#what a happy family! i sure hope nothing bad happens in the upcoming chapters that will have horrible repercussions for everyone involved!
purble-gaymer · 10 months
*desperately searching for references* guinevere metamorphosed NOW!!!! (and various other things about the pendragon family)
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everyone go read horrific demises by @camachine arthur isn’t a terrible person in this one (but the ones where he sucks are also good)
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 5
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: implied smut, angst is back
The next 2 weeks were amazing. Bucky really turned everything around and showed you that he was committed to you. It made you feel so much better. While you felt bad that he now completely avoided Dot, because she is still out of place, you didn’t feel that bad because you knew she was bad news. Whenever she saw you and Bucky together she would scoff and glare at you. It made you uncomfortable.
One day the whole Avengers team was called into a meeting to discuss an upcoming mission. Per Steve and Tony, everyone, except you, were needed. You didn’t like the thought of staying behind with Dot in the compound, but you were a team player, and wouldn’t argue. Bucky on the other hand let Steve have it with both barrels.
“Steve you know the situation with Dot. Can’t someone else stay behind?” he said to Steve.
Steve sighed, “Yes, I know this will be difficult, but everyone else is needed for their skill. Y/N’s skills aren’t needed on this mission. She agreed, so why are you fighting me on this?” Steve argued back.
“Of course Y/N won’t fight this, but I am trying to protect her from Dot. You remember how vicious Dot can be, and I don’t want her to upset Y/N when we just started to get back on track,” Bucky said.
“Look Buck, I get it. I do. But this is how it is. The compound is big enough that Y/N won’t need to be anywhere near Dot. By the way, when are you going to tell her that she needs to start looking for employment and another living situation. She makes everyone uncomfortable. Even Tony is starting to get annoyed at all her questions about FRIDAY, and he loves showing people how smart he is,” Steve asked.
“I-I don’t know. I mean I know I have to do it, especially after what she’s pulled, but I still feel bad for her. I mean she didn’t ask for this to happen, and doesn’t deserve to be thrown out on her ass, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I’ll talk to Y/N about it and see if she has any ideas. Maybe if we help setting her up I will feel better about it,” Bucky said.
“Yea, I know. Let me know if you need help. But we gotta get packed and head to the quinjet. And please don’t worry about Y/N. Your girl is strong, and she knows how Dot is. She will be fine. Besides, we are only gone for like 24 hours, what could happen?” Steve asked.
Bucky didn’t respond and watched as Steve walked out of the meeting room. He ran his hands through his hair, what could happen? He hoped nothing, but he didn’t trust Dot. It’s funny the way she is acting now didn’t bother him when he was in the 40s, but now, because of you, he sees that she is not as great as he thought.
Bucky sighs and heads to your shared room to find you packing his bag for him. He smiles as he walks in, “Hey baby,” he says.
You look up at him and give him a bashful smile, “Figured I would help you out,” you said.
Bucky walks up to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace. He looks into your eyes, and all you see is love and admiration in them. He leans in and connects his soft lips with yours. After a moment he deepens the kiss and you feel his tongue on your lower lip. You open you mouth in response, allowing him full access. When the need to breath becomes too great you pull away, panting.
“You’re only going to be gone a day,” you say with a chuckle.
Bucky also laughs, “Will you be ok? Here? With... her?” he asks.
You brush your hand through his soft hair, “Yea. I’ll stay clear of her as much as I can. But I’ll be ok,” you say.
Bucky pecks your lips again. “When I come home, I was wondering if you could help me with something,” he asks.
You look at him with confusion, “Like what?” you ask.
“I think it’s time for Dot to go off on her own, but I don’t want to just kick her out and make her fend for herself. I was thinking you could help me find her a job and a place to live? I would just feel better if I know I wasn’t kicking her out with nowhere to go,” he asks.
You smile and nod, “Sure. I’ll be glad to help. I’ll start while you’re gone,” you say. 
Bucky kisses you one more time, “I’ll be back tomorrow. I love you, Doll,” he says.
“I love you too, Buck.”
You have to say you are surprised when you find yourself not running into Dot at all. It’s almost like she doesn’t want to be near you either, which is fine. She has spent most of the last 24 hours in the lab, while you stayed in your room looking up possible jobs and apartment for her. 
You thought it was nice of Bucky to at least help set her up and not throw her to the wolves. It was something you admired about Bucky, his big heart. You both have been texting before the mission, but since then you haven’t heard from him. You hope everything is ok. 
“FRIDAY, any update on the team?” you ask the AI.
“No agent, I’m sorry,” she responds.
You decide to take a nap in hopes that when you wake up your boyfriend will be home. You want your family home safe and sound.
You woke up to the sounds of the team in the hallway. You walk out and see Nat and Wanda and hug them hello. You head toward the common room hoping to see the guys, but don’t. You walk back toward the elevator and heard something from Dot’s room.
“Oh Dot, I’ve missed you so much, Doll,” you hear Bucky moan.
You gasp in horror as you continue listening to Dot moan and beg for Bucky to go harder. You can’t help the tears that begin to fall as you hear your boyfriend and his ex having sex.
“So good baby, you’re so good. Taking me so well, you feel amazing. No one is like you, I love you so much,” Bucky moaned.
You’ve heard enough and turn, running back to your shared room. You can’t be near him when he comes in pretending he didn’t just fuck his ex. Your heart is in a million pieces as his voice continues to play in your head. All you hear is her and his moans and his words. He loves her. It will always be her. Maybe you just need to learn to accept that.
“Buck, I think you should have told Y/N you got hurt. She is going to be worried about you,” Steve scolded.
“Look, I know my girl. She will be mad at first, but then she will nurse me back to health. I will have to convince her to ride me later, but it will be so worth it,” Bucky says with a smirk as the doctor continues to pull out shards of shrapnel from his side.
“Seriously man? TMI!” Sam complained before leaving Medbay.
Bucky laughed and then hissed as the doctor pulled another shard out. “How much longer? I don’t want Y/N to think I’m dead if she knows we are back,” Bucky asked the doctor.
“One more piece... and....” she pulls the large piece out, “There! Now I will quickly clean and bandage. no stitches cause you will heal fast, but please no sex tonight. You might bleed all over her,” the doctor said with a glare.
Bucky and Steve laugh. “Oh I talked to Y/N about helping me out with Dot and she agreed. I figured it was best to have her involved with that situation from now on,” Bucky says to Steve as the doctor cleans and bandages his side.
“Good idea, less messy that way. I hope everything went well here with the 2 of them,” Steve says.
“I’ll find out,” Bucky says as he puts his shirt on. 
Both men walk to the elevator and head to their floor. They say their goodbyes in the hall as Bucky opens the door to your shared apartment. You aren’t in there, which confuses him, but he figures maybe you went to the kitchen.
When he walks into the bathroom he senses something is wrong. None of your toiletries are there. It was different from when you cleaned, plus his was still there. He walks back out to your room and sees that everything on your nightstand is gone too. Now he starts to panic as he goes to the closet and sees that all your clothes are gone. He tries to not have a panic attack because that will slow him down. He goes to head to the door and sees a piece of paper on the floor:
I guess I’m the stupid one. I’m stupid to think that everything you said to me was true. I was stupid to think that I could compete with your one true love. I was stupid to think that you really loved me. Well I won’t be stupid anymore. No need to lie and say what I heard isn’t true. I hope you and Dot are very happy together in your new apartment, but I’m done. Have a nice life.
Bucky dropped the letter and fell to his knees as tears pool down his cheeks. What the hell happened that you up and left him? You are angry with him, and he doesn’t understand why. He allows himself to cry for a moment before rereading it.
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
Oh Dot you dirty bitch! Feedback is appreciated.
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jeonqqin · 4 years
man up. [m] | pt.4
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h. jisung x reader | netflix rom-com au
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— ❝Even with classes, annoying brothers, and an unrequited crush, you still figured your first year of college was going pretty well. Until you managed to get your first boyfriend, and suddenly your brother and his stupidly attractive best friend were attached to your hip for the whole damn ride.
or alternatively;
Why did Jisung care about you so much, and had his eyes always been that pretty?❞
CONTAINS: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com au, sorta crack fic, love triangle au, college au
WARNING: future smut, language, reader being followed at night, not much, Chan’s sexy ass arms?
A/N: the big day!! also there’s a little scene for binnie’s birthday (even though it was yesterday)
▸ request
CHAPTERS:  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 +
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blog masterlist | ⟲ fic song
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© jeonqqin 2020
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Your mind was running circles around you, everything a blur.
Talking on the phone with Chan lifted your mood exponentially, but there was still something that ticked in the back of your head. With the way your conversation with Chan ended, you weren’t sure if you should’ve been jumping for joy or hiding away under your covers in hopes that no one would ever find you again.
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“So, I was wondering,” His voice drawled over the phone.
You held back the urge to shiver in order to hear exactly what he had to say. Granted the wind had stopped, but the night air was slipping through the thin fabric of your clothes and making up for its absence.
You heard Chan chuckle—surprisingly enough it sounded nervous.
“Would you ever date a guy like me?”
And just with one question, you almost fell forward off of the swing.
“What are you saying?” You uttered, eyes staring out at the bright red slide in front of you that had been dulled by the darkness.
Chan cleared his throat, “Do you want to go on a date with me, Y/n?”
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You had said yes too quickly, not just in the sense that it was embarrassing, but also because after you hung up, it really occurred to you that you would be going on a date with Bang Chan.
A date.
Had you even been on a date before?
You wrapped your arms around your body as you contemplated the whole situation. It was dark outside despite the street lights, and even then, they were too dim to really be doing their job. But you hardly noticed, too immersed in your own head to worry about the dark or the possibility of meat-heads roaming around looking for their next meal.
Your skin prickled, your subconscious attempting to warn you about the shadow that lurked only a few feet away.
The date. It should be easy; smile, talk to him without vomiting, and be sure not to make a complete fool of yourself in front of the single most attractive man you had ever seen. Piece of cake.
You mentally cursed Minho for possibly scaring you for the rest of your young life. Could you hold it over him if his years of desensitizing you turned you into a lonely cat-lady?
No—he’d already taken that title, and you weren’t sure if the universe was ready to support two financial tragedies within the same family.
The sound of footsteps fell to deaf ears, the lights of the dorms were able to be seen from your place on the street, and there wasn’t a shred of dread in your naive body. Not even when the sound of sneakers padding against tar got closer—too close for comfort had you been paying any attention. Maybe you were too tired, or your head was too preoccupied to focus on the approaching body behind you.
Not until there was a hand wrapping around your mouth and another pinning your arms to your sides. In your shock, you could feel the flex of your aggressor’s biceps—he was strong, and it had your heart stopping in your chest.
You wiggled the best you could in his grip, but the man’s hold was too constricting, and you suddenly wanted to cry. How stupid could you have been to let something like this happen?
Your heart pounded in your chest as you plead against the calloused hand, your legs shaking like jelly. He leaned closer, his lips brushing your ear—mint, the one thing you could focus on was that his breath didn’t reek of alcohol like you would’ve assumed.
“Wow…” He released a breath with a small chuckle, and your brows furrowed.
The voice was familiar—
“You really are stupid. Do you realize that you would’ve been so dead if I wanted to like—take advantage of you and dump your body in a river, or something?”
You squirmed out of the stupid stupid strong arms of your stupid stupid ex-friend, you eyes set in a harsh glare as you brought your fists down on his firm chest.
“You fucking pig!” You screeched with rage, fists clenched even when he grabbed your wrists in between fits of laughter. You actually wanted to stab a knife into his eye. “I can’t believe you did that! I thought I was going to die, asshole!”
Changbin snickered with a mocking coo, “I know. Poor baby...”
“You’re a sadistic bastard.”
“Just think—” he released your hands, only to block the oncoming smack that you sent. “You won’t make this mistake again, stupid-head.”
You huffed, wrapping your arms around your body again and continuing forward, your pulse more intense than it had been before. “What if I had gone into cardiac arrest or something? You would’ve been fucked in more ways than one. Do you know what they do to rapists in prison?”
“Y/n,” Changbin chuckled under his breath, meeting your stride easily. “I didn’t rape you, in case you didn’t notice.”
“But if I died, that’s what it would’ve looked like! And suddenly you’re in concrete hell.”
Changbin shook his head. “God—just be more careful next time you decide to walk alone in the middle of the night. Call one of us or something.”
Guilt nawed at your skin, and you sent him a sulky pout. He was right. If something really had happened, you would’ve been fucked. Unless the guy was thinner than a twig and had a shit center of gravity, your chances of getting out of that kind of danger was unlikely. Damn Changbin and his infuriatingly true points.
You let out a groan as the boy beside you casually slung his arm around your shoulders.
“Fine. You’re right. Happy?”
Changbin’s head turned to you and he released another coo, his forehead pressing against yours and successfully annoying the shit out of you. How everyone else dealt with him was a true mystery.
He was supposed to be older than you?
The pitch of his voice raised, “Of course I am.”
You wrenched out of his grip, swatting away his reaching hand and stepping out of his range.
Perhaps there would be a murder tonight.
“Stop being a creep and act like a normal person for once, Bin.”
Without even looking back, you could feel the pout on his lips. But he only let out a quick whine before following after you, his hands stuffed into his jeans.
You had hardly noticed before, but he was dressed strangely—he was in a torn to shit grey t-shirt, multiple splotches of something black plastered across his torso just above the ragged seam of where the shirt ended, holes scattered everywhere exposing glimpses of his firm chest. The jeans weren’t any better, almost completely colored black by the same substance on his shirt, baring rips at the knees and not the ones you get solely for fashion.
“By the way…” You drawled, twisting around to rake your eyes over him one last time. “What were you even doing before this?”
Changbin glanced at his attire and shrugged, the smallest glow of red covering his ears. “I’ve been working on cars for some extra money.”
Your eyebrow raised. “At night?”
“It’s the only time I have free between producing new songs and school.”
Nodding you faced back towards the dark street in front of you.
Changbin had never sparked you as a manual labor kind of guy, let alone someone who could fix cars and get paid for doing it. But after taking a moment to think about it, it made sense. He fit the scene, so to say, and it somehow added to the edgy look he already had going on for him.
You didn’t know as much about your friends as you probably should’ve.
“So you guys actually got the recording room done? Are you and Chan using it now?” You asked nonchalantly, a terrible attempt to slide Chan into the conversation. Changbin must’ve known a few things about Chan that could help you quench your nerves for the upcoming date.
Changbin sent you a sideways look, letting you know that you weren’t as slick as you thought you were.
“Ah, Chan…” He hummed, the two of you finally getting close enough to the university to discern the different buildings. “What’s up with you two?” He asked hesitantly, a hint of a frown on his brow.
“Well—I mean, I like him a lot.” You fumbled for the right words, though you knew that Changbin wasn’t one to rush you. As annoying as he could be, he was a good listener. “And he just asked me out—”
“He did?”
Well, you thought he was a good listeners
“Yeah,” you shrugged. “Earlier he asked if I wanted to go out on a date or something—”
“Or something?”
You shoved him to the side, though his heavy body barely moved an inch.
“Would you stop interrupting me? I’m serious.” You huffed, frustrated.
“I am too.”
You froze—huh?
Your eyes searched his for a moment, his words not as comforting as you wanted them to be, instead his questioning only made your stomach twist in more knots than they had been in before. You really didn’t know anything about Chan, and talking to someone who did only made you hesitant about continuing with this first date of yours.
Sure, you weren’t one to believe rumors about people you barely knew—but it was the fact that you barely knew Chan that made you so nervous.
“Well I’m a little surprised that Chan asked you out.”
You frowned. “Why?”
“Uh…” Changbin paused, searching for his next words carefully with a contemplative hum. “It’s nothing bad. I mean, Chan’s one of the best people I know.”
He stopped to wait for you to run your student ID along the sensor, listening to the automatic click of the door and using it as a stall for time. He was trying to find the right way to word what he wanted to say. He didn’t want to blindside you, nor did he want to sabotage his friend by telling you something that might steer you away.
He waited for you to take a step inside the dorms before continuing with a hushed voice.
“Chan is… very selfless let’s say. He doesn’t really take the time to date per se. He’s work oriented. Not to say he hasn’t had girlfriends before, but they never really—”
“Became anything?”
That was what you had been contemplating. If the date went wrong, could you talk to Chan afterwards? Would he still be that person you could call if you wanted to step away from the world? You couldn’t find yourself feeling upset if that happened to be the outcome.
But with the small look of suspicion that Changbin sent, his brow curling upwards, you quickly backpedaled.
“He mentioned something about it while we were on the phone.” You rushed to save yourself.
Taking your answer without question, he stopped. You were both standing outside of your room, the quiet hallway encasing the both of you and chilling you to the bone more than the night air had. Changbin bit his tongue.
“Chan is an amazing friend. But I’ve never really seen him as a boyfriend before.” He sighed, scratching his cheek. “And as much of a little shit you are… I care about you enough to want you to be happy.”
“Is this you warning me?”
“No.” His mouth formed a thin line, he really had no idea how to word anything. It was beginning to frustrate him. “Just be aware that he isn’t the most observant guy when it comes to himself, so be patient with the guy.”
Okay, that helped you none whatsoever.
You sighed, pushing your dorm door open and nodding finally for Changbin.
“Well, thank you, Bin. For walking me and all that…”
Your gratitude was pitiful, but Changbin smiled wide nonetheless, glad that he could help you out despite his advice being absolutely terrible.
“Anytime, Y/n.” He ruffled your hair before you could stop him. “But next time, call me before you decide to be stupid and walk alone agian, okay?”
You smiled.
“Yeah. I promise, Bin. Thanks—seriously.”
As you closed the door, you missed the way Changbin’s lip quirked, his ears once again shining a red in the dim lighting of the hallway. He chuckled, shaking his head.
He wished both Chan and Jisung luck—you really were a handful.
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“So this is a date?”
You had absolutely no idea what to say, your nervous gaze on the road in front of you as Chan glanced over at you from his place behind the wheel of his beloved Subaru Crosstrek—he had gone on a cute spiel about how he managed to scrounge up enough money from producing his tracks to afford the down payment on the car. It was cute only because he giggled every time he mentioned some miniscule detail that wasn’t necessary for the development of the story.
He always apologized when he got off track, but those were your favorite parts.
And you still had no idea what to say.
“Yeah, Y/n. A date. Have you ever been on one of those before?” He joked, taking another turn into yet another neighborhood.
He had to have gone down at least four streets already—
“Does a slow dance at a mediocre prom count?”
“A what?”
You snorted, feeling the telltale heat of your cheeks reddening. You were such a loser, the best you could do was tell him about your failed relationships?
“I mean, Jung Wooyoung was pretty hot, so I guess it could count. Granted, Minho stepped in before he could kiss me at the end of the song.”
“You’re kidding.” He looked close to ripping his cheeks with how wide his smile was stretching.
His eyes flickered to you and a shiver ran down your spine at the way he took one hand off the wheel and leaned against the center console. You were either terrified of him crashing or really turned on by the way his biceps bulged at the movement.
You cleared your throat, “Minho was always really adamant about keeping me away from all the funny business.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Unfortunately not. My brother sucks.”
Chan burst out laughing. “That’s why he pulled that, ‘what are your intentions with my baby sister’ act?”
“He didn’t.”
“He did. But he backed off so quickly, I was convinced that it was a joke.”
You nearly choked, your eyes widening as you suddenly threw yourself around to look at him, unable to feel surprised at the way he was already looking at you with a charming smile.
“He did what?”
“Yeah,” Chan shrugged, shifting back to look at the road. “I asked him why it mattered and he just kind of backed off.”
That was right—Minho was scared of Chan.
You would never forget that fun fact for as long as you lived, and it was all thanks to Bang Chan. It really had you rethinking the whole reason why you were nervous in the first place. Chan was the only person in your life that had managed to get rid of stress rather than add to it, and you were obviously worried over nothing. Chan was amazing.
And you were crazy.
You laughed, catching Chan’s attention, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips without you noticing. How you had managed to have him whipped within a matter of days was a complete mystery to him. But there he was, staring at your lips and risking his damn life while doing so. Chan was hopeful, he wanted things to go well this time, and he was going to do everything he could to make sure of that.
“Where are you taking me, you maniac?” You giggled in exasperation as he took yet another turn into a neighborhood, house stacked upon house.
Sure, it was nice to drive around with him, but you were beginning to get antsy. Even more so as Chan continued to look over at you and smirk, his smile as infuriating as it was attractive.
“We’re almost there, hold on.”
“That doesn’t tell me where—”
Turning down a dead-end, Chan lifted his hand to your mouth with an emphasized “shhh”.
Maybe he was a maniac and he was planning on killing you as soon as you reached the end of the street. You definitely wouldn’t be able to find your way back to the main road if he tried, so it was definitely a possibility.
“Don’t worry about it.” He hushed.
With a small scoff, you puckered your lips in a pout and they briefly brushed against the palm of his hand. With the action, your eyes widened as his head snapped your direction. Immediately, your lips pulled into a tight line, your stomach tying up in knots as he dropped his hand and let it fall to your thigh, causing your whole body to go ridged. What was wrong with you?
Chan chuckled, patting your thigh in an attempt to dissolve your tenseness, but it only proved to make your clothes feel much tighter than they had been before. You were physically going to melt into the seat with how hot you were getting, and you sure as hell hoped you weren’t sweating as much as you thought you were.
But the feeling of his hand wasn’t unpleasant—it was warm, but not so much that it was uncomfortable, which was surprising considering how your skin was close to melting off the bone. It simply rested there, occasionally he drummed a nonexistent beat against it with his first two fingers, though you suspected that he hadn’t even noticed that he had been doing that.
Without you realizing, he pulled the car into park, his eyes amused as he watched you stare at his hand for a little longer.
Something else—you definitely were.
“We’re here.” Chan said, lifting his hand away from your thigh to pull the key from the ignition.
You weren’t upset that he had moved his hand, but you couldn’t deny that disappointment had started to bubble up.
Looking out your window, you noticed that you were, in fact, at the end of the dead-end road. But instead of a dense thicket of trees or a mountain of concrete blocking it off, there sat a decrepit and grey building. The maroon of the bricks had been worn and chipped, and the large barn looking doors were rusted and close to falling off their hinges. You can tell that it had once been beautiful with the large stone bird watching over on a centered pedestal.
Chan opened his door to get out and you followed, despite how strange it might’ve been that he took you to an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere.
“What is this?” You asked, almost shell shocked at the sheer size of the building as you both stepped closer.
“It’s an old fire station.”
Old didn’t do the place justice—every new fire station you had seen was pristine and white, large open door garages lining the first floor. The one in front of you was nothing like the ones in town.
“I used to live in this neighborhood before I moved to Sydney. I was very young and don’t really remember much about it, but I do remember this place.” He smiled, looking up at the two storied building. “When I came back I never expected it to be still standing after fifteen years. I thought the two would’ve torn it down and built a convenience store there or something, but nope, it’s still here.”
It was nice to see his face light up while talking about something he cared about. It was endearing.
He then grabbed your hand with a small wink and dragged you forward, though you didn’t put up much of a fight at all. Every part of you screamed about how nice his hand felt around yours, how his palms weren’t too calloused to be rough but enough to want them all over the rest of your body. His pale skin pretty with the contrast of his raised veins. Veiny hands were nice… You really were just reverting back to your horny high school self, weren’t you?
You cleared your throat.
“But why did you bring me here?” You questioned, looking warily at the back of his head.
You weren’t scared, but you were almost certain that a building that was decades old wasn’t a normal date site.
“Why not?” Chan shrugged, hoping to god that you couldn’t see just how terrified he was.
“Maybe because I was expecting to go watch a movie or go to a restaurant?”
He glanced back with a raised brow. “Do you want to do those things?”
“I’d rather chew off my foot,” you admitted, catching him off guard for a moment. “But I’m trying to make you feel like the weird one here.”
Weird one indeed. He had spent the entire night before without sleep, not coming up with a new track, but thinking of where exactly to bring you. He contemplated how to explain to you the reason why he was so exhausted and jittery was because he didn’t want you to leave the date thinking that he was some average guy. Chan didn’t want you to think he was boring. So he could be weird if it meant you wanted to see him again.
You shared a smile, both of your nerves fading away with each passing second. Of course, Chan had nothing to worry about.
He proceeded to pull you through the old rickety door of the station, completely ignoring the way the visible slivers of his chest flexed when he tugged the door open with one good yank. Now that you were actually thinking about it, his outfit was one of the best you’d seen him in; a simple black muscle tee topped with a heavy denim jacket, and his jeans whitewashed and ripped.
It was simple but effective considering you couldn’t keep your eyes off the strips of flesh that peaked behind his jacket. If only the autumn breeze had taken a day off.
The further the two of you got into the building, the more excited Chan looked. His eyes lit up and there was suddenly a bounce in his step. Not to mention the way his grip on your hand tightened to the point where he was nearly cutting off the circulation. But it was nice nonetheless. You didn’t have the heart to be upset with him.
Your eyes flew around to all the different old contraptions that must’ve been shiny in their prime. With torn hoses all over the place, and precariously placed pipes, you had no idea whether to be amazed that they hadn’t succumbed to the elements or terrified that if you took one wrong step you would fall and get impaled.
Looking over at Chan, you giggled as he began to unravel a wound up hose, momentarily releasing your hand to act like a complete child.
“So what was your plan when we got here? Get me in a secluded place so you could tie me up and kill me?” You teased, offering him a smile.
Chan wanted to do two of those three things—that was for sure.
“What? You don’t want to explore this magnificent building with me?” He asked despite himself.
“So you didn’t plan some elaborate picnic with candles and fancy homemade French food?”
Chan paused for a moment, lips fighting a smile. You had built up quite the impression on him from the very moment you two met. The hours of preparation was for naught, and Chan could care less.
He hummed, “Well if you mean a blanket on the floor and take-out, then yeah. No candles though. I have a bad feeling that if we were to light any fire within ten miles of this place it would turn to dust. Which would be pretty ironic considering it is a fire station—”
“Are you rambling?”
Chan froze, mouth open to deny your question, but found that it wasn’t completely false and shut it.
“...it’s probably cold too.” He added lastly.
You smiled.
“Sounds good to me.”
You then proceeded to struggle your way up a flight of unstable spiral stairs with Chan close behind—so close that his arms were almost completely around you. He assured you that it was only so he wouldn’t be at fault if you fell. But it felt nice whenever his chest brushed lightly against your back, so you let his lame excuse slide.
The food was, in fact, cold. But it was still good since you really couldn’t go wrong with traditional Korean food.
And so the rest of the evening played out, the two of you sharing pleasantries and learning about one another, with many cracked jokes about your brother and his friends, only strategically avoiding Jisung all together.
