#when you try to tell me something and I misunderstood I feel dumb so thanks
Me watching evil dead 2
Ash: (dubbed) Work shed
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Misunderstood maybe? Like the reader thinks dalton likes chris, because dalton tells her about his crush and everything. So the reader avoids dalton because she thinks dalton doesn't like her. But actually dalton is really in love with her. Make an angst but happy ending please. Thank you. xoxo 🥰
A/N: I loved writing this so much! This isn't exactly what you requested but thank you anon so much for the request, I'm sorry it took so long to post but I hope you like it! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🥰
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of drunk characters, language, angst, fluff
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Truth or Dare
It was a little past midnight, and Y/N was currently sitting in a dark living room across from Chris and Dalton and a bunch of other drunk teenagers. They arrived at this party hours ago but as people started to leave the small group that was left was guided to that one room. One of the guys that was part of the frat house entered the room with an excited smile. He held up an empty bottle of alcohol as he shared his idea of playing truth or dare.
Everyone exclaimed in disgust at the same time, some people starting to get up “What are we? 13?” Someone said on their way to the door.
“Come on, we are doing this” He replied as he stopped the other guy. Somehow he managed to convince everyone there to play truth or dare.
It started off boring, nothing interesting enough was happening that some people ended up leaving. The questions were dumb and childish, and the dares weren’t fascinating for anyone. At some point the bottle landed on a kind of drunk Dalton. A lot of people there knew him, meaning a lot of people knew how reserved he was and that he probably wasn’t gonna answer any of their questions or do any of their dares.
“Truth or dare?” Someone asked him.
“Truth” He replied right away.
“How old were you when you had your first kiss?” Some people rolled their eyes at the question, but his answer was a little more… interesting.
“Uh- 19��� He hesitated. Y/N looked around at all the girls there, wondering if it was one of them who kissed him for the first time.
Everyone looked at each other and almost let out a laugh “Is the person that gave you your first kiss here?”
Dalton didn’t say anything at first, but he looked around and having everyone staring at him for too long made him nervous “Chris” He finally said.
The whole room looked at her, sitting there with widened eyes. Deep down she knew it was his first kiss, but the confirmation made it somehow worse, feeling bad for taking away that special moment from him.
Y/N looked down, a little disappointed she never realized the way Chris and Dalton acted around each other. She has had feelings for him since the moment she saw him, they became good friends but she always wanted to be more than that. She never made a move though, scared that maybe he would reject her and she would have to live with something like that for the rest of her life. And now, that came to her without even trying.
The game kept going, it was finally getting more interesting. Some people kissed, some people discarded pieces of clothing, others were jumping to the pool in the freezing night and a few moved to a ‘more private’ room. But it seemed like some people couldn’t drop Dalton’s confession, and were taking every opportunity to tease him about it. So when the bottle landed on him again, they had their question ready to go.
“Do you have a crush?” Everyone was looking at him.
“Yes” He simply said, not wanting to be the center of attention.
“Who is it?” They insisted. Y/N looked at him expectantly, nearly crossing her fingers.
“Okay, everyone out!” Someone else from the frat house entered the living room yelling and interrupted the game, he started to walk every person out, begging them to leave.
Y/N, Chris and Dalton exited the frat house. The first two were fine but Dalton… He still had to figure out how to control himself. Y/N made sure Dalton made it back to his dorm safe, and before saying anything she left their building and walked to her own, too tired to think about what had happened.
The next day she saw a message from Dalton asking her if she was hung over. She didn’t want to think about him, so she just ignored him and started her day. Truth is she was hung over but that’s not what was keeping her in a bad mood all morning. Instead of paying attention she was replaying Dalton’s answers, and she was trying to come up with a plan to get over him.
Ignoring him would be hard but it would be doable. She removed his contact from her phone and deleted any incoming message or call. They never saw each other around campus unless they planned it, so she was sure she could easily avoid him, as long as she didn't stay in her dorm for too long.
“Class dismissed! Please make sure to finish the exercise by tomorrow, and do it with your partner, it’s important you work with each other on these things” Their professor said before leaving the classroom.
Y/N gathered her things as she turned to her partner “Can we work in your dorm?”
“Why? Is Annie driving you crazy?”
“No” Y/N chuckled “But I need to get out of my comfort zone” She said not giving any further explanation.
The days went by and she still hadn’t talked to Dalton, ignoring all of his texts and calls, being aware of her surroundings at all times to make sure she wouldn’t run into him and crashing with her friends in case he came to her dorm. She had to admit that it was a little extreme, but it was better than having to see him.
It was now Saturday and Y/N always slept in, but with her current plan of avoiding her friends at all costs she had to come up with something. She decided to go to town with her roommate and eat some breakfast. Annie was the first person she met when she got there so it was safe to say that they were close. She knew pretty much everything about Y/N, and even though she hadn't seen her enough the past week she knew there was something wrong. Although her suspicions appeared when Dalton started showing up at their door almost every day, looking for Y/N and begging her to tell him where she was. Or at least to ask her to pick up his calls.
“So are you finally gonna tell me why you abandoned me?”
“What? I didn’t abandon you” Y/N replied.
“Y/N, you have barely been at our dorm this week and today, a beautiful Saturday, you woke up really early to drag me here” Annie was making good points and she knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid this conversation “Something is going on and I wanna know what it is”
Y/N sighed and thought about it for a second “My chances with Dalton are down to zero”
Annie knew about her feelings, and she used to tell Y/N all the time that she was sure Dalton felt the same way about her “I’m sorry honey, what happened?”
“The party I went to, we played truth or dare-”
“You went to a frat party to play that?” She asked, interrupting Y/N, her face was a mix between confusion and disgust.
“Annie that’s not the point” She apologized and let her friend continue “Anyway, they asked Dalton who his first kiss was and who his crush was and both answers were Chris”
Annie furrowed her eyebrows “I didn’t know Chris and Dalton knew each other before college”
“They didn’t…”
“So what you’re saying is…”
“Yes, he just had his first kiss” Y/N rolled her eyes at Annie “Why does everyone keep getting so fixated on that? It’s not a big deal”
“No, you’re right, sorry” Annie decided to let it go “So… Chris and Dalton?”
“Yep” Y/N replied, looking at her empty plate “Am I stupid or what?”
“Y/N you’re not stupid, I don’t think anyone could’ve known that they felt that way about each other”
“Yeah well I should’ve known, I spend a lot of time with them but maybe I wanted to ignore what I already knew”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better there are tons of guys out there. This is what college is for” She exclaimed “Don’t let some dude bring you down like that”
“He’s not just some dude though” Annie looked at her with a defeated expression “You know how I felt about Dalton”
“I know but still! There are frat parties like every other night. Go to one, have fun and forget about him” Y/N just nodded and remained completely silent.
Annie didn’t wanna entertain the conversation any longer, it was clearly just making Y/N sadder than she already was so she just shared random stories about her week, completely excluding the fact that Dalton came looking for her. They ended up leaving 30 minutes later, and Y/N agreed to go back to their dorm.
The day went by and Annie managed to keep Dalton off of Y/N’s mind and she was thankful for that. The thought of Chris and Dalton hadn’t left her brain since the party but she was finally giving it a rest. Currently they were in their room catching up with their favorite tv show, fully absorbed by the screen, until someone knocked on the door. 
Y/N froze, scared that it was who she thought “I’ll get it” Annie said, hoisting herself from her seat. She opened the door and rolled her eyes at the person on the other side “What’s up?”
“I know she’s here, her bike is outside”
“Brilliant! Now you’ve become a proper stalker” He crossed his arms took a deep breath. He didn’t have time for this.
“Annie, please”
“She doesn’t wanna talk to you, mate”
Y/N was still on her seat, debating whether or not she was ready to confront him. But ultimately decided she wanted to get it over with. Joining her roommate at the door, she opened it all the way to allow Dalton to see her.
“Can you give us a minute?” Y/N asked. Annie sighed and stepped out of the room.
“I’ll go get more snacks” She said before leaving.
They both waited for her to fully disappear, and once she did Y/N signaled Dalton to come in.
“What is going on?” Dalton began “Why have you been avoiding me this entire week?”
“I haven’t” Y/N said nonchalantly, pretending it hasn’t been killing her.
Dalton bit his lip and stared at the ceiling “Y/N we see each other every day, you think I didn’t notice your absence?”
“I’ve been busy”
He didn’t know how to proceed, getting an answer out of her was harder than he thought “Will you please stop ignoring me?”
“Look, I’m not ignoring you, okay? I told you, I’ve been busy”
“But I miss you”
“Why would you miss me?”
“Because you’re my friend and I-” But he stopped himself.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this” He said, avoiding the question.
“Giving you and Chris more space, that’s what I’m doing. You should be thanking me”
He widened his eyes in disbelief “What are you talking about?”
“What you said at the party” Dalton was lost, he didn’t understand a single thing and it was obvious on his face “Please, save it”
“Y/N, I want to understand, I want to make it better” He said, giving her an honest smile.
She propped her hands on her hips and gave him a look that told she was probably giving up on her act “It’s okay, you don't have to” Dalton stared at her and waited for an explanation, still not aware of the issue “It’s not your fault you fell for someone else, and it’s not fair that I wanted to make you pay for it”
This didn’t clear things up for him, if anything he was more confused than before “What?”
“Yeah, I never meant to get in the way of you and Chris so maybe this is for the best”
“There is nothing between me and Chris” He clarified, still not understanding why Y/N would think that in the first place.
“But what about your crush?” She asked him slowly.
“You think that’s how I feel about Chris?” 
“That’s what you said the other night”
“I didn’t say that, I never revealed a name when they asked me that question”
“You said that she was your first kiss and that you had a crush-”
“Yeah, we kissed once but I never said I had a crush on her” Y/N was tugging at her lower lip, worried she got mad over nothing “Y/N… Do I really have to spell it out for you?” He got closer to her.
Y/N could feel her heart fluttering in her chest when he reached for her hand “I like you, and didn’t want to tell you like this, but you left me with no choice” He was impressed he got the confidence to tell her how he felt.
Y/N on the other hand was speechless, she really had to stop jumping to conclusions “I like you too” She admitted blushing when she met with his blue eyes.
He was relieved to say the least, but now he wasn’t sure what his next move would be. 
“I’m sorry I avoided you all week” She apologized. He raised his eyebrows at her finally admitting to it, an 'I knew it' expression taking over his face.
“I will think about it” He joked. 
Y/N rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but Dalton pulled her closer to him, brushing their lips together and kissing her deeply at last. 
“You have no idea for how long I’ve been wanting to do that” He said before kissing her again.
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tag list! @emilyahgreen27 @chloekienzle @llvmos @mayathepsychic1999 @daltonshotgf @i2raggi @taymour13 @maddiescinema @fluentmoviequoter @omgrachwrites [If you wanna be removed from my tag list please let me know!]
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Hi I saw your post on Skull and tv series about famous people and I raise you: The public have that sort of relationship to Skull's career as with many of the "acclaimed geniuses" usually the artsy ones aka. everyone knows him but nobody thinks they "understand his true depth", "he was very bright and loud but in private really he was actually sooo mysterious and it was impossible to tell what actually went on in his head when he spoke so much but rarely anything of substance about himself", "he was everyone's friend, but I always wondered if he returned the feeling, he always acted that way around everyone after all" etc. Someone is quoted talking about how he'd always laugh things off to hide what he really meant. It goes on.
BUT here is the KICKER: Skull isn't. He has his own depth of course, but all of this post-mortem rose tinted "mystery" is that he was young and fearless and cheerful and genuinely a bit dumb and hypocritical and very bad at elaborating on the things he said. And best part: now he will never live it down around the arcobaleno and this time it's not even him who was talking himself up in ridiculous ways. (Actually it'd be kinda funny too if it made some canon character actually believe it and look at him differently)
hi nonny, thank you for the ask! [post referenced]
nooo not the unseen depth zerfghfgc!!!! not the MYSTERIOUSNESS!!!! 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣 and yeah you bet he ISNT nor was he EVER any of that lmfao, nonny i'm losing it over this.
but okay, now let ME raise you this: 1) i know it in my bones tsuna is the one to buy into all of that bullshit, no questions asked. yes, hyper intuition tsuna, the last one who should buy into it and know better, i know, but no, listen. i KNOW he watches that documentary or whatever and goes "omg, i can't believe i misunderstood skull this whole time. i need to apologize to him right now and do better, and also i should stand up for him from now on and help the others realize they've got it all wrong about him too".
and then no one can stop him or make him change his mind. least of all reborn, who's the one trying the hardest to stop him and change his mind. for a yet undetermined reason, but i just know he canNOT stand that new development, it just makes him soo mad.
wait, no, i just figured out why he'd hate everything about this. it's because he knows skull, thank you very much. he's among the few who got through the obnoxious ordeal of bearing his bullshit long enough to know him, and to even become begrudgingly glad he did and fond of him but we're not going to talk about that, but now? he's just supposed to stand there and be told he's only ever seen the surface of skull? that he--he, of all people--couldn't tell he was just seeing the surface of him? over decades of knowing each other? he's just supposed to let people not recognize and acknowledge the arduous and praiseworthy achievement that is him having gotten past skull's terrible first impressions until they became close for what it is?
he's just about foaming at the mouth, and tsuna does not give a single shit about it because, as everyone knows, reborn is skull's number one hater. and then tsuna's undeterred work to, like, rehabilitate skull's image or something, actually WORKS because if hyper intuition tsuna says so then??? surely there's some truth to it at the very least???? and it works even more because skull does NOTHING to clear up the misunderstanding.
which brings us to point 2) shameless little gremlin that he is to his core, skull absolutely finds this the funniest thing and takes FULL advantage of it. like suddenly tsuna & co (the 10th gen/varia/shimon/etc) start to actually pay attention to him whenever he's around, trying to see """through him""", and skull makes sure to always be all like "oooh look at me not talking much à la hibari, i'm sooo mysterious and definitely thinking some deep thoughts and not trying really hard to not burst out laughing". or like, the arco are their usual rough but playful selves with him, and instead of snapping at them with no heat behind it either in a well-rehearsed routine the way he'd usually do, instead he's all like "oooh look at me and my fake laugh à la yamamoto. am i really laughing this off because i don't mind or am i just doing it to hide how it actually hurt me? there's sooo much unseen depth inside me".
and they buy it. go all like "oh shit??? maybe--????". and the arco are losing their shit because 3) okay look. consider this: the arco are the ones miserable over this, and skull is the one not letting them live down the new-found appreciation everyone else but them suddenly has of him. because like, the arco's reaction to this can only go one of two ways: either they find it just as funny as skull and help him pull off the whole "yeah this is actually the real me, you just didn't care to notice it before" act, OR. they just absolutely canNOT stand it. they're so mad about it. they're sooo mad about it. they did NOT unexpectedly survive through a curse alongside skull, only to hear they somehow missed everything about him that would have made him more bearable lmao. especially from people among whom most of them have never spent more than an hour with him. have never even TALKED to him even once. their blood pressure is through the roof while skull is living his best life and does not give a single shit about it. also becomes best friends with tsuna in the process of this whole thing because i say so.
anyway. i couldn't stop laughing while answering this nonny, i love it so much. and idk if you remember this @cloudspark @ravensilversea @juudaimes-true-form, but here's the hilarious sequel of the netflix's skull series au ezrsfgvhfd
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euroquision · 4 months
"The Fairest of Them All" A EuroQuision Article
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Hello everyone! I hope you're ready for the first official EuroQuision article release! This one is a mathematical doozy, but trust me when I say this is worth the read. If you wanna download a PDF of the article, you can do so here!
And if you don't feel like downloading the whole thing, I'll be copying the entire article into this post after the section break so you can read it here! Thanks so much to the Patrons and other supporters that make this work possible!
The Fairest of Them All
By Beatrice Quinn
Quickly: what is the most overrated song of Eurovision 2024?
…got an answer? Ok, now: Prove it.
Today we’re talking about one of the most ambiguous, aimless, misunderstood metrics we use to say whether a song is overrated or not, and that is: Ratings. Literally! Now, we’re familiar with “ranking” Eurovision songs – dragging and re-dragging “Halo” up and down your 2022 scoreboard depending on whether or not you think Pia Maria is a real person or not – and other such activities! Ranking is crucial and emblematic to the existence of Eurovision and its fans, it hardly needs to be said. Developing babies watch the dancing fruits of Cocomelon, we watch a series of rectangles and numbers combine to shift and jump around aimlessly until they eventually settle in place. And once they’ve settled in place, forever to remain unmoving from those results, fans all across the world will continue to exist in a frenzy about how they should have landed instead.
But what’s the difference between ranking and rating? And by extension, why are the phrases “overrated” and “underrated” thrown around so frequently? Well, ranking songs is an action that always exists in and around the context of all competing songs that year. That’s why when the first Eurovision song of the season rolls around – usually courtesy of our lovely Albanians – it’s ridiculous and repeatedly unfunny to see YouTubers upload their “Eurovision 2021: Top 1 Ranking” videos. Rating a song is something you can do whether you’re talking about one song, or 42 songs. You don’t have to judge the songs ranked against each other. You can judge it based on its own merits or whatever frame of reference you have. I’m not here to write an article trying to tell people how they can or can’t rate songs – I would only ever tell that to the WiwiJury. And I would tell them politely, yet firmly, to stop.
No, I’m writing all this to do one thing: To give you a quick math lesson! And by quick, I really mean it, I promise. I swear I’m not a nerd! Well, that’s a lie. I’m a huge nerd. But I’m not a math nerd. It would be more accurate to say I’m a numbers nerd – specifically, Eurovision numbers. That’s the kind of numbers we like! We’ve seen our share of Twitter polls, asking us to choose between anything from Biggest National Final Robberies to “do you think Joker Out read the fanfic?” We just love stats and percentages! So I’m here to put those to the test in the most straight-forward, least-opinionated way possible. And let me be so clear about this: This article is not going to try and definitely prove anyone’s personal tastes right or wrong. This is about the mathematical results of how we rate Eurovision songs and whether or not this provides any accuracy.
