#where i told them what dog breed they were and why
some-insomniac-writes · 2 months
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♡ Picture Perfect ♡
A/N: COMMISSION FOR MY LOVELY SUNSHINE ANON!!!! Thank you so so so much for your support and patience my love, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!!
Content/warnings: Puppy! hybrid reader x Vendetta era! Leon, 2nd person (you/yours), fem AFAB reader, reader calls Leon daddy, very grump x sunshine, lots and lots of fluff, a moment of angst and realisation but it all gets resolved :3
Word count: 7700 est. (sweet jesus)
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Leon hadn’t gone to a shelter expecting anything. An act of service, he told himself. That’s what this was. Entertaining the idea of adoption. Like people who drop loose change into charity boxes, the ones by the cash register with scuffed edges, to feel better about themselves. Right now he feels like the scuffed one. 
‘Go to the shelter,’ Chris said. ‘Hybrids make good companions,’ Chris said. He was vouching for his fellow soldiers at the BSAA, stick-up-the-butt men with trained military hounds. And judging by the posters hung on the windows outside the pet store, satisfaction was guaranteed. So he expected to enter a building of colourful lights, cheery music, and happy hybrids as far as the eye could see. Fluttering butterflies, sunshine and rainbows. Just like the commercials on tv. 
What a heap of shit. A smelly one, too. Big, steamy, stinky load of it. Those flyers were all smoke and mirrors, and let’s just say this was one hell of a broken mirror. The place reeked of bad luck. At least the stalls were cleaner than his conscience. Should he have actually done his research for this, even if it was just for appearances? It wasn’t the worst place in the world for him to go looking, right? No, right. 
Leon had seen his fair share of hybrids in his time at the DSO. Missions where he took them out of labs, stopped genetic modification. Sick bastards they were, people prodding rabbits with all kinds of needles. Yeah, he enjoyed taking those types of operations down. 
But he’d also seen the ones trotting around the office on occasion. Trained to sniff out B.O.W blood, or health herbs and antibiotics. And yeah, he was intrigued. Had watched the training rounds, memorised the starting commands, noted the stiff tail and hard gaze on every breed there. So he figured he may as well take a look at the less hard-ass offers.
God, what a mistake that was.
How had the mighty fallen so far? He’d planned to walk the dusty concrete floors with pride, to look down at the row upon row of hybrids only to decide no, he did not in fact, need a pet. A companion. A friend, a lover, whatever. No rabbits, no puppies, no kitties. He was too old for this shit. He’d seen it all before, lazing black cats and bouncy bunnies. Nothing stuck out to him, he’d tried. He could at least say he tried. From then on if anyone asked why his face would sink into a frown watching his coworkers bring in their happy-go-lucky hybrids, he had an open opportunity to rub a calloused palm over the salt-sweat skin of his neck and mutter that he tried.
That’s what mattered, right? Sure, that’s what mattered. He tried. He kept that thought in mind as workers tried introducing him to some of their more ‘respectable’ species, the fluffier cat girls and boxier dog boys. None of it was for him. All of this was a lost cause. 
And then there you were. 
Next thing he knew he had the thought of you living at his house stuck in the back of his head. Not just the back, though. No you’d left handprints - pawprints - over every fissure of his brain, burrowing into the ventricles. Now you were doing two little circles before settling into his cerebrum, digging at the surface to bury down nice and deep. Maybe bury a bone there. Extra comfy. 
He’s stuck. 
You’re a cutie. Pretty as a picture. A fine should be plastered across that sweet face for even existing, a paper bag over your head. It’s a crime for anything resembling you to exist, because otherwise Leon would’ve picked up every hybrid on the street. Those puppy-dog eyes pierced right through his soul like a bullet to the chest. And he left his kevlar vest at home, too. What a mistake. 
A floppy eared thing, fluffed to the max, your tail tapping aimlessly behind you. Bored. Lonely. They kept the pup hybrids in separate kennels when the little kids weren’t here to meet them, so you were on your own. Eyes as big as saucers, he was sure they’d have popped out of your head by now like one of those squeeze toys, the ones you squish so they squeak something reedy and awful. 
Glossy. You looked dejected, sad. Hopeful yet hopeless. In his mind he saw you bounding through long green grass in the dark night, nipping at fireflies between golden giggles. Watching you paw at the sky aimlessly, beckoning upon lightning bugs so you might try and ‘accidentally’ catch one in your mouth. You were made to be loved by someone.
It hurt. In a way you reminded him of his younger self. That cop, once bright eyed and bushy tailed, now decaying and withering into the husk of a human he was now. The one that burned down with the rest of whatever was left of Raccoon City.
And yeah, he wasn’t proud of this shelter specifically being his only pick of the bunch, there were hundreds he could’ve picked from. But this was a boot-out shelter, AKA they only hold onto hybrids for so long before kicking them to the curb. Just the thought of you, your fluffy self out on the streets..
He couldn’t let that happen to you.
And then those wet eyes fell on him and your tail swished quicker, your ears perking. Like a heartbeat picking up, a skipping pulse. You’re playing jump rope with the veins to his heart, his BPM’s music to those fuzzy ears. And that tail? Oh it’s swaying to the beat.
Something in your body seemed to click at the sight of him. It was an instinct, a switch flicking in your puppy brain. If he were in a movie this would be the part where time slows down and the camera focuses on his face and your own, panoramic view of the environment you both found yourselves in. Your face behind the bars, slowly shuffling your way towards him in curiosity. 
That’s when he knew he had to take you home. Surely he was a better choice than the other scum that might get a hold of a soft thing like you. And you seemed sweet. So it was settled.
The paperwork was easy enough. Signing on dotted lines, signatures to his left and right. Handing over his credit card for the chance at ‘friendship’ or something like that. The only thing he truly recalled was leaving with you in the backseat, curled up against the car cushions. 
Change. That’s what this would be.
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You were well behaved. Quiet, too. At first anyway. Leon’s whole life had been thrown into disarray and all he had to do was give his credentials to some lady with a blurry nametag, confirm he wasn’t a psycho murderer or trying to Cruella DeVille you for your ears and tail. Which he absolutely didn’t have the time for, so no need to worry about that factor.
It only took a few hours for his house to be filled to the brim with new puppy gear. Collars and leashes of different colours (he couldn’t decide on those), squeaky toys and stuffed animals, comfy clothing, food and water bowls, and of course one of those playpens to lock up overnight. Leon wasn’t entirely educated on how to take care of you. Was he supposed to get you a room, a proper bed? How human was he supposed to treat you? 
The overall adjustment period was fast, for you anyway. Sure, at first you’d gone all timid when he brought you home, staring up at this well-built, shaggy man in a leather jacket like he was about to lock you in your cage forever. Might be a poacher, your brain scrambled together, or one of those mill owners. Yeah, he looked the type. But as soon as you heard him whisper a “Well hey there, sweetheart,” in your direction in hopes of coaxing you out of the backseat you were set and smitten. And in case he was still hesitant, you gave him a pretty clear giveaway on how you felt. After he’d set up your cage in the living room, packed full of blankets and pillows atop your pet bed, and watched you practically dolphin dive into the sea of plush, it became clear you were truly just happy to have a home. You were happy to be with him. 
Not like you spent many days in that puppy bed anyway, it only took a few days for you to come whimpering at Leon's feet in the night to climb under the blankets with him. And of course, he caved. How strong could you expect a man to be? Not to mention the stuffed toys you brought with you every time you hopped up, he’d become familiarised with all their names by the third week. 
Sure, it’d been tough for Leon in some areas, but in some ways it was also easy. You brought solace where you went, and you knew better than to overstep boundaries. He found out quick enough that you didn’t entirely know what to address him as, ‘Leon’ felt strange for some gut reasons but ‘sir’ and ‘mister’ were too formal, so you immediately leapt to daddy. Which, of course, caught him horrendously off-guard. Almost sent him into cardiac arrest the first time you yipped it in his direction, a plaque of cholesterol, fat, and an unbelievable amount of cuteness clogging his arteries. 
The worst part? After a few days he found himself enjoying it. Had his heart fluttering when you giggled it out as he ruffled your ears, rolling onto your back as he gave your belly an affectionate rub. Was he sick for liking it? Sure. He needed a doctor, stat. Symptoms included being extra ready to get home from work, planning his meals more thoroughly, and catching himself daydreaming more than usual. The diagnosis was a fluffy tailed sunshine puppy who trotted around behind him 24/7. A sweet shadow, a nosy thing. Prescribed treatment? Lots of cuddles, apparently. Cuddles, and plenty of daily shenanigans.
On one particular day he caught sight of you padding through the hallway slowly, looking up at all the photos he had hung upon the walls. Drinks with Claire and Chris on his birthday where he (begrudgingly) attended the surprise party they’d set up. Standing in the Whitehouse with some old man in a fancy suit. An old picture of just him sat atop the table below it all, his graduation photo from the police academy. He didn’t have the heart to throw it out. That was merely one of many old-news trinkets scattered around the house, objects that told a mixed story of Leon Kennedy. Well, now it was the house of Leon Kennedy and his puppy girl.
With a soft thud you sat your cute butt down on the floorboards to simply.. Stare. Examine, memorise, imagine what it was all like. 
Maybe his hair was softer in this photo, shaggier in that. Darker features and rougher around the edges, as if someone had switched from watercolour to graphite, defining his jaw. More stubbled and strong now, with a broader frame. Like watching a tree trunk even out, sprouting tough branches, leaves coming to fall over his eyes in bangs. He needed a haircut soon. 
However, in that moment of watching you, he knew he’d made the right decision. He saw it in the way the silhouette of your tail swished in interest, how your flopped ears perked up an inch whenever you focused on the finer details. Most of all he loved that signature puppy head-tilt. He got one of those whenever you didn’t understand what he was saying, be that garble about his work or the lulled out words from whatever book he read to you as you laid in his lap.
Yes, you laid in his lap now. And it was starting to feel so normal to him. The wagging tail in his peripheral vision, your eyes peeking up at his desk in his study. It all came so naturally, including the moments of chaos. One of which was the messy dance of getting you bathed, or dressed.
Baths. God, you stood your ground on baths. As soon as you heard the pipes squeal you took off like a rocket. Zoomed past the potted plants, darting through the backdoor if you could make it in time. Leon had to scoop you up mid-sprint as you wriggled and squeaked to get out of his hold, and shit did you run fast when you felt like it. Oh sure, you dragged your feet to snails-pace when you had to leave the park, but suddenly his puppy had the legs of a trackstar when it was bathtime. Once he actually had you in the warm water it was a whole other thing. You just couldn’t sit still for the life of you. Thank god for bath toys, or else you’d spend every second giving your flapping ears and soaked hair the signature wet dog shake. He turned his back? Shake. Reached for the shampoo? Shake. Went to turn the faucet on? Shake. He’d honestly rather you do that than try to jump out, and at least you got extra comfy with him when it came time to towel dry you. The last time he tried the hairdryer method you’d snapped and barked at the hot air like it was a personal affront, as if the loud hum was cursing you out in its own fan-whirring way. Then came the clothes.
On a good day he could wrangle you into a shirt of some kind (usually one of his own) and a pair of fluffy shorts with a hole in the back for your tail. On other days it was a tug-of-war fight over a v-neck because it’s obviously an invitation to play and growl between giggles and not Leon seriously begging a quiet “Baby- honey, no- Please, sweetheart, Chris is coming over and you can’t be butt naked, listen to daddy-”. Sometimes he really thought those floppy ears were just painted on. God, you were a little menace.
Luckily you were also adorable. Sure, a little dull, but so damn sweet. He couldn’t count how many times he’d pretend to throw a ball, watching you go sprinting out across the floorboards, slipping in your socks, in desperate search for it. Then it’s the head tilt, a routine trot around the coffee table, and sitting in the hall with a quiet whine. Vanished, poof, thin air. Gone.  Not to worry, cause soon Leon calls out an ‘Oh look!’ and the ball has magically teleported back into his hand to your shock and awe. Pawing at his hand and begging him to explain how on earth he learned such witchcraft. 
But there were a few things that threw him off guard about you, even after settling into this routine. For starters, your face. He didn’t mean that in a harmful way, he promises. Cross his heart and all that. But you were just so… gentle. Bright. Sometimes he found himself squinting at the sheer shine of you. Made him wonder if you came with batteries that just never got removed, corroded into place after years of chasing your own tail. Stuck on this constant sunshiney state with no way to power down. 
And you were manufactured in some lab, a biological anomaly even he couldn’t wrap his head around. A person who wasn’t whole and yet was so much more than that. You contained multitudes, brought life and colour in ways those others may see a ‘normal’ never could. The pitch of your bark, your hatred - and he meant hatred - of squirrels, how fast you leapt at the opportunity for a ride in the car. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was proud to be the one to bring you home. That he was the one to trace the curves of your hand, to rub your ears, to hold you in his lap while watching late-night tv. This was good for him. This was good for both of you.
Day after day he found himself adoring you in a new way. A week ago he’d have dropped his head in his hands at the sight of you nosing his morning slippers towards his feet in the wee hours of the morning, now he can’t help but smile sleepily. Lopsided and scratchy from his beard. Because despite the energy threatening to burst from your body, you still took the time to sit and wait for him to get up. 
He was a weak man now. A trained government agent was trailing behind his puppy girl in a pet store as you insisted on getting specifically that bunny with those ears cause it looked like the one that ran outside the living room window every day. And he listened to every ramble about said rabbit as you trotted to the cash register, plushie in mouth.
He’d fallen. Hard. 
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Time had passed in the blink of an eye before either of you could process it. Seasons blurred into a kaleidoscope of colours, and soon enough Leon found himself with a cuddle buddy more often than he did an empty bed. The feeling of your nose nuzzled into his shirt, strings of happy whimpers and whines mumbled from your sleepy lips, it all became his white noise. You’d made very quick friends with the sprinklers out in the yard by the time summer had rolled around, jumping back and forth over the swinging water in an attempt to catch it in your mouth. All Leon had to do was sit on the porch and watch in adoration.
What you both seemed to adore much less was when Leon left for work. It had you pawing at the windows with screeching nails, teary eyed and howling when he got home extra late. He didn’t have the heart to lock you up when he left, something about it made his chest strain. His poor girl, stuck in her little blanket cave, wondering where her daddy went. Pawing aimlessly at the wired frame, chewing on the gate between whimpers. He couldn’t bear the thought. It ached, in fact. You were hurting his heart without even doing anything.
But the past four days had been a nightmare. His first long term assignment since adopting you. Sure, Claire and Chris had done their best to entertain you since you couldn’t just be left home alone, plenty of toys and games and walks, but it just wasn’t it. You’d pace in little circles, whining and crying and crying and whining. Hours spent drying your tears with cooing and shushing from the Redfield siblings only to burst the pipes and sob some more. It was no use. Until he came back.
And now he had. After so many days (a million, you’d told Claire) without him, he was home. 
The sound of his motorcycle - that he’d retired from everything other than work for obvious reasons, vis-à-vis your sensitive ears - was a dead giveaway, and soon enough you had your cheeks squished up against the front window yapping away till your vocal cords strained. God, wasn’t that a sight. Face lifted into a glowing grin, ear perked up, tail a wagging mess. You looked like a whirlwind had been stuffed down into a body, and you were ready to tear through his home. An oh so dangerous fuzzy tornado on the hunt for endless snuggles and belly rubs to swallow up, up, up into your cyclone of love. 
You were gorgeous. You were adorable. You were everything he didn’t know he needed. He’d hardly stepped foot in the house and you were already jumping up to try and kiss and lick at his face with a thousand puppy kisses, tail wagging so fast you might just take flight. Like one of those cartoon dogs from those 80’s shows, ones Leon still can’t name to this day. That was the other good thing about all of this, you made him laugh. Chuckling hoarsely as he pushed past the door only to be met with your arms wrapped around him excitedly. 
“Daddy, you’re back! You’re home! I missed you!” Yip, yip, bark. You were melting his heart, almost running yourself into the wall at the sheer buzz of excitement thrumming through your body. 
Oh, how he’d missed you, rubbing that tender spot between your ears with a kiss to your hair. 
You’d made him soft. A side of him he never knew existed came out when he got you.
“I missed you too, pup.” He could only shake his head with a tired grin, dropping his bag at the door by the coat rack and shoe cubby. He’d had to buy one since you’d developed the habit of stealing his slippers to use as makeshift mittens. “Be careful where you’re walking there, honey.”
You were too busy babbling away about everything you’d done while he was gone to hear him properly, from playing a gazillion games of fetch to daily trips to the park. How that chipmunk had purposely ticked you off so you pawed at a tree trunk yapping at it for a good 5 minutes. And of course, how you’d almost managed to finally catch your tail. Looking up at him with so much pure puppy love with every step you took backwards through the hallway with a quickly wagging tail. You couldn’t keep your eyes off him, you’d just missed him too much. 
That tail of yours though, it was out of control. Swish, swish, wag, sway. Mind of its own. Too happy to have your daddy home to focus on anything else. Pure puppy love. 
During your ramblings as Leon slowly worked at his shoelaces and zipper, all you could do was emphasise how happy you were that Chris had caved and let you visit the cafe downtown. Whilst mid explanation about what a ‘puppuccino’ was and how spectacular it tasted, the sudden smack of your fur against glass had you jumping in surprise. It seemed you’d collided with something in the midst of your excitement. The impact was followed by a loud crack, one that had Leon’s head pulling up to a swift stillness, no longer worried about getting his boots off. 
“What was that?”
There’s a concoction of emotions in his voice. A cocktail of worry, concern, and an off sternness. He’s hardly ever been stern with you. The last time he had been, the sad look on your face had him faltering. Usually he was so comfortable with being stern, it flowed freely through his body like the familiar warmth of whiskey. It was something he was so used to. But he wasn’t used to those glossy eyes tearing up at him. He was just a man, after all. And you were his puppy. 
That thought seemed to elude you both right now though, jolting to step away from the broken picture frame, looking down at the damage you’d done.
“Pup, are you-”
His academy graduation photo. You’d smacked it with your tail, and the frame had snapped.
All the colour drained from Leon’s face in one fell swoop. His calm, tired gaze ripped wide into one of shock, kicking his shoes into the shelves with a harsh thud.
“No- no no, no- shit!” His voice was a boom, it was loud and uncontrollable. Shaking the plaster of the walls with rolling thunder, his eyes zeroed in on the shattered glass, lightning crackling behind stormy blue eyes. Usually they looked so clear. Usually he was clear, his intentions and his love, how he was trying to and learning to get used to this life. And for a while he really was. “Goddamnit!”
And then this happened. 
And it was scary. You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but it frightened you. A dead giveaway was how your ears flattened against your hair, once wagging tail now dead still and tucked between your legs. You’re cowering. 
You were afraid. 
But Leon didn’t notice. No, this was the end of a short fuse after a long week of work. A flame to the stick of dynamite Leon Scott Kennedy sometimes found himself to be. This was not what he wanted to come home to. He was too busy pulling at his hair in a nostalgic wave of guilt, of horror clawing up his back, staring at the mess.
The mess you’d made.
Cracked fingers pick at the shattered glass in hopes of salvaging what he could, the sharp edges slicing at the flesh that had grown tender with your touch. 
You’d made him soft.
Had that been a mistake?
It must have been with the way he flinched back, cursing under his breath. Shards of the frame bit at his fingers as if in anger, snapping dogs of his past. Not like his pup, not like his sweet girl curled up in the corner, wondering if this meant he hated her.
That wasn’t the worst part.
Right across the top corner of the photo the paper had been scratched, ripped by a stray piece of glass. Slicing through the date he’d graduated. The day he thought everything was going to start getting better way back when. The sight had his whole body frozen in place. Bracing for something to happen, because something always happened to him. The feeling building from his belly to his chest, from his chest to his eyes. It was sickeningly familiar. It was a bullet to Leon’s shoulder. It was the click of a lighter to a cigarette. The screams from an Eastern European church. His bloodied fists against Arias’ face. The mole in his unit.
It was the gunshot that ripped through his family home. 
That’s what really set him off.
