#whatever the heck my meme tag is
gachawolfiebloom · 5 months
A Grumpy Troll and A Prince
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Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins
Tags: Comedy, action, adventure, and romance
With the kingdom safely hidden, prince Four set off to rescue his friends with the utmost confidence he would make it to Bergen Town on his own. That was until he was face to face with the cunning Mr Puzzles. He tried to fight back, but his head got ripped off and the remaining corpse laid dead on the ground. He failed. He had...
"Snap out of it Four!"
He backed out of the intrusive thoughts that had put him in a trance and looked down at his journal, filled with memes. The scenarios that played in his head were all that filled the page. Back in reality, he was following the footsteps of those dusty, respectable-like shoes that the TV man was wearing.
"I totally got this. It's not like he is taking your friends to their impending doom where they will all be eaten..." He nervously told himself, trying to hope for the best. No, that was exactly Mr Puzzles was doing...and he knew it. Taking a breath, the troll forced himself to carry along and make it all the way in one piece.
"I really hope I can do it because they're all depending on me."
He had just left the Mushroom Kingdom and was now standing on the flower petal that looked over and colorful field of the Flower Kingdom.
"I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known and brave the dangers of the forest, saving them before they're eaten. I mean how hard can that-"
He then heard a snapping sound and looked down to find the petal he was standing on had broke.
He was falling to the ground, but caught himself just in time. Once his feet were safely back on the ground, he dusted himself off and thought it might help to look at the more positive side of things.
"There's a sunny sky that's shiny and blue."
A butterfly flew past him and thought that maybe this journey wouldn't be as scary as he thought. That idea was thrown out the window when some kind of spotted, four-legged creature caught the bug with its tongue, a clear, speckled one ate him, buzzards flew past, eating skin, leaving nothing but bones, and then a fire flower burned it to ashes. Four was left standing with his mouth agape when the flower turned to him. He waved nervously when the flower asked "I wonder what Gombas taste like?" Four thought "What the actual heck..." and slowly backed away.
"It's gonna be a fantastic day..."
He made it to the Koopa kingdom where volcanos were puffing everywhere and he bounced along rocks under a river of lava.
"Such marvelousness this is gonna bring. Iv'e got so many songs that I wanna sing. And I'm ready to take on anything. Yippee!"
He got launched so hard that he made it up to a castle, but a giant turtle stomped in front of him. Bowser was certainly not happy as he started to chase the poor troll. He couldn't give up as he kept running and running, jumping off a ledge just before Bowser's fire breath roasted him to a crisp.
"So many fun surprises around each corner. Just ride along a rainbow, gonna be okay. Hey! I'm not giving up today. There's nothing getting in my way and if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He couldn't tell which kingdom he was falling into next, but then saw a giant bird heading his way. Trying to duck out of the way just made him get eaten in one fell swoop and the Cookatiel took him back to her soup bowl in the Luncheon Kingdom.
"If something goes a little wrong well you can go ahead and bring it on."
The Cookatiel spat him back out into the soup bowl, water bubbling until Four popped out, gasping for air.
"Because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again!"
He managed to escape the bird on a piece of carrot and felt relived watching the furious bird over the boiling pot of stew. Whatever kingdom next would surely be better, that is until he saw a bunch of spikes up ahead.
"Oh crap..."
He was marching through the rainy New Donk City, overheated in the Sand Kingdom, almost a block of ice in the Snow Kingdom, swimming through the Lake Kingdom till that giant eel swallowed him, now traveling through his intestines, and pushing through the Windy Kingdom.
"I'm marching along, iv'e got confidence, I'm cooler than a pack of peppermints, and I haven't been this excited since...I CAN'T REMEMBER WHEN!"
He began stomping and jumping along flying Koopa's until when they ran out, he found he was high up in the air, falling once again. (Is this a habit of his?)
"I'm off on this remarkable adventure. Just ridding along a rainbow!"
He opened his eyes to find a piranha plant, shutting it's mouth tightly. God that hurt. Was he..
"What if this is all a big mistake? What if it's more than I can take?"
He pried open the piranha plant and kept going. As long as he reminded himself of his friends, he would surely still stand.
"I can't think that way because I know that I'm really going to be-"
Till a chain chomp came out of nowhere and ate him. Going out by that retractable dog was not how he wanted to go.
"Okay! Hey! I'm not giving up today. There's nothing getting in my way because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He managed to escape the jags of teeth in its mouth, wondering why so many thing wanted to eat him. Even the place he was searching for was filled with creatures, ready to get their hands on him.
"If something goes a little wrong, well you can go ahead and bring it on. Because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He tore through several giant spider webs and collapsed on the ground, stuck in webbing. No problem. Just got to get out of this web.
"And if you knock, knock me over, I will....get....back......up.....again......."
What was wrong? His spirit was still persistent on going, but his body was giving up. He could feel his heartbeat slowly decrease and his eyes closing. No. Not now. You can't give up now. He soon passed out and everything went black.
Hours had passed, but someone had finally found him. Four eyes had caught sight of the poor troll. It turns out that a bunch os spiders had found their next meal and slowly descended from their webs to feast on what they saw as food. They opened their mouths wide, ready to take a bite when all of a sudden, someone grabbed Four just in the knick of time. The spiders turned to find that what you might think would be the least expected troll to come. That's right. Three had saved the prince, but the spiders didn't care. More food for them anyway.
They started to crawl towards him as he backed up, but then Three took out a bomb and tossed it at one's face. The explosion barely startled them as they paused for a few seconds...and then got back to dinner. Uneasiness began to take hold of Three, but he stood his ground and as it turns out, he had the same kinds of abilities with his hair that Four did.
Using his hair like a whip, he sent the spiders packing back into the mouth of some creature that swallowed them up and went to rest. He breathed a heavy sigh and finally it was quiet. Quiet? He looked back to see that the prince was still passed out, not making a sound. That wasn't normal for him. Three became panicked as he rushed over to the blacked out troll.
He kneeled down to the spider web that encased him and leaned close for any signs of life. No heartbeat. "Hang on Four!" He grabbed a sharp petal from a Spider Mum flower (yes I googled that) and two glowing bugs. He used the flower petal to cut open the web containment and rubbed the two bugs together like AED to restore the prince's heartbeat.
Concern was expressed in his eyes as he hoped he wasn't too late. Four's eyes shot open as he sat up. He saw Three standing next to him and his expression turned more smug. "Three! You are right on time!" Three went back from his strange, caring side into his immodest, grumpy self. "Oh sure...Like you knew I was coming." Four actually did know he was coming because he had set him up. "Yep. I figured after the third hug time, you'd realize being eaten by a Bergen wouldn't be so bad."
Three shot back "And I figured there was no way you could do this by yourself. Looks like we were both right." He returned the smug grin and crossed his arms while Four just dismissed it and carried on. "Okay then onward!" He started walking off and Three ran after him. "Oi! Don't ignore me!"
"Sooner we can rescue everybody and make it home safely." Three pushed through some plants and asked "Wait! What's your plan?" Four turned back to him and gave him a look that said "We're you even listening."
"I just told you. To rescue everyone and make it home safely." Three sighed and told him "That's not a plan. That's a wishlist."
"OHHHH I suppose you have a plan."
Three nodded and cleared his throat before speaking. "First, we'll get to the edge of Bergen Town without being spotted. Then, we get inside by sneaking through the old escape tunnels which will then lead us to the Troll Tree, right before we get caught, AND SUFFER A MISERABLE DEATH AT THE HANDS OF A HORRIBLE, BLOODTHIRSTY BERGEN!" Three was just trying to scare Four into reconsidering, but it didn't work because what he saw next was...
"Hold on a second! Are you memeing my plan!" Four enthusiastically nodded as he held up a meme that had them and all of their friends cheering "We did it!" and dancing along to that cringey Dora song. Once again, glitter got shot into Three's unimpressed face. He scowled at Four and said "There will be no more...memes..." Four sighed sadly and the two continued on.
They began walking along a huge tree trunk that had conveniently fallen on top of a river, making it the perfect bridge to get across. Four tried to lighten the mood by dancing and humming along the trunk. Three did not appreciate it though.
"Do you have to do that?"
"I always dance and hum when I'm in a good mood."
"Do you have to be in a good mood?"
"Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I'll be back with all my friends!"
