#which also means that my birthday is a Saturday
sportsallover · 1 year
I just saw that the tour starts on my birthday next year 🥰
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Tonight I bring you a very Soft audio of Paul singing Happy Birthday to (based on context I'm assuming) one of these kids at the Bread & Roses Music Festival Concert, October 3rd, 1981. The crowd joins in pretty quickly so we unfortunately don't have a full "Paul Sings Happy Birthday audio" (as far as I know??) because that would be really cool. A super wholesome listen nonetheless!
The Youtube channel that has the remainder of this performance uploaded describes it as a setlist of 11 songs yet they had only uploaded 10. So I did some digging and yeah, turns out this mysterious 11th song he performed was "Happy Birthday" and I'm not even mad about it.
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roaringroa · 2 hours
they should make a life where you don't have appointments, work, school and events every single day for months on end
#i just wanna spend like 2 full days rotting in bed is that too much to ask#december i'm going on a vacation with family + gf and we're trying to schedule a lunch/dinner so that we can go over the itinerery#and other stuff like my gf is diabetic so she's going to tell everyone the procedures in case of an emergency etc#and the soonest i'm available for that is oct 20th like bruh#every week day i've got classes 7:30-11:50 work 13:00-17:00 and then gym therapy or futsal practice at night#oh and sometimes the professor that i'm the student assistant (? monitor in pt) for wants me to go to her night classes#and then on weekends i've got futsal practice sat morning usually a match either saturday or sunday legal advice clinic 4x a semester#and then birthdays friend group meetups (with ppl i haven't properly seen in a WHILE so i don't wanna bail) family stuff or gf's family stu#oh and i take care of the finances of our futsal team so there's that as well#and then when i'm free i spend my time with my love (who i mostly see on either day of the weekend and sometimes for dinner on weekdays)#those are my favorite “appointments” i love spending time with her so much but even though we have quite a few staying in dates we also#pretty frequently go out to cafes restaurants parks meet up with mutual friends etc#so like... no bed rotting ever adfdsal#honestly i am not THAT busy compared to some ppl that i know#like i work from home most days of the week commute only 20 min to college am not a part of any study group etc etc#but man... that vyvense sure is working cause i do not think i would be able to do what i do now when my adhd was unmedicated#also i'm thinking of maybe getting a new internship next year cause even though i love my current one it's in public law which atm#is the field i'm thinking of getting into after school but getting into private law in brazil with only public law uni experience is#incredibly difficult. so i wanna be 100% sure i actually want public law. which means experiencing private law.#which means a private law internship#so i'm wondering how the fuck imma be able to pull that off next year#at least it pays much more than my current one! like probably double!#but honestly even with all the shit that i do and wishing i had more time for myself i've actually been so happy lately#i'm learning more at uni than i used to be able to i do pretty well at my internship i've got wonderful friends both old and new#my family is well and we get along like always i switched positions in futsal and am doing suprisingly good as a goalkeeper#and i'm in my first ever relationship. it's been almost 8 months till we made it official and it blows me away how good it's been#like we haven't faught once. disagreed on a couple things sure. but not a single fight and tbh even disagreements are very rare#idk we communicate and give each other grace and i just feel so loved. she knows me so well. i love her so so so so much.#like man just this saturday we were having an early dinner at a bakery. she stopped what she was saying and just stared at me smiling#and like i couldn't hold eye contact. cause she's so so fucking beautiful and she was looking at me with so much love and i had to look awa
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mclennonlgbt · 5 months
Paris in John and Paul’s life
30th September 1961:
“John and I went on a trip for his twenty-first birthday. John was from a very middle-class family, which really impressed me because everyone else was from working-class families. To us John was upper class. His relatives were teachers, dentists, even someone up in Edinburgh in the BBC. It’s ironic, he was always very ‘fuck you!’ and he wrote the song ‘Working Class Hero’ – in fact, he wasn’t at all working class. Anyway, one of John’s relatives gave him £100 for his birthday. A hundred smackers in your hand! That was a real windfall. None of us could believe it. To this day if you gave me £100 I would be impressed. And I was his mate, enough said? ‘Let’s go on holiday.’ – ‘You mean me too? With the hundred quid? Great! I’m part of this windfall.’” - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“We planned to hitchhike to Spain. I had done a spot of hitchhiking with George and we knew you had to have a gimmick; we had been turned down so often and we’d seen that guys that had a gimmick (like a Union Jack round them) had always got the lifts. So I said to John, ‘Let’s get a couple of bowler hats.’ It was showbiz creeping in. We still had our leather jackets and drainpipes – we were too proud of them not to wear them, in case we met a girl; and if we did meet a girl, off would come the bowlers. But for lifts we would put the bowlers on. Two guys in bowler hats – a lorry would stop! Sense of Humour. This, and the train, is how we got to Paris." - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“And Paul and I also did the same thing, once. We just cancelled. We’d made it, in Liverpool. We were making good money, for those days. I can’t remember what it was – maybe a couple of hundred dollars a week – but enough that you’d have a little extra. You’d have it in your back pocket. And Paul and I just— A relative of mine gave me a hundred pounds, for my birthday, which I’d never seen that much money in me life. Paul and I just canceled all the engagements, and left for Paris… And George was furious, because he needed the money – to work, you know. But that was another time when the group was in debate as whether it would exist or not.”  - John Lennon, 1976, an interview with Elliot Mintz
“Last night I heard that John and Paul have gone to Paris to play together – in other words, the band has broken up! It sounds mad to me, I don’t believe it…” - Stuart Sutcliffe, Anthology
"They were brothers. They were the Nerk Twins, and now they were taking a break from the Beatles and going off to Spain. En route, they’d stop a day or two in Paris, to size up the Brigittes, check out the kind of clothes Jurgen Vollmer wore, and perhaps see Jurgen himself, if he was around. [Johnny] Gustafson happened to bump into them the day they left, Saturday 30 September. “They both had bowler hats on, with the usual leather jackets and jeans. They said they were off to Paris, so I walked down to Lime Street station with them and watched them go. They were an incredible pair: always great fun, irreverent, and so close.” - Mark Lewisohn, All These Years: Volume One
“We’d never been there before. We were a bit tired so we checked into a little hotel for the night, intending to go off hitchhiking the next morning. Of course, it was too nice a bed after having hitched so we said, ‘We’ll stay a little longer,’ then we thought, ‘God, Spain is a long way, and we’d have to work to get down there.’ We ended up staying the week in Paris – John was funding it all with his hundred quid.
We would walk miles from our hotel; you do in Paris. We’d go to a place near the Avenue des Anglais and we’d sit in the bars, looking good. I still have some classic photos from there. Linda loves one where I am sitting in a gendarme’s mac as a cape and John has got his glasses on askew and his trousers down revealing a bit of Y-front. The photographs are so beautiful, we’re really hamming it up. We’re looking at the camera like, ‘Hey, we are artsy guys, in a café: this is us in Paris,’ and we felt like that.
We went up to Montmartre because of all the artists, and the Folies Bergères, and we saw guys walking around in short leather jackets and very wide pantaloons. Talk about fashion! This was going to kill them when we got back. This was totally happening. They were tight to the knee and then they flared out; they must have been about fifty inches around the bottom and our drainpipe trousers were something like fifteen or sixteen inches. We saw these trousers and said, ‘Excusez-moi, Monsieur, où did you get them?’ It was a cheap little rack down the street so we bought a pair each, went back to the hotel, put them on, went out on the street – and we couldn’t handle it: ‘Do your feet feel like they are flapping? Feel more comfortable in me drainies, don’t you?’ So it was back to the hotel at a run, needle and cotton out and we took them in to a nice sixteen with which we were quite happy. And then we met Jürgen Vollmer on the street. He was still taking pictures." - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“Jürgen had a flattened-down hairstyle with a fringe in the front, which we rather took to. We went over to his place and there and then he cut – hacked would be a better word – our hair into the same style.” - John Lennon, 1963
Interviewer: I heard you took a trip to Spain before once, didn’t you? On Holiday? Paul: I didn’t go to Spain, no. I tried once to make Spain but… and John and I were gonna hitchhike. We hitchhiked down from Liverpool… We didn’t hitchhike. No, we got the train down from Liverpool ‘cause we thought we won’t hitchhike down the first bit. And we got the boat over to Paris. Then we got the train into Paris ‘cause we thought: “Well, it’ll be too hard to get a hitch here”. And we just stayed in Paris all week. And eventually… I mean, all the time trying to get out of Paris and make Spain! We never made it, we just flew home at the end. What a lazy hitchhiking Holiday!
“The thing was all the kissing and holding that was going on in Paris. And it was so romantic just to be there and see them even though I was 21 and sort of not romantic. But I really loved it, the way the people would just stand under a tree kissing. And they weren’t not mauling at each other, they were just kissing.” - John Lennon
"John’s 21st birthday was a month away, and he knew he was getting money — 100 pounds cash, more than he or Paul had ever seen in their lives. (…) Bob Wooler was party to their planning, and fought with them:
They were bored, and decided they would go away for a month. I thought this was disastrous because they would be away from the scene too long and lose their fans, Fans were very capricious: they moved from one group to another. And anyway, what about the other two members, George Harrison and Pete Best?. What about them, what do they do? We argued a lot about this — we argued in the back room of the grapes pub to a large extent —- and they said ‘Well, we’ll go away for a fortnight only’
(…) Equally, the promoters who paid the Beatles over-the-odds to present them every week had to “lump it” (….). To a man, and woman, they were incensed by it - but John and Paul hadn’t a care. They didn’t mean to be rude about it but basically it was tough shit.
it was tough too on Dot and Cyn, Dot simply had to accept the situation, but Cyn had a greater case of grievance. John was heading off without her when he could so easily gave waited for the art school holidays. (…).
That John was taking Paul, no one else, accentuates the renewed closeness since Stu quit The Beatles. They were the Beatles force, an unstoppable and authentically powerful pair. “Lennon had the attitude”, Wooler said, “and taking his lead from Lennon, McCartney could be similar. At times they reminded me of those well-to-do Chicago lads Leopold and Loeb, who killed someone because they felt superior to him. Lennon and McCartney were superior human beings”
"You’d always see them together, in the pub or walking along the street", says Johnny Gustafson of the Big Tree. "They were a duo, and seemed each other’s equal". Bernie Boyle, the young lad hanging around with them at every opportunity, says, "They were like brothers, with John as the elder and Paul’s mentor. They were so tight it was like there was a telepathy between them: on stage, they’d look at each other and know instinctively what the other was thinking"
They were brothers. They were the Nerk Twins, and now they were taking a break from The Beatles and gofin off to Spain. 
Gustafson happened to bump into them the day they left, Saturday, September 30. “They both had bowler hats on, with the usual leather jackets and jeans. They said they were off to Paris, so I walked down to Lime Street station and watched them go. They were an incredible pair: always great fun, irreverent and so close. - Mark Lewisohn, Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years (2013)
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As was written in this post: That last picture is one Paul took of John sleeping in Paris. From what I remember of a performance he did of ‘Here Today’, and earlier comments, this picture hangs framed on a wall in Paul’s house.
Unconfirmed quote (may or may not be true): 
"He must have been fond of me to spend that money. He let me have all the banana milkshakes I wanted.”  - Paul McCartney
In January 1964, only a few scant weeks before the Beatles took America by storm, the band mates settled in for an extended stay in Paris. For the group, the Parisian visit proved to be a magical experience, with the Beatles playing 18 shows at the Olympia Theatre between Jan. 16 and Feb. 4 (source).
The Beatles were staying at the George V Hotel at the time. John and Paul composed "Can't Buy Me Love", "I Should Have Known Better" and "If I Fell" on the piano.
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The photo Paul took of John (in the "Eyes Of The Storm" book):
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1966: Paul, his girlfriend Maggie McGivern, John and Brian Epstein spend 5 days in Paris. "All of them flew into France separately — Lennon had been filming abroad and Epstein had been away on business. Maggie and Paul, she says, traveled apart ‘as part of keeping the relationship secret’. During the five-day trip the foursome stayed at the same Paris hotel where she and Paul shared a luxury suite. ‘It was a marvelous holiday,’ she says. ‘. . . just walking around the streets of Paris.‘My abiding memory is of me, John and Paul lying under the Eiffel Tower, gazing up at it. We couldn’t go up because we would have been recognised, and we were masters at the art of avoiding people." [x]
Hoping to get married in France, John Lennon and Yoko Ono flew to Paris on this day [16th March].
The couple had decided to marry on 14 March 1969, two days after the wedding of Paul McCartney to Linda Eastman; whether it was in response to this event on some level is open to conjecture.
On McCartney’s wedding day Lennon and Ono were travelling to Poole in Dorset, where he introduced her to his Aunt Mimi. During the journey he asked his chauffeur Les Anthony to go to Southampton to enquire about the possibility of the wedding being held at sea, on the cross-channel ferry to France.
“On March 12, Paul married Linda Eastman at Marylebone Register Office in London, amid scenes of hysterical grief from his female fans. None of the other Beatles was present. The news reached John as he and Yoko were driving down to visit Aunt Mimi in Poole. Yoko’s divorce decree had become final a few weeks earlier, and, in a resurgence of Beatle copycat, John told her they, too, must get married as soon as possible” - Philip Norman, John Lennon: The Life (2008)
"We chose Gibraltar because it is quiet, British and friendly. We tried everywhere else first. I set out to get married on the car ferry and we would have arrived in France married, but they wouldn’t do it. We were no more successful with cruise ships. We tried embassies, but three weeks’ residence in Germany or two weeks’ in France were required." - John Lennon
“After a late lunch, Linda launched into a long paean to the joys of living in England. When she was finished, she turned to John and said, “Don’t you miss England?”
“Frankly,” John replied, “I miss Paris.””
— May Pang, Loving John (1983)
Wings album "London Town" is released. It includes the song "Cafe on the Left Bank", the lyrics of which clearly refer to John and Paul's trip to Paris.
Late 1970s (maybe 1978?): John is singing to Paul about Paris in a home recording. Longer version
1970s: John writes "Skywriting by Word of Mouth", a book that would be released in 1986. One story is about sex he had with a woman in Paris. Here it is. As anon noticed here: "...the woman is called Amie L'Nitrate and Amyl Nitrate is a reference to poppers. He talks about grabbing her 'pomme de frites.' Her potatoes? He uses the term 'tread lightly on some loafers' which is an old euphenism for being gay. Amie says they should have sex to God Only Knows. Then John says their relationship ended in a seething rage but he still thinks of 'her.'" @sgtsaltsband concluded in the same post: "so he writes a story about PARIS ( where he and paul went on a trip for his 21st bday and never stopped talking about it ) , in the HOTEL where the Beatles stayed later on [Hotel V in 1964] , names the girl after POPPERS ( a drug commonly used by gay men during sex ) , the girl wants to have sex to PAULS fave song and he uses this PHRASE." Also: this is an excerpt of the story:
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"Boogie" is a slang word for sex or dance (also, "Born to Boogie" is a 1972 movie starring Marc Bolan, Elton John and Ringo Starr). "Band on the Run" is a Paul McCartney and Wings' album which John loved. "Sue you sue me" can be a reference to to the Beatles' legal and business disputes and the fact that Paul sued John, George and Ringo in December 1970, and to "Sue Me, Sue You Blues", a song by George.
(thank you @menlove for uploading the story and pointing out interesting words!)
1994 - Paul inducting John to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
“And then on your 21st birthday you got £100 off one of your rich relatives up in Edinburgh, so we decided we’d go to Spain. So we hitch-hiked out of Liverpool. And we got as far as Paris, and decided to stop there for a week. And eventually got our haircut, by a fellow named Jürgen, and that ended up being the ‘Beatle haircut’.”
I also remember watching an interview with Paul about his album "Memory Almost Full" (2007). Thank you for adding, @ringompreg!
(it's like 7 minutes in) Interviewer: There is a very beautiful song called "The End Of The End", the way you talk about your whole ending, and the lyric goes: "It's a start of a journey to a much better place." You mean, better than England? Paul: It's basically a start of a journey to France. Or Spain through France. Yeah, that's what it is. It's a much better place, Paris.
Also worth mentoning:
"All You Need Is Love" begins with La Marseillaise.
"Picasso's Last Words (Drink To Me)" contains French-language speech by BBC broadcaster Pierre Le Sève.
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raya-hunter01 · 2 months
What Are We? Pt. 1/2
What Are We?
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X Jade
Jimmy X Trin
Rhea Ripley
Rating: 18+ Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, making up
Jey and Kayla have been friends and lovers for years. What happens when Kayla is tired of Jey asking for space instead of putting a label on what their relationship is. The script is flipped when Kayla is the one who asks for space and cuts off contact with Jey for six months, even moving out of the state.
What happens when Rhea, Bianca, and Trin invite Kayla to celebrate her birthday in Pensacola and Jey finds out? Can he finally admit he loves her or are they better off apart? This was requested by @royalkay23 thank you for being so patient and I hope you like it thus far.
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Savannah, GA
“I ain’t comin’ Jey is going to be breathin’ down my neck.”
“And your ass know you gon’ fold like that chair I hit Becky with the other night,” Bianca said chuckling.
“Kayla, I need you to trust us, we have the whole weekend planned and you need this,” Jade pleaded as I sighed looking into the camera.
This was our weekly thing to do to talk on facetime once a week.
“Ya’ll I don’t know, I been trying to stay under the grid since I left Pensacola.”
“I promise we went Lowkey for your birthday this time. We got a little staycation with some activities planned and a little party. You don’t even have to go to the house show on Saturday if you don’t want too” Trin said pouting trying to make me feel guilty.
“I don’t want to see him ya’ll,” I whispered as I heard Jade fake cough muttering “bullshit” as I rolled my eyes.
Damn, she could always read me like a book.
“Jey is leaving for Atlanta; he won’t be here I promise. It’s a mini girl’s weekend celebrating your birthday,” Bianca swore as I chuckled.
It was nice they were trying to plan something nice for me, but I knew Jey. If he knew I was coming, he would be there with bells on trying to talk and I ain’t in the mood. He made his choice, and I made mine.
“Girl come on and turn up for your birthday,” Trin said making me laugh.
“Yes, let us celebrate you Kayla, let’s have some fun.” Rhea begged as I finally agreed. “Fine, I will be there but why do I have the feeling ya’ll setting me up.”
