#what is rinne doing in here
dorinnn · 1 year
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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IT'S BEEN A HOT MINUTE SINCE THE POLL BUT HERE WE GO Eden and Crazy:B in outfits I've worn on those days !!!
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
(CW for Suicidal Ideation)
Hinata’s breath was heavy as he landed the final move of their act. The tinny music playing from their speakers went quiet and the audience clapped politely. It was always the same song and dance as the crowd moved on with their day. A few of them tossed some yen their way but otherwise it was time for them to regroup for their next performance. Yuta knelt down by the hat with some coins and bills sticking out of it, counting their earnings thus far. 
“Hey aniki! We might be able to eat well tonight! There’s like 3,000 yen in here!” Yuta exclaimed. The idea of a filling dinner made Hinata’s mouth water. Oh what he wouldn’t do for even warm noodles not from a cup. 
Hinata turned to grab the iPod from its place on the speaker, choosing the next song to play. He put the phone back and turned the volume up a little more to play over the evening rush. The music started and he and Yuta moved in unison around their little stage, taking in the crowd. There were some regulars that Hinata recognized, the businesswoman who was perpetually tired but always stopped for their performances and a few kids who looked up at them in awe as their parents were trying to usher them away. There were always new faces too, of course people traveled across the country all the time or took new trains or moved cities, but there was something different about the boy with the bright red hair at the back of the crowd. His sky blue eyes pierced straight through to Hinata’s heart and made him stumble when their gaze connected with his own. 
“Hey, aniki focus! We’re almost done, don't fail on me now!” Yuta whispered, carefully shielding Hinata from the crowd as he regained his footing. Yuta was always so quick thinking. Hinata got back to his position and finished up the routine, eyes looking for that boy he had spotted earlier. He half hoped the boy would come talk to them afterwards while they were packing up for the evening, but when he finally saw that shock of red hair, it was moving away with the rest of the crowd. 
Hinata sighed, disappointed. Maybe that boy would come back someday. There was something about him that drew Hinata in. 
Someone bumped his shoulder, drawing him from his thoughts. “Hey, aniki, are you alright? You seem out of it today.” Yuta’s hand rested on his shoulder and Hinata couldn’t help but smile. Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around, the older brother checking in on the younger one? 
“Hey hey everything’s fine Yuta-kun, don’t worry about me. I was just thinking about that delicious dinner you’re treating us too~” He playfully pushed back on Yuta, the red haired blue eyed boy all but forgotten now. 
“Hey! It’s technically our money so I’m not treating you to anything!” Yuta scowled but the smile in his voice was obvious to Hinata. 
“Hehe, then dinner’s on me! Say ‘thank you aniki!’” 
It was a week before Hinata saw the red headed boy in their audience again. He had all but slipped his mind, but those striking blue eyes were impossible to forget. Yuta was introducing their next performance which allowed Hinata to take a better look at the older boy who had made his way to the middle of the audience. He was tall and what Hinata could see of his outfit seemed ill-fitting at best, along with a headband holding his hair away from his eyes. 
Hinata scrambled to his position as the music queued up and let his instincts take over. Every so often he found himself glancing at the red haired boy, trying to see what he thought of their performance, but his face revealed nothing. 
Why was he so focused on this one boy? It’s not like they didn’t have strangers who watched them sometimes, and none of them had caught Hinata’s attention quite like this boy. He really couldn’t be much older than Hinata, maybe 17 at the oldest. Was he an older brother too? The boy’s eyes made contact with Hinata’s and it took everything in him to not look away. 
Once again however, Yuta snapped him out of whatever trance he had been in and everything was forgotten. 
“Are you really okay aniki? You’ve been out of it a lot recently…” Oh how it pained Hinata to see the concern on Yuta’s face. Nothing was even really wrong per se, but Hinata was distracted nonetheless. 
“I’m fine, Yuta-kun. Geez, can’t your older brother have some peace?” His mouth ran faster than his brain and he immediately regretted it. Yuta’s face flipped through several emotions; hurt, confusion, exhaustion. It wasn’t like him to hide things from his brother, so why was he doing it now? “Whatever, let’s get some dinner. My treat~” 
“It’s our money!” 
The boy continued to make appearances at the twins’ performances on the street, becoming something of a regular but disappearing before Hinata could flag him down. Hinata wasn’t even sure what compelled him to want to talk to the older boy, but he wanted to say something. He had even noticed that the boy seemed happier and his clothes fit a little better, not like they were just the first thing he grabbed out of a donation pile. 
Finally, after almost a month of trying to say something to the boy, Hinata saw him walk up to their hat on the ground and drop a few coins into it. 
“Thank you!” He said, walking up to the boy. “Hope you enjoyed the performance!” 
The boy froze as if he wasn’t expecting to be greeted like that. There was a slight flush to his face. “I-it’s nothing, don’t worry about it. You uh…you were great?” The boy seemed unsure of how to reply, though Hinata was happy with the compliment nonetheless. Maybe… 
“What brings you here? I mean--agh, sorry! I just mean…I noticed you don’t have a regular schedule?” The words were practically falling out of his mouth and Hinata wasn’t really sure what they were doing. “Like you show up a few days in a row but then go three weeks without stopping by at all!” He was just digging a bigger grave for himself! Great! 
“Ah uhm…I’m not from around here.” The boy scratched at the back of his neck. Maybe Hinata should back off. 
“O-oh, yeah of course. Duh. Are you visiting family or something?” 
“Not quite. I really should get going though. See you…later?” 
“Yeah, see you later.” 
“Hey Aniki, are you coming or not? The food’s gonna get cold!” 
It was almost a month before the boy appeared again. In the time between, Hinata had come up with a million different ideas for what his life was like. Was he a delinquent who skipped school to hang out on the street with gangs (how scary! But he looked strong enough to fit in)? Or was he a runaway from a city far away, somewhere Hinata only dreamed of visiting like Okinawa? Maybe he had a bad relationship with his dad and ran away, a thought that Hinata hated to admit had crossed his mind more than once. Or maybe he just passed through the city on the way to somewhere else. That seemed to be the most likely option, especially if he couldn’t come very often. 
When the boy did finally show up again, Hinata had to hold himself back from practically jumping him after the performance. Something looked…different about him though. His eyes seemed more tired? Like he hadn’t been sleeping well. Hinata thought of a fight he had with his dad a few weeks ago that made it hard for him to sleep and thought maybe this boy was the same as him in that regard. 
Hinata decided to wave him down after the performance, hat in hand (they had done pretty well! It felt heavier than normal and even without counting everything, they’d probably have enough for breakfast too). 
“Hey! You look tired, are you--did you want to get something to eat?” Please say yes please say yes please say yes--
The boy’s mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. Did Hinata mess up? Oh he overstepped and now there really wasn’t any chance of getting to know him. Why was he so interested in talking to the boy anyway? Hinata had been asking himself that for a while now and he still had no answer. 
“I…I can’t. I need to go.” The boy turned and ran off before Hinata could ask more. He just kept messing up, didn’t he? Maybe he really was just a burden to Yuta and their dad and the restaurant owner. He shouldn’t have been born and Yuta would’ve been better off--
“Aniki! Sheesh, get your head out of the clouds. How much did we make?” Yuta grabbed the hat out of Hinata’s hand and quickly counted out the coins and bills. “Woah! We could eat a whole five course meal with this…” 
“Think with your head a little Yuta-kun. We’ve got breakfast paid for if we don’t blow it all tonight!” 
Yuta nodded before handing the hat back to Hinata. “So, my pick tonight?” 
Hinata signed the note, trying his best to keep the tears from dripping on it and smudging the ink. After his blunder with the red haired boy, he hadn’t shown up to their performances for over two months. Hinata was certain that he had messed up and was too forward. He didn’t even know the kid’s name! Why did he think the two of them could ever be friends? 
