#what has murven been getting up to?
frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
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He fell in love with Raven Reyes so hard it scraped his knees and bruised his palms. Inescapable, reliable, absolutely undeniable love.
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Miss your murven fics <3
Hey, friend! I don't know what's up with my inbox but I never got a notification for mail & I think this might actually have been sitting there a while! So apologies if you thought I was ignoring you!
Honestly I'm right there with you - I miss my Murven fics too! It's been ages since I've written them and believe me I KNOW IT! I kinda thought my kiddos getting older (and more independent) would mean more time for me to write but that's not really the case. They do more stuff & I drive them more places and our schedule is more packed! So writing time usually means me staying up late while everyone is asleep, and while I do that sometimes, I can't always. Maybe you will be happy to know, though, that I HAVE been writing Murven - I just haven't posted anything. I've got over 10k more written for Dance With Me that I just need to split up and figure out chapter length & such. It's not finished yet (shocker - it's going long), but it's definitely getting there!! I also have over 6k more written on Better Than Revenge that I haven't published/broken into chapters yet but it's not finished yet either.
I have also added quite a few story ideas to my inspiration sheet and have sketched out this weird idea I have for an AU Murven story set in the Harry Potter universe that I think about a lot. I don't know why I'm fixating on it but it's set before HP and Raven is a muggle Ravenclaw and Murphy is a pureblood Slytherin and they're definitely an "enemies to reluctant mutual respect friends to dubious consent lovers" so you know, it's complicated! LMAOOOOO Honestly that's just how I like them though. So my point is that I think about Raven & Murphy all the time & I haven't forgotten them and to be honest they're probably always gonna be my #1 OTP couple as far as writing them goes. It's been great stepping into the FtWS fandom and I'm not done there either but I don't think any ship is going to grab me by the throat like Raven & Murphy do. Also let me just out myself completely here - the amount of Murven videos I watch would probably be embarrassing but I'm past caring what anybody thinks so lets just say it's a LOT when I need a little pick me up.
Anyway I hope this gives you a bit of hope to know that I'm still here and I'm still fixating and I'm still writing! Sometimes writer's block has me stuck but I always manage to pull out of it somehow. Thank you for still being interested & I hope you're not the only one!
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June 5: Murven, Divorce Song
Wanted to write but wasn't sure what I should write so here is a little angsty Murven ficlet. I listened to Exile in Guyville today for the first time in a while; this is inspired by Divorce Song but also doesn't really have the mood of Divorce Song so there you go.
Murphy/Raven, Modern AU, ~870 words
Written in about 27 minutes
What did he think? That somewhere along the way, their road trip up the coast, they'd fall in love? It's an awfully romantic notion, coming from him.
They get a late start, then lose their way, a wrong exit on the wrong highway and the steel-blue sky framed by the windshield, the fluttering of palm fronds at the edges of the roadway, the gathering clouds in shifting shades of gray. Murphy came to pick her up mid-morning. He'd stood in the doorway of her bedroom, watching her finish up her last-minute packing—stuff she'd put off because she was working last night, and cared for the work more. The best thing he could do was not lift a finger to help. He'd just get in the way. Still, it infuriated her to feel his eyes on her, watching and waiting.
"Almost ready, Reyes?" he'd drawled at her, and she'd thrown her duffel bag at his chest, and for a moment afterward they'd been caught together almost in the hall, continuously blocking each other's way with each step to the side. An exhausting moment.
She'd asked if he was fucking with her.
Isn't he always?
The plan was to leave early and get to Bellamy and Clarke's by the end of the day, but even before the wrong turn, she's sure it won't shake out that way. She's too tired to get behind the wheel, and Murphy only pretends to be a daredevil, obeys posted speed limits and tells her to get her feet off his dash. Maybe they'll get to Portland and the aura of romance will take them over. A wedding and all. Maybe as she grumbles, rearranges herself in the passenger seat, traces the edges of stacks of heavy clouds from over the ocean, she imagines as much, like some sort of sick indulgence. If she were really smart, like she tells herself she is, she'd never touch him.
Her phone runs out of batteries. His has no service. She forgot the map in the glove compartment of her car. The sky opens up wide, threatens to swallow them.
They have to stop for the night at a shady little place blinking neon VACANC-C-C-C-CY in the early dark and pouring rain: a motel with a big rectangular sign, barely legible in fading fluorescent. They hold their coats over their heads and splash the light into shards in the puddles on their way to the office. The rain is coming down so hard it's all Raven can hear in her own head: the thud of it on car roofs, the splatter of it on the asphalt. Inside, the motel is muddied with cheap yellow light. She stomps her feet on the welcome mate and beats at her jacket while Murphy shakes himself off like a dog.
She asks for two rooms without thinking. If it weren't for the map behind the greasy haired kid behind the counter, she wouldn't know what town they were in. Even now, the name doesn't ring a bell.
Murphy's standing close to her, glowering, cold. For a moment, his hand brushes against her back—low—like he forgot for a moment what role he was playing. What line he was using.
"You know, it would be cheaper—" he starts, as the kid fiddles around with the keys.
She keeps her gaze straight. The faded lines of the map, the off-yellow wall. "They don't have any twin beds left," she murmurs back. Sounds cold like unseasonable prickling rain even to her own ears. She takes her key in her hand and holds it tight so that the edges bite into her palm.
Their rooms are right next door to each other and for a while they stand under the awning, a bare bulb just above them encircling them in a stark halo of white. Her bag is in the stupid car. All she wants is a shower, the melding of running water and running water. A moment to feel clean. She starts to say I didn't mean anything by it, but it comes out, "What did you expect?"
He flinches, but it comes out as a scoff. Pale and shining wet, his hair flat against his face, and the rain so loud on the tin awning that it might drown him out, he answers, "Nothing," like a curse, a lie, and "Don't make me out to be the asshole here. I haven't done a goddamn thing."
They've been rejecting each other now for years. He'd say she's frightened. He'd say maybe there's something inevitable about them, something more than just the heat of human warmth when they stand close beneath the awning, shivering, not yet touching, except that her hand is grasping hard around the edge of his coat. Zipper teeth in one palm, silver key in the other.
She could just go in his room with him, let the other sit empty, but it wouldn't be for lust or anything as grand as love, but only to prove to him what a terrible idea they would be. Something raw and mean. Something she wants too much.
"You haven't," she answers, and lets go of his jacket, and lets herself into her room.
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years
‘Tuesday 9am Lecture, Dr Bronwyn Holloway Smith, Senior Advisor Strategic Projects
Has worked with Bryce in the past, 
“Saving Aoteroa’s Public Art Heritage”
Identifies as an artist first and foremost, consider ’s self an ‘accidental’  art-historian ,
2013, early doctorate, researching cultural art significance - Murvin Taylor 
Pakeha art having a conversation w/ Maori, Mautaranga Maori, 
Mural - been taken down and put into cardboard boxes, - 6 year restoration 
public art programme city gallery - eventually returned in 2019 
CoCA, - Murven Taylor Restoration Project 
Over 60 years of public artwork being removed, vandalised, destroyed, hidden, lost, painted over…
Researching/investigating public art works
Guy Ngan 
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^^ Guy Ngan, Lost public artwork, ‘ National Bank Hamilton, 1985′ (Above),
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^^ Guy Ngan, Found public artwork, ‘Wellington Teachers’ Training College, 1971
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‘Artist Guy Ngan alongside the sculpture he has gifted to Massey University’s Wellington campus. He is pictured with, from left, senior lecturer Annette O’Sullivan who designed the engraving, College of Creative Arts Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Claire Robinson, son in-law Chis Clark, grand-daughter Rachel Clark and wife Jean Ngan.’ ^^^^ 
How we treat work that has been commissioned by the government/council, public art
Public art wasn’t historically focused, revaluing public art - and the benefits of such 
‘Russel Clark’ 
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Public artwork framework policy
Materials, mediums, atmosphere, etc
Outside block 12 on campus, Guy Gan, College, and Hall of Fame 
Early this year, Bronwyn was contacted by the Dowse Gallery, 
Tower TV studio, Avalon studios
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Turned into apartments, decided to get rid of mural artwork, and the neighbouring workers saved it, who contacted the Dowse who then contacted Bronwyn…
Researching to find out who make it, 
Avalon T.V centre, Wilson Mc’ Adle 1976 
Trying to find space, or will end up in landfill 
looking for interns
Public Art Heritage
@ Publicart.nz 
I had further look at Public Art Heritage and ended up on their instagram, which I found this post which included my home region, and the many public art works that it has. I didn’t know the names/any info about these artworks - which further proves Bronwyn’s message/intent! 
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I didn’t realise this issue with public art, and recognising public art - and I found the sad reality of these works being destroyed or lost, really sad. Value and art has always been a running issue, defending artworks, defending your practice, is something I feel a lot of artists and arts students feel like they are constantly doing. Something obviously relevant to public art. There are masses of people, who would just disregard public art all together, walking straight by, etc. I think that it is really amazing work and research that Public Art Heritage and Dr Bronwyn are doing. It has defiantly opened up my eyes to value the artworks around me. 
This conversation around value of art has in a way a connection to my research surrounding a hierarchy of art, what is valued, what is not and why - Maybe the fact that public art is accessible, available to the masses, it is seen to decrease in value? Why is this? This reasoning could be shared with craft practices? Interesting to think about.  
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Ho F-ing Ho (Rated M) [Memori]
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame for @sailawaymayday. The four assigned tropes were 1) Road trip, 2) Friends make a bet, 3) The characters play a game, and 4) Poorly timed confession
Summary: The friend group (consisting of Clarke, Wells, Raven, Murphy, Emori and Anya) go on a holiday road trip and celebrate the highs and lows of their lives thus far.
be my fire in the cold (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething for @queen-of-the-wallflowers15. The four assigned tropes were 1) Accidental marriage, 2) Sweater Weather, 3) Fake Dating, and 4) Only one bed
Summary: Bellamy jerks in surprise and something tightens around her wrist and forearm. A length of red cord, intricately woven around their joined wrists and up each of their arms. A cord that Clarke has grown used to seeing at Grounder ceremonies. Very specific Grounder ceremonies.
“Clarke, what is this?”
She closes her eyes, trying to ignore the way her stomach is churning. “Bellamy… I think we’re married.”
Coming Home (Rated M) [Memori]
Written by @northernxstories for @thedefinitionofendgame. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake Not Dating, 2) Secret Santa, 3) Friendsgiving, and 4) Friends Make a Bet
Summary: Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa - Troped Style.
