#when they dont do their job just bc YOU have issues like we keep telling you who isnt working (and OTHER sections notice who doesnt do shit
bunnyb34r · 1 year
Am I crabby bc I forgot to take my meds this morning, bc I have to poop, or bc NO ONE FUCKING HELPS IN MY AREA???!
We just don't know :)
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purring-tiefling · 2 years
vent in the tags 🎶
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WIBTA for telling the blunt truth to my roommate, that shes immature, irresponsible, and rude?
[-.-] < so I can recognize
so I (20) have three roommates, A(20), B(21 or 22), and C(20). We all attend the same college. I have lived with A for 2 years, but we only started living with B and C in fall 2023. so far there have been some issues, and most of them revolve around interacting with C. C has a cat, and they keep the litterbox in their room of our apartment, so they always have their door open. This itself isnt really a problem, but I feel like its eroding the distinction between common space and their personal space for them. Often when there is another conversation happening at the table or on the couch, C will come out of their room, sit on the couch, and watch loud videos on their phone without headphones. Then, they will hear a small part of our conversation, react in TOTAL shock and awe, demand we recap the last 5-10 minutes of conversation to catch them up, then go right back to their video. On another occasion, I was talking with either A or B as well as C, when C said they were overstimulated and needed some quiet time (no problem with that, it happens) so they were going to put in their headphones and. stay in the living room on the couch. instead of going to their room.
They also will completely derail conversations into complete dead ends and traumadumping. I was driving, C was in the passenger seat, and B and our friend G(18 or 19 iirc) were in the back. we were chatting about our parents being silly and making harmless fun of us at various points, and C multiple times said "we're not talking about times my parents took away phones bc Trauma!" like. If you dont want to talk about it DONT BRING IT UP. C could have chimed in w a time their friend did something like that and it would be fine! but instead they latched onto the parent part. They do this fairly often, and it makes it really hard to have a conversation where we casually mention our childhoods, bc its always a minefield w C, as they will make a point to bring up that they lacked the circumstances for whatever experience we are talking about, either due to bad relationships w parents or due to growing up poor.
On top of all this, they also are not financially in a good place. They routinely dont have money for food and end up eating mostly communal stuff. Sometimes when they are low on money I will end up buying something communal just so they will stop carrying on. IMO if they are in that sort of financial situation they shouldnt have gotten a cat, bc I honestly dont think they can afford it. tbh I feel like they pretty much live on the cheese and tortillas I buy, and i'm starting to feel the financial stress of it.
They are constantly making every interaction about themselves in ways that make it really hard, even when they arent even part of the conversation.
Repeatedly i've wanted to tell them that they dont have to be involved in everything, and that they dont have to always be talking or generating noise. That when other people are talking, they need to either contribute constructively to the conversation, wait their turn, or at the very least stop and apologize when they interrupt someone instead of talking right over them for minutes at a time. And that its not our responsibility to help them when they are low on money, that maybe they shouldnt have gotten a cat if they werent able to financially support it, and also that it shouldnt be our (me, A and B)'s job to walk on egg shells bc they have emotional outbursts over incredibly minor things (they do take mood stabilizers and have a disorder that effects their mood, but that doesnt mean its ok that they will sometimes seem really angry and aggressive out of absolutely nowhere, yelling swears with no provocation).
What are these acronyms?
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nightsjod · 9 months
Since your "Friends" want to check up on this blog instead of you facing up to your own actions of bringing this up and proposals for "discussion" yourself and see i actually did message you PRIVATELY like this should have been. here
you are one of the most self centered emotionally controlling and manipulative friend i have ever had. the fact you keep COUNT of every time youve "helped" me through my "Troubles" and act like i have never once done anything for you is utterly insane behavior. i am EXHAUSTED from it. you wanted to end the friendship and im simply trying to honor that. im not fighting it. there is no point in fighting because i refuse to bend over and allow you to control every fucking thing i do again and you will not give in to see your own behavior EVER.
sorry i didnt want to TRAUMA DUMP on an anon like you so much like to do and try to remain optimistic and positive on my public blog but since you want to air out my own PERSONAL LIFE ON TUMBLR which you are very much in the wrong for doing so, ESPECIALLY using it as a weapon against me, fine. and especially since you want to go into fucking discord servers to claim i was lying about getting help after your messages, and publicly trying to call me a fraud then fine. i will also be public and honest like you want.
i tried to kill myself over this. i sincerely could not take it anymore and i felt like everything fcking shattered because no matter what i did no matter how hard i tried and what i did it was never good enough for you. you could never accept that i had a full time job, i had other friends, i had my own issues THAT DONT INVOLVE YOU and my own ENTIRE life and it was NEVER good enough for you. mad at me because i "dont follow through with plans" like we arent 24 years old and i work 50 hours a week? when have u ever once texted me "lets play this together tonight. lets see a movie tonight" you didnt. you are mad i didnt make the effort for YOUR life. i DID go to therapy because of it. you want to see the hospital and medical bills ive been paying because of it? because i will. call my fucking mother and she will tell you what SHES had to go through from this because she is also done with you and you airing out every issue youve ever had on her every time youd come over and never ONCE asking her how she is doing after losing her husband. call HER and tell her i was "obviously lying" when i said i would get help.
i wasnt going to fight it. i didnt want to bend over and "Just listen and change my behavior" because i didnt need to change. i was DOING my best. friendship isnt a transaction, unlike you keeping count every time you helped me apparently i didnt bc it wasnt things i Expected returned or expected PRAISE for. i bought games for you i WANTED to play together so wed have something else to talk about other than Negative Topics because i wanted you to desperately feel better and happy with something but you COULDNT because you could not stop being obsessed with your own misery and nobody likes being around that. thats the bitter truth. so i said bye because it wasnt worth it and if ending our friendship was something you TRULY thought was the best course of action then like fine. whatever.
so please continue telling everyone you meet every day the rest of your life about the horrible bad friend you once had. who never did anything for you ever because i know you are going to. and continue to surround yourself with equally controlling people who validate your feelings. i will be enjoying my life and continuing to ignore any further messages as well. ok, bye
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Hello! What do you think of alicent being physically harsh with ty tennant's aegon? She abuses him (it felt like that to me) and then tells aegon that his sister is a dangerous person (which she is), but at that point rhaenyra hasn't done anything, and otto is not there to advise her also but she sees rhaenyra rightly as a legitimate threat. Then when we come to tgc aegon it's like she forgot that her children's lives are in danger and fights more for rhaenyra than her own children. By then she has seen first hand how dangerous rhaenyra is with aemond, vaemond, laenor etc.