And on top of all of that, Yuta had become more and more distant from Hinata, as if Hinata just existing was dragging him back from his full potential. Yuta would have been better off as an only child and maybe Hinata deserved this life. Thirteen years living with their father, who had treated them as nothing but monsters, blaming them for their mother’s death and everything bad that had happened since, Hinata had resolved to run away. He’d make his way to the mountains and maybe he’d find someone willing to help him or maybe he’d slip into an endless sleep. 
Dear Yuta-kun, the letter had started. I’m sorry that I’m leaving like this, but I know that I’m just a burden to you. I’m sorry for that. I wish I had more to say but I just want you to be happy and maybe father will treat you better without me. I love you. 
The other letter, already folded and placed on the table, was much shorter, addressed to his father. 
Dear Father, I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better son. Please don’t take this out on Yuta-kun, it was my decision. 
The less words he spent on that man, the better. Hinata folded Yuta’s note and placed it on top before quietly exiting through the front door. 
Everything was cold. Hinata slumped against a tree, head between his knees in a last ditch effort to keep warm. Sleep should come soon and he could painlessly move on, at least that’s what he hoped. He barely registered someone approaching him, but didn’t look up. 
“Hey.” The voice was vaguely familiar, but where did he remember it from? A warm hand shook at Hinata’s shoulder. 
“‘M fine.” The words were barely a whisper. The other voice grunted before walking away. It was another minute before Hinata felt something drape around his shoulders and a cup shoved in his hand. Whatever was in it was steaming, warming his fingers. 
“Drink.” The voice said. And he did, the tea was very, very bitter. That voice… 
Hinata looked up, meeting a pair of bright, sky blue eyes. That’s where he recognized the voice from. Did he…live? In the mountains? The boy seemed to recognize him too. He was wearing a headband and what looked like very warm clothes that Hinata wished he had. Hinata finished the tea, trying not to focus on the flavor. It helped at least, in warming him up a bit. 
“Why are you here?” The boy finally spoke again. It sounded like he was unsure if he should be mad or concerned, or both, but he offered Hinata another cup of tea, which he accepted if only to warm his fingers up. He pulled the blanket closer around his body. 
“I…ran away.” Hinata looked downward, as if admitting this out loud was a cardinal sin. The boy gestured for him to continue. “I guess I just…I was dragging my brother down. I’m not really talented at anything like he is and I’m the reason our dad sees us as monsters. He shouldn’t have to deal with a brother like me.” Hinata wasn’t really sure why he was spilling this so easily. The boy was a good listener though, hanging on every word Hinata spoke. Was he shaking? He’d never admitted this out loud before and it felt oddly freeing to say it to someone. 
He waited for a response, anything to chase away the uncomfortable silence Hinata had created with his confession. He really fucked up, didn’t he. He should have just kept that to himself like he always did instead of burdening a stranger like this! 
“I…” The boy started, barely audible above Hinata’s racing heartbeat. “I’m glad you’re alive.” He sounded unsure of his words. Was he just trying to be nice? Of course he was, how else do you respond to a kid telling you something like this? 
“You don’t have to pretend.” 
“I’m not. When I saw you singing and dancing…I think I realized something--” The boy cut himself off, the suddenness of it making Hinata look up. A moment later he heard his brother calling out from the woods behind him. 
“Aniki! There you are!” Yuta tackled him to the ground, squeezing Hinata like he might just blow away in the wind if they weren’t careful. “You scared me! I can’t believe you’d do something like that!” 
Tears pricked at Hinata’s eyes again. “I’m sorry, Yuta-kun. I’m really sorry.” He buried his face in Yuta’s jacket. His nose started to run, from the cold or the tears he couldn’t tell. 
“You aren’t a burden to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you around Aniki!” Yuta pulled back, hands gripping Hinata’s shoulders. “Promise you won’t do something that stupid again.” 
Hinata wiped the tears from his eyes, sparing a glance where the boy had been. It was as if he had never been there at all and Hinata had just hallucinated the whole interaction. He looked back at his twin brother. “I promise.” 
“Now let's get you home and warmed up. Where’d you get this blanket anyway? It doesn’t look like one of ours.” 
“I…” The boy had been real, and he told Hinata he was glad he was alive (even if his explanation was cut short by Hinata’s brother rushing in). “I guess I just found it. There must be people living nearby or something.” 
The chatter of the night club died down for the night as everyone was getting ready to go home. Hinata’s feet were sore from running around, but it was satisfying to be back in a restaurant like this. It reminded him of his childhood working for the Chinese restaurant with Yuta. 
Rinne, the leader of Crazy:B who had wanted to get closer to Hinata, and by extension 2wink, slid a drink down the bar. It looked like a horrible mix of syrups and club soda, but one sip was all it took for Hinata to drink it all down. 
“Great job tonight Hina! You’re a real natural at this stuff.” Rinne was washing the other glasses behind the bar now as Hinata finished the rest of his soda. 
“Yuta-kun and I used to work in a restaurant so it comes pretty naturally to us!” 
“That so?” 
“Mhm!” Hinata slid the empty glass back to Rinne, who quickly dumped the ice and washed it before tossing the towel over his shoulder. The entire week they’d been working the club together, there had been something bugging Hinata at the back of his mind. “Hey, Rinne-senpai…did you ever watch our shows?” 
“Huh? ‘Course I have, vice prez wants us to work together so I’ve seen a few of ‘em.” 
“That’s not what I mean. I mean like…back when Yuta-kun and I did street performances.” 
Rinne paused for a moment. “Why’re you askin’?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing. You just reminded me of someone who used to watch them.” 
“Well I’m sure whoever it was is proud to see you singin’ and dancin’ on stage.” Rinne had come around the bar and stood next to Hinata, ruffling his hair. “Let’s get goin’ or I’m never gonna hear the end of it from Niki-kun.” 
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
The joys of being the only mathematically inclined person in a team of psychologists/neuroscientists: everyone hopes to dump signal processing on you.
(all neuroscience is essentially signal processing)
Look, I switched to psychology *specifically* to avoid signal processing.
I'll do statistics for you. Let me do statistics for you.
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sucrows · 1 year
for your tier lists, what about who is into being a cuckold and who is into making somebody get cucked? does that make sense?
i got you. speedrunning this so if anyone is missing lmk. oh also this is entirely on vibes
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i think the people who are most into cucking in general are: Rei, Nagisa, Tatsumi, Kanata, Arashi, and Ritsu
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crehador · 1 year
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absolutely losing it over this yahoo auction i just saw
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haitani-maki · 5 months
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
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MDNI 18+
TW: fem!reader, friends with benefits, blowjob, cowgirl, missionary, side fuck, pussy licking, vaginal penetration, no protection, orgasm, creampie
English is not my first language
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After a night of fun, you and Rindou hadn't imagined that you would become friends...
Sorry, friends with benefits.
It's not a bad idea, the sex is good, you relieve stress and without the complications of a serious relationship.
It was worth it for you to exchange contact after a good fuck
And here you are again making him feel good after a little argument he had with his older brother. He didn’t go into much detail, his erection forming on the way to your home, he just needed you.
Rindou lying on your bed, you between his legs taking him in your mouth
His breath hitches when you leave wet kisses on the pink tip, running your tongue all over his throbbing member with some slightly bulging veins.
Looking at him, you could see Rindou close his eyes and his mouth open letting out a low moan as you sucked on the tip
“Fuck baby”
You were the only one who could make him calm down
You take him as far as you can while massaging his balls gently, he can feel his anger dissipate as he focuses on the feeling of your throat against his cock.
You step away with a wet snap when Rindou asks you to ride him.
Before you can do anything, he puts two fingers in your hole, preparing you.
“So hot and wet for me” Rindou loves how wet you make his fingers, Rindou loves how your juicy pussy makes a mess and he cleans it with his tongue, he could definitely fuck you for hours.
You supported your legs giving full view of your intimacy to Rindou who positioned his cock at your entrance, you slowly slid it inside.
No matter how many times you guys have fucked, you always feel satisfied and Rindou feels so good feeling your grip on his cock. He is addicted to you.
