#what would be her jojo name i wonder and her stand name
heraldofcrow · 1 year
Ok, so Crest’s new video on the internal data names for Dark Souls 2 is out and wow. This game. Wtf.
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First off, this name makes perfect sense for Shanalotte, aka the “I’m part dragon because of experiments” girl that is somehow the game’s firekeeper but also…not? She’s really interesting to me when in comparison to the other Souls bonfire maidens, and there’s this odd bit of story separation with her. She seems really independent of us in little ways, and maybe her motives with wanting us to link the fire are tied strictly to her own personal beliefs, not just because it’s her duty. Also, it seems like her name could be more accurately translated to “Dragon Priestess” which is…even more fascinating. Her mystery will never not engage me.
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Pate is Patches. Dark Souls 2 always had Patches and we all knew it. Even if he doesn’t have the same VA, we just know the archetype is there. Even his “mild-mannered” and silver-tongued persuasion is accurate to the general character. Personally, I think it’s pretty funny that they still found a way to insert the conniving bastard into this game.
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He’s apparently just Ornstein….which is obvious, but admittedly it’s confusing as hell. In my eyes, this is Ornstein mid-journey and on his way to find NK. We get to fight him in-game for fun, but in the “time is convoluted” world of Dark Souls, that never actually happened. Ornstein went on his way just fine. Alternative interpretations are always welcome though.
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SEA SOLAIRE!! LUCATIEL IS THE SOLAIRE OF DS2 AND WE ALL KNEW IT!! This honestly makes me emotional, because she really did get us all in the feels the way Solaire did, and the theme of slow decay/hollowing and the desperation to stop it is so poignant for both characters. They’re uniquely written too, which I appreciate because even though it’s the same archetype, Lucatiel and Solaire both stand out as individuals as well. My beautiful and sad blorbos </3
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Ok, so Creighton and Benhart are/were apparently father and son…which is kinda cool? It’s too bad the final game didn’t cement any connection besides their crest sigils, but I’d still accept it as canon, personally.
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She’s just like me fr
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Lucatiel’s older brother! This is the first time I’ve seen him unmasked and it’s kinda sad. He was just a normal lad.
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Agdayne is a Jojo reference, guys. It’s true. Darklurker is his stand 💀
(In all seriousness, I wonder what the actual connection here was? It’s fascinating).
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And finally, to absolutely nobody’s surprise! I hate this so much lmaoooo. I also can’t get it out of my head now that Dark Souls 2 is full of random Star Wars references and that’s what gives it such a unique and alien vibe compared to the other games 💀 (I mean, even the Desert Sorceresses look a bit like Leia’s slave getup in Return of the Jedi skdjdksks).
Anyway, this was bizarre and as usual, I can see the verge, or the vague image of how complex DS2 was originally meant to be. There’s just so much going on here, but it doesn’t seem like they put the time into really finishing it. I still love this game, flaws and all, but I do wish they would have…actually finished it.
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bokettochild · 9 months
what got you into lu?? furthermore, what made you want to write about it???
Story time I guess!
I've been writing since I was eleven, properly since thirteen. When I was about seventeen or eighteen or so, i was actually working on novel that I still haven't finished (whoops!) I was trying to do some character designs and my sister randomly showed me a picture on Pinterest of BotW Link! And, well, I thought he was just the most Person Ever! I wanted to see more! Maybe he would help inspire my work somehow! I mean, she had a princess named Zelda in her stories, so it's not like it'd be weird to learn from something, right? Especially if I didn't lean to heavily into it!
Anyways, cue me a couple months later, scrolling through Pinterest, looking at almost anything legend of Zelda and running into- what's this? Link's meet? Huh, cool! Wait, there's another one? A whole AU? Look at those designs! Look at the costuming! Holy crap this inspires me!
Que me turning to Zelda whenever I wanted to get fired up for art. Somewhere along the line though, I started wondering what all this pretty art by JoJo(random numbers) was from, so I checked out her blog and hello! Sibling dynamics between two of the heroes?
I fell in love with the dynamic between the wolf trio, and honestly couldn't stand a lot of the other links. Legend was a pain in my ass that I thought was super annoying at first. I was here for WILD! He was my baby and I got irritated when he didn't show up for a while.
Yes. I was one of those Wild fans LOL
It wasn't until I started reading fanfics that I learned to enjoy the other boys. I started with the ones JoJo posted and then started looking them up on Ao3. I followed hc blogs and art blogs and anything that looked cool. I read hc after hc about relations between the boys. I found Sillus's work on Ao3 and fell in love with Legend and the Prince leg head cannon.
And then one day, while washing my hair of all things, I was struck with a shower thought. What if all the boys were related?
I thought I'd just submit the idea to a blog and sit back, but my brain took off running. How would it work? Why would it work that way?
I'd been in a writers slump and depressed as I tried to get another story off the ground, but the ideas kept coming so I drafted a outline. Days later, struggling with writing block, I said "screw it!" and wrote the first chapter of TBBU instead of trying once more to introduce a non-existent audience to a made up world even I wasn't sure about.
And, well, once you write one thing, all it takes is time!
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missbunnybunny · 1 year
Should widow be an only child, the middle child or the youngest? Or should she be a twin??🤔 widow and König being icons. Cursing, widow trying to give everyone a heart attack. Widow is a pet mom and brings them to base. Widow are you okey???🤣 141 being widows babysitters. Widow has too much chaotic energy, and I’m here for it.
Widow on the floor:
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Ghost: what are you doing on the floor??
Widow: am waiting for a fuck to fall from the sky.
Graves: and why is that?
Widow: cuz you fucking asked * you answer while looking at him straight in the eyes*
Widow: I hope a fuck falls, so I can give a fuck. But at lass all the fucks are gone, so I still don't give a FUCK.
Ghost: Why is there a dog here 🤨??
Widow: don't worry he don't bite 😊
The dog :
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Graves: what his name?
Widow: noche ( night), his a good boy he only bite when told.
*Graves tries to pet him*
* Noche provides to bite Graves in the ass, and rip his pants*
Widow: Sorry, he doesn't like trash touching him. he's a germapho.
Ghost: I like this dog. *pets the dog*
Widow: thank you, he has been trained well.
* Noche wagging his tail like a good boy*
*Widow looking at Graves*
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Widow : bombastic side eye, criminal offense, side eye.
Graves: Why is she looking at me like that, and why is she saying that??
Ghost: Because u exist 😐
*Widow and soap watching anime*
*Graves changes the channel to the news*
* Widow and soap pulling out their guns-
🎶 dumb ways to die🎵 so many dumb ways to die🎶
*König finding a cat on base and looking at it like 🤨*
*Widow frantically looking for her lost cat*
The cat:
*she's living her best life with König*
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Widow: könig have you seen a black cat with a Dimon necklace * frantically looking around like a mad woman*
*König turns around with said cat*
König: I think she likes me.
Widow: she on ur shoulder purring, I think she might kill me if I try and take her from you!!
Ghost: Widow, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Widow: kind!!
🎶 falling through the air, I wonder how this could be fairr~🎶
*Widow screaming*
King's have honor = König
Soldiers have bravery = soap, gaz, and widow
poets have heart = price
But all I have is rage = GHOST
🎶And I said hello Satan,
I believe it is time to go
Me and the devil walkin' side by side
Me and the devil walking side by side🎶
*Widow scared and crying cuz , she thinks she will be alone forever.
*141 and König
🎶As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you🎶
*Widow singing to könig*
If the end of the world was near
Where would you choose to be?
If there was five more minutes of air
Would you panic and hide?
Or run for your life?
Or stand here and spend it with me?
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?
König: Yes, you would make me happy.
Ghost: Widow what do you have in your hand?
Widow: A 🔪
Ghost: NoOo!!😨
Everyone on base : 😱😱
Widow: ~ La la La la~
Graves: So you finally decide to talk to me and not threaten to kill me.
Widow: yup, It's soo(🙄) nice to talk to you😊
Soap: Heres ya £20 for the bet, lass.
Graves: What bet?
Widow: Talk to a person you hate for an hour. And as a matter of fact, if I could get the change, I would kill ya☺️
Graves:🏃🏻💨😰 🎶Run boy run! Running is a victory🎶
Soap: ya really wanna kill him.
Widow: Nah, I hate him, yes. But to kill him, i'll wait for that change in the battlefield 😏 .
Ghost: Smart, you're learning fast widow.
Widow: Thank you, I learned from the best 😊
To Be Continued.....* jojo theme song*
Thanks for reading, everyone. Until next time.
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winedad16 · 3 months
14. Broken Bricks, Falling Walls
Previous Post
Warning(s) for:
Alluded Anti-Semitism
April 3rd, 1945
      Rosie was in trouble. There was no denying that. Looking on in horror, Freddy’s hands trembled as Klaus picked up the bike that laid on the stone walkway.
“I wonder who would leave behind such a nice bike,” The captain wondered aloud.
“It’s Rosie’s.” Freddy quickly said. 
      He was sure of it. He had seen it propped against the Betzler’s home many times. It had to be hers.
“Rosie’s?” Realization quickly donned Klaus’ face. “Jojo didn’t come in today.”
“He didn’t.”
      With no words spared, Klaus handed off his briefcase, slinked his arm beneath the bike, and hastily set off towards the Betzler home; Freddy not too far behind. 
“Do you have any idea of what could have happened?” Klaus quietly asked.
“I don’t,” Freddy replied. “Rosie is bold but not stupid.”
      Truthfully, Freddy worried that Paul had been caught while away in Italy, but decided that a public setting wasn’t the time to get into such specifics. He was more concerned for the well-being of the remaining Betzler family and what their future would look like if it were the case. He had heard rumors of what would happen and today wasn’t the day to learn if it was true.
      A bit breathlessly, they rushed through the already wide-open door and into the foyer of the Betzler home, letting out a sigh of relief to see Jojo standing there. Setting the bike aside, as well as the ridiculous formalities, Klaus did his best to survey the situation, scanning the room for Rosie, who was nowhere in sight, while Freddy considered the best way to get Jojo out of any trouble. Outside of the inspection clearly not being routine as Deertz insisted, neither Klaus nor Freddy could properly assess what had happened leading up to this moment. As Klaus quickly came up with a reason for their sudden arrival, he felt as though Deertz was towering over him, as if he was the officer’s prey, the other man’s eyes intense and focused.
      Watching as Deertz stalked down the halls of the Betzler home and into Jojo’s room, Klaus and Freddy followed behind, both wondering what would happen in the following few minutes, on edge, but nothing that they couldn’t mask for the time being. Freddy feared for the worst when he heard the commotion in the rooms above them all, the conversations that he and Rosie shared about Paul flashing through his mind. He could only share a glance with Klaus as they trudged up the stairs, reluctant to learn more, but unable to look away.
“Do you know where your mother is?” Deertz asked, never once looking at Jojo, but keeping a watchful eye upon everything being strewn across Rosie’s bedroom.
      As the questions continued, Klaus became frightfully aware of the change in Jojo’s demeanor. When Deertz questioned the state of the young boy’s uniform, it took everything in him to not shout, leave him alone!
      Then, suddenly, a female voice rang out, and all eyes were on her, the room silent and its intruders motionless. The “her” in question was a young woman, maybe eighteen years of age, but not any older. In a matter of seconds, everything clicked into place for Freddy. All those times he had heard the house creak when he visited— All those times in which Rosie had referred to something seemingly unimportant— All those times in which he thought nothing of it. He did his best not to stare, but her presence had his attention. 
      When the young woman had stated her name, Inge, Klaus couldn’t help but look between the two. He was aware that Jojo had an older sister, such information had been shared the year prior by Paul, but he imagined her to be older, possibly out of town, just based on how little Jojo spoke of her. Exiting Rosie’s bedroom, he felt as though something wasn’t right. Following behind Klaus, Deertz and Co., Freddy passed faux Inge in the doorway to her bedroom, making brief eye contact with the girl, praying that Rosie had told Inge about him. That somehow, she would know that he was on her side as Deertz rattled on with his analogies about those he sought to clean the world of… But, when Klaus ushered the order of her paperwork, his heart sank. 
      Of course, what he didn’t know was how much Klaus was trying to move everything along in time to get to Rosie. When Klaus received Inge’s paperwork, he conducted a routine question, one in which he would normally skip if he weren’t in front of the captain of the Gestapo. Much to his shock, she has gotten her own birthday wrong. He stared at her with realization, not once letting the horror that was creeping into his stomach show on his face, before confirming the information as correct and issuing the papers back to her. 
“Wait.” Deertz interjected, making both Klaus and Freddy’s hearts skip a beat.
      The relief that Klaus felt when Deertz didn’t go for the young girl’s paperwork would only be enough to subside the anxiety bubbling in his gut momentarily, as when Deertz landed on the book by Inge’s side, it began to come back. He did his best to force a laugh at the despicable content, Freddy echoing one just as fake but believable enough, but couldn’t help but imagine how deep of trouble Rosie had gotten herself and Jojo into. When the Gestapo lackeys exited the bedroom, Klaus issued faux Inge and Jojo a brief goodbye, instructed Jojo to stay home, and quietly exited the home with Finkel by his side.
“You’ve been keeping quite the eye on that one,” Captain Deertz called out to Klaus from his car, a wide unnatural smile across his face. “He’s the ideal picture of youth that our country needs and it’s clear he didn’t get it from his mother.”
“His mother?” Klaus feigned ignorance. “What of her?”
“She was caught this morning spreading anti-party sentiments. It’s quite the shame, really. I quite liked her husband when he was still with us,” Deertz checked his watch. “Well, we’ve ought to head out. Got to take care of business back at the office. Give us a ring if you need. Heil Hitler.”
      Both Klaus and Freddy gave him an unsteady goodbye, watching as the black car drove off with bated breaths.
“There’s nothing we can do now, can we?” Freddy softly asked. “Is there any way one of us could talk to her?”
“I don’t believe so, no.” 
      Freddy placed his hand over his mouth in thought, the pit in his stomach growing as his fingers trembled.
“Let’s go back to the office,” Klaus suggested. “It’s about time we send everyone home.”
      The walk back was silent, and so was their time in the office. Few words were exchanged with Ida, who was already heading out the door by the time they had arrived, and most of the children had begun to filter out without instruction. Klaus paid no mind to the lack of respect for his authority, it didn’t feel that important at the time, but made sure to bade each child a goodnight, watching as each one stepped outside. After Freddy collected their things and locked the office’s doors behind them, they set out towards their flat, backs turned to the gallows that imposed its presence more than it ever had before.
