#when I was like 10 I saw glee for the first time
lynderman · 1 year
Accusations (Finnick Odair)
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TW: Mentions of prostitution
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Of course being a victor wasn't easy for Finnick and you took knowledge of that. He'd started having to mentor kids for the games when they happened so he'd leave you alone at the home while he took a train to the capitol for the duration of them. And he'd always come back looking exhausted. Eyes sunken, body trembling, the lack of sleep and basic self care evident in just about every part of him. The first 2 years he mentored neither of his tributes won and that struck something in him. Late at night when he couldn't sleep, you'd ask if he wanted to talk but he wouldn't respond. Just roll onto his side and look out the window. Times like these, you'd comfort him. Running your hands through his hair and tracing shapes onto his back until you heard his soft breaths as he drifted off to sleep; his chest rising and falling instead of shaking as usual.
Although at some point in time, things changed. Finnick was getting called to the capitol more often. He'd always kiss you goodbye when you left him at the train station. When asking him why he left, he'd say: "Victors meeting with Snow. He needs input on new areas, training-" blah blah blah. Whatever. And you believed him. Of course you would. Finnick Odair in the 10+ years you've known him and the 4+ years of dating him, has never once given you any reason to doubt him. He'd never been deceitful or a liar. Quite the opposite. And you know he'd never cheat on you. Anyone from district 4 could tell how starstruck the boy was with you, the same going for your feelings about him. You often laughed with him and indulged in the treats and gifts he'd be sent from the capitol by his 'secret admirers'.
On the day of his 18th birthday, he was brought to the capitol again by Snow. But today would be different. You and his own mentor from his games, Mags, a sweet elderly lady who was sadly mute, decided to surprise him in the capitol. She had pulled some strings, telling you it was about time you got to go with him and experience their lavish lifestyle even if it was just for a day. Yet the train ride took so long, you and Mags had arrived at the station late in the evening. You both found your way to the hotel Finnick was staying at; reassuring her that you'd find her in the morning when you saw him. So you snuck into his room and took the gift you'd kept in your pocket from out and set it on his nightstand. And you waited. And waited and waited patiently for your boyfriend to come back. It seemed like an eternity. It was 2:04 A.M when you checked the clock last. Just as you were about to give up and get your own room, you heard the door click and the lock unlatch. The smile on your face was huge. Finnick had always done so much for you despite being busy and caught up with the world of being a victor and you wanted nothing more than to do the same for him!
Jumping off the bed, you came around the corner as you heard the door shut and lock from the inside. "Happy birthday Fin-" All the excitement and glee left you as you took in the sight before you. Instead of your usual prim and proper boyfriend in his suit and tie he'd wear here or nice dress shirt, he practically naked. His buttoned up shirt was wrinkled and undone. Tie was no where to be found and his hair disheveled. His chest was covered in scratches and cuts. Eyes bloodshot and lips- His lips. They had purple Stains around them. Marks and shapes of another persons lips on them. You knew wore lipstick, let alone if you did it would not be that ugly shade. Arms falling to your side, you felt your stomach drop. "Fin-"
"What the hell are you doing here?" You were taken aback by his voice. His tone was cold and demanding, even rude. Not responding due to confusion, get got closer and asked again; louder and more aggressive. "I asked you what the hell you were doing here." With a gulp you looked at his eyes which were glaring at you with furrowed brows. "Mags and I- We took a train here. We wanted to surprise you for your-" "Yeah? Well you should've asked me first." You scoffed at him. "That wouldn't make it a surprise, Finny." His head snapped back to you at your sarcastic comment. Mumbling something under his breath he bumped into you as he walked past. "I love the surprise. So good to see you here. Happy birthday Finnick! I love you so much that I came up here and crossed a huge boundary with you out of my own self interest!" He said, mimicking you in a way he'd never used before. You didn't like it at all. He was being rude and dismissive after you put in so much effort to-
"Get your stuff and go to home." You paused and glanced at him. "I'm sorry?" "Thanks for the apology. Now go home. Get your shit and leave. Train station. I'll call and make an arrangement for-" "No." That one word made him turn around to face you fully, irritation written all over his face. "What'd you say?" "I said no." You snapped back standing your ground. He came from the bed and stood in front of you. "You don't get to be a dick to me after I came all the way up here to see you on your birthday. Especially not when you come back to the hotel room looking like this." Motioning your hands up and down you referred to his state. "It's not like I asked you to come here and do that." He said back. His words stung a bit. Finnick never was rude or dismissive like he is now. Clearly he was angry but you didn't know why. "I don't know why you're mad at me. If anything I should be mad at you. For fucks' sake it looks like you just went to a strip club or something!" Pausing, you eyed him up and down. "Is that why you're mad? Because I've caught you cheating on me? The Finnick Odair is mad because he's been put in his place as a lousy, cheating, lying, pathetic excuse of a boyfriend who-"
Your words were cut short when his fist went flying past you and into the wall beside you, barely missed your face by a mere inch. There was no point in looking at the damage he caused, knowing there was a hole set in place. His body was close against yours, pure and utter rage written all over his face and radiating off of him. "I have done everything to protect you. All of it. For you." You laughed. A loud and obnoxious laugh in his face. "For me? You've been coming up to the capitol for months, no- years, just to find some other girl to fuck cause you're done with me? C'mon Finny. If you wanted to break up with me this badly you could've just told me-" "Tell you what, huh? Tell you over dinner: 'Hey sweetheart! I've been going to the capitol on orders of President Snow every weekend 'cause if I don't he's going to kill you when I'm not home.'?" Your lips thinned, eyebrow raising in confusion. "Or maybe I should've waited till date night next week. Yeah, sounds like a better option. While we're walking down the street just tell you that I come up here to do his bidding and whatever he asks of me!"
"Oh, no. no. Perhaps I wait till our anniversary next month. Y'know. While we're in bed, doing the do, I lean in real close, kiss you, and tell you that I've been fucking other people in the capitol because I have to. Because to them, I'm desirable." By now Finnick had left his position of cornering you in the wall. He was pacing in circles, hands in his hair as he tugged at the golden strands. "Finnick, what're you-" Out of no where, he grabs a nearby lamp and throws it against the window, glass shattering and getting everywhere making you shout. Grabbing things left and right, he begins to toss them around, breaking everything in sight. The remotes, the tables, the glasses. Any and everything in his way is gone and destroyed with a matter of seconds. He punches the walls, he punches the mirrors to the point where glass cuts his knuckles and blood seeps out and onto the white carpet beneath his feet. And you do nothing. You stand there in complete shock. Shock of seeing your boyfriend; The sweet, loving boyfriend who breaks and tears everything apart. The same boyfriend who has never been violent outside of the 65th hunger games. The boyfriend who has never once rose his voice at you or done anything even remotely disgraceful or disrespectful towards you. His eyes lock on yours and he slowly walks over, towering over you as sweat drips down his forehead.
"How do I go about telling you, huh? HUH?!" He draws closer to you again, his words long and dragged out until the last word. That last 'huh' he shouts. At you. Directly at you; making you flinch at the volume. "HOW THE HELL DO I TELL YOU? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY TO YOU?!" As he shouts, you see the anger leave his posture, his body, his face, all at the first tear that falls down your cheek. As much as you hate to admit it, you're scared. You've never seen Finnick act so hostile nor yell at anyone. Especially you. All of the anger is replaced by guilt and regret as he sighs. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just-" He stops talking midway and gives a shaky exhale, a signal that he himself is holding back tears. His body slumps and he sinks to the floor out of pure exhaustion, you following suit and crawling in between his legs. His hands grip his dress pants so tightly his bloodied knuckles turn white. "Finnick.." Your hand come up to hold his cheek and for the first time in years, you see your boyfriend cry. Hot tears flow out of his eyes and flood his face as they coat your hand. His body trembles and you feel it shake against your own. Breath ragged, all he can do is let out choked and incoherent sobs. Broken sobs that make you want to cry for him.
Your heart aches as you see your once confident and put-together boyfriend break down beneath you. His cries echo throughout the room and you swear you've never felt this much pain in your life as you can do nothing more but hold him. Cradle him in your arms like a baby on the bloodied carpet as his tears stain your neck. Shushing him, you try and get his breathing back on track; and after a few minuets he isn't borderline hyperventilating anymore. When you feel his heart beat slow down you raise his head from yours and hold it in both your hands. "You don't have to tell me but at least-"
"Snow sells me for my-body." He pauses. "He has since I turned 16. That's why I come up here so often. I've b-been considered 'desirable' by the capitol citizens. The f-first time he asked I said no and he let me go home. But-" He has to pause to stop himself from choking on sobs again; contrary as your own tears began to fall at his words. "A month later he brought me back and told me if I said no again, he'd-" Another pause. Yet this time he looked at you. His sad and swollen eyes seemed to look at you with such adoration it made your hear sink more. "He'd kill you." He pulled you closer to his chest as he ran his hands up and down your arms. "And I c-can't lose you. You're the only one- The only person I-" "Finnick, stop." You couldn't bear to hear him go one. Hearing why he was here so often broke your heart. The thought of him coming up here to spare your life made you feel bad. Even worse when you'd just accused him of cheating minuets earlier. With a sigh you placed a small and gentle kiss on his lips.
"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating. I was upset and- I don't even have a reason to be upset at you, mines' stupid. But I'm sorry that you've done this for so long. You don't deserve to be treated like this, you're not their property. You deserve so much better, love." If it was possible he pulled you closer, his hands holding onto you for dear life. "No one's ever gonna touch you again, I promise. We're gonna find a way out of this. I won't let anything happen to you, ok?" He said nothing; you squeeze his hands over your hips before helping him off the floor and into the bathroom. As he sat on the toilet you poured water onto a towel and began to dab at his wounds. Leaning down ever so slightly, Finnick gives you a peck with a small smile. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too, Finn."
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arkhamsrevenge · 7 months
hey! i’m so glad to finally find someone that writes for insomniac harry osborn :,3 i’m not sure if you do headcanons but if you could you make dating ones? up until he turns into venom? if not it’s totally fine <3 thanks!
I hope I did ok!
Harry Osborn Dating Headcanons 
- Man’s rolling in money so you’re going to get spoiled, be prepared, this is not a warning, this is a threat
 - DO NOT look at something to long or he will buy it for you
- Even if you say not to, he's still going to buy you everything you looked at
- Expect random singing outburst (dude was in Glee Club in highschool) and lots of duets between you and him
- Expect overly romantic nicknames based on things he loves about you like “Songbird” cause he loves your voice or “Tulip” cause he thinks that's what your lips look like. 
- 100% make sure you are always taken care of
- If he sees you budgeting out your money he’s going to ask why as he never experienced that.
- “Hey Songbird? What is that?”
- “Uh, my budget for this month? Gotta make sure I have enough to pay rent and get groceries, things like that.” You say. He then points out a note to yourself that you set aside a little money each month to make sure you can buy him Holiday and Birthday gifts. You smile and tell him of course you would do that because he’s special to you. The next day, strangely your building manager handed back your rent for the month and said a generous donor paid your rent until the next year. Your mouth dropped to the ground and immediately called Harry knowing he did it. Though he would continuously deny it to this day. 
- Get ready to cuddle because Harry is not letting you go once you guys are in a comfortable position. 
- Have to pee? Hold it. (Don’t really though, you’ll possibly get a UTI)
- If it’s a bad pain day he’ll be more inclined to cuddle. He swears you take the pain away immediately. On those days you make him anything he wants, puts on calming music, make him tea, make sure he takes his meds and gets him anything else he needs for the pain. 
- He continuously apologizes when he’s not feeling good and you always make sure he knows you're always going to be there for him. (Dude needs a lot of reassurance)
- “What’s the line? Through sickness and in health?” You say one day. 
- “Are we married now?” Harry asks, huffing out a weakened laugh.
- “You know what I mean.”
- His father wouldn’t trust you at first thinking you were just someone who wants his son’s money, not him. But he isn’t a problem after he catches Harry asleep on you one day when it’s a bad pain day. You both were sitting on the couch watching the News, Harry’s head was in your lap and before you knew it he was asleep. His father walked in shortly after and saw you running your fingers through his son’s hair as he slept. As he stood there he noticed that every 10 minutes or so you’d grab his wrist at this pulse point and clock it with your watch and for the first time in his life, Norman Osborn was speechless. He was never bothered by you after that. 
- Harry noticed the sudden change and asked about it. His father took a little bit to wear down but once he spilled what he had seen, Harry pulled you into a huge hug when you saw eachother again. 
- “You ok?” You asked, laughing. 
- “Yeah. I’m good.” Harry mumbled. You never ask why he sometimes gives you extra hugs or kisses but this one felt different. 
- Sleeping together is quite an experience. Harry is a bed hog and mostly stays attached to you all night as if you're going to disappear.
- He says you mumbled in your sleep but you never believed him until he recorded you one night. Your face turned red when you saw he asked you if he was the hottest guy you’ve been with and your response was, “I haven’t been with anyone I’m a virgin.” 
-“That’s something I never knew about you.” He smirked
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justporo · 4 months
A Night of Fake Smiles and Hidden Lies: Chapter 10
As the joy and their love still echo through each other, Astarion sweeps up Tav for another dance - that makes them reminisce about all the things that might have been and be thankful for all the things that are.
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Author's Note: Three months... It took me three months to get back to this - I am deeply sorry but life - you know. I have however this and four more chapters already drafted ready for you - and there's still more to come so I hope you're ready to jump back into this adventurous night with Astarion and Tav, start the night anew or maybe get lost in it for the first time? Anyways, I hope really hope you enjoy a chapter of a lot of emotions and banter - there's quite some more stuff to come!
Songs: Serenade for Strings in E Major - Antonín Dvořák (and also that's their second waltz)
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
Warnings: none
You could have just stayed like this for the rest of your days: Astarion’s arms firmly holding you while the world blurred around you completely with your head thrown back and you dancing together until the world would fall down.
Your vampire being your single focal point, the one thing to always return to, the only thing you really ever needed – while the rush of the dance and the prickling sensation of having drunk just a tad too much gave you a feeling of pleasant light-headedness. Life could be so easy, so beautiful.
The waltz went on forever with you and Astarion beaming broadly, drunk on love, champagne and each other. And yet the dance ended all too quickly.
When an enormous crescendo began announcing the end of the waltz you lifted your head up again and grinned broadly at Astarion who was still rushing with you over the dancefloor as if he’d never done anything else in his life.
His red eyes were so open, the smile on his face as genuine as you had ever seen. A look that could almost make you believe that it had truly always been like that: no two hundred years of torture, just this perfect, gilded vision of a happy life.
You both knew it wasn’t true – but for this moment it was more than enough.
Horns in the orchestra rose up for a grand finale. Astarion turned you even more eagerly for these last couple of rounds, an almost feral grin splitting his face. Just the pure joy of the speed with which you were almost tossed around, made you throw your head back once more. A joyous, wild, almost feral laughter escaped from your lips – caused by the simple but deep delight of feeling so, so alive. You saw it on your vampire’s face too: a power so strong his undead self might’ve been more alive in this moment than others were in their whole existence.
Astarion’s hand let go of yours and joined his other at your waist and you leaned back even more to enjoy the dizzying rush, your hands quickly moving to cover your lover’s while you were sure you had never felt this free in your life. Flying couldn’t have felt any better than this.
And the vampire couldn’t rip his eyes from his beloved, the corners of his mouth curled up so far it made his face ache as he beheld his soulmate experiencing some of the rawest, purest joy, he’d ever seen in anyone. It seemed one of the divine entities he’d prayed to had eventually answered his pleas by putting you in his way after all. Finally blessing him with a piece of paradise.
But not a single god could have even competed with you in this very moment as Astarion could barely believe the beauty of the love of his life. His feeling of wonder and glee not second to yours in this moment that felt almost detached from anything – your surroundings, your past, your future.
Truly a night and a moment to never forget.
With a beat of the drum the orchestra ended on a high note. Couples all around you broke into cheering and clapping while the other guests joined in. The volume quickly rising levels over what the musicians had just ended with.
But Astarion and you didn’t join in. His hands were still on your hips and his eyes on your flushed face full of happiness. Your chest was heaving heavily. Who could have predicted that dancing could be just as exhausting as going into battle (or indulging in other physical activities). Your earlier assessment had been quite right you felt like. Although of course the aftermath felt much more delightful and much less dreadful.
It did nothing to bother you though because wild, unbound happiness was still flooding through you. And you saw it mirrored on Astarion’s face as well in the way his eyes sparkled like garnets and you felt his hands restlessly squeeze and tap on your hips, his vigour barely contained.
He opened his mouth wanting to say something while around you people were still in a frenzy. But before he could get a word out you stepped forward, dragged him down by his face and crushed his lips to yours in a way you had never kissed him before. The urge to show him how your heart was flowing over with love for him in this very moment was just too strong to resist. You needed an outlet for the overflowing in your chest – your whole body!
The vampire let it happen, arms raising almost helplessly before he wrapped them around you and pulled you in closer, kissing you back with just as much force and emotion. And when you released him, detangling from his arms, his crimson eyes were wide with surprise. He almost stumbled back being released from your passionate embrace.
Astarion was flustered and obviously speechless.