You start to move up and down, feeling every inch of him, gradually increasing your movements. You moan slyly at the sensation
“Mmmh– Rin”
Rindou has a perfect view of you taking his entire cock in one perfect fit, you moving up and down and your breasts bouncing with each movement.
"So beautiful."
Leaning forward, Rindou holds your waist to keep you in place as he begins to roll his hips, slamming into you hard.
Your breasts close to his face, you whimper when you feel his lips wrap around one nipple as he brings one hand to the other, twisting and rubbing. He releases it with a wet pop to pass to the other side.
You stay aside. Rindou penetrated you with force, hitting the right places, eye contact and his lips brushing yours. Everything was so intense, you could feel your orgasm approaching, bringing a hand to your needy clitoris.
“Cum for me. You're a good girl, aren't you?
“Y-yes, I’m a good girl, Rin” you whimper.
You squeeze him, your body tensing, a white ring forming at the base of his cock. He gives a few more thrusts, prolonging your pleasure and withdraws from you. Standing between your legs, running his tongue all over your intimacy, feeling your taste and sucking what's left of your juices.
“Rinn!” You moan, taking a hand to his hair, squeezing the spot, you were still sensitive.
“It’s too much!” You moan loudly when he sucks your clit hard
“You can give me one more, right pretty girl?” You nod, squirming as he goes back to sucking your pussy, taking two fingers to fuck you, curving them to hit that sensitive spot that makes you moan even more.
“Rin please, please don’t stop!”
“Give it to me, doll, come on”
He works on you, hitting exactly where you need it.
You come apart against his lips when Rindou clamps down on your clit, sucking it hard, he swallows every drop of you.
Rindou approaches, joining your lips in a hot kiss, making you taste yourself, his tongue dancing with yours. A kiss so dirty but so hot.
You smile mischievously when you feel him position himself at your entrance, Rindou puts his arms under your thighs and leans his body against yours, starting to roll his hips and thrust deeper and deeper into you.
“Rin– fuck. So deep!” You run your nails down his back in an attempt to discount the intense pleasure
“So tight, but so good” He brings a hand to your neck, lightly squeezing the area, thrusting into you with more force.
The noise of your intimacies clashing frantically mixed with your pornographic moans, the way your breasts are swaying, you squeezing him again. It was pushing him to the limit.
“Shit” he curses
Rindou's hips sway against yours with your last squeeze, your mouth opens in a perfect “O” and Rindou lets out a slurred moan. You reach your limits together, Rindou filling you to the brim.
Rindou slides your cock out, your mixed fluids dripping out of you, you guys are a complete mess.
Before anyone can say anything, his cell phone starts vibrating frantically, being bombarded with messages. Ran is annoying him again, better get ready for round two.
©Reblogs are welcome, do not copy or translate
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seangelfish · 6 months
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Featured characters: Kaoru Hakaze, Rinne Amagi ♡ Tags: (Mild) angst to fluff, established relationships (separate), fem reader (she/her pronouns), not proofread. ♡ Word count: 1,023 (Kaoru), 711 (Rinne) ♡ Synopsis: Short fics of the characters' s/o getting jealous through misunderstandings or just on purpose. A/N: Needed to clean my drafts (again) lol
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KAORU HAKAZE – Accidentally making you jealous
Situated in the middle of the Ensemble Square lobby, you took a seat on one of the vacant couches. You were waiting for your boyfriend to walk you home like he usually does, but he was oddly late today. Normally, he would be the one waiting for you in the lobby, so you assumed that he just had more work to do. You didn't mind waiting for him. After all, he is an idol and he was bound to be quite busy rehearsing with the rest of UNDEAD or doing some other solo work.
However, it had already been 15 minutes and he still hadn't shown up. You were getting agitated especially because he hadn't replied to your messages asking him where he was. And the worst part? He has seen those messages too!
Today had been a draining day working at Cos Pro and all you wanted was to be with Kaoru, to be held and comforted by him. So why wasn't he here? Why wasn't he replying to your messages? ...Did he forget? No, Kaoru would never!
You decided to wait for him for another five minutes. If he didn't arrive by five minutes, you were just going to go home by yourself even if Kaoru has told you multiple times not to walk home by yourself at night.
Oh, if only he would pick your calls up too... which he didn't.
Kaoru never showed up within those five minutes you spared him. You sighed but attempted not to show your frustration. You walked out of the building and was greeted by an indigo night sky scattered with stars. It would've been nice to watch these skies with your boyfriend... if he were here with you.
You continued to make your way to the bus stop but came to an immediate stop. A few metres away stood Anzu, a fellow producer at Ensemble Square, accompanied by someone you knew fairly well - Kaoru.
"Oh, I get it," you muttered to yourself, annoyance spewing out of your system. "So that's why he never showed up."
Before the two of you started dating, people titled Kaoru a 'lady's boy' as he was constantly surrounded by girls and would do anything for their attention. But you've acknowledged that those days of his were over, it's the fact that before your relationship, he had this obvious crush on Anzu.
Is he still hung up over that? Is that why he's with her and not you? His actual girlfriend?
Were you just his second option?
You didn't know what to do at that moment. You wanted to cause a ruckus, to yell at your boyfriend, but your insecurities kept telling you that if you did, it would make him like her even more.
So you just stood there pathetically, watching them speak to each other with sweet smiles on their faces. At that moment, Kaoru turned around and his eyes fell on you instantly.
"I've waited so long for you, Kaoru. I texted you multiple times asking where you were, but here you are," you began. "You're so annoying. You should've just told me you didn't like me anymore..."
"W-Wait, what?" he questioned before realising the situation from your perspective. "(Y/N), did you not get my message?"
"You didn't send me a message at all."
Kaoru checked his phone and you were right, there were no messages delivered to you, but what you didn't know was that he did send you a message, it just didn't send due to an error. He explained that he was going to get you, but he did get caught up in a lot of work which Anzu was a part of. So when that was finished, he decided to walk her to the bus stop before retrieving you. After all, he stood by his words - girls shouldn't walk themselves alone at night.
After the two of you bid farewell to Anzu whose bus arrived, Kaoru continued.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I had my phone on silent too so I didn't know you called. I was the one who should've called," said Kaoru with such sorrow in his voice. "I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you felt when you saw me here with Producer instead of you."
Kaoru has always been correct with your emotions and reactions, and he was spot on with this one too. Perhaps it's because he knows female emotions more than the average male as he was always with them during high school.
It was silent for a moment. Kaoru was getting increasingly nervous at how quiet you were being. He tried reaching for you, but you'd take a step back each time he did.
"Do you still like her?" you asked.
"What...? Of course not," he said. "The only girl I love is you, (Y/N). The only girl I will ever long for is you. The Producer is just a friend to me now, nothing more. You're all I ever want, all I ever see. I'm sorry that this situation has made you lose your trust in me. I will do better to show you that you mean the world to me."
Kaoru always had a way with words. He seemed remorseful too, for leaving you in the lobby. Well, you supposed he didn't do it out of malice, and his words were sincere.
You took a step closer to him. "You're sure that I'm not your second option?"
He wrapped his arms around you and you let him. "You were never an option to begin with. I just knew you were the one."
After all, when he saw you were there at the bus stop with him, his eyes instantly lit up just like the stars in the sky. You may not have noticed this, but everyone around you did. Kaoru only had eyes for you and you only.
"To make it up to you, I'll sleep over at yours tonight, okay?" he suggested in which cheered you up quickly. The two of you held hands throughout the rest of the journey back to your place, happy in each others' presence.
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RINNE AMAGI – Purposefully making you jealous
You hummed to yourself happily, carrying a packed lunch between your fingers. You decided to surprise your boyfriend with a homemade lunch box since he usually buys himself lunch at the cafeteria, and it would be nice if he had a home-cooked meal from time to time.
You waited for him at the cafeteria with a smile on your face as you tapped on the lunch box excitedly. You couldn't wait to see his face when you surprise him with lunch. Imagining how he'll thank you by patting your head made you feel giddy.
