#where you can't put it down and actually like sit up/pace because you're so into it
woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
The Talk II
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda's Powerpoint
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It's probably the worst thing you've ever suffered through.
Next to you, Pernille has to smother her laughter as you slouch lower and lower in your seat.
The first part you already knew about. The actual act of sex was something you'd covered a while ago in biology so that was basically like a study session.
The next stuff you'd rather not learn about from your Morsa but Magda was nothing if not thorough as she went through slide after slide of sex positions and how it worked between two girls.
It was traumatising and you could do nothing but stare at the screen in abject horror.
"Alright," Pernille says when Magda gets particularly passionate about one part and you look like you want to melt into a puddle of nothingness next to her," Why don't we take a break for lunch and finish this later?"
"Oh, but, Pernille I was just getting to the part about-"
"That's a great idea, Momma!" You're up like a shot, nearly tripping over your own feet in your haste to get away.
"But Pernille-"
"Come on, Magda," Pernille laughs, gently pulling Magda to the kitchen," Give her some time to compute what she's just been told. We've never had a conversation like this with her before."
"Is it informative enough? I think I left something off and I don't want her-"
"Yes, Magda," Pernille says," Plenty informative. You're doing a great job. Princesse, get your fingers out of that jar!"
You huff a little, pushing the jar of nutella away as you lift yourself up onto the counter.
"You know," Magda says, suddenly straight back into lecture mood," Some people like to incorporate-"
"La-La-La!" You say quickly, slamming your fingers into your ears. "I can't hear you!"
Pernille rolls her eyes fondly at you both as Magda attempts to wrench your fingers away.
"Alright you two," She says," Food. Eat."
You practically inhale your food while Magda follows at a more leisurely pace.
"Hey, where are you going?" Magda asks as you hastily put your plate in the sync and attempt to escape upstairs. "We're not finished yet."
"I...er..." You stumble over your words trying to find an excuse. "I've got homework!"
"No you don't. You finished it all before going out with Frido."
Pernille is no help to you, looking down at her plate smiling as you scramble to think of another excuse.
"I'm nearly done anyway," Magda continues," Just give me a sec."
The second time is just as painful as the first as you sit, tense on the sofa, as Magda walks you through sex toys, something that you really didn't need your own mother to teach you about.
But she does it anyway and you know she's doing it because she loves you in her own weird way.
But, still, you don't think you needed the printed out sheet of the list of sites that explored all the nitty gritty of STDs.
It was nice that she printed it but you're pretty sure pinning the sheet to your notes board will ruin the whole aesthetic of it.
"Any questions?"
Magda looks immensely proud of herself, chest puffed out in pride as she comes to the end of the PowerPoint she spent all day working on.
You sit there, bright red, unable to do anything but stare at the little animated hand waving on her questions slide.
"Er...no...That was very...informative."
"Oh...wait! I forgot!"
Magda clicks to what must be her last slide and you groan loudly.
'Remember! The key to a good life is abstinence!'
"That's so hypocritical!" You exclaim," You and Momma have sex all the time!"
"That's different. You're our baby. I don't want you having sex."
"You just made a whole PowerPoint about sex!"
"Yes. Because I don't want you doing it."
You turn to Pernille, gesturing wildly as you sputter.
"I know," She says, patting your head," But just smile and nod. She'll drop it sooner or later."
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starrycassi · 1 year
Ballister's been through this many times. Ambrosius comes into his room, hysterical, to announce him of some ridiculous upper crust rule or ball or challenge that he's got to participate in. He knows the drill by now; listen to him, reassure him and help him get ready, be it brushing his hair or co-writing a speech for him to give.
The Goldenloin family puts up an act for people to show off Ambrosius and his many qualities every so often. He doesn't really care, not anymore. He used to panic alongside Ambrosius, when they were thirteen. He's seventeen, now, and the novelty of it has worn off — it's just kind of funny, really, to see his boyfriend suffer through hours and hours of whatever bullshit he's supposed to do now.
This upcoming event, however, is doing a number on Ambrosius's nerves. He's pacing back and forth the room, and he hasn't even looked at Ballister yet. His tic — the one in his left eye, is back, and his lips are red and swollen in the places where he's been bitting them. It's barely five am, and Ballister knows that this is going to be a long day.
"You're going to get nauseous if you keep spinning around, Amber" he tries to start the conversation, voice soft and words slow. Between them, Ambrosius has always been the worst when it comes to keeping his emotions under control. Ballister's learnt, by now, that sometimes it's just better to give him space.
"I'm nauseous already. Some spinning won't hurt, I'm sure" he snaps back, almost screaming. Ballister decides that talking to him won't be possible right now, and goes back to the project on his table, making sure to hold the screwdriver at the right angle.
After fifteen minutes or so, Ambrosius finally stops. He whines, letting his body weight drag him down on Ballister's mattress.
"What is it, this time?"
Ambrosius's silent, only whining a bit more after the question, like a wounded dog. That's new. He usually loves to go on rants about how everything is going to go wrong and how the whole world hates him in secret. Ballister puts down the tools, quickly scribbles down what he's supposed to do next to avoid future mistakes, and sits down next to his boyfriend, threading a hand through the other teen's hair.
They stay like that some minutes, Ballister working his way through the blond strands and Ambrosius simply lying there. Ballister's starting to think that he's fallen asleep, when Ambrosius finally speaks up, face still buried in pillows.
"They're marrying me off, Bal"
The world stops spinning.
Ballister goes static. His whole body freezes, and his heart stops beating. He can feel the blood on his veins going cold, so cold his bones feel stuck, too.
This was a expected situation, kind of. Captain Gloria, Ambrosius's mom, had been married off, too. She didn't like her husband in the slightest and they never talked to each other. Ambrosius told him all that.
She had also promised to keep her son away from that predicament. But Ballister knew better than to trust mothers. His own had abandoned him some years ago, after all.
"What... How? What?"
Ambrosius sits up, criss cross, hugging a pillow. He's such a kid. His eyes are already watery, and he's got a red nose, probably from slamming his face into the pillows.
"Not- well, not actually marrying me off. Mum doesn't want that, y'know" He shrugs, looking at his own hands. "But she can't really... just go against tradition, I guess. So, uh, there's going to be a tournament, figths, you know? And I know I'll probably win, she chose combat because she knows I'm good at it, but what if I don't win?"
He takes a deep breath, grunting. Ballister's brain is struggling to catch up, so he can't do much more than nod, encouraging his boyfriend to keep talking.
"It's not going to be like here, only us, cadets and students, where I know I will undoubtedly win. Actual grown ups could get in there, Ballister. My mom's been screaming to anyone and everyone about how ridiculous everything is, but- I guess rules are rules. I haven't slept. We stayed up all night on the phone, she tore down the whole family's library, called all of our lawyers, we tried every single article and law ever written. Nothing. The best we can do is... hope"
"The Captain's right. This is ridiculous, Ambrosius. What do you mean grown ups? Why? That's fucking creepy. Can't you guys just... say no? You're a Goldenloin, surely you-"
Ambrosius grunts, again, tugging at one of his hair strands.
"It's not that easy!" He screams, shutting Ballister up. "I've been getting proposals for... for forever! It's not really a matter of love as it is a matter of money, Bal. I've been getting proposals even from before I was actually born. Political alliances and all that. Mom's been doing her best, I know she has, but when a heir has said "no" enough times, then a duel or something can be called up, and an actual tournament would be way easier than just fighting every single idiot that wants to get my last name!"
Ballister's never been happier to be an orphan commoner than right now. His only worry when it comes to marriage is whether or not he can afford a pretty ring.
It's not like commoners don't marry for money. Arranged marriages were a pretty common thing around him, young kids marrying older people to try and get their families ahead, forced by their parents, their "spouses" or their economical situations. He just... never really had to worry about it, ever since he became a knight.
"That's incredibly fucked up, Ambrosius"
"I know ! I am well aware of how weird this must be for you, Bal. And I have absolutely no backup plan. My mom's confident that I'm winning, because Goldenloins never lose, but I'm not her! She can still beat me when we spar together, what am I going to do if someone else wins? Just... get married?"
Trying to come up with a solution, Ballister stutters and stammers his way through a sentence.
"You could, uh, get married and have a divorce, right?"
"No! Totally no! You don't get it! Whoever wins gets to ask whatever they want from my family, money, land, my hand- whatever, and then that's irrevocable!"
Stressed out, Ballister screechs. Of course he doesn't get it. No one ever bothered to explain this to him. He knew that parents could force their kids to marry (Captain Gloria once told him the story, very drunk and very mad at her departed dad) but not that a whole fucking event could be staged even if the family said no.
"It's not my fault I don't get it, you twat! Do you think the knigth training automatically gave me political marriage bullshit training, too? Well, no, it didn't! I'm so sorry for not knowing you weird ass nobility traditions, Ambrosius, I didn't realize I was supposed to!"
Getting up from the bed, mad at the world for being unfair and at himself for snapping, he runs his hands through his hair, with the impulse to simply rip it all off. It quickly gets replaced by guilt. Ambrosius has done nothing wrong, and here he is, being an asshole instead of helping.
"Amber... Shit, I'm sorry. This is just-"
Chuckling humorlessly, Ambrosius waves his hand in the air. He looks up at Ballister, and shakes his head.
"You're right. Sorry. I just forgot. I always do"
They already went through this, too. Ambrosius is good at keeping Ballister up to date, always happy to explain the situation, but sometimes things just... slip his mind. It isn't anyone's fault, but it's still annoying when it happens.
"Sorry, too. For calling you a twat"
Ballister leans down, tentatively. Ambrosius doesn't hesitate to lift himself up, and they share a quick kiss. All is forgiven.
"So... what now?"
Silently, they both try their best to think. Ballister's mind is blank, just screaming at him to get a sword and go decapitate however wrote the fuckin rules. He ignores that voice, per usual. The fucker's probably dead, by now, anyway.
Ambrosius is the one who gasps, and smiles all of the sudden, so bright that the sun should be jealous. He bounces on the bed a couple of times, clapping to get his boyfriend's attention.
"We're both idiots!"
Ballister frowns, confused. An awkward smile is all he can offer Ambrosius, wondering if his man finally went crazy.
"I see no correlation between our supposed idiocy and the problem at hand, Amber."
"Come on, Bal! This is easy. I have the best plan" he giggles, like a kid that just got a new toy. Ballister can tell that this plan probably will suck and get them in more danger than necessary. And he's so on board. Always on board, when it comes to Ambrosius.
"Which is?"
"You!" Exclaims Ambrosius, rolling his eyes. "You're my plan"
"Excuse me?"
"You're going to compete and win, Bal"
Perhaps he never should've become a knight, that way he never would've fallen in love with this absolute trainwreck of a man. Is it too late to go back to being a random kid and forget about all this? Probably.
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Nat would be the type of friend to 'teach you how to kiss' just as an excuse to be ur first kiss tbh
she'd immediately laugh when you gave no idea what you're doing, but she'd keep kissing u anyway
anyways soft!nat is cannon and my mind won't be changed
About You
Ugh anon this is so real 😭😭 my bitch ass has never kissed anyone (who's shocked) and I've been thinking about Nat being r's first kiss for like WEEKS.
Small Nat being your first kiss blurb <3
"Dude. No, I'm saying it's embarrassing. How many seniors in high school have never been kissed? Not that many." You're lying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, as Natalie sits at your desk.
"I'll kiss you. Teach you how to do it so when there's an actual person you want to kiss, you'll know how." You sit up to look at her, and she looks kind of serious about it.
"I can't tell if you're making fun of me or not," you reply, swinging your legs off the bed and walking over to your mirror.
"I'm being serious! People do this all the time. Friends kiss each other for practice." She shrugs, looking over at you.
You contemplate for a moment, not really knowing what to do in this situation. Sure, she was your best friend. But you wanted to kiss her in a not-so-friendly way.
Eventually, your desire to kiss her won out over your want for it to be romantic. You huffed and sat down on the edge of the bed, facing her as she sat on your desk chair.
"Fine. But when I'm inevitably shit at kissing you can't make fun of me."
She nods and moves from the chair to the bed next to you.
"I won't make fun of you to anyone else." She grins, and you roll your eyes.
"Well, I guess that's the best I can ask for with you."
She smiles and leans forward, and you freeze. When she's millimeters away from your lips, she cups your face and whispers "relax" before pressing your lips together.
For a moment, you're still frozen. You don't know what to do, or where to put your hands. Nothing. Natalie laughs against your mouth, and you pull away.
"Sorry, sorry. Seriously, though, dude. You have to relax. It's just me, you know I won't judge you." She looks genuinely apologetic, and she takes one of your hands in hers.
"I just- where do I put my hands? What do I even do?"
"Jesus, you don't have to think about it that much. This is supposed to be fun. Just do what feels right to you, I guess? Again, it's just me."
You sigh, nodding. She's right, it is just her. She leans in again, and this time you try to relax. You still have no idea what to do with your hands, but she takes one of them and moves it to the back of her head.
She's soft with the kiss, more gentle than you'd ever seen her. It was nice honestly, the warm feeling of her lips on yours, the way she kept doing things at your pace. When you parted your lips a bit, she tentatively poked her tongue into your mouth. You didn't hate the feeling, but it was unexpected.
The two of you continue like that for a few moments before she pulls away. She smiles, and you blush.
"Not bad for your first time," she teases, flopping back onto your bed.
"Wow. Thank you so much." You roll your eyes and lie down next to her, turning your head to look at her face.
"We can keep practicing." She shifts to her side, looking at you.
You smile, but she suddenly turns serious.
"I want to keep kissing you." She looks almost nervous, and you've never seen her look so vulnerable before. "I didn't kiss you just because I thought you'd be more comfortable with practice. I wanted to kiss you."
You reach for her hand and intertwine your fingers, trying to fight the fluttering feeling in your stomach.
"Good. I want to keep kissing you too."
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mythicmanuscripts · 30 days
omg ok also, based on your recent aegon imagine, what about soft, teary, spiraling jace when he thinks you're mad at him? maybe something similar where he really gets into his own head about it? i feel like jace is already so prone to anxiety that this would be a breaking point for him...maybe he might be on the verge of a panic attack or breakdown and you'd even have to put him into subspace after just to get him to calm down and breathe a little?? thank you!!
Of course!! In case you guys couldnt already tell, I LOVE writing sweet soft angsty stuff,
While this answer isnt explicit, I will hide it under a cut anyway because it's very clearly sub!Jace.
So firstly, I think Jace has always been prone to anxiety? Even though he's a man, he absolutely has a crippling case of eldest daughter syndrome. The poor lad can't remember the last time he didnt have someone to look after or someone's expectations to meet.
He's also very used to handling all that pressure and anxiety on his own. When you marry, you make sure to check up on him constantly and ensure he's alright. You learn very quickly that Jace won't actually come to you about his anxiety and stress until he reaches his breaking point. Because of this, you always make sure to ask him if he's alright once a week or so.
You always try to make sure that you have some time alone with him where you can ask him if there's anything he wants to talk to you about or vent about. Often he will actually take you up on the offer, especially because you always praise him once he finishes talking and tell him you're very proud of him for opening up.
However, sometimes even these precautions arent enough.
Jace can spiral very easily and get completely lost in his own head, and these spirals can happen quickly, especially if he's already not feeling the best.
Maybe this time, Jace could feel how he was starting to get too stressed and anxious and so he goes to you. Except when he goes to you, you're in the middle of something? Maybe you're reading or making arrangements with servants, whatever it doesn't really matter. When Jace asks if he can talk with you, you just tell him to wait a moment because you want to finish this first. When you look up again, he's gone. So you just assume whatever Jace wanted wasnt very important and make a note to yourself to ask him about it that night.
You don't see Jace for the rest of the day, which isnt unusual considering how busy and you both are with the war effort. But in reality, Jace wasnt doing his duties, he was just sitting on his bed staring at the wall and spiralling. He begins to wonder if he's relying on you too much, if he's managed to scare you off. He's so confused, because he knows you've told him to come to you for help, but when he did you blew him off?
You find him in the bedroom that night when you finally retire for the evening. You can immediately see something is very wrong because he's just sitting on the bed, hugging a pillow to his chest and not moving at all. When you say his name, he looks up at you and quickly tries to compose himself, stumbling over his words as he tries to lie and say he's fine and doesn't need anything from you because he doesn't want to make you even more annoyed with him.
You just walk to him and ask him why he would ever think you were upset with him, and he mumbles something about having asked you earlier to hep him. Your heart sinks, because you realise you did this to him. You realise he must have come to you because he genuinely needed support and you turned him down.
He starts to spiral even more now that you're actually there and watching him. Tears well up in his eyes and he closes them, trying to take slow deep breathes but it's a losing battle. When you see this, you know speaking to him is useless. He's far too worked up.
So you just sit down on the bed with him and pull him into your chest. You rub his back and just let him cry it out and calm down at his own pace. Jace is someone who just needs to have a cry every now and then. Trying to reassure him and get him to stop crying doesn't help at all, he just needs to let the emotions out before he can think clearly again.
