#what do you MEAN i can only get as far as pencil now. where is my transform tool. where is my ctrl z. do you hate me
bonetrousledbones · 10 months
gnawing at the bars of my cage bc i'm home for thanksgiving and all i have to draw with is a sketchbook bc i haven't set up my tablet with my laptop (i had like five entire days before i came home that i could have used to draw and actively chose not to)
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
does he always do this?
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'heard it in a love song'
rated m | 995 words | cw: mentions of sex | tags: everyone loves steve, but eddie loves steve like a love song, steddie, corroded coffin friendship
Eddie tapped his pencil against the journal, checking the clock above the phone in the kitchen for the hundredth time in the last 30 minutes.
Steve was late.
Steve was never late.
He was only minutes away from trying to call his house to make sure he didn't forget he was coming over when he heard a car pull up out front.
"Finally," he said to himself, throwing the pencil down and pushing the chair away from the table.
He went to open the door and was shocked to find not just Steve, but his entire band as well.
"Uh…hi?" Eddie watched as they all grabbed backpacks from Steve's car. "What's happening right now? Is it an intervention? I don't even drink."
Steve rolled his eyes as he got closer and kissed the corner of Eddie's mouth.
"The guys are here to help with the song."
"What song? There's no song," Eddie panicked. It was supposed to be a secret, dammit. He'd been so careful.
"The song you've been writing for me that you're having trouble with. You've been distracted for days and I want my boyfriend back," Steve pushed past him and into the kitchen, opening the fridge to start grabbing random things Eddie didn't even know they had.
"Hey Eddie," Jeff and Frankie said in unison as they pushed past him and set their bags on the floor inside.
"Hey, man," Gareth said as he did the same.
"Who told him about the song?" Eddie hissed as Steve made himself busy pulling a pan out of the cabinet.
"No one. You left your journal wide open on your desk and he saw it when he was getting ready for work," Jeff rolled his eyes. "We told you to keep your stuff hidden."
"I thought you were just being assholes about Steve being my boyfriend!" Eddie threw his hands up in frustration. This was bullshit. He could get the song done on his own!
"Anyone allergic to anything?" Steve called out from the counter, where a variety of peppers, onions, and garlic were spread out to be cut.
"I'm allergic to vegetables," Gareth smirked.
"Right. I'm sure," Steve didn't even entertain his comment, continuing to cut up the food in front of him. "Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes."
"Does he always just come in here and start cooking?" Frankie asked from his spot on the couch. He sure made himself comfy fast.
"Only if he knows I haven't eaten much."
"How does he know that?" Jeff asked as he settled in Wayne's chair.
"His hands are shaking because his sugar's low and he has six empty cans of Mountain Dew on the table, meaning he hasn't gotten up from the table for hours. Focus on the song, pretend I'm not here."
Eddie smiled fondly at Steve, only turning back to everyone when Gareth clapped his hands in his face.
"Dude, you're so fucked."
Eddie groaned. "Yeah, well, the song has me fucked up worse."
"What have you got so far?" Frankie asked.
Eddie got up to grab the journal from the table and threw it to him. Frankie read the few lines and nodded, smirking.
"This isn't a love song."
"What do you mean? Of course it's a love song!"
"Dude, this is a sex song."
"It is not!"
Jeff grabbed the journal and read the lines, his eyes widening momentarily before handing it over to Gareth.
"Damn, this is a sex song."
"You writing dirty things about me, baby?" Steve asked from his spot at the counter.
Eddie covered his face with his hands and groaned. "I wasn't trying to."
"Alright, so do you wanna shift gears and try to focus more on love or do you wanna stick with this?" Jeff asked, getting down to business. He was good at keeping them on track.
"Stick with this."
They sat around figuring out lines that could work, and Steve stood at the stove listening, but keeping to himself.
He ignored the teasing Eddie received when he admitted to wanting to see Steve in only his vest, but smiled to himself when he remembered the first time he'd worn only the vest while Eddie fucked him against his bedroom wall.
He ignored how red Eddie got when they tried to rewrite the line about "seeing white on red", saying it didn't make sense. Maybe to them it didn't, but all Steve could picture was when Eddie's cum painted his ass, bright red from the spanking Eddie'd given him.
They luckily didn't talk much about it over dinner, too busy shoving the food into their mouths to say anything.
After dinner, Steve cleaned up while they got back to it, then went to take a shower and get ready for bed. They might stay up all night writing, but he sure wouldn't be awake for much longer.
Eddie snuck into the bathroom while he was rinsing his hair, sitting on the sink and asking about his day.
When Steve got out of the shower, he wrapped his towel around his waist and stood in between Eddie's legs, cupping his face in his hands.
"You love me?" Steve asked, the same way he did every night.
"More than anything in the world, Stevie," Eddie answered, the same way he did every night.
"How's the song?"
"It's…our sex life. Kinda out in the open. Is that okay?"
Steve smirked. "Yeah."
"It's not really a love song."
"Sure it is. You love me, you fuck me. It's all the same," Steve kissed his lips softly, smiling into it. "Can't wait to hear when it's done."
"I could sing it to you tonight," Eddie wrapped his arms around him.
"Hey!" Gareth banged on the door. "No fucking while we're here!"
They both laughed.
"Better get back to it," Steve kissed him again before opening the door and walking to the bedroom.
Eddie watched him go, biting his lip.
"I've got the chorus," he yelled to the guys.
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veltana · 29 days
Buy my heart - 2
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✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader
✦ Word count: ~1,2k
✦ Rating for this part: Mature
✦ Warnings/tags: Alpha!Bucky, Omega!Reader, slow burn, eventual smut, pet names (little darling/darling)
✦ Series summary: In a desperate attempt to rescue your family from debt, you decide to auction yourself off. The alpha who purchases you turns out to be quite different from what you imagined, leading to a marriage that exists only on paper. However, when an omega moves in with an alpha who hasn't experienced a rut in years and is determined to keep things strictly professional despite his instincts, complications arise.
✦ In this part: Bucky and you have a chat.
✦ Note: Thank you so much for all the wonderful words about part one! ❤️ Reblogs, comments and asks are much appreciated!
Series masterlist
Masterlist | AO3
Light filters in through the curtains in the places where you didn't close them properly. The small clock on the bedside table tells you it's just a few minutes past ten.
Last night you did as Bucky suggested and took a bath, exploring all the different dials and buttons before scrubbing your body with soap that smelled incredibly expensive. Afterward, you dried off with fluffy towels and found a robe on a hook. Clothes had been placed on your bed and a tray of food waited on a small table.
According to the label, the pajamas were 100% silk. You'd had no energy left after that and crawled into bed.
Getting up you find that the tray is gone. Which means someone was in your room while you slept, and that makes you uneasy. Instead of a tray, there is a note. I'll be in the office, find me once you've had breakfast. It's not signed but there is no doubt who wrote it.
After washing your face you try to figure out what all the different creams, mists, and toners are for and have a proper look around your room. The closet is empty, so you guess you'll just have to walk around in your pajamas. Bucky did say something to the person on the phone about clothes but as far as you can tell, nothing more arrived last night.
You stand hesitantly in front of the door, your hand hovering over the handle but not daring to open it. This new place is intimidating. Bucky seems fine so far, but you’ve only just met him—can you really gauge anything yet? Taking a deep breath, you twist the handle and step out. Now to figure out where the kitchen is.
You head back down the stairs Bucky carried you up yesterday, hoping to find someone who can give you directions.
At the bottom, you look around but don’t see anyone. But you do hear voices and decide to follow them. It leads you to a set of double doors slightly ajar. From within, you can hear Bucky’s voice and a woman’s. The note suggested having breakfast first, but now that you’ve found him, you might as well join him. Again, you hesitate, but since the doors aren’t closed you gently knock on the door. “Come in,” Bucky answers.
He’s sitting behind a large desk and in front of it stands one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. Her hair is long and red, but the tips are blonde, arranged in a messy braid, dressed in high heels, a pencil skirt, and a white shirt. She smiles sweetly, and you find yourself feeling shy.
“Hey there, little darling,” Bucky says. The nickname he's given you feels just as strange now as it did yesterday but you don't ask him to stop. “Did you sleep well?” “Yes, sir. Sorry! I mean, yes, Bucky.” The woman chuckles and now you feel flustered too. “This is Natasha, she's my right hand. Don't let her appearance fool you, she's as lethal as they come.” You nod at her.
“I hope some more clothes will arrive during the day, I wasn't sure what style you preferred,” She says with a smile. You have a suspicion that she was the one Bucky called from the limo yesterday. “Thank you!” “As soon as you've settled in a little we'll have a girl's day and go shopping on Bucky's credit card,” she laughs and steps away, passing you on her way out. She smells amazing too.
Natasha closes the door behind her and you're alone with Bucky. “Take a seat. How was breakfast?” As you sit you throw him an apologetic smile. “I haven't eaten, I don't know where the kitchen is.”
Bucky looks confused for a moment, then shakes his head. “Of course, sorry, do you want me to show you?” “No, I prefer waiting a while after waking up to eat.” “Oh, then we might as well go over the agreement I've drawn up.” “Agreement?” “Kind of like a contract. I'll explain,” he leans back in his chair.
“I took over the business from my father, who got it from his father, and so on. My grandfather is still alive but my father passed away recently.” “I'm sorry,” you say. “Don't be, we didn't have a good relationship. Anyway, I've been without a partner for a long time and it doesn't sit well with my grandfather. So he gave me an ultimatum two weeks ago: get married or see the money I'm set to inherit go up in smoke when he passes. And between you and me it could be any day now.”
“You need a wife?” Looking at Bucky, you find it hard to believe he would have trouble finding someone willing to marry him. Which could mean a lot of things.
“A friend gave me a tip about the auction.” “You decided to buy a wife?” “Yes, it might not seem like a very honorable thing to you, but I'm in a bit of a time crunch at the moment.” “I understand,” you nod. It's not your place to question his motives. You should be happy that he's even willing to discuss terms with you. You’ve heard stories of omegas being sold to horrible people.
Another thought enters your mind. Bucky seems to be well off, and when you're his wife then maybe you can convince him to send some money to your family. The money from your auction will last them some time but sooner or later it will run out.
He pulls a bunch of papers out of his desk and hands a bundle to you. “Read through this during the day. Write any questions down. My lawyer will be here tomorrow and can answer them.” “Okay,” you nod.
Then Bucky picks up a pen. “The paperwork I got from your auction wasn't very thorough. Are you on suppressants?” “No, couldn't afford them.” “And what's your family situation?” “Complicated.” That is all you give him.
He shoots you a look but you don't explain further, it doesn’t concern him. “When was your last heat?” He asks in a very professional voice but it makes you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You start counting backward but it's hard to remember exactly.
“Maybe three months ago?” you guess. “So that should give us around three months before the next time?” Bucky’s eyebrow goes up as he eyes you questioningly. “Yeah, I suppose,” you shrug. “You don't keep track?” “No, not really,” you confess. “I notice when it's about to happen and then it does.”
Bucky puts down his pen with a frown. “That can be dangerous for an omega,” he points out. “What if you're not at a safe location when it does.”
That makes you snort and then realize you’re talking to the alpha who’s bought you to make you his wife and you look away sheepishly. “Sorry, it's just that I was either home or at work and maybe occasionally at the library.”
“I see,” Bucky says as he picks up the pen again, but you can't help but wonder if he truly understands. The mansion is enormous, clearly not something he built on his own—it's likely been in his family for generations. Everything about the place exudes wealth, including Bucky himself. His suit is so crisp it seems brand new, with barely a trace of scent, as if it's never been worn. How could he possibly know what it was like to live your life?
“And have you been alone for your heats or have you had help?” Your mouth falls open and you stare at him. “Excuse me?” “You heard me.” “That's none of your business,” you cross your arms.
He leans back into the chair, eyes thinning as he looks at you. “It's not?” “No, it's private.” “You forget one thing, little darling.” His voice is void of warmth “I own you.”
There it is, you think. The reason he's been unable to find a wife.
You don't answer that statement, well aware of your predicament. “Why do you need to know?” You ask instead. “Because it matters if my soon-to-be wife is a virgin or not.” “I'm not,” you bite out. “A mate I should be aware of that's going to cause trouble?” “No, we split a few years ago.”
That appears to please him, and he jots down another note before placing his pen back in the holder on his desk. “Good,” Bucky nods. “That's all for now, let's get you some breakfast,” he looks down at the watch on his wrist, “or brunch, and then I'll show you around.”
