#what if I say that was surprised me the most was blonde percy instead of black annabeth?
“I kinda wish the cast was more book-accurate—”
Not me, sucks to be you but they are my og trio
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twinsarekeepers · 3 years
The more I reread the PJO series, the more clear it is to me that Annabeth isn’t white.
(I know y’all are going to be in my mentions like “oh but she has blonde hair and grey eyes she can’t be black or brown” and I KNOW! I know RR saw her as a white girl when he was writing the books. I am aware of that fact. It just so happens that I can see a ton of my own experiences (specifically related to being a brown woman) in the way she’s perceived by other characters.)
So, like, in the first book, she was so mad at Percy because he got a quest even though he knew particularly nothing about the demigod world (and everything he did know was stuff she taught him) and she had been working basically her whole life to get one. I mean, seriously, she was more equipped to lead a quest because she’d literally lived on streets before. (And I know they banned quests after Luke’s and it was a special circumstance so they had to give one to Percy but it’s so clear that he has no idea what’s going on and that he agrees to bring Annabeth along because he knows he’ll need her intelligence and expertise to complete the quest).
And, like, she is literally the most educated, knowledgeable person on the Argo II, ffs she’s LITERALLY the daughter of Athena, but her intelligence is constantly questioned. (And I know it’s because RR was like “oh it’s because she’s blonde” 🙄 Istg, I’m going to strangle that man in his sleep). But, who is the most educated demographic in the US and are still constantly overlooked and their intelligence insulted? Black women. I just—RICHARD, IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU IM GOING TO SCREAM!
The other characters see her as this strong, tough warrior, but she literally cries in every book. That’s not to say she’s not strong or tough or a warrior, but she is also soft and gentle and that’s extremely overlooked by not just the characters, but the fandom as well. The way she holds Percy’s hand in times when he’s stressed out and assures him when he’s feeling like he can’t do something. The way she comforts characters who are in emotional pain like Juniper and Silena. When Piper first got to camp and Annabeth showed her around and tried to make her feel at home. Even when Drew was being mean to Piper, Annabeth didn’t take sides and instead mitigated the tension. She cheered Hazel up after her fight with Jason. Frank came to her for advice and she was very considerate of his feelings and comfort. She was intuitive enough to figure out why Leo acted the way he did and than she defended his actions to Frank. These are all things that she does that are vulnerable and show her heart but most of the characters still view her as scary and intimidating.
And they see Annabeth as strong enough to just handle emotional turmoil all by herself. Like, y’all remember when Percy was kind of surprised that Annabeth needed a hug in BOTL? (Why? He’s seen her cry before. He’s seen her need comfort before. What makes him think it would be a one time thing?). Or when he didn’t tell her that he was worried about her? (He really said “stay here and protect Nico and Rachel”. And then in his head he was like, “I didn’t tell Annabeth but I was worried about her too.” MY GUY?? WHY WOULDN’T YOU TELL HER??) Or how about when she was literally sobbing on the ground after seeing Luke turn into Kronos and Percy, Rachel, and Nico were just … standing around, talking. Percy literally tried to pick a fight with her in that moment. Like, wtf was that?? (I mean, he tried to be a little bit more gentle with her when he was telling her to get up and leave but at that point, the damage is done, dude, you’ve already kicked her while she was down).
This connects to how she’s stripped of her femininity. The fact that she’s canonically good at weaving (a traditionally feminine task) and it seems to be forgotten by all the characters and even the fandom. The fact that she enjoys wearing dresses and makeup and jewelry but Percy finds those things awkward on her (I made a post about that here if y���all want to read it. The Richard stannies found it though so beware the notes). There are so many instances in the books where she so obviously fits into a traditionally feminine role but they’re glossed over or ignored. As a South Asian woman, I know how this feels.
Okay and then on Circe’s Island, when Circe said something like “oh and that HAIR!” and Annabeth was like “what’s wrong with my hair?” …. That’s a micro aggression if I’ve ever seen one. I just know if Annabeth was a white girl with type 3, loose ass curls, Circe would not have said that shit.
And all of the reasons we think Percy is not white ALSO APPPLY TO ANNABETH. Like, she went to through all the same stuff that Percy went through in the mortal world. She literally said as much in the beginning of TLT.
Annabeth is just so clearly not white to me. And the fact that RR didn’t see how so many of her experiences lined up with a black or brown woman’s will actually be my villain origin story. He really wrote “she’s oppressed because she’s blonde” with his whole chest. Great job in proving how much of a rich, white man you are, Richard.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Hey, could I request an Annabeth x Reader? I really like the idea of friends to lovers and think it would be really cute if you did like a "four times they almost kissed and one time they did". Like they have a bunch of small moments where the reader does Annabeth's hair every morning or Annabeth sits in the readers lap, or they cuddle for warmth on a quest one night. But when they kiss its after a battle and they thought they were gonna lose eachother so as soon as the threat is gone they kiss.
2 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did
Summary: Basically the title. Annabeth and Y/N have crushes on each other.
I hope that it’s okay that I did ‘2 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did’ instead of ‘4 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did’ because it was getting to be a little too long! I can always do a second part if you want.
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Y/G/P - Your Godly Parent
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They Almost Kissed - #1
The Camp Counselors were having a meeting in the Big House, and as the meeting bled into the night, they all decided to just have a sleepover with the permission of Chiron. They were in the middle of a meeting break and Annabeth, the counselor of the Athena cabin, and Y/N, the counselor of Y/G/P cabin, were good friends and decided to play a board game in the living room during their break. Annabeth had left to get them some snacks while Y/N set up the game and as the blonde returned, she couldn’t help but smirk when she saw her friend sitting on the floor, leaning against the house, fast asleep.
Annabeth quietly put the snacks aside and turned her attention to Y/N, warmness filling her. Gods. Y/N was so peaceful and adorable and this was probably the cutest thing Annabeth had ever seen. She frowned when she realized that Y/N had most likely fallen asleep because the meeting had gone on too long and tired out, so she made a mental note to wrap up the meeting when their break finished. 
The Demigod carefully took the board game pieces out of Y/N’s limp hands, blushing when their fingers brushed, and put the board game away before gathering Y/N into her arms like she was delicate glass. Once Annabeth had Y/N in her arms, she never wanted to let her go. It felt like heaven, but she stilled when Y/N started to shift in her arms, waking up. 
Annabeth cursed Hera under her breath, upset that Y/N had been woken, and barely kept herself from smiling when Y/N cutely blinked her eyes open and focussed on the blonde. “Beth? What’s goin’ on?” She asked softly, almost slurring her words in her tired state. 
Y/N was the only person allowed to call Annabeth ‘Beth’. The daughter of Athena slowly lowered her friend onto the couch and bent down to place a friendly kiss on Y/N’s forehead. However, Y/N had her eyes closed and didn’t see her so she went to tilt her chin up, pushing her head further into the pillow. Annabeth, seeing that their lips were about to brush, panicked. Even though she wanted to kiss Y/N, she wasn’t sure if Y/N was okay with that, so the usually composed camp counselor stumbled back and decided to just sit on the couch, grabbing Y/N’s legs to rest her feet on her lap.
Y/N bounced into the Athena cabin one Saturday morning, a smile on her face. She and Annabeth had gotten into the routine of Y/N braiding Annabeth’s hair ever since she had done it one after Percy threw water on Annabeth. Y/N was more than happy to be her friend’s (and crush) personal hairstylist. 
“Rise and shine, brain kids!” Y/N greeted cheerfully as she entered, and only got groans in response and someone chucked a pillow at her. 
Y/N picked up the pillow and saw that that someone who had thrown it was a grumpy looking Annabeth. She laughed as she tossed the pillow back. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Y/N teased, sliding onto Annabeth’s bed and sitting behind the blonde who was sitting up.
Annabeth grumbled and leaned against Y/N, still tired, making her laugh. “I can’t do your hair like this,” Y/N pointed out, but could’t deny how much she loved holding Annabeth. 
The daughter of Athena grumbled again, this time saying something Y/N didn’t quite catch, and reluctantly leaned forward. Y/N gently took Annabeth’s hair and brushed her bedhead before beginning to braid it. 
Annabeth was grinning goofily, not even caring about her half-siblings seeing it. Just being in Y/N’s presence made her heart warm and the bright sun shining through the window made it even better, setting it up for a brilliant day. Y/N started talking about something and Annabeth did her best to listen, but her still tired state was battling her. She finally resigned to just taking note of how excited Y/N’s tone was and how she was talking at the speed of light, and Annabeth smiled because she knew if Y/N was talking fast, it meant that she was talking about something she was passionate about. 
After almost ten minutes of carefully braiding (Y/N wanted to make sure it was perfect), she finished and said, “Ta Da!” 
Annabeth reached behind her head and ran a hand along her braid, turning to face her friend. “Thank you, Y/N. It’s gorgeous,” she said. 
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. “You haven’t even looked in a mirror yet,” she said. 
Annabeth shrugged and smirked. “I don’t have to . . . You know, I should start paying you to do my hair,” she said. 
Y/N hummed, thinking for a moment, and bit her lip nervously. “Well, I have an idea,” she said, blushing. 
Annabeth raised her eyebrow. “Oh?”
“You could kiss me.” 
Annabeth’s eyes widened. Oh my Gods. This was what she wanted! She leaned forward, nervous but excited, to give Y/N a kiss when a pillow hit the two women’s heads, making both blink and sit back, surprised. 
“Oops! That was meant to hit Malcolm!” One of Annabeth’s half-sister’s said.
Holy Hera. Things were not looking good. 
Camp Half-Blood’s oldest Demigods were up against an invasion - some monsters had somehow gotten past the border and this was proving to be a tough battle. Throughout it, Annabeth’s mind had only been on two things: fighting the monsters and Y/N. Just Y/N. For the majority of the battle, Annabeth and Y/N had stayed side by side, but at one point they had lost each other, and ever since Annabeth couldn’t fully concentrate, worried for Y/N. 
It was like she was operating on auto-pilot, desperate to win. Monster after monster after monster. After what felt like forever, they had won, and Annabeth focussed on finding Y/N, running across the camp. 
She let out a big sigh of relief when she saw her alive, but was concerned when she saw the cuts on Y/N, parts of her armor lost, and bruises forming. Before she could run over and ask Y/N if she was alright, Y/N spotted her first and with a big grin, ran her away and practically jumped into Annabeth’s arms. 
Annabeth laughed and caught her, stumbling back before steadying them both. Y/N gave the best hugs. 
The daughter of Y/G/P pulled away, bouncing with adrenaline. “Wow, this battle was tough! I’m so happy we won I could kiss you!” She said, words flying out of her mouth before she knew it and her eyes widened when she realized what she had said. 
Annabeth, however, grinned. “Then do it,” she said. 
Y/N raised her eyebrows before matching the blonde’s grins and leaning forward, kissing Annabeth on the lips. Annabeth gladly kissed back and pulled Y/N close.
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Spell Caster Pt. 1
Hawkmoth stood on the platform above, laughing at the two downed heroes. Ladybug and Chat laid facing each other barely able to move, exhausting shining in their eyes. They had fought long and hard but in the end he had led them into a trap, delivering hit after hit till neither could stand anymore. He had led them to his secret garden where beloved wife rested, and poor Adrien could barely keep himself together. He kept fighting, unwilling to let Hawkmoth win even if it was his father. While Marinette did her best to cover her hurting partner, he was just too much for them. Hawkmoth stood talking to Emilie as if she could hear him, going on about how he was finally going to bring her back. Ladybug shifted her gaze from Hawkmoth’s back to her partner’s eyes. Chat was crying as he stared at his best friend, knowing he hadn’t really helped in the fight.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered softly trying not to draw attention to them for as long as possible. “I’m sorry Ladybug, I should’ve helped but that-that’s my dad. I kept freezing up and I failed you.” Ladybug smiled gently, moving her arm and grabbing his hand.
“It’s not your fault Chaton.” A single tear fell from her eye as they stared at each other.
‘You need to move.’
Ladybug tensed at the voice looking around when she noticed Chat didn’t react to it. The voice was a woman's, it was soft and comforting, almost familiar.
‘You need to move now!’
She couldn’t find anybody else in the room, there was nobody but them. Yet the voice was still there, perhaps she was going crazy. It would make sense to her, especially because she couldn’t place who the voice belonged to.
‘Sweetheart, I will explain later I promise, but you must remember!’
Remember what? Why did this voice want her to remember something, couldn’t they see she was in a bit of trouble right now.
‘Ugh! Foolish girl! You are more than just Ladybug!’
Rude. Of course she was more than Ladybug, she was Marinette...she was Marinette daughter of..
‘Yes Marinette! Marinette daughter of! You are so close, remember the book!’
Marinette, she was Marinette, the book...what book, could the voice mean her spell book?
‘Yes! Yes, my little Spell Caster!’
She was Marinette, she was a spell caster. She was Marinette, and she was a spell caster. She was the daughter of Tom Dupain and Sabine-
‘Not by birth.’
Not by birth…Not by birth?! A distressed whine left her lips as she thought of her Maman, not by birth repeating in her head. Until she shoved it back focusing on her current crisis. She was Marinette and she was a Spell Caster, why hadn’t she thought of this before? She tried so hard to split Ladybug and Marinette to hide her identity that she forgot Marinette was special, if not more than Ladybug. What should she do though? She could alter his mind, but would it work? Would the Miraculous Gods affect her powers? Perhaps she could try an illusion?
“Chat, what was she like? Your mother.” Chat looked surprised as a gentle smile crossed his face.
“She was amazing, soft spoken, always so gentle and warm. She hated violence but she never backed down when it came to her family. She’d...she’d never want this to happen.” Chat broke as more tears fell and he held her hand tightly, barely even able to find the strength to.
“ Do you trust me?” She whispered as Hawkmoth began walking towards them. She’d need him in order to pull this illusion off. She’d need to see his memories. Chat nodded weakly, not willing to look away from her.
“Yes” She smiled and her dark blue eyes shifted into an unnatural swirling lavender.
“eciov reh raeh em tel.” Soon Emilie's soft and melodic voice graced her ear. Perfect, now the illusion will trick him.
‘That’s my Spell Caster.’
Who even is this voice, no no focus, she needs to create the illusion.
‘Silly girl.’
Hey! This voice seriously needed to stop distracting her. She turned her head slightly looking past Hawkmoth, and ignoring the smug smirk that she wanted nothing more than to punch off his face. Very hard.
“trapa mih raet reh evah efiw sih mih wohs.” She watched as an angry vision on Emilie appeared behind him looking as if she had sat up from her high tech coffin. Yes, coffin, the woman was dead, soul long gone and she didn’t have to be a daughter of Hades to know that. Daughter of Hades? What? What is she talking about?
‘Soon my child, soon.’
Who even was this voice! Later, she promised herself focusing on finalizing the illusion.
“Gabriel Agreste.” The same melodic voice called out, but instead of a soft and loving tone it was stern and angry. Hawkmoth turned immediately, staring at the vision of his wife in mute shock and disbelief. “What in the world are you doing!
‘I have called in a favor, one that will help you.’
Ugh, this voice popped in at the worst time. At least they were trying to help her though. She watched as Emilie’s illusion shifted slightly and it took her only a second to realize that it was more than an illusion now. No that was Emilie, just not her in body it was her, her soul.
‘Yes my child.’
She let out a wobbly grin as Emile began tearing into her husband. She squeezed Chat’s hand briefly hoping Emilie’s soul would be here long enough to say goodbye to her son. His eyes moved away from his mom’s form back to Ladybug’s.
“I will explain everything, I promise Chat. After this, no more secrets.”
She turned her attention back on Hawkmoth staring at his back intently. How could she get his miraculous? She was exhausted already so it couldn’t be anything complicated. Not to mention they’d need to get out of the lair after she took it. Summoning and a transportation spell, not a good combination when magically and physically exhausted. This left her in a very tough situation.
‘Someone is coming for you. You are too weak right now, the summoning spell will knock you out. Tell your partner to trust the one that comes from the shadows.’
Someone is coming? How can she know to trust them, just because a voice told her? Ugh, this was too difficult. Very well, tell Chat to trust the one from the shadows and then summon the butterfly Miraculous. She’d already taken the Peacock from Nathalie when they fought her earlier, so all that left was Hawkmoth’s.
“Chat, trust the one that comes from the shadows.”
“What? Ladybug-”
“Please Chat, trust me?”
“Always. Milady.”
“Then trust the one that comes from the shadows.”
“Good. Suolucarim ylfrettub eht nommus i.”
The Miraculous immediately came to her hand but she didn’t get to celebrate as she began to see black spots. Her transformation dropped and she didn’t even get to enjoy Chat’s shocked face. Soon everything faded to dark with only parting words from the strange voice.
‘You and your partner are safe now my Spell Caster.’
She barely remembered what happened when she came to for the first time, everything was blurry as she panicked. Waking up in an unfamiliar room with someone she could barely see standing above her. Marinette threw a messy punch at the blonde above her, just barely missing even in her state. She lurched to throw herself off the bed but Will stopped her pulling her back onto it and talking softly. It did not help her at all and she didn’t stop panicking until Tikki flew in front of her face. Marinette took deep breaths staring at dearest friend. Will began pulling out new bandages getting ready to fix everything messed up in her panic. He was stopped by Marinette’s hand, she gave a weak smile as their eyes met. “Sorry…” She whispered out accent strong before falling back into the darkness.
Sun was directly in her eyes this time and she whimpered until it was blocked. Eyes meeting yet another stranger and instead of their stunning blue were a bright orange. She let out a distressed whine but did not move, Tikki was pressed against her neck. She was safe, even in the company of a stranger. Percy glanced at the door wishing for Will to magically appear before lifting the girl's head slightly holding a straw to her lips. “Drink please, it’ll help I swear.” He whispered trying to comfort her. Marinette took small sips, eyes changing to a soft and soothing blue at the taste of her favorite toasted white chocolate with triple espresso coffee. She glared when he pulled the straw away from her, causing Percy to laugh softly. He ran a hand through her hair in an attempt to be comforting. “I know, I know but too much will hurt you.” Her eyes watered slightly at the comfort.
“The voice didn’t lie.” She said softly, leaning into his hand. He quirked an eyebrow leaning closer to hear her. “The voice said we’d be safe, and we are.” Percy was silent before connecting the dots and nodding continuing to stroke her hair.
“The voice didn’t lie, you’re safe.” Marinette gave a small smile before darkness took her again.
“I can still barely believe it, Mar. The Gods are real, like real real, and you. You! You’re the daughter of one, her most powerful daughter too! I wouldn’t expect anything less of you. You’ve always been amazing in and outside of Ladybug. You’re my best friend, and-and I can’t wait for you to wake up. I need you to wake up please.” Adrien said softly, holding her hand, playing with her fingers. “I don’t know what our relationship will be. I don’t know if we’ll stay best friends or we’ll start dating. All I know is I want you in my life for the rest of my life.” Marinette squeezed his hand gently as her eyes faded to a soft pink.
“That sounds amazing, Rien.”
“Marinette!” Adrien cried out hugging her, laughter falling from both of them along with happy tears.
“Till the end?”
“Till the end.”
Percy smirked standing in the doorway, Chiron beside him as they watched the two.
“The holders of Creation and Destruction, in our camp.” Chiron mused watching the two before turning and walking toward the archery range. “This summer will be interesting won’t it.” He said ignoring Percy’s snort.
“I call training them Chiron!”
“Oh Gods help us, just what we need. Two more added to the chaos that is Percy Jackson.” Percy grinned, turning back to the two.
Yes, it would be a very interesting summer
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
Percy Jackson meets a Landlord, a Tax Accountant, and a Tree Growing in Brooklyn
“Golduck, use hydro pump!” Percy whispered. He moved Golduck so he hit Batman on the chest, and then hit Batman a few more times for good measure. “Die, landlord!”
“Aren’t you a little old to be playing with toys?”
Percy almost fell out of his chair. 
He twisted his torso around, looking behind him with wide eyes. But the only person there was a white girl, no older than him. She was wearing a really severe expression to match her tight little blonde ponytail, and she was carrying a clipboard in both hands. There was a piece of string tacked to the clipboard, with a pen tied around one end. She looked like she asked the school librarian if she could help shelve books. 
Percy decided instantly that she hated him, so he decided to hate her back. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be doing your taxes?” Percy sneered. “Buzz off.”
That made her mad. The girl’s angelic little chubby face twisted in rage, and her grip on the clipboard turned threatening. “I’m accounting the chores! And I could do taxes if I wanted!”
“Yeah?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Name one tax.”
“Sales tax,” the girl said instantly. 
Damn. She got that one.  
Short fic that I am considering extending into a much, much longer fic. Thank you Ami for the translation of the card (I would definitely translate it yourself, it’s important). The entire backstory and premise of the AU isn’t immediately apparent, but if I extend the fic it’ll be more explained (spoiler: Luke Castellan, age 14, said fuck Olympus and moved all of Camp Half-Blood into Brooklyn to live in a child-run utopia). I haven’t reread Percy Jackson since I was 10, I barely remember anything that happens or any of the characters, so don’t expect much - but aren’t the best children’s novels the children’s novels that live in our head, anyway?
Rest under the cut. 
180 Olive Apartments was a dump. Batman said so.
Batman felt very strongly about this, and as a result Percy did too. It was not Percy’s own, private, personal opinion. Batman informed Percy that the apartment complex was shabby, gross, not in Staten island, and smelled weird. Batman made a very convincing argument that they should live in Staten Island instead, which Percy had done his best to relay to Mom. Mom hadn’t been impressed. 
“This is the best place for us, Percy,” Mom had said, with that pinched look on her face. It was the ‘Percy’s Making My Life Really Hard’ face. Percy had been seeing that face a lot lately. “Let’s just try to make this work, please?”
There was no ‘best place’ for them, and Percy and Batman knew that. But that was another thing Mom didn’t want to hear. 
So Percy had suffered in stoic silence as Mom dragged him out of the motel, made him miss the new episode of Pokemon, and forced him to ride the subway forty minutes into smelly Brooklyn so he could sit in this smelly chair outside of some smelly office in a smelly apartment. From inside the office, Percy could hear the faint rise and fall of voices: Mom’s, light and lyrical and very polite to people who were not Percy; and some landlord guy. His voice was really light and high too, but he was probably a real jerk.
Percy was so bored he could die. He sat up on his knees, turning around so he could prop his elbows against the dusty windowsill with grimy frosted glass. He plopped Batman down on the dirty windowsill, smearing his chipped feet through the tracks of dust. Parkour. He unzipped his pocket and grabbed his slightly dusty Golduck rubber toy, putting it in front of Batman. Golduck was from McDonald’s, so it had a bad attitude. 
Percy waggled Batman. You have a bad attitude, Golduck. You can’t live in my house anymore, because you get water all over the tile and you make the wood go bad. 
Golduck jiggled when Percy shook him. It wasn’t Golduck’s fault that the water went everywhere! Water just goes places sometimes. Golduck was a water type, so water followed him around and got into wood and made the wood go bad and made other people mad at him. It’s not Golduck’s fault, so don’t make him move!
I don’t want to hear it, Batman said. I’m going to make you live in a crummy motel and make your Mom go on a lot of boring websites looking for new places to live. The motel’s bananas are going to taste weird. Mom’s going to cry a lot. And it’ll be all your fault because you’re a bad kid. 
“Golduck, use hydro pump!” Percy whispered. He moved Golduck so he hit Batman on the chest, and then hit Batman a few more times for good measure. “Die, landlord!”
“Aren’t you a little old to be playing with toys?”
Percy almost fell out of his chair. 
He twisted his torso around, looking behind him with wide eyes. But the only person there was a white girl, no older than him. She was wearing a really severe expression to match her tight little blonde ponytail, and she was carrying a clipboard in both hands. There was a piece of string tacked to the clipboard, with a pen tied around one end. She looked like she asked the school librarian if she could help shelve books. 
Percy decided instantly that she hated him, so he decided to hate her back. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be doing your taxes?” Percy sneered. “Buzz off.”
That made her mad. The girl’s angelic little chubby face twisted in rage, and her grip on the clipboard turned threatening. “I’m accounting the chores! And I could do taxes if I wanted!”
“Yeah?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Name one tax.”
“Sales tax,” the girl said instantly. 
Damn. She got that one. Percy just rolled his eyes instead, sitting back down on his seat and stuffing his toys in his cargo pocket. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, even if he knew that he wasn’t too old to play with Batman and Golduck. What did tax accountants know, anyway. 
The girl sniffed, and made a show of inspecting the grimy windowsill and carefully making a note on her clipboard. Her pen had a pom-pom at the end. Percy bet she made hearts over the top of her ‘i’s. 
