#what do you MEAN this wolf child has a love life?! with the giant fucking SPIDER?!
monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Hey you know what kind of moment Meteors needs? Eddie (Cassie's dad) taking a very long moment to process something before being like, "wait... oh my god the robots are dating?!"
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hedwig221b · 4 months
omg qween goddess supreme hedwig221b can you please, pretty please rec me some regency and/or historical sterek 🥹
hoping you have a good day/night (idk your timezone lol)
Hi, love! You know me so well... historical aus, my beloved 💜
When All the Pieces Fit by NARKOTIKA
"Does he even realize? With the cooking and cleaning andandand—now this fucking baby?" Isaac fumes. Said baby waves its fist in the air, and Stiles bends to haul him onto a hip. The baby babbles something and Stiles nods his head with complete seriousness, as if everything out of its mouth is perfectly sensible and coherent. Then the kid starts mouthing at Stiles' nipple through his dress and everyone goes dead silent. "I'm going to wife him so hard," Ethan announces, and they all break out into argument over who has the best chance at mating the boy in the river.
Elskende by DarkAthena (seraphim_grace)
Stiles is an omega concubine, kept sequestered away in the city of Beacon Hills, waiting for his lord Gerard Argent when the Wulver take the city and the alpha takes the omega.
Pride and Place by DarkAthena (seraphim_grace)
Derek Hale, Earl of Osterbrook, has inherited, following the death of Lord Montfort, a run down house in Yorkshire he neither needs nor wants, convinced his staff are robbing him, and with the mystery of a missing ward, he manages to get himself talked into a ridiculous bet, that he cannot pass as a steward until Midwinter, nearly two months away. So can he maintain the charade? Find the missing child? and manage to turn the shambles of a house around, or will he give up and let Peter take the thousand pounds he bet.
A Princely Knight by Dexterous_Sinistrous
He would stand by Stiles’ side, a constant shadow of protection until his death. A life for a life, one worth much more than an orphan turned thief turned royal guard could comprehend. In truth, Derek saw the one person he would gladly give his life for, because Stiles made this world better. ~*~ Or, Stiles is a prince and Derek is his knight.
Meant to be One by sunhazeheart
His nerves felt like a live wire was running hot beneath his skin, hands fidgeting with the silken material of his robe. If he had the concentration to spare, he might had worried about tearing it. It was all he could do to sit there at the vanity, eyes squeezed shut, and try to give in the constricting pressure around his chest that said that he was about to fall into a panic attack. Breath in. Breath out. His own heartbeat rushed in his ears. Being mated to the reclusive king with a frightening reputation to his name, bundled away from his home and father, and then surrounded by underwhelmingly distant faces hiding secrets was not how Stiles Stilinski imagine spending his life soon after turning eighteen. He can only remind himself that it is for the good of his people, both old and newly acquired. But, perhaps first assumptions are made too hastily and a fated match can be made, even surrounded by threats of war, revenge and death’s waiting embrace.
The Wolf Lord by mikkimouse
"You never know," Lydia said. "Perhaps the Wolf Lord will ask you to dance tonight." Stiles scoffed. "Oh, yes, of course he will. And then he'll transform into a giant black wolf and whisk me away to his estate to live happily ever after." He rolled his eyes at the thought. "Actually, I rather hope he does ask me to dance. I can tell him how ridiculous these masquerades are."
To Whom The Wolf King Bows by MadcapRomantic
Stiles Stilinski meets The Wolf King, the very boogeyman he'd spent his younger years terrified of; yet the man is little, if anything, like the tales he's heard. But, Stiles has spent the last ten years of his life as a slave, under the harsh whip of the cruel King Gerard Argent, and trusting Derek - trusting anyone - is beyond difficult.
Where the Shadow Ends by Green
Derek goes undercover to Delphi to figure out what's wrong with the oracle. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
The Hills Call
Five years ago, Prince Derek of the Hale Empire had fallen for the son of a Baron, Genim of Stilinski. His mother had not approved, and after some time imprisoned Genim escaped to the Dukedom of the Shore, where he was taken in by Duke Christopher and Lady Allison. Now, Prince Derek is on his deathbed from a poisoning and it is up to Genim, now called Stiles, to nurse him back to health. Wary of the Hale Empire, Stiles returns with their young son to see if he can heal Derek of his illness and escape the threats he still feels from the Empress herself.
The Light in the Woods by DiscontentedWinter
To honour a treaty with the people of a strange land, Derek Hale, prince of the kingdom of Triskelion, has to marry Stiles.
I encourage you heavily to go through the works of Dexterous_Sinistrous and DarkAthena (seraphim_grace), these two are my crushes and I am in awe of their work, it's so good. I could genuinely sit here and list dozens of their fics - I already did list some of my most beloved fics of theirs...
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | possessive Derek | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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spacebobastories · 9 months
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Okay so, I've been on Tumblr for a long time now and I love to write. I have *so* many things in my head I want to talk about. But what I really want to talk about are my OCs. This beautiful man is named Louis Belmont and I love him so freaking much.
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I should be at church but I'm raging on a Sunday Lie to confess, fuck it, worry 'bout it some day Baptized in the crowd 'cause they lookin' pretty thirsty City full of sufferin' take me to the promised land Visits a chapel and these words, your religion Raise your cup for that holy grail that you're sippin' Free up your mind, I know that it can be a prison We ain't got much time, you better spend what you were given
“What? You going to cry? Go ahead, make my day.”
“God damn it! It’s boring as hell! Where’s the fun?”
“Hey! Where’s my alcohol?!”
“Any good food here?”
“There’s a fight? Where? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
“You want mercy? Ha! You came at me first. There will be no mercy from me.”
“…is that chocolate? Wanna share?? :3”
Name: Louis Belmont 
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual but leans more towards men 
Gender: Male
Eyes: They are a golden color but what is interesting is that his eyes look like they have tiny flames in them. It's like a tiny furnace is in his eyes.
Height: 5'9
Body Type: more on the athletic side. He’s not super muscular, more on the lean side. He relies more on speed than anything, overpowering his foes with his speed and some strength.
Body Refs:
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Race: African American/ German
Species: Mink
Sub-species: Wolf Mink
Birthday: July 23rd 1450 B.C.
Zodiac sign: Leo 🦁
Favorite Colors: Yellow (pastel yellow), Gold and red.
Hair color:  Auburn (dark red)
Hair length: Stops at his mid back. He also keeps it in braids like his sister, mostly to get it out of the way, but to show off the hair beads he has. 
Hair refs:
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Piercings: he has quite a few. Mostly on his ears and tongue. He also has nipple piercings as well. His mother didn’t want him to get any piercings but…he never listened and didn’t care. It’s his body anyway. Don’t get me wrong, he loves his mother and will listen to her…but he just really loves piercings and wanted to get a few. 
Scars: Louis has a lot of scars on his body. Some from fights and others from just being clumsy. He has a jagged scar across his throat from when he almost got his throat ripped out from a wolf (which is ironic), a scar over his right eye when he was fighting a bandit, a massive one going diagonal across his chest from a monster attack. 
Species: He is a Wolf Mink (A Humanoid race that can look like animals or humans with animal qualities)
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/0F8Qjgmlhkc
Theme song: Raging on a Sunday by Alexander DeLeon
Wardrobe: If Louis could, he would walk around naked. So, his wardrobe isn't that fashionable. He wears loose fitting clothing since he hates the feeling of clothes on his skin.
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🔥Louis Belmont ⚔️
What is he like?:  Louis is a hyperactive man  who likes to be petty and piss people off. He’s nice, in his own way, and can be an asshole and a pest at times, but he means well. (Sometimes) he’s a very smart man under all that pettiness and people think he’s dumb which he uses to his advantage. He’s loud, obnoxious and snarky. He is very flirty and will flirt with anyone, but mostly men which is dangerous given that homosexuality is frowned upon, but he could care less. Louis does have a soft side for children and people are shocked when they see this soft, gentler side of Louis. They don’t expect that of a man like him. He *is* basically a giant man child. He is a hopeless romantic and will love his partner(s) to death. Spoiling them with kisses, cuddles and other things but also showering them with gifts. 
Like I said before, he is a *very* hyperactive man. He cannot sit still for the life of him and has to be doing something. Either cleaning his weapons or fiddling with something, sometimes tinkering and fixing things. Other times breaking them to see how they work. He loves to talk to those who will listen and won’t shut up. But he has a serious side and will take things seriously when need be. He doesn’t really like to show weakness and would rather hide his wounds or hide how hurt he is so others don’t worry for him. He is a strong willed and independent man but at the end of the day, he’d rather cuddle and sleep with his partner(s) like any human would. 
🗡️-cleaning his weapons (he loves taking care of his weapons. He’s always wiping them down and checking for nicks to fix. Plus, having a full blade is not good in battle.)
⚔️-finding new weapons to collect (this man loves collecting new weapons, either to use or just to have. Usually he likes to test out the weapons before adding them to his collection. He has many weapons from around the world that he is proud to show off to people who ask.)
🏃‍♀️-exercising( which includes, running, push ups, climbing. He has so much energy, like *so* much. He loves to run and climb. It his favorite thing to do. Plus, he can chase after a monster or a bounty easily for a couple of miles. He doesn’t tire easily. 
🍺-alcohol ( he loves to drink alcohol. No matter what it is, he’s trying it. He’s tried some fancy wine from France and loves the sweeter wine. He’s even tried the cheese platters with the wine and he’s addicted to them)
🤜💫-fighting and sparring (Doesn’t matter if it’s with monsters or humans, he *loves* to fight. It’s in his blood. If he’s not fighting then he’s sparring with his older sisters.)
🍩🍰-sweets(doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s super sweet. If there’s one thing he loves more than weapons and monster hunting…okay that’s two, but he absolutely loves sweets. Especially cookies or straight up blocks of honey.) 
👹🗡️-monster hunting and learning about new species (he was taught at a young age about monsters and the different species there are in the world. Of course it’s a big world so people believe that monsters aren’t real. But they’d be wrong. Monsters are indeed real and he has been taught how to kill them. He loves learning about new species and soaks up information like a sponge.)
🥰-his mom (he will not hesitate to say his favorite person in the world is his mother. He loves this woman to death because she’s been there for him every step of the way. She taught him so many things. And while it’s a woman’s job to do sewing, cleaning and cooking, Louis wanted to learn everything. So, he knows how to cook and sew properly as well as clean. He’s not ashamed to know these things because it keeps him alive on his missions. She also taught him to read and write.)
😴-taking naps(he loves naps. It’s something he loves to do when he can. It also is a way to keep him quiet for a few hours.) 
🐕😺-animals (he loves animals. No matter what animal, he seems to have a way with them. He can’t really communicate with animals, not really anyway. He can’t really *talk* to them, but he can sense what they’re feeling. Like wolves for instance, he is more wolf-like than anything and it’s easier for him to “communicate” with wolves than any other animal. It could be because of the magic he was born with)
🩷-cuddling(he’s a very touchy person, so, any type of touch he loves. It can be sexual or not. Just holding hands or kissing or just sleeping with someone in a pile is the best feeling in the world to him.)
👶-children(he wants a big family of his own some day)
🌲☀️-summer(he loves the heat and sometimes even sleeps in sunny spots. He loves the smell of summer and the sounds of the bugs that come out. Cicadas are his favorite noise on top of grasshoppers. He loves that he can swim in lakes and not freeze his ass off or just be lazy around the estate when he’s not on a mission)
😝-bitter things(it tastes horrible to him. Ginger and cranberries are the *worst* to him. He is *super* allergic to them. His throat will swell up and he will start to break out in hives and start itching. He knows the taste of them because he tried them without knowing. Never again.)
🤜💫-people messing with his loved ones (he becomes super protective and a little possessive over his loved ones. If it’s a sibling, super protective. If it’s a lover he becomes both.)
🥶- the cold(he *hates* winter with a passion. The snow is beautiful, he won’t deny that. But at the end of the day, he hates how the cold makes him feel. Sure, he has his fire to keep him warm but it can only do so much)
🗣️-people talking down to him or people ordering him around(now, he knows that if he’s on a mission or a team, he’ll have to deal with it. But if it’s not the team captain or someone he is with, he *hates* being bossed around.)
🕷️- spiders(he hates those spawns of the Devil, he accidentally sat on a nest of spiders and had millions of spiders crawling all over him. To this day he will have someone else kill a spider for him or he’ll freeze in place.)
🌿-vinegar and Eucalyptus(he hates the smell of vinegar, it’s super strong and disgusting to him. Eucalyptus is equally disgusting to him because the smell can make him feel sick.)
🥺-being alone (while he is independent, he absolutely hates being alone. Sometimes he’ll go on missions where he is alone for months on end, but it’s not like he enjoys it. He’s a people person and once he finds his loved one, he’s staying by them until they get tired of him.) 
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His magic and fighting style 
What is the magic the Belmont's are born with? Well, it depends on the person. Many of the Belmont's are born with different magic. You know what they have by their eyes. 
Gold/red/aqua- Fire. If the fire is an aqua, then it is a very hot fire. It’s hotter than the red or golden fire. 
Deep blue/pale blue-water and ice
Deep green- nature
Brown- Earth
Neon green/pale green- poison 
Purple- healing
The Belmont's can be born with one magic type or two. Usually you can tell what they have by their eyes. Same eye color is one magic, two different colors are two different magic. 
Louis was born with fire magic and he loves it. He doesn’t do well in cold conditions because while he can keep himself warm, it can tire him out if he tries to keep his body temperature up for long periods of time. He does have a lot of stamina but if he’s trying to stay warm for 5 hours to keep his body temperature up would either get him very sick or he would die. 
Louis can create fire balls, light his weapons on fire or make the blades incredibly hot. He can melt through some metals, plastic and can burn wood. He can’t melt through anything, he would have to have hotter flames for that. 
He can create fire sprites which are little balls of magic that are warm to the touch but when he snaps his fingers, they can explode. He also can make flames float in or on his hand. Or follow him around. That’s why he rarely ever brings torches with him. 
He can create flames that aren’t harmful to others. Which means if he creates a fire and someone were to fall or step in it, it would feel warm to the touch. Now, if he were to create fire by using a fire starter, that fire would hurt others. Louis is immune to fire damage, yet it can still *hurt* him. He’s not completely safe from it. He’s safe from his fire though, but outside sources he’s not. 
When he does use his powers or when he becomes angry, his eyes glow brighter until it looks like his eyes themselves are small flames. His eyes can flash a very deep orange to gold when he becomes angry or irritated. Louis can regulate his body temperature and keep others warm or himself warm. That’s why he loves the heat so much and sleeps in the sun. He can feel hot to the touch if he sleeps in the sun and people can become worried, but he’s perfectly fine. 
Louis is weak to extreme cold weather and water. If he gets too cold, it takes him a little bit to get himself warm or create a fire. He can blow fire in his hands to get warmed up. Sort of like starting a furnace that’s close to going out. 
Fighting style: Louis is a close ranged fighter, preferring to be up close and personal with his opponent. Of course he knows to back up and get on the defensive if it’s an enemy that needs to be taken down from afar then rush in when they are down. If he doesn’t have his sword, he is really good at hand to hand combat. Using his strength and speed to overwhelm his opponent. He can use quick and light attacks or heavy and slow attacks. Usually he likes using quick and heavy attacks to overthrow his opponent. Using upper cuts and blows to the stomach. He is very agile and flexible. He can flip and bounce around, sometimes even bending in odd ways to get his opponent. 
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Weapon(s): he has a sword he calls Ra which he straps to his hip. The blade is made from rare metals that had come from a fallen meteor. It’s a normal sword to anyone else, but when Louis holds it, it becomes more dangerous than anything else. He can set the blade on fire by running two fingers across it or heating the blade to the point it glows.
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Louis is the third son of the Belmont family. They are a family of bounty hunters, monster hunters, doctors, adventurers, collectors and alchemists. They also sometimes work for the church to get rid of monsters that are too close to major cities or towns. They take jobs from families who have money and those who don’t. They are a very old family, have been around for many *many* generations and so they are a very rich noble family. Some of the Belmont's are well known around the world, some as great adventures and others as amazing and smart doctors. 
The Belmont's are a family who are born with magic and different colored eyes depending on their magic. Their magic makes them more animalistic than others. There is magic in the world, but with the Belmont's it’s different. They are faster, stronger, and have a sensitive sense of smell, hearing and taste. They can sometimes lose themselves in battle, snarling, growling and sometimes even purring. Their teeth are far sharper than others. Some say it’s a curse that was placed on the Belmont's. Others say that’s just how the Belmont's were born. Sometimes out of battle they can be just as animalistic, protecting those close to them.
People think of them as demons from hell or just cursed beings. But the Belmont's are amazing allies to keep but terrifying enemies to make which is why the church hasn't really done anything about them. The church may have power and influence, but they can’t compare to the Belmont's magical and fighting abilities. Louis is one of the well known monster hunters, he does do bounties but usually if it gets his interest. He travels all over the world to find monsters who people have seen or if there are rumors of said monsters.
 I should be at church but I'm raging on a Sunday Lie to confess, fuck it, worry 'bout it some day Baptized in the crowd 'cause they lookin' pretty thirsty I should be at church but I'm raging on a I should be at church but I'm raging on a Sunday Lie to confess, fuck it, worry 'bout it some day Baptized in the crowd 'cause they lookin' pretty thirsty I should be at church but I'm raging on a Sunday
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This character was heavily inspired by Castlevania. The Netflix show. All the pictures and gifs are from tumblr. And I made my character from Picrew by the artist naylissah.