Six months earlier
Pensacola, FL
Jey's House
“So why would she show up here?” I asked as Jey wiped the sweat from his brow. “You really wanna talk about it now after we’ve just had sex.”
“Didn’t the bitch just knock on the door, trying to get in here!”
“I sent her ass away, I ain’t tryin’ to argue baby we’ve had a nice weekend together. Damn, sometimes I just wish I was single,” he said as I looked at him getting a familiar feeling.
But not this time, I was gonna get his ass first.
“Well let me help you out, I’m leaving, and you can be single and up in every piece of ass you see fit to be in.” I said pulling away from him.
“Kayla, I didn’t mean-”
“I can’t believe I feel for it again,” I hissed getting up putting my shirt back on. “Come on Kayla don’t go,” Jey pleaded as I searched for my skirt. “No, I need to go because once again you want to play games, Jey,” I said as he got out of bed trying to stop me from leaving.
“I didn’t tell her to come by, Kayla,” Jey said as I scurried around the room gathering clothing in my hands. His ex had just come by and had given this song and dance about wanting him back. Now I never met her, but I’m pissed because she’s the reason he can’t commit.
She also worked for the WWE as well which made it worse that he saw her a lot at work.
“Kayla, please can we just talk about this,” Jey pleaded as I shook my head putting on my shoes.
“Why? I know the drill; she is fucking with your head and now you’re not sure what we are all of a sudden and now you want space.”
“I don’t want to make it complicated Kayla, I been through some fucked up shit.”
“We’ve been sleeping together for years Jey; we are past complicated now. Every time we get close to putting a name on it you freak out or something happens that makes you question us.”
“So, you just gon’ leave now. Kay, I don’t want you to go,” Jey pleaded as I pushed him away.
“I ain’t getting back in bed with a man who doesn’t see himself being in a relationship with me.” I was tired and just wanted to go home. This was the last time I was falling for this bullshit.
“Kayla, I need you to understand-”
“Oh I understand, you like me but not enough to be in a relationship with me?"
“I never said that bae.”
“Your actions show me that you want me to share my body with you, do couple things such as have sex, go on dates, be there for you when you’re going through shit but you don’t want to be in a relationship with me?”
“Ok, that sounds shitty-”
“Because it is shitty Jey, but you ain’t gotta worry about it no more. I want you have a nice life and I hope you find what you’re looking for. Storming out of the bedroom.
“Kay, don’t do this-”
“Do what? Choose myself?  Stop being your fuckin’ toy that you pick up off the shelf and play with when you get bored of other bitches?!” I screamed as Jey grabbed me by the arms stopping my rant, making me look at him.
“OK, dat’s it GOTDAMNIT!” The anger radiating off him seeping into me as well. Hell, I was pissed and fed up.
“Let me go, Josh!” I yelled as he invaded my space making me look at him.
 “You ain’t no fuckin’ toy, I lo-”
“You what Josh?!......The silence pissing me off even further.
“Speak! Damn it!”
“Look just don’t let me hear you say some shit like that ever again. You ain’t no toy I just play wit and you know it.” Jey said more calmer as I scoffed heading towards the door.
“Don’t come by my house because I won’t be there, and don’t call my mom either. I just need some space Josh.”
The shock and look of disbelief on his face would have made me laugh if it wasn’t so sad. Throwing his words back at him had struck a nerve and knew it.
“Kay, you don’t mean that let’s just talk-”
“Never expected to hear those words from me, did you? Well, Josh I think we need some space from each other.”
 And with that I slammed the door not only Jey but whatever we were to each other.
"Damn, we been through so shit." Thinking about that day was the last thing I wanted but the memory always came flooding back at the wrong time.
 It took a lot of strength to walk away, but when you tired, you tired.I loved him and I knew he loved me, but I had to choose myself in that moment.
I only wished he had fought for me, and let me knew everything would be ok, but he didn’t and now six  long months had passed.
The girls were right, I needed a break. I was going to enjoy my birthday and celebrate.
Maybe I wouldn’t run into Jey after all and if I did, don’t let me fold.
One Week Later
Pensacola, FL
Fusion R&B Club
Jey’s POV
“Man, I thought you was restin’ what you doin’ here?” Roman asked as I rolled my eyes. “Ya’ll ain’t slick I know Kayla flew in for her birthday and I just wanna see her.”
“Man let that girl have fun tonight, she just touched down two hours ago and you already trying to start.” Jimmy accused as I tried to find Kayla on the dance floor.
“I ain’t starting shit, she the one that left me six months ago.” I hissed still very angry even though I know I was to blame.
“She had a reason, look just get at her in the morning and let her enjoy the night,” Sefa said as I ignored him taking a seat. “I won’t bother her tonight, I just wanna make sure she good.”
“You are so full of shit, don’t ruin her night, or I will kill you." Roman's tone was stern but I ain’t scared of his ass, I’m here to see Kayla.  
Throughout the night I managed to keep a low profile just watching Kayla from afar. It definetly put things even more into prospective.
Men desired her and they weren’t trying to hide it at all. Seeing Tama and his brother watching the girls VIP table more than the dance floor was pissing me off.
“I’m bout to flip all this shit over, if he looks at her one more time,” I hissed seeing Tama and his brother whispering and pointing at Kayla…My Kayla.
“Man, let them women do they thing, it’s cool,” Sefa said as I sat seething.
“That shit, easy for you to say. Your girl ain’t up there buckin’ like a mechanical bull in the VIP section,” I said looking at Kayla with her hands on the table, her ass bouncing from side to side as I subconsciously I gripped my dick…
Man, she just asking for it, and when I give it to her, she betta ride dis dick just like that too.
I swear I ain’t never been so thankful she had on jeans in my life but dat ass was thangin’ and looking extra fat as she shook her hips bouncing on her hands as Trin and Bianca cheered her on.
“Damn, you had it like that, and you fucked it up,” Sefa said as I shot him a look, he was enjoying my misery a little too much. I was about to knock that smile off his damn face.
“I ain’t fucked up shit, Kayla’s still mine. We just fall in and out from time to time.”
“Ain’t you tired of dat, Uce? You know you love her, gone make dat shit official twin.”
 "I done told his ass, keep on letting her walk around this bitch single if you want to,” Roman said as I sighed knowing he was right.
“Beautiful and single at that,” Jimmy added, nudging me as I rolled my eyes.
“She ain’t fuckin’ single, we just takin a break trying to figure some shit out.”
“Aye! Buckin’, buckin' like a mechanical bull! You betta buck Kaydoll!” Trin yelled taping Kayla on her phone as I looked back at Jimmy.
 “See, that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, yo' wife always instigating shit, probably on Instagram live right damn now broadcasting Kayla’s ass,” I hissed as he laughed.
“Hey, no face, no case.”
“Man fuck you.”
“But let’s be real twin, you always doin’ stupid shit and being indecisive about your feeling for her. Look it took a lot of convincing to get her out here for her birthday. The girls got a little staycation and party planned for her so stay outta the way,” Jimmy said as I frowned.
A party? Staycation? Really, and ain’t nobody told me shit. They really were gonna let me fly home to Atlanta and not tell me nothing.
“I ain’t being indecisive about shit. Kayla knows what the deal is and how we get down. But the real question, how come ya’ll ain’t told me about all these plans? Ya’ll know I been wanting to see her,” I said as Roman sighed.
“The girls said you weren’t invited, and ain’t you flying back to Atlanta tomorrow,” he said shrugging his shoulders as I saw Tama approaching Kayla in their VIP section with a drink.
“I ain’t going no fuckin’ where..I like to party just like the rest of ya’ll.” I said snarling at the fact this clown was up on my woman.
“Aye, I am so serious right now, you cockblock any of us this weekend with yo bullshit, I’mma beat yo ass,” Sefa said as I saw Tama lean over and try to whisper something to Kayla, but she moved away giving him a polite smile, keeping him at arm’s length.
“I’ll be back,” I said standing up as Jimmy tried to grab my arm but I snatched away from him.
“Man, Uce, chill out they just talkin’” Jimmy said as I ignored him making my way toward the girls VIP section. He ain’t got no fuckin’ reason talkin’ to her, that’s the damn point of the matter. Motherfucka know what time it is.
“Jey, what you are doing here?” Rhea asked blocking my path before I got to their VIP section as I frowned.  
“I’m trying to talk to my girl, could you move please so I can go up there.”
“Oh, now she yo’ girl but for years you ain’t wanna put a label on it.” Bianca said rolling her eyes as I sighed. “Bee you know me..You my sister and you know I love her. I just have a hard time voicing that shit.”
“So, what you want us to do?”
“First of all move so I can go up there and break that shit up,” I said pointing at Kayla and Tama as Rhea smirked.
“Not on your life, Kayla can handle herself and she seems to like his company,” Jade said pointing at Kayla laughing at something Tama said.
“Look, you gonna only make it hard for yourself if you come up here acting a fool,” Rhea warned, but all I saw was red seeing him push up on her. The final straw was his leading her out of the VIP to the dance floor.
“I love ya’ll but please move, I need to get my girl.”
“Fine, go ahead and dig a deeper hole we can’t help you get out of,” Bianca said making the girls move.
“Fine I will,” I said stalking towards Kayla and Tama, but Sefa jumped in front of me. “Think about what you about to do.”
“I’m bout to talk to my woman and it ain’t got shit to do wit ya’ll secretive asses.”
“We did what we had to do for Kay and we ain’t sayin’ sorry for that. So, you can scratch your ass and get glad.”
Scanning the dance floor, I didn’t see Kayla nor Tama. I had lost them.
“Where the fuck did they go?! look what you did, ya’ll fuckin’ pissin’ me off now”. I hissed as Sefa rolled his eyes.
Where the fuck did they go? Searching the room, I sighed in relief seeing Kayla go in the restroom and Tama talking to his brother by the exit.
“I know she ain’t planning to leave wit him.”
“Leave it alone, Uce,” Sefa pleaded as I rolled my eyes making my way towards Tama and his brother Tonga.
“Hey, Jey what’s up wit you?” Tama asked as I tried to keep my cool.
“Oh, nothing just coming to talk to Kayla.”
Kayla’s POV
“Yes, relief,” I mumbled washing my hands. I had been having a great time. Tama seemed nice, and consoderate. When I told him I didn’t know where the bathroom was he offered to take me.
“You gon stay away from her is what you gon’ do or I’mma break every bone in your fuckin’ body.”
Hearing the familiar voice and commotion I went towards the door in shock. "I know it isn't?"
“Jey, she’s a big girl and can do what she wants. I bought her a drink and offered to show her where the restroom was, that’s all.”
“Stay away from her, that’s the only warning you getting.”
“I didn’t know she was spoken for Jey, but it’s cool.”
“You a bitch ass lie!”
Opening the door, Jey quickly ushered me back inside locking the door behind him.
“Are you carzy?!” I hissed as Tama pounded on the door.
“Hey, let me in. Are you good in there, Kayla?!” He shouted as Jey rolled his eyes.
“Tell lover boy you good, and to take his ass on somewhere.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,Jey. Why the hell are you even here?”
“Aye, it don’t matter to me, he can stay and listen to me fuck some sense into you for all I care.” Jey said without shame as I scoffed.
“Tama, I’m ok....I’ll call you later,” I said for good measure to piss Jey off knowing good and hell well I didn’t have his number.
“I’ll hopefully see you before the weekend is over Kayla.”
“You won’t be seeing her again, bye.” Jey hissed at the door as I threw my head back in frustration and screamed.
“You just so damn confusing, you don’t want a relationship, but you don’t want men talkin’ to me. Make it make sense, Jey.”
“He wasn’t talkin! He was wanting to get wit you, he been watchin’ you all fuckin' night!”
“Ok AND!! I’m not with you, what do you want from me Jey?! This off and on shit is getting old,” I said as he stopped me from walking past him, pulling me close as I avoided his gaze.
“Kayla, you already know I don’t share what’s mine and stop calling me Jey," he whispered as I growled in frustration, somewhat turned on.
 Kayla keep your legs closed, don’t do it.
Jey’s POV
I didn’t want our first conversation to go this way, but Tama had pissed me off. Her dancing like she didn’t have a care pissed me off. Men looking at her pissed me off. My own stupidity of letting her walk out of my house that day pissed me off.
“What did you just say?”
“You heard me Kayla, I don’t share what’s mine and your mine.” I said boldly.
“Oh, so now I’m yours,” Kayla said sarcastically, pissing me off even more. She knows she’s mine and it was time to remind her.
“They sniffin’ round you cause’ they know what the deal is,” I said blocking Kayla from leaving, backed her up against the door.
“Jey, what exactly is the de-” my mouth swallowing her whimpers with a sloppy passionate kiss. Six months of anger, passion, regret and most importantly love taking over us both as our tongues battled for control as if we couldn't get close enough to each other.
Rendering her into a whimpering mess, Kayla quickly pulled away trying to regain a sense of control, but I refused to let up.
I had missed her and had to let her know it wasn’t over between us no matter the time or distance we belonged to each other.
“Yea, you already know what the deal is, and how I get down stop playin’ wit me.”  I growled moving my kisses to her neck, knowing her weakness.
“J-Josh I can’t.”
Her moans of pleasure driving me insane, I knew I should stop, but I couldn't.
“Yea, say my name, like you know you mine,” I groaned claiming her lips once again, as she clawed at my shirt pulling me closer. Yea, I’m  nippin’ this shit in the bud tonight.
“Left me, knowin’ what you mean to me.” I groaned wrapping her legs around my waist.
“You never showed it and I’m not yours,” Kayla moaned trying to move remain strong, but I wasn’t gon’ give up that easy. Grinding against her pants covered center, she gasped instinctively rolling her hips against mine.
“Fuck,” Kayla gasp as I moaned in agreement, burying my face in her neck. It had been too long, our pleasure short lived as Kayla pushed at my shoulders when a loud knock startled us.
“Let me down, Jey.” she pleaded as I placed her back on her feet but still held her in my arms, ignoring whoever was trying to come in.
“Your mind is mine,” I moaned making her look at me before I kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “Jey, stop,” she pleaded as I moved my attention to her now plump lips. Gently nipping at them before once again tasting them, in a deep kiss startling us both of its power.
“Your lips are mine.” I rasped.
My own heart racing as I kissed alongside her neck. “Yours,” she moaned as a primal growl escaped my lips, her acceptance of our fate turning me on even more.
 Grasping her hand within mine and placing it over her heart. “Your heart is mine,” I whispered before placing our conjoined hands over my own heart as Kayla looked at me with confusion.  
“And my heart is your, Kayla.”
“What are you sayin’?”
“I’m tired of fighting how I feel Kayla, I want to be with you, and I want you to be my mine.” Another knock at the door disrupting us again before she could respond.
“Open the door Jey, folks out here need to get in the bathroom. They threatenin' to call security,” Jimmy said as Kayla wiped her tears. “Two minutes Twin!" I shouted as Kayla shook her head smoothing down her clothes and her hair.
“No, we’re coming out now Jimmy.”
“Kayla, please just hear me out, Ma. We can go to my room and talk or least let me give you ride to where ya'll stayin'."
“No, talk to me when your sober and not saying what you want me to hear because you saw someone take an interest in me.” Kayla said unlocking the door, storming past Jimmy and out of the club with Rhea and Jade right on her heels.
“I told yo’ ass but you wouldn’t listen to none of us. Now you in a bigger mess.”
“Twin, not right now.”
I had to find Kayla, it was so much I had to tell her. Heading outside I saw her hugging Rhea.
“Look, I don’t know what you did in there, but she is a mess. Meet me at our breakfast spot in the morning at 8 am. Don’t be late Jey.” Bianca’s intense stare daring me to be late tomorrow.
“I’ll be there, sis.”
“You just couldn’t resist makin’ an ass out yourself, could you?” Roman asked walking towards me as I shot him a look and Bianca shook her head before walking off.
“Man, I’m out, I’ll see ya’ll sometime tomorrow.” “So you were serious about not leaving for Atlanta tomorrow. You acted like this morning you had some much to do before we head back out on the road.” Sefa throwing my words back up in my face irking me to no end.
“Plans change, I asked to be added me to the house show for tomorrow anyway. Plus, my home is wherever Kayla is and I ain’t leavin’ Pensacola without my girl. So, get ready to see me all weekend fam.”
“Just know when to back off twin, we all hope you and Kay can work it out but don’t come on too strong.”
“Jimmy, I can’t let her go back to Savannah not knowing how I feel.”
A’ight, we know and we got your back.”
I wasn’t going to come on too strong, but I definitely was getting Kayla back one way or another.
The Next Morning
Blaster’s Cafe
Bianca’s POV
Jade and I decided to come hear Jey out and see where his head is at. I can honestly say he’s done a lot of growing up these last six months but Jade was still on the fence Kayla is her cousin
“How do we know mean it? You could be just sayin’ what we all wanna hear,” Jade accused as Jey seemed so defeated.
“Jade, I know I fucked up, but the time apart made me realize part of me was missing. I Love Kayla, it’s time I took a chance.”
“She was so broken, thinking you guys were on the right track and then her comes Cameron once again and you didn’t do nothing to stop the disrespect,” I said throwing in my two cents, but Jade was hitting it home.
My cousin got tired, Jey. She wants to be married, have kids and have a partner who isn’t going to change his mind and has no problem being committed to her and her alone.”
“Jade, I’ve never changed my mind when it came to Kayla, I just had a lot of shit going on and you know that Bee.” Jey said pointing at me as I sighed sitting down my cup of coffee.
“I know but it’s been five years since Carmen, Jey. But you and I both know Kayla would never do what she did to you. She helped you get through it and saw what it did to you.”
“I know Bee.”
“Then I’mma need you to act like it bro. Stop letting her come in and make you second guess yourself.”
Jey’s POV
“Ya’ll have known each since ya’ll were teenagers, Jey. Name one time Kayla ain’t been there as your friend, or lover. Like people get tired of the back in forth and people not seeing their worth.” Jade scolded as I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on.
It was too early for this conversation, but they were right. I felt even more like shit remembering the times Kayla and I would be so close to putting a label on what we were. Then almost like clockwork, I’d get scared, push her away and say I needed space.
 I was runnin’ from her love because I felt underserving, and I didn’t want to screw it up.
