#which would help explain why she changes her story multiple times later on
knightingale · 10 months
Not that it really matters but the thing about the Darry Trial™ in AGoT that I think so many people get wrong is that Sansa was protecting Arya when she said she didn't remember what happened by the Trident. Lets say Sansa told the truth in that scene; she'd necessarily have to include that Arya hit Joffrey with a broomstick, because he was cutting Mycah's cheek for hitting Arya, and that's what led to the fight that had Nymeria biting Joff. But if Sansa said this then Arya would be wrongly seen as the guilty party.
Like, these people didn't care that Mycah was killed, so why would this room full of nobles and mostly Lannister knights care that Joffrey cut him on the cheek? They'd most likely view the situation as their Crown Prince chastising an impudent peasant for hitting highborn Lady Arya Stark. So Arya attacking her "defender" over this could be seen as an unjust (or even an irrational/crazed) assault on the future king. Don't get me wrong, I think Arya was totally right to beat Joff, just like Dunk was right to beat Aerion for the same reason, but their classist and sexist nobility isn't going to view the situation like we do.
And as we learn later, the punishment for striking a royal is to lose the hand that struck them. Do I think Robert would've cut Arya's hand off? No, of course not, but I'm sure that Sansa thought her sister would be punished in some way if she confirmed that Arya had hit a royal. We don't actually learn that Robert thinks the whole affair is no big deal until after Sansa has spoken and with further context we know that Sansa is frightened by Robert... so ya'know.
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themissinghand · 4 months
Mind if I could have a SAGAU request? So the player is burnt out from the game. Like completely. Some characters find a way to your desktop and ask "Why haven't you entered Teyvat lately?" After explaining that you still like/love them, they are disappointed but understandable. Problem is, they can't go back until you launch the game. So the characters sort of become desktop buddies (Showing my age aren't I?) and perhaps helping you out in the various other games the player would play or just vibing as you surf the web, make arr, write stories, etc. As for the characters... Aether and Paimon at least, though adding Kazuha, Yanfei, Freminet, Bennett, Fischl, Childe, and Collei would be cute too.
Genshin Impact Desktop Buddies
Summary: In which your favourite Genshin characters miss you. 
Or now you have them as your desktop buddies until Genshin Impact is fixed.
Pairings: Aether & Paimon, Kazuha, Yanfei, Childe and Fischl x Neutral! Reader! 
Note: Desktop buddies are ancient now lol, but honestly such a cool thing to have back then. Hope you enjoy! 
Warning: None, just fluffy goodness. 
You’re tired. Like really tired. 
Grinding for artifacts, ascension and weapon materials has worn you out. That includes your wallet too.
They were worth it, no doubt about that, but staring at a screen all day every day could tire anyone out. 
And yea, you need sleep. 
For the first time in a long time, you decided to shut down the game, and take at least a few day break. 
It’s not like it would make a big difference right? 
Little did you know, it most definitely would. 
Just a few days later, not only did your laptop started acting weird to the point where you thought of buying a new one, Genshin also disappeared from your desktop. 
Before you knew it, you see little figures that look oddly familiar on your screen…
“Why haven’t you entered Teyvat lately?”
Aether & Paimon
The player spun around, eyes widening at the sight of Aether and Paimon now out of the game, and...hopping around on your screen.
"Aether? Paimon? How... how are you here?".
Aether stepped forward. 
"Our Creator, we've missed you. The others are worried. Why haven't you been to Teyvat?"
You sighed, has it already been a couple of days? Also, since when were you their creator? 
"I'm just a little tired-” There was a dramatic gasp from Paimon.
“Tired of us? Aether! Our Creator is tired of us!” 
“No! I mean, I still love Teyvat and all of you, but I needed a break and I will go back soon." You quickly responded with reassurance, which luckily appeased the floating companion. 
Paimon floated closer, which was like a weird zoom on her face, her eyes softening with understanding. 
"We get it, but... we can't go back to Teyvat until you' launch' the game." She says robotically, but appeared confused right after.
“Ah, okay. Give me a minute.” 
When you tried to download the game via the Genshin website, it stated that there was a website maintenance. 
“Creator! What is happening? The world is changing!” While you were frustrated, Aether and Paimon were jumping and flying everywhere around your screen, exploring how tabs open and following your mouse as you click and hover.
Their curiosity made you smile, and you slowly explain how everything works slowly as with each passing second, they marvel at how advanced your world is. 
“No wonder you’re our Creator!” 