He pondered to himself on how they were doing and said "I wonder what they're doing right now!" Three thew some sarcasm into his answer with by replying "Probably being digested." Four looked at him seriously and strictly told him "They're alive. I know it." Three then stopped in his tracks and faced Four coldly.
"You don't know anything Four. And I can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize that the world isn't all fun and laughter, cause it isn't! Bad things happen and their's nothing you can do about it!" He pouted to himself and walked off.
Four could tell something was up with Three, but pushed it aside for not being shown up like that. "Hey! I know that it isn't all fun and laughter, but I would rather go through my life thinking that it mostly is instead of being like you. You don't sing, dance, and so grumpy all the time. Seriously, what happened to you? Three didn't want to talk about it so he stuck a finger over the prince's mouth and shushed him.
Concern started to melt into Four's mind as he squeaked out "A Bergen?" Three slowly removed his finger and whispered "Maybe..." Four looked around in fear, but then squinted his eyes. He sighed and said "There's no Bergen is there.? You just said that so I would stop talking!"
"Yeah. And?" He continued walking as Four rolled his eyes. They realized it was getting late, so it seemed like a good idea to find a spot to camp and resume the journey in the morning. They had found a quiet spot in the forest to sleep, except they weren't sleeping. Three was angrily covering himself in the covers while Four was unable to sleep.
He took out a picture of all of them together and lied it in the grass in front of him. "They're all so special. Good night Meggy. Good night Boopkins. Good night Tari. Good night Melony. Good night Mario. Good night Bob. Good night Luigi." He chuckled a bit on the last one with a smile and playfully said "Good night Tag6. Boop."  as he laid his finger on Tag6's nose in the picture.
"AND GOOD NIGHT FOUR." Three sternly said, wanting sleep. Four sighed and looked up at the start night sky with the full moon out. It was perfectly placed to be seen through the trees. That ding sound signifying the special time had gone off on his bracelet. He sat up and looked over at Three. "Don't...even...think about it." Four rolled his eyes again and mouthed "Muh muh muh." to tease Three's demented attitude.
Back to looking up at the sky. You know what this needed. A song. "Stars shinning bright above you-" Three sat up, fully awake and looked at Four like he was joking. "Really? Seriously? More singing?"
"Yes seriously! Singing helps me relax. Maybe you should try it." Three was really started to get fed up with this. How hard was it to get his way of living life into Four's mind? "I don't sing and I don't relax! This is the way I am and I like it! I would also like a little SILENCE!"
He tried to fall back asleep, but then heard the sound of a soft Ukulele playing. What the hell!? He whipped his head around to see Four, playing the instrument and looking at him in an arrogant manner.
"Hello darkness, my old friend. Iv'e come to talk with you again."
Creatures began flying around and singing along while Three looked confused and speechless. A small spider came up next to him and whispered "Hello..."
"Because a vision softly creeping."
Three flicked the spider off his arm without breaking eye contact with Four.
"Left its seeds while I was sleeping."
"And the vision that was planted in my brain."
"Still remains."
"Within the sound....of silence."
All the creatures disappeared just as mysteriously from when they arrived and Four strummed one last time on the Ukulele. Three got up and softly asked "May I?" Four smiled and gave him the instrument. Three instantly threw it into the fire and he went back to sleep while Four watched his Ukulele burn, mouth agape. This was going to be a long adventure...
Chapter 4: Welcome to Bergen Town
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cottoncandyafterdark · 7 months
Dr Stone Headcanons - Ryusui SFW Alphabet
Tags: SFW, fluff, headcanons, alphabet meme
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Very. He isn't the least bit shy about showing affection, there WILL be hugs, kisses and cuddles whenever you're together. He has no reservations about PDA either, if you guys don't have a reputation as the most obnoxiously affectionate couple in the Kingdom of Science you aren't doing it right.
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away)
Smile. Laugh. Look at him with love in your eyes and kiss him on the cheek. Just stand there and keep being absolutely beautiful. He's pretty easy in that regard.
C: Cuddle (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Heck yes he cuddles. He likes to cuddle when you're falling asleep together, and any time you're just chilling together. He likes spooning, and he prefers to be the big spoon.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
He wants to see the world, and he wants you by his side the whole time.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
At this point in his life, with all the prior relationship experience he has, it comes pretty naturally to him at this point. He does, however, put more effort into the relationship than you'll probably even notice unless you're looking for it.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
If it's something physical scaring you, step one is to get you away from whatever that is (related note, Ryusui is definitely the guy to go to if you need a spider killed). Step two is lots of cuddles until you've calmed down and feel better.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Ryusui is the best at gift-giving and it's one of the main ways he shows his love. This would be most prominent in a modern setting, when he had enough money to buy pretty much anything without putting a dent in his bank account, but even in the stone world, he'll manage to find you good gifts.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Ryusui gives bone-crushingly tight hugs, whenever the opportunity presents itself. He loves having you in his arms and pressed against him, after all. Whether or not you can breath in this position is irrelevant.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Very romantic. He always seems to know just what to say, and what to do to make you feel incredibly loved and sweep you off your feet- figuratively and literally, no one ever talks about how jacked Ryusui is but going by appearances he's definitely strong enough to literally lift you off your feet.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Not in the slightest, surprisingly enough. It's tempting to think he would be possessive because of his general attitude but monogamy has never really been his thing and it would be unfair to hold you to a different standard. Somebody flirting with you or even you flirting with somebody else doesn't bother him too much unless the other person is being disrespectful in which case he'd intervene if you needed him to. He'd also be comfortable in an open or poly relationship, so if that was something you wanted, he'd be all in.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
He is an amazing kisser, oh my god. His kisses will absolutely take your breath away, and he loves to kiss you. It's one of his favorite ways to show you affection, to hold you close and kiss you with a gentle passion while running his fingers through your hair and it's just perfect.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?)
He has absolutely no hesitation whatsoever about telling you he loves you. Doesn't even wait until later in the relationship when most people would consider it "appropriate" to tell you. Why should he bother with that when he does, in fact, love you already?
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
For as loving and romantic as he is, he takes some time to warm up to the idea of marriage. He's not entirely opposed to it or anything, he's just never been too keen on the idea of fully tying himself down to loving one person for the rest of his life- but after being with you long enough, he could change his mind. He'd like to get married to you at sea, and he would want all of your friends to be there. He'd accept nothing less than an absolutely lavish ceremony and reception, too, nothing but the finest of things for HIS spouse!
N: Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Before the petrification, his dates usually consisted of taking his partner out to a nice part of whichever city he found himself in and taking them to dinner, then wandering around window shopping and whatever else they felt like. In the Stone World, he would try to recreate the experience as best as he could, but it obviously wouldn't be quite the same. If you have any better date ideas, he'd be more than happy to go along with them.
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?)
We all know Ryusui is greedy, and he's not going to temper that part of himself for you. If you're super into minimalism or really fervently anti-capitalist or something that would likely end up as a serious point of contention in the relationship.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Ryusui likes to start tickle fights, especially when you're feeling a little down and he thinks you could use a laugh.
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Your opinion is very important to him, but he doesn't always think to ask you for it. He'd like it if you would just tell him your thoughts and he'll take them into consideration as much as he can- he'll do the same thing, and expect the same level of respect for his opinions.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He's pretty spontaneous when it comes to matters of romance. He plans dates and stuff ahead a little, but it's never more planned out than "We'll go out tonight", whatever you end up doing while you're out is up to wherever your whims take you.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He likes to sleep holding you, and/or with you resting your head on his chest, basically using him as a pillow. As always, he is the big spoon.
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
He has a lot of trust in all his friends, but that goes double for you as the person closest to him. He knows he can count on you to have his back, and you can say the same for him.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
The fact that he was quite rich pre-petrification, is fully planning on regaining that wealth and has a butler has gotta count for something. Like, this is a guy who can give you the good life.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
I think it takes a while. That's a side of himself Ryusui doesn't show often. But everybody feels sad, or maybe just tired sometimes and eventually he's going to let you see that in him. When he's in that state, I think he's just temporarily a lot more subdued and quiet than usual, and he just needs you to stay with him for a while, you don't need to talk about it, he just wants you there. It doesn't take him very long to get back to normal.
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
A big thing about dating Ryusui is that you're also going to have to get used to Francois. It could feel a little awkward at first, because, well, do you know the proper way to interact with your boyfriend's butler? I certainly don't. But don't worry too much, because Francois likes you just just fine, and they totally shipped you and Ryusui before y'all got together anyways
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
He'd take you to Senku or whoever the most knowledgable medic nearby is in the immediate aftermath and then hover around while they're trying to help you. Later on, he'd do whatever he could to help you recover as fully and quickly as possible… and probably bother the medics a little more asking if there's anything else he can do to help you out.