“Jade, I’mma be real wit you and Bee.  I was scared of Kayla; I knew she was the one for me, but I was fighting it tooth and nail but I’m tired of fighting it. Kayla is it for me.” I said truthfully as Bianca nodded in understanding.
“So, what you saying? Bianca asked as I sighed knowing now was the right time to let them know my intentions especially if they are willing to help me.
“Kayla is my future; I want her to be my wife and the mother of my children someday when we’re both ready. She means everything to me, and I have no intention to leave Pensacola without her.”
“Well, if want Kayla to be all those things, are you going to keep livin’ in the past?” Jade asked refusing to make it easy on me.
“No Jade, I love Kay-”
“Good, because if you were, there is no future between ya’ll and you might as well leave her be.” Jade said without hesitation. Damn, she was a ball buster but I’m glad Kayla her cousin looking out for her.
“I know, that’s why I’m here. I love Kayla, I always have. I know I took her for granted but I never will again,” I said pleading my case as Bianca looked at me with a small smile before looking back at Jade who finally nodded.
“Fine, we will help you but don’t make us regret this,” Bianca said reaching into her bag pulling out a piece of paper and giving it to me.
“This is our schedule and addresses of everywhere we will be this weekend. We are having her little dinner party after the house show Tomorrow at the Westview. Come dressed and ready to plead your case.”
“If you leave now, you might be able to catch her before they leave the rental we’re staying at. Rhea just text me and said they about to eat before they head out. We’re going to meet them at the boat," Jade said as I smiled.
“I love ya’ll so much,” I said leaning over and giving them a hug before getting up to leave.
“Good luck, bro!” Bianca yelled as tore out of the cafe.
She did say talk to her when I was sober. Getting in the car I texted Rhea to let her know I was coming and to not leave.
Traffic wasn’t too bad, but I was getting stuck by every red light. “Damn, come on…Please still be there,” I mumbled finally pulling the driveway of their rental sighing in relief seeing their van rental still there.
“Good lookin’ out Rhea.” I whispered getting out, seeing her come out on the porch alone.
“She’s upstairs putting her shoes on; I’m going to wait in the van. Don’t upset her, I want her to enjoy this weeken. I don’t want to go to jail for killing you.”
“Rhea, I’m not, I promise,” I said giving her a hug before going inside nervously waiting for her to come down.
“Rhea, I changed my shoes like you said, but can you at least give me a hint about where we are going?” Kayla rambled coming down the steps.
“Good morning, Kay.”
“What are you doing here, Jey?” she asked coming towards me but looking out the window.
“Rhea ain’t left you, she’s just waiting in the car. I just wanted to talk, you did tell me to talk to you when I was sober.” I said shrugging my shoulders trying to lighten the mood.
“Yes, I did, but I didn’t mean now,” she said nervously shuffling her feet.
“I want to apologize, you were right. It wasn’t fair to you how I would always push you away.” I paused waiting for the anger from her, but it never came, she was actually listening to me.
“Truth is I wasn’t drunk last night, and I meant what I said. My heart does belong to you.”
“Can you wrap this up Jey, because I got somewhere to go.” Kayla said getting irritated.
“I’m tryin’ to tell you that I love you, and I want us to be together Kayla. I promise it will be different, these six months without you I been a mess. Just ask everybody, I really missed you.”
“Yea, until Cameron comes around with her drama, and you begin to doubt what we are to each other. You never even tried to find me Jey.”
“Kayla, I know you live in Savannah, I found out where you went the day you left. I even moved to Atlanta to be close to you so if anything happened, I could get to you.”
“But why didn’t you come to see me, and tell me how you felt? It’s been six months Jey.”
 “Kayla I was scared as fuck. I mean for the first time ever, you had just told me you wanted space from me. You were hurt and fed up and I understood it. Just looking in your eyes that night, I knew any wrong word or move would have caused you to walk out of my life forever.
“Just listen to me please,” I pleaded as Kayla nodded her head and folded her arms, trying to keep her tears at bay.
 “I didn’t want to lose you, so I wanted to give you some time, like you always gave me. You ain’t never asked me for nothin’ Kayla, so the one thing you asked me for I was going to give you even though it killed me to do it.”
“Did it dawn on you that maybe just once I wanted you to fight for me, Josh. Fight for us and show you understood where I was coming from and that I wasn't in this alone.”
“Kayla, I know I made it hard for you to love me-”
“No, I let you talk, now let me finish.  Josh, I wanted you to show me what I mean to you instead of me always trying to make you see that I love you and that you love me.”
“I do love you and want to be wit you Kayla."
"Then prove it, stop letting the past control your future!” Kayla cried as I reached out to touch her but she side steped me and started toward the front door.
“Baby don’t push me away,” I begged as she wiped her tears. “I have to go, Rhea’s waiting for me.”
“Can we at least talk a little more at the house show tomorrow?” I asked as Kara ignored me, hurrying outside. “Why does she have to be so fuckin' stubborn,” I muttered closing the door behind me, rushing to catch her before they left.
Y"ou alright?" Rhea asked as Kayla nodded getting in the front seat.
“Please Kayla,” I pleaded as she closes the door.
“Kayla, he’s begging."
“I’ll be around, Jey. If guess if you find me, it’s fate,” she whispered making me smile.
“Trust me, I’ll find you....I'll alway find you, because wether you know it or not, it is fate Kay Kay.” I said knowing she loved it when I called her that.
Trying her hardest not to blush, Kayla quickly put on her shades and stared straight ahead. Rhea, getting a kick out of the exchanged winked at me.
“We’ll see you, Jey.”
“Yea, count on it Rhea, I’ll be seeing ya'll.”
I felt I was making a little headway, but I had a long way to go. Heading back to the car I called Sefa.
"Well I see you still alive Bianca and Jade didn't kill you, yet."
Yea, I lived to tell the tale. Sefa, I need you to get in contact with that florist that did those roses for mom a couple years ago."
“Which one?”
“The one that does the big bouquet of roses, I need them done by tomorrow and I want them gold. If they don't have gold, red will do."
“Jey, what you up too now?”
“I’m getting my woman back, now are you gon’ help me or not.”
“I’ll see can they have the red done for you to pick up before the show.”
Thanks, bro, I appreciated it. I owe you one."
“You welcome, just make this opportunity count."
“Oh, I'm plannin' on it.”
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
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severenswife sayyestoheav3nn pittieprincess22 mindairy
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justarheaslut @shamaness11
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Sweet Like Sugar (Tattoo Artist!Geto x Black!Bimbo!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Geto Suguru x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which Geto gets paid a pleasant surprise at his tattoo shop when his favorite, cute little bimbo client comes to visit one night on his birthday to cover her ex's tattoo.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dom!Geto; sub!Reader; Bimbo!Reader; Reader is Black & Fem; Sexual Tension; Stripping; Oral; Deepthroat; Multiple Positions (Doggystyle, Fucking Standing Up; One Leg Up; Cowgirl); Body Worship; Dick Piercing; Mild Pain Kink; Unprotected PIV; Cum on Ass
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: A very happy birthday to my BABYYYYY!! I wrote this as a quick something to celebrate the special day & because tattoo artist!Geto has been burning a hole in my head AND my p*ssy. Enjoy! -Jazz
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It’s his birthday and he’s working late. 
Not that he would’ve chosen differently. Geto doesn’t mind working late. Anything he can do to increase the popularity of his beloved tattoo shop, he’ll do it. He’s had this shop for over six years now ever since he graduated from art school and claims it as the reason for his career. Plus, celebrity popularity. 
Ever since he tattooed Rihanna on one of her world tours, he’s tattooed many other popular figures in music which gained him more traction. He can’t be happier with the booming business, even when it is on his birthday. He’s never been the type to make a big deal about the day he was born, so working on inking up people’s bodies and scheduling appointments never bothered him. It does, however, bother Gojo. 
“C’mooon, Sugu,” he whines, using the nickname he’s called Geto since high school. “You’ve been in this sad little shop since 8 in the morning! Let’s go out for drinks. It’s your birthday, after all.” 
Geto, currently bent over his station cleaning off his ink needles and machinery in time for the next appointment at 8 PM (the shop closes at 9, but he lets the guy squeeze since it means more money), rolls his eyes. “7, actually,” he says. “And you know that the bars are packed tonight, Satoru. It’s Saturday. We can go during the week though.” 
Gojo whines again as he shrugs on his coat and pops on his glasses that Geto thinks make him look like one of the three blind mice. “You’re so boring,” he sighs. “Why do I hang out with you?” 
Shoko exits her post at the front desk, putting on her leather trench to hide one of her arms roped in ink. “Because he gave you a job out of college and lets you smoke weed on your breaks,” she mumbles as she pops an unlit cigarette into her mouth. Gojo glares at her while Geto laughs. He gave Gojo a job as a tattooer, along with Shoko (who is also the receptionist), because of how good their skills are. However, he would do it anyway because of their work ethic and the fact that they’re such good friends. 
“I’ll go with you ‘cause I need a drink,” Shoko huffs as she shimmies between the tattoo stations to the front door.” “We’ll drink in honor of you, Sugu.” Before she leaves, she bends over and pecks Geto on the cheek, leaving a ring of red lipgloss. “Happy birthday,” she chuckles. 
“Thanks,” he chuckles, wiping off her lipstick stain. “Have fun.” Shoko heads out into the chilly night, holding the door so Gojo can hurry up and join her outside. His blue-eyed friend stops and pats Geto on the shoulder, nearly knocking Geto’s cleaning rag and his ink machine out of his hands. “Don’t stay too long, alright? You need to sleep.” 
He gives Geto a serious look as he says this. It’s no secret that his friends think that Geto overworks himself to the point of exhaustion, but when you’re a business owner, you have to make sacrifices. “Satoru, my appointment is only askin’ for an outline,” he chuckles. “Those only take me twenty to thirty minutes, tops. But I appreciate your concern.” He puts a hand on Geto’s, giving him a smile. “As soon as I’m done, I’ll hop on my motorcycle and head out of here, okay?” 
Gojo nods, looking satisfied with that. “And let us know if a hot girl comes in,” he says with a smirk. “Maybe even that sweetheart you’ve got your head in a tizzy over.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Geto who rolls his eyes, but his body tingles at the mention of you, the “sweetheart” in question. 
“Not head’s not in a tizzy,” he scoffs, standing up from his leather seat to get a drink, but mostly to escape his friend’s teasing. “Whatever the fuck that means. And she hasn’t been here in over two weeks.” Gojo watches Geto’s muscular back as he walks away, the dragon tatted on his back flexing along with his muscles. “You miiiiiss her,” he teasingly sings. 
Geto cuts his eyes sharply at his friend, about to tell him off, but Shoko peeks her head through the front door. “Cut it out,” she criticizes Gojo. “Now let’s go before we can’t find a seat.” She nods at Geto with a smile, giving him a wink. “Take it easy, Suguru.” Geto hums in agreement and waves as he moves behind the front desk to their mini fridge. 
“Remember what I said!” Geto calls as he heads out the door. “Let me know if she comes! I want details!” Then he’s off with Shoko into the city, leaving Geto alone in his shop. “Lock the door on your way out!” Geto calls, but they leave before his order reaches them. Sighing, he takes an ice-cold water bottle out of the fridge and takes a gulp of it before walking over to lock the door. 
Though he loves his friends, he was counting on them leaving tonight since they’re heavy drinkers and Gojo is a partier. It gives him time to be alone with his thoughts and, though he will never admit it, he is hoping to see you tonight. He’s been staying late for just that reason, making the excuse to ink people for later appointments, count cash, and clean up shop. He’s been hoping one day that you’d pop up on his schedule or that you’d call so he can hear your sweet, sexy voice, but to his utter disappointment, you haven’t. 
Ever since you entered his shop a month ago to get your belly button pierced, he hasn’t been able to get you out of his mind. It was a chilly but sunny day when he met you and he had just returned from lunch to get started with his next appointment. Gojo and Choso, one of his other skilled yet young tattooers, were working that day. Geto had walked in, positively pissed, in his wool trench after parking, locking, and hopping off of his motorcycle. 
The bell above the door rang as he stomped in wearing his boots, wanting to stomp someone. “You won’t believe this shit,” he scoffed to no one in particular but knew that his coworkers would listen. “I almost ran over this guy’s dog who ran out into the street without a leash. The dude tried to blame me for it even though he’s an irresponsible dog owner! Then, the idiot was threatening to sue for…” 
He immediately stopped complaining the moment he got a look at you checking in at the front desk along with your friend. 
You turned around at the same time as his coworkers when he stomped through the door, giving him an eyeful of your pretty, brown skin and eyes highlighted by the pink you wore: a pink trench with flurry sleeves and neckline; a pink cropped sweater that exposed your tummy and juicy cleavage held up by your push-up bra; pink nails he wanted to feel wrapped around him; juicy, glossy, pink lips that chewed on some strawberry mint gum he could smell from the door. 
The only things that weren’t pink on you were the black boots that didn’t make him any taller than you and your hip-hugging, low-waist jeans that flared out at the bottom of your ankles and hugged your waist and thighs something wicked. Geto was silenced, his heart thundering in his ears and blood immediately rushing to his cock. He was disgusted at that, but he couldn’t help it! It was like you stepped out of a man’s wettest dream. You were the perfect mix of adorable and sexy. 
Shoko smirked at Gojo from across the room before clearing her throat to fill the awkward silence. “Your 3 PM is here, Geto,” she announced. You gave him a big, blinding, warm smile and he wore he nearly popped a nosebleed. “Hi!” you greeted him. “That’s me! I booked it online on your website.” 
Realizing he looked like an idiot just standing there, Geto quickly recovered and cleared his throat, ignoring Gojo’s soft sniggers. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yes, my 3 o’clock. I’m Suguru.” He stuck out his hand to you which you took, your hand so much smaller and softer than his. “I’m Y/N,” you said in that sweet voice. “This is my friend. She introduced me to your shop ‘cause Ariana Grande got her tattoo done here.” 
“Oh, yeah, Ms. Grande!” he chuckled. He had to take a moment to think about that because his brain was too busy focusing on how good you smelled and your pretty smile. “Yeah, she was very nice. Are you here for some ink? I don’t think you said anything about what you wanted for your appointment.” 
You giggled, sheepishly so. “You guys do piercings, right?” you asked, blinking those big, doe-like eyes and doll-like lashes up at him. He nodded, afraid to speak. “I was hoping if maybe I could get a belly button ring. A pink one, please! Or one shaped like a heart!” 
Your friend nudged you the wider and more excited your gorgeous eyes got. “Y/N,” she whined. “Don’t be so pushy.” But Geto chortled to himself, thinking it was adorable. “It’s cool,” he chuckled. “Well, follow me to my station and I can show you what we have.” 
While your friend waited in the waiting area where snacks and drinks sat, you followed Geto to his workstation where a stool for himself, a retractable chair for his clients, and a large mirror plastered against the wall sat. He presented you with a glass case of rings to choose from, each one becoming more expensive due to the kind of metal used and whether the diamond in it is real. “Oooh, I’ll take this one!” you cooed, pointing at the fuschia pink diamond stud with a butterfly charm hanging off of it. “It’s so pretty!” Geto smirked, knowing that you’d pick that. “Lemme just sit up real quick,” he told you and you nodded before shedding your coat. 
When you did, he watched as you bent over to toss the coat over your chair, getting an eyeful of your back and your ass in your jeans. He has never had a client make it so hard to work before. His cock practically became his head, throbbing intensely. He tried to distract himself by putting on his latex clothes and cleaning the piercing needle. Once done, he took out the earring and dangled it in front of you. “You like pink?” he asked, smirking. 
You gave him a sheepish, shy smile. “Is it that obvious?” you giggled. “I just love the color. I think it makes me look cuter.” He didn’t tell you that he agreed. You then began to look around the store aimlessly, gaping at the sketches hanging up behind him. “Wow, did you draw that?” you gasped, pointing at a blue dragon emerging from a bed of water lilies. “That’s sooo beautiful! You design your own stuff?” 
He nodded, flushing at the compliment. “Thank you, and yes, I do. I’m a tattoo artist who just so happens to own their own shop.” He patted the chair, giving you a warm, comforting smile. “Go ahead and get comfortable. Lie back for me.” You did so, sitting down and lying back against the leather cushion, but you looked tense. “How long have you owned your shop for?” you asked. “That’s gotta be hard. I’m going to college now, so I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed. Classes are cool. I hate math classes though. I mean, what do we need to learn calculus for? It’s pointless! I wanna be a teacher, not…” 
You stopped, looking embarrassed. “Sorry. I talk a lot when I’m nervous.” He raised an eyebrow at you as he set out some anti-bacterial wipes and soothing cream. “Nervous?” he asked. “I can see you’ve gotten piercings before though.” He nodded at your ears and diamond nose ring. 
“Yeah, but those weren’t for my body!” you argued. “But then again, I do wanna get my nipples done too, so I guess I’ll have to get used to needles.” 
Geto didn’t tell you how much the idea of you having nipple rings turned him on. Maybe they would be pink too. “I have tattoos too,” you added. He once again quirked an eyebrow at you, happy to get to know you more to ease your nerves…and also because he was so intrigued by you. “Do you now?” he prompted, curious. “Lemme see.” 
You first showed him one––a tiny purple butterfly on your right arm. “I got this one two years ago for my birthday,” you explained. You then rolled down your pants slightly, making Geto blush and think very naughty thoughts, to show him the name inked on your left thigh. “And this one is my boyfriend’s name.” You stated this so proudly. 
Geto tried not to wither at the fact that you were taken. Of course, you would be! You were too damn cute to not be with someone. “Boyfriend, huh?” he asked. “How’d you meet him?” He hated how bitter he sounded, but you didn’t seem to notice. “We go to the same school together. Funny enough, he was my weed plug and he asked me out. We’ve been together for two years now.” 
You gave him a crooked smirk as you pulled your pants back up. “I know it’s silly,” you sighed. “That’s what my friend said: to get a guy’s name tattooed on your body.” Geto felt a pang of guilt because he was thinking it. “I didn’t say that,” he protested. “You’d be surprised how many people come in here wantin’ their significant other’s name tatted on them.” 
“Well, there’s the whole logic behind it that if you break up, you’ll have their name on you forever!” you stated. “But I know that’s not gonna happen. We’re doing great and he’s got my name tatted on him in the same spot!” you sounded so certain that Geto couldn’t dare argue. 
