to request Hunter! The boyo’s of my favorite TOH scrimbles to wreck (*ᴗ͈ ˬ ᴗ͈ )ꕤ*. So yeah I’ve definitely got some thoughts- And thank you! May your day be filled with wonderful thoughts and lots of sweets! ♡ And to the anon, I included more teases than I usually would, just for you. Thanks for the requests!~
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I’m pretty sure the entire fandom can agree that he gives STRONG lee vibes.
He enjoys making his friends laugh sometimes, though, so I’m going heavy lee-leaning switch.
Can only say the t-word on rare occasions. More often than not, it’s adorable stuttering and blushes until you get the message.
With some proper motivation, he can admit that he likes it. It just flusters the hell out of him, so use this knowledge sparingly.
SUCH a cute lee, no question
He blushes like crazy, squirms and wriggles like a worm on a hook, squeaks and hiccups if you get him going, just- ‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
He gets in a lee mood pretty frequently, and sometimes asks for what he wants. Usually he’ll go to Willow for, but Luz and Gus are close runners-up.
When he can’t ask, he’ll try his very hardest to provoke or tease his friends into helping.
Sassing people, sitting with his arms behind his head, slouching just right so his shirt slides up, and if he’s really gutsy, poking their sides. With these goobers, it works nine times outta ten.
If you don’t wanna get kicked/elbowed in the face, I recommend pinning him. Squirmy flailer boyo
Worst spot is his ribs. Will squeal, snort, thrash and blush like it’s nobody’s business.
Melt spots are his scars. If it’s someone he trusts and is comfortable with, he loves gentle traces (and kisses from Willow ( ,,^ᴗ^,, )) Airy giggles, gets all sleepy. If he’s having problems falling asleep, some light scar tickles will knock him right out.
A soft ler for sure. He can go rougher, but he normally prefers not to.
It’s pretty easy to fluster him. Instant compliance, telling him to not stop/keep going, holding your arms up around him, asking him to do it over and over again-
Yeah, he’ll be a blushy boy in no time
He can tease though. It's a bit rare, but he tries.
"Oh, this tickles? Good, I was worried it wasn't working."
"You blush reeeeeeally hard when I squeeze here. It must tickle so much!"
"You've got a pretty cute laugh, ya know. Think I'll have to have you share more often..."
"I don't know why you don't like this adorable belly. It's so cute and squishy and ticklish; what's not to love?"
"You're squirming a lot, but you haven't told me to stop once. You like this a whole lot, don't you?"
"Hmm? Sorry, it's hard to understand you with all that giggling. Try again~"
This boy cannot ask to tickle anyone. Asking to receive is hard enough, but asking to give? Yeah, good luck-
Willow can normally pick up on his ler moods, and if she’s feeling it, she’ll offer her help
He’s super mindful of boundaries. Stops the moment you say to, checks in every once in a while to make sure you’re still having fun
Doesn’t normally pin unless you’re a massive squirmer. He doesn’t mind, just scared of pushing boundaries
Super loving aftercare. Sleepy cuddles and movies for sure. Hot chocolate, tea or coffee (whichever you prefer), and some fluffy blankets. Can give a pretty relaxing shoulder massage if you ask.