      Once the door to their home was closed and locked, the outside world as far away as they could get it, Freddy let out a tense breath and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall.
“Damnit,” He muttered. “What do we do?”
      Klaus shook his head and pulled Freddy into a hug.
“I don’t know… I don’t know.”
      They both sunk into the hug, the stress of the situation being released from their bodies for only a moment, before returning back to reality.
“That girl— Inge,” Klaus began quietly. “She got her birthday wrong.”
      Freddy sighed. 
“I’m not surprised,” He took a step back, hands resting on Klaus’ hips. “Inge died last year, Klaus. She was sick. It’s just been Rosie and Johannes.”
“So, the girl, she’s most likely…” Klaus’ heart felt heavier when Freddy replied with a silent nod.
“Rosie hid it incredibly well. I never saw or heard anything out of the ordinary. I wish I knew, I could have done more."
“Maybe it’s best you didn’t,” Klaus suggested. “She kept it a secret for a reason.”
“I guess so.” A moment of silence passed before the sub-officer took a step back. “I ought to go down, to say something, do something–”
“Freddy-” Klaus lightly grabbed his arm. “There is nothing we can do without making things worse for her or implicating ourselves. If we all go, no one is going to be left behind to watch those children. What would Rosie want?”
      Freddy took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face, standing with his own thoughts for just a moment as Klaus relinquished his grasp.
“Alright,” He thickly swallowed, defeated. “Alright.”
      In bed, later that night, Freddy turned to face Klaus in the bed across from him, their blood shot eyes meeting the other’s.
“Do you remember what Deertz said about Paul?” He asked, prompting Klaus to shift a bit closer.
“Vaguely, yes,” He replied. “Why?”
“The way he worded things… It made it sound like Paul was… Well, dead.”
“I'm sure that’s not the case. It’s just the distance from us to him.”
“Hm,” A beat. Freddy furrowed his brow. “I’m sure Rosie would have said something if he was, but… Klaus…” He leaned in closer to whisper, “He abandoned his station. He left to meet someone in Italy.”
      Klaus tensed. 
“He did? When?”
“Sometime last year. He told me before he left the hospital. I promised to both him and Rosie to never tell a soul but now…”
“I understand,” Klaus assured. “I respect you for it. I can only imagine where he is right now, it seems as though Rosie did keep some things under lock and key,” He paused. “It’s hard to know who to trust these days.”
      A moment passed, any remains of the conversation leaving for another day.
“I love you. I’m lucky to have you.”
      Freddy sadly smiled and extended his hand across the empty space between their beds and loosely intertwined his fingers with the captain’s.
“I love you too.”
      Time passed, maybe an hour, maybe a little less, and Klaus soon fell asleep, his hand no longer connected to Freddy’s, now lying limp by the side of his bed. This was just enough confirmation for the sub-officer, who quietly eased himself to an upwards position, before tip-toeing out of bed, and kneeling down to pray; For the first time in years.
Next Part (Currently Unavailable)
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duhragonball · 26 days
JoJolion Ch. 83-86
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All right, so we're in the fourth quarter of JoJolion, and it's finally time to meet the final boss of Part 8.
The trade paperback collections list chapters 84-104 as a single arc, "The Wonder of You", and really it stretches on into chapters 105-108 as well. The original manga publication in Ultra Jump broke this up into somewhat smaller arcs, and I don't know why they always reorganize it from one format to the other, but yeah, anyway you slice it, it's basically one loooong slog to close out the story. I'd have to check the math, but I think this final leg of JoJolion is longer than the entirety of Phantom Blood. As final boss arcs go in JoJo, this is the 10 foot hoagie, at least until Part 9 does some 47-part epic finale when it finally wraps up in 2037.
So loosen your belt and grab some extra napkins. We'll just tackle this thing one bite at a time.
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Chapter 83 is mostly just setting up the stage for what's to come. We see the gang assembled at the yellow Lambroghini, the same one Josuke won from Jobin a while back. For a minute, I thought Josuke might have driven to the hospital in this, but he always walks wherever he goes, and it's unclear to me that he ever actually took possession of the car, even though Jobin insisted that he would honor the bet. Somehow I think it's more likely that Mitsuba drove to the hospital in this thing. It might not even be the same car Jobin lost in a beetle fight. Maybe Jobin bought two of them as a his-and-hers kind of thing.
Anyway, Yasuho discovered a secret Locacaca lab in the TGU hospital, and her research has determined that the security door was programmed to allow access to only four doctors on the staff: Ryo Shimosato, Poor Tom, Wu Tomoki, and Satoru Akefu. This is where they find out "Urban Guerilla's" real name, by the way. Well, not his real name, since these guys are all Rock Humans who stole human identities to infiltrate our civilization. It's weird to me how Poor Tom is just listed as "Poor Tom". He looks a little more professional in his photo, but the guy we saw in the Ozone Baby arc looked like some kind of degenerate party animal. Also, he's so small and bald that he looks like an actual baby, but the bigger issue to me is that I don't see how he could pass as a professional physician. But he's dead now, so it kind of doesn't matter.
The point is that these Four Doctors were the ones handling all the Locacaca stuff going on at the hospital. Their exact connection to Damo's smuggling ring is unclear at the moment, but Shimosato and Poor Tom knew of them, and they had a whole bunch of Locacaca plants growing in the lab, so they must have come from the smugglers. And now that three of them are dead, the only one left to worry about is Satoru Akefu, the Head Doctor at TG University Hospital. But there isn't even a photo of him on file in the hospital's records.
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Rai and Josuke conclude that Afeku must have been the driver of the ambulance, since Wu was the one who picked up the branch during the orchard fire. So Josuke wants to hunt down Afeku to find the branch, but Yasuho is still insistent that Jobin must have the branch. She believes this because Wu was plotting to use Jobin's wife to infiltrate the Higashikata estate to find the branch. If he had the branch, why would he still be looking for it? But Rai doesn't take her claims seriously, and he thinks she might have imagined some of this, since her story about the hair clip Rock Animal involved her seeing things that weren't real.
Josuke sides with Rai, mostly because he saw Poor Tom take the branch, and then the ambulance took it from Tom. What Josuke doesn't know is that he was tricked by the power of Jobin's son, Tsurugi, whose Stand altered his perception. So Yasuho is right, but no one will believe her. Then Toru shows up outside. He's Yasuho's ex-boyfriend from high school, and he seems innocuous enough, but Rai finds him a bit suspicious. Josuke explains who he is, and Rai asks if both Toru and Josuke have "done it" with Yasuho. Josuke is put off by the question....................... but it's not a denial? I'm not sure when in JoJolion they would have had time for sex, but I suppose it's not impossible either.
Nearby, Toru asks Yasuho if she and Josuke are going out, and she says no, but I think that's more of a deflection than anything else. Much of these four chapters is spent on Toru seeking to reconnect with Yasuho, and while his charms seem effective, it never quite wins her over.
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Meanwhile, at the Higashikata mansion, Hato's reading a magazine, when someone licks her ear. She immediately blames Joshuu because he's always doing horrible, inappropriate shit like this, but he's on the other side of the room. But then Tsurugi crosses the room and accidentally steps on Joshuu's tongue, which is lying on the floor, having been disconnected by the power of Joshuu's Stand, Nut King Call. Everyone has a hearty laugh over Joshuu being a disgusting freak.
Hey, fun fact: Did you know that Nut King Call was originally going to be Josuke's Stand? I don't know if it was going to be named that, but one way or another, Araki changed his mind and came up with Soft and Wet instead, but saved Nut King Call's design for Joshuu. The point here is that Joshuu literally has a top tier Stand. It's the kind of Stand that a main character would get, and Joshuu's lucky enough to have it, and this is all he knows to do with it. Joshuu is the worst.
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Then we have this weird flash forward to Tsurugi dragging his grandfather out of the house in a body bag. He's wounded, and there's a severed forearm lying nearby, and one of Tsurugi's origami things jumps from the hand.
This scene has caused a lot of confusion among fans, mostly because of the earlier scene with the family laughing about Joshuu's backfired prank. I didn't understand it myself until I watched a Hamon Beat video on YouTube that cleared it up. Basically, the scene with the family takes place in the present, and only this part with Tsurugi and the body bag is in the future, somewhere around Chapter 108, I believe.
The reason it's so confusing, though, is because the "present scene" ends with Tsurugi going upstairs to get his grandfather, and then it goes straight into the "future scene" where he's dragging him out of the room. I'm not even sure it's the same room, but it's hard to tell them apart.
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The purpose of the flash forward is to tie into this scene, where Mitsuba's picking up Tsurugi from a scout trip, and one of the other kids gets hurt in an iron gate, and everyone thinks Tsurugi did it. We're supposed to wonder if Tsurugi might be turning violent, which will culminate in him killing his own grandfather.
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Meanwhile, Josuke and Rai proceed with their search for Dr. Akefu, and Yasuho joins them, even though she's certain that the branch is at the Higashikata mansion. She seems to believe that sticking together is more important, even if this turns out to be a blind alley. Rai tries to get information from the receptionist, but no one seems to know much about the Head Doctor. Then he happens to walk by, and they follow him into the stairwell and lose him. In particular, Rai is incredulous that a supposedly 89-year-old man could give them the slip so easily. That's dumb, because Rai himself observed that they're dealing with Rock Humans, so their listed ages are just as phony as their names.
Josuke does get a brief glimpse at a Stand, but it vanishes before he can do anything to it. He thinks it tried to attack him, but he doesn't believe anyone's been damaged.
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So they follow Dr. Akefu out of the stairwell, only to bump into a gurney with some kid on it. Unfortunate, but these things happen.
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Then the kid on the gurney starts choking, and Toru happens to be nearby, and he calls Yasuho over to help him remove a piece of chicken the boy had swallowed. I think they just do a Heimlich maneuver on him, while Toru uses some sort of tool to go down in the boy's throat. But why Toru? This place is supposed to be crawling with doctors and nurses. He says he needed Yasuho to do the Heimlich because if a man did it, he'd break the boy's ribs. This is how you know Toru's a bad guy, because he's sexist. Yasuho can break a person's ribs just as well as any man, for your information.
Anyway, they share A Moment(tm) and Yasuho can finally resume her pursuit.
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Except that Josuke seems to recognize that Toru set this diversion up on purpose. He doesn't quite accuse Toru of anything, but Toru difuses the situation by pointing out that if they want the Head Doctor, he's right over there...
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Well, okay then. No one understands how he got away from them when he was sitting at that bench the whole time, but there he is, so it should be easy to catch up to him now...
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Back to Mitsuba, there's some sort of PTA conference where they try to sort out what happened to Mina, the girl who got hurt at the iron gate. Everyone acted like it was a grave injury at the time, but now she's been checked out by medical staff and it looks like it wasn't that bad after all. Mitsuba is incredibly defensive about the idea that her son was responsible. There were witnesses who saw Tusurugi near Mina and the gate, and there was also an incident where Mina and some other kids were picking on Tsurugi, teasing her about her grandmother's murder conviction. One lady tries to play peacemaker between Mitsuba and Mina's family, but Mitsuba goes full Karen on them all and storms out in a huff. But as she leaves...
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She takes a last look at the security footage of the incident, and notices a familiar figure walking nearby. Mitsuba recognizes him as the Head Doctor from TGUH. But what would he have been doing there? Also, if he was at the school, then who the hell has Josuke been chasing this whole time?
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Mitsuba goes home and Jobin immediately wants to fuck. He sees her petrified nose for the first time and thinks it's some new cosmetic surgery she got, and it's HAWT. You know, honestly, I could probably get used to that myself, but how stupid is Jobin?
Like, what woman in her right mind would go to the rhinoplasty store and tell them "Just fuck me up"? Then they put a rock on her face where her nose used to be and she's like "Yes, this is exactly what I wanted, my husband will love it." This is what Jobin thinks has happened. Mitsuba was more worried about the 200 million yen she spent on this "procedure", and I was kind of curious about that myself. That was what Dr. Wu said it would cost her to fix her petrified ear, but now he's dead, so I didn't think the transaction was ever completed. But maybe it doesn't matter, since Jobin loves the nose so much that he probably thinks its worth it.
Also, he takes that beetle on his arm with them onto the bed. Like, they're gonna do it in the middle of the afternoon with the beetle watching and everything. Maybe Jobin's not that stupid, but he's just so freaky that he seems stupider than he is. Like, what if he bet his Lambroghini because it was some sort of weird fetish for him? At least then it'd make sense.
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Mitsuba tells him about the incident with their son, and he gets all serious, giving a speech about how good and evil don't matter, and only strength and weakness are important. He believes Tsurugi is innocent, not because he wouldn't hurt Mina, but because he's too strong to waste time developing a grudge against someone for a minor insult.
Mitsuba is confused by his words, but then she notices Dr. Afeku standing around the edge of the estate, which is even more confusing. Also she cuts her finger when she goes to the window to take a closer look. Huh.
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This leads her to Jobin's beetle room in search of a band-aid. Jobin's putting away that Hercules beetle he had, I guess because the stuff about their son killed the mood. But Mistuba notices the Locacaca branch in one of the cabinets. She hasn't been around for most of the plot, but she's seen the Locacaca trees in the TGU hospital, and she's had firsthand experience with what they can do.
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Meanwhile, Josuke's group continues their pursuit. I'm a bit fuzzy on the continuity here, because they were with Mitsuba in the hospital in Chapter 82, and it looks like maybe half an hour has passed for Josuke, while Mitsuba's been to Tsurugi's school, a tense PTA meeting, and then a weird interaction with her husband at home.
Anyway, Yasuho uses this moment to assure Josuke that Toru doesn't mean anything to her anymore, and her only priority now is to find the Locacaca Branch. Which... let's remember, Yasuho doesn't even think the branch is here. She thinks chasing Dr. Akefu is a waste of time, and they should be searching the Higashikata estate instead.
What she's really saying here, without saying it, is that she wants to be with Josuke, regardless of whether his goal is to find the branch, regardless of whether he's going about it the right way. That's why she's taking the time to clear the air about Toru, because right now Toru doesn't seem to have anything to do with their mission.
And Josuke assures her that he isn't doubting her at all. He's speaking the same language here. They both view their relationship as this mission to find the fruit and save Holly. And they both have this unspoken agreement to couch it in those terms. It's adorable. This scene is practically a marriage proposal when you look at it that way.
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However, as they catch up to Dr. Afeku, Yasuho tries to do some stuff with the security cams, and Josuke's holding her phone when she gets a call from Toru. Wait, I thought her phone broke while she was in Dr. Wu's office? Did she have a spare?
