#where we're in ed tumblr again
sharksnshakes · 2 months
Night Out - Tim Drake
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image source: batboyblog on tumblr
When out at a dive bar with your friends, you step outside for a breath of fresh air and run into the Red Robin. For some reason, he seems... familiar?
AN; writers block is brutal and disgusting and horrible. also. i am suffering from batfamily brainrot so expect more of this (part two can be found here!)
Wordcount; 787
TW; some cursing, mentions of drinking
It's a damp spring night when you meet the Red Robin. You're out with your friends at some college dive bar on the East Side. The area's a far cry from Gotham U's campus, but with free entry and cheap drinks, it's worth the elevated risk of mugging.
"Besides," one of your friends had declared on the way to the bar, "It just means we're more likely to see Nightwing's hot ass."
You're pretty sure the dark-haired vigilante operates exclusively in Bludhaven these days, but you're not a party pooper.
The music was good, the crowd was fun, but a small room of drunk co-eds had a way of heating up quicker than Firefly's flamethrower, and so you'd retreated out the side door for a breath of fresh air. You weren't stupid; you'd taken your small can of mace with you. This was Gotham, after all.
The alleyway was blissfully empty, save for a dumpster--quite the relief, seeing as the last time you'd been here, you'd stumbled upon a couple deep in the throes of a heated make out session. Taking a breath, you leaned up against the cool bricks in the alleyway and let yourself decompress.
"There's definitely better places to hang out around here than dark alleys," a voice says from somewhere behind you.
Living in the city has taught you many things. Most importantly, how to turn off potential predators by acting downright crazier than they do.
You spin on your heel and hold the mace like it's a pistol, coming face-to-face with none other than--
"Holy shit, you're Robin," you gasp, eyes widening.
Thank god you didn't actually mace him.
"That I am," he says, warily eyeing the can in your hand.
"Like... the Red Robin," you continue. You're blinking at him, openly gaping, and it occurs to you that you should probably stop pointing the can at his eyes. You stow the makeshift weapon in your back pocket. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were a mugger or something!"
"Hey, it's fine," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "If it's any consolation, you definitely would've scared the shit out of a mugger."
You laugh, but it's mostly in disbelief. Red Robin is standing mere feet away from you, domino mask and yellow cloak and green pants and all, and you're suddenly very thankful you'd gotten dressed up to go out tonight. For a split second, you swear you see him give you a quick once over. But no, there's no way Robin's checking you out.
He glances around the alleyway for a moment, almost awkwardly, before speaking again. "...Any reason you're out here?"
"I'm out with my friends," you say, motioning to the building behind you, where the bar's logo is printed in peeling white vinyl. "Needed some air. Somehow, smoke and asthma don't make a good combination," you joke.
"Can't imagine why," he grins, and holy shit Red Robin thinks you're funny.
"You got any fun, exciting plans tonight?"
He hesitates.
"Wait, you don't have to answer. I know, top secret Batman stuff--"
"Nah, not that secret." It's dark in the alleyway so maybe you're not seeing things right, but you swear you can see a hint of color rising to his cheeks. "Just patrolling. Y'know. Keeping an eye out for muggers and mace-wielding asthmatics."
You laugh. "Sounds boring."
"Definitely could use a drink." He glances at the side door with an unreadable expression.
"Rough start to the night?"
"You could say that."
A brief silence stretches between the two of you. Traffic and the faint pounding of the bar's music fill the space, and for some reason, despite never having met Robin and likely never meeting him again, it feels... almost familiar.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one stuck at work tonight. One of my best friends, Tim, had to bail last minute since he's got an exam to study for. So, like, you're not suffering alone!" you add, thinking back to the guy you've kind of been maybe having romantic feelings for lately.
Robin chokes.
"Shit, you okay? Need me to, like, slap you on the back or something?"
"Nope," he says, voice raspy.
"You're sure?"
"Positive." He gives you an awkward thumbs-up.
"I should probably let you get back to work, then," you sigh, turning back to the side door and grasping the handle. "And I should get back in there. Don't need my friends worried about me."
When you turn back around, it's just you and the dumpster.
"Fuckin' impressive," you mutter to nobody but yourself. "See ya, Robin."
You step back inside. The door closes behind you and... fuck.
You forgot to ask for a picture.
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munsons-melody · 9 months
eddie’s girl
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summary: you catch steve singing about you even though you’re dating eddie
pairing: boyfriend!eddie x female!henderson!reader, little bit steve x reader (?)
cw: implications of sex but that’s about it
recommended song: jessie’s girl by rick springfield
word count: 2.1k
a/n: been meaning to write this for a while and i finally got around to it :) not really proofread, and of course feedback is always welcome :)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"tell me again why we need to drop by harrington's" eddie asked with a bit of annoyance
you chuckled at his attitude and continued to flip through the new magazine robin bought that you asked to borrow
"because i left my science textbook at school and was sick the day i needed to bring it home and steve has a copy i can borrow since we're in the same class" you explained nonchalantly
to be honest, you kinda liked the fact he was kinda jealous over you and steve's friendship, it meant he cared, not just about you but about your relationship
but you also knew that he was smart enough to know that you are his and no one else's
"can't you just miss one assignment? i'm sure miss whoever teacher is won't care" eddie said, crawling into your bed next to you and pulling you into his arms causing a giggle to emit from your lips and you held onto the magazine
"it's mr. peters, you know that, babe you had him last year" you squealed as you felt his hands move down your sides
"oh did i? i can't remember i was too busy watching your gym class outside" he said in a flirtatious tone, kissing your neck
"that sounds just a tad creepy" you told him and he laughed
"well i meant that it a bit distracting to pay attention to his boring lectures when you were outside on the track running in those shorts" he said again, and pressed a kiss to the side of your collarbone
"well i don't have the luxury of staring off while he's talking about gametes and zygotes" you laugh, pushing your self up and attempting to leave eddie's firm grasp
"oh honey you don't have to make up words to cover up the fact you're thinking about me in class" he said with a hint of surliness in his voice, propping himself up on one elbow as he watch you roll off the bed and start to slip on your pants
"eds cmon, seriously i need to get that textbook so i can pass this stupid assignment so i know the answers to the stupid quiz we have to take" you told him with a huff after you finished putting on your jeans and throwing your sweater over your t shirt
"okay babe, but we're stopping to get burgers on the way home since i'm starving" he said throwing his dio shirt over his very beautiful physique
"sounds like a perfect plan" you said with a smile as he walked over and kissed you before he grabbed his keys and started to walk to his shoes
"you know i had been craving a chocolate milkshake so i'm very excited" you told him as you put on your shoes
"wow it's like we've been together for almost a year and we know each other a little too well to the point where we can practically read each others minds" eddie said with a sarcastic smirk and you playfully rolled your eyes
"wow really i hadn't known" you replied back with a mocking tone
the two of you walked out to eddie's van parked in the drive way and got in, and he started the engine
the radio came on at full volume causing the two of you to jump as eddie quickly turned it down, forgetting that he left it on last night on his drive over to your house
"jesus sorry about that" eddie said with wide eyes as he started to drive
"it's okay" you giggled, your heart finally calming down
the two of you drove to steve's house which took at least a good 10 minutes
before you knew it, you were pulling into steve's driveway
the last time you and steve talked you told him you'd be over at 6 to get his spare copy of the textbook and you hoped he didn't forget, but seeing his car in the driveway put your worry at ease
eddie put the car in park and you looked at him with soft eyes, "thank you for driving" you said sweetly, as you put your hand on his cheek and it looked like he was going to melt under your touch
"always babe" he said with a soft smile back
he kissed you softly and slowly, leaving a permanent smile on your face as you exited his car and walked to steve's front door
you knocked a couple of times but had no answer, you looked back to see eddie fiddling with some magazine he had laying in the car and noticed steve's car was the only one in his driveway besides eddie's
you heard music coming from inside so you knew he was home and decided to head in, yelling a "hello!", hoping he would hear you over the music
you walked up the stairs and went down the hall to where steve's room was located
the familiar tune of 'jessie's girl' rang through his speakers and the shower running, with steve's voice coming through his bathroom door
you headed into his room, immediately seeing the book on his desk and you figured you'd leave him a quick note and take the book so you can get home and start studying as soon as possible
you started to turn down the speakers so you wouldn't go deaf when suddenly you heard steve belting out to the song but as you started to giggle you heard him change the original lyrics
"Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know, I wish that I had
Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Like Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman-
Where can I find a woman like that?"
if it was any other song, hearing his voice crack while attempting to scream out the notes would've made you laugh and you definitely would've made fun of him with it but you stood there baffled
that was until the shower cut off and you heard movement on the other side of the door, and you quickly picked up one of his pens and started writing on a note pad
steve opened up the door to the bathroom and saw you standing at his desk, hunched over scribbling away
"oh shit hey" he said, padding over to his dresser to grab some clothes, his towel hanging low around his waist
you turned to steve, trying to keep your cool
"oh hey, sorry you didn't hear me knock so i let myself in and i was just going to leave you a note and take the book cause i really have to get to studying" you admitted, putting the pen down
he nodded and you picked up the book, folding yours arms around it and pressing it against your chest
"you know your speakers are very loud" you said in an effort to break the tension and steve chuckled
"yeah well i gotta hear it through the door" he smiled and you nodded
"well i better get going, eddie's waiting for me" you admitted and he nodded
"eddie's here?" he questioned
"yeah he drove me over, we're going to study tonight" you told him and you could see an expression in his eye shift, but you couldn't see to what
it was almost a mix of jealously and sadness but you didn't want to jump to conclusions
"oh well good luck with your studying, i don't want to keep you waiting too long" he said with a small smile and you nodded
"thank you again steve, you're the best" you told him with a small smile and headed out of his room, down the stairs and back to eddie's van
he noticed you walking and threw whatever magazine he had in his hand and tossed it behind him, starting the car back up as you hopped into the passenger seat
"got it?" he asked as he started to reverse
"yep!" you told him as you fixed your seatbelt
"good, now my smart babe can study to be even smarter" he said with a smile as he started back to your house
the drive was a little too quiet for eddie's liking but to be fair, you were thinking about steve and the fact he was singing about you?