Chan went on about his story, how he had two younger siblings back in Australia and a set of loving parents that believed in each and every one of his dreams as he grew up, and supported his pursuit of becoming a producer. You bit your tongue, keeping your questions of “do you miss them?” and “do you still see them?” to yourself. Still, Chan seemed happy enough, you thought. Considering you would be miserable if you had to spend your time with someone who complained and sulked the whole time. You were glad he could talk about his family without falling into a pit of missing them.
That date was pretty perfect, despite its oddities.
Who knew someone could be a by-the-book romantic and an original dork at the same time?
Your own thoughts had you chuckling into your water, almost making you cough, but thankfully Chan hadn’t noticed, his attention too zeroed in on all the food in front of him.
“Oh shit—I forgot all about that thing!” He suddenly exclaimed, his eyes locked on a rusty fireman’s pole that ran up into a hole in the floor. Chan hadn’t even finished his (second) bowl of food when he jumped up and ran up to the death trap. The thing didn’t even have any padding at the bottom to protect someone from breaking their legs, and he was excited about that?
Suddenly, you let out a laugh—it was the kind that comes out unexpectedly and makes a loud, unattractive noise and it surprised you both. Your hand clamped down over your mouth on impulse before your shocked expression broke, a swarm of giggles leaving your covered lips and forcing a pink tinge over your cheeks. Chan could only stare at you in awe, trying to think of everything else that could beat your laugh in the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, but he came up blank.
“Come down the pole with me.”
His words had you freezing mid-laugh, eyes wide.
“What? No way am I doing that. What if I get pole burn?”
“Here,” Chan threw his jacket over your shoulders, surprising you with the flood of warmth cascading around you. “Now you can’t get pole burn.”
You pushed your arms through the arms of the jacket, silently relishing in the warm weight.
“Ah, look at you Romeo. I see that you’re trying to make up for all the years I missed going on dates. How romantic.”
“I try.”
With a wink, he was grabbing onto the pole all of a sudden and wrapping his legs around it. You barely had time to stare at the image of his thick biceps curling around the pole before he was descending down it with a laugh of his own. You leaned forward to watch him hit the floor, his knees bending to absorb the impact. He smiled up at you, the sight blinding.
“Your turn!”
“Did I ever mention that I’m kind of allergic to bad ideas?”
Chan snickered, leaning his hands on the pole and shaking it to show you just how “sturdy” the thing was. The wiggle and creak didn’t set you at ease, that was for sure.
“Oh, come on, Y/n. You just watched me do it!” Was his genius response.
The night was beginning to just become you counting how many times Chan said or did something that made you think he was a child.
“Okay, I just don’t understand why you want me to go down this damn pole! Is it some right of passage or something? Do you only go out with the girls who have the balls to do something this stupid?”
“Slide down here and find out.”
He got you there. You really did want to find out.
So you bit the inside of your cheek and wrapped your shaky hands around the rust crusted pole. How Chan managed to do so so easily without sleeves was baffling and a little sexy for whatever stupid reason. You had a thick layer of denim protecting you, and you still felt like you were going to be filleted open.
“Don’t think about it,” he encouraged with a soft voice. “Just jump. I’ve got you.”
And at the words of a poet, you squeezed your eyes shut and held your breath, taking a step off the wooden floor and letting gravity pull you down. You could hear the rust tug and catch on the fabric of Chan’s jacket, but only for a second, because it only lasted a second before you felt hands grab your sides and pillow your impact. A surge of adrenaline had you breathing heavy as Chan cheered lightly in your ear.
“There. You did it.” He poked your forehead with a chuckle, getting you to open your blown eyes. “You have successfully completed the initiation.”
Your heart felt heavy and beat hard against your ribs as he straightened you out, hands finding purchase in his jacket. Subtly he was admiring how you looked in his clothes, but he would never admit that sappy fact to anyone.
You smiled; admittedly shakily. “Ah, yes. Validation. My favorite.”
Chan admired how you could keep releasing quips despite your fear. You weren’t one to be deterred, that was for sure.
“You have an unlimited supply of sarcasm in you, huh?”
“I don’t know. It hasn’t run out yet.”
He smiled and you smiled, it was a good moment—the best of the day. A moment where you were glad you listened to him and literally took the leap. Ready to take another one, your eyes dropped to his lips and his dropped to yours.
And he finally leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours.
You weren’t completely caught off guard, but you definitely were. His hand that wasn’t preoccupied with fiddling with your fingers found your face, palm cupping your jaw and urging your head to tilt to meet his kiss better. It was gentle, as you had expected from Chan, and you were thankful for that.
His lips were softer than you expected and you prayed that the hand that held your cheek wouldn't be able to feel the way your face was burning. The way he intertwined your fingers was more intimate than the kiss itself and you couldn’t help but feel yourself getting light-headed. You lost yourself to the way your shared breaths echoed around the large room every time your lips separated only to reconnect again immediately.
Your first kiss—well, your first real kiss. Surely that one you had shared with Kang Chanhee back in your first year of high school didn’t count. You had only gotten away with it since Minho was home sick that day, anyway.
It was much warmer than your last kiss, that was for sure. His jacket kept you shielded from the cold air and his body secreted a natural heat that had you pressing closer, which in turn sent him a signal to push forward as well.
Suddenly, his teeth bit down on the sensitive flesh of your lip, pulling a taut gasp from your throat.
The noise had Chan withholding a groan, pushing him to break the passionate exchange, his hazy eyes meeting your wide ones.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice small and unsure.
He could see the way your lips shined with not only your spit but his own. In some sick and twisted way, he was pleased to see the redness that the kiss brought to your puckered lips. It was satisfying. It was a sort of claim, and he was proud to hold it.
"Nothing. Just admiring my work." He grinned.
You hardly had time to register his words when the hand wrapped around yours was used to yank you forward, Chan’s mouth finding yours once again in a quick peck, leaving you just about a hundred degrees warmer than you originally felt.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: hi hii 🥺 I’m so happy and i love this chapter even though it’s all over the place so I’m sorry plz forgive me 🙇‍♀️
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter eight
You heard Hana and Jamie bickering in the living room as you took the burnt part off of the bell peppers you roasted. You were looking out the window in front of the sink every once in a while to check up on the kids. They were having fun playing with their father and uncles. You’ve never seen them smile brighter.
You were happy that they finally had their father, Tobio was a good figure but obviously not their real father. Earlier Rin gave his first scolding to your son for shoving Akira and he also told Akira that calling people idiot wasn’t nice. You couldn’t help but snicker behind your cardigan since he was obviously nervous and a bit awkward but it all worked out in the end. The twins and your best friends were peering through the door at the scene and they were in awe.
It just looked so natural. You, Rin and the kids. All that’s missing is a pet dog or cat. Jamie thought if you and Rin really try then you both could fall in love again and be a nice family all together. She grew up with divorced parents so she knew how tough it could be. She doesn’t want to hear you and Rin fighting in the future about upcoming holidays. Or maybe eventually having to separate the twins.
“Hana do you think you could ask the guys if they want to stay for dinner?” You said from the kitchen. “Oka-“ “No y/n, I think you should do it.” Jamie popped in. “Huh? I’m literally cooking.” You said as you reached into the bag of roasted peppers. Your fingers were stuck onto the black crisps. “You’re trying to avoid them.” She squinted and you rolled your eyes. “No I’m not.” You defended yourself. “Yes you are.” She deadpanned. “You never say no to setting for your kids. Even if you’re busy you tell them to give you five or ten minutes but when Rini asked you straight up said no since you needed to cook. I think that stung him a bit. He probably wanted to show off his skills to his dad.” She said and you frowned slightly. “I mean it’s fine, she’s probably uncomfortable which makes sense. The worst people in the world are just chilling in her house. It makes sense that she’s on edge.” The familiar voice said and you turned to see Atsumu leaning against the breakfast bar between your kitchen and living room. You didn’t want to say he’s right..but I mean..he’s right.
“...would you like to stay for dinner?” You asked awkwardly as Jaime sighed and walked away. “Mmm depends, what are you making?” He teased to try to help you ease up. “Food, either take it or leave it.” You said plainly as you flipped the pepper on the stove. “I miss your cooking so I think I’ll stay. Let me call Osamu so he can help.” He said and you immediately protested. “No it’s fine, you guys are the guests. I’ll feel bad.” You said and he chuckled. “Y/N-Chan..” he started, “Osamu owns his own restaurant, all he does is eat, cook, and work out. He would want nothing more than to help you cook. It’s in his DNA.” He said and you rolled your eyes. “Fine ask Rin if he wants to stay too.” You said. “Oh he’ll want to stay, plus we all carpooled together.” He said and you nodded and he left.
“Yo, we gotta go.” Jamie said from the doorway. “Did you say bye to the kids?” You asked and she nodded. “Sorry Y/N, we have a doctors appointment.” Jamie frowned slightly. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll call you later.” You smiled and she nodded sadly. After a quick goodbye hug they were out the door and Osamu was waiting in the kitchen to help you cook.
“Alright boss, let’s get started.” He said as he washed his hands and you chuckled.
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Dinner went good, the kids mainly talked and were the stars of the show. After dinner they wanted to show their uncles and dad their Minecraft worlds on their tablets, courtesy of Tobio.
Suna offered to help clean up but you insisted it was fine and to spend as much time with the kids and he reluctantly agreed and you were left alone.
Your phone buzz after you sat on the breakfast bar to enjoy yet another cup of tea and you almost spilled it when you saw who was calling. “Holy shit, holy shit.” You muttered and the guys immediately turned to you from their spots on the couch. “I’m going to take this phone call I’ll be right back.” You said leaving Rin in charge and you answered while you made your way down the hall.
“Hello?” “Hi is this Y/N? This is Natsuo, the songwriter and director for the soundtrack for Kimetsu No Yaiba. From my understanding you are voicing Nezuko and Shinobu, correct?” “That is correct, sir.” You replied, “Well I stumbled across your portfolio and resume and I phone called your old vocal coach and he said some things about you.” He said. “Well I hope they’re all good.” You chuckled nervously.
“Yes they’re more than good actually and I wanted to offer you the opportunity of singing the opening for the anime, if not then maybe the outro. Would you be interested? Of course you’d have to come to the studio and sing for us and we’ll decide but I wanted to ask first since I know you also work as a volleyball commentator as well.” He said and you gasped.
“Yes sir of course, I would be honored...” you said happily. “Great! I see that you come in the studio on Monday for the read through of the script. Can you come earlier to audition?” He asked and you agreed and set up a time.
Normally any other person would want to audition after but if it’s singing, you can’t eat or drink sweet stuff before because it messes up your throat and you can accidentally burp and embarrass yourself. So you’d rather do the singing audition before and eat whatever is at the snack bar during the read through.
When you hung up the phone you squealed and did a little happy dance. You quickly took a deep breath and you made your way out of your office back to the living room. “Um...where are the twins? The Miya’s I mean.” You asked when you saw that only Suna was chilling with a kid on each side of him. “Osamu needed to check up on his shop and Atsumu had to go to the gym. I decided to stay behind because I didn’t know how long you would take.” He replied.
“But didn’t you all carpool?” You asked and he nodded. “I can Uber. Don’t worry.” He said and you nodded and sat next to Rini. “Kids guess what.” You said happily and they both looked up from their tablets. “I go to the studio on monday—“ “THE STUDIO CAN WE GO?!” They immediately asked with bright eyes. “Uh—I don’t know guys, I’m working and Jamie has work too i don’t know if someone can watch you guys at the studio.” You said. “What time and I’ll go. I can keep them entertained.” Suna spoke up.
“I’m gonna be there for a few hours..I’ll have a read through of the script and a song audition before that..” you told him. “Wait what do you do anyways?” He asked curiously and the kids gasped. “You don’t know what mommy does for a living?! She’s the coolest mom in the world.” Rini exclaimed with extended arms to emphasize the world. “Listen to the voice of the narrator.“ Akira said and shoved the tablet in his hands. It was Peppa pig. Honestly they couldn’t find a cooler role you played in? Even the side characters were fine, but Akira had to choose peppa pig.
Rin listened to peppa as she scolded her little brother Georgie. And finally he heard your voice narrate what happened and his eyes widened. “No way, you’re a voice actor?” He asked and you nodded. “Wow imagine that. You were always so shy and now your voice is heard by millions across the world.” He teased and your face tinted.
“Well when you put it like that it freaks me out!” You snatched the tablet from his hands and the kids looked at each other with raised brows. “I’m only kidding. But it’s pretty amazing that you do that. Any big roles you’re playing soon?” He asked. “I may or may not be acting in Kimetsu No Yaiba.” You said which was a manga series you both were obsessed with when you were together. “Say sike right now.” He gasped and you gave him that I’m serious face.
“Congrats Y/N. That’s freaking amazing. May i ask who you’re voicing?” He asked and you shook your head. “That’s a secret.” You said and he sighed. “Man got my hopes up for nothing.” He muttered causing your kids to giggle.
“Momma we invited dad to the field trip tomorrow he said yes.” Akira spoke up and your eyes widened. “Wait what—“ “I didn’t necessarily say yes. I wanted to make sure it was cool with you, first. They told me that they were homeschooled and you take them to different places for field trips all the time.” He tried to correct Akira and you nodded.
“Well...I mean..if you want to go then it’s fine. We’re going to an aquarium.” You said and the kids gave him puppy dog eyes. “Alright I’ll go then. It’ll be fun and you guys can show me what you’ve learned.” He smiled softly and the kids cheered. Is this really a good idea? You don’t know. But if your kids are happy, then you’re happy.
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“Rin It’s getting late they have bath time and then they need to sleep.” You told him as the kids ran up and down the hall racing with Rini’s toy cars. “Alright then I’ll leave.” “I’m not kicking you out of anything-“ “No it’s fine I get it. I’ve intruded in your territory long enough.” He chuckled and you nodded. “Children of the corn! I’m leaving.” He called and immediately the kids emerged from the hallway and began whining and protesting. “You need to take a bath then go to bed. It’s late. I’m seeing you tomorrow anyways.” He knelt down on his knee to be of eye level with the kids.
“But we don’t want you to leave. I won’t sleep if you don’t read me a story.” Rini pouted and Akira nodded and you both sighed. “Fine, I’ll read you a bed time story and you will go sleep.” He told them and they nodded.
You rounded up the kids for a bubble bath and Rin was sitting on the counter as you explained what kind of kids soap you use and such. But he was mostly watching the kids play with the bubbles. “Hey Akira do you think I’ll look cool with my hair like this?” Rini asked with his messy wannable mohawk, he looked more like the grinch. Akira looked at her brother and snorted. “You look like a troll.” She muttered causing Rini to pout. “You’re so mean.” He mumbled. You got the shower head and told Akira to close her eyes as you finished washing her hair and body and she was finished. “Do you wanna try to finish Rini while I change Akira?” You asked Suna and his eyes widened. “I only know how to bathe my dog, I don’t know how to bathe a kid.” He protested. “Weren’t you watching me?” You asked. “I was distracted with the bubbles, okay.” He deadpanned and you sighed. “Rini help your dad.” You said plainly and left despite Suna’s protests.
“Alright princess, let’s get you dried up and ready for bed, yeah?” You asked the shivering girl in your arms and she nodded. You placed her on the bed and dried her hair a bit and you began to put on her lotion. You helped her into her underwear and she wanted to wear her fox onzie so you began helping her feet in when Rini stumbled in naked with Rin chasing after him with a towel. They were both soaking wet.
“Oh my god.” You sighed. “Boys.” Akira mumbled and you nodded. “You’re worse than washing a dog.” He said as he held him and dried his hair. “Woof.” Rini snickered and Suna flicked his forehead. “I’m soaking wet now.” He deadpanned to his son. You zipped up Akira after successfully placing her in her onzie and you moved on to your son. “Stop giving your dad such a hard time, he’s new to this whole parenting thing ya know?” You told him as you began to rub his face with lotion. “Akira go brush your teeth.” You told her and she pulled her dad along with her. “What do you want to wear to sleep?” You asked. “Can I wear my Fox onzie too?” He asked and you nodded. “Of course.” You replied and helped him into it too.
Rini went on his way to brush his teeth and you were met with the view of Rin helping his daughter floss and you just wanted to melt. This was so freaking cute. You don’t know if your heart could handle the cuteness. “Alrighty next victim!” Rin said and picked up Rini. He began to help him brush his teeth. You helped Akira down from the counter and she went off to look for a good book. You decided it was best to get one of Tobio’s shirts and shorts he had lying around for Rin so he wouldn’t get sick.
When Rini finished brushing his teeth, he went out to help Akira search for a book. “Are you still soaked?” You asked and Suna nodded. “Here wear this so you won’t get sick.” You tossed him some gym shorts and a random T-shirt. He gave a small thanks and you closed the bathroom door to leave him to change. “Alright where are my little foxes?” You hummed and you found your little demons kids jumping on your bed and patiently waiting to read. “Why aren’t you both in bed?” You asked and they stopped jumping and turned to you. “We wanna sleep here with you and daddy!” Rini said and you almost choked on air.
“Baby he’s not spending the night. He’s only going to read you a bedtime story then leave. You’ll see him tomorrow when you wake up.” You told them and they both had the saddest look on their faces. “But we wanna sleep with you and daddy. Please can he spend the night. Please please please!” Akira begged.
“I don’t mind if you don’t. It’s only for the night.” Rin almost whispered in your ear and you turned your head to him. “Are you sure? What about tomorrow? What are you going to wear?” You asked, “We can stop by my apartment in the morning before we head out.” He said and you raised a brow and turned back to your kids they were already comfy on the middle of your bed and you released your nth sigh of the day. “Fine, one night.” You answered and grabbed your pajamas and left to the bathroom to change.
When you returned Rin was on the left side of the bed with Rini right next to him. Akira patted your spot on the right side and you sat against the headboard of the bed. The twins had two books they wanted you both to read but they all fell asleep while you read the second one. You looked to see Rin, Rini and Akira sleeping and you can never get over how similar they looked like Rin. You quietly hopped out of bed and put the books away and turned off the lights.
You woke up to the sun shining on your face and arms around your waist. You felt a weight on your chest and you sighed and opened your eyes. You blinked a few times to make sure you weren’t seeing things but sure enough, Rin was sleeping on your chest. Just like old times and you tried to control your breathing. You don’t want to be the type of ex who yells and they fall off the bed. You realized the kids were not on the bed too and if Rin was cuddling you, then they must have been gone for a while.
“Rintarou—the kids—WAKE UP!” You quickly shook him and he opened his eyes and quickly moved away. He felt around him and he noticed the kids weren’t there. You both paused in silence to see if you can hear them but when you didn’t you quickly yeeted yourself off the bed with Rin following right at your tail. You opened the door to the twins room and you saw them in their own bed hugging their plushies. You held a hand over your chest and you leaned against the doorframe. “My heart literally dropped.” You turned to Rin.
“Mine did too. Do they usually do that?” He asked. “No, never.” You sighed and closed the door.
The twins opened their eyes and they looked at eachother from across the room. “I told you mom would get a heart attack. We’re lucky she didn’t cry.” Akira whispered. “Whatever at least they cuddled together like a nice married couple.” Rini whispered back and Akira nodded. “I hope mommy and daddy get back together.” Akira said. “They will, our plan is perfect.” Rini whispered mischievously and Akira smiled.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime69 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 4
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Word Count: 3,783
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 4/?
A/N: These next chapters are really just gonna be the necessary episode that contributes to the character's storyline. I'll try my best to compress them into fewer chapters but some I do need for my storyline. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 4
It’s funny how life moves so quickly, but agonizingly slow at the same time.
We had been on the hunt for the prince of darkness after he resurfaced 26 years after what we thought was his last crime in California. He had been across the 48 continuous states, leaving his mark of crimes all over the map. Initially, we were confused as to why he would reappear in Los Angeles if he never hit the same city twice until we noticed a pattern. Billy Flynn was recreating his original murders to taunt Matt Spicer, a survivor, and tell him he’d be going after Spicer’s family because he wanted recognition for the murder that had made Spicer a “city hero”, he wanted to be part of the story. They were horrible and vile crimes one after the other and we were working nonstop to catch him. The case took a turn when we found out he was going after Ellie and Kristin Spicer, Matt’s daughter, and sister, respectively.
The case took a turn when we sent Spicer and Morgan to retrieve the family thinking Flynn was going to take them from Matt’s house. But it was too late, he had gotten there before them. The duo decided to go to Kristin’s house believing he needed privacy to conduct whatever he was planning. Hotch, Prentiss, and I were in a car as we got intel from Morgan, waiting on the address of the sister’s house. But it didn’t make sense, that wasn’t personal enough for him. It didn’t tie into the story. Being stuck in traffic was exasperating, and it only got worse once we lost cell reception in the middle of a call.
Against my better judgment, we headed to Kristin’s apartment where we found out she had been gone for hours and Morgan had never arrived.
“Something must have changed,” Emily expressed.
“The cells are down,” Kurzbard chimed. “Now how the hell do you find them?”
“What would cause Morgan to change his like that when he knows he can’t tell us?” My father spoke up, worry evident in his eyes.
“The unsub had Spicer’s sister and daughter; Morgan knew he didn’t have a lot of time.” Hotch analyzed.
“So, his first guess had to be right.”
“The unsub attacked Spicer specifically through his family,” Emily commented.
“How long has Spicer’s sister lived here?”
“6-7 months.”
“Well, that’s why they didn’t come here.”
“If the unsub wants to hurt Spicer, hell do it someplace that means something to him. Morgan must have realized the same thing.” I thought. “The unsub and Spicer do share one place in common.”
“Santa Monica.”
“Where he killed his parents,” I finished.
“Let’s go.” Hotch started the quick walk to the cars to speed off to Spicer’s childhood home, where we hoped to find Morgan and the Spicers.
Once we arrived the front yard was covered with emergency vehicles, my mind spiraling to the worse possible scenario. We were already one man down; Flynn had gotten to Spicer. Kristin was in rough shape and Flynn had taken Ellie. Morgan had a pretty nasty head wound, but being the strong-headed man he was he just wanted to get back to work.
“Guys, I’m not going to any hospital until we find that little girl.” He directed himself to the EMT. “Now, please just put a bandage on it.”
“Morgan, what’s the notebook?” I motioned to the small book in front of him.
“I asked the sister to tell me everything she could remember about the unsub.”
“And what’s her condition?”
“It’s bad.”
“I’ll go check on her,” Emily offered. She left with the ambulance and hopefully we could get more information out of her.
Everyone knew Morgan wasn’t in perfect condition to continue working, but we also knew he wouldn’t allow us to make him rest. JJ and Reid arrived at the scene with satellite phones to allow communication to continue while the phone towers were down.
“Any word on Ellie?” JJ asked, clearly worried about the innocent little girl that had been brought into this tragedy. Morgan glared at her with such an intensity we all got uncomfortable. “I was just…”
“It’s not you,” I comforted, going out to follow Morgan, Hotch trailing behind.
Outside he called Garcia, asking for her to run the plates on the RV, treating her coldly. I knew he was desperate, but Penelope was worried, as were the rest of us. Something much worse could’ve happened to him; he could have ended up like Spicer.
“You know, she really needs to be more professional sometimes.” Derek turned.
“She gets the job done every time,” Hotch defended.
“I told him, Hotch.” His voice cracked. “I told him that we should wait for backup but he wouldn’t listen to me. We split up and he headed around back before I could stop him.”
“Morgan, sometimes when it comes to family common sense and procedure go out the window.”
“You do the best you can,” I comforted, laying a hand on his shoulders to let him know he wasn’t alone.
“This unsub raped the aunt and then beat her for no reason. She didn’t resist, guys. And he still pistol-whipped her until her ribs were crushed. He killed Spicer while he was on his knees. He was unarmed. This guy’s a pure psychopath. I want this guy.”
“And we’ll get him.”
“Well, we better do it fast. Taking Ellie was like a game to him. The sick bastard thought it was funny. He’s gonna get pissed off at her, she’s nothing but a little girl. She’s gonna show him fear, and when she does… he’s gonna kill her.”
“Then, what are we doing standing around? Let’s go,” I tried my best to encourage.
We all quickly headed back to the precinct, needing to calculate what his net moves would be. He changed his methods suddenly; all patterns were out the window. Flynn wasn’t devolving he was becoming more calculate, we had to find the ends to his means. And Derek’s attitude wasn’t helping to ease the tension we were all feeling. Thankfully, Emily entered at the right moment. We couldn’t run the plates, possibly Kristin had gotten them wrong, but she remembered something crucial. The radio. Flynn listened to the radio following the sound of his name in the mouths of newscasters, and although this could help us, the LAPD had released everything we knew about the RV, about Ellie, and about him.
“That might force him to dump the RV,” my dad said.
“Or kill…” Spencer started but quickly stopped knowing this wouldn’t help appease the strained situation.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“He could’ve killed you and the sister, but he didn’t. He kept you alive, he can’t be surprised that we know what he’s driving and that he has a hostage,” I explained, my father nodding his head in agreement.
We knew he listened to the radio but not which station, but an idea surfaced in JJ. We could try to work with the Emergency Alert System. Quickly, she got to work to be able to get out a message that we were sure would reach Flynn. On one side of the room, Emily and Morgan were talking about Kristin and what she had made him promise her. The safekeeping of Ellie. Kristin said it wasn’t fair of her to ask that, but Morgan wouldn’t break that promise.
As JJ worked the bureaucratic sinkhole that was the EAS, we got word that Flynn was currently in another house with Ellie. When we arrived at the scene, he was gone, but not for the lack of trying to from the neighbors. They had tried to stop him, but he had already taken that family’s car and was able to speed off. We needed to work even quicker than before, he was getting desperate.
Inside the RV he discarded, Ellie’s hair was found on the floor. Derek got enraged, but Spencer reassured him: “Why would you disguise someone you were going to kill?”
Looking for clues inside, Derek found a pipe and I found a newspaper. As they fixated on more clues from the underlined words on it: “bright, happy child,” Spencer pointed out, Derek thought back on what Flynn had said back at the Spicer house. Flynn was after Ellie all along.
One thing we were wrong on the profile, he was stuck in the delusion of believing he was some sort of grandparent to Ellie; she wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t let Matt survive. In a matter of seconds, the gears in the case started shifting at full speed. Once JJ got through to the Madame Secretary, Hotch assigned her to hostage negotiation through the system, trying to find a way to draw him out. On the other hand, Reid and I were looking over some newspapers that were stored in the RV, the murders we might have thought were his first might not have been. As soon as the lights came back on and the cell towers were up we were contacting Garcia to check the records on a murder investigation from 1968.
Garcia has always worked fast and well, this time it was no different.
“So, Nora Flynn was a prostitute and a drug addict living in a desert community just outside of Los Angeles. It appears bikers were her stock in trade, rough bikers. And one fateful day she and a client were murdered by her 13-year-old son Billy. Shot to death. The costumer, ironically named John, was able to tell the police before he died that Billy made him beg for his life and then shot him anyway.”