Anyway, Toru leaves a voice mail professing his love to Yasuho and his desire to get back together with her. He sends her a photo of the two of them together at the beach, in an effort to rekindle their romance. Josuke takes all this in, but it's not clear how he feels about it.
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Oh, by the way, Rai bumped into an umbrella stand while chasing Dr. Afeku, and now his legs are all mangled for some reason. He recuperates quickly, thanks to his Stand's power to turn his whole body into cords, but he's finally begun to realize that this is what Afeku's Stand ability really is. When you follow Afeku, these little accidents happen to slow you down, and they get increasingly more severe. The harder you chase after him, the worse it gets.
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But Josuke and Yasuho are just a bit too aggressive with the whole "pursuit" thing. I mean, he's right there, and they've spent this whole story chasing after enemies and following leads wherever they may go. These shots of them running after a bus might as well be the defining visual of Part 8. Maybe that's what makes this final villain so effective.
Anyway, a cigarette butt gets inexplicably launched at Josuke's hand while he chases the bus, and that slows him down.
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Yasuho manages to get close enough to take a photo of Dr. Akefu, but they both get hit by a car for their trouble. Luckily, Josuke was able to make enough soap bubbles to absorb the impact. So I guess he's starting to understand the pattern here.
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Then the driver angrily confronts Josuke, and when he tries to hit him, Josuke pads his arm with soap bubbles to defend himself. Based on what happened with Rai, I think the idea here is that if Josuke took an unprotected hit from this man, the Enemy Stand power would hurt him really, really badly. As it is, Josuke blocks the strike, but he man drops dead on the spot. So now Josuke has to deal with the fallout from that.
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I think Josuke and Rai both get arrested here. I'm not sure why Rai would be blamed, but he warns Yasuho that they need to split up for now. Then Toru shows up again and assures her that Josuke did nothing wrong. The man had just checked out of the hospital after recovering from a broken neck, and in his haste to fight Josuke he aggravated the injury and that's what killed him. At least, that's how Toru sees it, and he says he's willing to testify on Josuke's behalf.
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But we'll see where that leads later. Right now, we gotta check in on this lady from the PTA meeting. She had acted all nice to Mitsuba, but her true goal is to get on the good side of the Higashikata family, in the hopes of one day siezing control of their property. She owns the baseball stadium, but she thinks she could build a casino on the Higashikata orchard.
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But the important thing here is her himbo boyfriend, Ojiro Sasame. She mentions the rumors about Caato Higashikata murdering a boy to trade his life for Jobin's, and this reminds Ojiro of something he heard about the Locacaca fruit. And he heard about this from "an old surfing buddy".
See, this is why I was so confused about Kira's backstory the first time I read JoJolion. Ojiro only has a few appearances throughout this mammoth story, and it's hard to make sense of the things he says. But now it's clear to me that this is because Ojiro's a skillful liar. He told Josuke that he used his Stand to have "fun", but it was actually to drown women in the ocean. He acted like Kira was his friend, but he got on his case about being a surfer but no, Kira wanted him to stay away from the ocean so he wouldn't hurt any more women. Then Kira made Ojiro eat his own fingertips. Ojiro tells it like that happened for no reason, but it's pretty clear that Kira did that to him to try to punish him for his Stand crimes.
And now, Ojiro speaks of Kira as a buddy, because Kira's been dead for over a month and he thinks no one will ever call him out on it. What I don't get is how or why Kira would have ever said anything to Ojiro about the Locacaca fruit. It's sort of like how Karera knew about it, even though she wasn't all that close to Josefumi Kujo.
Well, we'll get into that next time.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
All knights and day must die Ch 19
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Mothman Shigaraki is the new king, so much on his shoulders and wings. Nothing better than to use Ur (Aka Ur Name x reader) to relieve his stress as he plots to destroy the Order of the Azure rose.
Shigaraki's instincts are telling him to get back to his mate and grubs, only he can't with the MLA keeping him pinned. When his instincts starts screaming at him like a separate voice in his head he begins to wonder is he going insane? A least backup is about to arrive, Dabi and Shigaraki can have a play date with the MLA until they do. Thanks Spinner.
MLA has showed up at the hive, you are not feeling very stable or reasonable. Your rage is burning out of control, you want revenge, and don't like the idea of anyone trying to take anything else from you. Soon Maude is scolding you while you try to rest. You made yourself a target for the MLA. Master is taking notice of you too. You have a sinking feeling if you go down you may never get back up.
Warning: Obsessive yandere mothman Shigaraki. Light dream smut. Licking and wing flapping. Graphic violence and blood.
@lovingbadguys @balanceisrelative @nut-in-me-jojo
Ch 18
Chapter 19
The Present. 
"These guys are starting to piss me off," Dabi hisses. 
He looks over to see Shigaraki slumped against the wall, slathered in ashen mud and blood, fast asleep. He doesn't blame the battered Mothman. The MLA had attacked six days ago, giving them little rest. A new wave strikes after about an hour of reprieve. The humans and Nomu are a help. They would be dead if it weren't for how well they built this new hive.  
"I know. They show how bad you are at fighting in long spurts," Shigaraki mumbled.
"Lyra isn't here. I can't risk burning too bright before the real fight. They haven't thrown the heavy hitters at us yet. Besides, any day the rest will be here with our secret weapon, right?" Dabi counters, offering food. It's not much since they have not been able to leave. The MLA has them pinned down. The damn crystal is making a high-pitched sound. Shigaraki answers it.
"I want you to know we take no pleasure in this. We will spare your hive if you give yourself up," the MLA commander offered.
"Shut up. Busy," Shigaraki snarled, ending the conversation. That ramped up both their anxiety. They both want to get back to their mates. Shigaraki's Ur is pregnant, pushing him to keep fighting. Shigaraki takes a few bites and then lifts himself.
"Well, now, look at that. Some guys I can fight. I guess I have to do everything," Dabi says. Shigaraki is still clawing his way up to stand. He sounded delighted to go back out and kill. He loved destroying. But even Dabi can see it's taking its toll.
"I have to get back. I told her it was only for one night. She was mad, on the verge of tears, and begged me not to go. The grubs are killing her. Peter is eight; John can't get them to respond. I have to get ba-glarg," Shigaraki was saying when he puked. Dabi looks; at least it was mostly water and not blood.
"My mom drank a little opium when she was pregnant," Dabi offered, dragging him to a nest.
"Forgot your mother is human," Shigaraki groaned.
"Was, she's dead. My dad beat her to death," Dabi replied. Throwing him down on pillows, covering him with a blanket. Shigaraki is asleep, and he doesn't think he heard him. That's ok; Shigaraki was already becoming a better father and leader than his own. He wants to get back to his family. Dabi sighs, he doesn't want to waste his precious body, but he is a big brother.
"We'll get you back to the little queen. I want to see my mate too, despite her being a complete bitch," he says, placing a jug and the rest of what he didn't eat next to the nest where he could find it. Blood bound makes him crave, "Well, I've never been good at not killing. A bunch of low-level dragon born, they will make interesting kindling."
When he gets back, he is going to mate with Lyra. His instincts are screaming, maybe not as loud, but he knows he can be a better father too. Then he can rub it in his family's face.
About five days ago, you were fitted in chain mail and your crown. No eye patch, not this time. You want to see clearly. You walked out on the top of the front gate.
You can still taste blood from the rage that still pumps in your veins. No, Maude, your mind weeps. You are handed a speaking trumpet. Raising it to your lips, you greet the intruders with a smile in your voice.
"Greetings MLA, what brings you knocking at our gate?"
No Maude! The leader looks confused. A blue woman like the ones Shigaraki said are from their original lands. She forms an oh with her hand.  Impressive speaking-trumpet, you are jealous.   
"You are human?" She asks.
"Yes, I'm Ur, and your name is?"
"You can call me Curious. We of the Magical liberation army are here to free the humans," Curious says. No Maude, ever again! Strange, it sounds like Maude is screaming at you. Just like she did when you were a child.
"NO, THANK YOU! Please leave. This is our only warning to you!" You shout. No Maude. He took Maude from you. Curious is studying you. Mom had died, dad remarried, the twins were born, and you needed to grow up. Maude always told you exactly what she expected.
"We know there are humans here against their will. Send them out, and we will leave," Curious states. He took her like he took you. He takes. You and the others near you scoff. Sure, they will just leave because they are so benevolent. Your village knows of what happened to the city a few districts over from your village. MLA took over, and the Order turned a blind eye as long as the Astral wizards kept making magical weapons and paying taxes.
"You don't get to come here and tell us what to do. We have already escaped people like you! We are happy. We are a family, and you don't get to break us apart!" you shouted. You are seething in rage.  He doesn't get to take from you! 
"Are you being forced to say this?" Curious asked.
"YOU WERE WARNED!" You scream. Like a hot knife, sharp pain in your eye felt like it was piercing your brain. But you don't blink.  No one gets to take your family from you!   It's not fair!  You've all suffered so much already. You want them all to die, to just leave you alone and let you be happy for once. The world flashed red. A giant black cloud formed in the air, shaped like an eye, crashing down on the crowd at your gate.
"What was that?" Curious shouted.
"That was the evil eye. Scatter!" Someone replied. You are not listening any longer. Blinded by rage, you pick up a spear and hurl it. You are strong, but not that strong. You didn't even aim. The spear broke through a shield spell, pinning a person. Blood everywhere, followed by his scream. A shadow travels overhead. Looking up, you see a volley of arrows rise and fall on the MLA like a flock of shrike birds.
The screams are haunting. But you watch. This is the ugly part of war, and you can't turn a blind eye just because you don't want to see it. A shield protected the leader. A large portion of the MLA are injured but not dead. As long as they stay away from your hive, you don't care if they live. Picking up more spears, you toss them with both hands.
Your white-hot rage was burning, the pain in your heart pulsing and spreading your hate. Your mind is spiraling into the clouds, blinded in the blaze of loss. You don't have much left, and you will die before you let anyone take it from you. You are frothing and panting as you slam back to reality. The leader is still asking questions as they retreat from your barrage. You are about to lose your temper again when strong hands usher you away.
"Little Ur, you used magic. They will be coming for you now. That woman is too curious about you. You showed grit. So much grit, we feel rallied. Let us fight for you," Mr. Duskin says. His large sons plant you in front of your nest sisters that yank you away, "Not gonna lie. Wish the King recruited actual fighters and warriors instead of farmers and tradesmen."
You nodded, about to agree when painted Mothmen arrived with Master. Zenru is there, and Master translates for them. You feel dazed and confused, the anger gone, replaced with fear. The MLA has marked you as a magic user and not with them.
"They were so impressed they decided to join the fight. Paint is hard to come by as their relationship with the mudders is tumultuous. The Mothmen's skin burns in daylight," AFO explains. You didn't know about the mudders. Zenru chitters something to AFO, and he nods.
"You are to go back to the bunker with your siblings," AFO pauses as he sees you look resistive to the Order. Zenru eruptions, chittering at you in aggression the way Shigaraki does when he was chastising you. Your sisters snarled and placed themselves between. Zenru is not making any attempt to get closer to you. 
"Zenru says you are to obey your warlord in times of war. No females or children on the battlefield are your orders. Zenru is responsible for keeping the queen safe, human or otherwise. The King would kill everyone if any harm came to you. For the sake of the hive, you claim to love as a family. You will remain safe. He asks that I translate with him for the humans. I will not be able to join you now. Go with Kurogiri, and around teatime, I will apprise you of what is happening. Don't worry, little Shiggy mate. You will not be cut out of the process," AFO said.
Your nest sisters drag you through Kurogiri's warp gate. Sitting there is the Doctor and Lyra. Lyra full tilt runs to you when she sees you. The sisters soften the impact. Your shock waring off, you grip her tight and sob. Your tears are soaking in her hair, darkening spots, and you can smell the warmth of the cotton she is wearing.
Seeing women crying, the Doctor gets up, leaving you and Lyra alone with Kurogiri. Your eyes widen in excitement. He must not know you are not allowed to be alone with Lyra. Kurogiri didn't seem to think anything was wrong. He was going about making tea as soon as the Doctor left the kids to appear, running to you.
Limbs are thrown around you, falling on your ass from the mountain of flesh wrapped around you. The nest sisters joined and chirped. You are not sure what is happening or why you are crying, but you accept it. You want all the hugs. Moments later, Peter is still crying, trying to explain why he was scared but can't. Kurogiri picks him up and pats him. John is trying to look too adult to discuss it while he and Mabel take the kids to the playroom. Shoto is standing in the playroom doorway, watching your family with a strange curiosity.
Most of the nest sisters follow, except for the big three and Beth, who is asking Kuro Daddy for treats. That made you stiffen. How much has Kurogiri been in their lives that she calls him daddy? 
It breaks your heart, made worse when she runs up to you yelling, " Mommy, look,' holding up the cookie she begged Kuro daddy for.
"Beth, I'm your sister. Big sissy," you say. She looks confused and smiles. You sigh, "Those look nice. Are you going to share? No, then it's our little secret," you wink. A huge grin spreads across her face. She calls you mommy and runs to join the others. Lyra is quick to bombard you with information as you sit down heavily on the couch.
"The Doctor ushered us into one room with a pepperbox and two Nomu aimed at us. He told us if you die, we die. Shoto and John stepped in and had him sit out here with me. Can you imagine the relief we felt when you showed back up? The kids were so worried for you more than their own skins at the moment. He's brilliant, though. Gods, how I wish I could dissect the Doctor's brain and keep it in something docile. Maybe a dog like Mochi-chan, with me forever," she hissed. That was a lot. Oh gods, another thing that is your fault, you have no idea what a pepperbox is, but it must have been meant to kill them. You are surprised Lyra did not figure out it was her they are focused on. 
"That was something I asked for….if the…uh…if the MLA got here. I know they torture and brainwash children to be on their front lines. So, If I did not come back, I wanted Master to kill you all rather than endure that. I….I, uh, just killed several members of the MLA…and I…I uh, I still don't want any of you to endure that," you admit to Lyra. She jerks and tenses. She looks off in the distance for a long moment, then back at you.
"Why would you say that? Aren't you worried I would be mad? That I would question you on your information about the MLA to think that? To suggest our murder is extreme, Ur," Lyra asks. However, she doesn't sound insulted or emotional. She sounds more calculating. That's Lyra for you. You should call her Curious instead of that blue bitch outside.