“I’m happy to hear that,” he said, giving you a smile before fetching an alcohol swap. “I’m just gonna clean your belly button first and then you’ll feel a pinch. There will be blood, but not a lot.” 
You nodded and braced yourself by squeezing the chair before he began to wipe at your belly button. “That tickles!” you laughed, endearing, hysterical giggles leaving your mouth as Geto did his thing. He smiled, loving the sound. He wanted to make you laugh always. Once done, he took the needle and gave you a soothing smile. “So tell me what you go to school for.” 
You were happy to tell him and he found that the more he talked to you, the less tense and nervous you were. You talked the whole time he took the needle and pierced your belly button, trying not to laugh at your squeal of pain. You were just the sweetest thing ever. He also found that the more he talked to you, the more he wanted to know you. Once finished and your stomach was clean, you admired your piercing in the mirror. “Thank you so, so much, Suguru!” you squealed. “It’s so, so cute!” 
Geto watched you shake your hips in the mirror, agreeing that the tiny charm looked so damn cute hanging from your belly. He tried not to stare too much, instead, spraying and sanitizing the chair for the next client. “Do you have an IG that I can tag you in?” you asked, taking out your phone with a Hello Kitty case. God, how cuter could you possibly get?! He just wanted to scoop you up and put you in his pocket! 
“Yeah, and I’ll give it to you when I ring you up,” he stated, loving how sweet you were. Once he finished cleaning up and giving you the solution to clean your piercing with, he walked you to the front desk to pay and totaled it, telling you something completely lower than the actual price. “Oh…but that’s not the price on your website,” you stated, confused. 
“I know,” he chuckled, looking down at you adoringly. “A college girl like you needs to save.” Realization flickered in your eyes. “That’s so sweet!” you cooed and, after you finished paying, surprised him by putting $20 in the tip jar. “For doing such a good job on me,” you giggled. “I’ll make sure I visit here again for a tattoo.” 
Geto shared your smile, feeling his heart thud at the thought of you coming back. He wanted you to come back. “I look forward to it, Y/N,” he said, not realizing how deep and sultry your voice sounded. But you did and your friend had to come get you because your legs suddenly forgot how to function. You looked back at him over your shoulder before you finally left, making Geto wonder if he’d see you again. Gojo was more than excited to be nosey and leaned against the front desk while Geto counted change. “What?” he grumbled, not even looking up. 
“Dude, you should’ve copped that,” Gojo sighed. “I would’ve definitely slid that cutie my digits.” 
Geto glared at him as he dropped the coins in the register. “She said she has a boyfriend, in case you’re hard at hearing,” he pointedly said. 
Gojo clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “That don’t matter! You could’ve given her your card for…business purposes.” He smirked suggestively, ever the perv.  “Why would I need to do that if she has my IG?” Geto scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Da fuck I look like givin’ this girl my card with my number on it? She would’ve thought I was trying to pick her up. And besides, she’s probably not even gonna show up again.” 
But you did. You showed up the whole month of January to pick up new solution or to get a cleanup on your butterfly tattoo. Geto always took you and if he wasn���t there to do so, you came back when he was on his shifts which made his heart flutter. You learned more about him and he about you during all of your sessions which became his favorites. You had become his favorite client because of how sweet you were to everyone. Your personality and presence seemed to brighten his shop a little more. He looked forward to the days you’d come in. 
Until suddenly, you stopped. He hasn’t seen you in over a week and though he had your number in the system, he refused to call you. He didn’t want to overstep boundaries, so he just left it be, but he can’t deny that his heart aches every time the bell above the door rings and you’re not standing there. 
After fifteen minutes of cleaning up and humming to the music blasting from his phone, it begins to drizzle outside which means that his appointment may be cancelled. Many clients cancel or don’t show up when the weather is nasty. No more than five minutes later, he gets a call on the shop’s phone which goes right to voicemail. “Hi there!” his appointment, an older man, says. “This message is for Geto Suguru. I apologize, but I have to cancel because of my work hours. I’ll reschedule for an opening next week. Have a good night!” 
“Shit,” Geto cusses, not happy to have wasted his time, but also glad that he’ll be able to go home early and chill on a rainy night. So he busies himself with putting up the closed sign on the door before taking a Clorox wipe and wiping down the front desk. With his back to the door, he hears the bell make its tinkling sound behind him. 
“Hey, sorry, but we’re closed,” he announces without looking behind him. “Oh, sorry!” your sweet, familiar voice says. “I wanted to…” Geto immediately stops cleaning to turn to face you. You stand there frozen with an umbrella dripping in water and wearing a cropped pink tracksuit and matching pants bedazzled with your name on them. You both stare at each other for a minute, completely silent and transfixed, before you manage to smile at him. “Hi,” you greet him. 
God, how he’s missed that smile. “Hi,” he parrots, still in awe. “What brings you here tonight, stranger?” 
Your smile grows wider, a little brighter than before but still slightly…off. You don’t have that light to them. “I had come to get something, but I can come back. I thought y’all closed at 10 PM.” 
“We do,” Geto replies, already putting away the cleaning products, “but my client cancelled, so I was gonna shut down shop early…but I can still take you depending on what you need.” You look relieved at that and he wants to know why. “Thank you, Suguru,” you sigh. “I’m so sorry to interrupt your night.” 
“Nonsense,” he chuckles, walking you over to his work station. “My night was gettin’ boring anyway, so I’m glad you walked in. Hop up.” He pats the seat to which you hop up on, your legs dangling from the seat. The sound of SZA swells around the shop, filling the silence. Usually, you’re so chipper and singing along to the tunes, but tonight, you’re completely quiet. 
“So I’ve got ask,” Geto says, giving you a warm smile. “Where have you been at all this time? I haven’t seen you around the shop lately.” He begins to take the cleaning products for piercings and tattoos out to make it the conversation seem casual, but in reality, he is dying to know where you disappeared to. You shrug, looking everywhere but at him. “Just dealin’ with classes, you know,” you answer softly. “Exams, tests, papers…” He nodded understandably and rolled towards you on his stool. “So what are you lookin’ for tonight?” he asks. 
And he doesn’t know what in that question gets to you, but you immediately burst into tears. A sob-like exhale breaks through that chest and sobs begin to escape those pretty lips as you weep into your hands. Geto is taken aback, not sure what to do. “Uh…did I say something wrong?” he asks. 
You vigorously shake your head, your cheeks now coated in tears. “No, no,” you sniffle. "I’m so sorry, Suguru. I just…” You sigh, shaking your head. “My boyfriend broke up with me,” you confess. “The one whose name I got tattooed on my fucking thigh! TMI, but I caught him fucking another girl in his dorm when I went over to celebrate his birthday with a cake I made.” 
Geto crumbles at the sight of you looking so low; so down; so insecure. He hates seeing you like that and he hates that your bitch ass ex caused this. “I came to get his name covered,” you admit. “Maybe with a flower or another butterfly. Something pretty to cover this ugliness. I’m sorry to spring this on you so late, but–“ 
You abruptly stop because Geto is looking at you in a way that he has never looked at a client. His gaze his hooded but fierce and serious, one of his hands gripping the chair arm and nearly brushing against your arm. “You don’t have to be sorry about a thing, Y/N,” he says in a gentle, sweet voice that soothes you and makes you feel safe. “I’d be happy to do this for you. And if it’s any consolation, a girl as sweet as you deserves much more than someone that hurts you.” 
You stare at him for a moment, your eyes big and glassy from crying. He gives you a smile that you mirror, flashing him something he has been aching to see. “And plus, my birthday couldn’t get more exciting,” he chuckles. At this, you gasp. “It’s your birthday?” you coo. “Oh, that makes me feel even worse!” 
Geto laughs, patting your hand comfortingly, ignoring the sparks that fly as he does. “It’s cool, really. I don’t celebrate my birthday like that.” He goes to roll away so he can get some designs for you, but you stop him by placing a hand on his arm. He turns, finding you staring him down with an unreadable, hot expression. “Well…is there any way I can repay you?” you ask, but there is a purr to it. It is soft and low, but Geto hears it. And suddenly, he feels as if you aren’t just here for the ink. 
The air shifts to something less than professional and friendly. Though Geto should ignore it, he doesn’t, too distracted by your lips and thick thighs in those track pants. “Well, what did you have in mind?” he asks, his voice dipping an octave. To you, it sounds like dripping honey and makes you feel a way that your ex never did. 
You suddenly slip off of the chair and stand in front of him while he sits. He wheels closer to you so you stand between his thick, muscular thighs in his jeans, looking up into your eyes. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way,” you say, your tone sultry and sweet. "I don’t want you to think you’re rebound ‘cause you’re not. I’ve always liked you, Suguru, but I didn’t want to ruin things with my ex...but now that we’re done, I’d like to take our relationship somewhere else.” You give him a shy smile that nearly makes him bust. “If you’re down for it,” you add, batting those pretty lashes at him. 
Seconds later, his control flying out the fucking window, Geto finds himself snatching you down to kiss him, causing you to fall into his lap. He swallows your surprised mewls and soft moans as he kissed your lips, making his sticky with your gloss. He gives you those moans right back, desperate and yearning, as you straddle him. He can feel how warm you are the more he kisses and touches you, especially between your thighs. You grind against his crotch as your hands stroke up his chest and his squeeze and mold the thick, soft globes of your ass in your tracksuit pants. 
“Finally,” he murmurs through your kiss. “I’ve been wanting you…wanting you for so fuckin’ long.” One hand trails up your back to caress your spine while the other rests on your ass, coaxing you to continue to grind your hips into him. “Me too,” you whimper as he nipples gently on your plump, pillowy-soft bottom lip. “I have too.” 
He smiles through the kiss, happy to know that you’ve been aching for him even when you were with someone already. This is insane! He was so sure he would go home after locking up the shop, take a ride on his motorcycle, and smoke a blunt to end the night off. He doesn’t expect anything that happens tonight to go the way that it does. 
He doesn’t expect to find himself stripping for you while you strip for him, laughing as you help each other with your clothes and steal hot, breathless kisses in between. He snatches down the zipper to your tracksuit while you snatch down your pants, leaving you in just your pink Hello Kitty bra and panties. He laughs at your undies, making you smack his arm. “I think they’re cute,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You strip off his baggy, black sweatshirt while he takes off his tank top underneath, revealing his toned body and tatted arms to you. He never likes to brag about himself, but the way you’re looking at him like he’s a long-haired Adonis makes him want to. 
“You’re so, so pretty, Sugu,” you mewl, dragging your long, pink, pretty nails across his skin. You run your hands over every part of him: his arms; his hips; his chest and pecs; his toned stomach that leads down to his V-line smooth with skin and inked with a lipstick mark. You giggle at the tattoo, running your thumb over it. “It ain’t someone’s lips in particular,” he explains, shivering at your touch. “But I wouldn’t mind if they were yours.” 
“I’d hope you wouldn’t,” you purr before bending down to press your lips to the tattoo, leaving a stain of your gloss there. He returns the same action when he takes down your bra straps to expose your pretty titties and hard, tight, brown nipples to him that he pepper in kisses and suckles that make you moan and toss your head back. 
He doesn't expect you to bend over the chair for him when he demands it: “Bend over for me,” he says in his deep, smooth voice that makes you shiver. You look back at him, presenting your ass to him to take for himself. Geto feels like a wild animal the way he moves your panties down to your knees and stuffs his face in your pussy. His hands mold and smack your ass, loving the way it jiggles and how you gasp every single time his hand comes down to hit one of your jiggly, soft asscheeks. 
He doesn’t expect his lips and tongue to be in your pussy, licking, sucking, and lapping up your juices which you allow by pressing your ass further into him. “Fuck, Sugu!” you moan, moving one arm back to run your fingers through his long, black locks. “You’re so, so good at this!” You make sounds and move in a way that makes him feel as if your ex hasn’t been treating you right. 
He wants to make up for all of it, so he continues to lap at your sweet, pretty little cunt and moan as he does it, drunk off of the taste of you. He’s drunk in love with the way your skin contrasts with his, wanting to see his cum dripping down it; the way your sobs and whines of pleasure bounce off of the walls; the way your nails massaging his scalp as you grip his hair; the way your ass and hips whine and grind into his mouth like a little slut in heat. 
“You’re so good to me, mama,” he murmurs against your clit. “So sweet…like sugar.” You whimper at his words, sneaking your hand down to rub your clit while he tongue-fucks you against the leather chair. 
He doesn’t expect to switch with you and have his long, thick cock wrapped in your soft lips, your tongue lapping at the pre-cum bubbling from the head. He loves the way you ogle his dick once you get his pants off, letting the appendage spring to life. He is thick, veiny, girthy, and has a stud piercing in the bulbous head that makes him blush.
"Aw, baby!" you coo happily, gently poking at the studded earring. "You have a dick piercing! That's so fucking hot." You settle on your knees, naked, your pretty eyes and doll-like lashes staring up at him while you stroke and gag on his cock like it’s your profession.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans, tossing his head back at the sensations. He wants so desperately to keep looking at you, but the sight and the feeling is almost too much. 
Your mouth is just so wet and your throat is so tight. When you release him, your mouth and lips are coated in spit and pre-cum, your lash line slightly glittering in tears. “You taste so good, Sugu,” you moan, biting your lower lip as you watch your hand stroke his wet cock up and down. He’s just as hypnotized, loving how your nails look wrapped around his thick, veiny dick. 
“Am I doin’ a good job?” you teasingly ask. “Am I makin’ you feel good?” You dip back down to take him deeper down your throat, gagging and choking along his length. Geto grunts, one hand gripping your hair while the other digs into the leather cushion beneath him. “God, yes!” he moans. “You’re doin’ so fuckin’ good for me, sugar. Such a good girl for me.” 
You giggle, drunk off of him, and continue to eagerly take him, your soft lips sliding along his shaft as your mouth goes up and down, up and down, giving him throat like he has never experienced in his life…and in his place of business, no less! 
And he certainly doesn’t expect you to be bent over the chair again and him behind you, his hands on your ass and his cock sliding inside of you. Of course, he pauses to ask if this is still okay and that you can say no at any time. But you look back at him with a giddy smile and a need in your eyes that almost makes him cum. “I want this, Sugu,” you softly say, your hand pressing against his stomach just to feel him up. “Please fuck me.” 
And when you toss that ass back into him, he just about loses it. He grips your hips and begins slowly rocking his hips into your wet heat, letting you get used to the feeling. He pays attention to your sounds and the way your body moves, your knees wobbly and body shaking. “You okay?” he asks, comfortingly stroking your back. You nod, panting heavily as his cock internally strokes your clit as it slides in and out of you. “You’re bigger than my ex, is all,” you shakily say. “But I can take it.” 
Geto doesn’t tell you how happy that makes him. It gives him the chance to really fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. “You’re so tight for me, sugar,” he moans, continuing to give himself to you nice and slow. “So wet too. You must be feening for this dick, aren’t you?” He takes you by the back of the neck and angles himself in a way that makes your moans grow louder when he fucks you. 
“Faster, Sugu!” you beg. “Please fuck this pussy faster! Harder!” He can’t deny the way his cock swells and twitches inside you at the sound of your pleas. 
He grabs your hips and gives you exactly what you want, fucking you so roughly that your knees begin to buckle and your moans echo with the music playing on his phone. His own sounds of pleasure mingle with yours, mixing with the sound of his cock lewdly swirling in your squelching, wet pussy that grips him tighter than a vice. “Take it,” he demands. “Take it like a good girl. You wanted this shit, right?” 
He smacks your ass in time with his thrusts, causing sharp sounds of his hand connecting with your cheeks and your moans to bounce off of the shop’s walls. Your ass is just too perfect and he can't get enough of the way it bounces and jiggles so enticingly against his stomach as he drills you. He wouldn’t mind seeing his name tatted on one of your delectable cheeks or as a tramp stamp across your lower back or even on your thigh. He sees you now as his own. You are his. 
“That feel good, hm?” he teasingly asks, continue to hold your neck as he pistons into you. “You like that, sugar? Y’know, this pussy is almost sweeter than you.” He pauses and slowly holds your leg up, waiting for your consent to continue. You nod, pushing back into him as if you can’t get enough of his cock. 
For a while, he fucks you just like that with one hand holding your leg up and the other gripping your neck, holding you steady as he strokes that G-spot again and again, his heavy balls hitting that clit and making you tingle all over. But he doesn’t just fuck you from behind. He does it in any way you want and are comfortable with doing. 
He turns you around, picks you up, and fucks you stand up, you dangling from his waist. You just about scream and sob with pleasure as his cock pounds into you like a jackhammer, your arms and legs wrapped around him like a koala bear. “F-Fuck, Sugu!” you babble into his neck and hair. “Oh, my God, you’re so fuckin’ good!” He pulls you away to stare at the pleasure in your eyes and then kiss you, moaning hotly into your mouth. It only makes him fuck you harder, making you bounce against his cock. 
When you finally cum is when he lies on his back on the floor and has you ride him. You do so with vigor and eagerness, bouncing up and down on his dick like the cutest little rabbit. He lies under you, his big hands gripping your hips and ass as you do your thing. “God, baby,” he groans. “You’re gonna make me cum soon.” 
He can feel his balls tightening and that knot in his stomach threatening to snap the more your pussy slams down onto him and the more those precious titties jiggle and bounce in front of him. “Cum with me, Sugu!” you beg in that sweet voice, your nails digging into his pecs. “Give it to me please! I’m so close!” Ever the vixen, you randomly slow down and begin to giggle like a damn villain when Geto groans at the edging, your wet walls just too much to not fuck up into. 
And that’s what he does. He takes a hold of you and grips you to him before slamming himself up into you again and again, his moans and grunts of pleasure mixing with yours as your mixed juices drip down his balls, making your cunt wet enough to fuck with vigor. “Cum with me,” he demands as you whine into his ear, his cock too much. “Cum on this dick, baby. Do it! Give it to me!” 
It doesn’t take long for you to cum all over his cock, your pussy squeezing him tight enough where he can hardly move. When you do, it triggers his own orgasm. He quickly pulls out of you and fucks his fist until his cum spurts all over your ass and pussy, drenching you in it. His lips find yours, his moans and heavy pants mixing with yours as your tongues swirl with one another. You giggle into the kiss, causing him to laugh too. “Fuck,” you sigh against his mouth. “That was so good.” 