“That’s him,” Morgan commented.
“And he was convicted, but...”
“He’s a juvenile,” I said.
“Right. So at 18, he was released in 1973, never heard from again,” Penelope continued.
“Oh, he was heard from,” Emily spoke up.
“And he never released a statement as to why he killed them, although it does appear his childhood was horrific. I’m sending you a picture of him on the day he was released to your PDAs.”
“make sure you send the files to JJ,” Hotch instructed.
“Of course, my liege. Garcia bids you ad…”
She was cut off by Morgan, hopefully, so he could apologize for being so cold. “Garcia, wait a minute.”
He took the phone and left to a more private corner to talk to our tech genius. Also, Hotch had gone outside to help JJ with the tough job she had to do; I did not want to be in her shoes right now. We were all standing around in a circle listening to JJ, we could tell she was nervous and picking her words carefully. At first, it was a little rough, but as soon as she tapped into her motherly instincts it was going way smoother. Hopefully, it hit the nail on the head.
Then we received some unfortunate news, Kristin had passed away. The look of defeat on Derek’s face was painful, Ellie was alone now. But there was some hope – Flynn had let Ellie go. JJ had succeeded. We sped off to the house where Billy Flynn was hiding. Upon arrival we were met with the LAPD, they had a direct line to Flynn sent in and were waiting for contact. It rang as soon as we got there, he was watching us.
“He wants to talk to you,” Kurzbard extended the phone towards Derek.
“What?” His tone was pointed, laced with anger and desperation. “He wants me to come in.”
Morgan started walking towards the house after exchanging some words with Hotch. My heart was beating a million miles an hour and I held onto Emily to stabilize myself. We had no eyes or ears on the inside of the house, and anything could happen whilst we were outside and Derek inside.
A couple of minutes went by until ten shots rang through the house. My heart dropped and tears spilled from my eyes unconsciously. I was expecting for the worse as my hands flew to my gun, ready to enter the house, but Emily held me back as Derek calmly walked out of the house. Emily and Spencer accompanied officers to survey the scene and I stayed behind with my father and Hotch to make sure Derek was okay. My father hugged my shoulders as we watched the reunion between Ellie and Morgan, who thankfully came out of the house unscathed.
On the flight home, I couldn’t help but shed a few tears as the adrenaline from the case was wearing down. Next to me, Derek noticed my mood shift and sat closer to me.
“What’s up, baby girl? What’s got you like this?”
“I don’t know, it’s just back at the house we didn’t know anything and all we hard were the shots; I just thought the worst had happened. I’m just being dumb,” I chuckled, trying to downplay how I was feeling. He was the one who went through the traumatic experience, not me.
“Oh come on, you know it would take more than a couple of knocks and a crazy unsub to take me down. You’re gonna have to put up with me for a long time. All of us,” he motioned to the rest of the team. The ones who were still awake nodded and smiled.
But the team would suffer a huge loss before we knew it. This morning JJ, Strauss, and Hotch had been in Hotch’s office right before we were meant to be on the plane to Atlantic Beach. No one knew what they were meeting about, but it had to be serious.
We all left to the case with the underlying question of what the meeting was about. On the plane we stared at JJ until she confessed about the meeting; the Pentagon had offered her a job twice and Strauss wanted her to take it. As much as we wanted to pick her brain about it, there wasn’t too much news. She had a job offer she didn’t want and our boss wanted her to take it. We needed to focus on the case.
At the moment there were two men in custody, 20-year-old Sid and Jimmy. They were claiming they both had consensual sex with our 19-year-old victim Kate after she left a bar with them. Highly doubtful. The need to break them down psychologically became apparent when there were no plot holes found in their stories by the police. We had no body, two suspects, and a limited amount of time.
As soon as we landed, the team got busy with their assignments. JJ was to stay with the parents, Emily and Morgan were in interrogations, dad and Reid to the bar, and Hotch and I to review the interview videos to find any nonverbal clues to disrupt their story. As quickly as we could work so did Garcia. In minutes she gave us a big background into the kids, criminal troublemakers since their preteens.
We watched intently both interviews, Syd’s directly and Jimmy through recording. Syd was prepotent and standoffish since Derek walked in, not much perturbed him, Jimmy on the other hand had a tell.
“He never mentions her by name,” I said as we watched the interview Emily was carrying out with Jimmy.
“Why not?” Detective Mathias asked.
“He’s distancing himself,” Hotch added. “Depersonalizing the victim.”
“Look at the way he shifts his weight and cracks his neck. His behavior was consistent until Kate was mentioned,” I noted and Hotch nodded. Mathias seemed very interested in the way we analyzed every single movement.
Then, both asked for a polygraph test. As we waited to hear from the polygraph results we got to work on theories.
“So, what if they didn’t do it then we’re back to nothing?” Mathias doubted.
“One of them knows where Kate is,” I said nonchalantly.
“How can you be sure?”
“Because an innocent person doesn’t sit quietly for three days. They get angry and defensive.”
“These guys are going out of their way to appear calm and in control,” Derek added. “They’ve got something to hide.”
We knew they were stalling with the polygraphs, all we had to do is figure out what they knew about Kate’s whereabouts. Hotch then sent JJ back to dig into the parents a little, why would have Kate gone with these two boys if everyone else says she wouldn’t have? JJ adamantly turned and headed to the Pearson couple.
“Hotch, we can’t lose her,” I whispered.
“Strauss thinks we’re all replaceable. I went over her head to try to explain that we’re not.”
It wasn’t the answer we wanted, but it’s the one that we got. At the end of the day, we could be short a team member. And worse, our family would be separated.
But we had to continue working, they had passed the tests. We needed to continue the interviews. Something they were counting on. Dad went in to talk to Syd and Reid talked to Jimmy, the latter having a bit of a short fuse. We were going to continue on and on until they broke.
We had less than three hours until they were released. We needed everything we could get. As Derek pushed Syd, and Emily left Jimmy, Hotch got a call. I quickly picked at his cell and the screen read Strauss. So, I excused myself and left Emily to analyze the pictures that were on Syd’s phone of that night.
“She’s leaving, isn’t she?” I asked, reading Hotch’s defeated posture. He nodded. “There’s nothing you can do?”
“They’re not asking. It’s a direct order,” he rubbed his temples.
“So, she’s going to DC?” He nodded once more. I knew it was hard on him the most. He was the person we all looked onto to keep us united, but this really was out of his hands.
“I really wish there was more I could do,” he sighed. We shared a quick hug in the empty hallway, a way of reassuring him that he didn’t have to carry this news by himself. As we detached, he shared a small smile of relief, a small weight lifting off his shoulders.
“Well, come on. There’s no good in dwelling on it right now. Let’s catch these scumbags and bring back Kate.”
The interviews carried on. We couldn’t be distracted by the sad news. We were picking apart every breath, every movement, every word. Then, as she perused the pictures, JJ noticed in a Kate-less one her phone was present. But, Kate’s phone was in possession of her mother since it was recovered from Kate’s hotel room. The girl had made it back to the hotel.
We started forming our hypothesis. Most of the story they believed to be true because it actually was, they did take her back to the hotel, and they did leave. But Jimmy had felt rejected by Kate since she didn’t pay him much attention, and he had the perfect excuse to come back. So, when he left Syd back home, he went back with Kate’s phone. He lured her outside, possibly drugged her, and took her to his boat. Spencer pointed out that Jimmy was obsessed with the details of the port and Mathias added that at that time of night the blood from the catch would attract hundreds of sharks.
“We asked him if he killed her,” I sighed. “He didn’t. Asked where her body is.”
“He doesn’t know,” Emily added, following my train of thought.
“Technically those aren’t lies,” Spencer stated.
“How can you prove this?”
“We’ll get them to admit it,” Hotch answered Mathias.
Back into the interview room we were. We had our bait, and we were gonna reel in the answers.
After we pushed and got no concrete answers, we knew we had to search the ocean. I left with JJ ad Hotch to the port in hopes that she would be found. The Coast guard was 70 miles out and there was no sign of the young girl. We were getting worried.
“Kate’s an amazing swimmer. If he didn’t kill her when she hit the water, there’s still a chance,” JJ hoped.
“JJ, that’s three days in the ocean,” Hotch stated.
“I know,” she said in a defeated tone.
“This might be a long shot, but she would have been thrown near a dangerous area, which would mean there would be buoy markers. It could be possible that, if she was still alive when she hit the water, she swam all the way to a buoy, and since it’s been three days and hopefully, she has no major wounds, there’s a high probability she could’ve survived.” JJ looked up at me and gave me a small smile.
“Nice catch, (Y/N).” Hotch quickly punched in the number for the helicopter and told them to look closely at any buoys they saw around the area.
“I have a feeling about this one, JJ.” She hugged my shoulders. “We’re gonna find her.”
It wasn’t long until we got the news. Mathias came back to tell us they had found her hugging a buoy, alive. The three of us let out a breath of relief, and the unit chief and I stayed back as JJ went to tell the parents the good news. Although no words were exchanged, when we both looked at each other we knew this victorious feeling would be a short-lived one for the team.
Now that it was over JJ would be gone. When we got back, everyone else knew. JJ came out of the briefing room with a defeated look in her eyes, after a mad Hotch had stormed into his office. It didn’t take long for these brilliant minds to figure out the exchange.
“It’s done,” she sighed.
“It can’t be that simple,” Morgan protested.
“It is,” I said.
“You knew?”
“Figured it out back at the precinct,” I answered JJ. “Hotch got the call while Derek was interviewing Syd. It wasn’t too hard to map out.”
“This job is hard enough. What’re they trying to do, bury us?”
“She’s too good,” Emily said.
“She’s on everybody’s wish list,” dad added. “Our loss is somebody else’s gain.”
“They can’t just take you away,” Spencer said sadly. But they could, and they did.
It was a hard goodbye. She wasn’t truly gone but she wouldn’t be with us anymore. There wouldn’t be a need for a true grieving period, but the JJ-shaped hole that would fall upon the BAU team would be impossible to fill. Our family would not be fully complete until hopefully one day she came back.
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Tag List: @wanniiieeee @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @ssamorganhotchner
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Boys are raised to be men. Part 1 - Two broken people
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Series Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Things are different outside the city. When Bucky moves out of the city to live closer to his father’s best friend, Steve, he meets a peculiar girl from a strange family. She’s loved by everyone in the village and like him, she’s missing a limb. And, to Bucky’s surprise, she’s determined to make him part of her life.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2377
Author’s note: I am not disabled and I couldn’t ever imagine what it’s like. If you have anything to not about that aspect of the story, please send me a message so I can fix possible mistakes or misunderstandings in upcoming chapters. Also, let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates.
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‘Good morning mister and misses Rogers.’ You smile and wave at your next-door neighbors who are enjoying the warm spring sun on their porch. In your hand is a plate of cookies. You have always liked baking and often bring a plate to your neighbors on Sunday so they have something to enjoy with their tea after attending church. You would join them at church but you are simply not religious and you can’t stand the pastor in this town. He’s a dick and after his son spent the night in your bed once, you can’t look him in the eye.
‘Morning Y/n,’ Steve replies with a smile. His wife, Peggy, gets up from her seat and shuffles inside to get another cup. She does this every Sunday. Well, she’s been doing this every Sunday ever since a few months. It seems her memory is declining quite rapidly but Steve doesn’t mind reminding her to do mundane tasks. He’s as happy as can be. From what he’s told you, their love story hasn’t been sunshine and butterflies at all. He was nearly killed in the war and just barely survived. When he came back, Peggy was engaged to another but they still found each other in the end. It’s beautiful. You could only hope to marry a man as kind as Steve, who will look at you like he still has a crush on you. Because damn, Steve looks at Peggy like he’s a schoolboy with a crush, like she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, like she’s the only woman in the world. It’s wonderful. You’ve seen that look on Tony’s face when he looked at your mother and you’ve been seeing it more and more from him when Pepper comes around. ‘How have you been Y/n,’ Steve asks, patting the chair next to him to gesture you to sit down on the straw chair. You put the plate on the table and take a seat. The chair barely budges under you even though the thing looks ancient. Good craftsmanship. ‘I’m doing well,’ you say with a smile, ‘I might not be a Christina but I do think the Lord has put an angel on my shoulder.’ ‘Well, you know we pray for you and Peter,’ Steve tells you with a gentle smile, ‘you deserve happiness after everything.’ Peggy steps back outside and shuffles her way over to you two. And of course, in true Peggy fashion, she’s heard everything. ‘I agree,’ she says as she puts the third teacup down on the table with shaky hands, ‘you two are wonderful children.’ Steve smiles at his wife and holds her hand to help her sit down comfortably, only turning back to you when he’s made sure she’s properly seated. ‘Say, how’s that man of yours? Ehm, Samuel, was it not?’ Steve nudges you like you’re two teenagers gossiping. You chuckle and shake your head. ‘Sam and I are still friends,’ you tell him, ‘nothing is ever going to happen between the two of us.’ ‘Maybe you should try living in the city if you’re not interested in the men here,’ Peggy suggests as she does every Sunday but you are perfectly content here. You’ve always liked the little life you’re living. You don’t need and don’t like the big fancy cars, busy streets, and small apartments. ‘I’d rather stay here,’ you shrug, ‘and there are enough people to choose from here.’ ‘Let’s go down the list of potential suitors for a second,’ Steve suggests but he’s not really interested in your opinion. He just wants to know who is with who and what the drama is. He just wants to know about the “youngsters.” Youngsters being people in their mid to late twenties. ‘First up, Thor Odison.’ ‘Lovely guy but he’s in love with Jane. You know, the farmer’s daughter.’ ‘Oh, those two are never going to work out,’ Peggy chimes in, ‘she’s way too much of an individual for him.’ ‘Agreed,’ Steve nods, ‘Loki Laufeyson?’ ‘No way,’ you laugh, ‘that man is a trickster. He’s a great friend but I could never date him.’ Peggy shrugs at Steve’s confused look. ‘Okay, that’s fair,’ Steve agrees with a sigh, ‘Natasha Romanoff?’ ‘She’s dating Bruce Banner. Besides, you do remember she’s my ex, right?’ ‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ Steve says with a sultry look and pats you on the shoulder for a second. ‘Don’t you work at her flower shop?’ Peggy looks quite confused as she asks you about it. ‘Yes, we’re still friends. We just came to the conclusion that we weren’t going anywhere. She’s great but just not for me,’ you explain. ‘How about the Maximoff twins? They seem like something you’d be interested in,’ Peggy asks. ‘They’re fine but Wanda is already dating Vision and Pietro, well, he’s cute but not quite my type,’ you explain but there’s a blush pulling up on your cheeks. Steve picks up on it right away. ‘Is that so? Didn’t I see Pietro sneak out of your house a few weeks ago?’ He grins, sipping on his tea. Gosh, for being elderly the two are awfully gossipy. ‘We’re not talking about those kinds of endeavors on the day of the Lord,’ you say to try and laugh it off while simultaneously admitting to Steve’s indication. Steve seems satisfied with this answer but Peggy seems lost in thoughts. ‘What about Bucky?’
‘Dad! Did you know we have a new neighbor,’ you yell into the house from the hallway while kicking off your shoes and hanging your jacket most hastily. You walk into the living room to see Tony sitting on the couch with a rugged-looking man. The man only has one arm, which has her surprised for a second but she isn’t one to stare as she is also missing part of a limb. Besides, there’s enough else to stare at. This man is a gift. His hair is a tad bit long and he has a bit of scruffy facial hair. And his lips. There’s something about his lips. The corners look upturned at any given moment. It makes him look friendly and approachable. You are certain he either is or used to be quite the ladies’ man. For a short second, you get lost in his icy blue eyes. Wow. Just wow. This man is beautiful. ‘I do know,’ Tony says a bit annoyed at your loud entrance, ‘Y/n, this is James Barnes. James, this is my daughter, Y/n Parker.’ James looks a bit confused at the introduction as his eyes flicker from you to Tony until you shake hands. He doesn’t ask about the difference between the names though. ‘So you’re Bucky?’ He nods at your question. ‘Would you prefer I call you Bucky or James?’ ‘Bucky. Thanks for asking.’ A faint smile appears on his face. ‘He’s already met Peter,’ Tony tells you to explain the confusion on his face earlier. ‘Ah,’ you chuckle, ‘I understand. We aren’t the most usual bunch.’ ‘James- I’m sorry, Bucky here is from the city.’ Tony completely brushes away the whole conversation and hops right into a new topic as you take a seat next to Bucky. ‘Why’d you decide to move somewhere so boring?’ Bucky seems hesitant in answering but something tells you it has a lot to do with his missing limb. You can tell by the way he’s slowly retreating into his jacket. ‘You don’t have to tell me,’ you assure him, ‘I don’t mind.’ ‘Thank you,’ he smiles gratefully and sits up a little straighter again like bricks have been lifted off his shoulders. You can’t help but wonder if your dad was interrogating him up until now. The poor man must’ve been stressed out of his mind. ‘So what do you do, Bucky?’ Tony asks it while he gets up from the couch, making his way over to the kitchen to get the grocery list you put on the fridge whenever you need something. After all, you made a deal yesterday. You cook, he gets groceries. ‘Not much these days,’ Bucky admits, ‘I used to be in the army.’ Ah, that answers a lot of questions. ‘Sow hat do you do to pass the time,’ you ask as you hear the front door close. Of course Tony wouldn’t tell you he was leaving. He’s just glad you took the unexpected guest off his hands. ‘I paint,’ he tells you, looking slightly more at ease now that Tony left, ‘I’m not great but it’s a nice way to pass the time and get some emotions out.’ ‘You’ll have to show me sometime,’ you say with a wink. It catches Bucky off guard. Did you just flirt with him? ‘Would you like some more tea?’ ‘Oh, no, I’m good,’ Bucky says and quickly gets up, ‘I only came by to introduce myself.’ You nod and get up to show him out. You notice he’s still wearing his shoes even though you never wear shoes inside the house. Tony probably felt bad about asking him to take them off so he didn’t. You watch him step outside but you just can’t let him walk away. He’s just too… Wow, he’s too beautiful for you to let him walk away. ‘If you don’t have anything to do tonight. Most of us hang out at the pub downtown every Sunday around seven pm.’ Bucky isn’t sure what to say and you feel obligated to keep talking. ‘It’s just a bunch of stupid people getting drunk but it’s fun’ And now you’re oversharing but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind. He shows a friendly smile but doesn’t look too sure of what to say. ‘You don’t have to but if you want to, I’ll leave here at seven,’ you tell him, ‘so I guess I’ll see you around?’ He smiles and nods to you. You close the door as he walks down to the house next door. Old man Steve’s house. ‘Ah, Bucky, how do you like the Parkers?’ Steve calls out to him before he can make it down their driveway. Bucky and Steve go back a long way. Bucky’s father was good friends with Steve and the man had always been like a backup dad to him. So when his father passed and he got overwhelmed in the city, the next best option was to go look for Steve. ‘They’re a strange bunch,’ Bucky admits, ‘but the girl, Y/n, she’s really sweet. She invited me to the pub.’ ‘You better go punk,’ Steve says in a tone that’s close to warning, ‘you won’t get a better offer to meet the youngsters in town.’ ‘Youngsters? From what you told me, they’re all nearing their thirties.’ ‘You know what I mean,’ Steve argues and waves it off. Bucky takes a seat with Steve on the porch, the chair creaking under his mass. ‘So what’s up with that family? I mean, I know of Stark industries but I never expected to find Tony Stark in a small town like this.’ ‘It’s not my place to tell you.’ Steve looks pained as he says it and it surprises Bucky. Sure, three people living in a house that don’t all share the same last name, there’s a story there. But Steve’s reaction makes him think it’s more than that. ‘Those three have been through a lot. They aren’t related by blood but they’re more of a family than most others down here.’ Bucky gazes over his shoulder at the house next door and watches as the door to the Parker residence opens and the two siblings come running out. The two are like spitfire as Y/n chases Peter for something that doesn’t seem to matter much to them judging by the smiles on their face. ‘I can see that.’ Then, suddenly, they hear Y/n yelp and she falls in the grass in front of their house. She lets a string of muffled curses fall from her mouth as her brother runs up to her. The two seem to be concerned about her leg. Steve tries to call Bucky back but he’s already running up to them. Peter sees him coming and tells him they’re fine but Bucky doesn’t want to go back to Steve. Instead, he kneels down next to Y/n. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ She doesn’t look at him. His eyes fall to the strange picture in front of him. It looks like her leg has been snapped in half at the knee but last time Bucky checked, ankles aren’t made from metal. ‘Yeah, fine,’ she grumbles as she pulls her flared jeans up to her mid-thigh to reveal the prosthetic that came off, ‘it just got stuck and I tripped.’ She grabs the metal leg and pushes it back into place like it’s nothing. Something stirs inside Bucky. “She’s like me,” he thinks, “she’s broken too.” But he doesn’t speak. He understands now why Steve tried to call him back and why Peter tried to tell him it was fine. He wouldn’t want help either. Because when you’re broken, people feel the need to treat you like a child, like you can’t do anything on your own, like you’re not a grown adult with a brain. You lost a limb, not your brain. ‘I’m sorry, I was worried you hurt yourself,’ he says softly and offers his hand to help her up but she politely declines and gets up herself. ‘It’s fine,’ she huffs and pushes her smile back on her face, ‘did you make up your mind about tonight?’ He smiles back at her. ‘Yeah, I’d love to join you. Steve wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I declined.’ ‘You know him well, right?’ ‘Yeah, he used to be friends with my dad.’ ‘Explains the pictures on the fireplace,’ she teases, ‘and all the stories.’ ‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’ Bucky groans, letting his arm drop to his side, ‘please tell me these friends of yours aren’t close to Steve.’ ‘Just Sam but I think you’ll like him,’ she tells him, ‘he’s the same kind of chaotic as you.’ She pats his shoulder and walks back to her house, Peter following her closely behind. ‘Great, just great,’ Bucky sighs.
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janicho88 · 3 years
Fire, Fur & Mistletoe Chapter 2
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Pairing- Dean x Lisa, Eventual Dean x Female Reader.
Word Count-6,102
Warning- Mentions of: loss of parents, death, car accidents, and fires, alcoholism.  Fired from a job. Putting animals up for adoption, eviction.  Possible swearing. Slight angst. Fluff,
Summary- A rewrite of the Nine Lives of Christmas, Hallmark movie. AU, Dean is a firefighter who doesn’t do commitment, the Holiday’s don’t mean much to him.  Coming home after a shift he finds a dog in trouble.  The reader is a veterinary student who works in a coffee shop trying to make it to graduation, until someone causes problems there for her.  She isn’t interested in finding anyone other than her own dog until after she finishes school.  Do their four legged friends have other plans?
A/N- This series is written for @spnchristmasbingo.  The square filled for this chapter is Decorating.  The first two chapters will stay closer to the movie than the rest will.  
This has its own tag list and it is open.  That way I am not tagging anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged in Christmas stories.   This story is unbeta’d.
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Series Masterlist
The day after you were fired you dragged yourself to class determined to keep pushing toward your goal.  No matter how upset you might have been.  Charlie tried to distract you but it didn’t work.  You spent the night trying to study for your upcoming finals. 
Thursday, you went through the want ads and looked for any openings you would be qualified for.  The hardest part was needing flexible hours for school.  Then you prepared your resume and looked up other places in town who might have online applications you could fill out.  
Friday, Charlie reminded you of the Sweet on You party you had agreed to go to.  With everything happening you had completely forgotten, but told her you would meet her there when she didn’t back down.  Walking up the driveway to the house where tonight’s party was, you could see all the happy people inside.  You could see Charlie was laughing with a brown haired girl in the living room window.  You didn’t fit in with this group tonight, you couldn’t pretend to be happy.
Taking out your cell phone you call Charlie’s phone to leave her a message.  “Hey, I’m so sorry.  I’m not going to be able to make it to the mixer.  I hope you have fun.  I’ll see you in class.”  
Turning around you head back to your car to go home and spend the night on your couch with Dakota. 
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Dean took Miracle back home, Lisa complaining about the dog the whole time.  He just tuned her out. 
Wednesday he was back at the station for a 48hr shift.  Things were a little slow, which was good in the sense that people weren’t in trouble and needing them, but it could also make for a long day.  He was in the workout room with the guys when Bobby walked in with wrapping paper.  It was for the toys that had been donated.
“No adoption huh?”  He asked, seeing Miracle sitting next to Benny.
“Not yet, Lisa is still trying.  He probably deserves a better owner than me.”
“Do you know having a dog can be good for your health?”  Cas asked.
“No, but I think I do sleep better since he’s been around.”
“You know you are going to have to choose between her and the dog, right?” Cas wanted to know.
“I’ve got an idea, brother.  How about you keep Miracle and give Lisa my number.” Benny suggested.
“I think Miracle would make a better girlfriend than Lisa. I’m not sure that will work when you and Andrea, finally get back together.” Sam threw out.
“Yeah, but who knows when that will be?  I could have some fun in the meantime.”
“You’re awful.”
“Thanks, Shaggy.”  Benny throwing out his nickname for Sam.
“Are we going to keep him around here when we’re working?  Make him our firehouse Mascot?”  Cas wanted to know.
“The other stations have Dalmatians, they might make fun of us for him.”  Benny stated.
“Who cares, makes us unique.  We don’t need to be like the others anyway.”  Bobby told them before walking over to Dean.  “So Winchester, what are you going to do?  Keep the good old boy, or let a girl push him away.  I told you, I don’t trust a girl who doesn’t like dogs.”
Dean spent the first night of the shift thinking about his options and what the guys had said. The next day at the firehouse he left Miracle at the station when he had a minute to run a quick errand, there was a stop he needed to make.
Walking into Braeden’s he looked around, but didn’t see Y/N anywhere.  So he headed up to talk to the blonde running the register.  
“Hi, I was in here a few days ago.  I’m looking for the girl who was working with you, Y/N.”
“Y/N, she was such a great person.  I miss seeing her.  She no longer works here.  She got fired.”
“What, why?  What happened?”
“Your girlfriend, Lisa.  Complained about Y/N to her dad.  I don’t think Mr Bradean really  wanted to fire her, she’s the best barista we had. She  remembers people's orders and their  favorites.  She handles the difficult ones without a problem.  The only one of  us who can get the cranberry bars just right, and this time of year they are the most popular.  His daughter is a beautiful, but horrible superficial nightmare of a person.”
“I get it.”
“She is trying to put herself through school.  She really needed this job.”
“Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that.  Do you have her number or home address, maybe?”
“Why, she doesn’t have enough problems, now you want to go burn down her house too?”
“What? No.  I want to apologize.”
“Oh really?”  Claire leans against the other counter folding her arms and glaring at Dean.