"Lyra, if I failed, you would be dead. I would be dead, so my concern was moot. There is no point in lying about it. Adam had infiltrated the group a long time ago. He was always looking for groups to give us money in the long run. He was always good at that. Adam would infiltrate a group and kill whoever he got in his way for status or food. Adam couldn't even handle the MLA. The things they do (swallows), death would have been a mercy. I just killed…I uh, killed….. I'm disturbed at how I had felt nothing but fury when I was doing it. Afterward, I was so confused and numb," you trial off weeping.
"Trauma from killing," Lyra nods in understanding. You scoff.
"I've seen death. I told you I felt rage and numbness. I still don't feel anything about it. I didn't enjoy it. It was necessary, like butchering a goat or eating your mom. One day it might catch up to me. But today, I'm disturbed at how the MLA thinks I use magic. Lyra, I was so mad. Then I felt pain, and next thing I know, I lost it," you confess. It looks like she is trying to process but failing. Her lip trembles, and Lyra doesn't look like the Lyra you remember. She looks so broken.
"I missed you. I was so lonely. I mean, I had Shoto, but the kid is damaged. I thought I had a disorder. He makes me look functional, he is Dabi's brother, but he can't know about that," she whispers. You smile because it is delicious gossip. She leans in, lowering her voice, "What is going on with the MLA? The last thing I heard, Shigaraki and Dabi were meeting the astral wizards. What happened?" 
Your gossip is less pleasant. Your eyes dart to Kurogiri. He is busy making cakes and cookies.
"I told him that it was a bad idea. The astral wizards and the MLA are pretty much the same. I received a package with the severed finger of the current major of my village after he left. Then the MLA came pounding on our door. That is why I wanted to ask you something," you say, hesitating. Lyra flushed and looked guilty, eyes darting everywhere.
"The Nomu are all homunculus from Dabi's offspring. Exclusively, because he is half-human. Humans can be more easily manipulated by magic. The Doctor has been trying his experiments on full-fledged humans. That wizard we are struck with is a legendary monster. He has brought the magical community to its knees. He almost wiped us out. Ur, they are evil creatures," Lyra hisses, eyes darting to Kurogiri.
"Lyra," you hiss intensely, "I know. I have seen it with this eye. The wizard that lives here is a child-snatching monster. I know. But I can only deal with one threat at a time. The MLA is here, and we are at war, Lyra. I need to ask you for something. I need poison, Lyra. If I get caught, I need a way out too. I will talk to Master about being less obvious about it. Lyra, I need this," You growl. Her eyes water as she bites her lip. Lyra has been more emotional, too, lately. She seems off her game. 
"Only if you cannot get here. Do not do that until they are about to…. don't do it. Stay here with us. The kids get so scared without you. Your death would kill them," she begs. You shake your head. She sounded so much like you when you were with Shiggy.
"They are coming for me; I need to stay far away from the kids and you until this is over. Trust me. I do not want to die. Did I tell you I'm having twins? Nasty little grubs beat up my insides, but I can't wait to see them. I wonder if they will be fluffy or have tiny antennae?" You smile, rubbing your belly. They are starting to calm down a little. You are happy as you wonder. You failed the twins, but you will not fail your hive. Lyra snaps her fingers in front of your eyes. Makes you gasp because you just realized you didn't put your patch back on. Groping for it, Lyra snaps her fingers again while holding up a piece of paper.
"I noticed you have an eidetic memory for writing. Get the bottle with that label. I will distract Kurogiri. Get up and go now," she said, walking over to Kurogiri, pointing towards the Master's room. You do as she says. Oh god, there are so many potions. You quickly start looking through them.
Lyra wrapped her arms around Kurogiri's middle. He stiffens at first, but when he sees it's Lyra with his glowing yellow eyes, he smiles inwardly.
"Where is Tomura's mate?" Kurogiri asked.
"She is with the kids. They were scared for her, so she wanted to spend a little time with them. Also, because I asked her, we may all be dead soon. I would like to ask a nice favor of you."
He looked at her again with new interest. He should check to see if the Tomura's mate needed anything. But Lyra slowly pulled away and looked back at him with smoldering eyes.
"Shoto is with them. I assure you we will have time alone," she said, stripping layers and walking to the far room. He's not dead, dead. Kurogiri follows, undoing his uniform.
When you come back, clothes on the ground, interesting sounds coming from the room in the back. You decide to go and keep the kids' interest, wearing your eye patch and sharing a plate of hot cookies. Talking to Shoto for the first time. Apologizing for being rude the last time you saw him. He said he didn't mind and blushed, then John hit him in the arm for it calling him gross. Until Master came back, you were having a good time, and Shoto was interesting. Lyra had disappeared, preferring never to see AFO again, Kurogiri setting up the tea.
"Stimulating things, will it just be us today? I was hoping to discuss more with that interesting arcane healer. She behaved more naturally with you around," AFO says. He removes his mask, and you force yourself not to stare. The upper half of his face is an obliterated mess. You shudder to think of what dark magic he uses to keep himself alive. He informs you of the fighting and the battle plans, all of which sound like they don't need you today.
"When your magic wears off, they might need you again. I would like you to start mastering your eye," he demanded. You didn't like that he was demanding anything from you. Like he owned you. He is dangerous, so you play with your fingers before answering.
"It really was me. That eye thing in the air was me," your shaky fingers brushed over your eye patch, "Shigaraki has not been able to explain it. It scares me. I rather not have magic. I know you can give and take magic. Can you take it from me?"
AFO steeples his fingers as they regard each other. The silence is awkward and tense. Beth runs out of the playroom, sees AFO, squeals, and goes running back. Kurogiri followed her with a plate of cookies. When AFO spoke again, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
"That would cause multiple problems. I could take it from you, but I won't. You are pregnant and with little self-defense against magic users. That is a gift from Tomura, and I won't take it away. I will not leave you and Shigaraki's offspring helpless in the middle of a magic war. The evil eye-opening on such a scale means you are on the verge of an awakening. That power is yours now, and you will have to own it and master it. Strong emotions, straightforward ones like love and hate feed your magic. You must have been very angry," He grins. You shudder in fear with that wicked grin. The grubs twisted and cried in you.
"I think Shiggy killed my sister," you whispered. AFO heard it. Putting his mask back on, he watches as the anger roils in you, quieting the grubs, "I want revenge if he has. You wouldn't happen to know?"
"Come here. This is the perfect time to practice. You can activate your eye more than once with my added power," he said. His mature, commanding voice compels you to do as he says. Standing in front of the mirror with him behind you. You feel more fear than anger. He is tall, very tall, and touching you on your shoulders, making your flesh crawl, "I once used this eye, but it would be a waste since the loss of my physical eyes. You are so pretty; it is highlighted by the night sky in your eye. Without it, I would not be able to tell you apart from your older sister."
You gave him a dirty look for that. He laughed and told you to focus and use that anger for your magic. Turns out your eye has ten distinct eye-related magic. Or quirks, as he called it since it is related to your emotions and personality. You are going to keep calling it magic. Training went on for hours. Your eye ached, and blood tears dripped down before he let you stop. The physical wasn't as taxing as the emotional up and downs AFO put you through. It didn't escape you that he avoided your question about your sister.
"Let's stop for now. I am pleased you didn't beg to stop. Such a vengeful little mate. You did very well holding that hate and bending it to your will. Rest now. I'll have Kurogiri bring you food," AFO said. You can't get angry at the moment; you are so drained. But you don't like how Shiggy sounds like AFO when he's being patronizing, calling you little mate. He carries you to the room you share with the siblings without warning.  
He lays you down on the bed and caresses your belly. You grab his robe when he tries to leave. 
"Thank you for helping me. It was very kind of you," you move to make room for him on the bed. He sits with an air of amusement and curiosity. You pull out the picture that Shigaraki drew, "I want to understand why Shiggy might have killed my sister. Do you know about his past?"
AFO sighed in appreciation for your efforts. But was not very forthcoming. Saying when he found Tomura, he was living in the fighting pits. Malnourished and fighting for what little scraps there were. He took him in, but the little wild Mothboy never stopped fighting at the pits and never talked about what it was like before he found him. Only that he did a terrible thing, was sentenced to death and escaped to this hive. It's small and has a lot of aberrants. Magic the Order deems too dangerous to live. You thanked him again as he left. Outside AFO pulled out a crystal.
"Old friend, I want you to add Ur to the list of potentials," he grinned, heading to his room. He hasn't stopped smiling since he saw you use your eye. You are amazing. That rage builds up to perfection. Still not as impressive as Tomura, but in such a short time, you are awakening. He will make you ask for more magic if he gets the opening. The horrors of war might foster a need in you. However, you seem to take the war in stride, seeing it coming without magic and rallying everyone to you.
"Her? Really?" the Doctor asks in shock.
"Yes, she is almost awakened," He smirks, dwelling on it. You seemed comfortable around him. There are ways to force a sweet submissive person if you don't volunteer. His smirk grew wider at the thought. He will take good care of you and the potential high ends you carry.
You don't know when you drifted to sleep. But you must be dreaming. You watch your stepmother cry while Maude berates her for being too easy on Adam. Something Maude often did. It's not her fault Pa bought a wife a year younger than Maude herself. Adam is a man now and needs to work harder to help out. You are holding the twins. Abigail and Benjamin, or A and B as you like to call them. They are growing in your arms while your sister shouts louder.
"Ur is too smart to be sold as a whore. You let Adam run around playing cult members while trying to sell the real potential to a damn podunk farmer or a whorehouse. Grow up!" She screamed at the nice woman. Again that wasn't her fault. That was Pa and Abraham's decision. A and B started crying and begging for food, shriveling up and turning to dust. A pitiful groan escapes you as you try to shape the dust into your brother and sister.
"Grow up!" Maude screamed at you. You cringed, unable to speak, only snivel. Samuel is next, then your stepmother. Long pale white fingers reach out and grip Maude's face. You are trying to warn Maude, but no words are escaping. She ignores the claws turning to dust, "Grow up! You have a brain. Use it. Men are simple and basic! Are you simple and basic?"
She disappears, and Shigaraki is hovering over you in concern.
"No cry, little mate. I here. See, little grubs A and B need love," he states, lifting you and keening to your belly. Oh gods, what kind of hell is this? Your mind screams.
"YOU KILLED MAUDE!" you shrieked. He smiles at you, planting dry kisses on your forehead. He points.
"She fine," he dismisses. You see Maude with a fake smile, her lips moving, but babble is coming out. He lays you down, carefully cupping your face in his hands, using his thumbs to rub away your tears.
"That's not Maude," you whimper.
"No proof, not Maude. What matter? That Maude enough. She no life mate. Maude can't give you grubs. You chose me. Are you going back on vow? Do you no love? Tell now, and I end both now," he rasps. Kissing you, pressing you down under him. His hands wrapped around your neck. The honest Maude is looking down on you from above him. Shaking her head.
"Grow up! Have you learned nothing from being with him? Have you not learned anything from me? I thought we taught you to be stronger and smarter than that. There is more than one way to punish someone and keep what you want," she snorted.
You have a hard time thinking. The grubs are twisting like they are fighting in you. There is a sharp pain in your eye. Maude is gone, and Shigaraki looks more like a winged demon. Roughly using your body. Making you bend to his need while he ruts in you. Too scared to fight.
Your dream is interrupted by gentle shaking. You wake with a start seeing glowing yellow eyes. It takes a few gasps and then restarting your heart before you notice it's Kurogiri. He shakes you and chitters something. Moving Peter and Beth from you.
You don't know when they crawled into bed with you, but you are happy to be woken up before things got too fun in your dream. Kurogiri holds out your crown to you. You take but put your eye patch on first. He moves to wake your nest sisters. You shake your head.  Let them rest and protect what matters to me. I'm not that precious , you think.
Kurogiri opens a gate. You stretch before you walk through it. AFO is waiting, but it's Mr. Duskin's voice that cuts through your sleep haze.
"Tell these dumb insects that losing that blue bitch is a problem. She has some kind of explosion magic! Ur speak sense to these," he is yelling when you give him a severe eye. He grits his teeth and quiets.
"Don't call them that. I was told we were doing well. What's changed?" you ask calmly.  
"That blue bitch has explosion magic. If she was to reach the caves under us, she could light up this hive like a real volcano. The Mothmen's shit is combustible if left stagnant. That was why Adam created canals from the outside first, to safely move the waste. We haven't gotten far. A bigger priority was mining crystals, but we got far enough that if they figure it out, boom. These dumb…uh…moths… don't think it's a big deal to leave the base of the hive unguarded," he says cocking his thumb to Zenru. You feel cold and frightened suddenly. You don't get a chance to respond when the ground shakes, rocking your world and tossing you into AFO. Oh gods, you just wish Maude or Shiggy were here. Grow up! 
[Meanwhile], at the new hive, Shigaraki and Dabi are having a good time. Shigaraki just got done pulling a weakling in half down the middle. Her screams died too quickly. Originally Dabi suggested they try to take the females alive, but they are making that too difficult.
He lets his killer instincts run wild, and it feels great. Pure bliss. It's up there with his little human riding him. Another human crying about the female throws himself at him. He snaps his neck and turns him to dust. One of his humans are gathering the remains. They will mix the dust with dirt and water so he can fight in daylight.
Something in him compels him to look at the full moon. Like his mate's eye. Why is he being pulled from his joy? Look! Something snarled in his head.
"Did you hear that? Did you feel it?" He asks Dabi.
"What the crunch of bone? You are messy when you go at it," Dabi says.
"Not that," he rasps, fiddling with his necklace. Staring back at the moon. Something in his blood is boiling. Get back to mate! "What did you say?" Dabi gives him a side look like he is crazy.          
"I didn't say anything. Pay attention. You can't let them breach the hive. He ignores the incident and continues. Later he wishes he hadn't. His instincts scream at him to get back. Repeating the same thing. Get back to mate! Making his malice rise to new heights. The MLA are keeping him from his lifemate, his grubs, and his precious little humans. His blood feels like it is seething and writhing under his skin. Making him itch.
[Present] He hasn't gotten much sleep. It didn't make sense that you were next to him. Snoring since your belly has gotten larger. You roll and snuggle into him, a content smile as you drool on his neck ruff. Your belly resting on him, he can feel the light pressure of a little foot or fist against him.
Fuck he loves you. You make him so weak. He stares at the canopy decorated with shiny things.
"I killed your sister. I wanted to after what she did to me. I liked it, and I feel some guilt, only because it will break your heart. I couldn't stand the way she treated you. Like her personal puppet," he graveled to the darkness.
"Unlike you?" you asked. Your pretty eyes are staring at him with devotion. That look beyond that has tamed his restless instincts.