“What’s this!?” Before you knew it, you pulled up multiple websites, and the one you landed on was Disney+.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” 
“What’s that?” Aether asked, curious, followed by Paimon’s cute little head tilt.
(You wished you could just squeeze those cute little cheeks-)
“It’s like telling a story, but you get to see it unfold right before you. Here.” You pull up ‘My Little Mermaid’ and they jump seeing the video move, with everyone inside move. 
“Woah…it’s like another world!” 
Aether seemed to marvel over it, and for a moment, he wondered, maybe, you could traverse worlds too. 
Seeing the stars in their eyes made you feel guilty, as if another misunderstanding arose, but you let them be, as their cute little figures sat down and watched the movie. 
You too, watched it with them, and for the first time in a while, you didn’t feel lonely. 
Throughout the movie, you patted them on the head with your mouse, which the two seemed to like very much. 
(And yes, you did pinch those cute little cheeks)
“I’m glad that you didn’t abandon us, Your Highness.” 
Never in your wildest dreams did you expect to see THE Canadian Aether, Kazuha, on your screen, bowing respectfully to you.
“Let me know if I can help you in any way. Although my form is…not in the most helpful form, I will do my best.” 
You held back a giggle when you saw a shy little Kazuha looking at himself and then at you shyly, and you really wanted to tease him, but you chose not to. 
Instead, you pull up your incomplete art project. 
Might as well since you can’t download Genshin now and might have to wait for a few days.
“Actually Kazuha, I was hoping you could help me finish my art.” He immediately perked up, a serious expression overtook his shy one.
“Of course, Your Highness, let me know what you want to draw and I can help you!”
“Great! I’m trying to draw a handsome and cute man, he has platinum blond hair…” Slowly, you list one by one, the characteristics of the person you want to draw. 
Kazuha learns fast. Soon, he was able to figure out how your art platform worked. 
At first, he hesitated, and didn’t want to interrupt your drawing, but slowly, he learned to add in his thoughts and feedback, and guided your mouse to smooth out the lines, and perfect the colouring.
“He has red eyes…” 
Calming and soothing, his voice made you feel at peace, just like how you would hang out with him at the top of a mountain somewhere and listening to the game music. 
But this time, he was a little closer, where he felt more real albeit still in your screen. 
“Your Highness…isn’t this…me?” His little cheeks was dusted with pink as he quickly covered it with his hands. 
“It is you.” 
“But why…”
“Because you’re one of my favourites, Kazuha.” 
It was all it took for him to become shy again, and he began to cough awkwardly as if to mask his embarrassment. 
“Thank you…Your Highness.”
“Phew! We were so scared that you left us Your Eminence! But…I suppose we can’t do anything until you open up Teyvat again, until then, let me know if I can help you!” 
Yanfei's cheerful voice made you smile as you leaned against your palm. 
Then she turned around, as if taking in her surroundings before looking back at you. 
“Your Eminence, if I may, may I help you organize your…space?”  You blink, and that was when you notice the amount of files littered across the desktop screen, and you realized that from Yanfei’s view, it must’ve been very unorganized.
Yanfei brightens at your acceptance, and hopped a little to show her excitement. 
“Okay! I’m good at this, so leave it to me! Just follow my lead.” 
You were gonna clean up your PC eventually, though you did not expect it would be today. 
Either way, Yanfei was like a referee and a police, asking questions but also making sure everything was organized correctly. 
In a way, Yanfei felt like a Mom asking her child to clean her room.
Even so, it was so cute to see her marching everywhere like a soldier and asking you to organize it in a neat manner.
“Okay, next, let’s organize this folder!” 
“Okay-” Before you knew it, you immediately hit backspace. 
“Your Eminence…who was that-”
“Let’s move on.” But Yanfei stared at that folder with an intense stare. Did she see it? 
With a little nudge and push with your mouse, Yanfei eventually moved on, but she constantly had a smile on her lips. 
It was you cosplaying as her for an event. 
Yanfei would be sure to tell her friends back home. 
“Well, I’m happy to hear that, Your Highness! But…what were you doing? Away from Teyvat?”
Childe’s smile was a little bit menacing to look at, so you pull up what you were doing before to distract him.
And it did, surprisingly. 
“What is this?”
“It’s a game called Valorant.” 
You start the game, and once you get prepared, he too was locked in. 
With each attack and maneuver, Childe slowly became hyped up by your skill and admired it. 
“Your Highness! Why didn’t you tell me before?!” He became to gush, albeit trying to remain civil as he looked between you and your character in game. 