“Mm,” he hums in agreement. Exhausted, you roll off of him and onto your back to stare up at the ceiling. Beads of sweat roll down Geto’s toned body and forehead as he heavily pants, recovering from the sex. Feeling your hand sneak into his, he smiles and interlaces your fingers. 
“I expect you to be comin’ back regularly now,” he chuckles. 
“If I can look forward to this, sure,” you hum. “That was fantastic! Way better than my bitch ass ex!” Geto turns over to look at you, loving how you look in the afterglow after getting your gorgeous brains fucked out. “Speakin’ of which, you wanna get back to the tattoo or just continue this?” he asks, nodding down at your thigh where your ex’s name still sits. “I'm with either, sugar. It’s all up to you.” 
You look up at him with those eyes and inch closer to his body to wrap your arms around him. “In a bit,” you sigh, making him laugh as you squeeze him to you like a teddy bear. He embraces you back, pressing a kiss to your forehead and breathing in the scents of your sweet-smelling body spray and sex on your skin. He loves how small you are, how warm and soft you feel against him. He feels like you belong there with him and he with you. 
After a couple of minutes of soft kisses and drawing shapes on each other’s naked bodies, you each get dressed and get back to business. After Geto fetches you some water and a snack, yu sit up in the chair and lay back while he puts on some gloves and moves your pants down to show the flesh of your thigh. When he fetches the tattoo gun, your eyes grow wide like a cartoon character’s. 
He snorts at your reaction as he dips the needle in some red for your new tattoo. You chose a nice rose to cover your ex’s name. “Still scared of needles?” he chortles. You nod, focusing on the needle. “Just grab my hand and breathe, okay?” He puts out his hand for you to take, but you stop him from plugging in the gun. 
“Oh, wait!” you exclaim and begin digging in your purse. You then pull out a bedazzled weed pen and take a hit, the smoke billowing from your soft, glossy lips that he wants to kiss again. The way they form an O makes his cock twitch. “Want some?” you ask and he leans in to take a hit. The smoke fills his lungs and he holds it as you lean in, prompting him to blow the smoke into your mouth. 
Once relaxed, you nod, silently telling him to continue. “Here we go, sugar,” he gently announces. He plugs in the gun and it begins to muzzle. “Just breathe.” You do so, holding his hand and looking away as the needle gets closer to your skin. Once the first pricks come, you tense and squeeze his hand, but you still breathe. “Good girl,” he coos. “You're doin’ so, so well for me.” 
You give him a wobbly smile, but the fear in your eyes has wained…mostly because he starts rubbing your clit. “S-Sugu,” you whimper, closing your trembling thighs around his hand. 
“Just focus,” he instructs you as his thick fingers stroke your needy clit. “Focus on my fingers, sugar, okay?” You nod, giving him a cute expression that makes him want to fuck you all over again. 
You do and all that is heard throughout the shop are the buzzing of the tattoo gun, the music, and your sweet moans. 
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yurislotusgarden · 9 months
ʚїɞ Separately! Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
ʚїɞ format: short headcanons
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 449
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
ʚїɞ Posting this on my birthday wooo! I'm 18 now therefore old /j. This comes from the fact that I was not hangover the day after my 18th bday party on Saturday (Fuck the fact that my bday is on Monday this year, literally the week day I hate the most LMAO)
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ཐིཋྀ One of the times he was genuinely surprised
ཐིཋྀ Like tf you mean you never had a hangover?
“You mean never? Like not even after your 18th birthday party?”
“I didn’t.”
“But you said you drank enough to have one if you barely drank alcohol before! Which is exactly what you did! You barely had any in your life before the party!”
“Yeah, and I didn’t have any problem the next day.”
ཐིཋྀ Bro is jealous that you never experienced the pain of having a hangover but also happy because that means less pain for his belladonna <3
ཐིཋྀ If you’re a person who drinks quite often or from time to time, he will make sure you don’t drink enough to be hungover the next day by accident
ཐིཋྀ If you’re a person who doesn’t drink, or barely ever because you don’t like the taste, he still looks out for you, but less because he has more confidence that you won’t have a hangover even by accident
ཐིཋྀ If you do get it after that convo, the fucker will straight up laugh at you but will give you water, pills, and anything else you might need
ཐིཋྀ And if you ask him to give you alcohol and drink with you to actually experience it at least once, well who is he to say no? :)
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ཐིཋྀ When you told him you never had a hangover he looked at you in disbelief and thought you were lying😭
ཐིཋྀ At first, he thought you were lying about how much you drank at your 18th birthday party because he was thinking that there’s no way that you were completely fine the next day
“So you’ve never had a hangover before?”
“No matter how much you drank?”
“I never drank THAT much, thank you very much.”
“But you drank enough that someone else would have it.”
“Yeah, once I was drinking with my friends, we all drank the exact same amount, and yet I was the only one who was good the next day.”
“Doll, wanna give me your alcohol tolerance?”
“I’d rather keep it, thanks, dear.”
ཐིཋྀ The ginger didn't believe you until, one day, he got you both two bottles of wine from the same brand, the next day he had a hangover and you had to help him as you were fine
ཐིཋྀ He never doubted you on that topic again You guys tested how much alcohol it takes to get you to have a hangover and you cussed him out for the idea the next day when you did have it
ཐིཋྀ He’s lowkey jealous because he has hangovers so often
ཐིཋྀ You guys definitely used your alcohol tolerance to win bets between you and your friends more than once
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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kyanitedragon · 6 months
Have you ever wondered the exact timeline of Tokyo Ghoul?
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Tokyo Ghoul takes place in 2011-2012, as seen on Kaneki's school notebook in chapter 23
Kaneki's date with Rize is never given a calendar date in the manga, nor the exact amount of days between him scoring a date with Rize and going on the date itself, but between Rize's Takada Building kill being found on Sept 28th, and Kaneki's "weeks" spent in the hospital before his discharge on Oct 21, we can estimate their meeting and date sometime after Sept 28th through the first week-ish of October
Based on the dates of Hide's texts to Kaneki in Chapter 2 (Oct 21) and Chapter 6 (Oct 31) we know that 10 days has passed in that time.
(But personally I find it unclear which manga scenes specifically fall on what days. Technically all that's important to know is that Kaneki's been starving on his own for 10 days, in addition to "weeks" in the hospital.)
The Nishiki vs Kaneki fight doesn't have a canon date but based on the other dates we have, it must happen sometime between Oct 1 - Oct 4
Touka takes Kaneki to meet Uta on a Saturday (Ch 11)
As seen on Hinami's wanted poster in Ch 20, Ryoko died around 7:30pm on Nov 9
As stated in Ch 22, Kusaba was killed at 10:30pm on the 10th of the month.
Chapter 30 states that it's been about 10 days since Kusaba's death, which brings us to Nov 20, but given that its a school day I added 1 more day to make it Monday not Sunday.
In Chapter 33 Tsukiyama invites Kaneki on a "date" in 3 days' time on Sunday
I'm not entirely sure when Kimi's kidnapping and the resulting church fight happens. I think Kaneki says he's been staying days (plural?) in Anteiku after the restaurant ordeal, but visually it looks like its only been a single day? So its possible that might be pushed a few days further
Kaneki's escape from Yamori is confirmed to be at 12am on Dec 20 (which is also his birthday). The other dates you can find by working backwards from this.
Yoshimura stated the CCG would need 18-20 days to prepare to raid Aogiri (Ch 66)
Banjou's escape plan needed to wait 5 days for the safest day, as of Kaneki joining them (Ch 55)
Kaneki was kidnapped in Ch 52, Ch 53 shows a full day has passed, up to 23:33 aka 11:33pm, which then transitions to Kaneki waking in ch 54 and being brought to Tatara.
My december estimates on the calendar are using the shorter estimate of 18 days (I mean, Hide did give the CCG the exact location of Aogiri for free so...)
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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Happy (fanon) Birthday Sam (Sammy boy!)!
Yes....it's happening, ...Did I gave fanon birthday to the twiwon's cast leftover.....Yes!
I only wanted Sam to be....a pisces...very important information....yes.... and 7 because...lucky 7 for a cursed merchant...
(When I decide to make something special about it ...tadadadadaaaa SSR Crowley popped out of nowhere....THAT BIRD THAAAAT BIIIRD!!!)
Once again this is not an edit. And I really need to work harder on line pressure... But I am such a lazy one...
....That outfit got a long history.....The coat is a Loewe x Howl's moving castle collab.... The shirt and pants are "Moschino" inspired and the shoes are the famous 80/90 brand colorful "Chanel". Kind of twisted design from a street magician... Yes he's wearing an aviator hat because blame pixiv wonderful artists and their headcanon...Sam is scarred on broom....don't ask...my brain...my fashion sense...and you wondered why models walk with "trash bag" on themself....our brain....
SAM~ SSR Birthday friends on the other side
Summon Line: “And I got friends on the other sideee~ Gneehihi everyone is ready to party right now!”
Groooovy!!: "I got things I never tried! But I got friends on the other side!"
Home: "IN STOCK NOW! Gneehihi I'm joking, I'm joking, today is a day off after all~"
Home Idle 1: "à#** Yes? Ah sorry kooni-chan, I was talking to the shadow~"
Home Idle 2: "I can't wait to go back to Jubilee port, my sisters made me a surprise party....which is no longer a surprise party *crazy grinning face* ***"
Home Idle 3:" I am still quiet young among the NRC adult crew~ *cute face*"
Home Idle - Login: "Kooni-chan look this way *stare* !!... Yes indeed my red socks are a gift from Mister Crewel. He said" Sammy-boy, to make a statement in your outfit". I enjoy them a lot gneehihi"
Home Idle - Groovy: "You reside in Ombrorio with every campus's ghosts, you must treat them properly!"
Home Tap 1: "Sam the Shadow man! I was even called Oogie Boogie back then! *shadow dancing around*"
Home Tap 2: "I am craving chicken gombo... You should definitely taste my cousin Tia' "cuisine"!"
Home tap 3: "Those necklaces pearls are gifted by our Carnaval princess, it brings good fortune!... No I didn't catch too many of them.*side eyes*"
Home Tap 4: "I have a lot of secret you know gneehihi~ If you ever need some information come to me, we'll make a good deal about it~"
Home Tap 5: "Sam...? What...Last name?...Gneehihi how bold and brave of you kooni-chan. It's Sam D. because I was born on a samedi! No more question shh shhshhh! *silent finger mouth pose*"
Home Tap - Groovy: "You're green!! Ah no I mean I'm a royal from my mother side you know *stare*"
Sam: Kooni-chan IN STOCK NOW 50% off!! Yuu(sona): Happy birthday Mister Sam!
*Sam's sisters are part of @evilcokito 's lore... I love them soooo much that it's canon in my head and I added them to my own lore haha (Hope you don't mind Coco...)
*Sam D is a pun word with the french word samedi which means saturday, but is also related to "Baron Samedi"
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rockstarsmut · 9 months
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: loss of virginity, oral BOTH receiving!, very smutty. VERY. bestfriends to lovers.
minors do NOT interact, Or do. We don’t care.
It was a Saturday night in California 84’. You were currently living with your rockstar best- friends known as METALLICA, a very well known band and you weren’t with them all of the time because of the fame but because when you guys were all in high school you were popular and they weren’t, but you treated them with kindness which is what they loved about you, it made you and them get close. And now you’re living with them. And you make ask why? Why live with a bunch of boys? well, you didn’t have much family, and living alone scared the crap out of you so they offered and you took them up on it, it’s been 2 years since you guys have all lived together and everything had gone well. you guys would go to as you say “rich people places” Which was clubs, big parties in million dollar mansions and meeting many celebrities. You enjoyed all of it, but what you enjoyed most was being with your best friend through all of it, Kirk Hammett. You had always liked Kirk in a way, I mean he was fucking perfect. He had long curly hair, he had a sexy fucking body, and his smile. His smile was the best thing ever. He had pearly whites, he took good care of himself. It’s what made him different than the other boys. But as we back track to today, It’s November 18, 1984. Kirk’s birthday, you and the other boys planned to throw hin a party at an obviously HUGE house since Kirk was known by many people, this was mostly James idea since he loved partying and drinking more then anything in the world, oh and don’t forget the groupies. But you decided to go to the house early to set up all the things needed for the party, He was turning 22, he was 2 years older then you and all the boys but yet he looked the youngest, and the sexiest. You decided to stop by a balloon store to get the numbers 22 and Kirk’s name, you wanted it to be special since he was a special man to you. You also drove to 5 different liquor stores, got about 1000 dollars of liquor (MANY people were coming) and got a bunch of food, and party supplies, meanwhile James,cliff,lars and Kirk were busy making music, Kirk knew nothing about the party tho. As you got the big house you called James to come help you, as soon as he got there you and him finished up everything as quick as you could since the party was supposed to start at 6 and it was already 5:30 and you could hear people pulling up in the driveway. This was your cue to go get Kirk from the studio. You decided to go alone since James had to let everyone in. You decided to phone Kirk. “Kirk I’m on my way to pick you up. Don’t ask questions just come out now.” You say hanging up not even letting him reply as you pull up to the studio. Seeing him in such a sexy but out of theme outfit, a Madonna shirt with jeans, classical Kirk. “You couldn’t dress any better Kirk it’s your birthday.” you whine as he gets into the car. “Well missy im not doing anything for my birthday implying I don’t need to wear a nice outfit, anyway what are you picking me up for?” He gives you a look. “Well it’s a surprise” you giggle driving to the party. You weren’t one for parties and neither was Kirk, that’s why you told James this was a bad idea. As soon as we pulled up his smile faded. “y/n you know I don’t like parties” he whines giving you the puppy eyes. damn it Hammett. “I know Kirk I know but this is what James wanted to do for you so please act happy as this took me and James a while.” you plead making him nod as you guys get out the car. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRK THE MAN” James yells catching everyone’s attention as they all go tell Kirk happy birthday. you decided to go the indoor bar and sit down and have a drink. Margaritas was always your first choice. “One margarita please” you say as u see Kirk sit next to you “never mind 2 please” you tell the man as he prepares your drink. “thank you y/n for preparing everything I would love to enjoy this but you know I hate these things. “well then what do you say we finish our drinks and just go chill upstairs? I mean I rented this place for the whole night so we can just waste away upstairs?” you say.
“alright then y/n you got a deal” he smiles as the man gives you guys the margaritas which you quickly finish to get upstairs as soon as possible. “the room is is this way idiot” you laugh as he tried going into a closet. “wow it’s big” he gasps seeing the king sized bed and huge glass windows. “So you’re finally 22 huh? what a big boy” you laugh earning a chuckle from him. “You’re almost there you know your 21 y/n” he says as you frown sarcastically. “you know I’m almost 22 and still haven’t had sex” you look at him as he laughs a little. “There’s no way you’re a virgin y/n, no fucking way” he states clearly not joking making you a little embarrassed of what you just told him.” I know it’s embarrassing it’s just I’ve never trusted anyone enough to touch me, everyone now is just interested in sex and not about personality but I guess I was just thinking about the way it was in movies.” you sigh laying down on the bed as he does the same. “I’m a virgin to y/n.” he says earning a huge gasp from you. “how are you a fucking virgin?” you get up asking him seriously. “well y/n did you ever think that maybe I think the same way as you and don’t want to use a women just for pleasure?” he questions as you realize he was right. “I’m sorry it’s just that your so handsome and like I thought you had lost it already, my bad” you look at him earning a little smirk from him knowing you had just called him handsome, something you have never done.”you think I’m handsomeee” he mocks as he starts to tickle you and you both fall on the bed as he’s now hovered over you. “hi” you say looking up at him “hi” he reply’s slowly reaching to your lips, his lips were so soft. his tongue roamed around your mouth for a little as he began to take off your dress, not breaking the kiss. “Is this okay?” He says breaking the kiss asking for permission. “yes ofcourse” you pant helping him take it off as he stares at your beautiful tits, I mean your tits we’re fucking perfect to him. “How has nobody touched this beautiful fucking tits before? Hm? Im gonna be the first one huh?” He grabs your left nipple shoving it into his mouth as he rubs the other one with his free hand earning loud moans from you, you were already soaking wet from just this, and your nipples were so fucking hard. “I’m gonna touch you down here mkay? Gonna stretch you out.” He smiles removing your lacy panties sticking not 1 but 3 fingers in you causing you to whine in pain. “It’s gonna be okay baby don’t worry.” He reassures you as he continues his slow pace as your pain becomes pleasure. “mmmmm fuckk kirkkkkk” you moan obviously getting Kirk hard as fuck already. “I think I’m gonna cum Kirk oh my god” you moan loudly as your orgasm reaches you squirting all over his face. He licks the remainder of your juices. You realize he has a huge boner and you decided to return the favor pulling his pants down obviously shocking him. You realize how fucking big he is and to be honest you were scared it wouldn’t fit, but you slowly started to jerk him off earning moans and groans from him. “holy shit baby like that” he throws his head back from the pleasure your giving him. You soon put his dick in your mouth and what you can’t fit you jerk off. “holy fuckkk baby I’m about to cum” He pants as you go faster. “FUUUCKKKKK” he says arriving to his orgasm, cumming in your mouth. “I need you in me right n-now baby.” He says as you get on all fours for him as he aligns his cock with your entrance. “It’s gonna hurt a little mkay?” He tells you as you nod to him feeling him slowly pushing his tip in. you squeal in pain. “Do you want me to stop baby” he questions but you reply with no. “You can go fast now Kirk it doesn’t hurt as much” you moan. This caused Kirk to slam into you. “HOLY FUCK KIRK” you moan as he thrusts in and out of you at a very fucking fast pace. You knew you weren’t gonna last and he knew this to since you were clenching all around him. “baby you can come let it go” as soon as he said this you grab the pillows and scream as you arrive to your orgasm, him shortly arriving at his after.
he pulled out and plopped down right beside you. “That was so good y/n. Thank you for the birthday present.” He smiles kissing your cheek. “I love you Kirk” you smile.