"I'm restless. A fake sleep mate won't satisfy me," he rasps. He looks over to the side and sees himself. Only this version of himself is feral. Covered in blood, cock erect, lips peeled back from dripping fangs. Staring at his little human in contempt and yearning. Rasping hot pants and low growls. He turns back to you, ignoring his bitching instincts. You don't seem mad, and he wants to keep that.
"Isn't a puppet a toy? Don't you do the same thing? Use me however you like?" you moan sensually. He can't focus on your words or what you say when you pull him in for mating. He wants and needs this so much. Only he was yanked away with searing pain in his feeler and scalp. His instinct is to shake him like a dog with a chew toy.
"What the hell? We're not separate. How are you doing this?" he snarls, pulling himself off.
"So stupid. Is dream. Not real. Go back to real mate! Go to real mate now. Can you not feel? Mate and grubs cry for us. Wake up! This one is in head," his instincts snarl at him before letting him go with a snort of disgust.
"I'm stupid? You sound like a fucking imbecile who can't string two words together," he shot back.
"Sound like what mate hears. This one is speaking Moth tongue. This one not mad about the evil one. So stupid. Left with Master. Left grubs and mate defenseless. We are one when listen. You no listen. Fool!" His instincts seem to morph bigger and uglier. He turns to the side to look back at you rather than his instincts. Smiling after he confessed, he killed your sister. Yeah, it's a dream, all right.
"I have been trying to get back! You are here, and we're pinned down with no way to contact Kurogiri. What do you want from me?" he retorts. His instincts rise, dipping in a serpent-like motion. This is what he sounds like to you? It is a good thing you fill in the gaps because this is embarrassing. He needs to study harder.
"Want listen and end it! Go back to mate. Let go and go back to real mate!" it roars. 
Growing more arms and larger. Wings block out the sky as more eyes stare down at him. Tongue lolling to the ground. White hair pooling around the nest. It starts gouging his flesh, "Your fault. So stupid, no listen and left. Only listen to what Master want. So stupid. No point! Want kill. Want mate. Want be one."
"If I could, I would. We're stuck together in a nice place with a sweet submissive mate, and you want to state two contradicting things we can't have. We are killing, and we will get back after. But how about we have a damn moment to rest and enjoy this! Fuck get back down here and join me. This isn't right. You are not separate. We are one and the same. You want this too! I swear, not only do I sound stupid, I sound weak!"
His instincts jerk. It shakes his head in condensation. Staring at himself as if he is wondering why he is so small.
"You can't hear. So stupid. No feel. Not real, mate. So stupid. Real mate in pain. Pain we cause. Must make right," he mumbles as he fades into the inky black. He watches, curious as to why he doesn't feel him in the back of his skull. Small and petty. Shigaraki starts to forget the second your fingers are buried in his ruff, pulling him to you. You kiss him as your fingers play with hair up his wing. Dancing on his spine.
He remembers when you had spent days touching him all over. Exploring until you found every one of his weaknesses he didn't know he had. He doesn't understand why he was questioning himself? Sure, it's not real, but it feels real enough. He just wants a moment.
"Tell me you love and worship me," he demanded from you.
"Oh? On my hands and knees or with my mouth, Nii-chan?" You ask, licking your lips. He chirped and giggled. He covers his mouth quickly. He doesn't giggle in front of his mate. Not in front of anyone. It's ok because you are quickly making him forget with your body. When he doesn't answer soon enough, you flip him. Pinning his underneath.
"My onii-chan King wants to be used and worshiped. I can do that. The way you secretly like. Aww, look at you blush like a little grub. Do you want to suck while I ride? Should I tie you first?" You ask with a pout. Oh wow, he does want this, but it's not like you. You stroked your pussy over his cock, praising him while he was suddenly tied. Riding him hard. Your wet, slick, sticky walls coax him to cum in you.
"I love you. I love you. I will never leave. I will always love you. You are amazing. Brave. So good to me. You saved my family," you moaned. Your tight cunt makes him writhe. Sucking him in, dragging ecstasy and bliss throughout his body. Milking it at the tip of his cock. Your breast in his mouth. Feeding him warm liquid love, "little baby grub, do you need more?"
You asked, riding him harder. Fuck, too hard. It's making him cry and squirm. It's so good it is painful. His pleasure threshold is being pulled apart and pulled together with your tight core. Each stroke is tugging at his soul. He can't breathe. It's so good. He loves you. He wants to love and worship you the same way.
"I bind myself to you. Now and forever. Hail the King, hail my onii-chan, cum in me," you begged. The peak rises and crashes on him. Drowning him in you. He arches up and screams as he knots. Complete domination and pleasure. Blood rushed to his knot, making him dizzy. Your pussy squeezing the bulge. You laugh in delight as your peaked wet nipples enthrall him as they bounce. He wants more. You are laughing. He each he feels deep in his middle. Looking down on him, you giggle.
"Really? How delusional are you? Is this really how you want me? Do you honestly think I would get over my sister that easily? Such a lie and self-delusion, you would get bored within the week, like the other knaves you took but never bothered with trying to keep alive. You have always wanted, no, needed someone like me. Someone that loves you but makes you work for it. What you truly wanted was a soul mate that you could grow with! But I will grow to hate you. You will stupidly blame me. Killing my sister is not saving my family. Your lack of self-awareness will push me away. Quit kidding yourself with this and wake up!"
Without his instinct, things become unhinged quickly. You slap him hard. He is used to pain, but this stung deeper. He knows this is him torturing himself. This is his guilt.
"It was an accident! You promised me if I saved them and love what you love, you would never leave," he insisted.
"You wanted to kill her from the moment you met her because she had my heart. You wanted to fuck her because she looked like me. But the sin was worse than that. You couldn't handle how much she was like you. Her existence was a reminder of how awful you are for me. That you don't deserve my love, I will never forget or forgive!" You slap him harder.
"You put the hole there! I was changing for you. I was going to let her live," he cried. Cried like a child. This was shameful. He needs his instincts back. He hates this.
"You were never going to let that happen. At some point, your jealousy would have won because you hadn't grown. You use me! Manipulate my feelings! That is not love! Petty! Pathetic! Wake up!" you shout, punching his face and cracking his eyes socket. Wake up, his instincts scream. Slapping him harsher. He felt a sudden rising and plunging. He sits up, gasping.
"Oh, good. You were thrashing in your sleep. The crystal is ringing, Shigaraki. I found the MLA's hideout," Spinner says. Shigaraki doesn't respond. He already knew Spinner would come through. The battlefield is littered with several dragon born. Spinner was the perfect candidate for infiltrating and discovering where these jerks are at. Spinner is pressing water to his lips like a mother hen. He stares at Spinner's concerned eyes. Dabi is sleeping soundly.
"Do you have a mate yet?" Shigaraki asked. Spinner jerked and blushed.
"Yeah, sort of. She is owned by an older Mothman who wants to sell her to me. But it's a pretty hefty price," he replies, eyes downcast. Shigaraki nods.
"Come to game night. I bet you will find my mate easy to win against. She will probably cheat to let you win," Shigaraki rasps. Spinner blushes harder, his scales turning a deeper shade of red.
"Why are you bringing this up? It's so weird and random. Answer the crystal already!" Spinner shouts. The moment he touches the crystal, he hears Twice screeching in the background.
"This is Adam. We are an hour away. You better have something to throw at this guy. He's more of a titan than a giant," Adam panted.
"I'm on it," Shigaraki rasps. He adjusts the crystal to talk to the MLA. One of the leaders had been rambling for a while now. Clearing his throat as a way of answering. These bastards don't deserve his respect.
"We have your queen and captured your hive. Give up now," the leader is saying. That woke up Shigaraki. The gall of them trying to fool him. If his mate was anywhere near here, he would know. His instincts would be screaming at him much harsher than in his dream.
"Ok," he growls, ending the conversation. Getting to his feet, he smiles. Shigaraki and his instincts are one on this. He kicks Dabi's nest. Dabi cracks his eye, "We have an hour to play. Let's bring the fight to them for a change."
Dabi looks delighted as he buzzes with anticipation. Rising and amused.
"Let's burn them all," Dabi laughs.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Jojolands - First Impressions
That’s what we’re doing here. I know I haven’t really delved into Jojo’s much before, but I know several of my mutuals are big into it and I am at least a fan of this bizarre multi-generational adventure. Still need to finish Part 8 but honestly...I’ll probably just wait for the anime. It’s too confusing for me to properly binge the manga. I’ll keep any actual spoilers under the cut, but first...
I’m sold. This intro chapter hooked me more than Stone Ocean. I’ve never really been into JJBA for the plot, I like what my boyfriend said when I got him to watch the dub. “This is one where you’re just here to enjoy the experience.” If I put it in art terms, something like One Piece is a very traditional story. It’s not exactly breaking a lot of new territory, more perfecting an established style. Jojo’s? That’s abstract art. Sure there’s an overarching story to each part and how they tie together, but you’re mostly just enjoying the vibe. And oh my god do I love everything about this vibe in Part 9. First and foremost though...
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My newest beloved blorbo Dragona. Just gonna say this now and get it out of the way; it’s as worth getting hung up on pronouns as it is that clip of Izo referring to Kiku as his “brother.” Differing norms are going to make this finicky, especially when we’re talking about a Japanese author writing about Hawaii as a setting through the viewpoint of a 15yo younger brother. Little different, but I live in an area with a lot of Marshall Islanders. You sorta get used to it. We could ultimately find out Dragona is as much a “woman at heart” as someone like Kiku and referring to him as such still makes sense in context. Especially with an older Japanese author and there still very much being a mindset of like, not using “transgender” to refer to anyone except someone who has fully transitioned and treating it like a man becoming a woman there. Make sense?
All that to say, use your eyes and common sense over getting hung up on specific words. I’ll probably casually use she/her most of the time because it’s hard not to. Everything I see so far suggests Dragona also acts pretty girly and hell...I’ve known 18yo trans folk existing in a space like this while they sort themselves out. We’re clearly going for something in that bubble, I’m sure Dragona will have more room to clarify...it’s Jojo’s, just roll with it. Because by all accounts we’re looking at the sane, reasonable one in the group. And that’s cool, I’m definitely keeping an eye on this pair from the perspective of wondering if maybe, just maybe Araki was a little influenced by a certain pair of samurai “brothers” who like to play with similar territory. If nothing else, our introduction does show, not tell that absent being informed most people are going to read Dragona as female. Curious about those “cosmetic injections” as well.
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With that out of the way, I adore our introduction to these new Joestars. Sets the time, locale, everything so well. They’re rocking out to Dua Lipa, hassled by dickhead cops, name dropping covid, cops one up the racism with transphobia. Then our best bros fuck em up. Awesome. These parts since Stone Ocean all track with an AU version of a previous part, and I love that we don’t waste time showing off our new cast as a twist on Passione from Vento Aureo. Though this time we aren’t screwing around with noble intentions. This is all about getting filthy rich and I’m here for it. Especially with my second love from this first chapter.
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This bitch. Who is, without a doubt, 100% that bitch. If she has a Stand please let it be Lizzo inspired. Speaking of Stands, Jodio’s November Rain is cool looking and I like the reference...but of course Dragona is the better one with a nod to the absolutely legendary slow jam Smooth Operator. Given the similarities I love the jokes about “Sex Reassignment Pistols” Fun fact, 80s wrestler and guy who looks like he walked straight out of a porno “Ravishing” Rick Rude would sometimes use that song as entrance music. Does it sound like fight music? Nah, but he made it werk. Where the hell was I?
Right, let’s steal this diamond! Good hook, I’m invested and we have the gang together. Although I know this series well enough to know we’ll probably find a better motivation along the way (please be nice to momma and Beach Boy’s reference Barbra Ann Araki, she’s so loving) for now I love focusing on a gang of scrunkly criminals who make no bones about it. Jodio’s going to school solely to sell drugs, Dragona and Boss Bitch Meryl seem to have a lovely bond. Like I said, a part hasn’t hooked me this well since introducing Jolyene ashamed to have been caught paddlin’ the pink canoe. Part where I just died though...
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Two words were all I needed to see to know Araki did his research on the islands. Spam Onigiri. It makes sense if you know the history, soldiers in WW2 brought Spam with them to a lot of these islands because it’s easy meat to ship and stockpile. It became popular trading fodder with locals, they still very much consume a lot to this day. Because it’s also something you don’t have to worry about taking a while to ship. And there are some dope Polynesian recipes built around using it these days. I’ve just personally always found that a fun quirk from the Marshall Islanders I know and past experience with people from Hawaii, Guam, etc. Will never forget a lab partner from Guam in college, said something about it and he was just gobsmacked. Had been going his whole time here wondering why it was so hard to find certain flavors on the mainland. 
Anyways, that was a lot of disjointed rambling to say I’m very excited about Part 9. Disjointed rambling is on theme though because it’s Jojos. Nothing bad is allowed to happen to Dragona or Barbara Ann. Paco and the weird guy? Meh. Jodio’s great because he’s a scruffy no-goodnik and proud of it.
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chats - Josephine Griphus
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1 - Theories
"The Sakura Scholar, huh. I know as much as anyone does."
"Her achievements in technology are far more known than her personal life."
"Some speculate there was simply nothing more to her, being a program."
"Others believe the records were erased by traditionalist mages intent on keeping magic and science separate."
"What I believe...? Hmh. There's a lot more possibilities."
"If you have two hours I can give you a summary of my top three theories."
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2 - Look Beyond
"Every dorm is based on someone who achieved grand feats. They all have legends the students look up to."
"Tell me, did you believe everything they told you?"
"Finding the key points in contradicting records, events that fail any sense of logic, missing information and the reason for it..."
"That's ounces more fun than trusting blindly what you're told."
"Because people lie all the time without even realising."
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3 - Eye See
"... It's nothing. I just have a headache."
"I couldn't sleep a wink, again. Speaking of..."
"It might be a weird question, but could I look into your eyes for a moment?"
"They say eyes are the window to the soul. They let you see the reality of who's in front of you. What's really inside."
"...Mhm, as I thought."
"Everything is fine. You have pretty eyes, that's all."
"That's all..."
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✦ Jojo & Minami - Private
Jojo: The Sakura Scholar was a notable figure. Very interesting. Yet there's little information about her.
Minami: Ah, yes, I forgot how much you like mysteries.
Jojo: I do, certainly. But I wonder... if it wasn't on purpose.
Minami: Oh?
Jojo: The lack of records is suspicious given her control on technology. Unless that's what she intended.
Minami: So she wanted privacy? Makes sense.
Jojo: Perhaps. It's just an hypothesis. But if that were the case... just that once I'd like to respect her wishes.
Minami: So you're hoping it's not the case, that way you can be as nosy as you want.