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leynaeithnea · 7 days
Just finished your beautiful beautiful very yummy and very angsty analysis of love in paradise ( maybe I shed a little tear here and there, maybe I didn't, you can't know that ) so I thought this would be right moment to leave you an ask for a gods game analysis maybe?? *stares at you with big brown eyes*
Last one of this saga!!!! Yayyy
Praying ill remember all the musical parts ive heard about but im sure theres so much hidden i forgot/didnt hear about yet
30. God Games
We open with a choir of course, because...gods! Athena decides to do something (finially)
“Father, God King” (athena asks daddy for help SIJGSEIG)
“Rarely do I ask for favors” being the good favorite daughter
“Now, I’m knocking on your door, with hopes to save a friendship with one who’s a prisoner far from home....Odysseus” I LOVE the melody of this part somehow??? especially how the drop before “odysseus”, ALSO SHE CALLS IT A FRIENDSHIP INFRONT OF ZEUS TOO
“Divine intervention, is that what you seek?” ........yes, bruh. Zeus dont fuck this up, u are decent enough in Homers Odyssey
“To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?” okay i had to google “apprehentions, and apperently it both means “arrest” and “concern/fear”...........to untie the arrest on Ody, and at the same time the concerns of Odysseus THATS GENIUS, Ive heard Homer does a lot of these double meanings of words in his Epics and IM SO HERE FOR IT, also “that Greek”, come on, dont use it as a slur >:)
“You are playing with thunder for a man full of shame”..................NOW WHO PUT THIS SHAME ON HIM YOU MF, YOU WHAT KIND OF SICK GAME IS THIS-
“But if he’s worth the risk of going under, why not make it a game?” Lukes vocal performance in this part is something else, like dude??? hello? youre a tenor SIEJGSEIGJ, its good, also WDYM GOING UNDER??? HUH??? ....yeah of course you make it a game, because everything is a game to you, because really, theres nothing and noone who poses a thread to you
“Convince each of them that he ought to be released, and I’ll release him” the slight echo effect in that voice.......fascinatinggg, wish i knew if the melody in this part had any meaning, gotta look it up
“Who’s them?” Athena god of wisdom asking about details before agreeing to deals *cough* Odysseus, learn from your friend
“Apollo” APPOLO MY GUY ehehehehee
“Hephaestus” okay, fair
“Ares”, yea yea imposing yada yada
“Hera” cant exclude his wife
“Or me” OR me, so its ALL of them, or him? bruh
“What do you say?” WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO SAY
“Great” ehehehehe apollo <3
“Very well” just doing it because
“Eh” shes so excited
“Alright” he IS excited
“Groovy”....ok? um...imma move on
“Bring it” of course she would choose all of them over Zeus, its Zeus, he just WANTS you to loose, bc hes the god king
“Apollo!” parrot
“You all know I’m a fan of catchy songs” god of music yada yada HIS VOICE
“so with so many sirens gone, I think Ody’s in the wrong”.........there are so many reasons to dislike Odysseus and you pick the SIRENS? .......did you just join for the fun and had no real reasons or did u get dragged there or-....but its ok, your voice is amazing, also IIRC it should be the melody of suffering??? of different beast??? i forgorrrr norrrr also Lyreeee in the background! ehehehe
“They were trying to do him worse, All he did was reimburse them Now they’ll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse” maybe the melody was in this part. also, yeah tell him athena, what kind of argument is that, they tried to kill him he just did what he had to--------admittely he was VERY cruel about it, but athena doesnt have to mention that, and well Ody probably protected even more sailors in the future through his actions
ALSO DONT COME AT ME WITH “but all the sirens are dead” THERE ARE MORE, theyre obviously not talking about the sirens Ody killed, its about all other Sirens out at see that woudlve seen the others dying after being brutally cut down by a human, they WILL be more cautious in the future
“If that’s true, release him”, yeah u really had nothing to argue against, he just shrugs it off LMAO
“Hephaestus!” Hefefuf ehehehe ALSO JORGES DAD YAY adorable, tho when first listened i rly thought it was Jorge with voice changer again THEY SOUND SO SIMILIAR
“Trust is not given, it’s forged”...true, valid argument, Also Scylla melody??? I THink?
“Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohort”......well....um.....he didnt rly have much of a CHOICE ....but its a more valid concern, the sounds that sound like a hammers in a forge sound cool btw
“Did you forget they failed to listen?”.........yeah literally
“He was betrayed and then imprisoned” IMPRISONED AH ODY, but yeah EXACTLY, the WIND BAG, THE MUTINY AH
“But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him” AND BUILD TRUST WITH THEM AGAIN AHHHHHHH yes. Hefefuf choose right.