Also olivia had told somewhere that alicent is thinking in eggs coronation how rhaenyra will not reconcile with her anymore. I mean why would you care about rhaenyra then. I dont mind people having affection for childhood friends but when said friend doesn't give a shit about your kids or your own mental and physical well-being then it becomes really pathetic and an unhealthy obsesion.
Im saying I'm so confused why she keeps flip-flopping. Why the heck is she on rhaenyra's side when her kids are more into protecting her than rhaenyra. She even forced aegon to accept his crown when he said no. (If they make her poison him for rhaenyra, she will be just so terrible)
The writing is making me insane. I want to get some clarity and i thought to ask you since you have such well thought out responses. Sorry for such a long question.
hey there. thank you for having faith in my abilities to make sense of this mess. i do take it as a compliment that you guys think to come to me for help whenever you're confused by smth or pondering an issue. 💌
so, i hope you won't feel too upset, but i'm going to redirect you to the relevant tags as i've been ranting about this quite a lot already and would just end up repeating myself.
long story short: it's inconsistent writing. each episode usually had a different writer & director, each with their different take on the characters. that's fine and all, but something happened there bc the people in charge (miguel??) didn't do a good enough job to smooth things over chronologically and make sure everyone is on the same page and that the character developments are linear.
that's why alicent is antagonistic and out to get rhaenyra one episode, then the next episode she wants to be bffs. that's why the showrunners say one thing to the media, but the actors say another. look at this through the perspective that they're not going to come out having a go at each other in the press because that would be unprofessional. so we're never gonna find out what miguel actually did for sure and who's responsible for all this mixed messaging.
as for alicent being physically harsh with ty's aegon. she is, as you said, alone at court, experiencing first hand viserys' indulgence & favouritism towards rhaenyra + his unwillingness to sanction her even for grave illegalities*, so that only increases her paranoia that her children are going to suffer the consequences of this. on top of /that/, aegon himself doesn't take this seriously and she has just found out he also colludes with rhaenyra's children (the people who will order his execution in the future, but he's too blind to see it now) and bullies his own brother (aka the one he could actually trust and support, but instead alienates). she goes to viserys first but he ignores her concerns again.
so i think she just snaps in that moment and loses patience with aegon. him wanking in the middle of the day in the tommen window doesn't help his case. now, alicent is not a modern mother living in the 21st century, with a whole literature of child development & psychology at her disposal, therapists and specialists to guide her. she also has her own trauma to deal with, no help on that front either. she can't "educate" herself. she is not going to be gentle parenting aegon lol. she uses what tools she has at her disposal: first talking nicely, that doesn't work, then she starts yelling and grabs his face so that he'll listen, bc what else is she supposed to do? she literally isn't conceptually aware of any other way to get her message across
*again, that's placing your bastards in the line of succession against their trueborn relatives, not having bastards in the first place
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horrorsummerromance · 2 years
lmao oh god sorry, yeah i was referring to the bottom two i am obsessed with biblebuild myself, soooo... is it worthy to watch them as second couple or should i wait and just watch them as main couple? i saw you keep saying they have like similar vibes to vp and i'm honestly in NEED of something like that
hiiiiii anon!!!
uigfbiGFDY yeah that's teamwin! YOU'VE PUT ME IN SUCH A DILEMMA NOW.
so. as someone whose otp of all time is teamwin ALONGSIDE vegaspete, that side of me would URGE you to watch them. BUT. the part of me that wants you to gain the absolute MAXIMUM out of them would tell you to wait until november when they're in their own show. BUT. they're pretty damn iconic for the couple that they are. their confession scene in until we meet again where they play the secondary couple is probably one of thai bl tumblr's most BELOVED one. sooooooo. mmmmmm. if you dont really have much else to do and you have time to spare, why not watch them on until we meet again! it's a bit of pain to go around digging their scenes out bc they're not shown That Much, but when they ARE on screen, they're just. SO GOOD.
so now that that's out of the way.
the part you said about how i referred to teamwin having similar vibes to vegaspete is. ughhhhh. ok so. how do i say this. yes and no, i guess?
so teamwin are a university based swimming club couple - win is the senior and the swimming club's vice president, and team is the junior. they start off as just sleeping together casually which then develops into something more. whereas vegaspete are mafia based. so yeah, that's a huge difference. also there isn't the torture and violence that vegaspete have in teamwin. they're not toxic, in THAT sense. they're not toxic tbh at all?
BUT. they're not exactly healthy either. they're VERY VERY VERY codependent in their own way, like vegaspete are. and that's bc they BOTH (team and win) suffer HUGELY from trauma, like vegaspete do. and they're not all sunshine and roses and candy floss. team can be a Huge Dick and shut down and push win away bc of the amount of ISSUES he has going on (ptsd, insomnia, guilt, a father who's distant to name just a few) and win has to bear the brunt of that. and win's got his own mega self-esteem and self-worth issues where nobody really SEES him more deeper than just his looks, a little like pete who people only use for bc of how good he is at his job and nothing more than that, until team comes and SEES him, like vegas did. also there's the matter of just how fucking suicidal team is, that just really really reminds me of vegas.
so yeah. they're not .... a direct parallel to vegaspete, but, there ARE similarities between them both that i just like to claw out by digging into the flesh of them both!
