#what does this sneaky fucker know
swaggypsyduck · 11 months
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razzle-n-dazzle · 4 months
Can I ask for some Adam dating headcanons?
ᯓ★ "Alright, Sugartits. You, me, you know what we're going to do." Adam / reader | Headcanons This man deserves so much more love!! >:v
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ᯓ As the first man, and proclaimed original dick, Adam not only is rather obnoxious with his titles though can be rude and a bit sexist. At least, that is what you first thought when you met him all those years ago; what felt like years but had actually been a few decades.
ᯓ You first met Adam in a council meeting, having been recently promoted to sit upon the council (or having been a sinner that Charlie was trying to redeem). Either way, you were not safe from Adam and his mischievous nature and it was like he could pick out new blood in the court room like a shark closing in on it's prey. You had been minding your business at first, settling yourself before you heard the sound of large wings flapping in your direction and a pair of footsteps landing behind you. Followed by another, smaller pair. The marble floor wasn't great in hiding their landing, but you guessed they weren't trying to be sneaky the moment that Adam had opened his mouth.
ᯓ "Shit, you're the new guy that Sera was talking about? Man, you're even shorter than I thought you were, Babe." Adam would laugh, jutting out his arm to measure the height comparison between you and him. You would turn around to this, and was quickly unamused by his antics. "Adam, I presume?" You would mumble back to him, face dropped in annoyance that he didn't seem to pick up on. He just seemed rather overly excited that you had knew his name. "Oh fuck! Mortal souls still talk about me down there on Earth? Well, I wouldn't expect anything else I fucking rock."
ᯓ He was pretentious, that was the best word you could describe him as. Rude, arrogant, obnoxious, pretentious. He boiled your blood anytime he opened his stupid mouth and you often just wanted to shove your hand down his throat just to rip it out. He would constantly barge into your office and appear behind you in court just to annoy you and see "what you're working on," since he's technically "your boss" and he just doesn't see anything "wrong with it". You've had to shove him out of your office so many times; had even complained to your superiors about his behavior and yet no one seemed to take you seriously. They would shrug their shoulders (especially Sera) and just claim: "That was Adam" and you just had to "deal with it." Oh and that made you want to punch the little fucker even more.
ᯓ Your 'professional relationship' with Adam started off extremely rocky and you tried your best to avoid him in the halls and courtroom at all cost. The less you had to see him, the less you had to hear about him, the less your had to hear him or even stand to be near him, the better.
ᯓ And Adam noticed. He noticed really quickly actually.
ᯓ Not like it was hard to notice, you basically avoided him at all costs. Taking another hallway if you saw or heard him coming down one, shoving past him if he tried to block your path, ignoring him if he tried to talk to you, and so much more that he brushed off. Constantly, you heard him turn to Lute and point at you, jokingly telling her: "It must be that time of the month." With his stupid grin and cheesy smile. (Does this even if you are male) And you thought it was just him trying to get under your skin and annoy you into talking to him again; or even acknowledging his presence. You also had a hunch that it was him trying to save his 'precious little ego' that makes him so insufferable to be near.
ᯓ Yet, it was odd. For how much you hated, no loathed Adam, you couldn't get his stupid face and idiotic voice out of your head when you were along, shrouded in the dead of night. Especially on nights like tonight: Where you were sat along in your office, the chimes of midnight ringing along Heaven, as night clouded and contaminated the once gleaming city of day. You were leaning over your desk, trying to finish an assignment given to you by Sera; an assignment that was important to your continuation of climbing the council ladder. And yet all you could hear was that stupid fucker's voice in your head constantly. His remarks, his tone, his- ugh! His stupid, stupid voice why couldn't it just leave you alone.
ᯓ Why couldn't he just leave you alone?
ᯓ . . . but, dammit, why did you feel comforted by the thought?
ᯓ In reality you shouldn't be, you should never feel comfortable around a prick like Adam who only searches for one thing in women; sex, ass, and tits. Three things, okay, but it's all in the general same category. He was the man who would be at the top of your hitlist, if you could have one in heaven, yet his voice was the only thing keeping you up right now; Letting you fight off sleep for another night and finish this report sooner than Sera said she wanted it just to show her how capable you are. And as you continued to scribble away, letting the moon crescent slip back under the clouds to let it's sister sun peak over with it's gleaming light, it hit you. And the realization of WHY hit you hard, and the truth made you stop in your tracks. The final period to end your assignment taunting you along with your thoughts:
ᯓ Somehow, someway, you had started to grow a crush on that fucker.
ᯓ Somehow, by some grace (more like punishment), of God did you begin to harbor something other than loathing for Adam. For the annoying Adam who constantly picked you out in a room and came over to talk to you. The Adam, which you never noticed, began to grow more tolerable even if you kept up your act of avoiding him. The Adam, who constantly comes in to see what your doing but then asks you a million and one questions, not because he cares about your work but because in some twisted sense in his mind, that's him caring about you or trying to get to know you. The Adam who called you Sugartits and Babe all in your first 2 seconds of meeting. "Fucking Adam.." You would grumble under your breath, slamming your pen down to finish that last period as a mix of emotions boiled in your blood.
ᯓ "Fuck me? Kinky, but what the fuck did I do to you, I just got in!" Shit. Well, this is such a great start in trying to get to know Adam better. (I hope you can hear the sarcasm that is basically pooling on the floor)
ᯓ Yet, somehow, no matter how rocky the situation ship started, somehow Adam had a big enough of an ego to see it through and you had gained enough patience to put up with his bullshit. And trust me when I say, you need either need to match his energy, yet in a more responsible way, or have enough patience to deal with this man or your drowning under his egoistical bullshit. (Adam needs a Hispanic wife desperately. /j)
ᯓ For the most part, your relationship is actually rather lovely. Most wouldn't believe it, seeing as Adam is.. well Adam, but you were able to see the weirdly good intentions behind his rather questionable and problematic choices. As for such, when he had gone to Sera to start the extermination, during the whole meeting all he could think about was keeping you safe. What was the best way to keep you safe? How could he keep you from being entranced by Lucifer or Lilith and their sin and evil? He didn't want to lose you like he lost Eve and Lilith. Sure, he joked about being a fuckboy and a player (at least that's how he comes off) yet he never has actually touched anyone after Eve. He was waiting for someone, someone like you, to capture his attention and soon after his heart; and he chased after you and he was going to keep you, and he was going to protect you if it was the last thing he did. Because as much as Adam hates to admit it, he is terrified to be alone; to live all the rest of his immortality by himself, going home to an apartment with no one to share the warmth and feeling that empty wound in his heart.
ᯓ Adam, on the lighter note, is also the type of man who will go to a restaurant with you and claim he'll try something new; i.e. lobster. You had known, at an instant, that it would go wrong and decided to order any sort of red meat you could find that you knew Adam would like. And, wouldn't you know it, when you two got the food he couldn't bare eating that lobster. So, you offered to switch your plates and he was more than happy to. You don't think he's caught on yet, but you'll keep it a secret just to be able to see the excited grin he gets before snatching your plate with a "Thanks Babe!" and even kissing you later.
ᯓ You learn very quickly the only way to get Adam to start cleaning around the house is to either A) let him play his guitar for you, to simulate that he's helping by giving you motivation (and swooning over his voice a little) or B) playing music similar to that Adam plays (like AC/DC, Imagine Dragons, anything Indie-rock) and give him small tasks to do that slowly equate to one larger task. And then, of course, there is always his favorite option C) hug your waist and make it impossible for you to clean your shared apartment as he basically speaks dirty into your ear with his classical snicker.
ᯓ You're guys sex life is amazing though, Adam makes sure of that (so that cunt Lucifer can't take you from him like he did Lilith and Eve, through 'temptation'). But, honestly, you're the only person he has given head to or has eaten out, pick your choice. Either way, man goes crazy if you tug on his hair or tell him you won't ever leave him.
