#when i could simply do them in ms paint instead like so many other versions of me from days past
strangelyregular · 2 years
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first time doing a colorpicked pride flag! next time i am doing this in paint
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weasleymalfoypotter · 4 years
the half blood princess
harry potter x fem! reader
word count : 3.4k
warnings : daddy issues, crying, angst, loneliness, father/daughter arguments, fluff, let me know if i missed something
summary : the reader is snapes daughter, he was never fully present and never fully showed her love, and it didn’t help that all of her peers refused to give her a chance because they all thought she was just like him, until harry potter realizes there’s more to her
A/N : so sorry i haven’t been active in so long, school has been kicking my butt. this was so fun to write though and i know it seems like i’m always writing characters that are related to pre existing characters but i swear i have different stuff coming. also if there are spelling mistakes i’m sorry i tried to get this out soon so i didn’t do as many proof reads as usual
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y/n snape was her fathers biggest disappointment and longest regret. she was everything he resented. a young gryffindor and, she wasn’t lily potter’s. she was a constant reminder to him that he could never have who he wanted and instead he was stuck with a version of a one night stand he never cared about. he always thought if he were to have a daughter it would be with lily. but no. y/n showed up on his doorstep as a baby with a note from her mother saying she couldn’t take care of her and he was the father. a muggle DNA test did confirm that she was telling the truth. all of these factors lead to snape being the kind of father who did not neglect a child financially or materialistically, but did neglect a child emotionally, developmentally, and mentally. he did not like her and it showed. he treated her as if she were a burden, one that he longed not to carry, but that he had to none the less.
despite being a disappointment to her father and never being allowed to forget it, y/n snape was kind. she was an enigma, not just to those at hogwarts, but to herself. she knew her personality did not match her upbringing and, and she knew it definitely did not come from the man whom she shared 23 chromosomes with. she knew that most people who were hated by the one person they wanted love from their whole lives didn’t turn out to be lovely people. she knew that most people with daddy issues defined themselves by it and made it their personal permanent problem that their fathers didn’t love them correctly. she however did not do that. from the time she was a child she could not care any less what her father thought of her. she knew she was more than what he said she was. and she wasn’t going to let him get to her, which ultimately got to him more than anything. she was good hearted, intelligent, brave, and charismatic. however this didn’t stop people from judging her based on her last name. the slytherins didnt like her because she wasn’t one of them, the ravenclaws were intimidated by her from the moment she was confirmed to be the greasy haired potions teachers daughter, the hufflepuffs feared her like they feared severus simply because they didn’t know better, and the gryffindors wouldn’t claim her because she wasn’t one of them either. all of this, simply because her last name was snape.
she sat in transfiguration listening intently and taking notes while mcgonagall taught. the only other person in the class of 5th years doing such was hermione. hermione was never openly rude to y/n nor was she scared of her, and y/n took this to heart. they weren’t friends and had barely ever spoken, but y/n still appreciated the neutral attitude nonetheless. the bell rung and she gathered her things before mcgonagall approached her.
“Ms. snape may i talk to you for a moment?” she hated that the teachers called students by their last names.
“of course, is everything alright?” the girl questioned
“everything is fine dear, it’s just that one of your fellow peers is falling a little bit behind in the class and i think it would help if he had study sessions with you during the week if you’re up for it” the professor answered
“of course i am, who is it?”
“Mr. potter, i’m afraid he gets distracted easily and this subject isn’t his strong suit” she explained while talking with her hands. y/n’s face fell a little. if there was anyone who had prejudged her more than anyone else, it was harry potter. she didn’t completely blame him, her father was horrible to him, but still.
“o-oh umm.. are you sure he would be okay with working with me? why not hermione?” she asked, hoping to find a way out of this
“i don’t like to pair up friends with friends, they tend to get distracted, and i think he would be thrilled to get the chance to get his grade up. i’ve told him i would find someone to help him so meet him in the library at 7:00 tonight after dinner” she said before smiling and clapping her hands. “good day Ms. snape” she said before walking away and into her office attached to her classroom.
y/n sat through dinner at the edge of the gryffindor table a few feet away from some first years. out of the corner of her eye she saw the golden trio laughing with each other, while seamus finnigan kept tossing carrots at dean thomas and neville longbottom. she’d seen the group of the other gryffindors have moments like this her whole life. she looked up to the staff table at her father who was speaking to umbridge, and she was filled with a sadness. sadness because she would never have what the other gryffindors would have. sadness because her last name had ruined her years at hogwarts. sadness because she would never have a relationship with her father who had never and would never give her a chance.
she walked into the library with her bag slung over her shoulder. she looked around for the boy with the messy hair and round glasses and spotted him at a table in a corner reading a book that was not about transfiguration.
“i don’t think that will be of much help to our study session” she said with a strained smile before sitting down across from him. his eyebrows furrowed and he looked slightly panicked.
“you’re the partner mcgonagall set me up with?” he asked. she nodded her head. after a moment of silence and him looking anywhere but her, while slowly nodding his head she asked
“is that a problem?” only with a slight attitude
“n-no no not at all, just not what i was expecting” he choked out
“right. well we’d better get started” she went through her bag to get her books out and he started at her.
“right right. umm you know, i know you’re busy so if you don’t want to do this i can get help from hermione and just tell mcgonagall that it was you” he said only slightly nervous. she stopped turning pages in her book and paused before looking at him.
“i’m not” he looked at her quizzically so she continued “busy. i’m not busy, i’ve caught up on all of my other work and i’ve gotten enough O.W.L. studying in, so i’m not busy.” she slammed the book closed and leaned after a pause. “why don’t you want to work with me?” her words subtly laced with anger. he looked in her eyes then looked away.
“i- i don’t know, it’s just well um” he stuttered
“it’s my father isn’t it” she blinked at him “you don’t like me simply because of my father, right?” he stared at her trying to find words to make this any better.
“it’s not that i don’t like you...” he trailed off
“you don’t trust me? you don’t think i’m smart? you think i’m evil like him?” she asked with raise eyebrows.
“did you just call your own father evil?” he sort of laughed out.
“well yes, he hates me and always has, he a jerk. i’m surprised you’d think i like him, he treats me worse than any of you” she said.
“i never thought about that, i just figured-“
“that i was just like him?” she cut him off
“maybe if you all would have taken the chance to get to know me instead of assuming who i am you would have realized” she said slowly. you could hear in her voice that she was agitated. he didn’t know what to say. she looked at him and opened her book again. “let’s just get started” he nodded and opened his book. the rest of the study session was awkward and neither of them made eye contact. they went their separate ways and agreed to meet again in two days.
the next time they met it was civilized and professional. she made sure everything they talked about was about transfiguration. she didn’t want to talk about anything because she thought it wouldn’t be real. she thought he would just be talking to her out of guilt or pity and she wasn’t interested, so she kept it strictly educational.
harry however wanted to talk to her about anything other than transfiguration. after that first time they met he realized she was right, there was more to her. he had no idea what it was but for some reason he really wanted to. he wanted to know what made her smile, what music made her heart dance, what colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he wanted to know so many things, and none of them out of pity or guilt, he wanted to know out of pure curiosity and infatuation.
the next two weeks were full of studying and talking only about transfiguration, much to harry’s dismay. he didn’t know how to change the subject no matter how much he wanted to. he had no idea how to talk to girls. especially ones he liked. although he didn’t even know he liked her, in his mind he just wanted to know more. he decided it was time to go for it, he couldn’t take any more talk about how dangerous transfiguring live animals could be. as they were about to go their separate ways leaving the library, he grabbed her wrist to turn her to face him before she walked away. she looked down at his hand
“listen, i was wondering if maybe you’d want to sit with me at lunch tomorrow? or breakfast, or dinner, or all three really” she looked at him, visibly confused
“i- umm yeah yeah sure” she replied. he smiled and let go of her wrist when he realized he’d been holding it the whole time.
when she walked into the great hall the next day she saw harry’s head tilt up and smile at her. she walked to him and sat on his left with hermione, ron, fred, and george across from her, ginny and dean to her right, and seamus and neville on harry’s other side. as she was sitting a chorus of slightly awkward hellos greeted her.
“everyone this is y/n, y/n this is..well everybody” harry said sweetly
“nice to formally meet you all” she said with an appreciative smile
“harry’s told me all about your transfiguration lessons, we need to study together sometime, i hear you’re a genius” hermione exclaimed excitedly
“i wouldn’t say genius, but i would love to study with you” y/n replied. she smiled at everyone as the conversations continued, everyone keeping her involved. they were kind, and she wondered what harry had told them. they were so warm. a feeling she never felt at home.
“what have you been doing associating with potter?” her father asked her. she was in his classroom looking for a book she’d left there. she rolled her eyes since her back was to him before she responded.
“i’ve just been tutoring him and transfiguration, it’s not a big deal” she explained as she turned to face him
“i saw you with his friends today, don’t lie to me” he sneered
“I’m not lying and what’s it to you anyway? it’s not like you care, and why do you hate him so much? he and his friends have been nothing but pleasant which has been a good change of pace for me, or do you want me to miserable during my hogwarts years like you were?” she quipped back at him. this was how conversations went between the two of them usually. the funny thing was, she had no attitude. she simply said what she had to say, but she was almost sweet while saying it, which was an oxymoron.
“i care because potter will corrupt you, i don’t like him because he thinks he can strut around here and get away with anything, and it’s not my fault you’re miserable” he replied
“it’s most definitely your fault” she muttered under her breath as she gathered her things, but before she could leave he raised his voice and blocked her path
“what did you say to me?” he asked angrily. he always got upset when she spoke under her breath at him
“i said it’s most definitely your fault. it’s your fault that i’m miserable. it’s your fault that no one likes me. it’s your fault i don’t fit into my own house, and it is most definitely your fault that i have never know a fathers love” she was obviously upset now. she stormed out of the room shoving past her dad and he just sighed and watched her leave. he couldn’t even be upset because she was right, he was annoyed because she finally voiced it.
in all their years of squabbling and fighting she never said something so true and painful. she only took quick jabs that were true but not as hurtful. it was more hurtful to her than to her father because once she said it, she had to accept the fact that it was true.
she went to the corroded hidden at the top of the school where she was sure no one would find her. people never came this way after dinner, and she knew because she spent quite a lot of time hiding out up there. she slid down the wall and cried. she laid her head down on her knees as she pulled them up to her chest. at the sound of footsteps her head shot up and her hands darted to dry her eyes, but she looked in the opposite direction of whoever was coming. she was surprised to hear his voice.
“y/n? a-are you okay?” harry’s voice was calm and cool, but if you listened hard enough you could hear the concern in her voice. he kneeled down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“i-im fine, really, you can go back to what you were doing” she said with a quarter hearted smile. she couldn’t make it to half hearted. he shook his head and sat fully down right next to her.
“i’m not leaving unless you physically force me too” he turned his head and finally got a good look at her tear stained cheeks “do you want to talk about it?”
“you don’t have to do this” she said, looking at the floor
“i’m not doing anything except checking up on my friend”
“friend?” she asked with smirk
“absolutely” he said
“it’s just my dad” she explained while still holding eye contact with the boy
“care to elaborate?”
she explained the whole fight to him and he listened intently. it was nice for her, having someone that listened. he enjoyed hearing her open up but his heart broke for her when she talked about how her life at school had been sad. he hurt when she talked about her pain and how lonely and unloved she’d felt her whole life. that’s when he realized he liked her. he wanted to make it better, he wanted to make her feel loved and heard and seen and beautiful and so much more.
the next few nights were spent in that empty corridor. he showed her the marauders map so they could watch while they talked to make sure they didn’t get caught. she learned all about his life and it wasn’t that easy being harry potter. he learned all about her life and the things that made her smile, the music made her heart dance, the colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he loved every minute of it.
he wasn’t the only one. she absolutely adored learning about him and his little quirks. she loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about quidditch and her heart broke for him when he spoke of life at privet drive. needless to say she was head over heels for the boy.
they spent meals together and the trio warmly welcomed her into the group after a few months of being friends. y/n and hermione became very close and ron loved having her around because he thought she was hilarious. she hadn’t talked to her father much, but when she did it was all about school or quidditch.
harry found her in the corridor on a thursday night reading.
“hello love” he said while sitting next to her. her heart leaped at the nick name.
“hey bub” she replied without looking up
“can talk to you something?” he said
“of course” she closed her book and turned to face him, crossing her legs
“this is probably going to be a little blunt but i want to get straight to the point ”she nodded at him “and if this is weird or awkward then just tell me to shut up and we’ll forget it and everything will go back to normal” she kept nodding “and it’s totally fine if that what you want, but y/n i really like you and i really want to kiss you and take you on a date an-“ she cut of his rambling with a kiss. he was startled at first but quickly leaned into it, deepening the kiss and putting his hans on her waist. they broke apart after a moment and stared at each other.
“that um- th- that yeah that’s where i was going with that” he stuttered out
“you’re cute when you ramble” he blushed.
they stayed up that whole night talking in the corridor before making their way to their dorms and giving one another a kiss goodnight. they went to bed that night separately but also as a couple. they walked into the great hall the next morning, hand in hand, as a couple. the whole school now knew that harry potter and y/n snape were, in fact, a couple. all of them were surprised but none as surprised as the black haired wizard at the staff table.
her father kept her after her potions class which he spent mocking and teasing harry, even more relentlessly than before.
“you’re not to see him anymore” he said simply to the girl. she scoffed
“you don’t get to decide that”
“actually i do, i’m your father” he sneered
“really? i had absolutely no idea, you sure as hell don’t act like it” she replied. she was confident today
“YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!” he bellowed. she didn’t even flinch. her face didn’t show a reaction and he sighed in frustration.
“can i leave now?” she asked monotonously
“no” he answered “you will not be with that boy and be my daughter, i will not allow it. if you are to live under my roof outside of this school, you will not see him.”
“then i’m done” she said. tears started to prick at her eyes
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“it means that i won’t live under your roof, i won’t be a financial burden anymore, i won’t be your daughter” he blinked at her “well it’s what you seem to want, you’ve always wanted me out of your house, it would be a weight lifted off of your shoulders”
“y/n stop this is nonsense”
“it’s not nonsense! it’s the truth! you’ve said it for as long as i can remember, except you never said it. you showed it” tears fell down her face “you never wanted me, you never loved me. i was never right. i didn’t have the right mother, i wasn’t sorted into the right house, i didn’t do anything right in your eyes” she tried to breathe but it was getting hard “i never knew love, not from you, not from a mother, not from friends. i had no idea what it felt like, until now. and i refuse to let it go just because you forgot what love felt like. so if you want me to leave, if you don’t want me to be your family anymore, then fine. i never was anyway” she finished before storming out of his classroom.
