#what being a film bro does to a mf
atomicradiogirl · 4 months
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literally seeing dune part 2 at 10 in the morning
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fleurmiss · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ i hope nobody catch us, but i kinda hope they catch us.
- ,, neteyam x fem reader
- ,, you and neteyam get caught making out?
- ,, warnings - SUGGESTIVE! adults watch out this is a teenager ur reading abt. minors be careful yo, making out, neteyam is like deadass whipped for u.., can u guys tell i love when character is whiny and so inlove atp??
-‘๑’- les - childish gambino
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Your friendship with Neteyam is not exactly.. per say, a friendship. Its what you would technically call it, since you both gave it no other said title. But we all know you guys aren’t just friends, lo’ak knows, kiri knows, spider knows, jake and neytiri know, hell, even tuk knows. Everyone acts oblivious as it is.
There are times where you wonder what your relationship really is, anything but “just friends” comes to mind, some specific memories take you back and give you scary realizations.
For instance, that one time when the whole crew was hanging out together in the forest, our designated hangout spot, you showed up a little after everyone else because you had errands to run, and Neteyam had saved a spot just for you.
“hey guys”
“y/nnnnnnnn” tuk smiles at you and runs towards you with her arms outstretched, signifying her desire to be picked up and spun by you, you do just that and laugh with her. “What’s little girl doing here with the big kids” you question teasingly, knowing Tuk dislikes being called a little girl.
“y/n, finally bro , i almost thought you ditched us” lo’ak says dramatically and spider and kiri laugh, you walk to the group with Tuk in your arms as you slap the back of lo’ak’s head, Tuk jumping out of your arms to go lay in Kiri’s lap.
You look at neteyam, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you since the moment you came into their vision, he’s leaning against a tree, sitting with his legs spread quite a bit, manspreading was a trait neteyam got from his father, and it was so hot.
He pats the space between his legs, and you happily oblige. “hi” you whisper when you look up at neteyam, his chin resting on your head, his arms encircling your figure, thumb rubbing sweet circles on your thigh. “hi sweetheart” he flashes you his infamous smile.
Or that one time when you went hunting for rabbits with him in the forest, you just couldn’t set your aim right, it was getting so frustrating you almost cried. But hey, you have neteyam with you, don’t worry!
He helps you fix your posture, his chest pressing up against your back, he’s so close you can feel his breath on your cheek, his deep voice rumbling in your ear that tells you to focus makes you do quite the opposite. How could you possibly focus when he’s this close to you? Your insides are exploding with butterflies, your lower belly warm and your lip almost draws blood from how hard you’ve bitten it.
Somehow you end up hitting a rabbit with your arrow without even realizing and only realize the situation when you hear neteyam’s laugh and him congratulating you. “you got it y/n!!” (mf that was all you)
This man really has no idea of the effects he has on you does he?
You don’t have to think hard of moments like these with neteyam, they rush through your mind like a film reel. Countless.
No one really thought much of it when they saw you and neteyam having moments like these. No one questioned when he called you sweetheart, or his love, or beautiful, or some sort of nickname on a daily basis, not even you. All waiting for that one particular moment where you both realize its love and make it official.
Which seems so likely to happen today, the tension is thick through the roof with everything that just happened.
You’re patching him up because of course he just got into a fight with some dingus because lo’ak can’t handle a fight alone for shit.
“y/n, gentle please” neteyam lets out a low hiss as you dab a piece of cloth on the cut that bleeds on his jaw.
You’re angry with him, he knows that. And god, he’s angry with himself too, but what’s he gonna do if his baby won’t talk to him?
He doesn’t know what to say, anything to ease the tension, so he decides to go with
“are you upset?” he looks at you with soft eyes
you move his face around to find any other cuts to deal with, his chin between your fingers “so upset, you don’t even know” you hold back a grin at his quiet voice.
“im sorry y/n, lo’ak would get his ass handed to him if i wasn’t there” he sounds so desperate, which he is, for you.
your heart swells, you wanna play.
you put on an act and look away from him, huffing in faux anger.
“y/n please” he whispers, looking at you with pure distress in his eyes, you think you can even see tears. He’s so hard to resist right now, how is he not catching onto your game?? Or maybe he is playing along?
You decide you’re done. With two things.
Torturing him, and torturing yourself.
You stroke the apple of his cheek with your thumb, swiping at the tear that dare fall from his eye “take it easy neteyam” he nods eagerly, he’ll listen to you until he dies.
You sigh, and clean up the cloth and medicine and get ready to leave, standing up but neteyam grabs your wrist and pulls you down, onto his lap, his arms circling your waist as he holds you close to him.
His forehead rests on your collarbone and you stroke his hair.
“okay, nete look at me..” he obeys.
you cup his face in your soft hands, he nuzzles against them and you lean forward, you look at his eyes and he’s already closed them. God!!! He’s so cute you could squeal!!!
You smash your lips against his and his hands automatically bring you closer, your legs straddling his lap as you run your hands through his hair, grazing at his nape.
Neteyam pulls away to look at you for a split second, and you look so so pretty he just can’t hold his tongue, “i love you” he whispers against your lips, three words meant for you and you only. He goes back to kiss you before you could reply, he gives you a few open-mouthed kisses before you mewl into his mouth and he crumbles.
Neteyam groans and he attaches his lips to your jaw, giving you gentle kisses that trail down to your neck, “i love you so much y/n” you wonder where he learnt this from.
“i love you neteyam” you whisper as you feel yourself grow more impatient as time goes.
he kisses you again and you feel him smile into the kiss, your chest is warm, neteyam intertwines his hand with yours and it becomes sloppy quiet fast.
you’re both a mess, whining into each others mouths , you’re so deep into it you don’t even realize footsteps getting louder and louder, eventually you are pulled out of your fantasies when you hear neytiri address her son right before she catches sight of you both in this sinful activity, you pull apart suddenly and scramble to get off his lap, failing miserably as neteyam seems opposed to the idea of letting go of you.
“neteyam! fuck!” you whisper-yell and shove your face into his shoulder, his hands still on your hips as he sputters to explain to his mother what she just witnessed
Neytiri coughs.
“mother i was just- we were- “
“making out?” Neytiri chuckles and shakes her head, making her way out after grabbing the plate you used to fix neteyam’s wounds.
“neteyammmmmm i can’t do this right noww” you cry embarrassed into his shoulder and he shudders at the thought of his mom knowing what you guys were doing. He laughs soon after, snaking his hands around your waist as he holds you in his lap
“i don’t know this isn’t all that funny nete” you grumble and shake your head, “poor neytiri”
“no.. poor neteyam, i didn’t get to finish “making out” with you” he says, putting up fingers meant to imitate quotation marks to mock his moms words.
you slap his arm gently “as much as i was enjoying, i don’t wanna risk getting caught again.. ewya forbids its tuk next time.. i would never even kiss you again”
he gasps, putting a hand over his chest to fake his hurt and you giggle at his expression
he kisses you again, and again, and again until you have to put your hand over his lips and tell him to stop in between a fit of giggles, he laughs with you “just kissing you enough so i don’t die when you refuse me later” you grin so hard your cheeks hurt, but its so worth it.
You hear lo’ak , spider , kiri, jake , and tuk cheering from outside, “GO BIG BRO” “is y/n my actual sister now?” “ugh finally they stopped beating around the bush” “thats my son, on his lap?? thats literally us neytiri!”
Oh.. Neytiri told them. Great!
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gnomeniche · 2 years
dhmis human / normal world au thoughts
same au from here. no pics this time bc i don’t feel like drawing right now.
ft. red’s weird videos, arguments over youtube influencing, yellow’s metaverse-obsessed computer professor and classmate, yellow’s shitty dad, and random fun facts about these guys’ backgrounds. i’m getting silly with it
red’s weird videos
the other two know red makes weird short films but they don’t actually know what they’re like until he forgets to lock his room one day and yellow, curious, takes a peek and comes out yelling at duck that there’s bloodied viscera covered in glitter all over red’s desk. and he comes home and has to clarify to his panicking housemates that it’s not real meat and it’s for one of his videos. i know i said he wants to work on children’s tv but i mean it in like. the flapjack sense. something weird and fun and a little creepy.
even though yellow is creeped out at first he gets over it. he actually gets really into it and begs to help out. red eventually lets these two help on One project. yellow has really good ideas for like, aesthetics and the stuff that he does is really kooky and colorful. he is doing computer stuff for his major but he is also artistically inclined.
duck tries to make music for the short and it’s not, like, good, but red decides it fits the weird vibe he’s going for so he uses it anyway. duck is the least artistbrained of the trio but he is living with two artistbrained mfs so he wants to participate in like, his own mean and loud way.
yewchewb influencing
also when duck finds out that red posts stuff to youtube he is FLABBERGASTED by how red could succeed as an influencer and not HIM even though he’s tried multiple times. red has to explain that he is not an influencer, he’s a weird short film maker that has a tiny patreon. duck is like well that’s silly you have to build a good parasocial relationship to succeed online. red is like i think you’ve misunderstood that term. duck is like whichever way you slice it i’m more charismatic! and red is like well it’s a good thing i don’t put my voice or face online then. duck asks why not and red responds that he has a horrible stage presence and also his mouth is all fucked up. duck is like well i’d like looking at your face and red is like. really?
and there’s a long silence where both of them wonder if something lgbt just happened in their weird conversation until duck is like anyway being an influencer is— and red is like okay we’re done talking now and leaves to go edit his vids.
yellow the computer boy ft. colin and warren
speaking of yellow’s computer stuff colin is probably, like, one of yellow’s professors at college. he’s a nice dude to hang out with but he sucks ass at teaching. he’s way too into the metaverse like bro shut up about the future of digital living and teach your class. warren is in this same class but he’s so into the metaverse shit. he keeps trying to get too friendly with yellow and yellow dissociates every time they talk.
he invites himself over to the guys’ house bc he’s pushy and yellow is not fast enough to say no. by the end of the night warren has pissed off both the other two so badly that duck is about to get into a physical altercation with him (at this point the other two have explained why crypto is bad to him so he does not bond with warren over that) and red is considering throwing some fake blood packets at him. warren tells yellow that his friends are assholes and he’s never coming over again. yellow thanks his friends profusely for this.
eventually warren gets kicked out of colin’s class. bc even the metaverse cannot make someone like an annoying man
roy comes to visit
roy rarely shows up but for once he announces that he is coming and yellow is so so so excited for the first time his dad gets to meet the new friends. he spends all day getting the other two to help him clean up and when roy arrives he tries to get him to hang out and play some computer games but all roy does is come in, look around to make sure nothing’s too broken, stare creepily/disapprovingly at the other two, and leave without saying a single word.