ᯓ The first time you saw Adam with his mask off was an experience, both for you and for him. For a long, long time Adam kept his mask on around you, even while in private, and you've always asked why he did so but he would never give you a straight answer and would brush around it. You often chalked it up to be a comfort thing for him, to make him feel stronger than he actually was and you didn't bother him much. Yet one day, you got oh so curious about what his face was like under the mask that you couldn't help yourself: Sitting next to Adam outside on the balcony, you listened as he prattled on about his work day all the while he ate. He was having some burgers you had cooked for him before he got home, as he exclaimed about, "These bitches don't know who the fuck they were talking to! I mean, hello, I'm fucking Adam I'm the dick master and I would have fucked them into next Friday! I'm like 10 times cooler and stronger than them, bitches thought they could come into the exorcists and make fun of me, well I-..." Adam paused unnaturally, a confusion sweeping over his digitalized golden-accented features. "Babe, what the fuck are you doing?" He would add on no more than 5 seconds later, noticing had you had moved from your seat and basically were straddling him right now. Though you didn't hear him, well you did but you shut it out as soon as he opened his mouth again; "You know, this is making me fucking hard right now and if you just wanted your sweet little insides-" "Adam." You hushed him as his arms wrapped around your waist and brought you closer. There was no missing the way his eyes widened in suprise at your sterner tone. Though his grin returned, another crude comment about to slip from his lips before he hushed again; Doing so as your hands had meet and cupped his cheeks in such an oddly tender way. And Adam had a hunch what you wanted to do, or well what you wanted to see, and he felt those same nerves churn in his stomach again anytime this topic was brought up. Yet, no matter how much he noticed the want in your eyes, you didn't ask him. All you simply did was lean towards him and place your forehead against his, closing your eyes. And all Adam could do was stare at you, stare at your beauty in the light of the setting sun, and feel those nerves slowly string loose. And he felt safe; for the first time in a long, long, time he felt safe. "Babe.." And his voice cracked, causing your eyes to shoot open with worry. You drew away from Adam, your hands darting down to his shoulders as you wondered if you had somehow offended or harmed him. Yet all he did was smile softly at you as his wings fluffed out, basking in the light for a moment, before encapsulating the both of you. He was hesitant, his eyes drawing away from you as he took a moment to gather himself before he pulled off the mask for the first time. And you swore, in that moment, you somehow both practically died again and fell for him. "Oh shit.." You would mumble, catching Adam's attention rather quickly. You saw the worry contort on his face, "You've been hiding this handsome face from me, Adam what the fuck?! I would have much rather look at this than your fucking mask when you were blowing my brains out you b-" "Woah babe," Adam's hand rushed up and covered your mouth. You saw his scheming smirk playing onto his lips, "I can fuck you now if you want to, but I thought we were having a moment! Look at you, ruining it this time instead of me!~"
ᯓ Oh the fucking tease.
ᯓ Adam isn't perfect, far from it, but you aren't either. You honestly probably help each other over come traumas of the past and heal together. After all, you're both just a burning pile of hot mess, so why not be a burning pile together?
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
(Hope this was good! :D I haven't written since I had gotten sick and writer's fog/block, so this might be a little more shaky than my regular work. I would appreciate any constructive critiques you may have!)
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Charlie is absolutely sleeping on the couch for a while, and maybe also getting a firm talk about *asking first*.
...and maybe a little MORE sleeping on the couch. BUT she's never sleeping on the couch for long before her wife, quietly grumbling about wanting her cuddles dammit, comes over and drags her to bed.
And maybe they do talk quietly about charlie's fears there, while they're laying in bed. And maybe charlie's horns come out then, and her tail coils tight around vaggie's waist, and tears start running down her cheeks.
She had been so *scared*...
And Vaggie cant help but just sigh and sit up, brushing those tears away from her *overly-dramatic princesa*.
It's okay that she was scared. Vaggie understood, even if she was still a *little* annoyed. But they had time to figure it out. Her clever, *stubborn* princesa had bargained for all the time they'd ever need.
Vaggie: "I guess it figures, honestly."
Charlie: "Wh-" (voice fucked up from crying) (clears throat) "-what does?"
Vaggie: "You. Of all the demons in hell, of course you'd be the one who tricks someone into stealing YOUR soul."
Charlie: (wet giggle) "Heh. Shared, not stolen, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Not yours anymore either way, sweetie."
Charlie: "Freely given."
Vaggie: "Not so freely taken but I guess I'll just have to live with that."
Charlie: "You will- you're gonna have a VERY long time to be angry with me about it!"
Vaggie: "I'm not angry, Charlie. I'm just..."
Charlie: "...disappointed? Trust, kinda dented? A little?"
Vaggie: "It's more like-"
Charlie: "I fucked around with our vows in front of everyone without telling you and made you do something you didn't want and I really, REALLY wish I could say I'm sorry for that- I- I wasn't even sure I'd go through with it until- I just-"
Vaggie: "Shhh I know. It's.... okay."
Charlie: "It's not."
Vaggie: "It's okay enough for me. I know you were scared. I don't ever want you to be that scared again."
Charlie: "I'm not anymore!"
Vaggie: "Right." (muttering) "Now I get to be the scared one..."
Charlie: "What? Scared of what? We can, we be together always now- neither of us has to leave! And, and even if we DO split up... we'll still see each other around for the rest of eternity. That's not. Bad. Is it..?"
Vaggie: "It's a long time to live with all the people I've killed. And with who I've been."
Charlie: "....."
Vaggie: "I'm already... not always the best at living with that. Or leaving it behind. Now I've got your soul in my hands, sweetie. I changed for the better, once- what if next time it's for the worse?"
Charlie: "Then I'll be there until you change again."
Vaggie: "What if I hurt you?"
Charlie: "You were going to already. Now at least, we'll always have the chance to make up afterwards."
Vaggie: (chuckling) "Like we're doing right now, huh."
Charlie: "Well~ It is ONE way of spending our honeymoon~"
Vaggie: "You're still staying on the couch, babe."
Charlie: "-Yep, yep, that's totally fair!"
Vaggie: "So I guess I'll just have to stay here with you."
Charlie: "... I'd like that."
Vaggie: "You'd better. No take backs, remember? Your silly soul is mine, officially, until someone manages to off us both in creation's most epic combo kill."
Charlie: "Heheheh. That's fine." (snuggles under vaggies wing) "I always like going out with you..."
Vaggie: "....I'm adding another week of couch time for that joke."
Charlie: (singing) "And I still regret nothiiiiing~!"
Vaggie: "Typical." (smiling anyway)
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spinnysocks · 3 months
Humanized!Skinks plus personality headcanons!!
inspired by @devilsrecreation's post! i've just done the underdeveloped members of shupavu's group :)
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the sneaky guy! i really like him but there's not much i can think of to say about him, except i imagine he's kinda-friends with neema and ed in nikki's hc/au where the original hyena clan comes back. i think he'd be good at dissing people, and them not even knowing :)
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possibly my favourite design?? it was unintentional but i made her a little similar to nyeusi which is fun because i imagine they're a duo like shupavu and njano are, especially because they're the fastest skinks. i imagine they're competitive fuckers and keep trying to beat each other in races
Female Skink:
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i think i'm going to headcanon her name to be Nyororo, which means "soft" or "smooth", because of her voice! the only thing we know about her lol. i also picked the name because it matches nyeusi and nyata. while making her i started liking the flowery design so i've headcannoned that she'd dress up all flowery-looking to help decieve people into thinking she's sweet, along with her smooth voice. admittedly i was getting kinda sick of green, and i noticed she has a slight blue tint around her eyes, so i gave her a little clip! why not :)
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i'm actually really happy with this design, or maybe i just like blue lol. i found out that Waza means "mediate" so i'm wondering if he's the mediator of the group in some way. he doesn't talk, but he isn't shown to communicate using his tongue like nyeusi does, so i'm wondering if he literally just shakes his head at others when he dissaproves of what they're doing 😭 he could communicate with head and tail movements, because he's the keenest of sight he would alert the others of what he sees in silence
Male Skink:
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i'm going to go ahead and headcannon this guy's name as Hasira, meaning "vex" or "angry" because literally the only notable thing about him is his constant grumpy face. i've also headcannoned him and Waza as friends, and i think Hasira and Waza sounds nice. because of his supposed grumpiness i wonder if he might be one of the older members of the group. like a reluctant adult around a bunch of rowdy teenagers kinda vibe. who knows, he's completely free reign for personality like waza lol
not sure if i'm 100% happy with the designs but that's bc i'm a perfectionist- the picrew didn't have too many colour options but i think everyone looks alright despite that. btw hair was completely random bc i don't fucking know 😭 i hope you liked tho :)
i used this picrew <3
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middlingmay · 18 days
So what do we think a MOTA Office AU would look like?
