#when we make mistakes it’s important that we apologize and take them as a learning opportunity
roseofdarknessblog · 7 months
Family gathering (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 3 140
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: You and Levi finally introduce your baby to the rest of the family.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Family gathering
Being back in the tea shop after giving birth felt even better than you expected. Even if you only came to visit Levi for short periods of time. But it was enough time to make sure that he really had everything under control even without your help. At least for a couple more weeks.
Being new parents wasn't easy, not even the slightest, but you were adjusting. Learning every single day, that having a tiny little human living under your roof was about changing or adjusting one too many things.
Despite that, Levi and you couldn't be happier. In your newborn daughter, you saw the reason why you fought so hard all those years. She truly was a beautiful representation of the future you wanted humanity to have.
„I think they know something is up,“ Falco said, when he walked into the kitchen, that was at the back of the tea shop. Here, you used to bake many of your sweet and savory goods, which were then sold alongside the best tea in the whole town.
„Yeah, probably. But that's fine, something really is up,“ you said, smiling at the boy.
Until now, only he, Gabi, Onyankopon, and Yelena knew about the little Ackerman baby you and Levi welcomed into this world seven weeks ago. Nobody else from your friends knew you gave birth, or even that you were pregnant in the first place. You and Levi decided, that it would be better not to tell anyone and let things unfold on their own.
However, now it was finally time to introduce your precious little miracle to the rest of your family. To all your beloved friends, who fought alongside you these past few years. To the people, who helped you create a safe world to bring your daughter into.
„Is everybody here already?“
Falco nodded, gently taking your daughter's hand. She loved him so much and lately always smiled when they were together. „Yeah, they're talking, having tea and sweets but you can definitely tell they suspect something. Mainly because you're not there.“
„I think we should go see them, right?“ you asked your daughter in a sweet voice, stroking her chubby little cheeks. In some way, they very much reminded you of Levi's. Just like her silky black hair, her blue-grey eyes, or her cute little nose. She was the sweetest little copy of your husband in the cutest ways possible. „You're gonna love them, darling. And they're gonna love you.“
When the little girl looked at Falco and smiled, both of you smiled right back at her with so much love. The boy truly loved her as if she was his little sister.
„Hey, Y/N! Come and join us finally!“ Jean screamed for you from the tea shop, making you chuckle and kiss the top of your daughter's head, who tried grabbing the collar of your shirt.
„I'm coming, settle down. All of you!“ you called back, taking one last deep breath. Falco walked back to the shop before you, giving you one more moment alone.
The moment felt almost surreal. Holding your baby and getting ready to introduce her to so many important people. Not even that long ago, you would never even dream about doing something so magical.
„Now, I have a very special surprise for all of you. Can you close your eyes?“ you asked them before opening the door.
When you walked into the main part of the shop, everyone was there – Armin, Connie, Jean and Mikasa. Even Reiner, Annie, and Pieck came, along with Gabi, Yelena, and Onyankopon who didn't even need to close their eyes. Together with Falco and your husband, who was smiling at you ever so slightly.
„What do you think? What is this big surprise?“ you asked them excitedly. But before anybody said a word, your daughter let out a loud cry to get everyone's attention, before she smiled up at you. Almost as if she knew what was happening. „Okay, I guess it's not a surprise anymore. Open your eyes,“ you said, smiling happily at them.
The awe on everyone's face was so worth keeping this whole thing private until now. Connie and Armin looked at you as if they'd never seen a baby in their life before. But that was probably because of their last visit when you were five months along and still barely showing. Under the right pieces of clothing, they had zero chance of noticing anything. And now, half a year later, you were standing in front of them with a baby in your arms.
„So... we called you all here today, because we wanted you to meet someone very special,“ you said, looking over at Levi. With a slightly pained expression, he stood up from his wheelchair and walked a few steps to stand next to you. „She'll be two months old in a couple of days. I hope you can forgive us that we kept such a big thing a secret until now. It was...“
„We wanted to make sure everything will turn out okay,“ Levi said when you couldn't find the right words. „And then we wanted to soak up every little moment with her. Just the three of us,“ he added, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. It was a gesture full of love and also a way to help him stand more securely because of his leg.
It almost seemed that everybody was too shocked to speak. The first one to stand up and come up to you was Jean. He smiled, looking at both you and Levi. Then his soft light-brown eyes wandered to your baby, looking her over very carefully. He offered her one of his fingers, which the little girl took with such excitement, seeming happy that she was seeing a new face.
„She's beautiful, Captain, Y/N,“ he said proudly and with a happy smile.
„Oi, where did you get that baby, Y/N? When me and Armin were here a few months back, you surely weren't pregnant,“ Connie shouted, hurrying to you as well.
„I can assure you, that I was pregnant at the time. Five months pregnant, to be more specific. I just hid it too well,“ you chuckled, stroking your baby's hair. Her eyes were wide open with curiosity while her tiny hands were playing with Jean's fingers.
„Was she, Captain?“ Connie asked Levi, not wanting to believe you.
„Where do you think we got a baby that looks like me if she didn't give birth to it?“ Levi questioned him, his brows furrowed. He may looked annoyed with all the commotion, but by the tone of his voice, it was obvious, that he was enjoying having them all here.
„She really does look like you, Captain,“ Armin said, coming to stand between Jean and Connie.
Behind him, Mikasa followed a little shily. You gave her a warm smile and motioned to her, to come even closer. „Would you like to hold her? You're blood-related, after all,“ you said to her, looking over at Levi, who nodded at your words.
She seemed a little hesitant but eventually nodded in agreement. After showing her, how to safely hold the baby, she took her from you and carefully cradled your daughter against her chest. The little girl looked confused when she first looked up at Mikasa, but after she grabbed a strand of her hair everything was okay.
„She's adorable, congratulations to you both,“ Mikasa said, smiling at both you and Levi warmly. You've barely seen her since the Rumbling, because she went back to Paradis, so her presence right now was even more precious. „What's her name?“
You knew this question would come. And you were preparing yourself to answer it without too much emotion. But suddenly... when they were all here, standing around you and waiting for your answer... it felt almost impossible to explain the meaning of your daughter's name without making everybody way too emotional.
She got her name after a person, who was very dear to you and Levi. And to all of the 104th as well. It was a person, who was supposed to be here today with all of you as well. And also the person, thanks to who you got one more chance to fight the Rumbling and win.
„We named her after Hange,“ Levi said in a calm voice, seeing you struggling a little. „Zoe. Zoe Ackerman.“
„The meaning of her name is... life,“ you added in a quiet voice, reaching out your hand and stroking your baby's back. „I guess it's more than fitting, don't you think?“ Feeling your eyes welling up with tears, you looked at your friends. A wild range of emotions was seen on their faces – sadness, surprise, and also happiness.
Armin was the first one to speak up, leaning closer to Mikasa and taking the baby's hand, shaking it very gently. Such a sweet gesture made all of you chuckle. „It's more than fitting,“ he smiled at her warmly. „Nice to meet you, Zoe. I'm sure we'll be very good friends once you grow up a little.“
The sweet tone in which Armin talked to your baby melted your heart completely. Feeling unimaginable happiness, you looked over at Levi and kissed his cheek. The way he was watching the scene right in front of you, was more than beautiful. His expression was relaxed, almost completely pain-free. The look in his eyes was soft and loving towards all the people standing around you and introducing themselves to your baby in the funniest, yet most adorable way possible. She was all smiles, while she was looking around and taking in all the new people.
So despite looking so much like Levi, she surely didn't get her personality from him.
Connie was the one, who made her the most excited. Mainly, when he held her in a way that she was able to pull Jean's hair. But he truly couldn't be angry with her for even a second.
„Hey, you three. Come on, don't be shy,“ you said to Reiner, Annie, and Pieck who were still standing a little to the side, only watching the others happily fuss around your baby, who was making a lot of loud excited noises.
Once they were your enemies, they wanted you dead. Now they were here amongst your closest friends and family. In a way, you forgave them for almost everything. After having a couple of difficult talks, mainly with Reiner, you gained a new perspective of them all. And through that, things between you and them started changing. Gabi and Falco also helped a bunch, too.
„It's okay, we wanted you here and we're happy that you came,“ you said to them, stroking Reiner's arm and smiling at the girls.
„In a twisted kind of way, but we're all here thanks to you, too,“ Levi said to them, his grip around your waist tightening. His knee was starting to trouble him after standing by your side for a few minutes.
So after you made sure, that your baby was truly in good hands, you helped Levi walk outside the tea shop and sit down on a bench right next to the door. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth when he finally sat down and took the weight off his left leg.
„Good? Are you okay?“ you asked a bit worriedly, sitting down next to him. While your left hand started rubbing his back comfortingly, you leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
„Yeah, sure,“ he mumbled, taking a couple of deep breaths to ease the pain.
„It went well, didn't it? They were all so surprised and happy,“ you chuckled, resting your head against his. The voices and laughter from inside were heard pretty clearly, so you didn't have to worry. „And right now, they have probably a couple of minutes before she starts crying. Either because she'll be hungry or because she won't be able to find us.“
Levi smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist again, to keep you close. Despite the pain, he still seemed relaxed and content with the way today turned out. Everybody's reaction made it certain, that you and Levi did the best thing when you kept your pregnancy private.
„It's all so bittersweet. Having so many of them here and still missing a bunch of people,“ Levi said, his fingers gently stroking your side.
„They are here with us. In a different kind of way, but still.“
You could see all of your fallen friends and comrades in your baby's eyes and in her every smile. All the things they did and for what they sacrificed their lives, made it possible for little Zoe to be born. You and Levi were grateful to them every single day. For their bravery, resilience, and determination to make the world a better place.
Hange, Erwin, Sasha, Miche, Nanaba, Nifa, Furlan, Isabel, Moblit, Petra, Eld, Oluo, Gunther... Eren...
All of them and many, many more gave their lives a long time ago, so you and your friends could have this life. In one way or another. Looking back, there probably wasn't a way to save them. To spare them from death. All you could do was continue living your best life and honor them by being happy.
„Who would have thought, really? That we would make it here all the way from the Underground,“ you sighed, running your fingers through Levi's hair lovingly.
„We made it far, that's true. And...“ he shrugged, smirking at his own words, „I'm kind of excited to see what's next, now that we have our little girl. She's going to turn our lives upside down so many times.“
„That's what parenthood is about, right?“ you chuckled, grabbing his free hand and holding it tight. „We're doing good. Learning and making mistakes. I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end and that we have her.“ Having a baby was an adventure like no other. In the end, all the sleepless nights were worth it, when you saw your little angel smile at you, with her eyes full of innocence and pure love.
„Just wait until she starts walking and running around. That's gonna be a disaster.“
„We'll just have to keep up with her.“ You gently took Levi's chin and turned his head, so you could see his face.
He was still very handsome, no scars or a missing eye could change that. For you, he was the one and only. Since you were a teenager to this very day. All those years, it was Levi. And you were more than sure, that it would stay like this for the rest of your life. Nothing and nobody would be able to change your mind, because Levi was all you'll ever need – with all of his disabilities, which sometimes still made him feel a little self-conscious or worried, that he wasn't good enough for you. He was more than enough and you never failed to remind him that. A day never went by without you reminding him, just how thankful you were for his love and his presence in your life.
„I love you,“ Levi said, leaning in for a kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours, making you forget about everything else.
„That's really good to know because I love you too.“ With a smile, you brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead and kissed the tip of his nose. „I'm proud to call you mine and be yours.“
His sweet little smile had a very strong effect on you every single time you got the chance to see it. Mainly, when said smile reached his eyes and made him look so carefree and young. Seeing him like that, nobody would be able to tell how many horrors he had to suffer through.
Levi rested his forehead against yours, reaching for your left hand. He brushed his thumb over your wedding band, finding your lips in another sweet and love-filled kiss. Time seemed to stop around you at that moment.
But only until you heard a loud cry from inside the tea shop. Just moments later, Connie hurried outside, eagerly trying to return your baby into your arms. „Guess she doesn't like when someone pinches her cheeks. But they're so adorable and chubby, I couldn't resist.“
„They remind me of someone else's cheeks,“ Mikasa added, standing in the open door, her eyes focused on Levi with a playful smirk. You bit down on your lower lip, trying not to laugh, while Connie was grinning so hard, he had to turn away.