Before we get into all the numbers: Let’s say you’re an Albania stan – a type of stan I’m familiar with, fond of, and am deeply frightened by – and you go to EurovisionWorld.com to excitedly check the results of the star ratings left by online visitors from every end of the earth, all coming to rate a song you’re excited to rate and enjoy yourself. You get there and you see: 2 stars – 2,815 ratings. Your heart sinks. “Only two stars? Is this actually a bad song? Do people hate the song? Am I dumb for liking it?” These are all things we’ve all felt about certain songs we hold dear to our heart, but it really doesn’t make sense, right? Why should a number generated by the preferences of 2,815 people sway your feelings towards a song you like? Then, as the season goes on, more songs pop up and get rated as well. As your Albanian gem middles out around 2.3 stars after 5,000 or so people decided to rate it, you see a grinning Dutch lad beating out the majority of the competition in terms of stars. “Wait, that just has so many views and over ten thousand more ratings than Albania has, what gives?” Then: the accusations start. “Joost is overrated!!” “Baby Lasagna’s hype won’t last forever.” “Vidbir said they’ll announce the results after six business days, not counting shipping and handling, but when they do, they’re gonna be so overrated.” And on the flip side: “Everyone is sleeping on Dons.” “Hera shock Q in May.” Various statements that however passionate are sadly not actually provable – at least, not in the moment.
It goes without saying that a Eurovision song’s rating out of 5 stars on EurovisionWorld does not, in any way, affect the results and winners of Eurovision. Instead, these ratings exist as a rare form of communal discussion. While the subjectivity of musical taste varies, we all get to share our opinions. And this process is what leaves us with two sides of the same undefinable coin: Over or Under Rated. 
We all have experiences with people or conversations where a fun song may be chastised for being overrated, or overly praised for being underrated. The attitude for or against a song doesn’t always exist like this – you can love an overrated song and hate an underrated one, I don’t care. But the point here is: these terms are something we relate to being an idea or descriptor, rather than something that can be mathematically determined. In fact, by treating the Eurovision “rating” system in its current state as purely a matter of statistics, we can then use that information to reference other claims against it. It’s quite scientific, if I do say so myself. Now, are both my college degrees in film, music, and writing? Yes. Did I ever get anything higher than a B in any math class I’ve ever taken? No. But allow  me to explain!
If someone were to say “Sweden is overrated,” what if there were a way to actually find out if that’s accurate or not? And once you find that out with some quick math, you can use that as evidence as to why or why not Sweden is overrated. My hope is that once we find out whether a song is mathematically overrated or underrated, we can then discuss possible reasons why or why not. Of course, this kind of question is going to be answered by collecting a LOT of numbers and doing a LOT of organization. Luckily I know someone who personally is sick enough in the head to sit down and pour through all the numbers, make the spreadsheets, make the graph, explain the equation, and write the article about it.
…it’s me. I think the “write the article” part was a giveaway, but here we are! So enough fluff, let’s get rating!
CHAPTER 1: The EuroQuision Equation!
Say that five times fast. And if you choose not to say that five times fast: I respect your decision, but I am disappointed in you.
So, we’re working with numbers. That means I am now tasked with figuring out the best way to observe the information I’m given, find out how it all balances out, and how do we compare all of that together? For context, there are two key components to finding out how over or underrated a Eurovision song is. As you’ll see while scrolling down the songs of any Eurovision year, you’ll see the stars beside them which are a result of ratings given by any IP address that rates the song. So not only do you get to see a song’s star rating, you can also see how many people contributed to that average rating. For anyone who doesn’t know, averages are a mathematical result of adding up the values of a set of inputs, then dividing that total by the amount of inputs. It’s hard to explain averages in a proper sentence, so here’s an example. If you are given the numbers 4, 8, and 3, you would first add up the numbers. 4+8+3 equals 15. Then, you take the sum (15) and divide it by how many numbers you added together. You added 3 numbers, so you divide (15 / 3) and find the average of 4, 8, and 3 is 5.
This is how those star ratings show up the way they do. If a song is rated by 10,000 people, you would add up the total stars given by each person, then divide that by 10,000. However, there’s another statistic we can find out by collecting all of this information. Like I said before in the Albania example, there are songs that only get 10,000 ratings by April, and others have hit over 40,000. You would think it’s as simple as saying “The songs with the most ratings are overrated, case closed.” But I’m here to say: not quite! If you were to rank the songs by most to least amount of ratings, that’s one result to find, sure. But I’m choosing to ask: what’s the average amount of ratings themselves? It’s something we can actually find out, since we have all the information!
Needing only the numbers provided by EurovisionWorld.com, we can find out what the average number of ratings is, and what the average number of stars is. We can’t really say who is over or underrated until we have an idea of how many people have contributed to these ratings. After finding these averages, the next step would be to compare and contrast how close or far each country deviates from those averages. Let’s say, if I were to add up all the star scores and find their average, I get an average of 3 stars. Therefore, any song that scores fewer stars than that is under average, and those scoring higher are above average. The same goes for ratings. After adding up EVERY number of ratings from each country and dividing by 37, we’ll know the average number of times a Eurovision 2024 song is rated. This will matter greatly in comparison to other years because the global attention to Eurovision grows every year. A year like 2014 is going to have a significantly lower average number of ratings simply because not as many people rated the songs in comparison to 2024. Sounds easy enough, right?
Ok, even if it’s not “easy” to understand now, it will be very soon! To help guide us into the numbers of it all, I made some visual aids! Let’s stop talking about the numbers and actually start crunching them!
CHAPTER 2: Playing With Numbers
Before we find out if any country is over or underrated, we gotta find our global averages first! Let’s look at the stars first. As you know, a song can achieve anywhere from 1 to 5 stars on EurovisionWorld.com – a very standard format! While we the voters/raters can only select a whole number of stars (one star, four stars, etc.), the website takes all those scores and calculates the average for us and displays that as a more accurate number often with a decimal point. Another important note is that I know this information doesn’t exist in stasis: songs can continue to be rated long after the contest is over. So for accuracy’s sake, I gathered ALL numerical information for this essay on one day: April 25th! This is to account for a few factors. Like I said, the amount of ratings grows over time and has a recency bias, so I didn’t want to get the ratings in late March. I also didn’t want to wait after the contest, just in case any results of the contest cause a shift in mass ratings from the rest of the world. I chose April 25th to write down every song’s current amount of ratings and current star score so that it reflected nothing but expectation and audience reaction, and without any influence from rehearsals or live shows.
Now, a song’s release day does play a part in how many ratings and stars it gets…most times. We’ll discuss that in the analysis chapter AFTER we go over all the numbers. So, this is all you need to know right now: I collected these numbers on April 25th, 2024. Additionally, there’s something else I did for making the math easier and more score-like, which is that I convert a song’s total amount of ratings into a whole number with one decimal point so that I’m operating with two factors closer to each other in size. For example, if a song has 18,311 ratings, I’m converting that to 18.3 so that I’m working with a star score of, for example, 3.6 and a rating total of 18.3, which are easier to put into the equation and find a Deviation Score that is represented by a small, whole number. The last important detail is that there WILL be more visual aids, and if any of this is still confusing by the end, let me know and I’ll figure out how to make this easier for everyone!
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Lastly, you might wonder why I’m looking at both stars and ratings in this big equation. If this is about who is or isn’t fairly rated, why do the star scores matter? Well, I’m factoring both ratings and stars in a song’s Deviation Score because these numbers don’t exist separately from each other. A song only gets a star score after thousands of people leave their opinions, and people share those opinions in this medium by clicking somewhere between one and five stars. Therefore, it isn’t fair to say a song is “overrated” simply because more people have rated that song compared to others. Spam rating exists (as EurovisionWorld has learned the hard way), and there are songs every year that are perceivably more “popular” based on things like YouTube video views or Spotify streams. Those things don’t factor into this because simply watching the video or streaming the song isn’t the same thing as “rating” it. Spotify only has stream counts, and YouTube has a like or dislike button. EurovisionWorld has a conventional 5-star rating system that is determined by people from all around the world and is mathematically calculated. So by giving a song a Deviation Score that’s based on how close/far from average a song is in stars and ratings, we’re acknowledging all the factors that go into this question.
Now onto the numbers! Do you wanna take a guess as to how many ratings were left on EurovisionWorld.com from the start of the season through Apr. 25th? There was a staggering total of 689,968 ratings across 37 songs! Over half a million ratings is a lot of opinions, right? And still that’s barely a fraction of the total people who watch the show itself. Regardless, that’s the information we have to work with! So, if there’s a total of 689,986 ratings given out to 37 different songs, that means our avg. # of ratings is: 689,968 / 37 = 18,647.7838. Obviously, 18,647.7838 is an awfully long, complicated number to use. Therefore, I’m simplifying it to just 18.6 (approx. 18,600 ratings). So, 18.6 is our avg. # of ratings. As for avg. # of stars, there is a grand total of 130.1 stars totalled up between all the songs. This is a really good number, when you consider the math. For example, if every song of 2024 only got on average one (1) star, then we’d have a total of just 37 stars. So with this info, it means our avg. # of stars is: 130.1 / 37 = 3.51621622…… and many more numbers after that. Therefore, I’ll state our avg. # of stars is 3.5. Once again, this is a good number! On a scale of only one to five stars, the average of that would just be 2.5 stars, right in the middle. That means the public thinks that overall, Eurovision 2024 is a bit above an average level of quality. And I would agree! Anyway, just to sum up all the numbers we just found out, I’ll list them here:
Total amount of ratings from all songs: 689,968
Avg. amount of ratings per song: 18.6 (simplified from 18,647)
Total amount of stars from all songs: 130.1
Avg. amount of stars per song: 3.5 (simplified from 3.5162…)
For me, the easy part is over and the hard part begins. Now is when we begin to document every song’s amount of ratings, their star scores, and running the math to see how far above or below the averages they are. For the super hot and cool nerds that like excel sheets, I’ll link the viewable sheet of all the info at the end of the article! For the sake of this article, I’m going to choose a couple key examples, and those are: Sweden, the Netherlands, Iceland, and…sadly, “Israel.”
CHAPTER 3: Do We Have a Valid Result?
Let’s actually see this equation in action and find out what we can learn from all of this. The reason we’re going to be looking at these select countries is that each of them exists at a very specific point on the spectrum of overrated or underrated. We’ll begin with the country that receives arguably the most “overrated” accusations thrown at them in a given Eurovision season, and that is: Sweden! Did you find the twins’ song unforgettable? Regardless, let’s run their numbers through our equation and figure out just how “rated” they are.
As you remember from our graphic, the equation we use is shown as (a - x) + (b - y) = z. Let’s take a look at Sweden’s stats, which are documented altogether in the same list as all 37 songs. “a” is Sweden’s star score. Sweden, as of April 25th, has a score of 3.4 stars. “x” is the total average of stars across all songs, which is 3.5. (3.4 - 3.5) = -0.1. This -0.1 means that Sweden is just ever so slightly below the average score, which is something I would agree with (but that part’s just my opinion). The second half of our equation is about ratings. Sweden was rated on EurovisionWorld a total of 18,259 times. We simplify that big number just to 18.2, and we subtract the average number of ratings from that number. (18.2 - 18.6) = -0.4. Now, we can also observe that in its total number of ratings, Sweden is actually still below average, even though not by a whole lot. Now that we have -0.1 and -0.4 reflecting Sweden’s relationship to the global average of stars and ratings respectively, we combine those! (-0.1) + (-0.4) = -0.5. There you go! Sweden got a score of, overall, slightly underrated. Shocking, right? That’s right, in numbers and stats alone, Sweden is very close to the global averages. However, the claim that they’re “underrated” isn’t as true as it sounds once we look at another country through this equation.
Next, let’s take a look at a country that was 1st in the odds…only to fall from those heights down to a last place finish in their semi-final. Iceland’s song “Scared of Heights” is an interesting case. I won’t try and pretend that these ratings exist separately from a song’s public perception – or at times, their public drama. So don’t worry, we’ll address that and much more after we do more fun math activities. Not many people were running around saying “Husavik 2025!” when this got selected, but how was it rated? Iceland has the literal lowest star score out of all 37 songs this year, sitting at 2 whole stars. Since we know the global average is 3.5, that means Iceland is -1.5 stars from the average. However, this is where we can see the ways ratings and stars can differ. When it comes to stars, a song scores anywhere from 1 to 5; it’s not a very wide range. But for ratings, Iceland only has 10,951 ratings (shown as 10.9). Even compared to Sweden, that’s eight thousand fewer ratings, meaning: people either chose not to go out of their way to leave a rating, or it's just not as popular. From the average of 18.6, Iceland’s 10.9 ratings is a whole -7.7 away from the average. Let’s combine those two differences: (-1.5) + (-7.7) = -9.2. In comparison to Sweden, Iceland is actually “underrated” when we look at the numbers. That final score of -9.2 is a culmination of the song not only getting a lower score, but it comes from fewer people deciding to rate it. Would “Scared of Heights” be closer to the average amount of stars if more people had chosen to give it a rating? Or would more ratings just reflect the same sad score of 2 stars? This is something to consider when we have more context about who/which countries have more ratings than our first two examples.
They may have been disqualified for total BS reasons, but they’ll never be disqualified from my heart! The Netherlands’ “Europapa” is a song that has a lot to give it a leg up over a country like Iceland when it comes to public perception: Joost Klein is a more  “established” artist in comparison to most Eurovision competition. “Europapa” contains satirical-yet-universal lyrics that touch on personal and international topics at the same time, and the whole thing is a lot of good fun, even with a touching ending. However, this can all add up to what no sounds like a very reasonable claim of “overrated”-ness. Do the numbers reflect that? Unsurprisingly: yes, yes they do. The Netherlands has a star score of 4.1, which is the average score from a total of 35,557 ratings. Again, we see how the number of ratings can vary much wider than just star scores on their own – I can only imagine how it feels to see someone else’s song get 20,000 more ratings than yours. Let��s run the equation!. (4.1 - 3.5) + (35.5 - 18.6) => (0.6) + (16.9) = 17.5. As you can see, now that we move to the opposite end of the spectrum, the difference in influence is more observable. That score of 17.5 now properly reflects how a star score of 4.1 comes from a severe increase in number of ratings, and Joost’s popularity can very well be a factor in that, all regardless if the song is “good” or “bad.”. Like I promised, we’ll talk about the implications and conclusions these numbers can represent in a moment. We have one more “country” to look at.
“Israel,” as I’m sure you need no reminding, is the reason all of Eurovision 2024 was a complex, un-fun, total mess of a season. All the reasons supporting this can fill up their own article, so we’re going to be focusing on how 2024’s hottest potato fares in terms of stars and ratings. “Israel” and their song “Octo–” sorry, “Hurricane” has the same star score as the Netherlands, which is 4.1 stars out of 5. However, “Hurricane” has almost ten thousand more ratings than “Europapa,” at 45,255 ratings. (4.1 - 3.5) + (45.2 - 18.6) => (0.6) + (26.6) = 27.2. Just for another moment, let’s disregard the implications of this number and just compare it to the 3 other examples we’ve done. At one end of the spectrum, Iceland is underrated with a Deviation Score of -9.2, and Sweden has a Dev. Score of -0.5. As a reminder, if a country is completely and perfectly “average,” they would receive a score of 0; as in, it’s not overrated nor is it underrated. However, the score for songs being underrated are a lot less severe than the others. The Netherlands’ Dev. Score of 17.5 and “Israel’s” 27.2 are up in the double digits, but why?
Well, the first explanation is very easily observable: “Israel,” the Netherlands, and several other countries are simply rated more than other countries are. Therefore, this is evidence to support the claim that more people overrate songs than people who underrate other songs. For context, the country with the lowest number of ratings is Albania, with only 9,094 ratings and a star score of 3.1 stars. The country with the highest number of ratings is actually Croatia, with 47,315 ratings as of April 25th and has the highest “overrated” Dev. Score with 29.5. And now that we have our equation and can actually tell who is statistically over or underrated, let’s actually ask what that “means.”
CHAPTER 4: Take (It) Away
At ten pages (and two visual aids) in, we finally have some concrete numbers to look at and discuss, leading with the question: What are we meant to take away? If being over/underrated is now mathematically observable, what does it all mean? To answer that question, we need to look at the entirety of our data table and apply real-world context to the numbers we’re looking at. As I mentioned near the beginning of this article, this is not about simple labels. Let’s start with the observation I made right before this chapter, “More people are more likely to overrate songs than people are to underrate them.” This is visible in multiple ways. First, as we discovered when we found the global average of each song’s star score, we got a score of 3.5/5 – above average! But it’s not just about the stars; there’s another noticeable trend between the highest star-scoring songs and how many people have rated them. Ten songs from 2024 have a star score of 4 stars or higher – Croatia, Greece, and Serbia were all tied at 4.3 stars. Between all ten songs, they have a total of 292,504 ratings. Now at the other end of the star spectrum, how do the lowest scorers look?
Well, no song this year got less than 2 stars, now matter how much I dislike “Scared of Heights.” However, there are eight songs that scored below 3 stars, in comparison to the ten higher scoring songs. Fun fact: Finland’s “No Rules!” is the lowest-ranking song that qualified for the final (as of April 25th), whereas the highest ranked NQ was Belgium. Anyway, between those eight songs underneath 3 stars, there’s only 129,063 ratings, which is approx. 170 thousand fewer ratings. The numbers don’t lie: if anyone ever claims “Eurofans just like to hate things,” statistically that’s wrong! It’s not impossible, either. On that note, though, one would be allowed to ask “But doesn’t that mean there are songs that are overrated?” And if you’re talking about the literal, specific definition of songs having a greater number of ratings than others, then yes you’re right. But I have a feeling that most people say the word “overrated” more emotionally than logically. Remember how I introduced Sweden as one of the most frequently overrated countries? My guess is that you didn’t disagree with that claim. And I’m not just guessing: I’ve seen every upset Kaarija stan, Mans-hater, and person with ears that dislikes “If I Were Sorry.” Sweden’s no stranger to the overrated accusation, but we just saw how this year that’s statistically untrue. The most perfectly middle-rated song this year is Luxembourg’s “Fighter” with a Deviation Score of -0.4. Sweden, Slovenia, Austria, and Czechia round out the Top 5 Most-Midrated Songs of 2024. And like the title of this article says, these five songs are by all definition “the fairest” of them all. Czechia is actually closest to the average number of ratings (that 18.6 we’ve been using in the equation) with 18,614 ratings. But hey, I like to indulge my own curiosity, so I wondered if these numbers are connected at all to who did or didn’t qualify. In Eurovision 2024, 11 songs did not qualify to the Grand Final. So, let’s look at the 11 most statistically-underrated songs!
