#which split my attention so i made a lot of mistakes on him
cazzyf1 · 10 hours
The other day on my tiktok I created a simple post about how James Hunt is more than just the Playboy persona that is associated with him. This flew over someone's head who commented about how he was a Playboy. I responded explaining the point of the video but instead they doubled down saying that James didn't care about F1 only about partying.
So today I went through some of my books and gathered a load of quotes to show the James Hunt that most people do not know about, the one outside of the Playboy perception. I've posted it on tiktok but figured I'll upload it here as well so the true James Hunt can reach more people and slowly we can dismantle the reputation 'Rush' gave him ❤️
TW: Depression, unhealthy coping mechanisms/addictions
When you think of James Hunt you think of the 'playboy'. The guy who partied, drank lots, took drugs and slept with lots of women. Its true he did that, and a lot but to dismiss him as just that is wrong. He was a good driver, a person who tried his best, a kind man who cared for human & animal rights.
The next few slides I've compiled quotes from a few books and website to show what kind of person he actually was and what he went through in life and that less people will dismiss him as just a Playboy.
James Hunt's first marriage was rocky because James was already very involved in his addictions and he knew he didn't love Susy because he felt that he wasn't capable of love. But he felt responsible for her and wanted to look after her. Here is his own opinion from his book ->
"It was really THE problem. I thought that marriage was what I wanted and needed to give me a nice stable and quiet home life, but in fact it wasn't and the key mistake was mine. I really wanted to go racing on my own, and it wasn't much fun for Susy to sit at home and wait for me all that time. It was also a terrible hassle for her to come racing because race meetings were probably the most relaxing time in my schedule. The rest of the time you tend to be leaping on aeroplanes once a day and that made it even worse because it's bad enough organizing one person to get on an aeroplane. Organizing two gets to be twice as much hassle. It got to the point where it was a problem for Susy to come travelling and a hell of a deal for her to stay at home. It was making life miserable in the extreme for her and since I felt responsible for her it was making me miserable too. So we had agreed to split up and then Richard Burton came along and solved all the problems. We had had an immensely successful marriage because I learnt an awful lot about myself and life and I think Susy did too. We all ended up happy, anyway, which is more than can be said for a lot of marriages" - p14 Against All Odds
Much is said about James Hunt and the ladies he kept company, and without knowing anything about James you might assume the worst, but here's some quotes about what he was actually like with the ladies ->
"I don't usually have sex before a race because I am very definitely concentrating -I find that it is the communication between two people that makes it worth- while, and before a race I am pretty uncommunicative. However, if say I have an hour or so to spare before dinner on the night before a race then I can enjoy the physical release. But I will only do it with someone who is fully understanding" - p15 Against All Odds
"He was always attentive to his partners needs. Indeed much of his satisfaction came from giving pleasure. The only problem, some of them confessed, was that his desire to please often out-stripped their needs" - p264 James Hunt: The Biography
"I was sure he was gay, because he never made a move on me for so long" - p278 Jane Birbeck, long time partner, James Hunt: The Biography
"He missed the actual skirmish - he was inside getting drinks at the bar - but had to be forcibly restrained from going after the policeman who hit his girlfriend" - p284 James Hunt: The Biography
James Hunt had many affairs in his time, because he had become an addict to many things including women (more on this later) He was aware of his and it plagued James that he couldn't control it ->
"One evening she returned to their London home to find James in tears. He was tormented by feelings of guilt caused by his lust for other women. He confessed the full extent of his unfaithfulness, that it was unfair to her and that for her sake they couldn't remain a couple. It wasn't that he was bored with her, but that his desire for other women was insatiable and uncontrollable. He held Jane in his arms and they both wept" - p320
One thing that helped James in his life time was his love for animals especially his pet dog Oscar. Here are some quotes about his love for animals and how far he would go to help protect them ->
"I think in a way Oscar was the child James never had at that stage. He was a remarkable dog, no question, but James thought a lot about animals and their requirements and was very concerned about their needs. He gave Oscar the very best treatment and also was keenly intrested in the welfare of other dogs. He would look at a dog, wonder if it's owner was treating it well and bringing it up properly and if the dog was getting everything out of life that it could" - p281
"Before he came to know James better, the journalist Nigel Roebuck was pleasantly surprised by an incident involvinged stray dog. It was late in the evening after a Grand Prix and tha teams were packing up to leave when James, while talking to Roebuck, saw the dog wandering around the paddock, shiver-ing and obviously very hungry. Roebuck, also sensitive to the needs of an animal in distress, went with James to several of the team motorhomes where they got food and fed the dog. But that wasn't the end of it as far as James was concerned. He insisted that they should take the dog up to the race control centre.
Roebuck: 'He took the dog in there and would not leave until he was sure it would be looked after. James actually made this official sign a piece of paper saying he would take care of the dog and see that it was housed and properly cared for. I was very impressed with this. James was probably one of only a handful of people on this entire planet who would even give that sort of thing a second thought." - p281
"He also thought the wild animals residing on his estate should be left alone. If vermin had to be controlled it should be done in the most humane way possible, and he strongly dissaproved of blood sports. The very thought of fox hunting he found horrible and he vowed not to allow it on his property" - p308
James was also incredibly caring towards the young people in his life such as his sons and his younger siblings. Here’s an extract from his first GF about James and his siblings ->
".. the way he expressed his concern for the emotional youngest members of his family:
He really enjoyed looking after them, and just seeing the way the behaved with his little brothers and sisters you knew was instinctive in him. He was always going to be a good father.
One evening he invited her home where he was babysitting Jo Jo, Dave and Tim. When James had tucked them in he left Ping to read them a bedtime story. When Ping came downstairs James asked her if she had helped them say their prayers. When I said no, James said: "Right. You've missed out hugely there. Come on, we'd better go and do it." So they did. His attitude was that he was taught to do that by his parents and it simply had to be done.'
But he also practised what he preached, and he believed in the power of prayer. In the troubled years to come James would pray to God for strength and help, and he eventually passed on the bedtime prayer ritual to his own two boys, to whom he became completely devoted.
During his time with Ping he had talked about having children, and she thinks fatherhood earlier in his life would have prevented James from sinking into his period of decadence.
I felt so sorry for him then because I knew underneath it wasn't the real James doing this. I think he was trying to make life happy, the wrong way. If he had settled down earlier, had a more normal home life with children of his own when he was younger, one could have seen a totally different James.' - p26
James Hunt cared for human rights especially taking a stand against the Apartheids in South Africa. The Apartheids in short was a system of racial segregation. In protest most sports were not going to South Africa but Formula One still was, and James Hunt made it clear his thoughts
“We were once covering the South African Grand Prix during the days of apartheid. All of a sudden, and for no particular reason, he launched into an attack on apartheid.
“It was nothing to do with the Grand Prix, nor would it do British-South African relations any good. Our producer pushed a piece of paper across saying: ‘Talk about the race!’
“And then James blurted out on air: ‘Thank God we’re not actually there!”
But simply calling out Apartheid on the air wasn’t enough for Hunt. He sought to have his race commentaries blocked from being broadcast in South Africa, but was unsuccessful.
When that didn’t work, he instead — and secretly — gave financial support from his income as a race broadcaster to groups struggling to end Apartheid in South Africa."
"His deeply compassionate and loving nature was something that, unfortunately, wasn't adequately conveyed to the public, who only ever heard about the sensational side of James Hunt" - p282 John Watson
As mentioned earlier James Hunt was an addict. His playboy lifestyle was his addictions and this is all rooted back to the fact that James Hunt had depression which grew stronger and stronger. He relied on his additions to get rid of his depression which meant he kept doing more and more. Here are some quotes about his struggle with it and eventually how he overcame it ->
"At home James became increasingly introverted, uncommunicative and reclusive. He gave up golf and spent more and more of his time in the aviary tending his budgies. While the parties continued he would often leave the guests to Sarah and closet himself in the aviary for hours on end.
It became obvious that James was very troubled, but only Sarah and his closest friends knew the full extent of the anguish and despair James suffered during his bouts with what he called his 'dippers'.
Black dog' was the term Winston Churchill used for the recurring 'depressions which afflicted him throughout his life. Bubbles Horsley thinks James was 'born with a "black dog" on his shoulder. His racing pushed the "dog" away far enough so that it was no longer visible. But underneath that wonderful joie de vivre, the laughter and enjoying life, he was given to black moods. He was fearful of them and maybe it was that fear that drove him on. Perhaps without it he would never have been World Champion.
'And I think after the initial "honeymoon" of retirement from racing the black dog came and sat on his shoulder and wouldnt go away. So he became more fearful and sought distraction in various ways, through sex and drink and drugs and rock and roll, as it were." - p323
"At home Sarah watched her husband's condition worsen and desperately sought to help him. She thought his depressiond might partly be due to a chemical imbalance that James was born with, a theory that James explored himself. Then, too, to keep his dippers at bay he consumed too much alcohol and marijuana, both of which can temporarily bring relief but over the long term on have depressive effects.
Like others, Sarah felt that another reason for his 'dippers' might have been because he cut off his emotions early in his life and never learned how to open up to people, or to need them. He was essentially a lonely man and his inability to form close relationships made him despair. His depressions further deadened his feelings, and when he was unable to respond emotionally to marriage and children he grew progressively more despondent.
Sarah: 'He was at war with himself. His depressions became Intolerable and towards the end he stopped trying to fight them coming on because he knew they would take over for two days or week. His face would go black and he would take to his bed and stay there, even on Christmas Day. He'd gone to bed two days beforehand and we had Christmas stockings for the boys. I said, Come on, Beast, the boys are waiting." And he said, "Beast, i can't do it." And he was crying" - p333
"When James felt a "dipper" coming on he would go on two- or three-day benders, mostly drinking vodka. He would just keep going and going, which was always a bit terrifying, and after these deep, dark blank days he would suffer real self-loathing. He could forget his trouble with drink, but it always came back.
For many years trying to get rid of his depression was his major concern, which is why he got the budgerigars. He thought it would be such a huge amount of effort that it would distract him and they became an obsession rather than a hobby. He would sit in the aviary for hours, but he would come back still in the grip of gloom. And for a long time he was so down it was very hard to even converse with him." - p326
"He tried different treatments acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and looked into every possible theory. He went to different healers, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, the lot, to try and find the root of his depression. And in the end he cracked it" - p337
"He began to become more diet-conscious and to eat healthy foods. He also consumed information, in books and magazines, on overcoming addictions, and sought more professional help.
He knew he should stop smoking cigarettes and reduce his marijuana consumption, and he told some friends he thought he might be an alcoholic. He worried that his need for women was another form of addiction and feared he might contract AIDS and infect someone else.
John Hogan: 'So he stopped it all. Straightened himself out by absolute willpower. The strength of character of the man enabled him to get out of it. He cut out the cigarettes, the dope and drugs. the booze and the womanising and his sense of priorities became more well-balanced.' - p338
As he started healing himself of his addictions he became serious about F1 again. He always cared for the sport, doing everything he could to race when he was younger and now though he was retired he still commentated and took part in other ways to stay close to the sport ->
"James became serious about strengthening his position in the media side of Formula 1 racing. He took on an internationally syndicated newspaper column and spent many hours gathering information for it. Working with a journalist he applied himself conscientiously to making sure that every word was written to his satisfaction" - p338
James started to heal his relationships as well, becoming an amazing parent to his two boys and finally meeting a woman who helped him feel loved and be able to love after so long of not being able to ->
"The boys were real handfuls to look after but he was awfully good with them and he really fathered and mothered them extremely well. He was always up early in the morning cooking their breakfast and then the four of us would go off salmon fishing. James would fish properly and I would fool around fishing with the youngsters. And then in the evening we used to settle down and he would tell them stories." - p343
A letter James sent to his girlfriend Helen:
"I went to the parents' 50th in a totally negative frame of mind, feeling very much an outsider and wanting the floor to swallow me up. As the day went on, although I remained 'out- side', I could see and feel lots of generous, undemanding love around me. Something changed for me there with my family. Everyone was exuding love and I saw the wonder of it and want to be part of it, but firstly with you.
I realise now that the feeling of not being loved as a child made me close up to any incoming love projected onto me. I do see that I cannot live on without love. You brought it home to me when you pointed out how well I'm doing with the boys. Well I have had to work at that and I've got better at it and I have to do it with you. You are the girl of my dreams. Without you I have no future. I want to make you happy and continue to do so until I die.
All my love for the love of my life,
- p350
Finally James was happy. He was healed from his addictions, in a healthy relationship, had two lovely sons and a job he loved. And best of all he was able to be open with Helen ->
"James confessed to Helen that he was unable to be faithful to anyone in the past because sex was for him just another addiction and he needed women to get his highs. He disliked social gatherings and only had parties or went to them to pick up women. Helen was willing to forgive and forget what went on before, but told him she wouldn't tolerate it in their relationship and he agreed to be faithful to her." - p350
Helen went away on a girls holiday before her and James were going to start trying for children. James proposed to her over the phone on the holiday to which she said yes. But she would never see her finance because he passed away from a heart attack. Unfortunately the previous life he lead caught up to him.
Thank you for reading all of this and I hope you now know more about James Hunt than you already did! It's sad that James is best known now for his unhealthy coping mechanisms for his depression, especially with the film 'Rush' romanticising it. But even if just one person reads all of this it means one more person knows the truth of James Hunt and that makes it worth it ❤️
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
Alright, I've been teasing it long enough. Anyone that's been paying attention has probably figured out what my oh-so secret project has been (not that it's going to stop me from vague-posting about it), and he really is close to being finished.
Face-up. Done. (Though I would like to touch-up where the paint has chipped)
Clothes. Painted.
Wig. Styled.
I literally just need to put the fringe on his scarf, but for whatever reason, I've just been hit with this wave of fatigue since about the time I wrote the last confessions post (frankly, if you ever see me writing/posting long-ass posts, it's because I've lost the energy to use my hands to make things).
I guess I just burned myself out from making both him and Kun3h0 at the same time, that when Kun3h0 got finished, my whole body shut down having felt relief from "completing" the project. To be fair, this has been going on since at least mid-Janurary, so I am more than ready to close the book on this one.
I'll try to finish him within the month, but there are also a lot of other things going on with me ATM, so I wouldn't hold me to it.
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fanon-elio · 17 days
By your side.
Part 1
Summary: You are the CEO of a big company and hired Lycaon as your personal attendant, however it seems that your wolfish butler has developed a crush on you. So while you and him were on a business trip, both of you were forced to confront your growing feelings for eachother.
Tag: Sfw
Pairing: Von Lycaon x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is not canon. You are responsible for the content you consume, so if the following warnings trigger you, you may read at your own risk.
Warnings: Fluff, Slow burn'ish, long fic, mutual pining, reader is smaller than lycaon, lycaon is down bad horrendous, friends to lovers type stuff, slight suggestive themes at the end.
Angst, Sexism (Not by Lycaon), slight racism (Not by Lycaon), jealousy, reader is lowkey burned out.
Other warnings: lowkey my first fanfiction, pls go easy on me. (T^T)
Yes, this fanfiction WILL contain Nsfw in the future.
I added some throw-away characters to the story as plot devices, no they're not oc's and they hold no importance to the story other than providing character development.
This fic contains a lot of scenarios written in Lycaons pov cuz i eat this shit up for breakfast.
I did not intent for this fic to become so long, that i had to split it into different parts. But i'm lowkey kinda happy how it turned out. Sorry for any possible mistakes. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. also, don't mind me adding a drawing i made just for vibes. Enjoy!
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Lycaon has been your personal attendant for over a year now, attending to your every wish and request dutifully while you were busy handling your business.
At first Lycaon thought this was just going to be a job like any other, only to be proven wrong rather quickly. To say that both of you hit it off right away would be a slight understatement, it was shocking how good you two got along and understood eachother.
You impressed him with your steadfastness and professionalism when it came to your business. Something that seemed to resonate with him, and not only because your company specializes in custom-made prosthetics for humans and thirens alike. Even though this was what originally caught his attention, since his own mechanical legs were quite difficult to overlook.
Said mechanical legs were also the reason what made him so invested to support you where he could. A wish to see you succeed because your work greatly benefited other people - people just like him.
When you one day asked him if he could accompany you for a business trip to meet potential new investors, he accepted immediately without a second thought.
So with your ever so attentive right hand always by your side, you got in your car and were on your way.
Lycaon wanted to make your trip as enjoyable and comfortable for you as he possibly could, this is what you hired Victoria housekeeping for after all. Making sure your every desire was satisfied, and your every wish fulfilled was his duty to you...
So now imagine his sheer discontent at the current situation as he was forced to watch you awkwardly eat, or at least tried to eat the food you had on your plate without it coming back up.
"Caviar, what a pretentious meal" he had thought, clearly he would have made something better for you instead of whatever your plate was currently punishing you with. But the awful food wasn't the only thing what made this meal so infuriating, but rather the person on the other side of the table. A rich business man who had invited you to dinner a day prior to the planned gala which was the main reason of your trip.
If it were him, he would have declined the invitation. However, you hoped to draw a benefit out of the invitation - wanting to win this new investor for your cause.
Yesterday he had respected, if not even praised you for your decision. But right now he hoped you would throw your plate at said investor's face, good manners be damned. The short man, who barely didn't reach to Lycaon's chest, was ranting on and on about his achievements, trying oh so desperately to impress you on a more private level instead of the professional setting his earlier sent, very formal invitation was supposed to set up. And what was even more painful was not this poor excuse of a meal, or the way that man's voice hurt in Lycaon's ears, it was the way how he treated you.
He has interrupted you at least 5 times now, shooting down any of your advances to steer the conversation into what you were originally here for, and he grew more frustrated by the second.
"Of course I'm aware of the common folk's suffering, I myself invested a pretty penny in the research of joint and hip replacements, even going as far as to pay for a dozen surgeries for people who couldn't afford it, out of my own pocket i might add" He bragged, clearly nothing more than empty words in an attempt to woe you.
"That's wonderful, I'm glad you see the importance of our cause, I'm thankful that you want to support us as an investor-" you once again tried to redirect the conversation... "naturally I couldn't say no to such a stunning young Lady such as yourself" ...but once again failed.
Lycaons ear flicked in annoyance as your host continued to shamelessly flirt with you, while he was forced to listen.
Even though it is shameful and rather scandalous for Lycaon to admit, he has indeed developed feelings for you.
