#where i was soooo into her but mentally i wasn't in a good place to date anyone so i called it off before it ever really got anywhere
hemaris · 10 months
OH. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. a bar that i liked shut down and that place had Emotional Value to me so that sucked. but i just found out the new owners are opening a queer bar in its place 💪
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megankoumori · 27 days
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I've been a fan of the show "Daria" since the days my mom forbid me to watch it because...she could and no other reason. That didn't stop me from sneaking it when she was out with my brother for Scouts, then flipping the channel back to Cartoon Network before she got home. I wasn't a dummy.
When MTV finally released the DVD, after years of hemming and hawing and "Oh but the music rights are soooo expensive" (YOU'RE MTV), I was twenty-three and long past fighting for my right to watch whatever I wanted (I still got shit for it. She just couldn't stop me). I bought the DVD and watched it in the living room. And then in the middle of "The Teachings of Don Jake..."
Jane: Do you know where I'll be this weekend? The Lane family reunion. Dozens of Lanes from all over the country converging in one Midwestern split-level to remind themselves why they scattered in the first place.
"Hey this show is funny! I didn't know it could be funny!"
That's because you never actually watched it.
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Daria is sardonic, cynical, an unpopular brain who is perfectly content to stay in and devour a stack of books. Quinn is her polar opposite: shallow, obsessed with looks and popularity, and would rather die than have anyone think she's academic, or even just a little smart. To become the other is each's worst nightmare...
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Sometimes literally.
And yet despite being as far opposite in personality as Mercury is from Pluto, being sisters, they're forced to cohabitat.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Daria the Brain ended up with Quinn the Peppy Bubble Head for a sister. In fact, I think it was inevitable.
In the later seasons of the show, we learn that the superficial Quinn is largely a front. She is smart. Not book smart like Daria, but she's able to mentally retain a lot of information about clothes, makeup, and brands, which is a marketable skill. She focuses on these things because she doesn't feel she has anything else to offer. And then there's Sandy, ready to pounce if Quinn even thinks about stepping out of line. When Quinn did make an effort and earned a good grade in Mr. O'Neil's class, she was forced to lie and tell Sandy she cheated, lest she be dumped by all her friends.
Why does Quinn even care? Sandy has all the charisma of a wooden plank and the charm of a hemorrhoid. Surely Quinn doesn't need her, or anyone's approval. So why is she so desperate for it?
It goes back to her and Daria. Specifically, their childhood.
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As a child, Daria was much like she is as a teenager. Ahead of her peers both intellectually and academically with a love of books. According to Helen, talking to Daria was like talking to a little adult. And yet none of this mattered. Her teachers and counselors didn't care if Daria was brilliant. She didn't play with the other kids. She didn't conform, and that's all that mattered.
Quinn, being very young, witnessed all of this happening to her sister. Even though she forgot as she grew older, she had already internalized the lesson: Fit in. Conform. Smart doesn't matter. Smart makes you a freak. Smart makes Mom and Dad scream at each other in the middle of the night.
Don't be a brain. Be popular. Even if you have to put with Sandy's bullshit, be popular.
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This I can get behind.
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wtse · 1 year
Imagine if Martin had a similar thing with Kevin that carlos had.. Not the same, but similar enough that he starts Kinda Liking Kevin, and what he might do with that. Just an idea that popped in my head looking at your art and i wanted to share!
Sorry we never got to this, we talked about it several times in group but things just sort of came up for all of us for a while. Anyways, this is something we hadn't really considered because that wasn't Martin's roll; Martin wasn't Jon's Carlos, Martin was Jon's Cecil.
Jon was always supposed to be the one who softened to Kevin because he's a fear feaster himself so despite not wanting to admit it he's more comfortable around them so long as they're not actively trying to hurt him. There is a planned arc that dovey hinted to with this and this where we are going to go into Kevin's obsessive nature, and his all around ability to actually use and discern his powers. At some point Jon is taken to Kevin by the church and he spends time with him there and they sort of a Carlosian thing going on between them a la Carlos cheats on ceecee in the dow. He will, of course, also leave him and come back to Cecil.
That said I hate not yes anding even a little so some of the ways you can get the same fun of Martin falling in love with people he shouldn't can still be found in the fact that while Jon plays the role of Carlos, Martin plays the role of Cecil and it shows in his interactions with the people in Night Vale. Jon will never find a home in there because, like Carlos, he views himself as an outsider. He and the citizens can't manage to get along because he views himself as one with Cecil, but the people fear him and it makes it all feel forced. Like nobody can say no to his being there because Cecil said yes.
Jon and Carlos are both self inflicted outsiders, but Martin being Cecil means anytime you see anyone interacting with one of the boys it becomes more likely for it to be Martin. He's just nice and polite and warm and welcoming. Not to mention he's lonely, and we have our resident fog terror eater Deb. Smth I like to play with but we haven't made canon is that Martin and Deb get along, and have little tea dates where she laughs and introduces him to her many children husbands and wives. Martin is referenced to being close to Earl a few times, and there is a moment of betrayal somewhere s2-3 where its revealed Martin's dating Cecil too, and Earl's soooo upsetties about it. Because they were friends. And he hasn't had real friends in, gosh, since he was nineteen? :^]
Anyways! Little food for thought! We all love Martin so so so much and we love Kevin, so I get where it was coming from, but just imagine a world where Martin can walk the streets and feel welcomed and accepted by everyone. And hes so happy, and gets to go on all his little trips to indie stores and do all his cute boy desires he neglected before because the town accepts him wholesale and LOVES him.
++ Martin wasn't very socialized and has a very "i read it to be like this in a book once, I don't get why its not following the rules??? Its not right!" Mentality from his childhood, and night vale is a really great place to be in for that sort of thing. The oddness of the town sets you off at first, but after a while you learn to like that about it. And in its weirdness it feels very story booky. Martin's out there living his secret garden heroine dream, of being met with hostile that melts away as people get to know him and he never had to cut back on his own character to do it. Now hes a much loved member of the community, and people greet him warmly when he walks by and they mean to do it rather than doing it our of compulsion.
Genuinely, good for him.
- Jovey
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aikyudo · 1 month
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I wanted to share this! I'm officially down to my 'starting weight'from all the way back in 2018. Back then, I had just started to notice some weight gain and tried to exercise to loose weight, but I didn't really track calories or change my diet. I hated exercising back then so I quickly dropped it.
Where I was in my life back then really sucked. I dropped out of college after my grandmother died of cancer and had to find my own place to live and a job because my mother couldn't support me while I tried to go to school. I'm pretty certain I was depressed.
I had turned 21 in 2018 and quickly developed an addiction to alcohol. I was absolutely using it to cope with my shitty life. I lived by myself in a studio apartment, worked a call center job that I hated, my boyfriend (now husband) was going to college 2 hours away and would never call me on the phone, only text, and I would only see him on the weekends.
I would get drunk basically every night, sometimes cry, because I was lonely. All my friends from highschool, I felt, had abandoned me and they were going to college. I felt like a loser.
In 2020, RIGHT before Covid hit, I moved into the house I live in today. My husband and I live in his childhood home in the countryside. When I moved in, he was still in college and I still lived alone, but at least it wasn't in the studio apartment. I think if I had to go through Covid in my studio apartment, my mental situation and addiction would have absolutely gotten catastrophicly worse.
But after 2020, I stopped drinking alcohol to cope and became a habitual drinker, I would still get drunk most nights of the week, but it just became the thing to do. I would mark my schedule around times when I could be hoke to drink. I never wanted to stay out late because then that meant I couldn't get drunk. If I was busy and didn't drink, especially on a weekend night, I felt strongly like I had wasted the night because I couldn't get drunk.
I tried cutting back, "weekends only" but it never lasted. I kept gaining weight and kept drinking way way too much. I ended up getting encouragement to go 100% sober from an unlikely person, my husband's pothead friend.
New Years of 2023, I decided my new years resolution for 2024 was to go sober and loose weight. I went sober and it took a few weeks, but I was surprised by things that I just thought were my personality at that point.
After about 2 weeks for my body to fully flush out any residual effects of alcohol from my body, I noticed I slept better, had more energy, didn't have as much brain fog and was surprised by how much more free time I had in the evenings. Crazy how when you're not shitfaced all the time, you have more time for your hobbies!
May 2024 was my one year wedding anniversary, and I decided to share some drinks with my husband to celebrate. I didn't get wicked drunk or anything, just a little tipsy. Then the following weekend, we shared more drinks to make sure we finished the expensive ($50!) Wine we had bought. The weekend after that I drank the most I had in months.... a single tall beer and two shots. Oooo wow soooo crazy I know. But the days after that I felt like, itchy. I wanted to be drunk SO bad it was driving me nuts. I didn't even have THAT exceptionally good of a time! I drank my beer and played minecraft, I wasn't even that drunk!
After that I decided that i really couldn't even drink occasionally if it made me want to just BE drunk for no reason afterwards. My whole family, both sides, is just riddled with addiction. Usually alcohol, but I found out my grandmother and her mother both had an opium addiction.
For loosing weight, I had been going to the gym but stopped because I got more and more involved with my sewing hobby. But the main thing I did to loose weight is calorie counting.
Listen, it SUCKS tracking everything and being mindful of what you eat all the time. Of course I still have sweets and fast food occasionally (right now I am a FIEND for stove top hot chocolate and I need to slow it down because that is a LOT of junk calories).
I think a lot of people are scared of calorie counting because of the stories we hear about teenage girls going bulimic and obsessing over their weight, but honestly for me, it's the only way I've successfully lost weight.
I've tried weight loss through the years with no success because I was still an alcoholic and wasn't calorie tracking. I cannot deny my own success-- I went from 180lbs to about 145 lbs in 8 months. That's 35 pounds lost! I was technically obese! Although I certainly didn't look it.
I feel better about myself after my weight loss, I definitely look better, I'm vain I admit. Being a slimmer size has been having its own problems, I have to have a completely new wardrobe and now I have no idea what my bra size is. My goal weight is 125-130 so I'm still loosing weight, which makes me a little worried because I'm still sewing new outfits and garments for myself, haha.
But I'm so so glad that I finally went sober more than anything. I'm so happy I have the time and the headspace to really enjoy my hobbies and get stuff done. Of course I miss it, I'm an alcoholic after all and I think I always will be, but if I'm really craving something there are some AMAZING 0% beers and wines out there. And usually I get cravings if I'm bored, which is usually when I would drink. Bored? Have a beer and get shitfaced and watch markiplier. He's always there for a good drunk time lol.
If you are struggling with alcoholism or addiction and want someone to speak with, please feel free to drop me a line, I'm always available to talk.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
[“Don’t listen to him. A corrupted Pythia holds no power with Clara,” another voice exclaimed.] You know what gets me about this? ‘Corrupted Pythia’ he’s still stuck in that role to them. There’s nothing he can do to be rid of it, but now he’s corrupted. And let me tell you, hearing ‘regaining his humanity’ get called ‘corruption’ leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.
But it makes sense that the Priest would call it that, would think that. The Dealthings had him for months. (Not to mention that fact that he can see the tattoo, which has yet to be revealed at this point.
Also the power dynamic is disgusting, like a Pythia has the highest power, but the second you break a tenant, especially ‘damaging the vessel’ you loose all that power because you ‘severed your connection’.
