#which means driving around etc tomorrow without it. bad
mfw its officially been 2 business days and there’s been no word from my doctor on whether she’ll send my prescription down here instead of my usual pharmacy
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thejaymo · 2 years
Digital Narration from Apple Books
Apple just launched digital narration service using voice synthesis!
From the Forbes article:
The initial target: long-tail books that will never be worth paying a human narrator for.
“More and more book lovers are listening to audiobooks, yet only a fraction of books are converted to audio — leaving millions of titles unheard,” Apple says. “Many authors — especially independent authors and those associated with small publishers — aren’t able to create audiobooks due to the cost and complexity of production.”
Apple is releasing four voices to start, two female and two male. Voices are optimized for specific genres of books, so Jackson is intended for fiction or romance with a deep, somewhat husky voice, while Helen is a soprano designed for nonfiction and self-development.
If you click though to the Apple authors announcement you can hear samples of the 4 voices. They are in my opinion, extremely listenable.
Understandably, I've seen a lot of people railing against the move. People worried about putting voice actors / narrators out of work. Other commentators question listener fatigue and the sort of attention level that can be given to an AI generated voice over a long period. But also, good for small authors, the cost of producing and audio book (even if you do it yourself) is colossal. I think AI voiced long tail / self published books will be really popular.
I know people (Ross I'm looking at you) who use over cranked TTS voiceover voices to read PDFs and other non fiction to them in the car when they are driving around, this voices are much more natural and will be popular if *built in* to devices int he near future.
Growing up in the 90's AI / Computers speaking were supposed to sound like HAL, Marvin the Robot or Stephen Hawking.
Instead we got the the TikTok lady. Which had its own crazy 'ethics in AI model creation' story a few years ago.
I was thinking recently that the TikTok lady has - at this point - got to be the most famous voice in the western world? An order of magnitude more famous than any living person surely?
Also I'm still laughing about the 'Boiling my husband alive in oil 🥰' post I reblogged yesterday.
Anyways, I built my own voice model last year using the 10's of hours of podcast's I've recorded. I've been sneakily using it for replacement here and there in my new interview show. Unless you looked at my working files, no one will ever ever know. I wonder how many professional voice actors who narrate for a living also have their own custom models too?
Whats interesting to me about Apple's move is the 4 voices optimised for different kinds of genre out the gate?
The chirpy upward inflection of the TikTok lady voice is optimised to deliver meaning as clearly as possible inside the typographic container of TikTok's media environment.
Audiobook producers of course have been making casting decisions for years around content and narrator but it seems significant to me that right out the gate there are certain kinds of voices best suited for certain kinds of content?
Theres a big difference of course between hearing and listening (cf Pauline Oliveros, R. Murray Schafer, Deep Listening etc).
Comprehension is always an active process. The philosopher Mortimer J. Adler talks about how teaching and learning are a reciprocal process
“Just as teaching will not avail unless there is a reciprocal activity of being taught, so no author, regardless of his skill in writing, can achieve communication without a reciprocal skill on the part of readers.”
The same is also true of effective storytelling. There is the teller of stories and the person being told.
I want AI voice Narration to be turned up to 11 - tomorrow. The optimisation of Human-Like voices to deliver meaning I'm convinced could be pushed a lot further.
Why not create a Human-Like voice that is optimised to deliver meaning at 2/3x speeds?
What does a synthesised voice that reaches 'I know kung-fu' levels of comprehension to a willing and active listener even sound like?
At that level of speed and active comprehension do we need to tweak for realism or optimise for something else?
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troidatoi · 1 year
Day 6 - 9/10/2023
Guess who keeps on crying? Me! This week had fucking hands like literally tossed me around and threw me on the floor stomped on me. lmao. I'm trying not to let it get to me but I mean it's me so I am going through the motions right now until I feel better. I was driving to a friend's house last Friday when my car stopped and nothing was working so I had to pull over. Thankfully my friend and his dad came to help me and they had triple A. Got my car towed back to my house and I felt so bad because they stayed with me for two hours but I'm so grateful for them. My dad was being annoying about it and I'm like please just be quiet. I hate how my parents are so cheap with things that will benefit us in the future. My parents didn't want to get triple A because they're like we don't need it! And lo and behold! We needed it! With me being misdiagnosed the day before and then this happening to my car, I wanted to run out into the street so someone can run me over. lmao. I'm trying to eat more but my body's still in pain and I wish I wasn't in so much pain. I so badly want to enjoy food again without being scared. I know for a fact I have all the fucking above, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, etc. I'm trying to love myself while trying to fix my digestive system so that my body isn't in pain but it really is so hard. lol. The supplements help temporarily but I need a permanent fix and I know it's coming! It's hard to not hate myself while looking in the mirror but I'm trying my best. I can't thank my body enough for still trying to fight for me and for it to be as strong as it is while I abused it so much with food but I'm trying to have a healthier relationship with my body and food. I know I'll get there. Health is wealth!!
Job hunting is depressing the fuck out of me. lmao. I keep crying about it. I know someone is going to hire me this month. I just feel stuck with no way out and I have bills I need to pay. My mom's been helping me pay for somethings which of course I'm very appreciative of. Once I get a new job, I'm definitely going to treat her out to a nice meal or buy her a nice bag. I have to remind myself that this is all temporary. I do have a job with MGM Resorts tomorrow so I hope that goes well. I'm glad it's a WFH job because they're in Vegas. lol. I'll take anything at this point (as long as it's within my field). I'm surprised they got back to me so quickly because they called me the day after I applied and one of the hiring managers was already asking me questions. LOL. I was like what and then she's like okay let's set up an interview. I was wondering how they haven't hired someone yet because that job listing's been up for a month or so. Either no one is applying for that position, they didn't like anyone they interviewed for it so far or they're doing that thing companies do where they need to post something but they'll just hire within. I am hoping that's not the case. It'd be cool to work for them. I'd be down. Like if they hired me on the spot, I'd take it. LMAOOO.
I did a free Pilates class this morning and it was nice. I miss doing Pilates so bad. I struggled today. lmao. But the instructor was super nice and I thanked her for all the help and she said I did a good job today. <3 Once I get a new job and pay off a lot of my credit card debt, I'll probably take Pilates classes again and go to personal training again!! I just can't wait to feel better about my mind and body in general. I know that amazing thing is coming for me and that all the headaches, inflammation, bloating, pain, and the breakouts will all go away. The gastro doctor already seems 10x better than the holistic doctor that I was seeing.
Yeah, I mentioned I'm like crying a lot huh? LOL. I was finishing up Riverdale cause they put up the last season on Netflix and the last episode made me cry so fawking bad like I cried throughout the whole episode. It was basically about life and death and honestly it was a nice episode because if you've been watching Riverdale a lot of the shit didn't make sense. lmfao. But I think the last season was one of the better seasons because it felt cohesive opposed to their other seasons. Death has always hit me so hard and that episode wrecked me because they talk about how they lived their lives before they passed way and I obviously want to enjoy my life as much as I can which is why I'm always going to games and concerts and doing what I want because I don't want to wait until I'm old to do the things I want to do, you know? My mom gives me shit for it but I'm like okay? I want to have fun. Sometimes it's hard for me though since I think about my health a lot but I'm also trying to find the happiness and joy in things. Despite all the crying I'm doing and have been doing, it's not like I'm purposely trying to be sad or anything. I don't know if it's normal for someone to just feel so intensely about everything because I cry over everything!! And of course I don't want to wait for things to get better. I always try to actively seek out help and try and solve things because I know that there's always a solution for me and that everything always works out for me. It doesn't feel like it right now like my gawd, it doesn't feel like it right now but I know I will.
In June, I had back to back interviews and I was crying and stressed out about it and I was listening to Bulletproof by La Roux and I was like oh, let's see what music she has now and I wish I knew about her recent stuff sooner because it's so goddamn fucking good. Especially her second album. I instantly fell in love. So I dm'ed her on Instagram and I was like she's not going to read it! She's a celebrity! She actually got back to me the next day and I cried because she wrote a long message and I felt like she took the time to write back to me and it was like she didn't have to?! And I wrote her back and she said whatever it is, I got this and idk but it kind of helped me to still keep going. My friends were telling me the same thing but idk why it took an artist for me to be like you know what? Yeah, I am going through all this fucking shit right now but things are going to get better because I want and need it to get better. It still does to this day and after that, I became an even bigger fan of hers. I listened to her in high school and her first album was amazing. I went down a rabbit hole of her interviews and watching her live performances. You can tell she loves what she does. I bought like all this merch and hung up her vinyls and albums on my wall. I sent her a picture of it and a message and if she sees it, then great but if she doesn't then that's okay too! I just wanted to show my appreciation towards her and her music. I know she has a lot of fans that tell her the same thing. Her music does something to my soul and words can't express how much joy it brings me. She sounds like such a lovely person. I would love to see her live and even meet her one day. I hope I get to. I think like a sit down conversation and a hug from her would heal me in ways I wouldn't even know. I know she's dealt a lot with anxiety and everything I read about her, I felt like I could relate. I remember her saying something like she can't really accept things for what they are and I always thought the same for me. I like that she puts out music for her enjoyment and she didn't want to be a huge pop star. She's very humble. I think everything she does is so effortlessly cool like I want to be her when I grow up. lmao. I'm definitely manifesting meeting her one day. I'm always going to remember that she messaged me and I am always going to love her for it.
I'm sure I'm still going to be crying a lot this week but let's just hope for the best case scenario, that my digestive system is healing, that I can eat without being scared, that I'm going to get a new job this month, that I'm going to pay off my debt, that I'll lose the weight and be healthy. To always have hope that everything is always working out for me.
"I can't die until things get better and that's a threat."
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jujujournal · 2 years
The H's
It’s Christmas eve day. I signed up to work a few hours tonight. That will be the first part of my ‘socializing’ for the holidays. The second part will be tomorrow night - when I signed up for another short shift. New Years day has a full shift available - but it’s in a facility and I don’t know that I really want to do that. I’ve learnt that I don’t particularly like working in a facility. I prefer the autonomy and one on one of hospice and home health. This is a weird time of year for me. I long to be with family and friends but if invited I would likely say no. I don’t want the stress of carrying on conversations and dealing with everyones’ drama. The weather here is out of the teens - I know we will get another cold snap before it’s all said and done but I am grateful for the reprieve.  So glad I bought my electric fireplace, I can only imagine how cold it would have gotten in here without it. I want more but I have so much more than many others.
The morning before the arctic temps blew in I sat here absolutely horrified knowing there are people living on the streets that would have nowhere safe to get in out of the literally life threatening temperatures. My friends and coworkers offered all the platitudes and comforts of the city offering warming stations and how the salvation army is open 24/7. That’s right, they’ve never been touched by homelessness - they don’t understand that that isn’t enough. 
People with pets won’t be allowed in shelters. People not in areas of warming stations don’t have the option to hop in their car and drive there. I can pass out blankets and hot drinks and try to make myself feel as though I’ve done a small part, but it won’t change what I know - that there are men, women, and children out there without access to any of these  assistances that are being offered. So there is the contradiction of me, I want to do more to help but I don’t trust people so I can’t/won’t open my home to them. I don’t have fancy things to steal, but I have my peace and I have my pets and those are the things most precious to me. I have adult children whom I’d give anything for but they don’t live here so are not part of that decision making equation. So what do I do?  Donate to shelters? Yea, I know someone who stayed at a homeless shelter one night. He left his bag of belongings in the courtyard and the facility threw them away. They didn’t take the clothes and wash them for those who might need them, they didn’t hold them so that someone who had nothing could reclaim them, they threw them away - all while begging for donations. I can’t wrap my head around that. Drive around and pass out supplies - I do, at least as much as I can afford, which is really less than a drop in a bucket when you look at the grand scheme of things. Not to mention time constraints, if you get there ‘too late’ they can’t help. They have curfews - I get it, but that doesn’t help people who miss the cutoff. Check in is 7pm - 10pm, and you have to be out by 7am. Even if you make the cutoff and they have room for you there are still 12 hours a day you have to keep yourself safe. Homeless aren’t welcomed in most places so that means on the streets, but not too close to a home or business because then they are loitering.
I’m not saying that some people haven’t landed themselves in these situation but making poor life choices - but a lot of them haven’t. SO many people out there are just one paycheck away from being at risk for homelessness.They aren’t bad people, they aren’t drug addicts, they aren’t wasting money on electronics, gambling, etc. They’re working full time jobs struggling to make ends meet. Cast all the accusation you want and make all the excuses you need to for your lack of compassion: there are programs to help, they should have gone to college to get a higher paying job, etc. As far as I am concerned you are only giving yourself justification and an excuse to not care.  I see people on street corners begging, and I sometimes roll down my window and offer what I have - be in a little cash, food, jackets, blankets, bottled water, whatever - but then I’ve seen those people throw away anything that isn’t cash and drive off in their cars and head for their homes. Now that isn’t on me, that’s on them. That’s their karma. I don’t understand though how you can have a roof over your head, food for your belly, and stand on a corner stealing from those who truly need help - making people second guess helping at all because they don’t know whether the person asking for help truly needs it or is just another scam artist. I disassociate, I turn off my emotions to a large degree, I am guilty of those things, but I can’t turn off my compassion. I cannot see someone with less and think how easy it would be to take from them so I would have more. I was reading through a page in my local area that helps homeless folks, specifically a post on social media. A comment caught my eye “Look at all that debris”. This person didn’t see the struggle, didn’t see the people camping under old carpets trying to stay safe and warm, they only saw the debris. Is it horrible that their is filth and trash, of course it is. But how is it not worse that there are people that this is their best option?!?!
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elsyrel · 2 years
Arcana headcanons: main 6 and friendship
Ok, some headcanons about how each LI manages friendship, how many friends do they have, if they make friends easily, etc etc :D!!
Asra has fewer friends than it seems. He is kind by nature, and deeply believes that everyone should do their part to make the world a better place...but all those nice interactions are fleeting. He enjoys the hospitality and kindness of others, but takes them as temporary. People come and go, he’s here today and there tomorrow, and he never stays long enough in one place to settle his relationships. He can easily feel disappointed with the cruelty of others, and therefore he is very careful when depositing his true affections.
Vesuvia is the only place he has stayed long enough to form some true friendships. When he finally finds someone with whom he feels a true connection, he can be overwhelmed with affection. Asra doesn't need many friends, but every single one of them is irreplaceable, and his absence can lead to a crisis. He is very protective of them, and values above all that they have a good heart.
Regarding friendship, Nadia is somewhat insecure, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She has a hard time genuinely opening up to others. That added to the pressure to be perfect makes her seem haughty and aloof, which drives potential friends away from her. Since she was little, Nadia has convinced herself that she is enough by herself, and that she does not need anyone, but that is not true. She wants with all her might to have someone she can trust, someone with whom she can drop the facade and show herself as she is, a confidant. She's an introvert, so she can spend days and days alone without getting bored, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel lonely.
She thinks it's better to have a few good friends than to have a lot of bad ones. She needs a lot of time alone to meditate and focus on her projects, so she wouldn't be able to carry on an inordinate number of friendships either. She prefers to have only a few friends that she takes good care of, with whom she is incredibly generous, almost spoiling them. Among the things she values most in a friend is honesty.
He NEEDS people. His energy gets drained if he can’t socialize in a long time, so he has lots and lots of friends... although not all of them are trustworthy. He thinks “if there are no friends around, it's time to make a new one”. He has no problem approaching a stranger and striking up a conversation, as long as he entertains himself with someone he can do anything, from buying you a drink, to clowning around. He has no shame, and he's good at making people laugh, so people like having him around... and he likes to be liked by others. He considers anyone he has chatted with for 10 minutes a friend.
He truly can’t be alone. If he's left alone with his thoughts, he spirals into self-destructive thoughts...so to avoid thinking he socializes. That's why he has two types of friends: his friends, and his enemies. He'd rather be in a bar fight, slapping twenty sailors, than to be alone. Julian appreciates even those people with whom he has a complicated relationship, as they not only distract him from his own mind, but they are a good relief for his need for drama and theatrics. So yes. he prefers to be with an enemy, than to be alone.
Except for Asra, Muriel has basically no friends. He didn't have them when he was a child, and he doesn't have them as an adult either. It is very, very difficult for him to make new friends, so much so that he doesn't even try anymore. It gets to the point that even when others make the first move and try to befriend him, Muriel is overwhelmed and his first impulse is to run away. The fear of disappointing them prevents him from forming relationships, he prefers to reject before being rejected. He declines as a preventative measure.
In any case, Muriel is extremely introverted, and having more than two or three friends would drain his energy and make him feel extenuated. He can go days, weeks, or even months without any kind of social interaction, but if one of the few people who have managed to gain his trust needs him...he will literally do anything for them. Precisely because he has few connections, the ones he does have are like family to him.
Probably the one with the most friends of all the LIs. Portia is outgoing, friendly and fun, and enjoys the company of others. She strives to get along with everyone, and she knows how to sacrifice herself for others and put herself in their shoes. She tries to include everyone in social events, she doesn't want anyone to be left out. Wherever she goes, people smile and wave at her, and it's impossible to walk down the street with her without at least ten people stopping her for a chat. She has friends everywhere, both in the palace and on the streets of Vesuvia, and she knows how to keep them for years. She rarely has fights with any of her friends and, when she does, apologies and tearful reconciliation come sooner than later.
She loves to get along with the people around her, and it's lucky that she makes friends easily, because Portia needs to be with others in order to not get bored. However, Portia knows how to distinguish real friends from circumstantial ones. She knows that there is some people who take a lot and give very little, and just because she is kind and generous does not mean that she is naive.
Lucio makes new friends very easily. He has an exuberant personality and a certain charisma, he is not shy about showing affection to someone he has met for two minutes, and, at first, people like him. However, there comes a point where that strong personality becomes too much. He talks too much, he never shuts up. He's too demanding, too clingy, too loud. After a while, he ends up overwhelming the people around him and scaring them away.
He reaches over and over again to old friends, trying to reconnect, only to discover that they are giving him the cold shoulder (and, very often, they have good reasons). He’ll try a desperate last resort and try showering them in gifts, but that solution rarely provides a lasting result. And, over and over, he finds out that those who once were his friends, are hateful towards him now.
In other words: Lucio has many friends, who are very short-lived. When push comes to shove, he probably has no one he can really trust, no one he can count on when things matter. He only has friends for "good times", not for bad times. Real friends, he has none. That's one of the reasons he likes parties so much: a place where there are lots of new people, in a good mood, and ready for some ruckus. No one has gotten tired of him yet. They still laugh with him, they still smile at him, and there's still a good vibe.
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shirecorn · 3 years
how about 17 and 24? what inspires you and how do you deal with art block?
Long post warning.
Art block...
I don't actually get art block, which is probably a combination of neurodivergence and drawing every day for the last 3 years
I wrote an entire tutorial about how to do that, but didn't feel like illustrating it. Would people want to read it even without visuals?
Maybe... I'll just start rambling.
There's a couple different types of art block, and it's really just a philosophy puzzle to get past them. I'm going to assume that the things I think of slow days, or art mud, is a milder form of art block and work through that.
Art block is a symptom, not a disease. You probably have something deep inside that you don't want to face, or don't know how. Sometimes you need to discover the cause, sometimes just power through.
Method 1: Rest
Let yourself just Exist. The act of consuming art is part of the process. Watching shows and playing games, taking a break and going gardening or focus on school. This is what you need for burnout-induced art block.
Method 2: Action
I always choose action, sometimes it means a tiny 2 min sketch per day. Ugly or super simplified. As long as I don't stop moving.
Toss everything. Start every piece thinking you will throw it away.
The act of drawing moves you forward; pinning it to the fridge does not. Don't work things until they are perfect. Work them until they are there.
Art block causes and solutions:
- No Inspiration
Not sure what to draw, nothing seems appealing. Art won't come out like it used to.
Do studies from life or photos. Sketch, paint, digital, traditional, doesn't matter. Rocks, fruit, figure drawing, landscapes, buildings, anything.
Study and copy professional's work. Old masters are best, like rubens, michalangelo (only his men tho) etc because they will teach you anatomy while you work. If you copy someone with a lot of flaws, you will repeat those flaws.
Trace to learn, not to earn. Trace photography and art from anyone you want. Don't post it unless you have the artist's permission or they are dead, whichever comes first. This is strictly work for yourself, on yourself. It's not about the finished drawing.
Find an artist with a fun style and try converting stuff into their style. Don't make that your new style though and especially don't start selling it. Your style is a chimera of everyone you love, not a clone of one person.
Take blurry photos. You don't need a fancy camera or good skills or beautiful subjects. Doing studies from your own photos can spark life into your workflow.
Make challenges for yourself. Randomly generate things to combine. Try fusing characters! Don't try to make it look good, just be fun.
Doodle patterns, swirls, lines, random stuff. Try looking up art warmups and doing some of those.
- Everything Sucks
You finally see how bad you are. Or somehow you got worse. Every piece is a fight and you spend hours trying to get something right only for it to be stiff and disgusting and STILL wrong.
Why are you trying to draw good? It's enough just to draw.
Accept that your art is bad. Every artist can see flaws in their work. Your problem is that those flaws outweigh anything remotely worthwhile and hurt to look at.
So what? You're in a period of growth, not a period of production. Keep that wonky second eye. Let them have hot dog fingers.
Show everyone! Show no one! No piece of art can ever be a reflection of the artist. Not their worth, not their skill. The only thing your art says about you is "Held and moved a pen for a bit."
Make bad art. It's ok. Most of the time, the pressure to perform and get things Right is what made them wrong in the first place. Relax.
- No Motivation
The #1 killer of artists everywhere. On some level you think you should draw, on every other level you think you should stay in bed.
You are not lazy. You wouldn't have read this far in a post about art block if you were lazy. You wouldn't CALL it art block if you were lazy. Laziness is wishing you didn't have to do anything. A block is wishing you were doing something. If you think you can namecall Yourself into productivity again, you're wrong and You need to unionize so that you don't treat You like that anymore.
Consider Mental Illness. Losing interest in something that brought you joy can be a symptom of depression. I know it seems obvious, but if you're waiting for a sign that it's "bad enough," it's bad enough. Seek care if you have the means. Forgive yourself if you already know this.
Selfcare. Examine yourself for neglect. Nutrition, exercise, enrichment, social need, and sleep are all part of the art process. Eat three meals and sleep 8 hours. That's your gaymer fuel. You deserve it, I promise. Depriving yourself of your needs will make your blocks worse, not kick you into making them better.
Identify potholes. Sketchbook falling apart? Tablet cord frayed? Half your pencils missing? Chair uncomfortable? Desk hard to reach? There's a lot of things that you tell yourself to work around and get over. Just because you CAN workaround something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. A difficult work environment can cause secret dread deep inside that you don't recognize and just think you're lazy. What you think of as "no motivation" might actually be "I don't want to deal with my tablet disconnecting every time I move it wrong and I have to wiggle it for a few seconds to make it work again." These little things are like potholes in the road. Sure you CAN still drive through them, but eventually you're going to look up and realize you haven't voluntarily left the house in weeks.
Repair potholes and roadblocks. You might feel bad about buying a new pencil, headphones, tablet, car, etc because technically the old one works if you hustle. But if you're running into so many potholes you've ground to a halt, it doesn't Actually work anymore, does it? Invest, save up, request, and require working equipment and suitable conditions. This stuff isn't just cushy privilege, it's an investment in yourself and your art. You are worth the effort it takes to clear the way. If you can't afford reliable (reliable! not perfect or luxurious) equipment, then say it. If cardboard is all you can afford, draw on cardboard. But know that you deserve canvas, and one day you might be able to make the jump. Acknowledge that sometimes, if you don't have it in you to smear burned twigs on wet cardboard, the problem isn't motivation, but opportunity.
- Haven't Drawn in So Long
A unique type of art block that self perpetuates. The thought of starting again is so stressful you can't do it. Or maybe you'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow for sure.
Face your fears. Are you ashamed of your lack of drawing? Are you anthropomorphizing your paper and thinking it's going to judge you, like "oh NOW you come back >:/" I internalize voices I hear and project them onto other people, concepts, locations, and inanimate objects. Your paper, computer, WIPs folder.... none of that is judging you.
Reframe your WIPs. Do you feel shame when you see "unfinished" projects? Why? Who says you MUST bring everything you start to Finish? You don't have to. A sketch is a finished art piece; it's called a sketch! If a sketch is a fully realized creation, pages that are half colored, 75% lined, or partially rendered are all fully realized creations too. Unless paid otherwise, art is done when you're done working on it.
Lower the stakes. Draw a chibi or grab some crayons. Get messy and slowly ease yourself back into the flow over the course of a couple days. It's fine.
Get a buddy! Find an art meme, do an art trade, get a study subject, or just wing it. Drawing art alongside someone can help you get past that block.
Pretend you never stopped. Don't think about the gap, how long it's been, or rustiness. As far as anyone knows, you drew the mona lisa yesterday and didn't break a sweat. Today, you drew a starfish on your hand with a gel pen. Keep up that streak, good job!
Just keep drawing. Make a goal to do one sucky drawing per day on the back of a napkin. Don't make up for missed days, just pretend they didn't happen. Who's going to judge you? The calendar? That's pieces of paper; it doesn't have an opinion. Draw a cat on it. Done. Keeping up the momentum is a great way to prevent art blocks in the future.
TLDR: Draw imperfectly and toss it. Selfcare is king. Draw often and don't judge yourself.
Art is a process, not a product.
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bellesowl · 4 years
tell me you love me
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- multiple characters
⤷ sakusa, atsumu, ushijima, kuroo
genre: fluff ; established relationships
synopsis: haikyuu boys and their love languages
word count: 1.5k total <3
warnings: very very small mention of bullies and season 4 spoilers in atsumu’s, i curse a lil
- a/n: one last fluff hc before february ends! i just wanted to do something short & sweet but then it evolved into this as always atsumu’s is too long. oh and ai (@/ luvnami) has a post very similar to tsumu’s so make sure to check it out too! kuroo’s is a sort of prequel to this post too. finally, are we surprised at my choice of characters to write at this point?
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- sakusa kiyoomi
his love language is physical touch
PHEWW i know y’all weren’t expecting this
but let me explain myself
i abhor the fact that people think sakusa would detest touching his partner & that he wouldn’t act completely touch starved
so obviously, even getting him to talk to you was a whole quest and a half in and of itself but once he gets comfortable around you?
especially enough that he willingly spends time with you as your boyfriend?
you cannot tell me this man wouldn’t be completely cuddled up to you 24/7
“kiyooo” you sigh, “baby, you have practice right?”
he shakes his head, trying to trick you into spending more time with him, but by now you have his practice schedule memorized.
“c’mon, c’mon, up we go” you gently shove him off you and he pouts, “as much as i would love to stay like this forever, we both know you can’t be late to practice- especially with nationals right around the corner.” you grab his hand and lead him towards the gym.
“well maybe if you became a manager like i suggested, i would be more inclined to go to practice because i wouldn’t have to choose between my favorite things- you and volleyball.” he says with a pointed look in your direction.
you both stop in front of the gym and turn to face each other. “maybe if you do well enough at nationals, you might come back next year with a new manager, huh?” you unhook his mask and give him a slight peck. “i’ll see you tomorrow, okay babe?”
he pulls you in for a slightly longer kiss, “i was thinking more like tonight after practice, okay my love?”
you nod and shove him into the gym, where the smile on his face fades back into his signature scowl. you laugh slightly, he never will change, will he?
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- miya atsumu
his love language is words of affirmation
i think this one was pretty obvious, but along with this is definitely physical touch
i mean we all know that tsumu is known for being clingy as hell but it’s cute so it’s fine
but words of affirmation- like we saw in s4, he was constantly left out, tbh borderline bullied by the other kids
sure, he always acted like it didn’t matter but that hurts, especially in middle school.
so having someone tell him they love him, that he’s great & all (at something other than volleyball), and that he’s enough? he’ll follow you to the moon and back.
as karasuno’s cheering section continues to roar with delight and the crows are on the brink of tears on the court, you can’t seem to take your eyes off a certain setter. you watch as he stands there, almost in denial. come on tsumu, you’re fine love, you think, silently cheering him on. you watch as he says something to the karasuno duo, and you smile slightly when he begins to argue with his brother.
as they line up, you stay a moment to make sure the goddamn cheering squad doesn’t say anything rude to the team who just poured their hearts out on that court. satisfied with their applause, you make your way down to the court. you wait for them to finish their team meeting before approaching your boyfriend.
“tsumu!” you yell, hoping to grab his attention. his head whips toward you and his smile widens.
“baby!!! you came!” he runs up to you with a grin but you realize his eyes aren’t lighting up the way they usually do.
“of course i did,” you scoff, “you think i’d miss this?” you grab his arm and drag him over to kita. “kita-san, i hope you don’t mind me stealing atsumu for the rest of the day?” he shakes his head and waves you off. your eyes lock for a single moment, but you receive the message loud and clear. take care of him, will you? you nod slightly before dragging your boyfriend out of the stadium.
the drive to your hotel was silent, the music keeping it from becoming awkward. the walk to your hotel room was slightly worse. you finally enter and force him to sit on the bed.
“babe, i- what?” he asks, confused and slightly flustered.
“nothing like that you idiot.” you slap him lightly on the head. “just wanna talk ‘s all.”
he avoids your gaze but you grab his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes. “hey” you smile, “how do you feel, my love?”
by this point, he looks to be on the verge of tears. you pull him into your chest and he finally breaks down.
“you deserve so much better than a loser like me, doll. much much better than someone who practices all day and all night and still couldn’t manage to bring his team past their first day- a complete and utter failure.” he sobs lightly. you shush him and run your hands through his hair.
“ ‘mu, you know you’re so much more than that, right?” you ask softly. he opens his mouth to interrupt but you continue, “you have a natural talent for this sport, and a drive and ambition unlike anyone i know. you’re the absolute best boyfriend, and a good brother. you’ve learned to care for your teammates, and they’ve learned to love you for you, not just your skills. you’ve grown so much as a person that no one can call you a failure- ever. and if they do, send them to me.” you crack your knuckles and finish with a wink.
he chuckled lightly and pulls away from you. “i love ya, you know? i really don’t know what i did to be able to get a partner as perfect as you.” he ends with a kiss.
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- ushijima wakatoshi
his love language is gifts
okay his is specifically giving gifts
not even extravagant gifts, just small knickknacks he sees that reminds him of u
he knows he isn’t the best with his words, so he tries to make up for it with these trinkets
you enter the gym and your eyes immediately lock on your boyfriend. you see tendou nudge him and point over in your direction, and you smile at the way his eyes soften. you walk over to the bench and give him a small kiss.