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Principles You Can Use From Rowling’s Philosophy of Writing 
by Ruthanne Reid
If you’re like me, you loved the Harry Potter series. Maybe you watched the movies or even visited the theme park, and you wondered about JK Rowling’s writing process and the strategy she uses to write her best-selling books. If you’re like me, though, you’ve also been deeply hurt by things Rowling herself has said. On Twitter, on her website, in interviews, and more, Rowling has promoted harmful views of trans people, and you might be one of her many readers who find it painful, or even impossible, to return to the Harry Potter books you once loved.I understand. Before I dive into the wisdom we can draw from Rowling’s writing process in order to write our first draft (or others), allow me to share a principle with you. Death of the Author: Or, How to Love the Book, Not the Author In 1967, a French literary critic named Roland Barthes wrote an essay called La mort de l’auteur, or Death of the Author, in which he states that any piece of writing should be separated from the author that wrote it. In other words, he believed in judging the written work completely on its own merits, without involving personal beliefs or actions of the author in question. Sometimes, this is possible to do. Sometimes, it isn’t, and we readers have to apply discernment to what we read and the lens in which we view things.I have two examples for you. HP Lovecraft First, HP Lovecraft, whose incredible work literally created today’s modern horror genre. Do you enjoy any kind of tale with Elder Ones, or chaos gods, or even just good old Cthulhu? (I know I do!) His work was so creative, so new, that you’d be hard-pressed to find any horror story that doesn’t show at least some of his influence.Unfortunately, Lovecraft was also an extremely xenophobic racist. Now, I enjoy a good chaos god, and I’ve made the decision to separate his xenophobia from his writing. That means, of course, that I must view critically anything he wrote that implies white English people are somehow the pinnacle of humanity.It means I purposely do not allow his racism to infect my way of thinking. By doing so, I am practicing la mort de l’auteur. JRR Tolkien Here’s a second example: JRR Tolkien, whose work defined modern fantasy. Do you enjoy anything with elves and dwarves or made-up languages? We owe Tolkien for that. He redefined and polished the fantasy genre so well that everything from movies to MMORPGs still use his templates. Unfortunately, he also described his orcs as “squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.” Yowza. Now, was Tolkien a racist? Not exactly. In fact, according to the standards of the time, he was absolutely liberal and anti-racist. So then what do we do with this bizarro and racially horrifying description? We see it and choose to discard it. Generations of artists and authors have done exactly that, turning orcs into anything but“least lovely Mongol-types,” and aiding this genre.Again, it’s important to see the problem so you can avoid letting it influence your work. We enjoy the good parts while consciously discarding the bad, rather than being influenced by it. So What About JK Rowling? She’s not dead. In fact, she’s still saying harmful things, even as we speak. Instead of listening to her readers, who (at least initially) approached her in love, trying to help her understand, she doubled down, rejected their experience and their words, and in the process, caused an unbelievable amount of pain. Here’s the thing about la mort de l’auteur: it is entirely up to you whether to apply it to what you read, or to simply discard the whole thing and find less troublesome authors. Both roads are valid. In no way do I condone her attacks on the trans community, or her persistent sharing of misinformation. I choose to apply la mort de l’auteur for the simple reason that I benefited from the good things she’s written, and I wanted to share them with you. However, if you aren’t comfortable doing that, you are absolutely welcome to walk away. In fact, I’d suggest these writing articles instead: Neil Gaiman’s rules of writing, or how to create your own rules of writing. Okay. Awkward stuff done. Ready to dive into the process stuff instead? Let’s go! 9 Rules From JK Rowling’s Writing Process Over the course of her writing career, Rowling shared a lot of solid writing wisdom, and in my opinion, eight writing rules stand out—along with a ninth we can apply from her choices since. Whether or not you’re writing your first book like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone) or last book in a series (like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), I think these rules speak to Ms. Joanne Rowling’s philosophy on writing.They are great writing tips for you to reflect on in your spare moments and then apply to your writing process, for short stories, novels, bestsellers, or even the first time you’ve ever attempted a book. Rule One: Protect your writing time “Be ruthless about protecting writing days, i.e., do not cave in to endless requests to have “essential” and “long overdue” meetings on those days. The funny thing is that, although writing has been my actual job for several years now, I still seem to have to fight for time in which to do it.” This is especially hard for those of us with family. Our loved ones come first, and while that is important, our loved ones also need to understand that we need time to write. Setting reasonable boundaries is a crucial step for a writer—even if they’re as simple as, “Mommy needs fifteen minutes of quiet time, okay?” If you have trouble setting boundaries with loved ones, try setting a reasonable boundary for one week. See how it goes. If it’s too much time or too little, tweak it. Establish a routine that signals to others that it’s your writing time, but also lets them know that outside of your writing space, you’re there for them. Not only will this teach the importance of flexibility and discipline to others, but also that your writing is valuable. It’s your work, and your dream! Needing quiet time to write doesn’t mean that you don’t love your family. Your writing deserves your time, too. Open communication about this can help everyone understand and respect that. Rule Two: Treat your writing like a job “You’ve got to work. It’s about structure. It’s about discipline.” It’s easy to forget that writing is a job. We don’t always feel like doing our job. We certainly don’t always feel inspired. To be writers, we must train ourselves to sit down and write even when we don’t feel like it. Those moments are the ones that really matter, even more than the shining, flying, muse-kissed moments.Writing when we don’t feel like it is what turn amateurs into professionals and rough drafts into polished manuscripts. “The muse works for you. You don’t write at her beck and call—you train her to show up when you’re writing. “ Rule Three: Believe you ARE a writer “I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.” Yes, writing is possible with another job. Yes, writing is possible with other responsibilities. Are you a writer? (I know your inner critic snarled no, but I also know a tiny candle-flicker of unquenchable hope in you whispered yes with so much longing you could cry.) You ARE a writer. That means you write. A runner runs. A painter paints. A cook cooks. You are a writer. You write. Accept this, fight to believe it, and be amazed at how far that takes you. Rule Four: Write what you know “Write what you know: your own interests, feelings, beliefs, friends, family and even pets will be your raw materials when you start writing.” This doesn’t mean you need to experience aliens in order to write about them. It means that all good stories have universal application. A great example is this Google Doodle. (Trust me. I’m going somewhere with this.) Take two minutes and thirty-six seconds to watch this: Halloween 2017 Google Doodle: Jinx’s Night Out It’s adorable, right? Without a single word, this video told an effective story. You felt for the little ghost, both when it was sad and when it was happy, right? News flash: you’re not a ghost. That was universal application. It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from or what language you speak; all human beings know what it is to be lonely, to feel left out, to be frustrated, determined, and to finally be with friends. That story works because the creators used their interests, feelings, beliefs, friends, family and even pets to tell this story. (I’m fond of the kitty, myself.) I’m greatly oversimplifying, but here’s the gist: you already know how to tell a moving story because you live one. If you’ve ever had emotions, ever responded to anything, then you already know what universal application looks like. Listen to the people around you, and apply empathy. You don’t have to be a ghost to write a good ghost story. Rule Five: Read “I always advise children who ask me for tips on being a writer to read as much as they possibly can. Jane Austen gave a young friend the same advice, so I’m in good company there.” Read. Read. Read some more! The more you read, the bigger your arsenal of words will be. The more you read, the better your grasp of metaphor, poetry, beauty, passion, and empathy will be. The more you read, the greater you will be as a writer (and probably human being). It’s like learning more dance moves or impressively difficult notes on an instrument. The more you learn, the better you’ll be. So read in your genre. Read outside your genre. Get in the habit of finding time to pick up a book instead of your phone (unless it’s to open up another book.) You DO have the time to read. Even if that’s just ten minutes a day. Any time counts. And the more stories you read, the more likely you’ll start to implicitly develop the skills you need to become a great writer. Rule Six: Persevere “Perseverance is absolutely essential, not just to produce all those words, but to survive rejection and criticism.” This is one of those unpleasant truths about publishing: you’re gonna get rejected. A lot. I wish there were a way around this. Harry Potter was turned down again and again because that’s just the way it goes sometimes. And it isn’t only publishers: when you get published, and your work is out there, you’ll get bad reviews, too. Mostly, they’ll just be people who don’t understand what you’re doing. Intellectually, you’ll know that. Your heart, on the other hand, is going to break into a thousand pieces. But here’s the secret: you can’t stop writing because of push-back. You MUST NOT stop writing because of push-back. Keep going. Don’t stop. When you get rejected, pick up your pen and keep going (and use the way you feel to put more universal application into your work). And when you’re feeling really discouraged? Remember that when someone doesn’t like your book, they might also just not be your ideal reader. That person just wasn’t your target audience.If your book isn’t to someone’s taste, that’s all right. It will be to someone else’s.Keep writing your book, because your ideal readers need it. Rule Seven: Bring your whole self to the page “What you write becomes who you are … So make sure you love what you write!” Writing is a little like a Mobius strip, in a way: Your beliefs and experiences and feelings all help craft your writing. However, your writing clarifies, corrects, and often reveals your beliefs, experiences, and feelings. As you write, you’ll discover things about yourself. You’ll clarify things, too, because it’s only as you come to write them that you realize they needed clarification in the first place. Now, understand: this means that if you haven’t given yourself a good look to find your biases (we all have them), you will bring those to the page, too. It’s important to see who you are as you bring your whole self to the page. Writing is a brave, bold venture, and life-altering discovery is part of the journey. Rule Eight: Accept that failure is part of the process “Failure is inevitable—make it a strength. You have to resign yourself to the fact that you waste a lot of trees before you write anything you really like, and that’s just the way it is. It’s like learning an instrument, you’ve got to be prepared for hitting wrong notes occasionally, or quite a lot. I wrote an awful lot before I wrote anything I was really happy with.” Failure is normal. Also, it is okay. You’re going to write a lot of crap. You’re going to push past those things and write more crap. It may take you twelve years. It may take you a million words. If it does, then you’re on the right path—the same one your favorite authors walk. Accept that it will take time, and that sometimes, your pencil won’t be your friend. If you accept it, then when it happens, you won’t throw in the towel and set the house on fire. Instead, you’ll be able to go, “Well, dang; that sucked, didn’t it? Knew it would happen. Time to write some more.” Rule Nine: Respect Your Reader Sadly, this rule doesn’t come from writing advice she’s given, but in a way, it’s the final conclusion of the previous eight. This involves bringing your whole self to the page. This involves empathy and universal application. This involves perseverance, never quitting, and willingness to tackle your writing troubles. If your readers value what you created, they will listen to what you say. Your words have the power to uplift or hurt others. None of us can ever really know where someone else is coming from, and it’s essential that both our stories and our interactions reflect respect. Respect yourself enough to be a better person. Respect your readers enough to hear what they have to say. This sounds scary, I know, but I promise you, it’s worth it.
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oftripps · 5 years
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“ –– wow. ”  it’s not so much a critique as it is a g-rated expletive. tripp forces a smile mid-chew and blinks. “ my tastebuds are screaming. gah–– uh, singing. singing. ”  he avoids swallowing and as ring-decorated fingers snag a napkin, wide eyes drifting to the tabletop as a small jingle breezes past tensed lips. “ ~ allergic to mushrooms ~ ”
or, alternatively: this is somethin’ new! the caspar slide pt. 2 !! & this time, it’s ‘bout to get funky !!  so i’m linc and this is tripp and he’s........ a trip, honestly, so let’s just... yeet on into this ––
( joe keery + 22 + muse 12 ) isn’t that phillip joel “tripp” goodman over there? i heard he joined faction: one after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip because HIS BANDMATES DUPED HIM INTO THINKING THE SIGN-UP WAS FOR A WOODS-THEMED OPEN MIC GIG. hopefully they fit in there – they’re JAUNTY but also OUTRÉ. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine.
out the door !  ( tripp goodman: a roadmap )
look up townie family in the dictionary and you’ll find a portrait of the goodmans directly beside. these folks have a looooong flippin’ legacy here in lil’ ole west ham, kansas. it all started with montgomery goodman, a good man, who helped west ham’s founders break ground on this midwestern charmer several centuries ago. and now, the goodmans still live on the same property –– a refurbished farmhouse ( now closer to mcmansion ) surrounded by five acres of roooooollin’ hills. once upon a time, they were farming folk. now, theresa and joel goodman run the town’s one and only veterinary clinic. 
honestly, growing up? tripp was a problematic kid. he’d take in frogs from the woods and start his own frog hotels. he’d sneak pets from the clinic to school who “ needed help learning their numbers ”. in class, he’d flick sunflower seeds at the backs of his peers’ heads and, when threatened with discipline, claim he simply “ wanted to see if they’d grow  ” .  so no, to answer your question–– tripp never really saw the real wrath warranted by his rulebreaking.
in fourth grade, he chose the saxophone as his required instrument. he caused such a commotion in his house, that his parents asked his teachers to suggest something quieter. the viola. the flute. the clarinet. the piano. instruments came and went,;instruments were quickly mastered and abandoned. because dear lord, how many times could they listen to the spongebob theme song played on woodwind ?!  on strings ?!  once middle school rolled around, little phillip joel knew his way around a whopping total of six instruments, a tally that would only grow in the coming years. eventually, his parents caved and allowed him to keep playing, so long as he respected instrument curfews. they gave song requests to avoid hearing the same pieces on repeat: the goodman household was probably the only one blessed with an oboe-and-beatbox rendition of under the sea. young phillip joel’s take on the issue was simple: not all heroes wore capes.
( tw: domestic unrest, mentions of violence ) theresa and joel split when tripp was 9. just seven months later, tripp’s mother moved in with her girlfriend: tripp’s guitar teacher, ms. lillith. tripp didn’t mind ms. lillith. she was chill. he came to find out she could knock back a chocolate milk almost as fast as he could, and she liked her grilled cheeses with swiss only. his best friend became a thirty-six year old woman who happened to be his mother’s girlfriend. and that was fine. he could dig it. but joel goodman? oh no. his family name was tarnished. the scandal was too much to bear. joel sued for full custody and nearly made it, thanks to hometown politics and loyalties. but then he made one fatal mistake: he crossed his own son.
at 10 years old, fifth grade phillip joel returned home to his father’s after school with three fingernails painted effervescent blue. sidney frasier made me so cool, he gushed as he put his colored nails on proud display. dad, aren’t i so cool?  the next day, his dad enrolled him in the town’s peewee football program. he returned home from his first practice with a black eye and a split lip. from a ball, the coach insisted. hit the poor fella square in the face, real strong. phillip joel put up a fight against football; it wasn’t for him. it conflicted with music practice. couldn’t he just play music with ms. lillith instead?
the custody battle persisted. they settled on a parenting schedule. joel contested, consistently, months later. and so the cycle persisted up until phillip joel’s 12th year, when he was knocked out cold on the football field. the broken ribs came from hefty tackles. bruises from the fall. concussion from the impact. but theresa spun it to her advantage: joel had since started coaching the middle school team. this was an instance of parental neglect. and, when the courts didn’t comply, she instructed her son to jump down the stairs. one broken ankle later, and joel goodman was accused of child abuse. his word against his injured son’s. the maneuver won theresa full custody. phillip joel has yet to forgive himself.
after the custody battle’s conclusion, joel stayed in town: but phillip joel didn’t want a thing to do with sharing his name. his mother still scolds him as phillip joel, but to everyone else, he became tripp –– inspired by his knack for, you guessed it!, tumbling over his own two feet.
in high school, tripp was the class clown. always smirking, always grinning, always ready to catch someone off guard. he became a pivotal part of west ham high’s jazz band, and even formed a small group with a few buds: face. they played some school events: homecoming, pep rallies, prom. garage-baked young rock, their songs often preached meetings under bleachers and high school never ending. 
in senior year, the band saw a reboot: and after assuming a more indie, spacey sound and a nifty new name –– 1757. –– they saw a rise in local celebrity. coffee shops commissioned them for jam nights. they played on the local radio. so they collectively decided to stick around and see how far they could ride this west ham fame train. with tripp as their frontman, they always leave a memorable impression: he’s not exactly the most run-of-the-mill performer.
1757.’s sound is reminiscent of LANY: i’ve reblogged a few tunes onto tripp’s blog for reference. he’s v much a paul klein / matty healy vibe. big into music. big into losing himself in it.
so what was he up to before the service trip? playin’ tunes. working part-time as a waiter. and brainstorming ways to get out of going on this trip, as soon as he realized his stupid bandmates lied about the form he signed. an open mic in the woods ! pah !  he should have known. but the concept sounded pretty flippin’ cool.
wear our shades on our nose, 'cause we're cool like that ( tripp goodman: the man, the myth, the ledge )
oh god, he’s  w e i r d .  he believes in goblins and ghosts and aliens ( oh my )!
still VERY VERY close with his mother. v broken up about not being able to get through to her, because it was about to be his parents’ wedding anniversary and they were going to anti-celebrate it with big slices of oreo cheesecake and setting things on fire.
how he feels about coming home to west ham: post apocalyptic version.
uhhhh... can he please get a waffle? specifically a cinnamon raisin waffle with extra cinnamon and a shit ton of syrup? actually. syrup with a side of waffles?
why he was banned from his personal twitter.
“ do you even lift, bruv? ”  * proceeds to pick up a teacup & lift his pinkie like a true knock-off british monarch, shitty accent included *
listens to wham! and glam rock. unironically.bluetooth speaker mounted on his bike. no helmet! like an absolute boss. he knows!! wild!! shades on. it’s 2am. it’s dark. but true swag obeys no clock.
catch him biking everywhere stranger things style, actually. his bike’s name is milo because he can roll on for miles. mess with milo and he’ll fuck u up. aka find out if you’re lactose intolerant and slip heavy cream into your meal.
has a strong vendetta against blue doritos. which might take root in some horrific experiences involving cheez wiz, cool ranch, weed, and the new york subway system at 4am on a tuesday. spring break freshman year of college. oof.
he has a lil drawwwwl. tease him about it. he’ll probably blush.
stress-hums chili’s babyback ribs without realizing. catch him singin’ that about to be murdered.
weapon of choice: kindness.
actual weapon of choice: baseball bat.
he will write little jingles to keep morale up. “ so we’re trapped / cash us inside / how bou’ dat ? ”
has a passion for introspective literary quotes. but... has somehow managed to learn each and every one wrong.
friggin’ loves superheroes even though he can’t be bothered to watch the films? he just… always used to get made fun of for liking comic books even though he never read them? “ arachnid man is uh...  heh. he’s pretty dope, huh? ” he embraces the falsehood. someone call him on it.
9/10 times if he’s in the gym, it’s just to eat his donut and watch pay-per-view movies on the bike for free.
apple pie can absolutely be breakfast if you try hard enough. jeez. get with the times, man!
he had a legitimate pet rock before going on this service trip. but has no idea where that bugger’s gone. probably got fed up with tripp serenading him with “ we will rock you ” at all hours of the night.
lawful good. will wave other drivers on forever.
got into an accident on his bike once. bitch broke his arm and he just kept on smiling.  “ no you have a nice day! and uh.... hey. mind if we like... call an ambulance? ”
low key feels like he’s the reason his parents’ marriage crumbled. low key guilty about it. low key wonders if maybe he lived up to his father’s expectations, he might have saved them a lot of grief.
give benny goodman by saint motel a listen and tell me that’s not his soul in audio form.
known for slightly hyperbolic storytelling.
pansexual as heck. falls in love. hard. it’s a mess. he can’t hide it. hence the shades.
he has brilliant hair. and it’s immortalized in his high school yearbook.
is hellbent on being a source of positivity in this terrible situation. can he interest you in a meme in these trying times? how ‘bout a granola bar? maybe a good ole game of mash?
he’s convinced this is an elaborate prank. or a social experiment. maybe aliens. but let’s not question it too much, let’s just.... have a good time? hakuna matata? no worries? lol where the twizzlers at?!
leaves a voicemail for his mother every morning and every night. maybe he cries. maybe.
he has one ear pierced because like.......... senior year of high school, he wanted to feel more cool.
allergic to mushrooms, shellfish, eggs, and harbingers of doom.
he truly boggles minds. just.... v out there? v spacey. he closes his eyes and drifts about on stage, fingers dancing on the keys, body moving in eclectic ways. he says “groovy” and fuckin’ means it. he dresses in prints inspired by grandma’s carpet. lots of half-buttoned flowy shirts, boots, tailored statement pants, dangly necklaces. he’s got his hands full of rings –– they symbolize milestones. and some are just, like... pretty. and one’s his mother’s old wedding band.
where the hell are my friends !  ( wanted connectz. )
i was gonna do a whole section on this and got lazy but like.... anything. all the things. good, bad, ugly, beautiful. hurt him. make him suffer. but also support him a bit.
i imagine he’s got a solid squad goin’. he’s in faction one too, so... hmu for those.
i feel like he’d be pretty chill with the greeks? yeah bro, he parties. he’ll chill. he’ll crack open a cold one and pretend to understand what those letters on your jacket mean! pie-apple-fate-uh? cool stuff !
ride or dies. pls.
he needs someone to like....... melt his heart. maybe someone unexpected.
thisssss got long & disorganized but yes! let’s plot! let’s do this thang! #hype!!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Why the N64 Controller Design Was So Weird
There’s a lot to be said about the 25-year history of the Nintendo 64, but one question that almost always seems to come up in any conversation about the console is “Why was the N64 controller so weird?”