Even when he stops crying, he's still unsettled? He keeps on squirming and whining, hiding in you neck every time you ask him what's wrong. You bring your hand up to his hair, stopping to cup the back of his neck for a moment and he relaxes against you. So you give the back of his neck a little squeeze, like a mother dog carrying her puppies, and he melts into you. Feeling you have that grip on him lets him calm quicker.
When he looks up eventually, you can see he's somewhere between being half asleep and being in subspace. So you ask him if he wants to kneel for you, and almost instantly he's sliding down the bed and onto the floor. You have to grab a pillow quickly and make him stand for a moment until you can put the pillow down to protect his knees.
He's whiny and unsettled the whole time you're having him stand. He wants to kneel!! The moment you deem it comfortable enough, he's kneeling. You sit on the side of the bed, playing his hair and letting him suck on your fingers. He stays there until you can see he's about to fall aslee p, then you drag him up the bed and he's asleep before you've even changed into pyjamas.
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likedovesinthewindd · 3 months
While we’re on the topic: I’m thinking of noncommittal!reader where Patrick and reader get into a heated argument about reader not taking Patrick seriously because she does just see him as a racket and a dick but she’ll never admit it because he treats her nicely and but he can see right through her so when he breaks up with her to be with Tashi she’s very chill and nonchalant about it even though she misses him bc he kept good company and so when she runs into him on campus and they’re waiting for their friend Art to finish practice (or something) they get into another argument for the first time since they’ve broken up because she doesn’t fight for him. Lots of that’s your problem’s and WHY WON’T YOU FIGHT FOR US? FOR ME? from patty cakes xxx 😅😅🫡
love your writing, you’re amazing!! have a goodnight 😘😘
the can of worms you've just opened anon...I love angst it's too much fun to write. also, thank you so much 💓 also again let's pretend patrick went to stanford in this.
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✰ ⊹ ˚.
"I just don't want to be a part of something that's not going anywhere." You sighed loudly, rubbing your temple as you stomped into your dorm, Patrick following shortly after. You didn't want to be having this conversation right now; you were tired from a long day and frustrated beyond understanding with an explosive headache.
"Why are we making an issue of this?" you asked, throwing yourself onto your bed as he paced around your bedroom. "You're the issue," he said pointedly, "you don't want to commit to this."
"Why are you so dead set on this whole 'commitment' thing?" you asked, moving to sit upright as you crossed your legs. "You wanna be able to tell people we're girlfriend and boyfriend?" you added, sarcasm prominent in your voice.
"That's sounds a lot better than fuck buddies," he scoffed and you rolled your eyes. You had half a mind to be spiteful and tell them that that was exactly what the two of you were— just fuck buddies — but you know you'd be lying to yourself and to him. "Is that all we are to you? Fuck buddies?" he asked, a deep hurt present in his eyes. You shook your head before you could even register his words. "No, of course not, you know that," you said hurriedly, and he scoffed.
"No, I dont, actually," he countered with a dry laugh. "I'm serious, Patrick," you tried as he came to a standstill right at the edge of the bed, looking down his nose at you like some kind of monarch. As long as you've known Patrick, you've never once felt inferior to him, so it was a strange position to find yourself in.
"Tell me you're willing you're commit to this, put a title on our relationship, then I'll take you seriously," he said, looking down at you with a sternness that made you feel small under his gaze. The words he wanted to hear so badly wanted to come out, but they were stuck in your throat and all you could do was stare at Patrick as your heart beat rapidly in your chest and your sweaty palms held your upper thighs in a vice grip.
"If you can't even say it, then I don't see any reason why we should keep doing this," he said softly, the anger in his eyes now replaced with hurt. "Then leave."
As soon as the words left you, you wanted to cover your mouth in shock, you wanted to go back in time and will yourself to not ever utter them because the look on Patrick's face as soon as those words left your mouth was devastating. He only shook his head as he mulled your words over in his head. Before you could even try to salvage anything, he was grabbing his gymbag next to your bed and slinging it over his shoulder, leaving with nothing but a "fine" and a slam of the door.
✰ ⊹ ˚.
That was about three months ago, and even though it was difficult, you've found a way to somewhat move on from Patrick. You still missed him, and the fun the two of you used to have together, even if you weren't willing to admit that to yourself or him.
You sat quietly and watched as the boys' team practiced, everyone really just doing their own thing. You knew Patrick was using the court with Art, you could see them in your peripheral, but you made a point not to even spare him a look. Patrick obviously notices this and when they finish practicing he told Art he'd join him in the locker room soon before he's making his way to you.
When you saw him making his way to where you sat, you had to physically suppress a grunt as he came to sit next to you. "Hey," he said, getting comfortable on the bench as he outstretched his arms on the backrest, the tips of his fingers touching your back. "Hi," you said, looking around to see if any of your teammates had arrived yet. When your eyes met his, he raised his brows at you in question before he spoke up again. "So," he started, "how've you been?"
"Oh, I've been great," you spoke through clenched teeth as your hands went to pull at the loose threads on your shorts. "M'yeah, I figured," he mumbled, but you caught it, your head rising as you turned to him. "What's that supposed to mean?" you asked, and he shrugged. "You didn't look too sad when we broke up," he said, "or wait, I probably shouldn't say 'break up'. We were never a couple, after all."
"It's not like that, Patrick. At all," you said softly, but he only scoffed loudly. "Yeah? Then why didn't you even try to save the relationship? As soon as I walked out of that door, it was like you were relieved to finally get rid of me," he said. "That's not true, you're putting words in my mouth," you said angrily.
"It's not? Because that's what it looked like," he said before a humorless laugh escaped his mouth, "I mean, you didn't even try. You kept saying what we had was important to you, but you just— You weren't even willing to fight for it. Not even a little."
"You didn't try either," you said hurriedly, your chest tightening with emotion as you watched his scowl deepen. "Because I tried the whole time!" he half-shouted, and you wanted the earth to swallow you whole, grateful no one was around to see this argument. "The whole time we were together, it was just me!" he continued. "I was the only one making an effort when we were together. You were always so," he paused, "so loose. It was all just a game to you. You never saw anything serious for us."
You sighed softly. "I don't understand why you came here to start an argument about this now? You're so hypocritical. Are you not with Tashi?" you asked, crossing your arms as the anger made your skin heat up.
"Yeah, I am with Tashi," he said, "I'm in a relationship with her. And I'm happy because I was tired of sitting around and waiting for you." It was a low blow, but it was the truth, and even though Patrick could see the hurt in your eyes, he didn't even feel bad. Wordlessly, he stood up and made his way to the locker rooms, leaving you with a tight chest and tears pooling in your eyes.
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We Are Ep.11
Part 1
*sits with half a tub of ice cream with both AC and fan on because my AC is old and needs a little help and puts my cat on Do Not Disturb mode (aka scratching his belly)*
Welcome back to my crack posting! =D
Warning: long post, and since I have like 60 screenshots, there will be a part two 😊😅
I wrote that intro before I'd watched the ep. Me as I was watching the ep was mostly incoherent screaming (so much so that my cat woke up from his nap to give me "what the hell, hooman" look).
This episode was amazing, and I loved it, and I'll probably die of too much fluff, but that won't happen before I finish watching We Are (which- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE JUST 5 EPS LEFT?!!).
I was giggling and kicking my feet (just like Peem the morning after that Prince Charming kiss) from the very first scene.
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Oh, they are so gone for each other (and I am gone for them 😭). The smiles, the trying to hear what the other is doing just across the door ah
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So, so true. As a writer that hits.
Also, I'm very glad they decided to showcase creative blocks, even if it was for a few minutes.
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Me to PhumPeem: yes, Peem, I would love to know too.
Also- I really wanna know what Ciize was doing back there 😭
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Too cute to handle 😭
Jokes (and puns) aside, this scene is quite significant. Previously, whenever Phum was seen in the vicinity of the Fine Arts building, it was only because he wanted something from Peem (yes even that scene in ep. 8, he wanted company from Peem), but now, he's just sitting there waiting for Peem. And when Peem comes down, he's pinching his cheeks right there and acting cute with him and asking what's wrong.
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And he keeps on asking, because he can see that Peem is a little moody, and not his usual self. "You're usually livelier than this."
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Phum: "Actually, I want to be water too..."
Me: No way, is this what I think it is?
Phum: "I want to be the reason you feel good."
Me: yeah, yep, that's what I thought
No but, you can't tell me Phum doesn't binge watch BLs with his beloved teddy bear. Of course he has a whole arsenal of cheesy flirting lines.
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All this time, it was always Phum telling Peem how comfortable he is around him and his friends, how fun it is.
Welp, it's Peem's turn.
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I love Phum.
This is both him asking for consent as well as making sure they're on the same page and going at the same pace (which he always does, as I'd said before).
Also, no, he wants you to get closer.
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Hear how polite and soft Q is with Toey now? Once Q knew for sure that he's allowed to show affection towards Toey as more than just a mentor/mentee, he decided to be fluffy as heck and never went back (because his love language is giving and showing through actions).
Love that for them both <3
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This is such a valid fear.
He was afraid that his love would be too much, and in the process he'd lose the person he loves again, so he thought it better to just suffer alone than confess. Not gonna lie, my heart broke just a little here. (Also, because I'm currently rewatching MSP, I'll be pulling a lot of parallels, and this reminds me of that scene where Sound tells Gun that he's afraid to confess to Win because he's pretty sure he'll get rejected).
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say this, but Satang is such an amazing actor. Watching Sound and Toey, I almost can't believe they're played by the same person.
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Phum's lethal weapon and Peem's fatal weakness 😭
Let's be honest though, no one would be able to resist that smile, those eyes and that soft, "Na, krab". Oh yeah, he used polite pronouns here by the way.
I can't always notice the shift from formal to informal or vice versa because I'm not that well-versed in the language (yet) but this was pretty obvious.
Bonus (Peem's reaction):
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Tan: flirts with his theerak non-stop 24/7 Fang: *brushes his hair a little and apologizes for making him wait* Tan: *melts into a blushing mess*
That man is so whipped.
And in this house, we stan all whipped men.
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This actually reminds me of when I was a wee baby (around 3 or 4 years old, I think) when I rescued a baby sparrow and took it to my dad and told my neigbours my dad would be able to heal it because he's a dcotor (he isn't a vet either) 😭
Also- naming a bird by another bird is so true to Pun's character.
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This so relatable oh gods 😭
Also, we got the princess carry for Pride month! Twice if we count Chain lifting Pun in the waterfall, which I totally do.
We finally get being carried to bed but realizing they're laying on top of the blankets instead of just being magically wrapped in them by morning!
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*sighs fondly* such a simp. <3
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Uh huh, you said that last time too.
Don't lie, Peem, you'd let him hug you every night.
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Is this the reason behind the NC rating?
Also, this singular line just gave me a brain worm that is making me write my first smut fic. I blame y'all for getting me into this series.
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Yes, of course, Phum, everyone believed your "snort mi mi mi".
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Don't think I didn't see your little secret smile, Peem.
(Also, I have a headcanon that Phum just loves to be the little spoon)
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Now who's hugging who, huh?
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"Go away", he says, while putting his arm around his (not) boyfriend.
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See, it was all fun till this point, but you can't be giving me this level of domestic fluff while at the same time telling me they're not even dating yet. That just doesn't work.
So, for me, from this point on, they're an old married couple <3
Frankly though, all the four couples in this series are old married couples that just don't know they're married yet.
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Toey: HELP ME!!!
Toey: I forgot to do my assignment and today's the deadline 🥺
Q: ... 😑
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You don't...?
I thought that was the perfect time to start working on it?
jk jk, kids, I'm a chronic procrastinator, please don't learn from me, learn from your P'Q
(Q reminds me so much of @desi-yearning when she scolds me after I pull an all-nighter to submit an assignment or study for an exam 😭)
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Oh. Oh.
Oh my.
I love this scene so much.
This pencil box is very very special to Q, and he's asking Toey to draw on it - something that is irriversible, as Toey himself says.
But this is Q's way of putting together both his loves. This pencil box was picked up by Toey the first time, but back then, Q only knew him as Milk Frappe Boy.
Now, he's asking Toey to do something Milk Frappe Boy would never have been able to (remember, Toey started taking an interest in art only after meeting Pencil Senior), because Pencil Senior disappeared on Milk Frappe Boy, but Q would never disappear on Toey.
On this note, I end Part 1.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow, because as much as I try to deny it, I have these pesky things called responsibilities to attend to, and it's very late here now (not past my regular bed time, but way past my ideal bed time 😭)
Thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have some pizza and a cookie🍕🍕🍪
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
And here's Part 2
57 notes · View notes
harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where Harry pays for the consequences of ghosting the girl he was seeing for two months
More of my work
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It was pretty late, but Harry was actually excited to finally get back in university and get his master's four years later!
It was his initial plan to do so but he kept putting it off as he was deep in debt, but now that's he's got his life back on track he was ready to get that masters because apparently the Management field looks for papers along with experience for better paying jobs. And honestly he hates his job as assistant to charted accountant now. Though he was already dreading this, his friends Niall and Liam were going with him, they were in the same Marketing and Business Law classes to put his anxious mind at ease.
Him and his friends would probably be the older of the demographic in the batch of this year, but who cares? He's there to learn and get that degree with his name slapped on it. Niall was coming over to pick him today as his car was in service for past one week.
"Oh, she's hot!" Niall commented the girl had seemed to heard it as she picked up her pace of walking, "hope she's in our class. She's got a marketing text book in her hand." He was apparently talking about this girl who just parked next to them and started running towards what he hoped to class.
Harry's heart skipped a beat when he saw her though. She looked awfully familiar to him. Shaking his head he proceeded to go to his first class which was Marketing Management.
The lecture hall was massive for the class strength to be of only 60 students, desks arranged in arranged in tiers to give the lecturer perfect view of the class. A projector set up for the lecture already. Harry and his friends had no other option than to sit on the very first desks, it would be pretty difficult of the trio as they've been the back benchers their whole life.
"Good morning class, I am sorry for being late to the class was about to begin ten minutes ago." The professor barged in with her text book and laptop and Harry almost shat his pants. "Settle down everyone, please." She waited for the class to get settled in their desired places.
"First day of academic year it's always exciting, isn't it? Then it all gets dreadful and by the end of the semester you're like "urgh! I can't wait to be done with this stuff!" but that won't be happening in my class, I'll try to not let that happen at least." The professor went on as she observed the class carefully starting from the very back, "let's start with introducing ourselves to the class, I'll start; I am YN YLN. I teach Marketing and Business Law, I've been teaching for four years now. I come from a family of professors, I mean even my great grand parents from my both parents side were teachers. That's something I like to brag about."
She smiled an adorable cheeky smile. She's really a ray of sunshine, Harry decided.
"Now you all don't have to feel pressured to introduce yourself though it is highly encouraged, if not we'll proceed with our first lesson today." She gave the class a moment.
Surprisingly many students stood up and talked about themselves, where they come from, what they like to do, and all the good stuff like that. The class was actually liking her that much even the shy ones tried to interract.
"Oh my god, she's definitely gonna hate me for calling her hot in the parking lot. She heard me!" Niall murmured to him.
But he's got way worse to deal with her. His professor.
Never in his life he thought he'd ever find himself in a situation like this, ever!
He met YN at the start of summer this year on a dating site. In all honesty he was just looking to get laid but for some reason he took it too far with her without telling her what he really wanted. Yes, he is an asshole for doing that, but he did not expected to have karma hit him this way.
Her dating profile was really what someone who was dating to get married would swipe right in a heartbeat. She was same age as him couple months younger even, she could cook (if anyone cared for that), she was well educated, and had a four year teaching experience at University — though the name of the university was not mentioned — she was a mum to an almost two year old boy.
Least to say he didn't wanted to hook up with her on the first date, she was just that sweet and humble. He just dropped her off to hers and asked if he could take her out for coffee and he did. He saw her over the weekend. Got laid as well. Led her on for five weeks straight. For the first time since he graduated he felt like wanting to get into a relationship, but she called off their date twice last minute because her son was severely sick.
Yeah! He totally feels awful for that. He knew she's a mother and he won't be on her first priority list probably for a very long time if he did not blew things up with her. He didn't even mind that she have a child in the beginning.
Maybe he got scared of the commitment? But she would have understood that as she had talked about getting stood up by dates for the reason, but also made it pretty clear in his opinion that she was looking for something serious if things led to other. He felt even more guilty. He just ghosted her.
And he was starting to like her, a lot. Seeing the way how she talked about her son in most subtle way, he found it very adorable and attractive in a way, she even paid all her mind when he talked about his own interests in his slow tone like he usually does which many find annoying. She had way too much patience to put up with him. She did come off as shy and introverted the whole time and not like as she is being in the class right now.
None of his friends knew he was seeing someone over the summer. That was the little down cor why Professor YLN had his heart running like a wild horse. He almost died when she finally noticed him as a sly smirk took over her pretty features making him sink in his seat like a melting ice cube of a burning iron skillet. He wanted to disappear. Throw himself against the wall.