“I love you too.”
first Kirk smut !! Request for more
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sanaxo-o · 5 months
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Back 2 You (Kim Sunwoo)
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Too @o-onikix : happiest birthday to my ride or die, my Monica to my Rachel, my everything 🥺. I love you so so much and even tho I was not able to write for Wonwoo or Seungcheol I hope you like this little something I wrote for Sunwoo (which is totally not based on your character. Nope 👎). Again thank you for always being there for, you were literally there through it all (the days I was down, the time I was balling my eyes out and also when I was the happiest girl. It was truly only possible to be that happy because you were there by my side and it means a lot to me). I love how you’re always so protective of me and taking care of me through out all that has been happening nowadays:( I will always love you and cherish you. Thank you for always listening to me rant on and on about Chanhee and the detective from Revenant. I am definitely NOT gonna stop doing that anytime soon haha. Again a happiest birthday babes <3
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Warnings/Genre: situationship to lovers, they make out even tho they’re ‘enemies’, Sunwoo is a football player (pls don’t make me say soccer. I will never say that) while the reader is a cheerleader, it is said that he is toxic but he didn’t really show it, reader very much day dreams about Sunwoo, fluff, mentions of alcohol, they make out in the night sky, angst (a bit), hurt comfort
Word count: 2,407
Sana: hellooooo, back with a Sunwoo fic because it’s my besties birthday. Wasn’t able to write much because of lack of motivation but got some energy on Friday and was able to finish it till Saturday so yay me lol. A huge thanks to @deobienthusiast @sohnric and @jinnieboosworld for beta reading (and thanks to bar for helping me with the grammar and stuff). Sincerely sorry to @from-izzy for not letting her beta 😂 but here it is <3
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @a-dream-bookmark @deoboyznet
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It’s not like you hated Sunwoo (you did)–it’s just that most of the time that guy was just so full of himself, when in reality no one really cares about what he was saying (it was mostly him trying to flirt).
Sunwoo just had his own way of getting on your damn nerves just by a single smirk which makes its way to his face whenever he sees you in the hallways, in the class or even on the turf.
Typically, you wouldn’t mind his presence or anything. It wasn’t like you would be able to avoid him even if you wanted to.
Being the captain of the cheerleading team meant that you’d be practising on the ground while Sunwoo would be playing football (I mean, it’s not like you would steal secret yet frequent glances at him just to take a small look at him while he was busy playing. Of course not!).
I mean…of course, it’s kind of embarrassing (for you) if someone got to take a look inside your brain and all they would see are the fantasies you have about Sunwoo.
You find the fact that you’d like someone who’s just sooo cocky for their own sake that he just thinks that anyone who stares at him would go down on their knees, begging for attention or at least a glance from him, hilarious and hard to believe yourself.
But no, you were not like that. You were none of that, you were anything but that. You knew just how twisted Sunwoo was—I mean, of course you would… you were the one who was in the backseat of his car, making out with him when everyone was inside the house partying.
No matter how much you deny yourself, you cannot help but blush at the fact that you had made out with Sunwoo on numerous occasions.
Despite all of that you know that Sunwoo isn’t the one. Like the amount of times he had picked someone else over you made it clear that he is not someone who would be committed in a relationship (it’s not even like you were looking for a serious relationship yourself, but the thing is, deep down, you knew that whenever he would not prioritise you, you were of course hurt).
It's not even like you want to settle for the bare minimum, no! That is not who you are, but the times Sunwoo had taken care of you while you were drunk, the times he was there while you were at your lowest, really proved to you that he could be the one.
Only if you both were mature enough (and less egoistic) to realise your feelings for each other sooner, than maybe, maybe, you wouldn’t have been in this situation of push and pull anymore.
Heaving out a long sigh, you take your heels off as you sit on the footpath with regret and embarrassment.
Regret because you let some dumb fool take you out on a date a day before your birthday, and embarrassment for getting stood up like that.
If you would have known it would turn out like this, you wouldn’t have even agreed to this pathetic date. You knew he was just gonna use you like any other guy. That’s what guys do! But then again, you only agreed to this because your friends were forcing you to ‘live your life’ and to also move on from Sunwoo.
Their exact words would be: ‘Just get over Sunwoo.’ Like, when were you even under him to even get over him was the first thing to come to your mind; but then again…you did make out with him… maybe once? Or like twice (it was more than that for sure) but that’s not the case!
You were never even in love with Sunwoo to get over him or move on from him– they were just being ridiculous as always, was what you said to yourself.
But you knew better. You knew better than that, because of course, you always found yourself going back to him, no matter what the situation or state you were in.
And he was always there to cheer you up, or even just to make you laugh– even if it was just for a little while, that smile lasted you for a whole day.
That’s how Sunwoo was to you. Yes, he was an annoying jerk who was always full of himself and very much selfish, yet, he was also the one who was there for you when you needed him, no? I mean, yeah, he might have ditched you a couple of times, but what’s that gonna do when the amount of times he showed his support to you weighed more than the times he was being ignorant?
As a human, of course you would rather look at the bright side and the times where it was better than the ones in which you felt heartbroken or just…unwanted.
Now, that was also the exact reason why your fingers were automatically dialling Sunwoo’s number. Were you scared that he wouldn't pick up? Yes, but you knew he would. Because it was a rare occurrence for you to call him at this time of the day so he always made sure to pick up the call no matter what– that’s what you observed from him.
It was like an unspoken rule he had for you and only you. Maybe in that way you felt like you were special to him, because you both knew that he wouldn’t come running like that in the middle of the night for anyone but you.
“Can you come and pick me up? I will send you my location,” was all you said as you hung up on the call and sent him your current location.
You did not have to listen to his answer to know that he’s gonna come and get you, because you were more than sure that he will. That’s just how he is.
You stop looking down when you feel a presence standing in front of you. Slowly lifting your head up, you sniffle when your eyes make contact with the one who was standing in front of you, almost breathless.
“What’s wrong, hmm?” He asks gently while kneeling down, taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket and gently wiping the tears which were unknowingly flowing down your cheeks.
The tears were not there because of being stood up, but because of the fact that only now did you realise that you love him.
“Why are you so nice to me but you’re the same person whom I hate from the bottom of my heart?” You mumble quietly as you get up from the floor and hand your heels and purse over to Sunwoo, who held them without asking any questions.
Leaving him behind, you walk towards his car which was parked hastily, maybe because he was bad at parking (that’s a lie and even you knew that.). Entering the passenger seat, you look ahead with no certain thoughts circling your mind.
You just waited for Sunwoo to come in and drive away from here– and that’s exactly what he did, no questions asked. He knew better than to ask you anything about what happened.
With silence engulfing the two of you, you stare outside the window with some soft music playing in the background.
You could see Sunwoo’s reflection through the window– the way the night sky was shining its bright light on him andhis oh so fluffy hair which was a bit messy giving you the slightest urge to fix it for him, but you stopped yourself from doing so.
You stay quiet when Sunwoo stops the car by a small convenience store and leaves you by yourself to get something from there. You didn’t havethe slightest bit of energy in your body to even ask him what he was doing, so you just waited for him to come back.
The only thing which was on your mind right now was to go back to the comforts of your house with your favourite tub of ice cream (and a warm cup of coffee), laying in your bed as you watch your comfort film to ease your mind.
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear the door opening and see Sunwoo getting back into his seat with a plastic bag in his hand. You don’t pay much attention to him and just continue spacing out when you hear his soft, honey like voice again.
“Here.” That was when you realised Sunwoo was handing you chocolate ice cream.
Unknowingly, a small smile creeps up your face as you happily accept it with no further questions asked.
Just like that, Sunwoo started the car again as he drove off from there.
“You’re not in a hurry to go back home, are you?” He asks with his eyes solely focused on the road (with the occasional glances he was stealing at you, but we don’t talk about that).
“Why? You wanna take me out?” You ask teasingly as you take a bite out of your ice cream happily.
“Something like that… I wanna show you something.” You just stare at him when he says that and slowly nod your head. You trusted Sunwoo enough to know that he won’t do anything wrong, especially if you were there with him.
“Lead the way then, I guess.” You reply softly while finishing the rest of your ice cream.
“We’re already there, actually. Come out,” he says excitedly as he gets out of the car and goes to the front., Standing there, he waits for you to join him as he stares up at the night sky.
“The night sky is beautiful…” you say with amusement lacing your voice as you look up in awe.
“Right?” He replies back with a small laugh as he steals a small glance at you, “Do you… want to sit on the hood of the car? I can help you,” he questions softly while turning back to look at you.
Giving him a small nod, you yelp in surprise when Sunwoo lifts you up effortlessly and places you on top of the car.
After a moment of silence, you open your mouth to speak only to close it again, not knowing how to form the right words.
“Say what you want to say. I am all ears,” was all you hear from him as he keeps on contently staring up at the sky.
“Why are you doing all this?” You finally find the courage to ask him as you look down at your fingers, too afraid to look at the expressions he had on his face.
“Doing what? Being nice to you and only you?” He questions you back. There was no hint of teasing or mockery in his tone, yet, you kept on shyly playing with your fingers.
You stop playing with your fingers when Sunwoo gently grabs a hold of them. Looking up at him, you could feel your heart taking a small leap at the way he was so close, yet so far away from you.
He immediately turns around and points up at the sky, “You notice that one star over there? The most still and the clear one?” He asks before looking back at you. When you slowly shake your head, he looks back up again and continues. “That’s a North Pole star. It’s called Polaris and it’s known to be the constant star. It was used in navigation in old times,” he tells you before he hops on top of the car and sits beside you.
“What do you wanna say?” You ask softly as you stare at him in confusion. You did not know why he was talking in riddles like that, but it slightly amused you .
“I don’t want to be someone who is only there when you need me I want to be there when you’re happy, sad, or just… there. I want to be as constant as that star, Y/N. I might be ready to commit again,” he says softly as he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of your hand.
“What if you leave me?” You question him back. You were afraid that he might get bored of you and leave you– maybe that was one of the reasons which was stopping you from expressing yourself fully to him.
“What if I don't? I have been there for you even when we were sworn enemies… but then what if I am there for you not as your enemy, but as your boyfriend?” He explains himself before slowly inching closer towards you. “I want to be there for you Y/N, as your boyfriend and not just some guy you call when you’re in need.”
He says that as he slowly grabs a hold of your jawline,caressing it gently with his fingers while staring into your eyes. “Can I be your boyfriend?” He asks softly while stealing a small glance at your lips before quickly locking his eyes with yours.
When he sees the small glimpse of you nodding your head, he wastes no time and pulls you closer towards him, one hand still caressing your jaw while the other slowly creeps its way up your cheek.
You smile in the kiss when you sense the way he was being soft and gentle– unlike the times when you both had kissed before. This was different.
This kiss held everything which the others lacked– the soft, yet slow movements of his lips against yours as you slowly bring your hand up to his hair to entangle your fingers with the strands.
Pulling away from you, Sunwoo looks at you with a huge smile creeping up to his cheekbones. He goes back to his original position, licking his lips.
“You know what, Sunwoo?” You ask softly while your hands find his bigger ones to hold onto them.
Moving closer towards him, you place your head on his shoulder as you both look up at the sky, “I somehow always seem to find my way back to you,” you tell him with a gentle sigh escaping your lips.
You could hear a soft chuckle escaping his lips, which made you smile in return. “We are both on the same boat, then,” he whispers while placing his own head on top of yours.
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melissaeilishortega · 4 months
Been thinking bout you
Request: "A story where it’s a person with adhd at a Renee concert, and she sees them stimming or smth and they have a talk and exchange numbers, ect ect. Go crazy with it !!"
A/N: I was soooo excited to write this one!! Also I didn't know if you wanted gender neutral but I only write gxg. It's not my best tho.
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Y/n pov:
It's a Saturday morning, my friend had gotten me Snow Hard Feelings tour tickets as an early birthday gift since the show happened six days before my birthday. I grew up being a huge Broadway nerd so when I had the opportunity to go to New York to go see Mean Girls I made sure to have the best tickets and have a chance to meet some of the actors at the end of the show. Luckily, I met Reneé and I have been following her work ever since.
It was 7 AM and I was now getting ready to go line up to have a chance to get barricade. Léa said that she would pick me up by seven thirty so I had to hurry. I put on a long white skirt with my snow angel crop top. I put my hair up in a half up half down adding a little blue heart shaped hair clip. As I finished my look, I heard the buzz of my apartment ring. Grabbing my coat, I got downstairs then took the bus with Léa down to MTELUS.
After queuing for a few hours, we got to the barricade right in front of where my long time celebrity crush will be standing in a few minutes. I had forgotten to take my pill this morning so my energy was taking over. In such a crowded place it was hard to move which meant that I couldn't let any of it out and it resulted in me playing with my rings, picking my skin or even hitting myself. As the concert finished, my once long nails were short, the buts on my fingers were bleeding and my arms had a few bruises on them. I felt incredibly guilty knowing that it was all my fault but it is what it is. Léa and I were crying in each other's arms before walking to the meet and greet line even though I have met her before, I'm still so nervous.
Léa was filming as I walked up to Reneé. She immediately pulled my into a hug while I sobbed in her shoulder. When I calmed down Reneé asked me if I wanted her to pull away and I shook my head slowly.
"I do gave limited time baby but let me tell you, I've been thinking about you a lot recently and when I saw you in the crowd I was like genuinely so happy." She said in a low tone all while continuing to smile. She has such a warm and welcoming smile.
"Also I dont wanna be indescrete but I saw your hands are you okay?" Reneé continued this time looking right into my eyes.
"Uh yeah...I needed to get energy out and so I stimmed...you know how it is." I answered feeling honestly embarrassed even if I know I shouldn't be.
"I do, do not worry. Alright well I have to go but check your pockets." She whispered in my ear, tapping the left pocket of my coat discreetly.
When I got home, I remembered what Reneé had said and found a note that was scribbled "You're cute and funny, you also seem really fun to hang out with. Here's my number." I feel like if I'm in a fanfiction. Let's just say I went to sleep feeling pretty good that night.
A/N: short oneee made that while rewatching spirited away 🫶🏻
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athena-xox · 4 months
Here is my tentative timeline with all the webisodes in chronological order.
Within series canon at least I think it’s right, I’m going to have to watch it in order to make sure there’s nothing out of place.
The next step is adding the books + diaries which I think will mean shuffling around the order.
You might be thinking that that won’t work because the books conflict and are a different timeline. But there’s a perfectly good explanation for that … I just haven’t thought of it yet.
If anyone’s planning on doing a rewatch perchance use this playlist that I made. If you notice anything wrong please lmk. For the specials I just put one trailer and that means to switch to Netflix or if you don’t have Netflix to use this link.
Anyways without further ado hers my timeline + justification
First week:
A take of two tales
Maddie in chief
Apples princess practice
Here comes Cupid
Catching Raven
This is all the first week of school. The reason I put apples princess practice at the start is because it should take place before here comes Cupid, because Hunter has a bit of a crush on Apple. And then Maddie in chief should go before then bc in apples princess practice, Apple acts as if she is study body president. And catching raven just makes sense at the start of the year.
Stark mad raven
true reflections
briars study party
the shoe must go on
The cat who cried wolf
cedar wood would love to lie
I put stark mad raven and true reflections a bit later because Apple says last week in stark mad raven and tbh true reflections makes sense to be a little bit later so I decided to keep them together. Briars study party I also put a bit later, we know it’s at the start of the school year because blondie says but I think that it makes sense in the second week. The others are just in release order
Legacy day
The day after ever after
Replacing raven
Blondies just right
Rebels got talent
Mirrornet down
Class confusion
From legacy day - blondies just right, it’s release order and makes sense to be the direct aftermath of legacy day. Rebels got talent imo has to take place earlier on in the year, I’ll explain why later. Class confusion would be around mid November for a start of new term.
True hearts day
Cupid comes clean … kinda
The beautiful truth
Once upon a table
Poppy the roybel
O’hairs split ends
Kittys curious tale
Lizzie hearts fairytale first date
Lizzie shuffles the deck
Duchess’s swan lake
Cerise’s picnic panic
This is mostly just release order. Kittys curious tale has to take place after poppy the roybel since poppy is referenced to. And kittys curious tale has to be before Lizzie shuffles the deck because kitty is playing on the Royal croquet team. I assume because she pranked Lizzie, Lizzie kicked her out onto the rebel team.
And the thronecoming queen is…
Best feather forwards
Ginger in the BREADhouse
Just release order, and it makes sense
Spring unsprung
Ashlynn’s fairytale frolic
Save me darling
The forest festival
Apples birthday bake off
Save me darling canonically takes place in April and it should be before wtw. Apples birthday webisode is moved to her because it should take place in may
Way to wonderland
A big bad secret
Rosabella and the BEASTS
In my mind apples birthday is Saturday/Sunday and wtw is the Monday after. A big bad secret is moved so that it happens before Ramona’s first appearance. And Rosabella’s episode canonically takes place in may
Dragon games
Moonlight mystery
Wish list
A tale of two parties
Piping hot beats
There’s no business like snow business
Epic winter
Release order and there’s no business like snow business moved to be before epic winter
The legacy orchard
Canonically takes place in September and the start of a new school year. We know this is the next school year because bunny and Alistair are there
What’s in the cards for courtly jester?
It comes out with all the chapter 3 webisodes in which a majority of them take place in the following school year. I think it makes sense that she’s allowed to go to school at the start of the next year and the webisode takes place during courtly second/third week
Sugar coated
Because the yearbook plot from legacy day orchard is mentioned we know it takes place after. And the canon month is October
Meeshell comes out her her shell
The talent show is mentioned and we know it’s a year after rebels got talent because it’s the same talent show except in rebels got talent Maddie is MC and in Meeshell comes out of her shell, Maddie has an act.
Canonically takes place in November. Is 100% this school year because of the yearbook plot
Fairest on ice
Yearbook plot we know it takes place in this year. Canonically January
Heart struck
Takes place in February and the first day of spring … yeah I’m not sure why spring starts in February
Bunny and Alistair forever
Takes place in March. Because apparently spring starts in February spring unsprung could have taken place in February and this webisode taking place shortly after. Imo it’s makes more sense to take place the following year.
Beanstalk bravado
Because Meeshell is seen in it, I think it makes sense for it to take place the following year. I think around April/may makes sense, just because there aren’t really any other webisodes from March - June
Canonically takes place in June, the end of the school year. And again… the yearbook plot.
If you notice anything wrong please lmk. Keep in mind this is a first draft.
