#what if sasuke becomes blind
skyahri · 6 months
Blind |Naruto Men X Uchiha!Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju
Summary: How they handle their partner losing their sight due to the effects of the Mangekyo Sharingan.
Warnings: Mentions of fem, but not very relevant. Mentions of war and loss of sight.
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Kakashi Hatake
He knew the day would come when the Sharingan would take your vision, but he didn't know it'd be so soon.
There were no other eyes available to you at the moment, so eternal was not an option.
Not that'd you do it anyway. It was highly against your beliefs to partake in the Uchiha nonsense that was eye swapping.
Something that drew Kakashi towards you in the first place.
You'd been preparing for this day since you first awakened your mangekyo.
You'd memorized the layout of your apartment, practiced roaming the village in a blind fold, and learned braille.
You'd been coping well, Kakashi... not so much.
He couldn't deal with the knowledge that you'd sacrificed your vision for the sake of the village.
You'd given up everything during your years as a shinobi, and this was the icing on top of the cake.
He'd watch you every day.
Watch you drag your hands across the walls of your apartment. Watch you walk a bit too far past the stall in the market. Watched you struggle to do simple things like grocery shopping.
Over time, you'd become worse and worse at eye contact, and that ate him alive.
There were no more longing looks or sneaky glances. Even your attempts to appear as if you could see were slowly declining, and it dampened his mood every time.
He felt as if he'd failed you. If only he'd been stronger, you wouldn't have had to overuse your doujutsu.
But he stayed quiet because you seemed happy. You were alive and safe and happy, and that's all he could ask for.
Shikamaru Nara
After the war, your vision had completely vanished. There were no blurry shapes or deaf perception problems because there was simply no sight.
There was no time to prepare. You hadn't planned on having to use the mangekyo so much in battle, and the price was astronomical.
He tried to help where he could, but you were being stubborn, constantly rejecting any aid he tried to provide.
"Just let me-"
"I told you I can do it myself."
"No, you can't, just let me-"
And that's when he felt the sobs rack through your body. Tears quickly fell down your face and your hands couldn't keep up.
He sighed and forced everything out of your hands.
"I can't do anything anymore."
"That's not true."
You scoffed, a bitter laugh leaving your lips.
"I can't go grocery shopping or cut fruit or put dishes away without running into everything or breaking something or,"
"Give it time. It'll get better."
"Two weeks ago, I was a shinobi. Today, I'm just a blind girl who can barely feed herself."
Shikamaru wasn't sure what to do. Strategy was easy becausebit was all factual. Feelings, though? So many variables he didn't know where to start.
He confided in Kakashi at some point, but wasn't too pleased with the advice he got it.
"Let her figure it out. She's a smart girl."
Despite thinking it was a stupid suggestion, he listened.
Slowly, over time, you'd regained your confidence and became the capable person you had previously been.
Doesn't stop Shikamaru from uncharacteristically babying you sometimes, though.
Sasuke Uchiha
He offered you his eyes, but you declined.
You weren't fond of Uchiha tradition despite being raised by it. Taking his eyes just felt like you'd be starting the new age Uchiha clan off on the wrong foot.
So you chose blindness.
It was difficult at first, but you quickly learned to get around and help yourself with little to no issue.
You'd gone from stumbling around the kitchen to making yourself breakfast within a few months.
Living with out sight wasn't too bad, and you'd grown accustomed to it. You felt like you'd made the right decision.
Until your first son was born.
It wasn't the parenting aspect that you found difficult, it was the emotional one.
When Sasuke told you your son looked just like Itachi, you knew you'd have to see for yourself.
So, you allowed Sakura to do the transplant.
Within seconds after the bandages were off and you had time to adjust to light, your sight was fully restored.
Sasuke brought in your baby, and wouldn't you know it? He looks exactly like Itachi.
The sharingan is based on strong emotions, yeah? Maybe you can base it on love in the new Era.
Naruto Uzumaki
Unlike the others, Naruto finds the whole eye transplant thing horrendous.
"What do you mean by that, huh? You freaks just trade eyes like around? That's the worst thing I've ever heard."
Although he wasn't happy with your newfound loss of sight, he wasn't one to label anything as a downside.
A setback? Sure. Negative? Never.
Hes overall very patient about it, even if in the moment he gets a little ahead of himself.
He's always forgetting that you're blind, so he'll ask you to look at things all the time.
"Hey, what's this?"
You just shrug. He may or may not bring your hand to the object to get a feel, but he mostly just gets embarrassed and drops it.
It honestly hadn't really dawned on him until he asked you to go train with him and you'd refused.
Sure, you could overtime work yourself up to be a shinobi again, but at this point in your life, that just wasn't the dream anymore.
Madara Uchiha
He thinks you're being stupid.
This world is all about power and you're choosing to be blind?
You may be his wife, but he ignores you for quite some time after you make it clear there will be no eternal in your future.
It's an easy justification for him; he doesn't mingle with the weak.
Life gets pretty lonely after he decides to completely shut you out. Yeah, he sees Hashirama and makes his round through the compound, but it's not the same.
It isn't until he sees you in the village, going about life as you had months ago, that he starts to think maybe he was too hasty.
After all, he had married you for many reasons, and a big one was how skilled you were at adapting.
That night, when he finally returns home, he decides to sleep in your marital bed, not in the guest room.
The next day, he joins you for breakfast.
He came home early from his duties for the first time in a while.
He even started speaking to you once again.
You don't say anything right away. You know how he is about changing his mind, and you aren't willing to push your luck.
Things slowly get better over the span of a few weeks, and that's when you decide it's time to question him.
"I take it you've come to terms with my decision?"
"Of course not. I still think you're a fool."
Just the answer you'd expect.
"But I have missed you dearly."
You smile at him.
Hashirama Senju
The eternal was never something either of you had considered, so when your vision eventually dulled, it was fully expected.
Times were peaceful at the moment, so he had no need to worry for your safety.
You were almost always near someone willing to lay their life down for you- himself, Tobirama (reluctantly), or Madara - so there truly was no need to stress.
He helped as much as he could while also attending to his duties as Hokage.
Unlike Naruto, he had true patience. He happily held your hand every step of the way.
It wasn't long before your life was back on track, no longer burdened by the anxiety that came with cluelessness.
While Hashirama had preferred it never come to this in the first place, he was happy that things had worked out as best as they possibly could.
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comikadraws · 2 months
sasuke was going to genuinely plan out a genocide and it wasn't something he said in a fit of rage, right?
Was Sasuke Uchiha genocidal?
(2k words of analysis, manga screenshots, and other resources)
To refresh everybody's memory, Sasuke's plan was to destroy Konoha and everybody in it. Not that he actually did but those were his own words.
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Now we can interpret this in two ways
Sasuke is blinded by rage and would, in a hypothetical scenario, act on his words (Sasuke is genocidal)
Sasuke is being dramatic and/or would get cold feet when confronted with the scenario (Sasuke is not genocidal)
In my opinion, the first scenario is far more likely to occur and the second lacks sufficient evidence to reasonably rule out that Sasuke is genocidal.
>>Analysis under the cut<<
Let's establish a few things before we begin. But feel free to skip to the next headline.
First, I will judge attempted crime as harshly as committed crime. Since this is not real life, there is no need to reward incompetence or luck. Either way, the focus of this discussion is Sasuke's intent and resolve.
Second, fictional characters don't exist in flesh and blood but as part of a narrative. This means that a character's decisions and psychology heavily depend on the author's intent.
Third, I love Sasuke's character. Do not misunderstand this as hate. This is an analysis of Sasuke's psychology and actions. He has been wronged in horrific ways and deserved better, but that won't make me sanitize his character.
Fourth, the red links are context links, linking back to my own posts. I highly recommend reading them.
The Sincerity of Sasuke's Death Threats
Sasuke rarely jokes around or speaks from a place of uncertainty or dramatics. He says he'll kill Danzo? You bet he does. He says he'll kill Itachi? He does. He says he'll kill Naruto? He tries that as well. Granted, two of these deserved to die (from Sasuke's POV) but what matters here is that Sasuke's threats are meant to be interpreted as sincerity rather than hyperboles.
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Not that Sasuke never goes back on his words though, as is the case with the ending (although it is arguably a character inconsistency). The one of the few other time he takes back a threat (chapter 177) it is not a direct threat but an implied one that is based on a hypothetical.
Back then he reconsiders his words - but not really because he retroactively notices he didn't mean them but rather because Kakashi pulls an uno-reverse on him. Afterward, he has 3-4 years to spend on introspection only for him to repeat his threat in chapter 416. Sasuke readiness to induce harm to innocents does not appear to be spontaneous or ill-considered.
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Sasuke generally hesitates every now and then. Like when he ends up sparing Naruto after he is knocked unconscious. Or sparing Dosu because Sakura begs Sasuke to stop.
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But those moments occurred at an entirely different point in Sasuke's character arc at which he is rapidly bouncing back and forth between cruelty and mercy. More on that later.
The Devolvement of Sasuke's Morals
Sasuke acts entirely differently after the truth reveal. His morals have visibly changed for the worse. Perhaps it becomes the most apparent when comparing chapter 8 to chapter 481. Whereas Genin Sasuke would once help and support his teammates if they could not keep up on their own, a teenage Sasuke disposes of them.
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This kind of development first occurs as early on as chapter 56 when Sasuke decides that growing stronger (ends) justifies carrying a curse mark (means). He is on a steady moral decline afterward, first willing to sacrifice his loyalties (Orochimaru), then uninvolved bystanders (Killer B, the other Kage, other shinobi, and samurai), and finally, a friend (Karin) all in pursuit of his goals. It is utilitarian in nature.
Also, please let's not discuss the validity of killing soldiers. We have already dealt with this question during Waves Arc and later when Itachi died. From Sasuke's and other characters' POV (and as evidenced by chapter 343), dehumanizing and discarding a person just for being a soldier on the wrong side is wrong.
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What happened to Sasuke over time is, of course, a character arc. A corruption arc, to be specific. Let's make a quick trip.
A character arc is initiated by some sort of trigger event. If said event lies between a version A and B of a character, chances are that their sympathy, competence, or proactivity have become incomparable to each other. This is why a 13-year-old version of Sasuke (pre truth reveal, which is his trigger event for this specific arc) does not inform us about the workings of a 17-year-old version.
Before this triggering event, Sasuke is also in the midst of a turning point in his arc, hence the indecisiveness about killing Naruto. You can view this in parallel to the Hero's Journey's "Refusal of the Call" during which Sasuke is still hesitant about the road he is taking until the triggering event makes the decision for him.
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Now, back to Sasuke's morals. Personally, I believe what stands at the helm of Sasuke's corruption arc is a decrease in self-awareness and a growing lack of empathy.
There's a certain hypocrisy to Sasuke's decision-making. Sasuke is grieving a brother but then attacks somebody else's brother. He is enraged about Konoha discarding Itachi as a tool but will then proceed to abandon his own comrades (Team Taka). He condemns the genocide committed against the Uchiha but then plans a genocide of his own. Injustice is only injustice if inflicted on Sasuke but not if caused by Sasuke.