“Nick’s been slacking,” the girl muttered threateningly. “I’m surrounded by incompetents.”
“Why is it Nick’s job to clean the leasing office?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Don’t you have a janitor for that?” Was Nick the janitor? If this pinched-face little girl was harassing cleaning staff then Percy was going to file a complaint.
But the girl just looked surprised, as if the idea of having a janitor was foreign and strange. “No janitor would even make it through the doors.” But then her eyes narrowed, as if a thought just occurred to her. “Wait. How did you…”
However Percy did what, he would never know. The door to the leasing office cracked open, and Percy scrambled off his seat in excitement. The girl stood stiffly at attention, clipboard on her hip, as Mom stepped out of the office. She looked very tired, but weirdly relieved.
There was a man right behind her, just as white and blonde as the girl. Percy wasn’t surprised: he could pick out a real ‘daughter-of-the-manager’ type right away. The man didn’t look like every other landlord Percy had ever seen - no moustache, for one - and he didn’t look old enough for the part anyway. He wasn’t old, but he definitely wasn’t an elementary schooler. He had a broad, honest face, but he was too muscular and strong looking and landlordey to be trustworthy. 
 Percy decided the weird landlord, with a mop of yellow hair like golden thread and a scary eyebrow with one long scar cutting straight through, was twenty five years old. Clearly the result of nepotism in the landlord industry.
Mom smiled when she saw Percy, who quickly pasted on his most innocent expression. Her eyes caught on the girl, who was glaring daggers at him. The landlord’s eyes caught on Percy’s own wrinkled nose. “Percy, good! Are you making friends?”
It was not an innocent question. It was a ‘please don’t ruin this for me too, Percy’ question. It was a ‘I’m very tired and I need you not to make things hard’ question. Percy was well acquainted with them. But maybe the girl was too, because when the landlord looked at the girl she also abruptly quailed. “I hope you’re being a good host, Annabeth.”
The unfortunately named Annabeth and Percy glanced at each other in silent and instant understanding. 
“Yeah, Annabeth’s really fun!” Percy said instantly. He was not going to ruin this for Mom again. Or, at least, he would try to hold off ruining it for her as long as possible. Even if this stupid apartment wasn’t in Staten island. “She was telling me about -”
“Taxes!” Annabeth said smoothly, a much better liar than Percy. “And Percy was telling me about Batman.”
They both looked very cute and very low matinence on command, the perfect picture of children who did not make their moms live in motels. 
Percy was rewarded when Mom smiled in relief. She put a hand on Percy’s shoulder, squeezing tightly. “I’m so glad. Percy, this is Mr. Castellan. Why don’t you say hi?”
“Hi Mr. Castellan,” Percy said obediently. “My name’s Percy Jackson, I’m in third grade.”
The landlord smiled at him with closed and tight lips, but it was Annabeth who spoke in interest. “Percy like Percival, King Arthur’s knight who searched for the Holy Grail?”
Uh, whatever? “Percy like the Greek hero Perseus,” Percy said shortly. “But I’m not Greek. My Grandma was from Guadalajara.”
Annabeth’s eyes widened. She glanced at the landlord, whose expression was impossible to read. “Are you sure?”
“I know where my own grandmother is from!”
“She didn’t say that you didn’t, sweetie,” Mom said, and Percy guiltily shut up. “Percy, why don’t you and Mr. Castellan talk in his office for a little while? I have to fill out some paperwork, and I think you two have a lot to talk about.”
Percy looked up at her with wide eyes. Mom never left him alone with strangers. And paperwork already? “Are we moving in today?”
“You two talk for a bit,” Mom said firmly. “I’ll be right back.”
When Percy was pushed into Mr. Castellan’s office it felt more like he was a Roman Christian being tossed into the lion’s den in punishment for heresy. And when Mom settled him into an uncomfortable and weird-smelling chair in front of the teetering desk and kissed him on the temple before leaving the office, he abruptly felt like he had jumped into Grandma’s book of Bible Stories. 
Mr. Landlord’s office was as dirty and run-down as the rest of the complex. The big box AC rattled with clinks and whirrs as it shuddered against the sticky summer heat, and the landlord’s desk was covered in thick stacks of paper and chewed-up pencils. When he sat back down behind the stained wood, the chair seemed just a little too big for him. He sunk strangely in it, the vinyl flaking off and floating into the ground. There were a lot of crayon drawings taped to the wall, and there was a light dusting of crumpled post-it notes on the ground. 
Mr. Landlord tried to smile at Percy. Tried being the operative word: when he smiled it was too thin and without teeth, more pained than reassuring. It didn’t reach his watery blue eyes. 
Percy hunched on the rickety chair. This guy set off every alarm bell he had, which was plenty. And no, it wasn’t just because he was a guy, Ms. Brown. For added security and self defense, Percy casually slid a capped ballpoint pen on the old desk in front of him into his sleeve. Batman was always prepared, and Percy was too. He can hack up any creepy guy and protect Mom any day of the week. 
The landlord smiled wider, even worse. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Luke Castellan, and I’m the supervisor here. Running into Annabeth first thing’s pretty bad luck, huh?” At Percy’s unimpressed eyebrow, he quickly added, “Annabeth keeps the whole place running, really. She’s...pretty convinced that this complex rests on her eight year old back, so she’s a little stressed out all the time. If she gets frustrated at you, don’t take it personally, okay?”
So she does help shelve books. Percy was a keen judge of character. “Why does she do it? You can’t make her be the superintendent. That’s child labor.”
Luke Castellan stared at Percy unblinkingly. He blinked about as often as a snake, but five times as quickly: as if he didn’t want to let you out of his sight for even a second. Finally, he said, “I’m fifteen.”
Percy gave Mr. Luke the stink-eye, clearly communicating that he did not trust even fifteen year olds (who were high schoolers, and even less trustworthy than adult-adults) as far as he could throw them. Especially fifteen year olds like Luke: who were too tall, with too-mature eyes and a particularly unhappy expression. Percy communicated perfectly that there was nothing trustworthy about this family of juvenile landlords, but he was just too polite to say so. 
But that just made Mr. Luke sigh, as if he was tired instead of angry. “Annabeth’s my...ward, I guess. I just look after her. But she doesn’t like being looked after, so she makes up for it by looking after everyone else. I’m not saying I do a good job.”
He’s a landlord and he has a ward? Percy finally perked up. “So you’re like Batman?”
Mr. Luke stared at him unblinkingly, before finally saying, “Yes, except Batman doesn’t have superpowers.”
Percy had the sense he was being made fun of. “You don’t have super powers,” he accused, crossing his arms. “Nobody has super powers.”
Mr. Luke smiled, wan and weak. “Not even you, Percy?”
Percy froze. 
Five seconds too late, Percy made himself laugh stupidly. People were quick to believe that Percy was stupid, and sometimes Percy helped them think that. It got him out of trouble sometimes - not always, but enough that it was useful. “If I had superpowers, I’d run super fast everywhere just like the Flash!”
But Mr. Luke just hummed, and flipped through some of the papers in a folder in front of him. Percy abruptly began sweating. Mom had given him those papers. They were records. This was like every time a principal had drawn up ‘proof’ against him in a court of law. “Your mom said that you both had to move out of your Queens apartment because it flooded.”
“I didn’t unscrew the taps,” Percy said reflexively. “They just came loose! I didn’t even touch them! I didn’t touch the boiler either!”
“The boiler?” Mr. Luke flipped back a few pages. “Oh, right. Your school.”
Percy slouched in his seat and folded his arms across his chest, stewing. He always sounded guiltiest when he denied it. He should go back to playing dumb. Pretend that he had no idea what water was. He had gotten away with it when he was six during that one birthday party at the aquarium, but something about being a third grader meant that people expected that you have basic observational skills. 
It was stupid. There was no way to win. If he said that he didn’t do it then he sounded guilty. If he tried to point out how it was impossible for him to break the boiler and destroy the gym or whatever, using facts and logic and a rhetorical argument like the Youtube videos taught him, then they just told him he was making excuses. Sometimes Percy had the impression that everybody just wanted him to supervillain cackle like the Joker and brag about how terrible he was. Maybe he’d give that a shot once he entered middle school. It seemed like an evil teenage thing to do. 
Percy Jackson was a liar, a thief, a cheat, a menace, and a bad kid. There was nothing more to be: not for someone like Percy. 
But Mr. Luke didn’t threaten him, or give him ‘one last chance’ or anything. He just leaned forward, hands folded on the desk. His thumb was worrying at a small starburst scar on his hand, betraying a strange nervousness. 
“Percy, can I talk to you man-to-man?”
Percy, who did not like men, squinted at Mr. Luke suspiciously. “Why.”
“Because this isn’t a topic for a kid. It’s a topic that...kills children, and turns them into little adults. I wish I didn’t have to broach it with you. But I think that you haven’t been a kid for a long time, Percy, and I don’t want to insult you by pretending otherwise.” Mr. Luke frowned, and Percy found himself involuntarily straightening. What was he talking about? “You were right. There was no way for you to have flooded your apartment, much less twice. There was no way for you to ruin your gym, or damage that aquarium. Much less...everything else in your file. No kid is that much of a miniature hurricane when he isn’t even trying. It sucks. It’s not your fault. And now your Mom’s credit score is so bad that she can’t afford another apartment. If it wasn’t for the fact that she saw our really generous listing in the paper, she would have had to move you two away from her home.”
She was thinking of moving them both to New Jersey. Percy’s lips tightened, and he knew that Mr. Luke saw it. 
“This is an apartment building that provides shelter to a lot of special cases, just like you. It’s...full of kids who break things when they don’t mean to. Kids with a parent couldn’t handle them, or who couldn’t protect them. We have a lot of ways to keep families like yours safe, and to give you a home.”
Percy stared at Mr. Luke. He seemed deadly serious, as serious as anybody had ever been to Percy, despite the crazy stuff he was saying. Safe? Safe from what?
Safe from those weird, giant dogs that chased Percy and tore off half his jeans? Safe from that old lady in the deli with the slobbering bag and beady eyes? Safe from broken water pipes, from ruined floors and busted walls, from Percy himself? 
Finally, all Percy could think to ask was, “How do you know that I’m a special case?”
“Because not just anyone could see that listing,” Mr. Luke said. “And - uh, no offense - but you are one of the most obviously inhuman children I’ve met in my life.”
Percy’s jaw dropped in complete, unadulterated rage, and without even stopping to think through his actions he withdrew the ballpoint pen from his pocket. He uncapped it, fully intending on doing something dramatically yet harmlessly violent with it, but he didn’t get the chance. 
The ballpoint pen turned into a gleaming bronze and silver sword. Percy screamed. Percy fell out of his chair. Percy did not get the opportunity to look cool and dangerous at all.
And now Percy had Greek god stuff to worry about!
Didn’t Percy have enough problems? He couldn’t stay in a school, they couldn’t keep an apartment, their new landlord didn’t blink enough, and now he was the kid of a Greek god? Apparently he had been spending his entire life running from monsters and he just hadn’t noticed? That explained the stupid scary dog!
Percy knew much more about Greek gods than the average kid, since Mom was a huge fan. Yeah, Mom! Apparently you were a big fan! Jesus, Mom!
What’s this dumb stuff about Poseidon! That had freaked out Mr. Luke, and made him ask a lot of questions like ‘are you sure’ and ‘there’s a lot of minor gods who like to pass themself off as someone more impressive to mortals’. Then Annabeth, who had been listening at the door like a sneak and who ran in all heroically when he almost accidentally stabbed Mr. Luke, freaked out and called his mom a liar. His mom!
Then Percy tried to stab her with his new sword. Mom made Percy apologize for trying to stab Annabeth. Mr. Luke made Annabeth apologize for insulting Percy’s mother. Percy was beginning to worry that he and Annabeth may be mortal enemies. 
Mr. Luke had tried explaining a bunch of stuff about monsters and ‘the Sight’ and why Percy’s life was terrible to him, but Percy already knew his life was terrible and he wasn’t interested. Percy ended up furiously swinging his new sword at a tree outside as Mom signed a bunch of forms and talked with Mr. Luke some more, but she hustled him home pretty quickly afterwards. 
Percy didn’t give the sword back. Mr. Luke, wisely, did not ask for it back.
Mom kept on making a face on the subway back to the motel like she had been waiting her entire life for Percy to ask all of these questions, and she was preparing herself for it. She kept on glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, watching Percy kick his feet against the hard plastic seat. It was obvious. But Percy didn’t have anything to say to her. They spent the rest of the day in silence, just focusing on packing up and getting everything ready to move. Jacksons were practical, Mom said. 
Jacksons were practical. Percy was practical, too. It was only in the deep pits of night, as Percy lay in bed holding up his sword and watching it reflect the soft lamplight above the creaky wooden table where Mom was doing work, that he asked. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
The sword was really cool. It was pure bronze, with the middle gleaming pure silver. There was some Greek writing inscribed down the center that Percy had no idea how to read, although he had spent an hour scouring the internet looking for a translation. The handle was tough white cord, stiff and starchy but fraying a little at the edges. 
Mr. Luke said it was named something, but Percy forgot what it was. He had been a bit busy almost impaling the guy. 
Mom’s fingers froze over the keyboard. Her back was turned to him, so he couldn’t see her face, but her spine was stiff and rigid. 
Finally, after a long silence, she said, “I didn’t want you to think that there was anything different about you.”
“So what?” Percy asked, his eyes pricking rebelliously. Stupid water. “You let me think that I was a bad person who ruined your life?”
“Percy, no!” Mom turned around, expression crumpled. The dim light showed the heavy bags under Mom’s eyes in sharp relief. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, baby. None of this is your fault, you understand? That’s what this business with your father means: that none of it was your fault. That’s all it means.”
If that was true, Percy thought, then why couldn’t she have told him before?
But Percy was afraid that if he said that, then he would start crying, and Percy was way too old to cry. Only weak little babies cried. 
“I’m sorry my dad’s a loser who ruined your life, Mom,” Percy said.
But Percy refused to answer her, putting his sword down next to him and pretending to go to sleep. He kept it next to him in bed all night, gripping its hilt tight, and the firm and cool pressure of the steel in his hand soothed him when the thought of a father didn’t. 
They moved in the next day.
The next day! Percy was livid. He barely had any time to pack up his toys into his backpack, and Mom didn’t even have time to help him back up his blue Spider-man suitcase. He had to do it all by himself, and then Mom came in and told him he was folding everything up wrong and that he had to redo it. If she had so many problems with it, she should have helped him and gave him more than one day to move out of their dumb motel! 
When people moved on TV there were always moving vans and buff dudes in baseball caps. But Percy was much better at moving then any of those idiots: all it took was a suitcase (of clothes and toiletries and stuff) and a backpack (of toys and school supplies and stuff). 
Percy’s backpack had the Power Rangers on it, in glossy plastic. Its contents were always the same, through every move: Batman, Golduck, Bulbasaur, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Raphael, a stegosaurus with a missing tail named Hedward, and a little book full of pictures of him and his mom and some cards and stuff. There was a picture of him and Grandma in the apartment in Staten Island that he lived in until he was six, and a 5th birthday card she had given him six months before she died. Written inside, in her looping and faded script, was a sentence Percy had read over and over and over again. ‘Tu angel de la guarda trabaja horas extra por tí. Así que acuérdate de decirle gracias ¿Sí, mi niño?'’
Percy was inclined to agree with her. God should pay his guardian angel overtime. That, or pay one to go to Olympus and collect child support.
The image was funny to Percy - the idea of his angel with her wings and halos showing up at Poseidon’s door and tapping her watch as she held out her hat. It was so funny, it was the first thing he told Mr. Luke when they met him at the gates to the apartment complex. Mom was huffing behind him with her two suitcases, while Percy was busy juggling his own backpack, suitcase, and sword. 
Mr. Luke looked alarmed to see the both of them, although Mom had called ahead and arranged to meet him here. Worse, Annabeth was next to him, still holding a clipboard. She didn’t look alarmed, just mad. 
“Did you bring Riptide onto public transportation?” Annabeth squawked. “You have no sense of discretion!”
Was Riptide the name of the sword? Whatever. Percy would have named it Hurricane. “I know words you don’t know too, you don’t have to brag,” Percy said flatly. 
“Yeah, the gods are filthy little child support evaders,” Mr. Luke said easily, instantly endearing himself to Percy. Mom rolled her eyes as she put her suitcases down, but she was clearly fighting a smile. “Don’t worry, I dragged them to court. Sued them for all they’re worth.”
“How on earth did you do that?” Mom asked, interested. 
“Trickery and rhetoric,” Annabeth said proudly.
“Swords,” Mr. Luke said. 
“What did you squeeze them for?” Percy asked, excited. 
Mr. Luke winked. And he still didn’t ask for his sword back. Maybe he wasn’t all bad. 
The apartment complex itself wasn’t nearly as big as a lot of Brooklyn complexes, looking more like the little apartment complexes in Queens that Percy was used to. It was three separate three-story buildings arranged in a square, with one side holding the small leasing office and a parking lot. It was open-air, with the apartment doors opening directly outside. There was a really big courtyard in the center, and despite himself Percy got a little excited.
It was awesome. There was a huge, sprawling tree right in the center of the courtyard. It was gigantic, bigger than any tree Percy had ever seen in his life. It seemed like it didn’t even belong in New York, like it was a transplant from the California Redwoods or Canada or something. Its leaves were waving in a nonexistent breeze, and something about it just seemed so magical and otherworldly to Percy. 
But that was only half of the awesome things. The other awesome thing was that there were kids everywhere.
The tree provided shade to a couple scattered gangs of kids, sitting around and laughing. There was a rusty set of monkey bars, which some kids were playing on, and there was a big dirt rectangle where other kids were hitting each other on the head with wooden plastic swords. There were groups of girls eating lunch, and a gang of boys playing soccer in the corner that made Percy immediately want to jump in and play too. Percy dominated at soccer. 
“The East and South buildings are where we all live,” Annabeth informed Mom. “The West building is where the training rooms and storage rooms and administrative rooms - that’s my office - and everything is. It also has guest units for the local spirits that like to visit. We just had ten Bacchae stay for a week. They were backpacking to Woodstock. We have very good inter-community relationships here.”
“That’s amazing,” Mom said faintly. Mr. Luke was smiling faintly, eyes fixed on the big tree. Percy found himself staring at Mr. Luke, watching with interest the soft but firm pride in his eyes. “Luke said that this property’s safe from…” 
She glanced at Percy quickly, cutting herself off. But Annabeth just huffed. 
“I almost got eaten by monsters twenty times when I was seven,” Annabeth informed Mom imperiously. “We’re not babies. Connor Stoll says if you’re old enough to get eaten by monsters then you’re old enough to know that they exist.”
Percy decided immediately that he liked Connor Stoll, and maybe even Annabeth too. 
“The tree protects us,” Luke said. “Wherever the tree is, we’re safe. Not even the gods date step foot beyond the leasing office here.”
“Because of the tree?” Mom asked. 
Luke smiled - sharp, piercing, and strange. “Sure, let’s say that.”
But Mom just frowned. She looked over the courtyard of kids - some of whom were already starting to whisper and stare. Annabeth waved at a gaggle of identically blonde children, and for the first time Percy wondered who she was the daughter of. Probably the bossiest god. Maybe Athena. Or, like, Hephaestus. Definitely Hephaestus. 
“You said that there’s nobody over eighteen here,” Mom said to Luke. “Luke, there’s a six year old on those monkey bars.”
“If you’re under thirteen, you live with someone over thirteen,” Luke said to her. Annabeth was still frowning in disapproval at Percy’s sword. He stuck his tongue out at her. “Two people to a unit, we try to pair the oldest with the youngest. Lucy lives with Henrique, he’s seventeen. It’s the best we can do.”
“Surely there has to be someone…?”
“Adults have never helped us. They never will.” Luke looked away sharply. “We’ve been in Brooklyn a year. You’re the first adult who’s made her way here. Most other parents with a kid as powerful as Percy would have -”
He cut himself off sharply, glancing at Percy, and Percy scowled up at him. He thought that Luke was being honest. Maybe he was just another old guy afraid to say what everybody else knew. 
“I’ll help Ms. Jackson settle in,” Annabeth said suddenly. She held out her hands to Percy, who reflexively hugged his luggage to his chest. “You guys are in unit 5. It’s on the bottom floor. If you flood it, then we can fix it okay. Give me your luggage, I’ll put it in your unit.”
Percy stared at her, overwhelmed with that simple signal of care. No threats about if he flooded it, no warnings or sickly sweet faux-concern. Just understanding, and acceptance. 
He silently gave her his bags. 
She seemed surprised when she felt how light they were. Percy shrugged awkwardly at her face, crossing his arms tightly around her chest. “Don’t touch my stuff, okay?”
“Sure,” Annabeth said, before pausing a beat. “We have a TV in our place. #1. Do you want to come over tonight and watch Winx Club?”
“Yeah,” Percy said, overwhelmed. “Sure.”
Mr. Luke put a hand on Percy’s back as Annabeth guided Mom to a corner unit. Percy couldn’t help but notice that the door to the unit was already propped open. Wait - there were people going in and out!
There was a tall, buff teenager, carrying two chairs underneath each arm. There was another group of three teenage girls, carrying a table between them. Two other younger kids were carrying boxes and laughing. They were bringing everything into the unit, and other younger kids were running in and out with cleaning supplies. 
From a distance, Percy saw Mom stop in her tracks. Annabeth tugged at her shirt and got her to bend down, whispering something in her ear. A boy with sandy brown hair ran up, taking Mom’s suitcases from her and bringing them into the unit. 
“Your Mom mentioned that you were missing some furniture,” Mr. Luke said. “The Hermes and Aphrodite kids all pitched in to get your home looking like a home. I hope you’ll like it.”
Percy clutched his sword to his chest, speechless. 
Mr. Luke smiled down at him, that same wan and weak smile, and put a hand on his back. He gently pushed Percy forward, towards the tree. “Come with me for a minute?”
They silently approached the sprawling, ancient tree. As they came closer, Percy could see that its bark was gnarled and knotted, with perfect handholds for climbing and perfect boughs for resting in the summer sun. He could already see a few kids resting in high boughs, taking a nap in the humid and sticky sun. 
“Percy, I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Mr. Luke’s voice was quiet, like he was in church. He looked up at the tree, peering far into the leaves as if he was trying to find something hidden within them. “This is Thalia. Thalia, this is Percy. He’s the newest member of the family. He’s also your cousin.”
Cousin? Percy looked up at Mr. Luke, eyes wide. “I’m related to a tree?”
Tilted up at the tree, Percy couldn’t see Mr. Luke’s expression. Maybe that was on purpose. “Thalia’s a kid, just like us. Daughter of Zeus. I used to think that she was the closest thing to an adult I knew, but...I’m as old as she is, now. I guess one day soon I’ll be older than she ever got to be.” 
Oh. The tree was, like, from the ashes of some dead girl. Awkward. Percy stared at the thick and arching roots of the tree, feeling weird.
“Thalia, please protect Percy. I can already tell that he’s going to grow up to be very strong and brave. Please help us make sure that Percy never has to be strong. That he’s never brave. I can already tell he’s going to need a lot of your help.” He looked down at Percy for the first time, and for the first time Percy could see just a little warmth in those icy blue eyes. “You’re going to have to work overtime for him. So make sure to say thank you, Percy. Okay?”
“Thank you, Thalia,” Percy said obediently. He bowed awkwardly, uncertain what to do. The sword scraped awkwardly against his thigh. “Thanks for letting me into your home.”
“Welcome home, Percy,” Mr. Luke said, and for the first time Percy almost believed it. 
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diamaris-blog · 2 years
The Percy Jackson Trio Casting: An Essay to the Haters
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Oh boy, time to barf my thoughts onto tumblr again. Can’t wait for my messages to get flooded with hate :)
I have seen a lot of fucked up comments going on about the trio casting announcement, and I’m gonna throw two cents into the chaos. If you’re about to fight me on this, YOU ARE THE ONES THAT NEED TO SWALLOW THIS PILL.
Most of the “concern” I have seen is about Annabeth’s race/appearance, and Percy’s hair/eye color. Listen very carefully: it doesn’t matter.
When I first saw Annabeth’s casting, I wasn’t too surprised. Reading Rick’s blog post on his website beforehand, it sounded like he was going towards casting more poc. I have been a long-time fan of the PJO books, too. I get it’s a change we weren’t expecting, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.
Some people are bitching like, “Why is she black now?” Or the more common one I’m seeing is: “she needs blonde hair and gray eyes.”