Jojo: ... Maybe a little.
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✦ Jojo & Giselle - Talking
Giselle: Jojo~ I heard we're from the same town, what a coincidence!
Jojo: And where did you hear about that?
Giselle: Oh, you know, people looove to talk. I knew your last name rang a bell! A shame your brother never introd-
Jojo: I was focused on my studies. You certainly loved to stand out though. The plaza always had your posters.
Giselle: Aww shucks, I can't help it if folks just love me! Would be rude to ignore them.
Jojo: A sensation, for sure. Everyone was always talking about you. They had a lot to say about you.
Giselle: ... Oh my, what sorta things?
Jojo: People love to talk. But maybe we can be better than them.
Giselle: Woo-wee yes ma'am. And here I thought ya were some ol' fly on the wall. I have a feeling we'll get along great, Jojo!
Jojo: I've always been a skeptic.
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Trigger Warning: Implied suicide attempt I came up with a scenario on how my Jojo OC Medea King meets DIO and gets tempted by him... I mean, what do you expect? He does this every time there's a Stand user nearby. This took me all day and night to come up with this so forgive me if this is late. Anyways, The story here takes place in December 1987, a year before the events of Stardust Crusaders.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Medea King and her now ex-boyfriend Jason Lennon had a very nasty breakup because of the latter's actions, which resulted in her loosing self-control and beating him to an inch of his life with her Stand Flogging Molly(which at the time she believed was a Irish faerie and didn't have a name), he survived but had to be taken to the hospital for his injuries.
The resulting fallout caused Medea to get expelled from her dream collage and had to be sent to live with her maternal Grandparents in Cork, Ireland to protect her from the media and Jason's family. Losing her childhood sweetheart and chances of ever getting a degree in Archaeology had sent Medea into a very bitter depression. 2 weeks later, it was nighttime and Medea runs off to Blarney Castle to be alone, there she contemplated on throwing herself off the castle roof much to Flogging Molly's horror.
When she tried to climb the walls though, she finds herself back on the castle roof, she tried again only to end up back on the roof again, this surprised her and her Stand greatly when she heard a voice behind her asking why is she doing something so reckless, that's where DIO makes the scene. Thrown off by his beautiful appearance at first, she asks if he's going to kill her, he refuses, saying that she had a wonderful gift that she should share with him and that killing her would be a waste. 
Medea tells him to screw off and that she just wants to be left alone, he steps forward instead and she tries punching him, only for him to "disappear" and whisper behind her, this went on for a minute before Flogging Molly starts punching out in frustration, he catches that fist and tells her that he's amused but her Stand could've done better. She asks what a Stand was and he reveals Flogging Molly's real identity of being one and how it came to be, as well as there being more Stand users in the world besides both of them. 
He promises to show her his Stand if she agreed to join him on his conquests, she refuses to be apart of his plans, especially because he's a guy. He asks if it was because of her fallout with Jason, this surprised her because she never told him her ex's name and asks how he knew... That's when DIO seized the moment to use his manipulation tactics on her: He tells her that he's been watching her ever since she first arrived in Ireland and knew of her past before presenting her a crystal ball, she takes the ball and he activates it using "the Passion".
The crystal ball showcases her childhood and love life, all the while he tells her how he understood her pain and suffering, going on about how he had a brother he loved dearly before he "betrayed" him in the past and how it took him years to recover from the trauma(yes, he respects Jonathan as an equal, but is still willing to paint him as the bad guy). This caused Medea to breakdown crying, she mourns how she had loved Jason with all her heart and how she had poured her heart to him only for him to reject it for his greed, she also mentioned it was thanks to him that her life and reputation is basically ruined because she cannot become an archaeologist or return to America without facing retribution, and doesn't know what to do with her life now.
Now that he has her wrapped around his finger, he "comforts" her and tells her not to cry anymore, he promises her that her suffering will end if she chooses to join him and give her Stand more power in hopes of ruining Jason's life like how he ruined hers. Finally, after thinking long and hard about this, she accepts his proposal. Satisfied, he gives her an envelope with the name "DIO" on it, he tells her that he can't get her over to Egypt since they can't be seen together, she's going to have to make her way over. 
She asks if he's going to protect her from retribution if anyone from America found out about her, he promises before leaving into the darkness. After she returned to her Grandparent's home, she looks inside the envelope to see what's inside, it contains the following: 1 set of instructions on how to reach him 1 plane ticket to Cairo, Egypt 1 map of Cairo with his home marked on it 2 photos, one of his mansion and one of his gatekeeper Pet Shop 1 Tarot card, representing "The World" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Medea King belongs to me
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So the closest thing I have to an OC is a Jojo main villain so I’m going to talk a bit about her because at the moment she’s entirely in my head which means that she could stop existing (that is thematic lmao)
She could be considered an alternate universe Diavolo, as she’s a mysterious figure that controls a country but no one really knows who she is and she goes to great lengths to erase any knowledge of her existence, and I picture her with pink hair (think Trish but 18/19/20. Her real age is unknown). She doesn’t have a name (well I mean she did but she’s the only one who knew her name and once she died her name stopped existing, because no one else knew it. If you put a gun to my head to tell you her name I’d say Maria, but that’s only for the religious connotations. I am not an omniscient author and I don’t know what her name is, just like the other characters, just like you)
Her stand ability is 「ゴッド・オンリー・ノウズ」(god only knows), which has the power to erase anyone it touches from existence. If her stand was to touch someone, all evidence of their existence would be erased/rewritten, everyone would forget their existence, and they would dust thanos style. However, they don’t actually stop existing. They rematerialise in the Vatican (or another church, I’d have to do research on the Vatican specifically but I’m 90% sure it’d work there)‘s walls. Basically, it “it’s a wonderful life”s you.
She grew up as an orphan, but her stand powers caused her whole orphanage to be empty. She wipes every one of them from existence (by the way, she’s the only one who remembers everything, to fit with the general theme in Jojo of stands not affecting you like with crazy diamond and made in heaven. She can, however, touch herself with her stand to erase herself, although she is able to rematerialise a short distance away instead of in the Vatican, hence why she didn’t know about the rematerialisation for so long). Before she realised what she was actually doing, it seemed like anyone she got close to would stop existing, leading to her essentially becoming a shell of a person. No one knew she existed, and anyone who did didn’t exist for very long. She became a living ghost.
The reason why I think god only knows is an incredible name for her stand, is that her character is what happens when, just like the song suggests, she goes without the people close to her. God only knows what she’d be without you - and she does know, therefore she develops a kind of god complex. Her eyes are the lens through which reality is absolute. She is the only person who knows the truth, therefore she must be god. When she later becomes head of the mafia, she gives her commands to her direct subordinates (who everyone (including them themselves) thinks actually are the heads of the mafia), and when she erases herself her subordinates believe they were given a command from a god/goddess.
From a young age she matured immensely, and quickly learns how powerful her power is. She’s able to do anything without consequences and get rid of anyone that gets in her way. Meanwhile, the Vatican (or the whatever church I decide upon) is having a crisis. People that don’t exist on any records or in anyone’s memory are materialising out of nowhere, claiming to know things and people that don’t know them. As she gains more and more power, she recognises the people (they do not recognise her, as she erased herself after the fact). To counteract this, she focuses on taking over the Vatican, and finds and recruits a squad of stand users to assassinate and dispose of the people that materialise to not draw attention (which leads to stand battles if the main character is ever touched by god only knows. They’d get a few seconds of breathing room before being attacked).
From here, her control is practically absolute. It’s at this point that someone, in the same spirit as giorno, eventually rises up to take her down.
How I imagine this would happen is in the final showdown she is trapped in the Vatican, and the character that kills her says that no matter what, he will attack anyone in sight, to be sure that her evil is stopped. There can be a debate about the morality of maybe killing an innocent person to make sure the true evil is dead. Once they are sure she’s dead, all that’s left is a dead girl in the hall. Who is she? Where did she come from? The ‘good guy’ hands themself in. they don’t know for sure if they killed her, but deep down they felt they did the right thing.
And this, her reign ends. The ‘lense of through which reality is absolute’ is dead. The people she erased, herself included, no longer exist, in anyone’s mind. It’s a very somber ending.
Like I said, I wrote this to just have it on record, maybe I’ll update it in future, there are other characters, but there aren’t any nearly as developed as her. If you want you could tell me what you think. I think that the world of Jojo and especially stands as a power system are so intriguing and near limitless in their potential, and I just had to write it all down
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stardust-3saders · 10 months
hewwo ♡
🍩🍀 ❤️ for the oc asks please!!
Bibi! Hello, hello! And thank you for the ask!
Ask Game for someone’s OC(s)
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🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Her main enemy/rival in SDC was obviously DIO. While in DiU she only had Rohan as her rival (in both timelines), since she never got really involved in the investigation about Kira.
You could say those two are the only relevant ones, I'm not going to name all the people she had kind of a rivalry with at school.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Oh boy. What inspired Lia as an Oc in general, not just as a Jojo OC, was me starting to play videogames and wondering "what if there was a character who had done things differently?"
From there, she was involved in almost every fandom I got into, and funny enough, I had promised myself to not involve her into Jojos (because I had been told and made believe that inserting an Oc into canon events was "cringe"). But one thing led to another, and here we are.
It was also because, when I first came to reader insert fics, most of the time I wished said reader acted differently, to the point where I started to change those fics inside my mind with a "more fitting version" for myself.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Pretty cliché, but meeting the crusaders is one.
After she gained her stand, she tried to tell everyone about it. And to prevent bad opinions from other people, her mother faked believing her, but told Lia to keep it a secret, "just like how superheroes have a secret identity".
So, being able to finally be herself without having to keep some things hidden or as secret made her really happy.
Another one, and related to family, was when she first touched a piano.
She always heard her mother playing, but was told by her father to not bother adults when they're busy, so Lia will always hide close enough to watch, but far enough as to not be seen or be a distraction.
However, her mother noticed her one day. And instead of getting angry and telling her to leave (just as Lia had believed would happen), she invited her over to join, noticing her curious eyes. And so, she started to teach her, and those classes were one of the ways she and her mother spent the most time together.
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saiharacryharasj · 2 years
Some shameless self promotion to get started.
Galaxy Adventures! Character intro;
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Base is used in pic, but character is mine
Meet Sarah! Real last name unknown
"Well hello friend. Are you here for a rest, or here for directions. None the less, it's wonderful to see you again."
Age: 16
Height: 159.9 cm
A young light spirit who used to be human before her birth world was completely reset. Her, along with many many others who have survived the same thing, now resides in the newly created world of Solaria and works to help keep other worlds and universes from facing the same fate as hers.
Travels to numerous worlds under the protection of the GDD and her new found status, to attain her ultimate goal.
Very sleepy girl, angry marshmallow
In the world of TWST
Finds herself, along with a few loved ones, guarding young Yuu as they try to survive Night Raven College and their numerous problems
Commonly fills in Yuu's role of therapist once it becomes too much
Runs around either helping people, talking to people, stalking people, or causing minor problems
Naps anywhere and everywhere
She's attached
You wouldn't think she'd be in Genshin
But she is ( ╹▽╹ )
Forged herself a fake anemo vision
Sticks to the Traveller the entire time, she was separated from her family
Does not like Paimon, the feelings are mutual
Uses a scythe!
(Enemies do a double take upon seeing that)
Imagine you wanna talk to the famous traveller after hearing of their amazing exploits,
You have to get through a pesky fairy thing and a small girl giving ya the most threatening smile manageable (they protective)
Welcome to Jojo's
She cried upon arrival
Calmed down real quick though
Stays through all the parts, she wants to sleep more now
The introduction of stands to this world has confused her, but she thinks it's all cool
Jonathan is still her favorite JoJo, he gave her food upon first meeting
She's way attached
She cried multiple times here
Marshmallow is sensitive
Konosuba what?
She never knew a lot about Konosuba other than the fact that our MCs are all weird and useless in some way
She still wasn't prepared
Wanted to punch Aqua as soon as she opened her mouth
"I am nonviolent, however I will gladly throw a chair at your face."
All said with a sweet smile on her face
Loves every explosion Megumin causes, got hit by 60% of 'em though
Darkness low-key scares her
*Kazuma uses steal on her* "Jokes on you, I have another pair!"
High-key tries to befriend literally every big enemy
Let's fly high!
This time, she spawned in someone's home, awkward
The Hinata family was so confused but ultimately just went with the flow(after a whole scream session of course)
Hinata's mom decided to flat out enroll her into Karasuno as well
Yay, she has to go to school all over again (⌐■-■)
She clings to Shoyo, almost everywhere
Meeting the team was fun for her, she hid behind a door the entire time, only found out because of our queen Kiyoko
Climbs everything she sees, she's gonna give Suga and Daichi a heart attack
It's so Miraculous!
She was so bitter when she was assigned to watch over this world.
But! She's got her friends
Tatiana and Cassidy, and numerous other friends who thankfully know just how to calm her down
She begrudgingly befriended Marinette and Adrien
Ignores Alya completely
Dotes on Chloe and Mylene
Currently trying to curb some of Marinette's worst habits
"Mari, she's only talking to him. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's trying to date him. Adrien's dense as a rock anyway."
Still wonders why people don't get the Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Cat Noir
Probably losing braincells
Naruto running from responsibilities
She also cried here
Too many keep taking her soft appearance and assuming that she won't hit them
Not to mention that everyone here talks about her quiet voice and lack of presence
She made up multiple jutsu on the spot just to spite them and cause them pain
"Forget you no Jutsu: Bug Off" *target goes flying miles away*
Has a ball exploring
Would like it if all the ninja villages would stop trying to use her though
Stays literally no where anyone can find her
She nabbed at Naruto as soon as she saw the kid, he now lives in a wonderful little home she built in the village
No one questions how she doesn't age
Despite her loving this place, she still grabs at the next chance to jump back to Solaria
Black Butler?
Save this girl
Her being is similar to that of an angel, Sebastian tried to discretely kill her multiple times
Now uses Ciel and literally anyone else as a shield
Thankfully after proving to be useful enough, Ciel decided to keep her so he ordered Sebastian to stop his assassination attempts
The fiend is bitter about it
Sarah clings once more, she dotes on poor Ciel
He got mad
So she clings to Alois once he finally pops up
Mad that people keep trying to kill her, so she just pwns them and leaves
"Running from world to world is oh so exhausting. Maybe I should just sleep some more. That usually fixes everything."