yellow says he’s just happy his dad was here but he’s clearly upset and hides out in his room. duck calls roy many names to try and cheer yellow up and yellow gets mad at him about it and they yell at each other and don’t speak for the rest of the night. they make up the next day tho. red ends up being the one who gets yellow to open up bc he’s generally more tactful abt his dislike of roy and also he and yellow have shitty emotionally distant family solidarity.
fun facts section:
yellow and roy look nothing alike and the other two are confused when roy shows up like wait you guys are related? this is also the strongest evidence that lesley is not his biomom because he looks nothing like her either. where did he get it from
yellow Did fall in with a cult once for like a month bc i need to parallel everything from the series. he got out though but not before getting cult married and then cult divorced. i actually think yellow has had a bunch of weird brief experiences in his life that he brings up in passing and then when the other two stare at him he learns that those aren’t just things that happen to people. how is it possible for one man to have been caught up in so many hijinks
red has a shitty emotionally distant family BUT he Is 100% the cool gay relative to his younger cousins. they’re the only ones who get along with him. at some point the three guys go to red’s family reunion and the other two decide to absolutely ruin the party when they see how rude his family is to him.
the other guys do not let red choose the movie for movie night except during spooky season bc he always brings either the weirdest experimental film you will ever see or an episode of an obscure children’s show from the 1950s that gives off massive analog horror vibes but which he finds delightful. i think your tastes are great red and i would love to watch with you
i think yellow’s name in this au is dennis bc i always liked that hc. dennis gold? gould? color puns n shit. i dunno if i wanna go fanon names for the other two. yknow, harry and robin. but either way “red” is what people call red in this universe even tho that isn’t his real name. duck is not called duck though. that would be silly.
and that’s all i have for you folks today. thanks for making it through All That
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bylertruther · 1 year
what byler moment do you love the most? And what moment made click and see that Mike has feelings for Will too?
my favorite byler moment is the rain fight hands down. it's THEEEE byler moment to end all byler moments undeniably n irrefutably. the only ones that come close are the shed scene and the dear billy bedroom talk because it reaffirms the shed scene speech. i love the rain fight though bc mike asks him if he really thought they would be together forever without girlfriends and will, even as his heart has been shattered into a million pieces at "it's not my fault you don't like girls," he still says yes. i did. i really did.
and then, after moping and complaining and being totally unsure of how to make up with el, he does EXACTLY what max said mike would do for her, for will. he doesn't need lucas to walk him through it, he does it of his own volition instinctively. not for his girlfriend... but for will. literally bikes across town in the pouring rain!!! the romance film antics of it all...
and then!! we get will crying in castle byers while memories are overlayed that focus on mike's voice and then will tears a photo of them right down the middle. like...... it's just... SO MUCH? will not backing down and saying he DID want forever with mike? and then in s4 he repeats the same thing that mike threw in his face? which could suggest that it's something they've dreamed abt before everything got complicated & suggests will is still always true to himself? and mike chasing after will, breaking his own heart, too, because the fact of the matter is he NEVER wanted to lose will and yet he feels that he's pulling away from him anyway and there's nothing he can do to stop it, even with all of his calls that never even go through. i just. AHHHH!!! THE RAIN FIGHT!!!! cements tht will IS special, even and perhaps ESPECIALLY from el. mike consistently CANNOT give her what he is expected to, because he's too busy giving it to WILL without EVER needing to be coached or told to. byler rain fight solos >>>>>>>>>
i mean, season two in general made me kinda 👀🏳️‍🌈⁉️ bc even though we're shown that mike is the biggest sweetheart, the care that he showed will was just special. and entirely over the top and reckless and dogged (ahem "only love makes you that crazy sweetheart and that damn stupid") just like in s1. and saying he was the best thing he'd ever done? insanity. i thought even with the snowball that they were headed in that direction but then season three came and punched me in the tit so i lost all hope lol.
BUT THEN !!!!!!!!!!!! s4 came and revived me with a defibrillator. the hug threw me off bc i was like oh my godddddddd DON'T TELL ME THIS BOY IS BACK ON HIS MF BULLSHIT BRO PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE but then. dear lord. WHEN HE GOT ALL WEIRD ABT THE PAINTING? i know a gay when i see one, bro. he had no reason to be weird abt the painting if not gay. AND THEN THE RINK-O-MANIA FIGHT? WE'RE FRIENDS! WE'RE. FRIENDS. BROOOOOOOO THE HOMOSEXUALITY WAS THREW THE ROOF IT'S OVER!!!!!! GIVE IT A REST!!!!!!! that was all i needed 2 see. that, on top of everything else we've previously seen? and then the dear billy scene? hi, gay. welcome back, we missed u dearly.
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profictiontheatre · 6 months
1, 4, 10, 12! your choice who :3
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
For Kev, because I never tire of ranting about how his shipping game in the fandom is pathetic. Everyone ships him with the side character who's one joke is that he's gay and repressed, when his devoted bestie who has could have a friends to enemies to lovers dynamic with him is RIGHT THERE.
Also Nabulungi x Price is cute
I'm just a multishipper and a poly soul, I don't understand the hatred towards shipping Kev with literally ANYBODY else,,
Basically my hot take is that Pricingham, Nabu x Price and Nabupricingham are all cute and if we accepted this as a society maybe the bom fandom wouldn't be ded
4) do you feel like you have to defend your f/o all the time? 
Victoria. Because this one isn't really about her, it's just about Cats in general. I swear to god, so many people to my face will insult me when I say I like her or they try to make me say that I hate the 2019 film beforehand. Like, I don't and I'm past the point in my life where I'm ashamed of what I enjoy. Cats in all its forms is one of my favorite medias ever, and when someone does this to me while I'm just trying to gush about my f/o, I immediately lose respect for them. It's so mean for no reason. I'm clearly talking about how happy something makes me (and this even has happened a bunch in selfship spaces that are supposed to be positive), why do you have to butt in to make sure that I know you think the art style is ugly or you don't like the show or whatever. I don't do that to anyone else talking about their f/os.
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?
IDk who to even pick for this because my type is so obvious, I go into like every media knowing I'm gonna fall for one of these mfs and honestly? I'm kinda embarrassed bc I know I'm not once, ever, going to be normal about a cute sunshine baby guy ever again .
Here is a compilation image I made of how often this has happened to me:
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bro im so predictableeeeeee I just like them . they spark joy
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant.
Honestly im so fucking tired of how anti-centered the selfship space is. Like I cannot articulate in words how mad it makes me that this space which used to be considered by "normal" people to be taboo, weird, and full of people who would "never get laid in real life because they're gross" or whatever has been taken over by these moral crusaders who want to start shaming us in our own community.
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meluene · 1 year
Yes both ichiruki and destiel were used by TPTB to sell their product than at the end were done dirty. I wonder do you ship anything else, or only ships that were sunk ? Me, for example I'd be surprised if any of the ships I really love would ever be made canon, but I despise baiting of any kind; I mean you're either honest to yourself and your vision from beginning to end, even if might hurt your sales, or you listen to the feed-back from your fans, give them what they want and make money. And fans should stop supporting, authors/studios that lie to them.
Hi! Though I sometimes ship other pairings, there is no other that bring me so much pain as ichiruki and destiel does xD. I do not regret shipping both, but to this day I suffer greatly about The Endings TM. To be totally honest with you, I think the truth about Bleach ending was bit different than the whole "case" of Spn.
I believe the Ichigo/Rukia pairing was originally meant to be, but Kubo changed it at some point, and as the result the Bleach ending does not make any sense. It is true not only for ichiruki, but for basically everyone in the story - we've got so many unresolved issues and plot holes, characters are just seem to be made unhappy, that it is hard to believe it was not intentional. Because I was at this point actively reading manga every week to the very end, I remember vividly how even in Japan people (both readers and people somehow invested in the Bleach franchise) did not react well to the ending - the story pointed for so many years that Ichigo/Rukia was endgame, that the whole ending was fiasco. In fact, the ending was so bizzare that they had to promote the franchise with Rukia and Ichigo stickers to sell anything at that point. Even the Bleach film on Netflix was focused only on OG squad and the early story of Ichigo and Rukia because it was the only time when the whole story made sense lol. Let's not forget the super awkward/sad Rukia during her wedding and shitty story how Ichigo supposedly fell in love with Ori.
In manga industry, the mangaka is the one person responsible for the story and Kubo sank his own work - I believe he could be pushed to some extent (there were rumors he had the time limit to finish the story and he was bitter mf at the end), but still I think he did change the ending and it did not rhyme with the OG plot of the manga. Bleach suffered greatly, the anime was cancelled for many years and it was marked as a story which started super strong (as one of the great three) and ended poorly. Kubo did this, shame on him, I hate him, he can suck bag of dicks.
In SPN story, as we all know, Cas was not meant to stay at the show at all. The whole romance between him and Dean somehow happened, I think it was the result of brilliant writing of SOME of the screenwriters AND Misha & Jensen acting. It started at some point of the story and some of the cast and crew started to support it (bless their souls) not to mention the destiel fans. The pairing though was not warm welcomed by everyone and I do believe people responsible for the show were scared to go with it despite the clear romance going on. Bob Wess did brilliant "Deep Dive" series about it (and yes, I've seen it all in one day because I'm not well on my brain) and I trully think in the SPN case, we've got much more people to blame for the the shit ending. There were actors, writers, producers AND some fans that did not want Dean to be bi and at the same time wanted the only bro ending. The story was pushed in some bizzare corner where we end with two dead brothers, despite the 15 years of journey, progress and FAMILY they made in between. I think that in those circumstances, with so many people working on the show and being against the pairing, allowing Castiel's confession was miracle itself.
To conclude, I believe the film industry is still not in the good place and in case of SPN we witnessed strange fight between screenwriters/actors/producers and others insiders that had different idea for the show itself and how it was supposed to end. Unfortunately, the "winning" team was the one of "let's kill gays, Eileen, and forget progress" and as the result, the ending is not fulfilling - there is no peace we were promised. Open ending would've been better than offing everyone, the whole family that was supposed to not end with blood was shattered and gone from the screen. The creators of SPN were scared of bi Dean and any gayness that occured in the story - shame on them for that. And yes, people responsible for the ending should suffer - but I don't think they do realise the shittness of their decisions, just like Tr*mp doesn't realise he is crazy.
