#what if my idea is already patented
dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
I love every fic That has Danny still being Phantom even while in the DC universe but sometimes I just want my little guy to flex his intellect and be all around little mad scientist that only sometimes uses his powers to pick up a screwdriver
Danny is smart.
He knows he is brilliant.
He may have been outshined by his family when he was younger, but that was because his focus was on something else, and frankly, being born last into a family of geniuses made one feel like one wasn't as intelligent as them.
He constantly compared himself to them, knowing that they had already achieved what he was doing and falling further and further behind in his self-wellow.
Then Danny left Amity Park and went into the real world.....he found his intelligence got him far. Danny was exceptionally brilliant when he was working on machinery, chemistry, and, above all else, engineering.
Maybe it had something to do with watching his parents repurpose any household item into a completely new technology that affected beings from different dimensions simply because they used math.
Or maybe it was that his brain was always moving, always connecting, and constantly processing. Danny didn't realize that people couldn't just make whatever idea came into their heads a reality.
Hell, his dad heard about Mr. Freeze's ray and he made a copy in two months. Danny made Mr. Freeze's ray in two weeks. He made other ghost tech in that same amount or enough to arm his schoolmates in one afternoon.
The point is that Danny is good at what he does. Put a screwdriver in huis hand, and he be off until whatever hair brain idea he had a physical form.
Everyone in Amity Park knew this as a fact about the Fentons/ Since they moved in, there was nothing but experiments one right after the other. Sure, they wasted it on things like Ecto-studies, but his parents made their money from somewhere before the world learned about ghosts.
Danny's parents had many, and he means many, patents. Everything from a brand of microwaves to vehicle parts.
His parents created them, sold them to partial rights to companies, and then wasted whatever money they got on some new experiment for a ghost that had not yielded any fortunes.
He thought he could do the same. Just apply to anywhere that would take him after creating a portable phone changer on one's wrist. He figured it would have gotten less attention than he did hadn't he just shown up at Wayne Expo as an unknown inventor through his parents contacts.
Danny had felt relatively small with his foldable plastic table and his four cardboard boxes of his invention while everyone had booths and screens, and a few even had prominent speakers with people in suits that cost more than his house
. Danny felt like a little kid trying to sell lemonade in the five-star hotel lobby. Everyone walked right by him without a glance, or they jeered and mocked him.
That was until Bruce Wayne wandered over. Kind and charming the man, maybe he wasn't the brightest- but he stood there listening to Danny excitedly explain how moving the hand on the bracelet caused it to charge, so walking around with it was all the kinetic energy it needed.
His ward- Dick Grayson, in all his tiny ten-year-old authority, had purchased a bracelet from Danny. It had been the only sale he made that night, but it was the only one he needed. Bruce had called him to offer him a position at WE.
Like his parents, Danny enjoyed his freedom, so instead, he offered to be a freelance inventor. He would show the Wayne's first dibs but go where the wind took him. He made them if he found buyers who weren't trying to ice him out of profits.
Unlike his parents, he didn't waste the funds past his travels. Slowly but surely building up a fortune over time.
Danny still went out as Phantom, but over the years he invented random gadgets and chemicals that he would ship to Bruce for a healthy paycheck. Ussually he makes something that the rich man off-handedly comments on.
"Oh Danny, I just loved skydiving, but I'm scared Dick's parachute will get stuck."
Danny invented one with small rocket blasters Bruce could manually control into landing for his son.
"I always enjoy undersea diving. The tanks are a killer on my back. Jason was almost weighted down by them too."
Danny created a breathing mask that had the tanks in smaller easier-to-carry cylinders.
"Tim really loves his computers. Wish I could take the whole thing with me when I go out!"
Danny had a working computer on a heliographic wristwatch the next month.
It was awesome. Danny traveled a lot but always found time to call and speak with Bruce. He got to know the man well over the years, found himself chatting with him for hours, and even spent his visits to Gotham at Wayne Manor as a guest.
Bruce's kids were a riot to be around. He would often go away for a while only to return and find that they had grown in numbers. He loved them like his own and found himself a confidant among the children.
It was he that Dick called to whispers about his insecurity within Bruce's home. He would go to all the gymnastics and mathletes shows he could catch, cheering the loudest among the rich parents as Dick outshone the rest of the children.
Danny had practically flown home to rip Bruce a new one until the man admitted to his gapping son that he had applied to be his father mere months after taking him in.
It was Danny that Jason spoke to when Dick and Bruce's fights were too loud. He would take the boy on trips, and talk for hours about books to calm down, then he had sat Bruce and Dick down to rip another new one.
It was no surprise that Jason had called him when he had tried to run away to confront his birth mother. He had been there to see the bitch arrested before she could hurt Jason.
It was Danny that Tim often sought out to showcase his photos. He always made sure to call the boy right before he was meant to sleep, regardless of which part of the world Danny was on, to wish him goodnight and talk about their days.
Tim always brightened whenever Danny caught his skateboard competitions or club performances. He was the one who found out Tim's biological parents neglected him after the boy told him, and he was the one to help Bruce win custody.
Then came Damian, who was as scared as he was angry. Danny adored him and saw so many ghost-like mannerisms in him that connecting to the boy wasn't hard at all.
Bruce didn't seem to understand that his son was used to outlined expectations and grew irritable when he felt he failed them. He was the one that help Damian get used to his environment and was the one the boy was much more willing to try new things with.
Steph and Danny often got along well with their sense of humor, but mostly she followed him around, seeking approval that likely missed out from her parents. They would sit down and talk about her future and what she wanted in life, and he even let her practice her makeup on him and giggle about boys.
Sometimes, it felt like she didn't have to be the tough girl from the rough part of town. She could be a teenage girl without a care in the world. At least, that's what she claimed Danny made her feel like.
Cass didn't talk much, but she didn't have to for Danny to not see how much she enjoyed their days out, too.
He loved taking her to see the arts, to sit and listen to music together, and most of all, to see her slowly bloom into a sociable young lady so different from the closed-off girl that first arrived at Wayne Manor.
Duke was still relatively new, but Danny could spot the wild, unhinged look in his eye that would have made him a proper Fenton. The two often spent their time playing video games and working in the community together.
Duke seemed to enjoy when Danny invited him to tag along on short trips, especially when the two would go camping. As someone who grew up in the city, he had never been fishing until Danny taught him how to reel in a big one at a lake a state over. The whole Wayne family had cheered the dark skin boy on as he held the trout over his head for the photo.
Alfred treated him like one of the family sometimes meeting up with Danny on his travels for a cup of tea or a nice phone call to gossip about Bruce.
Danny loved it but adored when the Waynes would help with his inventions. Even if all they did was sit in his makeshift lab inside his RV or the west wing of Wayne Manor like Bruce did, having them made his hands fly faster and his calculations sharper.
Sometimes, he caught the strangest, softest look on Bruce's face when Danny would be wielding.
Danny was so used to this lifestyle that he would forget about his ghost powers. It's not like he really needed them.
That came to head when he returned to Gotham on a whim, wanting to surprise Bruce for his birthday by taking the other man out to dinner somewhere fancy he happened to stumble across the scene of Scarecrow holding the Waynes- his Waynes- as hostages at an award ceremony in the new mental hospital they had funded.
Danny hadn't thought.
He saw the Fear Gas vents open and pulled one of his gadgets. He threw it as hard as he could at Scarecrow, watching with satisfaction as it bounced off the manic's head- knocking him out and spinning in place as it activated.
It was a miniature vacuum- meant to gather pollution in the air to hopefully clean up their planet- sucking in all the green smoke before it could harm.
He three out of the other five at the goons that had tried to gas the spectators before, pressing his anti-gravity plates- reversing them to slam the goons into a heap and officially knocking them out.
Danny took down the Rouge in under a minute.
"Bruce! Kids! Are you alright?" He cried rushing the stage to the stunned family. He helped them out of their bonds, gentelly tracing the bruise on Bruce's face with a soft whine. "They hurt you."
"I'm alright, darling," Bruce muttered, leaning into his palm. "I'm better with you here. What was that?"
"Oh just a-"
"Look out!" Dick suddenly screams as a flash of ice comes from nowhere. Danny tucks Bruce onto his chest and rolls away from the ray's pathway. They land with his friend on his back and Danny leaning over him in a protective hunch.
Quickly, he stops his foot against the ice, pressing the heel back and watching bursts of electricity from his built-in tazer race up the ice to the beam of Dr. Freeze.
The man doesn't have time to react before spamming and hitting the ground. Danny scoffs. "Using a ray with a cryogenic laser beam so last season. Invent something new, you one act poney."
Bruce stares up at him with those soft eyes again, and Danny smiles now that he is sure the Danger is gone.
"Is there nothing that mind of yours can't do?" Bruce asks and Danny laughs helping him to his feet as police swarm the place.
"Find me a date, maybe." Danny jokes, "I haven't had one since you took in Dick.""
"Neither has Father!" Damian shouts from behind them. Danny bemussingly watches the young boy march up to gesture at the mortified-looking man.
Despite his father's obvious embarrassment, Damian does not seem bothered to shout for everyone to hear. "He may swing both ways but hasn't acquired a suitable spouse. What says you, Danny? You could assist in correcting this error."
"Sure, I'll take him out." Danny laughs, patting the boy on his shoulder, knowing he hates to have his hair touched. Damian all but melts into his hand like his father seemingly smug. "I know a great club to meet some great people in Metropolis!"
Damian's smug look fades away as Bruce's eyes fall. "I meant for you to be Father's sp-"
"Danny, would you mind explaining those tazer shoes?" Bruce cuts in, throwing a arm over the inventor's shoulder. "They were dazzling!"
"Oh, Bruce, I'm always happy to explain my creations!"
Damian pouts as the two walk away, acting like a married couple to the scattered spectators. If only his Father would just man up and tell Danny that he's practically been his second Father all these years, they need to officiate it.
Tim sighs, placing a hand like Danny did on his shoulder. "It's okay, Dami. This time, we will surely succeed in the Parent Trap plan. Maybe before Danny gets lost in the lab trying to invent a way to warp travel."
"Don't even joke, Tim," Jason says. "Danny would figure that out. He created the Zeta Beams to make it to my senior play. He'll figure out warping if we ask him to."
"Dad's the best," Steph laughs, and they all agree, determined more than ever to make Parent Trap happen.
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jakesangel · 4 months
sick jake ><
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what jake wants jake gets but sick jake ? it will be the end for you. either that he pretends to be unable to do anything or is hyper, he would give you the time of your life.
when he gets his mouth ulcer, he knows the medecine will hurt him more so he wouldn't stop moving making it hard for the members of the staff to heal him. they even had to tie him up. but once you're in his life ? ? he would do it on purpose just to get you to heal him. he would whine out loud not caring of the situation or the place he is. he would jump around not wanting to be tied up again. he just doesn't want anyone else to heal him. he is all yours, why would him ? so when sunghoon had the idea to call you over, he was so happy. the happiest, he would grin so hard, making everyone in the room realized of his true intentions. but even if he didn't, he was suddenly patently waiting for you, sitting on the dance practice couch, a contrast from few seconds ago.
once you arrive w the members telling you what's happening and giving you the médecine, you would see a jake already looking at you, sitting w his legs moving around, his body buzzing of excitement. his smile would get bigger when he sees you approching with the medecine. he knows it will hurt, but knowing you'd be the one healing him, eases him. hi would he says w the biggest grin, you know you didn't have time come here, not even hiding the biggest lie he ever told you. he would grab your hands, leading you on his lap and then, put them on your thighs, lovingly strocking them, while you'd open the medecine. could you hold my face while you'll do it, princess ? he would expendantly ask, his face held high, eyes round to look at you only. please ?
but when jake is having a cold, he will act like a baby. he would either come over or beg u through text for you to come to him. he wouldn't even open the front door, pretending that he can't get out of his bed. he'd prepare himself : once you open the door he will cough n pretend his voice is roak, but it never works. once he his the door opens, he knows he won. he knows you are going to baby him and that he has you, all for himself, and maybe you'd even stay for the night. so every single time, he would smile so big once he sees you. and it is an endearing sight to see : he had himself wrapped up in his blanket, his head the only thing that can be seen. my princess finally came to save me, he'd dramatically say. kiss me i'm literally to die !, if he is contagious you'll obviously try to protest making him only whine louder so that's it. that's how i'm going ? without even a kiss from my princess. oh life hates me, or just negotiate with you please, baby ? i promise you ill take such good care of you if you do get sick. please ?
sick jake will not use hands. he would keep them under the blanket waiting for you to feed him, either food or the medicine. so when you're so close to him, on his bed, feeding him, he keeps it cool finally getting what he wants.he'd stop trying to kiss you but only opening and closing his mouth only when the spoon is approaching or leaving his face. jake would only move when he knows you guys will cuddle. so when you come back from the kitchen, his dishes on the sink, he'd have the blanket open for you. babe, could you touch my hair while we watch a movie, please ? he'd confide you. and that's only then he will fall asleep, your chest is pressed by his back, your hand on his hair.
notes : jake politely asking is making me insane but he is the cutest puppy he would so do this :(
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @heeseungswifefr @stwrjvke @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring
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snapnov4 · 9 months
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marry me | gojo satoru
synopsis: a bad idea disguised as a practical joke turns into something way deeper than you intended it to be.
wc: 1.1k
cw: just good ol fluff!
a/n: happy late birthday to my baby daddy and man of my dreams gojo satoru. i have to marry this man. i have to i have to i have to. anyways. enjoy reading this cute little fic i wrote, meaning i thought abt gojo proposing as a joke and vomited this out. enjoy!
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it starts, like all things involving gojo satoru, with a bad idea disguised as a practical joke.
you're sitting across from him, in a restaurant that’s not too fancy, more of a family-type deal. he's forgone his blindfold in favor of his square-framed glasses, but his uniform is still on. he insisted on treating you to dinner after you exorcized an unregistered special grade on your own. however, with gojo, things can't always be so easy; he always adds his patented gojo twist to things, and this time the twist is this terrible joke.
“come on, it'll be funny!” he whines, from across the table.
“you want to propose to me in this restaurant for free food? when you make well over six figures a year? and have full access to thousands of years of old clan money?” you ask, incredulously, reaching to take a sip of your drink, suddenly wishing you had gone with a stronger option.
“yes, exactly. what's not clicking?”
“uhmmm, all of it?”
“look it'll be funny. you could even say no, then you can run out and i get free food as pity points,” he smiles at you, and you find it hard to keep saying no. “i mean, they'll probably all call you heartless and tell me i deserve better but that's fine.”
“okay and if i say yes, what about a ring? or the fact that we're not even together? how is anyone going to believe you?” you ask, thinking you've backed him into a corner, until he just sighs softly, keeping an easy smile, and reaches into his pocket. he pulls out a black velvet box, and shakes it a bit by his head.
“you think i hadn't planned for that?” he asks, smirking in your direction, trying to hold back laughter at your aghast expression, you drag a palm over your face, finally conceding.
“okay. fine! fine! just…try not to embarrass me. please?”
“no promises! also the waitress is coming this way, so get ready. tears are optional but preferred.”
you roll your eyes at his statement, your gaze following him closely when he stands up and walks over to your side of the table. you look around desperately hoping that no one will actually have their attention drawn to you but the thing about gojo is wherever he goes he commands attention. consequently, when he stands at a whopping 6’7 everyone’s already looking, and when he drops down on one knee in front of you, holding that little velvet box in front of you, you catch people’s smartphones shooting up immediately, great. and you're sure the vision of jujutsu’s strongest sorcerer, taking off his sunglasses and holding up a ring box to you would haunt you forever. you think right under reverse cursed technique in his list of talents, they should add acting, because the look in his eyes almost feels real.
the way your name falls so delicately from his lips, before he clears his throat, feigning nervousness. the way he struggles at first to look you in the eyes, the ring sparkling in the dim lighting. he starts:
“you are truly the most beautiful woman i've ever met, inside and out. to know you and love you is a pleasure too great for words, and i want to continue living in it every day. will you marry me?” you roll your eyes, but the smile across your face is genuine, maybe he was right, maybe this is funny. so you have no issue, saying yes, throwing your arms around his neck as he spins you around, delicately sliding the ring onto your finger. the two of you giggle all the way back to jujutsu tech, containers of your free leftovers in hand.
and so it becomes a tradition.
satoru continues to propose to you every time the two of you get the chance to have dinner together, and despite all your better judgment, you laugh and say yes every time.
and what started as a joke, turned tradition, starts to morph into something else.
satoru notices it on a summer day. you're out with the students, supervising them as they spar. the sun’s been beating down for days, he's standing beside you his eyes trained on your hands. your left ring finger has a tan line, it's from that ring. you're not wearing it, you returned it to him last night, forgetting to give it back after dinner and then desperately trying to get your schedules to align for at least five minutes, but he'd been out of town for a week and when he finally got back late last night to find you working on paperwork in your office, he didn't know why it felt like his heart sank when you slid the ring off and put it in his hand.
now, the box feels heavy in his pocket (when did he start carrying it all the time?) and he looks at you with so much adoration that had his blindfold not been on, he'd look like a love-struck puppy to any passerby. you'd been wearing the ring so much it's left a mark on you, it's obvious you'd been wearing it, the tan line a stark reminder that it was there; and something about it makes satoru wish he could make the next proposal permanent. you turn your head to him, smiling softly.
“the first years are something else this year, gojo, did you see yuuji and maki spar? they're going places,”
and he's not sure why but before he can stop himself he's blurting out:
“let me take you on a date.”
you sputter and falter, turning fully to look at him, “are you being serious?”
he nods, that goofy smile of his making you weak to his every whim, it's the same one he gave you that night at that dinner table; the same one that made you start this tradition.
so he takes you out, and then that becomes a tradition. still every day, he thinks of the way that ring looked on you whenever he slid it on your finger, and how he felt rejected every time you gave it back. he'd clear his schedule if he knew he could have dinner with you, just to see the smile you couldn't stop whenever he got down on one knee.
satoru doesn't propose anymore. he figures the next time he does it, he should be serious about it since you're his girl now. on a tuesday night, you're sitting with him on the couch, your legs are thrown over his lap and he looks at you, focused so intently on a book you've been dying to finish, the bookmark always staying near the end as you get called into emergency exorcisms, and he knows. he fishes that ring out of his pocket, the same one he gave you in that restaurant almost two years ago, and there's no fanfare, no cameras, no theatrics. he just opens the box, looks at you, and says,
“hey baby, let's get married.”
and just like the first time, you smile and say yes.
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charmandabear · 5 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Ten
It's bowling time! You and the gang get a little closer over this highly unsexy game. Definitely no sexy things will happen in this chapter. No, don't look at the tags. Stop, what are you doing.
Pairing: Astarion/f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4.3k
Tags/Warnings: thigh riding, dry humping, rough kisses, fantasies of bondage, cumming in pants, vampire bites/blood drinking, conversations about academic research, semi-public semi-sex
So I didn't actually mean to wait a week and a half between posting chapter 10 on AO3 and posting it here, but as a result, I can tell you that the un-beta'd chapter 11 is now up on my Kofi! You can read it for free, or you can wait until it's fully edited on AO3. Up to you, guy.
As always, @zipzoomzaria is responsible for the devastatingly handsome professor in the banner.
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
Admittedly, you kind of delight in the look on Astarion’s face as you cross the threshold into the bowling alley. His nose wrinkles while his eyes dart around the space, cataloging everything from the stained black and neon rainbow carpet, to the bored employee sitting in front of rows and rows of dirty rental shoes, to the group of noisy teengers eating nachos covered with a thick liquid cheese.
He lets out a low growl and you giggle, almost giddy at the evening ahead of you. There is absolutely no chance in hell you’ll be able to do anything even remotely sexual in this environment. You grab his hand and drag him over to the shoe rental.