Feelings that go far beyond that of those an attendant should have for their employer but he couldn't help himself but be in awe of you. Of how you're able to be so strong and yet so kind, so strict and yet so graceful, so serious and yet so playful, the later a side only he gets to see when you allow him to indulge in the trust and friendship you have built with him.
And yet, both of you were once again forced to listen to another audition of your host's self-indulgent rambling.
"I was honestly surprised when you showed up earlier" he said suddenly, "how so?" You replied, politely putting down your fork as you reached for your drink hoping to wash the awful taste off your tongue it seems "In all honesty, I would have expected a man to show up instead of a woman" the man across from you spoke, and you grimaced clearly not only because of your drinks taste that was ordered for you by your host, insisting you drink some expensive wine with him, but also because of the sheer rudeness of the others answer. "Is that so?" You put down your glass and Lycaon had to supress a growl that threatened to escape his throat.
"Don't take this the wrong way sweetheart, it's just surprising nowadays to see a woman running a succesful business that doesn't include fashion or make-up" you briefly closed your eyes and took in a silent breath while Lycaon clenched his fist behind his back. "Times have definitely changed, Mr. Goldman" you replied, trying to stay polite despite the sexism thrown your way.
Lycaon on the other hand, tried to come up with any sort of excuse to get you out of this awful situation, clenching his jaw so painfully hard he was surprised his teeth didn't crack under the pressure. Clearly this man didn't see eye to eye with you, treating you like a trophy he's trying to win, completely disregarding and undermining your achievements and reducing you to nothing more than a pretty face.
How disgusting he thought.
"Please allow me to invite you to a party tonight, a pretty little thing like you would fit in just right" he shot a wink your way and Lycaon swore he saw you shudder for a moment. "But you can't bring him" Mr. Goldman said, using his fork to point at Lycaon. "Why does it bother you so?" You asked, now having completely abandoned the polite smile you wore just a few seconds ago. "It's a party of class of course, my apologies miss, but he doesn't fit in with the rest" Lycaon shot him a quick glare "he'd have to stay outside with the other pets" he felt his blood boiling, he's just about had it with this pretentious, condescending and sexist piece of shit.
However, he straightened his posture, remaining polite and professional. He gave you a quick glance as a silent way of asking for permission to make a break for the exit with you, maybe kicking that wimp across the room on his way out.
But his swirling thoughts were interrupted by you gently pushing your chair back and standing up.
"My apologies but I'm afraid I won't be able to attend then..." you spoke firm but still polite "...Lycaon is to remain by my side" you spoke and Lycaons heart skipped a beat. "Surely you can find someone else to accompany you for tonight miss y/n" your host argued, "I'm afraid not Mr. Goldman" you spoke, giving Lycaon a quick glance and the permission he needed.
With a small flash of satisfaction thrumming through his veins, he swiftly moved towards the door, opening it for you, "this way please." He said, bowing politely.
You grabbed your purse and made your way towards the door, making sure to give your was-host another glare on your way out. "Furthermore, Lycaon is not a pet" you said, not even trying to hide your discontent at the other's comment towards your companion.
"We'll see each other tomorrow at the gala, have a pleasant day Mr. Goldman" you replied as the door fell shut behind you and Lycaon.
The ride back to the vacation home you were currently residing in was quiet. Lycaon noticed that you seemed to be absorbed in your thoughts, possibly reflecting on anything that had happened.
He wanted to say something to ease your nerves, but couldn't find the right words. So instead, he opted to let you have the time you needed to wrap your head around the situation and how to act from here, since Mr. Goldman definitely didn't seem like a reliable support for your company or any other situation for that matter.
You came to a stop at a red light, and he couldn't help but glance at you again, at the way the sun cast a gentle glow on the features of your face and the way it almost seemed to make your hair shine in response to it's gentle rays of light. He once again finds himself greatly impressed by you, with the way you stood firmly to your standards and morals, how you remained patient and professional even though that filth didn't deserve an ounce of your kindness. However, more so than anything, it is the words you spoke at that moment that still vividly swirl in his mind,
"Lycaon is to remain by my side."
He loved the way you said it, perfectly capturing his own desire.
It is quite apparent to him that he no longer views his current situation as a job, he enjoys it way too much for that, and yet a small piece of his consciousness still berated him for acting like a love drunk puppy for so openly and unabashedly admiring you. You seemed to notice his gaze lingering on you and turned your head to look at him - but he had looked away just at that moment so you wouldn't notice how starstruck he appeared, at least he hoped you didn't. And yet, a small smile still found a way onto his lips.
He pulled into the driveway of your current abode, he felt glad to be back so early, despite the given turn of events at your "dinner."
While he got out, walking over to your side of the car to open the door for you, he already thought about what he could do to get your mind off that incident to at least make your day end on a positive Note.
Both of you entered the spacious place you and him called home for the time being. You sighed in relieve as you kicked off your high heels, whining at your terribly sore feet. You were glad this day was finally over, even though you felt all the more anxious about tomorrow's gala.
With your meteoric rise to fame also came a lot of pressure. The demand for your services and products rose daily. So much so that you had to expand your production efforts, almost doubling your expenses in the process. Dispite that, your manufacturing department was still slowly starting to get overwhelmed. However, the need for new employees couldn't be met without the necessary funding.
You made your way towards the kitchen, watching Lycaon as he was already preparing a proper dinner for you both. "Do you need help by any chance" you asked, even though you already knew the answer "I appreciate your offer master, but there is no need" yup, thought so "why don't you sit down in the livingroom and relax master, you had a straining day, and deserve a break." He said, shifting his attention back to cooking, "I shall inform you once dinner is ready"
Lycaon has always been that way, ever since he'd started working for you. But the more time you two spend together, the closer you two became, forming quite the strong friendship with eachother. Even though you hoped it would be more than that.
If you're being fully honest, you had developed a crush on the wolfish gentleman for quite some time now.
Okay, it might be more than just a little crush with the way he makes your heart race when he looks at you, or your head all dizzy with euphoria when he speaks with you while his deep voice still sends pleasant shivers down your spine.
He was easy to talk to and always had an open ear. Even though you did feel guilty by the way he was constantly spoiling you, wanting absolutely nothing more in return than your smile. In return, you started to praise him where you could, swooning over the way his ears tend to flick or the way his tail would wag a little, subtly portraying his feelings to you dispite his efforts to stay professional. You enjoyed when he was happy, so much so that you would always have to fight the urge to ask him if he would allow you to pet him.
"Dinner is served master"
After dinner, you found yourself sitting at the small bar of your kitchen. A glass martini Lycaon prepared for you in your hand as you engaged in riveting conversation with him, gossiping about your shared experience with Mr. Goldman as he did the dishes.
"And that awful vest of his? Olive green with orange? I don't think" you laughed and Lycaon secretly preened at the sound. "I was terribly tempted to throw my drink at him let me tell you, a shot of red would have been nothing short of a favor" you replied, and he nodded fully agreeing "unfortunately it wouldn't have made his face any more tolerable" he responded "much less his nasty attitude." Lycaon was still very sour of the other man's behaviour towards you. However, he felt his heart soaring when he remembered how you had stood up for him. "Well, to be fair, it sure would have distracted from it at least." You said before chugging the rest of your drink "even if it would have enraged him?" He asked, putting a clean plate to the side as he grabbed the next. You chuckled, "And even so, I can always count on you to protect me, can I not?" His tail began to wag a little at your words, and you were satisfied with yourself at his reaction, "Absolutely, master."
"Still, I applaud you for staying as calm as you did" Lycaon admitted, and you let out a sigh, his ears immediately perking up at the sound. "My apologies if I'm prying master" he turned his head to look at you, your own resting in your hand, "are you nervous about tomorrow's gala?" He asked, slight concern shining through his oh so polished demeanor.
"A little bit, not gonna lie" you admitted, "I just hope there won't be more people like him at the gala tomorrow" you said. A silence coming over you, rage still bubbling in your gut when you remembered how Mr. Goldman had compared Lycaon to a pet. "Eh, and even so, I hope they have better food at least" you said "I mean, caviar? Really? That's way too cliché" he smiled, concerned at you spacing out but still glad to know you shared the same opinion as him.
He was aware of your worries.
Your financial situation being the topic at every meeting, and he worried greatly for your health as he watched you plunge yourself into your work, day after day without a break. He remembered the days when he had to force you to take a break, sleep or even eat something. He desperately wanted to save you from the burnout that slowly creeped up on you.
"I think I'll be hitting the hay" you said through a yawn, getting up from where you'd been sitting. Lycaon looked at you as he pondered how he could ease your worries, even if just for a little.
He dried off his hands and walked around the kitchen counter, "could you spare one more moment for me, master?" He asked, and you turned around, seeing him approaching. "Of course, what's up?" He didn't speak, instead he moved and gently pulled you into an embrace.
It wasn't restraining nor unpleasant, it was comforting and warm as you felt his arms wrap around you. "Don't worry master, I'm sure your hard work will pay off at tomorrow's gala" he spoke, low and gentle. You hugged him back, hearing faint rustling which you suspected to be his wagging tail.
Both of you pulled back, as this tender moment you and Lycaon shared slowly came to an end, even tho neither of you wanted it to. Both of you decided to retire for the night, tomorrow would be a straining day for the both of you after all.
Sleep would come quickly for you thanks to that bit of alcohol in your system, while Lycaon would lay awake for just a little longer, thinking about you as he tried to memorize the way you felt in his arms, letting this one certain sentence replay in his mind once again as he drifted off to sleep.
Lycaon is to remain by my side.
Everything was still dead silent as your eyes cracked open. You blinked a few times, wondering what time it was as you reached for your phone on the bedside table. Glancing at the display, as the discomfort from the sudden brightness slowly faded.
You sighed heavily as you looked at the daunting digits, solidifying your suspicion.
3:27 am
You tossed and turned, but couldn't find the comforting sleep you yearned for. Your stomache growled and you pondered going for a midnight snack.
With a sigh, you sat up and stretched, cringing at the cracking sound of your joints. Rubbing your eyes, you swung your legs out of bed and made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself a much-needed midnight snack.
You cussed out the sandman for once again having ghosted you as you rounded the corner, a flash of white catching your eye, and you stopped. Even though you knew that Lycaon was definitely an early bird type of person, you still didn't expected to find him standing in the kitchen at the same ungodly hour. The soft light of the opened refrigerator filling the room as you peaked around the corner, taking in his appearance.
It was surprising to see your wolfish butler, who was normally so professional and serious about how he presented himself to others, stumble shirtless and rather sleep dazed through the kitchen. His mechanical feet clacking on the ground and his tail swishing behind him as he moved around.
Never in the entire time he has worked for you have you ever seen him out of uniform, and the more you took in his disheveled appearance and his strong and muscular body, the less you seemed to care to admit that he was painfully handsome.
Ah hell, smocking hot would be a better fit. Naturally you assumed he was working out, but you had no idea your personal attendant was this ripped. You felt a bit embarrassed as you continued gawk at your friend and buttler's biceps and abs. You caught a glimpse of his teeth as he yawned, further noticing how different he looked without his muzzle and eye patch.
You let your gaze wander down to his prosthetics, slowly seeming to sober up, as you wondered what had happened to him that left him in such a state. From missing arms to missing legs, you had encountered your fair share of injuries since starting your business, but never had you asked what had happened before. Neither your clients and especially not Lycaon not wanting to pry into his past. Too afraid of accidentally offending him by reopening past wounds, and yet you couldn't help but wonder how he must feel. loosing one leg must be traumatizing enough, but both?
He closed the refrigerator and the sound of it ripped you out of your trance. You watched him as he scratched the back of his neck seemingly making his way back to bed, and you hoped that sleep still had enough of a grasp on him that he wouldn't notice your presence.
You decided to carefully make your way back to your bedroom as well, as not to embarrass him with a sudden entrance while he was so scarcely dressed. You hoped to actually find sleep again because you couldn't help the feeling that tomorrow would be an awfully difficult day.
Part 2 ->
When i tell you that I absolutely did not mean to make this fanfiction this long.
At first it was supposed to be a oneshot, but as it so happens, i got absolutely carried away. And after +2k words i realized that i might wanna split this fanfiction up, cuz ain't nobody on tumblr wanna read an entire essay. Also, it's the way how anxious i am uploading this help. Let's hope it's gonna be a positive experience, otherwise i might admit myself to psychiatric care asap.
thank your for reading, i hope it was to your liking.
Part 2 will probably drop next Friday cuz i need time to make a new drawing.
Btw. Here is a quick doodle just for shitt's and giggles.
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Aight bye~
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cultofdixon · 10 months
Lost in your own mind
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • We all have hard days and sometimes we need our partners to hold us just to make it a little less hard • ANGST/SFW • TW: Depression
Requested by: Anon
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I…don’t quite know what’s happening.
The Saviors war ended…I should be happy, right?
Well…Abraham died…Glenn died, and Maggie has to raise her son alone…
Rick kept that monster alive…
Our family split into the communities…
We aren’t…all together anymore.
I don’t know what’s happening anymore
“Are you going home soon?” Carol asks Daryl as she comes to check on him after taking a month's watch for the Sanctuary.
“Just finished getting my shit together.” The archer states dropping his bag by his bike, noticing Carol’s concerned expression which bubbled his own. “What? What aren’t yea saying?”
“Y/N missed a few trading days. Michonne went in her place and wouldn’t really…tell me what’s happening”
I knew it was a mistake to go. I just—-“Is she—-“
“No! No, thankfully. That’s the only thing Michonne would update me on. She doesn’t know why Y/N hasn’t left the basement you two call home. Rick would send food down with Judith so she couldn’t say no to it. I think she’s depressed”
“Could that have been because I left to do this?”
“Hey, there’s no need to blame something or someone. Sometimes people fall into a depressive episode without a reason…” Carol leaned against the loading dock crossing her arms and avoiding his eye contact for a moment. “It could be because we were in survival mode during the war that we couldn’t feel anything else”
Daryl nods to her words taking it in and realizing that explains a lot of the feelings almost everyone affected by the war has been having.
“I…You sure it ain’t cuz—-“
“Daryl, if you’re talking about the moment…the exact moment after the war just ended? You know she understands why you pushed her away but that was months ago. Not everyone is going to feel everything that happened to them because of Negan and the Saviors right when the war is over”
Hell, you’re still going through it
You’re still back there.
Daryl rode his bike throughout the night have escorting Carol back to the Kingdom to make sure she got home safe before going back home to Alexandria. He knew his mind was racing on the endless possibilities of Y/N could be doing while in this episode but all she did was not leave their home beneath the Grimes residence.
The archer was greeted by a few friends as he entered the community, and was informed that Rick and Michonne weren’t in (Jude being watched by Aaron). So he’ll be alone with his partner until the Grimes return.
To his surprise, Y/N was in the main kitchen when he opened the door entering the quiet home. She kept her attention in front of her at the jammed bread she just had prior to Daryl coming home.
“Hey” His voice was softer than normal in case he startled her but she only acknowledge his presence a short moment after he spoke. A bit unphased.
“Hey…did you just get back?”
“Yeah, uhm. The watch is over so…” Daryl brought himself to sit at the kitchen island as Y/N picked up her plate and knife bringing it with her to sit with him. “Carol came by before I drove back. You feeling okay?”
“Uhm…No” Even in the state of mind she was in, she wouldn’t lie to Daryl. Not only would he be one of the few to see right through the lie, but she didn’t have the energy to keep it going if she did. “You hungry? I…made it but I’m not really feeling it anymore”
As the plate was pushed in his direction, Daryl took the knife she had cutting it in half and giving her the other while he ate his.
“Yea made it for yourself. I’ll share it but least have some of it” After he said such, Y/N picked at it at first before deciding to finally eat it.
They sat in silence for a bit and Daryl relaxed when Y/N brought her head to rest on his shoulder but her body tensed. As if she was afraid to do such, like…he’d disappear again. He brought his arm around her shoulders feeling the tension in her shoulder finally relax.
“Let’s turn in, yeah?”
“It’s not too early?”
“Nah, come on” Daryl gave a small smile before getting out of the seat taking her hand into his making their way to the basement.
It wasn’t a basement exactly, just a living quarters underneath the main house.
It was…well exactly how he left it. Looked as if he just moved in and nothing was made for it to look like their home so it brought back the moment.
“Daryl?” Y/N calls out to him as he walked away from the scene of Maggie falling to the earth sobbing while Michonne comforted her even if she sided with her husband.
“Daryl!” She called out following him into the forest watching him stop abruptly making her freeze in her place.
“Do you agree with what he’s done? With Rick’s stupid decision to keep that bastard alive”
“Is this a loaded question for me or a simple…” She quieted herself when Daryl turned toward her with an annoyed expression. He didn’t mean to. “No I don’t agree with what Rick has done”
“Will you hate me for mine?”
“I…just need a moment alone. I don’t want you to think that I don’t need you or nothin’. Before this whole fight we were gonna…settle? Be us. Then I got taken. You got attacked. Our home got set ablaze. It’s a lot and…”
“Daryl…just. If I come to you, don’t push me away. I’ll give you what you want but I…”
“If you call, I’ll be there.”
Y/N knew that were true but she got stuck in her own mind from all that happened that she didn’t want to flood what could be going on in Daryl’s. Even if in this very moment, Daryl wanted to know everything going on. Just a word would do.
His partner got into the bed while he got out of the clothes from the day. Y/N already wore sweats as she’s been dressing more comfortably the past month since she hasn’t left the walls. He glances at her through the mirror on their shared dresser seeing her sit comfortable by the pillows but keep a blank gaze.
Once the archer got his boots off, he got comfortable in the bed beside Y/N and before she laid down he opened his arm for her.
“Come here, sunshine” He whispers watching her lay into his side feeling his hand gently rub soothing motions on her back. “I’m not going anywhere” he states pressing a kiss to the top of her head as she shifts to bring herself more into his embrace. “Everything’s okay. You are okay” he whispers to her feeling her tighten her grasp on him.
“Nothings…wrong” Y/N exhales a shaky breath feeling him hold her closer. “I’m fine you know…”
“I do” Daryl replies keeping his hand rubbing circles on her back feeling her head turn into his chest. “You are fine, you are going to be fine”
It happened slowly…the tears that sprung from her eyes as she cried into her partner’s chest feeling him tighten around her in a protective manner pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m never leaving you again”
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tervaneula · 6 months
u said leoichi drabble prompt request. consider. one injured and the other protecting them and then the injured one has to calm them down bc 'they're okay, really, promise, rest now'
OKAY SO this fused with a ghost of an idea I've had for a while and it ended up being a bit more serious than the prompt called for and a lot longer than just a drabble. (It's ~1120 words.) CW: blood and injury
Also I made a silly header thing I don't know what to do with, so I'm putting it here since this fic doesn't come with art of its own :'3
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“Yui, I’m okay–” 
The rabbit turns his head to look at him, furious. 