you'd never thought of steve in that way and didn't know how to feel if it's true that he does like you
"everything okay pretty girl?" eddie asked, gently putting his hand on your thigh and you moved to look at him, nodding
"yeah just tired, maybe you and i can skip studying and just cuddle?" you asked and he smiled
"of course baby" he said, sliding his hand up your thigh a little higher
"your parents aren't home right?" he asked and you rolled your eyes, putting the pieces together
"eddie baby, does this have to do with the magazine you were looking at earlier?" you cocked an eyebrow
"uh no..." he trailed off as you leaned over the seat and picked up the magazine, looking at the cover
"really? a playboy?" you giggled and he sighed
"it was the only one within reach and you were up there for like ever and i was imagining you in the outfits they were wearing..." he said as his grip fasted around the wheel
"oh eddie! do you love me? do you need me? do you need to fuck me so badly" you moaned out, a giggle following as you were joking and eddie's eyes darkened
"really babe?" he said with a flat face, sending a quick glare to you as he pulled into your driveway
he turned off the ignition and noticed that your parents car was nowhere to be found, probably cause it was their designated date night leaving the house empty till midnight
"oh i'm sorry baby" you said, pulling him into a kiss which he delightfully responded to, kissing you back
he started kissing down your neck when you stopped him
"eds, let's go inside" you said with a small smile, tugging at his collar and he nodded
he grabbed this things and got out of the car, running quickly to your door and helping you out, shutting the door behind you
he laced your fingers with his, as you walked from the driveway up to your door where you quickly unlocked it and went inside
you shut the front door behind you and turned on some of the lights you had turned off on your way out and headed to your room
once in your room, you dumped your bag and the science book on the desk as you heard eddie yell a "i'm gonna use the bathroom" and you responded back a quick "okay”
you changed into your pajamas, just a shirt and some comfy pants and sat against your headboard on your bed
you allowed yourself to think about steve, what happened, and how it made sense in your brain- everything he did before you and eddie started dating
he was never your boyfriend but you did almost everything together, mostly thanks to dustin, but were you sending him mixed signals you didn't even know you were?
eddie arrived at your door a few minutes later, and shut it behind him
his shoes were off, along with his vest and leather jacket and he shimmed off his jeans and immediately jumped into bed with you, pulling you into his arms and snapping you out of your thoughts
"y/n are you okay? seriously you've been weirdly quiet ever since steve's house" he said and you laid on your side, looking at him as he laid an arm around your torso
you sighed, not wanting to start drama but knowing eddie should know about it
"okay, when i went up to steve's room i heard him singing in the shower and he changed the lyrics to jessie's girl to sing about 'eddie's girl' and he seemed upset you were waiting for me downstairs" you admitted, fiddling with the hem of his shirt
“oh” was all he said, causing your heart to sink
“ed’s i know that you know that im all yours, no matter what right? i don’t want this to be a problem” you said nervously
“i know babygirl, you’re all mine and i trust you” he said with a small smile, kissing you lightly
you felt at ease with eddie as you nuzzled your face into his chest but there was a little bit of steve still lingering on your mind
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triflesandparsnips · 11 months
Lot of takes going around the internets about certain "deaths" in the ofmd season finale, so, uh-- guess it's time for me to try and lose some followers on tumblr dot com with
Some Thoughts on Why I Am Not Particularly Bothered or Concerned about Izzy's Apparent "Death"
Laying the groundwork first...
1. Narratively speaking, Izzy's been a dead man walking since the start of the season. Babe shot himself and got a rebirth-- but he still definitely intended to die. Every minute he was still around was borrowed time.
Did he have to die? Maybe not. I know I could've written a version of the show where he didn't. But then that would be my show-- not theirs. I can't know exactly what themes, bugbears, bête noires, catharsis, or artistic Vibes are driving that writers' room, and until the credits run on the finale of the third season, none of the rest of us can either.
2. Izzy spent the season being in a liminal state-- and there's nothing in the story saying that he can't continue doing that. Izzy spent the season having one foot in one space, one hoof in the other, and himself halfway through the door, a chimera of mirrored things right up to his "death": pirate and ship, hard and soft, old ways and new, etc etc. But "the gravy basket" is a weird little liminal space between life and death, a place that both Ed and Buttons have found (and returned from) before. We don't know where Izzy "is" right now-- he could be there.
(tbh, I wonder how much poor feeling we'd be having about all this if we'd gotten a final tag of a blue-washed Izzy staring down at a bowl of soup while helplessly saying "but this isn't gravy, what the fu--")
3. I think there is an unfortunate belief that "it's not real unless you see the body" is a universal -- or perhaps inarguable -- "fact" of storytelling. But it's not. It's just a bit of narrative shorthand that got popular, and now we're too ready to fall into the trap of believing the inverse is true too-- that if there is a body, then there must therefore have been a "real" death.
This season has spent quite a lot of narrative time and effort telling us that its story is using a different model, with different shorthands; specifically, that magic is real, that there is at least some kind of existence after death, and that the dead can be resurrected.
And that brings me to the meat of why I'm not particularly bothered or concerned about what, at this stage of the story, could still very well be just a minor setback--
4. This whole show, and particularly this season, is a fairy tale. It's a story that works with fairy tale logic and tropes, and it's in conversation with other fairy tales too, ones that the OFMD audience is likely to know well enough to spot their narrative beats in action. So "Pinocchio" gets mentioned a lot? Cool-- the audience applies what is commonly known of that story to this one ("a real boy", the mirror-opposite being a puppet with no nose, etc), and finds some Cool Shit. Then they're primed to keep looking for fairy tales, even unnamed ones, in case there's another little nugget of reward-dopamine for finding a connection.
So the fact that we saw a mermaid? Suddenly, I personally am noticing "Little Mermaid" motifs all over the place. That Ed was in a "sleep like death" -- after fucking around with a spinning wheel -- until his prince came to wake him? Well fuck, man, that's Blackbeard playing "Sleeping Beauty" for us all.
And bringing it all back to a "dead" Izzy Hands... when I add up a "dead" body surrounded by a bunch of laborers mourning the person who nominally kept their living space nice AND who was wanted dead by an authority figure for the crime of being the "better" version of what that figure wanted to be...
...well fuck, idk about the rest of you, but to me that all adds up to Izzy's story being Snow fucking White. Waiting for someone to come pull the bullet poisoned apple from his body so he can live again.
5. This is a second season. Of three. And Izzy Hands is the writer's favorite chewtoy, so there is lots of time, space, and incentive to bring him back. If there's a third season, we have a pile of ways he could be brought back over the course of hours of literal viewing time and possibly months of in-narrative time. That's ages.
And the solutions don't have to be difficult! For instance, we still have canonical hallucinations from Stede-- that's one route. Or fuck it, we could have Izzy's (very solid-looking) ghost be the embodiment of their being haunted by the Sea, that would work too.
And even barring all that-- his grave is right there with our heroes. The ship is out there hunting down his murderer. Even if you're happy he's dead... bad news, friend. He's all over the third season landscape. (uh oh, it's GNU Izzy Hands)
But those are just a few options that leave his body rotting but his character still alive. I happen to think we could all dream a little bigger, darlings. For instance:
A. You cannot tell me that these writers, on this show, with these actors, would not absolutely go all in on a zombie-esque hand thrusting out of the dirt mere hours after burial. Look me in the eyes and tell me Con O'Neill wouldn't pull off an entire digging-out scene only to end with himself panting beside the hole, looking around, hearing Ed and Stede being weird in their haunted hut, and wearily say, "Are you fucking kidding me."
B. Don't like zombies? Want to stay closer to the Snow White vibe AND introduce a love interest for him? One hyphenated word: body-snatcher. Gotta dig those bodies up fresh for the Definitely Historically Accurate anatomists of the time! But oh, says this New Guy, this corpse is-- wow, it's weird that they buried him with a rose and really amazing makeup and a truly extraordinary number of whittled whales, plus what's with that horsey leg grave marker, this guy must've been fucking fascinating, man, I wish I could've met him-- --at which point Izzy's hand shoots out and chokes the guy half to death and the lads come tumbling out of the house and ta da, mission accomplished, Izzy resurrected in 5 minutes or less with his horsey leg conveniently beside him and an entire season for himself and everyone else to Deal With It, amazing, fantastic, no notes from me.
C. Come to think of it, there is genuinely a non-zero chance that the crew just. Fucked up the burial. I mean... even though I was just arguing why we shouldn't see it as Law, we didn't actually see the body. We saw a grave. What did they bury him in? Was it a box? Was it some canvas? Did they definitely pick up the right one when it was time to bury him? Or did they maybe carefully make him an ahistorical safety coffin just in case a cat demon came to bother him and his corpse wanted to make a fuss about it, y'know, very common, could happen to anyone, and Frenchie just so happens to have Blackbeard's old collar bell right here--
6. Here's the bottom line, imo: The only thing that would keep Izzy really actually dead and completely removed from the story is a lack of narrative time and space-- and we have plenty of both. Stories are like Lego. If you've got enough time and you're willing to play with pieces from a whole lotta different sets, it's not hard to put the same elements together in different ways to get new, exciting configurations. It's why I'm actually rubbish at predicting exact details of stuff-- there are a lot of ways something could go, there are infinite doors out of problems the narrative seems to throw at us, and no two people will come up with the same thing because we're all different.
That, to me, is one of the big ways I personally enjoy and engage with stories. And it's why I genuinely can't be fussed about Izzy's death, not when we're only two-thirds through the story as a whole; observing someone setup and then try and execute a complicated narrative trick is my jam.
But my way of engaging with all this is by no means the best or only way. How we all interact with art, and what speaks to us, is extremely personal. If how this season and Izzy's death went just didn't work for you, that's okay. I'm sorry it wasn't the story you wanted it to be. That blows.
I just know I can't say yet that it didn't work for me. I won't know until I can take in the entire picture, just as I can't judge a finished Lego set by the one piece I step on midway through construction. I can see different ways Izzy's death/rebirth could absolutely work, but will the writer manage it? I dunno.
But I'm willing to wait and see if the stupid puppet can pull it off.
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ihavethedreamies · 8 months
Always You | The8
Xu Minghao (The8 - Seventeen)
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Word Count: ~2.4k
Pairing: Minghao x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Fluff, Slight Angst
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Jealousy
It is hinted that Jihoon/Woozi also likes the reader but nothing really happens there. Minghao gets jealous.
Author's Note: This was originally exactly 2000 words but after I edited and Beta-ed it, it got longer.
I am cross-posting this on Archive under the same name. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on Tumblr my name and icon are exactly the same on the other two sites. Happy reading!
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"Minghao, wait, my legs are significantly shorter than yours!" You called after him. He halted and turned back to you, watching you jog to catch up with him.
"Sorry." He gave you a smug smile and you glared at him. He always teased you for being short.
"Here, give me your bag." He held out his hand for your backpack, but you hesitated. He already was carrying his own, another bag with miscellaneous things, and the cooler with the food.