“This was the one thing I had from it all, this was it! The one good thing!” Rambling like a mad man, someone you’d watch talk to himself on the sidewalk late into the night. “And it was in such- such good condition. It was perfect. It was all perfect before you- Damn it, pup, why couldn’t you-”
By the time he’d finally turned to you, his words screeched to a halt. Brakes squealing at the velocity of such a hit, a surprise, he could feel his heart overturn. Rolling haphazardly down the highway. He couldn’t stop it, because he caused it. He caused such an accident. So busy running on empty thanks to work that the dried out tank had crushed beneath his feet, crunching steel caving so easily. Weak. You were weak for him. He was just only seeing it now.
He’d hurt your feelings, whether he meant to or not. Over an accident, no less.
He was the reason your body was quaking in fits similar to that of a leaf atop frozen winds. Why your eyes were shot open, glossy and round, like the first cracks in the icy pond at your favourite park making way for water. And you looked like you’d plunged through the surface. 
Maybe the most awful detail of all was the fact that Leon simply didn’t know what to say to make this better.
Licking over his chapped lips, the air in his lungs seemed to dissipate. He was left breathless, and not in the way he usually liked to be. Not like when he watched you pick at the dandelions in the backyard, or when you chased your tail in circles to the point of dizziness. Someone had trapped him in a vacuum of consequences, leaving him to face them. To face you, you and those big puppy-dog eyes threatening to flood with tears. “Look I didn’t- Oh, c’mon. You know I didn’t mean it like-”
It wasn’t working. His words were getting caught in his throat, pulling a tense cough from his chest. As if the answer was teasingly scratching at his vocal chords and no amount of water could wash it away. He could feel his chest tighten, any trace of anger or frustration being flushed from his system. Now he could think clearly. He could see how heartbroken you were.
The biggest giveaway was how your body leaned in the direction of the living room without thinking, braced on your toes. An instinct dug deep beneath those layers of fuzz and the warmth of your hand in his own. Something to be left untouched, like a toy you’d buried in the backyard, under pile after pile of soil and past traumas. 
Now Leon had dirt on his hands. The clouds in that stormy blue seemed to clear out, the moonlight streaming through the window like a lighthouse reflection. He was seeking you out, trying to let you know it was clear. That you were safe.
It just wasn’t enough.
“Hey.. Hey, no. Honey-
It was no use. He’d blinked and you were gone, left with the echo of your sock-clad footfalls against hardwood floors. Every step beating in unison with his pulse, his ears rang to the rhythm of your rushed breaths. Now you were the one pulling him along on a leash. Tugging at the weak retractable cords of his heartstrings, you’ve wrapped him around a tree once, twice, three times. His head was spinning, a splitting heat sizzling in his frontal lobe frying the edges of his mind until they curled. 
Rubbing a hand over his face, smearing the guilt from cheek to cheek, up to his forehead. He was swimming in that grief. Mourning a time before this one, praying for a reset button. You had such a way of turning him inside out without knowing it, pulling his muscles and bone up from his anatomy to gnaw affectionately on his femur and nip at his biceps. He barely hid anything from you, he never felt the need to. Who were you going to tell? The mosquitos you stalked after with a batting tail in the cooler summer nights? Please. And half the time you didn’t really understand what was going on, anyway. So there was no harm in letting you lay your head in his lap while lounging on the couch, his voice a deep lullaby soothing you to sleep, aimlessly tapping your tail against the cushions. You were so pure. You didn’t mean any harm, you never did. Leon wasn’t sure you had one malicious bone in that cute body of yours. 
How was he supposed to approach this, though? This had been the first major incident in your white-picket-fence-esque lifestyle. Did he go upstairs and change out of clothes dusted in gunpowder and shame? Try with a clean state so you had some time to yourself, some space? Is that what you wanted?
No. No, knowing your usually chipper clingy self that was probably the last thing you wanted. So he manned up, got his shit together. An unusual thing for him to say about himself, but he was in an unusual situation.
After shrugging his leather jacket off and leaving it to hang on the coat rack, he swore to leave his aggression with it. Tucked into the pockets and zipped tight, so he might save it for his next mission. There was no use in bringing shit like that into his home, where his girl was. So he’d let it gather like lint until the next time he washed it, then he’d let his conscience run through a spin cycle; in which he meant watching you do three little spins before settling into bed. You were better than any washing detergent, cleaned his slate better than disinfectant. They should sell your personality in stores, bottle your giggles for junkies to get hits off. You could be the next meth with how happy you made him, had him flying high as a kite.  
And he’d made you so sad. He was your daddy, it was his job to keep you safe, not sad. Now he had to fix that.
Your playpen. It was a puppy’s dream to get the luxuries you did, most likely. Leon couldn’t help but spoil you with everything soft, plush and velvet. It matched you. And watching you lay in front of the window, squeaky toy mid squeal lodged between your jaws lazily, was worth all the money in the world to him. Everything you did drove him nuts, he was starting to realise why so many people suggested getting a hybrid. Leon hadn’t understood what the deal was until you arrived. And now? Oh, he needed a lobotomy at this rate, because all he could think of was you. Work? You. Driving? You. Hell, his breaktime at the office made him miss the way you’d yell ‘Are you doneeeeee?’ at him from down the hall, awaiting your allocated cuddle time. You had him chasing his own tail, and he didn’t even have one.
Draped in a paw-print blanket and stuffed full of toys, the sides of your food and water bowl lovingly chewed on. Always sinking those canines into whatever you could. Well, whatever you could that wasn’t out of the question. Shoes were a big no no, the sprinkler system too, Leon was sure to make that clear. Not like the water tasted any good from it, anyway. 
With a quiet grunt (he really wasn’t getting any younger) he slowly kneeled down, denim brushing over varnished wood, peeking through the open gate of your pen. Despite having both feet on the ground - well, rather two knees - this still felt risky to him. Not like disarming a bomb, more like negotiating a hostage situation. Taking your hand in his own to lead you away from himself.
He kept his voice soft, quiet, as gentle as someone of Leon’s stature and nature could be. Like asking a wolf to hide its fangs, but he did his best.
“Hi there, darlin’.” 
He always did his best with you.
Well, almost always.
No answer. Just the sound of your meek panting, sniffling between breaths. Tears making every inhale salty in your nose and on your tongue. You always preferred it sweeter. He hated being the reason your mouth felt off, watching you run your pink tongue along your cheeks as if trying to get the taste out. At least you were still awake. Amidst the darkness of your cage he could see you buried under a mountain of blankets, digging yourself in like a tick. Head burrowed in tight, he felt like even if he tried to gently coax you out by the body you’d keep shuffling along into the plush. He’d have to stop this from the root, twist and pop you out gently. So he tried that with words. 
“You wanna come out of your little cave there?”
The brief whimper that passed your lips was enough of an answer for him, no words had to be spoken for him to catch on. He sighed.
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair enough. Daddy was a bit of a dick, huh?”
The slight movement under piles of pink and yellow told him your tail was wagging, and that made his heart hurt even more. It was bleeding through his shirt at this point, darlin’. Don’t do that to him, he’s too old to deal with this kind of pain. Might just kill him one of these days. Because even after he’d snapped at you, broken down the walls of trust you’d both spent months building, you were still reaching out to place a new brick down. To keep it all from crumbling. Leon rested his palms on the scuffed denim of his jeans. Sure, he’d done his schooling, graduated and all that, but now he found himself searching the corners of his mind for the right words. Like he was putting a puzzle together, trying to piece syllable to noun to verb until they clicked. But they didn’t exactly click. Then again, nothing ever did with Leon. 
Except you.
“I didn’t.. Mean what I said. I just cut myself off at the worst time possible. I wasn’t thinking. Da-” he paused himself for a moment. Fuck, it’d become a bad habit. Was it still okay to call himself something like that in this kind of situation? “I’m not very good with words. M’ better with actions, y’know. Making things, helping people. I’m not exactly a wordsmith here, darlin’.” 
There was a rustle. In the darkness of your pillows and blankets you found room to move. And he could tell it was closer to him from how the pile slouched in his direction, indicating the shifting of your body. You looked a bit like a molerat to be honest, an adorable one, or one of those prairie dogs, with the way your head makes an evident dent in the covers. He wouldn’t tell you that, though. Might take it the wrong way. 
Out pops your fluffy ears, the silhouette of your tearful face. His stoic demeanour over the years shatters like that same photo frame, how the hallway’s dim lighting catches in your glossy eyes. It’s like looking at the moon in all her solemn sadness, amongst the stars, alone.
He can’t leave you like that. 
“Hi, baby.” It’s a whisper. He’s too scared if he talks any louder you’ll huddle back up. He never wants to make you worried, or frightened, or anything really. He loves you just the way you are.
Leon had no idea how much he’d missed that voice until he heard it for the first time after a long lonesome 20 minutes of silence. It’s an icepick to his frozen mind, chipping away those worries he had of you maybe never talking to him again. You were a sweet thing, but also sensitive. It was part of the reason he cared for you so deeply. You’d dug down under his skin, doggy-paddled through his blood stream and settled comfortably right on his heart. 
“..Are you gonna, y’know,” Through the dark haze of shadows and soft rain against the windows, he could see you fiddling with your fingers. You’re nervous. Voice small and isolated, muffled through your soundproofing of comfy blankets and soft stuffies. It only made his head ache more. “Take me back?”
That one threw him off guard. He wasn’t expecting that kind of question, if anything he thought you’d ask if you were still in trouble. “Back? Back where?”
“..The shelter.”
He couldn’t see his own face, but he could just imagine how it twisted in confusion. “What? No, darlin’.” 
Yeah. Oh. So that’s what all of this had been about. It wasn’t just him yelling, it was the thought that you might get boxed up and shipped back. Kicked to the curb. Leon pictured it again, your shivering frame on the street, or back in that damp kennel surrounded by yelling dogs and strict meal times. “Why the hell would you think that?”
“Cause I broke something, and I was too rowdy.. I can’t sit still..”
The very reason he’d adopted you in the first place was to save you from that life, one of struggle and pain and sadness, yet you still feared it. Solely for, what, acting like a puppy? The very thing you were a hybrid of? If he weren’t so worried about you he’d be pissed at the world in all honesty.
“Baby, is that how you ended up there? Did someone..” He had no time to finish that question before you were nodding. You looked so ashamed, it ripped him in two. Someone had shoved his heart through a paper shredder and used the strips to line a hybrid play-pen floor. 
Returned, handed off, a hand-me-down. That’s what you saw yourself as. Damaged goods. His voice cracked as he muttered softly, his face painted in nothing but sympathy. “Oh, puppy..”
Almost instantly a ball of fluff came barrelling out of the playpen right into Leon’s chest, a winded ‘oof!’ puffed from the man’s ribs. Could’ve cracked them with the force of your love. Softer than any cannon ball, fuzzier than any bullet. Yet you still managed to have him coughing out a chuckle, his nose nuzzling up into your hair. He couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh of relief. Because it was a sure sign that you didn’t hate him.
“There’s my girl.”
A meek whine bubbled up from your throat at the sheer joy of being back in your owner’s embrace, enveloped in his comforting smell. And Leon couldn’t resist resting his chin on your head as you sat crumpled in his lap. A scarred-over hand brushing through your hair, rubbing bruised thumbs over the soft velvet of your ears. Every touch, every loving gesture had your tail whipping against the floorboards. You truly were his good girl. Still sniffling, you tilted your head in that sweet puppy way to look at him properly, taking in the face of the man who you loved more than anything; yes, that included treats, walks, and toys. It was quite the accomplishment, an honour really. Leon should be proud of himself for that one. 
“M’ sorry..”
There it was again, always saying sorry for things you didn’t mean to cause. Sometimes things you didn't even do. He shook his head at even the thought of that. Not scolding, but shushing. Like he didn’t want to hear you apologise for something that was hardly your fault. “Sweetheart, hey. It’s alright. I can always get a new picture frame, it’s no problem. What I can’t get is a new puppy. Wanna know why?”
Of course you did, that was a silly question. But he loved watching your ears flop as you nodded, made his pulse flutter like he had a butterfly in his veins, or a hummingbird. Humming away to the steady thrum picking up in pace. “Cause there’s only one you. And frankly, I’ve already called dibs, so I’m not givin’ you up for anything.”
That seemed to settle something in you, the pace of your tail picking up to its regular happy thump. Large hands encased either side of your head to brush over your fluffy ears, the velvety texture smooth under years of scarred tissue. And that fresh cut he had yet to bandage up. That could be done later, though. Right now he was more focused on plastering a hello-kitty bandaid over your heart. Leon was bad at this stuff, real bad. If there was a class for hybrid owner’s he’d have been expelled in seconds, set a new world record. Because even after having you with him for months he had to admit, he still had no idea what he was doing. He wanted to make that clear, no point in lying to you.
Gravelly voice turned smooth and soft, someone had put his whiskey rocks through a blender. He was a slushy now because of you. A messy, overpriced, alcoholic slushy. 
 “But I wanna try my hardest to make you feel loved here. Because believe me, you are. You and all your.. Energy, let’s say. You’re my fluff ball, aren’t ya?”
He doesn’t need words, words aren’t a strong suit for either of you. So he settled for the affectionate lick to the cheek you gave him, followed by your high pitched whine when you snuggled down into his lap with wiggling hips. Makes a huff of laughter rumble from his chest, not like the thunderous yelling you once heard. This was that of a car’s slow movement, of white noise to sleep.
Because at the end of the day you were each other’s peace. 
Lips press to your hair in a gentle manner, and Leon found himself nuzzling his nose down against your own.
 “Yeah you are. You’re daddy’s best girl.”
It’s a balm for the wounds on your soul, settling into his arms like you were made for them. Manufactured with his name printed across your heart where no-one could see it, you’d just had to find him. And now you had, and he had no intention of letting you go. If he could, he’d velcro you to his body.  
Yeah, Leon swore he’d never let you go.
And he might be a bastard at times, but he made good on his promises.
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The next week you were walking past the hall of photos, the one Leon commissioned of you and him out in the backyard was already hung. The outtakes of you sprinting off to chase a squirrel mid-shutter are his to keep tucked in his wallet, though. For the longer work days or boring lines at the DMV, all that shit. 
 But the formal one, the proper one, is right above the new frame you insisted on decorating for his graduation photo. Complete with smiley stickers and paint and hearts he’d carefully exacto-knifed around to give a clear view of his picture. You’d jumped around like a bouncy ball when he was cutting the excess sticky paper away, little yaps of ‘Is it done?! Is it finished?! Can I see it?!’ like you hadn’t been the one to seal it in glitter glue in the first place. 
And honestly, he loved it. Like you were leaving your pawprints on his past, making a new path of swaying tails and giggling fits to lead him with a tugging leash into his brighter future. Like you were meeting an older version of him. One before he became a little more bruised, a little more cold. But you’d helped chip that down with your tugging paws and cute canines.
He was softer now. And he’d decided yes, that was a good thing. Meant he was more suited for you, more tender with you. 
“C’mon, babygirl. Wanna go for a walk?” He already knows the answer. But watching you skitter on your feet to sprint towards him never gets old. Wagging tail and voice chirping.
“Can we get a pup cup on the way back? Please?”
Because if that freshly appointed rookie cop version of Leon could meet you, he’d be just as in love with you as he is right now. 
“Aw I’m not made of stone now, am I sweetheart?”
And he’d agree, that new frame looks much better.
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Consider buying me boba!
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
Could you do one where the whole band is in the studio and reader is so desperate that she rides axl in front of everyone. Preferably the original line up in the current era please I love you❤🌷
A/n: I may have gone a little crazy with this but that's ok because who doesn't love the whole pretty boy band <3
Warnings: Smut, gang bang, riding, fingering(f receiving), hand jobs, breeding kink, if you think I missed anything please let me know otherwise enjoy :3
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Guns N’ Roses was finally back from tour and you couldn’t have been happier to get to be with Axl again. You called everyday while he was away, with the calls often ending in phone sex, but it wasn’t enough.
You knew from the get go with him that you wouldn’t be able to be with him as much as you might have liked to be, it was just part of being with someone in a band. Didn’t mean you didn’t miss him, in more ways than one.
You’d spent the first few days together, as per usual, but one morning you woke up to find him getting ready to leave.
“Hey, babe, where’re you going?” You asked as you walked into the bathroom where he was.
“Going to the studio today.” He answered through a mouthful of toothpaste. You glanced at his reflection in the mirror then back to him.
“Why? You guys just got back from tour.” He spat into the sink and rinsed his mouth.
“Yeah, where I had a lot of time to think of new songs.” He explained. He planted a kiss on your forehead before heading out of the bathroom and to the walk-in closet. “We’re going to a studio to work on the instrumentals of some of them for our next album.” You watched as he sorted through clothes.
“What about me?” You asked, looking up at him with a small pout.
“What about you?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You expect me to just sit here all day?”
“Don’t you do that a lot anyway?” You glared at him, arms crossed over your chest and he gave you a kiss instead of apologising. “It’s only a few hours and then I’ll be home again.” You scoffed. He started changing in front of you, you watched him shamelessly.
“I’m coming with you.” You stated and started picking out your own outfit.
“No you’re not.” He looked at you with a confused expression. “What would you even do?” You shrugged.
“Nothing.” You said as you found an outfit for yourself. “But I want to be with you, so I’m coming.” He stared at you for a moment before deciding that he’s not going to be able to change your mind.
“Fine, be ready in ten minutes or I’m leaving without you.
You finished getting ready, it took longer than ten minutes but you knew he wouldn’t leave without you, and of course he didn’t. He was still waiting in the kitchen on his phone, completely having lost sense of time.
Upon entering the studio you were met with familiar faces all around. Slash was looking down at his Les Paul, Izzy was watching him and strumming along a rhythm to it. Steven and Duff were talking about dogs. At least you assumed so since they were showing each other pictures of dogs.
They all greeted you and Axl when you came in. Axl guided you to the couch and sat next to you, throwing an arm around you and holding you close to his side.
They were all talking about one thing or another, the tour, home life, stuff like that before actually diving into what they came there for which was the next album.
You were bored out of your mind. No one cared when you went on your phone, you didn’t really have much reason to be there anyway other than them asking your opinion on some things, which lyric fit better, whether or not they should add more solos. You enjoyed helping when you could but you were so fucking bored you were losing your mind.
You started reading about Axl, finding smutty fics about him to pass the time. It did help, to a point. After a few minutes of reading all you wanted was to act it out.
You knew he had his phone in his pocket so you texted him, saying how needy you were. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and looked at it, glancing back at you before responding. He told you to go deal with it in the bathroom. You huffed and stayed seated on the couch.
As they kept talking you decided ‘fuck it’ and started pushing the joint in your thumb against your clit through your thin, summer shorts. It wasn’t much but it was some form of friction, friction you were craving.
You kept your eyes on your phone for the most part but when you heard Slash’s low chuckle you had to look up. His glasses covered his eyes so you couldn’t see exactly where he was looking but you could tell he was looking at you, watching you touch yourself. His hand covered his mouth but he was smiling, you could see it in his cheeks. That much was a motivator to keep going.
You spread your legs and reached your hand into your shorts, continuing to touch yourself but this time with a viewer. Slash kept watching, smiling, chuckling to himself.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Slash?” Axl finally asked. His tone wasn’t angry, even though you couldn’t see his face you could hear the way the corners of his mouth were pulled into a smile.
The guitarist shook his head and gestured to you. You quickly closed your legs and hid what you had been doing so when Axl turned to look at you there was nothing to see. Sure enough he asked Slash what you’d been doing.
“Go deal with your girlfriend.” He mumbled, aiming his gaze to the ground. Axl turned around again and took a closer look at you. Your cheeks were flushed, sweat was starting to collect at your hairline and your breathing was heavy.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He came over to you, getting your pants and panties off. You started squirming and reaching for your clothes, not expecting him to undress you in front of his band. “I told you to stay home but no you just had come along, now look at you.” He gestured to your now half-naked body. You still tried to cover yourself but he wouldn’t let you, holding your legs apart as his bandmates gathered around behind him to gawk at your glistening folds.
Axl slapped your thigh. “Get up.” You did as he asked, though still wanting to cover yourself. Axl got his half-hard dick out of his pants and sat down behind you before pulling you down on him, slipping into you with ease given how hot you made yourself prior.
