#what are the best plants for a cottage garden?
fordragonfliesandme · 2 months
Discovering the Timeless Beauty of Cottage Gardens: A Comprehensive Guide for Creating Your Dream Outdoor Retreat
Continuing this months theme of garden types, lets look at the majestic Woodland Garden. If missed the others, just click the links to these interesting and inspiring blog posts on how to create a Fairy Garden, Moon Garden, Asian Inspired, traditional English garden, beautiful water garden, herb garden, woodland garden, and the quaint rock garden. Enjoy friends. Introduction to Cottage…
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whore-ibly-hot · 1 year
Midsummer nights madness.
Yandere!Fae x Gn!eader (Inspired heavily by fairies from Midsummer Nighs Dream).
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Minors dni
Warnings: Suggestive content; manipulation; magic; mythical beings; intoxication; drugging?; coercion; and one very clingy boy.
A/N: Was in a Shakespeare mood and fell in love with Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow; from Midsummer Nights Dream. Thus, I tried this fic out. Please enjoy!
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Brown, fallen leaves crunched under foot, the sun setting slowly just beyond the forest's dense canopy. Skipping down the muddied, beaten path is you, a simple peasant on a delivery run for the local apothecary. Your mother, a hermit widow and herbalist, was known in the county for her incredibly potent herbs, and her garden was unmatched. Despite how the people revered her work, she was never a social woman. Lately, she had become rather ill, and while she was at home curing herself, her deliveries still had to be made. Though it caused her great grief, though you were unsure why, she gave into your pleading to let you make the delivery.
"But mother, I'm perfectly capable of a small trip through the woods!" You had exclaimed. She only shook her head weakly, waving you away with her hand as she moved to grab the wicker basket of roots and plants. However, her ill state only becomes more evident when she suddenly collapses on the dirt floor of the hut. "Mother!" You cried, helping her trembling form stand. Walking her to her bed, she sits down, and sighs. "Mother, you're in no condition to deliver the herbs, please, allow me to go in your place!" You begged had begged. Begrudgingly, she had allowed you to take the ingredients, but not before slipping a small, worn scroll into your palm. "Remember the rules, my dear. The woods are not safe for anyone, much less someone alone, at the mercy of the night...". She had warned you off the usual dangers, wolves, bears, and thieves, but these simple natural occurrences did not seem to be what worried her most. The scrolls instructions were simple, and went as follows.
'Rule one, to prevent most danger, continue the path and speak to no stranger.
Rule two, if talking is their aim, always remember to not give your name.
Rule three, even if kindness they exude, from a stranger, never takes food.
Finally, rule four, if danger is discerned, touch them with iron, allow them to burn...'
While you must admit you weren't entirely sure about the Iron part, the other rules made sense. It was always best to avoid conversing with strangers in the woods. After having gotten a string of leather from your mother, one which she hung a ring of iron on, you had set off, leading to where you were in the woods now.
You sigh, taking in the fresh air of the forest around you. Being stuck at the cottage all day, allowed to walk no further than the garden, you didn't get too many opportunities to take in the beauty of nature. While initially you had been anxious about the woods, due to mothers warnings, they seemed rather peaceful. The sounds of a nearby stream paired with the gentle breeze make for a relaxing walk. As you hear a twig snap, you think nothing of it, until you look down, noticing that there is no twig under your woven sandal. Something else must have made that noise. You freeze, a feeling of ice in your veins spreading slowly as you look around, trying to discern the source of the noise. After a few seconds, something snaps again. You gasp, now sure that something is nearby. Clutching the basket to your chest, you begin to back away, and as your foot steps land just barely off the path, you hear scurrying. Convinced something is approaching, in a moment of panic you bolt.
Your light footsteps ring out, breathing growing heavy as you sprint away from the path, sandals rubbing harshly on your feet causing them to grow sore. The sound of the approaching beast grows quieter, but you continue to run. You whip your head back for just a moment, to see if you can catch a glimpse of whatever creature is stalking you, when you are suddenly thrown forward. You fall with a cry, slamming into the soft dirt of the forest floor, the contents of your basket scattering as they hit the ground with you. Still panicking, you ignore the pain and sit up quickly, your eyes following your now injured leg to what caused you to trip. Furrowing your brows, as you look closer, you realize you've tripped on some sort of mushroom. A small patch of blue and purple fungi rests where your foot was, stretching around you, as if forming a sort of ring. You hold your breath for a moment, straining as you try and hear any noise from the direction you came. You sigh when you hear nothing, assuming the wild animal has given up the chase in favor of another prey. Now that you feel slightly more secure, you wiggle your ankle a little, trying to work off any pain. Once you're convinced you'll be okay, you take a moment to steady your breathing. Looking to your left, you see the goods you were to give to the apothecary scattered amongst dirt and leaves, but your basket appears to be missing. You gasp, looking to your left and right for the basket, when suddenly a hand appears from behind you, offering you your basket from over your shoulder. You let out a terrified screech, whipping around and scrambling away from the mysterious figure, hands brushing against the edge of the mushroom ring.
As you tremble, your eyes focus on the figure before you. It is not a roguish thief, nor a golden-eyed beast, but rather a bare-chested, wild-eyed young man. He is squatted down on a stump in the center of the mushroom ring, head tilted with a mischievous smile as he peers down at your shaking form. Small horns emerge just past his head of wild, curly hair. Though shirtless, jewelry of animal bones and twigs adorns his neck and shoulders, with splotches of smeared ink and paint spread across his arms and pecs. He would be oddly alluring, if not for the paralyzing shock of his sudden appearance.
"W-who are you?" You exclaim, curling into yourself and staring up at him with a frightened gaze. The odd boy laughs, an impish sound, before leaning forward on his toes, allowing him to peer down at you. "Hmm, I don't know. You first!" He says, grinning as he looks at your face change from fear to confusion, your posture relaxing a little. "Me first...?" You repeat, before you gasp. Mothers scroll, you've already broken one of the rules, 'do not speak to strangers.' You mustn't break another by revealing your name. " I can't say. Besides, I asked you first." You speak out in a moment of boldness, and though his face falls for a moment, taken aback, he smiles once more. "Very well, mortal. They call me Puck, spirit of the northern wood, knave and jester-servant his majesty, the fairy king of the Seelie Court." You tilt your head, rather shocked at his introduction. "A spirit?" He nods. "A fae, in a more specific sense, though I doubt you mortals have an easy time discerning the difference." He sighs, hopping lightly off the oaken stump and shuffling closer to you. "A fae, what is that?"
He lets out a choked gasp at your questions, as if personally slighted. "What is a fae? Have you not heard the legends and tales of my peoples exploits from the drunks and gossipers of your townships, little mortal. We..." He pauses to stand and spread his arms wide, twirling once with a roguish glee. "We are the nurturers of nature, acolytes of the autumn and worshipers of the winter. You owe your fair green fields, evening rains and bountiful harvests to use, you know." He spins back around to face you, leaning down to meet your gaze. "I wonder how you've gone so long, living in neither awe nor fear of my kind." He ponders. You look away, upset about being reminded of your naivety of the outside world. You shrug. "I live with my mother, in no specific town. We are rather isolated, so we don't get the newest information." You explain, and Puck nods, a mischievous glint in his eye. You can't look past his whimsical aura to see the plan forming in his brain. "Aw..." He puffs out his lips, pouting. "Poor mortal, your homely duties allow you no knowledge of the world us fae give you? And no time for jest and entertainment? What a sad life." You sigh, and shake your head. "I'm quite fine with my life, I'll have you know. A-and I get out plenty, I'm delivering good for my mother right now!" You snap, feeling rather patronized by the spirit. He laughs, flopping his head to the side and sticking out his tongue. "You're lying, I can tell. We fae are very keen when sensing deception." "I'm not lying!" Puck only holds his hands up, as if giving you permission to remain in denial.
"Besides," You grab your mother's basket from his hands, ignoring his protests. You quickly begin to place the herbs and plants back into it, very concerned with both making your delivery and getting away from Puck. He seems nice, but... mother had warned you of strangers. As your hands rapidly sift through leaves and dirt, brushing off the produce, you stand back up. You move backwards, not turning your back on the spirit boy. "It's been... interesting to make your acquaintance, but I really must be going if I'm going to make my delivery and return home by nightfall." You attempt to bid Puck farewell and step back over the line of the mushroom ring, but as you do, Puck's eyes widen in momentary surprise. Jolting forward, the wild boy takes you quickly into his arms and leans over you, almost knocking you backwards with the sudden imbalance of your two forms now meshed together.
Despite his thin and lanky stature, his arms and body are surprisingly strong. You can feel his toned muscles press against you in this moment, as his surprise turns back to his grin. "Wait now, sweet mortal friend... there's no need to flee from Puck." He can clearly sense your nervousness, though you can't tell if he truly wishes to ease your fear or enjoys the power he holds over you. "Let me make you an offer-" "I should really-" "No, no, no... just give a spirit a chance, hear my offer before you decline me." He presses himself a little closer to you, though not in a way that makes you feel preyed on, persay. If any other man were to try and hold you to him like this, you would feel sick to your stomach, sure of the man impure and perverse intentions. With Puck though, even though you are frightened by his magical and impish nature, he touch feels almost... nice. He holds you to him, but not tight enough to be threatening, and his lanky limbs hanging from you makes the embrace playful. You open your mouth to speak, but close it, curiosity eating through your nerves. He leans in closely, shaking his head slightly and whispering his offer. "I'll take you to where your delivery is, the-" He pauses. "Apothecary." You finish. "Apothecary, and in turn, you will accompany me for a drink." He presses his forehead to yours playfully, invading your personal space for yet another time as he stares intently at you.
"Oh, no, no, I can't accompany you anywhere!" You take his moment of softness as he waits for a response as a chance to pull yourself from his grasp. To your surprise, he doesn't grin more or even pout at your refusal. Rather, his brows furrow and his smile fades. He seems genuinely disappointed, possibly even hurt. "And for what reason? Surely not for your delivery, as I promised to take you there quicker than any mortals legs could carry them." He inquires. You shake your head. "While I appreciate it, I'm not supposed to speak to strangers, much more accept things from them! My mother says-" He scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, your mortal mother told you. If I recall, you told Puck that you and your mother know nothing of spirits and fae, so how can you truly know she speaks an accurate portrayal of my people?" He sighs. "I often find the mortals fear us more than they need, just think of me, for example. Has this shadow done anything to offend your nature or kind thus far?" You pause, but then shake your head. "And I'm sure you've broken some of her rules..." You gasp, looking up at him with a bit of a glare, causing him to laugh as he falls back onto the stump. "How did you know about the rules she gave me?" You ask. "I had your little basket with more for quite some time, gave me plenty of time to read." He says. From his hair, he pulls out the worn scroll, and rolls it open, turning to shield it from you when you lunge to get it. "Rule 1, hmm. Well, you've spoken to me, so consider that rule broken." He tears off the top of the scroll, making you groan in frustration. "Rule 2, you've told me no name, so consider that one intact." He moves down to the third rule. "Rule 3, says to accept no food from me, but... it says nothing about a drink...?" He pauses, looking at you. "I- fine, I will accompany you, but I must be home by midnight!" He hops up, and in a rush of glee he throws you up into the air, spinning you in his arms. When he places you back down, still embracing you, it takes you a moment to catch your breath. "You have my word, little mortal, and a faes promise is a powerful thing."
Several hours later, (though you yourself have lost track of time), you find yourself with Puck, sitting on a smooth rock just beside a waterfall, which leads into a stream. Various flowers of all shapes and colors bloom around you, with one of them producing the sweet nectar which Puck has so graciously been serving the two of you. Despite your initial fear, this evening has been rather enjoyable. Puck tells you much of his life and his people. You learn his works directly under the king, serving as a companion and jester. He regales you with tales of his exploits, from curdling the milk of a farmer mid-drink to scaring a nun into believing she was haunted, nearly driving her mad. He tells you of the king and queen's affairs, the queen's bitterness and the king's anger. You smile, feeling the nectar relaxing you with every sip as you grow sleepy, time becoming of no importance. "More nectar, my mortal friend?" He asks, extending a cup of petals to you. You shake your head, waving him off weakly. "No, I couldn't... truly." He nods and places the vase away.
"Now, what of your home? Tell me what is it a lonely mortal like you does all day?" He inquires, leaning back as he stares at you. "Mmh, I'd tell you if I could think right now, but in all honesty I think this drink is affecting me... perhaps mortals like me are more weak to it?" You ask. Puck chuckles, he himself is calmed by the drink, when he notices your flushed face. Your eyes are dropping, the majority of your body weight leans against the rocks behind you. He often enjoys the drunken antics of his fellow fae, and though he knows mortals to be quite quicker to become inebriated with fae drink, he hadn't expected you to succumb so quickly. In truth, he had only given you a small amount compared to himself, but then he supposed you must not even drink much human ale. "Puck?" You mumble, looking at him through your hooded lids. He is shaken from his thoughts, and nods for you to continue. He tries to focus, but finds your once shy form now relaxed and happy quite charming. "S' getting late, I think... could you take me home?" You ask, slurring your words a little. In truth, he had planned to get the attractive little mortal in a drunken fever with fae ale, and in your combined lustful state enjoy a night of pleasure, before leaving you to find your way back to your human hovel. However, as he argued with you in that mushroom ring, and invited you out, he found himself growing more and more attached, your naive mannerisms and innocence providing a contrast to his wild and knavish behaviors. Now, as you ask for him to return you to your home, he feels the same aching inside him he first felt when you had pulled away from him. He bites his lip, one of his hands wringing and tugging at his leafen skirt, his eyes full of conflict. After a few moments, he swallows, and begrudgingly nods, before attempting to put on his usual grin and try to see unbothered.
"Very well, my mortal friend. Come into my embrace and I shall lead you through these woods to your little mortal abode." He only opens his arms a little, before grunting as you flop into his arms, any resistance sober you would have had completely voided by your drunken stupor and need for warmth. It was rather cold in these woods at night. Puck is taken aback, usually he was the on invading space and hanging uncomfortably off those around him, often being scolded for his perverted clingyness, even among the rather wild and lustful fae. He halts his breath for a moment, before a genuine smiles spreads across his face, though he tries to conceal it behind his smug grin. As his cheeks warm up, he shakes his hair, hoping to cover some of it with the brunette locks. His arms come to sneak under your legs, picking your tired form up and beginning his brisk pace towards your home, which you had described earlier. He knew of it, (as he was sure he'd stolen some herbs from there for some not-so-innocent pranks.)
Upon arriving to your home, he moved silently through the front door, entering your room and gently placing you against your sheets. He places one of the thinner covers over you, pausing to admire your form. Just then, the door behind him opens. Your mother peers in, a look of worry fading as she sees you tucked into your bed, having safely returned from your errand. Though knowing he can't be seen by her, Puck remains still. Once your mother leaves, shutting the door softly behind her, he waits until her footsteps disappear before turning back to you. You groan, and shuffle further under the covers, before looking up at him. "Puck... how come I can see you but mother can't?" He doesn't answer for a moment, as if unsure whether or not to tell you of his trick to scare you into that faery ring with the sounds of a beast, making himself visible to you as your crossed the rings magical threshold. In the end, he decides not to. "Perhaps you're just special?" He suggests with a smile, making you blush. As he looks at you, he clenches his hands, resisting the urge to take you in his arms once more and take you back to the king with him. 'Not yet, not now.' he tells himself. He turns to leave, but your soft voice stops him once more. "Puck?" He nods, turning to face you. "Will you come back and see me?" He feels his heart swell at your request, and he nods. "Of course, you have this fae's word." He flourishes with a bow. You giggle. "And a fae's promise is a powerful thing, right?" You repeat what he had said earlier.
