#when they argue they start going up on their toes to look taller
bellarkeselection · 5 months
can you do a cole walter x y/n in the rain storm scene.
cole and y/n get into a fight and y/n get out of the car in the pouring rain and cole comes out too to try and solve the issue and they argue and then kiss at the end??
Rainy Night Confessions
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The car ride was the most silent it had ever been in my whole life of knowing the Walter family. Even though it was just me and Cole it was still strange as hell. Normally he would talk about something, make a teasing joke to try and get on my nerves. But in this moment there has been nothing said. Shifting in the passenger seat I did my best to face him. “So are you going to talk to me or are we just going to drive in silence?”
“I didn’t think you wanted to talk with me after you stormed out of the cafeteria at school today.” He pointed out keeping his eyes on the road.
Shifting my gaze to the front of the road I recalled what he was talking about. I had stormed out of the room after seeing him and Jackie spending time together. I got mad because I have basically had a crush on him for years but never had the guts to tell him. “I just didn't want to talk right then.”
“Do you want to talk about what happened now? I mean I can do a quiet drive but as your friend I thought you knew you could talk to me about something that upset you.” Cole glanced over at me and I could hear the hurt in his voice.
Tapping my fingers on my legs I started to say something to him but decided not to. “Cole, there's something I should have told you a long time ago. I have…forget it.” I grabbed the door handle and jumped out of the truck where he had to slam on the brakes so he didn’t nearly run me over.
“What the hell!” Cole cursed under his breath watching me standing out in the pouring rain. He gets out of the truck standing in front of the headlights. “You wanna explain why the hell you just jumped out of a moving vehicle on me.”
Wrapping my arms around myself I was now soaked from head to toe. It was likely I’ve even caught a cold out here but I couldn’t take being in a confined space with him. “I don’t wanna talk right now, Cole. Just leave me alone please.”
“I can’t do that. You’ll get a cold out here. So can we have this conversation inside the truck otherwise my mom will have my ass if you get sick.” He offered an alternative, not understanding why.
I throw my head back growling in his face. “You know everyone talks about the Cole Effect and how you are such a people person. But I don’t understand it because you clearly can’t see how I feel about you.”
“How I feel about you. Are you telling me that you have feelings for me?” He asked me slowly, walking towards me.
Slapping my hands over my eyes I growled kicking up some gravel with my shoes. “God, how blind can you be? Of course I have a massive crush on you, you idiot!” Stomping towards him I didn’t give him the chance to respond when I crashed my lips up onto his since he was taller than me.
Cole paused in his actions taken back by how forward you were in the moment. He was usually the one with girls to make the first move while they fell all over him but you were never that person. He put one hand on my waist and his other rested against my cheek kissing me back.
I gripped his jacket in my fingers leaning up on my toes deepening the kiss. Cole moaned into the kiss when one of my hands threaded into his dirty golden locks. He pressed his body up against mine where we searched for a way to be closer but couldn’t seem to find another way and sadly we needed air so we had to break both staring at the other heavily panting. “I didn’t say anything because I thought you just saw me as a friend.”
“So then why was Erin so upset the other day after school. I saw you two talking before she slapped you the other day.” I asked him resting my hands on the material of his jacket, while the rain was still pouring down on us.
Cole looked up at the sky dragging me back toward the truck opening my door quickly. I climbed back into my seat and he got in on his side shutting the door before he ever said something back. “I broke up with her for good this time. I finally realized the only person I wanted to be with is you.”
“I can’t believe you actually like me. And I’m sorry that I had to confess my feelings out here in the pouring rain.” I apologize to my friend and now boyfriend you can say to me with such joy.
Cole draped his arm over my shoulder and started turning the engine back on so we could go home and not get stuck out in the storm. “It's okay, darling. But please don’t do it again or my mother will have both our asses if we come to her house sick.” He kisses my forehead feeling me snuggling my head against his chest.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Zoro x reader
Platonic Sanji x reader
Some thoughts of our favourite cook with a friend just like him.
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"Hey Sanji~" (Y/n) said with a sing song voice. Both Strawhats stood side by side as they watched the ship decend even further underwater. The coating keeping everyone safe from being crushed by the pressure.
(Y/n) made sure to wear clothes that didn't reveal too much, opting to stay warm just as Robin had warned. Plus she didn't need her friend having a nosebleed.
"Where were you during the two years?" She asked, " You never told me."
Sanji looked traumatized. He held onto his chest to stop his heart from stopping at the horror-filled memories.
"I was in hell. Every second there was..." The poor man couldn't even finish his sentences. His face had gone deathly pale.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?" She asked. Concerned at what he had gone through.
( Y/n ) watched as Sanji dived towards all the mermaids. She was honestly asking herself how she was friend with that pervert.
"Sometimes I really wanna know why me and that idiot over there are friends. Doesn't he have class?" She shook her head at his actions.
"Don't act all goody two shoes, you're both cut from the same cloth." Ussop judged the woman. His eyes squinted accusingly.
"HOW?!" (Y/n) reacted, shark shaped teeth bared. She was prepared to argue her case like a lawyer.
"Just a few minutes ago when we met up at Sabaody. Don't you remember?"
"Looks like we're all finally here." (Y/n) said to herself.  Making sure to take count of everyone. She sat down and watched as the ship started going underwater. She could hear an argument between Zoro and Sanji.
"Just admit that you're outmatched number seven." Zoro smirked.
"Just because you got here first doesn't mean you're better than everybody!" Sanji yelled back, annoyed.
"I don't need to be better than everybody, just better than you."
'Oooohhhhhh. Sanji can't recover from that one. But I can. '
Just before (Y/n) could go rescue her friend, she took a good look at Zoro.  He seemed to have gotten taller and a lot more stronger in the last two years and that outfit change made wonders.
(Y/n)'s eyes turned to hearts. Ussop was able to catch this transformation live. His eyes widening at the speed.
"ZOROOOOOOOO~" She began, twirling toward the swordsman. Sanji's cigarette dropped of its own accord. The love tornado nearing in their direction looked dangerous.
"Huh?" Zoro caught sight of the approaching tornado. Well, sh*t.
Unbeknownst to them Nami had tapped Robin's shoulder so they could see the event about to take place.
The tornado caught Sanji and threw him to the side gently before slowing to a stop.
A rose was held up to Zoro as (Y/n) kneeled with one knee on the ground. Flowers had magically appeared around the Sunny  and  sparkles shone around the woman's eyes.
"Roronoa Zoro, you look as gorgeous as ever," she began. " No man in the world could be as handsome as you. The heavens took their time to carefully craft you and believe me, I adore the results."
Sanji's mouth fell to the floor from where he had graciously landed. He couldn't believe the betrayal.
"Get away from me, woman!" Zoro yelled but he didn't seem to shoo her away. Instead his cheeks had lightly dusted with some light pink. He averted his eyes grumbling to himself.
"You don't seem to want me to go away though," she smirked at him leaning forward till their noses nearly touched. She was on her tippy toes.  Her index finger and thumb kept his head in place so he couldn't escape.
Zoro froze in shock. This woman will be the death of me.
Sanji tornadoed towards the two and stole (Y/n) away leaving Zoro discombobulated and slightly flustered. Even after two years of everyone not seeing each other, the woman still managed to have an effect on him.
Flashback over
"That was one time!"  She tried to defend herself.
"Oh really, some of the things you say and do are more questionable that what Sanji does." Ussop continued.
"Like?" The woman crossed her arms, waiting for the sniper's explanation.
"If those guys weren't trying to hurt Big sis Robin, I woulda said smash."
Everyone at the train looked at her in shock. She was just looking outside and watching the perilous waves of Aqua Laguna with a dejected sigh.It seemed she was voicing her thoughts out loud.
When she caught their eyes on her she shrugged,"What? Just saying it like it is. But if they do hurt Robin I'm ready to up my kill count."
Another time
"Where did you get all those ropes Paulie," (Y/n) questioned the man. Everyone in the sea train was busy with their own thing but some were wondering the same thing. "It's kinda creepy."
"Well I–" he tried to defend himself but was interrupted.
"Creepy, but kinky."😏
Zoro pulled the woman away from Paulie and trapped her between his arms and placing her on his lap, effectively stopping her from talking. 'No.'
"SHE'S SO BOLD!" Both the Galley La and Franky Family yelled.
Nami smiled to herself. Ussop owed her a lot of money.
(The bet was how long she could go without saying something risky)
Another time
(Y/n) watched as Zoro brought Chopper back from nearly being eaten by sky sharks."Chopper are you alright?" For once the woman wasn't being a tornado, her eyes showed the worry for her reindeer friend.
"He'll be alright." Zoro stated. He took of his t-shirt. And went to find a new one.
He took of the shirt?!
He took it off.
(Y/n) froze. A war raged between her heart and mind. Turn around to look or have some decency and not look. She started sweating. Nami caught sight of her unusual posture and shook her which ended up making (Y/n) have a glimpse of Zoro changing into a blue vest in her peripheral.
"(Y/n) what's wrong, are you alright?"
The woman fainted. Well, not exactly. She was still awake but had hearts flying around her and her face was super warm.
"I think  Ms Spy is a little too excited from seeing our swordsman here. " Robin diagnosed. A chuckle escaping her lips.
"Seriously you and that ero-cook are  just unbelievable." Zoro sighed in annoyance.
"But what's that red colour on your fac3?" Chopper pointed out, basically snitching on Zoro.
Another time
"Guys this is my brother Ace." Luffy announced. 
"Ace here's my crew. Nami's the navigator, Zoro's the swordsman and also my firstmate, Chopper's the doctor , Sanji is the cook and (Y/n) is the spy."
Ace had taken a look at every one before meeting eyes with (Y/n). It seemed that Sanji had already placed tape on her mouth and had tied her up. All that anyone could see was the woman's heart shaped eyes.
Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief much to Ace's confusion and Zoro's irritation.
Flashback over
"In short, that's why you two are best friends."Ussop concluded, pointer finger in the air and a whiteboard behind with various drawings of the scenes . "Plus you two are great at combat when paired."
(Y/n) was walking away from Ussops lesson. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
"I'm gonna find Zoro,"
"With what?"
"MY LOVE COMPASS OF COURSE!" The woman said as she twirled away with hearts revolving around her.Ussop sighed at her antics.
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dy6nsty · 4 months
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I’m a sucker for tall readers so here you guys go!
Nameless Ghouls & Nameless Ghoulettes x TALL! Ghoul! reader
Relationship— Romantic
Amused by the your height. But when it came to you using him as a resting spot he had the most judging look.
Allows you to do that in more private areas but will slap your hand, shoulder, arm, or chin off of his head if you’re doing that in public.
If you tower over him when he’s talking to other people he’s subtly smirking to myself. He likes it.
Play arguing when he suddenly sees you staring down at him he looses his ability speak for a moment.
He’s a decent 5’11 — 6’0, so being taller than him is just what makes him stare at you. You’re 6’3-6’5+? Dudes not looking for a second, he’s entranced for a decade. Full on '😨' emoji.
If something taller that he can’t reach he doesn’t bother to get anything to get it down, just asks for you to grab it for him. And if you can’t he’ll start teasing you for the hell of it.
Enjoys the fact you can wrap around him completely. Just nice that he’s in his own blanket except it’s you.
Had you drape over him and after a few minutes started patting your back because he couldn’t breathe anymore.
Likes it. Just likes to look you up and down before holding a thumbs up and a smug smile.
When he’s standing behind you he’ll stand on his tippy toes for second to see how much taller you honestly are.
If you’re the tallest in the band he just silent cheers to himself. Genuinely shows off your height to other people.
Likes to see you try on his clothes or accessories. Also likes to try on your clothes and accessories.
Stands next to you on purpose so people can see yours and his height differences.
Pulls you down to give you kisses, or if he’s standing on something. Once jumped up to give you a kiss and banged his head into yours.
Wondered what your diet was or is because… DAMN what did they feed you to get you to that height?!
Prefers to lay on you instead, you’re like a long pillow to him.
Smiley ass Ghoul! Saw you and was like “Hell yeah!” New member that just happens to horrendously tall!
I’ve just seen him twirling so I think he’d enjoy you twirling him around non stop. Walks over to you so you can spin him around because it’s fun.
Likes to get piggy back rides or hugging you like a koala so he’s lifted off of the ground.
Often times clings onto you in crowds or in any case of scenario he finds himself lost. You’re basically this guys beacon sometimes.
Almost tackled you down with a surprise hug. Took you by surprise and almost went timber with him.
Laughs whenever you hit your head on a doorway as if he hasn’t had the same problem before.
Stomps his way over while playing his guitar, actively trying to kiss you on stage. At this point Terzo can’t catch a break. “Oh they’re cooperating! Never mind they’re kissing again.”
If he can’t kiss ur face he’ll kiss your knuckles/hand, or he’ll just bite your arm out of boredom if he can’t reach ur shoulder.
‘😨’ x2.
Honestly wouldn’t mind being carried around by you, it seems fun to him. Piggy back, bridal style, on your shoulders, sounds amazing.
Enjoys cuddling, especially spooning and where he gets lay in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Likes it how you tower over him from behind or when you’re in front of him. It’s just a oddly satisfying feeling. Especially if you’re holding his hand it’s comforting.
Watches you stick out on stage with your height. Finds it easy for him to find you that way.
Sometimes you scare the shit out of him when you appear out of no where. Jumped out of his seat once because of that.
Likes to have you as blanket as well. You’re just perfect to him. Probably uses you as a pillow sometimes to.
Compares shoe sizes and hand sizes subtly so you don’t notice and mumbled a small “Damn.”
At this point he thought Satan had something against him. There’s mountain but now there’s also you. (If you’re taller than mountain he’s throwing hands with the air.)
Has you crouch down sometimes so he can rest his head or arms on the top of your head like you do to him.
He’s not complaining when it comes to spooning or cuddling. With you wrapped around him he’s an automatic heater, at the max percentage. No seriously he’ll probably give you a heat stroke.
Flails around whenever you pick him up. He just doesn’t expect it when you hold him up like a toddler.
Uses you to grab other things. Asked you to help and it ended with him standing on your back.
Back to the towering of thing. He enjoys it because it makes him feel that he has some sort of guard dog with him. But he also doesn’t enjoy it because now you look like a damn titan next to him.
Has you walk around the ministry with him because he’s honestly hoping you hit your head on a doorway so he can laugh. (He loves you tho!)
Does enjoy being held by you when he’s trying to sleep. Very nice feeling.
Sometimes hides behind you after messing with Sodo (again, always.) So you’re some sort of barrier while they go back and forth.
You wear his clothes. It’d be rare for him to wear your clothes, hes tossed shirts in your room because he likes to see you in his stuff.
Honestly chill with you being super tall. To him it has its perks and they’re all good.
Might confuse you and mountain depending on the height different between you and mountain.
Shows you off to everyone. Standing next to you 24/7, super proud of himself.
Compares your height with everything around him. Furniture, people, buildings, items, pillows, etc.
Enjoys where you’re both hugging each other. Your head on top of his with his head against your chest.
Hugs you from your waist always. Honestly dudes proud to have a tall mate.
Was so curious about you. Your height, the way you were so easy to see in crowds, drew him right to you.
Stands on his tippy toes or platforms to try and reach your height. If he can’t he’ll have you come down to his height.
Still enjoys kissing/biting your neck or shoulders. Somewhat of a secret spot since no one can really see there.
Tries picking you up even though you can probably pick him up easily. Not that he’s complaining to be carried around to wherever he wants like a prince.
Makes fun of your heights but procedes to talk about on how he loves. “How’s the weather up there?” It’s so old but so funny to him.
If you rest your shoulder/arm or chin on the top of his head he’ll do the same later. Except over doing it.
Pulls you down by your collar so he can kiss you properly. Gets cocky while doing it.
You take turns with who’s the little or big spoon, all depending on whatever the both of you feel like or is most comfortable.
Was quite happy to have another somebody his size in the Band. Was a little stunned when he first met you.
Although it’s nice so he doesn’t have to snap his neck to look down or kiss you.
Still picks you up to kiss you as if you guys have a huge height difference. Even if you’re taller than him he picks you up.
Now there’s two massive Ghouls walking around! Uses both of ur heights to an advantage to hide things like trinkets or snacks where other Ghouls / Ghoulettes can’t reach.
Enjoys curling up with you, where you both get into a spot of cuddling around each other with arms around one another.
Giddy about having a tall boyfriend. Stands next to you so he doesn’t have to tower over anyone else or stretch his arms down to far.
An actual unstoppable duo in monkey in the middle.
Uses you as a arm/headrest which you both take part in that scheme. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you rest your arm on his shoulder.
Couldn’t be bothered about it. He likes the height difference.
Enjoys sitting in your lap or laying down in your arms while he talks with you or completes some stuff.
You and him go back and forth playfully with teasing each other about yours and his heights.
When you tower over him? Loves that shit, leans towards you subconsciously. Pressing his back against your chest.
Likes wearing your clothes but if he sees you in his clothes he just giggles to himself out of pure happiness. Matching clothing sets maybe , but it’s either to small for you or to big on him.
Will try to get things down on his own but if he literally cannot get something down he calls you over.
If you rest your arm on his head he’ll just stare up at you and try to mimic you.