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brightbertalt · 8 months
just please teach me
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michael gavey x bimbo!reader
authors note - i can’t resist this man…..he’s so nerdy and hot. also meant for female!reader
warnings - dumbification, kinda mean michael, a little praise, degradation, perv!michael, the word slut, breeding kink, accidental breeding?
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god michael couldn’t wait for this.
it was your first tutoring session with him. after your failed your first math test of the semester, you decided to get some help from the smartest man you knew, who also happened to sit next to you.
“hey, you’re like super smart right?”
you asked him, peeking over at the 100% on his test. he turned his head, internally surprised you were even talking to him.
“uh, yeah. yeah i am. do you need help?”
you nodded, pouting and practically shoving your test in his face.
“i can’t even believe it! i got a 53% on this test, it was like, super hard!”
you complained, crossing your arms; which just so happened to push up your breasts. they looked so good in that tight tank top you were wearing.
“you’re asking me to tutor you?”
you scoffed out of frustration.
“duh! i don’t wanna fail!”
he was going to be your tutor. it sounded like music to his ears. michael gavey was going to be personally teaching the cutest girl he knew.
and annoying.
you yourself weren’t annoying, but the fact that someone like you, who probably didn’t even know which direction an x axis pointed, could get into oxford university. probably on a huge helping of daddy’s money is what he thought. unlike him, who actually earned his place. nonetheless, he would tutor you.
he could have some fun with that.
he saw this situation in porn all the time. dumb schoolgirl goes to someone like himself to get help, and they end up fucking like rabbits. he didn’t have any experience with women in person, but he figured porn was close enough to the real thing, right?
he wondered how sweet your voice would sound begging for him.
“sooooo, does my place sound good? i have such a cute setup it’s like, unbelievable! and im free around 6 tonight.”
“yeah, of course. i guess ill be over then..!”
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he knocked on your door, trying to stop his hands from shaking. he adjusted his glasses, waiting for you to open the door.
“mikey! you’re here!”
you opened the door and hugged him. he tried not to audibly moan from the sensation of your boobs pushing against him.
“just michael is fine!”
he blurted out, nervous that you were this close to him. would he even be able to survive this night?
“i dont have any extra chairs, so we can just study on my bed! how’s that?”
you asked, walking in your dorm and sitting on your bed.
he wouldn’t be able to survive. you said that so innocently, as if you didn’t understand what two people could do on a bed. as he walked over to your bed, he didn’t expect anything different. it was adorned with pink pillows and a huge fuzzy pink blanket. it was so you.
“the thing I wasn’t really understanding was number seven. i don’t even know where to start!”
he nodded, grabbing his supplies out of his bag. how could she not understand this one? it was the easiest by far. nonetheless, he explained it in the most basic way he could. you nodded, pretending to understand.
“okay, now you try.”
you smiled dumbly, attempting to try it on your own. you stopped shortly thereafter, flipping the pencil in your hand.
“i just don’t get it michael! maybe math just isn’t for me..”
you leaned in closer to him, putting your head on his shoulder. you felt defeated. defeated by some numbers on a page. he sighed in annoyance. he did like this feeling, but he didn’t like your dumb little brain. maybe he could take advantage of that. he only dreamed of that, though. tricking you into pleasing him. giving you a ‘reward’ for finally get 100% on your tests. you’d probably love that too.
“ill probably drop math. its too hard! i dont know how you do it. you’re so smart michael.”
“well you’re not even trying are you? you just have to think, y/n!”
“i am so trying!”
you loosely hugged michael. he could feel himself starting to get hard. why’d you have to be so handsy with him?
“thanks for helping me though! you’re so smart michael.”
he felt himself twitch in his pants. he couldn’t take it anymore. he couldn’t take the teasing anymore.
you felt his lips press against your own soft, glossed lips. he pulled away quickly, already preparing for the worst. you would push him off your bed, throw his bag at him and yell at him to leave. instead, you grabbed his sleeve.
“please don’t leave mikey.”
how could he refuse you?
he moved closer to you, going in for another kiss. you were an aphrodisiac. so irresistible. made for him to fuck.
you shook your head, kissing all over his face.
“it’s totally fine, please just stay here.”
he gently pushed you down onto the bed, kissing and sucking on your neck. fuck, you were so nice. your skin was so soft and plush, and your voice sent him into a spiral.
“is this your first time mikey?”
“y-yeah. i know you probably think that’s pathetic or weird or-“
“mikey. please just fuck me. i don’t care.”
those were the sweetest words he ever heard. he could cum right then and there.
“god, fuck, can i ask you something?”
he asked.
“are you on birth control?”
you shook your head. fuck, for some reason that was even hotter.
“ill pull out, don’t worry.”
you nodded, noticeably absentminded. you were so dumb, and it was so cute to him. he was known around campus for his smarts and talent in math. and now he had, which was quite possibly, the dumbest girl at his university under his thumb. it felt so good.
“i trust you mikey.”
he smirked as he pressed continuous kisses into your neck and chest, experimentally pushing his hands underneath your cute tank top and groping your breasts. you whined underneath him, taking your top and yanking it over your head to expose your chest.
“you’re so cute. just let me take care of you, okay?”
he licked and sucked on your chest, trailing his way down your body until he got to your little cute shorts. god this boy was a freak. you helped him get your shorts off of you, exposing your bare cunt to him. you squeezed your legs together, a feeble attempt in covering yourself.
“why be shy now? you already teased me for half the semester.”
you nodded at his remark, leaning your head back. he teased, kissing up your thighs. michael’s smirk was criminal as he placed a gentle kiss on your pussy. you bucked your hips and moaned on him. he gently prodded your entrance with his long fingers, slowly inserting two of them inside you. he chuckled as he moved his fingers in and out.
“mikey i-“
“you’re what? wet as a bloody fountain? because you are.”
you let out a pornstar-esque moan and feebly grabbed in his direction. you needed him inside you.
“mikey please just fuck me! please!”
you shouted out, rocking your hips into his fingers gently. he grinned and stood up to take off his pants, as well as unzipping his coat.
“i don’t get it.”
you said bluntly, looking up at him.
“your shirt. I don’t get it.”
you pointed to his shirt.
‘not all math puns are awful. just sum.’
you shared a moment of brief awkwardness.
“it’s like how the result of an addition-“
“i didn’t ask for more math! just come over here michael!”
he quickly nodded and took off his stupid shirt, leaving it on the floor next to the bed. he climbed over you, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“are you sure?”
“please just do it already mikey!”
you whined. he always knew you were bratty. he would love to put you in your place though. he slid himself into you, gasping at the warmth and tightness of your pussy. he slowly slid all the way in, swearing under his breath as he did. you were definitely made for him. so warm, so soft, so perfect. he placed a hand on your lower stomach, feeling himself inside you.
“you’re so warm holy fuck, I can’t believe im inside you right now.”
he blurted out, slowly starting to move. michael was definitely a little above average. so goes the trope of nerdy white guys. the largeness of him made you feel so full, so stuffed. you couldn’t handle it already. tears pricked at your eyes as you slung your legs onto his shoulders. michael wasted no time fucking himself into you, letting out all sorts of lewd noises.
“can’t believe im the one doing this. always thought you’d be with someone like felix, fuck.”
he grabbed at your hips, guiding you up and down on his cock. another loud, indecent moan was let out of you.
“im the one fucking you, no one else gets to have this dumb little cunt.”
he tilted his head up, overwhelmed with pleasure.
“im all yours mikey, please just keep fucking me!”
you cried, grabbing onto his hands on your hips. he grabbed your right hand with his left, pressing it right next to your head. his face was right next to yours as well now.
“nothing in that stupid head, huh? nothin’ but me fucking you right now. i always knew you were so simple.”
you clenched around him, leaving him to chuckle under his breath.
“you like that? me calling you dumb? knew you were a slut.”
michael’s smartass attitude definitely never left him. you shook your head unconvincingly. you did like it, but being a brat was so fun.
“i know you like it. you already feel like you’re gonna cum on me. poor little thing. probably forget everything you learned this semester just from this.”
he said with fake sympathy. it was true, you were close. you could feel his thrusts getting more erratic and needy, so you knew he was too. you just remembered you were supposed to have a math lesson today. oh well. you could always just google the answers.
“I don’t think im gonna be able to pull out, you’re so fucking warm and tight I can’t-“
you immediately came to your senses. you were admittedly dumb, but not dumb enough to let michael cum in you.
“michael please pull out-“
“i- fuck!”
he abruptly came inside you, his jaw slack as he aggressively rammed his hips into yours a few more times. the sensation of his filling you up was too much, and your orgasm shortly followed. he collapsed on top of you, breathing heavily.
“im so sorry y/n, you just-“
“ill figure it out mikey, just hold me.”
and he did. he laid on his side as he traced his thumb on your belly. you fell asleep soon thereafter, together.
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yagirlraee · 15 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: satoru is a model famous for his gorgeously unique beauty. while you are an infamously well-known fashion designer known for your award-winning designs and style. but what will happen when his manager contacts you?
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"miss, there is someone at the door for you." your assistant says, rushing into your office.
you look up from whatever sketch you were working on, placing your pencil down.
"let them in," you shrug. 
your assistant nods, turns on her heel, and struts out your office.
a few minutes later, a tall man with glasses and a tracksuit walks in. you stand up and walk around your desk, leaning on it.
"i'm yaga, masamichi yaga," he says reaching a hand out.
you firmly grasp onto his hand and shake it. he already knows who you are, so you don't have to introduce yourself.
"i have a model who i think would do amazing in one of your shows, his name is satoru gojo."
you nod while thinking about your schedule.
"well, i'd have to meet him first, how does thursday sound?" you say.
yaga nods immediately, "thursday is perfect, thank you so much miss."
he politely bows before turning around and exiting your office.
your assistant scurries in after he leaves.
"so? what did you say?"
you look at her, furrowing your eyebrows.
"what do you mean..?"
"well, obviously the only reason mr. yaga would stop by is to offer one of his models. and being you're the best fashion designer out, it only makes sense that he gives you his best model." she rambles on.
you laugh and look down, "yeah, i said yes. i mean how could i not? it's a huge business opportunity."
she squeals in excitement before jumping onto you, enforcing a hug.
"i'm so excited!! we get to meet the satoru gojo!!
you scoff, "he's not that great."
she stops her celebration and looks at you.
you clear your throat, "i mean, is he?"
"yes!! HE IS!!" she shakes you back and forth, squeezing your shoulders. "and WE get to meet him!"
you laugh, "well, i have a meeting with him on thursday if you'd like to come with."
this offer causes her to jump even more, you're surprised she hasn't fainted yet.
"yes!! oh my goodness! i have to get ready!" she yells.
"it isn't till thursday?" you laugh.
"yeah but still. i have to look perfect if i want him to at least glance at me."
that much was true, satoru gojo was one conceited model of a man. he rarely ever looked at anyone unless it was himself. he always said nobody "deserved" his beautiful blue orbs. what a man he was indeed. you nod and send her off so she can get ready, and you let out this breath you didn't even know you were holding.
were you nervous? nah. you might be deep down inside, but for goodness sake you were the hottest fashion designer out right now. there is no way you should be nervous around him, having him in your show could earn you millions, and maybe something else.
you sigh as you start to pack up your sketches and art supplies. you decided to go home early to cool off all your nerves, which were on fire.
when you arrive home, and settle into your pajamas. you start texting a number which is yaga, according to your assistant, while sitting down on your sofa.
YOU: hey where would you like to meet on thursday?
YAGA: hello miss, how does the diner on 5th avenue sound?
YOU: that sounds great, i hope u don't mind but i invited my assistant.
YAGA: i don't mind at all, see you two there.
you put a heart on his message and click your phone off. thursday wasn't far away at all, it was only tuesday. you get up from your couch and head to your room, laying down and tucking yourself in for the night.
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wisteria-cherry · 11 months
in which you decide to make a list of all the nicknames sirius calls you
sirius x reader, jealous sirius if you squint
although you had been friends with the marauders for quite a decent amount of time— not so much as each other, but still considerable compared to the other few people they chose to hang around— it had never really crossed your mind just how many nicknames sirius used for you. the only natural solution to this was to take a tally.
at the beginning of the day, when you were sitting in the common room waiting for the boys to arrive, sirius was last down. this wasn’t uncommon; sirius spent the most time getting ready of the four (james a close second).
“morning, dove,” sirius greeted you, stretching his arms up above his head. you smile in reply, scribbling down the name in your notebook (a muggle invention that was far more practical than keeping scrolls of parchment. lily had given it to you as a gift). “whatcha writing?”