“I heard your shell crack, Leonardo, and I'm not an idiot! Now stay down and let me handle this!” 
He falls quiet for a moment before redirecting his glare towards their adversary and then adds a muted, “Please.” 
There's no compromising with Yuichi in this state, apparently, and Leonardo stays right where he got crushed between metal claws and the concrete, splayed on the ground next to those very same claws which had gotten swiftly cut from the wrist for their transgressions.
He does roll onto his side to get his body weight off his shell, and yeah, alright, one or more of the old cracks that never healed properly must have split open again. It's tough to breathe and his back feels… His kimono is sticking to his shell and his back feels wet now that he's paying attention, and that. That is not good. 
Just his luck to run into a massive mecha wreaking havoc on an otherwise lovely day, huh. He wasn't even supposed to be on patrol and thus is embarrassingly swordless. 
Good thing that his date and their resident samurai always carries his. 
The slider watches as Yuichi does quick work of the metal hunk's wiring behind its knees, his frighteningly sharp katana slicing through the cables like butter. The mech falls with a ground-shaking rumble, unable to rise again, arm flailing as it tries to catch the rabbit. It's no use, Yuichi is much smaller and faster – and as soon as he reaches the mech's head, it's already rolling. The construct immediately loses power and Yuichi wrenches the windowed hatch in its chest open. Turns out there's no pilot, just a program-operated dashboard, and he makes sure that none of the controls are functional after he's done with them. 
Leonardo thinks he could watch Yuichi trash villains all day long, he's practically mesmerised by the strength hidden in that soft frame despite his shell throbbing unpleasantly in tandem with his heartbeat. He sighs, lovestruck. 
As his final move, Yuichi thrusts his katana into the heart of the mecha and Leonardo sees a spray of ink-black oil splash all over Yuichi's face and the front of his kimono. It makes him laugh and he realises his mistake too late, his lungs struggling to draw breath again as he finally gets hit with the pain, his body trying to stop him from moving; from causing any more damage. Shit, shit, shit. 
He had hoped he wouldn’t need to bother any of his brothers today since he was supposed to spend the whole day with Yuichi but he knows to pick his battles, now. He opens the comm link embedded in his prosthetic, contacting someone who he knows will pick up. 
“Che~ello!” comes the cheerful answer in just a few seconds, and Leonardo can't help but smile. 
“Mikeyyy, hermano, I'm in a bit of a pickle,” he wheezes, feeling the shift in his little brother's energy as soon as he hears the strain in his voice. 
“Leo? Are you okay?” 
“Not really, no,” Leonardo grunts. “Got into a scuffle with some big haywire robot– don’t worry, that’s taken care of. I suspect Donnie will want to scrap it for parts. Um. My shell’s– my shell’s cracked though.” 
Leonardo can vividly imagine the colour draining from Michelangelo's face and it would be funny if he wasn't acutely aware of a broken shell coming with the very real possibility of his innards turning into outnards. 
“I'm calling Draxy. Stay put, I'll get Lee to pick you up.” 
“Right,” Leonardo sighs, the line going out just when Yuichi is finally done with the mech and rushing to his side, face haphazardly wiped from oil. His gaze is sharp as he kneels next to him, sweaty and out of breath, and Leonardo thinks he looks like a knight. Or maybe like a samurai of the old, in this case. 
“There’s my hero,” he coos before Yuichi can get a word out and the rabbit’s brow furrows. 
“Don’t start,” he snaps but his tone softens almost immediately, “I saw you calling someone. It’s bad, isn’t it? It… it looks really bad.” 
“Yeeeah, this kimono is definitely ruined,” Leonardo laments, “unless you know how to, gh, get blood out of corduroy? No? Or the obi?” 
Yuichi stares. 
“A– a shame, really, I did like this one a lot–” 
“Leonardo!” Yuichi interrupts him and grabs his bicep, looking two seconds away from crying. Leonardo frowns. He knows he’s getting a little delirious but he was sincerely trying his best to lift his mate’s mood. 
“Leon, please, you’re rambling. Is someone coming? Can I do anything?” 
“‘m not rambling,” Leonardo grumbles, hissing when he fills his lungs again. “Leo’s coming to get us, Draxy– Draxum will treat the shell. And no, better keep the obi in place until we get to the medbay.” 
Yuichi’s shoulders slump and he sighs, most likely relieved that he’s not going to have to figure out how to deal with a cracked shell. Leonardo does not like the lingering worry in Yuichi’s gaze one bit, though, and he offers him a grin. It’s a little shaky but whatever. 
“Heeey, bunbun. Listen. This is nothing I haven’t been through before. I’ll be fine.” 
Yuichi gives him an honest-to-God kicked-puppy look and Leonardo thinks it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever seen in his life. He almost tells him so but Yuichi cups his cheek and his forced grin melts away into surprised silence. 
“I hate seeing you hurt,” Yuichi murmurs, leaning down to press his forehead against Leonardo’s. The slider’s eyes flutter shut and he lifts his hand to hold onto Yuichi’s wrist. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I mean it. I should’ve been more careful.” 
Yuichi huffs and leans away to gently bump their foreheads together. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Maybe, but ’m still sorry. Didn’t want to worry you.” 
“You’re an idiot,” Yuichi says, exasperated. “You should know that at this point, I’ll always worry.” 
Leonardo grins and this time it’s genuine. Breathing in his partner’s scent is like a balm to him, even if it’s tinged with the bitterness of motor oil, even if his body currently thinks that breathing is overrated. Even if he just got called an idiot by none other than said partner. 
“Raincheck on the date?” he mumbles, and finally he gets a chuckle out of the rabbit. Yuichi straightens his back and flicks him on the nose. 
“Like you even needed to ask. Idiot.” 
Before Leonardo can express his displeasure of being called an idiot for a second time there’s the familiar electric hum of a portal opening behind him, and someone whistles. 
“Sheesh, old man. That kimono is definitely ruined.” 
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littlemissrbf · 3 months
Viktor (Arcane) x Deaf/HOH Reader HCs!
(Kinda Lengthy Author's Note: okay so English is my first language and American Sign Language is my second so I was really excited to write this down. Most of these HC will be based off of some of my experiences and some funny stories. All ASL will be represented by all caps & use ASL grammar. Enjoy!)
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖♡︎˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖♡︎˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖♡︎˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖♡︎˖⁺‧₊
Viktor's favorite signs are "TURTLE" and "TORTISE" simply because of how cute they look. (seriously, search them up) "ah I see, the thumbs represent the flippers... oh the sign is the turtle swimming how cute!"
He began learning ASL shortly after meeting you, wanting to be able to communicate efficiently with you by learning sign (let's be real, his chicken-scratch writing made communicating with notes a bit difficult)
Picked up fingerspelling ridiculously fast, this dude was fingerspelling the alphabet by memory within days.
His first full sentence to you was "MY NAME VIKTOR NICE MEET YOU". The second he finished signing he gave a small smile of satisfaction (it doesn't matter that you had already met, this was the cutest thing)
He was blessed with a very expressive face, so facial expressions in ASL came very naturally to him.
Viktor learned to use non-auditory signals to get your attention, knocking on the table when you're studying together, flicking the lights on and off a few times, and waving if he was far away.
Whenever he taps your shoulder to get your attention, he does it so gently and his hand always hovers for just a split second (his main love language is physical touch fight me.)
Constantly asks you to teach him new signs and slang, he's currently obsessed with responding to your rants with his recently updated vocabulary of slang including "TRUE-BIZ" and "THAT"
Despite being able to fingerspell well and efficiently, Viktor cannot read someone else's fingerspelling to save his life. You reassure him that he's still learning and this sort of thing takes practice, to which he insists that you test him on fingerspelling everyday so that he can improve.
Constantly signs "ILY"
I mean constantly. He waves goodbye with the "ILY" handshape.
He made the mistake of asking you for a sign name and now he's stuck with "STUPID" (which is awfully convenient, it even has the V handshape in it).
BONUS HEADCANNON: You showed Jayce Viktor's 'sign name' knowing that this idiot would probably use it all day genuinely thinking that it was how Viktor's name was signed. The following day, Jayce asked you for a name sign and you happily gave him one... fast-forward to Jayce excitedly showing his new name sign to Viktor.
"Okay so it's an "J" handshape, well also an "I" handshape, and it goes at your forehead to show that I'm smart!"
"Ah I see. I like it, it suits you."
(Viktor didn't have the heart to tell Jayce that the sign name he'd been referring to himself all day as was actually another sign for the word "IDIOT")
(Another Author's Note: I actually had a lot of fun writing this, some context about sign names is that you can only be given a sign name by a Deaf/HOH person so it's an honor to be given one. That being said, if you pester your Deaf friends for a sign name you will probably end up like Viktor and Jayce.)
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atwingeofcringe · 11 months
A/N: hello everyone! this is my first fic on this account! ive written 3 parts to this but ive written them in a way where they could all be standalones and there are time gaps between them but ive left it up for you to decide how much time! ive seen people say different time spans for how long it takes for him to warm up to an S/O and i wanted to keep it vague! even though i have the other 2 written im not sure when i'll post them because i have a lot going on right now but we'll see! i also tried to write these in a way so that you can imagine which ever version of Michael you like most or the version you think best fits! all my writing is done on my phone btw so sorry if there are mistakes i didnt catch! sometimes my phone likes to think it knows more than me lmao! Summary: Michael feels conflicted feelings as you patch up his wounds. Pairing: Michael Myers x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,344
The sound of your back door opening and then closing broke your attention away from your tv for a split second, then you faced the tv again. Heavy footsteps made their way over to you but you remained watching your show, unconcerned. A dark figure emerged from around the corner and stood there silently, knife in hand, and staring right at you. Anyone else would have been frightened by this but, for you, this is a normal occurrence.
“Hey, Michael!” you greeted, looking up from your show.
Of course, you got no greeting in return, but that’s normal too. He stepped more into view, letting you see him more clearly and you gasped at the sight. He was covered in blood and clearly injured. You knew most of the blood wasn’t his but you were still worried.
You shot up out of your seat on the couch and quickly ushered Michael into your kitchen, where you kept your medical supplies, and sat him down at the table. His bloodied knife was taken to the sink for washing later. He didn’t think his injuries were that bad and why you fussed over him so much, he just wanted to come by to check on you. Still, he let you do what you wanted.
“Can you take this off?” You asked, pointing to his blood soaked coveralls.
He pulled the zipper down pushed the top of the coveralls down until it rested around waist, exposing plain black t-shirt that was also soaked with blood. You thanked him and carefully started tending to any fresh and exposed wounds you could see, all the while trying to keep skin to skin contact to a minimal. He’s not a fan of being touched and you didn’t want to make him angry.
While you did this, you could feel his eyes on you the whole time. You’re used to it, though. His eyes constantly followed your every movement. In the beginning, this used to make you uncomfortable. Now, you paid it no mind and sometimes even forgot about it.
“There.” You sighed, carefully pushing his shirt sleeve back down over his shoulder after taking care of a cut. He stared as you stood over him, looking him over to make sure you got everything. Your eyes scanned him until you got this masked face, seeing more blood on the mask itself and also some parts of his exposed skin from under the mask. You’ve never seen him without it on and you never wanted to ask in case it upset him, but you’re worried.
“Um, do you mind if this comes off too?” Unintentionally, your voice came out small and your throat felt a little dry. You didn’t mean to sound so nervous but you couldn’t help it.
He didn’t make any moves that indicated a yes or a no, only staring up at you. You slightly shuffled uncomfortably before deciding ‘fuck it’ and slowly lift your hand towards the mask. Your finger tips barely made contact with the bottom of before his own hand shot up at light speed and grabbing yours, making you nearly jump out of your skin. His hand gripped yours tightly and it was a little painful but ignored it and swallowed hard before opening your mouth to say something else.
“I-I just want to see if you need stitches or something.” Your voice was shaky and the sound of your heart pounding from the jumpscare was loud in your ears. “I don’t want you to get infected.”
He sat there, staring up at you from his seat and clenching your hand for a few more seconds before letting go. A quiet, relived sigh left your lips as the pain dissipated from your poor hand and you wiggled your fingers a little, trying to get out any lingering pain. Michael looked down as his hands came up and gripped the mask, slowly taking it off.
When the mask was fully off he didn’t look back up at you, letting his gaze linger down at the mask in his hands. For some reason, this made you nervous again but you swallowed your fear and spoke up. “Can I see?”
He was still. Is he afraid of something? Is he nervous too? Most likely, you’ll never know the thoughts swimming through his mind. He’s never been an easy person read, which is how he likes it. Honestly though, he was a little scared. He does’t want to be perceived as just a man and that’s all he felt like without his mask. With it on, he felt powerful and people feared him. Now, here he is risking that reputation and for what? A few cuts and bruises? He knows he doesn’t have to do this but something about your good nature towards him compelled him and it was leaving him feeling conflicted.
Your voice interrupted his thoughts and he huffed, acknowledging that he heard you.
“Can I see?” You asked one more time. Michael sighed and lifted his head, locking eyes with you once more. You had to stop yourself from gasping at the man in front of you. You’ve thought about what he might look like before but you never expected him to be so… pretty. A smile formed on your face as you tried to fight the blush that threatens to light up your cheeks. “There you are!” You said cheerfully.
He isn’t sure what you meant by that but he sat up straight to let you examine the cuts on his face. You leaned in closer to get a good look but not too close so you didn’t make him uncomfortable.
“Just a couple scratches.” You said, mostly to yourself. “These don’t look bad at all. You’ve got quite the bruise here, though-“ without thinking your hand came up to lightly trace the dark spot that formed near his eye but before you could, his hand came up once again squeezing yours and making squeak in surprise. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking!” You winced.
Micheal stared up at you with a dangerous expression. How could you be so absent minded? Have you forgotten who he is? Did taking of his mask actually ruin your image of him? The thought of his dangerous reputation being ruined angered him and he absent mindedly squeezed your hand harder just thinking about it.
“Michael, your hurting me!” You were nearly on the verge of tears from the pain and trying to pull your hand away.
Michael started thinking about how much you’ve done for him over the time he’s known you. Always worrying about him, giving him a place to hide and rest, feeding him. Would letting down his walls be so bad if it was just you? He knows he’d be just fine without you but thinking of you not existing in his life made him disappointed.
His grip on your hand softened but he didn’t let go. He was still holding on firmly, keeping you from pulling away. You gave up and watched him as he watched you. His eyes pierced yours in a way you feel like you hadn’t seen before. You gulped and asked “are you okay?”
Micheal slowly blinked up at you and loosened his grip on you a little more. You could pull away now if you wanted to but made no attempt. What happened next made butterflies erupt your stomach and you know your face was bright red. Micheal slightly turned his head, now facing your hand, keeping his eyes on you, and placed a gentle kiss to the middle of your palm. Your heart was pounding so hard the sound was nearly deafening in your ears. As his lips left your hand, he softly pressed it against his cheek. You weren’t sure what caused his sudden change in mood, but, honestly, you weren’t complaining.
Your eyes flicked to his lips for a split second before looking back into his eyes. He noticed but made no moves and you were fine with it. Just being close like this was enough.
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Using You For Pleasure // Kevin Khatchadourian
It's been three years since Kevin's parents had gotten divorced, One year since settling on split custody. Without Eva to torture, No Celia to bully and having to constantly keep up his good boy facade in front of Franklin, Kevin feels like he might go insane. That is until he manages to find an outlet for his violent impulses and fantasies in the form of his absolute social failure of a classmate.
Important Tags! : NON-CON, Watersports/Omorashi/Desperation Wetting, Forced Exhibitionism/Semi-Public/Classroom Sex, No actual sex tho just m!Masturbation, Groping, Harassment, Bullying, Stalking, Dacryphillia, Tears/Sweat/Snot used a lube, Non-Sexual Vomiting, Hinted Animal Abuse/Death
English is not my first language so please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes. First posted fic, Would really appreciate feedback. Cross-Posted on my AO3 @starvingmedievalpeasant
Reader is described as a female with noticeable chest, Thick thighs, Dark hair, Socially awkward/unaware and with odd interests. Because what is a reader insert with no author self projection?
Kev is 18-19 reader is 18
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I'll Never Feel Ashamed Of Using You For Pleasure
It's an abnormally hot day in early May.
Most students of Gladstone High are sitting at the cafeteria for lunch break, eating and socializing with each other after their stuffy sweaty classes. Their teachers have been continuously drilling at them the whole day to drink a lot of water as the AC system has been disabled due to an awful almost rotting smell that has been emanating from it since yesterday.
"I wonder what animal died in there"
Y/n hears from the table besides her. "Ugh are you really that stupid? It's obvious someone put a stink bomb up in those vents, I hope whoever did that is happy with themselves" one of the boys at the table mocks his friend, "No listen, It smells just like when I went hunting with my dad and we found a deer corpse, Like some animal has been decomposing for a week...". Y/n slowly tunes out of the conversation as she wipes sweat from her forehead and takes a long swig from her water bottle.
The dark haired girl is sitting at a table at the corner of the cafeteria, Alone. She hasn't made any friends in her whole first semester at her new school, But she reckons being unnoticed is much better than being bullied like at her previous school, And although there aren't even any people sitting at her table, Y/n hasn't been able to truly revel in her quiet solitude for quite some time now.
The hairs on the back of her neck stand up and a shiver runs down her spine, after a few seconds of looking around her eyes find the source of her uneasiness.
...Yep, He's still staring.
Unblinking dark brown eyes looking into her own, An amused smirk on the lips of barer of said eyes. "Man, This guy just doesn't take a break..." she mumbles under her breath. Kevin has been staring at her for weeks, The first few times she thought she just had food stuck in her teeth or her clothes were messy, After the second week she began to take his reputation into consideration and came to the conclusion that so called 'Kevin-Ketchup' resident school weirdo is just trying to mess with her. Her gaze lowers back to her tray, Attempting to escape the boy's burning gaze. She munches on her lunch silently, Wishing she could just be home on her computer right now. Not that it would have helped much, Sometimes it seems like her body just can't shake off the feeling of being watched even at her own home.
Y/n ’s self pitying train of thought is soon broken by a subtle cough beside her which catches her attention.