I’m disappointed to see this racist chunk of the fandom. Yes, you’re acting racist. There’s no excuse. “Well, what if Percy was black? Would you be fine with that? This doesn’t stick to the book canon!”
If Percy were casted as black … I WOULD NOT CARE. If he were Latino, Asian, Native.. don’t care what the race is. Rick said it himself— it’s all about character and finding the right actors. Is Annabeth being white really such a big part of her character? I know Athena’s kids are described as being blond and having gray eyes—really, does that matter so much? Same goes for Grover’s casting— he’s white in the books, too. Is it such a big fucking deal?
And yes, there is a double standard for this. Like, what if there was a HoO series too, and Piper was cast as white instead of Native American? That, I would have a problem with. Why? Because Piper’s ethnicity plays a BIG part of her character, not just her appearance. If you read the Lost Hero, you know what I mean— Rick gets into it.
On top of that, are you really saying you need the kids to be white that bad? You need them to have white features? Really? I don’t know if you know this, but the reason some of us celebrate movies like Crazy Rich Asians and Black Panther is becauSE WHITE PEOPLE TAKE OVER EVERYTHING. THEY’RE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. The whole reason we love having diversity is because POC don’t always get the amount of rep they deserve. And now we’re getting better at it. This is a chance for us to get more diverse representation in entertainment media— to keep going forward. Are you fucking serious?
THIS ISN’T EVEN YOUR BOOK, ITS RICK’S. He has more creative control over his own story, and he cast who he believes will play the part perfectly. Casting actors is a whole process, my guy. If you read his latest post on casting, you can already tell that these kids will do great— at least I can. I trust the author’s judgement. I’m really excited to see them bring this to life!
Now if you read up till now and you’re saying: “Oh, wow. I guess I’ve been a bit close-minded. I should think of this differently.” Thank you, appreciate you.
And if you’re still insisting, “No, this still isn’t right. This isn’t how I pictured it, xyzfu.” If you really can’t get it in your head that you’re berating teenagers for their appearance, I am so sorry. You’re not a fan, you’re an obsessed hater. You just are. How can you not support the author of the series you claim to love so much? He literally wrote it, and he’s the one bringing it to our screens. These kids are probably super stoked about such a cool gig, too, like come onnnnn.
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wisegirl32 · 2 years
PJO, Disney+, and Annabeth’s Appearance
Coming on here to say, now that the PJO TV series has been greenlit at Disney+, that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY should be harassing the children who are cast in the series, regardless of whether their physical appearance is how you envisioned the character. I am going to focus this post primarily on Annabeth, mainly because from what I’ve seen, people are slightly more insistent on the physical appearance of the actor they eventually cast in her role.  
For context, I read The Lightning Thief for the first time in 2010, the year *the movie that must not be named* came out (as stated in my bio, I’m 22). 
Annabeth was one of my favorite characters growing up, and when I went to see the aforementioned film in theaters, I was disappointed by how they had created this film as a supposed “adaptation” of some of my favorite books. 
Did I, at ~11 years old, find it frustrating at how the film portrayed one of my favorite series (and one of my favorite characters) at the time? Yes, I did. I remember having to write an essay about the differences between the book and the film (oh boy!), and one of my points was that Annabeth didn’t have blond hair/didn’t match the details about her appearance given in the text. My thinking has, fortunately, evolved since then, and now we get a second chance at an adaptation of these books (I do also love TLT musical, but that’s a story for another day :) )! I am not talking solely about physical appearance, however.
I do think it was a slightly different issue when the movies cast a white actress and didn’t give her blond hair in the first film (offering it instead in the second film as what felt like a meager peace offering/response to the backlash the first film received) than it would be if we as a fandom try to tell a young actor of color that they need “lighter” features (e.g., blond hair and gray eyes) to accurately portray the character. I remember when the film sequel came out, that I really just wanted to see how they did the guinea pig scene in The Sea of Monsters (a movie in which Annabeth DID have blond hair), and was not only disappointed that they didn’t include that scene, but (no surprise there) having a blond Annabeth didn’t magically save the so-called adaptation.
Similarly, I don’t think having a blond Annabeth will be what makes this adaptation of her character (or the series overall) good or accurate. I do think the conflicts that make Annabeth who she is, mainly, her determination to prove herself that shines through in TLT, are still very much relevant (and perhaps would be even more so) if they cast an actor of color in her role. I would argue that any part of her character development for which one might think her blond hair is so important could also be explained by Annabeth being forced to combat being underestimated, and she does not need to be blond to experience that.
One of the most common arguments I’ve seen for a blond Annabeth is that her character, as a daughter of the goddess of wisdom, defies the “dumb blond” stereotype, most of which is ultimately rooted in misogyny. Please correct me if I’m forgetting a detail, but in terms of the context of this within the books, the only mention I can remember is a comment of how Annabeth wishes she had dark hair when she, Piper, and Hazel meet Aphrodite/Venus, as that is how she appears to Annabeth (my personal head canon in the years since is that she also had green eyes, like Percy in the books, but I can’t remember if that was mentioned in the text). I don’t think Malcolm Pace or Jason Grace (who were both also originally described as blonde in the books), faced the same feelings of not being taken seriously because of their hair color (Jason had his own issues with how others perceived him, but none of them were the idea that “nobody takes me seriously because of the color of my hair”).  
If “smart blond” representation is a necessary characteristic for media you consume, watch Legally Blonde (2001)! It’s a great movie, and ultimately has a great message about overcoming people who underestimate you! We don’t need Annabeth to be blond to tell her story.
Do I think it would be cool for the Athena kids to have some identifying feature marking them as children of Athena? Sure. But that feature does not need to be blond hair, or even light-colored eyes. It can even be the way they carry themselves, some mannerisms that the audience can come to associate as being so inherently Annabeth that if we do get a third season modeled after The Titan’s Curse, we know EXACTLY who Percy is dealing with when he officially meets Athena.  
It is especially not necessarily in this world, where the gods don’t have DNA and Annabeth was canonically created from the goddess’s thoughts (rendering classical genetics effectively irrelevant to the situation). 
Anyway, many creators have said this earlier and better than I have (and I will try to find some posts and share their voices on my blog as well), but I wanted to share my own thoughts on this situation and also reiterate that it is not okay to harass the actors based on their physical appearances. I did not really mean for this to turn into an essay, and again, please feel free to correct me if I am forgetting any details; I am happy for this post to start a conversation.
I have a lot of hope for this new adaptation, and am excited for it, but also hold my concerns for the young actors that will be cast as the characters we know and love. There will already be pressure on these actors’ shoulders to do the characters justice, but we don’t need to add to that for the sole reason that “they weren’t exactly how we may have envisioned these characters”. Let’s give these actors, and this adaptation, a chance 💙
P.S. I’m pretty sure this post is longer than the “book vs. movie” essay I had to write in 2010, so apologies for that; thank you for reading!
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solange-lol · 3 years
"why don't we be friends (why don't we make out)" - (1/1)
words: 2,373
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There are very few people that Nico forgets about. At least, as far as the people that have stuck around with him for most of his life.
He’s known Percy and Annabeth since they were young, remembering watching the two of them chase each other around the schoolyard and purposefully try and get desks right next to each other before they were inevitably separated by alphabetical last name seating. He remembers trying to convince Piper to do his french project and Jason sitting in the halls with him outside of the music room when they wouldn’t want to go outside for recess in middle school. He can still hear the alarm when Leo accidentally knocked over a bunsen burner in their sophomore year chemistry class, and the feeling of paint on his skin when Hazel tripped and sent half of her palette onto him in their art class.
Nico can even recall moments with the people he was never particularly close to, like when Rachel told him she loved him backstage of their winter concert after only having known him for five minutes (in a very lesbian/gay solidarity way, of course), or when Grover spent an entire hour hiding out in their school library to get away from their math sub.
It’s strange now, looking across such a large circle of people piled into Jason and Thalia’s house. They’re all people from his grade (or class , he supposes, now that they’re officially graduated), Each one of them, Nico can remember at least one conversation he’s had with them, one story he’s passed into his closer friend group that is laughed over and then inevitably moved on from.
It was supposed to be a big party celebrating all their friendships throughout the years.
Ironically, so many people that had such little impact on him, in retrospect.
Which is why it comes as a surprise to him when he sees a flash of blonde curls and freckled skin among the sea of people. He’s hit with what feels like a wall of memories of the two of them, laying in the same bed trading quiet secrets, and walks to the store to get an inhumane amount of candy that they can go share at the pier. Images of blue eyes, warm hands in his, and the sound of stifled laughter at midnight feel all too familiar. Nico is stuck on them.
He hasn’t seen Will in years.
It wasn’t exactly his choice. It wasn’t either of theirs, really. They had gone to middle school together, and from the ages of 10 to 14, Will knew the most about him.
And then their middle school graduation came and went, and Will left for a boarding school. Nico remembers, vaguely, Will asking him to come with them.
“They offer more classes, and there are more opportunities for help,” they had said, or something along the lines of it. “And we could be roommates.”
Part of him wanted to. All of him almost went. But it was the same year he lost his sister, and while moving to another state for school sounded like a fantastic way to avoid all his trauma, he had to stay with his family. Not that his father would have stopped him, but Nico knew he couldn’t go. Not yet.
So he stayed, and Will left, and it all worked out fine. They texted every other day, facetimed once or twice a month when their schedules lined up. Will came home for Christmas that year, telling stories about the other kids on their floor and their girlfriend. Then, when he came home for that summer, about their boyfriend.
Nico would listen, then catch Will up about what was going on at his public school. He had gone out on a date with one boy which was nice but didn’t turn into anything, and Will told him he would find someone eventually. They took trips to the mall together instead of the pier, mostly just to get milkshakes and have a place to walk around.
One morning, Will convinced him to bike to the beach in the morning to see the sunrise. The sky ended up being too cloudy, but they still sat together on the empty lifeguard chair, swapped sweatshirts and bagels with cream cheese, and talking about summer jobs and college.
Then Will left for their sophomore year, and school caught up to both of them and whatever kept them going was lost. The most Nico talked to them was through the occasional Snapchat sent to each other or on a group facetime
The last time Nico had called Will alone, it was in a panic to ask advice on how to break up with the boy he was dating at the time because he realized that relationships weren’t really his thing, at least not yet. Will had sat quietly, giving him occasional advice, and mostly just comforted him.
And that was it.
Nico had gotten a new phone later that year, and all their call logs and long text threads were lost into the depths of his phone memory.
It was bittersweet, in all honesty, and pretty painless for the most part. Maybe it’s because Nico never really forgot about Will. There was never any clear ending; no hard feelings between the two of them. He still sees their posts on social media, sees their mom in the store on occasion. He remembers passing Will at their local fair when they came home again for the summer of their junior year with their boyfriend that they were still dating, and then later again the next when he noticed that all posts had been removed from their Instagram including the ones with said boyfriend and nothing but will - they/them in their bio.
He wondered, briefly, where Will had gone when he didn’t even see him in passing over the following summer. Was he still going to the boarding school? Had his family moved out of the state entirely?
It never felt like a friendship breakup. It was clear now, though.
Nico wonders at which point it became one. He didn’t mean to stare at Will as long as he did. Everything had just come washing over him at once, and he was frozen in place staring at the person Nico had once called his best friend.
He doesn’t even realize he was staring until Will looks back. Their blue eyes meet his brown ones, and reality sets back in. The loud music he had drowned out in his daydream came filtering back through his ears, and he stumbles as people shove past him towards the kitchen. Still, his gaze locks on Will.
Neither of them makes a move towards each other at first.
Then, a moment later, Will is right next to him.
“Hey,” they say it slowly, almost like they were testing the waters, like they knew how long it had been since they had spoken.
Nico doesn’t know what to say. His first instinct was to hug them.
He withstands it, though, instead grabbing onto their wrist and pulling them past the crowd of people and into one of the rooms off of the main hall, which was miraculously empty. He can still hear the pounding music, but it was a little bit quieter with the door closed. Quiet enough that he can think again.
“Uh, hi,” Will tries again, and god, their smile never changed.
“Sorry,” Nico says once he realized he had just seemingly dragged them into a secondary location with no explanation. “It was just… loud. Out there.”
“I get it,” Will says, sitting down on the couch pushed onto the far wall and looking back up at Nico. They were wearing a pinkish-orange button-up Hawaiian shirt that looked straight out of their dad’s closet (Nico would know, he’s seen it before) that was half-tucked into mid-rise light wash jeans that were cuffed just enough that you could see a glimpse of where their socks met their Converse. Yellow, possibly the same pair they had bought at the mall two years prior when Nico was there.
They got taller, he thinks vaguely. Nico had too, but Will still has at least half a foot on him.
“So, what’s up?”
“Not much, I guess,” he shrugs, twisting his ring. “I mean, I graduated. I assume you did too.”
Will nods. “I did. Lou Ellen invited me as her plus one. You know her, right? Friends with Rachel.”
Nico nods. Shoulder length, cloud-like hair that was a different color every other week. Wore lots of random thrifted t-shirts over big pants. Loud personality, even louder voice. Band kid. Friends with Cecil; her good grades probably being the only reason he hasn’t been kicked out of the school yet. Once debated the legitimacy of gender binaries with him in an English class.
“Sorry for, like, staring at you before,” he says. “It’s been a while.”
They nod again. “All good. I was staring at you before anyway.”
“You were?”
“Yeah,” Will shrugs. “You’re easy to look at.”
Then, a moment later, “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah. You’ve changed a bit.”
“Have I?” They ask. “I think just my look, maybe. I’m still just as obnoxious.”
Nico snorts. It’s comforting to know they could just slip back into it like this. Like no time had ever passed, and Nico is back in their bedroom creating each other in The Sims.
“Are you still dating Connor?” Nico asks, vaguely remembering the last conversation they had.
“Nah, we broke up last winter.”
“Any reason?”
Will squints a bit like they’re curious why Nico’s asking. It makes Nico blush, immediately regretting saying anything.
“Dunno. We just grew apart,” they say. Then, “Sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it?” followed by a laugh.
“I didn’t mean to stop talking to you,” Nico says quickly because he didn’t. There are days where he sees Will’s Instagram story or a tweet and knows that even though he could still comment, it wouldn’t quite be the same.
“Life got busy,” Will says. “It happens”
“I didn’t want it to. Not to us.”
“So let's restart.”
Nico blinks. “Just… start over our entire friendship?”
“No, just pick up where we left off.”
“Just like nothing happened?” he asks, sitting down on the couch next to them.
“Just like nothing happened,” Will affirms.
They’re both quiet for a moment, then—
“Do you remember what you told me when you first came out as bisexual to me?”
It was in the basement of Will’s house. Nico had come out as gay a few weeks prior, and when he was talking about the boy he liked, they just casually mentioned it. Being with Will like this again reminded him of something they had said, and something he later found out.
“I think I just, like… told you, right?” Will smiles. “And I said you were a big part of helping me figure out.”
“Yeah. I always thought you meant because I had already come out,” Nico said. “It wasn’t until, like, last year that Piper mentioned you meant that because you liked me.”
Will laughed again. “I figured you didn’t. You were always talking about what bad of a couple we would make.”
“Yeah,” Nico said, and his heart picked up pace as his knee knocked against Will’s by accident. Neither of them moved. “I actually had a massive crush on you for a while. I think I just said that because I wanted to try and get over it, so I wanted you to indirectly reject me.”
“Did you ever get over it?”
Nico laughs. “Not really. But I moved on.”
He notices Will shift closer, notices how their hands are now on top of each other and their legs are fully pressed together.
“Same,” Will says, moving their head closer to Nico’s until their foreheads are pressed together and their breaths mingle. They look at him for any sign to stop, and Nico doesn’t move.
“Good thing we’re starting over then, right?” they continue, practically a breath of a whisper before their lips connect, and god Nico did not think this was where his night was going but no way in hell was he about to stop it. (He’s not sober enough to care, anyway, and seemingly neither is Will judging by the strong scent smell of weed coming off of his shirt.)
Their hands laced together, subconsciously, almost like muscle memory from all the days walking hand in hand down the dock. (Nico wonders if his younger self was ever trying to tell his mind something.) Nico’s other hand comes up to rest on warm skin, brushing Will’s cheek with his thumb like he’s trying to wipe the freckles off.
Will wraps one arm around Nico’s waist, pulling him closer until he eventually just shifts so he’s in their lap. Will certainly doesn’t complain, only tilting their head to deepen the kiss and breaking apart their hands so they can run one hand through Nico’s hair.
They have to break apart after a moment, and Nico can help it when he laughs.
“Guess we were a little dumb when we were younger, huh?”
Will’s breathing heavy, but Nico doesn’t miss the familiar playful glint in their eye. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re still an idiot,” they say, pressing a kiss to the underside of Nico’s jaw, and another one right next to his ear.
He wonders if Will has thought about doing this the same way Nico has.
“Says you,” Nico says. “You were far more oblivious than I was.”
“I’m not the one who said we would make a bad couple,” they remind Will.
“Yeah?” he says, then leans back in to kiss Will again. Their mouths slot together, and god, they’re an even better kisser than Nico ever thought they could be. Something in his mind tells him maybe it’s not relationships he didn’t like, maybe he just knew it wasn’t the right person.
Perhaps Will’s that person he was always looking for.
Nico leans back, just barely so he can mumble “Lucky for you, I’m willing to test that theory,”  against Will’s lips just before they pull him in once more.
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annabethy · 4 years
here we mark the price of freedom
in which Percy and Annabeth meet in World War II, and they learn that freedom comes at a price,, percabeth 10k
December 22, 1941
Percy is sitting on the ground outside, watching as other soldiers surrounding him mess around. It is rather cold outside, but the people around him have smiles on their faces, and it warms his heart from the icy fear that he has felt for the past few weeks.
A pack of food is in his hands, but he makes no move to eat it. He doesn’t think that he could eat even if he tried — maybe everyone else could dismiss the things going on, the things that they would soon have to face, but he couldn’t. They were here for a reason, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This war was not going to be smooth sailing, and though he doesn’t know how it’s going to go, he knows he’s not going to like how this ends.
He’s going to come out broken or dead. He doesn’t know which one is the better option.
Percy glances back towards the barracks, contemplating heading inside for the night. He is so tired that he could curl up on the ground and fall asleep like that, but he can hear the noise and complaints from here, and he decides against it.
It’s hours spent like that, staring off into the sky, before the sun begins to settle slightly. The wind blows here in the Pacific theater, and he is well aware that he needs to head inside soon before he gets in trouble for stepping out of line. Nightfall is the prime time for attack, but he stays anyways. Just a little bit longer.
Percy finally rips open the military dinner, and the packet of M&Ms that falls out brings him a memory of his mother. She was probably worried sick, not knowing where he was anymore. He thumbs the wrapper, giving himself a chance to miss her, before he settles it beside him and decides to eat his dinner. He chews in silence, only a few stray people still out in the winter air, just thinking. It was all he ever did anymore, thinking. He wishes he could shut off his brain sometimes, like the other soldiers were able to do.
He blinks in surprise as someone slides onto the log next to him. He doesn’t make immediate eye contact, in fear of who this person was, if they were here to purposely torment him, to make his eyes fill with fury.
Instead, when he shoots a glance their way, he sees a head of blonde hair. He still doesn’t make direct eye contact, and that is when this person hangs their head into his vision, looking up at him with a smirk.
“Hello?” the girl says, a teasing tone to his voice. “Anyone home?”
Percy gives her a scolding look, but he’s so confused that it doesn’t have much effect other than making the girl laugh out loud. He decides he likes her laugh, so smooth and melodic, a laugh he can get used to.
“Are you okay?” she asks. She rips open a pack identical to Percy’s and pulls out her own food, choosing to nibble on the edge of a soft granola bar.
“Are you?” is all he can say, still blinking at her with curiosity. “Why are you over here?”
She looks around before glancing back at him and shrugging in mock neutrality. “Am I not allowed to be over here, or something?”
“I— do I know you?”
“You’re great at making friends. Has anyone told you that?”
“Now you’re making fun of me.”
“Only a little bit,” she agrees. Percy looks her in the eyes, and his breath catches on her striking grey eyes. She’s beautiful, and Percy begins to wonder why she was here, in such a dangerous mess. “You looked like you could use company.”
“So you’re giving me pity,” he says.
“If you want to call it that, then sure. I didn’t want to be alone either, though.”
“A match made in heaven, then,” Percy says. “Now do you want to tell me what you really wanted?”
“Well,” she starts, waving around her granola bar. Her hair is in her face, blowing in the wind. Her clothes are a little baggy and dirty, but he can’t blame her. He doesn’t look any better. “I had to eat dinner, and I saw you over here by yourself and thought, ‘why don’t I eat with him?’”
“You were supposed to eat before sundown.”
“I could say the same for you, Percy.”
Percy starts, an unfamiliar bubbling in his stomach. “You know my name,” he states.
“Everyone here knows your name,” she answers. “You’re very well known. From the way this conversation is going, I can’t imagine why.”
Percy can’t help the slight grin. “Well, now you’re just not giving me a chance. You caught me off guard is all.”
“Off guard is apparently when you look best,” she says, leaning forwards to whisper in his ear. When she speaks, he can feel her hot breath on his ear. “People think you’re attractive. All the girls in my barracks won’t shut up about it.”
“I had no idea I was such a popular soldier.”
“You have to give them a break, though,” she says, munching down on another bite of her food. “Chances are that a good portion of us are going to be dead once this war ends. We all just want to live while we still can.”
“And what about you?”
“What about me?”
The sun has settled more now, and she is with the moonlight shining down on her, illuminating her golden curls. Percy has to swallow before he can speak. “Are you just trying to live while you still can?”
“Of course,” she says. “That’s why I’m here.”
“Talking to me?”
“Yes, but…” She gestures broadly to the distance around them. “That’s why I’m here. I’m going to die eventually, but I’m not afraid of death, so… I want to live. Do something with my life. Maybe save a few lives while I’m at it. Really get the chance to live, you know?”
“I get that,” Percy says.
“Is that why you’re here?”
“God, no,” Percy breathes. “I was drafted.”
“Oh,” she says. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s life, I guess. When has this country ever been fair?”
“That’s not talk I’d ever hear come from an American soldier.”
“Yeah, well, this soldier life isn’t exactly the most entertaining.” He snorts. “I think you may be the first real conversation I’ve had since I’ve left.”
“That’s depressing,” she says, setting her food to the ground. She picks up his packet of M&Ms, and her jaw falls open. “Of course you’d get the good candy.”
Percy is oddly endeared by her as she twirls it between her fingers, grey eyes analyzing every detail of the wrapper. “You can have it,” he finds himself saying.
Her eyes meet his and a flash of thanks passes over them. She positions her fingers on the paper to rip them open, but she pauses. “Are you sure you don’t want them?”
“I’m sure,” he says. Eating them now would probably make him sad anyways as he remembered his mom. It’s worth it when she tears it open and pops one in her mouth, a soft smile taking over her face.
“It tastes like back home,” she explains. “My brother and I used to take turns trying to steal bits of chocolate from a bakery.”
“Where are you from?” he asks.
“San Francisco,” she says.
Percy has never been, but there’s something about this girl that makes him wish he had.
“How about you?”
“New York,” he says. “Just another boring city.”
“Boring?” She raises an eyebrow. “You, Percy Jackson, are anything but boring.”
It takes him a moment, but he realizes that he still doesn’t know her name. She’s breathtaking, especially now that he can barely see anything except the shadows of her face, and he desperately needs to know her name. He wants to feel her name on his tongue, rolling over the letters, feel how it sounded in his throat, in his own ears.
“I hardly think it’s fair that you seem to know everything about me,” he says. “Why don’t you tell me a little bit more about yourself?”
“I’m not all that interesting. You’re much nicer to discuss.”
Percy leans forwards. “Come on. Humor me.”
She smiles, and his heart skips a beat. “I’m Annabeth.”
It starts like this.
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findingnemo19 · 3 years
Because of Seaweed (Percabeth AU)
A percabeth AU fanfic. That I had originally made because my friend didn't believe my writing was good, and now he's refusing to read the damn thing. Oh well. You guys will read it. That's more than enough. And, Shout out to my friend, Isha. She helped me with the plot to this fic. For this (mortal) AU, Malcolm is 2 years younger than Annabeth. Annabeth and Malcolm are Athena and Fredrick’s kids. Summary: Annabeth froze. She’s heard the 8 words multiple times in a teasing voice from her brother and her friends. She’s replayed the time she’d meet her soulmate in her head multiple times in multiple different ways. But never had she thought her soulmate would manage to get seaweed on one of her favorite books.