“yeah, what is that, huh?” james looked over your shoulder curiously.
“nothing.” you wave dismissively, standing up as you shut the notebook to properly greet the boys. “hurry up, we’ll be late.”
“yes, mum.” sirius groaned dramatically (as always).
your first class was history of magic— which was unfortunate, really, because the tiring class did nothing to help your already tired state. sirius and remus were on either side of you, and you were sitting with your head resting in your arms.
“tired, darling?” sirius whispered, snickering under his breath.
“who wouldn’t be?” you mumble, adjusting your arms on your desk. ah, that’s right. you made a mental note to add “darling” to the list.
“go ahead and sleep.” remus mumbled as he scribbled down notes. “you can copy my notes later.”
“this is why you’re my favorite, rem,” you bury your head deeper in your arms, letting your heavy eyelids finally close.
“excuse me, love,” sirius whispered indignantly, poking your bicep. “i’m hurt.”
“you, too, sirius, i guess.” you groan indifferently. you hear sirius exhale, satisfied with your answer, before feeling the weight of what must have been his robe across your shoulders. your shoulders relaxed as you felt his hand following, scratching gentle circles on your back.
“that’s what i like to hear, hm?”
sirius woke you up seconds before the end of class. you weren’t sure how he kept track so well— he probably only did it so he could count down the minutes til he was free (at least until his next class)— but you found it useful, as you were more so the type to cope until class ended as a pleasant surprise.
“wake up, love, class is nearly over.” sirius poked your head, maybe a little too hard, before brushing the hair out of your face carefully, probably to compensate. “oi.”
“m’up, black.” you lift your face slightly to eye professor binns finally wrapping up the lecture. “merlin, already?”
“yeah, already.” sirius hummed.
“where’s moony?” you tiredly look to sirius before looking the other way to see if remus was there.
“finishing your notes for you.” remus replied, eyes glued to the board as he scribbled down dates from it. remus set his pencil down with a satisfied tap and rolled up the parchment just as professor binns dismissed the class. you stood up and stretched before gratefully taking remus’ notes to copy down later.
“thanks, rem. this is why you’re my favorite.” you exhale.
“oi, i thought i was your favorite!” sirius protested. you cast him an amused glance.
“you didn’t copy notes down for me.”
“i would’ve given you mine if you asked.”
“your handwriting is horrid.”
“come on now, you don’t really mean that, don’t you, pretty?” sirius slung an arm over your shoulders as you roll your eyes.
“yes, i do. come on now, i’ve got to get to class.” you tell him, following as remus began to walk out.
“you should skip.”
“and do what?”
“hang out, obviously, sweetheart!” sirius groaned. “merlin, you’re dense sometimes.”
“i’ll keep that in mind.” you raise an eyebrow.
as soon as you sit down in your next class (sirius and remus had indeed skipped, much to remus’ annoyance, as he had charms, which he quite liked. you and sirius had potions, so you couldn’t blame him for skipping), you whipped out your notebook, scribbling down the names before you forgot.
darling, love, pretty, sweetheart.
you hummed contentedly. a considerable list. you decided not to add mum. you look up from your notebook as professor slughorn studied the room.
“(l/n), child, where is mr. black?” the pudgy professor frowned.
“erm,” you hesitate, startled by the sudden question. “in— in the library, sir.”
“do fetch him, won’t you?” slughorn tutted. “such a rebel. but i do enjoy him; his family are fine people.” you sigh. sirius was one of slughorn’s favorites, even though sirius wanted nothing to do with him, as a conversation with slughorn meant talking about his family.
“yes, sir,” you stand up, leaving the room as your classmates stared after you.
you found sirius in the library with the other marauders. you had been expecting this; you knew that remus’ condition for skipping classes would be that they go to the library. sirius was slumped dramatically over the table.
“moony, this is horrible! what’s the point of skipping class if we’re just going to go to the library?” sirius was whining as he caught sight of you. he brightened immediately, and, upon seeing sirius’ face light up, the other three boys looked up as well.
“finally decided to join us, eh?” james grinned.
“in your dreams.” you roll your eyes. “i’ve come for black. professor slughorn wants his star student back.”
“i’m failing potions on purpose, i’m not his star student!” sirius groaned.
“that’d be lily.” james nodded solemnly.
“pushover.” remus snorted quietly. james punched remus’ shoulder.
“his words, not mine.” you shrug. you watch as sirius packs up his things for a moment before turning to leave, assuming sirius would follow after.
“aw, come on, pads, stay!” james protested.
“yeah, you don’t really wanna go to potions, do you?” peter added insistently.
“nope. gotta go, the missus calls.” sirius said, popping the ‘p’ as he slung his bag over his shoulder. “so long, mates.” remus waved goodbye politely as the other two continued to protest, until madam pince gave them the same withering glare that they had found you also had sometimes— the one that shut them up.
“the missus?” you raise an eyebrow as sirius falls into step with you (somewhat, as his long strides were no match for your short, quick steps).
“yeah, the missus.” sirius hummed, looking ahead as he answered. he seemed to sense through your silence that you wanted clarification. “what about it?”
“that’s new.” you shrug. sirius only grins, slinging his arm over your shoulder.
“well, i had to start getting creative since you’re writing them all down.” he says smugly.
“wh-“ you sputter, stepping out of his grip to look at him in shock. “you knew?”
“you’re not very discreet, lovely.” sirius snickered. you sighed. this was true.
“fine.” you groan, reluctantly allowing sirius’ arm to snake around your waist as you continued to walk.
“y’know what else i reckon you ought to add to that list?”
“what?” you ask halfheartedly, knowing full well it’d be a foolish answer.
“i’m all yours.”
“quit it, black.”
“as you wish, darling.”
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enj4s · 7 months
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ PAIRINGS; subaru sakamaki, 𖥻SUBARU x fem! reader 。˚ ⋆
─── ˚୨୧⋆ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎; smut. swearing. fem!dom! reader. reader is mean, again. pegging. (lil) hair pulling. hickies. crying. toxic relationship. both are fucked in the head.
★ Author note 😆😆!!: Whoever requested ts excuse my dramatic ass, I LOVE drama as you can see. (sorry btw) enjoy 🤤‼️ yallyal request I got nun to do other than rot in my bed 💔
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It was one of those days-
You were a patient and laid-back person, or so you and some people thought. But your anger issues have gone up the roof since you met the seven diabolic, unhinged brothers.
Their mothers and Karlheinz were just as bad, if not even worse. The Mukamis could not redeem themselves but they were bearable, especially Azusa who was just less annoying and irritating, or atleast didn't make you wanna dig your nails in your skin and clutch hard till it bleeds, like the others. You had an exception between the seven Sakamaki siblings as well, whom was Subaru.
Subaru was one helluva person to deal with. If not for Karlheinz introducing you to his past, you would've kept your first impression of him, which was he had rabies.
That boy was as layered and complicated as an onion, and trying to navigate through his mind and emotions was gonna drive you mad. One moment he's calling you a dense ass for dropping a pencil or getting bitten, and the other he's glancing at you all soft like a high school girl in love would.
You swore you have spent and used more brain cells on trying to see through him than you had on maths. He could be downright cruel at times, and even dismissed you so harshly that you favored the men-whore final boss (Laito) over him for some while, which didn't last long when he forced you so adorably in a 'relationship' with him or is what you thought, since he ordered you to resist if any of his brothers try to bite you. What else did it mean?
He would become absolutely feral when he got jealous. It was pretty easy to make him reach that point, but dangerous. He would start yelling at you and destroying everything around him in blind rage when he saw you talk to a male teacher or student or his brother's, going as far as attempting drain you of plasma. It was all too tiring and frustrating, you wanted nothing but quietness, to be left alone and ignored.
His delusion of you being his was so utterly nonsensical, but you went along with it for your safety and sanity, it was wise to sometimes give up and give in to his delusions, which he used as a control and power element. Resisting only meant to get bit to near death, where you'd start to see stars and lights that you thought only existed in cartoons, or, like these times, when he'd strangle you.
-where you'd snap.
"Shut the FUCK UP!" You'd yell at the top of your lungs, couldn't you even be strangled to death silently? His yammering of you being a betrayer was so damn irritating. Subaru jolted and flinched away form the volume of your voice, that look on your eyes, he backed up slightly, his grip on your throat weakened. In a swift movement, you dug your nails deep into his unhealthily pale wrists, shoving him away with every ounce of strength you had left.
Subaru stumbled backwards, catching himself quickly, his white boots stepping on a broken shard of glass from a vase that you bet was supposed to be cherished. You felt guilty for using one of his traumas against him to make him halt, stop. Yes, but did it save you from getting choked? Yes.
The anger was incredibly contagious, you bite your lip to hold back all the insults and traumas you could bring up, knowing that it would just bring you brutal death and a quick burial in dirt in the next hour, you shut your mouth, trying to find saliva to relieve your sore throat that was deeply in dire need of moisture.
The grip he had on your throat just now had been so tight you could've sworn he had actually meant to kill you for a second. Your breathing became labored. Your heartbeat was stubborn and didn't wanna settle down. Your eyes stared back at Subaru's with a mixture of tears and fury, you blink. Trying to help your eyes get used to the light again.
Both of you had your flaws and toxic traits, you suddenly found yourself on top of Subaru, a hard grip on his hair that matched his on your throat earlier, you wipe salty tears away, everything was a blur. You swore you couldn't remember a thing. You'd insult other people for not controlling their actions, yet you couldn't keep yours in check either.
"Sorry," You murmured against his pale skin, kissing alongside the hickies and bite marks you left on his neck. They looked painful. He was a vampire, so you didn't worry too much. They'd heal in an hour or two. You were still between his thighs, cum dripped down his hips and legs.
"You just piss me off sometimes...It's so childish when you start yammering and yelling, creating scenes when I talk to anyone," You watched his wine red eyes trail down in something like shame. His mouth was sewed shut, he was already embarrassed from moaning as loud as he yells. He was cuter when he was quiet, you note, and grin silently, propping yourself on your knees to thrust inside him again without warning, tearing a shriek from the albino beneath you, he drops his head down on the pillows, you were making him feel way too good, as rough as it was.
It almost seemed like you were still taking your anger out on him as you pounded inside him harshly. Subaru felt his stomach coil and he tightens, when you'd lean down to whisper sweet nothings in his ear that didn't match your humping.
“C-ca- ah! Can’t! Hah..” Subaru whined shakily, a sound he'd drop dead before making if he was in his right state of his mind. He hiccups and whimpers as he covered his face with his hands. “So full..hic- too much," His legs dangle like a rag doll's from your shoulders as you plundge inside him deeper and deeper with each delicious thrust.
You lean down with a sigh, catching Subaru's lips in a kiss, and grab at his long bangs, tugging hard to tilt his head upward, and swallow down the loud wail that was about to wrack from his body as he came, vibrating slightly and hips thrusting up pathetically in the air. His fangs poked at your lip a bit painfully as he tried to bite down his noises, now chasing after your lips and the little blood that threatened to spill.
Getting strangled or beat again later from a flustered Subaru wouldn't be surprising after wracking his shit, but it was worth it. You could only laugh as he emptily threatened to break your arm after this, complaining that he couldn't feel his legs and that you're a perv.
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ @enj4s ♡ @un0rin ♡
don't repost or copy I know where u live 👁
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wingedtrash · 1 year
Rick Grimes x Reader with an oral fixation
||CW|| NSFW be careful. MDNI (I’m not responsible for your media consumption). Blow Job and that’s about it.
AFAB/GN Reader, Reader isn’t mentioned to have a gender, no body parts mentioned for reader
This is my first time posting my writing, don’t judge too hard.
(Slightly self insert)
At first he didn’t understand why you were always chewing on things/putting things in your mouth, whether it be the strings of your hoodie, your fingernails, your thumb, your knuckles, water bottle caps, pens and pencils, pretty much anything you could put in your mouth.
It wasn’t until a pen burst in your mouth that he confronted you.
You turned around from sitting at a table where you were writing in a journal. The ink of the pen dripping from your mouth. “Darlin’ that’s what happens when you chew on things that aren’t meant to be chewed on.” He said before grabbing you a glass of water to rinse your mouth with.
“I can’t help it Rick.” You responded, frustrated and embarrassed with yourself for chewing through the pen.
“What do you mean you can’t help it? Just stop puttin’ things in your mouth.” He shrugged.