It must’ve been an illusion of the low lights, but it almost looked like a slither of pink blush crossed over his face up to the tips of his pointy ears. He blinked several times while his mouth was slightly agape, and his eyes were still on you: as if he had perceived a miracle right in front of his own eyes. And maybe that was exactly what you were to him.
Well, that surely was a first.
Your giggle felt almost a little hysterical as you rode off the last waves of this incredible emotional high and wrapped your arms around Astarion as your vampire was still staring off into space in surprised but delighted bliss. Meanwhile around you the dancefloor emptied slightly while the thundering applause had drizzled out already.
“We need to do this again some time, love, if that’s your reaction”, Astarion murmured as he regained his wits slowly and reciprocated the hug slowly. You buried your face at his chest, still grinning almost maniacally, not ready to let the moment pass.
Some of the guests passing around you, leaving the dancefloor threw the two of you glances. Everyone had seen your display of heartfelt affection and that seemingly had warmed up the crowd to you. One or two people went as far as touching your or Astarion’s shoulder as you kept standing there: the very illustration of a happy, young fairytale couple.
As that thought crossed your mind you almost started to giggle again – your little ironic roleplay had maybe become just a little tad too convincing.
You lifted your face off Astarion’s chest who had let his thumbs wander softly over your arms. “Now, my prince, are you ready to get your white stallion and steal me away for our first night of passion before we get married, and I have no other task in life than bear your children and raise them while you go off to some war from which you’ll never return?” you asked him, rambling on and on with the newly found energy and placed the back of your hand on your forehead in a dramatic gesture.
The vampire’s eyebrow in the meantime had arched higher and higher the more you added to the cliché imagery of your fairytale. He grinned at you, eyebrow still raised, giving him the expression of seriously questioning your sanity in this moment. “Darling, I honestly think you’re getting just a tad too much into this,” he whispered while the party, the drinking, the chatter rose up around you again.
“Also you do know my stance on horses, sweetheart.”
You laughed and pinched one of his cheeks. You were definitely still feeling high of everything and were in a silly mood. Thankfully Astarion didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he could barely contain his own laughter as he answered you.
“But at least you put the night of passion before the marriage, at least it’s not a prude tale,” he continued, his voice taking on a sultry note while he inclined his head to you.
“But scrap the terrible, stereotypical ending, my love, I’ll happily stay right here with you for as long as we both want to,” Astarion closed, his tone now a lot more genuine again. You could only answer with a big happy smile, placing your head against his chest again.
The orchestra in the meantime had taken a short break, some of the musicians allowing themselves to indulge in a singular glass of offered champagne before they continued playing for what would surely be a very long night still.
You pulled back from Astarion a little with a sigh: “You’re right, I guess this is all going straight to my head more even than the alcohol. I guess once we’re back home I will have to spend a week in the Lower City and get shit-faced every night at Maeve’s until they let me sleep under the big bench on the floor. You know to ground myself again.”
“Ah see, there’s my little feral street cat that I love so much again”, the Astarion replied in a haughty tone – with a tinge of disapproval and teasing disgust.
You kicked him – but only slightly as you stood too close to him to get him properly. “Be nice, you prick!”
The vampire only laughed and while holding onto your slim shoulders pressed a quick kiss to your lips. The orchestra was now getting ready to start playing again. The conductor tapping his baton against his stand again to gain everyone’s attention. Another waltz was announced while you tried to kick Astarion again for being a meanie.
“You could give me just one deeply romantic moment once in a while, you know that, Astarion? Without ruining it with your sass!”
“I didn’t bring up getting drunk at this piss poor establishment someone even dared to call a tavern,” Astarion replied. You simply tried to swat his arm but the rogue took a half step back, dodging just out of your reach
“Did you really get so drunk at this forlorn tavern that they let you sleep it off on the floor?” he asked with mock worry on his face
“I won’t answer this question right now, Astarion,” you replied and let go of him to take a step back yourself while pursing your lips.
“Well then, darling,” he said and grabbed hold of your wrist before you could step away from him further. “Allow me another question then: will you join me for another dance?” The low, golden light of the chandeliers sparkled in Astarion’s eyes as he said that with his head slightly bowed to you. He was all of a sudden on his best behaviour again as you heard the musicians in the orchestra readying themselves for another piece.
In this in between moment you took a second to take your partner in again. You had been with him all night. You had seen him get dressed even but with how he looked at you right now you were just wholly smitten by him again. He looked like sin in a suit – and you were so ready to indulge again. Forgotten was the short insolent quarrel. But how could you stay mad at him for long when the look on his face and wide red puppy eyes spoke of nothing but adoration and deep affection for you.
So, when his smile and his offered hand promised you another round of exhilarating joy should you accept his offer, you didn’t even think before agreeing and grabbing his hand.
His fingers wrapped around yours as Astarion smiled happily at you and swung you around once more while the strings softly began playing a new piece.
Your vampire made you take one – or two – extra turns before he pulled you back in, arm wrapping firmly around you once more and then starting to twirl around the room again. It was a slower waltz now that fit well with how the mood seemed to have shifted from electrifying frenzy to something a bit calmer now. The dancefloor had emptied quite a bit. Many of the guests, as you noticed while turning your head around while Astarion made you glide over the polished wooden floors, were back to drinking, chatting, showing off and gossiping. And another thing you noticed: if everything had been highly polished at first, just like the gold buttons on most everyone’s doublets or the silver of amulets around necks, there was a slight general disarray noticeable. Some cravats and scarfs had been loosened, buttons opened up, lipstick smeared, and headpieces started to slide dangerously off people’s heads. All which was going hand in hand with a general air of tipsiness and derailment. At this point in the night, it might’ve been impossible to find just about one person not slightly stumbling from maybe having had one or two glasses of champagne too many.
And you were pretty sure you even spotted at least one hysterically laughing tiefling lady sipping directly from a huge, heavy-looking bottle – having to use her other hand to even get it lifted. When another turn took you around again, you spotted her once more – and realised that it was the woman who’d been involved in the group from earlier. Apparently, she had dodged her cheating husband for a good bottle in hopes of something less treacherous – good for her.
Your gaze snapped back to Astarion, trying to find out if he had spotted her as well. And you knew he had when you saw his wicked, almost vicious smirk as he pulled you in a little closer with his hand on the small of your back. He sighed abruptly and dramatically while his face formed to a mocking expression mimicking disappointment and compassion: “Seems not everyone can be as lucky, loving and harmonious as the two of us, my love.”
Apparently just for the timing of the punchline did your feet choose this moment to make you stumble and almost fall onto Astarion. He hissed at you.
Only his roguish quick reflexes grabbing you by the shoulders and counterbalancing you stopped you both from toppling over. He lost not a moment before picking up the pace of the waltz again while you were still recovering from the shock.
Astarion clicked his tongue in disapproval, lips pursed: “I stand corrected.”
You snarled at him and were just about to show him how ‘harmonious’ you could be when you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. Someone else that was familiar.
You craned your neck in hopes of catching another glimpse while Astarion kept scolding you for not paying attention and how you would cause the two of you to lose the image of the imposing, perfect couple if you tumbled over each other while dancing. But you were indeed barely paying attention and therefore ignored what your partner was blabbering about.
Another turn and then you saw them again: another couple enjoying the dance together. Maybe a tad slower than the two of you and a bit less fluently. And in one half of the couple, you recognised your lovely elderly lady neighbour. She was dancing with a man much taller than her small frame, elegantly clothed with long black hair, tied together at his back in a low ponytail. While they slowly and a bit sluggishly turned, you saw how young and devilishly handsome her partner was. She was beaming up at him. And just the huge, genuine smile took years off her aged face.
You couldn’t help yourself, your mouth fell open. Your gaze snapped back to Astarion once more, hoping again that he had observed what you had just seen. And surely, he had, because there was at least slight surprise and even a bit of admiration on his face – his downturned corners of his mouth and lifted eyebrows giving him away.
“Old lady still got it within her, it seems”, Astarion commented and hummed approvingly. You had to agree.
“I hope it’s not for her money or estate,” you replied. You felt how the vampire just shrugged under your hand on his shoulder. You craned your neck again to look at them. But when you saw how he as well looked at her as if she was the most precious thing, he’d ever come across you knew it wasn’t.
“I do wonder though. When they go to bed how well she’s taking it with the age differ-“, Astarion began with a wicked glint and a grin that made him look almost fiendish.
This time you stumbled fully on purpose. Causing Astarion to hiss at you angrily again.
“You’re one to talk about age difference, grandpa!” you hissed back and stuck out your tongue when he began twirling you around with more force as if he was trying to work the insolent attitude right out of you by force.
Had he called the two of you harmonious just moments ago? Apparently only if the harmony was accounted for by the way you both violently bickered with each other like an old married couple.
“Why am I even taking this from someone barely older than a child,” Astarion snapped angrily while his grip on you got a little firmer, trying to show you there would be no more slip-ups, not under his watch.
“Be happy, I’ve decided to take care of an elderly citizen, love,” you spat back but barely hiding a grin.
Astarion huffed. “You’re not simply after my money, are you?”
You snorted. “There’s barely any notable amount to speak of, is there?”
The pale elf sighed in mocking disappointment: “So you’re only in it for the love – how sentimental and very unbusinesslike of you, my dear.”
“Guess, we’ll have to do with the feelings we have for each other,” you sighed back. Astarion too gave you another dramatic sigh as well while you shared a deep look into each other’s eyes. Then you both started to laugh softly before the strings of the waltz became slower still and more melancholic, the bittersweet music making a feeling of yearning rise up in your chest.
You were focused wholly on each other again with only the music lulling you. The room, the party, the other guests swirled by in colourful but easily ignorable billows. With steady moves again now you let yourself be taken away by the feelings rising up within your chest and your vampire’s tender expression while you moved over the dancefloor once more with the elegance of water in motion.
“Have you,” Astarion began in a much more sombre and genuine tone now after a while of just gazing at each other, “have you ever wondered how it would have been? If we’d met under different circumstances? Happier ones, I mean.”
“You mean, if you hadn’t become-“ you awkwardly gesticulated around with your hand wrapped with his. He simply nodded. And you immediately understood what he was trying to say: would there have been a version of events where you had found each other without all the pain and the turmoil in between?
The way he looked at you in such a vulnerable manner now made your heart ache. You saw the cracks within him he usually did his best to cover up and hide – and that he only trusted you with to only ever see. If only there was a way to relieve him of this weight he felt.
A pained smile swept over your face: “I have.” You sighed. You had to look away for a single second.
“Although in every version I’ve come up with so far we would have crossed ways and probably would have only spared each other a spiteful glance – with me having grown up homeless on the streets and you being a magistrate with noble upbringing and everything”, you continued. And then you remembered something you had spoken about earlier that evening, your gaze snapped back to his. “And I would have probably left with your purse and laughed about how stupid you were.” A weak smile played on your lips with the weak attempt of lightening the mood again.
You saw some of the pain you felt mirrored on the vampire’s face. His gaze shortly slipped from yours as well as he seemed taken by his own imagination of an alternate meeting, another ending to your story. Then he offered you a small, slightly sad smile when he looked into your eyes again: “If only you were an actual princess, things might have turned out differently, my heart.”
“That’s a lot of ifs, isn’t it?”
Astarion shrugged and was prepared to move on from the topic, but now that he said it, there was something about it.
“Although,” you began, catching the vampire’s fleeting attention once more. He cocked his head slightly. “This might have not even the biggest ‘if’.”
Astarion’s interest was caught, his full lips forming a questioning “oh” while his eyebrows jumped up. Frankly, he seemed thankful for an opportunity to leave the territory of hurtful memories and regrets behind.
You cleared your throat, getting yourself ready to reveal something about your past you didn’t like to dwell on – at all.
“Well, I might have told you that my father was a pretty high-up elven noble, right?” Astarion bowed his head to you, waiting for the new piece of information in this, narrowing his eyes.
“Turns out, he’s actually the king of a small, mostly secluded living elven enclave in some Faerun forest – all this being part of the reason why my mother dropped me on the steps of some cloister after birth. A bastard child is one thing, but the bastard child of a king – unimaginable, not tolerable”, you burst out all at once like ripping the knife out of a wound. And just like a blade viciously pulled from flesh made blood gush from the cut, making it hurt more, you felt how a whole lot of emotions of long hidden away memories were about to wash over you.
You couldn’t hold the vampire’s gaze for a few long moments while you fought to not get swept away by hurtful, long stowed away memories. Astarion’s gaze at you softened, his thumb wandering over your entwined fingers. He didn’t fully understand what all this meant for you. But he surely knew and realised when someone was not willing to share further details about pain of the past.
If you wanted there would come a time and a place to talk more about this and what I meant for you. But the middle of a dancefloor during a big ball was neither for that.
You remained in silence for long heartbeats while you asked yourself why you had so randomly offered up this piece of information about yourself – something that you had neither thought about in a long time nor wanted to pay any mind to in the future. Where you came from meant nothing to you, only the present and the man that held you was important for you now.
After a while you had caught yourself again and you lifted your head to meet his gaze again.
“I guess that’s just what we are right now, Astarion, a vampire only having broken free from his master after two centuries and a former street kid that also barely made it as a thief”, you said with a small bitter laugh.
Astarion let his thumb wander over your entwined hands again while he pulled you in closer once more, both his hands on your back now as he still made you both turn around lazily, another waltz nearing his end.
“For what it’s worth, darling,” he murmured and offered you a genuine smile with wide, open eyes, “I’m sure you agree we would have both been happy if we hadn’t gone through everything we did to get here. But I am still very happy that I’m here now and that I get to share it with you, my heart. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
His crimson eyes conveyed his love for you as he cupped your cheek and the strings drew out a single last mournful note. Slowly your lips curled into a smile and saw it spread over Astarion’s face too – two partners in crime.
What was it even worth to mourn something that could have never been?
And you had to agree with him. You were incredibly happy for the time since you had met him, if not for the circumstances. But luckily, from there on out, things had been looking up tremendously.
Your future, you thought, looked quite golden, and with a fair share of garnets strewn across.
Taglist (DM if you want to be added please):
@spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @aurasyn @margoteve @usuallyunlikelyfox @hollowmasque @worryknotdear @wraithmaine @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna @ajokeformur-ray @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @rikuyrk06 @marina-and-the-memes @somewhatclear @davenswitcher
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verai-marcel · 2 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 28 of 28)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Act I - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Act II - Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | 
Act III - Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 (18+) | Part 28 (END)
AO3 Link is here, my love.
Word Count: 2,422
Act III, Chapter 7 - The Epilogue
Five months passed in blissful domesticity. You had started a small apothecary shop which made enough money to keep you in business and build up your savings. Astarion, when he felt the whim, would make scents for you to sell. Those always seemed to sell out extremely quickly, and after the first three months, he began taking commissions. That is, when he wasn’t busy with his little adventures in the night.
Astarion had continued his little bouts of heroism. You noted that he had a penchant for going into Rivington and helping the less fortunate, getting a sort of high from sucking the life out of evil thugs and getting praised for it.
Oh, of course he lives for the praise.
You mildly wondered if some of the people he rescued had ever praised him a little too much, when he came back with an extra pep in his step.
“Did someone call you the most handsome hero in the Gate?”
He scoffed. “Please. They don’t need to say it.” Leaning against your work table, he gave you the most perfect grin. “I already know.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, yes, you’re the most beautiful beau in all the land.”
“And don’t you forget it,” he sassed, taking off his armor and weapons. “And what is my little witch making tonight?”
“Just a new batch of potions. Bluurg and Omeluum had a fresh batch of mushrooms from the Underdark and—”
You felt a tingle of power in the air and turned around just as a dove appeared in your window, a small message box tied to it.
“Thank you,” you said as you took the letter.
~*All part of the job, ma’am,~* he said, sounding like an elderly retired officer. The dove saluted with his wing and took off.
Being able to talk to animals regularly still throws me off.
Opening the letter, you smiled. Withers’ handwriting was a bit shaky, but still elegant.
Astarion read the letter over your shoulder. “Oh.”
You turned towards him. “What do you mean, ‘oh’?”
He looked away. “I, erm, may have forgotten to let the others know that you returned.”
You sputtered for a moment in shock. “Astarion!” you screeched in annoyance.
He gave you his classic shrug. “Well, it’ll be a hell of a surprise when you show up.”
When you and Astarion arrived at the old camp site where Withers had set up the little soiree, you realized that you and he were the first people there. Seeing Withers waving his staff and setting up the final dishes on the table was a bit surprising.
“Wait, so you could have summoned food and drink all this time?” you asked as you came up to him.
You swear you saw a wry smirk before he returned to his usual neutral expression. “No one asked.”
You damn skeleton!
Putting on a polite smile, you asked tentatively, “Erm, do you need any help?”
“Thou hast helped enough,” he said, but not in an unkind way. “It is thy turn to relax and wait for thy meal.”
You nodded. “Well, I guess I should let you get back to it then.”
He nodded and resumed preparing the feast.
You went back to Astarion, who was perusing the selection of wines at the other end of the table.
“Found something good?”
He shook his head. “You’d think he’d find a fresh bottle of blood somewhere,” he muttered. “Does he expect me to just drink this wine?”
“I’ll feed you when we go home,” you said, patting his arm.
He suddenly wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his body. “You could feed me now. Nobody else is here—”
Suddenly you felt a tingle in your spine, right before you heard your name being yelled with jubilant glee.