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
He would get pretty annoyed if you were ever needlessly mean to other people, otherwise there's not much you can do that would bug him too much. Something that might bother you if you're the jealous type is that he won't immediately stop openly finding other people attractive. Like, he wouldn't do anything with anyone else unless you were okay with it, but he still might admire and compliment others' appearances.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
100% yes, he is a very passionate lover, and with the level of affection and all the ways he says and shows that he loves you, you won't be able to doubt it for a second.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I FINISHED SEASON 1 OF WOLF359 AND THIS IS NOT OKAY (Reaction to Episodes 11-13, plus mini episode 1)
So basic info on the tags and how to follow my reactions below, but I'm honestly too emotional to type much more than that. What the heck was even that? I gotta get going, so I'll let past Bods of a few minutes ago do the talking under the "Keep Reading Button" but YIKES this was a LOT.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly. I also made this meme to describe my recent feelings.
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Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
So for these last few episodes, I'm just gonna live react since I have the time to sit down. Sorry for inconsistent formatting.
Episode 11: Am I Alone Now?
Um... Hilbert? A grey door where no one ever goes??? Well...where does it go? "Open in Emergency When You're Alone"... what does that mean?
Oh the joke about the genie. I've heard this one before: "I wish my friends were back with me". Yep, that's it.
Wait. Wait. Is that what the door does? Does it somehow...bring them back? What is this metaphor trying to suggest? Or...does it only make you think they're back? So that you don't go crazy? Or is it a door that leads outside the ship? Like...a door that gives you the option to, for lack of a better word, "give up" if the others die and you're left alone in space? Because that would also be dark.
Okay, Hilbert, I agree, fear can be adaptive. Uh, not sure about the gun and war thing, that's not exactly what I meant...wait bombs? Hilbert, no, you SHOULD be afraid of yourself.
Working on the fear of death? Uh...Hilbert? Are you uh...working on reanimating corpses in space, because that sounds like a bad idea to me.
"Alone should be afraid of us instead there is a door incase I am ever alone." Well what about the others?
I agree Hilbert, alone can be a good time to focus, but I gotta say, not sure I like how you're spending your valuable alone time.
"The scary part is the part of your mind that whispers back: how can you be sure?".
Oh. Now what's interesting about that quote is that in the "Alone should be afraid of us" sentence it personifies alone. The only way to really be comfortable being alone is if you are confident that you are stronger than whatever might be there if you aren't alone. But how can you ever know 100% that you are stronger than the unknown? Also there are sound effects that sound like someone moving about. Don't like that.
Is it Blessie?
"Someone must think they are alone when they are not, there must be monsters underneath someone's bed". Okay, Hilbert, clearly going for the creepy quote of the episode award.
Why is there knocking?
Uh...Empty Man?
Um...why is WHO here Hilbert? What other missions???? Was Hilbert on another mission? Hello???? Hilbert? EXPLAIN????
"You weren't here last time, but now you are here waiting for the day, open in case of emergency, open only when you are alone."
Does the empty man want them to open the door? When they think he's not around? Why?
Uh...I don't think that joke is very funny Hilbert. And no, I'm not laughing, you're dodging my questions.
Oh now we're onto Hera. I like this. We see a lot of Doug alone but not the others.
Yeah, Hera you should NOT trust the code Hilbert gives you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's experimenting on you too.
HERA. WHAT DO YOU "SENSE UNSEEN?" And yeah...Hera I know how programming works. If I don't unblock the wolf359 tag, tumblr.com isn't gonna just show me wolf359 posts, or tell me "hey here's one you should look at". But let's just say, hypothetically, that one of my mutuals draws some wolf359 season 1 fan art that doesn't spoil anything for me. Then I would trust that they might message me, and tell me that it's okay to view their wonderful art, but I won't know that unless they tell me because the tag is blocked. Not the best metaphor, but the point still stands, Hera I guess you don't HAVE to tell them about the "empty man" roaming the ship unless they ask you for that information. But as their friend, you probably should. What motivation would you have for hiding this? Hera seems to have very human attributes in terms of her ability to have social connections. She also seems to care about them to some degree. At least, she seems fond of Doug and has some tension with Mincowski and Hilbert. She's pretending to talk to Doug, which is a very human thing to do.
Ah yes. Good for you for finding loopholes in your programming Hera. I like riddles too. But...what exactly are you going to do with these riddle answers you've acquired? Are you going to help the rest of the crew? Blessie? The empty man? Or do you have your own agenda?
"Somedays I wonder if I'll miss you after you go away forever Doug." Aw, Hera. 🥺.
"I doubt it". No, I think you will Hera. The fact that you, a robot, are even wondering about missing Doug makes me think you will. Especially since you could, theoretically, live until the heat death of the universe, which is a very long time to be alone.
Wait. WAIT. The storm is happening on a part of the spectrum that their minds can't process...is that what the empty man is? Is that why they can't see him? But Hera can't see it either so her programming must either not be able to see it or it's being blocked. But weirdly enough, only visually it seems. Huh.
Hera seems frustrated with humanity, but also seems to care about them, maybe envy them a little bit. I love this level of complexity with her. "Once the game is over, I'll come up with some names for these colors." Yikes, Sophie, when you said that I was writing the Whisperer very similarly to Hera, I didn't realize it was gonna be that spot on, but okay, especially with her calling this a “game”. It’s kinda like a darker version of what I’m writing or at least, it seems to be leaning darker, probably because it’s adult media. It also makes me wonder who Hera's creator is and what they want, or maybe that just doesn't matter in this story.
"Someday. After you've all gone away..." Um. Hera. Did you open the door?
Or are you the genie in this metaphor?
Ah now we're with Doug.
INCINERATED? What sort of psych evaluation is this? And these questions are NOT standardized for space. When coming up with psych evaluation materials, you need context. Answers that are normal in a warzone or in space are not normal in everyday life.
WHY IS HE SEARCHING FOR ALIEN LIFE IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE? Doug, I know pizza hut might not be paying much, but you gotta follow your passion, and this clearly isn't it.
10 things you miss about earth and not one person? No one? No family? No friends?
"Great listener"/"I empathize too much" ok Doug.
Hm. Not too sure about Doug's answers. Honesty is only overrated when you're not the one being lied to Doug.
It also makes me wonder what you really miss about Earth.
Wait. Mission = Punishment? Spaceship = Prison? Is Doug...are they...are they doing this because they are completing a criminal sentence? If so, I can see how Hilbert and Mincowski got assigned to this as a punishment, they have science and military backgrounds, but what on Earth is Doug's story? "He was a former tech genius kid who burnt out got into drugs and alcohol, worked at pizza hut, did a crime, and now they sent him to space?" And since when do space missions fulfill court mandated community service? Also Doug I think technically has arms training, because if I recall correctly, Mincowski gave him a gun but refused to give one to Hilbert. Like...who are you Doug? What is your deal?
Alone...again. Yeah, just Doug and the voices in his head. Forgot about those. There's a lot to keep track of for a small cast of characters.
Let's do a quick run down before we hear from the commander:
Doug Eiffel- former pizza hut employee, no family/friends to speak of, possibly serving prison sentence, apparently knows how to use a gun and a lot about communications
Dr. Hilbert- doing VERY unethical space experiments, sees himself as a genius despite being a huge liability whose mind was nearly over taken by a killer plant. Obviously knows SOMETHING the others don't, so I don't trust him or his spinal fluid stealing ways.
Commander Mincowski- stereotypical by the books commander, I like her, but she also has a ton of unanswered questions and vague backstory so ???
Hera- seems nice, I wish people treated her better but also clearly keeping secrets from the others including Doug who is her friend so Hera what are you doing?
Percival The Plant aka. "Percy" aka. The Blessed Eternal aka. "Percival B. Eternal" aka. "Blessie" aka "Specimen 34"- a plant that thinks of itself as a god. Where did it come from? Even if it did take over the ship, what is it's plan? No one knows.