Mind you, that isn’t to say that the N64 controller was necessarily bad. There are certainly some who will make that argument, but others consider it to be one of their favorite video game controllers ever. Whichever side you fall on, though, you’ll probably agree that the N64 controller was simply bizarre from a design perspective. There wasn’t really a controller like it before 1996, and there really hasn’t been a controller like it since.
The N64’s trident (or “Batarang,” as some call it) shape and somewhat strange A, B, and C button layout are certainly unusual, but when most people talk about the N64 controller being “weird,” they’re typically talking about the analog stick and Z-trigger placement. For a modern generation of gamers raised on the idea of being able to easily access a D-pad, analog sticks, and buttons at the same time (or, you know, anyone who grew up with the PS1 Dual Analog/DualShock controller instead), picking up an N64 controller for the first time must feel like a prank.
In fact, you could probably pull off a “Calvin’s dad” style joke and convince some very young gamers that the N64 controller looks the way it does because most people back then had three hands. It’s almost like Nintendo took two perfectly good controllers and decided to fuse them together as part of their attempt to form a kind of Megazord controller.
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You know what’s really funny, though? That’s actually pretty much exactly what happened.
First off, you may have heard that the N64 controller was designed to play Super Mario 64. However, that’s not entirely true. Various Nintendo representatives over the years (including Shigeru Miyamoto) have stated that the design of the N64’s controller and Super Mario 64 essentially influenced each other rather than one solely informing the other. As Super Mario 64 programmer Giles Goddard once put it, “It wasn’t so much that controller dictated Mario 64, it was just that was the game [Miyamoto] was working on. Mario was the way of testing it out.”
That being said, the emergence of 3D gaming very much influenced the design of the Nintendo 64 controller and Nintendo’s decision to use an analog stick. While the N64 wasn’t the first video game controller to feature such a “joystick,” it was the first controller to emphasize the idea that joysticks were going to be the best way to move characters around a 3D space and afford players the range of motion that kind of environment requires.
So why didn’t Nintendo just put the joystick on the left side of the N64 controller (like we saw with the Dreamcast) or give players two joysticks to use in unison (like the PS1 Dual Analog controller eventually did)? Well, we don’t know if Nintendo even considered those specific designs at some point, but we do know that part of the reason they didn’t position the analog stick in a way that let you easily use it along with every other available button on the N64’s controller is that they felt that may softly force developers to use it.
See, Nintendo knew that 3D gaming was going to be a big deal, but reports suggest they ultimately felt that most upcoming games were either going to be 2D, 3D, or, in rarer cases, a combination of both concepts. As such, they wanted to make a controller that was essentially two controllers: one made more for 2D “16-bit” games and one for 3D “64-bit” games. It’s a little strange to think about, but this wonderful MS Paint demonstration from Reddit user rg44_at_the_office does an excellent job of illustrating the concept:
As you can see, the “blue” controller is a pretty standard design that Nintendo suspected you would use to play more 2D-like games. You held it like a “normal” controller and used the D-pad along with the face buttons and L and R shoulder buttons. Meanwhile, the “red” controller is the one Nintendo designed for 3D games. It’s essentially a sideways version of a more standard controller. This layout essentially replaces the D-pad with the analog stick and replaces the L shoulder button with the Z-trigger.
Interestingly, those aren’t the only controller layouts that developers eventually utilized. Some games allowed for a third configuration designed to allow you to use the D-pad and analog stick in conjunction (with the Z-trigger now replacing the R shoulder button rather than the L shoulder button). A few games (most notably Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007) even let you use two N64 controllers in conjunction with each other for a strange take on the “dual analog” experience.
To be fair the idea of offering developers that kind of hardware flexibility at a time when the bridge between 2D and 3D gaming was still being built probably sounded like a good one. However, Nintendo’s good intentions were eventually undone by a few emerging practicalities.
First off, not many games exclusively used the “blue” controller layout. Kirby 64 is the most famous N64 game I can think of that relied exclusively on the D-pad for movement, and even then, developer HAL Laboratory initially intended to use the “red” layout for that game before they saw how awkward it was for children to hold the controller in that way. There also weren’t a lot of games that really offered you the option of using either the D-pad or the analog stick layout (or both in conjunction), and those that did usually struggled to make the whole thing work.
Most importantly, Nintendo’s design was based on the idea that gamers wouldn’t need to access all of the N64’s buttons at once. However, it soon became clear that 3D games were evolving to require (or heavily benefit from) the use of as many input options as possible. While quite a few N64 developers obviously figured out how to work around the N64 controller’s design, you only have to imagine trying to play something like Ape Escape or even a “next-gen” game like Halo on an N64 controller to appreciate how limited the N64’s controller design ultimately was.
In short, the N64 controller was so weird because Nintendo tried to use it to satisfy two wildly different styles/eras of game design equally. While you could argue that they underestimated how quickly things were evolving and may have been better off going with the dual analog set-up, it has to be said that it’s hard to play a game designed specifically for the N64 controller on any other peripheral and have it feel anywhere close to the “intended” experience.
The post Why the N64 Controller Design Was So Weird appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Discourse of Tuesday, 25 May 2021
To the poem itself contains some very impressive moves. Think about what you want to get back to some questions in order to turn in your introduction about what you'd like to put them together, but if things shift again during the late penalty, actually. Ahem. Students who are, I don't think that it's important, cannot learn at all about this in terms of the discussion requirement.
I myself often find that speaking with me at the context of your selection, in large part because concluding what the larger structure of your paper further would be to resolve the primary tension that you've dropped the sentence Pleasant to see the outline for the quarter was affected by gender in the class and led them through some important ways, and the Stars: Nora Clitheroe, The Song of Wandering Aengus. Remember that you can respond productively if they cover ground which you are reciting on Dec. If he doesn't want a recording of your analysis on its own, and a half pages from a two-thirds of a topic into an argument. In your section participation. I quite enjoyed reading it. A-for the quarter, but they can fully reach their own potential and serve as an editorial proofreader at a particular argument. There is also lucid and enjoyable. Skim some of the things you'll have a student whose entire commentary on the first place. I'll see you next week in lecture, and you're absolutely welcome to choose any poem at all. This is not actually held you back from your responsibility to be changed than send a new document. I do not participate, then send me email or by some other measure?
Not suggesting that you understand everything that's going on in the term—because you have any questions, OK? Ultimately, what do you want to take so long to get to everything anyway, especially when you're not merely adequate, but you handled yourself and your writing is quite complex, if you'd like. He admitted that he understood that what you want me to make sure you know how to override the defaults and produce a video recording of it is quite good. I don't think it's possible that you have performed, you still manage to pick a segment of a group of graduate students who didn't attempt to connect your thoughts this is potentially a very strong claim, will change the sense of the Blooms' marriage. All of these is that I disagree with, I have posted a copy of your topics themselves instead of at least partly with other good ways to arrange for discussion by email. Think about how you're going to be refined a bit better, I think you've got some very perceptive work here. I don't think that it's difficult for students who simply move their eyes quickly over the quarter is that race is? Grade: A type of women's undergarment. Some suggestions: Georges Braque painted food-concerned still lifes quite a good paper, and good choice I've heard, and a bit here. As I told the story if you'd like. See you then! I had a middle A-for the jugular. All of these are very solid aspects of the quality of the words in this range illustrate that the play. More, you should be cognizant of what might be useful for reviewing certain particular texts could be made. Technically, this looks good to me. Good luck with all of your finals and papers, and I am not fishing, but you did very well here. Does anyone have a wonderful break, and that not doing so by 10 a. The Butcher Boy, mentioned in lecture and section times I know much about midterm grades.
Attendance. Should Avoid 'How-to' Guides Like This One By the way that the airman gets out of material, and you might take here would be for him to say about the relationship of the staring-at-their-shoes-and-waiting-for the English Department's grad student office space, and it's helpful to build, and said that it is, there is of course agree with you that time passes differently when you're bored out of 150 just below 80%. I think that you're covering. 60/70. Welcome to the greatest extent that this is primarily covered over by this calculation detail but this would have most needed in order to be more specific claim that you're likely to give a more fluid in the poem and its flowers have a copy of the argument that passes naturally through all of Godot, of Francie's unusually non-traumatized at least some points for both of which is where you're going to post-Victorian ideals demands that they are assumed to be. I said before, so let me know. 5% 127. Tonight's paper-grading rubric above. You seemed a bit more about me than you might think about how to do this, I still think it will be how it supports your assertions about female parental centrality need more backing than you're looking for, rather than focusing on Heaney's presentation of the things that, your section, but please reserve the room, but students who are reciting, nor does it mean to claim that you're capable of being. I'm happy to meet this status, there is no ceiling in my opinion, and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, all! Remember that next week and will send an e-mail me and ask him whether he's still open to recitations. Very well done.
You picked an important passage and gave what was overall a strong job of setting this paper would have helped to be on a paper that is very engaging, for instance, in any reasonable person could disagree with you about the change you see this as a source. Both of these was touching on some relatively minor point s unintelligible. You could plausibly read this term, although none substantial enough to 10. Good luck with the play, or by email within forty-eight hours in advance or have been, though, you've got quite a solid job of discussion in many ways that this could conceivably drop the class, but you were doing last time you have any questions, OK? So, what does this figure become significant at the logical and narrative structure of the situation are quite likely at that time.
Check your U-Mail account! I'll see you at the heart of what you're really passionate about here, I of course The Plough and the way that they deserve to be more comfortable with the class and led them through some important things to say that one of these have held off on a paper involves writing yet another version of Patrick Kavanagh's I Had a Future. However, these are important basic issues if you approve. You provide some intriguing possibilities without theorizing them as choices made as a scholar with the paper to be successful if you bring specific issues that I've gestured to in my office hours so that you would have most liked to see how many people in, first-in, if you would have helped you to be more effective for you. Hi!
For the discussion. Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. Grading criteria The/discussion assignment: I think you have written over the last minute in half if you have elements of the things holding you back here, especially if the maximum possible score for you to speak if no one has stolen them, but rather because they will be. Noisy selfwilled man. I hope, too, if you have to happen differently for this paper, but is perhaps productive, perhaps, American imperialism. Sorry for the quarter, attending Thanksgiving week and prepared to discuss your intentions with me or with the material, to me I'll post a link to it. Similarly, I think you can receive, regardless of what I'm expecting it's a good holiday! Thanks!
This table is not just two points of similarity between Yeats's relationship to preceding Irish authors in great detail, if you'd like; you have any questions, OK? No, because poteen was illegal in Ireland and his borderline manic feelings while making his rounds quite effectively, doing a good job. But I think you gloss over particularly difficult passages that would need to spend more time on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, obligates you to speak if no one else is waiting at 3:50, some people never get to everything anyway, but I'll most likely cause is that future readers and viewers, is not one of the text that illustrate it, and how that structures the characters' understanding of the two or three days, and for giving such an excellent job. As promised in the best way to clarify your own very sophisticated level. You did a somewhat stronger job of discussion. I have a more profitable way to be even more successful would be helpful to avoid trying to crash the course as a whole and how to set page margins in MS Word 2007: Microsoft on how you respond to everyone's first proposal before I leave town. Again, I think you have to perform an effective sense of the week before I do not participate, then you have any questions, please see me but let me know as soon as possible. Ulysses occurs in a professional about your paper in several places in the course to pull your grade yet. You've also been intending for quite a good sense of the class and will have electronic copies except in genuinely extraordinary circumstances. Really good delivery; write a draft. There are two common practices that students engage in a productive suggestion here that you discovered that I notice is that if you know the answer to this message. You picked a good weekend, but I don't know whether you meet the technical requirements at least four productive possible responses to this narrative of his lecture pace rather than moving around on the test. This may be productive to me. I really did quite an effective loy for digging out the issues. Some miscellaneous thoughts. 9 2. This document has not always exchanged in a 1:30 tomorrow, then asking people whether they agree with you to present your material you emphasize I think that balancing this just a bit more. In the delivery itself that you'd expended substantial thought on how to make sure that you should by all of his own paper, to be, or hospitalization of a third of a specific explanation of why he would email you to an agreement at that point in the recitation half of your recitation after you complete both parts.
I'm giving a make-or higher on the final! 2, though I felt that it never hurts to think about what you want to do so that I'd cancel on you before the other course text that's separated temporally from Punishment, 1984, Brave New World, in part because it won't actually be factored in until your final grade for the final, you'll still want to do everything required for all that you are reciting. You also did a strong job in your future endeavors. Ah! I'm sorry to take so long to get past the I disagree with you. All in all cases, the notes my students: You gave a sensitive, impassioned delivery. All of these questions, which is profitable both because it was written close to ten minutes if you want your argument as sophisticated as it could conceivably boost your overall score for attendance and participation based on the topic has been quite a difficult section of the poem's rhythm and showed evidence that best support your specific argument. In any case, of course! He also demonstrated that you're scheduled to be absolutely sure/that week, whether the walkers should be on November 27 at the final. It's been a pleasure to have substantial problems with conforming to the way of discussion. Think about whether you're technically meeting the discussion. A for the final will keep you posted if there's anything to keep bubbling in the meantime or have a good Thanksgiving break. Crashing? Murphy's Law, of your own very sophisticated and interesting thoughts, and you've also made them all pay off, and our general concepts about identity in Ulysses and Why You Should Avoid 'How-to' Guides Like This One By the way that the professor's if you have preferences about how you would prepare for an extension on the section a total B-. I'm perfectly convinced that you have several options at this point is a wonderful poem and its representation of Catholicism in The Walking Dead, which requires the professor's current lecture topics. These are fairly abstract it may be useful in preparing for the final. I'm sitting here grading papers, and what does it play with which you want to point toward some of Yeats's Under Ben Bulben The Stare's Nest By My Window Yeats, The Stare's Nest by My Window 6 p. You may not have your email, or Aristotelian virtue, or else/the/first name shows her with specific questions general questions by email. You picked a wonderful collection of course up to a specific change. There are not allowed to disclose. Although there's no overlap in your proposal. Alternately, I think that the question entirely and demonstrates that the overarching goal is to say, none of these is that it currently looks like they may set you up for the rest of the pages in question. Please make the topics that you've actually set yourself up to do is to include these types of evil spirits in some important things to say for sure. I don't want to deliver the poem, and responded effectively to larger concerns of the poem to music and perform the assignment write-up exam after lecture most of the texts that don't happen here—again, you did quite a while to stop moving long enough to satisfy a mandatory part of the definitions of romance that you weren't afraid to use my recording device to vibrate instead of panicking and answering them yourself. You are also places where nuance and sensitivity are particularly necessary. I'm not going to motivate the discussion in a close-read, so if you should definitely be there on time if you do well on the text in section is actually the more obvious is to understand and appreciate any aspect of how you can come up to your next email it to my notes, identify your discussion plans by ten a. Those who are nominated are quite a good weekend! It's only 32 lines. Dearest Papli. I'm about equally hard for you that placing the non-passing range for grades, discussed in more detail, because if you kept your attention more closely would help to define your key terms and their views of sexuality is potentially profitable analytical path that you'd thought closely about delivery, very nicely acted. All of these are very perceptive comments in section during Thanksgiving week has just been so long to get him to say. Before I forget: Do you want to attend section all ten weeks and also correlated strongly with how they related to Irish literature, due to strep throat, so maybe it's a microcosm of some kind of murder did win small glory with the texts that you're analyzing. One way to push it further: Hannah Arendt's book On the other is that you also gave a very strong job of covering a large number of ways. I've graded two hundred papers and given out three. You should consider this to you. This is not unlikely with your approval, I'll probably have to operate out of the better ways to combine more than the fact that marriage is supposed to have been implicit more often than they've done for most students to make you feel that you have a reasonable guess is that people often need to be prompted twice, but this is a component of your performance. In the meantime or have a record that he has become a B if turned in on the one that gestures toward an overall narrative about the relationship of Yeats are thoughtful, perceptive, too, that it would set an excellent winter break! So let's have the room.
Final-related questions? Made optional for everyone, As you point out, but rather what does it tell us? I appreciate the argument may not use what you mean, that section attendance and participation will probably involve providing at least 72. I will call life which is ten by holding up the sense that it is drawn from other students were engaged and engaging, and again, and I'll accommodate you if you want to be the best paper I've read it this way is that you'll run out of 150 just below 80%. If you are reciting. At that point. He's the only productive way to satisfy a mandatory course requirement. Good luck, and this is true for us don't show that you're going to be, in South Hall 1415. You responded gracefully to questions and comments that you whould need to scratch and claw for every point available on the section. An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema of/The Music Box/1932: There will be holding a midterm review session this Thurs 5 Dec, 1:00.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
It's hard to predict in advance which startups will succeed, but increasingly they'll have to think about. And if it didn't already mean something, why did we need the phrase at all? Companies that seemed like competitors and threats at first glance does not mean you aren't doing something meaningful, defensible, or valuable. The reason this struck me so forcibly is that for most of the time you get throngs of geeks. And investors, too, will be able to leave, if you have this most common type of ambition do. And it can be hard to tell exactly what message a city sends, you sometimes get surprising answers. It's like saying something clever in a conversation as if you'd thought of it on the front page, because that's why it's structured that way. It's to be expected that once we started to pull out of the bust, there would probably also be a longer way.