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stormyoceans · 1 year
doctor anxiety solidarity 😭😭 i have a chronic sleep disorder that means i literally cannot attend school or get a job because it's impossible to actually attend something at the same time every week. i'm 25 and for the last 15 years it's just been 'eat more fruit & veg maybe?' and 'we don't want to put you on meds bc that'll make you dependent' and 'well the lightbox didn't work and there's no other nhs-funded treatments in this area so i guess you'll have to live with it :/' like girl!!! this is driving me insane!!! i know doctors are overworked and all but it's as if they dont even have time for empathy anymore :( :(
it hasn't been so long for me, but for the past 4 years i've been suffering from insomnia almost every night and when i tried to look into it because it was starting to effect the quality of my life, i basically got the exact same answers as you did: 'you're drinking too much coffee, cut that out', 'your lifestyle is too sedentary, work out more', 'you're stressed, go on vacation', 'try these melatonin gummies and maybe go back to therapy'...... and like!!! i know these are good advices for a healthy lifestyle, and it's always good to keep them in mind, but i wish doctors would LISTEN when i tell them THOSE DIDN'T DO SHIT!!!!! I STILL HAVE THAT STUPID INSOMNIA AND IT'S DEBILITATING!!!!!!! there are days at work where my productivity is non-existent because i can't focus and have a hard time even remembering how words work!!!!!
im so sorry to hear that you're also dealing with a chronic sleep disorder because i know how awful it is. some days it feels like i can barely function and i've only been experiencing it for 4 years, but it's been 15 years for you!!!! i honestly can't imagine how hard it must have been to try to go through school while dealing with this!!!! AND IM GETTING ANGRY ON YOUR BEHALF BECAUSE IT'S UNACCEPTABLE THAT NO ONE WAS ABLE TO HELP YOU OUT PROPERLY AND THAT THEY EXPECT YOU TO JUST LIVE WITH IT THAT'S NOT OKAY!!!!!!!
and like you said, i know doctors are also humans and badly overworked, so i always try to be respectful and kind, but it's SO FRUSTRATING when you have an issue that is seriously effecting your life and the only people who can help you out just won't listen or care enough to find a solution
i really do hope you will eventually find a doctor that's gonna take your problem seriously and help you find a treatment that works for you, because you deserve a damn good night of sleep and a stable lifestyle. in the mean time, im sending you all my love and support and solidarity, and im always here for you if you need to talk or vent a little!!!!
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bardictwink · 2 months
just fr venting about my weird ass living situation
god so i've been in like... i don't wanna say it's an abusive living situation but i've essentially had the roommate from hell for two years. met her through work and we're friends. decide to take on the lease w/ her because there was one more empty room. i think i might have ignored signs because she had issues with other roommates before but i also had issues with the one (in hindsight i think the other girl might have been fed up because she was definitely being treated the same way by someone who was like, 7 years older than her lol).
this is all like spring summer 2022. things are going okay. we find another roommate who is pretty chill.
so, at this point we're sending the rent money to my one roommate and the company that owns our building takes it out of her account. she asks us every month to give her rent. she just completely stops paying the rent all together and i keep getting emails and court dates because theres like 4000 dollars owed in backdue rent that was never paid
all while she gets increasingly more hostile in behaviour, blaming everything on me. not cleaning up after herself and saying it's me. etc etc
she also steals my clothing and goes into my room w.o asking me to take said things. i would buy groceries and she wouldnt buy anything and just eat my stuff. ask me to get things like coffee and milk and make her and her longterm situationship (lol) coffee.
somehow manages to pay it all off. tells everyone in our personal life it was in fact, my fault she didn't pay her rent at all (while taking my money) (she said it was because i never bought groceries and never paid my rent). wasn't aware she was saying this so idk if it's just no one thought that was important info. since i didnt know this and we had signed on for another year i was like... maybe i can forgive this whatever, we're friends.
since we're the only ones on the lease and the other roommate isnt, we now have rent split in two and half comes from mine and hers. she is supposed to send me the remainder i'm owed from my other roommate. never sends it so i pay half the rent and am stuck in a cycle of poverty. continues to not buy groceries etc. continues to not clean except wjen she feels like it. leave huge messes, but gets mad if u like. forgot to put a sock away (sends photos on messenger with a ? mark)
still doesnt pay her rent at all so we owe 2500 again.
she has a full time job and makes more than me but she has a shopping addiction or something lol. i remember telling some friends and they thought drugs or something but like. it is fr clothing. the actual cost of the current place isnt that much with 3 people splitting rent + utilities.
anyway now we both found new places and we're both moving out in july. i was having trouble finding a place and she would ask lik "ooohhh what are u going to do? *pleading eye emoji* and then i said i was planning to move in with a certain friend and she went to tell that person that i'm an awful roommate and dont clean up after myself but thankfully my friend knows she's INSANE and has to be blameless. and idk. it just felt like such a weird thing to do when you know someone is trying to find a place to live. it's not like im moving out abruptly. she found a studio????
there was just soo much weird behaviour i felt like i was going crazy. any time i got sick or had a cold she would get super weird and defensive and tell me i'm a hypochondriac. and i mean like, over me getting a cold or the flu. i've called off work maybe once or twice in a year and she would get super weird about it and blame me for getting sick. this woman lies in bed most of the time she isn't working but if i decided to sleep a cold off... it's like the end of the world. but i thnk it's bc she was leeching off A UNIVERSITY STUDENT WHO WORKS PART TIME AND BARELY MAKES MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE so obviously if i miss a shift it's a big deal (i was working like 25 hrs a week which is wayyyy too much for a student and since i had student loans i could afford to work less but whatever. my expenses have been needlessly higher bc ive had to deal with this)
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1d1195 · 2 months
SAM MY LOVE PLEASE DONT FEEL LIKE YOUR RESPONSE WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! I honestly don’t care how long they may be, like the fact that you’re even acknowledging my asks is already so special to me! So if you ever don’t have the energy to answer, you really don’t have too! I won’t be hurt because you’re well being is far more important ❤️I’m sorry you were feeling a bit off :( I hope you felt better or are feeling better! Hopefully you don’t get sick right before your break!