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0tivez · 3 years
random, slightly specific jjk dating headcanons part 2
(cause i have a lot of them)
warnings: gojo being gojo, slight nsfw, mostly gender neutral, manga spoiler(s) tagged below
first one did great! thanks guys! and since i'm an attention whore, i offer you part 2. here's part 1 and my growing masterlist
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⁜loves it when you wear his clothes, so he purposefully buys clothes the colors you like
⁜calls you the cheesiest pet names
⁜definitely a "bros before hoes" kinda guy. will open geto's calls even mid sex
⁜okay they will DEFINETELY yell "heeell yeaaaa" at each other if he picks up mid sex
⁜not even a hello
⁜ dumbasses (affectionate)
⁜ doesn't find expensive dinner dates exciting, he would rather take you to a smaller, comfier place
⁜ will talk about movies for HOURS
⁜ he will spoil the film while watching it
⁜ like... when you're watching films together at home, he will stare at your face to see your reaction
⁜ you turn around and see this: (⊙‿⊙)
⁜ won't shut up during the film either
⁜ prints out your nudes
⁜ loves bunny costumes
⁜ will call you bunny too
⁜ loves showing you off. he wants to make other people jealous
⁜ is actually really insecure. he won't know what to do when you compliment him
⁜ loves it when you belittle him (teasingly). sometimes, it is good to know he doesn't have to be the strongest
⁜ will make you kill the spider
⁜ bites you
⁜ furrows his brows while sleeping
⁜ steals your scrunchies
⁜ smells like crayons
⁜ hates fitness. would rather do yoga or meditation, but he likes being the ripped GOD that he is
⁜ will gladly accept your request to do make up on him
⁜ mf will look better than you too
⁜ all of his books are color coordinated
⁜ hates poetry (kinnie moment ig)
⁜ has super light hands. you won't even feel him unhooking your bra/taking off your belt
⁜ his hand is always on your thigh while driving
⁜ has nipple piercings
⁜ he and gojo has matching nip piercings ALSKASKXASKDMAS bestie you're the third wheel here
⁜ "you should get the same one too!"
⁜ "this isn't a fucking friendship bracelet suguru"
⁜ won't admit it, but he would have a heart attack if you were to wear a maid costume
⁜ has sweet pet names, his favorites are "doll, darling"
⁜ sometimes while sleeping, he makes small noises in between breaths
⁜ first one to say "i love you"
⁜ he said it so casually cause he believes that saying i love you isn't important, showing you love someone is more important
⁜ and you know damn well he loves you
⁜ grab him by his belt
⁜ never misses an important date
⁜ would ask gojo to look after you when he has to be away for some time
⁜ if you're at a coctail party, let's say for business purposes, and nanami leaves you alone for a moment, he will lightly grab you by your waist behind your back and softly apologize on your ear once he returns
⁜ takes pictures of stray cats and sends them to you
⁜ he gets bored of social interactions easily, so it's common for him to just watch you lovingly while you're speaking/listening
⁜ mostly vanilla, except for when he's not
⁜ doesn't like having sex, he wants to make loOoOove
⁜ after working overtime, when you greet him with a hot bath, he will ask you to join him
⁜ you don't need to speak all the time. silence with him is comfortable
⁜ will immediately notice if you're upset. won't ask you what's wrong right away, he will hug you and comfort you first
⁜ acts like he doesn't like nudes but he does, he really does
⁜ warned you about gojo a hundred times on the ride to your first time meeting him
⁜ "if you ever feel uncomfortable just tell me"
⁜ "i'm sure i'll be fine, nanami"
⁜ "...gojo is a dumbass, y'know?"
⁜ isn't jealous, he fully trusts you
⁜ doesn't sweat at all??? like how is that even possible??
⁜ grunts in his sleep it's kinda hot ngl
⁜ (manga spoiler) usually doesn't really like talking about haibara with others, but he likes talking about him with you. he feels comforted and safe with you, something he doesn't feel often
⁜ buys the most unnecessary shit from his grocery trip
⁜ you probably have 5 untouched bottles of dish soaps cause hE ThOugHt yOu weRe RunNinG OuT
⁜ likes to be the small spoon sometimes
⁜ grabs you by your hip while walking
⁜ doesn't know how to cook for his life
⁜ before you two moved in, he only survived through noodles, cereal and beer
⁜ he gets excited every time you offer too cook, even though it has become a routine for you
⁜ won't help with the chores and then nag about you not doing something well enough for his liking
⁜ which results in you smacking him down and yelling
⁜ he helps with the chores now
⁜ will hop into the shower with you unannounced
⁜ will surprise you with small things that excite you, like a bar of chocolate or a mug
⁜ always puts the curtains in the wrong row
⁜ this is getting too domesticated let's get spicier
⁜ flirts with other women cause he doesn't think it means something. it's just so casual for him that he can't understand why you would get mad over it. he chose you after all
⁜ can't remember names
⁜ likes clothes that accentuate your features, but not in the super tight way
⁜ like dresses that hug your breasts and waist but has a puffier skirt, jeans that are skinny on the top and flared on the bottom etc etc
⁜ ass guy
⁜ snores a lot too, will deny that he does tho
⁜ once you show him that he DOES snore through a video, he responds with "real men snore"
⁜ fuck you toji
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thank you guys for the support on part 1! i love it when you comment and reblog, so please interact with me! my askbox is always open (Φ ω Φ)
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buckmepapi · 2 years
I saw Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness yesterday so spoiler warning, I’m gonna give my opinion below under the cut.
Like serious spoiler warning I’m going to be talking about specific things, so if you still moan after these warnings you can eat a bag of multidimensional hairy dicks
What the fuck was that ?
Honestly. I hate to say it because I’m a marvel ass-licker and I hate admitting anything my autistic special interest does is bad, and it wasn’t, but I’m kinda on the fence about whether I loved it or hated it - I’m gonna watch it again in a few days to really take it in properly the second time around.
But one thing I am annoyed about is how the fuck you can say you have The Illumanti and have pretty much all the OG members and not Namor ????? WHEREMST THE FUCK IS ME SWEET ANGSTY SUB MARINER BOI?!
That really annoyed me lol
I’ve never been a fan of Raimi’s spiderman films, like I think tobey is a great actor, but I think those films are objectively not good. Don’t get me wrong, I still like them, it’s nostalgic and it’s fun and silly, but from a movie watching point of view it’s cringe, shit acting, bad and lazy writing, poor cgi, and all around cheesy.
But I have a love / hate relationship with those moviee so it’s hard to give a definitive answer.
Raimi definitely channeled all that cheesy cringe action shots / scene transitions and cheesy lines into this movie but I guess it kinda made it great though because it captures how zany and cheesy and ridiculous doctor strange comics are (and the classic og marvel comics in general) ,,, so I do kind of hate it and love it in that regard also - it’s probably because I was not expecting that type of style for a marvel film so it’s just taken me aback. I think once I watch it again in a few days I’ll love it Lmao
Right so all that out of the way , those fucking horror scenes and all the other spooky elements *chef kiss* very scary and very unnerving and fucking badass very cool MWAH
Honest to god the horror elements and references were super cool and flowed nicely.
The unexpected deaths was fucking ace, I love when movies do that bc it’s so out of left field, it’s very Deadpool 2 x force-esque and I loved it.
Idk if y’all have ever read Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe but it gave me those vibes, if you read it you’ll know what I mean
Especially the scene where professor x is in Wanda’s mind, there was a moment where it looked like he was looking directly to the camera and I thought for a brief fleeting moment they were going to have him look into the camera, go wide eyed and say “oh” before having his brain completely melt - which is professor x’s death in the Deadpool comic I mentioned, it just really reminded me of it and with Xavier being in Wanda’s mind at the time I thought maybe reading her mind or seeing how self aware she was would cause his brain to implode with the knowledge that none of his world was real a La Deadpool kills the mcu
This film though did feel disappointing. I don’t think this will be the last of the multiverse concept in marvel obviously, but it felt wrong to have the first introduction into different universes and their hero’s variants be only 2 hours long, it felt like it should have been more of a Zack Snyder feature length film
There was no mention of loki and kang and their timeline issues - which you’d think would have been in the film
You’d also have thought with multiverses and such opening up that all 3 spidey boys would be back as well but nah - so that was weird too
Kang is literally related to Reed Richards so he is one of the most intelligent human beings there is, he is one of the biggest threats to the timeline the mcu has but I guess the mf must have been on vacation
Also are you telling me that one of the universes most intelligent men, the man responsible for creating the COUNCIL OF REEDS was fucking dumb enough to say oh yeah black bolt can kill you by opening his mouth , like bro why did you not just shut the fuck up HAHA
But then again the death scenes were so fucking awesome
I guess the film is a 7/7.5 out of 10
I think the horror sequences bumped up those scores for me tho. I deffo have more to say but I’m probably forgetting a lot of stuff so I’ll be back with more to say once I’ve watched it again 😎
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
thoughts on reverse transmigration with dbd characters?
many thoughts.
usually the love interest is reverse-transmigrated so... who?
what age are you bringing these people over?
is zyx going back to their modern first life? or do they know zyx but this life's zyx doesn't know them?
is this crack or is this semi-serious?
are they coming full-on 'i got lost from dragon con' or 'i'm a classmate that woke up with a whole 'nother life that i just remembered'?
if there is any iteration that modern-day zyx has to house more than one motherfucker. ANon. my guy. good, dear anon
Tumblr media
why? zyx (i) is a poor grad student, floating above poverty line but one incident away from eating shit at all times. zyx (i) could ask their parents to help but what the fuck no they'd kill me
how do you even begin explaining anything
modern-day zyx (okay it's fucking me) i am beholden to so many people, that if even one fucking dude shows up i will have to explain myself to a minimum of eight people within three hours of the transmigrator making contact.
there's no room in my apartment. even pre-quarantine, it's a tight 3.5 people (3 + cat + friend who really really liked roommate #2 and basically lived w us) and only 1.5 bathrooms.
i'm gonna have to feed them. i love feeding people but on my terms and on my schedule only
the main inside joke of that time, between my friends, was '____ okay, then; pay rent'. how are they gonna pay rent???
if you're making zyx transfer back to their life after going through even a bit of their second life, congrats that's it you broke 'em. no longer a functional being.
(y'know, i always held a morbid curiosity of what happens after to the teens that become heroes; when they finish the hero's journey and need to come back to society. it must feel like living in a parallel dimension, like a ghost.)
also you're bringing the new love interest transmigrator along. into a place where i already have emotional ties, a partner, and a life we're building. like those romcom films where old quirky love interest breaks up long-time couple, it sucks for the collateral.
transmigrator lover-boy/girl, even if zyx has gotten as far as getting together with them in xianxia hell, if zyx wants to keep their mind intact: no more love.
the only way this won't be painful is if dbd zyx doesn't come over, but transmigrator does. they need to find the zyx equivalent and survive/whatever quest for a duration before they can return.
upon meeting zyx irl, zyx receives untraceable bank transfers that cover boarding this mf. they need to convince zyx (and her bf, and her roommates, and her friends, and her cat) to let them stay.