"Anyone from the front desks? Very familiar faces from around the campus." She asked, eying him with a revenge being plotted in her mind. He is sure she's going to be petty with the look on her face like that. She even glared at Niall who commented on her earlier.
She proceeded with the first topic after two more introductions from the students. Honestly she was amazing at her job. Even more amazing than any of the teachers he's had his entire life (apart from his mother).
"Before we dismissed the class," YN said closing off the tabs on the projector for the class, "I just want to make you know that if you do not understand anything, you can feel free to ask away any of your doubts and please be free to give any feedbacks you have on my teaching methods, if I'm going too fast or too slow with the portion. I'm here to help. My office hours are from 3pm to 4.30pm, you can come in to get your doubts cleared if needed in the future."
"If you have any doubts from today's lecture, I'll be clearing those the first thing in the next class on Wednesday. From the next class onwards the first fifteen minutes would be to clear out any doubts and queries. And that will be all for today. Thank you so much for your time today. Hope you all have an amazing rest of the day." With that she dismissed the class, and left the hall.
"Move, move, move," Harry chanted getting up from his chair almost pushing Niall over who was had taken the aisle seat.
"Patience!" Niall stood up making a way for his friends who barged out like a racing car.
Harry ran straight to the bathroom and locked himself up in a stall as he threw up.
God he's going to have to put up with her for next six months. She's probably going to make his life hell in college. He's probably going to have to his arse off for her class. For a moment he thought he'd blackmail her if she tries to fail him but it won't work as he haven't seen her in a month and things came to an end before he even got accepted into this academic institution. His mind was racing with most stupid and fucked up possibilities as he emptied out the hearty breakfast he had this morning.
He finally got up and made his way out to wash his face but he felt like he was going to pass out if it weren't for Liam who came looking for him, he would have had fallen down and hit his head somewhere.
"You alright, mate?" Liam asked.
All it took was for him to shake his head. "Uhh, yeah!" He somehow pulled himself together.
"You want to go home? I'm sure none of the professors would be getting anything important done today." Liam suggested.
"No, no, I am fine." He shook his head again, washed his face and rinsed his mouth and drank some water Niall gave him.
He was going to have to put up with all this because he was so determined to prove his father wrong that he can actually do something with his life. He was still living in the same old studio flat since he moved out at the age of eighteen, now he's twenty-five, he works a job which pays him just enough to live on cheque go cheque. He had that pressure from his father because his sister was going amazing!
She had written three best selling books out there. She is doing so much better with her life than him. She was in a stable and healthy relationship. Had her own house, two cars. Even his step siblings were better than him in many aspects. But he's happy with what he has is always looked over at and he's compared to everyone who's figuratively doing much better than him at every family gathering.
He has even started to skip those now the best he can.
He went back home his cat Evie all tired and still feeling about shit he probably have put YN through. Even the cat reminded him of her now, Evie loved the girl more than him and she was over all for four times at his.
For fucks sake it was just a two months thing he shouldn't make a big deal out of it, man up and apologise to her.
And he did. He texted her, waited for an entire for reply just to remember she was really bad at texting, she admitted to it and that she preferred to talk on phone calls instead.
It was Tuesday night when he called her. It rang through twice but she didn't answer. He just tried to go to bed but he couldn't sleep all night. He wanted to drive upto her house but it would have it's own consequences if anyone from his class saw him. He did talked to many of his classmates on the first day who lived in the same area as hers.
On the Wednesday morning he got to know two his classes were cancelled for the day, which YN takes. That worried him because he saw on Tuesday on campus busy with her other classes. It took a text for him mum requesting him to take her to the hospital as she was having some sever allergic reactions, so he was more worried about that instead of dealing with the shit he had spread.
His mum was very sick to add to his worries, he drove her to the emergency room and waited for doctors to check on her outside. She was advised to stay there for the day and could go home in the evening if everything was under control with the medications she was given.
"You want me to get you something?" Harry asked.
"A bottle of water would be good," Anne nodded.
"I'll be back," he smiled, kissing her forehead he headed out. He had to walk all the way to the hospital canteen as there were no vending machines in this hospital which actually worked. He was already frustrated that he can to walk tem minutes to get his mother a bottle of water she needed. He can do no thing right!
"Can I get a black coffee with no sweetner and a bottle of water please?" He asked the cashier, already finishing for his wallet in his back pocket. He had to wait for his coffee so he took a seat at one of the table.
He decided to call YN again as he waited. She did answered it this time but a phone rang just behind him catching his attention.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hello, Harry if it is not anything urgent can I call you later?" She rushed in a murmur.
"Yeah, but are you okay?" He looked around to find her at the table just behind her, looking all tensed.
"Yes. I'll, I'll call you later, okay?"
"Okay." He said and hung up.
He left her alone there, as she seemed to with a lady who reckoned to be her mother. He didn't wanted to bother her and he had his mother to worry about too.
It was the next morning he got a call back from YN just when he was about to text her again and go on to get ready for uni. His mum was doing good and was sent back home in the evening as expected.
"Hey, you needed any help that you called yesterday?" She asked, getting straight to the point, she sounded very tired on the other side of the call.
"Hi," he took in a deep breath, "ummm, I wanted to talk."
"If it's something related to class I don't know if I'll be help now, but I'll try my best, what is it?" She asked, politely.
"No, no it's not related to class. I, ehm, want to apologise for what I did." He said, "I shouldn't talk about this over a phone call, if we could meet?"
"I don't think that's a good idea now, Harry," she suggested, "and I can't see you right now. Whatever happened I'm just over it, you and I can move on from it and be professionals."
"You're going to forgive me that easily?" He asked. Hurt honestly that she's not going to hold anything against him because he truly believes he deserves that.
He heard a frustrated sigh from the other side, "I have got other things to worry about and what you did is honestly the least of my worries." She made it clear to him, "if you're worried I might fail you in either of your classes, I won't. I am not petty. You've got nothing to worry about just be good with your progress, I assure you will be treated as rest of the students." That hit him like a truck but with a whiff of cold air.
"I am not worried about that." Lie. A half lie. Or you can even a quarter lie. "I genuinely feel bad for ghosting you like that."
"And I forgive you for that, okay?" He was getting on her nerves now which was evident through her voice, "it's okay. Now if you're done, I have somewhere to go to."
"Yeah." He sounded before he heard the line go dead.
YN was miserable seeing her baby so sick. He had a surgery coming up this afternoon which had much higher rates of full recovery but it stung at her motherly heart that he even has to go through all of this.
He was born with atrial septal defect but doctors said it isn't fetal and he can live just normal. He basically had a tiny hole in his tiny heart. It wasn't until last month that he started getting sick and sick, that doctors suggested it was better to get the surgery done. Her insurance covered the costs of the surgery but the stay at hospital for next week was something she couldn't afford as she was paying off the rest of the loan for the house she lives in now.
Her parents weren't happy with having a baby, especially when she got knocked up by a random dude she hooked up with who refused to be involved with his life. She was going through her rebellious phase in college instead of going through it when she was teenager. Her parents being religious did not helped either when she decided she wanted to keep the child. They almost kicked her out and they did, but they came around sooner than she expected, helped her around until she got her life together. She is their only child.
YN was just so shocked when her dad called her one evening to give the house he bought for her to give her as a wedding present which he worked his whole life for. She was really grateful for that because she was really struggling with finances and raising a tiny human. Her parents do teach her lessons which are much needed but they're very supportive of her which she finds herself to be fortunate of.
She had no face to go ask for help from her parents now, her dad had given her everything, he bought her a house and furnished it for her, even her car was bought by him. She didn't tell them that her son has a condition since he was born, until her mother saw her at the hospital yesterday as she was there with her father to get her routine check up done. Least to say her father still loves her that he agreed to help her out in a heartbeat, though they've had a very rocky relationship from past almost three years.
The thing with Harry was least she can worry about. He was just a guy she met a few months ago. Her son was her life time commitment she made the moment she decided to keep her pregnancy. Which was definitely the best one she has made in her life.
She went to see her son who was resting in his room as the OT was being prepared for him. She didn't know how she was going to tell him what the doctors are going to do to him but she was going to try as the doctors have suggested it. A nursed was checking up on him as he had just woken up from his nap. He was a bit sleepy due to the medications or else he is usually tailing after her so she can drop him off at daycare so he can go play with his friends Justin and Sienna.
"How is my little Lion doing?" She asked, he was dressed in his Lion King PJs he threw a massive tantrum for in the middle of the store for, he was obsessed with the show for some reason.
"Mamma!" He whispered.
"He's doing great." The nurse said, "we'll take him to the OT in an hour."
"Yeah, thank you." YN nodded politely at the nurse as she left. "Did you had a good sleep?"
"Mhmm." He nodded pushing his hair away from his face, YN helped him with that. "Simba is there, Mamma look." He pointed at the wall art in his room.
"Yeah, you finally saw it." YN cooed.
"I wan, I wan go home." He looked at her with his big doe eyes, sad like a small puppy, he still stutters while talking even though his vocabulary for almost two year old much more advanced, YN found it adorable to say the least.
"We will go home soon, okay? I promise." She assured him, "do you want to cuddle?"
YN sat up on his bed, placing him in her lap careful of the IV on his arm. He immediately snuggled into her chest.
"When we goin' home?"
"Uhmmm, after you're feeling fully better." YN stuttered to answer him, "for that you know the doctor will have to operate on you so you can get better faster and we can go home."
"What is that?" He asked.
"That is a bit difficult for me to explain, my baby, but when you're sleeping the doctor will help your heart feel better so you can go play with Justin and Sienna." YN shared, "Mamma wants you to know that it is okay, I'm here with you, yeah?"
"Mhmm." He nodded, "I miss Daisy."
"Yeah, you miss her?" She cooed. Daisy was YN's Persian cat she has had since she was eighteen. "She said she misses you too, but she wants you to stay here."
"Why?" He whined.
"So you can get better to play with her too." YN reminded him, "you're feeling not well, right?"
"No well." The little boy shook his head.
"Yeah, she said she loves you and wants to play with you loads and loads when you get back home." She tried to hype her up the best she could. He's just two years old to say the most. "I love you."
"I love you." He repeated. "I wan ice cream please, Mamma."
"What else do you want?"
"A big Burger, please?" He chirped in excitement because she doesn't let him eat junk food as much as her friends let him.
"A big burger it is." She agreed using the same tone he used to describe the size of food he wants.
"I wan a lion toy." He demanded.
"You already have one." YN gasped.
"A big one!" He exclaimed the best he could lifting his free arm up to show his mother a size of a stuffed animal he desires. And proceeded to talk about all the animals he likes and randomly talking about food in between.
She wonders if he is going to be a zoologist when he grows up.
He did had a little breakdown, it was pretty obvious an almost two year old is going to be scared to be rolled on a stretcher by strangers to a scary looking room. But he did well. The surgery took three hours in total to be completed but it was a success and he was doing amazing!
"Your son is doing amazing, Ms. YLN." The doctor shared with her during the consultation after the surgery in his office, "he will be off the anesthesia by morning, we'll have to have him under observation for next five to six days — or less depending upon his recovery speed — before he can go home and have weekly check ins if needed for next six weeks."
"Oh okay," YN nodded, "thank you so much for your help doctor. I hope he wasn't too scared."
"He was but we talked about things he loves, he apparently loves animals a lot." Doctor shared the humourous moment with YN's son in the OT.
"Oh yeah, he does." She chuckled.
YN had to go back to work on the Monday as she could not take anymore leaves. Luckily her mother offered to stay at the hospital until she gets off.
She was dreading the office work she had to do, and she have to cover up the portion she missed for week as soon as humanly possible. First semesters usually tend to go faster for her for some reason. She had cut off her office hours for next couple of weeks now just so she can go back to her baby and have talk her ears off about a new animal documentary he watched with his Nani.
She was so grateful that her day came to an end at work, she still had to go home and pack a change of clothes for him and some food for her mother and herself. But he heard knock on her cabin, she saw the same frog face she was harbouring a massive crush on months ago. She wanted to smack that stupid of his when he ghosted though.
"Yes, Harry how may I help you?" She asked, gathering her stuff so she can work the time she gets when her is sleeping. He really had his notes printed in his hand.
"I have a doubt." He said, "do you mind if I come in?"
"Sure." She nodded. He's her student she's not going to ask him to leave when that's what she gets paid for. Turned out he genuinely had a doubt which she explained him in matter of ten minutes. "Is there anything else you meed help with?"
"No, that was all, thank you so much." He smiled. "Are you okay? Saw you at the hospital last week when I was there with my mum."
"I am fine, it was my son he's doing good now." She shared as she closed her laptop and put it back in her bag, "I will share the presentation on the classroom online do you can take notes from them, tell your friends about it too."
"I will," he nodded. "What happened to him if you don't mind me asking?"
"Actually I do mind." She smiled a forced thin lipped smile, "thank you for being concerned though."
"Sorry." He mumbled sheepishly looking down biting on his lip, "I'll take a leave now." With his head down he just left. YN instantly felt bad for talking to him like that.
It was three weeks later and YN's som was back home. He has been doing great and spending all his days with his grandma when his mum goes to work.
YN have finally gotten back on track with the portion she has missed on the days she took off. She had assigned the first assignments to her classes, and god it was going to be a hassle with double the queries coming in her way. She thought five classes including both UG and PG students and one extra class this semester as one of the professor is on a maternity leave.
"I clearly don't get paid enough for this!" She mumbled to herself as she frustratedly checked the first few assignments the students have turned in just to get over with.
Well, she get it. She was a student not too long ago and she is still studying for her PhD but this was atrocious how students actually treat their teachers. She had to turn all of the assignments back to the students with individual remarks on individual assignment.
Recently all she have been wanting to do is just spend time with her baby boy. But all she have to resort to from eight in the morning to six in the evening is just to look at his picture on her desk she recently put up on her mother's suggestion. The boy was doing amazingly, recovering faster than expected, getting back to starting to be active again and be his tiny human self.
YN was going to get him to get a hair cut in a long time now because he willingly asked for it this weekend. And he's been excited about it all week. It was also his second birthday.
YN had decided to go very lowkey on with the celebration unlike her and her father did for his first birthday. She doesn't want him to hurt himself because she knows how hyper he can get when around other children with adrenaline and run and jump around like there's no tomorrow. He still needs to be easy as he heals from a major surgery.
So it was just going to be him, his friends Justin and Sienna coming over for a play date later in the evening in the backyard. His Nana went over board and got him a slide and a swing set to add to plethora of his outdoor toys like a mini golf course and a basketball hoop he got on his first birthday. YN was going to take him out on a little date, buy him two new toys he wishes for and get a hair cut.
She had her day planned out with her baby, getting her all happy and giddy already.
And just when she is about to leave it was Harry coming to her office for yet another doubt. At this point she genuinely started to believe be never has any doubts because she sees him pay attention in class and she never speaks or asks questions, and he asks ber random questions like he did on their dates. He always manages to go to her office with doubts just when she's about to leave. YN finds it annoying because she figured he's always to everything and she thrives on time decipline since she was very young.
"I did not understand the Consumer behaviour." He said, not even bothering to hide his cheeky smirk as he walked in and took a seat on the chair in front of her desk, putting his half written notes on her desk.
"What do you not understand about it? I guess it have been repeated taught to business and management students for years." She reminded him.
"This is my first semester in college after four years of working as an accountant. I think my knowledge has been rusted a bit since." He explained. She took a look at his notes to know what he might have and not have understood. There was nothing but the title of today's lecture written with a black pen in block letters on an unruled page of the book.
"You have literally written nothing." She pointed.
"Exactly, my point." He shrugged.
"What did you not understand?" She asked.
"How does demand law come into play with consumer behaviour?" He asked.
"Because it is basically a behaviour." She said.
"You know when prices go high the deman decline and that decline comes from customers desire for not wanting to spend that much on something and vice versa." She explained, hints of frustration now laced through her tones. "And that desire for not wanting to or wanting to buy a particular good is a behaviour by customers who are the consumers."
"Good, okay." He nodded, clicking his pen open, "can you repeat that, please?"
YN took in a deep breath and out, "I will explain this entire topic again, tomorrow morning the first thing in the class and I will be conducting a class test the very next day on the same. Now if you're done with your querie, my shift is already over."
"Hey, I'm sorry," he rushed chuckling, "now that your shift is over and you're no longer my professor, can I ask you something?"
"In premises of this campus, I am still your professor." She reminded him, "and Harry please I am begging you do not do something which both of us would have to regret and face consequences for. I have a son and I need this job."
"I won't, I promise. I just feel bad for—"
"I know you do and I told you I forgive you for that. Make peace with it and move on for gods sake?" She interrupted him. "So when we see each other again on Monday, we're nothing more than professor and student, okay?"
"Okay." He nodded as the dimples on his cheeks disappeared in instant. He just grabbed his book and his bag and left her office.
When YN got back home she couldn't help but shake the face of upset Harry off her sight.
She did started with her usual routine with asking her son clean his play area after she got freshen up and started preparing for dinner with him next to her. She had him fed, gave him his medications and tucked him in bed. She have now moved his bed to her room for the time being so she can keep an closer eye on her. She kissed him good night before she got into her own bed.