Turning towards the voices, you saw a portal from Avernus close, and two familiar figures staring at you in surprise.
Without any further words, Astarion let you go as you ran to them, hugging them tightly.
“Where have you been? When did you get back?” Karlach asked in a rush of words.
You started to tell your story, but Wyll held up a hand to stop you. “I get the feeling everyone will want to hear your tale,” he said. “Perhaps you should wait until everyone is here.”
“That sounds good, otherwise I’ll be repeating myself all night.” You turned back to Astarion, who saw someone behind you and quickly walked away, pointedly poking at the decorations around the site.
You heard her before you could turn to look. “Of course he would forget to tell us.”
Looking over to Shadowheart, you saw her sassy grin and smiled back. “Of course.”
She gave you a big hug, holding you tight before pulling back to look at your face. She shot a sour glare at Astarion before giving you a brilliant smile. “Or maybe he didn’t want to share you with anyone else for a while.”
You shrugged. “Him? Selfish? Whatever do you mean?” you joked. “You look great, by the way.” You looked around. “So…”
“Oh, he’ll be here shortly. He took far too long figuring out what to wear, so I left first.”
Oh Gale, you silly man. “I didn’t expect that from him.”
As the others slowly showed up, you got a chance to catch up with everyone. It was nice, seeing how everyone had carried on after enduring the adventure of a lifetime. Jaheira and Minsc were living in Baldur’s Gate doing their own things while Halsin had moved back to Thaniel’s lands to take care of the war orphans. Lae’zel, though she appeared spectrally at the party, told you that she had been fighting the good fight against Vlaakith.
Volo had somehow found his way to the party, but when you gave a subtle nod to Withers, he suddenly found that he had somewhere else to be.
Wyll and Karlach had gone to Avernus a couple weeks after you had cast your spell on her heart engine. At least knowing that she had time to prepare, with Wyll by her side, Karlach had gone willingly, and with a goal in mind: to find a way to fix her engine. And it turned out that they had discovered some blueprints and a map to a blacksmith, nabbed from the corpse of a cambion. They had hope that they’d be able to return to Baldur’s Gate soon.
Gale finally arrived, dressed rather sharply, and you caught he and Shadowheart sharing a loving gaze before he came to greet you. You found out that he had become a professor at the wizard academy in Waterdeep. While he had mostly moved back to his tower, he had also purchased some land outside of the city for Shadowheart and her parents to start a farm and take care of orphaned animals. Of course, they had a direct portal between the tower and the farmhouse so they could visit each other whenever they wanted.
You finally told Gale why you had always dodged his questions about Waterdeep. About who your old master was, and why you had fled town. Turns out that Gale had known of the man, since he was from a well known noble family.
“So that man was actually a masked lord, huh?” Gale had shrugged. “Well, no matter. Apparently the Zhentarim have, shall we say, disposed of him, so unless you have any other dark secrets, you’re free to come visit.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. The one major thing that had been haunting you from the past was now gone for good.
Scratch had been living in Baldur’s Gate with a very nice family, but from time to time he would wander off to visit with Owly, who had been living near the outskirts of the city. You asked if perhaps the owlbear might be better off staying with Shadowheart at her farm, and realizing you had accidentally offered someone else’s home without her permission, you quickly told Shadowheart about it. Fortunately, she was delighted to take him in.
And during your conversations with each person, you confessed to them your ability to feel emotions through touch. You let them know that you had never shared anything with anyone else, and now you knew how to shield properly, so their emotions would be private. You had expected some backlash, but they all just shrugged it off as a thing in the past. It was comforting to know that all the dread you had felt about telling them was all in your head, and you need not have worried. They were your friends, after all.
“So that’s why you always wore gloves,” Karlach had said, as if she had been holding onto that mystery all this time.
Well, that wasn’t so hard to confess… Guess I didn’t need to be so anxious about it.
With everyone here, sat around the table, sharing food and drink like old times, you felt that warm, cozy feeling surround you.
I think now is the time to tell everyone what happened to me after I fell into the portal.
You cleared your throat, and immediately everyone turned to you. 
“Are you going to tell us a story now?” Karlach asked excitedly.
“Have you been waiting all night?” you asked with a grin.
She nodded enthusiastically.
You looked at everyone, and their eyes were all on you.
“Alright, well, after I got thrown into the portal…”
You told your story, summarizing your year in the Feywild. High on the attention, you took a chance.
“Could I… share one of my songs with you all?”
Their enthusiasm was so overwhelming that you immediately got up and went to Milil. 
He had looked at you at first with disdain, but when you had identified him as the God of song, poetry, and inspiration, he was a great deal happier. So much so, that when you asked him to play your song, he readily agreed.
“No need,” he said as you offered to scribble the notes. “Just hum a few bars and I’ll adapt to you.”
You did so, and was pleasantly surprised when he played along beautifully. Satisfied, you climbed back down from his platform, only to find that everyone had gathered around. So you stood right where you were and began to sing.
You weren’t sure how long you sang, and you also weren’t sure when you began to change. Your hair turned fiery red before it broke free from its bun and cascaded down your back, locks of it floating around you, swaying with your song. Your voice split into three harmonious layers, making you sound like a choir unto yourself. Buoyed by the magic you could feel flowing through your body, you began to dance, and the vegetation around the campsite began to glow and flutter softly, as if all of nature swayed to your melody.
By the time your song ended, your magic had formed sparkles of fae dust, scattering around as you twirled around one last time, the flecks of light dissipating into the cool night air.
You took a deep breath and bowed.
Your friends erupted in cheers.
“Gorgeous, absolutely stunning!”
You looked at Astarion, who was standing in the back, so no one could see the soft look of love on his face.
Smiling back, you let everyone pull you back to the table for more drinks.
The night carried on, and as everyone was getting a bit more drunk, you slipped away to take a breather. Wandering into the abandoned building on the other side of the small bridge, you found Withers, who was quietly looking through a book. You didn’t recall all the bookcases here before, but perhaps he had brought them here to entertain himself while the others were partying.
Just as you were about to sneak back out, not wanting to bother him, he turned to you.
“Was it worth staying?” he asked quietly.
You blinked. “What do you mean?”
“With thy companions on their journey.”
Oh. I see. You smiled. “Yes. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met Astarion and the others. I wouldn’t have found my mother. I would have stayed in the dark about a lot of things, and continued to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”
Withers nodded. “Good.” 
As per usual, he silently watched you as you tried to look for the right words to express yourself, but you realized perhaps that simple was best.
“Thank you, Withers.”
He stared at you for a moment. “I did nothing to warrant gratitude.”
You shrugged. “You said something just cryptic enough that made me stay. So whether it was on purpose or not, you still have my thanks.”
The skeleton’s expression changed for a mere moment, but you caught the smile before it disappeared again. 
With nothing more to say, you bowed politely and began to walk away, but then he spoke once more. “Tell Lady Orla she owes me a cup of tea.”
You twirled around to stare at him in utter surprise.
Does my mother know everyone in the realms?! And what the fuck did they bet on?
Knowing that neither of them would ever tell you, you took a deep breath and let it go. “Will do,” you replied. You opened your mouth to say goodbye, but decided to change your wording. “See you later, Withers.”
Returning to the party, you found Astarion, who was being grilled by the others.
“Why didn’t you write to us that she had returned?”
He shrugged. “I may have forgotten…”
“You wanted to keep her to yourself, didn’t you?”
“Well, wouldn’t you?” he replied matter-of-factly. He turned towards you. “Look at her. She’s incredible.”
You grinned from ear to ear. “Not half as incredible as you,” you replied. “And I mean that for all of you. You’re all wonderful. I hope we meet up many more times in the future!”
Amongst the sounds of cheering and revelry, you saw Astarion holding his hand out to you, just as he always did. You took his hand and let your shield down, taking in the warmth of his emotions as he pulled you aside.
With his eyes gazing lovingly at yours, he brought your hand to his lips. “Are you happy, darling?”
You smiled warmly at him. “Yes, very much so. Are you?”
“Of course I am.” He stepped closer and pressed his forehead to yours. “You always bring my happiness with you, my love.”
Act III, Chapter 7 End notes: Wow, what a journey! I’m so happy to finally complete this story, and so glad that all of you have joined me on this ride. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it really means a lot to me to hear your feedback. For now this is the end of the main story, but I’m thinking about posting a few side drabbles from Astarion’s POV, if anyone has any interest. And if I have any side ideas about our hearth witch, I’ll post them here!
Also my author’s notes and HW’s character summary are here if anyone has any interest in a peek behind the scenes.
Also full disclosure - I stole a part of that last line from a manga; I wish I had come up with that on my own. I’ve used it in other fics too, haha. I just love that line. Let me know if you can guess which manga and which character said it!
Tags List: @numblytemporary @xalphafox @avitute @stormyjane7 @kmoon21
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confusedminx · 2 years
15 Minute Lunch Break | Eddie Munson x Reader
warnings: Afab reader, use of the terms girlfriend and princess, no pronouns, vagainal sex, riding, semi public sex, not proof read
A/N: Hi hi, first time posting on this account. I plan on being mostly slasher centric but like Eddie munson brain rot yknow how it is. I also posted this on AO3 under the same user :>
It had been a slow day at family video, which was surprising for a Saturday. Maybe 5 people came in today and it was only 12. You had missed breakfast and were already starving, so when you saw a mess of brown hair smiling at you through the glass door, holding 2 bags of food from your favorite burger joint you almost jumped with glee.
Eddie strutted through the door "Hello my dear movie selling friends" He threw a wink at you "and girlfriend." Eddie set the bags of food down on the counter, before leaning over to give you a quick smooch on the mouth.
"Alrighty Munson," Steve said, walking over to you both, Robin following "What do you got for us?"
This was a pretty often occurrence recently, Eddie will come by almost everyday to bring you guys lunch. Steve pays him back, it's usually an argument between them for Eddie to take the money.
"No, dude, this is out of the kindness of my heart. I don't need to be paid back."
"Eddie shut up and take the 10 bucks."
You smile at the two of them, enjoying the memory that will probably happen again very soon.
"OK so, we have a..." Eddie reaches into the bag very dramatically, before pulling out a few foil wrapped chicken straps. "Chicken tenders for the lady" he passed them to Robin. She thanked him and went to sit on top of the counter. "And…" he mimicked a drum roll sound with his mouth "Chili fries for this devilishly handsome gent over here." he slid them over to Steve, who rolled his eyes.
"Devilishly? more like trollishly handsome." Robin snorted out, munching on a chicken strip. Steve glared at her.
"Says the one who looks like a corpse." Robin gasped and threw a crumb at him.
"Hey it was your words not mine!" The two best friends started a back and force bicker. Eddie looked at you and smirked.
"How about we eat in the break room." He said quietly. Even if he said it louder the other two wouldn't even notice, too engrossed in their banter. You picked a fry out of Steve's tray and looked at Eddie.
"Sorry employees only." You smirked back at him, popping the fry in your mouth. He pouted and laid his abdomen across the counter.
"Oh come on, you're assistant manager. Can't you make an exception" His pout turned back into his usual smirk very quickly, "I'll make it worth your while." You rolled your eyes.
"You're insufferable, Munson." You sighed, grabbing the bag of your food and walking to the break room. Eddie smiled, hopping the counter and following you quickly. Steve's head whipped around quickly.
"Hey no funny business you two!"  Eddie turned around, taking a salute stance.
"Scouts honor." He saluted Steve, turning back round to follow you. 
"You know… I was never a boy scout." He said, smirking at you. You raised an eyebrow, setting down your food on the small side table.
Eddie opened the rickety door that said 'Employees only' smiling when he saw you sitting on the old couch in the small room, eating your favorite order. He plopped down next to you, sliding his arm around your shoulders.
"Are you suggesting we engage in funny business," You turn your body to the side, laying your legs across his lap. "Which would directly be against the king's orders." Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Well technically you're his boss sooo…" he dragged out the word, leaning in so his breath ghosted your face as he talked. "What you say goes." His hand slid up your leg and gripped at your thigh. 
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to seduce me." You smirked.
"Oh come on, Princess..." his lips finally landed on the soft skin of your neck, he started laying kisses up towards your jawline. "Don't play with me right now." He finally reached your lips and kissed you with a fiery passion. You kissed back, your hand finding the back of his neck, your fingers tangling in his hair. Both of his hands gripped your thighs, pulling you over to straddle his lap. You grinded softly, feeling him already half hard.
"Aren't you easy, Munson?" You giggled, continuing to grind down on his lap. His hands were making quick work of the buttons on your work vest.
"Only for you, Princess." The vest came off and hit the floor. You quickly took off your shirt, finding the same place on the floor as your vest. Eddie's hands slid up your sides until they reached your breasts, cupping them through your bra. "Only for you." He repeated softly, leaning in to suck on the delicate skin of your breasts. His hands ran to your back, unclipping your bra. You let it fall down your shoulders, and he popped your left nipple into his mouth as soon as it was exposed. 
Your hands reached down, unbuttoning your pants. You pulled back and stood, quickly sliding down your pants. Eddie slipped off his vest and jacket then unbuttoned his pants as well, pulling them and his underwear just to where his dick was exposed. It stood at full attention, precum leaking down the side. You straddle his lap again. His hands grip your hips as he looks up to meet your eyes.
"You gotta be real quiet for me, Princess." He said, sliding you down on his cock. You gasped out, your thighs settling on his. His hand flew to your neck, very lightly gripping. "What did I just say?"
"I-I'll be quiet, I promise." You choked out. You put your hands on Eddie's shoulders, pushing yourself up and down on his cock. You bit your lip to keep from moaning. Eddie's head fell back, you hear a whisper of "fuck.." as his hand slips down to your neck, to grip at your hip once more.
Now, with both hands on your hips, Eddie assists you in moving your hips up and down on his cock. You let out small moans, before your head falls into his neck and you bite down to stop from screaming. Eddie smiles, picking up the pace. Slamming your hips down, filling the small room with sounds of your thighs hitting his.
There's a jangle of the doorknob, Steve walking through.
"Hey, Munson here's the money for the fo- HOLY FUCK." Steve drops the 10 bucks on the ground as he makes eye contact with you both. You stop moving, mortified. Eddie grabs his jacket, covering you best he can. You lean into Eddie, trying to hide any dignity you have.
"I NAP ON THAT COUCH HOW COULD YOU- GET DRESSED." Steve turns on his heel and walks out. Eddie lets out a snicker.
"This is not funny!" You get up, trying to quickly redress.
"It's a tiny bit funny." Eddie zips up his pants, then helps you redress. He slips your panties into his pocket. You sigh, annoyed.
"Eddie, I need those."
"Don't worry, I'll give them back when we finish this little thing later." You rolled your eyes, pulling on your pants. You fix your hair before sighing.
"Ready for the walk of shame?"
"Pft, this is the forth time Harrington's walked in on us, it's on him this time." He picks up the ten bucks, grabs your hand and walks out of the room with you.
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Who Hurt Them!?
Summary: self aware!twst one day sees the player covered in bruises from behind their prison/ screen. And so they finally let their sentience be known. So willing to see this odd occurrence?
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You almost hopped out of your bed hearing that there was finally twst merch that was $20-10 dollars only! You blamed it on the game not that well known in your area at the time sadly. But still that was the cheapest you’ve seen anyone price the huge plushes you just had to get them! Never in your life had you even gotten ready so fast and looked so good to go out into public but oh well. Special occasions call for special measures. As you dashed to the door you had realized you almost left your phone on the counter. A super close call! Now off you go to finally get the twst merch you’d kill to have! You chuckled to yourself at the stupid thought of accidentally leaving your phone. As you walked to the store you had been reminiscing on some odd things happening with your Twisted Wonderland app. First, was some unofficial or rare voice lines you’ve been getting throughout the game. For instance one time Kalim had stated “ _____ you’re so beautiful I could stare at you all day!” You giggled to yourself thinking about the whole “ They forgot to tell him it was not an otome game” meme you’ve recently been seeing with Malleus. But as you continued on with the rare voice lines they had all seemed to be a lot more…romantic than what most usual players had gotten. From what you had seen on others playing it on YouTube. Second, was with trying to exit the main menu. Sometimes especially with Floyd when you tried to exit to play in the chat box it would display “ Shrimpy! Don’t leave!” Which you found odd again. But still paid no mind to. Thinking of it as an update because you couldn’t read Japanese at all so you were clueless if they were or weren’t supposed to do that. And you had waited till the English release to start playing. Third, was during the recent chapters. The screen had started to just not let you tap anywhere if it wasn’t on the characters. This was probably just the game was crashing because it has multiple times on your phone. You just can’t bear to delete it from how happy and comforting it always makes you feel. It seemed as if the game had a mind of its own. Almost like a fanfiction scenario where all the characters loved you. Wow imagine you having your own harem with hot anime guys you could only communicate with through a screen? You chuckled at the thought in your head as you entered the small store. Your eyes filled with pure glee as you looked at everything. Seeing how most of it was on your wish list of merch. You’ve been saving up for this for so long and we’re so happy you had. Because you could buy at least 40-50 items here with how cheap it all was.
As you happily roamed the isles of the store you had picked out all your favorite characters. Well all except for one of them you had suddenly reached for. But some guy right behind you had started to reach for it at the same time as you. Causing you both to give each other the worlds most akward high five? Hand shake? Not sure but you soon retracted your hand being to apologize to them.