They are from lowest to highest (of the low): Albania, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Australia, San Marino, Armenia, Portugal, Malta, Latvia, and Cyprus. Now, Denmark and Poland aren’t that much higher than these 11, but they managed to not be in the bottom 11. And of these lowest 11 Dev. Scores, 7 ended up being NQ’s. In fact, it’s more understandable why the few Q’s of the bottom 11 are here. Armenia was the last-revealed song of 2024, and Portugal had the very last National Final of the season. They didn’t have as much time between their selection and April 25th when I collected the numbers like other songs had. And yet, Albania was one of the earliest selections and sits at the very bottom of the list – time may not heal all wounds. 
Cyprus and Latvia are the other two songs from the Bottom 11 of the Underrated’s that qualified, and I genuinely think this is where the legitimate factor of chance plays a part. Cyprus came 6th in its semi, so we can state that the live performance and competition of the semi elevated Cyprus to a better position in the televoters’ preference, despite the odds! Latvia could be a similar case, as it finished 7th in the second semi-final. Then come Saturday, the two songs ended up right next to each other on the scoreboard with Cyprus at 15th and Latvia at 16th. As we keep moving up the list of Deviation Scores, we can spot the four songs that did qualify in the eyes of the raters, but not in the show itself. Denmark is just above Cyprus, and two more spots up is Poland. Four more spots up is Czechia among the most midrated songs of the year, so they were a true “Could go either way” case. Then in the biggest jump to our final non-qualifier, Belgium is 11 spots higher than Czechia and sits at being the 9th Most Overrated of 2024. Here and now, we have finally arrived at the fabled: Shock NQ. Now, a non-qualifier being a “shock” is up to your own opinion. If you’re me, you’re sitting here writing this article knowing damn well you knew Belgium’s Q-streak was over before Mustii hit the stage. This is the honest truth, and only Silia Kapsis has the right to try and say otherwise. But it also can be said that it’s not about asking “Who was the Shock NQ?” and more about asking “Who had the most attention before they NQ’d?” And the answer would be Belgium! Anyway, at this point I’m starting to think to myself “Huh, can using this over/underrated equation be a method to possibly predict a country’s qualification?”
…and then I remembered: Qualifiers are chosen entirely by televote. Therefore, if the Deviation Scores can predict the qualifiers with about 64% accuracy, can it predict the televoting Top Ten?...Let’s find out!
When looking at the Top Ten Most Overrated Songs of 2024, we have:
1st. Croatia
2nd. Israel
3rd. Netherlands
4th. Switzerland
5th. Italy
6th. France
7th. Ukraine
8th. Greece
9th. Belgium
10th. Ireland
(11th: Lithuania)
And for comparison, let’s look at the Top Ten of the 2024 Televote:
1st. Croatia
2nd. Israel
3rd. Ukraine
4th. France
5th. Switzerland
6th. Ireland
7th. Italy
8th. Greece
9th. Armenia
10th. Lithuania
To begin, you’ll notice I included the 11th Most Overrated song in parenthesis, which is Lithuania. I did this to reflect that even though the Netherlands is 3rd Most Overrated, they sadly weren’t able to receive the televotes they deserved the night of the Final. Using the data from this table alone, my conclusion on the Netherlands is that they were easily going to place Top Ten in the Televote, which would then leave who in 11th? Lithuania. All that’s left is to replace Belgium – a poorly-staged pop ballad with a party-harshing climax – with Armenia, which is a song bursting with fun, flawless vocals, and something so Armenian it caused Azerbaijan to get sent to the Doom Dimension. Additionally, mostly out of curiosity, I checked how many more reviews “Jako” has on EurovisionWorld as of May 22nd, and they’re up from ~12,000 ratings to ~18,000 while maintaining their 3.7 star score both times – that’s a show of quality and enjoyment from audiences over time. So other than those cases…I think I just mathematically figured out how to predict the televote? And, I don’t even mean the Top Ten – I mean the whole competition.
So I ask you this: What do we do when we are suddenly given information about the ways the results of Eurovision can be reflected in data before the fact? The answer is not “try and make a profit.” No, that’s not how EuroQuision works. Instead: we use it as mathematical evidence that propaganda fucking works.
CHAPTER 5: Couldn’t See It Comin’
Except: now we know we did see it coming.
Before we dive into the serious stuff, you might be thinking that what I’ve presented is an attempt or desire to “break Eurovision” or take advantage of this information for personal gain. I won’t deny that bets play a huge role in Eurovision – it’s how we get the odds in the first place. But if you know me, you know I’m not in this for the money, even though that may differ from the EBU’s intentions. The truth is that I don’t have any practical means to try and “profit” from any way this information could be used. Part of journalism and sharing of information is the inability I have to control how it’s used despite my best intention.
My intention with this article is to provide evidence that “Israel’s” attempts at utilizing Eurovision to get a good result and repaint their global image was nearly perfect, and the numbers said it was going to happen the whole time. Even without the numbers from EurovisionWorld, we knew how desperate “Israel’s” pleas for votes from the world were. From Duolingo’ing her way across the internet to coordinated efforts to vote en masse in various countries, Eden Golan was gunning for a televote win that she nearly reached, and that’s assuming every single one of those votes were completely legitimate. This is not said to try and accuse anyone of fraudulent voting when I don’t have evidence to support that. I mention it because vote buying is a practice that has been done in the past and actual delegations received punishment for doing so. Given the context of every other effort “Israel” put into their campaign for votes – and I mean everything: begging other artists/teams for positive press and harassing them to the point of retaliation – doesn’t make fraudulent voting seem out of the question. 
Unfortunately, I am no expert on voter fraud – ironic, me being an American and all, but I digress. This is something that, if proven true, will be revealed in the time post-Eurovision 2024. And if it’s true, I will happily discuss it! But for now, I can only  talk about what we do know, which is the newfound connection between EurovisionWorld’s sample of public ratings indicating a song’s predicted success or failure in the contest. This connection is reflective of the greatest tool a Eurovision song has: public perception. Or as some countries treat it: propaganda. Even though “Israel” is a country being sued by the ICJ for genocide, actively commit acts of violence to Palestinians as well as fellow-EBU member countries Lebanon, Jordan, and Egpyt, and were told multiple times by the EBU reference group to rewrite their political song lyrics, they still performed and qualified and finished Top Ten. Truly, did we even need my equation to prove “Hurricane” was overrated? Not really. Instead, “Hurricane” being so statistically overrated was a symptom of the larger effect of a successful PR campaign. When you consider that “Israel’s” mere existence inside of Eurovision is in itself a PR campaign, none of this is surprising. “Israeli” media took every possible moment to try and tell the world that their Eurovision participation was a good thing and truly represented being “united by music.” They did this in commercials and even in what “Israel” calls a sketch comedy show. 
All of these factors had me worried that despite my best hopes and efforts, somehow “Israel” would pull off a good result when they should have been removed months ago. However, the numbers were there the whole time. As we can see, the numbers don’t only apply to solely to “Israel.” Just as they came 2nd in my list and 2nd in the televote, Croatia was 1st in both, and the accuracy of the Top Ten as well as the bottom eleven/NQ’s can’t be ignored either. Truly think about that for a moment: on April 25th – several days before we saw any rehearsal footage or official performance – we knew with 80-90% accuracy the Grand Final televote results and who wasn’t going to qualify with 64% accuracy. And before you suggest that this was a Eurovision 2024-exclusive phenomenon, I thought of that too! So as a surprise fun addition, I ran my equation with the 2023 songs as well!
Since I can’t travel back in time to April 25th 2023, there’s no way I could collect all the ratings and stars with the same accuracy as I did for 2024, Thankfully, using the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. I managed to “go back in time” to a window of time spanning from mid-April to early-May and collect all the numbers. Even with a wider window of information, the 2023 Deviation Scores proved to be almost identical in accuracy – even more accurate in some cases. Starting with the Bottom 11 Most Underrated according to my equation, 9 of those countries turned out to be NQ’s. At the other end with the Top 10 Most Overrated, 7 out of those 10 did in fact finish in the Televote Top 10. And who was the most “overrated” of 2023? Not Finland, not Sweden, but “Israel” and “Unicorn.” This shows that for two years in a row, despite the drastic shift in public opinion and discussion concerning Israel’s participation, their songs that directly correlate to geopolitical aggression and self-victimization proved effective in the realm of Eurovision. So once again, I ask you, the reader: What do we do? CONCLUSION
Since I’m aware that a 20-page article is a bit long, I will go ahead and just list out the most important bits of information I covered and discussed:
Using the information from EurovisionWorld.com, we created an equation that figures out how close or far a song is from the global average of both stars and number of ratings.
Comparing these Deviation Scores reflects a somewhat-accurate correlation between how much the public “rates” a song and whether that song qualifies or potentially comes Top Ten in the Televote
Once these connections can be observed, we can discuss what factors or influences play a part in these connections (Is a song more popular? Is it less popular? Is it representing a country committing war crimes and hopes no one notices? Etc etc.)
Finally, here in the conclusion of all of this, we can answer that third point. As I mentioned, cases like Joost and “Europapa” being overrated are fairly easy to explain; well-known artist, extremely radio-friendly banger song, the list goes on. It also reflects why Iceland and “Scared of Heights” is near the bottom; a more “generic” paint-by-numbers pop song with simple English lyrics, a very unambitious composition, etc etc. However, there’s a difference between a song being over/underrated based on merit, and those with scores based on skewed public opinion one way or another.
I won’t pretend for a moment that spam-liking or spam-disliking doesn’t exist. For example, I’m aware of how Bashar Murad was the clear favorite to win over Hera Bjork, but sadly finished 2nd in what felt like a very devastating blow to the potential of Palestinian representation at Eurovision when it’s needed most. Anyone who rated Iceland poorly because of this is able to do so just as fairly as those who rate it low based on song quality alone. I cannot control the reasons as to why people choose to rate a song high vs. low.
Conversely, you might reasonably be saying “If ‘Israel’ is continuing to treat this as one big PR stunt, wouldn’t that mean all those positive ratings and their televote score are a result of artificially inflating the numbers and/or buying votes?” And as much as that’s one possible explanation, I’ll remind you that there are people who genuinely just enjoy “Hurricane” and dislike having to engage in contextualizing “Israel’s” Eurovision participation. For example, Worldvishawn is a Eurovision TikTok creator with over 300,000 followers, and on multiple occasions has published videos voicing his enjoyment and support of “Hurricane” this year. In a video discussing “Hurricane’s” rehearsals, he notes that the song is a “9/10” and is a case where “the live vocals are better than the studio version.” The issue here is not the fact that a fan of Eurovision has a positive opinion of a song that a lot of people dislike, that’s never a problem with me. The issue is that people with large platforms are able to give their opinions to hundreds of thousands of people with the click of a button and provides a space where people can attempt to remove any context of “Hurricane” and “Israel” whatsoever and just say the song is good. This is what indicates to me that all the positive numbers surrounding this song aren’t all completely fabricated and this should not conclude in a baseless accusation of buying or faking votes.
Eurovision 2024 was a year where at every level of control, nearly everyone chose to do nothing rather than doing something. At the tippy top of the ranks, it was up to the EBU to remove “Israel” because of their own previously-established actions and morals concerning geopolitical violence during Eurovision, specifically in the case of Russia. After they refused to do that, it was the responsibility of participating broadcasters to withdraw and refuse to participate. After all 37 broadcasters refused to actually do anything, it was up to the artists to put their career aside and take a stand in the public eye. And then, none of the artists did that! Some showed and voiced their advocacy, but none of them showed solidarity. If you aren’t familiar with the difference between advocacy and solidarity, advocacy is when you “advocate” your morals and beliefs in your words and attitude. Solidarity is when you put those words to action and actually do something actionable to disrupt the status quo to be in solidarity with those who are suffering and against a system of power that is ignoring them. And since none of the artists’ advocacy led to solidarity, there we were with a Grand Final with “Israel” coming 2nd in the televote and no one doing anything about it.
Now, I could go down the entire chain of responsibility of “Who needs to do something about this?” and eventually land where I and many others have been for months, which is the fun destination of Boycottville, but a lot of people hear the B-word and think its an invitation to start arguing and calling me a hypocrite. What I will state is this: boycotting is not something asked of us to try and simply prove our morals for show or optics, and it is not something we ask people do to in order to shame them should they choose not to. Boycotting is what we do when every level of command above us refuses to do anything about a system that is completely broken and exploitable. The numbers were there from the beginning and even I can admit I was foolish when I stated in my own video essay that “‘Israel’ isn’t going to get an enormous televote score.” That is something I said based on optimism and my own reasoning, before I actually came up with this equation and ran all the numbers. I was proven very wrong and I think I’m not the only one.
In the end, I need to remind us all that this was never about the results, it was never about “making sure ‘Israel’ doesn’t win.” If this were truly about making sure “Israel” didn’t win, then we would all have had to agree on one (1) artist to mass-vote for AND hope the juries liked as well, but that would be literally impossible. Whereas Eurofans could argue “Let’s mass-vote Croatia!” or “Mass-vote Ukraine again,” that is nowhere as easily and streamlined as it is for Zionists, “fake” votes, and “Israeli” fans to just spend all their money on voting for “Hurricane.” So once again: THIS IS NOT ABOUT RESULTS. The numbers sadly reflected “Israel” succeeding in their campaign nearly the entire way, and because they know that Eurovision is a system where everyone from the broadcasters to the fans don’t actually want to do anything that poses a threat to this silly contest, they’ll get the numbers they want. Trying to beat “Israel” at the game of Eurovision is a mathematical impossibility as things currently stand, and if EVERYONE continues to not want to change their behavior (the EBU, the broadcasters, the artists, the news websites, even the fans themselves), then “Israel” will keep playing this game successfully for years to come.
“The Fairest of Them All”
Researched and Written by Beatrice Quinn
Research Data Links:
Eurovision 2024: Deviation Scores
Eurovision 2023: Deviation Scores
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octopus-reactivated · 2 years
Title me Miss: Afternoon
Tw/cw: Pet Whump, conditioning, whumpee-thinks-caretaker-is-new-master, touch starvation, mentions of death (in the past), trauma, fear of abandonment 
~1800 words
She was home later than expected, but not too late, the sun hadn’t even set yet. Decima hoped for a calm afternoon, in which she could watch or read something and just… relax. 
She looked at the boy on her floor. Oh yeah. There was that too…
He deserved a nice evening too, but judging from what happened so far he won’t relax easily. 
still she had to try and maybe she will bring up a photo later on, try to figure out how he feels about that…
“Would you like to join me?” she asked Juli, sitting on the couch. 
First thing first she should try to ease him into going on the furniture. Last night he was so scared to go on the bed he started crying. 
He probably wouldn’t climb up there right away, but she wanted him to remember that going up the furniture was an option he could choose. 
“Am… am I allowed to… to go on there?” Juli asked nervously. 
Decima smiled. It was progress!
“Of course you’re allowed, love.” She said trying to look as non-threatening as possible ”You’re always allowed”
“Thank you, Miss, Thank you, I  am truly grateful, I promise I am…” he rambled. For a split second Decima could see him smile. After a few more ‘thank you’-s he crawled up from his place on the floor and kneeled at Decima’s feet. 
She waited for him to go on the couch, to climb up and sit next to her. 
Juli didn’t move.
Or to lay down and wrap himself in a blanket…
Juli didn’t move from his spot. 
Huh, didn’t he just ask and get permission to come?
Decima spent a few moments processing what was just happening. And then it clicked. 
Juli was asking for permission to go on the carpet. 
She felt her heart tighten.
Who hurt him so much that he was afraid to go on a slightly softer part of the floor?
Who could do that to another person?
Decima thought she was making progress. Turned out she didn’t even start to grasp the depth of Juli’s trauma. 
Would it be reasonable to explain herself now? If she would tell Juli that he misunderstood her, he might get scared again. Probably apologize for not getting on the sofa despite her order, and then get a breakdown for being on the sofa despite the rules he was taught. 
Better to leave it there for now. Make him comfortable in her presence and softly reassure him it’s okay to break his conditioning. 
One step at the time… 
Miss said she will rest a bit and he was invited to join her. Of course when Owner invited it was supposed to be read as an order, but Juli couldn’t be happier to receive it. 
He didn’t want to be alone, not anymore. 
He carefully stopped at the edge of the carpet. Going on the one wasn’t against the rules taught in the facility, but again he wasn’t the ordinary case. The ordinary pet - the good one - should be allowed to roam freely around the floor. Juli - back then 739 - had to be more careful. He didn’t deserve that level of comfort and it would be selfish to seek it instead of focusing on becoming better. 
But now he was told to come and in order to do that, he had to get on the soft surface.
Miss said he was allowed. “Always” 
 He slowly put one hand there, then moved his whole body and stopped when he was right next to Miss. 
He was so afraid she would kick him out of the carpet or out of her home, or out of her life but it didn’t happen. 
Was Miss happy with him? 
Then why was she looking at him like that?
Not exactly displeased… Sad? Why would she be sad? Disappointed maybe? Did she expect him to refuse her? But she said he was “always” allowed? He couldn’t resist, that would be bad, but…
Why, why? Why that look?
Maybe there was something more. Maybe the clue was in something he did earlier? Was it about the tantrum he threw earlier? He got scared of a stupid photo, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t his Master, but he was too dumb to understand that and got scared and had to be comforted and sir Justin had to calm him down instead of doing his important work and…
Or maybe he was overthinking. He wasn’t even sure if Miss knew about it. Maybe she just saw him up close in better light and realized how ugly he is and that’s why she was disappointed. 
Or maybe he still didn’t show enough gratitude. 
He bowed down.
“Thank you again for your mercy!” he said, trembling and waiting for her response. 
“You’re welcome” Strange look disappeared from Miss’ face. She wasn’t still fully content, but looked more pleased than before.
So it was the gratitude then. Juli made a mental note to show it off more. 
He kneeled for a while, could be three minutes or half an hour when she said he didn't need to hold the position, and that he can ‘sit comfortably’.
Being on the carpet was already comfortable. But… It was probably a subtle hint that she’s not pleased with him kneeling, maybe he has to pretend to be relaxed too when she’s relaxing. 
So he  sat cross-legged. 
It was… nice. The carpet was fluffy and soft and warm, so warm… And Miss must have been satisfied enough with him, because she petted his head. 
Juli leaned into her hand and earned more headpats. 
If only this could last forever. The warmth and the touch that was denied him for so long and the feeling of… having a purpose?
Decima reached out and cautiously petted Juli’s hair. She was unsure if that wouldn’t scare him, but it seemed like he enjoyed it. He was leaning into her hand and his breath calmed down. 
She had to address the whole photo thing. If he thought something weird and it caused him some sort of anxiety, his recovery may be impossible. 