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She matured early, according to her parents.
Since Annabeth was 8, she hated the idea of “soulmates”.  Why does she have to spend her life with someone? Why does she have to fall in love with someone? And why isn’t it her choice?
Of course, her parents tried explaining it to her, ( “It is your choice. The soulmate idea is like… telling the future.”) but she wouldn’t have any of it.
Unfortunately or fortunately, the fateful 10th birthday of Annabeth’s rolled around. Most people would wake up on their 10th birthday, immediately looking at the inside of their dominant hand wrist. Annabeth on the other hand avoided even letting that side of her right hand in her line of sight until her dad came back from work right before dinner.
Both her parents and her 8yo brother, Malcolm, were fed up with Annabeth delaying to look at the words her soulmate will tell her. Rolling her eyes at this, she turned her wrist over, “‘ You’re more worried about your book rather than yourself? ’” She recited the words slowly to herself, the bold cursive writing, murder on her dyslexic eyes. “‘ You’re more worried about your book rather than yourself?’ ” She spoke more clearly, looking up at her family around the dining table. “That’s what it says.”
Athena let a teasing smile across her face as Annabeth’s father and brother burst out in laughter. “Fitting. Very, very fitting.” Annabeth scowled at her mom, “Be quiet.” she grumbled. Stabbing her fork in her noodles she took a bite, stuffing her face with food.
She’s in middle school, and maybe she’s stopped absolutely loathing the soulmate idea. Not that she��s 100% ok with Fate deciding her relationship or anything. But maybe she didn’t hate it.
Plus, the 8th-grade halls are (oddly enough) filled with people asking each other out, and then arguing over the fact that “YOU’RE NOT MY SOULMATE.”
Apart from that, at least Annabeth has friends now. (Read: Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Reyna.) And thank whatever god is up there, her friends aren’t the annoying 8th graders fighting over soulmates in the hallways.
She’s happy and content. Apart from the assload of homework she gets, content. Content with her family, her friends, her classmates, and teachers-
(Ok maybe she wants to stab that “Caleb” guy in the eye with a very sharp pencil if he says anything about Annabeth being “a dumb blond” one more time. And her Science teacher. If he says “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” one more goddamned time-)
Annabeth unlocked the door to her house, wincing a little in reaction to the yelling between her parents from the inside. She shook her head, stepping inside, praying that her parents aren’t near the stairs so she wouldn’t have to face that. God must have decided to be nice to the blond-haired girl, because her parents were arguing in the living room, and couldn’t even see the staircase from there.
No. It’s not out of the ordinary for her parents to fight. They’ve been doing it almost every day now. However, Annabeth hasn’t been able to understand why they fight. But they do and it bothers her. Let a girl and her brother in high school get some rest, would you?
About an hour later, she was typing up an essay that she completely forgot about, that's due the next day, when there was a loud sound from downstairs, the sound of someone running up the wooden staircase, and a frantic knock on her bedroom door. Confused and slightly concerned, she said, “Come in!”
As the door opened, Annabeth pushed her chair back across the wooden floor, cringing at the sound. “Malcolm?” Annabeth stood up as her brother shut and locked the bedroom door behind him. “What happened?”
Malcolm rolled his eyes, sitting down gingerly on Annabeth’s (for once unmade) bed. “I went downstairs to ask mom a question about homework, started talking before getting down the stairs, and she threw a plate- I wouldn’t say at me but pretty much at me.”
Annabeth raised her eyebrows in shock. “That's- that’s new,” she muttered under her breath.
Her brother scoffed, “No shit, Sherlock.”
Annabeth chuckled with no humor, saving her word document before sitting down next to the blonde-haired boy. “You ok though?”
Malcolm rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah I’m fine, Beth.”
“Good.” A beat of silence passed between them before, “You could’ve just asked me for help instead of going to mom.”
He pondered this, “I guess.”
Annabeth chuckled, flopping down back on her bed, covering her eyes with her arm, “I’m tired.”
Malcolm fell into an almost imitated position, staring up at the ceiling, “Of what?”
Annabeth sighed, “Everything. It’s so stressful. Homework, essays, finals coming up, college applications, our parents fighting practically 24-by-7. It’s just too much-” Her voice cracked and she silenced herself.
“Yeah, I get it. Ninth isn’t much easier. Oh god, I forgot to tell you. Remember Calissa? From middle school?”
Annabeth nodded, “Mhm. The middle school ‘Bitch Girl.’ Why?”
“She asked me out today.”
Annabeth took her arm off her eyes and sat up looking at her brother with an unreadable expression. “ What?”
“Whoa, whoa Annie. Don’t go all “protective older sister” on me. I’m 15, I can handle this stuff myself .” Malcolm sat up as well. “I told her I’d think about it.”
Annabeth raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms at her chest, “You’d think about it? Malcolm this is the same girl who bullied 75% of your middle school. Including you. Are you-”
“Beth. Breathe. I’ll say no. I just said that at the moment.”
Annabeth scoffed, getting up from the bed and walking to her desk. “You better say no.” Malcolm hummed in response, getting up from the bed and leaving the room.
The sound of a ceramic cup breaking made Annabeth flinch (don’t ask how she knows what it was. She’s a little clumsy ok?). She bit her lip, turning to face the half-closed door, “Malcolm?”
“Yeah?” her brother’s muffled voice answered.
“Work in my room.”
Annabeth loved reading at the beach. The light wind messing up her hair, the random, delicate spray of water refreshing her; it was calming, relaxing, soothing...As long as she was a solid 30 feet away from the surfers.
Yet today was a different day, for Annabeth had actually come down to the beach with her brother and Calissa. Turns out, Malcolm ended up saying yes to go out with Calissa because he hasn’t “actually dated anybody.” So great.
To get her mind off things, she had decided to bring a book down to the beach like she always did. Picking up “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” for the 7th time in her life, she opened the book to where she left off.
She was engrossed in her book when she heard the loud splash before she felt the water.  Gasping, she stood up, facing a boy only slightly taller than her, maybe the same age. He had raven hair, which was splattered across his face from the ocean water. His eyes were a startling sea green color. Annabeth, with all the people she knew, had never come across someone with that color of green eyes.
Shaking her head slightly to get the seaweed out of her hair (and maybe that slight trance the guy in front of her left her in.) Picking up her book from the ground where it fell she winced, “What the hell!? You got seaweed on my book, damn it.”
She saw the guy in front of her rolling his eyes. “You care more about your book than yourself?”
Annabeth froze. She’s heard the 8 words multiple times in a teasing voice from her brother and her friends. She’s replayed the time she’d meet her soulmate in her head multiple times in multiple different ways. But never had she thought her soulmate would manage to get seaweed on one of her favorite books.
“Well shit.” She heard from in front of her.
Laughing humorlessly she ran her hand through her hair, “yeah shit.”
“Annie!” Annabeth looked over to her right, seeing her brother and Calissa walking over to them. “Found your soulmate?”
“Malcolm. Were you spying on me? You’re on a date, aren’t you?”
“We got bored.”
The raven-haired boy in front of her chuckled. “Annie.?”
“It’s a nickname.” She snapped. “That I will not allow you to call me.” Annabeth sighed, putting her hand out in front of her. “Annabeth Chase.”
The guy smiled, slipping his hand in Annabeth’s. “Percy Jackson.” Percy Jackson. Jackson. She recognized the name. Percy must’ve read her expression, for he laughed and said, “Yes, Sally Jackson’s son.”
Annabeth’s eyes widened, “Oh my god, her writing is beautiful. Her characters are so well written. The way she carries the series, oh my god it’s incredible!”
Percy laughed. From beside Annabeth, Malcolm gave Percy a look, “She's a little obsessed with Sally Jackson’s books.”
“A little?” Percy asked, teasing.
Annabeth glared at him, “Whatever.” My soulmate is Sally Jackson’s son. Oh my god.
Percy cleared his throat, “Uh. Sorry about the seaweed and everything. I lost control for a bit.”
Annabeth hummed absent-mindedly, wrinkling her nose in annoyance at the realization that her book was covered in saltwater and seaweed and she probably won't be able to save it. “Well, one of my favorite books is now soaked but I guess I’ll forgive you.” She then added, “But only because you're the son of one of my favorite authors.”
Percy laughed lightly, “Not surprising. All my friends love my mom more than me.” Percy reached his hand out and brushed off a piece of seaweed from Annabeth’s hair. Suddenly, it seemed like she forgot how to breathe. Annabeth saw Percy’s eyes search her face, his hand delicately resting on her cheek.
Too soon, Percy pulled back, and Annabeth wasn't sure why that bothered her. He glanced at the setting sun, “I should get going before my mom gets worried.”
Annabeth blinked, “Uh yeah, yeah ok.”
Percy smiled, turning, grabbing his surfboard from the ground, and yelled to some people in the distance, “Hey, Thalia! Jace, Neeks, we gotta go.”
“Don't call me that, Jackson!”
Annabeth smiled. “Hey, uh, Percy?”
Percy looked back at her, a smile still on his face, “Yeah?”
“Could I- Could I have your number?” Wincing, as she worried she might’ve stepped over a line.
Percy’s smile only grew, “Of course.”
She was happy. More than happy. In the past two years, a lot happened.
A few weeks after the beach incident, Annabeth had called Percy, asking to go out on a date, because, “we’re soulmates anyway, might as well.” He agreed. 2 weeks and 4 dates later, they had their first kiss. Under a street light that was already dying out, with a leaf or two, landing on Annabeth’s head, which Percy teased her about for weeks. ( “It was just a leaf Annabeth.” “We were kissing. Can you blame me for getting startled?” “No one’s blaming you. I’m just teasing you, Wise Girl.” “Yeah, I can tell, Seaweed Brain.” )
Oh and the nicknames. They’re stupid because they’re cliché. ( “But clichés are only clichés because they work, sweetie.” “Sure, Mrs. Jackson.” “Sally.” )
And Percy’s mother is a gem, and so is his half-sister, Estelle Blofis. Apparently, Percy’s parents are divorced, and Percy’s mother remarried, to an English teacher, Paul Blofis. Percy’s friends are great too. Thalia, Nico, and Annabeth immediately hit it off. Percy met Annabeth’s friends as well, at some point, and she found it cute how nervous he was.
Also, she got accepted to Queens College. And better yet, so did her boyfriend.
Thanks for reading!!
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Sore Loser
A/N: I rewrote this twice because I deleted half of it- totally no tears here! Comment your opinions and most importantly, enjoy! <3 from moi.
Word count: 1.3K
Summary: The ending to this one shot
Tagging: @showtunesandsolangelo​
Part II
Percy refused to talk to Annabeth the entire ride back to Camp. Most of his team was lighting up on the way back besides Percy and Will who were furious at Nico for overworking himself over a game. Percy would turn his head every time Annabeth spoke to him however when they got off the bus, he snatched her bag out of her hand and threw it over his shoulder. Annabeth tried to not laugh- sure, he wouldn't talk to her but he would still hold her bag for her. 
“Percy, bro cmon, it was a game.” Jason slapped him on the back.  
“That we got beat in!” 
“That was your fault,” Calypso laughed slightly as Leo wove his hand into hers. He had forgiven her for practically yeeting him across into a creek. She still felt quite guilty when she saw the bruise across his back but he had waved it off as if it were nothing. 
“I did warn you that we were going to win,” Annabeth repeated. “ C’mon Perce, it was just a game!”
“Hmph!” Percy shook his head away from Annabeth even though he was holding her hand and her stuff. It was by far one of the funniest things Annabeth had ever seen him do.He clearly did not see the irony. 
“Do you understand what you did? It was a game Nico, a game! Do you understand what those words mean?” Will answered his question before Nico could. “ It means you don’t overexert yourself and have fun. Have you ever heard of fun before!?” 
Nico was trying to keep a poker face and not laugh at Will. He watched as the blond teenager continued freaking out, throwing his hands about and lecturing him. Nico was sitting down on his bed in the infirmary, supporting his weight with both his arms. Yes, Nico injured himself so often that he had an actual bed assigned to him in the infirmary. 
“What are you smiling at!” Will turned on him. 
“It was you and your little freak outs. Happy now?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“Oh.” Will seemed significantly quiet as he attempted to fight the rising blush on his cheeks.
“Says you.” Will retorted as he sat next to Nico, shuffling so he could get comfortable. Nico shuffled a bit so he could lay his head on Will’s chest who in turn rested his chin on Nico’s head.. Will felt warm, safe and his heart had steady thumps- something that calmed Nico as his eyes closed and he gently drifted into a sleep. The last thing he felt was a soft kiss on his forehead. 
“Anyone seen Will and Nico?” Piper asked as she took a seat.
“Infirmary,” Reyna confirmed as she decided to take a seat by Frank and Hazel. Just as Annabeth was going to take a seat by Piper instead of Percy, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She let Percy drag her to his lap- he was still frowning. His eyes weren’t cloudy like they were when he was truly angry, instead they were his regular sea green hue. His hair was messy form the game and some of the ends had splashes of yellow paint dired to the ends. There were even some splodges on his face and bruises on his arms but despite all of that, Annabeth still thought he looked as handsome as ever. 
“So you’re still going to interact with me but you won’t talk to me?” 
“He’s stubborn,” Leo called out. 
“Grudges really aren’t your thing Percy, leave that to Nico,” Hazel admitted, her legs resting on Frank’s lap. 
“She exploited the trust we had so she could win,” Percy huffed out the few words. Piper literally cackled. Percy was probably the one of the best soldiers in battle but he really wasn’t very good at losing. 
“Percy,” she wheezed. “It was a game. You should have seen it coming.”
“Seaweed brain, I said I’m sorry but come on, you have to admit it was funny!” Annabeth pleaded. She watched as Percy struggled to keep his face under control. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and at the same time, the dimples on his cheeks appeared momentarily before disappearing. His eyebrows creased together in a dramatic fashion, clearly trying to prevent a smile from spreading across his face. 
“Percyyy please!”
“Percy, you realise no one is on your side right?” Reyna reminded. 
“I’m going to my cabin, in case you traitors wanted to continue anymore of your protesting,” Percu huffed as he got up and stormed away in a dramatic fashion. The rest of the group remained in their seats, trying to resist snorting. 
A knock resonated from the door. Percy was considering if he should answer or not. The chances it was a quest or someone in need of his help (he really was close to screaming fuck all the gods except Hestia) and the chance it was Annabeth were both a fair 50/50. The knocking was persistent and finally Percy sighed before getting up and in a violent manner, pulled open the door. 
To his surprise, Annabeth stood there with a plate of blue cookies (that looked like one or two had been burnt), blue nachos (with some famous 7 layer dip which Annabeth had to iris-call Sally to learn the recipe) and a bottle of blue soda which stood by her foot.
“Sorry?” Annabeth offered, her arms a bit full. Percy didn’t know how to react. On instinct, he helped Annabeth, taking the nachos out of her hands and propping the door to his cabin open so she could walk in. As Annabeth walked in, he stuck his head out the door, to make sure Chiron wasn’t watching. 
“So..” Annabeth trailed off, looking at her feet. 
Percy sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “So…”
“I made cookies,” she smiled weakly.
“I saw. How many did you burn?”
Annabeth gasped in mock offense. Her hand flew to mouth dramatically as she struggled to hide a giggle. 
“What! There was no way that Leo didn’t help you with those. He’s the only one who can actually make food here,” Percy laughed slightly. Annabeth, caught red handed, let out a nervous bubble of laughter as she sat herself on one of the chairs in Percy’s cabin. 
“So… have you forgiven me?” Annabeths eyes looked shiny and hopeful. 
Percy had forgotten that he had meant to be mad around Annabeth- when the girl you’re in love with walks into your cabin with blue food and cookie ingredients across her face, you kinda have to stop thinking grrrr. In Percy’s eyes Annabeth looked so adorable- she had flour on her face and hair, her clothes were clearly in a food dye accident and her hands were stained blue. 
“Maybe… I will have to give everything a thorough taste test to determine it though.”
“Oh of course, we can’t have anything not up to your standard,” Annabeth joined in on Percy’s mucking about. Percy took a bite out of the blue cookie that lay on top- expecting the worse however, he was pleasantly surprised when it tasted pretty good. 
“Wow, this is way better than I thought it would be.” The words flew out of Percy’s mouth before he could stop them.
“Glad to see you believe in my baking skills,” Annabeth drawled sarcastically but her lips were still smiling. Annabeth also took a cookie and was shocked at how good it tasted. 
“Wow, these are pretty good.”
“Well you see, I have this super competitive but awesome girlfriend who cannot cook or bake but she has really good battle strategies that seem to also work when coming to blackmailing her friends to make food.”
Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's waist, pressing a kiss to her forehead just as she gave him a playful punch, causing him to pout and rub his arm. They set out the food and argued about what movie to watch.
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zayray030 · 3 years
A little while longer
Summary: Percy makes a promise to Annabeth after the guys tease him for not noticing her crush on him earlier.
Relationships: Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Characters: Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson
“Those little shits!” yelled Percy as he stormed into his and his girlfriends room. Annabeth continued reading, not even looking up.
“So I'm going to guess that your day wasn't good?” Annabeth asked sarcastically and the next thing she knows is that she's getting pinned down by her boyfriend, a look she knows all too well.
“Yeah, and I'm not in the mood to be tested, Annie.” he replied tightly but Annabeth was a brat.
“Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” she asked a little challengingly. Wrong move.
A look came into her boyfriend 's eyes as his hands sneaked below her shirt and grasped her waist.
“Wait, Percy, no! We can talk about this we don't need to-” she cut herself off by a loud shriek as her boyfriend began torturing her by tickling her sides. Sooner than she would have liked she was reduced to a shrieking, giggling mess, begging for mercy.
Percy didn't give in however. He continued tickling until Annabeth couldn't keep count anymore and just layed there, accepting her demise.
Finally, her tickling jerk of a boyfriend finally stopped his fingers from tickling her and simply just let them lay on her waist.
He settled himself on top of her gently to make sure she didn't get crushed and just put his head on her chest.
Instinctively, Annabeth moved her hands to his hair and gently carded her fingers through his raven locks.
“But seriously Seaweed Brain, what's wrong?” she asked worriedly, scared that they would have to go on another quest.
Percy didn't answer her for a while, simply just letting out a hum at her question. Annabeth was about to give up on trying to find out on what had caused her husband to be in such a foul mood when he spoke up again.
“Do you ever regret waiting for me?” he asked and that was most certainly not something she had expected.
“Huh?” she asked, confused. And if there was something the blonde genius hated was being confused.
“Did you ever get tired of me oblivious? Did you ever get tired of me getting close to Rachel? Did you just get tired of me not picking up the signs?” Percy voiced, voice growing smaller and smaller with every question he asked.
Annabeth was shocked into silence. There were several moments of stillness, neither brave enough to break it. Until suddenly Percy couldn't take it anymore and looked up at her, normally calm eyes stormy and serious. Finally, Annabeth spoke.
“I'm not going to lie, it hurt.” she answered honestly and to her surprise Percy didn't instantly deflate. Instead he nodded, as if he was asking her to continue and understanding her at the same time.
“I mean, I've tried for almost three years to try and get your attention. To show that I liked you and wanted to date you. And then suddenly this random girl pops up, write her number on your arm and you say you're going to call her. You invited her to a quest barely even knowing her. You spent an entire year in her company and didn't once think about me. It hurt me so much.” she felt Percy touching her cheek, his thumbs swiping at something and that's when she realised it was her tears.
“Shh, Wise Girl.” he cooed quietly, sitting up and holding her. He ran a hand through her curly hair to calm her down and it slowly worked.
“But then you showed me where your heel was and it made me so, so happy. You trusted me with it and then when you asked to kiss me and when…” she sobbed out and Percy tightened his hold on her.
“When you chose to stay mortal despite the fact that you knew if you chose godship you could be devoid of any quests. I fell for you even more.” she whispered the last part and Percy couldn't help but let out his own tears.
“I love you Annabeth Chase and I am so sorry for letting you wait.” and he took a deep breath before getting off the sofa and kneeling in front of it, taking her hand in his.
“I never want you to wait anymore. We've waited for far too long but I'm going to need you to wait for just a little while longer. I know that you want to finish school and work as an architect and I want to study up on Biology as well. But I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So this is a promise.” and he took out a little box from his back pocket.
How the hell had she not noticed it was in the back of her mind. Right now she was trying not to ugly cry.
“I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you're the only one I want to spend my life with. So take this ring please, and promise me that we will be bonded forever in the near future.” and out he took out what was the most gorgeous ring that Annabeth had seen.
“Oh yes!” she yelled and she tackled him into the ground with a kiss.
He kissed her back with just as much passion, hands on her waist to keep her steady. When they separated they laid their foreheads together, panting heavily after their intense make out session.
Percy slid the ring into her finger and kissed it. She giggled at the cute yester and laid her head on his shoulder.
“Percy?” she asked and Percy hummed back. “What caused you to ask all that anyway.” she felt Percy take a deep breath before he answered.
“Everyone back at camp was kinda teasing me for taking so long to realise that you liked me that I don't know. I just felt sad and mad.” he answered honestly, playing with the hand that her ring was on. “Don't think for a second that's why I gave you the ring. I wanted to. I just wanted to confirm that you loved me and didn't give up on me.
“Ohh.” Annabeth nodded before frowning. “Those filthy hypocrites. They have no room to speak.” she muttered and she heard Percy give avran in relief.
“Thank you! That's what I was saying!” he said and the two lovers looked at each other before bursting into laughter. “You wanna put on a movie with snacks and talk about how dense our friend are?” he asked
“Hell yeah!! Quickly, you go get changed! I'll set everything up!” and before Percy could argue his girlfriend had already dashed off.
He couldn't help but sigh, content when he saw her blind locks flying after her. How had he been lucky to fall in love with her.
“Hey Wise girl?” he yelled.
“Yeah Seaweed Brain?” she yelled back and Percy could hear the scuttle in the kitchen, signaling that she was getting things.
“I love you.”
There was a pause before she replied, voice slightly higher.
“I love you too”
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Day 1: “You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one.”
It is herrrreee!!! I hope you enjoy and let me know all your thoughts.
Non-descript, non-canon-compliant AU
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Jason Grace smiles as he ends the call with his sister, promising her he’ll call before she gets on her flight to another obscure place. One would think after an entire year of living, mostly, alone she wouldn’t be so worried, yet each time she goes off she has to send him a hundred messages and call him a hundred more times to make sure he’s okay. The day is dawning bright and chilly and he has every intention of snuggling up in his bed with a good book and copious amounts of hot cocoa. University has finally shut down for winter which means he has absolutely nothing to do. It is pure bliss.
He hops onto the counter, scrolling through his phone while the kettle boils. His instagram is filled with people in various tropical places, or places much colder than his little London apartment. Snow and skis, and beaches and cocktails scatter across his feed and he is equal parts jealous and excited. The kettle clicks and he sets to making his chocolatey drink, adding an obscene amount of marshmallows and some extra chocolate chips just for fun. Might as well indulge. Tomorrow he would have to make an effort to dress in something more than a ratty t-shirt and fading boxers, and interact with other people. The few of them that are still here are planning a holiday movie night complete with blanket forts and popcorn and terrible romance plots. But today, with the sky grey and weeping gently, and the world as quiet as he’s ever heard it he can just be unexciting, unworried Jason.
He launches himself onto the bed, after carefully placing his mug on the side table and snuggles deep into his duvets, sighing contentedly. There is almost nothing that could make this better. Except one person. But he has no energy to dwell on that. Because that person is gone to Montauk with their family and even if they weren’t they wouldn’t be here with him.  He shakes the thoughts from his head and opens his book, ready to get lost in a world far away from this one. But just as he starts reading, a knock sounds at his door. Every bone in his body groans, like the worst thing that could have happened to them has just occurred. He agrees wholly and debates ignoring the unexpected visitor. But then he thinks about his elderly neighbour who’s always losing her keys or needing help with something on the top shelf and he sighs as he resigns himself to getting up. His book, and heart, cry when he tumbles out of bed and slips his feet into fluffy pink slippers. The knocking sounds again and he all but rolls his eyes, before flinging open the door.
As he expects Mrs Tremblay is on the other side, a kind smile on her face. “Hello Jason dear,”
“Hello Mrs Tremblay, how are you?”
“Oh just peachy dear. My wife isn’t home yet and I can't seem to locate the butter. Would you mind coming to have a look. I am sorry to be a bother on such a day that requires everything but bothering.”
He holds in a snort and closes his door behind him, “No worries ma’am. I’m happy to help.”