Levi, a little flustered, shook his head upon them and took his crying daughter into his arms. You watched him gently cradle her against his chest, planting a couple of kisses on the top of her head, while he rubbed her back.
„The brats made you cry, huh? Don't worry, you'll get used to them,“ he said to the baby, looking back at Connie. „And you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time,“ Levi added and kissed her forehead in the hopes of stopping her from crying more. But little Zoe knew exactly what she wanted and cried until Levi didn't hide her in his embrace from the rest of the world, while he lovingly started scratching the back of her head. Lately, this has become the most efficient way to calm her down.  „There, sweetie. That's better, right? No need to cry.“
Connie chuckled at the sight. „Well, Captain. Seems you're already wrapped around her finger. I've never heard you talk so sweetly to anyone, not even to Y/N.“
Jean and Armin came to stand by Mikasa, all of them watching the sweet sight of Humanity's Strongest being a completely different person when it came to his own daughter. All of them changed so much during the past few years. But when you looked at them in that moment, you still saw the kids they were, when they joined the Scouts. The kids you grew to love and swore to protect. The kids, who became your family long before such a peaceful life was even a possibility for all of you.
What a shame not all of them made it this far.
Not having Sasha and Eren here felt strange and painful. It felt like you failed a little. But just until you looked back at your daughter. Her cheeks were still wet from tears, while she was so adorably clinging to Levi. In her still teary eyes, you saw Sasha's dedication and Eren's bravery.
And that was what mattered the most.
Having your family here with you and showing them just how much they meant to you. How much you loved them and how happy it made you, that they came here today to meet little Zoe Ackerman.
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lesbianranpoe · 1 month
akutagawa and atsushi are going to be the ones that kill fyodor/the tripolar singularity.
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long yap session ahead because Apparently writing theory posts is something i do now
so! tripolar singularities are a thing now. (which, What the Fuck, Asagiri). there are two ways that singularities can form in bsd: 1, when two abilities cancel each other out, and 2, when an ability user uses their ability on themself, multiplying the ability until it forms a singularity.¹ im assuming that the tripolar singularity functions similarly to the latter, like Verlaine and Chuuya, who are both man-made singularities. that would make it extremely powerful™️. in Stormbringer, Verlaine was only defeated because Chuuya used Arahabaki. so we’re able to assume that defeating a tripolar singularity would be even more dangerous. but why would Atsushi and Akutagawa be the ones to defeat it? and how? (<- rhetorical question) well!! glad you asked. they would become a singularity :D
in this essay i will---
The End of BSD Season 5
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(^ sorry for quality, just took these off of pinterest)
now we know that the floating fukuchi is the tripolar singularity. (at least that explains the three circles on his mask). and we know that atsushi and akutagawa are going to be fighting him. it wouldn't make sense to animate this scene if it wasn't important in some way. (also, sidenote, but i love how akutagawa is able to use his ability without dazai's coat. he's finally growing outside of dazai's influence 🥲). Yes, this doesn't really prove a lot. but atsushi and akutagawa are like glowing and flying which. im pretty sure they havent done before. so there could be something there? also, "just the two of us?" "do we need anything else?" 😭 AND parallels to the earlier sskk vs fukuchi fight, maybe :D
which, mentioning parallels....
Stormbringer: SKK vs Guivre and its Possible Parallels to SSKK vs the Tripolar Singularity/Fyodor
Disclaimer, i havent read stormbringer in a while so if theres any mistakes in my recollection... sorry.
In Stormbringer, if i remember correctly, Chuuya activates Corruption for the first time to take down Guivre, Verlaine's Singularity, and Dazai nullified the corruption afterward. In Stormbringer, Dazai and Chuuya were still in the earlier stages of their partnership, but Chuuya still trusted Dazai to nullify corruption.
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Eventually, the trust between them grew and they became known as Soukoku, or Double Black. Dazai fosters the partnership between Atsushi and Akutagawa in an attempt to turn them into Shin Soukoku, the second Double Black. Because of this, there are many parallels between skk and sskk. Both start off disliking each other, but grow over the course of many fights as partners. Soukoku's fight against Verlaine was a turning point in their relationship that allowed that trust to grow, and trust in each other was necessary to defeat the singularity.
Atsushi and Akutagawa are still in the beginning stages of their partnership with each other, but we can see how their relationship evolves throughout BSD. battling the tripolar singularity together by becoming a singularity themselves, learning to understand and trust one another, would be a large milestone in their relationship as Shin Soukoku.
Dazai's comment in BSD Beast
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yet another disclaimer because i am Broke™️ and do not have enough money for these light novels: i have only read up to BSD beast vol. 3, and have not read the light novel yet. i found this quote online. i apologize if i end up misinterpreting it. but this quote definitely implies that Atsushi and Akutagawa forming a singularity is possible. and in order to do that, they have to understand each other.
"...I needed to have you fight. I needed you two to face death to get you to understand each other."
Atsushi and Akutagawa have fought with each other, against each other, many times throughout BSD. Against each other, against Fitzgerald, in the Rats of the House of the Dead base, against that mf from 55 minutes, against fukuchi... and these fights have helped them understand each other, making them work better together. i saw a post a while ago about how skk is a relationship founded on trust but lack of understanding, fyolai is based on understanding but lack of trust, and sskk is becoming a relationship with both full trust and understanding and like. yeah!! they are learning to trust each other and understand each other!! akutagawa and atsushi are both privy to information about the other that even their respective sides don't know, atsushi's hallucinations and akutagawa's lung illness being the two largest ones.
If understanding is the basis of what allows two people to form a singularity, Atsushi and Akutagawa are almost there. It makes sense for their character development and development as a duo to progress there.
anyways !! this was pretty much just me yapping, idk how to write these theory posts or whatever, or if any of this makes sense (i rlly need to reread some of these light novels). but yeah. sskk vs fukuchi final fight ‼️
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A Goodbye to The Bad Batch
I don’t even know what to say first. Because this is goodbye, but it is also everything but. But I suppose I should start at the beginning.
Just a couple of years ago I found my love for Star Wars. My entire life, as far back as I can remember, my dad has tried to get me into the fandom. Now, he’s not a fan the exact same way some of us are, he’d only watched the saga and the Mandalorian, funnily enough I was the one to introduce him to The Clone Wars and beyond, but it’s been a joy in his life for a very long time. I was never interested in it when I was little, but then I got a little older and Star Wars started to capture my interest.
One random weekend, I believe in 2021 or 2022, I decided that I was going to watch all nine saga movies in those forty-eight hours, and then start on my goal to watch every show and the additional movies.
This is, without a shred of doubt, one of the greatest decisions I have ever made, and one that I will never regret. I would not be the person I am had I not given Star Wars a chance.
It would sound ridiculous to anyone anywhere else, but this has become such a safe place for me that I know I can be honest.
Everyone finds that one thing that makes them happy like nothing else. A person, a hobby, a place, a fandom. Mine is the galaxy far, far away that lets me escape from my life whenever I need to.
The Star Wars fandom has its faults, and there is so much hatred.
But more than anything, there is love like no love I have ever experienced before. The love between fans and our love for these movies and shows is something I never expected to have in my life. But somehow, for some reason, it has all found a permanent place in my heart, and I couldn’t be happier.
At this time, the first season of The Bad Batch had just been released. I was branching out, watching The Clone Wars and then jumping to The Book of Boba Fett, though I’m not sure why I chose to watch everything in such a completely random order.
But then I started The Bad Batch.
I had no idea what Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, and Omega would come to mean to me.
I have dealt with a lot in the last few years. Nothing compared to others, but depression finds a way to wedge into your life. I love to be alone, but I don’t like to be lonely, and I have managed to isolate myself to a point of misery.
I found more comfort in The Bad Batch than anything else in my life, and I will never forget the joy The Bad Batch brought me in these last few years.
I began to write when I found Star Wars, and I was inspired to do so by The Bad Batch. Before, I had never felt so compelled by any one piece of media to add my own part of it to the world, until this. Writing has become another escape, one that gives me an outlet to continue the stories of characters left behind.
What I already knew has been reaffirmed, the lessons I have learned remain with me, and will even after this is over.
That it’s okay to feel afraid, because everyone does, and to make mistakes, provided you learn from them.
That feeling out of place for one reason or another does not make you unworthy of love, and having limitations with affection isn’t something you need to apologize for.
That being goofy, having fun, finding joy in the dark places, is just as vital a part of life as anything else, if not what we need more than anything.
That taking time for yourself, to make sure you don’t fall apart, even while taking care of others, is important.
That our worst moments can be one of two things, what consumes us, or what we grow from.
That being a young woman is not a detriment to your worth, intelligence, talent, or any other aspect of life, but is in fact what makes you strongest.
That what makes us unique and our faults are a part of who we are, but they do not define us, and we are so much more than the ideas people have of us.
My only regret is not making friends when I had the chance. I’m bad at that, opening up and putting myself out there, and I shy away from talking to new people because it makes me uncomfortable. But I wish I had been able to put that aside before it was too late and found people who love The Bad Batch the way I do to continue talking to, even after the show ends.
But to all the people who have supported me and who I have supported, thank you for being part of my Bad Batch experience.
It's very difficult to believe that this is it.
Though The Bad Batch has not been around long, it feels like it has, because as long as I have been watching Star Wars, The Bad Batch has been in its active run, and I’m so grateful I got to be here when it was.
I know that even when the credits roll for the final time, when the greater fandom forgets the show that they never really understood the way we have, I’ll be here, and hopefully, so will all of you. I think that the family brought together by The Bad Batch will endure, even if we go quiet for a while.
We’ll stick around, for the day the Batch comes back. Because I know they will.
Thank you Clone Force 99, the Bad Batch fandom, Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang, the Kiners, and everybody who played a part in telling this story.
The impact The Bad Batch has had on my life has been profound, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. It’s been a wild ride, and I have enjoyed every second of it. It has been a privilege to be a part of this piece in the ever growing history that makes up Star Wars.
Goodbye, Bad Batch. Until next time.
“Change takes getting used to. You’ll see. Just give it time.”
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littlexscarletxwitch · 8 months
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘆
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, this was based on a true story, not the flo part but the baby fever part lol, establish relationship, baby talk, flo self doubting, r babbling but like in a cute type of way (?), also billie's mention :)
warning(s): idk is wanting to have kids a warning (lol), baby talk (?), grammatical error, unedited
word count: 1.3k
note: You wanna know what's crazy? I'm not sure if I want to be a mother, but like the baby fever sometimes kicks in, specially since I have two little brothers and I'm like a second mother to them (they actually have told me so). But I don't know... Anyway, I'm not native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you all enjoy! Lots of love, M <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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You remembered when all those new feelings had started: you were sitting across from her, getting lost in her forest green eyes, you didn't feel someone nudging your leg until that said someone screamed out at you. 
"Jesus, you scared me," you smiled at the little toddler as you heard Florence's chuckle. 
The little girl, who seemed to be only two years old, babbled some incomprehensible words at you. She only got cutter as you watched her face shift into a stern look. It appeared as she was trying to tell you something quite important. 
"Oh, yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it," you played along, accepting what you thought was an apology. 
"Are you lost, little missy?" Florence said, getting her attention. 
The toddler just looked at her and broke into laughter, which caused Florence to smile at her. 
"What's so funny about me, huh? she playfully asked her, and the two year old just laughed even harder. 
"I think it's your voice," you chucked. 
"My voice is not funny," she pretended to be hurt, her hand clutching her chest.
"Well, it is to her," you couldn't hold your own laughter anymore as the tiny human kept on laughing.
“Oh, my God. She’s laughing at my voice.”
“Oh, thank goddess. You scared me to death, Charlie,” a young blonde woman said, getting closer to your table, and bringing the little girl to her chest once she was close enough. “I’m so sorry, she’s just learned how to walk and she likes it,” the woman joked. 
“It’s okay, no problem, we were just chatting,” Florence reassured her with a smile.
As if wanting to be part of the conversation Charlie bubbled out some words.
“She’s so cute,” you scrunched your nose at her, making her laugh. 