This does not compare to a younger Sasuke, who uses his own trauma to understand and connect with others and to discern right from wrong. Sasuke is capable of empathizing with Naruto because he is lonely (like himself) and Sasuke finds Orochimaru "disgusting" for viewing humans as mere tools (like a genocidal Itachi). But, over the course of his arc, his trauma instead turns into a weapon to distance himself from others.
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The in-universe reason for this change is likely that Sasuke's mind is fully occupied with his own grief and rage. He is blinded by it, so much so that he no longer has the mental space to accommodate other people's pain and suffering.
There is also a narrative device to this, usually applied in the "darkest hour", such as "Batman Grabs a Gun". The purpose is to draw attention to the severity of the situation while also providing more depth to a character by giving them an underlying layer (their emotions/struggles/etc.) beneath their facade (their morals/reputation/etc.).
In Sasuke's case, this is used to highlight his grief for Itachi which is greater than any moral principle Sasuke has.
Intensity and Duration
So, Sasuke is definitely blinded by his rage. But is it a "fit"? I suppose that this is a matter of definition.
Sasuke's hatred for Konoha appears to be a constant. It doesn't change. It doesn't lessen. Not after a couple of hours and not after a couple of days.
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To me personally, due to its duration, this is no longer a fit of rage but a mindset - one that Sasuke seems to wholeheartedly believe in.
Regardless of this, we have no indication that Sasuke's rage would lessen anytime soon. On the contrary, actually. Sasuke claims that his hatred has only grown since then.
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The question we now have to ask is whether or not Sasuke would be able to rein in his rage in time to spare innocent lives. Alternatively, and combined with Sasuke's willingness to kill his own teammates, it is entirely possible that Sasuke's rage would power through, as it did for approximately 300 chapters in canon.
The Attempts
Now, the most damning argument I have to offer is that Sasuke was already intending to make his genocide plans a reality (or take steps to do so) on three occasions. Twice during the Summit Arc and once during the War Arc.
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On all three occasions, the reason why his plans don't come to fruition is because Sasuke gets sidetracked or stopped outright.
In addition, there are three other problems slowing him down. Right in chapter 416, Kisame explains that Sasuke is not strong enough to fight the entire village - even with Taka's help but even more so without them. This conflicts with Sasuke's belief that Taka likely won't approve of his genocide plans or should not be involved for other reasons (which is why Sasuke pretends in front of them). He both needs Taka and has to get rid of them.
Later on, Naruto declares that he will always be there to defend Konoha against Sasuke. My interpretation of this is that Sasuke not only honors his bond with Naruto but also recognizes that fighting Konoha and Naruto simultaneously is not strategically wise - hence he needs to defeat Naruto beforehand.
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First Attempt
Sasuke takes Team Taka with him, believing them to be necessary backup. Then Obito intervenes who both threatens Sasuke and gives him the wrong impression that Konoha is "no more" - either fully eradicated or too weak to defend itself.
This might erase the need for Taka as Konoha is weakened significantly and Danzo can be targeted separately from the village.
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Second Attempt
In the meantime, Sasuke kills Danzo. As explained by Kisame, a greater conflict with the entirety of Konoha is inevitable if you aim at major political leaders.
On his second attempt, he has coincidentally already managed to abandon the entirety of Team Taka, just as planned in chapter 416. But this time, before he can go to Konoha, he instead encounters Team 7. As explained previously, Sasuke soon realizes that he cannot destroy Konoha before killing Naruto. And before that, he needs to get his eyes fixed. This results in Sasuke's withdrawal from the fight.
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Third Attempt
On his third try, the one in which he decides to target Naruto first, he instead gets sidetracked by the appearance of Itachi on the battlefield.
"Sidetracked" doesn't mean "giving up" or "displaying disinterest" in a different goal. Otherwise, Sasuke's training under Orochimaru for 3-4 years would be proof of his disinterest in killing Itachi. Sasuke is simply prioritizing urgent matters and acting strategically.
Now, all of this "getting sidetracked" might sound a little convenient. But the question is "convenient for who?"
It is of course possible that Sasuke is openly searching for excuses because he doesn't truly want to eradicate Konoha, making him a harmless villain. The other explanation is that Kishimoto was the one looking for excuses.
In a conversation, @theheirofthesharingan pointed out that Sasuke is being "saved by the narrative" ie. plot armor. Though not in the sense that he is being protected from harm but rather that he is being protected from inflicting harm, probably as an extension of Konoha's own plot armor. This also ensures that Sasuke remains "redeemable" and likable to the audience so that Naruto can fulfill his goal of bringing him back to Konoha.
As I said in the beginning, there is a huge mountain of evidence suggesting that Sasuke not only fantasized but would've acted on his revenge plans against Konoha. This is because
We know Sasuke to be a non-dramatic character who doesn't easily back away from his own words.
Sasuke is on a corruption arc, his morals declining far enough to kill a friend. It seems unlikely that he'd draw the line at a stranger.
From a writing point of view, continuing Sasuke's corruption arc makes more logical sense unless he experiences another trigger event. It also further highlights Sasuke's pain.
Sasuke has repeated his goal multiple times over, leading me to believe that his mood wouldn't change soon enough for Sasuke to second-guess himself.
Sasuke has taken steps towards the fulfillment of his goal. It is entirely possible that, if Konoha didn't have plot armor, Sasuke would've found the right time to destroy the village eventually.
Of course, Sasuke's morals are not entirely gone, as we can see when he refuses to join Kabuto (though potentially just because Kabuto antagonizes Itachi). It is still entirely possible that Sasuke would've gotten cold feet when physically confronted with the task of killing innocent civilians. But this possibility is hardly entertained by any of the characters and Sasuke himself doesn't seem conflicted about his plans. It seems like Kishimoto intended for Sasuke to be genocidal, most evidence pointing toward this reading of his character.
I certainly have my opinions on this matter but, like always, this is a matter of interpretation.
Debating me is fine. I like to discuss my favorite characters. But screenshotting, blocking me, and then attacking me behind my back (and without having ever interacted with me) in a new post is a no-go for obvious reasons.
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
*after a day of training* Kakashi: Great job, kids! Your endurance is getting better and your techniques are becoming more concise and refined. In another couple of weeks you should be able to -- Sasuke: Why are you standing there lying? I'M doing a great job. MY techniques are improving. *points at Naruto* This guy is still the same loser you started training months ago. Naruto: Shut up, Sasuke! You've got those cheater-eyes! ANYTHING you do is easy when you have eyes that do everything for you, dattebayo! Sasuke: Tsk; even blind-folded I could train circles around you. Dobe. Naruto: Oh, yeah?! Well - *the two get into a heated argument while Kakashi and Sakura stand off to the side* Sakura: You know, I've been thinking, and I think I know a way to end this constant fighting. Kakashi: Do whatever you have to do, child. Those two are getting on my last nerves. Sakura: Oi! You guys! Remember that time you kissed at the academy? Sasuke, blushing: You mean the time HE attacked ME for no reason? Naruto, also blushing: I didn't attack you, I got pushed into you! I'd n-never kiss you on purpose like that! Sakura: But what if you did? What if you guys DID kiss on purpose? Who do you think would be better? Naruto: Me, of course. Sasuke just sat there like a tree last time! Sasuke: Yeah, well, your mouth tasted like miso and spoiled milk! Naruto: Doesn't matter; I'd STILL be better than you! Sasuke: No you wouldn't!! Naruto: Oh, yeah?! *grabs Sasuke and kisses him* Take that, asshole! Sasuke: What the hell? That was TERRIBLE! A GOOD kisser knows to do it softer, and more gentle, like ... *takes Narutos face between his hands and gives him a demonstration* Naruto, blushing fiercely: T-that still wasn't great, Sasuke. You need to put some force behind your lips, like -- *kisses him to show him what he means* Sasuke: W-well ... well you didn't touch my face or my hair or anything! It needs to be more like -- *the two go quiet as they demonstrate different techniques on each other* Sakura, to Kakashi: See? What'd I tell you? Kakashi: Kakashi, tearing up and patting Sakura's head: You truly are my favorite student ...
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
I once read a fic but now can’t find it where Sasuke time traveled into his child self and seduced Itachi and they ended up having sex and Itachi felt so guilty he killed himself. The bad ending sucks let’s change that.
I could totally see Tim doing that with one of his brothers but please a happy ending!
ohmy god ohmygod that fic sounds incredible!!!! and also something seems so oddly fitting for an emotionally and mentally traumatized person like sasuke to do. and for tim? it fits perfectly.
tim suffers a lot of loss as a result of becoming robin and he never quite stops losing things. even when he gets back bruce. steph, kon, and bart. their relationships are never the same. tim can never fully bring himself to forgive steph and eventually she grows resentful of his lack of trust. bruce drifts further not just from tim but all of them. kon and him just never have a chance to bounce back and same with bart. it hurt to know they outgrow each other. tim takes more hits and more losses.
he feels desperatly alone.
the distance between him and dick is the worst. tim wasn't angry anymore, didn't hurt anymore over the things they both said and did after they thought bruce died. but he's still never able to bridge that gap with dick. dick who had always been there who had been the steady prescense and older brother that took his side when bruce would get on his ass about something.
the loss of dick hurts the worst. even when he tries dick never sheds the bit of awkwardness around tim like he doesn't know how to act with him.
tim has nothing. has no one. so when he's fighting some villain that booster gold and flash had given a strict warning about, maybe he's not being as careful as he could be.
but it doesn't matter. because what was tim trying so hard for anyway. it's not like anyone would be waiting for him when he awoke in the medbay.
only tim doesn't wake up in the medbay, there's no heart monitor beeping in his ear, no triple filtered air or the scent of sanitizer in the nose.
when tim wakes up he's disoriented, blinking brings a wave of vertigo and turning on his side in case he has to vomit makes it worse. tim clenches the sheets under him in a white knuckle grip as the room spins, powering through the dizziness for what feels like hours until it stops.
tim is small. his voice is squeaky, it hasn't even dropped. his hands are soft and his body is a little pudgy from his love of vending machine snacks. he's in his dorm room. his old dorm room from when his parents would still ship him off to boarding school, before he'd spent weeks begging them to let him attend the local public school in gotham so he could begin his training as robin.
tim's uniform is hanging over his desk chair. his desk is littered with candy and snack wrappers and half finished homework. textbooks are lazily spread around the room and tim's old posters of punk and edgy celeberties he desperatly wanted to be were being held up by thumbtacks.
tim is certain it's a hallucination. a very good one. but as his socked feet sink into the pukey colored carpet and he follows the sound of the other boys on his floor banging on doors and then running away laughing when it's pulled open, he becomes less sure.
tim is trained to spot false realities b4ought on by illusion, drugs, or magic. tim didn't want to brag but he was the best at it. he held the unofficial record among the bats as being the fastest to break out of the effects of fear toxin.
tim was just good at knowing his own mind. and tim knew...there was no way his mind conjured this up. the detail, the realism. things tim had completely forgotten about come rushing back as his eyes landed on them.
tim lets himself feel the horror, the devastation, the pain, and hopelessness of the situation he's found himself in for a minute. just a minute.
and then he gets to work.
tim was not like the other leaguers, the other heroes, the other people that had fucked around in time, blind to the consequences.