The Empty Man???- may or may not exist, seems to be off the visible spectrum even for robots and AI. He's hungry or as the messages put it "the empty man hungers" and that's about all we know about him. What we don't know is what his food source is, and I find that rather troubling. Maybe Doug can make him some pizza. Oh, and one other thing: he knocks. Which...is surprisingly courteous behavior from a dangerous man that can't be seen. But why would they open the door for him, unless...oh. Unless they are so desperate not to be alone that they embrace the empty man. But like...how would that even...I don't even know. Also apparently the empty man was asleep, because the first message said he'd awoken. Awoken from what? Hyper sleep? Was he in the box? Apparently he can see them even if he can't be seen, and I don't like that.
The voices in Doug's head- they say "he's not the first". Which is kind of crazy, because Dr. Hilbert was talking about "other missions". So um...what other missions? Who are the others? Who are the voices? Is something being transmitted into Douglas' head?
Captain Lovelace and that scientist lady (don't remember her name) from the sealed off lab- are they still alive? Were they on a previous mission? Why did they want to make spiders bigger? What was the point of these experiments? I SWEAR I saw people posting about Lovelace before I blocked the tag, which makes me think she's important.
The Spiders- presumed dead. Let's hope so.
The thing in the box- weird that the box was 953, which is 359 backwards. Weird that it had a heartbeat. Weird that it was labelled "for Doug Eiffel" with no other information. Odd that there were so many other seemingly nonsensical boxes in that room.
Whoever sent the “Empty Man” messages. Because I’m starting to suspect it might not have been command and there might not have been a psychological experiment. Which means the messages were meant for someone, but whoever sent them didn't want the others to know about it. ...but who were the messages for? Hilbert? Hera? Hilbert? ...Blessie???
Whoever sent that jazz music earlier. It's good music, but why?
Also important to note that multiple characters on this list might be the same people, people pretending to be the same people, or different versions of the same character due to cloning or time travel experiments thanks to weird space magic and also Dr. Hilbert.
Now let's here from the captain.
I um...I wouldn't call the talent show a success. Dr. Hilbert didn't get to make the ice cream! We never even got to find out what everyone's favorite flavor was 😥
3 minutes. Okay. Let's see what Captain Mincowski says.
I wonder who she's talking to.
Yeah, the plant being, it's weird that that's not a priority here, I agree Captain.
Huh. The weather is weird. VERY weird that Hilbert is ignoring it, and VERY weird that he has human tissues samples and jars with dead things after giving a monologue about trying to conquer death. Don't like that one little bit.
Soap? Hilbert you need to get better at lying. And yeah, captain given that he's talking about "other missions", I think he might have been lying for longer than anyone realizes...
Things moving around and turning up in odd places...it seems the empty man and Blessie (one of the two) enjoy furniture rearranging...yeah I do think there's more than the three of you, my list had at least 10 with some possible overlap.
I'm sorry what. The station changes? THE DOOR TO A SECTION JUST VANISHED? Terrarium? That might be Blessie, but still...that's weird. Eiffel...huh. Unsure if this is a case of him being so absent minded he didn't notice or remember the terrarium, or if he legit can't remember. Wait Wednesday started over? Clocks turned back at midnight? FOOD RETURNED? Okay you can change clocks, but you can't...okay time is being warped now. Maybe. Possibly. This is gonna be one of those things where you don't know how much is in their heads and how much is actually happening right? Oh boy. But also...how can one remember a time loop and the others don't...unless they are all remembering different loops...oh goodness, is this like Netflix's Dark, where I'm gonna have to start drawing maps or something?
"I don't know if there's anyone else I can trust": yeah, commander, and with the others in the same boat, it looks like you all really are alone.
Wait "MARRIED ME?" Who is she calling? Aw. Happy Birthday. That's sad but sweet. I hope she makes it home to whoever that is, but...for some reason I doubt.
Also...with the time loop stuff...is that what they mean by saying Doug isn't the first? Is Hilbert trying to escape the time loop is that why he remembers the other missions? What are the missions for? What does Hera know? Man I gotta stop doing these as study breaks or I'm never gonna quit.
But. Wait wait. Okay, I know I’ve had about 600 different insane theories already, but one more: I don’t know who sent the empty man messages. But. Is the empty man… a vessel for someone? Hilbert was talking about cheating death, time warp stuff is happening, maybe this is an invention of future Hilbert. If it came from the box, it might be for Doug. Like a… backup body for his consciousness or an… invisible clone or something? It makes the “you’re not the first” stuff make sense too. Doesn’t explain Hera’s behavior or why Doug is in space, or why the empty man is hungry and knocking, but… you know what never mind idk where I was going with this one.
I think I'll react to the rest tomorrow, because it's late, and I'm tired.
Episode 12: Deep Breaths
Update: It is tomorrow. :)
Why so doom and gloom Doug? Oh it's Christmas. Well someone's a bit of a scrooge. What else besides celebrating a nice holiday Doug? What doesn't the commander remember?
No Doug, don't hint at stuff, explain it. Normalize explaining things.
Doug. A cigarette cannot be all you are living for. You need help. You all need help.
Don't cry for me Argentina? Do not go gentle into that good night?
Doug is so dramatic. I'd hate him more, but I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.
Hilbert. Why do you need him for your experiment?
Hera tell him.
Everyone needs to listen to Hera more. And also ask her more questions.
Oh boy another recording!
Sounds like music, less clear this time...oh. A band!
Aw, Hera remembered his birthday! 🥺 Wait...were those words via the transmission!
Oh Hilbert hush up.
Why would it matter if they were all music or always old transmissions from the 10s or 20s?
Hilbert. Okay. Look, 7.8 light years away, I get that...but...now hear me out...isn't it possible that you could be picking up music on a station that plays music from an older decade? Like if I picked up the song "Let it be" by the Beatles my first thought would not be "Hey! That song didn't come out 8 years ago. ALIENS." it would be "oh we pick up a 60s/70s radio station". Now obviously something deeper probably IS going on here, but still a bit of a leap.
Uh. Making a return trip to...where?? Also this is some pretty clear music. Also good quote "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left no matter how unlikely must be true."
Also I recognize the music playing. Is that...hold up is that Church music? For Christmas? Wait now it sounds like a ballet?
Um...what is that.
...and why did it happen as soon as they talked about trying to find the aliens?
Let's see. A little weird that the station can receive transmission better than it can send. 40 light years away? That's pretty far.
And um...I don't know if I'd be so optimistic about this. We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
What is lock down protocol 24c and what is indigo39? Hilbert. HILBERT. Were you lying about the aliens to experiment on Doug Hilbert?
Oh poor Hera. Alpha victor? What... how does Hilbert have all these codes? Why can't she let Mincowski in? Hilbert. Are you taking over the ship? Is this a one man mutiny? It is treason. WHY DOES THIS ALTER THE MISSION? LAST HALF HOUR OF OXYGEN? NO NO NO NO NO!
Yeah Eiffel, he IS crazy.
Oh no Hera.
Minutes? How does he have a way to contact Earth? Who is YOUR superior Hilbert? The devil? He must be since you are RUINING CHRISTMAS AND DOUGLAS' BIRTHDAY THAT NO ONE BUT HERA REMEMBERED. How hard is it to save your evil plans until after the holidays? How hard is it not to betray a man on his birthday?
Hera. Hera PLEASE tell me you found a way to win the game. PLEASE tell me you found a way around this.
Episode 13: Gas Me Twice
Well that was a bummer. I swear, Mincowski better not die she has a family.
I hate Hilbert so much. Dude is the WORST.
Wait! The oxygen mask! For the cigarette! Douglas your stupidity has saved you again!
...oh my gosh I really am in this picture, and I don't like it.
Oh no. Hera. Hera you need to help him. Yes Douglas! Have faith in her! Even though she's actively withholding information, she still seems nice! HERA! It hurts her? Oh no... oh Hera no. 🥺
22 minutes of air? Well, at least she's still alive.
Incoming pulse beacon? Interesting...
Hephestus station please respond? ...Who is Cutter???
Contingency scenarios? Data series? Transmission from deep space? Origin source? Who are these people? WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR?
Oh...wait why would he know about Eiffel being alive? Haha...oh Eiffel. This was a good plan. But you might have wanted to get a little more information from him.
Death was no immediate? Okay so Hilbert was under orders to kill, but it seems Doug is his own experimental side project? Interesting...
Oh dear. A fire. Looks like you have to let Hera have control back.
Yes! Mincowski is still alive! :)
YES HERA! Emergency response overrides it! For 20 minutes? Great. Kill or capture Hilbert now.
