#which means we get to watch them throw tantrums
striving-artist · 1 year
so. in your opinion. what are the knockon effects of mccarthy's speakership being so weak? in what ways will that strengthen altrightism or weaken the base gop?
At the highest level, looking at this as how it will effect the citizenry: This will change very little. Unfortunately, that's because almost nothing was going to be passed into law in the 118th Congress. So there wasn't much to reduce. And the critical stuff will get passed with the same amount of pain as it has in previous years. It will be painful, but the government will get funded, and the debt ceiling will raise as needed. The price to do it will make us all sick, but, that's not really new is it?
Drop down from 30,000 feet though...
McCarthy gave away the store. I can't say that enough. The one vote threshold to call for a vote of no confidence is insane. However, I don't think many no confidence votes will occur. What I DO think will happen is that it will be a constant threat. Kevin didn't like your tweet? time for a vote. < that's a joke, but... the minute he caves to a first stupid demand, it's over, and based on the last four days, he has the moral temerity of jello.
The already glacial pace of Congressional action will slow further. If a Democrat makes a statement that Boebert hates, and she demands that McCarthy punish the dem, and he doesn't? She can threaten to call for a No Confidence Vote. Now, obvs, Kevin doesn't want that to actually go down and embarrass him further, so he will placate her. Maybe that means caving to the direct demand, or maybe it means she gets an extra 50k in funding from his PAC. (he did this to get the 14 votes that moved. He gave them money. literally. cash in exchange for the vote. i am not joking. it is that broken in here)
This is going to give the AltRight side of the GoP a lot of potential power. Like. A crap ton of power. But there is a plus side to that. It's power, but in the same sense that receiving a big bucket of gunpowder is a lot of potential power. Sometimes, they'll use it and do things that delight their base and get them interviewed on all the shows, and terrify everyone left of them. And sometimes, they're going to blow their own hands off. Kevin will be forced to let them do what they want, and they have made clear that they want chaos. They do not want a functioning federal government, and when they manage to break something, everyone will know who to blame.
Now this part is me speculating. I know it sounds weird, but: I think that this is going to empower the AltRight in congress, and that will weaken the GoP base.
Not the zealots, they aren't going anywhere. But this is not going to be two years of bragging. It's going to be two years of republican in-fighting, which has gotten very personal, very fast. It is going to be two years of airing grievances on the news and the internet. It is going to be two years of coverage of them fighting and fighting to pass a bill by a margin of one, only for it to be DoA when it hits the Senate. It's going to be two years of the AltRight fucking around, and then rapidly finding out.
There will be people who are on the edge of Strong Support who will drift away from the party out of shame to be associated with it. There will also be folk who double down and love the GoP harder for blowing shit up. The thing is though, Most of America prefers a veneer of centrist civility, and the shenanigans that Kevin's Speakership will encourage are not going to be civil. Most Independents absolutely want that civility. The GoP does not have room to lose support. Texas was a 6pt race in 2020. Texas. The GoP is alive now because of REDMAP. which was hella effective and evil
2022's midterms should have been a bloodbath. The party in power always gets destroyed. That's how it goes. Instead, Kevin has a four seat majority. There was no red wave. There was barely a ripple. All of the things that dems ran on in 22 are going to happen again, but louder in the 118th congress. This congress is going to alienate part of their base in order to keep the others. It is going to be embarrassing for moderates and centrists, and it is going to be a joke every time Kevin has to kneel and beg for permission to do his job.
None of this is a guarantee that the GoP won't gain power or do terrible things, but within Congress, the last four days shot every republican reelection campaign in the foot. Thousands of campaign ads will be made against them using this. They looked like fools, and their opponents will make sure everyone remembers that in 2024
My biggest concern is this: Congressional Republicans have a figurehead now, not a leader, and when there is no one leading a mob, it becomes a riot.
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feral-and-or-horny · 1 year
I'm so tired, I want someone to drug me and use me in my sleep just so I have an excuse to sleep as long as possible
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cyber333angel · 30 days
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you get a little too “spoiled” when with your boyfriends — barry and rafe!
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it was the weekend, meaning it was time for shopping spree at the mall! strolling around the coach store of your favorite big building, you struggle to choose which bag your boyfriends would pay for. behind you they walked, talking while watching you happily trudge in front of them. “blueberry or cherry?” you ask holding them both up next to you, posing with them in your pink tracksuit . “you can get both of em mama.” barry tells you and rafe looks at him, “she doesn’t need both, you spoil her too much.” barry rolls his eyes, “s’not like we can’t afford it big bruh, if she wants it she can have it.” you squeal at his retort, and hug him. “thank you bear!” giving him an attack of kisses on his cheek. rafe sighs “that’s not the point. you know how bratty she gets when she thinks she can have anything she wants. don’t act surprised when she throws a tantrum cause she can’t have something.”
“mhm.” barry says walking to the other shelf of jewelry with you, looking back at rafe and stick your tongue at him and say “bleh!” he furrows his eyebrows and power-walks toward you, shrieking at his scariness, you run and hide behind barry.
after shopping, you arrive home at tannyhill. “thank you rafe!” giving him a kiss for funding half the shopping spree “thank you bear!” you give your other boyfriend a kiss for the other half of funding and take your bags up to your room, placing them in your walk in closet.
later on a friday, your sitting on the couch with rafe, watching tv while he scrolls through his phone. bored you say, “rafey can we go to the mall? I smelt this miss dior perfume last week and I really liked it but we never bought it.” he doesn’t look up from his phone. “no. we already went this week, no need to go for a while.” you pout at him, “no but I really need it! im going somewhere with-“ he cuts you off. “what i just say huh? no. getting so fuckin bratty this early in the morning..” you look at him with a vexed face and you mumble. “I bet barry would take me..so infuriating”
rafe looks up at you from his phone. “what’d you say?” trying to escape the scene, you get up and walk to the the kitchen telling him, “s’nothing!”
“what i fucking thought.” he says quietly but harsh enough for you to hear. barry comes home later at night finding rafe in the kitchen opening a can of beer. “yo country club.” he looks for you and doesn’t see you with rafe as you usually are at this time, he asks ” where’s our girl?” rafe chuckles “sleeping off the badass little attitude she had today.”
barry, confused on what attitude you could possibly have, “what’d she do?” sighing, rafe shoots him a look “she started acting like a fucking brat cause I told her she can’t go to the mall again as if we didn’t go this week already. it’s because of you she thinks she can always have her way.”
barry had always been the one to be the most lenient with you, he loved you and would do anything to protect his girl. and of course rafe loves you as well and would do more than anything for you, but someone had to keep you in check and it was always rafe. “well come talk to her with me then. we’ll set her straight.” you wake up to barry picking you up by the armpits, blinking awake and rubbing your eyes with your manicured nails , “mm hi bear..”
“hey princess, we gotta talk so let’s go downstairs and get something t’a eat alright?” he readjusts the satin bonnet sliding off your head, you nod at him still sleepy. gaining energy you sit on the island of your kitchen while barry fixes you some milk and and a grilled cheese. rafe stands in front of you, you roll your eyes following from the earlier argument. he jerks his head back from the sudden sass, “don’t roll your eyes at me, you know your manners.“ he looks back at barry, “ you-you see what im talking about right? she’s getting too fucking rude. what is it, you need some dick? what’s with the attitude?” you look at him with all seriousness in your face “I wanted to go to the mall rafe!” he breathes hard through his nose. “im fed up with you. barry go talk some sense into that girl before i bend her over the table i swear.” barry turns the stove off, finishing your grilled cheese and cuts it diagonally placing it next to you with a glass milk. “what’s going on going on sweet girl? I hear you throwing tantrums round’ this house, what’s that about?” you pout at him “rafes being mean t’me saying I can’t go shopping!”
“well you know if we tell you something your supposed to listen even if it’s something you don’t wanna hear.” he tilts his head at you “hm? now why don’t you gone head and apologize to polo boy over there f’me.” you look up at him and huff, turning your back to rafe sitting on the couch you shout “rafe could you come over here please!” he rises from his seat and walks over to you, “don’t yell in the fucking house. what is it? you gonna apologize for the way you been acting?” you nod, “mhm i just wanted to say m’sorry daddy. I didn’t mean to be a brat, you just get me nice things all the time, and i guess I got carried away! it won’t happen again, promise!” holding up your pinky finger to pinky promise your boyfriend, rafe chuckles, interlocking his pinky with yours. “thanks for the apology baby, your gonna be a good girl for the rest of the week right?” he says nodding his head waiting for you to agree, “mhm.”
barry interjects, “well I think our pretty girl deserves a reward for being a big girl today right?” and rafe bows his head in a agreeing motion diving in to kiss you deeply from the right side of your body. your other boyfriend on your left, slides his rough hands on your thighs. “open your legs f’me mama.” you split your legs apart revealing the wet spot on your pink laced panties and through your thin shorts. barry takes off your short sleeping pants as well as your panties, letting the shorts drop to the floor, he puts your pink lace into his pocket. bending down he kisses you up from your calfs, up to your knees and to your inner thighs. “you gone let me make you feel good angel?” you nod frantically through rafes kisses. barry hooks his biceps under your thighs to bring you now soaked cunt closer to his face. “you smell so fuckin sweet for daddy, love this pussy.” he spits on your bud, sucking it harshly, making you squirm around the table. you whimper into rafes mouth from the intensity of barry’s lapping. rafe lifts up your shirt exposing your breasts and starts to pinch your nipples, with a different hand he unbuckles his pants. he grabs your hand and pulls out his cock letting you stroke his length. whispering “fuck..” under his breath, you paw at him faster. you shiver when barry thrust his tongue into your wet cunt, he takes his tongue out and shoves two fingers in and the other hand rubbing furiously at your clit. you take the one hand you have left and grip at rafes shirt from the extreme stimulation of your cunt. “be a good girl and come for daddy.” your boyfriend below you says, finishing you off. you arch your back, “mmph!” stuttering into rafes mouth, he lets go of your moistened lips, his dick standing tall from your jerking at it. hiccuping you say “that felt so g-good daddy.. I want you in me now please!”
“course mama.” barry gets up and lifts you off the counter, guiding you to the couch in the living room, you take rafes hand and he follows behind you. barry unbuttons his pants and his cock springs out, average height but so unbelievably thick. he sits on the couch and pulls you close to him, you hover over him letting him position his dick into your slick cunt. sinking down he praises you, “goood girl. shit, you taking me so well angel.” you mewl at him “mm it’s so big daddy!” rafe watches the scene and stands in front of you, gripping your jaw to force you to look up at him. “you wanna make daddy feel good too right?” you nod frantically and he lets go of your face, holding up his cock with one hand he slaps it on your cheek and positions it into your mouth. he thrusts his cock into your mouth making you choke, gripping your neck to make your gullet feel tighter. behind you, barry’s fucking up into your cunt with wet sounds heard all around the living room. it makes your head spin and clench harder around his cock “you doing so well for us princess, see how being a good girl gets you a reward?” you can’t answer with your throat being used but you do agree. “this fucking mouth..god you feel so good.” choking, as rafe speeds up the pace, he releases his warm load deep into your throat, thrusting as deep as he can to make it stick. “you better swallow all of it sweetheart..shittt..” he takes his cock out your mouth looking at your face. he grabs you face again “stick out your tongue.” you do as your told, showing him your empty mouth, cum nowhere to be seen but in your stomach. “good girl.” your eyes are half lidded and you smile up at him, still getting pounded from behind. “f-fuck daddy your going too hard..” barry smacks your ass, a firm slap that makes you flinch “don’t say that shit.” you sob at the harsh tone. “m’sorryyy daddy, your just hitting it so deep!”
“yeah I know mama..im bout to finish.” he puts in his last brutal thrust. plap-plap-plap and you cry at the rapid pace, taking your hands and placing them on barry’s thighs, a weak attempt to slow him down. looking up at rafe he tells you to “move your fucking hands.” you flinch, removing them and instead you reach your hands out to rafe, interlocking your hands together. barry at his climax, nuzzles his dick deep into your pussy, burrowing his warm cum into your pussy. “mm felt so good..both make me feel so g-good, oh goddd!” twitching when barry pulls out your cunt, he gets up from under you. they both admire you as the cum leaks out from your abused pussy. “what a fucking view..” after they finish using you, rafe lifts you up “let’s get you cleaned up sweetheart, did so good.” barry cleans up the pillows knocked off from this whole affair and goes to the kitchen, putting your grilled cheese in the microwave for you to eat tomorrow. your boyfriends both clean you up in the tub, they wash you off and clean out the load still buried in your cunt. they change you into one of their shirts, placing you in the shared bed you lay between them. you mumble as you drift to sleep “bear and rafey..can I go shopping now?” they both chuckle at you still acting like spoiled brat. “sure sweet girl.” as you fall asleep in their arms.
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heizours · 1 month
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summary. when you do not plan to pull for their character banner
tags. gn! reader, grammatical mistakes may occur
cw. one mention of 'die' (dottore), petty and sulky genshin men (all of them i may say)
feat. xiao, itto, dottore, venti, scaramouche
note. the head picture is how i imagine their reaction ☠️
< back to event m.list
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Recently, you've been saving up primogems for an upcoming new character banner that Hoyoverse is planning to release in the next version of the game.
Gosh you were so excited!
It's not like you wanted to pull for the character just because she was attractive. Definitely not.
Even if it takes a lot of time to earn those gems, you were willing to go through it as long as the system better give you that character you are pulling for.
"I can't wait to pull for Navia!"
You squealed in excitement, logging in the game as her banner awaits for you, ignorant of a certain chatacter just eavesdropping around the system.
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Xiao's banner was having a rerun along with the release of Navia's, and while he may not brag it out loud, he had some silent expectations that you were going to pull for him again.
After all, he is proud to be your first five star chatacter, and ever since then he has been on your team and never removed.
To hear you say that you're going to pull for Navia instead of him made him grunt quietly as he let out a quiet huff behind the screen.
"...Well, she is a good character" he admitted while grumbling under his breath, crossing his arms by now as he watched you pull and pull for Navia's banner, only getting the four stars but no sign of a five star yet.
Is he...sulking? oh yes, Xiao believes so as there was a tiny slight pout on his as he looked away, trying his best to not be affected by the fact that Navia might show up at your screen anytime now.