“Again.” In the end, he asked (begged) for another show. 
This time, you changed your agent to someone else, and once again, showed how skilled you are even in melee, which Childe initially advised against. 
But you blew his expectations away. 
“Your Highness, can I duel you?” 
You blink, before you laugh jokingly, but you knew in real life, Childe would absolutely crush you.
But you leave him be, and instead start another game. 
Honestly, Childe would be a great hype man. 
“Ah, of course! How the stars seem to be against us this time…regardless! With me, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort here, there is nothing you need to worry about!” 
As expected, Fischl is quite the actor and storyteller as she spews on about how she faced something similar before, something just as interstellar as this. 
You don’t mind it, after all, if you did, you wouldn’t have Fischl on your team the entire time would you? 
Fischl deserves more love is what you find in the fandom, and while she may be annoying at times, you found her passion admirable, and even a little sad when you think this is her way of happiness. 
So you respected that, and listened as she rambled on, and moved as if she was on the stage. 
Perhaps…she would do good on stage with Furina in Fontaine. 
“Fischl, I do need your help on something.” You asked when she finally finished, and she straightened herself with grace as expected from the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. 
“I need your help with my stories. I want you to create elaborate and dramatic narratives for everyone to love.” She froze for a moment, but her grin immediately hid her surprise. 
“Why of course, I would be delighted. Allow me!” With just a few seconds to think, she immediately began her storytelling. 
With her little graceful steps and hops, she almost dances away, but she doesn’t stop sharing her fantasy story full of magic, fate, and stars. 
It was hard to keep up, but you didn’t want to disappoint her, so you did your best to type her word by word. 
Luckily, she seemed to slow down to match your pace, as if the two of you were a duet with the piano and violin. 
When she stops, you end off the story with a dramatic click, and you match her prideful smile. 
Truly, Fischl is a character not everyone can handle, but that’s alright.
After all, you love her for who she is, and maybe, Fischl appreciated that more than anything else.
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ssruis · 4 months
My personal take on the tsukasa + toya dynamic is that like. Tsukasa helped toya a lot by giving him the familial warmth & unwavering support that he was not getting from his own family & encouraged toya to do what HE wanted to do with his own life instead of following what his dad wanted when he didn’t enjoy it, as well as kinda being toya’s only source of normalcy and activities outside of the piano as a kid. It’s not a stretch to say that Tsukasa changed Toya’s life for the better (causing him to meet Akito, discover what he’s actually passionate about, meet VBS, actually communicate with and stand up to his dad) and saved him from a future he would hate, it’s literally stated by Toya. Multiple times. & tsukasa still continues to be a huge supporter of toya and does his best to care for him. This stuff is made obvious over and over again -
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(Tsukasa’s Kamiyama festival card story)
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(Kamiyama festival)
- but toya also helped tsukasa a lot when they were kids too, even if it’s a bit less obvious (only stated outright in one card story iirc). Toya mentions not actually seeing Saki a lot when he was younger, as she was in and out of the hospital
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So it was typically just him and Tsukasa. Tsukasa’s entire dream in life was sparked by seeing how happy a play made saki, and his strange (said fondly) personality in the present day is because he was constantly trying to make her happy with shows/acting when they were kids. Realized it cheered saki up when he put on the Future World Star personality -> constantly acting/emulating the actors he saw on stage or on tv to make saki (and later toya) happy at a formative age -> it gets baked into his personality -> now it’s not even an act it’s just how he is. It’s incurable. (Not a bad thing, just something that explains why he’s such a freak)
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A large part of tsukasa’s identity is also being a big brother, which is made really difficult when you’re separated from your little sister constantly, she’s often suffering and miserable, and there’s nothing you can do to help her. As he mentions frequently, her happiness is a priority for him (sorry you’re gonna have to trust me on that one if you for some reason doubt that. Image limit. You understand. One example of many is in one of Saki’s birthday cards.)
And as hard as it was for Tsukasa to be powerless in that situation, it was way harder for Saki, because she was the one in pain/seriously ill/hospitalized throughout a large portion of her childhood. She mentions that she forced herself not to cry in front Tsukasa as a kid so he wouldn’t be upset (doll festival), and while it was happy tears in that situation it’s a safe bet that she tried to do it with any negative emotions too - but she was also suffering & acting happy all the time in that situation would be impossible for an adult, let alone a small child.