He got your legs onto the couch so you were straddling him, backwards cowgirl style. He wanted you to do all the work, since this was what you wanted in the first place. He also wanted this position so that his friends could see everything, from your pretty little cunt to the faces you made when you came.
“Go on, give us a show.” Duff said, already palming himself through his jeans. Axl patted the space beside him for Duff to come sit. He did and pulled out his hard member for you to jerk. You let out a soft whine and reached for him, starting to bounce yourself on Axl’s cock while stroking Duff’s.
Steven came over as well, standing to the side of you so as to not abstract Slash and Izzy’s view of you. He dropped his own pants and waited expectantly for you to let him in on the fun. You glanced back to Axl. “Can’t keep him waiting.” He said with a grin. You looked back to Steven and started pumping his shaft as well.
You thought this was a lot but you knew it wasn’t the end of it either. Izzy and Slash were both standing farther back working themselves. It seemed that you watching them acted as confirmation and they came over.
They didn’t make you take them into your mouth like you thought they would, much to your delight. Instead, they started jerking themselves off in your face and all you could do was wait for them to cum on you.
Your body was getting tired, arms wanted to fall to your sides and your legs began to shake under you as you kept bouncing on Axl. Seeing this the ginger started fucking up into you, making it a little easier.
Of course he knew your body better than anyone and knew exactly which spots to hit to make your eyes roll back. You had five men around you, all with their dicks out for you. It made everything feel better, especially when Duff reached over to rub your clit.
He has long, talented fingers that quickened everything you were feeling. “Fuck! ‘M-’m gonna cum, gonna cum!” You whined, hands clenching and unclenching around Duff and Steven’s cocks which seemed to get Steven over the edge, white liquid spurting onto your lap.
You looked down at it with stars in your eyes. It was then that you realised how badly you wanted all of them to cum on you. You kept jerking Steven off, his voice getting higher now. You could feel Axl twitching inside of you so you looked back at him.
“Please cum inside, want it so bad, please.” You whined. Axl had always wanted kids so you learned early on in your relationship that he had a breeding kink and asking him to cum inside your tight cunt was a sure fire way to make him cum.
Sure enough he grabbed your hips and held you down on him while his cum filled you up. That feeling alone almost made you cum but what really did it was Slash toying with your nipple.
You hadn’t been looking at him so his warm hand was already a surprise but the way he fondled you made your eyes roll back into your head. Your body shook and the couch under you, along with Axl’s lap, was now drenched.
You heard Duff groaning beside you and looked over just in time to catch his dick leaking, thick liquid coating your hand. His hand didn’t stop working on your clit, rubbing it, pinching and flicking. Seeing what made you moan the loudest and sweetest.
Izzy turned your head and thick ropes spurted onto your face. You stared up at him, lips parted as his seed slipped into your mouth. You were in such a trance for a moment you almost missed the feeling of Slash cumming on your chest.
More than once you’d caught him staring at your chest, really anyone’s chest. You smiled up at him and moved up and down Axl a few more times so he could watch your tits bounce while he came.
You were all breathing heavy, panting on one another as you came down from your highs.
“Get up.” Axl said with a heavy breath, patting your thigh. You got up and then started questioning what he wanted, your mind still in a haze. Sweat and jizz mixed together on your body and dripped down.
“Why..?” You asked out of breath and legs shaking beneath you.
“You wanted to get fucked so bad,” the ginger started, “why not give everyone a turn?” You stared up at him with wide eyes as you felt Slash’s big, warm hands wrap around your waist.
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bonbonchocolates · 9 months
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Yandere Bunny Hybrid Jungkook x Reader
Summary: When your best friend asks you to look after her pet bunny.......
Warnings: yandere jungkook, kidnapping, obsessive behaviour, obsession at first sight, non-con, smut (not descriptive), breeding kink, baby trapping
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. I hope you like it and if you do please leave a like.
Your colleague and good friend, Jungeun called you, grabbing your attention. You turned back to see her with a basket in her hands.
"Can I request you something?"
She asked and came towards you with the basket in her hands. You nodded your head and let her proceed.
"Actually Y/N I have to go out of the station for a few days-"
This was the only word that came in your mouth. You didn't know what to say or didn't even have any idea what she was about to say.
"So can you look after my pet for me?"
"What? You have a pet, you never told me before."
You two have been friends for five years but she never told you she has a pet. You even went to her house several times but she never showed you her pet.
"O-oh y-yeah, I j-just a-dop-ted recently."
Why did she shutter?
She then opened the basket in her hands. You peeped into it and found there was a small bunny inside it.
"Aww so cute."
Those words came out of your mouth as soon as you saw the bunny. After hearing your words a huge smile formed on Jungeun's face.
"Btw, what's his name?"
You asked pointing at the bunny. You were busy admiring it.
Jungeun said watching you staring at the bunny. She couldn't help but feel happy at the sight.
"So Y/Niee, will you take care of Cookie?"
"Thanks Y/Niee, thank you, you are the best."
She said before handing over the basket to you. You grabbed it tightly so that it doesn't slip from your hands.
"Y/Niee, I should get going, I'm getting late."
She said before running towards her car .
"Jungeun wait!"
"Bye Y/N, take care."
She turned back to you the last time and yelled at you. Soon she disappeared from your sight. You eyes then fell on the bunny in your hand. You found it staring at you.
"Let's go home, Cookie."
You walked towards your car with the basket in your hands. Just then something striked your brain, why did Jungeun bring her pet to work? Most importantly when she came to work she had no basket with her.
A drop of rain fell on your face. You know it's going to rain soon. You better get home soon.
Next Day:
You were searching on internet about how to look after a bunny. You had a dog and a cat before but never had a bunny so you have no idea how to take care of them.
You were currently at your work place and right now you had no work. You looked at the desk beside yours which was empty because it was Jungeun's. It's been a day but you miss her so much.
You heard a tap sound on your desk, you looked up to find a man you had never seen before.
"Excuse me, are you miss Y/N?"
After hearing that the man flashed you a bunny smile. You found it adorable.
"Good, I'm your new coworker. I'm here to work at the place of miss Jeon Jungeun."
Wait-what in place of Jungeun. No it can't be, Jungeun can't leave. You will die without her.
"What, Jungeun left?
"No actually miss Jungeun will not come to work for a month or two. So I'll work at her place."
You sighed in relief. Thank God Jungeun didn't leave but she'll not be coming for a month or two. She told you she is going out for a few days. Why didn't she tell you where she is going or why she is going? It was weird because she never hid something from you.
"Btw, my name is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook."
It has been almost two weeks since Jungkook joined your office. You two have gotten really well and now you are very good friends. You both often grab lunch or coffee together.
It doesn't matter how good of a bond Jungkook and you have now, you still miss Jungeun. She is your best friend and you can share each and every problem with her.
About Jungeun, you called her many times but she didn't pick up the call. You are really worried about her. You just hope she is fine. You talked about her to Jungkook, he assured you that everything is okay and she is fine. You hope he is right.
"What are you thinking about Y/N?"
Jungkook's voice brought you out of the stream of your thoughts. You looked at Jungkook who was staring at you.
"Oh nothing"
"Y/N if you want to share it with me you are free to. I won't judge you."
"I know"
Suddenly you realised that it's getting late and you should head home. Cookie is alone and you need to feed him.
"Jungkook, it's getting really late. I must head home."
"Oh yeah, I am getting late too."
With that both of you parted your ways.
"Are you hungry, Cookie?"
You went towards the basket where Cookie was seated. You picked him up and were about to leave when your eyes spotted something. You placed Cookie down on the floor and grabbed the piece of paper which you found in the basket.
Why didn't you see it before? Maybe you didn't pay so much attention to it. You opened the piece of paper. 'Oppa, please don't hurt Y/N' was all written on the paper. It appeared to be Jungeun's handwriting but why will she write something like this and who wants to hurt you? So many questions went through your mind.
You decided to ignore it and do what you were about to do. You decided to feed Cookie but when you looked down where you kept Cookie, he was not there.
Just the you heard the pop sound of your phone. It was kept on the nearby table so you quickly grabbed it and checked the notification. You had received a message from Jungeun. You were so happy to see her name, she finally remembered you.
Run Y/N
Why would you run? What happened? Why did she text something like this?
What happened Jungeuniee?
Y/N run away before Oppa gets you.
Why should I run from your Oppa?
Y/N you have time now.
Run away before Oppa gets you.
Stop joking Jungeun.
I know you don't have a brother.
Y/N I lied to you.
I have a brother and he is obsessed with you.
What are you saying Y/N?
Y/N I'll explain everything to you.
But right now just run away.
And don't take Cookie with you.
Just then you heard the sound of something breaking. I ran towards my kitchen from where the sound came from. There I found Cookie on the kitchen counter and a plate broken into pieces.
I grabbed Cookie from there. I am glad that he didn't get hurt.
"You have no idea what you have done?"
I gave Cookie something to eat and I made something for myself to eat. I was having my dinner but couldn't stop thinking about what Jungeun had said.
She has a brother and I had no idea. Her brother is obsessed with me. How can it even be possible? She has to be joking because whatever she said doesn't makes any sense. But somewhere inside you was saying you to listen to her.
Whatever she said is definitely not possible, isn't it? Suddenly your head started to pain and you started to feel dizzy. You held your head tightly in your hands.
"Good night sweetheart, sleep well. You have a long night ahead."
You looked up and saw a figure sitting right in front of you through your blurry vision. It appeared to be Jungkook but what is he doing here? Before you could take a proper look at the person everything went black and you fell asleep.
Jungkook's POV:
I looked at Y/N, she already passed out. I went towards her and picked her up in bridal style.
"Now I finally have you."
I whispered to her even though I know that she is not able to hear me. I am so happy to have her all for myself and all thanks to my sister. If she would not have helped me I would have never got my sweetheart.
I was walking down the street in search of the dog who killed one of our pack member. How dare he kill one of our member? He will face the worst death for that and I will make sure of it.
Just then my eyes caught a sight of a girl helping an old lady cross the street. I was captivated by her beauty. I totally forgot what I was here for and just watched her helping the old lady. Nowadays we don't find such people often.
That was the moment I realised that I fell for her. I need her in my life. Don't worry sweetheart I will soon make you mine.
End of Jungkook's POV
"Y/N, Y/N"
You heard somebody wishpering your name. You opened your eyes and found Jungeun staring at you.
She covered your mouth with her hand before you could speak further. You observed the surroundings and found yourself in an unfamiliar room. Where were you?
"Didn't I tell you to run away?"
Jungeun wispered to you.
"But wh-"
"Listen Y/N, I lied to you that I don't have any siblings. I actually have a brother."
"But why did you lie?"
"I wanted to live a normal life as a human. Yes, we are not humans we are rabbit hybrids."
Are you dreaming? What is she saying? Rabbit hybrids- do they even exist? But the most important thing right now was that why are you here in the first place?
"Why am I here?"
"My brother brought you here. He is obsessed with you and wants you to be his mate. This is why I told you to run away but you didn't listen to me. At first I thought he loves yo- "
Before Jungeun could complete her sentence you heard someone clearing their throat. You looked at found Jungkook standing near the door with his hands on his hips.
You were correct it was Jungkook whom you saw before passing out. He is the one who kidnapped you and he is Jungeun's brother. Why didn't you figure it out before? Truth to be said both Jungkook and Jungeun had so much in common. They have the same surname and even a similar name.
"Get out, sister"
He yelled at Jungeun which had you in shock. You never saw this side of him and it freaked you out.
"But Oppa-"
"I said get out."
Jungeun hurriedly ran away from the room. You were now alone with Jungkook. He started to come towards you.
"Stay away from me."
You yelled at him but nothing worked. You tried to run away but in a moment Jungkook was above you. He pinned you hands above your head. You regret not listening to Jungeun and running away.
"Can't do sweetheart. I love you so much. I can do anything to have you even if I have to get rid of someone I will do it. If I can pretend to be a pet bunny then I can do anything."
He quickly captured your lips in a kiss. The kids was rough and demanding. He was enjoying the kiss but you struggled in his grip.
"Now I will make you my mate so that you can never get away from me."
With that he started to remove your clothes. You tried to push him off you but nothing worked because he was too powerful compared to you.
He was thrusting deep inside you while you were crying helplessly. He was moaning in pleasure while you were groaning in pain.
You thought Jungkook to be a good person. You trusted him but he betrayed you. Even your best friend betrayed you. She was the one who helped Jungkook. You can never forgive her. Even though she said you to run away. If she wanted she could have protected you from him.
"I have to make sure that my seeds reach your womb. Jungeun loves babies."
With a final thrust he cummed inside you and laid on top of you. He then kissed your forehead. You now know that you are forever trapped with him.
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kentosovertime · 7 months
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(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are
toji x afab!reader, fiance!megumi - 2.7k words
A/N: here's a comeback fic for my blog resurrection, had this idea before I stopped writing and FINALLY got to it, enjoy~
CW: explicit content, explicit language, age gap, revenge cheating, manipulation, humiliation, dubcon language, your dad will do, virgin!reader, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, breeding, non consensual videotaping at the end, anger issues (rip the reader)
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“For fucks sake!” You screech, the sound of your rage swallowed by a bus that screams by the side of the road as you slam the hood of your smoking car shut. 
“At least it’s not in flames-” Starts a random passerby walking their dog, but is sent running when you send them a withering glare. After the weekend you’ve had and it’s only Friday night?
You open your phone, your glare turning to the long list of outgoing calls to every hotel within an hour of your apartment, all booked to no vacancy for a local festival. Your landlord really picked the perfect weekend to kick all their tenants out for “emergency” maintenance for an issue that was reported months ago. 
Someone must have threatened to report the living conditions, as his attitude quickly changed when he offered to reimburse the hotel costs if his tenants were forced to stay at one. 
Your gaze softens as you scroll through those calls to where Megumi contacted you, letting you know he had made it to the martial arts competition he was coaching this weekend. His soft spot and skill for taking care of children was what initially drew you to him, but right now you wished more than anything you could press on his name and he could come to your rescue like always. 
Calling a tow truck to bring your car to the mechanics wasn’t necessarily the issue… but being on the streets for the next couple nights was. With your car in this condition, it wasn’t like you could sleep in it, given your inability to find even a shity motel room in the worst part of town. 
You take a moment to mourn the fact that you didn’t move closer to where your family lives before realizing you really only have one option in front of you; Toji. 
The contact information for your boyfriend's father mocks you on the screen, daring you to call him, a perfect stranger, to come and save your ass. The lack of familiarity wasn’t based on a lack of effort on your part, having tried repeatedly to get Megumi to open up about his family. The most that you were able to glean was that his mother had passed away and his father wasn’t often present. 
“Hello?” A gruff voice answers on the first ring. You didn’t even realize you had pressed his number before he was on the line. “Sorry, Mr. Fushiguro? This is Megumi’s fiance…” An awkward, lasting silence stretches out between the two of you before you clear your throat and try again. “I’m very sorry to bother you, but Megumi is out of town and m-my car is billowing smoke a-and all the hotels are booked-” 
Toji smirks as you ramble, rather cutely he may add, grabbing his wallet and keys before he’s even told you yes to both of your requests. He chuckles under his breath as you struggle to not fill the silence, letting your words hang in the air again. 
“I’m on my way,” He hums as he twists the keys in the ignition of his car. “Get your stuff out of the car in case it explodes.” 
He barks out a laugh as he hangs up and hears a distressed noise of dismay leave your throat. You’re so easily worked up, he wonders if this is why Megumi has done everything in his power to prevent the two of you from meeting… a valid concern. Considering how that ex of his used to try to hang off of Toji. He shudders in disgust at the memory of the girl, still in high school and thinking she was worth a second glance. 
Something tells him you’d be a prettier sight. 
This is why Megumi has been telling you no… It takes everything in you to keep your jaw snapped shut as you watch his father prowl up to where you're standing over your suitcase on the sidewalk, nervously glancing at the vehicle he made seem may blow up at any second. 
You approach the car hesitantly when he waves you over, shocked that your legs work from how tightly your wound. He opens up the hood to take a look at what’s causing the smoke while you wait for your tow. 
“Here, sweetheart.” It only takes him a second to point out what's wrong with your engine, gently redirecting your finger when you point to an area in question. “I wouldn’t hold out too much hope that this is worth fixing… you may be looking at a new set of wheels.” 
Anger and frustration well up in you again, even as a flush of heat cascades down your spine at the small touch of his skin on yours. You’re thankful for the distraction the anger provides, given the other option is avoiding looking at how his tight black t-shirt stretches across his torso or drooling like a pitiful little girl. Your fiance is attractive, but there’s still a softness to his face. He lacks the hard planes and sharp angles his father possesses. 
“One thing at a time.” Toji squeezes your shoulder with a smirk, leading closer than he should. How is he supposed to help himself when you seem ready to snap with how tightly you’ve wound yourself? The tension in your back only winds further with how he kneads your skin. “If you need it, I’ll pitch in to help Megumi get you around for a bit.” 
Your mouth opens to stutter out a reply… or maybe a denial for such an open ended offer, but the horn of the tow truck stops you. 
“Let me handle that.” He hums. “I wouldn’t want the tow truck driver to try to take advantage of you.” 
Watching him leave, you pull the phone from your pocket, sending Megumi a quick update about where you’re going before your phone dies. You shove it back into its spot after you’ve powered it off, saving what’s left of the battery for when you’re able to dig out your phone charger. 
Toji holds the door to his house open for you, bracing his hand on the small of your back as you cross the threshold to a surprisingly tasteful living room. 
“What?” You can hear the smirk in his voice, the shock must be written all over your face. “Expect a futon couch and a mattress on the floor?” 
“M-Maybe..” You rub your neck with a sheepish look, managing a small chuckle as he leads you down the hall to what you assume is the room you’ll be using. “Something about unmarried men and the lack of dining room tables and living out of laundry baskets.” 
The drive over had taken longer than you expected, he lives on the edge of the city, the houses given more space than what you’re used to from your apartment in the city. But it had given you the opportunity to partially acclimate to his overwhelming presence. All you had to do was not look at his face… easy. 
“I did have a wife.” He hums in thought. “The art of furnishing a house isn’t lost on me… Anyway.. This one is you.” He flicks on the light as he enters the spacious room, moving until he gets to another door, turning that light on too, the cocky humor back on his face by the time he turns back to you with a playful glint in his eyes. 
“You have your own bathroom… shower head’s detachable.”  He tacks on, watching you empty your overnight bag, setting your night clothes out before you turn your phone back on and get it attached to a charger.
“That’s not- I wouldn’t-” A shocked squeak flies from your throat as your eyes widen in embarrassment. 
“Your face is…” He howls in laughter. “Absolutely priceless. My room is down the hallway, last door on the right. In case you need me.”
“I-” His tone drips with innuendo, making the blush on your face deepen to a shade of crimson. So much for not thinking about him inappropriately. 
“So innocent, sweetheart. You’d think you’re still a virgin.” You watch in mortification as your future father-in-law leans cockily against the door jam to your bathroom, your mouth opening and closing, urging something to come out, an explanation, a lie, anything. Just something to make him not make fun of you. “Oh my god… you are. Even when you’re engaged to my son?” 
“He…” You wring your hands together, your voice barely above a mumble, looking down at your engagement ring in confusion, as if it could tell you the Toji’s lying to you. “He said he wanted to wait until w-we were married. That he’d wait…” 
He never said that it would be his first time, you realize. As quickly as your embarrassment comes, it's replaced with a low, burning fit of rage that’s ready to lash out. 
“Wait! You thought Megumi was a virgin?” He snickers meanly. “That’s fucking rich, hun. That ship sailed in fucking high school.” 
You listen, shaking with the anger that’s boiling inside of you, as he describes Megumi’s relationship with a girl named Himari, how he walked in on them more than once. 
Your mind starts to spin in circles, fueled by this rage that has nowhere to go. As insufferable as Toji is about this, you find your anger can’t be directed at him. It's Megumi that lied to you for the entire duration of your relationship, not his father. 
As your mind circles, every insecurity that you’ve had about your relationship that you so easily dismissed before bubbles to the surface one by one. He’s always working or volunteering somewhere. The apartment has just become a place that he sometimes sleeps, if he ever makes it home because he travels around so often. He even said he didn’t like his father. Admittedly, you can see how they would clash, but was that it? Or did he just not want you to meet Toji so his cover wouldn’t be blown?