Because they all either have a sense or adventure or want to help (I imagine, having enlisted), I can't see them doing anything like selling insurance or office equipment.
But maybe they do something like marketing, for worthwhile organisations and campaigns: climate activism, wildlife conservation, equity campaigns, charities, the lot.
Jack Kidd is 100% the HR manager. Bucky was promoted internally at first, but both he and his boss took less than a day to decide he wasn't the guy. But Jack was. He's the only one that can keep their team in line.
Rosie is the Head of Legal. He's got a heart of gold but he is a sneaky fucker, and an excellent lawyer, and has caught a few unscrupulous companies parading as charities to try and get their marketing team on board. That does not fly with Rosie.
Lemmons is the Tech Guy - but actually paid fairly for his expertise and treated with respect. They all know the place would fall down around their ears without him.
And Bucky and Buck are the two creative leads. Bucky focuses on video: TV adverts, social media videos, the lot. Buck focuses on print and they both work with the user researchers and street teams who are managed by Crosby.
Crosby is a good manager, buts he's not allowed to give his teams directions to their locations on any given day. Not after the New Year's Eve Incident.
Anyone else have ideas around an office AU? Bonus points if there's buck/bucky. Obvs.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Part Two
It doesn't happen again for weeks.
Actual fucking weeks.
Steve hates that ever since the last time, when Eddie completely gave him the slip (sneaky fucker) he's been actively looking for him. Scanning the hall during lunch, listening out for any sign of Eddie's voice.
Looking for him.
With zero fucking results because Eddie just skipped school for a week apparently. Steve's never known anyone to do that. No matter how bad shit is, you go to school.
But that first week, Eddie's just absent in Steve's periphery. Gone.
And the world is duller for it.
School is almost unbearable in comparison to the times before when Steve could at least look forward to lunch because he'd grab Eddie, fake some bullshit and then drag him away.
Fuck him wherever was nearest, flimsy excuses disintegrating beneath the heat of a desire that was never quelled with indulgence, but galvanised.
Eddie's back in school the following week but he doesn't meet Steve's gaze once. Avoids him entirely. Steve doesn't stage anything, he doesn't even try to get near him but he burns to. He aches to run into Eddie and smash this distance between them.
He's angry. Confused.
Irrationally horny.
But most of all, he's sad. Guilty. Knows he fucked up and even if he can't understand the degree of it, he knows he did something he shouldn't have. Crossed a boundary.
Steve can't stop thinking about him.
And Eddie's made it clear this thing between them is done, to stay away.
He's respecting it.
He's respecting is so well the day it all goes to hell.
It happens in the parking lot, as most scuffles do. Steve's on his way to the Beemer, a weekend of drinking and moping ahead of him when he hears the unmistakable sounds of male violence and he turns to see a bunch complete wannabees kicking Eddie while he's down.
The jacket, the hair, his high tops. He'd know him anywhere and Steve is running before he knows what he's even gonna do and then it's just happening.
There are five of them and Steve doesn't think (never does, it's not his style) he just swings his best right hook and it lands so well, the guy goes right down, knocks into a station wagon. Steve is going fucking wild, he hasnt felt anger like this in years. Swinging, smacking, punching.
They don't fight back, they scatter and throw their stupid fucking hands up.
'Whoa, Steve, STEVE!'
With no one near Eddie now, Steve crouches low, hands on his shoulders. Eddie flinches. 'Hey, you're OK, it's me, it's Steve. You're OK.'
Eddie unfurls slowly, doesn't look at Steve but he nods.
The first guy Steve hit gets to his feet.
'The fuck, Harrington?' he demands breathlessly. 'He's not even-'
Steve draws himself to full height, invades the other boys space and them slaps him. Hard, demeaning, it hurts more than a punch, Steve knows.
The guy, Alex, closes his eyes, cheek red.
Doesnt fight back.
Wouldn't dare.
Rare days that Steve throws his weight around but today, oh he's happy to be King fucking Steve today.
'He's my dealer,' Steve tells Alex Carver, voice low and deceptively soft. He grips the lapels of Alex's shirt, expensive polo that Steve then uses all his strength to rip, to tear right down the V of the collar. Exposed, messed up. 'You don't touch him, understand?'
Alex endures Steve ripping his shirt open to the naval, eyes closed. He nods.
Steve then rearranges his collar so it's neat, brushes his shoulders off. 'You want a fight, come to me next time, you fuckin' pussy. I'll smack you silly and send you home to your Mommy looking like you got rolled again and that's a mercy. Now say sorry.'
Alex's jaw tightens. 'Sorry, Steve.'
'No, to him.'
Ugly blue eyes open, brow furrowed. 'He's trailer tr--'
Steve slaps him again, harder, uses the other hand so he doesn't see it coming. Both cheeks red and ruddy.
'Now you look like you got fucked up by a bitch you tried to ask out, huh? What's your Daddy gonna say if I piss on your sneakers? Think he'll be proud? Apologise to him, now.'
Alex shoots a venomous glare at Eddie, who's leaning against a car to stand. 'Sorry, Munson.'
Steve really wants to press, he wants to stay in this sickly space and make Alex regret it even more. Fuck him up, teach them all a lesson. No one touches Eddie ever again.
But Eddie touches Steve. Hand on his arm, like he can tell what he's about to do.
Steve jerks his chin at the others, giving them leave to scurry away and spread the word. Alex goes last, backs away like he's scared to turn his back on Steve and yeah, too fucking right, bitch.
When they're gone, Steve turns all his attention on Eddie and the anger melts like French vanilla ice cream during that one unbearable week in August.
'Fuck, that looks bad,' he says, hands hovering over Eddie's face. 'Split lip too, OK. Come on, I've got a first aid kit at home.'
Eddie eyes him warily. 'What?'
'Or straight to hospital? What about your ribs? Let me--'
'Steve,' Eddie says, tone stern. 'What the fuck are you doing?'
'You're hurt,' Steve says like that should explain absolutely everything. He blinks, maybe it's a little slower than it should be but he feels alert, feels powerful.
'Yeah, so?' Eddie looks like he's about to unload all these reasons Steve shouldn't care.
Steve rolls his eyes. 'Don't be a brat. Come on, I'll drive.'
Eddie's silent the entire way there.
Steve too.
He's thinking of what injuries he saw, which ones looked the worst. If Eddie's needs butterfly stitches, maybe.
'Your folks home?' Eddie's asks warily when they're outside the house.
Steve snorts. 'No. They're never here. Come on.'
Inside, Eddie lets Steve sit him down and clean the worst of the injuries. It's only when Eddie takes careful hold of Steve's wrists, seeks out and holds Steve's gaze that Steve even realises Eddie was talking to him.
'You're shaking,' Eddie says, voice low, eyes moving between Steve's own. 'Steve, you're shaking.'
'Am I?'
'Is it like...?' Eddie licks his lips nervously. 'Adrenaline?'
Steve looks down at his own hands, sees Eddie is completely right. He feels weird too, like he's seeing through a tunnel and there is only Eddie at the end.
'I uh... I don't know,' he laughs, vaguely astonished when he blinks tears down his face. 'Feel kinda fucked up, actually.'
Eddie's all drawn in shades of concern, of unreadable thoughts in those dark eyes and his lip is still bleeding a little. Steve wants to kiss it better, kiss it worse.