So while you're at it, better save some primos to pull for his rerun banner too, you wouldn't want a sulking Xiao, right?
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After pulling a few strings and fails in the wishing system, Itto was celebrating his victory after ensuring that his banner would have a rerun.
However, that satisfaction immediately crumbled down the moment he heard you saying that you are pulling for Navia instead for him again.
What makes it even worse, is he felt confident that you were going to pick him, and now...he doesn't know if he should throw a tantrum about it or blame the system that he had a rerun the same time with a new character.
"What?! Hey, what about me?" He yelled out from behind the screen, which of course you couldn't hear, as Itto let out a dramatic gasp by the revelation.
Is he making this a big deal? Yes, Itto is making this a big deal, because after all Navia is also a geo character, of course he would somehow feel intimidated that she would take his place in your team.
Best believe that when you are finish with your pulls, don't be surprised that he would not budge leaving your team— trying to replace him with Navia, even if you are already clicking the remove button!
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The doctor was confident that you were saving up those primogems for him considering that his banner hasn't been released yet, nor the gaming system haven't made any announcement about his builds, constellation, marketing drip, etc.
Imagine his reaction when he overheard that you were pulling for Navia, and those primogems for her and not his. He could not hide the disbelief that crossed over his face.
He'll recover shortly after, and just laughed it off strainly as we watched you spending every gem you had saved on Navia's banner, no sign of the blondie woman yet showing up on your screen.
"And here, I thought I was what you are waiting for" He mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth slightly in the process, keeping a forced smile on his face.
He would rather die than admit it, but this revelation had left a big wound on his pride, and he is a millisecond away of just straight up disrupting the system's controls if it means you get to play him.
Of course that would take some time, but he hopes that you're just as amused as him if he keeps joining you on doing your quests out of nowhere that doesn't even involve him in the first place ;)
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It took so long for Venti to finally have this moment again, and he was more than glad to show up on your screen, on your first pull, on his rerun banner.
One second he was smiling and all giddy, but as you dropped the statement that you are pulling for Navia like a bomb, his smile freezed, his whole body freezed as he sweatdropped.
Not just freezed, you know those kind of special effects in an anime series when a character messes something up, does something awkward or expected something but gets embarass instead, and suddenly they turn into a whole block of ice? Yeah, something like that.
"..Oh, right her! I've heard a lot about her!" He stated, trying to keep up with his cheerful-go-to persona, as Venti awkwardly scratched the side of his neck while watching you spend those gems on her banner, still no luck of the five star geo character.
He failed to continue showing jolly facade, because now he is sulking at the corner as if it is the end of the world, almost as if a big tub of water was dunk upon him.
Please forgive him if he'll be out of character and maybe acting a little petty on your end for the next few hours or days while playing the game. It's not his fault you didn't also pulled on his rerun!
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Scaramouche carries himself with such confidence and prides himself being a part of your team after you pulled on his first banner.
He was smirking with boldness, and eyes closed in satisfaction as he awaits and is all ready for you to pull on his rerun this time. That is until his mouth twitched downward, as he opens his eyes in suspicion right after he heard that you were pulling instead for Navia.
He could not hide the displeased expression painted on his face, as he continues to watch you behind the screen, spend all the primogems you saved up only for her, and like an open book— he doesn't even realized that he is scowling. So far, you're only getting the four stars.
"What about me?" He mumbled under his breath, as he scoffed lightly and by now instead of continuing to frown, there was a slight pout forming on his lips, as he huffed and turned his head away, facing a corner refusing to watch further your pulls on the geo character.
He rejects to believe that he is mopping about as something as this, but his actions says otherwise. He doesn't even know why is so affected by this.
Whether you get Navia or not, make sure you also give him the attention he seeks! We wouldn't want a petty Wanderer disrupting your team's gameplay, no?
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sttm99 · 3 months
Trigger warnings: Alcohol consumption, swearing, recreational drug use, very suggestive, slight voyeur and exhibitionism.
Characters: Bakugo and Shinsou x reader.
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"Yo, we got space for an extra?" Sero pops his head into Bakugo's room, holding up his phone to his ear.
"For what?" Bakugo's hunched over his desk, trying to get in some last minutes reading done before he has to start getting ready.
"The car." Sero replies, speaking faster, growing slightly impatient. "Is there space for an extra person?" He asks again.
"S'long as it's not fucking deku or icyhot." The blonde spits out, brows furrowing as he shuts the book close and turns in his seat to face Sero. "Why are you asking? Who do you wanna bring?"
Sero speaks into the phone for a moment before answering. "Oh, just one of my friends. You don't know them."
Bakugo raises a brow.
Sero laughs, "She's cool. Don't worry about it." And best quickly leaving before Bakugo can say anything about it again.
He just rolls his eyes, grumbling about the door as he stands and heads to his wardrobe to start getting ready.
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"Yeah, just make a right here," Sero directs from the passenger seat, eyes flitting between the Google Map opened on his phone and the row of houses outside.
"Which house is it?" Bakugo asks with narrowed eyes, looking out through the dashboard.
It was bad enough that he'd agreed to make a detour to pick up this Sero's friend. He wasn't in the mood to wait for her, too.
"Yeah, YN." Sero speaks into his phone, still squinting and looking outside as Bakugo drives slowly through the neighbourhood. "Yeah, we're here. Come out. It's a black Ford."
Uraraka leans forward from the backseat. "It's YN?"
Sero turns back to look at her. "You know her?"
Tsuyu speaks. "She's Mina's friend. Apparently, she went to school with her and Kiri."
Sero nods, "Yeah, I met her through Eijiro."
Bakugo rolls his eyes and groans. "Well where the fuck is she?"
But before he can pop a fuse, Sero taps his shoulder and directs him to a house just a few ways down, a figure just opening the door.
"Yeah, that's her."
"Finally," Bakugo rolls his eyes and groans, driving forward.
"Shut up, dude, you didn't even wait three minutes."
Bakugo catches sight of you as you approach the car through his side, and he decides that you're sexy. Glossy hair and giggly features and your cleavage practically glowing in the streetlight.
He quickly unlocks the door, and you open it, Uraraka shifting to the other door as you slide in next to Tsuyu.
Sero's turning in his seat to grin at you. "You look good." He praises.
Bakugo watches you through the rearview mirror.
"As always," you tease back before turning to the girls next to you. "Hi," you greet out enthusiastically. "I'm YN. Thank you, really, for the ride."
Uraraka grins, "It's nice to meet you. I'm O-"
"Oh, I know you two." You laugh softly. "Mina posts you guys a lot. You're on her story like every other week." You lean forward in the seat to look at Bakugo. "Hi. Thanks for the ride."
He nods once. "Yeah, sure. No problem." He mumbles as he changes gears and begins driving out of your neighbourhood.
"You didn't throw a tantrum," Sero laughs, nudging Bakugo's shoulder before turning back to you. "That means you're sexy." He tells you.
You roll your eyes and settle back in the seat. Then you perk up. "Oh, right, I forgot." You say as you reach into your bag. "I got this for you. You know Monoma always buys the worst drinks." You snort and pass a can of some drink to Sero.
"Oh, sweet!" He says with a wide grin as he immediately opens it up and begins chugging it down. Then he's wiping the excess off his mouth. "You're always on point with the alcohol." He teases.
You laugh, bringing out a can for yourself and flicking it open. "Can't do anything other than drink, so..." you shrug.
Bakugo raises a brow at you. "No weed?"
You shake your head as you take a few sips of your drink, then offer to Tsuyu and Uraraka. The latter takes it. "No weed. It's just never been my thing."
He hums. And you all fall into silence as he drives.
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The number of UA students you're friends with is surprising. Bakugo watches as you drift around the place, sharing a shot with someone and greeting another.
It's even crazier when he ends up with you and some others in a locked room on the first floor, away from the loud music and too drunk party goers.
He's sat by the desk at the edge of the room, Sero atop the table next to him, laughing and grinning as you all engage in some stupid drinking game.
You're on the bed, your body hanging lazily over Setsuna next to you. The girl in question I'd practically a goner, eyes drooping shut and checks deeply flushed from all the alcohol she'd taken.
And then there's Shinsou at the edge of the bed, fiddling with the lighter at the end of his blunt, brows furrowed in concentration.
"Okay, so..." Sero says, leaning his elbows on his knees as a sly grin takes over his features. "Games aside, YN. Time for you to do your thing."
You chuckle. Bakugo raises his brow.
"That's right," Shinsou perks up, turning to face you with a grin and his rolled up blunt balanced on his lips. "I've heard about you."
It has you grinning and coyly batting your lashes at him. "Aww. I feel famous now."
"Your thing?" Bakugo asks, sitting up in his chair as he looks at you closely.
Setsuna giggles, slowly slumping unto the bed, "Her quirk. They love it."
Sero snorts as he hops off the table. "And I've not had it in a while."
Shinsou sits forward, putting Setsuna's legs on his thighs as he gets closer to you. "Mhmm... I've not had it at all."
But Bakugo's still furrowing his brows, feeling out-of-the-loop, being the only one that doesn't know what this quirk of yours is.
And you notice his confusion, and lean back on the bed now that Setsuna is practically passed out, your head at the edge of the frame as you stare up at him upside down. "It's a sense manipulation quirk," you drawl out, your words slurred from the alcohol. "I can enhance or reduce your sense of everything."
Bakugo hums as he finds himself staring, and it has goosebumps rising on your arms and a familiar tingling feeling pooling at the bottom of your belly. You lick at your drying lips as you stare back at him.
"Sero likes getting off with it." You giggle as you sit back up, feeling yourself getting dizzy from the blood flow to your head. But as soon as you're seated upright, you're turning to face Bakugo. "Wanna see?"
"Hey, no fair," Sero pouts as he sits next to you, palm on your chin, softly turning your head to face him instead. "I asked first."
"And I did second." Shinsou says, his hand coming to rest on your thigh.
But you roll your eyes at them, playfully swatting Shinsou's hand away from your leg with a giggle. "I wanna do Bakugo first, and you can go second. He needs to let loose more than you two," you look back at Bakugo invitingly.
"Alright. Let's see this sense quirk." He mumbles as he stands from the chair, walking over to you.
You giggle, making space for Bakugo to sit in front of you.
"Okay, so relax, yeah?" You whisper as you rise to your knees, putting them on either side of Bakugo's hips as he sits at the edge of the bed. "Everything's gonna feel far."
He hums, nods once, and then rolls his shoulders, leaning back into your chest. You look down at him, almost forgetting Sero and Shinsou right next to you. You're too focused on Bakugo, his resting mean face, the slight weight of him as he rests his back against you.
You let your palms snake up his arms to his shoulders, not to intensify the effects of your quirk but because you'd wanted to touch his biceps since you'd gotten into the car.
You close your eyes and breathe out softly, causing a shiver to run down his spine before you press the tips of his fingers to his pulse points and you hum.
And you're right, Bakugo thinks, everything suddenly feels so far....
His eyes are open, but it feels like he's dreaming, sounds are muffled, he can't smell much. His tongue like lead in his mouth and it feels like he's drowning.
It feels so good.
Like some high he's never reached before. He leans back even more against you, eyes half lidded and lips parted as he tries to look around.
"Fuckin' mental."
"I swear he's gonna bust a nut."
"Will you two shut the fuck up?"
Your voices are muffled, like there's cotton in his ears, and all he can do is feel.
He can still feel your hands on his neck.
He can feel as they dip forward into his shirt from above.
He can feel the heat of your breath on his neck as you lean closer and the press of your breasts on his back.
"I can choose which senses to increase or decrease," he hears you whisper. But it's so muffled, so unclear.
Bakugo doesn't even hear when his breath becomes shallow as your hands keep running over his chest. He doesn't realise he's softly groaning at your touch.
"Fuucck-" He growls low, letting his head fall back unto your shoulder. Your fingers are running over his nipples know.
You're giggling softly behind him as one of your hands begins snaking up to his jaw.
"What confuses me though is the tongue sometimes," You're purring in his eat and he can feel his cock beginning to harden and twitch.
"I'm diminishing your taste, but increasing your touch. So..." Your index and your middle fingers are on his lips, pushing past his mouth and pressing flat against his tongue.
"You should feel this even more, shouldn't you?"
He wants to respond, to tell you 'yes'. He can feel the press of your fingers, can feel it so intensely, your other hand that's travelling down his stomach, he can feel that too, he can feel you thumbing at his V-line.
He groans around your fingers, hoarse and guttural, before he's gathering all the strength he has to raise a hand to your wrist, letting his tongue circle your fingers once before he's pulling them out of his mouth and turning his neck to you so he can harshly press his lips to your own.
And just as he expected, it's enhanced. Your mouth on his has him groaning, his dick spurring up. It's even hotter once you begin to reciprocate, pushing your tongue into his mouth as you kiss him.
He can feel a dip in the bed, one of the boys inching closer to see more. It's Shinsou, uncharacteristically eager, his blunt discarded somewhere as he leans forward to get a better look at you.
Bakugo thinks you lose control of your quirk for a moment because everything hits him suddenly; the smell of your perfume, the sound of your moaning, everything. It hits him like a truck, and he flinches harshly, pulling away from you.
And as his lips are no longer on yours, Shinsou's replacing him, the purple haired boy's hands are on your waist, his mouth practically devouring yours as you groan and mewl into his mouth.
You giggle softly as you pull away slowly, turning to look at Bakugo, "Oops," you shrug with a smirk, your hands playing with the hem of Shinsou's shirt. "Should have warned you about that."
Shinsou laughs too, "You look fucking wrecked." He murmurs out to Bakugo, his palms rubbing at your lower stomach under your shirt.
And Bakugo's sure he does. His cheeks are hot, pupils blown, and he can feel your saliva on his lips. That kiss he had with you, your fingers all over his body, in his mouth-
"You're sweet, too." You mumble as you suck on your fingers, the ones that had just been in his mouth. Your eyes never leave him, and he watches you suckle your fingers gently.
But then Shinsou's bringing his lips to your neck. "Hey. It's my turn, right, pretty girl?" He whispers into your ear, his voice soft and low, large hands rubbing up your arms, coming to cup your breasts gently.