“Hi, can I get a 7 ½?” you ask the employee, and they languidly pull their chin off their hand and turn around to grab the shoes.  Astarion hovers behind you, still uncomfortably taking everything in. You take the shoes from the employee and drop them in front of you, stepping out of your flats and into the bowling shoes.
“Ugh, gods, I don't know why you insist on taking part in this,” he says with a sneer, well within earshot of the employee, whose eyes have already started to glaze back over. “It’s not enough to put your fingers into a grease-coated ball, you choose to play dress up with a hundred other people’s feet?”
“I mean I wouldn’t choose to, I just have to if I want to actually do the bowling part of it,” you tell him as you wiggle your ankle to get the shoe to settle.
“Sorry, what?”
You had been waiting for this moment and you try to hide your glee as you say, “Yeah, you have to rent special shoes so you don’t fuck up the floor.”
His face remains frozen for a moment in a look of utter disgust as he processes what you said. “So you’re telling me,” he drawls, waving his finger like a disgruntled valley girl, “that in order to play this asinine game that you’re making me play, I must pay money to let my feet bask in the foot sweat residue of several hundred strangers?”
“You also have to leave your shoes with them while they’re rented,” you add, handing your flats over to the employee, who slips them in the cubby whence they retrieved your rental shoes. Astarion splutters incoherently.
“That’s it, you’ve lost me, this was a very cute idea but I am absolut–” You grab his hand as he starts storming away and pull him back towards the rental counter.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun, I promise!” You grasp his hand in both of yours, an exaggerated gesture of a pleading child. “Just do it for me, please?”
He scowls at your beaming face for a moment before rolling his eyes and approaching the counter again.
“I’ll take a 9 ½,” he grumbles through gritted teeth. The employee continues to display an almost impressive amount of apathy as they grab the requested size. Astarion makes a show of his disgust as he takes off his patent leather oxfords and puts on the grubby shoes that were presumably red and blue at one point. 
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he mutters out of the side of his mouth and your grin widens.
“You absolutely will not,” you tease. He stands suddenly, closer than you had realized, and looms over you.
“Would you like to test that theory?” he hums in a low voice, and your breath catches in your throat. He turns away from your reddening face with a smug sense of satisfaction as he hands his shoes to the employee. He starts to walk away when their voice interrupts him.
“Sir, you need to pay for those,” they call out halfheartedly. He turns around to you, just staring back innocently.
“Oh, I’m paying,” he confirms blankly, and you shrug.
“You’re the one with tenure, you make more than me,” you state matter-of-factly. He scowls again but doesn’t protest, and instead just taps his phone on the pin pad.
You scan the lanes to see if you can spot any of your friends. Gale sees you and waves you over to where he and Wyll are sitting together stiffly. Shadowheart and Karlach aren’t here yet. 
“Hello, there,” he calls, grateful to see faces he recognizes. A paper boat of fries sits on the table between them, along with two plastic cups of water.
“Any word from Karlach?” you ask Wyll, leaning over the hard plastic bench to grab a fry.
“She apologized, she said they’d be here soon,” he replies, glancing at the text from her.
“Took them longer to get ready than they expected,” you say with a grin, and Wyll clears his throat, cheeks darkening slightly.
“Oh Tav, have you caught up with If Books?” Gale asks you, taking off his glasses to clean them with his knit sweater vest.
“Yes, I couldn’t stop listening to it,” you reply enthusiastically, “some episodes have been very illuminating.” You cast a quick glance at Astarion and he petulantly shoves his hands into his pockets and shuffles his feet. “But it’s so hard waiting for each new one,” you add, and Gale nods.
“Yes, and they’ve switched from a bimonthly schedule to a monthly schedule, so the wait is even longer,” he agrees.
“What’s up, fuckers?” Karlach’s voice booms across the lanes and Astarion mutters, “Oh thank the gods,” under his breath. Shadowheart and Karlach saunter over, Karlach double fisting pitchers of a pale amber beer. She puts them down onto the table, only one of them sloshing beer over the edge. Shadowheart narrows her eyes at Astarion, sizing him up.
“Shade, this is Astarion, Astarion, this is my best friend Shadowheart,” you awkwardly introduce them to try to cut the tension as early as possible.
“Yes, I’m aware,” Shadowheart says with disdain, looking down her nose at Astarion. “I’ve heard plenty about you.”
“Only the best, I’m sure,” he lobs back. “Funny, I don’t think she’s mentioned you.” You shoot Astarion a dirty look as Shadowheart’s eyebrows disappear into her bangs. You can tell that she’s unaccustomed to sparring with someone who has as much snark as her, but the verdict is still out on whether or not it’s a good thing.
Oblivious to the heated standoff behind her, Karlach types away at the console, putting in slightly wrong initials for everyone and giggling maniacally as she does. In order, the names say ASS, TAV, CAR, SAD, GIL, and WIL.
“Soldier over here’s lucky, her name is already three letters,” she laughs and winks at you. Astarion fiddles with the roll of his sleeve and looks at the ball return with apprehension.
“I suppose my ‘ass’ is first?” He hits Karlach with the look over the glasses and she throws her head back, cackling like a hyena. 
“Good on ya, Cardigan, there’s a sense of humor under that mop after all.” She kicks the toe of her red and white shoe at him from where she’s sitting, but he dodges out of the way. He walks up to the ball return and shudders before he decides on one, visibly gagging as he picks it up.
“Okay you drama queen, we get it, it’s gross,” you laugh at him, “now just knock as many pins down as you can, okay?”
“That much would seem obvious,” he smirks, and walks up to the edge of the lane. He glances back at you one last time, almost as if he’s assessing if you’re really worth the humiliation, before throwing the ball down the lane. It glides towards the pins in a smooth straight line before crashing into their pyramid, knocking over all but one. He stares at the lone pin in shock as you and Karlach whoop at him.
“Hey, you might actually be good at this game after all!” you shout as he walks back to the bench, looking just a little more pleased with himself. He’s about to sit down when you stop him, saying, “No, you get two frames.” He looks back down at the end of the lane just in time to see the mechanical arm sweep away the fallen pins and leave the remaining one standing. He makes a dramatic show of sighing heavily and picks up the ball again. He approaches the lane, calculates the pathing, and throws the ball. It knocks down the last pin.
“Okay Ancunín, comin’ in hot with the spare!” Karlach laughs and he puffs his chest slightly at the compliment. “I think you might need a better nickname than Cardigan.”
“Gods please, I’ll take anything,” he begs, and you stand up to grab a ball.
“Perhaps Dr. Bowling?” Wyll pipes up, and Gale adds, “A doctorate in Bowling Studies with a concentration in spares and strikes?” Astarion’s scowl is icy, but even you can tell he’s having fun.
“I’ve spoken too quickly,” he says, gritting his teeth.
You find that the six of you get along quite well. The conversation is easy and light as you cycle through your turns, laughs flowing between you as freely as the terrible watery beer.  
You take a gulp from your plastic cup, your legs draped over Astarion’s lap as Gale takes his turn. Astarion scoffs at the smell.
“Nine hells, how can you possibly drink that piss?” He turns his face away from the yellowish liquid. 
“I don’t know, I have low standards for myself?” you answer with a shrug. 
Shadowheart lets out a high pitch giggle. “Clearly, considering you’re dating him,” she snickers, and Astarion fixes her with a playfully snide look.
“Big talk coming from someone who needs aloe vera after a romantic evening,” he retorts with pursed lips. Shadowheart tries to suppress a smile – talking shit is her love language.
“At least she and I agree to it prior,” she says coolly, and Astarion goes even paler than usual. He shoots you a nervous glance, a sort of are we allowed to joke about that? But you laugh and take another sip of your beer, surreptitiously rubbing the back of his hand resting on your knee in assurance.
You’re enjoying watching Shadowheart and Karlach navigate the awkward early stages of the relationship. Shadowheart has her hands clasped around her knee, bent in front of her as her foot rests on the plastic bench. Karlach’s arm is draped across the back of the bench, leaving enough plausible deniability as to whether or not her arm is actually around Shadowheart. You suspect by the end of the evening, it’ll be less ambiguous.
“So tell me, Gale,” Wyll asks as Gale waits by the ball return. “I’ve never met a wizard with a PhD, what was your research in?”
“I’m so glad you asked, because I think you in particular would find use of it,” he responds enthusiastically. “It was in ethical uses of high powered spells. There’s a stigma around mortals chasing too much power, but I feel very strongly that some spells simply have no downside.”
Astarion quirks an eyebrow, his hand absentmindedly playing with the ends of your hair.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for someone who’s power hungry, Dekarios,” he says with a smirk, and Gale emphatically shakes his head.
“No, the power isn’t for me, it’s for– well, hold on.” He quickly grabs his ball from the return and throws it down the lane. It hits the gutter within seconds.
“Too bad!” Karlach calls, her arm slipping ever so slightly around Shadowheart’s shoulders a bit more.
“It’s fine. Anyway.” Gale is quick to return to the benches, excited to talk about his research. “I strongly feel that Globe of Invulnerability, Heal, and Heroes’ Feast simply have no downside. We should implement systems in which they can be used for the greater good.” 
“Fascinating. Do doctors not already use Heal in hospitals?” Wyll muses, then turns to Shadowheart as he stands to take his turn. “Shadowheart, you’re a cleric of Selûne, you must use Heal all the time.”
Shadowheart shakes her head. “We’re not permitted to use anything more powerful than Mass Cure Wounds, and even then it’s only in the most dire situations, like war zones. I don’t even know how to perform it.”
“See, this is precisely what I’m saying! Imagine all the good that we could do if there were more medical professionals who knew Mass Cure Wounds and Heal.” Gale gesticulates wildly with his almost empty cup of beer. 
“Heroes’ Feast could end world hunger in a matter of minutes!” Wyll nearly shouts from the lane right before he bowls his second frame, almost as excited as Gale.
“Yes!” Gale returns the excitement and then downs the last sip of his beer. “In fact, I think many of these high level spells are outlawed in some countries without even considering how they might impact our society.”
“Hey Ass, you’re up,” Wyll calls, heading back to the bench. 
“Darling, could you move your legs?” he asks you, his tone saccharine. You make a show of deliberating, holding your finger to your chin.
“Hmmm, I’m not sure. Wyll, who’s winning right now?” you call out to him and he speaks through the fry in his mouth.
“Ashtarion,” he mumbles.
“Yeah, I don’t think I will move,” you smirk obstinately, pushing your calves down into his lap. He raises his eyebrows at your challenge, peering at you over his glasses. He grabs your ankles and sharply turns you in your seat, his rough handling sending a subtle jolt through your core.
“Don’t pick a fight you can’t win, love,” he hums, his lips barely brushing against yours. He stands and turns towards the lane, leaving you slightly breathless. Karlach and Shadowheart titter at your dazed expression, the distance between them having all but disappeared.
Astarion gets yet another strike, and you briefly wonder how this English academic got so dexterous before remembering the feel of his long smooth fingers working inside you. You blink several times to banish the needlessly dirty thought as he turns around with an insufferably pompous look on his face, his newly discovered talent feeding his already overinflated ego. You try to play it cool as you stand and walk toward the ball return, but he blocks your body with his. You look up at him and he runs his knuckle up the front of your throat, stopping it right under your chin.
“Don’t choke,” he purrs and you press your lips together tightly to prevent an embarrassing noise from escaping. You shake your hair over your ears to cover how red they’ve become, but you’re certain your cheeks still give you away. You grab a ball and throw it down the lane, hardly aware of how many pins it knocks down. You stare into the ball return with glazed eyes as you watch your pink ball slide out of its mouth. You grab it, barely registering the shouts of encouragement from the others, and throw it down the lane as quickly as you can. You turn around before seeing the outcome of the frame, your mind occupied by one solitary thought.
“Excuse me, I’m going to run to the restroom,” you mumble, wrapping around behind the plastic benches as Karlach stands to take her turn. As discreetly as possible, you run your fingers across Astarion’s shoulders as you pass behind him. If you’re lucky, he’ll get the hint. If not… well, you need to take a breather anyway.
You duck into the hallway branching off the main lanes and settle yourself behind an ancient payphone. You have no idea if it’s meant to be kitschy and retro or simply a relic of a bygone era. You take a deep breath as you try to clear your head.
It didn't take long for Astarion to swing around the corner, grabbing your face in his hands and pushing you up against the wood-paneled wall. His lips are hard on yours and his fingers tangle in your hair – a roughness you’re all too happy to accept. You grasp at his lower waist, pulling his body further into yours. Your lips pop open as a small moan escapes when his knee slides up between your legs, pressing against your already aching mound.
“I thought this was meant to dampen our appetites,” he murmurs through breathless kisses. You clutch the back of his head as you grind down wantonly on his thigh.
“It’s not my fault you get fucking hot when you’re competitive, ah–” you swallow the moan as he slides his chilled hands up the back of your shirt, pressing into the dip just above your ass.
“I take it you like seeing me win?” You can feel his lips smiling against your earlobe, and you let out a small squeak when he gives it a gentle nip.
“I like seeing you cocky,” you groan, desperately chasing the friction that his thigh provides. He chuckles and pushes his leg up further into you, causing you to grunt through your teeth and pull on his hair as you try to keep the obscene noises that he’s tearing from you under control.
“Tell me how else you like me,” he rasps, and you can feel his erection pressing against your thigh. 
“I like it when you’re domineering,” your voice cracks as you continue to roll your hips against him. “I like when you tell me what to do. I like it when you’re just a little mean but even more when you tell me I’m a good girl.”
His hips buck against you and you shift on top of his leg, trying to relieve your own throbbing cunt while rubbing your leg against the bulge in his pants. His lips are still on your ear and he lets out a hissing breath when you lightly brush against his cock.
“You are my good girl, don’t stop.” His breath is cool against your skin and he runs the tip of his tongue along the shell of your ear, pulling a deep shudder from you. You can already feel how wet he’s made you, and if he keeps this up you might just come undone.
“I want you to put your hand around my throat when you fuck me,” you whine, your slick folds sliding against each other as he grinds his thigh into you. “I want you to put me in a collar and hold the leash tight and tell me I’m yours.” The fantasy is pouring out of you at this point. You’re hardly aware of your surroundings, all that matters is you and Astarion.
You can tell your words are affecting him, too. The rutting of his hips grow frantic and you tighten your hand in his hair and you can feel that familiar spiraling heat blooming out from your core.
“Gods, Astarion, I’m–” you mewl, fully riding his leg at this point. “Please bite me, I want you to bite me, I’m begging–” The moment his fangs sink into your flesh you come, your hand pressed tight over your mouth to muffle the sound, your hips stuttering with each rippling wave of pleasure. As he takes long dragging sips of your blood he makes barely audible whimpers into your neck, his hips still thrusting into your thigh. You bring your hands to his ear, gently pinching his velvety lobe between your fingers.
“Fuck, come for me Astarion,” you whisper into his hair, and it’s enough. He inhales sharply through his nose, teeth still latched onto your neck, and the rest of him stills, save a few subtle jerks of his hips as he spills inside his pants. You let out a breathy chuckle as you card your fingers through his hair affectionately. He pulls away from your neck and you’re blessed with one of your favorite sights – his lips slightly bloody, his eyes wild and frenzied, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. You kiss him, lapping up the metallic droplets from his lips, and he lets out a shuddering breath.
“I do so love it when you do that, you know,” he sighs, and you stifle a giggle.
“Make you come in your pants?” you tease.
“No– well, yes, I mean– I mean no!” he stammers, uncharacteristically flustered, and you hum with approval. “No, when you kiss me just after I’ve fed on you. It makes me feel… closer to you, I suppose.”
“Plus I bet it’s, like, really sexy,” you joke, skating over his sincerity, afraid of what you might accidentally say in response. You’re so not ready to write a check that you can’t cash.
“Yes, it is,” he murmurs and kisses you again, unphased by your deflection.
As though an impenetrable barrier had been lifted, someone rounds the corner to head to the bathroom and the two of you straighten up like you didn’t just dry hump like a couple of horny teenagers. You try to tidy your appearances, but there’s no accounting for the noticeable stain on the front of Astarion’s pants. He pinches the bridge of his nose, his glasses sliding up onto his forehead.
“I can’t believe you… ugh. I can’t be seen by the others like this.” He sighs deeply, the consequences of both of your actions finally catching up to him. You bite your lip guiltily, then suddenly gasp, recalling the machine you’ve seen in hundreds of restrooms throughout your life but never had any use for.
“Do you have a quarter?” you ask him frantically, and he stares at you, completely flummoxed.
“No, who carries cash anymore? What, why do–” You’re gone before he can finish his sentence, dashing around the corner to find Shadowheart. Karlach sees you first, and her face lights up as she waves her whole arm at you.
“Hey, we were just about to send out a search party,” she laughs as you round the corner of the benches.
“Itoldthemnotto,” Gale adds quickly, and you appreciate that he learned his lesson from last time. Shadowheart strides up to you and grabs your chin, pulling it to the side to expose your neck.
“Ugh, Tav, you shouldn’t drive when you’re like this,” she groans. “Te absolvo.” She flicks your forehead as she casts the spell and you flinch before a sheepish grin slides onto your face. 
“Hey, where’s Astarion?” Karlach asks, making like she’s going to head towards the bathrooms to look for him. You grab her arm before she can get too far.
“No no, don’t worry about that,” you speak frenetically, “Does anyone have a quarter?”
“Who even carries cash anymore?” Karlach asks with a bemused face, but Shadowheart glowers at you.
“Why, what do you need it for?” she asks through gritted teeth.
“Don’t worry about it,” you mumble, and she rolls her eyes. She grabs her purse and pulls out a sleek black leather wallet embossed with a crescent moon. “I only have ones,” she says, and you yank the bill out of her hand.
“That’s fine thanks love you be right back.” You take off with her dollar and make a beeline for the change machine near the arcade. After several attempts to flatten the bill enough for the machine to accept it, you hear four clangs as the quarters drop into the metal tray. You quickly scoop them out and run back to the hallway outside the bathrooms where poor Astarion is pretending to talk on the payphone.
“Where in the sweet hells did you go?” he hisses, and you finally get a good look at his appearance. His hair is still slightly disheveled, and he’s untucked his shirt to let it hang over the wet spot on the front of his trousers. You don’t answer him, but rather grab his wrist and duck into the women’s restroom that is, thankfully, empty.
You turn to the metal machine hanging off the wall that dispenses three invaluable items for a bowling alley bathroom: tampons, condoms, and scrolls of prestidigitation. You drop a quarter into the slot above the third item, crank the knob, and out falls a tightly rolled scroll.
“They’re usually for mothers to clean up after they’re done changing their baby’s diaper,” you say, nodding your head towards the plastic baby changing station. “But clearly they have other uses. Infame.” You recite the spell’s incantation and the scroll vanishes along with the stain on Astarion’s pants. He lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thank the Gods.” He unbuckles his belt and begins to tuck his shirt back into his pants. “You owe me,” he adds wryly.
“Um excuse me, who just traipsed all over just to hunt down a goddamn quarter so you could clean up after yourself?” you pout and he slides his hands around your waist.
“But who’s responsible for getting me into this mess in the first place?” he hums in a low voice, brushing his lips against yours. You’re about to melt into his kiss when suddenly the door to the restroom opens and a bewildered looking halfling walks in. You and Astarion spring apart and he quickly redoes his belt buckle. You embarrassedly shuffle out the door without a word.
The two of you reemerge to see all of your friends waiting impatiently by the shoe rental. Your and Astarion’s shoes have already been removed from their cubbies and the employee is just waiting for you to return the bowling shoes. The two of you jog over, and Shadowheart rolls her eyes as you approach.
“Fucking degenerates,” she mutters under her breath, grabbing Karlach’s hand and storming out the door.