She wasn’t sure how to start it though. 
The touch calmed him down, so maybe if she…
If only this could last forever… If only…
Juli tried to focus on the soft hand on his head, to get this moment engraved in memory. 
Miss let him lay his head on her lap and it was so comfy and warm…
He almost felt like a lapdog. 
The nice, praised, beloved Pet. 
And it did not last forever. 
“Yes, Miss?” 
She cleared the throat, before asking the question.
“That photo… Did it scare you?”
She… Miss already knew about the photo? Juli didn’t catch it when she was informed. Or maybe it was just true that Owners always knew everything. 
But it wasn’t time to dwell on that, there was a question he had to answer. 
Did the photo scare him? Yes, it did, the blood and the lifeless eyes…
But also it wasn’t the photo that terrified him, it was his memories, and he wasn’t scared of blood, nor a photo of blood, but a corpse, like that…
“I don’t know,” he said. 
‘I don’t know’ is not an answer, said Trainer’s voice in his head. 
“It’s alright,” said Miss “sometimes… sometimes it’s hard to name our feelings”
She was so patient with him, even when he was so stupid… or maybe she was patient, because she knew he was stupid?
“But you were shaken in some way, right?”
He agreed, mostly because disagreeing with Owner was a bad idea, but also because it was true. 
“Could you tell me what made you feel that way? You can take some time to think”
Juli nodded and tried to collect his thoughts. Focus on answering the question. Don’t cry. You can cry all you want when you’re alone at night, but now get yourself together and answer a simple question. 
“I just got reminded of why I was on the discount” he answered in the calmest voice he could manage. 
“So that unfortunate event with your old Master?”
Miss said ‘unfortunate’ like this was an accident and not something he did.  
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
“That’s right.” His voice was shaking. He had to calm down. “And… sir Justin…”
“What about him?” Miss asked carefully
Juli realized it sounded like he was complaining or accusing Sir. But it was too late to back out now. 
“He was scary too” 
There was a moment of silence.
“I didn’t mean that he was supposed to be nice to me or anything, he showed so much patience already and it’s not that I am ungrateful, I know I deserved less, I probably overreacted, thinking it will be like before, when I saw the body… I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything”
“I asked you, didn’t I?” said Deci “I won’t punish you for answering to the best of your ability”
Miss was so nice. Juli was sure he said something wrong, but she saw he was trying and decided it was enough. Being good is not enough. Trainers used to say Your future owner won’t accept anything less than perfection. 
But Miss wasn’t like that, right? She was nothing but kind. 
Maybe it was a trick too and maybe Juli was stupid for failing for it, but he found himself in desperate need to believe that there was anyone who didn’t despise him. Even if that kindness was fake, Juli felt like he would go insane if spend another day in a world that is nothing but hostile to him. 
So he let himself believe Miss wasn’t setting him up for failure. 
“It’s not that I didn’t like it when he was there… he was patient with me and wasn’t mad that I looked at his stuff and… He was scary, but I know he probably didn’t mean to be”, the Pet confessed, letting himself trust that Miss really was interested in his silly thoughts and how he interpreted Human’s behavior. 
“I’m not sure, if that will help you feel more at ease,” said Miss, petting Juli’s hair, “but when I first came on the land I had no idea of how this culture and people were formed. And Justin and his family helped me out and… Well, what I’m going at is that I also didn’t know anything about Pets and if Justin didn’t explain everything to me back then I would probably fall for some propaganda and treat you way worse. So if I am kind - I hope I am, I’m trying to be - well all that kindness is learned from Justin, so even if he’s intimidating he’s also compassionate, and gentle and… he’s just a good person”
Juli let his head rest against Miss’s leg. 
“I understand, Miss.” he said, closing his eyes and relaxing a little “Thank you”
Taglist: @kim-poce @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @kween-pinescales @wolfeyedwitch @myst-in-the-mirror @dont-touch-my-soup @obsessedwithegos @cicatrix-energy @jordanstrophe
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awetistic-things · 2 years
I went to talk to a therapist about maybe having autism and the meeting left me really unhappy but idk if my unhappiness is justified or not.
When I told her she did the usual informal kinda questionnaire kinda convo and I felt like for a lot of it I was either getting misunderstood or I was explaining things wrong cause she seemed to brush off a lot of my examples as just being from my ADHD. She also said that my hyperfixation (politics) isn’t “niche” enough and gave the example of intensely liking butterflies or something despite me explaining that my fixation literally consumes my life and is most of what I think and talk about. She also attributed all of my social issues to possible social anxiety cause I mentioned earlier that anxiety runs in the family. I tried to explain that conversing with people kinda feels like a language barrier and not like I just am scared of talking to people. At the end she said that I should watch a Netflix series, I think it was “Life on the Spectrum” or something, and report back to her if I related to it which was really weird to me.
Anyways i’m just wondering if I’m just not wanting to accept i’m wrong or if her assessment was actually bad. She said I may have it but wouldn’t have it severe enough to be diagnosed and said it’s because I need to be high needs which afaik is incorrect in my province. Anyways thanks for reading
that is an absolutely terrible assessment, you’re completely justified to be upset with her
1) special interests can be anything, doesn’t matter if it’s “niche” or not
2) not all autistic people are gonna relate to a lot of the things other autistic people do, so telling you to go watch a show and report back to her is dumb as shit. because you can still be autistic as fuck while also not relating to that show (also it’s “love on the spectrum” and was rightly criticized for infantilizing autistics)
3) she’s obviously not paying attention because there’s a lot of differences between social anxiety and autism, like a lot of differences. you’re language barrier analogy is a great example for it, because i struggle with both social anxiety and autism and that puts it wonderfully
overall, she did a shit job and is obviously extremely misinformed. i mean she really shouldn’t be doing autism assessments if she doesn’t know anything about autism, but sadly here we are
if i were you, i wouldn’t pay any attention to the results she gave (ex. diagnosis) because so far she hasn’t been very credible nor reliable. i’m not sure if there are many other autism clinics near you, but that seems like your best bet in getting a diagnosis
i’m genuinely sorry that you had to go through that shit show of an assessment, and try not to take anything of that stuff she said to heart (basically everything she said)
my dm’s are open if you want to talk more about it (or just anything in general) :)
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
tell me about childhood friend guy and hal!!!
i know i can always count on you, thank you!!
i used the ‘what if’ idea because hal & guy are for me cemented in their current dynamic, met once as adults and got along as friendly acquaintances before the ring messed up their relationship on both sides and it took decades to slowly and very painfully pick at it work out something better, this hard to bear ‘self-recognition through the other’ dynamic where they both see and know the worst of the other because they’ve been it. so this idea, it’s trying to see what could have happened, how it would have gone if they met as kids and befriended each other, how they might have influenced each other’s life for better or for worse
it boils down to two lonely and misunderstood kids finding kinship with one another, growing up together and feeding into each other both good and bad, crashing away and meeting again multiple times. and im thinking of both a no power au and a canon divergence where they both end up green lanterns because can you imagine how gut-tearing it will be for guy to learn that hal, his friend, was chosen over him? that he spent years already struggling with self-esteem irt to hal and comparing himself to him finding out he wasn’t good enough? that he’s the second choice? after spending years after years being so close to him? and for hal, the weight of the guilt and grief! the what ifs! if he didn’t get the ring, if guy wasn’t made his second, his he didnt use his battery to charge, if sinestro hadn’t tried to use him to get to hal, if, if, if… then he wouldn’t have lost his best friend, because guy now is nothing like the guy he’s known his entire life and it’s because of him, he hurt someone else again and ther’s nothing he can do to make it right
but my favorite out of the two is the non power setting:
hal is born in middle to upper middle class, his family has a second house in their family near baltimore they use as a vacation house during summer
that’s how he and guy meet, guy is younger than hal but they still hang out together a lot jack is already a lot older than hal and has things he wants to do and jim wasn’t born yet, so hal finds himself alone a lot, and guy is already spending as much time as he can outside his house to avoid his father and mace
showing this new kid around, being looked up to and feeling important is something guy will seek out with hal. hal just doesn’t want to get bored, and the kid who can be goaded into showing him risky places with an easy ‘you’re too much of a pussy to do it’ is his best bet for finding cool spots
still they get close on their personality: stubborn and smart and distant big brothers and loving being outside. guy shows him his favorite activities outdoor while hal talks about planes and what his beach looks like, they compare notes
for a few years that’s how it goes: hal and guy hang out for a few weeks in summer until hal goes back to california. they string up a strange friendship that feels timeless, the years go by and they just pick it up from where they left it when they meet, even though they are both changing and quickly, with new things to say to the other
then hal’s father dies when he’s barely a teen
then living in coast city gets harder with each passing day and hal won’t stop going to the tarmac and obsessing over flying and their family house has no one to take care of it anymore so his mom moves the family to maryland, hal sulking and hating everything about it
by now it’s gotten bad enough at home that guy has taken to spending as little time as possible there, roaming the streets of baltimore and all the remote spots he knows. still he keeps hoping to impress his father, to find what will make him love him
they meet up at their usual hang-out spot by pure dumb luck, guy escaping his house and hal running away from his mom and brothers for a moment. they find out they live in the same city, and even though they don't go to the same schools and are pretty far from each other, they grow close and closer and make an effort to meet up as often as they can
they take the bus until hal gets himself a car and start driving them around, picking guy from his school to go to parties, by now both families knowing of the friendship, hal’s mom encouraging it and guy dodging the questions about it
they are remarkable friends, able to get into the worse screaming matches and fist fight and a minute later being best buddies laughing and scheming together, they know the shameful family secrets and they know their fears and shames, ripped out confessions on lonely nights they meet up and confidences made out of trust. hal encourages guy to calm down while guy gets hal to talk out loud more
and, going for a romantic direction, maybe they’re their first gay thoughts, and how badly they deal with it, growing up in not the most accepting places. the looks, the touches, the thoughts, the moments alone and the shared spaces when in public, it’s spread out over weeks and months and years, culminating in a kiss during a party where they’re not even drunk enough to put it on the alcohol
and they both like it, maybe a bit too much, and they both hate themselves for it, and it breaks something between them. hal represses it hard while guy tries to ignore it and they both hate themselves for not conforming to what their fathers would want out of them
guy gives up on his family, just like hal does, and they talk about it. guy hardly find solace in that when hal tells him he’ll leave as soon as he can
and then hal leaves maryland for good and goes back to california, hitchhiking there to enroll in the airforce in his home state. he’s only thinking about the future, about what he’ll get, about flying again like he so desperately wants to
and that breaks guy a bit more, because it feels like hal is leaving him behind in the dirt to get something better, something without him while he’s left rotting in his hometown. he goes into this downward spiral of crime and anger, and mace tries to get hal because he knew they were close but hal doesn’t even pick up, too busy with his own career, and he’s left alone to straighten up guy
this leaves a dent in their friendship, they don’t really see each other, both too busy. hal flies, and guy studies, and they both get somewhere. the occasional phonecalls and beers they exchange every once in a while cannot make up for what broke between them, it just hurts to prod at the bruises
im conflicted about emerald dawn I and II, but the potential here cannot be overlooked, them meeting again by pure luck once again, hal in a bad place despite leaving to become great and guy turning out the best of the two, with a good career and standing. it hurts hal’s ego and brings guy back to bad memories.
afterward, hal gets back to ferris, trying to make things right, and guy gets angry again so he goes to school, to teach kids and be helful
until he gets hit by the bus, goes into his coma, wakes up with the consequences of his brain injuries. until he realizes that he cannot teach anymore, not while he was thrust back to his worst years, out of control, angry, confused and anxious and buzzing with all of that at all time
it hurts even more that no one in his family went to visit him
hal visits until he can’t stand seeing guy like this, not understanding what seeing kari by his side means when bile rises in his throat, not understanding why they’re kissing until kari says she cant, and he leaves him alone because he can't stand any of it
the next fortuitous meeting is a traveling hal stumbling unto guy working small jobs to keep rent. by now guy is angry at hal for leaving him behind, for ruining his shot at a better life by stupidly getting fired from the army and ruining what he had at ferris. and hal is just shocked at seeing guy like this, and hurt to see what he missed, that guy changed so much. it’s like seeing a stranger wearing his friend’s face, finding this young and hurt boy who would show him around the docks when they were kids, so angry and shutting out the world
they get into this circle of bringing out the worse for a while, hal making guy think of what he lost and who he isn't anymore and guy brings proof of hal slowly but surely losing control over his life, made worse by the fact that they end up working for the same company and seeing each other a lot
it's the fights, both verbal and with fists, made worse because they know exactly where to hit to hurt
from now on it’s them dancing around each other, around this baggage they have, what was lost, and following what GL 1990 and the 90s had going for them, guy slowly working at being better once he realizes how low he's sunk while hal gets worse until he crashes and guy is there to pick him the pieces left of him
guy is fired from their company after yet another fight between, and he realizes he doesn't want to be angry anymore, so he works on himself again, like he did when he went to college at 20, and he opens his bars and gathers new friends
while hal overworks himself and has a massive burnout and causes a big accident, and then it's seeing as guy made himself better and doing this too, going to guy for advice. its at nearing 40 years of age that they manage to salvage what was left of their relationship
all of this to say: i want a scene where they get sloshed at guy’s bar warriors and guy closes and keep hal there to talk, and he says he still thinks about their kiss so many years ago, and hal admits that he does too. and they’re both old, graying and with aching knees and many regrets on their shoulders, and they decide right there to not add another one to the list, to give this a shot to whatever has been brewing between them for so long
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ifeltfree · 1 year
Yeah, of course I'll talk with you about it. I'm sorry to hear you're recently diagnosed. I'd say it gets better, but I'd be lying. What does change is that you get tougher, more resilient. If you're lucky, you have people around you who understand and support you well. The seizures never stop being terrifying.
It's an awful disease and one that is extremely misunderstood. Isolating is the right word, for sure. I was diagnosed at 16, so I know how hard it can be to have it as a teenager/young person as well. It feels like it's stealing from you. It is. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Your feelings are justified.
As far as how I cope? Poorly, for a long time, but recently things have been looking up. I was seizure-free for about five years before a recent set of breakthrough seizures (I crashed my car too, lol what a time), so I'm relearning how to deal with the fear and paranoia.
Logistically, I've done a few things:
I was able to get my job to let me work from home 3/5 days of the week.
I sleep. A lot. I still hang out with people and I have a lot of friends, but I had to accept there are things I can't do.
I spend a lot of time in quiet. Overstimulation doesn't help. I found this out the long way - took me forever to realize shutting up one or a few of my senses cut down the brain activity (I'm dumb).
I don't drink. I used to drink - probably too much. Substance abuse and epilepsy don't mix. That wasn't the reason for my breakthroughs, but I do have a little sobriety app. Kinda fun, honestly.
I talk to my friends about it.
That last point is something that I'd never done before this year. It's hard, of course, but I think it's helped that my friends now know I'm having crises of sanity, faith, philosophy - whatever - every day of my goddamn life. It's impossible to live with this disease and not think about what's real, what's not, if I'm losing time, what exactly is a soul...you understand.
Also, seizures are impossible to describe, but I try. That helps as well. Horrifies my friends, but they've said it's ok to talk about.
Every seizure I've had (barring these last ones, or I'd have killed myself) has stolen my personhood from me. I'd wake up as a different person, and then I'd just...live in a stranger's apartment, wear a stranger's clothes, wake up in a stranger's bed. After about a week, the feeling starts to fade but nothing ever goes back to that first reality. That disorientation is, for me, one of the worst parts of epilepsy. It's fucking scary. And if you go through that, I am so, so sorry.
If you want to talk about this more, let me know. I'm much less serious than I seem, and I write like this because I'm overeducated after being scared shitless by my brain. So.
Anyway, feel free to publish this and I hope you feel better soon.