“ Oh you’re fine just get out of my way I want that figure!” they harshly replied to you smacking your hand away from the small figurine.
You rolled your eyes at the rude stranger not wanting to escalate this into a fight and had walked off into another isle looking for something else. Just trying to enjoy the rest of your short time at the store. But as soon as you had found just the character you needed for your collection the same guy had tried to snatch it away from you. But you were faster than them. Already having ahold of the item. Even as the were gripping your wrist.
“ Um… sir could you please let go of my wrist you’re hurting me.” You forced a smile trying to yank your wrist out of his hand.
“ No I saw it first give me it!” He yelled.
“ What are you five? Get over yourself and find another one there are plenty more behind it. And they’re all the same.” You argued ripping your wrist from his hand.
He then proceeded to argue back acting as if he was in the right here. You didn’t want to fight you just wanted to got some food and rest merch as a treat for studying after your endless exams. He then had tried to snack the item out of your hand but had accidentally punched you in the eye. Leaving a bruise as you gasped “ What the hell is your problem!?”
This was quickly catching attention of other customers in the store. You didn’t want any of this attention just a simple treat for yourself but no the universe just said “fuck you be miserable.” You had quickly just tried to leave not wanting to deal with this bs anymore. Along with the rest of anymore of the worrying stares from people just trying to shop. Trying to suck it up as you paid for your little treat the cashier had noticed your distress.
“ Hey, don’t worry I already called security on him. I’m so sorry about your eye do you want some ice?” They whispered to you trying to ease your worries before you left the building. You sighed shaking your head paying them before wishing them a good day.
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You hurriedly jerked and slammed the door open just wanting to crawl into your bed and cry. You just wanted to have a good day why can’t you ever have a good day? Whatever you got what you had came for just wishing that the experience was better. You rubbed your still sore eye hoping it didn’t escalate into a black eye from that ass-hole. What was his problem any acting like a 5 year old. You sniffed as you opened your twisted wonderland app. Just wanting some comfort to end the day on a good note as you cuddled up to one of the ginormous plushes you had gotten. Along with your snack and drink right by your side. You stared at the screen seeing the cute little animations and seeing it was Cater on your screen. He was a character you had really liked but never gotten on your screen a lot so this had made you feel a bit better. “ I swear I sometimes just wish I could actually go to your world.” You sighed rubbing your eye again. ” I bet you don’t have random ass-hoke who act like five year olds try and yank figurines out of your hand huh?” You ranted to them. Knowing that you’ll never get a response no matter how much you wished you did. As you ranted about your horrible day you had failed to notice how he reacted to what you said. With each statement of yours he had silently cursed the man who decided to hurt you. How could anyone even want to hurt you. You were too kind, sweet, and generous for anyone to even be able to do that. It should have been a crime in general. But soon you had to leave the game. Well more like you just cried yourself to sleep trying to forget about your eye. And you felt like a crybaby for being so sensitive over what seemed like nothing. But not to them.
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“ And you didn’t even try to comfort them!? Cater I expected better from you!” Riddle snapped at him.
“ Don’t you think I tried not every one here has as good of control over breaking their code!” He testified.
“ Geez it sounded like they were in some Black Friday sale! Plus their eye already looks a bit swollen. “ Ace committed.
Unknowingly to you your beloved characters had gained some sort of sentience throughout your time playing. One by one they had all come to a sense of some kind of humanity from your constant ranting to them. But you always would brush it off. And it’s starting to not be as easy to brush off.
“ You know if someone could just hurry up already the herbivore wouldn’t be having this problem.” Leona tsked glaring at a certain firey blue haired man.
“ Do…Dont you dare start this with me again! If …IF you think it’s sooooo easy then be my guest and help at least!” He flipped the lion off.
“ Hey hey! Let’s not fight Idia is trying his best! Plus I think we should focus on our sunshine at the moment!” Kalim said before the two tried to kill each other again.
“ For once I agree with him.” Jamil said as the others agreed.
For they had all been planning to make your wish come true one way or another you would become part of their world. Just in the meantime try to focus a bit more on some of their out of character voice lines from now on ok? You’ll be with them sooner than you know it.
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@41sh4 I have delivered your sentient twst idea! Hope it was up to your standards.
And to everyone else I hope you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful day/ or that it gets better!
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a 💖💕
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leoniestarlee · 5 months
Illyrian Assassin (16)
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Pairing: Azriel x OC
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning: past trauma, slow burn
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(let me know under this if you want to be on the tag list! I do post at random times and sometimes spam a few chapters within an hour, btw.)
Word still hadn’t come from the Summer Court the following morning, so Rhysand made good on his decision to bring us to the mortal realm.
Daisy and Willa would stay here with Mor and Amren, being cared for in the townhouse. It was agreed last night that I would join Rhys, Feyre, Cass, and Az to the mortal realm. During my absence, Amren decided she’ll try to figure out why Willa is having these weird dreams that are continuing to drain her. My poor sister was barely sleeping, and when she did, it never lasted long.
“What does one wear, exactly, in the human lands?” Mor said from where she sprawled across the foot of Feyre’s bed while I sat up against the headboard.
“Layers,” Feyre said, riffling through the clothes in her armoire for something the both of us could wear. I tried looking for something through my own clothes earlier, but she’d said she would just find me something instead. “They…cover everything up. The décolletage might be a little daring depending on the event, but…everything else gets hidden beneath skirts and petticoats and nonsense.”
“Sounds like the women are used to not having to run—or fight,” I said, picking at my nails. “I don’t remember it being that way five hundred years ago.”
“Even with the wall, the threat of faeries remained, so…surely practical clothes would have been necessary to run, to fight any that crept through. I wonder what changed,” Feyre countered, pulling out an ensemble of turquoise with accents of gold—rich, bright, regal for our approval.
Mor and I merely nodded, and she went on, “Nowadays, most women wed, bear children, and then plan their children’s marriages. Some of the poor might work in the fields, and a rare few are mercenaries or hired soldiers, but…the wealthier they are, the more restricted their freedoms and roles become. You’d think that money would buy you the ability to do whatever you pleased.”
“Some of the High Fae,” Mor said, pulling at an embroidered thread in the blanket, “are the same.”
Feyre slipped behind the dressing screen as I laid on my stomach beside Mor.
“In the Court of Nightmares,” Mor went on, that voice falling soft and a bit cold once more, “females are…prized. Our virginity is guarded, then sold off to the highest bidder—whatever male will be of the most advantage to our families. I was born stronger than anyone in my family. Even the males. And I couldn’t hide it, because they could smell it—the same way you can smell a High Lord’s Heir before he comes to power. The power leaves a mark, an…echo. When I was twelve, before I bled, I prayed it meant no male would take me as a wife, that I would escape what my elder cousins had endured: loveless, sometimes brutal, marriages.”
I looked at my best friend with pity and sadness as parts on that year flooded back into my mind.
“But then I began bleeding a few days after I turned seventeen. And the moment my first blood came, my power awoke in full force, and even that gods-damned mountain trembled around us. But instead of being horrified, every single ruling family in the Hewn City saw me as a prize mare. Saw that power and wanted it bred into their bloodline, over and over again.”
“What about your parents?” Feyre managed to ask.
“My family was beside themselves with glee. They could have their pick of an alliance with any of the other ruling families. My pleas for choice in the matter went unheard.”
“A bunch of pricks,” I mumbled.
“The rest of the story,” Mor said as Feyre emerged, holding out a pastel blue gown toward me, “is long, and awful, and I’ll tell you some other time. I came here to say I’m not going with you—to the mortal realm.”
“Because of how they treat women?” Feyre questioned as I thanked her for the dress and slipped behind the dressing screen.
“If that was the case, then I can assure you that Rhys wouldn’t let Rory anywhere near the realm,” Mor snorted as I laughed, changing out of my tunic and pants. “When the queens come, I will be there. I wish to see if I recognize any of my long-dead friends in their faces. But…I don’t think I would be able to…behave with any others.”
“Did Rhys tell you not to go?” Feyre said tightly as I slipped into the gown with more skirts than I’d ever worn.
How do they manage to walk in this?
“No,” Mor said, snorting. “He tried to convince me to come, actually. He said I was being ridiculous. But Cassian…he gets it. The two of us wore him down last night.”
Feyre’s brows rose as I snorted, walking back over to the bed with the gown on and restricting more movement than I’d like.
Mor shrugged at the unasked question in Feyre’s eyes. “Cassian and Rory helped Rhys get me out. Before he had the real rank to do so. For Rhys, getting caught would have been a mild punishment, perhaps a bit of social shunning. But Cassian and Rory…” She looked at me, taking my hand in hers. “They risked everything to make sure I stayed out of that court, especially Cass. And he laughs about it, but he believes he’s a low-born bastard, not worthy of his rank or life here. He has no idea that he’s worth more than any other male I met in that court—and outside of it. Him and Azriel, that is.”
Feyre opened her mouth, but the cloak chimed ten, meaning it was time to go.
I stood up as Mor let go of my hand.
“I’d like my sisters to meet you. Maybe not today. But if you ever feel like it…” Feyre said to Mor as I softly smiled between the two of them.
Mor’s mouth tightened and she blinked a few times.
Feyre went for the door but paused with her hand on the knob. “I’m sorry if I was not as welcoming to you as you were to me when I arrived at the Night Court. I was…I’m trying to learn how to adjust.”
But Mor hopped off the bed, opened the door for her, and said, “There are good days and hard days for me—even now. Don’t let the hard days win.”
“I think I prefer you better when you aren’t wearing mortal clothes,” Cassian mused at me as I leaned against the wall, looking up and down at his fighting leathers.
“I think you don’t know how to compliment a female,” I shot back with a sweet smile while adjusting the white coat around my shoulders.
Azriel snorted across from me, his shadows swirling up his arms. “Even after five hundred years, you both still act like legitimate siblings.”
“I swear they came from the same mother sometimes,” Rhys chimed in with a smirk on his lips.
I flipped them both off as we fell to a silence, waiting for Feyre to say something as she glanced around at us.
I took a step toward Azriel, knowing Rhys would winnow us two off the coast, right to the invisible line where the wall bisected our world. There was a tear in its magic about half a mile offshore—which we’d fly though.
He gave me a small smile that I retuned, but it quickly wiped off my face and I snapped my head to Feyre as she said, “I’ll fly with Azriel.”
Slowly, slightly baffled, I looked back to Az who held an apology in his eyes as he looked at me before merely bowing his head to Feyre, and said, “Of course.”
Cassian cringed, glancing between me and Az. The three males knew if I’d ever need to fly somewhere, it would be Azriel who took me. But now, he’s taking Feyre and I’ve got to be fine with that. I mean, I was fine with it, but I also didn’t like it.
“You drop me, and I swear I’ll cut your balls off,” I warned Cass, walking toward him.
“If I drop you, then it’s Willa and Daisy who’ll attack me,” he grumbled, scooping me into his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Rhys laughed, grabbing Cass and then we were surrounded by black wind and the townhouse was gone. Blinding sunlight, and roaring wind surrounded us as Cassian plunged down, down—Then we tilted, shooting straight. 
“I missed this,” I said, looking at my bastard brother as he chuckled. 
Below, ahead, behind, the vast, blue sea stretched. Above, fortresses of clouds plodded along. I felt the wall as we swept through. Felt it lunge for me and then we were out. Cassian banked, veering toward the coastline, where Rhys was now sweeping over the land.
I stood between Cassian and Azriel as we stood behind Feyre—glamoured. The glamour didn’t keep out the damn cold though. I desperately rubbed my arms, trying to warm myself as Cassian chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his body heat.
The door opened, and a merry-faced round housekeeper squinted at Feyre. “May I help…” The words trailed off as she looked closer at Feyre’s face.
“Oh, she knows for sure,” I whispered, pressing myself more into Cassian’s side.
“I’m here to see my family,” Feyre choked out.
“Your—your father is away on business, but your sisters…” She didn’t move. Her eyes darted around Feyre. No carriage, no horse. No footprints in the snow.
“We should have planned this better,” Rhys said to us, knowing the glamour keeps our voices hidden.
The older lady’s face blanched and I looked at Rhys, raising a brow. “You think?” I sarcastically retorted.
“Mrs. Laurent?”
I felt everyone stiffen at the sudden voice from the hall. Hell, even I stiffened.
Feyre backed away a step, making Rhys step forward. But I grabbed the back of his jacket and yanked him back between me and Azriel.
“Are you insane?” I whisper-shouted at him. “If you comfort her now, then you might as well waltz in there and announce your presence.”
“I could easily wipe away any memory of us,” he stated.
I slapped him on the back of the head, sending him a disapproving look.
A mortal female’s face appeared over Mrs. Laurent’s round shoulder. Soft and lovely, like a summer dawn. Her golden-brown hair was half up, her pale skin creamy and flushed with color.
The mortal lifted a slender hand to her mouth as her body shook with a sob.
“Elain,” Feyre said hoarsely.
Footsteps on the sweeping stairs behind them, then—“Mrs. Laurent, draw up some tea and bring it to the drawing room.” 
The women merely gave Feyre a look that promised death if she harmed her sisters as she turned into the house, leaving Feyre before Elain, still quietly crying.
But Feyre took a step over the threshold and closed the door. None of us said a word until a minute passed and I exhaled.
“This should be fun,” I groaned. “I’m freezing my damn ass off out here though.”
“You’re an Illyrian,” Rhys deadpanned. “How are you cold?”
“When was the last time you stayed in those mountains?” I raised a brow at him, and he rolled his eyes as Az and Cass quietly chuckled at us.
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
Now that we don't talk
In the 2012-2014 timeline our girl went through it in the space a week. It’s like an emotional advent calendar and we get the prizes:
Sunday:  Harry misses his flight because he didn’t have his passport. Keep Driving: “Passports in foot wells”
Monday: New Year’s Eve 2012 – The world’s most public kiss
Tuesday:  New Year’s Day & they leave for the Virgin Islands
Wednesday: Taylor's hair pinned up for Right where you left me
Thursday: (maybe) Maroon's hickie & the wine soaked dress
Friday: Taylor's boat trip Say don’t go and Is it Over now?
Saturday (maybe) From the Dining Table, then Harry goes to Richard Branson’s island …and that’s what you missed on Glee.
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Update: Thank you @this-daydream-is-dangerous-13 and their ace detective skills, NTWDT is copyrighted 2014, so updated here, the old post is here.
In the voice memo Taylor says:
Now that we don't talk is one of my favorite songs that was left behind it was so hard to leave it behind but I think we wrote it a little bit towards the end of the process and we couldn't get the production right at the time. I think it's the shortest song I've ever had but I think it packs a punch I think it really goes in for the short amount of time we have I think it makes its point.
The last tracks were between January 2014 (Say don't go) and 19 February 2014 (Style).
The period they didn't talk was a minimum of 3 weeks to the NRG awards, in HYGTG she said 6 months which is June.
For context, Harry was 18 and it appears all he did was post photos in a hot tub. It was a s***ty thing to do, but when the song was finally written they were freshly back together and he wrote Stockholm Syndrome with:
"Who's this man that's holding your hand and talking 'bout your eyes? (Oh-oh-oh) / Used to sing about being free but now he's changed his mind (Oh-oh-oh)"
From then he was then a giggling BF he's adopting kittens and continued to sing about her eyes for another 10 years.
Lyrics [Verse 1] You went to a party I heard from everybody You part the crowd like the Red Sea Don't even get me started Did you get anxious though On the way home? I guess I'll never, ever know Now that we don't talk
She did hear from everybody, it was huge news.
'Did you get anxious on the way home' got me in the feels, in New Years Day she talked of him squeezing her hand three times in the backseat to say it will be OK. This breaks my heart so much to think that song and this are about 1 week.
[Verse 2] You grew your hair long You got new icons And from the outside It looks like you're tryin' lives on I miss the old ways You didn't have to change But I guess I don't have a say Now that we don't talk
2 weeks after Taylor left on a boat, Harry acquired his Butterfly Tattoo on 22 January. A week later they saw each other for the first time on 27th January at the NRG Awards in Paris. The Cannes sunset photos are from the hotel they both stayed in. Part 2 of also within a week:
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[Chorus] I call my mom, she said that it was for the best Remind myself, the morе I gave, you'd want me less I cannot bе your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost And what it cost, now that we don't talk
Bless Andrea Swift all she has given this world, most especially for comforting Taylor when 18 year old’s pop stars hang out with billionaires. Everytime I hear this I imagine Andrew saying "put it in a song!"
They later did bury the hatchet People now reports them as friends. They have also sung about their chemistry in relation to that friendship though in Delicate, nice to have a friend and Fine Line. [Verse 3] What do you tell your friends we Shared dinners, long weekends with? Truth is, I can't pretend it's Platonic, it's just ended, so
Harry and Taylor shared (and continued to) share a lot of friends, to me this line is similar to Maroon where she refers to Rubies she gave up, the Junior Jewels shirt refers to her friends as jewels.
Taylor and Harry go on to have a discography just about this very line, can they be friends when they have such great chemistry? I have a list in Glitch
[Outro] I don't have to pretend I like acid rock Or that I'd like to be on a mega yacht With important men who think important thoughts Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk And the only way back to my dignity Was to turn into a shrouded mystery Just like I had been when you were chasing me Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk
Harry has diverse music tastes, but does love Pink Floyd and has a Grateful Dead ring he wears often.