And then there’s the Priest claiming that the Deathlings corrupted him yet still giving him the blame of severing his connection. Like the manipulation of making him think everything is his responsibility, even things out of his control, is what got him this fucked up in the first place (well that and the dehumanisation).
[“I- No, I’m still the Pythia-“ he stammered, his voice breaking on the last part.] I am capital L Looking at this change to pronouns. Just for a few paragraphs, his mentality wavers. Being denied being a ‘good’ Pythia makes the ‘old’ him snap back for a second. The part of him that wanted to be a good Pythia.
But it only really lasts until [“What do you mean, ‘this has happened before?’” He asked, furrowing his brows.] or alternatively Wilbur snaps out of it when the Syringe catches his attention. Though I’d argue the revelation that he isn’t the only one to go against the rules is what does it.
regaining his individuality and claiming his body as his own again is a sign of not following clara's tenets, hence why he's now seen as a corrupted pythia :/ corrupted by outside influence blah blah. but yeah in the priest's mind it makes total sense. he was with the deathlings for months, and now he's trying to escape with them again. in their eyes he's been corrupted away from clara's influence.
the pythia is only the highest power because of their connection to clara. the moment that's perceived as being 'gone' the priests have the complete right to take control and try to get the pythia back to following clara
there was sooooo much manipulation in that conversation, but the priest truly believed what he was saying was all true. he wasn't trying to be cruel. in his eyes, this is the truth of how things are. the pythia is supposed to be connected to clara, so since he broke one of her tenets and severed his connection to her, it's his responsibility to bring the pythia back to his senses. the pythia should've been strong enough to withstand the 'corruption' of the deathlings but he wasn't. it's so fucked.
god that convo had soooo much narrative switching it was so interesting for me to jump around with. there are a few beats where he finds himself falling back into that mindset because old habits are hard to break. he's spent the past decade trying to be the ideal pythia. of course he's going to fall back to that at least for a moment.
oh yeah it was the revelation that he wasn't the only one to try and shirk his duties is what snapped him out of it, not the syringe. it's the knowledge that he's not alone. that those that have come before him have suffered like he did. it wasn't his fault his connection to clara was faulty, he's not the first to have those struggles
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i-aint-here-man · 6 months
Is there a Doctor Alchemy on this flight?
Every Flash-Fan, whether you watched the CW series or simply are a comic fan-whatever, knows Dr Alchemy
Albert Desmond is undoubtly the most popular one as he's "the 1st Doctor" and has been serving this role non-stop pretty much since 2004, but there were some "proteges" I'd like to delve into, hence this post will be about nearly everything
So, once upon a time in popculture there used to exist this trope of "opposite twins":
-Samantha & Serena in Bewitched (which seems to be the primal source of this trend),
-Gwen & Sunny in Ben10,
-Wayne & Lucien from The Cramp Twins and many many more
Anyway, in
July '80; in The Flash #287
Cary Bates starts the arc with Dr Alchemy's attack at the lab in CCPD. Naturally, the last wearer of the mantle - Al Desmond, comes first to Barry's mind, although he doesn't want to believe that Al would revert to his criminal career
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'cause here's the thing: Mister Element appeared in Showcase #13 whereas Dr Alchemy debuted in Showcase #14, where even Flash pointed out the quick change in Desmond's alter ego
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What's even more interesting, it seemed like Al just "wanted to be" a criminal
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Since then, Al did his time in prison, became a model citizen...
Well, it wasn't perfect, because he happened to have few relapses now and then, whether he:
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was mind-controlled by Professor Zoom [The Flash #147]
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was possesed by this "evil star" that aCtUalLy had been influencing his mental condition from the beginning [The Flash #216]
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orrr was possesed by a demon? [The Flash #230]
In The Flash #153 Albert feels an urge towards doing evil, hence he behaves compulsively, firstly imitating having a gun, attempting to rob a restaurant and then suiting up in Element's costume
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He later returns as Mr Element in order to rescue Flash, simultaneously deceiving Thawne ['cause Zoom believed that was the result of his "evil-making machine"] Fortunately, Barry takes Al to 25th century, where the latter goes through some "electro-re-education programme"
[at least it worked all right here, right Alex DeLarge?]
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Later on, Al relinquishes "the Dr Alchemy-self" in The Flash #230
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[aight, I know, sorry for this long interlude but I found it necessary to include it - now back to #287]
Upon meeting Desmonds, Rita - Al's wife, reveals that her husband's been absent at the time of Alchemy's assault, further increasing Barry's suspicion; police arrives, takes Albert to custody and not long after - Dr Alchemy escapes, ultimately leading Allen to a terryfying conclusion
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But, reaching the final page, the reader finds out that
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*tum tum tuuuum*
The Flash #288
Soooo the new Dr Alchemy is an Al Desmond. Both Desmonds happen to be "astral/platonic twins":
-they both were born into Desmond families [although they aren't really related]
-they both are fond of chemistry
-they have the same voice
And the most interesting aspect about their "connection" - while one is a good citizen, the other tends to behave violently, albeit this doesn't explain Al's becoming a criminal in the first place
and yeah, second-Albert created a hypnotic serum, which he named...desmondium
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As the second-Albert battles and seemingly wins over Flash, he proudly reveals his secret. Barry obviously gets out of the trap, but at least now his mind is at ease about Albert. Talking about Albert, what's up with him?
[*sets "Without me" by Eminem]
The Flash #289
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That's right, Mr Element's back in action, but despite his previous returns, this time Al ain't sinister nor controlled - he's deliberately a good guy, whose only goal is to stop Dr Alchemy. Albert donned his old alter ego as he felt responsible for Dr Alchemy's deeds
Barry learns from Rita about Alchemy's potential hideout.
And so, the final battle between Dr Alchemy, Flash and Mr Element...doesn't happen as Al's quickly rendered unconcious, but heyy, Barry's here to save the day
And so, the two pals walk into the night as Al confesses that it's over finally
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The Flash vol 2 40
Years later, Wally tries to exorcise an irish ghost out of Linda. In order to do that, they pay a visit to Albert Desmond who apparently inhabits now a goth-like mansion
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And then...Albert?
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So not only does he look different, but he behaves oddly, too. He's clearly obsessed with recreating the Philosopher's Stone for some reason
aight, it's Alvin
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But what is "concerning" is his usage of that stone; Alvin seems out of practice, sloppy and uncreative when it comes to choosing the post-transformed product; he makes a few pauses, ponders too long over what the Stone can transform things into
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To put it simply, isolation & obession drove him even more insane, rendering him insensible
But well, Wally manages to defeat him; he and Linda find the real Albert Desmond
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poor guy...well anyway, hopefully this time it's really ov--
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Ehh, for fock's sake...
The Flash vol 2 41
Alvin somehow breaks out [only leaving a salty statue of himself behind in the cell] and creates chaos for kicks, but suprisingly - this time he utilises the Philosopher Stone's powers quite well even going as far as to defeating Wally
Simultaneously Albert returns as Mr Element, but it still isn't enough to beat Alvin
Then a slight retcon happens while Wally realizes that Alvin is pretty much just a manifestation of Al's evilness with fake memories implemented by the Stone itself. In result, Al accepts the reality and destroys Alvin once and for all - FOR REAL this time
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In Who's who in DC Universe #14 we find out that, sadly, after retrieving the Philosopher Stone, Albert started to become more and more seduced by his artefact
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And it looks like he gave in, 'cause he appears few times in Waid's run
When Johns took over, he made Albert into a stereotypical mystic, who spends a lot of time on reading and practising alchemy [even his cell's been decorated in goth-theme] and he stays this way till N52&Rebirth
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But before I get to that "version", lemme talk a bit about the third Alchemy - perhaps the lest known, Curtis Engstrom. He worked as an advisor on a S.T.A.R. Labs project that would use Philosopher's Stone's special properties to cure blood diseases. He of course stole both the device and the Stone. In prison he met a guy, who later tricked him, stealing the device from the first thief. Curtis decided to get his revenge on the guy, got the Philosopher's Stone, calling himself the Alchemist. Engstrom, despite lack of experience, cleverly uses the Stone's power i.e. by creating copper stalagmites while it's raining [electricity conducive] or by lacing an area with thin molybdenum strings [sharp enough to slice Flash] Engstrom only appears in two issues - The Flash #71-72
In Rebirth Albert does appear a few times. In The Flash #764-766 Albert tricks Barry into wielding Philosopher's Stone in order to control Flash himself; oh and he kinda absorbs Stone's powers so he doesn't physically need it anymore
A propos, depending on the issue, Albert either used the Stone to access powers or used it to channel his powers
-in The Flash #216 Al revealed that the elemental-gun only concencrated his elemental energy, although nothing like this had ever happened before
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-albeit in The Flash #230 a similar thing happened, this instance regarding Dr Alchemy, thus he didn't need the Philosopher's Stone anymore
-ever since the Alchemy-excorsion, Al has been constantly using his Elemental Gun
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[The Flash #41 & the coolest Mr Element design, along with his cool af machine gun]
-then in Rebirth Al initially used the Philosopher's Stone embeded in a ring, but later he acquired the Stone's powers thanks to lighzinium - a protective material layered on the Flash-ring by Barry
Additional notes: °although mostly it's been implied that Al's identity disorder wasn't caused by the Philosopher's Stone, The Flash #765 clearly states a connection between those two aspects °the ring from The Flash #764-766 resembles greatly the Dragon-Eye one back from #216
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°intriguing, but whenever Dr Alchemy appeared in Waid's Flash-run he has never been referred to by his name; NOT ONCE
In fact in Waid's run he looks a lot more like Alvin, although considering the Who's who in DC Universe we have to think it's actually Allbert
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°more interesting, The Flash vol 2 Annual 8 takes place right before Messner-Loebs' run and guess who's the villain of the week?
That's right, Dr Alchemy, whose name's never called out and in opposition to later issues we can't assume it's Albert under the mas--the hood
What's even funnier, present Wally's telling Linda that story, mentioning at the end "amazingly enough, Alchemy would eventually turn up again...and again that's another story"
If Wally'd be talking about #40-#41, then it's stupid cos Linda knows about that incident first hand cos she was there
°[*"The Man who sold the world" plays in the back*]
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Thug: So uhh mr Desmond, how much of that gold do we need to transform?
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sopebubbles · 1 year
I want to cry after reading that. Why does so many bad things happen to mc? Why can't she just get good things without a catch? She deserves the world after everything that she's been through. At least now Yoongi and the rest of the pack is in her life, but still. It came about because of more trauma that she had to endure.
I am so mad at Eli too. Like come on man. You can't defend your own sister a little bit here. She's in a bad situation, trying to get back on her feet, and you bring her into your life again, only to kick her out. She wasn't even asking for help either and yet you felt like you needed to swoop in and help only to strip her once again from any sort of stability she was getting from her brief stay with you because you can't be honest to your fiance about who you are and stand up for your family.
On a happier note though, I'm very happy that she has Yoongi back in her life. Along with the rest of the pack. I hope that she doesn't run away again and that she can accept that staying with them is a good thing. That she doesn't need to run from them and to give the entire pack a chance.