“Yes, well you’re very kind dear. The last tenant who lived there was a rowdy unfriendly man who smelled disgustingly of bleach and cigarette smoke.” Her nose scunches so that the wrinkles in her face deepen considerably.
He doesn’t give a response, mostly because he doesn’t really know how to reply, so instead he ushers her into her apartment and makes his way to the kitchen. After a quick squiz in the fridge he sees the butter all the way at the back of the top shelf. Getting it out, he places it on the counter with a smile.
“Here you are Mrs Tremblay.”
“Oh you are a darling! I’ll be sure to save some snickerdoodles for you.” She claps her hands, already pulling her apron over her head.
“Is there anything else you need me to help with?”
“That’s alright dear.” Distracted with her scale she waves his question away, “You’ll see yourself out, won't you?”
“Sure ma’am, have a good day.” He waves. She doesn't catch it. “Say hi to Precious for me.”
“Bye now.” Is her distant reply before she’s scaling chunks of butter and losing herself to her baking.
With a huffed laugh he escapes back to his own apartment and settles into his bed once more. This time he does get swooped into his book, travelling over mountains and sleeping in rocky valleys. Every word produces a new kind of feeling, like he is a well of all the most wonderful emotions. Sometime later, and a good portion of the book gone, he drains the last of his now-cold cocoa and decides it’s time for a bathroom break. As he finishes up another knock sounds at his door. Must be Mrs Tremblay with the cookies she’d promised.
He jogs to the door, pulling a hoodie over his head, as the wind seeps in through the cracked windows. He opens the door and the hood flops over his face.
“Mrs Tremblay, the snickers finished already?” He fiddles with the fabric and pushes his now messy hair out of his eyes.
“Uh- I did not bring cookies?” A voice that Jason hears in his dreams washes over him.
He freezes, blue eyes as wide as planets, as he takes in who stands at his front door. “You’re not Mrs Tremblay.” He blurts out.
A twinkle enters those emerald eyes, a smirk slowly takes over that beautiful, angular face. “I am not. As far as I know i’m still Percy Jackson.”
“Yes you are.” He replies breathlessly, and then cringes so hard he sees black dancing in his vision. That smirk only grows wider. “Please come in.”
“Thanks. It’s freezing out there. I’m sure all the nerves in my fingers have burned to nothing.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Montauk? Is everything okay with your family? With you? Here let me take your jacket.” He eases the dark denim from his friend’s hands and slings it over the chair in their little dining room.
Percy laughs at all his questions, "Everything is fine with everyone. Paul has family in Brighton, and I asked mom if I could visit you while we’re here.”
That twinkle only brightens as they make their way to his room. “Yes oh.” He winks, and then sobers as he takes in the rumpled sheets on Jason’s bed. “Am I interrupting something? I can totally come back another day. We’re here for two weeks so…”
The blonde’s cheeks go crimson as he realises what his friend thought was going on. “No, no, no. I was just reading. I’ve been in bed, uh, all day.”
Percy’s eyebrows touch his hairline in surprise. “You? You’ve been in bed all day?”
He blushes harder but nods all the same. “It’s cold and I have a book. I finally have the time to read.”
A brown hand reaches up to touch his forehead, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? The Jason Grace I know would have had his morning run, started on assignments due in two months time and volunteered to go grocery shopping for all his neighbours.”
He makes a face, shoving the black-haired boy, “I’m not such a goody-two-shoes.”
A laugh as pretty and devastating as the ocean echoes through his body. “Alright Jase,” He collapses onto the bed, waggling his dark eyebrows. “If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
That laugh catches between his butterflies and the whole world slows down. He stares at his friend, who looks so completely at home that his heart clenches a little. Black hair a stark contrast against his white covers, and earth brown skin glowing under the yellow light above their heads. He takes a deep breath in.
“Do you want to finish your book and then we can talk?” Percy asks, eyes still stuck on the ceiling, tracing the constellation of stars stuck up there.
And with that question Jason melts into the floor and thanks the powers that be that he has found home.
“If you don’t mind?” He moves to lie on the bed, already snatching up the book and paging through it to find his way.
Percy scoffs, “Of course i don’t mind.” He shuffles, eyes darting around before a gleam enters them. He promptly moves further up, and places his head on Jason’s stomach.
“What- what are you doing?”
“You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one.”
And indeed the two pillows that are usually on the bed are shoved behind his back, for the extra comfort. “Oh, uh, okay.”
“Are you uncomfortable? Should I move somewhere else?”
“No, no!” He cries, ‘I’m fine.” Even though his heart is beating a hundred miles a minute and the butterflies in his stomach had been released into a zoo.
A beautiful smile takes over Percy’s face as he settles into his pillow and closes his eyes. Jason reminds himself to breathe, as he stares at the serene face right under his nose.
“Are you going to keep staring at me or actually read Grace?” His friend’s lips twitch but those ocean eyes stay closed.
“Shut up.” He grumbles, wondering how he knew.
“Make me.”
His golden cheeks go bright red, again, and he is grateful the black-haired boy is still closed to the world. Finally his heart calms enough, and his mind goes quiet and he can get lost in his book. Percy’s soft, unhurried breathing deepens as he drifts to sleep, and Jason follows not long after. They are content. They are peaceful. They are happy.
They wake up as they had gone to sleep: Percy’s head resting against his stomach, and him propped up on pillows. Jason’s eyes open first and after he glances out the window to see the grey sky darkening he takes the quiet moment to stare, unobstructed at the boy before him. Long eyelashes brush sharp cheekbones, and a strong nose, slightly skewed from being broken one too many times, twitches. He really is one of the most beautiful people.
“Are you still staring at me?” A raspy, playful voice rings out.
The blonde about has a heart attack right there. “You’re awake?”
“Just barely.” He groans, pulling himself up, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Jason almost groans at the loss of contact but stifles it under a laugh. “You wanna make some cocoa and we can tell each other secrets?”
“I only have one secret,” Percy winks, hauling himself off the bed and holding out a hand for him.
He takes it, but is unprepared to be launched halfway to the sun, or to topple into a hard chest. The black-haired boy catches him before they fall to the floor, and every nerve in his body narrows to the warm hands on his hips.
“What’s your secret?” He whispers.
“Take a wild guess.”
He narrows his eyes, racking his brain for any ideas, but every thought is discarded because all of them involve something he knows is impossible.
“Got nothing?” He grins.
“Not a clue.” Disappointment floods through him fast and sharp.
“My mother secretly calls me pineapples.” His friend mutters and in the second it takes him to process the words the black-haired boy is already shaking. His forehead presses into the blonde’s shoulder as he laughs and he can’t help but join in; the absurdity of the statement breaks his confusion, and disappointment.
Finally they sober up and Percy, whose hands are still on him, stares directly into his eyes. “I lied. I have one more secret.”
And then Percy Jackson smiles as bright as the stars and kisses Jason Grace. What a lovely secret indeed.
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thescarcasticwriter · 4 years
I’ll Try (Percy Jackson x Reader)
~I'm not a child now  I can take care of myself ~
        You charged up the hill and tackled Percy, Annabeth, and Grover into a big hug. Ignoring their laughter you gave a relieved sigh. You heard Luke give a small chuckle behind you.
        "Careful (Y/N), don't hurt yourself," he paused and added, "or them."
        You stopped hugging the trio and turned to the tall blonde with an exasperated look.
        "Luke, I can take care of myself. I'm not a kid anymore."
        Luke gave a sad smile and nodded his head in consent. You walked down the hill with the returning hero asking a million questions (How'd it go? Percy did what! So, Tunnel of Love? etc). You were walking right next to Percy and Luke grimaced. Of course you had to be close to him. That was not going to make this easy.
        ~I mustn't let them down now  I must not let them see me cry  I'm fine, I'm fine~
        You hadn't left your bed in two days. You ignored your siblings (or cabin mates) as they tried to tempt you out of bed. Luke had tried to kill Percy and you had no idea if Percy was okay. Not only had one of your favorite people had tried to kill someone, he tried to kill your crush best friend. But despite this, you refused to cry and admit how you feel. You've used the excuse of being sick.
        Someone opened the door to your cabin. You groaned and turned to them. You saw Annabeth wince at your disheveled hair and red rimmed eyes. 
        "Hey, he's awake."
         ~I'm too tired to listen  I'm too old to believe  All these childish stories ~
        You were sitting down next to Percy's bed. He was (in secret of course) telling you what Luke had done. You were trying not to cry. Why would Luke do this? Percy finished and noticed your distressed state.
        "Hey, um, you are allowed to cry y'know."
        You nodded and looked in front of you trying to process everything.
        "Um, I'm sure he'll realize how ridiculous his idea is and come back. He would never leave you."
        You scoffed. As if such fantasies would be true.
~There is no such thing as faith And trust and pixie dust ~
        You were now sitting the the living room of the Big House. Chiron had a grim look on his face as Percy, once again, retold his interaction with Luke. When Percy finished he nodded.
        "We will not tell the other campers," he said with a warm look to you. You had taken to leaning on Percy with a (shaky) straight expression. "We must have faith the Luke will come to his sense."
         ~I try but it's so hard to believe  I try but I can't see what you see  I try, I try, I try~
        Why is it everyone keep saying have faith? Isn't it obvious? Luke was not coming back. Yet you couldn't bring yourself to believe that he was truly joining the dark side. Everyone that knew what happened had taken to telling you he would come back and then calling him a villian when they thought you couldn't hear. 
        You couldn't see Luke as a villain, even though he tried to kill Percy. You had a hard time looking at Percy, feeling like you failed. 
        When the summer came you watched Percy leave with a frown. 
~My whole world is changing  I don't know where to turn ~
        All around was yelling, clashing, and screams as your fellow campers tried to fight off the monster invasion. Images of Luke flashed in your mind. The kind face you grew up with twisted into a smirk with piercing golden eyes. With Kronos's eyes. You were frozen when you first saw them, but Rachel hitting him in the face with a hairbrush broke that trance.
~I can't leave you waiting  But I can't stay and watch the city burn  Watch it burn~
        Someone grabbed your shoulder and you turned around to see Percy with a grim look on his face. 
        "Please stay back, you're hurt," he begged gripping his sword tighter.
        "I can't stand back and watch my home burn Perce," you said taking out your weapon. Percy gave you a pleading look and you returned it with a sad smile. He wasn't letting go of your shoulder. You got an idea. You stepped closer to Percy and gave him a quick kiss. His grip loosened and you stepped out of his reach.
        "I'll stay by your side, alright?" 
~'Cause I try but it's so hard to believe  I try but I can't see what you see ~
        The battle was over and now it was time to count the deaths. You were watching the campers shuffle around in somber moods as they learned if their loved ones were still alive. On the cot next to you was a distressed Pollux. After his brother died he had charged into battle earning him a nasty cut. 
        Behind you one of Apollo's kids was bandaging you shoulder (the injury that Percy was so concerned about). Your face was set in a frown. You were angry. Angry at Luke, at Kronos. But most of all, you were angry at yourself. Despite everything you still found yourself unable to call Luke a bad guy.
~I try, I try, I try And I try to understand the distance in between  The love I feel ~
        Someone sat next to you. You glanced at them from the corner of your eye. When you saw Percy's concerned face you sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. He tensed but soon relaxed and put his arm around you in a side hug. He gently kissed your head, and without looking at him you could guess that his face was red.
        Neither of you said anything. You were lost in your thoughts and Percy didn't know what to say. First you kiss him in the volcano, then right before you ran into battle. He was confused to say the lease. You on the other hand you were conflicted. Conflicted between the love you have for Luke (the closest thing you've had to a father), and the love (because your pretty sure that's what your feeling) you feel for Percy. You couldn't help but feel guilty that you still cared about someone that has repeatedly tried to kill Percy.
~The things I fear  And every single dream  I can finally see it ~
        You sat up with a gasp, another dream shaking you awake. Horrible flashes of blood, fighting, and screams. 
        "Hey," someone spoke to your left. You turned to look and sighed when you saw Percy sitting in a chair next to the bed you were in.
        "Hey," you replied while looking around the room you had awoken in. 
        "You basically passed out when we got here, so I brought into one of the bedrooms," Percy explained with a sheepish smile. That's right, you were fighting Lu- no Kronos's army. As night began to fall you and all the demigods had found and abandoned penthouse and decided to take refuge for the night.    
        Percy moved to sit next to you. You gave him a helpless look as your dream came back to you.
        "Perce," he hummed as he shyly set his hand on yours, "Luke really is evil isn't he?"      ~Now I have to believe  All those precious stories~
        You looked around the once beautiful Olympus. Now everything was empty and destroyed. You felt Percy grab your hand as you slowly moved towards the council room. Looking around you realized, all the stories Percy and various camper had told you were true. Luke was evil, and he wasn't going to change.
~All the world is made of faith And trust and pixie dust ~
You grunted as your back hit a pillar. You were attempting to distract Kronos with Annabeth and Grover. Percy was trying to contact his father by (stupidly) sitting on his throne. You struggled to stand up but gave up when Kronos stood over your body. 
        "L-Luke, please," you weakly begged while whipping a bit a blood off the side of your mouth.
        Kronos smirked, "It's pathetic really, you should here him. He begging me not to hurt you. So sad."
        You held back a sob, "Shut up, if you're going to kill me, do it."
        He gave a cruel laugh, "Tempting, but no. Instead..." He trailed off pulling out a shining dagger. Your frown deepened. "Since I'm feeling generous I'll make you an offer. You join me, I will heal you after all this silly fighting is done. Don't, well I'm sure your boyfriend will miss you."
        He plunged the dagger into your side, but not very deep. You barely stifled your scream as he quickly retracted it.  You heard Percy talking somewhere. You reached down to feel the wound, but you were surprised to feel no blood.
        "You have ten minutes."
~So I'll try  'Cause I finally believe ~
  You were kneeling next to Luke's dyeing body. Percy was next to you. You were barely holding your side, knowing time was running out. Luke noticed your hand and gave you a shaky smile.
        "I-I'm s-sorry (Y/N)."
        You smiled with tears streaming down your face. "I'll see you on the other side Lukey. I love you."
        "I love you too."
        ~I'll try  'Cause I can see what you see  I'll try, I'll try, I will try~
        Percy was hugging you was as the Fates appeared and covered Luke's body. You felt yourself weakening. You ignore Apollo's concerned glaces in favor for giving one last kiss. Just as Hermes picked up Luke you felt your knees give out. You collapse in Percy's arms.
         ~I'll try To fly~
        You open your eyes and slowly stand up. In front of you are the blue eyes you've been longing to see.
        "Hey (Y/N), it's funny seeing you here. Welcome to Elysium."
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thoushaltnottpass · 3 years
War Takes Away Our Humanity
Teaser for Ch1 (basically a trailer.)
Excuse them if they had been a bit surprised at first. One and a half years of quiet had felt too good to be true, but after a few months of being tense and paranoid, people had begun to yearn for tranquility, slowly letting their guard down. Ol' Voldy and his merry band of Death Eaters had all disappeared underground after Harry had challenged their leader to a duel of skill, announcing that Riddle's Horcruxes had been all but demolished, so wizardkind had taken the opportunity to try and regain a semblance of the normality they had had before the war had started.
In just a month, Riddle had created utter chaos. His Death Eaters massacred muggleborn families left and right. They burned down the new St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, the Albus Dumbledore Home for War Orphans, and the Severus Snape Trauma Center all in one. They overtook the Ministry of Magic once more. Minister Shacklebolt was ruthlessly murdered, as was every Ministry official who stood with him. They were able to destroy the wards around almost half of Wizarding Britain's homes. Hell, the only wards they couldn't take down were ones equal to the ancient family homes, such as Longbottom Hall, Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor, or Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.
George had broken. He had fallen to his knees in anguish, his tears and promises of revenge never-ending. A day later he had been discovered in his flat's bathroom, blood oozing out of his slit wrists, a moving photograph of him, Angelina, Fred, and some of their other friends at the Yule Ball of 1994 in his hands.
In another seven months, over a third of Britain had been demolished. The words You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named were gone from everyone's vocabulary; everyone knew very well who. As well as The Dark Lord, fearful whispers on the streets referred to Riddle as the 'Cold One'. There were Death Eater revels almost every week, stated either in Diagon Alley, or various Muggle towns and cities.
Despite all of it, Voldemort had not appeared, not once. No-one, wizard or Muggle, had seen him in the flesh and lived to tell the tale. His inner circle members handled most of the revels, raids, and general killings, while he relished in the safety of his hideouts, torturing and/or killing wizards and the occasional muggle. What a way to live.
"No, Draco, just keep looking. There's at least another half of this library that we haven't seen. It's all Dark, we're bound to find something."
"Hermione, Harry, please. Just hear me-"
"No, Draco. There has to be another way."
"They found Ted Tonks. They're moving in on him, but it'll take them a minute to get through his wards. That's all the time you get before they kill him. Approximately seventy of them. He is there. They expect you to fight, bring as many as possible. High Street, Marlborough. Go, quickly." (A.N: That's a real place. I searched it up- it's in England)
Andromeda was the first to fall. She had broken when she had seen the house her husband had resided- and died in, apparently, as the house was now just a pile of ashes surrounded by a lovely fence. Her attention -and shield- wavered just for a second, but that was all that her opponents had needed to take her down. A quick flash of green light, and she had crumpled to the ground, an agonised expression forever on her face. After her, it had been Neville. The brave, yet foolish, man had been battling five Death Eaters by himself -and winning, it seemed- when someone had shot an emerald green jet of light to his back. Seeing him fall had been tragic for all around him, especially Augusta, who had sunk to the ground in despair, clutching her daughter-in-law. Those had been a sad few moments- before Augusta and Hannah had, too, sadly met their ends. Molly Weasley had launched herself into a duel with Bellatrix, and she fought like a vicious lioness. Even lionesses died, however, and that was what had happened to Molly. Percy and Bill, who were briefly distracted from their own duels when her body had tumbled to the floor, had all joined her in the afterlife after being hit by some very Dark curses. Percy had killed Dolohov and jumped in for his mother, grieving but level-headed, though he was no match for the serpent that was Bellatrix. Soon, the only remaining Weasley was Ron, not that he had had much time to register it, as he was battling three very dangerous Dark wix.
"My dear Death Eaters, would you look at this," Voldemort drawled in his snake's hiss, drawing out the 's' at the end. "The only members of the Light we have not yet defeated."
"Ronald Weasley," Ron looked repulsed at hearing the bald snake say his name. "You could have been great, my dear boy. You could have brought the Prewetts and Weasleys back to their former glory, but you chose not to. You are a disgrace to the pureblood name.”
If anything, Ron looked proud at that.
"Draco Malfoy," he announced, his eyes straying to the blond man. "You are a traitor to our cause, Draco. You didn't think I knew about that measly code, that spelled parchment, those private little Charms lessons? Your mother died as soon as I made her send that Patronus, boy. Your father must be rolling in his grave. Filthy blood-traitor," Draco's mask flickered for a second at the news of his mother's death, but he determinedly put it back into place, strengthening his shields.
The Death Eaters gleefully snickered at the mention of the deceased woman. Bellatrix outright cackled madly. A look from her beloved Lord quietened her immediately.
"Hermione Granger," Hermione looked ready to spit in his face and stomp on his non-nose. "You are the brightest witch of your age. A Mudblood, yes, but bright nonetheless. I would gladly excuse your unfortunate heritage. Join me, my dear, and bask in the praise and glory Lord Voldemort will give you. Join me, and be rewarded greatly," he purred. "Hermione."
"Rot in hell, Riddle," Hermione spat, seeming beyond revolted.
"Very well. And Harry Potter," Riddle sneered. "The Chosen One. The Boy-Who-Lived. The Saviour of the World. Where have you been as the world needed you, Mr Potter? You once took everything from me, Harry. And now," Voldemort smiled a sickening smile, and Hermione's shield faltered. "I shall take all from you." He raised his wand, and a jet of green light rushed toward Harry's best and only female friend.
Hermione didn't panic. Her life didn't flash before her eyes. She just felt numb. She dropped her arm and closed her eyes, ready to meet her fate. But apparently, fate had other ideas. Because she didn't see the black abyss she had thought would absorb her, she didn't feel the spell she thought would hit her, and she didn't die. No, instead, she heard a shout of her name, and as she opened her eyes, she saw a mop of bright, orange hair, followed by a thump on the ground in front of her.
"No!" she cried in sorrow.
Ron... Ginny... Molly... Andy...
“We have no other choice.”
“No, Hermione, please listen to me,” Draco pleaded. “If we had another option, I would gladly choose it, but there isn’t another option. Please know that I would never ask you to do this unless it was the only way. But, don’t you see? This isn’t Dark magic, because I’m willing.”
“O cara mors vetus noster animos habere pudicos, et nostri bonis magicae. Rogamus te ut nos back: reversusque est in tempore. Obsecro mi mors sanguis nostras quaesumus ut nos salvos et mundo. Mortem, et dabo te in sanguinem et vitam draco malfoy, et in reditu ad nos a vobis et nobis bonum passagium praeterita, ita non potest prohibere mala et beatitudo omnibus!”
Tears streaming down their cheeks, they both thrust their knives into his gut. Draco cried out at the unimaginable pain. He slumped to the floor, writhing in agony.
They repeated the words once more as he bled out in front of them.
Hermione turned to Harry, and saw that his face was also twisted in pain, as though he could feel what Draco was feeling.
“We're monsters.” she said numbly. “We killed someone pure.”
“This is what war does, Mione,” he muttered numbly. “It takes everything from you until the only thing you have left is your humanity. Then it takes that, too.”
Draco gave one last twitch, one last whimper, before he became still, his pain still on his face. At that very moment, Hermione and Harry stumbled feeling a pull in their stomachs not unlike what one felt mid-Apparition. The wind around them spun quickly in a circle, and the two friends let go of each other's hands.
That had been her last thought before she had stopped flying and landed on her two feet; the world went dark, and she slumped to the shining floor of the abyss. And for the first time in a long time, Hermione Granger rested, no bad dreams or dark memories plaguing her. Little did she know, she would have quite the same fright when she woke up.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Lily had to demand the book from Sirius as he was still scrutinizing Dumbledore's departure like that, and he handed it over reluctantly. Before she could get started he said, "can we please take a break, just a quick thirty minutes to do something other than this mess. I really don't want to get started with something all over again already." Harry looked just as exhausted as him and eagerly agreed, and the moment everyone agreed he at once demanded of his Godfather if he could hear some more fun stories of the Marauder's pranks at school. Sirius easily roped James into that conversation and Remus would never resist breaking in as well. Lily watched them peacefully go through several stories, her favorites usually the ones on each other, but the longer they kept going the harder it was to keep leaving one person out. They'd spent seven years as a foursome after all, and it was getting more obvious by the moment they couldn't blot him out of all their adventures.
Still it had been worth it when finally all of their laughter subsided and they all looked almost normal and peaceful again while Lily got herself started.
Dumbledore's abrupt departure took Harry completely by surprise. He remained sitting where he was in the chained chair, struggling with his feelings of shock and relief.
Harry was all the more happy for the little break he'd just had, it gave him some distance so he wasn't as hurt by that as he was at the time, and he did feel a bit better when he watched those around him either frown or scowl at this rather rude dismissal. Sure it wouldn't do for Dumbledore to show favoritism to Harry in that moment, but even a quick word goodbye would have been better than nothing.
The Wizengamot were all getting to their feet preparing to leave. Harry stood too and nobody seemed to be paying him the slightest bit of attention, except the toad like witch on Fudge's right, who was now gazing down at him instead of Dumbledore.
Harry felt that nasty, prickling feeling returning at once at her mentioning, and he wished he understood why. Surely she had nothing to do with his life.
  He turned to leave, hesitated in case someone called him back, but when no one did he began a very fast walk to the door.
"Escape while you can before they throw something else at you," Remus sighed in agreement.
He reached the door practically at a run, then nearly collided with Arthur who was pale and looking even more apprehensive than when Harry had gone in as he asked what had happened, Dumbledore hadn't said.
Remus tried for a more open expression in regards to saying, "well if he didn't even say anything to Arthur then I'm positive it really was a matter of something else other than this place he had to attend to."
"Yeah, I guess," Harry agreed, feeling only the smallest margin better it hadn't just been him who'd been dismissed like that.
Harry explained his current circumstances as cleared of all charges, and Arthur's face broke into a wide grin of how good that news was. Of course there was nothing to convict, he hadn't been guilty, but nobody could pretend- he broke himself off,
"Honestly that's for the best, he can't have gone anywhere pleasant from there," James shook his head fondly, regretting not having done something similar to his son when he seemed so pleased at Arthur's reaction, but now it would just look silly when the moment had passed.
because the courtroom was pouring out behind Harry now, and Arthur was gaping in shock he'd been tried by the full court.