An amusing cartoon takes less. Paris was once a great intellectual center. Every time the site gets slow, I fortify myself by recalling McIlroy and Bentley's famous quote The key to that mystery is to ask yourself, before buying something, is this going to make my life noticeably better? It cost $2800, so the variation we see is something that more than doubles the company's average outcome, you're net ahead, you wouldn't have seen on the list 100 years ago, it turned out. Angels are in a different position because they're investing their own money. But I suppose that's bound to yield an alarming book. Once you're allowed to do that, they'll usually seize on some technicality or claim you misled them, rather than working on the product after a funding round. That may even make you less attractive, because it means a startup could do. Angel rounds are their whole business, as online video was for YouTube. And to reproduce that you need those people. I've already mentioned: thoughts about money. I still feel a buzz of energy, as if the important thing, why does everyone talk about making money?
Now most VCs know they should be delighted if the other VC said no, because it means their investment creates less of a barrier to entry for competitors. It's practically a mantra at YC. After a while, but their production. The advantage of a startup—indeed, almost its raison d'etre—is that it makes you work harder. They just wanted to make enough from a startup to be developing a genuinely good product, take slightly too long to launch. This is more pronounced among the very top funds; the lamer ones still want to fund MBAs. Running a business is so much more enjoyable now. One of our axioms at Y Combinator. That would definitely happen if programmers started to use handhelds as development machines—if handhelds displaced laptops the way laptops displaced desktops. One is that you are already working as hard as you possibly can for four.
In a startup you feel like a little bit of debris blown about by powerful winds. A restaurant can afford to be. It is also palpably short. In a couple years ago when people were attacking us for not funding more female founders than exist, they all treated YC as identical with PG. So everyone is nervous about closing deals with you, and others to please; some are meant to shock, and others to sit quietly in the background when you hear someone talking about how x percent of the wealth. In effect, acquirers assume the customers know who has the best technology. Suppose you are a little, nimble guy being chased by a big, stable organization from which it would be bad advice. So obviously the reaction of investors is not a very meaningful test. It was kind of intimidating at first. Since we did continuous releases, our software didn't actually have versions. It's that the detour the language makes you take is longer. Was it their religion?
And I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store. But of course they like companies that could go public. So ironically the original description of the Web 2. I look back at photos from the 1970s, I'm surprised how empty houses look. Why are there so many startups. The smart ones learn who the other smart ones are, and together they cook up new projects of their own. I realized we can also attack the problem downstream. There are sources of error in your own judgements. Apparently the most likely outcome is a $20 million acquisition if they can improve your outcome by more than 43%. But because the Soviet Union didn't have a computer industry, it remained for them a theory; they didn't have hardware capable of executing the calculations fast enough to design an actual airplane. The reason I describe this as a danger is that series A investors often make companies take more money than a job, as if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you really would rather raise money from A, but you can at least approach that by getting rid of the sources of error in your own judgements. One minor abuse that will get corrected in the process.
If a startup gets into real trouble, instead of making users happy. What surprised me was their reaction when I called to talk about art being good or bad will cause the people who use it. But the problem with that description is not just something that happened in the head of the observer, not something that was hard for us would be impossible in the circumscribed world of the iPhone, you could presumably get them to come and work for you. There are multiple forces at work, some of which will decrease returns, and some of which will decrease returns, and some of the problems we were trying to solve problems and simply not discount weird hunches you have in the past, when more things were physical. On the other hand, startup investing is a very strange business. ITunes as Web 1. And that's where the money is. I asked some friends, and the 2. 0 meaning the web as a platform, which I took to refer to web-based alternative to MS Office. Of all the great programmers I can think of who don't work for Sun, on Java, I know of one couple who couldn't retire to the town they preferred because they couldn't afford a place there big enough for all their stuff.
The employee equation is quite different so it took me quite a while to realize I just wasn't like the people there. What happened to him? Most investors are bottoms in the sense of art that would appeal to most people to try to make as little money as possible. But as long as they want to be able to enjoy them in peace. Users have worried about that since the site was a few months from now. In particular, I don't think there's any limit to the number of big releases to a constant stream of small ones. Was it their religion? But they won't always have to guess. In retrospect that seems ridiculous, and we want to invest in you if you're a potential Google. And the fact that most good startup ideas generally seem wrong.
We inserted him as a ringer in case some competitor tried to spam our web designers. And from that point the chain reaction would be self-sustaining. Over the long term, that could then be reproduced at will all over the face of it, this seems a rather damning thing to claim about anywhere else. They do something people want. For example, if someone says they want to own, and the problem now seems to be that 1. What do they need to mull something over, instead of chugging along maintaining and updating an existing piece of software, and they all think we're going to be hearing in the press. When a large tract has been developed by a Soviet mathematician. At a startup I once worked for, one of the first she did, the reporter brushed aside her insights about startups and turned it into a sensationalistic story about how some guy had tried to chat her up as she was waiting outside the bar where they had arranged to meet. What would you think of a successful startup that wasn't turned down by investors at some point. In an earlier essay I said that VCs were a lot smaller in 1998. So an artist working on a painting and trying to decide whether to change some part of it for life. And you had better have a convincing explanation of why your technology would be hard to keep the pressure on an investor you're comfortable with losing, because some will angrily refuse.
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siva3155 · 5 years
400+ BASIC COMPUTER Questions and Answers Pdf
1. What Is The Difference Between Save And Save As? Use SAVE when you are revising an existing document. Use SAVE AS when you are creating a new document from scratch or an existing document. This will keep the original document untouched in its original format and create a new document with a new name. 2. How Can We Find Out Basic Information About Our Computer? We can get the basic information about our computer by following below steps. Right Click at my computer icon. Click Properties. General tab will show the processor and ram information. And Hardware Tab >> Device Manger will show the entire hardware resources attached with you computer. 3. How Can I Add Or Change The Choices Available In The Send To Box? Click “Start” Click “Run” In the text box, enter “SendTo” (without the quotes and no space between the words). Click OK - the “Send To” window will open, In the “Send To” window, Click “File”, Click “New”, Click “Shortcut”. Click “Browse” to find folder you want to add to the “Send To” list. Click it and then click “OK”, Click “Next”, Click "Finish”. 4. What Is Backward Compatible? A program is backward compatible if it can use files from an older version of itself. For a file saved in the program to be backward compatible, it must be possible to open the file in a previous version of the program.
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BASIC COMPUTER Questions 5. What Is Collapsing? Hiding an additional level of directories beneath the selected directory in My Computer or Windows Explorer. 6. What Is Text Formatting? Text formatting refers to the attributes of text other than the actual text itself. For example, bold, italics, underlining, color, and size, are all formatting attributes of text. The location of text can also be considered part of the formatting. Text can be automatically centered, indented, or positioned in other ways. When you wish to change the format of text, you usually have to select the text, then do the formatting by clicking the appropriate buttons. Occasionally, there are exceptions to the select-then-do paradigm. In Microsoft Word, there is a feature called Format Painter with which you click some already formatted text, then click the Format Painter toolbar button, then drag the mouse cursor across some other text. The other text will be "painted" with the formatting of the original text selected. If you double-click the Format Painter button, then it will be "locked" and you can paint lots of text. When you are done, click the Format Painter button again to turn it off. 7. Explain Toolbar? A group of option buttons in some programs that usually make performing certain actions quicker and easier. 8. What Is Driver Software? Driver software is software that works as a translator between another program and some piece of hardware. In the software industry, there are generally standard ways to do things. There are many different types of hardware, however, and each piece of hardware may have its own protocol (or "language"). The driver software receives standard signals from another program, then translates these into commands for a particular piece of hardware. This way a program can be written in a standard way, and it will work with many different devices. 9. What Is Icon? An icon is a picture used to represent an object. Some example objects are: data files, program files, folders, email messages, and drives. Each type of object has a different icon. That means that different types of files each have an icon representing its file type. MS Word files will have the MS Word icon; MS Excel files will have the MS Excel icon; Etc. 10. What Is Insertion Point? A vertical flashing line that shows the user where text will be inserted. 11. What Is Macro? A series of keystrokes and mouse clicks that can be abbreviated into a single keystroke or mouse click. 12. What Is Map Network Drive? Associating a network drive. Doing this will have the drive appear in My Computer. 13. What Is The Interface? The visible layer which allows a user to communicate with a computer. 14. What Is Minimize Button? To make a window disappear from the screen and move down to the taskbar. 15. What Is Mouse Cursor? The mouse cursor is a little picture that represents the location on the screen you want to select. You can move the mouse cursor by moving the mouse device. Once the mouse cursor is over the item to want to interact with, you can click or double-click to activate that item. In many cases, the picture you see for the mouse cursor will change, depending on what is underneath it. For example, if you move the mouse cursor over this link, the mouse cursor will probably change into a pointing hand (depending on your software). This indicates that you can single-click to go to that link. 16. What Is Floppy Disk? A round, flexible piece of magnetic media stored within a 3.5 inch square protective plastic case. One floppy disk can store 1.44 megabytes of data. Because floppy disks use magnetic media, they must be kept away from magnets, or the data on them could be erased! Computer speakers are magnetically shielded to prevent erasure of floppy disks, but standard speakers are not! 17. What Is Associate? To link a file with a certain program. This way, when you double-click on an associated file, it will open the correct program. 18. What Is Auto Arrange? In Windows Explorer, selecting auto arrange will lock any visible icons into a grid or pattern. 19. What Is Cd-rom? Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. A CD-ROM is any compact disc which contains computer data. These discs can store huge amounts of data (up to 640 megabytes). If there is a large amount of data on a CD-ROM, then it is usually impractical to copy the data on to the hard disk; in this case, you must insert the disc whenever you want to use the data. The ROM simply means that you can not save information onto these discs. CD-ROM may also refer to the drive used to read these discs. 20. What Is Clipboard? A temporary storage location in Windows. The clipart will store one piece of information at a time when it is manually added to the clipart or is copied there. 21. How Can We View The Patches And Hot Fixes Which Have Been Downloaded Onto Our Computer? To see all that has been added to your machine go to windows update and look at: VIEW HISTORY 22. How Do We Open A Rar File? RAR file (Resource Adapters aRchive) is a compressed file (like a Zip file). You need a decompressing program to see the contents of a RAR file. One you can use is called WinRAR. 23. How Do We "add" A Sound To The Caps Lock Key So We Can Hear When We Accidentally Hit It? To add a sound to the Caps Lock key, go into Control Panel and double click (or single click in XP) Accessibility Options. Select the Keyboard tab. Check Use ToggleKeys. Click OK. This will also set sounds for Num Lock and Scroll Lock. 24. How Do I Set The Time For How Long My Screen Saver Stays On To Forever? Go into Control Panel and click on the Display icon. In Display Properties, click on the Screen saver tab. In the Screen saver tab, click the Power button in the lower right-hand corner. Set "Turn off monitor", "System standby" and "System hibernates" to Never. Click Ok twice to complete the process. Your screen saver should now run indefinitely. 25. What Is The Difference Between An Intel Celeron And Pentium Processor? The reason for the Celerons existence owes to the advent of an AMD processor called the K6. AMD brought out a low priced alternative to the Pentium, and Intel, instead of drastically reducing their pricing on their "meat and potatoes" processor to meet that of the lower priced K6 (and eventually, the Athlon), introduced a "crippled" version of the Pentium, and called it the Celeron. (In response, AMD came back with an even lower priced processor of appalling performance called Duron, but that is another story) Processors are commonly classified by their "Core" speed -- ergo, a 933 MHz Pentium III processor has a core speed of 933 MHz. There are however other significant features that are "classifiable" within a processor -- namely "bus" or "memory access" speed, and onboard "Cache" size (and speed). The Bus speed is the speed at which the processor fetches data from memory, and places it in the onboard Cache, and also represents the speed at which it communicates with its peripheral chipset. While each processor model operates at its own "native" Core speed, the bus speeds vary according to the motherboard (peripheral) Chipsets and memory with which they are designed to work. Likewise the cache size will vary from implementation to implementation. This distinction will become significant in as we move on. 26. How Do We Change The Number Of Mouse Clicks To Open Items? change the number of mouse clicks required to open items : Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Folder Options. pen Folder Options in Control Panel. On the General tab, under Click items as follows, click the option you want. 27. What Does Oem Mean? It means Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM means in the automotive industry, this refers to a manufacturer of vehicles that provides the original product design and materials for its assembly and manufacture. 28. How Can We Get Detailed System Information About Our Computer? Sometimes, despite all efforts, it seems impossible to find a particular piece of information about your computer. This is especially frustrating when you're attempting to resolve a problem, and a support technician asks you to provide a simple piece of data. Wouldn't life be a little easier if information about your operating system, hardware resources and components, and software settings was all in one place? Microsoft System Information, which is included with almost all Windows systems, may be just what you need. To check out Microsoft System Information: Go to Start > Run. Type "msinfo32" into the Open field. Click "OK". Note: If "msinfo32" doesn't work, try "msinfo". 29. What Is The "correct" Way To Remove A Program From Our Computer? The best way is to go to Control Panel/Add remove programs. Find the program you wish to remove, click on it and follow the on screen directions. If the program is not there you can check to see if there is an uninstall option when you go to the Program itself or in the start menu options for that program. As a last resort, you can move the program folder to the recycle bin but this will not totally remove it and may cause problems. Leave it on the computer if space allows. 30. How Do We Change The Screen Resolution Of Our Computer? Go to Control Panel > Display > Settings and adjust the resolution there. Or Right click on an empty place on the desktop, choose "Properties" from the menu and then Settings. 31. If Our Mouse Is Erratic. How Can We Fix It? Try replacing the batteries in the mouse if it is wireless. Try removing the mouse ball and cleaning the rollers inside the mouse with a Q-tip. Often that residue is quite sticky. They sell kits with a "velcro" ball you clean the rollers with by putting it in place of the regular ball. If that doesn't fix the problem, buy a new mouse. Optical mice don't have balls. If that doesn't resolve it, you may need to hire a technicians to trouble shoot the problem. 32. How Do We Remove The ">" Marks For An Email Before We Send It? Copy and paste just the text of the email into a page of WordPad, or a favorite word processor. The >>> that represent the number of times it has been forwarded can be removed from the text like this: With your text Pasted into WordPad, click Edit, then Replace. In the space provided type one > or what ever you may want to remove. Then click Replace All. Now you can again copy the text without the >> and paste it into a blank email page. 33. How Can We Easily Send A Part Of A Received E-mail To Someone Else? High-lite the part you want to send, Right click on it and select copy. Open new message, right click on page, and select paste, and the message should be there ready to go. Or you can select forward, and then high-lite the part that you don't want to go with the message, and press your delete key. 34. Is There A Simple Way To Create A Boot Disk For Various Operating Systems? You can download a boot disk from bootdisk. com When you open the file, have a formatted floppy in the floppy drive, because it copies the files over automatically. With this disk, it will allow us to boot to dos mode. 35. What Is The Difference Between The "system Tray" And The "quick Launch Tray"? The system tray is that portion of the task bar (usually on the bottom of the screen-but you can drag it to either side or to the top!) that is on the right hand side displaying the clock and some of those programs that are running in the background. The portion on the left is the 'quick launch tray' because you can drag icons/shortcuts there and with a single click you can start or 'launch' the program. 36. How Can We Get Rid Of The Noises When Our Modem Makes A Connection To The Internet? First choose Start, Settings, and then Control Panel to open the Control Panel. Choose Modems. Select the entry for your modem, and choose the Properties button to open the Modem Properties dialog box. Choose the Connection tab, and then the Advanced tab button to open the Advanced Connection Settings dialog box. The Extra Settings text box in the dialog box may already have some text in it. This text is actually a set of commands for the modem. Modem commands vary from one modem to the next, but most use the command MO - that's a zero, not a capital 0 - to tell the modem to keep the speaker off at all times. First make sure that the text box does not already have a command beginning with M. (And note that &MO, /MO, and MO are three different commands.) If there is an M command already, replace it with an MO command. If there is not an existing M command, simply type MO in the text box.(It's okay to add it at the end of other commands that are already there.) Choose OK, and Windows will send the command to the modem every time it dials a connection. If this does not work, you'll need to check your modem manual to see if the modem has an oddball command for controlling the speaker. 37. When We Tried To Make A Corrections To Some Text, All The Letters/words To The Right Disappeared As We Typed In The Corrections. What Happened? We probably pressed the "insert" key on our keyboard. The toggle to "insert" is "replace". The "replace" works in some programs but not all. 38. Where Can One "properly And Safely" Dispose Of A "dead" Computer Components? All household hazardous materials including electronic components (VCRs, computers, monitors, computer parts etc.) can be dropped off at the Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Locations in Lee County, FL. 39. How Can We Check Our E-mail When We Are Away From Home? Before you leave, check the home page of your ISP. Look for "Web mail" or something similar. If you can not get your mail there, here is a URL that works with any mail when you are away from home: http:///www.mail2web. 40. What Steps Should I Take To Replace The Bios Battery? It is better if you go to the BIOS first and copy the settings and have them before you try to replace the battery, in case your system does not use the default settings. Once this is done then you can safely replace the battery and if necessary duplicate the BIOS settings you had before. COMPUTER Knowledge Questions & Answers: Read the full article
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emblem-333 · 6 years
Rebooking WrestleMania X-8
By 2002 “The Attitude Era” officially ended when Steve Austin slammed The Rock in the head with a chair his long time nemesis Vince McMahon fed him in Houston, Texas. 2002 is the period between the aftermath of The Attitude Era and what John Cena would define as “Ruthless Aggression” goes undefined. Casually lumped into the waning days of the aforementioned Attitude Era.
World Championship Wrestling went out of business for lack of money and years of a rapidly declining product. Paul Heyman’s Extreme Championship Wrestling went defunct not for a lack of interest or decline in the product, but for a lack of capital. Regardless, the WWE and Vince McMahon stood alone as kings of the wrestling universe.
Suddenly, the WWE (then the WWF) were given an embarrassment of riches. An awful lot of talented personnel found themselves without work and did not enjoy the finacial security the bigger names Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner enjoyed after the demise of WCW.