To me the shrouded mystery line is a mystery, Taylor was ending the Red World Tour and later in the year embarked on the most active publicity of her career and 1989 World Tour, but in the moment I guess. She and Harry did not speak for some months, by the end of the year they were saying they were on good terms and based on later songs we know were back together before the end of 2013
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Taylor Swift x ACOTAR
Feyre Acheron and Tamlin's relationship in ACOTAR is the embodiment of All Too Well 10 Minute Version. Fight me if you want but it all adds up.
'Your sweet disposition' = Tamlin, no he wasn't exactly sweet, but Feyre had a 'Wide eyed gaze' when she first stepped into the Spring Court. Terrified, but intrigued.
'And I no it's long gone, and that magics not here no more' = obviously when she comes back from UTM. She misses that relationship her and Tamlin had, but it hurts to keep trying. The glee and magic she found in it as a human is gone as she becomes fae. Though the world is meant to seem brighter all she sees is darkness, misery.
'You taught me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me' = Pretty obvious I suppose. Tamlin wanted Feyre in his future so told her about his experiences with his Father and brothers. How he was never even meant to be High Lord.
'You were tossing me the car keys, fuck the patriarchy, key chain on the ground' = This one is a stretch, but think of it metaphorically. He tells Feyre about a bunch of stuff he wants to change. How she can be his, but he doesn't give her the freedom she deserves. He throws it at her feet, just out of reach.
'After three months in the grave' = Three months UTM ruined their relationship.
'And you wondered where I went to as I reach for you, but all I felt was shame. And you held my lifeless frame' = When Feyre begs Tamlin to let her out, try and break down the barriers. She doesn't want to be trapped, she wants to be let out. But Tamlin won't let her, he locks her away out of reach. She's a lifeless frame and he only realises after his own rage, when he holds her.
'There was nothing else I could do' = She knows she can't do anything. Dammit, she wants too, but she can'.
'You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath' = Tamlin initially kept her secret, from the Attor from Amourantha. Feyre kept their relationship more hidden, even from Lucien for a while. She kept so much a secret even when Rhysand took her for the first time, even when she began to feel safe. She tried, did Tamlin try as much?
'But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up' = Self explanatory. Tamlin shredded their relationship. Is he the only reason they didn't last? No. I wouldn't say so, but he was more outwardly destructive (ruining the study, damaging walls etc) than Feyre ever was.
'I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here' = Feyre is fucking broken. After everything UTM she is a shell of a person, less than that, and Tamlin's rage only makes her feel worse.
'The idea you had of me, who was she? Some never needy ever lovely jewel, who's shine reflects on you' = Tamlin can't see Feyre for who she is after her trauma ATM. She's broken, he's broken, he refuses (or is too upset) too see how badly it's really turned out. He still sees her as a weak human, the girl he stole from the woods that year. He still sees her as the weak that makes him stronger. He doesn't want to see her as she is now, out of ignorance perhaps, but also to try and deny everything that's happened.
'Not weeping in a party bathroom, some actress asking me what happened' = Lucien is the actress here, he's asking her what happened. He's being sympathetic, having the empathy his friend doesn't. He can see how destroyed Feyre is. He saw it UTM as well. Saw every second of change within her.
'Time won't fly it's like I'm paralysed by it' = She's so deep into her own depression, she can barely even register how time is passing, how every day she's trapped in the same routine. How Tamlin isn't there to help her, to hold her, to move her.
'I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it' = The wish I think they both have for things to return to normal the moment after everything happened UTM. Tamlin, on the surface, easily falls back into routine but Feyre can't.
'Back before you'd lost the one real thing you'd ever known' = Tamlin's only, as far as we know of, true feelings of love start with Feyre. He lost her because of his own mistakes, they both changed but not both of them grew or accepted that.
'Cause in the city's barren cold, I still remember the first fall of snow. And how it glistened as it fell.' = Feyre remembers the golden days, the days where she started seeing everything with the colour and the happiness. When she was still human but when the Spring Court was less terrifying, more like a home.
ANYWAY, essay complete. This ramble turned into a fucking English essay lmao. Sorry. Oh yeah, no Tamlin hate please. Pretty please. I feel kind of bad for him. I just ATWTMV'd him, no one deserves that, not really.
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moodymelanist · 2 years
So I saw a tiktok...
And this girl was at a pool party and a guy tilted her head back, hand around her neck, and poured a shot down her throat. So like...Nessian?
god this is so freaking hot skksksksksks. we never found the tiktok but the premise is a girl has different guys pour shots down her throat and rates them out of 10 and of course Cassian does the best one. If you’ve never seen a tiktok of someone pouring a shot down another persons throat, here’s the pour I imagine Cassian would do for Nesta lolol
I hope this isn’t coming too late and that you still enjoy it (and that you remember the video lol).
Nesta slightly shied away as Gwyn cheered almost directly into her ear at the sight of someone doing a large cannonball into the pool. “Nice, Varian!”
They’d been invited to a pool party the weekend right before classes started, and although Nesta had been hesitant about attending, Tarquin had been so nice when he’d asked her to come that she would’ve felt bad to turn him down. He’d even told her to bring as many as her friends as she wanted, which was how Gwyn and Emerie had gotten roped into this mess.
She wasn’t full on regretting her choice to come, but she definitely wasn’t drunk enough yet to make it feel like a good decision.
“We should make a TikTok,” Gwyn suggested suddenly, grinning at the look of horror on Nesta’s face. “Come on, Nesta, it’ll be fun!”
“Famous last words,” Emerie chimed in with a sly grin of her own.
Nesta realized both of her friends were drunker than she was, and couldn’t help but sigh at them ganging up on her. “What did you have in mind?”
Fifteen minutes later, Gwyn had managed to spread the word they were making a video well enough to have a few people interested in being in it. The redhead hadn’t said what exactly they would be doing on camera, but Nesta trusted her.
“Okay,” Gwyn announced, clapping her hands together with glee. “Nesta, they’re going to pour shots in your mouth and you can rank them from one to ten.”
The bottle of vodka in her friend’s hand made much more sense now. Nesta couldn’t help but wish she’d managed to take a shot or two of her own before finding out what they would be doing. “Too late to back out now, huh?”
“Just go with it,” Emerie told her with a wink. “They don’t look so bad, and I’ll pour the first one if you want.”
Nesta took a moment to size up the people who’d volunteered to be in the video as Gwyn wrangled them into some kind of order. She recognized Gwyn’s cousin Eris, showing off his lean body in a pair of dark green swim trunks, as he chatted with Tarquin and his other cousin Cresseida. Their silver hair was almost blinding under the sun, but she’d risk the eye damage to keep looking at Cresseida’s curves in the blue bikini she had on.
As if on cue, Cresseida turned and looked over at where Nesta and Emerie were standing and winked at both of them before returning to her conversation. “God, she’s…”
“Yeah,” Nesta replied eloquently, fighting the urge to adjust her own navy swimsuit now that she knew Cresseida would be part of things. “She’s… God.”
Nesta didn’t recognize the two men at the back of the group, but they looked so similar she would’ve bet money they were brothers. The one with longer hair had his back to her, but he had on a pair of red swim trunks that seemed one wrong move away from splitting right down the seams. He was muscular all over, back muscles rippling as he reached up to retie half his hair into a messy bun, and Nesta had a brief but vivid fantasy of him using those hands on her instead.
His friend-probably-brother had his hair cut much shorter, but it revealed a handsome face with a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds. He had on a pair of black swim trunks that were much looser than the other guy’s, but he was similarly muscled and all that golden brown skin on display was making Nesta ready to risk it all.
Get it together, she told herself firmly. They’re just good looking guys.
By the time Nesta had finished her crisis, Gwyn was coming over and wiggling her freckled hand out for Nesta’s phone. “Let’s do this!”
As promised, Emerie got the first pour. She kept things relatively tame, having Nesta squat slightly so she could pour the alcohol down her friend’s throat without any difficulties. They high fived once Nesta stood up at her full height, and Gwyn shot them a big smile and a thumbs up once they were done.
“Not bad,” Nesta commented.
Emerie tossed her hair over her shoulder and gave a rather theatrical bow before motioning for Eris to go next.
“I can’t believe you’re not burning where you stand,” Nesta teased once he was close enough.
Eris rolled his eyes. “I would say you have a back up option if law school doesn’t work out, but you’d actually have to come up with original material for that.”
Nesta and Eris had known each other for years, almost as long as Nesta had known Gwyn. They traded insults just as easily as they traded flirtations, but most of the time everything was good-natured. She wouldn’t deny he was attractive — and no man alive could deny how beautiful she was — but they’d always worked better as friends, dirty jokes aside.
“Open up, princess,” he told her with a smirk, holding up the bottle to pour her a shot. He almost poured too much since he was busy making eyes at Tarquin, but Nesta managed to grab the bottle out of his hand just in time.
“I think we can rule bartender out of your future,” she teased.
“Shut up,” Eris retorted, flicking her gently between the forehead. He grabbed the bottle back and turned to face Tarquin and Cresseida, raising the bottle in greeting. “You’re up, Sharkboy.”
“Oh, I’m just here to feel included,” Tarquin admitted with a self-deprecating grin. “Cresseida is the one who really wanted to do it.”
“I’m all yours,” Nesta replied, turning to face Cresseida and praying to every god who was listening that her cheeks weren’t too flushed. Eris handed over the bottle with a knowing grin, and Nesta wasn’t above reaching out to pinch him in the side where she knew he hated it.
“Just the way I like you.” Cresseida’s smile was just sharp enough that it made Nesta’s toes want to curl. “Cool if I touch you?”
Cresseida just laughed softly before taking the bottle of vodka and checking with Gwyn to make sure the cameras were rolling. Nesta didn’t have any warning before Cresseida was stepping behind her, wrapping one hand around Nesta’s throat, and tipping her head back to pour a shot out.
When Nesta looked back up, both Emerie and Gwyn were slightly slack-jawed at the show Cresseida had just given them.
“Hope that’s worth the top spot,” Cresseida said, smirking at the expression on Nesta’s face. “See you around, Archeron.”
“See you,” Nesta managed to return, openly ogling Cresseida as she walked away. Fuck, women like that made Nesta ready to risk it all for even a crumb of attention.
“Uh,” she began, before clearing her throat and trying again. “Okay. Who’s next?”
Nesta turned to see the two friends-maybe-brothers were at the front of line, and she cocked her head as she wondered which one of them would go first.
“I just came for moral support,” the shorter haired one said, shoving the longer haired one in Nesta’s direction. “Don’t count me in for any of this.”
“Thanks for the solidarity, Azriel,” the longer haired one replied.
Azriel just rolled his eyes and went to stand close to Gwyn. “I didn’t even know you could spell solidarity.”
Nesta stifled a laugh behind her hand as the longer haired one approached her, but it quickly died on her lips as he came close enough to talk to her.
“Hey,” he said, a knowing smirk curving one side of his lips up. He was even more attractive up close, especially with an eyebrow scar slicing through his right brow. He was so much taller than Nesta that she should’ve felt slightly trapped, but other, less logical parts of her were responding instead. “I’m Cassian.”
“Nesta,” she replied. His eyes were so pretty in the light, but she forced herself to act like a normal person instead. “Thanks for volunteering.”
“I don’t say no when women like you are involved,” Cassian responded cheekily.
“Who said you’ve ever met a woman like me?” Nesta shot back, thankful that she’d managed to retain at least some of her wit.
He tilted his head back and laughed, more of his curls falling loose from the motion. “Touché.”
“If you two are done flirting,” Emerie cut in, her tone bored but her eyes twinkling with amusement. “We have a video to finish.”
Nesta shot a glare in her friend’s direction, but Emerie just smiled serenely as she passed Cassian the vodka and picked up Nesta’s phone. “Ready when you two are.”
“Is it okay if I touch you?” Cassian asked, pulling Nesta’s attention back to him. Even buzzed, she could appreciate the sincere look on his face, and the fact that he’d asked the question at all was a good sign.
“Yeah,” Nesta answered. Feeling bold, she added, “Do your worst.”
“I’d have to, to follow that up.”
He grinned down at her before maneuvering them so they were facing one another, their side profiles on full display for the camera. Emerie counted down from three before she began recording, and the moment Cassian stepped into her personal space she knew this was going to be the highlight of the video.
Cassian tilted his head back and poured a generous amount of vodka in his mouth before reaching out and resting his hand on her throat. Nesta gasped at how good his hand felt there before her mind could catch up, but it proved to be the right thing to do when he leaned down and poured the shot directly into her mouth. She held eye contact with him as she swallowed, the alcohol burning a path right down her throat.
She held her breath as he moved the hand on her throat just enough so he could brush his thumb against her lips. His touch was light, but the look in his eyes was anything but.
“Missed a little,” he explained, his voice deeper than it was a few moments ago.
“O-kay,” Emerie said slowly, breaking the spell. Nesta blinked and turned toward her friend as Cassian released his hold on her, but the feeling of his hand on her throat lingered as she walked over to where Emerie was standing.
It didn’t take long for the two of them to add some text to the video for their rankings, and Emerie hit the share button after adding a caption and tagging herself and Gwyn. Nesta looked up to see Cassian was waiting at a respectful distance, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he studied them, but his expression cleared once he realized Nesta was watching him.
“You want me to tag you?” Nesta asked, taking her phone from Emerie’s hands and walking over to him.
“I want a lot of things, but we can start there,” Cassian replied. She rolled her eyes and passed him her phone anyway, watching as he typed in his username — @ lordofbloodshed — before passing it back.
“I teach kickboxing,” he explained. “You should take a class.”
“Oh?” she responded, somewhat curious. She’d thought about doing some kind of self-defense classes with Gwyn and Emerie, but maybe kicking the shit out of something would be more satisfying. Especially if her teacher looked like that.
“You seem like you need help working some things out,” Cassian added with a smirk. “I’d be happy to help.”
“I’m sure you would,” Nesta said dryly. She looked down at her phone and made sure to follow him, hoping she’d remember to try and stalk him across other apps later. “I’ll think about it.”
“All I can ask, sweetheart,” he said back.
Later, once she’d slept off the alcohol and showered the sweat and chlorine off, Nesta couldn’t even pretend to be shocked that the video had gone viral.
tag list: @tangledinmysoul | @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @nestaspegasus | @a-court-of-valkyries | @rowaelinismyotp | @live-the-fangirl-life | @sv0430 | @brieq | @positivewitch | @sayosdreams | @nesquik-arccheron | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @vidalinav | @swankii-art-teacher | @still-looking-for-wonderland | @that-little-red-head | @secretlovelybeauty | @starksravings | @dustjacketmusings | @katekatpattywack | @claralady | @gwynethhberdara | @duskandstarlight | @arinbelle | @gwynberdara | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @houseofcalores | @imsointobooks | @silvernesta | @planet-faerie | @teagoddess99 | @champanheandluxxury | @catplayinvioline | @flora-shadowshine | @nerdperson524 | @story-scribbler | @vasudharaghavan | @dealfea | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @charming-butt-insane | @highqueenofelfhame | @julemmaes | @oversizedbats | @readingismyonlyhobby | @milkkand-honey | @wildlyglittering | @thewayshedreamed
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silverhallow · 3 months
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Every Breath You Take
Violet Bridgerton II x Edward Becker (OC) Love Story
Chapter 2: Hope to Hopeless
April 1842
The summer of 1838 had lived long in Edward’s memory, everytime he had stopped at My Cottage in the intervening four years he had longed for another glimpse of Violet, to be introduced to her formally, but he had been unsuccessful.
She had started spending more time at Romney Hall, the Parsonage or even in London with the Viscount and Viscountess so he had not had the pleasure of meeting her but following their brief meeting, he found it easier to speak to Will about his sister.
When she wrote to him at Eton, Edward had started asking what Violet was up to, asking more questions and enquiring into his best friends sister and thankfully William had not really thought that his friend was harbouring a crush on his sister, or at least he had managed to hide it until Edward had asked when his sister was planning on debuting in Society.
“Why are you asking? Are… are you interested in my sister?” William had asked, his brow raised in an amusing joke figuring it was just a joke as he looked at his best friend over his music sheets. Edward had come to visit him at his lodgings at the Royal Academy of Music and William had been packing his things for the end of term and relocating to Bridgerton House where he would be watching his sister’s season unfold.
He had witnessed Charlotte’s debut and season alongside Edward, watching Edmund and Miles attempt to scare off any suitors and there was no way he was going to miss Charlie and Alex attempting to meddle in his sister’s debut season.
He had suspected that Edward had been disappointed last season but he had not realised it was because Violet had not debuted at 17 as was the norm but William had explained their father had had a meltdown at the thought of his daughter debuting and because Charlotte had waited until she was 18, though it had been so she and Violet could have debuted together.
His father and Uncle had put their foot down and said Violet could debut when she was 18 as was the Bridgerton custom so Violet was forced to wait and therefore Edward had to wait.
“I was merely curious” he lied but he felt his cheeks burning giving him away and he saw William’s face light up
“You are interested in Vivi!!” he practically yelled, his voice full of glee and joy as he lowered the music in his hands and burst out laughing.