tim was different. he'd weighed the risks. he'd had a week where he'd been in a bad spot mentally and gone through...everything. it helped that he'd had use of an 'odds' calculator that weighed probability in a time line and had used it...just to see if what he suspected was true. it was. it hurt his feelings but it gave him the answers he'd needed to hear. tim hadn't kept that device around. he'd dismantled it and then dumped every piece in a different city around the country.
so tim knows what to do. even knowing what it will cost him he does it because...it was what was right. tim would never be able to forgive himself if he allowed his selfishness to get in the way of what was right.
bruce had never healed from losing jason. it had broken him in a way that he'd never healed from despite tim's best efforts and jason returning....angry and hateful had made it worse.
the charity sheila haywood worked for was easy to contact. tim used the computers in the lounge of his dormitory to gather the financial documents to submit an anonymous claim about her embezzling. prison would do her good. maybe she'd even clean up her act but tim doubted it.
odds that jason todd would never have died as robin had he not gone to ethiopia?? 78.9334%
tim wasn't sure how the math worked out but the fact that jason had been killed outside of gotham never sat right with him. jason had the home field advantage in gotham. no one knew that city like he did. there was no way the joker or anyone would have ever gotten the drop on him if he'd been in gotham.
and so tim saves jason's life and bruce's sanity with the click of a button.
the next thing tim does is submit crystal brown's resume to a number of nurse manager positions in new york. she's qualified and capable with the right experience as a trauma nurse. tim doesn't even have to lie or embellish anything but his years of working closely with the hiring managers at WE certainly help her stand out. crystal caught a lot of flack from stephanie. and tim understood why. her drug addiction, her determination to stick by arthur, stephanie's career criminal father, and the fact that she'd never really protected stephanie from the worst the world had to offer. stephanie had made no secret about her resentment toward sher father. but tim didn't think she even registered the bitterness she held toward her mother.
gotham was poison. and some people never built a resistance to it. gotham weighed crystal down. it made drugs too easy to get so she could never break the habit, it made every probation or release arthur got impossible to hide from because the gotham system tracked family down for convicts so they wouldn't be on the street or clogging up the shelters. the stress of her estranged husband's release stuck her in an ugly cycle of drug use. but she'd never stolen them from her job and that's why tim makes the right moves for her.
new york was unfamiliar but similar to gotham. she'd be cut off from her usual suppliers and out of state so the gotham correctional facility and arthur wouldn't be able to reach her. she'd get better, get sober, heal, do a better job of being a mother to her daughter. steph would never become spoiler. she'd probably never forgive him but if things went right they'd never cross paths.
no spoiler meant no war games, black mask would never beat her to death, darla would never die, babs would never lose her clocktower, the civilians caught in the cross fire would never fall to gang violence.
odds of stephanie brown never becoming spoiler if she left gotham? 89.0005%
with his parents it was harder. if jason lived tim would never be robin...but that didn't mean tim would be able to stop himself from being something else. he was a vigilante through and through. but being one was what had made his father a target. it was his fault he had died.
odds of janet and jack drake dying if their son is a vigilante? 93.3333%
there was no way around it. being near him was a death sentence. and tim couldn't do that to them. but he couldn't just leave. people would ask questions. his parents would be pained if he disappeared and he'd already caused them enough hurt. it's not hard to track down the...thing that lives in the Andes mountains. the thing he and young justice had found a long time ago and left alone because it hadn't hurt anyone who hadn't asked for it. the thing tim had never made a report on because there some things he didn't trust bruce with and bruce had been...unstable back then.
tim has enough money squirreled away for the plane ticket. it's an easy process. the thing doesn't want money, has no use for it. all tim feels is a pinch as his life strands to his parents are severed. tim's baby photos in the family album, his first tooth, his basssinett growing mold in the attic, his parents memory of him being born. it fizzles to nothing like a tablet of alka seltzer dissolved in a glass of water. tim figures he had a few weeks before the school realized an extra student was in the dorms which was why tim had moved his things and an extra bedmat to a storage closet in the school attic before leaving.
when tim returns its only a few days before he finds out his parents have returned to gotham to file for divorce. he'd always figured they'd only stayed together because of him. once they started going through assets they'd probably find out about phil marrin stealing from the company while they're overseas.
while the other students are at class tim uses the computers to finish up his final act. he roughly knew damian's movements at this time due to past conversations. all it takes is some waiting and letting the league tech division believe they've successfully knocked out the cameras of a target's mansion. he zooms in on stills of damian's uncovered face alongside talia and other league members and leaves them in an 'automated' file for the police. he tips off a crooked cop who sells the images to big newspapers and the 'assasins caught breaking into ex-dictator's home!' catches like wildfire.
bruce will be intrigued about the league slipping up and will see the image of damian who looks so much like he did as a child.
odds of damian wayne being accepted by the wider hero community if he'd been taken out of the league earlier? 62.9855%
odds of damian wayne leading a normal life if he'd been taken from the league earlier? 78.5488%
odds of damian wayne being happy if he'd been taken away from the league earlier? 99.9999%
in the end tim does it for the right reasons. he'd like to believe that if his brothers were in his shoes they'd have done the same for him as well.
cassie, bart, and kon would still have each other. cass would find barbara again. helena would find a way to make it in gotham with or without the bats.
they'd be fine. they'd be fine without tim there.
but tim still needed to figure out what to do.
he essentially didn't exist. he had no family. no friends. he was alone.
it's on the announcement of bruce wayne having a child he didn't know about that tim finally breaks down.
he's won. but he's lost. he's lost. he's lost so much and nobody knew. he was a stranger. nobody. he was alone. alone. alone.
tim's not sure how but he ends up in bludhaven. his whole world is packed in a small backpack as he rides the bus to an address he's memorized several times over.
dick doesn't know him, won't recognize him, may even get angry at this child he doesn't know clinging to him.
tim doesn't care.
dick arrives home, after nearly a month away in space, to the realization that someone's been squatting in his apartment.
it could be any number of things that set off his finely tuned senses but the clues were a few specific things.
all of dick's shoes being lined up neatly by the entrance rather than a haphazard pile. one of the lined-up shoes includes a pair of light-up sketchers.
the fact that his dishes were washed and put away but a single mug was on the drying rack still dripping water.
the recently vacuumed carpet that still had lines from where the mouth of the vacuum had passed over it.
the extra toothbrush in a little cup by his sink along with the newly opened bar of soap sitting on the rim of his bathtub that had been scrubbed so well alfred would be proud.
but the thing that really drives it all home is the kid he finds sleeping on his bed.
he's a tiny thing, curled around one of dick's pillows and wearing one of his police academy t-shirts as pajamas. one of the kid's socks has been kicked off in his sleep and he's drooling when dick drops his bag and clear his throat.
turns out the kid had been living in dick's apartment for a little over a week after he left.
the whole thing makes dick feel like the rug has been pulled out from under him. normally dick would be nicer, kinder, gentler about the whole situation because a kid squatting in a stranger's apartment didn't exactly spell good things about his home life.
but dick was tired and stressed and pissed the fuck off because bruce apparently had another kid this one bloodrelated and he hadn't even bothered to tell dick about it. just like with jason he was treating dick like he was some sort of leper.
so maybe dick raises his voice a little.
but the kid doesn't flinch.
he wants to negotiate, he's willing to pay if dick lets him stay. he's already proven he can clean, he can cook too, will dick let him stay? tim can sleep on the couch, do the laundry, buy groceries, he can be useful. just will dick please let him stay?
it makes dick feel bad. the way this kid is borderline begging not to be thrown on the streets.
he can't keep the kid. in no world is that the right move. because dick wasn't equipped to take care of a kid and his life was already enough of a wreck as it was.
so dick lies. tells the kid he agrees to let him stay.
in the morning dick will call a social worker about the whole thing.
dick wakes up to the scent of pancakes and scrambled eggs prepared by little hands. dick has a moment of panic over the whole 'unsupervised kid + stove' before remembering the kid had been cooking in dick's apartment for over a month without burning it down.
dick tries getting some answers out of the kid but getting him to open up is like pulling teeth.
all dick manages to learn is his name.
tim, no last name.
and his age.
10. though dick is pretty sure he's lying about it given the slight twitch of his finger as he says it. impressively the kid has no other tells which means he's either used to people taking his words at face value or he lies A LOT.
dick tries six times to call a social worker but keeps getting interrupted by one thing or another.
somehow rather than calling about the child in his apartment he ends up at a grocery store with tim picking up a new gallon of milk to replace the expired one in his fridge.
tim walks with an odd sort of confidence he isn't used to seeing in children. he holds coupons clipped from dick's newspaper in one hand and sternly holds up loaves of bread, observing them for dents or imperfections, in the other.
his voice is soft and babyish but he speaks with a 'you should take me seriously' tone. it's odd to see coupled with his cherubic face that's wearing a red l.l bean jacket and light-up superman sketchers.
dick carries the small basket of groceries for tim and wonders how he ended up in this situation. he resolves to leave a message to the office of social work in the morning.
he does not.
days pass with dick trying but his attempts keep getting cut off, if he didn't know any better he'd think tim was sabotaging him by running interference.
after awhile dick starts getting used to his tiny roommate.
it's hard to think of tim as a kid, sometimes dick completely forgets he is. if he didn't keep bumping into tim because he forgets to look down to see him it would completely slip his mind.
but tim's company is...nice. he's easy to get along with. he's not put off by dick's bouts of anger which always manages to make him feel ashamed afterward because tim not flinching at someone throwing things and yelling does not say good things about what he's experienced in his short life.
tim is quiet and collected but with a surprising wit that manages to catch dick off guard when they watch some reality TV shows that dick pretends to his friends and family that he doesn't love.
when dick gets ready to go out as nightwing he always checks on tim who is curled asleep on the couch, breathing soft and even.
things are normal, easy.
until dick gets clipped by a gun and stumbles into his bedroom bleeding. he barely manages to reach the bed before the pain knocks him out. he comes in and out of consciousness, eyes blinking at the haze as he feels soft hands strip him and gently feel around his wound.
in the morning dick wakes up on the couch. his side is wrapped tightly and packed with bandages. there's an emptied syringe of lidocaine and an emptied bottle of sterile woundwash. dick's forehead is sweaty but not with fever. his suit is gone and he's in a fresh pair of cotton boxers. he spots tim out of the corner of his eye staring at him. his hands are covered in comically big yellow cleaning gloves and his hair is tied back with one of dick's bandanas. the gray mop bucket holding red stained rags are visible inside the soapy water.
tim's eyes are too big for his face and filled with an almost childlike look that disappears everytime dick blinks.