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carriesthewind · 1 month
Still on my bullshit:
One thing I want to emphasize is that topics related to the scaremongering conspiracy video are very real, very serious concerns, but those concerns are around price-gouging (not even mentioned in the video) and privacy (but in a realistic way, not in a "digital ads are secretly being installed to track your eye movements to determine optimum pleasure-inducing packaging kind of way). This article is a good summary:
And the letter from Warren and Casey* is actually focused on these concerns.
*The links actually work in this version, hurray!
In this way, I think the video is a really good example of one of the dangerous of scaremongering conspiracy misinformation. Not only does it help promote and ingrain conspiracist ways of thinking, it distracts from real problems. It promotes the idea that we are already living in a dystopian reality concocted by powerful intentional actors who do not make mistakes. Unstated is the assumption that these actors have either entirely captured the institutions of goverment or the goverment is working with them (the goverment granted them a patent to do this nefarious thing!), and so the only way to resist is to take individual actions that don't actually solve - or even really address - the problem. And even if you try to take action based on the video, you're going to be focused on the wrong problem. Compare the kind of things the video is focused on - the existence of cameras in stores (lol good luck trying to get those out), facial expression analysis, sales of personal data to third parties - and compare them to the specific grounded questions in Warren and Casey's letter.
Because think about the call to action at the end of the video - you should destroy individual cameras in the stores with nail polish remover or nail polish. The doesn't actually do anything to address either the conspiracy problem in the video or the real problem (great, you destroyed a couple cameras, that sure showed them). Incidentally, it also potentially puts you at great personal risk for criminal prosecution for destruction of property. Which can be an intentional and powerful strategy of resistance, especially when instituted with intentionality - but that's not really what the video is promoting, is it? There's no next step, no pathway for change. It's effectively the same as a video about stranger-danger kidnappings telling you at the end that ladies, this is always why you have bear mace/pepper spray/a gun in your back pocket, ready to shoot. You don't leave either informed or empowered - just scared and reactive.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
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— when he brings you coffee first
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You’re always buying your boss coffee each morning, so you’re surprised to see he knows your exact order.
Warnings: none.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 0.8k.
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One thing you’d learned whilst working as Dynamight’s secretary is that he liked routine.
No matter how much you could tell the man was definitely not a morning person, the amount of cheery morning messages from Pro-Hero Deku were enough to attest to this, he still managed to make it into the office before everyone else. Except you.
And through working under Dynamight you’d managed to work out his routine to the minute, making it easy for you to time it so you were inside his office to leave his paperwork on his desk along with his morning coffee, just how he liked it. To you, it seemed like such a small thing. Bosses you’d had before would expect far more and berate you for far less, but some would say Bakugou was easy to please. However, his previous secretaries may beg to differ.
It was something you enjoyed, being in the office before Dynamight. Sitting behind your desk as he came in, giving you a gruff “mornin’” before disappearing inside his office. Bakugou never small talked, not one for frivolity anyway, but he never complained either. It was like a constant routine you’d both worked yourselves into. You’d never imagined you’d be able to make it in to the office this early each day, although you’d admit the commute was nicer, quieter. But what made it worth it was being the only two in the office at such an early hour, it felt intimate, personal— getting to spend those extra moments with the man you were so shamelessly in love with, even though he had absolutely no idea. It was silly really, but it was something you looked forward to each day.
Until the first day you were late, that sick feeling swirling in your chest when you had to make a call into the agency to let them know that you weren’t going to make it on time. Cursing the train that had lost power at one of the mainline stations as they waited for a replacement. Clicking your black patent pumps against the floor, typing away at your cell phone screen to send Dynamight a personal email to apologise, knowing the receptionist would probably forget to relay the message when she arrived into the office herself.
You debated making a stop at Dynamight’s favourite coffee shop on your way into the agency, you were already late so it wouldn’t make too much difference. But being late had an uncomfortable feeling swirling around in your abdomen and you were eager to get into the office to apologise.
But when you made it to his floor, stepping out of the elevator disheveled and heavy breathing as you clutched your bag to your side. You were surprised to see a large white coffee cup from Dynamight’s favourite coffee shop sitting on your desk.
Picking it up you felt the cup still heavy and warm, looking at the side to see the little label with the initial Dynamight always used whenever he ordered from there, never giving his actual name. Except for the few times the workers recognised him and emblazoned his cup with “Dynamight”. Raising a brow when you read the contents inside to find that it was your usual order—
“You left your coffee on my desk.” You knocked before entering, peeking around his large office door as you motioned to return the coffee cup back to him, “It’s still warm.”
“That’s for you.” He doesn’t even glance up from his laptop, thick rimmed glasses over his eyes as the glare from the screen reflects against them.
“What?” You stood shocked as you looked down at the coffee cup in your hands and then back at him.
It was almost like tradition buying him coffee each morning, something so embedded into your routine you didn’t even think about it as you made your way towards the coffee shop before going into Dynamight’s agency.
“You’re always getting here early with coffee, bout time I repaid the favour.” He looked up from his screen as he gave you a soft smile, the kind of smile that had your heart pounding and your knees shaking as you leaned against his heavy office door.
“I—,” He got your order perfect too, like he was the one buying you coffee each morning and not the other way round, “I’m sorry I was late. The trains—“
“Don’t even worry about it,” He rasped, cutting you off, “You do enough around here as it is.”
“Yes, Dynamight, sir.” You nodded as you made to leave.
“How many fuckin’ times do I have to tell ya, it’s Bakugou to you.”
“Yes, Bakugou, sir.” You couldn’t hide the grin on your face as you repeated it back to him as he scoffed, shaking his head.
His eyes following you out of the room as you took a sip of the warm liquid, it almost tasted better because he’d bought it for you.
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But what you didn’t see once Bakugou closed the door to his office was the little fist punch to the sky as he couldn’t wipe the grin from his face. Your exact coffee order inscribed in messy black ballpoint on his inner hand, worried that he was going to forget part of it even though he remembered it exactly. The ink slightly blurred now with his sweat causing it to seep into his skin and bleed.
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mercurymessiah · 15 days
Something that bothered me whilst watching ‘Days of Future Past’ was the device Peter used to listen to music.
Now it’s already been discussed multiple times over the years how he is able to listen to music at super-speed, as he perceives time at a much slower pace meaning the music would be slow too. However, thats not what perked my interest per-say.
I wondered how Peter had his hands on a walkman in 1973, when Sony didn’t release them to the world up until 1979, 6 years later. Initially, I figured it was just an inconsistency that the writers either missed or ignored, but then I actually gave it a look and realised it wasn’t a walkman at all, it was something completely different!
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It looks far more complicated than a walkman, which is a much more simple and portable device compared to this extensive compartment. And so, I went searching for what the hell this thing was.
Turns out it’s called a ‘Stereobelt’ invented by Andreas Pavel. Whilst it interested me to learn that it wasn’t a walkman, I still found the same problem as Pavel didn’t file a patent for it up until 1977 (4 years after DOFP). It also didn’t help that his idea was rejected and so I don’t believe the Stereobelt was manufactured and sold at all. Nonetheless, I kept reading.
The first prototype for this device was actually invented in Switzerland, 1972. So now we know that a version of this thing did in fact exist before the events of the film and its a become possible for Peter to have owned one. But it only leaves us with a new question:
How the fuck did Peter get his hands on it?
We know of his kleptomaniac activities (if that basement is anything to go by) and that he’s perfectly cable of taking it, its just the means behind what lead him to this compartment in the first place. The only conclusion that I could draw upon is that Peter for whatever reason decided to run all the way to Switzerland on a whim, somehow stumbled upon this guys Sterobelt and thought it cool enough to steal. Which is absolutely hilarious if you ask me.
Poor Pavel must have freaked out on its whereabouts but at least someone saw the genius in his design I guess?
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stellarspecter · 3 months
Who Is That Brand New Babygirl?
@stevieweek Day 1: Stobin | Day 2: Gender Euphoria | Dice Roll: 7. Lingerie
(since there were 10 extra prompts provided, i decided to roll a d10 each day for an extra prompt along with the daily theme! and i combined day 1 and day 2 because i didn't get anything out yesterday and it fit my idea anyway lol) (also divider by @/thecutestgrotto)
read on AO3
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“How about this one?”
Stevie took the lacy scrap of fabric that Robin had shoved in her face. “I like the color.” The panties were blush pink, with a wide band of lace at the top. 
“There’s a matching bralette, too.” Robin pointed across the aisle to a rack of bralettes, some of them the same color as the panties she held in her hand.
Stevie flushed. “I don’t know…” Wearing panties was one thing, but a bra? “I don’t even have any growth yet.” She gestured aimlessly to her chest, where the hormones she had only just started taking still had yet to work their magic.
“That’s why it’s a bralette, not a bra. No cups,” Robin explained. “Think of it like a training bra. My mom made me start wearing them in middle school and it was kind of weird, but it does make you more used to wearing one. And feel more grown up, which I guess you don’t really need help with because you’re already an adult, but you know. More like a woman.” She stopped talking with that look on her face that meant she was trying to hold in a patented Robin Ramble™. 
“I thought you hated bras,” Stevie pointed out. Robin always made a point of complaining about her bra digging into her ribs, and at this point Stevie thought there might be more of them scattered around her house than in Robin’s, since she always hurried to take them off when she walked in the door.
“I do, but that’s because of the underwire. These ones don’t have that, see?” Robin showed her the simple elastic band at the base of the cups. “Bralettes like this are usually pretty comfortable unless the lace is too scratchy or something.”
Stevie hummed in acknowledgement and ran her fingers across the pink lace. It was soft to the touch, and she couldn’t help but imagine what it might feel like sliding across her skin, under her shirt, a secret from the rest of the world.
She really wanted it.
But what if it wasn’t right? What if she put it on and looked in the mirror and all there was staring back at her was a man playing dress-up, brutish and muscled and ridiculous? She didn’t think she could take the disappointment.
“I…” Her hand hovered over the rack, that fear holding her back. 
“Here, we’ll get a few sizes,” Robin said, businesslike as she combed through them and plucked a few out. “You can try them on in the dressing room and see which one you like best, okay?”
“In the dressing room? But won’t someone — I mean, they’ll see that I have —” She stumbled over her words and just waved her hands at the pile of lace in Robin's hands. 
Robin considered it for a moment, and then shrugged. “We can say it’s mine and you’re just helping me. Come on.”
With that, she led them to the back of the store, where a bored employee pointed them towards an empty fitting room all the way in the back, much to Stevie’s relief. They shuffled into the little cubicle together, the closeness not even close to a problem for them.
Stevie fingered the edge of her shirt nervously. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean what if —” She couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud. “— what if it doesn’t fit?” She finished lamely.
“Then we go back out and get another size,” Robin answered. She seemed to understand the unspoken fear beneath her words, and took Stevie’s hand. “I’ll bring the whole lingerie section in here one by one if I need to, okay? We’re not leaving until we find something you feel good in.”
Stevie let out a shaky breath and squeezed Robin’s hand. “Okay. Okay, let’s do this.” With a burst of confidence, she whipped off her shirt and threw it down on the little bend built into the wall. Robin cheered like she was at a sold-out show, not in the back hallway of a department store where other people could definitely hear them. It made Stevie laugh, though, which was almost certainly the point, based on Robin’s satisfied smile.
She pulled a bralette off of its hanger and stared at it for a moment. Would the thing even fit over her head? Were her shoulders too broad? It didn’t have a clasp, so she had to try. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and put it on.
“Let me help you with the straps,” Robin murmured, soft hands fiddling with the fabric stretched across her back. After a moment, she smoothed her hands across it and stepped away. “Perfect.”
Stevie’s eyes watered under her closed lids. “Perfect?”
“Yeah, Stevie,” Robin whispered, gentle in a way that most people who knew her probably didn’t think she was capable of. But Stevie knew her down to her bones, and she got this side of Robin that barely anyone else got to see — the caretaking, loving, protective side of her that knew the nuance of a gentle touch. “Perfect. You wanna take a look?”
Stevie nodded, heart pounding in her chest, Robin’s hands on her shoulders, steering her towards the mirror. She felt paralyzed with the weight of the moment, this one thing that could make or break her whole transition. What if it didn’t fit her? What if she didn’t fit it?
But Robin had said she looked perfect.
Stevie opened her eyes.
In the mirror in front of her stood a woman. Brown hair just brushing her shoulders, moles dotting her tanned skin, blue jeans starting just under her belly button. The blush pink bralette cupped her breasts — her pecs — her boobs in a gentle curve. The wide lace band at the bottom secured it all, and the thin straps drew attention to her shoulders, yes, but also to her delicate collarbones and throat framed between them. The woman in the mirror reached a shaking hand up to feel, and at the first touch of lace to her fingertips, Stevie couldn’t help but sob.
“Oh, Stevie,” Robin said, bundling her in her arms immediately. “What is it? What’s wrong? Do you want to find a different one? Just tell me what you want, I’ll go find something for you, okay?”
“No, it’s — it’s perfect,” Stevie sobbed, tear tracks rolling picturesque down her cheeks. She hoped they wouldn’t drip on the fabric. “I just — I look like a woman.” 
“Oh,” Robin breathed. She smiled softly over Stevie’s shoulder in the mirror. “So you’re finally seeing how the rest of us see you, huh?”
That made her start crying all over again, her smile staying fixed on her face. “I — Really? You’re not just saying that or buttering me up, you really — you really see me like this?”
“Really really,” Robin confirmed somberly. “I mean, I don’t know why you said you didn’t have boobies. Have you seen these?” She brought her hands up to Stevie’s chest, stopping just below the end of the bralette to frame them. 
Stevie huffed out a wet laugh. “I guess they do fill it out pretty nicely.”
“You guess?” Robin said incredulously. “We gotta find some measuring tape so we can figure out your actual cup size. I bet you’re a B cup already, at least. It’ll be crazy to see how they look in a year.”
“Oh yeah,” Stevie said faintly. “I’m — going to get bigger.” She stared at herself in the mirror intently, analyzing where she might change. “Should we even be shopping this early? I’ll probably grow out of it in a few months.”
Robin shrugged. “It’s a rite of passage, Stevie. Every girl has their first bra. Their first training bra. Then their first real bra. Then they realize bras suck and stop wearing them. Then they realize they’ve been showing full nipple in public on accident for the last week and regrettably, go back to it.”
“That last part might just be you,” Stevie teased.
“So what if it is, it could happen to anybody!” Robin said indignantly. “But seriously, it’s normal to have to go bra shopping a lot while you’re still growing them. I’ll keep going with you, if you’d like.”
Stevie smiled at her in the mirror and caught her hand. “I would like.”
Robin met her eyes through the glass, warmth pouring out. “Awesome.” She stepped back and cleared her throat. “Okay, let’s have you try on the other sizes, just in case, and then maybe we can go find a couple more colors? I think they had some more in this style.”
“Okay,” Stevie agreed. “Thanks for doing this with me. And for being such a good friend.” She took the bralette off and turned around to hand it back to Robin, only to be met with her suspiciously shiny eyes.
“Of course, Stevie,” Robin told her. “Anything for my girl.”
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artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} OFC x Harvey Specter {Pt.2}
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Helllloooooooo. This is probably the filthiest thing I've written in a long time so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. As I've been writing this part, I've tortured @rosedpetal to no end with a few teasers and I cannot wait for her reaction. As always, if anyone wants to be tagged in the next part lmk in the comments!!! I love seeing your guys' reactions it makes my day. enjoy loves <3 p.s. this is my birthday gift to you guys (even though it was two days ago it still counts)
Pt. 1 Character Playlist
Word count: 13,156 (holy shit)
Warnings: age gap, smut (18+), degration, exhibitionism, dom/sub vibes, language, anxiety/anxious thoughts, angst, a touch of fluff, more inaccurate lawyer shit
Summary: After Claudia and Harvey win their first case, the week and a half that follows is filled with more of Harvey's 'confidence boosters' and valuable lessons ;). But when they hit a snag in the case, Harvey can't keep the one promise he made to Claudia.
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo
When I woke up the morning after, I didn’t know what to think. And I surely didn’t know what to do the next day. Or the day after that. Even a week later, mostly consumed with thoughts of Harvey and how to avoid him, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we were doing was wrong. 
I mean, in ways it was. For starters, he was a name partner and I was a first year associate. He was at least ten years older than I was. Probably more. What would my parents think? My brothers? 
Hell, what do I think? 
It’s no secret that Harvey is a good looking guy; his sharp jaw, his cunning eyes and fierce smirk that always appeared whenever our eyes would meet. Just because I said I tried to avoid him, doesn’t mean my evasions worked. Nine times out of ten it always fails. Miserably. 
By the time the elevator chimed, the doors whisked open and I immediately looked to his office. Good, he wasn’t there. He always seemed to be waiting for me in his office, just watching. It was like he was stalking his prey. Which, in a way, always sent my skin burning and my mind running. Running right back to his tongue on mine, his hand in my hair… my hand wrapped around-
“Good morning, Claudia,” Donna’s perky voice nearly sent me to the hospital. She was already sitting in my cubicle. When did I end up in the bullpen?
“Jesus, don’t you know how to not give a girl a heart attack?”
She chuckled, “I like to start every day off with a surprise.” In her hand was another blue file. Labeled Friddle vs. Gustoson. It was a corporate case, something about some patent being violated and a stolen technology design.
“What is this for?” 
“Harvey wants to work with you on another case. He has not shut up about how well you did on the last one and knows you’ll bring this home too,” she was grinning. A look that meant trouble.
“Is that… all he’s talked about?” I had to be cautious. If she knew about what happened, I knew she’d tell me. But if she didn’t I certainly didn’t want her to find out. 
“I mean, he raved about that cross examination you gave. And about how nervous you were, but that he’s gonna keep working with you to help build that up because we all know you are the best damn associate this firm has to offer.”
Holy shit she didn’t know. She had no idea. Keep it cool, Claudia, don’t let your face give it all away.
“Oh,” I tried not to sigh in relief. “Yeah I was shitting bricks before the trial. But I did it, I guess.”
“You’re goddamn right you did,” she stood up, taking my hands in hers. “And you’re gonna kick ass again. And, since I know Harvey won’t say it to you, I’m proud of you. Good work, Claudia. Keep it up and Junior partner might be here sooner than you think.”
Donna’s ginger hair swayed back and forth as she waltzed away. That was a perfect way to describe her walk, a dance. I should learn how to walk like that.
I sat, firing up my computer and sorting through the motions and other filing work on my desk. It seemed like this part of the job never ended. We had to single-handedly be the reason twenty percent of the Amazon was gone. 
Other associates around me were gathered at Griffin's desk, chatting about whatever they did over the weekend. I had never, not once, been invited out for drinks or to lunch by any of the associates. Not that I expected to be, I never really made an effort. Not that I wanted to befriend any of these assholes. 
After I won the case, instead of congratulating me on keeping Harvey’s client with the firm and sending the losers running with their tail between their legs, all I got were dirty looks and hushed whispers behind closed doors. 
It made me feel nauseous. What if they knew? What if they found out about Harvey and I’s… whatever it was, and were spreading it through the office? Soon it would reach him. And if Harvey hear rumors then Donna would, and then Louis and Jessica and god knows who else-
“Griffin, Harvey wants to see you in his office,” Donna’s voice rang through the bullpen. Him and his group of dogs were not shy with the looks they gave me. My heart sank in my chest. At the same time I was relieved that it wasn’t me; at least then I wouldn’t have to deal with the hateful, resentful looks. Those were even worse than the ones of triumph. 
I occupied my ever anxious mind by burying my nose in the legal book next to my keyboard, highlighting rapidly to find the errors of some of the other associates' mistakes. Louis always had me check the others' work. He knew– either because Donna vouched for me, or he just saw that I was half competent– that I wouldn’t let careless mistakes slip through. So I always got them.