"I'm fine." You adjusted the straps, and he narrowed his eyes.
"You sure?"
"The bag isn't the problem, it’s because you're a freaking tree. A skinny tree, but still a tree." You shoved him playfully and then continued on down the sidewalk away from the parking lot. You two were supposed to be meeting a few of your friends for food and games. It was good to come to the park because it was big and open, and most people didn't care about the noise the boys would make. Even better was that not everyone was going to be there. Jihoon, Wonwoo, and Junhui either can control their volume or are just quiet anyway. Soonyoung, Mingyu and Seokmin however…
"So, uh, does Jihoon know you're coming?" Minghao asked out of the blue as you went up the stairs towards the river.
"I don't know, why?" You looked at him and he avoided your gaze.
"Just…wondering." You had a feeling why he was asking. While nothing official had happened, you two had been getting closer than most friends do. He even almost kissed you one night. Jihoon on the other hand had actually asked you out, but then treated it like a joke. You weren't completely dense, you knew he liked you, and that Minghao would get jealous sometimes. What neither of them knew though was that for about the last month or two, you were convinced that you were legitimately in love with Minghao. Your first love was actually your high school best friend, but when nothing ever came of that, and your heart kept getting stepped on, you decided to never like a friend again. You didn't know Jihoon nearly as well as Minghao, so it scared you a little less with him. Losing Minghao…not possible.
You two walked in silence the rest of the way, and when you caught sight of the rest of them, you braced yourself.
"MINGHAO! (Y/N)! We're over here!" Soonyoung shouted, jumping up and waving his arms.
"Kind of hard to miss the tiger shirt…" You muttered; the boy next to you huffed out a laugh. Mingyu was laying out a large picnic blanket while Wonwoo was getting food out from their cooler. Junhui and Seokmin were taking a bunch of games and toys out of several bags, honestly making a mess, probably looking for something specific. You snuck a glance at Jihoon who was sitting in a camping chair strumming his guitar.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He called out and you nodded politely. He stood up, placing his guitar to the side and took your backpack as you slipped it off. Casting a look to Minghao, he diverted his gaze quickly, setting the cooler and other bag near Seokmin.
"You get the Coke?" He asked, nodding over to the cooler.
"Of course." His question was a no brainer.
"Here, sit here." He moved the chair forward for you.
"I-I'm good." You waved him off and before he could insist you jogged over to where the two tallest were setting up the food.
"Oh!" You noticed a snack that you really liked and grabbed it. You didn't get to eat it too often because it was kind of hard to find, nowhere near your apartment ever had it.
"Yeah, Jihoon found it and bought it for you." Mingyu informed and you slowly put it down and helped Wonwoo to get the rest of the stuff.
"You good?" Wonwoo whispered next to you, and you nodded.
"I think." You glanced at Minghao and the man next to you glanced over there too.
"You ever gonna tell him?"
"I don't know." You replied. You had known Wonwoo the longest, he actually introduced you to everyone else. You met in college, both working at the library. He was a lot like you and had similar interests, but you both agreed you felt more like siblings.
"(Y/N)!" A voice called and you looked up at Junhui.
"Catch!" He shouted and you barely had time to react before you reached up to receive the incoming bottle. You almost fumbled it but recovered and looked at the drink. Once again, like the snack, it was one you really liked but was hard to find.
"Where'd you find this?" You shouted to him and someone closer answered.
"It was in the bottom of a fridge at the convenience store." Jihoon told you and you snapped your head to look at him. How did he learn all of your favorites, let alone remember them?
"How did you-" You began, and he just shrugged, giving you a smirk. Twiddling the drink in your hands, you weren't sure how to feel. It was really sweet, but… Looking at Minghao again, he was pretending to be preoccupied with filling the Nerf guns with the foam bullets.
"(Y/N)!" You were tackled by a Soonyoung.
"Gah, what!?" You tried to shove him off of you, but he wrapped himself around you instead.
"Thank you!" He repeated several times. His favorite kimchi was from a place near where your parents lived, and you had brought him a big jug of it.
"Yah! Kwon Soonyoung!" Jihoon scolded him, slapping him hard on the back and yanking him off of you. You quickly stood and fled, running to the safety of Minghao. Hiding behind him, you crouched down next to him and peered around him at the shorter guy wailing on the other one.
"You really like those snacks he got you…" The boy next to you muttered and you looked away from the carnage to see his small grimace.
"It’s not because he's the one that got them." You replied and he shrugged. Instantly feeling bad, you wanted to say something to him, but were not sure what to say or how.
"Okay! Let's eat and then we can run around and scream." Junhui announced, carrying the drink cooled over to the middle of the blanket and you all sat to eat. You settled down next to Minghao and Seokmin sat on the other side of you. There was some fighting over the food, but you were able to calm down the nonsense before stuff started getting thrown. Despite Jihoon having bought you your favorite drink and snack, you kind of just ignored them. You could eat them later; you really didn't want to make Minghao feel worse. For some reason, guilt was building up faster and faster, you really just wanted to let everything out. Glancing at Minghao, you noticed he had a bit of food on his cheek, so you bunched up your sleeve to reach up and swipe it off. He froze and no one else seemed to notice. Peering at you, he wiped at the spot with his hand himself and shot you a shy smile. Listening to the ridiculous argument going on between the rest of them, you readjusted your position and leaned against Minghao. You could see Jihoon's eyes flash over to you and you focused intently on Mingyu despite not really understanding what was coming out of his mouth. Lost in your own thoughts, everyone else finished and decided to start the games.
"What do you wanna play first, (Y/N)?" Mingyu asked and you thought for a second, looking behind you at all the toys laid out.
You ended up playing a game similar to capture the flag, but it was more like the game on Fall Guys where you have to steal the tail. Everyone split up into twos and put on the flag belt, the single yellow flag snapped onto Junhui's belt. You were teamed up with Wonwoo, Minghao was with Jun, Seokmin and Soonyoung (the loudest possible combination), and finally Mingyu with Jihoon. When Jihoon called for it to start you ran at Jun, Wonwoo blocking Soonyoung from tackling you. You reached out, yoinking the yellow flag from his belt and running away cackling. The magnet on the flag attached to the one on your belt as you ran. Using the zig-zag maneuver, you avoided Minghao trying to get it back. Suddenly, you were up in the air and with a yelp you realized Mingyu had slung you over his shoulder.
"I have the flag!" He cheered.
"No, you don't she does still!" Seokmin protested and you tried to wiggle off and his hand came to your butt to hold you in place. You yelped and smacked him, and he apologized, moving his hand but not letting you go.
"Kim Mingyu, put me down!" You shouted and the alarm went off stating the round was over.
"We won!" Mingyu cheered and there was a great deal of protest, and he let you down finally when Jihoon prompted him to. The shorter one's arm wrapped around you, plucking the flag from your belt with him being much too close. Your face warmed, but it was more from embarrassment that Minghao was watching like he was. You chuckled nervously and backed up, suggesting you move on to a different game. As the day continued you played many different things; shot each other with nerf guns, tossed a frisbee with the hidden intent of actually hitting someone, chicken fights. Rackets for badminton were brought but no one thought to bring shuttlecocks. Soonyoung wanted to have a water balloon fight, but it was not quite the weather for that. Mingyu had an idea to have a race but one person had to carry the other…So, you ended up on his shoulders. You weren't quite sure about this, and you would have felt much safer on his back, but he insisted. Wonwoo ended up with Minghao on his back, Seokmin carried Junhui and Jihoon had to team up with Soonyoung.
"Can I please get on your back?" You asked him and Mingyu insisted he wanted to do it this way; that way it was actually harder than just running on his own. Looking over at Minghao next to you, he seemed still a little cranky and wouldn't look at you. When it was called for everyone to run, you clenched your thighs and dug your fingers into the fabric of his shirt at the shoulders and he took off. You tried not to scream as he ran and you hoped this was the craziest idea of the day.
It was not the craziest idea. Somehow you ended up in the center of a monkey in the middle game. You guys played kick the can, but the can was full, then they would play rock-paper-scissors and the loser had to open it in their face. That was sticky. They wanted you to play the game with them where they hold onto each other's  and try to pull everyone apart; you decided to just watch that one. A game of tag broke out, but no one was declared it so everyone was just running around. The worst was prevented though when Soonyoung suggested fishing in the river BY HAND. Everyone else shot that one down. By the time the sun was starting to set, you were lying under a tree trying to catch your breath. You had taken your sweatshirt off a long time ago, tying it around your waist, the grass tickling your bare arms. You heard someone sit down next to you, your eyes were closed to prevent the sun from getting in them. You tried not to flinch when the person brushed some hair off your face.
"You tired?" Jihoon's voice didn't surprise you too much. You opened your eyes and turned to see him looking softly down at you.
"I would be more concerned if I wasn't." You told him and brought your head up some to watch Seokmin try to catch a frog and failing. They had so much energy. Resting your head back again, you just reveled in the rest and soon a third person wandered up.
"You need to go after him, he's leaving." Wonwoo whispered to you, and you shot up to see Minghao storming away and Junhui calling after him.
"Is he okay?" Jihoon asked and you stood up and took off after him.
"(Y/N)!" He called after you himself and you flew past the rest of them. He was already at the bottom of the stairs and heading toward the parking lot.
"Minghao!" You shouted and you know he heard you, but he didn't stop.
"Hey, wait!" You tried not to trip down the stairs and kept going.
"Xu Minghao!" Reaching for his hand, he turned to you aggressively and the look on his face took you aback.
"What? Shouldn't you be flirting with Jihoon?"
"What are you talking about? He keeps approaching me! There's nothing going on there!" You motioned behind you vaguely.
"Really? He sure thinks there is."
"What do you mean?"
"Soonyoung told me he asked you out."
"Yes. But it was a joke."
"Was it?"
"Look, either way, nothing actually happened. Yes, he bought me those things I like, but that doesn't mean we are dating-"
"Do you want to though?"
"Go out with Jihoon?"
"No! I don't. He's not-" You didn't get to finish since he stepped closer to you and cut you off. He was so close you had to tilt your head back to even see his face.
"He's not what?"
"He's…he's not you." You finally breathed out and his eyes softened, his hand came up to cup the back of your head. Your breath hitched and you expected a soft kiss, a hug, but he bent down and crashed his lips on yours. You gasped at the emotion behind the act, your eyes welling up with tears. His other hand pulled you closer by the small of your back; you dug your fingers in the fabric of his shirt at his sides. When he pulled back you whined, and he chuckled. You were already standing so close, but he hugged you closer and held him as tight as you could.
"It’s always been you."