“Fine, release him” good.
the music making it sound like steps in a game as you level up....fine, it sounds nice
“Aphrodite” seductive, i like it
“Your little high and mighty Odysseus” SHeS pissed, and does not like Ody you can hear the “high and mighty” in her voice :”) ouch
“Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart” LIKE HE HAD A CHOICE IN THE MATTER HE TRIED TO GET HOME SHE DIDNT HAVE TO JUMP
“He was busy fighting”, yeaaah
“More like busy spiting the cyclops”.........yeah okay we can get behin that this was stupid decision but it wasnt a rational decision either he just lost his best friend, THATS LOVE TOO; GIVE HIM SOME SLACK
“Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot” WHY U BE SO COLD HEARTED , i love the melody/music in this tho
“Wait, please reconsider this”, athena using quick thought on a goddess, intriguing! also shes begging her :tear: aw man
“Really Athena? These old tricks?” annoyed older brother breaking into quick thought to the rescuse of his lover, makes him likeable somehow, i love the delivery of this line
“Ares!” yeah shes pissed
“What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla Didn’t even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront” sorry that he didnt want to DIE dude??? i get your concern with straight forward, open combat but???? is dying on the battle field rly that much worse than wanting to come home COME ON, he wins, he is EFFECTIVE, are you jealous of his stragedies? HE GOT MENTORED BY ATHENA; OFC HE WILL CHOOSE THE SMART WAY OUT NOT THE QUICKEST-WAY-TO-DIE WAY OUT smh
“Pathetic and weak like his son” thats a low blow what is your issue with telemachus bro, the drums for ares makes sense
“Hold your tongue now His son’s my friend” awwww shes calling him a frienddddddd
“And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend” AHAHAH “tell your lover”, true true
“You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he’ll make everybody bleed” SEUHGSOUEGESH “if you let him back he’ll kill everyone” Ares: :D thats what i like to hear, Athenas piano playing again, as she fights Ares is fun too
“Ugh, release him”, what made them change their mind? Esp Aphrodite? was it Athenas concern for Telemachus? and for Ares athenas promise of bloodshed? maybe who knows
“Hey baby”.....okay, flirty? from Hera? alright, lets interpret it as motherly flirting
“Hera” how to hit those high notes
“So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail” NOW THAT is intersting, everyone else so far gave a reason NOT to release him, but now Hera asks her to give her one reason WHY he deserves to be released “dont tell me of all the sins he didnt commit, tell me of the virtue he holds” typa thing
“He’s got the mind of a genius”, fair, but there would be others
“Try harder”, encouraging, she doesnt rly want her to loose does she? she support it, she just wants to see if Athena is worth it, i do like this characterization (as long as i ignore the disco animatic, i know its Jorges creative freedom but my brain tries to refuse ANYTHING that would be a reference to modernity, let me live in the bliss of ignorance to pretend its a movie set in ancient greece x)
“He’s pretty skilled with words”, hes a lair, i love him for it
“You can do better than that”, ...yeah
“He’s kind of funny?” running out of reasons athena, also YOU THINK HES FUNNY? LMAO ur right, the odyssey is quite the commedy for anyone but odysseus (and a few others but yk)
“Eh” doesnt sound convinced heh
“Never once has he cheated on his wife” HA HA HAHAHAHAHA HA right thing to say to Hera
[also the whole debate about “did odysseus cheat or not” no. idc what anyone says. if anyone argues he INITALLY consented to Calypso: fine, its blurry in the narrative, anyone can choose how to interpret that as they wish, but Circe was bestowed upon him by Hermes (in the myth at least, in Epic there ofc very clearly refuses her, and she accepts him (hear that calypso? HEAR THAT CALYPSO)) and Calypso, at the very least later on turned VERY unconsensual. FOR SEVEN YEARS., but the “he liked her no more” could also mean she didnt like her as a person anymore after she saved him. its not 100% clear how the relationship started out, we just know how it ends rly, but given the historic context too, it might very well be that it wouldntve been considered as cheating, even if it was consensual, would hera consider it cheating bc she does so with Zeus? maybe, idk, i think the idea of Ody being (one of) the only greek hero(es) that doesnt cheat is one i like, he gets praised enough by homer for all his skills he might as well have the skill of being true to his wife, in EPIC we know that Ody refuses her from the beginning so whatever did or did not remain unnamed in Epic, would NOT be cheating,.........and anyone who mentions Odys proof for cheating being the telegony or any other later versions where suddenly children show up, and he offs penelope for cheating and telemachus marries circe, can kindly, do some more reading into the history of the text and how later authors added their own twists, we dont know if the odyssey from homer was the most well known version, i think, but its the one we consider canon now, and i rly refuse to believe that Ody coming home only to get a new wife]
“Release him” the side glace Zeus mustve gotten LMAO
...ok angry zeus choir again, rly?