“Okay, say goodbye, Charlie,” Charlie’s mum moved her little hand around, waving at the two of you, as Charlie mumbled what you thought was a goodbye. 
“Bye, Charlie,” the both of you said, smiling at the two year old. 
Ever since that night you hadn’t stopped thinking about Charlie. Well, not Charlie actually, that would be creepy, but the idea of kids. Florence looked so happy the few seconds she shared with Charlie, you felt like your heart could jump out of your chest just by thinking of that night.
You had never thought about kids before that, sure, sometimes, but it was more like a second thought, like something far away from your reach, unlikely to ever happen. And after that night it became your only thought. 
You found yourself watching TikToks about babies doing baby stuff, or maybe when taking a walk your eyes would linger on those couples pushing a trolley. Sometimes you would even look online for baby clothes and every time you couldn't help but to think it was the cutest thing ever. It also didn’t help the fact that your hormones would kick in and they would intensify all these feelings up to a hundred.
Florence, of course, didn’t notice how much you wanted a baby until you started to show her every baby picture you could find, every video you had watched, every kid you pointed out when the two of you went out on dates. So she started counting all the times you brought up that subject, by the third week she had lost count. 
Now, there you were, lying on the couch, with your phone on your hand, scrolling down TikTok, watching videos of babies. She found it cute, fun even, because you wouldn't dare to actually spill the words out, too scared of what she would say. 
“Y/n, baby, is everything okay?” she broke the silence, taking a seat next to you.
“Yeah, I’m just on those days,” you mumbled.
Which was true, but it wasn’t the whole truth. You had craved a baby before, during and long after your period. It didn’t matter, it was a thought that would cross your mind all the time, nonstop. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want me to get you something?”
You nodded, “It’s just the hormones. You know how it is, the moodswing,” you chuckled.
“Are you watching those baby videos again?” she raised a brow at you, there was a tint of smug in her tone.
“Yeah…” you frowned. “Why?”
“Nothing, it’s just that you are always watching those,” she teased, wanting for you to finally come clean.
“I am?” you asked, pretending to be unaware of that fact. 
“Yes, missy,” she smiled at you. 
‘Missy’, it only reminded you of Charlie and it made the whole thing even worse. 
You huffed, “I guess I didn’t notice.”
“Y/n, is there something you want to talk about?”
“What’s there to talk about?” she could tell you were frustrated.
“Well, I’m not sure but—.”
“What's there to talk about, huh?” there was not a trace of anger in your words, it felt more like sadness.  “That I would like a mini you running around the house, chasing after Billie?” the dog raised her head, thinking you had called out to her. “Because yes I would love that.”
“Y/n, I—,” her smug attitude dropped to the floor as she realised that there was no turning back now. 
“I can’t stop thinking about Charlie, how soft and careful you were with her. You were on cloud nine, Flo, I could tell,” you sniffed, battling the tears. “And I want that… I want that for you and me, for us.”
“I understand, honey. I can see how much you want that,” she caressed your cheek. “But I’m not—.”
“No, please don’t say ‘but’. I can take a ‘maybe’, just not a ‘but’,” you eyes were filled with tears and Florence felt like her heart was going to break any second now. She hated to be the reason why you were crying.
“No, no, no, it’s not that I don’t want that. I do, I just don't want to be that kind of parent who’s always working, I don’t want to miss their first steps, their first words, I want to be there for them every step of the way,” she breathed out, as if she had been holding back for weeks. 
Which she actually had. Ever since she added two plus two and realised you actually wanted a baby, all these self doubt and anxiety and worry got a hold on her.
“Flo, please, I know we can make it work. I won’t let that happen, I promise. You are not getting out of this whole motherhood thing,” you joked, making her chuckled. “Besides, you had Charlie giggling and all happy, I think you got this.”
“Charlie was with us for like three minutes at most,” Florence, playfully, rolled her eyes at you.
“Okay, you are right. But I know in my heart that you are going to be a great momma,” you grabbed her hands, taking them to your lips to kiss them. 
“I get it, Flor. It’s scary, we are talking about an actual human being—.”
“But if anyone can do this, then it’s us—.”
“We could watch some films, or maybe read some books. I bet my mum still has that book about being a first time mother—”.
“We can even take some classes, they teach you everything nowadays and—”.
“Y/n!” this time Florence shook your shoulders trying to get your attention. 
“Will you at least think about it? I know it’s a big decision and—”.
“Will you please let me talk?” she said with a tint of amusement.
“Right, sorry,” you smiled. 
“You had me at ‘You are not getting out of this whole motherhood thing’,” she smiled back.
“Does that mean…?” you left the question in the air, waiting for her to say it.
“Yeah, let’s make a baby. Shall we?” she asked, a grin formed on her face before she pecked your lips.
“Oh, my god!” you couldn't hold back your smile anymore. “Yes! Yes, we shall,” you threw yourself at her, leaving kisses all over her face. 
“Okay, then let’s get down to business,” she said in between chuckles. 
“Oh, you mean right now?”
“I thought you… I mean… if you don’t want to then—,” she was about to get up from the couch. 
“No!,” you yelled, making her laugh. “Come back here, you twat.”
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therealcocoshady · 5 days
Recovery - Chapter 39
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Synopsis : Simon comes over for dinner and Reader makes a mistake.
Tags : angst
Author's Note : I want to take a second to thank my dear @shady-577 who has the role of Very Important Reader ❤️. I usually run my ideas by her and she kindly reads my stuff ! Thank you so much ❤️
Your friends made you delete the social media apps from your phone, for your own good. In hindsight, you were grateful, because seeing everyone comment and bring back your photos was doing a number on your mental health. Another thing you were grateful for was the presence of everyone who took the time to check in with you. Everyone around you made sure to show their support, even Marshall’s close friends and his family. When they first called or visited, you half expected them to encourage you to talk to him and patch things up but they didn’t. Porter even suggested that you let him bask in it for a couple of days. They were truly disgusted by the track and it made you feel a little better. It didn’t really change anything - what was done was done - but at least you felt valid in your feelings. 
The incident even prompted an unexpected reunion with none other than… Simon. Since the whole thing had gone viral, you weren’t surprised that he heard about it but you did not really expect him to call you. However, he did and he was really sweet. He showed support and even sent you a big bouquet of peonies to cheer you up, as soon as he learned that you were staying at Talia and Jamal’s. In fact, he called you practically everyday and made sure to get your mind off things. Every time you mentioned the incident, he encouraged you « not to think about it » and you had conversations about everything else. Back when you were first dating, you were impressed by the fact that he was very well-read, knowledgeable on a lot of topics. You spent at least an hour on the phone everyday, discussing politics, art, movies… what you enjoyed the most, though, was his humor and the fact that, even after all this time, you had a couple of inside jokes left. Talia saw what a breath of fresh air it was for you, and decided to extend a dinner invitation to him. She thought it would be good for you to socialize with someone you knew, that wasn’t a close friend or acquaintance of Marshall. Jamal wasn’t too keen on the idea, though. He had made his opinion of Simon quite clear in the past, and didn’t care for the way your ex had treated you, especially after the miscarriage. That being said, his fiancée didn’t give him too much of a choice on the matter and he ended up agreeing that, at least, it would be good to see you smile. 
When you brought it up to Marshall over the phone, you could tell he wasn’t too happy. However, he was in no position to tell you who to hang out with, after what he had put you through. 
Simon… Your ex, Simon ?! He asked. 
My friend Simon, you said in an annoyed tone. He’s been cheering me up. 
Ok, he sighed. So… when can I see you ? We need to talk. 
I don’t know, you replied. I think we should talk but… I don’t think I want to see you. 
There’s stuff I need you to see, he said. So that you… I don’t want to say you’ll understand but, yeah, i guess it’ll provide context. 
I guess I’m intrigued, you admitted. 
So… can I come and give it to you ? He asked tentatively. 
I don’t think it’s safe for you to come, you said. If Talia sees you, she will lose her shit. So will Jamal. Can’t you just… e-mail it to me ? 
I guess I can send it over, he said. Y/N, I… I miss you. So much. The cat misses you. Please come home. I need to see you. I need to talk to you, to-
It’ll depend on what you send, I guess, you cut him. I have to go. I have to get ready for dinner. Tell Wiz I love him. 
Sure, he mumbled. 
And hum… thanks for the public apology, I guess. 
You hung up the phone before he could respond. At first, you had been willing to call him but as soon as you heard his tone, his ever so apologetic voice… you were back to feeling angry. He was the one who had betrayed you and you were not about to give in to his own pain. You missed him, though. In fact, every night, you cried yourself to sleep and hated yourself for wishing he was by your side. But you were even angrier at him for what he had done. You knew he would hate the idea of you having dinner with Simon. And perhaps, on some level, it was exactly why you had been so quick to accept, when Talia suggested to have him come over. After all, Simon had been here for you this week. He had been the one to make you smile, laugh and regain a sense of self. He was the one who did what any loving boyfriend should have done. 
Dinner with Simon was fun. So much so that even Jamal laughed at his jokes and engaged in the conversation, in spite of his initial reluctance. No one spoke of the track that mentioned you, or pronounced Marshall’s name. It was just the four of you, talking about anything and everything, just like it had been, years ago. Talia and Jamal were your friends but they had always gotten along with Simon, for the most part, and you all shared some fun memories of your days in university. After dinner, Simon suggested the two of you go for a walk, after learning that you hadn’t really been out since the track leaked. 
I don’t feel like being the laughingstock of the neighborhood, you pointed out. 
It’s 9PM, there’s barely anyone out, he replied. And as long as you care about it, you’re not winning. 
I guess we can go out, you sighed. 
Talia seemed elated that you would finally go out. You went for a walk in some remote part of the neighborhood that had a small trail where people could go on walks. During the day, it was full of people who jogged or families with strollers. But at this time of the night, there was no one in sight. You walked in relative silence when Simon finally spoke. 
I had a lovely evening, he commented. Talia’s cooking is even better than I remember. 
She is quite skilled, you agreed. I had a great time too. Thank you for coming. And thank you again for reaching out. 
You don’t deserve what you’re going through, he said. You deserve the world. Nothing less. 
I doubt it, you sighed. I must have done something awful. If not in this life, a previous one. 
No one deserves what he did to you, Simon insisted. You deserve love, respect, safety… 
That’s what he gave me, you know ? You rambled. When I met him, after you broke up with me… Marshall became my safe space. He made me feel loved, seen, appreciated. He is the one who helped me overcome addiction… I thought I had found a good man.
You deserve to find one, he commented. You know… not a day goes by without me regretting what I’ve done to you. I should have been your safe space. I often wonder where we’d be if I had been there for you. If I had given you what you needed after you lost our baby… 
Married with a kid on the way, perhaps ? You wondered aloud. 
Boy or girl ? He asked. 
A girl, I guess, you shrugged. I always wanted a little girl. And to call her…
… Emma, he recalled. 
You remember ? You asked in surprise. 
Of course I do, Simon said. I remember everything. You are impossible to forget. I’ve been on dates with ladies but none of them compare to you. No one ever will. I know that now. 
Don’t say that, you said softly. 
No, it’s true, he said. No one is as funny as you. No one is as smart, as caring, as loving as you are. That’s why I can’t find anyone else. And that’s why I can’t stand to know he hurt you like this. I’m fine with the idea of you being with another man, but knowing that he is not worthy of you… it’s driving me crazy. I want to beat him up. 
You don’t have to defend my honor, you know ? 
I know, he said. I guess I just… I wish to give you what you need. What you deserve. 
That’s nice, you said shyly. Thank you, Simon. But I don’t think you could. 
What do you need ? He asked as he looked at you. 
I want to feel like myself again, you explained as you looked down. I want to feel loved and seen. But now… I feel dirty and ashamed. 
Simon stopped walking and cupped your cheek, before coaxing your chin so that you’d look him in the eyes. His thumb stroked your cheek and you felt an oddly at peace. He was staring at you with an affectionate gaze. 
You have nothing to be ashamed of, he said. And I’m here if you need anything. 
Thank you, you whispered underneath your breath. 