"Can't wait for him to pass that along," Lily huffed, "I'm hoping it'll drop Fudge's credibility even more."
One or two gave Arthur a nod as they passed, such as Madam Bones who even greeted him with a good morning, but most ignored his existence as thoroughly as the wall like Fudge. The toad like witch,
"Are you going to keep referring to her like that?" Sirius snickered, honestly amused at what he considered a running insult from Harry after he'd gotten her name.
"Yes," Harry said back flatly, causing his smirk to disappear at once as they all scrutinized Harry's look. What had this woman done to him to cause such bad feelings when she hadn't actually done a thing yet? He was acting more hostile towards her than Fudge.
took one last moment to watch him as she passed by. Last to leave was Percy.
Lily winced at even the idea of having to read out such a harsh reaction she expected a parent to have around their own child, yet Arthur utterly deserved whatever was said to Percy, it still left a bitter taste in her mouth before she even knew what was to be done.
Aside from the tightening lines around his mouth, Arthur turned away with no notice he'd just seen his third child.
Lily groaned and shook her head miserably, there was no way that could have been good, but did the boys really have to look so hateful while she said it. She supposed it was better than the lashing argument she'd just pictured herself.
He waited until Percy had vanished before beckoning Harry that he could go back and tell the others the good news now, Arthur still had to see to that toilet in Bethnal Green.
"Was honestly hoping you'd go along," Sirius gave a believable smile to that.
"I'm sure I can give you details later when he tells that night," Harry chuckled at the enthusiasm.
Harry asked what was going to be done to the toilet with a grin, everything seemed five times funnier than normal to him.
"That's usually how it works," Remus smiled in full agreement as the feeling poured back over him he hadn't felt in a few years now but he honestly missed, this must be ten times more powerful to something so strong as what Harry had just gone through.
It was starting to sink in: he was cleared, he was going back to Hogwarts.
"Knew it all along," James gave a pompous smile. "Course all you had to do was look at this books length, or Merlin we could have even skipped ahead."
"Oh, now you suggest that," Harry chuckled.
Arthur began explaining the charm used was a simple enough fix, no the real problem was the vandalism itself and what it stood for. Muggle-baiting was an expression of a much deeper- he stopped himself in mid sentence.
"That always seems to happen during the important conversations," Lily sighed as she'd completely agreed with what Arthur was saying.
They'd reached back to the main landing where the lift and door were, to see Fudge speaking to a tall, blond figure with a pale face.
Harry extra despised that cold feeling of dread wrapping around him, forcing him to relive a memory he'd already regained just because of the sight of this man. Though he hadn't seen his face, the last time Lucius Malfoy had been in his presence was in that graveyard, groveling to Voldemort-
His recurring nightmare was interrupted by his dad whispering hatefully, "unless he's in handcuffs, I hope Arthur has the sense to keep you away from him."
"Considering the last time his name was mentioned in relation to Fudge, I wouldn't hold your breath mate," Sirius could already feel his lip curling into a sneer.
The second they'd arrived, the other two broke off whatever they were speaking of as well, Malfoy's cold grey eyes fixing Harry with a stare as he called to him Patronus Potter.
"I see where the young Malfoy gets his wit from," Remus rolled his eyes at the lame insult.
Harry felt winded, as the last time he'd been in the presence of this man was in the graveyard, listening to that voice jeer at him through a Death Eater's hood for Voldemort to continue torturing him.
James could feel himself going for his wand again, now regretting his angry actions this morning just because he wanted to be back beside his son now. It only helped ease his hand away but worsen his mood when Sirius gave Harry a soft nudge and muttered something to him, and he blinked around before smiling at him.
Too see him here, talking to Fudge just weeks after Harry had told Fudge this left Harry breathless.
Mr. Malfoy continued by saying the Minister had just been informing him of Potter's lucky escape.
"The fact that you call him mister," Sirius scoffed while trailing more silently in mutters about that.
It was astonishing really, how he kept wriggling out of tight holes, almost snakelike.
"Well he'd know all about that," Remus snapped, "glory, I think that was almost a compliment."
"Then I'm all the more insulted," Harry groused.
Mr. Weasley gripped Harry's shoulder in warning.
"I'm sure Arthur needs that just as much to hold himself back," Lily's lip was shaking with anger as she forced herself not to start cursing something. "I still treasure the idea of him hitting that man with a book on toadstools."
"You and me both love," James agreed.
Harry quietly agreed he'd always been good at escaping.
Sirius gave a soft, bitter laugh that he couldn't feel, but Harry deserved someone to admire his humor in the face of that.
Malfoy turned his attention to Arthur now, asking in astonishment what he was doing here?
"Escorting a friend, not that he'd understand what that meant," Remus muttered, not having missed the fact that the two people who should have been there for Harry were busy hiding out.
Mr. Weasley gave the curt reply that he worked here.
Malfoy raised a disbelieving brow as he demanded not here, he'd been under the impression his job implied bewitching useless Muggle artifacts.
"I really didn't think there was a bad way to say that, but Malfoy really managed it," Sirius huffed.
Arthur just said a simple no, his nails now digging into Harry's shoulder.
Even as Lily winced in sympathy Harry's face didn't even do that for the remembered feeling, he was too busy glaring at nothing and wishing he could punch Malfoy in his face already.
Harry demanded of Malfoy what he was doing here, and Malfoy stated that was none of Potter's business while smoothing out his robes.
Harry was distracted from his anger at Malfoy to really ponder that question though, since for some reason he couldn't identify he didn't like the answer given. Why? It wasn't even unrealistic, but something about that corridor and Malfoy was trying to be much louder in his mind than he would allow it.
Harry distinctly heard the gentle clinking of what sounded like a full pocket of gold.
"Subtle," James snorted in disgust.
Fudge still pointed out this should be taken somewhere more private, and the two swept off for the lift, Mr. Weasley not letting go of him until they were out of sight.
"Again, I feel that's more for his benefit than Harry's," Sirius sneered, knowing he'd have to have someone hold him back as well when faced with that man.
Harry demanded why Malfoy hadn't just been waiting in Fudge's office if they had business. What was he doing down here?
Lily froze, cocked her head to the side, and stated, "that's a really good question."
"I, err, well maybe he was meeting up with some other Death Eater that works at the Ministry," Sirius offered. "Arthur said it himself, that's not a commonly frequented area, and I don't think Malfoy probably hadn't known the times were changed, so maybe he just got caught being down there and made, something up," he trailed off unhappily, but Harry was watching with wide, eager eyes for him to keep going. Harry was entirely sure Sirius was very close to being onto something, but none of the others looked very convinced as this was very blatant and almost dumb for Malfoy to be trying to do such a thing.
Mr. Weasley suggested trying to sneak into the courtroom,
Harry fidgeted with unease, as sure that Mr. Weasley was lying as he was that Sirius was far more on track. The two just would not come together for him to make sense of.
looking extremely agitated and glancing over his shoulder as though making sure they could not be overheard.
Harry opened and closed his mouth, starting to shake slightly as word vomit threatened to blow his head off as he was confident in that moment Arthur was looking back for an entirely different reason! To check on-
"Whoa Harry," James finally lost his compulsion so that he was sitting on the arm of the sofa next to Harry. "What's gotten into you? The trial's over, you're going back to school, I'm confident Malfoy won't do anything in the meantime."
Harry had to concentrate very hard on the sound of his voice to unscrew his face and take a deep breath before offering a shaky smile at him, and even that wasn't enough to erase the build of unease that left him sitting that much closer to Sirius.
James, finding himself more intruding than anything when he saw that, went back to his spot and tried to pretend like he hadn't seen any such thing.
Harry asked what private business they had that was so important anyways, and Arthur explained gold. Malfoy kept himself well connected with everyone by constantly donating to whomever he pleased.
Lily would have normally been trying to subtly comfort her husband for what had just happened, but she was too busy grinding her teeth in frustration that was all it took to get in with people, money. Apparently morals weren't worth as much!
They got into the elevator by themselves, and it took Harry a few stops to ask if Fudge was seeing Death Eaters in private, what if he was under the Imperius Curse?
"Honestly if you hadn't had that moment with him at the end of last year, I'd agree," Remus grumbled. "Sadly, as no one at that time had the chance to Imperius him before he acted the way he is, I think he's just an idiot all on his own."
"Jr. could have done it before he took me to his office," Harry persisted even if he didn't feel anything telling him this was the right line of questioning, he should in fact still be more focused on that door-
"I don't see it, he was too busy watching you, it just didn't seem part of the plan," Lily shook her head. Harry was at least grateful he'd asked then just to make sure that train of thought kept getting cut off.
"How do you even prevent a Minister from falling under that though?" He pushed for more, some distant part of him still afraid for this fact.
"The Minister works in very close contact with a lot of people," Remus reminded. "Why do you think Crouch got 'sick' while he was Imperiused, there's just no way to have someone fake it for a long enough period of time it wouldn't get suspicious and someone would look into him, start asking questions. Sorry Harry," he finished truly apologetically, "I guess it would be easier to blame someone else on this problem with magic, but that doesn't usually work."
Harry just sighed but let the matter go.
Arthur agreed the thought had crossed their mind, but for now Dumbledore was sure that Fudge was acting of his own accord, which the headmaster also agrees, isn't much comfort.
Sirius snorted lightly as he realized Remus and Dumbledore had essentially said the same thing, but he didn't really want to compare Moony to Dumbledore right now.
Then adding on more quietly it was best not talk about this right now.
"That's true to," James agreed, "you are in enemy territory."
As they made it to the atrium and were fixing to leave, Harry paused at the golden statue again, and asked Mr. Weasley to wait for him as he reached for his money bag.
Lily felt the happy giggle slide from her with what felt like the first true ease in this book. Something as whimsical as her son keeping this promise was a treasure to her.
Harry got a much more close up look at the designs now, and found that the handsome wizard looked weak and foolish up close. All of the others admiring expressions upon seeing this man were entirely ridiculous from what Harry knew of centaurs and goblins. The only accurate one was the house-elf.
"I'm glad you see the truth in that thing," James happily agreed.
"I honestly think that's why that attempted assassination on Spout-Hole happened," Remus smirked, then catching sight of Harry's bewildered look he explained, "a group of centaurs tried to kill a past Minister, Faris Spavin, and I've no doubts it really had something to do with the timeframe this statue was put up."
Harry didn't have it in him to deny someone deserved a good reality check for thinking up this statue.
With a grin at the thought of what Hermione would say if she could see the statue of the elf,
Harry felt a nasty tug on the edges of his memory, thinking he was now being ridiculous that Hermione and him at the Ministry at the same time shouldn't cause any bad feelings...
as he turned his moneybag upside-down and emptied not just ten Galleons, but the whole contents into the pool.
Lily let out a whistle in surprise, as she knew she kept a few galleons on her, but no one could do anything but smile at Harry for this spot of kindness.
Harry in no way regretted his actions of course, but he was thinking hard to himself why that felt so ominous to him, that statue and also that hospital...
Ron punched the air in triumph as he screamed he knew it!
"So I'm guessing you're back at that place." Sirius hadn't been in a particularly good mood while hearing of Harry at the Ministry, but this was honestly only making him feel worse.
As a natural reaction but also hoping it would cheer him up, Remus gave a sarcastic little applause for Sirius' brilliant thinking, while Lily was ignoring them both.
He always got away with stuff!
"Well he's not wrong," Remus snickered while Sirius released a bark of laughter for that being true.
Hermione was still shaking from anxiety as she told him this was bound to happen, there hadn't been a case against him.
Harry smiled around at them all that they seemed quite relieved considering how convinced they all were he'd get off.
"That's right Harry," James nodded in pure agreement, "mock them for trying to comfort you to your face."
"So long as they were silently worrying while you weren't watching," Sirius giggled in agreement.
Mrs. Weasley was wiping her face with relief as well, while Fred, George, and Ginny were doing a war like dance, chant around the room about how 'he got off!'
Sirius didn't even consider denying his spark as he got to his feet, James moving only a step behind him as the two began bouncing around their own room doing the exact same thing. Remus only watched long enough to see the pattern the two quickly took to before joining with a stupid grin in place as well.
Harry was about ready to fall off the couch laughing any second and Lily in no way looked like she was going to be stopping them any time soon. They all, especially James, had been so tense lately that it was good to see him acting like an idiot goofing off with his friends again. Finally though, she did pick the book back up and kept going over their noise.
Arthur tried without emphasis to get them to stop while turning to Sirius and telling him about Lucius Malfoy hanging around the Ministry. All the while in the background the three were going as loud as ever while Mrs. Weasley cut in for them to be quiet.
Lily read that part just a bit more loudly, hoping they'd take a hint soon even if she couldn't wipe the smile off her face while doing so, but the lot of them ignored her.
Arthur just explained what they'd briefly seen, and as soon as Sirius promised they'd pass this along to Dumbledore, Arthur said he had to get going. There was a vomiting toilet waiting for him.
"A once in a lifetime experience I'm sure," Harry snickered to himself, his eyes still dancing as he watched the three of them still mimicking his past with amusement.
Mrs. Weasley finally cut off her three noisy children in a sharp voice,
Lily had said that in such a sharp 'mother' voice, that Sirius stumbled in surprise, Remus tried to catch him, and the end results were all three on the ground still laughing like crazy people. Lily was still going as if this was all perfectly normal background to her reading, which it honestly was.
then she turned on Harry and insisted he eat something.
His friends sat down around him as Harry felt the warmth and friendliness of this place for the first time. Even Kreacher's ugly snout like nose poking around the corner seemed friendlier than usual.
Harry's good mood could find no reason to dampen in here either, as for what felt like the first time in ages he was confident that house should always feel like that to him. It was so nice to watch the boys untangling themselves and still smirking at their spot of fun and his mother's purely happy smile he almost wanted to ask her to stop just for a moment so it wouldn't end, but he'd sadly already come to the conclusion time stopped for no one, not even someone out of time.
Ron was dishing food onto everyone's plates.
"That's how I love to celebrate," James snickered as he settled back into his seat next to his wife.
Harry explained Dumbledore was the man to be grateful to, only just managing to stop himself adding it would have been nice if he'd just looked at him once, but that sounded too childish.
"I don't find that childish at all," Sirius pushed his hair out of his face just in time for a frown to reappear there as he thought back to Dumbledore again. "He really was acting off right there, couldn't be bothered to look at you once that whole time. That's most certainly not normal."
Harry wished that nasty tingling sensation would vanish already instead of agreeing with Sirius.
As he thought this, the scar on his forehead burned so badly that he clapped his hand to it.
Lily jolted in surprise of reading that, knowing if she hadn't just cut the boys off seconds ago that would have as they all paled for this being mentioned again while Harry's smile flickered before vanishing entirely as he was reminded of that.
Sirius was entirely ready to get up and start the jig up all over again before he realized Harry was trying to sit so close to him, and decided for now the best course of action was just to remind his pup everything would turn out okay by staying right where he was.
Hermione looked at him in concern, but he just muttered it was nothing and that it happened all the time now. No one else had noticed a thing, they were still gloating over Harry's newest escape.
Sirius' frown was starting to make a reappearance as well, feeling like smacking himself upside the head if he really hadn't noticed Harry's moment of pain. What exactly had he been doing not to have seen that?
Remus was thinking the exact same thing, and was honestly even more annoyed with himself he didn't even seem to be in the room. What business had he done that was so important he wouldn't have stuck around the house to hear this news as soon as possible?
Fred, George, and Ginny were still singing, but while Hermione was still looking anxious Ron was saying Dumbledore would probably make an appearance tonight to celebrate with them.
"I sure hope he does," James hated watching his two friends suddenly dim right back down into that somber mood this whole book seemed to be leaving on all of them after just a few moments and vented that by saying, "the man needs a few good words said to him by both Harry and Sirius now."
"Here's hoping," Lily agreed quietly.
Mrs. Weasley corrected her son that most likely not, while setting a whole plate of chicken in front of Harry,
"Did she expect you to eat all that?" Sirius did a very good attempt at putting up a smile back in place.
Harry helped nothing by not answering, still seeming distracted by running his hand over his scar which seemed to be bothering him more this year than any before.
but was cut off by saying anything else by her three kids reaching shouting levels of their chant, which she matched in telling them to shut up.
Over the next few days though, Harry noticed one person in particular didn't seem overjoyed at Harry's return to school.
"Kreacher ruins everybody's good mood," Sirius agreed solemnly.
Sirius had at first congratulated him upon the news like everyone else, but directly after he was hardly seen around Harry or anyone, spending most any moment shut in his mother's room with Buckbeak.
"Oh," Lily uttered by the end as they all looked like they'd been hit in the gut. "Oh Sirius," Lily tried to start, not even sure herself what was going to come out, but Sirius snapped back at once with his eyes flat black.
"Don't you even Evans-"
"Potter," James corrected on instinct, though he too looked ready to say something, Sirius continued even louder-
"Potter then, the both of you." He sat there struggling for a moment to put into words that he didn't want to hear their sympathies on his sad state of a future if he even for a moment was acting like that towards Harry, but at the same time the words just wouldn't come as he could all to easily picture it. The only thing that had gotten him through his summers there were waiting on the letters from his friends, and he no longer even had that in that miserable place. Now he was looking at even more of that away from Harry, and even Remus it seemed as he'd been mentioned there all of three times instead of up Sirius' butt like he'd have hoped his friend would be to keep his mind off where he was.
He was almost grateful he didn't have the chance to say any of that as Remus cut in with an almost gentle scolding, "haven't we been over this. There's no point tearing into him when he isn't treating Harry that way now, he's never going there, so this won't ever happen."
Lily still felt like she should say something to him, either a promise she didn't blame him even if he was secretly wanting that or to offer up some suggestions of how to make this even a bit better, but Sirius was clearly relieved at avoiding this all together so she kept going in hopes the whole topic would pass quickly and they could just be with Harry in school again where hopefully nothing too eventful would happen.
James didn't entirely agree, he was a bit convinced there was something else going on with his best mate entirely and so avoiding Harry was just a byproduct of that, but he supposed his Sirius wouldn't know what anyways and kept his mouth shut, for now.
When Harry pointed this out to his friends one day while the three were cleaning out a cupboard, Hermione's first words were to sternly tell him not to go feeling guilty, Sirius was being selfish if he thought Harry should not be going back to school.
"Hey!" James snapped at once, his eyes flashing with such protection Harry was suddenly grateful his wish had never come true and Hermione wasn't here with them, she'd be getting an ear full from his dad.
He couldn't even think up a defense for her, he'd have liked to snap at her right now as well for speaking of his godfather like that while he was talking about his problems, a little sympathy wouldn't have hurt for as much as she showed towards Kreacher.
Remus was flushed in anger as well, he was almost glad of his absence now as he liked to think if he had been present for that he'd have snapped at Hermione for speaking about Sirius like that. He was many things, yes even selfish at times, but not for such an important matter as Harry continuing going to school.
Lily's lip seemed to be curling a bit in that sneer she so often got when speaking about Snape lately. Hermione had always been a vivacious child when she was speaking of what she thought, but while Lily encouraged and even admired that about her, now she was turning what she thought were her ideas on her friend, and she did not read this bit lightly.
Ron scolded her that was harsh, pointing out she wouldn't want to be shut in this house all alone either.
Sirius blinked sourly at the stupid book, still wishing more than anything he could find something in him to deny that claim...and coming up empty.
Hermione reminded he wouldn't be alone, this was Headquarters, he'd have company over all the time.
"Being around the Order all the time holds nothing to being around family," James hissed under his breath. His most daunting missions he'd ever taken were the extended ones away from his own, even when he did have a partner. That person, while a mutual friend, still couldn't replace who he really wanted to see.
He'd just gotten his hopes up Harry was coming here permanently.
Harry corrected Sirius had never agreed Harry could stay here with him.
"It only would have made you feel like the answer was inevitable," Sirius told Harry quietly, who nodded in agreement, he hadn't really held that against Sirius. He'd never thought Sirius would turn him down, but it was nice to still get a reason.
Hermione wisely said he just hadn't wanted to get his own hopes up all the more.
"Not my choice of words," Lily huffed, "more like pompously."
"She'll be the next Percy if she keeps telling people how they should be feeling," Remus agreed, thinking back to how she'd been acting in third year as well.
He was probably feeling his own guilt, hoping Harry would lose, so that they could both be outcasts.
Harry hadn't felt this angry at Hermione since she'd gotten his firebolt taken away, and this was so much worse than that. Sirius was on the run for the murder of his brother because of a long standing friend who'd left him framed and for dead, while Harry was about to be kicked out of school! They weren't comparable problems, and Sirius would never think to insinuate otherwise!
Harry shot back she was being ridiculous, but Hermione shrugged without remorse as she said she believed Ron's mum might be right, and Sirius seemed to get Harry and his own father confused.
Sirius felt like he'd been slapped. He certainly felt the hot burn rushing his throat and threatening to overflow onto his face through his eyes as he found that was proof of what Molly had said earlier. If even Hermione had caught him doing or saying something-
"That arrogant little shit!" James howled, looking as angry as when Sirius had been sent off to Azkaban without a trial. "He's been living in hell for how many years now, and she goes turning any sign of him wanting to reminisce to Harry about me into him being a loon! For Merlin's sake, he's done nothing but try to do everything for Harry since he got out, has everyone just forgotten that!"
"Prongs." The soft little voice was the only thing that could have cut him off, and James had to work hard to focus on him through blurry red vision to see such a resigned expression.
He wasn't having that as he hissed back, "I'm getting sick and tired of hearing people talk about you like this, when none of them can claim to know you worth a damn. Why am I the only one getting hacked off about this?" He finished more towards Remus than anyone.
"You're not," he said at once in short, clipped sentences to keep his own anger held in, "but you were doing such a good job vocalizing I'd be remiss to cut you off or even add in."
"Stop, please," Sirius cut in with more force before any return could be made. He faltered a bit, knowing he'd catch hell in here if he told them the real reason he couldn't work up the steam over this was because he honestly feared how true it was, so instead he put out, "I just, can't get worked up over thinking of myself in any sense in that future, so I'd rather, you know, not think about it anymore than I can." He finished in a tiny voice, clearly not doing as good a job as he'd intended in keeping his real thoughts out of his tones as James's face suddenly flipped to concern, but Lily seemed to understand best of all as she respected his wishes and wouldn't let anyone say another word as she kept going.
Harry was getting angry as he demanded if she thought his godfather was touched in the head?
Hermione denied that claim, but did say he'd been lonely for a very long time in a simple voice.
Remus had to work very hard not to spit out, 'so that's a sign of insanity now?!' When in all honesty that was the most true thing Hermione had ever said, and no one, clearly not him, seemed to be going out of their way to help Sirius anymore than keeping him at arms distance from the one person who could have made that more bearable.
Mrs. Weasley came in then, asking if they were finished cleaning this cupboard they'd been working on this whole time.
"That's gratitude for you," Sirius muttered just for something new to say and still not looking at anyone.
Ron said bitterly he'd been hoping she'd come to give them a break.
She reminded they'd been so keen on helping the Order, they were doing just that by making this place livable.
Lily gave a hollow laugh as the phrase, 'be careful what you wish for,' flitted across her mind.
Ron grumbled they'd been working like house-elves in here, while Molly just turned to leave.
Hermione rather liked the idea though, saying maybe now he'd take a real interest in SPEW.
Lily had to work very hard to keep the bitterness out of her voice Hermione so easily flipped subjects like that. As if talking about Sirius were inconsequential and instead she could make them hear more about house-elves, again. Those boys clearly cared nothing for her thinking on this, and this one just never seemed to take a hint. They were all in such a bad mood, none of them even had the fun to point out Hermione had just referred to her own organization by Ron's stupid name.
Then she added to herself this could bring more awareness to all Gryffindor's if she sponsored a common room cleanup, all proceeds going to the campaign of course.
"More like she'd have to pay them to be doing any such thing," Sirius sighed as he still couldn't find a smile in himself to put up. It wasn't helping no one, not even Harry, was playing along.
Ron muttered he'd sponsor her to shut up about SPEW, but so only Harry could hear.
Sirius gave an obnoxiously loud laugh for himself just having mimicked Ron, at least making Remus roll his eyes again, something Sirius was confident he'd never grow tired of.
Harry found himself daydreaming about Hogwarts more and more as the end of the holidays approached; he could not wait to see Hagrid again,
Harry had some sad little frown on his face he didn't seem aware of at the mention of that,
to play Quidditch,
and no one noticed him wince slightly as without fail, the other boys managed some small enthusiasm for that word alone.
and to simply stroll across the vast lawns. He was always sure to talk about this when Sirius wasn't in the room.
