#which is another flavour on the 'sometimes we don't know'
alaiis · 10 months
Just saw a post that talked about the fact yes disabled people know their limits but it's more complex than that.
And it was about disabled people's agency being stripped away from us. How sometimes we can do thing but they won't let us. Because we're disabled.
And I wanted to comment about another thing on 'disabled people know their limits' but I didn't want to distract from this conversation so making a post instead.
Disabled people know their limits. Except when we don't.
I know it's difficult to say and to hear because it feels like it's the perfect admittance for ableists to strip us of the little autonomy we have.
But I'm disabled and I don't know my limits. But the thing is, other people don't know them either so don't dare them trying to tell me they know better.
Yes this is about late-diagnosed autism but I believe it can be the same for many other disabilities too.
Because I've been taught all my life I'm not disabled actually. So there is no reason I should not be able to do something that other people can do. That I should be able to be the same way.
It's about the constant exhaustion trying to live the way everyone lives and crashing ugly where everyone can't see it because it's too much. But it's about doing that all my life. And knowing only this way of living.
And now that I actually have recognition as a disabled person. Now that I can get accommodations and I'm not expected to do everything everyone does and the same way. I don't know where to start. I don't know what to ask for. And I keep doing the same.
Oh don't get me wrong there are the obvious things. I can wear ear protection now. But what about all the rest? I'm so exhausted constantly, how do I know where it comes from now? It's my whole life.
I finally started having a therapist who can help me with that. Learning my limits first. Learning to get them respected second. But it's taking a lot of time. And I'm still clueless about so many things.
And I'm so damn exhausted.
Disabled people know their limits. Except when we don't.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Little Duck
(Little Duck AU 🐥💛)
Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Summary: There is a reason behind your husbands nickname for your daughter, I mean what can you say, he loves his little duck
Warnings: non, just pure fluffy dad Chris
A/N: I love dad Chris, I don't care what anyone says, this was purely self indulgent again, so enjoy! Also I used Arlie as a name again because I just love it<3
Word Count: 763
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Now there were two reasons your husband Chris had come up with the nickname little duck for your newly turned two year old daughter Arlie, both of which were the cutest reasons in the world. When Arlie was born Lisa had given you and Chris this adorable fluffy yellow duckling stuffy that Arlie was attached too from the day she started being able to actually hold and recognize toys. Everywhere she went, that duckling stuffy went with her. The second reason was that she had just started walking more independently and when she walked, she walked like a duck, a little waddle Chris would call it, and it was the cutest thing you’d ever seen
“Come on little duck, let’s get you a snack”
Chris has called out to Arlie whose little feet started hitting the hardwood floor as quickly as her little legs would go, the sound echoing through to the den where you were curled up on the couch with a book
“daddy snack!”
You could hear her little voice call back which sometimes although you’d hate to admit it, made tears fill your eyes, she was just so damn precious
“Yeah princess, snack time”
Chris picked her up and put her in the highchair that rested just beside the island in the kitchen, placing a few options down on the tray table, some cheerios, strawberries, banana’s cucumber, and some of her favourite flavour of yogurt 
“There we go little duck, yummy snacks”
She clapped her little hands letting out a noise of excitement 
“’ank you daddy”
You were still working on some of the more complex words for her age, although she could say many things, her speech had been much slower to develop than some of her peers in daycare. Chris placed a kiss on her forehead 
“You’re welcome baby” 
Arlie began to pick at certain things eating quietly until she seemed to realize something was missing, she had forgotten her yellow duck over by you in the den, which luckily, you’d started to walk over with 
Chris chuckled looking towards you as you appeared beside Arlie and placed a kiss on her cheek
“You looking for ducky baby?’
Arlie nodded before stuffing a strawberry slice into her mouth, you watched until she was finished chewing before pulling the yellow stuffy out from behind your back, Arlie’s face breaking out into a massive smile before giggling and reaching for it 
“We can’t eat with ducky though okay baby? I’m going to put him in front of you and he can wait until your full” 
Arlie pouted for a few moments before getting distracted in some yogurt she had spilled which allowed Chris some time to place a soft kiss to your lips as he tugged you into his side 
“She’s growing up so fast, it’s making me sad”
You laughed rubbing your hand along Chris’s back gently, Arlie was only two now and you both hadn’t discussed another baby yet, but it wasn’t off the table 
“You know two isn’t that old honey”
“Well, I know…but”
You leaned further into him reading his mind almost before saying 
“You miss when she was itty bitty huh?”
He nodded letting out a little sigh before jumping in to clean off Arlie’s yogurt covered face, placing her down onto the floor and handing her ducky 
“I wouldn’t be opposed to another, if that’s what you’re getting at…”
Chris paused and turned to look at you, his eyes lighting up 
“Really? You mean that?”
You nodded your head 
“I think it’s time little duck over here had a sibling”
As if knowing you were talking about her Arlie began walking towards you, that cute little waddle that both you and Chris adored highlighted as she bounded towards you 
“Ducky ducky!”
You laughed reaching down to pick her up and toss her in the air a little, filling the room with her tiny laughter, kisses being placed across her chubby cheeks when she came down. Moments like these always stopped Chris’s heart a little bit because it was all he’d ever wished for, for as long as he could remember. So, when he watched his wife and their beautiful little girl laugh and play around in their home, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like with another little one running around 
“You are just the cutest little duck aren’t you, daddy thinks so too”
Chris smiled pulling you both in for a hug before leaning down and covering the two of you in kisses 
“The cutest little duck indeed.”
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tf2-bhs · 2 months
Meet "Spy".
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The most arrogant student in all of MANN high school and sixth form. Once he had a perfect life, over in France. Not an orphan, posh house, and perfect grades, and because of those perfect grades he was offered a chance to go over to England as an exchange student, which he obviously took. However, as soon as he got to the people he would be staying with, he soon realized that it was one of the worst opportunities that he had ever taken.
8 children, under one small roof, with only one familiar woman looking after them. He immediately clashed with the clan's youngest member a, then, 13-year-old boy called Jeremy. The pair often got into verbal spats whenever the younger boy's mother wasn't around.
However, despite them often fighting, the pair developed a sort of brotherly bond, with 'Spy' telling Jeremy long and intricate stories sometimes about things he's done in France, other times just to hit him with a 'your mom' joke. And sometimes Jeremy goes to 'Spy' for advice with the SAME SIXTH FORM GIRL.
'Spy' was only supposed to stay in England for his time in year 10, however, he made a special request to stay for an additional year, which his old school agreed with, as long as Ms. Sullivan was okay with it, and due to reasons still unknown, she was.
He's the second most mysterious student, second only to the 'Pyro', and that is primarily because we actually know that 'Spy' is human and speaks plain English, however, his identity is still unknown as he has never taken his hood off in front of someone and he always answers the register before his name is said.
Despite his posh exterior, he's partial to video games, especially a shooter game called 'Band Bastille 2.' He is an absolute sweat at it and is by far the best 'Infiltrator' player for miles. He even has a nemesis on the game who goes by the gamer tag 'ProfessionalwStandards', who primarily plays the 'Assassin' role, which he hates all player.s of but, and I quote, ", especially this so-called professional! He dares to say that he has standards!? All assassin players are just a bunch of pathetic lost souls who don't even know how to move their own characters!" - Spy, overheard at lunch, the other week.
Another one of his online activities that he loves to do is to get into arguments about the stupidest things. It could be about politics, a movie franchise he hasn't seen, or even basic trivia. Sometimes he purposely says the wrong thing, just to illicit a reaction from the person, and when the perfect time comes, he strikes and instead of putting an actual answer, he just puts the person's IP address and never looks at the conversation ever again.
Something that he just can't stand is vapes, and I quote, "Horrid, horrid things. With their dreadful flavours and stupid batteries. h, and do not even get me started on the braindead people who got the toilets permanently locked because they were using them there. I prefer to take my lung cancer the proper way with cigarettes!" -Spy again.
Jane 'Soldier' Doe: Apart from maybe Merasmus, 'Spy' is the only person to not put up with Jane's loud-mouthed attitude, saying "It wouldn't be tolerated in my old school, it won't be tolerated by me here."
Jeremy 'Scout' Sullivan: Read the first bit again, and then look me in the eyes and tell me you need this.
?? 'Pyro' ??: 'Spy' wonders what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask, but more so he wonders how, even when he's in isolation, he can always be found by the creature.
Mikhail 'Heavy' Ivanov: They often talk about literature that they've read, meaning most of their conversations take place hidden behind bookshelves in the library making someone think the school is haunted!
Mun-dee 'Mick' 'Sniper' Mundy: Do not let these two exchange gamer tags. They're at each other's throats enough already.
F??? Pauling: 'Spy' is her go-to when getting advice for help with the gals
??? 'Ma' Sullivan: They both know and they know the other knows.
Tavish 'Demoman' Degroot and Ludwig 'Doc' Koch: Nothing too bad, they have pleasant chats
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elliessub · 1 year
Sex Shop Shenanigans
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend, Ellie, told you she had a surprise for you.
Genre: Modern!AU, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, Ellie is a cocky bastard, reader is a shy crybaby, sex toys, lingerie, implied to Ellie being rich af, Ellie has a dominant aura, cursing
Word count: 1.9k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Els, where are we going?" You asked, probably for the thousandth time but your girlfriend still wasn't saying anything, keeping a hand on your thigh as she drove you two somewhere. 
"You'll see baby, be patient." This was always her answer to the question. You huffed and turned away from her, crossing your arms and pouting so she knew you were upset. She glanced at you and gave a soft, deep chuckle, "Now don't be a pouty baby, you'll like it I promise."
You turned back to her, lips still pouty, the puppy dog eyes that usually work on your girlfriend were doing little to nothing to further your cause. Ellie glanced at you once more, telling you how cute you were before focusing back on the road.
After another 10 minutes of driving Ellie was pulling into a parking spot in front of a shop. Your eyes widened when you noticed what type of shop it was. She got out of the car, walking to your side and opening the door for you to get out. "We're here."
It was a sex shop.
Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment. You knew Ellie went to one of these shops from time to time, the sex toys in her penthouse that she loved using on you were evidence of that, but you yourself never went. 
Although you're not as innocent as some of your friends, and sometimes your girlfriend, thought you were, you do have sex toys at your place as well (okay one vibrator that you bought online that also made you blush madly when the delivery guy delivered it to you with smirk and an "Enjoy") but you've been curious about going to a sex shop, even though you never had the guts to go in one, especially not alone.
You felt Ellie’s presence behind you, her body so close to yours. You felt Ellie’s lips on your ear as she leaned in to whisper in it, "Surprise baby." 