He nods, and with a small gust of wind, disappears behind the blowing of a curtain.
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themaidenofwords · 13 days
"What's your dream house?" Character A asked suddenly, momentarily pausing their slow finger strokes through Character B's hair.
"A forest cottage." Character B's breath hitched and their exhale wheezed in a way that didn't bode well. "Somewhere in the mountains."
A carefully kept their face calm as they wiped away the drop of blood that had escaped the corner of B's mouth. "You don't want a castle or a mansion somewhere?"
"Why would I?" B smiled up at A, accidentally showing off their bloodstained teeth. "The only person... I need to share it with... is you."
A smiled back tremulously and did their best to blink the tears out of their eyes. "I'll hold you to it," they warned. "No weaseling out of it. We're getting out of here and finding a cottage."
Character B's eyes were growing more distant and their every breath seemed to pain them, but there was still a gentle smile about their lips. "With vines... and roses."
"Big pine trees," Character A added. The tears were now openly streaming down their face.
"An' a... big tree swing...."
A brushed their hand through B's hair again and did their best to avoid looking at the jagged piece of metal sticking out of B's side. "What should we plant in the garden?"
Character B did not reply.
B's eyes had drifted shut and their face had gone lax, the smile gone. Suddenly, their wheezy breaths stopped completely, and the world went all too still.
"No, no, nonono..." A shook B's shoulders gently to no response. "B! You can't do this! You promised!" They stopped trying to shake B and instead sunk their forehead onto B's still chest. Their voice was little more than a whisper when they sobbed out, "You promised."
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farthaz · 4 months
I was thinking about Shadowheart and the PC's cottage functioning as the central hub and meeting point post-game. Like the all would gather there, at the same time or not, and spend some relaxing days with the family:
Karlach: Once her engine is finally repaired, she visits her friends and stays with them for a long while, just relaxing and enjoying farm life. Until her hunger for exploration leads her to the roads again; but always finds her way back to the family
Wyll: Even if Karlach's engine is repaired already, The Blade of Avernus has many unfinished businesses in the Hells, so he returns to his duties after resting at the cottage, learning to make pastries with Shadowheart and telling them stories from his adventures. Arnell becomes a great fan of the Blade, and always lends him his ears
Lae'zel: Once her people are free and she can take a short vacation from her duties (or what she considers vacation anyway lol) she visits them, probably finding Karlach there too, and puts both Tav/Durge and Shadowheart in shape again. Too much meddling with animals and vegetables and too little maintaining their skills... For her standards lol.
Jaheira: The city eventually overwhelms her again and before tackling any new adventure, she visits the cub and their family. She bonds with Emmeline over plants and garden maintenance, becoming great friends.
Halsin: He can take only a small break from the Towers before the kids miss him too much. Every time he visits, he brings them gifts from nature: seeds, grown plants, exotic fruits, or homemade ham, which he teaches Shadowheart how to make.
Astarion: Rarely shows up, and always at night, pranking them or pretending to be a thief; until Shadowheart very seriously threatens him for scaring the cats. He brings the best vintages stolen from the Upper city and all the juicy gossip from the streets and the political sphere of Baldur's Gate.
Gale: Professor Gale doesn't have that much time available, but makes sure to visit his dear friends during holidays, taking Tara with him (and the best spices in the realms!). Tara isn't very sure about the whole ordeal with so many animals xD but she enjoys her time there, especially in the summer.
Isobel & Aylin: The moon lesbians throttle the realms, helping people and bringing hope to those who need it. Every now and then, they stop by the cottage for a few days. Dame Aylin always gets Tav/Durge and Shadowheart drunk, and it falls to Isobel to help them with hungover.
That would be all I can think about for now. I just want them to be happy and maintain their bond.
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bunnyhugs77 · 1 year
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 & 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔
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Pairing: environmentalist! jungkook x college student! reader
Series: 1/2
Word Count: 9.6k
Content Warning: practically cottage core, readers dog is a little ‘bitchy’ get it?, age gap (reader is 21, jungkook is 27), lots of nature, skinny dipping, reader is a tease, flowers as a love language, gardening, mutual pining, suggestive themes, tattooed! reader, pierced! reader, nerd talk, improper use of limes and honey, mentions of long-distance relationship, lots of plant-talk. 
Other Content
A filthy make out sesh, food play?, soft dom! jk, manhandling, grinding, dry humping, big dick! jk, penetrative sex, jungkook trying his best to be a gentleman, sex during a thunderstorm, unprotected sex (don’t be like them).
Of all the months in the year, June was definitely your favourite. What wasn’t there to love? Finally digging up your shorts and bathing suits from the drawer they’d been abandoned in upon the arrival of September. Eating cool treats under the hot sun. Not to mention, the perfect weather. Not too hot that you can’t walk a meter without breaking a sweat but still warm enough to wear shorts. 
Best of all, June was when you would drive 3 hours south to Somerset and stay with your parents for the summer. Your parents’ Somerset home was one of two that they owned but it was definitely their favourite. Why wouldn’t it be?
Somerset is a suburb that’s been abundantly blessed with beautiful forestry that shaded over a number of neighbourhoods including your own but not in a way that blocked out the sun. Because once those first hot rays of golden sunshine beamed down on the community, it was practically tradition for everyone to head down to the lake for a swim. 
At the end of the summer is the Summer Palooza. There’s great music, even better food, swimming and all kinds of activities for people of all ages to enjoy. Once the chaos of the day passed, the night would be filled with lights, blankets and watching the fireworks light up the sky.
You were already smiling just from pulling up onto your parents’ driveway. You loved it here. If only Taffy felt the same way. 
Taffy is the 8-month-old cairn terrier that you bought not long ago as you had gotten a little lonely during the holidays. The minute she became part of your life, you would never live to see a dull day again, nor a stress-free one at that. 
When she wasn’t parading around the house with one of your boots in her mouth, she was digging up dirt anytime she had the chance. 
This meant lots of running when you took her on walks, hoping the owners didn’t see your dog assault their lawn. You had given up on writing apology letters after the first seven incidents. Your hand was beginning to cramp. 
Even though the two of you got along well most of the time, it was moments like these when your heads bashed. Some people couldn’t imagine not getting along with their own dogs. Meanwhile, you didn’t have that much difficulty when it came down to it. 
“Don’t growl at me.” You bickered with the terrier who was locked behind the bars of her cage, but still, the sound of her objection scared you a little. “We’re going to stay here for the next three months, trust me, you’re going to love it.” You wondered if anyone could hear you talking to her as if she were an actual human. Was that weird? 
Whatever, you didn’t care. She was just as petty, emotional and stubborn as a real human. She made that very clear when the first thing she did after being let out was run to the other side of the living room, far away from you. 
“She’s just the cutest thing,” Your mom gushes as her eyes followed Taffy’s fluffy body as she was on the move around the house. “To you,” You mumbled under your breath as you eyed her wheat-coloured fur bounce in the wind as she hopped up the stairs.
You let yourself get comfortable in the soft cushions of your parents’ couch. You talked about your drive over, and how things were with Taffy which naturally led to you bringing up how many times you considered giving her away. Your father found it quite amusing but you weren’t laughing. 
“It’s not funny dad. She doesn’t listen to me, and she’s ungrateful--” you stopped talking as you caught onto a shared look between your parents. 
“What was that?” you point between them and they try to shrug it off. 
“No no, what was that look you gave each other.” You insisted you picked on an exchange between them and would not rest until they came clean. 
“Nothing! Just sounds like you found a dog who’s just like you.” you objected, swearing up and down that you were nothing alike. Suddenly you stopped your rant, realizing you were defending yourself against the comparison between you and your own dog. 
You had a long drive up, maybe the fatigue was finally catching up to you. It must be since you were yawning for the 4th time in the last 15 minutes. You decided it was time for a ‘nap’. 
It was that same nap that consumed you for the next 13 hours, and you’re sure you could’ve slept longer if it weren’t for your mother waking you up. “Y/n, wake up.” 
There were only two things you hated in this world. Ketchup and being woken up. Naturally, you turned your body away from your mother’s voice, pulling the sheets over your head while you were at it. Then, she did the unthinkable. The covers were ripped from your body entirely and all at once. 
Your eyes shot open and your body shivered as the air conditioning was beginning to make contact with your bare skin. You sat up slowly, eyeing your mother down with death in your eyes. 
“It’s Taffy.” You were filled with dread.
In nothing but your shorts and tank top, you slipped on your dad's slides before you followed your mom outside. You first noticed the stunning hues of orange that striped over the sky as the sun was beginning to rise. 
Part of you thought you’d have to walk a little further out to see this grand revelation that was so important that your mother felt the need to wake you up from your nap, but you could see more than enough from the porch.
Holes everywhere. 
But not on your parent’s side of the grass. Oh no, of course not. It’s like she purposely dug up the neighbour's lawn because that’s what would get you in deep shit. 
But wait, it gets better. There was a beautiful arrangement of various plants along the neighbour's driveway until now that is. The soil was now littered with chewed leaves and torn petals. 
You don’t smoke but you felt that today was the best day to get into the habit. 
“Taffy did all this? By herself?” Your finger pointed loosely towards the terrorized grass. Your mom hums in agreement from behind you. Your face was full of shock, disbelief, awe, basically, any word that could describe your bewilderment at the situation. 
“She must’ve gotten out last night. I was going to take her for a walk this morning but clearly, she beat me to it.” Your mom explains as the two of you walk back into the house. 
“So what are you going to tell them?” your arms unconsciously folded over your chest as you questioned your mother about her next steps. “Me? Oh, honey, Taffy is your dog. Your responsibility.” 
“What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, sorry that my dog absolutely annihilated your property, here’s $1000, please don’t sue me?’’’ Comedy was not your intention, yet your mother laughed anyways. 
“Mom!” You whined, practically stomping your feet out of stress. “This is serious! What am I supposed to do? I don’t have that kind of money laying around..” Your thoughts trail off, a mischievous smile briefly appearing on your face before vanishing. 
“Y’know, you look so pretty today.” You continue to compliment your mother’s attire, “And your face is looking more and more youthful by the day--” Your mother swatted your fingers away from her face. 
“We’re not paying for the damages, Y/n, but nice try.” She smiles, now it was her pinching your cheeks. With one last comforting touch to your upper arm, your mom was going back upstairs. Slowly, your vision panned over to the dog who was sleeping soundly in her little bed. 
‘Should’ve given you away when I had the chance’, you think. 
It was a little past noon and you knew your neighbours were having a heart attack right about now and who were you to interrupt someone during a medical emergency, you should probably just push it off till later, or never, never works for you.
You could see it happening vividly. The old lady takes a mere two steps outside and suddenly grabs her chest before collapsing. God. You couldn’t believe it. 
“Y/n, did you tell them yet.?” Now your dad was the one asking as he came down to the kitchen, making himself lunch. “Not yet, I’m going to shower first.” Secretly you hoped you too, would drop dead in the shower to avoid what was to come.
Stopping yourself at your front door, you opened your bank account for sentimental purposes. You were going to miss having money in here. With one deep breath, you made the short journey over to the neighbours. 
You had only spoken to them a handful of times over the last decade since your parents had bought the house here. With a quick ring of the doorbell you contemplated running back inside, you could still make it.
You heard footsteps approaching the door, there was no going back now. 
Ready to see the old lady with no more than 12 years left in her lifespan to welcome you but that’s not what your eyes were met with at all. Currently face-to-chest with undoubtedly the finest man you’ve ever laid eyes on. 
The man was wearing a black long-sleeve button-up that strained over his broad shoulders with the top two buttons undone, teasing the visibly large pecs that lay beneath his shirt. He wore black slacks that were held up by a belt that hinted at his small waist.
“How can I help you?” He smiles warmly. 
“You’re not old.” Is the first thing you say.
“I’m Jungkook, nice to meet you too?” He introduces himself, maintaining his quirked brow at your odd statement.
“No- I’m sorry. Obviously, you’re not old, I was just expecting you to be old-- I’m Y/n, I live next door..” You needed to compose yourself, you came here for a reason. You took a deep breath as you looked him dead in the eyes for the first time. 
“I recently got a new dog who can’t seem to keep her paws out of the ground so she’s the one to blame for destroying your plants. I’m so sorry, if there’s anything I can do--” It wasn’t until Jungkook told you to breathe did you realize you had tried to say everything in one breath. 
You inhaled. Then exhaled. 
“Can I show you something?” His question seemed to have been mostly rhetorical as he was already making his way towards the gate between your houses that led to his backyard. 
Once it was opened he stepped to the side, allowing you to walk through and you could just about feel your heart fall out of your ass at the sight. 
More holes.
More dead flowers.
More money.
You were afraid to look at the man behind you, but you did anyways. His arms were crossed, and you felt sick. “How much is this going to cost me?” You didn’t even want to know. 
“Well, with the damage done to the 30-year-old bonsai alone, that’s around eight thousand--” 
Your vision went black. Suddenly you couldn’t hear or see. Unconsciously your left eye twitched and you felt like you were foaming at the mouth. He just kept talking and talking, the costs just kept going and going. You never even heard the final amount, the only thing you could hear were the voices in your head telling you to kill that little cairn terrier once you got home. 
Unless?! There was an unless? This was your way out. There was no way you would pass it up. Whatever it was, it couldn’t possibly be worse than selling your limbs just to afford the price of one bonsai. 
“Yes! I’ll do it.” 
“Great, so I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You don’t even know what he said. You completely blanked out. You tilted your head to the side. “Yes, of course, I’ll be there. For what, again?” Now he looked a little confused.
“To re-plant?” He mirrors your tilted head.
At this moment you hoped Taffy would do what she was good at and dig a hole deep enough for you to crawl in and die. 
“Taffy!” You shout the minute you walk through the door. Enter the energetic dog who came bouncing down the steps at the sound of your voice. She circled your feet and you fought the urge to kick her, but even you knew you would regret that. 
She seemed to have been in a really good mood today and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, her energy was contagious. 
“No! I’m mad at you.” You remind yourself as you kick off your slides and make your way into the house with her following behind you, this time with a toy in her mouth, wanting you to play. 
“Not now.” Ignoring her, you take a seat at the kitchen table where your dad was working on some documents with focus. You sat in front of him quietly with a pout, hoping he’d notice you.
You sigh. 
No response. 
You sigh a little louder. 
He flips over the next paper, still ignoring you.
You sigh even louder. 
Slamming his pen down on the table, he gives you his undivided attention.
“What is it.” 
“Nothing, except for the fact Taffy just cost me like fifteen thousand dollars in property damages.” Your father was silent. He too was in shock like you were earlier. 
“He’s charging you that much!?” You shake your head, “No, he’s making me help him re-plant everything that Taffy ruined instead. That’s so unfair.” You complained. Your father couldn’t believe you were complaining about such a reasonable repercussion. 