“It’s not a laughing matter,” Edward said grumpily, crossing his arms over his chest. “I was merely curious as to if she was going to be debuting as I’d like to get to know her more…” he said. It was mostly true. He did want to get to know her better but he did have an ulterior motive, he might only be 20 but his father was close to his 60’s now and he knew it would not be long before his father would either arrange a marriage for him with some horrific woman or would die and leave the title to him and expectations would be on him to marry and he’d have every society mama throwing their daughter at him much like his sister’s had to bare a few years earlier when it was their debuts.
If he could get to know Violet, court her, he could marry her before his father had a chance to either die or marry him off… She was his choice and he had been flawed by her beauty at 14 and seeing her miniatures that William carried that had been painted by her father, he knew without a doubt there would be a queue of men lining up around the ton to have her hand and he wanted to get in there first.
William snorted “Ed, i’ve known you for nearly 10 years, you are a diabolical card player because you cannot lie… I know your “tell”, so be honest with me… and i’ll help you”
“You will?” he asked, blinking in shock, he’d expected to get the stuffing punched out of him as it was almost like an unwritten commandment “thy shalt not covet thy best friends baby sister”
“Well, Charlie and Alex’s friends are all foozlers and imbeciles so there is no way I want Vivi marrying one of them… so if she can marry my best friend, then I can rub it in my brother’s face that I have the better friends and I know you’d never actually do anything to hurt her and if you did i know i’d beat you in a fight” William laughed.
“You wouldn’t” Edward grumbled
“Unless it was a fencing match then i’d agree with you but boxing is not your strong point” William pointed out
“It is not yours either”
“No but I am better at it than you and Charlie is built like my Uncle Phil so even if i didn’t… Charlie would murder you… and Alex would kick your arse and get away with it as he is friends with the Prince Consort”
Edward sighed “very well, you are right there. And yes, I may harbour a small affection for your sister and have done for some time. I wish to try and find a wife before my father tries to pair me off with one of his boorish friend’s daughter’s…” he had to pause and chuckle as William shuddered at the thought on his behalf.
“Not the smythe-smith girls”
“Or worse… he knows the Finch’s through a business connection and threatened their daughter’s on me when I was younger so I'd not put it past him to do it now” he said with a shudder.
“Well when we get to London i am sure I can throw in a good word for you with her” William said honestly “I know my father and brother’s aren’t keen on Vivi making her debut and Charlie and Alex were planning to be basically her guards but I’m sure the have learned from Neddy’s mistakes with Lottie last year…”
Edward shuddered “I heard about that, she was rather furious with her brother”
“I’ve never seen her like that, even after David and Alex accidentally set fire to her favourite doll…” William sighed “but back to my point if you want me to speak to her for you..”
“No, don’t say anything to her please, i’m not sure how it would come across having you basically selling me to your sister. I’d rather try my luck first, but if you could introduce us that would be…” Edward said but he was cut off by a knock at the door.
“Yes?” William said to his door and the doorman to the lodgings appeared 
“Beggin’ your pardon Master Bridgerton but there was a messenger here looking for the Viscount, it was urgent and he’s waiting for a reply” he said holding out a note and Edward looked confused as he looked down at it, his sister’s scrawl on the front of the letter.
He had only popped over to William’s lodgings for a few hours and he’d planned to return to Somerhouse, so he didn’t see how anything could be that urgent but as he opened the letter his heart sunk.
Becker House Somerset
Edward, I am sorry to write to you in such haste and interrupt your plans for the season but we need you to return to Somerset with all haste. Your Mama has taken poorly and is confined to her bed and the doctors are telling us the prognosis is not good. Please hurry and return home. Your sister is close to being confined to her rooms with the baby so she cannot do too much and I worry about them.  Your Father has disappeared into his rooms and Louisa is in America and I’ve sent a letter but it will be at least two months before she will return and I know it will give your mother great comfort and Jane will need all the help she can get with the babe and your mother. I’ve requested the messenger wait for a reply so I can request the servants sort things for your return. Your sincere friend and brother in law, The Honourable  George Spencer 
Edward’s heart stopped as he read the words, his mother, the paper fell from his hands as the colour drained from his face, “good god Ed what is wrong?” William asked, worry etched all over his face as he picked up the letter and read it quickly and swore which caused Edward to jump and remember what he had read,
“I’ve got to go” he said, looking haunted
“I’ll come with you” William said but Edward protested  “no, i’ll come to Somerhouse with you, make sure you’re okay and I can write to George so you can pack and be on the road quicker”
Edward nodded, knowing it was fruitless to argue but as he climbed into the carriage three hours later, heading out of London and heading home, he was grateful for his friend’s help but he couldn’t help but be afraid for two reasons, was he going to lose his mother, or missing his chance with Violet…
He had to hope no one swooped in and stole her heart before he had a chance to meet her, and he had to hope his friend kept his word and not say a thing to his sister…
But as the darkness fell around the carriage, he felt like hope was nothing but a heartache waiting to happen…
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Joining The Superfriends -10
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Read Joining The Superfriends on Ao3 here!
Trying to decide what to do about what they are now referring to as The Lex Problem is an immensely difficult task to the point where they have yet to decide on any concrete plans and they are now going on three days since Lena managed to shut down the bugs. “What do you think the best response to this whole thing is, Lena? The public is still in panic mode even though the bugs are gone and I’m starting to think that we might have to make a statement of some kind.” Kara slouches on Lena’s recliner chair, feet up and head resting in her hand, elbow perched on the arm of the chair.
Lena groans, rubbing her eyes with pinched fingers, head flopped back into her pillow. “I don’t have a clue. I wouldn’t be lying on my bed right now if I knew what to do. On the one hand, we could expose him and tell the public what happened but then on the other, we barely have any proof and he could easily twist it back onto me because I also have access to the satellite and I recently left Luthor Corp.”
“Hence making you look like the revenge-seeking little sister of Lex Luthor.”
They fall into silence again, both trying to figure out where they can go from here because they have literally been thinking themselves in circles for hours.
Tapping her fingers against her cheekbone, Kara pouts. “My brain has stopped working.”
Lena huffs out a laugh. “Mine too. I don’t think we’re really getting very far with this whole planning malarkey.”
“Malarkey? Are you seventy?”
“Rude, I’m only sixty-three this time.”
Kara snorts, “My greatest apologies, I should have known, you don’t look a day over fifty-seven.”
“Damn straight.” Lena giggles as she says it, the frown leaving her forehead for the first time in a few days.
Kara listens to the sound with glee, overjoyed that she’s managed to bring some semblance of normality to Lena to stop her from living her life in a whirlwind of stress. “Hey, no matter what, we’ll fix it and we have your back.”
“Do all of you though?” The question slips out without her meaning it to, whether it be her insecurity fuelling the question or just genuine curiosity, it’s been lingering in the back of her mind and now it’s out in the open, verbalised in a way that she isn’t sure she meant. “Sorry, I don’t mean it like that.”
 Kara sits up straighter, leaving behind her slouched position and squaring her shoulders. “Like what? I don’t understand, Lena.”
“I’m sorry, I guess Lex has really got to me this time, it’s making me doubt myself.”
“Lena, don’t avoid the question please.”
Lena can’t bear to look at Kara, to see her face when she realizes how truly insecure she can be. “The others have barely spoken to me in days, I know that Alex said that she doesn’t blame me but the others…I don’t know. It’s stupid and irrational. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Kara’s eyes pin onto the ceiling, they don’t focus on anything in particular as she racks her brain, trying to think of the last time she saw any of the other Superfriends interacting with Lena and to her dismay, all of the examples that she can think of are from before they found out that Lex is the one that orchestrated the attack on National City and its citizens.
It’s kind of on-brand for them to separate themselves from whoever is having a pretty tumultuous time mentally. Sometimes the space is welcome but Kara has to admit that there have been times when she’s wanted nothing more than for all of her friends to support her and they have been painfully absent.
“Ah, that. They do that sometimes.” Kara mutters, almost angrily. “I’ve had that problem with them myself at times and I can say from first-hand experience that it sucks balls.”
Lena dares to look over at her, actually turning onto her side to fully engage with Kara. “You mean that it’s normal for them to just fall off the radar from time to time?”
“It can be, yes. They do it whenever something particularly bad happens in the name of giving the person space and I’ve spoken to them about it before. They usually make a half-hearted attempt at least but I guess they didn’t come through for you this time. I’m sorry about them, I’ll have to yell at them tomorrow.” Kara meets Lena’s eyes, a crinkle resting firmly between her own, the result of a mixture of pity for Lena and anger at the rest of the team.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I do, I’ll actually get the group together and get Kelly to mediate, I’ve tried having nice conversations with them about this issue before so it’s time for something more hard-hitting anyway. Any chance you’re able to make yourself cry to make them feel extra guilty when the time comes?” Kara smiles wickedly.
Lena’s lips quirk upwards. “I’ll see what I can do when the time comes.”
Kara claps her hands excitedly, giggling to herself in a way that makes Lena want to pinch her cheeks because she’s being so cute. “Excellent.”
“At least now I know it’s not because they think I’m turning down the road of evil like Lex.”
“Nobody thinks that, we haven’t known you for all that long but even just from these few weeks, we know that you don’t have an evil bone in your body, Lena, it’s one of my favourite things about you.”
Lena quirks an immaculate eyebrow up at her. “Oh, do tell. What are your favourite things about me then? I want a list.”
Kara looks down at her watch in an overexaggerated gesture, her cheeks flushed. “Would you look at the time! I should really get going because otherwise, I won’t have time to walk my plant.”
“Don’t you have fake plants?”
Kara’s eyebrows shoot up in rage. “How dare you, Lena Kieran, I’ll have you know that my plants are completely real and they are very healthy.”
“Healthy enough to miss their daily walk so you can stay and read me that list?”
Kara sinks back into the chair. “You’re annoying at times, you know that?”
“As annoying as Alex?”
“Not even close but don’t tell her I said that because she’s meant to be bringing us dinner and she can and will withhold our food if we’re not nice to her.” Kara checks her phone to see what time Alex texted to say she was leaving The Tower to go and get food, hungry from waiting around.
Lena nods resolutely, not willing to do anything to risk Alex not bringing them food, she still needs to go grocery shopping so if Alex doesn’t pull through she’ll have to eat the random can of spaghetti hoops she has lingering in the back of her cupboard.
Speaking of food though, she has yet to get the verdict from Kara on whether or not her calorie powder has been working out for her. “Hey, I have been meaning to ask you how you’ve been getting on with the powder I made you, is it working out?”
Kara’s face splits into another smile, “It’s going great, Lena, and the best part is that I can even use it at CatCo when I mix it in with my oatmeal or my drinks and everyone just assumes that it’s a protein powder, it’s brilliant.
“It’s also been amazing for getting my calorie count up, I only have like four meals a day now rather than too many to count, it’s saved me a crap ton of time and I can’t wait to see the lasting effects it will have on my overall savings from my decreased grocery bill. Hell, I could even start thinking of getting a mortgage somewhere.”
Lena can’t help but match Kara’s smile, pride blooming in her chest. “I’m really glad it’s working out for you, Kara.”
“There was just one thing that has been bugging me though, something that was there when you showed me the powder the first time and I haven’t had since,” Kara adds, apprehension sitting heavy on her shoulders.
Lena frowns, not sure what Kara could be missing. The scoop for the powder, maybe?”
“We kissed after you showed me the powder the first time and I’ve been missing that every time I’ve had a scoop of the stuff ever since. I know we haven’t talked about it, but since we have some time now, I was hoping that maybe you’d be open to it.”
Well, that clears that up. Lena has been waiting to be able to speak to Kara about the moment they shared in the lab and has been hoping that Kara would bring it up but despite that, she has no idea what to say to her now, or how to respond.
“I…erm…yeah, yes. We can talk.”
“Are you sure? You don’t sound sure?” Kara pins her gaze onto Lena’s.
Lena nods, not fully trusting her own voice.
It’s enough for Kara though. She pulls her lips into a closed-mouth smile. “Alright then, since I kissed you I should probably go first.” She clears her throat before continuing. “I like you, that’s the main reason I kissed you and when you mumbled to yourself about wanting me to kiss you, I just couldn’t resist.”
From the fact that Kara kissed her in the first place, it has never been hard to deduce that she has some kind of feelings for her but to have her openly admit it is something new entirely. “You actually like me?”
“I do,” Kara confirms.
Lena supresses her smile. “I like you too and I did want you to kiss me, and for future records, you’re welcome to do it again.”
Kara is instantly trying to clamber out of the chair to get closer to fulfilling that desire but she is quickly stopped by Lena holding up a single finger. “But not until we have been out on an actual date.”
Straightening herself up, Kara swallows down her embarrassment at how eager she’s acting, she’s acting like a teenage boy being granted permission to touch a boob for the first time.
Perching herself back down on the chair, on the edge this time, just in case Lena changes her mind and lets her kiss her, Kara raises her hands up to cover her blushing cheeks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come on too strong.”
“Don’t worry, I like it. I just haven’t ever had the chance to properly date someone and maybe it makes me naive or foolish but I would like to know what it’s like.” Lena ducks her head, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed to speak to Kara properly.
Shaking her head, Kara jumps in to reassure her. “I don’t think it’s foolish, I actually really like the sound of it. I can’t say that any of my past partners have been the kind to wine and dine someone so I would love it if we could try that out together.”
They sit there staring at each other and smiling so hard that their cheeks hurt, only breaking their gazes when they become aware of how long they’ve been sitting there in silence like a pair of idiots with crushes, which is exactly what they are.
Lena tilts her head. “Just for the record, I never expected to come to National City and somehow score a date with The Girl of Steel.”
“Just for the record, I never expected to date the person we needed to hire to help our group be vigilantes,” Kara replies.
“Despite everything that has happened, I am glad I came here, that I moved away from the negativity I left behind in Metropolis.” Kara nods in agreeance. “Speaking of, do you know how the people in Metropolis dealt with the bugs? I never saw anything on the news.”
Kara grimaces. “I actually already thought you knew but it was a targeted attack, the only city to get hit was ours.”
“Why would he have put in the DNA preventative then? What would be the point in putting that in place when he is nowhere near them in the first place unless…he did the whole thing just to try and scare me into going back. I thought that might have been the case but I actually thought that maybe that would be too petty, even for him. God, he’s such a gaping asshole.”
Kara sits and lets Lena rant, watching as she stands and paces her tiny apartment, following her form with her eyes. She hasn’t doubted Lena for a second on whether or not she was involved in the attack by the Luthors but seeing Lena like this, rage-filled and upset, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that she isn’t.
She’s also certain that the others don’t think she is involved either but she’s still going to have a little chat with them to make sure that everyone is still on the same page because she knows what it’s like to be judged by the actions of your family, especially when you don’t want to be associated with them.
Lena keeps on pacing long after she’s done talking, the calculated steps helping her think. Eight one way, then eight the other, eight one way, then eight the other.
She’s facing Kara, just about to turn back around and start another circuit when there’s a heavy knock on her door.
“That’ll be Alex with food,” Kara says, excitement for food clear in her voice.
Lena takes a calming breath before swinging the door open and forcing a smile onto her face, ushering Alex inside.
Alex eyes her up strangely. “I know something’s wrong because you never smile when you see me, it’s actually quite offensive.”
“Whatever Danvers, just hand over the food, I’m starving.” Lena brings three plates down from the cupboard and reaches for the bag of Big Belly Burger that Alex just strolled in with but is infinitely more annoyed when it gets pulled out of her reach.
“Tell Mama Alex what’s wrong.”
“Call yourself that again and I will vomit. We were just talking about Lex and it made me mad, that’s it, now hand me my burger before I have Kara set you on fire.” Lena pouts angrily.
Alex tries not to laugh at the look on her face and hands the bag over, pleased to have gotten a rise out of her. “Yes boss, but we both know Kara wouldn’t turn on her favourite person on the planet, no matter how good a kisser you are.”
Kara reaches over Alex’s shoulder for her milkshake. “You’re underestimating how good of a kisser Lena is.”
Alex’s hands drop the straw she was about to stab into her own milkshake and shoot up to her ears, disgust clouding her features. “Ew! That’s gross, I don’t want to hear any more.”
Lena smiles mischievously “so you don’t want me to tell you how soft Kara’s lips are and how amazing it feels to have them against my own?”
A finger is shoved into her face. “You are not to say another word or else I will destroy your food.”
“Another word.”
Being as petty and as annoyed as she is, Alex tries to follow through with her threat, grabbing at the bag and pulling it towards herself. Kara, being the only one with any brain cells left, uses her super speed to grapple it off of her, plate up the food and deposit Alex onto the recliner chair with her plate in her lap and her milkshake in her hand.
“Stay!” She points her finger at her sister, warning her not to move before turning to Lena. “And you, behave.”
Alex huffs and digs into her burger, purposely not looking at them as her little act of revenge.
Kara and Lena grab their own food at a normal pace before sitting on the edge of Lena’s bed, plates balanced on their laps.
Lena takes one look at Alex’s frowny face and giggles into her burger. “I know you’re mad but you look like a little grumpy chipmunk.”
Kara tries not to laugh, trying to stop the fighting but can’t resist because that’s the most accurate depiction of her sister she’s heard in a while. She hides her smile behind her hand but the shaking of her shoulders gives her away.