If you use my playlist and want to keep an eye out for mistakes: if you see Hunter and Ashlynn together publicly it means it’s after true hearts day, if you see poppy in the school it means it’s after poppy the roybel, if you see bunny or Alistair it means it’s after spring unsprung, if you see Ramona … well thar could mean a lot of things, if you see Meeshell that means it’s either right before Meeshell comes out her shell or right after.
So if anything’s out of place feel free to dm or reblog/reply to this post. Also if there’s anything else that confirms or denies the timeline that I missed.
Edit: also if you see Meeshell in a webisode besides hers or beanstalk bravado please lmk. Or Ramona somewhere other than big bad dexter, moonlight mystery, dragon games or epic winter 🙏
(Ps also thank you to @roybelmirrorcast for their timeline on TikTok that really helped me place the larger specials/webisodes)
Now I’m going to work on adding the books 😭😭
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eddiesxangel · 4 months
Hellooo today is my birthday, sooo since im alone and nobody came to wish me a happy birthday,cab you do one where Eddie is the only one that remembers reader birthday and decides to reunite the whole Hellfire club to give a party that reader (us) deserve 🌹🌹🥳😘🥰
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART 🩷🫂 ( I hope I can help with the birthday blues 🥺) my birthday is also this month, Gemini twin! ♊️ 👯‍♀️
Sometimes, you dread today because the impending disappointment is always there... Did you expect everyone to wish you a happy birthday? No. But you still want at least one person to acknowledge your day, especially your best friend.
Yet, here we are, 3:00pm and still not a call or mention of anything remotely birthday related.
You impatiently watched the clock that hung on the wall of Family Video tick, watching the minutes pass so slowly. It was dead, but what did you expect? It's three in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and not many people come in on weekdays to be in with... Until you see a familiar metalhead bopping past the large window and through the door, making his grand entrance.
"Sorry, I'm late, sweetheart." He schmoozed as we walked towards you at the checkout counter.
"It only took you long enough," you rolled your eyes, suppressing the feeling of our heart fluttering; maybe he remembered after all.
"Come on, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't at least apologize for returning this fantastic movie six days late?" he smirked as he leaned an elbow on the counter.
There it was, the inevitable disappointment. He had forgotten.
With a heavy sigh, you take the slasher film from his grasp and think for a split second about not waving the late fee.
"This was supposed to be in on May 30th... It's now the fifth." You deadpan, hoping maybe something clicks.
"I know that sweetheart, but now I have an excuse to see my best friend at work on her birthday." He smiles knowingly.
The breath you didn't know you were holding gets released, and you cannot help but smile.
"You didn't think I had forgotten?!" Eddie steps back dramatically while metaphorically clutching his pearls.
"Well, since you're the first one to acknowledge my birthday and it's..." you look at the clock you've been watching all shift. "3:49pm. Yea, I didn't think anyone would have remembered." You look down, playing with your nails.
"What do you mean the first to acknowledge your birthday?"
"Exactly that," you shrugged.
" You mean like no one has said happy birthday yet?" He raised a curious brow. " Not Dustin, Mike, Max, Erica?" He could go on bit you cut him off by shaking your head no.
"Well, I am sure glad I got to be the first." He smiles, and you can't help but smile back. Eddie has always been a good friend. Ever since you met in high school when you became a part of the Hellfire club, you've been inseparable ever since.
The back door opens, catching both your and Eddie's attention, and Steve walks out, chewing on a half-eaten sandwich.
"Sup, Munson," He mumbles.
"Come in to wish y/n here a Happy Birthday," he emphasized, and you could not help but roll your eyes.
"Today is your birthday?!" He almost choked on his food. " Why didn't you say something!?"
"It's not a big deal."
"It is! and it makes me look like a total ass."
"Steve, stop. You're not an ass... Doofus, maybe, but not an ass." You giggle.
"I'll give you that because it's your birthday. Happy Birthday"
"Thanks, Stevie"
"So, any big plans? He asks, looking at you, then to Eddie, then back at you.
"Umm, no, not really."
You and Eddie say in unison, and you look at your friend quizzically.
" Don't make any plans for Saturday night, okay?" he taps the counter before taking off.
"Okay? Bye?" You wave after him, confused as ever.
"He's so weird." Steve looks to you.
"Yeah, tell me about it."
The rest of the week was average and went by quickly. The only thing Eddie told you was that you were expected to come to his apartment at 7:30 p.m. Which you did.
You knocked on the door and heard Eddie shushing people from the other side. With a huge grin on his face, he leads you into the apartment, and then around the corner, you're ambushed by your friends yelling, "Surprise!"
"Oh my god, what is this?!" you smile, this was very unexpected. Everyone was in their old Hellfire shifts and stood around a table that had been set up for a game of DND with some gifts beside it on the floor.
"We are celebrating your birthday." Eddie nudges your shoulder.
Tears threaten to form as you take in the sweet gesture Eddie set up for you.
"You did this from me?" You try not to sniffle but fail.
"Of course he did!" Dustin pipes in.
"Happy Birthday," Mike smiles. and the rest follow suit.
"Please tell me you didn't get me presents." You notice the gift bags sitting beside the table.
"Of course we did! What kind of friends would we be?"
"One's who forgot her actual birthday until I reminded them," Eddie sneered.
"It 's okay, we are all here now together; thank you guys, this means the world." And it did. Nothing meant more to you than spending time with the people you loved, playing a game you all love, and having fun.
It had been so long since the last Hellfire meeting, and you were so happy they could all make time from their busy lives to spend it with you.
"Ok, let's eat and then play!" Eddie turns to the kitchen, and you follow.
"Thank you, Eddie. I don't know how else I can show you how grateful I am for you."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. What are friends for?" He leans in and gives you a wet kiss on the cheek, making that the second time this week Eddie's made your heart flutter.
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did you see that aniplex of america twitter changed their banner to twisted wonderland? do you think that means anything? I saw people saying aniplex was dropping a new projects “M” and “O” on the 18th and how that might be news about the twist anime. because it’s malleus’s birthday that day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This?? 🤔 I also saw people claiming the “O” is a mirror, though there’s no explanation for “M” (unless it’s M for Malleus’s birthday or something??). “M” and “O” seem like two separate projects.
Mmm, copium I don’t think there’s any meaning in those letters or projects (at least not as it relates to Twisted Wonderland). I really don’t believe that EN would get an update on the anime before JP does. They would at least be at the same time, and none of Aniplex’s JP accounts have done anything to make me suspect it is, in fact, a joint anime announcement. In all likelihood, the banner change on Aniplex of America’s Twitter is to celebrate TWST EN’s second anniversary which is this Saturday (the 20th).
It’s been a while since we got any official news about the TWST anime, but we should be patient! It was first announced in October 2021, but there was no release date attached. We don’t know how far along in production the anime was at the time of that announcement, but animation in general (especially quality animation) takes a long time.
Being antsy and excited is natural!! But I wouldn’t get my hopes up every time TWST, Disney, or Aniplex makes a vague, yet-to-be-explained decision. It more often than not leads to disappointment 💦 Just like the time we saw Disney+ accounts listing “Twisted Wonderland” in a tweet of shows “coming soon” and everyone jumped to the conclusion that “this year MUST be the year the anime comes out” (yet here we are in 2024, and no anime). I won’t believe it until I see it for myself, y’know? 😂
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arteastica · 7 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (25)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 6.6k
Lord Koch started to prove you wrong the moment you walked through the ivy-covered gates of his suburban estate, early-blooming wisterias cascading down the fence and conspiring with the honeysuckles to conceal the impassable iron wall, making it look more like the secret back door to some fairytale garden than the main entrance to a wealthy family’s homestead. You had expected dozens of solicitous footmen, perhaps some even hired for the occasion only, busily striding around the gardens, flocking towards the guests with fizzy drinks on their trays and welcoming smiles on their faces, politely offering to help with their frock coats and dainty parasols. Just as it was expected at any other Sunday gathering in Mitras. Or Saturday, in this case.
Instead, the only ones greeting the guests at their arrival were the imposing cedars flanking the sunlit path that led to the placid, flawlessly circular pond in the middle of the main garden. After that, guests were on their own, left to figure out, or finger guess depending on each individual’s personal approach, which one of the sprawling paths before them could possibly take them to the place where distant violins, faint laughters and the soft clinking of glasses could be heard coming from.
It was clear that whoever got invited to the celebration should’ve been there previously, perhaps numerous times, and therefore, well-acquainted with the Kochs. Acquainted enough to know their way around the property and the complex system of azalea shrubs spreading in all sorts of confusing directions, flowering under the sun as their glossy leaves danced in the wind, something more like a maze than a garden. And you couldn’t help but feel that a map should’ve been provided with the invitation, or at the entrance at the very least, because there was no way a stranger like you could find the courtyard mentioned in the invitation all by themselves. And for a moment, a silly idea crossed your mind, maybe this was some sort of task Lord Koch had designed so the guests could prove themselves worthy of attending his party. It seemed like he wanted only his true friends there on that special day. But luckily for you, your father was there to lead the way.
Amidst the excitement leading up to that special day, you had forgotten about your father, your head completely monopolized by the thought of your first date with the Commander, because… yes, that’s right, in your head, this was about you and him, and not about Lord Koch and his birthday. He already had forty nine of those for heaven’s sake, but this…this was a first for you and the Commander; the charity ball clearly not counting because, one, you hadn’t been together in that sense back then, and two, you had attended as his assistant and not his ‘princess’. So it was no wonder that, between choosing your dress, the right underwear, and daydreaming about dancing head-on-his-chest all afternoon, you had been unable to reach the obvious conclusion that your parents would most likely be attending the reception too. And it was not until you arrived home the previous night, completely unannounced and looking to surprise them, that you ended up surprised instead when your mother excitedly broke out the news during dinner.
And your father was particularly thrilled about finally getting to meet the Commander of the Survey Corps, ‘the man who saved my daughter’s life’ in his own words. He was arguably more thrilled about it than about the apple toddies, and that was a huge claim to make considering how many of those he was known to chug down on a single evening. And you would be lying if you said you weren’t excited yourself, not about the toddies, which by the way you weren’t sure they would be serving when it was barely ten in the morning, but about everything else. Sleep had evaded you for the most part of the previous night, your stomach swarmed with colorful butterflies that resembled the ones now fluttering above the Koch’s blooming azaleas, and your heart gleefully springing inside your chest at the thought of him meeting your parents.
You knew it was not like he would be asking for your hand in marriage right there in the middle of Lord Koch’s courtyard. They would probably shake hands, maybe share a drink or two while your father expressed his gratitude, and then walk separate ways without asking your parents for their blessing. But, it’s just that… you couldn’t help it…it all felt so official all of a sudden.
Yes, admittedly, no one else in this world, besides Hitch, knew about the things the two of you would do behind the closed doors of his office, but…What did he think people would say once they saw you together at the party? This was not work-related, this was not some formal event he was required to attend as the Commander of the Survey Corps. It was just his friend’s birthday lunch, an occasion that didn’t call for the presence of his assistant. And, once your favorite ballad came on and you found yourselves slow dancing under some wisteria pergola, your hand resting in his, and your head, on his shoulder…did he think people would just shrug their shoulders and look the other way thinking ‘yep, that’s his assistant’?
Before asking you to come, had he considered the possibility that once they saw him pull your chair out, helping you in like the gentleman he is, possessive hand resting on the small of your back and your lips smiling lovingly at the gesture…people would undoubtedly start asking questions about the nature of your relationship?
Like you knew your parents were.
You didn’t know what they were thinking, but you knew they were thinking something. Your mother was too well-versed and frighteningly skilled at concealing her thoughts, she was too proficient in the occult arts of vanishing any trace of emotion from her face within seconds, before anybody noticed anything, no matter how shocking or scandalous the news were. However, you saw the look of surprise in her eyes when you told her who you’d be attending the reception with. It was brief and you had almost missed it, but it was there nonetheless. She hadn’t said anything, but there were signs. She hadn’t asked questions, but you knew she wondered. You knew she did, just like many at the party would.
So, all things considered, how could you blame yourself for feeling this was official? How could you get mad at yourself for believing this was some sort of announcement? Yes, subtle and silent, but an announcement regardless. And you were loving every second of it. As evidenced by the beaming smile you wore as you stepped into Lord Koch’s courtyard, the pistachio-colored tulle of your dress joyfully dancing in the balmy spring breeze.
You had chosen open shoulders for the occasion, a symmetrical hemline falling all the way down to your ankles, and dainty flower embroidery to harmoniously blend in with all the pansies and forget-me-nots of the garden. Oh, and no open slits this time because your mother was also coming.
The top was narrow and fitted, gradually widening out from the waist into a relaxed skirt, and you had skipped the puffy petticoat because you didn’t want Lord Koch to think you were trying to steal attention from him.
Your favorite part of the dress was undoubtedly the long puffy sleeves that fell all the way down to your wrists, made of semitransparent tulle and adorned with small, pretty butterflies that perfectly matched the blue ones on the pin your mother had kindly placed on your hair before leaving the house.
Considering the carriage he had driven to the base last winter, you could be forgiven for expecting nothing less than an equally opulent and effusive display of wealth on Lord Koch’s end, and make no mistake, the courtyard of his manor was a display of wealth in every sense of the word, just not the extravagant type. Somehow, it managed to be well-mannered and even unassuming at times.
His house was more like a castle than anything else, yet there was a comforting sincerity in the clear crystal windows and the way they would reflect the gentle morning sun; a graceful spontaneity in the wildflowers and the way they would grow in the most unexpected of places, whether it was a crack on the wall or inside the stone fountain at the entrance of the garden.
The wise willow, towering over the pond at the far end of the meadow, brought effortless elegance into an already gracious scene, and the glasshouse keeping it company looked like the type of place you’d love to spend a whole summer in, with a cold lemonade and a good book in hand, even if you didn’t enjoy reading that much.
It was there in the courtyard where you understood why there was no staff positioned at the estate’s entrance. Turns out they were all here, in the inner garden, one hand tucked behind their back and the other skillfully balancing silver plates, as they gracefully dodged the puffy skirts of the ladies and the walking canes that the gentlemen loved to sway around when gesticulating.
And you had to give it to the waiters, the feat they were pulling was almost acrobatic, considering how packed the garden was. The number of guests before your eyes, throwing their heads back laughing while joyfully toasting to each other’s prosperity, convincingly attested to Lord Koch’s remarkable popularity. He surely had a lot of people he could call friends, and you knew it was going to be pretty challenging to locate the one specific friend you were looking for.
You glanced around on your tiptoes and off into the multitude, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was going to take some time to find him, so you figured you’d better start now. You turned around to let your parents know, only to realize the crowd had swallowed them too. Figuring you’d run into them sooner or later when lunch was served, you took a deep breath and ventured into the sea of people, trying to stay out of the waiters’ way and making it past smiling faces you’d seen at multiple other parties throughout the years, albeit now they looked slightly different, and older, than they did back then.
As you politely nodded back to a friendly-looking lady whose eyes seemed unable to leave your dress, it hit you that you hadn’t mingled like this in a while. After spending what some would call ‘the better years of your life’ in training camp, and right after that, moving to the middle of the forest for the Survey Corps, you hadn’t attended a birthday party in like forever.
Not much had changed though, at least not when it came to the way you felt about events like this one, and certainly not when it came to the way they made you feel. The anxious drumming in your chest was still ever-present, and the uncontrollable need to fiddle with your hair whenever you felt a stranger’s eyes on you was very much still a reflex action. You didn’t know if it was because of the same reasons as you, but you felt like you understood Captain Levi and why he disliked such gatherings. You weren’t close with him at all, but maybe someday you could bond over this and your appreciation for good tea, who knows?
You grabbed a tantalizingly golden tartlet from a nearby waiter as he walked past you. As expected, only the food made these kind of experiences worth it. The food and, in this particular occasion, him, of course.
You nodded in delight as the caramelized pear melted in your mouth, simultaneously satisfying both your sweet tooth and all the butterflies in your stomach in a single bite. Buttery, flaky and unexpectedly rich. Once you moved to the cabin in the woods, you would prepare pear tartlets like this one for him too. The comforting smell of home-baked love escaping through the open kitchen window, riding on the gentle spring breeze as it caressed your cheeks just the way it was right now in the middle of the courtyard garden.
Our little cabin. You smiled, looking around to find the man you dreamed to share it with.
And you saw Leon, standing under the shade of the breezeway not too far from you, back resting against a pillar and a rose-colored liquid in his glass as he conversed with a tall, auburn-haired lady.
You waved at him from afar when his eyes accidentally met yours, and, not wanting to interrupt the conversation, limited your interaction to a smile. However, being the welcoming soul you’d known him to be, he invited you to join him and his companion by mouthing a silent ‘Do you have time?’
As you made your way to him, you exchanged smiles with the lady he was with. She was young, very young, as suggested by her round face and the plump, dewy cheeks that came with it, which you were certain would bounce like jelly under your finger. She appeared to be in her twenties too, although her small, button-like nose and other angelic features made you suspect she was a little younger than you.
Her fitted, velvet dress hugged her body in ways only custom-made dresses could, and the hunter green skirt, flawlessly accentuating the reddish-browns of her hair, reminded you of the winged cloak you would wear every day back at the base. The dark color, as well as the narrow, tight maturity of the dress contrasted the innocence present in her soft features. Features that were just as warm as Leon’s, especially when coupled with the welcoming smile she was gifting you with.
“My lady.” Leon’s soft lips greeted the back of your hand as it was quickly becoming tradition whenever you met. “I fail to identify the nature of the spell you cast on us, and forgive me if talks of witchcraft and sorcery come off as wicked or impudent in any way, but supernatural powers are the only acceptable explanation as to why your beauty seems to intensify with every passing season.”
You were only able to giggle, his convoluted compliment reaching your ears and pleasantly tickling your confidence.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Leon, and you happen to own the kind of eyes that only see the good in everyone and everything. But thank you, I’m flattered.” You admitted as he let go of your hand. “And I believe we agreed to use each other’s given names?”
“He completely refused to use my given name until, I believe… the seventh year into our relationship was it?” The angelic-looking lady turned to Leon, her head adorably tilting to the side in thought, and you couldn’t help but find it satisfying: The way her honey voice was just as melodious as you’d imagined the sounds made by those beautiful lips would be.
“My lady, this is my good friend Angelika.” Leon said, gracefully signaling to his left. “Perhaps you are already acquainted with each other, since you both live in the same ward.”