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
61 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys / Bears; LindsCantrell/Ringasunn; Vico Ortiz; Gypsy Taylor; Nathan Foad; OFMD Remaining Billboard; Fan Spotlight: PatchworkPirateBear and Cast Cards; Fuck David Zaslav; Love Notes; Today's Taika/Daily Darby
= Rhysie Darby =
Hey all! As you've probably heard, our beloved Captain will be hosting the Big Bear Week this year! Check out more on Deadline.com Img Src: Rhys' IG Stories
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= Linds Cantrell / Ringasunn =
Our lovely crewmate @/ringasunn was given some awesome stills by Lindsey Cantrell our resident ofmd set director, and they were kind enough to share them with all of us! Thanks @/ringasunn! Src: Ringasunn's Twitter
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= Gypsy Taylor =
Our favorite costume designer Gypsy shared some unseen pictures of Wee John's socks!! Src: Gypsy's IG
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= Vico Ortiz =
Vico giving a shoutout for all the animation they've gotten to do since the lockdown!
Src: Vico's IG
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== Nathan Foad ==
More BTS and images of Nathan with Love's Labour's Lost!
Img Src: Nathan's IG
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== Our Boys Still Up ==
Thanks @ourflagmeansfanfiction on IG for keeping an eye on our boys on that billboard! Did Max maybe just forget it was there and are still paying for it?
Img Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction IG
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Patchwork Piratebear =
@saveofmdcrewmates is highlighting our sweet crewmate @patchworkpiratebear! They are a pillar of kindness and are always sharing their artwork and edits to be shared in support of the campaign! Feel free to take a load off and do some coloring! There's lots more on their socials! SaveOFMD Posts: Tumblr, Twitter, IG PatchWorkPirateBear's Socials: Tumblr: @patchworkpiratebear , IG, Twitter
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= Cast Cards =
Always happy to see another Cast Card from the lovely @melvisik! Today's is "Mark Prendergast, the court scribe who penned the edict leading to Ed and Stede’s Act of Grace." Img Src: @melvisik Twitter
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== Fuck David Zaslav ==
Hey! Looks like there are lots of people pissed at David Zaslav! Sesame Street is going on Strike!
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Article Link
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! This one's late, sorry about that, I fell asleep again. Today I wanted to send a reminder that you get to create your own space. You get to choose who's in your crew, and your safe space ship. If you don't feel comfortable, because someone is making you feel that way, you don't have to interact with them. I know it's hard, I know that I often suffer from justice fatigue (and I want so badly to explain my point of view), but it really is important to give yourself some space from the things in this world that are heavier. It doesn't mean you can't come back to them, or you shouldn't care, but remember to give yourself a break.
Tumblr, Twitter, those places have "safety" measures in place through blocking, ignoring certain words, etc to help with this kind of thing, so if you need a break from discussions or politics, or whatever, please feel free to use them. You deserve some joy and rest too. Tumblr is my happy place personally, I love coming here and seeing all the cool meta, fanart, fics, etc, but there have been times where I've felt like I just can't deal with the heavier stuff. It's okay not to interact with it if it's bothering you. It's okay to block people who are attacking you. It's okay to ask for support with it too. I love that there's a way to block anon asks now (not just turning them off, but you can block them last time I looked).
A lot of our lives we're told that we don't have a lot of control, but one thing about these kinds of spaces is, we do get to have some semblance of control on what we see and who we interact with, and there's no shame in practicing self care.
Anyway lovelies, take care of yourselves, we love you and we want you to be okay <3
Some other little things that helped me today:
TinyBuddhaOfficial IG
Adorable Raccoon Memes IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's Theme is STAAAAAAAAAAAAAHP, How very dare you look that good.
Gifs courtesy of @kiwistede and @darkinerry
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45 notes · View notes
Breaking down the comics: BEMIS. Part 2
Part one is here. Thanks Tumblr.  (please go read it)
Two issues left of this trash heap volume. Any time you think it can’t get worse you look at the next panel. 
NEXT ISSUE. We’re almost through this collection. This bread is not what I ordered. Send it back. 
ISSUE #192. 
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(Spoilers: There are no sharks in this episode. For those of you waiting for the dolphins, that’s in vol 2)
Alright. In this issue. We open with Marc, Diatrice, and Frenchie sitting at the table having coffee. ANd Frenchie looks very dead and is in scrubs. 
I will cover the Lemire run later. It’s inevitable and something I’m deeply looking forward to. 
The thing about the Lemire run is that it takes place at a time when ALL of Moon Knight’s original friends had left him. Gena, the kids, Crawley, Frenchie, Marlene… They had all been driven away. They were all in pain and either hated him, were disenchanted by him, or just pushed away. 
The Lemire run takes place with the Moon Knight system, Marc in particular, having a severe mental health crisis. 
DID is caused by extreme repeated trauma at a young age. It leads to dissociative episodes, and it is not uncommon for other issues to crop up (thanks trauma!). A lot of systems, if they have the health care, end up in and out of hospitals when they reach crisis points. 
In this run, a LOT of things happen that seem spectacular and fantastical and a lot of things that are grounded in reality. It’s hard to say if the whole thing happened or was really all just in Marc’s head. There is evidence for the latter. I’ll discuss that at a different time. But in this run, he witnesses his friends all leave him again. It’s a way for his mind to make sense of it and to let them go. To let go of the past and the pain associated with his friends departing him. In this world, Frenchie sacrificed himself to save them and died. 
So… Bemis is assuming that the audience took in the Lemire run at face value. He feels he has to explain away the events. He isn’t trusting the reader at all. In fact, he’s even going to try to explain it to the reader.  This is bad writing. This is just… Where is the editorial team? Why are they not explaining things to him? Did they even read his script? Or were they so desperate to feed off of the success of Lemire and get Moon Knight up and going again that they just shoved whatever they could at the fans and waited for the money? 
So this is why Frenchie is a zombie. He’s trying to explain away Frenchie’s ‘death’.
"Undead?" Frenchie asks Marc. 
"Well, no. Not really undead. Just dead. It's all I can visualize. Like when you seen an old person and think of them naked and then can't stop picturing it." 
"That's disturbing. But I'd be equally haunted if I had seen YOU get murdered in a waking nightmare of insane asylums and Egyptian Gods. You saw it. You felt it. It was real enough." 
(Also he has his legs.) 
There's one of those comic editorial notes in the corner: To find out what Marc's talking about, read the mind-bending Lemire/Smallwood Run! - ED
deep breaths. deep breaths... We're going to get through this. 
So Zombie Frenchie talks to Marc about what Marc saw in the asylum. 
"Losing you was some kind of fantasy. You can chalk it up to me accepting my dissociative identity disorder, or me facing my demons...But I think I needed to see you die in order to make sense of your worth to me. That's not fair to you. You're my best friend." 
So close. He's SO close to getting the run. And I get the feeling it's spouting off what he was cliff noted about the run without either reading it himself or perhaps he did read it, didn't understand it, and someone had to explain it to him. 
It wasn't about him accepting his dissociative identity disorder or facing down his demons. It was so much more than that. 
At this point Frenchie pulls off his zombie look (literally) and is back to being a normal looking man. 
And we get what Bemis REALLY thinks is going on. 
"You think too much, Spector. You can picture whatever you want in that malfunctioning cranium of yours if it helps you make sense of the hand you've been dealt." 
"Now, Marc, are you actually hearing me, or are you still picturing some grotesque fantasy?" 
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He’s just using things as an excuse to paint Marc with whatever mental illness he fancies at the time. Hallucinations are apparently now in the mix. What does Bemis actually think is mentally wrong with Marc? Did he do ANY research at all? Is he just pointing at the DSM randomly and picking out things that make the comic edgy or ‘funny’??
As Marc prepares to go, a brick smashes through their window. 
He climbs out the window, dramatic style, and finds Bushman and Truth and some other guys with guns waiting on the street below. 
Bushman has the landlord (a little old lady) at knife point. 
They tell Marc to meet them in the lobby or the old lady gets it. 
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Oh look. Another jab at underlined villainous homosexuality. 
Just before Moon Knight can start trashing them all, and Bushman knows he would, Raoul tells him that Marlene is on the boat. 
Oh good. Khonshu's narration is back. I'd missed it. 
Honestly, any time Khonshu narrates it's just a lot of random metaphors, over explanation, or depictions on what's going on that aren't needed. 
He describes Marc being tied to a boat surrounded by his enemies with his fate unknown. ....as the comic shows him tied to a boat surrounded by his enemies with his fate unknown. 
Let the reader read the damn comic! 
Bushman goes against orders of the Sun King and decides to go toy with Marc. 
Never a good idea and everyone there knows it. 
He holds a knife to Marc's face. Well... Honestly, it’s in his style to do just this… Props for that I suppose. 
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And Moon Knight makes his way around the top deck of the boat and takes out all the bad guys,circling back around to Bushman. 
"You don't scare me, Spector!" 
"I didn't want to have to do this to you again." 
And Marc cuts off two of Bushman's fingers then tosses them overboard. 
"You can replace those, but they'll never be yours again. And next time, I won't be satisfied with a piece of you. I'm not one of those super heroes who won't straight-up kill you, Bushman." 
It's fitting for what Moon Knight did from the 90s through early 2000s. As much as I disagree with it, it does fit for those times. 
He goes below deck and finds a bunch of sad looking people sitting around like refugees. 
Marc asks what's going on and he's told that they signed up for this. 
He talks to one of the kids who tells him they are going to an island to form a new city for only them. 
Back on deck, he finds Truth. 
"Unlike Raoul, I think I may have learned my lesson in trying to defeat you personally. Besides, I was tasked with your delivery to the Sun King. I just want to help you see what I see, Spector." 
For once, Truth is pretty reasonable. 
True uses his powers on Marc and it's just... 
"I have a vision every waking day. Lovers and dreamers piled waist-deep in the streets. I wade through piles of their slack, twisted bodies. Utterly powerless. Nauseated. It's my fear of this moment that motivates me, not the desire to save lives. The Fear that I've built my sanity on a lie. My hope for a better world is my most tragic form of dissociation." 
You know... I'm not even sure Bemis knows what dissociation really is at this point. 
Truth tells him that he's ready to face the Sun King now. 
They arrive on the island where the 'refugees' get off and go to make camp in the village that they found. 
OKAY. Okay. okay... here we go. 
So... I'm going to point out something here that someone probably should have mentioned to Bemis while editing this crap. 
The bad guy henchmen are all disabled people. People missing arms, legs, hands, eyes, on crutches, or fake legs and things. 