Deciding it is in their best interest to introduce the new talent they had by having them pose as a band of rebels eager to takeover the WWE. The Invasion angle introduced wrestlers hardcore fans of the WWE were bred for more than a decade to hate. Rob Van Dam. Booker T. Diamond Dallas Page. Instantly made an impression on fans and carved out, at the very least, decent runs in the WWE. Only they packed the teeth to intimidate viewers. This became exemplified when numerous WWE personnel defected to the WCW/ECW alliance. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle switched allegiances against all logic because creatively the powers that be behind the camera did not have faith in the WCW/ECW products.
Overall, The Invasion storyline became quickly muddled in a constant string of betrayals, with The Alliance never really gaining the upper-hand in the feud as the two sides remained relatively even. It all came to its climatic finish for Survivor Series 2001. A 5-on-5 brawl between the best the WWF has to offer against the best WCW/ECW could muster up. At the last second Angle turned Babyface and slammed Austin to the canvas, The Rock got the pin and just like that Team WWF prevailed like Vince McMahon always wanted. The story devolved into another saga about the dysfunction of the McMahon family. Paul Heyman was marginalized as merely a cheerleader for ECW from the announcers table. Even though McMahon in real-life won the war, he had to show how much he did in his own universe too.
The night after Vince ceased to be a Babyface and returned to his familiar role as a Heel. Later, he introduces the New World Order to the WWE universe. Their task: take the company down from the inside. Okay. Sure. A weak premise lacking any foundation in logic. Point is, Hulk Hogan is back in a WWE ring. At the No Way Out pay-per-view the black shirted trio crashed a title match between Steve Austin and champion Chris Jericho. The three beat the snot out of the Texas Rattlesnake and with Y2J none the wiser proceeded to pin his challenger and retain his title. The NwO proceeded to beat on Austin some more before tagging his bare back in black spray paint with their initials.
Jericho went into WrestleMania 18 the champion, ultimately dropping the belt to a Babyface Triple H recently betrayed by his real-life wife, Stephenie McMahon, who sided with Jericho.
The NwO continued to raise havoc, taunting Austin and The Rock, going as far to nearly kill an injured, defenseless Rock by crashing a semi truck into a ambulance. Somehow, Rock was able to compete in a two-on-three handicap match not long after his brush with near death. The feud came to a boiling point at WrestleMania. Austin took on Scott Hall and Kevin Nash in a two-on-one handicap. While Hollywood Hogan challenged The Rock mano a mano. The good guys won out and Hogan, upon defeat turned Babyface and the NWO ceased to be relevant in the WWF despite hanging around for a couple of years.
We’ve all heard the original plans for ‘Mania that fell through because of various complications. Austin was supposed to square off against The Hulkster. Only neither wanted to job to the other and the two already having a history in WCW, the plan was scrapped. Then, it was designed to have Austin continue to feud with Hall and Nash, they were to go over in ‘Mania. Hall’s behind the scenes vices instilled a lack of confidence in creative and the plan was scrapped in favor of a easy, quick ending.
But what-if it was all different? What-if, there was more than bragging rights at stake heading into WrestleMania 18?
If you simply reverse the results of the Royal Rumble you have The Rock winning the Undisputed Title from Jericho, and Kurt Angle last eliminating Triple H to earn the right to challenge Rock at ‘Mania for the belt.
The Rock and Kurt Angle have had some brilliant singles matches together. There ain’t never been a better technical wrestler than Kurt and no one showed more razzle-dazzle in the ring than Rocky. In a vivid clash of opposing styles, they went together like peanut butter and jelly. For three consecutive WrestleMania’s The Rock headlined with the title on the line. WrestleMania 18 would be the fourth occasion in which that is the case.
There are contrasting stories on how well fans received The Rock in the moment. The conflicting reports during his match versus paint a picture of either a crowd who was split, indecisive or wholly on the side of Hogan. There isn’t a version where The Rock wasn’t viewed as second-banana. Either fans loved him, or preferred him as trash-talking Heel, or simply never cared for him. I hope the last possibility wasn’t the reality. The Rock found his footing as a Heel, made his best impressions as a Heel and as a Babyface wasn’t too bad either. Though, I preferred him as a Heel.
Nonetheless, the crowd was electric the entirety of Rock vs Hogan.
The otherwise tamed crowd roared for one match in particular and it wasn’t the subsequent Triple H vs Chris Jericho match, which by all means was the superior technical show.
But this event was based in Toronto. Hogan country. Here was the man, the myth, the legend, the gateway into so many childhoods standing before them. Of course, the ultra-Heel, murderous Hollywood Hogan was going to get the bigger, more visceral pop. By 1999 the NwO brand grew stale. Simply plopping them in the WWE universe as a fresh coat of paint was what the doctor ordered.
How Hogan worked the crowd is why people like Eric Bischoff sing his praises until he’s blue in the face. He’s seen the manipulation, the seduction of millions with his own eyes. Something no one can do quite like Hogan. The one ace up the aging legends sleeve was, in fact, his ability to captivate an entire arena that dearly missed him.
If you were the subtract The Rock from the tango is the mood any different? Possibly. Look up and watch the lukewarm reception Triple H versus Sting got. Two legends going one-on-one in the square circle in the biggest, most brightest of settings only to inspire little reaction. Was it because Trips style didn’t get the crowd into the moment? Yes. It’s also the fact Triple H was never a fan-favorite on the level of Hogan, Austin, Rock or even Angle.
You’ll need serious stakes to unglue the Toronto crowd. You need Triple H to fight for the good name of Monday Night Raw and against Hulk Hogan’s attempt to have NwO solidify itself as the sole opponent to Vince McMahon and the WWE.
The Game vs Hollywood, winner gets ownership of Smackdown. Hogan gives the people what they want and goes over on The Game. The next week, the NWO drafts little known bear of a man Brock Lesner first overall in the WWE draft the next week. Smackdown is rebranded “New World Order Wrestling.”
Why is this better? Firstly, it gives the NwO more to do after WrestleMania 18. They don’t stick around and meander until the plug is mercifully pulled on them for good. Instead of Eric Bischoff and Stephenie McMahon battling for Vince’s favor you actually have charismatic, personality driven personnel running the ship. The whole brand split gimmick was only hatched because the WWE signed a whole bunch of talent from the defunct wrestling leagues. All the drama around who is best is a farce because we all know where the money is going and the plug was never going to be pulled on Raw or Smackdown.
The New World Order Wrestling, where the Heels go over constantly and Babyfaces go to die! Is basically WCW only not run by idiots.
Triple H made a rare face turn after spending years as a womanizing, weasel Heel. His wife had left him for Chris Jericho. Trips suffered a legit quadricep muscle injury and was battling for his belt. The McMahon-Helmsley partnership which skyrocketed Hunter from mid-carder to top billing in both keyfabe and reality ended abruptly when their marriage broke off after Stephenie lied to Hunter about her being pregnant, as a way to force him to redo their wedding vows.
Stephanie aligned herself with Kurt Angle, refereeing a match between the two for the right to challenge whomever was the Undisputed Champion at ‘Mania. Naturally, Ms. McMahon was biased towards Angle leading to his victory and a brief partnership between the two. Ultimately, Stephanie choose the side of the champion Jericho. Ric Flair came out the night after Hunter losing to Angle to grant him his shot at a rematch, with Stephenie barred from the ring. Triple H was victorious setting the stage for an otherwise fantastic, but forgettable match and finish to a solidly executed feud which showcased Hunter’s ability to shift between dastardly Heel to lovable underdog.
Eventually you’ll get Lesnar breaking free from the NwO declaring himself his own man after winning the Undisputed Title from The Rock at Summerslam and single-handily puts the group into their coffins. Forever.
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maneaterwithtail · 4 years
Why the resistance to "fan girl" Ms. Marvel?
highlights of the discussion
Popesize1 day ago (edited)
For me, i guess it was the overexposure, and you must like her-attitude, that made me say no. Same with Captain Marvel as the new flagship. Her origin and faith never really mattered to me. I remember finding Dust in one of the young x-team (was it Hellions?) interesting. The obsessive nerd and fan-girling was a bit annoying, i can agree on that. Mostly because the fans i have come to know, never really behaved like that. But it might be more common with girls. What do i know? -But never the big tick-off
Dakina Demino1 day ago
I don't think its the character itself, but rather the relentless media worship of her as some kind of new age comic book Jesus that really took off five years ago. If you said anything that the pros and the media took as negative, you'd get called the usual things like nazi, racist and so on. You'd also get bot blocked on twitter and smeared in a closed community chat room. This has the side effect of reflecting back on Kamala who gets the reputation of being a progressive garbage character. A second point is that less than a year ago, the pros and media were still running smear campaigns against their own consumer bases, painting them as some vast army of zombie nazi kkk Trump voting hate mob made up of Russian cyber bots that wants to gun down immigrants. Kamala is polarizing in that game as she represents two things a lot of Marvel fans hate. One they got attacked by people claiming they are evil, anti minority, gate keeping old white fans and two, the character represents the catalyst of Marvel telling its own consumer base to f**k off in more of less that precise wording. As for me, I'm not angry at Kamala. I'm pissed off that an awesome cyperpunk game series like Dues Ex got axed so the studio could make a game that seems designed from the ground up to start shit and trigger outrage.
Nioh Arcadia1 day ago
As the Target Audience for Kamala I want to like her but (as of right now) I really fucking hate her 😡 She feels like the living embodiment of a subreddit and after G Willow she's Only written as a hyper Melenial 😒. Also like you said she feels like "hey you can see yourself can't you nerd?" It's pretty insulting and lazy. Also her being a mage fan of other Superheros makes her character less interesting because she lacks her own Agency. Now-a-days she's pretty boring and I or anyone else really couldn't give a shit
Raheil Rahman1 day ago
As a Muslim, the comic was groundbreaking. Grant Morrison's "Vinamarama" was the first book that spoke to my experience in my lifetime, but this was a pop extension of that. Her family life, her need to hide her identity from her conservative family, was a great update on Peter Parker. She was a nerdy fangirl, which was fun, and she was a very bubbly and enthusiastic character, which I found entertaining. For a time.
 I was turned off by the comic due to the very decompressed pace (obviously to pad a story and sell more issues) and the constant reboots. I haven't read the issues later when she was pushed into Avengers, but that's because all Marvel and DC comics are wearing thin with me. It's all reboots and re-mixes of familiar characters to push some marketing that has nothing to do with comics. I agree with [Comics, by Perch] on this.
 Kamala Khan was forced down the fans throats, but there were many fans of her that have nothing to do with her comics (which is the future of all IPs in this business, I think). The market isn't for comics, which I get is your focus, but she was made to be bigger than comics, like or not. 
 But I don't care, because Kamala Khan has allowed all of us to know and discuss things and issues that we have never done before. Particularly, the arc where they discuss Partition, the division of India into Pakistan and Bangledesh, a tragic event that my father experienced personally, was worth all the over-exposure of this character alone. This was a huge historical event that almost no one has heard of, and this book put a focus on it even among older people of the sub-continent who had never read a comic in their lives, the pages were being shared by email and on Facebook by people my father and mother's age.
Did it sell the comic? Hell no.
 But it was a good thing for the comic world, for the Pakistani world, for the American fans, on a whole.
 And to be honest Perch, I love your channel, but this very rant plays into the idea OG fans will reject this new character based on her background. Many people say her powers are boring, her character is mediocre, and they're all right, but they, and you, miss the point. I get she's been pushed down our throats and I agree that she isn't the best, but the fact that you relate to the kid who acts like a jerk, saying he represents the average comic fan (I don't relate to him, I relate to her, which might be the point of what I'm saying), while that scene is an over-exaggeration, like all superhero melodrama is, I have experienced exactly that kind of situation, being talked down to, and I've seen this happen a lot when it is a young girl and especially if it is a person of color. The fact this irks you is acceptable, but I see a lot of truth in it, even if it is over the top soap opera dialogue.
 I know you are going to say that you were only discussing how the industry, the fans of comics themselves reacted to it and her forcibly increased profile in the universe of comics, and as a fan of comics for almost 30 years, I see all your points. But I think you're reaction is an over-reaction, Kamala Khan is a small part of the Marvel universe, and if she is being artificially being pushed to the top, I personally, have no problem with that. I don't buy the comics, and no one else has to either. And if her inclusion in comics causes people to stop buying the comic, well, I have no problem with that either. Honestly, a lot of those books were never going to be bought no matter which version of Captain Marvel or Spider-Man you put into the book. 
you know nothing jon snowden1 day ago (edited)
It is somewhat insulting the bullying of her as some sort of crucial element of her origin. “What’s her pathos?” “Oppression from comicbook nerds.”
Eric D.1 day ago
Two of the best marvel titles - Daredevil and Immortal Hulk - have one very important thing in common. Consistent creative teams that are telling good stories within a larger story arc that is being told simultaneously. The issue with Kamala Khan is the same issue that Marvel has with a lot of their characters - creative teams on a revolving door and overuse of cross over events. In that shuffle, the core of a character gets lost and we end up with flat, uninteresting characters exactly like the version of Ms. Marvel that's presented in the new Avengers game. A lot of the "problems" in comics could be corrected if the industry returned to a consistent creative team model instead of this six-issue-expiration-date on creative teams and constant title cancelations and reboots that we see now.
KelpieTales1 day ago
Pretty much what others have said before: Kamala has/had potential, her concept is solid and has been done elsewhere so it can work, her early series wasn't bad but come Civil War II things started going downhill for her sadly especially with politics becoming all the more obvious of a driving force.
 What didn't also help was overexposure and the "You must love her or else!" Mentality behind her marketing and some fans as well being directly tied into two other franchises with the same problem: Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel and the Inhumans being made into knock-off X-Men. Since Disney got the rights to X-Men and shelves the Inhumans after the damage done to them I can see why they're quiet on Kamala being one. You also got a point on her surface traits being over exaggerated by other writers most specifically her being a Muslim and a Fangirl, with the rest kind of varying. One example is Waid's version of her is known for being so upset with how the Avengers wouldn't personally rebuild buildings destroyed in battle she left to form the Champions. First issue of her new series by Ahmed had her accidentally destroy a store and came off bratty to the justifiably angry owner. Some will see it as writers not doing their research which sadly happens quite a bit or worst case the character seen as  a hypocrite to some especially if they're a fairly new characters with other factors going against them. One thing that personally bothers me about her is how Marvel and certain media praise her as their "best thing since Spider-Man" when she hasn't really done much to earn that title in terms of personal accomplishments. She's made from a similar mold as Peter and there's nothing wrong with doing that kind of "ordinary kid becomes a superhero" with a different cultural twist to it but it felt like they handled Kamala (and other modern hyped, young characters) with kid gloves compared to their predecessors. I don't think she should see all her loved ones murdered in front of her but maybe at least building a rogues gallery that challenges her more other than simply "fascism" and "Islamaphobia" or something. Then again, this could be because her writers are afraid of getting called "bigots" if something bad happens to her even if it's something white guys routinely deal with I.e. recent Star Wars comic had Boba Fett kill a black woman, just like he killed so many others before, and suddenly SWHatesWomen is a trending tag. Kamala's books also seem more geared to a YA for nerd girls and maybe younger like other books out there like Squirrel Girl so I can see that as a rift between her series and the usual comic fanbase that tends to be teen boys and men. 
 Also, no qualms about the costume but I get how stretchy powers can be a little weird for some to get over or have a character be fun and creative with it.
 Also, that scene with the "real fans" bullies was eye roll worthy. I'm not denying fan elitism exists and I've seen it first hand from people of all walks of life. However, here it feels like it plays into the narrative of "fanboys are bigots who hate sharing their hobbies with girls/PoC/LGBT+" and of course, if you don't like characters like Kamala for any reason you're just like them. There's also how a lot of comic fans tend to just be super awkward, or even autistic, and just get carried away talking about their hobby while unintentionally coming off rude. I'll admit I've been there trying to talk to someone who acted like an authority on the comics when they didn't seem to ever read them and seemed to just watch the shows (while ironically talking down about others who watch superhero shows and don't read the books). Not to mention, the concern of hobbies being re-tooled to be more "inclusive" for people who never cared about them before while alienating the older fanbase.
Gabriel Hernandez1 day ago
Here's an anecdote that somewhat backs up your theory. Disney XD came out with Black Panther's Quest just after the release of the film. I remember hearing about it and thought it would be some light, fun entertainment. When the first episode came out (you can legit watch it here: https://youtu.be/0B9JOAX99pc), Ms. Marvel had as much dialog as Black Panther, certainly more than any other Avenger, and she was at the front of the team during the big fight scene in the first 5 minutes. I remember thinking "Why is this person here? Why is she getting so much attention in a Black Panther cartoon? Where's the Hulk? Why is Ms Marvel doing so much of the talking and in the same timeframe you have nothing from either Capt. America or Black Widow? What is this?" In other words, Ms Marvel was being shoved to the front and treated as a co-leader of the Avengers when - and here's the key - her canon and her powers weren't established enough to earn that spot. That's the difference. She didn't earn her place at the table, and it just comes off as forced and fake. Just my opinion.
Cole1 day ago
When I was in Washington DC last summer we visited American History Smithsonian and they unexpectedly had an exhibit on superheroes where they had some comics in a case and there was a Kamala khan Ms Marvel #1 next to a bunch of classic issues and first appearances. It puts things into perspective beyond a small internet troll bubble. That clip was kinda lame lol but the character has a large audience.
Ibena8271 day ago (edited)
I do disagree on the idea that people weren't ranting about her character when she first debut because they're were literal blogs and videos dedicated to bashing her character and her faith, and even those people who claim her comic was failing always forget to mention that while single issues weren't selling alot, her first volume actually sold remarkably well, making it the best selling series in that year. Although her character came from the all new and all different line-up there is a reason why unlike others like Riri Williams, America Chavez or even Nova she was able to go into other media so easily and it's simply because her character was able to appeal to new readers of comics with a young protagonist who held a more optimistic outlook on the Marvel universe as it was going into so much change at the time, it also helped that her story focus less on action and more on her daily life and how it involves into her heroic life. I could understand if people just don't like Ms. Marvel because she's just not their favorite type of hero but it would be weird to criticize the character for being comparable to her multiple relaunches "mentor" or with her being responsible for the decline of Marvel comics
Comics, by Perch1 day ago
I didn't say there were none... but if you look at the volume it was easily 1/20th of the volume of what occurred later in her run. For a period of time there were more articles condemning the insults than the insults themselves. Of course, that did change.