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stormcrow513 · 2 years
Hagging Out November 2022 (Veneration)
First off thanks to the lovely @graveyarddirt for hosting these, this one's a giant ( and I do mean giant) of a mess my dear,
So, I had some plans on talking about my veneration of Hekate, I planned on getting it all typed out and scheduled to post on the first posting day,
But well shits rougher then the usual shit right now and I didn't get it done,
Then as I started writing in my head as I'm want to do, I had the realization that to write about my work with and veneration of Hekate I'd need to talk about my relationship with religion, I would actually need to start much earlier if I want to do the thing right,
Now I tired to write only about the religious side of my upbringing, but i jump tracks alot when talking and these sorts of things bleed into each other, so this is a long and winding tale, it think I elaborated to much in some places and to little in others, so if you want to skip this one I understand,
As I've aged and heard others stories, I've come to the conclusion that my religious upbringing is odd,
Starting with my mother, she was born in the fifties and raised by her aunt, her father's sister, because her parents were so abusive and nearly killed her, alot, her neighbor who fed her a lot, kept her alive had enough and called her aunt to take her, cause she was calling child services,
So given they barely fed her they sure as shit did not baptize her, and when her aunt got her, she did something pretty unusual, she decided not to have ma baptized as she thought ma should decide whether she wanted that or not when she was older,
Mas religious upbringing was, everyone who loved her taking her to their church, so her knowledge on religion is real fucking spotty, though she was pulled back in forth between Christian churches and Catholic ones primarily,
Jump forward to her having kids, we were all spread out myself coming third and last at the late age of 39 (this was in 92, she was treated like shit for it) she wanted to be baptized she wanted her girls baptized, the churches she tired refused her unless she took classes, she had neither the time or money to do this, so we went unbaptized,
I'm not sure if I knew this when I was a kid, I'm not even sure if I knew what that was, I don't think I did actually,
But ma still tired to give us, teach us what she knew, we had a couple childrens bibles, I was taught to pray to God, ma had an old crucifix that I can't remember who but someone has made a beautiful cross and snugged the curcifix into the center, I would pull this down and hold it when my sister told me vampires were out in our neighborhood,
We went to church on Easter every year until I was around 8 I think, though my sisters had stopped going I went with her up til then when we moved and she was going to a Church in the town we'd moved to, Im not sure why I didn't go with her that year I liked going with her, maybe it was the newness of it, I could tell she was sad, though she came back and declared we were never going to church again, only recently did she tell me it was because while she was there they had prodded her story out of her, her life her kids, her struggles especially with me, (no one in our circles in that time had even heard the term autistic, I was to most people just simple)
These people told her it was unfortunate God hadn't taken us both in childbirth.
I know right,
All told I didn't really have veneration in my life, I treated God I realize now much like I treated my mother, a comforting feature of my life, who I talked to all the time, and trusted, and loved, there was no understanding in me to treat God in a worshipful manner, or as sacred, I had no real concept of it really, respect sure, but even then respect with ma, I've always been on of those wolf cubs chewing on there mas ear, because it was safe to, unlike my father,
Speaking of who, most of my life he mocked my mother's beliefs but never offered any of his own, he never seemed to care, or believe in anything at all,
Until the last few years when he started on Facebook and realized he can add God into his homophobic and racist rants,
I only learned back when we moved here in 2017 that he's presbyterian, he said off hand like it was old news and not the first time he'd ever said shit about it
So all told, it was a weird upbringing add in my childhood addiction to the history channel (pre ancient aliens, thank fuck) and watching Jesus specials on Easter,
I still vaguely remember one where they talked about, Jesus fleeing to France and this tomb they said he was buried, which I might've misunderstood some of, but I came out of that thinking Jesus was crucified survived and fled with his family to France where he lived out the rest of his days and was buried there, so that was a thing,
Anyway my faith started cracking as I got around 12 I didn't understand why God never answered, other people seemed to pray and get their way, just slipped slid through life, not me,
13 my eldest sister died, I prayed every night for protection for my family, my animals, and yet my animals kept dying bad an my sister died at 26, in a car accident we will never know the cause of,
and I gave up on my mother's god, he wasn't listening, he didn't care about me,
The Father in heaven was just as unfeeling towards me as the one that lived in my house,
At this time, I long story getting longer, found Wicca/Witchcraft books, I ALWAYS believed in magic and desperately, desperately wanted to be a witch, but I thought you had to have a witch in your family train you, I had no fucking clue there were fucking books, until this girl on a Winx Club forum was fucking teaching fucking magic and recommending fucking BOOKS
It was a life changer, and life saver Cupcakedoll wherever you are I think you no, you saved my life thank you,
So, now I had the God and the Goddess I scorned God but prayed to the Goddess and was delighted to learn the Greek gods/ess of Xena/Hercules and Hercules the animated series, were included, I'd once prayed to Aphrodite after an episode of Hercules:tas but I didn't know other people did! I thought I was just being wrong and bad again, but here it was,
I was not alone, I was not the only person like me, my father and sister were wrong, I was not a freak,
I didn't know how to research shit, I'm still not great, getting better though, I just read what books I could find and put up aesthetic altars that I got nothing out of til I gave up on that aspect, I didn't have much room for them anyhow,
I mostly called on the Goddess and occasionally treated the rest like ingredients like the books said, though I did pray to Artemis whenever I saw roadkill that the animal would find peace,
I should also say that as I turned from God and unto the Witches road, my mother was turning her back on God as well, losing a child will do that to a person,
I was never in the broom closet with her or my living sister and father, I never announced it to him but never hid it, and with my sister I very much treated it like this is how it is now, I was always afraid of my second eldest sister and father, but in this thing I was defiant,
Ma bought me books and supplies, but she was uneasy about it, worried for my soul, but also unwilling to deny me something I wanted so bad, we did have a small blowout at a bookstore over some gothic vampire tarot cards, and ended up at home having a screaming fight, worst we ever had, and not the last over it either, eventually she came to terms with it all, she's always since I was born put more of her faith in me then anything else, she doesn't call herself a practitioner of anything, but she listens and follows my lead on things, she prays to Hekate as well,
I still did not get veneration back then at the start, and for years to follow and avoided my ancestors as I know almost nothing, and was starting to see the rot in my home life,
Fast forward to about 6 years ago, I'd been trying haphazardly to develop a relationship with Freya who is come across in a book a few years before, even got my hands on a statue, wasn't going great in hindsight, especially given that at the same time I'd read about her Marvel Loki happened, so googling it was hmm,
Anyway, I'm sitting on my ass infront of this haphazard altar space, doing this daily meditation thing from this book that had this 30 fucking minute thing, where it was like doom don't leave off a minute early and do it everyday, for like a month? I'd never been able to manage 10 minutes of meditating I don't know why I decided to fuck myself this hard but, I kept the commitment and I think it was good to prove to myself that I could,
So I'm sitting there going insane, trying to focus, going insane, hoping the timer goes off soon, going insane,
That's when she came to me: Hekate, I'd heard the name, but well she seemed super popular and I'm a contrary shit head so I hadn't been all that interested, but there she was, I can't remember what she said, and I think that might've been the notes Jazz ate as a puppy, but it stuck with me, that she came to me not the other way around, this was a first for me, and I've never seen her that clearly again,
I didn't do much with it, I was finally finding real info on Freya on Norse religion, I wasn't interested in going back towards the Greek end of things,
But when I was trying to get the purchase of this house to go through, it was really looking like my parents weren't going to get it, I did some magic, but still I was scared, we had to move we were running out of time, this had to go through , I panic prayed to Hekate while I was trying to sleep one night,
We got the house, whether that was me Her or both of us I'm unsure,
Still I was still unsure about changing tracks, as much as I derail the tracks in conversations, when I'm on one I have trouble switching,
I not long after moving ended up with two black puppies,
I had a vision one night, puppies curled up to me, of a woman's hand holding a torch, the flames blue,
I was like puh lease blue flames sounds more like Michael,
I've since seen others get blue flames from Her though I'm still unsure the why,
I was reading about the Norse dedicating the care of an animal to the Gods, I think it was Thor in that one, I'm outside letting them pee, they are running me ragged cause they were malnourished in the womb and put, due to the complications of there birth, and I think it messed them up in their heads, it's raining and they are shuffling around my feet, I'm scared they'll die, their not ok, for all they run in play, I pick one up hold them into the sky, into the rain, I call Hekate, I dedicate this puppy to you, I say other things I no longer remember, I pick the other up I do the same, I baptized them in the rain to a Titan, in what I can only call a divinely lead desperate delirium, but we'll they have nearly killed themselves multiple times, Pax took almost 4 years to fully potty train and they aren't nuttier then the incest puppies we had, but well look
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Later I read someones blog post where they mentioned Hecate liking Mugwort and that the end of the month is a time to give offerings,
I start going outside and setting up a bowl with Mugwort and burning it as offering,
I read that you should wash your hands before praying to Greek Gods,
I start washing my hands before praying and setting out the Mugwort,
Slowly in skips I learn more and more about Her, and HOW to venerate her,
On the New moon of either January or February of 2020 not knowing what was to follow, I clean as much as I can, I wash and cleanse my body with Khernips, I take a tortilla with food on it like a plate, with the dust and hair from my vacuum, I go to the dirt road connecting to my driveway and place out my first offerings, I pray, I feel, something, loved, listened to, I know I will do this again the next month,
I have to change spots cause the food is untouched and this one lady thinks this is an HOA neighborhood, I change my spot to the backyard corner fence that connects to an alley and another property,
I spend my birthday at the beginning of March sick off my ass from something my ma picked up from some young guy at the place she gets her oil changed at, "poor kid was coughing all over himself, sounded like he was dying, hope I don't come down with it" we spend the month miserable and not sure if we have this new disease after all there's supposedly no cases in our area yet,
I pull my ass up, I'm fine, I'm feeling better, I say, I clean I wash my blankets, I shower cleanse and put out my offerings, I am committed,
I have done so every month since then, I have only bobbled once when my brain flipped dates once but I went out the night after when the moon was still dark,
I stopped having snake nightmares, the ones I'd been having yearly since a year or two after I started practicing magic,
I put up an altar in my room, I pray every morning as watched Jazz and Pax eat breakfast, least the murder each other, and every night as I watch Jazz and Pax eat their dinner least they murder each other,
Last year I asked for a sign from Her,
Fucking snake nightmare,
I keep learning, I keep growing, I put up an Ancestor Altar up around shortly after I first put Hers up,
I give offerings of water, to Her, to the ancestors, and the spirits of the household, every night,
I keep fucking forgetting that there's the November Hekate modern festival, and I missed it a fucking gain, and I only managed to remember Her Sacred Fires modern festival in May once
I stand at her altar and I feel peace, I feel love,
When she answers my prayers I give her a special offering, I thank her,
I stand at the crossroads, over an over, I feel no fear, I give respect and am given it,
Through Hecate I am learning veneration, I've learned how to plant my feet ask for what I need with gift in hand, to stand tall, in this life this path I've chosen for myself, that I've never been capable of walking away from, it's not all ok yet, but it will be,
I stand at the crossroads,
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callsign-bubbles · 10 days
2 & 3 for the wip game!!!
AAAAAAHHHHHH it’s been so long since i got an ask i’ve forgotten how to respond :’] i don’t know which game you’re asking about exactly, so i’ll give you answers for both of them!
a character POV i’m exploring currently is brock boeser <3 specifically for this thing i’m writing where brock is a mute national park researcher in the Rockies and quinn jack and luke hughes have been shipped off to the woods to learn endurance and survival and it’s a plot okay it doesn’t have to make that much sense. anyways the way that those two interact with other, especially since brock has to use sign language, is a really interesting dichotomy! coincidentally, that WIP is also my current WIP and it makes me want to tear my hair out! i am not a writer that works well in setting up the scenario around dialogues and this fic is really forcing me out of my comfort zone in that regard. so so rewarding but also massively stressful .
never be so clever is a prompt for a fest that i didn’t end up finishing on time but it’s still kinda rolling around in my mind . basically the prompt was that connor bedard is a werewolf and he puts off shifting because he’s not sure if chicago will accept him (because that’s a totally okay form of self-coping) and ends up having a terrible time of it until he plays edmonton and meets connor and leon! leon is openly a wolf, connor is his devastatingly-in-love handler (yes, they both refer to the relationship in this way, leon thinks it’s funny), and they invite baby connor to dinner! baby connor ends up thinking of it more as a networking opportunity and connor m. and leon are like oh my god this poor child is obviously in distress we must help . so baby connor is sat in their living room after dinner and ends up feeling so safe and relaxed that he involuntarily shifts! obviously he is extremely embarrassed by this and is like oh my god mr mcdavid and mr draisaitl sirs i did not mean to do that it was a complete accident etc etc etc until leon eventually says in the most loving tone possible “boy shut the fuck up” and then they have a giant cuddle pile!
the right side of wrong is, again, an unfinished fest prompt, but this time it’s the canucks! *jazz hands* no, but basically so it’s centered around thatcher demko, who is a selkie, and the nightclub that he owns. our little depressed baby quinn hughes is hired to work as a bouncer at thatch’s club and one night as they’re closing down he mistakes thatcher’s jacket for his own, so he ends up wearing it home. now, we all know selkie lore here, and considering quinn “i don’t consider myself someone that knows what’s going on” hughes is a bit of dumbass, he doesn’t realize that he’s essentially forced thatcher to be connected to him for life, and with thatcher being the shy and reclusive person that he is, he’s not really ready for that type of relationship. of course, these two are so gone for each other it’s stupid, so they work it out eventually, but there’s definitely some confusion in the beginning. ANDDDDD brock and petey have their own bananas shenanigans going on too!!! brock is a nonmagical human (just like quinn i forgot to add) who bartends at thatcher’s club and does some of their legal work on the side for some extra cash to pay his way through law school. petey, of course, is a siren dancer at the club who is highly sought after but really just wants a nice guy to settle down with who doesn’t offer him money for his body. they’re dumbasses but we love them so much. emotional turmoil.
anyways i am sure this was entirely more than you wanted to know but i love talking about my process so this was fun!!! thank you nonnie <3
0 notes
tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 1 - Loki x Reader
Summary: After your child is born a Frost Giant, your husband accuses you of infidelitiy, unaware about his own heritage...
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Warnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Angst, Mild Cussing
Noteable: Takes place before Thor 1, Asgardian Fem! Reader
Words: ~1800
I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
It was as if your anchestors wanted to deliver a warning, for Asgard had never faced a storm matching this fateful afternoon.
The thunder swallowed all of your screams and cries, every curse you spoke with each contraction as the baby made it’s way into this world. All this time, your precious husband would never leave your side, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed.
“Only a little bit more, my Lady!” the midwife shoutet from between your legs, her tone calm yet cheerful. “I can already see the head!”
“I’m right here. You’re doing wonderful, my petal.” Loki was softly petting your hair, pressing a wet kiss into your forehead. “You are incredibly strong, Y/N. And I love you so much!”
Remaining collected was using up all of his energy at that very moment, you knew that much. Yet not even the God of Lies could hide all the helplessness and excitement stirring in his head at that very moment.
Being with the Prince of Asgard was just like in a dream.
Once you get to know him, that troublesome arrogant lone wolf turned into a smart, caring - and especially charming - prince. And hel, Loki treated you like a Queen.
All this pain you were experiencing right now would ultimately lead to the greatest bliss imagineable - just like it was with Loki.
Oh, how dearly you had fought, suffered, yearned for him, only to be rewarded with heartbreak and frustration. In between his feverishly chase for the throne and his rivalry with Thor, there was just no room for a loving relationship to grow.
The crushing weight of thinking himself unworthy for affection had made him cold and bitter over the millenias, telling himself the comforting lie that he was above all, born for a glorious purpose.
For the God of Mischief, whose kinsmen had always made him feel out of place or under-appreciated, the process of trusting had always been one step forward, three steps back.
But through your compassion, and with a great deal of patience and understanding, you slowly but steadily melted the ice around the prince’s heart.
Because deep inside, you always knew that it was worth it.
And today would be the peak of your romance: Your child would forever remind the Odinson that he belonged somewhere - right here, with you.
“It’s a boy!”
“A heir?!” Loki exclaimed, smothering your face in kisses. “Well done!”
You smiled weakly at his excitement, in between choked sobs. All that your exhausted self was able to process was the fact that your child is born - and you already loved him beyond reason.
“Where is he?!” you whimpered, unable to realize how the air in the room had shifted - for when the midwife touched the infant, she began to scream in agony.
“What’s wrong?!” Loki’s eyes were narrowing at the midwife that almost dropped his newborn, detecting some sort of burn wound on her palm. Quickly, she had covered the boy in a towel, aware that if any harm came over that baby, she was to die at the God of Mischief’s hands.
A flash of lightning was brightening the whole room, which had only been flooded by dim candle light until now.
Another one of the midwife’s screeched in terror, almost stumbling as she frantically erscaped your bedchamber. The adrenaline from birth and worry about your child sharpened your senses, yet concentration was almost impossible.
Still, the words she was yelling as she ran down the hall send a shiver down your spine:
“It’s a monster.”
Your head was spinning as you rushed into an upright position, with two nurses pressing you onto the bed again. “Milady, you need to rest! It’s still too early!”
“What is wrong with my child?!?” you desperately screamed, kicking with your legs to free yourself from their hold. “Give it to me!”
Their expressions were too much to bear. Your head was spinning, seeing pity mixing up with disgust and anger in their eyes.
“Enough!” Loki finally broke his own silence, his mind having been occupied with all the horror scenarios one could think about.
Walking up to the midwife carrying the infant, he demanded seeing it. “Your highness, don’t-” yet the midwife’s beg was for naught.
Yes, everything will be alright. Loki will take care of it, like he always does. After all, he’s your savior, your hero, the love of your life...
Gently and insecure, your husband cradled the newborn in his arms - a sight to behold. And the baby’s strong cries assured you that it was at least alive.
However, as soon as he dared to unwrap the towel, revealing it’s face, Loki’s heartbeat completely stopped for a second. His trembling lip began to shake, mouth widely agape as he took in the child’s form.
For a brief moment, his mind was completely blank. All emotion dropped from his face before taking in a complete different demeanour.
“Wha-” you wouldn’t dare ending that sentence when your husband’s furious eyes met yours.
The air was so thick, you thought not even Thor’s hammer could break it. Clearly ritten on Loki’s usual unreadable face were so many emotions at once:
Aversion, fury, incredible sorrow...all directed towards you? The child?