When Rinne finally appeared, you stood up from your seat to call him over, waving your hands to get his attention. There wasn't too many people at the cafeteria, so he should be able to spot you without any difficulty.
His eyes lit up and his lips curled into a smile. "Ah," he said as he headed towards you.
As you opened your arms, expecting him to engulf you into a hug, he completely ignored you and passed by you without second thought.
“There you are, onee-san!” he greeted.
You turned around, confused by his behaviour. Your arms drop to your sides as you find him beginning to spread his arms wide for Anzu, the producer who was currently eating her lunch at one of the tables behind you.
You stand in your spot, completely speechless. Your hands began to tingle as your eyes threatened to spill tears.
"Oh..." you muttered.
You quickly walked away from your table, leaving the lunch box behind. Thoughts about your relationship with Rinne spun in your head. It wasn't as if he didn't see you. He purposefully ignored you and went straight to Anzu. But what about you, his girlfriend? What was he trying to imply by doing that? Is he already throwing you away for his producer?
A hand grabbed your wrist, forcing you to stop in your tracks. Rinne turned you around to face him.
"I was kidding!" he blurted out. "Sorry, sorry. I thought it would be funny!"
You stayed silent, your eyes focused on the ground. He didn't sound too sincere. Your hands clutched themselves into fists as your nails dug deep into your palms. Rinne was aware of this. He took your hands in his to slowly unfold them from their current position.
"(Y/N)~" he sang. "Come on, look at me..."
He held your chin up so he could look you in the eyes, but is surprised when he found out that those eyes of yours were coated in tears. Immediately, he brought you to his embrace, stroking your back apologetically.
"I'm sorry," he murmured. "(Y/N), I'm sorry."
The sincerity in his voice was apparent now.
You gripped onto his shirt angrily. "You're not funny..." you hissed. "That wasn't funny."
"You're right. It wasn't. What could I do to make it up to you, huh?" he said softly. He let you go so he could cup your face to plant a kiss on your lips. You avoided his affection by not returning the kiss. "You looked so happy when you saw me too... Argh, I feel really bad now."
"You should..." you mumbled, returning back to your table to show him the lunch box you made for him. "I even cooked you something for lunch too and this is what you pull?"
Rinne is able to read the room well, but he just couldn't help it. A laugh erupted from inside him. You were just too cute!
"Kyahaha, you cooked me lunch?!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Aww, that's so cute. My girlfriend's the best!"
He hugged you from the side in order to kiss you on the temple. A small smile appeared on your face, but you tried looking away so he wouldn't be able to see it. Rinne saw it alright.
"(Y/N), I love you," he said in his most serious tone. "I'm sorry for what I pulled on you, but let's enjoy this lunch together, okay? I'm hungry for what you cooked me!"
You rolled your eyes, but mimicked the grin on his face. Despite Rinne's childish antics, you appreciated how quickly he is able to make you smile again. The two of you eat lunch together, laughing at each other's jokes and stories.
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poetryandfluffycats · 5 months
Enstars NSFW Month Day 8 - Rinne Amagi
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A/N: wrote this in like 20 minutes enjoy. sorry that its not like full on NSFW I'm actually not sure if this counts for nsfw month but oh well
Pairing: Rinne Amagi x fem!Producer!reader
Content: You're a new producer at ES and Crazy:B is the first unit you are trusted to produce. Rinne knows this, and decides to have a little bit of fun with you.
Warnings: kinda NSFW(?), teasing, spanking, fondling, panty theft, usual rinne behaviour
Words: 787
NSFW oneshot under cut!
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Somethin' Wrong, Producer?
Rinne Amagi was a man who loved to tease. His words, his hands, his voice- All of them perfect tools as his disposal. And who else was better to rile up than you, the young, sweet and innocent producer of Crazy:B?
You hated much he made you blush.
He'd pull you into his lap at meetings and rehearsals, whispering the dirtiest possible things in your ear just loud enough for the whole room to hear. His hands would roam all over your legs and thighs, sometimes trying to sneak up your skirt and only stopping if you swatted him away
God he was relentless. To top it all off, he always ended these stupid acts of workplace harassment with a laugh and a wink at the other Crazy:B members. Sometimes they'd scold him, other times they'd simply sigh and go on with whatever it was they were doing. It depended on the day, really.
It was hard to tell whether they were in on the joke or if they just couldn't be bothered with his bullshit. You hoped for the latter. How unprofessional would you look if the very first unit you produced had been making a fool out of you for months? You'd lose your job for sure.
"I wonder what ya'd look like stuffed full of my cock..."
You'd been so caught up in your wallows of self pity while waiting for your paperwork to finish photocopying at the printer that you hadn't noticed Rinne sneak up behind you, his arm snaking around your waist, settling on your hips and pulling you close. You yelped in surprise, immediately struggling against his hold. Your struggle was mostly in vain, however, as he was easily able to overpower you by grabbing your wrists and holding them above your head.
And honestly? You didn't really want him to stop.
His hot breath tickled your ear as he laughed, only proving more to you that you looked absolutely pathetic to him. He was well aware of how his teasing made your head spin and he was going to use that to his full advantage.
"Somethin' wrong, producer?" He cooed, dropping your hands and moving his own to the small of your back, his fingers digging into the muscles there. "Yer all tense back here..."
You could have escaped there, could have slapped him and ran away. But god... something about the way he said your title made you weak in the knees. Your heart wanted him to keep talking, to keep whispering dirty things until you came undone just from his voice.
A whine left your throat as he trailed lower and lower, eventually resting on the fat of your ass and kneading the skin like a cat kneads a blanket through your skirt.
"Whatca got on underneath this, huh? Lace maybe?" Another laugh from him, another whine from you as he slipped a hand in between your legs, giving teasing slaps to your cheeks. "Nah, cotton. Just plain old cotton panties for ya. Ya don't like nothin' fancy?"
"You don't have to sound so disappointed! They're... they're comfortable! And easy to clean!" You snapped back, having to swallow a moan in the process as Rinne gave your ass another squeeze, harder than the previous ones.
"Mh, true. Good for when I get ya all wet 'n' dirty, ay?"
Oh god. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. You'd probably cum on the spot if he kept up with that voice of his.
"Maybe I'll take ya shoppin' sometime. I'd like to help pick somethin' out for my-little-slut~" He punctuated the last three words by pulling your panties down bit by bit, letting them rest just above your knees.
You groaned, body betraying you as you leaned back into his touch. "I-I don't need new panties..."
"Ya will"
Suddenly, before you had time to react, Rinne ripped the flimsy fabric of your panties right off your body, shoving them into his pant pocket and slapping your now bare ass hard, leaving a faint red mark.
"I'll give em back in a few days, allrigh'? They smell just like ya, gonna help me have a nice night if ya get what I'm sayin'"
You stood in shock with wide eyes as Rinne finally let go of you fully, giving you one final pat on the ass before strutting away like nothing had happen, turning back only to blow you a kiss and a wink, his signature laugh echoing through the small room.
You felt a warm sensation in your belly, and you quickly realised that you'd been dripping your slick all over the floors.
What on earth were you going to do with him?
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kriskukko · 2 months
Hi! *waves*
You have a lot of artwork set during the 1800s; I was wondering if you could recommend any "bibles" of the 1800s or the Georgian era, please? I have a project that I'm thinking of setting during the period but I'm not sure how to begin my research.
My story will be set in England initially, then go onto India and all over the world
Alright, so— Right off the bat I will admit my research has mainly focused on Finland in any given era, so I haven't read extensively or bookmarked resources as for England (let alone the rest of the world). BUT, I do have some for the purpose of filling in the blanks in the settings, since my country is small and material isn’t in abundance (not like when it comes to the big empires, anyway) sadly this list will be very brief, as I generally deal with my lack of knowledge on any given issue by browsing the web/library and piecing together stuff from multiple sources some of which are very granular (or worse, in FINNISH). I also deal in pictures and dialogue for the most part, which is why majority of this is imagebased.