Also side note when you mentioned sneakers with a wedding dress TELL ME WHY WHEN I THINK OF MILLENNIALS I THINK OF THIS! Like you mentioned side part and I didn’t even think to associate them with that up until this whole GenZ vs Millennial comparisons started to become a thing lol
ANWAYS now let me express my LOVE for toothpaste part 2! Once again you wrote such a good part! And omg this MC is BOLD bc I would actually EXPLODE from the embarrassment if I said that my dentist😭 but honestly I don’t blame her because if my dentist was Harry I would be so down bad it’s not a joke 😭 I loved how we got to read Harry’s pov from reading her file and seeing her for the first time! Ugh it was so cute like you know I love how obsessed each of your Harry’s are with their pairs! AND I LOVE WHEN HARRY GETS FLUSTERED!! It just does something to me that I love when the MC’s do that to him 🤭 AND THAT LAST LINE SAM I CRACKLED AHAH
So good bestie! Hope you are treating yourself well! -💜
I'm feeling fine! I have semi-chronic stomach issues. I think I (knowingly) ate something that I shouldn't have. It really didn't sit well with me. BUT I feel fine now 😂 BUT REALLY I ALWAYS GET SICK ON OR BEFORE VACATIONS. Ever since I was little. Fortunately I will only get my period during break this year. Lucky me 🙄 Pollen season is upon us though which will be stellar too ☠
I try not to do a whole lot of millennial/gen-z comparisons if I can help it but I will probably be buried in skinny jeans and I would rather be bald than do a middle part 😂 That's so interesting about the wedding dress and sneakers thing! I didn't really think of it as a millennial thing. I meant it as a me thing hahahahaha mainly because I used to DESPISE heels. I had some structural damage to my ankles due to sports and anything with a heel terrified me because I was scared of snapping my ankle again hahahaha but like I said last time, I'm such a wedge girl now so I would probs wear heels at my wedding.
SO glad you liked Toothpaste! I tried to write a version of myself I wish I could be (just slightly bolder than my current self I think--she was still a whiny baby last time about her toothache which was so me). I would never flirt with my dentist either--maybe if he was Harry, that I agree 💕 I have great ammo for my next part after my own trip to the dentist. I know it's part of his job but this man really stuck his whole finger in my mouth and massaged my cheeks and lips around my gum line. It's hard to explain but I either don't remember him doing it the other recent times I've been to the dentist or if I was paying closer attention since I was thinking about Toothpaste the whole time. Honestly it was hilarious when he did it, I was lucky I didn't laugh. Too bad I'll be making it sexual for Toothpaste and probably make it harder on myself when I have my next appointment in six months 😂 I love to make men flustered in general. Always keep them guessing, ya know? 🤭😉
Speaking of men, how is our hot TA?
I am def going to be treating myself to a shopping trip that I cannot afford but I don't care. I am in the mindset (for this weekend) that I am here for a short time and I need to enjoy myself while I can and the money will come back eventually.
Hope you have an amazing weekend and you get to do something fun again! 💕💕
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globodamorte · 5 months
I'm kinda pissed off.
(lmao had to put it under a cut bc it got LONG)
didne sleep well like usual woke up with my neck hurting and my mom screaming calling for me like and when I asked what she wanted she just said "come.downstairs and help me call your sibling" and like.ok IG God fucking damn I'm in pain ok call the sibling let's go downstairs idk what she wants and she was like "just help me. clean your room. clean the cats litter. just Do something..." and she started fuckin. telling my cousin how much she hates that we don't do things the exact moment she asks us. and how "wrongly" she raised us..while I'm fucking sleep deprived and in pain and generally exhausted. constantly.
and I'm trying my best but I can't say that bc I don't "DO" anything and therefore I basically "DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT" to be exhausted and if I'm in pain that's MY fault for being a sedentary fat bitch bc again I don't "DO" anything. and I KNOW she's upset about my weight bc she's said so before one time she got pissed and yelled at me and just HAD to mention how I'm just getting fatter at home without doing anything with my life. it doesn't even matter to her that I lost 5kg in a month all of a sudden if her old jeans can't fit me then I'm still too fat IG.
I'm in so much pain and every little thing is so fucking difficult for me and I'm so exhausted all the time and I can't mention it bc to her (or anyone for that matter) bc I'm "lazy". she decided I'm "not as depressed anymore so why am I being like this?". like I'm already stopped doing the thing my ent doctor asked bc it's just. too many things and I keep forgetting at the end of the day. I WANT to do it. but it's HARD. EVERYTHING IS SO HARD. but things CAN'T be hard for me bc I'm "intelligent and smart (<- had good grades in fucking. grade and middle school I guess)" I'm TRYING. but it doesn't matter to them. bc to them I'm not. to them I'm being lazy.
like idk i feel like it's so dishonest to compare me to a non (or let's be real, less) traumatized version of myself. like bitch yeah sure I was 10 and got good grades. I still dealt with bullying from my own "friends" and self image issues I couldn't tell my parents about. I had to hear sexist comments about my body when I was , FUCKING 10, and not being able to do anything about it bc the solution was just to exist differently I guess.
like ofc I understand that they can't see inside my head to fully understand but they don't even partially understand and I'm terrified of trying to explain. I'm trying my best. I really am. some days my best will be making food for everyone. some days my best will be showering and doing my skincare. some days it will be brushing my teeth at least once. and yeah some days it'll be nothing. but when I think about the way they see me I start feeling crazy "am I really trying? did I manage to trick myself? am I actually fine and just pretended so hard that now I think I'm actually ill"
i don't even know anymore. I'm exhausted.
it literally does not matter to them. if I stay out all day and come back and say I'm tired they be like "but you don't do anything" I realized it's almost an automated response from them (at least from my younger sibling it is) there was one time I did do a lot of things at home. in front of this sibling. and when I just sat down and went "oof I'm tired" they were like "but you didn't do anything" and I realized. it literally doesn't matter if I do or don't do anything they WILL say the same thing.
no matter what I do it really will never be enough for them. they just want me to magically not be mentally ill anymore. they will never say this, but what they want from me is basically that. I just need to stop "moping around", lose weight, get a job (which I do NOT feel capable of doing it maintaining), and be happy. easy right? it's not like I have a good reason to be like this (,they're the reason,) they dont want ME. they want the version of me inside their heads that honestly I don't. think ever existed. bc if I try going back to pinpoint the moment 'everything went wrong' I'll just keep going back forever bc there's no moment like that. I guess I just took longer to break but the thing is. now I'm broken.
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blogging-thots · 9 months
October 8 2023
Always fighting with him ever since he left Texas in May.
Not a single week where we’re not fighting at all.
I’ve said a lot of rude things to him during each fight and the fights and rude comments I make get bigger and bigger.