"your mattress is ruined"
that's all tim says about the situation. despite the fact that he most likely stripped dick of his nightwing suit and patched him up, pretty well by dick's standards, and there again came that throbbing ache at tim's unknown upbringing.
tim knows he's nightwing and somehow it doesn't change anything at all.
if bruce knew a random civilian knew his identity he'd be lecturing dick's ear off. which is why he doesn't tell him about tim.
tim is steadily becoming a permanent addition to dick's side. once he knows about nightwing dick starts talking more about that part of himself. his friends, allies, the stress, the burden, the loneliness. and tim looks at him like he understands and...it feels...it feels like he's a kindred spirit.
dick is talking to tim like he's an equal, another lost and dumb as fuck twenty-year-old and that's a mistake.
the winter hits bludhaven and it's a brutal one. the cold seeps in through the windows and floorboards. dick finds tim shivering on the couch and all but drags him to his bed where he's plugged in the heated camping blanket roy had gotten him for christmas one year.
dick returns to his apartment exhausted and cold and curling up beside a nice warm timmy that's like a hot water bottle brings a sigh of relief to his mouth. the comfort and weight of another person beside him soothes some desperatly lonely part of him screaming for attention.
in the morning tim helps him fix his gear. a manual in one hand that he seems to breezing through while muttering about everything wrong with his gear and wouldn't it be be better if it did this instead of this. dick just pats his soft head and slides him his mug of orange juice while sipping at a warm cup of coffee tim had put out for him
dick grows comfortable with tim, lots his guard down in ways he never does with other people. tim understands him. tim gets him.
tim is 10 years old and dick has to remind himself of that when his eyes linger on the soft expanse of tim's thighs peeking out from dick's shirt.
the realization that his eyes had been lingering slam dick with a discomfort so thick he almost wants to throw up.
tim is a kid. a kid, no matter how much he might act older, no matter how much dick feels like he understands him.
he and tim have been living together for a few months. there's a routine to them. and so dick knows that something has changed.
tim's hands reach for him more, they linger, he presses closer to dick in bed and when they stand next to each other in the kitchen. he sits pressed up beside him on the couch when they watch TV, watch him with big eyes when he comes out of the shower in just a towel.
dick knows a crush when he sees one. he knows he should be putting space between them, not letting tim press his soft mouth to the side of his throat when they sleep. he knows he shouldn't let tim do those things. but he doesn't stop them.
he likes the attention, the affection. he needs it, is so starved for it and tim is the only one willing to give it to him.
dick knows it's wrong, knows he shouldn't.
but dick is so lonely. and he and tim whisper together in his bed at night sometimes. and one night they're pressed close, eye to eye, mouth to mouth and dick tells tim that he's happy he's here with dick. and tim inches forward closing that one millimeter distance between them and presses their lips together. and dick doesn't stop him.
tim's little palm cups his cheek, small fingers stroking the skin as dick starts kissing back. tim's hand works between them, warm and small and drifting into dick's pants. it doesn't take much for dick to get aroused and hard as tim pumps his cock like he's done it before. tim is only in dick's shirt and some underwear.
they slide deeper under the warm covers. tim's shirt dress comes off and so does dick's. his pants are pressed down enough to expose his cock as tim wiggles out of little cotton panties.
dick is guiding their actions, experience making him take the lead as he gently presses a finger into tim's little cunt.
tim makes soft noises, whines, little moans as dick grunts and presses the fat head of his cock in, littering tim's chin and neck with reassuring kisses.
dick slides in with some resistance. the cunt around him twitches, hips under his palms writhe, tim whines in his ear.
dick is gentle, careful fucking tim. he works more and more of his cock in until he can slide all the way into tim in a single thrust.
he and tim fuck under the covers for what feel like hours. tim cums a few times around him. voice weakly gasping out his name while his cunt clenches around him. riding out his orgasm. dick cums too after awhile, the build up slow and satisfying as he lets out an 'mmn mnn' sound against tim's little tits.
dick cums deep inside, cum flooding into a little womb as his entire body clenches and tenses up.
the arousal and brain melting feeling lasts about two minutes before realizes what he's done to the small bodied child underneath him.
dick barely makes it to the bathroom before throwing up.
he's crying- sobbing actually, into the toilet when a soft hand touches his shoulder and dick half leaps out of his own skin.
he tries telling tim to get away from him for his own good but the words come out slurred and rough.
tim doesn't listen and comes closer, gentle hands touching dick's limbs and saying it was okay, that tim wanted it, that he liked it, he wasn't afraid of dick.
tim helps dick brush his teeth and guides him back to bed and dick, aching for someone to comfort him and tim doing just that follows him.
in the morning dick is miserable, self hating, and sick.
he fucked a kid. god he fucked tim.
the kid who'd been living with him, who trusted him, who had a misguided crush on him and dick had taken advantage of that.
he was a monster. he was worse than the people out on the streets who tugged kids into alleyways, at least they didn't mess with a kids mind and think they wanted it like he did tim.
tim who thought he needed to earn his place at dick's apartment. god what if the sex had been tim's idea of thanking dick for housing him?
dick could recall how tim had worked his hips back against dick, fucking down on the cock that pressed into him- that kind of move only happened with experience.
god. the thought that he hadn't been the first person to do this to tim made him sick. he'd found tim squatting in his apartment afterall, how many times had tim done that before meeting dick and how many times had people made him paying that way.
dick feels the bile climbing up his throat again as tim comes to sit beside him.
dick doesn't know what to say, what to do. he knows tim can't stay with him any longer. not after what he's done.
tim protests.
"do you think people not there won't do worse to me? I want to stay with you, i trust you."
"i raped you." dick replies quietly, weakly.
tim purses his lips.
"i wanted it."
suddenly dick feels anger and grief in equal measure come racing forward.
"you're ten years old! you can't want this! i'm the grown creep that took advantage of you! i didn't push you away even though I knew what you were doing!"
tim stares at him.
"you're still a good person dick."
a cry bursts out of dick.
"good people don't fuck children."
and there's no way around that. no changing or justifying it. that's what dick did.
"i haven't been a kid in a long time. i'm different, im...something else. but i'm not a kid."
and the thing is that dick believes him. nothing about tim screams child. he's just...tim.
tim is staring at him with those bug blue eyes. his pretty pink mouth parted. dick's shirt is hanging off his shoulder.
he's staring at tim like his eyes have the answers to the universe as he asks, "do you want me?".
the 'yes' in dick's mind is certain. he wants tim, he wants tim with him, sleeping beside him, he wants to bump into tim in the halls and wakeup to his cooking, come home from the police academy to his dinner.
but dick's body, his mind is telling him no. he can't have tim, not like this. it's wrong. it's not right. it's disgusting. he's disgusting-
but tim's palm is warm and reassuring. and tim looks so certain and sure it's like he can't see anything wrong with dick giving in.
tim always knows what he's doing. what to say. it's like he's so perfectly at peace and knows he can change anything unfavorable at the drop of a hat.
it makes dick feel...safe. safe in the way that dick used to feel when he saw batman as an untouchable man that the world couldn't reach.
so when tim asks dick to let him take care of everything, that it will be okay, that no one but them has to know about this.
tim's hands are as soft as his voice and dick leans in closer for comfort. and with his head pressed to a child's chest and little palms stroking his hair- dick agrees.
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pr1ncessasuke · 6 months
hmm. ya know. it physically hurts me that ppl vilify sasuke. but sadly I think it’s representative of the bleak aspects of reality we live in (there r good parts ofc). like. i think most ppl do want to conform and belong, it’s a natural human thing after all. but bc of this most are too afraid to have niche opinions now in fear of being canceled or outcasted. i think collectively we’ve slowly lost (or become reluctant to use) the ability to think critically about information and form our own opinions/challenge the obvious narratives/synthesize opposing themes. I’m not trying to be pretentious. but. things that aren’t framed as the obvious “good”, or diverge from the norm become villainized. and I think sasuke rly represents this oddball thing that ppl are too blinded by conformity to truly try to understand and empathize with. he won’t bend the knee. he rly just doesn’t give a shit abt what’s normal and he wants to change the system and literally everything and I think that rly bothers ppl. esp when the narrative of the series pushes the message of le love and friendship solves everything. so I think. it’s sad but this rly is a microcosm for how frustrated and pained I get about ideological and societal issues irl. and it’s hard to have an honest, respectful, and mutually curious conversation these days
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blushy-tigerrr · 8 months
Saved By The Bell - Naruto Tickle Fic
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden
Summary: During the second bell test, Naruto makes an interesting discovery about his Sensei.
Content Warning: mild language
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: it has been SO LONG since i last wrote a fic so i'm v nervous about posting this, but i am pretty proud of it! i hope you enjoy!
Naruto and Sakura ducked behind a tree, breathing heavily as they tried to recover some energy from all of the failed attempts at retrieving the bells from Kakashi. Their brains were moving a mile a minute, trying desperately to figure out a new tactic. It’s been about three years since the first time they had tried to do this, and as strong as the two of them have gotten in that time, it was still incredibly difficult. It didn’t help that the pressure was up this time as Lady Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage and Sakura’s mentor, and Jiraiya, Naruto’s mentor, were watching and evaluating their fight. With the extra amount of pressure they were feeling, the two of them couldn’t help but wonder if they had even progressed much at all.
Kakashi, however, felt the amount of growth his students had achieved. As opposed to last time they fought him like this, he wasn’t daring to let even a little bit of his guard down. He knew how much stronger Naruto and Sakura had become, and because of this, he knew he’d be defeated easily if he relaxed for even a second. Even so, he couldn’t fully keep his mind away from his new “Make-Out Tactics” book that Naruto had brought him. He’d never dare to start reading while facing opponents like these, but the desire was there, and it was strong.
Naruto sighed, his breath becoming steadier. “Man, that Kakashi is ridiculously strong. I mean, he’s smarter than Shikamaru, he has a better sense of smell than Kiba, his Sharingan is better than Sasuke’s, his Taijutsu is better than Lee’s… and he’s got way more experience than us.”
“You’re right, but even so…” Sakura interjected curiously, “even he must have a weakness.” She squinted her eyes as if to see the possibilities written out in front of her. “We just have to think about it…”
“A weakness, huh?” Naruto wondered aloud, joining Sakura and becoming deep in thought. He cycled through every fight he’s seen Kakashi in, trying to figure out what his weakness could possibly be. It was hard to find the answer with an opponent so strong. Maybe, his weakness wasn’t a physical thing, like a blind spot. Maybe… Naruto gasped suddenly. “I’ve got it!”
Sakura’s head whipped towards Naruto in surprise, her brow slightly furrowed. “Really? You know Kakashi’s weakness? Tell me!” She leaned in, prompting him to whisper so no one would overhear their plotting. Naruto stifled a giggle, playing out his ridiculous plan in his head.
“Sakura, think about it for a minute. If you really look back at all of Kakashi Sensei’s actions, you’ll know what I’m thinking of.” Naruto smirked, waiting for Sakura to think of it, too. She did think very hard, in fact. Alas, she wasn’t able to see it the way that Naruto did so clearly. He beckoned her close to him and whispered his plan into her ear. As the words left his mouth, her face switched from a confused expression into a wide, scheming smile.
“Oh, I get it now! Naruto, that’s a genius idea!” She exclaimed, feeling her hands begin to shake in excitement. “You really are the most unpredictable knucklehead ninja I’ve ever met.” Naruto growled, lightly smacking Sakura in the arm, making her laugh.
“Hey! How dare you call me a knucklehead when I just came up with that amazing plan! You said it yourself, it was genius.” He smirked, crossing his arms in a playfully arrogant way. Sakura rolled her eyes at his actions.
“No matter how many great plans you come up with, you’ll always be a knucklehead to me, Naruto.” She teased. Naruto copied her eye roll, still smirking.