“It’s not something I can just stop, it keeps my brain and mouth occupied. I don’t know, I can’t really explain it in a way that you’d understand.” You try your best to explain, but you really don’t know exactly why you do it, it’s not something you think about before doing.
After that he never bothers asking about it again.
He does however replace certain things. For example, if your chewing on a pen, he takes it away from you and gives you a pencil so it won’t explode in your mouth like last time.
He starts looking for gum on runs for you in hopes that it’ll help stop you from chewing on your fingers because he finds it very unsanitary, especially when you’re away from Alexandria and don’t have soap or clean water. He’s just trying to keep you from getting sick.
He doesn’t mind watching you with your fingers in your mouth though, he gets off on the sight.
After a little while, he starts offering his own fingers. (Only when you’re in the comfort of your shared bedroom.)
He enjoys watching the way your mouth suckles on his large fingers.
He also loves the feeling of your wet mouth around his fingers.
He eventually thinks of something even better that you can wrap your mouth around.
His cock
“Darlin’ you know what else I think you might enjoy havin’ in your mouth?” He’d ask one night as he was walking out of the bathroom from taking a shower.
“Hmmm?” You hummed, turning to look at him, towel draped over his hips, messy wet hair framing his face.
“C’mere, I’ll show you.” He said, unraveling his towel, still holding it up so he didn’t uncover his hard cock yet.
You could obviously already see where this was going, considering he was completely naked. (And that towel couldn’t hide his bulge no matter how Rick tried adjusting it.)
You were now stood in front of him, trying your best to act like you didn’t know what was to come.
He finally drops his towel and there, in all of it’s glory is his rock hard dick, waiting so patiently for your mouth.
“Knees.” He commands. And you do as you’re told, dropping to your knees in front of him.
He reaches down and grabs your chin with one hand. Fisting his cock in the other.
“Open.” He squeezes your cheeks.
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out waiting for him.
He slaps his cock against your waiting tongue, sliding himself into your warm, wet mouth.
He groans at the feeling of you taking him into your mouth.
You push yourself as far down as you can go on him making yourself gag.
He definitely loves the sound of you gagging too.
He slowly starts fucking into your mouth, being as gentle as he can to not hurt you.
He ends up completely face fucking you.
Tears and drool streaming down your face, making a complete mess out of you.
He’s a sweetheart after though.
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ladykailitha · 9 months
The Magic of Christmas Part 3/8
Just an extra long chapter here because they didn't want to shut up. They're getting closer and their best friends are slowly coming on board to the idea.
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie was vibrating. Chrissy had done a total deep dive into this guy and other then being a bratty teenager and having shit parents there was nothing in Steve’s closet that would set off alarm bells.
Steve Harrington just knew how to deal with people to get what he wanted. He knew when to back off, too. In fact, Eddie was trying to get the dude stop backing off so much.
He was a people pleaser with eroded boundaries. And while that was certainly a problem, it wasn’t a ‘might be a serial killer’ problem like Chrissy thought.
So yeah, Eddie was vibrating because he was going to show Steve his first set of sketches for him to okay the design.
Steve was late. He had called to let him know he would be late. A meeting had gone over and he would be there as soon as he could.
Eddie pulled out his drawing pad and flipped through the designs he had come up with. He itched to pull out a pencil and “fix” a line or seven. But he had to refrain. If he started on it he would be so far down the rabbit hole that he would have three new designs before Steve got here.
A shadow crossed over him and he looked up to see Steve standing there.
“Steve!” he greeted warmly, getting to his feet.
They shook hands and then sat down.
“So what have you got for me?” Steve asked eagerly, leaning on his forearms to see Eddie’s drawing pad.
Eddie grinned at him. “I’ve got loads, big boy.” He turned the drawing pad around and Steve paid diligent attention to each piece.
He went back to the third design and turned it back to face Eddie. “I like this one. But I have one suggestion, if I may?”
Eddie shrugged. “Sure.”
“What if the dragon’s wings spread out over the four other pieces connecting them?” Steve asked, biting on his lip.
Eddie began to sketch furiously while Steve watched in fascination.
“Have you ever thought about streaming your process?” Steve asked. “It’s very enthralling.”
Eddie’s head jerked up like he’d forgotten Steve was there at all. He looked down at his pad and blushed. “I never thought I’d have the patience for it, you know? The whole explaining it while I’m doing it.”
Steve nodded. “I can see why that might deter you. But if you just drew or painted and put music over the top, I think it would do very well.”
“And would you be my first subscriber?” Eddie teased.
“Hell yeah!” Steve said with a grin. “And I would tell everyone I know to subscribe too.”
“I’ll think about it.”
He slid the drawing back over to Steve, who grinned.
“Edward Allen Munson!” Chrissy hissed as she threw open the door to their loft. “You tell me right now: are you joking about the YouTube channel?”
Eddie looked up from his sketching and blinked at her. “I thought you’d be pleased.”
She walked over to where he had sprawled out in front of the five canvasses and flopped down across from him. “I am pleased but only if you aren’t trying to butter me up to leave you alone about your ridiculous crush.”
Eddie opened and closed his mouth, licking and smacking his lips as he struggled for words.
“It’s about the crush but not in the way you mean…?” he said with a grimace.
She crossed her legs and put her elbows on her knees. She rested her head on her knuckles to stare him down. He wiggled and squirmed under her gaze.
So Eddie did.
Chrissy rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “So no talking but what if I convinced you to let me write words to put up on the screen while you paint talking about the subject matter and why you chose it?”
“Oh!” he said brightly. “Even better! Why don’t I talk about D&D or music while I paint? That way I can babble to my hearts content without out having to drone on about the process.”
She blinked at him. “Eddie Munson you are a genius.” She rose up on her still crossed legs and kissed him soundly on the forehead. “I love it and you.”
Eddie blushed and went back to his sketching.
“Steve!” Dustin screamed into his ear when he picked up the phone mere days after his last meeting with Eddie.
“God, kid,” Steve groaned. “Tone it down. I don’t want to go deaf please.”
He could practically feel the eye roll from here.
“Eddie Munson has a YouTube channel!” Dustin continued to scream. “Oh my god do you know how big this is?!”
“One, I need to you to breath before you pass out from lack of oxygen to your brain,” Steve said. “You like your brain, don’t abuse it like this.”
Dustin let out a slow shuddering breath. “Right. I’m breathing.”
“Good,” Steve said slowly. “And two, I know about the channel because he told me about it.”
“You already know?” Dustin squawked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Steve sighed. “Look at the clock and tell me what time it is?”
“2:37pm. Why?”
“What time did the channel go live?” Steve asked, pinch the bridge of his nose.
“About one.”
“And where would you have been at one?” he asked, his eyes fluttering shut against the audacity of this kid.
“Yeah, bud,” Steve said. “Oh. You were in class. Which I still don’t understand why you are taking summer classes. You’re young, you should enjoy your life.” He tilted his head. “How did you find out so fast anyway?”
“I follow Eddie on twitter, Facebook, Instragram, and his fan Discord server.” This was said as though it was obvious.
“Well now you have one more place to follow him,” Steve said ignoring the tone.
“Steve…” Dustin said, his voice low and dangerous. “Why are you his first subscriber?”
“Look, Dustin,” he said trying to keep the giggle in his throat from bursting through, “I’ve got to run. I have a meeting.”
Steve sighed as he held the phone against his forehead, grateful they weren’t in person.
“Yeah, Steve,” Robin said from the doorway, “why were you his first subscriber?”
He blushed a dark red. “Because I promised I would be when I suggested the channel three days ago?”
Robin narrowed her eyes. “I see.”
Steve wasn’t sure what she saw, but he knew he would find out soon enough.
Eddie was working on Dustin’s first because he felt like it was the most important to get right. Wizards were usually portrayed as dusty old men and it appeared that this kid had done the same. But then the character was created ten years ago.
But Eddie decided to avoid a Gandolf/Dumbledore looking dude and went more for a Jafar that had gotten the time to grow old. A neat goatee, a sharp piercing gaze and weather-beaten skin.
His robe had stars on it according to Will the Wise’s picture of them. So he decided to make the robe look it was filled with swirling galaxies and nebulae.
Eddie was working on the cave background when his phone chirped. He tucked his paintbrush behind his ear and pulled it out.
Rich Pretty Boy: I got ahold of a couple of friends of mine that are going to help promote your charity. Nancy Wheeler is an investigative journalist most of the time but she owes me a favor and is willing to interview you about the charity to get it seen on a national platform. I’ll email you the details.
Eddie blinked at his phone in shock. Nancy Wheeler was the new and improved Barbara Walters (improved as in she wasn’t an ass to the people she was interviewing.) That must be a huge fucking favor she owed Steve if he got her for this.
EM: Holy shit! What kind of blackmail do you have on her for this?
RPB: LOL! I’m sworn to secrecy, sorry. :(
EM: All right, keep your secrets.
RPB: That’s LotR, right?
EM: Correct. I know you keep telling me you aren’t a nerd, but dude every time we talk I gather more and more evidence to the contrary.
RPB: I blame Dustin. He wore me down.
EM: Then I take it upon myself to complete the education that Sir Dustin has begun!
EM: Meet me at my loft on Friday at 8pm. We are going to start with the animated classics of the 80s!
RPB: Beer or wine?
EM: Beer.
EM: I’ll see you later, pretty boy. I have this huge project I’m working on that is on a deadline.
RPB: Curse the bastard that’s taking up all your time. ;)
Eddie laughed out loud.
EM: He’s the worst. ;)
RPB: See you on Friday, Eds.
EM: Laters!
Eddie put his phone down with a fond smile on his face. It was absolutely ridiculous how much he loved this beautiful idiot that had come in and swept him off his feet.
“Tell me again why I have to be here for this?” Chrissy complained for the fifth time that hour.
“Because fair Christine,” Eddie said through gritted teeth, “it’s not a date and he’s bringing his best friend.”
“How is his secretary his best friend anyway?” she groused, folding her arms and burying herself into the big fluffy sofa.
Eddie rolled his eyes and flopped down next to her. “They were friends before he took over the business. They had worked together in every job they’ve ever had so when he took over he put the one person he could trust in front of his office to shield himself from the assholes who make his life a living hell.”
Chrissy pursed her lips. “Fine.”
He kissed her cheek and went to go get the popcorn and candy.
“You ever going to tell this Steve you have a hard on for him?” she asked as he kept swapping bowls around for best placement.
“No,” Eddie said firmly. “Not while he’s paying me, anyway.”
She shrugged. “I guess that’s fair. It’s just...”
“That I have it so bad my only two thoughts are painting and Steve?” he finished for her.
“And me,” she agreed. “But pretty much.”
He put his head on her shoulder. “I’ve never fallen this hard for a person before. He’s sweet and funny and an absolute dork.”
Chrissy kissed the top of his head. “I’ll be good tonight. No bitching or being mean.”
Eddie snorted. “He’s also a queen bitch. So you can be you all you want. Just...”
She turned on the sofa, bringing her knees up to her chest. “But what?”
“When he starts gushing about something don’t...” he floundered for the right words. “Just don’t make him feel small about it.”
Chrissy tilted her head to side. “Has people made him feel small about his interests?”
Eddie nodded. “I think his parents were like yours, if I’m honest.”
“Rich, entitled assholes who wanted a doll and not a child?” she asked bitterly. He nodded. She sighed heavily. “Yeah okay. You got me. I know the signs and will adjust accordingly.”
He threw his arms around her and gave her a wet sloppy kiss on the cheek.
Just then the doorbell rang.
“They’re here,” Eddie said nervously.
Chrissy leaned down to look at him. “Do you want me to answer the door to give you a second to prepare?”
He nodded.
She gave his hands a squeeze and gracefully slid off the couch to do just that. She bounded over to the door and threw it open. And yeah, objectively she knew what Steve looked like, but seeing him out of his trademark blue power suit was a revelation. And immediately she got why Eddie fell hard for this guy.
He was wearing a David Bowie t-shirt from his Ziggy Stardust era and tight, light blue jeans. His sneakers were Nike’s, and his watch was Schwartz but those were the only major shows of wealth.
Next to him was not what she was expecting either. Chrissy was expecting someone more bookish. Glasses, frumpy. Or even the extreme opposite, a fashion plate. Someone who fit the sexy secretary stereotype. But nope.
She was fashionable, Chrissy had to give her that, but not in the way she thought. Billowy pants with a long-sleeved button up with sleeves rolled up to her elbows and pair of colorful suspenders. Her blonde hair was artfully tousled and she had freckles on her nose and cheeks.
In short, Chrissy was in love.