I'm excited to see her interactions with everyone else and how those relationships develop. As always, you have a very dedicated reader that's excited to see everything that gets made for this universe.
Lol several years ago I started watching these Chinese costume dramas and I would binge them and cry for hours on end and ask why so much bad shit had to happen to the mc. And here I am now writing exactly the same way 😅
Like if you want actually know the reason it's just to show you how hard life is for her without them, on her own. We already know bad stuff has happened to her but like, for people who live life on the margins of society, it's never a single event that makes their lives hard. It's cyclical, recurring violence and deprevation that wears you down into nothing. It's continuing to trust the wrong people or kinds of people. It's making the wrong choices bc your options are limited. The only thing that's going to stop that for her is some very careful loving from the boys. Which she's going to receive now!!
It is pretty shitty that he swoops in and offers to help and then let's her down. But tbh he shouldn't have offered in the first place bc he wasn't in a position to offer the kind of help she actually needs. He's also very mentally damaged by the way they grew up, otherwise he wouldn't be pretending the way he does.
She's going home and that's where she'll stay! I feel like she has very little fight left in her at this point, partially bc she's just so tired but also bc she just can't not trust Yoongi. She might not feel at ease with the whole thing. It's a big risk for her to trust all of them. But she will still trust Yoongi 🥺
Thank you soooo much for loving this universe!!! 💜
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tintysun · 8 months
My Demon └ Moments
EPISODE 1 • So happy to see Madam Ju here. I never get tired of that parental archetype! Makes me teary-eyed. While the Sunwol Foundation supporting artists and superb art makes me starry-eyed! • I found it funny how this fight basically consisted of how he's able to trap his opponents inside a newspaper with peculiar headlines and/or captions. • Wondering why she couldn't sell her soul or he wasn't able to buy it when she was desperate and willing...
EPISODE 2 • They irritated each other so much at the beginning. I don't romanticize that, as life and much in it irritates me plenty already, but I like how they do it less and less so instead of going in circles with it as if it's comical or adorable. • TBH, that guy (the cousin), gave me a bad feeling since the first moment I saw him. A peculiar discomfort whenever he's around, too. But of course, I gotta give the benefit of the doubt and gather evidence before reaching any conclusion. Sigh...
EPISODE 3 • It's not gonna be shown in excruciating detail how much she had to mentally and emotionally adjust to the situation. But suddenly hanging out with a demon isn't something that can be taken casually. Being abruptly teleported to high places and all of that. • There's some emphasis on the name 'Salvation' and maybe that's their theme. I like it. In a time when so many insist on repeating the lines "save yourself" and "nobody's coming to save you", it's soothing. Do Do-hee might be particularly inclined to value that due to her past, though, despite being quite independent too.
EPISODE 4 • "You're treating me like a wireless charger." "And you treat me like a Pokemon." That about sums it up. 😄 • That tango fight was soooo unnecessary (since he can just snap his fingers), but I guess he likes to dance (and I'll never get over how often background music saves the day). 😝
EPISODE 5 • “The world was never an easy place to begin with. You get trampled on and eaten up without power.” A person with this as their modus operandi? It’s more common than you’d think. Among the most insufferable to me (admittedly, unbearable). I definitely would not want to live in a world ruled by them. And though there’s some truth to this statement, “There’s only one way the powerless can survive. Siding with the most powerful.” It rests on a fundamentally flawed assumption, and it’s that THEY are the most powerful. It takes more power to lift and alleviate others than to corner and/or crush them.
EPISODE 6 • I take that moment of Jeong Gu-won falling with yet saving Do Do-hee from being dropped from the heights as something symbolic too. • Choosing to marry Jeong Gu-won instead of Joo Seok-hun, the best decision ever. I don't know how much it really bothered Joo Seok-hun, but I don't even want to imagine how boring (or worse) Do Do-hee's life would be next to that guy. Sounds horrible on my part, but where's the lie? They're just not a good match, IMO.
EPISODE 7 • I tried, but I don't see the point of Joo Seok-hun being on screen so often and for so long. He's supposed to be the skeptical, inquisitive, and concerned character there? But I fail to see any instance in which he did anything more than interrupting and delaying progress to satisfy his curiosity and secure his repose. That and occasionally saying things that are deeply unnerving to me. "I admit that I'm not a scary person. But I can certainly be a nuisance. I'm quite persistent. I'll disturb and bother you so persistently that you can no longer maintain the peace and happiness that you enjoy in your daily life. You see, one termite can slowly eat away at the wood to the point that the whole house collapses." But sure, have him around. This is literally what he does to my enjoyment of this show. (And I've played enough WoW to know that DoTs can kill you if you let them be.) • Frankly, I do not at all find them to be too harsh towards streamers spreading dis/misinformation for clicks, views, subscribers, and tips. These people have zero regard for the lives they fuck over doing this shit.
EPISODE 8 • "Do what's best for you. Because that's what's best for me." The epitome of symbiotic relationships. But even if he's reckless enough to not care what negative consequences could affect him for loving her, I root for her to help make him even more hardcore and badass, powerful too. Rather than "insignificant and weak", become even more epic and iconic. Gotta have breaks to relax and enjoy too, though, 'cause that's not everything either.
EPISODE 9 • My dried, shrunk, and hardened heart cannot handle all this cuteness. OMG!!! 😆 • Someone get these drunks clear water and real food!! 😵 • A-ha! The homeless person living within boxes and occasionally spewing insightful and thought-provoking lines finally shows their true nature! This entire part sent shivers down my spine. 😮
EPISODE 10 • So he sacrificed his life to save hers like she did for him at the beginning and the tattoo got transferred back, so all his powers returned? Good! I was going to be mad if they both ended up as weak mortals with some cliche about being human. 😫 • Man, Jin Ga-yeong deserved waaay better. I'm amazed she didn't go full psycho-villain after all that neglect and dismissal she endured over this ordeal.
EPISODE 11 • PLOT TWIST! This pair went through EVERYTHING.
EPISODE 12 • I'm not crying. You're crying. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 • For what it's worth, a reminder that escapegoaters gonna escapegoat. Sooner or later, no matter what. When someone's not quite fitting in.
EPISODE 13 • The concept of happiness being potentially poisonous is something to write essays on, but I do appreciate Jeong Gu-won's insistence on joy. Letting people get swallowed up by sadness isn't better. It's adorable that he humors her with festivities, too. • I... could rant forever about how much I despise men like Noh Seok-min. But I shouldn't. I kind of wish Jeong Gu-won would give him what he deserves. But looks like his hell has already started. Still, tragic that that's the kind of "family" Do Do-hee has to deal with. With the blatant fake polite BS just to get what he wants and the taking offense when called out on it and more.
EPISODE 14 • This is such a load of fiction but I can't stop watching. • Beyond that, this episode was... "So you wanted a demon husband, huh? Can you even handle the reality of that?" And a "Who has the worst baggage/skeletons in the closet?" contest type of episode. • Jeong Gu-won, DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE HER ALONE!!! Being all, "Wuwuwu, I'm bad for her... ):" HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT MEN ARE LIKE THESE DAYS? YOU'RE GOOD. GREAT, ACTUALLY.
EPISODE 15 • Do Do-hee is such a heavy sleeper. Jeong Gu-won goes around, doing all sorts of things, while she's contently snoring and drooling on a pillow. • She finally got to see more of how it all began. Not to get too idealistic and romantic, but it is astonishing to see how intertwined they are. Sometimes you bond with another and forget exactly why and how, but the ties remain - keeping you together or coming back to each other, if not just making it harder for you to walk away over petty/trivial reasons.
EPISODE 16 • Bawling my eyes out seeing kindness passed around now. I'm not even religious but the angel part got me so bad. T-T ♥ • I almost, almost... feel bad for Noh Seok-min. He's getting what he deserves, though. • I don't know if it's bad casting or acting, but Joo Seok-hun is still very suspicious to me. They don't usually make more seasons of 16-episode Korean series like this one, from what I've heard. But I could bet he's the hook for a potential next one. He did say at one point something along the line that he was good at looking innocent - and he spent the entire show meddling and prying while looking innocent. But who knows. Maybe this just wasn't the time for such a character to shine as the villain.
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shiningstages · 1 year
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Okay, I did actually get rid of a couple drafts, just because I just really wasn't feeling it and they felt complete enough to where I was like "okay~ this is it~". I think it's also because I just. Feel all over the place mentally? Again??? And also because I have Atlas brainrot since he is so new and shiny, but I also just have so much will yet no energy to write anything else.
I may just make an Atlas ask call or starter call...Maybe work on threads if I feel good enough. I work nights the next three days, soooo who knows how I'll feel writing-wise, but I hope to be here soon-ish~ And on Diantha again whenever I get cool stuff and inspo for her~ (maybe make an ask call / starter call there too who knows~).
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thatgirlinskullz · 2 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi Ep3 ***SPOILERS***
-- it's gonna be all over the place as per usual
-- spoilers...
-- incoming....
-- in...
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-- 2
--- 1
ohmygod.. that episode.... aaaaaaaaaaaaa my heart. it hurts 😭💔
okay so first of all: baby leia, my precious, i love you! 💖💖💖
umm... where is the Grand Inquisitor? hello?! why didn't they address him at all?! hasn't he been collected? is he all right? is he safe? is he just chilling in a bacta tank?! i need to know!!! please for the love of all that is star wars PLEASE do not retcon Rebels. please (i assume they won't but still, i am scared) 😭
didn't mention this last time but Sung Kang is doing an AMAZING job as the Fifth Brother, imo. i am soooo happy with his performance and presence and ohmy they mad the Fifth Brother cool again!!! YESS!!
also just fyi, even if i may criticize Reva's character for being too impulsive or whatever, i still feel that Moses Ingram is doing a PHENOMENAL job and she is doing what she is supposed to be doing with her performance. so any slander i see about Moses will be reported. we do not stand for racism in this blog!! you may not like the character, which is fine, but please keep in mind that it is a FICTIONAL character that you have a problem with! which has nothing to do with the actor portraying her.
fuck racism and all the racists!!!!
who the fuck was voicing Freck?! i felt like i knew the voice.. i thought it was Seth Rogen?! but it's not?! was that Zach Braff?! that's the only name i see in the credits that could have been it. what the fuck. i need to know xD
QUINLAN VOS CONFIRMED ALIVE AND HELPING PEOPLE OHMYGOD THIS IS HUGE!!! you have no idea how happy this makes me!!!
while i may have my issues with Vos, i feel like he was a very good friend of Kenobi, so even just the mention of him makes me happy, and just to see the look on Kenobi's face when he finds out. oh the joy. the hope. i love it!!
also this means that Vos is legit back to the light and he is doing what he can to help the galaxy which just makes me feel a lot of things.. i feel like he's doing it for Ventress.. which.. ugh. my heart 😭😭😭
also HAYDEEENNN 💖💖💖💖😭😭😭💖💖💖
he is back and he is menacing and i love him ohmygod
and that vision of Anakin.. noooooo.. my heart... 😭😭😭
glad they did the voice with James Earl Jones, though, otherwise we would have heard a LOT of complaints... and honestly, the voice is James Earl Jones.
but i do love Hayden's presence. you can see some of his, aka Anakin's mannerisms in there, in the movements, and I LOVE IT
as for the rematch.. oh boy....
that was heartbreaking..
not only do we see Obi-Wan completely traumatized and scared and broken for the first time ever, running away, barely being able to defend himself, Anakin is THERE, he is there and he's angry and he's hurt and he wants Obi-Wan to feel the same pain he felt.. and that just.. breaks my heart. 💔😭
the way he dragged Obi-Wan through the fire.. aaaa. noooo.. dammit.. that hurt so much..😭😭😭😭
but then he just... left?! i guess it's either that he want's to play with him and hurt him emotionally and mentally more, OR it's the good in him that doesn't actually want to hurt him.. idk... but it hurts...
so i guess that wasn't THE rematch... we'll get more...
but damn... this was a hell of a round one...💔
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sckyie · 4 years
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song: streetcar by daniel caesar
word count: 2.6k
genre + warnings: angst to fluff; reminiscing in past heartbreak, breakdowns, timeskips, swearing, someone gets slapped
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: here's part 2 to driver's license,, i hope this was okay >~< i had to include a new song to the mix (its going into the playlist) soooo enjoy :) also my ratio for angst to fluff is TERRIBLE im sorry
Ever since you had confessed your feelings to your best friend, you had became so distant from everyone. Knowing you might've ruined one of the best friendships shook you. Lately you'd been driving around past curfew just to keep your mind off him. Passing all the street lights just felt like you were driving down memories. 