Maybe you needed this. 
He goes back to filling out his papers and ignoring you. 
“Dad!” You tried getting his attention again but you knew you had lost it for good this time. Instead, you decided to give in and play with Taffy. “Fine.” You take the rubber ball from her jaws, “I’ll play with you, but I won’t forgive you.” You toss it elsewhere watching her run after it. 
The next morning you found yourself disappointed to see that you hadn’t died in your sleep. That means you actually had to go gardening for the next 6 hours. You were left perplexed once you got out of the shower. Staring at your closet, unsure what one would wear to garden. 
You settled on capris and a t-shirt that you didn’t care to get dirty. With one last look in the mirror, you said goodbye to your happiness and made your way next door. 
“Good morning,” He greets you the minute you make your way down the steps of your porch. You weren’t surprised to see he had already gotten started on the front lawn, a bag of grass seed on his right and a trowel in his gloved hands. 
“Here, I got you gloves.” He hands you a pair of burgundy gardening gloves to match his green ones. “Thanks.” You stood awkwardly as you watched him return to his previous position on the ground. 
“Have you gardened before?” He asks, looking up at you from where he knelt on the grass. You nodded, “Not a lot, only a few times with my mom growing up.” He smiles. 
“Well, maybe now you can practice a little more. I think gardening is one of those things that don’t really seem to be all that exciting at first but you find yourself doing it and enjoying it more over time, y’know?” Humming along with a plastered smile on your face. 
You? Enjoying gardening? Good one. 
“Would you mind just taking this trowel and using it to raise all of the lifted-up patches of grass, then I'll add some seeds once you’re done, we can water and we’ll be done for the first part.” 
When he says it like that, it sounded like you’d be finished in no time. Never in a million years could you have anticipated that it would keep you preoccupied for the next three hours. At least Jungkook wasn’t the worst person to talk to. 
You didn’t talk much in the beginning, not sure if it was because you both were total strangers or because he was devastatingly attractive. Maybe a mix of both.
Just when another period of silence fell over the two of you, your parents were seen leaving your house, waving to the both of you before getting in the car and leaving to god knows where.  
“I’ve seen your parents a few times, but I don’t remember seeing you.” Jungkook prayed he didn’t come off as creepy, he was simply curious to know where you’d been these last 4 months since he’d moved in. He’s sure he would’ve remembered you.
“Ah, yeah. I live about 3 hours north of here in Pineley, for school.” Jungkook knew he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t surprised to hear you were still in school. 
“Oh really? What are you studying?” 
“Just economics, I kind of hate it though, only one more year to go, then I’ll finally be done.” Jungkook was doing his best to crunch the numbers in his head.
Assuming that you graduated high school when you were 18... so 3 years later... You’re 21?
God, you’re 21. 
He’s 27 and you’re 21. 
Does he find you attractive? Yes, obviously. Who wouldn’t? Has he thought about you since the moment you met yesterday? Of course, but that stops now.
“But enough about me, what about you? The last time I was here, there was an old lady living here.” He chuckles, “So that explains the ‘old’ comment yesterday.” Your face flushes red as you continued to pat down the grass seeds in their rightful places. 
“New job, you know how that goes.” You nod with a smile, patting down the last patch of grass, and you realized you were done. “I think that’s it.” He announces, dropping his trowel down the grass, and giving the lawn a lookover. 
“It certainly isn’t as pretty as it used to be but once the new grass comes in it’ll look better.” He stands, offering you his hand to help you stand as well. You do your best to swat at the butterflies in your stomach from his gesture. 
“Do you want something to drink? I have some inside.” 
Now that you think about it, you were quite thirsty. 
“That would be great actually, thanks.” you appreciate his kind gesture, standing awkwardly on the lawn not sure what to do until you see his head pop out of the doorway. “Y/n, you coming?” 
His house looked nothing like yours. Everything was so, clean. Not to say that your house was dirty by any means but there was something about his selection of colours and arrangement of furniture that made everything so sleek and neat. 
He definitely owned more plants than the average person, you also couldn’t help but notice how cool it was in here, but not to the point that it made you shiver, more so a refreshing feeling. 
After the both of you washed your hands, he led you to the kitchen and invited you to have a seat on the stool behind his marble island. “You don’t have any allergies, do you?” Your eyebrows raised at his question.
“Allergies? I thought I was just coming here for some water?” You felt more than accomplished to see him laugh even though it was a genuine question. 
“You’re helping me with a pretty big task, I think you deserve better than just water.” Anything he said after that fell on deaf ears, your brain was too caught up with his flattery. Maybe gardening wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
You were intrigued to watch him pull out a wooden knife instead of a typical steel one. “Is all of your cutlery made of wood?” You were being sarcastic, poking fun at him. What you weren’t expecting was to see him pull open a drawer that revealed various assortments of cutlery all made from wood. 
“It is actually.” Now he was the one laughing. 
“Why?” Strumming your nails on the counter as you watched him roll up his sleeves for the first time today. Suddenly your palms were open and planted on the surface, bracing yourself. The sleeve of tattoos on his right arm knocked you breathless. Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out. 
“Well, because--Are you alright?” He checks in, you looked like you were overheating, and you had to convince him and yourself that you were just fine.
 Even if he wasn’t convinced, he decides to let it go and continues preparing your drinks. Turning his back to you as he opened his fridge. You should’ve suspected he had more tattoos aside from the lotus you spotted behind his ear earlier. 
“As you were saying,” Prompting him to finish what he was saying earlier, “Yeah, for starters, wood handles heat better, they’re antibacterial but most importantly it’s eco-friendly. We’ve done so much damage to the earth already, so why not do things a little differently, y’know?” 
That would explain all the plants. “So, I guess you take this global warming thing pretty seriously, huh?” His head tilts back while he lets out a fit of laughter. “I wouldn’t say that I take it lightly if that's what you’re asking.” He smiles as he skillfully peels the oranges with the knife. 
You noticed that he put the discarded peels into a little electric composter he had on the corner of his counter. He was really serious about this earth thing. “I do what I can to reduce my carbon footprint. I had solar panels installed on the roof within the first few weeks of moving here, and I’m sure you noticed all the plants in here. They're quite useful since I don’t actually have air conditioning.” 
Your eyes bulge out of your head, “No air conditioning? In Somerset? There’s a heatwave every other week in the peak of summer.” He shrugs, “Didn’t you notice how cool it was when you first walked in?” You nod slowly, curious to see where he was going with this.
“It’s thanks to the sansevierias, ficus elasticas and the aglaonemas I have around the house. When they go through their transpiration process they cool down the air at the same time.” 
Your severe confusion must’ve been visible enough to prompt Jungkook to dumb it down for you. “Think of it as when plants feel hot, they sweat and release water into the air which cools it down.” 
“What are you some kind of plant freak?” He laughs, reaching for the manual juicer he had on his drying rack. “Environmental engineer actually, but plant freak works too.” You felt almost embarrassed for speaking. You decided to just focus on the freshly squeezed orange juice that was filling up your glasses. 
“Enjoy.” He grins as he slid you your glass. Your taste buds were far from ready to handle the sweet yet tangy taste of the oranges. It was easily the best orange juice you’ve ever had in your life. “Oh my god.” He smiles, “Good right?” 
“This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” You could not believe you were ranting about juice but there you were. “Would you believe me if I told you those oranges came from my backyard?” 
“I would, honestly.” 
It would be a lie if you said you weren’t a little disappointed to see how quickly the two of you had managed to finish replanting everything in the front yard. It’s been a few weeks and the two of you got along surprisingly well even though he was such a plant nerd.
You had a schedule, twice a week at 10 am you’d be at Jungkook’s door more excited than ever to garden. Something you never thought you’d say. 
This morning you were taking Taffy for a walk because why not. It was a beautiful morning, damp grass from the rain the night before and the smell of petrichor still lingering in the air. “Good morning,” Nearly breaking your neck at the sound of Jungkook’s voice greeting you as you watched him approach his car but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed the leash in your hand and what it was attached to. 
“Is this Taffy?” He points to the cairn terrier who was suddenly sitting pretty and wagging her tail. “The one and only.” He was already making his way over, making sure not to step on the grass that was growing in nicely. 
“Can I pet her?” You were flattered that he had even asked in the first place. So used to children and even other adults just petting her without asking. “Of course.” You permit, watching his face light up as he ran his hand over her brown fur. 
“How could something so cute cause so much damage.” It was a rhetorical question but you couldn’t stop yourself from throwing her under the bus, “Cute? This is all an act. The minute you get in your car I’m sure she’ll be 3 feet deep in someone else’s lawn.” The two of you laugh for a moment, falling into natural conversation until Jungkook realized that at this rate he was going to be late for work.
“I’ll see you later, Y/n.” His smile was so charming, so enchanting, so-- Taffy was already barking at you to start walking since Jungkook had already driven off. 
“God it’s so hot.” The two of you laid sprawled out on the grass of Jungkook’s inconveniently large backyard. Jungkook had long given up on wearing long sleeves, now opting for simple t-shirts and cargo shorts. 
“Maybe we should take a break?” Usually, you would take a break after 3 hours but it had only been an hour and a half so you were surprised to hear him propose such a thing but relieved at the same time. 
Following the same routine as always once you go inside, washing your hands then reconvening in the kitchen for something to drink. After about three glasses of water, you were able to stabilize yourself in your seat. 
“What’s next?” your curiosity prompts you to ask what the two of you would be doing once you returned outside. “I was hoping to start with the gardenias but I think they’re far beyond repair and we’ll have to buy more.” He leans forward on his folded arms, the closeness between your faces was getting to you. 
You held your breath, eyes looking anywhere but his when you spoke. “We?” He backs up, standing back at full height. “Yeah, I thought maybe we could go pick up some more and hopefully by the time we’re back it’ll be a little cooler.” 
“Sounds good.” 
You had no idea joining Jungkook for a trip to the local greenhouse would turn into an entire tour. It was like every single flower and plant had a meaning. 
“Do you just have the meaning of every flower imprinted in the back of your mind?” You cross your arms as Jungkook reached for the gardenias on the higher shelves. “Not every one, but I’m sure I know most.”
“This one?” Your index pointed to the calla lilies. “Beauty.”
“How about this.” Pivoting to focus on the opposite wall of flowers, quizzing him on the first flower you laid eyes on. “Health and prosperity.”
“Every flower really does have meaning behind it.” He hums in agreement, “I think that plants have a language of their own. That’s why bouquets are more than just flowers, they’re statements really.” 
“I never really thought about it that way.” 
“What about these?” You pointed to the red chrysanthemums that were so beautifully vibrant. “I love you.” It would be a lie to say the both of you didn’t freeze when you took in what he had said.
You were afraid to speak first. Thankfully you didn’t have to. Jungkook clears his throat. “That’s what red chrysanthemums mean.”
“Oh. Yeah, of course. Duh.” Awkward laughter erupts from your chest as you continued to walk by his side toward the checkout. 
The beginning of the ride back was oddly quiet as opposed to the one on your way here which was filled with a sing-along and a lecture about the importance of compost. 
Sunset was still a few hours away and the weather was still quite hot but it was a little cooler compared to earlier. 
“Can we stop somewhere?” You broke the silence and Jungkook was quick to redirect the car to your request. 
That’s how you found yourselves walking along Pacific Street. It’s like tourist central. it’s where all the popular shops and restaurants were found. Including Icee’s frozen dessert shop. It was easily one of your favourite spots in town. 
You ordered a lime sherbet for yourself and a chocolate sundae for Jungkook. 
“How did you know that’s what I wanted?” Jungkook leans down behind you and whispers in your ear. “Because you have 2 pints of chocolate fudge ice cream in your freezer,” You whisper back, watching the woman whisk herself around behind the counter preparing your orders.  
“And how do you know what’s in my freezer,” 
Your curiosity got the best of you. You wondered if he ate leaves for a living so when you found yourself alone in the kitchen when he went to use the bathroom you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Oh! Would you look at that, our order’s ready.” 
The two of you walked around town for a while. Now you were the one giving him a tour of the heart of Somerset. Sitting on the trunk of Jungkook’s car the two of you looked over the lake and the people down below you. 
“Do you like it here?” With the gentle breeze softly blowing your curls in your face you looked over the lake, not looking at him as you spoke and he did the same. “I mean, the greenery is great, there’s a lot of parks and--” 
You turn to face him, “Yeah and the carbon levels here are perfect blah blah blah, but do you like it here?” He grins at your teasing. “I do, yeah. The people here are just...” Neither of you realized how close your faces had gotten until your lips were millimetres apart. “..perfect.” he breathes out and you leaned in but he pulled away.
“Oh. I’m sorry I thought-” Your ears were red and you’re sure your face was too. “No, you’re right... It’s just. We can’t.” He sighs, looking away from you for a moment before looking you in the eyes once again. Your head tilted to the side confused, and he hated it when you did that. 
It was so cute. 
“Why not?” You ask. 
“Because, you’re 21, I’m 27. I just don’t want you to do anything you’d regret.” Your heart warmed. At all times he had your best interest at heart.
“I know what I want, Jungkook.” Cautiously, you moved closer until you were as close as you were before. You weren’t really doing anything but you were driving him up the wall. 
“Do you know what you want, Jungkook?” You were bad for him. So so bad. Everything in him was telling him this was a bad idea, but he threw caution to the wind the moment he pressed his lips against yours. 
Taking your face in his hands as he kissed you, over and over again until you were left breathless. “Oh shit.” you breathe out and he just laughs. “Where did all that come from?” He leans back with a smug look, “Been wanting to do that for a month now.” 
The cool breeze passed by again, bringing a weighted silence with it. Leaving that question in the air. It was all a matter of who was going to address the elephant in the room. Unsurprisingly, it was you. “Now what?”
“Nothing.” He says, and your heartbeat falters just a little. He must've noticed the change of expression on your face, “Nothing if you don’t want anything to change, but I’d be happy to see where this goes..” He struggled to look you in the eyes, not used to being the one under pressure.
“I’d like that.” 
“And then he kissed me!” You felt like you were in high school again the way you were throwing yourself all over your bed and swinging your feet as you talked to your dog about your eventful night. 
Taffy seemed to have been a little more excited than you were based on her endless barking. “I know right, and now we’re going to the Summer Palooza together.” Taf hopped up onto your bed with you and started to ambush you with licks and it made you laugh. 
Even though she was a little monster, she was really like your best friend. 
“You really do this for fun, every day?” You were developing a slight attitude, blame it on the heat. You enjoyed gardening when the temperature lets you, but days like these where you could see distorted waves of heat made you miserable. 
Jungkook didn’t respond, he only smiled knowing you were just ranting. You felt as though you were melting. Sweat beading on your forehead from doing nothing, the hot sun beating down on your skin with no remorse. 
“I’m taking a break.” It’d only been 30 minutes since you had begun gardening today but you couldn’t take it anymore. The moment you walked inside you regret making fun of Jungkook for his lack of air conditioning because those plants were doing a damned good job at cooling you down. 
You’d begun to learn your way around his house after spending so much time here. You reached for a glass from the cupboard before pouring yourself a glass of water. Taking sips as if you hadn’t tasted water in days. 