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(Toya’s doll festival card story)
Tsukasa couldn’t help Saki, but he could help Toya, and through that he was able to help himself/feel a little better. He could cheer Saki up, but that was about the extent of what he could do - he couldn’t stay in the hospital with her or ease her pain or take away her illness. Toya needed a friend/older brother figure/escape from his dad, which Tsukasa actually could provide. I feel like there was definitely some transference there where Tsukasa (unconsciously) just took all the big brotherisms he couldn’t do with Saki and redirected them towards Toya. Which, again, isn’t a bad thing, because he *was* helping toya through this, they formed a genuine strong bond, and it helped him deal with his emotions. + saki got a bonus brother to play with when she was home.
I think people want to water their relationship down to just “haha tsukasa adopts people as his siblings” which isn’t even true* and ignores the very specific set of circumstances that led to Tsukasa considering Toya his younger brother, and the circumstances that led to Toya seeing Tsukasa as an older brother figure, as well as the fact that they’ve known each other for like a decade at this point AND the fact that their parents are close friends.
Their relationship is so strong because it is built off of them both helping each other, not because Tsukasa randomly saw a sad kid and went “you’re my brother now.” Which is also why I’m not a fan of [x random character] is a tenma.** Plus, does saki’s relationship with that character not also matter? Toya’s relationship with Saki is a pretty big part of why he’s considered a part of the family***, even if he’s not as close to her as he is to tsukasa.
*In Tsukasa’s head a star is a good big brother and given that both of those things are deeply entrenched in his personality, he mother hens his friends & does his best to act like a responsible and reliable person towards everyone. As I’ve mentioned before, Wxs KAITO is a reflection of Tsukasa’s ideal self (reliable big brother/leader figure) - nobody says KAITO is adopting siblings left and right (wrt the other vocaloids/wxs). Notably, irrc, wxs KAITO & normal KAITO both desire to be seen as a reliable big brother figure by others, but as a general thing and not a “this guy is literally my brother” thing. Tsukasa is the same situation. He likes to provide a good example for his juniors because that’s what he believes a star should do, which is also why he gets so irritated about Rui “tarnishing his reputation” whenever they get in trouble, and what prompted him to join the disciplinary committee in his third year after hearing underclassmen be like wow the 1-2 oddball finish are so wacky & crazy. Acting like a big brother =/= literally adopting people as siblings.
** you do you though if you enjoy those head canons more power to you. It’s just not my thing (known canon purist).
*** give me like 10 minutes I have stuff to say about that as well that will have to go in a reblog. Image limit strikes again.
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edalynn · 10 months
hii hope you don't mind me asking but why do you hate huntlow?? (genuinely curious) I personaly love the owlhouse and kin hunter and it's one if my favorite ships :0
I was just going to not answer this ask as I feel like I've repeated the many reasons I hate hunt/low in the past, but I realize I've never put it all in one place. I'm going to start by linking some asks or posts of mine that are a smorgasbord of things I or others have pointed out regarding what's wrong with the ship itself for some reference points.
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And I'll add my "Hunt/low Trope Bingo Card" that gives us a fun diagram of multiple problematic tropes that Hunt/low falls under
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Let me start of with the ship itself. Hunt/low quite literally makes both characters' arcs irrelevant. Willow's entire arc about learning to be confident in herself, overcome her bullying, and be strong for herself and her friends is basically entirely erased when you put her with Hunter. Her whole arc is that for a lack of better words, she saved herself and is her own person. Yes, she had the help of Luz and Gus, and later Amity after they began mending their friendship, but her whole thing was being strong and confident on her own. In concept, giving Willow a pretty boy boyfriend immediately makes her arc less impactful than if she's never paired with anyone in the story, because her story is about her own self growth. Not being saved by having a conventionally attractive boyfriend. And in practice, we actually see it happen. Willow is dumbed down and made insanely out of character in almost the entirety of the third season, particularly in FtF. She's shown multiple times throughout the end of the season (Actually, in S2 as well) needing to be physically saved by Hunter specifically when she's always been shown she can stand up for herself before. And, yes, you could argue that "Willow doesn't always need to be the strong one!", and you'd be right! But the fact that the second she becomes friends with Hunter, the way her character is written changes dramatically. We see her need to be saved over and over, and it is literally only by Hunter. If this wasn't the case, I would agree with that, but unfortunately it's not. Her growth and "revolutionary" strong-on-her-own arc is entirely negated if she is put in a relationship with Hunter.