They follow around a man that looks like white Jesus that calls himself "Ra the God '' and "Sun King". They head to a place that Bushman called an "Undiscovered tribe of underdeveloped backwards people". They take over the island for themselves and he brings in other people to populate it....
He's literally colonizing it. 
The other bad guy is an overweight drug dealing black man with possible repressed homosexual desires for the good guy. The other bad guy is a large menacing tattooed white guy that makes people spout nonsense and calls it deep truth like characters in a Chuck Palahniuk novel! 
Is anyone else as fed up with this as I am? Am I reading too much into this? Is this really not as bad as I think it is? Because…this looks pretty bad. 
Moon Knight finds Sun King on the beach who welcomes him to "Isla Ra". 
"Soon this island will burgeon with those willing to light up this shadowy world. They're like us, Marc! The sickly, the fragile, the INSANE. Society's regrettable by-product, but to me...To us... They are everything!" 
He tells Moon Knight to relax. He knows that as long as Marlene is his prisoner, Marc won't do anything to risk her. 
"Take a catnap, Marc. We fight to the death tomorrow, but tonight we indulge in a ritual." 
"A ritual you probably just made up." 
"Ra feeds my mind what it needs to know." 
"You're going to drug me, aren't you?" 
"Sleep, Marc. Tonight we become enlightened." 
So... We see nightfall and Sun King and Marc sit before a camp fire. 
So of course we get an instant jab of homophobia. 
"Why did we have to do this half naked?" 
"Shhhh Let your mind unravel, Spector." 
"I don't do well with psychedelics, Sun King." 
"It was only tea." 
"It smelled like woodstock." 
I have a problem with this. Marc is telling him flat out that he doesn't do well with psychedelics. 
Studies have shown that certain drugs can actually trigger mental illnesses that are linked to chemical imbalances. Not to mention that if he happens to be on any drugs meant to help him, they could negate their effects, interact with them poorly, or make him very ill. 
We know Marc has been in and out of mental hospitals. We know he's been drugged before in these hospitals. Forcing him to take a psychoactive trip is not a cool thing to do for the dramatic storytelling. What’s going to happen is that we’re going to get a really trippy scene of them going into Marc’s ‘messed up’ mind and he’s going to learn things, find peace or some bullshit, and then be healed. 
This gives the wrong message that doing these potentially harmful drugs will fix all your problems! Especially if you have dissociative issues or other similar issues. 
ALSO. People with DID? Not all the alters respond the same way to inebriation. Some will get drunk if they look at a beer. Others can do a LOT of pot and not feel a thing. The brain is a fascinating and complex place. Marc could do psychedelics and Jake could just be having a nice time while Steven has the worst trip of his life. 
Sun King goes on. 
"We share what they label 'insanity'. That gives me a gateway into your beautiful, tortured mind. Let me in, Marc. Let US in." 
And Marc starts tripping. 
In Marc's mind, we find Marc, Jake, Steven, Khonshu, Sun King, and Ra. 
Ra calls Khonshu a "bad boy" and Khonshu calls Ra a "loathsome fascist." 
Marc tries to tell himself that this isn't real. Jake demands to know how Ra can be there if it's "all just made up by Marc's mind". 
"Steven is distressed and theorizes that "I think we've entered the world of metaphor, Jake. ANd it's scaring the hell out of me." 
Bemis must really dislike Steven Grant. He writes him as weak, cowardly, clingy, and narcissistic. Not a fan. 
So now, Ra takes hold of Khonshu and tells him to show him the truth. 
He spouts a lot of garbage here and it just... It's fanatical. It's... It's dangerous. 
What do I mean by that? He's talking about things like righteousness. About prophets and saviors and gives images of a world under idealistic circumstances where everyone gets along because he rules it. 
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Marc snaps out of his trans by the fire to declare "No... Ra is....RIGHT?!" 
There was nothing right about that crap. It makes no sense. It’s just propaganda crap. There is no just and right and perfect in this vision. It’s a problem. A big problem. 
One more to go. I can’t wait to put the Sun King behind us. 
After all? How much worse can it get? (spoilers so much worse. Sooooooo much worse). 
ISSUE # 193
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I like how the past two covers have had NOTHING to do with the actual story inside. It’s like they are trying to make it look cooler and more dramatic than things are. 
Moon Knight in the jungle? I’d read that. Marc spent a lot of time in South America. Although, standing on his cape like that means he can't stand up without falling out of the tree. Just saying. 
Alright so... Marc went on a drug trp and came to the realization that Ra and Sun King were right for some reason? 
And this broke him and made him some passive weakling for some reason? 
We see him wake up the next day and being kicked around and dragged around because "the moon can't save me now." 
Then he's taken to a tent with some old lady outside knitting and she uses her flaming hot knitting needles to burn a sun into his back? 
Back with Frenchie and Diatrice, we see her praying to "Dear Mister Khonshu" and she asks that he not let "the bad men kill my daddy." 
She asks him to let Marc save her mom so they can be a family. 
Marc is pretty broken now and he's taken to see Marlene. 
He tells her that "this time is different"
"I know. He's different. I know because I'm actually scared." 
And Marc begs Marlene not to let Diatrice forget him because he's going to die. 
Why are they acting like Sun King is some super huge bad guy unlike any they have ever faced before? They have faced WORSE. 
He's fought ghosts. He's fought vampires. He's fought werewolves. He's faced aliens and apocalyptic events! 
Some hippy looking man with flames is NOTHING. 
HE'S FOUGHT SO MANY ANIMALS (I need to make a list). 
Marc is taken to a ring of fire and tossed inside to face the Sun King in a battle to the death. 
He tells Marc to fight like he means it or he'll hunt down his daughter and burn her to death. 
They fight and he takes a beating because suddenly Sun King knows how to fight? 
He sets fire to Marc more than a few times. 
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Back in the head space, Jake tells Khonshu that they have to do something. 
I have real issue with the assessment here. 
Khonshu tells him: 
"Look around us. We're just faint firings of his synapses now. His defense against the darkness. As we have been since his childhood, and...Our connection is nearly severed. He is alone now, save for death itself." 
This is the belief that Marc is "the original" and that he created the others to deal with things and gave them all parts of himself. 
This is old thinking that people with DID were just shattered and broken bits of themselves that needed to be put back together. It's outdated. It's insulting. 
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Why does everything Khonshu says just sound like absolute drivel? 
Like he was TRYING to be deep and just spouting off things that sounded metaphorical. It's just bad writing. He's clearly trying to copy Lemire. 
So he asks if Jake has ever believed in anything. 
And Jake remembers Diatrice. 
And they all take a moment to bask in the glow of their daughter’s memory. 
Then we get Steven’s version of what Khonshu said. 
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Yeah. This is where that saying comes from. 
Somehow this gives them the ability to punch harder? 
And he starts beating on Sun King. 
He gets the Sun King to admit that he fears him now for some reason. 
And this makes everyone happy like some sort of 1980s movie.
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And the Sun King can no longer use his fire. Because 
"I convinced you. Now Bow before me you horrible bastard." 
I'm not sure it works like that, Marc. But sure. You convinced him. 
And the Sun King bows down before him. 
"Thus ends the reign of the Sun King." 
And the people in the croud are cheering? Despite being there to support the Sun King and because they hate Moon Knight. 
Later we find Marlene bandaging up Marc's burns. 
The Truth stands by watching for the boat to return to get them off the island. 
"The man's cause is dead to me. Proven false by his impotence. I would undo any affiliation I had with him. I've found the facts of life to be more...Malleable than I realized. Maybe with some time in a room by myself...I might reassess my purpose." 
Yeah sure. A man is impotent because he lost a fight with another man and now no one believes in him. 
This is some fucked up masculine toxicity. 
Marc turns to address the other people on the island. 
"All of you just got stuck on a desert island because you let yourself get convinced of a bunch of crap by a completely mad super villain."
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Uh huh. So the notion of him raising his own group of followers and warriors out of normal people. Cause that isn’t an issue. Obviously these people are easily swayed and maybe a bit fanatical. So telling them that you are now the new leader is not problematic at ALL. 
Also? That “I believe” in the back? 
We get a zoom in. I’m not going to show you the image. 
It’s Dr. Emmett! 
She's in her Moon Knight cloak thing (why would she bring that to the island with her if she was there following Sun King?). 
She's covered in burn scars and missing an eye. It's drawn to look like a rotten hole. 
Does no one believe in medical care here? Open eye holes are a problem. They run a risk of infection! Also they don't just stay open eye holes. The eyelids will collapse downward a bit. 
Anyways. She's back there going "I believe... I believe! Your doctor believes, Marc!" 
And the comic ends there. 
That was something alright. UGH. 
Give me a second to gather my thoughts up from this burning dump of ableism and poorly depicted mental health peppered with racism and anti-semitism. 
Volume one of Bemis is like a love letter to the kinds of people that think it’s fun and funny to show mentally ill people as dangerous, wild, unpredictable, and overall pathetic. 
The continuous use of language like ‘Insane’ and ‘Crazy’ is more than poor taste. It’s a constant reminder that we aren’t supposed to see Moon Knight as normal at all or even sympathies or identify with him. 
You see, there is a difference between “We have the power of crazy” and “You were the only superpower I ever had.” 
A big difference. 
In the former, it’s played up for laughs. Much like the old gags of seeing a man in a dress. It doesn’t age well but it persists. It persists because it still garners laughs. And the people that are still laughing are the people like Bemis. And he draws in more people who are like minded and he tells them it’s okay to keep laughing. 
The latter is a beautiful way to show that having DID was a powerful and wonderful way to be strong enough to survive when everything didn’t want you to. 
How did he get away with this? He is Bipolar. I’m not going to argue if he is or isn’t. I don’t know him and that’s his own personal history. I’m going to argue that being Bipolar does not give you the right to assume you understand ALL mental illnesses or that you can write for all of them. Or even lump crazy with crazy. 
Marvel is the sort to say “Ah yes, this person had a drink with a black person once so they should be able to write for Luke Cage.” Or “I took high school spanish so I can write for Miles Morales.” 
We can’t put up with this anymore. We can’t let them do this. We can’t let Marvel keep perpetuating things that hurt us. That hurt others. That keeps ripping the power away from those with so very little to begin with. 
So this is Vol 1 of Bemis. 
“But Drifting Pieces” you might say “How can it get worse than this? This was pretty bad.” 
My friend… You are in for a ride. 
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solradguy · 1 year
Do you ever get caught up in the immensity of the Guilty Gear fandom that used to exist? Not that it was particularly large, but it felt different.
