#whereas like. i do think logan would TRY
autumnrory · 8 months
thinking about how like, if ASP had written season 7 with the final four words she used in the revival, that would've been a bummer no matter what, not because you can't make it work getting pregnant that young, obviously the whole premise of the show is someone who did make it work even younger than that, but with a reboot, it COULD HAVE been a truly lovely moment to end on rory telling her mom she's pregnant instead of the shock and horror (lol i saw a gifset the other day and lauren really overplayed the shock, it's so dramatic sdkjfksj like rory is 32, even if her situation isn't ideal, it's not as huge as it might've been at 22) like....just thinking how it could've been a different story, sure, with the typical drama and struggles we see in gilmore girls, but an ending where the pregnancy is good news would've been so much better, to see that bonding moment, to see lorelai find out she's going to be a grandmother and the two of them basking in the joy.....ugh it makes me so sad that they did that to rory honestbhly
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Can I request headcanons for Remy, poly! Logan, and Wade reacting to gn crush telling him that they had been told by their crushes that they're not good-looking and interesting please?
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Poly! Wade and Logan
Bullshit! That is such utter bullshit! You’re so sexy don’t cry! - Wade
The idiot doesn’t know what he’s missing out on if that’s how he thinks - Logan.
Want me to kill them?’ - Wade
Logan would smack Wade on the arm ‘pack it in.’
Both of them didn’t like the prick, they never did but didn’t say anything about it for your sake.
Now? They’ll gladly drag that bastard through the mud and more for making you feel as though you weren’t shit. You are the shit when Logan and Wade are concerned.
Wade will be your hype man during this sensitive time but his affirmations were mainly things like:
You are sexy, you are fierce, you will crush that fuckers skull with your thighs the next time that fucker opens their mouth!
Dog pool likes you more than that fucking disappointment.
Emotions are neither of these men’s strong suit so they’re not going to be the best in comforting you but that doesn’t mean they don’t try to take your mind off of the whole thing.
Logan would be your shoulder to lean on for the teddy bear of a man wouldn’t bring himself to move as you openly ranted to him and Wade about the now former crush.
‘What did I do wrong?’
‘You didn’t do anything wrong and you know it, so stop trying to find a plausible way to blame yourself when the fault falls upon the fucking idiot who rejected you.’ Logan would say as Wade hums in agreement while painting his nails.
Pookie is right- Wade
Don’t call me Pookie- Logan
Pookie and I don’t want to see a cutie like you cry over yesterday’s news, if anything you should be strutting down the hallway to show that you don’t give a fuck.’ - Wade continued with a smile. ‘You don’t need someone like that who’ll abandon you upon the first sign of hardship and instead people who’ll gladly get their hands dirty regardless.’
These two may not know what they’re doing or whether they are doing it right but they’re doing their best to make you feel better and make you feel special, which they already do with Wade’s surprise cuddle piles, but that’s all that counts for you.
Out of the two Logan gives the better advice out of the two whereas Wade will want to trash your former crush’s stuff without getting caught. They both show their care in vastly different ways but you always come out of them with a smile and tad more confidence in yourself.
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Remy LeBeau
‘They lie mon Cher, you are far from what they say and more.’ Remy would say while trying to bite back his own tongue.
This crush, or former crush now, must’ve been the most stupidest person to have ever lived to have called you uninteresting and not good looking.
To Remy you were by far the most beautiful souls he has ever come across and had nothing but love and respect for others you acquaint yourself with, not to mention you had anyone and everyone paying close attention on what it was you had to say.
He didn’t like seeing you become so unsure of yourself from one persons words and would do anything and everything just to prove that they were a bunch of lies made up by someone who doesn’t see you the way he does.
Remy would shower you in affection and praise that didn’t overstep any boundaries.
He’d spend all day and night with you if he must to show that you were more then some words made by someone else, he’d look at you as though you hung the stars in the sky, he’d look at you as though he could see you rather see through you.
It was beautiful to be seen and or looked at the way remy looks at you that it made you forget all about your former crush. He’d remember everything you’ve ever told him, would greet you in the morning with a tender kiss to the back of your hand while comparing you to the most beautiful rose in the garden.
How are you not meant to fall for him when he’s done nothing but sing your praises and listen intently to everything you’ve ever said.
‘Don’t let people like them get to you mon Cher, that’s what they want. They want you to be as miserable as them instead of flourishing like you should be.’ Remy said as he held your hand.
‘But I thought they-‘
‘Were the one?’ Remy asked. ‘We all think the first people we met are the ones for us, until we are proven to only have been blinded by the sweeter aspects of the relationship that we forget that the person we think we will love forever is as flawed as every other human.’ Remy adds as he lets you rest against his side, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead. ‘You’ll find your person.’ He smiled at you.
‘I hope they’re like you then.’ You said as you melted into his side.
‘Or you could just have me yourself.’ Remy would reply.
What’s your answer, will you have him Or wait.
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clip-the-simp · 19 days
Do Over
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Ao3 Master list
Pairing: Logan Howlett // Wolverine x mutant!fem!reader
Word count: 3,898
Cw: light proofreading, fluff, mentions of intoxication, pet names in replace of y/n,
Summary: After the drunken kiss you had given Logan you couldn’t get the scene out of your head. So as you avoided Logan he then confronts you during training.
A/N: Alrighty rooty people! This is the second part to A Long Days Work. I hope y’all like it. Not 100% sure what imma do after this one but I got a pretty good idea. I have several scenarios I can do but they would be more filler then any substantial plot. But let me know what y’all think.
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You had spent three days avoiding Logan as much as possible. The overwhelming embarrassment of what you’d done eating at your thoughts any time he was around. Granted there was only so much avoiding you could do when he seemed to be everywhere you went. He would frequently bring kids to your office to be bandaged up in which you had to speak with him. But he also sought your company whenever he could which added to your overwhelming thoughts.
You hadn’t found the proper words yet to bring up the drunken kiss from that Tuesday night’s outing and it was killing you. It wasn’t like you wanted to stop being around Logan but avoiding him until the right words came to you was best. Although when you couldn’t avoid his proximity you kept your speech to a minimum. The way he acted as if nothing happened and hadn’t brought it up either also caused your brain to overthink more.
However, there was no escaping him when a scheduled training session came. While the two of you trained in the danger room it was definitely impossible not to speak to him. He was still working to get you to use your powers more offensively. So his solution had been to go one on one with you. When he would give you instructions on how to disarm an enemy you simply took it in. Whereas in other times you would’ve teased and joked with him you stayed silent.
“Try again. Focus on restraining me with your powers then go in for the attack.” He told you with his usual gruff tone. Your breathing is ragged as you collect yourself. Logan was able to throw you off easily with every attempt you made and he knew something was up. Sure your offensive skills weren’t great but every time your powers were used to restrain his arms, as soon as you came in contact with him, they would dissipate to allow Logan to throw you.
You caught your breath before charging at him once again. Quickly forming a band of air particles to hold his arms to his sides, you went to sweep his legs out from under him. But as soon as you knelt to the floor and swung out your leg the focus you had on his restraints faded. He jumped back with his arms now free, and while your guard was down he lunged to pin you to the ground.
Before you were able to defend or roll out of his grasp Logan had your hands pinned above your head and your legs sufficiently incapacitated. You hit your head back against the mat and closed your eyes with an aggravated groan. Your thoughts were becoming more focused on Logan while he was on you which you pushed out of your head. You tilted your head to the side to avoid looking directly at him, knowing if you didn’t not so innocent thoughts would acure.
However, Logan could only take your lack of attention in him for so long. Gripping both your wrist in one hand he forced your gaze back to him with the other. A scowl plastered on his face as he looked down at you.
“You’re sloppy. What’s going on in that head out yours?” He said with a firm grip on your face. Your eyebrows furrowed and you couldn’t help mirroring the look Logan had. As you started to speak he released his grip on your face.
“You don’t want to know.” With your words his hold on your wrist tightened, a slight pain starting to form. A hiss slipped through your teeth before you bite your tongue.
“If I didn’t wanna know I wouldn’t have asked. Now spill.” He demanded, leaning down to invade your space. You tried to buck your hips to get him off but he was firmly planted on top. Your brow softened and your full focus was on him. You felt so small under him and even more so as he continued to glare down at you.
“Get off me Logan.” Your voice was leveled but there was a hint of a plea in your words. Logan’s expression didn’t falter but his grip on your wrist loosened to allow circulation back to them.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” Logan’s voice wasn’t nearly as gruff as his face let on. He was worried and you knew that. You had gotten to know his expressions and vocal cues to understand what was going on behind his eyes. However you still couldn’t bring yourself to admit to Logan how much you loved him.
“Then we’re going to be here a while.” You snapped back with a bit of challenge in your tone. Logan was unmoved and simply kept a strealy gaze trained on you.
“Fine by me.” He said without moving an inch. His eyes burrowed into your own as he kept his focus trained on you. The pressure became too much as the guilt and embarrassment seeped into you.
It wasn’t Logan’s fault you couldn’t confront your feelings. Couldn’t put words to the deep love and admiration you held for him over all those centuries. But in that moment you were being forced to confess to so much more than you had been ready for. A shaky exhale left your lungs as you began to speak.
“Logan. I’m sorry.” You said, voice cracking slightly as you kept tears from rolling. It wasn’t the time to be an emotional crier. You blinked away the excess wetness while Logan looked down at you confused.
“For what? You haven’t done anything-“ he began, but you quickly cut him off. Not wanting your words to leave you before you could put them out there.
“I didn’t want our first kiss to be like that.” You blurted, words seemed to blend together as they came out. Logan looked shocked for a moment before realization hit him. You’ve been wanting to kiss him for longer than he had known. That knowledge caused a smirk to adorn his face.
“How long have you had plans to kiss me?” He teased, leaning in just a bit more. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. As if Logan staring into your eyes would give away more of your secrets.
“Far longer than I care to admit.” You informed him. Letting your head fall to the side to rest against your arm that was still pinned above you.