“hey toshi” you say with a smile, “i hope you don’t mind me coming over to watch you.”
“of course not, my love. your presence is a very welcome distraction” he answers, his eyes lighting up as he remembered something, “actually, it is very convenient timing.”
he pulls something out of his bag and hands it to you. he watches the way your eyes light up at the keychain and explains, “i remembered that you wanted something for us to match,” he pulls out a matching keychain, the lighter side of the yin and yang symbol, “so i got us this. i assumed you would want the darker side? unless i assumed wrong and you wish to switch?”
you kiss him once more, “it’s perfect, tosh, thank you.” you reply with a bright smile, the joy in your eyes evident. you kiss him a final time before gently nudging him back to the court, “i’ll be here, miracle boy.” you say, amusement and love shining in your eyes.
as wakatoshi walks back toward his best friend, he realizes that he’d do anything to make sure you look at him like that for the rest of your lives.
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- kuroo tetsurou
his love language is quality time
okay so i hc kuroo as someone who wants to be with you 24/7
like while doing hw he would be facetiming you, walks you to classes, wants you to watch practice & brings you home after, etc.
he does this because it makes him feel like he’s knowing everything there is to know about you. he wants to understand each and every side to you cause he knows it will only make him love you more.
“babyyy” kuroo whined, “are you done yet?”
you sighed and answered, “like the last 5 times you asked, no. if you want to go to the party that bad, then you can go ahead. i’ll try to catch up.”
he scoffed, “and have to suffer without you? no thanks.”
“they’re your friends.” you deadpanned, irritation evident in your eyes.
“okay, but you’re much more interesting- easier on the eyes too.” he winked, “and besides, i’m going to have to stare at their ugly faces for a week.”
“and you’ll miss me” you chimed in.
he nodded, “and i’ll miss you. which is why you should just come with me to the training camp. just, i don’t know, pretend to be a manager? please?” he pleaded.
“you’ll be fine without me for a week, you idiot.” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
“it will be a week of hell.” he stated, “which is why i want to spend as much time as i can with you before i have to leave. and if that means sitting here while you do your homework, then so be it.”
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
So for the request, I know that he is a curse and they are supposed to be bad but I swear Choso is a sweetheart and I'd die for him. He deserves to be loved and taken care of. Soo Can I have a drabble with him, his wife reader and maybe a lil son/daughter? Some domestic shit, like uhh brushing and braiding each other's hair, cooking, cuddling etc.
This all cane to my mind after this:
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part 3 of ? husband choso series uGH SOFT CHOSO AND LITTLE BROTHER YUJI jkfwrhfkbf anyway here's some soft husband choso with a kid I HOPE THIS IS ENOUGH DOMESTIC CHOSO FOR YOU also beware at the ending, slightly suggestive because it's me, i like smut LOL anyway ENJOY!!
it started with two faint lines on the night of her graduation.
he was still in her robe and mortarboard, flipping the tiny tassel front and back amusingly. they came home from a night of celebrating but despite holding a master’s degree in one hand and another around his bicep, she was upset. knowing his wife well, he decided to not bring it up until they were home, trying his best to cheer her up before offering to drive her home and called it a night after 2 hours into the party.
she wasn’t the only one with a piece of paper to flex; choso now has a driving license.
she kicked her heels off and immediately disappeared into the bathroom, slamming it shut. folding the robe gently on the chair along with the cap, he put the electric kettle on and pulled out two cups with the intent to make sure that she'll have a cup of warm calming tea ready to sober up. his fingers tapped the marble countertop, wondering if he should go and knock on the door. he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against the cupboard. his mind roamed around, the sound of the kettle hissing was loud, but his mind snapped when he heard his name.
“choso,” she called out.
he turned around instantly. his wife held up a stick, where there was two faint red lines in the small window. choso’s face scrunched in confusion. “what does that mean? are you having a fever?” he asked, which she laughed with tears streaming down her face. he was immediately by her side, concerned by her sudden outburst of emotions, pulling her in his arms and asking if she was alright. she couldn’t help but to laugh even louder when she heard him talking about how weird this thermometer is and how does one read it. she cupped his face and focused him to her.
his eyes widened as her lips moved; “i’m pregnant.”
“my friend told me i look bloated. asked me if i was finally letting it go, and not care about my weight anymore and asked what did i eat to gain a lot of fat since she wanted to do the same. and then another asked me if i was pregnant. so yeah, i figured why not and hey, look,” she took his hand and rested gently on her belly, “so now, i have little human in me.”
and that was 5 years ago.
she couldn’t help to smile as she watched the little pitter patter of their tiny human, screaming as she ran around the sofa, with a clearly exhausted but still giggling choso on her trails. “she doesn’t want to wear her pants,” he whined, pouting at the mom before returning to the tiny human, “baby, come on. please put on your pants.” like she had understood his every word, the toddler shook her head, giggling with drools down her face.
hana is the name given to their firstborn.
she’s mixed of them; locks of black hair that was always up in two tiny buns like her father and her mother’s beautiful eyes. she hadn’t shown any possibility of carrying his cursed gene, something they both had been so grateful enough when they first confirmed their pregnancy, but that doesn’t stop the child from possibly continuing her family line of sorcerer. something they’ve been keeping their eyes out ever since she’d turn 3.
“you need help, choso?”
“no, no, i got this. just, give me a minute and i’ll give you your child with perfectly worn pants.”
the child shrieked as the father got closer and ran straight into the protective arm of the mother. “got em!” she held the child up to the father. "nooo," hana cried when she realised her mistake. she pouted, willingly letting her father put the pants over her diaper. finally, choso sighed mentally.
“dada,” she called out, holding her hands out to choso. “yeah, yeah, come here,” he smiled, happily taking his little bundle of joy, gently tugging on her tiny nose, “hana, why is it so hard for me to catch you huh?” he complained to the little one and the wife returned to the stove, ears couldn’t help but to listen to them.
every time choso talks, she would listen attentively before reply with gibberish of english and japanese which her father would’ve thrown his hand up and be like exactly! see only you would understand me, child, and she’ll nod with a laugh, as if she understands everything.
their house has been everything but quiet ever since she came into their life.
she didn’t understand his obsession with the name hana and why she had agreed on it. possibly because they didn’t even pick any names yet at all up to the night where her water broke. they didn’t even know what the gender was; something they had agreed on to wait until the birth. so, at that point, she was willing to agree with anything if it meant choso would’ve shut up. “it has a lot of meaning, look!” he held the ipad to her face as she was easing into her fifth contraction of the night. “choso,” she let out a weak cry, “will you shut up if i say yes?” he laughed, nodding before bringing his hand up to his lips, planting kisses after kisses.
when the last push birthed her a daughter and the doctor placed the bloody crying baby in her arms, from the sparse black locks and the hopeful eyes of it, she just knew that hana is the perfect name for it. her tiny smile alone was enough to cure her exhaustion away from the 20 hours of labour .
without her, there isn't any point of life for both of them.
a pair of arms around her waist pulled her back to reality; she felt heads resting on both of her shoulders. “is dinner ready? you need help, mama?” he asked, pressing a kiss on her cheek; something hana instantly picked up and followed. the mother giggled at the feeling of their wet lips against her cheeks, “almost. would you mind airing her rice out? i don’t want it to be too hot for her.”
“yes, mother,” he teased leaving the wife alone with the child in his left arm.
choso has been the better parent than her; understandably due to her busy schedule despite her being hana’s favourite. she couldn’t remember any time where she woke up to a crying hana and choso didn’t shoot out of the bed instantly, feet running towards their daughter’s crib. “i got it, don’t worry. sleep, you have work tomorrow,” he shooed her away, rubbing the child’s back with his huge hand, whispering dada’s here. something unspoken between them was that he gets hana for the weekdays, and she gets hana for the weekend.
“anyway,” her train of thoughts halted, “her uncle yuji agreed to take hana in for the weekend. don’t worry, kugisaki is going to be there, so hana should be fine.” she smiled as he pressed a kiss on her cheeks, marching towards the dinner table. hana’s ears perked up at the mention of yuji, her favourite uncle and she squealed, calling out for choso’s little brother’s name excitedly. “yayy, uuji, uuji!” he placed her in the baby seat, tightening the seatbelt before handling her a piece of cut off fruit which she eagerly sucked on.
he was back, latching desperately onto her. “finally, a weekend just the two of us,” he sighed against her ear; his chest rested against her back. away from her daughter’s line of view, he planted a kiss on her neck while his free hand roamed under her shirt. a little oh came out of his lips as he realised she was completely bare underneath the thin shirt.
her chest fluttered at the way he looked at her; she could see a hint of lust in his dark eyes and his smile carried a different meaning. her cheeks instantly flushed, and she found herself clenching on nothingness.
weekend could not reach fast enough.
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jikookiekosmos · 4 years
Make Me || pjm
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➥Pairing: dom!jimin/sub!reader, ceo!jimin, boss!jimin/employee!reader
➥Summary: After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
➥Genre: smut, fluff, slight angst, mutual pining
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~15.3k
➥Content Warnings: mentions of cheating, making out, marking/biting, dirty talk, cursing, sub!reader, dom!jimin, some bdsm elements (reader’s hands are bound during parts of it), slight exhibitionism, hair pulling, safe word (jimin has a consent kink, we love to see it), oral (f. receiving), fingering, slight spanking, jimin has a sir kink, jimin calls the reader princess a lot, body worship (jimin really likes the reader’s thighs), multiple orgasms, slight handjob, slight oral (m. receiving), reader fawns over jimin’s tattoo (we all know the one), unprotected sex (reader is on the pill), rough sex, possessive!jimin, cumming inside, praise, aftercare, jimin is soft for the reader, they also banter and it’s cute, also let’s all have a moment of silence for jimin’s desk
A/N: ok so I had a little bit of a hard time finishing this one because I felt like I might be getting repetitive or boring, etc. and I was unhappy with how it was turning out for a while and thought I may not actually be able to complete it. BUT I finally finished it and I hope anyone who reads it enjoys it! Please let me know what you think, if you’d like~
As always, special thank you to @dntaewithluv​ for always supporting me and offering encouragement (being my biggest hype-person particularly for this work), and for also basically being my beta reader for everything. Especially helping me catch my typos, you are truly a blessing and I’m very grateful for you. ❤
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It was Thursday night. You typically didn’t go out except during the weekends, but you thought fuck it, you were heartbroken and needed some fun.
You had decided to go to the bar near where you worked, only a 10 minute or so drive away. Your old friend from college met you there, since you wanted to catch up with her.
Both of you were chatting and having a good time, and had been for about half an hour, before it happened. Across the room, you spotted the last person you wanted to see: your ex, as of very recently. And he wasn’t by himself; he had someone clinging to his arm, laughing obnoxiously loud at whatever he’d just said.
As he grinned down at the obviously drunken girl that was attached to him, you felt a dull pain in your chest. The two of you hadn’t even been broken up properly for a week and he was already off dating someone else. It didn’t surprise you, really, considering you broke up because he cheated on you in the first place, but still seeing it in person like this hurt.
You wasted almost a year of your life with this person only for him to go and betray you for more than half of your time together. He’d been mentally checked out of the relationship long before you ended it, and even though you saw it, you didn’t want to acknowledge it. You didn’t want to let go because you thought maybe he could change, maybe deep down he did love you like he said he did.
One person had tried to convince you otherwise, but you didn’t listen. Of all the people it could be, it was your boss who tried to talk some common sense into you.
Park Jimin, CEO of the Park & Jeon law firm. This man was your boss of 2 years now, and also the man you’d had the biggest crush on since you first laid eyes on him. It was, of course, an unrequited crush, and even if the feelings were mutual, dating someone you worked with – especially if that person is your boss – has always been a taboo sort of topic. So you never acted on it, you just kept it to yourself and swallowed down any feelings of hope whenever something might happen.
You briefly recalled something that had happened a few weeks ago at the office, one night when you decided to stay late after a fight with your – then – boyfriend.
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Jimin was about to leave to head home when he noticed you were still typing away at your desk, working your way through the mountain of files he had stacked there earlier in the afternoon. It was already 20 minutes past when you were supposed to leave, but the way you were situated at your desk gave him the impression you weren’t planning on going anywhere soon.
“Y/N,” he called to you, immediately making you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. You didn’t want him to know you’d been crying earlier.
But, of course, as with most things, Park Jimin could always tell.
You heard rather than saw him walk over to your desk, aware of his presence beside you when he stopped. When you didn’t answer him he sighed and gently swiveled your chair around so you would look at him.
“Why haven’t you gone home yet,” he asked, his tone level. His eyebrows were somewhat furrowed as he took in your countenance now that he was closer and could see you had definitely been crying earlier.
You sniffled. “I really need to get these files done.”
Jimin’s face told you he wasn’t buying it. He looked at the giant mass of paper on your desk. “These files? All of them?”
You nodded. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean, everything’s fine-”
“Don’t bullshit me,” Jimin cut you off. His sudden firmness caught you off guard so you didn’t say more and just waited for him to continue.
“Did something happen? Between you and him?”
You nodded again, although this time a bit more hesitantly. Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Honestly, Y/N, I don’t see why you put up with this guy. He’s not- look, you’re sad more often than not and it’s usually because of him.”
“But my work performance hasn’t suffered,” you said it quietly, almost expecting him to not hear it. But he did.
He leaned closer and rested both hands on the armrests of your chair, almost like he was caging you in.
“Do you actually think I only care about how well you perform at work,” he asked you, a frown very prominent on his face.
You weren’t sure how to respond so you didn’t. Jimin stared you down as you sat there waiting for him to say something else.
 “I care about you as a person, Y/N. You’re more than just an employee, you’re- look, I may be your boss but I’m still a human being. I don’t only see you as a machine that churns out work when I ask you to. Of course, I value all the hard work you do, but I also value you.”
Your eyes welled up with fresh tears as you listened to every word he said. It was something you’d needed to hear in some capacity and hadn’t for a while. Not from anyone, and certainly not from the person you needed it from the most, the person who was the cause of your current emotional state.
Before you could realize what you were doing, you hugged Jimin. Your sudden movement startled him and it took a few seconds for him to return the hug, even though it was just a light pat on the back.
“Thank you,” you wiped away your tears as you settled back into your chair, watching as Jimin moved back and straightened his posture. “It’s nice to hear I’m valued in some way.” You offered him a small smile, but he didn’t return it.
“Do you not…does he not tell you that he cares for you?” Jimin’s tone had dropped into a tone you didn’t recognize.
You shook your head. “It’s not that he doesn’t it’s just…well he says he loves me so I guess it’s implied, right?”
Jimin’s frown deepened. “Y/N-”
“It’s ok, we just had a little fight, I’m fine, I promise.” You tried to give him a bigger smile in hopes he’d take it as genuine.
You knew better than anyone else, though, that Jimin could see through you as if you were a delicate piece of glass.
Jimin searched your eyes for a moment more before sighing again and turning to the side, placing his hands in his pockets.
“I know it’s not really my place,” he said as he looked out the window behind your desk, “but you deserve better. Much better.”
His words made your heart start thumping faster, a feeling you hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“Go home. You can finish these tomorrow.” Without sparing you another glance, Jimin turned and walked back into his office that was connected to yours.
That night, as you drove home, all the feelings for Jimin that you’d worked so hard to bury started resurfacing. You made up with your boyfriend that night, thinking that maybe bringing your feelings for him to the forefront of your mind might fix that.
It didn’t.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
So, here you were now: back at work after hours, trying to get your mind off of everything in your life that was confusing the fuck out of you. Your recent break-up and your feelings for your boss who was way too attractive for his own good marked the top of that list.
You had excused yourself, telling your friend that you remembered you had really important work you needed to finish and that the two of you would have to take a raincheck for another time. She looked concerned but didn’t press the issue, and for that you were grateful.
Luckily for you, there was an important case that was due the end of the following week, and you’d been too distracted to make any real progress on it. You decided to try and knock as much of it out as you could tonight.
Which, unfortunately for you, proved to be more difficult than you thought, since you couldn’t find the files you needed. You searched every corner of your office, and even Jimin’s office, but to no avail. The files were nowhere to be seen.
You’d been back at the office for maybe 2 hours before you finally caved and called Jimin. You’d never called him outside of normal working hours, so you weren’t sure how this would go.
To your surprise, he picked up after the first ring.
“Y/N?” Jimin’s tone sounded surprised, something you didn’t hear often at all. You couldn’t blame him; you were calling him at 8:42 P.M. on a Thursday so he had to be wondering what you could possibly want.
“Hi yeah it’s me, sorry to bother you, sir,” you threw in the last bit without thinking as you shuffled through the papers on your desk a second time. 
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
His genuine concern made you pause for a second, grip on your phone tightening. You were way too emotional for this right now, but you cleared your throat and composed yourself.
“Yes I’m fine, I just had a work related question.”
You could almost picture him nodding on the other side of the phone, his face turning to stone again. “Ok, what is it?”
“You know that really important case due the end of next week?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Where are the rest of the case files? I don’t think you left them on my desk-“
“Hang on, where are you right now?” 
You groaned with frustration because you didn’t really have the time – nor the want – to play 20 questions with Jimin right now. You were in a shitty enough mood as it was after seeing your ex with that bitch on his arm.
“Jimin, please just tell me-”
“Answer me.”
The authority in his tone made a shiver run down your spine unconsciously. You had no choice but to obey.
“I’m at work.”
A few seconds of silence. “Why are you at work this late?”
You sighed. “I came in to try and get some more work done on the case.”
“But it’s late, you really don’t need to be at the office. We’ve talked about you working after hours-”
“I know but just-” you broke off to let out another frustrated sigh “Look I just really need to be here right now, ok?”
You usually never challenged his authority, so as you waited for him to respond, you imagined he was probably tonguing his cheek, like you’ve seen him do countless times before.
“Fine. The case files are in the safe in my office.” Without another word he hung up.
Happy to finally know where the stupid files were, you walked through Jimin’s office again and made your way over to his safe.
As you crouched down in front of it to enter the code, it dawned on you that this was a new safe. One that you’d never seen before.
In other words, you didn’t know the code.
You slumped down onto the floor in front of the safe and wrapped your arms around your knees. You felt like crying because there’s no way in hell you were calling Jimin back, but you were determined to not leave this office unless you’d done something you needed to do.
So you just sat there, hugging yourself as you tried to figure out all the possible solutions for this mess you were in. And not just your current situation, but your life situation too. With your ex, with everything.
You’d probably been sitting in Jimin’s office for 10 minutes before you heard a noise outside. You shot up quickly, not sure if it was just the wind outside or if someone was in the building. You grabbed onto the edge of Jimin’s desk when you heard footsteps approaching.
The sound of a key turning the lock to the office door is what finally brought you to your senses. Jimin opened the door and there he stood, still in his work attire just minus his suit jacket, with his sleeves now rolled up and his tie somewhat loosened around his neck.
He pushed a hand through his silver strands of hair when he saw you. Oh god.
Jimin sighed. “Y/N, why are you here?”
You blinked, not even thinking about what you were wearing until now, when you were looking down at the floor. Oh god (again).
You answered him. “Um...I’m looking for the files?”
You swear you saw him roll his eyes, even in the dim light of the office. He strolled over to his desk and turned on the lamp there, now just a few feet away from you.
“No, I mean why are you here. At work. Alone, at night.” 
You couldn’t think of a convincing enough lie, and you didn’t want to lie to him anyway, so you told him the first thing you could think of.
“I just had to get away for a bit. Bury myself in my work. You know how I get.” You were still looking at the ground, very aware of how much of your legs were showing thanks to the skirt you’d chosen to wear.
“Hm,” he hummed, crossing his arms as he looked you up and down. You felt a small blush rise on your cheeks. 
“Why did you need to get away?”
“That’s personal, first of all, secondly, why are you here?” You crossed your arms and took a step toward him then so now you were in front of the middle of the desk.
Jimin didn’t back down from your challenge. “Since when do you care about me knowing personal details about you?”
“I uh-,” well shit, he had you there. Up until now, Jimin had known pretty much everything about your personal life that you’re not even willing to share with most people.
Jimin strolled over to where he was standing in front of you, his arms still crossed. You gulped as you watched the clearly defined muscles in his forearms move as he repositioned his arms.
“What are you hiding from me,” he said it more as a statement than a question, in a low tone.
“N-Nothing,” you stammered, definitely giving away that there was something you were hiding. He arched an eyebrow as he looked you up and down again. You felt hot under his gaze.
“Hm, I don’t think I believe you,” he responded as he inched closer to you. 
“Well, you also never told me why you were here,” you challenged. “Don’t you think it’s fair to answer at least one of my questions?”
He chuckled then, giving you a sly smirk. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“Fine, I’ll tell you. I knew you didn’t have the password for the new safe, so I came to help you.”
Wait. Pause. Huh? Jimin came to help you? The thought surprised you, and it wasn’t like he was heartless or anything, but him coming to work after hours to help you with something not super important was...what?
“Why did you do that,” your voice was quiet as you were more-so asking yourself than him, but he heard it anyway. 
“You’d be here all hours of the night if I didn’t. So you’re right, I do know how you get.” His eyes were staring into yours and suddenly you felt very small.
Just how much did he really pay attention to...?
“So,” he uncrossed his arms, now placing his hands into his pockets. If you reached out just barely you could touch his chest – that’s how close he was. “Let’s get to work then, yeah?”
You blinked, taken aback. Was he serious about helping?
Apparently so because he turned on his heel and walked over to the safe, crouching down to unlock it. He came back holding some files and dropped them onto his desk.
“I’ll give you the code some other time but for now,” he pulled out a chair for you to sit beside him, “let’s get what we can done tonight.
You nodded and both got to work.
You’d been working for maybe 10 minutes before anyone spoke again.
“So, why the, uh, choice of attire?” You glanced over to see Jimin scanning you with his eyes, letting them linger on your legs that were currently crossed.
Fuck, you forgot you’d changed into something definitely not work appropriate. You were wearing a tight tank top and a miniskirt that just barely covered your ass.
“Well,” you started to say, turning away to hide the blush that you knew had to be there, “I was going to the bar with my friend, but then I-” you paused then, catching yourself before you told him what really happened.
Jimin’s eyebrow raised. “Y/N? You what?”
“I, um, remembered that I needed to work on this so I left.” You gave him what you hoped was a convincing smile.
He hummed and started flipping through the papers in front of you again so you had no way of knowing if he believed you or not.
“Did you only go with your friend?” He wasn’t looking at you, instead it looked like he was intensely concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah. It was just gonna be a girl’s night thing. Why do you ask?”
Jimin shuffled the papers, lining them up on the desk. “No reason, just curious. Thought maybe your boyfriend might go with you.”
You flinched and luckily (you hoped) Jimin didn’t catch it.
You hadn’t told Jimin about the break up yet, considering you’d been wallowing in your own sorrow about it too much. And you knew already how much Jimin...disliked your ex, for lack of a better word. So you didn’t feel it was important to mention, at least not yet, anyway.
And deep down some part of you thought maybe he wouldn’t care anyway, so why bother?
“Yeah, no, it was just her and me.”
“Hm, well then,” he stacked the papers and turned toward you ever so slightly. “Since you had to leave the bar, why don’t we drink some here?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “Sir, what-”
“I keep alcohol in a stash under my desk. I work late nights sometimes too, you know,” there was a tiny hint of a smile but it disappeared before you could really appreciate it. Damn.
“And I’m the owner so I can do whatever I want, which includes drinking at work if I’m off the clock.” He pulled out a glass of something, you weren’t sure what (rum? whiskey? you didn’t know but you wanted it) and two glasses, placing them on the desk.
“Wait...I’m allowed to drink, too?”
Jimin chuckled and you loved the sound. You never got to hear this man as anything other than professional so you were enjoying this a lot.
“Of course you can. You’re off the clock too, and you’re putting in overtime, I think you deserve a drink.”
Well what were you gonna do, say no?
“Thank you, sir,” you politely accepted the glass he handed you. You tasted the drink and it was rum, but it was one you liked. You knew you’d need to be careful though, because the last thing you want is to get drunk at work with your insanely hot boss.
...ok maybe you wanted it a little, but you know.
You both continued working, drinking and casually chatting while you did. The atmosphere overall was just really nice, and you got the work done a lot faster than you thought considering you originally figured it would just be you working alone.
When you were done, you walked to the front of Jimin’s desk and stacked the papers neatly on top, almost in the middle of it.
You turned and gave him a big smile, proud of the work you had done. Your brain was swimming with excitement from completing your task but also from being a little tipsy and also being in the presence of Jimin all at once.
To your surprise, he smiled back, but only for a moment.
“Now that we’ve finished what you came here for,” he raised his glass, “let’s get to the next important matter at hand, shall we?”
He was still raising his glass so you clinked yours with his, casually leaning on the desk, almost sitting on it but not quite.
Yeah you were definitely feeling the alcohol now, which meant you’d be more confident and daring which could potentially be bad but right now Tipsy You doesn’t give a shit. 
“And what would that important matter be, Mr. Park?” You sipped from your glass after your impromptu toast. He did the same, watching you the whole time. When he brought his arm back down, there was a bit of a smirk adorning his features.
Hm. Well. That was new.
“The matter, Ms. Y/L/N,” he stated as he sat the empty glass on the edge of his desk, also stepping closer to you in the process, “is that you still haven’t told me what you’re hiding.”
You sat your glass down next to his and crossed your arms. “With all due respect, I still don’t really think that’s any of your business.”
There was silence again, before Jimin let out a wry chuckle, still smirking. Apparently alcohol helped him loosen up as well.
“Tell me what it is you’re hiding from me.” The tone was authoritative and it almost made you give in.
You held your ground and gave him a sly smile of your own, which seemed to confuse him if his face was anything to go by. You opened your mouth and let the two words fall out as if it was nothing.
“Make me.”
In the dim light you saw something flash in Jimin’s eyes as they widened, and you suddenly felt a little scared. But the scared feeling was outweighed by the excitement you felt throughout your whole body.
“You wanna run that by me again?” His tone had changed into a register you’d never heard from him before and you realized that you may be veering into dangerous territory now and should probably stop-
“You heard me, sir,” you responded, clearly dragging out the word at the end. “If you want to know what I’m ‘hiding’ you’ll have to make me tell you.”
He stepped forward once more, to where you were basically chest to chest now. He stared down at you and you suddenly no longer felt the urge to talk back.
“Oh trust me, I can make you. I have my ways,” he let his gaze trail down to look at your lips then back up to your eyes. He ran his thumb along your bottom lip, the movement so quick you almost didn’t catch it.
One thing to know about you: you never back down from a challenge.
“Why don’t you stop talking big and just show me already? What are you gonna do, Mr. Park?” You could almost feel the heat radiating off of him now as you continued, “Tie me up?”
You heard what might’ve been a low growl come from him and then he was wrapping his arms around you before you could process it. Unlike what you thought, though, he wasn’t doing it to hold you. You heard as some papers shuffled behind you before he moved away and back into his original position.
“W-what are you doing,” you asked, looking at him now and his eyes were intense. You’d never seen a stare like that come from him and you’d seen a lot in your time of working here.
“Just making some room,” was his blunt answer.
“Making room for wha-”
You barely got the words out before you were being lifted off the ground, his hands holding you up by your thighs, just underneath your ass. You gasped and wound your arms around his neck, out of surprise but also because of instinct since you thought you might fall.
He sat you down on the desk then, now in a clean area where no papers were placed. He removed your arms from around his neck and put a hand on either side of you, watching you closely as you were starting to breathe more rapidly.
Oh you were so fucked.
“You see,” Jimin said as he stood in front of you, moving your legs apart so he could get closer. “I own this desk you’re sitting on right now.”
As if to emphasize his point, he slapped one of his hands against the surface of the desk, right beside your thigh. You gulped.
“By extension, I also own everything on it.” Jimin was staring at you through half lidded eyes. He got even closer still, close enough now where if you barely moved your lips you’d be kissing him.
What a dangerous thought that was.
“And right now, princess,” his voice had dropped into a more sultry tone and you were drinking him in more and more with each passing second. “That includes you.”
Before you could even react, he pushed you back to where you were laying on the desk, with your legs still hanging off as he was standing in between them. Your skirt had hiked up around your thighs during the interaction, and you didn’t notice it until you felt him brush his fingers across one. 
“You know,” Jimin went on as he loomed over you now, the long end of his tie landing on your chest. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“Am I?” You deliberately questioned him, even though you were at his mercy already. You had already pushed this far, so why not push further. You were tingling all over, from the alcohol you were sure, but also from the overwhelming presence that is Park Jimin.
You hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and you were determined to chase that feeling as long as you could.
You had been absentmindedly playing with the end of his tie that you could reach, but you opted instead to now try to wrap your legs around him to pull him closer, your body basically acting on its own accord. But it was if he knew what you might try and do, because he suddenly had a vise grip on both of your thighs, pulling them apart more.
You let out a small whine, feeling so exposed under him despite still being covered. 
“Let me explain something to you because I don’t think you understand,” Jimin spoke again, leaning over you even more now, his grip on your thighs tightening. “You’re not in control here. You gave up that control the second you questioned my authority.”
You gulped as he raised one of his hands to caress your cheek, the soft action briefly making you forget the position you were in - caged on top of your boss’ desk with him in between your thighs.
You didn’t forget for long though because that same hand travelled up further, burying itself into your hair and giving it a gentle tug, the surprise making you jolt forward.
You felt Jimin’s lips ghosting over your throat then, but you couldn’t look down at him due to the hold he had on your hair.
“I have you completely at my mercy.” He said, his voice low. He placed a single, soft kiss to your throat and you whined again. 
“And I have to say,” he practically growled out, his grip in your hair tightening, “you look quite lovely like this, submitting all control to me.”
You were already so wet and could feel yourself getting hotter everywhere and you knew this now had the potential to turn into something it probably shouldn’t. But also you were literally pinned underneath your hot boss on his desk under his control so like...what’s a person to do, yeah?
“Nothing to say, princess? You sure were eager to talk earlier.” He nosed along your jawline now, and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch him somewhere, it didn’t really matter where. And god the pet name, you felt like you could just die, but like in the best way possible.
You didn’t really have the chance to contemplate reaching out to touch him, though, because Jimin stood back up and captured both your wrists in one hand, placing them over your head.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, his other hand going to his tie, “and I actually would like to tie you up.”