Lucky me. 
From grammatical errors to punctuation, it was endless. I wasn’t sure who this was, but they clearly have never taken an English class because they used ‘affect’ wrong. It needed to be ‘effect’. Within the same brief, they used ‘to’ instead of ‘too’, and ‘accept’ instead of ‘except’. I wanted to find whoever this was and smack them across the face because this was completely unacceptable for a Harvard graduate. 
I mean, how does one spend well over a hundred thousand dollars and not know the difference between their, there, and they’re? It pisses me off. If Louis ever saw these things before they were edited he’d have a coronary. 
A hand slammed down on my desk. I jumped halfway out of my skin and bit down on the cap of the highlighter, hard enough to have it crack and pinch my tongue. 
“Harvey wanted you instead,” Griffin bit out. His face was twisted and contorted. Obviously pissed. 
Why did he want me? 
I scrambled a little, careful to put all my papers away so we wouldn’t have another incident like I did with my first case. And I made sure to bring it with me this time, basically implanted it in my hand, just to be safe. 
“Mr. Specter, you wanted to see me?” He was looking out the window at the view below. Sometimes it made me lightheaded to think about how high up we were. I’ve never been good with heights. 
“Yes, I did.”
“Can I ask why you called Griffin in first instead of just coming to me?”
Harvey turned around, fussing with his cufflink before sitting down on the corner of his desk. “I just thought you’d like to have the satisfaction of Griffin being turned away.”
I blinked, “Satisfaction? I don’t understand, you did that on purpose?”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” Harvey’s smirk was evil. 
“Why?” I still didn’t get it. Why bring Griffin in and then tell him ‘sorry, I actually meant the first year, not you’. It seemed kind of pointless when he could’ve just… “Oh…”
“Now you understand?”
“You wanted Griffin to know that he is still not the first choice, and that that first choice is me.” “It has been, and it will continue to be. If he can’t see that, then I’ll make him,” Harvey stood, coming to stand in front of me. Almost too close; we were not in the safety of an empty office, I couldn’t let him get too close.
“Why not just come to the bullpen and do it yourself?”
“Because,” he squared his shoulders, “I wanted to knock him down a peg. When I call someone into my office, or have Donna do it, it means I need them for something. I just wanted Griffin to tell you that I needed you for the sole reason of getting under his skin.”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Mr. Specter-” “Harvey.” He corrected. 
I swallowed. “Harvey, I appreciate it. Well, in theory I do, but that is besides the point. Ever since we won-”
“You won,” he corrected again. I see what he’s doing. 
“I won,” I huffed, “ever since, I have had a target on my back. People are whispering about me and I don’t need you to escalate the situation. Especially with someone who already hates me.”
Harvey cast his eyes away from mine. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put unnecessary pressure on your shoulders.”
My lips pressed in a line, arms crossing over my chest. I knew what this would do, what it would look like from outside eyes: that Harvey was doing me a favor. Giving me special treatment. In a way I guess he was, but it was because I earned it. Right? I had earned this? My place by his side as an associate? Not by his side, at his side. I worked with Harvey side-by-side. And you’re goddamn right I earned it. 
Maybe Harvey’s weird Jedi mind tricks are working. As weird as they are. 
“You’ve got that look in your eye,” Harvey spoke softly. 
“What look?” He smiled, “The one where you’re having some internal conflict. Battling it out in your head like Rocky and Apollo, two greats against each other. Claudia, you’re doing great here. And I know you believe it, but you’ve gotta learn to not spiral out of control when something comes up. You can handle it.”
He’s right, Harvey’s always right. Most of the time. 
I followed his eyes to the corner of my mouth. He furrowed his brows, bringing his hand up. His thumb brushed against my skin and I froze. Spine cemented in place. What is he doing? Doesn’t he know how many people could be-
“Just some highlighter,” he reassured. I must’ve missed the cap once or twice. “Have you had a chance to look at the case?”
My brain was half melted. “Sort of, I glanced at it when Donna gave it to me. Seem’s… ballsy.”
“It certainly isn’t gonna be a walk-off,” he sighed. “Which is why I want you to come with me to the meeting with Jay Friddle. He wants to settle with Gustoson.”
“And you don’t want him to?”
“You’re goddamn right I don’t,” Harvey snapped. Not really at me, but at me. I couldn’t help the flinch, and I could see the hurt in his eyes. “Sorry. No, I don’t want him to settle. I think there is some shady shit going on, and I think he’s being framed. I’ve known Jay for five years and I know he didn’t steal their design. Whoever is behind this set him up and made this whole thing look like his fault.”
“When is the meeting?”
“Later today, two-forty.”
“Okay, give me some time to review and do some research on the employees. If he’s being framed, maybe it was an inside job. There could be someone who is from Gustoson’s posing as a loyal employee, or maybe someone cut a deal with them for a pretty penny.”
Harvey gave a firm nod, and I turned to leave. His hand wrapped around my arm and kept me from going. 
“That’s my girl,” he moved a piece of my hair from my forehead. “Always so eager to get to work.”
“Harvey,” I warned. “N-Not here.”
“No one is watching.” “How can you be so sure?” I felt that tingling feeling prick my fingers. The kind of numbness you get when something unexplainable happens and you’re not sure if it’s real. Or when your life flashes before your eyes. 
“Look around?”
I gently turned away from his touch, looking around at the weirdly empty office. All those around were occupied, engaged in conversation and not paying attention. Even Donna was nowhere to be found.   
“I can see that our first… session,” he decided on. His front was pressed close to my back, lips right against the shell of my ear. “Has started to work. You took precedent and responsibility without a second thought. But, you were still wary when I called you in here. I think I need to weed it out of you. Give you something to be in control of.”
A single finger trailed the length of my spine. I could barely breathe. My body, which was not helping me in any way, leaned back into him. 
“How about this, while you’re doing your research, you think of what you want. Of how I can please you, of how you can take control of me. Then whenever we get back, meet me in the file room on the fiftieth floor. How does that sound, sweetheart?”
He was a twisted son of a bitch, that's for sure. 
“Yeah,” I nearly choked on my own tongue when his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. “Yeah I’ll think about it, Harvey.”
“Good girl, Claudia.”
Focus? What was that? How does one simply focus after they’re told they’re gonna have their deepest fantasies lived out in just a few hours? All I could do was think about Harvey between my legs. His fingers wrapped around my neck. 
Of course I knew what I’d ask him to do, but physically saying the words out loud was a whole other thing. That’s what I'm not sure I can do. And I know he’ll make me say it before he’ll even think about giving me what I want.
God damn Harvey Specter. 
At first it had been anxiety that consumed me about him; wondering when he was gonna pop by and request, demanding rather, that I help him with something. But now it was different. I craved him. His mouth on mine, his scent. Harvey always smelled so good. It was calm and didn’t give me a headache like most of them do. Definitely not a cedar or pine or some other woodsy bullshit. Mellow is a great way to put it. 
His hands certainly won’t be mellow when they’re working in and out of- okay Claudia that’s enough. My computer is spinning spinning spinning in circles as I wait for some files to be uploaded. 
When Harvey had me leave his office, not without pressing his obvious need into my ass, I went straight to looking into those employees. About four hours of searching through employee records and cross checking them with ex-employees of Gustosons. Most of them were clean, a few that had a past, but nothing in relation to what we needed. 
That was until I stumbled across one of the hiring managers. His name was Nelson and he seemed like a grade A asshole. He had worked with Gustoson for ten years before leaving and making his way to our client. And he brought over some of the IT department. 
“Hey Claudia, Harvey wants to know if you’re ready to go for the meeting?” Donna paused by my desk. 
“Yes, I just need to run to the printer and then I will be right in,” I smiled up at her, tucking my file under my arm and grabbing my keys. “Tell him I’ll be right there.”
She hummed and waltzed off. If I had been alone in the bullpen I’d one hundred percent be trying to copy her movements. I mean, how was it possible that she moved so smoothly in a pair of stilettos? I could barely walk in a straight line with flats or a wedge. 
Donna was mind blowing. Donna was Donna. 
By the time I made it to the printer, my papers were there and I just skimmed over them just to make sure I wasn’t taking anyone else's. I had done that before; one of the first weeks I had been working here. I sent my papers to a printer three floors below ours and accidentally grabbed another associate’s. I was mortified, but the girl, Kathrine Bennett? Kaitlyn? Something like that, but she was really nice. She had done the same thing once. I think she got fired and was now at a rival firm. A shame, I wish I got the chance to know her. 
This might seem kind of weird, but I oddly loved the feeling of freshly printed paper. It was always kind of warm and had this very light scent. And it was smooth and easy to flip through. One of those things that brings me a little bit of joy in this hellscape. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” I damn near buckled to the floor. Harvey’s voice was right against the back of my neck, and the presence around me suddenly felt all too warm.
“Jesus Harvey,” I chuckled, trying not to let my fingers tremble. “Maybe don’t sneak up behind me like that?” “I said your name, but you obviously didn’t hear me.”
No. I didn’t. But I did feel his hand slip up the back of my thigh. I went motionless. My breath came out in stutters as he dragged it across my ass, up and around my hip, palm flat against the space right below my belly button. Harvey pulled me back into him, his earlier arousal still there. 
Had it gone away at all? Or did he walk in here just now and get another? No, that couldn’t be. I mean, it wasn’t like I was trying to get a reaction out of him or anything. 
“Harvey I-”
“I locked the door.”
That settled me instantly. I let my hand find the back of his head, letting his lips brush over my neck and shoulder. “Seems like you’re the one who couldn’t wait.”
“Not when you look like that, no. I can’t resist you when you taunt me like this. With a skirt this short, those buttons undone a few more than they had been earlier.”
“I was just hot,” I explained. 
“Oh trust me, I know how hot you are.” Harvey must’ve seen my eye roll at his terrible joke. “You’re right, I couldn’t wait until after our meeting. I needed to have something to hold me over.”
His hands crept around to my chest, fingers ever so gentle as they skimmed over my shirt. As if Harvey’s hands commanded my will, there was nothing I could do to keep from sighing out when he pinched my nipples. It forced me to arch back into him. 
“You’re sensitive, aren’t you? That is very good to know. Where else are you so sensitive? Here?” He kissed right below my ear, then nipped at it. Another spine bending shudder. God damn that laugh of his. “What about here, hmm?” He tugged up the edge of my skirt, toying with the waistband of my underwear, letting it snap back against my skin. “Aww, look at how much you want me to touch you. You’re a writhing mess aren’t you?”
“Harvey,” I pleaded. 
“Harvey what?”
That son of a bitch. I knew he was going to do it and yet I still wasn’t prepared. 
“Harvey, we're gonna be late for the meeting.”
“It’s at three.” 
He turned me around, hand on my neck, so fast I almost went dizzy. He backed me up against the wall and had this devious look on his face. Harvey crushed his mouth to mine and wasted no time sweeping his tongue into my mouth.
I sure as hell wasn’t going to stop him. He was such a good kisser, so dominant and reactive to my endless noises. And he was really good at pulling them from me. 
Harvey lifted under my thighs and pushed my skirt back in the same motion, planting me against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist. It was hard to remember what happened next, but he was quick to pluck open a few more buttons of my shirt and pull my bra down.
If I thought his tongue felt good on mine…
I had to put my own hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t make any noise. Well, I did a shit job, but it wasn’t too loud. 
His mouth was hot on my skin, leaving behind small bruises and wet marks. He bit down, and I hissed, and he grinned before letting up. He slowly set me down, not breaking eye contact as he seamlessly fixed my bra and shirt, reshuffling my skirt back to where it was before. 
“If you liked that, just wait till I get my tongue between those legs of yours. And don’t you worry, sweetheart, I promise I will be far less controlled when I taste you for the first time.”
And then he was gone. He left me there. 
I ran my fingers through my hair, schooled my face into the best neutral one I could and followed him out. Not too close, I didn’t need anyone speculating. 
How Harvey managed to keep his face unreadable was unbeknownst to me. It seemed impossible, I’d need a cold shower and at least seventy-two hours notice to get my head back on. But there he was in the lobby. Totally stoic. Totally unphased. Totally not looking like he had his teeth leaving marks on my chest and making wetness pool between my legs. 
“Oh, there she is,” Donna sighed in relief. “We were starting to think you ran away. Get going you two, you’re gonna be late. Go kick their ass in that depo.”
“Seems like that's all Claudia knows how to do,” Harvey said, giving me a wink when Donna walked off after wishing us good luck.
“You really do not know how to keep it in your pants,” I led the way to the elevator. 
“Why would I want to when I have you to take care of it?”
I just stared blankly at him, his grin spreading wider and wider. God damn Harvey Specter. 
When we slid in the backseat of the car, his hand immediately went to my thigh and it was all I could think about. It was so warm, and so deceptively big. Long fingers brushed over my skin, leaving goosebumps behind.
I had a feeling he was doing all of this on purpose, trying to get me riled up for after this meeting. Since I can’t get away from him, especially right now, all I could do was think about what I wanted most from him. 
To see him smirking between my legs while he made me come undone has got to be at the top of the list. I wonder if he’ll like the way I taste. Shit I haven’t shaved in for-fucking-ever. Is he gonna be disgusted? What if he thinks I’m unhygienic for not taking care of it?
I mean… it hasn’t been that long, a month or two? But I wish I would’ve thought about it. It never occurred to me, even after the endless daydreams, that we’d actually continue all of this. Especially to this much. 
By no means was I a virgin, but I haven’t been in a serious relationship in well over a year, so why did I need to keep things neat down there?  I do not do hookups. Never had, never thought I would. But this technically also wasn’t a hookup? 
What the hell would you even call this? 
My mind was rampant at this point. Going in a billion different directions, all delusional thinking. It was irrational. Not true. And I knew that, but that didn’t stop me from thinking about them. I couldn’t steer my mind away from one in particular: did Harvey even think I was attractive? 
It might seem like a silly question when, about twenty minutes ago, he had me moaning his name in the file room. But it still crossed my mind. Maybe he just thought I was naive and easily manipulatable. That he could have me just because he could, you know? 
It made me feel sick to my stomach. 
Why are you torturing yourself, Claudia? Obviously Harvey finds you attractive. He straight up left bruises on your skin with how eager he was to get at your tits, give yourself a little grace for once.
Why was my inner conscience now sounding like Harvey? I never told myself to ‘give a little grace’. He’s getting in my head. Changing the way I think and talk about myself. Then again I guess that was his whole reason for doing this in the first place-
“Hey pretty girl,” Harvey tapped my leg. “What are you thinking about so hard? You’re white-knuckling your seatbelt.”
Pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl…
I broke out into a huge smile. “Nothing, nothing at all.”
My grin was permanently plastered on my face. We absolutely blew their fucking heads off in that depo. They had no idea what hit them.
“And when you threatened to put Nelson on the stand? Ugh, perfection, the look on their face was priceless. I’ll be replaying it all night and into tomorrow. That shit was awesome,” I couldn’t help the giddy squeal I let out either.
Harvey smiled brightly, a fondness to his face that I hadn’t ever seen before when our eyes met in the elevator on the way back to the firm. 
“Now do you see why I like winning so much?”
I nodded, “Yeah, I can definitely see how it gets addicting. That was… wow. That was amazing. You were amazing, we were amazing.”
“...And?” He pressed. I flushed, I couldn’t fucking help it. 
“And I was… amazing.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”
“You’re one cruel son of a bitch you know that right?” I rolled my eyes. “I was amazing.”
“There you go,” that same fond smile from before showing again. “Now say it again like you actually believe it.”
“I do actually believe it-”
“Say it again.” The smile was gone. 
My throat worked down and I shifted on my feet, clutching my purse in my hands. Just do it and get it over with.
“I did fucking amazing,” I said with a little more umph. It worked, Harvey grinned like the Devil and caught my mouth with his right before the door chimed open. 
“Oh, and before you go and spend all night replaying it over and over, there’s something else I’d like to have you remembering more.”
When I glanced up, I saw that it wasn’t the firm, but the fiftieth floor. The goddamn file room… I had forgotten. How could I have forgotten? I trailed behind him as he led the way, anxiety swirling so violently in my stomach I wasn’t entirely sure that I wasn’t gonna vomit. 
My brain immediately kept trying to think of ways out of it. But my stupid fucking feet kept moving. Why did they keep moving? I didn’t want them to move-
“Claudia, is everything okay? You look… really pale,” Harvey asked once he shut the door and locked it. He looked incredibly concerned, which really only made it worse. “If you don’t want to do this right now we don’t have to.”
“It’s not that,” I shook my head, plastering a smile on my face. Don’t let some god damn hair ruin this, Claudia. You’re gonna be fine. Deep breaths. “Well?”
“Well… what?” He took a step closer, taking my purse from me and setting it on a cabinet. 
“Aren’t you going to ask what I’ve been thinking about? What I’ve been wanting all day?”
“Oh I already know,” he said. “I just want to see if you’re going to tell me or not.”
“I don’t need to ask you,” I felt my anxiety melt away, and that surge of power rush in my veins. The same way it did Harvey and I’s first night. “You said you wanted to please me, and if you already know what I want, why aren’t you already between my legs giving it to me?”
His hand on my neck was the only validation he gave me before lifting me up onto a counter, or a cabinet, I didn’t really care.
Wow I can’t believe that actually worked. We’re getting the hang of this, bitch. Keep it up.
Harvey’s tongue tangled with mine, pulling strings of pleas and moans from me. He unbuttoned my shirt yet again, adding to the marks he left earlier. I laid down; thankfully whatever I was on was long enough. Being tall has its perks for sure, but doesn’t necessarily work for these particular scenarios. 
As he bent over me, I let my shoes slide off, wrapping a leg around his hip so my front melted with his. I ground against him, and he wasn’t shy about what it did to him. He pushed back, hand palming at my chest, the other pinning my other thigh to the surface. 
It was so hard to breathe with him over me. But in the most pleasurable way possible. An intoxing sort of suffocation of having his mouth on mine, his chest pressed close, his very obvious arousal doing wonders for my own. 
The second his hands began to push up my skirt, those thoughts came with it. I felt the panic rise in my chest, and the confidence I had built up crumbled to the floor. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” His voice was sickly sweet and it almost made all those thoughts go away. 
“I umm- I just don’t want you to be- I haven’t… god I am so sorry.”
“You’ve never had someone go down on you?” Harvey asked, eyes wide. “Who the hell have you been with in the past cause they were obviously assholes and I’ll-”
“No no Harvey,” I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what, Claudia.”
“Nothing nothing, it’s fine, just go back to-”
“Not until you tell me everything's okay. Just tell me, it’s alright, sweetheart,” his voice was so tender. And his eyes, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that they were loving in a way. But that was most certainly an irrational thought. 
I blushed, so much felt it go down my neck and light up my chest. 
“Claudia-” “I haven’t shaved,” I blurted out. “I didn’t know this was happening and if I did I would’ve cleaned up for you so if you don’t want to I understand and we can do this another time but I don’t want you to be disappointed and grossed out and-” I actually yelped. He forced my skirt off, pulling off my stockings and tossing them over his shoulder. Then slid my underwear down my legs, not before he made fun of the little pink bow that was on the front. 
He splayed my legs wide, throwing one over his shoulder, pinning the other down. The first touch of his tongue nearly made me tear up. His mouth was so hot. So warm and it felt so good as it curved in and out of me. 
Bliss. Pure, raw, satisfying bliss encased me. I jolted when he flicked over my clit, sending a very much welcome tremble down my spine. I arched up and couldn’t help but grind against his face.
Harveys nails left dents in my skin. I hoped that they would bruise. He was not shy about how good I tasted. He had such a filthy way of describing what I did to him, and he knew that every word would get an even more filthy noise from my chest. 