The Time Traveller’s Guide to Regency Britain by Ian Mortimer
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probably goes into category of a ‘bible’ u mentioned, covers multiple bases as far as setting goes in an easily digestible manner (that list of contents looking pretty good yeah?). Ive the audiobook version and it was a pleasant listen too.
I also appear to have a book by the name The Regency Years by Robert Morrison in my audiobook library, but I have no recollection of actually listening to it. The reviews were good tho.
Prices and Wages by Decade (University of Missouri Libraries) what it says on the tin, spanning from 1700s-2000s, while us-centric, it does have subsections for different countries with dedicated resources to varying degrees
Fashion History Timeline
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goes over western fashion history from ancient to now, pleasantly detailed and starting from 15th century it goes decade by decade
The Met Collection
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as the landing page says. I have looked in the costume institute section a bunch to understand garments or fill in what I cant find in fashion plates, like underwear
The Met Museum Costume Institute Fashion Plates
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a digital collection of fashion plate illustrations that has pretty well spanned the 1800s and early 1900s wherein I mingle. Requires a bit of browsing, as the subcollection list is long and sometimes they span a bunch of decades at once, but at least the pictures are big and often have dates imposed in the corners of the illustrations
Kristiina Kalleinen Valtioaamun aika : Suomen Suuriruhtinaskunta 1809-1863
Topi Artukka: Tanssiva Kaupunki : Turun seurapiiri sosiaalisena näyttämönä 1810-luvulla
Piia Einonen & Miikka Voutilainen (toim.): Suomen sodan jälkeen : 1800-luvun alun yhteiskuntahistoria
Hannu Rinne: Perinnemestarin tyylikirja : Talon osat aikakausittain 1700-1970
and whew HERE WE ARE AT THE END. i hope u will find at least some of this helpful and best of luck with ur project! <3 (and if anyone knows of more resources, drop em in responses or reblogs i would personally love to reference/bookmark more stuff in the future)
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your-local-baguette · 1 month
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How long has it been ?
Warnings: angst, Rin and sae childhood spoilers, swearing, not proofread, slow burn romance
Pairings: sae itoshi
Word count: 3.2k
Authors note: this was my first slow burn so it's not as long as i imagined but i hope you liked it and it took me a while to come up with all this lol
Also i can't tag the person that requested it since i can find them i'm sorry. But anyway enjoyy
Large round eyes, sparkling with admiration. They were locked onto ...., so captivating. She stumbled up, her little legs running at full speed. Where they they bring her ?
To the very beginning...
"rinn!" A loud high voice called out, the child turning his head at the call of his name, the ambitious child's eyes lit up, his eyes locking on his classmate. The six year old girl stopped right in front of him, for he, was quite confused about the situation. What were you doing here ? The child's elder brother, an eight year old, looked at the two, the ghost of a smile creeping up on his face. "Rin! Rin!" The girl was almost jumping out of excitement "can i play with you two ? Pretty please!" The young girl almost yelled, as for the green haired child, he looked up at his auburn haired brother. The older child sighted heavily at the pleading eyes of his younger brother. "Uh..okay." both younger child jumped at this.
The net of the goal stretched back, stopping the football's motion, a scream of joy couod be heard, along with an impressed "woaah!" Although the more experienced here, kept silent. "Y/n that was so amazing!" Rin said, impressed by the young girls goal. The girl pointed back at herself with her thumb, a proud look attached to her face. "I'm so amazing!" She did a little dance of victory, happy with herself. Rin kept fawning over the goal she just made, boosting her childish ego even more.
The sun was setting in the distance, the children stopping to look at it. Your mouth gaped like a fish's, the two boys were also quite captivated. The sun slowly but surely disappeared, the sky darkened, signaling it was time to go home. " This was so fun! I hope we can play again!" The little girl said, earning a barely noticeable nod from the auburn haired kid, while the younger brother replied with joy "me too!"
You started walking back home, waving back at them, you git big waves from rin and a small raise of the hand from sae. The fresh air of the evening made the intense feeling of adrenaline be subsided by a feeling of comfort and security.
The days, weeks even years passed by so fast, it felt like just a few months but guess what, it was six years that passed by. You and rin stood side by side, tears about to spill out like waterfalls, Sae stood there, a frown on his face. "I'm going to spain" he said, his tone cold, but that small hint of sadness in it aswell. Gosh, it hurt him so much too. He eyed your sad expression, he wiped a tear off of your face. "I'll be back before you know it" just like that, he left for his plane. You turned to rin, who was also crying, you pulled him into a hug, "it will be fine, i'm still with you" he nodded, hiding in your neck. You felt awful, although in the same grade, you were still older than him, he was twelve, you were thirteen. "I'll practice with you, you'll climb up the ranks as a striker, and i'll be your midfielder ?" He nodded, pulling away from the hug, wiping his tear " i promise to protect you, i'll become the best striker along with you and big brother" he said, still a little childish. You smiled at him "i'm sure you will, let's go get an ice cream and walk a bit, it will make you feel better"
The two walked side by side, heading to the ice cream truck nearby, you let rin choose what he wanted. Handing some money to the man in the truck who handed rin his ice cream. "Huh ? You're not taking anything?" Rin said, a questioning look on his face. You shook your head "i'm not hungry" you answered, he nodded, you ruffled his hair, a sad smile attached to your face. "Hey! Don't ruffle my hair!" You giggled "only when you'll be taller than me" he pouted a little, still eating his ice cream. You sighted "i'll walk you back home, mkay?" Rin nodded, walking alongside you, his eyes lingering on the ground. "When do you think nii-san will be back?" You lingered for a bit aswell " i don't know, but like he said, he'll be back before you know it" "i trust you"
You stopped walking in front of his home "see you " you said, waving at him. To which he waved back heading inside, you sighted, walking back home. You didn't live very far, actually, your houses were pretty close.
Countless goals have been scored between you and rin, the small fields that were once occupied by three childrens, were now occupied by a fifteen year old and sixteen. But this is the moment things between you broke off...
"rin, i want to tell you something" rin looked back, his hair that grew longer, piercing teal eyes. You stopped ruffling his hair, he grew taller than you, "i-" he waited patiently for whatever you wanted to say. "I'm sorry but...i don't feel the same joy playing football anymore" this hit rin like a car at full speed, what do you mean ? You ? Not want to become the best midfielder anymore. Before he could say anything "i'm not saying i won't play with you here anymore, but i've had another passion for a while now. I don't want to keep that from you" rin gritted his teeth, this made more sad than you thought, it was the last thing he expected, he dig his nails into his palm "what's that passion" "volleyball " you answered him, quickly at that, he nodded "volleyball..." He repeated, "if you're happy then good" it's not like he could stop you "i promise to come here once in a while to play with you, alright ?" He nodded, but walked away, while you picked up your bag, heading to your practice. You gulped, heading to where your practice was supposed to happen. It was hard admitting this to rin...
As promised, you came back once in a while, to think you didn't play football seriously, yet now, you were teaching him how to score from a corner. You pointed the part of the foot he needed to use, and explained the movement he needed to do. He was listening carefully, you demonstrated the curved shot, it entered the goal, you told him you had to go, he let you off and simply kept on practicing what you taught him.
Gosh, for him it was hell in spain, Real Madrid was awful, especially with Leonardo. It was hell after hell, not day after day. He despised him, so damn much. He even gave up on becoming a striker, he tightened his grip on his phone.
A ding! Caught his attention, his eyes widened for a second, surprised to see.
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His hand trembled slightly, biting down on his lower lip, his thumbed ghosted over the follow back button. He took him a few seconds before he pressed it, feeling all the tension in his heart wash away. He wasn't going back to japan before another year, yet he wanted to book a flight right this instant and go back. He closed his phone, pushing himself off the wall, walking back to where he stayed.
You walked out of practice, holding your phone to check any notifications, you most likely did have some, but one caught your eye.