“Hi!” she greeted as though her heart wasn’t going to leap out of her chest to prostrate itself before this lovely maiden, only for her stomp all over it.
“Hey,” Steve smiled back. “You must be the agent/best friend, Chrissy I’ve been hearing so much about. It’s nice to put a name to the face.”
The woman elbows him. “Face to the name, dingus.”
Steve flushed. “I’m so glad I have you here to correct me.”
“Come on in,” Chrissy said warmly, moving out of the way for them to enter the loft. Inwardly she briefly wondered if maybe the best friend was the cause of the “limiting” as Eddie called it.
“Thanks!” he said and then pointed to the woman next to him. “This is Robin my platonic soulmate, best friend, and all around Stevie wrangler. I don’t know what I would do without her.”
“Aww,” Robin said with a smile and hip check.
Steve stumbled but laughed, too.
By the time they reach the living area Chrissy still wasn’t sure what to think about these two.
Eddie leapt to his feet at the sight of them.
“Stevie! Robin!” he greeted brightly. “You found the place okay?”
Robin nodded. “I’m glad you gave us directions on top of the whole GPS otherwise we would have ended up in some cemetery.”
Chrissy grimaced. “Yeah. But that cemetery was here before the condos and high rises so I can’t complain. Even though I really, really want to.”
“How old is the cemetery?” Steve asked eagerly.
She looked over at Eddie for help. “I don’t actually know.”
“Uh...” Eddie said unhelpfully. “I don’t know exactly but I know it’s over a century old.”
Steve lit up. “That’s so cool.”
“You like old graveyards, Steve?” Chrissy asked. She sat down on the sofa and grabbed the bag of popcorn.
“Steve is obsessed with them,” Robin said playfully.
“Am not,” he said and then turned to Chrissy and Eddie. “I’m really not. I just think it’s super neat.”
“What makes them so neat?” Eddie asked, taking the beer from Steve and setting it on the table with the array of goodies.
“Like seeing a bunch of people with similar death years knowing that it was because of a pandemic,” Steve said. “Or on Memorial Day going to see all the American flags for those that died during war time. It’s all just endlessly fascinating.”
“I could take you some time,” Eddie said. “Have a picnic lunch, make a day out of it.”
“You’d do that?” he asked eagerly.
Chrissy bumped Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie here likes graveyards because they’re spooky.”
Steve laughed. “That’s a great reason to like graveyards.”
They settled down to watch the movies Eddie had picked out for them. A double feature of “The Hobbit” and “The Return of the King”.
“Holy shit!” Steve said afterwards. “How did they get more faithful to the books in less time than Peter Jackson?”
Eddie laughed. “Good story telling.”
They finally left for the night and Eddie closed the door behind them.
“Thoughts?” Eddie asked.
“And prayers,” Chrissy said. “Holy fuck do you have it bad. And I’ll swear under oath that if there is a god, he made Steve especially for you.”
He blushed. “Fuck, you can’t say that.”
“Why not?” she asked raising an eyebrow.
“Because it feels that way for me, too,” he whined, “and if you think that too, then I’m royally fucked.”
Chrissy sighed. “Yeah.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @carlprocastinator1000 @mogami13 @samsoble
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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frozenjokes · 7 months
Another Much Needed Follow Up About Love and Aromanticism, Where It’s Time We Cleared Things Up. Oh, And Mumbo Is Here Too.
this fic can be read on its own as a one shot, but I would recommend reading this first, as the context provides a little more insight on why the characters are reacting the way they do to each other
Over the course of a couple weeks very little changed. Mumbo spent the majority of his time planted in one place, anchored somewhat in the shallows so he could lift his head and listen to what the humans were doing on the days they came around. As much as it pained Mumbo to be so still so much of the time, it was a necessary evil if he ever wanted to heal, and he very much did. It didn’t matter how little he moved his tail at this point, anything he did would only result in his condition worsening.
If it wasn’t for Scar, he would have left a while ago. The humans didn’t come every day anymore, but they came often enough, and they certainly noticed Mumbo’s lack of activity. Grian tended towards keeping his distance, which didn’t bother Mumbo at all, but Scar really went out of his way to be there; sitting close (a gesture Mumbo was beginning to mind less), bringing him human trinkets to look at and play with (always exciting), but most importantly Scar brought food, and a lot of it at that; Mumbo wouldn’t have been able to stay without it. He often wondered where Scar got the many bags of fish he brought; it wasn’t all very fresh, so it was probably supplied from a human stockpile, but regardless, Mumbo was grateful. He wasn’t often in the best of moods and didn’t speak very much despite the fact he was sure Scar would have been ecstatic to talk with him, but he hoped regardless that Scar knew how deeply grateful he was.
Today, Scar and Grian were sitting on the shore together, shoulder to shoulder as they bent over one of their human activities. The first time Mumbo saw them drawing together, he had asked to see (saying ‘What’ over and over again seemed to have gained several different meanings over the weeks), but Scar had showed him that the paper they wrote on got ruined in the water, ripping easily, so it wasn’t something Mumbo could learn about personally. That was okay though, he was content to watch.
“Okay,” Scar began tapping the writing utensil (‘pencil’) to his lips, “Do we have anything to revise about the list this week? I don’t think very much new has happened.”
“Read it again, will you?”
“It’s right here in front of your face, do I really have to?”
“We’ve been over this Scar, I’m conditionally illiterate. Like right now, you got me up early and I’m tired and the words are so far away and I don’t want to. Also your handwriting is atrocious.”
“I’m tired too! It’s not my fault my fish guy needed me to show up at 6 AM.”
“You have a car, Scar. And a license.”
“Oh hey! Look at this cool list!” Scar directed Grian’s attention back to the paper, Grian only rolling his eyes before letting Scar continue. “Well, I won’t go into detail on my notes about what he eats because that’ll just bore you, but to put it simply, basically everything that’s got meat on it. Fish, shellfish, red meat, chicken, mostly just fish is what I’ve been giving him though, since I’m assuming that's what makes up most of his diet. Want to make sure he gets all the proper nutrients, you understand, you understand.”
“Uh huh.”
“As for ‘Likes,’ we’ve got fish, human stuff, Scar, Grian-”
“Scar first?” Grian cut his friend off with a raised eyebrow. Scar blinked several times before answering.
“Scar, Grian. You put your name before mine.”
“Well this list wasn’t meant to be in order, but if it was, my name would absolutely go before yours.”
“What! No it wouldn’t. He likes us equally. Mumbo and I have a mutual understanding that we do not want to be anywhere near each other most of the time. We respect each other. From a distance.”
Scar smirked, throwing Mumbo an amused look as if he understood anything that was going on. “You know if you wanted to you could also bring him gifts and stuff. Nothing is stopping you. You could even bring him his fish if you wanted to, he wouldn’t know the difference. I wouldn’t care. There’s really nothing to be afraid of, especially now when he’s so docile like this.”
“I’m not afraid of Mumbo.”
“If anything, he’s afraid of me, Scar. I got him in that net, I’ve gotten close to killing him a couple times- he knows it, Scar, he knows. He knows what’ll happen if he steps out of line, that’s what. I told him. I told him all about it.”
“Did you now,” Scar chuckled, nudging Grian playfully, “Well in that case, I’m definitely sure he likes me more. And I’m sure you’re perfectly content with being feared, but if you ever change your mind, I’d be happy to help.”
Grian huffed, “I won’t. Continue though.”
Scar lingered for a moment, a gentle fondness etched on his features before turning back to the paper, reading, “Well, he plays around with those vines and roots and things sometimes, he clearly is very curious, he likes to learn, and I think he likes birds, but he might just be staring at them because he wants to eat them. I put bugs in our ‘Neutral’ category since every time I try to give him a bug he just eats it, but I can’t tell if he just eats bugs or if he’s scared of them or something.”
“I highly doubt Mumbo is afraid of bugs. I doubt he cares.”
“Well, you never know! In ‘Dislikes’ we’ve got nets, sleeping bags, being touched, fighting- actually this isn't super related, but I really want to set up a Good and Bad system with him. A thumbs up thumbs down kind of situation. I was thinking about it all last night- we aren’t very good at communicating what we like or don’t like, and this feels like a good solution, but I’m not exactly sure how to tell him clearly what I’m trying to do. How would he know thumbs up means ‘good.’ And vice versa? Maybe bad would be easier to start with, but at the same time he kinda seems like a bite first ask questions later kinda guy.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea. Definitely start with thumbs up. With any luck he’ll understand that thumbs down is the opposite and you can go from there. I think you could probably associate the gesture with things Mumbo likes. The tape measure, fish- he knows smiling is a positive thing even if he doesn’t smile himself, and he knows what ‘yes’ means as well. With enough of that, I think he’ll grasp the meaning pretty quick.”
“I think so too,” Scar paused for a moment, thoughtful, “You know, this doesn’t just have to be a me effort. You could come and speak to him as well. He would know you’re putting in the effort if you wanted him to like you more.”
“He likes me plenty!” Grian switched from relaxed to exasperated on a dime, throwing up his hands as Scar laughed. “He likes me, Scar.”
“I know he likes you. But I also know he doesn’t have the full picture. He doesn’t know how much time you spend brainstorming how to teach him things, or how to relieve his stress, or worrying when he’s not feeling well. I just want him to know you aren’t as distant as he probably thinks, especially if it bothers you. If you wanted to get a little closer and help me with the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ gestures, that’d be a start.”
Grian was silent for a long time, brows creased tight above his eyes. “Maybe,” he said finally, almost quietly, “But not today. I’m too tired.”
“Yeah, me too,” Scar sighed, content, letting his head fall to rest on top of Grian’s, who squeaked, jumping so hard he accidentally jabbed at Scar’s chin with his shoulder. It must not have hurt though, because Scar didn’t seem to mind at all, unmoving. Slowly, Grian untensed, his head falling gently on Scar’s shoulder. Mumbo had a somewhat ridiculous pang of longing despite still holding a strong aversion to any human touch at all. They just looked so relaxed- anyone would wonder what it was like to be human. Though, while Scar closed his eyes, Grian didn’t quite look satisfied, something like conflict sitting across his features. He sat like that for a while, eyes moving, but not quite looking at anything at all, apparent restlessness building. Then he stopped. Closed his eyes. Opened them.
“Scar, are you aromantic or are you just fucking with me? Because I outright refuse to believe anyone is actually this clueless.”
Scar opened his eyes. Silence. “Uh oh.”
“Uh oh???” It was safe to say the two of them did not look relaxed anymore, Grian jerking away, “Scar, what does ‘uh oh’ mean. You can not just say ‘uh oh’ and nothing else.” Mumbo’s fins raised at the tone of his voice, but Mumbo cringed back when Grian whipped around to face him with an aggressive point. “No. You stay. Scar, I need you to say more right now.”
“I-Sleeping, I mean, we weren’t sleeping yet- but resting like- not friends? Not normal? Bdubs- I am going to strangle that man!”
“So you’re aromantic?” The words leapt off Grian’s tongue like an accusation, but he relaxed almost immediately after, sighing into his hands, “You’re aromantic. Okay. Good. Okay.”
“I- I mean I don’t love labels. I don’t really know, I don’t know much of anything at all, really. I’m sorry, Grian, I didn’t- did no one tell you I have a horrible track record for these things? Did you want me to ask you out? I still can.”
“Goodness, Scar, no! You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, you’ve just been sending incredibly mixed signals and I needed to know what was going on with you before my head exploded and my brains went all over the place and poor Mumbo would have to witness that and we don’t want that, do we? We don’t want that. This is fine, though, we just need to work out some boundaries.”
“What if I did want to though? To ask you out?”
Grian stared. Scar stared back.
“You do not want to.”
“I’ll have you know, I like you plenty a lot! I like you all sorts of ways, and if you also like me, then that’s cool! I’ll tell ya, when I had my little politics phase, my campaign manager was this great guy, Bdubs, we’re still friends, too, have you met him? Anyway, he’s a pretty touchy guy as well and he convinced me all sorts of things were totally normal friend stuff. Oh, we had this great cushy chair in our office and it was only really meant for one person, but sometimes we’d both be so tired and just squeeze into it and it wasn’t any sort of comfortable at all, but in a way it kinda was. Like inside. You know?”
“Scar, do you actually want to ask me out or are you just saying that because you think that’s what I wanted.”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Not what I asked.”
“Well, Grian, it really doesn’t matter to me either way!” Scar gave Grian a big smile, like these words were the ones that would definitively solve their dispute, but the expression started to drop when Grian looked mortified. “Is..” Scar started, unsure now, “Something wrong?”