The two of you began walking towards the door, your heart beating faster and faster the closer you got to it. Your mind was coming up with so many impossible scenarios of what could happen in there, like what if your grandparents were in there, even though you knew that wouldn't happen since they live 2 hours away, but your brain couldn't stop thinking of such scenarios.
"Let's go in, yeah?"
You only gave a nod in agreement and let her lead you in by the small of your back. The inside of the store was very organised, rows with various toys lined the shelves, the little signs above the rows indicating which types of toys were in which rows. Toys weren't the only thing in here, you could also see rows for lubricants and different types of condoms, you didn't even know they made ones with flavourings, and there was also a row for lingerie in the back. You also noticed how it wasn't really crowded, there were only two other people in there.
Ellie grabbed a basket that was by the door and pressed it into your hands, "Go nuts baby." She gave an encouraging smile while you took the basket giving your girlfriend a confused look.
"What do you mean?" Your voice was soft and quiet as you just noticed the smiling cashier behind the counter which you definitely accidentally ignored when she greeted you when you walked in.
Ellie tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, giving you one of her loving smiles which she reserved just for you. "Get anything you want from here, anything you'd like for me to use on you or just anything you'd like to have for yourself. I'm treating you sweet girl." She gave you a kiss on the cheek and patted your butt for you to get going.
You were sure you'd combust from how hot you were feeling, both from the humiliation and from Ellie’s words. You took a few steps forward before turning around to look at Ellie who gave you an encouraging nod towards one of the rows.
You entered one which had a sign saying 'Vibrators' above it and immediately got surprised by how many different ones there seemed to be. From vibrators that looked like dildos to egg shaped ones to rechargeable wireless remote control ones. The one you had at home was pretty basic, a cute small pink one with a white head that vibrated and was battery operated. All of these seemed so advanced compared to your one.
You would be lying if you said your eyes didn't linger on the wireless remote controlled ones. It would be easier to charge one than to constantly buy batteries for your old one and the thought of Ellie using it on you, maybe even in public, was enough to get you to squirm in your spot in an attempt to press your legs together. You picked up a hot pink one from the shelf and put it in the basket.
You moved on to another row, one that had a bunch of strap on's in different colours and sizes. You sucked in a breath. You really enjoyed when Ellie introduced a strap in your sex life, you trusted her and she made you feel safe and so good with it if you're being honest, but you also felt bad that she never got any enjoyment out of it even if she always said her pleasure came from seeing your pleasure. You walked to the ones that were duo pleasure ones, that way your Ellie could also get some type of pleasure while fucking you. 
You gave a little squeal when you noticed it vibrates too, so double pleasure. "Oh that's why it's a duo pleasure." You said quietly to yourself before putting it in the basket as well.
Last row you wanted to visit was the one that said 'Games' above it. You were curious what type of games could be in a dirty store and you definitely weren't prepared as much as you thought. Sex dice with positions, a game of truth or strip? Oh, like truth or dare but with stripping. You giggled once you saw bells that were called Ring For Sex, there were also board games with spinners and figurines. You picked the position dice packet, turning it over in your hands to see what sort of positions there were.
"What'cha got there baby?" You felt Ellie snake her arms around your waist, pulling you into her body. You turned around and gave her a sweet smile that made her smile down at you.
"Just got these dice, seeing what they're offering." She took the dice from your hands, examining it the same way you just have.
"I think these will be pretty fun for us to do sweet girl." She placed the dice in the basket and picked up the other two things you got, you immediately felt heat rising to your cheeks. Ellie gave you a smirk when she noticed the wireless vibrator you chose, putting it back with the dice. She then held the strap next to her head, "Baby, what's this?"
"Uh, well it's a strap on." You avoided her gaze.
Ellie chuckled, taking a step towards you, "I know it's a strap pretty, but why is it the duo pleasure one?"
You whined, hugging her waist and hiding your face in her chest, mumbling something in it.
"What was that babe? Speak up."
You put your chin on her chest and glanced up at her, "Wanted you to get pleasure too."
She cooed, bringing her free hand to pet your head, her tone was low and gentle how it usually was when she talked to you, "Babygirl, how many times have I told you I get pleasure from seeing you get it?" It wasn't a real question and you knew it, yet you couldn't stop yourself from answering her.
"But I feel bad Els!" The corner of your eyes started getting teary, "You always make me feel so good and I never do anything to repay you." You buried your face in her chest once more so she didn't see you when your tears inevitably started rolling down your cheeks. She took the basket from you as you latched yourself onto her like a koala the moment it was in her hands and shushed you while rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
She tried moving away to let her see you but that only made you whine once more and hug her more tightly, "Come now my little crybaby, look at me." She hooked her finger under your chin and lifted your head so you were looking at her. Your eyes were red and cheek smeared with tears when made her coo once more. 
"My sweet baby just wants to make me feel good too, huh?" You nodded meekly as she kissed your tears away from your cheeks. That made you smile a little, she always knew how to make you feel better. Ellie lovingly caressed your wet cheek, "How about we go and pay for this pretty baby, hmm?"
You nodded and let her lead you back to the register where the cashier was, smiling at you two. You hid yourself behind your girlfriend's back, not wanting the cashier to think you were a baby for crying, even though you knew Ellie would immediately attack anyone that tried saying anything bad about you, you also wouldn't admit to yourself that you were feeling a bit shy from the items in the basket. Ellie pulled out her card, paid for the things and pulled you outside back towards her car. 
She opened the door for you once more, helped buckle you up and got into the driver seat, but before she turned the car on she reached back to the backseats and tugged a bag in the front, plopping it into your lap.
"What's this?" You asked softly, opening the bag and reaching inside to see what's hidden in it. You pulled out maroon coloured lingerie making you squeak in surprise. The panties were crotchless, the hole where your pussy's supposed to be making you instantly blush. The panties also had some silk material that was supposed to cover the hole and could be pulled to the sides, exactly like a curtain would. 
You glanced at Ellie to see she was already staring at you, observing your reaction. She wet her lips with her tongue while maintaining eye contact. You didn't know if she did that on purpose or if it was a subconscious act, but you did know it turned you on. Maybe more than you'd like to admit.
Clearing your throat you put the panties back and picked up the other article of clothing that was inside the bag. The new article made you bulge your eyes out. Eyes darting towards Ellie once more to see she wore a slight smirk on her face, body laid back in the seat and legs slightly spread, elbow on the window platform, fingers rubbing her chin and watching you like a hawk.
You swallowed thickly before turning the matching maroon bra she picked out for you, it was very pretty you had to admit. But what made you bulge your eyes out was the breast cups, maroon lace that was see through and very soft under your fingers as they grazed over the cups.
"Els," you were sweating, you hate to admit how turned on this was making you, "w-what's all this?"
She leaned towards you, "One more gift for you sweetheart. Now c'mon, let's go back home so I can see how pretty you look in this." She turned the car on, pulling out of the parking spot.
"Plus, we gotta break in those new toys of yours."
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
How many years of your life have you spent hitting refresh on package-tracking websites? Does it make a material difference to your life whether this box leaves Chicago tonight, when you live absolutely nowhere near Chicago (people reading this from Chicago: please substitute for another distant city?) No, but we want to know what's going on with our shit. Maybe, just maybe, there will be an update, and we can imagine what life is like in the distant land of YUEN LONG INTERNATIONAL PACKAGE SORTING. I bet they have crazy ice cream flavours that we don't get here.
As you might expect, I buy a lot of parts for my hoopties. And, because those cars have been "out of print" for several decades, you have to get creative about where you get those parts. How did a crate full of Quadrajets end up in Vietnam? Not my concern, but as long as I can bumblefuck my way through a conversation roughly tantamount to "I give money, you give old machine parts," I'll get something in the mail that I can strap to my engine.
Will it actually be a Quadrajet? Probably not. Sometimes I accidentally bungle into a CIA dead drop. It's happened more than once that some creepy spies operating in another country send me a box full of top-secret microfiche instead of my car parts, which is always a pain in the ass because even after I throw it into the curbside recycling, I'm still stalked by federal assassins for a few weeks demanding to know where it is. Eventually, after dispatching enough of them using a combination of pure idiot's luck and living in a house stuffed to the gills with rusty and/or electrified garbage, I get to talk to a middle manager, who agrees to let me "off the hook," as it is. And then I still don't have my junk. Zero stars on eBay.
What is important is that these parts or microfiche or nuclear secrets, whatever they are, are sent with tracking numbers. Otherwise, I have nothing to ruthlessly push F5 on when I should be concentrating on something more important, like ordering more parts, or emailing foreign agents why my 318 poly heads haven't moved for a few hours. You better not have gotten captured and tortured to death again. This is why I paid for the insurance.
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chenswire · 11 months
overdue Episode 11 post
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basically the chenswire part of my stupidly long twitter thread covering ep 11 with more delusional thoughts and I ended up TLing their last scene in CN I guess (scroll to bottom) i wish i had the energy to make 1morbillion gifs but i do not so.. Excerpts from my 200 image screenshot folder it is
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So the ep starts off with a super pensive Swire which was very cute when will my wife return from the war energy
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And then she breaks out into a super un-ladylike run whaddahell!!!! this sequence was sooo well drawn wtf. handsome
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(Something here about how people were joking this part is summer chen because they call chummer 水陈 'water chen')
I like how relaxed the atmosphere was like this definitely isn't the first time something like this has happened, well I mean after all they are Professional Co-workers who do not fight 24/7 (they get into an argument immediately after)
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When they break eye contact to turn towards Hoshiguma they basically don't meet each other's gazes again as they take turns to glare at each other its insane... Also Swire saying she should take over and Chen needs treatment... Chen you understand what that means right...
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Another detail I love is how at the start they already show her battered jacket/clothes for us gamers to point at the screen and then later who those who don't know/didn't notice we have a whole close up of chen reacting to it...man.jpg And swire leaving right away once she knows chen is fine (and one of her good points. lol. lmao) you guys are sure so quick
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Link to CN version of the PUUK GAI LUNG in Paci Plaza I love how she's like 'Chen you stay right there' at the end like she's going to idk fly over ASAP to whack her (as opposed to just 'hey, chen!')
Here's a clip of the last scene with CN dub because not only do we get 'ah chen' it just hits so different...
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Hi~ Still there, Miss Ah Chen? Ah? What d'you mean by ah, huh? Aren't you a Dai Siu Ze too? Enough of that, don't you have something to tell me? What happened at Paci Plaza… I'll make sure to sort it all out and file for damages later.