Likes to lay his head down on your chest, complete draping his body over you like a blanket as he clings onto you.
Let out an audible gasp when he saw you. Teasing your non stop about being tall. Nicknames, jokes, anything and EVERYTHING.
Your height does not stop him from running across the stage to come over and try to bite your shoulder.
Jumps onto you for a hug. Comes running at you full speed with his arms completely open.
Skips around with you following around since you look like you could rock somebody in an instant.
Uses you like a blanket. Laying down? Not anymore because he’s sliding underneath you despite the fact he’ll be suffocated. But that’s okay to him!
Dirty jokes left and right. UP AND DOWN EVEN. “You’re pretty long, right?” Asked that with a dumbass look on his face.
Admires your hand and fingers. Moves them around until you notice the motions are the opposite of family friendly. Family making is a better phrase.
Makes stupid jokes like: “Why go to France when we have the Eiffel tower right here?” or “Who made you? Two damn trees from the forest? Or maybe even three I don’t know what trees enjoy.”
HEART EYESSS. “So this is love….” Giggling and kicking her feet when she remembers you are so tall.
Kisses your hands, knuckles, arms, thighs, or anywhere she can grasp / reach!
But if you wanna lift her up so you can kiss her she’s giving you one passionate smooch. Pucker up buttercup. (I’ve been waiting so that for so long.)
Likes to switch masks with you every so often! But makes sure to leave lipstick stains before giving it back <3
Likes it when you come up to her platform. (That is if you can.) If not she’ll blow air kisses and small waves!
Pick her up and give her that princess treatment! Or even better: Queen treatment. (I love cumulus guys.)
Honestly wonders what you see up there compared to her world view. Like? The hell do you see, do you see in 0.5 vision?
Grabs onto your tail or arm to have you guide her around crowded areas / halls. Also enjoys to be the little spoon with you.
She’s actually coming for your ass. (LITERALLY.) You’re gonna want eyes on the back of your head.
Clings on to you. Hug her from behind, front, side ways, either way she’ll cling onto you with a happy ass smile.
Piggy back rides will by far be her favorite.
Being around you gives her a confidence boost. Strolling around both you right by her side.
Pro at stealing and wearing ur clothes. Casually strolls around with something of urs on. Shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, tanktop, sock, boxers, quite literally anything.
You leaning on a doorway? GOOD LORDDDDDD. She’s staring up at you with some outrageous thoughts goin’ through her mind.
Wanted you to dress up as a christmas tree for christmas holiday times. If you didn’t do that she did give you a tree headband.
Doesn’t really care on how you cuddle, all she cares is that she gets to hug you and you hug her.
Not up for discussion she sees you and she’s tackling you unless you manage to catch her in your arms.
Likes to sit in your lap or on your while ranting about her day or any details that happened anywhere shes gone.
Casually says some of the most dirtiest jokes around you. Wide vocabulary to words that describe ur body.
Wears your closet whenever and wherever she can. Your clothes are genuinely comfy man. Rocking the duo of a top of yours + some boxers.
Likes kissing some of your stuff with lipstick, especially you^^
Laughed so hard when you hit your head pn a ceiling fan. Had to think about what just happened while catching her breath.
Eventually just decided that spooning was a good cuddling position since her bed was to small for you, and no one wants their dogs poking out.
Absolutley loving forehead kisses. Aswell as standing on your shoes so she can give you a sweet kiss.
Adores hour height.
Likes the dynamic you have: One of the tallest in the band, and shes the shortest / one of the shortest in the band! (I forgot.)
Big on physical touch. Holding hands, having you lift her up so she can kiss and hug you, resting your head on the top of hers, subtle hand on her waist, tail wrapped around her, she’s living the dream for it.
Dance with her. Twirl her around, keep her close, lift her up, she loves to dance with you ^^
Not ashamed to say she likes when you’re completely huddled around her like a protective blanket. She is in love it.
Gets flustered whenever you lean / tower over you. Awkwardly staring back up at you with widest of eyes.
Likes to have you carry her around while you walk around area to area. Pretends to sleep sometimes so you’ll carry her back to bed.
Whether you wear her marks or its the other way around she feels automatically prideful.
Stares at you but is not willing enough to crane her neck every single time she wants to look at you. “Bend over.” Doest realize how that sounds.
Tends to lower you down to her height so she can talk to your or give you a small kiss.
Whenever she feels you behind her, whether you’re looking over her or at her she’ll look up at you with a confused look.
Loosing self respect if you lean on anything and look down at her. Now she means BEND OVER.
Calls you legs or lurch. If you rest your elbow on her head or shoulder she’s immediately throwing it out there. “Alright legs, we got many surfaces but I am not one them.”
Lowkey chill about it though. She almost gets a portable elevator for whenever she needs something.
The third musketeer who likes you as a pillow. It’s just comfortable that she can come back and lay her head down on you.
Likes when you wrap your arms and tail around her, laying your head on her chest. From your height and size she feels safe.
how long did this take me exactly? good question.
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honeylations · 9 months
Prompt: Just you and Funa being an adorable uni couple <3
Warnings/Notes: reader is taller than Funa, both reader and Funa are the same age, reader is a sport major, Funa is a business major, soccer captain x popular girl
A/N: did this after fighting my mentality because Funa deserves the world and all my love
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“Are you even listening to me? Hello?! HWANG Y/N!!” Ruka had to rip out your right AirPod.
“Ow, what?” You grumbled at the shorter girl.
She returned the AirPod before sending you a stink eye. “Sometimes when I’m with you, I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall”
“I would’ve noticed your presence if you only grew a couple more inches, midget”
Ruka gasped dramatically and started throwing ‘hard’ punches at your shoulder, in which she had to go on her tip toes because of the height different.
“Quit picking on her, Y/n. You know she can’t fight” Moa came and slung an arm around Ruka who shoved her off.
“You both are unbelievable, and stop touching me!” The shortest hissed, fixing her hair that Moa ruffled.
“By the way Ruka, you’re still coming to me and Y/n’s soccer game tonight right?” Moa asked which sounded more like a plea.
“Yeah duh! I’m there to cheer on Iroha actually so cry about it”
“As long as you’re there” Moa shrugged. “Probably won’t even see you with your 4ft ass-OW!”
“I hate you!”
As the two continued to argue, your eyes drifted off to where your girlfriend was. Funa was sitting with Jiwoo, Moka, Yunah, and Youngseo at a table in front of the Uni’s cafe.
She had her hair down and curled at the ends, wearing a cropped v neck sweater and mini skirt, and paired with the white and pink dunks you gifted on her birthday. Her makeup was light but she still looked as beautiful as ever.
The morning light shone on her face like an angel, and although people don’t see it themselves, you do feel proud of being Takaya Funa’s girlfriend.
You met her last year when you found the poor girl sulking because the vending machine didn’t give her the KitKat bar, let alone return the cash. After admiring her adorable pout, you approached her and gave the vending machine a hard punch, thinking it would give her the beloved chocolate.
You didn’t expect the rest of the snacks to fall down AND the cash to be spat in your face. It was an embarrassing moment, especially in front of a pretty girl, but it was definitely memorable for Funa.
Turns out she was mutual friends with Jiwoo and you two got to see each other more outside of campus when Jiwoo organised outings.
That’s when you realised you fell for Funa and worked up the courage to confess to her after a movie date. To your surprise, Funa admitted she liked you back.
Funa was also super popular on campus, always volunteering in events despite her studies, getting great scores on all her assessments, and even being the leader of a fashion club where she used you as a model for her designs.
You on the other hand, you don’t really scream approachable. You kept this emotionless look on your face that scared a lot of students. Unlike Funa, you were somewhat known by others because of the Uni’s soccer team which you were the captain of and took very seriously.
Sometimes people question how you and Funa even click but that didn’t matter to her. She always told them she loved you no matter what people think. You appreciated her for that.
What you didn’t appreciate though was the guy that stood in front of your girlfriend’s table, holding a bouquet of lillies in one hand while the other scratched his ear shyly.
Your feet immediately started moving faster. Ruka and Moa looked at you confused mid argument. “Hey Y/n where you going?”
“Good morning Funa” The man bowed.
“Good morning Jake” Funa responded sweetly.
“You look so beautiful today and I bought these flowers earlier for you too”
“Oh…thank you!” Funa smiled but made no movement in grabbing the flowers.
“Are you free to go out on a date sometime? You and me?”
Jiwoo snorted. “Um, sorry she’s not interested”
“I wasn’t talking to you” He spat, surprising the group.
Yunah didn’t take that lightly. “What she meant was, Funa is not interested nor available” She fired back with darkness in her eyes.
“Funa can answer for herself”
“Jake seriously, I’d leave if I were you—“ Youngseo started speaking but she cursed under her breath when she saw your figure approaching closer.
“What’s going on here?” You asked in your usual blunt tone.
Jiwoo smirked while crossing her arms.
“U-Uh Jake was just leaving. Bye Jake!” Moka waved but the man did not move a muscle.
He pointed the bouquet at you. “And you are?”
“Sport major and Soccer captain, Hwang Y/n. Also, Funa’s girlfriend. And you are?”
Jake’s smile faltered. “You’re Funa’s girlfriend?”
“Is there a problem?” You tilted your head with a squint.
“I-I was just giving these flowers to her, nothing else I swear”
“She’s allergic to lillies” You deadpanned.
“I-I’m sorry! Goodbye!” Jake ran off while your eyes continued burning the back of his head.
“Must you scare people like that?” Ruka snapped at you.
Funa stood up from her seat and hooked her arms around your neck before pecking your lips. “Good morning baby”
“Good morning indeed” You grumbled and looked away.
“Hey don’t be like that, he’s gone now” she smiled and kissed your lips again.
“Ugh gross. Anyways, you ladies coming to watch our soccer game right?” Moa leaned her elbow on the table.
The girls nodded.
“Of course! I promised Chanelle” Moka smiled.
“Does no one wanna watch me?” Moa feigned hurt and clutched her heart.
“I’ll throw tomatoes at you, how about that?” Ruka teased, earning a hard pull on her cheek by Moa.
“You’re coming right?” You asked your girlfriend.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe. I’m your #1 fan”
And just like that, your mood got a little better.
The first match hasn’t started yet but you and your team stood by your bench, waiting for your coach to discuss formations. You took the time to look at the crowd and saw your girlfriend at the front waving a huge cardboard sign that read ‘NUMBER 1 IS MINE <3’
She referred to the number on your shirt which you specifically chose because Funa always claimed you were her number 1. It was extremely cheesy but if it kept Funa smiling crazy like that, you wouldn’t change it for anyone else.
You gave her a small wave but she returned it with a blow kiss, making you go red.
“Why are you red? We haven’t even started playing” Moa frowned.
“Whatever. Be right back!” You said and jogged to where your girlfriend was.
Unfortunately the bleacher’s fence was in between you two so you could only hold onto it when finally standing in front of her. “Hi, Princess”
“Hey cutie” She winked. “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in your soccer uniform?”
“All the time actually”
Funa smirked and bit her lip.
“D-Don’t look at me like that. I’m gonna get distracted” you looked away, going red again.
“It’s so funny how people are scared of you yet you’re all soft for me”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s because you’re my girl, baby”
Funa smiled at your words but noticed a group of girls within the crowd staring at you, being all giggly while whispering things to each other. Funa could see one of them mouth ‘number 1 is so hot’ to her friends, erupting a sudden feeling of jealousy within the business major.
Putting down her sign, she placed a hand on your nape and the other held onto your shoulder.
Your thoughts went out the window when you girlfriend pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn’t just the usual soft kiss she always gave you, but this one was sloppy, hot, and aggressive.
“Oh for god’s sakes, can you two not make out like your life depends on it?!” Ruka yelled, trying to cover Youngseo and Moka’s eyes.
Jiwoo cringed and screwed the cap of her water bottle. “You two make my water taste bad”
Hearing your friends’ complaints, Funa pulled away but kept her eyes on yours.
“What was that for?” You whispered, letting Funa cup your face.
“Sorry, these girls were just looking at what’s mine”
“Who are you and what did you do to my soft business major girlfriend?” You chuckled, placing your bigger hands on her’s that held your cheeks.
“Let me mark you just in case more girls look”
Your eyes widened while looking around to see if anyone heard. “Babe, we’re literally in public”
Funa slapped your shoulder. “I meant a lipstick mark you idiot!”
You nodded and released her hands so she could apply a thicker amount of lipstick before leaning in to place one on your neck and then on your cheek.
“Good?” You questioned.
“Hmm, not quite. Come here” she smirked and attacked the rest of your face with lipstick marks, surprising you and your friends.
“Alright, enough!” Jiwoo scolded, having to grab Funa’s shoulders.
You felt a bit dizzy, not used to your girlfriend’s possessive side but it’s something you definitely wanted to see later.
“If you win this game, I’ll give you a reward” Funa whispered in your ear.
Yeah there was no way you were letting that opportunity slide. “I’ve never lost a game, Princess”
“Looking forward to tonight then”
“Hwang get in here!” Coach called out.
You sighed and looked at your girlfriend once more. “See you in a bit, babe”
Funa pecked your lips. “That’s for good luck. Break a leg, baby. Not literally though”
“Oh wait!” You exclaimed and took off your necklace before putting it on Funa. “Wear this. Bye bye!”
Funa fiddled with the necklace and smiled like an idiot.
“I still question how you and Y/n managed to get together, considering she has a stick up her ass all the time, but I can really see she loves you” Ruka wiggled her eyebrows.
“People just don’t see how she really is with me” Funa giggled, reaching for her sign to wave around.
“You look stupid” Chanelle commented on the lipstick marks all over your face and neck.
“You’re just jealous” You chuckled
“Jealous of looking stupid? Not really”
“I hate you”
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larcenywrites · 3 months
kinda random but headcanons about young!tony telling maria stark all about his girlfriend (maybe she was his best friend/childhood friend and then they fell in love and maria always teased them about how they'd make a cute couple) and maria teasing him about being a lovesick puppy but also being super happy about it + relationship advice from mama stark 🤧🥰 maybe her telling tony what she thinks of his girlfriend and everything 🥺👉👈
Tbh I like the idea of Tony and his s/o being cute childhood friends🥺 and this is already long but I feel like I have so much more I wanna say 😭 I hardly know what I said here honestly 😭 I focused a lot more on the childhood aspect ngl 😭
Word count: 1,909
Warnings: she/her terms and pronouns used | completely SFW |
💠You and Tony have been connected at the hip since childhood! Neighbors, both the only children in your families, same age— so of course you both got up to no good in the shared strip of grass between your homes! And eventually up to no good in each other's homes! 
💠Cue that video of that kid crying because the other kid said that she'd marry him 😂 That's pretty much little you and little Tony! Your Superman and Barbie were always married to his Batman and He-Man toys, and maybe you made him be the housewife when you played house in the kitchen 😌 And Maria was probably much more entertained with whatever love-betrayal-murder plot you two came up with on the living room floor than the daytime soaps on the tv 🤧
💠Especially if Maria is best friends with your parent/s, I'm sure she was the type to giggle about how their kids will grow up and get married 
💠He was ripping apart RC cars instead of playing with them in the driveway, or making you hold wires in place while he duct-taped them around a pipe. And Howard wasn't very happy when he started tearing television remotes apart, too… 
💠So when daddy dearest shipped him off to boarding school, summers and holidays were practically spent entirely together!
💠He always hid in your backyard when he was sent home early from boarding school for being difficult, and was oh-so-boastful about winning the fight that got him sent home early- that he didn't even start, by the way! He started hiding in your room on the days he had to go back, but he wasn't going to let you get in trouble for hiding him when now your parents were involved in the search too 😖
💠Every year, the same routine. Sometimes he came back a little taller, and sometimes he was leaving with a new haircut (of which you weren't afraid to let him know your opinion of it!) that would be grown back out by the time he returned, but one day, in particular, was different...
💠 He'd shown up at your window as per usual, right at the end of summer, finally tall enough to cross his arms over your windowsill without standing on his toes. 
💠 "I don't wanna go," he whined, squishing his cheek against his arm as he rested his head upon his crossed arms. 
💠"But you'll get in trouble," you argued back, meeting him at the window and standing on your knees, still looking down at him. 
💠"I'll get in trouble either way." He continued to pout, but you didn't let up either. 
💠"It's just one more year." But your plea was only met with a sigh.
💠"Here," you started decisively, tone making him turn towards you, still with his chin tucked over his arms. With a short bout of courage, you quickly leaned down before he could even realize, barely touching your lips to his in a child's-excuse-of-a-kiss that hardly lasted a second. "I'll wait for you to get back, okay?" You chirped reassuringly, fighting the heat under your cheeks.
💠Wide-eyed and red-faced, no longer slumped over crossed arms and tight-lipped, he could only nod cartoonishly. 
💠 You'd always thought he looked silly and a bit scrawny in his school uniform, but now he looked quite cute in those silly green shorts as he was finally heeding Jarvis' call from the car. 
💠Both fortunately and unfortunately, nothing special happened or changed once he came home, but as time passes, it's only natural for the two of you to get shy at close contact or steal glances during a round of Galaga or Mario, and maybe sitting a bit close for the thrill!