“Sorry… I’m Kevin.” He says, staring directly at Y/n . Her head turns slowly to look at him for a brief moment, not sure how to respond as this is the first time she has been approached by Kevin - or anyone, Honestly, She thought that he would never actually talk to her and just attempt to freak her out with staring alone.
“Uh… hi, Kevin.” She looks up at him, forcing a smile. 'I really hope this isn't the beginning of him bullying me, I thought I was done with that shit last year' she says in her head. "So... What's up?" The girl asks him, Trying to be polite. She takes in his attire, Tight black skinny jeans and a little boys' hotdog and mustard shirt he has definitely been wearing since 5th grade. “Oh…” Kevin seems to be lost in thought as he inspects her appearance. Y/n is noticeably alarmed as Kevin’s eyes fixate on her tits for a few moments, She crosses her arms on her thin cotton t-shirt, in an attempt to conceal her body. “Nothing… Well, I wanted to talk to you. And you… look great today, I like your skirt” Kevin says casually as if talking to a friend. "Haha not sure how great I look with armpit sweat stains, Should have worn a darker shirt, Am I right?" She replies dryly, Hoping it might disgust him enough to make him leave.
He does not.
His burning gaze only intensifies.
She hugs her arms to her chest tighter, accentuating it by accident, Her forced smile has turned from mildly fearful to full blown uncomfortable. "Ssso, What'd'you wanna talk about?" She asks. “Oh… well, I just wanted to say you’re… beautiful” Kevin says in an unreadable tone, Moving from staring at her boobs to looking directly into Y/n’s eyes, The smirk on his face suggests a mocking context to the compliment. She can feel the blood rush to her face, Not used to receiving compliments even not as cruel jokes. “Haha thank you…” Y/n responds, unsure how to feel about this interaction. She has no concrete idea why Kevin is talking to her and is very uneasy remembering the many rumors that surround his behavior. Discomfort is noticeable on her sweat sheened face.
'He's gotta be fucking with me' She thinks to herself, She was never very noticeable appearance-wise, Being bullied previously mostly due to her general social unawareness and apparently "weird" interests, When she moved to Gladstone High she decided to keep quiet and stop trying to socialize in her own odd way or talk about her hobbies with other people her age, And the bullying stopped with it. "Better a nobody than a target" she always told herself. Kevin kept staring at her not saying another word. After a few seconds of silence, She feels a pressure in her abdomen. "Hey, Uh, I gotta go piss, Nice talking with you, ...Broski..." Cringing at herself she quickly packs her stuff in her backpack and exits the cafeteria, Leaving her half eaten sandwich there with no intention of coming back to finish it.
As she rushes to the girls’ bathroom, Kevin watches her until her figure is no longer visible among the crowds of students. He smiles slightly, feeling satisfied and amused. 'What an odd little thing' He thinks. He reaches into his black jeans pocket and taps on the dark screen of his cellphone, showing an open note on his screen titled *Lunch*, he types in the date and attaches two pictures; One of Y/n from afar that he took without her knowledge before their interaction, And one close up of her tray. *PB&J sandwich* he adds to the note. "3rd time this week" He remarks to himself, Dark eyes leering at the sneaked photo of her.
The school day passes by at the speed of a snail for Y/n.
Her first visit to the girls' toilet didn't go well, Her body just refuses to relax enough to be able to function normally. In fact, Each of the four times she went to piss after class not even a drop came out even though she had drunk around two liters of water and a can of coke due to the scorching heat. She enters her last class of the day, Social studies, and sits down at her seat at the back row next to the window. She takes out her work books and notebooks, Knowing full well she isn't gonna be writing any notes but just doodle on it for the rest of the class. Right before her mechanical pencil hits the page, Y/n feels an ominous presence appear at the seat beside her.
"Kevin" she sighs under her breath, Being able to distinguish his sharp gaze without even looking.
She was so preoccupied with her inability to relieve herself that she completely forgot they had this shared class today, 'I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again' Y/n thinks.
As the teacher enters the room and addresses the class, Y/n can’t help but notice Kevin’s eyes are fixed onto her as she attempts to doodle cats in her notebook - but fails to do so thanks to her anxiety. The girl turns to her right and finds Kevin’s dark eyes still looking towards her. Surprisingly he's sitting at the table right next to her, Usually he likes to keep his distance. She turns back to her notebook for a moment then looks up to her right again.
He's still fucking staring at her.
The feeling of unease grows and with it an ache in her swollen lower stomach. Unable to focus on the teacher's talking voice and writings on the board, Y/n turns back to sketching in her notebook subconsciously. After a few minutes the shape of a face takes form on her page, A familiar face. As she finally focuses on her notebook to see what her mind has conjured up she subtly freezes.
'No way this is happening, Ugh, This stupid fucking parasite has burrowed into my mind with all his stupid staring and stupid face' she thinks. She glances to her side to take a quick look at Kevin and swiftly looks back to the paper in front of her. As frustrating as it is, She must say the sketch is quite accurate and very life-like. The girl debates on scribbling over Kevin's pencil drawn face until she hears a voice speaking softly next to her, "You're an amazing artist, Y/n " he states flatly with a straight face.
Y/n gasps quietly and quickly whips her head to her right side, 'When did he get so close?!' she thinks. "Uh... Thanks, It's just a little sketch though" she purses her lips and shrugs, Scooching her seat closer to the window and away from her raven-haired classmate. She notices Kevin smile for a moment and a spark light up in his eye. A slight chill fills the air as Kevin leans closer to her, His lips slightly part as he stares at the girl.
Y/n feels a chill run up her spine.
“… I’ve seen you sketch before…” The boy continues.
She freezes as she feels his warm breath touch her neck and ear. Y/n tries to escape the boy by pulling herself so close towards the glass her cheek is smooshed against it. "Haha yeah, I'm not really the best student when it comes to doing school work, Always uh, Doodlin' " She swallows hard "...I just find drawing to be more worthwhile than math or physics" She answers honestly, Hoping it would get him to shut up.
As Kevin brings his lips closer to Y/n ’s neck, she is forced to face the reality that this is not going to be an ordinary conversation. She feels herself become overwhelmed by the sense of her own vulnerability. She swallows even harder as tears well up in her eyes. She is filled with fear.
“… I know you’re scared, but we both know no one is going to help you…”
The boy whispers in a sinister tone and a devilish grin on his pale face. Just as a whimper is about to slip out of her lips, An unknowing savior interrupts their exchange.
They both hear the booming voice of the teacher
"No talking in class! Keep your flirting outside of the school!" He says.
"Sorry Mr. Reed" Kevin replies, The evil aura of his smirk now completely nonexistent. He slowly leans away from Y/n, and when she finally feels her personal space has been restored, she sighs a sigh of relief and resumes her mindless sketching. Her relief is short lived though. She feels the lingering unease of the situation and begins to think of what Kevin said, Is he right? Will the teacher believe or even care if she attempted to report what had just occurred? 'I don’t know if I can handle being around him any longer…' She says in her head, feeling tense and vulnerable.
As the class is about to end, Y/n once again feels nature's calling. 'God if I don't piss in 5 minutes I think I'm going to explode, maybe if Mr. Ketchup here wouldn't have bothered me today I wouldn't be on the verge of wetting myself like a child' She thinks to herself. Glancing at Kevin, Their eyes meet for a second and she feels her bladder clench and need to piss disappear, as if confirming her assumption. The bell finally rings signaling the class' end and Y/n waits for all the students to clear out, Hoping Kevin would exit with them, But fate seemed to have a personal vendetta against her today.
He's waiting for her.
Standing right next to the doorway.
Y/n finds herself stuck with Kevin as everyone leaves the classroom. She feels her anxiety grow as she fully notices she's alone with him. She slowly slings the bag on her shoulder and prepares to walk out of the classroom, Kevin places his hand on the door handle to prevent her from leaving. "I just want to talk to you for a moment. In private." The boy comments, Leering into Y/n’s eyes with a predatory look once more. "Aha maybe we can do it later? Kind of need to go to the bathroom again" She replies with an awkward laugh, But it seems the boy with the T-shirt too small for him just won't budge.
"You can use the bathroom at my house.” Kevin’s smile remains while he stares directly at the girl.
Y/n can’t help but question how this whole interaction is supposed to make him an 'awesome powerful bully' and not just a huge creep in Kevin’s mind. 'Why is he so insistent on getting me to “his house”? Where is the teacher?' Y/n thinks, feeling both vulnerable and confused. "I don't think I have time for it Kevin, I need to go, Like, Right now" She says, Face turned to the ground to escape his gaze, Her legs bouncing up and down trying to keep everything in, But the only thing she hears is Kevin's footsteps getting closer to her.
The sound of his shoes stop right in front of her, He places his hand on Y/n ’s abdomen.
"You sure about that? I think you can hold it in for just a few minutes" Y/n trembles from fear and anxiety, wondering why Kevin would touch her. She swallows dryly, finding it difficult to keep control of her situation. “… Kevin…” Y/n says in discomfort, but her words are not acknowledged. Suddenly the room begins to feel even more suffocating, The girl feels the sweat dripping down her face and her bladder becomes more painful.
"Kevin, Dude, Please, I am actually about to piss down my pants, if I don't go to the bathroom right now-" She tries to walk past him, But he stops her, The palm on her full abdomen pressing softly. She tries to go around him again but feels a sudden and undeniable feeling of fear as Kevin squeezes at her mellow lower abdomen and stops her from walking away. She is overwhelmed with anxiety, feeling even more aware of the warm sensation of her urine-full bladder.
"You're wearing a skirt, Not pants. A very short skirt." He comments matter-of-factly, His other hand moving from resting at his side to inspect her jean mini skirt. A chill runs down her spine as she feels her bladder about to lose control. “Well, All of my shorts are in the wash and it was too hot today to come in long pants and- Kevin, Listen, I-I… I have to go!” Y/n attempts to speak, but it is evident her words are unable to change Kevin’s behavior at all, He suddenly grips at the edge of her skirt. "I don't know about that, Seems like you were trying to get a rise out of me so I would finally speak to you" He says with a hint of narcissistic amusement.
The pressure is killing her and she can't hold it in any longer "KEVI-" And before she finishes saying his name, She can feel wet warmth running down her thighs. Y/n freezes. Her face slowly moving to look at the floor as a clear-yellow puddle collects under her shoes with a quiet pshhhhh sound, soaking her socks and sneakers.
Kevin is stunned by Y/n ’s sudden loss of control.
He looks down to see her in action, Eyes slowly going down from her little skirt to her fleshy thighs, And then to her calves, And then to her feet, Before returning to her thick, shiny thighs. He glances at her face, Seeing cheeks red and eyes swollen, Sweat and silent tears running down to her chin. Kevin smiles slightly, as if halfheartedly trying to conceal his enjoyment of seeing her degraded and in distress. Y/n continues to stare at the floor, too embarrassed to look at Kevin again. She covers her face with her soft hands.
'I can’t believe I peed myself… I’m such a fucking loser…' Y/n thinks.
She finally manages to clench her bladder shut, and after a few seconds of silent tears, An intense pathetic whimper comes out of her mouth, And after that, Several more, Until she's full blown sobbing. Legs shaking in her own puddle of piss, eyes clenched shut, "Why does this always happen to me?!" She yells between sobs, "WHY?!?".
As Y/n continues to whine and sob, Kevin smiles.
His grin of amusement turns into that of sadism and arousal, His hand at the edge of her skirt moves to palm himself through his now uncomfortably tight skinny jeans. As he feels himself up, He realizes he's never been this hard before. This is totally different from when he used to loudly masturbate in the bathroom to torment Eva, He doesn't want to do it out of spite, But out of pure lust and need.
Y/n is sobbing and talking to herself so loud she doesn't even notice the sound of a zipper and Kevin's breathing getting heavier, He pulls his aching cock from his boxers and starts moving his hand up and down. 'It's so sensitive' He thinks to himself.
Y/n still cannot believe what has just happened as she feels the shame and despair. Her sobbing and mumbling slows down, And that just won't do for Kevin. The hand that is not busy pumping his length is still at Y/n 's soft little tummy, And he can feel that it's still very much full with piss. Right as Y/n 's about to open her eyes he grabs at her bladder like he's trying to rip it out, a cry of surprise and horror escapes her tear-stricken face and soon she cannot control it anymore;
Y/n ’s bladder releases again.
Causing her to wet herself even more.
This time she is not frozen, quickly moving her hands between her thighs to unsuccessfully try to stop the second stream, This one is harsher and seems to last longer than the other. She clenches her eyes shut even harder since her hands are too busy to cover her face and Kevin finally looks up at her, Y/n is all red, sweaty, teary and snotty.
A loud, breathy "Ohhh fuck" escapes the boy's parted lips, It's the most glorious sight he had ever seen. 'Seeing it up close in real life is so much better than porn' He thinks to himself. He can't help but paw at his cock faster. Through heavy breathing and hushed "shit"s and "fuck"s Kevin's left hand moves to roughly grab at Y/n 's face to make her look up at him. Startled from the harshness of his actions her eyes open quickly to look at his face, It takes her two seconds to recognize the pure arousal in his eye, fear fills her as she finally notices his labored breathing and moaning, and the wet smacking sound of his ministrations finally reach her ears. Her unbelieving eyes move downward to affirm her dread, Kevin is squeezing himself up down so fast and so hard it's like he thinks he'll die if he won't cum. 
Nausea fills her head and stomach and she feels like she's about to puke.
She screams loudly through her sobs, too scared to move, too queasy to be able to express her disgust beyond unintelligible crying and yelling. His hand suddenly releases his flushed cock and moves up to her messy face, He rubs his sweaty palm all over her face, Quickly collecting her bodily fluids and returning to stroke at his dick.
He's using her tears, Sweat and snot as lube.
Y/n gags loudly.
Her bladder emptied itself half a minute ago, But Kevin's revolting actions and groans have made her so sick she keeps crying and gagging, Her half digested PB&J at her throat. "You're so fucking pathetic, It's hilarious" He half-moans half-laughs at her, "First you come to school in this slutty little skirt to provoke me, Draw my face like a- Oh fuck- love stricken preteen, Then you piss yourself and now you're gonna let me cum all over you?!" He degrades, Y/n cries even louder.
 "And you know what the funniest part of it is?!, I'm not even- Ah shit- I'm not even holding you down, I'M JUST SQUEEZING AT YOUR PATHETIC SNOTTY LITTLE FACE!" Kevin barks at her. His moans get louder and right as she thinks she's going to puke he cums on her skirt and piss soaked thighs with a loud "Nnnghaaaa, fuck-", Thick long ropes of white cum land on her, And she can feel their warmth on her thigh.
After coming down from his high, Kevin smears his seed on her, Rubbing it into her thighs, Wipes his sticky hand clean on her skirt and releases his iron grip on her face.
The second his palms leave her to put his softening cock back into his pants Y/n 's stomach gives up and she slightly bends over to vomit all over the floor, A loud "BLARGHHH" and the sound of stomach acid and her lunch spilling out of her bounce off the classroom walls. When she stops puking she slowly looks down at herself again.
She's standing in her own puddle of piss and vomit.
Thighs and skirt covered in sticky drying cum.
She closes her eyes softly, Feeling the drying up tears and crusted snot on her face, And her brain seems to just shut down.
Her eyes open as she finally looks up at Kevin again through her messy hair and face, Thinking of words to say, brows furrowed, Biting her lower lip from embarrassment and disgust, Her pathetic gaze finds his own sadistic one, And whatever she was about to say fleets her mind, Shame, Fear and horror filling it instead. She just looks at him, Waiting for the tall boy to say or do something, Anything, Maybe even slap her to seal the deal of his violations on her.
Y/n ’s horrified stare brings a sense of calmness to Kevin’s mind. The boy reveling in her discomfort, repulsion and confusion.
She looks like she wants to say something.
But she doesn’t.
Kevin enjoys this sense of control. He feels an immense amount of power over her, and he looks forward to using it the way that he wants. He is content with the situation. If only she would speak, he would be all the more entertained.
A few more minutes pass, And Y/n 's wet thighs and socks become cold and uncomfortable. Still looking at Kevin her lips tremble as she finally manages to utter a sentence :
"...I don't have anything to change to"
She mentally hits herself for sounding so pitiful, Like a little rabbit cornered by a fox. Kevin smiles as he listens to Y/n attempt to speak to him. Seeing her trying to make eye contact with him is amusing. Kevin continues to silently stare at the girl, Soaking up her vulnerability and terror. His amused grin becomes a full blown teeth bearing smile, For he knows he really is the strong predator Y/n thinks he is.
“I have some clothes you can wear.”
Kevin says in a smug tone of voice as he continues to smile at her. Y/n begins to feel a sense of hopelessness. 'Why am I allowing this to happen? What can I even do in this situation?' She thinks to herself over and over. She comes to the conclusion she is now but a little mouse caught in the maw of a fearsome wildcat, Struggling will only make it worse.
"Ok" She submits, Slightly above a whisper.
Her face turning even redder from the shame, Piss soaked hands leaving their previous position, Moving from between her thighs to rest on her sides. “Good.” Kevin replies and his smile slightly softens. “Follow me.” Kevin says, Trying to not sound as happy and satisfied as he really is.
Y/n feels the sense of hopelessness deepen. She swallows hard as Kevin opens the door, Turning his head around to make sure she's following. Y/n looks at him, the shame and embarrassment filling her with an additional helplessness. She straightens up and slowly follows Kevin out of the room and from behind, she can hear the slight dripping sounds of her urine on the floor.
Squish squosh
Her soaked shoes make their sounds. Luckily or unluckily, Everyone has already gone home from school. Teachers at the teachers' lounge in a different building from the pair.
Squash Squish
With every step she takes Y/n cringes at the sound and at the now almost completely dry piss and cum between her thighs, Kevin stops at his locker and Y/n bumps into him slightly, she prays her pee-covered shoes and thighs don’t touch him. Kevin smiles and looks down. He slowly looks to Y/n ’s face, watching her eyes dart around in embarrassment. As Y/n watches Kevin’s expression, her shame grows even bigger and she feels extremely uncomfortable. She just wants to run away. Kevin notices Y/n ’s expression and it fills him with amusement. He enjoys seeing this weak girl struggling with the humiliation he inflicted onto her. His smile drops and he stands there for a few seconds, Waiting for her to speak.
"...So... You got like a sweatshirt I can tie around m-my waist... Or something..."
she stutters, Voice getting quiet with each word.