Loki Odinson loved you more than anything in this world, this was the only thing you had always been sure he wasn’t lying about.
“From all the people I expected to betray me...” His voice was hoarse, as if the ache in his heart was wrapping around his throat. “Why did it have to be you?”
You could feel the horrendous aura, a wave of sadness and despair coming from your husband. Seeing him like this was like torture.
“What- what do you mean, darling-”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you harlot!” That was surely not the first time your lover had raised your voice against you - he could be a bit difficult at times, obviously.
But this time was different somehow. It sounded so...ultimate.
And the Loki you knew would never use such harsh words against you!
“Please, I beg of you...just let me see my baby!” Everything was just too much for you, almost to the point of passing out. 
And the man did as you pleaded, almost shoving the child into your arms. “There, have your bastard! And make sure to never show your filthy faces to me ever again!”
With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving you with those strange nurses looking at you like you’ve just commited an unforgiveable crime.
There was no use in overthinking this. He’ll come back like he always did. You can work this out, whatever it is - even if you are gonna be mad for a very long time, making such a fuss and then disappearing instead of taking care of you, the mother of his child.
Out of a whim, you decided to finally observe the little being you’ve been waiting for all those months.
A loud gasp escaped your mouth as you realized just why everyone was so worked up about that little boy. Yet the sound you made was solely surprised - not a hint of fear or rejection laced your voice.
It was a beautiful baby boy, little fists balled to the air as if he was searching for the warmth of his parents - though his skin was in the shade of a dark blue. When you dared running your hand over the deep lines and ridges on his body, the stinging pain of frostbite immediately stung your fingertips. His eyes snapped open, looking at you with black irises through red scleras.
You knew the meaning of this, even though you didn’t understand how this was possible: This child was a biological Frost Giant. A small one, but nonetheless.
A curse? Was someone trying to play your family dirty? No. If that was the case, the child wouldn’t also have actual powers together with the appearance.
Just how long have those tears been running down your cheeks in thick streams already? You wouldn’t know.
Only one thing came as clear as daylight to you: You loved this baby, more than anything in this world. And no matter the hardships that came along with it - you would protect him, no matter what!
“He’s magnificent...” you sniffled, pecking some quick kisses onto his small body before the cold could hurt you. “I love you so, so much...!”
Not minding the judging looks of the nurses, let alone wondering about the consequences, resolve was starting to give you new strenght.
The boy got a grasp on your finger, and instead of your skin freezing off as expected, your magic allowed him to the boy to finally disguise itself as one of you. How was this even possible? Well, this is probably the first time something like this ever happened, so no one could prepare you for what to expect with this child.
They all say that birth was an impactful event - but nothing could’ve prepared you for everything that you had to endure on this day.
Yet nothing could’ve stopped you from believing that this child was the greatest blessing that ever came over you.
Now you only had to convince your husband of that very fact...
“Y/N Y/L/N!” the guard wouldn’t even bother adressing you with your full title as his harsh voice woke you up. When had you drifted away into slumber anyway? You were probably way more worn out than you wanted to admit...
Your eyes immediately snapped open, heart skipping a beat until you saw that your son was still sleeping soundly right next to you. Stroking his cheek as he smiled up to you, it almost made you forget about that burdensome situation.
“Hey!” Protectingly, you were holding onto your child for dear life as the guard approached both of you. “I have an important message to deliver!”
You scowled, almost like an animal mother protecting their offsprings with baring teeth, even though you knew in that state you would be completely and utterly helpless. “Why now? What could be more important than the well-being of my child?”
The answer let your blood run cold:
“I am here to announce that Lady Y/N Y/L/N has to face a trial in front of the Allfather. The following crimes she is being accused of: Infidelity, collaboration with the enemy and trying to sneak one of them into our glorious kingdom.”
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i-need-air · 4 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey, why the hell aren't you watching Fuuto PI right now!? ...oh, haha, right, you're listening to me talk about Pretty Cure. Haha, sorry, I didn't realize, haha~!
It'd be a real rude thing to do not to check in on our Delicious Partiers, yeah? What sort of wacky adentures do you have for us today, Pretty Cures? ...ohhhhh, 23, this is the one with Kokone's parents. ...this should be interesting, right?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yuin, good evening! It's sauce time.
-Lost in the sauce with Ranchi.
-Koko-neechan! You're the star of this episode~!
-I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but one of the funniest anime tropes ever is when a mom looks only like five years older than their kids, maximum. Now I'm not saying that this is a real bad thing, but like, even by anime mom standards, Mrs. Fuwa seems like she just willed herself to forever be in her early-mid twenties.
Kokone: "My parents raised me to be a lone wolf. I can take care of myself." Amane: "But like... don't you get lonely like that?" Kokone: "...maybe."
-"Mama?" Ohhhhh, my heart! Kokone, you're killin' me here!
-Meet the Parents. That's one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies.
-I do my sauce like that too.
-...man, Hatsuko has a very lovely design.
-"Huh... my daughter never smiles like that."
-Oh, hello Daddy- er, Daddy- er... Shosei-san.
-Hey now Kokone, be glad he didn't mistake it for wine.
-...though then again, could you chug it?
-"Oh fuck, soup. That's as good as water in my book!"
-...man, this is so awkward.
-Awwww, Kokone-chan... :(
-Hug her, Pamu!
-At least they're trying to reconnect, that's a good thing.
-...after 47 episodes of Revice, I don't think I can really take much more family-related psychic damage.
-Yeah, having similar interests would help, huh?
-...Ran, what the fuck are you implying about Amane?
-Ah c'mon Kokone, you were a little kid. We all did shit like that at that age!
-Oh, her aunt just happened to be there, huh?
-"Don't bully your parents."
-No doughnuts.
-Kokone Fuwa took a thing she was lightly scolded for super seriously, and
-...yep, that's an autistic child alright. Welcome to the club, Blue Dog Gal.
-She got the bottle after all.
-...man, that's nice :)
-Grandma Nagomi once said... "Angels descend during meals. Therefore, it's a sacred time."
-Secretoru checkin' the Ubau-zo catalogue. What will she order?
-Godatz is very disappointed in you two.
-Aww, he was concerned :)
-He's still pretty evil though, so...
-"Let's eat the doughnut holes together... as closure :)"
-Recipoppy Pipopapo
-The Genius Taster.
-"Ohhhhhhh, balls~!"
-...Doughnut holes?
-Makin' it personal by messing with her mom, huh Narshe?
-Yeah that's my new kinda insulting nickname for him. Just like the mining town of Narshe in Final Fantasy VI, he's cold, the site of some real memory issues and thievery, a pain in the ass to deal with later when you've gotten to know your party, probably has a giant snail, some Moogles, and a super-strong yeti locked away somewhere...
-...oh yeah, there's a big rolling pin and... pumpy thing.
-I... don't think I've ever seen one of those.
-Wow, Pamu's unfolded state looks... weird, I just realized jhkklj
Narshe: I will make you proud of me so you will call me your little pogchamp, Godatz-sama!
Finale: only saw z who dat?
-Noooo, Spicy!
-Oh hey, it's the mysterious black pepper man.
-Go for it, Koko-neechan!
-"I will lay down my life, if it means protecting the doughnuts."
-Damn, putting those heels to good use, huh gals?
-What even were you, Motto Ubau-zo?
-"Aw man... I'm not gonna be Godatz-sama's little pogchamp..."
-Awww, he knew!
-Shush, Pamu. This is a moment.
-Eat them doughnut holes!
-Yeaaah, reconnect!
-That was nice :)
-Sammiches, Spicy-style.
-That's a cute smile :)
-Yeah, that's nice.
-Mmmm... Orange Juice...
-Yeah, that was a fun episode. ...I realize that perhaps this isn't my most interesting liveblog series, but this is just a very fun and lovely time!
-"Kome-Kome Sucks! And So Does This Pizza Party!"
-Okay, you're dismissed~! ...GO WATCH FUUTO PI RIGHT NOW YOU MOTHERFU-
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Lord God Savior of All Ryu, I ask for but one noble request. lol i just wanna see all your AUs. Like, I always here about them in replies and stuff but I've almost never seen what they actually look like. So if you could just tag pics of them or doodle (they can be super bad 30 sec doodles too, it don't matter to me) them, I would be the happiest, most joyful little shit ever.
Anon!! Thank you for being so interested in our AUs and wanting to learn more about them. It was a very good excuse for us to go through the list of the AUs, doodle them, revisit some of the older ones, etc. So yeah, your wish is granted lol
Here’s the majority of them, we decided not to include those that we’ve barely talked about and thought out... I’ve put tags for those AUs where we have at least something posted. Most of them are something we haven’t even talked about at all and they don’t have a single sketch, but I liked drawing chibis for them way too much. Sorry, I used your ask lol
We have a general tag for our aus and specific ones for some of them, but sometimes an au from here is not tagged separately, so you might have to use this general tag...I tried to fix it, I don’t think I missed anything, so it should be ok now! ;w;
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1. Space AU. It’s a story about a space expedition.. which turned out to be not exactly what everyone planned thanks to Erwin. What a commander! 
2. Tribal AU. It’s a story about Eren becoming a part of the tribe where Erwin and Levi live. 
3. Babysitter AU. Levi is a babysitter to Eren and Zeke, unfortunately for Zeke, who’s 17 and not exactly thrilled about being babied. Sometimes there’s kid Erwin too. We’ve never posted anything related to this AU, I think, and I don’t think we will. There’s another AU related to this one, but 19yo Eren from the paths (he has the memory of the manga events) keeps kid Eren company as an invisible ghost, while others think that kid Eren is cursed or something.
4. SnK AU. A classical one, where Eren has dreams about the plot of SnK, but when the story stops progressing, he decides to kidnap Levi to make the plot go on. Erwin finds out later... and keeps Levi in the basement because he wants to know the ending too lmao plus it’s hot.
5. Mines AU. Erwin gathered a team for his wonderful plan to find a treasure, but it’s not like the rest of the team needs to know where they’re really going. Zeke’s particularly terrified to find that out. Despite its name, they spend the majority of time in the forest. Also, there’s a timeskip of 11 years. 
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6. AU with Neetwin who’s a history teacher. We don’t tag this one though, it’s not like it’s our AU. So now it’s a Neetwin tag, although one of the drawings is with adult Levi... eh, who cares. 
7. CC AU (cleaning company). Levi works in a cleaning company and cleans up Neetwin and hobo Eren’s apts. They need a lot of work. Yes, they make their apts even dirtier to make Levi spend more time there. 
8. Prison AU. Damn this one is good... we came up with it before reading the timeskip in the manga, so Eren’s appearance doesn’t really match his age, he’s 17 lol Levi is a mafia member who goes to prison because he need to kill one of the inmates (who later became Zeke) on Erwin’s (Levi’s boss) request. Eren’s his personal guard, although Eren works as a regular guard too.
9. King Kong AU. It’s an AU where the Beast Titan is King Kong lmao Zeke is having fun killing dinosaurs... Levi, not so much. Thank Erwin for his wonderful plan of going to this island.
10. Rus AU, basically just characters living in Russia. Because ofc we will have this type of a setting... Damn, I thought we drew this one more often, huh. 
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11. Sea AU. Mainly our modern AU, we use it as a base for other modern stuff for the most part. Levi’s getting two boifrond rings, he lives with Erwin, Eren visits them often, Zeke bitches a lot, fun times with and without Zeke, stuff like that. There’s also a subplot (11.5) where Eren gets “kidnapped” by a witch, so Zevi have to find him and bring him back. Titans exist in this AU, Eren and Zeke are titans, and all of them have military training, but Erwin and Levi retired some time ago. We don’t have a tag for just a modern setting, though. 
12. Cult AU. Eren lives on a farm and has a whole village of his followers. He also has cursed animals... and I think we’ve told about some of the plot points in replies. Erwin’s really into all this cult stuff because it affects reality for real, so he asks Levi to follow rituals, although Levi came to ask Eren to go back to normal life and finish the fucking school. 
13. Serial killer AU. Eren’s a serial killer, duh. Never posted anything with this one, unfortunately, but Eren got disappointed in the police when he was a child, so he decided to fix the situation himself, while Erwin and Levi, as a part of a special department, investigate his “fixing”. It also has a time skip. I really need to redraw at least one sketch...
14. Hospital AU. Levi gets into Marley trying to make Eren go back, but it’s not that simple because Eren doesn’t want to lol Basically canonverse with this small change.
15. Hobo AU. Eren and Levi are hobos, Zeke wants his brother to stop living under a fucking bridge. Later Erwin takes both of them under his roof because he really likes Levi, but he can’t leave Eren alone.
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16. Doggies AU. AU where Eren’s a wolf and Erwin’s a doggo. Levi got Erwin because he was a retiring trained dog and sniffed enough drugs in his life, and Eren... his “owner” found him on the streets and lied to Levi about Eren being a dog. Later Eren turned into a magnificent beast and now he doesn’t want to leave. There’s also Zeke, but he belongs to Xavier. 
17. AU where Eren wants to become a mangaka. The first post is self-explanatory, although I’d probably make some changes now if I cared enough. There’s also a time skip where Eren ditched his manga and became hobo!Eren. His editor was pissed lol 
18. Scolopendra Eren AU. You know the drill, and I’ve talked about the plot in some of the replies. 
This post doesn’t show up on the tag for some reason.
19. Ghost Eren AU. I should’ve named it combini AU... Anyway, I’ve talked about this one a lot, although poor Erwin gets neglected a little bit lol it’s hard to compete with a ghost when you’re just a mere stalker... but a very invested one. Eren likes Erwin here, they’re vibing on the same malicious-towards-Levi wave. 
20. Shark Eren AU. It’s just for us for funs, Eren’s a shark, and Levi’s there to help him fight depression. Eren later escapes into the sea.
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21. Midsommar AU. Levi and Erwin get an invite to go to the village from Yelena, Eren’s a part of a cult who is kinda attracted to one of the newcomers... Such a good movie, we need to draw them properly. Both Yeagerists and Eldians are a part of the cult, they don’t have any specific rules by which I categorised them... Although not all characters are present, and some of them (Jean, I think) are newcomers who will join the cult later. Sorry, I don’t remember much. 
22. Silent Hill AU. It started with Erwin peeking into Levi’s apartment, but now there’s Eren too... We haven’t thought out this one, I’m bad with Silent Hill AUs for some reason. 
23. House Eren AU. Eren’s a house, and we’ve explained how it works too, so just check out the tag. Levi actually lives there with Erwin, but I don’t remember if we’ve mentioned it or decided to skip this info. 
24. Eren pack AU. It’s an AU where Erens of all ages (6 of them, I believe) are a little bit feral, and they have wolf ears and tails, and they live in a specific place and Levi visits them every day and takes care of them. They love Levi. Here’s the only post that survived, and here’s a link for a twitter post which I never got back on tumblr after it got deleted. 
25. Trailer AU. The story is about Levi who has to live with Zeke for a month as his slave because Erwin lost him in a game of cards lol To be fair, Erwin lost a lot of money and their whole flat, and Zeke gave them a choice between that and Levi (he’s horny ok), and Levi agreed. Zeke even put Levi on a chain, although Levi doesn’t even try to escape...
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26. Flower shop AU. Eren’s a plant, and he brings death to the whole planet. He keeps Levi alive though, as a treat for himself. We’ve explained some of the stuff in the replies. 
27. Blair Witch AU. It’s pretty much explained in this post, and if you saw the movie, there’s nothing for me to tell you. Everything that’s different from it is in the post lol 
28. Corpse AU. Eren’s a corpse, Levi’s a pathologist who works on difficult and mysterious cases alongside the police. Eren later comes to life along with a couple of other bodies...
29. Antichrist AU. Zevi adopt baby Eren, but Eren’s a fucking satan. He loves Levi, but Zeke... not so much. Zeke loves Eren to death, though. Eren would love to organise that, but first he needs to grow up a little bit. It doesn’t mean that he won’t torture his parents during his journey. And everyone else who interact with them.
30. This one doesn’t have a title, but it’s an AU where kid Eren went missing, and Levi goes into the forest to find him. Levi owns Erwin who’s a good doggo and helps him find Eren. It turns out Eren killed two adult dudes, and he has paths!Eren telling him what to do and how to do it... Paths!Eren has the memory of the canonverse.
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31. Zombie apocalypse AU. There’s only one drawing with it though, but basically Levi builds himself a wonderful place to survive the apocalypse, and he keeps Zombie Erwin in the basement in hopes of Hange finding a cure. Then Eren joins just because he can and because Levi’s very awesome. Eren has a boner for the apocalypse and enjoys every second of it. 
32. No title, but Eren was casted away from the canon universe for the rumbling, and now he’s a mythological giant wolf who lives in a deep very old forest. He was very surprised to find out Levi exists in this universe... So he kidnapped him ❤️
33. Halloween AU. You’ve seen this one, it’s a story where Jean, Connie, Sasha and Eren get into the wrong house and find a ritual instead of a Halloween party... So after saving the child who, as it turns out, is not really a victim, they decide to ditch him at Eruri’s place.
34. Okusan AU. Levi’s a housewife, Erwin is a cuckold who’s really into adultery. He invites both Zeke and Eren from time to time to act as Levi’s husbands, and they (Levi and Erwin) almost get caught because the “husband” suddenly came home... Sorry, we’ve read too many doujinshis lol
35. Island AU. Erwin loves sending Levi to dangerous places to get souvenirs for himself, and now it’s time for Levi to get a crystal from a very isolated island full of strict rules in terms of interacting with outsiders. We have a cool idea for a two part drawing (like with our flower shop au), but it’ll take us ages to complete anything at this rate... I have like two sketches on Patreon for now, but damn this AU has so many cool visuals we wanna draw... It’s another cult AU with people living on Paradis (more like one village in the middle of the island), isolated from the rest of the world. They don’t welcome strangers, and Levi has three months to find and steal that crystal, although it’s not that simple.