'Why did you do that?'
Steve's teeth are chattering slightly, but he manages a smile. 'Do what?'
'What you did.'
Steve wraps a light bandage around Eddie's knuckles, evidence he fought back hard enough to split skin. 'What, with Alex? Anyone would have done that.'
Eddie says, 'No one did. No one ever does.'
'Yeah, well. I guess that's changed now.'
'You made it sound like we were fucking.'
'I don't care, so long as he doesn't touch you again.'
'Why do you care who touches me?'
Steve can't take it a second long, leans in like he's falling and softly presses his lips against Eddie's; against the split, still wet with iron ore and red salt from the flesh vessel that contains Eddie Munson.
Eddie isn't rigid, he doesn't push away, but when he kisses Steve back, he makes this sound like maybe he's gonna cry.
He doesn't, though.
And Steve keeps the kiss gentle, soft and wet, devouring the red to keep what little of Eddie he can inside himself, where it's safer.
'I care. Isn't that enough?'
'Too much, Harrington,' Eddie whispers in a trembling exhale. 'You're too fucking much.'
Steve pulls away, swallows thickly, Eddie's blood and spit go down with his vague hopes and painfully specific desires.
'Yeah, I know. I'm sor--'
Eddie kisses his hard, knots his fingers in Steve's hair to tight it hurts, pulling him close and keeping him there.
'Lucky for you I'm a greedy motherfucker, huh?' he gasps, licking deep and dirty. 'God, you're fucking crazy, you know that? They call me freak, but what you to did to Carver-'
'Don't say his name while we're making out.'
Eddie laughs, low rumble offset by the way he sucks on Steve's tongue. 'Don't want him muddying the waters?'
'Can't believe he even touched you,' Steve pants, kneels in front of Eddie, goes for his belt buckle. 'Need to kiss you clean, all over.'
'Oh my god,' Eddie grits out. 'Steve, we shouldn't--'
'Then you can fuck me, yeah?' Steve leans up, kisses him again, mind spinning, heart cranking like a cog. Fucked up, feral, he'll never forget how small Eddie looked curled up like that. 'Take my virginity?'
Continued next Saturday...
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
after scrolling through your posts i felt complelled to send an ask (i wonder why)
This kinda? relates to all the languages posts you've been making (was giggling and kicking my feet while reading them, and got inspired) but because I only speak English, I wanted to put a twist on it.
Creator who has audio processing issues and doesn't realise that Teyvat DOES actually speak the same language as them for a good while.
Because as a person with very good hearing, i sure don't fucking understand what people are saying most of the time, especially in big crowds. (its like listening to the sims sometimes man, i'm fighting for my life trying to understand😭)
So imagine a Creator getting dropped into Teyvat and getting found by a group of hunters or treasure horders, who instantly start panicking and talking all at once because 'omg our god is here' and all that.
And the Creator is still confused and diorientated, so all they're hearing is ✨words✨and they just assume that no one in Teyvat will understand them.
And then when they arrive in one of the nations and get to meet the vision bearers for the first time, the Creator makes a thirsty comment about one of them (probably would be Diluc in my case) and the entire crowd just goes SILENT.
So silent that the Creator can perfectlly understand what that vision bearer said in response.
Anyway, i love your blog :) not sure when you're going to get this, time zones are funny, but I hope you like it
Giggling and kicking?? Over my stuff??? 🥺🥺🥺💘💘💘 You sneaky little charmer ✨️
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Have a cookie!! 🤲🍪 tysm for the ask im very very happy to see it!! :D!!
(Me from the future editing: Sorry i wrote an entire sloppy written scenario over this its diluc focused, jfc sorry and i hope u get smth outta it 💀)
Oh good lord you being some kind of Creator god after getting sucked into the goddmn video game world is absolute HELL for your APD
Aint nobody tellin u nothing bc i can totally see that scenario happening bc everyone is like blabbering at you constantly, they all wanna get close to you to talk so its just [insert that general cafe crowd noises here]
Like u wish u had lofi to go with it bc u sure as hell cant get a word in edgewise
I know i keep writing abt Mondstadt, mostly bc first city -> intro to game -> therefore you land there
But i promise ill branch out guys but i got an excuse this time u mentioned Diluc 🔥
Honestly bc u probably arent trying to talk back to them (which they dont rlly know why? Bc they totally have heard ur voice while u were in ur world, when they were ur vessels)
They kinda assumed either A. You lost your voice B. You're overwhelmed, ppl r getting WAY too close to you, back off Npcs C. Or you don't speak THEIR language
So ofc Mondstadt brings you into the city and their planning a big ol festival, u came right in time for Windblume anyway, and by the time your done shaking hands and just waving and smiling (bc what else can u do u cant hear these fuckers, maybe u caught a "the" or a "hello" but you could've definitely been imagining it)
And finally you are free of the general crowd, but most of the Vision bearers (Allogenes) who were ur vessels wanna stick around, so u all end up in Angel's Share somehow
It's hella packed, and it's a bar.
So yeah u still can't hear shit, and now it just sounds like one of those fantasy medieval bar audios ambience videos
Ur just kinda kicking ur feetsies on a bar stool while like,, 4 or 5 differrent special character dishes are sitting in front of you
Diluc's behind the bar, and has been so sweetly attentive to you all evening, no matter how many tipsy patrons come up yelling for refills or drinks (or at least thats what u assume, bc u kinda end up just,, jumping and hitching ur shoulders up and trying to be lowkey about covering ur ears...)
He always comes and refills ur glass when it gets to even half-full, swiping away plates that have gone cold, and if you still want smth off of it, he's so perceptive no language needed bc he just sees your face and starts heating up the plate again with his vision with his hand :)
He's actually been the best thruout all this bc he already isn't super talkative, so ur pretty sure you've only seen his mouth open a few times, but otherwise u just communicated with him via actions/expressions
So ur chilling, well sorta, ur starting to kinda get overstimulated by the day and now this loud ass bar, and the fact that ur convinced no one speaks English here...
But hey!
Diluc's cool, u got food, and maybe u can charade to him u wanna find somewhere to retire to now for the night,,
You try and do that but he's pretty busy running around still,
"Damn, at least I get to see his ass though."
Diluc freezes.
You freeze.
Jean, Lisa, Venti, Amber, Kaeya, Rosaria freezes.
The whole bar goes silent.
Their god of gods finally spoke.
Oh they can understand you alright. (Also u were looking right at Diluc when you said it so, kinda obvious who u mean, somebody points to you behind Diluc)
Diluc just kinda,, sputters, like jerkily turns around and everything like a fried robot
"I- ahem- I- um- y-your Grace- I-"
Poor guy.
He doesn't even know what to say 🤷‍♂️
He has been progressively getting closer and closer to his hair color, his cheeks, his neck, his ears its a full white boy flush he cant escape its so obvious (should he say thank you? How do u even begin to thank a god for complimenting ur ass??!!)
He's caught between facing you and turning around and ducking back into the kitchen and never coming out again (unless it's just you two)
...Was it always this hot in here? Or did Diluc do this to you? 😵‍💫
(Well at least it's a lot quieter now)
You take the next logical step in this situation, and gently let your head thud into the bar.
It's a tie between Venti and Kaeya who busts out laughing first.
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Walk Through Fire For You
pairing: roommate/best friend harry x reader
warnings: fluff, swearing
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YN groans in frustration as she steps in the door of her apartment, rolling her shoulders and taking her shoes off of her aching feet. All week her floor has been short staffed, leaving her to do almost all patient checkups, fill all charts, and report to the chief. It’s stressful and it’s exhausting, so she’s happy to finally have some time off. It’s refreshing to not have to worry about her pager going off in the dead of the night.
She knows the feeling all too well, when she’s in a deep sleep for the first time in days and suddenly her heart stutters as she hears the beeping from beside her head. It’s always worth it, though, when she gets to save someone’s life even if it means she loses sleep.