(dude, what the hell i'm fucking almost 30 i don't want to deal with no fucking teenybopper i got shit to do)
(i cannot imagine a dbd character around my age transmigrating that's happy, unless it's post-dbd if dbd isn't too bittersweet; thus i keep imagining teen/young adult transmigrator(s))
(or dbd zyx co-piloting modern zyx body to help, and will eventually leave)
bro. 我的普通话很普通 okay??? even worse than that.
we'd be google translating shit this whole fucking time
is this a reverse-transmigration where mdzs will exist for them to see? that's ultra-messy. vetoed.
pre-quarantine i was at the lab for most of the day... and still taking classes. they can't tag along for work bc it's personnel-controlled based on clearance, and i can't protect them from being called on in a grad-level lecture. where do i put them??? Do they play video games at home?
do i have to work from home earlier than 2020?
you know, the easiest person to put up with is mianmian. and/or wen qing.
they'll really cut into my gym time
(in a very far-off extra post-possible-wangxian-ot3, this is a temporary scenario via the dream incense.
you know how the first incense extra was about lwj opening up to wwx, humanizing him, assuaging his deepest desires/worst fears?)
Her nose wrinkles and expression turns disdainful, as it always does when something was perceived odious. The scent?
Wei Ying discreetly sniffs the incense burner. Perhaps due to it not being the customary sandalwood they both have grown used to, within the Jingshi?
Zhu Lin is oddly sensitive to things as such.
"Unfortunately, this one has some records to peruse," she said, grabbing Lan Zhan's zhongyi and waiyi to quickly cover up and head towards the library. No one would bother stopping either of Hanguang-Jun's special guests. "Enjoy the night," she adds, fingers dance across Wei Ying's jaw, an appreciative stare over Lan Zhan's form and a small uptick of the mouth, before leaving.
Still so modest, Wei Ying smiles and briefly holds where she touched, who could have imagined? He turns his attention from the door to Lan Zhan, whose eyes' gleam intensify with the light of the rising moon. Wei Ying sets the incense burner down and saunters over to his half-dressed lover, letting his red hair ribbon fall like a caress down his body.
Despite their third being absent, it does not preclude the remaining pair from activities.
When they wake, it is to discover that they fell asleep between further disrobing and settling on the bed while kissing. There is nothing to lament - both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were thoroughly undone within their shared dream, satisfied in all ways. It is a first that both he and Lan Zhan awaken at the same time - at the hour of compromise between their usual habits.
Lan Zhan's eyes blink, and Wei Ying can see his mind rubbed raw and tender. He grabs his hands with reassurance, and Lan Zhan slowly tightens the grip in security and affection.
Zhu Lin is still reading her records in the library, annotating in another notebook simultaneously. She makes a noise of acknowledgment when Wei Ying announces that a late breakfast (or early lunch) will be in the Jingshi.
"Almost done," she mumbles, her speech turning casual in midst of concentration, "I will likely take a nap after. In a bit, A-Ying."
"Don't let it get cold, okay?"
"Mhhm." A glare at the book. "Fuckin - ..." her mumbles become incomprehensible.
Both he and Lan Zhan have appointments, and it is not until the sun is halfway to the horizon that they have an opportunity to check on Zhu Lin in the Jingshi.
She lays not on the bed, but on the floor in front of the table and curled under the borrowed robes of last night. Lunch has been picked clean. Lan Zhan hurries to their third's side, driven by the sight and the immensity of his sentiment.
"Ah, don't move her - you know she's comfortable there," Wei Ying laughs. He settles down next to her form, legs stretching out.
Lan Zhan sighs and pulls the thickest layer higher on Zhu Lin's shoulder. "I know." And then he freezes while looking around the room. "The incense burner -"
It was still burning. Rather, likely the disciple delivering their meal saw the incense reached its end, and decided to replace it.
What an opportunity! Wei Ying catches Lan Zhan's eyes, and their thoughts are as one, as always.
Wei Ying sees Lan Zhan before anything else. There is nothing else to see.
"As Zhu Lin has said, many years ago, 'those who tell tales usually have no actions to speak for them'," he starts with relish.
"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan admonishes without true reproach.
"Passion hides within the admired but secretive Zhu-gongzi," Wei Ying continues, "like my Lan-er-gege. Shall we wager to what depths?"
Lan Zhan does not respond, but Wei Ying can feel the heat radiating from him. His earlobes have flushed as though they were plucked until bruised. "She..."
The dreamscape materializes in front of them.
It... is an alien one. Gray, smooth expanse - stone-like yet shaped unlike stone. It paves the surrounding land. Neat buildings of wood and translucent glass sit before them, imposing in their regularity. Beyond that, the dreamscape is unformed.
No one is around, but it was the same with Wei Ying's dreams - until they found their counterparts.
A single door opens.
Lan Zhan turns a glance at him, and Wei Ying answers the silent question by following barely a step behind.
The inside of the building is no less puzzling. Dim from the curtains, but not derelict. Compact, packed, and Wei Ying can start to guess at the furnishings. Some of them, he amends, seeing an obsidian-black slab that reflects a warped image of the two in the entranceway.
"A dwelling," Lan Zhan says. "A residence."
"We barely saw Shuangfeng that discussion conference, didn't we?" Wei Ying thinks out loud. "And Zhu Lin has never mentioned her clan's estate."
They both mull it over, and while there is not an answer more probable -
It is a curious place. Still devoid of others as they wander its modest space. A room takes on an odd violet glow, and when they peek inside it is a room of porcelain and small potted plants.
A mirror, polished crystal and glass, shows their wide-eyed stares directed right back.
It starts to become unsettling. There is another landing in this dwelling, and they walk up the floors with woolen texture, hearing wood creak below. Another violet room, larger and a recessed basin - some sort of washroom, then.
Two doors stand closed on either side of them.
One door is locked, no matter how Wei Ying tries to coax it. The second one gives with a gentle push. It is a personal suite. Shadows dance from the sunlight streaming in.
"It's a bit cramped, isn't it?" Wei Ying comments, looking around.
"Workspace," Lan Zhan points out. "Not unlike Wei Ying's."
It holds truth. The room is packed with shelves along most of the walls, furnished densely. Bits of clothing draped for airing, bursting full wardrobes, and tables seated with strange black chairs that cannot be anything but workspaces. One table holds a plethora of little figurines, the details on them intricate and their coloring done so finely. Another obsidian-like slab on the table. Brushes more fine than the most delicate of calligraphy brushes, small pots of pigment haphazardly arranged.
The second table, which Wei Ying nearly missed but Lan Zhan inspects first, is covered with the same reflective slabs. Small ornaments litter the tiered surface of this table, all variety of implements and tools. The lower tier is stacked with papers precariously, impressive in their snow-white color and sharp, crisp forms. Upon them, there is writing and diagrams so esoteric that Wei Ying cannot begin to guess at their contents.
"... looks familiar, despite -" Lan Zhan picks up one of the papers. "If this residence is Zhu Lin's, then this must be her work."
"So diligent!" He can see the same pattern with how her strokes linger and drag, but the emphasis is on utility and speed. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan - did you pick up more than naughty words from our Zhu Lin?"
"Ridiculous," Lan Zhan responds, but again there is no heat and the earlobes reveal all. He sets the paper back down neatly.
"She's always been like this, then?" Wei Ying laughs fondly.
They turn their attention to the final section of the room. An opaque canopy flutters from the window breeze, shielding whatever is behind it from view.
"Shall you? Or shall I?" Wei Ying drawls, his heart beating with anticipation. Likely, the fun will begin here.
Lan Zhan is no less eager than he, and reaches one hand to sweep aside the curtain.
A woman lies on the bed behind the curtains. Lan Zhan nearly flinches back from the immodest state of dress, and Wei Ying himself has to steady his breathing and hold the apology on his tongue.
Fabric so thin, wrapped around flesh so obscenely, even walking out with one's inner robes would be more polite. He averts his gaze. Short trousers, barely a loincloth at this point, cover this woman's lower half. Healthy in form, well-proportioned, skin the color of diluted honey.
She is alive. She breathes. She is part of the dream.
She is asleep. Her hair - long and unruly, vibrantly colored like everything else in this dreamscape, black blending to a flushed pink like blossoms on a branch - obscures her features. Slim hands, slender fingers tangle in the pink strands like another curtain pulled shut for privacy.
Wei Ying can make out the glint of precious metal on the one exposed ear, and near her mouth.
Through these observations, she continues to sleep, languid and curled like a large tiger.
"You two."
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan turn, the surprise of someone living in this almost-unmoving dream jolting them into awareness.
Zhu Lin stands before them, dressed in Lan Zhan's robes like last night. Wei Ying is about to call out a greeting, but -
Her expression is blank. No warmth, no sly smile. Eyes watchful, posture yielding the pretense of being casual while leaning against the doorframe.
He can feel Lan Zhan tense next to him. Lan Zhan has always been more perceptive of the nuances in Zhu Lin's moods.
"This one must ask you two to step away from that woman."
Because Lan Zhan's hold on his wrist grows taut, Wei Ying does not argue and moves with Lan Zhan.
Given space in the cramped room, Zhu Lin walks over towards the bed. The few steps she takes are measured, restrained, but in a way that Wei Ying cannot help thinking she wants nothing more than to dart over.
She reaches the bed. They cannot see her expression from behind, as she stares down at the woman for a while.
Finally, she pulls the curtains shut.
"... who is she?" Lan Zhan dares to ask in the heavy silence.
"Lan-er-gongzi, is it not obvious?" Zhu Lin turns around. Her face holds the terrible smile she only puts on when forced into a fight she must desperately win.
"That is me."
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it9chi · 4 years
Hiii I don’t know if your taking request and if your not it’s fine you can totally ignore this lol :P but if you are can you do the trend of the pretty best friends with maybe Akaashi, Bokuto, and kuroo 🙈 by the way I loved the way you write the characters
how they blind react to the audio “i ain’t never seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gotta be ugly” from tiktok + find the first part here
man doing this to kuroo would be so funny
cs we know he lowkey prideful
so this would “”potentially”” hurt his ego
at least when it comes to you
cs this bitch hates losing to you no matter what
like he’s not like this to kenma usually
and u tell him its bc kenma is his favorite bestie
then he’s all like: noo ahaha who said i like kenma more than u? ahah who sed that cut the cameras
then proceeds to baby and pamper kenma right in front u
smh kuroo we were friends first 
just like oikawa, he likes inviting himself to your tiktoks, selfies, etc u know the drill
so roping him in your tiktok would be easy breezy
you set up ur camera and pretend you were getting ready to dance to that fishing pole reel it in tiktok
(also prior to this u told him abt wanting to do that tiktok w him)
and just like you predicted it, kuroo is now magically next to you smirking and shit at the camera
pulling a debby ryan yes king pop off
then the audio plays: “i aint never seen two pretty best friends. always one of them gotta be ugly”
kuroo goes :O like you did something so scandalous in front of him
even if the camera didnt hear his voice, its still kinda obvious that he said “chibi chan~”
now its ur turn to gasp
mf smirks at your reaction and picks you up like a sack of potatoes and throws you over his shoulder
all of that caught in camera
and right when he was gonna throw you on the bed the camera stops recording
y’all blow up overnight ;)))
the comments: “they gotta be more than friends!!”