“I’ve played your game and won”, she did, fair and square
“Release him” you better
“You dare to defy me?”, what happend to your voice zeus? also....are you pissed that she called you out on cheating? bro, ur just pissed that she choose everyone else over you, grow up zeus
“To make me feel shame?” shame about loosing the game or shame for the humiliation about cheating, mhh
“No one beats me, no one wins my game!”, sounds like my 3rd brother, but hes at least cute when hes throwing a fit about a game having rules
“Thunder, bring her through the wringer Show her I’m the judgement call The one who makes her kingdom fall! ”.your voice is getting worse btw, but...are we talking about pride still? Athenas pride? or is “her” just Athena now? mhhhh, Odysseus DID call her “selfish, prideful and vain”, so maybe it does refer to her pride, she DID Have a character arc tho >:) unlike zeus, hes just an ass, also he gets a choir background for this? intersting,
NOW HE THROWS LIGHTING AT HER??? thats intense, i was gasping when i saw, night sound design
“Is she dead?”, he does sound concerned, is it bc big brother energy or bc athena was zeus favorite child? or do they know how Zeus fucked up just now? hah..ha
the flashes you can hear in the music....aaaah
IS SO BEAUTIFUL ITS SO GOOD THE WAY “WARRIOR OF THE MIND” AND TELEMACHUS LULLABY AND LEGENDARY BLEND TOGETHER AND BECOME “ATHENAS FINIAL STAND” (as its supposedly called) ITS SO GOOD i ah i like this part the most of the song, together with apollos voice aseghsegij Aphrodite is fine too :) and "rly athena; these old tricks"
AlSO her having a flashback to Ody giving her Telemachus to hold after his birth, PLS??? Thats so vulnerableeeeee aaaaaaaaah yeah, yea that was good
“Let him go, please, Let him go”, she reaches out to Zeus, as her light dims and she begs him to let Ody go, nothing left of the selfish and prideful goddess, she was selfless- sacrifcing herself and ler go of her pride to beg to Zeus to let him go, who stops as he grabs to throw another lighting, in shocked realization of what he has done.
The song fades out. And we are left to wonder if Athena is ded or not
now initially i rly thought Jorge killed a goddess
by now im more hopeful that she isnt dead (im hoping for that, mostly for the fun of sticking to the source material of Athenas help in the last chapter(s) of the story)
im still doubting a bit. the chance is there that she is, infact, dead, but i dont know how that would impact the narrative-,...i suppose we’ll see, either in the vengence saga, or at the lastest in the ithica saga x)
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gigglz · 1 year
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(Strictly PLATONIC!! This is a tickle fic.)
Quick, short fic. I LOVE THEM AAAAH
Miles was told he had to train his stealth a bit, kindly saying he wasn't good at it… at all.
His goal according to Peter B. Parker was to successfully scare at least 5 people. Gwen, Pavitr, Peter B. Parker himself, which would be harder considering he was the one giving him the task, Hobie and Jessica. Miles had already scared 3. Gwen, Pavitr, and Jessica. Even for only 3 people it took around 7 tries, since they were all spiderpeople.
He thought for a second. “Hmm. Maybe i should go for Peter next, but then again that would take the longest. I should probably go for the one that doesn’t know what im doing. Hobie. Yeah! Easy enough.”
He spent a good half an hour trying to find him. Turns out he was in some sort of lab… stealing? Of course.
He crawled on the ceiling, invisible of course. Being extra careful to not make a sound.
Hobie was looking around the lab for random parts he could easily fit in his pockets, humming some tune.
Miles was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
“How long ya gonna wait for?” Hobie suddenly spoke, startling Miles.
Miles wasn’t sure he was talking to him, so he stayed quiet.
“Aye, Miles. Im talking to ya.” Hobie chuckled and looked up, straight at Miles.