I have a huge grudge against him bc he left Texas before even talking to me about it and planning things out.
If he would’ve talked with me first about it then we wouldn’t have issues like this every week.
I don’t even know if he’s saving money like he should be since he’s a huge spender. It’s so annoying that he doesn’t know how to save money at 35 y/o! So embarrassing! And he has a 9 y/o son but can’t do an adult task for himself ! He should be embarrassed to call himself a man !
For him jumping state to state for a job is fucking embarrassing. He made better money in Atlanta, GA and still quit bc the female servers didn’t talk with him or interacted with him (probably bc he was the only male server). Just bc of that he should’ve suck it up like a real person and dealt with it until he received his work permit and SSN! That would’ve saved so much money and time! He should be fucking ashamed and embarrassed!
My first job , not everyone liked me or wanted to interact with me and some of the workers accused me of stealing tips ! But did I quit ??? NO ! I stayed bc I needed to make money ! The main purpose is to make money! Making friends at work is nice but it’s not necessary! As long no one is treating you badly then there shouldn’t be a reason to quit ! But to quit bc the co workers isn’t interacting with you is a fucking dumb excuse!!! HE SHOULD HAVE SUCK IT UP AND WORKED THERE TILL WORK PERMIT AND SSN WAS GIVEN THEN QUIT FOR A NEW JOB!
One friend is telling me I should’ve broke up with him since May. The day I found out that he quit Texas. Bc it was INCONSIDERATE OF HIM TO DO THAT AND NOT DISCUSSING IT W/ ME!!! WHAT A FUCKING ASS!
he’s genuinely a nice person, with patience, but he’s super dumb
I think in Texas they say “Bless your heart” when someone does or say something dumb
Bless his heart then
I’m surprised he made it this far in life
Crazy world we live in
Do I enjoy saying rude things and guilt tripping him ???? No, but he’s so dumb that I feel like that’s the only way to talk things into him so he can understand.
I don’t want to speak rudely to him bc he doesn’t say rude things to me when he’s angry and I know it hurts when someone says something like that to you, but I can’t help it.
I do want to talk things out w/ him
Make this relationship work w/ him but IDK anymore
It feels impossible
I want to seek relationship counseling with him
Maybe that can help us
idk anymore
I just want us to be a happy & healthy couple
I hate having a giant grudge against him
Ever since I knew about him leaving in May, I felt hurt and betrayed
All my anger would be taken out on him and I don’t like that
I wish I had a better way of coping with my anger
I know this is unhealthy of me and for us that I am being rude and guilt tripping him
I just don’t know a better way of talking about it to him
All I want is for us to be happy and heathy together
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sanchoyo · 1 year
sorry hi again. want a queen ship mocumentary.
touching the cactus.
oh me too.... I don't think there's a single character thats NOT a hot mess, and theres so many of them that it would have a few full seasons of shenanigans. the character dynamics...
-everyone having a crush on pereskia. (she is extremely aro and too focused on Important Matters to actually notice)
-arilla doing way more jobs than he SHOULD be and being an exasperated babysitter to everyone. please just let him eat an entire cake alone and drop into a food coma. thats all he wants hes already half dead!! let him rest!!!
-queen's the horribly demanding boss that you dont want to say no to, because..she IS nice, don't wanna hurt her FEELINGS, but...my goodness she asks a LOT. but she asks it so nicely!!! (the running gag of her being so proper and pretty in public vs in the lab when shes a mess, too) + queen and arilla both being the worst at fighting. the episode where pereskia, worried queen might not do so well if shes not there to act as a body guard, tries to teach her to fight and its the most pathetic flailing youve ever seen in your life. she gets a LITTLE sweaty and just curls up bc its TOO HARD and shes SORE and doesnt want to be sweaty anymore :( (she has done (1) push-up, with shaky arms)
-sapote and cara being an entire comedic duo. cara's culture shock abt the aliens vs sapote never being shocked by humans bc shes so down for anything. (all of the other aliens are shocked by how unphased sapote always is) sapote and her sister being SOOO opposites (her sister is older, more mature, and way sweeter. and also a crybaby) +the daycare shenanigans vs how...it would very quickly devolve into an r rated series if sapote was the main focus and we werent around any kid or teen charas jkdhfkj it would turn into. magical girl rick and morty im sorry to say but its the truth
-saguaro and queen's little passive aggressive talks every time they speak to each other. 'oh im sorry was it SCIENCE that brought deep blue back the first time? noo it was the miracle of mew aqua miss queen ^_^' 'mew aqua IS science from our ancestors ^_^' 'no, i think you're mistaken! there's no way thats true it was a gift from deep blue ^___^' ...everyone deciding saguaro is a weirdo (they are ALL weirdos) but then it cuts to saguaro explaining WHY they do things in their particular way (explaining deep blue cult stuff) and its like oh ok! theres an entire cult on this ship! haha thats probably fine! but they keep insisting its SUPER normal guys cmon. also using it to justify anything they do. deep blue sama WOULD want you to give them that bag of tea and pastries u stole from the cafe btw he told them himself. not lying btw. true and if you dont well. PERHAPS deep blue will tell them to put a tack on your chair.