You stared at each other for a split second and you pressed your lips to his. Half of you hoped he would push you away and the other one hoped he would kiss you back. He did the latter, giving it his all. His lips were soft against yours and, for a split second, you didn’t feel as unworthy, as dirty or as ashamed. You could feel his affection for you, his desire, even. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his tongue found yours, the kiss growing passionate. It had been two years since the two of you last shared a kiss but you felt safe. It was comfortable, familiar. After your mouths parted ways, he grabbed your hand and looked at you. 
I should walk you home, he said. 
I’m sorry, you replied. I-I shouldn’t have… 
I’m happy you kissed me, Y/N, he clarified. But something tells me that what you need is a friend, right now. 
That’s right, you said. I’m mortified, Simon, really… that was wrong. I’m… with Marshall. 
You are, he agreed. For now. 
Yes, you said breathlessly. 
You weren’t too sure of what you wanted. Ten seconds ago, you had wanted to kiss Simon. You wished you could play dumb and say it was an accident but it wasn’t. You had initiated this kiss. You had asked for it. Simon walked you home in relative silence and you were almost mortified. As minutes went by, you absolutely regretted kissing him. Because, regardless of how good and familiar it had felt, it was still cheating. And no matter how mad at Marshall you were, cheating on him broke your heart. Maybe somewhere deep down, you hoped that kissing your ex would erase your feelings for your boyfriend and that you wouldn’t see Marshall as the love of your life anymore. But this didn’t have the desired effect and it only felt more wrong. Once you reached the front door of Talia and Jamal’s house, he kissed your cheek and promised to call you soon on Talia’s phone. It was the only way people could reach you since you’d had the excellent idea of throwing your phone in the staircase after reading one more headline about Marshall’s track. 
When you walked inside the house, your friends were waiting for you in the living room, with a big box sitting on top of the coffee table. 
What’s that ? You asked. 
It was delivered while you were gone, Talia explained. Marshall’s security dropped it off. 
He… Sent my stuff ? You asked anxiously. 
No idea, Jamal said. Might very well be yet another bouquet… As if the whole house wasn’t full of them already… 
You anxiously opened the box. You expected to find your stuff, thinking that maybe he had interpreted your silence as a breakup. But instead, you found a bunch of CDs and stacks of paper, as well as an envelope that read « Open this before the rest. ». Inside, you found a letter, in Marshall’s perfect handwriting : 
« Dear Y/N, 
I sent over the stuff I wanted to show you. I figures that maybe it would be better if you got to go through it alone. In this box, you will find everything I have ever written  about you since we met, as well as some letters I never sent while we were apart. I know it doesn’t change what happened with the track that leaked but I hope this will show you that you are always on my mind, always have been. When I wrote and recorded that silly track, I was sure you were going to leave and what you heard is my me venting on the microphone, letting my mid go to the darkest places, not because I actually think or mean everything but because it’s how I blow off steam. I know it doesn’t make the lyrics any more acceptable, but this is just me, being unable to get you off my mind for one second and trying to deal with it as best as I can. I never planned on you, nor anyone, hearing any of it. I realize this is not a healthy way to deal with my feelings, and I promise I’m never doing this again. Anyway, here is everything : things I wrote, stuff I recorded… I’m here if you want to talk about it. 
I’m sorry I hurt you, more than you’ll ever know. I miss you. (Wiz misses you too). 
Please come home. 
I love you, 
Marshall »
You sighed nervously and handed the letter to Talia, so that she could read it. Once she was done, she handed it to Jamal. After everyone was done reading the letter, you agreed that you should have a look to the content of the box. Your friends offered to give you some space but you were feeling a little overwhelmed. It was painfully obvious that your boyfriend was trying his best to make things bette with you and you had just repaid him by kissing your ex. You spent about three hours looking at every item the box contained. You got to read some letters Marshall had written to you while you were in France, that had your address on the envelope but he never sent them. I here, he was telling you about how much he missed you, how gloomy life was without you and how badly he wanted you to be happy, even if it meant that he would have to stay away from you. He also mentioned a couple of trips he had taken, mainly to California for some work, and how he wished he could have taken you on his travels. People, including himself, had told you how miserable he was while you were apart, but to read what he wrote during that time was gut-wrenching. There were so many writings that it was clear that you had not left his mind for a minute. Some of them even dated back to when you were dating Josh ! You were in tears by the time you were done reading the letters but the worst was yet to come. You listened to the CDs, that were full of tracks you never knew about. They were all about you and you could clearly see the pain in Marshall’s voice. By the time you were done listening, you were bawling like a baby. 
Are you ok, Sis ? Jamal asked. 
I… Guys, I… I don’t know, you hiccuped. 
Come here, babe, Talia said as he took you in her arms. 
You should call him, Jamal said. You guys need to talk. 
You looked at him, taken aback. In the past days, Jamal had not exactly been secretive regarding the disdain he had for Marshall, and you definitely did not expect him to encourage you to patch things up with him. What you read and heard definitely made you want to see him and talk to him face to face, but you knowing what you had done earlier in the night made you sick. You couldn’t face him and tell him you had cheated on him. Not when you knew he had spent months writing the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking things about his love for you, how being without you was a fate worse than death. 
I don’t know, you said in a croaky voice. 
Baby, I know we’re still mad at him, Talia said. But… You’ve heard these songs, right ? You’ve read these letters… Shit, I’m crying too ! 
She’s right, Jamal said. He loves you. He’s an obsessive fucking moron but… It’s Em. And I know you love him. 
I thought you were mad at him, you pointed out. 
I am, he said. But he sent me an email to apologize, as well as a check. He’s stupid but he’s trying to make things right. You have to give him a little credit, Sis. And I know that you guys have been through a lot and I’m sure you can work things out. 
His last sentence has you burst in tears. After reading and listening to everything, you wanted nothing more than to « work things out », but you were afraid that you had ruined everything. How ironic. He was the one whose actions had led to you leaving the house but he would be the one breaking up with you because you were too dumb. Tears were streaming down your cheeks and you were crying so much that it made it difficult to breathe. It wasn’t just guilt or sadness, it was panic, as you realized you would have to tell Marshall what happened with Simon.
Baby, what’s wrong ? Talia asked as she stroked your back. 
I… I fucked up, guys, you said. 
What ? No ! Jamal said. What he did with that track sucked, you had every reason to leave for a few days ! 
No, it’s not that, you hiccuped. I-I… I kissed Simon… 
NO YOU DIDN’T ?! Talia almost screamed. 
You were virtually unable to stop crying, to the point where you were unable to form a coherent sentence and ended up hyperventilating. It felt like you had the weight of the world on top of you. Talia took you in her arms and tried to get you to calm down but you were having a full blown panic attack. You heard her talk to Jamal but, even though you could hear the words, they weren’t making much sense. You were trying to talk but only French words would come out of your mouth. 
Il va me quitter, you cried. Je l’ai trahi… Oh mon Dieu. J’ai trahi Marshall ! 
What…? Jamal asked confused. 
She’s having a meltdown, Talia sighed. We can’t leave her like this, babe ! 
What do we do, then ? 
Let’s call Em, she directed. 
Non ! You pleaded. Please… Non. 
Talia took your hands in hers and tried to reason with you. In her opinion, it was better for you to tell Marshall and have an actual conversation with him, about both the track and you kissing Josh. 
I fucked up, you cried. Oh my God. I fucked up. 
Look, Sis, Jamal said sheepishly. Cheating sucks, and I’m not going to say Em deserved it. But… You know. You probably wouldn’t have done it if things had bee alright in your relationship. 
True, your best friend chimed in. You were feeling betrayed and vulnerable. 
He’s going to kill me, you sighed. 
He’s not, Jamal said. Look, I already texted him. He should be here in about 20 minutes. We’ll let you guys talk but we’ll be right next door, in the kitchen, alright ? No matter how mad he is, I swear, you’ll be alright. 
But… I’ll have to move, I-
If he kicks you out, you’ll just move back in with us, babe, Talia said reassuringly. We got you. Always. 
You thanked them and tried to pace yourself by taking deep breaths. It was the middle of the night but it didn’t seem to matter to anyone. Twenty minutes later, Marshall was here. As soon as he spotted you, curled on the living room couch, reading one of his letters, he rushed to your side. 
Y/N, he said. 
Hi, you said as you tried to avoid his gaze. 
Have you… Been crying ? He asked as he took a look at your face ? 
You nodded sheepishly. Your stomach was in knots and you felt as if you were about to throw up. He was inches away from you, looking at you intently. You nervously glanced at him and it was safe to say that he looked absolutely terrible. From the looks of it, he had been missing on a lot of sleep. His face looked gaunt and had worry all over it. 
Is it the letters ? He asked. God, I didn’t mean to make you cry… I-I…
They’re beautiful, you said in a creaky voice. A lot to take in. But beautiful. 
And I meant every word, he assured you. These letters, these songs… that’s how I really feel about you. How I have always felt about you. Not that stupid leaked track. 
Yeah ? You asked. 
Swear to God, he said. That’s just… My mind goes to this dark place, sometimes, you know ? When I’m sad, when I’m hurt… I know it’s creepy as fuck, and I know it’s not… It’s not ok. I know it. But I swear, this is just fiction. No different than a book or some drawings, you know ? But it has nothing to do with you. It’s my feelings, my dark thoughts… None of it should matter. 
But you name-dropped me, you pointed out.
I shouldn’t have, he said. That was fucking wrong of me. I thought no one would ever hear it. It’s just… that’s the only way I know how to get things off my chest, you know ? 
You nodded. It hurt to be on the receiving end of it and to be the one who inspired such deranged lyrics but you could sort of see where he was coming from. After all, he had always resorted to music as a coping mechanism. He sat on the couch next to you and took your hand in his. The contact between you - the first in a week - almost made you shiver. He seemed to notice it and immediately placed his jacket on your shoulders. 
I know it sounds easy to say but… I recorded that before I agreed to do therapy, you know ? He said tentatively. I went and told my therapist about it the other day, and… I’m going to do better, Y/N. I promise. I know I’ve hurt you, but I need you to know that I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. And I want us to get through this. I’ll book more therapy sessions, I’ll work on myself, we can do couples therapy if you want… I’ll do anything for us. 
Marshall, I-, you began. 
Y/N… You’re the love of my life, he continued. You make me want to improve myself, put in some actual work so that we can have a future together. There’s nothing I want more than this. I need you with me. I know we can get through this. I just know it. Because it’s us. 
You were overwhelmed. You had told him he was the love of your life several times before but it was the first time he said it back. Tears started rolling on your cheeks and he pulled you to his chest. 
I’ll never hurt you like this again, he said. I love you, and if you still love me, we can get through anything. 
Marshall, I need to tell you something…, you started nervously. 
Do you love me ? He asked as he ignored your sentence. 
I do, you replied. Of course I do, but-
No but, he said. I swear, I’ll do anything you want, honey. I have already gotten rid of the studio equipment but if there’s anything I can do, anything you want… I’ll do it. Just come home, and we work things through, ok ? 
I need to tell you something first, you said nervously. 
Ok, he said as he still held your hand. Anything, baby. 
It’s… It’s about Simon, you started with tears in your eyes. 
What about him ? He asked. It’s not like you cheated, right ? 
You knew he was resorting to humor to try and diffuse tension but you immediately started crying, giving everything away. You immediately saw the color drain from Marshall’s face, his eyes instantly turning dark. 
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shourin · 2 years
madly in ̵l̷ov̸?̶e¿ voicelines
◇ ✨live✨ version (click to view)
◇ script version (under the cut)
(+bonus! heizou ー it's too bad i can't find his video :c ) same notes as this post for the live voicelines
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| About [name]
Ah... Yes. Aren't they endearing?
Hm? I look... upset? My apologies. Please don't worry, as long as you don't harbor any... foul intent towards them, my blade will remain sheathed. You must have known by this point that I don't care for needless confrontations.
| Your Relationship
The protector and the protected would be the best description, I suppose. I try to be the best shelter that I could ever become for the tired dove that they are. A safe space to return to, someone to call home.
... Or at least, this is what I wish to become. My sweet [name] tells me that my protection suffocates them sometimes, but in this ruthless world where the gods will not hesitate to strike their subjects down, can you truly fault someone's desire to protect what is most important to them?
| Competitors
If there is anything I've learned from my life of wandering, it's that obstacles will always present themselves in one's journey. And to move forward, we must eradicate them, lest they ambush us in the future. Don't you agree?
| Would you ever let go?