“Aw, man…” Miles let out a sigh and jumped down. “How did you know i was there?”
Hobie looked at him. “I knew the moment you arrived, you’re not very good at being sneaky ya know.”
Miles let out a groan. “Yeah…“
“Aye cheer up, bruv. No need to be down in the dumps about it.” Hobie smiled.
Miles looked at him confused “what?”
“Anyways what’re ya trying to do?” Hobie asked while putting something in his pocket again.
“Oh its just- wait, no. Im not gonna tell you.” Miles almost slipped up, it would be so much harder to do if Hobie knew.
“Awe c’mon tell me.” Hobie tapped his shoulder with his fist playfully. “Is it top secret?” He joked.
“Yes, yes it is!” Miles exclaimed.
“Well now i want to know even more, c’mon Miles, were mates! You can tell me.” Hobie leaned against a table, now very eager to know.
“No, no. Not telling you, sorry!” Miles turned to walk away, cause he knew he was eventually gonna tell him if he stayed.
“So ya wanna play like that, do ya? Alright.” Hobie shrugged getting up from the table, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“What does that mean?” Miles stopped, suddenly feeling nervous.
“Oh nothin’… unless you wanna tell me?” Hobie grinned.
“Wha- no. No way, forget it!” Miles waved his hands at him.
“Alright, alright. Go then. Didn’t wanna know anyway.” Hobie turned away, walking back to the table.
Miles sighed, “thank god.” He started walking to the door, he was gonna try again a bit later.
But before he could leave Hobie spoke up, somehow right behind him. “This is how ya sneak up on people.”
Suddenly Miles felt two hands on his sides. “waitwaitWAIT HOBIE- ACK!” Hobie started wiggling his fingers into the younger boys sides.
“Ya wanna tell me now?” Hobie laughed mischievously.
“nohoho AHAH HOBIEHEHE!” Miles yelped as Hobie switched to tickling his ribs. His legs buckled and he fell to the floor, Hobie catching him.
“Woah, mate. Ticklish much?” Hobie put him on the floor, and switched to his sides again to prevent Miles from getting used to the feeling. “Y’know I can keep this up for as long as i need.” Hobie teased.
“Ehehehe Hobihie nahahAHAH” Miles squirmed, weakly trying to fight him back. “STAHAHAP NAHAHAAA”
“So ya wanna tell me yet? Or do i need to keep going?” Hobie chuckled with miles.
“ihim nohohot telling yohoHOU NOHOO” Miles threw his head back and kicked his feet.
“Well if you insist, I’m having fun so i dont plan on stopping any time soon. Hey, yer hips ticklish?” Hobie didnt wait for an asnwer and went for his hips.
Miles SCREAMED. “NAHAA OHO MAHAHAI GAHAHAD HOBIHIE NOHOOH AGHAHA” Miles bucked and shook his head frantically. Trying to pry Hobies hands off of his hips.
“I guess they are, dont try to fight me, only way ill stop is if you tell me!” He pressed his hands into Miles’ hips a little stronger, laughing with him.
“OHOKAY OKAHAHAY JUST STOHOHAHAHA-“ Miles could barely speak, it tickled so bad.
As promised Hobie stopped as soon as Miles told him to. “Alright, spill it. Unless you want to go for round 2? I wouldn’t mind.” He smirked.
“im good, ihim gohohood.” Miles was still giggling.
“So?” Hobie looked at him intrigued.
“Ihits just some stupid task Peter gave me, apparently im not stealthy enough. So i have to scare 5 people, you were one of them.” Miles held his sides, trying to get rid of the ghost tickles.
“Ohoh! So thats what it is! I have to agree with Parker here.” He chuckled.
Miles groaned, he knew Hobie was right.
“Better luck next time, bruv! Just watch your back. Maybe ill be the one sneaking up on you, aye?” He teased Miles as he helped him up to his feet.
Miles chuckled, a little embarrassed.
“Alright, alright. I will.” Miles said as he wiped his shoulder to get a little dust off of it.
“I suggest catching them in an environment where its not so silent, like here.” Hobie pointed around the lab.
“Ah, yeah. You're right.” Miles chuckled.