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cassyapper · 2 years
Hey I’m new and have been wondering why there’s even a debate about who p3’s jobro is in the first place. I can see why there are arguments about p1 and p5 though. Out of curiosity what makes a jobro to you? It seems to a bit different for everyone. I guess there wouldn’t be debates otherwise. Avdol is an interesting choice for runner up jobro and I wanna hear what makes a jobro for you.
hello anon, sorry it took me a hot second to reply to this! i really like your insights here and I'll be happy to explain my own (:
im gonna come off as like an araki scholar in this post like how some people are tolkien scholars re lotr and i just want to say in advance i swear i know it's not this deep and i am completely cognizant of how embarrassing I'm being. however:
so what exactly a "jobro" is to me, based on both my own and the community's observations of the show, is first of all a character archetype found exclusively in jojo that fulfills a certain role in terms of complimenting the main character, their jojo. in order to be considered this archetype, a character should have most if not all of the following qualities:
met their jojo via fighting them
appear as a source of comfort/humor for their jojo
die (or at the very least, survive where their jojo didn't in speedwagon's case)
have some sort of canon acknowledgment of their placement as a jobro, whether that be in merch lineups, certified araki doodles, etc
same age as or older than their jojo
motivate their jojo to continue fight (typically this is done with their death but not always, such as in the case of hermes, though her being in danger is what motivates jolyne so it's pretty close)
most importantly, their dedication to their jojo is reciprocal
polnareff only fulfills one of these requirements explicitly (the older than jotaro one), but i do give in and say he can fulfill up to three with the inclusion of him being a source of comfort/humor and motivating jotaro to fight
avdol however fits all of these: he meets jotaro via fighting him to get him out of the prison cell; he is a guide, a mentor to jotaro, and jotaro clearly feels comfortable around him, such as when he admitted openly he would have scared himself if he looked at his cards during the d'arby fight; avdol evidently dies in the crusade, and jotaro is heartbroken about it:
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^ the silent, stiff, still fury is roughly how he responds to joseph and kakyoin's deaths (well, joseph's "death") as well, for the record, which goes to show how impacted he was; avdol is actually canonically acknowledged as jotaro's jobro during the joestar radio stardust crusaders themed month, when avdol's va was brought on to host with jotaro's -- not pol's, not kakyoin's, but avdol's; avdol is older than jotaro by anywhere from 7-10 years; avdol encourages jotaro to fight pretty blatantly, such as when he encouraged jotaro to use star platinum in the jail cell -- avdol wants jotaro to accept his stand, he wants him to see he doesn't have to be scared of himself. also, avdol's death is the kindling for the fire that the double whammy of kakyoin and joseph's deaths (or well. joseph's "death") sparked; <- and this last point is proof as well that avdol's dedication to the joestar family was reciprocal. also, the fact jotaro kept quiet about avdol's first "death"? goes to show he wanted avdol to heal peacefully and quietly, which is further proof of his dedication to avdol. also, jotaro mentions during the rubber soul fight that he is not a very forgiving person, yet he forgives avdol for fighting him when they first met with no punches pulled, and even went to him to help learn more about star platinum (which is where star plat even got his name). like avdol was very special to jotaro, jotaro is just neurodivergent and thus doesn't show his affection for others in a way that is easily readable to neurotypical people
um but yeah that's why i think if you're gonna knock the "kakyoin was jotaro's jobro" thing off the table, then the obvious runner-up is avdol and NOT polanreff. again, it's not that polnareff and jotaro weren't close, it's not that they didn't love each other and care for each other -- it's just both were closer to avdol and kakyoin than they were to each other <3
anyway hope that explains it!
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alias-sam · 3 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 39. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 1
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,967
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
"Umi! We're here!" Vita called as he led you inside his home.
"Sommar?" A woman wearing a hijab stepped out into the entryway to intercept a hug from Vita. She was young, but her face was unjustly aged by stress and exhaustion. The smile that crossed her face upon seeing her son was genuine and warm.
"Sommar....?" You murmured to yourself in quiet confusion.
You were caught off guard at first when you came upon the large three-story house. Noticing your surprise as you walked up the driveway, Vita explained his father owned a rather successful oyster and fishing business. Before that moment you never really stopped to wander about what Vita's home life was like.
Apparently, he was loaded.
Now you were standing in the entryway of the fanciest home you had ever seen as Vita hugged his mother. When the two eventually separated, Vita's mother turned your way.
"You must be Sommar's friend." Her voice was gentile, and fairly quiet.
"Yes ma'am. Y/n Jones." You nodded and politely shook the woman's hand.
"Wonderful to meet you." She pat her son on the shoulder. "Dinner isn't quite ready yet. You two go ahead and do what you need to do. I'll let you know when it's done." Vita ushered you through the large house to a staircase.
"So.... Sommar?" You asked as you followed Vita to the second floor. It had occurred to you that Vita exclusively used his last name at school.
"Right." He sighed, ducking his head for a moment. "Guess I never told you my first name."
"Why don't you use it?"
"I just don't like it I guess." Vita shrugged. "It's the name my birth father gave me." He suddenly stopped on the steps in front of you and turned around. "I'd prefer if you kept calling me Vita."
"Sure, no problem." You smiled. Vita nodded appreciatively before bringing you down a long hallway to his bedroom. He opened the door and you followed from behind. "Oh... wow." The walls were plastered with a unique assortment of movie posters and anatomical sketches of various insects. Your attention was drawn to one poster in particular. "Tsukumojuku Kato?" You mumbled, reading the jumble of letters at the bottom of the movie poster. There was a picture of a boy, looking whimsically off into the distance while holding a magnifying glass. The stereotypical image of a Sherlock Holmes-esque detective came to mind just looking at the character.
"He's the main character in a book series, 'The Locked Room Mysteries'." Vita commented, coming to stand next to you. "Not many people like the movies, but they're my absolute favorite."
"What's the series about?"
"You wouldn't believe me." Vita giggled. You looked at him unimpressed. Vita sighed. "A lot of people don't like the story because it's completely insane. I enjoyed reading it because of the insanity. Sometimes something can be critically bad but ironically good." You still didn't look impressed, in fact you had only grown more skeptical. "I'll tell you this:" Vita relented. "One minor turning point in the mystery involves an invisible polar bear. I won't say anything else because I don't want to spoil anything."
"What about these?" You asked, shifting your gaze to your friend's bookshelf. It held a collection of numbered books that were lined up so that the design on the spines formed the image of a boy wearing a pink suit and a weird hat.
"Pink Dark Boy. It's my favorite manga series."
"I can see that." You laughed looking at the bookshelf filled with only the manga series and it's merchandise. Before you knew it you were curiously flipping through a random volume. "You told me about these before." You stopped when you found yourself unable to read the words. "Are these in Japanese?"
"Yep. There isn't an official English translation of it, but I learned the language."
"Impressive." You flipped through a few more pages, admiring the artwork. "These are some great drawings. A little gory..." You mentioned as you came across a rather detailed image of a disemboweled spider. "But intriguing."
"Rohan Kishibe is the best!" Vita assured you excitedly. You could almost see little stars appear in his eyes as he gushed about the artist. "If you'd like, I could translate the first few volumes so you can read them."
"I'd appreciate that." You said, closing the book and putting it back in its rightful place. "Maybe you could teach me a thing or two in Japanese." You turned to your friend, only to find Vita staring off into space at the wall. "V?"
"Right!" Vita's head suddenly snapped to the other side of the room where a few shelves with glass cases were situated. He removed the tops from two of the glass boxes and retched a hand in both. Soon, Vita returned to your side with a beetle gently cradled in each hand. "These are Harvey and Rodger!" Vita held up the creatures so that you could get a good look at them. "Harvey here is a Rosenbergi beetle I bought while my family was visiting Indonesia." You took a slight step back as the gold-colored beetle tried crawling out of Vita's outstretched hand. "Rodger is a Dorcus Palawanicus my mom bought me when she was visiting the Philippines."
"Lovely..." You smiled wearily at your friend. As you watched the creepy crawlies roam around on Vita's hands your memory flashed back to a comment Tim had made.
This wasn't necessarily a red flag, just a quirk. You hoped so at least.
"There's also Jacques, Enzo, and Johana." Vita pointed back at other glass cases scattered around the room. There were so many beetles, all from different parts of the world. You kept a fair distance as Vita returned his pets to their glass enclosures. As he was tending to that, you noticed a TV and game console tucked away on the other side of the room.
"I didn't know you like video games." You said, curiously picking up a game cartridge. "37 Cars on Mars?"
"I don't think I could explain that one even if I tried."
After you initial exploration of Vita's room and subsequent introduction to the beetles he called his friends, you and Vita got to work on your project. It was a long arduous process, but with each other's company it wasn't so bad. Every once in awhile if Vita noticed you losing focus, he'd make a comment or joke to keep you engaged. When Vita looked like he was dosing off you would ask a question about his beetles. Despite his quirks and obvious social ineptitude, he was a very passionate about his interests, as well as a hard worker. Two hours later you and Vita finally decided to take a break. Due to your combined efforts, the project had progressed faster than expected. At this point, you were practically finished. You leaned back, stretching out your back. Vita wobbled over to his bed and collapsed onto it face first.
"Tired?" You asked sarcastically. Vita rolled over to face you.
"Yes." He groaned. "But I guess it's not so bad." Vita smiled. "You've been fun to work with."
"You too. I wouldn't mind doing this again." You replied, standing to once again look over Vita's extensive Pink Dark Boy collection. As you were flipping through what looked like a special New Years addition you heard a loud car's engine. Vita's eyes widened before he suddenly bolted up and ran to the window.
"You have got to be kidding me." He groaned. Confused, you followed your friend. You looked outside where a red car rolling up the driveway. The monster of a vehicle shut off and a man stepped out.
"Who is that?" You asked. He was an older man, his hair and beard were already a mixed gray and white. You got a good look at his scowling face as he stomped towards the house's front door.
"My stepdad." Vita sighed. "He wasn't supposed to be back for another few hours." Your friend glared down at his front yard before heading towards the door.
"He doesn't look very happy." You observed before turning to Vita. "You don't seem all that happy either." There was an obvious shift in Vita's demeanor that you just couldn't ignore. His expression had darkened, similar to how he looked when you met up with him earlier.
"Dinner's ready." Vita's mother called from downstairs just as he was reaching for the doorknob.
"Would be rude to keep them waiting." Vita grimaced before turning to your concerned face. "This should be interesting." With that, Vita led you out into the hallway. The light in Vita's eyes had exhausted. It was worrying how dull his demeanor became. He didn't say a word as he led you through his house. As the two of you were passing by an adjacent hallway you saw a silhouette out of the corner of your eye. Intrigued and confused you stopped in your tracks and took two steps back to peer down the darkened corridor. A pair of bright yellow eyes stared back. You jumped back immediately from shock. Vita stopped and looked at your panicked expression.
"W-who?" You stuttered, pointing down the pitch-black hallway at the approaching figure.
"What are you talking about?" Vita went to your side and followed where you were pointing. "Oh, hi Mannesh." Vita waved as a younger boy stepped into the light where you could see him. "Jojo, this is my brother Mannesh." Vita happily introduced you.
The younger boy looked like a slightly shorter version of Vita. Both boys shared a sepia, reddish-brown complexion. Their hair was the same dark brown, but Vita's hair was more wavy in comparison to his brother's loose curls. You noticed the most striking difference between the two was their eye color. Mannesh's eyes were a distinct shining yellow, while Vita's were a deep red-orange.
"Nice to meet you..." You held out an awkward hand to the boy who'd just jump-scared you.  It was a bit pitiful that you were shaking at the sight of a nine-year-old, but in your defense it seemed the brothers shared an innate ability to be intimidating without trying. Mannesh glanced at your hand before sidestepping you and heading downstairs.
"Don't take it personally." Vita chimed upon noticing your expression. "He's... not all that social."
"It's fine." You assured.
"Mannesh has his quirks. One of those misunderstood kid geniuses, ya'know? He'll be nicer if he doesn't see you as a stranger."
You and Vita came downstair just in time to watch Vita's stepfather stomp through the living room. He glared at Vita's mother before shoving the door to an adjacent room open and slamming it closed behind him. Vita's mother smiled nervously upon realizing you Vita and Mannesh saw the interaction.
You did your best to ignore the awkward atmosphere created by Vita's stepfather. Though, it was hard not to notice the tired and depressed expressions around the quiet dinner table. The koshari was delicious, but the mood spoiled it. There was enough tension you could cut it with a knife.
It wasn't until twenty minutes later when Vita's stepfather finally reappeared. He padded into the kitchen and upon coming back to the dining room with an open beer in hand. Vita's stepfather stopped in the doorway to look at you strangely. You stared back upon noticing him.
"Hi..." You greeted cautiously. He was intimidating, the stereotypical image of an old sailor, white hair, beard, and a face squinted into a permanent scowl. He seemed a fair bit older than Vita's mother.
"Who the hell are you?"
"A friend?" You answered, highly confused.
"Sommar who the hell is this?"
"A friend." Vita responded curtly, not looking up from his plate. The man growled and turned back to you.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Visiting your son?" You answered, still confused by the sudden interrogation.
"Get the hell out of my house."
"Um-" You glanced around the table before looking back at the man. "Why?"
"Why?" The man mocked your voice. "You did not get my permission to be here." You once again looked around the table for some kind of cue or help from Vita or his mother, but their eyes were both downcast.
"Are you being serious?" You were oddly tempted to laugh given the situation.
"Deathly." The man seethed. Vita tensed and looked like he was about to protest, but you decided not to escalate the situation any further. You had no idea of what was going on, and didn't want to cause any trouble.
"Alright then." You stood up from the table, looking over to Vita's mother. "Ma'am thank you for the meal. It was lovely."
With that, you simply left the house. It was around time for you to be heading home, and you were done with your work anyway. You looked down the empty street as shadows crept across the ground from the shifting storm clouds above.
"Y/n wait!" You turned about to find Vita running after you. The front door of the house flew open.
"Sommar!" Vita's stepfather yelled. "You better get back in here!"
"I'll be back in a minute!" Vita snapped, surprising both you and the old man. Your friend waited until his father closed the door to speak again. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, you could also sense a hint of embarrassment. "I'm really sorry about all of that. I should have warned you."
"It's fine." You tried reassuring the boy. After facing a gaggle of guys who you knew literally wanted to kill you, this was nothing. "Some people just have bad days. I get that."
"Everyday is a bad day with him." Vita looked down guiltily. "He...doesn't like having people over, he's paranoid about things getting stolen."
"You don't need to worry about it. I for one can handle a grumpy middle aged man-" You stopped mid-sentence as you noticed Vita wobbling, and his face turning a shade lighter. "Are you okay? You don't look so good..."