Also, tell your tattoo artist what happened - they'll thank you for not coming in, and they also need to know you're not a flake. Don't want to make them responsible for an unconscious body when they don't have to be! :)
thank you for talking to me more about this. you worded a lot of this really well and its reassuring to know its normal to feel that way that i do about it all. my family thinks im exaggerating it so sometimes i question if im blowing things out of proportion.
anyway, thats terrible that you crashed your car. thats such a huge fear of mine and i cant imagine going through that, im so sorry. its so unfortunate that you have to miss out on things, but im glad you figured out what works for you to keep you in better shape. im gonna try and be mindful about the things you mentioned and see if they make a difference for me, thank you
i dont have much of a support system, most of my friends stopped talking to me after college and i find it hard to meet new people where i live. its significantly harder to cope with shit like this when youre on your own. im sure you get it. and i totally understand what you mean by losing your sense of self. it feels like everything is foggy, all the time but even worse on days i have seizures. it almost makes me mad cause its not fair that after everything else that comes with it, i have to have a diluted watered down personality too.
again thank you for this. ill definitely reach out if the urge arises and you definitely can too. im always open to talk, about anything
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hi, thanks for answering, i appreciate it. also that you didn’t just call me toxic or some shit and tell me to fuck off. i’ve actually never thought of joining a discord server but it’s a good idea, thank you, i think i could try that. i guess on another account though to prevent anyone from accidentally finding out bc you know for yourself how it is. i’ll look up if i can find some kind of dbt workbooks online as well.
the journaling idea is good as well, i’ve actually been trying for a while but i end up rarely using it as a past experience left me with kinda bad trust issues about writing / drawing things down where someone could see them. but i guess i could try hiding it better this time or something. it’s just this thing that also sometimes venting like that actually ends up making me even more frustrated, as i realize i’ve already written about this exact thing countless times before yet still nothing has changed.
i’m trying not to make a too harsh judgement of my therapist yet, considering i haven’t been seeing her for that long, but… yeah. when i said that i’ve been going to therapy for years i meant going to a lot of different ones in this time. no one ever gets me. their advice is always so fucking useless. honestly at least this current one actually listens and doesnt make me feel uncomfortable or like i’m being judged. i think she’s the one i’ve been the most honest with because of that (and also because i just started telling her everything from the first session on already bc i’m tired of everyone always turning out to be nothing but a waste of time and money and effort), i generally lie to therapists esp my psychiatrist so i can get the meds i want (or else im 100% she’d just put me on some shit like antipsychotics, which ive been on in the past and i’d honestly rather kill myself than take them again, idk if you’ve tried them before but i basically felt r*tarded [idk how some ppl are sensitive of slur use like i personally dont care but i dont want your blog banned or smth] and tired all the time and it “”””helped”””” in the way that it made me too slow to be able to think about my problems. thanks psychiatry. not a traumatizing experience at all). i mentioned that i suspect i could have a personality disorder to her once or twice and she seemed to agree that it could be a possibility, but obviously no one can diagnose that fast. but i guess i’ll see. i really just want to know whats wrong with me, why do i think the way i do, why i can’t just be more fucking normal no matter how hard i try. but getting an actual diagnosis of a PD esp if it turned out to be this one would just mean i’d get treated even worse by every single doctor, not even necessarily a mental health one, bc physical doctors see all your records as well,, i’ve already been told my legitimate physical issues are just bc im depressed, or even if they dont straight up tell me they definitely treat me less seriously and i just know its bc i have mental illnesses diagnoses & im female.
i just … ugh. i feel so sick of it all and misunderstood. i know i can get genuinely abusive in arguments when someone upsets me but i really dont know how to stop or control myself. i hate that people act as if it’s all my fault. like everything i’ve gone through doesn’t even matter and i’m just an inherently evil person. like i didn’t have some kind of a terribly traumatic childhood, but i’ve always been either bullied or excluded by almost everyone i’ve ever met and all the social isolation honestly really fucked me up. i think that’s why i developed such a strong individuality complex as i’ve never been able to think all of it must be simply because i’m worthless. like fuck no, 99% of the people are dumb and shallow and ignorant towards reality of the world and i’m supposed to feel like i’m somehow worse than them? at least i have self awareness and my own thoughts. i mean i do think we’re all worthless because nothing in life has any value, so why should humanity be the exception? that still doesn’t stop me from hating everyone though. i may be a hypocrite but so is everyone else; and at least i don’t pretend to be a gOoD pErSoN. lacking empathy and not having morals doesn’t make me any less deserving of help even though i know how many people unironically believe people like me should just be shot. fucking brainless hypocrites, all of them.
but anyway yeah my point here is, fuck people who think anyone chooses to be this way. all of this has done nothing good for me other than made my life much harder. and not to mention unable to ever get genuinely close to anyone because what is the worth in a relationship if i can’t even bring myself to care about anyone? i don’t think “empaths” even realize how alienating it actually is. which is once again so ironic because THEY should be the ones to try to understand it, but no, they just generalize everyone and share the nonsense propaganda that we’re incapable of change.
so yeah, this turned into another vent but i really lack any people in my life who i could be honest with. i feel so lonely all the time. it’s not even really missing a friend group or romance or physical touch, it’s more of this feeling of feeling completely alone and that no one (other than a few people whose writings and actions i admire but they’re all dead) would ever be able to truly understand me. so yeah as cheesy as it is, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded i’m not alone by someone other than a generic social media post made by someone who’d 100% hate me if i told them even half this shit. can i maybe dm you sometime btw? i felt like staying anon while writing this bc i tend to get anxious with ppl at first but idk, maybe, if youre comfortable with that ofc
btw if its alright to ask can i ask how did you get diagnosed? what was the process like and how long did it take? did they suspect anything else at first? do you feel treated by ppl any differently now tjat you have a diagnosis of such a stigmatized disorder? (^ i mean these previous questions if youre diagnosed by a psych, if not its perfectly valid as well ofc) whats personally helping u to cope?
Good luck! I’m glad I could offer some help/reassurance. Maybe instead of a physical journal you could use a private blog or even just a notes app on your phone/computer if that sounds safer?
I do hope things improve with your new therapist and that things work out, it’s good that she at least agrees you might have a PD. Normally I’d recommend a therapist who specializes in PDs, maybe even especially NPD, but idk if that’s accessible for you and/or if you’ve already tried it and had no luck.
But again, I want to reiterate that you’re not alone, and what you’re going through and what you feel is 100% relatable to other pwNPD. I truly wish that more people understood us and the irony isn’t lost on me that it’s always “empaths” who are the ones who have the LEAST empathy for us. And I feel like the societal lack of understanding contributes to the more “ugly” or “stigmatized” traits of our disorder even more, tbh. Anyway, my point is that I definitely don’t mind at all if you vent, so please do feel free to DM me if you want to or feel more comfortable that way!
As for my diagnosis, it’s a bit messy — for context im a recent graduate from college and the bulk of my therapy came from campus services, where it was acknowledged I very likely had a PD especially within cluster B but I never got an official diagnosis while I was seeing the school-based therapist, and at the moment I’m trying to find a new therapist who can help me. At first we thought I just had a really intense form of rejection sensitivity dysphoria due to ADHD, then realized it was likely something else. So I’m a weird mix of “self diagnosed, but likely wouldn’t have admitted it to myself or realized it if a professional hadn’t pointed me in that direction.” Until I can find a professional im honestly just doing the best I can to help myself. Sometimes I get tempted to turn to substances to cope bc they make me softer and more open, and if you feel the same way I highly recommend avoiding this, ofc. I mostly use relatable music (lmk if you want my NPD playlist!) and DBT workbooks as a way to help myself, and I also just try my hardest to avoid or remove myself from situations where I might lose my cool and become toxic. Obviously this is easier said than done, but there are ways to do it. For instance, if I’m in a group chat where I feel like people are getting more attention than me, I’ll mute the group chat and maybe text someone from a different group one-on-one (not necessarily about my issues, just in general).I know that answer is pretty mild and entirely social media based lol, but it’s the best example I can provide.
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jxngh · 3 years
Hey! It's me again with another request. 😅
What about a Hoseok that everyone underestimate and think that just because he's so adorable, a true gentleman and even cheesy that they don't think he can be good at bed.
So, some girls make a bet (idk let's pretend their work colleagues or they're in college, what suits you better) what they don't know is, that Hoseok somehow, actually finds out about this bet, but he's not bother at all, on the contrary, he's beyond thrilled since he's been wanted to fuck hard OC, so this is his chance to prove her how wrong she actually is.
The player will be end up being played.
A good boy with a little a very dirty secret behind doors. What do you think? 👀
hii!! this has been on my drafts for weeks and just finished it! hope you'll enjoy ✨ thank you so much for 600+ followers btw 🥺
if you enjoy my content please consider buying me a coffee 🥺🤍
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your sweet boss is made a party for the ones who freshly started work with you. you didn't expect anything less from a gentleman as him. he was always disciplined but never not supportive and adorable. sometimes even cheesy.
you and your work colleagues were in the party. and after some food and drinks - and not seeing him around - they basically started gossipping. you were trying to be friends with the new colleagues but you all were in the same conversation so you kinda had to be in it.
"soo... what do you guys think about your new boss?" asked one of your close colleagues. she loved gossipping and stuff like that, was so fun all the time.
"he's super sweet...i don't know if it's because we're new to be honest." said the new girl. and the new boy added "i feel like he's a gentleman but...we don't know how is he in bed right?" he made a funny voice. you all laughed.
"bet he's not good at bed, seems too soft." your fun friend said while she's taking another bite from the food. and she turned to you before asking. "what do you think, __?"
"i don't know..." you looked at her, then the others. "he seems vanilla but i can't really say if he's bad."
they talked about it a little then the conversation changed.
you were still thinking about it tho. the thing you didn't know was that he heard your talk while he's getting another drink from a table closer to you guys.
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after a week from the party, to check your work, he came to your room. at least that was what you thought. you thought that you did something wrong and he was here to show you how to fix it. as he did multiple times before.
but no, here he was showing you the plans of the new design of the office from the computer, too close to your face while he's behind the chair you're sitting at. you couldn't focus on the screen because of him.
and you couldn't decide if it's smell that is making your mind dizzy or the tone of his voice. there was definitely something different today.
"are you even listening __?" he asked and that was when you really started listening. your attention was on his side profile which is looking like he's a painting.
"oh uhm yes. sorry, i got distracted." you confessed.
that put a grin to his face. he came closer to you, leaving a deep breath. you felt small tingles on your neck.
"you're one of my best workers and you always listen carefully what i say, __. is something wrong?" he asked you, eyes traveling to your lips for a millisecond. the gap between you two was so small, you could feel his capturing smell making your mind dumb.
"n-nothing." you stuttered, trying too hard to look at him in the eyes. your mind was screaming at you that you should get back but you just stayed still.
he took a deep breath and tilted his head.
"is this vanilla?"
wha- what was he talking about? why did he just highlight the word? did he hear you talking? shit. you were going to be fired if he did. plus you didn't want him to hear those words, you just said it. ugh.
your eyes widened but you tried to act like he's talking about something else.
"what is?" you looked up at him, his breathtaking features. the grey suit was covering his body so well. damn, you thought.
he looked at you and talked before slightly smirking.
"the colour, __. what else could it be?"
you looked down and gulped before looking at him again.
"i d-don't know sir." you felt your cheeks getting hotter, shit. what was happening to you? you weren't exactly a shy type of woman but the sudden hint made you flustered.
he held the armrests of your chair and turned you to face him, then he gently nipped your chin and made you look up.
"why are you getting red? tell me what's on your mind, baby." he said staying still and leaving only few centimeters between your faces.
him calling you that sent a flutter to your heart. what happened to the sweetest boss you had? and more importantly, why did you want him so bad with just a word?
"thought you were thinking that i'm vanilla, but here you are getting even more red with a 'baby'..."
fuck. he knew. he knew what you've said. you wanted to speak and tell him that he misunderstood or something, at least try to fix this someway. but you couldn't, not when you were that close. you opened your mouth but no words came out. and your brain focused on his breath brushing your lips, he was looking amazing.
"i can prove you wrong baby. bet you'll only think and talk about me." he said before brushing his lips to yours for a second. you closed your eyes. then he watched your face with lust filled gaze of his.
your hand found his neck and pulled him close to a kiss. it was intense, wasn't so slow but not fast either. you felt his hands coming down and holding your waist, then down and grabbing your ass while he sucked your bottom lip. after that he lifted you and made you sat on your table.
he started to give your ass hard squeezes while groaning into your mouth.
"mmmh " he said before spreading your legs and rolling his hips against yours.
he was so hard and you were sure your panties were wet after that kiss. and now he was sucking marks to your neck to collarbone. you loved the feeling of getting marked by him. the way he touched you were mind-numbing.
"mmph, please." you moaned, not able to opening your eyes from the feeling.
he smirked and held your waist tightly. then rolled his hips to yours, it was harder this time.
"name it baby. please what?" he asked leaving a peck to the sweet spot under your ear. it sent tingles to your body, you held his head and pulled him closer. now you were face to face, his eyes were half lidded and full with lust, looking deeply into your ones.
"please sir, prove me wrong." you said breathily.
he smiled for a second, then kissed your lips hungrily. then with a low moan he sent his tongue to meet yours. and yeah,he was so good at it. it was like his tongue is dancing on yours. you couldn't help but whimper.
you felt his hands getting under your dress, playing with the thin waistband while he leaves low grunts to your mouth. the vibration was making you feel some type of way. your whimpers were telling the same thing.
your hands found his belt and unbuckled it without breaking the intense kiss you've having with him. he slid your panties aside and started to rub his hand to your wetness.
"fuck." he breathed havily. "all of this is for me? fuck baby, you make me wanna ruin you."
you smiled and palmed his erection, getting low curses from him. you could feel him twitching.
"i'm ready sir." you said, looking at his hungry expression. your hands were resting on the waistband of his underwear. you slowly pulled it down.
he was long and pretty. and definitely ready to fuck. the gray suit he wore was looking so rich, and the fact that he still had it on was a turn on to you.
he didn't waste anymore time and pushed himself to you in one thrust. your moans and his grunts mixed. he was holding your waist and sucking your neck.
"ah sir, move. please."after checking your face he continued his movement slowly. you could feel every inch of him, he was so deep and filling you so well.
he started to move faster, making you jolt with every push of his hips. you needed to get support from your hands, holding the table tightly.
"such a pretty baby, spreading herself for me on her table, crying under me." he said pulling himself back almost fully. "still thinking i'm vanilla?" he said and pushed himself harder, finding the spot easily. and now he was fucking you rough.
"n-no sir, ohh yes." you replied and felt your high coming, by the way his dick twitches inside of you after every moan of yours you could tell he's close too.
he kept his pace, made you lose control of your moans while he leaves low grunts to your neck, whispers dirty stuff to your ear.
"come as i say pretty." he said and gave deep thrusts, getting faster and going slower and deeper again. your pussy started to clench like crazy. if you weren't being held by him you'd probably fall because how hard he fucks.
"come." he said and you both came, you were a moaning mess.
he pulled himself out and fixed your dress after fixing his suit, getting ready to leave.
"guess i proved it all wrong, huh?" he said, watching your not so out of bliss face. it was a strong high.
"i can't believe i thought that sir." you said looking at his lips involuntarily. you were still between your desk and him. he moved closer and kissed you slowly. then his hands found the marks he left on your skin.
"everybody will know who left these marks on you baby. you can cover it up... or you can keep it and i can take you a proper date tonight. cause this wasn't just sex for me. what'd you say?"
his words made your heart flutter. you couldn't help but smile.
"of course."
taglist : @nglmrk - @allora1233 - @sizzlebangtan4 - @youmyjhope - @raiiisstuff - @alexmin606 - @bookfrog242
.·´ tell me your thoughts about it in here please / can be general talk too i missed y'all 🥺 + ask to be in my taglist!
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fruggo · 3 years
Hi hi can I req Danny, Leon and Steve with a male s/o who's a real goofy guy? Cracks jokes during chases, just can't take things too seriously, laid back and chill guy who prioritizes having fun
absolutely, thanks for requesting!! :D this is cute haha. i hope you like it!
danny, leon, and steve with goofy m!s/o
danny would consider himself a pretty fun guy, though perhaps his idea of fun would not be the same as a normal person's. so i wouldn't take his word for it if i were you.
honestly? he thinks you're the shit. he genuinely likes your bad dad jokes great puns, will banter back and forth with you, and he might even give you the hatch instead of a mori. although he would love to have your picture, it can wait until the next trial. or the next if he still doesn't feel like it. who knows?
he likes that you're not too serious about everything. since danny is the entity's golden boy, he never has to worry about anything! he likes it here! and it's cool that someone else has a similar mindset about things. although he might have misunderstood "making the best of the situation and just being a goofy person" for "liking it here". you never really clarified which one it was, and why should he ask?
when danny finds out that you act basically the same way with all the killers, cracking jokes and laughing things off in chases, he gets all pouty. he thought he was special. well, looks like you're getting that mori now.
he still likes you though, and he gives you even more special attention now in the form of tunneling and camping! he means well <3 (no he doesn't he is a little bitch and a loser)
but then he hears stories from the other killers about you, and is pleased to find that you are significantly more fun with him, and, dare i say, flirty!
but he still wants to tunnel and camp you.
when you realize what he's doing, you don't get mad about it. what's the point? in fact you think it's really funny.
the first time danny proximity-camped you, you found it rewarding to just talk and talk and talk until he finally talked back. it took a while, but he did finally respond.
you would just say dumb shit, and then you would say more dumb shit, and then it got annoying and danny had to tell you to shut up. and then you would just dramatically whisper something like "okay, pissbaby."
and danny thought maybe he should be angry with you, but he just wasn't. he couldn't be mad at you, because even if he was, you wouldn't care. you weren't scared of him.
so when he finally left and you got unhooked, he tunneled you obviously. it makes sense, okay?
"wow, am i that handsome and gorgeous and attractive?" you monologued while smashing a pallet onto danny's head. "i'm really just so irresistible that you want to tunnel me? honestly, danny, i'm flattered. i'm touched."
danny couldn't remember since when you were on a first name basis, but he let it slide. just because maybe he thinks you are that handsome and gorgeous and attractive.
dude danny is kinda fucked up but like. he's funny. and charming. and he also let you take off his mask once, and so now you know he's also hot. he has a few things going for him as long as you ignore the part where he chases you with a knife.
leon, our favorite rookie :D he's so cute!!! sorry im gushing i just cant resist i love him !!
and you love him too, so much. that's why you accidentally distract him during trials by goofing off and almost getting him killed
it's out of love. leon knows that. you don't really mean to.
while leon's doing a generator, you are probably somewhere nearby trying to find something even remotely interesting to do. and that might involve climbing a tree, then falling out of the tree. but it wasnt your fault! you swore the crows were attacking you, they didn't want you up in that tree because they knew you were just so cool up there and the Entity couldn't have somebody being better and hotter and funnier than itself so high in the sky.
leon could only smile and shake his head, inspecting you for the wounds you inevitably had. when you said you were fine, he was very skeptical, because your version of fine was never the same as his.
the killer knew where you were now because of your very loud "FUCK!" as the crows supposedly attacked you and forced you out of the tree, so you immediately put on your game face and got ready to command some attention.
leon said no, you were not in the right headspace to get chased. you only shrugged at him, slapped his ass, and ran towards the killer yelling, "HEY YOU WANNA HEAR AN AGGIE JOKE?"
leon was used to this by now, and he found it rather endearing. you were an enigma to him, really. how you could be so laid back about this whole murder-die-sacrifice thing was beyond him, but it was refreshing. he liked your enthusiasm.
since he had just come from raccoon city, he was still in his "i have to do the right thing and save everybody because it's my duty" kind of mood. you made sure to lighten up that burden and remind him that it's okay to chill sometimes, and he can't save everybody, especially not here. if you were in a particularly bad trial, you always made sure to get him to crack a smile.
likewise, leon wasn't always too jazzed about your "funny guy gets killed so the team can live" complex. he knew you didn't care, or at least you said you didn't, but he still hated that you constantly sacrificed yourself and acted like it was no big deal. to him, it was. he hated going back to the campfire alone and waiting forever for you to show up again; he cared about you and it hurt to see you sacrifice yourself so much even if he knew you would return.
leon didn't have a stick up his ass or anything--he had his fair share of humorous moments (i mean have you seen infinite darkness ashdjshdf that man just wants love and food). he just wants to save everybody, you included. it's frustrating to come to terms with the fact that he can't.
he loves it when he can hear you yelling at the killer mid-chase from afar, be it a pun or a swear or both. you've even influenced him to crack his own jokes while being chased sometimes--it comes out more often if he's being tunneled. if you ever happened to see him do it, you would wipe a fake tear from your face and start clapping. you were very proud of your rookie.
the killers hated you and steve, and i mean like despised you
you were so chill. and for what???? why do you have chill???? nobody else has chill, what makes you think you deserve to have chill????
they could never make you angry and that made them super angry
you and steve would quip back and forth between chases, sometimes going so far as to pretend the killer is not there and talk about something like what kind of cheese you missed eating the most. let me tell you, that did not make the trickster happy.
he was a star!! a star, and here you two little shits were, ignoring him to talk about cheese. honestly, the audacity.
you and steve ran to the killer shack with the trickster on your heels, still talking about cheese. how the conversation had gone on this long was a mystery, and it continued to be a mystery while the two of you shared a chase in the shack.
steve was very happy to have found someone to share his sentiments with. everybody was so serious all the time, and while he was similar to leon with his altruistic streaks, he was slightly less responsible and occasionally enjoyed doing dumb stunts just for shits and giggles.
you can bet that whenever you are in a trial together, it's a competition to see who can hold the killer's attention longer. your teammates don't mind--all they have to do is complete gens, so their job is fairly easy. and it's always entertaining to catch sight of one of you sprinting with a new flashlight in your hand to go annoy the crap out of the killer.
there's no question that steve would die for you a hundred times over, and you would do the same for him. you didn't see it as a very big deal--you didn't see anything here as a very big deal. steve was the only important thing you had, really, and you cared for him a lot. saving him? kapeesh. no sweat.
scenario: steve is being chased, you throw yourself in front of him, the killer has noed, you are hooked, you give him a thumbs up as you die, he flips you off because why the fuck would you die for him what is wrong with you he's supposed to die for you and you know that?? why would you do that???? great, now steve gets to escape and it's all your fault.
you would simply smile. he was so cute sometimes.