“sis i’ll be his best friend if u don’t want to be his bestie anymore”
kodzuken: so y’all a thing now or-
bonus: what actually happened is kuroo tickled u and showed no mercy nor remorse </33
ahh yes bokuto
bokuto beam besties !!!!!
ft. a very very tired akaashi
you pull this shit to mess with the team
perks being the other fukurodani manager
(this is why konoha lowkey hates u but its okay queen u lowkey hate him too (as a joke)) 
so managers have to settle things right before practice starts right
after helping yukie and kaori, y’all had extra time
this is when u call bokuto in 
“bokuto lets film a tiktok real quick!” you call out to ur bestie who was with akaashi and konoha
bokuto immediately dips on them and runs to you
“what are we dancing to today?”
we know this bitch can dance lets not lie to ourselves rn
u tell him u want to do that hit the quan remix trend on tiktok and he agrees
mf even knows the step already so uh anywayz
this is the part where brokuto gets bamboozled
you click record and bokuto starts rubbing his hands together like hes about to throw that ass back and start dancing religiously
til the audio plays
“i aint never seen two pretty best friends always one of them gotta be ugly”
so that played throughout the gym
konoha and akaashi stop talking and turned their attention to you and bokuto
the realization settles in and bokuto frowns
and everyone in the gym thinks his emo mode is about to work up and they’re all about to run to him 
before bokuto lets out a big cackle
“you’re so funny sometimes, y/n” bokuto wipes a tear from his eyes from laughing so much  
bokuto suddenly goes quiet til mf starts chasing you around the gym
“BOKUTO IM SORRY” you screeched as you ran for your life
“nOPE! IF I CATCH YOU IT MEANS YOURE THE UGLY BEST FRIEND” he retorts, catching up on you
in the end the video caught u guys running around the gym
konoha took this as a chance to repost your video with the caption “what a dumbass” 
akaashi and this tiktok huh.....
do u know who u’re doing this to ??????
like akaashi???
akaashi keiji ?????????????????????????????????
this audio and akaashi just dont get along at all... like ... UGLY??? 
all in all im p sure this thing would backfire 
and im not even joking luv xoxo
you do this at home bc ... u dont want to embarauz urself doing this at school cs what if someone saw u calling THE akaashi ugly 
so yeah u have this thing w akaashi where y’all just chill at ur respective homes for no reason at all
and since akaashi is a genuinely nice guy and is a rlly rlly close friend of urs, he wont say no to ur vague requests <3
“keiji let’s do a tiktok together” you shake his arm as the mf reads a fucking book
“hmm okay” he hums, putting the book down
not forgetting to bookmark the page ! bookmark king ! knows his shit ok im getting sidetracked
you set ur phone down and angle it right
akaashi just does the bread face :] respecting ur viewers!
even if ur viewers r just the fukorodani team at best... maybe even some nekoma students bUT THATS NOT THE POINT HERE
ur trying so hard not to laugh and its so painfully obvious ur hiding something like akaashi is alr dreading cs he doesnt know what ur planning
so u press record and the audio rolls in
“i aint never seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gotta be ugly”
it turns to an awkward silence after that
cs akaashi didnt rlly know how to react
like he knows this shit is corny and just..... he cant even describe it oh god
and ur like looking at him for a reaction
hes just there like: :] ......
and akaashi is like: “yes i do :]” 
then he’s all like: “nothing. i know you’re not ugly and u shouldn’t let that meme define who you are because you are beautiful”
like a mf poet making ur heart melt 
u put a closed caption thingie mabober before u post it cs u wanted to let ppl know who or how tf ur bestie acts and damn right hes right !!! ur not ugly neither is he !!!
the comments when u posted it are all asking for his contact information and the just like
even bokuto commented like: THATS MY AKAASHI RIGHT THERE !!!!
and kuroo responds with: u cant win over him bro
and then bokuto replies again with: DUDE
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 5!!!
Personalities and jobs:
swap papyri sense of humor
yanderes with love potioned SO
New and Improved height headcanons
crush jumping on their lap and filming
meeting kid siblings
walking in on their bro and his SO being all lovey dovey
SO with emotional support cat (uf sf fsr fsg)
SO is hiding in a box
the sanses get sick (main 10 and fsg)
SO with elsa powers
SO is shy about touch (ut us uf ul)
The aquarium (all? sans, oak, pluto, coffee, mutt)
eatin cereal in their undies (ut us sf)
band child is always practicing  (all)
secretly buff SO (all)
aggressive love!
SO doesn’t like yelling (ut us uf)
crush plops in their lap
stranger flirts with SO (sf ul mt)
SO is triggered
SO is crying bc they were asked to be bridesmaid
someone is going yandere for their SO (all)
SO is studying too hard
romantic firefly (uf sf fs fsg)
SO stands up for skelly (ut uf us)
SO thinks they’re boring
The most ticklish skellys (rythm edge mal wine)
Sunbathing with SO (ut us ht ul)
SO casually takes off her bra underneath her shirt
SO survived cancer
SO looses their memory (sanses)
who would fall for updog
boys get robbed by a 12 year old
12 year old part 2
they become uncles
SO is just an emotional person (all)
SO with narcolepsy
kabedon ;)
SO gets a nosebleed 
tired and clingy SO (us uf fs fsg mf)
neighbor soulmate!
besties headcanons (us uf sfg)
crush asks for advice
BFF SO or Family: rate the skellys!
SO is cornered by a flock of geese (oak rust rythm cash jupiter lord)
messing with geese
random headcanons!
SO and stimming (ut uf fs fsg)
the final monopoly face off (snipe ace green wine)
SO’s hair gets in everything
SO has a comfort stuffed animal
depressed SO
SO slips on a banana peel (all)
SO doesn't understand sarcasm/jokes (racher wine lord oak)
SO lost a limb 
main 10 and the zombie apocolypse
male SO wears a dress (all)
easily flustered SO (ut uf us mt mf)
picking shaved hair designs (uf sf fs fsg)
SO cries after fighting a friend (us uf sf ht ul)
joker SO is feeling insecure (uf sf fs fsg)
hiccups (all)
the evil seagull (ms hf)
SO touched the butt!! (rythm rancher star pluto rust G charm sugar cash)
seeing SO after a plane crash (uf sf fs fsg)
SO gets very rudely interrupted 
SO comments during movies
SO is scared of thunder (uf ht sf fs ul)
SO has the zoomies
crush accidentally friendzones them
hairball looks like a spider (rythm green)
SO makes art with their hair in the shower (all and coffee bonus)
crush shares a hobby (uf sf us)
meeting SOs family
parachute jumping (star jupiter pluto boss)
Yandere headcanons (the mafias)
SO is the guitar hero king (all)
who likes suits (all)
SO is preggers (ft hf)
finding out he's an uncle (fs fsg ul)
animal crossing (main 10 pluto sugar)
SO has mild covid
the seagull pooped on them
Kid’s boyfriend is called daddy (ut uf us)
animal crossing snowboy (all)
gamer boys and minecraft (honey cash coffee pop G bruiser slim)
towel hats (all)
detaching limbs
the beach (all)
laugh headcanons
wet white shirt (ut uf sf ht ul)
new years kiss
SO with a prosthetic limb (sans red cash green coffee)
SO is gonna be an aunt (hf ft ul)
dancing! (all)
SO lies about face scar (ut uf us sf fsg)
SO or child. Who does he pick?
SO broke a leg (ut us uf)
cyborg SO (all)
kids love SO 
stronk SO (us sf fs fsg)
detective soulmate (mafias)
bro’s SO gifting them clothes (willow noir)
The Booty
emo phase? (main 10 and fsg dt)
The Booty (mt fsg gt)
edgy and girly SO (ut us mt mf ul)
drunk headcanons (all)
favorite physical features
why do you even wear a shirt? 
dogs! (main ten and pluto sugar)
SO defends them, what they want to hear
strong and chaotic SO (ace butch)
SO doesn’t want kids (sugar honey rust peaches)
blue and papyrus
swapfell fellswap and felswap gold shenanigans
jupiter and honey
underfell and underswap
underfell and mafiafell
underswap and horrortale
Mafiatale and undertale
outertale and horrortale
underswap and undertale
mafiaswap mafiatale and mafiafell
telling honey he’s loved
oak and his head injury
SO loves to bake
Willow’s mother henning explained
Oak purrs explained
oak’s head injury 2
oak’s SO has face blindness
horror bros go on vacation!
poly horrortale
willow gets a helpful bestie
willow headcanons
noir and sports
dating cash
cash dies and leaves behind a kid
dating butch
SO is sick
eatin cereal in their undies
edge’s SO can dish it but can’t take it
Fellswap Gold:
daughter gets a boyfriend
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lampoest · 3 years
Unfiltered thoughts watching mission impossible rouge nation inspired by @chaotically-cas
(sorry its so long my brain is all over the place)
this is also part 14 of me watching it every day :/
why is brandt first to speak
starting out with "shit" good call benji
brandt man we get the package is on the mcfucking plane
badass luther 10/10
nervous benji 10/10
that one sound effects sounds like the discord notif
why he in a fancy suit
*jumps on a plane with almost no plan on getting inside*
why did tom cruise think this was agood idea?
but like why would benji even open the ramp?
how is he not winded from that?
classic ethan
THE INTRO 1000/10
wait you can already see lane in the record shop.
how do they tell the agents these little convos?
also damn way to give it away
what if someone just looked in that room and saw the secret message?
also how did the disc get changed? because the imf definitely didnt make that
and how did lane know where he was going?
speaking of lane---
dang that man is pretty
he always sets guns down carefully
i can only see alec baldwin as trump from his snl skits so i dont take hunley seriously ;-;
damn brandt needs to step it up. man keeps letting himself be inturrupted
bruh the imf is only luck
why did no one resrict his legs?
also why is janik such an asshole?
dang she cool !!
why does it take janik so long to get that gun?
bravo-echo 1-1
this man is bleeding but decided instead of taking care of his wound he calls brandt.
i like how you actually see ethan worried and confused trying to plan his next moves. he is rarely caught off guard so it's refreshing to see his more human side
hunley spitting accusations damn bro
also a big fuck you from ethan to hunley
dang ethan is good
brandts little hidden smile
and ethan leaving trails
bitch how you sketch that good???