36. Erewan. Not exactly a full AU, but Erewan’s a cursed animal plushie who kills people and loves Levi a lot. 
37. Cat AU. Everyone’s a cat (duh). Not really our AU, but it has its own tag, and it’s only asks. 
38. Tiny founder Eren AU?? Again, not really our AU, but now it has its own tag. 
I’ve also found the reply where I talk about how characters’ relationships work in some of the AUs, you can check it out too. I thought it was fitting for a master post. 
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
How about you…talk about the thematic cannibalism 👀👀👀
Okay this is technically bigass huge spoilers but idc bc a the pace I am writing, anyone who read this might as well will have forgotten it by now. I'll just elaborate on the tags of this post under the cut, basically:
(TW Child abuse and domestic abuse, better safe than sorry)
And by elaborate I mean ramble. Buckle up.
The overarching arc of LFLS is Michele and his relationship with his father Salvatore. There is also more than enough songs about Michele being haunted and hounded by his trauma and his subsequent fall from grace on my playlist for him. (AND the playlist is called "A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing" - By donning the predator's skin, he is still devoured by the predator, he thinks he escapes the wolf by eating other sheep, but he is inside of the wolf's skin because he is in his stomach 👁👁)
Salvatore terrorized the European underground without remorse. He was ABSOLUTELY infamous with the parent generation and the infamity lives on. Michele is constantly being reminded of his father, is treated with wariness and hostility because of what his father did. He is compared to his father. Dionysus of Palermo, The Scourge of Europe, Caesar, most places where Michele goes, his father will already have been there to greet him. (Note: Oh, it'll be great in the rewrite because Aaron O'Connell kept out of most the going ons on the continent; Paddy never met Salvatore nor really knows what he did. Harry and Charlie have zero idea about him, so Paddy is a bit wary about Michele from the start but not wary enough to pass it on to Harry and Charlie. Does not help with Paddy then continueing to be wary because Michele is wary of him, because he inherently distrusts father figures --)
Because Michele has 18 years of fucking baggage!!! I like to say he lived with his own murderer under one roof for 18 years!!! Wouldn't still be alive if his mother wouldn't have loved him that much!!! Salvatore terrorized Europe and he terrorized his own son. He quickly grew jealous of his own child, since Maria (his wife, Michele's Mamma), loved him so much. Her own family had thrown her out after finding out who she was dating, Salvatore's parents were cold people (Michele's grandmother Lena barely spoke any Sicilian as she was from Crete and had to give up her career as a musician by marrying his grandfather Giovanni), so she only felt loved by Salvatore. Who made sure he'd be the only one for her by gaslighting her and reminding her that she has no one else to go to. He loves her. No one else does.
So suddenly he has to share the love with another person and he can't stand it. Beats Michele for any pretense he can find. When Maria yells at him to stop and puts her foot down ... he doesn't do it around her anymore, but by no means does he stop. Tells Michele if he tells his mother, he'll get another beating for it. So Michele lies to her and lies to everyone else. Everyone else he can lie to. (I think Herakles is the only other person who Knows, due to these two only meeting when their fathers did).
So Salvatore dies and Michele wants to forget it all. It's over, he is gone and no one can ever know it happened. if no one knows, it didn't happen. He locks up his father's old office and never opens it again. (That locked door in Irish Problems that the twins are so desperately curious about? Yeah). He never tells Marco and Lorenzo, who he raises, about it.
But how can he run if the whole goddamn world reminds him of his father? Compares him to him? How can he ever erase Salvatore from his life when for other people, they're one and the same? (Salvatore - The Salvator, an ephithet for Jesus; Michele - The archangel whose name means "Who is like God?" [BTW none of this was intentional, I am just finding accidental metaphors in my own text because I am the giant rat who makes all the rules and GODDAMN am I fucking genius])
So he tries to accumulate power. He wants to replace Salvatore's name with his own. No one will talk about Salvatore Vento anymore when Michele Vento is so much more present in everyone's minds. He's just gotta eclipse his father, he just gotta establish connections, he just gotta shut people up and then his mind will shut up too and he'll be at peace and if Salvatore is gone he will no longer be broken.
And because he has repressed everything about his father so deeply, he does not recognize that he becomes him. (Remember Febe Masi, the older Italian subordinate? Michele looks exactly like his father, except for his eyes. Those golden eyes are the ones of his mother Maria ... but in the shadows, they are deer brown. Like Salvatore's. That one was actually on purpose but of course it was on purpose, you probably noticed how often it was referenced). He is so fixated on his goal, that everything will be great and perfect for him and his family, that he hurts his family on the way there. Megalomania consumes him and he is ready to sacrifice a good now, to hurt Marco, Lorenzo, Harry, Soph, Charlie, Paddy, to strip them of their autonomy for a better future. An unattainable one. Of course it comes crashing down.
So much for the basis. Ingredients are here, let's serve you some human stew.
Michele loves to cook. His kitchen is his safe haven, because it was his mother's realm. Maria loves Michele more than herself and Michele loves his mother more than himself. She taught him how to cook and she turned part of the Garden into a veggie and fruit patch. (Michele's greatgrandfather Luigi built the mansion he lives in and not being a good Sicilian at all, had a garden that was just there to look pretty. Salvatore doesn't give a shit about his ancestors or pretense, so if his beloved Maria wants a Veggie Patch. Sure). After Salvatore dies, he realizes one day that NO ONE is stopping him from turning the whole garden into a growing patch and orchard. So he does just that. So Michele harvests and cooks. He prepares food to eat. He's the one in control. He's the knife. He's the devourer. He is so afraid of being devoured, he rather devours others before they can eat him. He has been cannibalized and thusly HE cannibalizes others!!! He's so chewed up he can only imitate what he has been through!!! His teeth only know how to gnaw, his lips not how to kiss!!!
And. For the Ancient Greek Myth Parallels. I am pretty sure that Kronos ate his children because it was prophesized that his own son would kill him and take his place. But he doesn't eat Zeus bc his mother Rhea does a switcharoo and Zeus does end up killing him and taking his place. (Or doesn't kill him, Kronos = Saturn. I love Roman Syncretism, bc the jarring differences are the fun in syncretism!!! I don't want to hear any buhu the romans copied the greeks jokes they're unfunny. get in the syncretism and what it tells us about the cultures, their values and their intercultural exchanges with each other car). Zeus receives a similiar prophecy that a son by Metis would kill him - So he ABSORBS her while pregnant and that is how we end up getting Athene being birthed from his skull. Zeus defeats and punishes his father for cannibalizing his siblings ... and THEN CANNIBALIZES HIS LOVER BECAUSE HE HEARD OF A PROPHECY ONE OF HIS CHILDREN WOULD KILL HIM. THE (NEARLY) DEVOURED HAS BECOME THE DEVOURER!!!
Salvatore is Kronos who cannibalized his own son and completely engulfed him ... and the son tries to avoid the same fate as his father ... he is NOT his father ... but to avoid the same fate, he cannibalizes his loved ones ... He is SO scared that he becomes the cannibal, he is so OBSESSED with the cannibal because of the trauma he inflicted of him that THIS is what turns him into a cannibal!!! He's so afraid that he'll have to eat human flesh that he never turns the light on and oops, at night all cats are grey and pork tastes like man anyways!!!
Anyways. LFLS is about Cannibalism now. I am the giant rat who makes all the rules. (Give me a good night's sleep/Someone buy me this book by Georges Bataille and I will tell you why Sadık and Herakles should eat each other). I do have a Ko-Fi under the same name (Breitzbachbea) so if anyone wanna paypal a hoe 10 dollars so I can buy this---
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
I wish I were her
geralt x fem!reader [as a gender-fluid person i swear i will try to write more gender neutral pairings in the future but writing ‘straight’ is easier for me as i spent most of my life dreaming strictly ‘straight’ when i idenfied as a girl and was in fucking narnia closet even from myself, sorry guys, gals and non-binary pals <3]
A/N: A LOT of shit is going on in my life, as is everyones, so I am not making a comeback yet babes, but i did get not sober and listen to heather just now and decided to write my first ever geralt fic, say whaaaaaaaaaaaat? i made him super soft and honeslty maybe a bit out of character but let a person dream okay either way
truly, i hope everyone is doing okay. the world sucks and i know people have personal problems to deal with. i hope youre okay. i hope this fic distracts you a little. I love you all. as much as a stranger can love a stranger which i believe is a lot, i fukcing love you.
Summary: Y/N has met both, Geralt and Jaskier before, but when they visit again things dont go as she expected
Warnings: violence, self-hate, blood, nsfw [but not explicit because hey hoe im a virgin]
Word Count: 2239
There was something about him she couldn’t quite place. She got lost in his eyes before and she would do it all over again. His touch left marks on her skin that seemed to burn whenever her mind wandered back to him. He changed her life forever and then he left. Only his songs were sung by other folk, pinging at her sides, reminder of those few nights he was hers. And she was his. Nothing else mattered then.
But he was a bard. A man with purpose, a man with goals. And she was just a farmgirl, no more special than any other person on the continent. She was sure that there was nothing this world had to offer her, and those moments of bliss were the best she will ever get.
Yet, when Jaskier and Geralt were passing by again, she jumped on her mare, going to the tavern in a heartbeat. Her anxiety was eating at her insides, making her shiver as she pushed the door open. Unpleasant smell of alcohol and sweat hit her, but when she saw him she got high on a different kind of drug.
But this one had no price.
His eyes were shining as he was smirking as his friend, who was brooding. Jaskier took a moment to look around, glazing over her as if she was nobody. Her heart banged in her ears as she took a few shaky steps towards the table. Loud noises coming from around her seemed to drown out when his eyes met hers. There was slight recognition, or she tried to tell herself that.
“Hello.” She managed. Geralt glanced at her, mumbling something under his breath, but her attention was elsewhere. Y/N eyes were drilling Jaskier, who furrowed his brows, smiling.
“Hello there.” He said cheerfully. His eyes looked somewhere behind her.
“Jaskier, right?” She asked, even though she knew. She knew exactly who he was and what his lips tasted on her and how they fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.
“Right. We’ve met before?” Y/N heart shattered a little, but she grabbed the broken bits, not letting them fall apart, holding it together.
“Awhile back, when you and Geralt stayed here. He was here on a contract for a wraith. You wrote a song for that one.” She rambled on, finally taking a breath in.
“Oh right!” His eyes were still glassy but he pointed at the seat. “Join us.”
“Jaskier.” Geralt grumbled, but still scooted over when she sat down. His yellow eyes seized her up. “Y/N.”
“You remember me?” The girl was taken back a little, the witcher was the one who hadn’t forgotten her. Not Jaskier. She blinked twice as Geralt didn’t respond, but rather looked at the bard.
“I remember you too, Y/N!” He argued battling Geralt’s gaze.
“How have you two been?” Underneath the table she clasped her hands together, only now realizing she’s sweating.
“Good, good. Lots of work to do around here, right Geralt?” There was nothing but silence coming from his companion. “He’s a bit shy, but you know that already.”
“Right.” Silence settled between them as Geralt downed his ale in one gulp, leaning back a little. He seemed to zone out, having a thousand-yard stare, his mind traveling elsewhere. Y/N looked away from him.
Jaskier was glancing around the tavern just as a server came up to them. Y/N seized her up, in her pretty dress and golden curls than bounced behind her back perfectly behind her back. Her smile was perfect, making Y/N fill with envy as she leaned over to Jaskier, exposing her cleavage to them all.
“Can I get you anything, sweetie?” She whispered as Y/N leaned back, swallowing hard.
She suddenly became aware of her tattered dress that had, what she hoped to be dirt, on it. Her hair was tied back but she haven’t brushed her hair today, so it most likely was a mess. She shifted, smelling pigs and sheep on herself. She became aware of all her flaws as if they were broadcasted to the world.
She wanted to burst into flames this very moment, becoming aware her cheeks are burning red. Suddenly the table became the most interesting thing in this tavern as she drowned out their conversation. She couldn’t listen. She couldn’t see. But when she lifted her eyes, the woman had sat down and Jaskier had one of his hands over her shoulder. He was laughing. The woman looked at Y/N.
“Hey, Y/N!” She, however, didn’t know the servers name, so all she could offer was a polite nod and a forced smile. “You look pretty tonight.”
“You do too, Amelie.” Jaskier said, before Y/N could respond. She dropped her gaze to the table as Amelie laughed. It sounded like bells in the wind, like a bird chirping. It was perfect. Y/N took a sharp breath in.
She zoned out again, not listening to Amelie and Jaskier again. She simply couldn’t. Geralt was looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed. He could tell Y/N was uncomfortable, he couldn’t understand why she simply didn’t leave. The girl chose to torture herself.
Amelia stood up, going back to her work, and only then did Y/N look up again, her expression different from before. Corners of her lips were turned down as she watched Jaskier look after Amelie, completely mesmerized.
“Jaskier.” Geralt called but Jaskier kept his eyes on the girl. Y/N shifted in her seat again, clasping her hands tighter.
Until she felt like she was going to burst. She stood up, muttering something under her breath. She tried not to run, but she couldn’t. She heard Amelie say something, but it didn’t matter. Nothing did. Her eyes burned as her mind kept replaying Jaskier wrapping his hands around other woman. He was not hers, and Y/N knew.
But her heart ached so much, she felt like her chest was about to rip apart. Her insides were burning and her head was spinning as she untied the horse, riding it into the moonlight. Y/N didn’t realize she just took Roach. She didn’t realize the rain had come down heavily on them. She didn’t realize she was crying.
She didn’t realize she was going right into the woods. Alone. At night.
Only when a wolf howled uncomfortably close, she stopped the horse in its tracks. It neighed uncomfortably as Y/N stared into the woods, until she heard a howl.
She ushered the horse just in time.  A pack of giant wolves jumped out as they rushed forward. Her heart was beating for a different reason. The rain was making it impossible to see as she held on for dear life. A moment later she shifted in the saddle and her leg hit a sword that was mounted on the horse.
She realized the mare wasn’t hers. With adrenaline pumping inside of her she tried to unbuckle the sword with one hand, while keeping the other one on the reigns. She struggled and the wolves were catching up. Her life was flashing before her eyes and the dread was filling in, but she knew she hadn’t lived enough yet.
She remembered Jaskiers kiss as vivid as if it was happening now, finally freeing the sword. It was heavier than she expected, throwing her off balance. Roach turned right too, unexpectedly skiting off the hill. The horse took a sharp turn, standing on its hind legs and Y/H hand slipped off the reigns. With a painful thud, she hid the ground.
Roach neighed in fear, rushing off into the woods. Y/N had to blink hard before she could see again, and when she did, her heart dropped. The wolves had her surrounded, their angry growls making hairs on her body stand up. She saw the sword dropped to her right. Out of reach. She was done. There was nothing she could do anymore.
She closed her eyes, hoping her death would be quick.
She heard a thud first. Then, something heavy dropped on her. Her eyes shot open and she saw a decapitated beast on her. Warm blood was soaking through her dress, sending shivers down her spine. Y/N only then sae Geralts back, and his sword drawn, a few more wolves laying in front of him.
The rest of the pack was slayed quickly too, as Y/N stared blankly, too scared to move. All she could smell was blood. As she could feel was fear and relief mixing inside of her. She didn’t like they made together. Her vision became blurry again. And when Geralt finally turned to face her again, she covered her mouth with one of her hands, tears streaming down her face.
Unexpected kindness shined from the witcher as he leaned down, pushing the wolf corpse off of her. His hand landed on her shoulder heavily. In response, she rushed into his arms. He just held her as she sobbed into his shoulder.
He wasn’t bothered by the rain that was drowning them both or that she reeked of blood or that he had just cleaned these clothes. He just held the girl, who almost seemed like a child, shaking in his arms, gripping onto him like he was the last straw holding her together.
“I’m sorry.” She finally managed, not pulling away. His hands around her tightened.
“Not your fault.” He rubbed her back gently as she took a few shaky breaths in.
“I didn’t mean to take Roach.” She leans away, meeting Geralts yellow eyes. He smiles.
“I followed you because you did. You’d be dead otherwise.” Y/N swallowed hard again, blinking back a new wave of tears. Geralt kept his arms around the girl, which she appreciated.
“Thank you.” Her voice broke.
Silence settled between them as Roach seemed to come back to them. It neighed, shaking its head as Geralt and Y/N stayed on the ground, in the dirt. Gazing at each other.
She saw warmth in his cat eyes. There was something welcoming and inviting in them, something that made her feel safe. Like a fireplace on a cold winter night. She felt okay. Nothing could hurt her as long as she was in his arms. She was sure of it.
“I am sorry you had to follow me here.” She breaks the silence, relaxing her body.
“I’m sorry you had to leave like that.” Geralt grows serious again. “Jaskier didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know.” Y/N closes her eyes now, feeling the rain roll down her back. “I just wish I was enough.”
“You are. For the right person.” Her lips shake a little as she leans forward, placing her forehead on his shoulder.
“I just want to be enough.” She whispers again, as Geralt gazes into the woods. His hands tighten around her. “Pretty enough. Nice enough. Just enough to be loved. Enough to be remembered.”
“I didn’t forget you.” Geralt reminds sending a electric wave through her body. She sniffles, opening her eyes, staring at her hands.
“You didn’t.” He now grabs her shoulders pushing her away. They lock eyes, as she is suddenly drawn to his honey.
“And I wont.” Her heart skips a beat as she thinks he might lean in for a kiss. She is ready. She wants him to do it, but instead, he stands up, dragging her up with him. “Let’s get you dried up.”
She remains silent as the witcher drops her on Roach, jumping behind her. He takes the reigns, and so does she, her hands still shaking. She leans back into his chest, feeling his breathing as he guides Roach back towards the tavern.
Y/N is sure she hears wolves howl in the distance but she closes her eyes and feels safe with Geralt sitting behind her, steady and unmovable like a wall. Unbreakable.
Once she opens her eyes, they are back. He helps her down the horse, holding onto her as they enter the tavern, but this time, he guides her up to stairs. The room they entered was a bedroom, but Geralt guided her to a bathroom where a warm bath seemed to be ready.