Toji approaches you, leaning into that delicious anger to purr in your ear. “I could show you what you’re missing, sweetheart…” 
Your body doesn’t flinch as your eyes slide to meet his gaze directly for the first time. You nod ever so slightly in consent, your breath uneven from the anticipation that’s built in your core from when you first saw him. 
“I’m going to need a little more than a nod, swe-” It’s the spite that pushes you to kiss him first. Spite that doing this will hurt Megumi has much as he hurt you, and spite that if you have to hear Toji call you sweetheart one more fucking time you’d explode. 
The groan you swallow from Toji as he presses against you wipes any doubt from your mind as you press against his broad chest to push him to the guest bed and crawl up his body to grind yourself into the bulge in his pants, hungrily seeking out his lips again. 
“Eager little virgin, aren’t we?” He growls as he yanks your head back by your hair, baring your neck to him so he can nip at it. The lack of marks there by his son is a further invitation to take you for himself. 
“Ah-! Mr. Fushi-” A whimper escapes your mouth as he carelessly shoves a hand beneath the band of your leggings and panties and you squirm to pull away as his fingers immediately shove past your entrance to scissor you open. 
“Uh uh. That’s enough of that shit.” He bites a harsh mark into the juncture of your neck, grinning when you cry out with a mixture of pain and pleasure, fat tears welling in your eyes and spilling over, your core spasming around his digits he continues to bully into you. “I’m not fucking stopping until your dripping, sweetheart. I’m going to have you crying that its too much and I’m not going to fucking stop. Even if you beg.”
It stings, the foreign feeling inside of you, but that feeling is quickly replaced by a rapidly approaching orgasm. You can take him, you think as you reach down between you to palm him through his sweatpants. You’re ready for anything he could give you. 
Your efforts leave you breathless and end with you managing to work his pant’s down his legs as he rips your leggings from your body along with your panties. 
“Fuck-” He growl as you take ahold of his length and line him up with your entrance as you hover above him. “You better slow down or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“You’re too cocky for your own- oh fuck-” You hiss as you allow the head of his cock to breach your entrance. The sting returns and flares into white hot heat at your core, making you double over into his chest as each inch rips its way into you. Your hips rock needily into him, trying with desperate circles to work yourself open. 
By the third circle of your hips, Toji loses his patience. His hands reach out to grapple your hips, using his momentum to flip the two of you before he thrusts violently into you, fully seating himself before pulling from your heat to slam home again. 
“Broken in now, aren’t you?” He growls, slamming into you a few more times before the sting completely abates, making sure you really feel what he’s taking from you. “Took what you wanted like a greedy fucking whore. Now shut the fuck up and be thankful I’m giving you my cock.” 
He pulls out of you to manhandle you until your chest is laying against the covers, wasting no time before he’s hauling your hips back into where he kneels behind you, entering you roughly again and setting a punishing pace. 
“You take me like a trained bitch.” He pants, grunting as his hips slap against yours, sending the vibrations straight to your clit as you sob into the duvet. “You lying about this being your first time?” 
You don’t answer, your face planted into the covers from the angle he has you bent into. Toji growls in annoyance, gathering your arms behind you to pull you up against his chest before his free hand snakes around your front to deliver a harsh slap to your center, ripping a scream from you.
“Go on slut. Answer, daddy.” He slaps your clit again and you feel yourself gush around his length, pushed to the edge. 
“M’not lying, Mr. Fushigur-” Another slap has you trembling, fresh tears pouring down your cheeks as you build impossibly higher. “D-Daddy- M’not you just f-feel s’good. I’ve b-been wet since you showed up.”
“Greedy little thing’s so ignored by Megumi you have to result to fucking his dad?” He coos down at you condescendingly, degrading you further. His voice takes on a cruel tone as he starts circling your clit. “How are you going to explain to your precious fiance that you’re carrying his brother?” 
“W-What- n-no T-Toji you c- shit!” You cum suddenly around him, the image of you leaking his cum banging around your head until you're clamping so hard around him you’re pulling his orgasm from him. Shivers wrack your body as you feel the ropes of his cum pump into you and leak from where you’re connected.  
The two of you breathe heavily, your panting filling the room as you come down from your highs. In your haze you don’t notice Toji video taping his cock pulling out of your cunt or the cum that gushed out in its wake before playfully slapping your ass and walking into the guest bathroom to get you a towel. 
You slump against the covers, wincing as you reach for your phone when you see the screen go off with worried messages from Megumi about being near his father. Followed by numerous missed calls with the same message, pleading with you not to stay with him. That he’d rush home tonight to help you so you didn’t have to stay there. 
You scowl at the message, sending off something that gets right to the point. 
<Who’s Himari?>
You decline the immediate litany of frantic calls, fully shutting off your phone and shuffling out of bed to join Toji in the bathroom. Maybe the shower could be round two… and if not, you’d happily sneak into the master bedroom to make that a reality.
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tag list: @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @roughwithfluff @severelytalentless @yelzoldyck @silversslut @aazaard @dreamyyholland @wobblewobble822 @vantastic210@rafzaha @tirzamisu @chososhoney @littlemochi @bebechinas99 @firdaoz @saoney @meromelo @pelicanpizza @sukunassoulmate @damncakie @katgalle @honeyyjems [[if your blog name is crossed out i couldn't tag you]]
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jammed-out · 1 year
I Can't Resist
"I've had enough of you thinking you're a person. Here." Your master tossed something at you. It hit the floor skidding across it, stopping an inch from you. You looked down at it from where you were kneeling naked in front of him. "Put that on dog."
You looked down at it. It was a small brown leather dog collar, not even designed for humans. There was a small silver metal tag hanging off of it. You could see that it said "dog" on it. Nothing else. You looked up at them nervously.
"I didn't tell you to hesitate. I said put it on!" They said raising an eyebrow.
Tentatively you reached out one hand, the other kept tightly in your lap. Your fingers touched the leather, it was course and rough and wouldn't feel comfortable on the skin. You wondered how irritating it would be once tightened around your neck. You couldn't help but get a bit nervous and exited at the same time.
Master stomped over ripping the collar out of your hand. "When I tell you to do something. You do it dog!" They gripped your hair pulling your head back. "Or have you forgotten your place again?"
You stared up at their face and wondered how you hand ended up here, like this. Just a few weeks ago you were a top academic, going for your master's degree and now here you are, naked, kneeling before your Master, them ordering you like a dog. You had never even thought of having sex before Master and now you spent every night worshipping their body, doing whatever they told you. Of course they let you out during the day to go pretend that you were still a person, that you had a reason to get your degree, but after graduating you'd be nothing more than a house pet, born for breeding and pleasure.
Master knelt down grabbing the collar and wrapping it around the front of your neck. They pulled it tightly causing you to gasp and whimper, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You could feel their hands methodically fastening the belt through the metal clasp pulling it shut. You felt them start to twist it around your neck, the leather scratching at your skin. A single tear fell down your cheek as you whimpered softly. You wanted to protest and complain but couldn't, you weren't a person.
While you were in Master's house, you weren't allowed to talk. Only people talk, and you were a dog. You weren't allowed to walk on two feet. Only people can do that, and you were a dog. You crawled. You weren't allowed to wear clothes, only people did that, and you were a dog. You were there to be used for pleasure and to sit and obey. Like a good dog.
They tag dangled on your chest, the cold metal pressing just above your collarbone. You swallowed dryly and felt the collar squeeze your neck back. You suddenly felt so aroused it was nearly unbearable.
"That's much better. Now you know you're mine." They looked you over frowning. "But you know what that means. We need to show the world. So..." They reached into their back pocket and pulled out a long leash. Your eyes went wide in fear. They couldn't possibly mean what you thought they meant.
"That's right dog. We're going to go for a walk. After all, you aren't a person, so why should you care how you look going out?"
You felt your arousal spike. The thought that you would be forced to go out looking like this, completely naked, for anyone to see, with only a collar and leash attached to you, it caused you to stick your tongue out and pant. Some part of you hoped none of your friends would see you like this, but the majority of you hoped they did. It would make things so much easier if everyone knew you were a stupid dog.
"Good dog. Now go fetch your tail and we'll get going."
You got down and started to crawl across the floor on your hands and knees. The sooner you had your tail shoved in your ass, the sooner everyone could see what a good dog you were. You could feel yourself dripping on the floor. You knew Master would make you lick that up before you went, only causing you to drip more. You were such a good dog. You were so lucky Master knew what you were after that first date together and you were even luckier, they knew how to make sure you'd never be a person again.
You grabbed your tail with your mouth wrapping your mouth around the plug and began to crawl back. Master stood there waiting, something small and round in their hand. "Good pet. But before we go." Their finger pressed down on the clicker, the loud pop ringing out through the room.
You felt yourself drop, pupils dilating, jaw going slack as you froze in place. You could hear Master reminding you that you were a dog, it echoed around your empty brain. They told you that you were going to see a friend now and you better behave. That good dogs behaved.
You could feel them start to push the plug into your ass, the tail snapping in place tightly with a pop. You didn't react at all. You could hear the click of the leash on your collar and the slight pull as they tested the connection. You just knelt there on all fours, unmoving, empty, waiting for a command.
"Come dog." You heard the click go off and suddenly everything came flooding back. You panted and eagerly hopped over to Master's side. You were so lucky Master found you when they did. It was dangerous for dogs like you to be left in the wild for too long. They needed to be taught to obey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you all enjoyed that one. Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll last week. I'm going to do a weekly poll with some conceptual ideas I have for things I wouldn't normally write. I'll be putting them up the same time as these, 5pm PST every Wednesday. So be sure to vote for what you want me to write, since the polls are going to be switching to a 24 hour window. And if you enjoyed this, feel free to check out my other writings on here, on ROM, or on Twitter, links in my pinned post.
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johnwickb1tsch · 10 months
Constantine x Reader x Wick Imagine
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🗡️Ahhhhhhhgrgh OK SO you used to date John Constantine, but he pushed you away and broke your heart when you accidentally said the L word. You move to New York, and now you're with John Wick, who is ever so good to you, but you don't ask what he gets up to in the wee hours of the night or why he comes home with bruised knuckles. It's old hat to you, considering who you used to date. Constantine happens to know, however, that Wick is a demon half breed, and its driving him insane thinking about you with him. He found out from one of his less than savory contacts, and its been eating at him ever since.
He confronts you in Central park, where you like to go on your lunch breaks to read. "Nice, y/n. I turn my back for two seconds and you're fucking a demon." "First of all, fuck off, Constantine. Second, what the fuck are you talking about? Third, what the fuck are you doing in New York?” “Your little boyfriend’s boss Tarasov is cooking up something wicked. Something that’s going to harvest a LOT of souls for his master.” That would be Lucifer Himself, of course. You roll your eyes, even if in the very back back room of your head, you wonder if he’s telling the truth. Could John Wick be a demon? The sex was amazing, but that didn't necessarily mean he was the Devil's minion? You had noticed though, out the corner of your eye, that sometimes his pupils seemed to have a fiery glow. And sometimes, when he came home all sweaty and hadn't showered yet, you'd get a weird whiff of sulfur. You'd always shrugged it off, but... “Sure he is.” Seeing Constantine hurts like a knife between the ribs. You'd loved him so much, and he was such an asshole to you. The fact that he’s come all this way trying to warn you should not inspire this kind of warmth in your heart. “Just stay away from me, Constantine.”
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😈Of course, he doesn’t. He never told you, but you're the only woman he's ever truly loved. You’re out with John Wick when Constantine strikes, trying to deport your [apparently?] demon boyfriend. Wick gets the drop on him though, and he’s about to finish the job before he hears you scream. He sees your face and knows it will hurt you irreparably if he kills Constantine. So he lets him go, throwing him across the darkened street into a building. You leave with Wick, and he takes you home. You have so many questions, but he refuses to answer them. He kisses you goodnight before he has to go out again, a sorrow in those soulful puppy dog eyes that breaks your heart. How is it possible that he’s a demon? He’s so good to you.
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♥Little do you know, John Wick never really had a choice. He was damned for something he didn't really have control over, and working for the Devil is way better than seething in the Pit. He's good at what he does, but his heart's never really been in it. You're the best thing that's ever happened to him.
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😇👹You were never really down with all this angels and demons shit. Constantine kept you insulated from it, and to be honest you're not really even a believer. It’s kind of why these guys are attracted to you, tbh. Being around you is like a little break from their lives. You’re a good person for the most part. You go about your day and do your best not to be a total piece of shit, and usually that works out, but you don’t get caught up in the whole Heaven! and Hell! thing. Though one time when you confessed to Constantine that you don’t believe in God, he’d bitterly said, “That doesn’t mean He doesn’t believe in you, the asshole.” For someone supposedly on God's side, Constantine never seemed to like Him much.
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🔥You follow Wick one night, desperate to know if Constantine was right. You get caught, because you are just human, and Tarasov decides you’ll make a perfect little sacrifice for the profane ritual they’re setting up. Constantine, of course, was following you. Before the knife can fall MAYEM ensues. SO MANY Demons get their asses deported, but you almost die anyway. In the end, Wick pulls a Selfless Act saving you, and he gets turned into a halfbreed angel instead.
😡Constantine is so fucking pissed off about this.
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🤷‍♀️You love them both and have no idea how you’re going to choose.
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biggestsimponhere · 10 months
Do you always sound like that? - Suitless!Darth Vader x reader
Not requested but i do take requests
Warnings - Smut, Sub!Vader, Dom!Reader, Vaginal sex, Unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT PEOPLE), Breeding kink
“Where were you?” You say coldly as he enters your shared quarters. “Why does that concern you?” Vader said as he moved towards you. “Why does it concern me? I’m your empress” You say sharply. “You’re right, I’m sorry, i was in a meeting and it ran long” He says sliding his hands along your waist to wrap around your front. You sigh lightly but don’t give up. You’re angry. He should have told you. You push his hands off of you and move to the bed. He sighs as you push away from him, slowly trailing after you in hopes you’ll calm down.
“I was gonna give you a treat tonight to” You say sighing dramatically. That makes his interest peak as he moves in front of you. “What? What treat?” He practically whines as he crouches in front of you. You look down at him and his puppy dog eyes and almost give in until you remember why you’re doing this in the first place. You slide your nightgown to the side slightly revealing your lacy bra underneath. Vader practically melts as he catches sight of the red lace covering you. “Oh baby, please, i’m sorry” He begs sliding his hands up your thighs. “Are you?” You say sternly. “Yes, i a-am, please” He says trying to control his volume. You slide your leg in between his and he groans as you make contact with his dick.
“Get yourself off then” You say staring down at him. “R-really?” He says whining. “Do. It.” You say pushing your leg against him again. You watch the gears click in his head as he realizes it’s this or nothing. He slowly starts to grind against your leg, being sure to avoid the sharp end of your high heel. You watch as he slowly loses it. Grinding against you and moaning and whimpering. You can feel yourself getting weaker, but you have to remember this is his punishment. “Baby, i’m close, please can i come” He whines reaching for your hand. You give it to him, letting him squeeze it tightly. You take your other hand and brush the hair from his sweaty forehead before speaking. “No.”
You pull your leg away just before he can cum and laugh as he whines at the loss of stimulation. “Please, please baby” He whimpers as you smile at his softly. If only they could see him now. Their great emperor. On his knees. Begging. “Get up here” You say pulling him up by his shirt. “Take your clothes off. Slowly.” You say as you lean back on the bed. You watch as Vader slowly removes his top, followed by his belt, then his pants. You can see him straining against his underwear, you moan lightly as he slowly pulls them down. “Come here” You say beckoning him. He crawls in between your legs slowly. “Take it off” You say pointing at your nightgown. He reaches over and slowly behind to remove your nightgown revealing the lace beneath.
He moans as he notices the bow on top of your cherry red lace underwear. He slides your panties down and kisses your thigh lightly as it glides down your legs. “Can i baby? Please?” He says licking his lips as he stares at your center. “Go ahead” You nod at him. He practically dives in. Sliding his tongue up your slit till he reaches your clit. He circles his tongue slowly, moaning at the taste of you. “Always know how to make me feel so good” You say sliding your hand into his hair. He practically glows at the praise. “Gonna make you feel so good baby, so good” He says pecking up your thigh before moving back to your core. You moan as he sucks harder on your clit.
“I need more” You say tugging his hair. He moans at that. “Of course” He says sliding his hand up to your core and slides two fingers up and down your slit. Then he slowly inserts two fingers into you. You moan loudly as he slowly begins to pump them in and out. “That’s enough, need you in me” You say reaching for him. He was about to move to slide into you before you flipped the both of you. “This is still a punishment ani. Aren’t you gonna be a good boy?” You say sternly. He whines nodding his head rapidly. “I’m gonna be a good boy, such a good boy for you, please” He says grabbing your hips. You let him. You line him up with your entrance before slamming down on him. You both moan loudly.
“Yeah i know you are baby” You say brushing your fingers along his jaw as you continue riding him. You both quickly reach your peak. Too stimulated from all the teasing. “Go ahead come in me” You say smiling at him. He whimpers loudly as he begins to come. “Gonna make you so full of me. Gonna give you a baby” He starts babbling as you tighten around him. The two of you collapse into each other breathing heavily. You slide off of him slightly whining at the loss as you head to the bathroom. You quickly take care of yourself before grabbing a wet wash cloth and moving towards him. You wipe it all away kissing his hips as you move to dry him. You change back into your nightgown before handing him in bottoms.
He stares at you adoringly as he slides his pants on and changes the sheets, the two of you climb back into your freshly made bed and curl into each other. “I love you ani” You say softly. He smiles at the use of the nickname he’s reserved for only the most special people in his life. “I love you too sweetheart, so much” He says pulling you closer. “I’m sorry i got so upset” You say quietly. “Don’t be. Not if it gets me this” He says laughing. “Ani” You drag out his name whining. “It’s alright baby” He says kissing your head before the two of you drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
sorry to the anon from earlier, i misread your request!! here is what you actually were looking for 🙈
i'm shakey on jjk lore and i couldn't find much online explaining geto's cult so please excuse any blatant inaccuracies.
list of prompts ⋆ masterlist
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╰┈➤ smut prompts - 101 & 111. "Do I look like I'm messing around? Do I look like I won't punish you?"
"Be a good girl/boy for mommy/daddy."
ft. cult leader!geto/fem!reader cw. unedited, not proofread, name calling (pet, dog, monkey), death threat, reference to future murder of a child, geto is really evil in this, explicit sexual content (power dynamic, degradation, rough sex, manipulation, breeding, spit, spanking slight dub/non-con in the beginning but it's more like.... stockholm syndrome?), explicit language. 2,010 words.
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geto looks down at you, on your knees bowing for him with your forehead pressed against his feet.
you were always so obedient to him -- always doing your best for him -- always so eager to please.
but not today.
"explain to me again what happened, pet," he sneers, jerking his feet away from you like he's disgusted. you sit up on the heels of your feet with your palms resting on your thighs, looking up at him with swollen, red eyes from crying.
"i'm sorry, i -- i don't know what i was thinking -- i just --"
"i can't understand you when you're blubbering like that," he hisses and he watches you steel your shoulders.
you tense up, rolling your shoulders back to look at him and he almost grins at the shift in your demeanor, but he keeps his face fixed in a disgusted scowl.
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"sir, the travelers were feeling nervous and asked if they could leave."
"and what did you tell them?"
"i told them how to escape."
"escape?" geto repeats, brows raising in mock surprise. "what did you help them escape from?"
he watches your jaw tightening as you try to think up a response that will satisfy geto -- but there's nothing that you could say that would make him happy.
those travelers were afflicted with a special grade curse. they were incredibly valuable to him and you helped them escape?
"sir, it was just a child," you say quietly, voice wavering.
your compassion would move him if it wasn't directed at a filthy monkey, so instead he sneers down at you.
"that's never mattered before, pet."
you just nod, eyes darting down to the ground.
he tsks and sits up from his seat. standing directly in front of you, his cups your jaw with his hand, tilting your head to face him.
"you understand the cause, don't you?"
"yes, sir."
"then why are you chasing away valuable resources?"