“Kara Zor-El Danvers, if you’re laughing at me right now, I will break into your loft and break all of the DVD copies of every musical you own, don’t think I won’t.”
Kara holds her hands up. “I’m not laughing, I’m just trying to bring an end to this arguing so I can eat in peace. Do you guys think you can manage that?” She forces herself not to smile, a task much harder than some of the fights she’s been in.
“Fine,” Alex says, tone sharp.
“Lena?” Kara nudges her with her shoulder.
Lena takes one last look at Alex with a snicker but also answers. “Ok.”
“Great, now, let’s eat and then we can talk shop after. Lena and I haven’t made much progress with plans so hopefully, you have some ideas, Alex.” Kara says before biting into her food, humming at the taste but taking a second to heat vision her burger, lifting the bun first because she’s not an amateur.
Seeing what Kara just did, Lena lifts her bun and holds it out to her in demand. Kara does so with gleeful eyes.
Seeing Lena so open to her and her alien differences is something that she’s always wanted in a partner, something she once thought she’d found in Mon-El but that wasn’t meant to be. They were both aliens to this planet and Kara should have known better than to have not considered that they were aliens to each other too.
That wasn’t their only downfall but it’s up there, and it’s a mistake that Kara isn’t making. If she’s going to pursue anyone romantically, they are going to be fully, completely, and wholly accepting of who and what she is.
That’s why she’s glad she’s met Lena. She has a good feeling about her.
Read 10 more chapters early on Patreon here!
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raleighcarreras · 1 year
it's all so incredibly loud
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Part 6: there's a flood coming to sweep us away
Pairing: wanda maximoff x black!fem!reader
Rating: M (sexual content, language)
Warnings: sex, not very descriptive but still evident, vaginal fingering (r receiving), pietro is the best wing man ever, he's going to make sure his sister gets laid or die trying
Wrd Cnt: 1.9k?
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Notes: one more chapter (unless i decide on an epilogue) to go! The song is teenage dream but specifically the glee version (stop looking at me like that) 18+ only im so serious
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"I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans. Be your teenage dream tonight."
You had gotten maybe an hour of sleep all night. First, the fiasco with the boys, and then with Wanda less than a foot away from you, relaxation was hard to come by.
You told her you needed her with you to calm down, and in all honesty, you thought you were telling the truth. But the opposite had occured. As soon as you heard her soft breathy snorts of air, you were riddled with energy.
Sleep didn't find you until the 10 O'clock hour in the morning. After Pietro came into the room with Alexis hanging off of his hip, chewing on his shirt. He told you he'd take the boys out to a 24 hour arcade he saw during his 6 am run. Promising to feed them, give them a stern Uncle Talk (TM), and thus giving you space to rest for as long as he could keep their attention.
You whispered a small, grateful 'Thank you' and Wanda grunted out something unintelligible. Otherwise, she had been dead to the world all night and well into the morning.
Wanda slept like she hadn't slept in months. And you did too, for an hour.
At 11: 06, you awoke to an arm tightening around your waist. Wanda also awoke to an arm tightening around your waist.
She tried to peel away from you, "Shit, Y/N. I'm sorry. Force of habit I guess."
You stopped her with a grip onto her wrist that presented itself more forceful than you intended, "No don't. Please."
Wanda replaced her arm, "Ok. I'm not going anywhere."
You had no business feeling this vulnerable. No business feeling like your ex-wife was the only thing anchoring you to the ground so you wouldn't float away into the stratosphere.
And yet...
That's exactly how you felt.
You felt like you needed to roll over and bury your face into Wanda's neck or else you would lose your mind. So, you did. And Wanda let you because she understood. She just got you.
You reveled in it.
If Wanda hadn't started speaking you would have gotten your second hour of sleep.
"Are you okay?"
And of all the things she could have asked, she chose something hard. You would have been better off with a calculus word problem.
You shrugged, "No. Yes. I don't know. I just feel, y'know?"
"Yes. I do. I just feel all the time."
"How do you deal with it?"
You could feel Wanda's eyelashes flutter on the side of your forehead, "Well, lately? By talking about it. Normally, figuring out why I feel like that helps a lot."
Could you tell Wanda why you felt the way you felt? Could you tell her how your stubbornness was leading to your children thinking they were a burden? Could you tell her that in some ass backwards turn of events it was you who dreaded when she had to leave, and prayed for her return?
Could you tell her that Pietro took the boys out to the arcade so they didn't get the wrong idea seeing the two of you in the same bed, and now it seemed he should have taken you too because you were getting the wrong idea seeing the two of you in the same bed?
"I feel-I feel like I should have gone to therapy too."
Wanda laughed at that, "Don't go to Dr. Raynor. She just looks at you until you realize what you just said was stupid."
But you don't laugh, "I feel like I missed you. I feel like I missed this... being with you. I feel like I shouldn't feel those things. But I also feel like it doesn't matter if I shouldn't because I already do."
Wanda shrugged you away from her side so she could look at you better. The two of you mirroring each other on your sides.
"Can I tell you something?"
You nodded with a look of concern, "You can tell me anything." And you've meant that for years. You've never stopped.
"When I went off the deep end and Strange helped me come back to myself, and I said I'd never use my powers again unless it was the last resort...that flipped something in me. I had just lost my family and then I couldn't use the tools I was gifted to protect them if it ever happened again..."
Tears crawled slowly out of the corners of Wanda's eyes but she didn't bother swiping them away and neither did you.
"...that ruined me. Last night was the first time I've slept throughout the night in a very long time."
You grabbed at Wanda's face, your thumbs sliding over her cheekbones and smearing tear tracks in their wake, "Wanda, why didn't you tell me?"
"Didn't want to seem weak. I didn't want you to worry about my problems. Yes, I realize how stupid that sounds now."
"We're a team, you know that, right?"
"I do, I just got a little lost somewhere in there."
You assume that the fact that you can't tell who leans in first, probably insinuates that you both do at the same time.
But it ultimately doesn't matter when your lips touch for the first time in months, and as your hand trails down from her face to fist into her T-shirt, you realize just how lost you had been too.
You're still not too keen on telling her how her bottom lip between your own felt like coming home. And that her solid grip on your barely covered waist practically had you purring.
You sure as hell weren't going to tell her the last time you had been touched this way was by Sharon all those weeks ago and it didn't feel even a bit like this at all.
Though, when she repositions you onto your back to kiss at that spot below your ear, and you moan breathily into hers, you have a feeling she somehow knows.
Wanda's hand slithers up to your chest, raising your shirt up as it goes. Eventually, Wanda gets tired of the garment and slips it easily over your head. Her own following suit soon after.
Her hand tweaked at a nipple, smiling at your squeak of a response, "You're beautiful."
Another unoccupied hand trailed over your stomach before stopping at the hem of your shorts and underwear.
You've got the sudden urge to scream, maybe even beg, "Wanda...please."
"Are you sure?"
What about any of your body language in that current moment said 'unsure'?
"I'm sure. Touch me."
It's not make-up sex that you're having. At least, not really. Not...yet. It's more of 'thank god you're here with me and not letting me slip into a state of mortal peril' sex. Which is, of course, the next best thing.
When Wanda does finally slip underneath your thin garments, and the pads of her fingers trace delicately over your center, you think you might cry.
Whether it be from relief or some other feeling is the least of your worries at the moment.
In some way, you feel bad for Wanda, there's no way she doesn't feel your nails currently digging into her arm, but judging from the glimpse you get every time you manage to pry your eyes open, she seems pretty pleased with herself despite any pain she may be feeling.
The worst part? She's not even inside of you yet.
You're losing your mind over her fingers circling your clit and slipping, sliding over your lips. And you're drenched. Dripping some might even say.
"You're soaked, Detka..." Is what Wanda ends up whispering over your parted mouth. And you have no choice but to cosign.
You could feel her fingertips teasing at your entrance and your chest heaved. It took everything in you not to buck your hips to speed the process along. Only because you know Wanda. You know she likes to bask in your impatience. In your neediness. You know she likes it when you beg.
And you can't find it in you to do anything but.
"Wands, please fuck me."
She's leaning over you now. She had forgone general confidence and went straight to cocky, for lack of a better word. There's no need to pretend like you don't like it.
"Open your eyes." A simple request, it would seem. But it was easier said than done.
Soon, you manage to open your eyes, unfocused as they are. You stare back at Wanda with a bite to your lip and a strain to your neck.
"Say it again."
The words dribble from your lips like milk down a chin, "Wanda, please fuck me. I need-"
Your expletives cut off in exchange for a sharp inhale of breath.
Her fingers slipped into you easily, your resulting moan is the loudest one yet and just as sinful as your whimpers.
Wanda eyed you through her eyelashes, most of your energy was being used to stare back at her.
Her fingers rutted out, then back in. Pumping into you with enough force for your breath to hitch in rhythm.
You whimpered and panted, urging Wanda to pick up the pace. And she happily obliged.
"You look so gorgeous like this." The praise fluttering throught your ear and wrapped softly around your chest.
The hand that wasn't permanently glued to Wanda's poor bicep, reached for her neck, bringing her down into a deliriously arousing kiss.
She pumped into you, as firmly as your underwear allowed. Your bud caught against her palm. It was almost too much for you.
Your hips rolled against her hand, moans increasing in pitch and volume until Wanda had no choice but to muffle the sound with her lips again.
The kids may be gone, but you did still have neighbors.
It's not much longer after that you let go into Wanda's hand. Your legs trembling and your mouth falling open in a silent scream.
Wanda brought you down softly. Her hand on your waist to keep you from moving.
"I'm good. Get some rest. I know you didn't sleep. I thought you would pass out somewhere in the middle of that, if I'm being honest."
You pouted and playfully swatted at her shoulder, "You snore and I got unused to it."
"That's not why you didn't sleep."
You bit the inside of your cheek, "It's not. I find your hog calling cute for some reason."
Wanda ignored the insistence that she snored, "What kept you awake?"
You weren't exactly sure what to say. The simple answer; you had been thinking all night. Too much and too little.
The complicated answer; you missed your fucking wife. And then, she was right there next to you and you didn't know what to feel. You didn't know if you wanted her back permanently or just needed the temporary comfort.
There was still a big question about this entire situation that you had yet to receive an answer to, and maybe then you could begin to figure things out.
"It's my turn to tell you something." You breathed out softly.
"Tell me everything."
You swallowed around the metaphorical lump obstructing your throat, "When I found out about...y'know....I couldn't help but think it was my fault, it was something I did to push you away. I thought that, and even though I didn't know what it was, I still tried to fix it, to fix me. And, that wasn't good...I-I just need to know if it was something I did."
"No. No, it was never you. After Strange, I guess I just felt like I wasn't enough. Like I couldn't be enough. And instead of talking to you about that like a normal person, I got so drunk I couldn't see straight and went home with someone who couldnt either. Fuck, I am so sorry I made you feel like that. I promise it was never you. You're perfect."
Your tears soak into the skin of Wanda's neck. Marking her in a way you've never done.
The silence that results is somewhere between comfortable and not, but Wanda breaks it anyway.
"Go on a date with me."
You hum, that time you really were seconds from passing out, "A date?"
"Yes. A date. I think we've changed a lot and should probably reintroduce ourselves to each other."
You nodded slowly, "Okay. You have to find a babysitter though and it can't be Pietro because he needs a babysitter too most days. I have a feeling he let Alexis chew his shirt right off his body today."
Another bout of silence. This time, you're the one who breaks it.
"Fuck, we're going to need so much therapy."
Wanda laughs.
"I'm sorry."
"I know." And you do. You know she is.
Eventually, you do fall asleep, and right before Pietro and the kids get home, Wanda slips out of your room into the livingroom. Making it look like she was there the entire morning.
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foralleternityidiot · 4 months
tagged by @negrowhat
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Hmmmm. I wasn’t the biggest shipper as a teenager and all the ships I did obsess over still own my fucking soul. I ship for life.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
That’s a toss up between Monica x Chandler (Friends), Mulder x Scully (The X Files), Cory x Topanga (Boy Meets World), and Rick x Evie (The Mummy) I can’t remember which came first because they all were pretty simultaneous.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Romione. Although I remember dabbling in writing fan fiction in a spiral bound notebook at the age of 14, it was always sort of self-insert non-romantic LOTR character building. My first actual fanfiction (reading and/or writing) was Ron x Hermione when I was 19.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
100% LOTR… but I don’t remember which pairing. Probably like Frodo x Sam or Legolas x Gimli, but I didn’t get into MM shipping until I was a full blown adult about to finish college.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Somewhat when I was in the Glee fandom but that fandom was a clusterfuck of ship discourse. I pretty much lived on the corner of fuck off and leave me alone.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Maybe? But I didn’t really care too much about looking at anything outside my own ship OR I was a multi-shipper. So I don’t really remember a specific notp. I’m sure there were some though. There was so much trash in the glee fandom, I’m sure I hated something.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I haven’t touched a fan fic in over 10 years so (I should get a chip!) the last one I read was likely Klaine. Holy shit wtf time has flown.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Approximately 1.9 billion. Oh you want names? Well Hualian (TGCF), Wangxian (MDZS) and most recently Ranning (2ha) are the top three out of the 1.9 billion. Remember, I collect ships and keep them in my heart for all eternity.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Sam x Jack (Stargate SG1). It’s somewhat implied but my god I still yearn.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I didn’t dislike Cory x Shawn but I didn’t really get it back in the Girl Meets World hay day and it wasn’t even on my radar at all during Boy Meets World. (Remember, I’m old and the internet was not what it is now during my youth so I didn’t even know about the Cory x Shawn ship for literally decades). Sometime after GMW ended and tiktok became popular there was a resurgence of BMW popularity and a lot of CxS analysis that opened my eyes. I enjoy the ship now but I’m still Cory x Topanga 4eva.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Tbh not really. I used to be pretty boring. I definitely have some in the present that would though. 🤐
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
There were so many in the Glee fandom but I gotta go with Sebastian x Cooper just because it brought two of my friends together in a RP group and they ended up actually getting married. Ah… memories. I’m gonna tag @believesinponds in this post for the nostalgia.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
None. But if I did it would absolutely be wangxian or hualian. Don’t fucking tempt me.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
In the past: Canonical.
Now: Canonical and Queer.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Im gonna keep was Eboni wrote because it’s spot on: “Miscommunication and the noble idiocy trope.”
I'll tag @believesinponds @linameka @ommited-miscellaneously @ipromisedthesunset @kennyomegasweave @youdontnohme
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jammie3132 · 7 months
REPOST FROM 11/6/2023
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Chapter Title: Real Life isn't a Fairy Tale Chapter Summary: Sebastian can't decide if he and Blaine are soul mates like his Nana claims, or two people destined to be each other's "would've, could've, should've" been. Warning: Death of non-canon character
10 Days of Seblaine 2023 Day 1: Soulmates
One Year Later
Sebastian looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. Does he have enough time to shave? Should he have gotten a haircut? Does he like the frames on his new glasses? It’s been a month and he still wasn’t sure.
He opened his dresser drawer to get his watch and saw the letter Blaine gave Steph. He hadn’t read it since that day but remembered every word.
Blaine Devon Anderson, the 2nd strongest person he’d ever met (of course, Nana was first) had a breakdown. It was so bad he left NYADA prior to the end of semester for a wellness center in California. He wanted to be the one to tell him to make it clear it had nothing to do with Sir Knight abruptly cutting off communication. Also, how his aunt delaying his Showcase put him in academic no-man’s land, but he didn’t blame June. He would’ve done the same thing if a member of his family fell down a flight of stairs and broke their hip.
The breakdown happened because several issues he’d refused to deal with came to a head at the same time, which happened to coincide with the anniversary of the lockdown.
The bright spot was he broke up with Hummel. Annabelle showed him video Santana took of the ridiculous proposal. A quicky wedding in Vegas? Blaine deserved more than that, proving he’d been right since high school. The should have never been former Warbler was always too good for old Gayface.
“I’m supposed to be the overthinker in this relationship.”
He turned around and smiled for the first time he could remember. Blaine was sitting against the headboard of his bed, wearing only a strategically placed towel and eating a cronut.
“Get out of my head Anderson.”
“Never going to happen Smythe. You want half of my cronut?”
“I’m good. I don’t have much of an appetite.”
“Your loss.” Blaine took a bite, followed by a porn worthy moan. “You were right. This cronut is much better than the ones in NYC.”
“NYC focuses on the donut. Paris focuses on the croissant.” As Blaine took another bite, Sebastian felt his earlier happiness begin to wain.
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
“I was backpacking through Europe, not Mars. Getting to Paris wasn’t hard.”
Blaine spent 6 months at the wellness center. When his parents picked him up, he told them he didn’t want to go home…NYC or Ohio. He was taking some of the money Cooper’s mom left him and backpack through Europe. Charles and Pam weren’t high on the idea because it was October. He said he was going anyway but promised if weather became an issue, he’d go to Château sur la colline.
Yes, even if Sebastian is filming in another country. It will give his Nana a chance to show me all his embarrassing baby pictures.
The Andersons accepted the compromise, but Blaine never traveled to Paris…until this morning. When Sebastian woke up, the traveler was sitting cross-legged on the end of his bed, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world…and hadn’t seen a bar of soap in weeks. He was promptly escorted to the shower. “Whatever, I’m just happy you’re here now.”