Ornamental Parts of Love (Rated M) [Raven/Anya]
Written by @sailawaymayday for @dylanobrienisbatman. The four assigned tropes were 1) Enemies to lovers but they didn’t know they were enemies, 2) assassin/hired gun, 3) Out of place intro, and 4) All i want for christmas is you
Summary: Raven is a modern day Robin Hood, but what happens when she is a target for a hired gun…who also happens to be the girl she is sort of dating?
We’ll Find Out in the New Morning (Rated G) [Gen Fic]
Written by @kinetic-elaboration for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were 1) found family, 2) gift giving, 3) forehead kiss, and 4) caught in a snowstorm
Summary: Seven strangers accidentally book the same secluded cabin in the woods for Christmas. When a snowstorm strands them there overnight, without electricity or heat, they form new friendships, and new bonds that start to feel like family ties.
Stop This World (For Five Minutes) (Rated T) [Echoven]
WRITTEN by @wwjacksparrowd for @spacekrulesbians. The four assigned tropes were 1) Person A calls Person B a sweet nickname in a language Person B doesn’t understand until one day when they reveal it to them, 2) Snowed In, 3) ship making eye contact during vows at a wedding that isn’t their own, and 4) poorly timed confession
Summary: Echo’s always been better off on her own. That’s why she became a federal air marshal: specifically so she could never stay in one place long enough to make friends. She doesn’t want friends. She doesn’t want family. She just wants to be left alone.
(If she tells herself that enough times, surely she’ll believe it.)
Of course, that plan didn’t account for getting trapped in a grounded airplane for three days with six people who are already dangerously close to her and weirdly determined to get closer, and it definitely didn’t account for Raven Reyes.
i can weather the storm (Rated M) [Raven/Echo/Emori/Murphy/Bellamy]
Written by @spacekrulesbians for @northernxstories . The four assigned tropes were 1) Faking a relationship for the holidays, 2) Bed sharing, 3) Meet the family, and 4) Forehead kisses
Summary: “I’m so sorry, Rae.”
It’s only a week until Christmas. Raven’s been excited about bringing Echo home to meet her father for weeks; she even told him she was bringing her girlfriend to meet him.
And now it’s ruined.
or: Raven and Echo each take a fake date home for Christmas, but everyone seems to have a connection to Raven
hihintayin kita (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @andthelightbulbclicks for @hopskipaway. The four assigned tropes were 1) Friends to Lovers, 2) Person A calls Person B a sweet nickname in a language Person B doesn’t understand until it is revealed, 3) Everyone knows but them, and 4) Masquerade Ball
Summary: Mahal ko. My love.
John Murphy knew he seriously messed up when he said those words to his best friend. Yes, he’s in love with her. But he doesn’t plan on telling her like that. He doesn’t plan on telling her at all.
And as a man who prides himself on little else, he’s always someone who has told the truth. But as the lies build, he finds himself at risk of losing Raven entirely.
maybe it’s much too early in the game (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @hopskipaway for @kinetic-elaboration. The four assigned tropes were 1) Farmer's Market AU, 2) Meet the Family, 3) Christmas Tree Lighting, and 4) Band AU.
Summary: The (hopefully) up-and-coming band, Arkadia, find themselves stuck in the middle of nowhere right before Christmas.
It’s all a bit Virgin Mary for them, but luckily an old friend (with a very appealing knack for stage lighting) lives nearby.
We''ll Be Home For The Holidays (Rated E) [Octavia/Murphy]
Written by @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 for @probably-voldemort. The four assigned tropes were 1) character discovers they are not human, 2) kissing to keep a secret/cover, 3) endless winter, and 4) fakes exes.
Summary: With Christmas approaching and Bellamy and Clarke making plans to move the pack, Murphy had been instructed to find Octavia and bring her home.
A tip leads him to a snow covered, trapped in an endless winter mountain where rumor has it is not only home to an abominable snowman but to one brunette shifter- Octavia Blake.
You're the only one who makes me (Rated T) [Wells/Raven]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @andthelightbulbclicks. The four assigned tropes were 1) Royalty AU, 2) Caught in a Snowstorm, 3) Courting, and 4) Body Painting.
Summary: Princess Raven of Sky Mountain has been searching for a match for a long time. She had rebelled, of course, but she was ready now, to try to find the right heir to marry. A promise to her father, one that she intends to keep, no matter how difficult it had proven to be. How was it possible that every suitor was someone less interesting than the last?
Maybe getting lost in a blizzard was just what she needed to solve all of her troubles.
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hopskipaway · 3 years
for the ask think you just reblogged - i have to ask murven
01. when i started shipping it if i did.
i can’t remember when i went from thinking “oh… this is a cute ship” to really shipping them. i have always liked them but in between seasons six and seven i started to love them (which is funny since they didn’t exactly have a lot going on in canon in season six). i think it was just a combination of all the amazing fan content for them, and disinterest in other ships on the show that i had enjoyed too. i honestly pretty much singularly ship them at this point (but, i do enjoy fan content for other ships).
02. my thoughts.
my “otp” or whatever lmao. i just think they made so much sense and would be sooo good together. it’s enemies to friends to lovers done RIGHT. they are such similar people, at their core but are also different enough to challenge each other when it comes down to it. i feel like they push each other to be better and different people, they had such a respect for one another and it was clear there was love there. i think they are the best for each other.
03. what makes me happy about them.
literally just them existing (or not existing as is the case with fictional characters). watching clips of them interacting in canon, reading fanfiction or seeing fanart just makes me happy — and is that not all you want out of a ship? i just am happy to live in my own bubble and pretend they’re canon. i don’t even know what else to say… it’s just them.
04. what makes me sad about them.
in canon? uh just that they were often shoved into different storylines and they didn’t get to interact a ton. also that we didn’t get to see any of the ring flashbacks and see them develop further (even if i am happy with their development). then, i am also sad about them in fandom. i’m not sure why, but for some reason the remaining fandom (or at least on twitter) has decided that it’s a bad relationship and will often be rude about it just because they seem more “platonic”. don’t even get me started on the people who try to say how “toxic” it is, as if all the other ships on this show are sooo healthy.
05. things done in fanfic that annoys me.
i can’t say that anything in murven specific fanfic annoys me enough to point it out, however there is a more general tagging issue that irritates me. this is something that doesn’t just affect murven, but since i read them the most it’s become a little pet peeve for me regarding them. two ways it can go wrong: 1) you tag them as a main pairing when it should be indicated they are a background ship. 2) you don’t tag them at all— so i would either not even read the fic and miss out (OR) i could read a fic that seems interesting and boom… my notp(s).
06. things i look for in fanfic.
anythinggg… for it to exist. for people to continue writing for them (this is a self call out also). really just fanfic. there is not enough fanfic of them to afford me to be picky about it; espcially not main pairing murven fanfic. ALL murven fic is good fic.
07. who i would be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other.
this is a hard one because, like i said, i don’t really multi-ship as much anymore… although i always thought that luna would have been so good with raven. shaw was also decent, even if i didn’t really find them to be very interesting in canon… (it was too fast for me) he was still a decent match. when it comes to murphy it’s even tougher. i often feel like he was the writer’s punching bag so it’s hard to think of who he could end up with who i think treated him well (consistently). maybe bellamy, if we reworked things a bit? i guess we’d have to for raven anyways… since… they’re dead… poor raven she needed a s.o. who wouldn’t ever die… cough… a cockroach person maybe…
08. my happily ever after for them.
i am already pretty happy that the show ended in a way that i can think of a happily ever after— but basically just them getting together post canon. [redacted] breaks up, probably in a similar way to when they were on the ring because that wasn’t resolved at all. raven and murphy would become a couple naturally and comfortably— like they just fit together. they’d spend their days making each other happy, cuddling with picasso, and exploring the universe with the anomaly stones. luckily, as i said, it’s so open ended that this is just canon in my brain. you cannot tell me otherwise, sorry. <3
09. who is the big spoon/little spoon.
i think they’d alternate— but murphy would most often be the big spoon and raven the little spoon. raven i feel likes to act strong all the time, so her being the little spoon is her time to just be taken care of and vulnerable, and murphy always makes sure that it’s comfortable with her leg. if murphy is having a bad day then raven will let him be the little spoon and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.
10. what is their favorite non-sexual activity.
is it cheesy to say playing soccer? that is one that can be canon or modern au. otherwise, in canon i can see them liking to swim in the lakes and rivers and wherever else they can find. in a modern au, i think they’d really be into playing games. board or video… i can see them being into cooking as well.
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ravenkruposts · 3 years
hi!! i love hearing about fanfics that other people enjoy, so do you have any murven fic recs? <3
Hello!! I love giving fic recs, so here are a few I don't think I've mentioned before:
make my wish come true by ProbablyVoldemort (@probably-voldemort on Tumblr)
"It's been ten years since the Delinquents went off air, so clearly it's time for a reunion in the form of a Christmas special. Yeah, it sounded like bullshit to Murphy, too, but he hadn't seen the crew since Raven's wedding a few years back, and he'd managed to convince Kane that his character should have a dog, so there was no way it could be all bad. Right?"
Quick Summary: Murphy, Raven, Finn, Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia were all on an extremely popular show when they were tweens/teens, and have now been brought back together after many years to film a reunion movie.
My Notes: I love this fic so flocking much please read it. It has a fantastic Murven plotline, lots of details added in about the other characters, and has such an interesting premise!
i saw her for the first time (and i was lonely for the last time) by danahscott
When John Murphy's father told him that he can time travel, he feared that Alex's illness was getting the best of him -- turns out he was right. Murphy is able to get everything he wants and more; that is, until time catches up with his dead.
Or, Murphy/Raven About Time AU!
Quick Summary: Based off a movie, but you don't need to have seen it to understand the premise. Basically Murphy can travel back in time and replay countless lives, and then... he falls in love with Raven!! Features a beautifully portrayed relationship between Murphy and his dad.
My Notes: This fic is phenomenal. It's tightly plotted and all the relationships and friendships are so well-written.
the one where Raven gets restless by ilya
Oh well, free booze is always good. And she was sure some would have said she was indulging in it a bit much.
So much, in fact, that she was starting to find Murphy attractive.
Quick Summary: A peaceful post-s2 AU. Raven gets drunk and realizes that she might actually be a little in love with Murphy.