 “I didn't know Lisa did that,  I would have stopped her if I did. I’m so sorry.  Please.  I feel really awful this happened to her.  Is there any information you can give me that would help me find her?”
 “Her last name is Y/L/N, that’s all I am going to tell you about her.”
“Thank you.”
He leaves to head back to the station.  There still isn’t much going on so he grabs his computer and uses some of the down time to sit in the common room and look up Y/N Y/L/N on social media accounts.  Bobby is in the kitchen area behind working on some food.  Cas, Benny and Sam are playing cards at the long dinner table.  
“Any luck yet?  Bobby asked.
“Nope, I can’t find her anywhere.  None of these profiles on facebook,or  linked in are her.  I even searched twitter.”  
“I can’t believe Lisa got her fired.”  Cas just shook his head. 
“That’s pretty cold, man.  Maybe I don’t want her to have my number.” 
“Not a problem Benny.”
“You know, you haven’t told us anything about this girl you are trying so hard to find.”
“She is wicked smart.  I would bet she’s getting straight A’s.”
“Okay more important question here,”  Benny interrupts.  “What does she look like?”  
Cas and Sam both throw chips at him for that comment. 
“Hey, I’m curious, here?”
“She’s really pretty, but she’s the kinda girl that doesn’t know it.”
“That’s the best kind.”  Bobby tells him.
“Is she nice?”  
“Unbelievably so, she is super sweet.  She loves animals, especially dogs.”
“Okay so let’s see if I got this, she’s wicked smart.  Pretty but not full of herself, sweet with a heart of gold?”
“Yeah.”  Dean looks around and everyone is looking at him.  “What am I missing here?”
“Apparently a lot,”  his brother tells him.
“She sounds like a special person.”
Dean shrugs, “Yeah, she is I guess.”
“I have an idea.”  Sam turned to Dean.  “Why don’t you ask your girlfriend to get it from her dad.  Actually that is a conversation I would pay to watch you have with Lisa.  ‘Lisa can you get me the address of the girl you had fired so I can go apologize to her, for you being the bitch you are.  See I’m in love with her, but I haven’t figured that out for myself yet.’ “
“Are you done?”  Dean asks his brother anything but amused.
“For now,”  the younger Winchester joins in laughing with the others.
“Boy, you are a special kind of idjit.  You lot, go finish that equipment inventory.”
“Sure thing Chief, just let me beat these guys real quick.”  Looking up Benny sees Bobby’s face.  “Or now is good.” 
Bobby walks over to the table from the kitchen counter he was working at, “So, Y/N.”
“She doesn’t want to date until after she graduates and starts working.  She is nothing like the kind of girl I go out with normally, anyways.  She actually believes in true love and Marriage.”
“It’s really not that bad you know.  Don’t tell Ellen I said that.”
Dean chuckles at that, knowing how much the grumpy man really does love his wife.
“Just because things didn’t work out for your parents doesn’t mean it won’t for you.  Look at Sam and Jess.”
“It’s not what I’m looking for Bobby.”
“Then why are you here spending your time searching for this very pretty and smart girl?”
“I just want to apologize.”
“Yeah, sure.  Don’t you want a family one day?  Someone you can share the Holidays and special moments with?”
“You and the guys are my family.  You know this.”
“As close as you and your brother are, you still can’t snuggle up with me the other idjits on a cold night, after a rough shift.”
“Is that a firm no?”
Bobby just shakes his head at Dean's attempt at humor, and goes back to the kitchen.
When the shift ends Friday afternoon he takes Miracle home and tries to relax before getting some work around the house done.  He goes back Saturday for a 24 hour shift.
“It looks like the two of us are going to be stuck together for a little while.  You can stay until I finish here and sell the house.  Then you are on your own.  For now on we can come and go as we please.   You aren’t responsible for me, I’m not responsible for you,  That work for you?  Just a couple of bachelor's living together.  Good talk, let’s go watch the game.”  Miracle follows Dean into the living room, curling up in his lap.
After the game Dean heads out to get some supplies he needs to work on the house.  Lisa is in the kitchen with dinner when he arrives back home.  
“What are you doing here Lisa?  Weren’t you supposed to have a shoot today?”
“It was postponed so I came over to make you dinner, it took all day.”
“You made the food here?”  
“Yeah so it would be nice and hot when you got out.”
“Uhuh. hey have you seen Miracle? 
“No, figured it was with you.”
“He was here earlier”
“I’m sure it’s around somewhere.  Go shower I’m sure you smell like smoke.  I’ll put the food on the table.”
“My shift ended hours ago, Lisa.  I already showered.  I need to look for Miracle.”
“Miracle hey, come here dog.” she pretends to look for him.  “Guess he’s not here, let’s eat.”
“He usually greets me when I come home, he must have gotten out.  I need to go find him.”
“Why? It’s just a stupid dog, who cares?  Now come eat this delicious dinner I made.”  That puts Dean over the edge with her.
He turns back around in the doorway, “You just don’t get it do you?  Did you really have that barista from your father’s coffee shop fired?”
“Yeah, she was completely awful to me.  I can’t have that.”
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“She was giving you facts about Miracles, She wasn’t doing anything to you.  You can’t just have people fired when you don’t like what they say Lisa.”
“Sure I can.  She doesn’t matter, the dog is finally gone.  Everything is just how it’s supposed to be.”  She tells him with a shrug.
“You know, I don’t think this is going to work.” 
“You and me.”
 “Wait, are you seriously breaking up with me?”
“Yeah, yeah I guess I am.”
“I’m a model and you think you are going to break up with me?”
“You might need to get your hearing checked, yes I am.”
“You can’t do that, I'm the best thing to ever happen to you.  You are going to regret this Dean Winchester.  I won’t take you back when you come begging me to.  I spent all day making this dinner for you.  I got my hair done for you, these highlights were expensive.”
“No, you actually didn’t.  That stove isn’t connected, I just bought it. I know it doesn’t work yet, and the take out bags are sticking out of the trash outside.  Nice try though.  I’m sure the hair was for you and no one else. I think you need to go, Lisa.”
She stomps out of the room in a huff, slamming the front door when she exits.
Dean went to look for Miracle but didn’t have any luck finding him.  The backdoor wasn’t shut tight, Lisa must have done that when she took the trash out. 
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Saturday was spent with your list going to all the places you found that might be looking for help, and making stops with those who had ‘Now Hiring’ signs up.  Passing some Christmas carolers in the town square you stop and listens for a moment.  You do love this time of year.   A couple of places took your resume, but others weren’t very keen to work around a school schedule.
The best you could do is just keep trying until something works in your favor. 
Sunday, morning Donna was over bright and early to start your day together.   She brought donuts and coffee with her.  Chatting with you and petting Dakota as you got yourself ready to go.  The first stop she had planned for the two of you were mani/pedi’s.  It had been a long time since you felt that relaxed.  For a little while in the chair you were able to forget about your troubles.  When you were done there the two of you visited a few shops you were passing by.  
From there you grabbed a light lunch and listened to the carolers and watched the other shoppers.  
“I should head back home to study.”
“No, we had a deal.  It’s time for your hair and makeup appointment.  Then i’m taking you to get a new dress.”
“I don’t know.”
“Hey, I know you.  I bet you already know everything you need for your exam.  You are just overthinking it. Relax.  Take some time to enjoy the Holiday season.”
When your hair and nails were done she took you to a little boutique to look for a dress for the Mayor’s party.  You tried on multiple options before she handed you a black long sleeve one stopped mid thigh.
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“Come on out already, I want to see it.”
You pulled the curtain back and stepped out.
“Wow, look at you girl.  Green eyes is going to flip when he sees you in this.”
“Oh no, I can’t afford this one.”
“I’m going to get it for you, I got a bonus.  You deserve to be taken care of once in a while too.”
“It’s too much.”
“Y/N, when mom and dad died, you came home to take care of me.  You put your whole life on hold, just for me.  This dress is nothing compared to that.  Please let me do this.”
You walked over to look in the mirror, Donna coming up beside you.  “You look like mom.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, you do.”
Turning, you give your sister a big hug.
Leaving there you thought she was finally taking you home to study but you find her pulling into the fire station and you start to panic.  “What, what are we doing here?
“Do you really think I’m just going to take you home looking like that?  You are going to walk in there and make Green eyes faint.  Plus I want to meet him, you said he was working today.”
Dang it.  “No, no.”
“Come on, you can’t hide him forever.”
“I have to study for my final, I have to go home. Now.  Let’s go.”
“If you don’t get out and walk your but in I am going to drag you in there. Do you really want that?”  She was already unbuckling her seatbelt and going to open her door. 
“Wait! I’ll go in.  Okay I’ll go in.”
“He is going to be so surprised.”
“You have absolutely no idea how surprised.  You know what?I should really go in alone.”  Donna sits back in her seat raising her eyebrow at you.
“Why is that?”
“He’s going to see this outfit and want to grab me, and start kissing me.  One thing can lead to another.  It’ll be a little awkward with you there.  That’s not the best circumstances to meet him, when he’s making out with your older sister.  You can meet him at the Christmas party, promise.”
“Alright, fine.  I want details, I’ll wait here.”
“Oh no, that’s okay.”  Pretending to check the time.  “He’s about to get off shift, he can take me home.”
“Okay, fine.  Take care.  Have fun.”
“Thank you, and thank you for today.”
 You get out of her truck and slowly make your way up to the fire station, turning back to wave at your sister.  When she finally pulls away and you can’t see her anymore you turn and start walking back to your condo.  Great, you're in heels, this will be fun.  You don’t get too far down the road when you hear a dog bark at you.  Looking around you see a dog that looks like one you met earlier in the week.  He comes over rubbing against your bare legs and you check his collar.  Sure enough it says Miracle.  Just great.
“Hey there buddy, what are you doing out here?  Are you lost?”
Turning around and walking back to the station Miracle following along behind you.  When you step inside there are three guys working on cleaning the truck.
“Hi, sorry to bother you, I’m looking for the owner of this dog,”  You point to Miracle who is now sitting beside you.
“He’s mine!” two men call out at the same time, then turn and glare at each other.   The third with longer hair just shakes his head at them. 
“I think he belongs to someone named, Dean?”
“Yo, Jerk get out here.”  The shaggy haired man yells out.
Dean comes walking out from inside a minute later, “Bitch, what do you…”  He suddenly notices you, “Hey I’ve been looking for you two, how did you end up together?”  Bobby comes out to join Sam, Cas and Benny.  The four of them watching you and Dean.
“You’ve been looking for me?”  That really surprises you.
“Yeah, I heard about your job. I’m really sorry It’s my fault.”
“That wasn’t your fault it was all your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore.”
“That’s good.”  You seriously had no filter.  Dean looked up at you a little shocked by your comment.  “I’m mean, that’s too bad.”
“It’s alright, I knew she wasn’t the nicest, but I didn’t realize she could be that awful.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least you have Miracle back now.  Have a good night.”  With that you turned to walk out of the station.
Dean turns back around and the guys are all pointing and gesturing to you.  “Hey, Y/N, I’m getting off work soon.  Could I give you a ride home, or maybe buy you dinner?”
“Thank you for offering but you don’t have to. I'm fine walking.”
“Come on, let me buy you dinner.  With everything that’s happened it’s the least I can do.”
“You really don’t..”
Three shouts of “it’s the least he can do.”  Come from behind Dean.
“Okay, but only if I can take you to my favorite place.”
“Alright, do I need to run and change first?”  He looks down at his uniform blue pants and shirt.  If your favorite place is anything like Lisa's he is going to need dress pants a tie, the whole shebang.  
You pretend to look him over, “No I think I can get you in just fine dressed like that, I know the owner pretty well.  But what about Miracle?”
“He can hang out here, he’ll be fine with the guys around here.”
Bobby comes up to get Miracle, “We like having him here.”
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Dean takes you to the common area and you wait in there until he is finished with his shift.  When you leave you give him directions to your favorite taco truck.  Dean wasn’t expecting this at all.
“This is really your favorite place?”
“Yes, taking a bite out of one of his tacos is like a surprise party in your mouth.  He’s open all night.  So when I’m studying really late I come and grab something from here.”
Grabbing your food you go and sit at one of the nearby tables.  Dean groans when he takes his first bite. “Oh you weren’t lying that is so good.”
“I know right?”  You smile at him. A sudden chill hitting you.  You tried to hide that you were cold because a big part of you really didn’t want the night to end.  Dean saw it anyway.
“Are you cold?”
“I’m alright.”  He shook his head at you.  
“I’ll be right back.  He returns with his yellow coat from his uniform draping it over your shoulders to keep you warm.
“Thank you.”  The two of you get up from the table and walk around the nearby park looking at the light displays around you.
“When I was 19 my parents died in a car accident.  I was away at college then.  I came back home to raise my little sister.  When she entered college I went back and started my undergrad back up.  Now I’m trying to finish veterinary school.”
“What made you want to become a vet?”
“My parents were huge animal lovers. My sister and I grew up around animals and that love for them passed down to us.  My mom was always taking in strays.  When I was seven, walking home from school I found a baby bird in the middle of the road.  The little guy was hurt when he fell out of his nest.  I took him home and nursed him back to health with the help of my parents.  I was there when he was finally able to take his first flight.  That’s when I realized I wanted to be a vet and help animals when I grew up.  What about you?  Why did you want to become a firefighter?”
“When I was four our house caught on fire, I was carrying my little brother Sammy out of the house.  The front door was engulfed in flames, I wasn’t sure how to get out.  This firefighter crashed through the living room window and got us to safety.”
“My mom was trapped, but they managed to get both of my parents out.  They blamed each other for the fire and started fighting a lot. Until they eventually divorced.  We lost my dad to the bottle a couple years ago.  Mom to a car accident.  The firefighters made me feel safe, and took care of me and my brother that night.  I wanted to be able to do that for others one day.”
“That’s powerful.”
He just nodded.
“What were your parents like?”
“They were so in love, they met in high school and that was it."
"So you could say he jumped in front of her and stopped her in his tracks. She followed him to the highest peak?”  He asks as he smiles at you.
It took you about thirty seconds to realize what he was saying, “You remembered the mountain lions.”
“Yeah, I did.”
The both of you sat there a few more minutes lost in your own thoughts before you reluctantly spoke up.  “I’ve really enjoyed tonight.  It’s been really nice, but I have a big final tomorrow morning.  I should try and get a little more studying in.”
“Okay, no problem.  I’ll take you home.”
Reluctantly you got up and followed Dean to his truck.  You gave him the address to you
 place, and he found it no problem.  As a fireman he most likely knows his way around town very well.  He walked you to the door when you arrived home.
“Thank you for dinner, it was nice of you.”
“No problem, Sweetheart.  Thank you for accepting my apology.”
The two of you stood there looking at one another for a minute or so before you snapped out of it.  
“Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.  Good luck on your final tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
The two of you so lost in thought you didn’t realize you were still wearing his coat until after he had already driven away.  
Your dreams that night revolved around a pair of green eyes, with a boyish smile and a great laugh.
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You were studying as you were getting ready Monday morning, trying to get any last bit of new information in that you could.  All too quickly it was time to head out.  
Sitting down next to Charlie you apologized to her for missing Friday again.  She told you all about the girl she met there, Dorthey.  She seemed to really click with this one.  You were very happy for her.  At least one of you could get what you wanted.
The two of you walked out of the Veterinary school building an hour and a half later.  “Okay, that final was so much tougher that I thought it was going to be.”
“Charlie, I’m sure you did great.”
“At least that was our last one. Now Christmas break is finally here!”  She broke into a little dance as she was saying this.
“I’m glad you are so excited about this,”  you laughed watching her.  Turning back around someone caught your eye.
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“Hey, how did the test go?”
You were a little flustered, did he come all this way just to ask about your test?  “I think I did all right on it.”
“That’s great, glad to hear it.  How about I take you out for coffee and we can celebrate?”
Charlie was looking back and forth between the two of you, when she finally got a good look at Dean’s face.  “That’s Green eyes?”  She exclaimed much loudly for your liking.  Judging by Dean’s laugh and slight blush, he heard it too.
Reaching out you quickly smack her arm before turning back to Dean.  “That’s so nice of you to offer, but dinner last night was enough.”
“Wait he took you to dinner last night?”  Charlie wanted to know looking at Dean then you.
“Yes, please shut up.”  You whispered to her
“Let him take you for coffee.  She would love to go with you.”  Charlie turned to Dean shaking her head yes.
Dean was amused by Charlie's antics. You on the other hand could hurt your friend.  “Besides the coffee, I kinda need my coat back for work tonight.
“Oh, yeah.  I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t realize I still had it on till after you left.”
“It’s alright, let me take you for coffee and we can grab it after.”
Charlie pushed you toward Dean, “Have fun you two!”
Dean took you to a coffee shop you had never been to before.  The two of you enjoying a nice conversation before being on your way.  When you were walking back to your place you commented on the shop.
“I really liked that place.  I’ve never been there before.  Or even heard of them before.”
“You know what they say, firemen and police always know where to get the best coffee. There was one I really liked, only had it a few times.  I’m pretty sure it was the barista there who made it so good.”  Dean winking at you as he said it.
The front of your condo coming into view. The door was wide open.  “Oh this is bad, so very bad.”  You run up the steps toward the door.
“What’s going on?”
“She found Dakota.” Dean watches you run inside slowly following behind, but staying out of sight.
Your landlady is standing at the counter when you come rushing in.  Hearing you she turns around.
“I just knew you were hiding something.  I had a plumber come in and check out your sink.  Do you know what he found?”  She asked you while holding up an Effective Immediately Eviction notice.
“Where is she?”
“I shut her in the back bedroom.”  You went right over to check on your girl.
When you come back she starts right back in on you.  “This is a clear violation of the Angel Arms by laws.  You have to be out by the end of the day.”
Good things get any worse for you right now?  Where were you supposed to go?
Just then Dean comes walking in holding up his fireman identification and badge, “I assume you gave this tenant 48 hours notice before you had a service person enter the residence?”
“I, um I’m not sure.”
“How about the fire code?  Are you all up to date on all of the apartment codes pertaining to apartment and condo buildings?”
She couldn’t even get a word out.
“What about all the bylaws with the state's statutes?”
“Well, I would think I…”
“I’ll be back next week and make sure you are in compliance with each and every state and city fire code.  If you aren’t I’m afraid I’ll have to slap you with a 777, and close this place down.”
Her eyes widened at that and she quickly left the building.  No doubt to start looking into all the codes and begin the tedious work of making sure each one was met.
You were watching Dean in awe, you couldn’t believe he would go to all this trouble for you.
“I’m sorry I won’t be able to stop the eviction, but I can make her miserable for awhile.”
“Dean, I don't know what to say.  Thank you for doing that.”
“Talk later, let’s get packing.”
“You have to be out today, let’s go.”
“You’re going to help me?  Dean I don’t even know where I can go.  My sister doesn’t have room for us.  I couldn’t find a place to rent before this happened.”
“I have an idea.  The house I’m renovating right now, it has an upstairs apartment.  There is even an outside entrance so you could come and go as you needed.”
“Dean, I couldn’t do that and impose on you.”
“You aren’t.  I’m inviting you to stay.  You won’t even have to pay rent. So you can save for a new apartment. Plus I’m the reason you got fired.”
He really was giving you a tempting offer.  “You said yourself you had nowhere else you knew of to go.”
“Are you okay with dogs?”
“Yes, actually they are a must.  Plus you could help me out with Miracle.”
“I will pay you.”
“That’s okay, maybe you could just help me with the house some?”  
“I can do that.  Thank you so much.  I really appreciate this.”
“No problem Sweetheart. I’m going to go get us some boxes, while you start getting your stuff around.”  When Dean got outside he called Sam.
“Hey, you doing anything right now?”
“No, just hanging out till the shift starts.”
“I have a friend who needs some help packing up her apartment real fast.  Can you help?”
“Yeah, wait, her?  Who’s the her?  I thought Benny and Cas were your only friends?”
“Will you just stop talking and get over here?  I texted you the address.”
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You were shocked when Dean returned with not only boxes but one of the other firemen.
“Y/N, this is my little brother Sammy.”
“It’s Sam.”
“This is Y/N, Sammy said he could help us out for a bit.”
“Thank you so much.  I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.  Dean told me what happened.”
In just a few hours the three of you had everything loaded up in the three vehicles.  The apartment came furnished so everything but the bed stayed.
Getting to Dean’s place you get out and look at the house, it’s amazing.
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Heading inside Dean shows you around.  You are distracted by the wonderful details that surround it, and the great work Dean has done.  You can’t believe he rebuilt the entire staircase.  He is extremely talented. 
The two dogs are introduced and seem to get along really well.  You are kind of surprised, Dakota is usually more reserved around dogs she has never met before. 
“I think they are going to get along just fine.”  Dean tells you.
“Yeah, I guess us living together could work, I mean sleeping together.  NO, I just, you know what I mean, staying under the same roof, not in the same room.”  You aren’t sure your face could be any redder.
“Well, not sure I have a problem with the first two options either.”  
You were wrong, your face could get redder.
“I promise you won’t know I’m even here.  I’m looking for a new job, and I’ll look for a new place.  Hopefully I can find something by next week.”
“No rush, it’s fine Sweetheart.”
 The two guys help you unload the things in their vehicles before heading off to work. 
Wandering around the house you notice the living room and all the white paint stripes.  This must be the room Dean was saying he was having trouble finding the right color.  You didn’t have anything else to do so you go to work.
When Dean came home from work the next night, some amazing smell greeted him.  Y/N, must have grabbed takeout.  He’s hoping she got enough to share.  Looking around he finally found her on a ladder in the living room.  He walked in looking around.  He couldn’t believe it, the whole room was painted, and the color was perfect.
On top of the fireplace mantle he saw a few Christmas decorations out.  Some reindeer, a big snowman in the middle.  They weren't his so they must have come from your house.   It helped to make the room feel a bit homier than it had before.
Turning around you finally notice Dean.  “Oh hi,”
“Hey, I can’t believe you finished this room.  The color is perfect.”
“I’m used to being busy, but I’m currently unemployed, and school is on break for a month.  This is Pearl, it’s a layer of Egg shell over Egg crue.  It’s the only way to get this color.  It’s the least I could do for you rescuing Dakota and I.”
“Don’t worry about that.  I do appreciate you doing all this.”
“No problem, I like to keep busy.”  You get Dakota up to head to your apartment, you did tell him you would stay out of his way.  “Oh, there is chicken and mashed potatoes in the fridge if you want any.”
“It smells amazing, where did you pick it up from?”
“I cooked.”
Here we go again, Dean thought.  
“I saw the stove wasn’t hooked up, I hope you don’t mind I connected it.”
“Oh, no.  Thanks.”  That surprised Dean.  Y/N really was different than all the other girls he dated.  
As she walked out of the room he realized he didn’t want her to go,  “My shift was kinda slow, do you want to stay and eat with us?”
“We already ate, but thanks.  I’ll let you enjoy your downtime.”
“Oh okay.”
Walking back to the room you are talking with Dakota about why you left.  “He really doesn't want us to join him.  He was only being polite.”  Dakota gives a little growl.  “Don’t give me your attitude, missy.”
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The next morning Dean is up looking around for Y/N, before he has to head out.  He knows she’s up; he saw the coffee put all made for him.  Not seeing her anywhere he assumes she is in her room and doesn't want to bother her.
He’s caught by surprises when he walks out the front door and sees her hanging up Christmas lights on the porch.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Morning, oh.  I heard Christmas lights and decorations can add curb side value to a house.  If you are going to sell when you’re finished.  Having some lights out now, might get people to notice the house.  Do you mind?”
“Not at all, great idea.  Thank you.”
“No problem.  You know, I have all that stuff from my apartment if you want to decorate the inside too.”  
“I’m not much for decorations, but you can have at it.”
He walks down to his truck and asks without thinking.  “I have to give a presentation to a group of fascinating people, would you like to come with me?”
“Sure, do I need to go change?”
“No, I think I can get you in with jeans and a sweater.”
“Alright, let me grab my phone.”
Hurrying back outside Dean locks the door behind you, “Let’s go Sweetheart.”
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 3 
Tags- @winchest09  @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean  @flamencodiva @atc74 @deanwanddamons @jensengirl83 @abuavnee @lunarmoon8 @amyzombie1013 @akshi8278 @that-one-gay-girl @mandalou29​  @igotmadskills​
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mickeymouse-moshpit · 3 years
street lights, people
A/N: In the biker AU I learned about through the amazing @maybege‘s Biker!Paz and Biker!Boba upcoming stories, I created a pediatrician!reader who falls in love (eventually, I’m talking a few parts here) with Biker!Fennec Shand. I use as much gender neutral language as possible, but reader is AFAB and uses she/they pronouns. Also hi, May! it’s me that anon who dropped by a couple times. I hope you all enjoy this, I'm sorry there isn’t more Fennec/peds!reader interaction, but I will have more in the future I promise!
P.s: let’s all suspend our disbelief when it comes to the judge doing strange things, had to have conflict somewhere
Summary: When the local pediatrician has to go to a hearing for one of her patients, she stumbles across Fennec Shand, the head of the local chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA). 
Rating: T for now, E in the future (possibly) 
Warnings: References to past child abuse, domestic violence, NO descriptions of the actual acts
Chapter One: January 8th
“Okay, Seb. You look good, I don’t see any reason why you can’t go back to school on Monday.”
“Really, Doc? I can’t even stay out one more week?”
“Sorry, bud. I know another week of winter break would be nice, but you gotta go back to the real world. Sucks, but I got told nope too when I asked for Monday off.”
“Fiiiiiine I’ll go back.”
“Good, good. Mom, how are we feeling today?”
“Much better, things have been stable at home but I’m nervous that something is going to happen tonight.”
“Do you have BACA’s contact? If not, I can get Max to give it to you when you check out. They can swing by tonight after the hearing to make sure nothing happens to you and Seb.”
“Oh, I didn’t think of that. Do you think they would mind?”
“From what I’ve seen, they won’t mind at all. When I was in residency, there was a kiddo that the chapter there took day and night shifts for three weeks while the father was out on bail while the trial happened. If a kid needs it, they’ll make it happen.”
“Thank you, for everything. Will we see you this afternoon?”
“For sure, I’ve got to get all my notes signed then I’ll be heading over there.”
“Doc, will you sit with me after you’re finished?”
“Of course, Seb. Do you want me to bring anything with me?”
“Do you have any of those peanut butter cookies?”
“Seb! She’s a busy person!”
“It’s okay, and yes I do. I made them last night just in case you might want some today.” You smiled at him and he beamed back. “Okay you two, head on out and Max will take care of you. I’ll see you over there.”
Seb bounced out of the room, his mom following behind them.
You shook your head and headed out of the exam room and into your office, closing the door behind you. You unlocked your computer and pulled up his chart, finished typing up the note you had started that morning before he arrived. You read and reread the note, making sure it was as accurate and representative of Seb’s course since discharge from the hospital as you could make it without having seen him every day. Finally satisfied, you signed it and called CPS to make sure they knew it was done.