You grin, "Hmmm, come here." You whisper to him, arching your back and pressing forward into his touch.
It fuels a soft jealousy in Bakugo, watching Shinsou's hands rub up your body softly.
"Freaks," Sero snorts under his breath as he watches the three of you.
But you roll your eyes. "Just admit you're jealous, Hanta."
He scoffs as he stands. "Well, obviously. I thought I was gonna get fucked here." He hums as he makes to the desk, taking a seat. "Though I guess I don't mind watching."
"Oh?" You grin at him. "Didn't think you were into that."
Sero laughs lowly, shaking his head and manspreading back on the chair, showing off the forming tent in his trousers, "Well? Shinsou's getting impatient, and Bakugo's jealous. It's a whole show at this point."
Bakugo grunts. "I'm not fucking jealous."
Shinsou replies this time. "Sure you're not." He says sarcastically, burying his lips into your neck, his hands going under your shirt. "Though I don't get why. 'M not stopping you from touching her too, am I?"
Bakugo looks at you getting groped and kissed by his classmate, his eyes roaming your body before coming up to your face, looking at you expectantly.
You giggle softly, stretching an arm out to him. "Come on. Let's teach you to share."
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kopilot-pop · 7 months
[New Jeans x Oldest Member! Reader] - #2
- imagine.
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Summary: You’re the oldest member in NJ. That means alot of adoration coming from your younger members. (These are just a bunch of short moments with NJ and oldest member)
A/N: Hey I’m back with another one lol. Sorry for the long wait! This one’s (I think) a bit shorter, but hey who cares. It’s mainly fluff but I decided to write angst in the end so beware of that! Love y’all
Warnings: overworking, physical abuse, breakdowns, etc. Don’t get scared it’s like 3/4 fluff
"Hey unnie are you-"
Haerin opened your door for the tenth time this week, and just like the other times, you weren't in your room. The girl let out a frustrated groan.
Recently, you've been hanging out at Nmixx's dorms alot.
It started when you became close friends with Haewon (having been the same age) at a festival. Thanks to Haewon, you became close with Lily, and soon you had the 4 other members surrounding you with the same adoring eyes you always see on your members.
It was cute to be honest.
But wanna know who didn't find them cute?
Every single person at your house.
"Okay, Hanni calm do-"
The short girl was having a tantrum on the couch, with Minji barely stopping her from barging into Nmixx's dorm. However, since this is the 5th time this week you're at their house, Minji is currently considering barging in with Hanni.
"...Does she not like us anymore..."
Another slumped body rolled onto the couch.
"Maybe I was too clingy.. Maybe we should let her go... Let her move onto better things.."
"Yeah, Y/n deserves better..."
Minji pinched her temple when she heard another person throwing a tantrum in the kitchen. Hyein slammed the fridge door in frustration, causing the whole room to shake. She had a prominent pout on her face, sipping on the Caprisun in her hands (which you bought by the way).
She was grumbling something about Nmixx and how much 'I'm cuter than their maknae', causing Minji to let out an exasperated laugh.
"Everyone calm down!! Y/n told me she's gonna be home soon so-"
"I'm home right now, so..."
You stood at the hallway, watching the three members having a near-breakdown over your absence.
All four of them ran into your body, capturing you in a hug.
“UNNIE!! Why did you take so looong..”
Hyein - being taller than you - was practically carrying your whole body in her arms.
“I was gone for like 3 hours..”
“Way too long if you ask me.”
“WAY too long.”
You let out a sigh, “Well, you guys better get used to it then, because I’m visiting them next we-”
“Yeah, we’re having pizza-”
Minji let out a loud groan, hurriedly leaving you to deal with the children.
“How was your first impression of each other?”
The young man sitting on the sofa was smiling, clearly excited to be interviewing one of the most famous k-pop groups of 2023.
His question wasn’t something new, but it was the first time you guys have been asked it.
You picked up the microphone first, “Well, personally, I just thought all of them were really pretty so…”
The studio filled with laughter from your statement.
“Ah, well then, let’s ask our pretty girls. What did you guys think of Y/n the first time you saw her?”
Hyein was the first to be given the microphone.
The other girls agreed, causing you to look at them in disbelief.
“I was not scary!”
“You were really scary! You were wearing a hat that covered your face and you had a really deep voice!!”
“I had a sore throat that day!”
“You always have a deep voice though?” Hanni teased.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I brought snacks that day! I thought I made a really good impression..” You pouted at Danielle causing the girl to squeal.
“You did in the end! It was just your first look that was really scary. Now you’re just a really big puppy in our eyes.”
The whole group hummed in agreement.
“Hey, wait! I’m not a puppy!”
“Yeah, exactly. You’re not just a puppy. You’re a really big puppy.” Haerin commented with the same expression she always made when teasing you.
Flustered, touched(?), and clearly not used to this kind of treatment by your ‘kiddos’, you let out an awkward cough, causing the interviewer to laugh.
“Haha, I can tell that they really adore you Y/n!”
You can’t contain a smile this time.
“UNNIE! Do you know where my leather jacket is?!”
It was currently 11:24. Haerin excitedly told you for weeks on end about appearing in Euchae’s Star Diary, and today was finally the day.
Apparently, it was a special episode, with Eunchae, Kyujin, and her going around like a small hangout. The crew apparently wanted a ‘natural vibe’, which meant the girls could choose what kind of outfits they want to wear.
Haerin kept you up all night to pick out an outfit, but apparently she needed her favorite leather jacket - with the star patches - to complete the look.
“Didn’t you leave it at the company last week?”
She let out a soft gasp, immediately followed by a prominent pout on her lips.
“Ah.. but I really wanted a leather jacket to go with this..” She tugged at the shirt she was wearing. After a few second of watching her sulk, you grabbed your own jacket and threw it over her shoulder.
“How about this one?”
Haerin let out a giggle, “Hmm.. I think this might be better than the star one..!”
“It’s settled then. Come on, our manager’s probably waiting for you downstairs.”
“Oh, can I really borrow it?”
“Of course. If you don’t plan on throwing it in the sea, you can wear it as much as you want.”
You watched as a tiny smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
“Did you forget something, bub?”
Haerin stood at the entrance, hesitantly looking at you and her feet.
“….Thanks… for helping me out…..I’ll see you later!!”
She burst through the front door, leaving you dumb founded. After a few second to process everything, you finally let out a loud laugh.
“Not a problem, kitty.”
You were tired, that's for sure.
It's approximately 14 days and 3 hours away from your group's comeback. And you've been a mess for approximately 30 days.
Being the oldest meant alot of pressure onto you from the company. For a while, the pressure was always on Minji, but ever since you stumbled into her crying after being yelled at by the choreographer, you decided take charge a bit more.
Being screamed at was fine - it's you or the others, and you'll gladly be the victim if it meant the girls weren't. Being forced to attend meetings at midnight was fine - you're already high on caffeine. Fuck it - having a clip board thrown into your shoulder was fine and even being slapped by a random producer was fine.
At least in the moment it was.
Everything all came back to you in the dorms.
When the effects of the energy drink you chugged flushes out and when the ringing in your ears changes into the sounds of Hanni's favorite TV show, you finally feel the burning sensation on your right cheek.
That day was the first time your members saw you cry.
Hyein was barely awake, having been waiting for you to come home. She dragged her feet towards the front door when she heard you unlock it.
You simply stood there, tears streaming down your face.
The maknae took a few moments to shake off the sleep left in her body and immediately took you into her arms.
"Wha- it's okay, it's okay unnie. C'mon I'm here..."
You sobbed uncontrollably, clutching onto the younger's body like she would fade away if you let go even for a moment.
Hyein was confused (I mean she woke up like 5 minutes ago), but all she cared about was the fact her unnie - the strongest person she knew - was having a breakdown, barely a feet inside the house.
You think you passed out from exhaustion in her arms.
When you gained consciousness again, you were in your bed. Hyein was underneath you (most likely unable to leave because of your hands clutching onto her pajamas) and through bleary eyes, you could see Danielle cuddled up right next to the two of you.
With her hand tightly gripping onto the pajamas somebody changed you into.
"Oh, you're awake."
Minji was in the doorway with a tray of food and a plastic box.
You pushed yourself off of the maknae and sat on the ledge of the bed.
"Yeah, um.." Your voice cracked immediately, making Minji let out a chuckle.
"I brought you breakfast? If you want some, of course."
"I.. I'd love to. Thanks bub."
After a few moments of silence, Minji finally decided to start a conversation.
"So... How are you feeling?"
"Haha... I'm not sure actually." You let out a nervous laugh.
As you played with your food, you could sense Minji's eyes boring into you. What you couldn't sense was her grabbing your face, and wiping it down with a wet towel she brought.
"Agh- what are you doin-"
"What happened to your face?"
Silence, again.
"What about your shoulder? Why is it bruised like that?"
Ah, so she changed your clothes.
"...I don't want to talk about it."
You could see her eyebrows furrow. She clearly doesn't like your answer, but doesn't want to pry any farther. At least not right now.
Minji lets out a sigh, "Fine."
"I'm okay Minj-"
"We know you're not."
She starts adding ointment onto your her hand, rubbing it onto your burning face.
"And it's fine if you're not ready to tell us."
You stare into her eyes.
"But just... I just want you to know, we're always here... Always."
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Mars Aspects, how you like to WIN
if you win,i dont win so i gotta turn my loss into yours, becsuse we can't all be winners. i didnt change my mind, just chose a better outcome, whats your choice?
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Mars aspecting sun - winning at all costs, they appear like a winner, but the means and ways they go about it are so in your face, you become impressed but simultaneoulsy concerned. but thats what gets them off. they turn the expression show dont tell, into show and tell everybody. which gives them more enemies, but also makes em more fierce. also flambouyant just to throw their enemies off lol. mars aspecting moon - they like to win behind closed doors. they want you to belive in them, simply becsuse they believe in you. its what gets them emotionally secure i guess. the security of winning. but its just confusing becsuse for example we watching tv on da couch, and your trynna pull a funny. sit down we still love you we just tired. but if you put them in there place expect a tantrum. mars aspecting mercury - basically death note. intellectual competitors/debators always playing the chess game of anything; "whats the best move here" also super entertainign speakers, can talk super fast and aggressively. also very into learning, they want to dominate the intellectual sphere. they wanna argue with everyone but no one wanna bite back lol. also > can't catch deez hands
mars aspecting venus - agrresively charming. there charisma just exudes from there aura naturally, people just laugh at these guys so easily, because they just are likeable with it. also people love it when they are angry, they just fall for em harder. but they dont like to get angry becsuse theyd rather just be charming mars aspecting jupiter - so much movement, they move like the "wacky waving inflatable arm tube man" - family guy. but seriously the way they move peopple just cant believe they move like dat, they move so strangely but hypnotically. also so much energy these guys can do a million sets in da gym and eat the whole fridge. they just got way too much energy and it shows... they also just get really lucky w competition, victory just lands in their lap lol. mars aspecting saturn - these guys are always striving to be da best at whatevrr there mind is set on. if they gotta goal, then whatsver is obstructing there path better move or they gonna trample all over it/ya. kinda intimidating. but this usually sets them back, but in the end only makes them stronger/ more fierce. because to them the fear people have of them is also getting in there way lmao. unless it works to there favour... basically control freaks and they only care about their agenda, but will pretend to have your interests in mind, just to get there ends. mars aspecting uranus - these guys are the true psychopathic freaks, everyone i know with this aspect is sadistic and also enjoys getting hit. people stay away from them, because they know they just wanna hit them lol. even when they acting nice, after like a week they show their crazy psychotic side, and everyones like yeahhhhh idk about you. but they dont mean harm they just view violence as intriguing i guess.... they like to win by fighting everyone and anyone lmao, but its play fighting, unless you try them... they really are the psychopaths; extremely calculated and precise with there attacks. they think they doing you a favour by attacking you lol. mars aspecting neptune - idk why but they always getting sexualized, probs because they are an easy target, and there submissiveness gets people going like "i can hurt them and they will literally just apoliogize :D" i feel bad for these lot, but there forgiveness really does shine through, i guess they dominate through submission... go figure. they like to win you over with their pure hearts <3 mars aspecting pluto - they literally do nothing and everyone is intimidated lmao. you can just tell these guys will not just kill you but torture you and enjoy it lol. thats why they always acting like they are not a threat, because they are begging for someone to challenge them, but they are so bad at acting innocent, everyone can tell they are a wolf in sheeps clothing. its all or nothing with them. but they choose their prey very carefully... they like to win at all costs no matta the price.
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 3 months
Feel free to ignore! Sinner!Adam x GN!Reader where Adam sucks up his pride, goes to the hotel, and although practically nobody wants him there, Charlie gives him a chance for redemption and puts Reader in charge of watching over him and helping him adjust because they were mostly neutral with him. So maybe just some moments of them bonding and actually becoming close?
OH MY GODS!!! I am so sorry this took me so damn long. I really wanted to make this fic the best it could be. I really hope you like it. Again I feel like I might have slighlty strayed for the prompt but I really do hope it is what you wanted Nonnie
The small things - Sinner!Adam x GN!reader
Warnings Angst-Hurt/comfort-fluff
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When Adam woke up in a shit stained back alley of Hell, oh how he screamed an extremely blasphemous bloody murder for hours upon hours upon . . . well you get the idea. The other demons that happened to be walking past carried on by unphased. Yes, some did take a sneak peek of the newly fallen angel throwing a massive child-like tantrum, but most didn’t give a rat’s ass about what he was going through. This is Hell after all, everybody’s got problems.  
Adam finally calmed down enough to crawl out of the rancid gutter. It took a moment for him to gain his bearings, seeming to have found himself in the pride ring. Which meant he was in the same rung of hell as that fucking hotel. Whoever's idea of this sick fucking joke was going to get ripped a new one. He shouldn’t be here. Why was he here?
He doesn’t remember walking but soon he found himself in front of the shadow of a much larger and grander looking Hazbin Hotel.  
He seemed to snap back to himself. Why the fuck did he subconsciously walk to the threshold of the one place that would most likely give him his second death on the spot? But that doesn’t stop him from raising a fist and knocking obnoxiously loud. He’d been in Hell for all of about 5 hours now and it was hard to tell what time of day it was down here without a watch. He didn’t have jack shit on him when he woke up, just a grubby, ripped up pair of sweats.