"i... i don't know."
he snorts. "no, you don't know. you don't know anything at all, do you?" he grips your jaw tighter and he watches you wince from the pain. "you're just a loyal, obedient dog. always willing to do what your master asks. isn't that right?"
"yes, sir."
"but you didn't do what i asked... did you?"
"no, sir."
he tsks and pushes you away from him. you topple from where you're seated, falling onto your back as your hands reach back to catch yourself. you wince, looking up at geto as he plants his feet on either side of your body.
"do you take me as a joke, pet?"
"no, sir."
"do you think i won't punish you?"
you open your mouth to speak and geto watches your jaw waver. you audibly gulp, gaze shifting from his face down to the floor. "no, sir," you say quietly.
seeing you act like this -- so submissive and delicate -- has geto hardening in his robes. with a smirk, he works on undoing the gojokesa from around his hips and letting it drop to the floor. he watches your lashes flutter, but you keep them fixed on the floor.
he moves next to remove his haori and his koromo, shrugging them off of his shoulders and letting them pool on the ground alongside his other clothes.
he sighs in relief, tilting his head to each side to crack his neck as he enjoys the weightless feeling of disrobing. his clothes are always so heavy on his body, so he relishes any opportunity to remove them.
without any robes or fabrics in the way, the bulge in the crotch of his pants is blatantly obvious. he palms at it gently, feeling a wet, sticky mess on the tip of his cock as he looks down at you.
"i'm good to you, aren't i?"
"yes, sir."
he notices that you're a little breathless, despite how you try to hide it. he grins as his cock throbs against his palm.
"on your back or on your knees?" he asks, voice slipping into a deep growl as he watches you tremble.
you don't answer right away, mulling the choice around in your head before your eyes flick up to meet his face.
"on my back."
he smiles, "good choice. now, get on your hands and knees."
he watches disappointment flicker across your face before you nod, rolling over onto your hands and knees as geto shifts his stance to stand behind you.
"this is your punishment, remember?" he coos, kneeling behind you and running his hands up and down the backs of your thighs, lifting your skirt up and flipping it up on to your back. "you don't get what you want."
"yes, sir," you whimper, lowering down onto your forearms and sticking your ass into the air.
geto hums in approval, rubbing his palm across the fat of your ass before pulling his hand back and giving you a firm slap. you jolt forward from the force, but return back to your spot as he spanks you again and again.
he stops only when he can feel the heated sting from the skin on your ass against his palm, and then he gently rubs the sore muscle with his hand to soothe it.
"stupid fucking monkey," he hisses, holding your hip with one hand as the other reaches down to unfasten his pants. "i don't know why i keep you around if you can't listen to orders."
you whimper quietly but there's a dark, wet spot on the crotch of your underwear. when geto pulls out his cock, he brings both hands to either side of your hips to grab the waistband of your panties, pulling them down to your knees.
"you're lucky this pussy feels so good," he grunts, thrusting forward until his cock slides against your folds and between the globes of your ass. "or i would've killed you months ago."
you whine as he drags his hips back before pushing forward again, coating his cock in the slick from your needy cunt. no matter how obedient you are for him, he never holds back when he punishes you.
whether it's for serious offenses, like this one, or something minor -- he treats each indiscretion the same because he knows you love it.
no matter how sweet you moan and how needy you grab him when he's rewarding you, you never get as wet as you do when he's punishing you.
he starting to think you let those travelers escape on purpose -- just so he would do this.
the thought makes him smile to himself, gripping the base of his cock with one hand as he directs it to your entrance. he taps the head of his cock against you, watching you clench around nothing and strings of your arousal cling to his length.
without another word, he lines himself up and pushes his hips forward.
you cry out, balling your hands into fists as he sheathes his entire length. he groans at the feeling of your tight, warm walls squeezing around his cock as you try to accommodate to this girth.
but he doesn't give you a chance for that -- instead, he just starts fucking you.
he snaps his hips against your ass with a firm slap! as his hands grab your hips firmly for stability. you cry out in pleasure, knowing well enough not to muffle out sounds -- despite how many other servants are wandering the halls, they know not to interrupt.
he groans from the wet squelching of your cunt stretching around his cock. no matter how often he fucks you open, you still get so fucking tight for him.
you have the perfect little cunt and even though you're a disgusting monkey, geto can't imagine a life where he doesn't get to breed you.
"fuck," he hisses, losing himself in the feeling of you wrapped around him. he throws his head back over his shoulders and his dark hair cascades down his back.
with a deep groan, he snaps back to reality -- remembering that this is supposed to be your punishment, and he leans forward over your body.
he removes his grip from your hips to reach for your wrists, pulling them behind your back and holding them in place with one of his large hands.
with his other hand, he forces your cheek into the mat and he hears you cry out from the rough material against your face.
"stupid monkey," he grunts, stepping up onto his feet as he continues fucking you. "can't even do it right -- need me to do all the fucking work."
he's speaking through clenched teeth, trying to hold himself back as he pushes you into the ground.
"next time you're not going to fuck up, right pet?" he grunts and you choke out a sob each time the head of geto's cock pounds into your sweet spot.
"y-yes, sir! please!"
"please, what?" he hisses.
you're already cumming on his cock before you can answer -- body shaking and trembling as he plunges into you and he can't help but grin. you always cum so fucking quickly for him, even when he's not even trying -- you're just that obsessed with his cock.
"that's it," he grunts before spitting onto your cheek.
your mouth hangs open as you pant, cunt still pulsing around his cock with each wave of your orgasm, and geto watches his spit slip off your cheek and into your mouth.
"good girl," he huffs, feeling his balls tightening as he nears release.
the praise has you squeezing even tighter around him and he feels his head fill with haze.
"you're going to be a good pet for me from now on, aren't you?" he asks, clenching his teeth so hard that he can feel his jaw aching. "tell me you'll be a good girl."
"i'll be a good girl!" you cry, legs trembling beneath you.
you can hardly hold yourself up from the way geto's pushing his weight into you, but his grip around your wrists keeps you somewhat upright as he crouches above you.
"fuck," he hisses, and he can feel his release building quickly. "tell me to breed you."
"i want you to breed me."
"i want you to breed me!" you cry out, body shaking as your cunt pulses around him in a second, stronger orgasm.
he throws his head back, moaning loudly as he pushes his hips flush against your ass. each pulse of his cock is timed perfectly with the squeezing your pussy -- it's like you're trying to milk him.
when he cock stops twitching, he pulls out of you with a groan, standing up to his full height and adjusting his pants back on his hips.
like an obedient little pet, you reach back with both hands to cover your cunt -- fucked open from geto's cock and leaking cum. you cup your hands around your entrance and he tsks.
"don't waste a drop."
"yes, sir," you pant, voice raw and unsteady.
he pulls on his clothing slowly, keeping his eyes trained on your trembling body as you maintain your position on the floor. it's only after he finishes tying up the gojokesa around his waist that he clicks his tongue.
"on your feet."
you quickly pull your panties back up your hips before shifting around on the ground until you stand before him. he peers down at you carefully, seeing the raw spot on your cheek where this skin was worn down by the mat. your eyes are still red and swollen and your chest heaves with each laboured breath.
"go find those travelers and bring them back to me."
"yes, sir," you gulp, eyes shifting down to the ground as you nod.
"and when you return that child to me, i'm going to kill her. do you understand that?"
"yes, sir."
"if you hadn't let her escape, i wouldn't have to do this."
geto cups your cheek and tilts your head up to face him. you blink up at him with glossy eyes and he smiles. "next time... don't disappoint me."
"yes, sir."
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cyfics · 1 year
Title: Shoto’s Shell
Warnings: NSFW! Mistress, mentions of breeding; etc…
Pairing: Cat Hybrid! Todoroki X Reader
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: A chapter from my story on aO3 “Day Job”
Word count: 2K!
Note: unedited + unproof read
On aO3 as Cyfics
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You handed the boys each of their specially picked out collars and awaited their reactions! You handed the first one to Shoto “wow this is.. really beautiful, thank you Mistress.” Shoto bowed his head at you and accepted the gift “I’ve told you before Shoto! You can just call me Y/n.” You reached out and pet his head.
Shoto blushed shyly from the contact, head lowered as he continued to stare at the gift in his hands. He wasn’t sure how to feel right now but he knew that he felt good, it felt right to him for you to give him gifts and spoil him like this. “Alright Mistress Y/n.” You sighed, hopefully one day he’d learn.
“Me next me next!” Eijiro bounced in place as he awaited impatiently, you gave a small smile before holding it out to him. Eijiro snatched the crimson collar from your hands and immediately put it on himself to showcase to Katsuki! “Look at me! It’s red!” Eijiro was elated.
“Whatever shitty hair, where’s mine?” Katsuki brushed Eijiro off and bumped him as he held his hand out expectedly. “D-Don’t be impolite Kacchan..” Izuku held softly onto his bunny ears and glanced away “Whatever I’ll do what I want.
Hand the collar over lady.” You quickly chucked the collar to him so he wouldn’t be upset with you much longer.
“Camouflage?” He started to inspect it, it looked as if he thought it was distasteful “I can get you a different one if you’d like-“ you began to offer “No! I’m wearing it and it’s mine!” Katsuki shouted before quickly running off and putting it on “Very manly bro!” Eijiro shifted into his dog form and began to chase after Katsuki in the next room.
Denki sniffed at your arm to remind you he was there, you chuckled at his actions before gently passing over the special collar you got him “sweet! This is awesome, thank you Y/n!” He put it on excitedly before running away in Fox form, he probably didn’t want anyone to steal his precious shiny collar.
“And for you, Izuku.” You showed him the pretty dainty green collar from the store and his eyes went wide, his whole face brightened and he quickly took it off your hands. You watched as he put it on and immediately softened in place, it looked like he was melting. “I love it! It’s perfect! Thank you Y-Y/n!” Izuku shifted on each foot.
“Y/n, I don’t mean to be a bother but my fur coat hasn’t had a comb in a while.” Shoto crossed his arms and glanced at you, you were a bit surprised “oh I apologise Shoto! I could grab a brush for you?” You asked him. You watched as Shoto’s face darkened, he gasped softly and looked away from you “O-Of course Mistress Y/n.” He had never stammered before.
His words and even stature were all perfect so why now did he look disheartened? “Y/n! You’re making him do it himself?” Izuku looked as if he had just watched you kill someone “Am I not supposed to? I apologise Shoto I thought that you’d prefer to do it on your own!” You exclaimed “if a hybrid suggests grooming to their owner they’re trusting the owner to do it for them!” Izuku explained like a little nerd.
“It’s alright Mistress really, you don’t need to trouble yourself.” Shoto walked off to his self assigned bedroom which he hadn’t even began to decorate yet, all of his decorations continuing to sit out in the car. You ran after him feeling guilty, following close behind him up the stair way “Shoto! I didn’t mean to upset you!” You apologised.
You stood in the doorway of Shoto’s room, remembering the *only* important thing that your father had told you about his animals. If they have a self assigned space then you need to ask permission before entering, you huffed as you tried to catch your breath. Shoto was sulking with his knees against his chest under the covers.
“Shoto! Could I come in please?” It took a moment for him to respond “Yes Mistress.” You slowly made your way inside, the room was mainly empty except for his bed and dresser which also was empty. You sat on the edge of Shoto’s bed and frowned “Shoto I’m truly sorry, if you’d like I can groom your fur now?” You asked him.
“Sure..” he slowly removed his blanket off his head before crawling over and laying his head in your lap, you were quite suprised! You were sure he wanted you to groom his cat self! Shoto passed you a comb from his pocket, you weren’t sure as to where he got it but you took it from him and got to work.
You gently began to brush through his hair, his very very soft and smooth hair. You were careful as to not hurt his delicate head as you brushed any knots out, your brushing haltered for a moment when you heard a soft mewling come from under your touch. “Shoto? Are you alright?” Your question obviously flustered him.
Shoto’s face turned red and he immediately hopped up and backed up on the bed “I apologise Mistress Y/n! I didn’t mean to make such a vulgar noise in your presence!” Shoto apologised profusely “it’s alright Shoto, it was quite cute actually, come back and let me finish.” You pulled him into your arms and kept brushing him.
Every so often Shoto would mewl, hands reaching out into the air as if he was making biscuits. “Does this feel good Shoto?” You chuckled as you watched his revel in the attention “Yes Mistress!” He seemed to be getting more comfortable by the minute.
Shoto was saddened when you pulled away saying you were finished “you are?” He sat up and frowned. “I can keep patting you if you like?” You started giving him scritches from behind his ears, Shoto immediately started purring and rested his head on your shoulder.
“A-Ah Mistress. Be careful around my ears please they’re very sensitive to me.” Shoto was turning red all over now, his ears twitching under your touch. “I’m so sorry Shoto did that hurt you?” You asked with great concern “N-No, Mistress Y/n.. quite the opposite actually.” Shoto turned his head away from you bashfully.
“So it felt good?” Your eyes widened with realisation after figuring out what that meant “I’m so sorry Mistress I should’ve explained-“ you cut him off by touching his ears again. Shoto squeaked at first before relaxing into your touch and purring against you, his face nuzzled against your neck “W-Why are you..” he sighed breathlessly.
“Is this alright?” You asked him “Yes, Mistress.” Shoto nodded his head at you. You weren’t sure what was encouraging you to do this, maybe it was how cute he looked or maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been laid in months that was getting to you. “You’re such a pretty boy Shoto.” You praised him “yes, I am a pretty boy!” Shoto agreed eagerly.
Shoto sat in your lap with his knees on either side of your thighs, hands grasping your shoulders as his head resided against your neck. You felt him grow harder every moment as you were stimulating his ears “A-ah..” Shoto breathed out heavily, his hips beginning to roll against yours.
“I- I wanna breed you please..” Shoto whined. Breeding? You didn’t wanna get pregnant just yet “I’m not letting you cum inside me Shoto, if you wanna do this you’re gonna have to wear a condom.” You we’re strict telling him he couldn’t impregnate you. “Aw.. please, Mistress? I won’t ask for anything ever again!” He begged of you.
“No. Here, put this on Shoto.” Shoto was upset about it but took the condom from your fingers that you dished from out of the bottom of the mattress. Shoto eagerly started to strip for you, his top you have him coming off and onto the floor, next he started to slide down his bottoms. You watched as his tail uncurled and started swaying side to side happily.
You didn’t make Shoto wait any longer, your hands grasping at your own clothes and quickly removing them. “You’re so pretty Mistress, if there were shows for humans I’m sure you’d win them just for beauty alone.” Shoto commented as he admired your body “they do Shoto.” You smiled softly at him “You should sign up and show them this beauty..” Shoto eagerly crawled on top of you.
Your back laid up against the blankets, Shoto’s arms on either side of your head. Shoto slid his underwear off and started putting the condom on, complaining to himself about how he wanted to breed you and for you two to have little kittens together. You rolled your eyes at him light heartedly, you just couldn’t get pregnant right now.
Shoto pressed up against your entrance ready to enter but you stopped him “Shoto, you have to prep your partner first for sex! Otherwise it could seriously hurt.” You explain to him just in time. He pulls back “I apologise Mistress, I got a little ahead of myself there..” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he gets between your legs.
He brings his hand up and brushes his knuckles up against your hot cunt, it was radiating heat against his hand. Shoto spread out his hand and used two fingers to start rubbing at your clit in a circular motion, eyes focused on your cunt beginning to drip with slick.
You shifted on the bed, hips unable to stop moving up against his hand. Shoto continued to flick your clit for a little while, your reactions amusing him and his antics. You were just about ready to tell him off for teasing you until he slid a finger inside of you, your hole twitching against his singular finger.
“Mistress you’re very warm inside, very wet too.” Shoto commented as he started pumping the finger inside of you, figuring out pretty easily that he could effortlessly fit in another. Now he began to pump you with his two fingers, the tips of his fingers curling up and hitting against the sweetest of spots “Ah- that feels good..” you groaned.
Shoto continued to bask in your praise and continued to happily finger your eager hole, “I- I think I’m ready for you now Shoto.” You managed to get out. Shoto was happy to hear this, immediately crawling over you and placing himself between your legs up against your dripping entrance.
Shoto slid inside with ease, halting his movements for a moment to make sure you were okay before bucking his hips up against you. Shoto’s hands moved to grab at your torso, trying to move you down against him as he thrusted upwards into you. You bit down on your lip trying not to let out any loud noises, scared of the others hearing you.
“M-Mistress..” Shoto choked out as his cock was rubbing up against your warm and inviting walls. “S-Shoto, call me Y/n please.” You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kept thrusting into you “Y/n! It feels good!” Shoto mewled “I wanna cum inside of you, pump you fill of a litter of kittens!” Shoto began moving his hips against you faster.
You didn’t stop him as his began to stutter, his legs trembling a little as he released into the condom he was wearing. Shoto tiredly flipped on top of you, trying to just be as close with you as possible for the moment “Shoto, are you alright? Did you feel safe during that?” You caressed his tired head. Shoto nodded at you and looked at you through half lidded eyes “And you, Y/n?” He asked.
“I was fine. How about we clean you up and we go back down to the others hey?” You suggested. Shoto nodded his head tiredly “I can wipe you down if you just wanna have a little nap if you want Shoto?” You asked him “Yes please Y/n..” he pulled out of you and rolled onto the side of his bed.
You took the condom off of him and disposed of it, quickly getting yourself dressed before sneaking out the door to the upstairs bathroom to grab him a warm wet rag. You returned to the sleeping boy and wiped him down, covering him with the sheets before leaving again. Making sure to come up again later to leave him a bottle of water for when he awakened.
“Hey Y/n where’ve you been! We missed you!” Denki pouts “he doesn’t speak for all of us, ey Eijiro?” Katsuki crosses his arms upon seeing you “I missed you the most!” Eijiro ran over to you and jumped in your arms “Eh- Shitty hair.. Tch” Bakugou sucked his teeth.
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
here’s a drabble idea!
Nightmare sans x dog monster! reader
so the premise is that the dear reader is a dog like doggo, greater dog, lesser dog, etc
and if we want to get REAL specific the dog breed reader is a konoki dog!
Hi! Thank you for submitting this idea!
I was shocked how quickly I managed to think of something for this prompt. I hope you don't mind that I made it a fantasy and soulmate au. I actually haven't written this sort of thing before and I am still buzzing with ideas.
I never heard of a Konoki dog before this and they look super cute! I haven't written this type of character before so I hope you like them. I certainly have fallen in love with them! (I affectionately call them Koko in my notes!)
By the way, I renamed Nightmare (and a few others!) for this to make him a more unique character. There's a note at the bottom for the meanings of their names too.
The Dark Fortress
Nightmare x Kokoni!Dog Monster Reader
Fantasy & Soulmate AU
Word Count: 6, 219
You woke up to the sound of rain softly pattering on your tent. The light was rather dim so you estimated the sun wasn't up just yet. Still, it couldn't hurt to get up and do some quick exercises before your day properly started.
The rain made the air smell good - slightly earthy with a hint of the harsher scent of ozone. The only bad thing was that you didn't like having wet fur, especially when on a mission, since it stuck to your armour and meant your weapon was harder to hang onto.
The scent in the air reminded you of a reoccurring dream that you'd been having your whole life. While the circumstances were different each time, there was always a distinctive smell present. It was earthy and sweet with aromatic undertones similar to liquorice or fennel. It was also slightly spicy or maybe salty was a better description? This smell seemed to belong to someone but you'd never been able to see what they looked like.
Not everyone believed in the concept of soulmates but you couldn't find any other explanation for why you kept dreaming about this one smell. There were instances where a few dogs had been plagued by a particular smell and then ended up finding their soulmate, but this was always in real life and never only in a dream.
With a sigh, you meticulously fastened the straps and buckles that held your armour together. While many of your fellow soldiers preferred full plate, you liked the mobility that light armour provided. This combined with your smaller size and slight frame made you the perfect scout or assassin for the Royal Guard.
You didn't have time this morning to contemplate the possibility of meeting your soulmate. You had a duty to perform and any distractions could put the lives of both you and your comrades in danger.
Your mission was to investigate the dark fortress that had appeared overnight a few months ago in the neighboring Kingdom of Shiftingtails. The kingdom's forces had apparently been completely overrun and destroyed in a matter of days. Word on the conditions inside the country had been scarce but the handful of refugees that had made it out all told harrowing tales of their escape.