“Alright go, get Peter first, then come back to me. Always stay alert.” Hobie wiggled his fingers at Miles, chuckling.
Miles cringed a little, shook his head and turned to leave, yeah, no he definitely was gonna go for Peter next.
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nimbusghoul · 1 year
"Long Distance Phone Sex" with Copia? eheheh
This was gonna be a really fast write but then i decided to take my time with it!! it genuinely turned out a lot better than i expected…
Prompt - Copia Emeritus
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Copia was always very easy to tease, especially in public settings. So when it came to being away from him during tours, It was so easy to have him all flustered and needy because he couldn’t get to you when he needed you.
Sending him nudes and sexts, and when he had free time to look he would leave you on read for a couple minutes, most likely trying to calm down his pathetic needy brain, being away from you for so long was hard, especially for him
‘Why must you do this to me when I cannot reach you?’
‘May I call you, Dolcezza?’
‘Ofc, Papa<3’
In the blink of an eye, his name popped at the top of your screen with an incoming call, you picked up, laying on your back under the covers as you put the phone up to your ear
“Amore, you know what happens now that you’ve got me all hot and bothered, no?”
“Of course, it’s my favorite part. It’s why I do it in the first place.”
You heard a sigh from the other end the closing and locking of a door “I presume you are alone? I do not think you would do this to me with others around, but maybe that’s just hopeful thinking.” He said, laying down on the bed in the hotel room he had for himself, as the ghouls enjoyed cuddle piling alone.
“Of course i’m alone, you think i would put you in a situation where you’d have to handle this yourself? I’m not that cruel.” You said, rolling over on the bed just a bit “So how you wanna go about your issue, Papa?”
“Well, I-I don’t believe we’ve ever had…Phone Sex? I believe that’s what it’s called..” He said, stuttering a bit. His pathetic awkwardness was always the best part about teasing him, he was so damn easy to fluster.
“Well, you’re right, but is that what you wanna do?” You asked, trying to be sure that he was actually willing to do something so erotic with the thin walls surrounding him.
He was quiet, but only for a bit “Sí, Amore. I want to hear you touch yourself.” He said huskily, the small rasp in his voice sending a shiver down your spine
You felt your heart jump when he let out a small weak laugh “I wish I could be with you, Amore. I would want nothing more than to kiss you all over until my lips are sore, I hate to say I am glad we will be home in a couple days. You are my great temptation, any longer without you and I would lose my head. When I get home, I promise I will make up for all of the lost time, and perhaps if you push me in the right direction, lost touch as well.” He said, his small smile clear in his voice.
“Even when you’re rock hard you’re romantic, huh? You’re so cute.” You said, gently opening your bedside drawer and pulling out your wireless bullet vibe
“Ah- mmm…Dolcezza…” You heard his breath hitch a bit, a small chuckle coming from him “Is it alright if I wish to be a bit impatient?”
“Of course, Copia. I’ve been teasing you slowly for a while now. Do you still have your pants on?”
“To my dismay, yes.”
“Aww, you poor baby. If you need it that bad, you know you can always start whenever you’d like”
“I wanted to wait for you, Amore.”
“mmm that’s sweet, always so thoughtful, even when i’m teasing you to death.”
“Mmm, only for you. But I have to get these off, I do not think I can wait, scusi.(sorry)” You heard the unzipping and then a large sigh come from the other end.
“I assume you’re already leaking for me, honey?”
“Hah, very much so, I will have to make sure i put some soap on the stain to get it out when I do laundry.” He chuckled lightly, you then heard the small sigh he made as he gently slipped his pants off
“Copia~, Don’t worry about things like that right now, I wanna make this fun, tell me what to do.” You said, giggling slightly as you heard him stammer a bit
“Hmm…Well, I don’t want to punish you too much, but I do want to tease you fairly.”
“Fair enough, start with one slow finger?”