Restarting... no. No. Hera. You killed her. 😢😟🥺
This gif I found pretty much approximates my feelings:
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Shut up Hilbert. No one wants to hear you speak.
Oh...hello Mincowski :)
And yeah...it's okay Mincowski. A lot has happened. Christmas was ruined. You lost a crewmate. It's okay to not be okay.
Can you hear me? Well Hera did say she could always hear him. Maybe a part of her mind got saved somewhere. At least, we can always hope.
Lobotomized her? No you need to fix her. 🥺
Hilbert you bastard. I don't swear much or at all on this blog, but if there was ever a time, it is now. And um... given the plant situation and the other mysterious stuff on the ship...look I don't support murder, but maybe you could just send Hilbert off by himself in a little pod and let nature take its course.
You deserved a good dinner Mincowski. Aw, Doug is 32. Happy Birthday Doug.
Hm. A communication from Hilbert's commanders. This is awkward. But better open it. And yeah, you both deserve answers.
But who is on the other line?
...Why does it sound like an telephone?
How dare. How dare they end on such a cliffhanger?
Mini Episode 1: Are space suits itchy?
So I'm not sure what this is, but it's on my podcast list as the last episode of season 1, so I'm gonna listen to it? Let me know if it's not canon or something, but hopefully it will be nice, even if I don't get any answers.
Aw, third grade questions. "What do you do when you're crewmate betrays you?"
IDIOTIC QUESTION? Doug what is up with your family? Be nice to Stephanie, it was a fair question.
Yeah, no don't see your doctor. He's nuts. I feel like I might be listening to his out of order. Which is a good thing. Otherwise Doug would be on the podcast telling third graders to not call their doctor lest the doctor try to kill him.
Oh boy the censorship 😂. Mincowski is the better person for this.
Well that was a quick one, but nice! Oh okay, so it was like a mini episode that aired during a break, okay. Well I hope that soon enough I'll be able to listen to more. Because I need answers. Hera needs to get better. And Hilbert needs to go to jail. I want his degrees revoked! I want him rotting in the slammer! I want the world to look upon him with nothing but contempt and disgust!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, see you all next time.
Wait no, wait hold on. What about the door? The door that Hilbert was supposed to open once he killed all of them? The grey door, the one he kept giving ominous monologues about? And...he knew about the empty man, or maybe the transmission were to tell him about the empty man. But what is that? What does that mean? You know what, we can figure that out later, I'm still mad at him.
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I feel like we’re in a duke drought rn 😭 any advice on how to make it through?
i know 😭 duke tag has basically No duke every time i check it to queue something. and hes already neglected in DC comics. heres what we can all do to help this drought:
Make posts!! go read a comic and make some comments, observations, or jokes on tumblr.com. go make some art of your favourite moment, or just a character design of him, or anything! any effort counts, low effort memes or gorgeous art and everything in between
Write fic!!! this is in addition to the above, but we could always use more duke-centric fics! post a link on tumblr too- heck, tag me in it & ill reblog it
On that note, go re-read your favourite duke fics and give them a comment! fics authors love comments, dont feel shy if the fic is like 3 years old or whatever, comment!!!!! and also go read new duke fics but i assume you already do that if youre here
Go dig up your favourite duke posts (ive reblogged a lot if you feel like going through my archive) and reblog them again! spread the word!
send an ask to your favourite duke blogs and get a discussion going! we're always open to discussions on comic appearances, headcanons, au's, etc
look out for events! the duke thomas big bang is currently ongoing & starts to post in october, & duke week 2023 is happening at the end of september. go participate in duke week, go reblog posts when the big bang comes out, just interact with the community in general :D
thats all my advice, go forth and rejuvenate the duke tag <3 we will make it through this drought together
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Roleplay Partner Wanted!
Ding, ding, ding, here's another rp parter ad to add to the tag!
I'm a 20 y/o female who is trying to get back into doing rps! I've done them off and on (most of my youth was spent doing very cringe Creepypasta rps...don't tell anyone, though), and I'd really like to get back into them!
For a partner, I'm looking for someone 18+ who can write/send semi-lit responses at least once a day! I know that life can get a little hectic. Heck, as someone who's working a full-time job and has college classes online, I get it! But I'd like at least one response per day, at least a paragraph long! I enjoy longer responses :)
I'd also like someone to chat with ooc, whether it's just about whatever weird thing we saw going about our day, or gushing about our ocs/characters/literally anything else! My servers typically include sections for doodles, memes, and even song playlists if I get into the creative mood for 'em! I rp on Discord, as well!
Having said that, I do double-up rps (OC x Canon, where you have your oc and I play a canon character for you, and you do the same for me). I do NOT do CCxCC, nor do I tolerate Mary/Gary Sue ocs, excessively bad grammar, or one-lined responses. Please put some thought and efforts into the makings of your ocs (and responses, lol)! None of us are perfect, so neither should our characters be! We all have flaws <3
I don't typically do smut, but if the rp leads up to it "naturally", and we discuss it beforehand, I'm perfectly fine with it (as long as you're 18 and up...which, of course, is one of the requirements to be my partner lol)
I do enjoy dark themes, gore, and angst! I have pretty much zero trigger warning, ahaha.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway! Here's the fandoms I'm wanting to rp for!
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Twisted Wonderland
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Stardew Valley
If any of this sounds like your jam, you can dm me, or comment on this post! I won't be reaching out to anybody who simply likes this post because I am socially awkward *puts on sunglasses*
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chasani · 2 years
Hey *throws this at you*
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I’ve decided I want to try to make an animated series!
Now I’ve never gone through with something like this before (whether it be fully or never even starting to begin with) but it never hurts to try
Plus, if I don’t go through with it, on the bright side think of all the cool new clown OCs the world will get to see
Anyway! It’s simple:
- You make a clown OC
- I include that OC in my series!
What’s the series about? Like a slice of life, a slice of life if you and all of your family were clowns that constantly get into mischief and trouble. Are they all actually related? No. But they consider each other family, and that’s pretty darn close!
I’ll give full credit to your character, you’re basically helping with character design, and that character is completely yours! Only difference is I’ll be animating them
But in terms of the character, it’s up to you! You can pick a gender, pronouns, heck, you could make two that are long lost twins that don’t even know they’re related, it’s up to you! They can be silly, smart, a bookworm, a little depressed, whatever you want. It’s your character!
Oh, and if there’s any mischievous activities you’d rather your OC not acting in, just tell me. I don’t bite, I don’t judge.
But I really want this to work out, I’d love an animated series
Especially about clowns
I’ll make constant updates about things I’m working on, etc. If you want to make an OC simply post it and tag me or DM me through tumblr. Just know I will use the OC for the series, possibly short little memes or animations, I might use it in promotion drawings for the series, but not under any circumstances will I claim your OC as my own. Credit will always be given somewhere, whether it’s tagged you in a tumblr post or putting credit (name and link) in a YouTube description/pinned comment. As well as putting credit in the intro I may or may not make. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on tumblr.
I may or may not make a discord server for this <- is definitely going to make a discord server
(I’m still thinking of a name for the series, if you have any ideas please share! As of right now I’m thinking- “A Slice of Clown Life” but it just doesn’t roll off the tongue)
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Welcome to my blog! 💛
Jack / JT / Jackalope || 20s || he / they / thon
I'm a queer, independent artist who mostly dabbles in clip studio and creates fanart these days, but I have adhd and a long list of hobbies I wanna try (or return to!) so you never know what I might get up to next.
If you like my work and want to support me—or if you just wanna get yourself some cool stuff—you can do so at my redbubble and/or my ko-fi!
My main blog (you are here 📍) primarily functions as a gallery for my work and other artists', brainrot central for fandom stuff (Starcanwreckedpulp my beloved), random chatter, and kinda whatever the heck I want.
ART 🎨🖼
I don't have a designated tag for my art on my main blog, but it all gets reblogged here! If you just wanna scroll through my archive and avoid all the shenanigans on my main, then this is the place to go.
Full transparency, I keep forgetting this blog exists. But when I don't forget, I post updates on WIPs and stuff. If you wanna ask about my writing, my inbox is open!
Transition updates, memes/random posts, news & (hopefully) helpful information all live over here.
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 11th of August here, which means...
Happy birthday Dwaekki! 🥳
Have the collage I made for him 🥹
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Ok you all, since it's been ages since I talked about a SKZ member during this tradition of mine, I need to remind you that SKZ's collages will always have the memes on it so PLS, don't act strangely for them.