Stepping further into the apartment, it feels like a load is lifted from her shoulders as she takes in the clean atmosphere, the front of her home spotless from her last day off. She practically runs to her bedroom, in need of a hot shower to relax her aching muscles. A small sigh leaves her as she sees a small pile of dirty laundry that needs to be done, but she decides to leave that for another day.
It’s settled, she’s going to spend the next few days relaxing and sleeping, catching up on her favourite shows. Looking at the clock on her bedside table, she sees that she has about five hours of resting time before Harry arrives for their weekly movie night. It’s perfect, it gives her enough time for a nap, and even if she oversleeps, Harry can let himself in.
Grabbing some panties and one of Harry’s t-shirts, she places them on her bed before making her way to the bathroom, immediately starting the shower. As soon as the water is hot enough, she jumps in and lets the water envelop her, basking in the warmth it brings.
After about ten minutes of just standing under the shower head, she grabs her soap and starts to clean herself up, washing all of the sweat from her shift off her body. She feels a million times better when she steps out of the shower and wraps her towel around her, but she’s still very exhausted.
Before she heads into her room, she stops at the sink to do her skincare before making her way in and drying off, slipping on the clothes she’d previously chosen. She quickly does her moisturizing routine before climbing into her bed and burying herself under the blankets, falling asleep instantly.
When she awakes, the first thing that hits her senses is the smell of her favourite pizza, the scent drifting through her home. A wide smile forms on her face as she makes her way down the hall, and she isn’t surprised to see Harry setting up their dinner, pouring the two of them some glasses of wine.
He’s dressed in a black hoodie and some grey shorts, but she’s unaware of what shoes he showed up in because he left them at her front door.
She stands in the doorway silently, watching him quickly set everything up with the most adorable look of concentration on his face. When he’s all done, he sits down on the couch, and that’s when she decides to make her appearance.
Sneaking up behind him, she chuckles as she sees him scrolling through emails, and then she’s placing her hand on his shoulders, cackling as he jumps in fear.
“Fuckin’ hell, YN,” he grumbles, placing his hand on his chest as his heart thumps against it. “Always been a sneaky little fucker,” he murmurs, shaking his head as she cackles behind him.
She can faintly hear him muttering something about how he should’ve scared her when he had the chance, only making her laugh even harder. An annoyed look covers Harry’s face as he waits for her to finish her cackling, and when he sees her wiping some fallen tears from her eyes, he’s fed up.
He quickly turns around and lunges for her, grabbing her arm and yanking her toward him. She squeals in surprise before she’s laughing once more as he takes advantage of her vulnerable position, tickling her in her most ticklish spots. She’s kicking and yelling for him to stop, the tears that are streaming down her face practically doubling in quantity.
“Okay, okay!” she snorts, making Harry let out a belly laugh at the unusual sound. He finally decides to give her a break,
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully. “I brought you some stuff,” he says excitedly, as if just now remembering he’d done so. She grins at his excitement, watching him run to the kitchen and grab a shopping bag from her island.
Her interest is piqued as she sees the full target bag, but her heart melts when she sees the flowers that he carries along with it.
Sitting down next to her, he chuckles at her already teary eyes, handing the flowers to her. “I know you’ve had a bit of a rough week, so I thought I’d do something nice for you,” he explains, watching her quickly wipe some fallen tears from her glossy eyes. “Oh, stop the crying. I’ll cry too if y’don’t stop,” he mutters, rummaging through the bag and pulling things out, explaining them to her.
“So, first I picked us up some face masks, I ended up seeing the hydrating ones you sent me in the tiktok, so I grabbed those,” he starts, making her heart swell with how considerate he is. “Also, I know you’ve been wanting to paint m’nails, and I liked these colours so I grabbed them,” he continues, keeping a close eye on the emotional girl beside him.
He realizes he has one more thing in the bag, his face lighting up as he remembers. “Ooh! I also picked up this bath bomb, I think you’ll like it! It has soothing chemicals or something like that to help you sleep. I think it’s marijuana in it, I’m not sure,” he chuckles, placing the bag behind him on the couch.
The second he finishes talking, he chuckles as he sees her shoulders shaking lightly, leaning forward to wrap his arms around her and pull her to his chest. Immediately, she starts sobbing against him, letting out even more tension from the horrible and stressful week she’d endured. He places his hand on her back, rubbing up and down gently as he soothes her, pressing his lips to the crown of her head as sobs wrack her body.
He knows that sometimes she doesn’t need to talk, but she just needs comfort from him and to know he’s there. So he sits in silence, rocking the two of them side to side as he lets her cry it out against him.
They stay that way for around five minutes, until she’s pulling away and turning away from him so he doesn’t see all of the snot on her face. He chuckles, grabbing a napkin to clean her up. “I’ve seen you shitfaced with makeup sliding off your face. You think a little bit of snot is gonna scare me away?” he teases, making her laugh wetly at his words. “Don’t think I forgot about when y’sneezed on m’face in third grade when y’had that nasty cold,” he says, scrunching his face up in disgust at the memory.
She pouts slightly, pushing his arm jokingly. “Shut up,” she grumbles, but it’s all in good nature as he finishes cleaning her up and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone,” he surrenders, a smug smile on his face. “Only if you braid m’hair so I don’t get the face mask in it,” he finishes, making her squeal excitedly. She’d been asking to braid his hair for the past month, but he denied every time.
“Turn around!” she shouts excitedly, hopping up from the couch to get a comb from her bathroom. He laughs lightheartedly at her excitement, doing as she says as he awaits her return.
He hears her before he sees her, the sound of her feet pattering against the floor making him shake his head fondly as she runs back to the living room before sitting down behind him.
She makes quick work of braiding his hair, the faint sound of music coming from his phone as he decided to turn on his playlist. When she’s all done, she’s grabbing her phone from beside her and opening the camera, snapping a picture before showing it to him.
He smiles widely at the new hairstyle. “I love it, thank you Y/N/N,” he replies, kissing her cheek. “Now how about we do these face masks while we eat and pick a movie,” he requests, and she’s nodding before grabbing the masks off the table and making her way to the bathroom, Harry not far behind.
Opening the two packets, she hands Harry his before putting hers on, taking out her jade roller to smooth it out. Finishing up, she turns to Harry to help do his, having no clue what the close proximity is doing to him. He’s had her this close to him hundreds of times in the many years they’ve known each other, but it’s something so intimate about this moment that has his heart stuttering in his chest and his head feeling floaty.
His eyes are locked in on her lips, watching the way she sometimes bites them in concentration, and he wants nothing more than to kiss her, to bite it himself. Shaking the thoughts off, she pulls away. “All done. Let’s go eat,” she smiles, walking out the bathroom with him close behind.
Making their way back to their places, Harry tells YN to sit down and choose a movie while he heats up their lukewarm pizza, and she smiles before doing so.
When he returns, he sees that she picked ‘Pride & Prejudice’, making him roll his eyes fondly as they’ve seen the movie at least ten times. It really is her favourite movie, so he puts up with it every time, even though he can recite it backwards at this point.
Passing her the plate, she thanks him and digs in, sipping wine in between bites. The two eat in comfortable silence as the movie plays, and when they’re done they place their plates on the coffee table, deciding to get them tomorrow.
Finishing her wine, YN slides closer to Harry and lies on him, feeling her eyes start to get droopy as she relishes in his warmth.
“H?” she whispers, making him hum in acknowledgment and look down at her curiously. “Could I maybe paint your nails in the morning? ‘M getting sleepy,” she mumbles sheepishly, making him chuckle at her.
“Of course, Petal. Whatever you want,” he responds, getting tired himself.
“Thank you so much, H. I really needed this. I love you,” she whispers, resting her head against his chest.