💠And Maria obviously notices! She doesn't play on the NES herself, but she enjoys watching! Or maybe just enjoys watching you guys 🤭
💠And later that night at dinner, she's definitely teasing Tony about how cute you two are, but even Howard comes to the poor blushing boy's rescue 😖
💠Remember that Tony went to college real early at 16, probably much to your secret bitterness and dismay 😒 but the worst was that, once again, he only came home on summers and winters and holidays 😔 where you got to hear all about his new friend and maybe felt a bit jealous 😔
💠But at least with his more formal education (and more trust from his dad), he was no longer so anarchic with his little science experiments! Sure, he'd always made little robots and been able to put anything back together with only minor issues, but now you were seeing him in a section of the paper with much larger robots and maybe feeling a bit silly now about holding the flashlight for him while he tore apart your family's backup generator 😅 
💠And maybe you leaned in a little too close on purpose when he was sketching out his blueprints to bring to class after spring break... hey, they are actually really good! 
💠Eventually those RC cars became real cars, and eventually he asked you out… with some help from his mom, of course. 
💠"Tony, when are you going to man up and ask (Y/N) out?" Maria asks one day.
💠"Huh?" He's genuinely confused and taken aback, looking over at his mom with furrowed brows.
💠"You heard me." 
💠"I don't think it's like that," he replies meekly, already blushing. 
💠"Didn't you say she kissed you?"
💠"Yeah, when we were like fourteen…" 
💠"And it doesn't seem anyone else is willing to hang out with you every day..."
💠"Should I be offended by that?" 
💠"You should be inspired."
💠Tony rolls his eyes a little, but it is already something he's thought about. Of course he's thought about it! And honestly, you've probably dropped some very frustratingly obvious hints 😖 and Tony isn't stupid. You know this, he knows this. Well, maybe he's a little more inept when it comes to social cues, but still! 
💠Maria has known you for nearly you're whole life, and she already adores you, so don't worry, she also talks all about how lovely you seem and how Tony should go for it! She's on your side! As soon as you leave, she'll have something to say!
💠And the longer Tony puts it off, the more she'll just downright be like, "Y/N was flirting with you, dummy!!!!" or "You guys are very cute 🥰"
💠Tony is frustrated not because he disagrees, but because he really doesn't know what to do and doesn't wanna look stupid :( Because, let's be honest, in this circumstance, he has 0 experience 🤧
💠After awkwardly trying and failing to ask you out in his garage one night, after fumbling to grab every tool and getting hit by the car's hood he didn't properly secure, and then became even more flustered after you grabbed onto his shoulders and head and asked if he was okay, he decided to begrudgingly ask his mom for help 😖
💠And gets even more embarrassed when she excitedly agrees 😓
💠"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just help me out here," he whines in a regional New York accent that he's probably mostly shed by now with his college career. 
💠And only many months later will Maria tell you about his red cheeks and scrunched nose as he asked 🤭
💠But!!! What she's saying... he already failed at a few days ago :( He tried asking you on a date during a casual hangout :( but he was already not doing himself many favors so he gave up and just let you go home with nothing more than a meek "see ya 🙂" 
💠His mom makes him feel a little better about it, especially when she says that you probably thought it was cute😊😊 and probably knew what was up anyway! But, uh, maybe still make sure you don't do that next time... have more confidence!
💠So... the next time you're both hanging out in his garage... he's probably puffing out his chest and flexing a bit 🤭 but when you do look, it does help his confidence! And that's the point! 
💠This time when you go to leave, he's still a bit flustered and stumbling through a few words, but he does manage to get out a "so, um... I was thinking maybe we should go somewhere... nicer? Next time? Maybe Friday?"
💠He becomes a bit squeaky at the end there, but it only helps him look cuter! Of course, you've been waiting on this for years, probably, so you can confidently smile back at him and tell him you'd love that- maybe even tell him that you have been waiting for him to ask!
💠Bonus points if you give him a little cheek kiss before you head home, kinda reminiscent of your silly little childhood kiss 🥰 And yes, Tony never forgot it 😘
💠Your confidence (and his lack thereof) definitely throws him off! But don't let his stiff demeanor fool you! He's very happy! And can't hide his grin when he head into his own house... which his mom instantly picks up on and may have been watching through the window 🤭
💠And might tease him about that little kiss 😘
💠But now... he has to actually plan the date 😨
💠First dates are always awkward (especially with your childhood friend!), but with some pretty flowers and surprisingly confident handholding, it goes well! 
💠Bonus points for another cheek kiss before you head inside your house after he drops you off 😘 
💠Either way, now he's hooked! 
💠Now, when you lean over the edge of the car to look under the hood and huddle close to him, he can't help but smile all giddy and sneak a kiss 🥺 because now he's allowed to and now he's super cute 😭
💠He used to always keep it to himself, but now when he calls his mom every week from school like usual, he can't help but complain about being bored without you 🥺 only for Rhodey to scoff offendedly behind him loud enough for Maria to hear 😭 
💠And you know Rhodey got an earful when Tony returned from Summer break talking about his new girlfriend 😘
💠And you also know that when Tony calls you from school, Rhodes is waiting not only to make his own calls, but 7 out of 10 times waiting to make kissy noises and aws every time Tony says he misses you or anything along those lines 🥰 The other times, Rhodey does give you guys some peace and quiet, but sometimes him being there for the call is fun too! 
💠But even when he is home, and even if you were just over yesterday or earlier that day, Maria can tell he's bummed ☹️
💠But honestly it does kinda make her happy! Her son is in love!! But she can't help but tease him about being all lovesick 🥰🥰 There's probably a picture somewhere of him pouting at the breakfast table, but he'll brush it off as him being tired 😤
💠The two of them being close is, believe it or not, a good thing for you! Sure, Maria is protective of her son, but she's also protective of you! Moreso when it comes to your relationship with Tony! 
💠If Tony comes to confide in her about an argument, whether or not he's in the wrong, she's telling him how to fix it 🤧 and sending him with flowers 💐
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Okok hear me out,,, Henry/001/Vecna with a short gf
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This ask couldn’t have come at a better time oh my lord-
NSFW warning
Henry absolutely has a size kink and you cannot argue with me about this.
He will go out of his way to make you feel small
He is absolutely mesmerized by how much bigger his hands look compared to any part of your body. He will cup you face with his hands just to show this off
He absolutely calls you “little one” or “little bird”.
He finds it quite hilarious that some of the older children are either almost as tall (if not taller than) you. And of course he will bring this up all the time.
He likes to bring up how it would be so easy to break your little body. And he shows this off by wrapping his hand around your throat.
He will simply just pick you up and carry you places and at this point you will have to accept it. You are like a little doll to him.
He will let you borrow some of his white button up’s just to see how you practically swim in them
He loves nothing more then to watch you struggle fitting him within you. He goes crazy for that shit. He asks you “Do you think you can take it little one?” Knowing full well you’re never gonna say no
Don’t even get him started on when you kiss him-
Seeing you raise all the way up on your tippy toes to reach his face makes his cold dead heart flutter
The same goes for hugs of course
He loves holding you close to his chest and running his fingers through your hair. It’s just so therapeutic for him.
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jaded-falcon · 1 month
"This is a terrible idea, Eliza, and you know it," Mariya protested. "That world is seething with fanatics. You can't actually-"
"Mariya." Eliza laid a hand on her wife's shoulder. "I know what I'm doing is a bad idea. That doesn't mean I can stand by and watch as the last Cameron gets herself killed. I may have retired, but I'm still a Jade Falcon at heart--born of Black Watch blood. It's my duty to protect her."
Mariya looked like she wanted to argue further, but they'd been married long enough that she could tell when Eliza had made up her mind.
"Besides, I'm a Hazen," Eliza added, slipping on armour plates she hadn't worn since the last days of Operation REVIVAL. "My namesake ancestor was killing rebels with a sword when she was eighty."
She zipped up the skin-tight suit and flexed her arms, readjusting to the feeling of armour inserts pressed tight against her skin, before turning to look at her wife in the afternoon light.
Mariya was trying her best to mask the fear in her eyes, and failing. It tore at Eliza's heart to see her so distraught, but she had a duty to House Cameron; one that was bigger than her alone.
The requested modifications to Death Knell had already been made; as her old name implied, she would be near-invisible on the battlefield, thanks to new stealth plating, an ECM suite, and redone camouflage paint. If she had to eject, her neurohelmet's oxygen mask and polarised visor would hide her face. She had a survival knife attached to her chest, Vera was on her hip, and she had a cutdown Wolverine and a sword in her cockpit for emergencies; half of the pouches on her combat suit were loaded with survival necessities like PAKs and MREs, and the other half were filled with extra ammunition and more niche tools, like binoculars and navigational aides.
"You'd better come back," Mariya growled. "Otherwise, I'm going to hunt you down myself."
There was something rather amusing about a 1.5-metre tall woman in civilian clothes trying to threaten a woman that was both a head taller than her and clad in full combat gear, yet neither woman could find it in themselves to laugh at the absurdity.
"I will," Eliza nodded, taking Mariya's hands in her own. "As surely as the falcon flies."
She leaned down just slightly as Mariya stood on the tips of her toes to kiss her. It was an awkward kiss, frustrated by the confines of the neurohelmet, and neither woman would've traded it for anything in the world.
They broke apart too soon--yet had they gone any longer, Eliza wouldn't have been able to find it in herself to leave.
"As surely as the falcon flies," she whispered, turning towards the door and pulling the polarised lens down before making her way to the technician's yard where Death Knell was stored.
The owner nodded to her; she nodded back. Not a word passed between them. Thomas was the son of the original owner, and Elizabeth didn't know him particularly well, but he was a capable technician that had kept her 'Mech in a good nick and hadn't questioned why she needed such an extensive overhaul on relatively short notice, nor why she had access to extremely advanced stealth technology.
It felt odd, starting up the venerable machine without the assistance of a technicolor swarm of technicians. She'd done it before, but that didn't mean it felt any less odd.
The neurohelmet synched with Death Knell's systems without issue. Elizabeth secured the oxygen mask in place and connected the rebreather system to the port in the cockpit. The Starfire 375 XL purred as it started up. Power flowed from the reactor to the rest of the 'Mech, flooding into the lasers and the actuators and the myomer, breathing life into the machine as Elizabeth took a breath, deep in and long out, listened to the rasp of the oxygen mask filling her ears, and buried her real name deep, deep down.
Death Knell stepped out of the technician's bay, and a long-dead spirit of the Black Watch began their journey towards Helios.
Thirty minutes later, a tightband transmission flickered across the HPG waves.
"Major MacIntosh to your ancestors as I to you. Nemo me impune lacessit."
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sugartitstownley · 1 year
HC’s for Post Option C Trikey
Hey, everyone! This is nothing too formal or well written— just some thoughts put down. All mistakes are mine because I didn’t reread this at all. Trigger warnings for mentions of violence and canon compliant themes. Here’s some Trikey + a bit of Amanda/Mike/T friendship.
Michael and Amanda’s divorce is rather amicable despite years of prior arguing.
Neither want to admit their marriage is over—both worried about the kids’ reactions. But they know it’s in everyone’s best interest.
Amanda moves out of the house, opting for a beach front property like she once asked Michael for months before.
Mike decides to stay at the house for now, even if it reminds him of what a lonely, washed-up jock he really is.
It doesn’t matter, though, because he’s never home. Instead, he spends his time at the movie studio, threatening actors and crew alike (because old habits die hard, right?).
If he accidentally hits too hard and the actor just doesn’t wake up…well, who can blame him?
The rest of his time is spent in the company of Franklin, Trevor, and Lamar.
“Jesus, sugar tits. You finally have time for us outside of kissing Solomon Richards’ ass.”
“Oh, bite me, T,” Michael says, rolling his eyes as he slides into the backseat of Franklin’s car. “I’ve been busy doing my job on set.”
“Well, sorry! I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a huge celebrity.”
Franklin slams on the brakes, the car coming to a halt in front of the stoplight. “Man, if y’all two don’t shut the fuck up, I’m dropping you both off.”
In hindsight, maybe things don’t seem that different between him and Trevor after The Big One. But he knows something has changed.
Trevor’s insults and quips don’t pack as much punch; they don’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
And Michael? Well, he stops regulates how many times he calls his former running buddy a psycho.
Their tentative friendship rebuilds for the most part, but there’s still an added component that neither party wants to speak aloud. That, or maybe it was a returning feeling resurfacing from their youth.
Either way, Michael tries to let it go and focus on making himself semi-happy for once. However, he doesn’t factor in until later that maybe he’s been so damn unhappy for the last 10 years because of a certain murderous, incest-loving hipster.
Michael feels his heart jump out of his skin as he turns around to see Trevor leaning against the glass outside of his house. He watches Trevor give a small salute before walking over to let the taller man in.
“You can’t knock on the front door like a normal human being?” Michael asks, his voice dripping with mild annoyance. “What am I saying? Of course you can’t.”
“For your information, pork chop,” Trevor starts, walking straight past Michael to look through his fridge, “I do this to keep you young— keep you on your toes.”
He watches Trevor pull out the soup container they made a few days prior while hanging out. Like a reflex, he opens the drawer and pulls out two spoons while they wait for it to heat up in the microwave.
“Yeah, whatever. What are you even doing here anyway?”
“Can’t a guy come see his best friend without there being a reason? Not all of us are looking to gain something from their relationships, sugar.”
Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “God, T. When are you going to let it go? Just once I’d like to spend time with you without thinking of our past. I said I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
Trevor’s eyes find his, and surprisingly, there’s nothing but understanding in them. They hold each other’s gaze a moment too long until the microwave’s beeps fill the quiet room.
Their companionship settles into a routine that even surprises Michael himself. Food will be cooked together, movies will be watched, bikers will be shot (you can’t blame Mike for getting involved sometimes most times— it’s in his blood).
The taller man’s presence becomes so normal in Michael’s life that even Jimmy and Tracey aren’t surprised to see Trevor walking throughout the house when they’re visiting.
If Michael didn’t know any better, he’d say the kids even missed their uncle— enough to visit the Rockford Hills house even when Mike himself wasn’t there.
“Argh! This game fucking sucks!”
Michael’s lips twitch into a small smile as he heads up the stairs towards Jimmy’s room. The sight in front of him doesn’t surprise him all that much considering Trevor’s cursing could likely be heard from across the street.
Michael stops at his son’s doorway, watching him and Trevor furiously tapping on controllers to try and shoot the on-screen targets.
“Uncle T,” Jimmy pipes up, cringing at the screen. “You’re standing too close to the bomb, you’re going die if you don’t—”
The blood of Trevor’s character splatters across the screen before Jimmy starts laughing uncontrollably.
“Shut the fuck up, kid! C’mon, Mikey. Let’s go do something actually worth our time.”
Michael chuckles, reaching over to fist bump Jimmy, before leaving the room with Trevor.
He’s not sure when it happened—or why— but every time he looks at Trevor and his kids while they’re together, he can’t help but think of them as a family.
Sure, Trevor is already family. His kids call him Uncle T for a reason. But that’s not what Michael means. He sees them as his family. Trevor, Michael, Jimmy, and Tracey— a family.
It could be the people of Los Santos getting inside his brain with their comments and assumptions. Every time the pair go out with the kids, there’s at least one person who calls them a “two-dad family.”
For some reason, though, it doesn’t bother Michael like it used to. He doesn’t feel guilty anymore, like he’s cheating on Amanda.
After realizing that, it hit him harder than Martin Madrazo’s baseball bat. He loves Trevor. He’s in love with Trevor, and he probably always has been. Why else would he feel like he’s doing something wrong to Mandy every time he’s with him?
He doesn’t want to even think about telling his friend, but he also knows he wants to be done keeping secrets from him forever. And apparently, he’s done keeping secrets from everyone.
“Dad,” Jimmy starts off nervously from his side of the couch. “So, like, can I ask you something?”
Michael shoots him a weary look. “If this is about me buying you that new game, I already told you no Jim.”
“No, no. Nothing like that. It’s more, ya know, personal.”
The silence drags on as Michael waits for Jimmy to continue, but he never does. “Spit it out already.”
“Look, are you and Uncle T, like, closer than you were before the divorce? You know, closer. Because, like, that’s totally cool with me. I have gay friends now, and I guess it’s better than you staying with mom and cheating. Maybe you and uncle T can, ya know, keep each other alive and shit but—”
“What? Jim! No! Trevor and I aren’t…”
Jimmy interrupts him. “But you want to be?”
“When did you get so observant all of a sudden? You sound like a fuckin’ psychologist.”
“Well, pop, you raised me in Los Santos.”
Jimmy, much to Michael’s embarrassment, prodded at him until he agreed to talk to Trevor about the “issue.”
It takes Michael another month, plus one more terribly uncomfortable conversation with Jimmy, to confess to Trevor.
“Christ, T. I think it’s possible that maybe…”
“I’ll be dead by the time you finish your sentence, sugar.”
Michael sighs. “Have you ever thought that there might be more to this?”
“More—” Trevor groans. “Can you just say what you mean for once in your life?”
“I love you, you asshole.”
Horns honking and police sirens can be heard from outside as the room becomes eerily quiet. Before Michael can truly panic, Trevor leans forward so fast that Mike’s sure he’s about to slam his head into his nose, but the searing pain never comes.