You leaned back in the black leather chair, pondering how much of your credibility you would lose if you showed up in the Winnie the Pooh dress you had worn because of the proportion of toddlers on the schedule that morning. You sighed and pushed yourself up and toward the hook on the door to your office and pulled down the suit that lived there. It was plain black but tailored perfectly. You cut an imposing picture when you paired it with the sharp white button down and simple black pumps that you wore when you needed a confidence boost. You slid the pants on, and ditched the dress before buttoning up the shirt and tucking it in. You put the jacket on, then your boots. The pumps would have to wait until you got to the courthouse, seeing as they were currently sitting on the passenger seat of your car. You gathered your things and made sure the computer was locked again before clicking off the lights and shutting the door behind you.
You stopped at the front desk where Max handed you the sealed manilla envelope that held the morning’s note before they went to lunch. You grabbed your overcoat, the soft wool soothing under your fingertips as you put it on over your suit. It had started to snow while you were in clinic, coating everything with fresh white powder. You would be more excited about it if you weren’t about to go have a hand in deciding a young kid’s fate. You shivered as you turned on the seat warmer and let the car warm up while you plugged your phone in and got your seatbelt on. You pulled out of the spot and onto the highway.
You sat for a moment more, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, counting in and out. Satisfied, you made sure the document was in your briefcase before putting on your dress shoes and getting out. You stepped carefully, not wanting to show up wet and shivering from the snow. You smiled when you saw the few bikes parked outside the courthouse. You knew BACA had been working with Seb and his family as long as you knew him, but this was the first time you had been to the courthouse for a hearing.
You almost made it inside but skidded on a small patch of ice a few feet from the door. You would have fallen, but a couple of strong arms grabbed and steadied you.
“Whoa, there! I would ask where the non-skid footwear is but the more important thing, are you okay?”
You looked at the woman who had caught you, struck dumb for a moment. She was wearing a leather jacket with a charcoal grey wool sweater underneath. Her hair was pulled into a braid that disappeared down her back and she was wearing a smirk that made you blush.
“Sorry about that. I almost made it too, ugh! Yeah, I’m fine. I remembered too late that my boots don’t fit in my briefcase so had to risk it. Thanks for saving me.”
She kept one hand on your midback as you walked through the door.
“It’s no problem, just maybe wear the boots next time.” She let you go as you got past the mats that kept the floors from being too slippery. You nodded in response and walked to the stairs that led up to the courtrooms. You steadied your breathing as you walked up the marble. You pushed the door and stepped inside, sitting just behind Seb and his mom.
“… and plan for follow up in four weeks, or sooner if needed.” You finished reading the note.
“Thank you, doctor. You may step down. We will reconvene after a fifteen-minute recess.” The judged banged the gavel once and left for their chambers.
You made it down the step in one piece and headed for the door, grabbing your briefcase as you went. You wanted a drink of water and needed to give Seb his cookies before he had to go back inside. You grabbed your briefcase and sat down on the bench with Seb. His mom was a few feet away, whispering to the lawyer and social worker on the case. She looked worried.
“How’re you feeling, kiddo?” You pulled a water bottle and the baggie of cookies out, handing them to Seb before getting out your own water.
“I’m okay, I think.” He took a sip of water. “Mom’s worried, she won’t say anything to me, but I know she is.”
“She’s your mom and doesn’t have control over this outcome. That’s enough to make anyone worry. Are you worried?”
“I don’t know, a little. This time it was really bad, and I know we’ve got plans for leaving but it just hasn’t happened yet. I think something happened, but I don’t know. I don’t want to leave.”
“It’s okay to be worried, whatever happens, you two will take it in stride. You’ve got a lot of people rooting for you.”
“Thanks, Doc. And thanks for the cookies, I know mom wasn’t happy I asked about them but I’m really glad you made them.”
“No problem, Seb.” You took the cookie he offered and savored it, wondering what the new judge was going to say. They were new to the town, new to the case. You just hoped they would be fair.
You walked out of the marble building with a silent Seb and mom beside you. 30 days. They had 30 days to find a way out of that house or Seb would be sent to live with his grandparents two counties away and barred from seeing his mom until she was out of the house. You could have sworn you heard disgust when you heard the judge reference Seb’s mom. But the gavel had fallen and now there was an due date on the plan.
You considered yourself lucky that you had avoided any more stumbles between your car and the door of the pub. You swirled the whiskey in your glass and took a sip, savoring the flavors that washed over your tongue. You didn’t usually come here, but as you started to drive home, you found your mind running around and around the afternoon’s events and you couldn’t make them stop.
Unknown to you, Fennec was sitting in the same pub, watching you. She took a sip of the beer she had been nursing for the last thirty minutes since you walked in.
“I’m just glad she’s got her boots on,” she mumbled to Boba.
“Would you just go talk to her? You haven’t stopped staring or shut up about her since she walked in.” He was nothing if not an effective wingman.
“I don’t know, will she think I’m following her? She’s some new in town lawyer type that probably doesn’t go for that.”
“Shand, if you don’t go make a move, I’m going to go point you out to her myself.” Boba had done it before.
“Fine, fine.” She scooched out of the booth, leather jacket squeaking against the vinyl as she got up. She tugged at the sleeves as she sidled up to the opposite end from where you were.
“Another one, Fennec?”
“No, I want to buy her next round.” She nodded in your direction, wondering what it would be.
“Sure thing.” The bartender side stepped away out of Fennec’s line of sight and filled a glass with ice and club soda. He finished it with a slice of lime before setting it down in front of you.
“What’s this?” You looked up with your brow wrinkled.
“Lady with the braid over there wanted to buy your next round but I remembered what you told me last time someone wanted to do that.”
“Oh, thanks.” You looked in her direction, meeting her gaze. You gave a small wave to thank her and she disappeared into the growing crowd. You went back to your drink and finished the whiskey off. You felt a familiar hand on your midback as she sat on the stool next to yours.
“Good to see you’ve got appropriate footwear on.” There was her smirk again.
“Well, they just go so much better with a suit and slush,” you quipped at her. “I don’t make it a habit of falling into the arms of strangers, you know.”
“Oh, I’m sure, I’m just glad they were mine.” Your eyes widened ever so slightly. “And I’m also glad you accepted…whatever the hell that is. I’m Fennec by the way.”
“Inside joke with the bartender.” You winked at her before giving her your name.
“How have you been in town long enough to have inside jokes with Karga?”
“I’ve lived here two and a half years, that’s plenty of time, don’t you think?” It was her turn to wrinkle her brow. “What, didn’t think I knew what winter was or something?”
“I—I don’t know. I thought—two and a half years and you didn’t know the steps ice over?”
“First time going in the winter, usually I give my depositions in a conference room in the office building around the corner from the courthouse.”
“Dep—you’re not a lawyer?” You pressed your lips together as you suppressed a laugh. “From how you walked away from me I thought you were about to put away a murderer or something.”
“No, I’m a pediatrician. I work with CPS and do advocacy work for my kiddos in bad situations. This was the first time a judge actually wanted me to read my note into the record at a hearing, something about they wanted to make a decision today and didn’t want to wait on me.”
“Wait, you were there for Seb?” She set her hand on your forearm. “How did I not know? BACA is supposed to know all the people coming in for a case.”
“Not sure.” You took a sip of the club soda. “I didn’t even know I was going to be there until three days ago when I got a call.”
“Huh. Well, I have to say I’m glad you were there, even though the circumstances weren’t ideal.” Her thigh bumped yours and her hand came up to brush your hair out of your face. “And while I don’t think you should wear those shoes outside again, I’m happy I was there to catch you.”
“Me too.” You let out a small huff of laughter. “BACA head, yeah?”
“Yeah, just appointed a few months ago after the last guy retired.”
“I like women in powerful roles.” You held her gaze and you let your knee bump hers this time.
“Bye, Shand. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Fennec could hear Boba laughing as he strode out of the pub after clapping her on the shoulder. Wingman indeed, you were looking at your drink again.
“Hey, don’t mind him. He can be a dick sometimes, but he means well.” She rested a hand on your shoulder as you turned to face her fully. You tilted your head and you held eye contact for a moment.
“It’s okay, we’ve all got those friends, mine just happen to be working tonight.” You chanced a glance at your watch. “Which, I actually need to leave soon. I have to be at the hospital early in the morning to round or the residents will have my head. I would go tonight, but the whiskey and the afternoon in court make that a no go.”
Fennec rested a hand on your knee while she reached for a napkin and the pen you had signed the bill with. She scribbled something and folded it before tucking it into the pocket on your suit jacket.
“Text me when you get home.” She slid off the stool and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “See you around, Doc.”
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pxedpiper · 4 years
Horizon (14)
Plot Summary: Once a princess of a kingdom you loathed to call yours, you have somehow found yourself aboard a pirate ship, stuck on the ocean waves. Now you try to figure out how to escape them, but as you continue to journey with them, you find yourself wondering if you even want to.
Pairings: Ateez x Reader
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and sexual implications throughout the fic, nothing ever specified in detail
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A/N: oOF I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER THE WRITER’S BLOCK HIT HARD AND I COULDN’T FIND A WAY TO WRITE IT THAT I LIKED UNTIL NOW I FEEL SO BAD-- hopefully it doesn’t take me a month to finish writing the next chapter oof. Anyway, i Know i keep saying i haven’t decided the boy yet but ngl Hongjoong’s looking likely after this chapter HGDFGHJHJG also idk if you saw, but i write for EXO (ot9) and TOO now !! Also, let me know if y’all would be cool with me posting other stories while Horizon is still updating or would you rather I finish Horizon first!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter uwu
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay longer?” Jongho’s mother asked, turning to both Hongjoong and Jongho with a worried look on her face, “We don’t mind you staying, really.”
“I’m afraid so,” Hongjoong chuckled, clearly used to this treatment, “We need to go back to Tortuga to prepare, and then make sure our newest recruit is ready for the upcoming battle.” He shot you a teasing smirk, making you roll your eyes and give a small smile back. “Besides, the less time we spend here, the better. That way no one can track us to you, you’ll be safer that way.”
“Please, promise you’ll visit soon!” Chunhei grabbed onto your hands, a pleading expression on her face, “It’s so nice to have another girl to talk to! One that isn’t nine, I mean.” Behind her, you could see the excited faces of Hyunae and Kangdae nodding at you, the younger of the two throwing his arms around your legs, much like how he had done to Jongho when you’d arrived.
“I think you’re stealing my siblings, (Y/N),” Jongho spoke dryly, “They seem to like you way more than they like me.”
“It seems that (Y/N)’s managed to charm her way into their hearts rather quickly!” Jongho’s mother laughed, momentarily distracted from the danger the crew still had to face.
“Yeah, she’s rather good at that, I’d say,” Mingi spoke, ruffling your hair as he did so, “Damn near had us all under her finger from the beginning!”
“Don’t exaggerate,” You chuckled dryly, thinking about how hostile your early days on the ship were.
“I’ll try to make it back as soon as I can,” Jongho promised, “We’ll beat Sweet and then I’ll come back right away.”
“You just focus on beating him,” Jongho’s father said sternly, “Then you worry about us. We just want to make sure our son is safe.”
“He will be with us,” Hongjoong affirmed, before turning back to the crew, “Alright, everyone get ready! We’ll be leaving shortly!” A chorus of “Yes, Captain!” rang out before everyone said their goodbyes to Jongho’s family and boarded the ship, soon enough setting sail once again.
“I’m glad, at least, Jongho has a wonderful family,” You noted, Yeosang standing beside you, “It really feels like the whole crew are part of it.”
“That includes you now, too, you know,” He responded, giving you a playful nudge. His words made you smile bashfully, happy to know that someone finally considered you part of their family.
Unfortunately, there were bigger things to focus on at the time, and soon all your time was spent on training with San and Wooyoung. As the months passed, you found yourself grow more and more proficient at both using the dagger as well as guns. Even your sword fighting had gotten better, though you still preferred to use the dagger to anything else, finding it to be the most comfortable out of the options given.
Soon, it was a week before the battle would occur, and to say you were nervous was a bit of an understatement. This would not only be your first battle as a pirate, but the outcome of it determined both yours and the crew’s fates, and the stress was getting to you slightly. As such, you were once again standing outside watching the ocean at night, this time from your spot in the crow’s nest, finding the spot to be much better than leaning on the railings. Just then, you could hear someone climbing up the rope ladder, turning around just in time to see Hongjoong poke his head up from over the edge, giving you a carefree smile.
“A bit late to be awake, don’t you think?” He asked, smile still on his face, “Is there something on your mind?”
“How do you always seem to know when something’s wrong?” You asked, only half joking as he sat next to you.
“Call it captain’s intuition,” He answered, “Now, what’s wrong? It’s not your parents still, is it?”
“No, no, it’s just nerves, I think,” You replied, “This is my first battle. What if we lose and I’m the reason why?”
“San and Wooyoung tell me you’ve learned tremendously in the time you’ve spent training, and I trust their judgement,” Hongjoong instantly replied, not missing a beat, “Not only that, I trust you as well. I don’t have any doubts that you’ll be a tremendous help in the fight tomorrow, and even if you aren’t, it won’t be your fault if we lose. But we won’t lose, I promise you we will win, you don’t have to worry about that, I swear. I just want you to promise me one thing: if at any point your life is in danger, you can’t hesitate to kill, alright? Because they definitely will not hesitate to kill you, and if you die, this will all be for nothing. Can you promise me that?”
You hesitated. “I… I don’t know. That’s a lot to ask for when I haven’t even fought anyone yet, Hongjoong. But… I’ll try. If I absolutely have to, I’ll try my best. Is that alright?”
“It’s the best I can hope for,” He answered, ruffling your hair slightly before pulling you close to him, both of you staring out into the sea, “I’ll make sure it doesn’t come down to you having to take someone’s life, (Y/N). It’s much too soon for you to do something like that. If I can help it, you won’t have to do that for a long time. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“I know.” The two of you sat in silence, taking comfort in the other’s presence, before you spoke up again, “You know, Maddox told me we’ve met before.”
“He did?” Hongjoong sat up, looking at you incredulously.
“Yes,” You nodded, “But he didn’t say how, he said we aren’t meant to know yet. But we were young, apparently, so it might be something so minor neither of us can remember.”
“Honestly, I don’t like to think about my past before becoming a pirate,” He frowned, a discontent look on his face, “I’m sure you can guess, but being an orphan child didn’t exactly do me a lot of favors. No, the best thing I ever did was stowaway on my mentor’s old ship, even if he was an ass at first. Once I became a pirate, that’s when I truly began to feel happy.”
“I guess we’re the same in that sense,” You responded slowly, thinking about how much Hongjoong had to have gone through, “You know my story, practically trapped in a life I never cared for by a family that never cared for me. Even if I can’t stand Sweet, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be on this ship with you. So I guess that’s something to be thankful for.”
“No,” Hongjoong shook his head, “Even if Sweet hadn’t taken you, you still would’ve found a way to this ship. Don’t forget, you’re meant to be here. I don’t think things would’ve ever felt right without you, not that they felt wrong before, but like… I can’t imagine you not being on this ship. What do you think would’ve happened to you if Sweet never took you?”
“I probably would’ve been married off to a man I don’t love, far away from my parents so they wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore,” You answered, thinking back to when you would lie around in the castle thinking about your lack of a future.
“Well, there you go then!” He exclaimed, a light smile on his face, “I would’ve rescued you from your husband, and taken you away with us and things would’ve ended up the same.”
“But you wouldn’t know me then, how would you know to rescue me?” You questioned, amused by his fake scenario.
Undisturbed, he continued, “I’d know, just like I knew to rescue you from the auction back when I first saw you! Captain’s intuition, remember?” Calming down slightly, he looked at you with a warm look in his eyes, his smile becoming much softer, “If it’s you, I’d always know.” Feeling your face heat up, you looked away, trying not to seem too flustered by the captain’s statements. A strange feeling arose in your chest, one you couldn’t identify before trying to brush it away and looking back up at him.
“You’re so ridiculous, you know that right?” You laughed, ignoring the feeling as he grinned back at you.
“Got you to smile though, didn’t it?” He retorted, standing up, “Now, come on. It’s only getting later, and you’ll need as much rest as possible before the battle. Let me walk you to your room.” Nodding quickly, you both made your way to your room, standing outside your door.
“Thank you, Hongjoong, for talking with me. I’m really not sure how you manage to do it, but you always end up making me feel better. The whole crew does, truly. Thank you, for giving me a place that makes me feel like I truly belong,” You said, looking him in the eyes so he could see that every word of what you said was the truth.
He looked startled for a moment, before seeming almost teary eyed as he answered, “It’s my pleasure, truly. You do belong here, (Y/N). That was never even in doubt.” He quickly gave you a kiss on the cheek, so fast you were almost sure you imagined it. “Have a good night.” Watching him leave in shock, you could feel the strange feeling from before starting to rise up again before you snapped out of it, quickly heading into your room before anyone else could see that you were awake.
Soon, it was the day of the battle, and while still nervous, after your talk with Hongjoong, you felt more at ease about the situation, knowing that at the very least if you lost, it wasn’t for a lack of trying. As you were getting ready, you heard someone knock at your door.
“Come in!” You called, strapping your dagger onto your body while San came into the room.
“Are you ready?” He asked, looking at you with an unusually serious expression on his face.
“As I’ll ever be,” You responded, turning fully to him, “Tell me, do you think we’ve got a shot at this?”
“I think he’ll be lucky if he manages to live after he crosses swords with you,” San replied, giving you an encouraging smile, “You’ve trained really well these past few months, (Y/N). Your aim is good, your swordsman ship has grown, and you’re almost as good as me when it comes to the dagger. You’re more than ready for this, and I hope you realize that because you won’t be able to afford to doubt yourself on the battlefield. I don’t want you to freeze up.”
“I won’t,” You affirmed, “I’ll do what I have to, I promise. Sweet can’t scare me forever; He’s not worth my fear anyway. I survived a storm given by the ocean itself, I can survive anything.”
“That’s the spirit,” He grinned, glad to see you where in a good state, “Now, let’s go. Hongjoong is waiting for us.” Stepping out onto the deck, you could feel the tension as you and the rest of the crew waiting for the battle to begin. In the distance, as always, you could see the red flags detailing Sweet’s ship arriving. Nerves ran through you once again, but you quickly shoved them down, putting on your stone cold expression once again. Can’t afford to show weakness now.
“Remember, show him no fear, and don’t hold back. We’re here to win (Y/N)’s freedom, as well as protect any of the family members we’ve got left. Focus on that, and there’s no way we’ll lose, you hear me?” Hongjoong asked the entire crew, giving a small pep talk as the enemy ship grew closer.
“Yes, Captain!” The entire crew roared, ready to fight Sweet with all they had to offer.
“Wooyoung, you’ve got permission to use your firearms, but try not to go too wild, alright? I want a functioning ship by the end of this,” Hongjoong warned, giving his main gunner a look, which was met with a carefree grin.
“Aye, aye, Captain!” Wooyoung gave a fake salute, clearly just excited to be able to use his guns with less restrictions.
“Alright, everyone get ready! Lord knows when he’ll try to make the first move,” Hongjoong sighed, keeping his eye on the ship in the distance.
It wasn’t long until Elias Sweet was in front of you once again, this time at a yelling distance as he didn’t bother with the plank to board the ship this time. “Well, well, Pirate King, seems you’ve shown up after all! Least we can say you’re not a coward, you’ve got that going for you!”
“That’s more than what you can say yourself, you mangy bastard. Tell me, do you think most pirates would become the king’s fool in order to save their own skin?” Hongjoong fought back, making Sweet scowl before setting his sights on you.
“Well, hello again, little bird! Tell me, are you excited to be back in my company? It’ll be a lot, let’s say excitable, this time around,” You couldn’t wait to rip the wicked smile off of his face.
“I’ll sooner be excited to see Davy Jones himself,” You responded, making sure every ounce of your hatred was known.
All it did was make Sweet laugh, throwing his head back as he guffawed, “Ah, and she even knows pirate lingo now! Truly, what would your parents think of this? Come now, little bird, once last chance. One last choice, watch the Pirate King and his crew get torn to shreds, or come back with me and let them live, free to continue their life as before. What do you say? Will you chose the selfless choice once again?”
Narrowing your eyes, you stepped closer to the railing, making sure he heard every word that came out of your mouth, “Tell my parents the same thing I told you the last time I saw you. Go. To. Hell.”
“Very well, then. You’ve made your choice, now you have to live with it. FIRE!” With a final shout, you heard a loud booming noise before The Utopia shuddered, having been hit with a cannon ball. Quickly, you drew your sword as the planks finally started to come out and men from the other ship made their way onto The Utopia, the ring of swords clashing and guns firing surrounding you, before you joined into the fray yourself.
Just like that, the battle Sweet had always wanted finally begun.
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Family Relations - Part 4
Summary: Your criminology teacher is acting all kinds of weird, which is the norm, except for the part where his eyes glaze over and he tries to kill someone. Stiles, the hero he is, tries to stop your professor with little avail until he gets some unnoticeable help from you. Stiles seems to find himself with you at the location of multiple attacks, just barely making it out alive. Through the bloodshed feelings, family, and friends mix to create a perfect blend of chaos and calm.
T/CW: Blood, gore, like a lot of fucking gore, swearing, body horror?
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I hope it's worth it. This is a long chapter but because the first part is short I put a time skip in the middle of it, that's what the = means. P.S - Happy mother's day!
You'd convinced him to stay with you for the night because of what you were absolutely sure Allison and Scott's "after-pack-meeting" activities would include. It wasn't hard, as soon as you mentioned the prospect of Stiles' precious sleep being interrupted by their shenanigans he was on board with staying at yours. Your dorm had two beds, you'd been lucky and not gotten a roommate, a blessing and a curse really. You'd laid the sheets out and gotten your extra pillow, all ready for Stiles to get to sleep. The only problem was, Stiles wasn't particularly interested in sleep yet. You'd had a long day, mostly it was just that bout of magical fighting that wore you out but still, you were tired, and Stiles simply didn't want to be in silence.
"So, Y/n..." You'd been listening to the sound of Stiles fidget like mad, and you were wondering when he was going to snap and finally talk to you.
"Yes." Your tone was smooth and song-like. Despite needing sleep desperately you wanted to talk to Stiles, he was fun to talk to. You'd always been kind of a loner, it was easier to stay hidden that way, but you didn't need to hide with Stiles and it felt fucking amazing.
"What's D.C like?" He didn't look at you when he asked, staring straight up at the ceiling, but you were happy to stare at him, studying the moles on his cheek and the way his hair laid against the pillow.
"It's, interesting." He snorted, turning to you as you whipped your head away so you didn't get caught staring.
"Care to elaborate on that?" He had a dopey smile on his face, looking at your side profile like his life depended on it while he waited for you to respond. You felt his gaze burning your skin, it was a burn you could get used to.
"I don't know what you want me to say. Traffic's a bitch if you live in D.C, that's for sure. It took me half a hour to go eight miles from my house to school." He sucked in a breath at the statement, like simply hearing about traffic that bad was physically paining him.
"Good thing is if you live in the city you don't really need a car. My mom didn't have a car, neither did any of my babysitters, so we took the metro and the subway everywhere." He hummed, like the thought of the subway actually pleased him.
"I'm going to be in the city, that's for sure. FBI headquarters is on Pennsylvania ave." His muttering made you giggle, surprised that he knew so much about the landscape.
"You've been there before?" Your smile was wide from laughter and you didn't even care if you looked like an idiot, you were having fun.
"Yeah, once. I looked at going to George Washington so when I toured we stopped by. It's a really ugly building by the way, they should fix that." He was quirking a smile as well, glancing between you and the ceiling to try and look discreet.
"Yeah they should." You were trying to be quiet for the sake of your dorm mates but you were having trouble, Stiles was funny and it felt so good to laugh. You hadn't laughed like this in years, always too stressed to find anything amusing.
"So, what's is like rooming with Scott?" He made a vague hum of mediocrity, shrugging and leaving it at that.
"Care to elaborate on that?" You giggled using his words against him.
"It's good, we've been like brothers since we were little kids so it's really not that big of a difference. We spent a lot of time together at my house because my dad was gone a lot so living with him is kinda familiar." You felt a pang of sympathy when he said his dad was away, you thought back to your dad and how absent he'd been. The memories cut off almost as suddenly as they'd started.
"What about your mom?" He took a deep breath, he had a slight frown on his face and you knew immediately that you'd hit a nerve.
"She died, when I was a kid. She had a type of dementia and it, killed her." He was fully frowning now, and he was no longer fully with you, his eyes had glazed over and he was staring right through you. He shook his head and came back, frown gone and a small smile took its place.
"I'm sorry, both for what happened and that I brought it up."
"It's ok, it's been a long time and it brought me and my dad really close so it wasn't all bad." His silver lining was slim, slimmer than was arguably debatable to even count as a silver lining, but you didn't argue. He'd shared enough of his past with you, and you felt honored by the confession even if you did accidentally cause it to happen by asking. The fact that he shared something with you meant a lot.
"My mom died too, she was hit by a car when I was 13 and she died in surgery." The air was tense, but Stiles' expression and morphed from fake stability to real sympathy as your eyes locked and you tried to comfort each other without words. You fell asleep shortly after that, Stiles had stayed quiet for more than five minutes and that was all it took for sleep to wave its wand and take you under it's control.
Screams woke you up, screams from within your dorm. They woke Stiles up too and you both sprung to get re-dressed properly, rushing out the door as soon as you'd slipped your shoes on. The screaming was coming from down the hall and you already had a sinking feeling what had happened.
It wasn't uncommon for your fellow dorm dwellers to leave their doors open, it helped circulate cool air in the desert that was California. Being born and raised in D.C left you significantly more paranoid than most of them however, and so you decided you'd rather just suffer the heat than the possibility of getting robbed blind. You'd told some people in the common room at the beginning of the year about your fear and they'd all but laughed at you, saying that nothing like that happened here. You'd never wanted to have been so wrong in your life.
One door was already wide open, and blood was smeared on several other doors, also open. It seemed that the killer had gone down the hall, checking who decided it was too hot to save their lives. The first body was in the doorway of the room three doors up from yours. It was sprawled out on the floor and you and Stiles nodded, agreeing not to go into the room considering the carpet was currently soaking up the victim's blood. It seemed there were plenty of others anyways.
Room after room, one slaughtered college student after another left you feeling ill beyond belief. You didn't need to be told what had happened, you already knew. You had never actually had the chance to see what happened when the killer was finished with their dirty work, what they did to the people they used as instruments of mass murder. Sadly it seems you didn't have to go searching to find out. At the end of the hall was another body, this time with a knife in its hand, most likely from the kitchen in the common room. Its throat was cut, much like all the other victims.