She went on to her phone after a very long time. Checking in on what her uni friends are upto now on Instagram. Most of them traveling for work whilst others were just having their own babies. When she stumbled upon stories of Harry.
She is still following him. Just when she was about to go to his profile and hit the unfollow button, she saw him partying with his friends. She recognised everyone from her class, especially the blonde named Hope, being inappropriate in the background as his two friends took shots. Least to say YN quickly unfollowed him immediately.
Yes, she fell for it quickly. She had a crush on him the moment she saw him on her phone screen really. It was her who had downloaded the dating app that one night, she's got no friends who would actually hype her to do so. All them are busy with their own shenanigans. Part it was pressure from her family and her extended family that she's unmarried and already has a kid and part of it was her loneliness.
She matched with couple of people she went on few dates on but none of them went further than one date until Harry. He actually did not judge her when she told him she's got a son even though she's his own age. She had many men and women just tell her that they're not interested in her after she'd casually mention about her son even though she had it mentioned on her profile.
Harry said he actually read that when she swiped right on her. The summer with him was amazing!
Especially when her son was spending much more time at her Nani's house as his cousins would be there. For the first time after having him she has that free time to actually give herself that much needed time. He actually seemed to care about her whenever with her, he'd even text her to check up on her but she is very bad with checking her texts.
The mother and son duo were dressed in matching black hoodies and jeans with boots as they headed out after a nice breakfast with Nana and Nani.
"Ohhh!" The little boy squealed a sound of amusement seeing the London Eye for the first time as they walked to the salon for his appointment. She was going to take him there the next day.
"Hello little lad," the guy who was going to cut his hair greeted him as he placed the boy on a chair and placed a cloak around his neck.
"You don't have to be afraid of the noises the machine would make, okay? It's not going to hurt." YN assured him. She explained the hair dresser how she wants her boy's hair to be cut.
For the longest YN did not understood why he had dark honey blond hair but later learned she had the same hair when she was born but her's darkened up before she turned one. His just decided to blond for a long time. All the while he sat there giggling and laughing, feeling ticklish from the buzz of the electric clippers.
"You like that?" YN asked once the hair cut was done.
"I love it!" He exclaimed raising his hands up in excitement to celebrate.
"Yeah? What do you say then?" YN suggested.
"Thank you." He looked at the hair dresser.
"You're welcome." The guy smiled.
Later the mother son duo went on shopping. They walked around the entire toy store.
"Mamma, I wan this!" The little boy hit at the box with a picture of a pretty blue doll house.
"Yeah, do you also want dolls to put in it?" She suggested.
"Mhmm." He nodded.
"Okay, lemme put that in our cart, okay?" She placed him in the seat on the shopping cart and strapped him before she put the choice of his toy in the cart. "Do you also want to get a few presents for your friends?"
"Yes, yes, yes!"
After they headed straight to parking lot and YN drove them to a restaurant for lunch. They were having an amazing day really. They went back home and wrapped the presents they got for his friends and put them in individual bags like a little hamper. YN remember this was something her parents did on her birthdays up until her eighteenth birthday. It was a nice gesture and who does like gifts. That really taught her growing up that the world really doesn't revolve around ber even though she was quite spoilt as a child.
She wants her son to learn that early, the feel of being grounded even though he's twice as spoilt by her parents.
The kids had amazing time playing their to exhaustion. YN's parents got along with Sienna's mother who held same interests in English and Hindi literature, talking about things she's never heard of. YN never read a novel in her life even though ber dad is an English professor and her mother is French and English professor. It was never her cup of tea which her dad like to tease her about.
"He's seem to be doing really great now." Alex, Justin's dad said.
"Yeah, Sienna missed her friend too, she was asking about him." Marie joined in.
"Yeah, he's doing very well." YN nodded admiring her son laughing and giggling with his friends from afar. He just turned two and he's got more friends than her. "He was talking about Justin and Sienna too. They've become best friends, haven't they?"
"Okay, maybe we should discard that conclusion for a while." YN mum stood up immediately watching the kids now starting to fight over something. The fight was resolved and they were back to playing again. "They're best friends again!"
Everyone came in for a nice dinner YN and her dad made today. The kiss still wanted to play but were promised another playdate tomorrow at Sienna's house the same time. YN parents stayed after to help her clean the mess the kids had made before leaving.
She bathed the boy and put him to bed before she headed down to get herself a glass wine. Though she wasn't a big fan of drinking even a glass of alcohol but she needed it after stressful couple of weeks. Just as she was about to pop open a new bottle of wine Alex gifted YN and Marie after he returned from his trip from Italy like six months ago. He said it was something fruity, like berries. Just as she was about to pop open the bottle there was a knock on the door. She peeped through the hole as she was alone at home and it has gotten quite late at night. It was Harry to her surprise.
"Hi," she said after she opened the door.
"Hi," he smiled, awkwardly, "came to talk if you have a moment."
"I, ehm, do you want to come in?" She asked already stepping aside so be can walk in. He nodded and walked in, took off his shoes by the door. He was immediately greeted by Daisy trying to trip over as he followed YN in to the living room. "Please sit, would you like me to get you something?" She proceeded to walk into kitchen where he followed her to.
"No, I'm good." He said, politely, yet she got him a glass of water. "I want to see you again, I am sorry for ghosting you like that. I shouldn't have knowing you wouldn't do that on purpose unless it was something serious."
"What did you thought?" She was confused.
"I thought you didn't wanted to see me," he admitted, "you used your son being sick as an excuse. I know that was very childish of me and I am really sorry for that."
"Even if you are sorry nothing can happen now, you're my student, I can't pursue a relationship with my student." She kept tone was as low as he could hear with frustrated and upset undertone, "I would never make an excuse. Especially my son being sick. Thank you for telling how low you think of me." Her vision started to het blurry with tears, she looked down quickly to pick up the wine opener and putting it in it's place, next was the bottle
"I don't think low of you, YN, don't say that." He stressed on defending himself.
"Heydar, my son was really sick, okay. I am not going to give you an explanation but that's how I felt when you said that." She shared, "that's what I feel like is the truth. He had an open heart surgery not even a month ago and he turned two just today, you knew I was going to put him first before anyone, even myself. You thought I'm that much of a coward that I'd lie about an innocent two year old boy being severely sick just to get out of the situation with you?"
"I get it, I am so sorry about that." He apologised again with his head hung low, "I never dated since I graduated — well not this once before — so it was a rollercoaster ride to be with you emotionally for me because those were the best two months I've ever spent in a very long fucking time. I just thought after we slept together that you didn't want to have to do anything with me. We became really good friends if not anything more and I ghosted you at the time you needed all the emotional support."
He talks slow but YN stood there listening to him. Carefully. "I want to fix this. Really. But I don't know how to. I want to fix this."
Harry's never been hung up on anyone. Especially since that one time where his friends conned him to basically go on a date and set him up so cleverly. He actually started getting along with that girl and after they both slept together for the first time she just told it on his face she doesn't want to go any further with him. It was worse than being ghosted he felt that time. YN's situation was worse here. He also knew that the pressure from his family to do better in his career had something to do with it that it scared him off from the commitment.
All those times she's just take out even fifteen minutes for him if her son was with her parents, she'd go to see him after work. He knew she was a professor but he didn't know she worked at the University he applied and got approved at. The way she'd go over evey little text he'd sent her through the day, every little meme which sort of reminded of him she'd carefully reply each one of them at the end of the day when she'd finally get the time to look at her phone, entertainment herself to clear her mind for a little before going to bed.
And YN wouldn't lie, she needed that emotional support if not financial support from her parents and she didn't exactly had good friends to rely onto for that. Her brown parents aren't exactly best at showing emotional affection or any affection at all, and she even felt guilty to ask for it because she's put them through hell her entire life being rebellious and especially after getting pregnant by a hook-up.
Though it wasn't anyone's business but the cultural environment she grew up liked to make it their business anyway, very much so that people started side eying her parents, especially her mother for her upbringing. Especially criticising them for having their daughter attend the Sex Ed classes for her own good before she was married, which allegedly influenced her to get pregnant with a strangers baby.
Her parents are long over it but she still carries that guilt with her.
Having a part of her go through a major procedure drained her mentally and emotionally. It is surely a bad time for her (she's certain it is going to pass), she knows no one is entitled to make her feel good mentally and emotionally but herself. So she didn't let the thing with Harry affect her that much, though she did cried the night after he didn't answer her texts.
"I don't know what you want me to do with it, Harry, I am quite confused here." She shared, "I know that I have been clear from the very first time we talked that I am looking for a long term commitment. I've got a son and I can't go out and date every other person and drag him through all of it and scar him emotionally and mentally for his life. I still don't know why you ghosted me like that. That can not be the only reason. I was so hurt that you led me on for two months just to sleep with me. You ignored me the night after I went over to yours and we had sex."
She took in a long breath to calm herself from crying in front of him, she didn't wanted that. "Then again. We were only seeing each other for mere two months. I don't know why I let myself go hurt me like that. It was just a summer fling for you."
"No, don't say that, please." He took a careful step over to the kitchen island separating them. "What I feel for you is still very real, I wouldn't say what we had was just a summer fling for me, I simply got scared of the commitment. I know should have conveyed that in a proper way like a decent human. I am really sorry for that. Please gimme a chance to fix this, YN?"
"So you're not scared of commitment anymore?" She sounded amused.
"I am not." He answered in a heartbeat. "I've got my shit together now. I know fucked up." When she didn't say anything it hit him that they can't technically date because she is her professor now, amd will be even if the semester is over and even after he graduates. "There's no way we can get back to where we left, isn't it?" He sighed.
"I don't know." She said.
"What about after the semester ends? It's not like we got to know each other on campus. We were seeing each other way before." He started brain storming.
"I don't want to talk about this." She said, knowing it is going to hurt her even more with faux convincing.
The university can still hold it against her saying that she should have informed them earlier if they get back together, it's been over a month and half since the academic year started.
She was still not over how he ghosted her. He was the first person she was open to be vulnerable enough to be share something that intimate after having a child. He did broke her heart that way badly.
"Mamma!" YN heard a high pitched call of a whine for her, she looked up to find her little boy going down the stairs slowly, clutching onto the railing. She rushed towards him even though he had quite master going down stairs by now.
"What's wrong, my love?" She cooed to him immediately scooping him up.
"I scared." He shared hiding in her chest, "I saw a monster when I sleeping."
"It's okay," she assured him, "it was not real. Monsters are not real."
"Okay, okay, Mamma is here with you. You can go back to sleep."
"No!" He whined clutching onto her like his life depends on her in that moment, "I wan Mamma!"
"Okay, I'm here." She assured her and almost went upstairs forgetting Harry was there. But she went down as Heyder clung onto her like a baby koala, dozing back to sleep.
Harry saw her coming back downstairs, he saw her son for the first time here. He never saw his pictures before. But the little boy was wearing mismatched Rapunzel and Iron Man PJs, with a small stuffed bunny tucked in his grip.
"Just stay here for a moment." YN told him as she walked back into living room. She was there for solid ten minutes as her son refused to go back to sleep, so she gave him a sensory book which made car noises to play with as she went back to kitchen after telling him they have a guest over. Heyder tried mimicking the sound of an engine starting which made Harry giggle. He looked at YN and stopped immediately, the same neutral look on her features hasn't left yet but he thought she found it offending.
"Sorry." He cleared his throat.
"It's okay." She smiled herself hearing her son in the living room. He stood there in silence between them two with weird car noises in the back for what felt like ages before he decided he better take his ass out of her house. She isn't going to kick him out or ask him to leave. He isn't going to get his answer, at least not in that moment.
"Alright, see you tomorrow in class Ms. YLN." He smiled, earning a nod from her.
"I'll walk you to the door." She said and followed him out, "umm Harry?"
"Just don't talk about this to anyone, not even your friends please?" She requested, "I can loose my job and you can get expelled if the word goes to the faculty in a wrong way."
"You're going to talk about this?" He asked.
"I will have to. I have no other choice." She admitted, "don't want to face bigger consequences later for this."
"Okay. I won't talk about this to anyone." He assured her. It gave him hope for reconciliation with her.
As they walked to her front door he saw the little lad trailing begin YN close by. Harry also noticed the balloon and decoration and big Happy Birthday banner in the living room still up, a few unopened presents left on the coffee table.
"It's still his birthday?" Harry asked.
"Mhmm." YN sounded.
"Can I wish him if you don't mind?" He asked, they were already at the door.
"Hiya," Harry looked at her son, bending down to make himself appear smaller, "Happy Birthday little lad." He shied away behind his mother smiling.
"What do you say, Heydar?" YN encouraged him.
"Thank you." He mumbled.
"Of course, darling." Harry chuckled seeing him forward his small hand for a handshake which he returned gladly. He finally took his leave and walked out. It was slightly awkward he wouldn't lie. YN shut the door after he left and locked it before turning to find her son still stood in his place.
"Let's get your bum-bum back in bed now!" She announced, the little boy squealed as he started running around. But she caught him scooping him up in her arms tickling his sides. "Do you want to sleep in Mamma's bed?"
"Mhmm." He nodded.
Months passed by, quicker for YN and slow like a turtle for Harry.
Though he's really gotten his shit together. Set firm boundaries with his parents who always tried to put pressure on him to do better and compare him to his sister who is conventionally more successful than him.
He doesn't care if he's got a partner to settle with. He doesn't care what people think of his job, he loves it!
Harry learned he's been hating his job just because of his parents constant pressures to get a better job, or at least beg his way for a promotion. Well he's been working in that firm for just two years, he left the previous company for their unethical work environment. He's sure he'll get a promotion sooner than he'd expect, his boss is very impressed by it. He learned it was better to not let his work consume his life whilst he still has time to live and enjoy the best he can really.
Somewhere YN was the one behind it all even if she didn't know it. Her little pieces of wisdom in class to her student for occasional motivation really changed his perspective on life. Corporate was fucked and will be fucked for the rest of the days, you just don't have to let it fuck you over and ruin your life. She'd never talked to him about them yet though he knows he had talked to her higher faculty. He doesn't know what they told her, she refused to say even a word about it. She'd prohibited him for visiting her house since.
Harry's sister Gemma and one of his cousin's lived on the same street as hers. His sister liked to have him over for meals because he does eat well according fo her and she likes to spend time with him. They grew up apart from each other after Harry started his middle school and both of them were sent to different bording schools for higher studies so, it was her way to make up for lost time with her baby brother. She truly loves him, Harry came to realise sooner.
He couldn't help but be hung up on this situation with YN. He still haven't gotten over her yet and seeing her everyday does little to nothing to help him.
But once the semester ended, he'd gotten a call from her to meet her up for lunch at the same resturant where they went for their first date. It was her treat she said, celebration of him passing the first of four semesters.
A rather bright weekend it was, clear sky and perfect weather as Harry drove down to this little restaurant. She was already there he noticed. He still doesn't know how she does this even though she's got a toddler of her own to look after. But he saw a little black stroller besides her with his sun cover zipped up and she was busy reading from the University handbook. Thay scared him.
Gathering all his courage Harry went to greet her, the small talk killing him as they ordered their food. Her telling how her son had a doctor's appointment earlier and she doesn't have anyone to look after him for a couple of hours so she had no choice but to bring him with her. Little boy was fast asleep anyway, Harry didn't mind a little toddler around him. Especially one as sweet and well behaved as Heydar.
"YN what is it? You never called me to meet you like this before," he said cutting to the chase, "it's making me anxious."
"Sorry." She mumbled, "I talked to my head of department about, about you and I, and ehm..." She stammered.
"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" His enquiry gree more anxious.
"Yes." She rushed through a breath, "I explained it to her everything, Mrs. Davis, you might know her—"
"YN I'm not in your class anymore." He reminded her.
Caught. She couldn't look up, "okay, I explained it to her that we had been seeing each other since before and we never talked about you applying at my university. Since I didn't had any correlation with you getting approved in the uni, and I had to show her some proofs you can say."
"She said she'd evaluate everything because she doesn't want you to get expelled because you're an exceptional student and she doesn't want me to loose my job. She talked with the school board and they said it was okay." She said. Just her last word was enough to make Harry let out the breath he didn't know he was caught on. "But..."
"Why is where a but now?" His brows pinched together on his forehead.
"But they said they'd evaluate my non-biased judgement on you as your professor as it would be unfair for other students if I were to give the person I'm see a little extra help outside. That is why I asked you to not visit because there are many of my students who live in my neighborhood and new in institutions spread like wildfire." She continued, "they said I should just lay low until the semester is over unless you plan on taking any of the other classes I teach, or until you graduate. We both are going to be under strict eye, especially me as your professor."
"Is it illegal?" He asked.
"Not in the UK, no." She shook her head, "they said because we're of same age they don't see a problem of power imbalance, but there could be possibilities. They just want to protect their students."
He sat there, leaning his back on his seat as he let this all sink in. YN continued, "I understand if you don't want to have to continue us seeing each other, I had to tell them anyway. I know it's a lot to take in and I couldn't talk to you about this until now. I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't apologise." He rushed pushing himself up to sit on his chair, "I know how much you need this job, wouldn't do anything to put it at risk, I promise you that."