Memes and SKZ live together in my mind and so in my collages 😤😁
That's it, that's the only explanation you'll get this time. I'm serious, there's no other explanation. Have the letter now.
Oh Binnie, Binnie, how can I explain how much I love this guy? I think that he's the SKZ member that I associate with funny moments the most.
Every time I try to remember the first memories of him, funny moments are always coming to my mind especially the loud ones. I still remember almost every scene from the English Debate where he speak in English like "Why are you speaking Korean?" or his "YELLOW CARD, YELLOW CARD", his "SO RUDE" and even his "BE QUIET". Or how can I forget his "I'M HUNGRY, I'M HUNGRY" he did during the sleepover? 😭 This man is born to have "being loud" as his comedic trademark.
There's also another funny thing that I always associated with him. When I was searching pics with him I was very... fascinated about how he was always the one who's supposed to be the most menaceful. He had the emo look at the beginning even. And the fact that he's buffed made his menaceful look even more credible. But then his two mascots come in and a big smile comes to my face once again.
I know you're asking "Whaaaat, two mascots?!" but let me explain. Of course the first mascot who comes to my mind is Dweakki. He's my favourite Skzoo actually, because, memes aside, I think there's some genius on creating an animal who's 99% bunny and 1% pig (his dad said so, respect his words! 😤). The second mascot is something that was with Binnie since his first days on SKZ and comforted him when he had some difficult moments. It's his Munchlax plushie. I don't know how many people still remember it, since it slowly disappeared and he barely mentions it now, but that plushie is, in my opinion, the first mascot Binne ever had. Heck, I made my personal tag for him just for this reason.
But funny moments aside, Binnie he's also the same man who transforms into a performance beast when he's on the stage. I must admit, recognising his voice at first wasn't simple. I kept confusing him with Han until I had the amazing idea to just watch the live performances for learning who's who. And I made the right choice because, for me, Changbin is probably one of the best rappers in terms of technique and also performance wise. He knows how to build up. I remember when I did a marathon of some clips taken from the concerts and how he asked Stays to say his name. My gosh, the way he just says a word and Stays already know what he will do. This man owns the stage.
Also, how can I forget that he has the most iconic song ever produced by 3Racha. This song is so iconic that it's still not released officially. I think all of you already know which song I'm talking about. I'm talking about "Can't live without Changbin". The one and only. THE SONG™. The true masterpiece. I can't believe we can't have it on official platforms.
My dear Binnie, I came almost at the end of this letter and, as you can say, I don't know which birthday wish I should give to you. I think you and the others have come so far that whatever thing I will wish you to have, you might already have accomplished it. So, the only thing that I can wish to you is to never stop being the positive energy for SKZ (especially for Hyunjin and Felix). I know it's hard sometimes, especially because the Maknae line is puuure chaos but I know you can do it. You're my strong Dweakki.
Hope you'll celebrate this day happily with the members and you'll take the time to read all the letters and open all the gifts Stays send to you. You deserve it.
Happy birthday, Binnie 🥳
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katyspersonal · 11 months
i get what you mean, with the fandom being so slow and the in-groups being so tight-knit that it's really hard to get involved and you end up always afraid of stepping "out of line" and losing visibility that any breath of fresh air is good enough. and also most new people who seem promising seem to quickly join with the in-groups, too. i don't know if you can relate, but there are some people who just appeared a while ago who i wish i could speak to but since they already associated with someone who is already known for not play nice, i end up just keeping my distance...
Ahhhhh shoot yeah, sometimes I wonder if this image of the fandom is just my delusional hallucination... but then people that can see more than me sorta confirm it, and now you do too, so I guess I still have it in me to complete the correct picture from only small pieces. I can't really relate to the "fear of losing visibility" though as someone who occasionally does followers purge to prevent becoming popular, but I can relate to feeling the pit in my stomach when a new fan quickly latches onto the "bad guys" or their "sponsors" x)
It is also for this reason why our group of mutuals (the so-called Lore Council) and OUR "sponsors" (I just think this is a very funny word for avid supporters sorry xD) do whatever we can to look unassuming and goofy, as well as prevent possessiveness or control-freakery within our camp? We even almost never block people, ffs. Nobody should be forced to choose the covenant (in passive fandom state) or side (in active fandom drama state). And the interesting bit? Some people didn't! And you can only find out by coming forward! I am not sure whether by "not play nice" you mean starting pointless media literacy discource or really hardcore stuff such as slander, stalking and harrassing but in either case, you see a fan that interests you interact with 'em? Interact with that fan too! One or several of the people you wanna avoid sending asks to that fan or tagging them in a meme or even drawing their OC does NOT mean they have marked their territory like a dog or whatever! We are all civilized adults here, not animals. Show 'em that they did not "claim" this person by just interacting first, show 'em that you are not afraid and you will show interest and support to whoever you damn please! You will find that actually enough people do not consider themselves to be a part of the "covenant" and thus obligated to stick to some rules and blacklists- and heck, many will feel defensive if peer-pressured to play this ridiculous game!
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Yeah yeah,, I knowww, easier said than done x) Still, many people who are sensitive to the conflict (active or passive) keep mistaking someone from "another camp" interacting with The Guy for the possessive boyfriend grab thing, which it isn't. If anything, any new fan will be the happier the more interactions they get, they just wanna discuss their ideas, no matter with who! And if they do decide to disown you... well, isn't it better to find it out for sure when it happens, instead of just assuming the worst from the get go?
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ninja-muse · 2 years
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So back in July I got an ask about possibly doing another book challenge, and the idea’s been on the back burner for me ever since. Last night I was inspired! So now I present to you …
The Not Your Classics Challenge!
As usual for a book/photo challenge, the goal is to post once for each prompt, and ideally put up one post a day. As is usual for one of my challenges, there are twists!
Do not post about the book of the day (but by all means post about Pride and Prejudice for day 29 if you want to).
You can absolutely use the themes of the books as a starting board, or just the title, or whatever else works for you. Heck, if you want to feature other Austen novels for Day 1, go ahead.
Discussion posts, read-alikes, ask and tag memes, etc. are all encouraged.
Not every book featured needs to be a classic. Use whatever books you want to!
Ideally this is a November challenge (hence the 30, instead of 31), but I’m aware that life is a thing so if you want to start at a different time, need to take longer to finish, etc., go for it! The full list of prompts is below the cut.
Reach out if you have any questions! I shall do my best to answer them. Go forth and be creative!
Hashtag is #notyourclassics. Tag so I can reblog!
Pride and Prejudice
Great Expectations
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Three Musketeers
Midnight’s Children
To the Lighthouse
The Catcher in the Rye
A Single Man
The Color Purple
No Longer Human
The Call of the Wild
The Great Gatsby
Wuthering Heights
Little Women
War and Peace
Things Fall Apart
The Grapes of Wrath
The Lord of the Flies
Brave New World
The Scarlet Letter
Invisible Man
I Am a Cat
The Price of Salt
The Joy Luck Club
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notyourastarion · 1 year
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Roleplay info
No AI interactions & no minor interactions
All fancy blog edits by @astralrogue / @soundlessroom Go follow them they're a sweetheart through & through
Feel free to just jump in any way you like - message, ask, tag me, whatever works for you - just specify your muse of choice!
My style tends to be more words than actions alot of the time, so expect more dialogue-with-stage-direction than novels, but I do like writing paragraphs, witty one-liners are fun too, but just having a natural back & forth is just as fun
Multiverse - my inbox is open to all. Heck you don’t even have to be a character, come as you are.
Always happy to chat on discord, but I prefer to rp here! (Though I reserve the right to remove people from my discord if I feel I need to for any reason)
NSFW/18+ content is welcome, but intimacy scenes will fade to black/time skip. I might be up for doing it privately or under a read-more but we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.
Fluff, angst, romance, friendship, enemies, general chat - all are welcome
Triggering content is welcome as long as it’s properly labelled & I'll always discuss first if there's a possibility that triggering content will be in a reply [especially if it's something you wouldn't expect to find here - blood/mentions of abuse are kind of a given at some point or another.]
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Always accepting - but you can always message me to plot something, or tag me in something you'd like me to respond to! It honestly gives me such a boost when someone actively wants to write with me 🖤
I realised I just can't do memes. I overthink them and worry about whether I've understood, and ones directed at 'any muse I don't mind' put me in decision paralysis so much I can't respond at all. It's probably best I leave them alone 😅
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Roleplayer Info
Hey all, I’m Robin! I'm 30 years old & use he/him pronouns. I also have a shitposting personal blog over at robinrolledaone
I'm based in Wales, UK, and have a husband & 2 young kids who keep me very busy!