youve won, your way out of a job
benji is good
my little brandt x benji shipper in me is happy
simon pegg is such a good actor
the first time i saw this i was like: aww noooo
all dunn with that
i cant tell if that was ethan
it just looks like youre talking to yourself thats more sus than using a phone
want drama? go to the opera
ok but like if you look like that im sorry you are a bad guy. thats like a stereotypical bad guy face
you can see ethan in the background of that scene
flute gun flute gun
oh no benji is in the closet. dont worry man we love you
if i were there and i just had a good vantage point i could find lane in an instant
ooh ilsa pretty
pipe gun
also pamphlet computer
those key things are cool and plausible
spiderman spiderman does whatever, ethan hunt can?
a W O M A N
what W O M A N?
reminds me of a marshmallow gun i made out if pvc pipes.
why does she not put that thing back?
also the dude loads it and then later it is unloaded
dang that guy is pretty tall.
ethan is so tiny
dis bitch is like uhh gimmie a sec to catch my breath mate
why he only dropkick people?
only 30 mins in ?!?!
the cinematography is exquisite
yes benji goin sicko mode
*gets shot* just a flesh wound
bruh i would've been so startled at that
i love how confused he is at that
ilsa saves ethan once again
they did this on the first day of filming
ah yes random package in car = not bomb totally
if she tried to shoot benji then yes she is a bad person
but she didnt try to, she could've easily but didn't
benji being paranoid
she could just say the dude's name
benji being scared
hunley jumping to conclusions
brandt actually cares yeey
why di they approach from different sides of the street they were in the same car.
benji was far away from the sparks why he flinch?
friendship goals
oop plot dump that only mission impossible can get away with
why this mf's voice so smooth
lane is struggling with chopsticks
also lane :))))
ive chocked on my water so many times watching this scene
lanes voice :))))))
this man dont know what personal space is
gotta look up these peeps mbti types
casablanca references
also benji is wearing dollar store lookin glasses while ethan is wearing some fancy glasses
luther is top notch
as much as i dont like jeremy renner he delivers these lines really well
because atlee is a bitch
oh honey please, impossible is a walk in the park
benji just wants to wear a mask
id be so nervous walking through those
personal wellbeing who?
why not bring a plastic bottle full of air?
tom cruise can hold his breath for 6 minutes and he learned to do so for that scene
luther big brain
damn cctv
why did they need to break in while benji was going in?
das sus but ok
also isnt et voila french?
she just randomly tapping the ipad
benji being stressed
if he missed the exact center
i want one of those to open my locker's lock
if he just went with the current and didnt try to force his way against the water ilsa wouldn't have had to save him
imagine if he put the wrong one in-
she is breathing heavily to over saturate her body with oxygen so she can hold her breath longer
see ilsa makes it out without well and she went with the current
no you didn't
you gave her a false sense of security
ethan's confused face for the next like 10 mins is great
why does that one man look like sean ambrose?
the facial acting in this
the glare yesss
vrrrm vrrm
hey its you !
drivin like a grandma
shit !
benji just screaming
im convinced that ethan is indestructible
no you didn't survive that
ethan didnt just-
also why didnt benji just tell ethan he made a copy ???
dont shoot and drive kids
high speed motorcycle chase with no helmet or leather. tom cruise, how?
i wanna learn how to drive a motorcycle
the lighting
ofc brandt would be the person why sits backwards on a chair. fkn bi vibes
benji to the rescue
fuck off atlee
i am so proud of us ...
the lines are done so well here
benji lookin like how i look when my parents argue
im too fucking gay for this movie-
once again no personal space
*inhales* :))))))))))))))
ive like memorized the entire script of this including the music
1 man performance of m:i5 ???
benji's outfit
also i love how youre able to see the characters in the background. props for the attention to detail
i need that haircut because his hair is lookin A+
fuck you atlee
ilsa spitting straight facts
uhh ilsa he still loves julia
speak of the devil-
actin sus
his posture shdhskhsj (i cant be talking though)
0 personal space whatsoever
why does everyone have the same haircut in this???
simon mcburney pretending to be hunt prentending to be atlee
manipulation !?
the syndicate you say ? i know a thing or two about them 😼😼😼
damn though renner delivers these lines really well
a black tie? how informal. ..
complimenting hunt right infront of him
but he really didnt
i never realized that they were on the clock for this
the lil head nod though-
is it bad that i hate atlee more than i hate lane?
ethan big smart wrinkle brain
janik just reading a fucking magazine
ethan has a photographic memory
oh look its benji :)))
lane :))))
ethan being tough
it must be aquward to get the low angle shots
lane is running out the clock to put pressure on ethan hmmm big brain
it isnt working though :\
damn he so cocky that hes telling the villain his plan
ill give you 1/5 of the money you wanted to get my bf back
ok but like does tom cruise just not age?
kill the woman
ugh i hate janik
the trust that is shown between those two is great
yes the score and the chase are so great
also this man really hates windows for some reason
fuck off janik
sneaky sneaky
yeyy janik is dead
once again dodging bullets and hating glass
couldve killed him but needed him alive
the glass box
badass ethan
all the pretty men assembled
lane really let himself go aster this
dang though lane is my favorite villain ever
i like how for once the girl and the guy just are friends instead of romantically involved
eyy the callbacks to how the movie started.
welcome to the imf
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chameli · 3 years
I watched Aadmi Khilona Hai (1993) and oh boy, was it a steaming pile of shit. 
Read at your own risk.
This film is about two brothers, Sharad (Govinda) and Madan (Jeetendra). Sharad is an orphan who was raised by his older brother, whom he also kind of worships as a God. Madan is married to Ganga (Reena Roy) and they have a daughter, Guddi. Ganga is also pregnant, which we only know because she randomly ends up in the hospital to give birth.
Sharad meets Poonam (Meenakshi Seshadri) at college by - you guessed it - being a complete creep. She blows him off but they keep running into each other. They eventually fall in love. Poonam is poor and lives with her grandfather and sleazy uncle. Some random guy her uncle hangs around (played by Dalip Tahil) is in lust with Poonam and will stop at nothing to get her. The uncle helps this creepy old dude, but Poonam overhears and runs away.
***MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING*** While Poonam is trying to escape these goons, their jeep runs over two homeless old men sleeping in the street. They are then shown screaming in pain while their blankets are soaked in blood. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU INCLUDE SOMETHING LIKE THIS? JUST WHY?! I know they were just acting, but that broke my heart and was really traumatizing to watch.
Anyway, Sharad magically happens to be there and saves Poonam in time. Dalip Tahil's character is never seen or mentioned again after this. Okay, literally what was the point of him anyway? Sharad and Poonam are quickly married.
Oh, and Ganga also has this really horrible aunt who always comes over for some reason. Bua (Sulabha Deshpande) is trying to get her daughter married to Sharad, but the daughter ends up falling for Sharad’s friend (played by Laxmikant Berde). However, their romantic subplot literally goes NOWHERE. This couple, for some reason, even have a weird song together. Anyway, Bua likes to talk mad shit about Poonam any chance she gets, despite being constantly told off by the entire family. Like...why are you even here, lady? Gtfo.
Poonam soon finds out that she can never have biological children. She goes on a huge spiel about woman who can't bare children are incomplete, how God made her a defective woman who can't even do the one thing she was made to do, blah blah blah. I was rolling my eyes so hard at this point.
Suddenly, Ganga gets this genius idea to GIVE HER SON AWAY WITHOUT EVEN ASKING HER HUSBAND ABOUT IT FIRST. Because who cares about the father, it’s not like it’s his child too or something. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? What kind of mother gives her child away to her sister-in-law, just because the SIL is unable to have her own? A child this woman carried, gave birth to, and is the actual mother of. This isn't even about being selfless, it's a very cruel thing to do to a little baby. Madan comes home and Ganga tells him what she's done. And guess what this mf does? He cries tears of joy and thanks God for blessing him with such an amazing partner. BRO THAT'S YOUR SON, WHAT THE HELL? DO YOU NOT EVEN CARE A BIT ABOUT YOUR CHILD?
I can't even at this point. That's like me telling my sister "Hey, I can't have kids so give me your baby!" I'm sure there are many orphaned kids out there Sharad and Poonam could have adopted, buuuut THEY ALL GO ALONG WITH IT BECAUSE BHABHI IS SO PURE AND SELFLESS. Who cares how much trauma and confusion this kid will have when he's older, right?
Five whole ass years later (aka the very next scene), the kid, Suraj aka Munna, grows up into the whitest looking child I’ve ever seen. Sharad and Poonam are visiting the older couple when Suraj shows off his brand new, expensive video game. Ganga chastises Poonam for wasting money. She then asks Sharad to give her about 10-15,000 rupees so she can replace the temple floor with marble. Sharad casually says it's a waste of money and Ganga is FURIOUS. Literally, she takes this soooo personally. Oh, and to make matters worse, Suraj somehow wins the lottery. This makes Ganga lose her shit even more. 
That's when Bua starts to emotionally manipulate her by turning her against the family. Ganga starts acting like a huge bitch and even takes Suraj (her own son) away from Poonam and Sharad. Madan finds out and he’s angry. He tells her it's over, rips her mangalsutra off, and leaves with the kids. Ganga freaks out and starts destroying everything in sight. She tells Bua to fuck off, then injures herself and faints.
Madan arrives at Sharad-Poonam's house and tells them he's left his wife. Sharad's all, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? If you severed ties with your wife, then you've also broken our bond! Excuse me? Bros over hoes! They all quickly go back to the house where they find Ganga knocked out. After gaining consciousness, she apologizes to everyone and begs for their forgiveness. Of course, they instantly forgive her. Madan also arrives and takes her back, but I didn't bother to listen to whatever crap he had to say. Then everyone is happy again and the film ends.
Govinda always plays the pure, holy, golden-hearted devar (younger brother/brother-in-law) in every single one of these campy family entertainers. I confess, these type of films are my guilty pleasure but sometimes they're too much. He played the same role in Bhabhi, another dumpster fire.
Meenakshi Seshadri is one of my favorite actresses, but she didn't have much to do except cry and look pretty. Reena Roy's bright green contacts were really distracting and Jeetendra was just there.
It didn't make sense how Ganga, who always told Bua to shut up, was suddenly so easily manipulated by her. And this was only about 30 minutes before the ending, so it made NO sense whatsoever. A more powerful actress like Aruna Irani or Bindu would have made this situation more believable.
The editing was terrible. We literally go from a scene where Suraj is a newborn baby to one where he's about a year old. And in that same scene, Madan comes back from a business trip...bro, how long were you gone? Outfits were repeated constantly. Reena Roy woke up and wore the same outfit/makeup/jewelry that she was sleeping in the night before. Some scenes end abruptly and random things happen which aren't mentioned again.