-erdisia having to take a workplace sensitivity class bc she keeps trash talking humans. sure, we want to kill ALL OF THEM, but! you ought to speak nicer abt them when cara's around!!! :/ (none of them see the irony in this btw except arilla whos regularly just staring directly into the camera like :\ ) every ep she tries to sabotage cara so SHE can work with sapote senpai instead. this is always thwarted in extremely looney toons fashion and its so frustrating to her but hilarious to watch. tunillo is in the same sensitivity class. but they, and this is important, cannot STAND each other and refuse to believe they have any of the same issues (or their humanphobia is even an issue)
-tunillo refusing to sleep for a week and starts being increasingly paranoid and hallucinating things on the screens he monitors bc hes so sleep deprived. so every other hour hes setting off red alerts and everyones panicked trying to find the. fake threats...that increasingly become more absurd...but by the end everyones incredibly unhinged and worn out by the end because theyve been on high alert all day...so they dont believe tunillo when he spots team tm2 actually breaking into the ship HAHA
-cara catches a (mild, normal) human cold, and everyone else catches it and are convinced theyre gonna die of Human Cooties. rip. and like, queen is a doctor. like, shes a scientist, and shes a doctor, technically speaking! but no one with a brain* TRUSTS her to do regular doctor things (*sapote and arilla are outliers adn should not be counted.) but in the event of everyone getting sick, she WANTS to play doctor!!! please just let her poke you with a LITTLE needle 🥺 she wont do anything weird she promisessss u wont wake up tomorrow glowing purple or anything 🥺🥺🥺
-cara calling tunillo an incel gamer type and he has NO idea what ANY of those DIRTY EARTH WORDS mean but hes SO insulted bc of her tone that he goes and rats on her to queen. queens like, cara honey sweetie my dear little snake child. what does gamer mean? and cara turning red trying not to to laugh. and shes like ohh no worries maam. gamer is a COMPLIMENT. and her and sapote and arilla are trying SO hard. so hard. not to laugh bc queen spends the week telling everyone theyre being such GOOD gamers!!!
-sapote continuing to bring human things on the ship, and people asking cara what they are since shes their resident human. and cara just starts, at some point. lying? for her own entertainment? theres not much else To Do when ur So Watched all the time. so its like oh yeah! well THAT is an item of HUGE importance to us, used in very sacred ceremonies. very ancient and beloved. and it cuts to a shot of a toilet plunger.
-cara and sapote dont have clearance to certain areas. (cara even less than sapote!) they want to GO in certain areas sometimes. (well. sapote does, and cara is obligated to follow her) so it stands to reason they just. they just gotta get the fingerprint of someone who DOES have that clearance! like arilla! sapote knocks him over the head and the entire episode is them trying to weekend at burnies him around to explore the ships more closed off areas. but they keep being stopped by EVERYONE because EVERYONE needs SOMETHING from arilla, all of the time. forever.
-the running joke of erdisia being some kind of Creeture, like. why is she like that in general? crouched in the rafters hissing. can someone get her down. shes tiny but so so so mean. there would be erdisia roast comp videos of all her sickest burns.
-all of them enabling each others worst behaviors. its like if its always sunny was set in a scifi setting. an episode where mira gets kidnapped or something and is like wow! all of you are really messed up :/
-...the quiche commentary corner where it cuts to him in his cell making comments on everything (dont ask how he can know whats going on. its not important whats important are his opinions) he hears abt mira and is like ohh. so. do you think them having a mew kid is gonna add stress? to like, ichigo and masaya's marriage? u think theres a chance of divorce? think I got a shot maybe? ik its been 20+ years but 🤔 instead of caring abt the drama of queens upper circle, LMAO
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
i really dont wanna annoy you but you post about racism in fandom sometimes so i thought you'd be the right person to ask. i hope this doesnt come off as expecting u to be my teacher. yesterday someone said they didnt trust white zk shippers and i thought it was mean but then people started sending the them all these nasty messages and i started to worry maybe op was right. honestly a lot of this stuff is pretty new for me. i think our fandom is inclusive & unlike the rest of the atla fandom we actually like katara. but i'm trying to learn.
why would it be a problem that a lot of zk fics have katara looking after zuko? i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people. is fire lady katara still ok? is there racism in our fandom? there are a lot of woc zks and i've seen them get hate for it. but the messages op got were pretty bad too. i know i'm asking a lot of questions i just hate the thinking that we might be as bad as the z*kka stans have been saying all year.
This is gonna get long so I’m just gonna jump right in. When I listened to fansplaining’s episode on fandom racism one of the guests said white fans who can acknowledge that fandom racism exists tend to frame it as “just a few bad apples” and get caught up in worrying about not looking like a “bad apple” instead of making fandoms spaces that aren’t hostile for BIPOC. Jag offs hiding behind anon to tell women of color who ship zutara that we have a creepy fetish for imperialism and colonialism suck, but your biggest concern really shouldn’t be the optics or if you can claim superiority over zukka stans.
Yeah the “katara’s a homophobe” nonsense didn’t come from our end of the fandom, but it feels naive at best or dishonest at worst to act like the zutara fandom is uniquely immune to fandom racism. A creator I follow made the excellent point that allyship conditional upon if a poc talks "nicely" about racism is still white supremacy. I believe poc need to be allowed to vent and be salty or angry without being tone-policed. I definitely have my days where I’m like “ugh white people,” or "why must white fans be like this," so I get where the OP was coming from. Ironically the folks that sent them anon hate proved their point. You can always count on hit dogs to hollar.
Fandom is only escapist for some people. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum so you’ll find racism in fandom because there’s racism in the world. Navigating that gets exhausting. There are certain things I enjoy, but for the sake of my sanity I'll only talk about it with friends in real life or only follow fans of color. Before I follow white fans I need to see first that they’re not the kind of person who inspires posts about fandom racism. A good friend of mine loves Star Wars, Kpop, and gaming but after years of attempts at calling in she decided that she’d only interact with woc in those spaces. Again, you get tired.
ATLA wasn’t on my radar until last year so I definitely haven’t read every zutara fic out there but I have noticed a lot of fics do tend to have Katara being the one comforting and supporting Zuko. It’s not inherently wrong of course, it’s just in the grand scheme of things in fiction woc are often cast as eternal caretakers and confidants in fiction:
“How characters of color are portrayed in fanworks, especially fanfiction, is worse than the actual films. They are portrayed as supportive, almost invisible understudies. Any characteristics which they possess in the [MCU] films are stripped and given to other white characters. It is not only erasure. It’s a theft of identity.
Characters of color are positioned within storylines to support the main, white characters. Even within the slash biracial pairings, the character of color is underdeveloped and in a position of servitude within the relationship.”
TheNavyLanguage, Fansplaining
As the quote above points out this honestly happens in a lot of fandoms. I’ve read fanfic for books, movies, tv shows, and comics and I can’t help but notice that in fics the writers often have the non-white character or-- if neither character is white--the darker skinned character being the care-taker, the bodyguard, or the person who is performing all the emotional labor. It’s not inherently wrong to have a character of color have a nurturing personality, you just have to remember that since Black and brown folks have been saddled with narrative after narrative where we exist to serve leaning into dynamics where the non-white or darker skinned character is providing all the emotional support and getting very little in return has some unfortunate implications.