I'm trans, neurospicy, pagan & poly
I've been roleplaying online for 13 years now, I also have a degree in contemporary performance which I guess is kinda relevant here lmao and maybe why my style is a bit more script-y than novel-y
I'll respond as soon as I can, but be patient please!
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electricshoebox · 1 year
AO3 Meme
Tagged by @poemsfromthealley, thank you so much!!
Tagging in turn (no pressure as always): @adventuresofmeghatron, @just-another-wasteland-merc, @vault-heck, @totally-not-deacon, @mercurymiscellany
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
(Doing this tallying up all my various fandoms I've been in, because the Fallout-only results would all skew one way)
Most Hits: A Line in the Sand (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, Rated E) Okay so this genuinely surprised me. I've been writing fic on AO3 since 2012, so I definitely thought this would go to one of my older fics. Pretty genuinely touched by everyone that revisits this one. Anyway, this is my antagonists-to-lovers Deacon-centered Fallout 4 magnum opus slow burn that doubles as a deep dive into Deacon as a character, trauma in the Fallout universe, survivor's guilt, and grief.
Most Kudos: How to Share a Bed Without Killing Each Other: a Love Story (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Bull, Rated T) A five chapter look at different times throughout their growing relationship that Dorian and Bull tried to--literally--sleep together. A little bit of angst, a lot of humor. So much snoring.
Most Comments: Also goes to A Line in the Sand. Second most is the (ongoing) sequel, The Eye of the Storm.
Most Bookmarks: Also goes to How to Share a Bed. Second most is Across Whatever Distance (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Bull, Rated E) Set post-Trespasser, this is a string of scenes of Dorian and Bull using the sending crystals to stay close over all the miles separating them.
Most Words: Unsurprisingly, this one goes to the Fallout novels again lol. Third place is Uprising, my abandoned attempt to re-write Dragon Age 2 with Velanna as the Dragon Age: Awakening character that ended up hosting Justice instead, based on a comment from the developers that this had been the plan early on in the DA2 development. Even though I didn't finish it I'm still pretty fond of it and love how much I got to explore even so.
Least Words: Just a Stolen Moment (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Bull, Rated T) First thing I ever wrote for DAI. This is just a brief little imagined Mass Effect AU scene.
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veratasswrites · 2 years
Cross-Post of Writeblr Intro!
Writeblr Re-Intro
(Originally posted to @directionoftime - just moving my writeblr to this blog!)
Hey Writeblr!! I attempted to join the community a few years back but way too quickly found myself overwhelmed and ended up fizzling out >.> but I'm back now and hoping to make a better (less stressed out) effort! A bit worried I might have burnt-off some of the writeblr folks by just kinda peace-ing out, but I really do hope to make a better go of it this time around and post/interact more often! (I have so many writeblr posts to catch up on, yikes!)
About me: Vera (she/her) I have been writing consistenly for a solid 15ish years now, have a creative writing master's behind me, (and over a million combined words in fan-fic LOL) and finally feel in a creative place where I'm ready to (hopefully) start publishing, in whatever form it takes!
So, onto the point here: Novel Intro!
YES! Some of you (might) remember my novel Sauvarin - well, it's back, babey! And about 95-99% complete!! Currently on my last round of scene-rewrites and line editing before I begin the horrifying task of querying!
Only been ten years in the making, lmao >.>
So, what the heck is SAUVARIN??
TLDR: fantasy post-apocalypse featuring an autistic blacksmith who is utterly oblivious to the local boot-legger Trying Very HArd to be her girlfriend (pray for Yenn, y'all! She is being SO brave about it!) Said blacksmith, Isaura, is instead on A Mission Of Great Importance to inter the ashes of her surrogate father, Soo-young, in his childhood home town. Except, no one's ever heard of this town, the internet's broken, and she accidenatlly discovers that METAL IS LIVING NOW???
Why do all "simple requests" always end up being the most cataclysmic???
Want to know more? Please go ahead, if not, thanks for looking in this far :)
Well, on to major themes and elements! We've got:
NON-DYSTOPIAN post-apocalypse (we're currently living in the dystopia, y'all!), set in the near distant future where the vast majority of humanity has fled climate change to an orbital space station leaving circa 10million people on earth. The endlings determined to protect what they still can, raise their children, protect their towns, and face whatever magic storms come their way. But right now? They have food, they have community, and there's always something silly to laugh at!
It is a LOW-FANTASY, meaning we've got: freaky and intelligent animals! A magic so new to the world, most people don't realise it's possible! The corpse of god! Cool mushrooms! A darkness that watches YOU! Baba-Yaga (she's a scientist now)! Old women who Take No Shit But Absolutely Know How To Harm!
NATURE mutating - what it "reclaims" in some areas, it mutates in others, or simply allows itself to start anew. Nature in this novel is very much embodiying the quote: "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". Freaky deer. Metal predators. Plants that grab onto YOU.
NOBODY WINS, BUT NO ONE LOSES EITHER the head of Department for Zoology took one look at the "provisional government" and just fucked off into the woods (Baba Yaga). "The Hero" of the orbital space station realising what their heroism actually cost the earth in raw materials. The dead are returned, but not to the life they remembered leaving. Sometimes you do, in fact, find the ghost of a child in the woods (it's okay if you are not sure what to do next).
Well, that's probably enough for now. I'll do some character intro posts (as memes!) hopefully over the weekend - it's a fairly big cast with a lot of minor-in-screen-time-but-major-in-plot characters so it'll be a bit of a series, I think.
Any questions? Feel free to ask! But I will be moving all writeblr stuff/posts about this blog over to my new side blog @veratasswrites so if you want to follow the posts, please follow that blog!
I'll tag some of the old writeblrs I'd followed/who were so awesome and welcoming the first time - but if you're not interested or anything I really mean NO PRESSURE!
@ryan-shepard-writes, @writeblrfantasy, @magic-is-something-we-create
Anyone's welcome to be +/- tag list!
Thank's so much for reading! :)

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Oh, I guess I should introduce myself now
I completely forgot to make an introductory pin thingy, so here’s a verrrry long mess of an intro that you should probably skip if you value your time lol. Will edit as needed.
About me, the human(?)
Current hyperfixation: Madoka Magica
Name: I go by Elsewhere, here.
Gender: Cis Female (she/her exclusively)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: Teenager, minor
Disagnoses: ASD, UDD, UAD.
Hobbies: art, fandom, writing, reading, being a chaos, blasting music, asking very dumb questions in tumblr
The kind of stuff you’ll find on this blog: Random thoughts, random memes, random fandom stuff, whatever the heck I feel like, moths, random art, tons and tons of polls I love polls
My a e s t h e t I c : Some unholy combination of Cottagecore, Crow/Goblincore, changelingcore, Yami Kawaii, Kawaii, pastel goth, casual goth, gothic Lolita, fairycore, “dreamy kei”, and mental illness
Country: USA. Or the void. Who knows?
DNI: MAPs, MAP supporters, zoophiles
FAQ about this mess:
“Will you talk about politics/drama?”
I prefer not to get into political fights, as all people are entitled to an opinion and bickering on the internet helps no one. However, I will occasionally pipe up on “clear cut” or trivial issues. (Ex: MAPS are bad. Stuff like that.)
“Trivial issues?”
I will argue about stupid random stuff like cheese flavor lol. Because it’s funny and nobody gets hurt.
Christian, though I am very against forcing any kind of belief system on anyone. Humans have the right of free will. Treat people like the humans they are.
“If you’re Christian, do you support people like JW and LDS?”
“Christian” cults are terrible. JW and LDS are not Biblical and never have been. Their practices and the way they treat their members is horrible.
“Are you a f u r r y ?”
No. But I do occasionally dabble in Anthro characters and such, and do like a smattering of furry artists/animators
“Are you a therian?”
“Are you an uwu gamer egirl”
*confused terror noises*
I’m fine with those! Just nothing mean 😅
“DMs? Asks?”
I’m alright with DMs! If you’re tagged as mature/are an adult above 18-19, I’m going to be pretty apprehensive tho. It’s not your fault, just…the internet is dangerous, yunno? As for asks, PLEASE ASK ME THINGS, I LOVE BEING ASKED THINGS
“Do you write fanfic?”