That flickering light at the corner where Oikawa had helped you after crashing your bike into a pole. Or that bright cool light by the park where you, Iwa, and Oikawa first started playing volleyball. Or that one littered with stickers where you told both the boys that they better remember you when they were famous. 
Apathy overcame your entire being. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, who knew heartbreak could have this effect on a person? It was hard going to school, avoiding Oikawa in every hall, dodging Iwaizumi on your way out, and even trying to ignore Kasumi was too much. It hurt like hell but you didn't want to know what Oikawa had to say. More so, you didn't want to hear what he was going to say, you knew what he'd tell you.
Two months until graduation.
It had been a over a month since that confession. The bright girl everyone used to know dulled out. No one knew why nor how it happened. It only stung between you and the boy you knew you could never love. Oikawa and Kasumi remained together despite the lingering thought of those words you said to him. 
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" The crack in your voice shook those hidden feelings within you.
"Why not!" Oikawa held onto your forearm, restricting you from running away.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You screamed as hot tears rolled down your cheeks. Oikawa froze at your words, unable to process them.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You shoved him away from you. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again."
Yet, you never spoke to him regardless. The sudden break between you two effected Iwaizumi as well. Although he had no part in the situation, he was torn who's side to take. He knew your secret but he couldn't betray both his best friends. Seeing you two spilt was like watching glass break. It's sudden, scattered, irreplaceable but if you tried to fix it, you could cut yourself or ruin the glass even more.
Oikawa took your last words as your goodbye. What was worse was that, he couldn't bring himself to find the right words to say to you. How could his best friend love him and never tell him? He never did end up telling Kasumi that he loved her. He began to question his feelings about her and well, you. 
One more month until graduation.
"Hey Y/n, are you going to the third year dance?" Hanamaki taps your shoulder as you doodle on your notes. You shook your head, knowing well enough how you'd have to see Oikawa and Kasumi together. "Come on, we're all going."
"No thanks," You smiled. A sudden ache in your chest hit you as you looked back at your notes. "I don't like dances."
"Liar," Matsukawa joins into the conversation. "What happened to you?"
"Hm?" You looked up, tilting your head at him.
"Just come along, we'll drive," He suggests. "You don't need a date. Just tag along with he boys and Kasumi."
"Again no thanks," You turned him down. "I'm not on good terms with Oikawa right now. I don't want to see him."
"Well, then let's all four go together then. Me, you, Mattsun, and Iwa," Makki says. "We lowkey miss having you around."
"Yeah, come on, we don't have to go with them," Matsukawa agreed.
"Promise we won't hang around them?" You ask solemnly. They nod at you, prompting you to let out a long sigh. "Fine. I don't have a dress, do you guys want to come with to find one?" 
Two weeks until graduation.
You stood in line with the three boys to get inside the ballroom for the dance. You carefully adjusted Matsukawa's corsage that matched your dress. Kasumi and Oikawa had came later, waiting farther back in line. He rests his hand on her waist as he examined the people in line when he spots you. This was the first time in forever since he could see you clearly. He had only caught glimpses of you through the halls, never seeing your face.
Was that the reason the guys didn't want to ride with him? For you? It hit a bit knowing they chose you over him but he knew how you haven't hung out with anyone lately. Always avoiding people, never trying to talk to anyone. 
Inside the ballroom, you and the boys sat together at your assigned table. The songs seemed redundant, leaving you four to occasionally get up to dance. It wasn't until a slow song that caught your attention. You had your head leaning against Iwaizumi's shoulder when you spotted Oikawa and Kasumi walking center stage.
"I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air," You say, standing up. You adjusted your dress before walking away to the outside patio. The muffled sound of the slow song was heard as you rested your arms on the railing. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the sounds of the streets nearby. It was hard to drown out the feelings of Oikawa after seeing him with Kasumi. You feel the pain well up, trying your best to resist crying.
You open your eyes as you feel something being placed on your shoulders. "You'll get sick out here," Iwaizumi says, standing beside you. "You're thinking of him aren't you?"
"Can we not talk about him?" You breathed, tears slowly rolling down your face. "I just don't want to think about how bad I fucked up."
"Well," Iwaizumi looked down at the ground. "Will you dance with me?" You turned to see him holding out his hand for you. Taking his offer, Iwa holds you close as the music played. He let you cry in his arms, knowing well enough that you needed this. Having held all your pain behind driving, you couldn't show how much you were in pain. 
"Thank you Iwa," You sniffled into his chest. 
"I'm always here for you," He smiled. "You're like a little sister to me...It pains me to see you all dull and hurt...When Makki asked you to come out with us, I didn't expect you to agree but I'm glad you did." 
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
Oikawa held Kasumi close, carefully swaying back and forth together. With her head resting on his chest, he was able to see through the patio window. He spots you and Iwaizumi dancing but for some reason it stung in his chest to see that. Why is he hurt? He's with Kasumi and he loves her, right?
Graduation day.
A group of cheers goes around the ceremony as your final day in high school is finally over. You greet your old classmates one more time, saving your close friends for last. For some reason, all the pain you previously carried had faded away. You approach the gate to meet with your friends for the last time before you go off your separate paths. Makki and Mattsun agreed to text you more to keep up with each other.
Iwaizumi had hugged you once last time, telling you to do your best. You smiled for the first time in a while. It was strange but Iwa was glad to see you starting to move on. You and him agreed to update each other on your mental healths and to hang out whenever you'd visit. Then it was the one you dreaded.
Saying goodbye to Oikawa, it'll be the last time you'll see him. You waited patiently for him as he was caught up by some fans and Kasumi. When he did manage to leave the underclassmen, he spotted you waiting. "Hey babe, can you go on ahead? I want to talk to Y/n," He says to his girlfriend. She nods happily, walking by you as she left. 
"Hey," He stops a few feet away from you, scared to step any closer.
"Hi," You said. "I have a few words for you." You let out a small chuckle, leading him to believe it was something good.
"Good or bad?" He laughed.
"Well," You started. "I just wanted to say goodbye for the last time...It was nice being your friend and I know how rough it turned out in the end...I'm sorry for not telling you before how I felt. I just thought I wasn't good enough for you and that you'd fall for someone else. Kasumi is a great girl and you two are amazing together...I really wish you guys the best...I know you'll do outstanding in volleyball like the king you are. You better not forget us when you're famous..Listen, I have to go before I'm late, so this is...it...Goodbye Tooru." You wiped a tear from your cheek, smiling at him. You quickly turned around, disappearing into the city. 
"Wait! Y/n!" He rushes after you, only to get lost in the crowd of third years saying their goodbyes. Oikawa felt tears well up in his eyes as he desperately looked around for you. "You didn't let me say..." He whispered to himself.
A week later, Oikawa and Iwaizumi join each other to lunch at your favorite restaurant. Iwa scrolls on his phone waiting for the food while Oikawa looked at the booth you two would always get. "Hey Iwa-chan?" He asks. "Do you know where Y/n decided to go after graduation?" Iwaizumi stopped scrolling to think back at the third year dance.
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
"Anything," Iwa replied.
"I'm moving away from Miyagi immediately after graduation," You sniffled. "Remember when we were kids and we said we wanted to live in Tokyo or Kyoto?"
"Y-yeah," He was a little shaken up hearing that you'll be leaving so soon. 
"My uncle just moved to Kyoto and he offer me a room there...and I said yes," You started to trace circles on his back. "It's by that college I wanted to go to and they have good jobs there and-"
"You don't have to explain yourself. You'll do amazing out there," Iwa chuckled. "Just promise you'll visit sometime?" He knew how much you needed to be away from Miyagi. Although it pained him, he knew it was only for the best.
"No," Iwa lied. "I haven't seen her. She hasn't texted in a while.
Three months after graduation.
You got into a cab on your way to your new job at a café. You stared out the window, admiring the new city you live in. Learning to adjust and work around the city was tough. The feeling of calling Kyoto home was strange, knowing that it wasn't. 
Ever since you had said goodbye to Oikawa, things in his life changed. He believed losing you wasn't fair, not knowing where you'd gone always haunted him. He had broken up with Kasumi over the guilt held over his head. Always thinking about you when he was with her wasn't right. With you being gone, his only priority became volleyball. 
You however, had let go of those old feelings you held onto. That last goodbye satisfied you, letting you sleep at night and allowed you to love yourself more. You've grown so much from dull slump you were stuck in for weeks. Though living in a different environment made it feel like you weren't even there.
Oikawa roamed the streets slowly approaching different shops along the sidewalk. He had some free time before the practice match he had, so it wouldn't hurt to explore, right?
That's when it happened.
You closed the door to your cab, turning towards the café's direction. Your eyes lock onto a set of familiar pupils. Frozen in time, the two of you never exchanged a word yet, suddenly a rush of emotions filled you both.
Pain, anger, fear, regret, almost everything you felt in the past came back to you seeing him. Standing before you, the man you once loved. The man you might still love.
You snapped out of your thoughts, walking towards him, stopping a few feet away from him. "Y/n what-" You raised your hand, harshly impacting Oikawa's cheek. His hand flies up to his face, holding the spot you smacked.
"You seriously broke up with Kasumi for me?" You growled. "Y-you're an idiot y'know? She was good to you too! Also ignoring Iwa for volleyball? I told you not to-"
"You kept track of me?" He whispered, a slight smile creeping on his face.
"W-Well obviously! I ask Iwa about you from time to time," You muttered. You looked up to Oikawa and saw him grin down at you.
Before you could say anything else, Oikawa puts his two hands on the sides of your cheeks. He pulls your face close to his, crashing his lips against yours. You tense at the action, gripping his wrists. He doesn't pull away until you settle into the kiss.
Your hands melt away from his wrists and reach for his torso. Your lips moved together in sync, almost as if it were a familiar feeling. He pulls away from you, pressing his forehead against yours. "You never let me say my goodbye," Oikawa snickered. "You said goodbye to me then disappeared without a trace."