It’s not better if instead of being defined as the avatar’s girl, Katara’s the fire lord’s girl. Part of the appeal of zutara for me is the idea that Katara could lay down some of her burdens and get some much needed support. I always imagine she’d have some major issues after the war.
"i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people."
I’m going to push back against that statement. Yes, Katara didn't grow up in an abusive household but she has pain and trauma of her own. In fact I’d argue that her believing it’s her job to take care of everyone is rooted in her trauma. Katara needs support and care just as much as anyone else does.
Having read a lot of fics revolving around abuse victims in different fandoms I’ve observed that if fans feel a character’s trauma wasn’t properly addressed in canon, they’ll give them a lot of TLC in fics. But again, reducing the non-white or darker-skinned character to a glorified therapist has some implications.
I feel like the Fire Lady Katara headcanon's been talked to death so long-story short, it’s not inherently racist but it can problematic if it's not clear that Katara is Katara of the Water Tribe wherever she lives. Fics and art where her crown has a crescent moon, she wears blue, or Zuko wears blue when she's in red are the executions I'm fondest of.
When in doubt just listen when poc talk about uncomfortable trends in the fandom. Give fansplaining’s episodes on fandom racism a listen here, here, and here. And very loosely quoting my favorite professor just remember that if a marginalized person says they’re distrustful of a group of people or institution it usually happens after a lot of bad experiences. Don’t center your own comfort and hurt feelings.
“If we truly believe in fandom’s progressive credentials, then perhaps it is necessary for us to listen to critiques that make us uncomfortable rather than those that keep arguing that the status quo is perfectly acceptable—even as there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps then we will be able to come at these, yes, these very complex and nuanced discussions with the type of openness and good faith that is required for them to succeed, rather than approaching them with hostility.”
-Rukmini Pande, Fansplaining
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passmethemolly · 4 years
dteam + friends as old navy employees
 Bad is the manager. a very tired one, but he keeps everyone in check
bad: guys please make sure we’re asking for cards today- we’re behind and-
dream: its georges fault
george: it’s not! i ask and everyone says no-
dream: thats because you aren’t asking them right 
george: how the hell do you ask for a credit card right???
bad is long gone by that point. he’s quietly sitting in the office watching george and dream bicker
he has a photo of his dog on his desk and will smuggle her into the workplace sometimes 
will deal with the difficult customers but will feel bad for being mean even though its his job
sapnap is on the floor bc he can perfect fold things
hates every second of it and always hides in the fitting room or goes up to cash wrap to bother george
purposefully messes up piles of clothes so dream has to refold it
scares tommy whenever he hides in said fitting room
overall, super chill and will go where ever he needs to but folds like a sloth
once caught someone stealing but he didn’t say anything
george is always up at the registers and he absolutely hates it
he will never ever ask people to open up a credit card unless bad is there or unless dream gets put up there with him and they compete against each other
as soon as a customer has an issue with something, george calls bad up to the register to deal with it and he walks away
george will ignore customers and let wilbur take them instead
he steals the candy all the time
dream is tossed around all over the place
doesnt do anything, yet still manages to meet his credit card goal which annoys the fuck out of george and sapnap
he hits george with hangers 
george will always hit him back
the kids are fighting again ft. hangers 
he attracts the weird customers which makes for good stories
he once fell off a ladder and george saw that and he will never let dream live that down
a BOPIS beast- not a single order goes unnoticed by him
sapnap likes to fold the kids clothes since theyre easy and bad never checks kids
dream is a huge wingman to sapnap through the walkies 
dream: sapnap, tell that girl that the boyfriend jeans are 100% off at your place.
sapnap: dude i have a girlfriend 
dream: okay, say it for me then
sapnap: dream im not saying that-
george: will you please shut up i can’t hear anything but you two idiots
alternatively- also the biggest instigator
dream: george, i dare you to not talk to the next customer
george: what? no, i have to it’s literally my job to talk to them-
dream: do it, trust me
george: im not gonna ignore them as i check them out
dream: if you dont, im telling bad that you dont ask to open credit cards and you didn’t count the money from last night and youve been stealing the kitkats
long story short, they got a complaint and george was tasked with cleaning the bathrooms that night as punishment
tommy is in fitting room and he loves it 
he was put there since he was “too aggressive” to be on sales floor
but hes the only person at the store that can open more credit cards than dream due to his aggression 
he gets to go on his phone and drink coke whenever
once locked sapnap in the fitting room for three hours 
whenever he has to return the ‘go back’ clothes, he sprints through the store. he literally runs the clothes. 
once fought a customer that told him he was wrong about a price. 
tubbo is holding him back while bad is apologizing to the customer and offering them 70% their entire purchase
wilbur is on register with george and they gossip about the customers 
wilbur is the best dressed there 
everyone swoons for him, which racks up sales since everyone wants to be checked out by the cute cashier
him and george are lowkey the power duo on register 
he cares very much about sizing and taking proper care of the clothes
he drives tommy and tubbo to work
dream and george go get lunch together on their break
dream will occasionally bring george mcdonalds if he feels like it
george, in return, won’t do anything special <3
jk- george just helps dream fold the floor after closing instead of hiding behind the cash wrap counter
george will always bring dream a starbucks cookie on fridays
one time, bad wouldn’t let george wear one of his supreme shirts and he had to wear dreams hoodie to cover it up
techno is a ghost at this old navy. hes never scheduled to work but when he comes it- everything is perfectly folded and they have a spike in customer satisfaction- but people rarely see him do these things
small rivalry between dream and techno obviously 
they will always make a competition out of everything
always a closing time employee- he never opens the store. 
dream is obsessed with how he perfect folds and will stalk him around the store when he does work
techno just wants to work tbh  
tubbo is in fitting room with tommy 
hes more…passive… with the customers 
will always wish everyone a nice day even if they leave the room a mess
will take the time to clean each room while tommy sprints in and out with his arms full of clothes
does whatever tommy wants to do
except when it comes down to who is cleaning the bathrooms at closing time- then its a battle
(just rock paper scissors) 
tubbo and dream sometimes trade places, but tubbo always goes back to the fitting room since he has no idea how the sales floor works 
dream ROCKS old navy clothes 
he abuses the fuck out of his employee discount 
sometimes he’ll get george to give him a bigger discount 
george always wears stuff with brands even though its against dress code (he will not give up his hypebeast shirts) 
bad will let it slide most of the time but not all the time yk?