“Whatever. Let’s just go before Kakashi Sensei starts getting suspicious.” He began to move noiselessly in Kakashi’s direction, Sakura close behind him. They both focused on their movements, making sure to draw no attention to themselves while also making their way through the trees as quickly as possible. Before they knew it, they were crouched behind a bush about thirty feet away from Kakashi.
Kakashi couldn’t sense their presence yet, but his guard was very much up, anticipating a sneak attack from a direction that wouldn’t be expected. He would never admit it to his two students, but he started to feel a bit nervous. He couldn’t place exactly why. All he knew is that he should be expecting the unexpected. But then he wondered, what could be so unexpected that it warranted him feeling this nervous? When he saw his two students appear from behind a bush, that was when the nerves really started to kick in. They couldn’t possibly think a head-on attack would work, could they?
“Huh… attacking me head-on like this. Are you sure that’s the best course of action?” Kakashi questioned his students, keeping his voice even as he readied his defensive stance. The two stood before him, and Kakashi couldn’t miss the eagerness in their stances. What on Earth did they have planned?
“Now, Naruto!” Sakura’s sudden exclamation prompted the two of them to jump into the air, diving slowly towards Kakashi. He couldn’t help but gain a confused look. All three of them knew that Kakashi could destroy them easily in a frontal attack like this. He stood, still ready to attack at any moment, but he watched them closely, analyzing every movement down to the tiniest muscle twitch.
“Alright, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto started to speak as they continued to descend. Kakashi cocked his head to the side slightly, surprised that he’d use a moment like this for conversational language. “At the end of ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Oh. Oh.
Those words sent a chill down Kakashi’s spine. There was no way Naruto was resorting to such a dirty trick. Spoiling the ending of the book he had just received that day? What kind of a monster did he train?! Kakashi covered his ears out of instinct, preventing himself from hearing any more of Naruto’s words. He kept his eyes locked on their movements, but then he realized…
“As it happens, the main character…” No! He could still read Naruto’s lips because of his Sharingan! His eyes clamped shut, determined not to find out any spoilers that Naruto might have known. He was also Jiraiya’s student, and he’s the author of these books, after all. It was more likely than not that Naruto knew exactly how this book went, and Kakashi would rather lose this fight than have his favorite series spoiled for him.
Kakashi felt a sudden jab at his right side, close to his hip. His eyes shot open with a gasp, as his hands flew down to protect himself from… that. Much to his dismay, the jabs kept coming one after another. He felt his face begin to flush in embarrassment as he choked back the laughter that was about to come out of his mouth. There was no way he was letting his students learn both of his weaknesses in the same day.
“Damn it, where the hell are they?!” A familiar voice mumbled to no one in particular. Kakashi looked down to see that the culprit of the pokes was none other than Naruto. He was obviously searching for something… wait. “Where are they? Where are the bells?!” Naruto’s hands kept searching as Kakashi felt his defenses begin to crumble. He inhaled deeply and held his breath. He could not, would not let this happen. Not in front of the Fifth Hokage herself.
When Naruto’s hands reached the bottom of his ribs, Kakashi felt himself involuntarily move away from the poking. This made Naruto stop what he was doing and stare curiously at his teacher. Kakashi stared back, his eyes a little bit wider than normal. His heart rate began to increase when he saw a devious glint in Naruto’s eyes. Naruto reached out to land another poke into Kakashi’s ribs, eliciting a quiet yelp from the older.
“Say, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto’s voice was lower than before, almost a growl. Kakashi swallowed, his face growing more flushed the closer Naruto gets to him. “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
Kakashi felt his breath catch in his throat hearing those words. “Now, Naruto…” His voice had a slight tremble to it, but he tried to keep his tone calm and level. “Is this really necessary? You would have defeated me just now. We don’t need to resort to such tactics.”
Naruto chuckled, stepping even closer to Kakashi with his hands reaching out in front of him. “If you’re hiding the bells from us, then I have no other choice.” He leapt at Kakashi suddenly, attaching his fingers to his sides and digging in mercilessly. Kakashi gasped, putting his hands over Naruto’s in an attempt to push them away. He gritted his teeth to prevent any laughter from slipping out of his mouth. He was determined to keep up his stoic facade for as long as possible.
“N-Naruto, this isn’t necessary. C-come on, stop this.” Kakashi’s voice came out a bit more strained than normal as he held back his laugh. As ticklish as he was, Kakashi was able to handle this spot pretty well. As long as Naruto didn’t get any other ideas, that is. Not satisfied with the reaction he was getting, Naruto furrowed his brow in deep thought.
“I think it’s very necessary, Kakashi Sensei! If you’re unfairly hiding the bells from us, I have to find them by any means.” Naruto moved his hands up to Kakashi’s ribs, scratching each finger between each of the bones. Kakashi let out a strong exhale, still holding his laughter in, but just barely. His hands still stayed on top of Naruto’s, trying to detach his fingers from his ribs. The feeling of all ten of Naruto’s fingers wiggling in between his ribs was almost too much to handle. Naruto grinned mischievously, noticing Kakashi’s face becoming more red as the tickling continued.
“You’re really not letting up? Man, I guess I have to do it, then…” Those words from Naruto made Kakashi’s stomach do a backflip. He started to squirm underneath the tickly touch, wondering what on Earth he could have possibly thought of to escalate the situation.
“Well, as I was saying before, the main character in ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Kakashi gasped, covering his ears and clamping his eyes shut once more. Damn, Naruto was much better at finding his weaknesses than he’d like to admit. “N-no! I’m not listening!” Kakashi exclaimed in a panic. What he failed to consider, however, was just how vulnerable he had made himself in this one motion. Naruto chuckled, taking the chance that was given to him. He shot his now free hands up into Kakashi’s underarms.
Kakashi’s arms came crashing down as his entire body curled in on itself. The laughter that he was fighting back finally bubbled to the surface in the form of soft, hysterical giggles. His face flushed even deeper than before, feeling embarrassed about reacting in such a way, especially in front of the people that were around. As Naruto’s fingers scratched in the sensitive spot, Kakashi couldn’t help himself but squirm even more than before.
Naruto was shocked. He had never heard Kakashi laugh like this. He didn’t even know if he’d heard Kakashi laugh at all before, so to see him reduced to a giggling mess was a hilarious sight. “Wow, Kakashi Sensei! You’re way more ticklish than I would have thought!” He continued to scratch his nails in Kakashi’s underarms, causing his teacher’s laughter to slowly get louder.
“N-Narutohoho, plehehease! This ihis soho childihihihish!” Kakashi cackled, trying half heartedly to bat Naruto’s arms away from him. Could he have gotten the kid off of him easily with one swift motion? Absolutely, but to be honest, he couldn’t remember the last time he had allowed his guard to drop this much. It had to have been years since he felt himself laugh even a little bit. As embarrassing as it all was, a bigger part of it felt refreshing.
“Oh, you think this is childish? I’ll show you childish!” Naruto taunted, throwing pokes all around Kakashi’s torso, making his laughter spike up an octave. “Childish is hiding the bells from me when I beat you, fair and square!”
Kakashi’s eyes were still squeezed shut due to his loud laughter. All of a sudden, the tickling sensations increased rapidly. He felt so many different spots being targeted all at once. While the scratching in his underarms continued, he additionally felt fingers wiggling against his stomach and his ribs. Then, there was a pair of hands scratching behind his knees, forcing a surprised squeak out of Kakashi’s mouth. His legs began to shake due to the new spot being targeted. How was this even possible? He forced open his eyes and finally realized: he was being attacked by Naruto and three of his Shadow Clones.
Once he found out what had happened, Kakashi’s body surrendered to the sensations. He let unfiltered laughter flood out of his mouth as his legs finally gave out, making him end up on the ground. All four Narutos followed him down, all of their hands staying attached to the spots they were targeting. Kakashi was almost in tears laughing, completely unable to get away from the eight hands that were attacking him. “Nahahaharutoho! Plehehease, stohohohop!”
“I’ll stop as soon as you tell me where the damn bells are!” The real Naruto yelled, his three Shadow Clones laughing along.
Hearing that soft, familiar sound ring through the chaos made both Naruto and Kakashi freeze. All of their remaining chakra was focused in their ears, listening intently for the sound of the bells.
Their heads whipped around to see Sakura standing a few feet away from them, holding both of the bells, one in each hand. Kakashi felt his face pale at the sight as Naruto bolted over to grab one of the bells out of her hand with a satisfied chuckle.
“Y-you had them the whole time, Sakura?” Kakashi stammered, slowly gathering himself and getting to his feet. Sakura had a small smile on her face as she blushed a bit.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, Kakashi Sensei! I just thought… you looked like you were having fun, so I didn’t want to make you guys stop so soon.” Sakura explained sheepishly. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at her statement, his face remaining a deep shade of pink.
“Well… you aren’t necessarily wrong.” Kakashi admitted, making both of his students stare at him in shock. He shrugged as he continued his thought. “I mean, I can’t remember the last time my body was able to relax like that, and I don’t even think either of you had ever heard me laugh before.” Naruto and Sakura looked at each other, knowing that to be true. Kakashi smiled at them before looking around the area. “Now, I have one thing to ask, and this goes for everyone here, so listen up.” As Kakashi spoke, Tsunade and Jiraiya poked their heads out of the trees, their grinning faces focused on him intently.
“What is it, Kakashi Sensei?” Naruto asked, his eyes shining with glee. Kakashi sighed, directing this statement mostly at the two Sannin.
“Please, do not tell Gai about this. He will never let me live a peaceful life with this information.” Jiraiya snickered as he and Tsunade shared a mischievous glance. 
“No promises.” Tsunade responded with a scheming smile. Kakashi sighed even deeper this time, holding his face in his hands.
“Don’t worry, Kakashi Sensei! We’ll protect your honor!” Naruto exclaimed, positioning himself in front of Kakashi, using a defensive stance.
Sakura giggled and mirrored Naruto’s actions. “Yeah! We’ll protect you no matter what!”
Kakashi smiled, grateful for the incredible Shinobi his students had become. “Thank you. Now, what do you say I treat you two to some ramen as a congratulations?” His students let out a yell of excitement, racing each other back to the village. Kakashi followed close behind them while Tsunade and Jiraiya lingered for just a moment longer.
“You’re going to tell him, aren’t you?” Jiraiya asked the Hokage.
Tsunade chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely am.”
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geekthefreakout · 3 months
After the War, Before the Peace
After Sasuke and Naruto free the world, both of them are hospitalized. Even Sakura's incredible skills as a medic cannot replace the blood and chakra they have lost.
There are many grumblings from many parties about sealing Sasuke's eyes immediately, but this makes Naruto and Sakura Very Grumpy, and Kakashi uses his power as the Sixth Hokage to allow Sasuke and Naruto to heal in the same hospital room, with the caveat that they will both be guarded by ANBU.
During those days at the hospital, Naruto and Sasuke talk. There are many apologies made, explanations given. Sasuke indulges Naruto's insistence on measuring the stumps of their arms against each other, his low voice riling Naruto up with theories about whose attack was most powerful. Naruto couldn't be happier.