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tssidesfics · 3 years
TSSides Anti-Fairytale AU
I’m not coming for fairytales. They have their place, but as an aromantic person...I do not feel seen. And then I decided to re-watch Enchanted (pirated, of course, because fuck Disney). And then this idea happened. 
Patton was a child-king who married his best friend when forced to, and then she died in childbirth. He’s given Roman everything he could, but he’s lived his life dictated by the advisors who’ve used him as a puppet king his whole rule. He’s miserable because he doesn’t like how the system functions but he thinks he’s chained to tradition.
Roman copes with his complicated relationship with his father by questing and almost dying, like, every other week. Anxious attachment for days. Boy keeps trying very hard to find a princess and can’t seem to figure out why nothing will stick. To which Patton goes “oh. He got it from me. Oops.”
All I know is Remus is aromantic and aplatonic and exactly as chaotic as he should be.
Roman’s birthday. Ball. The classic. He greets all the noble families and he’s seen those losers a bunch before, but this time, he meets a new “girl” with a family he usually hates who intrigues him. He is not a girl and I will not be misgendering him because ew, but, gist: Virgil, transphobic rich parents forcing him to conform to gender roles, absolutely miserable, in Peak Bitch (gender-neutral) form. Roman mistakenly believes he’s cured and talks Virgil up a lot. Convinces himself he’s fallen madly in love.
Problem is, he tells Patton, who’s shocked he found a “girl” but absolutely is on-board, and then goes to the family to ask for Virgil’s hand and there’s no Virgil.
Thus begins the Mulan ripoff but openly trans where Virgil poses as a boy servant at the castle because his parents can’t get into the castle willy-nilly and it’s the safest place to be. Absolutely loathes Roman’s very existence because that dumb bitch flirted with him while he was a girl and therefore VIrgil thinks he is The WorstTM. Then Roman catches him grouching about and decides to solve this by teaching him sword-play, mostly to give him the excuse to beat on a dummy with a sword-shaped stick. 
Meanwhile Roman is just le sigh I did it again. I connected more with a boy than a girl. Why did she have to run away? Now I’m doomed to be weird.
Well then assassins break into the castle and Ever-Paranoid Virgil immediately susses them out as bad news and uses the remnants of the ball to absolutely wreck them when they try to kill Roman and his father while they’re taking a rare opportunity to chat and bond. Patton decides he is Adopting This Child, fuck you, advisors, he’s as thin as a stick, and Virgil now gets to eat with the royal family. 
It’s the first time Patton has ever actually told his advisors to go fuck themselves. It’s the first step toward a positive turnaround and it happened because Patton’s dad instincts took over and nothing in the world is more valid than that, fight me.
Enter genderqueer icon morally neutral witch, Janus, all pronouns, who’s trying to topple the monarchy to enact lasting change and didn’t want to dirty her hands right away, but honestly people are so unreliable. So he gets onto Patton’s crew as a handmaiden and excuse you who gave the king permission to be actually endearing?
Roman feels slightly weird because Patton’s calling Virgil “kiddo” and he’s not calling him his son but he also treats him very similarly as he does to Roman and Remus, which isn’t great but is significantly better than it could be, but Roman’s got a crush. 
Then Janus finds out Virgil’s trans and reveals this. Virgil thinks he’s about to get blackmailed into murdering the only people who have ever cared about him and then Janus just rolls their eyes like “excuse you I’m evil not psychopathic. I can give you a potion to make your body reflect your mind. You in?”
“Great, so my only cure to stop feeling like frozen trash reheated in a forest fire is to accept the highly dangerous bribe of a definitely evil witch! Thanks! I hate it!”
Yes Virgil memes even in a fantasy world where Tumblr doesn’t exist.
Also Virgil and Roman are bonding. A lot. They’re getting very close and Virgil even lets slip that he loves Roman and then tries to fling himself out a window. Roman gets touched, stops him, and tries to kiss him, but Virgil leans away. Roman expresses confusion.
“I...I love you, but I don’t want to kiss you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I don’t either. But I’ve...never wanted to kiss anyone. For any reason.”
“But...you still love me?”
“I do. I’m sorry.”
Roman...doesn’t feel as rejected as he thinks he maybe should? Honestly, it’s not totally a relief, but it’s just kinda...neutral. It’s not even a disappointment. 
Well, Janus is not evil and actually wants to run a kingdom (instating a committee mixed of educated rich fucks and working class receiving education) a whole lot more than Patton, who thinks she’s just...kinda awesome and very misunderstood. There’s a lot of hissing and grumbling that they’re not misunderstood, they’re evil, they don’t even have a tragic backstory, they just kill people to enact the change they want to see, just because they got ditched in a forest as a baby and was raised by a magic snake means nothing. The snake was a very loving and supportive parent.
Roman talks to Patton and Patton is like “fuck marriage rules. Fuck heteronormativity. Fuck my advisors. My kingdom is a haven for the gays. All the gays. Of every color. Come here and be merry and queer.”
Virgil’s just like “yo no reason but in this new world where it’s okay to love whatever gender is it maybe cool to be a boy when the world says you’re a girl?”
Janus draws a knife and glares at Patton and Patton’s just like “even if my partner wasn’t threatening to kill me I’d say it was fine why?”
“No reason.”
“Is there something you want to share?”
“Is there something you need to share?”
“Fuck you.”
“You’re being defensive again, Storm Grouch.”
Virgil sticks his tongue out. “Fine. People used to think I was a girl and I have a stupid body. Happy?”
And Patton learns from Janus the fine art of Validating The Fuck Out Of Gender.
The advisors stage a coop and lock Janus in an anti-magic cage, and then at the same time Virgil’s biological nightmares track him down and steal a spelled green apple from Janus’ shop they give Virgil. You know the drill. Deep sleep like death, yadda yadda.
Well, they immediately claim the body making a big dramatic deal about how they have to bury “her” and they’ll take “her” home to see her off and it’s so tragic, just as they were reunited, when the reality is they have the antidote back home, they’re just looking for control over his life again.
Except Roman goes off. “He is staying here where he--where he will be buried under the name Virgil dressed properly and if you came anywhere near his body I’ll kill you myself.”
Guess what constitutes a totally platonic, non-kiss related act of queerplatonic true love, bitch? Fighting your transphobic partner’s parents over their dead body.
Kingdom’s retaken, sweeping reform while Patton retires to be a stay at home dad to fix his relationship with his kids. Virgil gets formerly adopted. The stepparent is actually a morally neutral genderqueer witch who runs the kingdom fairly and justly, the central love story is trans and aromantic, and my queer ass is something resembling happy.
Logan is probably one of the advisors and the only one with sense who probably starts knocking off his coworkers after the coop because they’re all deeply, deeply stupid. Remus probably spends half the story making friends with a troll he brings in to save the day in the third act.
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evelxtus · 3 years
I'm inlove with all your content! It's so cute and I cannot get enough. So I made an account to make a request!! What about a Vampire!Scaramouche x Fem!Reader smut? ;;; Only if you want to though! Now have a amazing day! >:D
Vampire!Scaramouche x Fem!Reader Smut.
Warnings: NSFW, Vulgar language, blood mention, fingering, vaginal penetration. Minors DNI.
Words: 1675.
Note: Thank you for your words. <3 I hope you like this as well, I'm not used to writing smut, but I tried my best. Thank you again for requesting. 😫💕
"Hello, is anyone home?" you asked lazily after knocking a few times on the wooden door. "Scaramouche... Tsk, what an idiot. Always believing himself to be the important one. He doesn't even open the door for me for being a simple huma-" You ranted about him as you turned on your heel, only to see the boy from whom you so kindly you spoke.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" even though this boy was more or less your height, a glance from him was enough to make your blood run cold. "Repeat it... I haven't heard you right." he insisted as he took a few threatening steps towards you.
The closer he got, the more you tried to get away. But you couldn't go very far: your back was already against the door.
"Apparently you are now dumb too. I asked you something, answer."
"I-I think you misunderstood. I wasn't talking about you." a nervous laugh left your lips, while your trembling hands felt the wood behind you. The boy laughed.
"As if there are many Scaramouches in the damn town. Are you an idiot? Or worse, do you think I'm an idiot?"
You shook your head quickly. You opened your mouth to apologize, but he stepped forward to speak again.
"Anyway, what are you doing here today? Well, it doesn't matter. Let me feed a little of you, okay?" the boy closed the distance that separated you quickly, with the aim of biting the skin of your neck as soon as possible, but your voice cut him off.
"No, wait!" The vampire rolled his eyes and moved a few inches apart to glance at you.
"Now what?"
"I came here... so you could turn me into a vampire..." the boy blinked several times, dumbfounded.
"WHAT" he spoke his words giving voice to his unpleasant surprise. "Na-ah. No. No way. My most reliable blood supply would be ruined if you convert."
You shrugged, to tell him that's the point.
"Let me taste you one more time, and I'll think about it. I'm particularly hungry and pissed off today." You didn't resist. Well, it would be the last time he would bite you, wouldn't it?
He pushed your hair back to reach your neck more easily, and you closed your eyes. You were already used to the pain from that boy's bites, which weren't very gentle. You felt how desperately he was sucking your blood, but something was wrong. This time he wouldn't stop, and his body was especially hot against yours despite always being ice cold.
You let out a tiny moan of pain as you tried to pull away.
"A-already... enough already." you complained. The boy finally stopped, not before running a finger over your wound.
He soaked his finger in your blood and showed it to you, without leaving your side. "Are you... are you going to deprive me of this... just because of a whim of yours?"
The words did not come out of your body. God, he was so close. Very, very close.
"Let me show you your taste. And reconsider your request." He licked his finger with your blood, even though it dripped down to the corner of his lips. With a brusque movement he put your lips together in an unexpected kiss.
He took his chance to introduce his tongue in your mouth, and thus feel yours. You felt the metallic taste of your own blood, just like the boy wanted.
He pulled away for a moment to breathe, and at the same time reached for his doorknob to open it. When he did it, you both fell on the floor inside the house causing a crash.
"Oww..." you put a hand on your head, a little dizzy. You came to yourself when you heard Scaramouche —who was in a pretty compromised position on you, he had his crotch on your thigh. And so you realized that he had an erection. "But what the hell are you doing?"
Your face was completely red, and Scaramouche was also quite flushed.
"I didn't think you were going to open the door!" you cleared up as you moved your leg up a bit, making it press against his cock over the fabric of his pants. A sigh left his lips, your eyes widened in surprise.
You moved your leg again.
"Fuck, stop it." the boy snorted, finally sitting up a bit to close the door. When he finished, he got on you again, this time you were the one who was at a disadvantage, because his knee was between your crotch.
Your heart raced even faster than before, knowing what might come next.
"Let's see who gets the last laugh, smartass." he put his knee right between your legs, lifting the pleats of your skirt.
This meant that the only thing separating your helpless throbbing entrance from him were your panties.
"You know what? Fuck it. I don't have the patience for this." After this hasty statement by the boy, you felt how the fabric of your panties was pulled aside, and the tips of the vampire's fingers began to touch your vaginal lips.
"A-ah... Scara-"
You were so embarrassed... Just with the kiss you had already gotten wet.
Well, imagine how he felt when he noticed how quickly you had caused his erection.
"Be quiet, little lamb..." he whispered. The boy bit his lower lip with a slight frown, tucking in two of his fingers suddenly. A gasping moan came from your throat.
"This is what happens when you try to laugh at me."
"Sorry, I-I won't do it anymore. Mmhh... ah... p-please..." your back arched at the constant movement of his fingers into the warmth of you.
"Please what? Are you begging me for more? You WILL have more."
His eyes looking down at you... made you have to look elsewhere. The boy really enjoyed seeing you embarrassed.
"No. Look at me. I'm the one who is giving you pleasure. What less than looking into my eyes while I do it."
His fingers would part when he reached deep inside you, like scissors. He pulled them out and showed you his fingers, which were joined by your fluids.
"Look at me." He ordered you. Without separating your eyes from his, he licked his fingers with your fluid.
"P-p-please..." you begged again, closing your eyes. Your breathing was so irregular... you couldn't even think clearly. Only the word "please" came out of your mouth continuously, afraid of asking for more, no matter how much you wanted it.
"Shhh..." the boy leaned on putting one of his hands on the side of your head, and with the other he lowered his pants and boxers, exposing his hard cock. "Your weakness... makes me so horny. You have no idea." his murmur made you open your eyes, knowing what would come next. "Are you ready? You better be." he warned you while he was taking his cock with one hand, which he started to move up and down a couple of times, that it was already lubricated with the precum that had already started to flow while he was masturbating.
You didn't say anything, you knew that your voice would come out shaky and it would only serve to make his expression and his words towards you become more mocking. You just spread your legs more for him.
"My little lamb giving herself all to me... I love it." He positioned the tip of his cock at your entrance and flexed his arm to reach your neck.
With his other hand he was holding your thigh, with enough force to leave small marks on your skin that disappeared within seconds.
Finally, with one swift movement, his full length had entered you. From a simple hip swing. His fingers made more pressure on his leg and a growl made you understand that he was feeling as much pleasure as you.
"Mhh... Oh fuck. I needed this..." he admitted. His slender fingers went up your thigh, lifting your skirt even more until it was over your abdomen, and thus having in plain sight how his cock entered your sex.
His movements were slow, but every time he entered you he did it with force, completely feeling your entire vaginal wall against his cock, enjoying each thrust as he had never done.
Gasps and sighs came from him, and his warm breath hit the skin of your collarbone and shoulder. You were trying hard not to be too loud, digging your nails into the boy's arm, but he didn't seem to complain.
You were both blinded by pleasure and the simple fact of feeling so close.
The boy stopped holding your leg to run his hand over your breasts, over your shirt, rubbing them and passing his fingers over them, he just wanted to stimulate you more anyway.
His hips movements became faster as he began to feel that he would reach the climax soon.
"S-shit, I'm going to come now." He said against your shoulder.
"M-me too... Ahhh... do it ..." you whimpered. You felt your legs trembling, announcing that you would soon reach orgasm.
The boy couldn't take it anymore. He bit your shoulder, without sinking his fangs and let out a celestial moan, while in one last thrust the warm fluid from him came out of his cock, filling you whole inside.
At the same time, the greatest pleasure also came to you, an explosion of emotions held for so long finally came out.
"Oh my god... oh my..." your chest rose and fell with difficulty, as did the boy's.
Managing to calm his breathing a bit, the boy brought his mouth close to your ear, with a sly smile.
"Now turn around."
Yeah... he wasn't done with his cute little lamb yet.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I love your characters analyses and I agree a lot with them!My favorite is Kalim and while he's an angel, the way most people go "Dumb innocent baby who is naive to the way of the the world uwu" kinda irks me haha. Yes, he's an airhead most of the time but he's much more perceptive than he looks (he knew about Jamil nature all along) and can use his head and put in hard work when he thinks it matters, aka helping and making other people happy (his dorm uniform and scary outfit story) (part 1)
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PREACH ANON, PREACH!!! The truth has been spoken 👏👏👏 That was amazing and you almost said anything that I meant to say! Characters and even real people who have the same personality as Kalim are often mischaracterized/misunderstood, mostly because people don't know that kindness isn't equal to stupidity. Almost anything that was needed to be said is already here so I'd just go through some of the details to complete it:
(1) Kindness ≠ Stupidity
Honestly...this isn't just about twst, it's about real life. These days many who are just sweet, generous and caring toward others even as they know that they're being abused because of their kindness, are called naïve and stupid. Look, many times they do realize that not everyone around them are worthy of their kindness, but they'd continue to treat them nicely, because it's in they're nature to be kind nonetheless, and this purity and genuine kindness is the worthiest thing one can ever ask for.
After chapter 4, Kalim did understand that Jamil had never been the person he was thought he was, he didn't even consider Kalim his friend. Jamil is still rejecting him but Kalim doesn't care, he even thanked Jamil after the fairy gala event for dancing with him, because it reminded him of the times when they played as children. Someone like Kalim would never forget anyone's kindness towards him, no matter what happens or how things change through the time. If you think about it, we all need someone like Kalim in our life.
Accept it, no matter who we are or how different our taste in people might be, we'd still appreciate an ally like Kalim. Someone who'd care for you and your problems no matter what it is, even as he can't help he'd try his best to at least make you feel better. He accepts criticism and won't fight you even if you call him useless and dumb (Just like when Jamil blamed him in the end of chapter 4), yet he'd still try to befriend you and do his best to support you through obstacles. This will to help people whom he cares for regardless of what they think of him or how much it may trouble him is an absolute treasure, just how many people can be like Kalim?
(2) Kalim shouldn't be compared to Jamil all the time!
A really common way of mischaracterizing Kalim is by comparing him to Jamil all the time: "Jamil is quiet, Kalim is talkative" "Jamil is cold, Kalim is warm and friendly" "Jamil is talented, Kalim is not" "Jamil is thoughtful and wise, Kalim is careless and stupid"...