sapnap shoves his phone into clothes and plays games 
on the quiet days- everyone is on sales floor except tommy. tommy is forbidden from being on sales floor.  
tommy watches from afar as his friends slap each other with hangers and talk shit about the public
his time will come. he will get out of the fitting room
at closing time, dream and george hide in a blind spot and talk for the rest of their shift
sapnap: can you guys please stop flirting and go fold in mens? bad says if we fold everything we can leave early-
dream throws a bundle of socks at sapnap 
george wants to be on sales floor so bad, he complains about register everyday
dream wants to be on register since sales floor is boring to him
bad wont let them switch 
tommy, tubbo, and wilbur always start fights with george, dream, and sapnap
a ‘war’ broke out one night when they were closing
bad made them stay an extra two hours to refold the entire store since they trashed it
george once parkoured over a jean table
sapnap is always friendly to the customers and will ask them how theyre doing as soon as he sees them
scares the shit out the customers at the same time. he’s a ninja
tommy got out of the fitting room once and hid in a rack of dresses so bad couldn’t find him
bad just wants people to open up credit cards
sapnap would bring his girlfriend in a lot and now bad is considering hiring her since shes here so often
on their breaks, they will all sit in a circle and watch the cameras and make fun of people
they have a groupchat called “the navy soilders” and they literally just send the same video of dream falling off the ladder that george pulled from the cameras
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aloeboba · 3 years
SO, brain said todoroki working the night shift at a cvs during the summer or something and I think this has already been done, actually (but i don’t remember it so i’m not plagiarizing).
But the absolute chaos that could string from this whole thing. He’s probably a cashier.
First off, he would be so done with this thing.
Like the weirdos who come into gas stations at 3 am are the people he has to deal with
So we have one sleep deprived todo and like 30 sketchy customers with issues
“no ma’am, the coupon isn’t valid. in fact it’s been expired since 2008″
“no sir, i can only scan one coupon per purchase, per customer”
He probably has so many of those interactions that he does, in fact, take multiple coupons at once and expired extra bucks.
Although, when its much to late for our icyhot boy, he probably messes with people on purpose just because he’s bored and too delusional to act like a sane person.
*scans card* “it won’t go through” “oh well try again” “*scans card and it goes through* it won’t go through”
*scanning a pill bottle* “you know, I heard the yakuza was using this as a front for their quirk enhancers, didn’t end well though. Turned people into giant mosquitoes. You should have seen it. Couldn’t eave my house for a month.”
Someone: *grabbing a container of ice cream*
Todo: i heard there was a lawsuit against them. something about smuggling drugs through that exact flavor. Hid it in the caramel chunks.”
If he has to suffer so do they
He also gossips with the older women.
Todoroki is the kind of guy to probably actively flirt with the manager or boss or something to get on their good side or just to get a 50 cent raise
Upgrade: he cannot flirt that well. it’s probably confusing with mixed in Spanish words (?) but the manager finds his efforts cute and somehow flattering.
He definetly bumps into a poorly disguised dabi at some point at 4 am buying cheap hair dye
Todoroki: *eye contact*
Dabi: *nervous eye contact*
Todoroki: ...
Dabi: ...
Todoroki: that’ll be 10 dollars
Dabi: but it says 6
Todoroki: its 10 dollars
*staring continues*
Dabi, who doesn’t want to make a scene: FiNe *digging around in his pocket*
The manager doesn’t tell him that they hired a new night shift shelve stalker so when he hears rustling and footsteps, he just assumes its a big rat or smth
No not a big rat
A human??
Oh uraraka
At first its kind of awkward (especially because todo got so tired of the noise he came at her with a broom and lysol; it did not end well) so they just kind of acknowledge the fact that they know each by staring at each other for minutes at a time, even when he’s checking someone out
They finally decide to talk to each other and its only chaos from there.
They race each other in baskets through the isles and replace labels on shampoo bottles
They probably sniff the perfume behind the counter and rate the smells (once todoroki stole a sample), doing bad french accents and huffing them like they were wine (that didn’t end well though because they both needed sinus medicine afterwards)
Todoroki, doing a bad french accent: ah yes, stronk, woodsy, cheap...
Uraraka: mm-hm, airy and floral, just like the fabreeze I keep in my room
Todo: this one is, yes, yes... balsomic... vinegar that is. what is this?
Uraraka: mm, bubbly and familiar. ah right, like non-toxic scented glue.
Todo: this one is-- *coughing* the worst. I do not recommend this scent, Uraraka.
They were once caught by a someone and todo gave him a dollar to keep his mouth shut
Uraraka and todoroki end up bonding or whatever in the form of pranks and chaos and end up growing closer than they thought they would
They look forward to seeing each other
What i’m trying to say here is this is romance
Todochako fam
Like right now they’re in between dating and best friends (whatever you wanna call that. Will and Grace, maybe?)
Mitsuki goes on a late night run one night and probably recognizes him as katsuki’s classmate and surprised to see him working as cashier like “dont your daddy got money??”
“yes ma’am but i despise him”
She probably goes on a rant abt katsuki and work and he just nods along and throws in a few comments about his job or whatever
“you know, you seem like a nice boy, todoroki-kun. I wouldn’t mind if you dated my son”.
“no offense, mrs. bakugou, but i would punch him.”
They become fast friends
She invites him over sometimes, at some point meets uraraka and loves her also
unfortunatly i have no more to write because i can’t think of anything else but this was fun actually :D I think this is a really fun idea so i might (or if someone else wants to) write a fic about this but idk bc i’m what the kids call “unmotivated most days” so use what you want with these.
(also, i’ve never worked at a cvs before so idk if this is accurate)
edit: i was lowkey brain dead from working on a computer all day when i wrote most of this so honestly i have no clue whats going rereading it so i apologize for the literal weirdness and parts that make no sense so i make edit it later :\
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