“No problem, Flower. I’d walk through fire for you,” he replies, pressing a comforting kiss on her head. He notices her nodding off and chuckles, holding her closer to him. “I love you more,” he whispers, turning back to their unfinished movie
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Tom Kazansky drives for Red Bull, because of course he does, and his driving is flawless
He plays with the drivers, he keeps them behind, let’s them follow him until they can’t keep up, he follows them closely, he drives them crazy until they get tired and make a mistake and he overtakes them
He was nicknamed “The Iceman”, ice cold, no mistakes, that’s what they say about him
Ron Kerner is Red Bull’s second driver, he is a sneaky mother fucker, you don’t see him coming till he’s right next to you, great at overtaking, not so great at maintaining his position
They nicknamed him “Slider” after a particularly impressive move, a big crash in which he somehow managed to avoid getting hit, he came out completely untouched, he slides through the cars like its the easiest thing in the world
Pete Mitchell drives for Ferrari, his dad used to drive for Ferrari but he died in a nasty crash, lots of cars were involved and eventually they started blaming him, Pete will always defend him, wasn’t great for getting sponsors and actually getting an f1 contract but he fought teeth and claw to get to where he is
He quickly gained a reputation after joining f1, he’s impulsive and reckless, he’s aggressive, he does dangerous shit on the track and somehow he always manages to get results
People almost never call him Pete, they call him “Maverick”, the media calls him “Mad Mav”
Nick Bradshaw also drives for Ferrari, he defends like a god
His protective nature gave him his nickname, people usually shout “MOTHER GOOSE” when they see him pass
He may not be as great as Maverick and Iceman but he’s a damn good driver, everyone loves him
Hollywood and Wolfman drive for Mclaren, they’re the best teammates on the grid, they rarely fight, they work together like they have the same mind, they’re almost synchronized, scary as fuck if both of them are behind you
Merlin drives for Alfa Romeo, he used to drive with Cougar for Ferrari but Cougar had an accident and decided to quit formula one and Merlin moved to Alfa Romeo, which opened both Ferrari seats for Mav and Goose
Charlie is Ferrari’s strategist, she’s the best there is, smart, quick, she can adapt to situations in seconds, if only Maverick would fucking listen for once
Viper is Ferrari’s team Principal, he used to drive with Mav’s father, he’s a three time world champion
Mav drove for Alfa Romeo for two years before he got the Ferrari seat, he never won a race there but he got way closer than people thought he could
Before joining Ferrari, Goose used to drive for Alfa Tauri
Ice joined f1 when he was barely 18, spent a year in Alfa Tauri before he got a seat in Red Bull, he hasn’t won a championship yet but he has gotten dangerously close
Yeah that’s all I have for general background info, I got so much shit but I can’t put it all in one post
Appreciate how I stole inspiration directly from mr Max Verstappen’s life to write Iceman’s background like 💀 also appreciate how I didn’t include Merc not because I don’t like them (which I don’t) but because I completely forgot they existed AND appreciate me trying to make Ferrari an actual top team with people that know what they’re doing
And I know that an almost all American f1 grid is not possible BUT it’s my au and I get to chose the inaccuracies
Here’s the second part -> x
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creepling · 2 months
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"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker for what he did to me, along with the rest of his nutjob family."
Here I present an oc I will probably never use but I wanted to share the character card I made for her because she is pretty neat. Tough as nails, Sydney has seen the world, but nothing prepares her for the nightmare in the Slaughter household. After a one night stand-gone sour with Johnny, she becomes a victim to the family. Two weeks before the capture and death of Maria, Sydney powers through the survivours guilt to strategise an escape. When the chaos of the new-found victims erupts, Sydney takes her chance and does everything in her power to clear the path to survival -- seeking revenge while doing so.
-- TOUGHNESS 30. surviving as long as she should have, sydney is tough as nails. battling through her pain and scars, she can take a few hits while in the heat of battle.
-- ENDURANCE 15. unfortunately smoking since the age of twelve doesn't have a good affect on the lungs. sydney works best in short outbursts, but doesn't have the stamina to go long distance.
-- STRENGTH 25. fuelled by pure adrenaline and rage, sydney's strength is surprising considering her tortured condition. but when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
-- PROFICIENCY 15. sydney is use to bulldozing her way through situations and doesn't have the patience to unlock objectives. protecting the victims who have the smarts for these things will help her in the long run.
-- STEALTH 45. she is known to be sneaky when she needs to be. with her experience sneaking backstage at concerts, onto tour buses, squatting when sleeping gets tough; sydney knows how to slip by unnoticed.
sydney's ability makes her great for defense against the family. depending on how you go up the tree, you can use sydney's ability as a grapple without the worry of losing and being killed (health deducted from attacks by other family members is halfed while using ability). you can also use it to drain the family's stamina, reduce the cooldown period to use the ability as much as you can, or keep the family in a stand off for a longer period to buy others more time to complete objectives.
EDIT NOTE: i forgot to clarify that there is unique animations sydney has with the family members when using her ability. she wrestles, scratches, headbutts, bites, and specifically for bubba she jumps on his back and tries to gouge his eyes out which puts him in a panic (in case you were wondering how she can grapple him). yeah she crazy. don't mess with bitches from staten island!!
lvl one. cooldown period is reduced by 20% OR duration of ability lasts three seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 20%
lvl two. cooldown period is reduced by 35% OR duration of ability lasts five seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 45%
lvl three. cooldown period is reduced by 50% OR duration of ability last seven seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 75%
POULTRY BUTCHER. sydney can silence chickens without the use of a bone scrap (has 4 charges at lvl three)
COME AND GET ME. if sydney makes noise, any attack within 15 seconds by a family member will result in 80% less damage (at max lvl)
DEATH CROAK. incapitating grandpa reduces the family bond by 2.5 levels and delays his next feed by 30 seconds (at max lvl)
syndey can attain the following perks . . .
bounce back better, choose flight, conditioned, deadbolt, efficient backstabber, exit strategy, fuse lights, grappler, high tolerence, highly skilled, hush or die, immunity, jack in the box, overlooked, radar detector, ran track, tae kwon door.
"these scheeves picked on the wrong girl."
"hey! how the hell you get outta here?"
"you dead-ass right now? they're gonna hear us if you keep running around like that!"
"jeez, try being a little more quiet next time."
"sick, this might open that door."
"i don't care if those fuckers find me, i'm ready for them."
"get out of here, i'll handle this."
[progged when seeing johnny] "shit, it's him. he don't look so handsome no more..."
[prompted when fighting johnny] "this is what you get, you fuckhead! don't mess with me!"
"they're crazy, they're all goddamn crazy."
"hey, asshole! come and get some."
[when seeing other victims] "if you figure out a way to get us outta here, i can district them."
"wanna kill me? you ain't got the guts."
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after-witch · 11 months
Something that makes his tail twitch when you curl up on Derek's lap while he's perusing merchandise, burying your head against his shoulder, whispering answers to whatever questions Derek throws your way.
This but after Ren has fallen for you, and Derek knows it. Sitting there, smug arrogant little fucker as you curl into his side, covered in fresh bruises and wounds and just gives Ren the nastiest little smirk. Maybe forces you down on his cock, making you choke and splutter as Ren does his announcer spiel, his cockiness growing because he definately hears Ren stumble every so slightly over his words.
I think Derek is smart enough not to push it too far, I'm assuming Ren has power, or some sway, over who gets to bid and who doesn't, and Derek doesn't want to lose his place at the auction. But he definitely does show off. 'I have what you want. Look how they bow down for me not you.'
If Ren decided to take you, it would be very sneaky, Derek would know it was him, but not be able to prove it. neither would be willing to back down, but I think Ren would win eventually only because Derek's temper would betray him, unless daddy dearest had some serious power. Ren is smart and sneaky and violent. Derek is arrogant, entitled and violent.
Ren I think would have some kind of mild fucked up romanticism in his possession and need to own you, Derek would be fueled entirely by that's mine, give it back.
It would endly badly for you in all outcomes.
'Non this is *mwah* and I feel bad for sitting on it for so long, but--
I am here for
And here's the thing... Derek is a little shit. A little punk. Fox!Ren could eat losers like him for breakfast, metaphorically and otherwise. He's not intimidated by Derek, no, no, no. He's only irritated because there's logistics to be thought of, here.