Around 20 deadlinks in and I start to feel like I’m walking in an abandoned city of skyscrapers when I’m barely medieval. Where did they all go? Did they used to be a nation?
I do... Last night I spent 3 hours going through just Livejournal links and blog archives, not even Dreamwidth or Geocities webrings, and it was like that. Some of the core people went off to college/post-college jobs, like Ed Chang. Most of the original GG fandom left, I think, because they would be in their 40s now. Isn't that crazy to think about?
Some LJ profiles had birthyears that were like 1980, 1982. They would've been in their teens or early 20s at the peak of Sol/Ky discourse circa 2004. Wonder what they would think knowing people like you and I have been sifting through those old posts haha
It is sad how much is gone too though... I used to be in the Doctor Who fandom with a big interest on the pre-reboot stuff (so media before the 8th Doctor's movie in the mid '90s) and it was insane anytime any of the fan media from that popped up. Doctor Who cosplay photos from 1970 will change a man. Sitting there, wondering what those teens-now-retirement-age-adults are up to. How much of their original fandom is gone... Some Classic Who episodes/media only survived because dedicated fans recorded it and kept it safe. The BBC wrote over or threw out original episode reels from the '60s and '70s. Their GG Vastedge... It can be recovered, but it will never be whole again.
I wish there was less petty arguing in fandoms. It makes it hard to want to record what's happening in the moment. In 2043—20 years from now—how much of what we're talking about and making now will be archived? How much of it do people feel should be archived? I think it's all important, honestly. Fandoms are such a uniquely human experience and Guilty Gear's is fascinating for how closely it's managed to close the gap between its Japanese and English-speaking communities, and for the large amount of LGBT people in it.
Tumblr, Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Twitter, and Neocities are not permanent things. If you love something, make copies of it and copies of those copies. Rehost things, keep records. Think about the city of dead links and deleted Tinypic image hosts. Some of the GG stuff we have now only exists because the original poster 22 years ago kept copies in two places.
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I just gotta say it.
Struggling with an eating disorder is hard. But coming back to this app..
To look for the page that I freely vented my emotions into, to find it had been absolutely deleted and everything is gone forever, breaks my fucking heart. This is not just a whim of a community you're reporting. I had ONE safe space, where I felt even REMOTELY comfortable sharing my feelings on this. You have NO idea, how much that helped me. How it helped to release those feelings and to learn/see/understand that I wasn't the only one with these ugly feelings.
I don't talk about these thoughts to anyone. No one knows this is happening, and I'll tell you one thing. Reporting stupid social media accounts doesn't force us into recovery. It causes a downward spiral. People with eating disorders are typically hyper focused on what they CAN control (calories, weight, social media) and these disorders frequently stem from feeling like we have no control.
So to report the pages because you "don't like it" "don't support it" or "want to encourage people to get help"
Doesn't. Do. Anything. Read that again. Reporting ED accounts doesn't do anything. I come here when the thoughts in my head are getting bad again. I come here when I feel alone.
At this point, I was recovering, and I sometimes returned to my page to remind myself how bad it had really gotten. How sick I really was.
And now it's GONE. all of it, my entire safe place, all my pain turned into love before my eyes. I lost it all.
I want you to genuinely think before you report an ED page. We're ALL struggling. And maybe we do need help. But reporting and causing us to lose everything, doesn't fix a single thing. You made a brand new problem that I now have to go sort through mentally, without any help to remind me how far I've come. I have no ammunition any longer to combat the thoughts in my head about being fat, ugly, stupid, and worthless. And I get to fight through that alone, because someone tried to take my safe place from me. This ends now.
If you don't like what you see, simply leave that side of a Tumblr page. Nobody asked you to be here if you don't want to be. But if you're here to cause trouble, disturb our pages, take a second and think what it might actually mean to us. You're not saving us from anything. I have nothing to encourage me not to start starving again. So thank you. Thanks for that. Thanks for ruining the one safe space I had when I personally don't feel comfortable talking about it. I hope it was worth it to you.
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theoldlesbianwithcats · 5 months
nanshe fest anon here, haha let me invent a callsign .... how about Rio :)
i totally relate to what you mean when you said you are not able to distinguish between the "lesbian" and bisexual experience shared in that interview. things like this hindered my ability to understand what my sexuality even was, since i cant relate to either of them. then i read "lesbian books" and dont understand how they can have sex with men without a mental breakdown. i had a mental breakdown about my sexuality when i was pressured to marry, tried DIY conversion therapy on myself but when i faced with the option of even touching a man sexually, death seemed better because how could i live like that? theres no way. of course this made my mental health worse but not to trauma dump - i am ok now, so dont worry.
the anon who talked about strap ons was also very insightful. the focus on strap-on contributed to me developing a severe sense of dysphoria around my genitalia with this depression that i would never be able to have a "real" sex life.
this is why it is so important for lesbian experiences to be heard, i think the queer spaces are making things worse for us, particularly when we are young and vulnerable. also i am from a non-english speaking country, where homosexuality is still criminal so i could only turn to these spaces for support. i think even in countries such as the US, its the same for a lot of lesbian girls in rural towns... they turn to these spaces for help online since its so scary to be a child in a violent homophobic family. maybe they get helped because its worse than nothing. but also it can screw with ur mind a lot. my dream lesbian event would be to hear from more lesbians of color who grew up outside west europe/us/canada... i had to leave my birth country to be able to have a future. but i feel so awkward to be the only lesbian of color in the room 99% of the time. its not that the white women are cruel, dont misunderstand me, they can be lovely and supportive. but it adds an extra level of alienation, because so many times in my country people would call homosexuality as a white persons invention. of course i know that lesbians exist elsewhere but it would be nice to see that in person at these events!
Hi again, Rio! :D
Yeah it's messed up that even in the "lesbian community" we think we're freaks so we don't even dare talking about our experience! I grew up in a small town and I remember discreetly reading sex ed books for teens at the bookshop for any info or positivity about lesbians, instead I would only find a paragraph telling me it's a phase. So tumblr was my lesbian safe space back in 2010, for example the "it gets better" campaign really helped me when I was bullied in high-school (unfortunately now that charity pretends they have no idea what a lesbian is...) Now the lesbian content is awful and lesbophobic everywhere, offline and online.
And I feel you about lesbian books, I finally got around to reading one I bought years ago because it was recommended to me and it was about two "lesbians" leaving their husbands for each other... We need book lists with actual lesbian rep!
All the strap-on stuff invading lesbian spaces is so weird yeah... A few minutes ago I clicked on a blog because she was talking about wanting to finger a woman while having acrylic nails, which made me go 🤨 and while she called herself a lesbian, it was obvious she wasn't, it was all talk about c*ckwarming and deepthr*ating ("but it's only for strap and girlc*ck, if you're a man do not interact!!!!" 🤪) I don't know if you had sex already but let me tell you that you are not lacking anything and no real lesbian will think you need a sex toy to be a complete partner and have real sex, she will only want you as you are. I mean, my ex-gf and I never even considered trying a strap-on and we definitely thought the sex we were having was real and amazing haha
About meeting lesbians of color, maybe you can find events on Instagram? I wondered why I never saw many women of color at lesbian events in Paris until I learned that black women preferred creating their own events and advertising them on Insta! Maybe you can also find an organization for LGBT refugees? Hopefully you can meet lesbians there :)
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PINNED POST. READ IT. BITCH. [In process of updating!!!!]
[Minors. Ageless blogs, blank blogs, and anyone discovered to be doing predator shit will be blocked (and reported, in a few of those cases]
Don't worry, I'm not gonna do that early tumblr thing where I type in all caps and call you a motherfucker every other sentence.
Hello, all! I'm Avie, a 31 year old nonbinary, switch, polyamorous, futchy dyke with raging AuDHD and Problematic Kinks ™️. This is a hard kink blog. Some of the contents *will* make you uncomfortable. And that's okay! If it's too much you can block me, I'm not worried about it. That being said, what you're not going to do is send me asks telling me that I'm a danger to "real lesbians' and you hope I get raped for real. Yeah, it's happened, and if you're someone who thinks that's okay to do, you need to take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck is wrong with you. Kink is kink. Kinks between enthusiastically consenting adults are fine. If you can't handle that, don't call yourself kink positive, and don't enter kinky spaces because you're clearly not mature enough to be there.
Now that I've said that, let's jump into some of the kinks you'll find on this blog. Some of these I'd like to explore in a kink setting some day, others are strictly fantasy. Which is my business, don't assume:
Orientation play - Could be anything from being gay and trans to being ace, though I'm not into the "being fixed" flavor. Not into misgendering/detransition kinks.
CNC - soft and hard
Rape play
Age gaps (I like older people. Reminder that I'm *31* so like, 40+ is very hot to me)
Incest play (older brother, father, uncle, grandpa? Maybe?)
Forced to cheat (this is new and I'm still figuring it out)
Being made to enjoy forced stuff
Breeding and creampies
Gentle, affectionate degradation/pet names
Public sex, especially on public transit and in nature
Intox play
Monsterfucking - werewolves, tentacles, and ghosts being the big ones, but not the only ones.
Size different/size queen shit
Fucked while on the phone
Fucked by customers (long-suffering retail worker), doctors, older friends/bosses, anyone who has some authority over me.
Autism-friendly play (see * on Hard No list)
As you can see, some decently hard shit. Again, if you don't like, just block me. Despite these kinks, I'm a pretty soft person. I like it when forcing me to feel pleasure and enjoyment in things I shouldn't is at the root of these kinks, not hate or degradation. So here is my list of shit I'm *not* into:
Harsh/mean degradation
Being called worthless, stupid, etc. Lovingly saying I'm going dumb from pleasure is okay.
Misogyny, patriarchy, white supremacy.
Cutting, bruising, face slapping, beating, choking, suffocation via head until water, burning/branding, knives or guns, genital mutilation...you get the picture. The only pain I'm into is the pain of an initial, too-big stretch, but even that needs to end in pleasure. I live with chronic pain, I don't want to deal with pain in kink, too.
Scat, vomit, spit, swallowing semen
Total loss of autonomy
* anything like being forced to look you in the eyes, sensory overstimulation, taking advantage of me during meltdowns, removing comfort items, making me eat/taste things I'm averse to.
Weight/food/ED stuff
Pregnancy! Pregnancy risk is hot, breeding is hot, but actual pregnancy kink toward me is a Hard No
Bloggers beware: pro-ana/pro-ed/fatphobic blogs will be blocked immediately
Basically, I like hard kinks coming from soft places. Is that a contradiction? I don't really think so.
I welcome and LOVE talking to others! I like being a slut! That being said:
I prefer asks over dms. I repeat, I PREFER ASKS OVER DMS.