Y/N looked at Geralt who had taken his shirt off. He glanced at her.
“You’re going to bathe with your bloody dress?” She felt a rush go though her body. Her lips curled.
She dropped her, standing there uncovered in front of him. His lips curled as he dropped the remains of his clothes. They didn’t stare at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, but just enough for their eyes light up with hunger.
They stepped in the bath, warmth surrounding them as Geralt placed his hands on the sides of the bath, towering over Y/N, who was half underwater. His eyes were eating her up as his muscles tensed up.
“You’re pretty.” He said.
“Shut up.” She flushed, going underwater to avoid his gaze.
She didn’t expect him to follow, but he did, pressing her to the bottom. His lips found hers, breathing in the air her lungs craved. He wrapped his arms around her, dragging them both from underwater. The kiss didn’t split.
And there Y/N was, surrounded my candlelight, electricity running over her body again, drowning in honey and metal. She felt whole again, she felt safe. She felt loved and important, she felt seen when he locked eyes with her.
She wasn’t Amelia, no. But Y/N was herself.
And she was enough.
A/N [again]:  i lost the plot at the end im sorry i had a whole ass bottle of wine and i got super saddo towards it so yikes, hope you still enjoy, requests are open ofc but it might take me two years to get to it and im not kidding okay luvs i love yall bue
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Jon Snow x reader
Pairing: Jon Snow x young reader (platonic)
Summary: reader is a captured wilding and is forced to be Jon's steward. Shes tough and stubborn but one day something happens and her feelings for the crow begin to change.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, attempted assault, mentions of rape. Mentions of blood.
A/n Hello my loves! Just a quick note about this story. Reader is a young teenager, also her relationship with Jon is non romantic. Hes protective of her like a brother. I hope you like it!
"Whats your name girl?" you wanted to roll your eyes but refrained as the new commander of the nights watch, barely a man in your opinion tried to be intimidating in a room full of equally unintimatading men.
As dumb as they looked they still outnumbered you like 100 to 1. So you begrudgingly decided to answer.
The lord commander, or more commonly known as Jon snow the bastard of winterfell, nodded once, satisfied that he finally gotten a word out of you.
"Well y/n, seeing as your people are gone-"
"Dead you mean" you couldn't help but bite out. "You crows saw to that"
Those damn crows had raided your village and slaughtered everyone save yourself.
"You're lucky we didn't gut you along with the rest of those filthy wildlings" one man spat out stepping forward but was halted by the commander, "Enough!"
"We had no choice, they trespassed and started to cause trouble-"
"Trespassed?! That land has been ours for generations, and just because some rich folk came and decided to put up a wall and cast us out, we're the criminals?!" You felt your anger rise again. "We didnt do anything wrong! We were just trying to survive like everyone else in this stupid godsforsaken world!"
The lord commander sighed with fustration, he tried to have patience, after all she was more or less a child. Well a child with the mouth of a 40 year old sailor.
"I'm sorry y/n, but there are rules, and they broke those rules"
"Rules?" You scoffed, "And who decided on those rules hmm? Certainly not the people who lived here, so tell me Snow, why the hell should any of us listen to rules that were forced on us?! In our eyes you are the enemy. We were just people, trying to not starve and freeze to fucking death and you slaughter us like animals!" You felt the burn behind your eyes as you remembered the screams and smell of blood. But you would die before you cried in front of these heartless butchers.
"I'm sorry that you had to witness it, but you have a choice to make now" he looked into your eyes with seriousness. "You can either be sent back beyond the wall or..." he paused hesitantly, "you can serve as a steward here"
You almost laughed, "Are you drunk Snow?!? Or do you actually think those are fair options?"
"Considering I'm already bending the rules by letting you live, yes I do" he said firmly.
You let out a humorless laugh, "So you think throwing me into the wilderness alone is fair? Or I suppose making me a slave to the nights watch is somehow better?" You glared at the men around you. Half of them fithly pigs who would no doubt use you whenever they got the chance.
"No harm would come to you if you stayed, of this you have my word. And you wouldn't be a slave. You'd be my steward."
But I wouldnt be allowed to leave, so a slave... but it's either that or what's beyond the wall.. I wouldn't last a day alone... after a while of silently debating I looked up into the killer's eyes, and sealed my fate with a nod.
The first week was hell. All you wanted to do was murder every crow you saw.
If you had poison you would've wasted no time spilling it in the stew you had to carry to commander stupids room every evening.
He acted like he cared, asked about if you had enough to eat and if anyone had been bothering you. But you ignored him. He was just trying to get you to trust him, and then he would turn on you. It was all a sick game, you were sure of it.
Another few weeks passed in a similar manner, he gave up on trying to make conversation which you were ever thankful for.
Not having anyone to talk to was the worst part. Your days were horribly dull. You cleaned, did laundry, prepped meals and repeat. Other than glares no one had messed with you which you were kinda disappointed in to be honest. You would take any excuse to blacken and bruise those ugly mugs of theirs...
Apparently the gods had a sense of humor because the next day you found yourself cornered by two of them.
"You should be on your knees thanking us girl" one of them sneered.
"We coulda left you for dead with those other savages but we didnt. And all you've been is given attitude."
"It ain't right"
"No it ain't" they agreed.
While they yapped you were mentally figuring out how you were gonna fight your way out of this one. Three against one wasnt exactly fair, and it's not like snow let you carry around your weapons. And the fact that you were far away, gathering firewood when they cornered you wasn't ideal.
Ugly man number one tsked when he saw your wandering eyes, "no use screamin girl, no ones gonna hear you"
"What the fuck do you want, the sooner you tell me, the sooner I dont have to look at your ugly faces" you couldn't help but want to anger them.
The bald one shoved your shoulder against the wall, on instinct you swooped your arm over his and brought it down, severing the hold and then you kneed him in the groin...hard.
"You bitch!" He faltered and you took that opportunity to try and get away. Ugly number 2 grabbed the cloth of your shirt and pulled back but you quickly shoved an elbow hard into his face.
While you were distracted, the third man, let's call him horse face, pulled your hair harshly until you were tumbling to the ground with a grunt.
It didnt take long for the other 2 to recover and help horse face pin you down. P
A deep rooted panic spread across your body. "Get the fuck off me!" You tried to hide the fear in your voice as you thrashed.
"Shut up wilding whore!" You heard the sharp smack before you felt the pain blossom against your cheek.
"You got the mouth of a slut, now let's see if you've got the body of one" your eyes widened and you felt a rough hand slide under your tunic.
"S-stop it! I swear I'll kill-" he shut you up with another sharp slap. You could now taste copper in your mouth.
"I swear to God if you say one more word I'll cut out that sharp tongue of yours" he pulled his knife out of its sheath and pressed the cold metal against your cheek. You winced as he pressed in and you knew he had broken skin.
You tried to be strong but you were terrified. These men were going to rape you and you didnt have the strength like you thought you did to stop them.
You closed your eyes praying to whatever gods were out there that this would not happen. But the gods were cruel. They had allowed the crows to wipe out the only people you had to call family. No they weren't yours by blood, but they had taken you in and cared for you. Taught you how to hunt, how to fight, and now this is how your life was going to end.
"That's a good girl" he took your silence as compliance and started to kiss down your neck.
You shivered in disgust and fear, one hand placed firmly on your neck keeping you in place and the other was exploring beneath your shirt.
You didnt want to give up, you wanted to fight. You didnt want to be raped and killed. How would you ever face your family in the after life if you didnt put up a decent fight. Taking a deep breathe , with the risk of losing your tongue looming in your mind, you clenched your fists and let out your last shred of hope,
"GHOOOOOST" you hoped the wolf you had come to befriend could hear through the walls.
"WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU" he clamped a crushing hand over your mouth.
"W-we should g-go, what if that mutt heard?" Horse face looked around nervously.
"Shut up Pud, no way that he can hear all the way in here"
"Oh for god sakes, hold her down and be quiet!" He motioned for horse face to clamp my mouth shut instead whilst he began unbuckling his trousers.
"Before I cut that pretty tongue of yours, I'm gonna see how it feels around my c-AHH FUCK" a giant streak of white crossed your vision.
"HELP YOU IDIOTS, DONT JUST STAND THERE, FUCK!" You heard growling and tearing sounds.
The mens hold on you immediately loosened and you took that chance to sit up and see what the hell was going on. And when you saw the familiar white fur and black eyes you almost cried in relief.
Ghost had launched himself at your assailant and was currently biting away at his arm. The other two turned tail quick and made for the door, thinking they could escape, but what they did not expect was a very angry lord commander blocking their way.
"Ghost" he called back his wolf who growled at the men before walking back and standing beside his master.
You couldn't tell whose eyes were more threatening, the wolf, or the bastard wolf..
Before you knew what was happening several crows flooded the room and arrested the bleeding man and his friends.
The commanders attention was now on you. You rolled onto you knees and tried to stand up but found that someone had traded your legs for jelly cakes.
"Y/n" you immediately looked down, not wanting him to see how afraid you were.
You were surprised at how soft the commanders voice was now compared to two seconds ago when he ordered they be taken to the prisons. "Are you alright?" He knelt down in front of you and reached a hand out to your face.
You flinched and he hesitantly pulled back, "Its alright now, your safe, please... let me help you" he said almost pleading.
You don't know what came over you but something was telling you that it was ok to trust him so you nodded.
This time when he reached a hand to lift your face up you didnt pull away.
You met his eyes and found anger and regret in them, "I'm sorry"
You were instantly confused, "For what?" You questioned as he continued to inspect your injuries.
"I said that no harm would come to you, I shouldve kept a closer eye on you" he apologized with a look of deep regret.
You didnt know what to say. Why was he being so nice to you?! It didnt make any sense, weren't the crows supposed to be the bad ones? But he saved you...well ghost did lead them to you so you really should be thanking him but...
You didnt really know how to respond so you just stayed quiet. He moved to help you up, gentle hands supporting you. When it was clear you couldn't stand on your own he asked if you would let him help you to maester aemon.
Reluctantly you nodded and was surprised when he swooped down and gently lifted you up like those dumb princesses you heard about in fairy tales.
You thought he was just gonna help you walk with a slung over arm or something.... if you weren't so exausted you probably would've been way more embarrassed.
Wordlessly he carried you through the halls and into Maester Aemons infirmary. He set you down on the bed with care and said he would be back to check on you later. The maester was already by your side examining your injuries.
You dont know what came over you, but before you knew what was happening your mouth opened and halted the lord commander through the door.
"Thank you snow..." you were glad he was facing the door, you were sure your face was bright red.
But if he had been facing you, you would've seen his smile.
Maybe not all the crows were so bad after all...
Ok soo it was kind of short I know, but my idea was for this to be a sort of prologue to a mini series of Jon and the reader. Please let me know if that's something you guys would want! Thanks for reading🥰
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Mated (2)
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Read Part One 
Commissioned by: @knowexoknowlife
Warning: Some violence, Smut
Word Count: 6.1k
"Are you sleeping?" You whisper to Sehun, who had barely said ten words to you since this afternoon's discovery. 
"No." He whispers, still rolled onto his side not facing you. 
You weren't sure what you could do for him. It's not as though you had planned on having two mates, or like you wanted it. You would never purposely hurt Sehun, but sometimes things work out in a funny way. 
"I'm sorry.." you sniffle, unable to stop the tears from falling. 
"It's not your fault." Sehun sighs, still not facing you. You wished he would roll over and wrap his arms around you, tell you sweetly that he wasn't mad and it wasn't your fault, and mean it. 
Although he coldly said what you wished to hear, you could hear it in his voice that he wasn't convinced it wasn't your fault. 
"You don't sound overly convinced." You sigh, wiping away the tears. "I just want us to be okay." 
"Because I'm not convinced Y/N. Christ. What am I supposed to do? The girl I love and am meant to be with, is also meant to be with my fucking brother. None of this is okay, I'm not okay." He snaps, abruptly standing up and storming out of the room, making sure to not slam the door too hard. 
You crawl out of the bed, looking out the window you can see Sehun running through the field towards the forest, disappearing into the darkness of the trees. 
Now the tears really wouldn't stop. You slide down the wall, wrapping your arms around your knees as you lower your head and sob. 
Your head raises at the sound of light knocking at your door. You quickly wipe your tears before standing up and walking to the door to open it. When you do, you're surprised to see a sympathetic Suho standing there, his head lowered, allowing his shaggy brown hair to fall around his face. 
"Are you okay?" He whispers, his voice lowered. 
"H-how.." you stutter before he cuts you off. 
"Wolves have impeccable hearing." He whispers, raising his head to look at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "Look, Sehun is the youngest, he still has a hard time digesting things, especially big things like this. Give him some time." He sighs. "I wish I could say that I would do anything to help, but I know he would ask me to step aside and I'm afraid I just can't do that." He says, looking you straight in the eyes. "There's something so special about you Y/N, and I refuse to give up without a fight, even if it's my own brother." 
Your breath hitches as you take in his words, your heart's pounding as Suho leans his face in closer to yours. "I'll do anything to win your heart." He finishes. He leans in closer, placing a small kiss on your lips before walking back to his room, while you suffer, wondering how you're ever going to make a choice. 
You fall asleep as you wait for Sehun to come back, all the crying you've done tiring you out beyond belief. 
For the next week you try to talk with Sehun, but he's either gone or ignores you. 
He'll talk to you when he's ready, you guessed. But as the week passed, you began to get increasingly more angry. You purposely avoided Suho to make sure you didn't offend Sehun anymore, but you honestly just wanted to spend some time with him. 
You couldn't. Not yet. Not until Sehun calmed down. When he showed no signs of stopping, you decided to stop pretending Suho didn't exist. You allow yourself to slowly begin to notice him more, and Sehun would just have to deal with it. 
When you awake in the morning, you're greeted by a still empty bed, again, and a giant headache. You lay still for a few minutes contemplating what to do. Do you go downstairs and see if he's down there? Do you try to talk to him? Do you stay up here and wait for him? 
You decided to put on your big girl pants and head downstairs to find Sehun and talk to him. Enough was enough. The anxiety you felt in roaming through your entire body though was making you feel weak, but you couldn't be like this any longer. 
You hold onto the railing as you try to silently creep down the stairs, listening intently to the voices you hear in the living room and kitchen, trying to see if you can hear Sehun's. 
You can't. 
As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you're met with half smiles by Baekhyun and Yixing, Chanyeol only giving you a quick glance. This was embarrassing. 
"Have any of you seen Sehun?" You ask in a whisper. 
"I think he went on a run with Minseok." Baekhyun says, trying to give you a smile. 
You wished you could just speak with Sehun and get everything sorted out. If he wanted you to reject Suho.. would you be able too? You didn't know, and you didn't want to have to think about making that decision unless it was absolutely necessary, and right now it wasn't. 
"Y/N, may I speak with you?" Yixing asks, bringing you out of your thoughts. 
"Sure." You say, but before you're able to follow him the back door by the kitchen opens, revealing a sweating and shirtless Suho. Your breath hitches as your eyes slowly trail down from his face to his rock hard abs. "Shit." You whisper as you raise your eyes, locking in with his, unable to break the contact. 
"So it begins." You hear someone snap. Looking away from Suho, you catch the back of Sehun as he turns up the stairs, walking away from you.  
Looking back at Suho, you shoot him an apologetic smile before running after Sehun. You're not sure why you did it, you didn't truly owe Suho anything, but you felt like you did. Like everything you've given to Sehun, you should give to Suho too. 
"You're back.." you say, walking into the room you and Sehun are supposed to be sharing. 
"I am. Looks like you sure missed me." He snaps, putting a fresh shirt on. 
"I did, actually." You say, beginning to get annoyed. "I haven't seen you all week." 
"Oh yeah, it really looked like it. I apologize for interrupting your moment with Suho." He spits, turning to walk out the door. 
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You snap. Sehun stops in his tracks, turning his head slightly to look back at you. You stand there, your body full of rage as you cross your arms, waiting for him to answer. 
"What?" He asks. 
"I said, are you fucking serious? You're acting like a goddamn child." You yell. 
"I.." he begins before you cut him off. 
"Don't. It's my turn." You stop him. "I get you're upset, trying to wrap your head around this but you're not the only goddamn person struggling here. Did you stop to think about how I may be feeling this while you were throwing your bitch baby tantrum? How I might be handling this? Cause I'm not doing very fucking well, but I guess you wouldn't know because it's been the Sehun Show all fucking week." You yell. "I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to be something special like the Gemini Mate, but it's happened and now we need to figure it the fuck out. Either get on board, or back the fuck off. Your choice." You finish before storming out the room. You race down the stairs, passing the men who are standing there with their mouths hanging open, and storm towards the forest. 
"Fuck that guy." You growl, stomping your way through the woods. You couldn't believe that he was acting that way. It's not like you chose this to be your life. You didn't ever plan for this to happen, but like works in mysterious ways. 
After a while of walking, you finally sit down on a large log, taking a few deep breaths, breathing in the fresh air. It took you a few moments of looks around to realize that you had no idea where you were, or what direction you even came from. You tried thinking back to what you remembered seeing, but honestly you had been too mad to really focus on any of your surroundings, your mind had been cluttered with angry thoughts. 
"Shit." You whisper as you stand up, walking in the direction you hoped was towards the house. 
"How long ago did she leave?" Suho snaps at Sehun.
"It's been a while." Sehun admits. "Like 3 hours." 
"And you've been in here, not doing a fucking thing? Why didn't you go after her!?" Suho yells. 
"I was pissed off! And so was she! I'm sure she just wanted some time." Sehun says. 
"It's getting dark now, and you know lone wolves like to prowl this forest. What the fuck are you going to do if one of them catches her?" Suho asks. His heart breaks slightly at the thought of you being taken or injured, he can't let that happen. 
Suho rushes out the back door, Sehun follows quickly behind him. 
"You stay here!" Suho yells.
"I can't. I can't let anything happen to her, I shouldn't have waited so long." Sehun admits. 