My Notes: I have this one saved purely for THE FLUFF. If your Murven heart is hurting, I guarantee this fic will put a smile on your face.
fire up hearts that have grown up cold by angel_deux
Raven starts intercepting Clarke's radio calls about five months in, and she makes the decision to not tell Bellamy. It changes everything.
Raven fixes the radio after a few years, and Clarke can talk to them again.
Echo tells Murphy that Raven thinks an episode of this random sitcom is romantic. It involves anniversaries and tears and proposals and cake, and Murphy kind of loses it when he realizes that he's never provided Raven with any of that.
Quick Summary: They're able to hear Clarke's radio calls while still on the Ring.
My Notes: This does have quite heavy Bellarke, though Murven is still the main focus. I love this fic mostly cause of the AMAZING characterizations. The author's really fleshed out the supporting characters (my fave is Echo!!), and their different interactions with each other are absolutely hilarious.
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree by Amethyzt (@jarleene on Tumblr)
“Do you excuse a lot of his behavior because of his age?”
Raven jumps in before Murphy can. “What do you mean ‘his behavior’?”
Kayleigh clasps her hands together on the desk. “Eli is a very smart kid—there’s no doubt about that. He’s very far ahead the others in the class when it comes to the STEM courses, and he’s a fairly good reader for his age as well. But, as you could probably guess from my notes in his agenda, he has issues behaving in class and following instruction.”
Or, the one where Murphy and Raven have a gifted six-year-old son who becomes the bane of his teacher's existence for reasons Raven and Murphy can't, and most importantly don't, care to understand.
Quick Summary: Murven, at a parent-teacher conference.
My Notes: This fic gives me all the feels. I'm a sucker for established relationships, and Murven's relationship with their son is so sweet.
Hope you liked my reccomendations!
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kilibaggins · 3 years
Safety Comes First | Murven
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Requested: one-shot or drabble: romantic murven + trans!murphy. either just fluff, or hurt/comfort with protective raven. (i also follow you on twitter hehe 💜) - anon
Warning: Unsafe Binding
Words: 277
Ao3 Link
“Murphy, it’s time to take it off,” Raven says softly, sitting next to a pouting Murphy. Murphy shakes his head, his hair falling into his face.
“No, please, just a bit longer,” Murphy says, and Raven sighs.
“You’ve had it on longer than you should already,” Raven says, bringing her hand up to Murphy’s hair and running her fingers through it. They found a binder on the Ark, much to their surprise, and ever since then Murphy’s been trying to wear it all the time. Raven has been trying to get him to take care of himself. Today Murphy has already been wearing it too long, and Raven already begrudgingly gave him more time before. Now she can’t.
“Can I stay here?” Murphy asks, referring to their room. Raven nods.
“Of course, you don’t have to leave this room after taking it off if you don’t want to,” Raven says and Murphy nods. He stands up and stretches, as Raven turns to do something on her worktable nearby. She knows he doesn’t like her watching. Murphy quickly takes off the binder and throws on a sweatshirt, adding an extra layer between him and the outside world.
“Kay,” He says softly, sitting back on the bed.
“See, it’s bedtime anyway,” Raven says, pointing at their small rigged-up digital clock. Murphy smiles softly and grabs her hand pulling her closer. He lays back on the bed, and Raven cuddles in next to him.
“Thank you,”
“For what?”
“For helping me. For always trying to make me be comfortable. I love you,” Murphy says, and Raven leans up to kiss his lips.
“Baby, it’s my pleasure to help you.”
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
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For Black History Month we're highlighting our talented black creators. This is the wonderful Kara @queenemori​​. Enjoy part 2/3 of our interview with her about her creations, her creative process and fandom.
Check out Kara’s AO3!
What are your favorite tropes to write about?
I really enjoy fake dating, and soulmate AUs. And obviously kid fics.
What is a fic of yours everyone should read?
We Don’t Need To Say It ! It’s my Memori actor AU, but I think it has something for everyone. A little bit of side Bellarke (including their wedding); Raven being a great friend to both Murphy and Emori; Echo being a great friend to Emori; even snarky Josephine. Also a fake sci-fi television show that I created to be like something that would air on the CW.
What is a fic you wish would receive a little more love?
Somewhere We Belong which is my Memori Anastasia AU! I posted it fairly recently, but I had an absolute blast writing it, since Anastasia is one of my favorite movies from childhood. 
What’s the best comment or review of your work that you’ve received?
I got this comment on a particularly angsty chapter of We Don’t Need To Say It and it actually made me cry it was so nice: 
This was the most heartbreaking chapter of FanFiction I’ve read in over 20 years of fic reading. I’ve had to read the chapter three times before I could formulate an articulate response. That bit where you wrote that her heart broke, I could feel mine breaking as well. Again, literal physical reaction while reading this. I felt every heartbreak I myself have been through, that’s how real it was. I knew something wasn’t going to go right at this party, but I never imagined it being that. I’m still just floored. I haven’t even been able to really move forward in the story because I’m not quite done processing this chapter. Excellent excellent job.
What are your favorite lines that you’ve written? 
I will highlight some fics that are not exclusively Memori now since I write a bunch of things lol.
Murphy talking to Clarke in my Definitely, Maybe AU fic, Piece Me Back Together:
Okay first off, if anything I’m holding you back. I can’t believe that someone who’s training to be a doctor is even giving me the time of day. I basically went to college to debate which characters in classic literature are secretly gay.
From my Murven childhood friends fic, you’re the last best thing i’ve got going:
Of course, there are moments where Murphy aches for them to be able to get back to when they were slightly more than friends. They had been on the brink of something that Murphy could almost taste, something he thinks could have been great if they had given it a chance. He’s much more of a romantic than Raven is. He’s considered bringing it up a few times, wanting to at least talk about it, since they never got the chance to when everything happened with Raven’s mom. But just as the words have been on the tip of his tongue he chickens out, thinking better of messing with the good place they’ve gotten to. Through all of this Murphy has realized that his friendship with Raven is something he doesn’t want to lose, and so he’s content to just be friends.
From my Bellarke soulmate AU, A Twist of Fate:
Clarke piqued his interest last night after she mentioned that fate brought them together. Normally Bellamy thinks fate can go fuck off, but he wasn’t lying when he told her he believed in it last night, as much as it probably sounded like a corny line. It was wild that they kept running into each other at every bar they went to. How else could he describe that? He should have listened to his first instinct and gotten her number anyway, even though that wasn’t what people normally did. Then he wouldn’t be sitting here and wallowing over a girl he’s never going to see again.
Wanna Prompt Kara? Click here.
Want to prompt Kara, but need prompt ideas? Check out our Prompt Ideas page here.
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mylifeiskara · 4 years
Kara’s Upcoming Fic Schedule
Here’s a look at what fics I’m currently working on and when you might expect to see updates on my WIPs! Please note that these are tentative and not set in stone, but I’m trying my best to keep on schedule. 
Current WIPs
Don’t Let Me Fall (Nemori Arranged Marriage AU)
Tentative Update: December
After John's less than successful attempt to placate the Faithful and Russell's execution, Indra suggests that to keep the peace between the Sanctumites—both the Faithful and the Children of Gabriel—that Emori who is still posing as Kaylee should marry a Child of Gabriel as a show that they should be able to live in harmony. They pick Nelson, since he is the de facto leader. He resents the idea, but eventually agrees because he knows his people are restless and he thinks it's the best way for them to find some semblance of peace. Though Emori and Nelson are both reluctant about the arrangement, they understand they must come together for the good of Sanctum. Along the way they find they have a lot more in common than first meets the eye.
Miss Griffin (Bellarke Emma AU) ON HIATUS
In all her twenty-one years of life, Clarke Griffin was fortunate to have little to complain about. But when her friend Octavia moved to London with her new husband, Clarke found herself in need of a new companion and Miss Harper McIntyre fit the bill. Unfortunately, it would take Mr. Blake more convincing to see that Clarke really did want Harper to be her friend, and not just her new project.
@t100fic-for-blm Prompts
Untitled Prompt (Memori Writer Murphy AU) Tentative Post Date: November 
Murphy is an up and coming author in the UK, but his publisher thinks his newest work could use a fresh set of eyes. So they bring in Emori. She’s the only woman working at the publishing house, and she’s also the best editor they’ve got on staff. Emori isn’t shy with her criticisms and advice, something Murphy loves and hates in equal measure. But as they continue refining his book into what’s shaping up to be his favorite novel yet, Murphy starts to fall for his editor’s sweet smile and quick wit.
Untitled Prompt (Murven 10 Things I Hate About You AU) Tentative Post Date: December 
When new student Bellamy Blake starts at Arkadia High, he quickly falls for the popular and pretty Clarke Griffin. Unfortunately, he is quickly informed that the only way Clarke is able to date anyone is if her studious foster sister does first. However, with her mind set on getting out of their small town and going to college, Raven Reyes turns down any boy that ever tries to win her heart. John Murphy, the school’s resident slacker, is the last person Bellamy asks to try and woo Clarke’s sister, and surprisingly he says yes (well, he really says that he’s “got nothing better to do”). For the sake of his own bruised heart, Bellamy can only hope that Murphy somehow is able to gain Raven’s affections. Or at least die trying-- that might be more likely.
Untitled Prompt (Memori Brooklyn Nine-Nine AU) Tentative Post Date: December
Murphy and Emori have an ongoing bet to see who can get the most arrests. In a surprising turn of events, Murphy wins, meaning that Emori has to go on a terrible date with him. It turns out that date is a lot more than Emori bargained for.
Untitled Prompt (Murven Musician Murphy AU) Tentative Post Date: December
Raven and Murphy hadn’t been dating long before Murphy got his “big break”. Raven and Murphy’s manager both agreed that it would be best for his image to keep their relationship on the down-low. Murphy went along with the plan because he thought sneaking around would be fun-- and it was. At first.
As time goes on and the more he falls in love with Raven, the more frustrating it is for him. He wants to be able to tell the world about Raven, instead of just gushing about her to his closest friends. He wants to be able to share every lovesick song he’s ever written and recorded about her, instead of continuing to push his bad boy facade. Murphy wants a lot of things- but he also has a career to think of. 
(Although maybe, just maybe, he might find a way to get everything he’s ever wanted.)