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You smiled slightly, walking back to your home with a happy smile, gosh, you missed him. Did he miss you, he did, just not the same way you did...
You stood next to rin on the field you used to play as children, he was drinking a bit of water. While you were in your volleyball attire, the sun shining down, you smiled at him. "Thanks for playing with me. Really brings back memories" he nodded, he went to grab his ball but got reminded of something. "Happy seventeen birthday y/n" you smiled at him "thank y-"
"yea, happy seventeen birthday" a monotone voice said, from beside you, well not entirely, more like a few feet away. That auburn hair...those teal eyes...that neutral expression, it felt like he hadn't changed a single bit. A single tear rolled down your cheek, your mouth opened bit nothing came out. The wind swayed between the both of you, aa for rin he clenched his jaw and walked away. "Sae..." You said, with a soft voice, you extended a hand towards him and engulfed the man in a hug. He didn't hug you back, he let you do as you please, not like he really cared anyway. He felt your arms tighten around him, your figure shaking a little. "Your back..." You pulled away, walking a few feet back "what took you so fucking long ?" He didn't answer, simply keeping quiet, he wasn't messing up here. "How have you been ?" You asked, still hesitant, it took him a while to answer you "fine" he simply answered, not that wasn't true, it hadn't been fine, but as if he was going to tell you that. He was hesitant but..." And you..?" A small smile tugged on your lips "i've been good..." You caught him eyeing your attire, chuckling a bit "i joined japan national volleyball team recently, i don't play football anymore" he had to be honest, he was caught off guard by that. "I see... congratulations..." He said, still with that monotone voice.
You took a deep breath, but went for it anyway "i know you just got back...but, i want to know if you're willing to try to build our friendship again..." It took a lot out of you to say that, but here you were, asking the one question that had been lingering in your mind, ever since you saw that notification. At first, you thought he was going to say no, that from how long he was taking to answer you. But at last....
You smiled at him "thank you..it means more than you think." He hummed in response, the sun was completely set, the stars were shining at their brightest, you bit down on your lip. "I'll walk you home" you agreed, grabbing the volleyball that was resting at your feet, you both started walking, he took the side closer to the road of the sidewalk. You noticed how he was similar but also how much he changed, he was around 5'11 ( 180cm), his jawline was sharper and his hair was longer. Now his bangs were pushed back, still with the long under lashes, he was more muscular, lot more attractive that he was before, more man like. He was still as quiet as before, he wasn't awkward, just quiet and only spoke when necessary. You reached your home in no time "thanks for walking me home sae...see you" he turned his gaze away "see you.." when he was sure you were safe inside, he started walking back to his home...
You slid down against your door, smiling to yourself, god, you were so happy. Letting out all your joy, you got up. Heading directly to bed, you had an important match tomorrow, you'd text sae tomorrow to ask him if he wanted to go see your match. You got in some more comfortable clothes, letting yourself fall on your bed.
Next morning
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You smiled at your phone and out your plate in the sink, carefully washing it while humming to yourself. Gently tapping your foot, you were already in your volleyball jersey and a volleyball was resting close to your backdoor. Your parents were barely home these days, so you almost had to the house to yourself. As you kept washing your dishes, a knock at your front door was heard and you frowned. Who could it be this early ? You swiftly dried your hands and walked over to the door, when you opened, at your surprise, you found Sae, in some casual clothings. "Sae ? Come in, come in" you opened the door further you let him in and he walked in, staying on the entrance mat. "What are you doing here ?" You simply asked, a look of confusion clear on your face "your match.." he answered and you immediately understood. "Oooh. You didn't need to come join me but nevermind that, come take a seat, just remove your shoes please" yet he stayed there on the mat, hands in his pocket "you look ready" "yes, but my match is in an hour, the gym is nearby" sae kept his neutral expression "you should get there early" you stopped your walk back to the kitchen and sighed, snatching your volleyball and backpack, everything already in it. Well, that was except for your keys, so you snatched them from the countertop, opening the front door and sae got out behind you. You closed the door and locked it, putting away your keys and started walking to the location. Sae followed, taking the toad side, matching your pace, the walk was a comfortable silence. It didn't long, maybe fifteen minutes and you both had already arrived. You showed him the way to the audience and he nodded while you headed towards your coach that had also, recently arrived. You discussed with her for a bit before starting off with the stretches. Soon enough the other and your oen had arrived, as for Sae, he was sat in the audience, observing from time to time. You both had arrived early so it was expected to have some waiting. Half an hour after both teams had arrived, captains shook hands and your team started with the serve. Sae now observed carefully, his eyes set on you, as you stood a few steps behind the line, the ref signaled the start and you threw the ball, jumping for a decent jump float. The other team easily picked it up, sending to the setter and second tempo attack was performed from their wing spiker. An attack which was picked up by your team's libero, sent to your setter and it was a high set, to give you some time as you performed a back row attack. That was the first point of the game and the sound of volleyballs hitting the floor one after another was heard for at least the next two hours. It was a very tight score at the end but you had won 2-1, you celebrated a bit with your teams but you looked up at the audience, smiling at Sae, had you looked more carefully, you could have seen the hint of a smile on his face.
About thirty minutes later
You stretched your arms and smiled at Sae as you both walked back, you with a drink in hand. You had stopped by a cafe "gaah! I'm so glad of this match's outcome!" He glanced towards you whispering 'you did good' and you turned your head towards him "mhm? Did you say something?" "No" he answered dryly "dry much" you commented which earned you a slight eye roll. You chuckled and shook your head "i'm glad you came" you simply said, expressing your gratitude to him. Honestly, you didn't think things would go so well, he nodded and kept up his quiet persona. You let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky, it was around noon or so. "I hope we'll have a next outing soon! Feel free to invite me whenever!" You said excitedly to which he smiled internally, what ? Did you think the sae would physically smile at you for that? But, he gave you a nod nonetheless. As you both reached your home, he waved you goodbye as you headed back inside.
A month later
Ever since then, you and sae had talked through text sometimes but never went out, you wanted him to ask you out this time, which was very irrealistic of you but oh well. A girl could dream right?! But you occupied yourself with some romance book, comfortably layed on your couch and enjoying a drink. What else did you have to do ? Nothing, but romance books are life so it's fine. Suddenly a bing! Caught your attention, you picked your phone.
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You squealed a little and hugged your phone tight, spinning in circles "it happened!!" You sprinted upstairs to get changed into some pale jeans shorts and warm red knitted sweater. No need for makeup this time, you still had about 2-3 hours to pass though, so you kept reading your book and the time passed like lighting. As the doorbell rang you swiftly got up to answer and there he was, standing in some casual sweater and black jeans. It wasn't overboard, just to be comfortable. You greeted him and smiled at him, which he didn't return at all, but worth the short. You walked out and Locked your door, starting to walk with him. Apart from the casual small talk like hello, how are you, there were not many words exchanged and maybe it was better that way. Sae was a man of very few words and you were quite comfortable observing the sakura trees in the park. So you both kept on walking until you reached the fountain in the middle of the park, there no people around...perfect. a surprisingly gentle touch reached out in your hair, only to pinch a small petal that had fallen in it, tossing it aside. You looked towards sae with curious eyes and a smile, his body was facing yours, there was no tension only untold feelings. The kind of feelings that went infinitely deep into both of your hearts. His hand hesitated to reach out towards yours, but he clenched his fist, contenting himself with being able to see the happiness in your eyes, the happiness he wish he could have. "Thanks" your voice snapped him out of his trance and nodded with a small hum, guiding you to start walking back to which you agreed, still walking alongside eachother silently, yet this time...it felt more..intimate ? It was a tough feeling to describe. You looked up at the sky, still that gentle smile gracing your lips and as the minutes passed, the exit to the park got closer and closer. The outing coming to an end, as you prepared to depart back home, a voice called out to you "y/n" you stopped and looked back towards Sae, specifically right in his eyes, you noticed the very subtle signs of nervousness coming from him. "I..." His voice came out a little stranded, he was hesitating. You fully faced him and he took a few steps towards you, his hand still hesitating to reach out for yours "i love you..." Your eyes widened and a slight blush crept on your cheeks, you looked right back at him, while to others he might have seemed unbothered and a tiny bit arrogant. In your eyes, he was genuine, nervous and especially, in love. "Sae....i-" you wuck in a sharp breath as you felt his hand on yours and the other on your cheek. He was close and he seemed impatient, waiting for an answer..."i love you too..." You felt the tension in his hold immediately released and it became more gentle than ever. He silently asked for you permission and as you slid your hands on his shoulder, he tilted his head a bit and leaned forward. It felt like an eternity before your lios connected in one gentle and light kiss. But it felt so passionate too, your hands soon enough found themselves on his nape and your lips separated. Both of your gaze locked in eachother, alone to the world but one last sentence left his lips
"how long has it been since i've wanted this..."