Whatever magic that had created the fortress was dangerous. It corrupted the land, killing both plants and animals alike, so that nothing could survive. It was said that it could kill people as well but no one knew exactly how. There were also accounts of the dark horde and their master but no one could decide on what they looked like.
Some claimed that an army of the dead suddenly came to life and raided their homes. Others claimed there were only three skeletons responsible for the destruction. Yet there were other accounts of a single skeleton covered in the dark fortress' corruption with black tendrils. No one wanted to talk about this one any more than they had to though.
You hadn't known what to make of the accounts at first, but the deeper you and your comrades pressed into enemy territory, the more truth they seemed to hold. Thankfully, the Royal Scientist had found a way to counteract the majority of the corruption's effects, so as long as the protective coating on your armour remained intact, you would be safe.
It didn't ease your anxiety though and you knew that your comrades were also suffering from restlessness. It had been days since you had even been in combat, even longer since killing anything, and you just wanted to get this over with.
You weren't particularly bloodthirsty but even you had to admit that you secretly enjoyed the rush that came whenever a person died by your hand. It wasn't something that you went out of your way to do, even though being a soldier often put you in those situations. Everyone knew that while sometimes unavoidable, gaining EXP and especially LV, was a slippery slope to insanity. And so during basic training, it was stressed that it was preferable to incapacitate your foes and only kill as a last resort.
You emerged from your tent and stretched your limbs. It seemed like a few of your fellow soldiers were already up and about, which meant another day of marching was upon you. At least you were within sight of the dark fortress now. It wouldn't be long before you would be able to hear the satisfying sound of your meteor hammer crushing bones and inhale the scent of fresh blood again.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Breaching the gate had been difficult but not impossible.
There had been a small horde of tall black skeletons but against the heavily armoured likes of your fellow guardsmen, they were soon cut down. While the skeletons had also been heavily armoured and wielded greataxes, a well placed blow was pretty much all it took to fell them. Even you managed to take one down, although its body didn't turn to dust and simply faded away, and you didn't even get any EXP from it.
That was strange but not unusual if they were merely summons and not actual monsters. Still, whoever summoned them must have an immense mana pool, especially if they were also the one who'd created the dark fortress in the first place.
The moment you and your fellow soldiers entered the courtyard, you were suddenly set upon by three assailants. They were fast, and with how easily they could dodge attacks or appear behind you, must have some form of instant teleportation ability.
You were forced to fight back to back with Sir Draco, which meant your ranged attacks were less effective since you had to be mindful of your meteor hammer's arc. Your own mana was limited so you were forced to fend off blows with your trusty dagger, which you normally only used for finishing off your enemies.
The three skeletons looked similar, like they could be cousins, but at the same time they were quite different from each other. They were on a whole other level from the dark hordes earlier and you were starting to worry that this could soon turn hairy.
Greater and Lesser Dog were currently taking on a giant of skeleton who had half his skull caved in, a blood red eyelight in his left socket, and wielded a massive, wicked-looking greataxe. He wore a suit of mismatched armour of various materials and styles that had been pieced together seemingly at random. It looked to be mostly plate and hide armour though.
Captain Undyne and Sir Bunbun were holding off a wiry skeleton, who had what looked like corruption pouring out of his eye sockets, a crimson glowing target floating above his chest, and wielded nothing but a cruel dagger as well as his own magic against them. He wore a form-fitting suit of black leather armour that was reminiscent of what the former Shiftingtails Kingdom's scouts used to wear.
You and Sir Draco were focusing on a shorter skeleton who was constantly switching between bone attacks and trying to stab both of you with a well-polished shortsword. He had red eyelights but the left one also had a ring of blue and he wore a red cuirass with a hood and dusty chainmail over top.
"Fall back!" You heard Captain Undyne shout. "We can't let them separate us!"
You and your comrades began shifting towards the gate in an attempt to keep them from attacking your flanks. Although, you'd only taken a few steps when your nose caught a particularly familiar scent. It was sharp, earthy and yet sweet at the same time - the exact scent from your dreams. But where was it coming from?
You noticed a flicker of red out of the corner of your eye and just managed to dodge yet another strike from the hooded skeleton. He scowled and you bared your teeth in response before he darted out of your reach again. He smelled like smoke and death so it certainly wasn't him.
"Come on, pup. If we don't move now, they'll cut us off from the others," Sir Draco rumbled as he blocked another volley of bone bullets with his shield.
You sniffed the air intently, barely hearing what he'd said. That scent...they were here somewhere... Your soulmate was here!
Without really thinking, you darted off in the direction that you were certain the scent was coming from, disregarding the fact that you were also running away from your comrades. You just managed to dodge a bone bullet the hooded skeleton summoned, although it did graze your side. You could hear Undyne shouting at you to return but you didn't listen and kept running. It seemed like no one was actually chasing after you but you could still hear the clash of weapons at the gate, so maybe your comrades had kept them occupied?
The scent was coming from further inside the fortress and only grew stronger the further you ventured, until you managed to slip into a dark building and close the door behind you.
Your paws were great at muffling your footsteps and thanks to your nose, you knew that you were close to the source of the scent. You stepped cautiously around furniture and through passageways until you entered the largest library you'd ever seen.
There was light here, from various lanterns and candles peppered throughout the room, which you were grateful for since you couldn't really see in the dark, although you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You slipped between bookshelves and your ears twitched as you strained to hear the slightest sound. Other than the clinking of the length of chain in your paws and that of your own armour, everything seemed quiet.
Too quiet.
The scent was everywhere and you were starting to have a hard time pinpointing which direction to keep moving in. The fur on the back of your neck suddenly stood on end and you quickly turned, only to come face to face with another skeleton.
He was covered in corruption and four tendrils undulated restlessly behind his back. He wore no armour but underneath the black ooze he seemed to be wearing fancy clothing. He had a gold circlet on his skull and a single cyan eyelight in his left eye socket, as his right was covered by the ooze.
You had barely registered his appearance when he lashed out with his tentacles, slamming you against a nearby bookshelf. You let out a yelp from the impact and heard your meteor hammer clatter to the ground as you lost your grip on the chain.
"Who let a mutt into my home?" the skeleton hissed.
You squirmed but your attempts to escape only caused his tendrils to coil tighter around your body, until it was difficult to breathe.
He drew closer until you were only a few inches apart and narrowed his good eye socket at you. "Are you even a soldier?"
Your eyes widened as it occurred to you that the smell that had haunted you for years was from him. He was your soulmate. Him...the one who'd overthrown an entire country singlehandedly was your one and only.
You pawed at the tendrils around your body. "You're... You're the one..." you managed to gasp.
His smile widened and he let out an amused chuckle. "I'm what? I assure you that whatever you're about to say, I've heard it all before." He let out a sigh and loosened the grasp his tentacles had on you ever so slightly. "But I suppose I can humour you a little bit..."
You couldn't help but cough the moment you could breath properly again. After taking in several lungfuls of air, you looked up at him before trying to explain.
"You're the one I've been dreaming about all my life. My soulmate..."
He stared at you for what felt like an eternity but in reality was probably only a minute. He raised his bonebrows slightly but otherwise showed no further reaction to this revelation.
"Well... That's actually a new one." He chuckled and stepped back a bit but noticeably didn't let go of you. "My apologies, it seems I underestimated you slightly. You're amusing at the very least..."
You huffed and crossed your arms. "I'm serious! I've been looking for so long and now I've actually found you."
He rolled his eyelight before giving you an odd look. "I don't believe you. I don't have a soulmate," he muttered.
"Of course you do! I wouldn't have sought you out if we weren't meant to be together!"
"It's not possible, alright?"
His tendrils suddenly constricted once more, although your ability to breath wasn't as impeded this time. You couldn't possibly break out of his hold now and you were all but forced to stay still.
"I mean it," he growled. "Now, I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to tell me the truth, understand?"
"Yeah, okay. Just, not so tight please?"
He pointedly ignored your request as if you hadn't said anything at all. "Why are you actually here?"
"My comrades and I were ordered to investigate this place and if possible, take down the source of the corruption. Although, it seems that's you, isn't it?"
"Yes, I am. My name is Lord Donovan, the new ruler of this land." There was a twinge of pride in his voice and he puffed out his ribcage slightly. "Where are your comrades?"
You didn't like how ominous his tone sounded but there was no reason to lie to him. "They're probably still fighting your men at the gate, at least they were before I caught your scent and sought you out."
He gave you an incredulous look. "You broke rank on the off chance that I was your so called soulmate? What a foolish thing to do, almost as foolish as coming here in the first place."
You wrinkled your nose and let out a frustrated huff. "You are my soulmate!" you growled. "How many times do I have to tell you that before it gets through your thick skull?!"
He abruptly yanked you closer until your foreheads were nearly touching, but so that he was leering down at you. "Listen well, mutt. I am not your soulmate. I am an entity of pure hatred and spite. I am incapable of love or any remotely positive feeling for that matter."
"S-surely there's a way to find out?" you whimpered.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Yes, there is a divination ritual that can be performed, but such a thing takes time, something you don't have right now."
You squirmed in his grip. "I don't need some fancy ritual to prove that you're wrong. If you just, let me go for a moment, I'll show you."
He eyed you warily before taking a glance around the library. "Fine, but don't try anything. I would prefer if you didn't ruin any of these tomes with your useless dust."
You gave him a curt nod, although the casual threat wasn't lost on you. "Same goes for you."
He released his tendrils, dropping you unceremoniously to the ground but you managed to land your feet. After straightening your armour and retrieving the weapon you'd dropped earlier, you turned back to him again.
Lord Donovan stood with arms crossed and a critical expression on his face. "I'm surprised that you would risk turning your back on an enemy," he commented.
You chuckled, "Well, you just said that you didn't want to ruin these books."
He narrowed his eye socket. "I could've lied..."
You snorted but chose not to needle him further. Instead, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes before pressing a paw against your chestplate.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm baring my soul to you. What does it look like?" you retorted.
You could feel him judging you but he made no move to interrupt. "You're a fool," he finally stated.
You ignored him and drew your soul out, letting the upside down white heart float lazily in your palm. It wasn't perfect like it had once been but the faint cracks spoke of the many battles you'd survived to get to this point. You could even see your stats, which was only further proof of your strength and the deeds you'd committed for it.
When you met his gaze again, you noticed that he looked a bit uncomfortable. His permanent grin had fallen and he was doing his best not to look at your soul directly. He actually reminded you a little of a bashful child at the moment.
"How does this," he vaguely gestured at you, "actually prove anything?"
You had to grit your teeth to keep from laughing at him. Had he never been taught how these things worked? Even an eight year old could understand the significance of baring your soul to your fated.
"The frequency of our souls are the same and that means we are soulmates," you responded.
He scoffed at that. "I'm not showing you my soul."
"Come on... If you'll just do this one thing, you'll know that I'm right!"
He frowned and shook his skull.
"Please, I'm not trying to trick you..." When he made no move to respond, you sighed and held out your paws. "I understand that you don't trust me; I probably wouldn't either if I was in your position. You can hold my hands if you want, I promise I won't hurt you."
He eyed them for a moment. "Fine...but on one condition..."
You nodded vigorously, "Of course!"
"If you really want to see my soul, then I can't have you leave, at least not alive... Are you actually willing to give up everything, including your friends and family, on something as improbable as being soulmates?"
"With all due respect, I am a soldier. I live each day as if it were my last, as does my family. When I was ordered to come here, I did so knowing that I likely wouldn't return and if this is the price I must pay to find my soulmate, then I am willing."
He seemed to consider your words for a moment before meeting your eyes again. His cyan eyelight flickered for a moment before a new look crossed his face. It almost seemed like one of respect but you couldn't entirely be sure.
"Very well then, if you're certain you won't live to regret it."
He hesitated for a moment but when you didn't pull away, he stepped closer and coiled two of his tendrils around your wrists. His grip was firm but surprisingly gentle and he lifted your paws over your head, so there was no way for you to attack him. In this position, your height discrepancy was much more obvious and you felt rather small next to him.
You felt completely exposed like this, even though you were still wearing your armour. Having your soul floating freely with no way to shield it from anyone else's eyes was honestly a little terrifying. He could strike you down in an instant and there wouldn't be anything you could do about it.
Lord Donovan brought his hand to his ribcage, mimicking the gesture you had made earlier. He focused for a second before pulling his own soul from his body. It wasn't shaped anything like you'd expected, instead it was more oblong than heart-shaped, much like the cross section of an apple. It was jet black with a cyan flare around the edges and seemed like it too was coated in corruption like the rest of his body.
You couldn't help but find his soul oddly beautiful but you kept your comments to yourself for a moment. Instead, you watched him calmly for what he'd do next.
He seemed to be contemplating something before gingerly bringing his soul closer to your own. You were thankful that he didn't let them touch, instead holding it a few inches away.
You waited with baited breath.
At first, your souls simply floated there, slowly thrumming with latent mana.
Suddenly you felt an intense pulse pass through your soul.
It was unlike anything you'd ever felt before, although slightly similar to the high that you'd experienced a few times when your LV increased, except way better. There was a rush of power but also a strong euphoric feeling that made all your uneasiness ebb away.
Donovan seemed utterly stunned. His cyan eyelight had shrunk down at least two sizes and he stood stock still like a statue.
"You felt that?" you whispered, although you couldn't keep yourself from grinning like a maniac.
He seemed completely at a loss for words and it took him a moment to even register that you'd asked a question at all. "I... Yes...I felt that..."
"Do you believe me now?"
"You were right about the frequency being the same..." He finally tore his gaze away from your souls and gave you an intense look. "You can't leave me."
You chuckled and tried to move your arms, only to remember that he still had you restrained. "A deal's a deal. I saw your soul and we're soulmates now; seems fair to me."
"Indeed..." he murmured, before guiding his soul back into his ribcage. You noticed that he hesitated to do the same for you.
You chuckled softly at his apparent awkwardness. "I can do it myself if you'd rather not, you'll just have to let me go first."
"No, it's fine..." He took great care not to graze your soul with his claws as he returned it to it's proper place in your chest. His movements were rather stiff though, almost like he was handling fine china and was afraid of smashing it.
His hand lingered for a moment, as if he was debating if he should actually touch you or not, before pulling away. "Forgive me...but this is a lot to take in at the moment. I never thought-" He cut himself off and changed the subject. "I never even asked for your name..."
You smiled and told him your name as his tendrils around your arms loosened, allowing you to lower them back to your sides, but not actually letting go just yet. The tips wound softly through your fingers like they were curious or maybe they just wanted to hold you like a lover might.
"I suppose there is still the matter of your former comrades." He looked off in the direction you thought the gate was in before asking a question. "How would you prefer I deal with them?"
You felt your heartbeat quicken. "I'd prefer they leave with their lives, but knowing Captain Undyne, she wouldn't give up until every one of her men got out safely."
"That poses a problem," he hummed and tapped his mandible thoughtfully. "As my own won't quit until they eliminate all resistance."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Maybe I could talk to my comrades and convince them to leave?"
"No." His expression darkened and he turned back to you. "They won't leave if they see that you're alive."
"So what do we do?"
He thought for a moment before turning to leave the library, tugging you along with his tentacles. "I have an idea, come with me."
You let out a small yip as you nearly stumbled over your own hind feet while trying to follow him. He spared you a glance over his shoulder but kept quickly moving through the dark passageways. He did mercifully let go of one of your arms so you would have a bit more balance though.
He led you into a room that, from the shelves of tonics and the racks of drying herbs, reminded you of an apothecary. The various herbs and ingredients all melded together into a slightly musty smell that you weren't fond of.
Donovan pulled a specific vial down from the shelf and brought it over to the work bench. You walked over and leaned against it to see what he was doing. After adding a few ingredients and swirling it together, he turned back to you.
"I need you to trust me..." He trailed off and glanced away before muttering, "Not that I've done anything to deserve your trust so far..."
You gave him a gentle smile and stepped closer to put your paw on his arm. He inadvertently jumped at the contact but didn't pull away.
"Of course I trust you. Whatever your plan is, I'll go along with it."
His bonebrows furrowed and he lightly stroked the fur on the side of your face with his claws. "Can I have your dagger?"
"I'm surprised you even noticed I had one," you chuckled as you drew the blade from its sheath and held it out to him.
He hummed and took it from your grasp. "I think you'll find that there isn't much that escapes my attention." He eyed the sharp edge for a moment before glancing back at you. "How attached are you to this?"
You frowned slightly. Your dagger wasn't too special to the naked eye but it had served you well ever since you'd been gifted it after your first successful mission. Even though it wasn't your primary weapon, any of your comrades would recognize it as yours if they saw it.
"It's just a dagger," you answered. "It's a small sacrifice to be with you forever."
He watched you for a moment before nodding. "Very well. This will hurt, but I'm only going to do what's necessary for you to be free of them."
You felt his tendrils coil around your body, cradling and holding you in place. He caressed your face and seemed to study your eyes for a second longer. You took a steadying breath and nodded.
And then he ran you through with the dagger.
You should've found something to bite down on before agreeing to this but your scream of pain was cut off when he abruptly yanked you into a kiss. It was a rough kiss and, if he wasn't holding you in place, you might've fallen over from the forcefulness.
He pulled away quickly and pressed the vial to your lips. It had a harsh taste but you managed to get it down without choking. Almost immediately, you felt an odd warmth flood your body and your eyelids began to grow heavy.
Lord Donovan laid you down on a bed that hadn't been in the room and you wondered if he'd brought you somewhere else. You knew he'd just inflicted what would normally be a mortal wound but somehow your body wasn't falling to pieces. If it weren't for the pain and sudden exhaustion, you probably could've run a mile. Whatever was in that tonic was obviously far stronger than any healing potion you'd ever been able to afford.
Your gaze met his own and when you held eye contact, he seemed relieved. He still held your dagger but it was thoroughly coated in what you instinctively knew was your own dust so that not even the handle was spared. He then took it in two of his tendrils and snapped the blade in half, as if it were nothing but a twig and not hardened steel.
Your shocked expression must've been concerning as he frowned and moved closer to you again. He combed his claws through the fur between your ears in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry, but this needs to be as convincing as possible if they are to leave and not return in some foolhardy attempt to rescue you."
You swallowed thickly and managed to nod.
"Rest now, I will deal with them myself. You have my word that they won't be unnecessarily harmed."
You were out before he even left the room.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
You awoke to the sound of several unknown voices. There was a loud voice that spoke the most and the fastest, a softer and more raspy voice that occasionally answered the first's questions, and then there was a third much deeper voice who only spoke in clipped one word answers. They immediately fell quiet as soon as they realized that you were awake.
When you risked cracking open your eyes, you came face to face with one of the skeletons from earlier, specifically the one that had corruption leaking from his eye sockets. His skull took up most of your field of view but you could just barely make out the other two skeletons near the doorway.
"well well, look who's finally awake~" he teased.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "I suppose so. Now can you back up a bit?"
He smirked but mercifully stepped away from the bed so you could sit up. Your armour had been removed at some point although you were still wearing your tunic. You would likely need new gear after Donovan stabbed you anyways, but you didn't like being in the same room as three very dangerous people while unprotected.
There was still some pain but you seemed perfectly fine otherwise. Maybe later you'd have to check where the wound had been to see how it had healed. You could feel that a bandage had been wrapped around your abdomen but that was all that seemed to have happened.
"so, word is you and the boss are thick as thieves all of the sudden..."
You glanced up at him sharply. There was no point in denying it but should you really tell them why he'd spared your life?
He chuckled and glanced over at the other two, who seemed like they could care less. "we've just been dying to meet you, haven't we?"
The large skeleton huffed and the hooded one merely rolled his eyelights.
He didn't seem phased by their lackluster enthusiasm and soon turned back to you again. "you got a name then, cutie?" he asked way too sweetly.
You raised your head and squared your shoulders before introducing yourself.
"aw, it suits you!" He grinned, although it was a tad too wide. "i suppose introductions are in order then..."
"the big guy goes by maul," he said and pointed him out to you. He bent down to whisper in your ear, "he doesn't talk much, but between you and me, it's rumoured that he used to be the headsman during the coup in the horrur kingdom."
You believed it. The way you'd seen him swing that greataxe was proof enough of his strength. You were curious how he got the head wound if he was just the executor, but you weren't about to ask.