I'm sure you, who have experienced losses in your journeys, will be able to relate to me when I say that... At a certain point, one will slowly become accustomed to separation and rejections. But do you know what lies past the grief and the numbness when you think it couldn't possibly get worse?
*chuckles* I'm afraid... I have gotten past that point.
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| About [name]
Mm? Yes, what about my darling [name]?
Tread carefully now, comrade~ *chuckle*
| Your Relationship
Utterly head over heels, madly invested in each other, completely in love, and is in a loving relationship! Ahaha, don't give me that look! You were the one who asked!
Alright, alright, since you asked nicely... [name] has been with me for as long as I remember, actually. We were neighbors, and we kept in touch even after I joined the Fatui. They stuck by me through thick and thin, always smiling when they greeted me back at the village, despite knowing what I do for a living...
Tell me, how can one not fall in love with someone like that? Such a pure, untainted soul... Being around them feels like I've committed an unforgivable sin in itself, but alas, I've been utterly smitten and I can't exactly remember how to get out of this maze called love anymore. So I guess I'm staying for good, haha!
| Competitors
Ah, of course, there were many, many insects swarming around such beauty... The only irritating thing about it is that none of them - not even a single one - was a fun hunt! Can you believe it?? I've probably gone through a hundred of them by this point, but none makes a worthy opponent! *sigh* Life's hard when you're just too strong...
*grin* Speaking of which, how about it, Traveler? If you're free, why don't we do some sparring~?
| Would you ever let go?
Ahahaha! Comrade, you sure like to joke around...
Perhaps. If you can pry them off my dead body.
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| About [name]
[name]? Yes, of course I know them. What do you think about them, Traveler?
Oh? My smile looks scary? I'm not sure what you mean by that, this is my usual smile. *chuckles* Why, have you done something that will potentially incur my wrath? Something like... taking a romantic interest towards my dear fiancé, perhaps?
That's not the case? Well, then, I believe there's nothing you should worry about!
| Your Relationship
[name] has stayed with me throughout my darkest hours. They... gave me much-needed comfort, when I had to take the mantle of the head of the clan. Though it is something I have prepared for my whole life, it was a rather sudden change, and the transition was abrupt. Coupled with the fact that there was no room for mistakes... Yes, I could never thank them enough.
I believe we've developed a deep bond because of it all. So, it's only natural that I repay them by providing them with the best luxuries and the safest shelter to call home. And as the spouse of the head of the Kamisato clan, they won't ever lack anything!
| Competitors
-and make sure to do it without any trace, as usual. You are dismissed.
... Hm? Oh, Traveler. To what do I owe the pleasure?
| Would you ever let go?
My, I'm afraid I'll need context on this one. If this is about my position as the head of my household clan, I would rather not, but I believe Ayaka will become a fine head in my place. If you're talking about the Shuumatsuban, it will undoubtedly cause a few issues. Still, I should manage to hire some elite private mercenaries in their stead, though it would not be preferable.
And if this is concerning [name], then the answer is rather simple:
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| About [name]
*smiles* [name] is my greatest treasure. I'm quite sure you've noticed the fondness I hold towards them. I can talk about them all day.
They are a kind one, for starters. Always wishing and striving to please everyone, sometimes to the point that they forgot about themselves. No matter in whichever lives, no matter their position... This aspect of them never changed. It worries me so. Yet, forcibly stripping this away from them would mean that I am rejecting who they are as a person. And that is not what I wish to do.
I'd like to think that I'm protecting them, by making sure that no one tries to take advantage of their kind nature. After all, is it not the job of a lover to make sure their beloved is safe and sound?
| Your Relationship
Would you believe me when I say that I have been in love with them for thousands of years? *chuckles* 
Be it Rex Lapis, Morax, or Zhongli... They have a firm hold of my heart. So it's only fair that I do so in return, don't you think?
| Competitors
As much as I would find it liberating to subdue those who do not deserve their attention, let alone be allowed to lay sight on them... I cannot.
We would not want the seas of Liyue Harbor to turn red from all the blood. It would be unhygienic.
| Would you ever let go?
..... All I wish for is for [name] to be safe.
And the safest place in all Teyvat is by my side.
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| About [name]
Oh, did you meet [name]? I suppose you've been frequenting the Kamisato residence lately... What did you think about them?
Hmm, I see, I see! The young miss introduced the two of you! ... .That's fine then.
Aren't they really nice? Did they talk about me? I have some time to spare, so we can sit down for some tea! Why don't you tell me all about it over some tea time snacks?
| Your Relationship
"The perfect couple"? R-Really? Do people really say that? Aw, geez, that's kinda embarrassing, but it makes me happy that people recognize how well we get along with each other, haha!
[name] could be a little stubborn sometimes, but they're just the sweetest! *giggle* Oh, and don't worry, when we get married one day, I'll be sure to invite you as one of the guests!
| Competitors
*strained laugh* Uhm, well, I can't deny that there are a lot of people around us, and with me being busy tending to the Kamisato siblings' needs, there isn't enough time for me to regularly check on them...
B-But, the young master has been really kind, so I really have nothing to worry about! Huh? What kind of help did he provide? Well, there are numerous things, really. For example... He's provided me with an adequate living section in the Kamisato residence, since I'm the young miss' retainer, and he allowed [name] to reside there! Just normal things, you know? Man, I sure am glad I work for a really accommodating boss!
| Would you ever let go?
You know, my mom used to say, if you truly love someone, you should always keep them close to your heart... And I agree wholeheartedly with her! Plus, [name] enjoys my company very much, why would I 'let them go'?
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| About [name]
My adorable significant other! What's this, are you investigating them for some reason, Traveler? I assure you, their background is completely clean, with no dirt in sight! I made sure of it, afterall~
Eh? What does that mean? Haha, who knows~
| Your Relationship
It's like a game of cat and mouse, most of the time. I find it mentally stimulating! They always love to test my intelligence by going into hiding somewhere, waiting for me to catch them! Isn't that cute? It's thrilling and keeps me on my toes, that's for sure! They're always so creative about it, too...
I do get worried from time to time, though. I mean, they might get hurt out there while they look for a hiding place... So if you ever spot them out there in any dangerous areas - which they're prone to wander off to - let me know straight away, okay? It might sound like I'm cheating by asking this from a lot of people, but I'd rather have [name] safe and my detective pride bruised rather than have them get hurt, or worse...
| Competitors
Now, see, to make a fair competition, the two candidates must have an equal footing with each other. However, I have yet to see someone who is as interested in [name] as I am, who is just as smart, good-looking, attentive, and capable as me - and to top it all off, have the ability and courage to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety and comfort! So there isn't really any competition going on here, is there?
| Would you ever let go?
Haha, is that a serious question?
Look here partner - a detective worth their salt will chase its target until the end of the world. Now, I'm not saying [name] is a criminal or anything like that, but all I'm saying is...
... I'm not the type who would let my prey get away, you see.
And it's not like I have a shortage of handcuffs to use, haha!
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mariinaworld · 9 months
Christmas night
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Natasha Romanoff x F! Reader
Summary: Your wife's family will gather for their first Christmas together
Warning: fluff
Word count : 928
(English is not my first language, so I apologize for any spelling mistakes)
You really don't remember how long you've been in the kitchen preparing pies, salads or any delicious food. Christmas is coming and your wife Natasha's family will spend Christmas with you for the first time.
You've been in the kitchen for about 2 hours, your wife has no cooking skills at all, so obviously you left her in charge of decorating the house with lights and decorating the Christmas tree.
"Bebe, I've already decorated the whole house, I think it's already good" you felt your wife say behind you as she hugged your waist and placed her head on your shoulder.
"Um, I don't know Nat, have you put the lights outside yet?" You said with a smile on your face knowing that Nat didn't put the lights outside.
"Baby look, nobody cares about the lights outside, the important thing is to have light inside the house, right?" Nat she argued tired of decorating the whole house
"No no my love, we're not going to be the only house on the street without Christmas lights on the porch, if you don't complain so much, it will finish faster" you said teasing your wife
"oh it's going to be like this then? Where's your Christmas spirit and your kindness when we need it huh? Miss Christmas. Exploring your wife" your wife said in a dramatic tone that only she knows how to do
"If you finish in half an hour I'll give you your Christmas present early, what do you think?" You said in a seductive voice. Natasha immediately ran out of the kitchen and returned with a box of lights." Your request is an order my love, I will finish in 20 minutes " she said leaving in front of the house
You've finally finished doing your chores, between setting the table and finishing the food, you're finally going to prepare for the best Christmas.
Yelena, Melina and Alexei arrived with full energy, Natasha greeted them first, leaving her sister last, giving her a big hug, you smiled at their interaction.
You greeted them and soon Melina came and gave you a bowl with some Russian dessert. "This dessert is Natasha and Yelena's favorite, I made it whenever they asked me" Melina said as if she had been transported to that time.
"well, if it's Natasha's favorite I'll definitely need to learn it" you said with a smile and Melina said how could she teach you.
"Okay okay, I know you guys love to talk but can we eat? I spent the whole day without eating to eat more now for Christmas dinner" Yelena said, looking a little desperate.
"don't rush my wife Yelena" Natasha appeared behind her sister "I'm not rushing, I'm just asking" Yelena quickly defended herself 
"Don't worry, I've already set the table, we can eat now Nat" you said holding your wife's hand and guiding everyone to the table.
While everyone was eating, there were relaxed conversations, Yelena teasing Natasha, nothing out of the ordinary for a family that is not normal. Melina praised her food a lot and you were happy for the her approval.
"OKAY" Alexei shouted making everyone look at him "the food was delicious, Y/n now I know why Natasha didn't take long to marry you, you are a  avenger and an incredible cook."
"oh thank you very much, Alexei, I'm very flattered." You said feeling a little embarrassed by the sudden compliment. 
Nat placed her hand on her thigh and gave her a smile "it's the truth baby, don't be embarrassed" she said and left a kiss on her cheek 
"yes yes, is that the truth, mother Melina? Can we exchange Natasha for Y/n? At least she knows how to cook without setting something on fire" Yelena said with a small smile, of course she wasn't going to miss the opportunity to make fun of his own sister.
"shut up, I know how to cook" Natasha defended herself "oh of course, you burn water Natasha" Yelena retorted and they started an argument, as if they both knew how to cook. 
"okay, that's it girls, no fighting, none of you know how to cook after all." Melina said, putting an end to the discussion.
The rest of the night was summed up in gifts and some teasing between Natasha and Yelena. Now they are leaving, but first Melina hugs you "I'm very happy that Natasha found someone like you, I know you love and care for my girl" she said with a smile on her face 
"No need to thank Melina, it's a pleasure to love and take care of Nat" You said returning the same loving smile, "I know my dear." And they said goodbye and then left.
"so what did you think?" You asked your wife "great actually, I love them even though sometimes I don't have that much patience, especially with Yelena" you started laughing "But it wouldn't be so wonderful if you weren't with me my love, I love you" Natasha said, approaching and placing her hands on your waist 
"I love you too Nat, and I'm glad that tonight made you happy" you said hugging the redhead's neck and playing with her hair.
"oh and tonight will definitely be much happier, when I unwrap my present right here in front of me" Nat said in a seductive voice "oh yes? You'll have to come and get your present baby" You said running to your room 
"Y/n come back here" Natasha screamed and ran after you.
Christmas Eve isn't over yet for you two
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sokkas-therapist · 4 months
Ok so I decided I am going to post that “atla live action hot take” I mentioned
Click below the cut if you’re interested in hearing my take on the whole “taking away sokka’s sexism” thing
1) nobody is glorifying sokka’s sexism by saying it should be kept in the show. It’s quite literally the opposite. The original series did a great job using his sexism as a lesson; any time sokka made a sexist remark in the first 4 episodes it was made abundantly clear that he was wrong, and as soon as Sokka was proven wrong he admitted that he was misguided, apologized, quite literally bowed down on his knees to ask for forgiveness, and even asked to learn from the kiyoshi warriors, and excepted wearing their traditional uniforms, further surrendering his flawed perspective of societal gender roles. A wonderfully executed example of writers using their characters to teach viewers a lesson: which was, in this case, that sexism is wrong. Sokka’s sexism was not left unresolved, so why take away a valuable lesson in the show??