You let out a small gasp at the feeling of hands on your waist from behind you, “How can you make drinking water so attractive?” You cringed and pushed him away, “You’re so corny.” You snort before finishing off the rest.
“I wanna show you something,” He says it enticingly, as if what he was to show you would change your life forever. “I’m listening.” You stalk towards him slowly as he picked up his keys off the counter. “Up for a drive?” You grin. 
“Y’know, when you asked me if I was up for a drive I didn’t know we’d be trekking through the forest.” You were complaining again and Jungkook could do nothing but roll his eyes. “We’re almost there, I promise.” 
True to his words, only a few more minutes and you had arrived at your destination. The 10-minute walk was more than worth it. You were met with the sight of a gorgeous blue lake, it wasn’t the biggest but there were mini waterfalls sliding down the large rocks off to the side. 
There was direct sunlight bouncing off the water and making everything seem brighter. “Woah..” You stepped towards it slowly. You were shaded by the forest for most of the way here so you didn’t feel as hot but now that you were out in the open again the heat was overwhelming. 
Without thinking you stripped yourself off your top and bottoms, leaving you in just your underwear. “Care to join me?” You pivoted to face the man who was fighting off some of his most intrusive thoughts at the sight of your body. 
He could only remain so calm, but the moment he laid eyes on the cherry blossom tattoo that stretched from your mid-thigh up to the underswell of your breast or the butterfly jewelry that dangled from your navel, he was done for.
 He was going absolutely feral.
“fuck.” he mumbles, watching you dive in head first. He was feeling too much blood rush south but it didn’t make him think twice before stripping himself of his own shirt and shorts. In nothing but his boxers, he jumped in with you. 
He swam towards you with the biggest grin on his face. “Feel better?” You shake your head as your hands moved below the water. “I’m still..” Your voice had dropped an octave and become more seductive, “quite hot.” You punctuated your sentence with the revelation of you holding your panties in the palm of your hand.
Surely you had to know what you were doing to him. 
Jungkook feared he would drown. 
You’re too distracting, and you only proved his point by stripping yourself of the last article of clothing you were wearing and tossing them onto the grass as well. Jungkook was doing his best to be respectful, never wanting to cross a line without your permission. 
That’s how he found himself cross-eyed trying to stop his line of sight from falling. “It’s okay, you can look.” Even then he tried to be respectful and only look for a few seconds at a time but he was hopeless once you had taken his hand and pressed it against your chest. 
As if it was second nature he gave it a light squeeze. He thanks the universe for his sharp hearing or else he would’ve missed the small whimper that escaped under your breath. “you drive me fucking insane.” Jungkook’s voice was low and guttural before he pulled you closer to him. Wasting no time to bring his lips to yours. 
Kissing you deeply, as if his life depended on it. You were intoxicating. He couldn’t get enough. God, he was going to fucking miss you. It was a bitter thought he kept in the back of his head the more he felt himself getting used to having you around.
Fortunately, he didn’t let that gloomy thought ruin his mood as the two of you enjoyed your time together. Neither of you were expecting to spend two hours swimming but that’s exactly what you did until you couldn’t swim anymore.  
The drive home was a wet one but it made the shower feel ten times more refreshing. With a towel still wrapped around your hair and in nothing but an oversized t-shirt you walked towards your bed and checked your phone. 
It’s mission impossible trying not to smile at the sight of Jungkook’s name on your screen. 
Jungkook: I had fun today ;)
“This is the last one,” Jungkook announces and you felt a little emotional as you watched him squeeze the plant out of its plastic container. It was a blue vervain flower. “Hopefully it rains soon, these ones need a lot of water.” He informs you and that’s when you realized it hadn’t rained in weeks which was a little unusual for a Somerset summer. 
“Would you like to do the honours?” He offers you the pile of dirt with the sprouting plant. “Can we do it together?” His eyes crinkle at the sides with a smile. So, together, you planted the blue vervain. 
“Are you sure we’re finished? We didn’t miss a spot?” You stand up abruptly, searching through the empty bags of soil and containers that once had sprouts in them. “Y/n, are you okay?” 
You were fine. Wasn’t it normal to cry once you finished gardening? 
“Yes, can’t you see? I’m clearly fine.” Your tearful eyes weren’t so convincing. You didn’t have to explain what was wrong, because he knew. This wasn’t about gardening. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around you, holding you and it only pulled more emotion out of you. 
“I don’t want to leave you.” You mumble through broken cries into his shirt. “I know, but you can’t stay for me either.” He was right. Even though you had just met less than three months ago you grew attached to him so it made the thought of leaving him more difficult than it should be.
It was nearing sunset when Jungkook was doing nothing important at home when his phone buzzed on his coffee table. 
He too, couldn’t stop a small smile from forming at your message.
Y/n: do you have limes? 
Jungkook: Homegrown or store-bought? :)
You didn’t need any more small talk before you were already on your way over. That’s why Jungkook wasn’t surprised to hear the ring of his doorbell. Always happy to see you.
“Limes?” Jungkook brings up your odd request as he walked behind you towards the kitchen. “Yes, limes. I wanted a snack and we ran out, so now I’m here to take some of yours.” Jungkook did his best to keep his eyes off the way your hips swayed from the left to right with every step you took. 
He leaned against the counter, watching you whiz around the kitchen. Grabbing the wooden knife you once judged him for but grew fond of and a lime. “Do you have any honey?” He points to the cupboard to your left. 
Now that you had everything you needed, this was your favourite part. Slicing open the first lime in half, then again into thinner slices. You drizzled on just a little bit of honey onto the citron and bit onto it. 
Jungkook looked horrified. 
“Should I call someone for help?” You took it personally and objected. “It’s so good you have to try it.” You approached him with a honey-coated slice of lime but he immediately moved away from you to the other side of the island.
Jungkook’s place had dozens of big windows and skylights to welcome natural lighting as a replacement for regular lights. That’s how you noticed the clouds get progressively darker over the last 15 minutes but it wasn’t your concern at the moment. 
What you needed was to get Jungkook to try your creation. “How about I kiss you instead?” He freezes with interest. “I’m listening.” With the simple beckoning of your index finger, he was standing in front of you.
“Open.” You instruct, holding the bottle of honey high enough so it would fall onto his tongue. Next, you squeeze a generous amount of lime juice on yours before grabbing Jungkook by his cheeks. Crashing your lips together, creating a deliciously sweet but sour taste between the two of you. 
Your tongue swiped over his plump lower lip trying to savour the flavour and the kiss to the best of your ability but Jungkook was losing his self-control. His hands found themselves holding you at your hips, pulling your front to be flush against his, but he suddenly pulled away. 
Your eyes were half-lidded, dark and full of lust; your lips beginning to swell a little from the previous attack they just endured. you looked like sex on legs and that’s why jungkook had to stop himself. 
“What’s wrong?” he couldn’t believe you had the audacity to ask him such a thing. as if you didn’t know. “You. You’re plaguing my mind, y/n, and I’m afraid that once I start I can’t stop.” your teeth played with the plump flesh of your lip at his confession. 
“then don’t stop.” 
A clash of thunder roared in the sky.
Your clothes were scattered along the stairs leading up to Jungkook’s room which was massive if you might add. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t been up here yet. 
Gently, he laid you down on his bed, leaving you to admire his body that was sculpted by the gods themselves. Broad shoulders, defined abs and those muscular thighs you so desperately wanted to ride, but maybe another day. 
“You have no fucking idea how badly I’ve wanted this.” The feeling of his hot breath against the side of your neck gave you burning chills. With his arms on either side of you, he rolled his hips into yours and through his boxers alone you could feel his dick that was begging to be freed from its confines. 
“I- I need you.” your breath hitched at the feeling of his lips sucking on a particular spot on your neck making you let out a breathless moan.
“You’ve got me. I’m all yours.” He reassures you before he locked your lips with his while skillfully removing your bra. you helped with the action by arching your back giving him full access to undo the clasps.
within seconds he was attacking your full breasts. licking over your nipples with desperation. your hand raised to gently run your fingers through his locks while your legs widened to make more room for the man between them.
soon his kisses began to move south but stopped at the ink that patterned your skin. the tattoo was in black and white since you felt the blossoms were pretty enough that they didn’t need colour. once jungkook was done with you he had managed to colour in every single blossom with sinful bruises.
jungkook’s room was probably the most susceptible to natural light as it had the biggest windows, giving the both of you a front-row view of the storm that pummeled the world outside, but that didn’t matter. nothing else mattered except this very moment. 
now paying attention to the jewelry that was pierced into the skin above your belly button. jungkook let his fingers toy with it tauntingly, “a flower, hm?” your eyes were shut, too focused on keeping it together to respond.
“Pretty sure the last time I saw this little thing it was a butterfly, wasn’t it?” your body froze once you felt the pads of jungkook’s fingers touching your clothed core. you didn’t respond. 
“I asked you a question didn’t I?” he applied a sadistic amount of pressure to your clit, knowing it was just enough to get your attention but not enough to give you what you were looking for. 
“yes.” you breathed out, finally opening your eyes to see he was staring right back at you. “why did you change it? I thought you loved butterflies.” he was mocking you. using your words against you from a discussion you had a few days ago. he knows why you changed it. 
“you know why,” as if he was ignoring you he continued to rid you of your underwear leaving you completely bare. “no, I don’t think I do. refresh my memory.” the moment you felt his big and calloused hands gripping your thighs you felt you may never speak again.
Every touch, every whisper, every look he gave you left you on fire and wanting more. “you. I did it for you.” jungkook’s wicked grin was the last thing you saw before your eyes shut as he pulled you to the edge of the bed, with your ankles hanging over his shoulders and his nose against your dripping core.
a flash of lightning lit up the room briefly before it relied on the dim lighting of two naturally scented candles he had lit a little before you came over. “look at you, dripping wet and I’ve barely touched you.” 
“please,” you whimpered and he was so weak. he couldn’t deny you for long, you had no idea how much of a hold you had on him. wasting no time, he licked a flat stripe up your cunt and it took everything in you not to scream, including closing your legs on his head. 
there was no other place jungkook would rather be than between the soft flesh of your thighs but if he wanted to eat you out until you cried he’d need a little more space. 
he pried your legs open once more and you were already shaking. placing a comforting hand on your abdomen he tried to calm you down, “you gotta relax baby, I've got you.” 
you were helpless, unable to do anything but grab fistfuls of his organic cotton bedsheets as his tongue assaulted your poor pussy. “f-feels so good.” you whined, beginning to roll your hips against his face. 
quickly you felt the heat begin to build in your core with the skillful use of his tongue. “jungkook-!” your vision became distorted as your body was overwhelmed with pleasure, but jungkook didn’t stop. he lapped up every last drop of your orgasm on his tongue before bringing a kiss to your lips. 
jungkook was fucking filthy and you loved it.
“I need you,” already one step ahead of you, jungkook was stripping himself of his boxers. in one swift motion jungkook was flipping you onto your stomach and lining himself up with the entrance to your sopping cunt. 
you had barely gotten a chance to see and admire his dick but for a brief moment, you did it and had your breath hitching in your throat. you knew you would struggle to stand tomorrow. “you ready, baby?” he checks in with you and you decided to answer with actions. 
arching your back and pushing your ass towards him gave him all the answers he needed. “god, y/n. you’re going to be the death of me.” he groans, inching in slowly giving you time to adjust to his large size. A size you knew would take a while to get used to. 
he continued to slide in until he eventually bottomed out and your two bodies were connected. you were squirming nonstop beneath him as if trying to escape, body so overwhelmingly full. “just relax,” he whispers near your ear and plants a reassuring kiss on the side of your neck. 
doing as told you to relax your muscles and jungkook could immediately feel the difference. “that’s it, you’re taking me so well.” you smile into the pillows at his praises until your mouth fell open with erotic moans once he began to pound into you.
“fuck.” gruff and low moans fell from jungkook’s lips frequently. you never took him to be the kind to make much noise during sex but you were more than pleasantly proven wrong. his sounds only added to the speed at which you were approaching your climax.
“oh shitt, jungkook, I’m gonna-” this time you really did scream at the added pleasure from the friction you felt as jungkook mercilessly rubbed your clit. “me too, baby. me too. just hold it a little longer.” you couldn’t. it was impossible but you tried to hold it for as long as you could. 
“cum.” you didn’t have to be told twice. your arms went limp, no longer able to hold you up as you were pushed over the edge and came with jungkook following closely behind. his hips losing their consistency and becoming erratic before you felt him painting your insides with his cum. 
“oh shit..” the room was filled with nothing but the sounds of your heavy breathing and even heavier rain as it bounced off the glass of his windows. “at least it rained.” your voice sounded weak from all the screaming you’d done. 
your body was weak but your brain couldn’t seem to understand that as you watched jungkook whiz around the room with heart eyes. he looked like the epitome of sex and sin. the waves of his hair falling over his face loosely as some were stuck to the sweat on his forehead.
the size of his muscles distracting but not distracting enough to consume your attention away from the tattoos that covered the entirety of his right arm. before you could drool over him any longer he was already making his way toward you with a warm cloth to help clean you up. 
Once the necessary post-sex priorities had been taken care of, the two of you were left cuddling in Jungkook's bed. He had one hand behind his head and the other on your waist as you laid your head on his chest. 
Jungkook didn’t want to ruin anything with you but he was a strong believer in communication. This is why he brought up the sombre thought that plagued his mind for the majority of the summer. “When do you leave?” your head sunk along with his chest as he exhaled heavily. 
You pick your head up to make eye contact, “Is this your way of kicking me out?” His eyes bulged. “No, never. I mean when do you have to go back to Pineley?” Now it was your turn to sigh. Putting your head back to where it was before, beginning to draw small circles on his pecs.  
That was three days away.
This conversation suddenly made your lips feel chapped, “do you have any chapstick?” 
“middle drawer,” he replies, prompting you to roll away from him and check the instructed drawer. Looking for a small tube, instead, you found a journal of sorts. “What’s this?” 
Jungkook sits up with a defeated look on his face. “It’s a present. For you, actually.” Your ears perk at that. “For me?” He nods, “Open it. I was going to give it to you the day you leave but I suppose now works.” The book is still unopened, you tilt your head to the side, confused. 
God, you were so fucking cute.
“Why not just give it to me at the Palooza?” He sucks in a breath of air through his teeth, “About that. I got sucked into some board meeting that day with some important people like state officials and whatever, but I tried to get out of it, believe me.” 
Holding one of his hands in yours, you reassured him that everything was fine. “That sounds like a pretty big deal. It’d be silly for you to blow it off for some dumb event.” 
“It’s not some dumb event and you know it. You talked about the Palooza as if it were heaven on earth, and I was looking forward to going with you.” Your heart swelled. “Yeah, I mean, there’s always next year,” you say and it causes Jungkook to grin. 
“Next year? You sure you won’t forget about me by then?” Playfully you sent a hit to his chest, “Don’t say that. I’m gonna open my present and forget you even said that.” Admittedly he was a little nervous. He wasn’t the best at gift-giving, never knew what exactly to get people. 
Your eyes scanned over the pages as you flipped through them. It was like a flower dictionary. It had all kinds of meanings for all kinds of flowers, but there was something personal about the way the journal was put together.