"Fine. Take the left side of the forest and I'll take the right." Suho says, running towards his side before his body tears apart and phases into his wolf form. 
Your stomach drops as you continue to walk, seemingly deeper and deeper into the forest. You can hear the sounds of howling beneath the sounds of leaves crunching as you walk.  You're terrified as you heat the sounds of twigs snapping behind you, along with a low whine. 
You do your best to pick up your pace, but keep quiet at the same time, unfortunately the heavy breath behind you is coming up quickly. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." You whisper as you crouch behind a large log, hoping whatever was behind you will continue on its path and forget about you. 
You really hoped, but you weren't that lucky. 
As you sat there with your knees to your chest and your eyes squeezed tightly shut, you could feel the hot breath of something down your neck. Tears slowly fell as you continued to try and remain quiet, needing whatever this was to leave now. 
But it didn't. Instead you felt a clamp on your bun before you were being dragged from behind the log. You kicked and screamed, but nothing came of it. You opened your eyes as you lay on the forest floor and you're being hovered by a very large white wolf. 
You felt uneasy, so you knew this wasn't one of the wolves you had met with Sehun. It must be a lone wolf. You had heard stories about the lone wolves. Violent, angry, generally had zero regard for human life, mated or not. They would take you, keep you for as long as they felt, did whatever they wanted before killing you and disposing of you somewhere. You didn't want that. 
Despite you knowing all this information, it still didn't stop you from attempting to plead with him, in hopes that maybe, just maybe he had some shred of care left inside of him. 
That wasn't the case. 
"Please, please don't take me. I have two mates, which means twice the trouble for you. I'm not worth it, please." You beg. You didn't want to be taken by him. You could feel your heart breaking at the thought of leaving Suho and Sehun behind, never being able to touch Sehun again or loving him, never getting the chance to love Suho. This couldn't happen to you. 
The wolf snarled at you, saliva dripping from his snout as he snapped. 
"Please." You cry before he lunges for you, his teeth ripping into the flesh of your arm. You let out a loud shriek as his teeth sink further into you. 
Seconds later, you hear the sound of another body colliding and the relief of no more teeth in your arm. You hear fighting, turning your head you see the grey wolf snarling before taking a chunk out of the white wolf's back. The lone wolf runs off quickly, whimpering as he goes. You feel yourself fading in and out of consciousness as your almost lifeless body is being picked up, the chest of whoever helped you hot to the touch. 
"It's okay baby. I got you." Is all you hear, and Suho's face is all you see before you pass out in his arms as he runs you back to the house. 
"What the hell happened!?" Yixing yells, as he swipes books and papers off the kitchen table. 
"A lone wolf got her." Suho huffs, running his hands through his hair. 
"You should wash up. Yixing's got this." Minseok reassures Suho. 
"No. I can't leave her! I just found her, I can't.. I just.." Suho breaks. He rushes around the table, grabbing onto your other hand, holding it tightly. 
"W-what.. what happened?" Sehun asks as he comes in the front door and sees you lying unconsciously on the table. 
"A lone wolf got to her!" Suho yells. "All because you've been too much of a fucking bitch about this situation. We're her mates. We're supposed to protect her! And because of you, I backed off to give you space, but christ, it's been a week and I'm done. She's my fucking mate too, and I refuse to let something like this to happen again because you can't accept it." He snaps. 
"I'm sorry.." Sehun whispers. He knew he fucked up when you had yelled at him. He wanted to apologize, but wanted to wait until you had returned and calmed down. And now that you were lying lifeless on the kitchen table, he knew he fucked up even worse. Every sense in his body had told him to go after you but he convinced himself he needed to give you time. He should have listened. 
"You're sorry?" Suho snaps, letting go of your hand to rush at Sehun, grabbing the collar of his shirt before slamming him against the wall. "Sorry isn't good enough. Stay away from her for a while. Figure out what you want, because I already know. I want her. I'll take all of her if you don't, so figure it out." Suho snaps,letting go of Sehun before walking back to you and grabbing onto your hand once again while Yixing stitches up your other arm. 
Hours later, you startle awake, your arm in an immense amount of pain. "Oh my god." You cried, the wound burning. 
"Y/N?" You hear from the floor. "Are you okay?" Suho asks as he gets up from the floor, kneeling over the bed. 
"It hurts so bad." You cry, your hot tears running down your face. Your arm almost shakes it hurts so badly. 
"Here. Yixing said these will help." Suho says, placing some medication in your mouth before giving you some water to drink. 
"Thank you." You whisper, already feeling the effects of the medicine. "It works so fast.." you mumble, beginning to doze again. 
"It should, it's infused with a special witch herb." He smiles. "Do you need anything else?" Suho asks. 
"Cuddle me please." You shiver, your teeth chattering. 
Suho happily climbs into his bed and under the covers before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. This is what he craved, what he needed. And now he finally had it. 
The next few days as you recovered, Sehun tried to come see you, but was turned away by Suho or by your voice telling him to go. You weren't ready to face him. You were enjoying your time with Suho and you really didn't want to argue with Sehun. 
As the week came to an end, you decided to sit down with Suho and Sehun. As much as you wanted to continue in your bubble with Suho, you needed to set boundaries with them both and go over some guidelines. 
"I've called you both here today because it's time we had a chat." You begin. "Would either of you like to say anything?" You ask. 
"Me." Sehun says. You nod your head as a signal for him to go ahead. 
"I'm so sorry for the way I acted last week. It was immature and selfish, and it almost got you killed. I really hope you can forgive me." Sehun whispers, his eyes trained on the wooden floor. 
"Of course I do." You smile as he looks up at you. "But no more, please." 
"No more." He agrees. 
"Now.." you begin to set the rules between the three of you. "I'll spend 3 nights with each of you, it can be 3 nights in a row or switched off and on every night. Last night will be my decision. Either I will pick one of you to spend it with or I'll spend it by myself." You state. "Let's try to limit the jealousy, if we can. This won't be easy for any of us, but we really need to try." You smile. 
An hour later, you had finished with the two of them, setting up your rules and boundaries. You had really hoped that it would help ease the tension between the two men because you didn't know if you could take much more of their fighting. 
The first three nights you spent with Sehun, allowing him to properly make up with you for his mistakes.
The next night was your night with Suho, and you had been so desperately waiting for this night. You wanted to have a special night with him, since you had already had a few with Sehun and none with Suho. While he was gone, you slipped one of his t-shirts over your head and crawled into his bed, impatiently waiting for him to get home. 
You waited. And waited. And waited. The next thing you knew you woke up as the sun was beginning to rise and you felt Suho's strong arm wrapped around your waist. You could feel his large, hard cock poking into your ass, it made your pussy wet. You smirk as you wiggle your hips, grinding your ass against his cock. Suho moans in his sleep as he stretches, pushing his cock out further into your backside. You reach your hand behind you, grabbing onto his cock, gently pumping as you wait for him to wake up. 
"Fuck baby." He groans, moving his hand under your shirt and up your body to cup your breast. After he pinches your nipple, he brings his hand back down and in between your legs. 
“Mhm, no panties?” He groans, sitting up before placing his body over yours, hovering over you. "Naughty girl." He smiles as he moves down your body and in between your legs. 
Suho spreads your legs and then your lips with his fingers before leaning his head forward, licking a long strip up your already wet pussy. You arch your back with a gasp as your hands grip tightly onto the bed sheets. 
“You taste amazing” Suho murmurs before diving back in, sucking on your clit. Without taking his mouth away from your pussy, he drapes your legs over his shoulders as he buries his face further in between your legs. 
“Fuck” you gasp as he moves from sucking on your clit to flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He continues to work on your clit while slowly inserting his fingers inside you, pumping in and out, making sure to  build your orgasm up. Your hands pull at the bed sheets tighter, almost pulling them off the bed with each lick and suck until you’re almost at your peak.
“I’m going to cum” you cry out, your body twisting as your orgasm comes. 
Suho abruptly stops, removing his head from between your legs.
“First time you cum will be all over my cock” he growls, standing up to pull down his bottoms. You can hear the low whine and neediness come from inside as he yearns to be inside you. 
He pulls down his pyjama bottoms, throwing them off the bed and allowing his fully erect cock spring free. You gasp at the length and thickness of it, your mouth beginning to drool.
Suho kneels down before pulling you up to face him and then force you down on your front, but making sure your ass is up in the air.  He licks his fingers before inserting them inside of you, pumping to make sure you were wet enough for his cock. 
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He groans. "I love each and every curve on your body, fuck." 
Once he was satisfied, he took his fingers out, making you wait for a few seconds, torturing you. 
Without warning he thrusts himself into you fully, giving you no chance of adjusting to his size as he stretches you out completely.
“Oh my god” you scream as he pulls out before harshly thrusting himself back inside of you.
Soho’s hands grip you tightly, digging his hot fingertips into your hips as he fucks you, hard.
“Shit baby girl” he groans, continuing with his thrusts. “You’re so tight." 
“Your fucking pussy is amazing." He groans, thrusting faster. 
“Fuck me harder” you cry, wanting him to destroy you. 
“Yes baby. Now play with your clit” he demands.
You reach your hands in between your legs, rubbing the throbbing bud that so badly needed a release.
Your orgasm doesn’t take long to build up again, but it remains right on the brink of throwing you over the edge.
“Do you need to cum, my baby?” He groans into your ear.
“Yes, please” you cry.
“Okay baby, cum” he demands.
As soon as the words left his mouth, your orgasm rushes through your body, causing you to feel like you were going to collapse. Suho grips onto a clump of your hair, tightly as he rams his cock into you, eagerly chasing his own high.
Within seconds his orgasm explodes through him, shuddering as he releases his  hot cum inside of you, spreading it throughout. He let's go of your hair, and pulls himself out of you to help you lay down. Your body is weak, you're tired, barely able to keep your eyes open. 
Suho places a blanket over top of you as you drift back off to sleep, feeling happy as ever to have his mate. 
A few hours later you wake up again, feeling sore but a little more rested and happy. For the first time in a long time you had felt like everything was going to be okay. You struggled as you got out of bed, heading to the door to go downstairs with just Suho's shirt on. 
Before you open the door, you see a note on the dresser addressed to you. 
My love, 
I had to go on a run with the boys, Sehun stayed behind and is waiting for you. I'll see you soon, I love you
- S
You couldn't stop the giant smile from spreading across your face as you read the note over a few more times. He loved you. And you loved him. Sehun loved you, and you loved him. It was nice being loved. 
You happily skip down the stairs, excited to spend some time with Sehun.
"There's my baby.." Sehun says, trailing off as he sniffs the air. 
"What?" You ask with a small chuckle. 
"You smell like his cum." He deadpans, his face no longer happy to see you. Now it's stone cold and angry. 
"I'm sorry.. I fell asleep right after." You whisper. You knew you shouldn't feel bad and he wasn't trying to make you feel bad, but you couldn't help it.
"I don't like it." He pouts. "We need to do something about that." He smirks, his tune changing within seconds. Sehun's cock twitches in his jeans as he thinks about fucking you in the living room, filling you up with his cum, having you smell like him rather than another man. 
"Oh?" You say before he rushes towards you, pressing his lips to yours harshly. 
"Turn around baby." Sehun says, unbuckling his belt buckle and slides his pants, along with his boxers down. 
You do as you're told, pressing your front against the wall and spreading your legs. 
“It'll be quick baby, don't want to get caught." he whispers in your ear, pumping himself a few times before lining himself up with you.  
You cry out and moan as Sehun stretches you out, your pussy still sore from earlier this morning. Your hands press against the wall so harshly your fingers are sore from the pressure. 
Sehun fully thrusts himself into you, grunting as he stretches you out. 
“Fuck your pussy is so tight” he groans, pulling out of you partially before slamming himself back into you. "You feel so good around my cock." 
“Oh my god." You cry out, your face presses against the wall as Sehun grips your waist to keep himself balanced while fucking you. 
He throws his head back as he thrusts himself into you, again and again. You can feel your wetness seeping out of you, mixing with Suho's cum and Sehun's pre-cum, coating his cock. Sehun continues to grunt as he rams his cock inside of you, hitting your G spot every time.
“Please don’t stop." you beg. 
"Rub your clit." Sehun demands. You reach down in between your thighs and rub yourself, seeking yet another orgasm. 
“Oh fuck" you cry out, sticking your ass out a little more. 
“I think I’m going to cum" you moan. “Shit" you cry out, your body begins to tremble as your orgasm washes through your body. Your eyes roll back as extremely loud moans leave your mouth.
“Fuck baby" Sehun moans, ramming himself into you, chasing his own high.
You begin to move yourself back, meeting his thrusts as you slightly bounce your ass. “Shit I’m going to cum" he cries out. He reaches around, wrapping his large hand around your neck as he cums inside of you.
"They're back." He grunts, pulling himself from inside you before pulling up his pants and adjusting himself. Your legs are wobbly as you try to stand, the mixture of 2 different mens cum leaking down your leg. 
Sehun walks to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee, while you stand there unable to fully walk yet. 
"Hey baby.." Suho begins happily until he sees your state. "Are you kidding me?" He snaps at Sehun.  
"What?" He asks. 
"Look at her? What the fuck did you do?" Suho asks. 
"I didn't like her smelling like you." Sehun shrugs. 
"When the fuck are you going to grow up and just accept the fact that she loves me too? You can't do this to her, it can be too much. Christ." Suho yells, walking back to you. He picks you up, bringing you to the shower. 
Suho strips his shirt off you, helping you in the shower as your body still shakes. You weren't mad at Sehun, you could have said no but you didn't. You wanted him, but he wanted you for the wrong reasons. 
You weren't sure if you'd be able to do this whole two mate thing, not with how they had been acting. You couldn't imagine living your life this way, for the rest of your life. You wanted to enjoy your time, not feel like it constantly had to be a competition between the two of them. It was exhausting. 
After you were done in the shower with Suho, he dressed you in one of his shirts and tucked you into his bed. He quietly left you alone, but not before you made sure he wouldn't be too mad at his younger brother. You fell asleep relatively quickly. 
You awoke a few hours later, and stayed in bed, thinking and contemplating about things, when you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." You whispered. You were surprised to see Yixing standing in the doorway, a small smile on his face. "Hi Yixing." You say, confused. 
"Hi Y/N. Look, I'm sorry to come here like this but I can see you're having a hard time and I've been doing some research and well.. I've found something you might be interested in seeing." He says, placing a book on your lap. "The Zutar Coven, they have a spell for Gemini Mates." He whispers, making sure no one else was at the door. 
"What does it do?" You ask. 
"As far as I know, it destroys the connection between mates, burns it. So you're able to only have one or none if you want" he says. 
Destroy the connection? "Don't wolves die if their mate connections are destroyed?" You ask. 
"Sometimes, but not all the time. I just thought you'd like to know." He says. 
"Thanks Yixing, I appreciate it." You smile. You had quite a bit to think about. 
Over the next few days, Yixing's words flooded your mind. You couldn't stop thinking about the opportunity that had fallen in your lap. Although you had no idea who you would choose if it came down to it, it didn't hurt to speak with the witches and gather some Intel in case you had decided you wanted to break a connection. 
However, earlier in the day before the two of you were supposed to leave, you told Yixing you didn't want to go anymore. You had realized as much as you appreciated Yixing's efforts in trying to help, you wouldn't be able to choose. Yes they both may need to work on some things, but you did as well. You don't give up in a relationship when things get tough. You have to fight to make it work the way you all want it too and that's what the three of you needed to do. You all had things to change, but you wanted them both, forever. 
Yixing didn't like that. He insisted that talking to the witches would be good for you, and that you had to do it. He scared you enough in that moment you had agreed. 
You had only told one person where he was really taking you and that person was Baekhyun. Everyone else was under the impression Yixing was taking you out to get to know you better, including Suho and Sehun. 
As Baekhyun sat at the table with Suho and Sehun, the guilt about where you truly went began eating away at him. Hearing them talk about how much they loved you and wanted you, made him feel like a terrible brother. 
"I need to tell you something." Baekhyun huffed, slamming his hands down on the table. 
"What?" They both asked in unison. 
"Yixing didn't take her to bond. He took her to meet with the Zutar Coven to see about a connection breaking spell. She didn't want to go, he scared her but she thought it would be better to leave you two out of it." He yells, feeling relieved. 
Sehun and Suho bolt from the table, busting through the door and phasing to their wolf forms, both knowing very well exactly where the coven resided. 
"Yixing, I've changed my mind. I don't want to inquire about it. I want to stay with them both." You say, trying to get your arm out of Yixing's tight grip. 
"Not your choice anymore." He spits. "He took away my brothers. I take away his mate." He mutters.
"What are you talking about?" You ask, still trying to get free. 
"Just shut up." Yixing spits. 
In your head, you beg and plead, hoping that somehow Suho or Sehun will hear you and save you. 
A few hours later, you're panicking while bound to a tree and Yixing is bargaining with the witches. They don't want to do the spell without your consent, but Yixing has no issues doing whatever he needs to do to get them to do what he wants. 
"I'll just fucking kill her then. How about that?" He snarls, stalking towards you, sharp teeth showing. 
"Fine!" One younger one yells. "We'll do it." She says. "Which one needs the connection burned?" 
"Suho." Yixing snaps. 
"Why would you burn my connection, Yixing?" Suho asks, walking into the clearing with Sehun beside him. Instantly, you feel relieved. 
"You know why!" Yixing yells. "You took my sweet Lexie away from me! And now I finally have a chance to burn your connection. Why wouldn't I?" He yells. 
"I didn't take her away, Kris did. She was a wolf hunter Yixing, she was going to kill us all." Suho yells. 
"No she wouldn't have. She loved me. And now I hope you'll rot watching the love of your life be happy with another man for as long as you live." Yixing growls. "Do it." He snaps at the witches. 
No one moves. 
"I said now!" Yixing yells. 
"It won't happen, Yixing. Enough. I warned you about doing this shit. I told you I can't have someone in my pack who betrays his brothers. I won't do it, no matter who it is." Suho snarls. 
"Ha, so what? You're kicking me out?" Yixing laughs. 