"Does this mean you're okay with this setting?" She hesitated to even assume.
"More than okay," he assured her, a toothie grin on his face showing off his front bunny teeth. "I've been hung up on you since little lad's birthday night. I was dying each day and seeing you all week for two hours didn't helped me one bit." He pulled his chair next to her careful to not knock the stroller in attempt to be closer to her, "I might have fallen for you already and easily it's amazingly the most insane thing I've gotten myself into. Let me make it up to you now that we've got ourselves a sort of green flag, yeah?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, opening her arms up so he can hug her. He the exact same wrapped his arms around her middle firmly.
They were going on a date soon!
N O T E:
1) just a fun one I wrote in a few sittings :)))
2) please do share your views in the comments and vote if you want to. It just really motivates me to write more.
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
But anyway, Stranger Things Steve and Robin story where things are Pretty Bad in Hawkins for a while after season 4, to the tune of regular monster incursions and more bumps and bruises and stitches and possible concussions than generally standard
and maybe six months in, after graduation, as Hawkins has come up with more and more unlikely stories to try and pretend that they're not sitting athwart a rising apocalypse, after Robin has deferred college for a year, if they all even live that long, because she loves Steve with every last corner of her heart and she won't, can't leave him here
and it's been another bumpy week in a string of bumpy weeks, and Steve doesn't have another concussion, thank god, but Mike needed seventeen stitches and Nancy has a new burn scar curling up over her left shoulder--
Robin goes to find Steve somewhere in the middle of the third load of laundry in the house where his parents haven't set foot since the "earthquakes" happened. Where she has her own permanent guest room, but just crawls in with Steve most nights anyway, because she cannot handle going home to face her own parents and their questions and their 'constructive criticism' and their attempts to be helpful any more.
And she just immediately starts pacing, back and forth across the basement while Steve tries to fold yet another fitted sheet that she could definitely be helping him with, and she says,
"So look, I have been having this really crazy idea, and I need you to tell me that it's a crazy idea, and I should just forget it, except that every time I try to think down that path I keep thinking of reasons that it's not a crazy idea, and it's actually a really good idea with very minimal drawbacks, at least in the near or foreseeable future, and if it ever does start to have drawbacks we can just undo it, because Indiana's had a no-fault divorce law since 1973, and all we'd have to do would be filing some paperwork, and you're just looking at me like I'm babbling again."
"Just like it, huh?" Steve asks, eyebrows raised with a little bit of 'really?' and all the affection of his heart, and when she stops, giving him that slightly-desperate look, he adds, "So, who's getting a divorce?"
"Us," Robin says, planting her feet and looking straight at him. "Eventually. Hopefully. Someday."
"Ooookay, kinda worried you're already planning my eventual divorce when I haven't had sex since Vecna showed up," Steve says, still not really sure where this is going but willing to follow the train at least a little farther, and Robin just shakes her head, eyes wide and focused.
"No," she says. "I mean you and me. I think we should get married."
Yeah, that makes about as much sense as anybody's crazy plans these days. Steve misses the days when he would have been too confused to keep up. He's still confused, he just so rarely expects to be anything else any more that it doesn't really make that much of a difference.
"Robin," he says, a whole sentence in one word, and then she's pacing again.
"Look," she says, wringing her hands the way she does when she's actually pretty upset about something. "Look, I know it's a stupid, crazy, stupid idea, and this isn't me coming on to you, you know this isn't me coming on to you, this is actually a really hard and scary thing for me to think about asking, but it's still like fifty times less hard and scary than what we do every week just living in this town and knowing what we know, because one of the things we know about living in this town is how dangerous it is, how many bad things could happen at any time, and-- and-- and--"
"Robin," Steve says again, and puts down the sheet in a heap to get in her path. He doesn't usually cut her off, but when she gets so worked up she runs out of words, that's when it's time to help Robin get back out of her own way. She lowers her hands into his and Steve squeezes them. "Hey. What's going on?"
"I'm scared," Robin says.
"Yeah, me too," Steve agrees, easily, because the sky outside is a hazy sort of blue-green that goes red-purple at night when it's not black, and when rain falls it sometimes leaves streaks of slick grime on everything it touches, and there are bludgeoning weapons and loaded firearms tucked into corners all over this house. He's been scared more on than off since 1983, and he hasn't bothered pretending not know it since '85.
"I'm scared for you," she says. "And I'm scared for me. I'm scared that none of us knew what was up with Nancy at the hospital for two hours the other day, because her mom showed up for Mike and they told her everything and Karen Wheeler hates us."
"Nancy's fine," Steve promises; her left arm's gonna be bandaged for a while, but she can still steady a rifle, and sometimes he thinks that's two-thirds of all Nancy really cares about any more. It's probably close to half of what all any of them have time and space to care about these days, which is a pretty depressing thought. But that's not a forever state of events, right? "She just got a little banged up. She's okay."
"Steve, what happens if you get hurt?" Robin asks. "Like, really hurt? If you get sick, or concussed again, or you need surgery like Max or Eddie, and you're not conscious enough to make your own medical decisions?"
"I don't know, I guess they call my parents, don't get an answer, and then operate anyway," Steve says, blowing it off like he always does. "Robin, I'm fine."
She's shaking her head, though, no, "I've just, I've been thinking, and I've been reading, and you know how hospitals are, it's been happening all over where people get sick and their friends, partners, can't even get in to see them, and families they haven't even talked to in years get to make medical decisions, because they're not married."
And Steve's not exactly smart but he's not completely dumb. Robin leaves absolutely anything that might even suggest she's a lesbian at Steve's house so her parents won't find it at home, which means there's a whole pile of blurry xeroxed zines and pamphlets and gay newsletters on his once-unused bedroom desk, shoved under a Russian-English dictionary, three spiral notebooks, and a book by some guy called Jung-pronounced-Young. Steve isn't really sure where they come from, because they only make maybe one supply run to Indianapolis a week between the whole group of them and Robin doesn't even usually go, but the newsletters keep multiplying. He's glanced at them before. He's heard Robin talk. He knows what she's thinking about.
"That's not what's happening here," Steve says, promises. "You know that's not the same thing. Nobody's getting sick."
"No, just...torn up by demobats, or haunted, or possessed, or who knows what else," Robin says. "Steve, I don't want my parents to be the ones visiting me if I'm in the hospital. I don't want them to be the ones in charge of deciding what happens to me. I don't want to wake up from a coma one day to find out I've been transferred to some hospital in another state because they decided Hawkins was too dangerous and now I never get to see you again."
"So you want me to be the one doing that?" Steve asks, and Robin looks up at him, hands still tight in his, and she says,
"Yes," like it's obvious. Like it's everything.
For one brief, bright-aching moment, Steve lets himself regret. He's not in love with Robin. Not like that, never like that, but -- there was a minute, once, where it could've been, for him. And it never could have been, for her, he knows that, and that's fine, that's great, because Robin still loves him more than anybody else in his entire life has ever loved him. And it is everything, and it's never going to be like that, and probably nobody is ever going to love him like that even half as much as Robin loves him like this.
"Sure," Steve says.
"And -- and look, it's selfish, and it's stupid, and it's terrible and I hate myself for thinking it, but if you die out there, and half of us are basically living in your house, and I know your parents don't want this house but they can't sell it because it's Hawkins and the housing market sucks, and you don't technically own it but it's all tied up in your trust fund, and if we were married that would give us at least the length of a court case to figure out where else to go, and we'd be able to take care of Max, and--"
"Robin, yeah," Steve says. "I'll do it. Sure, let's get married."
"Wait, really?" Steve doesn't know why she sounds so startled when it was her insane idea, unless she really did want to be talked out of it, but if she'd actually wanted to be talked out of it she should've gone to Nancy. Steve's not the guy who talks Robin out of things. He's the guy who talks Robin into her own brilliant ideas and all the things she desperately wants and doesn't think she can have. "Like, really?"
"Yeah, sure, let's go tomorrow," Steve says. It's a Tuesday, the little gremlins'll all be in school and their shift at Family Video doesn't start until five. "Do we need to get, like, a license or something?"
It's not like Steve doesn't get that this is a weird thing to do, and not a thing that most people would do with their platonic lesbian best friends, but honestly...like, Robin hadn't wanted to say it, but Steve knows he's probably more likely to die in the next couple of years than most other people they know. Doesn't matter how much he plays it off, Steve's always going to be there sticking his body between whichever kid or girl or random civilian and the danger of the day. He's not always there, which is how Mike ends up with a gash up his arm that better not be getting infected with Upside Down rot while Karen Wheeler is too busy pretending that Hawkins is still a normal town, how Nancy gets caught in the blowback from a molotov cocktail thrown just a little too short. Sometimes it feels like Steve's blaming himself in the middle of the night for not being there a little more every year. But he tries.
And if it gets him killed, the least he can do is make sure his stupid trust fund goes to Robin instead of back to his fucking parents. He's not dumb enough to think him dying wouldn't wreck at least Robin, at least for a little while, but he has to figure a pile of cash would make it a little better. He doesn't think it would make things worse.
Besides, Steve lets him think for just a second, what if they do actually figure out how to stop Henry Creel and all his Upside Down bullshit? If they find a way out of Hawkins without leaving the kids behind to die, and move on with their lives? Would being super-platonically married to Robin actually be that bad? He could put her through college with that stupid fucking trust fund while she got whatever genius degree she wanted, maybe end up her slacker house husband and fold all the goddamn fitted sheets by himself while she's off at work. Adopt a couple of kids, maybe, if he could talk her into it. Road trip over the summer in that Winnebago.
Not like Robin could marry someone she's actually in love with. He'd make it clear to whatever girlfriend she gets in the future that he's just there as window dressing and live-in laundry service. Not like Steve's ever going to find a girl who loves him half as much as Robin does, who gets it when the nightmares jolt him awake at three in the morning, who'll believe a single thing he says about the waking nightmare that is Hawkins, Indiana.
Really, it just means that Robin can't leave him behind. Which isn't fair to her, maybe, but it's her idea. She'll be the one slapping divorce papers down in front of him if she ever gets tired of it.
"Um, yeah," Robin says, still a little surprised for some fucking reason, but starting to soften into that smile she sometimes gets when they're being sincere, every once in a while. "Yeah, we just need birth certificates and ID, and like ten dollars for the license fee, and we can go right down to the courthouse tomorrow. Be done in time for work."
"Honeymoon at Family Video?" Steve asks, and yeah, maybe it's not the wedding he once would've pictured for himself, but fuck that guy anyway. This is Robin.
"We'll put on Back To The Future and actually watch it this time," Robin says, and she's grinning now, and Steve is starting to grin too, thinking about the bright hazy beautiful parts of a godawful night, the worst best bathroom floor in Indiana, about marrying the who-the-fuck-cares-if-it's-not-actually-romantic love of his life.
"Throw in some popcorn and you've got yourself a deal, Buckley," he says, and Robin lunges forward into him, wrapping her arms around him. Steve's arms fold around her shoulders like she belongs there.
He's almost not even annoyed that they kick over the laundry basket and send the goddamn sheets spilling out over the floor in the process.
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ponyosmom35 · 9 months
you and I
simon ghost riley x reader
Liability chapter twenty two
synopsis: after the betrayal, simon is scrambling to make things right. trying to push reader away for her own safety, but she's too stubborn to agree.
read the previous part first!
Liability masterlist:
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She paced back and forth, waiting for him to return. Her mind was in shambles. Never had she actually expected someone as wonderful as him to want her. She was in awe of their kiss. Unlike anything she’d ever felt before. The passion, the longing. She’d do anything to kiss him again, to never let him go. She wanted to show him how much she fucking loved him. She sits on her cot, braiding her freshly washed hair mindlessly to pass the time. Her body ached, begging for sleep, but her mind refused to let her close her eyes. She knew that Simon had responsibilities, but right now he was the only one who could comfort her. She needed him to tell her it was gonna be okay. 
It wasn’t for nearly another hour when Simon finally walked into the room. She instantly stands and moves over to him, wrapping her arms around his middle, burying her face in his best. He holds her and rubs her back. He takes his mask off and throws it to the side. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah” she nods
“So whats the word? What do we do now?”
“You’re going home” 
“You’re coming with me right?” 
“Hassan?” she asks 
“we've gotten intel on Hassan, we learned he's planning to take things nuclear. got a set up in Chicago, we're flying out in the morning” 
“Okay” she nods 
He looks down, refusing to meet her gaze “I've debriefed with Laswell and we're transporting you back to base in the UK immediately. From there you’ll take the first flight back to the states where you’ll be personally escorted home. Pack up we've got 20 minutes till your transportation arrives”
“And what about you?” she asks 
“I'll be joining the rest of the team for Chicago in the morning. just need to tie up a few... loose ends here”
“When will you be back?”
“it's up in the air at the moment, we'll try and get him fast but we can't be sure. could be a day, could be a week... or longer” 
“I should come with you then -”
Simon’s jaw tenses as he steps closer to her “its not safe for you, I’m trying to keep you out of harms way”
“I don’t wanna leave you, what if you get hurt -”
“This is for the best” he says coldly, she stares up at him and takes a step back, recognizing the cold tone. “This isn’t going to work out… between us”
“Why?” she asks as her heart stops, tears instantly fill her eyes “why would you say that to me?”
“I just... can't put you in danger like this anymore. I need to put the team first, we just got too invested and its a mess now. I'm sorry. I need to break things off before it gets too deep”
“If you’re saying this because of what happened, it was nothing! I’m fine! Don’t push me away again” she asks 
“I knew this would happen and I was too fucking stubborn to stop it! I tried so hard to keep you away, I destroyed us both for nothing. this is my life the people who get close to me die! I never should've let you in” he shakes his head, turning his back as he runs his hands through his messy hair. This was hurting him just as much as her, but he knew it was better this way. 
“Simon don't say that, I'm here, we're here! I'm gonna go back to base and you're gonna deal with Hassan and I'll still be here when you come back!”
“not this time love... this is it. I'm not letting you risk your safety again after what happened back there. this time. you're better off without me.”
“no I'm not! every second we're apart I feel like I can't breathe! I understand why you think we're a bad idea, but it's not a crime to let yourself be happy! what happened here with Graves was not your fault, you saved my life, you brought me home! you're a fucking hero Simon!” she pauses and take his hands 
“don't push me away again, you’re the only thing that makes sense to me” she admits 
“You have no idea how hard this is. You're everything I've ever wanted. How can I possibly face you again after this? how can I let you near me? the darkness in me will take us both”
“I won’t let that happen”
“you've seen my face! you know my name! now that we're associated you'll be used against me!”
“if that's the price I have to pay for you then so be it! I don't care!”
“But I do! I can’t fucking let you get hurt again don’t you understand?”
“If association is what you're worried about then I quit, I won't work on base anymore! Just tell me what you want from me and I’ll do it!”
“I don't know! I don't know anymore! everything's such a god damn mess and I'm sick of losing the people I love, okay?!” tears well up in his eyes as he finally breaks. 
“I know, but you’re not gonna lose me Si” she says gently as she walks over to him on the bed and pulls him into her. He leans his head on her chest as she wraps her arms around his shoulder. He holds her tightly as she runs a hand through his hair. 
“I'm sorry, I just can't let you go through this any-”
“I don't care! I want it all, give me the pain if you're my reward”
“Why can’t you ever make things easy for me?”
“Not in my nature”
He kisses the top of her head and caresses her cheek with one hand. his lips are soft and teasing as he pulls her in closer for a deep and intense kiss. he holds her tightly, not breaking the kiss until they’re both short of breath. 
“You win” he says “anything you want, I’ll do it love” 
“All I want is you”
Tag list:@vivi123abc
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theoceansluvr · 3 months
Connor Stoll x Reader Alphabet
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warnings; nothing ! author's note; THANK YOU SM TO THE PERSON THAT REQUESTED THIS !! literally haven't felt like writing much so this helped a lot :D credits to this lovely person for the template <9
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
‹𝟹 dear gods he's so affectionate. like always holding your hand or having his arm tossed over your shoulders !
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
‹𝟹 the friendship probably started because he used that zapping gum on you when you first arrived at camp, y'all know the one. you then pranked him back because he's literally in your cabin how could you not ? pulling pranks on Chiron and Mr. D🗣️🗣️ i will not be silenced on this one either !! definitely the kind of friend to laugh at you when you fall then help you up
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
‹𝟹 LIVES for your head on his chest ! doesn't matter how hot it is outside, if his siblings are in the cabin, you WILL be bear hugged and tackled onto the bed if has anything to do with it ! also likes just.. falling on top of you ? like he's laying on your back. (does this make sense y'all pls tell if it doesn't T^T) he likes being super close to you is all, doesn't matter how
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
‹𝟹 can't cook to save his life but is a pretty good cleaner since the Hermes cabin probably needs.. more than a good cleaning before cabin checks- I feel like because of the fact most demigods don't make it to adulthood, he doesn't really think about the future much and just lives in the moment y'know ?