I could see my wetness smeared on his cheeks; I was a mess since the car on the way to the meeting. Which was well over two hours ago now. It made everything feel that much better. 
Harvey took my leg off his shoulder, pushing it flat to the counter. He then took my chest between his fingers, definitely not careful with how hard he pinched and pulled. My legs quivered, clamping against his head, only for him to force them back down. 
“Keep them there,” he stood, wrapping his palm across my throat. “I’m gonna make you cum on my tongue, but you’re not going to do it until I say, understand?”
“Yes, Harvey.” I thought about calling him sir, but I wasn’t sure what it would do. I really really really wanted to know, but it was more than likely something we should save for the privacy outside of the office because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my screams at bay.
I could barely do it right now. 
He brought me in for a possessive kiss before laying me back down and settling between my legs. His fingers scratched and marked the insides of my thighs. I could feel my release building, and how on earth he knew I’ll never know, but every time I got relatively close, he slowed down, sending me right back to the start. It was infuriating, and I almost said something, but then he kept going. 
And kept going and going and going-
“Harvey,” I sighed, breathless and airy. I had to bite on my fingers to keep from making too much noise. Again, I was doing a really shit job. 
“Not yet,” he ordered. “Harvey I can’t…”
“Yes, you can, sweetheart. And you will because you love doing what I tell you, don’t you? You love being on display for me while I have my way with you.” I did. “You don’t even need to say it, I can taste how much you want it. Such a good girl for me, now be good and take it just a little longer and I promise I’ll make it worth it.”
I had no doubt that he would, so I nodded. I bit my lip and nodded. His smirk was devastating as he swiped his thumb through my folds and pressed it to my lips. I sucked urgently, showing him just how good I wanted to be. 
Something changed in his eyes then. It wasn’t just dominance that resonated behind his shaded eyes. It was a look of possession, of ownership. There was definitely a whole other side to Harvey I hadn���t seen yet, but I’d be damned if I didn’t do anything to see it. 
So I placed my foot on his shoulder and pushed until he knelt back on the ground. His grin was wild, purely animalistic and feral in a way. 
Harvey Specter, aka the best damn attorney in the state of New York just knelt to the ground because you told him to. This man is bent to your will, you can make him do anything.
He resumed his mostions, taking the time to mark my thighs even more. I couldn’t think straight anymore. I don’t know how long it's been since we started, but I was quivering, begging for a release. It was right there, so close and so far away at the same time but if I could just get a little more…
“You taste so fucking good, Claudia. I want you to cum on my tongue and don’t you dare be fucking shy with those pretty little noises of yours. I want to know exactly how my tongue is making you feel, just how good you feel. You want to be good, don’t you?”
I nodded rapidly, saying just as much. “Yes, Harvey, yes I want to be good for you.”
“You’re learning so well,” he looked like he was in a daze. “Cum for me, sweetheart. Be my good girl and give me what I want. I know just how much you need it.”
It came so fast it caught me off guard. His fingers… his tongue… it was otherworldly. I haven’t ever felt this euphoric. I kept my noises down, but my breath was out of control, and I had to squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth. 
Harvey didn’t let up even with my release, he kept going going going even well after I began to settle back down. I tried to get him to let up; I couldn’t speak so I pushed against his shoulder but he pinned my ankle down.
He wasn’t done with me. 
He licked me dry, gently kissing my skin when he was done. Sweat lined my hair and back, but he was done. And I was limp and thoroughly worked over. 
“I knew you could be good,” he cooed. His hand brushed over my exposed chest, toying with me a little before helping me sit up. He carefully helped dress me again, letting my head come back before kissing me again. Not only did he taste like me, he smelled like it too. 
But his kiss was soft. Softer than it had been before. 
“Feel alright?” he asked, and all I could do was nod. He chuckled, motioning for me to hop down. Harvey’s hand steadied me as he picked up a foot and placed my shoe one, doing the same for the other. This… fizzy feeling bubbled in my chest as I watched him. 
It made me smile uncontrollably. 
“What are you so smiley about?” He asked, welcoming me when I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. 
“Nothing,” I sighed, a content sigh and let my chest rest against his, chin on his shoulder. “I just feel… nice. Really really nice.”
Harvey laughed, “Well I’m glad you feel really really nice. You tasted really really good.”
I swatted at his chest. When we were this close, it was easy to forget all the complex things about our situation: the fact that he was my boss, or how much older he was than me. That he just ate me out like a god in our file room after a huge step in our case. There were so many risks in all of this, but right here none of them seemed that big. A swirling thought in the back of my head wouldn’t let them go, but they could be tamed in this moment.
“Oh, don’t you ever feel embarrassed about not being ‘cleaned up’ for me. I don’t care. Getting to be between your legs is an experience I am beyond privileged to get. You don’t ever have to worry about me being disgusted by you or your body. It’ll never happen, never gonna be possible, Claudia.”
For a long time, I had always thought that Harvey was kind of a dick. They he never gave a shit about anyone other than himself and his reputation. Clearly that wasn’t the case. He, very obviously, cared a whole hell of a lot more than I thought. 
Clearly Harvey cared for me beyond the idea of our sexual desires. I genuinely believe that he wants me to have more confidence in myself. This is just killing two birds with one stone. And I certainly didn’t mind having Harvey Specter between my legs.
“Would you like to-”
“Oh, Harvey what are you- oh, hi Claudia. What are you guys doing in here?” Louis asked. I instantly detached myself from Harvey and took a huge step back. “Is everything alright? Claudia you look really flushed, are you not feeling well? Do you need to go home?”
“No, no Louis I’m alright,” I could feel my skin ignite. “We were just… looking for old files for our case. I just needed a hug. Stress is a bitch.”
How did you manage to pull that outta your ass? 
“Well, you’ve come to the right place. I give the best hugs on earth. Get over here,” Louis insisted. 
“Thank you Louis, but I’m-”
“It’s non negotiable,” he nodded. “Come on, bring it in my dazzling little friend.”
I looked at Harvey who was clearly trying not to burst out in hysterical laughter. I hugged Louis, and it was surprisingly good. Not as good as Harvey, but then again maybe I was just a bit biased. 
“You know my door is always open to you, Claudia,” Louis reassured before he grabbed a box, the one right where I had just been laid out, and practically skipped away. 
When the door shut, I covered my face and Harvey nearly fell over. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. I wanted to evaporate and never be seen again. There was no way that Louis just… I appreciated his complete obliviousness. More so than ever.
“Okay, that might’ve been more entertaining than sticking it to Gustoson.”
“Not a word, Specter,” I warned. 
“Specter, huh? Well, Martin, you’re lucky I’m in such a good mood because I would really love to go tell Donna about this little interaction.”
My heart sank. “Does she know?”
“No,” my heart began to beat again. “Which baffles me. You are really terrible at wearing your emotions on your face, by the way."
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm, it makes no sense. My brain scrambles and my mouth disconnects from it. I couldn’t believe I managed to spit out something coherent when Louis walked in.”
“It’s cute watching you stutter.”
I blushed.
“That's cute, too.”
“Shut up.” Harvey smiled. “Would you teach me? How to have some sort of a poker face?”
“You want me to?” I nodded, and he looked off behind me, obviously thinking of something. “Okay, stay after everyone has gone home tomorrow, I have an idea.”
“Uh oh, don’t hurt yourself.” He grabbed my arm, laying a firm hand on my ass. I yelped at the smack, eyes going wide.
“Wanna try that again?”
“If we weren’t in an un-sound-proofed office I’d say yes.” That didn’t stop him from doing it again, only this time spinning me around and pushing me down on the counter, fisting my hair and yanking hard enough to bring a tear to my eye. 
“Two strikes, Caudia. Be careful how you read the next pitch.” I really wanted to make an awful sports joke, but I didn’t need to risk someone else walking in and seeing this. There would be no way to explain around it. 
I’d have to move to Antarctica and become a penguin. 
“Okay okay,” I mumbled out. He released me and I turned around. Not without feeling how hard he was. I pulsed between my legs again. Man, did I want to feel that between my legs. I already had a good idea of what he looked like, and god damn did I want it. 
“I’ll be in my office if you need me,” Harvey said, playing with my hair. “Try not to think of me too much, my Claudia.”
My Claudia…
My mouth was dry. “You know I will.”
“Of course you will,” he winked before turning.
I was certainly not going to let him have the last laugh. 
I’d wait a couple hours and then attack. I had a plan, surely one he’d never see coming. It was almost six now and I couldn’t think of anything work related. Just Harvey. I had that sore, sweet burn of an overstimulated release still, and couldn’t feel more content.
But I wasn’t satisfied by any means. 
I waited a little longer before printing out the transcription from our depo to go over. Yes, we had boxed Gustoson in and backed him into a corner, but like Harvey always said, when there was a gun pointed to your head there were seventy-five other ways out. We had to be prepared for every single one. 
When I picked them up, I swung by Donna’s desk.
“Hey hot shot,” she cheered. “Heard about the depo, you really are one hell of a lawyer, aren’t you?”
“Well, what can I say? I’m just awesome at what I do,” I beamed. “Do you know where Harvey went? He wanted to go over it so we can get a clear idea of what their next move will be. I think they’re all out of cards to deal, but you never know.”
“Harvey really is rubbing off on you,” she looked me head to toe. Hide the face, hide the face. “Did something happen between you two? You’re like- glowing.”
Shit shit shit shit shit-
“No- well, no not really.”
“What do you mean ‘not really’?” She joined me on the other side of her desk. “Claudia, did he yell at you cause if he did I can-”
“No no, Donna. Everythings fine, more than fine actually. I am just… starting to feel more comfortable around him, is all. I don’t feel so nervous to be around him.”
“That’s fantastic,” Donna smiled, bringing me in for a hug. I prayed she didn’t feel my sweat back. “Good for you, Claudia. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I know he can be a hardass, but there is a method to his madness.”
“You don’t say,” she had no fucking idea. This was great. “Let me find him, I’ll be back before you leave to let you know how the depo really went.”
She just raised her eyebrows before I walked away.
Time for some real fun.
I pushed open the bathroom door, someone on their way out giving me a weird look. Harvey was at the sink washing his hands when he saw me.
“Claudia, what are you-”
I looked under the stalls and thankfully no one was in here. I locked the door. As I planted myself in front of him, I spoke so coolly it didn’t even sound like my voice. “You didn’t think I could leave you high and dry, did you? What kind of good girl would I be if I didn’t return the favor.”
“Claudia, sweetheart you don’t have to-”
“I want to. And I’m going to.”
I slipped to my knees, my eyes never leaving his. Even as I popped open the button of his trousers and untucked his shirt. They fell to his ankles and I let his briefs join them. He was hard and waiting for me so I didn’t waste time to build the confidence.
It was already there. 
Harvey braced against the sink when my tongue ran up the backside of his shaft, slowly starting to take him into my mouth. I worked it all the way in, earning a deep, guttural noise from him. 
“Jesus fucking… Claudia…”
I felt a rush of pride run through me at the thought of him not even being able to speak. It only motivated me that much more. 
I worked up and down, pausing every now and then to focus on the tip, ever so gently letting my teeth graze for a little extra pleasure. I wasn’t sure if he was going to like it, but he shivered. And when I did it again, he did it again. He was under my control.
I couldn’t help the spit that collected and fell down my chin, or the tears that fell from my eyes and smeared some of my mascara. I knew he didn’t mind because when he looked down, he swore and bucked his hips.
“God you look so hot stuffed full of my cock,” he put his hand on my head and pushed me all the way down. “And you know how to take it all the way, I didn’t even have to teach you. Such a good fucking girl, Claudia. If your throat feels this good I can’t fucking wait to be inside that pretty pink pussy of yours. I know it’ll be a tight fit but you’ll take it like such a good girl won’t you?”
I nodded, humming around him as he began to fuck my mouth. 
“Yeah, you love this, don’t you? Being full of my cock. I just know you were dying to taste it, huh? Go on then, open really fucking wide for me.”
His hips were brutal, pushing more tears out with every thrust. Harvey let the praises and moans fall from his mouth like the sweetest candy. I had to brace my hands on his thighs so he wouldn’t break my nose. That’s how hard he was going. 
“Gonna cum, sweetheart. You're gonna take it all down, aren’t you? Just wait until I get you on your hands and knees so I can fill you up and have you begging for it.”
I couldn’t help the whine that came out. Granted it was broken up by his thrusts, but that somehow made it dirtier. 
Harvey released, stilling his hips, pushing deep until his body lay flush with my face. He pulled out, cum coating his skin. I was more than happy to clean it off for him. 
“Awww look at you, Claudia. Being such a sweet girl and cleaning me up. God you are such a funcking slut for me. Show me.”
I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, presenting it to him. Again, that dark, feral look was in his eyes. He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me to my feet. His eyes never left my tongue.
I did. Harvey’s laugh was cruel. His thumb was pressed right up against my esophagus, and I knew he felt it go down.
“I am going to fucking ruin you for anyone else, Claudia. I am going to take you apart and put you back together over and over again until all you’ll know is my name and how to breathe.”
I clenched my legs together, already feeling my desire come back. He let go and I bent to put him back together this time. When I put the button back through the slit, I made sure to keep my eyes on him. I gave a pat to his chest before turning for the door.
Before I left, I looked over my shoulder, swiping my thumb across the corner of my mouth to get a remaining drop of him. I dragged it over my tongue, giving my own devastating wink before leaving him alone.
There were plenty of ways I could’ve spent the next twenty-four hours. Were any of them productive? Absolutely not. No matter how much water or tea I drank, I could still taste him on my tongue, and it only made me that much more distracted every time I remembered it.
I loved it when he told me how good I felt. 
Not only was Harvey incredibly good at being a lawyer, he was very diligent with his body. So responsive to every touch and noise I made. He made doing all of this feel not so intimidating.
Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I did feel like it was working. never in a million years would I have the balls to initiate an intimate moment with him, let alone any type of moment.
His madness was working. A little too well.
What he had planned next was beyond me. Apparently he went out for the day, according to Donna, who also told me he cleared the rest of his schedule for the night and asked if I knew anything about it. I felt bad lying to her, but I didn’t really know what else to do. She couldn’t know yet, I needed to wait. 
But when she came to check on me, eyes a little bloodshot from staring at this damn computer all day, she wished me good luck tonight and headed home. She hoped that Harvey wouldn’t run me into the ground.
I knew we weren’t going to get any work done. 
And I was so excited. 
I waited. And waited. And waited for Harvey to come find me. Maybe he was still out? I had no idea. I was about to call him when he walked into the bullpen.
“Oh, hey I was just looking for you.”
“Good,” the corners of his mouth curled up. “Come on, let's go to my office.”
I was more than eager to follow. When I got there, there was a bag on the corner of his desk, a note pad and a pen. “What’s all this?” “You asked me to help you with keeping your face unfazed. Well, I’m gonna help you. You’re going to sit in my lap while I’m inside you and we’re going to sit on this conference call with one of my clients in California. You’re gonna learn how to keep your voice steady while taking notes for me or everyone's gonna know what we’re doing. Are we clear?”
My whole world was tilted on its axes. This could go wrong on so many levels. My mouth voided any saliva and I couldn't process this idea.
“Harvey is this really a good idea when-” “You always do this, Claudia. We do something, you question it, and then you realize afterwards that I was right. When are you going to start trusting my ideas and just do what I say?”
I just rolled my eyes, “Fine. You’re right, and I do trust you."
“Of course I am, I’m Harvey Specter.” I really wanted to smack him, but he moved away before I could. He opened the bag and pulled out three boxes of condoms. “I wasn’t sure which kind you preferred so I grabbed a few options.”
That was, weirdly enough, one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. I know, it seems kind of lame, but it was incredibly thoughtful. I read the back of the boxes, settling on one and putting the others back in the bag. 
Everything’s gonna be fine, Claudia. He’s right, he knows what he’s doing. We’ve got this, just breathe and everything is gonna go great… holy shit you’re about to fuck Harvey. This is really about to fucking happen holy fucking fuck-
His presence in front of me took my rushing thoughts away. I smiled up at him before kissing him a few times. No turning back now. 
We didn’t dare fully undress, but I slipped down my bottoms and hiked up my skirt, Harvey doing more or less the same. Harvey brought my back to his front and gently swept my hair over my shoulders to help soothe me. I was shaking a little. 
“Relax, sweetheart. You’re gonna feel so good, I promise you.” Chills. All over my body. 
I eased down onto him, with his help, and settled into his lap. It burned and stretched so well. It took a good few steady breaths to adjust and let myself loosen up. 
“Good girl, Claudia,” he praised, that sickly sweet tone back once again. “That’s it, just lean back and let me do the rest.”
Harvey trailed his hands over my thighs, pulling my knees open so they fell over his own. I sighed out when his finger dragged around where we connected and up up up to where I was still so sensitive. I jolted, and he turned his face into my neck.
“Ready?” He asked, and I nodded. He dialed a number on the phone and it rang a few times before a voice came through the other line. “Brian Fergison, how is the West Coast treating you?” “Oh it’s a dream, Harvey. An absolute dream, you gotta come out here one of these days,” Brian said enthusiastically. “I have my insurance broker, CEO, accountant and consultant on here as well. Thomas, Daniel, Michael and Henry.”
A collection of hello’s and hey’s came through. “Nice to speak with you gentlemen. I have my personal associate, Claudia with me here. She’s been helping me out on a few cases recently and I thought I’d show her more of the big leagues.”
“It’s a pleasure to have you, Claudia. If you’re Harvey’s personal associate, you must be one hell of a lawyer,” Brian boasted and I could feel my flush. 
“Lets just say that I can give one hell of a nasty cross examination,” I said, voice calm and collected despite Harvey's fingers between my legs. “Most first years don’t get an opportunity like this so I appreciate it.”
“Wow, Harvey, where do you keep finding all these kick ass young stars?” “Harvard,” I answered for him, earning an array of laughs through the phone. I looked over at Harvey who had a devious grin plastered on his face. He thrusted up particularly hard, almost making me gasp out loud.
So that's how it's going to be?
I clenched hard, making him flinch. He dug in his nails as a warning. I listened.
“Alright, let’s get to the business at hand. I was hoping we could all discuss what is at stake for my company with the new rules and regulations…”
The conversation faded out for me. I half paid attention to what they were saying, but focused mostly on Harvey. And these stupid notes he had me taking. It was a steady pace, not fast at all, leisurely. He hit deep inside me, and it was incredibly difficult to not make any noise. I did my best to keep my face neutral, even though we weren’t on camera or anything. 
His hands crept up my shirt and played with my chest, making it even harder. I throbbed around him, hissing slightly. His grip shifted my hips, rocking me back and forth to grind even deeper. 
My wetness stuck to him and made noises I thought only we could hear.
“Is someone eating or something? What is that noise?” Brian asked. I went frozen, but Harvey pinched my nipple again as if to say ‘go on, answer him’.
“Sorry, Brian,” I responded, voice still together. “Harvey is a bit of a hardass and hasn’t let me have a break all day to eat. I’ll put us on mute and we can chime in if need be.”
“All good, and make sure Harvey hears that he needs to take it easy on you over there. Give that poor girl some time to breathe, man.”
“Don’t worry, Brian, she can handle that and a whole lot more.” Even I could hear the grin in Harvey's voice. I reached around me and hit the mute button, then sat up so abruptly I nearly smacked into the table. He placed one hand on the center of my back, holding me there, the other fisting my hair and pulling. Hard.
“You’re asking for it, aren’t you?” “And if I am?” I said, my breath stilling in my chest. 
“This is not how this call is going to go. It’s forty minutes long, so I hope you’re ready for that. Be careful how you speak about me because I can make this really fun for me and miserable for you.”
“I thought this was your idea in the first place,” I wasn’t going to be bullied by him. I wasn’t afraid when we were like this. “Bring it on.”