Had a feeling they would go with the JP loc's 'aren't you an ojou too' since you know, anime, but keeping the 'ah chen' and that 阿什么阿 response the unparalleled casualness
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You… Remember the Cha Chaan Teng at Sheung Wan? Trying to change the subject? The one near the LGD HQ, right? I used to stop by there on my patrols sometimes. Let me treat you to something there next time. Hmm~ If we go there… I want a steak tomato and egg burger! Wait, no! Like hell I'd want you to treat me to a meal!
the longer pause after 'you...' like she was considering something else before she decided to go with her 茶餐厅 MENTION!!!!! gives this a whole different flavour... chen outright offering the meal instead of swire guessing??? THE WARM SMILE CLOSE UP i feel like im intruding on something
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Then send your bill to Chief Wei. I'm hanging up. Wait, don't hang up just yet! I heard you ran straight out of Rhodes Island in the end. What are you planning? Weren't you looking for their help? Ugh, stay down! Take a nap over there! You sure sound busy. Guess I should hang up. Tch… I'm not done speaking with you yet. Was leaving the little bunny (and the others) over there weighing on your mind? Well, whatever. (We'll just do this) Just let me help you clean up the mess over here.
It just sounds so much more casual in CN than the JP dub (which is excellent ofc) >let me do it for you instead of 'ill do it' (head in hands)
the opposite lighting and angle and chen looking away vs swire looking straight #KINO
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Don't talk like you understand me very well, Miss S. Enough!!! How many times have I told you not to call me that!! Got it, got it.
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You don't seem to get it, so I'll be nice today and explain it to you. Life is extremely precious. You're always risking your life chasing what's right in front of you. Stop doing that. Got that? Your advice… I'll take it.
That exasperated 'Enough!!!' i (turns into a plane and flies away) and the last line... it as 'thanks for the advice' which technically isn't wrong but you know the nuance of uh. kind of, almost, somewhat, accepting a... confession... (of her concern ofc) also CN chen lets swire finish speaking instead of interrupting which hehe... like i said..the flavour hits different. also that subtle movement as chen like eases in more and more between those lines aaaghhhhhhhhhh
their earlier argument was so explosive and quick, but now their banter is so tender and slow like bruh. what. even the act of chen putting down her sword to sit down in a comfortable position (loved that she sat like that One leg sitters rise up!!!) was so ??? the normally yolo speedrunner chen being so leisurely like damn. ok. ok. From 'you think you can order me around' to basically agreeing to an order (Londinium cannon vine boom) I thought Chen being this warm was more or less a delusion that I inferred through in game as subtext (since in game her expression then is usually like her default rbf face...) and seeing it here as 'text' in the show is like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 holy shit can't believe i got FED after four years incidentally i've been obsessed with a certain CN writer's fics lately because the way they write chen like a sad wet dog while showing warmth is crazyyy maybe i will blog about it next time because i was legit taking notes lmao
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pavlovianfuckery · 3 months
i made another muppet joke and it's getting out of hand
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Every time his hands were doing things I was going bug-eyed like a sight-hound spotting a hare, just ready to shoot off into the stratosphere leaving a puff of smoke behind like in a cartoon. So this fic was pretty much inevitable. It's the usual 'I'm welcome and you're sorry'-song and dance, I'm afraid. I swear that if he wasn't running around unchecked with his rolled-up shirtsleeves and stupid little bracelets we would not be having this problem. Actually, we probably would, but we'd maybe have it a little bit less.
4.1k of fisting and and fucking under the cut (with a sprinkle of angst for flavour)
You're not pining. Just because he left you hanging and hasn't called or texted in over a week does not mean that you're doing something as stupid as pining, you repeat to yourself. Maybe offering him a key to your place had been a mistake. But it's not like you had been asking for his hand in marriage like some blushing maiden. All you'd done was tell him as he was leaving that there was an extra key on the hook by the door if he wanted it. Sure, he hadn't really responded, but he'd taken it.
Trying to justify whatever this has turned into makes you feel foolish. It's not like you didn't know who and what he was from the start. Dangerous, for one. Fickle. A liar, albeit a good-looking one, which is probably why you're in this mess to begin with. Not exactly boyfriend material. Besides, you know a front when you see one and it's fairly obvious that there are so many things broken inside of him that it's a wonder he doesn't rattle when he walks.
You should have stayed as far away as possible but he could be very charming when he wanted something, and when he'd decided that what he wanted was you, it had been nearly impossible to resist. In hindsight, it was almost funny because you knew better, you did, but he had still reeled you in like a dumb fucking fish. And when he had, it turned out that he could be funny, sometimes almost sweet, and then you had started falling before you even realized it. You're a grown woman but he's got you acting like a teenager all over again and not only is it unwise on your part, it's pathetic and it should probably make you angrier than it does. The humiliation of it all is only partly made up for by the sex.
Because the sex is very good. You're not naive enough to think that you're anything special to him, but when he's in your bed it's so easy to forget that. Too easy. Aside from just being plain fun to sleep with, there's a focus and a hunger there, like you're either a puzzle to pull apart or prey to be devoured, and it's nothing short of addictive. Just the memory of it makes you flush and squeeze your legs together. Once you start thinking about it, it's hard to stop. The taste of him, his voice in your ear as he slides into you, how he feels inside of you. The way his breath hitches when he's close to coming. It makes you ache until it's hard to concentrate on anything else, and your thoughts go to the box under the bed. You don't have to wait for him to text you. It's been over a week and at this rate you'll get nothing productive done until you blow off some steam.
After a bit of digging you find something that will hopefully do the job and lay back on the bed. It's not going to be what you really need, but desperate times call for desperate measures so you try to make the best of it with what you have available. His touch is burned into your memory at this point and closing your eyes makes it easier to pretend that it's his hands sliding over your skin, rather than your own.
"Please..." you breathe, cupping your breasts and imagining the way his eyes darken when you beg, "Please..." Of course, it's not as good as the real thing, but when you get on your knees and sink down onto the dildo it's even less satisfying than you'd hoped. Not that a hunk of silicone could ever compare but the only thing it shares with the genuine article seems to be the temperature, because it's like trying to scratch an itch in a spot you can't quite reach by yourself. It's frustrating, but you're nothing if not determined. It's less fun and more work than it should be, leaving you sweaty and out of breath as you chase your release, which remains stubbornly out of reach. Rolling your hips and grinding down on it makes it feel a bit better, and you can feel it slowly starting to build, just a minute more and-
The sound of the lock turning over is like getting doused with a bucket of ice water and there's only a moment between the door closing and him calling your name, leaving you scrambling. You've never been more grateful for the drapery shielding the alcove containing the bed from the rest of the room, because it buys you a few seconds more to collect yourself, for all the good it does. In the end you do manage to cover yourself and sit up in what you hope is a nonchalant and completely un-suspicious way.
"In here." It comes out a bit breathy and unsteady, making you wince as the drapery twitches to the side and a very familiar head of bright hair pops in."So, I take it you're not a big fan of, I don't know, knocking?"
"You gave me a key, remember?" He jingles said key in the air merrily before pocketing it, flicking his eyes over you. You can almost see a cartoon light-bulb turn on above his head because his expression quickly changes into that of a cat who has just been offered a complimentary bowl of fresh cream to go with their organic, free-range canaries. "Now, why am I getting the distinct impression that I'm interrupting something?"
"Beats me." You shrug, hoping he doesn't notice your burning cheeks. By the look in his eye, it probably isn't your most convincing performance.
"Huh. Is that so?" The mattress dips under his weight as he sits down and sneaks his hand under the covers, fingers slowly trailing up your leg. "Somehow I don't think you're being entirely honest with me right now." It feels so good to be touched again that when he puts just the slightest pressure on the inside of your knee you're unable to resist, legs spreading almost on their own. Walking his fingers up the inside of your thigh, it doesn't take long until he brushes against the base of the toy.”Someone's been busy." Quirking a brow, he gives you a pitying look. "Did you miss me?"
"Don't flatter yourself," you roll your eyes at him, trying to ignore it when he flicks it a few times with his fingers, the vibrations reverberating in your core.
"You know..." he grabs the base of the dildo and gives it a few slow thrusts, which for some stupid reason feels so much better than when you were doing it, making you whimper despite yourself, "I can take care of you better than this ever will." You both know that's true, but that doesn't mean he has to be so damn smug about it.
"I don't need you to get off." Maybe the words come out a bit harsher than you intended them to, but he just grins at you, tugging at the sheets.
"That's an interesting choice of words because I never said you did." Stretching himself out on his side next to you, he props himself up on his elbow. "Go on, then," he leans in close, his breath tickling your ear, "fuck yourself. That's what you were doing when I walked in, wasn't it?" The words make a wave of heat wash over you and for a moment it's hard to think.
"You could help a girl out?"
"Sure I could," he drawls, pulling the sheet away and leaving you bare. "But you don't need me, right?" He looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth as he blinks at you.
It's only half putting on a show as you start working the toy in and out, biting your lip. The embarrassment doesn't last long, because it feels much better like this, with him whispering encouragement in your ear, hungry eyes watching your every move. The slick sound of the toy moving inside of you is loud in the confined space, somehow even more so than when you were alone. Finding a good angle isn't hard and you can hear his breath hitch as you let out a low moan, legs spreading a fraction wider. It still isn't enough though, making you curse under your breath.
"You planning to be a dick about this for much longer?" Winded and miserable, you shoot him a glare.
"Haven't decided yet." His lips brush your ear as he continues, "Besides, you're so cute when you're struggling. It's really working for me." He grabs your free hand and guides it to his fly, pressing up against your palm. You can feel him throbbing, and you're not sure when you last wanted something this badly before. Actually scratch that, because it was probably a little over a week ago.
"I'm not struggling," you huff, turning your face away. He's going to be insufferable after this
"Funny, because it sure looks like it from here." When he grabs the toy and pulls it from you, you don't resist. "I can give you a hand if you want. You've just got to ask." He ghosts his fingers over you, barely touching but just enough to feel how wet you are. When you grab his wrist out of frustration and try to rub against his hand, he tuts disapprovingly. "You don't ask, you don't get. Come on, just three little words..." For a split second, it's an entirely different sort of torture and you can only barely keep from flinching.
"Please don't, just..." Patience close to running out, you groan. "I haven't come in over a week." You regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth because you can see him quickly put two and two together.
"So you did miss me." He dips between your folds with a self-satisfied smirk, making you shiver as he teases your entrance with the tip of his finger. "You could've just said so, you know."