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probably-voldemort · 3 years
i’m just curious, because we all know that darling is the NUMBER 1 clurphy fic, but whilst we’re waiting, do you have any fic recs for us clurphy fans waiting to get our fix? like maybe ur friends have written some one shots n u wanna promote them i just MISS CLURPHY I NEEEEEED SEROTONIN love u hope you’re doing well i’m so sorry your semester is so bad :(
To be entirely fair to my semester, it has mostly been decent, but I’ve officially reached the point of the semester where I’m just really done with everything and don’t want to do anything anymore and also half the assignments I have left don’t make any sense which is fun.  But thank you!
And on the note of Clurphy fic recs...
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So to be entirely honest, I really haven’t read much that wasn’t a textbook in a while, so for this I’ll mostly just be going through the list on AO3 and seeing what’s happening there and probably won’t have actually read most of these recs yet.
Shout out to Clurphy for officially hitting 200 fics on AO3 apparently!!
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You go Clurphy!
200 fics is way too many for a single fic rec obviously, so we’ll mostly be going with the most recent fics in order of when they’ve been posted.
Throwing the rec list under a read more so it doesn’t clog up anyone’s dash
Cold Blooded - Rated T - A Twilight fic that I am obsessed with.  Technically I’m like 99% sure it’ll be Bellarke endgame but Murphy is Edward and I love it
In the Daylight - Rated T - Haven’t read it yet but Clarke wants a baby and Murphy volunteers to provide the rest of the supplies needed to make that baby
We Carry With The Friends We Made - Not Rated - A zombie/post apocalyptic fic.  I read the first chapter when it was posted and it was really good.  Didn’t realize it’d been updated so I’ll have to check it out at some point!
beautiful flowers - Rated G - Season 1 post-Murphy’s-banishment AU.  Haven’t read it yet but just based on that description I dig it.
and left the secret at the grave - Rated T - Shameless self promotion lol.  I wrote this one for troped and it features being snowed in at an inn where a murder (and other crimes??) have been committed so if that’s your jam check it out.  Also check out my moodboard and reblog it if you want
Say You’ll Remember Me - Rated M - Titanic AU which looks fantastic
The Rise of Weird Holidays Series - Rated E - Clarke and Murphy are friends with benefits but only on holidays so they start celebrating weird holidays so they can hook up more often
Of Parenting and Accidental TikTok Fame - Rated G - Murphy and Clarke have a baby and Murphy gets accidentally TikTok famous while being a stay at home dad
Comeback Kids - Rated M - Absolutely HEARTBREAKING fic where Clarke and Bellamy were in love but then Bellamy dies and Murphy was Bellamy’s BFF who Clarke didn’t really like but then they fall in love.  Only one chapter so far but it made me cry so much omg
Yuletide Carols and Chaos - Not Rated - Looks like a modern exes to lovers with a Christmas theme which sounds high key fantastic
put your faith in the devil and the deep blue sea - Rated M - More shameless self promotion.  Clarke goes back in time to save the world from ending and Murphy accidentally also goes back in time.  They also hate each other, get super powers, and get stuck in a time loop.  Also check out my moodboard and reblog it if you want
It’s Alright, It’s Okay - Rated M - Another time loop but this time it’s canonverse and Clarke made it to the Ark post season 4
Start The New Year Off Right - Rated T - New Years Kiss fic
toxic like you (lively like me) - Rated G - Clarke and Murphy were in isolation together in the Sky Box and fell in love
Two Is Better Than One - Not Rated - Clarke and Murphy have surprise twins
Remember That Night - Rated M - Clarke and Murphy hook up on Valentine’s Day and catch feelings
to anchor within you, sealed in waves - Rated T - Pirates of the Caribbean AU which like YES
Piece Me Back Together - Rated T - Definitely Maybe AU also featuring Murven and Memori (it’s been a bit since I watched the movie so idk who’s endgame but even if endgame isn’t Clurphy it’s still a great plot and so is the part of this fic I read a while back)
Titles Are Over-Rated - Rated T - Modern high school AU, looks like hurt comfort
And that is my fic rec!!  Please don’t be discouraged if a fic has less of a personal comment than another.  I’ve been in zoom classes all day and I just don’t have the brain power to put any more effort into this than I already did.
Also go check out the Clurphy tag on AO3 because there are a heck ton that aren’t on this rec that are probably also definitely good.
I’ve also posted some non-Clurphy fics on my blog for troped if you want to check those out
And now I’ve probably taken a long enough break from homework and should probably get back at it
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afinepricklypear · 4 years
**Update: The works mentioned in this post have since been taken down. The “message” was removed by AO3 because it was a violation of their TOS and it seems the author chose to remove their “opinions” piece.**
Despite the ongoing world crisis, I hope everyone is doing great as the year comes to a close and prepping for a safe holiday season.
I don’t really post here a lot, but I just wanted to talk about a problem that exists in every fandom and has recently come up for me in the BSD fandom. This problem is typically referred to as: toxic behavior, however, I sort of hate that term because it’s an umbrella term that encapsulates a wide array of behaviors that is purposefully vague so as to imply everything can be toxic, which means the definition changes depending upon the person, and ends up getting thrown around to describe any behavior that a person dislikes. That said, most people can agree that the term ‘toxic behavior’ includes “shipper wars” and harassing people because of their “ship”.
Yesterday, a user on AO3 going by the penname E_C_arts posted a message titled “deer Soukoku fans” and giving it the not-innocuous summary “please we’re begging you, please stop”. Clicking through leads to a rather prime example of this particular flavor of toxic fandom behavior, guised as an attempt to defend those who were allegedly victims of this self-same behavior, also a lovely example of emotional manipulation.
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Although what’s currently posted (and what I managed to screen shot below) may not seem terrible on first glance, if not a little cringey, and can be easy to agree with (don’t bully people that write for a ship you dislike), this was not their original message and has been edited since being posted and, and only after receiving the number of comments it did and which they’re now noting as “proving their point” – a point which they erased, thus manipulating perceptions. I wish I had gotten a screenshot of the original, but if you scroll through the comments, you can find some people that quoted it.
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This person most definitely did open their “message” to Soukoku fans by literally telling them to “stop writing” for it. They claimed there was some unspecified AU (or maybe multiple unspecified AUs) that had been overwritten for, that it was overused, and not original. They went on to talk about how the abundance of soukoku content was turning off new fans to the series (don’t even know how that logics…) and bullying people from creating content for other ships, basing these irrational sentiments off some false claim that removing everything with the soukoku ship from the fandom would only leave behind a sad, inacccurate (and oddly specific) 305 posts.
Evidence of their now deleted perspective can be further seen in another post they made to AO3 a couple days before this ugly rant. Titled simply “My unpopular BSD opinions”, they didn’t manage to garner much attention and went mostly ignored because, well, it’s your opinions about the show and that’s whatever. Of course, when you click into it, the very first “opinion” shared, is that they hate Dazai x Chuuya. Okay, that’s an opinion everyone is entitled to, and that’s fine. You don’t like the popular ship, that’s…not exactly an unpopular opinion, there’s quite a number of people that don’t ship soukoku. No problem. Until, they go on to elaborate.
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Despite the title of this piece being ‘their opinions’, they state as ‘fact’ that its confirmed that this is “not a thing”, so ‘please stop shipping them it doesn’t work, it’s way too overused for it to be “funny” anymore’ (I’m a little confused about this wording, because Shipping is Serious Business™, so…not sure there are too many soukoku shippers doing it because they think it’s hilarious or whatnot, in fact, most soukoku fics are tagged ‘angst’, which we all know, angst is very ‘haha, lol’…but whatevs). They then include the same sentiment they expanded on in their Dear John to soukoku fans and subsequently deleted: “Please stop, there are too many au’s with almost the exact same plot Chuuya and Dazai being together, its really difficult to find any non-Dazai x Chuuya au’s”.
On the surface, once again, there are some “truths” to this sentiment. DaiChuu is a popular ship and there is a disproportionate amount of soukoku ship fics on the fandom comparative to other ships (soukoku comes in at a whopping 10,000+ currently, with the next popular ship Aku/Atsushi sitting at a decidedly less 2500+). It’s really not that difficult to find non-DazaixChuuya fics, if you know how to use filters on AO3, but there are going to be less to read from when you filter it down, and depending on your ship, you may find yourself in a fic desert, and I can certainly understand why someone young and lacking in rational thought processes might want to blame the popular ship for this predicament.
The problem with this logic, and it permeates every fandom, not just BSD, is that the shippers sharing and loving their ship are not to blame for your lack of ship content. You just don’t have a popular ship. If all the people who love soukoku stopped creating content for it, as this person is ‘begging’ them to do, that’s not going to increase the amount of content for your ships, because the reason that content isn’t being created is because there aren’t enough shippers for it. So, the only way this person’s logic works, is if what this person is actually saying, isn’t that they want these people to stop creating content for the BSD fandom, they just want them to jump ship, stop creating content for soukoku and start creating content for their ships.
Any creator/fan is going to have a visceral reaction to that: who the fuck are you to tell me what to create? And for free, no less!
This moves us more towards a clearer definition of what is toxic fandom behavior. In short, its telling anyone how they should interact with or interpret their favorite content. I mean, even Word of God does not have this power. That’s because every single fan in a fandom is an individual human being. They are possessed of their own autonomy, and as a creator I know, that once you put something out into the world and give it over to others, you have little control over how people consume and feel about your work. You can tell them your intention, but that’s not going to sway them to interpret it that way, and that’s…just the way it works.
Now, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. It’s easy for me to be ‘offended’ by this person’s post and not see their complaints because I am a soukoku fan. I’m also the target of this person’s rant, and one of those people this person is attempting to emotionally manipulate into writing for other ships in the fandom for which I have no preference. But I am capable of seeing the other side of this argument.
First, because I do have other fandoms in which I am part, and for which I have a rare-pair ship. For example, I am a Gundam Wing fan and a 2x5 (Duo/WuFei) shipper. I’ve posted two 2x5 fics on fanfiction.net. While 2x5 is not the rarest of rarepairs in the Gundam Wing fandom, it is significantly eclipsed (as are almost *all* ships in the fandom) by the 1x2 (Heero/Duo) ship. Do I hate 1x2 shippers for my lack of 2x5 content? No. I just appreciate what I’ve got all the more, and I’ll create content for it when I feel compelled, and I sure the fuck won’t implore 1x2 shippers to stop writing for their fave and write more for mine because I want more 2x5 – that’s sheer entitlement, right there, pure and simple. I also ship 3xD (Trowa/Dorothy) in Gundam Wing, which *is* the rarest of rarepairs – I think there’s only, like, two stories in existence that features this pair on the entirety of the internet. I’m also a RavenxMurphy (Murven) shipper in The 100 fandom and I do not hate Bellarke fans because…those people are scary and have canceled the show’s creator for not delivering on Bellarke, and in BSD, I ship Atsushi/Lucy (yes, I said it, they’re cute af and I hope Asagiri delivers on that ship). I also low-key ship Yosano/Ranpo (sorry, Ranpo/Poe shippers, I understand the appeal, I just think him and Yosano is sooo cute, please don’t kill me…), and I also ship Yosano with Kunikida – all of which are some of the rarest in the BSD fandom.