As they recover (at the same pace for once, as Kurama is sleeping), neither of them talk about the After of it all. The Consequences. It is nice to imagine that the two of them can stay like this. Their imaginations aren't quite strong enough to stop them from flinching when the door opens, wondering if this visitor will be the one to say their grace period is over, that Sasuke is being tried.
Today's visitor is...
"Gaara!" Naruto sits up straight, turning to face his friend properly. "You're still here!"
"I'm leaving this afternoon. There is much to be done back in Suna. I wanted to see you before I left." Gaara's clear eyes flick over to the other bed. "And I wanted to see him for myself."
Sasuke meets Gaara's gaze. The two stare each other down for a moment, but just before Naruto is about to say something, Sasuke looks away.
"Lord Kazekage." He mutters. He knows that Gaara and Naruto have become close, and he tries not to let it bother him.
"Uchiha Sasuke." Gaara greets back, before shifting his attention back to Naruto. "I should apologize for doubting you back then. I know better than most that you always keep your promises."
Naruto shakes his head fiercely.
"You were speaking to me as a kage and as a friend. Never apologize for that, Gaara." There is a moment of hesitation. "Have you heard anything?"
"There's a lot of debate. Sasuke did a lot of damage, and no one has forgotten the way he attacked the conference. Even if," Gaara holds up a hand to forestall Naruto's interruption, "there were extenuating circumstances. He did not endear himself to foreign powers that way, particularly the Raikage. Although I expect most of the cries for his punishment will come from within the Leaf itself-- the other shinobi nations will want to focus on their own recovery from the war."
"He hardly hurt the village! Danzo was a monster, if anything Sasuke did us all a favor--"
"Naruto." Sasuke's quiet voice closes Naruto's mouth. "I would have done worse to the Leaf, blinded by hatred as I was. I don't think we can move forward by pretending that is not true. Look what I did... to you."
"I already kicked your ass about that, bastard." Naruto says dismissively. "You're not gonna do it again."
"'Kicked my ass' is a strong term, dumbass."
"Yeah. It is. Cuz I STRONGLY kicked your--"
"At any rate." Gaara intervenes, "It's impossible to say what the outcome will be just now-- there are too many variables."
"I'll make sure it turns out alright." Naruto says, glancing first at Sasuke, then at Gaara.
"I believe you." Gaara pauses a moment, tilting his head. "At the very least, I imagine Sasuke will have his travel heavily restricted for some time."
Sasuke grits his teeth, but doesn't protest. Gaara looks at him for another long moment, then a small smile appears on his face.
"It will not, however, be restricted in the Sand Village. As far as I am concerned, as long as you are willing to vouch for him, he may visit the Land of Wind as he pleases."
Naruto and Sasuke both look at Gaara with wide eyes-- Naruto's a little misty, Sasuke's a little guarded.
"Why?" Sasuke asks at last.
"Because I know better than anyone what it is like to be lost, and to have Naruto Uzumaki find you." Gaara says softly, warmly. "And because I would like to see my precious friend every now and again, and I get the distinct feeling that he won't be letting you out of his sight for a while."
Naruto throws himself at Gaara, his one arm wrapping around his shoulders.
"You're the best, Gaara." he mumbles into Gaara's shoulder.
Gaara is stiff for a moment, unused to the contact, then wraps his arms around Naruto in turn, keeping his eyes on Sasuke over Naruto's shoulder.
"Thank you," Sasuke says, but he is not looking at Gaara. He is looking at Naruto's back, his eyes soft. Gaara nods as Naruto pulls away.
"Oy, Gaara..." Naruto rubs the back of his head, a shy smile on his face as he looks at his friend. "I, uh... I heard you made a really awesome speech before the war, you know. Did you, um... Did you really say..."
"Naruto." Gaara keeps one hand on Naruto's shoulder. "You changed my life. You, who were my enemy, became my friend and showed me a better way, a better version of me. I am where I am because you reached out your hand. After all of that, how could I do anything less than fight a war for you?"
Naruto blushes, stutters, and then laughs.
"Don't go giving me all the credit. All I did was kick your ass when you needed it. You did the rest all by yourself."
"And now you've kicked his ass." Gaara smiles, nodding towards Sasuke. "And his eyes are no longer the eyes of a murderer. They are the eyes of someone who has seen the light."
"I have." Sasuke says. "And I'll do what I have to to earn my place in it."
"You don't have to earn anything." Naruto says, but Sasuke and Gaara look at each other and know better.
"I'll hold you to it, Sasuke." Gaara says, and he holds out his hand.
Sasuke shakes it.
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the12thnightproject · 7 months
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@echoes-in-the-forest asked: Mr. Tiger of Kai and Mr. Good of War, I need your help. There's this guy I really like, but he won't give me the time of day because he's... Let's just say obsessed with his work. And maybe his boss. What can I do to get him to notice me? I think I'm just a caterpillar in his eyes. Do you have any tips? Please help! 😭 Yours truly, A sad caterpillar
Dear S.C.,
Angel, please, take my hand towel to wipe away your tears. There is nothing more painful to me than seeing someone cry. Now, breathe, take a step back and assess your situation. First, the man. If someone is obsessed with their work, there is likely a reason behind it. Most people do not work to the exclusion of all else-
[Lord Shingen, are you acquainted with the definition of irony?- Moderatelyawesomeninja]
[I am not obsessed with my work to the exclusion of all else, Sasuke. I play as hard as I work. - Takeda Shingen.][In fact, you do, Lord Shingen. I expect the Mitsumono have finally infiltrated the depths of the Azuchi Gazette and the report is ready? ~ Naoe Kanetsugu]
As I was saying, Angel, discover why your blind-to-you hero works too hard. Perhaps he is working in support of an important cause or ideal. Do you also believe in that cause? Do you admire him for doing this work? If so, see if there is something you can do to help this cause as well. Having a common cause to talk about may help him see you as a person, rather than as a caterpillar who is interrupting the work.
[Caterpillar… Lord Shingen, I fear this particular caterpillar may be interrupting the work through means far more devious than you think. ~ Naoe Kanetsugu]
Is there simply too much work to do? Offer to help take some of the burden off, by perhaps acting as a scribe. He may begin to value your presence. However, Angel, only do this if he is truly overburdened and only if you have the time to spare. Do not undervalue your own time and your own interests. 
[Yes. Go sit in the corner with your writing kit. ~ Naoe Kanetsugu]
Another possibility is that the object of your interest has indeed noticed you, but doesn’t want to notice you. If that is the case, he is simply working overtime to avoid being with you. You then have two options. One, don’t let him avoid you. Be around him until he can’t help but interact with you. Or two, give him what he thinks he wants, and let him be driven mad by your absence.
[DON’T GIVE HER IDEAS ~ Naoe Kanetsugu]
Does he feel that he has some kind of obligation to his boss? That is a harder obstacle to overcome, because he might see interruptions as bothersome. If that is the case, wait until he is not working, and try to get his attention then. At this point you might be asking, ‘how?’ Make him think that you are interested in someone else. Now… normally, I would not advocate this kind of deception, however, in these kinds of cases, a  little shock value goes a long way. Find a willing partner, someone who would be happy to pretend an interest in you (might I suggest a rather tall tactician who also is more than happy to flirt for a cause), and make sure that the object of your affection notices you with this new person. If he appears to be jealous or distressed, then congratulations, it is working. 
[Lord Shingen, the report was due yesterday. ~ Naoe Kanetsugu]
If however, he doesn’t notice, or seems to be happy for you, then well, perhaps there is something more to the boss-obsession. 
But don’t be sad, Caterpillar. It might seem this way now, when you are in the midst of these feelings, but there are other men in the world, men who would be willing to treat you as the butterfly you will someday become. Just… look around. Comfort might be closer than you think. Much closer.
Tiger of Kai
  sad caterpillar cocooning self in soft silk someday butterfly
[Cousin, did you perhaps doodle a poem on my response? - Takeda Shingen]
[I may have read the letter and become inspired by it. -Yoshimoto]
[These writers come to us for advice. Your poem is not advice. - Takeda Shingen.]
[Is it not? Did I not convey the exact thing you did, in far fewer words? Note, we both suggested Sad Caterpillar will become a butterfly - Yoshimoto]
[Can we not… mention… butterflies? - Moderatelyawesomeninja]
This is not all that Art of Love has to offer. Check out @lorei-writes for the God GOOD of War’s answer to your question.
Note: text from Kanetsugu provided by @lorei-writes
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animeyanderetalker · 2 years
Yandere! Naruto
Yandere! Plantonic Naruto...how would the Yanderes Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Uzumaki and Naruto aged 15 would react when a jackass thought it would be funny to rip the hearing aids out of Narutos little sister's ears age 12..she made a sound of pain and clutched her left ear when a jolt of pain shot through her body and blood actually began to drip down her arm and onto the floor from her elbow..a friend of hers (Sasukes younger brother *is basically a harmless Yandere* same age as Narutos younger sister asked if she was alright but obviously she wasn't..a bully ripped out her hearing aids for fun and paid the consequences)..Narutos younger sister is basically moderately deaf and needed her hearing aids to be able to hear.
https://youtu.be/2qNeU0kIrfI (go to 1:41 of when the girl made a noise of pain when her hearing aids were ripped out).
Alive Au (The night that Narutos parents died never happened).
You can expect all of them to be at least a little bit more protective over their little daughter/sister because she’s deaf. Kushina probably is against her even becoming a shinobi since she fears that her child might die because with her inability to hear she might be at a disadvantage. Sure, there have been stories of blind and deaf people becoming excellent shinobi but she doesn’t want to risk anything.
When that bully rips the girl’s hearing aid out of her ear and she actually started bleeding, all were furious. Kushina is rushing to her daughter to instantly check her injury, Naruto is screaming at the bully absolutely bewildered and ready to throw hands and Minato switches back and forth between soothing his daughter and throwing cold glares into the direction of the bully. It’s a big mistake considering that this girl is the daughter of the Hokage and the parents of the boy will probably force him to apologize and they themselves will bow and spit out apologizes endlessly when Minato informs them of what their son did.
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rantahead · 9 months
This is your idea of a Hokage?
If you couldn't tell by the title, this is an anti Sarada post, keep scrolling if you're not into that
Let's begin with the outfit:
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ok, so the pose is just… she looks like a wanna be prostitute. Sakura didn’t even dress this way when she was OLDER than Salad, let alone when she WAS her age.
let’s start with the heels. even Tsunade didn’t wear heels that high when she, too, was OLDER than Salad. how can she fight in those? I’m surprised she hasn’t hurt her ankles yet.
those gloves… I have nothing to say about them, they’re normal.
her miniskirt tho, ewww! she has nothing to show at the bottom, but in the Chunin Exams arc, when she stopped when Bolt was attacked, you could see her fucking underwear. it just me hard moving in that ugly ass miniskirt.
the top, oh my god. what if she had a chest? it would be revealed.
her hairstyle too. that is the most disgusting hair style in the entire series.
the glasses, oh don’t get me started. they suit Karin, but Salad, it makes her look even more disgusting and I didn’t think that was possible.
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with this design, at least she’s modest (not that much tho). I still stand corrected with her hair style and glasses 🤮.