"Maybe I didn't want to give you the wrong idea but yeah, I missed you, just a little bit. Happy?" At this rate, he's going to drive you insane with his teasing.
"Not quite. Close, though." Feeling the way you clench against his fingertip he grins, "What else?"
"Fine, I take it back, I need you, so can you please just-" When he slides a single finger into your aching cunt it's somehow worse than being empty, and the last shreds of your self-control evaporate." Please, I need more," you slide your fingers around his wrist, "I want all of you. Can I have you like that? Please?"
"How can I refuse when you ask so nicely?" he gives a breathy little laugh, "I've had plenty of girls wrapped around my finger before, but you're something else." You're not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment or not but then he's kneeling between your legs and it doesn't seem important anymore. When he slides three fingers into you, it's almost gentle.
"You don't have to be so damn careful with me," the words come out a bit breathless and stuttered as he thrusts into you, making it hard to talk.
"Maybe not," he hums as he adds a fourth finger, smiling at the way your eyes start to glaze over, "but I try not to make a habit out of breaking my toys, so..." When he hooks his fingers up and wiggles his hand, you can't hold back a whimper.
"Please..." you scramble to grab his wrist again, "Just give me, please, I promise I won't break, please..." The last part comes out in a drawn-out whine. It's pathetic, but you're beyond caring.
"Greedy is such a good look on you." He shakes his head with a small smile and strokes the inside of your thigh before pushing his hand into you a fraction of an inch at a time, and the only thing you can do is try to breathe. Hitting the slope of his knuckles, you have a fleeting thought about lube but it proves unnecessary as a few shallow thrusts to spread your own wetness turns out to be enough to get past that point. When your body sucks him in the rest of the way, he lets out a gasping little moan right along with you. Rather than going straight to making a fist, he flexes his fingers inside of you, feeling you out. You can feel those stupid bracelets he's always wearing rub against your pussy lips as he bottoms out, your cervix nestling between his fingers.
"This what you wanted?" He's barely moving but between his knuckles and his fingertips, you're lost in the sensation, insides quivering as he rubs every sweet spot at once. This isn't the first time he's had his hand inside of you, but that had been different. The thought of him actually letting you come like this, making you come like this is intimate in a way that makes your head feel as if it's filled with static.
"Yeah," you gasp, "god, don't stop, love your hands so fucking much, fuck..." The way he fills you up is dizzying and it's exactly what you needed. He's slow and methodical as he pulls you apart bit by bit until you're arching off the bed.
"Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?" He looks very pleased with himself for reducing you to a whimpering mess so easily but it doesn't even matter because your release is already curling at the base of your spine, swelling until it feels like it might flood your throat and spill out of your mouth. You wish he'd just keep talking because he sounds so good.
"Yes, please, oh please," you claw at his wrist, desperate for more, faster, harder, something, but it's like trying to dig your nails into marble. There's a high-pitched ringing in your ears and nothing else seems to matter except him and the way he's making you unravel around his hand. You'd say anything, do anything, just to make him keep going. "I'm gonna, please, love you, please don't stop, don't stop..."
"That's it," he murmurs as you start to tense up, "that's my good girl, go on..." The litany of begging sticks in your throat as he tips you over the edge, making your cunt clench down around his wrist. As you spasm helplessly around his hand he moves with your body, drawing the waves of pleasure out until tears sting the corners of your eyes. It takes a long time to come down because he doesn't stop until you're shuddering and oversensitive. You're so fuzzy around the edges when he finally stops that him fishing his phone out from his pocket doesn't faze you too much.
"What are you doing?" Too blissed out to really care, the words lack any real heat.
"Just grabbing myself a little souvenir. " he grins, snapping a quick close-up of your cunt, puffy and still twitching around his wrist. "You don't mind, do you? You're just so pretty like this." Before you can respond there is the chime of him pressing record and then he's twisting his hand inside of you, making you arch off the bed again. It feels as if your nerves are completely exposed, his touch throwing up sparks as he rubs against every single one of them. By the time he slowly pulls his hand out and puts the phone away you're sweaty and shaking, the beginnings of another orgasm starting to curl low in your belly.
"You're such an asshole," you huff, head falling back against the pillows.
"That's a bit uncalled for, don't you think?" Wiping his hand on the covers he stretches out next to you, nipping at your shoulder. "I'm pretty sure I made you come your brains out a few minutes ago, so how about some gratitude, hm?"
"Right, gratitude." Hooking a finger in the waistband of his jeans, you giggle. "So, should I say thank you, or...?"
"Actually," he runs a fingertip around one of your nipples, making it pucker, "I was thinking more along the lines of me fucking you within an inch of your life." It's a stupid line that has no business sounding as good as it does, but it still sends a hot stab of want through you.
"That works," you swallow thickly, very aware of how sensitive you still are, almost bordering on sore. "yeah, that definitely works."
As he makes quick work of his t-shirt and starts undoing his fly, you just watch him. The afternoon sun hitting the drapery makes dappled spots of light dance across his skin and mussed hair, painting him in a kaleidoscope of colours, and something about the way he looks right now makes your chest ache. He's so out of place in your worn-down, shitty apartment. This can't last, you tell yourself, this is a mistake, this is-
"You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?" The words tumble out of your mouth before you can think, "I can barely stand to look at you sometimes." For a split second, there's a tension to his shoulders that wasn't there before and you bite your lip. Stupid. In the end, he doesn't say anything. The moment his expensive designer denim hits the floor he's crawling up your body, capturing your mouth in a demanding kiss.
"Less talking," he breathes against your lips as he grinds against you, stiff cock rubbing through your slick folds.
"Okay," you slide a hand across the nape of his neck, the pale wisps of his hair tickling your fingertips as he bites down on the curve of your shoulder. "Okay." With the way he attacks your bare skin with his teeth and tongue, it's as if he's out to devour you, littering nearly every inch of your neck and your breasts in angry red splotches. There's going to be bruises after this, you can tell.
"You're so," he pants as he slides into you, burying his face in the crook of your neck, "how are you so fucking soft?" As he rolls his hips and bottoms out you can hear his breath catch. "Fuck."
It starts out slow, the way he rocks into you. Not tender, but slow, and it has you digging your nails into his back as he splits you open all over again. It's torture in the best way as he slides into you. His weight feels so good on you and you moan, wrapping your legs around his waist as tension inside of you coils tighter and tighter. Every noise he makes goes right into your ear and it makes your head swim, because it's for you, you're doing that. Sneaking a hand down to rub at yourself you half expect him to stop you but instead, he encourages you.
"Yeah," he murmurs, nipping at you, "make yourself come for me, I want to feel you." Between his cock and his voice you're already halfway there, and the words go straight to your core. When he starts to pull away you wind your fingers through his hair, cradling the back of his head and keeping him still. Dragging your nails across his scalp and tugging on his hair makes his eyes widen as he lets out a surprised huff of breath against your lips. The way he fucks you makes it hard to touch yourself with any real accuracy and as the headboard starts smacking into the wall it makes you fumble and slip, but in the end it doesn't matter much because you could probably get off from just the noises he's making. It's not that he's particularly loud, because he isn't, but the hitched breaths and unsteady little moans falling so freely from his mouth sounds like music to your ears. When your release rips through you for the second time it's intense, leaving you gasping for breath and digging your nails into the back of his neck as you spasm around his cock.
Between the pleasure almost drowning you and the way he looks as he gets close, it takes more willpower than it probably should to keep yourself from calling him beautiful again. Brow furrowed, he's almost frantic as he chases it, driving into you as deep as possible when he finally tips over the edge. You can feel every throb and twitch as he comes, hips stuttering as he rides it out. It's easy to forget what this really is when you're caged in by his arms as he trembles above you, chest heaving. As he comes down, he buries his face in the crook of your neck and for just a few short seconds, you let yourself pretend.
It doesn't last, of course. As he rolls away from you, you're not sure what to say. It's not like pillow talk is ever on the table. Rather than wait for him to slink off, you do something potentially stupid. It's a bit of a scramble to get on top of him before he gets up, but you manage to straddle him. Perhaps right on top of him isn't the best place to stage a sit-in, but you do it anyway.
"Not so fast." The element of surprise or possibly your breasts being right in his face seems to work in your favour.
"Is this your way of asking for another round?" He frowns and grabs you by the waist, but he doesn't push you away, at least not yet. The idea of going again so soon sounds very tempting in theory, but less so in practice.
"Maybe," you stretch, drawing his eyes to your breasts. "But I was mostly hoping you could hang around for at least a few minutes since I haven't seen you in a bit." You trail a few quick kisses from his shoulder to his jaw, the hint of stubble rough against your lips. "Your whole 'boink and bounce'-routine is getting old, by the way. I'm sure you can spare five minutes so I can feel a bit less like a used tissue."
"Used tissue, really?" He lets out a deep sigh but doesn't move. "Sounds to me like someone's a bit testy over having to go without for a week."
"I'm not testy," you huff, rolling your eyes. Tracing a finger over his clavicle and the hollow of his throat you continue, a bit scared of fucking this up and scaring him off. God knows if there's anything you're good at, it's fucking up. "Don't get me wrong, we have fun, I like you, but I'm under no illusions, here. It's just..." You shrug, "This is nice."
"Oh, so you like me now?" he chuckles, "Funny, I could swear you were calling me an asshole earlier."
"Maybe I have a soft spot for assholes, then."
"Yeah, that must be it." He nods, thumbs drawing lazy circles across your hips as the silence stretches out. "You could've called, you know."
You scoff.
"I'm not going to call you every time I feel like having an orgasm. Besides, you've been pretty clear on how this is going to work, remember?" You do your best impression of his voice as you continue, "Don't call us, we'll call you, yadda yadda yadda..."
"Is that what you think I sound like?" He frowns, and you're not sure if the offended look on his face is genuine or not.
"A little bit." You hold your thumb and pointer finger up, nearly pinching them together. "Just a little. Now..." you press a quick kiss to his cheek, "I'm going to shower. You're free to join me, if you want."
"I've seen your shower," he pulls a face, "I think I'll pass."
"Suit yourself." It feels good to be the one who walks away for once.