Maul's single red eyelight observed you coolly before he nodded slightly. At least he didn't seem like he wanted to tear you apart right away.
"mr. broody goes by reven." He directed your attention to the skeleton in question before repeating what he'd done earlier. "pretty sure he still wears his old paladin armour, despite breaking his oath after his brother got dusted. he's the one responsible for the crimson stabbings, didn't you know?"
You pulled the sheets slightly closer and swallowed nervously. You remembered how afraid everyone had been during that time and how at a loss your superiors had been. The murders had gone on for years before just stopping without any conclusion being reached.
Reven narrowed his eye sockets suspiciously but he seemed to like the effect that his supposed reputation had on you.
"it's actually kinda impressive you held him off for as long as you did back there~"
Reven scowled at his loud mouthed compatriot's words and crossed his arms. You certainly didn't feel proud of yourself and if it wasn't for Sir Draco, you knew he would've overwhelmed you quickly.
Trying to distract yourself, you turned to the last unnamed skeleton in the room, who was still a bit to close for your comfort. "And who are you?" you asked.
"You can call me Dirk, or anything else you feel partial to~" He practically beamed at the revelation that you were even remotely interested in his backstory. "I used to run with some brigands and we made a decent killing for a while. Although, I was always meant for something more than that boring life so I killed them instead."
You didn't know what you had been expecting but how flippant he was about committing murder was more than a little unsettling. You really shouldn't have been so surprised though.
"Your armour doesn't belong to you, does it?" you asked carefully.
"oh yeah." He grinned before adding, "i stabbed a guy for it!"
You ran a hand down your face and sighed. "Of course, why did I think you would've done anything otherwise?"
In an effort to change the subject, you glanced at the others and asked a different question. "What happened to...my companions?"
Neither Maul nor Reven seemed interested in answering although the latter suppressed a small chuckle.
Dirk pulled a face and shook his skull. "they ran like cowards," he muttered.
You frowned. "That doesn't sound quite right. Are you sure?"
"well... the fish lady got pretty mad when the boss revealed that you were 'dead'..." He made finger quotes and chuckled. "she actually tried to fight him but he taught her a lesson real quick."
Reven chuckled as well. "she had to be hauled away by the rest of them..." he muttered under his breath.
You felt your heart drop. Donovan had promised that he wouldn't kill them, but you still couldn't help feeling concerned. What if she succumbed to her injuries before getting to safety?
You glanced over at Dirk and immediately noticed that his permanent grin had fallen slightly.
"how do we know that you didn't just trick the boss into thinking you two are... what's it called?" he paused for emphasis before continuing, "soulmates, or some other dumb crap?"
He took a step closer to the bed and you inadvertently tried to back away from him. Seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the other two had seemed to take interest as well. Maul stayed by the door, although his grin widened in an unsettling way and he crossed his arms. Reven narrowed his eye sockets and took a few steps closer.
"Of course not! I wouldn't-"
Your protest was cut off when Donovan suddenly materialized on your other side. The boys paused and turned to look at him, although at first he said nothing and shot each of them a look of displeasure. Without saying a word, he wrapped your body up in a few of his tendrils and pulled you closer to him.
"If any of you so much as look at my soulmate wrong, I will not hesitate to strip your souls from your miserable bodies and torment you for eternity," he growled quietly.
You felt a shiver run down your spine but his threat seemed to have an effect on the boys. Maul glanced away and Reven seemed to visibly deflate. Dirk seemed to grow uncomfortable but outwardly didn't appear intimidated.
Donovan eyed each of them for several long seconds before he turned to you and seemed to visibly relax. He gave you what was supposed to be a comforting smile but it still looked a little scary on him.
"I didn't go for a killing blow but holding back is a little difficult for me. She'll probably just lose an eye if treated properly," he stated. His tone came across as pretty ominous but you did feel some relief that he'd at least attempted to keep his word.
"Thank you, I appreciate that you still tried."
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Later, once you were properly healed, Dirk approached you in the common area while you were attempting to salvage what you could from your old armour. You inadvertently tensed up but he flashed you a smile that was probably supposed to look friendly.
"so, i've been thinking," he started to say.
You raised an eyebrow. "That's worrying," you responded with an awkward laugh.
Across the room, you heard Reven snicker but he didn't bother trying to join in.
Dirk's smile grew wider. "heh... anyways, each of us has a place on the team. maul is the muscle, reven is good with both melee and ranged fighting, and i'm the assassin but i dabble in ranged attacks too. so, what do you do?"
You took a moment to think it over. You wanted to get along with them and if proving yourself a competent teammate would help, you were determined to do your best.
"Well, I'm generally a forward scout but I'm more than capable of holding my own in melee combat."
Dirk nodded, "fun! i guess we'll have to eventually come up with a nickname for you." He held out his hand and tilted his skull all the while smirking at you. "welcome to the dark fortress."
You grasped his hand and smiled. Maybe you'd like being here a lot more than you originally thought.
A meteor hammer is kind of like a flail. It is a weapon with one or two weights attached to a length of chain. It may be impractical, but I had a distinct mental picture of MC swinging it around that I loved.
Donovan is an Irish name and means dark warrior.
Maul is actually named after the weapon of the same name (although the verb is kinda fitting too!).
Reven is short for revenant and a nod to one of the coolest characters in Star Wars (Darth Revan).
Dirk is named for a type of dagger.
Did you catch what kingdom was taken over by Donovan and his gang? I had a hard time coming up with one that made sense so Storyshift it was. In this world, each AU is its own kingdom, meaning pretty much every major AU can and probably does exist somewhere or somehow.
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damagedintellect · 5 months
Skk Brainrot for Chuuya’s BDay
💌 When I said chibi was my dog this is not what I meant : Chapter 1  💌  
Summary: The minute he stepped into Mori's office Chuuya was already annoyed. While the Mafia dealt with foreign imports of all kinds, being told to investigate the strange influx of Stray Dogs across Yokohama wasn’t his ideal use of his skill set. Chuuya has always liked animals, animal's also liked Chuuya and he's always wanted a dog. He never expected to become a dog. The irony of Dazai calling him a dog all these years makes him want to scream. His ex partner has always been vocal about his disdain for two things. Now Chuuya is somehow both, and Dazai is the only one who can change him back.
Notes: Happy Birthday Chuuya~ I wanted to post something for Chuuya's birthday & this has been sitting in my drafts. Eventually this will have more than one chapter because I see the vision I just haven't had the time to write for it. Gonna base all the dogs on WAN.
💌 Word count: 3,754 💌  You Are Here | Next Chapter coming soon
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The port mafia was practically "in charge" of every illegal trade in Yokohama so the sudden influx of stray dogs, breeds that were not known for being popular in Japan, tipped Mori off. He couldn't help but sigh rolling his eyes because he probably should have someone look into it. As silly as the situation may have seemed the Port Mafia has a reputation to uphold. Although the juxtaposition of sending an executive to investigate was also incredibly ridiculous but Mori has seen animals gravitate to the young man and knowing that a certain partner used to claim all the time that Chuuya was his dog, brought back a level of nostalgia that plastered a smile on his face. Chuuya on the other hand was less than pleased with this position. The mafia’s greatest combatant being used as a sheepdog to herd in a bunch of no names to the slaughter was a waste of time in his personal opinion. Don't get him wrong, he'll do it because Mori's command is law but he's still going to complain about it. 
The investigation didn't actually take him that long to trace it back to a series of missing people reports. One person went missing and suddenly there was a new dog on the streets. Although it seemed pretty cut and dry it was still concerning that the authorities haven't done anything about the disappearances. Most of the cases occurred near the edge of town where plenty of abandoned facilities were located. It was possible whoever was behind this was hiding there. Chuuya had only assumed what was happening, he had a hunch that it wasn't even animal's being imported. The power of science was a bizarre field to him, after all, he contained a power equal to that of a God.
What he didn’t expect was for it to actually be someone's ability. Why let the dogs out on the street if it was someone’s ability? He only had more questions but Chuuya didn't care one way or the other because what difference would it make to him. He was given the order to take them out regardless. Mori wanted the facility intact for further investigation after the group was swiftly dealt with but it was more of an afterthought. Chuuya didn't even bother taking reinforcements; he simply walked through the front door and watched as they realized nothing could touch him. He cleared out floors left and right until the only way down to the lower levels was an elevator. His ability should have been able to handle whatever trap had been set but then the room filled with gas, one of the very few things his ability had no effect on. Chuuya could only hold his breath for so long and despite manipulating the drop from the elevator to compensate for the impact of fall damage, he was already dizzy. By the time he forced the doors open, with a few steps out of the elevator he found himself collapsing to the floor.
His head had a dull ache that spread to the rest of his body. They didn’t kill or physically harm him yet which could only mean they want information but they must be more stupid than they look to not even bother trying to restrain him. All they did was put a cloth over him. His joints were sore as he tried to clutch his head. When he shifted the cloth fell off revealing not a hand but a paw. He wiggled out of what used to be his clothes to get a better look at himself. Observing the new changes to his body, he was a dog. A fluffy chihuahua if he had to guess by his reflection in the glass across from him. They seemed to have put him in some examination room. He turned around and shook his tail. The feeling of an extra limb was more apparent and weird but he didn't have time to dwell on it for too long. Someone was going to pay.
The familiar red glow covered his form as he continued what he came here to do. Being a dog wouldn’t matter in the end. He'd just change back after he killed the ability user, but even after clearing the building he didn’t. He ran up and down the empty halls struggling with the new sensation of walking. The panic was starting to set in. He still hadn't changed back and there was not a soul left in sight at the entire facility. That means they got away before Chuuya woke up. He grit his teeth. He didn't know how long he was out for and tracking them down would be a pain in the ass in the state he was in. The only thing that gave him some relief was that he came alone and that none of his comrades were in this predicament. He could only imagine the chaos an entire division of dogs would do.
Trying to sift through files with paws was a nightmare. It took all of his self control to not destroy everything in this godforsaken lab. Chuuya just hoped this weird organization didn't send back up his way otherwise he was screwed. He couldn't find anything important and his patience was running extremely low with how long it was taking to even grab a file from the desk. If he was human it would take him two minutes to settle this whole endeavor. Chuuya stopped dropping the papers from his mouth.
If he was human.
A wave of dread washed over him as he realized there was one person who could fix this.
He really didn't want to see the mackerel especially not like this but what else could he do. He couldn’t go back to headquarters like this. He couldn’t even phone for someone to help him, he tried. Even if someone picked up he could only bark and hoped they understood. All Dazai would need to do was touch him but there was one glaring problem with that. Dazai hates dogs. He wouldn't voluntarily approach them let alone pet one out in the wild. If Chuuya tackled him to the ground he would be forced to at least touch him right? He took off in the direction of the ADA without a second thought. Completely forgetting about his hat, his phone and the rest of his belongings. He sure had a lot of faith in Dazai’s ability.
Chuuya was exhausted halfway there. Walking on all fours was miserable considering the distance he had to cover and he was even using his ability to help travel which probably only made him more tired. Luckily it was so late in the night there weren't a lot of people or cars around. By the time he made it to the agency building he was ready to collapse. He sat by the door as the sun was already starting to rise. It would be hours before Dazai would show up. He let himself sleep in the meantime he was too tired to try and fight it.
“What’s going on here?”
A voice stirred Chuuya awake from his sleep but he didn’t want to wake up yet not after the night he’s had. He could sleep in a little more right? He didn't have to make his report immediately. He contemplated just how long he would sleep in before another voice joined the conversation.
“Hey Mr. Kunikida.”
Chuuya swears he’s heard the name before but it doesn’t fully click why. He was about to get up when he felt a hand smoothing out his hair. A warm feeling washed over him preventing him from wanting to move. He let the voices talk while he leaned into the unknown touch still keeping his eyes closed. 
“A lost dog, did you really think things through before bringing it here? Listen, it's a lot of responsibility taking care of a living creature.”
Lost dog
That broke Chuuya out of his pleasant stupor. He opened his eyes and got up abruptly. He was sitting in the white haired kids lap while a bunch of agency members were surrounding him. None of them were the one he needed to see.
“Dazai!” he tried shouting as he scrambled out of the kid’s grasp to find the waste of bandages. He briskly dodged the many hands that tried to grab for him. Finally being small came in handy for once. He cringed that he admitted that to himself. Chuuya sniffed the air and sure enough he could tell exactly where the brunette was sitting at his desk. As he bolted around the corner he jumped into Dazai’s lap almost knocking him out of his chair. He was pawing at Dazai’s chest trying to explain what happened to him but it only came out as incoherent barking.
Dazai frowned. All of his coworkers were fawning over an ugly mutt while he was making it a point to actually do some work. It was just a dog and a lost one no less. It already had an owner. What was so special about it? He had made his distaste for the animal apparent when Atsushi brought him up the stairs. Hadn’t he ever heard the phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” before? A single bark rang out from the conference corner causing him to turn his head before everyone’s panicked cries could be heard. It must have woken up and the amount of people surrounding the dog scared it away. Dazai should be fine at his desk or so he thought. The small runt tackled him almost making him lose his balance yapping up a storm. He frowned, glaring at the dog but that only made it continue barking and pawing at him. 
“Okay that’s enough.” Dazai snapped, holding the dog up with both hands. It was weird the dog stopped his infernal yelping, its eyes seemingly growing wide as both its tail and ears slumped downwards. Did the dog understand that it was being scolded? 
Atsushi stood in front of Dazai making sure the dog was okay “I thought you didn’t like dogs?”
“I don’t. Here, you take him.” 
The statement was dismissive as he tried to hand Chuuya off to Atsushi but before he could get a proper hold on him Chuuya jumped on to Dazai’s desk and started growling at the tiger boy. Dazai perked up again at the sudden change in the dog’s mood. 
“Maybe he can tell you’re a tiger.” he stated playfully.
“Or maybe he likes you, Dazai.”
Chuuya started barking again, taking an aggressive stance towards Dazai’s protege. Dazai stifled a laugh looking over the dog. It was a red long haired Chihuahua. The fur almost seemed unnaturally orange for a dog and paired with the black collar around its neck it almost reminded him of a certain slug. Maybe this dog was a Chuu-huahua with how little it’s temper was. 
"We should call him Chibi because he's so small." Dazai wanted to take a picture, draw Chuuya’s tacky hat on the dog and then send the picture to him. Of course he wasn’t going to because that was effort he didn't want to waste on the small creature but he still had the thought cross his mind.
Before Chuuya could bark in protest the president stepped into the room to address the obscure racket. They filled him in on the situation as Dazai resumed working, nudging Chuuya to get off the paper he was writing on and then completely ignored the dog. Naturally Chuuya stepped aside at a loss of what to do. The president was pretty okay with the agency taking care of the runaway for now until they found his owner but they would never find his owner since Chuuya wasn’t actually a dog. He hadn’t even noticed he was still wearing his choker which is probably why they thought he was lost. It fit loosely around his neck but since his coat of fur was so fluffy it wasn’t that obvious it didn’t fit him properly.
Chuuya was gutted that he didn’t turn back immediately but if he could just get Dazai’s attention the brunette would put it together. They could communicate nonverbally in the past with just a look. All Chuuya had to do was to make the stupid mackerel realize it’s him. He put his paw on one of the books discarded to the side. If he could make it float then his ex partner was sure to put it together right, but nothing happened. There was no red glow in fact Chuuya couldn’t even feel Arahabaki anymore not since the president said they would take him in. Was it possible that being a dog got rid of his ability? That can’t be right since he used it a few hours ago. He was more confused than worried. Dazai wasn't touching him; he should be able to use it. Chuuya grit his teeth but tried to appear calm. Chuuya glanced towards the president, was it possible it was his doing? He didn't actually know if the president had a special ability but it's also not like he doesn’t remember N explaining that animals are not capable of manifesting special abilities. It's just peculiar that he was able to use it when he first turned. Maybe it took him a while to fully transition to being a dog?
 He didn’t have much time to think about it as Kunikida tried to pick him up off the desk. He kicked his hand away and growled again. He refused to let anyone come near him. Chuuya might be a dog but he didn’t want to be touched again. Knowing how good it feels to be pet and pampered he’s afraid he’ll lose himself in the warmth, plus he needs to focus. His train of thought crashed when Dazai patted his head calmly saying “No one’s going to hurt you here. You can stop your growling. It’s annoying.” 
He didn’t miss the glint of daggers in the other’s eyes, it was oddly comforting. If it was anyone else he would have bit them but right now Dazai was the only one he trusted. Chuuya nodded at Dazai causing him to pause. Chuuya would smirk if he could because he understood what that look meant. It was a subtle gesture but since he’s known Dazai for years and in that split second he could tell the other was caught off guard. 
Dazai blinked, did the dog just nod at him? It was getting increasingly difficult to dislike this dog when it kept peaking his interest. Most animals have always hated him but cats usually were the only exception. They say that animals can judge a person’s character and it seems like every small creature in Yokohama, including a certain slug, got the memo but this is twice now that this dog seemed to understand his words. Not even the cats that approached him displayed such obvious strange behavior. He could also be reading too much into this situation because he simply didn’t want to be working right now but that was more to spite everyone over the dumb dog.
Before anyone else could touch Chuuya, he jumped down and scampered underneath Dazai’s desk sitting by his feet. He had a lot to think about and he was still tired. He thought about going back to the facility to try again but it was too far for his small stature to traverse back and forth constantly and now he'd have to shake off these schmucks to do it. Honestly he could try dragging one of these losers with him, they are detectives after all. One of them could put it together but he doubts any of them would follow a dog around town for that long without thinking they’ve gone batshit crazy. The biggest problem is he didn’t know who the ability user was and there was no way for him to communicate effectively right now especially since his ability disappeared. Or was there? He’d have to think of something.
Atsushi and Kunikida watch in awe as the dog practically follows Dazai’s command. They both peer under the desk to see him curled up by Dazai’s feet. Atsushi raised an eyebrow. 
"I'm not the only one who thought that was weird right?" Laughing awkwardly as he looked around when everyone circled the desk.
Kunikida pushed up his glasses "I guess he's a lot smarter than he looks." Chuuya peeked out to bark again before glaring at the blonde. He could see this startled Kunikida slightly. 
Dazai sighed "I think you guys should leave Chibi alone for a bit. Let him get used to his surroundings."
"I'm impressed. Dazai, I didn't realize you were so good with animals."
His frown deepened "I'm not, I'm just saying that he's only gravitating towards me because I'm the only one who's left him alone." 
Dazai shifted to see the dog still at his feet lazily pawing at his shoe laces. He rolls his eyes. This dog was more of a cat than a dog but he supposed that with its small frame it wasn’t completely uncommon for a chihuahua to be fast and nimble but that does take the proper training to accomplish. Just whose dog was this, unless, was it possible this is Chuuya’s dog? Dazai remembered the hat rack always mentioning that he wanted a dog but for some reason he never got one. He smirked to himself. If that was the case Dazai would keep him for a while. Maybe he could train him to mess with his owner a little bit but first he had to find out if this was, in fact, Chuuya’s dog. Unfortunately finding that out would be too much effort even if it was to annoy Chuuya. He dropped the idea entirely. At the end of the day it was just a dog.
Everyone went back to their daily tasks giving Chuuya a much needed break from being the center of attention. He lazily played with the laces of Dazai’s shoes. He really had nothing else better to do. He heard the shuffling of paper and the scribbling of pens filling the room. Chuuya only assumed Dazai’s partner was furiously trying to blitz through paperwork. Glasses guy seemed like the workaholic type. Although that gave him an idea. If Chuuya could get his paws on a writing implement he could try spelling it out for Dazai. He slowly got up and walked around the corner to Kunikida’s desk. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the dog except for the blonde. Gracefully he jumped up and knocked a pen and small notepad off of the desk. 
“Hey, what are you-” Kunikida stopped when he saw the dog try to take the cap off the pen. Dazai raised an eyebrow but knelt down to take the cap off for him.
Chuuya tried his best to write “help me” but when he looked down it was intangible scribbling. Next he tried to draw a fish which he was much prouder of when he really shouldn't be. Dazai tilted his head as everyone crowded around to see what the dog was doing. When there was still no reaction Chuuya rolled his eyes and drew a hat. Well he tried to draw a hat. Putting the pen down it looked more like a food bowl but come to think of it he hadn’t eaten anything and it was nearing lunchtime already. Chuuya placed the pen down sitting upright, puffing out his chest. Surely this was enough for Dazai to understand what was going on. 