Mumbo had never seen such a wide range of emotions cross Grian’s face before his head dropped onto his knees with a soft thunk. “No. It’s fine.”
Scar stared for a long while, a gentle churning of thought moving behind his eyes. He relaxed, scooching to give Grian a little space before smiling again, the expression soft. “Can I tell you a story?”
“Sure, Scar.” Grian’s voice was muffled between his knees, and given his face was covered, Mumbo had no idea how he was feeling.
“So there was this one time in high school where I was good friends with this girl, and she was awesome, just the best, and we hung out like constantly, and y’know how people get sometimes all pushy asking about dating and stuff, but you also know high schoolers who can’t communicate if their life was on the line. So all my friends are like dude, you guys are literally dating, aren’t you? And I say no! I insist we’re not every time, I insist! Yes, we went out together often and we talked for hours and her family had some money troubles so a lot of the time I offered to pay, you know, normal stuff, it was normal, I promise, but one day I get this call, right? From one of her friends! And this girl just starts ripping into me, like, seriously! She’s telling me all this stuff I had no idea about- telling me my friend is so confused, that she doesn’t feel pretty around me, that I’m always trying to avoid intimacy- that I refused to kiss her! And I was like what, whoa there! No one has ever tried to kiss me! Why are we talking about kissing people? She thought we were dating, Grian.”
“I got that.”
“And then she dumped me! My first breakup, and I didn’t even know! I was kinda bummed, too, I had always kinda wanted to kiss someone, but I thought they’d tell me first! Y’know, that they wanted to. I would have been so ready! The worst part is I think my guy friends were trying to tell me we were dating, not just teasing me. They also thought it was funny though, so. Who knows.”
“I know, right! And this other time in college there was this other girl- we had mutual friends and stuff and we were at a party and just absolutely wasted and she grabbed me by the collar and she said ‘SCAR,’ she yelled in my face, she said ‘I’ve been FLIRTING with you for WEEKS and YOU’VE been flirting BACK. ARE YOU GAY?’ And I said, drunk, ‘A little bit!’ And then we danced all night. It was awesome. She was so cool. That kinda stuff happened a lot in college, actually. Guys are a bit more direct, which I appreciate. I’m a little stupid, I need the extra help sometimes.”
Grian tensed where he was sitting, quiet for a short pause before speaking, “You’re not stupid, Scar.”
“I mean. A little bit.”
“No. You’re not stupid.”
Scar was silent for a long while, staring despite Grian’s head still being buried in his knees. “I don’t know about that.”
Grian lifted his head, shaking it ‘no.’ He blinked a couple times before shaking his head again, a little more forcefully. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I shouldn’t have done that, I should’ve just talked to you like an adult and told you how I was feeling. Sometimes you’re just really confusing, and that’s not your fault, you just.. go about the world in a different way. And it’s not a bad way either, it’s not wrong. If people can’t communicate exactly how they’re feeling to you, that’s a them issue. You’re not stupid. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“I didn’t mean to lead you on. I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know, Scar. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“I really thought we had some sort of understanding- and I did mean it when I said we could give this a shot. I like dating, Grian, I always have a lot of fun! I can be- I know I can be- I have trouble sometimes, I just ruin good things-”
“Scar, stop, please. I don’t want anything you don’t want. Period.”
Scar didn’t seem to know what to do with that, staring uselessly at his own hands before looking back up. “I want it, Grian,” he stressed, his arms trembling, but Grian only stared, lips gently parted.
They both looked.. So sad. Mumbo longed to help, to sing, to do something, but he was stuck outside of their world.
Grian extended his arms. “C’mere, buddy.”
Scar collapsed into them, shaking as he did. Grian didn’t move, rubbing slow circles on Scar’s back while he cried. There was a certain focus behind Grian’s eyes, a certain calm as he held his friend close, and Mumbo.. well, it was clear Grian didn’t need Mumbo’s help. So that was the power of human touch.
He’d have to learn it one day.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
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A/N I have some requests in the chain above this one but wanted to post something that was a stand alone and not a part to another fic I wrote earlier because of how long I have been away. I promise the two requests lined up before this (pt 3 of till death do us part and pt 4 to cover up) will be out soon! Also, this request reminds me of Cinder by Marissa Meyer so there is some mild inspo from that in here (and loose quoting. sorry. I got carried away.).
What it Means to be a Person (Alastor x Cyborg!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Description: Y/n gave an arm and a leg to the fight against the exterminators and feels she has lost her humanity by the bionic replacements Lucifer and Charlie gifted her in return. Alastor reminds her that not all is lost, she can still dance, after all.
Warnings: Hurt//comfort. This might've ended up a little more angsty than intended and I kinda ran away with the prompt. Sorry about that.
Word Count: 2,246
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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“Imagine there was a cure, but it would cost you everything. What would you do?”
Y/n's question hung in the air of the dimly lit kitchen, echoing off the uncertainties late hours like this one always seemed to carry. Alastor froze where he stood by the stove, his hang halfway to the kettle whistling away upon it. He turned to face her where she sat at the far end of the rough hewn kitchen table, her head in her hands and her hair acting as a curtain, as a shield, hiding her face from view.
The meeting had been an accident. Alastor had found himself craving a cup of tea to accompany his late night preparations for tomorrows broadcast and when he had entered the kitchen, he had found her sitting there. Since the day Y/n had shown up at the hotel in all her bright and wild exuberance, Alastor had felt a connection with the girl. She was bubbly, a showman at heart with a soft spot for the macabre, how could he not automatically find a certain level of camaraderie with her? Everything had changed after the battle with Heaven a few weeks before.
Y/n had fought valiantly, using all her brains and brawn to protect the place she had come to call her home and the people she had discovered to be her family. The battle did not take her life, but she did give an arm and a leg to its hungry fervor. With Lucifer's help, Charlie had managed to get her an appointment with a well known doctor in Pentagram City. The man had given Y/n back her ability to stand, to reach for things, but had taken the mangled remains of her human form in the process. She had been brought back to square one, learning how to walk, to hold a pencil. She had been filled to the brim with wires that allowed her to control her new appendages.
The conversation had been an accident as well. Alastor hadn't meant to open the can of worms he was now sifting through. He had just spotted her sitting there, had casually asked how she was doing. Y/n was always so human, so much more human than he was capable of being. It was the only thing that had ever held him back from taking what he wanted, that wild and irrevocable humanity of hers.
"I would take the cure." Alastor replied after a moment, turning back to the stove and at last lifting the kettle, pouring the hot water into his favorite mug, "It would be better than the alternative."
With a decided intent in his step, he made his way over to her. The legs of the chair scraped dangerously across the floor as he pulled it out and took a seat beside her. Y/n looked up.
Alastor was shocked at what he saw. Y/n had been hiding since the battle, claiming that she was recuperating. No one had any reason to doubt her given the injuries she had sustained but now, Alastor was not so sure. Her eyes were sunken, dark circles dulling the pink of her cheeks. She was silver in the moonlight as it streamed through the window but she did not shine as she normally seemed to.
"I'm not human anymore."
Y/n's voice was cracked and raw, it only made him love her more. Out of all the creatures in Hell, she was the only one who would worry about such a thing, he was sure of it. Alastor had to stop himself from laughing, focusing on the heat of the cup held between his hands.
"You never were. You haven't been in a long time." he mused in response and Y/n sighed.
"I don't feel like a person anymore."
Again, another contradiction. Y/n was a demon, through and through. Not quite an overlord but powerful, well on her way to becoming one. There was nothing human about that in Alastor's eyes. The way he saw it, the moment a soul died they stopped being a person, no matter where in the afterlife they ended up. It was clear she would not agree. They had never talked of such matters before, it was an unexpected revelation. Alastor took a deep breath.
Y/n was silent, her eyes returning to the table as she traced the grains of the wood. It was unlike him, the concern, the curiosity for such an emotional matter. Alastor had long since given up on trying to make sense of the things she provoked in him. He tried again.
"How do you define being human? Is it what you look like? What you're made up of? Or is it who you are."
It was a clumsy attempt. There had been no need to provide comfort for a long time, not since Alastor had been alive. He was out of practice but, he supposed, caring for another was rather like riding a bike. Once you learned how it was done, you never really forgot.
"Who you are but..." Y/n's eyes met his once again, the conflict occuring behind them apparent.
She was unsheltered, the facade was gone. Alastor would consider himself close with the demon, closer perhaps than anyone else at the hotel but still, he had never seen her like this. His heart hurt.
"At the same time," she continued solemnly, "there is more to it than that."
"How do you define humanity?"
Y/n thought for a moment.
"Dancing. Spending time with friends, having people who care about you. Making meals together, reading books and poetry. Making art. Feeling one with the world around you, being a part of the earth we all come from."
Alastor held another laugh at bay. It wasn't out of the blue but, at the same time, there was something strange about hearing the words as they left her lips. He took a sip of his drink, the hot liquid worming its way down his throat and into his stomach.
"Doesn't the fact that you now find yourself to be inhuman at all show at least some of those?"
Y/n cocked her head to the side in confusion, her brow furrowing. Alastor sighed, leaning back in his chair.
"What I mean is that the reason you have those bionic limbs of yours at all is because you have people who care about you enough to get them for you and you cared enough about other people to give up what you originally had. If that isn't having people who care about you, spending time with friends, being one with the world around you, I don't know what is."
"But I am not of the earth any longer." Y/n ruefully replied.
"You are."
"How? I am naught but metal now. I traded steel for skin."
In the weakness of the night breeze, she seemed to slip into the skin she once wore. Flowery language, a posh, nearly transatlantic accent, shoulders straight and strong, all reminders of her upper class upbringing from so long ago. He could almost see her now as she must've been. It was a trick of the light.
"You were buried, right?"
Y/n nodded.
"I believe so. Beside my mother."
"Then you are forever of the earth."
"To the earth we must return," Y/n nodded after a moment in solemn agreement, "but I will never dance again."
Alastor had never even known it was something she had enjoyed. The time for questions was later, he got to his feet, his cup left abandoned on the table.
Alastor summoned his staff with a wave of his hand, leaning it against the sideboard as a soft song began playing from its speaker. Turning to Y/n once again, he offered her his hand. Y/n eyed it tentatively before reaching out her own to grab it.
With a shake of Alastor's head, she halted mid movement. He didn't need words to get his point across, Y/n just didn't like it. Lowering her hand, she raised the other. It was heavier, made from something other than flesh. There was an ungainly sense to the way she moved it. It didn't flow graceful through the air, it was too heavy for that. The metal of her fingers was cold and harsh against his palm as he helped her ineptly to her feet.
"Ella Fitzgerald." she mused softly, her eyes on his microphone.
"I didn't know you liked jazz."
Y/n's eyes met his once again and she gave him a half hearted smile.
"Growing up in the 1930s and being someone who held distaste towards jazz would have been an impossibility, wouldn't you agree?"
He had known she was alive sometime around the turn of the century but, that had been it. Alastor grinned from ear to ear at this subtle revelation.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you."
Letting go of her hand, Alastor took a step back. He bowed. Y/n couldn't help it, she laughed a little.
"What on earth are you doing?"
Alastor looked up at her, still bowing as their eyes met. Slowly, he straightened himself up, holding a hand out to her once again.
"Y/n, would you do me the absolute honor of sharing this dance?"
He had hoped his showmanship would make her smile, make her laugh even, the way it normally did. Instead, she withdrew her arms to her chest, taking a halting step backwards as she shook her head. Alastor's gaze softened. He had never seen her afraid before.
Y/n's eyes flitted wildly around the room, searching for any excuse, any fodder for her escape. At last, she relented, hesitantly placing her hand back into his own.
Her voice was soft, almost breathless. Alastor pulled her into him, snaking an arm around her waist as she placed her other on his shoulder.
"See?" he asked as they began to dance, "All is not lost to you."
There was nothing elegant about her movements. Y/n grimaced.
"But it is not the same either. Once I was something grand."
"Change is inevitable. You are still someone grand."
"Not change like this."
Alastor spun her out, catching Y/n in his arms as she almost tripped over the weight of her foot.
"Why do you hate it so much? Is it vanity?"
“Vanity is a factor," Y/n admitted, "but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth and I am not made up of the same materials I once was."
"Change is inevitable." Alastor said again and was overjoyed when Y/n rolled her eyes, smiling slightly as his response, "You're still beautiful, almost more so now."
This took her aback. The tingle of a question at the back of her mind was outweighed by shock. She stilled, still pressed close to Alastor as the music filtered softly into their ears.