The door finally opened up to Lucifer’s yawning brat. Her eyes went wide seeing him there.
“Adam?” She was more confused than he had been as to why he was down here, let alone in demon form. “What. What are you doing here? I mean you’re, you, but you’re not. I mean why are you . . .” Charlie stumbled over her words.
Vaggie arrived behind her while she was stammering. It took a split second for her to knock him on his ass, her angelic spear aimed at his throat.
“Give me one reason I shouldn’t end your worthless life again right here and now.” She growled out.
“Hey, Woah now. I mean no harm this time honest. I’m just as confused as you are as to why the fuck I ended up here but I have nowhere else to go and . . .” Adam shuffled further away for the spear’s tip.
“Vaggie stop. Let’s just talk about this.” Charlie tried to shimmy in front of her girlfriend. “I know he is the main reason for so many very bad things but we need to take a breather. Look, it’s 3am and we won’t be thinking straight at a time like this. So let’s put a pin in this extremely weird conversation for now. We can put him up in a room on the second floor and then take this all from the top in the morning.”
“I don’t know about this.” Vaggie side eyes Adam but he can see her very slowly caving to Charlie. “UGH! Fine. He can stay for one night. Just one but as soon as we figure out what is going on he is out on his ass.”
 Charlie squeezes her partner in a tight hug before turning and holding out a hand towards Adam. He glares at it for a moment before grabbing it. She hauls him back to his feet and shows him inside. His eyes flick all around the lobby area, clocking a bar on the far left, the elevators to the right and of course a grand staircase up to the first floor. He was shown to his room on the second floor. Charlie chose to take the elevator, Vaggie standing firmly in between them, her hands clenching around the shaft of her spear. Adam shuffled as far to the side as possible he knows about the short temper of his exorcists, even the ex-ones.
“Here we are 224.” She opened the door, flicking on the light switch and letting Adam walk in. “You’ll find towels in the bathroom and fresh sheets already on the bed. Just please wait until someone comes to collect you in the morning. Now get some sleep, lord knows we are gonna need it.” She said the last part more to herself as she left with Vaggie.
Adam let out a deflated sigh, he wasn’t sure that he would get any sleep, no matter how exhausted he felt. So, he went to look at the ensuite, maybe taking a shower would help put him in a sleepier state, true to her word clean red towels were waiting on the counter by the sink. Adam stripped and threw the grubby garments he’d had on into the corner of the room.
He turned the shower up high and climbed into the scolding spray. As the water rained down his body, only then did he see how his heavenly body had really changed into this disgusting new demonic form. Hatred bubbled beneath the surface of the dull grey-coloured skin, he scrubbed as hard as possible in a vain attempt to try and find the person he was under all this ‘fakery’. He still held onto the belief that this was an incredibly vivid nightmare and he was going to wake up safe and sound in his plush king-sized bed in heaven.
He can’t be a demon.
He wasn’t a sinner; he was a winner. This had to be all a lie. It just had to. He wanted to scream, cry or something. Everything was getting to be too much. Turning off the water he stepped out into the steam-filled room and stared at the large fogged over mirror above the sink. Adam knew when he wiped away the condensation he would see himself.
He knew he had to talk himself into looking at what he’d become.
‘Come on. You can do this. Stop being such a fuckin pussy.’
Slowly he raised his left hand and wiped at the mirror.
There staring back at him was his worst nightmare. Dark brown horns curled out of his skull through damp blackened hair clinging to his scalp. His skin now he looked closer It was really more of a short fur coating than human skin. His teeth were razor sharp and his tongue was yellow. He was slightly rounder than he was before, his feet were now coven hoofs. How he didn’t clock this fact before scared him slightly but the one thing that stuck out to him the most were his eyes. He blinked a few times but nothing changed.
He still had those golden irises that heaven gifted him.
Adam stood and stared.
He was an abomination. There was no removing this mask at the end of a long day.
Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Shame gushing to the surface. He angrily swiped at the tears trying to stop them at the source. He was a man. They don’t cry or show emotion. They bottle it up inside or channel it into something else. Yet here was crying like a hormonal broad.
He blindly grabs for a towel, bunching it up in his dark clawed fingers and screaming into the fabric.
He let everything out. Screaming out all his hatred, pain and anguish until his throat hurt from the exertion. The towel got thrown into the corner. Switching the bathroom light off, he walked slowly over to the soft looking bed and crawled under the covers. He didn’t care that he hadn’t dried himself off properly, full body exhaustion had taken hold and he welcomed the dreamless sleep that often always followed.
When the knock came what felt like mere minutes after he had passed out. He slowly sat up in the bed, the covers pooling around his hips. He wiped the partially dried drool off his chin, blinking a few times before acknowledging the person knocking
“Whatduyawant?” he grumbled.
“You decent?” the voice behind the door was not one he recognised.
“Yeah sure, whatever.” He yawned and stretched out his back. The door opened and in walked a sinner that Adam definitely didn’t remember from the final battle at the old hotel. They held a clean pair of clothes and a small set of toiletries that was clearly for him.
“Afternoon. Charlie said to let you sleep in a bit.” You seemed completely unphased by the half-naked demon before you. “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” You stood at the end of the bed.
“Urm, good I guess.” Adam reaches out for the clothes you have.
“Well, good news is you ain’t getting thrown out just yet.” You drop the clothes into his hands and went to put the toiletries in the ensuite.
“And the bad news is?” He tugs on the clean pants. You turn and lean against the door frame. Your eyes flick up and down before smirking.
“Bad news is I’ve been stuck with babysitting your ass.” You push yourself off the frame with your hip. “So, I’m setting ground rules right here and now. You are only allowed to stay here if you play ball. Nobody wants to deal with your egotistical bullshit. So if you piss me off, I’ll go straight to Charlie. If you threaten anybody, I go straight to Vaggie and if you harass any of the other patrons. I will go and find Niffty because I’m sure she will be able to get her point across. Do you understand?” You stand tall with your arms crossed over your chest.
Adam is stunned by your strictness but finds himself nodding. Not trusting his words right now.
“Good. Now get yourself ready there is an activity planned for 3:15pm.” You walk away. “Oh and Adam. I want you to at least try okay?” You throw a soft smile back at him before leaving him to finish getting ready.
Adam sat on the edge of the bed staring at the closed door. Something inside him sparked briefly. He pulled on his shirt. ‘What the hell was that?’ He thought to himself.
It had been 4 weeks since Adam had shown up at the hotel despite this stupid buddy system that Charlie had in place. Adam was kinda glad he was stuck with you. Something about your snarky attitude, the fact you always called him out when he brags about being who he was before but most of all the very rare soft acts of kindness towards him.
He didn’t realise it yet but you actually made him want to do better. He wants to be better and if that gave him a chance of gaining his wings back then he was sure as hell gonna try.
Adam hadn’t realised that he was doing good deeds at first. But seeing Charlie beam brightly when he would raise a hand before talking in the group sessions or the way he held the door for other patrons before heading off to do what he pleased.
Adam was really trying. But you knew that if you brought it up he would immediately call bullshit. Then would act out just to reclaim his cool guy image.
“Hey wait up,” Adam called out as the elevator doors started sliding shut. You held out a hand reopening the doors so he could hop in and ride up to the second floor with you. “Thanks.” He leans against the back wall. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He handed you a bag with something wrapped up in a lot of toilet paper.
“Gee, thanks.” The look on your face made Adam laugh.
“It’s not whatcha think it is. Just a little something to thank you for putting up with my miserable ass.” The Elevator chimed on the second floor. “After you.” He let you walk out first before following. “Are you gonna open it?”
The look on his face was a mix of excitement and worry. You decided to humour him. Reaching in you grabbed the poorly wrapped gift. He took the bag off you so you could peel off the wads of toilet paper.
It was a coffee mug.
“Since I accidently broke your favourite mug a few days ago. I thought I should get you a replacement.” His fingers crumpled the handles of the bag as he waited for any sort of reaction to the gift.
You turned the mug over to see the words on the side better.
‘I work with absolute legends’ was written on the side surrounded by little black stars. Your thumb traced a star or two. Still staring at the present in hand you felt a smile tug at the corners of your lips.
Not knowing how else to thank him. You rushed forward and embraced him tightly. Making sure not to drop your present.
“I take it you like it?” He drops the bag and folds his arms around you.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You rested your forehead against his shoulder. Neither one of you is willing to break the hug first.
“I had to do something. You looked so sad when I broke it. That didn’t sit right with me. Charlie explained that I was feeling guilt and  . . .”
You pull away slightly to look at him.
“Adam. The first man Adam, went to consult ‘Miss Feels-too-much’ about an issue completely unprompted!?”
Adam dropped his arms and started getting all defensive again.
“Why’d ya gotta say it that way?” He whined. You pull him back in for another hug which he willingly allows.
“Sorry big guy. I’m just really impressed is all. You have come a long way in such a short time. I’m so proud of you.” You squeezed tightly before letting him go. “I could actually go for a coffee right now. Good thing I got a brand new mug to drink from.”
He groans at your cheesy words before picking up the bag off the floor he hooks an arm around your neck and pulls you along back into the elevator to go and get that drink.
This fic became longer than I thought it would.
My Ask box is still open if anyone else has a Sinner!Adam prompts they want to send in.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Surprisingly, hearing Vox and Val technically (I love how technically needed to be added) aren't dating didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It did... for like a minute until I thought about how painfully much it fits them.
Val throws tantrums and is ready go out and kill people to let off steam, but decides to stay put in his room and sulk instead while he waits for his flat-faced prince to come and comfort him before he does anything drastic. He's killed and abused people for the slightest hint of non-compliance, which he sees as giving him an attitude or questioning his authority, but he doesn't so much as flinch when Vox raises his voice and starts shaking him in frustration more than once. He doesn't lash out or get angry when Vox tries to talk him out of marching towards the hotel, but instead listens to his points and takes his words to heart even when they weren't what he wanted to hear. He's not interested in Alastor, but is willing to sit through watching the extermination broadcast because Vox is a passionate football dad about his one-sided rival getting dunked on. He doesn't even act jealous towards Vox's obsession, just weirdly amused and supportive even tho he hates not being the center of attention any other times. And then there's Vox, who acts like he's annoyed to have to put up with Valentino but still does it anyway. He acts disinterested about Val's ranting over Angel until he hears that Angel might've quit because he's an jealous, insecure loser that wants that mf's attention to himself. He lights his cigarette and decides to call up their lowest earners for him to terrorize without being asked just to lighten his mood a little (unrelated but i feel for their employees). He keeps his eyes on him both in his room and when he's at the pub through the cameras he's got everywhere. He takes his hand like one would with a princess and smiles fondly at him before disappearing when noticing they're being watched. He's the only person that Val trusts enough to calm him down when his temper gets the better of him. And Val-- despite his volatile temper and obnoxious quirks-- is someone he respects and cares about, both as his business associate and romantic partner.
And they aren't dating. Val and Vox clearly have a connection and understanding and attraction yet are unable to confront those feelings in fear of being vulnerable. So they aren't dating. Val obsesses over Angel and Vox obsesses over Alastor to distract themselves of the other only to fall back into each other's arms at the end of the day. Even tho they aren't dating. They celebrate, dance, sing, support and shamelessly make out with each other. They're the only ones that would put up with each other's bullshit no matter what-- but for some reason, they're still not dating. They are two of the worst Overlords in Hell, capable of committing so many despicable acts and jumping to immoral tactics for their own gain without any regrets, but opening that door into genuine emotional vulnerability? Acknowledging their softness for each other? That's where they draw the line. They're clearly made for each other, but neither of them dare to step over that line to commit to something more.
Which means that we could get to actually see these changes take place. We could get to see more sides to these two we still haven't seen before. We could get to see them actually start dating and the complicated journey it took to get there. We could get to scream and kick and seeth as these two morons continue to dance around admitting their very much requited romantic feelings for every stupid reason under the sun episode after episode. We could get to see these two fix each other and make each other worse simultaneously. Mostly make each other worse. We could get to see them have a romantic duet. We could get to see them be happy together-- officially together-- while they make life worse for everyone around them.
All this mumbo-jumbo, sleep-deprived ranting will likely not happen, but the potential character growth, the dynamic development, the resolved romantic tension, the SONGS we could get??? I'm clinging onto this hope for dear life until it's ripped from my cold, dead hands.
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Hey! Hope you’re having a good day! Just wanted to say I’ve become obsessed with your psychology analysis on the Vees and VoxVal. I’m curious, since the relationship is definitely toxic, how do you think the cycle of relationship abuse would work with them? (Honeymoon phase, tension, incident, ex)
Awww I'm so glad you like my silly headcanons, I fucking love writing them <3
(headcanons in question because they are relevant to this post: Vox and NPD | Valentino and BPD | random Vees headcanons)
You know, I believe their relationship is toxic because neither of them is particularly well-adjusted. However, I wouldn't apply the cycle of abuse theory to them. As far as I know, that theory is used to describe relationships that are highly unequal with clearly defined roles of abuser and victim. For instance, during the tension phase, tension grows in the abuser while the victim "walks on eggshells," trying their best to calm the abuser and constantly living in fear of an incident. I can't really imagine Vox or Valentino being that frightened of each other. Actually, that's why I think they are meant to be together - they can handle each other.
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That being said, I do believe they have some relationship issues. In episode 2, we witnessed Vox calming Valentino (by yelling at him so very toxic) when he was angry. Vox hates Valentino's unpredictability because he is a total control freak. While he finds Valentino's fiery temper extremely alluring, he also wishes Val would tone it down. He'd like to have a more reliable partner, especially because for him, falling in love was a significant and risky investment.
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On the flip side, immediately after Vox managed to calm Valentino down, Valentino essentially provoked him into a temper tantrum. Look at this shit-eating smile; he knew damn well what he was doing.