The paper had a little more texture than you were used to seeing, it must’ve been recycled; but the way the string held together the pages at the top through unevenly sized holes made you wonder. 
“Jungkook, did you make this yourself?” His face was red. “Yeah, I know it’s a little lame but I--” Leaving the book on your lap before you pulled him close by his face and pressed your lips to his, pulling away with a smile. “I love it.” 
“Remember to give us a call when you get back, alright?” You hugged your parents tight as they helped load your car will all the stuff you brought 
“I will.” You smile waving goodbye to them as you stood near your car and your parents made their way inside. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t secretly hoping to see Jungkook one last time before you left.
That’s why you were so delighted to see him step out his front door, but not empty-handed. A bouquet of flowers accessorized his right hand as he made his way toward you. 
“You’re here,” Smiling with nothing but teeth as he stopped in front of you. 
“I had to see you before you left, I didn’t want to interrupt.” He gestures to your house which your parents had just walked into. “I got these for you,” Handing you the bouquet of arranged flowers that consisted of pink carnations and white clovers. 
You’d spent an embarrassing amount of time reading Jungkook’s little flower dictionary he had given you which explains why his bouquet nearly moved you to tears just from looking at it. 
You remembered what he had told you in the greenhouse all those weeks ago. 
 “I think that plants have a language of their own. That’s why bouquets are more than just flowers, they’re statements really.”
Pink Carnations: Gratitude, I’ll never forget you. 
White Clovers: Think of me.
“It’ll be impossible to forget you.” Your bodies moved on their own accord. He wrapped his arms around you and yours doing the same, even with the bouquet in hand. It was as if neither of you wanted to pull away but you knew you needed to go. 
“I’ll see you at the next Palooza.” your heart hurt a little to see the sad smile he had on. “Sure, but if you're able to squeeze me into that tight schedule of yours, maybe you could come to visit sometime?” You were nervous, you were proposing more than just Jungkook visiting you in Pineley.
“Like, long distance?” The arch of his brow told you everything you needed to know and you were regretting opening your mouth in the first place, “If you’re up for it?” You begin to make your way toward the driver's side of the car, thanking him for opening it for you. 
Carefully placing the flowers on the passenger seat with Taffy in the back. “I’m certainly willing to try.” There was the grin you were hoping to see on him before you left. Closing the door, and strapping on your seatbelt, Jungkook stepped to the side of the driveway giving you the space you needed to pull out, but you stopped parallel to the sidewalk. 
“See you in Pineley?”  
“See you in Pineley.” He smiles, waving you goodbye before you drove off.
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sotwk · 7 months
The Best Gift (Legolas x unnamed OC)
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Summary: Legolas wishes a "dear friend" a Joyous Begetting Day--but anonymously.
Dedication: For my dearest @quickslvxrr, who has been such a constant and patient supporter. I'm so sorry it took forever to grant such a simple fic request from you. I hope this brings you some joy during rather difficult times. <3
Word count: 1.3k
Rating: General Audience
Content: Fluff, comedy, romance, shy young Legolas, secret pining, brotherly banter, OC Son of Thranduil (Prince Gelir) 
Warnings: None
To Read on AO3: LINK
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The Best Gift
Third Age 556 June 26th
The Woodland Realm
“What in Araw’s name are you doing?”
Legolas gave a muffled cry and stumbled back a couple of steps, but caught his balance before he could crash into the shrubbery outside the small kitchen window. 
“Get down!” he hissed at his brother Gelir, grabbing the older ellon’s sleeve and yanking him down to the dirt beside him.
His heart racing like frightened deer’s, Legolas listened carefully for changes in the movement within her cottage, any sign that she might have overheard his dolt of a brother’s voice and sought to investigate. Mercifully, the melody of her sweet humming continued to float uninterrupted from the open window. 
“Oh, are you the only one permitted to wish our dear friend a Joyous Begetting?” Gelir smirked and punched him on the shoulder. “If I too had a gift I wished to present to her for the occasion, would you pound me?”
“No!” Legolas blurted out quickly; too quickly. “Wait--have you brought a gift for her?”
“I have not, because I had assumed your answer to that question would be yes. And as little as I fear your wee hits, honeg, I do not particularly enjoy being on the receiving end of them.” 
Gelir shoved the younger prince aside, leapt lightly to his feet, and crept over to peer above the windowsill. Legolas held his breath, despite knowing Gelir would never be seen or heard by any elf, man, or beast if he did not wish for them to. The worrisome issue was the great pleasure his brother seemed to derive from embarrassing him at every open opportunity--something one might assume a grown elf would grow weary of after two and half centuries, but it had yet to happen. 
Thankfully, after an agonizing few seconds, Gelir dropped back down to their hiding spot. “I see you opted for the purple night lilies.” He cocked an eyebrow at Legolas. "I seem to recall Ammë setting certain conditions on the use of the rarest blooms from her garden."
"You recall correctly," said Legolas tersely. All four of his elder brothers were frustratingly knowledgeable of the details of his personal business--a result of the powerful bonds that linked them. But Gelir was easily bored, and the only one to actually stick his nose in for active meddling. "She did not set a time by which I am required to make myself known."
"And is Ammë also aware you have spent--on my guess--at least the last two hours sitting outside this unwitting maid’s window hoping that she would come to some sort of epiphany?”
Legolas thought about the smile that lit up her face so beautifully his entire chest ached, and the way it had stayed on her face the entire time he waited there, content to just observe the joy he had caused. 
“I believe she knows. Or is close to discerning it.” 
“You are right. She must realize eventually that a plant so rare and valuable could only come from a high lord or prince.” Gelir snapped his fingers. “Perhaps I should walk in there and take the credit and her fair heart to boot!”
Legolas jerked his head suddenly. “You wouldn’t!”
“You are right. I would not; that would be wrong.” Gelir leaned in closer, his expression suddenly stern. “But it is just as egregious to carry on as long as you have, making veiled overtures to this lady rather than mustering the courage to speak the truth of your feelings plainly to her face.”
“The pursuit of someone’s affections must be like hunting. When you hunt an animal, you go with the focused intent of finishing the job as quickly as possible. You do not toy with the creature to scare or confuse it and cause it needless pain.” 
Gelir clamped a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder. “I may not know what it is like to lose my heart in this manner, little brother. But I know it is unfitting that I show greater respect to animals I stalk than you do to someone you profess to love.” 
The sudden outpouring of wisdom from his wise-cracking brother rendered Legolas speechless.  But something on his face must have quelled Gelir’s baser instincts to tease and mock him. 
“Explain your struggle. Where does all your hesitation lie?”
“I…she…” His brother seemed so genuine this time in his desire to help, that the words broke through Legolas’s reluctance to expose his vulnerabilities. “What if she does not feel the same way I do? What if she will not have me?”
“She does and she will.”
“How do you know for certain?”
“Because I have two eyes and I use them,” Gelir said flatly, his patience already worn thin. “Unlike the both of you, evidently, who cannot gaze directly at each other's faces long enough to notice how nauseatingly smitten you are with one another.”
Legolas’s hands curled into tight fists. Against his better instincts, he wanted to believe it. What maiden could refuse a son of the Elvenking if he offered her his heart?
Well, she could, in all likelihood. For what was his title against true beauty and grace such as hers? Why should he be her first choice when she could have anyone in the entirety of Eryn Galen?
“Bah! Enough of this tragic nonsense.” Gelir’s hand around his arm easily tugged the dazed Legolas to his feet.  “I will not let you waste any more time squatting here like a toad. And even toads have the sense to croak and announce their intentions.”
Gelir hooked his arm around his brother’s hunched shoulders and gave him a firm shake. “Perhaps a few bottles from Ada’s cellars might rally those nerves, eh? Come. With any luck,  you can make another go of it before the day’s end.”
As they trudged around the hedges to start the trek back up to the King’s palace, Legolas wrestled with the sense of failure at his retreat. Why could he not be more like his brothers, if not like their father? Afraid of nothing, brimming with confidence to speak their mind to anybody. What was stopping him?
Nobody. Nobody but himself. 
Legolas froze in place so suddenly that Gelir nearly lost his balance. “What--?”
The younger prince turned to squarely face the pathwalk leading back to the cottage, glaring at the bright green door with the intensity of one about to leap across an impossible distance over a deadly chasm. 
“Yessss. Go on!” He distantly heard Gelir hoot as he began his determined stride up the path. 
But then he heard something else. Footsteps. A doorknob turning. 
The color drained from Legolas’s face and his legs turned to lead. He twisted about to scurry away and out of sight, but a pair of powerful hands suddenly seized the back of his tunic, lifting him so that his boot soles left the ground. 
A hard, rough toss pitched the helpless elf to the cottage just as the door swung open. He flailed his arms out to regain his balance and avoid face-planting on the stoop, but not quickly enough to avoid bumping against the maiden that had stepped out of her home. 
“H-Hello.” He gulped down the panic that rose up his chest, as the nearness of her, such as he had never experienced before, enfolded him. Her scent, her warmth, her…touch? Legolas realized that she had raised her hands and planted them firmly against his chest, likely to help break his ungraceful fall. 
“I… uh, I came to wish you… that is…I-I just wanted to say…” Valar, did Gelir’s shove knock his tongue loose from his mouth?!  
“I wished so badly for it to be you!" she suddenly blurted out, and stuck forward her chin in her willful defiance of protocol.
“R-really?” Unexpected joy and relief burst out of Legolas’s chest like a flock of sparrows exploding from a bush.
The sweetest blush rosied her cheeks, but she still had not moved her hands from the front of his tunic, he noticed. “The flowers are the most beautiful present I have ever received, but knowing that what I had hoped for is true, that they came from you… that is really the best gift.”
“I do not believe there is anyone gladder about your begetting than I,” the elf prince avowed.
And as her whole face lit up brighter than Gil-Estel, as she slid her arm through his and guided him into the cottage, Legolas felt the nudge of a distinct sound inside his head: the chuckle of an older brother whom he had just given yet another anecdote to refer to the next time he wanted to crow over being “always right”. 
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Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @fizzyxcustard @freshalmondpandadonut @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell
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dellalyra · 1 year
reading your shoko writing made me think about if reader and shoko joke about running away together, suguru just encourages it while satoru is all pouty
𓇬 Cottagecore 𓇬
“I am so fucking tired of this shit.” You groan into the cushion you’ve buried your face in.
“What’s happened?” Shoko asks, poking your head.
“Fucking assholes. All of them.” You continue.
Shoko looks at the boys, hoping they’ve got answers as to why you’re face down in the sofa.
Geto turns to her, wrestling a mochi off Satoru.
“The higher ups are trying to stop her from being part of the Exchange Event - saying her CT isn’t well suited for taking part, doesn’t even make sense, they just don’t want her to get any glory.” He shrugs. Shoko should’ve guessed it was them, trying to put roadblocks down in Y/N’s way simply to piss her off.
“Bro - if Satoru can take part then how the fuck can Y/N not, he could just wipe the whole damn school out.” Shoko rolls her eyes, switching from poking your head to patting it.
You turn your head to her, frowning and pouting like a scolded puppy. You knew you’d be taking part, whether they wanted you to or not - but your frustration with them was understandable.
“I am gonna turn them all into trees.” You mutter, now face planting into her shoulder.
“Sounds good, honey.” She agrees.
You groan when you realise that’s technically murder.
“Wanna just run away together?” Shoko says.
“Oh my god yes, no boys allowed.” You nod. Satoru’s head whips around at this.
“We’ll get a little cottage in the woods, total cottage core vibes.” Shoko adds, messing with Satoru by joking about taking away the girl he was in love with and providing you with a welcome fantasy distraction were two duties of being a best friend.
Suguru quickly smirked at Shoko, catching on.
“You could like - grow your own food and get those weird ducks you like Y/N. Shoko you could be like the village witchy healer.” He adds, as Satoru starts to frown and he looks about an inch away from a toddler style tantrum when you suggest it’s time for the toys to be put away.
In his case, he’s not letting you leave!
“You can visit once a year, Suguru.” You agree.
“What about me? Why can’t I come?” Satoru quickly adds, and you turn to face him.
Seems someone hasn’t caught onto it all being a joke.
“You can come annually with Suguru. Shoko and I are going into hiding. We’re going to be cool forest witches.” You nod, smile bright.
“Well - where will you go? Because I’ll just buy a house next door.” He says, with an actual pout on his lips.
“Bro calm down, we’re not actually going - you’d have to kill me first to have me live in the woods.” Shoko adds.
“Well I’ll go alone then.” You pipe up.
“No! If Shoko’s not going on your fake trip, then I am! I’ll bring you. I’ll buy your fantasy land cottage and we can live together! Shoko, that’s so mean to suggest a pretend trip and then bail!” Satoru adds, much to your delight - he’s no idea that your dream future is marrying Satoru and living in a sweet cottage with a pretty garden, and here he is suggesting that. Suguru and Shoko swear your pupils turned into hearts hearing this, and found it especially funny that you mention something and Satoru immediately plans to give it to you.
“Hmm… can I have the ducks?” You tap your chin, trying to hide the blush overtaking your face as Satoru nods excitedly.
The four of you then sit and plan what your future houses will look like, successfully distracting you from the white haired boy who is sitting so close to you that you can feel the heat from his skin and smell his tea tree shampoo.
You’re both so fucking whipped, and you’re not even dating. Yet. Because we all know it’s just a matter of time.
If someone had a crystal ball, they’d have seen you and Satoru lifting cardboard boxes, 6 years down the line into the sweetest little cottage - with a very pretty garden and two excited kids by your side and a disgruntled Aunty Shoko beside them.
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xianyoon · 1 month
sweet light of spring
alhaitham x reader. more of that cottage!au hehhe fluff & comfort. 0.6k words.
your cottage, before you moved in, was a house.
your little red-brick house was something that you’d see from an english period movie, the imagery of little children frolicking and playing in the countryside — it almost seemed more so a prop piece for a show set rather than a cottage in the woods. juniper green ivy climbed the walls, sweet poppies and sunny marigolds sprouted from the earth to say hello – your land was cheerful.
you love collecting the flowers from your garden; they always seem to reappear as soon as you pluck them. the flowers are good, gently held and pressed in between pages of al-haitham's favourite novels as bookmarks. the flowers, cheerfully and playfully weaved into al-haitham's hair, always brought a smile onto his face.
the fresh stream that lives nearby is home to small fishes that travel with the currents – squint hard enough and perhaps you'd see arrietty waving from behind a river plant. the water – cool and sweet, bore witness to much of your laughter and splashing him each other on salty, sweltering summer days.
and your garden – oh, your garden. how blessed you are; a garden so colourful and fruitful. spring bears witness to the sweetest apricots and cherries ; summer says hello to sweet mangoes and fresh strawberries ; fall greets crisp applies and tart cranberries – and winter is the period of frantic churning and mixing of jam and compotes, all ready for the chilly winter to come.
your garden; home to herbs and vegetables that you grow to supply hearty meals to your table. the sweet radishes that are lovingly tended to in the autumn finds its way to harvest baskets . . . baskets that are sweetly put together as presents for your neighbours.
al-haitham always picks the best of each harvest to give away. there's something preciously sweet about it – perhaps you've rubbed your childlike kindness off onto your husband. the best we own should be given to others.
now, your cottage – home to sweet laughs that spill from your husband's mouth that you were always greedy for. his soft touches, a pleasant and constant reminder that i am here ; ever so fleeting of his warmth meeting yours.
a home so full of love and the sweet light of spring...
a home of laughter, and warmth, and constant intimacy of tender kisses on your cheek and the resting of your forehead against his.