"Before you shined, but just on the inside." Alastor admitted, refusing to look away from her wide eyes even as he felt the heat rush to his cheeks, "Now you do on the outside as well, see?"
He held the hand he clasped tightly in his own up to the light streaming in through the window. The moon glinted off the silver surface of the metal, sending playful patterns scattering across the walls of the kitchen. Y/n's breath caught in her throat.
"And you can still dance. Why don't you help me with dinner tomorrow?"
It was something they had done on occasion before the extermination, cook for the inhabitants of the Hazbin Hotel together.
"Why are you doing this?"
The smile slipped from Alastor's face.
"I don't understand." Y/n shook her head, pushing herself away from Alastor and wrapping her arms around her torso, "Why are you doing all this for me?"
The answer was simple. Sometimes, the truest things in life are.
"Because I love you." he admitted, "And it pains me to see you like this."
He had known it was too good to be true. The music stopped, his staff vanishing into thin air as quickly as it had appeared.
"I'll go. Just... make sure you get some sleep tonight, I know you havent been."
He was halfway to the door, mostly past her, when he felt the cool grip of her hand on the exposed skin of his wrist. Alastor stopped, he turned. There was a minute bravery in the act. Not that she had stopped him, that she had grabbed his arm. If anything, that was the most normal thing that had occurred all evening. No, it was the arm she had chosen to use, the one she held such conflict over and saw as something to be embarrassed about, ashamed of.
She stood tense in the moonlight, her free hand raised to her chest.
Y/n's mind was spinning, her thoughts firing off at a thousand miles a minute. She wanted to say it, knew it was true, but something stopped her. She wasn't ready.
"Thank you, Alastor."
Alastor smiled softly, almost sadly over at her. Gently, he removed her hand from his wrist, holding it in his own and patting it gently.
“Imagine there was a cure, but it would cost you everything. What would you do?” -> taken from “Imagine there was a cure, but finding it would cost you everything. It would completely ruin your life. What would you do?” in Cinder by Marissa Meyer
“Vanity is a factor," Y/n admitted, "but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth and I am not made up of the same materials I once was." -> taken from “Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth.” in Cinder by Marissa Meyer
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 months
˚. ❝₊˚ big enough ❞ ˚₊·
» jennifer jearau x spencer reid x emily prentiss
» a/n: lowkey just turned spencer & jj centric but it’s fine
» warnings: pen chewing, jj being insecure about her regression, minor case details are discussed
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Spencer taps his foot against Emily’s, nodding his head over to where Jj sits across from them- her face is all screwed up like she’s thinking extremely hard about something, the bottom of her pen stuck between her teeth, and the papers she has in front of her spread across the table in a very-unlike-Jj way. Well, unlike big Jj, regressed Jj loves to spread her papers around so she can look at them all at once without having to try and flip through them as he motor skills can falter at times during her regression.
“You okay Jj?” Emily asks, picking up on the same behavior Spencer has.
“Mmm, all good…” Her voice trails off and the pen gets gnawed on a little harder, her shoulders hunching inwards in a way Reid has come to know means Jj’s trying to hide herself away.
“Are you feeling small?” Spencer’s sure to keep his tone perfectly neutral, not wanting Jj to think he’s expecting one answer or another.
It’s been a couple months since the team was let in about Jj’s regression and Reid’s quickly cataloged what shifts in her actions or word choice could mean she’s slipped, in turn, he’s also learned how insecure Jj can be about her small side. One night she had admitted to him that she feels like a burden for regressing around the team and anytime someone asks her she feels like they’re waiting for her to say she’s big, getting disappointed when she admits to feeling little. Of course Spencer reassured Jj how wrong that is and that the entire team loves her little side, he’s not sure it’s sunk in yet. He’ll just need to keep reminding her.
“I dunno.” She finally mumbles out after a beat of silence, Spencer feels himself soften at her sweet tone.
“Do you think you should take a break from working?” It’s just reading old files and writing down some notes to present to Hotch tomorrow morning so it really won’t be a problem for Jj to stop. Half the team has already disappeared to the hotel next door to go to sleep for the night, the trio are the only bau members left in the police station.
“No! I- I mean, no, no I’m okay.” Her volume drops as her cheeks burn red from the sudden outburst, her hand reaching to twist a lock of her hair around and hide her face behind it.
“Sweetheart it’s okay if you need to stop.” Emily offers gently but Jj looks away from her and back down to her notes, her free hand picking the pen she dropped back up to resume biting the end.
“I wanna help, I’m big enough.” The protest borders on sounding like it could send Jj into tears- Reid instantly searches his brain to come up with a solution, the last thing he wants is for Jj to cry.
“Course you are J, do you think you could help me with the map?” Thankfully the blonde perks up at the offer and watches with rapt attention as Reid turns to rummage around his satchel bag.
“I need to color this area red so we know where the unsub has already been.” He hands over a map and a red colored pencil - he has a second copy of the map if this one becomes unusable but he figures this could actually help with the case which is obviously what Jj wants.
“Can you do that?” He gets an eager nod in response that Spencer can’t help but smile at. He’s sure she’ll either be beaming tomorrow when the map is hung up or absolutely mortified, he’s hoping for the former but either way he’s just happy to help her out right now.
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centralperkspoison · 1 year
I Can See You - G. Way
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PAIRING: Gerard Way x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: sexual references, a little fluffy.
SUMMARY: You and Gerard have known each other for years. When you finally confess to him, everything works out! But how do you keep it as a secret? (Based loosely on I Can See You by Taylor Swift)
OTHERS: me posting? whattttt?! this was highly inspired by the song I Can See You by Taylor Swift, so I recommend listening to that while you read. Also, I haven't posted a fic in like a year this is crazy. also!!! not my usual work, not that much fluff just more back story. idk i have wrote in a while so im sorry!
YOU KEPT EVERYTHING PROFESSIONAL. You and him only showed your true emotions behind closed doors. You'd brush past each other in the hallways most of the time ensuring to not let anyone catch on.
Of course, you and Gerard were friends to the public eye. You and him were the two lead singers of My Chemical Romance, but what happened behind closed doors stayed there.
You'd moved next door to the Way family when you were fairly young, quickly becoming friends with the two brothers despite the slight age differences; Mikey was three years older than you and Gerard was six years older, which is why in the beginning everything had to be quiet. But of course, you had kept your feelings for the nerdy older brother hidden since you were six, so that wouldn't be too hard.
When the band began recording for Bullets you had just turned eighteen and Gerard was almost twenty-five, which is when it first started.
"Why don't I understand basic song structure," You groaned. "You clearly have it down."
Gerard scoffed, "I do not have it down whatsoever, I just actually ask for input unlike someone who's stubborn as hell." He laughed. 
It was only the two of you on the bus, the rest of the guys were inside a restaurant buying breakfast while before you traveled four hours to only record half the album for Bullets.
"Here, bring it over so I can look at it." He said, sitting up on the couch on the bus. You slowly walked towards him, hoping he wouldn't realize who it was about. You silently hoped he couldn't tell, then sat next to him and handed him the lyrics you had written so far. He began analyzing them and handed them back to you.
"It's good, but the bridge should have more meaning. You've described this person in such a beautiful light, then the bridge is just happily ever after? Include some of the struggle in the relationship." You nod, beginning to write. He watches you closely from over your shoulder causing you to face the other way and lay down on him so he could get a better view. This was nothing unusual for you two, it was normal for you to lay on him or anyone else in the band.
You took his words into consideration, then started writing lyrics along the lines of 'If only he knew,' and 'I could see you being my addiction, you could see me as a secret mission.' along with some more context.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" He called, you could feel his heart speed up from your spot on his chest. "Yes, Gee?" You say, looking up at him. "Who is this about?" He asked quietly, playing with your long hair. You dropped your pencil and sat up, facing him. "Is that really important right now?" "I mean not really, I'm just a bit curious." He says with a slight smirk across his face. You just shrug and walk to where you were sitting previously to the whole song structure conversation. Once you sit down, he began speaking again.
"I mean of course the description sounds a little similar, short black hair, hazel eyes, crooked smile," He says, walking behind your chair and gripping it and looking down at you from over the back of the tall chair. "I would say Frank, but his hair doesn't exactly fall under that category anymore, and when you think about it, I'm the only one with short black hair now." He smirks. He already knew, but he was just trying to play around and have a little fun before he had to make his own scary confession.
"God, okay Gerard, the song is about you." You roll your eyes trying to make it come out as if you're not afraid to say it. "Wait, you're actually admitting it?" "Yes, I have a big fat crush on you, now can you please just turn me down already so I can get over it sooner." You sigh, and he walks around your chair so you two are facing each other now. 
"(Y/N), I'm not rejecting you," He smiles. "C'mere." He says, opening his arms for a hug, and you quickly throw yourself in his arms. You two linger in the hug for a while before you take a step back and look up at him. You two were so close your noses were touching. 
"May I?" He asks, moving his hand up so he's cupping your jaw. You lean into his touch and nod.
After you two established your feelings, your situationship turned into a relationship that ranged from sweet moments to insanely sexual ones, not that you had a problem with that, of course. It was just difficult keeping it from your best friends.
Eventually, fans began sniffing the two of you out. How you would always sit next to each other in interviews, when you were on stage you would always seem as if you were singing to him and he was singing to you, when they watched Life On The Murder Scene every time there was a video on the bus you'd have your legs sprawled out on top of his or you'd be laying on him, and even away from the bus he'd always send you looks.
You started seeing the fans reactions on Twitter in the two of your comment sections.
(Y/N)(Y/L/N): Day off with my boys! <3
frerard4li4e: Gerard belongs to Frank, girl. Back off.
bugmomma24356: You and Gerard are so cute ug! <3
After trying to cover up everything to the best of your abilities, nothing made them believe you, even your own band mates started thinking the two of you were together, so you two had to act more distant. 
No more laying on him, no more lingering hugs, and definitely no more making out on stage just to "make the crowd go wild". 
The two of you had to be entirely secret for almost a year now, and it was the first night of your new tour, Rise Against the Black Parade. 
Gerard brushes his shoulder against yours in the hallway while you two walk into the dressing room, shooting you a look. "Oh sorry, (Y/N)." He says quietly and slides his arm across your back before sitting two seats away from you in the dressing room. 
Makeup took a while, but you and Gerard were the last to finish. Once your artists left the room he sprung up to lock the door, and quickly met you in the middle of the room. 
He rested his hands on your hips and you hand your arms on the back of his neck, while he pressed his lips to yours aggressively. You parted from him for a moment, "Now don't go messing up our makeup," You smirked. "We can fix it ourselves." He grunts, picking you up and placing you on the counter.
The two of you were in there for a total of five minutes before someone started knocking on the dressing room door, causing you to jump like two teenagers caught by parents. "Hello? Who's in there, we need to change!" You hear Frank say from the other side of the door. The two of you quickly check your makeup to make sure it wasn't messed up, then you walked to the door to unlock it before turning to Gerard.
"You know, if stopped hiding... it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." You said and he began to shake his head. "The age difference, (Y/N)." "It's six years, Gee. At least it's not like twenty or thirty like some other couples." You say, causing him to shrug. "I guess it's not the worst thing in the world." 
You walk over and unlock the door allowing Frank to come in with the costume cart. Once he realized it was the two of you he gasped. "You?" He said pointing to Gerard, "And you?" He said pointing to you. You turn to Gerard and tilt your head. "Yeah yeah, big deal." He said walking over to wrap an arm around your waist.  That night was one of your best shows yet. You two started showing affection on stage once again, you put your emotion back into your lyrics, and you even got a chance to preform the song you wrote for Gerard that started the whole relationship.
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miguellover07 · 1 year
Ughhh, may I request something,well umm do u remember those wattpad nerd story (that had to deal with nerds girl who no one really had an interest,then boom someone is interested in them and they just called them ugly ass,but the nerds always weared baggy clothes and big glasses) that was popular there, well I wanted to ask
Nerd!reader(female) x rich!popular!Miguel
Highschool/college au
Who is an new kid(miguel) come to school already become popular and all the talk of the town ,he was just incredibly annoyed by all these girl jumping onto to him like an bug going toward the sun,and the fucking guys that say there he best friends,he would just shut them up,and make fun of them,he was fed up with people telling him what happening with today's drama or shit,he just wanted to had fun,I mean just because he was rich doesn't he was lazy,that's when he wanted to find an place that quiet and clam he went to the library, that where he saw reader,(who he never saw her before,he just thought she was an new kid) nerd!reader who was wearing headphones underneath her hoodie (listening to music of course) while studying,she seem peaceful,but knowing him he would just sat down next in the same table as her,
AND THE REST IS UP TO u (Idk what to do)
Always have an wonderful day😘😘😇
Study buddy
Around 1100 words, fluff, rich!Miguel x nerdfem!reader
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After finally getting rid of these annoying classmates of his, he found his way to the school library.