I agree that Kalim and Jamil are different in some ways, but it isn't okay if we're going to compare him to Kalim whenever we're talking about him! Do we mention Jade or Floyd whenever we're talking about Azul? Do we compare Vil to Rook everytime we're talking about him? See, Kalim and Jamil are two separate characters. No matter how different or close they are, it isn't okay to consider them as nothing more than opposites! Both Kalim and Jamil have independent personalities amd we we don't have to mention Jamil whenever we want to talk about Kalim! His existence isn't bound to Jamil's and he's got a lot we can talk about other than his relationship/differences with Jamil.
(3) His generosity tells us a lot
You may wonder, why is he so generous anyway? Giving up on golden peacocks and diamond stones for friends and even strangers without caring about the financial loss isn't such an easy thing to do. Well let's imagine being on Kalim's shoes for a second:
You come from an unbelievably rich family, and ever since you can remember everyone around you has been treating you like a prince because of your father's status and money. Everyone around you is supposed to respect and treat you like a royaland you can buy anything you can ever wish for, you've got no financial boundaries. But on the other hand, you know that almost everything you've got around you is because of money: fame, wealth and many of your friends.
And if you one day lose all the money you'd once got, what is going to happen to you? What should you rely on? Who will ever even care if you're alive or not if the money that held all of your power and clout is gone? Also, even as he's rich, there are still things that he couldn't ever buy with money. He did say that sometimes he just feels so alone several times, then quickly changed the topic into something interesting and bright. Maybe he does want people to know that he as well sometimes goes through the pain and loneliness, but doesn't want it to seem to dramatic therefore he'd just quickly mention it to let it off his chest, then starts to talk about something else.
That's much and less of the reason behind Kalim's personality, he wants to use his money and attitude to gain what he can't buy with money: Friends. That's right, many of his friends might already be around him just for money, right? But it doesn't matter, he's got enough of money to keep them all satisfied. And if satisfying them is all it takes to keep his friends around him, he's all fine with it. He doesn't mind hoe expensive it might be, as long as he'll get to have nice friends he cares for around him he's alright.
THis generosity with money has found his way to his personality and attitude as well. His nature gravitates him into trying his best to help people out with all he's got. Kalim on his own is one that can get to have hid problems solved easily, there's always someone there to do it for him so he never needs to worry about anything. Perhaps he wants others around him to feel the same? If he had someone to take care of him whenever he needed to, then everyone else as well deserve to be helped out through difficulties just like Kalim was.
(4) We should all try and see through him!
Lets take a look at Kalim's background: Growing up with legit LOTS of siblings, he surely didn't get the attention and family love he deserved to have. Have you ever considered why Jamil was always so important to him while he could've been this close to any of his brothers? Well, that might be because none of his family members wasn't ever even close to being that close to him. Jamil isn't his brother, but Kalim does consider him his brother and best friend, which is somehow showing that even his own family haven't done as much as Jamil has done for him. He could've been poisoned or assassinated at any second, how does it feel growing up in an environment where you know many people already want you dead? Also, have you considered just how insecure and skeptical he coul've became because of having such a fearful past? At this point, someone wit his background might not even dare talk to any of other students let alone making friends with them! Almost any of us could've had trust issues if we'd grown up in the same environment as him!
Come to think of it, you'll see that Kalim is also pretty similar to the well-known hero Naruto! Naruto used to be looked down on because of his lack of ability yet he never gave up, he had a stunning will to turn his enemies into friends, he was considering and never gave up on Sasuke no matter how many times he hurt and turned his back on Naruto, and he never gave up on his goal no matter how many times he lost.
Kalim as well still has a lot to learn to improve and become a stronger magician, and he has strated to work his best and try to improve! It might not happen as fast as we may expect, but someday, maybe he as well would be strong enough for Jamil to be considered his rival and friend.
Another interesting fact to point out is their sense of humor, both Narto and Kalim can be careless at the time and sometimes mess up, and they also have a thing for sometimes laughing at their friends' mistakes (Not in an offensive way) all though they're the one to mess up most of the time. Like the times Kalim laughed at how bad Ace and Deuce's performance was, then decided to teach them how to dance with the help of Jamil.
Just would've been improved much faster if his goal was to be a great magician, but the main difference between Kalim and Naruto are thirs goals. Becoming a great ninja was Naruto's biggest goal, while Kalim's greatest goal is to be a good and supportive friend for everyone around him. Keep something in mind about Scarabia: It's true that Jamil, the vice dorm leader is in charge of most of the tasks and managements; but Kalim's presence is just as necessary for the students! Students need someone understand them, listen to their messenge and care to solve their problems like a friend! With Kalim's sympathy and Jamil's management, Scarabia students would have the chance to improve their best for the sake of their dorm and their very own future. (Though there needs to be some changes, Kalim should be a little more serious in general and Jamil needs to be more considering, but if Kalim and Jamil learn to work as a team Scarabia would stand higher than many of other dorms!)
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For real, this is a school of villains and Kalim is much of a great exception to be in this school. He's legit the nicest character in the game and even MC had plenty of great memories with him back in the Chapter 4. This precious boy doesn't deserve to be called stupid or naïve while all he's been doing so far was to bring everyone including us the players a wonderful time and sweet memories...we need to understand him much better💔
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Your first date with a few some of the first year boys[Bakugo Katuski, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto].
WARNINGS: kissing, pretty pg, wholesome, perhaps slightly ooc oops, bad writing, just a tad of spice
A/N: someone send tik tok related requests they make me laugh
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when he asks you out on a date for the first time hes not actually asking
comes up to you and tells you, “get dressed im taking you out.”
you are just there talking to mina and kirishima in your pjs like ???
“with your quirk?” like you dead thought he was telling you he intended to kill you 
“no idiot...” now he’s embarrassed oh no
mina and kirishima are like 👀👀
“on a date?” they’re really trying to help him get his point across bc playing matchmaker is fun
probably takes you to like some sort of outdoor thing on the first date
has to to involve movement
stroll through the park, or through like a mall if you don’t like more athletic experiences 
take him on a date to a trampoline park. do it. 
is quieter during a date rather than his normal explosive self, he wants to listen to you, get to know you better
won’t kiss on the first date unless there’s a pre established friendship
your next date happens the same way, just tells you that you guys are going out, but you get it this time
lets you choose where you guys go that time
wants equal contribution to dates 
katsuki in street clothes is just beautiful, just ART, a masterpiece, he looks like a grumpy piece of ART
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Katuski had just asked Y/N on a date, completely out of nowhere. Katsuki had asked Y/N on a date. It was difficult to believe, and considering his loud tone, the rest of Class 1-A also found it shocking, the student who claimed to have all his focus on becoming the number one pro-hero was now seeking a relationship. Ironic.
Though Y/N herself initially didn’t understand what he had been trying to say, she quickly got the message, and off they went. She was necessarily shocked by his feelings for her, they had discussed it in the dead of night, when she couldn’t sleep so he decided to forgo his normal grandpa sleep schedule. He fell asleep shortly after that conversation though, in her arms, he’d likely deny it if she ever mentioned it though.
Now, she sat on the counter in his parent’s kitchen, though neither of them were home, and the kitchen looked mostly unused. Y/N had tried to assist him but he’d brushed her off, “I asked you out. And you’re a horrible cook.” 
Y/N hopped off the counter and came up behind him, “whatever.” She mumbled, half expecting Katsuki to shove her away as she wrapped her arms around his torso as he sliced vegetables. He didn’t, though he did freeze momentarily before grumbling something about how dumb she was, Y/N knew he didn’t mean it based off the blush on his cheeks. 
Katsuki placed the vegetables into a pot of boiling water, covering it with a lid before tapping Y/N’s hand, signaling for her to let go. When she did, he turned around, and Y/N’s brow was raised. “C’mere.” He pulled her closer with one hand, and placed another on the back of her necks, bringing their lips together. 
She hummed in response, hand tangling into his hair, this wasn’t the first time they’d kissed. But it was the first time they’d gone on a date, he’d been sure to hide the dining room from her on the way inside, and she couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled up inside her. 
Y/N’s free hand found it’s way to his bicep, nails digging into his soft skin, courtesy of his quirk. Meanwhile, Katsuki’s hand found its way to the curve of her back, pushing her body closer to his only for Y/N to pull away, “pay attention while you are cooking.”
Turning to look at the pot, he’d realized that it was boiling far too much for comfort and cursed, releasing Y/N to salvage his food, she began to laugh. Katuski glared at her as he turned off the stove and put the put the vegetables into a nearby plate. 
With a smile on her face, she pressed a kiss onto his cheek, only for him to roll his eyes as he picked up the plate and moved out of the kitchen, Y/N trailing close behind as he headed to the dining room. “Can I see now?” She asked.
After a moment of contemplation, he nodded, and together they entered the dining room. It was a basic set up for a date, but it certainly set an intimate atmosphere that was rare when you lived in a dorm with several other students, and Mineta. There were candles lighting the room, and a rose in the center of the table, along with more food that he had already placed on the table. 
Grinning at him, Y/N spoke, “god you are such a sap.”
His cheeks flushed as he responded, “shut up.” 
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lol cutie, he asks you out on a date, you two are probably close friends and he just really likes your personality and attitude and stuff
“you don’t have to- well you know that but-”
“no, i’ll go out with you.”
“it’s fine i understand- wait what?”
did not think he’d get this far so he had no plans, he was expecting to plan a funeral for your friendship
ends up being the basic movie and food date
he picks a horror movie because he wants to protect you!!!
it makes him feel useful and bb needs validation
hold his hand during the movie
give him AFFECTION
you guys end up skipping dinner because you filled up on popcorn and other snacks during the movie so y’all just walk around
gives you his j a c k e t if its cold
he’s classy like that
unlike other people, he would kiss you on the first date
it would be an AMAZING experience that probably occurs at your front door, super adorable, he asks if he can kiss you
“can i kiss you?” fully expects you to say no
“yeah you can.”
“its fine, thanks for going out with me- wait what?”
same vibes as asking you out, did NOT expect this
walks you home because he is a GENTLEMAN change my mind, Shinsou brought back chivalry 2020
treats you RIGHT!!! the entire date, opens doors for you, pulls out your chair if necessary, pays for you unless you try to split the check but he might propose if you do that and pay for you regardless
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When Shinsou asked Y/N out, he genuinely expected her to say no. His plans for the date included a funeral for himself and the friendship between the two of them. But, Shinsou was an honest guy and wanted to confess his feelings to her, secrets were a rarity between them, and this was no exception. They’d known each other for a while and his feelings weren’t something he could make disappear, no matter how hard he tried.
The last thing he expected was for her to agree to go out with him. 
She was still clinging onto his arm rather harshly as they exited the movie theater, having seen a horror movie, she exclaims, “I am never letting you pick the movie again.” 
Shinsou can’t help it when his heart skips a beat at her comment, looking over to her as he smirks, “again? So there will be a next time?” He asked, hoping that he hadn’t misunderstood.
Her cheeks warm, even though he asked her out, and Y/N looks away, “yes, if you want.” She mumbled, loosening her grip on his arm as they stepped outside. Cool air hits her, and Y/N can’t help the shiver that goes down her spine at the sudden cold. 
“I asked you out, of course I want a second date.” He replied, taking his arm from her grasp to remove his jacket, which he puts around her shoulders. “You still want dinner?” 
Y/N hums, taking his hand in hers and grinning as his cheeks turn red, “I’m not really hungry after all the snacks we had.” She replied, leaning her head onto his shoulder. “Let’s just walk.” 
They walked throughout the small shopping center, speaking with each other in regards to a variety of topics before beginning the walk home, when it started to rain. Thankfully, they were nearby Y/N’s home, and the laughs that consumed them as they ran didn’t stop as they ran up under the roof of Y/N’s porch. Shinsou’s hair was now matted onto his head thanks to the rain, their clothes soaked. 
Looking up at him, Y/N let another laugh escape her, “I like your hair.” She teased, bringing a hand up to ruffle it, though it had little effect.
Shinsou playfully glared at her, “yeah, yeah.” A smile found its way onto his face as he looked at her, the rain still hammering down on the roof, he found himself not wanting to let go of her hand as he asked, “can I kiss you? You don’t need-” He began to ramble, and Y/N was reminded of when he first asked her out as she watched him. 
Y/N’s hand released his and she grabbed his face, bringing his lips to hers, effectively silencing him as his hands fell onto her hips. They broke apart momentarily, only for Y/N’s arms to circle around his neck and pull him closer for yet another kiss.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He mumbled as they pulled apart.
Tilting her head, Y/N smirked, “you’re cute.” Shinsou ducked his head to hide the pink in his cheeks at this comment. “Be here next Saturday around 2 in the afternoon. This time I pick the movie.”
Looking back up, he raised a brow. “I happened to enjoy the movie, particularly the parts when you-”
“I don’t have to agree to a second date.” Y/N threatened as she playfully slapped his shoulder before heading to her front door, looking back at him as she walked.
Shinsou hummed, eyes meeting hers as he grabbed her hand and yanked her back. “I think I liked the way you shut me up the first time around better.” He presses a gentle kiss to her lips before releasing her hand so that she can head inside. 
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you probably don’t know its a date he’s like “so how was the date”
and you there like “im sorry how was the WHAT?”
asks his siblings for help because he’s clueless, also asks izuku and maybe even bakugo during their remedial course, though camie is 10x more helpful
this is because shoto always spends all of his father’s money on you
while you two are just best friends, he’ll see you look at something and then he’ll just buy it
you guys already act like a couple. like stfu we get it, you have Class 1-A’s resident pretty boy wrapped around your finger jeez no need to brag
it because he’s in love with you already but he doesn’t know that its not his fault he is oblivious to his own emotions
this just amplifies on a date
tries to take you to a ridiculously fancy restaurant and you’re like???
settles for a cafe
you get lost in the convo and forget to actually drink your drink so he just reheats it or makes it nice and cool again ya know
super useful bb
give him validation
listens to you super intently 
intellectual conversations EVERYWHERE he is literally so fun to talk to like discuss any and everything with him
First date at a cafe, he’s rich, he stole his dad’s credit card, and he happens to love trying new things since he was sheltered as a child so he will buy EVERY S I N G L E DRINK for you two to try them all together
50/50 chance he kisses you on the first date
100% chance a kiss happens if you initiate it
he walks you home, and depending on if you are feeling hot or cold, you’ll stand by his side, preferably away from the road because shoto is a gentleman who gets hit by cars for his partner 
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When Izuku had suggested that Shoto take Y/N out on a date to help confess his feelings for her, he figured it would be a good idea. Except, he forgot the part where he asked her on the date.
This didn’t really dawn on him as she led him away from the fancy restaurant he had tried to convince her to enter,  “we both know that neither of us would understand a thing on the menu because it’s probably all in french.” Though she had dressed for the occasion, and so had he. “Why do you even want to eat there?” Y/N asked, her hand still holding his as she dragged him along the side walk.
She knew very well how much he disliked such places. They reminded him of all the high end restaraunts he had been forced to go to as a child. And since his father was an infamous pro hero, and Shoto himself was one of the more popular Class 1-A students, it wasn’t uncommon for reporters to frequent areas he was seen in. Carrying their cameras as they tried to get a story about him or his father. He’d told Y/N numerous times how much he disliked the attention, which is why he avoided certain areas of the city. 
Shoto stared at their joined hands, that feeling of joy bubbling in his chest, “my understanding is that you take people to a nice restaurant for a date.” Came his response.
Y/N stopped walking, though Shoto didn’t, causing him to run into her and nearly trip her had he not grabbed waist to keep her from falling. “This is a date?” She asked, hands clinging to his arms as she tried to maintain balance. He’d been acting different, so Y/N felt as though she shouldn’t be shocked, but the fact that Shoto liked her?
He said nothing, releasing her from his arms before taking a step back, “I feel as though I should apologize-” Shoto began, realizing his mistake.
“I know a nice Café I’ve been meaning to visit that’s nearby, you want to continue this there?” She interrupted, extending her hand. Y/N wasn’t stupid, neither was Shoto, she knew he was inexperienced in the romance department and it was clear this was his attempt to woo her. 
It was cute. 
Looking up at her, he couldn’t help but give her a small smile, which she returned as he took her hand. Shoto was thankful that she hadn’t mentioned his poor preparation for the whole ‘date’ thing, since he failed to really ask her about it. Thankfully she was just going with it, “I really like you, Y/N.” It was blunt, but it was the truth, and it was Shoto, being himself. 
Y/N felt her cheeks warm as they approached the Café, “I really like you too, Shoto.” He moved in front of her to open the door, “and here we are.” She gestured to the small Café as they entered, it was a nice set up and she had been meaning to visit. The fact that it was Shoto that she was visiting with made it all the better.
“Why don’t you go find us somewhere to sit?” He suggested, small smile on his face. “I’ll save us a spot in line.” Y/N nodded, and it was clear that she had yet to notice that there was no line, and Shoto had Endeavor’s beautiful black mastercard in hand. 
Which is how they ended up with every possible drink on their table, some of which were going cold, and the cashier thanking Shoto for the $200 cash tip, laughing quietly side by side in their small corner within the Café. Y/N had chosen a more isolated part, though there were already very few people within the store. 
She looked up from her drink to find Shoto’s eyes on her, an unreadable look in his eyes, but she couldn’t help but smile at him, one that he returned. “I like this.” He said, his hand finding hers as he played with her fingers. 
“Me too.” Y/N replied, watching his movements. She found herself Y/N bringing her hand to Shoto’s cheek, and his eyes met hers momentarily, looking up at her in awe as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his lips.
Neither of them knew what they were doing, Shoto’s delayed reaction reminded them both of this fact as he finally kissed back after a few moments. The hand that had once been fidgeting with Y/N’s free hand, making its way to her bicep to rub circles in the spot. 
The moment didn’t last long, and when she pulled away, his lips were chasing hers, “we should do this more often.”
A small smile was on his face as he stared at her with what seemed like stars in his eyes, “yeah.” He pressed a kiss to her hand, “we should.”
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A/N: when i tell you season 4 made me CRY
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felix21im · 3 years
"Ice Cold", a Leon Kennedy x reader fanfiction
As an Art and Design student all you want to do is just knuckle down and finish that one goddamn piece you've been working on for months. Too bad your time is constantly stolen by your Waiter job with minimal pay, but hey, at least the tips are good if you unbutton your shirt that one more time.
Chapter 2: The Sketches
“It’s ten A.M. dumbass, get out of bed.” You woke up to the sound of your roommates voice and the feel of a pillow hitting your face. “We have our reservation in like fifteen minutes…”
The reminder of your scheduled fancy breakfast with your roommate managed to wake you up fully and you instantly ran into the bathroom to have a shower.