2) if you take away a character’s flaws…then they don’t have development. A character can’t learn and grow from their mistakes if they never make mistakes.
If a charecter starts off perfect and unflawed then they are surface level and lack depth or the ability for an arc.
And no, this is not saying that Sokka didn’t have many other admirable qualities like his intelligence and adaptability etc.. He 100% had those qualities. But one of the coolest things about the original atla series was their ability to flesh out side charecters and give them depth. A charecter who is simply smart then becomes smarter, or adaptable then becomes even more adaptable, lacks depth and internal conflict.
Sokka’s sexism was the starting point for his internal conflict. Sokka wasn’t just sexist to be sexist, or because the entire southern water tribe was misogynistic (and we know for a fact they weren’t, because if they were misogynistic, then Katara wouldn’t have been shocked when the North denied her waterbending training). He was misogynistic because being seen/accepted as a “man” and a strong warrior was all Sokka wanted after his father left him behind. In reality, we know his father was only trying to protect his son from the horrors of war. But to a young and impressionable child, Sokka internalized this as him not being “man” enough, so he dedicated himself to becoming the person he thought would make his father proud. He was always reaching for this unattainable standard he set for himself, which lead to him having a skewed and toxic view of masculinity that he took out on the women around him. He associated being a worthy warrior with being a traditionally masculine man, and leaned way too far into fulfilling the gender roles men and women are told to play in society in hopes of gaining his father’s approval. We see him do this by suppressing his feelings of inferiority as a nonbender, along with all the aspects of himself that he thought could be seen as “weak” or “feminine” (ex: his love for shopping and poetry and art that we see develop up until the literal end of the series).
So clearly, the vast majority of sokka’s charecter development that deals with internal conflict stems from the toxic view of masculinity and gender roles that he adopted after being left behind by his father, which caused him to outwardly lash out toward katara and Suki with misogynist comments. So taking away the sexism we see in the first few episodes eliminates important context that makes sokka’s character development throughout the entire series significant, not just an “iffy unnecessarily bigoted message”, because it was quite literally used to show that sexism was wrong.
I wasn’t going to say anything about this at first but seeing so many people display a fundamental lack of understanding for the premise of character development and the usage of charecter flaws to promote positive messages in media set me off. Just…WTF????
(Also I know I wrote a summarized version of this in the tags for another post but I wanted to expand upon it more and make this a separate post)
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002yb · 2 months
No pressure, but I can't stop wondering about what happens in the Secretary AU when Bruce needs to travel for work--does he take Jason, having him act as his PA, or does Bruce go insane while tasking someone to look after him in Gotham while he's gone? And if he DOES tag along, what happens with Damian?
Oh! This is such an interesting idea to ponder. It's not something I'd considered before, but let's explore all the options!
In which Jason goes with Bruce:
It's 10% business, 90% Bruce wants to take Jason to all the places Jason never got to see before, but had always made passing comments about
Bruce wants to give Jason the world. Whatever tries to get between him and that dream will rue the day.
Only that 'whatever' is Damian. The boy that Jason cares for and works his schedule around.
Cue Bruce stewing as he plots on how to pawn off the child so that Bruce can have his babygirl Jason for a few days. Bruce will make this venture happen. Where there's a will, there's a way, and his will is unyielding.
Just as unyielding: Damian
Their first (unbeknownst to them) father-son meeting would be a standoff over Jason and it sets the tone of their future together so well ahahaha. Just Damian hating Bruce on principle for taking Jason away from him. And Bruce relenting because 'he's the adult,' and assuring Damian that he'll take care of Jason while they're away. And Damian clicks his tongue at him, scowling the meanest scowl and Bruce's eye twitches because what a little brat. But also? Those are Jason's habits through and through, damn it. How endearing.
More endearing is how Jason kneels down with Damian and chides him even as he offers sweet comforts. Touches fleeting because Jason is fretting over this boy. It's sweet. Gentle in a way Jason always was at heart and still so clearly is.
('Don't be mean to my boss, it's not his fault. Once we finish working I'll be back. I'll bring a souvenir, huh?' To which Alfred would give Bruce a look, because this 'business' isn't particularly pressing. It's entirely fabricated, one might say. Bruce.)
Jason parting with a press of their foreheads and an earnest request for Damian to mind Mr. Pennyworth and that Jason will come back to him as soon as he can. ;3;
And yes, Alfred is thriving because finally he gets to spend time with his grandson (though at this point no one would know just how true that sentiment is lol)
Damian? Not so much. But he plays it tough for Jason even if his face is pinched and his eyes are glassy and ahhhhhhh little baby sniffles that breaks Jason's heart because he's a parent walking away from their kid for the first time fffffffffff
Anyway, Bruce and Jason get as far as sitting in the car, parked in the driveway. Because Bruce can't in good faith drive off while Jason looks so distraught. There's something more going on than simple anxiety of leaving a child for some days, so with a rare show of compassion and grace, Bruce waits
And Jason gets embarrassed because he's worked up. All anxiety and uncertainty and not wanting to go but knowing he has to. Shaking hands and short breaths. Scrubbing his eyes in frustration before laughing pitifully and apologizing because it's stupid.
But it's not. Not if it's upsetting his boy so much. And Bruce has learned this from his mistakes before, so: 'Talk to me.'
Cue: amnesia reveal!!
Jason admits that for him, there's nothing before Damian. So to leave him is to leave behind the only comfort and security he's ever known. ;3;
And it breaks Bruce's heart because oh. To have tried to force Jason to walk away from something so important when his boy isn't ready. Obviously there's something there to talk about, but Bruce won't push. Not when even this was given in desperation.
Heartstrings tugged, Bruce leaves the car without a word
And Jason hits his head against the back rest and contemplates how he just got himself fired for being a hot mess
Only then Bruce returns with Alfred and Damian because they'll all go together, how about that? ;U;
Extra to the above:
When Bruce tries to force Jason's hand and Jason protests because he has an actual child that he can't leave, Bruce proposes that Alfred look after him. Which, damn. Jason has no argument for that; not really. Still, he has to float it by his other employer first!
Which Bruce is eager to speak with them. Put him on the phone if that will help. To which Jason snickers and snarks that there's no way Bruce could charm this lady. Nor buy her out. Jason's got this, chill.
(Meanwhile, Jason. Secretly hoping Talia will say no and being OTL when she agrees. Because little does Jason know that Talia is very charmed by Bruce lol).
Also, something with Bruce making guilty eye contact with Tim from across the office after Bruce unintentionally manipulates Jason into attending a 'business trip' with him when Bruce's attempts at vacationing goes rebuffed.
Just the deadpan judgment in Tim's eyes and the way Bruce would OTL because he knows, go away.
Bruce got flustered and panicked when it looked like Jason was about to turn him down, okay??
Also, Tim grumbling under his breath about Bruce and his HR violations and being the greatest HR risk to ever grace corporate America.
The other route, where Bruce goes and Jason stays:
Hands down, Tim is responsible for watching over Jason
Dick isn't allowed within a mile radius of him
Don't think Batman won't call in a favor to get back to Gotham the moment Dick pings past Bruce's stupid security. He's watching.
Pffft, the way Superman would ??? because it's not like Bruce to call for him? Especially for something so...trivial?
Only there's nothing trivial about Dick and his shenanigans, Clark. His babygirl's virtue is not trivial, CLark. D:<
But also Bruce overlooking the glaring error of his ways because Tim is essentially with Jason 24/7 between WE and staking patrol outside of Jason’s apartment ahahaha
Bruce seriously comes back and all of a sudden everything between these two is electrically charged and he’d brood over it so hard, forever stewing behind the steeple of his hands because ffs
One more bit with brotherly shenanigans bonding ft dickjay and timjay:
Where Tim and Jason have playful bants while the boss is away
Tim leaning against the doorframe of Bruce’s office to chat at Jason since Bruce had Jason’s desk moved as close as possible without actually being in Bruce’s office lolol
Or Tim leaning over Jason from behind as they review some correspondence that needs to go out
And Jason sitting on Tim’s desk to make sure he eats the food Jason brought him
Tim being all sorts of pleased and relieved because Jason acts as his PA since Tim takes over all of Bruce’s work while he’s out of office and wwwwww lighthearted flirts about poaching Jason for himself
A fireable offense, surely, given Bruce is Bruce
But yeah. Just timjay having a chill time together and it’s sweet. //u///
As for dickjay—
While the bat is away the robin will play, as it goes
So Dick keeps up with his usual visits of course. But one day he shows up incognito, dressed so smart and dashing for business. Slacks and a button down and hair done, looking good and feeling cheeky lol
And Jason freezes up because omg
Corporate kink awakened?
Jason, rosy cheeked and trying not to stare but very much 👀, tongue tied and too warm under the collar telling Dick that he looks nice
And Dick laughs a bit under his breath and tells Jason he looks nice, too ;////;
The occasion? Tim taking them out to a nice lunch at some fancy restaurant ahhhhhhhhh and they send Bruce a pic of all of them on their little date fffffff 💖
Meanwhile Bruce is in some business meeting, very blatantly looking at his phone beneath the table and being equal parts >C (because he’s gonna beat these punkasses off his babygirl with a stick when he gets home) and ;u; because those are his boysssss together at last as they always should have been!!
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luvevee · 9 months
So Carmine is honestly really sweet to watch develop! She seems like she's an older teenager, maybe a junior or senior, so her coping mechanisms for her instabilities like her anger are interesting to watch.
Hands clenching and being brought to her chest because they're shaking with anger. This seems to imply she's fighting to urge to hit whatever's making her angry.
Huge firework outbursts in response to slightest pushback. It's afterwards she explains what she really meant to get across by them.
She does not like change at all + is very vocal about how much she hates outsiders in her town.
Very very loud, and very vocal with her presence.
Incredibly remorseful and emotional when apologizing for mistakes she makes.
I think the most important thing to look at in the background is that Carmine understands she has a support system, and that's what makes the hugest difference in how she copes with everything.
When we get the mask, her first thought is "take it to grandpa" with no intention of withholding information. She's not scared she'll get in trouble or thinking of hiding things from them, she knows she has to be completely transparent and she can do that with her grandparents. She trusts them, she knows they'll help even if it's something so bizarre that most people would dismiss her experience.
Adding to that is when she learns the true story of the Loyal Three and Ogerpon. Her first impulse is to run into town to shout the truth. It isn't even a "we need to avenge our family lineage" thing, it's the misinformation that destroyed the lives of her ancestor, a man who wanted to live a new and quiet life, and a pokemon that was just reacting to the death of her trainer/parent. She's angry at the town for what they did to Ogerpon and she wants them to listen. Carmine's thinking of what she wants and what should happen. Her fiery personality paired with impulsivity leads to a lot of possibilities of problems.
But then her grandpa stops her. He doesn't scold her, he just asks "what would happen if they found out the truth after so long" and lets Carmine realize the answer is most likely "get angry" without putting down her impulsive, though valiant, urge to tell everyone the truth. He understands that Carmine just wants to make history right and that she's an honest young lady, but that she's very impulsive and very aggressive with how she goes about things. And the thing is Carmine listens to him, because she knows her grandpa is trying to help her understand the situation.
Her grandparents very obviously love her and understand that she needs some extra nudging/coaching with things. They understand she has problems regulating herself, and they work with her. Carmine doesn't feel the need to lash out against them because she understands they're trying to help her, and that's helped shape how a lot of her current coping mechanisms work.
Carmine can think of the practical sides of things if she's stopped for a moment. She can redirect her anger from physically lashing out, because even though her first instinct is to hit since it's a very simple and impulsive movement she knows it's bad. She can trust that she has people to catch her if she falls, namely her grandparents.
Then the whole other ballpark of how she's very protective of Kieran. It seems like that Carmine wants him not to be her, but to feel like her. She wants her little brother to feel confident, safe, strong, but her emotional instability and typical big sibling feelings really strain the gap between them.
When Kieran pushes back, she struggles with responding appropriately and gets furious because "I'm just trying to be a good big sister" and "I'm the big sister he should listen to me" clash in her head alongside her pride. She's trying really hard to make him feel the way she does, but it ends up just making him shrink down further because of how aggressive she is. It's a cycle she accidentally perpetuates without realizing what she's doing.