“Then let’s try again.” Logan said as he leaned back, hands leaving your wrist. He still had your legs pinned but you didn’t pay attention in your shock. Your eyes flew open and you found his eyes. There was no lie behind his gaze and he meant it. He wanted another kiss.
“What?” The nonchalant suggestion from him caught you far off guard. The implications that he saw you as more than just a friend causing your heart to flutter.
“You heard me.” He rolled his eyes not wanting to make a big deal of the situation. “Meet me near the oak tree after dinner.” He instructed you. Your cheeks grew hot as reality began to sink in.
“O-ok.” You couldn't help the stammer that came out as Logan proceeded to get off you. He reached out a hand to help you up which you gladly took. Already missing the feeling of his warmth encapsulating your body.
“I think that’s enough training for the day. I’ll see you later.” He bid you a quick farewell and made his way to the door. But before Logan left he turned back to you.
“Don’t be late.” And with that he left before you could reply with anything. You pressed your hands to your face and felt the heat radiating from your cheeks. There was a spinning in your head from it all. You couldn’t believe what had happened. Logan didn’t hold any destain for the previous kiss, and on top of that he was willing to do it over.
“Holy shit.”
The remainder of the day passed at an agonizing pace. Even with only a few hours before dinner the world felt slower than normal. You had taken a shower after training like you normally would and proceeded to make yourself look presentable.
You decided on wearing one of your more casual dresses. Nothing too fancy but still something nicer than your work scrubs. Once you were fully confident in yourself you made your way down stairs. Before you even made it through the door you stopped when you noticed Rouge instantly giving you a shocked look.
“Don’t you look nice? Got a date?” Rouge asked, sitting in one of the island chairs as you stood by the door. You leaned against the door frame, crossed your arms, and shrugged your shoulders. Trying to seem nonchalant about your secret meet up with Logan.
“Not exactly.” You said with a sheepish smile. There was already the smell of food being prepared in the air. One of your eyebrows rose as you straightened up and began to walk into the kitchen.
“Who’s cooking dinner tonight?” You asked as you peaked your head around the corner of the fridge that was blocking your view.
“Remi is.” Rouge said, pointing to the man at the stove. You turned the corner and spotted Gambit in his apron along with a ladle in his hand. You let out a dramatic sigh as you leaned against the island.
“And I thought I was going to go a week without food poisoning.” You said winking at Rouge who chuckled at your remark. Gambit turned around and pointed the ladle at you with furrowed brows.
“If you don’t like Gambit’s cookin’ you’re always welcome to make your own meals. More for the rest of us.” He said before turning back to the pot and stirring the food inside. Rouge and you chuckled at his half joking remark.
The food he was making was only meant for the adults of the school, the students had already eaten an hour before and were already in bed for the night. The teachers always ate later due to grading and other adult responsibilities. But it was always a pleasant experience to share a meal with the other teachers at the end of the day.
“You know I’m just pulling your leg.” You said with a smile before moving to the fridge to grab a drink from your designated supply. Typically you kept all your favorite foods and drinks up in your room like the other teachers. However you didn’t mind sharing with the students from time to time.
“Have you seen Logan recently?” You turned back to the other two before popping the lid off your drink and taking a sip. Rouge and Gambit looked at one another. He shrugged while Rouge looked back at you.
“Not for a while Sugar. Although the stuff he uses to make that poutine dish of his is gone.” She informed you which caused your heart to sink a little. Part of you was hoping to see Logan during dinner, but you should’ve known he would be off eating by himself. He typically stayed away from the group dinner situation unless he knew you were cooking that night.
“Thank you Rouge.” You acknowledged her before taking another sip of your drink. It ran cold down your throat as it reached your stomach. You had started to dissociate from this situation but Gambit got your attention back once he began to speak.
“I think I heard him talking to himself early in his room.” Gambit chimed in, still stirring the pot. Both literally and metaphorically. Your focus switched from him to Rouge as she began to add on.
“Wouldn’t be the first time. Man might not say much in front of folks but he’s quite the mumbler when he’s alone.” She wasn’t wrong either. There had been many occasions you had walked by his class room where he would be hunched over his desk mumbling about grading papers. You always enjoyed watching him for a moment before interrupting his thoughts to talk with him.
“Who are we talking about?” A familiar voice asked which broke got from your thoughts. You turned to the door and saw Scott with Jean in tow. You smiled at them as they joined the three of you in the kitchen.
“Logan.” Gambit answered them flatly as he focused on adding some seasoning to the food. You took another sip of your drink as Scott let out a scoff.
“Oh Mr. ‘I’m too good to eat with everyone else’?” He asked in a mocking tone which earned him a light smack to the shoulder from Jean. Along with an eye roll for yourself.
“The very same. Sugar here was asking about him.” Rouge outed you as she pointed to where you leaned against the granite top. Your face burned as the attention was focused on you.
“Is that why you’re all dressed up?” Jean asked with a warm smile. She already knew the answer to her own question. You had confided in her and Ororo about your feelings for Logan on many occasions. However every time they encouraged you to confess to him you always got flustered. Before you could properly answer Jean, Gambit beat you to it.
“Hey now maybe she just felt like getting fancy for Gamit’s cookin.” He said with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes as did everyone at his remark. Having finished your drink you walked behind Gambit to the trash and gave him a light tap on his back as you passed.
“In your dreams swamp rat.” You remarked making your way to the trash while everyone chucked. A smile graced your face as the room was filled with laughter.
For the rest of the evening everything was joyful as usual. Laughter filled the kitchen and dining room as food was dishes out. Charles and Storm showed up a few minutes before dinner was ready while Hank and Kurt appeared right before everyone was seated.
Conversation flowed like it usually did. Everyone talking about their day and the misshapes that occurred. It was always a wonderful way to end your day. Once all the food was gone and the conversation had died down you looked at the clock and realized it was eight thirty.
Grabbing your plate you excused yourself before walking to the sink. Taking the time to quickly wash your dishes and drying them to put them away in the cabinet. You bid everyone a good night before making your way to the back door. There were murmurs coming from the dining room but there was only one sentence you could make out from Scott.
“Do you think it’s actually going to happen?”
The air was warm just as it had been all week. It was a pleasant feeling on your skin as you made your way across the yard. Glancing into the pond as you passed to admire the light of the moon dancing across its surface. It wasn’t a far walk to the spot Logan told you to meet at. The tree being a fairly common landmark to gather around.
As you approached the oak tree you noticed the man you’d been anticipating all evening. He was leaning against the tree with his eyes trained on the moon hanging in the sky. However when you rounded the corner his attention turned to you. A smile appeared on his face as he recognized your presents.
You took a moment to take him in. Noticing that his usually messy cat ear hairdo was styled in a more uniformed way. His clothes also seemed to be cleaner than he usually kept himself. The blue flannel he wore didn’t have any stains or stray bullet holes unlike the majority of his clothing. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows which gave you the perfect look at his arms as they flexed. Although his clothes were clean, he still wore the flannel like usual. It was completely open to show off his undershirt that was tucked into his usual worn out jeans. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you looked at him.
“You didn’t have to get all dressed up for little ol me.” You said, closing the distance between the two of you. He pushed off the tree and stood toe to toe with you as he smiled down at you.
“You’re one to judge. I never see you in dresses. Besides on undercover missions obviously.” Logan remarked as he ran one of his hands down your bear arm, taking your hand in his as he reached it.
“What can I say? It’s hot.” You remarked while using your free hand to fan your face. It was a poor excuse since it wasn’t truly that hot. Logan gave you a teasing smirk pulling you a bet closer by the hand he was holding.
“It sure is.” He said, referring to the dress you were wearing. Your face grew red from embarrassment but you couldn’t help smiling as you hit his chest with the back of your free hand.
“Not like that!” You couldn’t help the way your voice rose when you were embarrassed. Logan laughed when you hit him only taking the opportunity to move his hands to your hips. Pulling you flush to his body as he leaned in a little closer to you. His hold on you was gentle and warm as his heat radiated through his clothing. You lifted your hands to rest on his shoulders as his thumbs began to rub circles where they laid.
“So doll face.” His right hand moved up your body before stopping at your cheek. Running his finger over it as he kept his gaze fixed on yours. A warm feeling began to build in your body.
“You have me. How did you imagine that first kiss you’ve been planning for oh so long?” There was a hint of teasing to his question but with the way he held you there was no doubt he was, for the most part, serious. However the way he phrased his question threw you off which caused your blush to remain a deep red.
“I- honestly I can’t decide. It’s embarrassing to say I have too many scenarios of how I wanted it to go.” You confessed before covering your face with your right hand. Logan took his left hand from your hip to take the one you used to cover your face. Bringing it back to his shoulder as he put his hand back on your hip.
“Then perhaps I’ll show you how I pictured it.” He suggested before the hand on your face moved to cup the back of your neck. Logan slowly brought your face closer to his as he leaned down to close the gap.
As your lips met you instinctively brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. The burning desire to keep him as close as possible to you grew as he deepened the kiss. It started out soft but once your arms were around his neck he couldn’t help gripping onto you tighter. Too eager for his own good, Logan took that opportunity to slip his arm around your waist and pull you deeper into him.
However you hadn’t realized the lack of oxygen you had consumed before the kiss so had to break away before it got too heated. Your eyes remained closed as you breathed in deep before focusing your vision back on Logan. His hand still cupped the back of your neck and it had just registered that his other had snakes around your waist.
“That- was better than I imagined.” You told him breathlessly. Quickly realizing how stupid you sounded in such an intimate moment. You couldn’t help burying your face in his shoulder to hide it. After centuries of pining over the man that was all you could say after kissing him? Logan let out a laugh which reverberated through him and you felt through his hold still on you.
“Oh ya?” His words got your attention as you looked back into Logan’s eyes. Both his arms moved to securely hold you as close as he could get you. He leaned his head down, his breath brushing over your ear as he began to speak in a low tone.
“Well maybe-“ but before he was able to get the words out there were sudden noises coming from the tree tops. The sounds of crashing limbs and a few pained noises followed when a blue man landed in the grass beside you. Laying on the ground was Nightcrawler. A sheepish smile appeared once he realized he was caught.