Instead, Trevor’s lips push against his while his hands tug Michael’s hair to bring him closer.
It’s cliché. It’s really fucking cliché. But, for once, Michael feels like he’s doing something right for a change.
“I love you, Mikey.”
After that, not much changes really. The only difference is that, now, when Trevor comes over after a long day of doing God knows what, Michael gets to sit on the couch wasting away with his boyfriend’s head lazily rested on his shoulder.
Or, sometimes, between his legs.
Telling Franklin and Lamar ended up being easy. Neither was all that surprised. In fact, Lamar even tried to start a bet once about when they’d “stop sucking as people and start sucking each other,” but Franklin put a stop to that real quick.
Other than that, Frank was supportive.
“I’m happy for you, dog. Maybe now you’ll stop being so miserable.”
Michael smirks. “I don’t know, but I think this is a good start.”
Telling Amanda and the kids was…interesting.
Jimmy, of course, knew already. But he was surprised that his dad actually grew the balls to do it.
Tracey was a little more shocked; she always thought the jokes about her dad and Uncle T were just that— jokes. Plus, she worried that her dad had been cheating before with him, but they assured her that wasn’t the case.
Tracey tried to act a little stubborn just in case her mom wasn’t okay with the relationship, but she was secretly happy for them.
Amanda, having found her own happiness outside of Michael, took it rather well too.
“This just started, right? You weren’t…together…during our marriage?”
“No, Mand,” Michael reassures her before sparing a glance at Trevor who is across the room talking to Tracey and Jim. “I only just realized it.”
“Well, I always wondered why on Earth you would stick by his side through some of the shit he has done,” Amanda says, her voice growing softer. “And now I know.”
Michael lets his gaze move back to his ex-wife’s. “I’m sorry I was such a prick to you.”
“I wasn’t perfect either.”
He’s about to respond when he feels a hand land on his shoulder. He looks up to see Trevor hovering above him while looking at Amanda.
“Hey,” Trevor points a finger at her. “You better accept his apology or I’ll be hearing about it for the rest of the year.”
Michael watches Amanda actually crack a smile towards Trevor. “He was always really miserable. But, lucky for me, he’s your problem now.”
Michael scoffs. “Hello, I’m right here!”
“Yeah, we know. It’s hard to miss you, pork chop.”
Despite Trevor’s remarks, Michael can hear the man’s smile as he walks back over to join Tracey and Jim, and that makes the sides of his lips curl into a small smile too.
“I’m not going to say I understand it completely,” Amanda admits. “But if you’re happy, then I’m glad.”
“I am. I think I finally am.”
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peakdeer · 2 years
Day 16 - Short
“I am not short!” Joel protested, waving his arms above his head as if trying to make himself look bigger. “I am a perfectly normal height!”
“Yeah, sorry Joel, you’re short. Only Shrub is shorter than you!” Fwhip snorted.
“No! I am taller than more people than Shrub! I’m not that short!” Joel argued, stepping into Fwhip’s face. Just for good measure, he stepped on his toes as well. He opened his mouth to say something else, likely threats, but he was stopped by Jimmy speaking.
“Actually, no, no—height check! Height check! How tall is everyone?” Jimmy interrupted, turning around to look at them all curiously.
“Oh, sure, the tall people want to know how short everybody else is,” Sausage snarked, sticking his tongue out at Jimmy. Shrub let out an offended noise at that, shaking her little fist at Jimmy.
“That’s not what I meant!” Jimmy protested, smacking Sausage on the head jokingly. “I’m genuinely curious!”
Shrub eyed him skeptically, before turning to look at Sausage. They had a silent convo for a minute before Shrub nodded and Sausage followed her lead. “I suppose,” Sausage declared stiffly, lifting his head up.
They shuffled around for a few minutes, trying to get into a correct order. Joel kept trying to get to the front of the line, the little bastard, and had to be threatened with being put in the shortest spot if he didn’t stop.
They finally got into a correct line, glancing at each other curiously to see where they were in line. Lizzie was the tallest, of course—she’s a ten-foot goddess, who else would be there? Jimmy was second at a solid eight feet. Not nearly as tall as his sister, but still a decent height for the damaged egg. Scott slotted into third at six and a half feet, being an elf. He had apparently decided to lord this over everyone else in the line, grinning smugly and completely ignoring the two people who he was not taller than. Pearl was next at six foot five, remarkably tall for a human even if Gilded Helanthians were a tall breed. She refused to share her secrets, grinning teasingly at her friends with all good fun in mind. Katherine was fifth, only an inch shorter than Pearl. That was reasonable, though, seeing as Katherine was a flower fae. Fae always tended to be taller than most others. Gem and Fwhip were tied at six foot, despite Gem’s claims that Fwhip was an inch shorter, being identical twins in all except gender—and their hybrid halves, but once you ignored that, they were identical! …Sort of. Sausage squeaked in at eighth with five foot nine, shorter than his adopted siblings. It wasn’t his fault that they were absurdly tall—he himself was taller than average, he just had the bad luck of being friends with a bunch of people who were absurdly tall. Pix was barely a fraction of an inch shorter than Sausage, and at times appeared taller than him. It’s probably just a prophet thing, though. However that worked. Joey was next at five foot eight, a reasonable height for a human, even if he insisted he was half elemental, which he was not. Joel was second to last with five feet four inches, scowling at them all and daring them to say anything. Shrub, of course, was the shortest, certainly taller than three feet but not quite four feet.
“Didn’t expect Sausage to be that short,” Jimmy commented, laughing when Sausage trained a death glare on him.
“Now you listen here—” Sausage started, cut off by Jimmy speaking again.
“Not that you’re short!” Jimmy protested quickly, waving his hands desperately to stop Sausage. “You’re about average! Just, I’d expected you to be taller.” Sausage settled back, grumbling under his breath. “Besides, Joel’s the shortest, with the exception of Shrub, but she has an excuse.”
Joel burst into angry screeches, shaking his fists at Jimmy. “Oh, you little—I’m going to kill you, I will kill you!” Joel rushed towards Jimmy, tackling his and pulling at his collar with his little hands as if trying to strangle him.
Jimmy fell backward laughing, trying to pull Joel off of him with little success. A few others stepped in to help, and they soon ended in a pile on the ground. With these emperors, nothing was ever normal or mundane, no matter how simple is sounded. Not even height checking. Honestly, they acted like preschoolers sometimes!
…Xornoth would have been in second at six feet, six inches, and six tenths of an inch. He loved to joke about being ever so slightly taller than his twin, and Scott hated it to the fullest extent. His jokes were all in good fin though, always friendly towards his younger twin—even if he was only younger by a few minutes.
Until he wasn’t.
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Chenford ❤️ + argument/sparring
Lucy stands on the kitchen stool, still not quite taller than everyone and yells, “Attention everyone! Gather ‘round! It’s time …”.
“This is complete bullshit! I am again protesting the results of the last semi-final. I did not lose!”
Grey steps in before Lucy can argue with her boyfriend, “Tim - the judges have spoken. Multiple times. YOU. LOST. Now sit down and shut up like a the well-behaved loser you are.” People around them laugh as Tim sits down on the sofa and pouts. Grey turns back to Lucy and nods at her to continue.
Once the room quiets down, Lucy states: “it’s time for the final people! In this corner (she gestures to her left) - we have returning reigning champion Angela Lopez (crowd lightly claps) and in this corner (Lucy gestures to her right), we have upstart-streaking newcomer Genny Bradford who just won a highly contested bout against her brother by split decision. (Crowd cheers and claps as Tim continues to pout).
Let’s go over the rules one last time - there will be three rounds, first round dominant hand, second round non dominant hand, third round whichever you want. First competitor to 2 wins. The goal is to knock the Santa hat off your opponent’s using only the wrapping paper tubes we’ve provided. Ok?! Let’s arm our contestants!”
For the next 5 minutes each “opponent” was dressed in the following - a BBQ apron and one of wade’s ginormous wool winter gloves on their dominant hand which weakened their tube grip. The non-jousting hand was zip tied to the back of their aprons/jeans’ belt loops and each combatant wore ski goggle as eye protection. Lastly, a size too small Santa hat was placed on top of each woman’s head.
Angela was the favorite because she had been playing this game since she could stand against her four older brothers.
While considered to be the underdog, Genny had several secret weapons at her disposal - 1) she was ambidextrous so she was equally strong with both arms; 2) she had dated a fencer for 2 years in college and had several trick moves waiting to be used and 3) she had seen every Elementary episode while on pregnancy bed rest with her second son and had studied up on pate/stick fighting as a result.
Once the women were properly armed and space in the basement cleared- Wade hit play on his daughter’s boom box and “LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMBBBBBLLLLLEEEEE!” screamed out.
The women nodded at each other and before Angela could step forward, Genny spun on her toes, raising her tube over her head, and then stepping forward to slice her tube down across Angela’s head knocking off her (Angela’s) hat. Genny then stepped back and winked at Angela. Wade shouted “Point to Bradford!”
Angela just stood there dumbfounded, mouth open gaping. No one had ever scored on her so quickly.
The second round, after their arms were switched and reattached to the backs of their aprons, Angela attacked out of the gate, screeching like a trapped wild animal poking and smacking Genny with her tube, putting Genny on the defensive. Genny blocked and ducked and parried Angela’s attacks but never fully engaging, always deflecting and defending.
Until… she noticed Angela’s arm wasn’t raised as high as when they started .. Angela was getting tired.
Genny was not, but she backed up away from Angela pretending to be scared, and then rapidly and repeatedly started hitting Angela on the head, beating the jingle bell on the hat, before doing a bob and weave move to throw Angela off balance making Genny’s parry/lunge to knock off Angela’s hat look like an Olympic fencing move - which it was.
When Angela’s hat hit the floor, there was a moment of silence, of disbelief, before the crowd leapt to their feet and cheered. Genny was handed the “Holiday Troll - Best Sparring” trophy and was celebrated the rest of the night.
P.S. as far as we know, Angela and Tim are still sitting on the sofa in Wade’s basement sulking over their sparring losses.
My family made up a ton of random holiday games growing up and we’d “duel” or “spar” with the tubes.
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ultramagicalternate · 6 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude Chapter 3
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“I have to say, Blood, You’ve stirred up quite the shindig over in Shadowland” Barna said before taking a drink from his mug.
“We have? Already?” Blood-Wraith asked. “Were we gone for that long?”
Aureolus swallowed his food and nodded. “Yeah. I’d say you were gone for about a week.”
“It took Radovan that long to get to you. He can only go so fast” Barna continued. “Now I got a contact over in Shadowland. He’s a doctor who goes by the name Claudius Alfieri. He’s probably an outsider given the odd name. Either way, he’s been keeping Dunja and Milosh on their toes by spreading disease amongst their ranks…”
Blood-Wraith was shocked. “Goodness!”
“All’s fair in love and war, Blood,” Corentin added.
“Ha, I’d argue that’s fairly civil compared to what Sten’s doing. He’s been going to town with his greatsword. I crafted the bloody thing and I had no idea he planned to use it for battle. I thought it was just going to be a badge of honor or some kind of ornament, but no. He’s definitely been putting it through its paces.”
“Can you tell us more about his majesty, Barna?” Vexation inquired.
Barna cleared some food from his throat. “Well first things first: He gives me and Claudius the chills. King Sten Haugen is a 9 foot tall giant, built like a mountain, and looks like he just emerged from a crypt. He and my brother are friends, but I can tell that Sten can easily spot his flaws.”
Blood-Wraith was trying to wrap his mind around someone being taller than his dad and Englehart. Both were already 7 feet tall. “So what kind of king is he?”
“From what Claudius tells me, he’s incredibly stern, yet fair. You have to work to earn your keep in Shadowland, but Sten will make sure that you can serve the kingdom in some way. Also people who start yellin’ at him tend stop and lose their nerve. Sten has this deadpan stare when he gets annoyed. My brother has stated numerous times that he admires that level of fortitude… but it’s debatable whether or not that’s fortitude if you ask me.”
“Hmm, that makes me wonder if he isn’t related to The General of Old…” Vexation wondered. “...he also had a very stoic approach to adversity.”
“Well whatever the case, King Sten sounds like a fine enough king” Aureolus stated.
“Aside from the sternness…” Blood-Wraith put in. “So, Barna, while we’re here: can I ask about Corentin? Specifically, why does he look the way he does? No offense, Corentin. It’s just that I always wondered why he doesn’t look like the others.”
Before Barna could answer, Corentin spoke up. “You know? I’ve always wondered about that myself. My torso is some kind of rubber, my bones are metal, and the rest of my body makes use of heavy duty stitching. Ha, did something happen to mom during my birth? Father?”
“Son… oh boy… Son, You don’t have a mother…” Barna looked a little uncomfortable, but remained firm.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Ahem, you don’t have one because I created you.”
Corentin took a second to process this. Once it hit him, he was beside himself in disbelief. “You created me… just… why then?”
“Well, it all started back when that rat Milosh caused your grandfather to go off on his own so he could come back and humiliate him. Gunnar went missing, brother took the throne, and I inherited my dad’s mission. I thought about it for a while until I had an idea: Since I hadn’t found the woman for me yet, why not create a son? It was perfect…”
Corentin cut him off. “Hold up. Why didn’t you get married afterwards?”
“Like I said, I haven’t found the woman for me yet.” Blood-Wraith made a note of this for some reason. Barna resumed. “Making a second Philosopher’s Stone for a Corentin was a pain and there were a few SNAFUs while making his body, but hearing my boy cry for the first time brought a tear of joy to my eye…” Aureolus and Blood-Wraith were enthralled at this point. “... and the pathetic look on Milosh’s face when he saw my boy blowing him the raspberry was a nice bonus.”
Corentin was slightly shaking his head, trying to take it all in. “Well, that definitely answers a lot of questions I’ve had over the years… but dad… am I just one of your projects to you?”
“Yes… and no,” He answered sheepishly. “... you are one of my projects, but you are also so much more than that. You are hands down my greatest achievement and nothing will ever top you. I’m not even going to try. Are there things I would do differently if I created you today? Absolutely, but that’s purely hindsight…”
“Jeez…” Corentin got up, picked up a pack of cigars, and began heading downstairs. “I need a smoke. I’ll be right outside if you need me.”
After they were sure he was outside, Vexation spoke. “How did that not come up sooner?”
“I told myself I’d tell him eventually, but I guess it got shifted to the back. Plus he never asked about it…” Barna answered.
“Impressive amount of trust I must say. He seems to be retaining it given his amicable reaction.”
“Yeah, I suppose…”
“What’s the matter, dad?” Aureolus asked, concerned. He could see Barna’s unease as clear as day.
Barna began picking up the plates since everyone was done. “Oh, it’s just that he had a similar reaction when he and Kresimira split all those years ago.”
“Well I doubt he’s angry with you; just overwhelmed” Blood-Wraith pointed out.
“I know he’s not angry. Sometimes he just needs to be alone.”
While Barna cleaned up and got dessert ready, Corentin gazed at the stars. Finding out he was a construct was something else. There were definitely some positive aspects to this. He was a lot more durable, a cigar or two did not bother him, and he could eat whatever he wanted since his body would process it no matter what. The thing that was bothering him was the fact that his father had not told him up until then. He was disappointed, but also in himself for not asking sooner. Blaming Barna was not going to solve anything. If anyone was to blame, it was his grandfather, whoever that was. Ultimately all of this was just something he would have to accept and move on with.
“I don’t have a mother…” Corentin sighed and doused his cigar. “Oh well, we’ll figure it out eventually.” Going inside, he was greeted by the smell of chocolate cake as he went upstairs. “Well it looks like I came back in just in time.”
“Hey, brother. Feeling better?” Aureolus asked.
Corentin smiled and sat down. “Yeah. Not perfect, but better.”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, son” Barna apologized as he began serving slices of cake.
“Don’t worry about it, dad. Ha, I made sure to tell Maximus I created him right out the gate, no doubt about it.”
Barna laughed. “Haha! Excellent. Don’t make the same mistake I made.”
Over at the Raynot mansion, Radovan and his daughters were also eating dinner. Desislav did not join them as he had gone to bed early. “It feels odd without your mother here, girls,” Radovan commented.
Kresimira sighed. “Yes, it does feel a bit empty… speaking of which, Drago? What has gotten into Blood’s head? That wasn’t your doing, was it?”
“Nope. I am DONE exploring for a while. That last adventure was too much to handle. Honestly I have no idea where Blood got all that zeal. He came face to face with the Lich more than I did…”
“If I had to guess, I’d say it’s that energy we all have as children. Since Blood is incredibly mature for his age, it’s being focused into something truly productive” Radovan concluded.
Kresimira nodded. “That’s most likely the case… Also, Drago, are you implying you’re not going with him?”
Dragoslava slouched in her chair. “Sis, I had my life flash before my eyes. I’m going to bug Brenna to go with him. She’s actually been inside the labyrinth.”
“Fair enough I suppose.”
“Brenna is a capable soldier. She and her brother get that from Ivar. Still, I wish I could’ve gone and found Rose myself. Now that I’m back here, I have mountains of work to do. I’m glad to be back, but a part of me will miss the great hunt” Radovan stated.