And Carmine loves him so much! She wants what's best for him, she wants to be the model big sister. She cares so much about his feelings that she convinces us to stay quiet about meeting Ogerpon because she knows he'll be crushed that he wasn't there. Even though she teases him, Carmine's clearly trying to be a good big sister/trusted figure in his life. That's what hurts the most, is that she's trying.
But in her excessive worrying and outbursts about his feelings, she ends up doing more damage. She ends up yelling things that she feels on the surface level and has to explain that what came out was completely different than what she meant, but she doesn't tell Kieran that because it's the "he should understand I'm doing what's best for him" mindreading aspect.
By the end of the arc, Carmine does the one things she really can: give him space. She doesn't force him out of his room before they go back to Blueberry Academy, she just tells everyone he isn't feeling well. She's trying to protect his privacy and processing, still trying to be the wall between the turbulent world and Kieran's need for time, and it's obvious she feels adrift in this situation. Usually she can just apologize and things calm down, but it's such a huge situation that changed so much that the usual routine won't work. It's something that obviously troubles her, but she ultimately realizes all she can do is wait for Kieran to reach out to her when he's ready.
She wants so badly to help Kieran, but she's on the other side of the same wall that's making it so hard for her to truly look at him and understand what she needs to shift to be the good big sister she strives to be in his life.
Carmine's character is so amazing to watch develop as she learns to trust someone other than the people around her and how she takes in everything that happens around her, she really deserves a big hug for how hard she tries 😭
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aspiringwriter1111 · 8 months
In a way I feel like if Marinette had the miraculous of destruction, it could have been such a valuable learning curve/lesson? Because what if Plagg saw her tripping over nothing and stumbling and dropping things, and then her apologizing and feeling bad about it and just being like... "No???"
Like imagine if he taught her that the confidence he has, isn't because he's not clumsy or awkward, but because he IS??? He's the kwami of destruction, how could he not have accidentally caused problems in the past?
He tells her about the dinosaurs and the leaning tower of Pisa, and how he caused the destruction of so many important monuments, on accident.
He tells her the confidence is because he knows it could happen anyways, and there's a good chance it will, so why spend all your time stressing about it?
The confidence only grows when it sticks through all the fumbles.
Think about it, the more you make mistakes, the more you know that no matter what happens, you can still be confident.
You don't need to be more careful or make extra plans. You can't control the world around you, or the circumstances, no matter how you try. Like
Everyone makes mistakes and all that yeah, but the level of bonding over learning to be comfortable with your own destruction??? The mistakes you make only add to the solidity of your own confidence??? It's completely okay to mess up, and if that causes a huge mess, then so be it??? It doesn't make you a lesser person, or a mistake????
And over time, Marinette gets more confident. No matter how she trips or falls, musses her words, she knows her mistakes don't make her, that that without them she would never learn and grow. Her clumsiness is still there, but the embarrassment isn't.
And that's freeing in a way she's never felt???
Not afraid of mistakes anymore, she lets out her creative side in a way like she's never done before. Patterns, scribbles, and colors that she would never have put together before! Her fashion becoming a true expression of her boldness.
She's joining art club, and speaking up, not afraid of making a mistake or who sees it.
Comfort in her own skin, brings comfort to her life, and suddenly she's speaking with her seat mate easily???
Not necessarily speaking up to Chloe, but simply not being bothered?? There's gum on my chair, so what, I'll just move over.
She's taking Adrien's umbrella with ease, and returning it to him with a SIGNED note and macarons???
Sure, she still feels all warm and melty with him, but she's not nervous.
She leaves him homemade gifts when she feels like it, instead of plotting for his next seventy birthdays. She compliments his kindness and bravery. Encourages him, and supports him unabashedly.
She tells off Gabriel in season 1, and gives Adrien advice. About how he deserves better, because SHE KNOWS she deserves good things, so why shouldn't he deserve them too???
Adrien starts seeing her as an idol, much like he originally does with ladybug, and like the later seasons.
We get the same (or better) effect, and that just tickles me.
Because there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
You're safe in your own mistakes.
I could go into Adrien/Misterbug too
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I didn't watch the James Somerton apology video because I didn't want to give him the views, but I did watch a react video that showed basically all of it. The whole thing felt so disingenuous.
He admitted to plagiarising (I think at this point he basically had to) but the way he framed it really downplayed what he did. If you hadn't seen the evidence against him and just saw this video, it would be very easy to come away with the impression that it was a few, minor mistakes.
He talked about crediting people in the opening of his videos, implying that he credited everyone, just not at the exact point he was using their words. We know this isn't true.
He also talked about how he would copy bits into his script, intending to reword them later, but then would forget because of his "memory issues". This is a problem for so many reasons. Firstly, it implies that he thinks it's fine if he paraphrases enough that you can't find the original by putting the words into Google, even though he's still taking other people's ideas without credit. So even if this were completely true, it would still be plagiarism. Secondly, even if his memory issues are real, there would be so many ways to make sure these "mistakes" didn't happen. He could have highlighted text in a different colour to show it needs reworking. He could have written the source in brackets in the script next to the section so he remembers where it came from. This is the sort of thing that you could do once or twice by accident, but after the first few accusations of plagiarism, you would learn a way to make sure the mistake didn't happen again. You wouldn't keep doing it for years. So even if he isn't making up the memory thing completely, it wouldn't be an excuse after all this time.
He talked about using other people's work because he didn't want to just be one cis, white guy talking about important topics and how he wanted to bring other people's voices and stories into the discussion. And this is such an infuriating excuse, because he was talking over those other voices and silencing them by stealing their words and passing them off as his own.
Half of his video was him going, "This is no excuse but..." and then spinning a sob story to get the audience's sympathy.
Then there are all the things he didn't talk about. He didn't acknowledge the video pointing out the many, many ways he made stuff up in his videos or apologise for the blatant lies. There was a tiny hint about "factual errors" that was quickly glossed over.
He didn't talk about the fact that when he got accused of plagiarism the previous times, he would lie about being harassed and set his followers out to bully the people who had called him out. If you didn't know better, you could come away from this video believing that this was the first time anyone had ever caught him plagiarising.
And I think that's the point. This wasn't a video aimed at the people he's hurt or the internet in general. This was a video aimed at his fans who haven't actually watched the videos laying out the evidence against him. He downplays what he did, spins out a sob story, and then makes an apology and promises to do better in the future. I can easily imagine his fans watching this and thinking that the uproar has been overblown because poor James has got memory problems and he did put people's names in the video credits and people on the internet are being so mean to him. I think there are people who will watch this video and believe his apology because they're only James' side.
If James was remotely genuine, he wouldn't have described what happened the way he did, but the people who know the truth aren't the target audience. The target audience are the people who already like him, so he can get some control of the narrative back and stop those people from listening to everyone else.
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alexanderlightweight · 11 months
I am loving the thread of "cultural misunderstandings" between Magnus and Alec in your fics/canon. Can we get some resolution of one of them, either for dragon!Alec series where he realizes that Magnus doesn't feel appreciated (or Magnus learns more about dragon culture), or for any other series really! Tldr idiots in love realizing that they have been missing some major signs~
magnus is about to be *shocked pikachu face* and alec is just: why are you acting so surprised?
and i'm glad you're enjoying them! i enjoy non-super angsty miscommunication rn so i have quite a bit of fun with both parties misunderstanding while working to the same goal with different efforts and etc
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
*canon typical violence and alec has to be bribed not to eat someones remains because he's very angry and digesting them would make him feel better
Alec doesn’t care one way or another that Magnus enjoys Pandemonium. Especially now that he knows his warlock no longer allows others to touch him as intimately as he once did.
It also means that Alec continues to prefer joining Magnus by wrapping around his neck or shoulders, unwilling to risk getting a stranger’s strench on himself.
There’s a presence that joins them and Alec lazily blinks open a single eye, watching curiously to see what is new. He figures it out immediately, recognizing the tang of pheromones and the winding, sleek magic that steeps around the figure.
Aesthetically, he’s probably pleasing to some standards but Alec gives the man a disdainful once-over. He can hardly compare to Alec’s precious hoard and while his incubus attributes clearly give him a boost, Alec simply rolls his eyes and settles back down under Magnus’ jacket for a longer nap.
Or at least, that’s his plan until Magnus straightens and welcomes the incubus with a purr of power, magic brushing but not tangling with the seelie’s power. 
“Bryn, well met.” Magnus says in greeting and Alec begrudgingly allows it, tail curling around the chains of Magnus’ necklaces possessively.
“Well met, Bane.” Is returned and then Bryn gives a deeper, lingering look over Magnus and smirks. “I heard you’d picked up some kind of magical reptile.” The look he casts at Alec is one of casual interest, not true intrigue and Alec gives a warning hiss, wings pressing against the back of Magnus’ neck.
He will not be a prop used to get close to Magnus and if this one tries it, then the queen shall find herself lacking an ambassador.
“You’ve heard.” Magnus says and it’s not a pleasant tone to anyone but Alec who snuggles more closely to Magnus’ skin, enjoying the warmth of him as anger heats his body. “I did not realize that the gossip of my personal deeds were so important to your people, Bryn. Do you have actual news for me, as an ambassador of your people? Or shall I inform your queen that you no longer have the intelligence to convey pertinent information between the realms?”
The incubus flounders for a moment and Alec can smell the way he’s pushing down his irritation and then true arousal taints his anger.  He’s drawing on his attraction to Magnus to manipulate his own body and when he steps close he even goes so far as to kneel.
“Forgive me, Magnus. I overstepped.”
“And in the same breath you ask for clemency, you take a privilege not granted you. There is no reason for my name to leave your lips.”
Magnus isn’t sure what Bryn thinks he’s doing and if this is his own personal mistake or one that was assigned to him. It only matters because one is easy to deal with while the other will involve politics and Magnus hopes that it’s just Bryn’s arrogance rather than true maneuvering.
“My apologies, my king.”
Magnus lets his glamor drop, keeping his gaze firmly on Bryn even as he wonders just what Bryn is playing at.  For him to be able to call Magnus ‘my’ king is either a sign that he’s switched allegiances, or that he thinks he owns some part of Magnus. That some piece of Magnus might belong to Bryn, when Bryn had merely been a part of a conduit in a mildly entertaining orgy that had been used for a ritual.
Magnus doesn’t even notice the hand reaching out to press against his thigh until a heavy weight is in his lap.
Alexander is draped over his thighs, naked and unashamed and with rippling scales that role down his bare skin in tantalizing designs.  When Magnus finally stops staring at Alexander’s skin, he looks over his treasure’s shoulder and finds Bryn on the floor.
The metal and gems of his clothes have twisted around him and he lies in shock even as the metal tightens cruelly around him. The softly seductive aura of his power flares as heat rushes down Magnus’ spine and arousal forcibly floods his system and those around them.
Alexander makes a startled noise, turning to give Magnus a sour, unhappy glare even as he shifts back — as if pressing his naked, muscled body against Magnus’ erection is doing anything to help the situation.
Then, his darling little treasure gives a furious scoff and inhaling first with a grimace, exhales.
Frost tints the air and a cool gust of air devours the aura, forcing the power away. The crowd around them shudders, the twist of Bryn’s forced arousal being cleared from their systems.
There is a moment of silence and then Alexander leans forward and Magnus nearly grabs him by his nape to keep him in Magnus’ lap. Instead, his dragon balances against the laws of physics, somehow staying in Magnus’ lap even as his spine twists and pops. The usual chime of his voice is gone and the harsh rasp that comes from his throat makes them all wince.
Even Magnus.
It sounds like metal cleaving metal and then Alexander’s tongue flicks out, black and forked before it flicks.
Magnus knows Alexander has a great many natural abilities and it doesn’t surprise him that Alexander can taste the very magic in the air. It only makes sense with how carefully he curates his palette.
“Even if he were your king, he would not be yours to touch.” Alexander speaks with a low solemnity that Magnus has never heard from him. “A mere ambassador of the seelies dares to try and steal from me?”
Magnus blinks and lets his hands settle on the scaled curve of Alexander’s hips.
“I stole nothing.” Bryn begs, voice a begging whisper that Alexander’s growl silences.