"Sorry," You blushed. His hands move to your waist, still holding you close to him.
"I wanted to tell you that..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you too. I'm sorry I'm so late in telling you and I'm sorry for being caught up with Kasumi. I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't talk to you...I fucked up for not seeing how much you- well how much I loved you...I know this is all late and you probably don't want to hear any of this but-"
You tiptoed and kissed his nose, making him stop. "How'd you find out you loved me?" You looked at him curiously.
"I was driving down your street and all the old streets we'd walk through," He started. "It reminded me of you and then I saw that white streetcar. The one that is always parked by the laundromat? It made me realize how much you meant to me."
"Seriously? That old junk car?" You laughed.
"Hey, it reminded me of you okay, just seeing it whenever we hungout and passed it," Oikawa squeezed your hip, making you chuckle at him. "Will you ever forgive me?"
Your laughter ceases as you look up at him. "I had to learn how to drive on the highway on my own, jerk," You brought up.
"Is that a yes?" He smirked.
"...No...Maybe," You squinted your eyes at him. "You owe me ramen."
"Wait how'd you know how I've been these last few months?" Oikawa pulls away from your hold.
"Oh Iwa was the first to know I was moving, I asked him to check on you every now and then. I just wanted to make sure your pretty face doesn't do anything stupid. You did by the way, you did some stupid shit," You grinned. "Hey are you hungry? I can get you something from the café for free." You turned away from him, heading to your job.
"Hey you can't just insult me then leave, come here," He runs after you stopping you a few steps away from work. Oikawa plants a rough kiss on your lips before looking down at you. "The only stupid thing I did was not tell you I loved you sooner."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Ninjago the Island!!! 🏝🏝🏝
So, gotta be honest... this is not a Blind reaction thing, I actually watched it in French first so I know most of the stuff already 😅 It's entertaining, it got great animation, but nothing more than that in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
Still there is stuff I liked or I want to point out, and finally I'm seeing the English version so I can actually understand what the HECK they are saying 🤩
Alright, nothing else to say, here we go!
I haven't actually seen anything Clutch Powers related before Ninjago, is he always like this? I love that he is a jerk honestly, just wondering 😂
Press F for respect for intern Dwaine (at least he seems to like being... used?)
Clutch: It's just a bunch of rocks! It's not alive!
Totem: I'm about to end this man's whole career
Wait, Misako is part of the explorers club? ... that would have come in handy in season 11 to get the scroll of Forbitten Spinjitzu from the club instead of begging uncle Powers for it... *sighs* I don't mind plot holes in Ninjago like most fans I think, but if you wanna make Misako relevant again at least pay attention to the details 😅
Wow, after the end of season 13 I would've thought Wu was going to go through a midlife crisis, not Misako 😂😂
Oww, everytime I hear I get 😢 Bless your soul Kirby, always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
Well hello Brian
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Always nice to see you 😊
Twitchy Tim must have been pretty interesting to voice 🤔 I like him enough, he's fun and all, maybe not at the level of the characters we got last season
Okay, the place is called the STORM belt, there are LIGHTNINGS, and the sand of the beach is BLUE. Are we gonna address any of these similarities to our Bluebell here or not? 😅
Wait, Tim was giving a hot air balloon tour, does that mean other people where with him? What of them? Are they dead? Did he let them die on the island?... am I reading too much into this? Probably 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Alright, the part of the boats? SO COOL 🤩🤩 I literally can't say anything bad about the animation at this point
Why did they think leaving Kai, Jay and Cole on one boat was going to be a good idea 😂 Also Zane just randomly doing sick tricks on his vehicle, love that nindroid
I'm guessing Nya is keeping her water abilities for her season 🤷‍♀️
Yep, yep, this is why the creators try to keep Pixal out of the adventures, with her everything is way too cool and easy to access to 😎😎
Twitchy Tim: There are statues that become alive!!
Lloyd:... so it's a season 2 stone army ripoff, we've seen worse
It's a cute episode overall 👍
So Twitchy Tim has temporarily taken over Jay's role of spazzing out and complain about worse case scenarios... in another occasion they might have bonded over this, maybe 😂
Okay, survival position? MOOD
Why am I not surprised that Jay was the one that named him Zippy? 💙 Also HE'S SO CUTE 💕💕💕 Love how in every adventure, we always get very different types of dragon in this show 👌 I'm a simple person, I see a dragon... 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Oh-oh, it's the "Lloyd's done with this crap"'s face
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This means serious business... am I that used to LEGO characters that this way of crossing arms on the chest looks almost normal to me? 😅
Soooo, Master of the Mountain clearly gave Cole too much development... because now he got demoted to "the one who is always hungry" 🤦‍♀️ I'm all for Cole's endearing love for cakes, which is super relatable, but if you're gonna push it on his fun side, at least be coherent 🙃
Is it just me or it feels like the writing of this special was made by someone different from the one of season 13? Like, it's not bad, just less engaging and witty. For now. Maybe I'm being premature 🤷‍♀️
New way of nerfing powers, we got... weird, sucking power totem thingies... OKAY
My gosh I really can't say anything about the animation, look at that! It's all cinematic with such a light! YES!! 🤩
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So they at least addressed that lightning isn't a Jay's thing only anymore 😅
Alright, Jay having a mental breakdown because of a bridge because it always breaks, that's the Bluebell I know and love 😂😂 Nya telling him to keep moving was cute too 💙❤💙❤
Okay, I'm sorry but this really bothers me, what kind of lightning can instantly knock out the MASTER OF LIGHTNING??? Like, my gosh, really??? I hope they give us an explanation, like it's some sort of special lightning, because this really doesn't sit right with me. Jay is lightning proof, we've seen it in Skybound, we've seen it in Sons of Garmadon, I DON'T BELIEVE HE WOULD JUST BE KNOCKED OUT LIKE THAT 😡😡😡
Soooooo, storm amulet? Being one with the lightning? Is that the reason why Jay got to be the sacrifice? 😅
Alright, I am kinda looking forward for this one, what did Bluebell actually say or do to get him into trouble this time 😂😂
Oh, he just... introduced himself... well that was underwhelming
Bring ooooon Lloyd Grills 💪
Okay I did like the little speech, definitely resonates with how Lloyd survived this long even though everything wanted him to give up, even his father... I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING 😭
Jay out there making the real questions 😂
Awwww Edna used to call him gift of Jay? I can totally see it, so cute 💙💙 Makes even more sense if Libber actually left Jay at the Walkers' door...
Pff, Jay made the connection I would've done honestly 🤷‍♀️ Like, him being the master of lightning really didn't give these dudes any impression or inspiration? Any cool idea, full Road of El Dorado style? 🙃🙃
Lloyd out there abusing of the animation budget 💚💚💚
Somehow these ninja never actual sneak in, it's always a huge mess everyone knows about beforehand 😂 It's familiar though, I'm used to it and happy with it 👍
I might not be the biggest Misako fan, but you know what I am a fan of?
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Dang it uncle Powers, you just got here to make a mess did you 😅
Not the first person of the fandom to say this, but Jay looks absolutely lovely with that flower crown 🌺🌺🌺
Oh poor greenie
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Lloyd just has the worst luck 😓
Jay: Why would I be the gift?
Kai: Yeah who would want Jay?
Nya: Huh, me?? 😡
Got some very good Jaya for this little special, can't complain 💙❤💙❤
I mean, not matter how big of a snake Wojira might turn out to be, we've already seen the biggest and the second biggest snake of all so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Whoa, at last... IT WAS THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER THAT HAD SOMETHING HE SHOULD'VE TOLD WU A LONG TIME AGO!! 😱 Wu, you got pulled a Wu, how does it feel? 😂
Again, Jay freaking out, kinda my jam it's too funny 💙💙
Wow Kai way to be hominous offscreen 👏👏 I miss talking about my flame babe, this really isn't his time 🤷‍♀️
So when I first watched this I was genuinely, really excited about knowing the truth behind all this. It turned out very different from what I first thought, but at least in this case it's okay (besides I was pushing with the lightning meaning just to see Libber again 😅😅😅)
I feel like the guys get their powers stolen or blocked so much it takes them a minute to remember "Oh wait I can literally burn my way out" 🤷‍♀️
I... forgot that Misako knows how to fight 😅 She knows how to do spinjitzu too if I remember correctly...
Gotta love how they were all crazy worried about Jay, like, this is something that never changes through the show. They really care so so much for each other 💕💕💕
Ooohhhh, okay, so Wojira does seem to be the main villain of next season according to the story. I remember Tommy saying that we needed to have faith and this is probably why. The special was okay, nothing too much, and hopefully that too much we will see in Nya's season 😍😍😍
What the- pff, I didn't notice this the first time 😂
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At this point I can't tell if that one short with the chicken of the movie carried a hate or a love for chickens in the actual show 😂😂
Nice to see Jay standing up for himself at least for a little while 💪 Also Lloyd being "He's our trouble", aww family 💜
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Gotta give props to the voice actors, voicing an explanation while fighting must be pretty hard! WE ARE BLESSED WITH AN AMAZING CAST!!! 🤩🤩🤩
And there he is, our favorite jerk... shaved Ronin 😂 He does look a little weird, but it's fair, new animation and all. Not the weirdest until now 🤷‍♀️
I genuinely had to make a mental check to see where we are with Ronin now, like, he started as a villain, then a partner, he betrayed us, became an ally, he hunted the ninja, then joined them, that timeline was erased, he was around in SoG and... wow this man is chaotic 😂😂
Yaaaay, Twitchy's last minute redemption act! Lloyd is too good at motivational speeches 👏👏
A bit of Lava OTP/BrOTP
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Cause it's good for the heart ❤🖤❤🖤
Okay, Scooby doo reference, why not? Also honestly, I'm confident Ronin has seen A LOT of jails and prisons... probably won't stay behind bars for long 😅
Mammatus: sorry for imprisoning you and almost killing your friend
Kai: no biggie, that's how we make friends in this show
Alright the "And Clutch Powers" gag made me chuckle 😂 ... wait where is he- DANG IT UNCLE POWERS
Okay, this is the last time I say it I promise, but I mean. I MEAN
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Aaaaand sensei you jinxed it 😅 But you apparently awakened Nya's season so I'm gonna forgive you on this one 😉
There are a few little details that bothered me a little, and it wasn't as exciting as I maybe hoped it was going to be, but it was fine. Enjoyable still. These characters make me like the show, even when it got nothing too impactful 🤷‍♀️
But I got triggered about that lightning thing with Jay 😅 I guess I'll just fanfic whatever I had in mind...
Don't have to repeat myself about the animation *chef's kiss*
The writing was really less engaging, a little normal in a way? Idk just a feeling. Nice to see Ronin again though, I really like him. And nice to see Jay freaking out, I really like that too 😂
To be honest I wanted to put down my thoughts on this one because I REALLY wanna do the same with Nya's season 🤩🤩 I already know that Maya is gonna be there and I am so HAPPY already!!! 💙💙💙
So that's it from me! Thank you for reading me ranting, see you next season! 😊
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Memories // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Sixth blurb request! For @paniconthepitch Requests are still open!
I know this was suppose to be a blurb, but I got carried away soooo :) enjoy that.