We were up so fast and I was chest down on the desk. Bent over me, cock still shoved all the way in, he whispered, “I am gonna take that phone off of mute, and when I do, you’re gonna say you’re going to the bathroom and I am gonna fuck those bratty words right out of your head. If you make one fucking sound I will make you cum. And if you make a sound when you do, I’ll do it again and again until you learn.”
My toes barely touched the floor. Harvey hit the button and nodded for me to speak. I waited a moment until there was a lull in the conversation. “Hey, I’ll be right back. Don’t rip on Harvey without me.”
“You got it, Claudia, I’ll save all his embarrassing college stories for the end.” I was going to get it for sure after that comment.
Harvey started a more than brutal pace. Thankfully I was adjusted to him so it wasn’t as bad, but with the force of his thrusts… gods help me. 
I bit down on my lip, fingers clenching the edge of the desk as he rammed into me. It was so hard to keep from crying out, to keep my knees from hitting the desk. 
“Harvey, I was wondering if there was anything I needed to do to get my patent’s turned over? Or if there is something extra I need to get to make them usable in California?” I knew Harvey spoke, but I didn’t understand. I was far too focused on him pulsing in and out and in and out of me to care. It felt so fucking good. With one particularly hard push of his hips, the whole desk shifted and I clamped a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. 
Then my hand was gone. His hand was big enough to wrap around both of my wrists and force them behind my back. 
God fucking dammit-
“Is Claudia back? I had a question for her,” Henry, the consultant, asked. Shit shit shit shit shit.
“Yeah she just walked back in,” Harvey said, dragging me back into his lap as he sat, fingers immediately playing with my exposed chest. 
“Hey, what did you want to ask?” Still ice cold. 
“I was just wondering what your thoughts were on the idea of handling a personal case for me. My lawyer just retired and obviously you seem more than qualified, even if you are a first year associate.”
I was genuinely shocked. “Oh, sure. I’ll get your number and email at the end and I’ll make sure to reach out about the details.”
“Sounds good,” he said, switching to ask Harvey something. A brush of his finger between my legs told me I did a good job. 
Soon enough, we were back on mute while Brian took a moment to get his kids settled for bed. Harvey was quick to start talking.
“Look at you, taking me so good. I wasn’t sure how well I’d fit but you’re just such a good girl, Claudia. I bet you love this, being split open while others are just one moan away from knowing what I’m doing to you.”
“I can’t take it much longer,” my voice was trembling. 
“You’re gonna take it as long as I say. We’re over halfway, my pretty little toy. You can stay seated on my dick for a little while, can’t you?” I nodded, my brains almost gone. “See, still such a desire to please me. I think you’ve earned a little reward, no?”
His fingers circled around my clit, sending waves of pleasure and hurt through my body. I let the noises built up in my chest slip through, trying to shift away from his touch when it became too much. 
“I will put you back on that desk and tie your hands behind your back if you don’t stop moving. Sit here, be still, and take my cock like you should. Do not make me tell you again.”
I shut my mouth quickly, occupying my hands in his hair. With one hand between my legs, the other on my throat, his lips trailed over my neck. I did my absolute best not to move, but it wasn’t easy. I writhed and whined and begged for him to let me reach my high. 
“You wanna cum on my cock? Is that what you want? Go on then, make a mess all over me.”
It wasn’t even pleasurable at this point. It hurt in the most amazing way possible, but I was to the point of numbness. He quickly hit the unmute button and I bit my lip so hard I knew it’d bruise. He drew lazy circles through my slick and I was on the verge of tears.
Guess he wasn’t kidding when he said he’d break me down and build me back up over and over again.
Harvey’s hand came and clamped over my mouth when I shuddered around him. His whole body tensed and clung to me, forcing me to still even though I wanted to fall onto the floor with the strength of my release. 
Stars danced the backs of my eyelids. My voice would be rubbed raw tomorrow for sure. I’d be more sore than I had ever been. 
My chest rose and fell quickly as I came down from my high, legs and arms tingling. I don’t think I made any noise, if I did, they’d surely know and we’d be in some deep shit. But when I looked at the phone, they were still carrying on with their conversation. 
“I’m thinking of having a company party. And Harvey I’d be thrilled if you could make it out, even bring Claudia if you want. I’m sure Henry would love to meet her, as would I,” Brian spoke.
“That sounds good, Brian,” Harvey’s voice was thick, very clearly too turned on for his own good. 
“I’d be honored to come out,” I said, voice wavering just a tad. “When are you thinking of having it?”
“Not until we get everything squared away on the legal side of things. Then I’ll worry about all that stuff,” he gave a big sigh. “Man there is a lot that comes with running a business.”
We all have a laugh, Harvey starting up my hips again. I didn’t even feel it, couldn’t rather. He was content using me to get off and I was content to let him. I stayed quiet, using my legs to push up and down, rock back and forth, anything I could think of to make him miserable. 
His fingers were locked onto my sides, thrusting up into my down strokes. The noise was minimal, but still sounded around us. Hopefully just us. 
I felt his teeth lock onto the back of my shoulder and yelped. 
“You alright, Claudia?” Brian asked. 
Yeah it’s just Harvey fucking bit me, I almost said. “Yup, just stabbed myself with my pen.” Nice cover, idiot. 
Harvey let up then, kissing over the indentations. His hips stuttered, and his breath was hot and fast on the back of my neck. I leaned forward and hit the mute button. 
“You close?” I got a grumbled string of pleas. “Come on Harvey, you know how much you’ve been waiting for this, don’t be shy now. I want it, sir-”
The words weren’t even out of my mouth before I was gagging on his fingers. I struggled to breathe, eyes watering with the force of it. He fucked up into me so hard I had to brace on the desk and the chair. A noise tore from his chest, so deep it sent goosebumps scattering across my body. His hips were flush with mine, his hands forcing my hips flat, taking taking taking all of him at once. 
“Say it again, Claudia,” he commanded. 
“S-Sir?” I hadn’t even realized I said it. Now or never, I guess.
“Fuck,” he swore. Harvey pulled me off his lap and stood, dragging me over to the window. Don’t look down don’t look down- “Want it, sweetheart? You want my cum, huh?”
“Yes sir,” my voice was barely there. I gasped when he lifted me into the air, pressing my back to the window. Holy shit I hope this fucking glass doesn’t break.
Harvey damn near made me see stars when his hand wrapped around my throat. Between that and his tongue on mine, his cock shoved all the way in, so deep it was painful, I was in the most glorious twilight state I’ve ever been. 
He had his way with me, brutal and erotic and of pure primal instinct. It was clear he didn’t give a shit about if he was hurting me or not. He wanted one thing. And I was gonna let him have it. 
The release caught us both off guard, nearly sending us both to the ground. I clawed up his back and his fingers tightened on my neck. His hips were flush with mine again, jerking in and out at random convulsions. His forehead was damp against my chest.
When he eased me down, my legs were shaking so bad I couldn’t stand. I tripped over my feet trying to sit down. Harvey was far steadier, handing me a bottle of water from a drawer in his desk. While I sipped, he tucked himself back into his pants, and we gave our final goodbyes and email exchanges to Brian’s team. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes after the call ended that we looked at each other. 
“You uhh… you alright?” He asked. 
I was a little stunned, did he just stutter? “Oh, yeah Harvey I’m fine. Are you?”
“Yeah yeah I’m good.”
Silence. I tapped my thumbs on the plastic bottle, combing my fingers through my hair. Our eyes met again and we both broke out into wild smiles. 
“So 'sir' really does it for you?”
“I wasn’t exactly expecting to hear you say that,” he looked mildly embarrassed. “It just- it’s a power move, for sure.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind.” He shrugged, “I am far less forgiving when I am in that state of mine. I am not nice and don’t necessarily give a-”
“Harvey,” I stopped him, standing. I took his outstretched hand and let his hands land back on my hips. “If it was too much, I would’ve told you. And besides, I’ve been dying to see that side of you ever since you first mentioned it.”
“You have?”
I nodded, humming and nodding my head. “Just like you I have my secrets. One of those is my undying desire to please. I’d find a way to get it one way or another.”
His smile was devastating. He swooped down to pick me up in his arms and gently spun me around. “God Claudia you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear someone say that.”
My heart clenched and my stomach dropped at the same time. I didn’t want to read too far into his words but how could I not when he said things like that and placed gentle kisses along my collar bone? 
We grabbed our belongings and headed for the elevator, it was well past eleven now and we both wanted to go home. Harvey insisted he drop me off, and I wasn’t in the position to say no. my feet were killing me, and so was pretty much every other inch of my body. 
The car was warm despite the bitter February wind. The city lights were as bright as ever as we raced down the street, just a couple of city blocks, to my apartment. 
It took every bit of my willpower to not ask him to stay over. That wasn’t part of the deal, I kept telling myself. He wasn’t obligated to comfort me afterwards. And I wasn’t obligated to do the same. 
“Have a good night, Claudia,” Harvey said, brushing his thumb across my cheek.
It was really fucking hard to not melt into him.
“Good night, Harvey.”
The next day I didn’t see Harvey at all. When I asked Donna where he was she said he had to take a trip upstate to see his family. I didn’t want to pry, it certainly wasn’t my business, and if he wanted to tell me he would. 
But I got concerned when I didn’t see him the rest of the week. Well, I saw him, just could never catch him at the right time. He stops by my cubicle for two seconds, dumps a stack of papers and says ‘have these organized and on my desk ready to go for tomorrow’, and then disappears. 
What in the hell was going on? “Donna, I really need to talk to Harvey,” I stood my ground. He was in his office, sitting at his desk, the desk that held more than a few intimate memories.
“Claudia, now is really not a good time,” she insisted. I rolled my eyes, huffing and turning away. I’ll catch him before he leaves.
I didn’t catch him before he left. Or when he showed up the next day, or the next. A goddamn week went by and I could barely get two words in. I was getting a little pissed off. And of course my mind had been running rampant with anxious thoughts: he got what he wanted, now he didn’t need you anymore; he was just using you to get the job done and he’ll move on to the next associate. And in big bold letters: Harvey fucking used you.
I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, pricking my nose and burning my throat. 
I can’t take this torture any longer. I need to find him. Now.
I marched right past Donna and into Harvey’s office. I did have our complete case file in hand as an excuse, but I wasn’t really planning on talking about the case. My brain was on fucking fire at this point, I didn’t know what I was going to say, if anything at all, or if I was just going to break down like a pathetic little girl who couldn’t take it.
“Claudia, now is really not a good-” “It never seems to be a good time, Harvey,” I cut him off, watching his mouth snap shut at my harsh tone. “I have been trying to get this to you for four days now, you gonna take the five minutes it takes to go over it or do I need to FedEx it to your apartment so you can get to it in two to three business days?”
His eyes were wide. He stood up from his desk and took the file, but set it on the table. 
“Harvey just take one fucking look at it-”
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice calm and steady.
“You’re sorry? For what, ignoring me the past week?”
“Claudia I wasn’t-”
“Are you sure because it seems like ever since after that conference call you’ve been actively avoiding me like a fucking disease. I-I-I don’t understand what I did, Harvey. Was I not good enough for you? Did I make too much noise or-or did I say something wrong when you dropped me off?”
“No, Claudia I have just been-” “Using me? Leveraging me to climb the corporate ladder?”
“How dare you accuse me of that bullshit,” Harvey bit out, a venom laced in his words. “I can’t believe this, after everything I’ve been trying to help you with, you’re gonna look me in the eyes and say I’m using you?”
“It sure seems like it to me because I can’t think of another goddamn reason why you would go through all that trouble just to practically ghost me.”
“I have been trying to tell you that I’m not avoiding you, but you cannot take down your alligator filled moat for two fucking seconds to let me explain what the hell I’ve been doing.” 
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Donna shouted over both of us. I snapped towards her, flushing a deep shade of red. 
“Nothing, Donna,” Harvey pressed his lips in a flat line. “We don’t need you to intervene-” “Well it sure as hell sounds like you do,” she came and stood at my side. “What’s going on?” “I was just trying to tell Claudia that I haven’t been avoiding her, that I have been busy being a goddamn name partner and trying to keep this firm above water. In fact, I’ve wanted nothing more than to just put everything else on pause and actually get to sit down for half an hour and discuss what we’re gonna do in court because I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, Claudia, but we are in some deep shit with this Gustoson case.”
“Which is why I have been doing everything in my power to hunt you down and give you that file.”
All eyes landed on it, it’s tan envelope. Harvey flipped it open and scanned the document.
He ripped it up and threw it in the trash. 
I stopped moving, I stopped breathing. 
“Are you out of your goddamn mind, Claudia?” 
“Harvey,” Donna was baffled at his tone. 
“You seriously want to file a motion to dismiss? In what way would that benefit us? Cause it seems like all you want to do is throw this case away and let Gustoson win.”
“No, I want to get their lawyer off the case so that way we can go after him, because he’s in on it and-” “We have no proof of that.” I wanted to rip out my fucking hair. “I was working on getting it.”
“Claudia, we don’t have time for you to just stumble upon evidence and hope it works,” Harvey let his hands slap against his thighs, eyebrows knitted together. “I needed an idea last night, and since you clearly can’t get the job done, maybe it’s you who should be thrown off the case because you clearly have no idea what the hell it is that you’re doing.”
There was nothing I could do to keep the tears from burning tracks in my skin. He promised… Harvey promised…
“Okay, let’s just take this down a few notches,” Donna stood between us.
“No,” Harvey shook his head. “Claudia, you’re going to learn real fast that just because you’re my associate, that doesn’t mean you get your ass kissed. I am not gonna sit here and baby you on every case. If you can’t come up with a different idea by the end of the day, I’m gonna put Griffin on this case and you’ll never get the chance to work with me ever again. I don’t lose, and I’m sure as hell not gonna risk that just because you don’t know how to do your goddamn job.”
All I could do was stare at him. Stare and stare and stare. 
My hands didn’t even shake. My breath didn’t pick up, and my tears didn’t fall. I was utterly tranquill, like a certain part of me was expecting this to happen, and here it was. Served to me on a silver platter. 
I hiccuped a sob. It hit me out of nowhere. I couldn’t do anything to control it. 
“You promised…” I wasn’t even sure I actually spoke the words, I may have just mouthed them, be he understood. I watched him snap out of his heated daze and take a jarring step back. But I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to give a fake apology.
His intentions, from the very beginning, were blindingly clear. Harvey didn’t want to work with me, he didn’t think I was a good lawyer, he just wanted to get in my pants. 
I was disgusted by him, my stomach churned and I knew I was going to vomit. 
“Claudia-” Harvey gasped, like had been punched in the stomach; I wished it was Donna who socked him.
“You’ve done enough,” she said, and placed her hands on my shoulders. She steered me out of his office and my vision blurred. 
I was one sorry son of a bitch to believe that Harvey actually gave a shit about me. Why would I ever fucking believe that? I should’ve seen it coming. I should’ve known it from the start. A man like him does not fall for a woman like me, they only pretend to when they need something. 
“Claudia I am so sorry about-” “I wanna go home.”
She was quiet for a long moment. “I’ll tell Louis you had something come up.”
I just nodded, grabbing my purse and jacket, heading for the elevator. 
He promised… he promised… he promised…
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halfagone · 1 year
Here's another DPxDC AU: Danny might not be Bruce Wayne's biological son, but he most certainly is Vlad Masters' biological son.
After the Nasty Burger explosion, Vlad learns in Jack and Maddie's will that Danny is actually Vlad's son, born after a fling between them all those years ago (and no, it doesn't count as infidelity if it was a threesome!) that Vlad had been intentionally trying (and let's face it, failing) to forget about. So now he has to grapple with their deaths, their secrets, and a brand new son he only just learned was his even when he'd been longing for a family for decades. Safe to say, Vlad gets pissed but his anger fades as he sees Danny fall into a depressive state from the death of all his loved ones.
Vlad doesn't end up telling Danny about his newly revealed blood status. Danny already has so much self-loathing that Vlad figures he doesn't need another reason to hate himself. He has always preferred Jack over him, after all.
So he doesn't say anything, but when he gets invited to a gala in Gotham he decides to attend (for the first time in forever, Vlad always has been a recluse after all) because he thinks Danny needs to get out some more. Or just, you know. At all. He knows Danny will hate it, but all his arguments about going out to hang with schoolmates have fallen on deaf ears so maybe Vlad just has to force Danny to get some socialization in him.
There, Danny is almost immediately taken in by the Wayne kids, and while he's still not as bright and expressive as usual, Vlad counts it as a total win.
But of course Bruce has to make a comment about how he didn't know Vlad had a son (internally, Bruce is wondering why his research isn't up-to-date) and Vlad explains that danny is the orphaned son of two dear friends of his from college. He's still not telling anyone about Danny's true father, as much as he might want or like to.
At some point, Vlad gets around to asking: "Damian is your youngest, yes? Your... blood son if I recall correctly. It must have been a difficult adjustment on all of you. How do you do it, Bruce?"
Bruce thinks that Vlad is trying to gather information, but he doesn't know for what and it's not like he can ask. But he is definitely very suspicious of him.
In reality, what Vlad means by that is: "I have a brand new son that I don't know how to properly take care of, and he hates my guts and he hates his own guts and I don't how to fix that and I know I fucked up with him but I don't know how to unfuck it up. Any advice?"
But Bruce is giving his best patented Brucie Wayne TM behavior and just says: "Oh! You know, those parenting books really are something!" *cue ditzy laughter*
But Vlad thinks that's actually not a half bad idea and buys himself a bunch of parenting books. He makes himself flashcards and everything. He looks into forums, the whole shebang.
And Danny... notices this, even despite his grief. He can tell that Vlad is trying even if a part of Danny would really prefer if he didn't. Their conversations might be stilted sometimes when Vlad has to glance down at a flashcard on his lap, but he's trying so hard and even Danny isn't immune to that. So he goes about his days and tries to remember what normalcy feels like.
They end up moving to Gotham because Vlad thinks that he has a market for VladCo. and/or Axiom Labs here. He tries to get Danny's opinion, but as it turns out Danny's opinion is that everyone he loves is dead and gone so Vlad doesn't really bring it up again. But hey, Danny gets to spend a lot more time with his new, maybe friends the Wayne's, so it'll be fine.
The Wayne family are very confused about the relationship between Vlad and Danny, because they can sense there is history there, but whatever it used to be is nothing like it is now. And not just because they're a family unit now, but because Danny is a shell of who he used to be and Vlad is nothing like the composed businessman he has always painted himself as. They try to keep an eye out for potential abuse, and come up with nothing. They still keep an eye out of course.
But then Danny gets it into his head that his ghost powers are the cause of all his pain and suffering and wants to get rid of them. He figures that Vlad wouldn't mind removing them, but then he starts trying to convince Vlad and apparently he was wrong about that. Vlad is, meanwhile, very much concerned because that is more blatantly obvious self-destructive behavior. Being Vlad's son might not have given him a ghost form, but there is no way to get rid of the ectoplasm in his body when he had been born with it.
Vlad always turns him down, but they keep arguing about it, and one day Vlad accidentally reveals that Danny is his blood son and therefore he can't get rid of his powers since the ectoplasm is ingrained in his biology even before he half-died. And Danny feels betrayed, not because he's been Vlad's son all this time but because he thinks that Vlad is only treating him better now because he's his son and not Jack's.
It's easily their worst argument ever, and it ends with Danny running away to the Wayne Manor because they're really the only people he knows around here and he doesn't know what else to do. He ends up revealing pretty much everything to them, and the Wayne's realize they might have been massively underestimating how messed up this situation is.
Vlad does go searching for him of course, but who knows what reception he'll get once he makes his way to the Manor.