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
༻Zipping up a dress/shirt trope (unit leaders + Wataru)༺
Characters: Madara Mikejima, Rei Sakuma, Wataru Hibiki, Keito Hasumi, Rinne Amagi, Shu Itsuki, Chiaki Morisawa, Nagisa Ran, Natsume Sakasaki and Eichi Tenshouin
Cw: suggestive, tbh just detailed backstories (in some cases) before the actual trope of the characters helping reader with their zipper, maybe ooc characters(?), wataru and rinne doing the opposite of this post, (long post 😭) Malice Mizer reference goes hard in Shu’s part 🤭, almost forgot to tag Natsume’s pet name for the reader (kitten) as a warning help-
A/n: hi guys! Sorry for the long break i had on tumblr 😭 kinda lost motivation to post but i’ll try to keep doing this throughout summer vacations now that i have time for it so..yeah! The making out + hcs posts will continue and there’s about 4 left ;i have also received some requests so stay tuned!! (Edit) I FORGOT WATARU ISNT A UNIT LEADER HELP MEEE i mean theres the Träumerei temporary unit in which he was the leader of but still 😭
"Hey babe, can you help me out with this zipper? I can't seem to reach it"
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Madara Mikejima
One to always refuse taking you to his ‘missions’. Obviously, he knows some of these missions could cost his life, and taking you to one and for something to possibly happen to you, makes his heart shatter. But, tonight was his lucky day, your 2nd aniversary. Madara had booked a reservation in one of your favorite places. He entered the room with his usual smile, holding your waist before zipping your outfit, kissing your neck
“It looks good, though I think it’d look better on my floor”
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Rei Sakuma
You were both running a tad early to one of his concerts in the city, but of course, getting there is all it matters. As soon as he heard you, he went to the other room of his dressing room, lets say a complementary room for it, but anyways; his smile was the highlight of your day, he didn’t mind helping you out, after all, Rei loved it when you trust him in simple things like this. When he finished, he quickly gave you a kiss before speaking
“I’ll always be here whenever you need me to”
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Wataru Hibiki
He’s very helpful, well, at most times. He likes to be playful mostly when you need help, in cases were it wasn’t serious, but in this one, he simply smiled as he went towards you and started unzipping the dress
“Uh Wataru? I said i needed help with zipping it..not..the opposite..”
Wataru simply laughed and zipped it, letting you admire yourself for a bit as he wrapped his arms around you
“I couldn’t resist~! You’re just so perfect, I prefer seeing you without it. Your body is a masterpiece, I can’t help but admire it”
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Keito Hasumi
He simply goes towards you and helps you out. He’s really not interested in anything else so your attempts to “seduce” him are not going to work so easily. Keito is a very reserved man and doesn’t get bothered at ‘insignificant things’, or does he? This time however, as he made his way towards you, your outfit caught him off guard, it was the one you had worn during your first date after being together for 3 years, he felt himself tear up as he looked at you
“You always look so beautiful in whatever you choose, even without it, your beauty never ceases to amaze me”
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Rinne Amagi
Somewhat similar to Wataru’s except…well he’s Rinne, what do you expect? He had suggested a date for all his hard work with Crazy B and the tough week they’ve had, of course, he reserved a decent restaurant down the street, nothing too formal, but still enough to impress. While you were having trouble with the zipper of your clothes, he decided to approach you after your “cry for help” which was just a simple statement for assistance, as Rinne entered the room, he whistled, checking you out and hastily unzipping your outfit
“Rinne..! I said i needed help zipping it, not unzipping and taking it off my body..”
He all but chuckled as he turned you around
“Who said anything about going out? Actually, i might cancel or we do have a bit of time before it, no? I seriously cannot resist you a minute longer, c’mon~! Let’s have some fun, okay?”
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Shu Itsuki
He’s used to helping you get into anything he crafts, whether its a dress or a shirt he made thinking about you, he’s used to helping you put your outfits on if they require assistance. This was one of those days where Shu had finished another beautiful creation of his and decided to lend you a hand, zipping it carefully and taking one look in the mirror as he saw you admire yourself once more
“It’s absolutely perfect, you’re perfect. I feel honored having you wear the artworks I’ve created for you..ma chérie”
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Chiaki Morisawa
He’s so sweet and helps you even when you don’t require any assistance, he’s just like that. A charming and caring boyfriend like Chiaki always makes sure you’re well, in every aspect. So it’s not rare for him to help you always, this time, when he heard you, he was just around the corner, rushing softly to your shared room and smiling as he saw the outfit, it was one of his favorites. Chiaki placed his hands on your shoulders after helping you out and spoke
“Look! We match! Isn’t that cute? We should get going for our date before it gets late!”
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Nagisa Ran
Used to formal attire that requires assistance, especially from their loving partner who Nagisa loves seeing them in such outfits; like today. Nagisa had a rather important event with Eden, and he was allowed to bring a plus one, like usual, and of course he always brings his partner to these. After hearing your call for assistance, Ran didn’t hesitate to go to your shared room, taking in the beautiful outfit you wore as he smiled brightly
“Of course my dear, anything you need me to do..I’ll help you. How about we go for dinner after the event? I’ll make sure to reserve us a nice table ahead”
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Natsume Sakasaki
Even though he’s somewhat always focused on his potions and magic stuff, and his unit, Switch on top of that, Natsume cherishes every moment of your relationship to the max, although he would never admit that out loud that is. You’re his comfort zone, his one person to go to whenever he’s feeling down, happy, or anything out of the ordinary. However, it’s not usual for you to request his help, when he entered your room, his flirtatious persona became into a nervous one, the outfit you wore was absolutely stunning, accentuating your features and leaving him breathless. He tried keeping his calm and helped you, thats what he came for after all right?
“Natsume are you alright? You look a bit red..”
He smiled, nodding as he rested a hand on your waist, sighing happily before speaking
“Of course kitten, why wouldn’t I be? It’s nice to see you getting arranged for our date today”
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Eichi Tenshouin
Being heir to a very prosperous family and head of the student council had its moments where Eichi was overloaded with tons of responsibility and work. Sometimes getting very sick due to his condition, and he’s glad to have met someone like you to complement his life so positivity. Events like family dinners or special events in general are usual to him, especially with helping you put on one of the many outfits he had bought you for dates or anniversary gifts, even birthday ones. Today was like those other days where you would have romantic dinners or went to an important event. Eichi smiled as he entered his room, watching you struggle a bit with the outfit he had bought you, without thinking twice, he approached you softly, his hands on your back, zipping the outfit slowly. After he was done, Eichi smiled, a genuine one for the first time in a while, as he spoke
“I’m glad to see you ready, shall we get going?”
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nguyenfinity · 2 years
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Fly high Rinne
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mirrortouchedsea · 7 months
rinniki + 21 or 5 🥺
Oh these are also both so cute but I'll go with 5 methinks
ask game
…where it doesn’t hurt.
Shit. Niki let go of the knife and drew his finger up to his mouth. He licked the blood off before assessing the damage. It wasn't deep but he'd have to have a band-aid on it for a few days and Rinne would never let him hear the end of it. That almost hurt more than the cut itself.