As you stood there with the water running on your skin you began to feel your head pounding. “Great, a fucking hangover.” You muttered as you turned the shower knob, stopping the water and leaving you cold. You stepped out of the shower with a towel hanging over your shoulders and sat down on the toilet seat. "Hey, can you maybe make me some tea or coffee or something? I got a headache, probably overworked or something" you lied, shouting to your roommate.
“Yea sure 'overworked', huh? Don't worry, I'll make something but get ready already!" You dried yourself with a small towel and put on some light clothes. A pair of shorts and a white shirt, it was hot outside due to it being summer and wearing anything other than shorts is a death sentence. You didn't feel like styling your hair so you just refreshed yourself, hoping you wouldn't look too bad. You stepped out of the small bathroom and were greeted by your roommate who handed you a glass of water with a pill. "I'm sure this will help more than just some tea.. after your 'overworking'". They winked at you and you feared they thought something different than what actually happened.
"Hey hey hey, that's not what happened okay? Imma tell you when we're eating, alright? But don't assume anything wrong, you hear me?" You laughed a little, but had to stop because of your headache. You took the glass of water and the mysterious pill, placing it in your mouth and then swallowing it with a gulp of water. You then saw your friend standing at the door, already wearing shoes and ready to go out. You sigh as you grab a pair of sneakers from under your bed, practically jumping straight into them.
“I read the reviews of this restaurant we’re going to and legit like all of them say that it’s super cold in there, you might want to grab your jacket.” They get the jacket off of the back of the door and hold it out for you to take.
“Thank you, thank you.” You accept the jacket and fold it over your arm as you place your phone in the pocket, but rather than it going straight in like normal, something is in there and blocks it from sitting perfectly. You place your phone in your back pocket and reach your hand into your jacket, pulling out a white envelope. The envelope was a little heavy and had a note written on it “This semester is on me, think of it as payment for agreeing to decorate my house - Leon S. Kennedy.” You slit the envelope open and it looked identical to your tips envelope, absolutely filled with cash. You let out a small gasp. "Holy shit."
You looked at your roommate who also looked at you and the envelope laying in your hand. "Yeah, holy shit. Are you working as a stripper now or how'd you get all the money suddenly?"
“Although I would be a great stripper… No.” You look at the cash, not knowing what to do with it. "I have to give it back. I can't just keep all.. this."
“Uh?! Yes you can!” Your roommate looked at you like you were an idiot. “That's like five grand there! If you’re not going to take it I will gladly take it for you!”
"No way! I can't just accept this money!” You close the envelope and place it on the desk on your side of your shared room. “This doesn't feel right, you know that." You thought about what you're going to do next. You looked between your friend and the money and decided you need to do the right thing. "I'm sorry, but I have to return it. As soon as I get my paycheck I will go out to eat breakfast with you, I promise! But I need to do this. Sorry." You grabbed the envelope again and walked past your roommate and out the door, giving them a look of excuse. They simply scoffed and slammed the door behind you.
As you sat outside on the curb you used your phone to look up where you were last night so that you could get Leon’s address. As you ordered your taxi it asked you for some contact details. “Kennedy.” You chuckled as you entered that as your last name, thinking it would be a funny joke. On your way you texted your roommate once again, apologizing for your behavior but not for your need to do the right thing. You sighed as you put your phone in your pocket and looked out the window.
After some time you arrived at what appeared to be Leon's home. You couldn’t really see it the night before since it was dark, but it looked even better during the day than you could have imagined before. You paid the taxi driver, with your own money this time, then left the car and went towards that big door. You looked for a bell but couldn't find one so you knocked against the thick wood, hoping someone would even hear it. After repeating this a couple more times and almost giving up, the door opens and you are greeted by a woman. She was wearing a white dress shirt and a black bustier over the top, followed by a black pair of trousers. Confused, you looked at her and then at the house, thinking you were wrong. "Can I help you with anything?" The woman asked, not even bothering to ask you inside.
"Uhm.." you stuttered, not knowing what to do in this situation. "I thought someone else lived here, but I guess I'm wrong. Sorry for bothering you." Something inside you actually hoped you typed in the wrong address. This couldn't be Leon's home, right? But it looked so similar? Maybe all the drinks added up over the night and made me remember this wrong..? You thought back to the day before and remembered how Leon was actually texting someone and didn't tell you a name or something. Maybe he actually has a wife or something and I misunderstood last night. Maybe he actually paid me to.. stay away? You shook your head. That's bizarre. Or is it?
"Who did you think lived here then? Maybe I can help you." You were taken back to reality from that woman's voice and looked at her.
Fumbling with your hands you tried to form a whole sentence, but all that came out was "Kennedy."
She looked at you. "Do you mean Leon Kennedy?" You nodded your head, still hoping you were wrong here. "Well, it appears you are right then. May I ask how you know him? I've never seen anyone like.. you here." It seemed to you she spit that 'you' out as if you were something less worthy than her. But maybe you were once again imagining things.
"Well, we actually met yesterday and he invited me to come over. I forgot to give something to him, so that's what I'm here for now. Can I see him now?" You looked at the woman standing in your way, trying to be confident.
“Mr. Kennedy is out of the house at the moment and he won’t be back for a few hours. I will tell him that you stopped by.” She stepped back from the door. “Bye now.” She practically slammed it in your face, the waft from the door causing your messy hair to blow backwards.
You rolled your eyes and sat down on the steps, exactly where you were sitting with Leon last night. You searched through your contacts and found Leon’s name. After tapping the call button it rang four times before you heard a rough “Hello?” come from the other side.
It took you back a little as it sounded like you had just woken him up. “Oh, hiya Leon.” You looked back at the front door as you began to talk. “I’m sitting on your doorstep right now…” You then looked back at the driveway, the pebbles and the green grass perfectly manicured. “I wanted to swing by to drop off that money you left in my jacket.”
“What, why?” He sounded confused. You could tell that he pulled the phone away from his face when he coughed, probably trying to clear his throat. “That money is for you, Buttercup.” He chuckled, making you blush a little. “You’re not supposed to give it back to me.” Sounds could be heard in the background as he talked but you couldn't tell what they were.
"Is there anyone with you right now?" You didn't even think about that question before it left your mouth.
"Don't worry about it. And also don't worry about the money. It's a gift, just accept it." You let out a small laugh.
"Just accept it? This is more money than I would make in two months! I can't just accept that, Leon! I can leave it with your girlfriend if you don't want to take it back, but I won't keep it." It was silent on the other side. You were worried you took it too far now.
But then, a chuckle and a full out laugh. "Girlfriend? I'm sorry, but you probably went to the wrong house. I don't have a girlfriend, partner or whatever, Buttercup." You could hear him still chuckle on the other side of the phone, but you didn't feel like laughing.
You felt kind of dumb right now. "Well, whoever that woman was, she just shut the door before me and left me sitting in front of it. So I guess I'm just gonna leave the envelope under the doormat." You looked around. There wasn't even a doormat. "YOU DON'T HAVE A GODDAMN DOORMAT? LEON S KENNEDY WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS?" You heard him laugh out loud again and didn't even try to stop him from it. You just sighed and gave it up. "Well, Mr. Kennedy, I'm gonna find a place to put that money. And don't even think of sneaking it back to me, you hear me?" You didn't even wait for an answer and just hung up. You sat on the stairs for a few more minutes thinking about what to do next.
Just as you stood up to leave you heard the door behind you opening again. "Mr. Kennedy just called me. He wants me to let you inside. Please take off your shoes here and.. don't touch anything." There is not even a thing to touch here, what do you want? You went through the doors and left your shoes next to them. The woman looked at you again before turning her back and walking away. So now you just stood there, in this empty, big house with a woman who doesn't seem to like your company.
Just like the night before you went through the entire house looking around, but also trying your best to avoid that woman. At some point you even found some paper and a pen and began drawing some rooms with fitting, and for now missing, furniture. After a while you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket so you put your drawing away and checked your messages. Apparently Leon tried to call you a few times but ended up sending you a message instead. You opened and read it. I'll be back home in a few hours. Please just accept the money, but stay for as long as you'd like to. I wanna see you again later. - Leon. You had to smile. Who even puts their name at the end of a message nowadays? You just replied with a quick 'alright' before putting your phone away again. You went back to what you were doing: planning and drawing the interior design of Leon's big ass home, all from memory from your tour last night.
You ended up placing all of your designs and sketches on the floor in what you assumed was supposed to be a living room. It just had two simple fabric couches facing each other in the middle of a giant room. Each design was placed in order, somewhat resembling the floorplan of the house. You didn't know how much time passed, but you began to feel tired and had to take a small break. Since you didn't wanna cross paths with that grumpy woman, you just stayed in that room. After some time of relaxing you felt really tired and didn't have any more motivation to plan the last few rooms. It must have been the combination of lack of sleep and whatever that pill was that your roommate gave you, so you ended up sitting on one of the couches and you began to close your eyes. Before you even knew it you fell on your side and into a light sleep.
The sound of a door slamming against the wall scared you half to death. As you looked towards the noise, you saw the same woman from earlier looking at you. “My apologies.” She smiled as she looked to the other side of the room. You followed her eyes and noticed she was looking at Leon. He was sitting opposite you with all of your sketches in his hands. You rubbed your eyes, trying to look somewhat alive. Leon didn't even look at her or you, he was way too focused on your drawings. Next to him you saw a laptop, where he seemed to type a few things in separate to going through your sketches. You sat up and slowly walked towards him. Without looking up from the drawings he talked to you. "These drawings are amazing. When did you make all of these?"
You were flustered by his actual interest. "Uhm.. I just made them for fun while waiting for you.. I didn't even take it seriously.." You scratched the back of your head.
"Are you kidding me? You probably.. no, you DID more for the interior design in the past few hours than I or Angel over there did in the past three years!" You were kind of confused by the name. Angel? Her? Was that supposed to be an unfitting nickname or her actual name? You didn't want to ask so you kept that thought to yourself. After Leon's comment Angel looked at you even more disgusted than before, it's a wonder that was even possible.
You wanted to ignore the weird feeling that stood in the room, so you just sat down next to Leon on the couch. "What are you doing on your laptop?" You wanted to look at it but before you had the chance to make out what he typed in earlier he closed it.
"Nothing special, don't worry about it." You sighed but didn't push it. After a few seconds of awkward silence between the three of you Leon stood up from the couch with his laptop, walked towards Angel and gave it to her. You looked at him confused, but he didn't even notice that. He said something to the woman but you couldn't understand it since they were so close to each other. You didn't know what, but a weird feeling spread in your body. Jealousy? You had to laugh out loud, which made the two look at you.
"Is there a problem?" Angel asked you, to which you answered with a head shake.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about... something funny." You saw Leon's lip lift up a little bit which made you smile a little bit, too. Angel turned back from you and Leon led her out the door to the main hall.
You could hear them talk for a few minutes before the door opened again and Leon came back in alone. "Soo.. now that you're awake, do you want to grab something to eat? We can drive somewhere or I'll just order something."
You thought about the offer, but instantly remembered why you came here in the first place. "No way, Leon! I can't take any more money from you. I actually came here to give you back that money you left in my jacket. It's good for you to have so much but I can't keep it! This doesn't feel right." You looked at him frustrated.
He just shook his head while laughing. "I told you it wasn't for nothing. You literally just proved me right with giving it to you after seeing your drawings. You earned that money."
You were kind of flustered but still couldn't just accept it. "Leon, it's really nice of you and I don't wanna argue. But you gave me way more money than these few sketches are worth! My roommate even thought I started working as a stripper!"
Leon looked at you with big eyes, then stepped closer to you. "Well.. have you considered working as one? They make a good amount of money and I'm sure you would do great." He winked at you as he laughed out loud and even though you knew he was joking you turned completely red.
"Leon...what. the. hell. No! Of course I didn't think about working as one! I'm happy with my current job.. I guess." You looked at him again, realizing how close he suddenly was to you.
"Well, if that's what you think, alright. But I'm not gonna miss that money and I'm sure you will bring it to good use. So please, stop arguing with me and just accept it." His smile had disappeared and his face was a little more serious, he really wanted you to take that money.
“I can’t, Leon.” You grabbed his hand from his side and placed the filled envelope in his palm. “It’s too much." He looked at you disappointed, as if all he just said meant nothing. "Whatever." He muttered to himself. It made you feel bad for your behavior but you knew it was the right thing to do.
You looked at him in a sorry way and wanted to walk past him. But he blocked the way. "That's all I came for, Leon. I think it's better I leave now. Your Angel is probably waiting for you already."
He scoffed at your comment. “I think you misunderstood something here. Angel is her actual name. If I had to give her a nickname it would be anything but Angel, believe me. She can be a pain in the ass, but she gets her work done. And that’s all that matters for me.”
You let out yet another sigh. Why were you relieved anyway? Whatever Leon is doing with women, or men, was none of your business. You’ve literally only known him for like a day and act like a jealous partner. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say it like that.”
“You don't have to apologize all the time, sweetheart. I thought it was cute.” He gave you a little wink and you felt your face heat up again. You looked away shyish and waited for his next move. But it appeared he did the same since he was just looking at you, waiting for you to say something. “Ehem..Food, right? I guess that´s what you wanted. Soo... Do you have anything special in mind?” He looked at you with a childish smile and simply answered “Just you wait, I have something great in mind.”
“Pizza?” You chuckled. “I didn’t think a fancy man like you ate peasant food like that.” You picked up your phone and began looking up a place that would deliver to Leon’s house
“Oh come on! Who doesn’t like pizza?” He shuffled over on the floor so that he was sitting beside you, looking at your phone. “The third one down.” He pointed at a restaurant named The Broadway. “That’s the best one around here, trust me, I’ve tried them all.”
“Alrighty.” You tapped on the phone number and as it rang you held it up to your ear. “Oh hiya! I’m looking to place an order for delive-”
“Pick-up. They only do pick-up.” Leon interrupted you.
“For pick-up!” You corrected yourself. When the worker asked for your name you couldn't help yourself. “For Kennedy.” Leon chuckled slightly and shook his head.
You ordered food for the two of you and some simple drinks to go with it. Of course Leon would get wine for the two of you but there’s nothing wrong with soda, especially when you’re already eating a greasy pizza. “Do we get Angel anything?” You asked Leon in response to the other person on the end of the call asking if anything else was wanted.
“She loves garlic bread, just get her some of that.” Leon replied, looking up from his own phone.
After the guy on the phone told you a time to pick up the food both you and Leon put on some shoes and went outside. “You gonna drive up to that poor pizza place with your fancy Porsche?” You asked jokingly.
To your surprise he actually shook his head. “You can choose the car if you want to. If you got a driver's license, you can even drive it yourself.”
You looked at him shocked. “Yea, sure. I’m gonna drive one of your expensive cars. Even if I had a license I wouldn't dare to sit down on the driver's seat. If I destroy it there's no way I'll ever be able to pay for the repair!”
“What’s one car more or less?” As he said that and you looked at him with an open mouth you heard a garage opening next to you. The bright lights kinda blinded you at first but as soon as you got used to the brightness you saw multiple cars and motorcycles standing in the big garage.
“Wow. What the hell.” That was all you were able to say at that moment. “I’m guessing that this is like your passion or a hobby?” You said as you walked in. Each vehicle was spotless, so clean that you could see your reflection in each one.
“Yeah, something like that, you could say.” As he was moving past the different vehicles he told you a little bit about all of them. Even though you had zero knowledge of cars and stuff you listened to him closely, trying to understand what he told you. You could see it in his eyes how he loved talking about these things, which made you smile.
After a good twenty minutes however you had to stop him. “As much as I love listening to you blabber away, I really wanna get our pizzas now.” Exactly at that moment your stomach began to growl, making you and Leon laugh.
“Well then, I hoped you listened closely. Go on and pick a ride.” He gestured around the both of you. You were thinking for a few seconds before finding a car you liked. You pointed towards it. “I like this one.” He followed your gaze and walked towards the car.
“I see. So you like the big ones, huh? Well then this Jeep Grand Cherokee is perfect for your needs.” He talked like he advertised the car which made you laugh and shake your head. He opened the passengers door for you before taking a seat behind the wheel. In just a few seconds the car left the garage and you found the both of you on the main road. Leon drove the car with ease which really fascinated you.His left hand was on the wheel and he was leaning on his right arm, he probably noticed you staring because he turned to you. “You wanna take over? The streets are empty here anyway.”
You shook your head again. “I meant what I said before. Just you drive now, I'm starving.” He looked back to the street and the rest of the drive went on quiet but nice. “I’ll learn to drive another day.”
Once you got back to Leon’s house Angel greeted Leon at the door, completely ignoring you. Leon tossed his keys to her and she caught them with one hand. As both you and Leon kicked off your shoes Angel hopped into the car and placed it back into the garage with the rest of them.
Leon led you to the kitchen and placed the multiple boxes on the counter, rather than sitting down he reached into a cupboard and pulled out two wine glasses. “Red or white?” He asked you.
“I don’t really want to drink tonight.” You admitted. That small hangover you had this morning wasn’t all that bad but you didn’t want to repeat it.
“Are you sure?” He asked, filling up both glasses with ice cubes. “I would hate to drink alone.”
“Fine.. but only one glass!” You gave in, to which Leon held both of the glasses up in confusion. “Huh? Oh! Red!” You replied to his earlier question. Leon nodded and opened up a small wine refrigerator he had under the counter, he picked up a bottle and read the label to himself. “Only the finest huh?”
“The finest thing is sitting right in front of me.” He chuckled and winked at you as he poured the two glasses, placing the fresh cork on the countertop. “So is this a business date where I hire you to be my interior decorator?”
“I’m only a student, Leon.” You opened one of the boxes and a waft of the smell of the food hit your senses, making you feel even more hungry than before.
“Whatever you say, student. This doesn’t change the fact that you already helped me a lot today. So this one is on you.” He raised his glass and with a cling both of yours met. You took a small sip and then took out a piece of pizza. “Besides, wouldn’t furnishing such a fancy house like this look really good on your resume?” You nodded slightly.
“Yea, you´re probably right about that, too. But let's not talk about work now and just enjoy the evening.” He gave you a smile before eating and drinking too. That evening seemed to never end as the both of you talked and drank, with no end in sight.
Maybe working for Leon wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
A/N: hey guys! This fanfiction is a Collab from me and Qwertyyy12 on AO3. If you want to, you can also leave her some love over there :) thanks for reading!
Taglist: @trinswhimsys
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