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I have so many things wrong with her timeskip design.
her hairstyle is a lame copy of Bolt’s. she tried and failed.
the outfit! It’s going to fucking fall off her. I’m just waiting for her to be in battle and it to just slip down and show her chest (not that she is one) and it will only be connected at her waist and lower. it also must be uncomfortable moving with such short shorts.
the jacket is a BIG no no. it’s gonna fall off her shoulders. it also looks like a bad copy of Bolt’s jacket, like her hairstyle. she admires Bolt so much that she’s a cheap copy of him (🤢🤮).
her shoes, oh my god. they, too, look like they’re about to fall off. how can she fight in those ugly things? I can’t wait for her to be in the middle of battle, trip in those ugly heels, fall face first on the ground, and break her glasses.
she’s inappropriate (this is probably the biggest board):
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there’s plenty more scenes, but I just couldn’t fit them.
she’s always hiding behind people’s backs:
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there’s so many more and let alone all the ones in the anime, but I couldn’t fit anymore on there, but there’s so much more.
like, can’t she defend herself??? some Hokage she is gonna be. if she’s like this then I want Iwabe as Hokage.
her Sharingan/Mangekyou awaking was the dumbest and lamest thing in the whole Naruto universe:
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she’s rude to her “friends”:
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she hit Bolt and drags him and shouts at him. she ditched Mitsuki because he was Orochimaru’s son. she spent an entire arc crying for a dad, and when she got one, she was rude and mean to him. she wanted to ditch Sakura because she thought she wasn’t her mother. she was rude to Kawaki and said he should use his past to justify his actions, which is ironic consider she has done the same thing.
her personality:
don't even get me started
she's a crybaby
she thinks she's oh so good yet needs saving
Mary Sue
rude to people
underestimates her enemies and ends up needing to be saved
overestimates her abilities
constantly belittling Boruto for the tiniest things even tho he's BETTER than her
always shouting
picking fights with anyone
she's dumb
I could go on and on.
she’s such a crybaby:
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she cried when she first met Sasuke and he didn’t even show any emotion, goes to show how little he cared about her. she cried when she couldn’t bring the dummy fish alive. she cried for no reason when she questioned Sasuke about her mom. and she cried for no reason when they were fighting Shin.
at this rate, she’s becoming more and more of a lame and useless girl with a boring backstory. I hate her, her looks, her personality, and her in general.
my concerns for her at that she’ll never amount to anything, she’ll go blind by 20, maybe 18, she won’t achieve her dream, she’ll become the most hated character, she will get killed off. I have so many concerns about the direction this character is going.
enjoy Salad’s real face:
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part 2 of this
anyways, that’s that. things are fine, people are talked down of their motives, life is going back to normal. THEN OBITO SHOWS UP and it’s nothing but emotional turmoil between Kakashi and that orange masked moron. don’t even get me started on why Obito is doing all this evil stuff in the first place.
wtf do you mean Orbit, that thirty year old, buff, scarred, dopey, traumatized, texas two-steppin man is trying to ruin the world because his crush got gut punched to death when they were both FOURTEEN?
like babe, there’s more important things to worry about besides Rin and killing Kakashi. how are you gonna get crushed by a rock as a teen and instead of staying dead like a normal person you get revived, patched up with tar by your shady uncle, and go on a vengeful rampage for like 15 years. don’t piss me off.
so now it’s Orbit vs. Cashew which is more of a mass emotional hysteria between those two frenemies if anything. then, it’s Fishroll, Pink Doctor, Sigh, Yams, and the entire village vs. The Bad Girls Club.
when Naruto fights these troglodytes you’d think it would be a typical battle of one wins one loses but OF COURSE ITS NOT ITS NEVER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCE.
Naruto, the same kid who can control some of the most powerful ninjutsu, the dude who is besties with the fox demon in his mind, the orphan who had every right to become the villain, wins his fights not with bloodshed but by TALKING? no, don’t look at me. for practical reasons, i do not exist as this moment.
Naruto and company are all out there kicking ass and winning because why wouldn’t they. wanna know who’s not winning? Weasel because Sasuke found him and merked his blind self. yeah, Itachi let Sasuke kill him. wtf, who wrote that in? someone explain family therapy to these two before i call the police.
so when the Bad Girls Club are no longer a club aka hella hella dead or gone and that weird emotional thunderclap between Kakashi and Obito is done you’d think that’s a wrap. you’d think that’s it because everyone got what they wanted. well you’re wrong, sorry love.
i wanna point out that throughout the entire series Sasuke has made it clear he doesn’t want friends and Naruto basically said “well we’re married so to bad” and cuz of this whenever he did run into Sasuke it was always a fight. the constant back and forth between these two of betting on losing dogs, yin and yang, self-destruction, self-realization, and strength gain leads you to think Naruto will kill Sasuke because he couldn’t save Sasuke from himself.
that doesn’t happen, of course it doesn’t. that’s normal circumstance and we don’t do that here. have you been listening? don’t get me started fam I’ll punch walls.
Sasuke, the same dude who’s been against any form of emotional connection since day zero, suddenly faces the guy who’s been standing up for him despite all the destruction and death. what’s Sasuke do? admits he’s always lowkey cared for Naruto and the others. im leaving the function, i slipped on my own tears on the way out.
my Jonas brother in Christ, what? Sasuke, babe, get out of my house and be so serious.
i may not have a lot of muscle but i have unbridled female rage, a lot of questions, and a broken flat iron to help me find the god damn answers.
so yeah, he says “teehee oops”, helps rid of the remaining baddies, him and Naruto get matching missing limbs, and all is mostly forgiven.
what do you have left at the end of all this bullshit? traumatized kids who grow up, become something, get married, some have kids, and we never actually got the boyfriends we deserve. Sasuke is still trying to be Jesus of Suburbia, Naruto has a son who’s name sounds like Burrito.
i can not make this shit up, this series goes every direction yet also stays in a circle. if I showed any of the episodes to a victorian child or a modern day old person their heads would explode and it’d feel like chernobyl all over again.
what lessons did we learn by the end of the anime. one, don’t try to destroy the world when your crush dies in your teens. two, mind your business. three, seek family therapy before attempting murder. four, being gay is great and helping the homies is greater. and five, don’t get me started.
yall ever love an anime and/or show so much it becomes irritating? cuz i do.
anyways, it’s a great anime. good animation, relatable characters, amazing development of the world and people in it. i recommend it to everyone and yes it’s weird but we will ignore that. if you want weirder, watch One Piece.
thank you for coming to my yap session.
(again, unedited. sorry for mistakes, i might fix them later)
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sasukeless · 1 year
just wondering aloud here but what do you think about the many negative feelings towards itachi? i mean obviously he did very bad things but i think about my siblings (and family, and friends, and loved ones) and maybe i wouldn’t go so far as to annihilate my entire clan like he did, but… i would go very far for them, i think. once someone recognizes how his betrayal and actions thereafter are out of love and duty the theme/story becomes very, very different, just mostly sad.
which is not to mention that he was a child soldier and was straight up murdering ppl before he turned ten!! at ten i was still making mud pies with dirt outside !!!!
also it’s not that deep but idk i think about the two brothers and get sad sometimes.
okay this is a really complicated because as much as i like itachi as a character i understand very well why people hate him or are critical of him.
the thing about itachi people hate is how he’s portrayed in the narrative itself. kishimoto wants the audience to view itachi massacring his family as a good and honorable thing and not as something horrific. his crime is glorified as the peak of a great shinobi and will of fire, which in the text, are put as the good side. so ofc anyone that actually stops and thinks what they are reading will go HUH?
its true that itachi was a child soldier and was groomed at 13 to do what he did but itachi dies as a grown person and STILL he never thinks of the course action he took as the wrong one. it certainly brought guilt to him killing his clan if he wanted to be killed so bad by sasuke’s hands to “right” things but until the very end he saw his clan as if they had been in the wrong for standing against konoha. and yes we can just say that’s because how deep the brainwashing went but it still doesn’t absolve him because as any grown person you have to do retrospection in your life. (sorry for using my dumb phd in star wars here as an example but take anakin. he was groomed to become evil since he was a child yet still you can’t say he’s not a villain because at the end of the day it’s him who is killing children and the movie doesn’t tell you this is good thing because he’s doing it to “save” his wife. it’s a selfish horrific act and the narrative paints it as such)
it doesn’t help that itachi as a character is a big mess in certain areas that came with him being a straight up villain in part 1 then “broken hero” in part 2. it’s true itachi chooses danzo’s way to kill their entire clan to spare his little brother’s life but the elders did not tell him to make sasuke watch that and psychologically ruin sasuke for life, and then coming back to the village and doing it again. he did that in his own accord because he selfishly wants to dictate sasuke’s actions. he was very controlling of sasuke’s life but the funniest thing is that he couldn’t see it until after he dies but people still paint these actions as good (even though in his rarest moment where he gained self awareness, he says himself he was wrong).
i don’t doubt he loves sasuke more than anything but for 99% of his arc it was a very obsessive and controlling and ruthless kind of love in which he was the one to hurt sasuke the most with the actions he committed to protect him.
i personally love and hate itachi as a character, he’s fascinating because of how fucked up he really is. i enjoy characters like that overall. and i love fucked up siblings relationships and itachi and sasuke are one that drives me crazy because the love is really there despite everything! but still i’m not blind to kishimoto’s propaganda i can see the faults in his writing and why people (me included) hate the narrative he tried to push
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leportraitducadavre · 6 months
Read the first 7 chapters of KYH, and the amount of times Kakashi called Sakura "unique" and whatnot is outstanding. Slow burn BAMF! Sakura is a lie, the author gives her a few "difficult" moments and a scar not to make her disproportionally OP in the first chapter, but she's not better than the Naruto OP fics many complain about.
Also, Kakashi's praises (which she says are very few in comparison to the praise she received in the Academy, having dwelled to an outstanding number of at least one praise for each chapter), will likely be replaced by Itachi's praises, as that's the endgame couple (I've also read the latest update, and you wouldn't believe what Itachi does...).
Also also, There's no plot, just a story following Sakura's greatness.
Also also also, author says Kishimoto's rules don't make sense, because well... fuck the author for giving his own logic to his own fucking story that happens not to abide by the logic KYH's author has.
Also⁴, like, for real, stop writing down fights exactly as they happened in canon (same beginning, same ending), just to add a few tweaks here and there to give Sakura some semblance of relevance, it's cheap, and jeez, if I wanted to read ten paragraphs pitifully describing a story I could easily see drawn, I would read the fucking manga.
Ah, I forgot to add, the very first chapter starts with how badly poor people smell and how Sakura endures such a thing regardless. Way to go queen.
I've been told the story develops in a way that has Sasuke under Sakura's command, who becomes Uchiha's clan Head when marrying Itachi. She also fixes Itachi's blindness and gives Kakashi EMS through the power of her amazing medical jutsu (fuck Kishi's logic but not the author's!).
It's often mentioned how hard Sakura has it for not being "noble" or whatever, yet she's often praised as being a "rare" type of ninja (genjutsu type, I kid you not), so the "working hard dogma" that the author pushes forward against the "being predisposed to greatness" gets nullified right off the bat... like, pick one?