On the flipside, Hunter's arc is just as equally, if not more, irrelevant. Hunter's arc is also about finding himself and finding a group of people that are his pseudo-family. His growth is his journey to becoming his own person, away from his abusive parental figure. In concept, Hunt/low makes all of Hunter's trauma, abuse, and loss meaningless by falling into the trope of "romantic love heals all", which is both dangerous for young fans who will believe that and a slap in the face for every abuse victim that relate to Hunter. It's like saying that nothing bad he experienced mattered or had any lasting impact, because you give him a strong girlfriend and poof! All the problems go away and are solved! And I shouldn't have to explain why that message is insanely harmful. As with Willow, we see this happen in action as well. Any time there's a nod to Hunt/low in the show, Hunter's trauma immediately doesn't seem to matter. This is shown the clearest when he is literally not allowed to grieve Flapjack's death because it "upsets" Willow and he has to run after her to comfort- and later save- her. The writers actually made it so that Hunter is made to feel guilty for showing sadness about Flap because it made Willow feel like she "can't do anything right", making the entire scene about how he had to save her and put his grieving of Flapjack to the side. I think as an abuse victim, this is the one thing about Hunt/low that makes me the angriest. And to dip my toes into a later point- fan creators that ship Hunt/low also do this in their fanworks. Moringmark is a BIG perpetrator of the Hunter abuse denial rhetoric.
The way they are intended to be written, these two arcs contrast each other, not complement them. It makes no sense for them to be shipped. And further, the context & content we get in the actual show has a staggering lack of depth or intention. Every interaction they have feels out of character and as if their personalities have to be entirely re-worked for them to even interact- and those are just the miniscule amount of times they actually interact. There's almost no actual content for Hunt/low in the show, it's never acknowledged by other characters how they do with Lumity and Raeda, and they literally almost never interact in the show until FtF. There is no logical reason that anyone should assume they were even interested in each other (aside from Hunter's blink-and-you-miss-it blushes) and you could probably count on both hands how many times they actually interacted with each other on screen both before the Day of Unity, and until FtF. And I'd go as far as to say that when they do interact, they barely even act like friends. Willow spends almost the entirety of TtT ignoring Hunter (assumably unintentionally, but they almost never interact and the episode was literally based around Hunter as one of the main characters in it) aside from the hair cutting scene- which contextually made no sense to be done by Willow- and the after-possession scene- also made no sense contextually for him to have his head on Willow's lap. She literally makes fun of him at one point, with Amity being the one to basically say "guys that's mean, Hunter I don't want you to get made fun of by others please change". How does any of that read as a healthy or loving ship? Much less even a friendship. By the time they get to the Human Realm, Willow and Hunter have interacted, what, maybe three times? Once during ASIAS (Where Willow forgives him way faster than she should have for her character, when she literally took months to fully forgive Amity- and Ami didn't kidnap her), Once during LR (Where Willow literally is shown as not caring, liking, or trusting Hunter until he says something that proves he was with Gus), and then on the mission with Luz & co. to rescue Amity leading to the Day of Unity. The ship both in context & in practice completely obliterate not only both characters' arcs as stated above, but also wreck their personalities, making them every other generic girl and boy in a generic m/f ship.
Moving onto the fandom in relation to Hunt/low. Let me set the scene. This show, The Owl House, in and of itself is for a Queer audience. That doesn't mean cishet people cannot enjoy it, but it is a silent "stay in your lane". TOH was REVOLUTIONARY for Queer mainstream media with the main character being the first main character on an animated show by Disney to be openly Queer. Luz is openly bisexual and has a girlfriend! She comes out to her mom! Her adoptive mother, one of the other 3 main characters, ends up in a canon relationship with her Highschool Sweetheart, a nonbinary person, and is ALSO openly bisexual! So why is Hunt/low treated as if it is the "third main ship" on TOH, when it ISN'T EVEN CANON. Why is it treated as if it's on the same level as Lumity and Raeda!? Why are there fanartists and other creators that ONLY draw or write Hunt/low!? It's insulting honestly! And I, as a queer person, am being so dead serious. it's fucking insulting. And the way Hunt/low shippers treat people that don't ship it is disgusting. Their go-to defense tends to be "Crying Wolf", or claiming any kind of "-phobia" they can to make their ship seem "more valid". You have no idea the amount of times I and my mutuals have been called "biphobic" or "fatphobic" or any number of other insults. When more often than not, It's Hunt/low shippers that I see ignoring Hunter's bisexuality, or worse, disparaging people for shipping Hunter in a mlm relationship. Or worse- saying certain ships (Huntric/Goldric) are inc/estuous because of Aladarius, which also is not even canon (And neither is "Dadrius" while I'm at it, but that's a totally different argument for a different day.). I see them use his bisexuality as fodder constantly. And I won't even mention the mischaracterization by every single Hunt/low fan I've ever seen, making Willow anywhere from Girlboss to Tradwife or Mom Girlfriend, and Hunter from Malewife to Wet Cat to Protector Boyfriend.