He seems satisfied enough with her comment and digs through his locker, pulling out a red jacket. 'I’m going to make her wear this...' he thinks, a small grin forming on his face. “Here.” He says, handing the jacket to her. As Y/n takes the jacket, she feels his terrifying presence consume her and ties the red garment around her waist. She feels slightly better about being able to cover her cum and piss-covered lap, but the shame is still there. 'Why did I let this happen?' She thinks.
She says, 2 minutes pass by with neither of the pair speaking. "...I think I'll go home now, I'll give you your sweatshirt back tomorrow. I guess." Y/n says hazily. She begins to walk towards the school's exit, Wanting to just get away from Kevin and forget this ever happened. Unfortunately for her, Kevin isn't done playing just yet, a cruel smirk fills his face as he calls out to her.
“Hey, Y/n .”
The messy girl stops in her tracks. She knows she shouldn’t turn around. 'It doesn’t matter what he wants, I just want to leave' she thinks. But she turns around anyway. “W-What do you want, Kevin?” Y/n says in a more confident tone as she sees him smile at her. “I want you to give me your number.” Kevin says with a smug smile on his face, He is not letting this opportunity slip away.
Y/n mumbles some sort of unintelligible refusal, Turns back around quickly and starts fast-walking towards the entrance 'Don't come after me don't come after me' She repeatedly screams in her head, The loud squelching of her soaked shoes and socks bouncing off the hallway walls. Despite Y/n ’s attempts to flee from the scene, Kevin is persistent.
She can hear footsteps running to chase after her.
'Don’t look back. Just keep walking.' she thinks. Y/n hears the footsteps gaining ground on her. She can feel the warmth of Kevin’s presence growing closer, yet she continues to almost jog. Suddenly, Y/n ’s front is pushed against the wall by the back of her neck. Her forehead and nose bang painfully against the metal locker, She can feel Kevin’s breath on her neck.
"Y-you shouldn't get that close to me! or you'll g-get covered in the smell of my piss too-" she says quickly, Her eyes clenched shut and her whole body tense. “Don’t tempt me.” Kevin replies with a smile, continuing to press up against her. ' "Don't tempt me"?!?! ' She thinks. “Give me your number and then we’re done here.” Kevin says in a demanding tone. Y/n ’s eyes widened.
Oh god
“Fine, I’ll give it to you! Just leave me alone, okay?” Y/n cries, feeling the terror wash over her again. 'What do you mean "Don't tempt me"?! What kind of sick shit is he into?!' She thinks to herself trying to decipher the meaning even though in the back of her mind she knows full well he's probably into things worse than what he did to her today.
Y/n hears Kevin's demanding voice as he pulls out his phone and shoves it in her hand, she moves her head to rest on the hard locker sideways, enters her digits as quickly as possible and returns the phone back it's owner. "Here" she says, "Can I go home now?" She meant for it to sound like a demand, But what it really sounded like was a plea for mercy. Kevin takes the phone and pockets it, keeping a firm grip on Y/n by pressing his body against her back.
Y/n feels her heart pounding in her chest as she feels the tall boy’s warm breath on her. “...I don't know, Y/n , Can you?” Kevin mocks her with a calmness to him that only increases Y/n ’s distress. She feels her throat dry as she fights back crying for the third time today. “Please… Can I leave now? I just want to go home and wash up, Please, I would rather keep your jacket relatively piss-scent free” She asks, still trying to sound confident even though her throat is dry and hoarse and her voice cracks. Y/n feels the weight of Kevin’s body lift off of her, His hand still gripping at the back of her neck like you would to stop a misbehaving kitten.
A small sense of relief washes over her as the pressure and heat of the boy’s body is no longer present, and the dripping sound of her urine soaked underwear finally becomes quiet. Kevin takes a step back and looks at her, still smiling like a smug wildcat. “Well, there you go.” Kevin says with an air of superiority as he lets her nape go.
"...T-Thank you."
She says as she walks down the hallway and out of the school, This time there are no extra footsteps behind her. While Y/n debates whether to walk home on foot as to not torture people with the scent of urine emanating from her, Kevin leans back on the lockers. A loud, satisfied sigh leaves his full lips, He hasn't felt this good since the last time he got to bully Celia when Franklin still had custody of both of them. The agonizingly long year pretending to be a good little boy for his stupid dad with no truly satisfying outlet has taken such a toll on him that finally being to act on his violent fantasies onto another person again feels absolutely euphoric. He slides down the wall, A big, content, teeth baring smile on his face. He gets up laughing, Thinking to himself while walking to his house that the second he gets home he'll go practice with his bow, Imagining the target he's shooting at is his pathetic new plaything. 
The second Y/n gets home she breaks down crying again, Running to the bathroom, Her parents completely ignoring their clearly distressed daughter, Confirming what Kevin had told her in class.
No one would even care.
She cleans her stupid body, throws her stupid soaked clothes and Kevin's stupid red jacket in the washing machine, Tosses her stupid pissy shoes to the trash and runs to her room to take a stupid pathetic nap. Through all of her years being bullied she has never had something this degrading and ego-destroying happen to her. As she sobs for the umpteenth time that day, Sleep slowly takes over her and she becomes quiet and limp in her bed, Hoping that she could at least be spared from Kevin's cruel smirk in her dreams.
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imtooscaredforthis · 9 months
Chapter Twenty Three: Companion
Mentions of: Blood, Guns, Injury, Drug Use, Deathslinger sucks, Typical Trial Shenanigans, and Leon is sexy that’s all
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Tags: @dead-bxxxtch-walking @mama-miya
@prettycutebunny @vandeaad
You haven’t interacted with anyone from the Legion ever since what happened with Frank. At first, you felt empty, realizing how much time you spent with them outside of trials, and not the other survivors. They were much closer with each other, having their own bonds and social circles.
You were far too focused on getting out of here to pay attention to any of that. But now as you were faced with the cruel reality of the situation, you realized that you had made a mistake.
While they might not directly relate to you like Frank did, these people were on your side. They all wanted to help you, not hurt you like your old killer friends.
In fact, they have helped you a lot already. Kate saved you and gave you a place to stay when in need. There was also Bill, Chris, Claire, and Leon, who were all good company.
You smiled over at Leon as you continued to work on the generator together. It was nice to have a familiar face in trials. It was nice to have someone you could trust. Someone who was on your side.
You flinched when you heard the sound of a gunshot in the distance. The two of you exchanged knowing looks. Deathslinger. He was always a pain in the ass.
You and Leon stuck together as you went from generator to generator. It wasn’t until you had two generators left that you had to split up. One of your teammates had been downed, and the other was hooked.
“I’ll get them.” Leon said, pulling away from the generator. “Okay, be careful.”
“I will.” He gave you a heart fluttering smile as he walked off which got you so distracted that you almost made the generator explode.
Leon managed to save one of Dwight, but got hooked. So after you patched Feng up, you went to find him.
You saved your other teammate, but by the time you reached him, Deathslinger was hot on your heels. You pulled him off the hook as fast as you could. “Run. I’ll distract him.”
You put your body between him and the killer, blocking him off and protecting him. He jammed the blade of his gun into your back, making you yelp in pain. You didn’t care, as long as Leon was safe.
You sprinted through the junkyard, hiding behind piles of scraps and old metal, and used cars, dodging the bullets shot at you. He frowned in annoyance and impatience, and you could hear him grumble and growl with every missed shot.
This is perfect. Just keep him distracted while your teammates can finish the last couple of gens, and everything should be-
Before you could finish that thought, he managed to land a shot, the barbed spear hitting your side. A searing pain ran through you as you dug your feet into the ground feeling him start to reel you in. You clawed at the chain, trying to pull it out or break it off, hissing in pain. Deathslinger laughed to himself smugly, entertained by your struggles. He finally caught you. Or so he thought.
Out of nowhere, Leon came running to your aide, breaking off the chain. The killer let out a frustrated growl, while you stumbled off, attempting to run.
“C’mon, there’s only one generator left. We’re going to get out of here. All of us.” Leon reassured you. That motivated you to run a little faster, but you still couldn’t move at full speed, the pain in your side too great.
Then, you noticed that the gun wasn’t pointed at you anymore. It was focused on Leon. Just as the spear was launched towards him, you dove and pushed him out of the way, tackling him to the ground.
You found yourself straddling him, your face growing slightly flushed. Both of you were panting softly, staring into each other’s eyes. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” As you pulled yourself off of him, Deathslinger approached slowly, reloading his gun.
“Aww, would you look at that? Just two little lovebirds trying to save each other. How sweet. Since you both wan’ta stay together so bad, I guess you can die together.”
His voice changed from condescending to murderous in a heartbeat as he loomed above. He shot again, and it landed right between the two of you, as you both went your separate ways, sprinting in opposite directions.
“Hey.” You smiled when you spotted Leon at the exit jogging over to him. Dwight had already left with Feng, so it was just you two. “Glad to see that you made it.”
“Yeah, you too.” He smiled.
“Guess the ‘lovebirds’ made it after all.” You called out mockingly, laughing to yourself. He let out a small chuckle, before turning to leave. “Shall we?”
Later that night, you had a long break from the trials. Usually, that meant you were finished, but occasionally The Entity likes to fuck with you and drag you into the trial whe you were in the middle of sleeping. You figured you’d take your chances.
Just as you were about to light your blunt, there was a knock at your door, making you jump. You shoved the blunt and baggie of weed under your bed, getting to your feet.
A feeling of dread overcame you as you wondered who it could be at this hour. If it’s Frank, I’m slamming the door right in his face. I’m not going to forgive him after one shitty apology like last time. I’m done with him.
You reminded yourself as you went to answer the door. You let out a mental sigh of relief when you saw that it was just Leon.
But then you felt even more anxious at him being here. Much more self conscious about you standing in front of him in just your tank top and sleep shorts, and your tousled bed head hair.
“Hey, sorry. Did I wake you?” He greeted, his voice soft. He found himself unable to keep eye contact with you, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.
“No, no, you’re completely fine. What’s up?” You replied. “I was just wondering if uh, if we could talk?”
“Sure. Want to come inside?” You opened the door a little wider for him to enter.
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bexktaegeun · 2 months
Hello Hello
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hello, introducing my bby! kwon taegeun! it was split between him and another muse! hopefully i can bring her later! now onto my baby! below i'll have his about linked and under the link! i'll have some basic info about him AND some lose plot ideas! if you see something you like or you think he'll fit or if you just wanna plot! let me know! 
also quick edit! open for water bomb event plotting!
was born on august 18th 2005 in daegu
his fathers second child from his girlfriend who dumped tae with him
he finally settled down in his 3rd major relationship and second (rich) wife
he was cared for growing up and spent a lot of time with his grandparents on his dads side 
grew up with his step-mom as his mom and her family were nice-ish but it was clear that tae was seen as separate 
but still, he grew up with money so like...that's good right? 
a lot of missed in events in his life but it was made up with toys and money, he was well fed, sure his parents didn't care when he wanted to go off and become a trainee but they never forgot a birthday
he tried to bring it up once and was guilted in silence so he never brought it up again
as soon as he found out about taeha, he started to look for her
it was what pushed him to come to seoul, along with wanting to become a trainee
he's sad boy, he feels lonely at and fills the void with friends or parties or just being around people 
he downplays his parents treatment
actually, would downplay anyone's treatment of him because he's convinced himself he's lucky
is lying to taeha about how much contact he has with their dad and that he's funded by his dad, she thinks its all coming from the grandparents 
does love attention when he gets it
wants to be beloved by everyone and anyone, just to fill the void a little 
maybe, if he becomes super beloved his parents would notice him more
maybe his birth mom would seek him out? 
loves his older sister and loves having an older siblings
kinda buys his friends, he does want them but he doesn't want them to leave so he spends money 
easily taken advantage of and will excuse mistakes
in his last year at school
is taking dance/vocal/rap lessons, likes to run the streets to hang out, is on a dance crew and has gotten into working on music
pours all of himself into that because he wants it back 
when he's not dancing....he...has a random interest in wood-working? well, when your a kid who has money..skys the limit
also as much more normal interest: mysteries, food (baking but doesn't mind cooking), coffee black, enjoys sour candy and foods, he wouldn't call himself a gamer but he does play harvest moon and cooking momma
loves over the top dramas 
biromantic king! 
 i haven't said which high school...so some high school friends or friend?
you have a super expensive meal out and he totes cover the bill when you can find your wallet
rivals? street cats? both of you are dancers and often compete and try to out best each other like fighting cats 
use him! i mean it! if your muse is hard on money, he's an easy target because he'll give within reason and gift even more 
he has one or two npc friends that def just use him for things and he makes excuses and your a new friend OR old friend and your like wtf? they don't care about you but he just wants to be wanted
a past summer romance...like last summer with a female muse but she broke it off when school started, it wasn't anything serious but tae has been crushed. sure, he's getting over feelings for another and SURE you both agreed it was just some summer time fun to appear at parties together or just have something for the gram but it's kinda weird when ya'll share a friend group but tae pretends like you aren't there. (to mention, nothing really would've happened it was like one month romance of cute dates, maybe some kisses and a lot of posting each other or hanging out together. maybe it was time for you muse to buckle down on school) 
dance/vocal/rap/producer muses if you have plots or crews he could join
he's taking spanish and english lessons (fucking random but he meets people) 
also has picked up the guitar and drums if you wanna do something around that!
uh, he has a small website in which he sells some of his crafts, so maybe for that! it's wood works, paintings, carvings and etc! 
any muses who have part-times jobs and have places that would be hiring! his grandparents are legit concerned about how he views money and has told him to get a job, so he will
With that! I thank everyone for the welcomes! If you see something you like, message me or if you think he could fill your plot! Just like this and I'll come to you!
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mrs-sharp · 3 months
The Eyes of Graphorns
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x Adult f! MC
Read Chapter 1-12 here.
Previously: Sharp finds Elaine in a worrying state in the Room of Requirement after her return from St. Mungo's. He invites her to dance, but Elaine pushes him away because she believes she can protect him from her fate by doing so. Summary: Elaine withdraws after the incident in the Room of Requirement. However, shortly before the end of the summer holidays, she attends a staff meeting and is assigned the task of escorting a new student to Hogwarts.
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Chapter 13 - Haegel's Ham I
"We have heard that the Auror is soon departing for Haegel's Ham."
A threatening silence fell upon the room, heavy like a sudden realization that shakes the present.
"First Scarborough, and now Haegel's Ham?"
"Y-yes, ma'am..."
The rustling of parchment, frantic searching. Silence again. Then a sharp intake of breath.
"Show me a picture of her."
Hurried steps on wooden floors. Sudden bustle to delay the inevitable. A leather folder was untied. A picture of Elaine Hopkins slid onto a smoothly polished wooden table.
"You want to tell me that you have been tracking this Auror for years, and no one, absolutely no one thought it necessary to tell me that she looks exactly like our little Obscurial?"
The voice froze the air in the room.
"So the child is coming home, is she? Interesting."
A chair creaked, then slow but determined steps.
"You will leave for Haegel's Ham immediately. If Sharp is with her, aim for his left leg first. We must exploit the weakness we inflicted on him. Then capture her and eliminate him. She has been injured twice already because she wanted to protect her ridiculous partners. Do it quickly, or soon there will be nothing left of her Ancient Magic."
"But, do you really want to... she is your..."
"I know who she is! And it won't change my plans. We need new artefacts. Or do you want to trade with shrunken heads again?"
"Of course not."
"Then you better not fail."
Elaine could not forgive herself. She kept telling herself that it had been necessary, that there was no other way, that she couldn't allow anyone else near her to get hurt. But deep down, she knew that she had deprived herself of her only confidant, and it hurt. It tormented her more than the curse, knowing that she would never again feel Aesop Sharp's presence, never again experience his touch, never again hear the gentle sound of his voice when they were alone together.
The scene kept replaying in her head. How she had pushed Sharp away, how she had deliberately exploited his greatest weakness to cause him pain. The horror in Sharp's eyes and his pain-filled scream haunted her sleep. She knew he did not deserve to be treated this way and that she had forever damaged his trust in her.
Elaine spent a lot of time tending to her plants and creatures. She tried to distract herself by observing the behaviours of the creatures and found a bit of solace in the presence of the Graphorns. The Lord of the Shore particularly seemed to seek her presence during this time.
"Do you remember Professor Sharp?" Elaine whispered as she sat with her back leaned against his trunk on the sun-warmed meadow in the Room of Requirement. A Niffler had curled up in her lap and was sleeping peacefully. The Lord of the Shore rumbled as if in response and inclined his head towards Elaine. He looked at her with attentive eyes.
"Of course," Elaine said with a tired smile. The Lord of the Shore inclined his head and began to carefully touch Elaine's face and chest with his tentacles. He nudged her as if encouraging her to do something. Then he gave a deep, almost sad grumble. Elaine felt her face heat up. She swallowed.
"I made a terrible mistake."
Elaine leaned back and let her head sink onto the Graphorn so that she could look at the sky filled with white clouds. She sighed and silently watched the Phoenix, which seemed to split the sky with its reddish shimmer. Its cry filled the room and seemed to pierce directly through Elaine's body.
The Phoenix.
Elaine suddenly jumped up and immediately regretted it as a stabbing pain shot through her lower abdomen. In the few moments when she forgot about her new injury, she was usually promptly reminded that it was still there and intended to stay.
The Lord of the Shore looked at her as if wanting to ask what had gotten into her. The Niffler, who had tumbled into the grass and woken up, gave her a reproachful look.
"I have to go to the library," she answered a question no one had asked, as if the creatures could understand what she was saying.
Elaine rarely left the Room of Requirement. On the one hand, because she wanted to be alone and needed time to think. On the other hand, because it felt like a betrayal to leave the place where she had erred. She felt she deserved to be constantly reminded of what she had done wrong, that it was right to walk this path alone. Elaine spoke little with her colleagues. She did not go to the Great Hall to eat. Instead, a filled plate would appear on her desk each time it was time for meals.
From time to time, Deek and Professor Weasley appeared in the room to check on things. Of course, they had asked questions, but Elaine preferred to keep her answers as vague as possible.
Elaine slipped into her coat and gloves. It was summer, but the clothes made her feel like she was taking a piece of the room's security with her. Besides, some of the cold from Scarborough still seemed to accompany her since the incident there.
On her way to the library, Elaine heard the sound of uneven steps. She tried to figure out from which direction they came, but at that moment, Sharp was already standing in front of her. Elaine was startled. Not only because she was unprepared to meet him alone, but also because he... had changed. His usually alert and awake gaze was tired and expressionless. His hair fell dishevelled and despondently on his shoulders. His beard seemed a bit longer than usual, and Elaine thought she could smell firewhisky.