“You know me too well, it’s like you read my mind”
His statement made you giggle, you slowly inserted a finger inside, your folds overflowing with your arousal already, you let out a gentle moan, not realizing how sensitive you were already, the teasing must’ve excited you more than you thought
“You sound beautiful, Dolcezza”
“Don’t flatter me yet, we haven’t even gotten started.” You said, smiling gently, letting out hot breaths as you gently dragged the tip of your finger up and down your folds, you heard a slight groan of satisfaction, his gentle panting carrying through the phone
“Go on and add another finger, I want you to make more of those beautiful noises, I cannot get enough of the sounds you make, Dolcezza.”
“Yes, Papa.” you said, your voice shaking lightly as you put another finger in, you felt yourself tighten every time he made a noise, as if begging to squeeze around his cock.
“Give your clit some attention, Amore.” He said, panting lightly through the phone accompanied by groans and hisses of pleasure “you have no clue how hard that text got me, you are lucky that we were sitting down or i would’ve been humiliated.”
you moaned gently, fingering yourself to the sound of his voice and the images conjuring in your mind “isn’t that the fun part of it? The thrill? it’s like less taboo exhibitionism.”
“I cannot wait to get home and get to feel your beautiful body up and down, and make sure you haven’t forgotten how much you mean to me, and how much you belong to me. I am aching to finger you roughly until you orgasm over and over, mi amore. To fuck you raw until you can’t make out words. I think next time you should come with me, so i don’t have to ache for you like this. So i can punish you in ways you deserve for teasing me so much. I long to see those pretty lips of yours wrapped around me, and soon I shall get those. Just a couple more days and i will be with you. But for now, I want you to rub your clit while you finger your cunt recklessly, push yourself to the edge for me.”
You did as he told, setting the phone down on the pillow next to your ear to use both hands, moans and whimpers leaving you as you imagined your own digits were his, his pale, boney knuckles hitting just right.
You curled your fingers inside, hitting that special spot that he would tease when he got the chance. He wasn’t about speed, how fast you can reach your release, he was about making it feel as good as possible, he was a very passionate person, even now, so far away.
Hearing him stroking his cock because of something you sent him, the things you said and the memories & thoughts of you, it only made you more excited, rubbing circles around your clit while you fingered yourself to the sound of his voice
You felt yourself tighten, making you feel needy, you sped up slightly, chasing that release you’ve just barely caught a glimpse of.
“Papa…i’m getting really close, is it okay if I cum?”
“Of course, i am close as well, we shall do it together, mi amore.”
Your legs shook as you drew closer and closer to the edge, letting out a whine-like moan that was a tad louder than you had expected as you finger fucked yourself through you orgasm, listening to his slightly choked moan as his release followed quickly after yours,slowly coming down from your high, feeling a big giddy, you gently removed your fingers, going to wipe them off when you heard him speak again
“Dolcezza, Taste yourself for me.”
The request was a little sudden but you obliged
“yes, papa.”
you said as you gently slipped your digits into your mouth, doing simply as he asked, then once your fingers were licked clean you gently wiped them off on a towel, clearing the saliva to pick up your phone
“Well, did i finish what i started?”
you said, with a small giggle as the post-orgasm giddiness bubbled up inside, causing a small chuckle from your other half on the other side of the phone
“Yes, amore, you definitely satiated the hunger that you caused, but i do still miss you. I cannot wait to be home, even just to cuddle. I hope you expect me to be a bit ah…clingy.. when i return to you.”
“Maybe it’s what i’m hoping for?”
you said with another small giggle, causing another chuckle from him on the other end
“I love you so much, Tesoro.”
“I love you too. I can’t wait to see you. Get some good rest after that, okay?”
“Of course. I will call you when I find the time in the morning. Goodnight.”
“Night Night.”
The call ended and you gently put your phone on charge and slipped on some clean clothes, jumping back into bed and curling up in the covers, and gently drifted off to sleep, excited for the day in which Copia would return to the ministry.
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Another one done!💚💚
so happy with this one actually
but i will get a word count on both fics!!
i’m also working on my master list rn like i’m working on SO much rn
pls send me some more asks so i can stay occupied during vacation 💚
if you liked this pls reblog and follow!! i post more like this!!💚💚
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hi! I hope I don’t bother you with a TADC request, but can I have a platonic reader x kinger, gangle and caine with a reader who’s a curios detective and sees the circus as one big mystery to solve so they’re always interviewing the others? Thank you and happy New Years!