Niki walked over to the sink and turned on the water, taking a towel and gently cleaning his the cut. Where did they put the antiseptics again?
He jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around his torso.
"Oi, Niki, whatcha doin'?" Niki dropped the towel.
"Dishes. Leave me alone." He elbowed the man, his boyfriend, and grabbed for the box of band-aids on the counter.
"That doesn't look like dishes to me Niki-kyun~ Didya hurt yourself?" Rinne poked at Niki's shoulder. "Do ya need your Rinne-kun to kiss it all better?"
"Shut up Rinne-kun."
"Aw, don't be like that Niki~ c'mere." Niki had already finished putting the band-aid on when Rinne grabbed his hand and brought it to his lips. "There! All better!"
"You didn't even kiss the band-aid Rinne-kun!"
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chiffaust · 5 months
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𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗𝗡'𝗧 𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗬𝗢𝗨. — Amagi Rinne x reader
⸻ your overtime had forced you to stay back away longer than you'd like. Coming home past midnight, you were sure Rinne would be asleep already, but he wasn't — he was thinking of you, perhaps.
xx. c : fluff — no pronouns are used to describe reader, completely gender neutral. Soft rinne moment like he's really soft & he likes you a lot. the beginning is bit suggestive?
note . this has been rotting in my drafts since december last year, so apologies if there's some grammatical mistakes here i am not proofreading this :3
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There are sleepless nights with him — perhaps on on a rainy day you'll often stay up late together, huddling close to each other for warmth in silence or during nights where he doesn't feel like sleeping — he'll make it your problem too and keep you up all night with him. (interpret that however you like.)
Yet today was rather different. He feels a certain emptiness inside his heart, all alone in the bed with his own thoughts forced to be kept to himself while the clock ticks every second he's awake. It isn't like him to feel this sad or sentimental, is it? The Rinne Amagi, the crazed gambler of Crazy:B, all alone with nothing but thoughts left keeping him awake at night.
Luckily, you came by just at the right time. Work had forced you to overtime more than you'd even like — it's way past midnight; at this time of the hour, you were sure Rinne was in the room, snoring loudly but you heard not even a sound from your shared bedroom and that rose an eyebrow of suspicion from you.
You didn't waste time though. You quickly put your stuff on the table and walked towards the bedroom — without hesitation twisting the doorknob open as you gently push forward into the room.
"Rinne...?" You called out, unsure whether he's in here or not because of how quiet he is. From the dimly lit light of the living room entering the room, you see him motionlessly in bed without even moving a muscle; what's even concerning is that he's still wide awake.
"Rinne, are you okay?" You ask again, slowly walking towards the bed and kneeling down besides on the floor beside it while gently poking his cheek.
"Rinne." You called out again when he didn't respond. You don't know whether he's doing this intentionally or not, but you're really not enjoying it very much.
"Rinne!" You whisper yelled, and finally he seems to respond. A loud sigh escaped his lips as he slowly shifts to his side to turn and look at you.
You look straight into his eyes and your eyes narrowed; softening at the sadness you saw the beneath blue ones. You weren't sure exactly why he's this sad, but it made you feel guilty about it even if you've done nothing wrong. Seeing him who is usually so loud and annoying sad in the middle of the night makes you uncomfortably shitty.
"Took your sweet time comin' home, did you?" He asks, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Are you mad at me for coming home late...?" You ask, your body tenses up slightly at the uncertainty guilt you felt, but you swallowed it all, not wanting to make it seem like you're getting the wrong idea yet.
"Not really, 'm really glad I have someone reliable like ya to call my sweetheart." His frown then suddenly itched into a smirk as he wraps his arms around you in a surprise attack and dragged you into bed with him without even thinking about letting you at least change into your pajamas first.
"Rinne, come on...!" You giggled, trying to squirm away from his tight hug that kept you still with him on the bed.
"Ya kept your boyfriend waiting for so long and have the audacity to complain when he wants to spend time with you?" Rinne replied, squeezing you tighter in his affectionate tight hug while he presses soft kisses all over your face.
"At least let me change clothes first..." You tried to compromise while being suffocated with his overbearing kisses. On an occasion; on nights when he couldn't sleep — he'll give you all of the affection you could ever asked for that it becomes overbearing. But he is an overbearing person from the start; just as annoying as the first time you've fallen in love with him you can't help but let yourself melt into his affection. This is really what you needed after a long day at work.
"So, just stay with me for a while, 'kay? At least until I fall asleep. I couldn't sleep without ya by my side." His arms only tightened around your waist as he pulls you closer to his body and rests his head on your shoulder, inhaling your scent happily without complaints anymore.
Neither do you have any complaints left to speak of. It felt too nice, having him this affectionate towards you like this. Maybe... You'll stay with him for a while.
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kararisa · 2 years
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marigold promises
pairing: albedo x gn!reader
genre: social media au, modern/college au, childhood friends to academic rivals to lovers, slow burn
summary: it was evident that you and albedo have changed in the five years you’ve spent apart, but you know better than to view him through the lens of nostalgia. with one goal on your mind – graduate valedictorian – who better to stand in your way than the studious, intelligent, ice-cold albedo? one thing’s for sure: he’s going down.
warnings: swearing, crack, light angst, unrealistic depictions of college, family issues, self-doubt, abandonment issues, side ships (tighnari gets paired with a moot); specific chapter warnings will be at the beginning of the chapter — will be updated as the series continues
status: ongoing
author's notes:
my first smau hehe. i've been working on this for a while so i'm really excited! updates will be sporadic but i'll do my best to update often.
the timestamps don't matter unless i say they do!
apologies in advance if i miss any grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language
pictures used are simply to add visual description and do not depict the reader's skin color, height, etc.
written chapters are marked with (☕︎)
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coffee addicts ([name]'s friends)
donut disco (albedo's friends)
year 1 — whether i like it or not || playlist
01. finally, a worthy opponent! || 02. why pay for netflix?
03. if looks could kill || 04. impromptu cramming session
05. enigma (☕︎) || bonus. i hate it here
06. temporary truce || bonus. crisis companion
07. crack theory || bonus. bread
08. twin pendants (☕︎) || 09. no harm in asking
10. the print shop by the mondmart || 11. #TCUClubFair
12. save me a slice || 13. miss you too
14. caffeinate me up || 15. u ok?
16. hell week (☕︎) || 17. dean's lister
18. please send help || 19. 6/10 difficulty (☕︎)
20. #ynsweep || 21. equilibrium (☕︎)
22. look me in the eyes (☕︎) || 23. team bonding
24. how could i, when it's you? (☕︎) || 25. kiss for good luck
year 2 — we make a good team, partner || playlist
26. lab partner thief || 27. dodoco
28. not even remotely subtle || 29. jealousy doesn't look good on you
bonus. ultra secret project proposal || 30. ice cream for three (☕︎)
31. "just" the lab report (☕︎) || 32. a letter and a promise (☕︎)
33. that damn cardigan || 34. shit happens, that's life
35. on instinct || 36. don't be a stranger
bonus. soft launch season
year 3 — promise me this || playlist
37. the college experience || 38. keep it coming
39. the day the world stopped moving (☕︎) || bonus. an unexpected call (☕︎)
40. i can sense your denial || 41. what is wrong with me
42. stubborn™ (☕︎) || 43. strawberry hair tie
44. get your shit together || 45. in spite of it all (☕︎)
46. right here
year 4 — these bonds that bind us || playlist
taglist: @fvkkyu @mintreen @edreee @khyllynnn @xxmirrorballxx @aiikalvr @yaefics @ch35hir3 @aequha @alch3myy @lovely-althxa @nei-rinn @cridtiins @zestrya @skylions-den @moriiartt @theother-victoria @sunsethw4 @dazaisfavgf @serossidechick @koiir @lazy-sanns
— the taglist is currently CLOSED! shoot me an ask or a reply if you've changed your url or you'd like to be removed!
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