"good morning."
"hayi! good morning!" you find yourself squealing as al-haitham peppers your face with his sweet kisses, giggling as he kissed your reddened cheeks – then your forehead – then your nose – and your supple lips.
"mmmph." he grunts and leans in, soaking in your warmth.
how rare is it that he gets a morning with his sweet darling, all to yourself?
"what do you want for breakfast?"
you watch him, hands on his hip and peering into your fridge stocked full of food. it's almost comical how homely your husband is now as compared to his younger self – you stifle a small giggle.
"tell me." al-haitham turns to look at you.
"i said it's nothing!" a petulant whine slips past your lips. delightfully soft giggles fill the room as al-haitham makes his way over to you – a comfortable, light morning.
"tell me." your husband gently pokes your sides, playfully frustrated with your refusal to tell him what was so funny.
"you just look so cute like this." you grin sweetly up at him.
"...like what?"
"like my husband!"
a soft silence fills the room – thoughtful contemplation as he takes in your endearing excitement – before al-haitham breaks out into rare, unbridled chuckles. you're too cute for him, he thinks. how did someone so seemingly opposite of him fall so deeply in love?
indeed, it's true – your cottage, so filled with love and the sweet light of spring, is a home.
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Captain Price x F!reader
Here you go my lil thirsty babies
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, explicit smut - you can have a surprise again lmao
The taxi pulled up to your Captains home, a quaint little cottage just off an estate in Hereford. It was a night of celebration, your 30th birthday. The good Captain took it upon himself to throw you a birthday BBQ with the rest of your team. After a gruelling mission it was something you were desperately looking to.
It was a warm July evening, a humid breeze swirled around you as you walked up to the front door. Solid oak, washed a deep walnut colour, it was impressive. There was a thatched roof too, giving it a perfect English country vibe.
Knocking on the door you tucked your hair behind your ear, pulling your summer dress down a little more.
The door creaked open and Price met you with a warm smile, ‘you’re early love.’ Furrowing your brows you wrinkled your nose ‘no I’m not? You said six?’ He reached out and grabbed the small case of beer from your grasp with a wink, ‘definitely said seven.’ He moved slightly allowing you to enter his home.
It was quite minimalist, but colourful, various indoor plants decorated the window sills and corners of the room. You passed an antique bar which was full to the brim with various spirits, liqueurs and wines. There was an old fireplace which looked heavily used in the living room which lead through the kitchen.
‘Jesus’ you whispered as you stepped into the room. It was beautiful, a picturesque country kitchen you’d find in a magazine. The French doors were open which looked out upon a beautifully kept garden, it looked like it kept going to the horizon. He brushed past you, his warm skin grazed your arm as he walked to his fridge. ‘Sir, this kitchen is beautiful!’
As he popped the lid off your beer he chuckled to himself ‘we’re off duty, you can call me John love.’ Handing you the beer his eyes lingered on yours, fingertips touching briefly as you took the glass bottle off him. Smirking you took a swig and hopped up onto the counter watching him as he prepared the food. ‘So, how long have you lived here? It’s stunning.’
He kept his eyes on the vegetables as he chopped them up for the salad, ‘about five years now, was a proper dump when I got it. But I renovated it when I had some time off, did as much of it as I could on my own. Finally finished it last year.’ Gazing around the room at the low hanging beams, the tan tiles on the floor and beautiful deep copper sink you were surprised he’d done so much. ‘Not just a pretty face then sir’ you smirked as you took another swig.
He chewed his jaw as he looked over to you, your legs dangling off the counter, the golden hue of the sun illuminated your face, your eyes, your hair. Walking over to you he pulled at the drawer, his arm once again brushing you. Keeping his eyes fixed on the utensils he flashed his eyes up at you, the blue pools glimmered in the evening sun. ‘John’ he corrected.
‘Mmm, John.’ You tried out his name on your tongue. It felt foreign. Dirty.
You slid your leg across the counter and slowly pushed the drawer shut. Taking another swig you placed the bottle down and took his jaw in your hand. ‘I think I prefer sir.’
A primal growl emanated from his chest as he moved between your legs. From the very beginning there had been tension between the two of you. Furtive glances, banter, flirting, the foundation all ready in place to what ever was about to transpire. A hand slid up your thigh as you kept his gaze on you ‘you wanna fuck me John?’ Biting your lip you watched as he took a sharp inhale ‘like you wouldn’t fucking believe.’
Pulling him him closer you nipped at his ear lobe, ‘we got forty five minutes, you best take it then sir.’
With one smooth movement he wrapped his arm around your waist and the other behind your neck. Pulling you into a hungry kiss, you wrapped your own arms around his neck and hooked a leg around his waist. Moaning into the kiss you slid your hips towards him, your barely covered pussy glossing over his crotch.
He broke the kiss slightly, as he gasped into the space between you. ‘Christ’ he breathed as he lowered his hand to find you wearing nothing but very thin lace panties. Caressing it with a finger he felt how wet you were already causing him to chuckle slightly. ‘Already?’ He was in disbelief.
‘Always so wet around you sir, you have no idea’ you whispered pulling him back into a deep kiss. Slipping your tongue into his mouth he welcomed it without a second thought. As your tongues danced and fought with one another he pushed your panties to the side, brushing his finger along your slit. Groaning once again at your aroused state.
Testing the waters he slipped a finger into you, eliciting a whine from your throat. You rolled your hips towards him again urging him to continue. He pushed in another, stretching you open with every thrust. Keeping his pace in time with the kiss he gently grazed his thumb over your clit causing you to jolt. Both knees hooked around his waist your toes pointed through sheer pleasure.
Gripping his hair between your fingers you pulled him closer to you, wanting to inhale every part of him. The sound of your pussy echoed around the kitchen as the summer breeze swirled around you from the open doors. He tasted like whiskey, top shelf of course. He smelt like pine and fresh cotton.
Breaking away from the kiss you pulled his bottom lip between your teeth. ‘I need you to fuck me’ you whispered against his jaw ‘I need you, now.’ He trialled kisses down your neck to your collar bone as he pushed you backward so you were now lying on his granite counter top. As he removed his fingers you hissed, watching as he sucked them clean smirking as your sweet taste.
‘If I’d have known you tasted like that I would have eaten this pussy months ago’ he drawled. Peeking at the clock he tutted ‘that’ll have to wait love, running out of time.’ Pulling his cock on the ran it up and down your slit a few times, gathering your arousal. You screwed your eyes shut as the head of his cock nudged clit over and over.
Pushing in you both gasped, a shudder ran down his spine as your pussy greedily sucked him in. He began to slowly move, stretching you out with every roll of his hips. He upped his pace, soon settling into a brash rhythm. You clawed at his arms, feeling his defined forearms as he grasped at your waist. ‘Fuck John’ you whined from the back of your throat. Your voice was hoarse and dry but dripping with need.
‘Keep sayin’ my name like that’ he grunted ‘keep going.’ Needling little persuasion you repeated his name, a devilish smirk on your face as you ran your tongue along your teeth. Lifting your one ankle up to his shoulder allowed him to thrust deeper into you. Completely bottoming out. As he glances down he saw a creamy ring around his cock which made his eyes roll to the back of his head. ‘Takin me so well, feels so good.’
Dropping a hand to you clit you began to rub small circles, applying the just the perfect amount of pressure. ‘Atta girl, show me how you like it’ he breathed into your ankle, kissing it tenderly. Feeling the familiar tightness grow in your abdomen your jaw began to go slack, pussy beginning to tighten.
‘You gonna cum for me?’ He ordered, slapping your outer thigh. ‘Yes, yes, fuuuuck’ you moaned ‘harder daddy please!’ There it was, the word he’d been waiting for, the most sinful word that could have dropped from your swollen lips. A guttural moan left his chest as he ramped up his pace again. Slamming his cock into you, over and over and over. Watching how your breasts and thighs bounced with the sheer force of him.
‘Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s gonna ruin this pretty little pussy.’ He felt you clench at his words. At his tone of voice. ‘Fuck I’m gonna cum!’ You whined, your body writhing beneath him. Using only one hand he pulled you upright by your dress as you came, resting your foreheads on one another’s. Another strangled moan and flurry of curses and ‘daddy’s’ fell from you, he inhaled them like the very air he needed to live.
As you came down from your high he noticed he was getting close ‘in me, John, cum in me, on the pill.’ That’s all he needed to hear. As he came inside you, you gripped his hair forcing him to look at you. Completely switching you grinned ‘mmm good boy John.’ The change in your attitude took him by surprise, causing a broken whimper to burst from his throat.
As his thrusts slowed you kissed him again, cupping his jaw. Pulling out he knelt to the floor, taking you by surprise. He swiped his tongue along your slit making you gasp, keeping his eyes on yours he licked at his cum dripping from your pussy. Before spitting it back onto you. ‘Don’t you dare clean that up. I want my cum to stay in those panties, until I take them off later .’ He gripped at your neck before giving you a peck on the lips ‘is that understood?’
Taking a sharp inhale you swallowed, hard. ‘Yes sir.’
‘Good.’ As he went to turn away he stopped himself grinning at you ‘oh, happy birthday.’
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captain039 · 10 months
Astarion x werewolf!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, feelings, vampire things, werewolf things, jealousy, swearing, intimacy, first times, descriptions of puking xD, swearing, strangers to friends to lovers
Goddamnit I’m getting impatient I can’t wait six days😭
The amount of edits I’ve watched of him is sad
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The call of the moon was always on your mind before the full moon. The tingling through your muscles waiting to be free out in the woods, hunt whatever poor creature was out there. It was the day before, you locked your chickens up securely, made sure to close off the garden as you always did and locked the house, you didn’t need a rampage inside, not again. You waited till sundown, sat on a log away from your house, a pair of old clothes on, than again all clothes were old when the full moon came, you never bought anything nice, too afraid to ruin it. As darkness crept over your hair began to stand up, you grew fidgety, muscles spasming. You felt the tug finally and groaned, you went to your knees and panted as you hunched over. Your bones began to crack and your skin began to shed. The whole process was painful and it felt like your mind always slipped away. Soon enough your beast form knelt there, large hands planted in the ground. You let out a grave howl and sniffed the air eyes piercing through the forest as you smelt your hunt. You launched off your hind feet, going down onto all fours as you ran, struggling to fully let go to the beast so you didn’t have to watch. It felt like you’d gone to sleep in a different body when you finally let go. The beast rampaging through the forest, tearing through the deer that it had found. Something was different though, a new scent on the air, strange, being so far out in the forest visitors never came, nor did travellers.
You jolted a bit when you gained consciousness hearing someone stumble back.
“Shit” you heard and snapped your head to see a pale elf with white hair. You frowned at him as he stared at you. You covered yourself the best you could, your beast hated clothing.
“I’m not dead, thank you!” You said and he gulped.
“I know” he said eyes darting awkwardly away.
“Are you lost?” You added feeling highly exposed.
“Uh, no” he said almost like a question.
“You don’t know if you’re not lost?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not lost” he huffed.
“Then go away!” You yelled.
“Right” the man said and hurried away and you cursed lifting your top half off the grass. You waited till you couldn’t see him and quickly darted back to your house. You grabbed a robe you left on the bench outside and put it on before going to your chickens. No damage, and still five chickens. You sighed grabbing their feed and letting them out. You grabbed your basket and gathered their eggs before unlocking your door and heading inside. You thought back to the elf, what a weird man, what was he going to do? rob your body?! Unless it was much darker than that. You shuddered at the thought at least you woke up in time. You didn’t make any food, after whatever the beast ate you were full and nauseous. You grabbed some tea, got dressed and sat outside to watch your chickens. You felt bile in your throat and groaned as you quickly moved away from your house and hunched over and threw up. You coughed and groaned quickly looking away from the chewed up raw meat.
“Oh gods” you said going to your bench with a groan. You wiped your mouth with you robe and shrugged it off, you’ll wash that later. You groaned again slumping against your cottage you took a small sip of tea to get rid of the acid taste in your mouth, before going to clean your robe.
When the next full moon came you didn’t expect to see that elf again, let alone have his fangs in your neck as you awoke. You tore him off and pinned him to the ground, grabbing his own dagger and pressing it to his neck. You panted anger flaring in your mind, beast begging to come up. You groaned fighting for control dagger dropping by his head making him flinch.
“Oh dear” he muttered one hand holding your hip lightly.
“Easy now” he said and you growled at him.
“Or not” he gulped as you tumbled off him. You shook, trying to take deep breaths, gods you didn’t want to change again. Your bones cracked in and out of place, wanting to shift, but you fought listening to the river and birds and finally, you calmed. You listened to the elf behind you shuffle before something was placed over you. You flinched and went to fight him, but realised he was just covering you with his shirt. You glared at him, but sat up, back to him and quickly put it on. You stayed seated in the cross keeping your hands over your lower parts, legs crossed as well. You pressed a hand to your neck and hissed gently. You pulled it back seeing blood and glared at the elf vampire.
“Listen please for a minute” he begged and you gave him a deadly look, also secretly admiring the muscle he had before cursing that thought.
“Or don’t, but, yes I am lost! I haven’t fed in a month not since you’ve apparently hunted everything in this Godforsaken woods!” He yelled and you raised an eyebrow at his stupid lie.
“Ok not everything, just, I needed something more to keep me going till I find somewhere” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Human blood is so much more filling” he said and you made a disgusted face.
“Well beast blood in your case I suppose, hells that changing looks painful” he shuddered and you sighed.
“Will you please say something!” He said.
“Fuck you” you said.
“Thank you!” He sighed in relief.
“The village is that way” you pointed.
“How far that way?” He asked.
“A day or two” you shrugged.
“Follow the river” you added.
“Can I have my shirt back?” He commented and you froze.
“When I get back home” you said.
“Shall we just meet again in a months time so you can give it back?” He tried to joke, but you just glared and he chuckled nervously. You could feel the sickness again, your human stomach did not handle raw meat. You gagged a bit and turned away to puke again hearing the disgusted sound he made. You groaned standing up and going to the river. You washed your face before taking a small sip and sighing.
“Why eat it if you’re going to throw it up again?” He asked and you glared at him briefly, not having the strength to hold it though.
“I don’t control it” you said referring to your beast.
“It likes raw meat, I don’t” you sighed trying to find the strength in your legs.
“Would you like help?” He asked standing by you and holding a hand out to you. You wanted to slap it away, but sighed and took it. You felt dizzy as you stood, legs almost caving before he steadied you.
“Easy there” he said as you closed your eyes and kept your head down. You froze though when a tongue ran across the puncture wounds in your neck and slapped him.
“Hells!” He yelled holding his cheek and stumbling back.
“I healed it for you!” He groaned and you felt your neck with a frown, he did. You cursed him quickly storming off.
“My shirt!” He yelled, but you ignored him. He followed you back grumbling along the way, you grabbed your robe and shrugged it on. Counted your chickens and unlocked their cages before feeding them.