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
a tuppence for your bi4bi Clois thoughts 🪙... I'm luv them so much and I'd love to hear if you have any specific headcanons about them 🥺
YESSSS!!! i DO have some thoughts. i love them,
generally i think lois has her bisexuality figured out by the time she's in her mid-20s. she and cat grant have had some rage-filled makeouts on at least one occasion, but an actual relationship would never in a million years work out between them. they respect each other but do not see eye to eye nearly enough. she never bothered to come out to her father, but just knows it's one more thing about her that he'd hate.
clark, by contrast, does Not have it figured out. he has spent his entire life repressing every single thought, feeling, and ability that set him apart from the classic good all-american boy because he had to fit in. and being superman, exploring his kryptonian heritage, etc., has helped, of course, but he is still. so repressed. he has no idea that he's ever experienced attraction to guys before. he's got some internalized homophobia to work through, about himself. He Has To Be Normal. so as far as he's concerned, there was lana, and then there was lois.
to me, clark's journey toward self-acceptance is very intrinsically tied to his family. there's kara, talking about how sexuality and gender stuff on krypton wasn't like it is on earth, especially in western culture. there's kon, suffering through his own repression and depression and trying to pretend he's fine. there's chris and jon, both too young to fully grasp it all (probably), who make clark incredibly aware of every step he makes in terms of parenting them.
so one day, after kon's finally come out to the family, and kara's muddled through trying to figure out earth labels that she's comfortable with, the two of them decide they wanna go to pride, and ask lois and clark if they want to make it a family affair. lois says hell yeah, and clark says yes of course he's happy to support them! and jon says YAY, GLITTER!! CAN I GET STICKERS? and chris says if you get glitter all over my nintendo ds again i will punt you into the ocean, baby brother or not.
and there's just this innocuous moment while they're out when kon goes "here i got you these!" and hands lois and clark two simple lil heart-shaped bi flag buttons. and lois is like aw thanks squirt! and ruffles kon's hair. clark meanwhile goes oh i think there's been a misunderstanding... ... . . . .. . .. .. . or. has there?
and that night he's just sitting on the edge of the bed holding this tiny like $3 button in his hands having a whole crisis. lois hooks her chin over his shoulder and asks what's wrong? and he's like. lois i'm not. i'm. except maybe i'm not not. but i don't know, i thought i... i never thought i could think about it. clark kent is supposed to be normal. i... i'm already an alien, lois, i thought i was already set apart enough, and if i'm... if i'm this, even when i'm clark, not superman, then... then...
and lois digs her matching little $3 bi flag heart button out of her purse and bumps it against his and says, even if you are queer, you're still not alone. and then clark gives her the patented kent family big soft puppy-dog eyes. that night, he falls asleep in her arms with his head tucked snugly under her chin. it's where he feels safest.
but the next year, he lets kara get him a flag, and lets kon tie it around his shoulders like a cape. and he's here as clark kent, but it's kind of funny when he looks at his shadow. because he might not be superman right now, but the silhouette still looks the same.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah my sweet sweet babe can you do a story where Eddie is a single dad of twins who are maybe in like 5th grade and Reader is Steve’s sister who works at the library and that’s where he meets her? Their names can be whatever you want!❤️❤️❤️
Hiii lovey!! So I am just now noticing you said 5th grade and not them being 5 so I am very sorry about that😂🙈 I went with them being 5 and this is very short but it’s to give you an idea of how a story like this could go? To test the waters if you will? I hope you enjoy💖
*The girl’s names are super random and can change if you have something you like better! It will 10000% not hurt my feelings if you hate the names lol*
*Eddie just wants to take his girls to get some new books but as always they have other ideas*
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“Daddy is not going to let you get all those.” You place your hand over your mouth to cover your giggle as you see two little girls walk past you, both with their arms full of books.
“He will too they are his favorite.” You slowly follow behind them with your cart full of books to place back in their correct spot on the shelves. You can’t help but notice the section of the library they wondered out of, science fiction, which wouldn’t be an issue if they didn’t seem to be no older than maybe five or six.
“How do you know? You can’t even read.” The blonde one stops in her tracks and turns so she’s glaring at her brunette haired sister.
“Now that’s just rude.” You’re about to ask the little girls if they need help finding their dad when all of a sudden someone rounds the corner and lets out a dramatic sigh when he sees them.
“It’s about time.” He says as he reaches down and fixes the bow in the blonde girl’s hair that’s keeping half of it up while the rest flows freely past her shoulders. “I was about the send out a search party.” The girls laugh as he kneels down so he’s eye level with them. “Let’s see what we’ve got here….Rachel first since she’s the one who asked oh so nicely to visit the library in the first place.” The brunette little girl grins as she hands the man her pile of books.
You lean against your cart as you watch the interaction between the three of them. Rachel is all smiles as the man who you can only assume based on how all three of them have the same curly hair and big brown eyes is their dad, looks over her selection of books putting one in a stack next to his converse covered foot. The other little girl is patently waiting her turn but also smiling as her dad puts another book on the stack next to his foot.
“Excellent choices sweetheart but I say let’s maybe stick with the Harry Potter series for now and let’s save the Hunger Games for another time?” You feel your eyes go wide as he mentions two book series that are usually read by much older kids. Rachel just nods her head and picks up the two books next to his feet, both being Harry Potter books. “Now let’s see what you’ve got going on over here little miss Lydia.” You smile as she proudly hands over her stack of books and the man instantly smiles and nods as he picks up the first book on the stack. “Really? Again? We’ve read it six times already princess.” You see that the book in his hand is the Hobbit and you’re not surprised based on the other little girl’s selections.
“I like Bilbo.” Lydia explains and the man just smiles and puts it on the floor next to his foot, creating another keep pile like he did for Rachel.
“Honey…this is the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy…don’t you want something you haven’t heard before?” Lydia just shakes her head and he just lets out a sigh of defeat as he places the three books on top of the Hobbit. “Okay well let’s help Rachel put her books back that she’s not getting.” With that Lydia grabs one of the books that Rachel picked that didn’t make it to the keep stack as the man picks up the lord of the rings series.
“Told you he’d let me get them all.” Lydia smirks as Rachel just playfully rolls her eyes, you quickly try to act busy so it’s not painfully obvious you just spent the last five minutes watching a man and his little girls pick their next library books.
“Excuse me ma’am,” You turn your head and all of a sudden you’re face too face with the dad and you have to admit he is extremely handsome up close and personal. “Can they give these to you? I’d normally take them back myself but we are running late for someone’s music lessons.” He smiles down as Rachel before looking back up at you with hopeful eyes.
“Oh of course.” Rachel and Lydia each hand you a book and give you kind smiles before they turn and take off towards the front of the library so they can check out their books. “They have great taste.” You joke as you place the first two volumes of the hunger games on your cart full of go backs.
“They do don’t they? At least for two kids who can’t read yet and just make their dad do it all for them.” You laugh making Eddie smile as he moves the books in his arms to one side so he can reach his hand out towards you. “I’m Eddie…Munson.” You make a mental note of his name in your head because you swear you’ve heard it before as you reach your hand out to shake his.
“Nice to meet you Eddie.” You say after you introduce yourself. “I think you’re being summoned.” Eddie raises an eyebrow as he looks over his shoulder and low and behold there’s his two girls waving him down and pointing at their wrists letting him know he needs to hurry because they’re already late, not that they are old enough to tell time but they just are impatient and want to leave the library.
“Ah yes my little timekeepers.” You laugh as he looks back at you and smiles. “Nice meeting you…maybe I’ll see you next time?” You’re not sure if he meant to ask it like a question but you just nod making him grin before he turns and heads off into the directions of his girls who are now visibly showing their annoyance of having to wait for him.
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
God Bless the Inventor - 40’s AU series
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Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,268
Synopsis: Howard comes up with a…new invention for his adventurous pals to try. Bucky’s devious wife has plans. Bucky is questioning his life choices.
Tags: 3k of femdom filth, anal play, fancy vibrators were invented by Howard I know, Subby baby buck, chubby bunny buck, man tears, oral (f!receiving), humiliation kink, weight gain TW if that’s not your thing, men in panties, overstim, SSR GANG, Peggy should’ve been gay and not a dumbass plot choice I loved agent Carter and stand by that, We Stan Dum Dum Dugan, Bucky and him wife are very much in love and supremely horny, praise kink, slight sub space
A/N: I wanted a thicker man in lingerie smh
Howard sat on the other side of his Art Deco living room, newly furnished from what you could tell. Bucky was next to you, a question furrowing his brow. His flesh arm was around your shoulders, the cutie would get touchy around Stark’s flirty demeanor. Regardless if they were best of pals.
You smiled and asked, “So what’s this new invention you want to pitch to us of all people?”
Howard’s dark eyes gleamed with mischief. He grinned and sat forward, extending his hands. The genius elaborated, “Well- it’s a bit of a strange idea, brought to my attention after seeing a housewife in dire need of,” he winked, “companionship.”
Bucky barked, “What the hell Stark? You comin’ onto us or something?”
You shushed him and gestured for Howard to continue his pitch. He laughed airily, pulling out some sort of sleek oblong thing— faintly in the shape of a prick with a ring on the end. Your eyes widened when it dawned, you gasped, “Howard! You made one of those sex toys?” Bucky rolled his eyes with a groan, thoroughly displeased.
Howard wagged his finger, “Nuh-uh-uh! It’s a ‘massager’! Good for working out sore muscles.”
You and Bucky shared a dubious look, then turned back to Stark. He slapped his knee and guffawed, “Yes of course it’s a vibrator! But the magic here is that it’s battery powered and,” he winked, “remote controlled for the partner!”
Bucky snorted, “What about the damn flying car Stark? Been waiting on that one since 42’.”
“It’s still under work!,” the man snapped.
You interrupted, “What then? You want us to try it out for you? Why can’t you do it on one of your two million dames?”
Howard slyly smirked, responding, “If the inventor says it’s good then what proof is that really? Just take it home, lube it up, come back to me so I can sell the patent. Stark Industries wouldn’t look good selling hysteria machines.”
Bucky sucked his teeth. He mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, ‘can’t get a goddamn break with these SSR loons.’ You were already hooked by Howard’s pitch and toy. Poor Buck was going for the ride of his life sooner than later. You held out your hand and hummed, “I’ll bite, be back in a week. Hopefully I can leave you a glowing review, Howard.”
The excitable man jumped up and cheered, “Fantastic! You two will love it!” You grinned and let Howard peck your cheeks to Bucky’s consternation. Calling over your shoulder you joked, “Make sure Peg and her ‘roomie’ get a pair too huh Stark?” All three of you burst in to giggles after that, Bucky leading you out with a big hand on your waist.
Once strapped into the car Bucky had a strange look on his face. You purred, “Scared baby? This thing is preeeetty hefty.” He grumbled and turned the key into the ignition, ignoring your comment. You squeezed the plush layer over his strong thigh and said, “Poor Howie doesn’t know the trap he put you in Bucky-bear.”
“Tell me about it, sweets,” the brunette huffed.
Couple o’ days later
Bucky was sweating through his blazer, even in the chilly temperatures. You could see the perspiration beading on his upper lip, collecting on his temples. The man couldn’t stop shifting, tapping, grinding his teeth. Conversations went around the SSR members and their plus one’s, usually other significant others. Peggy had brought that sweet but brutally New Yorker ‘friend’ of hers, Angie.
Ray and Johnson kept away with nervous looks after the debacle at the last get together. You fondly remembered fucking Bucky into sweet submission that night. There would probably be a rehash soon if your poor husband didn’t cum all in his slacks. Which he probably would anyways, but that was okay.
Bucky was currently shoving his face with food to stop the nonsensical little noises he couldn’t hold back, passing them off as enjoying the meal. You smirked at the thought of the vibrating toy in his ass. Howard and oh goody, Dugan was in town! They ambled over greeting folks. Bucky’s eyes opened wide in fear. You knew that he knew Dugan was going to zero in on his bootcamp to field buddy.
“Barnes!,” Dugan boomed. Bucky dropped his food to sheepishly smile and get up on shaking legs. The mustachioed soldier pulled your husband into a hug, slapping his back heartily. Buck made a choking noise, rasping back a hello. Dum Dum manhandled Bucky backward to get a good look.
He patted Buck’s side and peered over a wide shoulder to joke, “Hello Missus Barnes! A sight for sore eyes! What’cha been feeding Sarge here? Lookin’ like pre-bootcamp dough boy Barnes!”
You could almost feel the mortification radiating off of your other half. Bucky’s face was a deep flush, him turning to look at you pathetically.
Down the vibrator went to zero in your pocketbook. Poor bear.
Dum Dum smiled happily, hugging the brunette again, whispering, “I’m so happy you’re okay man. Blessed, really.” Bucky gave a less strained smile at that, relaxing into the big man’s arms. “Missed ya’ too Dugan, lots.” Howard cooed, “How adorable! Let’s get the whole team together over in Europe.”
“I like New York thank you very much,” Buck deadpanned to a raucous of laughter. You sidled up to your husband, beaming. Dum Dum teased, “As long as she gets to go, gotta have some guts to keep Barnes tied down.”
Your lips quirked up, a hand sliding to palm Bucky’s ass while you purred, “I’ve got some steel under my frilly apron.” Bucky flushed and looked down, lamely replying, “She does, she does.”
The party went on a bit longer, people getting rowdy. You let Bucky get some much needed catching up with Dum Dum. His cheeky smile made your heart skip. Later on, Chief Dooley had to disperse the drunken men and Peg howling war songs. You laughed and clapped along with Angie, sharing a warm look.
Bucky was sweaty and disheveled by the time he was launched out of the circle into your arms. You caught his bulk, laughing and batting at your husband as he peppered you with wet kisses. He laughed, “C’mon you don’t want some lovin baby?” You scrunched your nose and giggled, “I always want your lovin sweetie, let’s get home Hm? Then we can take Stark’s toy for a real test drive.”
Bucky’s pupils blew at the implication, body going woozy in your arms. You eyed his needy expression, pushing back some fallen strands of dark hair. Nipping at his earlobe you hummed, “That was only level one baby, and you couldn’t sit straight.“ Bucky’s breath left him in a punched out groan, slumping into your smaller frame.
You gave his ass a tight slap and hollered, “I got the wheels this time Sarge!”
Making the rounds of goodbyes, Bucky was definitely rushing to get back home. Stark had a knowing gleam in his eye, giving you a wink behind your husbands back. Hugging the genius you thanked him.
Bucky, resigned and so, so horny followed behind like the pet pup he was. You deviously cranked the remote up another level, eyeing Bucky for the inevitable reaction. He yelped, legs spreading, arms flailing. You could hear the crunch of his metal hand on the door. Bear could hardly climb into the little two-door, so wracked with pleasure.
You cooed, “How’sit feel bear?”
Bucky’s cute nose was scrunched up as he whined out, “S’fulll m-my god, s’fuckin me up baby.” He was now rutting back against the car seat, whimpering needily. Bucky moaned, “So good, so good, fffuck!” You pulled the car forward, grinning helplessly. Oh how you loved your submissive little big boy. Bucky mewled and made to palm at his swollen cock, probably painfully smushed in those tight slacks of his.
He was too prideful to admit it, but you’d ordered some more clothes so Bucky would stop looking like he was shoved into his work suit. Stubborn bastard. You slapped his hand away and tutted, “We have to test out Howard’s device correctly dear.” You patted his plump cheek and added softly, “Can’t have your slutty dick get in the way can we now hm?”
Bucky’s tears were getting worked up but he dropped his dark head and whinged, “Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you crooned. Bucky shivered and seemed to relax at the praise. Bear loved his praise and coddling almost as much as he liked the humiliation. You’d get to that later.
Bucky was going mindless, humping and sucking on his bottom lip as he bounced in the seat. To be a bitch you taunted, “Had alot to eat tonight, don’t wanna bust your nice slacks dear.” He thinly whined and blushed, curling in but didn’t stop the movement.
Pulling into the garage Bucky ungainly hopped out and staggered over to you, opening the car door. You simpered, “Sweet boy, thank you, earning a lot of treats tonight.” He blubbered, “Really?” Thumbing his swollen slobbery lips you nodded, pecking them one time.
Bucky led the way, albeit slowly due to the vibrations dragging across his ass and the heavy weight of the plug on top of the prostate. You came from behind, like a jungle predator. From the gloom of the hallway you crooned, “Special drawer’s calling your name, bear!”
Bucky moaned frustratedly. You didn’t like that insolent tone, cranking it up to the highest power. There was a clank of his arm and throaty wail emanating from the darkened bedroom. You sped up to the scene, and my- what a scene you saw. Bucky was on his knees, blazer discarded and his fingers digging into the chest. You knew that was to keep him from touching his cock.
Bucky sniveled, “S’too much, baby baby, ah fuck baby! Can’t stop l-leaking mmmgh!” You moaned softly, clambering behind your shivery husband. Slowly you discarded his clothes, baring that adorable fluffy flesh to your eyes.
“Pretty baby,” you sighed.
You could hear the vibrator assaulting Bucky’s ass, pounding his poor sensitive prostate. Your sarge whimpered and mewled, definitely getting overwhelmed. You shushed him, pressing sweet kisses and praises to relax Buck. Your nimble fingers undid his belt and unbuttoned the pants. You bit your lip bloody at Buck’s fat cock swollen and leaking all over his slacks and panties.
“Oh my, s’it milking you out sweet boy. You feelin’ sweet baby?”
You sucked in a breath, your pussy causing a slippery mess in your panties. You adjusted the sticky fabric with a strained whimper. God your husband was a work of art.
He nodded jerkily, leaning back onto your slim shoulder. Your hand caressed his damp chest and cheeks, pressing a kiss to his temple. In slow terms you asked, “Buck, you got me?” Bucky was approaching fast if not already in that foggy space. He nodded slowly, blue eyes wearily opening.
You flipped his bigger frame around to back against the drawers. Bucky was so pliant it was like moving a rag doll, albeit a heavy one. He mewled upon seeing your face, “W-wan you so bad baby.” His cock spurt out more pre. Instinctively you slid your fingertip across the milky bead and sucked on it, Bucky crying your name.
Undressing the baby was an easy affair. Surveying his flushed skin, you figured a pink set would compliment the blush, pale stretch marks, his lips, and pretty pink nipples. Shaking yourself out of the horny catalogue you moved to open the drawer, snatching around until you found the lacy baby pink set. Bucky sighed and watched with hazy eyes.
You held it up to the befogged Bucky, watching his lax body begin to tremble in excitement. You teased, “Yeah pup, you’ll look like a dream.” One leg went in a hole at a time, Buck weakly lifting up his hips to slide the thin panties on. He cried out at the fabric caressing his full balls.
Next came the garter, Bucky’s least favorite part. You relished in it, watching the softness of his belly tighten and struggle to fit under the unforgiving straps. You snapped the waistband across his belly, Bucky whining and shaking his head. Palming his tummy you questioned, “Did you get get hard when Dugan mentioned you’d packed it on?”
Bucky’s red cheeks grew wet with tears as he sniveled, “N-no! God no, I w-was so embarrassed!” You surveyed his twitchy blues while you slid up the stockings and clipped them to the ill fitting garter. He kept looking down and away as if he was going to escape. You knew what that meant. Liar.
“Uh-huh baby, just say you like being my greedy plump housewife and I think you’d feel better.”
Click click.
The buzzing grew louder.
Bucky’s legs snapped open as he howled in ecstasy, hands pulling and ripping at anything in grasp. He sobbed, “S’not tr-true! M’gonna go train with Johnson.” He shivered and mewled again at the sensation of the vibrator. You cocked your head in amusement, crawling to sit between his thick thighs.
“I know you will baby,” you teased.