The screaming had long stopped, you assumed it came from one of the other residents who peeked out into the hallway and saw what looked like a scene from an upcoming Scream 5. Stiles was bent over the body, examining what you assumed was its deadness.
"Whatcha looking at?" He gave you a vague noise of acknowledgment before standing up and looking at you with a face slightly paler than it was before he bent down.
"I think you should see this Y/n." You squatted down next to the corpse, examining its overall lack of life and raising an inquisitive eyebrow up at Stiles.
"Look in her throat, through the cut." You'd really planned not to come this close to a corpse in your life. What's that saying? Make a plan and the universe laughs.
The throat was indeed, mostly just bloody and disgusting, but also intriguing. The windpipe and both carotid arteries were slashed straight through, a feat that was essentially impossible to do for the normal non-possessed human. In the back of the windpipe, which you could just barely see through the cut, there was a small mark. You dug your phone out of your back pocket, almost dropping it with how much your hands were shaking, and turned your flashlight on to it's brightest setting so you could see the mark clearly.
It was a small symbol, lines and swirls within a small circle that struck you as soon as you saw it. With a soft thud your ass met the ground as your precarious balancing act failed and you fell from your squatting position.
"Are you ok?" Stiles' voice was lost as your brain went into panic mode, the new found information stirring up a whirlwind of anxiety.
"We need to get out of here. Like, right now." Scrambling up from the blood soaked floor you made your way back to your dorm room, dragging a confused Stiles behind you asking a million and one questions.
Without answering any of them you grabbed your nearest backpack and started destroying your dorm room in an attempt to gather all of your most important belongings, a mix of underwear, clothes, and books thrown into your worn backpack.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me or do I get an explanation for why we need to leave your dorm room? Y'know other than the murdered college students..."  Stiles had passed the stage of being thoroughly confused by you, that ship sailed when you fought off the vine that attacked you both. Now however, he was fed up with not having answers to the predicament you now found yourselves in.
"Can I explain it to you in the car? We need to leave ASAP."
"The car has a name, it's Roscoe." You rolled your eyes, of course he named his car, and of course now is the best possible moment to tell you.
"Less talking more walking please."
"Sorry." The keys jingled as he grabbed them and yours, tossing your purple keychain to you so you could lock up. You took the stairs two at a time, almost tripping over Stiles in your haste to get out of the building.
The car seats were cold when you got in but you couldn't be more awake than you already were, adrenaline and fear coursing through your blood, the symbol seemingly burned into the back of your eyelids, haunting you whenever you so much as blinked. Stiles booked it out of the parking lot, Roscoe's tires making an awful screeching noise as he turned while reversing, a move that would have scared you had there not been the max amount of fear already happening.
"So, explanation." He raised an expectant eyebrow at you, biting his tongue to let you answer before he spiraled into asking questions without enough time for you to answer them.
"Uh, do werewolves have symbols for different concepts, like danger and stuff?"
"Y-yeah they do, there's one for revenge it's a spiral. Why?" A spiral, of course the supernatural weren't creative when it came to symbol differences.
"Ok well witches do, it's called the witches' alphabet, it's a few symbols they mean stuff, the one we just saw in the corpse was the symbol for revenge. It's used to channel the chosen energy into whatever magic you cast." Your voice was shaking, the lack of oxygen in your system making you feel light headed, or maybe that was the endorphins, who knows.
"Ok, so what does that mean?" Stiles was shaking as well, not liking the sound of any more revenge business. He had to deal with this once before, he didn't want a repeat supernatural problem.
"It means that whoever cast the spell is one, vengeful, two, meeting the victims beforehand to get the symbol on them. This is bad, like, really bad." You had to actively sit on your hands to stop their fidgeting, the nervous energy bubbling inside your body like a volcano.
"Just what we need, a witch who wants vengeance. Was a normal evil witch not enough?!" Stiles' comment made you chuckle, the breathy act brought a twitch of a smile to his face, your happiness spreading to him in the midst of your crisis.
"Apparently not. Where are you going, the dorms are the opposite way."
"I don't know, I didn't want to take you back to Scott until I knew what was going on so I kind of just started driving around." Had you not been stressed beyond belief at the moment you would have been endeared by Stiles' care for his friend and roommate, but at the moment it was just irritating.
"You just drove us in the middle of the night down a street you have no idea where it leads? Really Stiles?! Take us to Scott, now." You were fuming but upon seeing the dejected look in Stiles' eyes at your harsh tone you were reminded as to how hard this entire situation must be for a normal human, werewolf pack member or not.
"Please. Could you please take us to Scott." Your manners had escaped you for a moment but with the regaining of your senses they came back.  A pang of guilt struck you at how mean you'd been to the brunette next to you. Reaching out for his hand which was resting on the stick-shift you hoped silently that he would accept your unspoken apology. He did accept, a blush rising to his cheeks at the skin-to-skin contact that you initiated and a smile creeping on his face.
Moments after your mutual flush and giddiness over the contact Stiles pulled up into the parking lot of his own dorm, the tar lit up just barely by a floodlight near the sidewalk. Unwinding his fingers from yours he was the first to get out of the car, you following shortly after, the cold air hitting your bare shoulders per your tank top which you just now realized was covered in blood.
Rushing to Stiles' side you wrapped your arms around your torso to try and cover the evidence of your dorm's activities, only to realize that your arms were the source of the problem. A mix of various people's blood was coating your arms, the red solution drying crusty on your skin. Thankfully it was the middle of the night, the darkness mostly covering your blood-stained everything.
Looking over at the mole-covered man next to you you took in the sight of him, surprisingly not covered entirely in blood. He had spots of it on his hoodie, only barely visible thanks to the floodlight, but he'd managed to stay clear of the mess, something you were currently jealous of. You wouldn't be able to take a shower until you were back in your own dorm and you were really dreading the idea of having to wash off both of your arms in the small dorm sinks.
Stiles opened the door for you and the heat influx from the building was a welcome change, the goosebumps immediately vacating your skin. You both headed up to his dorm in relative silence, trying not to wake his neighbors up. It was a harder feat than it should have been, given how often Stiles almost tripped on the single flight of stairs up to his shared room.
You could hear snoring coming from one of the beds, presumably Scott's, and the embarrassing situation you'd found your friend in made you momentarily forget your current predicament. In the darkness you could see two bodies in Scott's bed, the smaller one of which you assumed was Allison, tucked under her boyfriend's arm. They were sleeping so peacefully you almost felt bad to wake them, Stiles however, did not. With a loud enough greeting and the swift act of turning on all of the lights in their dorm, he woke his roommate and his roommate's girlfriend up with a startle.
"Stiles! They were sleeping!" You'd wanted to put up a semblance of good will with the woman you'd met less than 24 hours ago but in reality you were stifling a laugh, biting your tongue to keep from bursting out. The couple let out groans of protest at being woken up in the wee hours of the morning but got up eventually anyways, thankfully somewhat dressed after what you were still convinced their nightly activities consisted of.
"What the hell dude?" The were-wolf's voice was groggy from sleep and the rough scratch in his throat reminded you of Stiles' voice less than two hours ago when you were woken up by screaming neighbors.
"Sorry but you really can't be asleep right now, also yes that is blood on Y/n's, well everywhere, I will explain that in a minute. Allison could you help her clean up? Scott I need to talk to you." Nodding Allison took immediate heed to Stiles' request and looked carefully for a space to lead you that wasn't covered in blood before eventually deciding 'fuck it' and grabbing one of your slowly drying arms, washing the blood off of the area in the small sink.
There wasn't a lot of space in the dorm for a private conversation but you and Allison made small talk in an attempt to give the boys some facade of privacy.
"So, rough night I guess?" She let out a small chuckle at her own joke while you allowed a smile to creep onto your face at the problem you had earlier found yourself in.
"You could say that. Someone decided it'd be a good idea to murder a solid percentage of my floor mates so, y'know, the night could have gone better." She gasped at that, the light air of the conversation having gone as soon as you brought up the traumatic events that had occurred.
"Murder? Oh God. By 'a solid percentage' you mean how many people exactly?" Your mind flashed through the bodies you'd seen, counting at least six in the haze of the night.
"Six, maybe more. I don't know for sure, it was a lot. We found who did it though, kind of." You wished that you were dealing with a normal murder where finding who did the killing actually solved your problem. Sadly, that wasn't the case and the situation was getting more and more fraught in your mind the more you stressed about it, the images and circumstances pulling the strings in your mind so tightly they were beginning to fray.
"Are you ok?" Allison's eyes were kind and you noted in the back of your brain to thank Scott that he had such good taste in girlfriends.
"Yeah, I think so. I'm not hurt or anything, just a little shaken up." She nodded silently before going into nurse-mode and scanning your now-clean left arm.
"No scratches, all of this blood seems to be someone else's. I think most of the blood is other people's but I need to wash off the other arm to be sure."
"Be my guest, I wasn't feeling the whole blood-sleeve look anyways." You shrugged and let out a small giggle at your own joke, Allison following suit as she lathered up the ruined washcloth for another round of scrubbing.
You were in the process of cleaning the blood from underneath your fingernails when Stiles and Scott crept up behind you, interrupting the light bonding that you had started with Allison.
"Ok, we need to get out of here and go back home, right now." Scott took on more of a dominant personality when in charge and it made you glad that someone knew what to do, even if you didn't. You'd already grabbed spare clothes from your dorm room so you and Allison waited by the door nervously while Stiles and Scott scrambled to gather their most important belongings.
"Where is home?" You knew where you were from and where your home was, but you doubted that everyone would be game for catching a flight at almost 4 a.m.
"Beacon Hills, it's where we all met. Stiles and Scott are from there, so is most of the pack, I moved there sophomore year. The pack started in Beacon Hills, the town is like a beacon for the supernatural, it's probably the safest place to be because it's home territory, Scott's pack has been protecting it for years now."
"So Scott's the alpha?" It made sense given his natural leadership abilities and his friendliness, but it was still a little odd to see your friend as the strongest were-wolf out of the entire group you saw the other night.
"He's a true alpha too." You'd heard of true alphas, mostly by myth however, they were rare but the more you thought back on Scott's character the more it made sense. He was easily one of the most loyal people you'd met, and he was brave as well, fighting for people he didn't even know, or people he didn't know well. He was willing to risk his life to save the barista on the day of that attack, even willing to let her see him shift, it was only logical that he was a true alpha.
Your conversation was interrupted as it took all of five minutes for the two best friends to pack their things, swing the backpacks stuffed full of items over their shoulders before they led the way back down to the Jeep that was parked out front.
The ride was quiet and tense, Stiles in the front with you and Scott in the back with Allison, explaining the specifics of the situation that you had purposely left out because you didn't know how to explain it without making a joke out of it. Dark humor was quickly becoming your most solid coping mechanism for morbidity.
Scott went to protect Allison as she ran up to her dorm to grab her things as well, insisting that she tell her roommate she was going home so no one would file a missing person's report and make the entire situation more complicated.
She came back downstairs quickly, Scott in tow looking noticeably dazed as he held on to his girlfriend's hand when she plopped in the back of Stiles' Jeep. You let out a snort at what had most likely been a 'our lives are in danger' make out and let them have their secrecy as Stiles started up for what was the drive to Beacon Hills.
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The Rumor Around Hogwarts (Ch.3)
Chapter Three: Hello Stranger
Male reader insert for now, future addition of they pronouns as it will lean more towards a non-binary insert with the only change being less reference to Y/N as a young boy and more gender neutral terms. Still masc/male aligned. 
No real warnings for now except canonical mentions of neglect
This chapter is a little over 1.5k words. A lot of it comes directly from the book but if you want to skim/skip that part there is a huge space and a line where it starts and ends.
Not really proofread but I hope you Enjoy!!
To say [Name] was excited to go to Diagon Alley would be the understatement of the century. Somehow he had found out exactly when the majority of new wizards would be buying new supplies for their first years. Of course, with his mom being who she was, he’d missed it, but something deep within told him today was the day he needed to be there. 
‘The universe and mom conspiring. Plausible’ he thought aloud
“Mom! Hurry up or I’m taking your purse with me to Diagon Alley. All by myself.”
“I’m coming, Haven’t I apologized enough? You’ll get there when you need to be.” she said as she entered the kitchen. She grabbed a piece of toast from the house elf, grabbed her purse and approached him waiting near the front door. With a smirk she started “besides, it’s all part of the universe’s grand plans, isn’t that right darling?” 
Though [Name] loved his mom she sure could be a little shit. It’s why she was the perfect “master” for his house elf. Apparently the elf belonged to his father’s family and he refused to be let go. Believe me M/N tried many many times. But every time anyone mentioned freedom he would go berserk and the sight was unbearable to watch, so they’d just decided to keep him for the time being. [Name]’s mother set a rule though, if the elf were to stay he could not refuse help with any of the chores and could not punish himself. 
Compromise was one of the hardest things for everyone in the house. ‘My way or the highway’ was an unspoken family motto. And though he was a mean and stubborn houself, he was a part of the family. But that doesn’t mean he had to be nice to him
“Goodbye midget” [Name] yelled over his shoulder, earning a scowl and some mutterings
“Why do you do that” his mom asked casually “it’s not that different from his actual name, so why not just call him by his real name”
“Because he hates it” [Name] responded “and why am I getting a lecture from you. The queen of passive aggressiveness towards him. You forget I can hear what you’re really thinking when you talk in that saccharine sweet voice of yours. Save it for someone who can’t read minds”
She huffed and nudged him to the car. “I can't wait until you start driving. Or apparating, whichever you choose first. As much as I love doing some things the muggle way, I’ll never get used to traffic.”
[Name] picked up some dirt and tossed it to the ground with a loud and clear “Diagon Alley” before getting in the passenger's seat. M/N laughed at him and poked his side before starting the car. 
“I can’t believe my baby is starting Hogwarts.” She sighed out. And turned on the radio before pulling out of the massive driveway.
The journey to Diagon Alley was not very exciting for [Name] but for Harry it was a life changing experience.
Harry woke early the next morning. Although he could tell it was daylight, he kept his eyes shut tight. 
“It was a dream” he told himself firmly “I dreamed a giant called Hagrid came to tell me I was going to a school for wizards. When I open my eyes I’ll be at home in my cupboard.”
There was suddenly a tapping noise. And there’s Aunt Petunia knocking on the door. Harry thought, his heart sinking. But he still didn’t open his eyes. It had been such a good dream. 
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“All right,”Harry mumbled “I’m getting up”
He sat up and Hagrid’s heavy coat fell off him. The hut was full of sunlight, the storm was over, Hagrid himself was asleep on the collapsed sofa, and there was an owl rapping its claw on the window, a newspaper held in its beak.
Harry scrambled to his feet, so happy he felt as though a large balloon was swelling inside him. He went straight to the window and jerked it open. The owl swooped in and dropped the newspaper on top of Hagrid, who didn’t wake up. The owl then fluttered onto the floor and began to attack Hagrid’s coat.
“Don’t do that.”
Harry tried to wave the owl out of the way, but it snapped it’s beak fiercely at him and carried on savaging the coat.
“Hagrid!” said Harry loudly “There’s an owl-”
“Pay him,” Hagrid into the sofa.
Harry counted out five little bronze coins, and the owl held his leg so Harry could put the money into a small leather pouch tied to it. Then he flew off through the open window.
Hagrid yawned loudly, sat up and stretched. “Best be off, Harry, lots ter do today, gotta get up ter London and buy all yer stuff for school.”
Harry was turning over the wizard coins and looking at them.He had just thought of something that made him feel as though the happy balloon inside him had got a puncture.
“Um - Hagrid?”
Mm?” said Hagrid who was pulling on his huge boots.
“I haven’t got any money - and you heard Uncle Vernon last night … he won’t pay for me to go and learn magic”
“Don’t worry about that,” said hagrid, standing up and scratching his head. “D’yeh think yer parents didn’t leave yeh anything?”
“But if their house was destroyed-”
“They didn’t keep their gold in the house, boy! Nah, first stop fer us is Gringotts. Wizards’ bank. Have a sausage, they’re not bad cold- an’ I wouldn’t say no teh a bit o’ yer birthday cake either”
A boat and train ride later, Harry and Hagrid had arrived in London and made it to the Leaky Cauldron, where Harry was recognized by everyone in the pub. Including a stuttering Professor Quirrell who introduced himself as Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA for short) professor in the upcoming term.
Gringotts was the next stop and it was a particularly interesting event for Harry. The boy who had grown up on scraps from the Dursleys and hand me down clothing was shocked to see so much money in his name. The goblins were obviously a new experience. Then there was Hagrid’s secret mission from Dumbledore.
After parting with Hagrid, Harry had entered Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions alone and nervous. The situation was not remedied by a pale faced blond in the back of the shop who spoke pompously and reminded Harry of Dudley. His casual mentioning of wizarding culture left Harry feeling stupid. When the pale boy had begun talking bad about Hagrid, Harry knew he wouldn’t like the boy and could offer nothing particularly interesting to the conversation.
A lot of questions and shopping later, Harry had to get his wand. Truth be told, this was the part that Harry had been anticipating the most. Entering the shop which read Ollivatders: Makers of Fine wands since 382 B.C, Harry began to be a little overwhelmed and swallowed any questions he might’ve had.
The man seemed to know whom he was and asked Harry a series of questions to find the perfect wand for him. There were a lot of trials and errors, swishes and flicks, and damage done to Ollivander’s shop. Until finally the right wand was found. And it was a little… curious.
“It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother- why, its brother gave you that scar.”
“Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember. … I think we must expect great things from you, Mr Potter. … After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things - terrible, ye but great”
“And you’ll get them.” All eyes snapped towards the unexpected voice “the great things.” 
“I believe you’re right Mr [Last Name].”
Somehow in all the chaos, neither Ollivander nor Harry had noticed [Name] was in the shop the whole time. He’d already gotten his wand but when he recognized the boy from the zoo he wanted to catch up.
Noticing Harry’s uncomfortability with the subject of Voldemort, [Name] had started up a totally different conversation while escorting Harry out of the shop.
“Fancy meeting you here. I guess the universe was actually looking out for me. I’m [Full Name] by the way. Nice to meet you Harry Potter”
“Nice to finally put a name to your face. I’m not sure what you meant by the universe but I’m glad we got to meet again. I had no clue you were a wizard”
“... Are you like new to the wizarding world or something? I mean I’ve been raised going to muggle schools but even I would’ve figured out the boy who didn’t react to me doing magic was a wizard”
“It was unintentional”
“Still magic”
It was getting darker and both [Name] and Harry had to go soon. Harry was still a little glum from the conversation with Ollivander, but [Name]’s playful banter had brightened his mood. Harry needed more people like that. Like [Name] and Hagrid, who just saw him as Harry Potter, and not as the boy who lived. 
“Will I see at Hogwarts [name]?” Harry asked hopefully
“You bet. Find me on the train. Or rather, I’ll find you. Then maybe I’ll show you something cool I can do.” 
Now Harry had two things to look forward to. Hogwarts, and Hogwarts with [Name].
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lunetheaveragefan · 3 years
one day...
Hey! It’s time for chapter 6! This chapter also deals with some heavy things as well, so be mindful of that (as always, more details in the warnings). Anyway, that’s all, so enjoy the chapter!
A Sander Sides high school AU
Pairing: Prinxiety and some background Logicality
Summary: Virgil is used to being alone. He only has one friend, Logan. But when Logan makes a new friend, things begin to change as two more join their group. Roman, a boisterous theater kid, seems determined to destroy Virgil’s lonely, average life. How much will Virgil’s life change?
Warnings: mentions/descriptions of homophobia, bullying, suicide (hanging), suicide attempt (overdose), and self harm; mentions of Remus and Janus; swearing
Word Count: 1933 words
Roman bites his lip and looks around. After standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria for too long for his liking, he finally spots Virgil, Roman, and Patton sitting at a table in the back corner of the room. Relieved, he makes his way towards them. 
Virgil sees him coming towards the three of them, and, to Roman’s surprise, gives him a small smile. Patton must see this, because he turns around and spots Roman as well. He’s more openly enthusiastic and waves, a big grin lighting up his face.
Sliding into the open seat next to Virgil, Roman says, “It’s weird to be eating this early. I’m not used to it.” Patton chuckles. 
Virgil, always one to get to the point, asks, “So. Why’d you stand up for me?” Roman bites his lip and thinks, Dammit. I was hoping he forgot. He didn’t want to tell them. No one, even Patton, knew why he’d suddenly become so averse to bullying after being one for years. Everyone most likely thought he had a change of heart somewhere along the line. And he had, in a way. But there was more to the story.
There is always more to the story.
“Well, uh, you see…” Roman stammers, trying to get himself together. He took a deep breath before continuing, “Well, back in middle school, right after I came out, my dad was such an asshole about it. He didn’t want to accept or respect that I was gay. He said -- and did -- a lot of things. I realized sometime in July that he was being a bully, and what he was doing wasn’t so different from what I had done. And I don’t want to stand around watching someone get beat up the way I was by him, you know? I don’t want to sit around, knowing I could do something, and then have to live with that regret for the rest of my life.” It’s only a half truth, and a shitty one at best, but Roman’s too scared to talk about what really happened. 
He doesn’t want to relive the worst, most terrifying days of his life. Really, who would?
Patton, who’d already heard about what had happened the summer before freshman year a million times, still starts tearing up. What a sap, Roman thinks, but it’s a loving remark. He knows that he wouldn’t be near as happy, nearly as accepting of himself as he is now without Patton. 
There’s not much of a reaction from Logan; just a small head nod and a slightly reassuring smile. But it’s more than Roman was expecting from the serious boy, so it throws him off. What throws him off more, however, is Virgil’s face. 
It’s very skeptical, eyebrow raised, eyes drilling into Roman’s, almost as if he’s trying to see the lie just by the force of willpower. To Roman, it seems like he might be pretty close. No matter how much he wants to break eye contact with Virgil, he can’t. There’s something about it that draws him in, that’s electrical. 
To Roman’s relief, Virgil looks away first, but only to roll his eyes. 
“Oh come on, Roman,” Virgil scoffs. “I can smell a half-truth or lie or whatever the hell that was from a mile away. Now, that all may be true, but there’s more to the story. So cut the bullshit and start again. Besides, I’ve already heard that whole story. That’s not your big secret. Enlighten me, why don’t you? What would be so bad that the great Roman Princeford would have to hide it?” Resting his chin on his palm, Virgil smirks, an obvious challenge. He wants to see if I’ll break. Give in. And honestly, I don’t know if telling or closing off would be letting him win. 
“Hey, now, Virgil,” Patton says, always the peacemaker. “Let’s be nicer—”
“No, no, it’s fine, Patton,” Roman interrupts. “He’s right. I-I can’t keep avoiding this.”
Dread settles in Roman’s stomach as he steels himself to tell the story. Ignoring Patton’s concerned, “Kiddo…” he begins.
“Well, I guess the right place to start is with saying this: I have a twin brother. Remus.” Breathe. “He’s-He’s special, I guess. His mind is...twisted. Dark. He likes things that aren’t really...well, good or happy. And I never minded. He was still my brother, demented as he may be. 
“My parents, though...they thought something was wrong with him.” Breathe, Roman. You can do this. “They sent him to therapist after therapist, psychologist after psychologist. Gave him pill after pill, but nothing ever worked. He kept on being the same crazy Remus. So they just...gave up. On him and his future and their...their love for him, I suppose.
“But I never did. I tried to be there for him. I went to every performance he was in, I went to movies and football games with him. But it was harder as I grew up because suddenly, my parents decided that since Remus was a let down, a...a failure-” Come on! Don’t cry. It’s fine. You’re fine. Safe. “-that meant I had to make up for it. If they couldn’t have two normal sons, then one of them better be, had to be, pretty goddamn exceptional. 
“So we grew apart. Remus found a boyfriend, Janus, who could take him to movies and football games and go see his performances. And I kept on being the glory child for my parents. And everyone else, it seemed. I didn’t know that he was getting bullied until...until it was almost too late.”
The images rise in his mind: The hospital room, sterile and white, and the boy lying still under the sheet. The rope, tied with a near perfect circle at the end, hidden in the back of his closet. The blood pooling, staining the carpet red, gushing from the slashes on his arms. The way he looked when he woke up, the disappointment clear on his face. 
Remus, cold, pulse so slow Roman was sure he was dead, and the bottle of pills on the nightstand. 
Roman forces the sobs back down his throat. 
“Remus attempted suicide, and I didn’t even know he was hurting. He survived, of course, but just seeing him in the hospital, after...it hurt. A whole fucking lot. And so I swore to myself that I would do whatever I could to prevent that from happening to anyone. No one should have to look down at someone they care about, love, and hope with all they have that they survive. Knowing that someone tried to...to kill themself? That they genuinely thought it was the best option? It’s the worst feeling in the world. And I don’t want that for anyone.” Roman swipes at his eyes, only to find a single, hot tear creeping down his cheek. Quickly, hoping no one noticed, he wipes it away. 
Blinking until he feels back in control of his emotions, Roman looks around. Patton, of course, is a sort of wounded puppy, concern in his eyes, and a hand over his heart. Logan has been sombered by the story, more sadness than Roman expected showing on his face. But curiously, Logan’s eyes aren’t on Roman; they’re on Virgil. And when he looks over, Roman sees why. 
Virgil has tears streaming down his face. A hand is over his mouth, shaking slightly. His other hand clutches his wrist, so hard, the skin around his fingers is turning white. The two sit there for a moment, staring at each other. Abruptly, Virgil throws his arms around Roman and hugs him tightly. 
“I’m-I’m so sorry,” Virgil says in between sobs. After the shock has passed, Roman wraps his arms around the other boy. The hugs lasts long enough for the butterflies in Roman’s stomach to become full-fledged birds of prey. 
Finally, when Virgil pulls away, Roman offers him a small smile. To his surprise, Virgil returns it. Roman isn’t sure if he should ask Virgil about his reaction to the explanation or not, but Patton saves him from overthinking it.
“So the musical is coming up…” Patton prompts, clearly trying to change the subject. Thank God for Patton, Roman thinks. I don’t want to think about all that anymore. 
“Yeah!” Roman replies, pasting a smile on his face. “You guys are all coming, right?” 
Patton, looking scandalized, says, “Of course we are!” before correcting himself by saying, “Well, I am at least.”
“Personally, I’ve never understood the whole theatre thing,” Logan adds, “but I suppose, as your friend, I should come support you, so I will be there.” Patton smiles widely at that, causing a small chuckle from Roman. Patton’s always bugging me about confessing my feelings, yet here he is, keeping his crush to himself. 