Sirius wished a Bludger would come knock him stupid already just so he didn't have to see Harry look shameful at that!
The fact was that living at the Headquarters of the anti-Voldemort movement was not nearly as interesting or exciting as Harry would have expected before he'd experienced it.
James ran his hand furiously through his hair as he realized what Hermione had said clearly wasn't going to come back up so he could keep going, and he wasn't even sure if he could have anyways after his brothers pitiful little attempts to deflect him from it. That didn't make his simmering anger feel any better, but he managed a mask that at least resembled his joking tone as he told Harry, "nothing ever is."
Harry had to push through his mind to force himself back into this conversation before he simply responded, "Quidditch," and was thankful a second mentioning of it only left another dull sadness in him he didn't have to examine.
"Okay, most things," he conceded.
Members did still frequently come and go, but Mrs. Weasley always made sure all ears, extendable or not, were no where in the area. No one, not even Sirius, had done a thing to give Harry more information since his first night there.
Harry gave an exaggerated groan and a playful nudge to his godfather that went completely ignored.
On the last day of term, the book lists finally came in.
"Oh wow," Lily blinked in surprise and almost relief at this new topic. "I thought that was just glossed over like last year, hadn't realized you hadn't even gotten them yet."
"What are they playing at sending that the day before school starts," Remus agreed in surprise. "Can you imagine how packed Flourish and Blotts is going to be, everyone trying to get that last book for their Defense class. At least the others the parents could have gotten already."
"You do bring up the fun question of who it's going to be this year," Sirius was really trying to put some enthusiasm into chatting about this, but Harry very clearly did not agree as he pleaded his mother to cut him off and go on, they'd get their answer soon enough, and he already had a bad feeling about it.
Harry was standing on a chair cleaning up some owl droppings from on top of their wardrobe as Ron passed Harry his. He chucked the waste into a basket that swallowed the lot with a belch and accepted his letter.
"One of the few good features in that house," Sirius chuckled, "my favorite part being, it spits whatever you threw in there right back up a few minutes later. Great for saying you cleaned your room so you can scarper and then blame the mess on someone later."
"I can't imagine how someone would find a use for that," Lily told him deadpan.
He opened his letter and found only two new books, the Standard new charms book, and Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard.
"That sounds extraordinarily boring," Sirius snorted, forcing himself to get into this now despite Harry's lack of enthusiasm. "Are you sure you can't come back Moony? At least you wouldn't be caught dead assigning anything that has such a title you'd use it for a pillow."
Remus gave an exaggerated eye roll for what he felt was a stupid question, while James sighed and forced himself to add in as well even if he'd prefer to hold onto his anger some more. "You know, it never even mentioned what book you did assign," with a curious look at Harry.
"We only ever studied out of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," Harry shrugged, "he didn't assign any other specific books. I was grateful, as the only other thing I'd used it for before then was just to look up some creature I heard an older student mention and I didn't know." He finished himself off with a curious look though before adding on, "how come that's a first year book anyways? Care of Magical Creatures isn't even mandatory."
"It's intended for individual studies," Lily told, "so that you have a basic understanding of magical creatures on hand even if you don't take the class. By making it part of your first school list, someone likes to think that you've cracked it open at some point."
Harry gave a sheepish smile for that, as the only real time he'd ever done much of anything with that book was a few things for Professor Lupin out of it. He'd managed to accidentally rip out a few chapters at some point he'd never bothered repairing, like his section on boggarts for instance, and at the end of his fourth year him and Ron had skimmed through the whole thing by themselves on one of their off periods in one of their silent 'don't want to talk right now' agreements on Harry's part.*
With a now familiar crack, the twins had Apparated themselves into the room. Harry was so used to this, he didn't even fall from his chair.
Sirius really did laugh that time, though he'd yet to fail when mention of them making an appearance so he was at least happy for that consistency.
The two examined the boys lists and found they'd all gotten the same book, all wondering who the person was to assign this new book. George reminding Dumbledore was having a hard time of finding any new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
"Did it really take them the day before term to pull that together?" Lily asked with honest concern.
"I knew it must be getting harder all the time to get someone in, but this is just getting sad," James agreed with a very pointed look someone was very pointedly ignoring.
Fred said it must be a chore, considering what they knew happened to the most recent ones.
Harry agreed one had been sacked,
"Sacked?" Remus repeated with a snicker. "Really, that's all the reference I get?"
"Besides, he technically quit," Sirius reminded, giving him the stank eye for the reminder as he finished, "with protest."
Remus ignored the jab.
one dead,
"Deserved it," Lily muttered bitterly.
one's memory removed,
"Still my favorite," Remus savored.
and one locked in a trunk for nine months.
James shuddered all over again in renewed horror of that.
Harry agreed it was easy to not want the post.
"You'd think the job was cursed or something, oh wait," Sirius smirked.
"I wonder what happened to the twins teachers before those came along," Remus puzzled.
"Guess something far more boring," James shrugged.
Fred looked around at his youngest brother and asked why he hadn't spoken up, but Ron made no move he'd heard, he was still gaping down at his letter with his mouth hanging open.
"What's got his knickers in a twist?" Remus asked too enthusiastically, anything to get back off that job he honestly wished he'd never taken, it's not like he'd done much good at it that no other competent person could have.
When he got no answer, his brother snatched the letter away to see for himself, and his own mouth fell open as he mouthed the word Prefect.
"You said perfect, right?" James was staring at her oddly. "What's perfect?"
"You heard exactly what she said Prongs," Sirius corrected, his eyes growing steadily wider as the shock sunk in. "Prefect! Oh wow, go Ron!"
Remus was snickering lightly while Lily was shaking her head fondly at these boys, thinking this was most likely similar to how they'd reacted upon Remus' Prefect status as well. A little humor, some congratulations and then trying to move on by looking at her like, 'get on with it.' Clearly they didn't put much of a big deal into the matter, which made sense considering how often they went through their life ignoring any and all resemblance of authority.
Neither twin could believe this, it must have been a mistake!
"Now that was just hurtful," Lily couldn't stop her twitching lips as she tried to read in Fred's mocking tone, perhaps not doing it as well as the boys, but still almost hitting that playful way she imagined them using.
They turned to look at Harry and insisted everyone thought it would be him, looking at Harry like he'd tricked them himself.
"Harry would never do such a thing!" James gasped in mock outrage. "He's going to be far too busy avoiding Ron the rest of the year to join him!"
"You were a Headboy though," Harry suddenly blinked as he realized this. "Do you not need to be a Prefect to get that?"
"Nah," Sirius rolled his eyes, "I honestly have no idea how they pick them, I feel like they just pull a random name out of the Sorting Hat, it makes more sense than going with any 'qualifications,' which neither of them had to be holding any such title."
"Thank you Padfoot," Remus snorted.
George did remind his brother all the mad things Harry had done must have left him out of it. Fred readily agreed, saying Harry had his priorities right and kept himself in trouble enough for this not to have been his.
"I must applaud them on seeing this in the proper lighting, someone I know never did see it that same way," Sirius said tragically while Remus hadn't stopped laughing this whole time for how much of a flashback he was getting to his friends ribbing on him through the whole, very long, train ride when he'd told them. It had been almost a relief to attend his Prefect duties first, at least they'd had enough time to laugh it off with each other so by the time he came back they'd almost been ready to ignore the whole instance.
George's next thought was to realize how revolting their mother was going to be when she heard about this.
Some of Lily's humor did fade at that, while the boys just laughed harder, though a bit harsher in remembrance of Molly especially so fresh after Hermione's pot-shots. She however was thinking the twins could show just a bit more of both praising and picking on their brother at once, hadn't they learned after they'd dealt with Percy sometimes words could hurt after all those years. They were making the same mistake with their younger brother as they had been with their elder one in treating him like this just because he'd gotten an accomplishment he'd had no real control over. They didn't necessarily have to approve of it, but couldn't they at least not take the mickey out of him for it.
Ron, still with his mouth hanging open, handed the badge to Harry as if in confirmation it was real. Harry gave it a brief examination to see the exact same one he'd seen on Percy's the first time they'd met..
"Which he wore for the next two years straight as well," Harry muttered in remembered disgust, managing to ignore the old conundrum he'd always had at school of having twenty-two Prefects at once running around, plus the Head Boy and Girl, not to mention all the teachers always seeming to keep an eye on all things. It really did boggle his mind how the Marauders got away with anything like that, though it must have helped in fact to have a man on the inside.
The door opened with a bang, and Hermione came in squealing with delight about how she'd gotten- then she spotted what Harry was holding and shrieked that they were both Prefects now!
"Wow, both of his friends got it!" James's tone came out much harsher now as he was still waiting for an apology from her as well as Molly to Sirius' face. "I'm thinking she'll do worse than Ron, she'll be too busy with all her studies to deal with Prefect duties. Least he'll enjoy the attention it gets him from some of the younger students."
"So long as he doesn't let it go to his head," Sirius said a little uneasily, still remembering last year and how Ron got because he thought he wasn't recognized enough. Now the opposite problem could occur.
Harry quickly corrected while pushing it back to his friend this was Ron's.
Hermione at first didn't understand,
"That timing though," Remus muttered at how awkward this could get.
before she turned surprised on him to ask if he was sure?
"Ouch," Sirius winced hard for that one. "Yes he's sure woman, the schools never sent someone the wrong envelope before." He got out quickly before anyone could make a more snide comment about her.
Ron's expression turned defiant as he stated that was his name on the school's letter.
Hermione continued to stand there bewildered for a moment,
"Wow, she came skipping in when she thought it was Harry's but now it's Ron's and she's actually at a loss for words, for once," James huffed.
before finally beginning to congratulate him. This was really-
George input for her unexpected.
Hermione tried to say that wasn't true, Ron had...
the door opened again for Mrs. Weasley carrying clothes, cutting off Hermione's trailing words.
"Saved by the Mum," Sirius looked a bit relieved, that couldn't have been going any more awkwardly.
She wasn't surprised by everyone holding the envelopes, Ginny had already told her letters were in. If they passed them all to her, she'd go into Diagon Alley today and fetch it all for them. Then she turned on Ron and asked if he'd like a new color for the pajamas she was going to get him, the ones he had now were far too short.
"Why does she bother asking? I thought she always gave him maroon just to color coordinate her kids by this point," James snarked, clearly his mood getting worse now that both people of his ire were in the same room, and hardly even reacting when Lily pinched him to get him to stop.
George said for his brother he should have red and gold to match his badge, while Molly rolling up a pair of maroon socks didn't understand what he meant.
James gave Lily a pointed look which she ignored.
Fred emphasized Ron's new prefect badge, his every tone conveying the worst news.
It took a moment for the words to get past her preoccupation with pajamas.
Sirius got a happy snort of laughter for that sentence existence, after all pajamas were a very fascinating conversation topic.
She turned in confusion Ron wasn't a -
"He is as of five seconds ago," Lily giggled.
Then she spotted the badge in Ron's hand, and squealed with delight! Saying how wonderful and perfect this was, that was everyone in the family!
"Hey!" All three Marauders yelped indignantly on behalf of the twins, Sirius persisting the point, "what happened to the other two that are in the room?"
Lily nibbled on her lip for a moment before continuing, feeling just as bad for the twins as she would have if Ron hadn't gotten this reaction. Ginny hadn't even made the status yet, so she really wasn't sure if that was the right thing for Molly to say there.
James wanted to ask if that meant even Charlie had been one, but he honestly wasn't sure if this should be counted as Molly had just brushed aside two of her kids, she might have done it for three in that moment.
George demanded what he and his twin were, neighbors, while Molly brushed past him and threw her arms over Ron, seeming not to have heard him.
"Wow," James rubbed at his shoulder with his own hurt filled eyes. "I'm not even a Weasley and that hurt my soul."
"You'd be just as snarky if she tried to play it off and not single out one of her children for doing something so good," Lily sighed, hating having to deal with her husband when he was in his petty moods, which seemed to be happening more often than not of late.
She kept going on about how proud she was, and his father and brothers would be to! All while Fred and George pantomimed vomiting.
"He'll be lucky if they don't do far worse to him," Remus muttered, knowing the twins, like his friends, might just take this as a new challenge to prank their little brother and see how well they could get away with it. They'd yet to clearly be doing things to Ron at school, but he wouldn't put it past them for this to be a start.
Mrs. Weasley did not notice as she held eyes only for her youngest son, continuing to kiss his face, who was quickly growing as scarlet as his new badge.
"That woman has no shame, the boys in front of his friends," James grumbled.
"Howler," Lily reminded, clearly Molly held absolutely nothing of the world outside her circle.
He finally managed to stop her stream, only for her to continue by asking what he'd like.
Ron at first couldn't dare to understand, as she exclaimed he had to have a reward for this!
Lily crooned, just a bit, as she truly did see the value in doing this for her kids that had done such an accomplishment. It certainly made sense, even if she felt for the twins as one of them would have always been left out of this tradition. There really was just no winning with this.
She at first offered some new dress robes, before the twins reminded they'd done that one, clearly regretting their moment of generosity.
"It was part of Harry's doing, so I forgive their moment of kindness." James rolled his eyes.
"You know, I just realized, Ron and Hermione weren't there when you did that," Sirius pointed out just to change the subject. "Did you ever tell them what you did for the twins?"
"No," Harry shrugged, the thought had never crossed his mind. "I suppose they just told Ron they did it so they wouldn't have the humiliation of seeing him in them again. They were so awful Ron just believed them on the spot."
She at once switched to some other things he could want, like a cauldron, or a new rat, he had always favored Scabbers-
Lily winced hard at getting out the name of that old thing which effectively managed to turn every person in here into a gargoyle like face.
but Ron cut her off instead asking for a broom.
Her enthusiasm faded a bit, broomsticks were very expensive.
"Go big or go home," Remus winced as he easily saw both sides to what both parties were feeling in that moment.
Ron quickly tacked on not the newest model, just a new one for a change...
Her smile was right back as she agreed of course. Then she left the room in high spirits, saying she really had to get going now if she had all this shopping plus that.
They were all surprised she'd so easily agreed to this, but then the boys were suddenly bouncing in place with pleasure as they were begging Lily to get to the part where they hoped to find what exact model Molly would get!
Still muttering happily to herself how she was all a dither.
Lily was giggling herself by the end of that, looking lovingly at her son for a moment and knowing she'd be just as bad if he had been made one. She did a double take in surprise as she saw how off his face looked, like he was really thinking about something, but she supposed it may still be mention of that rat like the lingering darkness in the boys still showed so she didn't press him.
The twins hardly waited until she was out of sight before turning falsely anxious looks on him, asking if it was alright they didn't kiss him as well?
George at least offered they could curtsey.
"That I would like to see," James snickered.
Ron just told them to shut up, while Fred gave an evil grin and asked what if they didn't? Was their baby brother going to put them in detention?
"No, no," Sirius corrected at once, a look of intrigue now dominant. "That is what I want to see! Hermione tried it last year, now I really want to know who would win, the twins or Ron. With Harry as backup of course," he finished with a smirk at his godson who did not show a hint of listening.
"My money's on Harry and Ron," Remus kept going, clearly not noticing the same thing. "The twins owe Harry big, if he asks them to take a dive and fall into detention, they just might for him."
"I don't think it'll ever come to that," James rolled his eyes. "I can't think of a moment where Ron cares enough to go at them that hard, he's hardly a ruler himself when it comes to school boundaries."
Hermione snapped he just might if they didn't watch themselves.
"I feel like that's more her part than his," James sniffed, there she went again, speaking for everyone.
The twins burst out laughing while Ron told Hermione to drop it.
They kept going as if Ron hadn't spoken, Fred speaking to his brother about how they'd better watch their step this year, George agreeing he was shaking in his boots at the thought. The two concluding their rule breaking days were over.
Then they vanished with a loud crack.
"They're off to a great start," Remus snorted.
Hermione shot a nasty look at the ceiling where laughter could still be heard from them as she told Ron not to pay them any mind, they were just jealous.
"I don't think jealous is the right word," James grinned, "but I'd think something was entirely wrong with them if they didn't have some fun with Ron about this. Then again, I'd think Hermione wasn't acting like herself if she didn't say what others are thinking as well," he finished with a huff.
Ron disagreed, they'd always said anyone who was a prefect was a prat.
"Am I the only one remembering Bill?" Lily chuckled, thinking he hadn't sounded one bit like a prat.
He cheered himself up though that at least he was getting a new broom out of it, and then decided to himself he'd like a Cleansweep model.
"Not a bad model at all to choose from," Sirius snapped away from watching Harry curiously, who hadn't pipped up in ages now, and still wasn't showing much interest in this, which meant he must really be thinking of something in his head.
"You think he'll put it to any good use?" James said wistfully as he remembered a large portion of his agitation last year. "There's a spot open on the Quidditch team with Wood gone, and assuming Anglina or one of the other Chasers might have graduated, that could mean some new potential on the field."
Harry did blink a bit at this news and looked around curiously to find them still talking about Ron just getting the broom, so he smiled happily and forced himself to engage in his own hopes that this would happen with a distant smile the whole time before Lily cut off the Quidditch talk for her own sanity.
He jogged out of the room to go tell his mum this, while Harry was left alone with Hermione, whom he didn't feel like looking at all of a sudden.
"Least I'm not the only one holding a grudge," James grumbled to himself, half wishing Harry had said more to his friend in defense of his godfather earlier, but he'd long accepted Harry was not the confrontational type much.
Hermione began to say something tentatively, but he cut her off with a hearty congratulations he didn't really seem to feel.
"Oh," they all muttered, looking to him in surprise and quickly away again as Harry's eyes widened with panic, realizing what he'd just been thinking about all this, and how that most likely was fixing to end up in this stupid book!
She began again, asking if she could borrow Hedwig, to send an owl to her parents and tell them about this.
He agreed at once, keeping his back to her as she took his owl from he room, and he sat down by himself on the bed, his mind spinning. The only noise left was the waste basket spitting the owl droppings back up.
Sirius opened his mouth to repeat his joke, but in fact performed a small miracle by instead taking James's small little head shake as warning and closing it again.
He had forgotten prefect badges were on the way, far to anxious with his upcoming trial.
"A daunting enough fear, you're forgiven," Remus muttered under his breath, as they all now realized they were hearing exactly what Harry had just been thinking without having shared. No one had really missed how silent and speculative he'd just gotten, but they'd left him alone with his head for a moment since it clearly had nothing to do with poking at his memories. Now, well this just felt a bit invasive as shame began burning up his face. They were all starting to feel more than just pity for him, it really couldn't be fun for him not to have had a single private moment while he was here.
Lily suddenly stopped altogether and began running her thumb down the length of the page, and the moment Harry realized what she was doing, he took a deep breath and told her, "don't bother skipping, I guess you lot may as well hear it."
"We don't have to," James said at once to no one disagreeing. "Honestly, it doesn't even occur to me half the time, but really Harry, you can tell us to shut it at any time for hearing every single thing you think."
He took another deep breath, but looking more accepting than defeating now, insisted, "you've heard far worse than my being jealous for a moment by now, may as well get through it."
Lily waited a moment longer to realize he truly meant it, before going on.
But if he had remembered, what would he have expected? A small little voice in his head pointed out, not this.
James went to say something, but Lily gave him a small kick to get him to stop, she was trying to get through this as fast as she could. Up to this point the books, while centered around him, hadn't exactly delved into his head quite as much as this moment, and she was at least going to try and stop her boys commenting on his private thoughts no matter her opinion on them.
Harry buried his face in his fingers as he couldn't deny that, wondering now if he really thought himself arrogant like Malfoy.
Sirius didn't take the hint as he rolled his eyes and said, "not even close. Thinking you should have gotten something doesn't automatically make you a self-entitled little berk. It's how you act when you do or don't get it. You aren't going to treat Ron any differently now that he has it, so you're fine pup," he finished with utter confidence, at least making Harry smile again.
Did he really believe he was better than Ron? No, was his own instant rebuttal. Still Harry anxiously probed himself to admit he was better at Quidditch, but that was the only thing, they were equal in class. Outside of lessons though, both Ron and Hermione had risked worse than expulsion with him on those adventures.
"The fact that you refer to those as adventures, rather than life or death moments that you really shouldn't have been in except for extraordinary circumstances, really gets me in this moment," Lily muttered.
Not at the very end though, Harry had always done those alone. Especially in that graveyard...
"Thank you for detailing all of that," Remus shivered, though they all had at some particular moment Harry had brought up.
All those bitter feelings over the summer swelled in him again, how he'd done far more than them!
Lily had to fight her own insistence now not to say anything in comfort for her son. He was having a human moment after all, but she restrained herself from pointing out again badges weren't chosen because of things you'd done. Honestly no student had a clear idea who was chosen and why, it was simply the Headmaster's decision, and he really could be picking at random or for any arbitrary reason.
The small little voice was back, pointing out badges weren't necessarily chosen because of dangerous situations you'd lived through.
"I really love the way you worded that though," James gave a bit of a laugh.
Harry buried his face again to remember Fred's words about no one would make Ron a prefect, and Harry snorted with disgust at himself.
"That was a bit harsh," Sirius gave Harry a sympathetic pat he still didn't really feel like he deserved. "I'll bet a ton of other kids are having far worse reactions than just a bit of jealousy for their friends getting something. Imagine how Malfoy's going to act when he didn't get one and Ron did," he finished triumphantly. That did make Harry laugh again, albeit a bit more held back than he understood why.
Ron hadn't asked for this, nor was it his fault. Harry was not going to sit around sulking, nor mocking his friend behind his back for this, just because Harry had been beaten at something.
"The thought never even crossed our mind," James rolled his eyes, causing Harry to flush anew as he realized just how well those around him seemed to know him in these few short days, and it didn't really seem it was just because of a bunch of books.
Harry could hear footsteps on the stairs again and immediately put a much more welcoming smile in place as Ron reentered, telling his best friend congratulations. The smile disappeared from Ron's face instead.
"Well geez, clearly he didn't want to be congratulated," Remus frowned in surprise.
Ron at once said his own surprise, he'd thought it would be Harry.
"Everyone thought it would be Harry, even Harry," Sirius mocked, pleased Harry stuck his tongue out at him for the picking like normal again.
Harry echoed Fred from earlier, saying he'd caused to many problems to get picked.
Ron agreed with a laugh while beginning to pack up his things. He seemed to be having a bit of a problem though, as he kept moving the badge around. First to his pocket, then the nightstand, and then putting it onto his schools robes and gazing for a moment at the red on black.
"He's acting better than I was," Remus smirked in remembrance, "I hid it in with my knickers until we were all on the train and it was moving before I managed to spit out the words. Which I regretted, since it only then occurred to me they could pitch me out of a moving train."
"The thought occurred to me," Sirius agreed, "but only because you actually dropped a pair of those on my head while getting the badge out to show us."
Only when Fred and George dropped in and offered to attach it to his forehead with a Permanent Sticking Charm did he wrap it tenderly in his maroon socks and lock it in his trunk.
"I wonder if we'll get a return on the badge pranks," James said curiously.
"I'm having trouble picturing it," Remus shrugged. "Despite their jokes already, I can't see them having at Ron every opportunity like they had Percy, mostly because I don't see him dogging the twins to deserve it."
"I wish I could be following the twins around," Sirius sighed wistfully. Remus grimaced at his own choice of words, never admitting to his dying breath he'd done it on purpose to keep the good mood alive.
Mrs. Weasley came back from Diagon Alley and was at once pounced upon by her youngest son, but she scolded even while handing him his new broom she'd have dinner ready in no time and now wasn't the time for him to be using that.
He still ripped the wrapping off the moment she was out of sight.
"A proper response," James giggled in agreement.
When they did make their way downstairs, it was to find a large banner already in place congratulating Ron and Hermione on being the new prefects, while Mrs. Weasley was looking in a better mood than Harry had seen her all holiday.
"That is so sad," Lily murmured to herself, really thinking back to how she'd acted towards Sirius now, and seeing the strained mother protecting her family as opposed to this side where she saw Sirius as her family and Molly the threat. It was hard to keep both perspectives in line at once, but she tried her best to shake off the last of her ill will towards the woman, even if she did maintain Sirius hadn't deserved what was thrown at him.
She explained to them they'd be having more of a party tonight, she'd invited everyone along. Some of the guests were already there in fact, as she made her way over to Moody and told him she'd been wanting to ask for ages if he could take a peek inside the desk in the drawing room to see what was in there. They were sure it was a boggart, but just in case it was something worse.
Moody agreed at once, turning his magical eye in that direction while repeating her instructions, and agreed yes they were right on the creature inside.