I really like this one guys
Summary - Readers boyfriend breaks up with her and she heads to Matthews house, where she recalls all the times she knew she was in love with Matthew.
Word Count - 2.7k
Prompts - "Just shut up and kiss me." & "I need a place to stay."
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You know those days where you think they are going so well, and suddenly, the worst possible outcome of the day happens?
That was today for me.
After such a great date night, I didn't quite imagine myself walking down my boyfriends street crying.
Or should I say ex-boyfriend.
I trudged down the road, my fists clenched at my sides and head held as low as it could physically go without detaching from my body. I knew that moving in with him was a risky move, but I didn't have much choice. I had been kind of couch surfing for a while and he offered to let me stay at his house. A stable roof over my head.
Or so I thought.
Now here I was, heading in no particular direction with only a small suitcase dragging behind me, a wallet in my hand and a phone in my pocket. I had been walking for about 20 minutes. Turning down random streets, not really paying attention to what was happening. Here's another question for ya.
Have you ever heard of the saying, 'When it rains it pours.'?
Well I have. And I am currently experiencing it. Just as I turned onto what seemed to be the first familiar street I had seen in the past 20 minutes, it started *raining*. But not just sprinkling, no, I wasn't that lucky. It was a total downpour.
I looked up at the green sign above me.
*Oakland Street*
That was Matthew's street!
See, Matthew and I had been friends for a long time. I considered him family. His mom and my mom were great friends, and still are. She visits Marilyn still. But I rarely see him anymore, he's always busy filming which is completely understandable. And now your probably thinking.
*If he was such a good friend, why didn't you ask him for help when you were couch surfing?*
Well the short answer is that I was embarrassed of being basically homeless. I look up to him and I didn't want him thinking I was a lost cause or helpless little girl.
But I had no choice now.
I trudged up to his door in my now soaked clothes. I was still crying, despite me *really* trying to hold it together.
It was 9:38 and I was hoping he was still up. Chances are he was, judging by the many sleepovers we had in the past where he would stay up until 4 am. I knocked softly on the door, backing up a few steps from it. I wiped my face a little, trying to dry it from tears and raindrops, but miserably failing.
The door opened slowly to reveal Matthew in plaid pajama pants and a white tee. As expected, he was holding a cup of coffee, which he quickly set down on a table near the door.
"Y/n?" He tilted his head, not coming out of the doorway. I was sure I looked like quite the mess right now. Soaked clothes, flushed face, messy hair, exactly what I *didn't* want him to see.
"I need a place to stay." I was now looking down, tears welling up in my eyes again from sheer embarrassment. I could feel my fists clenching together, nails sure to leave bruises in my hand.
"Come in, come in." He waved me in. I kept my head down as I walked through his door. "Are you alright? What happened?" I had a problem with Matthew where I just couldn't lie to him, it had been like that all our lives. He was so hard to keep things from, whether it was because he was my best friend or because it was so hard to look into those soft brown eyes and tell a lie.
"I've been living with Ben for a while, because I haven't exactly had enough money to keep up with rent payments... But he just broke up with me." I looked up to see pity written across his face. "Please don't look at me like that. I know it's pitiful." I leaned my head all the way back on his couch, staring at the ceiling.
"I'm not trying to show pity y/n, I'm just worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you were having troubles?" He put his hand on my knee, shaking it for an answer.
"Because I knew you would look at me like that!" I waved my hands around his face.
"Whatever you say. Just tell me what happened." As soon as I got a few words out, I was tearing up again.
*"I just don't understand Ben! I want to understand! You never talk to me anymore." I was gesturing wildly with my hands, something I had picked up from Matthew at a young age. I was trying to get my point across.*
*"I feel like I'm taking care of you y/n! I don't need a child I need a girlfriend!" His eyes held so much hate, much different from the soft green ones I had fallen for a few months ago.*
*"What are you even talking about? I just got a job Ben. I clean the house every week. I cook dinner for you, and I'm paying part of the rent! What more do you want from me?" I felt so confused and defeated, the longer I talked the quieter my words became. "If you want me to leave I will. Is this some sick, twisted way to say you don't love me anymore?" He went silent for a moment.*
*"I don't love you anymore." His arms hung heavy at his side. Are you kidding me?*
*"Did I do something wrong?"*
*"You're just, you're hard to love y/n." What the fuck is that suppose to mean?*
*"Fuck you Ben! I did nothing to you." I ran to our shared room, packing my suitcase and grabbing my charger and wallett from the side table. "You are a real piece of work." I could feel my body aching from mental exhaustion. "I'll be back to get the rest of my stuff another day." I stood by the door, grabbing the handle. "Hopefully if I'm so hard to love, I won't be so hard to get over."*
"And that was the last thing I said to him." Matthews thumb wiped a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm such a mess."
"You don't have to apoligize for having emotions y/n. I'm here for you, always." He had first said this to me when we were in middle school, I thought that was the sweetest thing a teenage boy could say. "You can stay here as long as you want, I miss seeing you around anyway." He smiled, pushing some hair behind my ear. I set my head on his shoulder. It was really hard talking to him about this stuff. I think the real reason it was so hard to lie to him, was because it's hard to lie to someone you are *so* in love with.
Matthew seemed to be out of reach my whole life. It wasn't that he was massively popular, or that we were part of different cliques. It was really just because I thought he could never see me as anything more than a friend.
When I was 13, that's when I fell in love with him. I just didn't know it at the time.
*"Y/n this is so great! I can't believe I got the lead!" Spencer was spinning in my swivel chair that sat at my desk.*
* "I've always told you that you we're good at acting. Maybe you'll be an actor?"*
*No way! I'm gonna be a lawyer or something." He nearly fell from the chair laughing, as if the proposition of being an actor was so out of this world. There was a sparkle in his eye that I had never seen before. It was so refreshingly different from the days he had come to me after school, telling me that some assholes were pushing him around.*
*"I'm so happy for you, you're gonna do amazing! You better not leave me when you're famous." I shoved his shoulder playfully. That was truly a joke, but I could feel, deep in my subconscious, I was afraid that maybe he would.*
*"I would never!" And he didn't.*
But I couldn't do anything about how I felt.
"I don't wanna be a burden on you." I had stopped crying, but I was still slumped on the couch like a wet rag, *literally*.
"You could never be a burden on me. Here." He handed me a picture frame from his side table. It was of me and him when were were 22, it was a surprise party I threw for him. "Do you remember this?"
"How could I forget the first time I got you drunk?" And the night I realized I was in love with you *for sure*.
*Matthew had refused to get drunk on his 21st birthday. He was so responsible that it was nearly infuriating. So when he texted me telling me that someone came up to him on the street and offered him a modelling job, I knew I had to throw a party. Just me him and some of our friends.*
*I led him into my house with 4 of our other friends there. There was a seemingly illegal amount of liquor on my dining room table.*
*"Oh no! Y/n no, you're not gonna get me drunk!" He looked down at me disapprovingly. I stuck my bottom lip out, and gave him puppy dog eyes.*
*"Please Matthew? Just one time? I wanna know what kind of drunk you are." My puppy face turned into a slightly mischievous one.*
*"What kind of drunk I am?"*
*"Yeah! Like sad drunk, funny drunk, angry drunk, sleepy, reckless, philosophical. I wanna know!" I giggled, dragging him over to the table and already pouring him a shot.*
*"Fine, just one time."*
*And I did find out what kind of drunk he was.*
*A lovey drunk.*
*"Brian. You are the coolest person I know!" Matthew slurred, leaning over to our mutual friend. "And Katie is the funniest." He pointed to Katie. "And you! You are my favorite person in the whole world, you know that?" He was now laying in my lap, his head looking up at me.*
*"You are a mess." I laughed, patting his cheek.*
*"I am not a mess! I'm totally coherent! I love you so much! Look at you!" He sat up, kissing my cheek. I'm glad he was drunk because I didn't want him to remember the dark shade of red my cheeks turned afterward.*
*I loved this man, and it was kicking me in the ass.*
"A lovey drunk you called me." He chuckled as I gripped the frame.
"Do you remember all the things you said that night?" I half smiled, remembering the kiss om my cheek.
"Not really, to this day I live in blissful ignorance."
"Well today is the day you know." I giggled, crossing my legs on the couch and facing him.
"Wait! Before you tell me of all the dumb things I did that night, let me get you some dry clothes." He stood from the couch, heading to his room.
"Thank you!"
He came back holding and NYU hoodie and some sweatpants. I snatched them from his arms with a big smile and headed to the bathroom to change.
The only time before that I had worn his clothes was freshman year after an asshole from school pushed me in the mud while we were on our way to study at Matthew's.
*Matthew and I were walking side by side on the walkway, talking about random things.*
*"If you do get a cat, what are you gonna name it?" Matthew asked, keeping his eyes forward.*
*"I think I would name it Leo. After Leonardo DiCaprio, he's a dreamboat." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.*
*"Really? That dork?"*
*"Says you! You're a huge dork!" I nudged him into the road with a laugh.*
*Just then I heard loud and fast footsteps coming from behind us. Suddenly large hands were shoving me into the nearest mud puddle. I gasped at the cold liquid that was soaking through my jeans and yellow shirt.*
*"Nice outfit y/n!" The asshole laughed, running down the sidewalk.*
*"Fuck you Ricky!" Matthew threw up his middle finger and helped me out of the mud. "Come on, I'll give you some clothes at my house."*
*When we arrived he handed me sweatpants and a Nirvana shirt. I changed into it and Matthew probably laughed for 10 minutes straight. I was pretty short around that time, and Matthew had just had his growth spurt. To make a long story short, I was swimming in those clothes.*
I was now staring at myself in the mirror, wishing I had the chance to get use to the feeling of wearing his clothes.
"Okay! Time to remember an embarrassing night Gube!" I shouted, feeling far better now that I was in warm clothes. I plopped onto the seat, scooting next to Matthew. "Alright. Now what do you wanna know first?" I set my chin in the palm of my hand.
"So, what exactly is your definition of a lovey drunk?" He mimicked my position.
"A drunk who is very kind. They are constantly complimenting everyone around them and expressing their love and fondness. Can even turn a sad or angry drunk to a happy one." I shrugged.
"Okay, fair enough. What did I say that night?" I smiled evily.
"Ok, well, you told Brian that he was the coolest person ever. And Katie was labelled the funniest ever. You gave Mallory ten bucks for all the advice she had given you in the past. And you hugged Alex for around 5 minutes straight." The image of Matthew swaying with Alex was clear in my memory like it happened yesterday. He threw his head back him laughter, his face reddening with slight embarrassment.
"Did I say anything to you?" He stared into my eyes like he was going to find the words there before they came from my mouth. I rubbed my hands together.
"Uh, yeah. You told me that I was your favorite person in the whole world." He smiled at that. "And then I told you that you were a mess. But you informed me, so graciously, that you were *not a mess* and *totally coherent*. Then proceeded to say 'I love you so much! Look at you!' And you kissed my cheek." I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I was now looking down at my hands.
"Well you are my favorite person in the world," He tilted my chin up with his hand. "still. Maybe I'm an honest drunk."
"What's that suppose to mean?" I cocked my head to the side.