You gasped as his grip on your wrists tightened experimentally, him looking over your face as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“Of course I won’t do anything without your consent,” he used his thumb to rub along the underside of one of your wrists he was holding, “so I need you to tell me.”
Your heart fluttered at the fact that despite him being in control and clearly being the dominant one in the situation, he still wouldn’t cross any boundary you weren’t comfortable with.
Were you comfortable with being tied up? You fucking bet.
“Do it,” you breathed out. His hand around his tie froze.
He started tsk, tsk, tsking at you. “Oh, Y/N. It seems you still don’t understand.”
His grip tightened again around your wrists, making you yelp more out of surprise than anything else. He leaned down to where his lips were just hovering above yours.
“If you want something,” Jimin said, his tone low, “then I need to hear you beg me for it.”
You understood then entirely what this dynamic was and had to think about if you actually were comfortable with this. It was unlike anything you’d ever dealt with before, so it was new and exciting.
And as it was with anything else, Tipsy You craved excitement.
“Please,” you said barely above a whisper. And that was all Jimin needed.
He leaned up and you watched as he swiftly took off his tie with only one hand as he looked down at you, the tie now hanging loosely from his palm.
“When I let go of your wrists, don’t move,” he commanded. Maybe on another day you’d challenge it to see what he’d do, but for now you did exactly as you were told. 
He wound the tie around your wrists, giving it a firm tug when he was done, checking to make sure that you couldn’t get out but that it wasn’t too tight either.
He leaned back to admire his handiwork, his eyes scanning over every inch of your body as you were now stretched out and bound at the wrists. You imagined you probably were a sight: hair splayed out, cheeks flushed, chest rapidly rising and falling with your excited breathing.
“You look so perfect like this,” he said, almost too quiet for you to hear. He stroked his fingers along the inside of your thigh. You shuddered at his touch.
“Perfect princess, all laid out for me.” His fingers kept traveling upwards, inching closer and closer to where you wanted them, playing with the hem of your skirt.
“Now, what should I do with you, hm?” Jimin switched gears then, his hands began traveling along your sides, his fingers dancing around your ribcage as they travelled upwards.
“Should I play with you like this?” He started rubbing his hands up and down your arms, trying to go over every place he could touch. Well, every place except places you wanted him to touch.
He looked up then, almost like he was trying to find something. An evil grin covered his features.
He placed an arm around you, his palm under your back as he lifted you up so you were sitting again. Your arms were now in front of you, still bound.
“Up,” he commanded, tugging on your binds. You got up, your legs a little wobbly. He walked you over to his window that overlooked the city, the blinds drawn as they usually were.
He wrapped an arm around your waist as he opened the blinds with his unoccupied hand. The city looked beautiful from up here, and as you were looking out at everything, you didn’t feel him move away.
You didn’t know until you felt him pressing against your back. 
“Arms up,” he told you, and you obeyed without hesitation. You were now pressed up against the window, your arms above your head, wrists tied, and Jimin behind you.
Oh fuck.
“Imagine if people below could see you right now. See you all pretty on display like this.” His chin was moving on your shoulder as he spoke, one hand curled around your waist. 
You didn’t know where his other hand was until he snaked it into your hair again, pulling tighter than he ever had. Your head fell backwards, exposing your neck to him.
“I’ve never told you,” he started as he placed a kiss on the side of your neck, “but I love when you wear your hair up. I can see your neck and it’s always so inviting, just asking to be marked.”
“But now,” he continued as he travelled lower, “I love that you have your hair down, because I can use it however I want.” He pulled again as if for emphasis, and you let out a quiet moan.
Jimin paused. You held your breath, not sure what to expect next.
He turned you around then, having your back pinned against the window now.
His hands were holding you against the window by your waist, grip tightening when you looked into his eyes. They held a look you’d never seen on anyone before, one that you couldn’t quite decipher. But if it did anything, it made you want to submit.
He moved one hand up to your hair again and pulled, eliciting another moan from you. At this point you didn’t bother holding back.
He groaned. “Fuck, you sound so pretty for me.”
He started kissing down your neck again then, still pressing you against the window by your waist, the glass cold on your shoulders.
“Jimin,” you pleaded. He paused and looked up at you.
“Hm? You want something?” His tone was normal, almost as if he was giving you a briefing on a case or something.
You nodded as best you could given your current position. “The window - it’s cold, please-”
You barely got the words out before he was pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you. Your bound hands ended up right in front of his crotch and-
Fuck, he was hard. And knowing that made you even more aroused.
You didn’t have time to react before he pulled away again to look at you. His gaze scanned over your face, and he looked like he was contemplating what to do to you next.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now,” he rubbed one of his thumbs underneath your eye and along your cheek. “Makeup smeared, breathing stuttered, tied up and completely pliant, just waiting for me to do what I want to you. So fucked out and I’ve barely touched you yet.”
“When you look like this, Y/N,” he paused so he could lean in closer to where he was right by your ear.
He gently bit down on your earlobe before finishing his sentence in a hushed tone.
“It makes me want to ruin you”.
That sentence alone suddenly made you even more wet (and you’d been doing your damnedest to hold back but you were only so strong) and you wanted to kiss him with everything you had. You wanted to do something, it was driving you crazy. Your wrists squirmed as you tried to touch him.
Jimin noticed you struggling against your binds and moved away with a chuckle.
“Oh, princess,” he sounded, his tone almost scolding, “that’s not allowed.”
“Wha-” you broke off, not realizing how out of breath you were from just all of this, “what’s not allowed-”
He pulled one of your legs up to wrap it around him as best he could in the position you two were in, then moving that hand to hold onto you so you wouldn’t fall.
Without a warning, he used his other hand to push past your skirt since it was hiked up now, lightly brushing up against your inner thigh.
His touch was delicate, soft, but also intense and you wanted more. So, so much more.
“You’re not allowed to touch me,” Jimin finally answered, his fingers climbing higher until they were brushing lightly over your panties, against your core. You let out a small sound, something like a whimper, because holy fuck you were sensitive.
“Fuck, Jimin, please,” you threw your head back, no longer able to contain yourself and he’d barely done anything yet. You were truly at his mercy, just like he said.
He groaned again, his fingers now applying more pressure. “I love hearing you fucking beg for me.”
Since your leg was wrapped securely around him now, he used that hand that was holding you to pull you closer, cradling the back of your head. When you were barely an inch away, he finally closed the distance, allowing you what you wanted. 
His lips felt unlike anything you could have ever imagined. The kiss was rough but held all the gentleness you never would���ve associated with someone who had a presence as strong as Jimin. His hold around you tightened, and you felt like you could just melt then and there.
He bit down lightly, asking for access that you gladly gave him. The kiss lasted a while but not nearly long enough for your liking, because when he went to pull away you whined again.
When you opened your eyes, he was giving you that same cocky smirk from before. He brushed his thumb across your bottom lip again, pressing his forehead against yours while you both tried to control your breathing.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said. The words made you feel hot but also fluttery again like before.
“What else have you wanted to do with me,” you asked, simply because you were fucking curious and you were also still confident since not all the alcohol was out of your system yet. You were definitely sober enough to know what was happening, though, and to know that you absolutely wanted it to.
Jimin laughed, the sound so nice and so attractive at the same time. “Ah, that’s a dangerous question. Are you sure you want to know?”
You nodded as vigorously as possible. Jimin hummed at your enthusiasm.
“Well, for starters,” he said as he hovered over your lips again, “I’ve wanted to kiss you until you couldn’t breathe.”
He kissed you again, kissed you hard, but it was short-lived since he was pulling away to speak more.
“I’ve wanted to see you, all pretty and marked up for me,” he started trailing down your neck again, this time leaving a hickey on your shoulder.
“Fuck, Jimin,” you breathed out, your wrists squirming again in their binds. 
He continued, tugging on your binds, making you stop your movements.
“I’ve wanted to see you tied up, at my mercy,” he pulled again on the binds and your leg fell from around him as you wobbled forward. He steadied you then, not missing the opportunity to bury his hand in your hair once more when you were standing upright.
“I’ve wanted you to submit to me since I first laid my eyes on you,” he looked at you again through those half-lidded eyes and you felt like if you didn’t get some part of this man either in your mouth or inside of you then you were going to lose it.
“But then,” he added more softly, “You showed me how much of an independent and strong woman you are.” He kissed you and continued.
“You demonstrated how willing you are to work for what you want and how considerate you are in caring for others, even more than you care for yourself.” Jimin started backing you up, and you weren’t sure where you were going but you were along for the ride. Plus he had his hands around your waist as he guided you, so you trusted that you wouldn’t fall.
Jimin wouldn’t let you fall. Jimin wouldn’t hurt you.
These were things that if someone asked you about them an hour ago you wouldn’t know the answer, but now? With the way he was handling you, there was no way he’d ever willingly put you in danger and you knew it.
When the back of your knees hit something solid, Jimin paused and looked you in the eyes. You felt like there was a sudden shift in his behavior and it confused you.
“Jimin? What’s wrong?”
He closed his eyes and sighed before he started speaking again. “Sorry, it’s just- I can’t get over the fact that you somehow ended up with someone who doesn’t deserve you. Thinking about how he has you all to himself and doesn’t appreciate you,” his grip on your waist tightened and he was looking down at the floor.
“It drives me insane.” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours once more. You were sobering up and you realized he might be too, and it almost looked like he might be regretting what was happening.
You felt his grip loosen around your waist, and you panicked thinking he may move away. It clicked then: he thought you were still dating your ex, which was your own fault since you hadn’t told him about the breakup yet.
You didn’t want to let this moment go over a misunderstanding. Not when the man you’d been pining over for years now finally had you in his hold.
With your hands that were still bound, you desperately reached out to grab his shirt.
“Jimin, wait.”
Jimin froze but he had removed his hands from your waist. You knew you needed to act fast.
“We broke up,” you blurted out. The sudden flash in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you, that intense stare from before slowly coming back to life in his eyes.
“What? When?” His stare made you feel small but you needed to go through with this. You needed him to know that you wanted to be his and only his, no one else’s.
“Last week. I broke it off because…he cheated on me, but I also knew the relationship wouldn’t work. If I’d listened to you sooner, I could’ve been a lot happier.” A sad smile painted your face, one that made the expression on his soften.
“He cheated on you? What a fucking idiot,” Jimin scoffed, making you giggle. “I knew he was stupid but I mean for fuck’s sake, he had you,” Jimin wrapped his hands around yours still grasping his shirt, “and he was too fucking stupid to appreciate you the way you should be.”
Jimin removed your hands from his shirt and repositioned his own around your waist again, pushing you against the desk more. He leaned down to where his lips were a mere inch away from yours, causing yours to automatically part the faintest bit.
“I’ll make sure you never go unappreciated again,” he said against your lips before kissing you with so much passion that it nearly made you fall over. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, but since that was impossible, you settled for moving your body closer to his.
“Please,” you breathed out when he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. “Make me yours.”
That was all he needed to hear. You saw him smirk when he backed up, shifting back into that more dominant persona that had you tingling all over with arousal.
With no more hesitation, Jimin turned you around and you were facing the desk again. He bent you over, and your still-bound hands were almost reaching the opposite edge of the desk.
His hands were still gripping your waist as your felt him settle in behind you. You could feel him pressing against your ass and you instinctively moved back against him.
Suddenly you felt a slap on your ass that jerked you forward.
“What did I say earlier, princess?” He rubbed over the spot he’d just hit, trying to soothe what little pain it had caused. “You’re not allowed to touch me, it’s against the rules.”
“But Jimin,” you whined, earning another slap. You cried out because the pain felt nice and you weren’t exactly sure if you wanted him to stop.
“If you behave,” Jimin said in that low tone you were slowly getting used to, “I might let you have your way, how does that sound, hm?”
You nodded and that seemed to please him.
“Good,” you heard him say as something started shuffling behind you. You felt him lift your skirt up and soon your ass was exposed, still covered by your panties but not much else.
“Y/N,” came Jimin’s voice, and you suddenly could feel how close he was to you. Your felt like there was a fire slowly igniting inside you with each passing second of anticipation.
“A safe word. We need one.” His tone was gentle as he started running his hands up and down your thighs, making you squirm on top of the desk.
“Um...don’t people use a color system or something?” 
“We can if that’s what you want. Red for stop immediately, yellow for slow down, green means you’re good to go. That work for you?” He was trailing his fingers up again and suddenly playing with the hem of your panties. 
You nodded, your cheek pressed against the desk. “Yes, anything, just please do something, please-”
Jimin chuckled. “What’s your color?”
“Green, pleas-”
You barely got the words out before he shoved the panties to the side and you felt him plunge two fingers inside you. With how wet you were, there was little resistance. You gripped the edge of the desk as best you could with your hands as they were still tied, letting out a loud moan that you couldn’t even be bothered to be ashamed of.
“That’s it, be loud for me,” he sped up, holding you down on the desk with his unoccupied arm so you’d stop moving as much. 
You kept letting out sounds that were somewhere between a mixture of moans and his name, panting every time he would speed up.
“This is also something I’ve wanted to do to you for a long time,” Jimin’s tone was sultry again, but he seemed like he was having a bit of a harder time composing it. Suddenly it seemed like he was crouching down, but you couldn’t see. 
“I wanted to watch you come undone underneath me. Whether it be from my fingers-” he broke away to pull out and you whined at the loss of contact.
“-or on my tongue,” he continued as he flattened his tongue out and ran it over your clit. You moaned and gripped the desk harder, now laying your head down face first because it was too intense.
You’d never been eaten out from behind before but you guessed there’s a time for everything, right?
Jimin was moving his tongue in ways that you could only describe as ‘expertly,’ making sure to lap over every part of you that he could reach. His hands were gripping your thighs, pulling you apart so he had better access. You were shaking in his hold, and with how fast he was going you knew you would not last long at all at this rate.
You heard him moan around you, the vibrations from his mouth causing a new type of pleasure to wash over you, each one stimulating your clit more and more. He started fucking you with his tongue and you moaned even louder.
“Jimin, oh my god- fuck,” you called out, which made him groan in return.
“You taste so good,” he said as he added in a finger alongside his tongue, alternating between the two, one going in while the other was coming out. You wanted to scream but no sound would come out, you could barely think. 
He pulled away briefly to attach his lips to a spot on your thigh as he gripped the other one harder. 
“It always drives me crazy when you wear short dresses and I can see your thighs, just begging to be marked.” 
You felt him start to suck then, marking your flesh and making you gasp. He continued his assault on your clit with his thumb before his tongue was on you once more, the pleasure almost overwhelming. As much as you were enjoying this, you wanted to turn over so you could see him. 
“Please,” you begged, still squirming against your will. He let up but only slightly, replacing his tongue with his fingers again.
“Yes, princess?” He sounded slightly breathless and his voice was making you even more wet. 
“I want to see you. Please,” you pleaded again. His fingers slowed down to a more gentle, rhythmic pace, as if he was contemplating your plea and needed to slow down in order to focus.
You didn’t have to wait long before he was pulling you up from the desk, bringing your back flush up against his chest. 
“Since you’re being such a good girl for me, I think I can give you what you want,” he said in that same low tone that was driving you insane, mouthing at your neck as he did so.
He turned you around and pulled you to him by tugging on your binds to give you a quick kiss, but despite its quickness it still took your breath away. You could taste yourself on his tongue and it was a new feeling but you didn’t mind it right now.
You didn’t mind anything right now. All you could think about was Jimin. Head empty, no thoughts, only Jimin.
He made you lay back again, this time where you were facing forward and if you craned your neck just right you could see him.
You looked at him as he kneeled down in between your legs, pushing your skirt up again so he’d have access. This time, however, he pulled your panties down to your ankles instead of just moving them to the side.
There was just something about still being clothed while all this was happening that drove you crazy with arousal.
He stared up at you through those half-lidded eyes, his mouth hovering over you and you almost came then, that’s the power this man holds.
“Y/N,” Jimin breathed. “Color?”
It took you a second to realize what he was talking about before you nodded and said “Still green.”
He stuck out his tongue and licked a slow stripe up from your entrance to your clit, the motion making you moan and lay your head back on the desk.
You had barely just laid your head down before there was a quick slap to your thigh, making you jolt.
You looked up again at Jimin, who now had a hold on your thighs again to keep them spread apart.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He lapped again at your clit, slowly, making sure to take his time. Looking at him made every feeling more intense and you didn’t know how long you’d hold out.
But still, you looked. Because he told you to. Because you had to obey.
Because he was Park Jimin and had a power over you that no one else had before.
“You’re gonna watch as I ravage you,” he said in between movements of his tongue, applying more pressure to your clit as he went down again. 
You had to fight closing your eyes because the pleasure was too much but he wanted you to watch and you’d watch until you couldn’t.
“I’ve waited so long to make you mine, and I’m going to take my time,” he continued, and despite what his words suggested, he started going faster instead.
Your moans were increasing in pitch the more he sped up, his attention going from your clit to inside of you as he inserted two fingers again. You could feel your orgasm approaching and all you could do was lay there and take it.
Your wrists were moving on their own, trying to get out of your binds. It was no use, however, and you were stuck with nothing to hold on to as Jimin ate you like you were his last meal.
“Jimin, fuck, oh my god, please-” you kept saying the same things over and over but your brain couldn’t conjure up much more. He flicked his tongue faster against your clit and every part of your body felt like it was on fire.
“Can you do something for me,” he asked from between your legs. You nodded with no hesitation, despite not knowing what the fuck you were agreeing to.
“Call me sir,” was his simple command, and before you could respond he resumed his mission and you let out what sounded like a strangled whine.
“Yes sir, please, ruin me,” you just started saying things and apparently it was working because he was gripping your thighs hard enough now you thought they might be bruised tomorrow.
“Fuck, I love it when you call me that,” he groaned as he broke away to breathe, his fingers now picking up the pace where his tongue left off. You had looked away for a few moments to try and ground yourself a bit but as you looked at him now, you knew it’d be all over soon.
He was such a sight to behold. He was resting his cheek against one of your thighs as he caught his breath, lips so pretty and parted, eyes half-lidded with arousal. His damp, silver hair had started to fall into his eyes, so he pushed it back as he continued panting against your skin.
When he saw you staring, he smirked, and you clenched around him, making him laugh.
“Oh, I see. So that’s what gets you going, huh?” His fingers went faster, and he added his thumb now to rub your clit at the same time.
“You like seeing me enjoying myself as I taste you?” Knowing you were still staring, he removed his fingers and wrapped his lips around your clit, closing his eyes as he let out a moan that had you clenching around nothing. That was it, you couldn’t take it anymore.
You laid back and held your arms above your head so you could grip onto the edge of the desk behind you. You were crying out something that sounded a lot like his name but you weren’t sure at this point. 
“Sir, please, I’m so close, please-” you begged again, not sure if he’d stop or keep going like you wanted him to, since again, he was in control. 
To your very pleasant surprise, he kept going, this time only with his tongue and you were so close.
“Mr. Park,” you breathed out this time without thinking. You felt the vibrations against your clit as he let out a loud, guttural grunt, pulling your thighs even more apart and giving him better access. 
“Can never get enough of you saying my name,” he said now, but it was muffled. What he said next, however, was not.
“Fuck,” he said and it startled you at first. You then felt the loss of his tongue and you couldn’t help but whine. 
“No, sir, please, don’t stop, please-”
“Shh, no it’s ok,” he soothed you as he stood up, pulling you up to where you were sitting on the desk. He brought you forward some so you were hanging off it just enough for him to insert his fingers back where you needed them most. 
He wrapped an arm around your back to pull you into his chest, looking down at you. 
“I needed to be closer to you,” he said in a hushed tone, his voice now raspy. “Needed to feel all of you as you cum for me.”
“Fuck,” you clenched around him again and your head fell forward to rest on his shoulder.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck again, all the way back up to your ear, his fingers moving at exactly the right pace and you were already trembling. When he added another to tease your clit it took all of your willpower not to fall off of the desk.
“I want to wreck you in every way possible,” he said right by your ear, the words spurring you closer to your undoing. “I’ve wanted to fuck you on this desk for so long, wanted to have my way with you until it breaks.”
Well, there it went.
“Jimin, sir, I’m- I’m-” 
“I know, I can feel you, cum for me princess, be a good girl for me.” He sped up again and everything washed over you at once, your orgasm hitting you so violently that you almost did fall off of the desk, had Jimin not been there to catch you.
You could feel yourself still clenching around him as he slowed down, letting you ride out your orgasm on his fingers.
When you finally stopped spasming, you were breathing hard. Jimin carefully took his fingers out, and whether or not he cleaned off his hand you weren’t sure because your eyes were still closed as you tried to feel human again.
You felt a gentle pair of lips on top of yours then and began moving in sync with them. Jimin caressed your cheek to bring you in closer. The moment was so intimate, so sweet...
And you knew then that you were so very fucked.
When Jimin finally broke the kiss, you opened your eyes. He looked so beautiful, giving you a small, satisfied smile. He untied the tie from around your wrists now, placing it on the desk before rubbing your wrists to make sure they were ok. 
“That was...” you started to say but you were still breathless. Jimin chuckled.
“Yeah. I agree.” He smiled again and you looked down-
He was still very hard.
“Um, sir?” You got his attention while he was still rubbing small circles on your wrists.
“Hm? What is it?” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours and you swear you’d never seen them look so soft.
“You’re-” you nodded to where you’d been looking, his eyes following yours before he let out another chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess I am. Although I’d hardly expect I wouldn’t be turned on by that.” 
It was your turn to giggle now, your chest swelling with pride knowing that you’d managed to (inadvertently) turn him on so much.
You pulled him in for a kiss this time now that you had the use of your hands again. You felt him smile into the kiss, his arms wrapping around you.
“Will you let me take care of you now?” You whispered it against his lips and watched as his eyes opened, the surprised look on his face almost making you want to laugh.
“Y/N, I- are you sure? That wasn’t too much?” His concern made your heart constrict.
“I’m sure,” you nodded, trailing your hand downward so you could cup him over his pants. He let out a soft groan.
“I told you I wanted you to ruin me, Mr. Park,” you said right by his ear, applying more pressure as you cupped him. He let out such a beautiful sounding moan and you were dying to hear more. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted. You took advantage of this moment of distraction to turn him around so he was now in front of the desk as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
He opened his eyes and looked down at you, groaning at the sight. “Fuck, Y/N.”
Your hands worked to remove his slacks and he helped you, both of you eager. When you finally pulled his boxers down and his cock sprang free, you immediately wrapped your hand around it, and you were rewarded with another delicious sound from the man above you.
He looked like a dream; head tilted back, eyes screwed shut, small pants slipping past his pretty, plump lips. You watched as he swallowed before letting out a groan when you started pumping your hand faster.
“I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve thought about sucking you off underneath your desk,” you confessed as you moved your hand faster and applied more pressure, making him hiss.
“Just wanted you to sit back and relax while I did all the work. Maybe even fuck my mouth during one of your important business meetings.” You licked a stripe up the underside of his length then to accentuate your words.
Jimin sucked in a breath as he took in the sight of you, tilting his head back once more when he finally felt your mouth on him. You watched as his head lolled to the side, his neck muscles moving with the action. The view made you want to mark the pretty skin there. 
But right now, you had other matters to attend to. 
You opened your mouth wider, wrapping your lips around his tip before sucking gently, teasing him.
“Fuck-” you saw him bite his lip as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. He was holding onto the edge of the desk with both hands, fingers flexing as his hands opened and closed around the wood. You worked your hand faster, feeling him twitch in your grasp. You wanted to take all of him in, and you were determined to do just that.
Before you could continue, though, he pulled you off of him and up from your knees, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“As much as I would love for you to choke on my cock, I need you over this desk. Now,” he growled in between kisses before he pulled away, moving his hands to the hem of your shirt.
“May I,” he asked, and you knew he wasn’t teasing because he had that same concerned look in his eyes. His need to make sure you were comfortable with everything, while still also maintaining that sense of control was one of the hottest things you’d ever seen.
“If you don’t then I’ll be mad,” was your response as you jutted out your lower lip, playfully pouting. Jimin smirked and captured it with his own, biting gently as he started lifting your shirt up.
When your shirt was off you immediately unclasped your bra to let it fall to the floor, making Jimin smile this time.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered against your neck as he started fondling you, his touches soft but still intense. 
He turned you around this time, guiding you so that you were sitting on the desk once more.
His desk had been through so much already, the poor thing. 
“Jimin,” you whined as he loomed over you. He had one hand cradling your thigh, drawing smooth patterns over your skin.
“Hm,” came his response. He was looking down at you and into your eyes, making you briefly lose your train of thought.
“It’s not fair that I’m basically naked and you still have some of your clothes on.”
Jimin chuckled. “That’s wrong; you’re still wearing your skirt. And I also took off my tie earlier.”
You groaned and he laughed, the delightful sound echoing off the walls of the empty room.
“So eager, I love that,” Jimin said as he started taking off his shirt. As he shrugged out of it, also stepping out of his slacks and boxers, you gasped as you noticed the inked letters spanning across his ribcage.
He must’ve noticed your staring, since he tilted your chin up to look at him. “Princess? Mind telling me what’s got you so occupied?”
You gulped. “You- you have a tattoo.”
Jimin ran a hand through his hair and grinned, almost as if your interest in his body art increased his confidence.
“I have more than one. Maybe one day you can find them all.”
The thought excited you way more than you’d care to admit, and if Jimin wasn’t standing in between your legs, you might’ve even rubbed your thighs together.
He leaned down to rest an elbow on the desk, his other arm occupied since he was caressing your cheek. He bent down fully to give you another kiss, this one slow and full of unspoken words.
He pulled away to look you in the eyes once more, his stare serious. “Are you sure you want this, Y/N?”
You nodded so fast that you were afraid he might laugh at you. “Jimin, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone more.”
His small smile was enough to make your heart leap. That is, it was until he frowned.
“Shit,” he let out a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” You knitted your brows in confusion as you watched him drag a hand down his face.
“I don’t have any condoms on me. And I don’t keep any here, for obvious reasons. Fuck,” he ran a hand through his hair again, but this time you were sure it was from exasperation.
You reached out when he moved back. “Jimin, wait.”
He looked at you and his brows were knitted together in frustration.
“I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, and I’m clean. So, if you want…” you trailed off, your voice sounding small. You started thinking that maybe it was a stupid thing to imply, until you saw his eyes widen.
“But you- you were in a long-term relationship,” he cocked his head to the side, trying to make sense of it. He was trying to make sense of the thing you had been trying to piece together yourself for the last year.
You shrugged. “Yeah, well, when I figured he might be cheating I put an end to that.”
Jimin stepped closer until he was in front of you once again, his hands finding purchase on your hips. “Why didn’t you end everything back then?”
You sighed. “Because I didn’t know how. But,” you pulled him closer as you wrapped your arms around him, “it’s over now and I’m here with you. That’s what matters right?”
Jimin nodded slowly. “Right,” he sounded distracted, though, so you cupped his face.
“Jimin? Do you want this?” You needed to make sure before anything went further, and if he said no and put an end to it, you wouldn’t fight the decision no matter how bad you wanted it.
You both were looking out for each other’s comfort first and foremost above anything else.
“Of course I do, it just- it fucking frustrates me to no end that you were staying in such an awful relationship. It makes me angry,” he paused to look at you again, and you could see the fire in his eyes. “Not angry at you, of course, but angry at him for treating you any less than what you deserved.”
His grip on your waist tightened. You rolled your eyes before kissing him hard, a surprised sound leaving him upon the impact.
“Jimin. Are you clean?”
Your question took him off guard, if the confused look on his face was anything to go by. “Yes, but-“
“Then instead of using your energy being frustrated, why don’t you use it for something better,” you reached down to wrap your hand around his length again as best you could from your current angle, and he let out a hiss at the pressure.
Within an instant, he had you caged against the desk again, moving your thighs apart so he could get closer to you.
He started kissing down your neck as you wrapped your arms around his back, feeling the muscles flex beneath your fingers.
“Did you have an idea in mind, princess?” You could feel him speaking the words against your skin, and when he travelled back up to a spot right underneath your ear, you turned your head.
“Why don’t you fuck me on this desk like you’ve been wanting to,” you said this time by his ear, trailing your hands down his back all the way to his ass. “Let’s see if we can break it.”
He groaned at the same moment you pushed him closer. He placed one last kiss on your neck before leaning up. You were rewarded with the sight of him standing before you, defined muscles on display. The dark-lettered NEVERMIND tattoo sprawled across his ribs was a stark contrast to the rest of his skin, and it was so beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful.
And you still couldn’t quite believe you were here, finally, with him.
You watched as he started stroking himself leisurely as he looked at you. The sight made you more wet immediately, and you reached for him.
He smirked, that cocky smirk that drove you mad some days. “Patience, princess.”
He stepped closer and grabbed your hips, pulling you to where you were just hanging off of the edge of the desk slightly. He pushed his hands between the desk and your thighs just underneath your ass, confusing you. Before you could ask why, Jimin informed you of his plan.
He leaned closer, tugging your earlobe between his teeth, making you melt instantly. “You gonna let me fuck you the way I’ve been dreaming about, princess?”
The words mixed with his sultry tone had you gushing and you nodded vigorously, feeling him chuckle against your neck.
“Yes sir, please, have me however you want me,” you reassured him. When he pulled back to look at you, his eyes were filled with lust but also the ever-present concern. 
“Are you sure?”
You almost groaned. “Jimin, yes, please do something.”
You barely got the sentence out before he picked you up and flipped you around, making you lean over the desk as he settled in behind you. He tugged your skirt down to around your ankles where your panties still were, and he removed them both. Your arms were laying by your sides; you were planning to grab onto the desk but Jimin had another idea in mind.
He grabbed your wrists and pulled your arms behind your back, placing one wrist over the other. The motion didn’t hurt and it wasn’t uncomfortable. He was restraining you again, but he also gave you enough room to move if you needed to.
“What’s your color,” he asked as he rubbed your back with the hand that wasn’t holding your wrists.
“Green, please-” you looked over your shoulder at him, hoping he would heed your plea. He pushed a finger into you, making you gasp.
Jimin chuckled. “Just making sure you’re ready. You’re so wet for me. Even after cumming for me once already.” He was shaking his head and you knew he was messing with you but it was working. You squirmed in his hold, moving your ass against him to try and entice him.
“Jimin, I swear, if you don’t fuck me soon-“
Your words were cut off as Jimin entered you in one thrust, making you breathless. He quickly set a steady pace, one hand on your hip, the other holding your wrists in place, smirking down at you as it took everything in you to not to stop looking at him over your shoulder.