No…..at least, not yet :3
“Wanna join my discord?”
My apologies, I cannot…
Random facts:
My favorite animals are moths, cats, foxes, and…many, many more.
My favorite moth is the Luna Moth, but I also like Rosy Maples and Death’s head moths.
I have glasses
My character color is Lilac
My other favorite colors are pink, black, turquoise, blue…almost anything pastel….so freaking many oh my gosh-
my favorite musical artist is PinnoccioP!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Magia Record
-Favorite character: Walpurgisnacht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Kuroe, Mami Tomoe, Iroha Tamaki, Alina Grey, the Amanes, Kuro (game), Mitama
-Favorite ship: None, I’m not really into Pmmm shipping. Kyosuke kinda sucks tho Sayaka deserves better.
-Have any OCs?: Only a few…
Murder Drones
-Favorite characters: N, Doll, Uzi
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Tessa, V, Lizzy
-Favorite Ship: NUzi
-Have any OCs?: Nope.
-Favorite character: Miku
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Luka, Len, Rin, Gumi, Kaito, Mayu, Una, VFlower, Maika
-Favorite ship: None, although the internet is slowly convincing me to like LenxMiku for some reason lol
-Any OCs?: No.
-Favorite producers?: PinnoccioP, DECO*27, Mitchie M, Kikuo, I occasionally like MARETU.
Splatoon Series
-Favorite character: Dedf1sh/Acht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Eight, Captain 3, the Squid sisters, Marina
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Yes! Many! A few include Periwinkle the shy angst girl, Scarlet the autistic mess, and Varuka the tired sanitized scientist.
Hollow Knight
-Favorite character: Lost Kin and Isma
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Ghost, Hornet, THK, The Radiance sometimes, The White Lady, the Unnamed vessels, Menderbug, the sad miner bug I’m completely blanking on the name of aaaaaa, and Perdita the Braava
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Nope. I do have AU versions of some of the characters tho
Percy Jackson-verse
-Favorite characters: Percy Jackson, Leo
-Other favorites in no particular order: Annabeth, Calypso, Grover, Hestia, I do like me some chaos gremlin Poseidon sometimes, Will is ok
Favorite ship: Percabeth, Calypso and Leo
-Have any OCs?: No, not planning on it
STUFF THAT MIGHT SHOW UP SOMETIMES BUT NOT VERY MUCH. I still like all of these a good bit tho.
Doki Doki Literature Club!
-Favorite characters: Sayori and Yuri, but I love all of them
-Favorite ship: None
-OCs?: Nah.
Just Monika <3
Warrior Cats
-Favorite characters: So, so many… Um, I like Squilf. And Jayfeather. Oh, and I really like Spottedleaf and think she was done so dirty and she could’ve been written much much better
-Favorite ship: None in particular. I like Squilf x “Shrewpaw but alive” because Squilf deserves a better love interest and Shrewpaw deserves to freaking exist
-OCs?: Yes! A good few.
Wings of Fire
-Favorite characters: Moonwatcher, Glory, Turtle, Qibli, Blue, Cricket
-Favorite ships: Moonbli (but I won’t bicker on the internet about it, I understand the merits of the rest of this triangle), Blicket
-Opinion on Glorybringer and the rest of the problems: Glorybringer could be good but that age gap is a serious concern if not a downright dealbreaker. W.O.F. is very flawed.
-Favorite tribes?: Silkwings, Rainwings, SeaWings, Leafwings, HYBRIDS XD -OCs?: No, but I would like to have some. I do plan on making some adopts :3
Miraculous Ladybug (Ironically. I’m just here for the insane party that is this fandom. This show is terrible but I can’t stop watching it someone pls h a l p -)
-Favorite characters: ADRIEN AND NATHTALIE AND THAT’S BASICALLY IT…I also like Ladybug sometimes but I go back and forth on her a lot.
-Favorite ship: The love square. Aaaaaaaa-
-OCs?: No.
A Hat in Time
-Favorite character: Moonjumper
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Hat Kid, Snatcher, Vanessa, Mustache Girl
-Favorite ship: None
-Vanessa should get a redemption arc I’m not sorry
Yandere Simulator
-Favorite character: Miku girl lol
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Osana, Senpai/Taro (he deserves better than this mess), all the nice/decent rivals, Ai Doruyashi (she should have lived), Kokona
-Absolutely hate: Mida Rana, the freaking developer, Info-chan
-Do you support Yanderedev?: No. He’s done really bad crap, and I don’t even really like most of the game. I just like some of the characters and the really creative parts of the fandom
-favorite ship: None
Red Queen
-other favorites: Cal, also deserves better
-Notes: This book series is a mess and I don’t even really like it I just think Maven and Cal are cool and that’s it. All you’re going to get from me on this series is angry rants about how Maven could’ve had such a cool redemption arc and they ruined him and how cool Cal is.
Slime Rancher
-Favorite character: Beatrix!
-Other favorites: Mochi, Casey (10/10), Ogden, bOb
-Favorite ship: Bea and Casey Ofc they are precious
-Favorite slime: Tangles, tabbies, Puddles, Flutters, The cute bat ones, the cute bunny ones, phosphors, yolks, I love them alllll qvq
-OCs?: Yes, actually!
-Favorite character: So many- I like Iono a lot!
-Other favorites: Nemona, FREAKING VOLTAGE MIKU, Lilith, Misty, Selena, and more!
-Partner Pokemon: Rosa the Roserade from Sword
-Who do I ship Ash with: Selena, easy.
Pretty Cure
-Favorite character: Cure Happy, Cure Beauty, Cure Spade
-Favorite cure teams: Pretty cure Smile, Doki Doki, and Futari Wa
-Notes: Pretty cure was my hecking childhood man I love Smile
Dang, that all was a lot- o.o
Alts: @myownquieterworld for when I’m sad/poetic lol
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
You know what? YOLO. I'm doing that WIP Title ask game even though nobody tagged me. I just want to.
rules that I sort of remember: put the names of all of the documents in your WIP folder here and then let people send you an ask with one of the titles and you ramble about it or whatever.
without further ado, *thor meme* Behold! My WIPs!
Gaze Into The Night
Yes, I've Been Brokenhearted (Blue Since The Day We Parted)
In My Garden
the promises AU
Matchmaking, Mad Science, And Accidental Child Acquisition: How To Annoy Your Bodyguard, Befriend Some Social Outcasts, Raise A Foundling, And Survive The Ongoing Sheevery (You Might Just Fall In Love, Too)
Paint Bombs, Pixie Cuts, And Elopement: How To Spite Your Mother, Troll Your Friends, Scandalize High Society, And Escape An Arranged Marriage (You Might Just Save The World, Too)
Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Time Tells Most Secrets (quinlan tells the rest)
follow the silver wolves
Runie Kressa Wridger's Guide To Human-Merfolk Relationships: Friends, Enemies, And Really Hot Guys You're Gonna Marry Some Day
Parenting for Dummies
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
how to train your loth wolf (no loth wolves included)
road! trip! road! trip!
the princess bride rebels edition
local teenagers' vacation ruined by tropes, more at six
For Never And Ever
Even More Adoption
Twin Blades and Beskar
miraculous rebelbug (makenna this is your hecking fault)
if you see this and want to do the game, consider it a sign that you can go right ahead, no tagging necessary. Who's gonna stop you, the WIP Ask Game Police? lol i dont think so
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Tumblr media
★ NAME: Uh, Marc I guess?
★ PRONOUNS: Mystery
★ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr Ims, might make a discord soon.
★ MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Poppy, Fazzi, Mary, Magi Lila, and Kit.
★ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I'm supposed to keep track? In all seriousness I really have no idea. Gotta at least be nine or ten.
★ RP PET PEEVES: Only thing I comes to mind is too short of a reply. I know this is a common on, though it's the only thing I can think off at the top of my head.
★ PLOTS OR MEMES: I can do both. Meme's or plot, whatever you want to throw at me. Heck, send in a meme then message me to plot it out afterwards.
★ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: A bit of a mix between Poppy and Kit I'd say. I take life one day at a time, don't got no time to mess with people that aren't worth it, and will be ready to throw hands if you mess with my family. Also extremely bad about letting go when it comes to family, though that's personal stuff.
Tagged By: @coffeehousemuses
Tagging: @geniusdonkey @travelers-of-the-multiverse @villains4hire
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