"Maybe I'm an honest drunk who was just sober enough to be too nervous to kiss you on the lips?" It came out as a question, I wasn't sure if he was genuinly asking a question or he was saying that that is *exactly* what happened. I'm hoping for the latter.
"What do you-" I was interrupted by his hand grabbing my chin.
"Just shut up and kiss me." He brought my lips to his, and of course I didn't hesitate at all to kiss back.
I ran my hands through those curls that I loved so much. His hands gripped my hips as I leaned into him more, I was so afraid that this was going to be a dream.
Like it was so many other times.
As he pulled away I kept my eyes closed, still hoping that it actually happened.
"Hey, are you okay?" He patted the side of my face lightly.
"Yeah, more than okay. How long?"
"Since we were 20. You?"
"Sometime in middle school." I snickered.
"Well either way, far too long." He put his finger under my chin again, bringing me into another kiss.
*Thanks Ben*
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cloudylovemuses · 5 years
Arcade (2)
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader, past!Natasha Romanoff x Reader, past!Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff x Sam Wilson
Summary: It's time for you and Bucky tell Sam and Wanda about your decision. Also you need to talk to Nick Fury and talk things out, hoping for the best.
Author's Note: Sooo, I tried to right a small chapter for the time gap between my first and third chapter. It's a bit awful and lazy, next week week (I'll give a lil spoiler) we'll meet the house and the neighborhood. I wasn't feeling really good to write something more, but hope you like it.
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It's been 5 days since you accepted Bucky's offer, to start a new life with him. At first you and Bucky where discussing where will you live. You suggested to buy an apartment at Brooklyn, but he rejected the moment the suggestion hit the table. He didn't want to be back to the place where he grew up. He didn't want to return to his past. Didn't want to start his new life based on how he used to live.
"Can we have a house with a big kitchen? Ohh Buck, it'll be really nice to have a huuuge kitchen and try so many recipes freely, with so much space to work on." You said dreamily while standing on your elbows to watch Bucky. He turned his gaze from the ceiling to you with a smile in his face.
You were in his room daydreaming about your future life. You're laying next to him being excited about your plans. He laughed and pulled you out of your thoughts. "What? Why are you laughing?" You smiled at him.
"I'm just thinking that if Sam watched us cook with aprons. We wouldn't hear the end of it." He laughed.
"Oh my god, you're soooo right. He'll tease us 'till the day we die." You both laughed again and you suddenly stopped and gasped.
"What about him?" He questioned, confusion covering his face.
"We need to tell him that we want to leave." His smile left his face and his eyes dropped to his hands. Even though the two boys were always fighting, they were the closest and best friends. Bucky didn't know how Sam would take it.
"We need to talk to him." He finally said.
"What? Like, right now?"
"No I think he is already asleep. Tomorrow morning. The sooner the better!"
"Yeah, yeah, you're right." you sighed and curled to his side.
"He won't be very happy, will he?" You both returned your gaze to the ceiling a worried look on both of your faces.
"I don't know, doll. I don't know."
The next morning you knocked on Bucky's door, still worry over your features. He opened slowly having the same emotions as you. "Ready?"
He softly sighed "as ready as I can be."
"We have to, Buck." You took his hand on yours and pulled him out of his room.
"I know, I know." He sighed again and you started walking towards the living room.
"Sam!" You shouted and he popped his head from the couch.
"Hello Cinnamon, hello Tinman. What's up?" You giggle at your nickname while Bucky glared at him. Sam liked to call you Cinnamon because you putted cinnamon everywhere, from aromatic candles to coffee dressing.
"We um...wanted to talk to you about something." You said hesitantly.
"Of course, what is it about?"
You moved further and sat down next to him and Bucky sat behind you, staying close to you. "Me and Bucky were thinking umm...we were umm...thinking..." You nervously said playing with your fingers not wanting to look into his eyes.
"Guys. You are worrying me, what's wrong." Sam said worry all over his face.
"No, no nothing is wrong...we just kinda thinking..." Bucky trailed off and then you took over.
"Me and Bucky were thinking about to retire and live a normal life." you stated with one breath closing your eyes and opening them to see a bit confused Sam.
"What do you mean?".
"Sam, we won't lie to you, we're both really tired of this Avenging life. And after our losses we are falling apart more and more. We appreciate all your and Wanda's help, but unfortunately is not enough. We are trying really hard to recover. But all this fighting is keeping us behind. Reminds us -and most certainly me- of the past. We can't keep living like this. We LOVE working with everyone here but it's not doing us any good. We would really, REALLY, appreciate it if you at least consider our retirement and talk things out with Fury."
You were staned by Bucky's words. You didn't expect him to take control of the conversation. And it was a really happy surprise.
"Wow, Buck. I forgot you could talk so much" Sam laughed. "Guys, I understand that your mental health is not stable and of course I noticed your struggle at your latest missions. I'll admit I was thinking to tell Fury give you some days off and retirement hit me like a truck." You both looked at his smiley face, when he turned his gaze behind you and you saw Wanda, who was coming slowly and was smiling too.
"I told Sam that you two needed some time off. But if you feel more comfortable with retirement we are both going to support you." she said while sitting next to Sam grabbing his hand into hers. "Also, let me tell you, I'm gonna help to convince Fury to give you what you want." She smirked, that knowing smirk which said yes, I'm going to manipulate him for you.
You were nearly in tears. You didn't believe that they accepted your decision so quickly and without hesitation. "You guys, you don't know how much this means to us." you teared up, standing to hug them both.
"Thank you so much. Both of you." Bucky said softly trying to keep himself from crying.
You pulled away and looked into their eyes. "When are we going go talk to Fury?"
"How about tomorrow?" Wanda questioned.
"Ok, tomorow then." Bucky said.
"Shall we go make some dinner? I'm starving!" Sam whined and you all laughed.
"Let's go" Wanda laughed and dragged you all to the kitchen.
After two burned steaks, 1 burned apple pie and somehow a burned salad from the boys, who wanted to show off to you, you and Wanda took over.
The dinner was so peaceful. So beautiful. They were your family and you really loved them. So much.
"Oh, guys, have you decided were are you going to live?" Wanda asked at some point.
"Y/N told me about her grand-grand mother's mansion in Magnolia Springs. She said that it's very big for two people, but it'll be big enough to build spare rooms and rooms for us to spend our time. I haven't saw it yet, but I trust her."
"Wait. Did you just say 'build'?" Sam said confused.
"Yeah well I thought it'll be nice to create a home with our hands." You answered.
"It sounds really sweet, but what about the money?" Wanda asked.
"Stark left to much money, for us to use. So we think its the best way to use them." Bucky said.
"Yeah, Tony left a lot money to everyone and I still don't know why." You giggled.
"He's dead and he still makes us happy."
You all smiled at that and fell into silence. Memories from Tony making you all smile. Bucky smiled on the stories you all said about him. His smile fell from his face. He wanted to say he is sorry. For his parents for the mess he created between Tony and Steve. Oh, how much he wanted to apologize.
"Um, I'm finished does anyone want desert?" Bucky asked after a while. You all raised your heads and looked at him.
"Yeah, I do. I'm coming to help you." Sam said and they both left for the kitchen.
"Are you sure?" Wanda asked a minute after the guys left.
"For our decision?"
"Yeah, yes I am. Bucky is an amazing guy and he is in the same boat with me. If we start over together it will be just a little bit easier."
"But sharing a home is a lot more than a start over, you know that."
"Wand me and Bucky are friends and we can do this. This will just be an adventure for us. We'll have fun, building our own house. Living a new life. Sure it'll be sometimes a little difficult, but we'll do this."
"I'm happy for both of you. I believe in you. And me and Sam will help you with what ever you need." She reached for your hand and held it.
"Thank you Wanda."You smiled at her. A smile which turned onto a smirk after a moment "oh and since you mentioned it. What's going on with you and Sammy?"
She left your hand and blushed like crazy. "Nothing, we're just friends"
"Yeah, yeah I believed you now Wands" you laughed.
"Shut up" A crimson color took over her cheeks and you laughed again.
-Meanwhile in the kitchen-
"Bucky, are you sure you wanna do this?"
"Yes, Sam, I'm 100% sure." Bucky sighed, cutting a big slice of cake for you.
"I mean you two don't know each other so long, to start a life together." Sam said with a concern voice. Bucky dropped slowly the knife and his head. But he immediately looked at him again.
"Sam, I trust her. She's been there for me in ways I couldn't even imagine. She never gives me an apologetic smile or looks at me with pity eyes. She is comforting in her own way, and she helps me when I need it even when I don't ask. I don't say that you or Wanda don't help me, it's just...she is...She's different and I like it. She makes me feel good."
"If she makes you happy, of course I won't get in the way. I just want to make sure that you're ok with that decision. I want the best for you bud." Sam admitted softly patting Bucky's shoulder. Bucky turned and hugged him tightly, not letting Sam breath for a bit.
"Ok, ok I need to breath now please." Bucky let him go and they both laughed.
"Ohh, bird brain I didn't ask you before." Bucky smirked without looking at him.
"What's it this time Tinman?" Sam rolled his eyes and said with an annoying voice.
"What's going on with you and Wanda?"
Sam choked on air while Bucky hit his back, still smirking.
"Nothing's happening."
"Yeah, yeah sure bird brain."
"Fuck off, asshat"
"Let's go the girls are waiting."
They came after a while with four plates of chocolate cake. Your and Wanda's favorite.
"Here you are ladies." Sam excitedly said.
"Thank you boys" you smiled at both of them and continued your lovely night.
The dinner was over and you all were at your rooms waiting for sleep to take you. When a soft knock at your door, caught your attention.
Bucky opened further the door and whispered, "Doll, are you asleep?".
"No Buck, come in." He closed the door behind him and took small steps towards your bed.
"Hey" he waved at you.
"Hi" you chuckled.
"Can I please stay with you tonight?"
"Of course you can Buck." You pushed your covers and he laid beside, pulling up the blanket.
"Doll, am I the only nervous for tomorrow?"
"No, not really. I think I'm a bit nervous too. I mean we are going to tell Nick Fury that his last two super soldiers are going to retire and they're going to live like two farmers but yeah, no I'm not THAT nervous about that." You joked and he let a heartful belly laugh, that made your stomach feel weird, in a really good way.
"Yeah, way so nervous? It's so normal!" He laughed again and you followed.
"Seriously now Buck, Fury won't be happy. I'm slightly afraid that he'll refuse to retire us."
"Honestly, doll? I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Part of me hopes for the best but another part is just pessimistic."
"What will we do if he says no?"
"We'll see." he sighed.
"Ok" you said a lil' disappointed.
You curled closer to him and moved your gaze from the ceiling to his face. He found your eyes and spoke again softly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence, "come here, I don't mind." he smiled.
You pressed your body on his and wrapped your hands around him. He hugged you too and put a soft kiss on your head.
God only knew how much you both loved to be on each others embrace.
When morning came, the nervousness came along with it. All your mind was thinking about rejection and Fury. You almost cried when the time for the meeting arrived.
Bucky came to your room to take you and went together, sharing some of the anxiety.
Before he opened the door, Bucky hugged you tightly and you hugged him back the same. You breathed and opened the door.
You greeted Fury and moved to sit down, next to each other, not wanting to let go the others side.