“Nothing else to say, Y/N? What’s the matter, can’t talk when you’re getting fucked this good?” He increased his pace and your mouth was just hanging open in a silent scream.
“Jimin, fuck, please,” you closed your eyes and let your head fall forward, clenching and unclenching your fists as each thrust rocked you forward.
“What was that,” Jimin asked you as he slowed down, his fingers pressing harder into your hip.
“Sir, please, don’t stop-“ you moaned and heard him curse under his breath above you. His grip around your wrists tightened, making you whine at the feeling.
He loosened it then, and you realized he may have mistaken your sound to be one of pain. You looked back at him as best you could, watching him as he studied you, his lips pulled between his teeth. You could feel him twitch inside you when your eyes met.
“It feels so good,” you told him in between your moans, your breaths coming out shallow as he continued to pound into you. 
As good as you were feeling, you still couldn’t help the question that popped into your head. 
“Sir,” you called out to Jimin. He slowed his movements inside of you, but didn’t still completely.
“What is it, princess?” He sounded somewhat breathless and for a moment you forgot what you wanted to ask.
“Isn’t there - shit - some kind of policy against this sort of thing?” 
Your question took him completely off guard and the look on his face made you giggle.
“Are you asking if there’s a rule against fucking my employees?” He smirked at you as he picked up his pace again, making your eyes roll back.
“Well not just that,” you broke off to let out another whine when he repositioned his hand around your wrists, “but against workplace dating in general.”
“Hm, well, now that you mention it,” he pondered, pausing to let out a grunt when he pushed into you deeper, “there isn’t anything against that.”
You smiled at that, resting your cheek against the desk as you closed your eyes.
“Perfect, so if I wanted to date the cute guy who works in accounting-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence because Jimin rocked you so hard it actually did knock the breath out of you. He pulled you up by the hold on your wrists until your back was flush against his chest, letting go of your arms then. He wrapped one arm around your midsection while his other hand cupped around your jaw.
He moved your face to the side so you could look into his eyes that held a fiery expression.
“You’re mine and no one else’s,” he growled before pulling you into a kiss that was searing with so much passion. He continued to pound into you, now moving the desk forward along with you.
“You got that, princess?” He kissed you again, all teeth and tongue as he explored the expanse of your mouth. He reached up to tweak one of your nipples, making you cry out into the kiss, him swallowing all the sounds you were making.  
You knew his possessiveness he was exhibiting now was due to the more dominant persona he had adopted during all this, and you really didn’t mind it at all. You knew he valued you as your own individual person, and he’d never want to have actual possession of you or your body. So things like this, that happened in the moment, you were comfortable with. You wanted to be his, and had wanted that for so long.
He continued ramming into you faster and when you still hadn’t answered him, he snaked a hand into your hair and tugged hard. Again, not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to bring your attention back to him.
“Yes, sir, I’m yours and only yours,” you answered breathlessly. Your answer seemed to please him as he groaned and mouthed at your neck. 
“Fuck, my good girl, taking me so well like this,” he released his grip on your hair to now hold onto your waist with both hands. Your head fell back against his shoulder, your eyes closed and mouth open as all sorts of sounds were tumbling out. 
“Green. But, Jimin,” you whined. 
“What is it, baby? Tell me what you need,” he spoke the words against your temple as he placed a kiss there. His pace had slowed somewhat, more sensual now than anything else, but the force of his movements were still enough to send you reeling forward, had he not had a tight hold on you.
“I wanna see you. Please,” you repeated a plea from earlier that night. You loved what was happening right now, but you loved watching him come undone above you even more.
“Of course, princess. I can’t deny you when you beg so sweetly for me.” His words made your heart constrict, a somewhat strange feeling when you were already overflowing with arousal. 
He turned you around and laid you back, only pulling out for a second to do so. He entered you again and resumed his pace he had been keeping up before. He gripped your thighs to pull them apart more, now hitting a different angle inside of you from this position. The change in angle had you both moaning, your sounds mingling together.
He sped up once you were positioned high enough on the desk so that he knew you wouldn’t fall. He removed his hands from your thighs, only to capture your hands in his own a moment later. He intertwined your fingers, giving you something else to brace yourself against as he pinned you there.
His pace was relentless, and with every movement that rocked you forward, you felt him hit that spot inside of you that had you begging for another release. You knew you wouldn’t be able to last very long, especially after reaching your high earlier, and certainly not with the way Jimin was sounding above you.
Every noise he let out was music to your ears, and with the way he was moaning now, you wondered if he was nearing his high, too. The idea of watching Jimin come completely undone as he pounded into you had you clenching around him, causing him to let out a strangled groan.
“Shit, you got me so worked up earlier that I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last now. Especially when you do tha- fuck.” Jimin cut himself off with another grunt as your walls clenched around him once more.
Both of you were so wrapped up in the moment of passion that you didn’t notice the lamp that was teetering dangerously on the edge of the desk, threatening to topple over any second. Jimin thrusted harshly then, making you scream out, the noise almost masking the sound of the lamp falling onto the ground.
“F-fuck,” you stammered, tilting your head to the side to try and find the source of the noise. Jimin wasn’t having it though, as he turned your face to look back at him.
“Focus on me, princess,” he said in a low tone, eyes nearly closed from his own pleasure. He squeezed your hand with the one that wasn’t currently cupping your face. When his eyes met yours, he let out a groan.
“Always so good for me. I wanna see that pretty face when I make you cum for me again. Wanna see you completely lose it when I’m deep inside you.”
His words sent another wave of arousal crashing through you and you started clenching harder around him now, making him twitch inside you in return.
“Please, sir,” you whined, not even sure what you were begging for at this rate.
“Please, what,” Jimin emphasized the last word as he squeezed your hand again, letting you know he wanted an answer from you. So you blurted out the first thing you could think of.
“Please let me cum again, sir. Please make me.”
Jimin moaned and you could see him smirking above you. “You want me to make you cum again? Well, princess,” he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, “I think I can grant that wish.”
Without a warning he let go of your face he’d been cupping so gently, reaching in between the two of you to rub your clit as he started moving inside you harder. The combined pleasure of everything drove you to your climax much faster, and you started crying out his name and other incomprehensible words.
Since Jimin wasn’t holding one of your hands down anymore, you started reaching out blindly with that one for something to hold onto.
“Jimin, I’m so close, please-“
He noticed your struggle and pulled you up to where you were just barely seated on the desk now, wrapping your legs around him. This new angle caused both of you to moan loudly, and you knew that at any second you’d be ready to burst.
“I’m right here, Y/N, I’ve got you,” Jimin said against your mouth as he tried to kiss you, failing only because his ministrations were moving you so rapidly that you couldn’t stay still. You grabbed onto his back, leaving scratches whenever a particularly hard thrust would shake you to the core.
You rested your forehead against Jimin’s shoulder, and he placed an uncoordinated kiss on your neck. His thrusts were becoming sloppier now.
You could hear him let out breathy moans by your ear, and if that didn’t spur you onward to your release, his next words definitely did.
“Cum for me, princess. I wanna feel you cum all over my cock,” he said softly beside your ear. His words triggered your release before you could call out a warning, so all you could do was scream out and hold onto his back for dear life.
"Fuck, fuck,” Jimin breathed out, and the way you were clenching around him had him reaching his own high not too long after you did. You saw his abs flexing with his release, and you could feel him painting the inside of your walls as he let out a muffled groan against your shoulder. 
He slowed his thrusts to a stop and the both of you were breathing heavily. You sat there for a little bit, both trying to catch your breath with you rubbing his back and him placing small kisses on your shoulder and neck.
Before Jimin pulled out of you, he reached behind you and grabbed some tissues from the opposite end of the desk. He gently pulled out and cleaned up whatever mess he could from the current position you both were in, and when he thought he did a sufficient enough job, he tossed them into the waste bin beside the desk.
You didn’t have a chance to ask what would happen next before Jimin was picking you up and walking over to his desk chair. He sat down and situated you so you were comfortable in his lap. It felt so nice and you let yourself enjoy the feeling, hoping to bask in it as long as you could.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a small heap of something on the floor that you knew wasn’t there before. It dawned on you then what it was, which also made sense as to why it was darker in the room now.
“We didn’t manage to break the desk, but that lamp has seen better days,” you noticed as you took in the sight of the lamp that had fallen to the ground. The light bulb didn’t shatter, thankfully, but the lamp had separated itself into 2 different parts upon its impact of hitting the floor.
Jimin observed the lamp as well before he shrugged, saying “It’ll be an easy fix, and that’s a problem for another time.”
You hummed your agreement as you made yourself more comfortable in his lap. A few moments of comfortable silence passed before anyone spoke again.
“I don’t have anything here for aftercare, seeing as I never expected it would be needed-” Jimin sounded worried, so you were quick to reassure him.
“Being here with you is enough. Plus getting to sit all cozy in your lap is a bonus.” You wrapped your arms tighter around Jimin and he chuckled.
“Even still, we did a lot tonight and I want to take care of you properly. So,” he broke off, waiting for you to look up at him. When you did, he continued.
“Stay with me for the night,” Jimin offered. “Let me take care of you.”
“I’d like that,” you answered with zero hesitation. You could feel Jimin’s smile against your forehead as he placed a kiss there.
An idea dawned on you then, making you frown.
“Wait, but I drove here, so my car-“
“Can stay here until the morning. Or whenever we decide to come back. Maybe we’ll take the day off tomorrow, who knows.” Jimin patted your head as he kissed your temple. You let out a soft sound of content, closing your eyes as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Then take me home. I’m all yours.”
He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations coming from his chest. “God, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
You looked up at him then, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say it to you.”
“We really are just some clueless idiots, aren’t we?
You laughed, laying your head back on his shoulder. “It would appear so.” 
You could feel Jimin’s steady breathing from where you sat, the warmth of his skin pressed against yours soothing you. 
“You know,” you started to say, your mind still hazy, “if I’d have known there was any interest, we probably could have made this happen much sooner.”
Jimin pulled away then and nudged you with his nose so you’d look up at him.
“Y/N,” he said, a small frown covering his beautiful face. “You do realize that up until last week, you were in a relationship, right?”
You groaned and laid your forehead on his shoulder. “Trust me, no one knows that better than I do. But it was a miserable relationship.”
“Then, why did you stay?” 
You knew he was genuinely curious, and you pondered about it for a second, wondering how to answer it in the best way.
In the end, you decided to just be straight up honest with him, since transparency and honesty are always important in any kind of relationship, intimate or otherwise.
“Truthfully? It was the only way I could get my mind off of you.”
You felt him stiffen beneath you then, and you reached up to place a soft kiss on his lips. It took him a second to kiss you back, his arms pulling your closer.
“Fuck, if I’d known that- I swear I would’ve never stood idly by while you continued to stay in a relationship you were miserable in, you know that-”
“I do, don’t worry. I know you wouldn’t do that. But it also wasn’t up to you, either. Everything was up to me. And I finally had the courage to end things, and we’re here together now. That’s what matters, yeah?” 
Jimin didn’t seem completely convinced, so you caressed his cheek, making him bring his soft eyes down to look at you.
“I want to be with you, and you want to be with me. We can figure out the rest some other time, but isn’t that enough for right now?” You felt his smooth skin underneath your fingertips, the corners of his lips tugging upward as he finally sighed and nodded. 
“I think I can deal with that,” Jimin hummed, brushing some of your hair back out of your face. Your head found its place on his shoulder once more, relishing the comfort of his arms.
You yawned before you continued talking. “I’m tired so we may wanna get a move on, unless you plan to carry me all the way to your car.”
“Hmm, sounds like you’re doubting my ability to carry you.”
You snuggled closer, running your fingers along the lines of his beautifully drawn tattoo. “Not doubting, just thinking out loud.”
“Well,” you felt Jimin wrap his arms more securely around you, “let’s test that theory.”
He pulled the both of you up out of the chair with little effort, and instead of letting you down so you were on your feet again, he carried you over to the desk and set you down on it.
Before you could ask what he was doing, he handed you your discarded clothes so you could redress.
“It’s cold out, so clothes might be helpful,” he teased you as he redressed himself. You didn’t have the energy to tease him back, so you shrugged your clothes back on and waited on him to finish gathering his things in the office, swinging your legs back and forth.
When Jimin was done, he walked back over to you with his arms outstretched. He was offering to carry you again, and you felt your heart skip a beat.
Instead of taking him up on his offer, you got to your feet. “As much as I’d love to have you carry me the whole way, this way is faster.”
Jimin smiled and opted for putting an arm around you instead as the two of you left the office once you’d grabbed your things. “So eager to get home?”
Something about him calling his place ‘home’ made you feel warm all over, but you pushed it down for now. You had so much time to sort your feelings out later, and you wanted to enjoy these moments now without any overhanging thoughts. 
“Yeah, eager to get in the bed.” You stretched and yawned again, making him smile as he called the elevator down.
“So eager to sleep, huh?”
“Is that all we’re gonna do in your bed,” you pretended to be sad and he caught on immediately. He patted your head teasingly.
“Yes, tonight we sleep. But tomorrow,” he stepped into the elevator, pulling you in with him and hugging you against his chest, “who knows.”
You felt your face heat up at his proximity, which you found to be ironic considering everything you’d just been through. The remainder of the elevator ride was silent, as was the walk to the parking lot. You didn’t feel like any words needed to be exchanged when the feeling of his hand wrapped around yours was saying enough.
The car ride was also comfortably silent, and despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. The next thing you knew, Jimin was softly shaking you awake as he helped you get out of the car. He helped you walk into the house and guided you to the bedroom since you were still half-asleep.
The two of you shared a nice shower, stealing kisses from each other underneath the comfort of the warm water. After you were both clean, Jimin made sure you had everything you needed to be comfortable, and he settled into bed behind you, pulling you close as he wrapped an arm around you.
“Hey, Jimin,” you said sleepily.
“Next time, maybe we should use my desk since it’s smaller.”
He let out a laugh and wound his arm around you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Maybe so,” he murmured against your skin, making you smile. It didn’t take long for you to start drifting off to sleep once more.
The last thing you remember hearing before you fell asleep was Jimin’s soft voice saying “Pleasant dreams, princess.”
And for the first time in a long time, you were able to sleep peacefully.
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💙Hi there! , First of all i want to tell you that i love your blog! And i love how your posts are so accurate!💙 If its okay with you could you please do me a favor by describing how others see me,my appearance or more specifically the vibe I radiate to others! It would mean alot to me if you you do that💙I'm a cancer sun,leo rising,Lilith sextile asc, Pluto trine asc, Uranus opposition asc, Moon opposition asc, mars sextile venus, mars opposition neptune, asteroid lilith conjunct mc and jupiter in the 1st house!💙
Thank you that's really kind of you 💛💕
You know that quote that says Cinderella never asked for a prince. All she wanted was a night out and a dress. You kind of exude a similar vibe but with respect to leadership positions. 'I never asked to be Queen/King, but the people have spoken' kind of an energy. You would be equally happy to be by yourself, learning about the subconscious mind, higher realms and other esoteric science.
For more on Jupiter in LEO I'd recommend watching Astrofinesse.
For jupiter in the first there's KRS.
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🌻As a Leo rising you come across as someone outgoing, with a playful energy but you're also somehow someone people would expect to see in a position of authority. You're drawn to people who stimulate you intellectually and love to exchange ideas.
😬If you have an Aquarius saturn you could be having some challenges in your relationships since December 2020 as saturn transits your 7th house. I'd suggest practicing discernment in this area as well as signing contracts with people until it passes( early 2023) ..
😇12th house sun could take on other people's energy. I feel like you need some time away, by yourself, preferably at the beach / pool/ shower to declutter, clear your head and replenish your sense of Self. You could be highly intuitive. If this resonates, I'd urge you to look up empath drain and how to protect yourself from energy vampires.
Ruler of the ascendant in the 12th :
spirituality could be a huge part of your life. For some people this could show a father (figure) who was convicted or worked in a prison / asylum. They could also have a really remote job. Since the sun is also your own personal identity, you could profit off these themes. Working in a mental health facility, overseas, in esoteric crafts.
🌛With your moon in the 7th house, you probably attract a lot of older women, (queen of swords) nurturing energies . Your mom could have a major influence on any business partnerships that you enter.
In relationships you could have a here today gone tomorrow kind of a presence. This is because as the moon waxes and wanes so does your attraction / attachment to specific people?
♒Aquarius moon : it could be really hard for you to express your feelings. So Instead of asking for a hug there could be a tendency to say something like ' ew imagine asking for one?' you leave a place better than you found it. If you watch hindi movies, 3 Idiots could be a movie you really resonate with. ( I pretty much spent the day looking up the lead actor, who has major aquarius placements and his films have always been disruptive with a really nice social message that left people talking for years after they were released. I tell you this because he shares 2 of your big 3 - aquarius and cancer.)
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Going off on this tangent you could be a well respected teacher / writer / entertainer. Jupiter in LEO could help with this.
I do feel like you need a certain amount of inventiveness in your relationships. The people you're with are people who introduce you to new hobbies / ideas / technologies. You need to feel like you guys learn something new or create something that matters together. This is enhanced by uranus in the 7th house. You could come across really cold because you always give people the naked honest truth when asked. You do this from a place of love. I'm reminded of the Queen of Swords card in the rider Waite tarot. Not everyone has the maturity to take it. Or maybe they've just had a bad day. It is what it is. Perhaps try to not be so incisive if this is something you struggle with.
In the same vein, if I asked you to write down how you were feeling how long would it take for you to identify the right emotion. How honest are you with yourself?
Moon and Uranus being in the same house could show that stagnation could really hurt your mental health / happiness / satisfaction levels.
With a saturn ruled moon I feel like I need to remind you to not be so hard on yourself. Like. The world won't crumble to dust if you allow yourself to take care of you once in a while.there's only so much you can do.
All those coffee mugs will catch up. There's no such thing as extra hours in the day. A lack of sleep manifests as early signs of aging. No hate for the elderly but arthritis is not a fun ailment to have. Do you wanna be 60 with 80 year old nervous system problems? I rest my case.
Uranus and moon aspect your ascendant so you could have a slightly plump look?
Jupiter in the first house people usually have prominent thighs. I had a friend with this placement and when we were growing up she used to complain of chafed thighs a lot?
Mars sextile venus you could be your own type? The way you act and the way you want your future partners to express love could be quite similar which is good for healthy relationships.
There could be a tendency to spend impulsively.
With Mars sextiling venus you could be someone who earns more the more active their lifestyle is? Like, you may need to be an agile learner to keep money flowing in .
Jupiter in LEO in a woman's chart usually shows they'd have a financially well off spouse so money may not be a huge concern. He could be a sailor or earn via exports/ navy. It's hard to say without knowing where your Saturn is.
The image you project to the world could be a lot more outgoing than how you actually feel. You're more private than people think.
With a fire rising, water sun and air moon you could either be a really balanced person or just have a number of clashing ideas on who to be, what to do and achieve.
Descendant : The people that hate on you could attack your need to stand out /try to dim your time in the spotlight. Think aquarius themes of standing out to improve community clashing with Leo's need to stand out solely because it helps their ego. Like your confidence could trigger the part if them that felt judged negatively for expressing their individuality.
Do you feel like you thrive in chaos? I'm guessing you're atleast in your late 20s if not older, so you might have gotten better at dealing with people acting unexpectedly. Your mom could have been unpredictable. Really intelligent, but forgets to eat ..
🥤🦀As a cancer sun, you could be the friend your friends come to for advice. There could be a tendency to be a little too selfless. I think your aqua moon really serves as a shield to those who try to take advantage of your caring nature. Have you considered a career in psychic medium ship? Or any spiritual art/ past life regression / you get the drift..
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Is there a family craft or hobby that you could monetize? Jupiter in LEO could signify ancestral gains.
Lilith and Pluto aspects to ascendant can make you come across really sexy / a bit unapproachable because people feel like you have some kind of power that places you above them?
Due to this, people with Pluto / Lilith aspects can feel some kind of hurt around people clearing up the path around them if that makes sense.
Jupiter opposite moon : there could be a clash between you want to do VS what you feel you should be doing.
Jupiter in the first house : you could have been born rich? Or people just perceive you that way. They also see you as someone wordly wise and lucky in general. You could know a lot about a wide variety of things. Specially on topics related to appearance, personal development, image consciousness etc. Since the ruler of the first is in the 12th I feel like some of your wisdom comes from a divine source. Like you're tapping into some kind of a collective reservoir of knowledge. In starseed terminology we would refer to this as downloads.
Jupiter rules the 8th house and 5th house.
So love, romance, games, early education may have been a bit of a breeze for you.
Jupiter is usually a bit of a celibate spiritual person. So, while it may make you really wise with respect to things like the occult / tarot / other 8th house themes, I'm not sure how it would impact your sex life with a spouse. Sex could be either a deeply spiritual experience for you or take on more neptunian traits. Addiction / alcoholism / drug use the works. Jupiter expands the themes of the house it rules so a word of caution there.
Travelling could bring you luck. Or even love.
Did I hear Mars opposite Neptune?
This could be a literal battlefield. You could feel like you need to work for love.if Neptune is unconditional love and Mars is your drive, then you could literally match to get to taht elusive unconditional sense of belonging /love / acceptance. But what are you marching towards really? A mirage? With this aspect I'd really be on the guard against addiction of any kind. Neptune is enticing, alluring, mocking Mars for its need to conquer. It could lend a really nice swagger to your walk. A runway model could benefit from thus placement. At uts best this aspect imbues you with creativity, inspiration, otherworldly imagination and the energy required to turn your abstract ideas of art into something tangible.
Here's a source for more on this placement. Sometimes I find that the comments really help me make sense of my own placements
Before I sign off, I just have to say this :please try to restrict asks to 2-3 placements. You can send in multiple asks if you'd like, but answering them all in one ask can get a bit cluttered and I'd hate to miss out on something 😊
Hope this helped 💕as always, I'd really appreciate your feedback on this take on how these placements affect you.
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
How about birthday prompts (Like how they celebrate your birthday and how you celebrate theirs)?
Warning: NSFW-ish themes (Riz and Bill’s part),
All Characters are adults, around mid-20s here. So basically a couple years after college. Except for Gouhin, Oguma, and Gosha who are their canon ages.
Reader is Gender Neutral
Your Birthday:
- Mr. MoneyBags here is going to go all out as far as expenses go.
- Fancy Dinner at an elegant restaurant, picks you up in his ridiculous sports car which you’ve rode in a million times but it’s still exciting. (Also, Louis drives extremely fast. He’s a good driver but if he’s not going at least 30 miles over the speed limit, he feels like he might as well be parked in the street. Also has a bad habit of running red lights and stop signs just because he can.)
- Buys you a brand new outfit just to wear to dinner and has it delivered to you in the morning in a red velvet box with a silk bow. You’re a little uncomfortable with the whole high society scene but you go along with it anyway for Louis’ sake.
- At dinner, he orders for you. He has a bad habit of doing that, even though you’ve told him multiple times you’re capable of making your own decisions. At least he usually orders you something you end up liking.
- Night concludes back at his place, he pulls out another velvet box similar to one from this morning except this box is much smaller which only meant one thing: jewelry.
- “Louis... Are there diamonds in this?”
- “....”
-“.... Maybe...”
- You refuse to accept the overly expensive gift, refuse to even look at it. You give it back to him and you could see he’s a little hurt but you assure him you know he means well but everything was just a little too much and you felt out of place.
- He accepts your criticism gracefully even if he is a little frustrated you wouldn’t accept his gift he spent so much time picking out. He promises to tone it down next year.
His Birthday:
- You actually really hate Louis’ birthday because he almost never spends it with you.
- He always works on his birthday, not seeing it as important enough to halt business.
- You’ve tried everything from bribing his assistant to haggling his bodyguards but nobody can get Louis out of his office in his birthday.
- You’ve learned to let it go, and usually surprise him by doing something special the week before.
Your Birthday:
- All about being sweet. Values time and effort over anything and hopes that you see it that way too.
- Makes you breakfast in bed, he’s a pretty good cook all things considering (it’s a skill he picked up while being a waiter.)
- Takes you out for lunch, the two of you spend the day doing pretty regular couple stuff but you’re just happy to be there with him.
- Your present is something that’s both useful and to your taste, like along the lines of a sweater or cardigan in your favorite color. He makes sure it’s oversized because he knows how much you love to wear his sweaters and he even has your name embroidered in small cursive letters above the heart.
- You love your gift and how the two of you spent the day.
His Birthday:
- You two spend it almost identically, just with he roles reversed.
-Legoshi is still a little uncomfortable with extra attention so if you want to incorporate his friends into anything then you’ll have to be really stealthy about it.
- No surprise parties please, he literally would melt into the floor with embarrassment. Best to take him somewhere and his friends slowly join in organically (or at least, you hoped it came off as organic but it really didn’t)
- “Hey Legoshi, fancy seeing you two here at this restaurant in this reserved section. Mind if I join ya?” By the tenth time that exact excuse was used, the cat was well out of the bag.
- Legoshi appreciates your efforts though, even if he’s not one for attention. He sort of clings to you the entire night, whether it be holding your hand, gripping your thigh, encircling your waist, etc. as long as he’s touching you, he feels calmer and it helps tone down his anxiety.
- Overall, Legoshi’s the type to be fine with almost any birthday celebration (or even none at all) as long as he can be with you.
Your Birthday:
- Makes you do something spontaneous for once, even if you’re hesitant.
- Takes you somewhere like Skydiving, or Paragliding, or Bungee Jumping. If you’re adamant about making it to your next birthday not risking your life then she will settle for something a little more mild like Scuba Diving.
- Can not stop gushing about how hot you look in your wetsuit and flusters you in front of the Scuba instructor (he’s an older Walrus and finds it cute to see young animals in love).
- The two of you end up having a blast and you’re happy you went along with Juno’s plan, even if it tired you out completely.
- Once the two of you get home and shower, you collapse onto the bed and fall asleep almost immediately, the exhaustion from the deep diving really taking it’s toll.
- Juno enters the bedroom holding a cake with lit candles and wearing brand new sexy lingerie she purchased just for you to rip off of her. She’s a little disappointed to find you unconscious but she figures it is your birthday and you can sleep if you want to.
- She blows out the candles for you and puts the cake in the kitchen, then she throws on a robe and snuggles up next your slumbering figure.
Her Birthday:
- She wants to travel for her birthday and she can’t think of anyone she’d rather take a trip with more than you.
- You two go somewhere hot and tropical, probably somewhere near a beach (she loves any excuse to wear a bikini and sunbathe)
- You two probably find a bar near the beach and get drunk, her moreso then you because you start to sober up as the night goes on so you’re able to take care of her.
- You take her back to the hotel and tuck her in after helping her get ready for bed. She a giggling, flirty drunk mess the entire time but it still makes your heart soar because you know she had fun.
- Before she falls asleep, she whispers to you that this was her favorite birthday yet.
Your Birthday:
- He’s waking you up with morning head, no way around it. You wake up to him kissing your neck, then your collarbone, down your stomach and he just keeps going down until he has you whimpering and falling apart beneath him.
- Then the two of you take a shower together and he’s making you cum for him in a totally different way.
- But once you finally pry his humongous paws off of you, you think you’ll be able to relax but he has other plans.
- He sends you off to the Spa. He’s not going in with you because he wouldn’t be caught dead in one but buys you the best top of the line experience . You enjoy the peace and relaxation but you’re kind of lonely and just want to be with him.
- When you get home, he presents your gift to you which is probably something big and wooden that he made himself because he’s great with his hands and actually an amazing craftsman. Probably something like a intricate Wooden Gazebo outside so you could sit and enjoy your garden.
- “Riz, how the hell did you get this back here without me knowing?” You ask, your arms still wrapped around his neck from where you squealed in excitement, lavishing him with kisses.
- “Built it off site, just needed a few hours to install it,” Riz winked, cupping your ass with both hands and lifting you up so your legs could wrap around his waist.
- “So that’s why you made me spend my birthday alone?” You pouted.
- “Yeah, m’sorry about that, baby. But I can make it up to you...” Riz growled, carrying you inside to the bedroom.
“Wait, I wasn’t done looking at my gift,” you giggled as he began nipping at the fur at the base of your neck.
“Trust me, it’s not going anywhere,”
His Birthday:
- Riz loves nature and outside in general. So for his birthday you plan a camping trip deep in the forest.
- You don’t tell him anything about it, you just make him request two days off of work, no questions asked.
- You two leave early in the morning, drive deep into the forest and then you spring it on him. You also let him know that if he doesn’t like the idea, theres still time to turn back and spend his birthday in the city.
- Not a chance if that happening though, this man LOVES the outdoors. He’s already halfway out the car before you could even put it in park.
- The two of you have a blast setting up the tent, making the campfire, cooking dinner over said campfire, and communing with nature.
- “There’s a river that runs north of here, it’s about a 15 minute walk from here, I figured we could go fishing there tomorrow morning,” You tell him as you sit in his lap, admiring the fire.
- However, the two of you don’t make it there until we’ll into the afternoon and it was a miracle you made it there at all. Riz had fucked you senseless last night, the atmosphere of nature giving him a newfound surge of energy. It’s a good thing no one was around because the two of you were almost embarrassingly loud.
- Anyways, Riz thoroughly enjoys his weekend of wilderness and fucking you like a wild animal all throughout the forest. You enjoy it as well despite the fact he has you almost limping by the end of the trip.
Your Birthday:
- Honestly, he forgets. If you wait on him to remember or ‘surprise you’, then you’ll only end up ruining your own birthday.
- If you remind him on the day of, he takes you out to eat at a nice restaurant but it’s still very last minute.
- If you remind him the day before, he’ll at least get you a gift but it’s last minute.
- Overall, if you want to actually enjoy your birthday with him, you better plan it yourself
His Birthday:
- Plans an entire house party himself and invites everyone, it seems, but you. He wasn’t exactly aiming to exclude you, he just thought it’d be a given that you would be there. However, if you didn’t show up, he wouldn’t really notice either way.
- It’s wild and crazy. A ridiculously huge amount of people show up and there’s alcohol coming from every direction, and Bill is soaking up every ounce of the attention.
- Once you finally had enough of being ignored, you go home. You doubt that Bill will even notice you’ve left.
- You’re at home, showered, and about to head to bed when your phone starts ringing. It’s an unknown number so you let it ring out. But then they call back again, and again, and again. Disturbed, you accept it on the fourth call just in case it’s an emergency.