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Vox usually keeps his emotions hidden behind a polished facade, staying detached. Valentino, on the other hand, is all about intense emotions—loves passion, violence, and desperation. He digs Vox's cool business daddy vibe, but it drives him nuts when Vox gets all emotionally distant from him. Vox tries to guard himself because he knows Valentino can easily weaponize people's emotions against them, and he's lowkey scared of being vulnerable. So when he's going through some tough shit, Vox puts up this wall, becomes all distant, and then Valentino feels rejected and starts being a total jerk, pushing Vox away because he's hurting (if you've read my BPD Valentino headcanons, you get what I mean).
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So those are the main sources of tension in their relationship. Sometimes one of them snaps. In Vox's case, it means complete withdrawal from the relationship and sinking into work (since he wants a perfect relationship, he rarely even admits he's angry, he's just like "It's fine I just don't have time to see you") which obviously drives Val crazy. Because he's obsessively in love. So to fix the situation he doesn't apologize (since Vox "wasn't even angry") - he just invites himself to Vox's apartment/office and seduces him by acting nice and submissive so Vox can feel in control again.
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In Valentino's case, snapping means a violent outburst (though, I don't think he's physically abusive because he knows Vox is not afraid of him and could easily bite back or, even worse, leave him for good). These outbursts make Vox furious because he can't stop them. Then, they end up yelling a lot, throwing stuff around, and sometimes even breaking up. After that, Valentino goes on a week-long bender, just partying and hooking up with dozens of people. Vox, being obsessed, watches everything, and his jealousy always gets the best of him. He finally breaks and sends someone to bring Val back home. Or he personally intervenes, kills whoever Val is fucking, gives him a giant bouquet of roses, and goes all out to prove that he's the best guy Val could ever have. Vox is a showman, so he acts almost like a charming and obnoxiously rich mafia boss from a smutty novel, who wants nothing more than to please his princess with grand gestures.
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Oh also I think Val is very sensitive about Vox treating him "like a woman." He's actually very secure in his masculinity; he feels comfortable enough to present himself in feminine ways while still acting masculine. Like I mentioned, he's queer and he totally owns it. On the other hand, Vox still grapples with some deeply internalized heteronormative ideas, occasionally treating Valentino like his bitch. Valentino hates it because he's aware of Vox's sexist tendencies, and he refuses to allow Vox to treat him as though he's beneath him. He genuinely believes in the concept of an equal partnership in their relationship and can't stand Vox's attempts to alter the power dynamics in his favor.
If you like this post you may also like my VoxVal fanfiction
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whereireid · 1 year
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
pairing: dark!ex-boss!steve rogers x fem!reader
WORDCOUNT: 4.6k warnings: dubious consent ! - sexually naive reader, rough p in v, oral sex [m + f receiving] - height difference [6'6 steve, 5'3 reader] -, misogyny, sexism: breeding kinks -daddy kink, captain kink. choking, pregnant!reader: spanking, gaslighting- especially shein at the end LOL - emotional abuse, assimilation, kidnapping slight mention - steve gets his happy ending
PSA: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. THIS CONTENT IS CONSIDERED MATURE. 18+ ! If any of these topics trigger you, please do not indulge in this content! This is a DARK!FIC, and is intended to come across as such. Minors, please dni - this content is 18+ and is under my #WOMNSFW tag.
summary: Once Captain America's assistant, you're now the up-coming mother of his child. After Steve's jealousy finally becomes out of hand, you snap at him, only to realise that's the very last thing you should do to a Super Soldier. He decides that your defiance lights a match to spark the fire of you being a brilliant mother.
It’s not like Steve to get this riled up. It’s just difficult watching you discuss initiative with a rookie rather than paying attention to him. He watches as your small hand falls down to brush over your stomach, wondering if your fingers splay over it as a means to reassure yourself that the baby growing inside of you is okay.
Jealousy isn’t a good look on Steve. He’s not a complete airhead - he knows dames usually don’t like it when a man gets stupidly possessive and starts trying to control them, but he just can’t help it. You’re his - literally. Not only are you literally his personal assistant, but you’re also his fiancé and the mother of his child.
“Sweetheart, don’t you think it’s time we get home now?” His voice booms across the training room, his thick hands coming up to massage your shoulders softly. “This much standing can’t be too good for the baby.”
You're terrible at analysis, Steve realizes. You hadn't even noticed he had approached you - evident by how his touch makes you flinch. He feels your nerves jolt beneath him, but to the regular human eye, nothing appears wrong. Steve admits that you’ve grown incredibly wary of his touch recently, only engaging in displays of affection when around other people. In the comfort of your shared home, though, it’s like when he touches you, your body slithers with disgust.
“I am growing slightly tired.” You throw an apologetic smile over at the rookie you were speaking to, all whilst leaning into Steve's touch willingly. He doesn’t miss the prickles of goosebumps that ripple up your skin, the fear which prickles at the back of your neck. He frowns - has his touch ever been unloving, unkind? “I think it’s best I go home and rest up."
Your mutter a few apologies, which forces an eye roll from Steve. Why are you apologizing to people who aren't even worth your time? Frustrated, he begins to steer you out of the compound quickly, irritated as you shuffle away from his touch as though his mere skin is poison.
The drive back to your shared home is silent. Steve is seething as he drives, his grip on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are beginning to turn white. He’s tried to be patient and understanding - he really has. But he’s blessed you and he doesn’t understand why you’re so hell-bent on rejecting him and then repenting as though he's a curse. You’re throwing tantrums similarly to what a toddler would, sitting next to him in silence and stewing in unspoken anger, and Steve can’t help but feel slightly hurt by your actions.
Is he not good enough for you? Is that it? Or have you grown tired of him? He has been more than kind, allowing you to still attend work despite the fact you’re growing his child. He has bent and adapted so you do not break, shrugging away every single urge to force tradition upon you.
Perhaps what you need is a sense of tradition. Maybe that will stop the fiery defiance you display, both in public and at home.
“We’re home.” Steve’s voice booms loudly in the car, and you stir from your position, your eyes fluttering open at him.
“Good. I’m tired,” you sigh heavily, forcing yourself out of the car quickly before Steve could come around and open your door for you. “Today’s been exhausting.”
“How so?” Steve almost sneers, grabbing your bag from the car and slamming the driver’s side door shut loudly. “All you do all day is make appointments for me and flirt with other men. It can’t be that difficult.”
You groan, waiting for Steve to unlock the front door before following him into your home. “I don’t flirt with other men, Steve. Stop being so delusional."
You drawl his name out with such annoyance it makes Steve’s jaw twitch. “Really? So you weren't all over that rookie earlier today?” He turns away in annoyance, flicking the light to the living area on. The house keys sway in his fingers, and he chuckles dryly, “give me a break, sweetheart. You were practically begging him to fuck you.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing exasperatedly. “So what if I was begging him to fuck me, Steve?" Your hands fall to your stomach, holding it protectively whilst staring at him with furrowed brows.
Holding something he made.
He stills. “Excuse me?”
The calmness in Steve’s tone makes your blood run cold. You try to ignore how he stops still in the archway of the living area; how his large frame tenses and his fists clench. You suddenly feel as though all the air has been sucked out of the room, and you stumble out (in one last act of pitiful defiance), “so what if I was begging him to fuck me, Steve?“
The drawl of his name is what finally makes him snap. It’s like he sees red - like he can’t believe how you’re actually treating him, despite everything that he’s done for you. Steve’s palm is quickly splayed across your throat, and he growls, sounding similar to that of a wild animal as he begins to try and force you to your knees.
It's not like you don't go down without a fight. You try to resist, somewhat, anyway, but you can’t, because he is so, so much stronger than you are and it’s fucking scary. His hands are so strong that they diminish any force of fight you had within you, as trying to resist him makes you actually feel like your shoulders are going to snap. You whimper pathetically as you kneel before him, staring up at his pupils, which are blown and blackened.
You know better than to irritate him by now, so why do you keep doing it?
“You’re mine,” Steve snaps, his blue eyes icy as he pulls his zipper down. The sharp noise makes you flinch beneath him, trying to shuffle away, but the grip he has on the nape of your neck is tight and holds you in place. “You must be fucking crazy if you think I’d ever let another man touch you. If you think I’ll ever let another man look at you again without consequence.”
His fingers grab at your jaw, forcing your mouth open and you cry out. Steve is visibly angry - furious is perhaps a better word, given the fact he’s practically shaking as grips your face whilst also aggressively pulling his thick, hard cock out of his boxers. “You’re going to have to learn how to put that mouth of yours to better use, doll. It's wasted on those shitty opinions of yours, anyway."
Hands roughly grabbing at your hair, pulling your face towards his cock, you have not much choice but to take him in your mouth. It’s intrusive - terribly so, and Steve manhandles you so roughly it makes your tears prick with tears, but it shamefully sends a throbbing to your pussy. You clench your legs together as you take him, choking as he slides in and out of your mouth until you’re a blubbering mess below him, spit and tears painting your cheeks as he fucks your throat relentlessly.
“Who do you belong to?” He grunts out, pulling so hard at your hair your head pulses. Steve’s hips stutter as you choke around him, your eyes doe-like and wide, covered in wet mascara. “Who the fuck do you belong to?”
“Y-you, Steve,” you choke out as he pulls out of your mouth with an uncomfortable POP!, relishing in the breaths he’s allowing you. “I belong to you.”
Steve's cock is so big it's actually painful. Your throat constricts around his cock as he forces your head down again, grumbling out, “I bet that rookie couldn’t treat you like this. I bet he couldn’t fuck you full of his babies like I have, doll.”
You whine beneath him as he continues to use your throat. Steve is driven entirely by his own pleasure, tiring quickly of your pathetic crying around his cock. With angry thrusts of his hips, Steve watched you gag around him, his cock twitching in your throat as you take all of him in; every inch, and his length is actually somewhat visible in your neck. And it’s driving him crazy- so crazy that he can’t hold back anymore, his rough hands grasping at your hair as he finishes, painting your tongue with his cum.
Steve watches as you choke and thrash against him in an attempt to get away, because his cock and his cum is stuffing your mouth in ways it’s never been stuffed before. It’s suffocating you, and blackness pricks at the corner of your vision - you’re just about to pass out before you Steve mercifully pulls his cock out of your mouth with a disgusting squelch and delivers you a hard slap.
The stinging from his hand sends a sheepish insatiable throbbing to your core that you know will never be satisfied. The tingle which tickles your core makes you clench your thighs, knowing no matter how hard you repent, tonight he will not forgive you.
“This throat is mine to use,” he seethes, his tip still leaking as he presses his cock against your cheek, satisfied with the discomfort that flutters throughout your features. “Say it.”
“This throat is yours to use,” your bottom lip quivers, your eyes spilling tears, some of which fall on Steve’s cock. And it’s shameful how wet you are - how the heat between your legs has grown uncomfortable and how you’re certain your pussy is slick with arousal because somehow it’s all you can focus on. You melt into a weeping puddle, your hands tiny compared to Steve’s cock, desperately trying to push his length away during your tantrum.
It doesn’t work. If anything, it makes him much so much harder - his cock throbs against the skin of your face, and you sniffle as he speaks. “Good girl,” Steve’s praises, his fingers curling in your hair, watching as your eyebrows contort in pain as he tugs gentler than you deserve. “Look at your pretty little face. Covered all over with cum and tears.” He coos, smoothing your hair down gently, a soft pang of love throbbing within his heart.
Your face flushes red, and you blink up, your wet, long lashes batting up at him ridiculously. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, your throat incredibly sore from his invasion, your hands desperately clasping at his thighs, and he watches you in amusement, unable to bite back the excitement as you brush your lips over his length meekly. “Please forgive me, Steve, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know if I can, honey,” he tells you, his big hands making gentle, loving motions in your hair. It’s a sharp contrast to the aggressiveness of his touch moments beforehand, but you bask in it nonetheless. “You were flirting with that rookie, baby, you said you wanted to fuck him. How am I supposed to forgive you for that?”
“I didn’t say I wanted to fuck him!” you whine, and Steve shakes his head.
“That’s what I heard, baby.”
You sniffle, and Steve shakes his head. Why do you have to lie to him? He doesn’t like making you upset - he certainly doesn’t like hurting you. His pretty girl, sitting in front of him with raw, red knees and an even rawer throat, whose ass is yet to be spanked until the pain renders you unable to move. He hates it, and he wishes this pain on nobody, especially not his little girl. Steve is meant to protect you, not hurt you. He’s your saviour, the one man in your life you can rely on and trust with all of your secrets, and yet you lie to him, again and again and again.
Steve hates making you upset, but he loves watching you cry. Conflict tugs at him from the inside, his thumb making gentle strokes in your hair as you speak to him. “I’m sorry, I really am,” you finally say, sinking beneath him obediently. “I didn’t mean any of it. It’s - its probably just the hormones.”
Steve hums in agreement. “It probably is, doll, but just in case it isn’t…I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” He sucks in a breath, muttering, “let’s see how sorry you really are, doll.”
It takes everything in Steve not to finish all over again when he pulls you atop of him and you gasp in shock, his big hands forcing your hips down, and before you’re even aware of it, your walls are sheathed around his cock. Tight - so tight, and wet, too: ridiculously so. Shameful squelching sounds flood the living room as Steve fucks up into you with long, even thrusts.
The mewls that escape your throat as your small fingers dig into Steve's frame makes him want to impregnate you al over again. If he could, he would - your pussy is addicting, gripping him just right. You’re like Goldilocks. Your walls are so tight that you're practically milking his cock for his cum -, and he bites your neck slightly as you shake and tremble against him, your first orgasm crashing over you like a wave. Hot flashes come over you as your core tightens, the coil inside of you snapping- your little legs shake and you hold onto Steve for support, who rides you through your orgasm.
“This pussy is mine,” he practically growls, his fingers clawing around your throat, palm splayed against it uncomfortably. You thrash wildly when he squeezes, but Steve doesn’t care: you don’t deserve him, not at all, not one bit - he is Captain America! He can do what he wants!
“This pussy is yours,” you rasp as his cock nestles against the spongy spot inside of your pussy, your hips desperately rolling to get any source of friction. “Please, Steve! It’s all yours! Wanna cum again! Wanna cum!”
As you cry desperately, your frame pressing up against his, Steve grins, thrusting up into you painfully slow. The motion is enough, though. It sends sparks of pleasure shooting up your spine, and your coil tightens - it grows tighter every single time he moves, the brush of his cock against the insanely sensitive spot inside of you making your legs quiver.