“And Virgil?” Roman asks, trying not to get his hopes up. He’s probably not going to want to come. Hanging out with me at school and studying is one thing, but this would be a clear admission of friendship, something he most definitely does not see me as. Why would he—
“Of course I’m coming,” Virgil says, wiping away his tears. “You’d have to be pretty stupid to thing I would miss it.” He gives Roman a gentle, friendly punch in the arm, and despite the lingering sadness from his earlier confession, Roman beams. 
Trying to hide his overwhelming happiness, Roman simply states, “Cool.” 
The rest of lunch, the four make conversation about meaningless things: upcoming tests, funny memories, disastrous family get-togethers, and the like. When they get up to dump their trays, Roman leans over to Virgil and whispers, “I apologize for making you cry. I didn’t think it would affect anyone that much.”
Virgil replies, “Oh, it’s okay. It just hit a little too close to home, that’s all. I’m fine now.” The smile Virgil gives him does reassure him. And for once, Roman doesn’t spend all his time thinking about what Virgil could possibly mean by the story ‘hitting a little too close to home,’ mostly because all Roman can think about is the feeling of Virgil’s arms wrapped around him and his small, yet no less meaningful, smiles. 
It’s this he’s thinking about after school when the musical director says, quiet loudly, “Roman!”
Blinking repeatedly to dispel the distracting thoughts, he peaks around the curtain and asks, “Yes, Mr. Halter?” 
“That was your entrance.” Roman winces.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” He hurries out to his spot on the stage, fixing his costume.
Mr. Halter sighs and says, “Roman, that’s the 5th time you’ve missed an entrance just today. What is going on? The play is on Friday. We don’t have time for messing around or distractions.” His face is filled with disappointment, but also concern. Roman figures it’s because he never messes up this much, especially when the performances are so close.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more focused. Just have a lot on my mind.” Roman flashes a winning smile, and Mr. Halter looks relieved.
“Good. Now, let’s start with Ana’s line right before Roman’s entrance.” Roman and the rest of the cast and crew nod and get in their respective places. Back behind the curtains once again, Roman thinks, Goddammit, Virgil. You just keep on messing up my life. The thought, however harsh it seems, is filled with something awfully close to love. 
But Roman knows he can’t keep dwelling on that almost-love, or at least not right now. So he shoves all thoughts of Virgil from his mind and steps into his character and out onto the stage.
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
Naked Soul: Chapter 16- High Hopes [December 8th]
Universe: Modern AU (Stripper AU) Rating: T (Teen & Up) Length:  3972 Words
A/N: This dear readers, is the first multichapter fic I’ve finished in years. Thanks @epbaker​ who reminded me multiple times recently that I said this advent was going to be all about getting things done instead of starting new projects, haha.
The unofficial title of the whole series, given the panic at the disco chapter titles, is now “Hey Look Ma I Made It”. I can’t believe that I’ve been writing this fic since 2015! Wild! For those unfamiliar this fic can be a little bit of a trainwreck because I started writing it when I was (18? 19?) and took some major liberties on the timeline, amount of research done, etc. Someday, now that it’s done, I’ll come back to it and do some editing and rewrites to make it more cohesive and a little less 2015-y. Thanks to everyone who has been reading this fic through its many long hiatuses! 
Catch up here: [Naked Soul Masterpost]
Monday morning came and went in almost exhaustingly normal fashion. Anna woke up as early as she physically could for class and was, of course, still running behind. Kristoff had made her eggs and toast for breakfast and she’d only managed to get out the door in time to drive to class because he’d had the good sense to make her pack her school bag the night before.
She stretched as she walked back to her car after her last class of the day got out. She still had two hours of work to put in at the studio, preparing her ballet class for their upcoming recital, but she was thinking past that and to the evening. Elsa was back home again and while Anna knew that her sister wasn’t going to kiss and tell, she was looking forward to pestering her into telling her how her date with Della went. They were going to make dinner together while Kristoff was out of the house doing some paperwork with Sven and Anna couldn’t deny the fact that she was glad to have the distraction from her thoughts.
Things had been going well, perhaps maybe even too well. Anna hadn’t felt so good in a very long time. She wasn’t, as far as anyone could tell, being stalked anymore, and while the Westergaard brothers were still doing their best to destroy any claim she and her sister had to the business their parents built, Anna was being reasonably left out of it. She hadn’t heard anything from the PI they hired let alone any of the red headed bastards. Work and school were going well, and her relationship with her sister and with Kristoff were both positive in more ways than she could ever imagine any relationship could be. It was a wonderful feeling, knowing that things were going to be alright no matter what happened that was out of her control. She was, however, despite all the good, uncomfortable in her moments alone. There was always fear clawing on the edge of her mind, a part of her waiting for the other shoe to drop.
When she sat in her car and her phone rang, she jumped about a foot. No one really called her.
Kristoff and Elsa did from time to time, but they were more likely to text, so as she riffled through her bag searching for it, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was about to learn something about self-fulfilling prophecies.
When she managed to pull the phone from her bag, she picked up without looking at the number. If it was important, she didn’t want it to go to voicemail, and if it wasn’t, she figured it was easy enough to hit the end call button.
“Ms. Arendelle?” An unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line addressed her formally, instantly making her think that she’d picked up a spam call.
“Speaking,” she said anyway.
If a spam call was what the universe was throwing at her today, she could take it. She always did feel a little bad for the college kids they hired for call centers. She had been paying her way through school by getting naked and she still thought she had a better job than telemarketing.
“Hello, this is Marta calling from Williamson and Associates. I’m calling today to inform you that there’s been some recent progress in your… situation that requires your attention. Would you be able to come into the office in the next half hour to discuss?”
She froze on the spot. Lawyers. So much for hoping for a spam call.
“I think you might be calling the wrong sister. Elsa handles all the legal and business matters. I could give you her number if you need, but you should have it on file?”
“We’ve already called the other Ms. Arendelle. She is on her way in now, however she has no control over your trust and the associated control you have in Arendelle Enterprises, and for that reason we’ll really need you here to sign some paperwork and make your decisions.”
Anna sighed and fell back into the driver’s seat. Making decisions seemed like the last thing she wanted to do, and yet, if they were at the decision making process it meant that there was something like an end in sight, and she’d take it no matter what it was. She was ready to close the chapter of her life that required police and lawyers and dealing with the Westergaards if she could help it.
“Yeah, I can do that.”
When the woman on the other end was satisfied, Anna hung up the phone and tossed it into her bag before starting her car and doing her best to focus on the road instead of the million different scenarios playing out in her head about what she’d find at that office.
The other shoe had, in fact dropped, but she wasn’t sure if it was about to land sole up or down. She took comfort in the fact that no matter what she was about to learn, she knew that everything would be okay. Elsa was feeling better than she had in years, they were safe, and she had Kristoff. She’d never dreamed of being loved the way he loved her.
Kristoff smiled when he scooped Anna up into his arms. She’d passed out on the couch at some point after dinner and while he wasn’t certain of all the details, he knew that she’d had a long day. Elsa had already gone off to bed by the time he’d gotten home, so he hadn’t been able to ask either of them how their meeting with their lawyers had gone. He had a rough idea, Anna had sent him a text promising to fill him in when he got home, but he wasn’t about to wake her up to ask, not when she looked so peaceful.
He’d had a long day too, but it hadn’t been any surprise to him. He and Sven had been working on business paperwork, officially naming it, applying for the bank loans they needed to get started, doing all the sort of work that they had to do when they started their ice business, but somehow twice as tiresome. They’d be able to start looking for jobs soon, to start hiring, to start picking up equipment. They were starting small, working on repairs and additions more than new construction, but he was happy to have the possibility of really and truly being his own boss.
It meant good things would come, that he could make things even more stable for himself financially and make his own hours, and hopefully, find himself in a better position to ask Anna to spend the rest of her life with him. He could already imagine a bigger house, closer to his family, and little feet running across the floor, if of course, Anna wanted that too.
Her head lolled against his chest a bit as they walked. She was out, and he couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at her. They’d been on quite a journey together since meeting. He still couldn’t believe that he had Sven to thank for that, but he was glad that he’d dragged him out to a strip club so many months ago, and the he now, like everyone else in Kristoff’s life, had been won over by Anna’s charm. His best friend, and well as his parents, were already asking when exactly he was planning to pop the question, as if he and Anna had been together for years instead of months.
He was already thinking the same thing though. He loved her. He loved her for her humor and her smiles and her resilience. He’d never met anyone stronger than her, and while she’d made it seem like he’d been helping her since they’d met, she’d really been the one holding him up, helping him to believe that good things could happen and that the world wasn’t as dark as it sometimes seemed.
He felt her stir when he bumped the bedroom door open, and he knew it was from the squealing creak it made whenever it was opened or shut. He wanted to tackle some home repair, and he thought, with a chuckle, that he may need to be his own first customer.
Sven would demand double pay.
“Did I fall asleep?” she mumbled, and even in the dim light of the hall, he could see her bleary eyes, half open, staring up at him.
He felt bad for interrupting her peaceful sleep, but took the opportunity, now that she was at least a little bit awake, to duck down and press a kiss to her forehead.
“Yeah baby, you did. I was just bringing you to bed.”
She smiled softly and then reached up a hand, squeezing his arm lightly.
“You’re too good to me.”
“Not possible,” he replied, “Nothing would be too good for you. If I could give you the world it still wouldn’t be enough.”
She shook her head, but her smile was bright as she woke a bit more and he crossed the room, knocking the door back closed with its telltale squeak, and plunging them into darkness for only a moment until he bumped the rocker switch on the wall, knowing that now that she was up, they probably wouldn’t be sleeping.
“You’re a goof,” she said, “And I’d tell the whole world that it could hit the bricks, because all I need is you.”
He couldn’t help but give her a light squeeze before setting her onto the bed, but when he went to step away, she was still gripping his arm.
She was giving him her best puppy dog eyes, and he knew that he was done with work for the evening. Once Anna had him in bed, there would be no getting out of it until he bargained with her to let him go brush his teeth.
He gestured for her to scoot over a bit then followed her onto the bed, not fighting it when she immediately wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in close. She was forever trying to cover him with her, and despite the size difference between them, she did a pretty good job.
“Do you want to hear about my day?” she asked, the trepidation in her voice evident despite the confident way she was holding onto him, “Or you could tell me about yours?”
He wrapped his arms around her in return, pulling her up onto him a bit more until her head was rested atop his chest.
“I’m not going to make you tell me about it if you don’t want to,” he replied.
He knew, of course, that she would tell him whenever she was ready. He trusted her to know her boundaries with him, to listen and to ask and to take what she gave him when she gave it. He tried not to pry or push unless he needed to, and even then, he always left it up to her discretion.
“My day was terribly dry and boring. Paperwork is horrible. I’d rather be back in high school history class than look at another bank document, and unless you were luckier than I was, high school history is the most boring and dry thing I think anyone can ever experience in their lives.”
“Oof,” she replied, with a sort of half laugh that made him feel more comfortable, “I’m glad my meetings weren’t as boring as yours were then. I got a call to go to the lawyers office after classes today, and after I met Elsa there, we discussed our settlement from the company and how we’d be receiving our trusts and so on and so forth. It wasn’t exactly riveting stuff, but I think everything…”
She trailed off and then looked up at him, turning her head and pushing  off him so that she could make eye contact as she said it.
“I think it’s finally over Kris. I think… I think everything is going to be okay.”
He saw the tears welling in her eyes and swept his thumb across her cheek as they fell. He wanted to tell her that everything would have been alright either way, because he was going to make sure they were, but right now that didn’t matter. She was tired, and happy, and he was going to hold her through it as the weight lifted from her shoulders.
She told him about how apparently their PI “friend” had come through, how he’d produced evidence of blackmail and worse to her and Elsa’s lawyers that they’d been able to use as leverage. The rest of the board wasn’t fully aware of what was going on, but there was anarchy in the company structure nevertheless. They had grounds to sue the Westergaard family for a host of legal jargon terms Kristoff didn’t know well enough to comment on, but amongst them were defamation and embezzlement, which he had a fair enough understanding of to know that Anna and Elsa had indeed won the war.
“So they’re being forced to step down from the board, the company has to restructure and Elsa and I have the option to have the company buy us out. We even get to keep the Arendelle Industries name, so it’s going to be known as AI now and whatever happens after this, we get the cash value of our parents stake in the company, plus our trusts, and if the business faces any repercussions from what happened, our family name won’t be attached anymore. I honestly still can’t believe it.”
She started talking numbers, and he felt like he had all the wind knocked out of him. He prided himself on being at least decent at math, after all his work required it, but he wasn’t sure if he could count that high.
“It’s not about the money though,” she said quietly, ducking back down to cuddle closer to his side, “It’s nice to know it’s there and that I can pay for college and everything. But mostly I’m just glad it’s over now. I’m never going to have to see a Westergaard again for the rest of my life, Elsa won’t have to worry about the business anymore, and I can work at the studio, and…”
The pause was a nervous one, as if she was worried about what she had to say next.
“And I have you, and that’s all I think I need.”
He shifted, pulled her atop him more fully, and kissed her.
He was thoroughly exhausted, his back ached, he was pretty sure he was missing skin on his thigh, and when he glanced to his right, his girlfriend was, rather elegantly, leaning back and spinning five feet off the floor.
“How do you even do that?”
He could hear Della, and his mother laughing up a storm. He couldn’t even look over at them because he knew that they must be rolling on the floor.
“You’ve watched me enough,” she said, with a giggle as the music continued to play and she spun around on beat, “I thought you’d have it no problem.”
“She’s really an excellent teacher,” Elsa said from behind them, doubtlessly staring right at Della when she said it.
She was getting better and better at the teasing the longer she spent around his family. He couldn’t necessarily say he enjoyed it being directed at him, but he also was pleased by the fact that she was at least opening up more and more overtime.
“Yes,” Della replied, “It’s really just my brother. No fault of hers that he can’t follow directions.”
He thought for a moment about walking away from the pole to slug his sister, but his mom was there and she may still, very well, pull them apart with one hand each and make them do chores for the rest of the evening. It didn’t matter that they were adults. The woman was strong enough, and serious enough to have them both quivering in their boots in no time flat.
“Pay her no mind Kristoff, you’re doing great baby.”
He felt his whole face go red. He still wasn’t sure why he’d agreed to any of this.
Since Anna had started teaching “aerial dance” at the studio, Della and even more terrifyingly, his mother, had been attending. While they both had told him that it was “a good work out” he had not wanted to know what they were learning.
It had been more of a joke than a real Birthday gift when he’d open the card from his sister that included a three-session gift certificate to work with Anna. His options had been, of course, ballet, fan dance, or aerial dance, and while he wasn’t particularly against any of the options, he thought doing anything with Anna would be fun, he did think that as a guy who did a lot of heavy lifting, climbing up a pole wouldn’t be particularly difficult.
He’d been very wrong.
Anna slid back down the pole, showing more technique than seduction in her motions. She crossed the floor to turn off the music and to shoot him a somewhat apologetic smile. He might be in pain, but he smiled back because even with his failures and his mother, sister, and Elsa giggling at him, he was enjoying himself.
If there was one thing that he appreciated, more than anything else about her teaching classes, it was that she was dancing because she loved it. She wasn’t dancing to please anyone when she was at the studio, she was showing others how to do something that made her feel good. Sometimes she would still dance for him, alone in the comfort of their bedroom and that too was, in a way, for her.
He knew that while the way they met may not have been the way she would have chosen, she sometimes had days and nights where she got a little nostalgic for his eyes on her like that. He always gave it to her, because as soon as she started moving like that, he couldn’t tear his eyes away, even if he wanted to. He didn’t think even with a thousand lessons from her, he could ever reciprocate quite as well. He did appreciate her laughs though when he’d give her a little shimmy.
“Okay peanut gallery,” Anna commanded in the sweet way that only she could, “I do believe that certificate was for three private lessons. You’ve had your fun, now I’d like some alone time with my student.”
Amongst various grumblings and jokes, between Anna and his mother’s chiding, the room was emptied of everyone but the two of them. While they were walking out he walked over to where he’d left his workout bag, and slipped something from within it to the pocket of his shorts.
“Sorry sweetheart,” she said, crossing the room and wrapping her arms around his waist, pillowing her head against him, “I had to let them have their fun with you.”
He chuckled. They certainly had had their fun.
“I wanted them here,” he replied, “they deserved a little laugh at my expense, I guess. Plus, I wanted at least Elsa around…”
He reached back into his pocket and retrieved the little box he’d put there, feeling the velvetiness of it under his fingers and pulling it out. Months had passed since everything was straightened out with her family business, and his own new construction business, and with it having been over a year since they met, the timing just felt right.
He had to lean away from her to kneel and her confusion, turned surprise was a look that he hoped he would never forget.
“Are you?”
He hadn’t even opened the box yet, but there was a huge smile on her face, her voice full of shock like she couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, I mean, we don’t have to right away,” he said flipping open the box, “You’ve still got school and work and… I just thought even if we didn’t have the wedding for a year or more I just want to be able to call you my fiancé. If that’s what you want.”
He flipped the box open. He’d taken Elsa and Sven with him shopping, and while it had been a hilariously strange day, they’d all agreed on a ring they felt was both something that made them think of Anna, and something they thought she’d love.
The stone was small, but the band was intricate, little leaves and vines settling around an inset diamond. He hadn’t wanted a ring that had much of a profile because he wanted her to be able to wear it when she was dancing without it catching on anything. It was a good choice, he thought, looking from it to her face and letting his nerves be comforted by her grin.
“Yes, of course!”
She stooped down to his level, “Of course I want to marry you Kristoff. There’s nothing I’ve ever wanted more!”
He moved to kiss her, but she was already surging forward to kiss him, her fingers tangling into his hair, sweaty as it was, and her lips opening to his almost immediately. The kiss was deep and lingering and as it broke, she was smiling brighter than the sun.
He slid the ring onto her finger and as they stood, he gave her an apologetic look and turned towards the door.
“You can come back in now.”
He knew that his sister at least, if not all three must have had an ear to the door and a hand on the handle.
“My baby is going to get married! I never thought I’d live to see the day.”
Anna laughed as they were overtaken by the love of the three women they called family. The rest of Kristoff’s siblings and his father would hear the news soon enough, having already known his plan. He could only imagine the chaos Anna would find when she walked through the door to see them.
The hug she gave him and the kiss on his cheek though, told him that she was ready for it.
“I don’t think I could have ever imagined being this happy,” she said, looking between him and the assemblage, “I’m so lucky to have you.”
He shook his head, “That’s my line.”
They were allowed only an hour alone when they got back home. There would be a family dinner at his parents place to get to, and they both needed to shower, but neither of them were much interested in getting ready.
“Would it be rude to be late for dinner?” Anna asked, tugging his shirt off when the front door closed behind them.
“What was rude was the assumption we wouldn’t have other things to do,” he offered with a laugh, his hands busying themselves with unbuttoning her jeans, “They’ll deal.”
Once her pants and his shirt were off, she jumped up onto him, his hands catching her rear and holding her up on him as her mouth went to his.
“Good, because I’m going to need at least a full hour with you. Maybe two. We never did get that private lesson in.”
He groaned as her hands wandered his back and her mouth traveled from his lips to his neck and licked and nipped.
“I’m eager to learn.”
She laughed, “You’re already a professional, but we’ll see if I can show you something new.”
His eyes grew wide at that, and he nearly tripped, with her warm laugh in his ears and her hands and mouth on his skin, rushing to their bedroom.
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
=Chapter 36
In no time, the three of them were in the backyard. Ruby looked nervous to the point of nauseated, but she was trying to be good about masking her nerves. And failing.
“What’s going on?” Yang finally hissed.
“Yeah, and why am I here?” Weiss asked. “Seriously, I thought you would only want your sister’s advice.”
The small girl squirmed, fidgeting with her fingers. “Well… jeepers, I think you’re really swell, Weiss, and you’re so nice to me! And you helped me and Yang start talking again, so it seems to me like you’re great at advice, y’know? A-and I thought it made sense to ask you! But if you don’t want me to ask your advice about stuff anymore, that’s fine! Really!”
“Why don’t you tell us what the problem is first?” Yang chuckled, cuffing her around the chin.
“Okay. I… yeah.” Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself. “I d-don’t know what to do about Homecoming!”
“The dance! Remember? The… one you asked Weiss to?”
Rolling her eyes, she said, “I know what Homecoming is. What’s your beef with it?”
“Penny. She asked me, and I kinda… shot her down, but I didn’t mean to! She just really caught me off my guard - since I don’t even think girls can go with other girls. But now she kinda thinks I don’t want to go.”
“Ohhhhh,” Weiss breathed, nodding in understanding. “Yeah, I remember that now.”
“Right!” Pulling at her hair, she started pacing as she went on, “And now I wanna make it up to her in a really big way! But… this isn’t my thing, y’know? And I don’t even know if I like her in that way, but she seems to have caught it from you guys.”
Unable to help herself, Yang burst into laughter, doubling over and slapping her knee. Ruby pouted, and Weiss patted her arm gently until the Dragon could manage speech again. “CAUGHT! Like it’s… the goddamn measles!”
“Well, she did! Seeing so many girls dating? Y’know?”
“Ohhhh… oh boy, that was great.” Straightening up and wiping her eyes, she said, “You’re a big tickle, Sis!”
“Forget her,” Weiss sighed in mild annoyance, patting Ruby’s shoulder now. “I think it’s very nice that you want to go with Penny… assuming there’s no fella who’s caught your eye?”
“Not really,” she admitted with a little shrug.
“Then there’s no reason you two can’t go as friends. If she wants to think of it as a date, that’s fine, right? Just… tell her you have bad breath if she wants to make out.”
Yang snorted. “You don’t even have to do that. Okay, here’s what you’ll do…”
As she whispered into Ruby’s ear, Weiss tried to busy herself with staring off into the clouds. The whispering went on, and on, and on, and Ruby only nodded and breathed a little “Ohhhh” or “Yes!” to indicate she was listening. Eventually, she decided the two sisters needed this time to conspire and made her way back into the house, knowing she would scarcely be missed. They could always track her down later.
“Why the long face, Little Weiss?”
She squirmed. “My father was the last one to call me that.”
Kali frowned, setting the pie that had just come out of the oven down in the middle of the dining room table to cool. “It will never be uttered again.”
“No, no, I… it’s alright. You mean it very differently than he did.”
“Naturally.” She came over to drape her arm around her shoulders. “What was the matter before you came in here, then?”
“Nothing, actually. Today has been… very nice. All up and down the map! I just felt a little left out trying to keep up with Ruby and Yang. And I know that’s stupid,” she hurried ahead, making sure she got her words in before Kali’s rebuttal.
“Of course it isn’t stupid. Erroneous, maybe. But your feelings are your feelings.” When Weiss still didn’t look convinced, she guided her over and sat her in a chair. “You’ve had Yang all to yourself all day, and now you don’t, so you’re sad. But that will pass.”
Nodding, she stared down at the table for a second. Then something strange came to her; something she wasn’t sure she should say. But she began with, “Mrs. B?”
“Kali,” she corrected gently.
“Kali. Um… I know Blake has been weird about it, but… I think it’s a kick that you and my mother are becoming friends. And I can tell she’s really happy, too.”
The older woman blinked a few times before her lips twitched into a small smile. Weiss knew that one; adults always smiled like that when their children were being good in a “cute” way. “Thank you.”
“Ugh… fine, nevermind.”
“No, no, I mean it.” She took Weiss’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I actually do appreciate you saying so. You’ve already pointed out how strange it would be if I stopped flirting with you to flirt with your mother, and I can’t disagree, but… as of right now, I really am just happy to be there for your family. And having your support in that only makes me even happier.”
Allowing her lips to twitch into a smile, she breathed in relief, “Good.” Then she patted the back of Kali’s hand. “Where’s Blake, anyway?”
“Out with Emerald and some of the others. I’m not sure. Would you care to help me with my pasta? It’ll be time to get dinner going soon.”
“Yeah! I mean, we have to pull our weight around here.”
“That wasn’t why I asked,” she laughed, glancing up as Willow entered. “Ah, good ‘morning’ in the afternoon.”
But Weiss’s mother was busy breathing in deeply, eyes closed in bliss. “That… smells… divine.” The other two only giggled in bemusement as they all headed into the kitchen.
The rest of their Saturday was fairly uneventful and dull, but highly pleasant. Yang and Ruby stayed for dinner, the latter mentioning that Uncle Qrow had only been planning to open some cans of tuna for them that night - which made Kali turn her offer into an outright command that she not leave only to head toward such a disappointing fate. Blake turned up halfway through and wolfed down some food, making some excuses not to hang around with them more and heading up to bed.
When Weiss tried to ask what that was about later, she only whispered that she wanted to be left alone. She almost felt like pressing the point - since they had been making such great progress lately. But Blake insisted that nothing was wrong, she just wasn’t up to speaking a great deal. Nothing more to be done from that point onward.
The next day, Weiss strongarmed Yang into getting together with Pyrrha so they could all study again. The redhead was one of the most patient teachers she had ever known - and she wasn’t even an actual teacher - but even she seemed to find Yang’s inability to grasp certain concepts a bit taxing from time to time. However, through dogged determination and their combined efforts, they all managed to help prepare Yang for the upcoming test.
Not that Yang’s frequent bribes of kisses helped. Weiss only succeeded in fighting her off most of the time, and no amount of throat-clearing from Pyrrha seemed to put her off it. At least she seemed to be moderately less queasy about things like that now.
Which Weiss asked her about a bit later, when they were taking a break.
“Am I what?!”
“Are you interested in Cinder?” she asked again, voice steady and bald of any deception. “Honestly.”
Clearing her throat, Pyrrha smoothed her hand over her hair as they fished the bottle of milk from the refrigerator. Mrs. Nikos had made a fresh batch of cookies that would go nicely with that. “You’re wrong, Weiss. I… know how it looked, but I don’t have those sorts of feelings for women.”
“Then why do you look so nervous when I ask about it?”
“Because I- I’ve never been accused of liking someone!” she burst out anxiously. “Cinder’s affections feel so strange, I- my stomach twists into knots when she touches me, but not in the good way you’re implying. Not the way it does when I see Jaune smile in class. It’s more like I feel… afraid.”
“Alright, alright,” Weiss tried to reassure her, a hand raised as the other held the glass steady for Pyrrha to pour. “I didn’t mean to pry. Honest! But you know how it looked at the hospit-”
“Yes! Yes, I… I know. But surely you understand that I only wanted to… to make Cinder feel less wrong, less… oh…”
Pyrrha nodded, setting the bottle back in the ice box. “Sad. I’m sure you felt the same way I did. It simply isn’t right for a woman so full of confidence to be so broken. Don’t you agree?”
“I do. Seriously… that isn’t the part I’m wondering about. I knew why you did it. But once it was happening, and you were sitting next to her on the bed…”
“Yes.” Her wide eyes turned to Weiss. “What about it?”
“Then… you looked as if you were enjoying yourself. You just wished you weren’t.” Their gaze met, both of them uncertain. “Were you?”