After a moment of no talking, Dragoslava shifted in her chair. “Hey, dad? I’m giving my action figures to Blood.”
Radovan smiled. “Well now, I was wondering what you were going to do with them now that you’re all grown. That’s quite nice of you.”
“Yeah, well they’re doing nothing but collecting dust in my room and I need the space. Why not give them to him?”
Once everyone was finished, Kresimira began cleaning up. “I assume you’ll be busy tomorrow, papa?”
“Unfortunately,” Radovan answered. “We need to plan out a program for repairs to the city and a sub-program to address all the repairs Blood and Aureolus made. Bless their hearts, but boys… that’s more paperwork for the king and I.” His daughters chuckled.
Since it was getting late, the three retired for the night. Not feeling truly sleepy yet, Dragoslava sat at her desk with a pen and papers. She thought about doing a write up for the Dark Grand Desert, but decided against it. Instead she figured she would write up some plans for her room. Firstly she needed to get all of her old toys over to Blood-Wraith. Next she had to get a queen-sized bed for her and Desislav… or did she? What if they needed space one night? The mansion did have extra rooms after all.
Feeling a sudden bout of nostalgia, Dragoslava got out a golden action figure and fiddled around with it. It was still in great condition. The quest to stop the Lich made her miss her childhood. Rummaging through the rest of her toys, she found a large, dragon action figure. It was quite fearsome and reminded her of Leif. She could feel her emotions starting to pile up. This toy would not be going to Blood-Wraith, as it now held sentimental value for her. Dragoslava even felt obligated to clean the toy up and put it on display, but this would have to wait until the next day. She was finally starting to fall asleep.
The following morning, Blood-Wraith woke up feeling great. He went downstairs to the dining room and was greeted by Aureolus and Vexation, who were waiting patiently. “Morning, guys. What’s going on?”
“Good morning, Blood,” Vexation replied. “Ms. Thompson stopped in to serve breakfast and meet with you.”
“Oh? Well good thing given that…”
Brenna walked into the dining room with the rest of the food. “Morning, Blood! I hope you don’t mind me dropping by. I didn’t get a chance to chat with you back in the Deep Unlight” she said as she began serving food.
Blood-Wraith yawned, still waking up a bit. “Thanks for the breakfast. Mind if I ask a question?”
“Sure, ask away.”
“Would you be willing to go with me to the Magician’s Labyrinth?”
Brenna sat down. “That’s exactly what I wanted to discuss. You’re taking a lot after Drago, you know?”
He chuckled. “She is the first person I met after all.”
“To answer your question: Absolutely. Now Blood, I have to warn you that that place is dangerous. It’s huge and I’m pretty sure Deimos is the only one who can properly navigate it. Fortunately I do have a rough idea on how it works.”
Vexation thought for a second. “If only Deimos wasn’t so busy…”
“Yeah, but it’s like what dad says: The harder the challenge, the greater the reward” Aureolus pointed out.
“Well sure, but this isn’t training or a treasure hunt: I just want to find my mom and Tusk’s mom,” Blood-Wraith responded.
Brenna ate some of her toast. “True, but you need to be in top shape regardless. Blood, I got a proposal for you: I want to take over as your teacher.”
“Wait, really? Why?”
“Tusk seems out of his depth from what I’ve been hearing. Plus I’m dying to see your abilities in action. I talked to Sigmund and he agreed. Tusk wasn’t ready for ULTRAMagic and he wasn’t ready to be a teacher.”
Blood-Wraith sighed. “I suppose you’re right, Brenna. I just hope this doesn’t bother him.”
Next: Chapter 4
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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anyalovesu · 4 months
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tolerate it.
vi. use my best colors for your portrait.
— “he said he wondered what it must be like inside my mind and i told him he’d rather not know. it was for the better.”
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“Bakit ka andito?” Elijah’s tone was sharp from the door of the atelier, eyes boring holes into the back of her fiancé’s head.
“Madam Eli!” Kyle greeted her cheerfully, skipping towards her as he gave her a high five. Leon didn’t know when they got that close but he figured that maybe FC lang si Kyle. “Nakita ko ang entry mo sa page ng org n’yo! Angas!”
Eli smiled at him, flattered at the compliment, especially because Kyle really was impressed and has never seen anything executed like that.
“Magpapacommission kami ng art sa’yo one day, para sa album art namin!” he says with conviction.
“Album art agad,” Amir playfully hits the back of his head, chuckling at him. “Sumulat ka muna ng kanta.”
“Meron na ngang draft!” Kyle argued, reaching over to Amir’s head to get his revenge but Amir stealthily pulled away before Kyle could hit him. “Nasa flashdrive ko na, iplay ko pa ngayon!”
“Loophole,” Leon replied to her, before slowly turning back to face her. “Bakit Loophole?”
“Hindi ako nagpapapasok sa atelier, lumabas ka d’yan,” Elijah sneered at him, pointing the way out of the room.
The room was messy and there were a lot of unhung canvases lying around the room that she has been planning to hang around the house but she hasn’t been home for most of the time to do the task. She would be lying if she said that she enjoyed working overtime. She’s not afraid of admitting that she has been avoiding Leon, that’s why she has been staying up late in the office. But more than that she hasn’t been drawing well the past few days, that even Hwangs have noticed how dark her designs have been getting which puts Santi in a position to worry if his little sister’s situation is triggering her to have a mental breakdown.
“Why the loophole?”
“Matagal na ‘yan.” Elijah was getting agitated the more Leon tried to press for information.
Wasn’t it obvious? Or was it that Leon is playing stupid?
“It’s good!” Eli clapped as Kyle stopped the seventh and last track from the mini album. “Anong pangalan ng album?”
“Loophole,” he proudly replied. “Homage to where the band started.”
“But nagsimula ang banda sa inyong lima,” Eli smiled at him, soft eyes looking at the gentle stares that her friends were giving her. “Ibang banda ang Loophole.”
“Walang Midnight Covey kung walang Loophole,” Amir agreed. “Maganda yung Loophole. Doon nagsimula ang lahat, doon rin magsisimula ang karera ng banda na ‘to.”
“Para saan? Para kanino?”
“Hindi ka naman yata tanga para isubo ko pa sa’yo ang sagot,” Elijah spat at him, before trying to force Leon out of the atelier. Trying, being the keyword. Leon was taller and heavier than she had anticipated, making it easy for him to stand still and pull her like she weighed nothing towards him. “Bitawan mo nga ako!”
“It was for the album ng MC, right?” 
“You are on thin ice, Park,” Elijah hisses at him one more time, but Leon does not let go. Instead he pulls her into a hug, one that he was strong enough to hold even if Elijah was fighting for her life to escape. “This is not going to fix anything you did, Leon. Bumitaw ka na.”
Elijah was slowly beginning to feel like the world was closing up again. Cold was creeping from her fingertips to her arms, from the tips of her toes to the rest of her body. Her eyes began to cloud as her throat dried and closed up. “Bumitaw ka please,” she managed to sob out as she tried to push him again from another time. “Hindi ako makahinga, bumitaw ka, Leon.”
Leon releases the moment he hears that, cold engulfing him just as much as it did her. “Ellie,” he held her face to make him look at him as she breathed heavily.
“Bitawan mo ako sabi!” 
He was taken back when she slapped his hand harshly away from her face. Elijah backed away from him until she hit the blank wall next to the door frame. Leon could only watch as Elijah clutched the hem of her shirt as she slid down the wall, sobbing.
“You can’t just go home na may dalang bulaklak tapos magkukunwaring may pakielam ka sa mga ginawa ko para lang saktan ako bukas,” Elijah whimpers, trying desperately to control her breathing. “Tangina naman. Gusto mo malaman kung para kanino ‘yan?”
Leon was speechless, he just stood there and nodded like a pathetic little boy. It made his heart squeeze to see Elijah sat there, in the midst of a mental breakdown, and he hit a dead end trying to figure out how to help her. She didn’t want anyone near her, that was the only thing clear for him.
“Para sa banda, oo,” she managed to croak out. “Para sa una n’yong album.”
Leon slowly drops to the floor, pulling his legs close to him as he tries his hardest not to scoot closer toward Elijah to hear what she was saying as some of the words rendered incoherent in between the sobs. “But you stopped being friends with me bago ko pa natapos. Bago ko pa maibigay.
“Bakit ilang araw na hindi sumasama si Eli?” Amir asks as Leon enters the room with Krizal, his girlfriend. Krizal sneers at him the moment Elijah’s name was mentioned.
“‘Wag n’yo na hanapin,” Leon brushes them off as he offers for Krizal to take a seat on the couch where Eli used to sit.
Kyle couldn’t help but feel the ick for the new girl.
 Surely it wasn’t her fault that she was brought here by Leon, but she seemed uninterested the entire time she was there and it was a stark contrast to the enthusiasm that Eli always showed whenever she tagged along. He appreciated every comment Eli gave and the small revisions in the lyrics and the composition of the song that she thought would sound better. That energy was just absent now that Eli is not there anymore. He missed it. Surely, everyone did. Especially when there was a constant interference with their equipment because of the constant calls that Krizal kept on getting in the middle of their practice.
“Miss ko na si Madam,” Kyle mumbles as he scribbles on his notebook. Krizal had just left to meet with her friend, and there they were on the floor of Kyle’s studio, trying to brainstorm for the next song that’s going to make it in their album. “Kelan ba daw s’ya hindi busy?”
“Ayaw ni Krizal sa kan’ya,” Tobi rolled his eyes. “Hindi ko na rin nakikitang nagpapansinan ‘yung dalawa eh.”
“Ang fucked up mo naman brodi kung iniwan mo si Eli dahil ayaw sa kan’ya ng jowa mo,” Karlo laughed at him, thought secretly hoping it was a joke. But it wasn’t. That morning, Leon and Eli spoke about the terms of their friendship and technically ended it there.
Leon looked at him blankly.
“Bobo,” Kyle shamefully threw his notebook at Leon, making sure to aim for his head. “Bobo ka! Isa kang bobo!”
“What was I supposed to do? Eh nagseselos nga si Krizal sa kan’ya?”
“Si Eli ba talaga ang problema o ikaw ang suspicious gumalaw kapag kasama si Elijah?” Everyone stopped to look at Tobi. 
Of all the people, Tobi knows Leon the most as he sees it, Leon has been denying an emotion that he fears to feel.
And that was, Leon, in fact, was unknowingly falling in love with Eli. And out of fear of what could result from that, he switches up to another girl and dumping Eli as if it would magically erase how he felt for his best friend.
“Anyway, kung makakaistorbo lang din ang girlfriend mo sa practice at wala namang itutulong dito, huwag mo na isama,” Kyle rolled his eyes at him, picking up the notebook that he threw at Leon. “Ilang beses tayong umulit kasi ugong ng ugong ang speakers. Akala n’ya yata nakakatuwa s’ya.”
Him and Krizal broke up a few months later and it didn’t take long before he was dating someone else already. Though they lasted longer than him and Krizal did, his relationship with Junia ended for the same reason. They couldn’t stop getting jealous over someone Leon had left behind already.
While Leon knows that he has already moved on, it seemed like the ghost of Elijah haunted him, because she was everywhere. Even their small fanbase searched for the girl who always stood in the bylines during their gigs, the one who always cheered for them and even went as far as writing songs with them. Maybe him constantly being broken up with because of Eli unreasonably planted that deep rooted dislike for his, now, ex-best friend. 
Margot was there for them the same way Eli was, though she had a different role. She was there because she enjoyed whatever her older brother sang. It took a while before she and Leon got together because Amir did not like the thought of it. At the end of the day though, Amir knew that Margot could handle it. After all, Margot and Eli met each other once and did not have bad blood at all. Margot knew her worth and knew that Eli is not going to be a threat at all if it was up to her.
Margot trusted Leon very much and while it seemed pathetic that she knew there was someone else in Leon’s heart, she figured that there were two separate places for them and there was no point in competing with someone who respected Leon’s decisions a long time ago. Margot knew that there will always be love for Eli. From all of Midnight covey. She knew that Midnight covey wouldn’t have made it if she weren’t there during the beginning of it. Eli will always be loved, especially by her best friend, Leon, though he says he would rather die than say it.
And Margot was right all along.
It wouldn’t hurt this much if there wasn’t love.
It physically hurts him to remember that conversation with his friends, everything that had everything to do with Eli during the rise of the band, all his break ups — everything leads back to Eli. 
And it wasn’t even her fault at all. 
It was all his.
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“Babes, may schedule ka pa sa Sunset vine,” Ynes called her softly, tapping the back of her very hungover best friend to try and wake her up from her slumber. “Sabi na kasing tama na kagabi eh, ayaw pa magpaawat.”
“I’m sick sabihin mo hindi ko kaya,” Eli whined, trying to swat Ynes’ hand away from her back. “Ayaw ko pa rin makita si Leon.”
“Kapag ba hindi ka pumunta, may mangyayari?” Ynes asked, pulling a chair to sit next to her. Craning her neck above the dividers of Eli's working space to see if there was anyone suspicious listening to them. “Kahit naman ayaw mo kay Leon, wala naman tayong magagawa. Jas messaged him last night, noong may tama na rin. He kept on apologizing, babes.”
“What is his apology going to do? Anong akala n’ya? Kapag suddenly binigyan n’ya ako ng acknowledgement bibigay ako? Am I that easy? Ganoon ba ang tingin n’ya sa akin?” Eli rises from her desk and looks at Ynes, tears beginning to glass over her eyes. “Ang babaw ko naman sa kan’ya kung ganoon. He couldn’t even apologize to my face! And then what? Ita-trato nanaman ako na parang basura kung kelan n’ya maisipan? Tangina naman kung ganoon.”
“Babes, I can’t go there on my own rin kasi,” Ynes sighed, finally admitting to the truth. “Nacontact na rin kami ni Kuya Tobi ng assistant ni Misis Park para samahan kayo as maid of honor at best man.”
“Dinadamay na rin kayo?” Eli wanted the ground she stood on to open and swallow her whole from 12 floors above the ground floor. Why did it have to reach to this point?
“I actually think it’s quite nice of them to bring us into the picture. Para hindi kayo magpatayan.”
Eli groaned, slamming her head on the top of her hand over the table. Dejectedly turning her head towards Ynes’ direction only to realize that they really are trying to make this work for her and Leon. 
She really was hopeful that somehow it could work. Maybe some miracle out there would suddenly make him change… but the miracle came in the form of him being made aware of her diagnosis… and the sudden change wasn’t so nice at all. After his scene last night, there was nothing but sheer anger and annoyance for Leon for how he handled things.
“I actually think na dapat hindi na kayo sinasama dito,” Eli mumbled before hesitantly pulling herself up from her seat and grabbing her handbag from the table. “Tara na. Baka kung ano pang iba nilang ipagawa sa inyo.”
Ynes was there through everything. What’s next if Ynes doesn’t follow what they say? Take away her job? Take away from Eli? Losing Ynes is the last thing she wants. Ynes is the sole reason for her sanity throughout college when everything was turning shit because of school and her consistent family affairs that she did not want to involve herself in.
Ynes took Eli’s car keys before she could even argue. Eli was not in the best state of mind and driving for God knows how long will take during the deadly hours of city traffic has never had a higher chance of triggering yet another mental breakdown from her. Ynes took it in her hands before things got out of hand.
“Gusto mo na ba pagusapan kung saan nagsimula ang sigawan n’yo ni Leon kagabi?” Ynes asked once they reached where the traffic really got congested. 
“Nasabi ko na kagabi,” Eli replied coldly, as if trying to avoid the subject  though deep inside she knew that she had to talk about it at some point. She figured that talking about things helped her to figure out how to go around things better. The thing about that was that it was hard to relive moments that got too emotional for her liking. Emotions made her brain go haywire almost every time. There was a point where she thought she had an aversion towards feeling strong emotions but Isa always reminded her that it was okay to feel her feelings when he was around because she was safe.
She believed him.
She was safe with Isa.
But Isa is not here anymore.
“Sabi mo lang kagabi nagdala ng bulaklak tapos ang kapal ng mukha n’ya dahil akala n’ya kaya ka n’yang goyohin sa bulaklak,” Ynes gave her a slight shrug.
Ynes always thought rationally. Which made her jealous of that trait of her best friend because she never was. The highs were always too high and the lows were always too low. There was rarely a neutral ground for her to think things out properly. She was a cosmic ball full of emotions and ideas, always waiting for the most inconvenient moment to explode. They either turned into stars, her greatest creations, the very reason of her success or into black holes, that sometimes are strong enough to absorb every single reason for her to want to live.
Eli looked at Ynes, whose eyes glued to the road, before slumping back on her seat, letting out a heavy sigh to try and compose herself with enough courage to tell her best friend what had really happened.
“Pumasok s’ya sa atelier,” Eli sighed, looking down on her hands as she fiddled with the zipper of her designer bag sitting on her lap. Her light pink manicured nails scratched on the metal grooves of the zipper in hopes of distracting herself from crying once again.
“You let everyone in the atelier, Eli,” Ynes glanced at her curiously. True to her statement, Eli did let everyone into her working space ever since. She was always proud of the art that she creates, claiming that she has brought them to light from the highest and lowest points of her life and it was always worth being proud of because it was a reminder that she survived that part of her life. “Bakit ayaw mong papasukin si Leon?”