“You love it. I know you love it, sweetheart. Being filled with my baby. It makes you real wet, doesn’t it, doll?" His voice is gentle, and he peppers soft kisses against your neck, eradicating the pain he had left behind earlier.
"Mhm. I love it and I love you, Steve," you agree eagerly, your hands digging into his shoulders, your timid body taking every slow, dragged thrust of his. “I’m so close.”
Your whimpers make his cock twitch inside of you. You sound heavenly - angelic, the gentle moans that slip past your lips making him wish he could just give you his baby all over again. And he will, after you’ve had this one - god, he can’t wait to pump you full of his babies again and again and again. Steve's hands grip your hips gently, his eyes fluttering shut as your velvety walls squeeze him again, so soft and perfect, and he lets out a hearty moan which makes the knot inside of you tighten.
"I want it," you whimper, your nose brushing against his, and you gaze up at him through wet lashes. “Please.”
Your begging makes Steve bloom with pride, and at your words, he thrusts up into you harder. It's not long before you're bouncing quickly atop him, mewls and cries of pleasure slipping past your lips. Your curls fall messily in front of your eyes, and he sucks in a breath at the ecstatic state of you: you’re desperate - so close to your edge, again. Your cheeks are warm and messy, and the sounds of slick bouncing off of the living room walls makes you feel more cockdrunk than you already are.
And then you begin to come undone atop of him.
He does, too. Steve loves it. Your velvet walls squeeze him so tightly that you’re milking him - you take in every drop of his cum, and as his hips still inside of you, Steve places gentle kisses against your nose.
Your big, beautiful eyes stare back at him, your hips juddering against his. You pant, your nails digging into his chest as you steady yourself atop of him. For a second, you can’t believe it - you really let Steve use you again.
But he loves you. And then conflict tugs at you all over again, because he is a good guy, incredibly so! He’s Captain America, his job is literally to protect you - and hasn’t he done exactly that? You’re the most protected person in America right now, considering the fact you’re pumped full of his babies.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
You nod. “I- I do, Steve.” Your voice trembles, leaning your body weight against his, unable to hold yourself up.
“Good girl.” He brushes his nose against yours, smiling as you tremble against him. “That’s all you’ll ever have to do.”
As Steve carries you to bed, tucking you in tightly, he smiles down at you. He’s glad he’s finally changed the locks, and he’s glad that you don’t have one of the new keys.
He can keep you here now until he thinks you’re ready to go. Until you’re ready to accept your place as Mrs. America.
What you used to call kidnapping, Steve called assimilation.
You’re not locked in his house, unable to go home, unable to contact any family or friends. No, you’re just in an educational program, learning how to be a perfect housewife. That’s what Steve says, anyway, snickering away to himself as he does.
It’s lonely, and it’s scary. Yet you have nothing to fear, especially when Steve comes home. He wraps you in his arms, engulfing you in his scent, pressing you against his brawny body as though you’re his world. You breathe him in, clutching at him desperately, thankful that he’s coming home safe and sound.
It’s been so long the thought of escaping no longer even brushes your thoughts, but still, Steve wonders if you have realised your place. He can’t risk letting you out if you haven’t - but then again, who would believe you? A pregnant woman whose husband represents all of the stars and stripes?
Still, he can’t help but worry about you. Have you assimilated? Have you learnt? It’s a question that Steve isn’t sure of the answer, but as you curl into his big frame, he believes that you have. Perhaps you’ve finally learnt it’s easier to comply with the Captain’s orders than to defy them.
“How has your day been, Steve?” you ask, nudging your head into the corner of his neck as he presses his palms against your stomach. He’s big and warm, comforting and strong, peppering gentle kisses against your face, praising you for being such a gorgeous girl.
You’re bulging now. Practically ready to give birth at any second. It sends a gentle ache to Steve’s length, his lips pressing lovingly against your stomach. He loves coming home to you. He always has, even when you defied him and cried and begged him to just treat you like a colleague again. It’s selfish - Steve knows it’s selfish - but he just couldn’t ever go back to not knowing you. Now that he has you, he can’t let you go. Ever.
“Work was fine. Buck and I had to do introduction training with some rookies. They didn’t even leave a scratch.” Steve laughs, hooking his fingers in your sweatpants, tugging them down slightly so your entire stomach is on display. “How was your day, mama? Productive?”
It is slightly distracting as Steve kisses your belly. You scrunch your eyebrows in concentration, your fingers resting in his blond locks. “I painted some of the nursery.” You say shyly, face flushing as he begins to murmur sweet nothings to your stomach. “Just did the trims. There was a few deliveries that came, too, but they were too heavy for me to move. Didn’t wanna hurt myself.”
“Good girl.” Steve’s breath fans against your stomach, his head nestling against you, his hands tugging your sweatpants down some more. “I’ll move them after dinner, get ‘em all sorted,” he tells you, eyes eagerly trained in on your panties as your sweatpants drop to the floor.
It takes everything in him not to let an audible groan crawl out of his mouth. The panties you’re wearing are lacy and baby pink - similar to the ones you wore the first time he fucked you, and it sends another terrible ache to his cock. You squeal as Steve presses a soft kiss to your clothed pussy, and he can hear how quickly your heart begins to race in your chest.
“Steve - Steve, stop, I have a question. Steve, it’s serious!” He stops, looking up at you with his big blue eyes which glisten with mischief. You almost don’t want to ask because he seems so giddy - but then you have caught him in a good mood, so you’ll risk it anyway. Your heart tightens in your chest, and your lips set into a frown when you ask, “I was wondering - uh, when I have our baby - could I - could I go back to work?”
Steve reacts like you’ve just slapped him across the face. His smile drops, and his eyebrows furrow. Just when he thinks you've learned, when he thinks he’s finally flushed you out of this ridiculous twenty-first-century feminist bullshit, it drags you back in.
A woman’s place is not at work. It’s in the home.
"Why do you need to work when you have me?" Steve's voice is eerily calm, and his stubble brushes against your inner thigh. You still against him, tense as your fingers stop in his hair, and he can hear your heart gently racing in your chest.
"It's - it's just something I'd like to do. To keep myself occupied."
Steve groans, rubbing his nose into your skin. "You will be occupied, doll. You'll have a baby to raise."
You gnaw at your lip. Steve’s eyes are intense, and he tries not to bark out an order for you to stop. gnawing on your lips. He despises it when you do that. “We could always get a babysitter so I could go back to work,” you suggest, voice faltering when you notice his eyes darken slightly.
"No. It is your job as a mother to look after our children, sweetheart.” He shakes his head. “Besides, I don’t trust anybody else to raise them.”
"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Steve grunts from below you, his blue eyes darkening as he gazes up at you. "In fact, I don't want this mentioned again - ever - do I make myself clear?"
“Do I make myself clear?”
You pout, nodding silently, and Steve lets out an exasperated sigh. His cool breath fans against your thigh, and his thumb doesn’t stop brushing your stomach. He wonders where he ever went wrong with you. You’ve been so good recently, and he ponders on why you have to ruin it. Steve thinks you do it on purpose, rile him up as a way to show one last act of fiery defiance.
He’ll be the bigger person today.
“I can work for us. I can provide for us. Your job as my personal assistant is irrelevant now that you’re carrying our baby.” Steve peppers another gentle kiss against your clothed pussy, and you shudder, your eyes fluttering shut slightly as his fingers hook around the waistband of your underwear, gently beginning pulling them down. “You’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted. Everything you’ve ever needed. Put your faith in me, doll, that’s all I ask.”
“Okay, Steve.” Your throat feels tight when you swallow, your knees buckling slightly as Steve’s tongue licks a stripe up your pussy. It sends you by surprise - a hot white flash shoots up through your spine as you tighten your grip in his hair.
“You're soaking, doll,” he murmurs as he parts your thighs with his hands, pressing gentle kisses against your heat. It does feel good - Steve's entire focus is you, and he gently rolls his tongue against your nub, circling his tongue from your clit to your hole and then back up to your clit. "Do you just love the thought of having my babies and taking care of them, baby? Does it get you as riled up as it does me?”
It's embarrassing that Steve's words make your pussy throb. It's even more embarrassing that he knows, a satisfied smirk painting his lips as he dips his tongue into your sweet nectar again. His tongue darts around your clit, and your knees wobble slightly at the action, your hands gripping onto him for support. "Roll against my face, baby, it's okay. I know you want to." His words of encouragement make you mewl, and you do just that - roll your hips against his face, your vision going starry as his tongue swirls against your clit perfectly, the stimulation making the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Steve," you whimper out, your eyes fluttering shut as your legs wobble, his large hands coming up to hold them in place. The feeling of his fingers darting across your thighs sends butterflies to your stomach, and you whine as his tongue keeps flicking against you, making sure to hit every angle of yours he knows that you like.
You hate how much he knows you. You hate how he knows that you're about to cum as your legs give way. Steve hums, the vibrations sending shocks to your pussy, your fingers curling in his hair, the grip tight. You see stars, and hot flashes shoot through you - the knot inside of you tightens and tightens until you feel it snap, to which you cry out, flooding Steve's face with your wetness. And he loves it - he fucking loves it, soothing praises escaping his lips as he quite literally licks your clean, his fingers rubbing soft circles on your thighs.
It's terrible how much you ache when he pulls away from you, how much you miss the feeling of his hot breath fanning against your pussy. Steve stands, his head nestling in your neck, his hands rubbing smooth circles against your stomach. You pant against him, still coming down from your high when you hear a timer ding in the distance of your kitchen.
"Dinner's ready," you murmur, looking up at Steve, flushing as his deep blue eyes stare down at you.
"Dessert before dinner. Not my usual go-to," he comments, to which you laugh.
When he enters the kitchen, the table is already set. You both eat with no mention of your old job - it’s like all defiance within you has melted away, opting to believe that Steve is right. Opting to believe that Steve will do right by you.
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anikasheep · 6 months
The sheep we adore so much is change, but we still love them
I love imagine how the brothers pampered MC SO MUCH
i love imagine how the royals, the angels, and our fucking teacher ALL PAMPERED MC.
They said demon would corrupt human's soul.
Remember that Thirteen said that Solomon's soul is different but still shining?
MC is the similar case.
Their soul is the shining pink sheep shape, but their their ribbons which has a bell on it, is the wool white one with the black radiant.
I believe that the ribbon was the wool white color, so why the color changes?
They're corrupted by the demons.
They're pampered by the angels.
They're spoiled by Solomon and Thirteen.
The demons, well, they all encourage MC to express what they want, what they desire, what they wish for.
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Lucifer rewards MC for their hard work, he enjoys the petting when only he and MC alone. But what he did the most was let MC throw a small tantrum to them.
The eldest brother believes that if MC never throws a tantrum at him or the other brothers, it means they are treating them still wrong. He gives MC the PRIVILEGE to show anger with him. Still, he seldom sees MC angry and kind of disappointed with the failure.
The Avatar of Pride doesn't know that MC cares the trust of him the most in their relationship.
MC values themselves as the one who Lucifer trust enough to take care his brothers and share his burdens. They realize how busy Lucifer is so in the most situations, MC would forgive Lucifer if he lose his temper or being too harsh when he's too busy to take a break.
And that's the reason why MC gave NB!Lucifer silent treatment when they found that Luciferr use the apple to test them.
Sort of, what Lucifer want to see in original timeline, NB! Lucifer got and he finally could use Barbatos's cake to apologize to MC.
Apologize for those misunderstandings when they were the human exchange student. Apologize for failing to protect them. Apologize for that his pride couldn't allow him to open his heart to them fully. Apologize for that he would love them even though they're not related to Lilith, but the selfish part pushes him to decide that HE CAN'T LET YOU GO.
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Mammon showers his love on MC in three ways: gifts, fortune, and his time.
Earrings, necklace, watch, and bags, even his treat to have dinner in Hell's Kitchen or Ristorante Six, as long as MC wants, Mammon would try to fulfill their wish.
I believe that the more Mammon loves MC, the more fortunate MC is. OUR ADORABLE SHEEP would use their fortune to treat the brothers and their other friends. But if they only use the fortune to treat Mammon, they'd get more.
Mammon is a clingy demon, that's right MC. Mammon wouldn't admit that, but all his crow familiars would watch over you in three realms. The crows recognize you as Mammon's most precious. This means all crows have the obligation to protect you and chase the thieves away.
Remember those rumors you heard from the other students? Some demons were attacked by a flock of crows? If you ask who are the victims, you might feel strange. Cause the crows attacked those demons who made you upset before.
And do you still remember those demons' names who confessed to you? Have you noticed they would followed by a few crows after that even though you rejected them? If not, let me ask you a simple question, MC. Did you ever meet any of your suitors again?
Lucifer scolded Mammon for that event, but the Avatar of Greed just shrugged. The two oldest brothers kept this secret only between themselves, and Lucifer didn't punish Mammon for this event.
He loves teasing, especially to those newbies. He had spun you so many stories to cover the true intentions that he needs your money.
He knows you are rarely mad at him, but NB! Mammon doesn't know that you adopted Luke as your litter brother or son technically. As a result, you're furious when you know he spins a tale to Luke that you're a bad demon who loves eating children.
Let's say that NB! Mammon is frozen when he hears you gritted his name like when Lucifer is angry.
The brothers are terrified and admire your angry sheep form, they watch in awe and ekk when you use the "STAY! BAD DOG!" AT LEAST THREE TIMES on Mammon, Mammon has to lie on the ground for an hour.
Since that day, the whole Devildom knows that the sweet attendant of the 7 rulers of the Underworld is ONE OF THE MOST CAN'T BE BOTHERED.
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I always thought that MC would warm up to Solomon slowly, they love Solomon, but the feeling of the distance can't get rid of somehow.
Until MC was dragged to the NB timeline and Solomon is the one who came through the time for them. Solomon might not see that but I believe that MC is SOOOOO TOUCHED by this.
A man came to you even though he has to jump through the time? How romantic (*/ω\*)
Living together means a lot to humans, Solomon finally got his key to be closer to MC. They share the domestic chores, greeting at least twice and MC would nap on the sofa while Solomon reading.