Derek is smart enough to know that this is a business, and his daddy's money--not just in buying "merch" but in spending on streams--is not something Fox wants to lose.
He's also smart enough to know not to cross certain lines. It's not some serious rivalry, in his head. Just something he does to humiliate his darling while pressing Fox's buttons a little bit. It's all in good fun, yeah?
But he's not quite intelligent enough to realize that you don't necessarily have to "cross the line" with someone like Fox to make him want to do something.
It's not a singular crossing the line that makes him start formulating a plan to get you... no no, it's little baby steps. The way you bury your head in Derek's chest when he makes lewd comments about the poor person being sold as "merch" during an auction. The way , when he watches the surveillance footage of the bidders afterward, that you bite your lip and look sorrowful and upset when someone places that highest bid on someone (how, he wonders, can you maintain any sympathy for someone else when you're stuck with Derek? You sweet, sweet thing)--all these little things that make him want to have you for himself.
He'd appreciate you more than Derek could. He'd appreciate you properly. To Derek, you're a thing. To be beaten and fucked and tormented simply because he can.
And yes, you should experience those things... but not just because he gets off on it, like Derek does with you.
You're a possession to be... cultivated. Not tossed about with no regard to what he does and says, and how you come out in the end. You're akin to some sort of finicky plant, really. With the right pruning and cutting, under his ownership, you'll blossom into the perfect pet.
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In honor of Disability Awareness Month here are some Cyrus Borg headcannons of mine
He's Transgender FtM deadname Cerise is close to his current name as he wanted to honor his parents who supported him throughout his transition
His full name is Cyrus Hassan Borg and he was born on October 13th 1975
He has a prosthetic and is an ambulatory wheelchair user having been born with a severe case of spina bifida
The closest to our real life heritages that would compare to his village and family is Pakistani
My guy has legitimately been clocked in at going 10 mph in his wheelchair. It is now a goal of all employees to see if they can ever catch him going faster then this.
He's the quiet imp in the corner the one you don't assume is up for causing trouble but oh boy you ask him and he can and will leap on it
Legitimately made 16 versions of Pixal because ADHD hyperfixation wouldn't leave him alone about perfecting the program
Was accidentally inspired by a legend that came out of Birchwood Forest about Zane
All 16 of his Nindroid kids are still currently online and running around, he is a very proud dad and takes every opportunity to show them off to whoever will listen
His children give him flack for this haha
Skylor once tried to give him a meal on the house as a thank you for bringing the community back together he instead slipped $100 bill into her tip jar she still makes jokes towards him as a result to this day over it. Pixal lost it laughing when Skylar told her
The reason he did this he is very very charitable maybe a billionaire but even he is confused how he has so much money since he's donated so much back to the community through various charities
Cyrus is also he reason Kryptarian constantly has upgrades and the right equipment. The prisoners have a certain level of respect for him as a result of this.
He lives in Borg Industries publicly it is not known that there are five levels above his office these are personal Apartments but to throw people and would be kidnappers off he does own several vacation places nearby that he frequents to make it look like he lives there
He is a very sneaky mother fucker Pixal found out this the hard way when she told him no coffee and he got a co-worker to smuggle it into him
The community absolutely loves Cyrus like he gets so much fan mail and fan art from the public that they have their own designated spot and room to sort it all out
He actually does have a weapon of choice throwing daggers he picked this up after season 7
The reason Pixal is so good at dodging things being thrown is because Cyrus in his anger and fury will sometimes let loose any tool in his hands that he has
whether this be screwdrivers, one time it was his shoe, another time it was a pen. It's never really anything that can actually cause harm it's more so him just letting them know he's absolutely Furious
Which brings me to my second point it is very very hard to get him absolutely angry at you if he is throwing things at you that means you have definitely crossed the line somewhere
His wheelchairs are all custom made by himself but he is known if a worker comes to him and requests he will make their own Mobility aids or repair them
Borg Industries is a Forefront leader of workers rights there is literally a plaque on the door that reads
Borg Industries is a Safe Haven for anyone that Society deems a minority, if a worker is caught discriminating against any of these groups they will be immediately be dragged upstairs in front of the CEO, footage reviewed to make sure they are seeing what they were and you will be personally handed a pink slip and fired.
Cyrus also has made it well known that the company will not work with anybody who does not also uphold this there have been many companies made bankrupt by borg Industries stepping out after they were caught discriminating or cheating people out of their well-earned income.
Although it doesn't appear so the stairs outside actually on one side collapse in on themselves and a elevator switches into place lifting the person up to the level of the doors
Cyrus and Pixal visit Children's Hospitals around Ninjago at random, they will also randomly pop into universities and teach a class on Nindroid technology Pixal showing her tech. Zane occasionally joins as well,
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
The Black Bulls and what pokemon I would assign to them.
Part 1
This is just personal preference and from the pokemon I actually know about.
So mostly gen 4 and 5.
I'm also not using starter pokemon or legendaries.
Starting with Asta, I'd give him a Machop.
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Machop is a fighting type pokemon, he's quite small and generally act like quite child like.
I think they'd be a good fit for Asta personality wise. Also these little guys are always training and would be someone Asta could sparr and train with.
They also are at the beginning of their evolution, much like how Asta would be at the start of his journey to become the Wizard King.
That and they get progressively more more muscular which is something he and Asta have in common.
For Noelle I would give her a Swanna.
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Swanna are water and flying types. And at least where I'm from there a symbol of royalty and regality.
They also evolve from Ducklett which I find hilarious.
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If you know anything about Ducklett, they are some sneaky lil fuckers. And I can imagine Noelle having a bit of a hard time when they first meet.
Even being mocked for having such a "disobedient and useless pokemon."
But Noelle, defying all expectations as usual bonds with her pokemon.
And her Swanna is proof of how far they've come.
They can both dance on the battlefield together.
Also Swanna when they were a Ducklett has definitely chased the other Silva siblings and pecked them relentlessly for their treatment of Noelle.
Probably still does it tbh.
Magna gets a Roggenrola.
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Roggenrola is a rock type pokemon.
The reasoning for this is because of a special ability Roggenrola can have which shows its true strength.
That ability is sturdy, it can't be taken out in one hit.
And that just feels so fitting for Magna's pokemon. Someone small that you underestimate because he has a lot of type disadvantages but won't back down no matter the odds.
That and I just imagine the lil guy on Magna's shoulder.
They can be quite cowardly but seeing em get hyped up Magna would be sweet.
For Luck I have to give him a Jolteon.
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Jolteon is an electric type and one of the evee evolutions.
I imagine Luck's had Jolteon since they were an evee. Playing with them and having many... Many battles.
Luck was definitely that guy you make eye contact with on accident and than boom pokemon battle.
I imagine his evee became a Jolteon through either finding a thunder stone on a mission or through sheer will power.
Also one of the special abilities a Jolteon can get is volt absorption.
Where they regain HP from getting hit with an electric based attack.
And tell me getting hit, getting stronger and more pumped from the hit to fight is not Luck all over.
Zora gets a Zorua.
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Zorua are mischievous illusion pokemon who like to impersonate others and cause mischief.
Pretty self explanatory.
I imagine Zora's dad to have have had a Zoroark who laid an egg that he gifted his son
Making Zorua one of the last ties Zora has to his father.
And both of them have a grudge against nobility for it.
It does also lead to a lot of pranks.
Gordon gets a Litwick.
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Litwick is a ghost and fire type pokemon.
Litwick are pokemon who pretends to guide people and Pokémon around by illuminating darkened areas. However, it is actually sucking away their life energy and leading them to the Ghost World.
But Gordon's Litwick doesn't want to do that.
It wants to actually guide others and make friends with them. But given their reputation, they aren't exactly seen as trustworthy.
So you have too lonely dark souls who just want to make friends, finding friendship in each other.
And just the image of Litwick nestled on a table while Gordon uses their light to paint his figures is just so sweet.
Finral gets a Growlithe.
Because if anyone deserves one of the goodest of good boys, it's Finral.
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Growlithe is a fire type dog pokemon.