When you get out of the shower he's nowhere to be found, but you weren't really expecting anything else. As you make your way to the kitchen counter to fix a cup of coffee you flick your eyes to the door, and for a second your stomach drops all the way to the floor. Did he put the key back? On closer inspection, it's not your spare key dangling from the hook. You turn the bracelet over in your hand. One of the little beads is shaped like a skull, and it almost looks as if it's laughing at you. Looks like you'll have an excuse to call him.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 6 months
According to the comments by Greeks this well-traveled Latino man managed to describe the climate in Greece very accurately. I've posted and will post from time to time videos from foreigners describing their experience in Greece because part of people knowing the country is this experience. Generally, I'm happy that people with darker skintones have a generally pleasant experience when coming to live in Greece from abroad, and I hope we can only become better. (It would be great if we, as a nation, could treat native Black people the same but I digress cause class also plays a role here)
I also focused on this video to note once more how important it is to recognize that each country has its own history and social cues. The "mavros" (black) falls in this category. (OP recognizes this, liking the comments from a Greek below). While people can use "mavros" in a racist way, sometimes it's just an identifier like "tall", "skinny" etc. "Mavros" also doesn't mean "Black person" always. It's used to describe someone tan, since the verb for "tan" here is "I blacken" (μαυρίζω), and it can refer to tan people, or people darker than the average local. I don't condone the negative or racist use of "mavros" (obviously), however it's important to remember that intent matters more than language especially if the native speaker of another country is ignorant of how this word is used in your country.
Also if you are a new person in a village people will look at you weirdly no matter your skin tone just because it's jarring/interesting to see someone new there, but also if you look different from most people you will get some curious looks (most often than not, in a well-intended way and not hostile)
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Finally , it's important for one to know the local flavour of xenophobia, not to defend it (god guard us) but to navigate it better in the unfortunate case one encounters it. It will only harm you to assume the dynamics between ethnicities in another country work like they do in your country. For example, Greeks have beef with certain ethnicities since the Ottoman empire, but can have more recent beef with other people from different countries. Immigrants from different ethnicities who flock together abroad because of similar cultures can be political "mortal enemies" in their "fatherland" because of heavy history. That's just a generalisation but to be fair I warned you we were gonna briefly explore the xenophobic mind, which has nothing but generalisations.
As usual, guys add your experiences and opinions below. The character of this post is informative and I think we should all try to keep it this way.
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asexual-society · 6 months
Hii hope you have a wonderful day today! -I wanted to ask something to make sure im not being mean but- is it possible for an Ace person to be Aphobic? Im in a fandom where there used to be a Ace character- he said he was- thing is, the show never said he was SexRepulsed- but fans took his lack of interest as such. believed he was in fact SexRepulsed. -that character is gone- now, there is yet another character (think, a reboot of the old one) believed to be Ace but this time, he seems to be ok with touch an even seems very friendly ~ with only one character. my ask is, if some people view this second version, as still Ace. but sex favorable, is that aphobic? is maybe having another view on this chracter that is questioning himself, a bad thing? because this is said a lot, that ppl is being aphobic for "refusing to accept he is sex repulsed" or "using the fact he is questioning himself to ship him" (mind you-most shipart is literally hand holding and being buddies) hope Im making sense- im so lost and I trust your blog to help me (because im also scared to be harrased for asking this inside that fandom)
Hey! (We got your other ask, I got half way through answering it and then forgot, so I will get to that soon I promise) Good to hear from you again :) I ended up going a little off topic here, but I hope I managed to fully answer this (if not, just send another one). Also get ready for some parentheses.
In answer to the first part of your question, yes ace people can be aphobic (many ace people can be arophobic, but also acephobic, both to people who share their own identity and others who have a different identity under the ace umbrella).
This is a pretty interesting question actually, because there is acephobia at play in the situation you're describing, but not necessarily in the way those people mean. It is NOT acephobic to have a sex favourable ace character, that's fine, because there are sex favourable aces out there and they're just as much a part of our community as those who are indifferent, averse, repulsed, or some sort of mixture. Sex favourable aces have just a much right to see themselves represented as sex averse aces, but unfortunately, there is so little asexual representation that it can feel like if one flavour of ace people are represented, that that representation has been taken away from aces of other flavours.
It's totally understandable to feel that way, but that doesn't mean those feelings are actually justified? And people get pretty negative reactions for complaining about any lack of rep, which can lead to bad feelings all round and just creates even more of a divide between us. We have to understand that our individual experiences not being represented is NOT the fault of other ace people. It's not fair to want one group to miss out on representation, just so another can get theirs. Additionally, it can be important for people who are questioning or struggling with their identity to work through that in their art, and explorations of things like touch aversion and touch starvation can be very nuanced because one person can experience both to very high degrees, and they each can even compound the other. And, a sex favourable asexual person will not feel the same way about sex as an allosexual person, and that is an equally nuanced and interesting (and fun) thing to be able to explore.
I don't know what media this ask is about, so I can't comment on specifics, but I can admit, I've been frustrated by this sort of thing in the past; it can be really hard to shake an instinct to push back when you feel like you're being treated unfairly, but sometimes we do have to step back and understand that everyone in our community feels the same way, we just want to see ourselves and to feel seen by others. As a person who is both aro and ace, and doesn't want to have sex or be in a romantic relationship, I don't feel represented by characters who are alloace in the way an alloace person does, or sex/romance favourable aroace characters in the way sex favourable aroace people do, but they probably feel that same way when they see aro characters or sex averse characters. It does really suck when people outside of the community ignore and erase the identities of aspec characters because they don't feel our experiences are interesting or valuable enough to represent and explore, but that isn't what's happening on an intracommunity level (as in, within the ace community).
The recent discourse about shipping aroace characters has sort of been getting me down, because it's a complex topic and rather than being a black-or-white, two sides thing, there are people with good and bad takes (mostly bad, let's be real) coming from so many different directions, there is so much nuance it would take me much more than one little answer to cover (and let me tell you, if I were to try, it would not be on this blog!). I might have said this before, but I tend to avoid fandoms of media with canon aroace characters for the most part for this exact reason, and within the community we are SO far ahead of where the rest of the world (and even the rest of the queer community) sees aspec people, I genuinely believe (call it cynical if you like) that this will continue to be a problem for several more years. And like, you can just block people and move on with your life, your fandom experience will be so much more enjoyable if you block people who say shit you think sucks, aphobic or not. Everyone should do this.
I think this is probably long enough now, and I've definitely missed something important, but I hope it helped.
~ mod key
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robotslenderman · 2 months
It really just bugs me that gender, nowadays, is often just repackaged conservatism.
A tomboy or a butch aren't any less female because they don't believe in gender roles. It's just another way of expressing femininity. Same with cis dudes who like to shave their legs or paint their nails or wear dresses. You can wear a beard and a dress and still be as much of a man as that dude in the Yank Tank with testosterone poisoning and a shitton of misogynistic tattoos.
I get misgendered as nonbinary all the time. I have no idea how - the gender stereotype of enbies is androgyny, which I know is not true, but many people do and yet despite my lowkey and sometimes highkey femme appearance many people use "they" as my pronouns despite being told otherwise. The majority of my friends are trans not because they're my people, but because my cis+ ass is more comfortable around people who play with gender than those who don't. I am a gender expat; I am a guest in their space, but I will never be a native, and yet I'm more comfortable around them than the cis because the cis are so fucking obsessed with the binary and gender roles.
It doesn't help that when I changed my name I changed it to a gender neutral one. One of my friends pointedly made a remark that they were happy that I "get to experience gender euphoria in that way." When I told my psychiatrist about my name change he immediately jumped on the "closeted enby in denial" train that has been following me ever since; he made a long speech about gender fluidity and how I shouldn't take it personally that my family may struggle to adapt to the change. When I told him I was cis, he just smiled. My therapist still uses they/them pronouns for me despite being explicitly told not to. Never mind that I've been questioning my gender for well over a decade; it's hard not to when you're a gender expat and surrounded by people who question their gender all the time. never mind that the answer always is, and always shall remain, "still cis."
I'm not saying my poor widdle cis ass suffers the same oppression as trans folk. If that's what you take away from this you're not paying attention.
The truth is that my femininity is understated. Anonymous. It's never been a loud and in-your-face hot pink and barbie flavoured experience. Just because cis female is a single category doesn't mean that cis female is so rigidly defined. It's loud and in-your-face hot pink. It's Barbie. It's also oil and grime and cars, and loud and opinionated and argumentative, as much as soft and delicate and compliant. It's pink and frilly, but it's also blue and dirty. It's cis men in drag and cis women who have never worn a skirt in their life, and everything in between. It seems like I run into a lot of people for whom gender isn't an experience or lens or point of view, it's interest and fashion sense. Or someone's name. I'm seen as less of a woman for my chosen name and people tell me that's okay, not everyone is female! I just say, it's not okay because of that, it's okay because it's okay not to be your idea of what a woman is.
I met a man called Harriet* once. He wasn't any less a man. His wit was acerbic, and he always fronted comments on his name with sarcasm and "yeah, laugh now, get it out of your system." And yet he never changed it. He wasn't less a man for having a traditionally female name. I'm not any less a woman for having a nonbinary one. Just because male and female are opposites doesn't mean they should never touch for the cis.
I don't fit into the '50s box of "you're female, therefore you should wear a dress." Neither do I fit into the '20s box of "you wear a dress, so you must be female." The truth is that gender roles and expectations are just as baffling for people who are nonconforming as for people who are, and that we'll never be truly free of the gender binary as long as we adhere to it. And the truth is that even if you think you don't adhere to that binary, it's so ingrained in your subconscious and our society you almost certainly do. My friends who not-so-secretly think I'm a closeted enby in denial are as much adhering to it as some idiot who thinks my vagina means I should wear a dress and poo out babies.
Being nonbinary is a spectrum. But so is being male or female. You'll never break out of a black or white binary until you realise that it doesn't exist - not even for cis people. We can't truly break out of the binary until we realise that it doesn't exist for ANYONE.
You either believe in the gender binary or you don't. And if you believe that cis people have certain experiences or present in certain ways, if you believe that binary trans people adhere to those same standards, you believe in the gender binary. No matter what you say. You can claim until you're blue in the face that you don't believe in the binary, but if you're shoving other people in the box of what binary means, you are lying.
(* Not his real name - he's a patient and I'm adhering to patient privacy laws. But he definitely had a "female" name that isn't even ambiguously gender neutral. I'm not even talking Meredith or Tracy, names which used to be gender neutral but are female. I've never once in my life met another male "Harriet" despite meeting dozens of strangers every day.)
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Author's Note
Hi! I’m Angel. I’m new at this, so constructive criticism and tips are much appreciated. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. A few things I’d like to discuss before the story starts:
Obviously, I don’t own Hogwarts Legacy or any of the original characters as well as any conversations that are in the game. I do, however, own my own character and any other characters I create, so please don't copy or plagiarise my writing.
This is a free space — bullying, insults, and the likes are not accepted here. If you have a problem with that, then don’t read :)
This is my first time trying to write anything that isn’t assigned by school or university, so go easy. However, as said before, tips etc are appreciated.