"Mr.Wilson informed me about your thoughts and decisions and of course the state of your mental health, and I have to say I'm surprised that you want to do such a thing together."
You looked at each other with a smile at your faces and a giving an actual loving gaze, and turned to Fury again and said and awkward yeah.
"So, where did that came from?" He said and confused you.
"What do you mean, sir?" Bucky said.
"Where that idea came from? How did you think such a thing? What brought you to that decision?"
"We just had a conversation together, after a tough night and we realized we can't do it any more."
"We want a new life. Bucky is really tired fighting and holding a gun on his hands and I'm really tired fighting too. But we don't have a problem helping whenever it's needed."
"We have a lot to discuss." Fury said with a frown.
After 2 hours and a lot convincing Fury agreed. He said that he will first check the house, the neighborhood, the neighbors' past, just to be sure. He said that he'll put Friday and a security system in the whole house. You hadn't disagreed of course. He also said that you'll get paid for whatever job you do for him, you'll still be his employees no matter where you live or what you do.
You didn't really care what jobs he'll give you eventually, you just wanted to live as far from this life as you could.
When you signed the papers, Fury dropped his serious face and said "I'm really proud of both of you" and left.
You turned and looked at Bucky, who just smiled. You smiled back at him and left, to start making plans for your new house.
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samiraheaven93 · 6 years
Touya Au
(Yes, I made an other AU! But I still have less then you bro! XD @starblazer124 )
It's similar to the Tenko/connections AU… soooo…
Inko took in Tenko
Tenko went to UA together with Kaori and Kitai
Touya was in Gen Ed class 1-C in the same year
He met the three at the sports festival
And they became friends over time… the first real friends Touya ever had (next to his siblings)
Touya wasn't a big fan of mainstream heros (because he knew that even BIG heros can be shitty people…) but the trio from the hero curse still befriended him
Touya had big plans (getting into the police and reform the kinda fucked up Hero society), supporting friends and good grades (and a crush on Kaori, but he would only admit that to himself later)
Then the "outburst" happened
(His father pushed him to far in training, because he thought now that he was older he could take more… and even more… but Touyas body couldn't keep up at this rate and he lost control over his quirk, injuring himself badly. He ran away from the hospital, at a really bad place mentally, and into UA, in the really early morning, so no one was there
He tried to burn it down… and himself with it…
But Kaori managed to get to him (thanks to her quirk and her noticing HIS flames)
She tried to talk to him, to convince that he wasn't alone, that he still was their friend and that they would help him! That this wasn't the end!
She was crying, her tears freezing because of her quirk and melting again when they hit the floor
She was at her limit and then her right eye started to bleed (because of her old injury there), she was shivering and fighting to stay conscious…
Seeing her like this brought back some sanity into Touya, he didn't wanted to hurt her!
He managed to catch her when her legs gave up and she couldn't keep up her quirk, cradling her in his arms
Even half conscious she still tries to get through to him…
He tries to warm her body up carefully and brought her outside and he screamed for help
"Tou… please… don't … don't go… please…"
But he left before the heroes found her)
He ran away… far away… to the country side… and searched for help (mental help that is) and he found some
He was scared to go back and face his friends and family … at first he wanted to get better
He turned into a vigilante, Dabi (doing mostly minor things most heroes don't even care about… like helping an old lady carry her bags, searching for lost cats/dogs…)
After nearly 3 years, on pure coincidence, he met Kaori again
She was fighting a villain in a run down building, waiting for reinforcements … and getting injured and hit by the villains quirk (which messed with her own quirk and made her unable to control it… or ending it… making her get a high fever)
Touyas body moved on its own as soon as he heard about her involvement and that she seemed to struggle
He managed to defeat the villain and get out the other way, helping Kaori who was barely conscious by that time, luckily he saw a family figure not to far and called out to Eraser
He left Kaori in her brothers care and vanished into the shadows
It took Touya two weeks to find out where Kaori lived and getting the courage to actually go and visit her
It was a bit of a rough reunion (and it was even worse with Tenko and Kitai) but they renewed their friendship
Touya and Tenko moved in together with a spare room where Kitai usually crushed after a really long night
It took Touya until he was 22 to confess his true feelings to Kaori and he was SO happy that she felt the same way!
(Their friends had seen this coming for a long time…)
Kaori moved in with Touya and they went to visit his Mum together for the first time in years (before he had only written her letters, telling her that he was still alive and that he was getting better and that he loved and missed her… but he was scared to actually meet her)
The friends had a good laugh when theh found out that their little siblings would be in the same class… SHOUTAS class no less!
USJ was tragic for them (it was lead by Kurogiri and some other villain… so the League is still a thing but with different members)
Kaori and Touya were happy together … and a grounding point and huge help for each other
Kaori is the only one besides his mother who is allowed to call him Touya… everyone else calls him Dabi (or some kind of nickname)
The two of them didn't planned on starting a family, mostly because the thought of being a father himself scared Touya, which Kaori understood … they both said, maybe later
(They both babysat Eri and Touya is great with kids)
They don't know how (well they know HOW, but not how because they used protection) but Kaori got pregnant when she just turned 25
It kinda freaked them both out… but in the end they decided to keep the child
And they were great parents of a little baby girl (they have lots of supportive friends and family too!)
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shethephoenix · 6 years
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I started this blog with the intent that i would post daily about my last 100 days as a Fiance...
hows that going you ask?, well seeing as how this is my first post, and we are 87 days from the #cheerstotheChotias, il leave that to you to figure out.
Truth is i have watched YT video after YT video and followed almost every wedding page their is out there (a little exaggeration never hurt no body), but truth talk.
I haven’t yet found a page that has sparked that Bride feeling inside of me,
.. also because i wasn't the girl that spent her childhood playing with countless barbies ( i had one), i was outside playing with birds and the dogs or running in the street with friends, trying to roller skate out the house on clean maroon shinned floors or watching power rangers, (i was a HUGGGE fan, and yes i was the pink ranger), also, what i wasn’t doing was spending hours with my black barbie and white ken dreaming of wedding days, but when i did play with them it was dress up and seeing if ken could withstand the amount of dirt, water and dog bits that came with playing outside, but you could sometimes catch me dismantling things, and my video game at the time knew all about my destruction to see just how it was possible that super mario could run and jump across my tv. side note: i never found out, because once i took it apart i was shocked that something so simple had so many parts top piece back, so it would end up in a giant kist with everything else that reached it play by date.
i did however treasure two things and that was my doll Chucky (no he didn’t have the crazy face from the movie), he had the biggest smile with a wink and rag doll hair but i wasn’t allowed to take him outside, and the other thing that kept my most precious Tinkerbell “cosmetics” was a brown little suit case, which i dragged everywhere outside the house. So as you can read I just wasn’t about that “little girl, Princess, weddings vibe)
Soooo now that ive given you that little “Hello my name is...” heres something i thought id share, and yes i could put this in my journal but to put pen to paper has been hard lately, as well as opening this page, so i thought what the heck, id go for the one where i can just type to my hearts content and also put some of me out there. (Scary to let people into what you think), but as tears are a healing to the soul, writing is my outlet.
Thing is as with most things in life, nothing just starts on hip hip hooray, as that of a new born being birthed to this world, there is unexplained joy, but so many tears, some good, others bad and some just for not knowing, and yes I've cried my share of tears and in moments i didn't think would be a tear-fest. (and yes, i am a proper softy, so tears are just there waiting to roll).
Recently I stopped mid way watching a Jamie Wolfer vlog on all things wedding of course and something hit me, as much as there are countless books and advice on weddings and marriage there just wasn't a page where i could go an immerse myself in the truth and struggle about a couples life, and yes i get many are trying but we live in an online edited world and as much as people say they posting about their lives, we are only ever given the parts that were good enough to see.
So having discovered that what i was looking for didn't really exist to the extent i wanted, i decided i would blog about my own, and in hopes that it wouldn't just be another blog about someone in the process of getting married, and how i had to go about picking colours and flowers and center pieces, but that this blog would give someone a good truth read about 2 humans that are about to share a title but more so a life that no one has received the “dummies guide” too.
the next few paragraphs might offend you, read at your own risk.
at 87 days away from saying I Do, one would think that everything is rosy, but what i have come to learn is that nothing is as it seems and getting to do the picking and thinking of wedding things somehow seem to be the best thing because I’d pick that over having to deal with people and thier opinions, even on things that do not concern them, and at other times when you high key just don’t want advice. please don’t get me wrong, i really appreciate help on things that i know nothing about, but stop throwing your intelligence and “ I've lived longer” help on me and then smile like you helped a generation overcome some mental illness.
This process has however taught me to “believe people when they first show you who they really are”, it may be hard to see but it is or was there in your first encounter, so much so that i found myself saying endless times in everything “ if people would just be honest from the jump, things would be so easy”, we as humans take things and complicate the hell out of it, and then we sit there and stress about what next. i am also guilty of this behavior...
of all the pinterest pictures, boards created, dress ideas, shoe height, napkin colour, angle of the chairs, how many to invite and what you would look like on the day, there enters moments that you were never ready for. There is a movie that put the next words so nicely in English, “our Marriage, their wedding”, i never understood the true meaning of those words, until now, yet, no vlog or book can prepare you for the true test.
one of mine that brought me to tears was finding out what is being said about you when you think you have handled a situation to the best of Your ability, only to find out...you dead wrong and that whats to follow is not only in how you react but what happens once you have reacted and the next morning rolls in and you have to find the courage to deal with it, and you sit there and try to be a good human but every ounce of you wants to unleash all the anger you feel, but then you have a little light bulb moment, and wipe your tears, blow your nose, put your hair back in the messy bun it was, and you realize that there is such a thing as the wheel turning, and that one day instead of being the statue, you get a chance to be the bird...
but my problem is:, i was taught to love and respect, and with that comes the part where you grow up and realize that not everyone shares your values, and that is okay because how else would people like me learn or build character if it wasn't for “life lessons”.
so this human makes her already anxiety filled life even more filled by always considering the feelings of others, because i make it a conscious decision to always respect and appreciate people.
but, life,
Because, another thing you don’t get from a “dummies guide” is how to deal with truths, hard truths, real truths, the ones couple don’t post about, the ones that are spoken between the walls and with people who have shared in the experience and are able to give a few helping words.
The one were i learnt, its possible for another human to express their heart so brutality and not consider the feelings of another individual. Cause no counseling session or family meeting will ever teach you how to appropriately deal with such a matter.
Yes sometimes its better to not know the truth cause then you live in your bubble and think that you have done everyone good, but with that said i am not naive cause i know you cant please everyone all the time, even if you try.
In saying so, i have found to have this cry my eyes out moment and then i get distant, sounds harsh but it gives me a chance to see things from all angles and i don’t exclude putting myself in the judgement chair, (cause yes anxiety will make you go to places that were never necessary, but you do anyway) so that if its me i will deal accordingly. (it may not be immediately but i really try)
And so every morning i get up and try to be better then i was cause i was never no exception to any rule, and because i want to be the person that i hope to encounter in my journey, and i really just want to be a better “help meet”, but, you get tested daily and the ones you fail you hope to see another day to correct.
so, may i learn and be open to lessons, and i hope to become the best wife my Husband to be will need.
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