“To try and touch a dragons hoard is to court death.” Alexander murmurs in a vicious murmur that echoes around the large room. “I will reward you with what you seek, for your bravery.”
The mockery in his tone is nearly physical and then he flicks his tongue and Magnus sees a single, shimmering drop of venom fall to Bryn’s bare arm. 
There is a moment of nothing and then an agonized, screeching plea as Bryn gasps out the last noise he’ll ever make. His body freezes so quickly and so powerfully that he looks like a corpse that has been lost to the elements for years, not mere seconds.
Alexander snorts and then — still somehow staying in Magnus’ lap — reaches out and taps the frozen skin of the seelie with a single touch of his nail.  Bryn’s body breaks apart into hundreds of small pieces, nothing of him spilling as even his organs are now crystal ice.
It’s impressive, but Magnus is still surprised by the cause of it all.
“I know you love these pants, treasure.” Magnus murmurs, because Alexander adores the current outfit he’s wearing. “But I didn’t realize they were a part of your hoard.”
“You’re wearing them, anything you wear becomes a part of my hoard.” Alexander returns evenly, looking completely nonplussed by the frozen chunks of seelie shattered across the club floor. His tongue flicks out and Magnus recognizes the gleam in his eyes and immediately summons a gem that he holds up to Alexander’s mouth.
“Treasure, you cannot eat him. Any of him.” Magnus is both ordering with his words and coaxing with his tone. “He’s nothing but poison.”
Alexander seems to consider that for a minute and Magnus hopes they can end this casually. Without Alexander further desecrating the corpse that Magnus will have to send in pieces back to the queen… Magnus wants it to remain recognizable by magic at the very least.
“True.” Alexander sniffs, “and if his queen liked him so much that she was willing to overlook his stupidity, then we should let her piece him back together. A cracked statue of failure for her to look upon and recognize her own incompetence.”
Magnus chuckles, unable to help himself and Alexander accepts the gem with a pleased trill. It’s a relief to hear the gentle song of it and Magnus relaxes, finally letting go of the magic he subconsciously summoned. It twines around Alexander with a covetous pulse, still full of the rage Magnus had felt at the idea of Alexander’s mouth anywhere near another, even if it were a corpse.
The seelie remains vanish through an easily called portal.  The queen will recognize the lingering magic of her own subject easily enough and while she is a queen, she is a queen in her own realm alone and not a king of dominion as well.
“Why does everything I wear become a part of your hoard?” Magnus asks as casually as he can. Dragons covet their hoards and as much as Alexander adores him, it wasn’t a topic Magnus has been willing to broach without a good opportunity.
Alexander turns and twists himself to straddle Magnus and — remembering the people still around them — Magnus summons a robe that he wraps around his treasure. Alexander seems confused, looking at Magnus with dark eyes that seem to piece his soul.
“Because anything my hoard claims, becomes mine as well.”
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kingofallthecosmos · 8 months
Ofmd season 2 episode 6 spoilers!!
The way they showed Ed and Stede's first time was so interesting to me. First of all, it happened directly after Stede killed someone for the first time, so automatically, Stede was in a very strange and vulnerable headspace. And that's not to say he was taken advantage of--he very much initiated it--but it happened while both of their identities were up in the air. Stede was adjusting to being an *actual* killer, while Ed had just apologized earlier for shooting Izzys leg.
And then we see Ed sitting on the bed, still fully clothed in leather while a shirtless Stede closes the curtains. And what interests me the most is that we don't even see his face. All we see is Ed looking up from the bed, and Stede looming close to the camera, mirroring the way that Blackbeard was first introduced to the show--facing away from the camera and smoking a pipe, obscured with power and mystery. The fact that their first time co-occurred with such a dramatic shift in dynamics is a little concerning but I have total faith that they will *eventually* talk their shit out).
I don't fully believe Ed when he said that night was a mistake. I do believe he has commitment issues like a bitch, and when Stede started to become more like him, he got scared. We can see him pulling away, sitting in the corner of Spanish Jackie's as Stede revels in his infamy. He wants to truly make amends to the people he's hurt and traumatized, and he can't do that if he's with someone who's drinking, and making people walk the plank, and lighting people on fire.
And it's not because Stede is evil--sure he's a bitch, and occasionally ends a life or two, but that's not who he truly is--its who he's trying to be. A murderer, not a bitch--cause he is a bitch, but he's trying to be a murderer, because his whole life he's been bullied and mocked for not being manly enough. For not being a good husband, for being sensitive and soft, and well, gay. And Ed doesn't understand that this is why he wants to be like him, like Blackbeard (because they haven't fucking talked about it), because for Ed, being Blackbeard ruined his life. It nearly ended it (and others) and he doesn't want Stede to fall down the same path.
So yeah, Ed decides to become a fisherman, because like he said, he has no idea who he is. He still has so much healing to do, so many wrongs to right, and it's just so fucking tragic that now is the time when they need each other the most, but they're moving so rapidly in opposite directions, and neither of them know how to communicate it.
I think Anne and Mary were right--they are fucking 14 year old boys. I mean, Stede literally called Ed a coward for leaving instead of chasing after him. But they're not going to turn out like them. Ed and Stede are going to grow up, and they're going to talk, and they're going to heal each other's scars instead of causing each other more. They're going to learn how to commit to each other and stay even when things get hard or scary. (David Jenkins please for the love of all that is holy let them better each other and also fuck again but after they come to terms with who they are and want to be)
Edit: actually, hot take, but I think them having sex actually was a mistake. And yeah, Ed left instead of talking about it, but still. Their relationship is still so new and unstable, and I wish they waited until they were in a more grounded place. I wish they would have reckoned with their opposing paths before doing something so intimate and vulnerable, but I have a feeling they're going to reckon with it by the end of the season.
Ed asked Stede to go slow for a reason. And yeah, they both consented, which is more important than anything, but damn, it happened so fucking fast. I mean, they are gay, so. (David Jenkins I am in your walls please make Ed and Stede practice healthy sexuality and communicate about their life goals so they can prevent further miscommunication and heartbreak)
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I haven't seen anyone post it so here's Shelby's second statement on Twitter:
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of text written by Shubble and posted on @/shelbygraces on Twitter. They read: "I've thought a lot about what I would say when I came back. Firstly I want to say the biggest thank you to everyone showing their support. I have never felt so loved and cared for. And I've never seen so many communities come together to have somebody's back like this. I'm so proud of everyone taking such a powerful stance against these actions. I never could have imagined this response. While I didn't do this for myself, through sharing my story I have healed more parts of myself I had no idea were still pained.
I'd like to address the apology. Quite frankly I've never seen an apology so self centered. It seems to purposely misconstrue the issue I very clearly laid out. My issue was not with being bit. It was with being HURT. And to vaguely apologize for "any hurt" while knowing we needed a safe word because I was being hurt so often on accident, and I continued to be hurt daily, is incredibly disrespectful. But not more disrespectful than not even saying my name. I believe I am referred to as "ex girlfriend" so if you don't know who he's talking about, you might now find out what he did. This is not how you take accountability.
Not only are there no dms whatsoever where it is expressed that I enjoy being hurt by my partner, to imply there was consent in text over an issue that entirely happened in person, where every conversation about it happened in person, is ridiculous. He knows how often I asked him to stop hurting me, that I didn't like it and that I didn't like being covered in bruises all the time. Entirely why he switches to biting my legs, so no one would think I looked abused. But he continued to hurt me. He either didn't take my pleas for it to stop seriously, or he didn't hear them at all.
I felt lost for so long, truly losing myself in this relationship. I abandoned my personal morals, neglected friends and lied for this person. With every time I spoke up being ignored, I shrank. I lost my fight. I stayed locked in a house I had no key for and didn't even try to leave anymore. People ask why we stay, and it's so hard to explain ourselves because we've abandoned all our reasoning. I wasn't safe anymore with this person but I couldn't see that. I loved him and he told me he'd try to stop hurting me.
I'm deeply saddened by how many more friends were hurt by his actions. But I'm so thankful to everyone doing the absolute most in making sure I've been ok over the last few days. Thank you to everyone who's reached out to me. Thank you #ShubbleSupportSquad, every day I read your messages and see your art, and it makes me feel truly like the bravest girl in the world. I think the good that comes out victims sharing their experiences so others can learn and avoid similar pain, or come to terms with ways they were mistreated, is the most important thing in this moment.
You cannot treat people this way without consequence. You cannot pretend you don't know the harm you cause. You cannot pretend going to therapy fixes all past mistakes. All of the love that's been shared for me over the past few days, is for every victim of abuse. Our lives are forever changed by these experiences. I now struggle with memory problems and extreme anxiety. And it may be awhile before I feel fully like myself, whoever she is. But I know I have my spark back. Please remember how brave and how strong you are. We shouldn't be expected to be silent when we are mistreated." End ID]
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acesandocs · 1 month
Before I post the short story I've been working on, I wanted to introduce some of Ace’s family, since they're going to be featured. I tried to edit it down to the important stuff but if anyone wants to know more just ask.
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Solveig Liv Årud/Sylvia Hall, Ace's Mother
Ace's mom Solveig was born in Kapp along with her two brothers, One of her neighbors was a music teacher and taught her to play the Hardanger fiddle. When she was seventeen she became pregnant by one of her neighbor's students but was urged by her neighbor to never tell him or anyone else of the child's parentage. Having had Ace outside of wedlock Solveig faced a lot of social ostracisation. Her sister in law, who was deeply religious and judged Solveig for having a child without marrying. A rumor amongst the townspeople was that Ace's father was actually a fossegrim, that Solveig agreed to have a child with in exchange for teaching her to play the fiddle so well. (there is actually a lot to say on how this affected Ace and his view of himself but we don't have time to get into it rn). After a flood made her and her family homeless they emigrated to America in 1920 at the advice of some friends.
Once they arrived in New York Ace became very ill and bedridden causing them to be left behind as the rest of their family continued further up to Minnesota. While Ace was sick Solveig met and later fell in love with a Swedish immigrant named Eric Hall. She married Eric after knowing him for half a year. Solveig had kept Ace close all her life and not really letting her grow up or stand on her own. So he reacted badly to Solveig marrying. Being jealous and being unable to deal with not being her mothers center of attention, making him lash out. After an argument where Solveig slapped Ace for being disrespectful to her stepfather Ace ran away from home. Ace and Solveig have been estranged ever since, both being too stubborn to try to reconcile. After Solveig married Eric she tried very hard to adapt to American culture, Americanizing her name to Sylvia and trying her best to learn English and not speak with an accent. She currently has two children with Eric. Neither them nor Ace know of each other's existence.
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Torbjørn Olaug Årud and Lena Årud, Ace's Grandparents
Lena was born in Kapp and Torbjørn was born in the Lofoten area. He traveled down to Toten to live with a family friend after he became orphaned. He later met Lena and they eventually married. They later had 2 sons, the youngest of them dying as a child, five years later they had a daughter and three years after that another daughter they named Solveig. When Solveig became pregnant at seventeen they decided to support her and help her take care of their granddaughter. In the years immediately after Ace was born she and Solveig lived with them before moving into a smaller house on their property. By this time their oldest had married and taken over the main house on the farm and Torbjørn and Lena moved into another small house on the property.
They emigrated to America with the rest of their family in 1920 and went with the rest to Minnesota leaving Solveig and Ace behind. Lena later died in 1922 after becoming sick. Ace does not know this happened.
Info on the art:
Ace is supposed to be a tortoiseshell cat, witch is something that can be seen in her mother and grandmother as well. this is a reference to the fact that tortoiseshells are mostly female. (source)
Her grandfather is supposed to be a Norwegian forest cat.
The implement Solveig is holding is called a Lyster and it is used to fish. Lyster fishing was usually done when it was dark out, using the Lyster to stab the fish. it was banned in the 1860 but was most likely still practiced afterwards. Today it has become completely illegal. The fish in the bucket are trout, a fish that was commonly caught with a Lyster. (source) Here is a painting depicting it.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes or weird wording, i try my best to read though these before i post them but some mistakes often slip through.
Edit: fixed up a bunch of spelling mistakes and weird sentences. I promise im good at English😭
i think i should look into getting a dyslexia diagnosis
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