“Hi guys.” He said as he slowly stood, rubbing the back of his neck as another pain ran through him from the fall. Your face turned a bright red with embarrassment while Logan glared at the elf.
“Kurt!” The two of you yelled in unison. Your voice held an edge of shock while Logan’s was laced with anger. You tried to pull away from Logan to check on Kurt but his hold got tighter when you tried to leave.
Before he got yelled at any further, Kurt vanished with a puff of sulfur smoke. Leaning back slightly you could see past the tree and into the dinning room through the window. Although it was hard to make out who was in there, you had your speculations. You also had a feeling you knew exactly why Kurt had been there. Sent in by the group to spy and tell them how you and Logan were doing. Bets had surely been placed on if Logan and you would finally kiss.
“There goes the moment.” You said with a deep sigh as you looked back at Logan. His hold loosened a fraction to allow you some movement within his arms. He gave you a soft smile before placing a kiss on your forehead and fully letting you go. His arms leaving your waist rather reluctantly. Not wanting to fully rid himself of your touch he held both your hands in his as he began to speak.
“I wouldn’t count on that. Can’t say I haven't wanted to do that for quite some time myself.” He told you, his thumbs beginning to rub over your hands. The familiar feeling caused your smile to appear along with the recognition of his words. Logan leaned down to your ear, his breath ghosting over your skin as he spoke.
“Maybe next time I can show you what else I’ve been wanting to do.” His words caused a shiver to run up your spine while he pulled away. Before you could speak his lips met yours once again. Only for a brief moment, long enough for you to kiss back, before he was pulling away again with a smile.
“But for now you need to get some rest. It’s late.” Logan acknowledged, brushing a stand of hair out from in front of your face. The consideration for your well-being made you smile a little wider. Nodding in agreement, but not wanting to leave him just yet, you came up with a simple request.
“Walk me to my room?” You asked. Knowing he wouldn’t say no to it. He always walked with you regardless of the safety the school provided. He smiled down at you and gave a quick nod.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
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luzisahomosexual · 6 months
‘Dissecting’ this picture bc it gives me life.
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I love everything about this photo.
The matching bracelets, the positions they each sleep in…EVERYTHING.
Logan ~ Logan is doing his usual curl up in a ball pose, which is ofc adorable. He’s also in the corner, almost forming a wall around the ones that need the most care atm (Aiden, Ash & Tyler)
Ben ~ Ben is holding the whole group together. He’s got his arms around them all, protecting them all from anything and everything. He would do anything for them. He has his arm around Taylor and is possibly??? looking down at her, YAY BENLOR🤭 he’s also got an arm on Logan’s back, putting his arms around the whole group
Taylor ~ Taylor is leaning her head on Bens shoulder, again YEY BENLOR🤭 Tyler is lying on her lap, which I personally find absolutely fucking adorable. It’s almost like their whole childhood, they looked out for eachother but Tyler was more the protector, pushing his fears back in order to be able to comfort Taylor and be there for her, whereas now it’s almost like Taylor is pushing her fears back so that she can be there for Tyler when he needs her, he is the one being comforted for once.
Tyler ~ Tyler seems still slightly agitated wich makes sense everything considered, but he DEFINITELY needs this hug thingy (wtva u wanna call it) he’s been through so much and has always felt the need to be the person taking care of everyone else. If this happened earlier in the webcomic, Tyler would 1000% be anoyed, lying as far to the side and away from everyone as he could. He would probably be on the edge and have his back to everyone, ik he’s technically still on the edge now but he’s also not. He’s proper IN the snuggle sesh yk? Idk how else to explain it-😭🤚
Aiden ~ I love EVERYTHING about the way he’s lying. He’s on bens lap, we need more of their cousin bond😤 But he’s also protecting ASHLYN in every possible way. He’s almost suffocating her…he has his head behind hers, one arm lying across her and the other on her lap AND he’s almost acting like a caccoon (idk how to spell that word mb) the way he’s surrounding her. Also THE HAND HES GOT LYING ACROSS ASHLYNS LAP IS ALSO HOLDING TYLER??!?! this is such an adorable detail I havnt seen anyone point out😭 Aiden and Tyler have probably had the hardest time trying to get along out of everyone in the group. They are practically opposites, Aiden constantly makes jokes and laughs as a way to hide his saddness and pain, he acts almost childish, like he’s searching for the childhood he never had…where as Tyler is always serious and stubborn, he hides his pain through anger and pushes it far below, instead focusing on those who need him because he’s to afraid to face his own worries. They all bonded over the trauma they shared being in the phantom world but it’s almost like Tyler & Aiden bonded deeper due to their experiences with death. They both know what it felt like to die, the difference is that Tyler was only worried about Taylor & his mum, thinking of what would happen if he wasn’t there for them, not wanting to leave them like their dad had. Where as Aiden was almost ready to die, he’s always thought about what it would feel like so he kind of just let it happen, however when he then woke up and realised how worried Ashlyn was, all that want for death dissipated because he didn’t want Ashlyn to ever be that afraid again.
Think I went on a random nonsense rant for a while there…my bad…ANYWAY LAST BUT NOT LEASTTTTTT
Ashlyn ~ Ash is in the centre of them all. She’s being surrounded and protected by her friends. Also, she has a thing for people being to close to her but she isn’t even looking uncomfortable. I don’t have a lot to say anymore tbh cos I tired myself out w that mini rant💀 but one last thing I will point out is, SHE HAS HER LEGS OVER AIDENS. IDK I JUST FIND THAT SO ADORABLE. LOOK AT THEM. THEY R EVERYTHING.
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I like The X-Files, should I watch Fringe?
I decided to watch Fringe because it was frequently recommended as a show for fans of TXF. I was really curious how similar it would be and would I actually enjoy it? I'm only on S2 E5, so this post will be my impressions of the first season. I'll probably write another post after watching more of the show. I'll also try to make this as spoiler free as possible so anyone can read it!
What is Fringe about? The main character is FBI Special Agent Olivia Dunham. We meet her when she's assigned to a case in which everyone on board a plane dies from a mysterious illness. The plane lands successfully at Boston Logan (due to some auto-landing feature - not sure if this is even real) and this is where we find out that Boston (aka Vancouver) is our setting for the show. Dunham traces the mysterious illness back to the research of a former Harvard professor (Dr. Walter Bishop), who is currently in a psychiatric institution, and she needs his son (Peter Bishop) to get him out. By the end of the episode, the three of them form the core of the Fringe division, a cohort of agents and consultants working on unexplained cases (sound familiar??).
How are Fringe and TXF similar?
Both shows center on a special division within the FBI that involve unexplained phenonomen.
Both are filmed in Vancouver.
Both feature monster of the week and mythology episodes.
Both have a strong female lead.
Both have the potential for romance between the two leads (Olivia and Peter).
How are the two shows different?
Fringe features an ensemble cast, whereas TXF was really only Mulder and Scully. I enjoy the relationships between the characters (like Peter and his father, and Walter and Astrid), but the show hasn't done a great job of fleshing out characters aside from the core three. Poor Astrid has pretty much no personality aside from performing lab work with Walter.
The show does not have the same atmosphere as TXF seasons 1-5, even though they're both filmed in the same locale. It might be because of film vs. digital, but the cinematography on Fringe is lacking compared to the beautiful forests we're used to seeing on TXF.
Fringe does a great job of tying a majority of their monster of the week episodes back to the main mythology. The problem with this is that it's hard to watch these episodes independently as they don't have a truly self-contained story.
The mythology storyline is well-developed and I heard that there's actually a plan for the plot (unlike TXF).
Fringe is sci-fi. There are no paranormal, supernatural, or horror elements.
Other impressions:
It took me about halfway through season 1 to start getting into the show, and it seems like that might be some others' experience (and why they may have stopped).
I find it hard to follow the cases sometimes, because they involve technology that is extremely advanced or currently doesn't exist at all, and it seems like the writers don't really understand it either.
I have a feeling we'll be seeing a romantic relationship between Olivia and Peter at some point and I think the show is doing a good job of slowly developing their bond. I've also heard that Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson did not get along on set (sound familiar??) but they have decent chemistry - not as good as David and Gillian but as we all know, there's not a fair comparison.
There's random things that rub me the wrong way, like Walter performing autopsies (someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he's an MD, just has several PhDs), how every single case relates back to Walter's research (this man is like 10 Einsteins because he was conducting experiments in every field and all of it beyond the realm of known science), Walter touching dead bodies at crime scenes without gloves (I know this happens in TXF but it's so egregious in Fringe). Despite all this, I do like Walter's character and I think John Noble gives an excellent performance.
Olivia Dunham is a well-rounded character and Anna Torv is great. I really enjoy the relationship she has with her sister and niece.
So far, I enjoy the mythology episodes more than the monster of the week, which is the opposite of my opinion for TXF.
It's funny that there are 15 years between the premiere of TXF (1993) and Fringe (2008) and about another 15 years to present day (2024). But Fringe seems so modern compared to TXF. You can barely tell it's 15 years old, except for the lack of iPhones and I'm sure even that will change in the next few seasons.
Should I watch it??
If you really enjoy sci-fi, I would say definitely check it out. If you're on the fence, or don't like sci-fi at all, I would skip this one.
It probably sounds like I don't enjoy Fringe based on my above points. I think part of it is that I am comparing it to TXF, even while watching, and TXF is definitely better (imo). I also enjoy horror more than sci fi. But, Fringe is holding my interest for now and I've heard that it improves throughout the seasons, so I'm going to keep watching.
I'll definitely write an update post at some point - if I finish the show or stop watching it.
I'm so curious to hear the thoughts of others who have watched Fringe! Do you agree with my assessments so far? What are your opinions and how does it compare to The X-Files for you?