Asks can be about anything! Scenarios, fantasies, questions, anything. Again, I like openly being a slut lol
If you dm me "hey," if we're talking and I'm doing all the work to maintain the convo, if you ask me for pics (I'll give them out if I feel like it, not on request), if you're younger than 25, if you violate my boundaries - depending on the situation I'll ignore/delete it or possibly block you.
You're allowed to send pics and vids at any point, no need to ask! Also in looove with piss gifs/videos, but if you're going to send me one (yes please) I'm begging you to drink water first. Hydrate, babes!
...okay, I think that's everything. Sorry for the long as fuck post! Once more, if it's clear you haven't read my pinned I'm gonna block you. You need to learn how to respect boundaries if you're going to do, well, anything in life, but especially being in kinky communities. If you can't even read one post, you don't belong here.
Have fun, send me naughty shit!!
~ Avie
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
i genuinely did not intend for my previous ask to come off as accusatory. i have ASD and have problems conveying and interpreting tone, so if it seemed like i was trying to paint you as something you’re not then i sincerely apologize. you are, however, correct in pointing out that there’s a lot frustration tied to the topic for me, as i’ve time and time again seen people use innocuous-sounding statements about the importance of not being judgmental wrt:kinks as a fig leaf for their habitual pushing of survivors’ boundaries on topics like rape and things like “consent play,” “raceplay,” “ageplay,” etc. as a survivor myself i find much of this stuff extremely triggering, and i’m tired of seeing people whose blogs are plastered with things like simulated SA and CSAM take advantage of others’ good faith when they say things like “don’t judge people for taboo kinks,” knowing that most will assume they mean stuff like vore or inflation or whatever. i’m trying to imply that you are one of those people, but i don’t think people realize how generally positive statements like “don’t judge others’ kinks” can be co-opted by those with harmful intentions.
So first I want to say that it's understandable for these subjects to be emotionally taxing (and yeah, triggering), and also that it's kind of a lot to deal with in the space of a Tumblr post. I'm going to try to be both careful and somewhat concise - and sometimes those things can be read as condescending and curt. I appreciate your clarification, I'm trying to answer sincerely, and it is not my intention to come across as either of those things.
Also, we live in the worst timeline where when people say "CSA" they can mean anything on the gamut from horrible crimes such as actual children being assaulted, to ~horrible crimes~ such as having sex ed books in the library or, you know, gay people existing in public. I'm going to assume that you are neither asking me about irl child abuse nor about some cute picture book where two ladies hold hands. My impression from everything you've said here and in the other ask is that your frustrations are centered around people having kinks or sexual fantasies that have something to do with pain/violence/consent/age/etc, and also artistic depictions of sexual violence and/or of underaged characters in sexual situations (again, I'm not certain how broadly you define this; I've seen people object vehemently to coming of age novels that include teenagers having sex, or to eroticized fan art of grown-up versions of young characters). If that general outline of your concerns is off-base somehow, I apologize for misunderstanding.
With those caveats out of the way, there are basically three points I want to touch on:
Point #1 is that all kinds of good/true/useful statements can be and often are co-opted by people with harmful ideas and/or intentions, and that this is not a reflection on the validity of the original statement. It's unsettlingly common for people to advance violently racist arguments about population control on the basis that climate change is happening. This doesn't mean that climate change isn't happening, or that anybody who says "climate change is happening" is responsible for every conceivable way that someone could twist that statement for their own ends. Russian war propaganda (and I am singling out Russia because it's a very current example, but arguments in this vein are a staple of war propaganda generally) says that because neo-nazis exist and are bad (true!), invading Ukraine is good (no). Obviously I'm sketching very quick and broad outlines here because neither of those topics is what we're actually discussing, but I think you can see the point I'm making. It's totally understandable to be frustrated when people twist good arguments for bad ends, but that's not a reason to reject those arguments out of hand.
Point #2 is that "triggering" is a morally neutral descriptor. A lot of people - for fairly obvious and sympathetic reasons - find this hard to swallow. But if you reflect on specific scenarios it comes into focus pretty quickly; someone who was badly bitten by a neighbor's pet may find dogs triggering, but this doesn't make you a bad person for posting pictures of your puppy. A lot of people are triggered by really mundane and innocuous things that - at least to a casual observer - have no clear connection to the trauma itself. Plenty of people are triggered by stuff that's not just innocuous but generally agreed upon to be nice: birthdays, a kiss on the forehead, the smell of a certain food cooking. That's just how trauma works. We put trigger warnings on things so that people can make informed decisions about whether to avoid them or to brace themselves, not to mark those things as inherently immoral and tainted.
What I'm driving at here is that people can have every valid reason for being upset by something without it automatically following that the thing which upset them shouldn't exist. It is 100% understandable for survivors (or anyone else for that matter) to be disturbed by a rape scene in a film/show/book/whatever. That doesn't mean that it's morally wrong to write a rape scene; art is a means of discussing the human experience, some people writing those scenes have experienced rape, and all of us live with rape culture and have thoughts and emotions and experiences pertaining to it. That also doesn't mean that tasteless or exploitative or just plain bad art does not exist, or cannot be criticized as such. It means these things have to be judged on a case by case basis - how art handles sensitive subjects, not just the fact that it chooses to explore them - and that sometimes people are going to disagree about those judgments. That in itself can be scary and upsetting to come to terms with, and I get it. It's comforting to have hard and fast rules. It is so much easier to just say "nobody should ever write a rape scene" and be done with it. But imo that would hurt at least as many people as it helped - and most likely far more. If anything is shaming and silencing and soul-crushing to trauma survivors, in my experience, it is the insistence that to speak openly about violence is itself a form of violence.
Crucially, none of that means that you can't have boundaries. Anyone who insists on pushing those boundaries is absolutely and unequivocally in the wrong. At the same time, it's important to recognize that a boundary is a fence that you place around yourself, not a cage that you can order everybody else to stay inside. You're well within your rights to (eg) not read or discuss Lolita, but you can't ban other people from reading Lolita or discussing it in a public space like Tumblr.
Finally, Point #3: you are far from alone in being (at best) grossed out by certain kinks. You are not wrong that people can be pressured and coerced into things that they don't really want to do (which is equally true of the most vanilla of vanilla sex; in fact, if I had to guess, I'd wager that far more people have been pressured into sex acts that are commonly viewed as '''normal,''' specifically because they're viewed as normal - and thus mandatory, or at least weird to quibble about). And you are also not wrong that we live in a society. Of course kink does not exist in a vacuum. In the aforementioned rape culture, for example, it would be genuinely astonishing if a lot of people DIDN'T ever get their wires crossed between fear-arousal and sex-arousal and then fantasize about coercive or violent scenarios. To use a less loaded example, I think if you took a poll you could probably find a good number of people who at a formative age watched some film or other in which a sweaty handsome action hero got tied to a chair, and found that it Awakened Something in them. For that matter I don't even think something as simple as the number of people who get completely undone about boobs (as opposed to some other body part or erogenous zone) is entirely uninfluenced by the way women's bodies - and sexuality in general - are represented in pop culture.
And with all that said...human brains are individualized and complex and frequently pretty strange. Of course kink is influenced by the society we live in...but how exactly that influence plays out, how logical or 1:1 it is, is also individualized and complex and often strange. The primal monkeybrain is sometimes MUCH better at distinguishing different intensities of sensation/emotion than distinguishing different types of sensation/emotion (people cry when they're sad but also when they're furious, or frightened, or delighted, or deeply moved - or sometimes after really good sex, for that matter). Libido often operates very much in the realm of metaphor. Plenty of people do not literally want to fuck monsters, but are really into the rush of danger or the recognition of self in the other or just the idea of desire existing outside the limits of what is '''supposed''' to be desirable. Plenty of people do not literally want to be eaten, but really like the idea of being consumed.
All of which is to say that the reason people are reluctant to be judgmental about kink isn't that it's some magical zone where the rules of critical thinking don't apply. It's that you can't critically evaluate something when you're missing a ton of context, if you haven't been invited into somebody's bedroom you often are missing a ton of context on the whys and hows of what they're into, and there's no way you can demand someone explain all the fine details of their sex life to you without being the bad guy (that's, y'know, sexual harassment). I think it'd be pretty naive to say that nobody has ever kinked on something for cruel or dehumanizing reasons. I also think that cruelty and dehumanization are bad independent of how they're expressed. Abuse is wrong whether the perpetrator is as vanilla as a bottle of extract or the kinkiest person on the planet.
Does that make sense? What I'm saying is that all the potential ins and out of individual human sexuality between enthusiastically consenting adults are way above my pay grade, and what matters is that someone treats their partners (and also people they aren't sleeping with) respectfully and kindly. I don't think there's a world where somebody is into something specifically as a tool to mistreat people that doesn't lead to anyone being mistreated. And I think that sort of thing - actions, end results - is what's most feasible to judge if you don't want to be in the business of prosecuting thoughtcrimes.
Which I recognize is probably not the answer you were after, and like I said I think it's fully understandable to wish for a much more clean-cut and comforting answer when grappling with pretty fraught subjects. But I do think that even if you disagree with EVERYTHING else that I've said here, the basic stance that you're asking me about remains true: normal ≠ moral. Weirdness ≠ violence. Even in your ask above, you've drawn a distinction between non-normative behavior that you see as basically harmless and non-normative behavior that you see as harmful. Which says that we're in agreement that the fundamental question is whether someone's behavior is harmful, not whether someone's behavior is transgressive of social norms.
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thinoblivion · 2 years
29/11, 2022 - A presentation mixed with thoughts
Good evening!
I wanted to start this tumblr by introducing myself.
You can call me Delilah, I'm 27 years old and I live in northern Europe.
I've been eating disordered my whole life more or less, but when I was a kid it was mainly binging (I basically ate my anxiety and depressed feelings).
When I was 16 (turning 17) in 2012 I wanted to become more healthy and lose weight. I quickly realized that I could lose weight faster by lower my calorie intake.
Thus began my restricting ED.
A few months later I was forced (by my parents) to recover (on my own), which caused me to gain a lot.
Few years later I fell into bulimia, I "recovered" (fell into overeating again) and since then (4 years) I have gained 16 kilos.
Now, I've fallen back into these habits, but it actually feels more difficult now.
The first time, I could easily fast for days, I could exercise like crazy, count every little calorie I put into my body.
But now... I'm hungry ALL THE TIME, I can't find time, energy or motivation to exercise and counting calories feels hard and stressfull.
Wtf is wrong with me?
Where is my self discipline?