The room fell silent for a few seconds. Pyrrha looked down into her glass of milk but didn’t respond, didn’t elaborate. Now Weiss felt awful for having brought it up at all. She was honestly hoping that a little gentle nudging might help Pyrrha come clean, or at least settle any fears the two of them might have been wondering about. Instead, it just seemed to awaken them afresh.
“Pyrrha, I’m really sorry if-”
“Hey, what’s taking you two cats so long?” The instant Yang stumbled into the room, she sensed the bleak atmosphere in the room and flinched back. “Whoa… why do I feel like I goofed in coming down here?”
Pyrrha favoured her with a practiced smile. “It’s nothing. Just getting distracted; I’m sorry. Here, take your glass; we… we won’t have to carry so much this way.”
She took it, shooting a confused look at her girlfriend - who had no great idea of how to respond exactly. She wanted to make amends for pushing too much. Even now, she still wanted to know if Pyrrha really didn’t like Cinder in a way beyond friendship, or if she was merely afraid of enjoying those frequent advances and wanted to cover those feelings so completely that they would cease to exist for all intents and purposes. If so… lying to herself was only going to hurt her in the long run.
But most of that was speculation. And Weiss cared more about supporting her friend than digging for the truth. She just wasn’t sure how best to go about supporting her in this situation anymore.
Monday morning brought school, and even more confusion about everything. Blake had been quite sullen and distant again the night before, but that morning she was all sunshine and rainbows, telling Weiss she looked nice and that she hoped they would all have a nice day in class. Pyrrha also acted like nothing had happened between them the night before, just plastering on her patented “politician smile” and greeting everyone cheerfully. In contrast, the normally-chipper Ruby was walking around in a cloud of uncertainty, acting jumpy - as if someone would spring out from inside of a locker and demand to know her true feelings about Penny.
Life was kooky.
The only thing that did make sense was Yang being in a fantastic mood. Their skinny dipping session had seemed to ease a lot of her anxieties and sorrows about other situations - such as her mom, and the fate of the Dragons overall. She locked arms with Weiss often and they chatted about fun, light topics. It was just what they needed.
Unfortunately, Ruby didn’t make good on any of her plans that day. Weiss asked what they were but Yang remained tight-lipped; she said it would be much more fun as a surprise when it went into effect. But it seemed they weren’t going to get that surprise today.
They were going to get another.
“Hey, kiddo,” Qrow called out as he strode over from the parking lot, his white-and-grey suit standing out like a sore thumb on the campus full of boys in sweater-vests and tweed sportcoats, polo shirts and lightweight jackets. The wave was casual. Yang tensed, but Weiss tried to remain calm; she wanted to see how this might go.
“Hey, Uncle!” Ruby piped up, grabbing him up in a hug. “What’s up? Am I not catching the bus?”
“Not today. Gotta head over to a neighbouring town for a run. Need my copilot.”
Her smile only widened at the prospect. This girl really did seem to love living with him as much as Weiss loved having her own mother back in her life. “YAY! Road trip, road trip!”
“Pipe down,” he rumbled in his gravelly voice, tousling her hair. The girl only giggled. Then he glanced over at Yang, face becoming somehow yet more passive than the already-nonchalant expression of before. “Yang.”
“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” Weiss shoehorned herself in, reaching out a hand. Hopefully, it might diffuse the tension. “Weiss Schnee.”
“Yeah. I know. Schnees have been runnin’ this town for years.” She drew back the hand an instant later. He hadn’t even glanced at it.
“Hey, lay off my girlfriend,” Yang warned him.
“Ooooh,” he breathed with both hands raised in false fear. “I’m shakin’. And shocked ya turned out just like your mom.”
Yang’s face darkened with anger. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chasin’ skirts instead of chasin’ fellas. It’s…” He paused to choose his words carefully. “...a crazy coincidence, don’t ya think?”
“Mom doesn’t chase anybody. You know that. She doesn’t even go out anymore, she’s always working…” Her lips shut and she turned to march away, then thought better of it - but only enough to force herself to stand there with her back to Qrow and Ruby, arms folded over her chest and entire frame seething with barely-restrained rage.
“Sure, kiddo, sure. Been a while since I even talked to her.”
“That’s your fault. You picked your side, and you… you picked wrong.”
“Yang,” Ruby whispered, but Yang sighed in annoyance and she fell silent immediately.
“Really believe that, don’t ya?” he asked with a slight edge of biting humour. “Little spitfire. Too much of your mom, too much of your dad. Or maybe just enough.”
Folding her arms tighter, the Dragon grunted, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothin’. C’mon, Ruby.” But just as they began to stride away, Weiss hurried to circle around behind them, blocking their path. “Excuse us.”
“Wanna try that again?”
“I said, ‘no’!” She stamped her foot as she went on, “You and Yang are going to talk, and if I have to… to kick you in the shins until you stay, I will! Don’t think I won’t!
Looking distinctly unimpressed, the man grunted, “Yang, do you wanna tug on your little girl’s leash here?”
However, Yang sighed in defeat, rubbing at one side of her face. “No… trust me, it’s not gonna make any difference. She gets something in her head and there’s no stopping her; we might as well accept it. What do you want us to do, Weiss?”
“Talk. Now. Is that really so crazy of me to ask? Really talk, don’t just say a bunch of mean things.” When nobody answered, she rolled her eyes and turned back to Qrow. “Let’s start with this: what did you mean by ‘just enough’ of her parents? I think you were going to say something nice.”
“You think all you want.” But of course she still wasn't moving. He rolled his eyes and said, “Fine, fine. I was gonna say… this is stupid.”
“No argument here,” Yang said with no hesitation. But before Weiss could protest, Qrow was actually answering – and it was a genuine answer.
“You got your mom's spunk. And that fierce loyalty that almost nobody really sees. She could have dumped you out in the streets, but even though she's about the worst candidate for a mother I've ever seen-”
“Forget this! I don't need to hear you talking about her like-”
“Wait, wait,” Ruby spoke up, finally seeming to catch on. She and Weiss shared a little smile. “I think… you should let him finish.”
Qrow looked a little ruffled by all the attention, but was trying to hide it behind a veneer of disinterest. “Like I said, she’s no prize as a mom. And she knew it. Always knew it; that’s why she gave you up in the first place. But after you two lost Summer… she took you in anyway. Takes a lot of guts to do something you don’t think you're any good at for somebody else because you’re the only name in the hat - and she’s been doin’ it for years and years. Because she doesn’t turn her back on family unless they give her a good reason. Real loyalty.”
Yang’s mouth just barely uttered an “Oh.”
“And as for Tai… he was kind of a flake, still don't know why he twenty-three skidooed on us. But he had a lotta love in his heart for his friends, family. Strong and didn’t know the meaning of ‘fear’. And, uh… I think you got a lot of both of ‘em. That’s all.”
“O-oh,” she breathed again, and this time Weiss noticed her eyes were watering. But she turned away, arms tightly folded over her chest. “Fine.”
“Yang,” Weiss insisted very quietly. But Yang didn’t budge. So she turned to Qrow and nodded at him. “Thank you for saying that.”
One hand waved it off while the other fell to his almost-niece’s shoulder. “Eh. C’mon, Ruby, we’re burnin’ daylight.”
“Okay,” she said quietly, favouring Weiss with an uncertain little smile. “See you later, okay?”
“Yeah. See you, Ruby.” Once they were out of earshot, Weiss stomped over to Yang and seethed at her back for a few seconds. “You could have at least said ‘thank you’ instead of ‘fine’.”
“Wh-why should I thank him? He just… still didn’t… what a big clod.”
Her arms wrapped around Yang’s waist, hugging her from behind as she shivered with unshed tears. “I know, I know. What a meanie, telling you that you’re loyal, and brave, and you have a big heart. How dare he!”
By that point, Yang was truly sobbing, and she turned to hold her girlfriend as close as she could, needing the creature comfort. Weiss did her best not to let her shock at this release show; just held her, petting over her back and hair and giving her the chance to have all those feelings. They stayed like that until Blake happened along and asked what the matter was, to which Yang completely sidestepped before rushing off to get home.
“That girl is just weird,” Blake remarked with a small shake of her head. “Mondo strange-o.”
“Yeah. So, um… do you think maybe her mom would let you come over now? Because it still seems like she’s being stubborn about houseguests. I think that stinks.”
Her shoulders raised up and down within her leather jacket, staring off after the blonde driving away on her motorcycle. Wistful but resigned. “Nah.”
“Probably not. But I see her enough in school. And when the Dragons hang around, too, I guess.” When she saw Weiss squirm, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “You can stop now. I’m not a charity case, and I’m… okay with how things turned out. So enough with the babysitting. I’m fine, Weiss.”
She bit her lip for a second, indecisive. Then she finally hugged her around the middle. “I’m glad. Because I’m a Dragon now, too, remember? If you’re in pain, then I’m-”
“I get it,” she laughed weakly. “Let’s go home, you weird hug-monster.”
When they got there, they saw a few more bikes parked in the drive than were normal. And Weiss was just beginning to get familiar enough with her fellow gangsters to tell which bike was whose.
“Salem? And Vernal, and… and that is Cinder’s bike, I think, but she’s not even out of the hospital yet!”
Blake shrugged as she left her helmet on the handlebars. “We really need to get that new Shopkeeper’s set up. Somewhere.”
As she could have expected, Salem was seated in the living room with Kali and Sienna, discussing things in hushed voices. Weiss noticed her own mother was conspicuously absent; that would have worried her, but Kali looked far too calm for it to mean anything dire. Probably had her hidden upstairs.
“Ah, there are a few of our babies,” Kali said with a half-smile. “Good day at school?”
“High Dragon,” Weiss said with a slight bow in her direction. Salem barely tilted her head downward in recognition. “Where’s Cinder?”
Almost as if summoned, Cinder appeared from the dining room with a glass of iced tea. She was still heavily bandaged, and leaning on Emerald for support, but she looked a little more hale and hearty than she had the last time they saw her. Flirting with two women at once had done wonders for her complexion.
“Schnee,” she rasped with a slight smile, which Weiss returned.
“Belladonna,” Blake grunted in mild annoyance at being ignored. Cinder smirked. “Now, what’s this all about? I didn’t know we were having a pow-wow. We would have told Yang.”
Salem waved a hand of dismissal. “This is not an official meeting, Blake. We’re discussing how to proceed.”
“He’s got a little too many higher-ups backing him to rub him out now,” Kali warned her, sounding as if she had already made that point before but was trying to rearrange her words so that they would be more convincing. Weiss’s gaze sharpened on the older women. “There’s no way it wouldn’t lead back to us - even if we asked the boys to do it instead.”
“Agreed. However, we may not have much choice; if we languish here while our enemy amasses yet more power, we may find the option vanishes from under our noses. He’ll be out of reach soon.”
Cinder spoke up, surprising them all. “Make it quick. Hell, I’ll do it - sweet revenge.”
“Wait, wait,” Weiss interrupted before Kali could speak again. “What is it we’re talking about? Who needs to be… you know.” She had a suspicion, but wanted to confirm.
Salem blinked at her a few times before she answered. “You haven’t heard? Our timetable has been… truncated.”
“I haven’t. I mean, apparently.”
For a moment, no one answered. Then Kali stood and crossed to her small television set, turning the dial to get it warming up. Within several seconds, they were staring at a black-and-white image of a newscaster with a handful of papers, gazing into the camera and trying to be serious without being dour, square jaw outlined in strong relief above his suit.
“...within these past weeks, with the fire at the abandoned building as further proof of criminal activity. Mr. Schnee says that he hopes his term in office as mayor will usher in a new age of peace and prosperity for the city of Vale. Now here’s Lisa Lavender with the weather…”
2 notes · View notes
chidoroki · 3 years
Head empty, pre-TPN season 2 thoughts only.
Normally I don’t even bother with hiding spoilers but since the new season is so close I’ll put everything below a cut (if tumblr cooperates) because I do want anime-onlys to enjoy the season with as little knowledge to what madness is about to happen as possible. This is just a bunch of notes that filled my head over the past couple days.. weeks? A long time.. and if I didn’t write them all down somewhere I wouldn’t stop thinking about them.. so if you understand this whole mess, then kudos to you.
So, here’s your post-season 1/ch37+ spoiler warning.
Demon language:
With Mujika and Sonju making their grand first appearances, I hope actually implement the demon language this time?
The only word spoken in the language in season 1 was the demon god’s name, which was just changed to “Him” (sub) or “The One” (dub), so ignoring it there was fine.
Granted, our demon friends don’t say much in their language during the upcoming arc, aside from this moment in ch48, but I can see the anime passing it off as a mere whisper between the two of them just so they don’t have to worry about it.
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I don’t recall any of the GP poachers using the language though.. right? Pretty sure they don’t..
Anyways, all I’m saying is that they better figure something out by the Ayshe shows up way later in future seasons.
Episode count? 24?
Short answer: I don’t think so? Did once, but stuff happened. Anyways..
Season 1 ended in March 2019, which is also when we learned we were getting a second season and once we found later on that S2 was originally going to air in October 2020, I immediately thought we were getting about 24 eps.
I thought with all that time between seasons, 24 eps would be reasonable and that S2 would end at ch101. S1 managed to adapt 37 chapters, so 64 chapters in a season twice as long sound decent enough, right?
By the time we reach ch101, it would give us the demon forest, shelter B06-32, Goldy Pond and the short trip to Cuvitidala. (all of which would make this long wait for s2 sooo worth it btw.)
By this point we learn a bunch about the outside world, Norman being alive, what happened to Phil, and the demon bastard himself.
I bring up ch101 as a stopping point because it’s the last chapter before the two year time skip and.. I honestly can’t see them doing a time skip mid-season?
I mean, they could if they wanted to, I guess? Having everyone age up suddenly between episodes via a montage, a quick summary or even flashbacks of what we missed.. but maybe at the start of a season? Not in the middle.
Right now we know anime original scenes are going to be included into season 2 so I’m kinda hoping that once we do eventually reach the time skip we learn more about the search Emma’s group went on for T7W/golden water/temples.
I counted. If S2 does indeed get this many episodes, ep23 (or 22, if there’s a break in between somewhere or whatever) will land on my birthday and you can bet I’ll be beyond happy
HOWEVER! all the hope I once had about a 24ep season vanished due to the clusterfuck that was 2020. Thanks to the worldwide pandemic, many anime were put on hold and pushed back several months, with TPN airing this month rather than the original October date.
It was a bummer hearing about the delay at first but I never complained about it. I much rather have the studios prioritize their employee’s health over production.
Even if S2 did reach ch101, or even Goldy Pond, they would need to find a ton of new voice actors, and with how the world is working now.. eh, I have some doubts.
Cloverworks also has two other series airing this month aside from TPN so needless to say they’ll be a bit busy, especially if employees are still working from home, social distancing, or however they’re managing to produce these anime.
So, episode count.. 12?
The main reason I have a hard time grasping the idea of another 12ep season at all is because.. I don’t know where it’ll be a decent place for it to stop?
S1 ending at ch37 with the kids escaping? Perfect. You can’t question that decision. But now? When a whole bunch of craziness is about happen? How do you choose another perfect moment to end a season with?
No matter how many anime original scenes they have planned for the demon forest, I believe we’ll at least reach B06-32, which will get us to ch52.
Could they go farther? Sure. Perhaps ending at ch59-60? It would leave us off with Emma & Ray leaving the comfort of the shelter to follow Yuugo into yet another demon infested forest, much like how S1 left off, as the escapees left their once safe, comfortable life into the unknown world.
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Or end at ch64? After Emma gets snatched by the poachers? It could work. It would certainly leave everyone wanting more, especially us manga readers because goddamn the GP arc would be SO close!
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Perhaps ch74 after seeing Norman alive? Just so it’s not a big darn secret anymore to those who are going into this season blind? (how do people manage to stay anime only? i’m not trying to make anyone feel bad.. i’m just impressed? i caught up to the manga right after s1 because i didn’t have the self control to wait!)
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Ending on that chapter would be so bittersweet to me.. because you know what appears in ch75 and it’s literally one of the only things I care about.
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S2 preview trailers already teased some of the demon forest scenes I’m most excited about, so the only things left that will truly excite me are Yuugo and that darn outfit. (seriously, whenever we do get to see emma in her gp outfit for the first time, someone better scream at me so i can die from happiness.)
Okay, and all the GP kids too.. especially their trio!
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Could they fit the Goldy Pond arc into a 12 episode season along with every other event that came before it? I.. seriously hope not? 
Compared to s1, which was very dialogue heavy, GP is about as action packed as we’re gonna get in the near future, and those scenes are going to fly by once they get put into motion.
Quick example (because it was recent and i can’t think of something else atm): the Overhaul arc from My Hero Academia. Off the top my head it was about 40 total ch? That arc took up half of the show’s S4, which was a total 25 eps.
So with the GP ending at ch96, it’ll give us about 20-30 chapters (depending on where you personally see the start of this arc I guess? once yuugo leads the duo through the forest, when emma gets snatched or when the battle actually starts)
If GP were to happen in s2 where there’s 12 episodes.. literally everything would be so fast paced and I don’t want them to rush anything or leave stuff out?
Other options?
It’s very wishful thinking and I would be getting my hopes up for nothing, because I know it won’t happen, but I could possibly see them fitting GP arc if S2 was made up of 18eps?
6 eps for the demon forest, 6 for Goldy pPond, the remaining 6 to accommodate B06-32, Cuvitidala and any other anime original scenes as they wish.
Although fitting about 64 chapters into 12-18 episodes sounds a bit much.. but not really? I seriously have no idea at this point how much story we’re going to cover this season.
Could I perhaps place all my hopes towards a second cour later this year? Like for the summer.. or would I be expecting too much?
This all could’ve been avoided if they just tell us! Seriously, I’ve been thinking about episode count since last year.. and now you have to deal with this mindless chatter of mine.
I’d honestly be okay with another 12ep season though. We waited this long that I’ll just be excited to see all the children again.
Anime-only scenes:
Those 3 days the children spent learning from our demon friends? Yes please! Did you know Emma not only learned how to use a bow and arrow but a freakin’ harpoon as well? Like.. hello?? I must see this!
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Perhaps they’ll even adopt some of the extra pages from some of the chapters, like they did in S1 with the flashback of Norman being sick in ep10.
I know this will be such a high hope, but I remember in ch177 how Emma claims that after they escaped, they all remembered how kind Isabella really was, so if they decide to adapt the extras from ch41-42 & ch45, I’ll cry.
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And these pages? Cloverworks, please..
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I’m literally begging here..
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Especially these two! Even though I still doubt we’ll reach Goldy Pond if we get 12eps.. but in the future! Please!
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Other random nonsense:
I may or may not get emotional upon seeing Isabella at the very start when she goes to confront Grandma Sarah. If her hair is kept down as it was at the end of S1 then I’ll give the anime staff my sincere thanks.
We only heard 15 seconds of “Identity” and yet it has been living in my head rent free ever since that trailer dropped. I need to hear the full song sooo damn badly, y’all have no idea.
Here’s hoping they don’t cut out the inner monologues again. At this moment I don’t remember any specific ones from the demon forest I want to see but I’m sure they’re present.
I’m ready to die at every cute Chris moment they give us.. and this entire scene where the kids scold Ray. 
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Literally every scene with Emma & Ray. They’re my top 2 favorites from this series okay? Of course I’m going to fangirl over them. (they already showed the hug in one of the trailers and i damn near cried)
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If we see him, (which i’m sure we will, but i still have tiny some doubts) I hope they give Yuugo a fantastic voice actor.
Also, his nicknames for everyone!! Literally everything about that man I’m hyped for.
Again, very doubtful we’ll get GP in a 12ep season, but whenever that arc decides to grace us with its presence, “63194” better play on full blast when ch92-93 gets animated.
Speaking of music, while I’m completely excited to hear the new OST that Obata has in store for us (thank god he’s doing this season again btw!), I hope we hear some of those unused tracks from the first season, specifically “Their Own Thoughts.”
Every time Emma mentions their future, their goals or how her family will always be together, I’ll cry. (thanks demon god and your stupid reward)
Yes I’ll be doing those reaction posts (if you follow me i’m sure you’ve seen them by now) after every new episode as I do with other series I watch.. once I survive the usual long day at work, avoiding anything TPN related so I can watch in peace and quiet when I finally get home.. damn it, im already so anxious, help.
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Saved - Chapter Three
Pairings: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Warnings:  Angst, mentions of abuse
Word Count: 1300ish
A/N: Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there! Hope you make/made the most of it in these perplexing times. 
Stay Safe XOXO
Tags: @goddessofmischiefs  @akshi8278
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
  You’re sitting in an armchair in the library, your favourite armchair with a blanket draped over your lap. Your legs are curled up underneath your bum, you have a book in your hands, and you’re enjoying the peace and quiet the bunker provides. You have been staying with your mate for a week, and although you are still adjusting, you feel somewhat at home. Unlike your previous home, you are welcomed here, and those around you enjoy your company. For a moment, you recall the rodent-infested house falling apart at the seams and the words that were thrown around. The emotions those memories elicit take a tight hold on your mind and you are back there in the dirty kitchen, completely stuck. You can hear your parents arguing, smell your mother's alcohol and your father's cigarettes; you can feel your fear. As you remember the nights you would cry yourself to sleep, you feel yourself falling deeper into darkness. You didn't mean for this to happen, remembering your family is the last thing you want, but you seem stuck inside the house.   "(Y/N)!"   Steady hands grasp your shoulders, and you blink away the fog, meeting Dean's worried eyes.  You calm instantly as his reassuring scent blankets you in warmth.   "(Y/N) What's going on?"   You avert your gaze as a blush forms on your cheeks, "Nothing, just remembering something that should be forgotten."   After considering you for a moment, he sighs. "Fine, but if you ever want to talk, my ears are always open. I actually came to ask you if you were up for a shopping trip Saturday, Sam only grabbed a few things for you, and a few of those things don't seem to be your size. You ready to venture back out into the world?"   It is your turn to contemplate for a moment before responding. You aren't purposely avoiding the outside world, you have just become so comfortable inside the bunker, going outside, except for fresh air, doesn't seem necessary. Sam had gone to get clothes for you from an op shop the day after you arrived, leaving you and Dean to get to know each other.  Now that the opportunity to leave is being given to you, you don’t sure you really want to go. However, you can see the hope and worry in your Alpha's expression and know you can't say no.   "Will there be hot chips?"   Dean laughs softly, and he brings his hand up to gently cup your face. "Anything for you."   You laugh nervously and inch back into the cushions, wholly aware of the lack of space between the two of you. Your cheeks flush red in shame as you note the hint of sadness in Dean's eyes.   He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by the soft pattering of feet and Jack walking into the library chewing gum. He smiles at the both of you, oblivious to the tension in the room. Sometimes you wish you could be like Jack, carefree and innocent.   "Hey, guys! Have you seen Cas? I wanted to ask him to take me hunting, but I can't find him."   Dean turns to face the younger boy, "Cas went to check in on Heaven, things are a little bad up there, and he is offering his help. You can ask Sam to take you, I don't think he's doing anything."   Jack shakes his head ruefully, "Sams got his head stuck in a book, he's not coming out of his room anytime soon. What are you doing? Can you take me? I saw an article in the paper about a missing heart two states over."   You raise your eyebrows at Jacks excitement, you haven't quite gotten used to how easily words like "missing heart" are thrown around in the bunker, and you weren't sure of its significance. You hadn't attempted to learn anything about the supernatural life after the way Dean reacted at breakfast the first morning you spent in the bunker, leaving you ignorant.   "What's so important about a missing heart?" You ask, testing the waters.   Jack glances between you and a tense Dean, "Werewolves eat their victim's hearts."   Your body went rigid at the thought of these monsters, always being out there and a threat. This fear did not go unnoticed.   "Alright, enough." Your Alpha's voice is firm, and Jack nods his head in understanding. "I'm sorry, Jack, you might have to sit this one out, I'll call another hunter and get them to check it out. In the meantime, I think Sam hid some chocolate in the kitchen."   Jacks eyes widen in delight, and he spins around and made straight for the kitchen.   Dean's eyes are already back on you before you even look away from Jack. You meet his rather serious expression with what you hoped is a blank one.   "I'll talk to Jack, make sure he doesn't mention supernatural stuff to you anymore." He stands up with a sigh, pushing his hand through his hair at the same time. "I'll leave you alone for a little while."   Dean saunters off to his room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You are surprised that he doesn't bring up your reluctance to physical touch, or your reaction to learning how werewolves kill, and that they were real. Everything about Dean surprises you, he doesn't behave like Alpha's you had met and you aren't sure if one day he is going to snap or if he even really wants you.    After a few more hours of reading, you stand up, deciding that the privacy of your own room would provide more comfort.   Outside your room, the sounds of arguing stops you from entering. You follow the hallway and the sound of raised voices to the room that Dean refers to as the "Dean-Cave". You immediately recognise one of the voices as Deans.   "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm probably going to regret all of this. Jack was talking about hearts earlier, and she freaked! She's not strong enough to be in this sort of environment."   "Dean, what are you saying?" The second voice is deeper, gravelly. It must be Cas.   "I'm saying, what if she is better off far away from me? What if I should send her off to live with Jody and the girls where I know she would be safe?" You listen as Deans voice rises in tone and speed.   "Do you think that's what she would want? Is that what you really want?" Cas is clearly the voice of reason here.   "Want has nothing to do with it!"   You have heard enough, your heart breaking into tiny pieces. You know that he wouldn't be sending you away because he didn't want you, but he would still be sending you away. Where ever you go, you always end up being hurt.    You shut the door behind you and wedge the desk chair under the handle, desperate for some privacy.   Maybe you don't give him a chance to send you away. You think of the upcoming shopping trip, and how you can use it to slip away from him. If he doesn't want you around, then you would just leave.
  "(Y/N), are you ready to go?" Dean knocks on your door before pushing it open, finding you sitting on your bed, tying up your laces.   "All set," You reply, standing up and slinging your bag over your shoulders.   "You're bringing your backpack?" Dean eyes the bag warily, and you try your best to remain calm.   "Yeah, it keeps me grounded." You shrug your shoulders lightheartedly.   "All right then, let's go."   Dean leads you out to the same black car that brought you to the bunker.   "This is Baby, she's mine. Normally I don't let Sammy drive her, but I had a headache the day you arrived, and we needed supplies, which we never ended up getting because Sam got distracted." He recalls joyfully as he guides you to the passenger seat and holds the door open for you. You nod your head in thanks and slide in.   Dean rambles until we come to a stop outside of a strip of shops. You hop out of the car, put on your backpack and follow Dean into the first shop.   After half an hour of looking through the small variety of clothing they had, Dean walks up to ask the shop assistant if they had something in your size. You take in one last look of the man-made god before walking out the door.
Chapter 4
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