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mecachrome · 3 months
Hi k! I think you’ve maybe mentioned this before but if you want would you share any thoughts on the Jenson/Oscar/Lando dynamic (either observed or in your fic!)? Love your scholarship as always.
omg i would love to but disclaimer that this is like an entirely fictional dynamic of course and basically just something i want to see in badvibez fic HLSDFHLKH. actually as a jendo 1oa shipper my Very very early idea was one-sided attraction on lando's side + 814 fwbs but eventually i fell down the jb81 brainworms path...
oh but in terms of observed dynamics, one thing i remember very clearly from 2022 is when crbgate was happening and jenson was talking to skysports about it like "i've been through this situation before but actually i was wrong and selfish 😊 oscar shouldn't make enemies in his career so early when he's literally never driven in a formula 1 car ❤️" in that lowkey condescending (affectionate) way of his which was hilarious to me fsr because like. well to be clear Many pundits/tps/etc. were speaking presumptuously on oscar's situation and often it was through this lens of "surely one team can't be that fucking stupid and incompetent right?" (spoiler alert: well you know) but Still... because mark webber (we'll get to him) was actually managing oscar correctly and oscar WASN'T as stupid and brash as young jense. similarly people love comparing oscar's driving style to jenson's and i remember once during an fp session someone doing it right before oscar went off and jenson was like ...Okay then. :) HLSDFH like i do think jenson rates and likes oscar don't get me wrong i just also think that 1) jenson is obnoxiously obsessed with and loyal to lando and 2) jenson can get carried away with the Narratives like any other pundit but... he's also pretty clearheaded and objective with where oscar's current level is and doesn't ever praise him senselessly, which interests me because of how much old people adore oscar and hype him up. also the first f1 race oscar ever watched was melb 2009 which jenson won... guy who meticulously studied canada 2009 as race prep two weeks ago 🧡
basically the idea of the fic really is that Literally Everyone Ever is obsessed with jenson button except for oscar. and Literally Everyone Ever around jenson's age is charmed by oscar except for jenson. and oscar's like ok yeah he's cool but what is so great about this guy... has logan texting him going all mate seriously he's actually so nice 🥰 and lando turns beet red every time jenson so much as breathes near him in the paddock and he and alex get along swimmingly and everyone he talks to seems to think jenson is the funniest guy alive. he's like ??? PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER.
also what i love about jenson is that he's so good at playing mindgames by never succumbing to them in the first place. which is a distinctly oscar piastri quality... so like i love the idea of their banter/dynamic being very insincere but in this distinctly light-hearted and polite way??? like they're both clearly trying to fuck with each other but they're having fun with it. ok actually sorry let me just paste an entire text post. Basically c'est comme ça:
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also this is something chel and i discussed once but the hilarity of jenson and mark is that jenson treats the young brits like they're his mates but actually maintains some sort of moral emotional/physical distance whereas markw is out here like calling oscar his kid and pup while being... i mean. You know. hasklfdh anyway i LOVE their dynamic in the context of jendo/jb81/814 etc. because while jenson and mark are friends mark will always be that loser who never got his wdc and lost to seb every time... which really the latter is the most embarrassing to him imo because jenson lowkey rates beating lewis higher than winning his championship.
tl;dr: when you're in a Make Everything about lando norris competition and your opponents are jenson and oscar
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tbh i kind of gave up on this a while back but then miami brought everything back because JENSON was there and then i was just like >>>THE DELICIOUSNESS OF JENSON BEING THERE FOR LANDO'S WIN AND OSCAR FLOPPING... there is nothing more delicious to me than sleeping together about another person imo. and it first happens in silvo or something because they have all these misdirected feelings about lando who is Inaccessible to them for different reasons (jenson: thinks he's being an upstanding citizen by only lusting after lando from afar / oscar: has been told by mark webber to not hook up with a teammate. never said anything about old rivals though) and then it keeps continuing because oscar's season kind of goes to shit once they hit the americas and well... you get the gist.
i could talk about this forever tbh. even though it makes NO sense <3 can someone please write me jb81 😭😭😭
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au where Greg is raised with the Roys
So I am thinking when Greg is around 11/12, he and his mom and grandpa come to Roy’s Thanksgiving celebration. And when Ewan and Logan inevitably start fighting and Ewan begins to storm away, instead of just following Greg asks “Can I stay here?” Because his dad just left, his mom is distraught, at least here he has someone to talk to (even though his cousins are kind of mean to him), and there is a lot of cool stuff to play with. 
And Logan is fucking delighted. 
The thought of stealing his brother’s grandson from him is one of the greatest gifts that just fell right into his lap. Of course, he would be happy to take care of his nephew. And Marianne, barely keeping it together after being betrayed by her husband thinks that maybe it might be better for Greg to be with his uncle and cousins. 
And so now Greg is officially one of the Roys. Except he learns very quickly that he is not on the same standing as his cousins. He is not entitled to the same benefits by virtue of being Logan’s kid. He lives through 100% bargaining for his place. He does what Logan says and Logan gives him what he wants. 
And honestly? Greg can work with this. Ewan had the exact same relationship with him, but at least it is easier to figure out what the fuck Logan wants him to do compared to Ewan’s overly specific and indiscernible moral requirements. 
But if Logan knows how to do one thing, it is manipulating his family. He gives Greg random tasks or milestones to complete in exchange for security and power, then turns around and uses it to undermine his kids. (for example, Logan tells Greg he will only pay for two years of college so he has to graduate by then later calling Roman a fucking idiot because his cousin graduated in half the time it took him). 
Basically this leads to Greg and the Roy kids having a terrible relationship where the kids hate Greg because Logan uses him as a weapon against them whereas Greg resents them because they have security and stability that he doesn’t have. 
Tom starts dating Shiv and somehow Greg and him never meet (even though Shiv has told him all sorts of nasty and awful things about her Iago-like cousin) because Greg is like in grad school or something and is not around. BUT they do eventually meet at Logan’s 80 birthday party, where Greg states that he wants to finally have a position at the company. Logan loves causing problems on purpose and manages to inform everyone that Greg and Tom will both be at Parks (before having a stroke lmfao). 
Tom doesn’t really know how to feel about Greg until they are at a family dinner and Roman has been insulting Tom all night but when Logan asks Greg what he thinks about Tom and Greg goes “oh he is um really hardworking and um smart? :)” and this happens to coincide with when Logan particularly thinks Roman is a fucking idiot and so Logan starts being way nicer to Tom as a result. Tom immediately like this is my brother in arms he is my forever ally we will weather the storm of the Roys together.
Meanwhile, Greg is mad at Shiv because she fucked him over somehow and so he is trying to steal her fiance. 
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murdererofthumbs · 1 year
I think we can all agree, after this episode, that Roman is going down into incredibly dark spiral, which will only get worse, because he is not processing his grief, like, at all. I think Lukas’s words had to be ringing through Roman’s head this whole episode, when he said that if Logan was here now, he would be embarrassed (disappointed, always fucking disappointed) in what Kendall and Roman are doing with his legacy. It shows in the way that Roman aggressively tries to exert the control over his situation and his self-image, by firing people who he should be keeping close. All because he thinks that this is how his dad would behave, that this is what he would have wanted (and because everyone is seeing him as a failure, as ‘not good enough’ replacement for Logan, as a joke that he always was and always will be). There is a clear disconnect between his actions and his emotions, and everything in-between is just a dull afterimage of repressed guilt, and grief, and loss that he cannot possibly overcome. He is trying to regain power, even though he doesn’t want it, even though it was drilled into him that he can only be happy when all his control is taken away from him.
Roman does have lucid moments throughout this episode, where he realises that he pushed too far and made a mistake, but he doesn’t have the support that he needs to reel him back from the downward spiral of self-destructive power trips. Kendall is too wrapped up in his own manic sense of grandiosity, whereas Shiv attempts to keep herself from being pushed away from the business, by manipulating the situation to retain the sense of control. And Roman is left by himself in this sense of loss, where the only person who made him validated was gone forever; where he will never be able to get the same feeling of approval that only Logan was able to grant him. His sun is gone, and he is left stranded in the darkness, freezing in his own shame and self-hatred and sense of inadequacy. Roman Roy always gets it wrong.
The crucial problem is that Roman is never going to be able to comfortably emulate Logan. He is too guided by his emotions, too attached to the concepts of love and family, that the vulnerability that is an integral part of who he is, usually ends up being his downfall. His hurt feelings are always going to take the front seat, and guide his actions straight into self-destruction. In this episode, both of his attempts to imitate his dad ended with frenzied firing, and committing really two cardinal mistakes, one of them definitely bigger than the other. But most importantly, each time he did it, you could see a certain twitchiness about Roman (which was always there, like a background noise that could be easily missed if it wasn’t ringing so loudly), how his body inadvertently knows that this behaviour doesn’t fit, that it’s not really who he is, that he cannot possibly be a killer, when he spent so much of his life balancing on the edge of the knife. How his upbringing caused him to mistake abuse for love, to the point when he seeks that sense of degradation and shame as the only ways to reach fulfilment. To make him whole. Without Logan, Roman is just a landfill of shattered pieces, a puppet with his strings cut off, breaking at the seems. From episode to episode that grief for all he has lost, and for all he will never be able to get, keeps pouring out, and I don’t know how long it will be until there is nothing left to give.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
i keep seeing so many wildly different takes on the tomshiv fight so i'm gonna throw in my two cents. prefacing by saying that i do really think there is little point in trying to count how many blows one of them struck against the other bc ultimately this was a relationship that was dishonest and mismatched from the get-go. similarly, it's relatively pointless to argue over which character in this show is "more awful" than the other bc they're all arseholes, so i guess the best way for everyone to make a distinction is to just go by your personal benchmark of annoyance. people have different thresholds for what they consider annoying behaviour and rate social transgressions via an individual hierarchy. so, for some people, shiv's cheating might be a bigger infraction than tom's betrayal and so on. but these different reactions ultimately reflect the commentator's sensibilities; they are not meant to be reflective of a universal, immutable truth.