Solomon knows that the brothers and the royals spoiled MC with high-quality gifts. Clothes, make-up products... you name it.
But Solomon also knows that MC has a sweet tooth that they can't refuse a dessert. That's why he loves to queue up for popular desserts. The time of getting in a long line is worth it if that means he would see MC's eyes light up and their adorable smile.
Solomon may be the mischievous and mysterious sorcerer he is, and he could be a strict teacher involved in magic. But he actually is soft and makes MC feel safe.
The unspoken feelings of being related as a human and the living proof that MC belongs to the original timeline build a bridge, which leads MC to show more emotions around Solomon. That's why MC would use cold words when they were teleported by the bubbles or angry with Solomon for being too late to start their movie night. And the ways the fantastic three roasted Solomon is funny hehe.
MC feels equal to Solomon, though they can't be sure whether it's because of how Solomon is or it's the result of Solomon always wanting to make humans equal to the other two realms.
But MC can tell him what's on their mind. They know that Solomon would hear it and find a way to get the best of both worlds.
MC cuddles with Solomon before they bid good night. And sometimes they'd just fall asleep.
Solomon never woke them up, he used his coat to cover them so that they wouldn't catch a cold.
After Solomon finished his papers or study, he would teleport himself and MC to his room and snuggle with them before leaving a forehead kiss.
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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lciesdepravity · 7 months
Sold Out Series
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Chaeyoung Arc Chapter 1-1: Thank you for your service A/N: Happy Last Day of NNN. To Celebrate, Here's Chae's fic. This might be a bit too depraved as I based it on my fave hentai. Enjoy.
"Wha-? What do you mean I got no choice?! This is ridiculous!"
"Sorry Chae. The decisions final. You know how the management is."
Manager unnie watched sympathetically as the young idol huffed and stomped petulantly in front of her.
It was rare for any of the girls to throw tantrums like this outright. It's just - with them being on an all time high in their career, the tension and stress inevitably piled up.
Which is why currently, Twice's Manager unnie is trying to patiently placate said idol.
"C'mon Chae. It'll be fine. The sooner we start, the earlier you'll finish. Besides... Its for a good cause anyway, right? You can make that your motivation today at least."
Another eye roll.
"*Huff* It's not like I don't want to do it. It's the fact that I gotta go alone. Ugh, whatever... Let's just go."
Chaeyoung rubbed her sweaty palms together as she continuously fidgeted in the back seat. They've just entered the military complex.
From the car window, she could see the plain ass boring buildings and the continuous line of barracks stretching as far as the eye could see.
She gulped.
The sheer thought of having to entertain this many people today - alone no less, made her a panicking mess.
It didn't help that she was basically going in blind. All the company told her was that she was to go to a military fanmeet event to promote and uphold international friendship and alliances. Nothing more.
StupidJYP. Stupid military. Ugh, annoying!
Just then, she spotted a platoon of soldiers jogging along the barracks line. Their ripped, shirtless torsos gleamed against the harsh sun while their muscles flexed with every step. Sweat rolled off their pecs down to their toned abs, making Chae blush a crimson red hue.
Well... At least they've got some decent eye candy here...
Everything was such fucking whirlwind when she arrived on the venue. There was a line of soldiers standing in attention as she was escorted out of her car and into the backstage. Before she knew it, she was already getting ready to come out and start the show.
Whiny bitch mode off... Professional idol mode - On.
"Salute! Annyeonghaseyo~! Twice Chaeyoung imnida!"
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The roar of the crowd was deafening, even to the point of almost drowning out the music. The idol smiled shyly, her hands trembling a tad bit as she clutched the microphone.
"I'm so happy to be here with all of you. Thank you for coming out to see me tonight. I hope you enjoy the show!"
As the music starts, the deep chorus of the soldiers' voices reverberated across the entire hall, chanting her name with such fervor that made her blush. 
"Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung!"
She wasn't used to hearing such loud cheers. T'was usually Nayeon or Sana that got the loudest pops afterall.
Chaeyoung waved at the crowd in appreciation, even throwing a few winks and blowing a couple of kisses. She even threw in a few hot twerks and sexy body rolls here and there. Fanservice to the max. She was surprised to see that not everyone in the crowd was Korean. In fact, there were quite a lot of Americans in attendance as well. Black, white, asian, the whole lot of men were cheering and even dancing some of their choreos. It was kind of cute actually.
Ooohh~ so this is what they meant when they said something about promoting and upholding international friendship and shit. I see. Hmm, well at least my English is decent enough.
As the music started to simmer down, Chaeyoung takes a deep breath and bows, to the absolute rain of cheers and adoration from the audience. She was about to wave goodbye and start her final speech when suddenly, from the backstage, a stern figure had walked out.
Judging by the stars on his uniform - and from the way all the other soldiers  stood in attention as soon as he walked in, it's safe to assume that this man was the commander in charge of this camp.
She stepped back. His glare, his aura, the way he carried himself - it was all so intimidating.
What the fuck is this old man's deal? O god I didn't make a mistake again did I?
Nervously she shuffled back. To her surprise, the commander stretched his right hand out and greeted her warmly.
"Thank you for coming Ms. Son. We appreciate you making time for all of us here."
She breathed a sigh of relief as she shook his hand.
"*Whew* N-no sir, I-it was my pleasure. Thank you for having me. Please invite me over again next time." She flashed him her signature toothy cub smile.
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The commander just looked at her confusedly. 
"What's the rush Ms. Son? We have you booked for until tomorrow night if I remember correctly."
It was Chaeyoung's turn to looked confused. Manager unnie didn't say anything about that tho?  I thought I was only here for a mini event?
The commander pulled out an Ipad, scrolling through his emails till he got to the right one. "Ah! Found it! This is the receipt." He opened the file and showed Chaeyoung the receipt from JYPE.
"For the price of $10M USD, JYPE officially assigns Ms. Son Chaeyoung to be the 'Cumdump for the day' for the Alliance event."
What the fuck?
"What do you mean 'Cumdump for the day'?! I'm a fucking idol for fucks sake! I will not be treated like some common whore to be passed around for some alliance event. Go to hell!"
In a fit of rage, Chaeyoung threw the Ipad hard onto the floor, breaking the glass. The old commander remained calm however. He just walks right up to Chaeyoung's ear and whispers:
"Your brother is currently serving his time with us, yes?"
Chaeyoung freezes. Her brother. Her dear little brother who got forced into the mandatory military service. Shit.
Seeing her reaction, the commander smirked as he continued: "Such a shame if anything were to happen to him... Just because his sister breached the terms of our contract... Right~?"
Evil. This man was truly evil. Chae looked at him in contempt, only for the commander to slap her right across her face.
"Look at me like that again, and I'll kill your brother myself.  Now, either you become the submissive bitch we paid for... Or... Well~ You know what happens. The choice is yours Ms. Son."
Chaeyoung's shoulders dropped in defeat. Choice? What kind of choice is that? Of course I don't want my brother to die... But....
She felt tears building on the corners of her eyes. Unfortunately for her, he commander had no mercy.
He grabbed a fistful of her hair and cupped her jaws harshly, making her look him in the eyes.
"This one's useless." He says, his voice gravelly as he scans her face. He looks to a nearby Private and signals him over.
"Call JYP and ask for a refund. Tell them their idol is not cooperating, and to send us another one. Maybe... Ask them for Mina instead. The soldiers would definitely be happy breaking that posh Japanese bitch."
The mention of Mina's name immediately brought Chaeyoung back to her senses. Immediately she stopped the soldiers.
"W-wait! Please, don't. I-I'll do it!"
Anything to protect her. Everything for her.
In an instant, she was on her knees, looking at the soldiers with desperate, pleading eyes. The commander smirked, gesturing to the private beside him.
"Have all the men line up behind me. Let's get started then."
Chaeyoung's eyes widened as all the soldiers scrambled to get in line, everyone excitedly taking off their clothes. A camera focused on her and transmitted the event on the big screen above for all of them to see.
She gulped. The men numbered in the low hundreds at least. She hoped she would survive.
Her eyes were drawn towards the imposing figure of the commander, still fully clothed. His stern eyes looked at her expectantly, and she got the message.
With trembling hands, she undoes his belt and trousers, up until his semi erect cock popped out. Her eyes widen.
This is... Definitely not the cock of a middle aged man.
Whilst his cock stood at a decent length (5 inches at most), it's girth was wide and veiny.
She licked her lips as they parted, slowly darting out to kiss the slowly awakening cock head.
It twitched. She moved her hands to jack him off but the commander slapped them away.
"No hands. Use those plump lips and talented tongue of yours." He demanded.
Fuck... My jaw's definitely gonna be sore after this...
With a hesitant nod, she darted her tongue, licking through the length of his cock as her lips form a tight seal around his bulbous cock head.
And then she starts bobbing.
"*Slurp* *slurp* Gulck Mmmph~"
His cock was so girthy she struggled to take it halfway. The further she takes him down her throat, the more she gags. She looks up at his stoic facade and panicked.
You can do this Chae. For your brother... And for Mina.
Inch by fucking inch, she takes him down her throat, gagging and choking on his thick dick all the way.
"Mmmph~ gawk mmmph..."
Finally, she feels her lips press down at the end of the commander's cock and feels some relief. Tears may be prickling the sides of her eyes, but she did it. She looked up at him with those cute eyes, begging for some sort of approval.
"Mmm~ fuck. Good girl... Do more." He says as he let out a shaky breath, his head thrown back in pleasure.
She smiles, finally getting a reaction from him. Eager to get this over with, she renews her blowjob with vigor.
In and out, in and out. She takes his cock in her wet hot mouth over and over again. Her lips seal around his head to intensify the pleasure, and soon enough he was grasping her hair.
"Fuck... Ms. Son. I'm gonna cum... ARGGH! Fucking take it!"
With a firm grip, he buries Chaeyoung's nose deep in his pubes as spurt after spurt he cums, his white hot spunk dumped straight down her fucking throat.
"Gulck Mmmppph!~" She slaps his thighs, begging for air but to no avail. He holds her down till he finishes.
Eventually he lets go, and Chaeyoung immediately gasps for air. Cum dripping down her throat as she nearly retches from all the cum.
Blegh! So much cum. *Ptoo* She spits.
The commander slaps her once again.
"Ungrateful bitch! Don't let our cum go to waste. I want you to swallow each and every load deposited in that mouth of yours. Then, thank us for our service afterwards understand?!"
He feints to slap her once more and she recoils, nodding her head rapidly to avoid getting hit again.
"I-I'm sorry Sir! T-thank you for your service."
He withdraws his hand and buckles pants up once again.
"Good. Now, look in the camera and introduce yourselves to the soldiers once again. Tell them your role for the day."
Another nod.
"A-annyeonghaseyo. I-I'm Chaeyoung of Twice, a-and today, I'll be your cum toilet. P-please deposit your all cum in my mouth!"
The subsequent roar was deafening. The echoes of her name bounced all over the walls. The commander nodded to his men before fucks off to god knows where.
The first soldier that stepped up was a young Korean man. Oh he was definitely her fan.
"C-chaeyoung-ah. I-I'm your biggest fan." He stutters as he fumbles his cock in her face.
She smiles at him and nods, although deep inside she cringes.
Tsk, never thought I'd be sucking off a fan. Well, at least his cock's small...
As she starts to suck him off, he caresses her face.
"F-fuck... Chae~ uhh~ I've fapped to your pics so many times. *Slurp* Uhh~ I've always fantasized about these dick sucking lips of yours sucking me off."
She mentally rolls her eyes, annoyed at him. Ugh, one of those creepy one eh?
Suddenly, his hips start thrusting erratically, and with one flick of her tongue, he cums.
"F-fuck I-I'm cumming. N-nooooo~" Pathetically, he cums, not even a minute into the blowjob.
Chaeyoung almost giggles as she licks her lips clean.
"Thank you for your service!" She says, waving at him tauntingly.
It continued like this for awhile. Man after man, blowing their loads in her mouth prematurely.
Hah! Is that it? They cum so easily! This is going to be easy!
"N-no! I can still go!" The last man protests, trying to make her suck him again. The other officers in charge however stopped him.
"There's a long line behind you son! You blew your chance. Now git!"
The man was stubborn as he struggles to move pass them. Suddenly, the next man in line lifts him up and throws him out.
"Move foo! Its mah turn. Let me show you how it's done."
Chaeyoung's draw drops as she sees the next man in line. His dark hulking figure towered over her as he walks. Confidently, he presents his big black cock to the young idol.
Holy shhit... That things gonna annihilate me.
His cock stood at a proud 11 inches, with a girth as wide as her forearm. Thick veins pulsed through its length, and his cock head was swollen. She gaped. No way this things gonna fit.
Taking advantage of her open mouth, he forced his cock in, immediately impaling her throat with his swollen cock head.
She smacked his thighs, begging for some semblance of control or mercy, but was given neither. The black man held the back of her head tight, and fucked her face like a goddamn Fleshlight.
"Gawk gawk gawk gawk mmmmppphhh!~" Sounds of her gagging and choking reverberated all over the hall, the extreme facefucking being broadcasted on the big screen overhead.
They all watch as Chaeyoung's tight little mouth gets impaled by this big black monster cock over and over again, her head being held like a fuckdoll.
Being facefucked so roughly is making her gag and choke so much that drool is seeping from the side of her mouth. Not to mention, with every thrust, his big balls slap against her chin, making her face one hell of a drooly mess.
"Gawk gulck gulck gawk"
Its been 10 minutes, and the fucker still hasn't cum. Chaeyoung's jaw was starting to hurt from the relentless facefucking when suddenly, he pushes her all the way down the base of his cock.
"I'm fucking cumming slut. Take it all!"
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The outline of his cock bulges against her throat as it pulses, spurt after spurt of his thick gooey cum being deposited straight to her stomach.
For an entire minute he cums, holding her down all the while. She chokes, she gags, she slaps his thighs and tries to break free of his grip, to gasp for some well needed air, but his grip is ironclad.
Eventually, she resigns to her fate and falls limp, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as he continues cumming.
Finally, he lets go, and Chaeyoung violently gasps for air. She coughs and coughs, feeling some remnants of his cum stuck in her windpipe.
"Oy, where's my thanks bitch?" He postures to hit her.