“I didn’t let him him. Pumasok s’ya ng kanya,” Eli quipped. “There’s a difference d’on, babes.”
“Bakit ayaw mo nga?”
“Nakita n’ya yung huli kong ginawa,” Eli glances out the window to try and avoid letting Ynes see her crying even though she’s seen her cry too many times to count already.
“Maganda naman?”
“I don’t know if he figured that half of it was from my grief noong sinantabi n’ya ako,” Eli mumbled. 
Ynes felt a pang of guilt hit her when Eli admitted that. 
'Half of it' was an understatement, more than half of it was Eli’s artistic take on Midnight Covey’s songs. They were basically what could’ve been MC’s album cover art over the past four years. She hasn’t listened to any of them directly, but Ynes played them all the time. She was friends with Kyle after all like Eli used to be too. Ynes was a big fan of Midnight Covey but out of respect for her best friend, she never opened up the fact that Eli has been keeping her word to Kyle that she will make them an album cover one day when they made it big.
“Now I feel guilty kasi nararamdaman ko pa rin yung grief na yon kahit na may Isaac na noon,” Eli continued. “But it was a different kind of hurt, you know? Akala ko kasi hindi n’ya maiisip gawin ‘yon but I turned out to be just as replaceable as everyone to him. Tapos what? Kapag nalaman n’yang may sakit ako, all of a sudden, maawa s’ya tapos gogoyohin ako gamit ang bulaklak? Ganoon ba kadali ‘yon sa kan’ya? I spent the past years grieving our friendship tapos ganon lang ‘yon sa kan’ya?”
Ynes had no more words to say but a sincere apology for pushing her to open up something so sensitive to her. Eli told her to not mind it, maybe it did feel good to let that thought go because it was true and it mattered a lot that she listened.
“He also called my best work yet childish and immature,” Eli added. “I don’t want to get scrutinized again by someone who used to be so proud of my work.”
“Maganda ang mga gawa mo,” Ynes argued. “He’s so lucky that he was the reason behind one of your best works. You always painted him in good colors. So much for someone na sinaktan ka ng sobra.”
“I don’t have the stomach to hurt his reputation and ruin his image for the band,” Eli replied, eyes following the parking lot lights that they were passing by, another of her useless attempts to distract herself from getting too emotional again. “He’s a shitty person, yes. But not that bad naman para sirain s’ya with my art. He still deserves the best colors for his portrait. Magaling naman s’yang musician. Let’s give him that.”
“Ruby,” Leon smiled, welcoming her into his arms before his arms made its way to wrap around her waist. “This is Chulia and Georgina. I met them kanina. Sila yung organizers.”
Elijah could almost feel her entire skin crawl at the feeling of being intimately close to Leon. Things seemed to naturally spew out of Leon’s mouth. Like Elijah wasn’t screaming her larynx at him the night prior.
Nonetheless, Elijah offers her hand to shake both Chulia’s and Georgina’s hand politely. “It’s nice meeting you both.”
“We’ve met before,” Chulia smiled at her. “Sa VisuoCon two years ago! I didn’t know na si Leon Park pala ang boyfriend mo noong time na ‘yon!”
“Oh, he wasn’t,” Elijah blurted out before she could think of it. 
Leon could not help but feel flustered at her slip up this early but he could not help but feel a pang against his chest being denied like that even if he knew very clearly that she was committed to someone else just a week ago. However, instead of showing how completely fazed he was by this, he only clutches her waist possessively as if to tell Chulia that he might not be the one with her back then but he’s the one here now.
And that’s what mattered.
Elijah, who was also shocked by her own reckless response, seemed to get the message. “He wasn’t. Life works strangely. Dito rin pala ako babalik.” 
“We got together just this year, actually,” Leon chuckled, carefully caressing the area where his hand was. Elijah, though it scared her the first time it happened, seemed to be growing on Leon’s touch. After all Leon wouldn’t do anything to violate her that way… he’s not that kind of person, right? He changed but he’s not that bad, right? “Pero magkababata naman kami. Technically, there’s no need na magkaroon pa ng ganoon katagal na dating phase, right? We’ve spent almost our entire lives together.”
There was some truth to that. Yes. They got together this year, specifically roughly about a week and a half ago. They were childhood friends, correct again. They have spent their entire lives together,
Except that for the past four years, they have been pretending to not know each other.
Though, for more than they liked to admit, they unconsciously did things that still lead back to each other.
“Ay ganoon ba?” Georgina seemed to be so amused by the unconventional love story that they were trying to sell. “So si Ma’am Elijah po ‘yung person in question noong sinabi n’yo na in a relationship kayo?”
No, hindi po. Elijah wanted to reply to her. Tempted to tell the truth right then and there but they were buying into everything that even Tobi and Ynes seemed to be impressed by how well they were playing into this. They were easily fooled into Leon’s charismatic smile when he nodded as they giggled and playfully slapped each other’s arms.
Elijah, getting a little too close for comfort, laid her head on Leon’s side, accentuating the height difference as Elijah only rose to graze lightly to his shoulder. 
“We wanted to keep it private, right?”
Elijah didn’t know why she turned her head to look at him; it just felt right. But she didn’t know if it was a great move— maybe for anyone who didn’t know any better, it was— but for her sanity it wasn’t because Leon did the same exact thing and their faces came too close for their liking.
They stood there, faces inches away from each other.
And somehow that made Elijah’s heart race. It wasn’t the good kind. She got afraid.
Not by the closeness.
Not by the fact that he looked like he was going to kiss her.
She got afraid of the fact that for a miniscule second, she wanted to move closer and kiss him right then and there.
Elijah got too flustered and playfully pushed his face away, managing to hide how her face easily turned crimson by hiding her face on his chest. Again, too close.
“Ang cute n’yo po,” Georgina giggled, playfully slapping Chulia’s arm once again. “Dito po tayo, darating na po yung mga server maya maya ng kaunti.”
“While waiting, we should talk about you two’s preferences, ano? I heard from Miss Alcantara na napagusapan n’yo na raw po ‘yung mga gusto n’yo. So, doon po tayo magsisimula ngayon,” Chulia smiled, as the six of them walked towards the back room of the restaurant.
Leon managed to slip his arm away from Elijah’s waist, leaving her feeling cold after getting used to his warmth for that short period of time. But before Elijah could move away, the older man managed to reach for her hand just split second after he took his arm from around her body.
Elijah knew they were pretending. 
Who knows how long it would last that Leon was this nice and intimate.
Her mind was racing with a million other thoughts about the impending engagement party, but the one that led them all was the fact that she never once attempted to remove her hand from Leon’s even when they were already sitting down. There were their hands, over the table, flashing the shiny ruby ring for the entire table to see.
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omgsquee2001 · 9 months
Chapter 2: Dol Guldur and Mirkwood
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Azog walked out onto a raised walkway in Dol Guldur. A darkness flew through the air and spoke to Azog in Black Speech. 
"We grow in number. We grow in strength. I entered the Half Breed's mind and showed her what she is to become. You will lead my armies." The Darkness said. Azog growled. 
"What of Oakenshield?" Azog asked. He was still hell-bent on killing Oakenshield and ending the line of Durin once and for all. He still had plans to betray the Darkness and take the Half Breed's powers for himself, though he had to be careful, for the Darkness could enter his mind and his plans would be in vain.
"War is coming." The Darkness said, ignoring Azog's question. 
"You promised me his head!" Azog shouted in anger. The Darkness flew right through Azog and he spun around to face it.
"Once I have the Half Breed's powers, death will come to all." The Darkness promised. The Darkness disappeared, leaving Azog angry with his question unanswered. He snarled in anger. An Orc came to him. 
"Do we call off the hunt?" The Orc asked. Azog contemplated for a few seconds, then made up his mind.
The Orcs turned as Bolg, much taller than any of the other Orcs, matching Azog in height, strode up to Azog, pushing the other Orcs aside. Azog and Bolg stood toe to toe. 
"I have a task for you. Do you still thirst for Dwarf blood?" Azog asked. Bolg smiled in hatred and excitement, eager to spill more blood. 
Back at Beorn's house, Beorn's ponies were prancing through the fields. A very large bumblebee landed on Bilbo's nose, waking him with a start. Putting on his jacket, he walked toward the kitchen, where all the dwarves and Gandalf were already seated. Mizim's tail thumped in happiness as Bilbo gently stroked her fur, looking around in awe at the huge interior of the house. Beorn poured milk from a pitcher into Fili's cup. Beorn was much taller than any human, even taller than Gandalf. Beorn looked at Thorin and Alrún, who was resting her head against Thorin's shoulder, still very much uneasy about her dream the other night.
"So you are the one they call Oakenshield, and she, she is the daughter of Aredhel." Beorn said. "Tell me, why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?" Beorn asked. Thorin looked at Beorn slightly shocked. 
"You know of Azog? How?"
Beorn looked at the Dwarf King with sad eyes. 
"My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the Orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved." Beorn explained. Alrún looked at the remnants of manacles on Beorn's wrist. She felt bad for the Skin-Changer. To be enslaved for sport sounded like a fate worse than death. Beorn looked at Alrún. "Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him." Beorn said. Alrún looked at the Skin-Changer. 
"That's horrible." She said. Beorn nodded solemnly.
"There are others like you?" Bilbo asked. Beorn looked at Bilbo. 
"Once, there were many."
"And now?"
“Now, there is only one."
The dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf looked on in silence. Beorn looked at Gandalf and spoke, breaking the silence, 
"You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?" Beorn asked. Gandalf nodded. 
"Before Durin's Day falls, yes." 
Beorn looked at the wizard. 
"You are running out of time."
"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." Gandalf said. Alrún had read about Mirkwood. She read that the King had lost his Queen and became hardened and refused to offer help to lands outside of his own. She thought back to that day, so many years ago, when the King turned his back on Alrún, Thorin and his people. She was sure that he had his reasons, but it still hurt, nonetheless. 
"A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there except in great need." Beorn argued. Alrún's eyes widened. Gandalf had spoken of a Necromancer in Rivendell in the meeting with the White Council. What he had claimed was true then. 
"We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe." Gandalf insisted. Beorn scoffed lightly.  
"Safe? The Wood-Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise and more dangerous. But it matters not." Beorn said. Thorin looked at the Skin-Changer. 
"What do you mean?" He asked. 
"These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing, and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive." Beorn said. Alrún sighed. She wanted to ask Beorn more about the Necromancer and if he had heard anything about the Necromancer going after her for her powers, but it seemed now wasn't the time. Thorin looked shocked. Beorn stood up from the table and faced Thorin. "I don't like dwarves. They're greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own." Beorn said. He picked up a mouse that had been scampering on the table and held it gently, all the while approaching Thorin, who was standing with his arms crossed. Alrún tensed, unconsciously moving her arm out to the side, calling the earth to her will, ready to attack if the Skin-changer tried anything. Little clumps of earth gathered at her fingertips, ready to do their master’s will. "But Orcs I hate more." Beorn said. He looked up at the couple and saw Alrún's arm relax, realizing that he wasn't going to cause harm to her lover. "What do you need?"
The Company saddled and rode Beorn's ponies. Alrún stayed behind with Gandalf for a little bit, sitting in Mizim's saddle. Beorn looked at the young woman and the Wizard. 
“Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind," Beorn said. He looked at Alrún. "Stay sharp, Daughter of Aredhel. The Necromancer seeks to take your powers. And do not fear. You are stronger than you think." He said. Alrún smiled gently at the Skin-Changer. 
"Thank you Beorn, for everything," she looked at Mizim. "Let's go, Mizim." She said. Mizim ran off, running after the Company to rejoin them. The company rode rapidly across the land, slowing to a stop as they approached a looming, gloomy-looking forest. Gandalf dismounted and walked into the edge of the forest through an ancient archway. 
"The Elven Gate." Gandalf said to himself. Alrún dismounted Mizim as Gandalf turned to the rest. "Here lies our path through Mirkwood." He said. 
"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin said as he dismounted. Alrún looked at her friend, gently patting Mizim's side. 
"Not for long. Azog and his Orcs are faster than they seem we can't afford to rest for very long." She said. Gandalf squinted as he saw something in the distance. It was Beorn, in his bear-form, watching them from a distant ridge.
"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf said. The dwarves and Bilbo dismounted and began taking their supplies off the ponies. Bilbo approached the forest on foot.
"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it." He observed. He turned to look at the company. "Is there no way around?" He asked. Alrún looked at him as she was helping Kili take his supplies off of his pony. She shook her head. 
"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south." She said. Again, her reading had come to great use while she was in Erebor before Smaug attacked. Gandalf followed a path a few feet further into the shadows and approached a plant-covered statue. At the same time, Bilbo, who was standing by himself, reached into his pocket and, after some internal conflict, slowly pulled out the Ring and fingered it. Alrún gasped and closed her eyes in slight pain. Just like at Beorn's house, she heard the same chant that she had in her nightmare. 
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum ishi krimpatul.
As Gandalf approached the statue, he heard Galadriel's voice in his head. 
Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sight. Every day it grows in strength. Beware the Necromancer. He is not what he seems. Galadriel’s words rang in his heads as Gandalf approached the statue apprehensively, then quickly yanked off the vines, revealing a painted-on Eye of Sauron. A flaming eye appeared in Alrún's vision, causing her to gasp in fear and look around, terrified.
If our enemy has returned and after Alrún, we must know. Go to the tombs in the mountains.
She gasped and looked at Fili. 
"Are you alright?" He asked, placing a comforting hand on her back. She forced a smile at her Nephew. 
"Yes, Fili, I'm fine. Just, nervous." She said. Fili smiled. 
"No need to be nervous, Auntie. You have Uncle, Kili and I to protect you." He said. Alrún smiled at her Nephew's bravery. 
"Thank you, Fili." She said. 
Gandalf stared at the Eye of Sauron and nodded. 
“The High Fells. So be it." He said to himself. The unladen ponies trotted away. Nori was just about to finish unsaddling Gandalf's horse when Gandalf emerged from the forest.
"Not my horse! I need it." he shouted. As Gandalf strode forward, the Company looked up and murmured in surprise. Alrún looked at Gandalf and furrowed her brows. 
"You're not leaving us?" She said. Gandalf looked at her. 
"I would not do this unless I had to, my dear." He said. Gandalf looked at Mizim, having a silent conversation with the wolf. Mizim huffed and nodded, moving her head to bump into Alrún's side. The woman chuckled and gently stroked Mizim's head. Gandalf looked at Thorin, then turned and looked at a dejected Bilbo.
"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire." Gandalf said, pride shining in his voice. Bilbo seemed to have a internal conflict before speaking, 
"I was going to tell you; I...found something in the Goblin tunnels." Bilbo said. Gandalf looked at Bilbo. 
"Found what?"
Gandalf leaned forward curiously and suspiciously; Bilbo didn't answer immediately, but fumbled with the ring in his pocket.
"What did you find?"
Bilbo stayed silent for several more seconds, then finally responded. 
"My courage." Bilbo said. He removed his hand from his pocket. Gandalf nodded for a moment, feeling as if there was something more than what Bilbo had said. 
"Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it." He said. Gandalf turned and began walking toward his horse; he spoke as he passed Thorin and Alrún. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." Gandalf stopped and looked hard at Thorin as he said this, then continued toward his horse.
"This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray." Gandalf warned. Alrún sighed. She felt as if things were going to go very wrong very quickly without Gandalf there. 
"Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo asked Dwalin. Alrún looked at Bilbo. 
"What do you think it means?" She asked. Gandalf got on his horse. It began raining lightly, even though the sun was out.
"You must stay on the path; do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again." Gandalf warned. Gandalf turned his horse and rode away. "No matter what may come, stay on the path!" Gandalf shouted as he rode away. The air felt ten times more tense now that Gandalf was gone. The company was on their own. Alrún knew how stubborn Thorin could be and she didn't know if she could lead him and the company if the forest lead them astray. Thorin and Company turned toward the forest.
“Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." Thorin said as he started walking into the forest. 
"Durin's Day. Let's go!" 
"This is our one chance to find the hidden door." Thorin reminded. The Company entered Mirkwood. They were following the paved path that started at the Elven Gate. Alrún lead the way. She knelt and pressed her fingers to the ground, closing her eyes and concentrating. She saw that the path turned a corner. 
"The path goes this way." She said. As the dwarves and Bilbo kept following the path through the forest, it twisted and turned over all sorts of terrain such as bare ground, high ledges, fallen tree trunks, and more. Dwalin thumped the handle of his hammer on the ground to find the paving stones of the trail.
"This way." he said, leading on. They continued walking. The company had started feeling the  affects of the Forest. 
"Air. I need air."
"My head, it's spinning."
At one point, they all stopped abruptly, Nori in the front. Confusion broke out. Alrún frowned.
"What's happening?" She asked. Thorin made his way to the top. 
"Keep moving. Nori, why have we stopped?" He asked. Nori pointed out in front of him. 
“The path...it's disappeared!" He said. Alrún's heart stopped. 
"What's going on?"
"We've lost the path!"
Thorin looked at Alrún. 
"Alrún, can you feel the path? Can you see it?" He asked. Alrún knelt down to the ground and placed her hand there, concentrating again. She couldn't see or feel anything. She looked at Thorin and sighed, shaking her head. Thorin looked at the others. 