“So, since I’m here and you don’t have to leave for another hour, want to talk about your parents?”
“Too bad, I do.”
Sebastian walked over to the chair by his picture window. Joining Blaine on the bed wasn’t a good idea. But neither was having this particular conversation. “What’s there to talk about?”
“They tried to see you a week ago and you had them arrested…and extradited back to Ohio. Nothing about that you want to talk about?”
“They should’ve gone to jail for causing Nana’s fall.”
“And they will, after the US Justice Department gets through all the shit your dad pulled as State’s Attorney and your mother did on his behalf.”
“I don’t care.”
“You’re the one who went back to Ohio when they were on vacation, got into the house and found the evidence your father was falsifying against Dalton and some of the Warblers for their steroid trials. You’re the one who turned over the evidence, starting the Federal investigation…and you don’t care?”
“No, because I got to go to McKinley and see for myself that you were safe after the lockdown. Then I got my perfect, but totally cliché, first kiss with you in the pouring rain.”
Blaine flashed him a teenage Sebastian worthy smirk. “You got a lot more than a first kiss.”
“I’m seeing your dad later! I thought we agreed to never discuss that night again!”
“Oh no, you aren’t getting off that easy. I had to watch my dad’s face as all the clues went into place like a jigsaw puzzle. He didn’t hear him say he couldn’t decide whether to give us a birds and bees lecture or high five because I was gone for HOOUURRS! Or how my going back to Kurt made less sense because…HOOUURRS!”
“Please, please, can we talk about anything else?”
“We can go back to talking about your parents.”
“One last question?”
“Fine but choose wisely. I’m done with Xavier and Marie Smythe…especially today.”
“Were they the reason you pushed me away? Why you kept telling me to go back to the life you chose? To go back to Kurt?”
“Yes, I knew they would find a way to weaponize my feelings for you. That was the reason I cut off, or at least tried to cut you off, after Nana’s fall. If they found out I was communicating with someone I called Prince Charming…I couldn’t take the chance. It would’ve been worse if they found out he was actually you.”
“Ok, I get it but what about after our night together?”
“With the way things ended with Hummel, you’d never be able to let go. You’d always wonder what you could’ve done to fix the relationship. If you were ever to move on, hopefully with me, it had to be your decision to leave.”
“You were playing a dangerous game.”
“I had complete faith that Hummel would fuck it up, and he did. Has Santana had to call the cops on him yet?”
“Why haven’t you asked Annabelle? She moved into my house when she and Santana made their relationship official.”
“I haven’t seen Annabelle in a couple of months. Since we were filming in Greece, Benny decided to check on me personally.”
“Check on you or check out the beaches?”
“Sounds like your manager. And no, Santana hasn’t called the cops, as far as I know. My parents considered a restraining order when my ex didn’t get the message I wanted nothing to do with him…and had left the state. But evidently, Santana, Sam and Marley are developing a mission to troll Kurt hard when the pictures of you shaking hands with Kate Middleton at your British premiere are published. My parents put the order on hold so they didn’t screw up their plans.”
*groooaaan* “Don’t remind me!”
“Of your movie’s British premier? Aren’t all James Bond movies first premiered in London?”
“I shot my sex scene with Hailee right before filming went on hiatus…”
“How was it?” Blaine asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
Sebastian responded with a middle finger. “She’s a girl so some of my best acting was required. The point is, because the film will be PG-13, they can briefly show my ass.”
“How briefly?”
“30 seconds”
This time it was a double middle finger response. “No, not awesome.”
“Why not? Didn’t they tell you beforehand they were showing your ass?”
“I was aware, but 30 seconds is longer than you think, and I forgot something very important.”
“IMAX. My ass is going to be out for the world to see on 100 foot scenes. The premiere in London will be on an IMAX screen. My giant ass is going to moon the Prince and Princess of Wales! This isn’t funny!”
“First of all, I’m pretty sure IMAX screens aren’t that big. Secondly, you’re right, this isn’t funny. It’s amazing. When I get back to NYC, I’m doing a complete remodel of the basement. Gut everything and expand the theater. I’m getting the biggest home screen possible!”
Before Sebastian could reply, the alarm he’d set on his phone went off. Talking with Blaine, despite the topics, had been a welcome distraction. “I really don’t want to do this.”
“Your Nana is being awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. It’s the most prestigious award France awards civilians, but it’s usually world leaders. As much as she loves June and Steph…”
“She would be crushed if I didn’t go.”
“Bingo! Now go put on your jacket and fix your tie. With all the practice you got at Dalton, I can’t believe you did such a shitty job.”
Sebastian went back to his dresser to check in the mirror “There’s nothing wrong with my tie.”
“Seb? Who are you talking to?”
He spun around so fast he almost fell. Steph was standing in the doorway and there was no sign of Blaine. It took Sebastian a moment to realize he hadn’t been there to begin with. “No one, I was practicing what I’m going to say.”
“Liar, you were talking to Blaine.”
His cousin knew him too well. “Has anyone heard from him?”
“Not that I’ve heard. Charles, Pam, Sam, Santana, Trent, and Annabelle have all tried to contact him. I even tried. He’s completely off grid.”
“I just thought…”
“That if Blaine was your soulmate, like your Nana constantly told you, he would’ve just known you needed him and found a way to be here today?”
Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair and once again regretted not getting a haircut. “I must sound like an idiot who's watched too many Rom-coms. Someone who believed that Sir Knight and Prince Charming would find a way to be together and not be stuck in this right person/wrong time paradox for eternity. I guess what they say is true…real life isn’t a fairy tale. But damn it, I own a fucking castle!”
Someone clearing her throat put an end to their conversation.
“Boys, the car is here” June told them before giving them each a hug. Then she reached out and patted Sebastian’s cheek. He was well aware she wasn’t a fan of his facial hair. “Your Nana loved you more than anyone, except possibly my brother, her soulmate. You finding that kind of love was her greatest wish.”
“Can we not do this today?” Sebastian (kind of) whined while shaking his head. “I can’t believe I agreed to this dog and pony show.”
June Dolloway was not biologically related to his grandmother. However, after 50 years of being more like sisters than friends, they looked remarkedly similar when pissed off. “Juliette Dumas-Alexander was a treasure. She helped more people in France during her lifetime than the government has in 100 years. She deserves to be celebrated. Sebastian, as much as you want to deny it, you are now the head of the Dumas family. Certain things are expected of you. Do not downplay the importance of this memorial by acting like the petulant brat you once were! Do you understand?”
He never denied what his grandmother’s death meant for him. He just wasn’t ready to accept it. “Yes Ma’am. Let’s get this over with. I mean, we should be going. There are people waiting for our arrival.”
The ceremony was a colossal cluster fuck before Sebastian walked in the doors. In the past year he’d done two campaigns for Dior, been on the cover of Men’s Vogue and was finally introduced to the public as Andrew, son of James Bond. He lost track of how many interviews he did for that. Much to the studio’s relief, with the exception of the expected haters and homophobes, the reactions to his being gay and Andrew having both a female love interest and an ex-boyfriend were positive. However, like with his ass on IMAX, there was a side effect of his newfound fame he’d dismissed regardless of Annabelle’s constant warnings.
Fangirls…and boys
There were hundreds of them standing outside the cathedral, waiting in the rain for just a glimpse of him. It was insane! Fortunately, with all the dignitaries attending, security was ridiculously tight. There was some scattered squealing but most of his fans were respectful. He’d send out a tweet thanking them later.
It got worse as soon as the damn thing began. When the President of France came to him with the idea for a memorial, he kept saying celebration of all the good Juliette had done for people of France. What it became was an endless rotation of politicians, minor European royalty and heads of charities giving eulogies on what Juliette Dumas-Alexander meant to them.
The world was shocked to find out Juliette left the entire Dumas Estate/Foundation (with provisions for June and Stephan) to My Darling Boy, Sebastian Alexander Smythe. However, extended family was far more pissed than shocked. They (somehow) convinced his parents to come back to France and contest the will on the basis his mother was Nana's only child, ignoring the fact there were arrest warrants for them in both France and the US...BIG MISTAKE. But it didn't matter. Nana left behind a video explaining her reasoning. According to the lawyers, it made the will iron uncontestable. An emergency hearing prior to his parents' extradition back to the US confirmed their assessment.
And now these assholes chose Nana’ memorial service to practically beg him for money. Again…BIG MISTAKE.
After more than 2 hours, it was his turn to speak, representing the family. Since he was last, when he finished the President was to present him with his grandmother’s (posthumous) Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. That was to be followed by a celebration of life video montage. So much had happened, he'd forgotten sometime during the service Annabelle (when did she get there?) sent him a message stating she fixed the problem with the music for the montage so not to worry. There'd been a problem with the music? They had a fucking 50 person choir (the only good part of the day) who sang Nana's favorite hymns between speakers.
Couldn’t anything go right?
By the time he was at the pulpit, he was so upset he wasn’t going to stop himself from doing something unworthy of the new head of the Dumas family. He locked eyes with his Aunt June, and mouthed I’m sorry. Then he found the people paying respects on behalf of both Dior and the movie. He gave them a look hinting he was about to do something they weren’t going to like. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
“My name is Sebastian Alexander Smythe. Juliette Dumas-Alexander was my Nana. I loved her more than anything and am honored she chose me to continue her legacy. While many of you might believe you know me through my work with Dior and interviews for my upcoming movie, I promise you don’t. For example, my bullshit detector is legendary. Because of this, it was obvious from the beginning every person who gave a so-called eulogy today was attempting to hit me up for money. That was not only disgraceful and insulting to both me and my grandmother, it was stupid. As of today, I am ending your funding. None of you are getting another dime.”
He didn’t say another word, going back to his seat next to Stephen, ignoring the President of France standing next to the podium with his grandmother’s medal. The hundreds of people present went silent, none of them knowing what to do next. Sebastian didn’t care. He was so mad he closed his eyes in an attempt to prevent tears. It didn’t work, and once they started every emotion he’d held inside for the past 2 weeks came flooding out.
And then a piano began to play.
I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill I threw the day old tea from the cup Packed up the photo album Aunt June had made Memories of a life that's been loved
Sebastian’s eyes flew open but they were still so full of tears it was hard to be sure of what he was seeing. There was no video, no choir. Just Blaine and a piano mesmerizing hundreds of people. But of course, it couldn’t be. It was his mind playing tricks on him again.
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals Poured the old ginger beer down the sink You always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down" But Nan, there's a tear every time that I blink
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved
This version of Blaine was different from his vision earlier. His hair was still longer than before, but the facial hair was neatly trimmed and he was wearing glasses. To top things off, he was wearing a bow tie with his nicely tailored suit. In other words, this Blaine’s appearance mimicked his own with the exception of their ties. Another reason to disbelieve what was in front of him.
So I'll sing Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan When I fell down you'd be there holding me up Spread your wings as you go And when God takes you back I'll say Hallelujah, you're home
Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case Steph says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek And wiped a tear from the side of my face
I hope that I see the world as you did 'cause I know A life with love is a life that's been lived
So I'll sing Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan When I fell down you'd be there holding me up Spread your wings as you go And when God takes you back I'll say Hallelujah, you're home
“I knew he would come. Aunt Juli was right. He is your soul mate.”
Sebastian turned to Step, shaking his head. Hell, his whole body was shaking. “You can see him?”
“Yes, Seb. Blaine is here.”
Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my Nan You got to see the person I have become Spread your wings and I know That when God took you back he said Hallelujah, you're home
He barely gave Blaine the time to stand up from the piano bench before Sebastian had his face in his hands and was kissing him like his life depended on it.
When he needed air he didn’t let go but put their foreheads together. “You’re here.”
“I’m here.”
“You wrote a song for me.”
“Yes, I have but not this one. Ed Sheeran wrote this song, but I was given permission to change some of the lyrics to honor your Nana. Don’t want any copyright issues if this happened to hit the internet.”
“Oh shit! My speech…”
“If it gets out, I’m sure people will see it the same way I did. You were passionately defending your Nana’s memory. Those people should be embarrassed and held accountable for their actions. Well, I guess you covered that part.”
Sebastian repeated his kiss complete with saying “You’re here.”
“I thought we’d established that.”
“We did but I’ve been seeing you ever since Nana died. You’ve been so real. Who finally got ahold of you?”
“No one. I was in the Alps, recreating the whole Sound of Music experience, and had horrible cell service. A couple of days ago I had an overwhelming feeling something was wrong. When I finally saw all the messages on my phone, for some reason I called Annabelle of all people. She told me what happened with your Nana and what was going on with the music for the video. I told her I knew a song that would work and she took care of getting permission.”
“If that was only a couple of days ago, how did you get here so quickly?”
Blaine smiled and pointed to a waving Annabelle and Santana. “Our Satans got me to a church. Go figure.”
Sebastian kissed him again but this time it was only a peck. “They might have physically brought you here, but this was all my Nana. She insisted we belonged together, that we are soulmates. I told her I didn’t believe in such things, but she had to be right. Why am I not surprised she’s still meddling in my life even though she’s gone?”
While Sebastian and Blaine were getting reacquainted at the front of the cathedral, they failed to notice people leaving. However, there was a small group of people watching what was going on with a great amount of interest.
“Do we know who he is?”
“Who cares? He held the attention of this entire place with just his voice and a piano.”
“But can he act?”
“Sebastian had never acted when we hired him. Think of the publicity we’d get if we cast his actual boyfriend in the movie as his ex-boyfriend.”
“We don't know for sure if they're boyfriends. Sebastian's never mentioned one."
"No matter what, we have to do something. We’ve filmed as much as we can without recasting Taylor. I don’t want to sound crass, but Sebastian needing this break couldn’t have come at a better time.”
“You better not say that in front of him.”
“After that speech our star gave, I doubt anyone will be crossing Sebastian Smythe anytime soon. I’m going to talk to Annabelle. Maybe we can get some information on our mystery man.”
Sorry about the repost. I didn't realize until a couple days later I had posted a draft...oops.
There is one more chapter…the movie. It wasn't going to be a whole chapter which is why this one is shorter than the previous ones. It will post on 10 Days of Seblaine Week 2023 Day 9: Celebrity/Famous.
Did you guess Blaine wasn't there in the beginning? The biggest clue was... Get out of my head Anderson/Never going to happen Smythe.
Supermarket Flowers: Sheeran, Ed; Levin, Benjamin; McDaid, Johnny 2017
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heartstringsduet · 1 month
Hi Michelle! I have three Nice Ask Week asks for you! ☺️
1) when did you join the 911ls fandom and what about the show/characters made your brain go ‘this is fandom material for me right there!’ ?
2. Which of TK’s and Carlos’ outfits (you can choose one from canon or come up with your own answer) do you think is the other’s favorite? You can add a least favorite too if you want!
3. I saw that you sent an ask about Tarlos kinks, so here’s one for you! (You can choose not to answer if you don’t want ofc): do you think one of them has a kink that the other knows about but doesn’t share? If so, which, did they have a conversation about it, and is it something they engage in once in a while anyway or something that’s just a hard (or well, not hard) no for the other?
I hope your weekend and offline time is treating you well!! 🪻🌞
Hiii. Sorry I was slowly making it through the nice ask questions. And I think I owe you one but I will surprise you with one once I think of it <33 1) 911 LS HIT me at the legit best time to join a fandom. I was just back on Tumblr for Glee and then saw a gifset and thought...two hot guys don't mind if I watch a mind-numbing show rn. To be honest, I don't like procedurals. I can watch a single season and be so into it and then lose interest because the characters usually stagnate and the formula grows tiring. If 911 LS focused even like 10 percent more on rescues than characters I wouldn't be that big of a fan. But the characters shine even in the ridiculous setting and yet even through some writing CHOICES. I also love the fandom. Maybe I'm lucky to just block everything I hate early and then the very great people remain on dash but I LOVE THIS FANDOM. I LOVE IT!! <3 So many genuinely nice and just passionate people. I also am mentally not always the stablest but I'm genuinely happy to have a little void to vomit some things into sometimes or friends to talk about silly and heavy stuff with. SORRY. No one will read this to the end. I waffle. i love you all. 2) Okay here is TK's top Carlos outfits:
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From this episode forth you just KNOW TK said somethign about button ups and Carlos went: cool let me rile you up in every color imaginable. cowboy dad core it is.
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TK's formal firefighter suit. Don't need to explain do I?
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Yoga equivalent. Hot jock!TK gets railed that night.
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his first date outfit. Carlos sees that shirt with that top button undone and he forgets to breathe. Bonus for BOTH:
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3. Kink question: Ugh I have SUCH a hard time with this because I guess for most relationships if not a straight-up kink, there likely are some slight mismatching in what a person might be into while the other isn't. I think for them they are pretty compatible in most regards and though they aren't always the best communicators in other things, this I think they are open about and explore together. I could see MOST kinks working in some capacity, but maybe something like TK being into humiliation and feminization and roleplay whereas Carlos doesn't really like it would make more sense to me. But he would try anyway. He is a giver but he ofc has his own limits but I think he'd enjoy things TK enjoys at least to some degree. Carlos doesn't necessarily strike me as kinky beside my firm belief of their subtle D/s dynamics but I can also see him be VERY kinky. This is such an unsatisying answer but my writer brain instantly goes: Okay but...I CAN MAKE THAT KINK WORK FOR THEM!
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