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
‹𝟹 oh he's absolutely gutted. he a huge communicator so if you had to break up it was absolutely something serious. like REALLY serious.. he'd probably just sit down with you on the dock or something and talk it out with you. i feel like it would more than likely a mutual thing because of the reason why i think he'd break up with somebody
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
‹𝟹 like i said, doesn't think too fast about the future or marriage but definitely makes jokes about the two of you getting married at some point ! demigods usually have fast paced lives so he definitely is a commitment guy, plus he's still not over being betrayed by his brother(in my soul) so he likes to know you're there for the long run !
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
‹𝟹 physically, his touch is super energized but still soft. emotionally, he would rather take a dip in the Styx than say anything rude to you. sure he's a big tease, but never with anything that could actually hurt your feelings
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
‹𝟹 BIGGGGV HUGGER !!! will tone down if you don't like them but he heavily enjoys hugging you whenever he sees you. in the middle of the lawn ? hugging you. coming back from a quest ? hugged. literally just left to use the bathroom or smth ? you guessed it, hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
‹𝟹 mmmm probably 3-4 months in ? nothing too wild i don't think ! it was probably really out of nowhere too like you guys were just sitting around doing whatever and he just blurts it out
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
‹𝟹 i really don't see him as a jealous person im going to be completely honest. if someone is hitting on you he's like "omg i know right ! that's why we're dating, aren't they so cool ?" and moves on with his life. in the incredibly rare situation he is jealous, he probably just marks them on his list of people whose shirts he has to put a bug in
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
‹𝟹 he likes to do temple kisses or very rushed ones ! usually rushed because he's running from some camper he messed with or because he can't sit still to save his life. really liked getting forehead kisses or kisses on the cheek, it makes him feel special !
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
‹𝟹 when i tell you kids love Connor, i mean it. he's like the cool uncle that gets you stuff your parents won't and teaches you how to play basketball or something but completely trashes you in a game.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
‹𝟹 he definitely sneaks over to you cabin table during breakfast because 1. cabin 11's table is way too crowded and 2. how could he possibly pass up time with you ? he attempts to make his schedule sort of match yours, but usually Chiron splits you two up when he takes notice.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
‹𝟹 my millionth time saying this but STARGAZING ! he definitely knows a crazy amount of constellations just for fun, so if he can see one he'll point it out to you. nights also involve sneaking into each other's cabins without getting caught. if you're on Mr. D's good side aka one of his kids, he'll look at Connor funny but let y'all do whatever. if you're anyone else, you're getting scolded and split back up
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
‹𝟹 Connor will drop little pieces of his life here and there if it isn't anything major like the whole Luke situation. if you weren't at camp during that time it definitely takes him a good 7-8 months to tell you about it, maybe longer. everything else he's a pretty open book about
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
‹𝟹 not easily angered at all actually. much like the break-up one, it takes a lot to get this man to crack, so insulting his family or anything to that extreme is really the only way to tick him off
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
‹𝟹 REMEMBERS EVERY. SINGLE. THING. he basically has a whole novel on everything you've ever said to him from your favorite color to the name of your fish when you when you were a kid. like if you tell him the name of some obscure show you liked as a kid before camp, he'll bring it up randomly from time to time. this boy has the littlest, most unnecessary details about you memorized it's actually fascinating
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
‹𝟹 when you first told him that you loved him ! now, based on how i personally view him, this could've went a number of different ways. but for the sake of my brain it was probably like that one scene in parks and recreation: "hey, i love you" "dude shut up ! that is awesome sauce :D" literally didn't acknowledge what you were saying and then frantically tried to apologize before giving up and just saying that he loved you too.. now it's an inside joke between the two of you
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
‹𝟹 not overly protective unless you are actually in danger or being bothered by somebody. isn't an aggressive person but if need be he will shove somebody for you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
‹𝟹 i like to think he's amazing at remembering dates and anniversaries, so the effort is there ! usually pretty simple because let's face it, there's not many dates to do when monsters are constantly around you. best giver in the world argue with a wall if you disagree,
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
‹𝟹 the person that spits out toothpaste and forgets to wash it out of the sink. talks over people on accident but it happens a little too often..
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
‹𝟹 not concerned at all actually- this boy's hair is a hot mess 24/7, 365, at a million percent. the only thing he slightly cares about is like.. his nails. but only because long nails get in the way of pranks sometimes
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
‹𝟹 yes and no. he can definitely live normally without you, but certain things just don't feel the same. like going to breakfast is weird if he doesn't get to steal some of your food or sneaking out of cabin 11 isn't as enjoyable if he can't stargaze with you
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
‹𝟹 SUPER BIG LEGO NERD !! i might have said this in my lil headcanon thing for him but he LOVES collecting Lego sets !!! especially the Star Wars ones but that's an entirely separate hc (him and Will talk about Star Wars all the time trust me)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
‹𝟹 choosing to go for a general dislike, he definitely doesn't like gardening. ironic really because he'll dig up dirt for a prank or two, but make him plant anything else and he's out. katie gardner has first hand experience with this little thing of his and was fed up with him the minute he started complaining
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
‹𝟹 the real question is, does he sleep ? he probably has the sleep schedule of a little kid left home alone without adult supervision. much to the hatred of Mr. D. however ! when he does sleep, he kicks. HARD. he tosses sheets and blankets and im pretty sure he's fallen off his bunk bed before and still didn't wake up- a very heavy sleeper to put it lightly. whenever you sleep with him you usually wake up to an arm across your chest and a leg over yours. and you can't move because even if he sleeps like a log, he'll know if you do, causing a chain reaction of you both being awake all night
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conniesanchor · 2 years
ʟᴀᴠᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀᴢᴇ.
spencer reid x fem!reader
the five times you realize you're in love + the one time you say something.
warnings: not much, maybe angst if you squint, suggestive comments, kissing, and spencer reid being an absolute angel. + a couple plot holes, probably.
wc: 2k
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1. picnic
you had been going out with spencer for a few months now. when you got together he agreed the two of you would take things slow, go at your pace. which was great, he never pressured you into anything, and he was truly an amazing boyfriend.
the only issue was that sometimes, you needed the push, you needed to be pressured. otherwise, you would never be brave enough to take the leap from one step to another. so when he texted you and told you that he was going to surprise you, you could say that you were relieved.
you have told spencer two million times that he could just open the door. it's always open, and he has a key. that doesn't stop him from knocking everytime he comes over. "come in spence." you yelled from upstairs.
you had just finished putting on a baby blue sundress and converse. you came down the stairs fast, trying not to keep him waiting. "hey, sorry. just getting some water and then i'll be ready."
he laughed before walking toward the kitchen, "don't be sorry. you look- you look great by the way." he spoke in an awkward tone, but that was what you loved about him.
you have been fighting with yourself and others for weeks now. you didn't love spencer. not that it would be a hard feat, you just hadn't made it that far.
you were not in love.
you still weren't sure where spencer was taking you, but you had been walking for about five minutes when he said "just a little bit longer."
as promised, after a short amount of time, you were in a grassy field. spencer had set out a blanket with a few books, a basket full of your favorites. strawberries, and a few other random items. what did stick out to you was the sandwiches that already had the crust cut off.
you were in awe for a moment, not knowing what to say. you did, however, settle on the cliche, "spence, this is too much. you didn't have to." you spoke in a soft voice, turning around and wrapping your arms loosely around his neck.
"yes, y/n, but i wanted to." he responded before placing a delicate kiss on your lips. "now, c'mon. sit down, we have sandwiches to eat."
you chose to ignore the fire burning in your chest.
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2. under the weather
you were supposed to go on a date with spencer today, but when you woke up and could barely move, that was a no-go.
hey, not feeling too well. raincheck? :(
spencer <3:
oh, no. :(
actually, is it okay if i come anyway?
don't wanna get you sick, spence.
spencer <3:
you won't, promise. im on my way.
it wasn't long before spencer arrived at you house. you were upstairs again, lying in your bed. once again, he did knock. you were losing your voice and knew that if you yelled, he wouldn't hear you. so you shot him a 'it's open' text.
you heard his footsteps find up the stairs and sat up so you didn't look like a total mess. "hey, pretty." you smiled but when you noticed the bag in his hand you sighed. "spence, you didn't have to bring anything." you coughed out.
"i know, just wanna help you feel better." he mumbled, sitting on the edge of your bed. he leaned into kiss you but you swerved the other way, "hey, what was that for!"
"can't get you sick." you smiled but it quickly turned into you coughing up a lung (into your elbow of course because if you got spencer sick, you would never forgive yourself.)
"woah, hey just relax." he spoke, rubbing your back gently. "here, drink some water." he requested, but it wasn't much of a request at all. "slow, slow. there you go." the curly haired boy said, doing his best to comfort you.
"im sorry i ruined our date, spence." you mumbled, trying not to cry. spencer was already doing way more than he had to do, he didn't need to comfort you while you were crying, too.
"hey, hey, sweetheart. look at me." spencer whispered. "you didn't ruin anything. in fact, this is perfect. being here with you. not to mention you were worried about getting me sick, but judging from your eyes and how warm you are, you've been sick for a while. the sickness is generally most contagious before you're even sick. so, there's a chance i could get sick, but it's slim, and worth it for you."he rambled on, and on but was interrupted by a laugh of yours.
"spencer." you spoke as more of a question. "i-" you started. "thank you. for being here." it wasn't what you were originally going to say, but it fit anyway.
"don't thank me, sweetheart. now, come lie down, ive got snacks and a movie."
yet there was still a burning sensation in the bottom of your stomach.
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3. his day off
spencer had spent the night at your house, and you were both ecstatic that he had a day off. your eyes fluttered open and you were met with spencer lying down next to you. he was still asleep, but he was so warm. you couldn't help but bury your face into his bare chest.
soaking up his heat, you kissed his jaw before moving to get out of the bed. you wanted to make some breakfast for the two of you. you quietly made your way down the stairs, and opened the fridge.
you grabbed strawberries and whipped cream, and then moved to the cupboard to get the pancake mix. before you could even turn around, you felt spencers arms wrap around your torso. "spence, baby go back to bed." you requested leaning into his chest.
"no. i can make us food. you go back to bed." he smiled, kissing your shoulder before turning you around and kissing your lips. what he did next caught you by surprise. he lifted you up and carried you as a firefighter would.
"spence, what are you doing?" you laughed, holding onto his waist to ensure you wouldn't fall. he carried you back up the stairs and then proceeded to gently toss you onto the bed. "spencer!" you giggled once more.
he then jumped onto the bed right next to you. moving ontop of you, making sure not to put all of his weight on you. "hi." he mumbled, taking both of your wrists into one of his hands and then pinning them above your head.
"hi." you responded. you smiled and tried to kiss his lips, but failed when he moved away. he was teasing you.
"im gonna go make breakfast, you stay here." he spoke before giving you what you wanted and kissing your lips softly.
as he left the bedroom you couldn't help but think to yourself that he made you feel more than anyone ever.
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4. meeting the team
the team had requested that spencer brought you to one of rossis dinner parties, and he did not hesitate when bringing up the idea to you. you, however, we're terrified. so many questions clouding your mind. what if they didn't like you? what if you were too much?
your wonderful boyfriend was there, though. "y/n. they're going to love you. alright? you've got nothing to worry about. you're amazing, they'll love you and you'll love them." it still didn't work, but he didn't give up. "y/n... look at me." he requested, "you're perfect, okay? amazing. beautiful. gorgeous. smart, and my wonderful girlfriend. they kind of have to love you, because there's no way anyone couldn't." he kept comforting, and when he noticed a laugh, he knew he had succeeded.
"i just don't want them to not like me, but if you seriously think that they will like me, let's go." you said, taking his hand and moving toward the door.
when the two of you arrived at rossis, he took your hand in his, and squeezed three times. you walked up the steps and into the house, then, everyone looked toward you and their faces lit up. they looked so excited.
"oh my god!" a woman, who you thought would be penelope, squeeled and rushed toward you. you offered your warmest smile and were shocked when she pulled you into a hug.
"hi, im-"
"i know who you are." she said as if you were supposed to know, "spencer never shuts up about you." she laughed. "this is aaron, jj, dave, emily, and the little guy is jack."
"hi." you smiled. you were still shy, but with spencer next to you, it turned out to be a great night.
with every touch, there was a new spark.
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5. jealousy.
recently, spencer and jj had been hanging out together. you know you have no reason to be upset, but you couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy. they were friends, and besides, you and spencer had only been going out for a month.
of course, spencer caught onto your feeling. "angel, talk to me. you're upset about something."
"no, it's nothing. im alright." you lied, trying your absolute hardest to convince him. it was useless, he could read you like you were an open book.
"don't lie to me, sweetheart." he requested, moving you toward to couch so you could sit down. "talk to me." his dark eyes looking into your own.
"you're going to laugh at me." you complained, a small smile creeping onto your face.
"probably, but if you're upset about it then im going to take it seriously." he agreed.
"i just- you're always with jj, and she's amazing, and i like her. i know i don't have a reason to be jealous, i just- i can't help it sometimes." you spoke, and he listened. that was what was amazing about spencer, as much as he would like to interrupt, he never did.
he couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "baby, are you serious?" he smiled before continuing, "jj is my co-worker, alright? that's it."
you breathed out, "i know, i know. i just, really really like what we have going on. i would never ever think you were cheating but sometimes my brain plays tricks on me."
"look at me." he spoke, grabbing both of your hands and turning more toward you. "you and me, okay? i know this is new, but i promise you that if you want it to work out as much as i do, it will."
god did you love him....
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+1. a drunken confession.
you had to admit, you had a few too many. after a lot of convincing, spencer had finally gotten you to go out for drinks with the team. the only way you could calm your racing nerves, was drinking until you couldn't feel anything.
"sweetheart, i think that's enough." spencer suggested softly, "almost everyone's gone, baby. let me take you home."
"mm, okay." you reluctantly agreed. allowing him to take your hand and lead you out of the bar.
the drive felt short, time passing on and on. when you finally reached the driveway, you didn't even realize until spencer was opening your door. "relax, baby. you don't gotta walk, i’ve got you."
when he reached for you, you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck and allowed him to carry you into the house. you just wanted to lie down, but spencer brought you to the bathroom. "spence, i wanna to to sleep." you whined.
"i know sweetheart, we gotta brush your hair and teeth and then we can get you dressed and into bed... alright?"
it took quite a while to get you ready for and into bed, but spencer didn't mind. he never did. "i love you." you blurted out and the look on spencers face was priceless. "im sorry, i know im way too far gone but i’ve been meaning to say that for so long i just never could."
he took a deep breath before pulling the blankets over you. "i love you." he mumbled, "always have. now, bedtime. go to sleep, sweetheart."
the fire didn't go away, but this time you acknowledged it.
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 6 - A Remedy to Cure all Ills
Before I start, let me just say, I'm really happy I'm getting to rewatch the earlier seasons. Of course the next random episode might be literally season 5 or something, but it's great that it hasn't happened yet.
Let's fucking start bitches
Not the wiggly evil fingers just a few seconds in.
Damn boy you got some dirty ass nails, wash your hands.
MORGWEN MY BELOVEDS!!!! Also the way Gwen looked at Morgana after she asked who'd she want the flowers to be from. Girl looked ready to risk it ALL, let me put a screenshot actually.
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OUGHHHH the brainrot is real with these two
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LIKE??????? GWEN'S THIRSTY (me too)
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Alright girls, enough yearning please
Ugh, I hate the little sound the bug made when it dropped from the flower. Butthole clenched in digust.
Oh thank god they DON'T show it literally entering her ear. That would've been so gross.
Oh Gwen looks BEAUTIFUL in that yellow color. It does everything for her!!
"She's all but dead, Merlin." JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GAIUS
Most suspicious ruse of all time. "Oh, i have a cure for all ills. And also I know the king's ward is very sick. But anyways, I'll be at the inn :)." Bitch.
"But I'm not worried." me when I lie. Merlin is so bad at lying, jesus fuck
Merlin sits down to stop pacing. Arthur gets up and starts pacing. Two sides of the same coin or whatever.
Underrated Arthur shirt is the purplish one he wears in the scene where he begs Uther n Gaius to hear the strange man out. That color looks good on him. It might be his red shirt but in a weird lighting?? I can't be sure.
I really like when Gaius gets to talk all medical considering how limited the medicine world was at the time. It's really really cool, I love seeing this insight into what was possibly like to be a physician at the time. I don't of this happens much in the show.
Arthur really is so trusting when it comes to his loved ones. Of course he's not at fault, like he said what do they have to lose at this point, honestly I've done the same. It's just. Heartbreaking to notice that trait knowing what comes next.
"Science is knowledge." Merlin is such a nerd, I love him.
Oh, not Gaius and Edwin having a lying competition over here. There's a better term for it, but whatever.
Gwen is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS but girl please that's a fucking sorcerer, go AWAY be SAFE. She's so smart though. Immediately knew something was off. He tries to be all "She may die :(." to get her to be worried and not suspicious, but it literally doesn't work. She leaves the room but not because she thinks he's got Morgana's best interests at heart. She knows something is wrong. She also knows she holds no power. And on the chance that he is right and Morgana dies, she'd never forgive herself.