- “Finally they picked up! Y/N? You there?” It was one of Bill’s friends. Apparently in his drunken state, he went into a rage when he couldn’t find you and had been crying for you to come back for almost an hour. He was inconsolable and his friends knew there was only a matter of time before he started a fight at his own party. You were irritated but you still allowed them to drop him off at your place.
- The second you answered your front door, the giant tiger in question was all over you, squeezing you right and asking why you left him. You helped him inside and laid him in your bed.
- He cuddled with you for maybe 10 minutes tops before he was out like a light. You end up falling asleep next to him, finally enjoying a little peace for once tonight.
- That peace doesn’t last long though, Bill wakes up the next morning horny. Like extremely horny. You wake up to him grinding against your thighs, whimpering and begging to let him fuck you. You give in to the belated birthday boy and he proceeds to give you the sloppiest, most sensual, earth-shattering morning strokes of your life. You’re so mind blown by how good he fucked you, you forget about how angry you were with him.
- After a well needed shower, he takes you out for breakfast to apologize for how much of an ass he was on his birthday. You accept but tell him if he ever pulls something like that again, he can look for a new lover.
Your Birthday:
- Surprisingly wants to spoil you on your birthday but unlike Riz, he actually minds being apart from you (he’s hella clingy, he just hates to admit it) so whatever activities he has planned, the two of you are doing it together.
- Takes you to a fancy resort, somewhere in the mountains where it’s cold and there’s snow on the ground even during the summer months.
- The two of you attempt skiing but you’re terrible at it and he ends up laughing at you falling majority of it.
- You two also enjoy the giant jacuzzi the lounge has to offer but Collot can not keep his hands off of you and eventually you two have to run back to your room for a midday quickie.
- His birthday gift to you is something simple, like a necklace with your birthstone in it. You love it and allow him to put it on you.
- The rest of the evening, it’s just you and your man, walking along the Snow filled grounds, sipping warm apple cider, and enjoying the break from the rest of the world.
His Birthday:
- This man wants REST. No need to go all out, his life is crazy enough the other 365 days of the year. Just give him some peace and relaxation and he’s good to go.
- He also loves your cooking and wouldn’t be opposed to you cooking him a huge meal.
- Also loves your body and wouldn’t be opposed to you doing that thing that he really likes in bed ;)
- Your gift to him would be something he can use but also is a little unnecessary. Something like a ridiculously fancy, golden calligraphy pen for his office or a brand new crossbow with genuine leather straps. He’s pretty hard to shop for so it’s always best to go with something he already has, just a newer model.
- Honestly just wants to spend his birthday with his baby (you) as if it’s any other day.
Your Birthday:
- Gosha is so lovable, he’s probably more excited it’s your birthday than you are.
- He’s picked up quite a few skills over the years and baking is one of them. Bakes you a giant birthday cake in your favorite flavor. You’re grateful he was so thoughtful and made such an extravagant cake but there’s no way you’re going to finish this entire thing.
- You end up inviting over friends just to get rid of some of the cake, which they’re more than happy to do since it’s absolutely delicious.
- A few of your friends bring group dishes and fancy wine and soon it’s a whole party underway. The small gathering is actually a blast and you can’t think of a better way to spend your birthday other than surrounded by the people you love.
Your Birthday:
- Mr. Moneybags 2.0
- Gets you a crazy expensive gift like a brand new car and calls it a day.
- Not really much for spending time or celebrating traditionally. But to compensate, he’ll buy you the world (even after you’ve repeatedly told him you don’t need all that.)
- Probably won’t even see you on your birthday because his schedule is so overbooked but sends you plenty of gifts to remind you that he loves you.
- It stings not seeing him on your birthday but at this point in the relationship, you don’t really expect anything else from him.
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milkbread420 · 4 years
do you think you could write something(hc, drabble, etc 😂 take your pick) where one of the boys(kuroo or suna(idk if you write for suna) where the reader is “heather”. like the boys have girl best friend that likes them but the boys have a crush on the reader...yk? let’s flip the switch 👀 but only if you want to, no pressure.
Pairings: Kuroo x f!reader, Suna x f!reader
I kinda got carried away and just did all of the above bc I couldn’t pick but I hope this is what you were looking for! :)
(Also sorry this took a while, I’m a little busy, I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you hwbxjowsgoih)
Warnings: Swearing, angst??
Kuroo talks about you all the time
Like so much, that she’s told him to shut up more than a few times.
When she does, he teases her about being jealous.
Little does he know
He has her talk to you, and makes her tell him everything just so he can find out little things about you here and there.
That’s how he’s learned your favorite color, your favorite food, and some of your hobbies.
He would smile and blush as she talked about her conversations with you
Every time she’d die a little inside.
He asks her for advice almost every chance he gets
Definitely cancels his plans with her just to spend more time with you
She wants to hate you so bad
Like so bad
But you’re just so perfect and kind, he absolutely adores you, and she swears that you were made for him.
You even laugh at all of his terrible chemistry jokes.
She used to be the only one.
He always takes her out to buy little gifts for you because he needs “a girl’s input” on what would be a good gift.
“Maybe buy me a gift,”
Girly really hoped you were a passing fad
Secretly hoped you’d reject him and he’d realize that she was the one for him
Life is not ‘You Belong With Me’ by Taylor Swift :
All her hopes are crushed when she sees him kissing you after a game in front of all his teammates
Kenma: Yikes
“Did you see how pretty she looked today?” Kuroo sighed, letting his body collapse onto his bed. The girl sitting upright beside him nodded stiffly, “She’s like an angel or something,” his lips curved upward into a smile, “I can’t believe someone like her even looks in my direction,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “She’s fucking perfect,” “Shut up for a second,” the girl snapped. Kuroo’s eyes shot open and he dragged himself up into a sitting position, “Sorry, it’s just, she’s all you ever talk about anymore, I want to talk about other things to ya’ know,” she huffed, folding her arms over her chest. 
Kuroo quirked a brow, sending her a devilish smirk, “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” he joked, a boisterous laugh escaping him; she frowned, “Aw come on, I’m just messing with ya’,” She knew that, but without even realizing, he’d struck a chord that shouldn’t have been played, “You think you could do me a solid?”
“Not a liquid or a gas?” She giggled. 
Kuroo laughed for just a second, “I’m serious,” he said. She swore he could have heard the shattering of her heart, the Kuroo she knew would never brush off a good science pun; he really did like you. 
She swallowed hard, “Yeah what’s up?”
“Well I was thinking you could talk to her for me, you know? Girl to girl or some shit?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck, “It’s just I get all stupid around her, so I was hoping you could help me out,”
“Sure,” The girl replied before he could even really think about it. How pathetic. She thought. 
“Thanks, I owe you one,” Kuroo sighed, “How about I set you up with one of the first years on my team?” he smirked, standing up and walking out of his room; she followed close behind, “Have your pick, I’ll put in a good word,” by the time he finished talking, they were standing right next his front door. The girl shot him an inquisitive look, “I told her I’d call her around this time,” he said.
“Oh!” she understood, “Got it! Well, have fun!” he wanted her to leave.  “I most certainly will,” he smiled, waving her off as she opened the door for herself.
“See you tomorrow then,”
“Excuse me, y/n?” the girl tapped your shoulder and you stopped in your tracks, turning to face her, “I’m sorry to bother you on your walk home, it’s just, I was wondering if we could talk? Like get to know each other,” you recognized her from how much time she spent with Kuroo. They were friends, and you knew that, so you jumped at the opportunity to get acquainted with one of his friends.
“Of course!” You said with a kind smile that she was certain you couldn’t have faked, “It would be an honor actually!” you continued, making her want to rip your throat out, but also thank you profusely; she opted for neither, “You’re so cool and collected around Kuroo, I’m a little jealous,” she admitted. If only you knew, she thought to herself. “I wish I could be that way too, but i just get all flustered and red whenever he’s around me,” 
She forced a smile onto her face, “Well I’ve known him long enough not to be flustered anymore,” her eyes fell and she recalled all the times he’d made the butterflies in her stomach flutter like nobody’s business.
You giggled and nodded, “You’re so pretty, too!” 
The girl almost stopped dead in her tracks, “Thank you,” but you’re perfect.
You smiled and nodded.
“Hey,” Kuroo said, turning around in his desk to look at the girl, “Do you wanna go to the mall with me after school?” She stared blankly for a moment, thinking this might be everything that she’d been waiting for, “It’s y/n’s birthday next week, and I wanna get her something nice,” he said with a lovestruck smile that wasn’t for her. 
“Oh!” she nodded, “Yeah, sure!” 
“Cool,” Kuroo gave her a thumbs up, “I could use some advice, I don’t really know what girls like,” he shrugged, “Meet me in the schoolyard after our last class,” the girl nodded and he turned back around. She cursed herself for even thinking it could be about her.
After the last bell rang, she stood and waited for him in the schoolyard, more than a little disgruntled by the fact that he was nowhere in sight. She checked the time. It had already been ten minutes since the last class. 
“Sorry!” she heard a him holler as he ran towards her, “y/n didn’t have enough for a water at the vending machine, so I went to buy her one from the cafeteria,” he said, panting as he caught his breath. 
“It’s fine,” she said, looking down.
Kuroo hesitated, “You okay?” 
She smiled, “Yeah,”
“Look, I’ll make it up you okay?” he sighed. Her heart beat faster for just a moment, “I’ll bring you a piece of the cake you like from that bakery,” a smile graced her features, I’m going with y/n tomorrow,” she should have known better. 
“You don’t have to,” she shook her head, hoping he’d tell her that he wanted to.
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged and started walking. 
She stood there for a moment, collecting the pieces of her heart.
“You did great, Kuroo!” the girl said, smiling as the boy chuckled, just barely turning his head to look at her. 
“We all did great,” he said, brushing some hair out of his face and turning back to high five his teammates. She smiled and stood there idly as he chattered and messed around with his team. 
“Kuroo!” she heard a voice that had become all too familiar, and she immediately noticed the way his ears perked up at the sound of it, his whole body jerking around in the direction it came from; he smiled when he saw you, “You were amazing!” you said, grinning from ear to ear, “You’re so talented!” 
He took one of your hands in his, “Thank you,” he smiled, his other hand brushing over your cheek, “I’m glad you could make it,” 
The girl watched, fighting back a scorn. 
She made it to every single game what the hell was just one in comparison? 
The difference, she concluded, was that she simply was not you. 
“Hey, who’s the hottie and why have you been hiding her from us?” Yamamoto complained, wiping sweat from his forehead as he shot you a charming smile.
“This is my-” Kuroo coughed, and the girl was almost sick right then and there. Even if just by mistake, he was about to call you his girlfriend, “This is y/n,” he said, wrapping his arm around your waist, “And don’t get any ideas,” he huffed. You giggled and flung your arms around him. For a moment he looked taken aback and the girl silently prayed he’d shove you away, but instead, his slender fingers made their way beneath your chin, tilting your head upwards ever so slightly. Your face was red and his was just a few centimeters away from it. 
The girl turned away as he kissed you. 
It was soft and innocent and filled with so much love she could be sick. His eyes were closed gently, so were yours, and you both looked like you’d found water in the middle of a desert. She wondered how long he’d been waiting to do that, how long he’d wanted to kiss you instead of her. 
Kenma blinked, “y/n what is he bribing you with?”
“Nothing,” you laughed, “I really like him, that’s all,”
Kuroo smirked, “I really like you too miss y/n,”
Kenma took the words right out of her mouth. 
When Suna first started talking about you, he didn’t use a name so she thought he was talking about her.
Then he was like “yeah y/n is really something.” 
Girl became hella toxic after that
He kinda stops talking about you, because when he does, she’s really mean 
Has the AUDACITY to call you toxic
Knows deep down that you’re everything he’s ever wanted and genuinely feels happy for him, but will never say it.
She hates you and she wants you to know it 
B word
He always defends you whenever she’s rude which totally pisses her off even more
At one point, mans gets sick and tired of her shit and tells her she can either act like a decent human being or find a new best friend
Girly shut up after that
He definitely knows that she likes him and he highkey uses it to his advantage because he knows she’d do pretty much anything for him
Including driving you down to one of his away games when you’re out of money for the train.
It’s a very awkward ride. 
She’s listening to some shit music
Will not hand you the AUX
He’s really touchy with you after that particular game and she just knows he’s about to do something that’s gonna tick her off 
Atsumu also knows she likes him and he’s just like “Lmao, sucks,” cause he also knows the man is about to ask you to be his girlfriend.  
When you hold Suna’s hand and he smiles she loses her marbles. 
She knows he’s not one for PDA, so when he doesn’t brush you off, it makes her absolutely furious.
He drags you away to a more secluded place
Girl almost screams when she realizes he’s kissing you.
“She’s really a great person,” Suna said, writing in the answers to his homework as he sat with his friend in the school’s library, “She’s smart, and nice, and she’s really pretty,” he continued to move his pen and the girl next to him blushed.
“Really?” she asked, smiling as she got her hopes up, almost certain that he was about to confess his love for her.
“Yeah,” he said simply, “Her name’s y/n, she’s in our english class,” 
Her face fell and she swore her heart stopped, “y/n, huh?” she sighed, resting her chin in the palm of her hand, “Never heard of her,”
“That’s too bad,” he said, his eyes not leaving the paper, “She’s really amazing,” 
You must have been something if you had Suna praising you so highly. The thought in and of itself made her blood boil with jealousy.
“So do you like, have a crush on her?” she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know, but her curiosity prevailed. 
“Yeah,” he said, nodding softly, finally looking up from his homework. 
She nodded and bit the inside of her cheek.
God did she wish she knew who you were, just so she could make your life a living hell. 
“Your mascara smudged,” the girl said, rather loud as she tapped your shoulder from the desk behind you, “You should fix it,” 
“Oh!”you turned around, face red from embarrassment, “Um, thanks,” Her voice had alerted some of your other classmates as well, making their heads turn towards you. 
Suna scowled at his friend as she smiled fakely at you, “It’s okay, y/n, you look fine,” he said, his eyes not moving from the girl. She shrugged and looked down at the assignment on her desk. She heard Suna whisper something to you, but she couldn’t make out what it was, but you giggled. Her fist balled up and she almost snapped the pencil in her hand. 
After class he left the room without her, walking with you by his side instead. She frowned and jogged to catch up to the two of you, forcing her way in between you and Suna. He sighed to himself.
“Suna!” she said with a pout, “You didn’t wait for me after class!” 
He nodded, “I was gonna walk y/n to her next class,” the girl frowned and then looked over at you, “She’s a big girl, she can walk by herself!” you tilted your head, unable to tell whether or not she was joking. 
“You can go Suna, I’m sorry if you felt like you had to or something,” you said, nervously fiddling with your fingers. 
“No,” he said waving a hand in front of him, “It’s okay, I enjoy our time together,” the girl grimaced as you smiled at him and he smiled back. 
“So how’s y/n?” the girl asked in a venomous tone, looking over at Suna from the other side of her living room sofa. 
He shrugged, “She’s good,” the boy visibly tried to retain a smile as he answered. 
“Oh what? All of a sudden you don’t wanna talk about her?” she asked, irritated by the shortness of his reply. She should have been happy, glad even that he had finally shut up about you, but she couldn’t help herself from being just a little disappointed that she couldn’t hear any more of his voice. You were all he wanted to talk about after all. 
“I don’t feel like listening to you complain about her,” he said, glancing down at his phone and smiling. You must have been messaging him.  
The girl folded her arms, “Not my fault she’s ruining our friendship,” she mumbled and looked away. 
Suna looked up with confused expression, “She’s ruining our friendship?” he asked with a raised brow, “You’re the one sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,”
She scoffed, “See! She’s got you wrapped around your finger, right where she. wants you! Wake up Rintaro! She’s a manipulative bitch! How many times did you willingly go out to the movies or to the mall before you met her?” 
“It’s Suna,” he said in no particular manor, “And join the hurdling team if you’re gonna jump to conclusions,” he grumbled, grabbing his jacket before heading towards her front door, 
“Wait!” she hollered.
“What?” he replied, looking bored as ever. 
“Look, I’ll stop being so mean to her, okay?” she rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.
“Okay.” he said simply, letting himself out. The girl wanted to beg him to stay, or even better, she wanted him to want to stay, all on his own with no encouragement from her; but as long as she wasn’t you, it would never be that way. 
The girl’s phone rang, just as she was about to leave her house and head to the gym across town where Suna would be playing that afternoon. She let out a disgruntled sigh as she reached for her back pocket, clicking the ‘answer’ button.
“Hey,” it was his voice on the other end, “You’re coming to the game right?” A smile spread across her lips and she silently cheered; that must mean he wanted her there, “Hello?” 
“Sorry!” she said, “Yeah, I’m just about to leave, I’ll be there in like twenty minutes,” 
“Oh good,” he mumbled, she nodded as if he could see her, “you haven’t left yet,” 
A horrible feeling brewed in the pit of her chest, “No,” she really didn’t want to ask, “why?”
She could hear his smile through the phone, “y/n’s out of money for the train I was calling to ask if you could bring her,” 
Of course.
“Of course,” she said through her teeth, feigning a cheerful tone, “Send me her address,” 
“I just did,” he said.
“Great!” she replied.
“Thanks,” he sighed, “I really want her here,” 
“Of course,” 
Of course.
It wasn’t her he was looking forward to having cheer him on, it wasn’t her hand he wanted to hold, and it wasn’t her who has stolen his heart, like some thief in the night. 
It was you. 
The girl arrived at your house around five minutes after the call, she honked a few times to get your attention; she couldn’t have been bothered to go knock, step into the house where you’d probably made out with her best friend a million times. 
You tapped lightly on her window to get her attention. She shook herself and unlocked the door, “Thank you so much!” you said as soon as you sat down, “I’m so sorry, I feel so bad making you go out of your way, but thank you, really,”
In truth, her house was actually on the way to the stadium, “Yeah, just don’t expect it to be a routine thing,” 
You nodded, “Of course not!” she flashed you a forced smile then turned on the radio. It was some music by an artist you absolutely hated, and she was quick to notice the momentary flash of disdain on your face. 
“Do you not like this?” she asked though the answer was quite obvious.
You shook your head politely, “No, it’s alright!” she grinned almost evilly and turned up the volume. 
After the game, you and the girl stood together awkwardly, both of you waiting for the same boy to come out of the gym.  The doors opened a few moments later and the first person to appear was not Suna, but Atsumu Miya, “Suna, your fanclub’s here,” he chuckled as he continued walking, discreetly tugging the girl’s arm as he brushed past her.
“Hey-!” “Shut up for a second wouldja’?” he said lowly, looking back as Suna approached you, “I know yer’ gonna try some dumb shit, and this is important to Suna, so I needja’ to lay off,” he said. 
She frowned, “What are you talking about?”
“He’s gonna make it official with y/n,” he rolled his eyes at how oblivious she was, “jeez are ya’ stupid?” 
“He didn’t tell me,” she said with a scowl, “Let me go Atsumu I need to-”
The girl struggled in his grip, but his strength prevailed, “I don’t think so,” he said with a raised brow, “you’ve been causin’ nothin’ but trouble for them,” the setter explained, “so I ain’t lettin’ ‘ya go ‘till he’s done what he wants to do,” 
She peeked over the setter’s shoulder and watched as  your face turned a dark crimson, one of your shaky hands reaching for his. He didn’t jerk away, hell he didn’t even tense, his entire body just relaxed when your hand made contact with his and it was unlike anything she’d ever seen him do. In all the years she’d known him, all the times she’d touched him, he never once looked the way he did now. 
He pulled you away, behind a wall near the bathrooms. Atsumu had finally let go and she quickly followed the path you and Suna had taken. The setter clicked his tongue and followed her to make sure she wouldn’t do anything stupid.
She would have too. Done something stupid that is, if she hadn’t seen the look on his face just before he kissed you; absolute content. It was like you’d made all his other thoughts and feelings just disappear, and she knew that even if she managed to tear them apart and get him to be with her, Suna would always wish she were you. 
“I think I’m gonna go now,” she squeaked. 
“See ‘ya at the wedding,” Atsumu said snidely. 
She silently wondered if he was joking. 
Ahh those were so fun to write ;-;
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - First Time With MC (Lemon)
(Author’s notes: These scenarios do NOT assume a gender for MC, but do write the boys penetrating the reader.)
– Zen –
This isn’t his first rodeo, but he’s not exactly experienced; he’s had, like, one-and-a-half relationships before you. It’s been years since he’s had partnered sex.
And he’s never had sex-ed, either, so his knowledge of the Nasty is kinda lacking. He thinks he can re-use condoms as long as he keeps it on, he believes coconut oil can be used with latex, he thinks birth control pills act as a spermicide, and so on.
You and him initiate sex pretty early on in the relationship, perhaps merely a few days after the RFA party. He’s very romantic about it, too, planning a whole day in advance with rose petals on the bed and scented candles dotting his room. But in the middle of making out, you ask if he’s clean, and he pulls back, confused. “... I think? I mean, I haven’t been with anybody in years, so ...”
Turns out he’s never been tested for STDs. He’s almost offended when you bring it up, like you’re insinuating he’s been cheating on you. You have to explain that getting tested is just what everyone does before having sex with someone for the first time. 
So ... he’s not tested. “Can we ... still do it?” He’s blushing like crazy now, embarrassed he’s so behind on the know-how when he’s the one who wanted this in the first place. 
Partnered sex can still be relatively safe even when an individual’s not been tested, so long as you use lots of protection. But depending on who you are, you might say no, just to be 100% safe. Either way, Zen’s disappointed - not in you, no way, but in himself. God, he’s been looking forward to this night for so long, and he fucked it up by being stupid. He stews in his thoughts silently for a while, and you can tell he’s feeling down so you cuddle him close to have a good long chat about sex, relationships, and communication. Afterwards, he feels much less insecure. The two of you take the rose petals and candles to the bathroom to enjoy your first romantic bath together, instead.
Two days later, he bounces back from the clinic with a negative on every test imaginable. It’s finally time to dig in, and go ham he does, passionately wrapping you into his arms while thrusting deep and slow, trying to have as much skin contact at all times. Oh, god, he loves you, and he’ll spend the whole night proving it.
(Except he definitely couldn’t last the whole night. Your first time having sex was a mere two turns before he clonked out. He’s still embarrassed about that.)
– Yoosung –
It’s his first time having sex, and he’s really nervous. He wants it, wants you badly, but oh my god what if he messes up? What if he farts? Or scratches you in the face? Or he thrusts weird and hurts you and you start bleeding or something?? Dear lord help him
He considers proposing sex like, eight different times. He’s always chickened out, just kissing you on the doorstep before saying goodbye, or letting you leave his dorm without offering to stay the night. It doesn’t help that his dorm is tiny, he’s got a twin bed barely big enough for him. And anybody passing by the door would hear what’s going on inside clear as day. Take his word on that.
He had spent several hours worth on his laptop, doing research on ‘how to have sex for the first time’. He’s got his list of positions to try, how to minimize pain and discomfort, etc, all memorized.. He eventually goes out to get condoms and lube, making sure to use the self-checkout. 
You and him are hanging out in his dorm after a date, and he wasn’t even planning to suck it up and ask you, but you saw the condoms in the shopping bag he forgot to stow away, and you asked him gently, “do you want to be intimate with me, Yoosung?”
He blushes like crazy, you could swear you saw steam lines radiating from his face. But you take his hand in encouragement and he nods eagerly, looking anywhere else but your eyes. “I - I really want this, MC. I’ve been thinking about this for so long ...”
You can tell he’s nervous. The two of you sit on his bed and talk explicitly about what he wants, how you should proceed, what lines to avoid, and lots of other important details. A safeword is confirmed; ‘server maintenance’. He feels much more confident. 
The two of you begin by just kissing on his bed, he slowly dares to feel up your shirt and eventually the clothes come off bit by bit. His body is lean and soft, and he’s loud, too. Just nipping at his pillowy tummy makes him cry out. 
You give him oral, and he’s twisting around, grabbing at pillows and sheets like he’s tumbling down a cliff. He comes without warning and collapses, wrung out and overwhelmed with pleasure. 
Some cuddling afterwards, and then he’s hard again and kissing at your neck. He asks you to ride him, and when you do, he’s sobbing without shame and grabbing hard at your hips.
Some time afterwards, when you and Yoosung are trying to cuddle on his bed without either of you toppling off, he remembers just how loud he’s been and dreads facing anybody in the building tomorrow. You just laugh and tuck him into the bedsheets.
– Jaehee –
She shyly shows off a beautiful new set of lingerie as her way of asking to ‘take the relationship to the next level’. And she’s a real bombshell in it. It’s sometimes easy to forget that Jaehee’s got a bod underneath her suit/cafe uniform.
Unlike certain younger boys, Jaehee didn’t feel the need to agonize over this night over a period of several months. This is a natural progression for her. Once things feel ready between the two of you, it’s natural that the question eventually comes up.
She first shows you her new lingerie in its original packaging, and waits to hear your ‘yes’. Then, it’s time to hop into the bathtub for a long soak and thorough wash before putting it on.
She also gets new toys. Entire shopping bags and shipping boxes filled with insertables, vibrators, pumps, impacts, (and also the supplies needed to maintain them). She didn’t come out and show you these all at once, she’d probably die of embarrassment if she did. But she had them all unwrapped, clean, tested, and ready to use in a discreet box.
You and she actually end up making out on the couch rather than the bedroom. She’s sitting in your lap dressed in her lingerie, you’re fully clothed, and things get so heated the two of you decide to go at it right there.
She’s surprisingly wild. She keeps as much of her lingerie on as possible, even while you’re knuckle deep or pelvis-to-pelvis. The floor is eventually lined with toys as one is used after the other. And she loves taking the initiative with a gentle but firm hand, directing the positions one after the other, or deciding what toy to be used where, and for how long.
A round on the couch, and Jaehee cools down long enough to freak out about staining the upholstery, so she ushers you into the bedroom while she busts out the Lysol. 
After she cleans up, she joins you on the bed for some belated cuddling, and perhaps a second round. Or three.
And it’s actually in the middle of the day, not during the night, so the two of you are completely worn out by dinnertime. Food is takeout, and there’s a lot of it because you need to replenish all that energy.  
Jaehee doesn’t get blushy until you feed her a bite of dessert. It’s cute how confident she is when it comes to sex, but shy about small acts of intimacy. 
– Jumin –
He’s not a virgin, (not that it’s any of your business, Luciel), he had sex with a random girl back in college just to see what the fuss was about, and nothing else since then.
Jumin’s a conservative guy. “Liberalism can only flourish with a good foundation of conservatism.” He believes unmarried couples shouldn’t live together. Of course he’s not gonna be fond of having sex before tying the knot.
It’s not like he rushed the engagement for that reason, but if he was perfectly honest, he did wake up in a cold sweat at 3am when he remembered that this meant the two of you would be intimate very soon. 
Jumin’s got that reputation for being some d/s sex-mad sadist daddy, but that’s not the full picture. You might be able to get him into that specific mood after the two of you establish your relationship more. But for the first few times, it’s all vanilla.
It takes a long while before the wedding actually happens. And, no, Jumin’s not gonna really want to have sex for that entire period. Sure, he’s excited about it, but it’s not a driving, burning need. You, on the other hand, might say differently. 
So if you don’t want to wait four to five months, you’re gonna have to breach the topic yourself. And he’ll be torn - on one hand, he rationally realizes that it’s completely harmless to have consensual sex without martial ties. But he also believes in that supposed virtue of being abstinent until marriage. He also liked the romance of waiting. It’d make the moment more special for him.
Either way, he’s excited. The bed’s furnished with fresh sheets, the lights are dimmed, and there’s five dozen roses in crystal vases throughout the bedroom. 
It’ll start with wine while sitting on the bed - if you don’t drink, you have a glass of something you prefer while he’s sipping on some $12,000 vintage - and he drills a hole in your face with his loving gaze while singing your virtues. He wants you naked before he is, so after some kissing you’ll be nude on the sheets while he finally takes his clothes off.
Jumin has no idea what sex is ‘supposed’ to look like, which is both good and bad - you can tell him to do anything, and he’s not gonna worry about feeling awkward or stupid. But he also needs to be told to do anything. 
If you want him to go faster, or use more tongue, you have to tell him. He’s not gonna take the initiative. If you want him to switch positions, you need to describe exactly how you want to position yourselves. It’s a mixed blessing.
The first round goes quite a while because Jumin was taking it slow. There’s a second round where he gets more adventurous, and maybe a third round depending on how you feel. 
The next morning, the chef’s been hired to prepare a special breakfast, and you can tell that they know. Jumin doesn’t care. He just smiles all day.
– Saeyoung –
He actually was a virgin, which was kinda a surprise. His agent job never require any sort of sex-related work, thank god, and it’s not like he ever earned the attention of anybody else before this point. 
If an agency job had enough time to have sex while in the field, then that meant the job was going down the dumps fast. And whenever Agent 707 was involved, a job never nosedived that far.
It’s (semi) canon that Saeyoung asked to be intimate during the after-ending, while on the search for his brother. It was the night before all your plans would come to fruition, and he didn’t know he would come back alive. “I want to leave evidence on you that I existed.”
But it’s ALSO canon that in Saeyoung’s ‘dark chocolate’ Valentine’s Day ending, he asks to ‘take the relationship to the next level’. Which implies that the two of you haven’t had sex yet. 
So what’s the dealio? Basically, Saeyoung wanted to have sex with you that night in the cabin, and after some kissing, you realized that you (1) didn’t have protection, (2) neither of you have been tested recently, and (3) your current emotional states weren’t ideal for sex, especially since Saeyoung was a virgin. He left a lot of hickies on your neck instead, and the two of you held each other close the whole night. 
By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, it had been two months since Saeran was rescued and Saeyoung was feeling a lot happier. You made it to the end of the scavenger hunt to find an amorous redhead that was ~prepared~ this time. An entire shopping bag full of prophylactics, lube, band-aids, water bottles, and everything. 
He managed to fake a confident persona up until he undressed you fully, then he found himself blushing like crazy when you undressed him in turn. Damn, he really was hiding muscles underneath that hoodie. His arms were woven cable, and underneath his pudge you could feel shapely abs. 
He asked to be on top, you complied, rolling over and allowing him to explore your body with his hands and mouth. It took three tries to enter you, because without his glasses, you were a bit of a blurry blob. But once he was in, he went at it. Maybe even a bit too enthusiastic for the first few thrusts, he was just running on some animalistic instinct he didn’t know he had. 
Two minutes later, he was blindsided by a surprise orgasm. Embarrassed, he rolled off of you and buried his face into the sheets. You had to stroke his hair soothingly for ten minutes before he would look you in the face. 