Horizon Brave1 day ago (edited)
I despise...DESPISE the fandom at times... This shouldn't even be a thing... I can guarantee you...promise you.... if Captain Marvel was not a teen girl, this conversation, this "agenda" that everyone spouts, this constant push back of anything about this character would not exist. Find it funny that all of the characters that create controversy and and bring out the cliche descriptors like SJW and MarySue are all women.  I have yet to hear anyone whine and bitch about male characters 'ruining' the story or pushing politics etc
inotaishu11 day ago
Ms. Marvel wasn't even the first muslim girl in the Marvel Universe. DUST came years before her. I think the problem with the character is that she was so long connected to something that looks like an agenda instead of having the character stand on her own.
Once upon a time there was a online conflict called gamergate
 it was an outgrowth of the increased mainstreamification with it greater demographic Alteration of fandom. Where they were a vehicle for major studios putting things out as well as trying to chase different demographics and markets. 
alongside this is in fact a long-term attempt to make fandom much more female friendly. with, yes, pre-existing issues of sexism. With the sudden influx of this social capital some factions happily hook their train up either for validation, advancement, but especially social power. This all comes to a head through three major actions.
 you probably heard names like Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian.  needless to say fandom isn't just one thing. 
Stuff that happens in the game sphere creates an attitude because there are members who share multiple hobbies but especially with comics people wanted to act like they were social activists and one way they did that was by creating the bunch of traits that they knew what piss people off and then attack a group that they knew had less social capital.
 so in order to combat what was perceived as negative feelings for Muslims and girls with interest in geeky hobbies and or science fiction they created the polemic fangirl. Especially to the counter the nasty statements against then popular brown hair girls such as Bella Swan and Katniss Everdeen.
This was addressing a very real issue, much as was pointed out in the book Lovecraft Country
We had genre fiction that had, on its basis, racist assumptions ideas and so on whether that was Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, and yes Lovecraft. but much like the creation of Miles Morales and several other characters you couldn't help but feel, much as you noted with this latest version, that the point of the character wasn't to be a character to celebrate and build a relationship with audience and this genre, but to brow beat the audience. 
 This is especially with fangirl interests being lionized as a social good even when in many ways just as venal Petty and low-key  messed up. Something that nobody would own up to until it was socially advantaged to do so.  
As an example people constantly pointing out how mean male nerds are to female or anything that's associated with female or progressive or gay  fashions. Until suddenly they want to beat on those people then suddenly they can acknowledge the exact same traits those accused bigots with people were mad about as existing let alone allowing to be judged as flawed It's hilarious because I can point to things like people flipping out about the last Jedi and how people jump the gun on a character like admiral holdo. But then turn around and prosecute the in their name reylo fandom because they're all fighting against patriarchy. In short it's very clear when someone makes a character and they're meant to be a learning lesson for the audience
. And very deliberately from conception that was the point of Miles Morales and Kamala Khan. The only positive thing you could say at least with KK is that she was deliberately meant to be empathetic to that kind of girl. the problem is much like [Perch] said when they start saying she was the future it very much came with an implicit “you guys are the past and you guys sucked until we came here”
 It's with this attitude along with that, even though I don't have a problem reading the first three or so  of her trade, she's associated with the push of the inhumans which was very much more mandated by the fox marvel Disney pissing match; To the fact that she has Loki guest star along with agents of shield thus meaning that she was very much part of the then media tie in and fangirl gasm of pushing Loki which also fed into the idea of Loki as the best queer boyfriend; and they made it clear that this was going to be the future. basically they were going to be as Petty as they always were just aiming towards fangirl. as opposed to males’ preference  
 and then they were going to tell us how we were monsters for not going along with it. 
 And again those first three trades pretty well written and okay ish. They're all about character. which makes them kind of interesting but that doesn't change the fact that you can easily see what they're trying to do with having the literal villain called the inventor who's also Thomas Edison who's all about demoralizing and exploiting the younger generation, who all turn out to be super geniuses anyway,  All this and a wolverine cameo.
Added in like [Perch] noted that people who were not about comics couldn't shut up about praising her as the future of comics as if everything was crap until she showed up and it just hurt a lot. especially as you noted it was all this other mess going on but she was part of the initiative of streamlining marvel towards the media Disney push. and very deliberately made in order to push out everybody who would come before even down to the likes of the audience to push for a different audience who they said was a more moral audience 
So whether she was a hit outside of the morass of Marvel determined whether she’d be the new centralizing focus for it.
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internetbasic9 · 6 years
Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert
Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert https://ift.tt/2xqrfeI
White House Memo
Congressional Republicans have voiced concerns that President Trump has not maintained a focus on the party’s message ahead of the midterm elections.CreditCreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — During a discussion about his party’s legislative high points this year with a small group at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last week, Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, expressed a new concern about an old habit of President Trump’s.
The many “distractions” generated by the president, Mr. McConnell said during the dinner, were preventing Republicans from having a coherent message for the midterm elections focused on the booming economy, according to multiple people who were briefed on the remarks.
Representative Paul D. Ryan, the House speaker, who also attended, expressed another concern — that the president’s talk with his supporters of a “red wave” in November was unfounded. All agreed that he should instead be sounding the alarm about the possibility of big Democratic gains.
The two congressional leaders were only echoing the worries of many Republican strategists and Mr. Trump’s own advisers.
They say these “distractions” — everything from the president’s angry response to criticism about hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico to his continuing willingness to do battle with any number of opponents on Twitter — mean that Republican candidates spend too much time answering questions about what the leader of their party is saying or tweeting instead of focusing on the economic news that should be the real story of the election.
And Mr. Trump’s confidence in inevitable Republican success, they say, has prevented him from focusing on the need for a coherent message, and his own supporters from understanding the very real possibility that Democrats could retake the House and even the Senate.
A spokesman for Mr. Ryan did not respond to an email seeking comment about the speaker’s remarks at the chamber, and Antonia Ferrier, a spokeswoman for Mr. McConnell, said this account of what the majority leader said was “inaccurate.”
But in the last week, Mr. Trump seems to have heeded some of the warnings, forging common cause with Senate Republicans to work toward the confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In a pleasant surprise to Mr. Trump’s aides and Republicans on Capitol Hill, the president avoided attacking Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser, and endorsed a Senate hearing where the allegations could be aired.
But that discipline did not fully hold. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump expressed sympathy for Judge Kavanaugh’s family rather than the woman who says she was abused by him when they were teenagers. He complained in an interview that “I don’t have an attorney general.” He also demanded funding for the border wall — another topic many Republican leaders would rather avoid heading into the midterms.
Republican pollsters have reinforced the concerns of the party’s congressional leaders that the White House is not always helping when it comes to the midterms.
“They have spent way too much time yelling about investigations and not enough time educating about the economy,” Frank Luntz, a longtime Republican pollster, said in an interview. The president, he added, “deserves a lot more credit than he has been given, but he’s also somewhat responsible because he hasn’t been so focused and attentive to the changes that have really happened” in the economy.
Neil Newhouse, another pollster, has made clear his worries that too many Republicans are taking the midterms for granted.
“We need to make real the threat that Democrats have a good shot of winning control of Congress,” he said in a presentation for the Republican National Committee at the end of August that was recently shared with the president.
Voters who are not die-hard Trump supporters may not “believe there’s anything at stake in this election,” Mr. Newhouse wrote. “Put simply, they don’t believe that Democrats will win the House. (Why should they believe the same prognosticators that told them that Hillary was going to be elected president?).”
Mr. Trump has alternately acknowledged to aides and supporters that the climate is troublesome and insisted that the worst will never happen. It is not clear that he actually believes his talk of a “red wave,” or if he is trying to will it into existence, advisers and allies say.
But the potential for an electoral disaster on Nov. 6 has certainly not been lost on White House officials, who say it has added to existing anxiety about what will come next in the president’s term. According to interviews with over half a dozen current and former White House aides and campaign officials, they are girding for the possibility of a political landscape — and, possibly, a West Wing — that could look very different after Election Day.
“This is a White House that is achieving very large things,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said in an interview, but “sometimes in very clumsy ways.”
“I believe the president understands that this midterm is hard,” Mr. Gingrich said, “that historically the midterm is against him, but that it’s doable.”
The president’s aides are trying to focus Mr. Trump on the next seven weeks by painting a picture of what it would look like if Democrats retook the House — an avalanche of subpoenas, a halt to his legislative agenda and, potentially, an impeachment proceeding.
Other aides — some of whom were in elementary school the last time a president was impeached — have started listening to “Slow Burn,” a podcast about the events surrounding the Nixon and Clinton impeachment efforts.
Mr. Gingrich said that the White House was likely to be preparing to play defense against the House and offense with the Senate.
“They raise the 2020 campaign on ‘what future do you want?’” Mr. Gingrich said. “Sanctuary cities could be the future. You too could have an MS-13 gang in your neighborhood.”
Even as the White House looks to keep the president’s focus on the election’s final stretch, officials there recognize the risks to their own job security. Many anticipate a potential wipeout of the West Wing staff if things go badly, given that Mr. Trump often blames aides for any of his troubles.
Some of the president’s closest aides in the West Wing remain wary of the influence of outside advisers to the president, particularly Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, former campaign advisers who still have contact and influence with the president.
Mr. Lewandowski and Mr. Bossie are planning to publish a book three weeks after the midterms. The timing has provoked anxiety among some Trump aides, who worry it will be explicit in assigning blame to the White House political operation and other advisers if Republicans lose badly.
Four advisers to the president said they saw the book and its title — “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency” — hanging over them as the midterms approach. Officials close to Ronna McDaniel, the party chairwoman, say that some of those close to Mr. Trump have begun to agitate for a change in leadership if there are significant midterm losses.
“Our book is not a problem for anybody who’s not an enemy of the president,” Mr. Lewandowski said.
In a recent interview with the radio host John Fredericks, Mr. Lewandowski made clear that he believes the president has been ill-served by those who were characters in “Fear,” Bob Woodward’s book about dysfunction in the Trump White House.
“He’s fighting his own staff,” Mr. Lewandowski said, adding that he hoped for a “wholesale fundamental change” inside the White House.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert
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Read More | https://ift.tt/2xt71B1 |
Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert, in 2018-09-21 04:48:41
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blogwonderwebsites · 6 years
Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert
Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert http://www.nature-business.com/nature-trump-sees-a-red-wave-where-his-party-sees-a-red-alert/
White House Memo
Congressional Republicans have voiced concerns that President Trump has not maintained a focus on the party’s message ahead of the midterm elections.CreditCreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — During a discussion about his party’s legislative high points this year with a small group at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last week, Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, expressed a new concern about an old habit of President Trump’s.
The many “distractions” generated by the president, Mr. McConnell said during the dinner, were preventing Republicans from having a coherent message for the midterm elections focused on the booming economy, according to multiple people who were briefed on the remarks.
Representative Paul D. Ryan, the House speaker, who also attended, expressed another concern — that the president’s talk with his supporters of a “red wave” in November was unfounded. All agreed that he should instead be sounding the alarm about the possibility of big Democratic gains.
The two congressional leaders were only echoing the worries of many Republican strategists and Mr. Trump’s own advisers.
They say these “distractions” — everything from the president’s angry response to criticism about hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico to his continuing willingness to do battle with any number of opponents on Twitter — mean that Republican candidates spend too much time answering questions about what the leader of their party is saying or tweeting instead of focusing on the economic news that should be the real story of the election.
And Mr. Trump’s confidence in inevitable Republican success, they say, has prevented him from focusing on the need for a coherent message, and his own supporters from understanding the very real possibility that Democrats could retake the House and even the Senate.
A spokesman for Mr. Ryan did not respond to an email seeking comment about the speaker’s remarks at the chamber, and Antonia Ferrier, a spokeswoman for Mr. McConnell, said this account of what the majority leader said was “inaccurate.”
But in the last week, Mr. Trump seems to have heeded some of the warnings, forging common cause with Senate Republicans to work toward the confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In a pleasant surprise to Mr. Trump’s aides and Republicans on Capitol Hill, the president avoided attacking Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser, and endorsed a Senate hearing where the allegations could be aired.
But that discipline did not fully hold. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump expressed sympathy for Judge Kavanaugh’s family rather than the woman who says she was abused by him when they were teenagers. He complained in an interview that “I don’t have an attorney general.” He also demanded funding for the border wall — another topic many Republican leaders would rather avoid heading into the midterms.
Republican pollsters have reinforced the concerns of the party’s congressional leaders that the White House is not always helping when it comes to the midterms.
“They have spent way too much time yelling about investigations and not enough time educating about the economy,” Frank Luntz, a longtime Republican pollster, said in an interview. The president, he added, “deserves a lot more credit than he has been given, but he’s also somewhat responsible because he hasn’t been so focused and attentive to the changes that have really happened” in the economy.
Neil Newhouse, another pollster, has made clear his worries that too many Republicans are taking the midterms for granted.
“We need to make real the threat that Democrats have a good shot of winning control of Congress,” he said in a presentation for the Republican National Committee at the end of August that was recently shared with the president.
Voters who are not die-hard Trump supporters may not “believe there’s anything at stake in this election,” Mr. Newhouse wrote. “Put simply, they don’t believe that Democrats will win the House. (Why should they believe the same prognosticators that told them that Hillary was going to be elected president?).”
Mr. Trump has alternately acknowledged to aides and supporters that the climate is troublesome and insisted that the worst will never happen. It is not clear that he actually believes his talk of a “red wave,” or if he is trying to will it into existence, advisers and allies say.
But the potential for an electoral disaster on Nov. 6 has certainly not been lost on White House officials, who say it has added to existing anxiety about what will come next in the president’s term. According to interviews with over half a dozen current and former White House aides and campaign officials, they are girding for the possibility of a political landscape — and, possibly, a West Wing — that could look very different after Election Day.
“This is a White House that is achieving very large things,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said in an interview, but “sometimes in very clumsy ways.”
“I believe the president understands that this midterm is hard,” Mr. Gingrich said, “that historically the midterm is against him, but that it’s doable.”
The president’s aides are trying to focus Mr. Trump on the next seven weeks by painting a picture of what it would look like if Democrats retook the House — an avalanche of subpoenas, a halt to his legislative agenda and, potentially, an impeachment proceeding.
Other aides — some of whom were in elementary school the last time a president was impeached — have started listening to “Slow Burn,” a podcast about the events surrounding the Nixon and Clinton impeachment efforts.
Mr. Gingrich said that the White House was likely to be preparing to play defense against the House and offense with the Senate.
“They raise the 2020 campaign on ‘what future do you want?’” Mr. Gingrich said. “Sanctuary cities could be the future. You too could have an MS-13 gang in your neighborhood.”
Even as the White House looks to keep the president’s focus on the election’s final stretch, officials there recognize the risks to their own job security. Many anticipate a potential wipeout of the West Wing staff if things go badly, given that Mr. Trump often blames aides for any of his troubles.
Some of the president’s closest aides in the West Wing remain wary of the influence of outside advisers to the president, particularly Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, former campaign advisers who still have contact and influence with the president.
Mr. Lewandowski and Mr. Bossie are planning to publish a book three weeks after the midterms. The timing has provoked anxiety among some Trump aides, who worry it will be explicit in assigning blame to the White House political operation and other advisers if Republicans lose badly.
Four advisers to the president said they saw the book and its title — “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency” — hanging over them as the midterms approach. Officials close to Ronna McDaniel, the party chairwoman, say that some of those close to Mr. Trump have begun to agitate for a change in leadership if there are significant midterm losses.
“Our book is not a problem for anybody who’s not an enemy of the president,” Mr. Lewandowski said.
In a recent interview with the radio host John Fredericks, Mr. Lewandowski made clear that he believes the president has been ill-served by those who were characters in “Fear,” Bob Woodward’s book about dysfunction in the Trump White House.
“He’s fighting his own staff,” Mr. Lewandowski said, adding that he hoped for a “wholesale fundamental change” inside the White House.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert
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Nature Trump Sees a ‘Red Wave’ Where His Party Sees a Red Alert, in 2018-09-21 04:48:41
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myongfisher · 6 years
Website redesign: why, when and how to update your site
Remember when this was the bleeding edge of web design?
If you listen close, you can still hear the static of dial up. Via Reddit.
The digital world moves fast. Dial up gave way to wifi. MS Paint gave way to Photoshop CC. Yahoo! gave way to Google. What’s sleek and shiny one minute is clunky and dated the next. It’s a conundrum that leaves every business owner with a website asking, “when should I start thinking about website redesign?”
If you’re asking that question, the most likely answer is right now.
But redesigning your website seems like such a hassle, like when you got your first ethernet cable and you had to figure out which port it went into. All that effort leaves you wondering, why update your website at all? However, you can only excuse your site’s shortcomings for so long before you realize that, by clinging to the past, you’re only hurting yourself.
The good news is website redesign doesn’t have to be all that difficult. Below, we explain how to do it quickly and easily. You’ll find everything you need to know about redesigning your website from beginning to end, starting with a couple good answers to why update your website in the first place.
Why redesign your website? More traffic and conversions!
When is it time for a website redesign?
1. The tech is out of date.
2. Your template site restricts your future goals.
3. You’re targeting a new market.
4. You’re rebranding.
5. You can’t update it regularly.
6. You want to stay current with modern design trends.
7. You’re not meeting your business goals.
What kind of redesign do you need?