Kinger, Gangle, and Caine x detective!reader!
eheheh happy new you to you too, anon!! i hope the new year treats you well! i hope you enjoy this! had a real fun idea for caine and theres likely a chance he may or may not have outshined the other two SOBS
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honestly i think he might play into it a little too much... do i think he would tell you EVERYTHING he knows about the circus and its secrets? oh definitely not! otherwise whats the point of letting you play detective? but i do think he might lead you on a few searches and clues, whether all of these will lead to any valuble info is debatable, though.... i do think he would tell you SOME stuff... just not all... hmm... maybe he even tags along with you while youre trying to find clues for an escape, like a weird sidekick, you know! when you take him to the side to be interogatted i think he really puts on a show for you; but he cant quite seem to dedicate himself to one role... does he blabber on about how he doesnt know anything? or will he commit to stonewalling? really it kind of leaves your head spinning and he thoroughly enjoys it
a little clueless... i mean yeah hes willing to tell you everything he knows... but a lot of the stuff hes going to tell you is going to be stories about some of the former and current circus members as well as some old in house adventures.. you might have to remind him every now and then to get back on track because he might get carried away with telling a story. might tag along with you if you decide to go snooping around for some information, but i think he more so does this out of curiosity than anything! does lend a hand with trying to solve some smaller mysteries that you come across along the way; usually theyre inner conflicts with the other circus members.... usually they involve jax being an ass... but hey, it keeps you busy and gives you something to do other than sitting and losing your marbles! not the best partner, though, if the pilot anything is to go by... though he does look like the type of character to randomly remember a really obscure detail.. like a lil gag or something
definitely clams up when you try to get some clues and other stuff out of her... not that shes guilty of anything, no no its not that... but you might just come off as a little intense depending on how youre going about trying to draw information out of her! shes sensitive! occasionally tags along when youre looking for things, kind of out of a mix of curiosity and worry me thinks... what are you doing, exactly? honestly i can kind of see you utilizing her for info, in a weird way. shes quiet and tends to stick to herself so she might be able to sneak around and be able to soak up information from others as they talk. kind of fades into the background... kind of sad, actually, and that might actually lead to some conflict between the two of you depending on how you go about asking her for help in that way; sometimes makes her feel used... hmmm... generally does not help you unless asked, though, as she wishes to stay out of the way fearing that shes going to gum something up, you know?
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
Master list because I feel it's ABOUT TIME-
Some stuff!! >:3
My name is Passive (obviously not my real name lol-) you can call me Passive / Night / any variation of Nightmare or Passive really :3
My new platonic spouse is @caretaleandotherstuff (You can't run Care. You said you would cosplay with me)
My (super cool) pronouns are She/they/it/we !!
My main focus is obviously Utmv! And that's mostly what I'll be posting!! >:3 my second account for headcanons is @nighty-learnedhowtotalk !! And da Discord server is https://discord.gg/uEpmC7n2
Heres the undercut!
Pr0shipp3rs, Z0ophil3s, p3d0s, you know the usual other gross stuff :(
Stuff I won't do >_<
Before hand I want you to know I am a minor so that's some of the reasons I can't do these
Any asks for money, Nsfw things, commissions (though I doubt you'd like any lol-), any really personal asks, and any hate comments or asks will be publicly made fun of or deleted =)
AUs I have!!
Hehehehhehe I've never talked about my AUs BUT YOU CAN GLADY ASK ABOUT THEM tehehheeh
I have a multiverse royal based AU that's centered around the Dreamtale brothers because they're obviously my favs <333 (it's still in the works and has no name-🥲)
And I have an another royal based AU- (I have too many ides you don't even know dude-)
Ehehehe this one is just Passive Nightmare being extremely feral >:)
New au THAT FINALLY GOT A NAME- It's called Radio wave verse! Or RW!Verse >:)
Its set after a Radioactive explosion of some sort post-apocalyptic thing y'know? Anyways I actually have stuff on this....
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Concept art 1 & art 2
Discord link!!
https://discord.gg/uEpmC7n2 !!!
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Last updated Aug 3rd, 2024
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