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saschuv · 1 year
Some more thoughts on Naruto and also looking at the fandom, especially Tobirama:
Tobirama is an interesting character. All of the founders are. I definitely wish we got to learn more about them but we still got quite a bit and I wanted to look a bit into Tobirama and how he treated the Uchiha as that seems a common debate amongst fans.
I’ve always found it ironic when Tobirama speaks of the Uchiha’s apparent “curse of hatred” when he was literally the angriest and most hateful. He took one look at Sasuke and started spewing bigotry at the kid and he doesn’t even know him.
An odd thing I’ve noticed is fans denying Tobirama as racist against the Uchiha. It was established within the series that as a clan, the Uchiha had their own culture and religion and who felt stronger than others. Tobirama knows these things - his clan fought the uchiha for years and he studied them well to know how to defeat them. He’s well aware that the Uchiha feel stronger than others and can easily be led into hatred and despair just as how they love stronger than others and he exploited that multiple times, and then acted surprised and disgusted about how they reacted to his actions… His paranoia and prejudice meant he alienated the uchiha in a village THEY helped found.
I also see Tobirama fans use his brothers’ deaths as the reason he hates the Uchiha and that that justifies it. This lacks logic. Yes, tobirama would hate the Uchiha for what they did to his brothers and be upset, that’s inevitable. BUT, the Senju killed hundreds of Uchiha too, including Madara’s other brothers (and later Izuna). Neither side were innocent and yet the Uchiha so desperately wanted peace they accepted the peace treaty and tried to be allies eith the Senju, whilst still trying to keep their culture alive. Like the two clans were at WAR with each other, the Senju sent children out and said children died. Yes, it’s tragic and cruel and so unfair but what do you expect the uchiha to do? They’re also paranoid and fearful and likely looking at a strategic pov by trying to stop them before they become too powerful. Now this doesn’t justify it but I’m just trying to say neither side were purely innocent or ‘evil’ like fans try to make this out as.
Now back to the Uchiha trying to keep their culture alive in Konoha. This ended up with them being alienated from the village and being looked upon as “other”, whilst the Senju dispersed throughout the village. The different cultures should have been celebrated but instead it’s just increased the suspicion as the Uchiha tried to hold onto their traditions and others didn’t so much. Madara signed that peace treaty also to receive equal and fair treatment but instead the Uchiha got the opposite and Jon noticing this would just continue, Madara grew fearful for the clans fate but when warning them, the clan were so desperate for peace in this village they decided against him. Madara knew what he was singing so it’s clear that konoha had turned against what they agreed upon.
It’s a tragic fact that Izuna was right in his wanting to Madara in his death that they Senju couldn’t be truested and it’s a pity that Tobirama’s paranoia blinded him and narrowed his mind, turning to anger and racism.
There’s something bittersweet that sasuke looks like Izuna as he tries to stop konoha’s oppressive rule that his ancestor once predicted,
Disclaimer: I do find Tobirama interesting and enjoy reading about him, as I’ve just stated here I just disagree with a lot of his actions and morals. Sadly there are inconsistencies in the writing and a lack of information that makes his character difficult to fully understand.
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kakashissimp · 2 years
Naruto Headcanons: How The Boys Find Out You’re Pregnant
Characters: Kiba, Shikamaru, Yamato, Kakashi, Iruka, Sasuke.
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Kiba smells something different about you, but he can’t figure out what. He assumes you just aren’t feeling well, since you’ve been nauseous for a few days.
While you’re away at work one morning, Kiba goes into the bathroom to get himself ready. He goes to grab something when he spots a weird box in the garbage. He pulls it out and realizes it’s for a pregnancy test.
Kiba freezes immediately, torn between many different thoughts. He panics initially, not sure if he’s ready to be a father. But the more he thinks about it throughout the day, the more he warms up to the idea.
He waits until you get home to confront you. Sitting stiffly at the table, Kiba swallows harshly the moment you’re back. Once he sees you, everything hits him at once, and tears fill Kiba's eyes.
"Are you pregnant?"
At your nod of confirmation, Kiba is overcome with pride and joy. He jumps from his chair and takes you in for a big hug, swearing to not let you go for the rest of the night.
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Shikamaru watches as complete disbelief scatters across your cheeks, panicking about the positive test in your hands.
"Shika...what am I supposed to do?" You mumble, anxiously pacing back and forth.
While it's a surprise to him as well, Shikamaru can't stand how stressed it's making you. To him, he isn't too shell-shocked by the whole thing. In fact, he had been looking forward to starting a family with you.
"Calm down, y/n," Shikamaru says in return, standing up from his place on the couch. He cuts the space between you and looks down at the test for himself.
As you stutter and mumble your fears, Shikamaru puts both hands against your shoulders, making you stop your incessant pacing.
"Babe, please. Look at me," he says, moving a hand to gently caress your face. "I know it seems scary, but we can handle this. We're ready."
Shikamaru grins for you as the relief floods your features, having been afraid he wasn't prepared to have the child. He kisses your forehead before pulling you into his chest.
"We're in this together."
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Yamato misses every single hint you throw his way.
Oblivious to how many times you've brought up children or the future expansion of your small family, and how ill you've been feeling, it takes him going off on a mission for it to dawn on him.
He's startled by the realization, and when Kakashi asks what's wrong, Yamato confesses the connection he finally made. Questioning himself, however, he confides in his friend and asks if he's just making things up in his head.
Kakashi snickers. "It's hard to miss. I didn't have the heart to tell you I had already guessed that she was."
Stunned, Yamato has no choice but to wrap up the mission early. In a hurry, he bursts through the front door to find you cleaning up the house, and Yamato demands from you: "is it true? Have I been blind this whole time?"
When you crack a smile for him, Yamato's heart softens, and he hurries over to collect you in his arms, cooing about becoming parents.
Yamato used to wonder if he'd ever be a father, but with you, he feels ready to take on the world.
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Kakashi is completely unsuspecting when he opens a small gift bag you give to him after your date night, tucked into one of the booths. It's the place you two had your first date.
Half expecting a book or something snack-related, Kakashi freezes the moment he pulls out the pregnancy test. He stares at it, eyes glazing over with shock.
"Y/n...this better not be a joke."
When you confirm it's real, Kakashi sits there in his emotions, trying to not break into tears in public.
After being told the likelihood of you getting pregnant was next to none, neither of you thought it was possible. By some stroke of luck, it seemed to not be quite so impossible.
Remembering himself, Kakashi pulls you in for a hug, nuzzling his face against your neck to hide his happy tears.
"This is the greatest gift I could ever ask for."
It doesn't take long for Kakashi to pay for the meal and take you home, eager to get you into bed. Knowing his girl is pregnant fires up that desire in him.
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"What?" Iruka asks, eyes growing with disbelief.
When you repeat the news to him, even showing him the positive test, Iruka can't hold back the raw emotions.
"That's the greatest news!" Iruka cries, quick to pull you into his arms and kiss the top of your head. You giggle at his reaction through your own happy tears, so relieved to finally be with child.
"I love you more than anything. You'll be the perfect mother," Iruka muffles into your hair, arms characteristically soft and reassuring around you. "I can't wait to meet our baby."
Iruka always wanted to start a family of his own, grateful to have you as his life partner. With that dream coming true, Iruka is quick to mother hen you, making sure you and the baby are perfectly taken care of.
He questions if you've grabbed your prenatals yet, and Iruka wastes no time running a bath for you, making sure you're comfortable. Whenever you're nauseous, he grabs you ginger and crackers to help. Anything you need, Iruka will give it to you without question.
Iruka tells literally everyone he sees, even if they already know.
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Sasuke doesn't mean to let the news get the better of him. But it's so sudden, and he's walking out the door before he can stop himself. It's overwhelming, and he needs time.
As he walks through the village, he questions what he did to deserve a child of his own. He never intended to start a family. That wasn't in the cards for him.
What kind of father would he be? Sasuke can't answer that question.
When Sasuke watches a mother walking by him with her small child's hand in hers, it hits him like a tidal wave. He begins to think about you doing the very same, lit up with the wonders of parenthood. He can picture how happy it would make you, and how Sasuke doesn't want to ruin that for you.
He begins to realize having a more reliable foundation in his life doesn't have to be a bad thing. Sasuke knows you're in it for the long haul, and he must trust that everything happens for a reason.
Sasuke is back before long, face long with regret once he sees you. Aware of your evident upset from his initial reaction, Sasuke can't manage the words at first as he pulls you into his chest. He forces back his own emotions the moment you begin to cry.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, arms tightly around you. He rests his cheek against your head. "I wasn't expecting to hear something like that. But I'm here. I always will be."
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oda-princess · 9 months
(1 char) Kenshin 8
(2 char) Sasuke/Yuki 7 and 8
(2 char) Kenshin/Shingen 10
Ackkk, I took too long to answer this, I'm sorryyy (。>⌓<。)
8. What would they get you for your birthday, if anything?
Oh I love this one, especially because my birthday was just a few days ago!!!
Hmmm…. its canon that Kenshin goes full on sugar daddy while buying stuff for us/mc, so I’m guessing that whatever he chooses to get, he’d make it extravagant as HELL. Be it gifts, celebration or anything else. 
On the other hand, he would also want to be the only person who gets to spend time with us on our bday (also canon lmao), so he’d probably take us out somewhere where it’s only the two of us and we can spend quality time together without any interruptions. I can also see a certain flower field being involved (✿ ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Sasuke and Yukimura
7. Who would win in a dance-off?
Yukiiiiiiii !!! 
He would definitely be awkward at first but once he gets used to it, he’d be busting moves left and right! This might especially be the case if he is drunk. 
But I think Sasuke can also pull it off though. I have this scenario in my head which I would like to be able to draw some day, where Sasuke and my oc (Kenshin’s mc) randomly break into dance while hanging out, maybe to something like toca toca , and in the distance, a very confused Kenshin and Yuki just stare off, wondering why they always keep landing such weirdos (They love their weirdos tho)
8. Who would be the better singer?
Okay, hear me out! I know this might sound weird, but I’m gonna say Sasuke. 
For all his monotone reputation, I imagine he’d actually be a very good singer, unsuspecting and might surprise everyone, even his own mc (much like what we experienced with Kanetsugu).
A few years into the future, he’d probably love to sing his kids to sleep at night, although he might still do it with a straight face  XD
Kenshin and Shingen
10. They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each others’ lives?
Oh boy...This would be a true nightmare for all the residents of Kasugayama. It wouldn’t take long for everyone in the castle to become aware that something is deeply wrong with both their lords. The vassals would be stunned and low-key afraid when Shingen beats all of their asses during training mercilessly . And can you imagine the surprise/horror that Yuki and Sasuke would be in for when their dear, beloved lord Shingen chases them around the castle with a sword because he is bored ?
The most unfortunate of the bunch though, would be the women at Kasugayama. I don’t know what would terrify them more- them running into ‘Shingen’ expecting him to greet them with his usual sunbeamy smile and flirtatious words but instead he dismisses them with an intimidating glare as sharp as a knife OR when the God of War - Uesugi Kenshin, who is known for hating women, suddenly starts referring to them as ‘Goddesses’ and ‘Angels’ and other honeyed words with a smile as blinding as the sun. Rip them lol
Thanks a lot for the ask !! I had fun with this ❤️
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