And now for the pros - the soundtrack was really good. I LOVED Bahot Jatate Ho & Mehndi Lagane Ki Raat. Those are such underrated gems.
If you read all of this, you may be entitled to financial compensation 🤭😂🤣
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greaterlandscapes · 3 years
My Dean Blunt Rotation aka High Fidelity Left A Bad Taste in My Mouth
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For the past 2 to 3 months, my listening habits were teetering to an end; mostly via burnout by spontaneously listening to local artists daily and less likely of a musical discovery drought, whereas my interests of a certain artist or genre hasn't found its, sort of, "eureka", moment per se. I've been feeling less enthusiastic over the things i listen to since my friends have gradually lost their flare when it comes to discovering/exploring untapped parts of the music realm. Thus, in return, my enthusiasm not being reciprocated. It leaves an empty feeling from someone who has been yearning social interaction, may it be media being latched on the topic - it's a feeling that's been guilt-tripping me ever since I was stranded in the other end of the metro. I feel closed off, exposed to the crippling loneliness the lockdown has punished us: a defacto solitary confinement in a national level. Our act of staying online is also an act of staying alive outside.
To be fair though, it's a valid move to not boomerang compliments/gripes over an art you haven't consumed due to someone's autonomy. Your able body being to consume the art you wish to finish with free time is a luxury in of itself. The art is then failed to serve its purpose to reach its goal: You have squiggly lines heading straight to oblivion rather than swirling in the earlobes of a wandering cyber nomad. We, eventually, need to find something that could help us exit, rather than escape, from capital. We, in return, do not shut ourselves from the outside. Instead, we then tend to avoid the stress of protocols and outdoor fascism; Not avoid the indoor liberalism that is eating us alive and online. It's a capital punishment we never knew we signed up for ever since the onslaught of the virus and the state. Art for art's sake is nonexistent now, always has been, it seizes to ever since we went inside. Feeding off of a holographic meatloaf coming from a glowing screen. We have a real-life Karen acting as a nightlight in our rooms.
The COVID lockdown made us listen to music — both for better, for worse. For one, it made us pass most days. You could say the same for any sort of media: film, mixed media art, or whatever pre-Covid activity that sprung up during our time in isolation. For music, however, there was an uptick of new listeners that made others Wheel-of-Fortune the fuck out of their music discoveries in sites like RateYourMusic, Bandcamp, or even Sophie's Floorboard. We've continued to expand and became more open change of opinions and be less of a jackass towards someone else's opinions. On second thought, our opinions have been catalogued, leaving more notes than actual footprints of our previous listens. Our new discoveries made new bands and re-emerging bands, bands who faded to obscurity, crawl back in the surface with newfound interest from younger listeners (ie Panchiko, Jai Paul, and Dean Blunt) and this glowing, previously unseen and unexpected overwhelming support from fans of departed artists (ie SOPHIE, MF DOOM)
For the other, we've hogged gratuitous amounts of media, resulting into losing our primary direction as to how we want to consume our media based on the preconceived notions of what we want in our art. There is goodness in becoming directionless when you think about it, but there comes a cost to our identity as music listeners. Instead, we end up widening our tangents, falling in endless rabbit holes, having zero chances to emerge from the surface. In fact, i refuse to call it a "rabbit hole" instead i'd rather call it a "pipeline" of sorts — transitioning casual music fans into a full on, different, unique versions of themselves that would define them when laws and protocols have eased in the outside world. Our act of staying online has either made most of us break our character or enliven our past selves. The music pipeline is now more apparent, stretching the norms of what was once alienated by a silent majority, but now accepted as an acceptable form of expression. The more music we are exposed to has made casual listeners stranged out or react in ways that our personality have betrayed us or deemed not as acceptable to them. Still, not changing anything that was prominent pre-pandemic. Liberal cop behavior is stronger, now more dangerous than it ever was once perceived by the outside world.
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Imagine a situation inside of a record, pre-pandemic of course, where you do not feel like lifting a record out from the shelf, instead, you window shop just for the sake of windowshopping. Capital and media made us think that going to record shops is a semi-productive activity. The age of discovery has died ever since High Fidelity romanticized and normalized the incelage of horny record diggers. Does this movie age well, yeah sure it does, for old 90s nerds at least. But did it translate well over in the past 20 or more years of events and tragedies that unfolded in pre-9/11 America? No it didn't. It was an age of free expression, only liberals would dream of whenever they take a sip of Guinness beer in their favorite dive bar.
Mind you, over a couple of months ago, it was my only chance in seeing why this movie was the talk of the town back when it was released. There's music, yeah, and attractive leading leadies, yeah, it has everything a 90s kid would love to salivate and drop their gonads over while they watch this movie. I obviously did not live to see the movie on opening day but i could imagine the scent that came out of that movie theater with attendees donning windbreakers and The Who shirts with popcorn dressing stains on their plastic cups. If there was a Filipino counterpart to this movie, i'd bet corporate champions Eraserheads and Rivermaya would soundtrack their music over and have either Tado or have Boy 2 Quizon, but i sense it to age like milk more than it could age like fine wine due to the senseless jokes one can execute in a Cubao or Cartimar record store.
John Cusack is obviously the incel in question here: a damaged, vengeful ex who constantly fails to live his partner's expectations and weaponizes his personality over the situations that has nothing to do with his interests. I spent the entire time being absolutely disgusted over the spineless responses of John Cusack's leading character. The movie then treads on flashbacks with John Cusack's failed relationships and what he could do to move on from each and one of them. If i could stand a SONA for 3 hours then I can't stand John Cusack being the dull entry point to incel, making more reasons why you should hate record store clerks who don't give an iota of shits to someone's inviting rapport. High Fidelity is opium for massive music circle jerks who can't take a single breathe of fresh air or a single quota of touching grass. There's more targeting weak and inferior guys and hot women who dump dumb overconfident dudebros more than the actual "music recs" in the entire movie. The more I think about this movie, the more I realize how our personality is in line towards Dick, the record store being unmercifully dunked on by the movie's two leading characters. He's an angel in the world of cynical bastards, witnessing both demons pitchforking record store customers in the ass while they're purchasing the latest Sonic Youth album.
I believe that Jack Black, the dark horse of High Fidelity, has a pleasing personality more than an irritating demeanor due to this behavior in the record store. In fact, outside of the record store, Jack Black doesn't seem to take the business is your pleasure act pretty seriously. Unlike John Cusack's character he brought his obsession over involving a record in an important memory/point of his life. There is so much stuff that has happened outside of the record store, so much for Rolling Stone and NME being the bible of music at the time, endlessly christening and shilling artists that believe to become the second coming of the Beatles. The music references here however are treated as fluff than it is a mechanism that would drive the senseless plot forward. If anything, there are events pointed out in the event that doesn't have anything to do with the life of the characters.
If anything, this movie did a great job at capturing the feeling of music bros being dumped on the wayside by a mature set of characters and how their current conditions aren't perfumed by the studios' liking of having to Cinderella story the shit out of a bunch of normal record store owners. The reality is in the reaction of one's social capital being invaded and we're here to witness how those reactions panned out in 2021. This is a villainous depiction of music nerds being the salt of the earth, the bane of all media discussion, still reflective of the insufferable salt of cyberspace found in music forums like 4chan and RYM. High Fidelity is a pipeline of 90s musicology, a dreaded fever dream of an owner waiting for the decade to end, trends ossifying and re-emerged by the hands of nostalgia-savvy individuals. It was, at its time, every music-movie nerd's excuse equivalent of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. There are memories worth remembering and cherishing, and this movie isn't one of them.
In the past two weeks I've been fancying myself into sitting down and listening to different projects from the ever elusive, UK-based sound artist Dean Blunt. The first time i chanced upon his music wasn't too long ago - albeit a recent one in the time of COVID - was when I randomly stumbled upon his records at a Spotify recommendations section under John Maus (yeah lol i know the implications whenever his name is mentioned) - but then i was enamored by his online presence so quickly I put everything down and dedicated an hour or two researching about this man's music.
Other than the fact that his album "The Redeemer" wasn't the best record to start off in journeying through his discography: ending up disgusted and borderline bored even and I was more likely to lambast this record's aimless, pretentious art-pop inflections. By the end of the day, it was a preference long solidified by his undying fanbase. According to his hardcore fans, the music isn't really music, evaluating it as a free form of sound art, rather than sticking to a structured and conventional cues; the genre is nullified by most analysts of the arts. The growing interest of the general public towards Dean Blunt's pranks and antics have long appealed to my tastes as a chaotic neutral individual. Pranks that are well executed to piss off UK gallery connoisseurs and entertain ironic attendees who'd shit on the art piece rather than participate in it.
More of the resources I've found about Dean Blunt online: numerous aliases and collaborations that lasted around almost 2 decades. The most notable of all them, at least for my money, are either Hype Williams, a duo consisting of Dean and frequent collaborator Inga Copeland, and Babyfather, an art performance parodizing the pirate radio culture in the UK. I have not delved enough in Blunt's body of work to evaluate everything and what i could synthesize from it. For now, I enjoyed it as a form of entertainment. Well, color me impressed because Dean Blunt isn't clowning around, he, in fact, makes blissful and transcendental music from left to right.
Dean Blunt was the only few artists that made me want to binge on their discography. His movements in his music has attracted this pesky listener who thinks that being mysterious is a plus. I mean, look at me who thinks The Paul Institute, Panchiko, and Burial are the greatest artists that have walked the face of the earth.
The most I've enjoyed from Dean Blunt's discography are his mixtapes and collaborations: preferably his Soul Fire and ZUSHI, both of which were packaged as B-sides or supplemental releases rather than major releases such as the Babyfather project or the Black Metal releases. His knack for blurring the lines between genres still fascinate me as of this writing, and it continues to amaze me how he doesn't seize to compromise his art, he's here to prove a point and it sells quite well despite the lack of direction in his music. Blunt's music has more aggressive and hazy texture than the hollow, wide, soulless structure of art-pop/hypnagogic pop released today. He creates terrains from the rubble of his country's current shortcomings. The music overlaps the actual intentions with abstract concepts, becoming deconstructed down the line. In Babyfather, noise music coincides with Blunt's amateurish rapping. In Black Metal, Blunt isolates himself along with the assisted skeletal guitar playing. Both projects throwing all tropes in a vaccum alongside Blunt, who he himself would sought to become a personification of a musical void.