Although English is my first language, my writing will have mistakes here and there. I try my best to spot them and edit them, but sometimes I miss things. If you spot something, please let me know, and I’ll fix it asap.
I write in British English, because that’s how I was taught English. So words like ‘colour’ or ‘flavour’ etc, might be written differently to how you know them. Just to make that clear.
Hope you have fun reading and thank you for giving it a shot!
Angel xxx
Green and Silver Wonders
5th Year
Chapter i
Adeline Smith was sure she’d never seen such opulence in her life. That wasn’t hard though, given the fact that she’d been raised in an orphanage. But the Great Hall was certainly an imposing bit of architecture, in fact, the entire castle was an architect’s dream. The walls were lined with different coloured banners — banners representing the four houses, Professor Fig had called them. One of which, Adeline would soon be sorted into once the Sorting Hat made its choice. Four large tables ran parallel to one another down towards the front of the Hall. At the end, what appeared to be the staff table was situated on a dais, and on a circular platform stood a rickety little stool with the Sorting Hat on top.
As she hurried after the Headmaster, Adeline wondered which house the Hat would place her in: would it be Gryffindor? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw? Slytherin? She wasn’t sure, though since discovering magic, she was itching to explore and see more of this new world and what it had to offer her.
“Professor Weasley! We’ve one more to be sorted,” Headmaster Black grumbled, as he marched up to the little stool, turning to watch.
“Welcome,” Professor Weasley smiled warmly to the young girl. “You’re just in time. Have a seat.”
With mild trepidation, Adeline placed herself on the rickety stool, turning to see hundreds of curious eyes on her. Shrinking in on herself to avoid the curious gazes, she felt Professor Weasley place the hat on her head. Suddenly, her mind was filled with an ancient voice, curling around her like a scarf, blanketing the murmurs of the other students.
“Ah, yes,” it muttered, “a bit older than the others, aren’t you? You come here with preferences and preconceptions — certain expectations.”
You’re not wrong, she mused, glancing around the Hall. “I’m certainly excited to begin learning more about magic.”
“Not wrong, eh? I should hope not.” The Hat chuckled, before continuing, “curious and eager to learn, are we? You’ll find Hogwarts has much to offer to those who seek it. Hmm. I wonder. Hmm. I detect something in you. A certain sense of — hmm — what is it?”
At this, Adeline couldn’t help but eagerly answer: “Is it ambition? I may seem single-minded, but it is important to go after what you want in life.” She concluded, satisfied with such a well-rounded answer.
“Perhaps…Very interesting. You’ve recently learned that you possess a rare ability indeed. I detect a growing sense of ambition. An eagerness for power.”
“Hmm, yes. Better be…Slytherin!”
The green and silver decked table broke into cheers at this, hollering their glee at being the House to receive the new fifth year. Professor Weasley promptly removed the Sorting Hat from Adeline’s head and transformed her uncoloured robes into ones matching those of her new housemates.
After the quick dismissal of the Headmaster, Professor Weasley ushered Adeline to the Slytherin Common Room. “Now tomorrow, I shall come to fetch you for your first class. I suggest you get some sleep, as you’ll have a big day ahead of you. The password for your common room is Aspiration.” 
“Understood, Professor. Thank you.” Adeline smiled softly at the older witch.
“You’re most welcome. I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts. Sleep well.”
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Adeline awoke with a start, preparing to spring out of bed as she would have at the orphanage, before remembering that she was in fact a witch, that no, it wasn’t a dream, and it would probably be a good idea if she dressed. After all, Professor Weasley had said she would bring her to her first class, and Adeline had no wish to keep the kind professor waiting.
“Oh bother! I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry up!” Adeline cried as she tried to tidy herself up as quickly as possible. 
With a glance around the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything important, she hurried out of the dorm room. She turned left to follow the stairs down into a large foyer, a roaring fireplace placed along the back wall, with a boy pacing up and down.
“I suppose there’s no time like the present. Let’s get these introductions over with.” One deep inhale later, Adeline found herself marching over to the brunette.
“Well, I suppose — no.” He muttered to himself, as he paced back and forth in front of the fire. The boy was clutching a thick tome, one that had definitely seen better days. Upon turning around, he noticed Adeline standing near him and placed the book on an armchair.
“Can I help you?” He questioned, giving her a mildly confused glance.
Adeline nods, unable to make a sound. She had such a good speech prepared for introducing herself but found herself quite tongue-tied now that she actually had to speak to a fellow student.
“Ah,” the boy suddenly grinned, “You’re the new fifth-year. I’m Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin.”
Adeline couldn’t help but smile. The boy — Sebastian — had such a cheeky grin, and his eyes glittered with mischief: “Thank you. I’m Adeline.”
A nod. “Though I must say, Adeline” Sebastian kept grinning, “not everyone has a Ministry escort to school.”
Adeline smiled nervously, “He was a friend of Professor Fig’s who merely joined us for the ride.”
“Still — impressive.” Sebastian frowned, turning serious. “Dreadful way to go, poor fellow. Glad you and Fig are all right.”
Adeline recalled the terror she felt when watching George being eaten by the dragon. That same fear engulfed her when Professor Fig had told her to jump out of the broken carriage. “Professor Fig and I were lucky to escape with our lives.”
“Indeed. And how did you escape?” Sebastian questioned, eyes sparking with curiosity.
Adeline shifted. She wasn’t sure she could trust Sebastian entirely. Besides, Professor Fig had suggested it would be best to keep things, particularly her power over ancient magic, a secret. She answered, hesitantly: “It’s all a bit of a blur, to be honest.”
Sebastian understood immediately, “Didn’t mean to press. You just get yourself settled. We can talk more later.”
Adeline smiled at the boy. As she turned away, she remembered the book he’d been reading avidly. “Sebastian, if I may?” She began tentatively, “What book were you reading?”
“Oh.” Sebastian brightened, “A spell book I picked up. Has a few interesting things, but not exactly what I was looking for.” He went on to explain how not all spells that were needed, were necessarily taught at Hogwarts.
Adeline stared at him, disbelieving: “Are you saying some spells aren’t taught at Hogwarts? Which ones?”
“Ah.” At that, Sebastian chuckles, before continuing with a good-natured smile, “seems I may have met a kindred spirit. That is a conversation for another time.”
The two said their farewells, and Adeline left to investigate the rooms further. Having left Sebastian behind her, she found that the foyer opened up towards the Common Room. To her left she saw students gathered around a chess board, whilst to her right, students were sitting on settees and armchairs, happily chatting away. Ignoring the murmured chatter that accompanied Adeline, as she made her way into the room, Adeline found herself walking towards the students around the chess board, catching the tail end of a conversation.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A tall, dark-haired girl sneered, as she leaned over another student’s shoulder, glancing at the chess board. “Not going to move there, are you?”
Adeline watched as the other student thought about their next step briefly, before moving their piece accordingly. “Here, watch this.” The boy stated, confidently leaning back into the chair.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The girl smirked, watching in glee as the other student checkmated the king, winning the match. With another grin, the girl slammed her open palm on the table and stood upright. “Told you.” She laughed, shaking her head. 
Adeline was unsure how best to approach, considering the display she had witnessed. Maybe it would be better to speak to someone else—
“He should’ve listened to me.” The brown-haired girl grinned.
Bugger. Too late now.
Before Adeline could speak, the girl continued: “Ah! I know who you are. You’re the new Slytherin, the one who barged in with Professor Fig last night. Interesting tactic on your first day — taking all the attention away from the first-years.”
Well, I didn’t exactly do it on purpose…
“I’m Imelda by the way. Shame I wasn’t with you and Fig. I could’ve lured that dragon away. My skills on a broom are legendary.” Imelda finally introduced herself, brimming with confidence.
Right. I’m sure you’d have been able to sweep that dragon from the sky.
Adeline smiled hesitantly, “Perhaps Professor Fig’s friend would have survived if we’d had your help.”
With a satisfied nod, Imelda agreed. “Precisely. Perhaps one of these days I’ll show you a thing or two about flying. I can teach you more than Kogawa ever could. Speaking of which, I’d like to get in some time on my broom before classes.” 
“Imelda… might I ask you a question?” Adeline began, fearing she’d be shot down.
“You just did.” Came the snarky response. “But go on…”
Oh dear Lord, give me strength…
“Are you a keen wizard chess fan? You knew that boy was going to lose the match.” It had been fascinating to watch, despite the ‘commentary’ Imelda had provided.
“Not really, ” The witch responded, “much too sedate a pastime for me. It’s also simply not that challenging. The moves are always so obvious. Why does no one else see it?” The last part was muttered, seemingly as an afterthought.
“I see. And… do you have a lot of time to fly during school?” Adeline wondered.
Imelda grinned at that, “I make the time. There’s nothing like swerving through the spires of the castle and around the Quidditch pitch to clear the mind.”
“I see. Thank you, Imelda.”
“Nice meeting you.”
Casting one last look at the chess game, that had been restarted whilst she conversed with Imelda, Adeline turned to face the rest of the room. Although there were numerous students sitting around, she wasn’t sure how many more people she could talk to. Just as she was about to return to her dorm room, if only to wait for Professor Weasley, Adeline spotted a blonde boy leaning against a column, next to the Common Room windows. He appeared to be listening to some first-years that were eagerly waiting for a mermaid appearance.
“Wait, I - I think I heard one.” One of the students cried, shaking their friend’s arm. The two younger students pressed their faces against the glass, staring out into the dark, murky water.
The boy laughed quietly, “hmph, doubt mermaids find us that interesting.”
He looks… nice. Perhaps I’ll speak to him.
As Adeline began to walk over to the window slowly, she thought of how best to introduce herself. But before she could even say a word, the boy turned to face her. His eyes were a piercing blue, but appeared to be clouded over, dampening the colour.
Is he… surely, he isn’t blind. How on earth would that work?
“Ah, ” the boy smiled, face lighting up as he did. “Based on all the chatter when you entered the common room, I’m guessing you’re the new fifth-year. I’m Ominis. Ominis Gaunt.”
He has such a pretty smile.
Is that a mole? And dimples?
Focus, Adeline!
“Oh, erm, yes. It’s nice to meet you, Ominis. I’m Adeline Smith.” The girl couldn’t believe how nervous she was. She hoped she didn’t stutter or that her voice was shaking, as she answered.
I wasn’t this bad when speaking to Sebastian or Imelda. Pull yourself together, Adeline!
Ominis smiled sweetly, “well, you certainly had a memorable arrival.”