"I'd actually like to watch that," Remus said eagerly like he'd just been invited to his own show. "See what Moody's Boggart would be before he dispelled it."
Harry agreed, honestly hoping that was exactly what had happened. Why would he be getting such a bad feeling from such a silly little thing like a boggart, those hadn't frightened him in ages.
Molly insisted she'd do it later, for now he should be enjoy himself down here, pointing out this was a party while gesturing at the banner.
"Really? I wouldn't have thought he'd notice," James rolled his eyes.
Moody turned his normal eye on Ron now, his magical one remaining out the side of his head, and Harry got the eerie feeling it was on him as he moved towards Sirius and Lupin.
"Glad we can be of some help, even if it is just to protect you from scary Alastor," Sirius fixed a smile in place, Harry really starting to feel bad both continued to twitch uneasily whenever they were mentioned.
He could still hear though, as Moody congratulated Ron for this new authority, saying Dumbledore must not be worried about him withstanding jinxes.
"Well he's not wrong," Remus blinked in surprise at such advice while James and Sirius got a chuckle out of that.
Ron looked unsure how to take this news, but was saved answering by the arrival of his father and eldest brother, who'd also brought along Mundungus.
"Why?" Lily balked at the idea.
"Suppose they ran into him for any number of reasons, and I can guess Arthur was just too polite to not invite him," James shrugged.
He was wearing a long overcoat that was oddly lumpy and declined the offer to remove it.
"Because that's not suspicious at all," Sirius said with chipper.
Tonks was telling Hermione and Ginny that she'd never had the honor of being prefect, her Head of House said she lacked certain qualities.
"The fact that she asked for a reason really makes me question her sanity," Remus smirked.
"I remember asking McGonagall who possessed her to make Remus one," James reminded, "she just told me to move along."
"What house was she in?" Sirius suddenly demanded curiously, thinking it would be interesting if she'd been yet another Slytherin.
"Hufflepuff," Harry informed, she'd mentioned Sprout as her head of house to Hermione at some previous time.
Sirius smiled all the wider his little cousin had broken even more traditions instead.
Ginny asked what that could be, and Tonks happily said the ability to behave herself.
Causing everyone to burst out laughing.
Ginny laughed, while Hermione looked as though she did not know whether to smile or not and compromised by taking an extra large gulp of Butterbeer and choking on it.
James scoffed heavily, even more annoyed than usual at Hermione's inability to laugh at anything, even a harmless joke!
Ginny turned and asked Sirius next.
Sirius pretended to faint at the very thought.
He gave a bark-like laughter and said no one would have been insane enough to do a thing like that, he was in detention with James too much. It was Lupin who was the good boy and got the honor.
"Good boy?" Remus asked of him, poking him slightly as he was still theatrically slumped over. "That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said about me."
"Wasn't saying it to your face, but to others, and you know I always covered for you," he told while still miming unconsciousness causing the others to just laugh harder.
Lupin jumped in saying he was under the impression Dumbledore had done it to try and exert some control over his friends.
"If that's what he was going for, he began with a lost cause," Remus said in surprise, as the idea had yet to even occur to him that's what it had been for.
"Wonder what made you think that," James agreed, "we all thought it was Dumbledore's subtle way of rewarding our winning personalities and keeping the school's spirits up."
"You lot and your fat heads," Lily muttered.
He'd failed dismally.
Harry suddenly found himself in an even better mood, his father hadn't been a prefect either!
"Best hope neither of them pass along my Head Boy badge then," James muttered for Lily alone, who agreed. It was apparently a good thing he'd forgotten Hagrid mentioning this right now.
Ron was rhapsodizing about his new broom to anybody who would listen.
"Honestly, his mother's lucky he was just talking about it rather than trying to be on it in the house," Sirius chuckled.
While Hermione was chatting with Lupin about elf rights.
"I'd rather go back to hearing about the broom," Remus muttered, everyone else looking just as disappointed except Lily, who hushed them so she could see a conversation she'd actually been looking forward to. If anyone could get through to Hermione how she was acting regarding house-elves, she'd put money on Remus.
She was saying how the segregation on them was the same as werewolves, stemming back to how wizards thought they were superior to other creatures...
"That's all we get," Lily pouted as she saw the next line changed topics.
"I wasn't really listening to them," Harry said apologetically.
Molly and Bill were having their usual argument about Bill's hair, the mother even asking of Harry that wasn't it too long.
Harry was alarmed at being asked,
"Boys," Lily muttered.
and quickly slid away to where Fred and George and Mundungus were in the corner.
"Now we're tuning into the important conversations," Sirius' grin turned eager to hear about this.
When Mundungus saw him coming he stopped talking at once, but Fred quickly said Harry was good to hear this, he was their financial backer.
"That's an excellent term for that," James brightened, before turning a calculating look onto his friend and saying, "hey Moony-"
"Don't even start you," he shot back without looking over, so James put a pin in the idea for later.
Fred eagerly held out what was in their hands, Harry finding tiny shriveled up black pods that were making a rattling noise though they were still.
None of them considered themselves Herbology experts, the closest one was Lily who could recognize a wide variety of plants for her potions, but they were all curious to hear what the twins had gotten their hands on now.
George explained they were Venomous Tentacula seeds, but since they were a Class C Non-Tradeable Substance, it was really hard to get them outside of people like their friend here.
"What on earth would they need those for?" Lily yipped in concern, thinking they could get themselves killed by just one little accident.
"Well they'll certainly get sick enough by them," James said uneasily, hoping for more details as well.
Fred offered ten Galleons for them, but Mundungus corrected he wouldn't take less than twenty with all the trouble these tings had caused him.
George gave a heavy laugh, saying that was a worse deal than the time he'd tried to sell them a bag of Knarl quills for six Sickles.
"Now I know he's been off his rocker," James shook his head in disbelief at that one.
Harry warned someone could be watching, like Moody's magical eye.
"Really should count our blessings he isn't around more I guess," Sirius chuckled.
All three agreed it was best to wrap this up, and then they all departed, only Harry staying in the corner as he watched Mrs. Weasley with a sudden fear. He'd never informed her or anyone he'd given the twins his Triwizard Winnings to start their joke shop, and it suddenly occurred to him what if their mother, who greatly disapproved of this idea, had a row with her kids about it. What if it caused another Percy-like estrangement? Would she still care about Harry in the same way if she knew he was helping them along with something she found so unsuitable.
Lily had already tried to instill into her son how unlikely she found that, and while Harry was looking anxious again at the returning topic, he'd yet to really start working himself up over it so they let him be on this one for now.
He was dragged out of his own thinking by hearing Kingsley say he'd been sure Dumbledore would make Potter a prefect, while Lupin returned he was sure the man had his reasons for doing otherwise.
"I don't think you were too enamored with Hermione's house-elf topic if you're already hanging around someone else," Sirius said, easily slipping into another topic to take that look off of Harry.
"He always thinks Dumbledore has his reasons," Lily muttered to herself.
Kingsley persisted it would have shown the world he had confidence in Potter though-
"Or it could have done worse, and made Dumbledore really seem he was playing favoritism with Harry," Remus shook his head. "Nah, best to not let you have this one honestly." Giving the others a moment of odd amusement as they were sure that's what Remus would have said back to Kingsley at the time.
"Not like I ever really wanted it," Harry shrugged in agreement, the idea had never crossed his mind until it was gone.
Harry did not look around, not wanting them to know he'd overheard.
"If they didn't want you hearing," James rolled his eyes at this idea, "they wouldn't have had the conversation with you in the room.
Though not remotely hungry, he followed Mundungus back towards the table. His pleasure in the party had evaporated as quickly as it had come; he wished he were upstairs in bed.
Both Lily and James were leaning into each other just that little bit closer than was strictly necessary, just for that moment to remind each other they were here now instead of a constant source of some painful memory for Harry. The cheer of knowing that little bit more about his father had been tarnished by his now fear of what the woman he looked to as a mother could think about him. There was just no winning.
He heard Molly yawning and telling her husband she was going to take care of that Boggart and turn in, telling Harry goodnight as she passed.
"Why did she only say goodnight to you," Sirius quickly pointed out just to give Harry some moment of singularity in Molly's eyes which he had clearly been wanting a moment ago, but now he looked all the more distracted and distant as he was clearly trying to ignore some bad feeling.
He got caught by Mad-Eye next pulling him to the side and saying he wanted to show him something.
"Well this should be interesting," Remus said, Moody singling Harry out could be, fun...
It turned out to be a photo, original Order of the Phoenix according to Moody.
"Wow, don't think we've had this picture taken yet," Sirius blinked in surprise.
"I'm surprised Moody has such a thing, you'd think it would be considered a security risk," Lily agreed. "Even we're not entirely sure who everyone in the Order is."
"Guess Dumbledore may have asked for one at some point, and no one turns him down," James muttered without much enthusiasm, as he'd already been keeping a mental list of all the people he'd heard of dying already. He was entirely sure he didn't want to hear much more about this.
He'd found it the other night since Podmore hadn't returned his Invisibility Cloak and he'd been looking for his spare, and he'd decided to bring this picture along to share. He began pointing people out, like himself, whose nose was still intact at the time.
Harry had already once seen Moody before his face was really a mess, but even seeing it again a photo right next to the real thing could be a shock for his mind.
Then Dumbledore, Dedalus Diggle, Marlene McKinnon, while he added in she was found two weeks after this was taken dead with her whole family.
Lily paled to a ghastly white color and couldn't seem to keep going for a moment, just concentrating instead on that warm spot her husband provided while Sirius tried wildly to point out, "well, now we have a time frame! Dumbledore asks for a group shot, we put Marlene on extra watch!" He said this too loudly, but it gave Lily enough of a reminder this hadn't happened yet to another person she knew, she could still be saved.
Then there was Frank and Alice Longbottom, whom Harry could have picked out all on his own as the woman he was seeing so resembled his dorm mate Neville.
Sirius ran his hand through his hair bitterly as he remembered the details of that being recounted, of who all had been involved. He was now more than jokingly considering asking Lily to please skip this part already, it didn't feel worth it to hear how their friends were soon going to turn out.
Moody adding for himself better dead than what happened to them, then flipping to Emmeline Vance, Lupin, Benjy Fenwick, they'd only ever found bits of him.
James retched and couldn't help but recoil from her for just a moment.
As well as Edgar Bones, late brother of Amelia, she was the last of her line now because they'd gotten his family, Sturgis Podmore, Caradoc Dearborn, he'd vanished six months after this and nobody ever found a body, Hagrid, Elphias Doge, though Moody had forgotten he used to wear that dumb hat.
Remus had to blink slowly, but he couldn't quite erase his blurry vision even as he tried to picture Doge without his hat considering he wore it all the time. This was by far the easiest thing to be comparing in these time frames though, so he forced himself to linger on this rather than having to keep listening to these wretched details.
Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they died like heroes,
Harry tried desperately to think of some way to erase those haggard looks from their faces, and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "so the Weasley's aren't in the Order now?" Figuring Molly and her husband would be mentioned next to her brother.
"Oh, err, no they're not. I think they were offered, but both declined. I really don't know much about them honestly, only met them once through Gideon," Lily murmured.
Next was Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother,
"Wow, what?" James had to snap himself back into paying actual attention to what Lily was saying just in time to hear that, and he frowned at her in confusion. "So I guess Dumbledore does have a brother that's in the Order."
"Wonder what he gets up to," Sirius agreed with honest curiosity, thinking this group meeting might be worth it just to meet this man of such a famous wizard. He was suddenly sure this Aberforth had all sorts of amusing, blackmail, stories about a younger Dumbledore.
Harry could feel a bead of sweat beginning to form on the back of his neck with mentions to this, of Dumbledore and his sibling, or more than one...
that was the only time Moody had met him, strange man. Then there was Dorcas Meadowes, she'd been killed by Voldemort personally,
This group had never even heard that name, and it was a kind distraction just for a second to try and theorize how they could go to Dumbledore and warn this woman as well without gaining suspicion of how they'd know such a thing.
Sirius, when his hair was still short,
Sirius brushed his hand through his now shoulder length hair curiously, wondering just how long it was in Harry's time.
and the last three on the list hit Harry the hardest of all, his smiling parents, along with Peter Pettigrew.
Lily's voice hitched, and then failed her all together at that coming up twice in this chapter now. The hurt was always sitting there in the back of her mind, waiting to pounce even without someone explicitly bringing it up, now she really could feel a traitorous tear slipping through before she brushed it furiously away and kept going entirely too loud, but it was all she could do, otherwise she'd break down. She couldn't even bare to glance at her boys again or she'd lose herself entirely.
Harry could think of nothing to say, and looked to Moody who had the expression he'd just given Harry a treat. Harry at once tried to retreat out of here, and was saved an excuse by Sirius calling over what Moody had there, giving Harry the chance to slip away as Moody turned to answer.
Sirius ran a shaking hand down his face, but the words failed of him trying to say he'd been looking out for his pup, perhaps seen something of Moody talking to him bothering him, it was just hard to pretend he was thinking of anything except removing a spine from a spineless creature.
He didn't know why it had been such a shock, he'd seen pictures of his parents before, after all, and he'd met Wormtail.
Remus could still feel the permanent mark those encounters had left on them all.
It was mostly just having them sprung on him like that, and he began to grow angry as he thought no one would appreciate that! He kept thinking of all those, left timeliness in the picture, so many dead...Moody may have found that interesting, but Harry found it disturbing.
"Glad we're not the only ones," James whispered for himself, but Harry heard anyways and they met eyes just for a moment in silent understanding.
He went silently back towards his room, but stopped curiously outside the drawing room as he heard sobbing.
Lily shifted uncomfortably, she was still reading in a too strained and tight voice, and if she was forced to deal with anymore bad news she'd likely toss the book away and turns into James chest any moment just to be done with her feelings for a change. Who else could be having a breakdown now? It was her burning desire to try and help anyone out if they were in pain that managed to help push her own away so she could find out.
Harry pushed the door open curiously, and found in the center of the room, a dead Ron.
Sirius really almost did faint in surprise as scenarios began flipping through his head, of Death Eater's storming in and catching Ron off guard while he'd snuck upstairs to check on his broom, of the poor kid being attacked by something in that house they hadn't managed to exterminate yet, his falling down those stairs and someone coming across his body-
Harry gasped wildly and lunged forward to snatch the book away from her. He'd just had to relive the sharp experience of his parents being out of his life all over again, he couldn't stand losing someone else!
"Harry breath," Remus reminded coolly, even if his face was still a bit too pale from what he'd just heard from Moody and the honest shock of that scenario ever being a thing. "There was a boggart in this room, remember. Molly wandered off to go get rid of it, I think you just walked in on some bad timing."
Lily got the book back from her son while he was still wavering with understanding this, and quickly kept going even more loudly than before, every last bit of her hoping beyond all hope that was really what was going on!
Harry stumbled in fear, his brain flooding with ice this couldn't be real!
Then the sobbing continued, and he looked wildly around to find Mrs. Weasley cowering in the corner, and as he watched, she pointed her wand and got out Riddikulus.
The book nearly fell out of Lily's shaking hands, a combination of relief at such a drastic misunderstanding and still lingering sorrow of her own for this mother whom she now completely could sympathize with. She had so many she cared about, it was only natural this was any mothers boggart.
Harry watched those around him relax even as he couldn't shake this nasty feeling that his fear still pounding through him wasn't so unfounded, he had a very good reason to be worried about a dead Weasley...
Crack, the body changed to Bill instead, eyes open but lifeless. Mrs. Weasley kept sobbing harder than ever as she tried the spell again, but instead crack, it was now Mr. Weasley with blood dripping from his mouth.
Harry choked and shook his head furiously to push away something so powerful it was rearing up inside him to strike him down now if he lingered on that idea.
She kept trying in-between broken no's, but instead crack, dead twins,
James was running his fingers in agitation through his scalp as he fought whether to break in and ask if the boggart had managed to create both at once or was he just simplifying another two bodies. He came to his own silent conclusion it must be the first, even in death Molly couldn't picture the twins apart it seemed.
crack, dead Percy, crack, dead Harry.
Lily's voice wavered and nearly failed her as she was forced to imagine the same thing, while James wrapped an arm tight around her in comfort and a sudden tightening in his throat finally dispelling the majority of his anger at Molly. She'd still said some way to harsh things to his best friend, but at least now he could see she'd truly meant it in her heart of seeing his son as her own, and he couldn't really hate someone like that.
Harry shot at her to just get out of here, let someone else handle it, but then Lupin, Sirius, and Moody came into the room behind him.
Harry almost felt his own sob of relief escape him for this finally being cut off, he just couldn't imagine if that thing had kept going, he'd be forced to see even more people he cared about. Maybe even Ginny- his left hand suddenly spasmed and he clasped them tightly together in his lap instead to ignore whatever that moment was.
Lupin grasped the situation at once and shot his own spell, and while the boggart at first turned on him instead and changed shape to a silvery orb, he'd put enough force into the spell it finally vanished.
Molly was still a crying mess on the floor as Lupin went over to her, and the next second she was sobbing her heart into his shoulder.
Lily was fidgeting with the last page of this chapter, finally, as she all too easily envisioned that. She wondered if Remus was having any other flashbacks to comforting a redheaded mother in fear for her child.
He tried comforting it was just a meaningless boggart, but she brokenly told him she saw that, all the time! All of them dead...she dreamed about it!
Remus was staring vacantly at nothing as those words registered. Molly wasn't the only one who had those kinds of nightmares, though at least she'd never been the featuring monster doing the act to her loved ones.
Sirius was staring at the patch of carpet where the Boggart pretending to be Harry's body had lain.
Sirius felt his vision tunnel, a ghost crawling slowly up his spine and wrapping tight around him and refusing to let go of the idea that this would be the second time in his life he'd see his dead best friend, now somehow actually made worse as the fear of losing Harry all at the same time was shoved in his face...
"Sirius?" Harry gave him a hard poke, all of them watching him fearfully for that haunted look he usually only got when Dementors were being spoken of. Going with that assumption, Harry tried to laugh off, "it was gone before it could zone in on me, nothing else happens because of it."
"Right," he nodded hard, still staring steadily at his brother and forcing himself to watch the odd, curious look in place rather than the vacant eyes he'd envisioned.
Harry saw Moody was still watching him, and he had the feeling his magical eye had tracked him up here and told the other two about this.
Molly was still half sobbing out not for any of them to tell Arthur, he'd think she was being silly...
"Hardly," James murmured with conviction while Lily snuggled deeper into the crook of his arm.
Lupin continued comforting her while she pulled out a handkerchief and blew her nose, before she turned watery eyes on Harry and said how foolish he must think her, not able to get rid of a Boggart.
"I would never," Harry said almost indignantly, unable to picture such a fierce woman and mother as less because of her greatest fear.
Harry at once told her not to be stupid as he tried for a smile.
"That's not something to be saying to a crying woman," Sirius told purely because the words had escaped him without him even realizing it, there was no trace of him that could find mocking humor in this.
Tears spilled back over as she couldn't seem to stop herself from continuing how worried she was, it would be a miracle if everyone survived!
Harry made a terrifying, rasping noise of fright, his whole body tensed as if ready for a fight while he was seconds away from reliving something of what that boggart had just shown him-
"It's going to be alright Harry," Sirius marched into his train of thought with a comforting squeeze on his shoulder, clearly taking his own fear he'd just experienced and forcing it aside to pay attention to anything else, even Harry's resembled one. "That Weasley family is as tough as they come, things will work out. You're fine, everyone's going to be fine."
Harry forced himself to meet his eyes even if he in no way felt the comfort.
Percy wasn't even speaking to them, what if something happened and they never made up!
Lily couldn't read that without a hard hitch in her throat as it was exactly the fear she held for the woman and child. She'd always felt pity for Percy, could almost see how his offense could have lived with his parents choosing some outsider of the family rather than refusing to see his side, but as she knew her son was the one in the right all she could really do was cling to the now bleak hope it all somehow just had to work out.
And Ron and Ginny were still so young, what would happen to them if her and Arthur-
Lupin cut her off firmly that was enough. Explaining the Order was much better off than the last time where they'd just been picked off one by one.
James hated that it all kept floating right there as a constant reminder. His friends, his wife, how soon they'd all succumb to this war... and who's fault it was. Even if he hadn't raised the wand, even if some of them would have died without the intel that had been provided, he could never look another member of the Order in the face again without always knowing there was one member to kill them all.
Sirius abruptly cut in telling her not to worry about Percy.
Remus was honestly grateful Sirius had stopped him, even now he didn't think that was the best line of comfort, he'd just been trying to fling around facts in hopes she'd quiet which is what normally worked for himself.
Sirius wasn't at all surprised that's what he'd caught on. He knew a little something about regret when it came to losing estranged family. He was still living through that highlight.
He'd come around when the Ministry had no choice but to admit Voldemort was back, he was bound to come into the open soon and then everyone would be begging them for forgiveness, which Sirius bitterly finished with he wasn't likely to give.
"Absolutely no one will blame you at that time mate," James agreed nastily while Harry gave an obligatory laugh for the statement while ignoring some vicious little thought popping up in his mind he hoped his godfather lived long enough to see that day. He stamped that right back out and refused to acknowledge it as anything other than his pessimistic side having some bad timing while watching Molly fear the same for her own loved ones.
While Lupin gently finished with of course Ron and Ginny would be looked after, the whole Order would see to that, no one was going to let them starve.
Harry had never even imagined the idea of where his best friend would live if not with his parents. His first assumption he supposed would be one of his older brothers, Bill seemed the most likely, but what Remus had just said really struck a chord in Harry as he realized how much Remus did care. Making him want to question all the more where his stance had been back when Harry had gone to live with the Dursleys. He was growing more confident by the day though he did not get an answer to that.
Mrs. Weasley gave one little smile for the lot of them as she again told herself how silly she was being, but as Harry stepped back out to finish going to his room, he could not find her silly for a moment.
It suddenly hurt James too much just to even look at Lily. To see the emotions that caused to play out on her face, to hear how broken her voice came out with that, so he turned busy eyes anywhere else while unable to remove himself from her side to keep her soft warm body as his comfort.
Without warning, the scar on his forehead seared with pain again and his stomach churned horribly.
This was certainly a big enough thing anybody normally would have eagerly flipped topics, to discuss and try to figure out why Harry's scar would be burning at a time like this, but for once they were all to clammed up in their own heads for fear of this future for that to have even made much of an impact past the smallest bit of registering it happening, and Harry immediately brushing it off.
He rubbed at his forehead and told it to knock it off, while the empty painting snidely told him the first sign of madness was talking to yourself.
"Absolutely not," Remus muttered to himself, "talking to yourself is perfectly normal."
"Most people still bother keeping it in their own head," Sirius remarked quietly, leaning just a bit more closely to Moony than normal for that reminder he still had one friend with him in this bleak future.
Harry ignored the jab, feeling suddenly old as he sunk down onto his bed and realized just hours ago he'd been worried about stupid little things like a prefect badge.
"I'm done," Lily snapped with triumph, wishing she could go back to that moment, to so many before of her sons more childlike memories rather than having the harsh reality of the life she was living slammed down around them.
"I know it's hard love," James promised, running his hand up and down her back and still looking vacantly around the room, "so if you need me to fini-"
"No, I meant with the chapter," she corrected, all of her features still brittle with everything she'd been feeling in these moments. James finally looked back over at her, and it took a moment to drag himself out of the depth of her eyes to remember he had a book to grab.
I'm not sorry for how harsh I was on Hermione in the portion of this chapter you all know I'm talking about. She really ticked me off while she was talking about Sirius, just like Molly before. Both women just seem to have this high and mighty status when it comes to him where they think they know everything about him and are trying to correct his everything, thinking they know and understand the reasons he acts the way he does, and I just want to smack both of them and tell them to leave the poor guy alone because both aren't true even one little bit. The closest person is Remus and even he lost a lot of rights in telling Sirius anything after twelve years. Molly earned back some sympathy here at the end, but now Hermione's in the hothouse which probably won't last long because...well honestly because it doesn't really come back up again which really makes me mad, but doesn't hold much focus so there's no point in continually revisiting it.
I've heard that in some of the original drafts of this book Ron was slated to die at some point, and I feel like that's made pretty clear in this chapter in particular. Am absolutely not saying I wanted it to happen, I love Ron to much, but credit to this woman for constantly setting up so many things.
* I do realize I created my own little plot hole in saying this was the book Lupin used as boggarts can't be found in that, but rather than just making one up on the spot I wanted to incorporate that into cannon a little better, and just pretend that the actual book is longer than the version we all get.
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