The fucking lying back and forth between Gaius and Edwin. Like. From the outside, it sounds like a perfectly normal convo. But they both know it isn't. And WE know it isn't 'cause we know Edwin's full of shit.
Interesting how Arthur isn't seated but Uther and Morgana are.
Who the fuck knocks on someone's door, doesn't hear an answer, and then just let's themselves in?? I'm sorry, if you're a stranger, I'm not doing that. The fuck's wrong with you Merlin, you nosy boy??
It is so sickening that these villains of the week have views that we can agree with. Yes, magic is a gift and can be a force for good, you're right! But it's because of Uther and his oppression that they turn bitter and ruthless and vindictive. And yes, you do have to eliminate those who are like Uther because they will only propagate the same corrupted and repressive beliefs. The problem, the layers, is that some of those people are actually very much capable of understanding the very fundamental logic that "Sorcerers deserve too live in freedom" but they're so filled with fear and propaganda of the contrary that it's so hard to get out of it. And that's why, if they killed Uther with magic, Arthur would hate magic even more (just like it happens in canon), which would then just repeat the cycle, etc etc. You need to uproot the system, but killing everybody is not the answer; but also having to teach such a fundamental thing, that certain humans deserve basic rights, is such a painful thing to teach, and the oppressed does not have the obligation to do so. But then the cycle just repeats and repeats and it's SHIT. Anyways.
It's so funny that in season 1 they hadn't figured out the cgi for the golden eyes so they just. simply don't show it.
The things Edwin say are like. Well-meaning. But there's just this off vibe that the most intelligent characters (Gaius, Gwen, Merlin) can just. pick up. And even though Merlin really likes what Edwin is saying, there's just something telling him... it's wrong.
Uther, of course, would never even believe anyone would just lie so blatantly and manipulate him like this because he thinks himself very intelligent; which is why he's falling for everythinggg that Edwin says. But, credit where credit's due, Edwin is an excellent liar.
Gaius wears the most cunty ring on his pinky finger, hello?
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I want that ring bro.
Oop, not Gaius having his cowardice and betrayal shoved right in his face. I get it, you wanted safety. But there's consequences to your actions. And I know Gaius feels so guilty about all his friends that died at the stake while he remained safe and sound.
If Gaius would've left in this episode, replaced by Edwin, I bet Morgana would've felt so guilty. In her mind, her illness is what caused him to leave. Gaius truly was there for Morgana and Arthur in ways Uther simply could not.
OOP Gaius and Kilgarrah meeting!!!!!!!! I forgot this happened lmao
Gaius got a little taste of how infuriating the dragon is.
Wait, Gaius was employed for Arthur's birth? That's so interesting. He probably already lived in Camelot but he's been a court physician for 20 years. He was already quite old by then.
It's the way that Gaius is just. Ready to throw his whole life away to make sure Merlin is safe and sound. That's his fucking son, bro!!!
What the actual fuck, they're gonna make me cry :(((( Gaius called Merlin a blessing and his son, I can't.
Gwen is so iconic, speak the fucking truth girl.
Not Gaius with his lil blanket and lil fire. He looks so smol, it's so funny.
Edwin could've waited a lil bit before going all murder on Uther. That just looks suspicious as fuck ngl.
I wonder how Arthur knew that his father was ill. It means he went into his room, but why? Did he have some feeling about Edwin? About Gaius leaving? Was it some courtly concern? I'm assuming no one else would have the privilege of seeing Uther at night except for his son and ward so.
Yes, Merlin, just stare at the floating axe that's being controlled by the evil sorcerer right in front of you, you're so smart. Also the slow-mo is so goofy.
It's interesting that they shot both Merlin and Edwin's eyes up-close when they did magic, Merlin to do the golden eye effect, but for Edwin it seems that his pupils just change size. I wonder if not all sorcerers have their eyes glow, if it depends on the magic. Edwin is using dark magic, could it be that? That's interesting, imo. Dark magic equals no golden eyes. Kinda fun.
Violent ass death for Edwin, damn. Axe to head, bitchass
Oh it must be so weird for Merlin to be touching Uther like that. Like that's intimate as shit.
So cuteeee Gaius calling Merlin a genius, they're adorable. He's so proud. That was a feat, though, just pure improv and luck. Merlin is still a noob at controlled magic so this was really damn good.
Love that it's so canon that Gaius potions taste like fucking ASS. Uther's face, lmao.
Interesting that Uther asked if Gaius remembered his friends that burned at the pyre, and Gaius answers "All of them." and Uther doesn't even comment. As bonkers as it sounds, they truly are friends in some capacities. I wonder if Gaius could make Uther change his mind. Not Morgana or Arthur, but Gaius. But he made the choice to abandon magic, Uther presumed because Gaius understood its dangers, but if he were to find out that actually Gaius doesn't agree, I wonder what Uther would think about that. Like a genuine and open convo about it. I think he'd just arrest Gaius for it, but I don't know. I think there's at least some reality where he gives it some more thought. But I don't know if he'd ever repel the ban, more because he'd have to admit that he was wrong, and admitting you're wrong is also accepting and processing all the shit you did for that wrong thing, and I just think Uther is too cowardly to do so. He knows it would break his mind to truly process all the pain and horror he's caused; so no matter his inner philosophies, he'll never repel the ban, because the damage has been done, and he'd rather live like that than start anew in the new reality where he's wrong.
"In the fight against magic, you are the one person I can trust." yet again. Gaius going against this? Uther can't fathom it. He's so confident that Gaius is 100% on his side.
Arthur smiling at Gaius, awww.
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Two pretty bestfriends. No wonder half the kingdom wants to fuck them both. Also what the fuck is a "freeman"??? Genuinely, what is it??
And that is it. Loved it, of course.
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Hey there! I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on the lost boys and an s/o with an iron deficiency, please? How would they feel about their blood considering their lack of iron? Would they even drink from them considering how easily their s/o gets lightheaded? I'm very curious as to how you would give this.
Thank you! -🦝
They are definitely curious about your medical situation. Especially because it has to do with blood .
An aspect that definitely intrigues them is how it affects you blood.
A certain two boys are intrigued with the difference in shade, almost obsessively so. ( Marco and Paul)
They're all interested with the difference in smell though. Of course all blood has it's own smell, the metallic scent mixing with the hosting humans own, but this smell differs from them. The lack iron affects the smell and leaves more of you, and they can't find reason to dislike it even if they wanted to.
If for any reason they taste your blood they're once again taken by how it tastes more like you than anything else.
They wouldn't actually drink from you unless you practically force feed it to them for what ever reason (Marco getting a free impalement by the Frog bros.)
Other than wondering how your condition affects your blood they also were concerned on how it how it affects you.
Throughout their adventures on the boardwalk walk they soon find out one of the common side affects (fatigue) and though at first they may be a little down that they can't wreck havoc with you as much as they wanted (Marco and Paul(Dwayne likes to start shit from the side and butt in when he wants), they're more than happy to take you back to the cave or if you still want to stay around the board walk, take things at a slower pace.
If you're dizzy they're quick to find you somewhere to sit or lean, staying close to check if your doing okay or need any thing.
They keep snack and water on them just incase
Need a snack sweet thing? No problem, Paul's got you. Has them jam packed in the pockets inside of his jacket like a kid sneaking a boatload of candy into a theater.
Need a water? David has a few in side of his as well.
They make a game of hiding them throughout the cave so no matter where you are in it they just reach around and grab something out for you.
Random containers of peanut butter/fruits
Brittle nails, Paul, Dwayne and Marco definitely have nail painting sessions so you can put that can put that coat of protection on in any pretty color or haphazard/horrendous design they come up with. David has even been known to participate.
Sorry this took so long, tests and Tumblr being on crack. I hope you like this.
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arcanemoxhi · 2 years
❤️I'm Glad To Be Back 🖤
//Vi x Fem! Reader 18+//
MDNI or I'll take you knee caps
Summary: You and Vi had broken up on some unanswered terms and it's been months. You found someone, trying to replace her love but it only ends up with you back on her couch every week until this time, you would be staying for a while.
Warning ⚠️: mentions of a abusive relationship, angst to fluff, smut, fingering, Reader!receiving, Vi!Giving, ex to lovers, soft!Dom Vi, Vi being vulnerable with you, (that's all I can think of)
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Of fucking course.
No matter how fucking long you try, you always end up back to Vi's place. Where you two last broke off things. It was bad and it hurts to be here, but frankly it was better then with your abusive ex.
After you broke things off with Vi, you found an asshole and try to replace that love with this random person. Yet, it all went sideways when they started yelling at you and throwing things at you, glass bottles and such. This resulted you to have multiple sleepovers on Vi's couch. This time, it was in public and everyone in the Last Drop caught it. Though, you're glad that Vander and others were able to catch it and beat that guy to a pulp, you would have to stay at Vi's place for a few days. Vander asked Powder and Ekko to throw out your ex's bullcrap out of your apartment, which will take a few days, since he put almost everything he owns into your apartment.
After that experience at the Last Drop, Vander took you to Vi's place. Vi was there luckily, she must've taken the day off to rest. Once Vi opened the door, she was not happy to see you in a scared broken state. It broke her heart, because she still cared for you despite how things were between you too.
But now here you sit in silence on Vi's couch, Vi pacing back and forth, wondering how to talk to you. Yet, she needed to break the silence and actually talk to you. Vi brings you a water bottle and places it by you as she sat down by you. You have a tear ridden face, quivering, shaking from the cold late night air. You try to hide your face from Vi but that wasn't go to work. Vi will continue to look at you. "do you want to talk about it?" Vi speaks so soft and gentle, you wanted to cry so bad. "... How else do I need to explain it... Same person doing the same shit to me and me resulting to be back here." You sound so quiet and broken, you can't even bring yourself to look up, feeling ashamed. Vi sighs, she has to ask this question. "Why the hell were you even with that coward?! You used to not tolerate bullcrap and you keep falling back to him," Vi heart pounds with anger, seeing you like this. Seeing you do this to yourself. "Look I knew we ended bad, but--"
"Don't you think I know that, Vi?! Everywhere I fucking look you, walking or just doing work for Vander, y-you didn't seem to be fucking effected by our breakup at all!! while I'm here breaking and crumbling into fucking pieces, you constantly being out and not even a good morning passes me by! I stooped this fucking low for that interaction, Vi!" You stood up to match her energy. Vi stood up after to look you in the eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You were the best thing I ever fucking had until I let it go! I didn't know you needed me and I let you through the cracks, because I was focused on our future!!" Vi yelling caused you to flinch, stepping back. The moment you flinched from Vi, it scared her greatly and she pulled you close comforting you, she didn't want to be the monster. No matter how fucking brutal she was fighting, she was always gentle with you. You heard swelled just to be back in Vi's embrace. Not too soon, you started sobbing. "(Y/N), If I could help you before I knew you needed me, I would saved you sooner and stop all these ridiculous hours at work... Y-You know that, right," Vi's voice was quivering as she held you by the back of your head and your lower waist, "I fucking love you, I was so concerned of just living a life with you to meet our expectations as a healthy family... But I felt like I kept failing you..." Vi started sobbing a little. You never heard Vi cry, but you knew something was up when she starts crying. You were so confused where the level of expectations even came from. You quickly cup her face as you watch her tears fall.
"Vi... Where is this coming from...? Did I put expectations on you...? If so, I wasn't trying... I didn't mean too, I was just happy as long as you were happy. I'm confused," you look into Vi's soft pale eyes. "No you didn't... I just wanted to be that providing girlfriend... Potentially wife with our future family and house and... I guess I didn't share my plans with you and got caught up with trying to be what you needed and deserve the most. I felt like I couldn't do the most for you..." Vi laughs a little, wiping her eyes, trying to stop crying. She can't help herself though, she just wanted to be with you and make you happy in the end. The breakup only proved her worst fears. You just kept looking at her and started thinking as it all connects. The late nights, the constant getting up early at dawn despite her coming home at 3 am. Vi wasn't cheating on you or doing the worse. She was building for you and your future to be that providing wife. She wanted to make you proud. You started to tear up a little as you hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry... You deserve the world. you didn't need to that providing wife for me. I wished you told me... I was happy as long as you were happy. Yes I was getting a little sad, but I still wished you told me, that's the time to come to me and we work things out together. You can't shoulder everything yourself, Vi. I just wanted you to be in the present with me, not nose deep in the future." You words calmed down Vi. You constantly remember how Vi always grew up to be that protector for everyone, with little in return. You felt like an idiot for just walking out and not coming back for a month... you both messed up. You held Vi in your arms, as she sniffled and cried. Her apartment was silent except for her crying. As you rocked her and rubbed her back, you noticed there was some beer bottles in the kitchen. "V-Vi..." You mumbled silently seeing those bottles. She was gonna drink herself till she passed out, at least that's the conclusion you came to without going down a worst rabbit hole. Your heart completely shattered and you started to cry with her.
Moments later, you both admitted your faults and apologized. You two would be committed to share every thoughts and be honest with each other. Despite everything that happened at the Last Drop, deep down you were glad to be back here. You two just curled up on the couch and cuddled each other in silence with the hussle and bussle of the lanes in the background. The feeling was wonderful. You never had a better time then being in each other's embrace. Vi got to examine your beautiful face that she fell in love with all over again. "I can't believe I almost forgot what it felt like to wake up to a beauty like you," Vi hummed as she pushed your hair aside. Her tears had dried up by now and so has yours. You giggled and held Vi's hand, giving it small kisses on her bruises knuckles. "it's better to wake up to you, then a half drunk sleep ridden guy." You laugh a little as Vi gives a slight chuckle. "Oh and don't worry, I'm getting my punches in that assholes face. No need to fret about that," Vi smiled a little excited. You don't usually condone violence, but you'll excuse Vi on this case. "You hungry? I can order food for you, since you'll be here again." You shook your head at Vi's offer. "I just want to be here with you again is all," you rest your head against her chest. You sat up and cupped her face. "Would it be too soon that I wanted to kiss you?" Vi asked nervously. You smiled, as you took the leap.
That leap confirmed to Vi that you still love her and she was happy to let you know that she still loved you, possibly more. She rolled and gently laid you under her on the couch. More kisses started rolling in and then as the more came in, the more heated it got. Vi didn't take it to far so quickly, she was just excited to have you all to herself once more. You noticed Vi started to get a little scared. "that asshole didn't...?" Vi almost hesitating. "No they didn't, I wouldn't like anyone take anything that's yours, Vi." You smiled softly as she went in for another kiss. "I won't go any further unless you want me too. That's your choice, baby." Vi was a little nervous, like it was the first time. You cupped her face and kisses her nose. "You can go ahead, it's okay, just be gentle." You gave her a welcoming kiss, giving her consent. She looks at your body, you are so beautiful to her and she can't believe she lost you for a month or two. She starts kissing your body slowly, loving and caring for your body. You smile at her softness, it's a reliever to be in her care. Vi slowly removes your short (f/c) shorts, immediately kissing your thighs and leaving tiny little love bites. You giggle at them and hum in a sensual tone. Vi smiles against your thighs, god how she could spend hours loving your body. Vi gathers your underwear with her fingers and pulls them off. Vi smiles at your bare core and then at your eyes. You're a little shy about it, but Vi loves your shy expression. Vi leans forward and gives you kisses on your cheek. She grazes your bare cunt with her fingers. You weren't wet enough, but the moment Vi started touching your bare pussy, you got instantly wet. You didn't understand it, but past relationships haven't gotten you like this before. It was just Vi and her magic fingers. Vi rubs your sensitive bud and continues to kiss your cheek, as you whine and groan. "You're doing good. Just focus on me, baby, I'm here for you," Vi watches as your face twists and turned at the pleasure. You moan softly as you watch Vi toy your soaking pussy. "Mm, so wet for me, baby. You like that, honey?" You nodded at Vi's respond as she slowly inserts her fingers. Your soft moans are so quiet to Vi, it was very peaceful as she cares for you. Other than your soft moans, the sounds of Vi picking up speed made the room louder. You covered your mouth as she gets faster, until you feel her come inches to your face. "No, no baby, look at me, only look at me. Good girl, don't cover up that pretty voice do yours," Vi spoke so softly to you, there were tears in your eyes from the pleasure and how gentle she was being. It made you genuinely happy and that's what Vi was going for. You move your hands around her neck and you look deeply into her soft pale eyes. "Vi... Vi... Please~" you try to give her a kiss, but Vi moves away. "Use your words, (Y/N), I don't know what you want from me," she smirks as she lays kisses on your faces, purposefully avoiding your lips. "I wanna cum, Vi~ I wanna cum, fuckkk," you drag out your words, pleading to these hot goddess fingering you. Vi wouldn't dare to deny, but give her baby what she needs. She picks up the speed, making you moan louder as your release was coming. "fuck!," Vi smiles at your exclamation and gives you a kiss as you squirm from your release. You pant and cup her face. You just stare into each other's eyes as you come down from you high. "M-My turn..." You smirk at Vi a little breathless. but Vi shook her head. "No baby, you came for me and that's all I needed," You nodded at Vi's request. You moan softly as her fingers does one last teasing push before removing them from your soaking core. She instinctively starts licking her fingers, which made you cover your face. You didn't know how to act when she does so, but she laughs about how shy you get.