He was already so frustrated and grumpy by them. They don't understand that he simply doesn´t care who fucked with whom or who holds the best parties.
This year he wants to improve his grades to the impossible, so only A´s are allowed. This means no parties, no drama or any kind of burden for him.
The reason is that he wants to be worthy of his parents company.
He wants them to be proud of him and inherit it to him because he deserves it and not due to the fact that he is their eldest son.
That´s why right now he's standing in the math section and looks through the books and after a bit of searching he finds the books he needs for practacing.
Luckily the math section is mostly empty except for a group who are probably working on a project together and a girl.
Before searching for a seat, he decides to regard the girl for some minutes.
Her oversized hoodie has a big image on the back which tells him that she is a fan of the same comic as him.
He sees her removing the glasses and rubbing her already bloodshot eyes and she seems worried and frustrated.
So, he decides to sit next to her, taking out his school supplies such as notebook, calculator and some pencils.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to befriend her so that he can have a study buddy and they could help each other out.
As he sits down next to her, he notices the small spider-man earrings and he can't help but feel excited because he also likes him.
Even her earphones are designed in the colour red and blue which implies that they must be customised.
She rests her head in her hands and Miguel guesses that she is either at the brick of a breakdown or just taking a break.
"Need help?" he causally asks her as he takes her notes to see with what she is fighting.
The moment he starts speaking is exactly where her song switches to another one, so in this little second she hears him right next to her.
Startled, she jumps in her chair, putting a hand on her heart "Gosh, I didn´t see you coming..."
And Miguel can´t help but find her slow reaction adorable.
She slowly takes her headphones off and sighs while blushing intensly. The new kid talked to her? And even offers his help?
No way, this must be a prank, most people don´t even recognize her which she is extremly thankful for since she has seen how the popular kids bully the nerds or basically everbody who isn´t filthy rich or at least good looking.
But she needs help or else she will fail her math class and studying alone won't get her far.
"I don't even know what I´m doing..." she would whisper embarrassed.
Humming, he starts opening one of her books and takes a minute to read himself in this topic.
All the while she puts her glasses back on to get a better sight of him.
It´s like she is looking at a model, his skin looks so smooth and his hair is so fluffy and voluminous.
His sharp features makes him so much hotter but to stop her emberassing blushing, she tries looking at the books before her.
After understanding the topic, he leans back and starts explaining it to her, without making her feel stupid which only makes her more attracted to him.
He even put his arm behind her to lean a bit closer towards her and his other hand keeps pointing to the book while sometimes scribbling on her notes.
Nodding eagerly as she finally understood what her problem was and how it workes.
She can´t help and turn to him as she gives him a tired but happy smile since this session took over 2 hours of him just explaining and calculating together.
"Thank you so much for your help, I don´t know what I would do without you," expressing her graditute while packing her stuff "Could I perhaps repay you?"
Miguel leans back and packs his schoolbag as well "How about before we start our next time we have lunch together? I´m still new here and don´t know my way around and I don´t know if you´ve already had the chance to explore our school"
Confusion is written over her face "What do you mean?" she chuckles akwardly.
"Aren´t you new here as well?" he raises a brow and is seemingly confused now.
Chuckling she explains "No no no, I´ve been in this town since birth so I actaully do know my way around, I could be your guide if you like" she puts her hand before her giggling mouth to hide it and Miguel again can´t help but find her adorable with the whole behaviour and looks.
Everything she does just suits her.
"Oh sorry, I don´t know why I automatically assumed you were new here, but yeah I´d like to have a sweet one like you as my tour guide... ugh when I think about that one of the other could be my guide, I already get a headache"
Again she can´t help but giggle at his confession and as they two stand up, she can´t help but notice the height difference which makes her a little bit nervous again. Miguel notices it immediately which makes him smirk.
"I´m Y/N, by the way" she awkwardly introduces herself as she remebered to do it at the beginning which makes it a bit awkward again but he only leans down to hear her better and perhaps to tease her a little.
"Y/N, it´s a pretty name and it suits you perfectly... and I´m Miguel o´hara" he says with a little smirk.
Hope you like this one, I somehow struggled to make him seem 'more rich' and her more 'nerdy' with the set up but I still hope you'll enjoy this one, my friend <3
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kiwanopie · 2 years
New Recruit!
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Crime Au!Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem!Reader
short drabble because I’ve been on a mini crime au brainrot
cw: fluff. minor character death, misogyny (not by Kiyoomi) references to a criminal organization, a little gore, a lot of Kiyoomi being whipped beyond comprehension
wc: 1.5k
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You just showed up one day.
Granted, the boss’s behavior had been a little weird for a while. Less picky about the little things, less prone to administering punishment over something small. He’d take his lunch breaks out of his office now more often than not, which in itself was its own brand of odd. But coming back an hour later with his hair disheveled and his cuffs tucked up his sleeve, a few odd bruises hidden on his collarbone; that was just uncanny. Nobody could really comprehend a mean stickler like him getting a girlfriend.
But then one day, Atsumu trudging himself to his boss’s office with a sigh - Eyebrows already cinched by the stress that should come at telling his less than congenial boss that his team has been crunching the numbers, and it looks like they might be dealing with a mole. Already out of patience for the lecture he’s about to suffer through, before going through the wearisome task of rounding up all the workers, and then sitting through the world’s most boring execution. He can already hear Kiyoomi’s irritated sigh. And if this were any regular job he just might say he's been due some vacation time.
Atsumu runs an exasperated hand through his blonde hair. “Aye boss, you-“
There’s a girl sitting on his lap.
A pretty thing too. Soft pretty doe eyes, softer satin skin, cute little dress that rides up your thighs as you sit on his boss’s lap and fuck if you don’t look squeezable. Just getting a glance at you from his spot at the door has him turning pink. He barely even realizes he’s staring. - Where the fuck did he pick you up from?
“Uh… Sorry,” Atsumu clears his throat. “I can come back later if yer busy.”
You tilt your head as the hand comfied on your back scoots lower with a quiet hiss, Kiyoomi makes an effort to keep you comfortable by hooking his hand over your hip. “It’s fine. What’s the issue?”
Atsumu’s stare flickers between you both. “The-… Adrian and the boys downstairs have been summin’ up our contract to success ratio over the past couple months and uh, it looks like we might be dealin’ with a mole.”
Kiyoomi expectedly doesn’t look very pleased at something like that but it’s a far cry from his usual scowl and tirade combo. More of a… frustrated grimace? Annoyed more than anything else. “Do they have any idea who it could be?”
“We got it down to Sugar, Ayame, Ren, and Susumu. Since they’ve been the only ones who can’t be accounted for durin’ some bumps in the day.”
Kiyoomi nods slowly. “Okay…”
Atsumu watches you lean for one of the luxury pens in his pencil holder. Last time he reached for one those the bastard flicked him hard on the knuckles. But you study the carefully cashmered casing without so much as glancing up for a response.
Kiyoomi pulls at the bottom of it until the cap releases with a small click, reaching for a notepad on his desk to jot down a few quick numbers. “Yeah, okay… Kill them all then.”
“Wha- You sure?”
“Let’s not risk it.” He says. Like it always could have been that easy. “We’ll send a few flowers to their families, say they died on a contract. If the mole’s people are smart they’ll know it’s a lie. Then it’s up to them to make their move.”
Wha- So this guy can pick and choose when to be difficult?! “O.K.! I’ll get that handled for ya then.”
“Lock the door on your way out.”
He bows as he turns for the door again, twisting the lock before closing it carefully.
And then he’s blowing out a disbelieving raspberry.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this guy is head over heels for whoever the hell this chick is. Kiyoomi’s not exactly a sociable guy, or a… particularly affable guy either, so seeing him start to go so out of his way to make sure someone’s happy feels like stepping into the twilight zone. He hasn’t completely changed, don’t get him wrong. Just cause he’s laying down a path of roses for his sweetheart doesn’t mean the bed of eggshells the rest of the guys have to stumble on gets any less sharper. The guy started enforcing a whole rule against loud sudden noises just cause they startle his princess whenever you drop by. No fights - at least, not without the threat of mutilation should they start one when you’re around. No overtly coarse language, no gun play near his office, if you gotta kill a package do it where you won’t hear it scream, and under no - No circumstances do you touch or even stare too long at the missus.
“Or what?” Kaio snorts. “With all the bullshit he’s making us do for this chick, I could at least expect some eye service?”
Atsumu scoffs as Hinata winces. “Yeahh… You probably shouldn’t say something like that out loud.”
Kaio snorts. “Why? Cause she’ll hear? She walks around in those skimpy little dresses and I can’t even look? Feels like a buncha work with no pay off. Least tell us where you found the slut. Whatever she’s got has to be pretty fuckin’ good if he’s already this whipped.”
Atsumu glances at Bokuto who snorts into his coffee cup. Reacting more to the way his coworker wearily shakes his head than the guy talking himself into an early grave.
He licks his lips before commenting. “You’re pretty stupid, Katsuro.”
“Says the guy who shot himself in the ass playing poker. Twice.”
Kaio grimaces before sitting back in his seat, looking on at his fellow high ranking coworkers as they avoid his place in the room. “What? Am I wrong? The broad’s turned this place into a daycare center. First no yelling, then no fighting - hell, give it a few months and she’ll tell the bastard that we can’t kill anymore-“
The cold metal against the back of his head sends shivers down his spine.
Kiyoomi affirms flatly. “She wouldn’t do that. ‘Wouldn’t be able to keep business booming like it is.”
“The pay off is that by doing what I say, you get to live another day. A worthless piece of shit like you can comprehend something like that, right?”
“Ye-Yes, sir.” Kaio swallows. “Look I didn’t mean anything by-“
Kiyoomi presses the barrel a little firmer against his head, enough to make him flinch. “Don’t go back on your word, Katsuro. You said what you said and you meant it. - At least, say you died for a reason.”
Atsumu has to cough into his shoulder to keep himself from outright laughing at the way Kaio all but turns blue. “Sakusa-san-“
“I shouldn’t have to say how dumb it was to speak out of your ass about my fiancé, especially on my soil. - Eating my food, and wearing my clothes, and breathing breaths that I gave you. The money in your pocket, the bed you sleep in at night, every fucking thing you have is because of me. Can you understand that?”
“Yes, of course, sir.”
“That makes you my property?”
Kiyoomi exhales out of his nose. Tall broad frame casting a shadow over the man as he all but towers behind him. “What do you suppose I do when my property - one of my things starts to behave defectively? I don’t need something that doesn’t work anymore, do I?”
“Please, Sakusa-san-“
“A gunshot makes a pretty loud noise,” Kiyoomi squares his feet. “Aren’t we lucky she didn’t show up today.”
The barrage of blood stains Hinata’s suit jacket.
Kiyoomi scowls at the mess before him as he backs away from the sodden chair, brain matter already soaked into his button up and turning cold in the breeze of the AC. The waste of a good bullet makes him kiss his teeth, but blowing his cool like that makes him frown altogether. He’s been trying to work on his temper. If you were here, he knows you’d be disappointed, and he can’t afford to blow his top in front of you should something like this happen when you’re around.
He sighs as he flicks the safety with his thumb. Piece of shit like that wouldn’t know the word compromise if it blew his skull in. He opens his mouth to tell one of them to call for clean up.
Before Bokuto’s blowing out his eardrums. “Oh my god! You got engaged?!! Congratulations!!”
Kiyoomi freezes.
“…Thank you.”
“Hell yeah, Omi,” Atsumu reaches for his brandy. It’s 10am. “Congrats! Happy to see an old firecracker like you get tied down.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh! When’s the wedding?! Do you have a date or anything set yet?”
“I’m hoping this winter,” Kiyoomi exhales. “Spring at the latest but I’m not worried about expenses. Just what it’ll take to fly her family out this way.”
“Do any of them speak Japanese?” Atsumu asks.
Kiyoomi’s sighing again. “No.”
He narrows his eyes as his number two snorts.
Hinata clears his throat. “Does anybody have a towelette?”
“Uh - Yeah,” Kiyoomi bashfully reholsters his pistol. “Sorry about that.”
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reblog? 🥺 uwu
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