Angelika. You couldn’t help but smile at the gratifyingly fitting name. The leaf-shaped brooch on her hair looked a lot like a family crest, and the diamonds embedded all around it, as well as the ‘double-u’ engraved in the center, told you that she descended from a noble lineage, as you suspected at least half of the partygoers did. But what really called your attention was the prismatic moonstone decorating her delicate beauty bones, perfectly shaped like a raindrop, and making you wonder if the occult was among her interests.
“Oh please, Leon, the northern ward is just as big as my father’s ego.” She joked, taking your hand into hers, dainty and covered in satin all the way down to her elbows. “Truly a pleasure, my lady.”
“The pleasure is mine, Lady Angelika.” You returned the gorgeous smile she was offering.
Lady Angelika was endearing in a dignified, elegant way; and you couldn’t help but notice that her expressive hazel eyes went well together with the enchanted forest Leon had in his, much like the honey pistachio loaf your mother would bake every year in the fall.
And it was not only their eyes that complemented each other, but the atmosphere surrounding them as well. Much like the sparkling stream running down the meadow behind them, and the horses leisurely grazing along its waters, there was a natural authenticity to them. One you would have undoubtedly remembered had you been around it before, especially considering Lady Angelika’s remarkable grace.
“My lady, you ought to stop looking at me like that or I might start questioning my personal preferences.” She joked, a smile on her lips and your hand still on hers. “And I’m afraid ten in the morning on a Saturday is too early to have that type of conversation.”
“Oh, please forgive me.” You chuckled lightly, letting go of her hand. “I was just wondering if you were aware of the power that moonstone holds.”
She reached for the gemstone hanging around her neck “Oh this? Of course, Leon gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday.” She explained as her fingers caressed it fondly. “He bought it from a witch down south. Apparently she found it right in the center of the footprint left by that gigantic titan who destroyed Wall Maria.” You felt your whole body tensing up at her words. “You know, the first time it appeared. She believes it used this moonstone to make itself invisible, that’s the only logical explanation as to how a creature of such colossal measures managed to appear and disappear into thin air without anyone seeing it coming.”
Your throat felt impossibly tighter all of a sudden, all incoming air failing to reach your lungs. You didn’t necessarily believe moonstones granted anyone the power of invisibility, neither the ability to wander around only in spirit, and you had meant the question as a lighthearted joke, never considering it could backfire, and definitely not expecting Lady Angelika’s answer to make you reminisce about Bertolt’s genuine smile and Reiner’s sweet disposition.
“Are you, perhaps, also interested in gemstones and their magical properties, my lady?” Leon suddenly asked, prompting you to blink away the bittersweet melancholy and the confusion that usually followed any train of thought that led to your ex-classmates.
“I- my father- It’s one of his favorite topics to discuss at the dinner table.” You explained, chuckling nervously in an attempt to compose yourself. “Did you perhaps attend Orvud Academy, Lady Angelika?”
“Oh my, are you a diviner?!” She jumped excitedly. “Yes, I did! Until the eighth grade, before Father decided to move me and my sisters to another institute in Ehrmich.”
“Then maybe we coincided in the corridors a few times.” You suggested, feeling your chest lightening up the farther away you walked from the uncomfortable topics discussed a few sentences ago. “I also went to Orvud.”
“Maybe we did! Oh my, Leon, this world is so small!” She turned to her friend, the delight present in her voice, and the gleeful way in which she started tugging at his hand, made you think of a little kid trying to lead their favorite parent to the candy store. “Although I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t remember me.” She suddenly turned her head towards you. “I looked very different back then. I was so…outlandish.” She concluded, sporting the face of someone who’d just smelled the food that had caused them indigestion.
“Sometimes, in moments of dejection or self-doubt, I find reassurance in knowing that I no longer look, nor act, like I did back in eighth grade.” You said, her smile instantly evolving into a soft, silvery laugh that was as delicate and angelic as you expected hers to be.
“Next time I’m feeling down, I’ll give it a try.” She promised.
“Is there a reason why you changed schools, my lady?” You asked, feeling comfortable enough to let your curiosity wonder and wander.
“Father believed the institutes at Ehrmich taught better chess. I wanted to stay in Orvud because all my friends were there. Not to mention Ehrmich is in the literal opposite side of town, and even to this day, I still grieve the precious minutes that the long ride home took away from my youth.” She complained dramatically. “But I can’t complain. And neither can Leon.” Lady Angelika smiled mischievously at her friend. “That’s where he first laid eyes on me, and also where I became the inspiration for his first book.”
Leon smiled back, and it was the type of smile that told you this was a conversation he already had way too many times, yet somehow, still wasn’t tired of.
“Your beauty is indeed of remarkable proportions, my dearest Angelika.” He said, lightly raising his glass as if making a toast to his friend’s comeliness. “However, as we have discussed several times in the past, the source of inspiration for my first published work, or muse, if the casual scribbling I do from time to time were to be considered a form of art, was the cloudless sky I had the providential fortune to exist under during the summer I spent in Karanes.”
“Leon fell in love with a married woman, and she had the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. Quite scandalous. Isn’t it?”
Lady Angelika’s opportune translation painted a smirk on your face as you raised a probing eyebrow at Leon. And you expected his ears, as well as his cheeks maybe, to turn red the moment his friend’s words reached them, but you should’ve known better than to expect that from someone of such poised, elegant bearing. Instead, he allowed a relaxed, graceful laugh to escape his lips before a reply could.
“She was indeed married, but I didn’t fall in love with her.” He explained calmly, the easiness in his demeanor evidencing that he was already used to be teased by his friend. “Her loving husband and sweetheart of many years stands in this very courtyard as we speak, so I would sincerely appreciate it if we could keep away from distasteful misunderstandings.” He took another sip of his drink as his eyes scanned the room. “Ending the day with a black eye is certainly not one of the goals I set for myself this morning when I sat down with my diary and my favorite breakfast tea.”
“Oh, is she around then?” Lady Angelika asked excitedly, giggles decorating her voice as she tried her best to find an unknown face in the crowd.
“She is not. If you’d studied the poems with the careful perusal they demanded, maybe you’d know that such elusive beauty tends to evade congested occasions like today’s.” He teased, and his friend dramatically placed a hand over her chest in response, pretending to take offense.
“May I ask what the book's title is?” You smiled mischievously, curiosity tickling your mind. “I’ll admit I’m not the avid reader myself, but I’m willing to give poetry my undivided attention if it promises to uncover the mysterious identity of Leon’s first love.”
“Walking artwork. Talking poetry.” He replied, shaking his head in amused disapproval. “That’s the name of the book.” Your eyes widened in realization, suddenly remembering the blue book with faded golden letters that the Commander kept in his office, surely one of his favorite reads, and after today, one you’d definitely be borrowing sometime soon. “And as I said, my lady, she wasn’t a love of mine, but even if she was, I can assure you that by the time serendipitous fate brought our paths together, the title of ‘first’ had already been long claimed.”
Lady Angelika gave Leon a complicit smile that told you she knew exactly who that title belonged to. “Leon’s lust and uncontrollable desire for this married woman really comes to life in vivid colors thanks to all those forbidden words he so artistically painted her with.” She said giggling, looking at Leon as if trying to elicit a reaction from him, but all he had for her was an uninterested eye roll. “I would have given anything, even this very moonstone on my neck, only to see Aunt Freya’s flustered face once she reached chapter nineteen.” And the sultry way in which she sank her teeth on her bottom lip made you desperately want to know what exactly went down in chapter nineteen.
“I would consider it a miracle if Mother ever so much as touches one of my books.” He joked before bringing the glass to his lips, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was using the pink sparkly liquid to hide something that wasn’t as rosy.
“Of course she reads your books!” Lady Angelika exclaimed confidently, and you wondered if she too had noticed the same shift you had. “If I had a son as talented as you, I would never shut up about him.” She said proudly before turning to you. “Father used to get so annoyed at Uncle Hansel because he would never stop talking about Leon’s books whenever they played chess together.” Lady Angelika giggled, her eyes traveling briefly to the sky as if it was there where she kept all her memories. “Father felt that Uncle Hansel would just brag about ‘that gifted little nephew of his’ all evening and never focus on the game, which… even if we were to say that was the case… how come Father never managed to win a single one?” She chuckled before turning to Leon to clarify. “Nothing personal, you know how Father is. But I always understood Uncle Hansel and why he couldn’t stop gushing about his nephew. I was just as captivated by him.” She said fondly, and there was a hint of nostalgia in the sweet smile she was offering her friend. “And his work, of course!” She added rather abruptly.
“You praise me too much, my dearest Angelika. But my writing isn’t the slightest bit as impressive as your abilities in chess are.”
“Nonsense.” She said before turning to you, dismissing the compliment with a flick of her hand, a gesture that told you that her skills were probably every bit as impressive as Leon had implied. “My lady, I know you said reading is not among your interests but, by any chance, do you happen to enjoy ghost stories? In my humble, and probably very biased yet still fairly accurate opinion, there’s nothing like sitting by the fire on a blustery night, Leon’s horror anthology in one hand and something warm in the other, the wind ominously knocking at your window while his writing transports you to macabre dimensions.” She said, shuddering as a result of the goosebumps she had so willfully self-induced.
You chuckled, the lightness in you heart making you realize how rare days like these were. Since you had joined the Training Corps, and especially after becoming a Scout, it was as if the stakes were always high, in everything you did. It felt as if there was no normalcy in your life, or at least not like you once knew it. And, although you wouldn’t trade your life at the base for anything, you couldn’t deny that it was nice to enjoy ordinary moments like this every now and then. “That sounds frightfully enticing indeed, a perfect night made possible only by the comfort of knowing that, in the end, it’s all folktales and fiction.”
“Oh, but they are not fictional.” She was quick to clarify, shaking her hand promptly as if to make you understand how important it was for you to know this before proceeding any further. “Most of Leon’s stories are based off real life experiences, and that makes them all the more exciting! ‘Distant Cries from a Childless Town’ is based on the sinister events of that summer Leon spent traveling around Wall Rose.” She explained enthusiastically. “The second story, which is also my sister’s favorite, is about a priest who kept a human-sized titan locked in his basement. I won’t tell you how it ends, or how the titan got there in the first place, but from the title of the book you can pretty much guess, can’t you? What I will tell you, however, is that you’ll fall for the main character just as everyone does!” She made the face your father always did when daydreaming about your mother’s green tomato pie. “He’s loosely based off one of Leon’s closest friends, a super cute boy from the Trost countryside.” She tugged at Leon’s sleeve as if trying to get him to gush together with her. “His name was Jean. I met him one summer when he came to stay with Leon. Come to think of it, Leon is always friends with the dreamiest, most fascinating people.”
The way her eyes sparkled as she gazed into the sunlit fields, lips curved into a soft smile and fingers absentmindedly playing with the moonstone around her neck, told you that she was probably reminiscing about the happiest summer of her adolescent years. And you couldn’t help but chuckle, wondering if the Jean of Leon’s story was the same one you knew. He was from Trost too and, from your understanding, also childhood friends with Leon. And if it was him, you would have no option but to laugh at how comedic it all was. To think he had a secret admirer in Mitras, and not only that, but the fact that she was a member of the nobility… Heaven forbid he ever found out, because the one you knew, your Jean, his ego definitely did not need another boost.
Although, in all fairness, you kind of understood where Lady Angelika was coming from. Him and Reiner had always been the most popular among the ladies back at Training Camp. In fact, when you first met Jean, you had also thought he was really cool. It was the very first day of ODM practice, and although everyone else was struggling, he seemed to be a natural at it. However, you also remembered how quickly all form of curiosity and wonder had vanished, that same night at dinner to be more specific, when you saw him engage in one of those embarrassing fights him and Eren loved to have.
“He was so well-mannered and smelled so good all the time.” Lady Angelika continued her recollection of the events of that summer, just as your mind started to get flooded by memories of a very different summer, one where Eren and Jean never stopped throwing scrambled eggs and baked tomatoes at each other. “His hair was so soft and he was so manly we both fell in love with him.”
It was so sudden and unexpected, that you couldn’t stop your eyes from opening as wide and as inappropriately as your eyelids allowed them to.
“Leon and I didn’t talk to one another for weeks after that, until we finally waved our little white flags and agreed neither of us would pursue him. After that, we hugged and decided to go for chocolate pastries. We were so silly back then. Do you remember, Leon?”
“I would argue we still are.” He responded amusedly, bringing the glass to his lips and swirling the contents lightly before taking a sip.
Lady Angelika chuckled as she leaned over the handrail, her hair playing with the wind as she gazed at the pasturing horses, and you wondered if the longing smile present on her lips meant that she was still reminiscing about Jean. Leon, on the other hand, was looking at no one and nothing in particular, taking occasional sips from his glass until it was completely empty. And something, probably the wistful smile he was wearing, told you that he we was most likely thinking about those days too.
And about Jean, perhaps.
“I absolutely enjoy horror stories.” You blurted unprovoked after some uncomfortable seconds of silence, fearing it might escalate into something even more awkward. You weren’t sure if Leon was comfortable with you knowing such personal details about him, especially when you were acquainted with Jean yourself. “And I greatly appreciate the personalized recommendation, Lady Angelika. However, I think I’ll start with Walking Artwork and leave the sinister stories for bolder times, you know… for the sake of chronological order. I’m also curious to see how Leon’s writing evolved over the years.”
Leon let his head fall to the side both in suspicion and disbelief, squinting his eyes as if asking you to get it over with.
“And of course, because I’m interested in uncovering the married lady’s mysterious identity as well as what became of her.” You finally confessed, a giggle escaping your lips when you saw him roll his eyes and shake his head in disapproval. You had to admit that there was a very particular type of pleasure to be derived from teasing Leon, and you were beginning to understand why Lady Angelika seemed to enjoy it so much. “The Commander has that book in his personal collection. I might just borrow it on Monday and begin my research as soon as we go back to the office.”
“Even if you succeed in uncovering her identity, little does it matter, my lady; given the fact that my interest in her was purely artistic and never romantic.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders as if he was sorry to disappoint you. “As of what became of her, I’m happy to report that I’m still very much welcomed with warm geniality by both her and her darling daughters whenever I find myself in Karanes.” He signaled with a shake of his glass. “With that said, I’m truly honored and delighted, if I may allow myself such pleasures, to know that someone with Commander Smith’s intellect and literary knowledge found something of value in my dull first work. I have never been able to bring myself to read it again.”
“Huh? You work with Commander Smith?” Lady Angelika asked, the newfound piece of information lighting some sort of spark in her eyes, and you weren’t sure you could call it simple curiosity.
Nodding proudly, you looked around the garden, eyes surveying the room and a comfortable type of excitement bubbling inside you at the thought of finding his blue eyes in the crowd any time now.
“I had the pleasure of starting my rounds conversing with him by the central pavilion. Maybe he’s still there.” Leon looked in the direction of the marble-columned structure, as if trying to find him too. And you caught yourself trying to guess what the nature of their exchange was, something that admittedly troubled you more than a little, given the misunderstanding from a few weeks prior. “He must be looking for you too.”
You turned to Leon and were surprised to discover a smile full of understanding shining your way. And you sincerely hoped the nervous laugh that escaped your lips as a response could act as some sort of distraction so your burning cheeks and tomato ears could go unnoticed.
But you knew that he had been there that night, at the castle, in the dining hall, just a few rooms away from your office and all the wonderful things the Commander had been making you feel on top of his desk. And you also knew that, if he’d happened to hear something then, no amount of damage control you did now would be enough to erase it from his memory.
And like so, before you started acting more like a tomato and less like a person, you decided it was the perfect moment to start exchanging closing nods and parting smiles with Leon and Lady Angelika, which you did before heading in the direction he had pointed you to. Lady Angelika looked like she wanted to say something, and had it been any other moment, you would’ve waited. But, right now, all you wanted was to take your flustered face away and hide it in the Commander’s welcoming chest while you danced to a slow song or two.
“My Lady.” Leon’s sudden call of your name made you turn around abruptly. “Just one more thing.” He said as he approached you, putting some distance between Lady Angelika and him, and lowering his voice as if to ensure nobody else could hear what he was going to say. “I had a conversation with my dear uncle the other day, and I explained to him about the nature of our budding relationship.” He smiled mid-sentence as if to let you know it was okay, and you had to admit that any form of reassurance was very much welcome at the moment, especially when you had no clue where all this was heading. “I was very specific in my request, and by ‘very specific’ I mean I carefully treaded through all the poetical trap my tongue usually falls into, and sincerely asked him to stop hindering the growth of our blossoming friendship with the shadows his well-intended efforts are casting.”
His eyes lingered in the central pavilion’s direction for a while, seemingly taking his time organizing the words inside his head before saying them out loud. “Although very little use it has, I apologize if his remarks resulted in any kind of misunderstanding or inconvenience for you.”
You stared at his apologetic smile in silence, trying to make sense of the words that had just left his mouth. And maybe it was the tinge of remorse in his eyes or the way their attention would shift between you and the central pavilion, but something told you that he probably held the answer to the question you had been trying to get the Commander to respond.
No. Not probably.
He definitely did.
Did Lord Koch talk about you and Leon in a way that made the Commander think you were involved romantically? You didn’t know for sure, yet you knew two other things: One, if he had indeed said something, Leon would absolutely know what it was; and two, he would totally tell you if you asked.
But before you could do so much as open your mouth, Lady Angelika’s melodious voice called his name and he smiled apologetically before turning to her, leaving you there, stranded in the middle of the crowd, with nothing but questions to hold on to.
And you would have remained there for longer, had a flurried waiter not bumped into you, knocking the butterfly pin off your hair and making it bounce on the glossy marble tiles.
You looked down just in time to see it slide under a crystal table, and bent down to reach it, only to find that a gentle hand had gotten there first.
“Thank you, but it’s fine. I got it.” You said as your hand brushed past warm, manly fingers.
“I know you do, but let me.” Replied a rich, velvety voice you had only heard on your happiest moments.
You rose up as fast as your faltering legs allowed, your heartbeat like the frenzied flapping of hummingbird wings, and the reason for that, standing right in front of you, holding the blue butterfly in his welcoming hand, the sun sparkling on the metal pin in the same mesmerizing way it did on the sapphires he had on his face.
next chapter
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