Second, because I have seen and called out shipping harassment in the BSD fandom, so I am well aware that this kind of thing exists – as it exists literally everywhere and in every flavor. Against soukoku shippers from antis and by soukoku shippers against shippers putting Dazai or Chuuya with any other characters and by soukoku shippers against other soukoku shippers that are, uh, “doing it wrong”. None of these is appropriate. You’re not fighting fire with fire if you’re an anti-attacking the popular ship, you’re just creating a bigger fire and burning the entire fandom down. You’re not defending your ship if you are a soukoku fan attacking non-soukoku fans, you’re just punching down by attacking a less popular ship. And top/bottom arguments aren’t just toxic, they’re also deeply entrenched in fetishization of same sex pairings through a forced heteronormative lens and is, kind of, sort of, actually homophobic in its basis (yes, I said it. It’s ignorant and homophobic and trying to argue with ‘personality/physical traits’ as evidence of who serves what position in the bedroom can be emotionally and mentally damaging to members of the LGBTQ community. Claiming that Chuuya should be bottom because he’s shorter/smaller, or that Dazai has ‘bottom energy’ because he’s more flamboyant and ‘feminine’ is straight up discrimination – a shorter guy can definitely be top, and a manly man can be bottom, it’s not a behavior based on perceived gendered traits, it is just a fucking preferred sexual position, and no, you are not ‘fixing it’ by purposely using positions for these characters that eschews the stereotypes either. Trying to justify positioning by personality/physical traits at all, in any way, shape, or form is just not okay – if it’s your preference, it’s your preference, no justification needed, just recognize that it is *your* preference and arguing what’s ‘right/wrong’ positioning is just plain wrong).
But this brings us to a different issue: bad actors and blaming a whole community for a ‘few rotten apples’. I could easily lump this one person in with everyone that does not ship soukoku and deem them all toxic, aggressive, entitled, bullies attempting to harass soukoku shippers off the platform. Or I could see them for what they are, individuals with individual motivations and drives and morals that also happen to share the same shipping preferences. Is it true to say that there are no soukoku fans that engage in the behaviors described by E_C_arts? No, there are definitely those that do, as there are antis that engage in that same behavior against soukoku fans. But this person also asserts that soukoku fans turning ‘every BSD post about soukoku’ is also a toxic behavior. To which I refer you back to one. This is how they engage with and interpret the work. Don’t yuck on someone else’s yum. People want to gush about how cute they thought soukoku were in an official art, or that they felt there was some hidden (or not so hidden) interaction between them that validates their ship, or their inspired to create soukoku content based on it, so what (for the record, it irks me too when people go ‘see it’s canon and Bones totally ships it’, because it’s unlikely, given BSDs genre, that any romantic relationship will be confirmed, soukoku notwithstanding). It is not, in fact, toxic to gush over it. Let them have their fun with it, let them enjoy their ship. Now, if you go and make a comment about liking the art for other reasons and they reply to you about “…but also soukoku”, then still, that’s not toxic, that’s just them enjoying the content the way that they enjoy it, so let them enjoy it, and you opened yourself to engagement without any qualifiers for the type of engagement you were soliciting, you can’t then backtrack and go ‘but I’m not a soukoku shipper, they should’ve been able to read my mind and known that, it’s totally toxic of them to share their personal reasons for loving the show in response to my sharing my love for the show’. But if you comment about another ship, and they reply to you “…ew, gross! It’s 100% soukoku” then yes, that’s toxic. A lot of people fail to make this distinction, that they are, maybe, merely being triggered and not actually harassed, by feeling like their ship isn’t being validated because they see another ship all over the place and everyone they engage with ships it.
It’s also toxic, to take an experience with one person and hold every soukoku shipper in existence responsible for that one person’s inappropriate behavior. The truth is, that bad actors amongst soukoku fans are not unique, not to the ship and not to the fandom and not even to fandom culture in general. Every group in existence everywhere has bad actors in it that, while the group disavows their behavior, they continue to be held accountable for those individuals and judged by them. For current events, look at how the BLM movement has been blamed for bad actors (many of whom were not actually BLM activists) that took advantage of the protests and started riots and chaos. A small percentage of people were involved in these behaviors, but the entire movement, despite speaking out against rioting, continues to take the blame for it. For me, that’s the root of toxicity. We need to start holding individuals accountable and stop blaming people who have no control over those individuals, because they share a few similar beliefs or interests. That’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But the shippers as a whole are not to blame for the actions of a few, and the reason that it feels that there are so many more soukoku fans that do this is because of volume, there are so many more soukoku fans. It’s basic math. If two percent of fans are these toxic kinds of shippers, then there’s going to be so many more of them in a larger population than a smaller one.
I try to call out toxic behavior, no matter if it’s my ship being lambasted or one of my fellow shippers doing the lambasting, whenever I see it, but the trouble is, I don’t typically go into fan content that isn’t for my ship and, thus, I don’t see it. The same goes for the vast majority of soukoku fans out there. We’re here for soukoku content, we’re seeking out soukoku content, and avoiding what isn’t soukoku content. But here is my offer to all of those who are outside of my ship. I like to argue. If someone is harassing you for having a non-soukoku ship, call me, let me know, I will argue with them for you. I will explain to them in no uncertain terms, and in many unpleasant ways, that they do not represent the soukoku shipping community and they are an embarrassment to us. Content for any and all ships is welcomed and encouraged within the fandom. Write, draw, contribute, be a part of the fandom and express yourself, please. If you are a soukoku shipper (or even if you’re not), and someone is harassing you about your top/bottom preference, call me, let me know, I will argue with them for you. I will explain to them why their justifications for which character should be top or bottom in a same sex pairing is grossly misrepresentative and exploitative of the LGBTQ community and rather disgusting. Do not assume that because we seem to remain silent on these types of harassment that it’s because we are in agreement with them, it is only because we haven’t seen them – why would we, we’re not going in those spaces that weren’t created for us. Ask the community for help, don’t attack the rest of us for the poor actions of a few that we were not even aware of. Let us help you in policing them, rather than assuming we don’t care. We are just too busy staying in our lanes, but if you need us, we are here. Majority of us want a clean, friendly, welcoming community for creators of all types as much as you do.
All of this aside, there are spaces and places for these debates and AO3 is not it. Posting this kind of message is actually a violation of AO3 TOS, constituting as harassment, which is defined on the AO3 TOS as “…any behavior that produces a generally hostile environment for its target…”( https://archiveofourown.org/tos#IV.G.). This general behavior also falls into the realm of another kind of toxic fandom behavior: hijacking a platform/tag for your own purposes that is a direct contradiction to its express usage (otherwise, known as trolling). AO3 is for posting fan-made content that contributes to a deeper understanding and expansion upon the original work. Using AO3 to attack people who are using AO3 for exactly what it is designed to be used for is an abuse of the platform. It’s not okay and invites similar content that will ultimately interfere with the original purpose of the platform. AO3 is for fan content, not for your own personal rants about other people in the community, please keep it that way
I do also want to note, that this person choosing to edit their post after receiving the justified ire from fans (notably soukoku and non-soukoku fans alike upset by the audacity of this person, who, as far as can be told, has never themselves contributed fanfiction to the community, to tell people what they can and cannot write) for their original comments, is a form of manipulative abuse called ‘gaslighting’. They are now claiming to be a victim that “never said to stop writing”, despite that having been the literal words they used in the opening of their original post. They are now pointing at these comments as “proof” of their point that soukoku fans are aggressive bullies that attack without cause when there was definitely cause from the original comments. This person clearly has bigger issues than just lacking shipper content for their personal preferences on the BSD fandom.
To all of those who are afraid to share content for your ship because you think you’ll be harassed, as evidenced by this person’s claims, that is simply not true. While there might be one or two people that say something, we all get them no matter if you have a popular ship or a rarepair ship, haters are gonna hate – I’ve gotten my share of hateful comments towards my ships too, but there are many more people that share your ship and are interested in your content, in fact, some of them are starved for it. While having a rarepair might mean you’ll garner less interactions with your content, you have a better opportunity to form a deeper bond with the people that do interact, and they may be more appreciative, because what you’re delivering to them is so much harder to come by. The existence of one ship does not affect your ship’s popularity, and if it simply went away, that doesn’t mean that your ship would receive more attention – in fact, it might mean the show itself would receive less attention.
Create and let others create and use platforms for their appropriate purposes, and most importantly, when it comes to addressing toxic behavior in a fandom, look to yourself first. Are you placing the blame where it belongs? Are you addressing the root cause of the problem or swinging blindly and attacking innocent bystanders in the process? Will what you say actually help the problem? Or will it contribute to the issue, and maybe even create an issue that didn’t exist before?
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kinetic-elaboration · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold - thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,391,910 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, basically just The 100. I do have some Star Trek ideas on my writing list but that's more like... a long-term plan or something I'm building up to, rather than anything I'm actively working on. In the years I've been in fandom I've written for a variety of different ones though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So the first, by a LOT, is this guilty pleasure Star Trek fic I started working on in college. Then What We Built, a Bellarke fic which somehow has over 1k kudos?? At #3, startlingly, A Damned Fool, another Star Trek fic but for a rare pair. Then Rings This True, a K/S fic; and the fifth is We're Home At Last, another Bellarke fic.
A weird thing about this list is that with the exception of the guilty pleasure fic, I really don't love any of these stories. I actually didn't remember We're Home at Last at all. It's interesting that what I love most and what other people vibe with most don't seem to overlap a lot.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I try my best to. Sometimes it takes me a long time. Like a long, long, long time. Like I'm trying to clear out my AO3 inbox now and it's so embarrassing how long some of these comments have been in there. I like to reply because I'm a really big advocate for people commenting on fics and I feel like part of putting my money where my mouth is on that includes responding to comments I get (also commenting when I read, of course, which I do). Also, the reason I'm pro-comment is because fanfic sharing is part of building the fandom community but there is no community if people don't interact, and that interaction is a 2 way street. I enjoy talking about these characters! That's why I'm here! So I'm always up for conversations in the comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. This is tough because I don't know how to classify angst? I know that sounds silly but I really have felt out of step with others when the topic of "angst" comes up. I don't think I write angsty fics, but I do write a lot that isn't fluff, and then it is sometimes categorized as angst--and at the same time angst for me is not tragedy; it doesn't have to be, like... death.