"Find it. All of you look. Look for the path!" He shouted in urgency.
Unbeknownst to them, the path is not far away from them, but on the other side of the cliff. They had unknowingly left it some time ago.
The Company wandered through the forest. The forest was beginning to affect them mentally, and they staggered about.
"I don't remember this place before. None of it's familiar."
"It's got to be here."
"What hour is it?"
"I do not know. I don't even know what day it is."
"Is there no end to this accursed place?!" Thorin shouted angrily, the echo of his shout seeming to mock his misery and the misery of his Company.
The dwarves were all muttering and rambling as they wandered about. Bilbo absentmindedly plucked a spiderweb; it vibrated, and the vibrations continued through the various linked spiderwebs and far off into the forest. Bilbo plucked the web again. He heard a strange whispering noise. Alrún stared as the web stopped vibrating. Bilbo went to pluck it a third time, but Alrún quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Bilbo looked at Alrún in confusion. 
"I wouldn't do that again if I were you." She warned. They continued walking. Bilbo looked down and saw himself walking backward, although it's actually just an illusion. He looked back at Dori, behind him, and saw himself. His entire vision began shifting and tilting. Ori leaned down and picked up a tobacco pouch. 
"Look." Ori said in wonder. Dori took it from his brother. 
"A tobacco pouch. There's dwarves in these woods." Dori said. Bofur took the pouch from Dori.
"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine." Bofur said. Alrún sighed in exasperation. While she was also effected by the forest, she tried to fight back against the illusions. 
"Because it is yours." Alrún argued, trying to get the company to see reason. Bilbo nodded. 
"You understand? We're going round in circles. We are lost." Bilbo said. Dwalin looked at Bilbo and Alrún. 
"We're not lost. We keep heading east." Dwalin said, determination in his voice. 
"But which way is east? We've lost the sun." Oin said. As the dwarves began bickering indistinctly, Alrún looked around. She found Bilbo's eyes. Clearly, they were thinking the same thing. 
"The sun." She said. Bilbo nodded.
"We have to find the sun." He agreed. Alrún  pointed to the canopy above. 
"Bilbo, you're the only one who can get up there. I'll stay down here and try to snap them out of it. Go and find the sun." Alrún said. Bilbo nodded. Bilbo stared to climb up the nearby tree trunk. The dwarves had started fighting and pushing each other around. Alrún tilted her head, hearing the same whispering she had heard when Bilbo plucked the spider web. "What? What's that?" She asked herself. She listened more intently. The whispering continued. Realization dawned on her. They weren't alone. 
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//Okay, so, real quick, I'm debating on weather Alrún should go to the tomb in the mountains with Gandalf. I might not since she needs the Arkenstone to awaken her powers fully, but I was also thinking, that, like Galadriel, she could have another awesome power explosion moment and fight against the evil there and protect Gandalf. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below.//
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snappedsky · 10 months
Fanatics 99.17
The Battalion free Irk's prisoners.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
The Greatest in the Galaxy Part 17
Gir and Mimi fly Squee over the city, Minimoose and the cam-bot close behind. Squee hangs from their hands, having trouble staying conscious. He’s so out of it, he doesn’t even notice the giant robot grab them out of the sky.
When the elevator opens up in the control room, everyone immediately stops what they’re doing.
“A big brother!” Gir cheers as he flies into the room.
“Don’t touch anything, Gir,” Zim orders.
Squee is sitting on the floor of the elevator, rubbing his pounding his head. He looks up as everyone calls his name.
“Ugh, where are we?” he asks.
“Inside a giant robot,” Pepito replies as he helps Squee to his feet.
“A giant what now?”
“It’s our secret weapon,” Kio states proudly.
“Look at you, you’ll all burnt up again,” Shmoopy tuts. Squee’s arms and legs are covered in laser burns and more scorch marks have been added to the ones he already had.
“I knew that plan was a bad idea,” Pepito says.
“No, the plan was great,” Squee argues, “it was fighting an army of Irken soldiers by myself that was a bad idea.”
“Here, sit down, I’ll fix you up,” Shmoopy demands.
“I’ll be fine,” Squee grunts, “I just need something to eat.”
“Here’s the snack bag,” Dib says as he hands him a knapsack full of various snacks.
“Thanks,” he replies and sits on the bench next to Rory and Nimbel. “Hey, Rory.”
“Hello, Squee,” Rory smiles.
“How are you not dead?” Nimbel asks.
“You have no idea how many times I ask myself that same question,” Squee grunts and shoves a handful of gummy worms into his mouth.
“Alright, pay attention, everyone!” Zim demands and points at the cam-bot. “The whole universe now knows about our secret weapon. And if the Tallest have been paying attention, they’ll know our location. It’s time to begin the plan in earnest.”
“We’re gonna circle around back to the Irken tower and take the fight to them,” he continues. “Squee, you gonna be alright to man the radar?”
“Two minutes,” he replies and chugs an energy drink.
“Everyone else, stay on your toes,” Zim orders, “the Irkens will not go down easy, not matter what kind of weapon we have. And Rory, stay out of the fight. We need you alive.”
“You got it.” Rory salutes.
“Um, what can I do?” Nimbel asks.
“Get the hell out-,” Zim starts to reply.
“You could be useful in the next phase of the plan, which will happen when we get back to the tower,” Kio says.
“Huh, really?” Zim questions, “fine, whatever. Just stay out of the way.”
“Okay, I’m good,” Squee says as he jumps to his feet. “Where’s the radar?”
“Next to Pepito,” Kio replies.
He goes over to the console on the left wall. Pepito is standing before a pair of joysticks and next to that is a radar screen.
“Cool, like a video game,” Squee comments.
“I said that same thing!” Gaz exclaims excitedly.
“Let’s move, team!” Zim demands.
The mech steadily does a 180, stepping over buildings and streets until it’s pointed back the way it came. In the distance, Irken tower stands taller than all the others.
“If you really wanted to anger the Irkens, why didn’t you attack the tower?” Nimbel asks Squee.
“What, like I didn’t fight off enough Irkens today?” Squee scoffs, “even that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Nimbel flinches angrily. “You didn’t have to save me.”
“You’re welcome.”
She grumbles. “Are all humans as insufferable as you?” “More so, actually,” he grins.
The mech continues on, the tower still a ways away, when Squee sees blips appear on his radar screen. “We got incoming.”
“What direction?” Zim asks.
“Um...eight o’clock? In the sky I think.”
Zim turns the mech’s head so it’s facing a small group of flying Irkens.
“I got ‘em!” Pepito declares. “Finally get to try out this baby.”
He uses the joysticks to aim at the group and presses their buttons. A large laser turret extends out of the mech’s right shoulder and fires a barrage into the Irkens, swiftly destroying them.
“Yeah!” Pepito cheers.
“I get the next ones,” Gaz demands.
“Wish granted,” Squee says, “we got another group at three o’clock.”
Zim turns the head again to see another group flying at them. Gaz fires her laser turret at them, taking them out.
“They’re not even trying,” she scoffs.
“Those were just scouts,” Rory says, “sent to see what their opponent is capable of.”
“Sent to their deaths?” Dib questions, horrified.
“If it comes to that.”
“There’s more coming, straight ahead,” Squee says.
It’s a larger group this time and they fire their weapons right away. Their lasers bounce right off the mech’s armour though, not even slowing it down. Gaz and Pepito fire their weapons together and annihilate them.
“We got more and they look bigger!” Squee exclaims, “from behind!”
“Dib, keep moving forward,” Zim orders as he turns the head all the around.
“I know,” Dib replies.
Irken cruisers fly at them from behind, firing larger weapons. They still don’t do any damage, but the force of the shots cause the control room to shake slightly. Gaz and Pepito quickly open fire on them and the ships plummet to the ground.
“We got ground forces coming from the front!” Squee announces.
Zim turns the head back around and looks down. Large tanks approach from down the street and park a few yards away before firing missiles. They explode and knock the mech back a bit.
“Keep it steady, Dib!” Tak snaps as everyone tries to keep their footing.
“I got it!” he snaps back.
Gaz and Pepito fire their turrets at the tanks but the lasers aren’t strong enough to destroy them.
“We need something bigger,” Gaz growls and pushes a button. Her turret retracts and is quickly replaced by a plasma cannon. It fires large beams that blasts the cannons away.
“Hey, leave some for me,” Pepito whines as he pulls up his cannon.
“Oh, there’ll be plenty,” Squee says, “we got more ships incoming from three o’clock.”
Zim quickly turns the head to zero in on the approaching ships and Gaz quickly fires her turret at them.
“More at nine o’clock...uh and six o’clock...twelve o’clock...they’re surrounding us!” Squee shouts.
“There’s too many!” Pepito exclaims as he and Gaz struggle to shoot them all, the mech now being rocked back and forth from everyone shooting it.
“I got an idea!” Kio says, “Dib, plant your feet!”
Dib grips his joysticks and plants the mech’s feet, keeping it still.
“Tak, stick both arms out the sides!” Kio orders. Tak quickly does so, knocking away any nearby ships.
“Now, everyone, hold on!” Kio shouts and spins her wheel. The torso spins around at high speed, the arms smacking away all of the ships. Kio grips the wheel, stopping it abruptly. Everyone leans against their consoles, dizzy and dazed.
“Heh, what a ride,” Pepito comments.
“Um, we got more tanks incoming,” Squee warns as he struggles to stop his vision from spinning. “Ahead and from both sides.”
“Dib, charge to the tower!” Zim orders.
“Got it,” he replies and pushes harder on his joysticks. The mech starts running and stomps through the oncoming tanks as it heads straight for the tower.
It gets there quickly before anymore Irkens can attack and skids to a stop just outside its yard. Irken guards stand ready for a fight, but Dib quickly kicks them out of the way.
“Okay, Dib, Pepito, you two get inside and start part two of the plan,” Zim orders. “According to Rory, the dungeon is located in the basement.”
“The front door is the most direct but the most dangerous,” Rory adds.
“Don’t worry, we got it,” Dib replies as he and Pepito head for the elevator.
“Come on, Nimbel,” Pepito says.
“Wh-what are we doing?” she asks.
He smiles. “Prison break.”
She blinks with surprise as the three of them ride the elevator down the mech’s foot. Meanwhile, Zim and the others remain in the control room with the cam-bot.
“With Dib and Pepito gone, we’ve lost foot control and one of our weapons,” he says, “Squee, you’ll have to work it until Pepito comes back.”
“Fine,” he grunts as he slides over to the neighbouring console.
An elevator door opens up on the side of the mech’s right foot and Dib cautiously pokes his head out. The street and yard are empty and quiet.
“No reinforcements yet,” he says, “let’s hurry.”
He, Pepito, and Nimbel hurry out farther into the yard, stopping about halfway to the front door. Pepito then kneels down and rubs the ground.
“I sense presences beneath us,” he says and gets back up. “Stand back.”
Dib and Nimbel step back as Pepito’s hands glow black. Then he blasts the ground, creating a large hole into a dark space.
“Going down,” he says as he drops through the hole, Dib and Nimbel following.
They land in a dimly lit, stone corridor. Lining the walls are cells with laser beam bars, and crammed into those cells with barely enough room to breathe are alien civilians. They all immediately start shouting at the sight of the trio.
“Oh, these poor people,” Dib remarks, “crammed in here like sardines.”
“Where’s my family?” Nimbel asks, looking around frantically.
“We’ll find them, just stick with us,” Pepito says.
“Cause of that.” He nods ahead as a group of Irkens guards rush towards them, laser rifles raised.
“Open fire!” the captain orders.
With a wave of his hand, Pepito creates a force field that blocks the laser fire. Then he flicks his fingers and the shield explodes into beams that blast through all the guards.
“There must be a main control panel somewhere,” Dib muses as he examines the cells and points down the hall that the guards came from. “Let’s go.”
They hurry down the long corridor until they see a lit up doorway and burst through it. Against the left wall is a large control console with a couple Irken technicians working at it. They immediately cry out and point small laser guns, but before they can fire, Pepito blasts the weapons from their hands.
“Beat it,” he snarls, pointing to the door.
The Irkens glance at each other before scurrying away.
“Why not kill those two?” Nimbel asks.
“They’re not soldiers,” Pepito replies, “they’re just people trying to do their jobs.”
“So are soldiers,” she points out.
“Well, yeah, but soldiers are a special kind of brainwashed,” he retorts.
Dib types at the console and quickly finds the cell door controls. “Here we go.”
He pushes the button and there’s an electronic warble quickly followed by stampeding footsteps.
“Whoa, whoa!” Pepito exclaims as the giant crowd of alien prisoners spill into the room and surround them, chattering with excited panic.
“Everyone please stay calm!” Dib shouts over the blathering. “We have rescued you and seek your assistance in return! Where are the competition team captains?”
The chattering quiets down to curious whispers as someone steps forward. “Here,” says Olap, captain of the Swif’el team.
“Olap!” Nimbel cries happily, hugging him tight.
“I am glad you are alright, Nimbel,” he sighs with relief. “The others are here too. We’re all mostly unharmed.”
“The other captains,” Dib says, “of Techon-03 and Mus’ular. Are they here?”
“Yes,” Bikeps, the captain of the Mus’ular team says as he steps forward. At his heels is the Techon-03 captain, Wirez.
“Okay,” Dib nods, “the three of you will come with us to speak with our team captain. The rest of you must stay down here for now. You’ll be safer here than outside.”
“What does your captain want?” Wirez asks.
“You’ll have to come with us to find out,” Pepito replies.
The aliens chatter suspiciously amongst themselves until Nimbel squeezes Olap’s arms. “I trust them, Olap. They helped me.”
“And they did free of us,” Wirez shrugs. “I’ll go.”
“Very well,” Olap nods, “I’ll come too.”
“Well, I don’t wanna be left behind,” Bikeps grunts.
“Then follow us through our hole,” Pepito says and addresses the rest of the prisoners, “and don’t hesitate to punch any Irkens that try to recapture you.”
“I won’t,” a Mus’ule replies, cracking his giant knuckles.
The crowd parts so Dib and Pepito and the three team captains can pass. Nimbel stays behind, reuniting with her family.
They all climb out of the hole to find their mech fighting off hoards of attacking Irkens. They keep their heads down to dodge the oncoming laser fire and hurry to the foot.
“Hurry, everyone in the elevator,” Dib orders as he opens the door. It’s a tight squeeze with Bikeps, but they’re all able to squeeze inside and ride up to the control room.
Inside they’re met with yelling as Zim barks attack orders, Tak snaps back, Kio adds helpful advice, Gaz shouts at Squee for missing his shots, and Squee yells apologies. Rory and Shmoopy remain on the bench with all the minions and the cam-bot, Rory grinning with amusement while Shmoopy watches worriedly.
“I got this, babe,” Pepito says as he sidles up to Squee.
“Oh, thank god you guys are back,” he sighs heavily. “I am so bad at shooting.”
Pepito takes control of the weapons and helps Gaz blast away the oncoming Irkens.
“You’ve brought the captains,” Zim observes, “well done. Dib, take over head controls while I speak with them.”
“Got it,” Dib replies as he and Zim switch places.
“What is the meaning of this, Irken?” Olap demands.
“We require your assistance,” Zim says.
Bikeps laughs. “An Irken is asking for help from ‘lower lifeforms’?”
“Believe me, it sickens me to say this,” Zim groans, clutching his chest. “But if anything, it proves that not all Irkens are bad. Right?”
The three aliens grumble.
“We are starting a revolution,” he explains, “we will stop the Irken army and take out the Tallest, replacing them with an objectively better leader.” He motions to Rory, who happily waves. “But for this to work, we need you subjugated races to join us. With your help, we’ll have the numbers to go up against the army and it will be broadcasted across the galaxy, giving other planets hope. You must explain this to your respective teams and convince them to join.”
“Now I know it might seem hopeless, but-.”
“We’ll do it,” Olap states.
Zim blinks with surprise and looks at them as the other two nod agreeably. “Really? I mean, great. I just had this amazing motivational speech in mind to convince you that Irk can be stopped but...”
“We’ve been ready for this for a while,” Bikeps says.
“We’re tired of feeling scared and small all the time,” Wirez adds.
Squee flinches and looks up from the radar. “Huh?”
The three aliens smile at him and he blushes. “Y-you guys...heard that...?”
“Heard what?” Pepito asks.
“All of us Techons carry our own portable screens,” Wirez explains as he removes a small tablet from his utility belt. “We were all watching the competition channel while we were imprisoned.”
“We saw all that you were doing,” Olap adds, “you inspired us.”
Squee’s blush deepens as he glances at the cam-bot staring at him. Suddenly, the weight of the hundreds of thousands of eyes watching him across the galaxy bears down on him and he buries his face into his hands.
“Aw, it’s too bad we weren’t able to watch,” Kio comments.
“Yeah, sounds like Squee took care of that motivational speech for you,” Dib remarks, nudging Zim.
“Guess we know who the team favourite is,” Pepito grins, ruffling Squee’s hair, who’s still hiding in his hands, his blush spread up to his ears.