There was a moment of silence from everyone before Kenji clapped his hands together "Oh I get it! He's hungry." 
Chuuya deflated, nosing the paper of the notepad to start over as the ADA were trying to figure out the food situation. Chuuya took his time with the next drawing. He needed to get it right this time but holding the pen in his mouth wasn't the easiest thing in the world when he had to pick it up from the floor. Luckily this time it was a recognizable fish. When he was done he pushed it towards Dazai stamping his paw trying to mentally communicate. 
Dazai tilted his head to the side "A fish?" Chuuya barked trying to correct it to "mackerel" but it was no use.
Kenji crouched next to Dazai on the floor. "Could it be, he likes fish!" 
The brunette raised an eyebrow before trifling through his pockets to pull out a can of crab. "Maybe he could smell this on me? That would explain why he tackled me earlier." He flatly added opening the can without a second thought. Seriously, what was he doing? He should let the others handle the pest. 
Chuuya stared at the open can silently laughing to himself. Some things never change, huh? Back when they were partners Dazai always carried around the same disgusting cans of crab with him. He contemplated pushing it away but at this point it was better than being relegated to eating dog food. Taking a hesitant bite it wasn’t as bad as he remembered it being. He lapped up the crab ignoring the rest of the office marveling his odd taste in sustenance.
"A dog who likes crab and Dazai? Atsushi, where did you even find such a creature?." Kunikida put his pen down for the moment. This situation was weird even for what they normally deal with. "Well he was just sleeping outside the entrance. I thought he was another stray until I saw the collar." Atsushi scratched the back of his neck. He didn't really think anything of picking up the dog since Kyouka had brought a cat to the office not too long ago. Kunikida pushed up his glasses “I guess Dazai should be the one to take care of it then.” Everyone in the
office nodded in agreement leaving Dazai in distress.
He scoffed “Why me? Might I remind everyone that I detest dogs!”
As Chuuya finished eating he casually walked back over to where Dazai was sitting and made himself comfortable in the brunette's lap. Kunikida laughed going back to his work. “Could have fooled me.”
Dazai grumbled, staring at the small creature. It wasn’t everyday that anyone trusted him enough to fall asleep in his presence. This dog really was like Chuuya. The thought only made him roll his eyes. “Yeah, as if.”
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degeneratehourss · 1 year
Sneak peek for the next chapter of “ Lumine's harem (if Aether allows it)“      
TW: Incest, dubcon, CNC. Dead dove content. MINORS DNI Pairings: Lumine X Aether. Lumine X Kazuha
                                           ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
“So, what do you want to talk about?” she asked, following Kazuha’s gesture as he directed her to sit on the couch, “Is everything alright?” 
“I’m not sure yet.” Kazuha said, sitting beside her, “It’s…about Beidou.” 
Lumine nodded, silently asking him to continue:
“I just got a message from her and she asked me for a full report on the Alcor and more specifically, what happened on it.” 
“O-oh!” Lumine exclaimed, feeling her face turn red. She almost forgot that Kazuha had caught her in the middle of a fuck pile, cum oozing out of both her holes.
“And you know this about me, Lumine. I never betray the trust my comrades have on me, especially when it comes to the people who saved my life. So… I'm sorry to say but, I must tell Beidou the absolute truth of the situation.” 
“Th-That I-”
“That you used her beloved ship as a breeding ground, yes.” 
“Kazuha!” Lumine exclaimed, lightly smacking his arm, “Don’t say it like that!” 
“Am I wrong?” the man challenged, eyes flickering to where she hit him and back up to her, a certain darkness forming in them. 
“N-No but-” Lumine sputtered, looking away and pouting, “Just sounds so lewd…” 
“Because it is.” Kazuha said, “What you all did was so…dirty. Beidou will blow a fuse when she finds out.” 
Lumine fiddled on her seat, frowning. She didn’t like the idea of making Beidou angry and she’d much rather that night on the ship be kept a secret between those involved. 
“Then could you please not tell her?” Lumine asked, giving Kazuha her best puppy dog face, “She doesn’t have to know- please?” 
Kazuha let out a sigh as he leaned against the couch, looking up like he was contemplating. “I could keep it a secret…I could…but why would I?” 
“Why should I keep it a secret?” Kazuha repeated, freezing her with a look that made her breath hitch, “I get nothing out of helping you. So, what’s in it for me?” 
“Ummm- uhhh-” Lumine babbled, her brain trying to comprehend his words, a bit flustered with the way he was looking at her- like a predator sneaking up on its prey- “Wh-what do you want?” 
“Oh, I know what I’d want from you.” Kazuha said, straightening up before leaning towards her, “The question is if you can give it to me.” 
“It would be a real shame if Beidou found out what you did,” Kazuha said, a dark glint in his eye as he cornered Lumine, pressing her against the armrest as he caged her in, “She’d never trust you again after soiling her ship in such a filthy- filthy manner.” he growled the word filthy the second time, making her hiccup. His eyes were dark, his fingers tight against the armrest as he came closer, his body almost touching her own. 
“What would her reaction be, I wonder?” Kazuha continued, bringing a hand up to twirl a strand of her hair between his fingers, “If I walked up to her and told her: ‘your beloved Alcor was used as a breeding spot for Lumine to get fucked by multiple men again…and again…and again…’”
“Are you…blackmailing me?” Lumine asked, her voice uncharacteristically soft as her heart pounded in her chest. She didn’t know what had gotten into Kazuha, or perhaps this was a side of him he kept secret- but she was intrigued. She always suspected there was more to the man beyond his soft, gentle demeanor and she wondered if this situation gave him the opportunity to bring that out.
“Doesn’t that make things more fun?” Kazuha asked, his face close enough that she could feel his hot breath against her, “Poor Lumine. Caught up in a mess where all she can do is obey every word I give her…or else, the Captain finds out you went on a night long breeding gangbang spree on her beloved ship.”
Lumine gulped as her eyes flickered down to see his hardness press against his pants, the man clearly enjoying the situation, taking pleasure in cornering her. Being perfectly honest with herself, Kazuha didn’t need to blackmail her to comply with his demands- but if this is what gave him pleasure- then she’d be happy to go along with it. “So? Do I tell our beloved captain?” Kazuha asked. 
“N-No please-” Lumine said, eyebrows furrowed as she easily slid into her role, whimpering sweetly, “Don’t tell her. She’ll never trust me again!” 
“I can be convinced to keep my mouth shut.” Kazuha said, taking a strand of her hair and kissing it gently, a quick thanks for playing along, “as long as you listen to what I say and do as I order. No complaints~” 
“Ok…I-I’ll do anything?” 
“Really? Anything?” 
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If you do want to write a lil something for the Minecraft qpr this is your free pass. Do whatever you want. And if you're not feeling it you can just not do it too :)
(700 words. post-Double Life. Galaxy Duo, ambiguous relationship (intended as QPR but could be read platonic or romantic.) depictions of trauma and brief mention of gore. canon-typical death.)
The freezing, wet chill of the snow soaking into her palms and knees. The acrid stench of gunpowder. The burning hot air from the scorched crater in front of her where he stood only moments ago. And her hot, angry tears, rolling down her face to land against the forest floor.
She coughed. She coughed and coughed. Was she choking? Was it from the smoke the explosion had left behind, or just from her shattered soul? She could feel it tugging her closer to the grave with every second that passed, the holes he'd torn into her heart when they split at the outset demanding that their tithe of blood be paid. She thought she'd filled those holes in, only hours ago. She felt complete. But he was gone now.
It was time to go. Her heartbeat was slowing. She could feel the frostbite setting in. She couldn't bring herself to stand. If he was gone, would she find him by accepting her fate? Did she even want to? Until only a few moments ago, she'd thought she wanted to kill him herself. With the blood and gore left by his eviscerated corpse scattered across the ground only a few feet from her, she wasn't sure anymore.
Something nudged her arm. A dog, its thick grey fur and shining eyes so much like the one she'd lost. It nestled against her side, attempting to keep her warm, though she knew it would be in vain. The dog didn't have a name. Neither did any of the dozens of others at her back.
She'd bred them in her loneliness, their bloodline beginning with her beloved Tilly and his own wolf, a wolf he never named. When loneliness faded into hatred, she'd started breeding them again, selecting for new traits. Aggression. Teeth and claws that could rip open all those who'd abandoned her. But now she was going to die, and they'd be left with no company but each other and no reason for their vicious instincts but the wishes of a dead woman.
She hoped they'd be alright. She didn't want them to feel alone.
* * *
Pearl bolted upright in a cold sweat. In contrast to the slow, dying vitals of her dream, her heart was pounding and she gasped for air.
She was crying. That part was real.
Her hands shook as she reached for her communicator. Fumblingly, she found his number in her contacts and managed to hit the dial button.
It took him four rings to pick up. He answered blearily. "Pearl? It's one in the morning-"
"Scott," she said, her voice tight, "tell me you're okay- please, please-"
"Pearl- Pearl, I'm fine," he said. His voice was soothing, but she didn't feel soothed. "Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
"N-No- nothing happened, I'm being dumb- ignore me-"
"Pearl, I think you already know why that's an unreasonable thing to say." He spoke firmly, though he softened again quickly. "Is it the nightmares again?"
"Yeah," she choked out.
"Oh, Pearl," he said, and she hated the pity in his voice and then reminded herself that it wasn't him she was hating, not really- "How bad is it? Do I need to come over there? I can ask Fwhip for help crossing servers."
"No, it's- I'm fine. It's fine. Just hearing your voice is enough." She was starting to wake up enough to keep herself in check, though just barely.
"Okay," he said. A pause. "I wish you'd tell me what happened in yours. I told you all about mine- well, most of it, I glossed over the parts where you and Cleo died. I don't like thinking about it."
She shook her head, then reminded herself he couldn't see her. "If I told you," she said, "you'd hate me."
"Nothing could make me hate you, Pearl," he said.
She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If only that were true.
"Maybe someday I can tell you," she lied. "Can we just... keep talking for now? Can you tell me how your week's been?"
"I..." he hesitated, then sighed, apparently agreeing to drop the subject. "Okay. Yeah. So, a few days ago, Pix found this crown on a dig..."
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the-apprentice-lia · 10 months
i just watched hunger games 1 after rereading the books and i have some… thoughts.
so everyone goes on about how the movies are so inaccurate to the books, but (and i say this as an avid bookworm) i don’t think they really are. the biggest inaccuracies i noted were as follows:
a) rue and katniss don’t talk about their different districts — however, i do think this wasn’t terrible as they had to amend the plot at several points since we didn’t have katniss as a narrator, like when caesar explains what tracker jackers are.
b) the one that stood out the most to me: the mutts are just… dogs. not tributes, children, that have had their eyes gouged out and their bodies twisted and warped to be another pawn for the games, even in death. children whose families, to our knowledge, do not even receive their babies’ bodies. and this was such a big detail to overlook since this is precisely the reason katniss is so horrified, and precisely the reason the brutality of the games is made so clear to us, the viewers: because these children will always be nothing but pieces on a game board to the people in power. things to be used, warped, destroyed, and then discarded. because when katniss looks into glimmer’s (or her mutt’s) eyes, it finally hits her how insignificant the capitol views the tributes. how even when you’re winning, there’s something to be used against you. she even sees rue, the girl she saved, the little twelve year old she buried, rabid and frothing at the mouth with hate. and this is when she sees, in perfect clarity, the grotesquerie of the games.
c) key details were omitted, like when haymitch fell off the stage, when madge gave katniss the pin, when peeta threw haymitch’s glass against the wall in the train car, how katniss threw peeta into the vase after the interviews and peeta’s hands were lacerated, how the soup from the parachute was actually broth and not the infamous lamb soup with plums that katniss loves (and subsequently, the ice-breaker in caesar’s interview being different), and of course, the infamous black buttercup. i mean, all in all, these were quite annoying— but not to the point where they changed the main message of the movie: the corrupting nature of power and how this breeds cruelty and uncompassion for human life. i think they stayed true to this, and that’s why i believe the films are a worthy tribute to the books!
furthermore, to compensate for the loss of katniss’ inner narrative spelling out key details for us in the books, the film does actually come up with pretty clever ways to work around this. like, as previously mentioned, when caesar explains on live television, to a capitol audience, what tracker jackers are and why they’re so deadly, which is key to the scene where katniss cuts the nest down. or, when the parachutes come with little notes; since we can’t see katniss putting together that a good kiss = a reward, we are actually told by the note in the soup parachute. “you call that a kiss, sweetheart?” we also have further insight into seneca crane’s death, which is so breathtakingly poetic, and symbolic, in my opinion. well, at least as poetic as a death can be. in addition, even though the books do mention it, we see in real time how haymitch flatters and strokes and fights for sponsors for katniss and peeta. this is so significant, as a man who has been forced to mentor years and years of tributes, to watch them die over and over again, and to gradually lose all hope that they’ll survive— this man is the one that is fighting so hard for katniss and peeta. we can see that better in the film. so the inconsistencies, in my opinion, can be overlooked as we will never truly have a film that is 100% loyal to the books. (unless it’s lord of the rings but shhh)
but what really sealed it home for me was something that the books actually didn’t do: we have the sense as viewers, a lot of the time, that we are intruding upon a profoundly personal moment. like with katniss and peeta in the cave. but that’s exactly what the film is trying to drive home. and that’s what makes it so fantastic. because we are intruding. we shouldn’t be watching such a deeply personal and vulnerable moment for katniss, who never shows her feelings if she can’t help it, and peeta, who shows his like an open book. it’s wrong on both accounts because in addition to these children being forced to fight brutally and bloodily to the death, they have to put on a pantomime as they do! i mean, what could be more unjust than a girl who’s being put to death being forced to give everyone a show on the way out? when the camera is just a bit too close, when there is no soothing filler music, when we can see them, raw and real, two kids afraid to die in an unfamiliar forest far away from their home, we feel uncomfortable. because why should we get to see this? how can this be fair? surely, they can have just this one thing. but that’s the whole point. they can’t. and we— watching from the same perspective as the capitol audience, i would like to emphasise— feel complicit in robbing these two kids of a brief moment of respite. that is what the film tries, and succeeds brilliantly, to convey.
i’m sure there’s still more to cover, but this is just what i noticed and felt the need to write about from my first time watching ‘the hunger games’. in conclusion: the film was actually fantastic if you don’t nitpick the small details. i think it’s a raw and real and fantastic tribute to the books, and should be treated as such.
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silver-samurai · 5 months
V: ...Are you a fucking badge?
Interviewer: No?
V: *scans* ...............I see. Go on if you must.
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V will suffice. And, you may have heard of this... "Yurasaka" netrunner or som'thing? That's also me.
Technically cis male, but I don't care too much.
I don't believe in star signs or shit like that, but if you really care that much, I'm a Libra - at least, this is what Misty told me.
Never checked and never cared about, but I must be taller than standard oriental people. I should ask Vik.
Males only, better if bottom. Sorry ladies.
Pure-breed japanese, my parents were obsessed with this lineage. Guess I can also be considered half-american by now... Not that I like it.
Bet you never heard of Hatsukoi no Kaori Ichigo. You can't find these randomly in the streets of course... Fuckin' rare and expensive, way more than regular fruits. Used to eat tons of these as a kid.
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Between Autumn and Winter. Can't tell why I appreciate the vibe this much.
There are too many, no clue. Anything, as long as it doesn't stink like hell.
Huh... Does the smell of new tech parts have a specific name?
Interviewer: Nope. Is it similar to a new car?
V: Kinda. I know it's a mix of gasses coming from the parts that have been treated, and expand a little over time with heat. Love it.
Green tea in particular, but I do appreciate coffee. They can both be rich enough. No sugar of course.
Mh. 3 or 4, maybe...? Nah, must be less...
I have a cat, an old rockerboy and a fuckin' iguana if they both count as dogs.
Interviewer: ...Sorry but, this doesn't answer the question.
V: I know.
I know of places in north Europe where you can see aurorae... Looks so unreal, yet so fascinating, that I must see that with my own eyes.
The terrorist in my head wasn't fictional, he'd be the one. Well, Japan has a pretty interesting folklore around youkai... mh. Is the Gashadokuro a "fictional" character?
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If Johnny counts, 4. If he doesn't, 2.
I have no idea where my parents were buried. I know that they died and how, but nothing more. I plan to find out, visit their tomb - 'cause I'm sure it's something too monumental to ignore, stare at their awful holo faces and spit on them wishing they can come alive in their damn coffins and die again. Just for the hell of it.
This was kinda funny alright :)
Tagging without pressure: @totentnz, @koda-shoulda-woulda-but-didnt, @vince-linder and anyone that'd like to do this!
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your-littlesecret · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@espithewarlock just tagged me on this, thank you bb 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
62 + 1 on anon
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
exactly 559.489
3. What fandoms do you write for?
exclusively Formula 1 RPF (right now)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
say my name and everything just stops (I don't want you like a best friend) - a/b/o where Charles accidentally "matches" with pierre in an app to help with his heat
jump then fall - vet!pierre who works in the animal shelter Charles takes a dog he finds in the street
call it what you want to - my firstborn wip, rival CEOs
hide and seek - crackfic where their families were never openly told Charles and pierre are married
baby one more time - pure porn. breeding kink.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to but I am terrible at it 😬 I appreciate all of them, but I never know what to answer too skaduhfbnskuhfvndfkhusvb but yeah, I try to answer all of them
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have literally two fics with MCD so it could be either 💀 but to me, it's gotta be I know I'll never get it (there's not a day that I won't try)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have literally no idea?? I don't really do unhappy endings (apart from MCD, and even then very rarely) so I could say any of them
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really?? I got a bitchy comment once but that was about like. nothing related to the fic, which was weird osieugnsoeiugnfdivjn
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. I don't know, I just- sit down and type it? idk what kind, I've written a wide range of different smuts I believe.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
that will depend on what you view as crossover. httyd au could be considered a crossover bc toothless and the fury light are literally part of the story??? the one where they are shadowhunters with our lord and saviour Magnus bane making an appearance (and Alec being mentioned). the proposal au? (I wouldn't say Lucifer au is a crossover bc I literally just based myself on the whole idea of celestial beings and whatnot. maybe it's a bible crossover??)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I am aware of, and I fucking hope not!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a request for it, but I'm not sure if the person is still thinking about it or what's going on. it would be an honour!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES!!!! THE JUSTLY FIC!!!!!!! I love this fic so much and I love justi so much (debatable, we are in our enemies phase right now so I don't think I can say that in public) and it was SO MUCH FUN and I love writing with friends and I sure want to do it again!!! (friends..... if you want..... you know where to find me...... 😏😏)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
definitely piarles. I will sometimes venture myself into other ships (especially if I want to write for a fren and I don't mind that ship)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any published work that's unfinished bc I keep myself on a very tight leash about wips. if I start posting it, bet that I already have at least half of that story written and the rest is already meticulously planned. I have a few half-finished wips on my docs tho, but if I stop writing it's usually bc it's not bringing me any joy anymore. the nanny x ceo tho.... I stopped that one bc I got a bit depresso espresso at the time and life got busy as shit but I want to finish it so badly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I ask myself that every day kkkkkkkkkkk I guess the fact that I can write really quickly? like if I have an idea I can just write down a whole 10k in like. 2 or 3 days.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
first of all I can't shut the fuck up. I have to restrain myself when I want to write anything less than 5k. im not sure if it's a weakness per se but yeah.
I also am very aware I have issues with describing the locations and with ending a fic. like. I never fucking know how to.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind when it's specific words or the occasional phrase and there's a translation to it. other than that, I won't lie, I kindof despise it. I can't speak, for example, Italian, so what is the point of reading a fic where the whole dialogue is in Italian if I won't understand shit?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
you will have to talk to my lawyer to get that information.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I couldn't possibly choose only one! all the fics I post is because they bring me joy and I love writing them, so I don't think I have a favourite.
tagging @yukierres @duquesademiel @golden-fairylights @chaesonghwas and @hrhgeorgerussell 💕💕
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