Hearing his voice immediately brought back the memory of how he had gently asked her to dance to the harp's music. A shiver ran down her spine.
"Professor Sharp... I..."
The warmth of his body on hers, the touch of his fingertips on her hand.
A perplexed silence spread between them. Elaine's gaze fell on the dark depths of Sharp's eyes, and it felt like she was falling into the warm darkness, the patient melancholy of his mind. They looked at each other, and for a brief moment, it seemed forgotten what had happened between them.
The quiet rise and fall of his chest. The gentle movement in the rhythm of the music. His tender embrace.
For a moment, she thought she saw a similar memory flicker in Sharp's eyes, but then the downcast expression returned to his face.
"I assume Professor Weasley reminded you of today's staff meeting?"
The image of the dance dissolved in Elaine's mind and shortly after flowed into the sight of Sharp's horror on the floor of the Room of Requirement.
"Of course," Elaine answered with a choked voice.
"Good, then I advise you not to be late."
With these words, he turned and left Elaine alone.
Elaine found it hard to follow the staff meeting. It was the first time since her absence that she encountered the entire faculty. Ronen and Garlick had immediately taken her in and bombarded her with well-meaning questions about her well-being. Elaine was grateful to be back, but too much social interaction still exhausted her after months of hospital solitude. Occasionally, she glanced at Sharp, and to her surprise, he returned her gaze.
The meeting seemed endless. They discussed lesson plans, rules for the upcoming school year, and announced exam dates.
"Now, to the final point on our agenda," announced Professor Weasley finally. "Next school year, we will once again have a new student who will need our support. Someone will travel to Haegel's Ham to deliver this student's letter and..."
The mention of the town's name, made Elaine listen attentively.
"I will go," she immediately replied.
The entire faculty looked at her in surprise, and only now did Elaine realize that she had not said anything all evening.
"I mean... if there are no objections, of course," she quickly added.
"Are you... already able to travel that far?" Professor Weasley asked, concerned.
Elaine nodded resolutely. She felt Sharp's sceptical gaze on her skin, but she tried not to look over at him.
"Very well, if you are sure about it. You will depart at the end of August, help the student acquire his school supplies, and accompany them to the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. Also, you will need to find a way..."
"...to convince the orphanage management to let them go," Elaine finished the sentence with a nod.
Elaine set out early on August 28th. The castle was quiet as she made her way out. The early morning sun climbed kindly through the windows as if to tell her that it would patiently wait for her return, no matter how dark the path ahead might be. She left Hogwarts via the Southern Bridge and disapparated as soon as she had left the castle grounds. She did not notice the tall, dark figure that followed her.
When she appeared in front of a large brick building, a familiar smell immediately struck her. The earthy air of the surrounding forests mixed with the burnt coal of the steam engines, the stables of the nearby farms, and the acrid scent of the rope factory. It was still very early in the morning, so hardly anyone was passing through the streets.
Elaine bit her lower lip as the faded images of the past again painted themselves in vivid, bright colours before her inner eye. Suddenly, she saw Fig again, how he had stood in front of her one day with a fatherly smile and freed her from her shadows until he himself became one of them a year later. Elaine realized that she too had to return with a smile if she wanted to convey that Hogwarts was a safe place to the new student.
A loud Confringo and the hot air from the curse that narrowly missed her face pulled her out of her thoughts. She immediately turned around, drew her wand, and sent a freezing spell in the direction of the attacker to buy herself some time and get an overview of the situation. She could make out three wizards and two goblins in glowing armour made of goblin metal surrounding her. However, she assumed there were more reinforcements lurking to attack from ambush. The Renegades. Her senses were suddenly on high alert. Within a few seconds, she had assessed the situation and sent a Diffindo towards the frozen opponent, taking him out immediately.
Elaine used the brief moment of surprised silence to hurl an explosion curse at another opponent. She initially aimed to take out the goblins, as the powers granted to them by the Ancient Magic artefacts were the most unpredictable. The element of surprise was short-lived, and soon she was being attacked with curses from all sides. She dodged, protected herself, attacked, and hurled stones and barrels at her opponents with the remaining Ancient Magic she possessed. Slowly, she found the old rhythm that had brought her so much success as an Auror.
"She's alone," she suddenly heard a male voice shout, and as expected, new enemies appeared from all directions. Elaine was surrounded. She felt her stamina waning and a new wave of pain signalling its presence in her body, but she had no intention of giving up. Her fighting style resembled a dance, and as long as she didn't lose the rhythm, she would get out of there alive. Attack, dodge, Protego, spin, a step to the side, Bombarda. She took out one attacker after another. As she turned once more, one of the dark wizards suddenly stood right in front of her, grinning.
"You're not what you used to be since you encountered your sister in Scarborough, are you? But don't worry, soon you'll be a happy little family again."
Elaine lowered her wand.
"My... sister?"
"You heard right. Your sister is the Obscurial."
Before Elaine could respond, the stranger pointed his wand at her and whispered, "Crucio."
The pain hit her suddenly and familiarly. Elaine dropped her wand and sank to her knees. In that moment, she knew she had lost. The first time she had encountered the curse, her body had barely obeyed her, and back then, she had been young and uninjured. This time, it felt like she was burning from the inside out, as if the fire that had taken her father was now slowly and deliberately consuming her own life. It felt as though every scar on her skin was ripping open again, letting her life force slowly drip to the ground. Elaine wanted to scream, but she couldn't. All the air had been pressed out of her lungs, and she couldn't inhale to counter it. Elaine felt gravity pulling her down and watched in slow motion as the cobblestones approached.
"We need you alive, but not in your right mind," the dark wizard grinned cunningly, "let's see how long you-"
Suddenly, the effect of the torture curse faded. At the last moment, Elaine turned to the side so she wouldn't land too harshly on the stone floor. She managed to lift her gaze just in time to see the dark wizard being knocked off his feet. More flashes of light followed at impressive speed, and within a short time, the forecourt of the orphanage was silent. Elaine heard footsteps approaching, their rhythm regularly interrupted by short pauses. Someone who slowly and deliberately knelt beside her. Then fingertips brushed her tangled hair from her forehead. Elaine recognized the touch immediately. A hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that she was no longer alone and wouldn't have to be in the future. Elaine briefly closed her eyes, as if trying to hold on to and preserve the warmth that suddenly filled her body.
But then she heard something that made her perk up, and by the time she identified its source, it was too late. A curse hit Aesop Sharp's left leg. He collapsed in front of Elaine without uttering a sound in his shock. She reached for her wand, and an unfamiliar feeling coursed through her.
For the first time in her life, she was driven by an intention other than helping. For the first time, her goal shifted from seeking a cure to a different, more destructive impulse: she wanted revenge. Revenge for the pain inflicted on both of them. Revenge for the time stolen from her. Revenge for the feelings taken from her because her days were numbered.
Quickly, she fired one attacking spell after another. She didn't give her opponent a chance to defend himself, and she didn't care. She was aware that she was losing control and that all her anger and sorrow were pouring out in this battle. It was as if this attack reminded her of the day she had pushed Sharp away and she wanted her opponent to pay for her own mistakes. When she was sure the dark wizard wouldn't get up again, she rushed back to the crumpled body on the cobblestones and knelt beside him.
"Here, drink this. It's not much, but..." Elaine pleaded helplessly, holding a bottle of Wiggenweld potion out to Sharp while placing her other hand on his shoulder. Finally, Sharp emerged from his trance, obeyed, and drank. He struggled to get up. He tried to conceal it, but Elaine could tell by the way he moved and how his facial features hardened that he was far from well. That he accepted her help without protest showed her that it was serious. Silently, he looked at her.
"What are you doing here? Why did you follow me? I..." Elaine finally managed to say, but her sentence was interrupted by a rough hand that cupped her cheek and tenderly stroked her face. Elaine trembled.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..." she tried to explain, but couldn't find the right words for all the mistakes she had made in recent weeks. She had to muster all her strength to calm down. Sharp gently shook his head.
"I remember very well how I treated those who tried to help when I was released from St. Mungo's," he said, his voice tired and weak, "and I also remember that I soon regretted pushing away those closest to me and was too proud to admit it. Those were some very lonely months. I thought I could at least try to spare you that."
Elaine looked down and took a deep breath. She didn't deserve so much understanding, and she knew it. Suddenly, she remembered what the dark wizard had mentioned.
"The attacker... he said that my sister..."
"Yes, I heard that," Sharp replied, concerned.
"Do you think the woman we encountered in Scarborough... But that can't be, it..."
"Based on everything we know so far, it could actually be the case."
Elaine swallowed. Why could she remember her father but not her sister, whom she might have even met in person? Then she shook her head, trying to dispel the thought of the woman who looked so much like her. There were more important things to worry about now.
"Can you walk? We could disapparate back to Hogsmeade and..."
"It's fine, really. I'm already feeling better."
Elaine noted the beads of sweat on his forehead, revealing that he wasn't telling the truth, but she also knew it was pointless to try to change his mind. She considered how to convince him not to put himself in danger without hurting his pride. He couldn't stay here.
"Would... would you come with me?" Elaine changed the subject, nodding towards the entrance of the orphanage, where the sun was now starting to rise. For a moment, Sharp hesitated.
"I don't think someone like me is the right..."
He was about to point to the scar on his face, but then he remembered that Elaine's face was also marked by scars, grief, and countless battles. Sometimes he still saw in her the carefree student who played wizard's chess with her friends in the Great Hall.
"Believe me, we're not the worst thing these children have seen in their lives."
Sharp finally agreed and followed Elaine. From the corner of her eye, she saw that he was limping more severely than before.
PS: I know that 'Haegel's Ham' had a different name in the 19th/20th century, but I like the name, so I kept it.
-> Chapter 14 - Haegel's Ham II
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doughbrainer · 11 months
*Wipes Sweat Off My Brow.* Well... They're Finally Done! I Don't Want To Stal, So LETS GET TO IT!
Not Including Father Time, Because He's An Oc, Sorry. ;-; I'll Save Mother Nature For The End, Because She's Kind Of Complicated.
Also, I'll Split The Post Because I Don't Want This Post Taking Up People's Feed.
Starting With The ELDEST CHILD!
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762 cm - 25 ft (Voice Claim: Joe Garderner - Soul)
Earthquake Is The Oldest Child Of All Of The Nature Children, And Has No Biological Father. This Is Because He Was Born Through A Special Form Of Asexual Reproduction That All Gods Possess. Of Course, He Is The God Of Earthquakes, And In A Way, Represents Earthquakes As A Whole.
Earthquake Doesn't Get Very Angry Very Often, But When He Is, He Blows Up At People Around Him. When He Has His Moments Of Anger, He Is Very Apologetic. He Isn't Particularly Bossy But Is Very Stubborn. When He's Stressed, He Gets Stomach Pains, Which Sometimes Causes Earthquakes.
He's Married To Arsa, Who As Of Current, Isn't Seen A Lot By Others. Most Of The Nature Know About Her, And Have At Least Her Once At Earthquake's And Arsa's Wedding. Because Of Earthquake's Chosen Location Under The Earth For His Home, He And Arsa Aren't Seen Much All Year Round.
Because The Temperature Of His Home Changes So Frequently, He Often Chosen Not To Wear A Shirt As It's Easier Then Slipping In And Out Of It Throughout The Day.
According To Those That Have Met Him Only A Few Times, He's Hard Headed But Means Well.
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518 cm - 17 ft
North Wind Is The Second Child, And Older Twin To South Wind, And Is One Of The Biological Sons To Father Time. He's The God Of Tornadoes And Wind, And Controls The Wind In The North Sections Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties Of His Section With East And West.
Growing Up, He Was Shy And A Major Cry Baby, But As He Got Older, Circumstances Made Him Act More Like A Spoilt Child. He Often Tries To Make Himself The Center Of Attention, Which Often Doesn't Work. His Behaviour Only Changed After He Had A Period Of Time Away From His Family, But While He Still Has His Foul Attitude On The Outside, On The Inside, He's Still The Lonely Child He Was When He Was Younger.
When His Plans To Overtake Santa Claus Failed, And Was Therefore Grounded From His Responsibilities By His Mother, He Had A Lot Of Time To Think About Himself. His Mistakes And How His Actions Affected People. Yes, It Took A Few Hundred Years To Make Him Realise, But Eventually, He Decided It Was Time That He Pulled Himself Together. He Apologised To His Family, Especially His Brother's Snow Miser And Heat Miser, And To Anyone Else That He Felt Like He Was Rude Or Hurtful To. Although Not Everyone Accepted His Apology, He Knew This Was The Right Thing To Do.
He's Transgender, But Other Than His Family, Not Many People Know This.
People Usually Describe Him As A Brat, But He's Slowly Beginning To Grow On People In A Good Way.
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318 cm - 10 ft (Voice Claim: Charlotte - Princess And The Frog)
South Wind Is The Third Oldest Child, And The Younger Twin To North Wind. She Is Also Another Child Of Father Time. She's A Goddess Of Dust Storms And Wind, Controlling Wind In The South Part Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties With East And West.
Compared To Her Twin Brother, She Was Much More Outgoing In Comparison, But Still Often Kept To Herself. She Will Lend A Helping Hand To Anyone If She's Asked, But As She's Gotten Older, She Usually Doesn't Tend To Reach Out That Often. Sometimes She Is A Troublemaker Though, Causing Inconvenience To Others At Random.
When It Comes To Her Love Life, She's A Hopeless Romantic, But Hasn't Actually Been In A Proper Relationship Yet. Not Because She Can't Get With Anything, But Primarily Because She Thinks There's More Important Things To Worry About. Sometimes She Uses Her Human Disguise And Goes Down To Where The Humans Are, Partaking In Common Things They Do, So She Tends To Have A Lot Of Stuff Made By And For Humans In Her House That She Also Uses.
She's Often Described As Fun To Be Around, And Life Of The Party.
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610 cm - 20 ft (Voice Claim: Poison Ivy - Harley Quinn Show)
Lightning Is The Fourth Oldest Child In The Line Up, And Just Like Earthquake, Also Doesn't Have A Biological Father The Exact Same Reasons. She Is Of Course A Goddess Of Lightning, And In A Way Represents It, But She Also A Goddess Of Midwifery And Childbirth. She Actually Went To A Human College And University To Learn All About The Topic Of The Secondary Duties.
She's Good To When It Comes To Reading The Room, Knowing When It's Time To Be Serious And When It's Alright To Have Fun. That's Why She's The Most Respected Of All Her Siblings. She Doesn't Have Any Bad Relationships With Anyone In Her Family Or Any Other Gods For A Matter Of A Fact.
She Has Two "Forms", The Other Where Body Glows And Lines Form Across Her Body Often Happens When She Is Using Her Powers, But It Only Happens When She's Doing Certain Stuff.
People Praise Her A Lot For What She Does, But In Reality, She's Not That Great With Handling Compliments Of Any Kind.
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256 cm - 8"5 ft (Voice Claim: Din - The Wish Dragon)
Thunder Is Fifth Oldest Child. He Too Has No Biological Father Like His Older Sister, Lightning, And His Older Brother, Earthquake. He Is A God Of Thunder, And Somewhat Represents It At The Same Time. He Also Is A God Of Fatigue.
He Usually Is "Sleeping On The Job" But When He Is Up And About, He Tends To Get On People's Nerve. He's Not Evil In The Slightest, Just Annoying, And Does Things Often For His Own Entertainment. Once He Sent A Cloud Soldier To Slay Newt, The God Of Neutral Colours, Just To See If Anything Would Happen. When His Angry Or Upset, This Can Sometimes Lead To Random Thunder Storms.
He Doesn't Try Too Hard To Make Himself Look Nice, Usually Wearing A Dressing Gown Robe And Shorts. He's More For Comfort Than Looks.
He's Considered The Laziest God Around.
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366cm - 12 ft
Heat Miser Is The Middle Child, And Is The Older Twin To Snow Miser. As Well As Another Child Of Father Time. He's The God Of All Things Hot, This Includes Fire, Volcanoes And Lava. Originally, Earthquake Was The God Of Volcanoes And Lava, But He Passed These Responsibilities Off To Heat Miser When Heat Miser Was Old Enough.
Because He's A God Of Heat Related Things, He Has Partial Control Of The Sun, And Even The Sun. Some People Just Consider A Solo God Of The Sun, And Although This Doesn't Bother Him, It Does Undermine His Abilities A Tad Bit. He's Very Quick To Anger, And It Doesn't Take A Lot To Set Him Off. The Few Things That Are Able To Calm Him Down Are Edward, And Occasionally His Minions. His Hair Grows Brighter The More Emotional He Is, Which Tends To Happen A Lot As Heat Miser Is Very Moody.
Although Heat Miser Wouldn't Call Himself Much Of A Romantic, As Of Current, He Is A Lover To The Mortal Man, Edward Light. He's Practically Infatuated With Him, And Would Be Distraught If Anything Ever Happened To Edward. He Tends To Treat His Minions Like Children, Even Though It's Completely Unintentional. He Doesn't Like To Admit It.
He's Basically Hot Headed Nerd With A Gentle Soul.
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427 cm - 14 ft
Snow Miser Is The Fifth Youngest Child In The Nature Family, And Is The Younger Twin To Heat Miser, And A Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of All Things Cold, And Therefore A God Of Snow, Ice, Winter And So On. North Wind Use To Be A God Of Snow And Winter, But When Snow Miser Was Born, Those Responsibilities Were Taken Away From Him And Passed To Snow Miser.
Like His Twin Brother, He Has Some Partial Control Of The Night Time And Also The Moon. Some People Simplify Him To A God Of Just Night, Which Really Annoys Him.
When He Was Younger, He Didn't Care Much For Drama With His Brother, But As He Got Older And Certain Things Became More Prized Between Them, Snow Miser Took It On And Made It His Mission To Be Better Than His Twin Brother In Every Way There Is Possible. He's Had A Few Relationships In The Past, But Overall, He's Generally A Slag Compared To Everyone Else, And Isn't Prudish In The Slightest.
With Him Making Everything Into A Competiton With Heat Miser, It Often Leads Him To Forget To Take Care Of Himself. He Only Seems To Be A Meanie When Heat Miser Is Around, But When Heat Miser Isn't Near Or Snow Miser Is In The Comfort Of His Own Home, He's The Kindest Person Most People Say They Have Ever Met. Although Snow Miser Doesn't Like To Admit It, He Has A Lot Of Love That He Wants Share.