that being said, i personally am leaning more towards tom's side of the argument. he has just spent an entire evening witnessing his wife demean him repeatedly (not a solitary incident or a joke gone wrong) to his guests in his own house and hearing about how he's going to get fired (news to him). he's sleep-deprived and is going to have a very busy and long day tomorrow since it's election day. so he tries to extricate himself from the situation and simply go to bed. i generally see tom as a slimy corporate suck-up but this was really a very composed, civilized reaction. he repeatedly tries to pacify shiv and disengages but she keeps needling him bc she is suddenly regretting her own schemes. she complains that she's betraying her family for this as if it wasn't her idea in the first place - no one was forcing her to go through with it at any point. her plot was so half-baked that it turns out she threw her husband under the bus in front of their guests for nothing, as "a tactical joke". i mean?? i feel like tom is in the right to point out her hypocrisy and extreme privilege here.
so far i think that most people would agree with what i've said, but the thing that i think sets this apart a little is that this is classic shiv behaviour. she repeatedly disregards tom's feelings and situation and minimizes his problems in favour of her own. so tom being upset by her agreeing with the firing rumour is immediately brushed aside because the REAL problem here is that shiv's plot is gonna fail and she's gonna lose against ken and rome. which isn't actually a real problem anyway because she's going to be rich AF no matter what.
i will diverge now from the generally-accepted takes and say that tom pretty much clocks shiv's behaviour but, while she does spell out some truths about him, part of what she says are delusions and projections. tom does impart some hard-hitting truths like calling her broken, not a good person to have children or incapable of love. these things are not false and they are also not insults. i really don't get why so many are saying he is insulting shiv. these are observations based on her own (repeated) behaviour.
whereas she doesn't really respond in kind, i feel. shiv is the one who throws insults at him, calling him a hick and insulting his entire family by labeling them striving and parochial. these are also crouched in classism and made all the more ridiculous by the fact that tom's mother is a well-respected lawyer so "parochial" is truly a delusional word to use in this context, which goes to show how extreme shiv's billionaire privilege is. in return, tom doesn't insult her family and actually chooses the reasonable reply of "that's not a fair characterisation". the part about tom's mother loving shiv more is, again, complete fabrication. so is the part about TOM being the reason she didn't speak to her father for the last six months of his life. shiv is well within her rights to be upset tom revealed her plans to logan, but even if he hadn't, logan would have still been massively pissed at her and her brothers and they STILL would have been estranged.
again, maybe this is just me, but calling someone broken is not an insult, while calling some pathetic is? shiv goes on to tell him that she never loved him and doesn't even like him and he never even "deserved" her, which are hard to label as anything other than cruel. even during this fight tom still tells her that he loves her? idk, man, tom has so many flaws and he is a social climber and he did become prissy bc she kept postponing having children but it feels like shiv spends the majority of this fight accusing tom of things that are not true and calling him mean names
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Saw the post about the sibling duos, would love to hear what makes you think connor and shiv are the best duo conceptually?
first of all they have some superficial points of comparison. like, they're the two kids least likely to be named successor, shiv because of her gender and connor because of his parentage: two different ways of exploring logan's ideas about biological fitness and natural hierarchies. they're also the two kids who are most individualistic and have tried to strike out on their own, shiv in dc (political power centre) and connor in new mexico (masculine rancher frontier fantasy). shiv is logan's undisputed favourite (emotionally) and the one who understands him the best, whereas connor is his obvious least favourite and doesn't get him at all (cryogenics). they're both in relationships where the languages of love and capital are merged, though connor and willa are basically emulating a courtesan relationship, whereas tom and shiv are trying for a kind of joint royalty situation that positions them as one another's rivals and also doesn't translate that well to modern corporate contexts.
speaking more ideologically, there's also a lot of fun to have with them. connor and shiv are both in politics, but shiv goes for behind-the-scenes string-pulling like logan, whereas connor wants to showboat his way to glory like napoleon. shiv is fixated on hygiene and both metaphorical and literal cleanliness, whereas connor sees dirt as signifying a certain type of rugged masculinity. shiv was reluctant about having kids, got pregnant unexpectedly, and is keeping the baby at least in part to prove her mother wrong, whereas connor is enthusiastic about reproduction (the opposite of "the spilling of good seed") but is only newly in a long-term relationship and has no children or plans for them. they both want to impose their own wills on the world, but shiv uses the language of moral righteousness and health to do so (the connection between her liberalism and how she pathologises roman and kendall) whereas connor just has a fantasy of becoming president so he can do whatever he wants to anyone. both of them believe they can work hard and earn their way to the top, but they're both literal billionaires by birth who are often incompetent and fighting to control empires that shouldn't exist in the first place.
sadly connor just doesn't really get all that much screentime, and even less with shiv. but i love to rotate them together.
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thatgayoctopus · 22 days
1: How did Otto first end up at Xavier's school?
2: How does he generally act around the other mutants?
3: Who does he like and dislike?
4: What was home life like for him, especially as a mutant?
5: How does Anna Maria first react after the whole breaking the law thing, and the aftereffects that follow?
6: How do the other people at the school first react when she shows up?
7: How in the everliving FUCK does your daydreaming post look so good?? I???????? What???????????????????
Alrighty LET'S GET INTO IT!!!!
1. How did Otto first end up at the school?
It's kind of a long story...? He's been on the streets with a rag tag group of mutants (the sinister six hehehe) for a while. At some point Wolverine stepped in and saved him from an undecided something (still working on specifics I literally thought of half of this over the last two days sorry </3) and offered to take him to the mansion, but he didn't have his morals quite sorted out and he was scared of being around so many people, so he turned it down. Eventually magneto recruits the rest of the sinister six, and Otto, knowing magneto is against the X-Men, felt like he couldn't join them, not after Wolverine saved him that time. BUT!!! I do think there would be some REALLY neat moral dillemmas there because Otto absolutely is on Magneto's side, he just ends up loving the X-Men and isn't able to bring himself to leave.
2. How does he generally act around the other mutants?
When you say mutants I'm going to assume you mean other students at the mansion AND!!! he really struggles with talking to them. Just like in MSM he looks oddly young behaves like a middle aged man, so no one can tell how old he is. Some people bet he's young and messed up, and some people bet he's old but his mutation has him age slower like with Mystique or Logan. Since the rest of the kids are hard to socialize with, he usually sticks by all the adults. He doesn't even talk much, but he appreciates how they take him seriously when he does. The sort of professional and parental way they treat him is a LOT easier to navigate than the energetic and sibling-like way the rest of the students treat him. When he HAS to be around them though, he's very standoffish and tries to speak as little as humanly possible, often only correcting them or making observations during training exercises. Despite how rude everyone thinks he is, they are a little fascinated by him.
3. Who does he like and dislike?
Beast is probably the person he's most open with! He and Hank are science buds and work in the lab together. Whenever Otto is working on something, Hank manages to get him to talk about his past or feelings on books, whereas most people can't get him to talk about anything.
Ororo is nice, they sit in silence together sometimes and Otto doesn't mind it. Neither does she. She often checks in on him in very simple ways; asking if he's eaten anything after a long day at the lab, offering to walk with him to the infirmary after a taxing mission. He wouldn't admit it, but he feels safe around her.
Charles knows the most about his past, mostly because if the involvement with megneto and needing to know where Otto stands. Otto recognizes the necessity to be open with Charles since he's running the whole operation, but he doesn't like being alone with him. He doesn't really trust Charles to stay out of his head.
Logan is just as protective of Otto as he is all of the other students, and Otto finds that... Comforting. He isn't used to people caring about him. Logan was the one who first called him out for being an asshole and inspired him to try and be better. Logan's helping him learn, and often encourages him to hang out with the other kids. Whenever Logan is in charge of a training session he makes sure Otto is with people that cooperate well with him, like Scott or Kitty.
Scott, while he doesn't quite get Otto and thinks it's a little awkward to be around him, does work the best as a teammate with him. Scott tends to give very clear and concise orders that Otto can follow easily, and listens when Otto has worthwhile input. Their relationship doesn't go too much further other than some awkward small talk. This goes for Jean, too.
Kurt - thinks he's weird and little too silly but kinda likes him anyway
Kitty - doesn't get her, but doesn't mind listening to her yap.
Rogue - they have a mutual understanding: they're both sulky and quiet, and of any of the kids, Otto prefers to be around her the most.
He pretty much avoids the kids younger than them like the plague.
4. What was home life like for him, especially as a mutant?
Funny you should ask. I'm still kind of working this out, BUT! justr like in MSM, he has the abusive father. He mutated around the age of twelve, to which his dad got worse, as one might imagine. The whole "Ugh my son is more of a freak than he already was" sorta deal. This is where I'm still on the fence about things: Otto lashes out one day and either A: injures him so badly he won't ever be same, or B: kills him. This would instill a fear of himself and his temper paired with his powers that he needs the X-Men to help him work past. Also, it would help reinforce his initial hesitation to join the X-Men.
5. How does Anna Maria first react to the breaking the law thing and the after effects?
She struggles 😭
It's gonna be really hard to see her family again, she lost her job, it's rough. She feels guilty for being involved with the MRD at all, she wanted to help mutants so bad. She has some pretty gnarly depressive episodes, but being around such a big chaotic family really helps keep her feeling okay. She likes spending time with Otto, and honestly they have this super cute highschool type crush sorta thing happening? And Otto is pretty oblivious to her hints despite him liking her??? It's cute idk hehe
6. How do other people at the school first react when she shows up?
To put it simply, they don't trust her. Despite her risking everything to break Otto out, she aligned herself with the MRD at some point, no matter how good her intentions were. Some of the kids never trust her, they've been traumatized too heavily by the organization, but most people warm up pretty quick. She's charming, fun, and kind. Because she's studied mutants and biochemistry, she's a real huge help with learning more about new kids and how to help control their powers.
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the-masked-reviewer · 1 month
Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Comparison
Book v. Movie
What Changed
The very first scene of this movie is Poseidon and Zeus talking about the Bolt and Percy. It’s here we get most of the information the prophecy would’ve given us if it was included.  The whole movie Poseidon is far more present and involved then he is in the book. He speaks to Percy regularly in his head and guides him to the correct and safest paths, where in the books he only speaks to Percy through Nereid, and Percy only speaks to him through a rare prayer.