“Could you skip your rituals so I can leave quicker” he huffed and you huffed yourself unlocking your house and going inside. You shrugged off your robe and his shirt, smelling his scent in the fabric. It made you freeze for a moment, your sense of smell was always keen, but this smell you enjoyed. You flushed and glanced behind you before you sniffed it again sighing. You threw it on your bed though staring in horror, the hell did you just do?!
You got dressed and threw his shirt back at him and stormed back inside, door slamming shut.
“You’re welcome!” He yelled making your jaw clench as you filled the kettle.
“And thank you!” He added before you heard him leave finally.
You thought you were finally done with the elf vampire but seems fate had other ideas. It hadn’t even been a month, you weren’t lying out in the woods naked with his fangs in your neck. No he was haunting your dreams like some parasite in your head. Some were horrible, you tearing him apart while others were like you’d been friends for years. Who was he?
Next part ->
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its-opheliasgarden · 2 years
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UPDATE: Please redownload as I realized the overrides I made make the espresso bar unable to be placed. I recreated and made edited standalones to avoid this issue. Link has been updated below. Sorry! 
The Tipping Point |  A Sims 4 Download
After the Waterside Warble shut down, three ambitious Britechester grads decided to take the big risk of opening up their own business together, the Tipping Point, in the heart of the Spice Market District. Together, they dream of T2P becoming the ultimate hang out for residents and visitors of San Myshuno. Known for their specialty sandwiches like the ‘Dragon’s Fire Club’ and delicious ‘Brite Fried Fries’, you’ll rarely see T2P without a line running around the building. So come visit, take a sit and catch some of the gorgeous port views while sipping on the best cold brew coffee in the city! 
Lot Type: Restaurant  Price: §211,522 Size: 30x30 Location: Waterside Warble, San Myshuno  Packs Used: High School Years*, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle*, Discover University*, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats and Dogs*, City Living*, Get Together*, Get to Work*; My Wedding Stories, Dream Home Decorator, Journey to Batuu*, Strangerville, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood*, Vampires, Dine Out*, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat; and Paranormal Stuff, Moschino, Laundry Day, Toddler Stuff, Bowling Night Stuff, Backyard Stuff, Kids Room Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Little Campers Kit, Blooming Rooms*, Industrial Loft*, Courtyard Oasis Play Tested: ✅ 
Notes: Enable bb.moveobjects before placing in your game. CC-lite (64 MB) and included. Please note that (*) asterik indicates a pack that I used heavily for the build. A huge thank you to @anvilesi and @brazenlotus for their amazing separated clutter cc!
@maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @pancakesrealty (Thank you!) 
This lot can serve as bar or café as well. As I was play testing, I had to move somethings around so the preview photos are slightly different than what’s in the lot to make sure it can function. Café was a little tricky with how I constructed the front end of the place. So I ended up creating an overrides for the espresso machines to allow it to place it on other counters. I found this nifty tutorial here by @ravasheencc if you’d like to learn how to do it.  
I’ve also included an unfurnished apartment if you want to use this lot as a residential or even a ‘Live in Business’ with this mod here (@littlemssam). Please know that I really didn’t use too many packs except to populate the rooftop terrace garden so I could get good plant variety. 
If you do use this build, please feel free to tag me! I’d really love to see it in your game!
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hugsandchaos · 6 months
So I’m starved for Smiling Critters content, but I don’t exactly have a oneshot in mind to write nor do I exactly have an AU. I do, however, have some headcanons that are definitely canon divergent, especially since I imagined it in the cartoon-like world they were in during the tape recording. I don’t know if it’s enough to build up an AU, but I’m posting them anyways.
•Bubba is fluent in English and Portuguese, and is currently trying to learn sign language from Catnap
•Dogday has 2 sisters and 3 brothers, and he is also the runt of the litter (most of his siblings don’t really care, but one of his brothers likes to pick on him for it and is upset he got “special treatment” when they were younger — that special treatment was mostly just medical treatment and their parents and siblings being responsibly worried about him)
•Bobby and Picky share a favorite way of showing her friends love; by making them their favorite/comfort food for them
•Hoppy doesn’t usually like going slow, but she adores running with her two younger brothers to no end
•Bubba strongly believes Hoppy might have seasonal allergies due to her falling ill for a few weeks when winter turns to spring and pollen levels rise, but Hoppy has her suspicions due to the fact that she’s never been diagnosed to be allergic to anything
•Picky always looks at the nutrition labels at the grocery store
•Picky is thinking about starting her own garden
•Crafty prefers to draw rather than write, but enjoys a good book (she definitely doesn’t have a small library in her living room, I don’t know what you’re talking about)
•Crafty isn’t the best at magic, but she’s learning and her friends are very encouraging
•Bobby’s house is a cozy two story cottage that she keeps nice and clean on a daily basis
•Bobby and Bubba both have a closet in their house full of extra blankets, pillows, towels, and winter clothes
•Kickin’ loves to teach anyone who asks how to surf, how to skateboard, or how to ski
•Catnap almost never talks or makes any sound, but it’s not because he can’t, it’s because he simply prefers not to
•Kickin’ has a great sense of balance
•Catnap is a light sleeper
•Bobby and Catnap sometimes work together to get the group to bed, but in the end, Catnap “turns on her” and gets her to bed too before going to sleep himself
•Kickin’ and Dogday love to plan hiking or camping trips for the group (Hoppy has to stay within someone’s sight so she doesn’t run off, Bobby and Crafty like to stop and look at flowers, Picky likes to pack healthy snacks for everyone, Bubba enjoys telling facts about plants, and Catnap keeps an eye on the whole group by walking in the back)
•Catnap has a surprising amount of knowledge surrounding sleep, even Bubba didn’t know a lot of the things he did
•Bobby has made a plushie for everyone except Catnap, who already has a small, odd plushie resembling a blue creature with yellow hands and feet (Crafty has a flower, Dogday has a bone, Bubba has a dinosaur, Picky has a strawberry, Hoppy has a star, Kickin’ has a dragon, and Bobby has a heart)
•Bobby can actually be scary when she’s protecting her friends
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crowleysgirl56 · 4 months
Wildest dreams wishes for Good Omens Season 3 which will probably not come true but I can still hope hey!
Number 13.
It’s Aftercare Week following the Smut War over on the Reddit @goodomensafterdark subreddit, so in honour of caring for the tired Smutgoblins, please indulge in this little wildest dream Cottagecore fantasy that I have, want, and desire (one of many!)
In the garden of a modest cottage nestled in the South Downs, an angel and a demon are finally enjoying a long overdue picnic.
Aziraphale sits on the large tartan rug spread out under the garden’s apple tree, carefully slicing one of the trees given fruits. Crowley lounges next to him, propped up on his side by an elbow. His dark sunglasses long since discarded, he serenely gazes up at his angel and enjoys the cool breeze coming off the coast.
Aziraphale glances down at Crowley and smiles fondly as he continues to cut.
“You know, I think you’ve outdone yourself with this year’s harvest my dear. I have to say these apples are the best yet”.
“Might have used a bit of a demonic miracle or two.” Crowley grinned and wriggled his fingers.
“Well I’m just relieved you finally stopped yelling at the poor plants.”
“Nothing wrong with a bit of forceful encouragement.”
At this Aziraphale cocked an eyebrow, “Yes, except you were scaring the neighbours”.
“Added bonus.”
Aziraphale chuckled and shook his head as he offered a slice of apple. “Honestly, you really must try one.”
Crowley gave a small smile and gently said “They’re for you Angel”.
“Then perhaps, I can at least tempt you into tasting one?” An imperceptible, wicked grin spread across Aziraphale’s face as he leaned in closer to Crowley, holding the apple slice between them. Crowley’s eye widened slightly as he sat up a little straighter. Finally he reached out and held Aziraphale’s wrist, and brought the slice to his mouth. He gently rubbed his thumb along the bottom of Aziraphale’s palm as his bit down into the piece.
Neither broke eye contact as Crowley chewed. The look Aziraphale gave him was a mixture of shock and hunger. Crowley wondered to himself if this was how he always looked when gazing at Aziraphale eating at The Ritz.
Finally Crowley swallowed. Aziraphale eagerly asked what he thought. Crowley snaked forward as his gaze fell to Aziraphale’s neck. “I’ve had…better”, he murmured as he pressed his lips to Aziraphale’s Adams Apple.
Aziraphale’s eyes fell shut as he let the moment take him. A small note of anxiety crossed his face a moment later. “Crowley. Wait. We’re outside. Someone might see.”
“Can’t. Scared them all away remember”, Crowley murmured into Aziraphale’s neck, as he continued to pepper kisses up and down his throat.
“I didn’t mean the neighbours”. Aziraphale drew back slightly and pointed upwards. Crowley rolled his eyes grumbling, “Well they shouldn’t be looking then, the filthy perves!”
“Please Crowley” Aziraphale’s puppy dog eyes are what does it. Crowley sighs heavily then snaps his fingers. Suddenly the surrounding trees begin to grow, branches reaching out above them, and soon their picnic spot is covered by a large, thick, canopy of leaves.
“Better?” Crowley once again reduces the distance between him and his angel.
“Much better dear.” Aziraphale’s hand drifts up to Crowley’s face, lightly brushing his cheek.
“Good. Now, where did I put that Apple? Ah! Here it is.” Crowley’s lips are back on Aziraphale’s neck. They fall back onto the blanket, neither caring about what actually happened to the rest of the apple.
Wow, I didn’t mean to make this one so long, but once I started I couldn’t seem to stop. Hope you enjoyed the erotic garden interlude.
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soliarus · 1 year
Fangs and Claws
-fluff, angst, fantasy world, vampires, werewolves, elves, ect ect... mentions of blood and some fighting, war, poor Momo gets wacked in the head
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: it was a bright day until two unexpected visitors fall, literally, at your doorstep under the likes of war
words 3.2k
werewolf!momo x vampire!sana x gn!elf!reader
The sky was clear, and the sun shined brightly in its place in the sky. The day got off to a terrific start. You spent the early morning tending to the crops that grew next to your house and watering the plants that grew on your windowsill. All of this is in a miniature garden that you created yourself, complete with an irrigation system. You put a lot of effort into tying it to the adjacent creek. You were proud of what you accomplished considering your tiny stature, even though the fences were a little wonky because they leaned a bit too much to the right and the gate wouldn't close without a sizable boulder in front of it.
Not as little as the other creatures that wandered your world, but considerably smaller. You were an elf who had left the elf village two years prior. Despite opposition from your neighbors, local business owners, tailors, and farmers, you no longer desired to reside in the overcrowded hamlet. You desired to experience independent living under your own norms rather than those of others. Since the beginning of the battle against vampires and werewolves, which didn't seem to be coming to an end anytime soon, the Elf Regime has established a great number of new regulations, making it difficult to pursue your desire for freedom. So you decide to locate yourself in a peaceful, undiscovered region just outside the village.
You have your own way back, of course, where you shop for your goods every month or two. You try your best to shop for all your essentials before your next trip, but the looks and whispers cause a sore to form in your jaw by the time you come back due to clenching it so often. But you do befriend all the soft little critters that visit you, from soft gray bunnies to a wobbly-legged doe. You tend to their wounds if they’re hurt, and you talk to them as you do your chores.
When you tell them about your time in the village and ask them about the high mountains or the wide oceans you've only heard about in legends, you never receive a response—just innocent looks and subtle head tilts that indicate they need more carrots or celery. 
You would never want to give up that kind of life. But on this lovely day, lunch was just around the corner as you were watering your new heads of lettuce that were starting to poke out of the ground. The air suddenly turned gloomier. And when you raise your head, you notice a large cloud advancing over your vicinity. When a howl sounded out amid the trees, you winced and got a chill down your spine. You could see the animals around jump and flee deep into the forest, which appeared to frighten them as well. You knew that sound anywhere; it was a werewolf. And they sounded close—very close. You grabbed your shovel and dashed inside your cottage, where you shut the door, covered your windows, and lowered your blinds as you waited.
You lay against the door, shoveling your shovel close to your chest, catching your breath and waiting for any sounds. Why would a werewolf be here? They were at war with the vampires. And the elves decided to remain neutral in the conflict, announcing that they would never take part in the fighting. The vampires and werewolves acknowledged their decision and declared that they had no intention of ever setting foot on elf territory, ever.
The silence thickened the air, but it was only short-lived until the noises came all at once. Growls, groans, and grunts. Immediately outside your teeny, one-person cottage. The shrubs rustle, clay pots fall, and you hear a loud crack of wood followed by a frustrated yell, oh god, please let that not be your fence. As you listen to the sounds of suffering and rage, your breath becomes labored. Then something slams into the door, sending you slightly forward as the grip on your shovel tightens. This continues for a while, causing your house to shake with each slam and your body to tremble with each grunt.
You hear two solid thunks and then one thud before another, and suddenly it all goes back to that increasing stillness. The big cloud appeared to disappear as the light started to pour through your drapes and blinds. Even if it was just a few minutes, you wait what seems like hours before opening the door carefully and silently reminding yourself to put in a door viewer. As you prepare to swing the shovel, you look down and see two soldiers who were knocked unconscious just in front of your tiny welcome mat in the shape of a rainbow. Their wounds were covered in blood, and their helmets shielded their faces.
You falter as your eyes widen at the scene. One wore black matted armor, maroon feathers flaunted the top of the helmet, a commander. They held a high position in the army, judging by their appearance. The other soldier had shiny gold armor, and this time royal blue feathers displayed their helmet. Another commander, but this time a werewolf. When you were younger, an elder elf who frequently sat under this big peach tree told you about the war. His main concern is that if they fail to cease their battle soon, the elves might have to get involved. You stare at the two figures, squinting to see the rise of their chests.
You've heard that vampires are brutal; rumors of them kidnapping elves who accidentally enter their territory and turning them into their own personal blood bags were frequently propagated when you were growing up. Werewolves weren't much better; they had a reputation for snatching elves who crossed their borders and forcing them to present as members of one of their lower castes. Any elf seen entering either of those territories was never to be seen again.
Why were there two high-ranking officers (both on opposing teams) unconscious in front of your doorstep? You were astonished, to put it mildly. How did they even get so deep into the woods? Weren’t these protected grounds? There was no war in the land of the elves; it was a rule that everyone followed. And these two disregarded the laws. To gain a better look at the two, you gently walk out. The soldier in the gold sighed as they unexpectedly rose to their feet; you gasped and swung your shovel; a loud bang resounded through the trees; birds flew in dread of the noise; the soldier groaned and then sank back down.
Your shovel still holds high as you take in deep breaths, eyes glaring down at the figures from the sudden scare, but then they falter, and you put your hands down. They definitely don’t look too well; their armor is heavily scratched up. You don't realize you've stepped in blood until the cool liquid starts to seep into your sandals.
You groan; this is going to be hard to get off on your favorite pair too, gosh. You exhaled, a little irritated. You shouldn't actually abandon them here. You felt horrible, especially because you probably gave one of them a concussion. There were two extremely strong and helpless beings in front of you. And you, the smallest and weakest, an elf, have the power to decide whether or not they live. 