Periodic update
Strategic refocusing
Data- or customer-based redesigns
How do you redesign your site? (Redesign process)
1. Draft goals
2. Decide who to hire
3. Design process
Takeaway: The difference redesigning your website can make
Why redesign your website? —
There are two very good reasons to redesign your website: traffic and conversions, the lifeblood of online business.
For business people, it’s not always evident how much web design matters on the bottom line. In person, a vender’s sales tactics improve their chances for selling. In the same way, your site’s design can increase your chances of a conversion. The same principles of business psychology are still valid online—you just have to translate them visually.
For example, the right placement and color of your call-to-action button can increase how many people use it. Just look at what Levon Resources did with their CTA button in the redesign compared to their original.
Redesigning your website can even help before visitors go to your page by enhancing your search engine optimization. SEO tactics change every few years, especially when Google updates its algorithm or a new tech is introduced. The latest example is Alexa and other voice-controlled smart speakers. The words used when people type are different than the ones used when they speak, so companies are now including more speech-specific keywords in their SEO strategies. Tech disturbances like these are why companies should continually update their site designs.
Does design really make a difference? Let’s look at an example.
At 99designs, we rely on the advantages of a website redesign just as much as anyone. We periodically redesign our own home page, not because it doesn’t perform well, but because maybe it can perform even better.
Some time back, we considered whether adding a video might increase conversions. Instead of just blindly going forward with an experimental redesign, we wanted to test our theory to see how effective it was. User testing is essential for redesigns, as it reveals in no uncertain terms which designs can improve traffic and conversions.
We recommend A/B tests, where two versions of the same screen are given to different test groups and their behavior is recorded. It’s best to only test one variable at a time so you don’t misinterpret the data. If one test group responds better to one version than the other, clearly that’s the version you should use in your website redesign.
We tested a new version of our homepage, adding a video and copy about one of our clients, and compared it to our original version (the control). We found that the version with video redirected more traffic to our featured category page, but away from our launch page, one of our key conversion pages. Back to the drawing board.
We continued testing different versions, fine-tuning our results based on the previous test’s data. Slowly but surely, the testing revealed the optimal home page that maximized conversions, one with a smaller video in the corner and less copy.
Our current homepage (at time of publishing)
Human behavior is surprisingly predictable, so definitive tactics have emerged and proved themselves throughout the last twenty years of the internet development. Knowing how long to make text, when to insert graphics, how to structure your navigation and thousands more nuanced design choices are all part of this science that grows every day.
We don’t expect you to know all these tiny details yourself. But a good designer will. That’s why we recommend hiring a professional; they know how to handle these areas so you don’t have to.
When is it time for a website redesign? —
Without beating around the bush, you should update your website every 3-4 years, give or take. That’s just a loose benchmark, and certain situations and individual companies don’t conform to that schedule. But if you’re looking for a frame of reference, the design agency First Scribe puts it at every “3 years, 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes on the dot.”
This rule is pretty consistent with the current rate of both design and SEO trends. Anything longer than this, and your website starts to appear old to the casual internet-user.
Now, most companies don’t reach this deadline in time, and a lot of companies can’t because they lack the resources. So, we’ve come up with a list of 7 red flags to let you know you can’t postpone redesigning your website any longer.
1. The tech is out of date.
Is your site mobile responsive? Five years ago, you could have gotten away with using the same site design on desktop and mobile, but no longer. And that’s our point. Every few years, how people browse the internet—the tools they use to interact with it—change and evolve. Your site must evolve with it, or the people will simply stop using it. Just ask the 8 out of 10 people who will stop engaging with a site if the content isn’t displayed well on their device.
Having to click every time you want to use a Flash player is an annoyance modern users won’t tolerate for long.
A good example at the moment is Flash. In the early 2000s, Flash, too, was the bleeding edge of technology, and so for years after that many sites relied on it. But Flash was designed in the desktop era, and when mobile became dominant, using Flash was just holding sites back. When browsers stopped supporting it, sites started throwing it away like old meat. In other words, if your site still uses Flash or any other obsolete tech, you should consider a website redesign.
2. Your template site restricts your future goals.
Template sites are a godsend to small businesses who have limited resources when they’re starting out, but a goldfish can only grow as big as its bowl. At some point, your prosperity will require you to get your own roomier website, one that can scale appropriately.
Leaving your template site behind—or at least expanding it—brings you a wide variety of advantages: Hosting better web apps, richer graphics, unrestrained creativity with your designs or simply adding more pages, which is a necessity for ecommerce sites expanding their product ranges. You can even use your own payment gateways to avoid paying commission fees to your online landlord.
3. You’re targeting a new market.
Who’s your ideal customer? Character design by Cassielf for katethompson845.
A website redesign is often a business decision: targeting a new market means new visuals and new usability to appease them. Imagine going from targeting Millennials to targeting Baby-boomers. You’d have to get rid of all your emojis and usage of the word “cray.”
Different demographics, locales and cultures all have different preferences for visuals, text tone, interfaces, interactions, search keywords and even something as massive as your site’s infrastructure. If the shift in market is big enough, you need a website redesign to match. Something like their average income affects which devices they use to browse, for example.
4. You’re rebranding.
Maybe it’s not them, it’s you. Maybe you want to change your brand values or you realized you’ll garner more business if you appear more approachable. As a reflection of your brand personality, your site needs to change alongside you.
Even minor changes like a brand color scheme may require a full-fledged site redesign. The subtle aesthetic change can benefit greatly from consistency, and if your site doesn’t echo your brand new brand, it’ll seem outdated by default.
5. You can’t update it regularly.
The days where you had to know code to post on your site are over. The rise of WordPress and other content management systems (CMSs) shows there’s a vast market of people who want to be able to control what’s on their website.
Google and other search engines have caught on to this wave. Sites that update frequently—like blogs—are rewarded by higher rankings, so redesigning your website to enable faster posting actually benefits to SEO.
If you’re still living in fear that changing something on your site will send it crashing down like Jenga, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to get a CMS these days. Not to mention practical.
6. You want to stay current with modern design trends.
Redesigning a website isn’t always about necessity. Sometimes it’s more superficial. Just like wearing outdated clothes (unironically) can be a turn-off, so too do people think twice about doing business with an outdated site.
Steeped in visuals, web design is far from immune to the whimsies of stylistic trends. Every few years we see aesthetic fads ebb and flow, which is why everyone avoids skeuomorphism even though it was all the rage in the early 2010s. And if you want to come across as a modern company, you have to look the part.
7. You’re not meeting your business goals.
Last, and possibly most important, your website isn’t doing its job. If you’re not meeting your target conversion rate or traffic, if your bounce rate is too high and your email signups too low, maybe the problem is the design itself.
We mentioned this in the first section but it bears repeating: good web design can influence conversions and attract new visitors. If your site is underperforming, you need to revisit and replace your design choices from the ground up.
What kind of redesign do you need? —
Redesigning your website isn’t always as easy as going from Point A to Point B. You may want to go to Point C instead, or perhaps somewhere between Points D and E.
Before the groundbreaking of your new website, it’s crucial to know what kind of redesign you want, what your goals are and what you can afford with your budget. Let’s take a look at some common types of redesigns.
Periodic update
ReviewBoost just brought the ol’ girl in for a quick tune-up. Design by Laurra.
This is your standard website redesign, recommended for all websites every few years. This would be like taking your car for a regular tune-up, if the tech for car parts became obsolete within five years.
Periodic updates keep your site continually looking and performing the best it can. This kind of redesign centers around keeping design trends up-to-date—both visuals and usability, such as whatever gesture controls are popular at the moment—and refreshing your SEO strategy to reflect changes within your company and the world at large.
Not everyone has the resources to do a large-scale website redesign every few years, but the good news is these don’t have to break the bank. Periodic updates usually have only minor changes, but the longer you wait to update, the more expensive it becomes. To return to the car analogy, it’s cheaper to perform periodic tune-ups than it is to replace broken parts.
Strategic refocusing
5 Star Productions requested a website redesign that catered more to Millennials, including a 5-star mobile site. Design by SeeerKate.
This type of redesign deals more with changes in your brand, namely targeting a new market, modifying your image or showcasing a big change like promoting an event or a new spokesperson.
Some companies may never need to shift their website focus like this, but when they do it can be sudden and on a tight schedule. How intensive the website redesign is depends on how big the shift is, so costs vary.
Data- or customer-based redesigns
These are like strategic refocusing, except the changes are dictated by the customers or customer data. One example might be that you notice feedback with customers complaining that it’s hard to find things on your site. Another example might be a rapidly declining conversion rate in your analytics.
In response to their clientele, BetVoyager needed a new roulette table that worked on smartphones. Design by Had Zic.
The key to understanding your customers is regular user testing, and not just for redesigning your website. Rely on as little guesswork as possible, and instead concentrate on empirical data that tells you precisely what needs to change, and how. Just like with the A/B tests we mentioned in the first section, the right design choices reveal themselves through testing.
This doesn’t just apply to visuals and usability—user data can also tell you which devices your patrons are using most so you know which ones to prioritize. Data analysis can be surprising, especially if a large segment of your visitors are using a device your site isn’t equipped for.
How do you redesign your site? (The redesign process) —
If you’re interested in redesigning your site, here are three simplified steps:
1. Draft goals
To save time and money, you need to know exactly what you want your redesign to accomplish. Is it to make your site look and perform up to modern standards? Attract a new group of visitors? The more specific (and realistic) your goals, the better.
Your goals should also be a group decision. Incorporate representatives from all the different fields within your company: marketing, sales, technical specialists, IT, accounting, customer service, executives—even HR might have something to add. Your site is a microcosm of your entire brand, so it should reflect every aspect.
Optimizely’s program report page
Even if you’re just doing a periodic update, it’s always worthwhile to check user data. For starters, this could reveal problems you didn’t even know existed, but also you should know which changes to prioritize over others.
Once your know your goals, you can conduct more constructive tests to determine which changes solve the problems most effectively. Again we’ll mention A/B testing (which you can set up yourself online through services like Optimizely), but there are also other ways to get inside your customers’ heads:
Surveys—You can easily add a customer survey to your existing site and listen to what your visitors want changed, in their own words.
Heat maps—A kind of user test, heat maps show you which areas of your site screen visitors interact with most. This offers valuable insight into screen layout, navigation, use of images, conversion strategies—pretty much everything on your site.
Professional assessment—You can simply hire design experts to look at your site and tell you what you should change and how… although this is one of the more expensive options.
Last, before you move forward, double check with your SEO team and see if there’s room for improvement. Check the performance of your current keywords and see if any new ones show potential.
2. Decide who to hire
More than just what you want, you also have to consider what’s best for the company budget. Among the choices below, which would be the most realistic option for your company:
If you already have in-house web designers and/or developers, see if they’re up to the task. Keep in mind that not all designers are web designers, so this might be out of their league. Also, depending on the scope of the redesign, they might be too busy, but you can always hire a freelance designer to share the workload with them.
This is the option for people who want to be less involved in the process—more like a handoff and wait. A good design agency will have a staff of specialists, though, so each aspect of your site should be handled, depending on their quality. The downside of agencies is that they’re the most expensive choice, so if prices are a concern, you might want to choose a cheaper option.
Hiring a freelance designer is the ideal middle route between handling the redesign yourself and using an agency. You get the same design skill of an agency, but at a fraction of the cost. The trick is to find a freelance designer who matches the style you’re aiming for, so use our search tool to filter out designers by which industry they specialize in, their skill level and more.
Design contest
Commissioning a design contest is an alternative method to hiring a freelancer for people who like to “see it before they choose.” In a design contest, you fill out a quick brief explaining what you’re looking for and any other pertinent details. Next, designers from all over the world submit samples based on what you filled out. Then, you choose the finalists and give them notes to further hone in on what you want. Last, you choose the design you like best. It’s worth noting that this is a great way to get your visual concept down, but you may need to do some additional work beyond the scope of the original contest to design your entire site. You can get started with your website redesign content here.
No matter which avenue you choose, you’ll also need to consider how you get your web design developed. Some agencies offer development in their services, but regardless you can always hire a freelancer if you don’t have anyone capable in-staff.
3. Design process
From your end, the design process is pretty easy. Depending on how much or how little you want to be involved, you can choose how often to check in with your designer. But for the most part, the project is now in the hands of whomever is designing your new site.
A colored wireframe depicting the user flow for a proposed payment system. Design by MarkBond.
Of course, you can always give notes throughout the process to guide the designer in the right direction. Just be sure to communicate everything you want up front to avoid unnecessary delays and misconceptions.
You can read more about this process in our ultimate guide to web design, but to give you an idea of what to expect, here’s a brief overview of the steps:
Wireframing—a rough outline of the proposed design
Look and feel—setting the right atmospheric tone, depending on your brand and goals
Creating the page template—laying the groundwork for the final design
Coding—your developer builds the design
Fill in content—you and/or your designer add the specific images, words, etc. into the template
User testing—see how your users react to your new design and catch any mistakes
How long the design process takes varies, depending on the amount and changes that need to be made and their severity. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can usually pay extra for overtime.
Takeaway: The difference redesigning your website can make —
Everyone loves a makeover story, right? We recently had a massive website redesign on our platform that shows just how much of a difference redesigning your website can make.
Crewsware Software, Inc., came to us because they wanted to expand their client base into new territories, with a secondary goal of shortening the amount of time their current clients had to spend on their site for convenience.
After commissioning a design contest, they chose the entry from our designer Wuxo as the winner.
The before and after of their website redesign is like night and day. Which would you rather do business with?
Are you ready to redesign your website?
Find an awesome freelance designer to work with.
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The post Website redesign: why, when and how to update your site appeared first on 99designs.
Website redesign: why, when and how to update your site published first on https://www.lilpackaging.com/
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pamelahetrick · 6 years
Website redesign: why when and how to update your site
Remember when this was the bleeding edge of web design?
If you listen close, you can still hear the static of dial up. Via Reddit.
The digital world moves fast. Dial up gave way to wifi. MS Paint gave way to Photoshop CC. Yahoo! gave way to Google. What’s sleek and shiny one minute is clunky and dated the next. It’s a conundrum that leaves every business owner with a website asking, “when should I start thinking about website redesign?”
If you’re asking that question, the most likely answer is right now.
But redesigning your website seems like such a hassle, like when you got your first ethernet cable and you had to figure out which port it went into. All that effort leaves you wondering, why update your website at all? However, you can only excuse your site’s shortcomings for so long before you realize that, by clinging to the past, you’re only hurting yourself.
The good news is website redesign doesn’t have to be all that difficult. Below, we explain how to do it quickly and easily. You’ll find everything you need to know about redesigning your website from beginning to end, starting with a couple good answers to why update your website in the first place.
Why redesign your website? More traffic and conversions!
When is it time for a website redesign?
1. The tech is out of date.
2. Your template site restricts your future goals.
3. You’re targeting a new market.
4. You’re rebranding.
5. You can’t update it regularly.
6. You want to stay current with modern design trends.
7. You’re not meeting your business goals.
What kind of redesign do you need?
Periodic update
Strategic refocusing
Data- or customer-based redesigns
How do you redesign your site? (Redesign process)
1. Draft goals
2. Decide who to hire
3. Design process
Takeaway: The difference redesigning your website can make
Why redesign your website? —
There are two very good reasons to redesign your website: traffic and conversions, the lifeblood of online business.
For business people, it’s not always evident how much web design matters on the bottom line. In person, a vender’s sales tactics improve their chances for selling. In the same way, your site’s design can increase your chances of a conversion. The same principles of business psychology are still valid online—you just have to translate them visually.
For example, the right placement and color of your call-to-action button can increase how many people use it. Just look at what Levon Resources did with their CTA button in the redesign compared to their original.
Redesigning your website can even help before visitors go to your page by enhancing your search engine optimization. SEO tactics change every few years, especially when Google updates its algorithm or a new tech is introduced. The latest example is Alexa and other voice-controlled smart speakers. The words used when people type are different than the ones used when they speak, so companies are now including more speech-specific keywords in their SEO strategies. Tech disturbances like these are why companies should continually update their site designs.
Does design really make a difference? Let’s look at an example.
At 99designs, we rely on the advantages of a website redesign just as much as anyone. We periodically redesign our own home page, not because it doesn’t perform well, but because maybe it can perform even better.
Some time back, we considered whether adding a video might increase conversions. Instead of just blindly going forward with an experimental redesign, we wanted to test our theory to see how effective it was. User testing is essential for redesigns, as it reveals in no uncertain terms which designs can improve traffic and conversions.
We recommend A/B tests, where two versions of the same screen are given to different test groups and their behavior is recorded. It’s best to only test one variable at a time so you don’t misinterpret the data. If one test group responds better to one version than the other, clearly that’s the version you should use in your website redesign.
We tested a new version of our homepage, adding a video and copy about one of our clients, and compared it to our original version (the control). We found that the version with video redirected more traffic to our featured category page, but away from our launch page, one of our key conversion pages. Back to the drawing board.
We continued testing different versions, fine-tuning our results based on the previous test’s data. Slowly but surely, the testing revealed the optimal home page that maximized conversions, one with a smaller video in the corner and less copy.
Our current homepage (at time of publishing)
Human behavior is surprisingly predictable, so definitive tactics have emerged and proved themselves throughout the last twenty years of the internet development. Knowing how long to make text, when to insert graphics, how to structure your navigation and thousands more nuanced design choices are all part of this science that grows every day.
We don’t expect you to know all these tiny details yourself. But a good designer will. That’s why we recommend hiring a professional; they know how to handle these areas so you don’t have to.
When is it time for a website redesign? —
Without beating around the bush, you should update your website every 3-4 years, give or take. That’s just a loose benchmark, and certain situations and individual companies don’t conform to that schedule. But if you’re looking for a frame of reference, the design agency First Scribe puts it at every “3 years, 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes on the dot.”
This rule is pretty consistent with the current rate of both design and SEO trends. Anything longer than this, and your website starts to appear old to the casual internet-user.