Anyway, I would say probably my angstiest fics are A Long Time (a Blake siblings horror with Banshee!Octavia), it is new moon and twilight (Braven/Murven/B/R/M, a rare major character death fic from me), and possibly Release (Murphy/Harper, actually written for Troped's angst round), but I don't know that the endings to them were especially angsty so much as they were, like, bittersweet and full of longing.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Man, I've written so many fics that use the classic fanfic structure of 'couple pines for each for a while and then ultimately gets together,' and the ending of all of these fics is basically the same: a kiss or a love confession, often both. I don't know that any of them is happier than any other. The Wedding Planet I suppose has a particularly treacly ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn't say I've ever gotten hate, really. On the long Star Trek fic in particular I've gotten... some comments that I didn't really appreciate, that made me sort of uncomfortable or that made me feel bad. But I don't think there was hate in the heart of the people commenting. I don't think the intention was to upset me, in other words.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've definitely written explicit fic before. It's very findable so I'm not going to deny it. I don't think I'm good at it and I don't really like the sex scenes I've written. I don't really read them either... I just have sort of complex feelings, I guess. More complex than I'll write out here at least. And when I include sex in my work now it's generally either fade to black or, like, sort of a montage of feeling or sensation rather than a literal description of what parts go where. Most/all of the sex scenes under my pen name are just vanilla stuff. I've written some kinkier things, mostly for kink memes, and one anonymously on AO3.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really. I think I've written one ficlet-sized little crossover some years ago. I'm much more likely to want to do a fusion--putting characters from one fandom into the setting of another or merging styles or settings--rather than a crossover in the traditional sense.
As for craziest... lol, when I was a kid, like middle school age, I started writing this HP/Sailor Moon crossover? Oh, it was weird and embarrassing. (It was handwritten, so not only does it not exist on the internet I don't even personally know where I put it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I like people to ask permission before translating (or podficcing, or remixing, or whatever) so I can keep track... but I'm bad at keeping track lol. But I've had a variety of translations and partial translations over the years.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I worked on the alternate S7 Bellarke fic collab a few years ago and I've participated I think in one Big Bang successfully... I'm way too bad at compromise to do writing collabs but I have great fantasies about writing/art collaboration because I have ideas that I think would work better in multimedia, but I can only really do one medium myself.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm going to finish all my fics, okay?
Seriously, I really need to believe any/all of them could be completed one day but realistically... I'll make choices and decide on priorities but I don't yet know what those choices or priorities will be. I think the WIP that is least likely to be finished is oh well, you've got me under your spell, a hypothetically-multi-chapter fic I posted one chapter of in 2017 and nearly immediately hit a wall on. It's still technically on my WIP list but... it's so far away from being worked on, I rarely even think of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a very good style; I think I'm good at creating atmosphere and setting a scene. Also, I go back and forth on this, but I think I'm pretty good at coming up with original and interesting, unusual ideas for stories.
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Characters. I think all my characters are kinda the same, or I guess I should say all my takes on canon characters are kinda the same: thoughtful, introspective, lightly angsty people full of longing--in other words, me! Also, really long sentences.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I think people should do what they want. I don't do this because I am not confident enough in my foreign language abilities and I think I would butcher them. Con-langs are more common in my fandoms and I will say I'm not a huge fan of those... unpopular opinion but they really take me out of the world because I just don't believe in them. I'm not convinced by them. Personally, I tend to write everything in English and use narration or speech tags to indicate if something is spoken in another language. Or just context: if a story is taking place on Vulcan presumably all the Vulcans are speaking Vulcan, you know? I do think that if you use a foreign language in your fic, you should include easy to find translations of everything somewhere in the story or notes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I remember very furtively, very secretly, writing some cliche 'new girl moves to Hogwarts' fan fic in my notebook when I was maybe 11 years old. Original fiction writing was already my hobby so it felt very... guilty pleasure, I think. But the first fic I published online was actually several years later, for the musical RENT.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh gee. This is a tough one, honestly. It tends to change over time: some fics I love for years and then I just get over them, or get too distant from them, and don't really like them anymore. I think as of right now I'd probably say it is new moon and twilight is definitely one of my big faves. Also The Wanheda Tape, Mountain Lion Mean, you stole from the drugstore, and The Oasis.
I'm tagging (or just saying hello to! no pressure!) @thelittlefanpire @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @fontainebleau22 @easilydistractedbyfanfic @kindclaws @hopskipaway
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laufire · 4 years
The 100 for the in depth fandom questions (of course!)
Top 5 favourite characters: Murphy, Echo, Raven, Emori, and Octavia. The order has varied but the members have been constant since 5x02.
Other characters you like: Indra, ALIE, Becca, Josephine, Jaha, Diyoza, Hope, Anya, Gaia, Lincoln, Harper, Monty... a lot.
Least favourite characters: Bellamy, Kane, Lexa (she bored me). Clarke and I are in a weird place xDD
Otps: Memori, Biyoza, Clarke/Josephine, Indra/Sheidheda, Echoven. Followed by an army of rareships.
Notps: Clarke/Raven, Bellamy/anybody, Clarke/almost anybody.
Favourite friendships: the remaining Spacefam aka snowkru, the og s5 spacefam, Echo’s infiltration team(s), Murven & Memoraven, Murphy & Monty.
Favourite family: Diyoza-Blake clan. They hypenate.
Favourite episodes: 2x12 (Memori’s 1st meeting), 1x10 (I watched it ONCE when it aired and I still remember it so vividly...), 3x02 (Memori stuff!), 3x10 (ALIE VS RAVEN), 3x11 (again), 4x08 (take a guess), 4x12-3 (they made me return to the show c’mon), 5x02, 5x06, 5x09, 5x10-13 really. 6x08. The episode number gets blurry in my head with s7 but I enjoyed the Echo-Diyozas-Blake episode, the Echoven episode, and the finale for the hilarity factor + the opposite feeling of buyers remorse it gave me.
Favourite season/book/movie: s5. Followed by s3 ‘cause a bitch loves an AI plot.
Favourite quotes: “love at first knife to throat” lives in me. Every uber romantic Memori quote does. Also every Blodreina quote.
Best musical moment: 3x01 sing-along scene. S2 had bored me so much and it felt like a breath of fresh air.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: everything Memori did in s5-7.
When it really disappointed you: Diyoza and Octavia should have kissed. ON THE MOUTH.
Saddest moment: Finn’s death and Raven’s reaction to it was gutting.
Most well done character death: Diyoza’s.
Favourite guest star: Josephine’s actress, she looked very pretty xD
Favourite cast member: for NON-SHALLOW REASONS, NONE WHATSOEVER- Luisa D’Oliveira.
Character you wish was still alive: Diyoza and Josephine should’ve been there on the beach for my shipping agendas.
One thing you hope really happens: n/a. But we all know Clarke will feel the need to escape to the woods, right? And there she’ll start hallucinating (or not...) Josephine........
Most shocking twist: can’t think of anything.
When did you start watching/reading?: I watched s1 as it aired, for the most part. Quit by a mix of boredom and annoyance at the show. Returned when I heard about How Dirty They Did Clarke in the s4 finale xDD
Best animal/creature: that giant alien whose butthole Clarke & co climbed through is the only one I can remember right now.......... oh thank fuck, Octavia’s poor horse xDD. Helios :((
Favourite location: Becca’s lab.
Trope you wish they would stop using: I don’t want to hear “I bear it so they don’t have to” ever again.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: male lead swaps and controversial female characters.
Funniest moments: s5-7 Clarke was hilarious and peaked in the finale.
Couple you would like to see: Biyozaaaaaaaa.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a.
Favourite outfit: Emori’s blue wardrobe owns me.
Favourite item: Raven’s raven necklace :’)
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nooooope.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: beachkru is doing alright I guess, now that Clarke left for the woods.
Most boring plotline: s2. I KNOW it’s a fan favourite. Raven had some good scenes, Murphy’s plot was more engaging. But the central stuff/how Clarke-dominant it was? Zzzzzzzz.
Most laughably bad moment: Clarke’s “u want me to be the bad guy? Fine, I’ll be the bad guy”. Ma’am.......
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the flashbacks in “His Sister’s Keeper” were something else.
Most layered character: Murphy. King shit given where he started xDD
Most one dimensional character: Levitt? But his one dimension is “horny for Octavia” so I’m not judging too hard.
Scariest moment: can’t think of anything.
Grossest moment: did I mention the alien butthole.
Best looking male: Lincoln is objectively pretty af but I’ve grown so fond of Murphy’s owlish face....... I like ‘em a bit weird and with big noses and sharp angles guys.
Best looking female: Emori, to absolutely nobody’s surprise.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Emori, Echo, Diyoza, Indra (there’s always at least a MILF in my crushes list).
Favourite cast moment: Adina and JR slow dancing in character get up.
Favourite transportation: the spacefam dropship.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Eden was very pretty. Also that shot of the Earth on fire with Braven watching over it *chef’s kiss*
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: again, I’m a pro at ignoring/explaining these so I rarely can think of anything lol.
Best promo: absent Bellamy in s7 promo. The way it drove the fandom wild, man. All the Bellamygates that were born of it... groundbreaking.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: the s4 finale is went it grabbed me to never let go.
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Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange 2020 Masterlist!
A huge thanks to every person who signed up for our fic exchange, we got 21 really wonderful fics! We’re sorry it took us so long to get this out to you all! For anyone who isn’t sure what this was all about, this was a double blind gift exchange where each of our twenty-one (21!!!) writers were assigned four tropes from an anonymous recipient, and were tasked with writing a fic that fit our holiday theme, and included all the tropes. The only guidance from their recipient were a couple of brief notes they included during the sign up, and both the writer and recipient were revealed when we shared all the fics! A big thanks to the Tropesters who stepped up to write a second fic when we needed them! These fics, as with all our TROPED fics, were creative and unique, and found ways to utilise tropes that may seem so simple but were transformed in really spectacular ways! Please enjoy these wonderful holiday fics!
roots in my dreamland (my house of stone, your ivy grows) (Rated M) [Bellarke]
Written by @captaindaddykru for @thelittlefanpire. The four assigned tropes were 1) Doppelgängers, 2) one character is a dancer, 3) first snow, and 4) kissing to keep a cover/a secret.