Overall, He Comes Off As A Major Drama Queen, But Really He's A Major Weenie With A Big Heart.
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518cm - 17 ft (Voice Claim: Harley Quinn - Birds Of Prey)
East Wind Is The 4th Youngest, And The Older Twin To West Wind, And Is Another Child Of Father Time. She Is A God Of Floods And Wind, Primarily Controlling The Winds In The East Section Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties With North And South.
She Has A Very Bubbly Personality, And Loves Being Around People. Working Best In Environments With Other People. Although She Does Like Alone Time Every Now And Then, And Sometimes Even A Break. She Tries Not To Work Too Hard, Finding Fun In Everything. She Does Her To Be Loving And Sympathetic.
She Love Animals Of All Kind, But Funnily Enough, Is Scared Of Birds. Doing Her Best To Stay As Far Away From Them As She Can. Sometimes, She Goes With Her Sister, South, Down To Where The Humans Are.
She's Kind Of A Dits But Tries To Fit In.
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WEST WIND - She/They
152 cm - 5 ft (Voice Claim: Megara - Hercules)
West Wind Is The Third Youngest, And The Younger Twin To East Wind, Again, Another Child Of Father Time. She Is A God Of Wind As Well, Controlling The Winds In The West For The Most Part, But Shares Duties With North And South. Unlike The Other Winds, West Is Not Also A God Of A Natural Disaster, Instead Being A God Of The Seasons Autumn And Spring.
She's Really Laid Back Compared To Their Twin Sister, But Isn't Lazy. Of Course She Does Her Job. She Has An Attitude Of Where She'll Do Whatever She Wants, And She Won't Care What Happens Afterward, Unless Someone Gets Hurt. Growing Up, She Was Teased For Her Height A Lot, And Usually Insults Would Send Her Into A Freak Out, But As She Got Older, She Shrugged Off Mentions Of Her Natural Height. As She Realised It Was Only A Big Deal To Those Who Don't Know Them.
She's Stronger Than They Look, And If She Caught Someone Making Fun Of Her Siblings, She'd Definitely Send A Plate With A Knuckle Sandwich. She Can Control Her Emotions Really Well, But Doesn't Like To Leave Her House Much.
She Just Prefers To Be By Herself Most Of The Time.
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214 cm - 7 ft (Voice Claim: Demoman - Team Fortress 2)
High Tide Is The Second Youngest Child, And The Older Twin To Low Tide, And A Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of The Tides And The Deep Sea, And Primarily Controls The High Tides.
He's Very Serious About His Work, And Makes Sure Everything He Does Is Perfect. He's Often Shirtless, As He Finds It Easier To Breath Through His Gils Instead Of His Nose Or Mouth. His Hair When He's Above The Water Usually Goes Down Like Regular Hair, But Under Water, It's Rises Up. High And Low Have Squishy Bodies, Somewhat Like Rubber And Gummies Mixed Together, And They Both Wear Matching Pearls.
He's Very Protective Of Low Tide, But Also Has The Most Arguments With Him. Eventually Of The Arguments With His Brother Is What Leads Him To Somehow Get Separated From Low, And Therefore The Rest Of His Family. The Only Thing He Has To Remind Himself Of Them Is The Pearls He Wears On His Wrist.
He's Not Angry Persey, More So Easily Irritated.
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LOW TIDE - He/They
212 cm - 7 ft (Voice Claim: Nanette - Gnomeo And Juliet)
Low Tide Is The Youngest Child In The Nature Family, The Younger Twin To His Older Brother, High Tide, And The Last Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of The Tides And Shallow Sea, Often Controlling The Low Tides.
They're A Bit More Goofy In Comparison To High Tide, And Like His Sister East Wind, Try To Find The Fun In Everything. He's Naive About A Lot Of Stuff, And This Leads Others To Be Very Protective Over Them, Especially High Tide, But They Often Get Into The Most Arguments With High Tide. Low Tide, Despite Being AMAB, Is Often Mistaken For A Girl, Due To His Appearance And Voice. He's Hair, No Matter What Environment, Always Flows Down, And He Wears Pearls Around Their Neck That Matches With Their Brother.
After An Argument One Day, High Tide Left The Cave They Shared With Low Tide, And Never Returned. Low Tide Felt Responsible For High's Sudden Disappearance, And In His Brother's Absence, He Took Control Of Both The High And Low Tides.
He's Very Cautious Now, And Tries Not To Get In People's Way.
And Now It's Time For The Lady Herself.
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244 cm - 8 ft
Mother Nature Is A Little Complicated, Not A Lot, But A Little. Of Course We Know She's The Mother Of All The Children Of The Nature Family, And The God Of ALL Nature, And Representing All Of It.
She's Moody, And Sometimes Her Emotions Are Out Of Control, But She Tries Her Best To Be A Good Person. She's An Original God, And Has No Parents, She Just Came Into Existence Eventually At Random. The Form She Usually Takes Is Of Something That Looks Like A Green Satyr, But She Has Endless Shapeshifting Abilities, And Can Take Whatever Shape Or Form She Pleases, So This Is Not Her Only Form, But It's The Same Form They Spawned Into The Universe As.
All Her Children Have The Ability To Turn Into Animals, Have A Human Disguise, And Can Change Their Height If Necessary In The Moment, But None Of Children Can Shapeshift The Same Way She Can.
Although Her And Father Time Were Together At Some Point, They No Longer Consider Each Other Partners, And Nature For The Most Part Appears To Be Solo For Now. She Mainly Sees The Children At The Yearly Meeting, But If She Ever Wants To Check Up On Them, She Gets Others To Do It For Her.
She Loves All Of Her Children, But It's Obvious That She Favours Some Of Her Children More Over Others.
And That's All Of The Canon Nature/Miser Fam!
Gosh, Designing All Of These Guys Was A Pain In The But, I've Never Had To Do So Many Designs Back To Back Before. But This Was Also Pretty Fun! I Enjoyed Updating Designs Where I Thought It Was Needed, But Also Created Designs For Others I Haven't Drawn Yet. I Debated Drawing Mother Nature, But I Decided To Do Her Anyways, As She's Literally The Mother Of All Of Them, And It Would Just Be Unfair. I'm Really Proud Of How They All Came Out, Especially The Miser Brothers. I'm Going To Give Some Credit To @generalfebruary / @generalfebruary-rankinbassart As Their Designs Of The Miser Fam Did Inspire My Own, Especially Lightning's Design.
There Is Some Info That I Want To Save For My Miser Fam Ask Blog @miser-fam-stressful-seasons But This Basically Covers A Majority Of It. It Might Be A While Before I Do Any References Like This Again, But When I Do, It Will Definitely Be For OCs.
I Apologize For The Long Post, And I'm Sorry If This Ends Up Taking Up A Majority Of People's Tumblr Feeds, But I'm Really Happy To Finally Have This Done. Now It's Time To Finally Answer Some Newly Received Asks I Got On My Ask Blog! Until Next Time Everybody.
Minion References
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deanwithscissors · 1 year
Summer Lovin’
Title: Home Sweet Home Timestamp
Pairing: Jensen X Reader
Word Count: 769
Warnings: Swearing, slight dirty talk, light teasing
Summary: Jensen interrupts [Y/N]’s peaceful afternoon in the sun
Home Sweet Home Masterlist
A/N: this is just some ramblings from when i was enjoying a day in the sun *all mistakes are mine* feedback is highly appreciated, but be kind<3
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It was hard to believe that something so far away, to the point of not being able to comprehend the space between, could have such an affect on a being so insignificant and small.
The invisible sun rays scorched her epidermis, sizzling the fat below. Beads of sweat formed a line, marching down her back and between the folds of her skin as she sprawled on the sun lounger, allowing the blistering heat to engulf her and incinerate her woes.
The afternoon had been peaceful and rejuvenating, time alone to escape the real world in her very own private garden, exactly what she needed.
The glorious radiance had made her sleepy, her eyes hooded, struggling to stay open as she lightly drifted, completely oblivious to the foot steps approaching.
“Well, this is a treat to arrive home to,” Jensen said, a half smile plastered his face, his tongue slipping between his lips as he took in the sight of [Y/N].
She wore a tiny triangle, florescent-orange and sky-blue bikini top, her breasts spread; leaving her void of cleavage, but jam packed full of the roundest side boob that begged to be squeezed, maybe even bitten.
The brilliant white shorts revealed most of her dainty legs, but they rose high to her ribs, hiding her belly button piercing that he often liked to fiddle with.
Her feet were free with toenails painted white, her near neon hair down and flowing in the gentle breeze that stirred every so often.
“Jesus Christ [Y/N], you look—" his words were stolen as he swallowed his own tongue, a familiar itch rustling in his pants.
“Don’t ruin my peace Jensen.” She sighed, opening her eyes for the first time in a while to squint at her handsome boyfriend with a forced frown.
His skin was toasted, his freckles vivid and doubled by the Texan sun. His jade eyes glowed beneath the bridge of his baseball cap as he hovered above her in a blood red t-shirt. A side smile creeping on his face as he leered at his prey.
“I’m gonna ruin a lot more than your peace sweetheart.”
“Wow, where’d that come from?” She snorted, slightly taken aback by his aura and electrifying energy.
“You’re kiddin’ right? Those photos you sent earlier, I’ve been thinking ‘bout them since.”
“I didn’t mean for them— I was just—"
“I know, but you looked so good. I’ve been hiding a boner all fuckin’ day.”
His thick fingers wrapped around the arm rests as his entire frame descended upon her.
A wave of serenity washed over her barely covered body, warming her heart and melting her soul as the radiance from his skin transferred to hers, making her melt to his whim.
Using his knees he pushed her legs open, and with pure pride like the smug bastard he is, he positioned his crotch between her legs like he had the right to be there.
He was a shiny bright apple begging to taint her soul and ruin her bliss.
His brooding eyes sunk into her flesh, his solid shaft grazing her bud demanding her full attention, which he undoubtedly had.
Temptation seeped through her resolve, the tricks of the devil too tantalising to deny.
An ear splitting scream broke the peace as the sun lounger barely balanced both of their weights, edging them, threatening to crash to the floor, but never quite reaching the climax.
“Nonononono, Jensen! No, ohmygod, we’re gonna hit the deck, get off you big idiot!” She squealed, slapping at his shoulders, half-heartedly pushing him away.
“I’ll take you on the floor, I don’t mind,” he told her between kisses to her neck.
“You’re a fuckin’ animal,” she said, a light giggle hiding in her scoff.
“You love it.”
“You bet.”
He stole the air from her lungs when his lips met hers.
Her barriers imploded as if the world had collided with another planet, the oxygen evaporated leaving her breathless and woozy under his weight and the power of his sword.
The trip from relaxed-in-the-sun and in the Garden of Eden to horny-as-fuck and one way ticket to hell was instant.
A wicked flash of furious lust coursed through her veins, pumping her heart to crazy levels that had her spinning out of control. Delirium for him pulling her under and teasing her core.
Like a lotus eater, he offered her more, and she gobbled up every kiss, every squeeze, every stroke.
Every second that ticked by dissipating her will as she became more docile and receptive to his passion.
The devil had won.
She was his.
“Take me Jensen.”
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chris-continues · 1 year
Wholesome request 1
Livio who has a part time job walking people's dogs, bumps into reader when one of the dogs goes tugs a little too harsh.
Then it's the whole cliche dogs tangling them in the leashes.
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College AU Livio / reader!
TAGS: @h4venpha @millionsvash @lune010 @vashfantasy @cowboylivio
NOTES: OH MY GOD YES perfect I’d imagine both him and Wolfwood have these neighbors who aren’t able to walk their dog and he’s surprisingly really good with animals so they ask him! This is in college au btw! Also idk much about livio 😭 I watched some of tri98 and all of stampede and I’ve read a bitttt on him but I hope this isn’t OOC! Feel free to comment constructive criticism on his characterization in this, I hope it transferred well :)
Thank god Livio had managed to find a decent paying job to help handle both him and his older brother’s finances, because the genius had come up with the excellent idea of having both a dingy motorcycle and car instead of just getting one partially crummy one. (Preferably a car. Livio was still terrified of riding in the motorcycle). Dog walking hadn’t been the worst idea- firstly, he could enjoy life outside and take a break from studying, and even if he did need to review any coursework he could always listen to the .mp3 files in the online textbook he’d found (he thankfully got his hands on some online copies of his textbooks. Made the mistake his first semester freshman year of buying the actual books, brand new. Never again).
But it was therapeutic. Nico was always pestering him to loosen up, offhandedly offering a cigarette to which he refused, sighing tiredly with his forearms resting on his knees, head heavy with the stress of the day. Birds chirping alike in the teeming trees seemed to bring him mirth, replenish his senses and it was awfully refreshing as he tried to not recount the several assignments he had to work on.. haah.
Of course the one time his attention was split, when he made the god awful mistake of checking his notifications while walking did the toe of his shoe catch on an uneven crack in the sidewalk, dog tugging him further in anticipation for someth- wOah!-
Breeze rustled his hair as he flailed in an attempt to catch himself, only to be met with his hands awkwardly mashed on your torso. One, on your shoulder, the other, bent strangely at the elbow, flush against you.
“Oh my god- yeah, I’m so sorry..” he made an attempt to step back, only to find his calf caught in a tangle of leashes.
The dog you’d been walking, for a friend, had managed to find playing with Livio’s man (dog) of the hour a lot more amusing than your calls of “here!” “C’mere!” In a panic.
He swallowed thickly, turning his head away in respect while trying to croak out a few calls of his own. Your body squirmed against his, only managing to embarrass him further. He was almost as red as the fire hydrant they were.. yeah. Ok. Yep. They’re bonding.
“It’s- it’s fine, I’m sorry.” You looked up at him, chin resting slightly against his chest.
Wow. Your eyes are really pretty.
He caught himself, “Oh, no yeah- don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” His throat felt tight, voice tapering closed as he muttered out the last of his scrambled thoughts. It’s amusing, really, how a guy so giant wishes he can curl up really small and just go.
In an attempt to make the situation a bit more bearable, you gave your name, and he offered his shyly in return. Thank god for his dog finally being loyal enough to return, as he’d begun to almost lose it. While never one for much conversation, he shied away far more than usual, muscles twitching nervously and sporadically, eyes darting anywhere but you.
It. Was. So. Embarrassing.
Your hands reached nearby him to fumble with the leash, grazing his elbow as your chests touched and oh god your arm was wrapping around him, and suddenly-
“You’re untangled!” You beamed, picking up the other leash that had previously encased the two of you, “I’ll see you around, Livio.” A small smile graced your features, yet all he could do was give a feeble wave and a, “Yeah, later.” In response.
And suddenly, the gust of wind against him doesn’t feel as exhilarating as it used to.
Not in comparison to your grazing touches against him.
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andreagalan · 11 months
The king is dead. Long live the Queen.
It’s her second time down in the pit but now she knows its curves and edges. She knows where the wall goes in, where the ground is slippery, where her opponent might trip. She made those mistakes the first time – being too confident, going in too fast, too strong, losing energy and leaving with a split lip, a black eye and scratched skin. Most importantly, Andrea had walked out that first time with nothing to show for it but a bruised ego. 
The anger in that man’s eyes had been enough to make her freeze; it’s not the reaction she thought she’d have, nor the one she wanted. Andrea has a people to lead, a crew that follows her, that looks up to her for leadership… But this idolization has been fading for quite some time. It hasn’t been long since the crown was finally placed on her head, but it’s already proved to be too heavy for her to carry and too large to hold. 
It has been long enough that her life before looks more and more tempting with each passing day. What did I give up? She thinks at least once a week. Why did I want this? She can’t shake the feeling that what she craved for, this power, this position, is meaningless. 
The crown is heavy but it’s all she ever wanted — I did it, she thought back then. I did it, this is mine, this is my victory. I made it. The crown is heavy and covered in blood and it makes her head ache after too long. Andrea looked around when she first put it on, with a grin on her face that could only ever be described as childish. I did it, look! But, just like tonight, she was alone. There’s no one to share a victory with when you’re on top. I did it. She’s repeated it over and over and over, to herself and to others. What else could matter when she’s on top? 
Turns out, the edge is a lot steeper and the fall is a lot deadlier than anyone ever warned her about. 
And now, she’s in it again. Exhausted and embarrassed and still pushing for a victory. She deserves it, her people deserve it. Her breathing is ragged, her body throbbing with pain, but her eyes burn with an unwavering determination to not let herself be walked over again. She’s had enough of that throughout her life — friends, boyfriends, partners, clients, bosses, peers, they’ve all thought so little of her. They still do. 
There’s a crown, heavy to any head it lays upon, but impossible to let go of. Tonight, she can finally claim it as hers. Power is a good look on a woman, Andrea can tell when she looks at herself in the mirror. Andrea might have lost the battle but she’s decided to win the war.
And then she spots her opponent. Andrea’s stomach shrinks, it flips inside her, it makes her sick. If she thought what she’d seen before had been anger, this can only be described as fury, a thirst for blood and a personal vendetta. 
The king is dead. Long live the Queen.
The Brotherhood and her haven’t seen eye to eye in years, almost two decades if her memory doesn’t fail her. She’d been a diamond in the rough in their ranks, a gem if they’d only polished and paid enough attention to her — they didn’t and had the nerve to be resentful when she left for a better bidder. Now, that offer for a greater future is dead, it died with its leader four hundred and twenty-nine nights ago. 
He looks even worse than she does, which can only mean he’s been down here before. And he knows the way out. Andrea cowers in the face of danger and she hates herself for it. With a weapon in her hand, she’d be invincible — it wouldn’t be the first time she’s pointed a gun at him or others who feel the same way about her. JJ warned her, she remembers, but she didn’t listen. His anger is personal, not professional — this is both.
Her strategy is the same as it was the first time around: claws and heels aimed as any exposed skin. And, just like the first time, it’s not enough.
It doesn’t take long. 
The king is dead. Long live the Queen.
Forty seconds until her fist is caught in the air and her arm is twisted back. She cries for help but it doesn’t come. Her head jerks back and she manages to free herself from his grip. Why am I doing this? What if it’s still not enough?
Sixty seconds until her foot is caught now, she loses balance and is on the ground again. She tries to kick him in the groin, catch him off guard, buy herself some time. Why am I doing this? What if I give up? Would he know, would they know? Would he know? But he grips her high heels, one at a time, rips them off her feet and tosses them out of reach. Eighty three seconds until it feels like his fist broke her nose. She cries for help but it doesn’t come. What if I give up? What if I step down?