"I am." Suho deadpans. "You can either leave now and take on being a Lone Wolf far from here, or Ill kill you, and I will kill you, Yixing, you don't fuck with what's mine. Your choice." 
"I'll be seeing you." Yixing says, giving you a wink before disappearing into the forest. You knew in your gut this wouldn't be the last time you would run in with Yixing, but for now you were happy to be free. 
On your way home with the two men you loved so much, you had reassured Sehun that you weren't going to leave him, despite his jealousy issues and you still loved him. You had spent a bit more time with him since it was your night with Suho again tonight but Sehun had always been that little bit of extra needy when it came to you. 
That night as you lay in bed with Suho, your head on his chest, he sighs as he contemplates asking you a question. He's unsure if he wants to ask, knowing he might not like the answer you give him. 
"Baby.." he begins. 
"Mhm?" You respond, your eyes closed. 
"If you had picked someone to burn the connection with.. who would it have been?" He asks. 
You lay there for a second, quietly which makes Suho feel as though you're finding a polite way to say it was him. 
"Honestly?" You ask. 
"Yes." He says. 
"I don't think I would have been able to choose. You both have things I would change and things that I wouldn't.  But i don't think I could live without either of you." You smile. 
Suho isn't sure about your answer, ever since he was little he's been fighting for attention and trying to be the best he could be without it ever going anywhere. He always seemed never good enough, never measuring up to his brother who would have made a better alpha, according to his father. He knew you deserved better than him, and Sehun would probably be the one who you would have chosen, but he's selfish. He needed you like he needed to breathe, so he would push himself to be the man you deserve even if it killed him, because you were worth it. 
The next morning you watched Suho as he watched you running around the yard with Sehun. You can see on his face he's not alright, regardless if  he tells you he's fine, you know better. You can see the look of regret, or maybe sadness in his wistful smile. Something that in the future, would reside permanently.
Later on, you sat at the kitchen table with Sehun and Suho, laughing at a lame joke Sehun had told. As you looked at your two mates, you couldn't hold back your smile. Regardless of the rough times the three of you had, you knew there would be good ones right around the corner and with that you knew you all could get through anything. You finally felt complete now that you were mated, if only that feeling would have lasted forever. 
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Ever Night
WTF is this telenovela bullshit? 
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Are they serious right now?? How does this fucking show just keep getting worse with each new episode?? 😫😫
This right here is PROOF that there is literally nothing that HYX can do that will ruin it for me. Here I am, willing to wade through what is now nearing 20 episodes of sheer bullshit just to see a certain actor give me TWO MINUTES of a performance that offers me a glimpse of a certain character. 
Just yesterday, I saw a post saying that we should be gracious consumers and that we are obligated to buy into a certain amount of bullshit in order to have a fun time, and yes, I agree with this in principle, and yes, I sometimes feel guilty for hating on this show so much, but come on now. There are LIMITS to how much bullshit we are supposed to buy in!
I am a reasonable person, I know I am! I went through The Untamed loving it in spite of the wonky zombies, in spite of the giant dog puppet, in spite of the evil space and time defying giant turtle, in spite of the yin iron weirdness that just opened plot holes upon plot holes, and did you see me complaining? NO!! I moved past an whole fucking yeti in Nirvana in Fire with barely a hitch. I watched and rewatched Teen Wolf!!  I mean, I might have laughed at it all a bit here and there, but did it spoil my fun? NO!! Because I understand that nothing is perfect and that I need to let go of a certain amount of nonsense in order to get to the stuff that I am going to like.
Yet this show manages to get on my very last nerve 🤬🤬
Don’t get me wrong, when it’s good, it’s SO SO SO GOOD, but it hasn’t been good since, idk, episode 30 now. Gone is the glory of its early episodes! JUST GONE. My hope was revived for a second when they found the evil shifu in the cave, but then they killed him immediately after, and followed it up with killing Yan Se in that pointless death match. Then I grew hopeful again when Ning Que went demonic, only for them to do this immediately after. FOR FUCKS’ SAKE. ENOUGH ALREADY. 
With that said, Ireine Song is a wonderful actress and Sang Sang is a wonderful character. They deserve better than this shit writing. 
LMAOOO, I missed her so much 🤣🤣
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I love her scheming, self-serving self 🤣🤣 
The initial cast of this show was SO GOOD and they had the best characters and the best dynamics, and then they pushed them all to the side to shoehorn in the likes of Mo Shanshan. I’m beyond mad. 
LMAOOOO, that’s not how things work!
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You don’t get to be mom and dad to a (nearly) adult woman who has had a full life away from you! You are practically strangers. 
Lady, are you serious right now?
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Kick them out, Sang Sang! Please do it!! 
LMAOOO, yes! Sang Sang I love you!!
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These people are ridiculous. The way they expect to get anywhere by denigrating the life she lives and the things she values, smh. They deserve to be kicked out. 
My love for him knows no bounds 🤗
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My rational brain is telling me that Ning Que has done NOTHING WRONG in regards to Mo Shanshan, but I’m still mad at him 🤣🤣
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Seriously, though. Sang Sang is his child, he personally raised her from when she was a baby. Him not even considering her as a romantic partner and putting a distance between them when he started feeling attraction to her as a woman is normal and decent. And, yeah, him calling her his maid is disrespectful, but come on now, she is obviously the one fully in charge of that household and he has made it very clear that she is his life and that nothing and no one comes before her, whatever he calls her. 
I just hate Mo Shanshan a lot. If he had hooked up with the princess, or any character with even an inkling of personality, I wouldn’t be mad. 
Aww, look at her with her face stuffed with noodles and him looking at her like she’s his god descended from the heavens 💖💖💖 Beyond adorable!
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Sorry, Mo Shanshan, there is no place for you here. 
Anyway, I can pinpoint that the exact moment this show became unwatchable was when the two of them parted ways. Let’s hope it will go back to at least being tolerable now! Maybe we can drown the wannabe mom and dad in a swamp.
Oh, baby 😢
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Don’t be sad! We can drown her in a swamp too! 
Bless him 😭😭
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I didn’t think I could love him more, yet here we are! 
Crying 😭😭
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Mo Shanshan is getting kicked out of his life so fast, she won’t know what hit her 🤣🤣
I was absolutely right, this show became unwatchable the moment the two of them parted and nothing has been good ever since. Let’s get back on track now! Please, let’s get back on track!! 
I’m glad they buried them side by side. 
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I don’t understand what he’s angry at her for, as if Yan Se wasn’t an equal participant in this stupid little suicide pact. 
Every so often, Ning Que reminds me why I love him 🤣🤣
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You’re right and you should say it!! 
I’ve realised that the reason Ning Que bothers me so much with Mo Shanshan is that that he’s just so OOC with her and I just... don’t like him much in that edition. Now that he’s back with the original characters, he’s reverted to his old self and WOW. The difference is staggering. 
Second Brother, WTF.
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Both Long Qing and Lin Ling tried to murder him first. Not only was putting them down worth praise, it was very necessary. What are you giving him shit for? 
I love this woman, finally calling out the bullshit as she sees it. 
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Didn’t you just say that you have no grudge against him? 
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What are you angry about? 
Anyway, this probably won’t end well.
Ah, so that’s it.
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The way I love him and forgive all when he goes TXJ on their ass 🔥🔥
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LOL, he’s so disappointed they both walked out of that hall alive 🤣
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The way your days are numbered, LMAO 🤣🤣
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I’m counting down the minutes until Sang Sang kicks you out on your ass. 
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terresdebrume · 5 years
The Witcher - Favorite Reads Masterpost
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So, the previous one was getting really super long and Tumblr refused to save the latest update three times, which I’m taking to mean I’ve reached some kind of length limit. In view of that, and with a poke to @nyliekeo​ who asked to be tagged, here’s the second volume of my Witcher fic-reading adventures!
(Pretty much all Geraskier, because I’m only a multishipper in the sense that I have many ships across many fandoms.)
Volume 1
Last updated: April 10th, 2020.
Non geraskier fic
Her Current Is Pulling You Closer - TheMarvellousMadMadamMim
Specs: 1 900 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Eist/Calanthe - Swimming, shameless flirting
Summary: After nearly three years of marriage, Eist Tuirseach realizes there are still things to learn about his wife.
Becoming Water - Orockthro
Specs: 3 456 words - Mature - Trans woman!Geralt, curses, happy ending
Summary:  When Geralt was a child his mother kissed his forehead, wove flowers in his hair, and let him dance around the campsite they shared with the other druids. He loved dancing, the way his body moved and flowed; he was like water.
And then she left him in the road, spilled water on his feet, and a faint trail of dust where she and the cart were no longer. And a man came and took Geralt and made him into something new.
“Were you short? Waifish? Did those witcher mutagens turn you into, you know, the hulking sexy man that you are? At least they gave you such male perfection, what with the stubble and the jaw and the--”
“Shut up, Jaskier.”
(Or, Geralt is cursed with a female body during their travels. Only it's not so much a curse as a gift she didn't know she so desperately desired until now.)
of cockroaches and men - Potrix
Specs: 1 442 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Yennefer & Jaskier, Getting to know each other, BAMF Jaskier
Summary: As if being stuck waiting for her supplier in this sorry excuse for a town full of narrow-minded, superstitious simpletons isn't already frustrating enough, the first familiar face Yennefer spots when she walks into the grubby tavern is that of her least favourite bard.
Or, alternatively; sometimes you misjudge people, but there's nothing some badassery and booze won't fix.
all cooped up - alittlebitmaybe
Specs: 4 205 words - Mature - Polyamory, Pandemic 2020, Non-explicit sex, instigator Yen
Summary: Geralt's old university roommate, Jaskier, needs a place to ride out the pandemic. Geralt and Yennefer conveniently have a couch and Geralt, inconveniently, has a crush.
Cover it over and write it out - TheArcheologist
Specs: 3 214 words - Mature - Dyslexia, implied child abuse, Dandelion is a noble
Summary: There is something Geralt has noticed, after traveling so long with Jaskier. It is nothing major, nothing world ending or even warranting bringing up, but it is there, nonetheless, a funny little habit he can’t unsee.
“You’re better at this stuff than me, Geralt, you read it.”
Geraskier fics
pride - Besully (Briar_Elwood)
Specs: 737 words - Teen & Up - Trans Jaskier
Summary: Geraskier Week Dealer's Choice
He only manages to get the shirt untucked from the bard’s trousers when Jaskier’s smile disappears, and he scrambles backwards, holding the edges of his shirt down.
Do It Again - thisgirlsays22
Specs: 6 771 words - Explicit - Time Loop
Summary: By the twentieth time Geralt has gone through the loop, he decides to just throw himself off the cliff’s edge after Borch.
He wakes up to his twenty-first attempt.
Interlude; The End of All Things - TabbyCat33098
Specs: 3 496 words - General Audiences - Growing Old Together
Summary: Geralt realizes Jaskier is growing old and tries his best to return the rest of Jaskier's life to him. If only Jaskier would cooperate and take it.
How much longer will Jaskier be content with weathering the elements and contending with the uncertainty of mercenary work? How long until Jaskier realizes that in devoting himself to crafting a legacy for Geralt, he has forgotten to create a legacy of his own?
After all, he does not have a wife or children, for their nomadic lifestyle is conducive to neither. He has no home to return to between stints with Geralt, whether a sprawling mansion vaunting his wealth or a comfortable cottage replete with souvenirs from his varied exploits. How many experiences has Jaskier sacrificed because some contract or irate nobleman drew them elsewhere? How many untouched fields of snow has Jaskier never seen; how many harvests at Novigrad has he yearned to celebrate from halfway across the Continent—
“You’re staring,” Jaskier points out.
“You wanted to go to the Kovirian coast,” Geralt responds. 
a tapestry of scars - splendidlyimperfect
Specs: 7 688 words - Mature - Modern AU, Birpolar disorder, self harm, references to previous suicide attempt and car accident.
Summary: Jaskier comes into Geralt's life on a sunny afternoon in May - wide smiles and baby blue eyes; breathtaking stories and half-written song lyrics. He's mesmerizing and full of life, and Geralt can't look away. But sunshine doesn't last forever, and when Jaskier disappears, Geralt learns that beautiful things have dark and broken pieces, and even damaged people can help fix them.
Summer Mornings - The UnamazingTrashKing
Specs: 3 241 words - Mature - Fluff
Summary: Geralt and Jaskier are sort of a couple. They definitely wake up together and talk about spending the rest of their lives together.
An Incomplete Happiness - BlossomsintheMist
Specs: 22 497 words - Mature - Serious injuries, injuries recovery, unresolved sexual tension, unresolved romantic tension
Summary: Jaskier is traveling with Geralt when a hunt goes badly wrong and Geralt ends up injured.  Geralt soon realizes that the bard can take care of Geralt better than he'd realized, in his own way.
Hide Behind The Mound of Dead Bards - Bones (Doctorbones)
Specs: 17 296 words - Explicit - Temporary character death, Graphic depiction of violence
Summary: Jaskier is really bad at two things: shutting up and staying dead. Luckily, he can do both at the same time...for a while.
faith in transience - unconscious
Specs: 12 532 words - Explicit - Monster of the week, Service top Jaskier, attempted mind control.
Summary:  “I learn stuff about you to enrich my songs, thanks very much.”  Geralt starts.
“Like what?”
Jaskier strums a chord. “Plenty of things. You always ask the contractor if they want the head or not instead of just showing up with it, because you don’t want to shock people. You eat normal amounts of food when eating in public, instead of your usual awe-inducing giant amount. You sleep more when you’re hurt, but that’s the only way I’d ever know. You’re a bit weird about your potions and you count them a lot.” He glances up and grins. “Shall I continue?”
A handful of contracts go sideways. Recovering is easier with Jaskier there.
when midnight breaks their sleep - SummerFrost
Specs: 16 736 words - Mature - Modern setting, polyamory, polyamory negociation
Summary:   The first Snapchat that anyone ever sends Geralt is a picture of his own irritated face.
shrike_princess: can u believe this dumbass finally got a snapchat bc a cute boy asked him nicely
"It wasn't even that nicely," Geralt says flatly.
AKA: The one where Geralt is a bartender and Jaskier sings karaoke.
he, who i love - kinneyb
Specs: 1 279 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Established relationship
Summary: Jaskier looked forward to these nights the most; he was playing in a rundown tavern in a small town near the coast, coins gathered at his feet, knowing that at any moment Geralt would come bursting through the door.
He spun on his heels, strumming his lute with nimble fingers, the mark of a practiced player.
Jaskier had thought he’d reached his peak when he was younger. He had been proven wrong, of course, practice truly did make perfect. He was getting more attention than ever, and only half of it probably had to do with his new songs, all depicting the Witcher’s love story with a bard of the human variety.
He never directly mentioned himself, but the people had made the connection fairly easily, anyway.
Near the Coast - IantoPace
Specs: 2 164 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Dresses
Summary: Geralt finds out some of the feminine things Jaskier likes. This is inspired by the images of Joey Batey & Madeleine Hyland in the woods wearing each other's clothes.
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later - Ladivviniatravestia
Specs: 3 427 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Defining the relationship
Summary: Geralt and Jaskier fuck, then try to define their relationship.  Too bad Geralt has no idea what he really wants and Jaskier has been hiding something.
parry, riposte - plutoandpersephone
Specs: 5 230 words - Explicit - Established relationship, competence kink, power dynamics
Summary: "How about it?"
Geralt looks at Jaskier like he’s just started to speak in some long lost, foreign tongue.
"You want to take me on in the sword ring?"
Jaskier challenges Geralt to a bout in the fencing ring. They both get more than they bargained for.
The Coast - NinjaSniperKitty
Specs: 1 856 words - General Audiences - Established relationship, overly protective boyfriend!Geralt
Summary: Geralt takes Jaskier up on his offer to get away and go to the coast for a while. While Geralt sees danger hiding everywhere along the coast, Jaskier hasn't been to the sea in years and only sees a good time!
Sweet, Silky, Soft, and Shiny - Girl_in_Red_Crossing
Specs: 3 251 words - Mature - Inappropriate use of candy
Summary: Just a couple of bros, sucking on sweet things... sharing silky things... lying in soft beds together... (kissing)...
The Witcher Wolf 2: Geralt’s POV - im_fairly_witty.
Specs: 15 338 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Animal transformation
Summary: It's been two weeks since Geralt drove Jaskier away from him on that mountain top and Geralt's been doing his best not to think about it by accepting every contract he comes across. But when a job goes badly he find himself cursed into the form of an injured wolf and is then saved by none other than Jaskier himself, who has no idea that the animal he's taken under his wing is his own witcher. Geralt must now try to alert Jaskier to his real situation and adjust to his new life traveling with the bard, learning several hard but very much needed lessons along the way.
Shadowplay - sospes
Specs: 26 539 words - Mature - BAMF!Jaskier, Espionnage
Summary: Geralt returns to Oxenfurt on a bright May morning to find flowers laid outside Jaskier's rooms and a fresh grave in the cemetery.
Except, as Geralt is about to learn, in Jaskier's world things are never quite what they seem.
An Old Man’s Tale - NotebooksandLaptops
Specs: 1 448 words - General Audiences - External POV, Old age
Summary: At the edge of the village, in a house surrounded by wild-flowers and weeds - re-built from its former crumbling foundations – there lived the Old Man. He’d earnt the rights for the capital O, capital M off of the rest of the villagers barely a week after he’d moved into their humble world. For he had not grown up here, like everyone else did. Yet he settled and settled as if he had always been there. He wandered the cliffsides, the beaches, the streets. He strung shells together and gifted them to the ladies of the village with a wink that betrayed the charming young man he once must have been. He bought the little ceramic pots Alicja sold on the market, and he filled them with weeds as if the weeds were flowers worth showcasing. And – most importantly – he sang.
Or, Jaskier settles in a costal village towards the end of his life.
For The Joy Of It - vvitchering (Witchering)
Specs: 848 words - Teen & Up Audiences - self esteem issues, body image
Summary: After spending years on The Path together, Jaskier and Geralt finally settle down. Jaskier notices one day that his new sedentary lifestyle has changed him in ways he fears Geralt won't accept.