Saeyoung’s first evening of sex had one ‘disastrous’ first try, then a much better second run, and then after dinner there was a third ... and also .5 a prance while in the shower.  
– Saeran –
You’re his first sexual partner, but more than that, today also marks a big step in his self-confidence. He’s cashing in his newfound tolerance for his body and constitution. Saeran spent most of his life hating his ‘weak’ health and thinking anybody’d be repulsed by him. He wouldn’t have sex if he didn’t believe differently. 
So it’s probably several months - perhaps years - into your relationship that he even brings up having sex. Even though he may be ready, he’s still nervous and shy and unsure about how to proceed. 
Before the big night, he spends several minutes in front of the mirror, looking at his body. He’s gained weight and a new color to his skin thanks to his healthier lifestyle, and there’s this confidence to his posture that wasn’t there before. A sparkle in his eye. It’s incredible how far he’s come from hating every inch of himself. He smiles.
He prepares one of his Patented Saeran’s Romantic Dinners, complete with candlelight and ambient music. The two of you have done this several times before, but this time there’s an electricity in the air ‘cause of what’s to come. You notice that the food has no garlic, or other strong smells. Saeran’s more cunning than he looks. 
As dessert finishes up, he gets more quiet, until the conversation dies down and there’s nothing for it; he takes a deep breath and says, “....Sh-shall we go to bed?” Like this hasn’t been planned weeks in advance. The two of you walk hand-in-hand to the bedroom, where there’s even more candles and another stereo playing soft music, and you picture Saeran putting together a ‘having sex for the first time’ playlist.
You begin by kissing Saeran lying beneath you, but he stops you with a hand on your shoulder and asks to switch positions, because he doesn’t like the feeling of you hovering over him. It’s another mark of his progress that he asks for adjustments. 
Things progress slowly. Saeran feels out what makes him feel anxious, and what makes him feel good. The two of you end up side-by-side as he takes you, facing each other with your legs wrapped around his waist. Very intimate. Very sweet. He loves threading his fingers through your hair, and he mewls every time you fondle his ears. 
His health is still shaky, so he only has the stamina for one round before he needs to rest. He all but demands you inch as close as possible so he falls asleep holding you tight. When he wakes up the next morning, he’s got a 1000-watt smile. 
– Jihyun –
Out of the entire wacky cast of Mystic Messenger boys, Jihyun’s the only actual experienced one. You don’t have to tell him that a single pack of five condoms is waaayy too little, you don’t have to explain what dental dams are, or worry about him using oil-based lube on accident, and he’s the only one who actually showers thoroughly beforehand. 
It begins with your typical night of cuddling-and-kissing, then Jihyun says he’s clean and he’s got a bedside cabinet full of supplies. He gently holds your hand and asks, ‘”if you’d like …? We could … if you’re comfortable. If you’d have me.” He’s blushing, but he’s confident. 
Of course, even if you’re experienced, the first time with anybody is gonna be awkward. And Jihyun’s a surprisingly big guy to maneuver. There’s a lot of accidental elbowing, bonking of the heads, kneeling on sensitive bits, and little scrapes. His long limbs seemingly end up everywhere on the bed, and it’s like you’re playing twister. 
Mistakes just make him laugh. You trip over his outstretched forearm and face plant into his shoulder, and he just chuckles and pulls you into another kiss. 
He’s just so soft and loving. ‘Cause to Jihyun, it’s about ~making love~. He wants to go slow, looking into your eyes, cradling your head and burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
Tries to get you off first, either through oral or otherwise. He’s not a big fan of any positions that turn you away from him, it’s just too rough and aggressive. He’d rather carry you on his shoulders before he prefers doggy style. 
Checks in with you constantly, asks what you like and where you like to be touched. Tries to get you to literally guide his hands. In turn, he asks you to please, touch his legs, his thighs ... yes, kiss me there - 
For your first time, he’d rather have a one-two long sessions than multiple quick ones. He believes sex is one of the most intimate methods of non-verbal communication, and the longer you go in one sitting, the more is passed between the two of you. 
He’s never used toys in his life. If you decide to pull one out for your first time, he’s gonna blush like crazy and actually decline. He wants the first night to be 'organic’. And he’s so driven towards that romantic face-to-face lovemaking, he won’t go too hard or fast, even if you’re begging him. 
After the sex, he wraps you up in a cozy blanket before fetching some hot tea and fresh fruit. Then there’s several minutes spent reviewing how things went, what things worked well, or how they can improved. He catalogues it all for later. 
He rarely wants to fall asleep right after sex, so you might pass out peacefully, but he’s gonna stay awake, just gazing at you for a while. 
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 35
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A/N:  Alright folks...here she is: the last chapter.  To say that I love all of you so much and appreciate with my entire life every like, reblog, comment, tag comments, canon question, ask, etc. would be an understatement.  You guys TRULY make my stories what they are and encourage me to write and post every single week.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you ❤️
Like with all my stories, there will be epilogues for Aberdeen and Willy so we see into their future.  I’m not sure how many I have planned -- probably three right now, thinking of four, depending on how I split things up.  
After the epilogues are posted, I will be starting my new Brock Boeser mini-series “Peaceful Easy Feeling”.  Stay tuned for a post date -- check my Masterlist for future reference.
Without further ado...
August 31st, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was looking into William’s eyes.
They were getting Korean walnut cakes from Hodo Kwaja.  They were out in the open.  Alone on Bloor Street West, in Little Korea, where no-one would recognize him.  He convinced her.  She couldn’t hold back anymore.  She’d tried so hard and she’d succeeded for months – fuck, the better part of a year at this point – and now, she just wanted to have a date out in the open with her boyfriend instead of having to drive to some park on the lakeshore in Etobicoke to secretly hook up in his car.  
“These better be good,” William said as he looked away briefly at the shop owner making a new batch of cakes behind the glass wall.  Even though they were both wearing masks, Aberdeen could tell he was smirking.  “When you say bean paste…”
“I promise you,” she stressed.  “They’re amazing.”
“You wanna bring them to Christie Pitts after?” William asked, reaching for her hand.
Aberdeen nodded.  This was the first time he’d reached for her hand in a public place.  She’d always remember Hodo Kwaja as the place now.  They could never close or tear this bakery down.  “We can eat them under a tree or something.”
“I try to be,” she said.  “Especially with my boyfriend.”
“Especially when we’re out in public.”
She crinkled her face.  So did William.  He pulled her into his body and wrapped an arm around her.  They were silent for a few moments before William decided to speak again.  “You should try calling Beth,” he whispered, his voice low.  “You said Alec wouldn’t get back to you, but Beth might.  She’d let you know whether or not they chose to publish the article.”
A shiver ran up Aberdeen’s spine.  “Maybe I’ll email her or something,” she said.  “Alec’s silence speaks volumes though.  I don’t think—”
“Fuck that guy,” William interrupted.  “Call Beth.  Call her.  Maybe she rooted for you.”
The shopkeeper handed Aberdeen the brown bag full of walnut cakes, and she paid for them.  She grabbed at William’s hand and their fingers intertwined before leaving the shop.  “I just think I would have known by now,” Aberdeen mused.  “I mean, the new issue will hit newsstands soon.  Usually they’d tell the writers.”
“Call her,” William urged.  “You’ll never know if you don’t call.”
They walked down the street hand in hand.  It was dusk outside, the hot and humid air of the city finally giving way to a nice breeze that cooled everything down.  Aberdeen’s dress swayed back and forth as they walked towards Christie Pitts, switching subjects to the next bakery they should try.  William made Aberdeen laugh recounting the story of how much Cam loved the Swedish pastries he brought the family during his surprise Christmas visit.  Aberdeen’s heart swelled when William brought her hand up to his lips and kissed where the ring was – the ring he got her, which she’d been wearing ever since.  
As they passed by all the different storefronts – most closed, saved for a few convenience stores or 24 hour laundromats – they both noticed a loading truck parked by the curb with two men going in and out of it, hauling new magazines and the next day’s newspapers into the shop.  William made them stop.  He watched them for a few seconds.
“What are you doing?” Aberdeen asked him.
“Excuse me, sir?” he ignored her, instead calling out to one of the men hauling in the newspapers.  The man looked at him.  “Are those next month’s magazine issues?”
“Of course they are.”
“Do you have the new issue of Toronto Life?”
“We’ve got everything in the truck, bud,” the other man said, setting down a huge stack of Vogue magazines all bundled together.  “Either you wait or you jump in there yourself to get it.  
William looked between the truck and the men.  He let go of Aberdeen’s hand abruptly.  Her eyes bulged out of their sockets.  “William what are you doing?!” she asked as she watched him climb into the back of the loading truck.
“What do you think?!” he called back out.  “It’ll be a good off-season workout finding the stack!”
“William!” she repeated for what felt like the umpteenth time.
“Oh!  They’re right here!  They’re covered but…” he trailed off.  Aberdeen held her breath.  He emerged hauling a giant wrapped stack – you couldn’t see anything besides the white paper covering it and the plastic ties tying them all together.  He jumped off the back of the truck.  The two men were just watching him.  “You got scissors?” he asked them.
One of them handed him an exacto knife.  William cut off the plastic zipties.
“William, stop,” Aberdeen pleaded.  She wasn’t ready.  She wasn’t ready to know yet.  She had to psych herself up for the inevitable disappointment of not seeing her name on the cover, not seeing her article anywhere in the magazine, and she wasn’t given ample time to do that.  She knew William was being William – proud and spontaneous and excited on her behalf instead of riddled with anxiety and doubt and all the bad things one could be riddled by when their dream job was in their midst but definitely out of their grasp because of an asshole editor – but she needed time to process that she was going to be faced with a huge disappointment.  She needed time to process that she would have to keep looking for a writing job.
William could hear the fear in her voice.  He could sense her uncertainty and her anxiety about it all.  He stood up from his crouching position.  “Hey…” he said softly, taking a step towards her.  He grabbed her hand again and held it in his.  “Minskatt, don’t be nervous.”
“I need time to psyche myself up for not seeing my name on there,” she said.  She felt her phone buzzing aggressively through her purse but she decided to ignore it.  “It’s gonna hurt, Willy.”
He squeezed her hand tighter.  “Are you listening?”
The question they’d always ask each other.  “Yes.”
“Remember what you told me before and after the bubble?  That no matter what happened, you’d love me no matter what?” he asked.  Aberdeen nodded her head.  “Whatever happens here…whether you got it or not…minskatt, I’ll love you no matter what.”
His words were so soothing.  And as always, they were so simple, but so perfect.  They immediately put her at ease despite all the anxiety she was feeling, that had rushed upon her within just minutes.  She nodded her head slightly as she squeezed his hand back.  “Can I open it?” he asked.
She nodded her head.  
He crouched down again and ripped open the packaging.  Aberdeen took a step forward and looked down to see the iconic red rectangle header.  And then the headline.
The Bubble Diaries: Aberdeen Bloom explores the characters, stories, and all-too-real tribulations inside the NHL’s Eastern hub.  
Aberdeen’s entire body jolted up, and she let out a short and quick scream as the bag of walnut cakes went flying.
Then she realized what this meant.
And she screamed at the top of her lungs.  
William’s eyes lit up as he heard the shriek – the entire city heard the shriek.  He watched as she started jumping up and down through more shrieks before he got up himself.  Aberdeen jumped on him – just fully and completely jumped into and onto him – and he caught her expertly in his arms as she shrieked in his ear.
“They did it!  THEY DID IT!” she screamed as he set her down.  She bent down to pick up a copy of the magazine and shrieked again as she held it in front of her.  Maybe this was a fever dream.  Maybe she was delirious.  Maybe the gratuitous walnut cake the bakery gave her to try before ordering was laced with some hallucinogenic and she was imagining things.
No.  That was her name attached to the article.  That was her name on the cover of Toronto Life magazine.
“You did it, minskatt,” William said as he reached up to her face to pull her mask down, planting a giant kiss on her lips.  The energy was radiating off of her.  She was a ball of sunshine, a star radiating energy bigger and better than anything in the universe.  “You did it.  I’m so proud of you.”
“I can’t believe it!  I can’t – oh – oh my GOD Willy!” she was still shocked.  “I—they—I’m published!  I’M PUBLISHED!”
“Your name is on the cover of a damn magazine, minskatt!” he giggled.  
“My name is on the cover of a damn magazine!” she repeated more emphatically, kissing him again.  “I can’t – I – oh my God – oh my God my phone is…” she trailed off, feeling her phone buzzing violently from her purse again.  
She pulled it out and saw Beth Zadakis’s name flash across the screen.  She immediately picked up.  “Beth!”
“Surprise,” she practically purred into the phone.  “I’m assuming you saw it just posted on our website?  Alec was overruled.  He knew he would be.  The way you wrote about the boys, Aberdeen…there’s no way we couldn’t publish it.”
“Thank you.  Thank you,” she stressed, putting her hand over her heart.  “From the bottom of my heart Beth, thank you.”
“You should celebrate, Aberdeen.  We’ll discuss the logistics of your new position with Toronto Life later,” she said.  “It’s not every day that a novice writer gets the lead cover story.  Pop a bottle of champagne.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Aberdeen hung up.  She looked into William’s eyes.
She did it.
September 4th, 2020
Aberdeen walked into the MLSE offices like she was going to work.  Except she wasn’t.  
Brendan had called her in for one last meeting.  He didn’t say it would be their last, but both of them knew it would be their last.  It was bittersweet, of course.  Aberdeen had walked these halls for a year.  She’d walked in on the team nearly naked on her first day.  She’d tried to pick up a hockey bag and fell over.  She’d taken countless calls from very important people she had no idea existed before this job.  She’d gotten called out by her boss for being an idiot.  She’d walked Niklas Lidstrom through the halls to impress her boss.  She’d waited countless hours for jersey proofs.  She’d made friends.  She’d made enemies.  She’d learned the game of hockey.  She’d travelled countless miles up and down the steps and up and down the elevators to the ice, to the locker room, to the offices, and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. 
She ran into her summertime hookup in the elevator on her first day.  She’d fallen in love with him in these hallways.
It all happened here.
When she approached the doors of Brendan’s office, and looked at her desk – well, now her former desk, she felt her heart flutter.  This was it.  She stepped into the doorway and saw him looking out his window.  She knocked.
He turned around, giving her the proudest smile she’d probably ever received from a boss.  She took off her mask so he could see her smiling too.  “Hi Brendan.”
“Aberdeen.  Sit,” he nodded towards the chairs.  This was where she cried and told him she’d been sexually harassed in the kitchen.  This was where he fired Ethan.  This was where he’d bared his soul to her after the Leafs lost to a Zamboni driver.  She took a seat.
“I’m so incredibly proud of you,” he said after looking at her for a few moments.  “What you’ve been able to accomplish in a year is outstanding, Aberdeen.”
“I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you,” she began.  “You had the biggest role to play in this by setting up that meeting in the first place.  None of this would have happened if it weren’t for you.”
Brendan shook his head.  “I didn’t write that article, Aberdeen.  You did,” he said sternly.  To think that he had the faith in her to put the meeting together in the first place, knowing she could pull it off, spoke volumes.  He was definitely her most powerful supporter.  “I keep reading and re-reading it and I find new things to admire every time.”
She smiled humbly.  “Thanks.”
Brendan paused for a moment.  “You know, Aberdeen…most people would have sold us out,” he said.  She nodded her head, understanding what he was getting at.  He knew – he knew the demands Alec put on her.  Beth must have told him, because she certainly didn’t say a word about it.  “It…it speaks absolute volumes to your character that they demanded that scoop for you but you refused to give it and instead relied on your talent to get you the job anyway.”
She nodded.  She could read between the lines.  “Thank you.”
“You’ve got some fucking guts on you, kid.”
They both giggled.  “I guess being around some gutsy hockey players did me some good this year,” she joked.
“I’ll say,” he said.  “All the boys know.  They love it.”
“I know.  I got texts from pretty much all of them.  Travis sent me a picture of his dogs reading it too.”
“That last night in the bubble, when I told you that you were the soul of this team, I meant it,” he said.  “And I don’t think…I don’t…well, I don’t think it was a big secret that William had a thing for you since that first day in the elevator.  And I know…well, I think we’re all aware the feeling is mutual.”
Aberdeen gulped.  She felt like she already died and got rigor mortis in that tiny amount of time.  So they were going to go there.  Brendan was bringing it up with absolutely no shame.  On her last day.  Last meeting.  She looked him in the eye.  “Am I safe to assume that nothing happened between the two of you in the year you were here?” Brendan asked.  
She could do it right now.
Be honest.  
She was leaving, after all.
And she had the job already.  
She looked Brendan right in the eyes.  
“No sir,” she shook her head.  “I…it was clear to me at the beginning too, and…and the feelings did grow on my end as well, I will admit that.”
“So the feeling is mutual, then.”
“Yes sir.”
“And I’m also correct to assume that once you leave these doors and employed by Toronto Life, you two will get together?”
She was already lying to the man she respected most in this world; there was no use in lying even more.  “Y—Yes.  I—I…” she hesitated.  She took a deep breath.  “William waited for me, Brendan.  He waited for me this entire time.  I don’t want to make him wait any longer.  I don’t want to wait any longer, either.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what she was expecting, but she definitely wasn’t expecting Brendan to smile.  “Understandable,” he said.  “I could see it at the Christmas party – William’s crush on you.  And I kept wondering to myself if he ever…well, you know, acted on it.  Told you, at least.”
“Didn’t need to tell me.  It was pretty apparent,” she smiled slightly.  “He wears his heart on his sleeve.  Well, at least for me.”
Brendan nodded his head.  There was a moment of silence between them.  “You’re welcome here whenever you want,” he said.  “In this office, in the arena, in the back – whenever.  You’re family now, Aberdeen.  And you’ll always be family.  I’ll make it a clause in the contracts all the future presidents sign that Aberdeen Bloom can come in and do whatever she wants in this building.”
She giggled slightly.  “Who are you kidding?  You’ll be the president of this hockey club ‘till the day you die.  Tanenbaum won’t let you leave.  There won’t be any others.”
“Are you going to write my biography when it’s time?”
“If you let me.”
Brendan stood up from his chair.  He extended his hand across his desk.  Aberdeen hadn’t touched another human being since March 13th besides her family and William.  She extended hers to shake his hand.  “Aberdeen Bloom, my Etobicoke girl, it’s been a pleasure,” Brendan was proud, so proud of her.
“Brendan Shanahan, it’s been an honour,” she replied.  
He side-stepped around his desk, and Aberdeen knew what was coming.  She knew she wasn’t going to be able to leave the offices without one.  It was another thing that she’d only given to her family members and to William since March 13th – a hug.  But in that moment, she wrapped her arms around Brendan, and he wrapped his arms around her, and they hugged each other tightly.  Aberdeen could smell his cologne.  She heard him sniffle.  She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t start crying as well.  “Thank you, Brendan,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.”
She sighed.  When he let go of her, he kept his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her.  “William’s coming to pick you up?” he asked.  She smiled and nodded her head.  “Jason’s around the building somewhere.  For negotiations.  You should find him.  He’ll want to see you before you leave.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  “I’ll find him.”
She left his office, closing the door behind her.  She felt a heavy feeling in her heart, knowing it would be the last time she’d exit Brendan’s office, no longer his executive assistant.  Now, she was a writer at Toronto Life magazine.  And before she could process that thought, she had to find Jason.
As she wandered through the building, popping into rooms and asking whoever she saw if they knew were Jason was, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket and knew, like a sixth-sense, that it was William.  She stopped walking so she could look at the message.
i like this one
He’d attached a quick video Aberdeen had taken the other night.  The video couldn’t have been more than four of five seconds long.  In the first second, the video showed hands being held, one hand dragging forward the other.  In the second second, the camera panned upwards.  In the third second, the video showed the back of a figure, with increasingly long blonde hair, broad shoulders, and a stupidly expensive designer t-shirt on with the CN Tower in the background at sunset.  In the fourth second, the head turned, and the face smiled at whoever was behind the camera.  It was all a bit blurry.  It was all a bit fast.
It was William looking at her.
She promised him she’d post whatever he wanted to her Instagram feed once they could be official, and out in the open, not having to hide anything anymore.  He wouldn’t dare post anything on his feed, so Aberdeen would.  She understood why.  Even now, even though they could be out in the open with their friends and family, with William’s teammates and Aberdeen’s extended friend circle, William wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight.  Judging by what she’d gone through with the media and what she’d seen herself in the year she worked for the team, she understood completely.
She found the video in her own camera roll, editing the colour tones slightly before uploading it to her own Instagram feed with a simple caption: ❤️
She continued to look for Jason.  And in looking for Jason, her phone kept going off.  It was almost annoying, but she knew it was all the guys probably commenting something on the photo.  After a particular string of constant notifications when she walked into the trainer’s room hoping to find Jason – which at this time last year would have been filled with shirtless, half-naked hockey players with their thighs and bulges out rolling on foam rollers, but was now empty – she couldn’t help but take her phone out again to see what the hell they were commenting.
@austonmatthews: FUCKING FINALLY
@travisdermott: awwwww s’cute
@tysonbarrie4: look at you lovebirds!
@rasmussandin: he likes lasagna!!!!!  gotta make sure u learn how to make it
@1jackcampbell: you guys!!! What a bunch of beauties <3
@morganrielly: i second what @austonmatthews said
@marner_93: finallyyyyyyyyyyy
@aleidacasillasandersen: Cute cute cute!
@kasperikapanen: cn tower…shocker
She couldn’t help but smile at them all.  Especially Auston’s.  That twerp.  
Without warning, William’s name flashed across the screen for a phone call.  She immediately picked up.  “Hey.”
“Hi minskatt,” his voice was sing-songy.  “Did you talk to Brendan?”
“Yeah,” she said, looking down at the floor.
“Was it bittersweet?”
“Mhm,” she nodded her head.  “I know this is what I’ve dreamt of for the longest time, but I can’t picture myself not coming into this office every morning during the new season.  I haven’t quite wrapped my head around it yet,” she admitted.
“I get it.  It’s okay,” William said.  “The team’s gonna miss you.  Brendan’s gonna get a new assistant and he or she is gonna have some huge shoes to fill.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but smile.  “He asked about us, you know.”
“He did?”
“He said it wasn’t a big secret that you had a thing for me since the first day in the elevator.  He also said everyone is pretty much aware the feeling is mutual.”
“And…he asked if anything had happened between the two of us.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Well I didn’t exactly tell Brendan fucking Shanahan that we randomly hooked up the night of my graduation.  And I didn’t exactly tell him we’ve been secretly hooking up and in a relationship since January,” Aberdeen said.  “But I told him the feeling was mutual, and that we’d both waited long enough, and the second I walked out of those doors I wasn’t going to make you wait anymore.”
“Okay…” she could hear William exhale.  “Okay.”
“I lied to him, Will.  I know.  I lied to him about the last nine months.  Hell, I’ve lied to everyone these past nine months about us being together.  About our feelings, about your late-night visits to my hotel rooms and us hooking up.  About loving you.  About being with you.  I’ve lied about everything.  Everything.”
“We’ve lied to everyone about everything in the last nine months,” William corrected her sternly.  “You’re not alone in this.  You know that.  We lied to everyone.  We kept it a secret.  But none of that matters, Aberdeen.  What matters is that we get to be open about it now.  That’s all that matters.  That’s it.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  She knew he was right.  She collected herself so she didn’t get emotional on the phone.  God knows if she shed at least one tear and then found Jason, Jason would automatically be able to tell.  “I just have to find Jason to say goodbye and then I’m out of here.”
“I’m actually already waiting outside, so take your time,” William said.  “I’ll be here whenever.  Take as long as you want.”
“I love you, William.”
“I love you too, minskatt.  I’ll see you soon.”
Aberdeen locked her phone.  She took another deep breath, replaying the conversation in her mind, before resolving to find Jason.  She turned around to keep searching.
Only to find Jason standing a few feet behind her.  
When she saw the look on his face, she knew immediately that he’d heard every single word of the conversation she’d just had.  Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach.  No – her heart dropped into the depths of hell.  Her breath caught in her throat.  She felt like her entire body was on fire.  “Jason,” was all she could say.  
“January,” was all he said.
Her hands began to shake.  She reached out to him.  “Jason—”
“Don’t,” his tone was harsh, and his entire arm flinched away from her.  She tried to say something but nothing would come out.  “Since January, Aberdeen?  January?!”
“Jason, please—”
“I don’t – I – late night visits to hotel rooms?!” his voice kept rising as he verbally began to piece all the information together.  “How – how could you?!”
“Jason, I can explain—”
“No!  No you can’t explain!  There’s nothing to explain in a situation like this!  You lied to us!  You lied to all of us!” he kept saying, his voice strained.  He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.  He couldn’t believe the words that had come out of Aberdeen’s mouth.  “Aberdeen, I went to bat for you time and time again.  I looked out for you this entire fucking year and this is what you were doing behind my back?  Hooking up with William Nylander?!”
“You promised me, Aberdeen.  You promised me that day that guy stalked you that there was nothing happening between the two of you.  I took your word for it, Aberdeen.  And William – William promised me nothing was going on that night you got stitches.  And now you’re telling me this has been going on since January?!”
“Since the Night With the Blue and White,” she said, voice strained, tears welling in her eyes now.  There was no use in lying to him.  He was Jason Spezza.  “The first time it happened was that night when I got home.  When we got home.  I can’t – I couldn’t…”
Jason was quiet, but she could hear how heavy he was breathing through his nose.  She knew he was trying to calm himself down so he didn’t blow up at her.  At this moment in time, though, she wasn’t so sure he’d be able to do it.  “I can’t believe you’d do this to the team.  To me.  To Brendan,” he stressed.  His voice was calm.  Eerily calm.  “I never want to speak to you again.”
Aberdeen’s cheeks flushed red with emotion almost instantly.  No.  It couldn’t end like this.  It couldn’t.  She tried reaching out to touch him again, but he flinched once more and took a few steps back to distance himself from him.  “Jason—no—please—let me explain—”
His next words cut Aberdeen like a knife.  He looked her dead in the eye.  “I’ve never been more disappointed in you.”
A sob escaped her and she covered her mouth, but it was no use.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks like Niagara Falls and her heart was sliced into a million pieces as she watched Jason turn around and walk out of the room, not bothering to look back at her.  
What hurt most of all was that so much love goes into disappointment.  Someone can still love you but be disappointed in you and that was infinitely, infinitely worse than someone hating you.  It hurt so much more.  Jason wasn’t wrong when he said he’d looked out for her this entire year.  He wasn’t wrong when he said he’d went to bat for her this year.  He’d done all those things out of love, because he cared for her, because he wanted to see her succeed in an environment that was, historically, not kind at all to young women.  He’d done it to look out for her, to make sure she didn’t get hurt, to make sure she got where she wanted to go.
Jason Spezza was disappointed in her.  And that hurt more than anything else.
Aberdeen sat down in the middle of the room and began sobbing.
William was scrolling through his phone when he noticed Aberdeen walking speedily towards his car.  He unlocked the doors and slipped into the passenger seat, taking off her mask and throwing it onto the dashboard.
He immediately saw that her entire face was red, and her eyes were practically bloodshot.  “What happened, minskatt?” he asked.
She looked like she was going to cry again.  She turned her head towards him.  “Jason overheard our conversation.”
William stopped breathing momentarily.  “So he knows.”
She nodded her head, face scrunching up to stop tears from falling.  “He said he never wants to speak to me again.  And he said he’s never…he’s never been more disappointed in me.”
“Hey—hey, c’mere,” he said, grabbing her chin and leaning over the centre console to give her a loving kiss, feeling the tears stream down her face.  He continued to kiss her for as long as he could.  “It’s gonna be okay, minskatt.  It’s going to be okay.”
“No it’s not,” she shook her head vehemently.  “It’s not going to be okay.  It’s not.”
“Yes it will.  He’ll get over it.”
“No he won’t,” she was steadfast.  “He hates me William, and he never wants to speak to me again and he’s disappointed in me.  He’s not gonna just get over me lying to him for the past nine months.”
“We lied to him,” William clarified for her again, like he did on the phone.  “We lied.  He’ll be madder at me than you.  He’ll get over it.  It’s going to be okay.”
Aberdeen shook her head.  She wanted to believe him – she really did, but her mind was all over the place right now.  “But what if it’s not?” she asked.
“Are you listening?” he asked.
She visibly calmed down at the question.  “Yes.”
“It’s going to be okay because I love you, minskatt.  Because we love each other.”
She nodded her head.  He loved her.  She knew he loved her, and that he would for the rest of their lives.  And she’d love him too.  That brought her more solace than anything.  “I love you too, William.”
He gave her one last, long, lingering kiss before he put the car in drive.  He fiddled with his phone to start the music, the opening notes of “Quitting You” by the Arkells playing through the speakers.  He grabbed Aberdeen’s hand and held it in his enormous one, bringing to his lips and kissing it tenderly and holding it against his heart momentarily before settling it on his lap.  She looked out the window at 50 Bay Street, saying goodbye.
She looked at William.  The man she loved.
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gallickingun · 4 years
welded hearts || b.k.
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SUMMARY: You and Bakugou have to try and pick up the pieces after the incident with Awase, but neither of you are doing a very good job. It leads to distance and lies, and you’re not sure if there’s any way to save the fragments that remain of your shattered relationship. Especially when you find out that Bakugou has been tracking your every move.
Follows the events of Ensnare, an Awase x Reader x Bakugou fic written by @lady-bakuhoe​.
PAIRING: Pro Hero!Bakugou x Fem!Reader RATINGS: M/E+ WARNINGS: language, smut, slight violence, etc. WORD COUNT: 11.7k+
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | mobile | writing tag
AUTHOR’S NOTE: after reading Jo’s fic, I immediately rushed to her inbox to foam at the mouth about what kind of angst would follow when Bakugou and Reader attempt to put back together what is left of their relationship, with Bakugou really not feeling like a man, and reader feeling absolutely suffocated, and this little fic was born. Also, this is my first time not tagging any blogs, I just need to start fresh. I hope everyone understands!
if you like this, feel free to request more HERE!
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The strange combination of distance and suffocation make your head spin.
Nightmares plague your mind at night, leaving the opportunity for visions to run rampant through your sleep-deprived brain during the day. You spend the daylight hours looking over your shoulder, your forehead broken out into a constant sweat, and you spend the evenings wondering if you might have imagined the whole thing.