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(Excerpt from the Babyfather album review in TinyMixtapes)
Dean Blunt is an entity that wishes to become one person, but no, this isn't a figure in a specific art form; this isn't Banksy, this isn't Bob Ong, this is made by one person, clearly it is if you listen closely, and it's been entrancing me ever since his presence was felt on the horizons of the internet. Dean Blunt, what the actual fuck.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 4 years
Guess who put themselves though lost boys: the tribe. Last night and craves death? That’s right me.
Ohhhh to see without my eyes would be glorious. It is the most dated thing I’ve seen in my life and not in a good way. I cant even remember half the charecters and am having to look at the wiki if that tells you anything.
So no spoiler warning because - seriously do not watch it.
So dated-
As a 2000s kid, early 2000s movies are not something I look back at fondly as ‘adult’ movies at that time is mainly party’s , big tittie , curse and crude humor. This movie so desperately wanted to get in the cool kids club aka Rated R so they said fuck 13 times in the opening scene alone. Also dated by the really really shitty editing, and the “OH DUDE WE CAN USE LIKE DIGITAL EFFECTS WHAT UPPP” and shakey camera work. Also half the people are dressed like the worst end of the 90s/ early 2000s with the spike hair and fuck boy attitude. Movies from the 80s in my mind, yea they are dated but if they don’t rely heavily on references, tech , or common practice at the time it doesn’t come across as dated.
Takes the basic aspects but makes them bad-
So they try to imitate like small basic things from the first movie which we take shots of the town.... which is a run down sushi place and some chubby kids and emos that’s your “strange” people guys. Also the main vampire takes a lot of David bullshit and they whoop occasionally because “that’s what the other guys did.” Edgar also rehashes a lot of what we know. Also there is a sex scene to cry little sister because “THEY HAD IT IN THE FIRST MOVIE TAKE PEOPLE SWEATING.” Except they could not afford to use the og song and it’s a cover that sounds... like something else again I get whiplash to the early 2000s please end me. There is also more shots of the ocean and random cuts then substance in the movie
Ohhhhh how forgettable. How forgettable. I had to look up the main charecters names. So everyone’s like a good mid 20s or they at least look like their slowly trucking along to being 30 that’s another thing about early 2000s movie “please believe this grown ass man is a teen.” Like the og movie, the actors were in their early 20s for the boys but you would still believe they were actually teens; there’s a age where you can still play a teen for a while. I say this as they are clearly all adults and yet nichole is a 17 year old GIRL! Who they have drink and seduce one charecter before genuinely having sex with another. 17. So our main characters are Chris(??) and Nichole EMERSON. Do they ever explain their parents or relationship to the name? NOPE. I implied maybe star and Micheal but they both look WAY to old to be their kids at least Chris unless he’s supposed to be like 19 even then I will laugh in your face. So Evan creepy desperate emo here to die except he almost does twice but he lives.... yay. Shane and his Tribe( I said it I said the thing!) also did I mention.... they aren’t bikers.... there surfers! (Who have bikes later in the film...) so in the opening scene he’s “Some jackass from Santa Carla” is this ever explained in the movie? No. If you read rein of the frogs like I had HE WAS A SURF NAZI WHO SURVIVED(well... in a way)It’s a shame because he was one of the few charecters I enjoyed.... and was kinda really cute. Long hair , bit of a beard, scruffy looking(I have a type ok-) so if you didn’t read the comic he doesn’t really get any explaination or reason but apparently he used to be a surfer , one of the best before he dodged. Ok? Apparently Emerson was to, ok? The others don’t really get much past the one being called a adrenaline junkie like he is. I like the crazy motherfucker. Something else I found absolutely hysterical is that the two main others are obessed with their cameras always filming mainly women and their game. Their game? To literally shank each other and jump around and laugh and record them gushing blood, a particular favorite scene of mine is at the party the tall black one, Erik??? I think stabs the best buddy and twists, this mf literally- his intensines fall out and his other organs “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK I WAS GONNA GET LAID DONT FILM ME-.” He picks them up off the ground and walks inside so nonshalantly- girls are screaming and panicking and the other two are laughing their asses off. Did I mention these vampires, young vampires at that as even Shane is like maybe only in his 40s/30s but looks a young 20, throw ragers? Because it’s 2008 babyyyy. Nicole is the usual “I want to see my hair flow in the wind and talk romantically about death.” Aka what Dracula Adaptations do to Lucy westenra to make her major vampire bait, and naturally Shane took it. The best charecter is probably Edgar as he was constistantly halarious though out the whole film until he started quipping. There was also a mid credit scene with SAM FUCKING EMERSON PLAID BY COREY I SHIT YOU NOT. He’s a vampire. Why? Something happened between them and it has to do with Alan to. This I need explained to me right fucking now. Oh wait no the best charecter is the guy dressed up as the oiled up sax player.
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Vampire inconsistency-
So new info;
-doesn’t spesifically have to be a stake or wooden just in the heart.
Apparently garlic does work now boys, despite the fact that it was very clearly stated by Paul in the first film that it wouldn’t (Edgar was there for that you think he’d remember-) however Garlic bolo took my soul.
There’s inconsistency in how vampires look in this film alone contradicts itself. Like. So lost boys established the basics
Yellow eyes, long nails, fangs, bad breath , the face bone shift.
This one has a cheap supernatural lookin’ ass black eye effect and some fangs. Except when they don’t and it’s yellow eyes and fangs also with no facial effect except no it’s full facial makeup with black eyes and veins. Except no it’s full facial prosthetic more like the first film but with veins , black eyes , Dracula slit nose and SHARK TEETH(it really is like super natural vampires JFC.) like there is 4 different ways they look in this movie alone wtf. Also Shane, a full vampire; the head, can go outside at sundown/twilight if he has sunglasses. Good to know.
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Also where does this movie even take place? As it is Damn well not Santa Carla and they make sure you know that.
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Also we end on a “kids are doing drugs aren’t you” haha aunt so stupid joke. LAUGH.
Again seriously sams a vampire. Not explained but illuded to, Presumably edgars fault. Considering he is a grown ass man as well it was likely recent, probably tragic. You would think Sam would be just as angsty as his bro but no he’s all dark and angry and again did I mention it’s the ACTUAL FUCKING ACTOR?
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
YALL. AFTER 10 DAYS I FINISHED IT AND LET ME TELL YOU ALL THIS: HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I HAVE EVER WATCHED IN MY LIFE. like oh my god so many things happened (and pom still doesn’t have his wallet back HSFKJFSH jkjk) i can’t even make a typical lengthed post about it because it would be leaving out like 3/4ths of the episode,,,, alright let’s begin this because i have So Many Things to say and i have to go to sleep soon SJFJSKFH (also i have to watch the trailer for the gifted graduation AAAAAA)
i’m gonna try the dots list thingy in this one because i know it’s gonna be long and a mess so.. lessgetit !
let’s start with the directors board meeting or whatever that was called,, pang was such a fucking badass holy fuck i admire his bravery but i HATE every single person in that room like..
someone just told you that the director of the school has been treating the students like SHIT and using them as guinea pigs for the gifted kids who are ALSO being used as guinea pigs and you just.. clap? and turn your back against him? holy SHIT did that infuriate me,,,
now thinking about it.. maybe the director mind controlled them to do so since yeah guess fucking WHAT. SURPRISE. THE THEORY WAS TRUE. HE CAN ALSO MIND CONTROL PEOPLE. AND HE’S REALLY FUCKING GOOD AT THAT.
[takes a deep breath] i will Not talk about him because it literally makes me want to commit a crime on a fictional character.
also, the scene before pang goes in the conference room with namtaan literally broke my heart yall...... like,, my heart? nowhere to be seen because its pieces are so small they’re almost invisible.
namtaan crying because she thinks that pang doesn’t trust her or ohm? namtaan saying that pang was lying when he said he cared about those around him? pang having to mind control namtaan to make her stay there and not follow him? yeah that shit really fucking hurted yall.
so in this scene we find out that when pom says the director is always a step in front of you, it’s true! that motherfucker staged it all and made pang’s story look like it was staged or whatever just so he could get more money and continue his reign in that school.............. i literally hate him so much
[takes a deep breath] god okay i need to calm down this man gets me on my fucking nerves.
anyways. this guy does his thing and makes pang feel like he truly lost then mind controls pom (i wanted to yell at pom so badly at that moment but i know it’s not his fault that he’s being brainwashed ugh) and pang who is literally trying to save his own life tells him THE EXACT WORDS CHANON TOLD HIM. AND POM CRIES. MY FUCKING HEART YALL. NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. IT HAS BEEN BROKEN WAY TOO MUCH IT’S BASICALLY NONEXISTENT. I WAS SOBBING.
so from that we go to the start of the second semester (which i had to guess by the 2 because there were no subs for that and i don’t understand thai lol) and pang is still the same exact kid who is best friends with nac, is a whole troublemaker and is in class 4-8 (which makes me wonder how tf they made everyone forget he was a gifted kid....... hmmmmm)
now when they first showed that i thought they were replaying ep1 KJSHFKSF but when the eating scene came on and there were people sitting on the gifted section i was like wait a minute............. hold on....................
((his expression when he sees him excuse me i will literally cry to sleep look at that he’s-my-friend-but-he-doesn’t-remember-me-so-i-can’t-call-him-by-his-name-or-else-he’ll-be-weirded-out-but-also-i-fucking-miss(ed)-out-asshole face he makes ;;))
and then. AND THEN. a gifted pin that fell to the ground is taken by pang and as he walked to give it back to wave, nac stops him and thankfully pang keeps it because guess mf WHAT BABY.
which makes me think,, for how long did the gifted class wait oh my god sjkfhksfjhsdlghl
also the fact that wave once caught him filming himself and just.. kept tabs on it since he seems to know pang just wouldn’t do one plan (you can see how shocked he is by ladda giving him the fake serum which i haven’t talked about but I LOVE LADDA AGAIN EVERYTHING’S GOOD WITH HER I LOVE U QUEEN <3<3<3) and when he, i guess, disappeared from the gifted program and didn’t talk with any of them wave just hacked pang’s computer and watched the video he had made incase it was important or whatever and i’m so glad for wave’s invasion of privacy because oh my god u saved my kiddo who saved his future self by being a smart bitch on the past. an icon.
okay okay now comes the sad part that we were all waiting for..
mr pom still doesn’t have his wallet after 11 episodes </3
JKHFJSLFS i am Unable to be serious for one second i will explode if i try to
now that season 1 is done i will proceed to yell into the void that is my room until season 2 starts airing (i will watch the trailer of the gifted graduation after this i promise)
this drama was soooooo good idk if i’ll watch the movie because this drama is so well made and the acting and everything is so good idk how they’d be able to tell half of the story in less than 2 hours,,,, maybe it’s a water boyy situation but backwards idk
either way this drama gets a 10000000000000/10 and a plus for making me forget that i wanted to pee oh my gOD I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM GOODBYE
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