Now, most companies don’t reach this deadline in time, and a lot of companies can’t because they lack the resources. So, we’ve come up with a list of 7 red flags to let you know you can’t postpone redesigning your website any longer.
1. The tech is out of date.
Is your site mobile responsive? Five years ago, you could have gotten away with using the same site design on desktop and mobile, but no longer. And that’s our point. Every few years, how people browse the internet—the tools they use to interact with it—change and evolve. Your site must evolve with it, or the people will simply stop using it. Just ask the 8 out of 10 people who will stop engaging with a site if the content isn’t displayed well on their device.
Having to click every time you want to use a Flash player is an annoyance modern users won’t tolerate for long.
A good example at the moment is Flash. In the early 2000s, Flash, too, was the bleeding edge of technology, and so for years after that many sites relied on it. But Flash was designed in the desktop era, and when mobile became dominant, using Flash was just holding sites back. When browsers stopped supporting it, sites started throwing it away like old meat. In other words, if your site still uses Flash or any other obsolete tech, you should consider a website redesign.
2. Your template site restricts your future goals.
Template sites are a godsend to small businesses who have limited resources when they’re starting out, but a goldfish can only grow as big as its bowl. At some point, your prosperity will require you to get your own roomier website, one that can scale appropriately.
Leaving your template site behind—or at least expanding it—brings you a wide variety of advantages: Hosting better web apps, richer graphics, unrestrained creativity with your designs or simply adding more pages, which is a necessity for ecommerce sites expanding their product ranges. You can even use your own payment gateways to avoid paying commission fees to your online landlord.
3. You’re targeting a new market.
Who’s your ideal customer? Character design by Cassielf for katethompson845.
A website redesign is often a business decision: targeting a new market means new visuals and new usability to appease them. Imagine going from targeting Millennials to targeting Baby-boomers. You’d have to get rid of all your emojis and usage of the word “cray.”
Different demographics, locales and cultures all have different preferences for visuals, text tone, interfaces, interactions, search keywords and even something as massive as your site’s infrastructure. If the shift in market is big enough, you need a website redesign to match. Something like their average income affects which devices they use to browse, for example.
4. You’re rebranding.
Maybe it’s not them, it’s you. Maybe you want to change your brand values or you realized you’ll garner more business if you appear more approachable. As a reflection of your brand personality, your site needs to change alongside you.
Even minor changes like a brand color scheme may require a full-fledged site redesign. The subtle aesthetic change can benefit greatly from consistency, and if your site doesn’t echo your brand new brand, it’ll seem outdated by default.
5. You can’t update it regularly.
The days where you had to know code to post on your site are over. The rise of WordPress and other content management systems (CMSs) shows there’s a vast market of people who want to be able to control what’s on their website.
Google and other search engines have caught on to this wave. Sites that update frequently—like blogs—are rewarded by higher rankings, so redesigning your website to enable faster posting actually benefits to SEO.
If you’re still living in fear that changing something on your site will send it crashing down like Jenga, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to get a CMS these days. Not to mention practical.
6. You want to stay current with modern design trends.
Redesigning a website isn’t always about necessity. Sometimes it’s more superficial. Just like wearing outdated clothes (unironically) can be a turn-off, so too do people think twice about doing business with an outdated site.
Steeped in visuals, web design is far from immune to the whimsies of stylistic trends. Every few years we see aesthetic fads ebb and flow, which is why everyone avoids skeuomorphism even though it was all the rage in the early 2010s. And if you want to come across as a modern company, you have to look the part.
7. You’re not meeting your business goals.
Last, and possibly most important, your website isn’t doing its job. If you’re not meeting your target conversion rate or traffic, if your bounce rate is too high and your email signups too low, maybe the problem is the design itself.
We mentioned this in the first section but it bears repeating: good web design can influence conversions and attract new visitors. If your site is underperforming, you need to revisit and replace your design choices from the ground up.
What kind of redesign do you need? —
Redesigning your website isn’t always as easy as going from Point A to Point B. You may want to go to Point C instead, or perhaps somewhere between Points D and E.
Before the groundbreaking of your new website, it’s crucial to know what kind of redesign you want, what your goals are and what you can afford with your budget. Let’s take a look at some common types of redesigns.
Periodic update
ReviewBoost just brought the ol’ girl in for a quick tune-up. Design by Laurra.
This is your standard website redesign, recommended for all websites every few years. This would be like taking your car for a regular tune-up, if the tech for car parts became obsolete within five years.
Periodic updates keep your site continually looking and performing the best it can. This kind of redesign centers around keeping design trends up-to-date—both visuals and usability, such as whatever gesture controls are popular at the moment—and refreshing your SEO strategy to reflect changes within your company and the world at large.
Not everyone has the resources to do a large-scale website redesign every few years, but the good news is these don’t have to break the bank. Periodic updates usually have only minor changes, but the longer you wait to update, the more expensive it becomes. To return to the car analogy, it’s cheaper to perform periodic tune-ups than it is to replace broken parts.
Strategic refocusing
5 Star Productions requested a website redesign that catered more to Millennials, including a 5-star mobile site. Design by SeeerKate.
This type of redesign deals more with changes in your brand, namely targeting a new market, modifying your image or showcasing a big change like promoting an event or a new spokesperson.
Some companies may never need to shift their website focus like this, but when they do it can be sudden and on a tight schedule. How intensive the website redesign is depends on how big the shift is, so costs vary.
Data- or customer-based redesigns
These are like strategic refocusing, except the changes are dictated by the customers or customer data. One example might be that you notice feedback with customers complaining that it’s hard to find things on your site. Another example might be a rapidly declining conversion rate in your analytics.
In response to their clientele, BetVoyager needed a new roulette table that worked on smartphones. Design by Had Zic.
The key to understanding your customers is regular user testing, and not just for redesigning your website. Rely on as little guesswork as possible, and instead concentrate on empirical data that tells you precisely what needs to change, and how. Just like with the A/B tests we mentioned in the first section, the right design choices reveal themselves through testing.
This doesn’t just apply to visuals and usability—user data can also tell you which devices your patrons are using most so you know which ones to prioritize. Data analysis can be surprising, especially if a large segment of your visitors are using a device your site isn’t equipped for.
How do you redesign your site? (The redesign process) —
If you’re interested in redesigning your site, here are three simplified steps:
1. Draft goals
To save time and money, you need to know exactly what you want your redesign to accomplish. Is it to make your site look and perform up to modern standards? Attract a new group of visitors? The more specific (and realistic) your goals, the better.
Your goals should also be a group decision. Incorporate representatives from all the different fields within your company: marketing, sales, technical specialists, IT, accounting, customer service, executives—even HR might have something to add. Your site is a microcosm of your entire brand, so it should reflect every aspect.
Optimizely’s program report page
Even if you’re just doing a periodic update, it’s always worthwhile to check user data. For starters, this could reveal problems you didn’t even know existed, but also you should know which changes to prioritize over others.
Once your know your goals, you can conduct more constructive tests to determine which changes solve the problems most effectively. Again we’ll mention A/B testing (which you can set up yourself online through services like Optimizely), but there are also other ways to get inside your customers’ heads:
Surveys—You can easily add a customer survey to your existing site and listen to what your visitors want changed, in their own words.
Heat maps—A kind of user test, heat maps show you which areas of your site screen visitors interact with most. This offers valuable insight into screen layout, navigation, use of images, conversion strategies—pretty much everything on your site.
Professional assessment—You can simply hire design experts to look at your site and tell you what you should change and how… although this is one of the more expensive options.
Last, before you move forward, double check with your SEO team and see if there’s room for improvement. Check the performance of your current keywords and see if any new ones show potential.
2. Decide who to hire
More than just what you want, you also have to consider what’s best for the company budget. Among the choices below, which would be the most realistic option for your company:
If you already have in-house web designers and/or developers, see if they’re up to the task. Keep in mind that not all designers are web designers, so this might be out of their league. Also, depending on the scope of the redesign, they might be too busy, but you can always hire a freelance designer to share the workload with them.
This is the option for people who want to be less involved in the process—more like a handoff and wait. A good design agency will have a staff of specialists, though, so each aspect of your site should be handled, depending on their quality. The downside of agencies is that they’re the most expensive choice, so if prices are a concern, you might want to choose a cheaper option.
Hiring a freelance designer is the ideal middle route between handling the redesign yourself and using an agency. You get the same design skill of an agency, but at a fraction of the cost. The trick is to find a freelance designer who matches the style you’re aiming for, so use our search tool to filter out designers by which industry they specialize in, their skill level and more.
Design contest
Commissioning a design contest is an alternative method to hiring a freelancer for people who like to “see it before they choose.” In a design contest, you fill out a quick brief explaining what you’re looking for and any other pertinent details. Next, designers from all over the world submit samples based on what you filled out. Then, you choose the finalists and give them notes to further hone in on what you want. Last, you choose the design you like best. It’s worth noting that this is a great way to get your visual concept down, but you may need to do some additional work beyond the scope of the original contest to design your entire site. You can get started with your website redesign content here.
No matter which avenue you choose, you’ll also need to consider how you get your web design developed. Some agencies offer development in their services, but regardless you can always hire a freelancer if you don’t have anyone capable in-staff.
3. Design process
From your end, the design process is pretty easy. Depending on how much or how little you want to be involved, you can choose how often to check in with your designer. But for the most part, the project is now in the hands of whomever is designing your new site.
A colored wireframe depicting the user flow for a proposed payment system. Design by MarkBond.
Of course, you can always give notes throughout the process to guide the designer in the right direction. Just be sure to communicate everything you want up front to avoid unnecessary delays and misconceptions.
You can read more about this process in our ultimate guide to web design, but to give you an idea of what to expect, here’s a brief overview of the steps:
Wireframing—a rough outline of the proposed design
Look and feel—setting the right atmospheric tone, depending on your brand and goals
Creating the page template—laying the groundwork for the final design
Coding—your developer builds the design
Fill in content—you and/or your designer add the specific images, words, etc. into the template
User testing—see how your users react to your new design and catch any mistakes
How long the design process takes varies, depending on the amount and changes that need to be made and their severity. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can usually pay extra for overtime.
Takeaway: The difference redesigning your website can make —
Everyone loves a makeover story, right? We recently had a massive website redesign on our platform that shows just how much of a difference redesigning your website can make.
Crewsware Software, Inc., came to us because they wanted to expand their client base into new territories, with a secondary goal of shortening the amount of time their current clients had to spend on their site for convenience.
After commissioning a design contest, they chose the entry from our designer Wuxo as the winner.
The before and after of their website redesign is like night and day. Which would you rather do business with?
Are you ready to redesign your website?
Find an awesome freelance designer to work with.
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The post Website redesign: why, when and how to update your site appeared first on 99designs.
via 99designs https://99designs.co.uk/blog/web-digital-en-gb/website-redesign/
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
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That's Higher, Mac or Home windows?
This Week’s Dialogue: Windows 10 As opposed to MacOS
Apple’s software program has long been heralded as a Higher designed and less difficult to use the gadget, with Home windows being a less smooth but more adaptable choice. Is there nonetheless fact to that oversimplification? Nicely, both structures at the moment are so feature-congruent that the antique rivalry doesn’t precisely keep actual anymore. each structure offer all the major functions you’d assume of a contemporary working gadget and, for each day usage, the general public might be high-quality with either.
Mistakes loading media: Record couldn’t be played
It’s the info, though, wherein they differ. If you’re a gamer, you’ll probably need to stick with Windows mainly because you may adapt your own hardware to fit your desires. That could imply constructing a soup-ed machine from scratch or simply upgrading your portraits card.
On the disadvantage, Windows is greater of a goal for viruses and malware really due to the fact the diverse variations of Home windows have a lot of the market share that it’s a clean target. That doesn’t imply MacOS is proof against malware; it’s just a much less frequent target.
both MacOS and Windows 10 have voice assistants, with Cortana on Windows and Siri on Mac. While they may be beneficial when you simply want to test the weather or look for some thing on-line, we’ve determined that we don’t use all of them that an awful lot. It feels a little much less natural than using voice assistants on a telephone and computer microphones don’t always paintings that Properly.
The largest distinction among the 2 is the surely the hardware you is probably the use of. To dive into what sets the 2 apart I was joined On the show by way of Christina Warren and Alex Cranz of Gizmodo. Apple’s laptops had been for decades a relative gold fashionable for Nicely-designed, solid, daily use computers that you could purchase with out fretting approximately the specifications very much. There are numerous cheaper options, however, a MacBook Pro just works. But, latest updates to the MacBook Pro line that include the specific Touch Bar lead them to especially highly-priced If you need high-stop specifications. In case you need to apply MacOS, even though, you’ll essentially be tied to Apple’s hardware. (Or you could try to pass the ‘Hackintosh’ course—that is, installing MacOS on non-Apple hardware.)
Home windows, by using evaluation, is designed to work on a huge variety of hardware, from laptops to desktops and touchscreen tablets. Which means you may spend just a few hundred greenbacks to get a low-cease Home windows PC, however, Microsoft has also made a push with new high-give up hardware just like the Surface E-book. There’s also plenty of middle floors, with the Dell XPS 13 generally advocated as a notable price. After which, of direction, In case you need to build you’re personal tricked out a rig for gaming or other processor-in depth packages, then Home windows is clearly the pleasant preference.
Our Improvements of the Week
Every week to round out The Upgrade with the little Enhancements of our personal. Here’s a brief recap:
Andy: I’ve been the use of big ice cubes. Undoubtedly large ice cubes—approximately inches throughout. People say they’re Higher for drinks because they soften slower so that your drink doesn’t emerge as watered down; I don’t virtually realize if that’s the case, however, I like them anyway. I exploit those silicone trays for my massive ice. Eric: Eric’s been the usage of Data Selfie to track his Fb utilization. It saves Information regionally and generates a file that suggests you what Facebook can tell approximately you out of your conduct—like the Humans you communicate to maximum, your political leanings, or even your emotional kingdom. Thorin: Thorin’s Upgrade is going on at the grocery shop. Recently, a collection of food manufacturers has agreed on a brand new standardized manner to label expiration dates to Better reflect whether or not your food is sincerely nonetheless safe to eat.
Macs for Home windows users
This isn’t always going to be one of these traumatic “Gee, isn’t the Mac outstanding?” or “Why I selected the Mac over Home windows” articles that Apple lovers have inflicted On the rest of the world for years. I’ve had my fill of these – and they do not get any Higher, despite the fact that I’m a Mac person now.
I am penning this column for the likes of my colleagues Rome, an extended-time Windows consumer who Currently offered an iBook, or Connie, who dreams of getting one unfastened from her editor.
Windows users are specific from novices. Formed through years of enjoying, they method a laptop looking ahead to do things in a sure way. Dissonance sets in after they find that the not unusual tasks they used to carry out on Home windows are now not to be had – or, as more likely the case, accessible through a unique set of commands. Here then, is some practical recommendation from a person who is been in the trenches.
Delete. The “delete” key on a Mac doesn’t work like its Home windows counterpart. Instead of deleting the person to the right of the cursor and ultimate up to space, the Mac delete works just like the backspace key. To get Windows-fashion delete, maintain down the “fn” key before hitting the delete key.
Of Mice and Macs. Apple best Lately discovered the advantage of a proper mouse button. don’t fret. Any antique USB optical mouse will work. I for my part choose an awesome wheel to the little button on Apple’s Robust Mouse. just as in Windows, you may right-click on on an icon to activate a context-sensitive menu. On a pocket book Touchpad, maintain down the “ctrl” key and click on an icon to get the same effect.
Home windows Media Participant. Forget Home windows Media Player for the Mac. The reviews were instead bad. In fact, Forget QuickTime, which may not play AVI or WMV files, and won’t cross complete display screen except you Improve to a paid version. Download VLC Media Participant (http://www.Videolan.Org/), a free multi-platform application so that it will do all the above and play DVDs, MP3 and MP4 documents as well. For some reason, VCD playback is uneven, so for that, you can use MPlayer (also loose) or QuickTime.
Itunes, ShmyTunes. Many Human beings swear through iTunes, but If you don’t have an iPod, you’re likely Higher off the usage of VLC Media Player to play your music. It is less intrusive – it may not provide to experiment your tough disk for songs, attempt to sell you track, provide you with unnecessary statistics approximately licensing or devour up greater disk area via duplicating your songs in its own directory. It’s going to simply play your sweet tunes. On an iBook, VLC will also play music louder.
Record institutions. So how do you inform a Mac to continually use VLC to play your AVI or MP3 files? clean. proper click on any MP3 Record and pick “Get Data” from the context menu. inside the “Open with” phase, pick VLC Participant. Then click the Change All button to use the identical File association everywhere else.
Finding stuff. Locating documents At the Mac can be a challenge In case you’re used to Windows Explorer. Macs have Finder, which has subtle variations. The sidebar on Finder is not similar to the folders view on Explorer, which offers you a hierarchical view of your listing. The pinnacle 1/2 of Finder indicates you what drives – inclusive of the ones on a community – that you can get right of entry to. The lowest half of-of the sidebar incorporates shortcuts to folders and documents you operate regularly. At the same time as you are nonetheless familiarizing yourself with Finder, strive the use of Spotlight, a effective search software that permit you to locate what you want speedy. simply click On the blue and white icon At the top-right part of the screen and sort. Spotlight will fast bet what you need.
Ways to pores and skin a Mac. With the feasible exception of games, most Windows XP packages have Mac opposite numbers. For instance, there’s no Mac version of my preferred BitTorrent patron, uTorrent, but an application called Transmission does the identical task very well. There are variations of MS Office for the Mac, of the path, but there may be additionally a freeware equal called NeoOffice. The FTP software I take advantage of on XP, WS FTP, is not available On the Mac, however, I have were given Cyberduck working simply first-rate. On the spot messaging? Forget Yahoo or MSN Messenger and get Adium.
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