In the movie when Percy first arrives at camp, he is taken directly to Poseidon’s cabin and told that Poseidon is his father. Chiron explains Percy’s power and his importance to the impending war.
After the gang fights Medusa, Percy is hanging out in the pool at their motel and uses his powers to heal Annabeth. At this point in the movie, he has had no real battle training, let alone guidance on what his powers are or how to control them to the extent of healing another person. Even in the books Percy has an extreme level of powers and has an instinctual control over them but the reader gets to learn about his abilities with him. Whereas in the movie, he seems to just know despite discovering he has these abilities not two days ago.
Instead of confrontation about Luke’s involvement happening at camp, the movie has Luke go to the Empire State Building to fight Percy in hopes he can get the Lightning Bolt back before Percy can truly stop the war. The entire fight has the two of them flying and running around various New York City rooftops. Percy uses his powers to make a trident out of water which is cool but has no purpose other than vibes, and is basically a waste of his time and effort when he could be actually getting rid of Luke long enough to return the WAR STOPPING item. Percy using one of the water towers to bowl Luke over with a wave of water is obviously supposed to be referencing the fight with Ares that never happens in this “version” of the story.
The movie does give us Logan Lerman delivering possibly one of the most Percy things ever said on screen, “This is a pen” (14:43). So you know…..points, I guess. The few scenes of Gabe in the movie do an excellent job of painting him as a terrible abusive person. One of my favorite running jokes from the books is Percy being consistently seen as a criminal on the run. And while the movie doesn’t do much with this they do at least include a bit on the news about how there is an active manhunt for him (1:00:35). It wasn’t really a huge thing and just gets the gang to leave to the motel they were camping out in. It was never brought up again, even though the gang had been in very heavy traffic areas.
In the books Percy can’t even try the shoes because they would put him in Zeus’ domain of the sky so Grover uses them. Grover having the shoes leads to some of the most important plot points, like Percy diving after Grover to stop him from falling into Tartarus. However, in the movie, Percy uses the flying shoes to get the pearl in the Nashville Parthenon (don’t worry, I do have things to say about all of that) and in the final fight with Luke. They never explain that since Zeus is upset about Percy’s existence he can’t go in the air, yet they still never have the group even consider flying across the country on their limited timeline.
In the movie’s universe, the demigods can openly use tech. Which, while not fundamentally changing anything, is a change that happened. And the only real reason I can think of was so they could have Luke be a gamer, and to video call Luke. Instead of having the gang video call Luke, but through a god.
When Percy does finally make it into the throne room to return the Bolt and tell Zeus what really happened, all the gods are present and they all look so basic. The thrones are boring cookie cutter white chairs. Nothing distinguishes any of the thrones from the others. The gods costumes are all the most basic ‘Greek God’ costumes you could think of, with only having small details that actually distinguish who everyone is. The throne room is so visually boring and simple. When Percy talks to Zeus and Poseidon about who was responsible, all the other gods are present and within earshot. This makes it completely public knowledge, a fact that not addressed as the three involved with the conversation continue to act as though it's all a secret.
Annabeth and Luke’s past and close relationship are important for making Luke’s betrayal as impactful as it is. The movie not only completely removes any connection between the two, but in doing so removes most, if not all, of the foreshadowing that Luke is the culprit behind everything. Giving the viewers less time to get to know and care about Luke also removes the parallels between him and Percy, the other aspect that makes the betrayal as heavy as it is. The fact that Percy, and the audience, can see how easily it would be for Percy to agree and go with Luke, makes the fact that he chooses to fight against him that much more powerful.
The pearls the gang uses to get out of the underworld are originally meant to be gifts from Poseidon, to show that he is watching over Percy and truly cares about him and how he does on his quest. By having the gang hunt for the pearls purposefully takes away not only Poseidon’s effort to help his son but the tension of the gang going to the underworld. Heading to the underworld with no idea how you will get out but knowing you have to go is full of uncertainty. Hunting for a way out removes the tension and unease that is so easily created by the story they were claiming to be adapting.
The movie’s mission being to hunt down three pearls made them add a completely new sequence. The second pearl is located at the Nashville Parthenon defended by a hydra. Along with this scene being completely created for the movie, it replaced the entirety of Thrill Ride O’ Love and everything with Ares.
Charon, the ferryman of the dead, is shown to be in a large EMPTY room with his ferry waiting for passengers. The gang still needs to bribe him to take them over, but there is no conversation about how they aren’t dead, and there definitely isn’t any other waiting souls in that room.
In the underworld, the gang is assisted by Persephone to subdue Hades and get Percy, Annabeth, and Sally out of the underworld to return the Bolt. In the whole conversation, Hades’ only motivation is to cause problems and to build his kingdom (which I guess make sense since apparently there are no dead people in this world). No mention of his helm or actual reason for him to care about a war between his brothers. Grover has to stay in the underworld with Persephone because the group only has three pearls, but there is no conversation about how he will get back. Not even an attempt and making a deal that gets him sent home. He just gets sent back to camp because Percy asks Zeus to get him out (a fact I completely forgot and had to use my notes to find).
The movie completely removes the existence of Dionysus, Kronos, the Prophecy, Tartarus, and Ares. All having varying effects on the future of the story. The lack of Dionysus and Ares in this story don’t fully change anything in the future other than how camp runs and removing Percy’s feud with the God of War. But the lack of Kronos and Tartarus fundamentally change where the story can move forward from here. While the later movies do introduce Kronos as the one behind everything, not having even the hints of him from the beginning take away the impending doom of it all. Never mentioning any prophecy makes it that much harder to bring in a prophecy about the end of the gods because the movie viewers are left totally unaware of how any of it functions because they’ve only seen a story about a boy trying to save his mom who just happens to find Zeus’ Master Bolt.
Why Change it/Care
The movie does have a couple fun editing choices where before they cut away from the scene, Grover will reference a song or genre then after the cut whatever he called out is playing. It only happens twice, once where he mentions “highway to hell” and once where he just calls out country music as a whole. But both are fun and its very simple joke to have that makes certain cuts flow easier for an audience.
The Lotus Casino looks a lot like how the books describe it, with the water slides, arcades, people offering free food and credit cards. The whole set is designed wonderfully and really creates a place you would never want to leave. In the book, Percy figures out something is wrong with the casino because he talks to a guy who says “Groovy” (Chapter 16). The movie has him gain suspicion by talking to guy about a movie from the ‘70s, but also has Poseidon tell Percy to avoid the food and help snap him out of the Lotus trance. However, I have always liked how they stole the jackpot car and just crashed their way out of the casino.
While the movie does give us the best, most Percy reaction to being handed a pen in the middle of a fight, it does also make that pen a clicky pen. And that’s just incorrect. Riptide is a cheap Bic ballpoint pen you can buy in packs of like 30.
When Hades makes his campfire appearance, and the entirety of the Underworld’s design, are very Christian Hell looking. Hades’ “scary” form models a very Christian red fiery scaly man with horn devil. And the entire underworld continues the red fiery theme.
This has really no baring on anything, but it was in my notes and I can’t stop thinking about it. The movie had hellhounds help Persephone take on Hades. Not the part I’m talking about however. I’m talking about the effects used for these hellhounds. All I wrote in my notes was, “Hellhounds look like large incorrect cats”. That’s it. The movie creates a whole situation where Persephone is here and taking down Hades and all I wrote about was the effects on the hellhounds. I’m right, these creatures named after hounds do look like cats, but it really is not the point of that scene.
Medusa’s costume doesn’t feel like Medusa. It’s a woman in black. That’s all there is, the costume is just more basic black equals villain costuming. She also says “I used to date your daddy” (53:36) and that just feels unnecessary and like… you didn’t need to make her say that. Just why?
Taking care of Gabe is a moment in the book that is only alluded to and is used to give both Percy and Sally the chance to grow further as characters. With Percy realizing it was something she had to do herself and leaving her the head, and with Sally doing it. The movie instead has the Jacksons (mainly Percy) leave Medusa’s head, without sunglasses, in the fridge with a simple padlock and vague note, leaving Gabe to stone himself. The book doesn’t even include the scene where Gabe actually turns to stone, it just has them talking about what to do, and then Sally sells a statue. Why can’t we just do that again, and let Sally keep her moment. Instead we keep getting Gabe stoning himself just so the audience can see him turn to stone.
I (and my brother who agreed to sit through the movie with me) actually liked the visual effects the movie used. The effects to show Percy’s dyslexia and his ability to read Ancient Greek easily were an awesome way to show the viewers that trait without having to have to explain it through dialogue or exposition. The effects on the water powers, especially the healing, looked cool. Water is a hard thing for special effects to get right so the result they ended up with was better than I had remembered.
Most of the movie’s set designs were very hit or miss. The Lotus Casino is very obviously a great hit, but the Throne Room on Olympus is a good example of one of their misses. While not necessarily a hit or miss, the Secret entrance to camp in the movie is very reminiscent of the Jurassic Park arch, and I don’t see how that’s practical and smart designing for a hidden camp full of kids actively being hunted alive. It looks cool, and you could definitely say the mist covers it, but using the mist to explain away everything is just boring. It also removes Thailia and her sacrifice from the story entirely. The entrance to the underworld is a recording studio in LA in the books, and the movie moves it to the Hollywood sign, still keeping the commentary about show biz and hell. It is also described as full of people waiting to go to the afterlife with long lines waiting even after Charon takes the gang across. The movie just removes all the dead. Charon is waiting in an empty room and brings the gang straight to Hades’ castle.
My brother clams “Bubble Boy was the true hero we needed all along.” Bubble Boy is an extra shown outside of the Nashville Parthenon playing with bubbles. I was bullied into added this paragraph. He also claims Percy Jackson stole Bubble Boy’s job as hero. It’s literally just a guy with bubbles. He additionally claims Bubble Boy is the reason Hades is in the underworld, “Bubble Boy took his spot.” “He is a true god” was exclaimed upon seeing that I described him as a dude with bubbles.
Was it Good.