You wake up alone most of the time, no matter what phase of the night you are suffering through. The first few times you would go searching the house for him, wondering where his overactive body could have taken him this time. Most nights you found him at the kitchen table going over suit designs and contracts for more hero patrols and brand deals.
You’d ask him when he was coming back to bed only for those familiar vermilion eyes to pass you a blank stare and his dry voice to echo out, “Don’t worry about me. Go back to bed.”
And each night you’d listen.
You curl up beneath the covers, tugging the fabric to your chin, and stare at the wall. You attempt breathing exercises and grounding techniques, but that does not stop the shadowy figures you see in the hallway or the closet. Your imagination gets the better of you as it hallucinates the image of the culprit himself stood in your bathroom doorway, a smirk on his lips and a glint in his eyes.
“So fucking pretty,” his mouth snarls around the words, dark hair shining despite the dark. His teeth are pearlescent even in the dim moonlight filtering through your window, “Whose going to stop me? You?”
A shudder shakes your shoulders and when you blink, he’s gone, like a phantom escaped in the night. You rip your hands through your hair and tears drip down from your lids into your lap, staining the fabric of your pajama pants. Your hands shake in front of you, fingertips showing double the harder you try to concentrate.
His presence is akin to smoke billowing within your belly. The tendrils of his black cloud wrap around your spine, traveling up your torso until it sits in the base of your throat, suffocating you endlessly. Every day you spend breathing is another day fighting for relief from this monstrous thing in your chest.
Bakugou turns to much different means of coping.
At first it was sweet – him checking in on you. He would offer to come pick you up from work if you’d ever decided to leave anytime after seven, and if he was stuck on patrol or in meetings, he’d arrange a car to bring you home. When you go on your afternoon runs, he’d volunteer to go with you even though he’d done rigorous amounts of training at work.
The simplest ways he would show his sense of pride in protecting you would be to hover closely, his body within an arm’s length so he could snag you out of any bad situation if there ever were one. Still, even with his insatiable hovering tendencies, he would keep his own personal touch at bay.
At times when he would usually hold your hand or brush up against you, he stays at least three feet away. It’s as if he’s chosen to self-quarantine himself from you, deeming your affections as either insufficient or insufferable, which neither are good options to choose from.
Once it becomes overwhelming, you find yourself in too deep, too bitter. You try to reach out to him in the form of affection – brushing your palm over his hips as you pass him in the kitchen, trying to grab his hand when you’re walking together, and reaching out to touch his shoulders when he faces away from you the few nights he does end up in bed.
To shout out now would be hypocritical, as you have had a part in pushing him further from you, isolating his affectionate touches even further. Yet, the longer he keeps himself from brushing even his clothed thigh against you when he passes you by in the kitchen or at the grocery store, you wonder who is actually suffering from the lack of physical affection and who is merely existing.
Eventually he grows more suffocating.
Bakugou will not let you be out of his sight for longer than a few minutes at a time despite sitting opposite from you on every surface he can find. You have started to hide in the bathroom, proclaiming cramps or bad pork before skittering off to the bathroom with your phone clutched in the grasp of your fingers, if only to find some peace from his prying eyes for a few moments at a time.
He has never been so clingy before, and you know that it is laced with the trauma as a result of the Awase situation. However, this doesn’t make it any easier to stomach his lurking. On the other hand, it adds a stinging sensation at the irony of it all.
Bakugou wants to be completely involved in every facet of your life without even kissing you good morning when he hands you your coffee.
You knew that what had happened with Awase all those weeks ago had to have affected him, coloring his outlook on life no matter how bleak it had been before. With each passing day he grows closer to you, hands metaphorically wrapped around your throat, squeezing every last pound of air from your tongue. But still, you never imagined that he would take t his far.
And so, you lie through your teeth.
Yaoyorozu was invited to the grand opening of a bar in the plaza sector of the city, and she invites you and the other girls for a night out. You know that if Bakugou heard about you going on about visiting a bar and intending to drink, he’d say some new form of the word ‘no’ and persuade you with his big, round, crimson eyes to stay home.
There were too many safety hazards, after all. Especially if you are going to be drinking. Your senses would be impaired, and you would be much easier to take advantage of once you are two shows into the wind. And then Bakugou would casually remind you that Momo normally finds a guy and ditches you, thus forcing you into taking a cab ride home, which creates an entirely new set of problems.
Which is why, when you tell him why you won’t be home tonight, you lie, “It’s just a sleepover, like back in high school! Momo and Ochako wanted to get back together and I think Mina might even be coming too!”
Bakugou nods, looking over the top of his combat training manual, “Just let me know if you need me to come pick you up, alright?”
You nod, not daring to reach forward and try to brush your hand against his forearm, afraid he might recoil or redirect you. Instead you force a smile, nodding your head as you open the door, “Momo is picking me up, and she said she’d be fine with driving me back tomorrow, but I’ll let you know if anything changes.”
His posture visibly relaxes at the sentiment. It is maddening how one simple shift of his composure makes you want to barrel into him, to forget your entire night and attempt to curl up with him on the couch. It has been so long since you last felt his touch, even in a casual sense. The bar counter top acts like a prison, barring him from you as he isolates himself.
“Have fun,” he manages, eyes falling away from you.
And you’re glad, too. At least when he’s not looking at you, he can’t read your face for lies. Bakugou is like a human lie detector, able to sense any unease in your usually relaxed posture.
Of course he has no reason to disbelieve you – why would you lie to him in the first place? You have preyed on that trust, a thing you feel so despicable for even considering, the fib scraping against your teeth like nails on a chalkboard. You wince at his tone, unbelievably naïve, but the door stays open regardless of your conviction.
The lie rolls around in your belly like a parasite, preying on the poor decisions and leeching on your inhibitions. You feel it suffocating your throat as you blow a kiss his direction, telling him not to wait up as you readjust your backpack full of overnight accessories and a change of clothes that is slung over your right shoulder.
Bakugou smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, which only further feeds the parasitic being taken up a home in your stomach. It sits heavy on your tongue when you tell him goodnight, threatening to chew right through your cheek until it’s been bared to the whole world.
He nods, licking his lips as he watches you leave. You wave one last time as you shut the door, guilt eating you alive until you feel tears press against the backs of your eyelids. You swallow your conscience and head towards the car you recognize as Momo’s, the weight of your club clothes sitting heavy in your backpack. You cinch it closer to you, praying that Bakugou hasn’t somehow developed x-ray vision to be able to see through your bag.
And yet, a part of you wants him to come barreling down the stairwell to beg you to come back inside, back home. You want him to whisper your name like a prayer, his hands outstretched so you can reach forward to slot your knuckles between his.
At least in your hallucinations he still wants you.
Once you’re at the club bar, it doesn’t take long for you to find yourself in a drunken stupor.
“Listen,” you slur, pointing a finger into Momo’s ample chest, “I-I’m not sayin’ he’s gotta dick me down every night, b-but like-once?!”
You take a long drag of beer, swallowing the acidic liquid until it’s burning your throat. You slam your cup back down on the table top, pursing your lips as you take in a deep breath, “I mean it’s been months, guys. Months.”
“A-Are you serious?” Uraraka leans in closer to you, eyes widened, “N-Not since-”
“Nope,” you huff, slumping down in the booth seat. “I-I know that since the incident that things have been different, but it’s like he doesn’t even want me anymore.”
Momo reaches her arm around your shoulder, tucking you into her side, “I’m sure he just doesn’t know how to handle all of it, and he’s just trying to do his best.”
“Bakugou?” Mina laughs, bright eyes hidden behind her lids as she screws her face up into a giggle. She takes a sip of her beer, propping her feet on the nearest unoccupied table, and sighs, “Good luck with that one, babes. I don’t see things returning back to normal anytime soon, not with how damn stubborn he can be.”
The beginning of a fresh set of tears presses like a crater into the backs of your eyes, a pulsing headache drawing out a groan from your lips. You drop your forehead to the tabletop and relish at the cool surface opposing your heated flesh, “I-I know that normal isn’t exactly an option yet, but I would like to feel like I wasn’t so fucking alone in my own house, y’know? I mean, he’s right there and yet it’s like I’m there all by myself?”
Your phone buzzes from within your purse and there is a collective grouching that echoes from everyone at the table, sour expressions making it obvious the way they feel about your ringtone. Momo crosses her arms over her chest, “You do realize this is the seventeenth time he’s called you, right?”
You reach into your purse but her hand is on your wrist before you can snatch your phone. She shakes her head and Mina huffs through her nose, “Why can’t you just put that thing on silent? When is he going to stop bugging you?”
“Yeah?” Momo brushes her thumb against your forearm, “Didn’t you tell him you were coming out with us tonight?”
A bright red tinge sits hot on your cheeks, making your skin look flushed. Your friends understand your conflict then, sitting back from you in shame. Mina is the first to speak, “You lied?”
“I-well, I couldn’t just-” You rack your brain for the right words to say to defend yourself, sweat accumulating at the base of your back in droves. You want to run away, but there’s nowhere to go. If you head home now, Bakugou will most likely have a full rant ready for you as soon as you walk in the door.
“You can’t keep lying to him like this,” Momo presses her palm to your cheek, brushing away a tear before it can slip down your face, “You’re going to have to be honest with him eventually. He needs to back off, to let you live. There’s no reason he has to be attached to you like an umbilical cord all of the time.”
“His concern is kind of nice, though,” Jirou speaks up.
Your head snaps towards her and she shrugs, “All I’m saying is at least he’s trying to protect you. He’s not completely self-absorbed after all.”
Before you can try to refute her or defend him, your phone starts ringing once more. Your hand dives into your purse, pulling it from within and looking down at it like that might keep it from ringing any longer.
“I don’t understand!” You’re whining now, fresh saltine droplets settling in your lashes. You wipe at your face, “I-I don’t get why he won’t just leave me the hell alone. I told him exactly what I was doing tonight, exactly where I was going and who I was going to be with. I just-”
“Except you lied.”
You feel all of the heat leave your body, only frozen fingertips and an icy, rigid spine left behind.
You turn your head at the familiar baritone voice that cuts into you from behind, and your heart drops into your stomach. When you breathe, the parasitic thing living there begins to swallow your stomach whole, gnawing away at your most sensitive parts first.
You grit your teeth, forcing yourself to feel anger instead of shame, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What, pray tell, the fuck are you doing here?!” Bakugou snaps, eyes a conflagration of brassy tones, pupils dilated to prove his anger, as if it weren’t so evident from his tone.
Mina goes to speak up when she sees you flinch, but you’re already being dragged out from the safety of the booth seat. Bakugou’s blunt nails are digging into your bicep and forearm like little spears, snagging you so you can’t get away. He yanks you into the hallway, your back pressed into the wall as he further infringes on your space with his closeness.
“You fuckin’ lied to me?”
His voice is held together by rage, begging to be broken apart as he lets the feelings seep through the cracks of his resolve. Bakugou’s jaw quivers as he grinds his teeth together, heaving breaths making his chest expand to brush against your own. It’s the closest thing you’ve felt to intimacy since that night in the alley – since he decided to pretend that you and your needs didn’t exist.
You want to start bubbling out another fib, foaming at the mouth with lies so smooth he’d have to believe them. Your brain is stumbling in attempt to keep up with his fast paced thinking. Every phrase you could possibly say to make this go down like honey instead of vinegar passes through your mind, but you know that this will sting no matter how long you put off trying to swallow it.
The intentions you have now, to make everything easier on him and spare his emotions, have been tainted by your conniving words from before. You weren’t preparing for a confessional in the middle of this hole-in-the-wall bar, but not every night goes exactly how you plan it.
The both of you understand that sentiment rather intimately.
Bakugou’s eyes are ablaze, vermilion bleeding to amber nearest his pupils. His jawline is flexed, nostrils flaring, and you know that laced within his anger is something akin to fright, fearfulness. Every single feature he possesses is pinched tightly, as if his body were wound like a coil, and he is going to snap at any moment.
And then, when your mouth bobs open and shut, and you can’t find the right lie to squeeze between your teeth, you begin putting the whole situational puzzle back together. Anger replaces the acrid taste in your mouth, cinders of fury settling on your tongue the more it all starts to make sense.
Your eyes meet his and he feels the shift, his grip on your arm lessening at the sight of your furious irises honing in on him. The reality that he is not as innocent as you would like to believe seeps into your skin, settling like sticky acid, and you itch religiously to get it off of you.
“How did you know that I was here?” you ask, voice eerily calm as your vision begins to blur at the edges. You gnaw on your lower lip, tilting your head to consider every falter in his expression, “I told you I was going to be at Yaoyorozu’s. You had no idea that-”
You can’t help the choking sound that comes from your throat next, gagging on your words as pure fury overwhelms your body. Your shoulders shudder under the strain of these destructive emotions as realization settles in. Even the fear in his own irises cannot stop the tumultuous build of vehemence that seeps through you like molten lava, crawling upwards through your veins until all you can see is red – blinding red.
You’re repeating your question when it appears he won’t answer you to speak the truth; eyebrows furrowed, forehead wrinkled. Your jawline pulsates with muscle tremors as you grit your teeth down fervently, a high-pitched whining sound echoing within your own skull at the action, “What did you do, Katsuki?”
It’s not a question, though, not this time.
Bakugou’s throat bobs and before he can give you some shitty, half-thought out excuse, you’re poking your finger into his chest, directly between the taut line of his pectorals, “Where is it?”
“Wh-What?” he manages to cough out, tongue bitten between his teeth.
You take a step back with each question of the location, chin wobbling in denial, “My bag? My phone? My car? Did you put it in me, Katsuki?”
The sound of his given name dripping like toxic acid from your tongue makes his heart constrict within the confines of his chest. The organ beats at a thunderous pace, so hard that he’s sure there is an outlined bruise in the shape of it if you were to peel his shirt back and look. Still, he knows better than to argue with you – knows even better than to try and deny it. You are a human lie detector when it comes to him. You know his mannerisms so well that you’re able to spot a stuttering breath from a mile off, even the smallest of hints to his dastardly secret-keeping seeming like bright white lights to you.
He has backed himself into a corner in trying to keep you safe, so he admits with his head hung low, “Your phone.”
A shuddering breath makes your chest collapse, jaw fallen slack at the confession. Your spirit was praying that he might have just found out from a friend, maybe Kirishima discovered that you were out with Momo and Mina and told him. But no, now he’s admitted to the crime and he knows that he’ll have to face the punishment.
You want to root around in your purse until you’ve found the offending object, but it’s not the time, at least not right now. He can’t take advantage of using it while you’re both still in the same location. You’ll have to handle it later.
“How long?” you ask, voice small.
Bakugou does not answer immediately. His eyes are downcast, unable to meet yours as his lower lip quivers just enough for you to make it out in the dim light of the bar. Your heart thrums at the sight of him so distraught, but you lock your knees and force your body to straighten your spine and steel your resolve.
You repeat the question, digging your fingertip into his skin until you are sure that you’ve drawn blood underneath the fabric of his black tank top.
He snaps, the blood vessels in his neck thudding against the tanned skin there, “Since Awase, when the fuck else do you think?”
And just like that, your entire body is thrown back in time. You are that helpless woman in that alleyway, your body used for the lustful gratification of someone else, thrown to the side like a plaything when he was through. You feel hands, lips, skin, all over you, torturing your body even now when you are awake. The ghost of his crooked touch makes your eyes water, thick droplets sticking to your lashes.
The sound of that villain’s name makes your ears burn and your tongue turn to sandpaper. A chill runs down your spine despite the massive blanket of heat in the room from all the bodies burning with alcohol and movement. Your head feels fuzzy, eyes unable to focus as you attempt to come back to this version of reality.
A single tear drips down your cheek, but Bakugou knows better than to try and wipe it away like he might if it were any other time.
“I-I can’t believe this,” you murmur, withdrawing your finger from him to cover your mouth with both hands. You blink slowly, turning your gaze from him to the floor, taking it all in with stride, attempting to breathe as evenly as possible while still processing everything unfolding in front of you.
Bakugou reaches up to touch your elbow, just enough contact to try and bring you back down to earth. Your eyes snap upward, meeting his vermilion gaze with an expression opposing your fiery wit from earlier. He’s never seen your body waver in such a way that would leave him to believe you to be weak, but now all he wants is to hold you between his arms, piecing you back together bone-by-bone, vessel-by-vessel.
You’re lost in the simplistic touch of him, the first you’ve felt in what you know to be weeks, but believe to be eons. He has been so distant from you that you almost forget why you are angry when he’s this close to you, suffocating your body in the best of ways. You can smell the telltale sign of his quirk, an ashen sweetness that you are sure you’ve become addicted to throughout the entirety of your relationship.
A breath bites through your lungs and you sharply cut your teeth into the inside of your cheek, trying to snap yourself out of your dazed stupor brought on by isolation. As you open your eyes again, you steel yourself, stepping up with brazen confidence to slap away his hand from your arm.
The burning flames licking at your throat turn to white-hot rage, “I don’t know what the hell your problem is, Katsuki, but this controlling me shit has got to stop.”
His eyes refocus on yours again, pupils swallowing those pretty red globes whole, fear riddling every bone in his fragile body, “Wh-What are you talking about?”
Now it is you who has backed him into a corner, his backside and shoulder pushing against the wall. He tries to reach out to stop you, to beg for your forgiveness, but the stony expression in your irises tells him that he needs to be still an listen no matter how many biting insults and wanton words sit on his tongue.
“You’re breathing down my neck, Bakugou,” you inhale a shuddering breath at the sound of his surname being forced through your teeth. Tears lick at the corner of your eyes, your fists shaking by your sides, “I can’t take a shit without you wondering why I’m gone for longer than three minutes. You’ve been so fucking controlling that I can’t even go out with my friends without you needing to make it a momentous occasion!”
“You lied to me, for fucks sake!” Bakugou presses into you, snarling around his words. “You expect me to just forget that? What else have you been lying about?”
Your teeth clatter against one another, rattling around in your head, “I had to! You’ve been this glass case of emotion lately! And you won’t even let me walk home alone! I feel like I have a damn shadow everywhere I go!”
“I’m trying to-”
A thought hits you then, mulling you over so powerfully that you stumble backward, putting distance between the two of you. Your gaze falters from him to the wall, unable to look him in the eyes as you utter the next few syllables, “You don’t trust me?”
Bakugou is quick to refute you, stepping forward to take you out of your haze, “Hell no, baby! Of course, I trust you.”
“You put a goddamn tracker on my phone!” you snap, muscles quivering beneath your skin as your entire body tenses at the statement. Tears settle in your lids, dripping down over your cheek when you force him off of you. “What the hell am I supposed to think?”
He reaches out and wraps you up in his arms forcefully, despite your thrashing and shoving. You tear into him with your words and your touch, trying to punch him even though your range of motion is rather limited. Bakugou puts his chin on the top of your head, bottling you up like liquid rage, holding you together as you try to fall apart.
Bakugou has one hand against the back of your head, hands tucked into the tresses of your hair to cradle your head into the curve of his neck. His other palm rubs up and down the length of your arm as he tries to calm you down from your frenzied state, the loud music and pulsing bodies in the background of the bar doing little to deter your heightened temper.
You gulp as you feel his mouth bury into the crown of your head, kisses sprinkled into your hair like little flowers, petals of kind words tucked against your scalp. Bakugou wants to take you by the hand and drag you home, to curl up with you for the first time since that horrible night in the alleyway, and whisper promises into your skin until he goes hoarse.
You tilt your head upward, face shining bright with tears, nose bumping into his chin, “The-Then why do you-”
Katsuki nudges his nose over yours, a shuddering breath making his lip tremble against the bow of your mouth. A snarling growl rips his throat wide open as every feral, primal instinct buried deep within him is unleashed, “Are you really that dense, dumbass?”
The insult takes you by surprise, facial expression souring as you roll your tongue against your teeth, attempting to swallow the acidic retort sitting on the tip of the muscle in your mouth. Bakugou watches you with a careful eye, making sure that you aren’t going to speak up before he tries to rephrase himself.
“Listen, I just-I…” The words are caught in his throat, raking into his esophagus like shards of glass. Bakugou hates being vulnerable, especially with you. It makes him feel raw, torn open, and uncomfortable. He wants to be the pillar of strength you believe him to be, and how can he prove that he’s worthy of your trust when he feels so weak?
And yet, with you standing in front of him with expectant eyes and shaking hands, he finds it within himself to say what has been plaguing his mind for weeks.
“This shitstorm happened to me too, y’know?”
He sounds so heartbreakingly honest that it makes your skin prickle. A chill tightens like a coil around your spine, spreading shards of ice throughout your veins until your whole body is burning from the frigid feeling, fingertips numb.
Bakugou’s mouth bobs open and shut before he tears a hand through his hair, the other never leaving your body, frustrated at the fact that he can’t think of the right things to say. He looks up at the ceiling, a breath expanding his chest so he’s flush with you.
“Every fucking time I close my eyes, I see that shit all over again.” The veins in his body are prominent as he stresses himself out by trying to speak, “I see you, helpless, because I fucked up and lost focus. I-I couldn’t do anything and you needed me an-”
He can’t force the words out, can’t muster them up from the back of his throat no matter how many times he licks at the inside of his mouth, desperately searching his own skin for the answers. The reality of what might come to fruition when he says his truth out loud is too much to bear, no matter how much he knows he has to have this conversation with you. This is not something you both can just move on from, not without addressing it in all of its ugliness first. He wills the words to come out, closing his eyes and breathing deep. And even still, his mind will not cal.
Katsuki is a raging sea and you are the rickety lifeboat caught in his violent storm.
You swirl in his vortex for a moment longer before prodding him, hand pressed flat against his chest. You brush your thumb over his collarbone, “Katsuki, come on, talk to me. Please.”
Bakugou’s hand flinches by his side and you wonder if he wants to reach out to touch you with the pads of his fingers; to use you like an anchor, weighing him down in the right in the right way to bring him back to the current version of reality.
“I’m right here,” you whisper, pushing him further, knowing what he’s trying to tell you, but needing to hear it from his own tongue.
You step into his space and crowd him into the tight expanse of the hallway, and he can’t draw his eyes away from you despite the shame he feels from the tears currently clouding his vision. Every naysayer in his life comes to him in that very moment, telling him that he’s weak and spineless, completely useless if he can’t do the simplest of tasks. They scream at him, clawing at his heart until he’s bleeding out tears, hands shuddering in pain.
All he wants is to see you smiling again; a genuine, shining smile. He wants to watch as your eyes light up when he kisses you, or when he touches you here and there, casually in passing. Bakugou misses the old kindling the two of you had before that fateful night all those weeks ago. There was a familiarity that now feels lost in translation, wafting somewhere between the space separating the both of you.
You’re begging him in his ear now, words lodged like knives into his heart, a new syllable signifying a new blade, “Why are you doing this, Katsuki? Please, tell me!”
That is the last one – the proverbial blade that shoves its way through is spine to split him in two. He can’t help the way his voice shatters when he finally breaks, falling forward on weak knees, “To fucking protect you! Goddammit!”
You take a short step backward, shuffling away from him at his sudden furious outburst, the change in volume startling you. Goosebumps pebble on your skin and you feel a wave of anxiety wash over you, settling in your stomach to eat away at your resolve, that same parasite from earlier flaring up all over again. You swallow the pent-up emotion in your throat, but Bakugou isn’t finished, not yet. Now that he’s finally been ripped open, he can’t stop the flow.
“Every night you’d get further and further away from me,” his hands are flexing at his sides, knuckles turning white, little crackling explosions lighting like a warning sign, “And I can’t fucking get over this shit, okay?!”
The familiar ashen sweetness lingers in the air at the bare minimum usage of his quirk, but it’s comforting in a way. You breathe it in and try to stave off any tears from stemming down your cheeks. It is his turn to crumble, to fall down at your feet and beg for you to help him repair the gaping wound in his chest.
As you watch him fall apart, it’s physically painful to witness the way his body quivers, every muscle coiled and ready to spring into use. His lower lip, full and pink, is wobbling while he tries to form coherent sentences. You’ve never wanted to reach out and touch him more, to calm him with a tender brush of your knuckles over his cheek, or a hand flattened onto the plane of his chest. But he is too far away from you now, distant in the worst way.
It’s like he’s a figurative bomb, building up and ready to detonate. Each passing moment only fills him with more gunpowder, stuffing his throat until he’s suffocating under the notion that he can’t save you. Has he ever been capable of keeping you from harm?
“I-I was weak,” his voice breaks and so does his façade, tears brimming in the ducts of his reddened lids, “I let that fucker get the best of me, and i-it cost you. You were hurt because I couldn’t protect you.”
Bakugou’s palms shudder at his sides, fingers curling around smoke. You want to step forward, to reassure him that he is the furthest thing from weak that you have ever seen, but he cowers from you when you get too close. He reminds you of a caged animal finally set free, unsure of where to step, how to breathe all of the fresh air at once. Almost as if he is withholding himself from you now that his confession has broken through the bars around his heart, echoed loud for you to hear.
“Throwing yourself into danger isn’t going to help,” you answer him, “and neither is suffocating me.”
The fire fueling your bones from earlier returns at the realization that he has been distancing himself from you on purpose. You assumed it had been a subconscious decision based on the trauma experienced from the encounter with Awase, but you never would have guessed he was actively choosing to ignore you, especially physically. And now, with his hands shaking at his sides, you are beginning to wonder if he feels the same pull that you do, the desire to let your palms search one another’s skin to find the answers to your innermost questions.
“The only thing I’m any good at is fighting!” Bakugou falls back against the wall, eyes downcast in defeat as his shoulders slump forward. He opens his palms in front of his body, flexing his fingers. “All I can do is work as hard as I possibly can to be the best. I have to be the best.”
He curls his fingers back to fists, fury coursing through his veins like fire, accumulating in his palms to a head, a bomb settled in the cracks and crevices of his skin. “All I can focus on right now is getting stronger, to be a hero that you can trust to keep you safe.”
When his eyes snap up to meet yours, there’s a flame burning deep in his vermilion irises that makes them look alight, the bright amber color in contrast to their usual hue. It frightens you slightly, sending a tremor down your spine until you are curling your toes.
Bakugou’s hands creak as he turns them to fists, knuckles turning white, “I’ll be the best, even if it kills me.”
The very permanent word involving mortality turns your knees to jelly, bones grinding against one another in a desperate attempt to keep yourself upright. Your throat closes, emotion billowing like smoke in your esophagus until it is pushing into every available space, effectively choking you where you stand.
“Y-You don’t have to be so, so,” you struggle to find the words, breath hard to come by as you gasp for air, “so-”
“So what?!” Bakugou’s voice is patronizing now as he grows defensive at your tone, taking a downward turn to the other side of kind. He grits his teeth and you allow yourself to see him for what he truly is in this moment – a frightened child, begging for a savior, or at least some solid ground. He grimaces, shaking his head, “I couldn’t protect you when I needed to. And if I can’t keep you safe, what else am I good for?”
Silence hangs between the two of you at the heaviness of his words, creating an even further distance as his words settle like embers on your heart.
You want to brush the cinders away, blowing the ash into the wind and along with it, the horrific memories from the past few weeks. His name sits on the tip of your tongue, scratching at the muscle and begging to be freed from the cage of your teeth. Your fingertips ache at your sides, keening towards him with the desire to find something to feel, some tactile version of reality to reaffirm that you have not lost everything. The heaviness in your feet keeps you from shuffling forward, tucking yourself into his body and promising him that you’ll never see him as anything short of incredible.
“See?” Bakugou’s voice shatters into another wave of jagged pieces with every longing look you give him, tossing his arms in the air to show his defeat, “And then you go and do shit like this, where you look at me like I put the fuckin’ sun in the sky every morning.”
He’s wheezing the words out now, manic movements jerking his arms and shoulders, praying that his palms might go off in the middle of this club so you both can get booted out and forced to go home. Maybe then he can break through the barrier of how he has been feeling to show you why he’s treated you like a child.
“How the hell am I supposed to live up to this pillar of greatness you’ve made me out to be? This perfect image of me you have in your mind is a lie,” Bakugou is begging you for an answer with his gestures. His hands reach towards you, never touching, eyebrows cocked upward as his eyes search your face for a secret message hidden beneath your skin. “You think that I can do no wrong, that I’ll always be your hero. And now that I’ve fucked that up, and you still look at me the same exact way, how am I supposed to live with that? With being a fraud?”
Bakugou blinks and two identical tear droplets seep over the corners of his lids, tracking down his cheeks as he gasps for air, “I-I can’t help it when you look at me like I have all the answers when I-I can’t even fuckin’ figure out how I-”
You cover him like sunlight, warm and safe. He feels your mouth against his, your hands on his face and chest and its like you’ve pulled him from where he was floating midair back down to the ground again. Bakugou’s body is flush between your torso and the wall, either side of him pressed into something. He is hot, too hot, like his body temperature has skyrocketed. Sweat trickles down his spine, sticking his shirt to his shoulders.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur as you part from him.
Your nose brushes against his, the bow of your lips still touching when you speak, “I haven’t been very considerate of you. I was too wrapped up in the way I was feeling that I didn’t stop to consider how it has been affecting you.”
You palm at his face, fingertips fawning over his cheek bones and brows and temples. Bakugou’s jaw is quivering, hands still dormant by his sides, flexed until his palms are splotched red with effort. You run your hand up from his chest to his shoulder, kneading the heel into his muscles to try and relax his body.
“Katsuki,” you call to him. “Look at me.”
And he listens.
The trail of your fingertips on his forearm feels like gasoline, trickling down his skin slowly but surely, making its way to his palms where his skin will act like a detonator. Bakugou grinds his teeth together as he tries to stay focused in on your face, the effort from it all makes the vein on his forehead protrude, thudding profusely beneath his skin.
“Take me home.”
The walk up the stairs to your door is tense, quiet.
Bakugou turns the key into the lock, the door opening with a gentle click. The two of you step inside, your bags strewn on the countertop and your shoes kicked off near the mat. Your hands wring in front of you as he faces away, the only visible thing being his backside.
“I don’t deserve you.”
The words take you by surprise, shaking you to your core. You stumble backward, hand clutched over your heart when it starts to sting, “Wh-Why do you think-”
“Do you know what it’s like to have people’s lives put into your hands, and then to fuck it all up?” Bakugou turns to look at you, hands glowing with the threat of his quirk, “To put the one person you care about more than fucking breathing into danger?”
His jaw quivers, “You didn’t see the look in your eyes when he was putting you through that shit. You were looking to me for help and I was fucking welded to a goddamn wall!”