Well, unlike the stories you’ve been told about them, you’re not heartless. You grouse your way into pulling the soldiers by their dead weight onto your little bed. You took a deep breath before lifting the injured vampire, and with great peril you succeeded, as they plopped down right next to the werewolf. As you took a step back, you tried not to sneer at the tiny blood splotches that now adorned everything from your floor to your sheets.
You watched as your bed sank further beneath their weight and sighed, At least it's long enough. Your bed was meant to fit only one person, and that was you, an elf, not a vampire or werewolf, and definitely not both of them together. Their heads were just inches from the headboard, and their feet barely touched the footboard. They are rivals, and you are a little uneasy about how close they were and how their arms were brushing against one another, but you ignore it since you assume that since they were unconscious, it didn't matter. 
You brought a bucket of water, some washcloths, and a fairly large first aid kit. When it came to patching them up, you decided to take off their armor but leave on their scrubs underneath. Slowly you grasp onto the helmet of the werewolf, and just as you pull it off, out flows graceful and flowy long hair, and you’re met with a face—a really pretty face. You blush before moving onto the vampire, and out comes a second pretty face with soft, silky hair. These beaten-up, almost about to meet their maker soldiers are hot as fu-
Momo groans when she wakes up; her body aches, but her head—oh god, her head. With great struggle, she looks to the left; this isn’t her room in the barracks… nor is it her room back at home. It’s much smaller than she’s used to, and she doesn’t seem to have the willpower to lift her head.
A groan rings through her ears, and it’s not from her. It’s from her right, and she notices a figure begin to wake up; her eyes blur as she tries to make out who the person is. Maybe a nightly fling from the pub, she notices how the figure groans again. Holding onto her stomach, Momo rubs her eyes, and the first thing that catches her eye is a set of pointy canines. 
While ignoring the pounding in her head, she raises her fist to throw a rapid punch, but it is immediately blocked. "What are you doing here, Sana?" she snarls out. "I could say the same to you!" The red-eyed girl's grip tightened as she made every effort to ignore the pain.
"You brought me into enemy lines... Couldn’t handle a one-on-one fight?" Momo practically sits on Sana’s lap as she tries to press her against the bed. "As if! Seems like something a mutt like you would do!" Sana scoffs, and both their arms begin to shake, neither of them letting up.
“You gaslighter!” Momo yells, 
“What?! That’s all you! why the hell did you sleep with me anyway? Did you feel a little lonely?” Sana mocked her with a fake pout, trying to get Momo off of her. 
“No you!” Momo grunted, pressing down harder, before Sana shifted, causing her to falter. They begin to scratch at each other’s skin, and Sana abruptly sits up; surprising for the very little energy they have, they’re still at each other's throats. Their bandages begin to tear, and wrapped up wounds begin to seep out blood. 
“That doesn't even make any sen-” Suddenly something catches Sana’s eye, and she stops. Momo, who’s close to poking her eye, also stops confused. She follows Sana’s line of sight, and she’s shocked. You stand there, eyes widened at their position, a bloody mop in one hand and a cleaner’s bucket in another.
“I guess this place isn’t yours…” 
You remain silent; you seriously don’t know what to say. You notice a bandage on Momo’s arm has begun to unwind, and more blood was seeping into your sheets. You almost cry at the sight of your poor sheets getting all bloody again. Quickly, you move Momo off of Sana, not even looking the two in the face as you begin to fix their bandages. 
“You’re a elf” Sana blurts out, she’s never seen an elf before, ever since she was born she was forced to train and train to join and fight alongside the vampire army. The same goes with Momo; she’s never seen your… kind… before and she’s absolutely star struck. Your ears are pointy, definitely pointier than a vampire’s, more refined, and your eyes are blown wide, hazel shaped, with the prettiest brown she’s ever seen.
They were dark and held so much mystery… Your hands are nimble and soft; they work with so much care, contrary to all the rough handling she has received on the training grounds, not even the barrack wolves treat her with so much care. You nod, you stand up and look around Momo to see if she has any other places she has reopened, and then move onto Sana.
 “I’m sorry, I don’t have any clothes that might fit…”, you whisper as you look at their torn garments. You feel really bad; they were dirty with grime and muck, and damn it, they were on your sheets. You’ll definitely wash them four times…at least.  
“It’s okay you’ve done much already I- we can’t thank you enough,” Sana softly clasps your hand in hers as you look at the ground, slightly taken aback by her gesture. “I’m Sana, and that dog over there is Momo, what's your name cutie?” the latter scowls at the title, mumbling out a ‘damned bat’,
You glance at Momo and then stare up at Sana mumbling your name before letting her continue,
“and we’re both grateful for what you’ve done. Sorry uh- for the intrusion…” Sana also looks guilty, and Momo hangs her head in shame? The tension in the air lowers to a more somber tone.
“Oh, no, it's really nothing! Really!…”. You say, trying to diminish any guilt they might be feeling, “It’s okay.” You suddenly prep up as you remember something, “Oh right! Wait here for a few, yeah?” The two hesitantly nod, and you walk out, looking back before leaving the room. 
Momo glares at Sana. “Dog, really?” She harshly whispers. And Sana rolls her eyes, "Oh, be quiet don’t think I didn’t hear you mumbling out a ‘damned bat’ too”. 
Momo growls, “Just you wait once we leave this place I’ll rip your-” She stops when she smells something. Something delicious. She turns and notices you walking back in, carrying a tray with two bowls. 
You place the tray on the nightstand and hand them their soup, “I’m sorry I don’t have any meat..or blood,” You stutter out the word, eyeing Sana, who looks at you with wonder, “I just had the ingredients for some vegetable soup,” you mumble, handing them each their bowl. 
“It’s okay, you didn’t have to make us anything” Sana reassures you, she seems to be doing most of the talking, but you don’t mind as long as they don’t trash your bedroom by going at each other’s throats. 
"No, it’s alright! I don’t get very many...guests anyways,” you handed Sana a red bowl before handing Momo her blue one, “cute” Momo murmurs as you shyly handed her the bowl and spoon. Your blush reddens before you swiftly bow, leave the room, and shut the door. Leaning against the closed door, you let out a sigh of relief. That could have been worse. 
“We’re very sorry for everything, sincerely. And thank you so much for the help.” Sana apologized once again, placing her armor in a woven basket that you gave her, and sliding her sword into her harness, same goes for Momo, who gratefully looks over the pieces, noticing that you even wiped them down, making them look like they were newly forged. 
“Anytime…” You mumble really just waiting for them to leave, so you could go wash your precious sheets and get back to mopping, “Are you sure you don’t want some food for your journey back?” 
“No need, you’ve done more than enough, she definitely won’t be needing any food anyways, not after I defeat her on the battlefield, with my sword finally ridding her body from that hideous face” Momo snarls glaring at Sana who in return smirks at her, 
“You wish, I’ll rid you of your blood and dine on your neck like fine wine” Sana levels herself with Momo, their heads barely grazing your ceiling as they stand tall, challenge one another and, puffing out their chests in pride,
“Umm please don’t kill each other here, I just wiped the floors…” You shakily spoke to the stronger beings before you. 
“Of course not, Little Elf, for a vampire always keeps things classy and not messy, unlike those mutts who call themselves werewolves,” Sana takes your palm in her hand, leaning to give it a light peck. You blush at the action, a little ‘oh my’ leaving your lips as you look away with a light giggle. Momo scoffs at the mushy vampire before walking out. They had to duck their heads whenever they left a room. A gasp leaves her lips when she steps out your front door. 
“We really did a number on their place…” Momo mumbles out, looking at the conditions right outside your tiny little cottage. Sana walked out and gawked at the sight, they full on trashed the place like it was their playground. Your walls had cracks scattered everywhere, your bushes were ruined, flowers that grew in carefully decorated pots were laying all over the ground, pieces of clay were separated from one another, and even dried blood was spread along your path. Gosh, it was terrible. 
“Oh…” you lighty uttered, you’ve been so focused on cleaning inside and making the soup, now finally getting a good look at your outside, and it really didn’t look the best. You wince at your broken fence, goodness, that took you ages to build. You look up at the other two, noticing how their faces screamed liability, “hey no- it’s okay, really, no need to worry. I’ll just fix it up, you two should really get going before it gets dark” You try your best to console the two, trying to convince them it’s all right. 
"No,” Momo murmured, and you questioned her with a little ‘hmm?’. “I said no, we did this, you, elf, have done nothing to deserve this, any of it.  I will stay here and fix everything I broke, you don’t need to lay a finger” Sana agreed with her with a nod and a little, “me too”. 
You nodded before doing a double take, “wait…what?”
“Here drink something girls, don’t want you two passing out… again” You sigh as you hold two glasses of homemade lemonade. Momo was currently working on a new fence, her muscles flexing through a top that you had quickly sewn for both of them after finding out they were planning on staying. Sana was fixing up your bushes, trimming lovely shapes such as hearts and stars to accommodate your little aesthetic.  
“Coming!’ They jogged over and took a glass, 
"Wow, this stuff’s really good!” Sana beamed at the taste, and sighed as she let the flavors sink into her tongue. Momo swiftly nodded at her words, the bandage still wrapped around her head. You stared at the two with a small smile on your face. They seem to be getting along just fine; the war is really what keeps them from being close. Who knows what they’ll do to each other once they leave? 
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mochiimiiki · 1 year
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| Saeran Choi Headcanons |
{GE Saeran x mc}
Warnings: spoilers for Saeran/ Ray route and after ending, sevens real name, some parts slightly suggestive (will be marker) so feel free to ignore those bits
A/N: the amount of pain and angst this man specifically has gone through is unbearable, out of all of the RFA members him and seven had it worst (my opinion). Anyways some happy hc because i think he deserves to be happy
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After everything was resolved between Saeran and Saeyoung (which mind you took a while) the three of you decided to move and leave behind Saeyoung’s bunker, a place you had called home for the last six months
the reason for this choice was quite simple; a reminder of what was.
the twins didn’t need a reminder of everything that had happened over the course of time anymore than they needed the unpleasant memories. So they left.
The house which saeran and you moved to is a beautiful cottage, with a small farm attached. Saeran spends most of his days attending to the livestock and garden he grows, don’t worry though he definitely doesn’t neglect you (whether saeyoung came or not is up to you)
Saeran spends his days down in the dirt, very literally. As he’s all hands and knees and very much determined the best plants are grown from intense love and care
other than gardening and farming Saeran’s other past times are reading. He doesn’t have a particularly favourite genre but loves a good book with a happy ending. He reads all the books he can possibly get his hands on, very much including children books and fantasy novels. He was deprived of imagination when he was small so now he allows himself to indulge in it as he’s free to do
Saeran spends as much time with Saeyoung as he does his garden. This is mostly because Saeyoung is always around helping out on the farm, trying after years of being seperated to bond with his brother. Saeran deeply appreciates Saeyoung doing this as he knows being outside is something out of a comfort zone for Saeyoung (with unpleasant memories still always fresh Saeyoung feels safest behind a desk and screen).
Saeran is actually afraid of the dark so hopefully you don’t mind but he keeps a little nightlight by his bed side, it’s actually a cat and can change all sort of colours. It was invented by Saeyoung no doubt. Saeran treasures it with his whole heart.
Everytime you and Saeran go shopping he always collects a little toy, his inner child never had so much as a teddy bear so when he sees something he likes he gets it. Of course he asks you if he even should or if that’s silly, but naturally you insist that it’ll help heal his inner child.
Everytime Saeran sees you he gives you a kiss. On the forehead, cheek, neck, shoulder or lips it really doesn’t matter. He feels like giving you a kiss each time you see one another. It grounds him, reminds him that even though he has nightmares this, with you, is real.
Which means he ends up kissing you very often; you’re watching tv and he comes in from the garden. A kiss. You’re making dinner together and you go to the toilet, come back, a kiss. it doesn’t matter how much time apart you’ve spent. He just has to give you a kiss.
Now as mentioned before he does get nightmares and unfortunately they’re quite often, gently shake him awake if you hear him crying out in his sleep and murmur that it’ll be okay. He’ll hold you without saying anything until he drifts off again. Over time they fade away as he heals.
{suggestive} each time the two of you make love, and yes it’s 100% love making, saeran makes it his duty to tend to you. Running a soft, warm cloth over your body as you come down from your high. fixing your sweaty hair out of your face before heading off to fetch you some water and maybe a snack if you’re hungry. He treasures you and shows you that every way possible.
ofc u should give him aftercare everyone once in awhile (after you do he’ll not stop kissing ur face <3)
Saeran is a very tactile person. He went so long without physical touch that now he has yours he won’t let it go, ever. Has a hand on you, hovering about you or grabbing you every time he’s around. It’s probably another form of grounding for him, especially in crowded places where he feels very out of place and anxious.
Saeran 100% has hands on you everytime you kiss as well. and i mean everytime.
Work wise neither you nor saeran probably need to work as saeyoung has a lot of money and sold multiple cars to give saeran money. (he confirms at one point the gathering of cars was for his family)
However, Saeran never got to experience normal work and pay and so he does in fact work for awhile. He stays on with Jumin even after Jumin got elected and worked as part of a security team for a few months. But when you guys moved to the cottage/ farm he quit his job to focus on his life with you and Saeyoung. He just wanted a little bit of normalcy to feel complete.
One thing that doesn’t sit right with him no matter how much time has gone by is being out and about in a normal shop with normal people. It just never feels quite normal. He will of course insist on coming with you anytime you want to go shopping but other than that he doesn’t express any interest in exploring things like the cinema or public pools. Public places with so many people make him uncomfortable, especially with the way he’s recognised now because of the debacle with his dad.
His sanctuary is being in your arms, chatting with Saeyoung and your little farm together. (farmer Saeran brainrot)
Saeran devotes everything he has to you, that fact does not change no matter how much time passes. Every choice he makes is with you in mind, despite the fact you trying to dissuade him in order for him to form his own choices. But they are still his own decisions that he was free to make, he didn’t decide these things because he felt indebted to you but rather because he simply adores you and that was what he wanted to do to show you.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 8 months
Okay, now for the other part of the ask!!
Zevlor/halsin / (Nsfw or sfw or both) how they are after a few years together
they have a little cottage in the slowly rebuilding Shadow Curse lands
Zevlor has a flourishing garden in which he grows most of their vegetables, as well as a myriad of flowers. Halsin is so proud of him and spends a fair bit of time assisting him
Despite both of them being "retired" they spend their days acting as the town's sheriffs, keeping the general peace
they are also known to run a bed and breakfast for those passing through to Baldur's Gate and have become quite well known as the "old married couple with an army of wooden ducks and the best omelettes you'll ever have" guests expect to leave with at least a tiny wooden duck Halsin carves for them while they're there
Zevlor can be found on the porch with his feet up and a brimmed hat tipped back napping 80% of the time, with an unusually large dog at his feet snoring away
Halsin spends his days running the orphanage of the town; making sure all the kids are fed and cared for, as well as attending their schooling and not driving the teacher insane.
Zevlor volunteers as well, watching over the ones who require special accommodations in schooling. Need an alternative way to learn mathematics? Zevlor can probably use a hand in the garden, why don't you come pick some plants and we'll see what we can do
they considered adopting one or two of the orphans but decided that it would show favourtism so ultimately they just let the orphans consider both of them as their fathers
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