"Y-yeah-" Vita responded airily. "But maybe I should sit down." The guy looked like he was about to fall over, so you weren't going to argue. You helped him down to sit on the concrete driveway. "Sorry, I just got dizzy for a second."
"No need to apologize." You insisted while making yourself comfortable sitting next to him.
"Believe it or not this is what a good day looks like for me." Vita laughed humorlessly.
"Severe anemia, weak immune system, and a constant vitamin deficiency no matter how many supplements I take. That's just listing a few." Vita coughed dryly. You had seen Vita's eyes light up, darken, flare with anger, but right now, he looked empty compared to the creepily cheery character you knew. "I'm a whole cocktail of broken parts." Vita did his best to hide it, but you noticed the shine of tears welling up in his eyes. "But it's fine. I still lead as normal a life as I know how. I'm a bad fever away from a coffin anyway, might as well live as best I can."
"Vita..." You trailed off, caught completely off guard from the sudden confession. He seemed really out of it. His head was bobbing slowly in every direction as if it was too heavy for him to keep up. You noticed his skin still looked sickly, and lighter than normal. Ultimately, you decided to let him talk. Vita obviously had some things he needed to say. The least you could do was listen.
"It's kinda sad really." Vita continued, letting a single tear roll down his face. "I spent my whole childhood in and out of hospitals to the point my only friend growing up was my own mother." His shoulders shook as he held back a sob. "She left behind her life and family in Cairo to marry an asshole and move to America-" Vita's voice cracked and he took a moment to steady himself. "All for me...I guess that's one reason I never quite got along with classmates. I wasn't healthy enough to attend in person until middle school. I went in with no knowledge of social cues whatsoever." Vita shook his head and wiped away a few stray tears. "I don't really care what other people think, I never have. But that doesn't make it less lonely." He paused and looked up at you with reddened eyes. "Maybe that's why I like you so much Y/n. You're weird, like me."
"We both have terrible dads, that's for sure." You muttered offhandedly. "I guess we don't particularly take a shine to normal social activities either." You didn't understand how that made you 'weird' like him, but you decided to roll with it.
"Indeed." Vita breathed, expression finally lightening. "I'm really glad that fate or whatever brought us together for this project. I know you were really intimidated by me that first time we talked, but you were nice enough to never spread rumors or spit in my face." Vita looked away sadly. "Or call me a freak."
"Those are some low standards buddy." You noted sarcastically. That made him laugh. You couldn't help but smile at the fact you cheered him up a little, the moment was spoiled for you however when you realized a light rain was sprinkling across your back.
"All jokes aside..." Vita sighed. "The first time we really talked... I got this weird feeling. This strange pulling sensation." His hand slowly went to his shoulder. "I don't know how to explain it."
"I think it's about time you head inside." You said, barely paying attention to what the boy was saying now that the rain was getting heavier. "Sitting out in the rain can't be good for your condition."
"It's not." Vita groaned. "Oh!" He said reaching behind himself. "I think this is yours." He had your umbrella. You had left in such a rush earlier you forgot to grab it.
"Thanks." You said, taking the item back gratefully. "See you tomorrow?"
"Not if I see you first." Vita responded with a smile and awkward head tilt.
There was the usual creepiness you were missing.
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highdio · 2 years
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More from Ai Fairouz’s interview with SPUR Magazine:
"It was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure that inspired me to become a voice actor. And of all the characters, Jolyne Kujo was the one I admired the most, but I was afraid to play her. So I wanted a 'role who helps Jolyne.' But I got Jolyne herself! At first I was too afraid to bring her voice to life."
On starting with Part 6 (by mistake!):
"When I was in the first year of junior highschool, I used to surf the Internet a lot so I knew Jojo net slang like, "ORAORAORA!!" and "MUDAMUDAMUDA!!" So I looked this stuff up. When I went to the bookstore, I found a lot of books all lined up. I picked up what I thought was the first volume. It was actually the first volume of Stone Ocean. The number of volumes of JJBA gets reset during Stone Ocean, so I thought that this was the first volume of the entire series and I bought it.
On meeting Jolyne:
"I think I didn't really understand the story when I first started reading. Still, I felt that this girl named Jolyne was the most powerful and charming character I'd ever met. I want to know more about her, so I saved up my pocket change and started buying more volumes, starting from this first one.
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"The scene in which she first appears is really shocking. I was amazed at the time, saying, "who is this amazing girl?!"
As you read on, Jolyne situation becomes clear. She's being held in jail but is innocent of the charges she's being held on. "I wondered how a girl who wasn't much older than me would face this harsh situation, 'What would I do if this were me?' All of her actions lit up my imagination.
On women in the Jojoverse:
"Many girl characters' roles and personalities in fiction are proper, and they're protected by someone. There's still a lot of things in fiction that haven't been updated yet. But Jolyne was different. I was really attracted to that fact."
Hirohiko Araki is an author who has been working in the shonen manga genre for a long time, but sometimes female characters that go beyond that 'shonen manga' framework appear in his work. In addition to Jolyne, there are many characters in the series memorable to Ms. Fairouz:
"I like Hot Pants (Part 7), Trish Una (Part 5), and Reimi Sugimoto (Part 4) ... What they have in common is that they have an identity. They aren't swept away by their surroundings, they're devoted to being true to themselves.
Re: Jojo and Fashion:
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"If you wear clothes that stand out even a little, you might be misunderstood by the people around you or laughed at maliciously. In such a case, when you think of the female characters of Jojo who are living out loud in their own way, you will be confident."
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robinofinashiro · 2 years
scenario: Johnny takes you on a late night horse ride
characters/fandom: johnny joestar / jojo's bizarre adventure
request status/note: closed / my baby johnny oh my GODDD i love him so much like i am truly a johnny WHORE so here is a blurb for him
pronouns: she/her/afab!
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"GYRO!" you screamed, speed walking towards him and shoving your phone in his face. Johnny, who was standing next to him jumped back in surprise at your booming voice, "if you got me in trouble with our mother, I swear to god I will grab my car and run you over highway 89 with it."
Gyro started laughing as he read off the various texts from your mother. he quickly typed something out before handing it back, "why would I purposely get myself in trouble just to rat you out?" you smacked Gyro in the back of his head, making him wince in pain, "oh, hey Johnny!" you said happily.
Johnny chuckled, waving at you as all three of you started walking towards the cafeteria area of campus to sit down. you were still texting your mom as you tried to drown out Johnny and Gyro's conversation. your parents had adopted you the same year that Gyro was born and because of that, the two of you had went to college together. it was Gyro's idea to attend the same college as he found it easier to room with you and Johnny so he awkward roommate situation could be avoided.
"you going back home this weekend?" Gyro asked. you shook your head no, "no. I don't feel like taking the drive up this weekend, why?" Gyro nodded, "just wondering. I won't be home all weekend in case mom asks. some of the boys want to go find a horse to save and I'm tagging along so you'll be alone with Johnny this weekend."
you nodded as you wondered why the equestrian didn't tag along himself. you kept it to yourself however as you knew that when Gyro said he was going to "save" a horse, he was going to try and find a wild horse to ride until he put himself in danger. you never were a horse rider yourself as you partook in other activities throughout high school and left any horse activities to Gyro.
"aw, it'll be a Johnny and ( your name ) weekend!" you joked making Gyro give you a disgusted face. there was one rule that Gyro had put in place for you and Johnny and that was for Johnny to never even stare in your direction. you always found Johnny cute and didn't mind furthering the relationship if he ever wanted too but Gyro would probably murder the two of you if he ever found out.
"what? couldn't handle it?" Johnny antagonized Gyro a bit more. the two of you started laughing as you saw Gyro's face light up in rage, "do you need to come along in this trip?" he threatened. you both started laughing even harder as Gyro stood up and shoving his chair in as you looked over to Johnny who was wheezing by this point.
you stood up not long after but before you could put your backpack over your shoulder, Johnny grabbed it for you. "you're heading back to the apartment right? let me carry it for you," he insisted. you nodded, giving him the bag as the two of you went towards your car.
you and Johnny weren't weird around each other as the two of you had grown used to each other. at first, your parents were adamant at first on allowing you to live with Gyro and Johnny but when they realized that it saved them money since Gyro was willing to pay your rent as well as his, they allowed you.
Johnny was practically Gyro's brother so throughout high school, he was always around your house and if he wasn't at your place, you knew Gyro would be at his.
"damn, Gyro already left and he has my nice crocs in his car," you grumbled to yourself. Johnny shook his head as he grabbed your keys to open the door, "I don't feel like ordering food for tonight. wanna make a trip to store to make some instead?" you asked as you set your things on the couch and flopped on the other one.
"sure. let me grab my wallet and we can head out," Johnny said heading into his room. as soon as he shut the door, he stared at the ground in shock. it was no secret to him that he always found you attractive. hell, you were one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever met and spending the entire weekend with you meant that maybe this could be his chance to express the interest he had in you.
because of Gyro's rule, he had made sure to never express any interest towards you but at least for this weekend, he could pretend that rule didn't exist. he grabbed his wallet and changed into more comfier clothes before heading back into the living room, seeing you nodding off.
"tired?" he asked. you nodded lazily, "Gyro had me up at eight this morning looking for something for his trip but that's besides the point we should head out. the target near here always gets packed when classes finish for the day."
Johnny grabbed his keys as the two of you went to his car. you knew Johnny came from a VERY wealthy family but every time you saw his very expensive car, you couldn't help but stare in awe. you hopped into the front seat, scoffing as you saw who was calling you, "gross, Diego," you murmured to yourself. Johnny turned to you, seeing your phone lighting up.
"gonna answer that?" he asked. you shook your head no, putting your phone face down, "he's gonna ask me to attend whatever party him and the last time I did that, I went home with him so I am okay," you explained. Johnny internally rolled his eyes as he made his way towards the store.
you were playing with the buttons on the of his radio as you saw Gyro calling you. you stared at Johnny, wondering if you should even pick it up. you quickly denied the call, texting him that you were busy and would call him back later. you knew that if he saw you inside of Johnny's car, he would probably force whoever was driving to turn around to figure out what the hell you both were doing.
once the two of you made it to Target, you grabbed the cart and headed straight to frozen section, getting a few things for the stir fry you were planning on making. Johnny was the one moving the cart for you as he grabbed the things that were out of your reach for you.
"hey, I have a question for you," Johnny asked suddenly. you turned around confused as you motioned him to continue, "lets go on a midnight horse ride," he asked. you giggled a bit nervously as you nodded, "sure. is that even safe though?" you asked. Johnny shrugged, "Gyro and I have done it before so ain't nothin' gonna happen to ya'," he replied.
your heart fluttered as you heard Johnny's southern accent pop out, "sure! I mean, do you have horse around here in order to even go on a ride?" you asked. Johnny nodded, "found him a stable to stay at while I'm down here and bring him back home when the semester is over," you rolled your eyes jokingly because of course Johnny brought his horse to college.
after the two of you finished shopping, you made your way back home as you called Gyro as soon as you stepped inside. you knew if you waited too long to call him back, he'd had some random idea that something was going on and that was the last thing you wanted to happen.
you tied your hair up and quickly got to work on starting dinner as Johnny opened up a beer for himself and poured you some wine to have by your side as you cooked. Johnny couldn't help but stare as he watched you cook. he was sort of mesmerized as if cooking was like second hand nature too you. you hardly cooked and tended to order food or eat campus food but seeing the way you were just cooking so freely made him smile internally.
"dinner is ready! come pour yourself!" you exclaimed. Johnny stood up, grabbing the cooking spoon from you and piled it on before heading to the table. you sat across from him as the two of you downed the food as quickly as possible. you had no idea if it was from the fact that the two of you hadn't eat all day or if the food was that good but you realized that the food was finished a lot quicker than you had intended.
"well, up for that ride now?" he asked. you looked over to the time, "it's only nine?" you asked. he shrugged, "well, it's dark and that was kinda the point." you nodded, grabbing your jacket and hat knowing that since winter was approaching, it was going to get colder the later you were out.
you watched as Johnny put his on baby blue cap on and adjusted it to where his hairs were sticking out messily, "ready?" he asked. you nodded, following him back out to his car and heading towards wherever Johnny kept his horse at. you knew that Johnny's horse, Slow Dancer, was his pride and joy and meant so much to him so you couldn't help but wonder how many people had been in your position before.
the ride to the stables wasn't long. it was in a secluded area of town but as soon as Slow Dancer saw Johnny, he started moving in excitement, "aww, he's happy to see you," you told Johnny as you approached the horse. he nodded, petting Slow Dancer's mane. you were hesitant to do it yourself but you felt Johnny's hand slowly grab yours and put it on his mane.
"he's a good horse. he usually lets me know when he doesn't like someone."
you smiled at Johnny as you squeezed his hand and continued to pet Slow Dancer.
"well, let me help you up," he whispered, hoisting you up and adjusting you before getting on Slow Dancer himself. Johnny told Slow Dancer to go and at first, the ride was slow but as soon as you both hit open field, Slow Dancer got progressively faster and before you knew it, you were whipping around the area faster than you had realized.
"Johnny!" you exclaimed as you held onto him tightly. he turned around, laughing at your semi-frightened expression but he could tell you were still enjoying it by the way you were holding onto him. Johnny eventually slowed him down as Slow Dancer came to a steady pace, "I bet every girl you've done this with had the time of her life," you said off-handedly.
"you're the first one darlin' and will be the last one doll," he replied. you gave him a confused look as he went in for a long awaited kiss. you returned the kiss albeit pulling away faster than he did because you didn't want to cause an accident, "you implying something?" you asked him.
Johnny sighed, "I'm implyin' that you're gonna be mine from now on," your eyes widened at his confident confession, "I am?" you whispered shyly. Johnny nodded, lifting your chin up to look you in the eyes, "sure are. we can worry about your brother later but I wanted to confess to ya while he was away or else he would've gave me a good ass kickin' if I did it while he was in town."
you laughed knowing that at least he was right in that aspect. regardless of when Gyro found out, you knew he was going to be pissed when he realized that you and Johnny were together.
"I mean, you're the one telling him, not me," you stated as you went in in for another kiss so he couldn't reply. Johnny chuckled as he remained kissing you. he was glad that this confident facade he had put up worked out in his favor as he wasn't sure what he'd do if you had denied him, "c'mon doll, I wanna ride Slow Dancer before it gets too late. don't want ya gettin' sick on me. I wanna take you out on a real date tomorrow anyway."
you nodded, giving him one more quick kiss before allowing Johnny to speed up Slow Dancer once more.
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