And much like their real world doggo counterparts, they are fiercely loyal to their trainers.
And for someone like Finral who was disowned, that would mean so much to him.
They are very friendly and sweet doggos, and you know any girl Finral gets a date with would adore his dog.
However, if Growlithe's are also known, if they or their trainer is threatened, they will go feral.
Even if that opponent is far stronger and bigger than them.
And for Finral who for a long time saw himself as a coward, having someone watch his back and encourage him to keep going is something he definitely needs.
Also, I can imagine when Finral goes down in the fight between him and Langris, that Growlithe rushes over.
Licking his cheek and whimpering when Finral won't get up. Before turning to Langris, and going off.
Langris who was someone Growlithe definitely knows and loves, and is now glaring at with the intensity of a thousand sun's.
Staying with his beloved trainer in the hospital, standing guard by his bed.
Also everyone in the squad loves Finral and Growlithe would definitely befriend and protect the other squad member's pokemon.
Vanessa gets a Sewaddle.
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Sewaddle is a bug and grass type Pokemon.
Their sweet lil sassy guys.
And they say hi by booping foreheads.
I imagine they were the only friend Vanessa had growing up with Witch's forest.
And have just stuck together since.
Also, they use a move called string shot that works a lot like Vanessa's string magic.
I imagine them just lovingly bullying Ruby and the other pokemon but they are a sweetheart at heart.
Has also definitely bit the Queen of Witches.
Multiple times.
Henry gets a Jigglypuff.
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Jigglypuff is a normal type pokemon.
Which means it's not affected by Henry's ability of absorbing magic.
Jigglypuff's are very expressive lil guys and I think they'd make Henry laugh and keep him company when he's alone.
Part 2
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lanbichenbunny · 1 year
Wei Ying is a Clever Boy..
I’ve just realised what a clever little mind fucker Wei Ying is.
When I first read the Yi City Arc I thought Wei Ying’s plan was solely to make Xue Yang give away his own location, but on a second read, I’ve realised his plan serves two purposes. The first I’ve just mentioned. The second I’ve only just picked up on.
To win against Song Lan, Xue Yang makes him so angry, giving him a detailed account of how he made Xiao Xingchen kill villages full of innocent people. He can no longer fight calmly and Xue Yang wins.
He does the same thing again after A-Qing warns, Xiao Xingchen, that the guy he treated is Xue Yang. Xue Yang wins the fight by mentally breaking him down, by telling him he killed Song Lan.
Xue Yang doesn’t expect Xiao Xingchen to kill himself but that’s how it ends.
Wei Ying uses the same tactic to help Lan Zhan kill Xur Yang.
‘Go Ahead and laugh yourself to death, and you still won’t be able to piece Xiao Xingchen’s soul together. He finds you repulsive, and yet you still had to try and drag him back to play with you.’
It goes on the two of them, for some time. Xue Yang even knows what Wei Ying is doing, but he continues to give himself away. A-Qing taking over to help when Xue Yang finally stops giving himself away, but it’s too late.
Wei Ying is a sneaky little guy.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
ok but roommate dabi who can see you're stressed from classes and tries to make dinner one night but this poor mother fucker can't cook. you stop studying because the fire alarms going off, you figure he burnt popcorn again (seriously how does he even keep doing that) but instead you find him at the stove looking embarrassed trying to stand in front of a pan that's probably totally ruined. I'm talking can't make eye contact, hand on the back of his head through his hair type 'im so mortified' look.
what have you done to me, why would you infect me with this. what the fuck.
and the way that would be so damn cute please...
he mutters an apology, but you’re trying so hard not to squeal at how adorable he looks and just reply with a blank look plus deadpan “it’s fine...” to not seem crazy for losing it over a 24 years old grumpy and intimidating dude being cute as fuck, which actual has him panic because he thinks you’re angry at him for ruining the stove (poor baby, he doesn’t know you’re actually just very weak over handsome mortified boys...), so he leans down to be eye-to-eye with you and stares at you mortified and serious telling you in a soft voice that he’s sorry for distracting you, ruining the stove and wasting your time.
but anyways, you tell him it’s fine and that you’re genuinely not angry, reassuring him with a smile that make him relax his shoulders and nod at you relieved.
you two then proceed to cook together, with him watching from over your shoulder as you explain to him the steps to the dish, though you both know he will mess up the next time again, like always. but he follows either way because the sound of your voice always manages to put him at ease and in a daze as he gives sneaky glances at your lips. now, this is the actual reason why he never learns anything about cooking.
it’s okay anon, i’m wondering what i’ve done to myself TOO, like—
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vanaglcria · 2 months
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@anonymous : What D&D classes do you think your muses would be?
I'm a huge D&D nerd ( I'm actually writing this surrounded by all my dice right now ) so this is absolutely my kind of ask. UNDER A CUT BECAUSE I RAMBLE :
CARMILLA CARMINE : BLADESINGER. This is a wizard subclass, focused on incorporating swordplay and dance. Originally I was leaning toward College of Swords Bard, but Mal reminded me about Bladesinging and that's just too perfect. Bladesinging is as beautiful as it is deadly, which is truly reminscent of the way Carmilla fights. Bladesong also grants you a speed boost, advantage on acrobatics checks, and an AC bonus.
ELSIE MAE CASEY : ALCHEMIST ARTIFICER. Elsie Mae has big NPC energy, but if she was a playable character, I think this is where I'd lean. She has such a passion for mixing things up and figuring out how to make tinctures and infusions. Add in a dash of magic, and she'd be an absolute chaos bomb. The idea of her using Experimental Elixer and just turning to Johnny and going "Quick, drink this!" is absolutely a situation that would happen.
KASUMI : ARCANE TRICKSTER ROGUE. Kasumi is already as two-faced as they come. Add in a little magic? Pure chaos. Arcane Tricksters double as sneaky fuckers and mischevious miscreants. I can absolutely see her having Spell Thief ( girl is old enough to be a level 20 adventurer ) and using it to just be a huge pain in the ass. Arcane Tricksters can be played as more serious characters... but where's the fun in that? ( fun fact : my first PC was an Arcane Trickster rogue! )
MILLIE : PATH OF THE BATTLERAGER BARBARIAN. Hear me out : I know this subclass is just for dwarves. But... Imps are small creatures. I feel like they can qualify. Battleragers, also known in Dwarvish as Kuldjargh are known for throwing themselves headfirst into battle and using their physical bodies, decked out in spiked armor, to attack. They fight with Reckless Abandon, but without going into the full rage of a Berserker.
OCTAVIA : LUNAR ORIGIN SORCERER. This one was pretty obvious, given Stolas' ( and by extension, Octavia's ) connection to the moon within his powers. Lunar Sorcery spells change based on the phase of the moon you are choosing to embody, New Moon, Full Moon, or Crescent Moon. Your Lunar Embodiment also affects your metamagic. This is a difficult subclass to master, as it requires a lot of forethought... but it feels deep enough to embody the power of the Ars Goetia.
ROSIE : COLLEGE OF WHISPERS BARD. I haven't written Rosie a lot, but there's no denying there's more to her than what appears on the surface. A woman who deals in gossip and rumors, and does it all with a charming smile. The wolf in sheep's clothing nature of the College of Whispers seems a good fit, at least for my interpretation.
SERAFINE LAVEAUX : GUNSLINGER. I have a hard time envisioning Serafine without her guns : I think she'd be more than willing to play her hand with luck in order to keep them in a fantasy setting. What's the worst that could happen? Serafine has little regard for safety, so this would make her an insanely volatile party member, but the damage she does might be worth it.
VAGGIE : OATH OF REDEMPTION PALADIN. The easiest one, in my opinion. Oath of Redemption paladins prefer not to fight when possible, which is perhaps not entirely fitting of Vaggie, but at the core of this subclass is the belief that any person can be redeemed. And, to quote WOTC, "While redeemers are idealists, they are no fools." When she must fight, she will do so with her whole being, and put her life on the line to protect those she cares about.
unprompted !!
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