"*Cough* *Cough* Ack-! T-thank you *Cough* for your service..."
Holy fuck, he fucked my face so hard. I hope the next one is....
Much to her dismay, the next one was just like him, big and black. Her eyes widen as she sees the line haven't really gone down much at all.
"Less staring, more sucking bitch. There's plenty more where that came from." Said the next guy as he steps forward.
"Gawk gawk gawk gawk Ahhnn~ T-thank you for your service. *Tsup*"
As the 20th man walked away, Chaeyoung could feel the fatigue settling in. Her throat and jaw were hurting bad. Just then, an officer stepped up.
M-maybe he'll be giving me some rest?
Yeah cute. Haha.
All hopes of rest were dashed as the officer spoke.
"Alright you fucks listen up! This is taking too long. So, as per the commander's orders, we will split into two lines and spitroast the bitch!"
Chaeyoung blanched in horror as she sees the men cheer and separate into two distinct lines. She tries to protest.
"W-wait, that wasn't in the -"
"Shut it bitch! Cumdumps are not to speak!"
The men tore her clothes apart and bent her over like a bitch. One white soldier with a big white cock stepped behind her, while one black cock smacked her face.
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The white man held her by the arms, using it as handles as he drives deep into her cunt.
"W-wait please do - mmmphh!~" Before she could protest, the black man shoves his cock in her mouth.
They penetrate her in unison and she unexpectedly cums, not knowing they drugged their cocks with aphrodisiacs to make her wet.
After all, wet hot sweltering tight pussy is best pussy.
"Look at this bitch, cumming all over our cocks. Hah! Not so high and purdy now are ya darlin? Hey Ricky! Let's give it to her!" The black man grinned and nodded.
Chaeyoung was completely and utterly fucked.
She was pingponged like a ball, back and forth, back and forth they thrusted in perfect rhythm. All the while shes squirting like a bitch in heat.
"Plok plok plok plok" "Gawk gawk gawk gawk"
"T-thank you for your s-servi- gulck gulck gulck!"
She couldn't get the words fast enough as another soldier fucks her face. Man after man came, and man after man replaced each other to fuck her sloppy holes.
Her eyes were rolled all the way back to her head, her body shaking in overstimulation. Her arms and legs fell limp by her side as she was help up only by their cocks. Her entire body was caked in cum until eventually, she passes out.
When she came to, she was still being used. The line was still a quarter remaining, her pussy was sore, her ass was sore, her jaw was sore.
"P-please. N-no more. Mercy..."
No. No mercy to be had here.
Each man came inside her, filling her up to the brim, and yet they still fucked her. Dollops of cum dripped out from all her holes and still they came.
It was late in the next afternoon when they finished, no man was left in the hall. They were all called to the daily exercises already. Center stage, Chaeyoung was a fucked out mess, lying a pool of cum. Her eyes were rolled up, her legs bowlegged and her pussy twitching. Her belly was swollen with cum and all her holes were gaped wide open. Over and over, like a mantra she repeated:
"T-thank you fow your shervish~"
The commander stood over her fucked out body, gesturing to his men.
"Get her fed and clean her up, this is only the beginning. Pay JYP for the contract extension." He says as he walks away.
"Oh... And pay them for Mina next."
Next Chapter: 1-2 Chaeyoung Arc; 2-for-1 Deal (TBC)
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I feel like Bruce would, once he fell for Clark, constantly blink his pretty eyes at him and look like this:
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Or this would just be How He Looks and from the moment Clark laid his eyes on Bruce he was smitten. Well, until Bruce opened his mouth.
Clark would absolutely be able to handle Bruce's attitude, cuz as you said, he's patient. He would look at Bruce like this whenever he got to snooty:
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And Bruce would immediately shut up or conclude his rant, crossing his arms and pouting.
Also because I wanted to imagine them more clearly, my pinterest girlie came out and I found THESE:
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Bruce would be SOO showy as Brucie and probably actually enjoy the slightly feminine look, while Clark is more into earthy/academic tones. Clark would prefer professional outfits, only going all out for particularly important events (like a wedding👀) and Bruce would actively schedule events where he could show off a new outfit.
I assume while this is a regency it's still Gotham, and there are still worldly evils like poverty and people seeking to do harm, so I was wondering your take how Bruce would combat this. And would Clark support and secretly send letters to printing presses to boost morale or spy on the waynes?
(also I am working on your hockey player au ask I did not abandon it)
God I love Bruce flashing his fawn eyes and expecting everything to fall into his lap. Picture this, if you will:
Bruce draped over Clark's lap, disarming smile on pretty pink lips, glistening with a touch of rogue, fluttering sharp eyelashes. " we don't need to be married to do what we want, my lord"
While Clark is amused, even a little endeared, he pushes Bruce off, watching the little lord fall with a squeak, " You're trying to get me to annule the marriage, and unfortunately, I have no interest in indulging you."
Bruce hissing, a cat-like sound, full of scorn, saying Clark wouldn't like him when he's NOT indulged.
From then on, Bruce's second plan sets in motion. Pranks. Mischief. Antics Clark chooses not to reprimand (because truly, he just doesn't care that much) because they're more playfully mean than harmful.
Bruce offering to help in the kitchen only to pour extra salt on Clark's favorite dessert--- which Clark eats with a blank face to Bruce's fury.
Bruce smiling so sweetly at Clark and saying he gave the kitchen staff a vacation. So he'll make meals from now on.
" splendid."
Clark, chewing slowly, " Maybe more salt next time."
Your honor, they're both messes, they're both completely enamoured. Clark loves his sassy little husband, and Bruce throws a tantrum if Clark is gone for more than a few days due to military briefs.
And ooo I think it'd be cool if Bruce truly didn't care about class and just spent time with whoever while trying to repair the peasant's lifestyle. Clark fell for him when he cuddled a sickly kitten on his satin sheets bc he promised the cooks daughter he would
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babyhatesreality · 7 days
Agent Jellybean
Daddy!Stucky x Little!F!Reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, reader has anxiety, fluff.
A/N- today's story brought to you by a massive wave of anxiety.
You had had the worst nightmare you could remember last night. Fortunately, you were in Daddy and Papa's bed with them already, so the second you whimpered in your sleep, Bucky had instantly awoken. He held you close, trying to help you gently wake up, but it had been so intense and terrifying that by the time you realized you were awake, you were already shaking and crying so hard you couldn't stop. Bucky and Steve spent the rest of the night soothing and calming you, but you hadn't fallen back to sleep, nor had you truly been able to shake the dread you had been feeling as a result of the dream.
Bucky had kept you in his arms all morning, knowing all too well the toll that a nightmare could take on a person. He cuddled and kissed and comforted you while Steve packed a day bag for you to come with them upstairs while they worked.
You were resting your tired head on Daddy's shoulder as the three of you got off the elevator. Fury was waiting for you, which normally would make you perk up as you loved the gruff director. But you were still too anxious and exhausted to do more than give him a little wave. He looked a bit surprised- normally you were bouncing off the walls- but quickly understood the situation when he saw the ache in his agents' eyes as they continued to touch and soothe you.
"Rough night?" Fury asked evenly, but one couldn't mistake the hint of sympathy in his words. Steve gave him a tired smile and reached out to stroke your hair as Bucky kissed your forehead.
"You could say that," Steve said quietly.
"Do you two need the day?" Fury asked immediately. But before they could answer, you did.
"No," you mumbled, popping your head up. "Daddies gotta be heroes." Your sudden burst of energy over, you slumped back down onto Bucky's shoulder. Fury's eyes met Steve's in surprise, and was met with another tired smile.
"We told her we would stay at home, but she didn't want that," he explained. And it was true- when Steve said that to you at the breakfast table, you almost had another meltdown. He was quick to retract it, and Bucky just tightened his grip on you, both of them assuring you that they wouldn't do that. You settled down after a moment, but then your feelings got even bigger.
The real reason you didn't want them missing work was that you were already feeling guilty that you had kept them up last night, that they were both so worried about you, and that you couldn't let go of the scary feelings. When Papa suggested missing work, all you could think about was the people that were going to get hurt because they weren't there, and that was what sent you over the edge again. After you settled down, you then felt guilty for being naughty and throwing a tantrum when they were only trying to help. You were a bundle of big mean feelings, anxiety, and exhaustion, so all you could do was hold on to Bucky as tight as he was holding on to you.
Of course you didn't tell Nick this- your Daddies didn't even know you were feeling guilty- but you watched for his reaction to Papa's answer. He slowly nodded once, like he was thinking. His face was lined with frustration.
"What is it?" Bucky asked.
Fury took a deep breath, sighing heavily before he answered. "We picked up another former Hydra agent last night," he answered gruffly. "Some...intense programming on this one. Barnes, I was going to ask if you can be in the interrogation room, but...it looks like your services are otherwise needed," Fury said carefully, realizing the sticky situation you were all in.
Bucky and Steve locked eyes over your head. They both knew that the best shot of saving and rehabilitating the agent was to get the Winter Soldier in there. Bucky's eyes pleaded with Steve for a solution. He couldn't let you go- he absolutely would not do it. But the idea of helping to save another person from his own personal nightmare....
In another surprise move, you picked your head back up again and reached out to Steve. "I go with Papa," you said quietly, holding your arms out. Steve instantly pulled you into his strong arms, patting your back gently as you rested your chin on his shoulders. Bucky stepped to Steve's side, smoothing your hair from your face.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" Bucky asked you gently, his blue eyes filled with worry. "I can stay with you- it's okay."
You shook your head a bit and snuggled back into Steve. "You a hero Daddy, you gotta go be a hero."
Steve leaned over and gave Bucky a gentle kiss. "It's okay Buck, I got her," he said lovingly. "Go be a hero." Bucky smiled at bit- hearing you and Steve call him a hero helped to heal something that was still a bit broken inside. He gave you a long kiss on the temple.
"I'll be real close by baby, okay? Papa's got you, you're safe. And I'll come back as soon as I can, I promise." Before he could second guess himself, he turned down the hallway towards the interrogation room. Fury watched him walk for a moment, then turned back to Steve.
"If you're up for it, I could use you and Natasha in a strategy meeting with Stark in the conference room in ten," he asked hesitantly, feeling awkward about which way to step with you. Steve patted you on the back and smiled.
"See you there."
You tried to let the bad feelings go while Papa carried you down the hall towards his office. At least you felt slightly less guilty that you'd been clinging so desperately to Bucky all morning, and now were in Steve's arms, showing him how much you needed him too. The thought made you nuzzle gratefully into his neck. He responded with a gentle chuckle and a long kiss on top of your head.
Papa carefully placed your bag in his office, thinking that if you got overstimulated or upset, he could quickly bring you back here to calm you down. He then proceeded to the conference room, hoping that maybe he could get you to fall asleep before the meeting started and catch up on your rest.
But even cuddled in his lap, as he rocked you gently back and forth, you still couldn't get rid of the big feelings. The world was just too large right now, and you were too tired to sleep or cry or do anything other than just try to make yourself smaller and smaller.
After a few minutes, Natasha, Tony, and Fury entered the room. Fury had clearly given them both a heads up, and they came over to both give you a gentle kiss or stroke your cheek before settling into their chairs. The chatter wasn't words that you could follow, so it was soothing to hear voices that you knew and loved. You began to relax just the tiniest bit.
After a while, you started to feel a bit squirmy, like something was wrong. You realized what it was, and so you gently patted Steve's chest to get his attention. He immediately looked down at you with a smile, and that made you feel better. You held up your hand to the side of your mouth and whispered (so you wouldn't interrupt the meeting), "Papa, can I go get Jellybean please?"
"We can go get her together and come right back if you want to, Peanut," he whispered back, not wanting you to put yourself in a stressful position. But you shook your head.
"M'okay," you whispered. "Need Jellybean, please?" Papa smiled wider and gave you peck on the cheek.
"Okay, Peanut, go get her and come right back, okay? You remember how to get to the office?" When you nodded, he sat up a bit and let you climb off his lap. You tried to be as small as possible as you walked to the door, opening it as carefully and quietly as you could. You missed Fury raising an eyebrow at your exit, then turning to Steve for an explanation, as did Nat and Tony. Steve smiled widely at the concern on their faces, touched that they were worried about you too. "She's fine, she's just getting Jellybean." Natasha and Tony nodded in understanding, but Fury looked confused. Steve clarified. "Jellybean is her stuffed bunny."
"I was wondering what happened to her," Natasha said. "She's never without that bunny when she's upset."
"She likes bunnies, huh?" Fury asked, looking at his agents.
"She loves them. She and 'Bean have been inseparable since the first day we got her," Steve answered, smiling softly at the memory of your delighted shriek of joy upon meeting the fuzzy gray bunny. Just then, you pushed open the door just a bit, peering anxiously around the edge, afraid you had disturbed them once again. Fury leaned into your line of sight.
"It's alright, Little One, come on in," he prompted you kindly.
"Thank you Mr. Nick," you said shyly as you squeezed past the door, Jellybean cuddled in the crook of your arm.
"Ah, and I see you've brought Agent Jellybean," Fury continued. You stopped suddenly in your tracks, looking up at Fury in wonder. "Excellent. Let me know if she had any insights to this mess, hmm?" he said to you, gesturing to the screen behind him. "She's one of our best stealth agents, you know."
"She is?" you asked in hushed wonder, perking up the slightest bit. "How do you know?"
"Because I'm the director of SHIELD. I know everything."
You turned to Jellybean. "He knows EVERYTHING," you whispered to the bunny. Fury kept a straight face while both Natasha and Tony bit their lips to contain their laughter. Steve had the sweetest look of both mirth and mischief on his face, touched that one of the toughest, most bad-ass men he knew cared so much about you that he was willing to grant the title of "agent" to a stuffed rabbit, even in play.
"You're damn right, I do. Now let's get on with this meeting," Fury said pompously, turning back to the map as if nothing had happened. Steve's heart melted as he saw the first smile of the day on your face. You still walked as quietly as you could, desperately needing to be back in Steve's arms, but as you cuddled back into your place on Papa's lap, he could feel some of the tension release from your body. He subtly rocked you back and forth until you finally fell asleep, finally calm in his arms with your beloved secret agent bunny.
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