Adeline winced, recalling her similar conversation with Sebastian. “I’d much rather have arrived on time and without a dragon attack en route.”
A frown marred Ominis’ face, as he nodded his understanding. “I’m sure. How horrible. I can only imagine.” He smiled warmly at the girl, face brightening again, “Well, it’s good to have you in Slytherin. Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here.”
“Thank you. That’s very kind of you.” Adeline couldn’t help grasping for a way to continue the conversation. “Would you mind answering a few questions?” She trailed off, glancing down at the floor.
“Were you expecting to be sorted into Slytherin?”
Really, Adeline? Is that the best you can do?
Ominis turned serious, smile dropping slightly as he nodded: “Most certainly. My family on my father’s side are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin — one of the four founders of Hogwarts.” He continued to explain his family’s obsessive belief in blood status and purity. “It’s not something I’m particularly proud of, mind you. It’s unfortunate that most of his descendants don’t fall far from the tree.”
He doesn’t appear to agree with those beliefs. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it.
“I see. If you wouldn’t mind indulging me, but earlier I heard that student, ” she pointed discreetly at the two first-years by the window, “mention he thought he heard a mermaid?”
“Yes, ” At this, a grin grew on Ominis’s face, brimming with mischief. “But I’ve never heard of a mermaid showing up outside our common room window.”
Mermaids do exist? Although I suppose if you can have dragons, mermaids don’t seem too far-fetched.
“It’s fun to play along.” Ominis continued, laughing softly. “Been known to keep some first-years on the lookout for hours.”
Adeline snorted, giggling at the idea of the younger years crowding at the window to catch a glimpse of a mermaid.
“Thank you, Ominis. Very nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure was all mine. Don’t be a stranger.”
As Adeline began to wander what else she should do, a voice called out: “Is the new fifth-year Slytherin in here? Professor Weasley’s waiting for you, just by the stairs.”
Best be on my way then. Don’t want to keep her waiting.
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nautiscarader · 7 months
What the hecking heck happened with me - THE UNNECESSARY (and kinda boring) SEQUEL
So you might have noticed I have been absent for the past 2.5 weeks. So, where have I been? What has happened to me?
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Well, you see, I got this magical music box, and when I opened it, I was transported into a different world full of talking frogs, toads and-
Wait, I've done this bit already.
Yeah, got into hospital. AGAIN.
Same warning as before applies, regarding medical stuff. Especially if you are eating.
Chapter 13: Wednesday Night's fever
So around three weeks ago I found myself really sapped of strength. Well, as you might recall, I basically had a fall and got wounds on my hip. Or to put it in another words:
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Well, something from those wounds got infected or something and started affecting my whole body. The effect? Pretty much daily ~38C (~100F) fevers that drained me of energy.
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No, buddy, the solution is paracetamol.
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That was helping me daily when I was in hospital while getting some long-term antibiotics.
So, yeah, not to blow the trumpet, it was pretty much that: drips, pills, drips, pills, gastroscopy, drips, pi-wait, what did I say AND WHAT IS THIS THING-
Chapter 14: Gastroscopy
So I had to have gastroscopy done, which, in case you don't know is basically a tube with camera being inserted into your esophagus and-
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Yeah, not pleasant. But the whole thing lasted only about 10 minutes, and the worst part was the first 30 seconds. So, no biggie. Now, let's talk about....
Chapter 15: Neighbours
Because they were really an odd collection.
First one was just an old dude who hated when I asked to open windows (and of course just as I was admitted spring temps have arrived)
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Second one was a detective! In fact he has just solved a murder mystery that happened in the adjacent room! And the murderer was his roommate!
... yeah, he was pretty out of touch with reality, they took him after a day.
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And then comes our star: Typical Janush, or Ordinary Janusz, as the Polish meme goes (don't worry if you don't get it)
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This absolute unit of Polishness with huuuuge beer belly, bald spot and moustache has brought with him in his bag of holding:
coffee and sugar (nothing spectacular tbh)
TWO different chocolate waffers packs,
two strawberry chocolate bars,
Toffee sweets,
coffee sweets,
TWO different types of sausages,
home-made chicken wings,
and a jar of pickled mushrooms (fereality-indy DNI)
What else did he have in it? I don't know, and frankly, I am scared of the possibilities. This guy could give Mary Poppins a run when it comes to that bag.
He cursed like a sailor when he watched the news - and he watched all the news, he was funding the TV, so he might as well get what he's paid for.
He was also... really kind. He helped me with everything I couldn't do, sometimes faster than the nurses. Really awesome dude.
And the last one who was admitted JUST as I was leaving, was a 96-year old grandpa with some gastric problems. What problems? I don't know, but imagine a cat coughing up a furball... at a volume of a small steam locomotive. At 2 a.m. Every half an hour.
i only had to deal with him for a day.
He also brought... a flask with him.
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The one they usually sell spirytus in. Now, it did NOT contain alcohol, just lemon-flavoured water.... but you had to see the nurse's reaction when he was seen casually drinking from it :) He was politely told to use other vessels.
And as a bonus, there was a guy in adjacent room who sometimes visited us and wore a curious t-shirt.... you know the "how do you do fellow kids" meme, right?
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and how they just wrote "music band" in order to avoid problems with AC/DC copyright?
Well, his T-shirt had a generic basketball and words "Basketball Team est. 1992". And that's it. No other allusions to, say, Chicago Bulls, or any other team. Just that.
We have reached singularity, people.
Chapter 16: In conclusion, it was mostly boring
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Yeah, I have to admit, this stay wasn't that eventful, which I guess I should count as blessing. What else to add... Oh, all the nurses were h*cking cute!
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One even recognised me from my first visit!
So, yeah, now I've done the unpacking, and oh boy, you always collect lots of stuff you then forget about.
Wait, the heck is that?
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It... it looks like I have written a 4k Glitch Techs G-rated fic... on my phone! Which has non-existent keyboard! Wait, that can't be right...
It's mostly done, but not finished... Still, it's a shame if it got wasted, right?
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Snail! Another banger! You know what that means:
○“C’mon, now. What have I gotta do to get your layers off? Talk dirty to you?” He used the steel edge of his knife to attempt to pry the brown outer layer away.
●Not my home cook ass just using my hands 💀. In my defense, I'm only cooking for family lol.
○Cheeky Nami kisses, soft Robin kisses, and nibbled toothy kisses from Chopper were his favorites.
●The way I need these so bad??? Blink twice if you wanna hear my takes on these.
○ from Luffy which was used to depict the state of his appetite
●Kissing Luffy and him getting hungry halfway through. Him deciding you taste good enough and just continuing to kiss you. Don't worry, you two raid the pantry later (don't tell Sanji).
○the skeleton man had no lips
●A moment of silence to think about how terrifying Brook would be irl
○he was happy that the stinky moss-head kept his lips to himself.
●Me when I lie
○ you leaning on the side of the door
●OH this absolute nuisance (affectionate). She knows what she's doing. Going full seductive door lean? Are you trying to kill the poor boy? Something, something, Megara from Hercules.
○What's cooking, good looking?” you smiled at him softly, gesturing with your chin to the pot on the stove. He froze up, his ears tinting darker with the shade of pink.
●His ass could not go back to baraié, because he'd come back with twice the skill and a third of the rizz he left with.
○Taking the extinguished cigarette out of his lips, he placed the butt in the bin beneath the sink.
●Three trash bins in the strawhat kitchen. Wet Waste, Dry Waste, and Sanji's Cigarettes.
○“I actually love it. Even though it started as a joke, it has actually made a big difference the way I’ve been feeling lately.”
○throwing his head back and drawing up his forearm to his face to catch the damp blood from exiting his nose. His head was dizzy, his lips parting and whining as he felt your tongue swirl around the soft bite to his collar.
○You squeaked in response, immediately placing your hands on Sanji’s hips as he pinned you against the sink with his hips
● Yes bitch! Grab that slutty little waist!
○"I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, honest-" “-Sanji,” you laugh at him, looking up through half-hooded lashes and brushing your nose with his, “Your mirepoix is going to burn.”
● Them: https://images.app.goo.gl/r4ciH8S635FznucZ9
○“This stupid apron has been nothing but a complete distraction.”
●Snail, this is your sign to buy chef-husband a "kiss the cook" apron.
○Come find me when you want to put on that stupid apron again, hm?” you utter, releasing his hips and making your way over to the kitchen doorway
●She's such an icon! Came to the kitchen and kissed the prettiest boy on the ship! Made him literal putty in her hands! Made him burn his food! Kissed him again, and then left! Left while still flirting with him, hips swaying to Shakira Shakira! I want her! I NEED her!
Oof, this one was long. But what else to say after 1.5k+ of absolute art?
-♡♡ lots of love
Oh my gosh, I love your reviews and commentary!!
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As a home cook married to a chef, peeling onions is my job. And I hate it. I do the good ol' halve it and pry it, but sometimes the skins are just a nuisance.
I am blinking twice. Give me your hot take on the kisses 😏.
Luffy kisses are just him gnawing in between waiting for dinner.
Brook has my heart and I love him. I'd still kiss. I wanna jam with him so bad.
"Me when I lie," I'm dying. I can't even. I love me a bit of zosan (see my strawhat Christmas fic 👀).
Yes, we are trying to kill him. With kisses.
The three trash bins, I can't even. I refuse to believe he'd taint the flavour of the sealife with littering the ocean. He knows better.
Kiss Sanji '24 ✊
I should absolutely but a 'kiss the cook' apron for chef-husband. If I get him for Krap Kringle this year, that's the first thing I'm gonna get.
This reader is Loca, and I loved writing the kisses like this. Kisses are my favourite.