You upped the vibrator to the final setting, watching Bucky seize and wail helplessly. Your own pussy tightened more and leaked at the sight of the brunette’s panties growing a darkened stain. Your belly was awash with heat, could you actually cum from watching this? Poor Buck was huffing and squirming, unable to do anything but take it. You nibbled at his chest cooing, “S’that feel good? Color baby?”
“Green mmmm- oh god yes,” he yelled.
You didn’t want to give that unspeakable German bastard any credit but whatever he dosed Buck up with in Azzano did make your husband eager to cum as much as possible. Rolling with the punches, one would say. You cleared the thought by rambling dirty nonsense.
Detaching your mouth from a puffy nipple you cooed, “What’s gotten into ya’ baby? Being so good for me. Such a good little slut, lovin’ Howard’s fun toy up your whore ass like that.”
Your husband was too busy drooling and agreeing in sloppy disjointed ‘yesses’. He was far gone, maybe had one em’ before the overstimulation took over. You crowded closer into his bulky frame, breath fanning over heaving lips. Bucky mewled and chased your lips, hands twitching at his sides, obedient as ever.
You indulged the needy slut and grabbed a full cheek of his while taking his mouth. Bucky cried out, “Oh! Mmph!” You licked into his open mouth, twirling your tongue with Buck’s while swollen wet lips caressed your own. Your husband shuddered and shoved himself closer, rubbing his tits against your silky negligee.
You smoothed your hands down the brunettes plush sides, purring, “I know you’re feeling s’good baby, you loving all this? I mean lookit’chu, you’re a mess baby.” Bucky made an indignant noise, squirming underneath you. He managed to pant, “Luh’ it. M’so horny.”
Sweet Jesus you’d lucked out. Bucky was the perfect whore, all for you. His watery blue eyes, achingly wide- watched yours. Cheeks red, trembly lips, sweet belly twitching. The cherry on top was his cock just pouring rivers of cum. You palmed his bulge, gasping at how soaked it was.
In a frenzy you unclipped the garter, Bucky gasping in shock. He made an inelegant, “whuh?” Flipping the garter up, your shaking hands yanked down the ruined panties. Mouth running overtime you rambled, “Baby is wet, so wet, gonna give me one big one Hm? Gonna cum all over your wife like a good slut?”
Bucky nodded frantically, eyes scrunching shut. He cried, “Wet for y-you- ah! Touch my balls, pluh-please they’re so heavy for you! Hngh!” You nodded, biting your lip in ecstasy, the buzzing of the toy echoing on and on. You palmed and held onto the swollen sac.
“Jesus fuck baby!,” you swore.
He was all hot hot hot and swollen. That wouldn’t do. You squeezed and rolled them, thumbing down the seam. Spurts of cum hit your belly, Bucky throwing his head back with a wail of your name. The Sargeant babbled, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou G’nna cum so hard for you ma’am!” He sucked in a wet sob and violently trembled.
“Yeah babydoll, I know you’re full up, c’mon Buck, be my good houseslut and paint my fancy clothes, ruin me, pretty baby,” you rambled breathlessly.
Bucky’s balls tightened and drew up under your palm, cock shooting load after load onto your negligee. You cooed and praised him through it, your own orgasm coming out of nowhere. You gripped at the soft flesh on his belly, panting through your nose. Simple excitement from the show that was your husband. Fat tears and hefty sobs tore Buck’s throat as he emptied.
You scrambled to turn off the vibrator, Bucky’s crying already growing frantic. You eased it out of him and tossed the device across the wooden floor. Bucky cried and mumbled nonsense, itching to touch you. You purred, “S’good, c’mon and touch me Buckybear. Good damn boy.” The supersoldier wrapped up tight around you, strong fingertips embedded into your flesh.
Teary eyes searched yours as he begged, “Baby, sweets, oh, lemme’ eat you out please! Want you on my face!”
You grinned, a complete mess, and nodded. You rasped, “Yeah, yeah, that’s a good boy, you deserved it.” You leaned back, bracing your elbows and spreading your legs for your needy husband. Bucky moaned, clambering onto his belly, big hands swallowing your thighs. He croaked, “Smell so good, my angel baby!”
“Have a taste Buckybear, sweet Jamie.”
Bucky lapped eagerly at your soppy pussy, eyes rolling at up the taste. He ate and sucked like his life depending on it, thick hips and thighs flexing against the hard floor. You threaded trembling fingers through his brunette locks, tossing your head back with a wanton cry. You blabbered, “S’good, keep it up baby.” Bucky shoved his tongue into your cunt, slurping and whining rudely.
So soon after your surprise orgasm, this was intense. All you could do was moan and whine your husbands name, riding his pretty fucking face. Bucky’s hands squeezed your thighs roughly, spreading you even wider. You cried, “Fuck sweetie! Yeah yeah that’s it!” He rutted harder, whining into your swollen pussy.
He suckled on your clit, interchanging with flicks of his tongue. Baby knew you like the back of his hand. Bucky looked up, adoration in his glossy eyes, slurring, “Love ya’ baby, pretty mama please please!” He slid a thick finger inside you, crooking the digit in quick motions. Your body arched and shivered, pussy convulsing and pushing out more and more slick.
Bucky gasped into your cunt, wordlessly wailing.
He’d cum— again. You curled around your husband, legs caging in his dark hair. Pleasure and overspent nerves overtook your flesh, making reality fizz away for God know’s how long.
You came to, cuddled with your baby in a heap on the floor, Bucky laying reverent kisses on your jaw. You gripped his soft cheek and pulled the sweetest man alive to your lips, moaning a raspy, “Love you.”
Later that night
“Yeah, so, Howard- I will give a glowing review.”
Howard’s brash laugh echoed on the other end of the line. He purred, “I take it Barnes enjoyed the treat?” You grinned and looked over to your husband, diligently rearranging and cleaning his gun. You giggled, “Oh very much so Stark.” Bucky barked from across the room, “What does he want?”
You laughed, “Sorry gotta go Howie, talk to you later, you scoundrel!”
Suspicious blue eyes stared at you, making you fall into a fit of giggles. Poor baby bear.
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skyliv · 2 months
nurse come help she’s out again. a bit over 2000 words of some unbelievable yapping
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4/19/18 Summary: I think this is the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. Not even Fisk and his men have listened to me like she did. Not even miss Parker gave me the light of day. For god’s sake she even asks me questions! Like she understood what I was saying! She gave me some advice on the machine before telling me about those odd jobs she’d been taking after graduating. I don’t want to hurt her… But maybe I can offer a position here.
Date: 4/26/18
Subject Notes: No change. See earlier submission.
Appointment Time: 11:00 AM.
Subject Time of Arrival: 10:16 AM.
“You’re back-” Olivia was stood at her desk, the ball already rolled beneath it. Her eyes were wide, and she dropped the familiar pen she held with a small clink. “You’re back! This is wonderful! I don’t have the meeting to discuss patenting- Or properly selling- The design until tomorrow, but you’ve just made my day! My entire week!”
“Yes! I’m back!“ The mutant interjected quickly.
Lucielle was much swifter with entering this time, tossing her bag into a dark steel chair across from the desk. She leaned both hands on the desktop as Olivia excitedly welcomed her, rocking on both feet as the long sealskin tied around her waist swished in tandem. That nearly crooked smile of hers stretched between peppered cheeks.
“I thought you would’ve been long gone after even the first appointment,” Olivia stretched an arm over the desk, a hand coming to rest on Lucielle’s shoulder with a small shake. “You’re the best subject I’ve ever had.”
The mutant’s smile fell, she blinked a few times, she even felt her hands loosen from the edge of the desk. She had survived an onslaught of compliments at their first appointment, and she thought she fired back just as well during their second, but this hit even harder.
“Now! About you being the best,” The doctor exclaims, lifting her hands suddenly with an almost nervous flair. She turns, snickering quietly to herself, even with her brows knit together like a student contemplating a crush. “Your input on my design last time was just what I needed. Once I’m done with that whole debacle I really think I’d benefit from your ideas more often.”
Olivia began to pace, sharp clicks of her boots echoing off white tiles. She had a plan, ideas swirling in her head as she tried to pluck out the best one. She doesn’t go far, stepping back and forth behind her desk as she wrings her hands. Lucielle silently followed her movements like a rabbit who’s spotted a weasel. She’s slowed herself down, as if she wanted to be more attentive to the doctor, rather than if Olivia sucked out the room’s energy for herself.
“I have your work email, I can answer pretty much any questions.” The mutant answers sweetly, offering another smile.
Olivia stopped mid step, her right hand clutching the loose sleeve of her lab coat. She doesn’t turn her head, casting her eyes to the ground.
Lucielle butt back in, lightening her tone, “My work at the aquarium is technically only part time! I’ve still got opportunities to come over!” She straightens up from leaning, outstretching her arms with her last little argument point. The motion made Olivia smile, but she was quick to put that cold mask right back on.
“Dear… I- I really appreciate the offer,” Olivia turned back, tilting her head and holding a hand to the side of her face like she just saw a small animal. She added on to her idea at the last second, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, but I was thinking of something just a touch more permanent.”
Silence weaves between them. Lucielle swallows her pride as worry creeps into her thoughts. “Like a job?”
Olivia deflates, taking a deep breath. “Precisely.. It wouldn’t be much! I assure you that it’d be just a part-time lab assistant position.” Lucielle nodded along before stepping back. She scoops up the strap of her bag before taking a seat.
Sure the chair is large, it surely isn’t a regular office chair. She sits politely, hands clasped in her lap with the satchel behind them. Small slits slice into the metal near the edge of the armrests, above her shoulders, and further down near her ankles, but she doesn’t say a word, except-
“Did you want to discuss the position now?”
Olivia turns back, tensing up and looking down at the mutant. Her lips parted as she tried to say something, to warn her, but she pushed those thoughts down. She isn’t used to being shocked, she always needs to know the outcome of a situation. A beast can’t adapt immediately to new circumstances, especially not when it’s tempted with a smaller creature below it.
“I… Hm.. I’m not in charge of that- I mean, this can count as our interview! I’ll give you a good name with that department.” The was the faintest hint of quivering in Olivia’s voice, but she clears her throat and gets back to work. “There’s a front desk at the lobby, they’ll get you some papers and you can talk to someone about your hours..”
Lucielle smiled once more, gentle fingers fidgeting with her bag’s silver zipper. “That sounds perfect, but..” She glanced down for just a moment, “Will I be working with you? I know that’s an odd question but you had brought up wanting some help and I think-“
“Yes.” The doctor confirmed enthusiastically. That touch of worry was long gone, and she was back to the frantic joy everyone saw her with. “Not always!” She adds to try and levy her excitement, “You’ll probably be bouncing between the projects that need an extra set of hands.. But for the most part, if I need you I’ll contact you around a day before..”
Lucielle let out a quick breath of relief at the confirmation. “Ok, alright! Since, you know, I’d rather stick by someone I like.” She sits back up, foot tapping on the floor. It was like a game to the women, bouncing the complements they’ve always wanted between each other. Olivia snickers, holding a hand up in front of her mouth with the rolled up sleeve of her coat swinging to her elbow.
“That’s sweet of you, hun,” She replied under her breath, before finally approaching, rounding the desk and dropping her hands, “Far, far too sweet. Who knows! Maybe working with some big terrible villain will snap you out of it.” Olivia waves a hand dismissively, stepping up to the chair and leaning an elbow on its tall back. Lucielle looked up, hair falling to her back as Olivia’s fell forward.
“Not much can scare me after working with Jameson,” The mutant teased as she crossed her legs. Her pelt tied around her waist almost mirrored the movement, covering that thigh like a blanket. “I’ll be fine, I’ll talk whoever’s up front when I go to leave.”
In a moment only accented with a smug smile, Olivia brought her free hand over to ruffle the mutant’s thick hair. It was a quick move, one that neither of them could’ve thought through. Lucielle seems to wince, her shoulders rising as her nose scrunches like an animal’s snout. Olivia just laughs, barely lifting her hand and leaning herself and her head down to the mutant’s level. Lucielle’s brows knit together, and she looks up with wide eyes full of surprise.
“That’s perfect, Lucielle! Or, can I call you ‘Luce’? It’s probably easier to call out if I need your attention. ‘Lucy’ sounds too basic, I mean it’s cute and all but it’s not really my style.” The doctor tapped her fingers on the chair as she spoke. She took her left hand away from the mutant’s hair, almost hesitant to cease the petting, but it drifts down to a nearly invisible panel in the steel side.
“I- I guess ‘Luce’ is fine, but you don’t want to just jump into me having a nickname, right?” The selkie chimes in. The proximity was a lot, just as it was during their first appointment. Although, it wasn’t as petrifying as it would have been with anyone else. It makes her freeze up, it makes her face feel warm and her head spin.
Olivia has to hold back another chuckle, gentle creases forming at the ends of her eyes as she smiles. It’s a sweet sight, it’s so human- But Lucielle can’t dwell on it before Olivia flips open the seat’s panel and deftly flips a small silver switch.
It happens nearly instantly, the thick steel restraint snaps up through a slit in the metal and over Lucielle’s ankle right above her shoe. She yelps in surprise, quickly trying to tug her foot out and pushing her shoe down. Her heart had skipped, and its beating sped up. It doesn’t take much to scare her, but this took the cake.
Olivia leans closer, her head just inches away from the seat’s little cushion as she sized the other woman up. “Surprise,” She practically sneers. With her right hand on the chair’s armrest, she buckles forward in sharp laughter, a sound that causes Lucielle to cut her struggling short and freeze up. Even if the sudden surprise scared her, a soft blush rose to her cheeks.
“D’you like it?! It’s a new model. Stops any Spiders… If I ever get ahold of one.” Olivia just continues and nearly trips over her words, before straightening herself up and fixing her glasses. She looks down, eyes narrowing with her smile, at the mutant trying her best to calm down.
“I’m- I’m not Spider-Man though!” Lucielle barks, sitting up and still trying to weasel her way out, “I’d say I’m the easiest mutant to wrangle-“
“I know! Just- I just wanted to see if you’d go along with it. You should stay on your guard if you’re wanting to work here,” That was mostly a lie, Olivia just thought it’d be funny. She doesn’t get volunteers, especially not one she found cute, so she clearly overestimated.
Lucielle jolts to stand when Olivia flips the switch once more, letting the restraint deactivate with a small hiss. She’s swift to brush down her skirt and the pelt tied around it, nearly tripping as she got up. “I’m perfectly fine with my guard down! I’m sure I’ll do fine here.”
“Alright,” Olivia nods, an almost sarcastic lilt to her voice, turning as the mutant steps around the chair. She props her left arm on the chair’s top before continuing, “I believe that.”
Lucielle mirrored that action, albeit subconsciously, and rested her cheek on her palm. A barely crooked smile spreads across her face, even she’s surprised at her own reaction to the chair. Olivia rolls her shoulders, and her eyes, before her darkened smile grows gentle.
“Sorry, Luce,” Almost ten minutes into deciding on a nickname, it already slid off her tongue like it was meant to occupy her mind. “I should’ve waited for the fifth or sixth week.” Olivia turned back to her desk, dragging her hand across the seat one last time.
“What? No! I’m not mad,” Lucielle trails along, like a puppy found at the side of the road, “I get the Doc Ock stuff, like I said, I can survive!”
Olivia grins when she spins back around behind her desk. She drops down into a little spinning stool, resting her elbows on the glass surface and clasping her hands. It’d be borderline devious if anyone else saw. The selkie puts her palms on the cool desk, idly mimicking herself during their first meeting. She has to look down at the seated doctor, a welcome change to that five inch difference.
In a moment even she couldn’t explain, Lucielle just lets her thoughts pour out. “I like you enough, you don’t even have to pay me.”
Olivia’s head dips down, her forehead hitting her hands as she giggles. “Dear! I wouldn’t deprive you of money!” She waves a hand as Lucielle opens her little bag, in search for her phone. “You can see the front desk about your pay, you don’t even have to worry about coming in next week.”
Lucielle looks back up, gentle hand pulling out the phone as she glances down to check the time and a notification she had received. She’d been there longer than she expected, and her eyes widened before she looked back. She steps back and points with a clawed finger, “Don’t even think about cancelling that appointment.”
The mutant quickly zips her bag back up, and fixes how it lays over her shoulder. Olivia’s smile is infectious, even when Lucielle was already grinning along. She walks backwards to the door, adding again, “I’ll be earlier though, if that’s alright.. But, I wanted to ask: Do you have a coffee shop you want? I can pick something up.”
Olivia dropped her hands, face slackening at the sudden request. “What? I- hah-“ She’s clearly shocked, a hand running through her hair as she stammers, “No, of course not, besides I wouldn’t make you do that!”
Lucielle smiles, and gives a small shrug. But she doesn’t leave just yet, lingering by the door as Olivia recollects herself.
“I… I usually just get black tea from the cafeteria.. If you tell them it’s for me you won’t have to pay..”
The selkie has to stop herself from giggling. “Then, it’s a date!” She turns to open the door, taking a moment with her free hand hovering over the slit. One wave, and they slide open.. She just didn’t want to embarrass herself anymore.
“See you then, doctor.”
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wearepaladin · 7 months
I've been thinking about how in a lot of fictional cosmologies, deities become stronger the more people believe in them, and it's led to me kicking around the idea of a sufficiently experienced paladin beginning to operate under the same idea.
Paladins are already powered by their own belief in their oaths and ideals, but what if, through their own legendary deeds, some of their power starts to come from the people who believe in them?
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Sooner or later every hero whose actions have prompted the world under their protection to empower them, to go through this moment of recognition that what I defend is what strengthens me how much this is a siphoning of belief into power or just the simple truth that love and the desire to help those we care for is semantic: ultimately, it’s an indication that we are never alone.
To go back to reality and how this can apply your day to day, I’m going to reference one of my personal heroes, Dr. Jonas Salk. Salk, when he created the polio vaccine, didn’t consider it a triumph that he was solely responsible for for, but that he was the tip of the pen and sword applied in the defense of mankind, all the effort and hope applied in protecting people from this disease. He the went around and refused to patent it for the sake of the collective good.
Whether you’re a Paladin, a doctor, a regular guy, you’re as likely to be the hands of gods fueled by many hearts for a truer purpose. And that, I think, is the core of what you mean to say.
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in media res
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57367708 by webss312 “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Steve said, mildly. “Pete and I got hot dogs. That’s it.” “Pete?” Tony emphasized, jaw dropping at the sheer audacity. “Since when do you use nicknames for people?” “I call Bucky by nicknames.” Steve pointed out. “I called the kid ‘Pete’ first,” Tony said, narrowing his eyes. “Stop trying to steal my shtick. Get your own.” “You don’t own the nickname, Tony.” Steve looked amused as he said it. “I can own whatever I want, I’m a billionaire,” Tony replied, already running through the legal process in his mind of how he could possibly patent a nickname. He’d have to ask Pepper. These were dire circumstances. He refused to have his own personal intern usurped by someone wearing the carbon polymer equivalent of Uncle Sam’s tighty-whities. —- OR: The media gets one image of Steve and Peter getting hot dogs together and runs with it, assuming that Peter is Steve’s secret son. Tony takes great insult to this fact. Tony Stark does not like being one-upped by people stealing his personal intern. Least of all by Captain America. He has a reputation to uphold, after all. Words: 4548, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Friday (Marvel), Michelle Jones (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Teen Peter Parker, Sassy Peter Parker, Steve Rogers Being a Little Shit, Oblivious Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Jealous Tony Stark, not really he's mostly just salty, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Friendship, Social Media, the internet ships stony, and peter is doing absolutely nothing except fueling it on purpose, Misunderstandings, Michelle Jones is a Little Shit (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes is So Done, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, FRIDAY is a little shit, Snarky Friday (Marvel), BAMF Peter Parker, Snarky Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers Friendship, Not Canon Compliant, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Happy Ending, Avengers Family, Domestic Avengers read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57367708
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