One hundred and ten seconds until some of her nails snap off from how hard she’s scratching the man’s cheeks and forearms and neck. The others try to dig into his back. What if I step down? What if I don’t want to do this anymore? To an outsider, it might look like they’re hugging. Until she cries for help… It doesn’t come.
What does come is unmistakable shine of metal reflecting light. She knows the sight all too well — the sharp edge of a knife, the coolness of the blade. And she can hear, even from the distance, a crowd-wide gasp. Everyone can tell what it is and everyone can assume what it means, just like her. Bare hands and bare feet and a ripped dress against a strong body and a thirsty knife. All of a sudden, this isn’t a fight, whoever stands victorious won’t display their able body as the prize, but their life, too. 
One hundred seventy seconds. She lies on the cold ground, humiliated in front of her inferiors and her peers, in front of her friends, her foes, her family, her loved ones. Blood trickles down her face, mixing with the dirt beneath her and the sweat of another failed battle. What if I don’t want to do this anymore? What if I can’t? What if there’s someone ready to take over? 
The pain radiates through her body, every bruise and scrape a testament to her defeat. She simultaneously feels the weight of the moment all over her body — and nothing at all. What’s a broken nose on top of a black eye on top of a deep cut on her collarbone on top of a possibly broken rib on top of endless scratches on her elbows and knees and feet and palms on top of a ringing in her ear on top of–
A sort of calm that doesn’t precede a storm, but follows it. What if someone else would do a better job? What if I don't care? What if I run away? What if I leave?
It’s her one opportunity. Andrea feels the weight of his body suddenly be lifted off her, in a way that can only mean someone is carrying him out, dragging him by the sound of it. I did it. Everyone, look, I did it. He claims it and Andrea can hear his grin in that mocking tone. He’s claiming it, he’s saying he’s the one who finally got me. There’s no one around to see how tears well up in her eyes. It’s her one opportunity. Soon, another pair of strong hands drag her out of the Arène, too. It’s my one opportunity.
And she takes it, she closes her eyes and takes a shaky breath. She lets herself feel it. What if…
The king is dead. Long live the—
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codename-mom · 6 months
Arm wrestling on a couch
Summary: Post S04E01 (Mayhem). JJ has revealed her pregnancy to her coworkers and Hotch didn't seem to appreciate. She needs to have a discussion with him to clear the things up and to make some points. So she went to his apartment without warning him.
Characters: JJ and Hotch (her point of view)
Contents: TW mentions of what's happened in New York, of Hotch wound and there's a tiny bit of angst
This is a text written for the KidFic CM challenge organized by @imagining-in-the-margins.
PS : English is not my mother language so they are necessarily mistakes. Sorry about that.
JJ stood in front of the door but didn't dare knock yet. After the events in New York, which had shaken the whole team, they had all gave themselves a few days off to recover from their emotions. She had taken three and decided to use the second one to clarify a few points. A lot had happened there, and among them was the announcement of her pregnancy to her superior. She hadn't planned for it to play out this way at all – she'd envisaged doing it calmly and by the book, coming to sit in his office to tell him the whole truth. Instead, she'd delivered the information on the spur of the moment in a hotel lobby while everyone around them was bustling like an anthill, and she could tell he didn't appreciate it. Worse, she'd felt as if she'd hurt him.
She hadn't understood his reaction and had told herself that once the investigation was over, she'd come back to him to discuss it, but circumstances had somewhat thwarted her plans.  Hotch hadn't returned by jet and had made the journey back his own way, out of her reach. She was now keeping her fingers crossed that he was at home and not in hospital for further tests. Which was a possibility, given that he had almost died in the explosion of his SUV. Her heart was pounding against her ribs. The giant's behavior was so unpredictable at times that she didn't really know where to start with this confrontation. Did he disapprove of this impromptu pregnancy? Should she have told him she was thinking of starting a family with Will? She didn’t know. But she was determined to get to the bottom of all this and set a few conditions for the coming months too. She'd probably have to fight hard, but she'd know how to hold her ground.
That's how she pressed the doorbell button for the first time. Nothing moved. She pressed a second and then a third time until a voice, muffled by the thickness of the ingress, exclaimed:
“I’m coming! Stop ringing, please.”
It was off to a bad start; she'd obviously just annoyed him by drawing his attention to her presence outside his home. He opened the door shortly afterwards and his scowl immediately turned to surprise.
She herself was caught off guard by her opposite’s attire. She'd always seen him in a suit, but now she discovered him in jeans, T-shirt, and socks. And he obviously hadn't shaved since returning from the Big Apple. 
“Hello, Aaron,” she said, pulling herself together.
She gave him a smile that she hoped would make up for the inappropriateness of this improvised visit.
“Hello, he answered, eyebrows furrowed. What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to check if everything was all right for you.”
“Well, it was fine until you rang the bell,” he rumbled, all warmth gone from his voice.
“Thank you…”
He sighed, dropping his shoulders, and indicated that she could enter.
“It's not you, it's the doorbell, he explained, more pleasantly. The slightest sound that's a little loud splits my head in two.”
She hadn't thought of this detail when she arrived here, but as the agency head's eardrum had been seriously damaged by the blast, his entire hearing apparatus was now exposed and no longer protected from shrill noises such as the entrance bell. She imagined it was the same for anything that exceeded the usual decibels of a conversation.
“Okay. I'll pass the word on to the next one,” she declared with a compromising pout.
“Tell them to stop calling me too, he bounced, closing the portal behind her. They have to do like Spencer. He understands, he sends me messages.”
“You can put it on vibrate too,” she pointed out, a little offended by his reproving tone.
Listening to him – with the exception of the agency's youngest agent – they were all acting like idiots, making phone calls to ask about his health. What he didn't realize was that it wasn't so easy to take into account all the ins and outs of his new condition. Not everyone had the brilliant intelligence of the multi-graduate. However, she excused his unpleasant attitude by attributing it to the pain that must have been coursing through his skull at this hour.  
“No, because then I might not be able to hear it. And I know a few people who'd call SWAT if I didn't answer.”
He had a point but didn't exult. He encouraged her to take a seat on the sofa and she obeyed, smiling. He headed for the kitchen and asked:
“Do you want to drink something? I’ve got water… and water.”
“Water will be fine,” she assured, amused.
“Fresh or at temperature?”
“At temperature, please. My digestive system has been sensitive enough lately.”
He returned to her and handed her a large, generously filled glass. He himself had one in his hand.
“Here. If I'd known you were coming by, I'd have bought some crackers. Haley ate whole packs of them when she was expecting for Jack.”
“Thank you,” she said as she picked up her order.
Then he sat down on the couch, next to her, but without occupying all the remaining space. Even with his unusual size, he managed to adapt so as not to jostle the people around him or encroach on their living space. She appreciated the attention, but wondered what was behind it. Her profiling colleagues would surely have had an answer for her.
They each took a sip, aware that the rest of the discussion might not be so light. They had to clear the air, and the likelihood of them raising their voice was high.
“When were you going to tell me?” he threw, staring at her with his dark eyes.
“When I've had no choice,” she retorted on the spot.
She and Will had talked at length about their respective visions of family and had agreed that children would be an essential part of their lives. However, they didn't expect their wish to be granted so quickly. But as soon as she'd known, she'd also realized that this announcement would make waves in her superior's square organization. He was capable of adapting to many things – especially because the agents under his command left him no option but to accept their sometimes hasty decisions anyway – but she wasn't sure he knew how to modulate his routine following such a change.
When she'd been hired, she'd made no secret of the fact that she was just starting out in the business, and that her previous positions hadn't been as crucial as the one he was planning to give her. This didn't seem to bother him in the least, and he gradually shifted some of his duties to her, taking the time to answer her questions and train her as he had been trained before her. More than once, she'd had the sensation of asking silly questions whose answers were perfectly obvious, but he'd never raised the slightest remark. Then she began to stand on her own two feet, detaching herself more and more from him to carry out her missions alone. But just when she thought she'd lightened his load, she soon realized that he still had just as much work to do and was continuing to rack up the overtime hours. Because the unit was growing. Because the BAU’s good results were bearing fruit, and more and more people were asking for their help.
The agency's good reputation had its downside, and until this moment, it was its director who had paid the highest price. Guided by a heightened professional conscience, he had forgotten the most important thing, and the penalty had fallen. Haley had slammed the door, taking their son and the pedestal on which the giant had always relied to stand. The fall had been brutal and destructive, and the damage seemed irreparable. As usual, he hid his emotions behind this icy expression, but his subordinates weren't completely fooled. He was sinking deeper and deeper into his work, having no interest in going home anymore and ignoring the needs of his body. Every day, he closed in on himself a little more, despite the team's attempts to draw him into the light.
This was the first reason why she hadn't dared tell him about this development in her private life. She had been afraid. Afraid of burying him further under work. And afraid, too, of breaking the few pieces he had painstakingly put back together. But clearly, it was her silence that had hurt him the most.
“Why didn't you tell me?” he insisted, more pained than angry.
“Why is it so important for you to know?” she asked, adjusting her thoughts so as not to do any more damage than she already had.
“Because I'm responsible for your lives, JJ.”
And now came the second reason why she had preferred to remain silent.
“I'm no more in danger pregnant than not.”
“Except that in addition to your life, I have that of your unborn child to consider, he pointed out, annoyed. And over there, in New York, you were both in danger.”
“So did Spencer, Emily, Penelope, Dave, and Derek. We were all in danger.”
All of them could have been in the SUV that had been targeted by the terrorists. All of them could have taken those bullets that the New York officer paired with Prentiss had received. They could all have suffered the blast of that second bomb if Morgan hadn't led the ambulance out of the hospital. In fact, he was probably the most endangered member of the team, tied with the unit leader. The latter must have realized this because he lowered his nose for a moment. His hands twitched nervously, as they did every time he was consumed by anxiety.
“You should have told me before we left,” he continued, in a softer but less assured tone.
“Because I don't want any special treatment.”
If there was one thing Hotch couldn't be faulted for, it was his attention to his men. He was constantly worried about their state of health, both mental and physical, and his anxiety went through the roof whenever one of them felt out of sorts. Most of the time, he curbed the ardor of his protective temperament – aware that a simple cut wasn't worth rousing all the rescue services in DC – or deferred the task of looking after the ailing element to one of them, but sometimes the overflow ran over and he showed an excess of empathy. And if, as she thought, he intended to restrict her to a purely administrative position for the next seven months, that didn't suit her at all.
“…What?” he croaked, taken aback.
“I’m not disabled, I’m pregnant. And just because I am doesn't mean I have to hide behind a desk while you all put yourselves in danger,” she hammered, glaring at him.
Eyes wide with surprise, he watched her wordlessly, confused. His pupils turned to the side for a moment, then came back to rest on her. Her heart was beating fiercely against her ribs. He opened his mouth, hesitated, then said:
“… JJ, whether you like it or not, being pregnant isn't trivial. Your whole body undergoes changes for nine months. It's stressful enough as it is, you can't add the stress of our job to it.”
“I'll be the judge of that, she objected, continuing the argument she'd prepared before leaving home. I am the one who is pregnant, not you. I'm in the best position to understand how I feel.”
Unsettled by her firm tone, he turned his head away from those bluish irises and plunged into silent reflection, rubbing his lower face with his hand. She would have given anything to witness the battle that must have been going on in his brain at that hour. She understood his fears, but he had to learn to deal with his employees' wishes too.
“… No, I’m sorry, I… I can't let you do that, he declared, half stammering. I… I can't take responsibility for you having a miscarriage or giving birth to a disabled child who won't have grown up peacefully.”
“Aaron, if you try to keep me out of the field, I'll resign.”
He received this reply like a slap in the face, blinking several times. It was the last argument she had in her pocket, and she had hoped not to have to use it, as she suspected the pain it would inflict. She clearly wasn't making it easy for him by backing him into a corner, but she couldn't think of a better way to make him see reason. He no longer dared look at her. His arms trembled and she saw tears forming at the edges of his eyes. She had to restrain herself from hugging him to reassure him.
“… O… okay, he stuttered after a long silence. Let’s make a deal. I… I'll let you go out into the field and face the reporters, just like you've been doing up until now, but the second you feel something's wrong, or if you're told you need to take it easy, or if you need a breather, a rest, a sit-down, ... anything, I want to know about it, he demanded, meeting her gaze again. Then we'll decide together what to do next.”
She in turn pondered this proposal. She was well aware that his intention was always to pin her down so that nothing untoward happened – to her or her baby – but he was offering her the chance to express her opinion before he made a decision. She was the first agent whose pregnancy he had to deal with, and he undoubtedly didn't know what to do to ensure that everything went smoothly, both for the mother-to-be and for the agency. The only personal example he had was that of his ex-wife, who had had to stay in bed for the last few months before Jack was born, so he had to fear more than ever that this situation would turn into a catastrophe. He wanted her to have the best possible experience, but he didn't want to lose her either. And the culmination of his reflections was this compromise, which allowed her to continue to follow the team outside Quantico, but also promised other potential tussles with him. She sighed.
“…Okay,” she conceded, realizing that she probably wouldn't get much more than that.
She reassured herself thinking that, when he saw that everything was going well, he'd let go and give her more freedom.
“Thank you,” he said with a shy smile.
JJ looked up but smiled back. She then took a sip of water under the watchful eye of her neighbor. He stared at her as if she were about to turn into a mystical creature at any moment.
“Otherwise, is everything all right?”
“I don't know, you're the one with the torn eardrum,” she teased him back.
“Apart from the fact that I feel like I'm living in the middle of an orchestra, I'm fine.”
The liaison officer laughed briefly and took another swig. All that tension had made her thirsty. He didn't touch his glass on the coffee table. Out of the corner of her eye, she detailed the damage caused by the bomb that had sent him tumbling like a piece of straw. He, a six-foot giant, had vanished like a blade of grass when the explosive went off. She could still see the CCTV images of the building next to which the vehicle had been parked and felt the anguish that had gripped her when she realized that he might no longer be with them. Events had proved her wrong, and she'd been relieved to see him back on his feet and in full possession of his senses, but all that had left its mark. His face was peppered with small cuts and a bandage covered his right ear. Which wasn't much, considering how close he'd come to death.
“Does Haley know?”
“Haley?” he raised an eyebrow, confused.
“Yes, your son's mother,” she reminded him, worrying that he might have lost his memory in the battle.
“I know who she is. Why should I tell her?”
His features had hardened. His interlocutor was taken aback that he would dare ask such a question but made the effort to remind him of the obvious.
“You almost died in a bomb attack, you're the father of her child, she's probably a little concerned, isn't she?”
She was outraged that he would knowingly dismiss the woman with whom he had shared his life for twenty-five years when he had just suffered such a serious accident. True, the divorce papers had been signed, but that didn't mean all communication had to be cut off between him and her. Her own parents had separated when she was a child, and they kept in touch even afterwards, exchanging information about each other's health.
“Believe me, she couldn't care less,” he assured, his face closed.
“Don’t say that.”
“As long as I keep paying alimony, I can lose both my arms and legs, she won't care.”
She understood that the couple's split hadn't been amicable, far from it. Why? She didn't know and probably wouldn't since he never discussed his private life with members of his team. Still, she found it hard to believe that Jack's mother could be so dismissive of her ex-husband. Unless you were a sociopath, you didn't erase so many years of life together from your heart and head with a snap of your fingers. There were bound to be memories left, and even snatches of attachment, if the other hadn't behaved like the most foul of partners. And since she doubted that Hotch could have been violent or demeaning towards her, it was unlikely that she would dislike him so much. However, JJ remembered the last call she had received from her, and her eardrum had suffered greatly. What could have happened between the two of them for things to escalate this way? It was a mystery to which she would never have the answer.
“… I see, she commented, for want of a better rebound. What about your mother?”
JJ had already had Ada Hotchner on the phone several times when her son was deliberately dodging her calls, and she had only met her once. She'd made a strong impression on the whole team, this little lady with a strong character capable of shaking the customary stoicism of the giant in the suit. When she'd burst onto Quantico's sixth floor unannounced, she'd made the director lose all control without even having to open her mouth.
“Oh, I didn't need to tell her. The minute she heard about the bombing at the foot of the federal building in New York, she teleported to my house.”
“Reminds me of someone,” she murmured, recognizing this trait in her neighbor.
“No, nothing, she booted out. Why she isn’t here then?”
“Because I made her get that I didn't need her.”
Unlike many men who loved to be pampered when they were sick or injured, Aaron shunned anyone who tried to help him. He'd rather agonize in his corner than ask for support. An attitude he didn't appreciate from those closest to him, as if he alone had the right to play hardball and to toil alone to accomplish a task that would go twice as fast if done in pairs or teams.
“She’s worried about you.”
“She practically implied that it was my fault that the bomb went off.”
The young woman burst out laughing in spite of herself. Like all mothers, Ada wasn't bothered in the least by the fact that her offspring was three heads taller than she was, and so indulged in reflections about him – sometimes in front of him – that none of them would ever have dared to make. And she didn't mince her words against him, expressing out loud what many must be thinking down low. JJ suddenly realized that this must surely be why Hotch had such low self-esteem and then found this outing much less funny.
The landline phone on the dresser began to ring at that moment and he immediately winced, bringing his hand to his ear in a vain attempt to muffle the sound. He struggled to reach the handset and noted the number on the screen.
“It’s… it's one of my aunts, he revealed awkwardly. It’ll take hours…”
“Okay. I’ll leave you to her.”
She got to her feet after putting the glass on the table.
“See you soon, she said, grabbing his shoulder to calm him down. And take care of yourself.”
“You too.”
JJ left the apartment with a strange feeling in her gut. She'd won her case – sort of – but was worried about her superior's well-being. Maybe they'd have to go back to the plan of action they'd put in place right after his divorce, and invite themselves back to his place without warning so he wouldn't cogitate too much in his drab little apartment.
Second entry for CM KidFic Challenge! /o/
This time, with JJ's point of view.
That was one of the text I wrote to explain the obvious complicity between Hotch and her. It wasn't really explain into the show, but JJ and Hotch shared a special bond that he doesn't have with the other agents (she's the only one, with Dave, to call him by his first name and, in French, she's the only one (again with Dave) to use the unformal "you" with him).
Maybe because they were both (for a very long time) the only parents of the team and as so, they knew how it is difficult to juggle between their work and their family. We can think that Jack went to JJ's house many times to play with Henry and, later, Mickael. But it's never shown.
So I wrote some texts, here and there, with just the two of them.
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