Vi loves you so much and you love her equally. She can't wait to marry you. She can't wait to even punch that asshole in the face for you. Vi is just happy for you to be back in her life.
~ ~ ~
A/N: I wanted this to be a hate breakup hard fuck back to lovers until I started making it soft and I couldn't resist, Vi deserves the world 🥺. I'll make another soon like that, but this will suffice until I finish the knight and princess part 1. Aight muah muah love you much, bye
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's 10th member loses her fluffy bunny ft New Jeans' Minji as GF
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend snowy12 who gave me this idea on Tumblr likes it!
The request: Hey I want to request where y/n is dating minji fom newjeans and y/n had a temper tantrum because y/n stuff toy were missing and they ask minji to help calm her down and put her to sleep while they search for it. 
A/N: Hope you're okay with me doing an actual animal since we've already posted something really similar with another idol. Xoxo <3
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N was no stranger to the fast-paced world of K-pop. As the 10th and youngest member of TWICE, she was accustomed to a hectic schedule filled with performances, rehearsals, and media appearances. But behind the stage lights and glittering costumes, she had a quiet, serene world of her own. Her fluffy bunny, Mochi, was her constant companion, a source of comfort and solace in the midst of chaos.
But on a particularly sunny day in Seoul, as the maknae was getting ready for another busy day with TWICE, she realized something was amiss. Mochi was nowhere to be found. Panic started to well up inside her as she searched her room, calling out for her beloved pet. Her fellow TWICE members, who shared a dorm with her, quickly noticed her distress.
Jihyo, TWICE's leader, entered her kid's room, her voice filled with concern. 
Jihyo - Babygirl, what's wrong? Why are you so upset? *frowns*
Tears welled up in the younger girl's eyes as she frantically explained everything. 
Y/N - Mochi is gone, omma! I can't find her anywhere! *tears up*
Jihyo tried to comfort her. 
Jihyo - It's going to be okay, honey. We'll help you look for Mochi. She couldn't have gone far.
The rest of the TWICE members joined in the search, fanning out through the dorm and even the surrounding areas. They called out for Mochi and shook her favourite treats, hoping to lure her out of hiding. But as the hours passed, it became apparent that Mochi was truly missing.
Y/N's anxiety grew with every passing minute. Mochi was more than just a pet, she was a source of emotional support and comfort. TWICE's lovebug had adopted her when she was going through a tough time, and Mochi had become her confidant and companion.
Amid the frantic search, Mina quietly pulled Jihyo aside. 
Mina - Jihyo, our child is having a mental breakdown. She can't handle this. We need to find a way to calm her down.
Jihyo nodded in agreement, her maternal instincts kicking in. 
Jihyo - You're right, Mina. We need to make sure our baby is okay. Let's call her girlfriend, Minji from New Jeans. She might be able to help.
Mina quickly dialled Minji's number and explained the situation. Minji, who cared deeply for her girl, agreed to come over immediately. She arrived at the TWICE dorm, her face filled with concern.
Jihyo greeted her at the door and quickly explained the situation. 
Jihyo - Minji, Y/N/N is really upset right now. We can't find Mochi, and she's having a hard time coping. We need your help to calm her down and put her to sleep while we continue the search. *sad smile*
Minji nodded and followed Jihyo to the SMC's room. Inside, Y/N was sitting on her bed, her eyes red from crying, and her hands trembling. Minji approached her gently and embraced her, letting her lover bury her face on her shoulder.
Minji - My love, it's going to be okay. We'll find Mochi, I promise. But for now, you need to rest. You're exhausted, and I'll stay right here with you. *whispers soothingly*
Y/N clung to Minji, her sobs slowly subsiding. She was grateful for Minji's presence, for the way her girlfriend's calm and reassuring demeanour seemed to ease her anxiety. Minji stroked Y/N's hair, murmuring comforting words, and soon, the maknae's eyes grew heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.
With TWICE's sweetheart resting peacefully, Minji joined the TWICE members in their search for Mochi. They combed every nook and cranny of the dorm, even inspecting the yard and surrounding areas. But there was still no sign of the fluffy bunny.
As the hours stretched on, worry gnawed at Minji's heart. She knew how much Mochi meant to Y/N, and the thought of her being lost or in danger was unbearable. She approached Jihyo, who was leading the search, and gave a suggestion. 
Minji - Jihyo unnie, we need to think of other places Mochi might have gone. Has Y/N taken her outside recently? *thinking expression*
Jihyo furrowed her brow in thought. 
Jihyo - Y/N did mention that she took Mochi for a walk in the nearby park a few days ago. Maybe Mochi ran off there.
Minji's eyes lit up with hope. 
Minji - Let's go to the park and check. Mochi might be there!
The group immediately headed to the park, calling out for Mochi and shaking her treats. Minji was determined, leading the way with a sense of purpose. She knew that finding Mochi was not only essential for her girl's peace of mind but also for the bunny's safety.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a soft, familiar rustling sound caught Minji's attention. She followed the noise, pushing through the bushes, and there, hidden in the undergrowth, was Mochi. The fluffy bunny was scared and dirty but seemed unharmed.
Minji carefully scooped Mochi up, her heart brimming with relief. She rushed back to the dorm, where Y/N was still asleep. Gently, she placed Mochi on the bed beside TWICE's honeybun, who stirred in her sleep and, to Minji's relief, reached out to pet her beloved pet.
The rest of TWICE gathered around, and their faces lit up with joy at the reunion. They watched as Y/N and Mochi snuggled together, the bunny's soft fur providing the comfort and warmth that Y/N had sorely missed.
Mina turned to Minji and began to speak. 
Mina - You're a hero, Minji. You found Mochi and brought her back to us.
Minji smiled, her heart full. 
Minji - I'm just happy that my babe and Mochi are together again. That's all that matters.
As Y/N woke up to find Mochi by her side, her eyes filled with tears of joy. She wrapped her arms around her bunny, whispering words of love and gratitude. Minji sat beside her, holding her hand and watching with a smile.
Y/N turned to Minji and said: 
Thank you, Minji. You're my hero.
Minji leaned in and kissed Y/N gently. 
Minji - I'll always be here for you, no matter what, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you and Mochi happy.
TWICE's youngest smiled, her heart full of love for both her girlfriend and her beloved pet. The TWICE unnies couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness as they witnessed the bond between Y/N, Minji, and Mochi. It was a reminder that, even in the midst of a hectic K-pop world, there was always room for love and family.
And this made them all share the same thought:
I'll love my dear chosen family forever.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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do-not-lick-the-walls · 7 months
a devil put aside | chapter five - truths and lies
masterlist | read on ao3
(gif via @goodsirs)
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beelzebub x fallen angel!reader
summary: you shake a lot of hands, and waver between the true and the false.
(she/her pronouns are used for reader, no use of y/n)
warnings: religious themes & trauma, good lord thats a lot of anxiety from like 4 different directions
ineffable taglist: @sarcastic-sourwolf , @angelofthenight <3
The hallways are much less cramped than they were, and not so hard to see in anymore. You scrape the bottom of the denial barrel and pretend that somebody fixed the lights, which are still flickering sadly, because the thought of your body having warped any more sends you into a wave of nausea. Beelzebub's reassurances can only hold off so much dread at a time.
So, now that the lights are fixed, you're getting a better look at the place. Obviously, it's still disgusting---same water damage, same grime, same clutter---but at least you can see where you're going. And some other details previously missed, like somebody's guts hanging from the ceiling, and the many, many demotivational posters.
"Don't get yourself all worked up about this first bit or anything, it's only paperwork. Getting you checked in and such," Beelzebub explains.
Walking beside them (along with the repaired lights) takes some of the fright out of traversing hell's maze. You're going at a half-stroll instead of the brisk pace you're used to, and the lesser demons move aside to let you pass. It might be a nice(?) walk, actually... if it wasn't for the stares.
Eyes are flocking to you, of course they are, sweeping you over to eagerly form every possible opinion at first and second glances. A chill blossoms beneath your skin as a kind of backwards deja vu pours over your brain, trickling down your spine like cold syrup. You shift closer to Beelzebub. Demons and their hungry, curious gazes peer from all sides. They can smell fear.
You exhale, and touch the pin on your collar. Notice it, you think, See that I'm not to be touched.
The Admissions lobby is full to the brim. Tons of sinners awaiting eternal torment, far too little staff. Promptness doesn't appear to be a concern though, if the various anti-apologies blaring over the P.A. system are anything to go off of. "We'd like to apologize for the wait, but we won't!" Beelzebub cuts through the crowd like butter, and you stay close behind, not eager to be swept out to sea.
You arrive at the front desk and find a very tired-looking demon behind it. He's hunched over some paperwork, scribbling away while a newly-dead sinner waits anxiously. Beelzebub clears their throat, and he jolts upright.
"Ah. Lord Beelzebub, you said you would be coming by..." He locks eyes with you, then quickly breaks, gaze flitting back and forth like he's looking for a place to set down his first impression. Another throat clear prompts him into leaning over the desk to address the crowd. "You'll all have to wait!"
A collective groan rumbles through the lobby, joined by a jaunty "Have A Miserable Eternity!" from the P.A.
"Please, uh. Come with me, Lord. And, uh..." he trails off, uncertain, then settles for "and... you."
He leads you past the counter, into a tiny back office with a concerning number of filing cabinets. Beelzebub plops themself in a chair, leg swung over the side as seems to be their habit, and you sit beside them while the admissions demon takes his place behind the desk. You can't tell whether it's you or Beelzebub that's making him so anxious, but one of you must be doing a damn good job, because he's so jumpy that he almost misses his chair.
"So," he wavers, "I take it you're the Seraph?"
"Not anymore, but yes," says Beelzebub, kicking their other foot up onto the desk. A grain of irritation that they answered for you ticks you in the head, but it quickly bounces off your gratitude for not having to speak.
"I'm Furfur, Senior Admissions Demon." He holds out his hand, grip is a little weak, but not unfriendly as you shake. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and welcome to hell."
You don't dislike him. He doesn't give off the impression of wanting to eat you, for one, a concept that has been very much tugging at the back of your mind over the course of the walk. But all demons are liars, and you never were a good judge of character, so you nod and stay quiet.
"This situation is highly unusual, of course, but I think I've managed to draw up something that should satisfy Lord Dagon," he digs around in a drawer, pulls out a sheaf of paper, and sets it in front of you. "Here you go, love. Look it over if you like, then sign down there." He hands you an old fountain pen.
You read carefully. It doesn't contain a lot regarding your deal with Beelzebub; there's something much more intimate about that. This is mostly confirmation of check-in, terms and conditions, et cetera. Still, you're thorough with your examination. You read the packet four times over before you dip the pen in the inkwell.
The dotted line stares at you. There's power in a name. And your name, your sigil, is now false. You cannot sign with your six-winged eye anymore, all three of you know it. No, you have to name yourself again, something true, something that satisfies. Ink drips onto the page.
You clench your teeth, and you draw a new sigil.
"You'll want to make a good impression," Beelzebub tells you on the way, "Technically, they're below me, but I still need a majority vote on a lot of things, and they keep this place in business. I had to fight them on letting you stay, so you've got to win them over. Put your best foot forward."
You chew on your lip, and touch the pin they gave you.
"Here's a quick rundown. Dagon's the fish, she's Lord of Files and Master of Torments. She's generally wary of everyone, and she'll probably try to test you somehow, so be ready for that. Ligur's got the chameleon, don't ask me why, I don't know either, and don't be alarmed if it changes colors. He's a Duke of Hell, excellent lurker, usually the least aggressive one. And Hastur's the weirdo, also a Duke. Sometimes he's got a frog on his head, sometimes he doesn't. I don't know. I'm not sure how he'll take to you, since I'm pretty sure you scared him shitless back in the war."
You stack all of this into a neat pile. Dagon's suspicious, Ligur's the safest, Hastur's the wildcard. "Alright."
"Don't be shy," they instruct, stopping you at the door. "Be respectful, but not overly polite or subservient. I'll be right there if you need help."
They give you a little smile, swing open the door, and wave you inside.
"Everyone, here she is. Newest of the Fallen, Demon of the Sixth House, and my apprentice."
Warmth creeps over your face at the introduction, and you clasp your hands together before you can do a little wave or something else equally stupid. Come on, be a demon. Remember what they said.
The Council is exactly as described. Dagon has her elbows resting on the table and a calculating eye you can't hold. Ligur and his chameleon, which is sitting on his head for some reason, nod in greeting. Hastur is currently sans-frog, and poorly hiding how his leg bounces under the table. All three are staring at you expectantly.
"Um. Hi."
You mentally kick yourself. Stupid.
"Hello," Dagon replies, looking at you like you're a mushroom that may or may not be poisonous. When you shake, the strength of her grip makes it very clear that she could drag you down to the Ninth if she wanted. "I'm Dagon. Lord of Files and Master of Torments."
Instead of shaking, Ligur presses a kiss to the back of your hand, which makes you freeze, then gingerly take it back. "Ligur, Duke of Hell. It's a pleasure." His chameleon turns green as you lock eyes with it for a very odd moment. A slight buzz hums from Beelzebub's direction.
"I'm Hastur," is all Hastur says.
You and Beelzebub join the table, them kicking their feet up and you definitely not doing that. A torturously awkward moment passes.
"Well," starts Dagon, "what's the summary?"
Before you can even make the 'please help me' face, Beelzebub rescues you from potentially running your existence into the ground. Furfur, you maybe could've talked to; he seemed alright, and too low on the food chain to get you axed. Dagon? No.
"She's agreed to train under me, like we discussed. There's high potential here, and it's coming out already, actually. She started changing maybe an hour or so ago. Growing horns, looks like," they talk easily, so easily that it has to be fake. "We're going to hone that potential. She'll also assist me with things when she's ready, and I'm expecting help from you all as necessary."
Hastur shifts in his seat. You can't help but agree, gripping the arms of your chair.
Dagon turns to you. "Do you speak?"
You recoil slightly, then frown. "Yes."
"Good," she settles her chin on her hands. "What can you do, then?"
Beelzebub jumps in. "Dagon, she's been down here a day, and slept through half of it, you can't expect her to have a handle on---"
"I want to hear her talk herself, Beelzebub. You said she was worth it, so," Dagon fixes you with her hard-cut stare, "Prove it. Why are you here? What makes you so special?"
You blink several times.
Everything that made you special is dead. God gave, and God took away. It's gone, it's done, cut off and closed. You're empty. There's not really much of a point to you anymore, now that you think about it. You're a broken piece in a greater game.
But she's asking you. A rush shoots through your blood. You can lie. It's not like there's any way to fact-check. What's she going to do, call God? God can't hear you down here. You can lie. You just have to do it, now.
You wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt. How do you lie about something like this? And more importantly, how do you get away with it? There has to be a trick to it. There's an answer somewhere. Come on, stupid. Find it.
Maybe you can start with the truth, then spin it, build off of it. That could be easier than making something up. Yes, that could work. You take a deep breath, and put on your best demon face.
"Because I was God's favorite," is what comes out of your mouth. It leaves nothing behind on your tongue, like you didn't say it at all. Like somebody else is the liar, and they're just using your voice as a medium. You force your eyes not to widen, swallow, and keep going. "Everyone thinks it's Gabriel, since he's in charge, but it's me. It was me."
You fist your skirt in your hands, eyes jumping from councilor to councilor. They say nothing.
"She trusted me with the prophets, you know. And I did everything She asked, always. I was nothing but perfect. And you know what it got me?"
The words start to come easier, waterfalling out of you before you can even think about them. Your voice has taken on an unfamiliarly bitter tone. "It got me here. Those bastards upstairs broke me, stapled my eyes shut, and threw me out. I'm here because I fell here, and I'm going to make them regret that."
Dagon gives you a deeply unimpressed look, like you've just given an obviously bullshit powerpoint, and she's about to kick the projector. "That's very nice and all, good sentiment. But what can you do?"
You open your mouth, then close it again.
Under the table, a hand rests on your knee, warm through the gentle roughness of the nylon clinging to your legs. I'm here, it says, keep going. It takes everything you have not to look at them as a second, lying bloodrush courses through your veins, all the way down to your new shoes.
"Nothing yet," you start with the truth again. This time, you imitate Beelzebub as best you can; speaking slowly, winding up intrigue, like you know a secret and you just might be willing to tell. "But if I were to guess, it won't be that way for much longer. God's favorites fall hard. I'm already growing horns, who knows what I could be in a week?"
Vindication tugs at the corner of your lip as Beelzebub squeezes your knee, flushing your body with rose-colored pride. Good job.
You hold your breath as Dagon continues to evaluate you with her narrowed gaze. Her eyes are sharp in the way a syringe is sharp. Calculating, measuring.
Then, she inclines her head, so subtly that it's almost imperceptible.
You've passed the first round by the skin of your teeth.
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