Summary: Clarke really wants it to work out with Bellamy, but as an A-list Hollywood actress there’s a lot of contractual obligations she can hide behind instead of confronting her own insecurities and past mistakes. Luckily, this Christmas she’s lucked out, and her stand-in Josie is more than willing to (completely selflessly of course) take her place.
Now comes the hard part.
brighter than moonbeams (Rated T) [Memori]
Written by @the-most-beautiful-broom for @thedefinitionofendgame. The four assigned tropes were 1) The characters play a game,2) Secret Santa, 3) Exes to Lovers, and 4) Surprise kiss.
Summary: Murphy and Emori fall in love fast, and then talk themselves out of it. Years later, their paths will cross again, and they realize that their might be parts of their story that are yet to be written.
What a way to start the year (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @bellarkeshoe for @bellamysgriffin. The four assigned tropes were 1) Law enforcement partners, 2) Character gets BADLY injured and they hide it somehow only to reveal later that they are mortally wounded, 3) Characters hugging after they’ve been through hell, and 4) Kissing in the snow.
Summary: It’s New Years Eve, and Bellamy and Clarke got stuck working.
It’s Alright, It’s Okay (Rated M) [Clurphy]
Written by @sailawaymayday for @wwjacksparrowd. The four assigned tropes were 1) Found Family, 2) Groundhog Day/timeloop, 3) Character gets shot/stabbed/BADLY injured and hides the wound somehow, only to accidentally (someone else touches them and their bleeding, they collapse, etc.) reveal later that they are mortally wounded, and 4) Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Clarke makes it onto the Ring with the rest of Spacekru. What happens when New Years Eve keeps repeating itself? And what does Murphy have to do with it?
Dancing in Graveyards: An Arkadia Anthology (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething for @kinetic-elaboration. The four assigned tropes were 1) Small town gothic, 2) Christmas Lights, 3) First snow, and 4) Sneaking someone in/out of your window.
Summary: Three small town gothic stories intertwine as old friends reunite and try to make the best out of their lives. Raven returns home after her foster father’s death and is pulled like a magnet to her enigmatic highschool sweetheart. Jasper seeks solace from a tragedy and desperately attempts to outrun the ghosts of the past. Bellamy battles his inner demons and prays not to tear himself and his loved ones apart in the process. And all of them come to realize that they belong together, even if the place they call home is shadowed by sorrow.
do or die, you’ll never make me (because the world will never take my heart) (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @shen-gong-oops for @probably-voldemort. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake dating, 2) Amnesia AU, 3) Enemies to Friends to Lovers, and 4) Superhero AU.
Summary: As the youngest member of the Guard and the daughter of the Guard former leader, there are high expectations set for Clarke. The Marketing and PR teams at Ark expecting her to be prim and proper during any conferences, while simultaneously performing their well-rehearsed fight choreography to a T.
But when four unknown supes challenge the juggernaut that is Ark Industries, Clarke wonders if herodom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Merry Christmas, Lovebirds (Rated G) [Murven]
Written by @kinetic-elaboration for @shen-gong-oops. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character cautiously says “i’m going to kiss you now, okay?” or some variation of that, 2) Mutual pining, 3) A misunderstanding, and 4) Tattoos.
Summary: There’s never snow for Christmas on the beach, Murphy is a culinary genius, Raven has a boyfriend, and other presumed facts, too obvious to mention.
Once Upon Our Story (Rated G) [Bellarke]
Written by @andthelightbulbclicks for @bellamythology. The four assigned tropes were 1) break-up/make-up, 2) Did they or didn’t they, 3) Extremely biased flashbacks of the same event, and 4) Bookstore or library AU.
Summary: Bellamy returns with as much fanfare as one can imagine when driving a school bus decorated as Santa Claus through town, leaving Clarke shocked and all of their friends confused given he hasn’t been home in months.
(Or: Six months ago, Bellamy left Arkadia.
Six months ago, Clarke didn’t.
Six months ago, their friends knew the relationship ended, even came up with their own versions of what really happened. But the question that they all want to know for certain– is why?)
Dream A Little Dream of Me (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @queenemori for @vmreed. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character has a child, 2) Protectiveness, 3) Only one bed, and 4) Soulmates.
Summary: It was just Murphy’s luck that right as he was starting to enjoy Earth, he had to leave. But he’d rather that than succumb to a fiery death wave. He and the other residents of the Ring remembered Clarke every year during their New Year’s Eve celebration. But even when they weren’t celebrating Clarke, Murphy couldn’t seem to get her off his mind. He wished his brain would stop playing tricks on him by making him think she was alive. Clarke was dead. Wasn’t she?
i don’t wanna burn out, so wont you please set me on fire again? (Rated M) [Murven]
Written by @kuklash for @sparklyfairymira. The four assigned tropes were 1) Protectiveness, 2) Exes and Lovers, 3) Small Town AU, and 4) Characters fall on each other and have a moment.
Summary: The wind nipped at Murphy’s nose as he stood in the doorway of the gas station on the edge of town. Work was slow, as it always was after sundown, especially in the mid-December cold, but someone had to make sure the good townsfolk of Arkadia could get their milk and gas after the small general store closed. All 800 of them. He watched the cars drive by throughout the day, recognizing each and everyone of them. Bellamy’s beat up truck he worked all highschool to afford, Clarke’s clean new sedan, even that jerk Finn’s loud ass motorcycle. He watched them all pass one by one, his old classmates returning home after another semester of college at the University of Polis. The only sign that time was passing at all.
The phone inside rang, breaking him out of his melancholy, at least for now.
“Great,” he thought, sarcastically. “A phone call 10 minutes before we close.”
He walked back inside and put on the most cheerful customer service voice he could muster.
“Dropship Gas, this is Murphy. How can I he-”
A familiar female voice cut him off, leaving him cold.
“Murphy? Thank god!”
It was his ex.
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you (Rated M) [Bellarke]
Written by @sparklyfairymira for @captaindaddykru. The four assigned tropes were 1) Celebrity AU, 2) Meet Ugly, 3) Characters must share something, and 4) Characters aren’t together but are mistaken to be.
Summary: Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are household names thanks to their music. They belong to the same label so they often work together on duets—even though they can’t stand one another. Their first meeting is disastrous and six years later they still can’t get along.
toward brighter days (Rated T) [Sea Mechanic]
Written by @reggieshamster for @/ashplana. The four assigned tropes were 1) Apocalyptic Log, 2) bed sharing, 3) road trip au, and 4) mythical creatures.
Summary: Dear Harper,
I am ridiculously out of it this morning. Last night, when we reached the campsite, Luna suggested we give Echo her own bedroll, since she gave hers up the night before.
Which meant Luna was sleeping with me.
Beside me.
Excerpts from Raven’s journal as she travels to Polis for the Winter Solstice Festival
three words, two hearts, one maybe (Rated G) [Bellarke]
Written by @bellamysgriffin for @bellarkeshoe. The four assigned tropes were 1) Youtuber AU, 2) best friend’s sibling, 3) frikdreina, and 4) miscommunication.
Summary: After an accident blinds Clarke, Octavia’s been encouraging her best friend to keep up with her artwork. In order to inspire her, she recruits the help of her older brother, Bellamy, who’s recently launched a new exhibition at his museum, to feature her work. Bellamy likes Clarke’s work, and he’s more than happy to help. But when she doesn’t show on the big day, he takes matters into his own hands. With an old video camera, he records people’s reactions to Clarke’s artwork so that she’ll know just how talented she is. But when he sends it to his sister, he doesn’t expect her to upload it to YouTube. And he definitely doesn’t expect to go viral.
Something Beautiful, Simple, and Bright (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @wwjacksparrowd for @queenemori. The four assigned tropes were 1) Friends with Benefits AU, 2) Prank war, 3) characters are not together but are mistaken for a couple, and 4) Based on a Song.
Summary: Six months after Wonkru and Eligius manage to establish peace and divide Eden between themselves (with a little slice shaved off for Spacekru, of course), Clarke has a mission: plan a New Year’s Eve party for fifteen hundred people within three weeks.
Murphy’s mission? Stop her from burning out in the process. Oh, and if he could just get Monty to quit it with the freaking noisemakers, that would be great, too.
(…Okay, yeah, he’d also like to date Clarke for real instead of just sleeping with her. But that’s a pipe dream, right?)
put your faith in the devil and the deep blue sea (Rated M) [Clurphy]
Written by @probably-voldemort for @kuklash. The four assigned tropes were 1) Time Loop AU, 2) Characters fall on top of one another and have a “moment”, 3) Enemies to Lovers, and 4) Superhero AU.
Summary: Twenty years ago, when the clocks changed from 11:59pm on December 31st, 1999, to 12:00am on January 1st, 2000, the world ended, exactly as the doomsdayers had predicted. Now, there are only a few livable months left on Earth, and the privileged are evacuating for a life in space, abandoning the planet.
But not everyone has given up.
Clarke was only three when the world ended, and she’s spent most of her life in her mother’s lab. Now, as the last space ships are preparing to leave, her mother’s machine is finally ready, and Clarke and her mother are heading back in time to try to stop the apocalypse from happening in the first place.
An attack on the lab leads to Clarke heading back to 1995 on her own, and the past isn’t quite how Clarke’s vague memories from the beginning of her life paint it. Clarke soon discovers that not only did the machine do more than just send her back in time, but she wasn’t, in fact, sent back alone.
Will she be able to stop the apocalypse before the clock strikes midnight? Or are some parts of history unchangeable?
All I Want For Christmas (Rated T) [Memori]
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame for @the-most-beautiful-broom. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake dating, 2) Joke kiss turned real kiss, 3) One character is sleeping and the other character is watching them totally in love, and 4) Blanket fort.
Summary: Tired of being single, Murphy decides to take matters into his own hands and get himself a girlfriend before the annual Christmas Day dinner with his friends. Having had bad luck in the past with girls - all twenty four of them - Murphy is determined to make the twenty-fifth, the “Christmas Day” number, his forever.