This is not a good adaptation of the story fans know as Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. With all the changes and alterations the movie made, it just isn’t the story of  Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. You could probably call it inspired by, and say it uses some of the same characters. To call this the same story would be doing a disservice to both the book, by connecting it to this, and to the movie, by comparing it to something it couldn’t imagine living up to.
As its own story, or possibly a story inspired by, the movie is actually pretty good, and can be a lot of fun (if you forget about Percy Jackson’s existence for 1 hour and 58 minutes). But as an adaptation, as a Percy Jackson story, it’s terrible. It has almost nothing of the original story.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
The results are in for Fusion!Reader's components' colors, and they are:
Sapphire!Reader is a blue sapphire, and Pearl!Reader is a peach pearl!
I think that's kinda perfect, in a way. Cool and warm, cold and hot, ice and fire mixing together to form the perfect temperature and tones. Now, as for shades of their gem color, I'm thinking something like this:
Sapphire!Reader is a velvet-like blue, a swathe of navy and royal, whereas Pearl!Reader is a pale golden peach color, something between pink and orange, not quite one or the other...
(Warning: Mentions of abuse, torture, and possible death/rewrite of characters)
Sapphire!Reader would definitely have a poofy dress at first, with a symbol belonging to a Diamond (for this au, I'm making Logan a Diamond), Black Diamond's symbol, to be exact. Pearl!Reader would be the personal Pearl to Orange Diamond (Victor). Both Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader are broken after being rejected by the two Diamonds, as well as the other pearls and sapphires, not to mention the personal entourage of their Diamonds, and then the entire courts... It's one of the reasons they decided to go where Homeworld hadn't dug their claws in, a little planet far away in a galaxy of untouched planets: Earth...
They (them?)... Their fusion has to pick a name, and what better name than something of immense beauty and perfect luster than... Nacre?
It's a new name, but they're a new gem, and experiencing the wonders of Earth, it's-
This is what the Diamonds, what their courts, what every gem considered ugly? Saw as dirt beneath their feet? This planet is... it's beautiful.
And they're going to do what they can to keep it that way.
Making friends with humans and their civilizations (becoming a deity in some regions), having feasts and dances and lessons (accidentally starting a few cults), building ice sculptures and pressurizing sand into glass, using the particles to sculpt cities on the frozen coasts of tundras (built an entire city into a glacier, as well as making smaller villages on beaches around the different continents). Earth has so much to see! So much to do! And these odd creatures, these "humans", are the key. Are the answer.
Look at how they form families, choosing to love one another and raise new humans and share amongst their communities. The way they try to snuff out disputes, having councils and parliaments and courts, so everyone can have a voice. The food they make, evolving over each century, each eon, new culinary masterpieces and herbs and-! (Earth I Steven Universe might not have had? as many wars or fighting or civil disputes? Plus the contents were a bit weird. And they didn't exactly have, certain states? and countries? So I'm going off of that).
Yet as the decades, centuries, eons pass, they never change. Yet the humans do. They live for barely a blink of an eye in a gem's eye/s, and... It adds a whole new meaning to caring about others. Of showing you love and admire them. Because they won't be there forever, and where they go after their bodies pass, the gems can't follow, can't see... Nacre (Fusion!Reader) does their best to take care of whatever humans they meet, paying visits to many, helping the descendants of some of their first friends on the planet, making new friends with others, helping out those who may need extra hands and future vision...
But all good things can come to an end.
It's only been awhile, about six thousand years... No gems had ever come to Earth... Nacre had lived in peace, always near beaches where they can watch the water, hear the wind and birds, smell the salt and spray. It's on one of those beaches they're poofed.
Waking up, Nacre is- gone. They aren't Nacre at the moment, they're back to Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader, and they're trapped. It looks like a lab, possibly an entire base, and neither one of them can get out from the tube/chamber they're in. Until in walks... a gem?
A gem, one who stares at them with nothing but contempt. Hatred. Who informs them that as they are traitors to the Empire, to the Diamonds, they will not be missed, so are free to be used in their experiments. And so begins the worse decade of their long lives...
Electrical torture until they poof. Testing ice and magma on their gems. Using various gen tools on them, seeing which ones cause the most damage. And that cursed gem is always taking notes, always typing down whatever information they find, muttering about survival rates and organics and how soon they can get off this forsaken rock... One day, it seems they've finally found a final test. One that leaves both Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader scared.
"I've tested everything I could think of on you two clods of mud. From how long you can last until you poof, your withstanding to various elements, the size of your gems, how your light forms react to shards... But I've discovered an odd case- Where a gem can be inserted to an organic. Which makes me rather... curious, what would happen to you. My answers will be logged in and sent to my labs at Homeworld, where I can hopefully show it to the Diamonds one day. It's a shame, really... A Sapphire, running away with a Pearl? HAH! You served the Diamonds directly, yet not even their brilliant, pure light could burn out your disgusting flaws. Well... Perhaps, this will..."
In a flash of light, there's a rejuvenator, and just as fast-
They're gone, poofed into their gems.
And the mad scientist of a gem pulls up the needed formulas and organic matter they need to begin. Honestly, who would have thought one could bond a gem... to an organic vessel? It's almost pebble's play, using the humans bits of DNA to make a small host, nothing more than a small being fit to become a servant to the Homeworld Empire... They even made a gem/organic hybrid before this, kept locked in their private lab back on Homeworld, a creature that they tried giving powers to, forming an imperfect replication of a Diamond (they shudder to think of how blasphemous it was, to do such a thing. But a possible pawn, any new asset to the Empire, is too good to pass up... Even if it's an... imperfect being...)
Soon, after months of incubating the small squishy earthlings, they get to insert the gems of those two traitorous gems into them... And finally... it's done. Their work, their newest creations, done. With the rejuvenation of their gems, thst hopefully got rid of any residual flaws, while with the organic bodies, they're controllable and easy to discipline... If only they weren't so... loud. Why do small oragnics scream so much? The wailing? The need to be warm at all costs? Constant nutrients (because they'd die without it)? It's tedious...
Preparing to go home, they soon find a call from Homeworld, their manager having sent them a message, to call off the project, lest the Diamonds shatter them if they found out... And suddenly- it seems like another project scrapped. Wasted. This was a revelation! A scientific breakthrough! And they had to cancel it?! But... they don't want to scrap these two potential pawns...
"Yes, my Demantoid. Peridot 5XS signing out," they reply, and then they leave the two subjects near a human dwelling... That should suffice, the creatures feed the weaknesses of others. So, if they're lucky, the other earthlings will keep their two newest subjects alive... Hopefully the two will still be alive when they return... They're not done with them yet...
(Surprise, the other gem/human is Laura! Because what better way to introduce her, and have the X-Men and Brotherhood gems learn that fusions are gems, too, and are worthy of respect?)
(Sorry if it was a little intense, but... well, yeah, we now have gem/humans Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader...)
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alexalblondo · 2 months
I do think it’s fair to assume that Logan feels lonely on the grid, but it’s probably more being a back market related than nationality related. Loosing is an inherently isolating and lonely experience, whereas winning is inherently social. Everyone shares in success, everyone is alone in failure and yada yada yada. At the same time I do think nationality plays into it, not because “Oh Americans are discriminated against in racing” but because he doesn’t have any countrymen on the grid. This is gonna seem like a crazy tangent: they found that certain types of whales (I don’t remember which but orca adjacent) have codas related to where they are born. And essentially they have ways to say both “I am [this individual]” and “I am [this place]” essentially they have nationality. And the ability to say “I am not only this individual, but I am an individual of this place” and the ability to say “you are not of my place” are big deals in language and in intelligence/sentience. So nationality, or at least belonging to a group of that sort, is an incredibly foundational experience and connection. So on a basic level, when you are isolated from people who share that identity you are isolated (duh). But on a more individualistic level, having a countryman on the grid would probably also mean having someone he grew up around a la Pierre and Charles, George and Alex, etc etc etc.
I’m not really trying to defend these Logan fans, this was mainly an opportunity to philosophize but also I do think it’s reasonable to believe he is lonely and that a part of it has to do with nationality.
tbf half the drivers on the grid don’t have a countryman on the grid
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1: don’t know if I ask this already but what story arc would you give to the duo if an actual comic exists?
2: for starknights/titans of tomorrow, is the members powers the same as canon? Like Robert having super strength & Cerdian having water powers.
3: what powers would you add for both teams? I saw a AU where mar’i had invisibility as a power.
4: you know some ppl hate the word moist, what’s something they hate? Most likely Chris hating the word zod.
5: what’s something the duo hates? Homework & chores XD
6: does the duo do anything childish/juvenile like armpit farting or foaming spit out of their mouths?
1) Well……besides their origins first meeting when Chris was 7 and Jake was 5, their first real team ups with Brainiac then later a grand misadventures in trying to recover some stolen Tamaranean and Kryptonian tech, Zod’s invasion and Chris running away to the Graysons’ apartment before he’s able to reunite with his family, Jake discovering a bunch of slain orphans and steers urchins courtesy of a small underground gladiator ring run by Victor Zsasz;
One arc I can give the Duo would involve Chris being captured by warlord Mongul as a representative of earth for a special Mortal Kombat like tournament spanning across the universe with Darkseid being its host and champion to defeat. All of this while Jake anyways abroad Warworld and hides within the ranks of Mongul’s younger warriors in his quest to rescue his friend. A bulk of the arc would focus on the various opponents from across the universe Chris would face that are summoned to his grand event whom the Duo can befriend and others develop into rivalries which can set up for further stories later, culminating with Chris stepping up against Darkseid himself while Jake finally revels himself and takes on Mongul. It’s an epic two front clash that would see all the other tournament participants the two befriended come to their aid and win the fight with their numbers, allowing the Duo to escape with said new friends back to Earth, destroying Warworld in the process and sending Darkseid into a retreat.
2) Pretty much exactly like it is in canon for the lot of them with canonical counterparts. As for say Jasper Logan who’s an OC belonging to @fireflyxrebel-writes and @hains-mae , his powers are more linked to his mother’s dark magic whereas I give him the spin of using said dark magic to create constructs in the shapes of various animals that he can think of then surround himself with said constructs if need be like a suit of armor, a small shout out to his father’s animal based shapeshifting.