You reach out to press your fingertip into the center of his palm, diffusing the built-up nitroglycerin in the crevices of his skin. Bakugou’s shoulders shudder, his eyes widening at your touch. You force a smile, but it does not reach your eyes, and he notices.
“Hey,” you call to him, your other hand drifting up to cup his cheek, trying to turn him towards you. “Stop that. Look at me.”
Bakugou’s eyes stop flitting around and focus on you, connecting your gazes. He looks frightened again, like a scared child. All you want is to hold him tight and put him back together again until he feels whole.
You push yourself up onto your toes, nudging your nose over his cheek slowly. You’re taken aback when you feel his hesitant touch dredge over your hip, thumb just beneath your top. It’s the most intimate feeling you’ve received from him in weeks, and it sends every atom of you on high alert. Your spine tingles as you stutter-step forward until you’re pressed into him.
Your breath hitches at his closeness, fanning out over him in a wave of heat that makes him shiver. You feel your heart ready to explode from within the confines of your chest, begging to be let free as it tries to claw its way out of your ribcage. You can’t look away from him, it’s like he’s turned into a magnet for your body.
As you graze over his chest with your other hand, the one against his cheek brushes up into his hair to card through the blonde strands. Your thumb catches against the stubble of his undercut just behind his pierced ears and it makes you smile, remembering the conversation where you coerced him into getting the new haircut in the first place. And now he can’t go a couple weeks without getting it shaped back up.
“Kiss me,” you plead, your touch like that of a siren, calling him deeper into the water, “please, Katsuki.”
In spite of him suffocating you mentally and situationally, you know that he’s been distant physically. It wasn’t hard to realize the shift in affections, especially since you’ve grown accustomed to his wayward glances and casual touches. Once he started to withdraw from you, you began to worry but your own anxiety wound so tightly around your body that it drowned out any other inhibitions that might have drawn you closer to asking questions. Bakugou has never been one to bare his emotions anyway.
Every morsel of him wants to dive headfirst into your waters, to drink you in through his nose and mouth until it is only the essence of you that remains. And yet there is something holding him back, like strings attached to his shoulders, forcing him to stay still.
It is that very look in your eyes right now that keeps him at bay. The reality that you’ve not tainted your view of him makes his stomach churn. You should hate him for letting Awase take advantage of you. You should want to slap him across the face and punch him in the gut. You should want to rip your fingers into his chest and slay him where he stands, cutting a gaping hole where his heart once was, filling it with a black ooze that might represent your disdain and disappointment.
Anything other than this overwhelming prideful look gleaming in your eyes that tells him he could do no wrong.
The sight of it brings tears to his eyes and he has to look away, the weight of it all too stifling as he attempts to breathe again. Bakugou struggles with oxygen, feeling lightheaded as you stand so near to him.
“Look at me,” you beg of him, your own voice sounding raw. You swallow every possible reticence you might have in this moment and focus all of your energy on him, “I love you, okay? There’s nothing you could do to change that, Katsuki. Nothing, so-”
You’re cut off mid-sentence by the familiar feel of his lips, warm and full against your mouth. He has captured you entirely, his hands on your face as he steps in closer to you. You shudder with tears at the sensation of him kissing you for the first time in weeks. A wash of warmth seeps through your body, starting at your head and curling around your spin until it has reached your toes. You feel lightheaded at it all, so wrapped up in him that you can’t focus on anything else.
Bakugou’s arms wrap around your shoulders, his body squatted in front of you to push himself closer into every crevice of available skin. You dip your hands beneath his top, the pads of your fingers mapping out the contours of his muscular frame.
“Fuck,” he murmurs between your teeth, your tongue catching the word by lapping against his gums.
His hands find your backside, squeezing the supple skin like his life depends on it. You moan, rolling your hips forward. Your mind is foggy, your entire being in a haze, at the passionate way his hands obsess over your body.
When he taps your hips with his thumbs, you know what it means. You leap upward, his forearms catching your thighs to wrap you around his waistline. You don’t break away from kissing him. You’re not sure after this if he might retreat back into himself, so you full well intend on milking him for all that he’s worth in every aspect of the word.
The next thing you feel is the cool sheets beneath your steaming backside, sweat making your shirt cling to your body. Your hand sifts through Bakugou’s hair and he nips at your lower lip, relishing in the way the moans fall freely from your tongue.
He sits back on his thighs, tugging his shirt over his head, when he mumbles, “Shirt. Off. Now.”
The momentary burst of authority makes your cunt clench beneath the lace of your underwear. Your eyes go wide, but you do not hesitate to pull the offending fabric from your upper half. Bakugou has settled between your thighs when you can finally see him again. He makes quick work of your bra, flinging the garment across the room carelessly before swooping in to begin sucking at your chest.
He tweaks one piqued nipple between his thumb and forefinger, the other side of you preoccupied with his mouth. You whine, bucking your hips upward. Even through the thick fabric of his jeans, you can make out the impression of his bulging erection. The thought of getting to feel his dick again makes you keen, reaching up to thread your hand into his hair, the other palm digging fingernails into the thick, corded muscle of his shoulders.
“Damn, Princess,” he murmurs as he releases your nipple with a pop. “Such a good girl for me.”
Your breath shudders out of your lungs, fanning over his hair to make the strands shake in the darkness of your bedroom. You wrap your legs around his midsection to try and grind yourself up into his clothed length.
Bakugou slips his hand beneath your shorts, unbuttoning them swiftly as his middle finger finds your clit immediately. You can’t help it when your whole body goes rigid, the once lost sensation of his hands on your lower half returning in a blinding wave of white-hot pleasure.
“Please, Katsuki,” you force yourself to look him in the eyes even though you think you’re seeing stars, “I just want you, please. I want you in me.”
He’s hesitant when he looks down at you, eyes stuttering over which of your features to focus on first. The tip of his middle finger is brushed up against your slick folds, not delving in just yet. Your chest is heaving, eyes clouded with the threat of tears while you palm at him, desperate for every inch of his skin to be mapped out beneath your fingerprints.
“You have me,” he whispers, cracking voice barely audible. He nods, slipping his finger slowly between the walls of your cunt, “You have me, baby.”
As he starts to coil his finger within you, the squelching sound of his digit and your pussy echoing off the walls, he looks you directly in the eyes. His free hand is near your head but you wish he’d touch you with it, your body insatiably itching for his next pass. You lick your lips and go to beg for him again, unwilling to sit through the torture of his fingers, but he stops you with a kiss.
“Let me do this, let me make you feel good.”
You are speechless, left only with a gaping mouth that is claimed by his tongue. He licks at your teeth and cheeks, whining for you to reciprocate while his finger still pumps in and out of you, knuckle dragging in a tantalizing way against your smooth walls. You hold him as tightly as you can by the neck, keeping him anchored to you, the fear of him running away from you again settling like a lead anchor in your belly.
It doesn’t take long for him to push you to the edge of your first orgasm. You’ve been denied of him for so long that you’re sure you could come undone under any circumstance at this point. But still, his thick digits curled up in the heat of you, coaxing forth the first white-hot wave of pleasure makes your body shudder.
“Katsuki,” you pant, rolling your hips in time with his finger’s thrusts.
The coil within your stomach starts to bunch up, so you clench around his finger. You whine, throwing your head back, jaw hung slack. Bakugou kisses up the column of your neck, “C’mon, baby, I know you can do it for me, yeah? You’re so pretty when you come apart.”
His encouragement is what throws you over the edge. You’ve missed the sound of his timbre coaching you into orgasm after orgasm. You cry out, your voice breaking, and your hips fall slack against the mattress as the pleasure digs into you. The silvery strands of your slick coat his fingers, but he doesn’t part from you until he’s sure that he’s lured every last whimper from your lips, every last wash of arousal from your hips.
You have him by the neck, digging your fingers in to pull him back towards your mouth for another drawn out kiss. Your nose and teeth clash, but it doesn’t matter because he’s here and he’s got his hands on you. The way your body sings at his caress does not go unnoticed by him, or rather he relishes in it, basking in the sound of your wanton moans and the reaction of your begging limbs.
“Please, Katsuki,” you’re grabbing for him as he pulls away. Your fingers desperately cling to his skin, digging in and forcing half-moon prints into the tanned flesh, “I need you, please.”
The words throw him back to those moments in the alleyway when your eyes screamed the phrase you’re speaking now. He was powerless to help you then, but he can be the one to save you now.
Bakugou stands to his feet and shuffles out of his pants, his cock throbbing between his thighs when he pulls away his briefs. You try to tug down your shorts but your body is so weak and you can’t force your brain to communicate with your extremities, so you end up pouting, hot tears clouding your eyes in frustration.
“Hey,” he nudges his nose over your cheek before kissing you long enough for you to forget about your predicament. Your body molds to his intentions, hands finding his undercut to sift through the short hair there, his skin providing you with some sense of calm despite the raging emotions thudding like thunder in your brain.
He gently tugs down your shorts, peeling them from your ankles before depositing them on the floor. Bakugou runs his hand down his cock, using his bead of pre-come and what remains of your arousal on his hand to lubricate the skin. You’re salivating at the sight of him, inflamed red cockhead ready to split your cunt wide open. You’ve missed the familiarity of him inside of you, and your body notices because despite just having a spectacular orgasm that should have put you to bed for some time, your pussy flutters as a new wave of slick trickles down to the sheets.
The tip of his cock opens your pussy up enough that you’re keening forward, pleading to take more of him with the canting of your hips. You whimper out beseeching words, eyes searching his face as your hands try to find purchase on his shoulders. He shakes his head, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “Hush, baby. I promise I’m gonna take care of you, okay?”
The duality of his words is not lost on you.
Your jaw hangs open slightly, eyes wide as you look up at him. Bakugou grips the headboard with one hand, the other guiding his cock into your heat. If you look close enough, you can see the threat of glassy tears washing over his pretty red irises, making them look like little jewels in the moonlight filtering through your bedroom windows.
“Katsuki,” you whimper his name like a prayer as he slowly sheaths himself between your folds. He grunts when the base of his cock meets the lips of your pussy, eyelids fluttering somewhere between open and shut at the sensation.
He drops his head, gritting his teeth, “Fuck, I missed you.”
A relieved, broken laugh shakes your throat, the smile left behind making Bakugou see stars. You palm at his chest, “I missed you too, so much.”
The two of you have still been together every day, even sleeping in the same bed, and yet you’ve been so distant it was heartbreaking. You feel the shards of your shattered heart slowly piecing back together with each thrust he throttles into you, his hips slamming into your thighs.
It’s intense, but somehow graceful. Bakugou is not just ramming his cock into you for the sake of doing it, but he’s proving to you with every stroke of him that he’s never leaving your side again. He’s gripping the headboard so hard that his nails are leaving scratches, but you’re more focused with the tantalizing snap of his hips, the drag of his cock and those prominent veins as they stimulate your pussy even further.
His jaw quivers, hands white knuckling as he clutches the headboard even harder, picking up his pace to start building that starburst in your belly. He’s unwilling to let his hands go near you now that he’s got himself sheathed completely.
He doesn’t deserve every part of you, not yet.
Bakugou’s chest twists as he realizes he hasn’t earned his honor back; he hasn’t won the prize of feeling your skin under the sensitive pads of his fingertips while he’s fucking into you with his aching cock.
His breath stutters, heart clenching within the confine of his ribs, at the sight of you, your irises focused on only him. Your pupils are blown wider with each thrust, black swallowing the color of your irises as you reach that peak subservient headspace. His hips move slow but with purpose, his cock pulsing within your walls as you clamp down on him.
Snapping his hips up into you, the heat of it all starts to overwhelm him and he can’t breathe. The mix of your warm skin and the absolute adoration held for him in your eyes is too stimulating once you tighten your cunt around him, trapping his dick in your heat.
“Fuck, baby,” he whimpers, stilling his hips as his nails screech against the headboard.
Your hands are on him in an instance, exploring his chest and shoulders. You lick your lips and force your ass to stay put on the bed, breathing heavy through your lips. You swallow and your throat bobs, only proving further to him how absolutely enamored with him you appear to be.
“Katsuki,” you whisper into the void, cheeks warming with a blush.
Bakugou shakes his head and with the ferocity that he’s gripping the headboard, he wonders if your nailbeds can bleed. He bites down harshly on his lower lip, listening to your pleading calls for a moment too long before responding, “I-I don’t-”
He can’t form coherent sentences, not when he’s buried to the hilt inside of you and you’re gazing up at him like he’s just gotten back from hanging the moon. He squints hard, eyes filling up with tears, “I can’t, fuck.”
“Hey,” your breathless voice catches him in midair, anchoring him back from the dull hallucination that he could never find his way back to you. You reach up to gently press your palm onto his cheek, the cooling touch of your hands doing enough to dispel some of the heat on his cheeks. You push away the sweaty locks of blonde hair sticking to his forehead so you can see his eyes in their full clarity.
Katsuki’s chin wobbles as he looks down at you, forcing his eyes to stay trained in on your face no matter how much he wants to look away. He still doesn’t believe he deserves that look you hold for him within your gaze; the way you tell him that he’s nothing short of a pillar of strength in your mind with a simple look is absolutely baffling.
“Hey,” you call again, tender tone striking a chord in his heart.
Your thumb brushes underneath his eyes, the height of his cheekbones, and you smile at his fragility. Bakugou’s eyes flit around to everything but you, overactive and unable to focus on you when you’re looking at him like he’s painted the stars in the night sky.
His conscience berates him as he lays with his cock buried deep into your pussy, his hips flush with yours, the doubt kicking him in the ribs to remind him that he must be nothing short of a piece of shit – how could he let you fall into someone else’s hands? How could he be so careless? How could he-
“Katsuki,” you rub your hands over his face once more, patiently pulling him from the recesses of his toiling mind, “Come back to me.”
Bakugou’s pupils dilate but somehow you manage to bring his attention back around to your face, connecting your gazes once more. You are struggling to maintain your composure between his cock pulsing within you and the lack of his hands on your skin, your body stimulated but still wanting, but you whimper the words, “Will you kiss me?”
In that simple sentence, Bakugou realizes that he could never truly run from you.
Tears drip down from his cheeks onto your neck, pooling at the little cavity created by your collarbones. You smile up at him, brushing at the droplets as they drip down from his eyelids, cradling his face as he makes the decision to start running back to you instead of sprinting away.
“I love you,” he chokes out the words before claiming your lips with his searing hot kiss.
Your hands dip into the curves of his hips, prodding him to move forward while your lips sink deeper into his. Bakugou groans at the sensation, eyes rolling behind his closed lids, and slowly his palms find your body.
It’s almost like the first time he touched you, his fingertips searching every inch of available skin as if it were new to him. He rolls his thumbs over your ribs, counting each one under his breath as he fucks into you slowly. You whimper when he bites your lower lip, your jaw slack as he starts a biting path of kisses down from your chin to your earlobe.
“Katsuki,” your toes curl when he bottoms out within you, the tip of his cock brushing that delicate, spongy spot at the back of your core. Your nails drag salaciously down his shoulders, drawing little beads of blood in their wake.
“Fuck,” he groans, biting down harshly on your neck. He chokes on a sob before licking and kissing your collarbones, “I love you.”
Bakugou is fucking into you steadily now, his hips slamming into you at just the right angle that the vein running along the underside of his dick drags against your folds. You clamp down on his cock when you feel it begin to twitch again, his cockhead brushing your cervix. He’s sniffling, breath catching at the sound, “I love you so goddamn much. I don’t fucking deserve you.”
He’s overcome with emotion but it only spurs him forward faster. His hips slam mercilessly into you, every rut telling you what he cannot coherently say with words. And you accept his wordless confessions with the tightness of your core, the openness of your eyes.
You respond in fervor, your lips singing his praises as you feel the beginnings of another orgasm curling into a hot fire in the pit of you. It’s like lava has dripped down every vein in your body, lighting your skin on fire with its proverbial heat. You whine, your back arching in the perfect way for his mouth to latch onto your pert nipple.
“Katsu’, please, fill me up,” you whimper, palming at his injured back, finding scars and wounds alike, “I want your come, won’t you come in me?”
He’s nodding around your nipple, affirming you non-verbally, but the gentle tug of his teeth makes you whine again. You are completely distraught with the pounding of his cock into your tight, wet heat, the obscene sounds reverberating off of the walls only to bounce back at you like an echo.
“So fuckin’ pretty, baby,” he grunts, hot tears mixing with the saliva that covers your breast, “such a good girl for me. Takin’ me so well. Gonna take this load?”
You can’t help the way you nod ferociously, pleading with him through both words and actions. You whine, a shuddering of your throat making the sound much more desperate than you intended, “Please, Katsuki. I just want you to stuff me full, I want to be full of you.”
The last time your cunt was full, it was with another man’s seed.
Thinking about it makes your tongue turn heavy and your stomach sour. You grit your teeth and the scent of ashen sweetness fills your nostrils, taking over every thought you’d had previously. You can’t linger your memories on the way something made you feel before, you will destroy your mind and your pride.
All you can focus on is scrubbing yourself clean with Katsuki.
He washes over you like a soothing balm, the heat of his body burning away any trace of anything else from any time before this moment now. Every one of your senses are overwhelmed by him – his body, his breath, his scent. You want to drown in him, only fulfilled through his means for the rest of your days, to dive headfirst into his pain and break through until it is only the two of you left.
You lick at him, the familiar taste of his skin settling on your tongue as you lap over flesh and bone. You beg for his hands to touch every inch of you with wanton moans falling from your lips, scrubbing away at the nightmares and replacing them with the fiery blonde with a quipping tongue to match his superpower. If you thought you might could handle it, you’d ask him to blast you with his quirk, to burn away what is left from before until there is only the now.
“I love you,” you whisper into the dark, “It’s only you, Katsuki. Always.”
Bakugou’s mouth is licking at your neck when you feel his hips still, the telltale sign of his release begging to be set free. You palm at his face, forcing him to look you in the eyes because you can’t hold it in anymore, the words making your chest swell until you think you might burst wide open, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
He thrusts forward in time with your chanting, his lower lip quivering with desire as he pumps himself forward at a much faster pace. One of his thumbs reaches down to brush against your clit, stimulating you until you can’t speak in full sentences, let alone syllables. You grit your teeth together and beg for his load, “Fill me up, Katsuki.”
Your words mixed with the tone of your voice are what push him over the edge, the cusp of his release washing over the both of you. Bakugou’s hips stutter, sloppily fucking into you as he chases that blinding pleasure only you can provide him.
“Take it, Princess,” he murmurs into your lips as he claims you by painting your walls white, the final part of you that needed to be wiped clean.
Katsuki’s hands rest on either side of your head as he holds up his quivering body, spent from effort and emotion. You brush your thumb over the tear-stained parts of his face, clearing his skin of what remains from his vulnerable confessions, no evidence left behind. He can start anew, pretend that he never bared his soul to you only mere moments ago.
His eyes never leave you, drinking you in religiously as you blink slowly, irises soaking up every inch of your precious expression. Your pupils shrink enough for him to see the color of your irises clearly, tilting one of his hands upward so he can brush his thumb over the curve of your jaw. Your lids flutter closed at the tender sensation, losing yourself in the feel of his fingerprints.
When you blink your eyes open, you reach upward to tenderly cup his cheeks between the palms of your hands, “I need to tell you something.”
“Yeah?” he leans his head into your hand, nudging his nose over the swell of the heel. Your pulse thuds in his ears and he can tell that you’re nervous based on the pace.
Your voice is thick when you whisper the words that have always rang true in your heart, but you’ve never said aloud because they seemed so pointless. He hears them every day from citizens, begging him for autographs and screaming his name when they see him on patrol. You’ve been afraid that they would fall hollow on deaf ears, futile and empty. But your heart squeezes within your chest and you know that it doesn’t matter anymore. The two of you have learned how precious a few moments can be.
“You’re my hero, Katsuki.”
Your thumbs run back and forth over the skin of his cheeks, seeking out the heat and also providing him what you hope feels like comfort. His cock twitches within the walls of your aching cunt, mouth hung open slightly, just enough for you to see the pink of his tongue.
You nod, sniffling as tears press hot into the back of your eyelids, “You’ve always been my hero, no matter what. Nothing will change that.”
Bakugou kisses the inside of your palm before leaning forward to press his lips to yours. This kiss is slow, deliberate, as if he’s trying to communicate something between the volley of your tongues. You lean up and wrap your arm around his neck when he snakes his hands up the expanse of your back. He’s fully pressed into you now, your bodies flush with one another as he kisses you.
Secret words are passed back and forth from your throat to his, emotion swelling in your chest, begging to burst the longer he’s pressed into you. You curl your hand into his hair, anchoring him to you despite the growing heat billowing in the lack of space between your bodies. Bakugou licks at the seam of your lips and you let him in, you’ll always let him in, your hips rolling forward to meet him at every juncture of your bones.
And that’s how you fall asleep that night, entwined in such a way that neither of you can tell where one of you ends and the other begins.
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a/n: i hope you guys enjoyed it! drop me an ask if you did!! 
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Moving on from Routine, let’s look at Emotional Self-Care. This is Self-Care that you use to improve your emotional stability. This is what Emotional Self-Care can take the form of (though I do not use all of these; I will talk more about the ones I use):
Comfort Food
Taking a “mental health day”
Napping and/or Sleeping In
Binge-Watching Comfort Shows/Reading a Comfort Book/Listening to a Comfort Podcast/Comfort Music/Comfort Video Games/Etc.
Long Baths
Reflecting on the Good
Taking a Walk Outside or Hitting a Treadmill
Turning away from Social Media
Lighting a scented candle
Giving Gifts
Crying/Screaming/Emotional Outburst
Breaking Breakables
Playing with and/or Petting a Pet or Animal
Telling Other People You Don’t Want To Interact With Them (Right Now)/Boundary Setting
Taking care of Plants
Treating Yourself (non-food)
Every time I googled “emotional self-care”, I got some things like “set boundaries”, “learn to say no”, and “create a support system” – all of which are very good things, but they don’t really fit the quick regulation criteria that I’m going for here.
So, which of these do I personally use? Comfort Food, Mental Health Days, Sleeping In, Comfort Media, Venting, Reflecting on the Good, Meditation, Hitting a Treadmill, Scented Candle, Giving Gifts, Crying, Animals, Boundary Setting, Cleaning, and Treating Myself.
I’d take care of plants but right now I don’t have a good space for plants.
I’ll look at comfort food last, because I have a list of food.
Mental Health Days, I usually try to schedule ahead of time, around days or times I know are going to be hectic. I know that after a convention, for example, I need “cooldown days”, so usually I will take the following Monday-Wednesday off from work to cooldown from the convention.
If I don’t know ahead of time, I do feel comfortable enough to call in sick, but I vastly prefer being able to plan it, simply because of who I am as a person. It is sometimes a necessity. Sometimes there is just too much going on, and I need to step away from everything. Usually on these days, I will sleep in, or sleep for most of the day, with the promise to go back to normal tomorrow – and that is how it should be.
These are tricks to put you back in line in caring for yourself! To get you back to normal!
Now, most weekends I do sleep in a little. I wake up every day at 6am, so on weekends, I will absolutely let myself sleep in to like, 9-11. It’s a good thing I have this blog on a schedule.
Binge-Consuming Comfort Media: I do not consider this the same as observing New Media, because often for me that is a Personal Self Care, and not necessarily Emotional Self Care. It can be, but more often than not, it gets my thinking fired up and engages me in a wholly different fashion. For example, I consider playing Final Fantasy XII to be a “comfort game”, but I will not consider playing Elden Ring for the first time to be “comfort”, so much as Personal, because the former I have already done, while the latter is something new and is creating new experiences for me. One regulates my emotions, the other does not do so in a foreseeable fashion. In new games, I do not know the experiences I will have, whereas with old games, I can predict them.
I will usually use Binge-Consuming Media in downtime that I have nothing else to fill, but do not have the energy to try something new right then (usually with the promise that I will return to new things in the near future, usually the following day when this happens on a weekend, or the next weekend if this happens on Sunday). Binge-Consuming Media also tends to occur normally on Weekday Evenings, as I tend to lack any desire for new media after work. It thus helps me to stay in a calm mood throughout the night, and prepares me for the next day of work by maintaining mood, rather than changing it.
Venting has to be done with care; I have friends I can vent to, but the vast majority of them only end up aggravating me more when I vent to them. Venting is something I tend to reserve for after I’ve figured out what I’m going to do, and I just need someone else to know my pain, because very rarely are people actually able to give me decent advice. Yet, venting is still useful because it lets me finally express it, and lets other people into my life, which is healing, and allows me to move forward without feeling like I’m keeping a secret.
Akin to that, reflecting on the good is a bit more of a solitary action, but it’s useful to remember that a “bad day” isn’t a bad life. To think of the people who love me, to think of the good things that did happen, even amidst the bad, and to remember there are more good things to come. After a particularly bad day at work, remembering good things, good phone calls with customers, and just good people, is always helpful, and can prepare me to continue through the rest of the day.
Meditation is something I try to do every day, and I do feel that it helps me focus on the moment, as well as helps me work through my thoughts when I’m not meditating.
Back when gyms were safe, hitting the treadmill was great for days I just couldn’t fucking convince myself to do my weight training. It still got me in the gym, it still got me exercising, and it helped me beat out the anger while listening to a podcast or music. I felt like I could breathe. I miss this, a lot, and I look forward to being able to return to this, or getting the “Just Dance” games for my home so I can do a similar thing, without going to the gym. I was then usually able to resume weight lifting the next day – and it kept me from breaking my streak of going to the gym, back in the day.
Aromatherapy is just a thing. I enjoy it, it helps me, and I love candles, haha.
Giving Gifts is also something I like to do. Making other people happy, makes me happy, and this is often a surefire way to do that. It can be as simple as a bit of chocolate, it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Of course, I have to make sure I am financial stable enough to do that.
Crying – when I need to. Sometimes I will have to kind of force it, by putting on a movie I know will make me cry, because just bursting into tears from stress without additional stimuli can be hard, but once it’s done, it is so relieving, and it allows my brain to start to function again without feeling as much in a daze.
It’s true I do have pets, and they’re kind of around me everyday, so this is more of a routine one – the animals are a constant source of comfort, but if you don’t have pets, visiting a pet store may be beneficial to give their animals a bit of affection, or going to an animal shelter. Or perhaps watching cute animal videos if those aren’t options.
Boundary Setting is also important. While sometimes, it can be good to help others when you’re going through a thing – I find it helpful sometimes – at other times it is just too much. Being clear on that, and also giving your friend some idea of when to “check in”, is good. It also lets your friend know a bit of a time period, so they know it isn’t a permanent block on conversing. Being open and clear about your situation can only do you good when it comes to your friends – and checking in with them when you’re ready!
Cleaning is oddly enough something I do when I’m preparing for something that is Good. I feel like I must cleanse the area in preparation of the New Good Thing. I will do this when I buy a new gaming console, or a long-awaited game, for instance. It makes things feel fresh and rejuvenated. It lets me walk into the New Thing as if it is a New Thing, and it starts it off on good footing. Some of the anxiety and anticipation of it, is quelled.
Treating Myself, when it’s non-food items, is usually things like clothing for me, or new PJs lately. I will also invest in books I plan to read, one day, eventually, cute Star Wars things, shows and/or movies to watch that are new, or things that generally speaking bring joy into my life. Sometimes emotional regulation, is also about reward. If you’re doing good in your life, you absolutely SHOULD be rewarded for it! Otherwise, why bother with balance and moderation? Why not live a hedonistic lifestyle? That would be far more pleasant if balance and moderation don’t have rewards. Not all emotional regulation is just to stop being sad, it’s also to be vindicated and celebrate good events. Celebrating IS regulating, when it calls for it, obviously. So I’m not encouraging here spending your money on whims because you are sad, but spending it more when you’re happy, and doing good.
And then we get to Comfort Foods. What do I use for comfort foods?
Chipotle Gouda Pasta Salad
Lime-Chipotle Pasta Salad
“Chicken” Fried Steak (Scare quotes because I’m a vegetarian so it’s fake meat)
“Tuna” Salad
Cheesecake, particularly raspberry white chocolate, or turtle.
Ice cream, particularly from Cold Stone, but usually either Rocky Road or Raspberry with Chocolate Chunks. There’s also Love Potion #9 which I have to drive a significant distance for….
Extra Lattes (note the extra – I already have these planned in with my meal plans).
Hot Chocoalte
Potatoes O’Brien and Gravy
The idea behind Comfort Food: Eating tasty food often restores a mood, or at least puts us in a better mindset. They aren’t always the healthiest things, though they aren’t necessarily unhealthy. They have to be done in moderation, as you see I indicate with lattes it’s “extra” lattes that go on the comfort food side. I usually have two decaf lattes a week, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday.
Comfort Foods are for a “limited time”. An extra latte means I don’t get one the following day, or I don’t get one every single day of the week. I take the comfort it offers when it’s needed, and resume my usual drinking habits.
Things like Pasta Salad are for weeks when I need a bit of help, or when I’ve done good, because they’re multiple serving things. So like, my birthday week, eating a pasta is good. Or a week where everything went to hell, and I can’t focus on making something “new” and I just need to eat – but then it’s right back to normality after that week. This is not have pasta for an entire month, this is a way to set intentions, and work on orienting myself back to normal with food I love, and food I can make with my eyes closed.
Single-serving things, like cheesecake or hot chocolate, are usually Reward self-care. Like fuck yeah, I did great, I should give myself a little treat. It encourages my good behavior, and does not become an indulgence. It also ends up “planned”, and so the rest of the meals work around that indulgence so I don’t go overboard with it, either.
Knowing what foods, and what I use them for, helps me to use them when they will be most beneficial for me. Things like “extra lattes” also makes me think: Do I really want to do this now, or wait until the day I’m going to have it? Is there a reason I need it now? What will I do after I have it? How does this impact everything else in the balance?
So these are kind of the “quick trick” emotional self-care tools I use. Obviously, you should try to have a steady way of regulating your emotions, but shit happens. Cars break down, work days suck, friends are angry, people die…we need to have tools to get “back to normal”, or close enough to normal.
And you should also, absolutely, take time to treat yourself in self-care! If you don’t reward yourself, what’s the point in being “balanced”, and not just living a hedonistic lifestyle? That’s why comfort food as rewards is a thing! It’s why you can use these as rewards, if it helps, for doing good!
These are just what I do, and what I suggest. These are ideas to get you thinking about what you could put on a list, and how that could help you. If these same ideas work for you, great! If not, you just have to feel out yourself to determine what will help you! Brainstorm with your loved ones!
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