Am I the only one feeling like this? Am I the only one being to lazy for a f-ing ED?
Also; I'm part of the generation that started their ed-on-the-internet-era on Instagram and here on Tumblr.
Back then there were little to no rules or restrictions.
I'm baffled by how small of a space we actually have the right to use, like we're some kind of vermin.
I get that the rules are there to protect kids, but I'm sure that they will find out anyway, if they really want to.
Summary; I'm not new to this platform, nor this ed-infestated world. I'm just here again after a break. 💕
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rachel House; Jes Tom; Kat Buchanan; GypsyTaylor; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Unicorn Day; Uproar; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlights: OurDragMeansSlay; Cast Cards; TealOrange & Garlic Soup Prompt Week! Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rachel House ==
Rachel House's new directorial movie topped the charts in Taranaki!
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== Jes Tom ==
Gonna be in New York in May? Well Jes Tom and lot's over other asian comics will be performing at the 2024 Asian Comedy Fest! For tickets visit: asiancomedyfest.com. 2024 Asian Comedy Fest IG
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Kay Buchanan, one of the prop designers for OFMD s2 dumped a bunch of prop pics today for Izzy's leg! Src: Kay Buchanan IG
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== Unicorn Day! ==
Yesterday was National Unicorn! Some of our lovely crew put out some dedications For Our New Unicorn! Img Src: @blueberreads
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== More Uproar News! ==
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Uproar is coming to digital on April 30 so those of you who couldnt get in to a theatre to see it can purchase and download it at home!
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For those still interested in theatres-- if you happen to be nearby, @elby3000 was kind enough to note that theUproar opening date at Salem Cinema (Oregon) of April 12 at Blue Fox Entertainment may be in error. The theatre's website lists opening as April 19 (subject to change). Just in case you happy to be looking for one there!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Today we're on Season 1 Ep 5 and 6. Join OFMD Crew, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Taskmaster NZ ==
*Please Note*: @ineffablecollision was kind enough to let us know of some desyncing issues! Thanks friend!
"During the TMNZ watch party, depending on where you watch, you *will* get desynced! I don't know if TVNZ kept the ad break bumpers, but Ch4 has one missing (TMNZ has four ad breaks compared to TMUK's three, so they cut to fit), and YT has them cut altogether!"
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Series 1 continues Weds at 11am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm BST on any of the @saveofmdcrewmates socials.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
Our Big Gay Energy Podcast interviewed Gypsy Taylor and we learned some pretty amazing things. Some highlights:
Stede's cravat was fabric left over from his old couch
Ed kept the teal robe (the one he wears the morning after calypso) as a memory of Stede and then Taika kept the robe after the show.
Please check out the whole episode below!
Where to Watch Where to Listen
= Our Drag Means Slay =
Hey all! Are you in the Chicago area? Why not checkout Our Drag Means Slay on April 27! It's $25/ticket and doors open at 5:55pm! For Tickets
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= Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week! =
A new celebration week is coming up in June for all things Jim/Oluwande and Archie/Jim/Oluwande/Zheng (or any combo in between!) Prompts will be released on April 15th!
When: Sunday June 23 - Saturday June 29th! How: Create or Share - Fic, art, and other fan creations!
Please follow them on Tumblr! @garlicsoupweek You can visit: Linktr.ee Or follow them on Twitter!
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= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Jennifer Onyeiwu, one of the lovely pirates that asked Stede out for a drink in "Man On Fire". If we ever get a s3 I hope she comes back-- thanks @melvisik!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. This weeks turning out to be a bit of a doozy. I hope you all are practicing some self care. It's been a lot lately. I have seen a lot of you mentioning re-watching the show, which I love. It feels like we are getting past the raw part of our grief into being able to celebrate it as a group again.
Be kind to yourselves lovelies, be kind to yourself and others. There's enough hate in this world that we don't need to add undo stress to others or especially ourselves.
Love you crew.
Img Src: @BethDrawsThings IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
The theme today is, there are two wolves inside of me, both of these gifs represent them
Darby Gif Courtesy of @ofmd-ann
Taika Gif Courtesy of @gentlepanpirate
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rabbitindisguise · 2 years
Whenever I see someone talking in defense of using functioning labels or support labels it's just like, I can picture in my mind the kind of kid in special ed who this reminds me of. The kids who complained that we were being disrespectful when we trashed talk the abusive teachers aids or got mad about ableism from other students. I don't think people realize that not all special education experiences were created equal, and that someone who went through the suffering of special ed might not actually believe that it was a bad thing and think that more people should be forced into special ed ("because I turned out okay" <- is a huge jerk to other autistics)
I don't know what to do about it now that I'm like, "being mean to people is wrong." (Traditional reaction: heckling (me) and cold shoulders (everyone else).) Ideally I'd like to get through to people that being in cahoots with their therapist or whoever isn't actually going to help them make friends with other autistics, and tattling on people fighting against oppressive systems isn't going to win them free snacks, but I fundamentally don't understand this point of view and I don't know if I ever will. It's as foreign as someone believing that "everything happens for a reason" or that "justice always prevails (so people suffering deserve it)." I'm much more of a "if something is broken, fix it (people suffering counts as something broken)" and "authority figures blocking people from help are kind of inherently uncool and morally questionable especially when people's lives are at stake" kind of guy, I dunno. I have a strong sense of justice, that's not the problem, I just don't trust or believe in authority and a lot of autistics have been talking about how Important and Reasonable these things are (which I find almost inherently incorrect, since I think UBI and home aids should be available for free to whoever needs it forever).
Because fundamentally support labels are observations of what authority figures are willing to give you based on if they think you deserve it and depending on how closely you match their imaginary picture of "need." It's like how I "didn't need" paratransit until I got awarded it, and then "stop needing it" when I just never got around to applying again but my need has stayed consistent. Autism to me is fundamentally about what makes you feel comfortable, and if autism helps then you're autistic. Autism isn't a label to be foisted onto someone without their consent, and it's not one to take away just because they "seem" "normal." The autistic community I've observed on Tumblr (especially in the early years where I developed an understanding of myself as nd before I figured out I'm autistic) is so valuable because it's not what doctors think about us (other than complaining lmao) it's about how the community is a positive force in our lives because it makes us feel accepted for who we are, and frames autism as a good thing
How do I explain that to a guy who thinks a therapist saying we're wrong and autism is bad is objectively more correct?? I have no idea where to even begin. The biggest issue this stuff causes is how Going To Special Ed is being seen as a sort of "listen to marginalized voices and don't contradict anything they say or use critical thinking at all" type of trump card. People will say things that are wildly incongruous to social justice but it's folded into the discourse because people think that everyone comes out of there thinking that allism is wrong. Some of the most allist people I've known have been autistics. Getting diagnosed young, and years and years of special education, is super traumatic. I was lucky that I had people who cared and who taught me I was a person deserving of respect. It's not like how some women grow up to be feminists like "this shit SUCKS I deserve better" it's more like the kind of facism tokens experience where it's like "this sucking is important because I don't deserve better."
I'd caution people against shilling for functioning labels or support labels but I know that's goong to be hard with the self appointed DSM hall monitors. That's between you and your fight against the system, imo. If you can eat at the places we're going to, if you need a moment to go be nonverbal in a closet, if you need to go have a meltdown in peace, or need a communication board, or need to not be hugged, those are important. "High functioning/low functioning" and "low support/high support" is nonsensical in a space where general autistic concepts are integrated into how we run things because it smooths over a lot of problems. Social spaces where stimming openly was accepted, wearing headphones in public to block out noise, or other things that are more visibly autistic but make people's ability to avoid meltdowns soooo much easier can radically change how easily a neurotypical allistic can clock your autism. We just don't need support labels when someone who had meltdowns everyday suddenly has less because they can fidget openly, only eat their same foods, and don't get expected to hug people or talk about things that aren't their special interest, and the meltdowns are redirected and safer from autism accepting coping mechanisms- that's just what healing looks like.
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dreamlanddoll · 2 years
I am saying this as a skinny person I am so tired of seeing skinny girls put on the blandest most basic outfit you've ever seen and calling it "fashion inspo" and all the comments being like "yeesss queen people only hate bc they're jelous of u"
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oh-so-heavenly · 2 years
I don't want this series to end also I saw some stuff on Tumblr and I know this is gonna be emotionally devastating so I'm terrified
Okay I'm so not ready for this
I love how Mary has this widow club <3
"While we're fortunate he survived his ordeal" jsjsjs please
I love how Izzy is trying to make it seem as if Ed isn't devastated about the break-up
"i'm in the blanket fort" he represents me sm
"i wrote some lyrics" ahsjkdkskaksjd
Lucius is just free therapy™
"something entirely fictional" me when i design every oc
I know Stede is sad that his wife and kids went on without him but FUCK WHY CAN'T HE GO BACK TO ED RN
"There's a sock on the door!!" "I don't know what that means!!" Kasjjskakdf
"his name is Blackbeard or Captain" shut up Izzy he's having a hard time, shut the fuck up
"Guys the sheer level of talent we have on this ship" I need an AU fic where all is the same except they are broke theater students trying to write a play about gay pirates
"what's Blackbeard like?" "He's absolutely lovely" he's so in love and so stupid
Stede is so dramatic when talking about death I love him
"you know we share our thoughts on the ship" say it with me guys: we talk it through, as a crew
i actually like Izzybut he's too much and intense and I can't put up with him when he's constantly making it hard for ed and stede to be together
"unhand me or bleed" shut up you idiot <3
"a gun would wake the kids" ajdhdjahejkk she's great
"i hope you find that" "i think i have" assfgkgkhhkkh
"HIS NAME IS ED" <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
#did he just throw Lucius overboard?? #what
I am blaming this one on Izzy
If he had just shut his mouth >:(
#did he just cut Izzy's toe?? #well deserved but weird anyway??
FUCK YOU IZZY DON'T YOU DAre be happy about this
"Blackbeard is himself again" you mean he's emotionally unavailable and feels miserable and unlovable?? Then yes
Stede how can you be so happy when Ed's so in pain ;-;
"besides, everyone's had a go at killing me but me. I'd like a shot" ahajsjd shut up you dramatic bastard
I can't believe Ed is leaving them behind
Fuck off Dizzy Izzy
"what's wrong with your face" I'm asking the same questions here
Not the jungle cat
Not the piano on top of that akdjdjja
"and now free" yes he is <3
I can't handle Ed being like this
He's gone back to drinking again :(
Not Buttons trying to commit cannibalism again
More highlights: episode one / episode two / episode three / episode four / episode five / episode six / episode seven / episode eight / episode nine / episode ten
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