Thank you for dropping lil' treats in my ask box. I love doing your requests, Anon! 😘🖤
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
@yugiohio #op youre in good company as most people interpret this film as a queer coming of age film. myself included.#i saw it for the first time in my early teens and it impacted me in a way i have never been able to articulate.#ive reserved it from the library so many times. i have the movie downloaded to my computer. i made myself posters.#im still trying to find the dvd. im still trying to find the novel and manga. i love these girls and the way they love each other so much.#anywayyyyy you didnt ask for any of this but this movie is just so important to me and I'm so so so happy youve discovered it#and that youre posting content from it
hope it's okay to put this here, if not will edit the post, buuuut i usually do a little post-movie decompression and your tags are a great place to start it:
i have had this on my letterboxd to watch for awhile, and was tipped over the edge when the director of a play im in said "so there's a biker gang and one of the girls is obsessed with rococo" i cannot tell you what about that description charmed me so much i had to watch it immediately, but hey, sometimes you know that It's Time
i was kind of expecting a really serious film, and it turned out much more like a sweet queer romcom of that early 2000s lesbian flavour (meaning that most of them don't end up more than subtext, but the text in this one is... very text. they pretend they're about to kiss in the end-credits sequence type text)
was fun to accidentally land on another film that's about Style and Taste and The Soundtrack Being Cool, because i watched empire records and then young soul rebels these last couple of days, so clearly that's the theme of this little unexpected watching time
but seriously this film is really Cool, first and foremost, and it's got a fascinating set of philosophies in it about style (especially clothes) that surprised me, because you don't get a lot of cinema celebrating style without at least giving a cautionary "but watch out lest you become Shallow!" i really enjoyed that the arc of this one was "actually i am great at making clothes and im really capable actually, but i'd much rather buy clothes and look pretty in order to be a true rococo woman! the most important thing is dedication to Style! (and ichigo)"
like, her ethos really is high femme camp -- she's there to look beautiful and she enjoys that and she does it on her own terms, and specifically the only person she enjoys making for is... ichigo
and consequently, while she absolutely dresses for herself, there is also a sense that the only person whose opinion she values is also ichigo, and ichigo treats her exactly how she wants to be treated -- when momoko faints, she runs to her and cradles her head, she takes her out on her bike at the end, she's the strong badass to momoko's sweet prettiness
but then in another fun subversion, momoko is the one constantly looking out for ichigo -- she has the clothes she needs (and sells them for cheap), she embroiders her jacket after going a full day on a search for a person we later find out doesn't exist, she wins all the money, she comes for her when ichigo is in danger of getting seriously hurt and saves her, she gets offered a job based on her competencies that later on gives ichigo an opportunity (ironically to look pretty, which... she really really is beautiful) (although they both turn them down after getting a taste of it, they'd much rather roll around on a bike together). ichigo says at the end that she'll simply never be out of her debt, and that makes momoko smile, like yeah, that means they'll have to stay together forever
idk this movie is just so Cool and so Fun and soooo so gay
i also note that the single mild no-homo is so immaterial that watching it i wasn't actually sure if it wasn't about akimi, who was introduced as this beautiful vision that changed ichigo's life back in the day and now it turns out that not only is she engaged to this man, she's pregnant and leaving the gang, shifting ichigo's whole axis -- the framing is on her, she was introduced with the In Love/Lesbian Awakening Gaze, she's the reason ichigo is who she is, and the catalyst for why ichigo eventually leaves the gang (the other catalyst being momoko + the slightly less focused-on one of "not liking the direction it's going in"). it's got such a "im a teenager and upset about this but i cannot say why, it must be because im in love with this guy i barely know and because uh... i don't respect the new leader's vision!"
i think this film also carries a certain kind of vibe that reminds me of streets of fire, that is, in some ways it feels much more like a myth or a fairytale, because everything is so extravagant and yet slightly vague (and i mean that positively). we're being introduced to the origins of a myth of these two people who travel the roads in cool clothes and set biker gangs right, like. Urgh it's so Cool!
and the animation i didnt even mention the animation but it's got Cool Animation too!!!!
it's funny, i tend to land hard on the "gets obsessed with more masc characters" (wow wonder why) but in this one -- while of course they're both great and that's the point -- i was absolutely enamoured with momoko. her casual cynicism, her confusion about why she suddenly cares about one (1) person, her absolute dedication to The Vibe that is her whole being, her seemingly being completely unaware of just how easily she can draw people to her. just, the Power that is momoko (and now she's got the muscle of ichigo, nothing can stop them)
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crystallinestars · 5 months
Same anon as before and I was wondering: what do you mean exactly by "ship teasing"? I could be wrong but I understood it as something along the lines of "a creator's attempt at hinting at something more in certain characters' dynamics" 🤔
Because if that's the case (and even though I said before that I enjoy when creators / stories do not put labels on character dynamics) I do feel like creators tend to lean into people's ability to speculate so that they keep engaging with their stories (and that's precisely why I think it's absolutely necessary to tread ever so carefully when analysing a dynamic before claiming your interpretation is canon, because at the end of the day it's often just sensibilities, preferences and projection at work, which is fine as long as you do not dogpile someone else for having different interpretations and preferences)
There are so many shades and flavours of dynamics that can exist between people and I kind of find it reductive to just go "X is obviously romantic in nature while Z is not". So yeah, I also wonder what happened to the "live and let live" rule in fandoms sometimes
Your interpretation of ship teasing is correct. I would say in Genshin and HSR's cases, it also includes situations where Mihoyo releases art or official content for a character that includes references to another character who has a popular ship with them.
For example, in Alhaitham's recent birthday web event, Kaveh's key was in the chibi art, and Alhaitham talked about how Kaveh will be joining Traveler and him for a celebratory drink. There was absolutely no need to include Kaveh in the event, but they did because they know the ship is popular.
Obviously, creators will tease ships if they know they're popular in order to retain public interest, but I hate them doing it for Genshin and HSR. The toxic portion of the fanbase uses it as ammunition to claim their ships are canon, which results in more hate and fighting. It can also invalidate the feelings of those who dislike the popular ships because they prefer one of those characters in a different ship. It just creates a mess in the fandom.
As great as it would be if people took the time to analyze character dynamics before assuming something romantic is there when it's not, oftentimes, it boils down to the person finding two characters together hot and that's it. There is no deeper meaning. They don't need it. To quote a reply I once received: "Who needs logic when you have yaoi?"
Personally, I feel like Genshin has a lot of familial bonds that often get reduced to romantic ones because people see two characters have a close bond and automatically assume it's romantic. That's just how shipping goes nowadays. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't result in even more ship wars and toxicity. We really need to bring back the "live and let live" rule...
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cuprohastes · 2 years
Lunch In Space
Part 1
Wherein we are introduced to two of our main characters, the perils of interspecies cafeterias and the alternate uses of dog jumpers, and the Narrator is too self-obsessed to introduce themselves properly
4am, in the vast darkness of space, the lightless void that's darker than the stygian depths.
Apart from the stars. They're actually pretty bright. Famously so come to think of it. Also all the lights on the station, so you can look at it and admire it and spot any fresh new exciting holes that have appeared.
And if you're on shift, like me, use those handly lights to find the cafeteria and very carefully pick through the offerings because believe me, while Yarrick won't kill you, your body will basically say 'What the heck?' and treat it like a nice big plate of Silicone jelly and you will be experiencing a whole new and exciting set of sensations, and hey, sometimes you just have to clutch the toilet seat and scream a bit: We've all been there.
So I get my nice human safe food, and an extra roll of purple stuff that's not bread but it might as well be, and relocate my heiny to the big table by the window, the one that's always a bit chilly which is why me and Atrix and Atrix are usually the only ones who sit there.
I mean Atrix does because she's comfortable with a little extra cooling, and Atrix is there because he's not driving, he's just along for the ride.
"Yo." I say to my good buddy, the giant purple kangaroo dinosaur. She gives me a Yo back and dual finger guns.
Atrix the pocket lizard sticks his snout out and makes grabby paws at the roll.
I slide it over to his wifey, the purple lizard woman with the colour changing face and a degree in Astromechanics (Also horticulture, Art History and apparently, Interspecies erotica).
"You're over feeding him." Big Atrix says. Small Atrix grakkles. He has opinions and he really wants that bun, but then again if he gets too fat he has to move out, change gender and start paying taxes.
I also know that Godzilla here always skimps on the husband food because she knows I'll swing by with a little something something for her pocket hubby.
"Yeah well, someone has to be the fun Aunt." I say cheerfully. You're always the Aunt with the Atrix, regardless of gender.
I settle in, to eat a lovely meal of... what appears to be chicken flavoured... it's... hmm. Well, it's chicken flavoured and guaranteed not to cause anything to go a funny colour and fall off. It actually tastes great, but I'd describe it as being yes, a thing.
"So," I say around the food flavoured... stuff, "Picked a good solid Traditional Human Name yet?". My friend bobs her head again: Practicing her human physical emotes.
-This should be good. Atrix are good people but they don't have spoken names. They have a word that means 'I'm gonna show you name' then they change their face colours like a cuttlefish. They literally just turn into another person for a moment: This drives most species nuts.
Humans find it hilarious. Atrix can see the funny side. Humans and Atrix get along a little too well for everyone else's comfort and That's The Way We Like It™️.
Big n' Purple thinks about it, then says, "I was thinking... Gondolier Dottirsdottir, or maybe Luminal Effervescence."
OK so the Atrix tend to go for names that are just really fun to say. hence the Secretary General of the Combined Human-Atrix Interstellar Survey, a really big female with as much or more gravitas as a class two black hole - a very serious pocket pal all 'round - being named Pingbing O'Candyfloss.
I consider it. "People will call you Gondy, or Lumy." I point out to her as she feeds purple... bread-y stuff... to the iguana-sized male that lives in her belly pouch. He grakkles at me. He's a sociable little guy, quite chatty, I just have no idea what he's saying. Gondy grackles back and he does Upsies arms.
"Gondy. Ahm-hum. That sounds good. Gondy." she says trying it on. I can see she's definitely enjoying the mouth sound.
She hauls her hubbins out of her pouch, which is covered by her overalls and a big apron flap so he can sleep or play games on her phone.
"Did you... put him in one of those dog jumpers?" I ask as she puts her guy on the table. He looks smug and shows off. It's a small, chihuahua sized Christmas sweater. It's currently May, or close enough. But I'm not going to harsh his mellow. The little dude's obviously stoked to be a fashionista.
Gondy bobs her head looking pleased. "I'm thinking he should be Raxyplank Magellan. Raxy's a cute name." she says.
Raxy looks up and says "Rax!" around a mouthful of hubby food. Well, I can't fault that. At least he gets a name he can say.
For an Atrix male, he's pretty adventurous - He'll talk to people and even come out and walk around if he can keep one eye on Gondy.
Traditionally, or "Back in the day" - Several tens of thousands of years ago, until an Atrix got big enough to be safe, there was a good chance that something would camper up and make a meal of them.
So they have a general resistance to being out in the open, where it's cold and there might be cool alien eagles or space-lizard foxes.
Luckily when they get big enough they develop pouches and to they pick a male out and carry them around for safety and to have someone to talk to and hold shiny rocks (I'm a bit fuzzy on the finer details), so you almost always see two Atrix, even if one of them is usually hiding.
And now Raxy is hanging out with us like a regular little dude and getting crumbs on his ugly Christmas sweater. It is in all ways a pretty nice moment.
Anyway that's about when the station blew up...
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