3) ah yes, @snothing and the invisibility power for Mar’i. I can probably add both that and also from it Jake’s ability to feel into the electromagnetic spectrum whenever his eyesight fails to function correctly, detecting heat signatures and the energy fields living things can give. Those are probably powers I can later adapt as they two start actually reach their teenager years at least in my version events
4) Chris would feel real…REAL uncomfortable with ‘Abuse’ it just rings too close to home for what he went through. That said he doesn’t want to bring that up to Colin Wilkes regarding his moniker as for Chris, that’ll be rude of him as far as he’s concerned
Jake, humorously, can’t stand ‘Honey-Mustard’ it just confuses him to no end and it kills his appetite for actual mustard which is a shame since like his mother, he loves it.
5) Homework is the bane of the Duo’s existence. The tediousness, the amount of hours it takes for them to complete, the sheer bulk of it they’re given usually due the next day; whenever their parents remind them of homework needing to get done, Chris and Jake have to steel themselves and prepare their minds for the tedium that is to come.
6) Well besides maybe like say Tickle fights between them at sleepovers and even just hanging out by themselves at their base, or even surprisingly causal for them Handstand contests and roll laying as famous Kryptonian and Tamaranean warriors, thumb wrestling, patycake, freestyle dance contests, and tossing snacks into the air to catch with their mouth, those are some things I can see them pulling off
Thanks for the asks buddy XD @pin-crusher2000
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what are your hopes for the final episode?
Gonna go by character I guess
Kendall- Kendall has always been a favourite of mine, I have liked him less this season, that’s not me saying he’s been OC or anything, I just think it’s his natural progression now he hasn’t got the moral of high ground over his father. He is becoming his father, he is the epitome of “the cycle” some people think Shiv is most like Logan, some even think Roman is, but to me it’s Kendall, and always has been, and it’s even more evident this season. When Ewan said that he and Logan had a meagreness about them, but the the difference between them is that Ewan tries to be moral, whereas at some point Logan stopped trying. Meaning that once upon a time Logan was a better man, which I think can be somewhat backed up by Connor the eldest being somewhat softer then the rest, perhaps Logan was not as brutal with him, if somewhat absent because of his obsession with his career (remind you of anyone) and then 15-25 odd years later his youngest son is physically beaten by him. I think when Ewan made that “he stopped trying” statement about Logan, the audience was supposed to think about Kendall. Despite his faults Kendall has shown genuine empathy multiple times throughout first 3 seasons and yet in season 4 he grows more and more cold as he literally tries to become his father. So the natural conclusion to this is that he becomes CEO but he is deeply unhappy and his soul is basically ruined and his whole family inevitably hating him. That would be a sad ending for Kendall fans, but it’s honestly hard to imagine another one for him, other then perhaps suicide, which I think is a possibility. So out of those to options I’d guess I’ll say CEO? I don’t know, the other potential CEO that I think could happen is maybe Tom, which would not great for him in the long run either but ultimately not as thematically tragic.
Roman- I honestly have no idea what Roman’s end game could be, I’m not even sure what I would want for him, that probably has something to do with the fact that he has never been one of my favourites, yet I do feel empathy for his character, Logan abused all his children, yet Roman was the only one he physically abused, to be singled out like that must be traumatising. I think he is slightly more likely to get a somewhat happier ending then Kendall (idk why I just feel it in my waters) and yeah he’s not my favourite but I don’t hate him, so I’ll be fine with him getting a neutral ending, perhaps working at Waystar (not CEO) and befriending Gerri once again?
Shiv: I am 99% sure that Shiv will not be CEO “American” or otherwise, I think pretty much all the other mains (aside from Connor) have more of a chance becoming CEO. This is not because I’m secretly a internal misogynist, neither do I think she will not become CEO because of her “Lack of experience” No the reason I think she has no chance is because of how the last episode ended Lucas telling her he can make the “American CEO work” was basically a neon sign saying “Matsson may be able to get an American CEO to work but it sure as fuck won’t be Shiv” that’s just how narrative convention works. Matsson is shady as fuck and it’s been kind of obvious that he’s been playing Shiv the whole time, she is aware of this and she has been playing him too, but she is only aware to an extent because when her mind is so close to the prize, I think she gets a little carried away. It fluctuates but at the moment Shiv is my second favourite character, and what I want for her professionally is what I’ve wanted for her since I watched season 2 and that’s to go back into politics. Connor has always been a bit of a scrounger (I love him though) and Ken and Roman of course have always been in the family business. Shiv was the only one to make a career for herself (yes she had a huge amount of privilege to help her build that career) but still she had a career that was hers not her fathers, not only that but she was a democrat, while her father has a hugely intimidating and influential presence in the conservative landscape, I never see anyone talk about how brave that was (even if it was somewhat to spite him lol) and yet after years of apparent resistance Logan managed to reel her back in, and we saw she was as desperate for his approval as her brothers were. The scene where Logan persuaded her to take her picture with Menken is one of the most devastating in the show imo, she was so reluctant but she did so for a promise of Waystar and Logan’s approval. She clearly had some passion for working in politics and she appeared to enjoy her job. This hope for her is fruitless though because it is the last episode of the last season so in terms of profession, my hope for Shiv would be that she ends up at Pierce, or perhaps goes into business with Roman (could they maybe work better together without Kendall, maybe it would be a disaster idk) I think there is more of a chance that Shiv gets out then there is for her brothers (she actually knows there is life outside of Waystar from 10+ years of a different career) also as she is my favourite of the siblings she is the one I want to escape the most, as I think working at Waystar (living in the haunted house) will end in misery for any of the siblings and I do want Shiv to be somewhat happy. In terms of personal I want Tom and Shiv to officially end it (although I think that’s unlikely this point) I’m not even talking from a Tomgreg perspective, Tom and Shiv clearly make each other miserable (I do believe they do love each other though) and I know them being miserable together is part of the appeal for a lot of people (hand in unloveable hand and all) but I would personally like them to put themselves out of their misery for good (honestly it would be better for their child as well) Speaking of the baby, I do not want to speak of it much because it is basically pointless as a plotline as we’ll never actually get to see the thing (unless they flash forward Harry Potter style “Logan Roman Nate Wambsgans you were named after the biggest sicko I’ve ever known”) I am not someone who was dead set against Shiv getting pregnant (in fact I thought it was a real possibility with some of the hints we got in season 3) but upon finding out that Jesse added it in last minute, it only makes me think the whole plotline is rushed and pointless and if the whole point of it is to bring Tom and Shiv back together, then dear god 🙄
Connor and Willa- These two’s married life seems to be going well (Yay I love Conwilla) and I think it is highly unlikely that they will randomly implode in the last episode, if they do, Jesse, I will Annie Wilkes your ass (For legal reasons this is a joke) but as the last episode is going to be very Waystar centric, Conwilla will probably be minimal, my main hope for them in the final is they get more screen time then I expect and that I am presently surprised, and that they are happy. Career wise it would be nice to hear how Willa’s playwriting is going, and I honestly don’t have a preference whether Connor is going to remain in politics or go back to “ranching” whatever tickles his pickle. What I would like for Connor though is a little, just smidge of affection from the sibs. GIVE US A SIBLING HUG WITH ALL 4 SIBLINGS YOU COWARDS! I know that the sibs care for Connor in their own way, but he doesn’t (he literally said no one loves him and none of them bothered correct him) Not to bring up the Tomshiv babby again but I can’t believe Matsson heard about it before brodad 🤮 the injustice. Please let at least one of the sibs have sweet moment with him. Please 🙏
Tom and Greg- Saving the best till last baby! I do genuinely want the gay art gallery date (real ones know) it is possible if somewhat unlikely. Other then that I do not expect Tomgreg to go canon but I would like them to have a decent amount of screen time (like proportionally the same as episode 8 which would be more screen time then episode 8 because episode 10 is 1/3 longer then episode 8, if I’m making sense) dream would be to have proportionally the same amount of screen time as episode 1 but that is unrealistic (episode 1 felt about 40% lmao). I would obviously like them to end on good terms, and I want them to be working together! I think Tom is a genuine possibility for “American CEO” he has experience, and Lukas may just do it to fuck with the Roy siblings. Matsson seems to genuinely like Greg but even he wouldn’t make someone like Greg CEO, under qualified is an understatement, the markets would freak, but maybe he would settle for Tom instead, maybe Greg persuades Matsson to name Tom (that would be the dream) I do think being CEO of Waystar inevitably leads to misery for anyone who becomes it (to quote Gerri “the job that makes your brain explode”) but like I said it’s not as tragic with Tom, because he won’t have the corpse of his abusive dead father breathing down his neck. Ultimately I would like Tom and Greg to be somewhat ok and working together and remain besties, wouldn’t mind Tom becoming CEO but idrc. If I’m being realistic I think Tom could end things in a really bad place unemployed? Publicly shamed? Getting arrested for cruises?? Lmao the last one is unlikely but not impossible, but I don’t want any of those things to happen, because he’s my favourite character and I don’t want him to be completely miserable, but I can deal with somewhat miserable, he kind of deserves it. With Greg I think he is the most likely out of the main characters to end up in a good place career wise (although again not CEO lmao) but it means nothing to me if he is in a good place career wise but estranged from Tom, so yeah Tomgreg to remain besties is really what I want for them the most (cheesy I know) a little bit of homoeroticism wouldn’t hurt either but I refuse to get my hopes up.
It just occurred to me while writing this that I said I wouldn’t mind if Tom became CEO but that I also said if Kendall doesn’t become CEO he’ll die! That is perhaps a bit extreme. But what I’m saying is that I think that out of all the characters Kendall is the most doomed by the narrative and will have a tragic ending no matter what, and hoping that he doesn’t his somewhat pointless, the only good thing that I can bring myself to hope for Kendall, is that his relationship with his siblings isn’t completely destroyed by the end of the series and that they are still on speaking terms.
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