Of course, this is easier said than done. When his fellow coworker, Emori, seems to be having similar problems and suggests them being each other’s “fake dates” to their Christmas parties in December, Murphy jumps at the chance. Fake dating is better than being totally alone, right? It appears that way, at least until Murphy starts to catch feelings; the ones that make you question everything you think you know. As their “fake feelings” start to become more real, Murphy realizes that Emori’s the one he wants for Christmas. But she’s got walls up and even though his heart doesn’t stand a chance, Murphy’s determined to break them down and show her what falling in love really means, maybe with the help of a little December magic thrown in.
As long as we’re together, no I can’t get much higher (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @andthelightbulbclicks. The four assigned tropes were 1) Zookeeper AU, 2) Treasure Hunt, 3) secret places, and 4) Secret Santa.
Summary: Murphy has only known Raven for a little while, but the longer he spends getting to know her, the more he realises that there’s no hope of him not falling in love with her.
So when he gets her for Secret Santa, he makes it his mission to nail it.
before i knew you (Rated G) [Clexa]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @sailawaymayday. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Pen Pals, (2) 3+1, 4+1, 5+1, etc., (3) surprise kiss, and (4) character meets another characters ex.
Summary: What do you do when your penpal, the person you know the best in the world, who you love, turns out to be the rather rude (if also rather pretty) sales girl from downstairs? Lexa is about to find out. or - 3 times lexa and clarke meet without knowing they’ve been penpals since childhood, and the 1 time Lexa figures it out.
when life gives you shit, you make kool-aid (Rated M) [Becho]
Written by @reggieshamster for @dylanobrienisbatman. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Bodyguard AU, (2) Bed Sharing, (3) Kissing to Keep Cover/a Secret, and (4) a Character gets shot/stabbed/badly injured and they collapse, being caught by their loved one.
Summary: Bellamy used to have it all, and then one screw-up cost him his career and his fancy life. Now, working as a bodyguard for alcoholic businessmen and their families, he gets a call from his sister for a job… escorting a hitwoman to testify against a man convicted of crimes against humanity. What could possibly go wrong?
and left the secret at the grave (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @probably-voldemort for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Murder Mystery, (2) Partners in Crime, (3) Exes to Lovers, and (4) Snowed In.
Summary: At 8:57 on the morning of December 23rd, eight year old Jordan Green discovered the body of Skybox Inn owner Vera Kane on the floor of the lobby. His screams woke up the other guests of the inn, as well as the live-in butler.
The discovery of the body was followed shortly by two more discoveries. The first was that the storm the night before had knocked out the phones and the internet, and the second was that the inn was completely snowed in with no hopes of escape anytime soon.
Thirteen people trapped in an inn.
Uncountable secrets.
One murderer.
One question.
Who killed Vera Kane?
what a tangled string of Christmas lights we weave (Rated T) [Linctavia]
Written by @thelittlefanpire for @reggieshamster. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Royalty AU, (2) Cyrano AU, (3) Characters fall and end up landing on top of each other and have a “moment”, and (4) Hair brushing and/or braiding.
Summary: When the royal family loses their beloved Prince Wells, the future king of Arkadia, all eyes are on them. The Queen remains as stoic as ever, the Spare grapples with his new responsibilities, the Princess drowns in her grief, and the King is threatening to abolish the monarchy forever.
At Christmastime, as tensions in the palace rise with the vicious tabloids outside, the royal family makes an escape to a castle in the mountains, hoping to find solace and reconcile with their loss.
Princess Octavia will try to mend her broken heart back together as she becomes entranced with the letters sent back and forth between herself and another. But when it’s revealed who the true penman is, will she rise above her sorrow or sink further into it?
Take a read! Leave a kudos/comment! Our Tropesters worked so hard on creating some unique, festive fun fics from all the amazing tropes that were sent in. Thanks again!
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
three thoughts about raven reyes (& 1 thought about Murven endgame)
I loved Raven Reyes from the millisecond she showed up on screen. I started watching from the very first episode of t100 but I got truly invested once she showed up and that has never changed. She’s so complicated but at the same time her motivations are simple to figure out if you consider her past and what it was like for her to grow up on the Ark. This might get me some shade but I don’t think a lot of fandom understands Raven at all, and that makes me sad (and also angry lbr). She’s one of the most forgiving characters on this show, she wears her heart on her sleeve and you never have to guess where you stand with her. Raven can be tremendously kind and understanding but she can also tear you down and make you feel small if she disagrees with your choices. I happen to think this is one of her strengths. She deserves so much happiness even though she thinks she doesn’t. It’s not even remotely a stretch to say that she may very well be my favorite character of all time. -JENN
A beautiful, iconic genius. I love how from her introduction, there’s no problem she can’t handle or won’t approach. She’s Raven Reyes and she’s a badass with an amazing mind. Yes, she faces challenges, as all these characters face, but she has such a tenacity when it comes to approaching them which I really love. I think it’s been so great to see this character, played by such a great actress, during the years of t100. -RYN
i find she’s often overlooked for how much representation she brings to the show. she’s not necessarily underrated, but just not appreciated enough for how much she can mean to people. raven reyes is a woman in stem, a woman of colour, and a woman with a disability. on top of that, she is so kickass and kind and funny and beautiful and strong - she isn’t reduced to tokenism, she is an integral part of the show. i love raven reyes and lindsey morgan for the comfort and inspiration they give so many people. -ELLE
Her strength is something that I think is both one of the most powerful and interesting parts of her character. Her season four arc really broke my heart, in the best way since I love pain, but I absolutely loved that she chose to live. That she fought back against every odd and said “screw that” and powered on. She does struggle, yes, she feels pain and experiences loss and everything else that all the characters face, which I think is important, to show that she isn’t unbreakable. She also confronts those struggles by continuing forward though, and doing what she can for herself and her people. -RYN
despite what canon says, i think that she has always been morally gray in her actions. she took extreme actions against grounders in season one. she wanted to turn murphy over to the grounders in season two. she was pretty complacent in the nightblood experiments in season four. she helped with the flame in season five. in season seven, she wants murphy and emori to keep up the prime act. she’s complex and contradictory and realistic and human. -ELLE
For Raven, family is everything and once she counts you as hers, she’s not letting go without a fight. She felt this way about Finn, which I hated at first, but I have come to appreciate their relationship more and respect her feelings for him as her family even after what he did. She’s willing to do anything for her family, including stay behind alone in space, facing likely death like when it meant getting Spacekru back to Earth safely. We see the devastation she takes on when she loses family and how it haunts her and also influences her actions. This outlook is still going strong in s7 when she fights to bring Echo back to herself and throws being a family in Bellamy’s face when she feels that he has betrayed them. I don’t think anything motivates Raven more than family. -JENN
Thinking about regrets I’ll have that we likely won’t see for Raven, I think it’s particularly traumatic that Finn, Sinclair and Abby all died right in front of her while she could do absolutely nothing about it. All three were her family and I think the helplessness & guilt that she felt regarding their deaths (and to an extent Monty & Harper too, based on what she says after learning of their deaths) really plays a big role on who she has become over the seasons. I wish canon took a deeper look into that but I do think Lindsey does a particularly good job at showing devastated emotions (sob) so at least I got that. I am truly turning myself into a pretzel to cross my entire body that Raven gets her happy ending, but I will add the caveat that it better make sense for her & not be some bs last-minute move that ruins her character either. -JENN
We love color symbolism!! I love Raven’s red jacket and the repeated red symbolism we get for her. Not just because, of course, it ties with Murphy’s symbolism as well (I see you red jacket patch, I see you), but also because I think it shows her character so well. I enjoyed it so much when they brought the jacket, or one like it, back this season, and think it shows how all the character arcs, but specifically hers, are circling back and connecting them to who they were in season one to who they are now. Hopefully, this circling will include satisfying conclusions for her and the others. -RYN
raven reyes is the only one who should be allowed to call murphy a cockroach. with anyone else, it bothers me, but with (the) raven, it’s fine. i think that’s just because of the development they’ve have. it was a title born out of hatred, but it has since evolved into an inside joke for the pair, and it’s even a bit of a mantra. i know a lot of people disliked the “go be a cockroach” line in season seven, but to me i think it was her way of saying (in a high stress situation) “i need you to survive, like you always do” á la season four’s “go. survive” and “that’s what cockroaches do, right?” lines. every cockroach needs a raven. -ELLE
what’s your ideal ending for Murven?
I feel like there’s two viewpoints I’m torn between - what I want to happen vs. what’s appropriate for the story. IMHO the ending for them that’s appropriate for the story is that they die together. It’s a huge part of their dynamic that canon has set up since early s2. If the show does it well, showing that Raven & Murphy actively choose not to leave each other or it’s a scenario where it’s inevitable and they sort of peacefully accept it and perhaps do something heroic at the end, then as sad as I’d be, I’d also probably love it and would completely accept it. And then I’d write reincarnation fic or something, LOL! But what I want to happen - oh well, in that case - I’d like them both to survive and have maybe a hint or two that the option of them being together is there. Personally I don’t need them to be romantic canon in the end if we can at least leave the ending up to interpretation but I would sell my soul for them to kiss onscreen at least once. I don’t care how or why just let me have it!! -jenn
a quiet life in sanctum. i think after all the danger and pain they’ve experienced, they deserve a nice peaceful life. my ideal would be them being together, living in a cute little cottage style house. raven would take over the machine shop, getting to tinker around all day. murphy would work at the bar/kitchen, getting to chat and joke around with people all day. they would come home and talk about their days or hang out with their friends, never without some playful teasing, and then they would fall asleep together - peaceful and happy. -elle
Okay, this is more than simply just sad, but my ideal goal is a final, important moment between them. I have been theorizing and predicting a possible Murphy death since really the season started, and I’m scared to admit I feel like it is heading there. So, while I think it’s gonna break my damn heart, I want Murphy to have a true hero’s death (if he does have to die which I am not down with or excited about but what I feel is indeed coming) and a final important moment with Raven, who I feel with pretty intense certainty will live and (hopefully) lead a very full and happy life. It’s not a perfect ending, or the ending I would’ve written for them, but this is where my ideal meets my acknowledgement of canon meets haha. -ryn
it was an absolute delight to interview these three Murven writers! you can find ryn @animmortalist on Tumblr, or here on AO3. you can find elle @hopskipawayon Tumblr, or here on AO3. you can find jenn @easilydistractedbyfanfic on Tumblr, or here on AO3. all three of them are working with @t100fic-for-blm, request a fic written by them there. <3
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