Zim loudly clears his throat. “Fine. Then it’s onto the final step of our plan.” He points to the team captains. “Assemble your troops and get them out here and ready to fight. It’s time to call out the Tallest.”
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Blazing Free-An Everlark as Mentors Fic
I’ve been wanting to begin cleaning up my first fic for a while now, and I’m finally getting around to it. Going back and editing your own work is such a weird experience, let me tell you! But since I’ve started the process, I finally got around to making some cover art for 🔥 Burning Bright and Blazing Free 🔥So I decided to share/promote it here on tumblr because I was too embarrassed to promote that story when I first wrote it. I didn’t have a beta reader back then! But hopefully now that the story celebrated its 1 year anniversary a little while ago I’ll be able to edit it properly with an unbiased eye. 
Tumblr media
Here’s a sample of the first chapter
(Katniss POV)
The 76th Annual Victory Tour,
Two years after Katniss & Peeta’s Hunger Games
President Snow’s Mansion
The Minister of Energy Production places a slimy wet kiss on the back of my hand. I grit my teeth in what I hope looks like a smile.
“My, my, you’re looking lovelier than ever these days Miss Everdeen.” He says in what I think is supposed to be a seductive purr.
I bite back the urge to tell him he’s due for another round of plastic surgery to pull back his double chin that grew in since the last time Peeta and I were here at the President’s mansion, two years ago.
I murmur a quiet thank you and turn away as quickly as I can. I look around for Peeta or Effie or even Deen Sparrow, District 12’s newest victor and the whole reason why this party is being thrown tonight. But I find no one I know. My nose wrinkles up in frustration. Where could he be? We’re not supposed to leave each other’s sides for more than 5 minutes at these kinds of parties, he knows that.
Finally I spotted him. He’s surrounded, cornered really by a group of giggling women in outrageous colors and styles. One of them is wearing a dress so low cut her breasts barely manage to stay contained within the practically sheer fabric. She gripped his bicep through his suit and squeezed playfully. Peeta looked extremely uncomfortable and was slowly trying to inch his way away from the group of predators. I rolled my eyes. He was still too polite for his own good. If it had been me, I’d have stomped on a few toes by now.
This sort of thing has been happening a lot lately. Peeta had mentioned to Haymitch how aggressive the Capitolites had become in pursuit of him ever since we announced our engagement at the beginning of this year. At first I thought he was exaggerating, but this sort of thing has been occurring with increasing frequency.
I stiffened my spine as I quietly slipped over to their group. I knew he needed me now. He never left me to fend for myself when we were in the Capitol and I in turn did the same for him. It was what we did, kept each other safe and alive in this dangerous place. His admirers didn’t even notice my approach, they were too busy fawning and pawing at him.
“You’ve grown so much this year! Taller and handsomer!”
“Your muscle tone is absolutely divine these days! What kind of regimen are you using?”
“What cologne are you wearing? It's simply scrumptious!”
They throw out compliments fast and hard, and Peeta, who is known for being silver tongued, finds a way to bring the conversation back into his territory.
"At my age I've got a few growth spurts still in the cards." Peeta replies quickly. Subtle way to remind them you're barely legal, and most of them are old enough to be your mother, good on you Peeta. I thought as I neared enough to catch the edge of their conversation.
"It's just the cut of the suit, our stylists are geniuses when it comes to tailoring." Oh, yes make them all think it's just a tailoring trick or the lighting.
"Katniss picked out my cologne tonight. I thought it was a little too earthy but you try arguing with the girl who took down three careers twice her size." I almost laughed at that. That was far less subtle. He was practically waving a warning sign at them. Cinna and Portia aren't the only geniuses here tonight.
But for all of Peeta's deflections and warnings the women continued to try and close in around him, staring at him hungrily like starved animals. I study his broad back covered in the expensive silk suit Portia dressed him in and the light catches on his carefully styled hair, making it gleam white gold. I can't deny that any of their assessments are wrong. He has grown up quite a lot this past year, and he's undeniably handsome no matter what he wears. But that doesn't give anyone the right to size Peeta up like a cut of meat at the butcher's shop. I quietly slip an arm around his waist. He bristles for a moment, until he turns and sees it's me. Then his whole body relaxes. There’s an uncomfortable silence that follows when my presence is noted. But I don't care. Let them see. Let them remember. Peeta's not here alone. I will always have his back.
By the tense set of his shoulders I could tell Peeta was searching for an escape from this just as I was. I just want to get away from this horrible party and these vapid people and sneak off into a coat closet somewhere with a plate of those apple and cheese filled appetizers. So I go for broke and snake my arms around his neck and stretch up to catch his mouth in mine.
The kiss takes him by surprise for a moment. But then he recovers and returns my kiss with slow languid responses from his lips, and eventually his tongue. I kiss him unhurriedly, almost lazily, like I have all the time in the world. Of course this kind of kissing starts to make me a little breathless. It's still fairly new, but since we're engaged now Haymitch and everyone agreed we need to make it explicitly clear that Peeta and I are a packaged deal. Practically sealed and signed. Most days that thought scares the living daylights out of me. But in moments like these I'm grateful for the protection we can provide each other. Even if it pushes my boundries slightly.
Peeta's lips continue to work on mine and it sends a little shiver down my spine. After all this time practicing we’re really good at this. It can be unnerving, since we’re really just friends despite the outward appearance we show to the world. But a little heat and showiness is required right now to make my point. These harpies will never let him go unless I stake a public claim. We kiss like this until someone clears their throat, and for a few beats after that. When we break the kiss, look around at the group of women with an unconcerned gaze.
“Sorry, sometimes I get a little impatient when he hasn’t kissed me in over 20 minutes. Right handsome?” I say, laying it on thick, as my gaze locks onto Peeta’s blue eyes again. His pupils are slightly dilated, and he looks a little flushed. I wonder if he’s been drinking too much champagne.
“Right, beautiful.” He answers perfectly on cue and drops his mouth to place a small kiss on the side of my neck. Which is new, and makes me feel just a slight bit wobbly in these horribly high heels. But his arm is around me now, and I don’t stumble. He must be eager to escape these women, since he’s laying it on thick.
“Oh, of course dear. Completely understandable. I'd be the same if he was mine!” Someone says in a high trilling Capitol accent. I can’t tell if it's the woman wearing the rainbow colored hat that’s blowing wisps of smoke in the air behind her head, or if it's the woman wearing what looks like a bikini made of vines and strategically placed flowers.
I frowned at her comment and tightened my hold on Peeta for emphasis. But Peeta cuts in to save me from biting back verbally by smiling and smiling at me in an adoring manner.
"I wish everyone could have what Katniss and I have with each other. There's nothing like it. Nothing and no one else even comes close." Peeta says in such a romantic tone I have to bite my lip as I stare back at him to keep myself from slapping his shoulder at his dramatics. But one glance at the the circle of harpies tells me their eating this up with a damn spoon. They're about two seconds away from ruining their expensive make up and hairdos as they blink their eyes against tears and pull anxiously at their hair.
After that most of the tension drained out of the conversation and topics turned to our highly anticipated wedding. While the women babbled in about colors and flower choices I remained tight lipped and took to simply studying them.These Capitolites were so strange and their fashions were simultaneously over the top and overly sexual. It made my head spin. I could only imagine what kind of mischief Deen was getting up to right now. He wasn’t as strong willed or morally fortified as Peeta. Hopefully Effie was keeping him out of trouble. Which meant everyone would probably be too busy to check on Peeta and I if we sequestered ourselves in a coat closet for the rest of the night.
We could get away without mingling for maybe the whole night! The idea took shape in my head and I could tell Peeta knew I was thinking something. He arched an eyebrow at me, as he fielded questions about our upcoming wedding, while I had been tuning out of the conversation.
“Look Peeta! Isn’t that the President’s head baker? You said you wanted to ask him about our wedding cake! Excuse me ladies, but I need to borrow my finance.” I say in a loud enthusiastic rush and grasp Peeta’s arm tightly as I tug him away. He chuckles soft and low, as we zigzag through the crowd.
An attendant carrying an entire tray of the appetizers I adore steps in our way.
“Grab that!” I tell Peeta in a gleeful tone and he has a quick word with the attendant and the tray is handed over promptly. Sometimes I’m really grateful for his silver tongue. I snatch a bottle of champagne and two glasses to go along with our provisions and Peeta actually manages to grab two slices of chocolate cake. I give him my best grateful smile and he grins back at me, obviously in a good mood now that he escaped the clutches of those handsy women.
Read the rest on AO3. 
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ever-yours118 · 2 years
i linger & dream of you, darling
He freezes, and he knows Eddie notices by the way the hands on his waist start to slide up and down, soothing.  But he can’t pay attention to that, because why is there a ring—why was Chris so tall, when he's only barely a preteen—where did he sleep? Not on the couch, but in the bedroom—where, what, how——
(Or: coma!Buck spec fic, wherein things are perfectly, wonderfully, strangely domestic, and Buck can't pin down why.) || 1.6K / T
“Buuuck, please, where’s the gel?”
It’s not the most pleasant wake-up call, but a smile still touches the corner of Buck’s mouth as he tumbles out of bed, tugging on a random printed polo as he closes the bedroom door quietly behind him.  In the bathroom, Chris is fighting with his hair, tugging violently at a comb that sticks out almost comically from the golden-brown mop.
“It’s not in the cabinet?” he checks, taking the comb smoothly and unspooling it from the tangled mess.  Chris surrenders easily, scowling at his reflection.  
“Already checked there.”  He scratches at a budding yellow zit, and Buck frowns at him gently.
“No picking, buddy, it’ll just make it worse.  Put some of the Neutrogena on—"
read the rest on ao3! / keep reading below <3
"Ran out," Christopher mumbles sulkily.  
“Then I’ll get you some more this afternoon, okay?” Chris nods, eyes cast self-consciously away, when the thought occurs to Buck—
“Hey, give me a sec…”
He lets himself quietly back into the bedroom, moving to the master bathroom—sure enough, under receipts and q-tips and a few old orange pill canisters is a slim tube of his old favorite gel.  He reveals his prize to Christopher, grinning.  “I knew I kept a tube around somewhere.”
“Just as long as you don’t give me your helmet hair,” Chris laughs, dipping his head to let Buck style it.  
“I haven’t done my hair like that in ages,” he complains, mock-offended, as he tousles Chris’s hair gently.  When Christopher was younger, he’d have helped him onto the counter to be at the right height, but he’s already getting so tall, head reaching nearly to Buck’s chest, that’s it’s not even necessary anymore.  
(No, that’s wrong, something in Buck argues.  Chris isn’t much taller than my hip.  And he likes his hair all curly, and—) 
(And that’s wrong, because Buck can very clearly see that Chris is indeed shooting up like a weed, and indeed has gotten to the point where he likes to style his hair beyond his old fluffy cut.  Weird thoughts, but that’s the sort of feelings that come with watching your kid grow up.)  
“Alright, Superman, all done.”
Chris takes a shy glance into the mirror before grinning, pleased—the type of look Buck likes to see.
“Thanks,” Chris mumbles, tippie-toeing to peck a kiss onto the bottom of his chin.  Then, quickly, as if to avert the sentimentality of the gesture: “Waffles for breakfast? Since you’re already up.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Buck shoots back, but he knows he’s going to give in.
When the schoolbus roars away, Buck closes the door softly, padding down the hallway.  He’s been weird all morning, a strange feeling like wearing a pair of shoes a size too big.  But there’s nothing he’s forgetting—just to make sure, he checks the big magnet board calendar on the wall, smiling a little at the photo pinned there from their ski trip to Mammoth last winter.  But for sure—no shifts until tomorrow, Jee’s preschool play this Friday, and lunch with May today.  Nothing out of the ordinary; nothing to explain this strange weight in his chest.
Just dishes, then.
Buck is halfway through scrubbing the griddle when a firm weight settles on his hips, followed by the warmth of a chest against his back.
“You spoil him,” Eddie murmurs into his ear, yesterday’s stubble pleasantly rough where it scratches lightly against his neck.
“I spoil you,” Buck shoots back, jerking his chin towards a plate on the counter, stacked high with waffles.  They’re already dripping with syrup, topped with strawberries and fluffy drifts of whipped cream.  The kind of indulgence Eddie deserves.
He can feel Eddie’s smile against his skin as Eddie pecks a kiss just behind his ear.  And then Buck pulls the dishwashing gloves off and rinses his hands and there’s a black silicone band on his fourth finger.
He freezes, and he knows Eddie notices by the way the hands on his waist start to slide up and down, soothing.  But he can’t pay attention to that, because why is there a ring—why was Chris so tall, when he's only barely a preteen—where did he sleep? Not on the couch, but in the bedroom—where, what, how——
“You haven’t changed your ring,” Eddie observes, pressing another kiss to the soft spot on his neck that never fails to make his knees weak.  And that’s right, that’s what had felt so off—he usually puts his gold band on when not at work.
“I must’ve forgotten,” Buck says, turning around in the circle of Eddie’s arms.  “After all—it was a long night yesterday.”  He traces a hand up Eddie’s chest, moving to tug at the collar of his henley playfully.  With the fabric pulled aside, he can properly admire the mottled splash of color decorating Eddie’s collarbone, a mirror to the marks currently splotching the skin below his own collar.  With a sly smile: “It could be a long morning, too.”
“We have plans with May,” Eddie reminds him, stern voice activated but expression clearly stating that Buck’s wiles are effective.  Of course they are—Eddie’s wrapped around his little finger, and they both know it.  
(They do? that strange inner voice shrieks half-hysterically, and Buck frowns and kisses Eddie just to shut it up.)
“We have time,” Buck argues when he draws away.  “And May’s always late anyway.  Comes with being a twenty-something with an active social life.  So that’s at least two hours before we have to get ready.”
“Well, if you’re so sure about it,” Eddie hedges, clearly giving in.  Buck fists his hands in Eddie’s worn henley, tugging him in to nuzzle their noses together ridiculously. 
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he offers, exaggeratedly lascivious.  Eddie hasn’t brushed his teeth yet, but he doesn’t really care.  Not when Eddie’s like this, morning-gorgeous with his tousled hair, eyes still a little dreamy with the dredges of sleep.  
(Buck wants to blow him so, so badly, and at least his inner voice doesn’t complain about that thought.)
“Such a bad influence, Buckley,” Eddie grumbles, hands moving lower to steal a quick grope.  
“Hey,” Buck grins, reeling him in again.  “That’s Diaz to you, mister.”
Eddie says something in response, something playful and perfect, but Buck can’t hear him.  In fact, it’s like his senses are blurred, Eddie’s voice fuzzy and the kitchen swirling, melding into a buzz of chatter and mechanical hums.  
And Buck tries to hold on tighter, because he doesn’t want this to slip away, wants to watch Jee play the baby bear in Goldilocks and see how May’s first job is going.  And he wants to help Chris style his hair every morning and buy him clothes that no self-respecting teenager would wear and peck him on the forehead just to make his face scrunch, and he wants to kiss Eddie over and over and over, and he wants to live in that golden world forever—
Thump.  Bzzz.  Beep.  
His eyes are shut tightly, so tightly, but there’s no blocking out the noises around him, the sounds of footsteps and chatter.  Buck categorizes each part slowly—twitches a toe, feels the rough brush of linen against his skin.  There’s a grip on his hand, almost bruisingly tight, and it feels like an anchor, tethering—chaining? him here in this sharp-focus world.
“I know you’re awake, Buck.”
Eddie, on the same side of his bed as that tight hand-grip.  Eddie, holding his hand?
Buck starts cautiously, wincing at the brightness that slashes through the slits of his barely-open eyes.  But then he’s looking up, straight into the face of a very concerned Eddie Diaz.
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie starts.
“Hi,” he tries weakly, then flinches again at the harsh rasp of his throat.  
“Water, then talk,” Eddie says sternly, putting a straw to his mouth, and he should feel humiliated at being tended to like a child, but a vastly larger part of him is just cold.  He didn’t lose anything, not really.  The security, the domesticity, that feeling of being familiar, comfortably invisible in the best way, as natural as anything, belonging in the Diaz house and mornings and school sendoffs—it’s something he already has.  
Just not concretely; just not with the promise of forever.  
He thinks of the way Eddie—dream-Eddie—kissed at the tender place behind his ear, and he’s hit with an ache that goes straight to his chest with a freezing bitterness, a longing to stay in that world where he and Christopher—he and Eddie—
The grip on his hand squeezes again, and Buck flicks his eyes down to see that yes, Eddie is holding his hand.  He presses his lips together tightly, wriggles his hand away, because he can’t deal with this right now.  That’s—that’s for the Buck of that dream.  That’s not something he can have.
But Eddie’s looking at him with a careful gaze, something guarded and confused that turns into something that looks a little like a revelation.
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie repeats, but his voice isn’t quite as angry as before.  Or maybe it’s a softer kind of anger, an anger swaddled around the brightness of Eddie’s concern, or realization, or maybe something like—
“I promise I won’t do it again,” Buck mumbles, ducking his head into the collar of his hospital gown, and Eddie catches his hand again and squeezes it once.
“You better not,” he says.  “Because you have a family at home.”
And Buck can’t do anything but gape, but tear up, but laugh a little—a tired soft hopeful huff of a laugh—into Eddie’s mouth as Eddie leans down and kisses him.
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