The Silence Between Heartbeats - anarchycox
Specs: 7 969 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Jskier knows Geralt better than anyone
Summary: Geralt faced off with a sorceress, only instead of her magic killing him, it stole his voice. But this should be an easy fix, he knew many women who could heal this. But that would mean anyone noticing something wrong. He knew he was quiet, but seriously, did no one wonder why he wasn't saying a single thing? Months he traveled silent, no one noticing and it was driving him mad.
Until he runs into Jaskier, who notices immediately that something is wrong.Because of course it is Jaskier.
Who else in the end would it be, who properly saw the White Wolf?
tailored - jeannie_tangerine
Specs: 4 874 words - Explicit - Geralt has a kink and Jaskier is absolutely into it.
Summary: in which Jaskier finds out that Geralt has a kink and is more than glad to indulge it.
oh darling please be mine - kickassfu
Specs: 749 words - General Audiences - Introspective, fluff
Summary: Geralt’s head turns to him just as he’s jumping into his arms. Obviously, he catches Jaskier, in his very strong, very big arms. Still probably processing what’s happening, Geralt’s body is tense, unmoving. Jaskier doesn’t care.
New Monsters Stories - Kathkin
Specs: 20 209 words - Explicit - Urban fantasy, mutual pining
Summary:  “So do you have a name?”
“Yeah.” The man who had saved his life less than an hour ago – the white-haired, absurdly buff, weirdly sexy man Jaskier might have called taciturn if he was feeling charitable and surly if he was feeling less so – dug into his second burger.
Jaskier waited. “Are… you going to tell me what it is?”
The man paused mid-bite, and looked at him reproachfully as if to say how dare you. How dare you interrupt me. Can’t you see I’m enjoying my cheeseburger. Can’t you see this cheeseburger is the most important thing in my life right at the moment. He swallowed, and said, “Geralt.”
It turns out almost getting eaten by a werewolf can make your whole life go careening off in a new, terrifying, wondrous, artistically flourishing direction. Who knew?
Professor Pankratz - martistarfighter
Specs: 1 147 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Established relationship
Sumary:  “Come teach my class with me tomorrow.” He whispers in the witcher’s ear. He’s sporting a neatly trimmed beard these days, and it tickles Geralt’s neck in the most tempting way.
Geralt chuckles dryly, but the lack of an immediate quip tells him that Jaskier is serious. It’s a little scary how often they can read their minds by now.
“Don’t think so. You’re the teacher, Jask. I’ve got nothing to tell them.”
“But you’re the reason I’m still alive and teaching in the first place. Besides, you can just sit there, look pretty and answer some questions. My students have heard a lot about you, they’ll adore you.”
As someone pointed out, there's too much 'witcher watching out for his idiot' and not enough 'the witcher is a himbo who loves his college educated bard husband, who is qualified to teach' content out there. So I'm fixing it with a self-indulgent ficlet!
and i plan to be forgotten when i’m gone (yes, i’ll be leaving in the fall) - Stockholm_Syndrome
Specs: 18 083 words - Mature - Discussion of assisted suicide, discussion of suicide, depression, curse, no MCD
Summary: “That was more emotional than I expected.” He finally said “I didn’t think I’d have time to share this with you, and I.” Jaskier interrupted himself, as if unsure if he should continue. “I suppose I didn’t think it would upset you so.”
“Jaskier” Geralt growled, not able to express how ludicrous that idea was.
“Yes, I suppose I was wrong there.” Jaskier replied with a helpless shrug.
---- Or, Jaskier is cursed to turn into a monster. He doesn't think this is important information to mention.
Chopsticks - thisgirlsays22
Specs: 12 175 words - Explicit - Piano teacher!Jaskier, friends to lovers, modern setting
Summary: “Yennefer sent me a check for eight lessons for you,” Jaskier said the following weekend, wearing a beige button-down with--
“Does your shirt have owls on it?” Geralt asked, caught somewhere between amusement and horror.
Jaskier looked down and tugged on the front of his shirt as if he had to remind himself what was on it. He beamed at Geralt. “Yeah! Do you like it?”
“Not particularly.”
The smile swiftly disappeared.
“It’s not terrible,” he amended, stepping back to let Jaskier inside the apartment. Then Jaskier’s initial words sank in. “Wait. Yen did what?”
Hanging up on Yennefer was always a mistake.
what’s in a (pet) name? - janie_tangerine
Specs: 1 415 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, pet names
Summary:  "So," he clears his throat one evening, having just rinsed Geralt's now clean, soft white hair, and damn how he wishes the man would just take care of it somewhat decently, "I was wondering."
"What?" Geralt says after he doesn't go on for a bit. It didn't sound particularly annoyed. Right on.
"This is a very broad question, but I was just curious, no need to answer if you don't want to -" Jaskier starts, having learned that giving the man a way out is always a good bet.
"Just get on with it, won't you?"
Jaskier clears his throat, leans down, puts his elbows on the rim of the tub. "How do you feel about pet names?"
Or: in which Jaskier has a question for Geralt. It doesn't get answered the way he had assumed.
As Long As You Were Mine For A Little While - whisperedstories
Specs: 12 815 words - Explicit - Friends with benefits, mutual pining
Summary: It starts with Jaskier offering a helping hand when Geralt needs to let off some steam. The thing is, Jaskier likes taking care of Geralt—however he can—and Geralt lets him, so he just keeps doing it.
And as long as they never talk about how he's in love with Geralt, they're both happy with the arrangement, right? Right.
Of Debt and Debtors - sp_oops
Specs: 5 136 words - Explicit - Semi-public sex
Summary: Two bros, chillin' in a ta-vern, five feet apart ‘cause they—fuck, they really missed each other, not that Geralt will ever admit it—and anyway, in a minute here, they're gonna have to get closer than they ever thought possible. (Or, sometime after Episode 6, they meet again, Jaskier’s in trouble again, and Geralt saves them. Again.)
This One I Shall Choose - DorkMagician
Specs: 3 751 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Quiet pining, the exact moment Geralt falls in love
Summary: Geralt falls in the river fishing for a djinn and winds up soaked. Jaskier sees the opportunity to do as his mother told him a long time ago and takes the first step when he offers Geralt his handkerchief.
Skin Deep - Sospes
Specs: 8 935 words- Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, getting together, non consensual tattooing, implied/referenced rape, implied/referenced childhood abuse
Summary: “What’s that?” Geralt asks.
Jaskier blinks. “It’s a tattoo,” he says. “Have you never seen a tattoo before, Geralt?”
Geralt fights the urge to roll his eyes. “I know it’s a tattoo,” he says. “What’s it a tattoo of?”
They say there are 5 ways to show your love (and I don’t know any of them) - Mayathelittlebee
Specs: 5 989 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, humor
Summary: May be if Geralt stopped being so dramatic for a moment he'd finally realize that loving Jaskier is not as hard as he thinks.
I don’t mind if I’m with you - janie_tangerine
Specs: 11 152 words - Explicit - In which Jaskier has to quelle his murder instincts concerning how much Geralt’s life sucks
Summary: or: five times plus one in which Jaskier finds out that Geralt is missing on good life experiences and promptly sees to fix it.
Fill Me Up - Mysticmajestic
Specs: 402 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Romance
Summary: Geralt only knows how to give, and give, until he's empty. What is he to do with Jaskier, who only wants to give back to him?
Little Things - QueenForADay
Specs: 3 315 words - General Audiences - Domestic fluff, Ciri ships it
Summary: In the first few months of knowing the Witcher, he experienced first-hand how shut-off Geralt could be with the world around him and those within it.
At some point, and he can’t pinpoint where, that shroud started to slip away. He saw how much Geralt could, and does, actually care. It’s as fierce as the way he fights.
They spend a great deal of time watching each other; when they finally fell into a bed together, they spent most of their nights learning what the other liked, mapping the plains of skin and muscle underneath the other.
But it’s the other things, the little things, that Jaskier thinks about the most.
O, Empathy - almostnectarine
Specs: 32 624 words - Mature - Body swap, friends to lovers, questfic
Summary: “How did you manage,” asked Geralt, with infinite patience and only a desire to know the facts, and not at all a little meanhearted glee, “to insult a sorcerer while his tongue was down your throat?”
“Don’t make me recount the entire sordid affair, Geralt,” said Jaskier, with a surprising note of desperation breaking through his gruff monotone. “I’m already having a rather shit day and all I’ve done so far is wake up.”
“In my body,” said Geralt.
“Yes,” said Jaskier, with the insolent cadence that was unmistakably Jaskier’s, but in Geralt’s voice, emerging from Geralt’s face and frame.
“And I’ve got yours,” said Geralt, from Jaskier’s.
and for that love to be with men - sebviathan
Specs: 6 734 words -Mature - Emotional constipation, self discovery, self acceptance, geralt is a whole ass gay man who doesn’t know what being gay is
Summary: Something's not right about what I'm doing but I'm still doing it—living in the worst parts, ruining myself. My inner life is a sheet of black glass. If I fell through the floor I would keep falling.
The enormity of Geralt's desire disgusts him.
at last, at last, at last, oh I thought you’d never ask - elegantwings
Specs: 15 040 words - Explicit - Arranged marriage, slow burn, trans!Jaskier, in this house we love Yennefer of Vengerberg
Summary: Geralt is given firm instructions from Vesemir: He is to get married to a Redanian noblewoman in the hopes of improving relations between witchers and the rest of the world. Once the ceremony is over, he plans to drop his new spouse off at their new home and carry on with his life as he always has. Little does he know, his future wife is not a woman, and not so easily left behind. He's not really sure he'd like to get rid of Jaskier, either. Over the next several years, they learn to navigate their new relationship, first while Jaskier completes his degree, and then when Jaskier insists on accompanying him on the road. And no matter what anyone else has to say about it, Geralt is absolutely not in love with his husband.
it’s what my heart just yearns to say - chasing_the_sterek
Specs: 1 071 words - Teen & Up - Slice of life, Jaskier: what if I found a way to make Geralt admit when he needs things
Summary: "If you could have one blessing," Jaskier says, eyes lit green by the fire between them, "What would it be?"
Geralt looks at him. The whetstone is smooth and friction-warm in his palm, edges rounded from use. It's been with him for a long time: almost four years.
Jaskier has been with him for even longer, but he's never done this. Geralt squints at him, but only thing different to this morning is the yellow firelight changing the colour his eyes appear.
"What," he says.
not a goodbye, a thank you - Potrix
Specs: 2 915 words - Mature - Graphic depiction of illness, near death experience, talk about death, found family
Summary: Somewhere further in the courtyard, Lambert yells out a colourful curse while Ciri cackles maniacally. Eskel is taunting the former through his laughter, and Vesemir’s voice joins in with barked commands and corrections once the clang of steel against steel continues. Somewhere above them, on one of the balconies overlooking the yard, Geralt can hear the scratch of quill against parchment as Yennefer works on her correspondence, interrupted every now and again by the tapping of nails against an inkpot.
He realises what’s wrong an instant before everyone else grows suddenly, eerily still; Jaskier is quiet.
After Summers of Fasting (I Feel Hunger At Last) - Artemis_Unbound
Specs: 3 793 words - Teen & Up Audiences - A six pack you can see is not a good thing, Jaskier tricks Geralt into Not Being Starving anymore, Love confessions
Summary: Defined six-pack abs are a sign that someone has been starving and dehydrating themselves, not a sign of incredible strength. It's just not healthy.
Jaskier sees Geralt shirtless for the first time, sees all that defined musculature, and is Horrified. He's slept with enough warriors and soldiers to know what that means. And he decides, this stops now.
Tunes Without Words - foxy_mulder
Specs: 22 021 words - Mature - Self-esteem issues, past abuse, miscommunications, misunderstandings
Summary: The plan is this:
He will note all the things that annoy Geralt, and he will stop doing them, and then Geralt will want him around. It will work.
It has to work, because Jaskier cannot be left behind.
The Path Not Taken - sospes
Specs: 40 149 words - Mature - Extraordinarily bad misunderstanding, Idiots in love, Explicit sexual content
Summary: Jaskier comes across an injured witcher in a backwoods town, months after the events of the dragon hunt. It all just sort of escalates from there.
253 notes · View notes
gameofdrarry · 4 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Animagus
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Snakes and Ladders by mayfly Rated:  Explicit Words:  18,727 Tags:  Animagus, Mystery, Aurors, Explicit Content Summary:  Twenty years later, and there’s a new subversive threat to the wizarding world. Draco would rather not get involved either way, much less work with Harry Potter on the Ministry’s behalf. Epilogue compliant. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Wolf Pack by dracogotgame Rated:  Teen Words:  13,672 Tags:  Animagus, Fluff, Humour Summary:  Nobody said achieving your animagus form was easy. Draco could handle being a wolf pup for a while, right? How bad could it be? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Malfoy Meet Muggle by PenNoire Rated:  Teen Words:  25,326 Tags:  Animagus, Established Relationship, Fluff, Humour Summary:  Draco Malfoy is surprisingly happy in a comfortable relationship with Harry Potter. Unfortunately, Harry wasn't brought up doing things the wizarding way, and if Draco wants to make this work, he's going to have to learn to integrate the magical with the muggle. Really, how bad can it be? ❤️ Read on AO3 or FFN
📜 Dragons With Silver Linings (or Harry Potter is a Treasure)  by megyal Rated:  Mature Words:  9752 Tags:  Dragons, Humour, Fluff Summary:  Harry is living a life most ordinary; maybe a dragon can shake things up. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Wrap Your Mind Around My Thoughts  by gracerene Rated:  Explicit Words:  5490 Tags:  Established Relationship, Animagus Sex, Kink Negotiation, Tentacle Sex, Light Bondage See work for more tags Summary:  Draco knows Harry's got a filthy fantasy, he just has to convince him to share it. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Azoth by zeitgeistic Rated:  Explicit Words:  88,722 Tags:  Eighth Year, Alchemy, Animagus, Snark, Banter, Pining, Graphic Sex Summary:  Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 esto quod es, fortis et liber by DragonGirl87 Rated:  Explicit Words:  29,453 Tags:  Animagus, Wolves, Enemies to Lovers, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:  One fateful late-night run ruined Harry Potter's life...or did it? When the wolf in him threatens to turn life as he knows it upside down, he's left with no choice but turn to Draco Malfoy for help. Can his former Hogwarts nemesis fix his problem? And more importantly, will they be able to keep their hands and paws off each other? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Draco the Wonder Ferret by ravenna_c_tan Rated:  Explicit Words:  2,843 Tags:  Humor, Ferrets, Animal Transformation, Animagus Post - Deathly Hallows Summary:  After that disastrously droll Hogwarts reunion party... the story of how Draco Malfoy weaseled his way into Harry Potter's house. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Potter's Party by dracogotgame Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  2,905 Tags:  Hogwarts Eighth Year, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Animagus Draco Malfoy, Background Ron/Pansy Summary:  Draco wasn't invited to Potter's party and he won't stand for it. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn Rated:  Explicit Words:  37,345 Tags: a bit of violence, Explicit Sex Summary:  The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Feathered Deception by kcstories Rated:  Explicit Words:  11,779 Tags: Animagus, HP: EWE, flangst, Post-War, Romance, Happy Ending, Animagus Harry Potter, Canon Divergence Summary:  A few years after the war, Draco finds a wounded eagle on the Manor's grounds and his solitary existence takes an unexpected turn. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Dragon At The Bottom Of The Garden by Zopno Rated: Explicit Words: 52,333 Tags: Magical Landscaper Draco Malfoy, Animagus Harry Potter, Sculptor Harry Potter, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Post-Hogwarts, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Supportive Ron Weasley, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Mental Health Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Explicit Sexual Content, Happy Ending, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Minor Pansy Parkinson/Original Character(s), Oblivious Harry Potter, Quote: Harry was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Recluse Harry Potter, Slow Burn Summary:  At 25 Harry Potter's life was simple; he flew, sculpted, and had the vault in the back of his mind to keep all unpleasant business. It was stable, but when Draco Malfoy literally hit him with a giant rock; all that changed. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Because I Deserve It by DracoLikesHamsters Rated:  Mature Words:  82722 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Portkeys, Attempted Kidnapping, Animagus, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Canon Compliant, Post-War, Fluff, Light Angst, Wandless Magic, Smart Draco Malfoy, Nightmares, Insomnia, Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape Lives, Attempt at Humor, Flirting Summary:  The war just ended, and the world has been saved. But Draco Malfoy and his family are now facing trial, and Harry has to wonder whether he should reveal what he knows. Summer ends, and the students have been invited back for an 8th year. How will Harry and Draco act now that they have been freed from their obligations? What will they do, and who will they become? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Magic Most Fowl by Maggs0607 Rated:  Mature Words:  2978 Tags: HP: EWE, Established Relationship, Animagus, Oral Sex, Sexual Humor, One Shot Summary:  Draco and Harry become animaguses. Harry is amused and Draco is affronted. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Inevitable (From The Very Start) by onbeinganangel Rated:  Explicit Words:  54915 Tags: Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Like A LOT of grief, Mental Health Issues, Post-Divorce, Terminal Illnesses, Animagus, Panic Attacks, PTSD, OCD if you squint, I mean I vaguely based Draco's behaviour on my OCD, there are only two not very smutty sex scenes, but sex keeps getting mentioned, also all the bad stuff happens off page, but gets mentioned ALL THE TIME, I'm Bad At Tagging, I just want you all to be safe Summary:  Draco Malfoy is fine, really, he is. He just happens to be a complete disaster in the mortal form of a lonely widower with a very precise routine. There isn’t anything or anyone that could shake that up and make him realise that life is weird and everyone’s really just figuring it all out as they go along… unless he unexpectedly bumps into his child’s best friend’s father, who also happens to be his childhood rival, something of a celebrity and, apparently, freshly divorced. (Or: I let canon happen how you think it happens and then fucked with it.) ❤️ Read on AO3
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