The crew also did not help the situation at all. Multiple Storyboard artists or other crew members have openly admitted to attempting to (or succeeding to) force Hunt/low into the storyline, always at the scolding of Dana who would make them remove it or tone it down as it didn't fit her vision of the show. I've seen multiple crewmembers say this- it's not just a one off thing. Or the crew member who once said she didn't care that the ship name "Winter" (the crew's ship name for Hunt/low) made it hard to block/tag because she liked how it sounded. It's just. I've seen so many instances of Dana's crew being that disrespectful to her and attempting to push their own personal feelings and ideas into the show against her wishes.
I could probably go on forever, so I'll stop here. But yeah. That's the basics of why Hunt/low is a shitty, harmful ship.
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maria021015 · 1 month
If I had written Teen Wolf and I wanted any of the Argents to be redeemable or that their moral code (moral codes are bullshit if you inherit your morals then they you will warp your actions to fit them but thats a personal philosophy) was worth something I wouldn’t have them make their money selling guns. That giant house for a family of three that they payed for by selling guns? If I wanted an audience to believe that they are trying to help people and that the cause is important to them they would not do it in such luxury. They could have had any day job an be regular hunters as a cover. Which also would have also been a cover to train Allison. Just something about them having enough money to fly off to France (while the teenagers that family tortured are still missing) just makes me flinch. And then the protagonists family has financial issues from the start. Melissa McCall makes sure to assure Scott that they will be ok if she misses a shift for his game. He knows enough about her financial situation that she thinks thats what he’s stressed about. Thats possibly why he got that job at the animal clinic. Its just such an odd choice and one reason I never liked Chris Argent.
It was never explained how the Argents actually accumulated their wealth - as I don’t think selling guns as a side hustle would have built up that much of a fortune. So it’s implied it must be generational wealth, or that maybe they got paid for some hunting jobs. The Calaveras clearly deal with money in their work so maybe the argents were the same.
Teen Wolf touched on the theme of money problems multiple times in the show but it never felt like it got followed through well. Like when the Stilinskis were struggling to pay Stiles’ medical bills and Eichen bills.
In terms of their morality, almost every single Argent in the show twists their own perception of reality and uses ‘the code’ to justify their actions that only serve their own personal beliefs or needs. They are almost all hypocrites.
Kate is a bit of an outlier because she never really claims to follow the code, her family just assumes that she is. She instead uses it as a cover up while she follows her own agenda (the one her father instilled in her, no doubt) of murdering werewolves because she considers them to be less than human and thus not worthy of life. We don’t ever see her hold any fear towards werewolves until she’s literally in Peter’s claws about to die. So she isn’t hunting them because she fears what they are capable of and wants to stop bad from happening (which is Chris’ reason). But Kate goes against her own beliefs when she chooses to stay alive and transition into a werejaguar. She becomes the very thing she has deemed as an animal unworthy of life. That’s pretty hypocritical, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. From here, the show could have gone two ways that would have made much more sense than what they actually did. A - Kate could have shown inner conflict or turmoil about her decision, hating the ‘monster’ she’s become but also not being able to unalive herself. This would make sense for her later story arc where she helps Gerard start the supernatural war/genocide. Or, option B - Kate can change her opinion about the supernatural because she’s become one. She can embrace it. But then her later storyline wouldn’t have made sense.
Additionally, there is Victoria, who claims to stick to the code, but we see her break this to try and kill Scott - an innocent teenager - over something as trivial as dating her daughter behind her back. It takes some of the impact away from her death scene and it makes me beleive she doesn’t do this because of the code as she claims, but because she despises werewolves that much that she can’t bear to become one. Hence, she follows her own moral beliefs over the code.
We have talked about Allison, but to summarise, Allison does what Allison feels like doing and then twists her perception of reality afterwards to make herself feel better about it or to excuse what she’s done. She’s often driven by her personal feelings and goals, and is very much driven by her desire for power. Now, these traits don’t have to make her a bad person when balanced correctly, but Allison’s character wasn’t balanced and she didn’t have much of an arc. She never developed because no other character called her out on her behaviour because Scott thought the sun and moon shone out of Allison’s butt crack. Because Scott believed she could do no wrong, no one else would really say anything to her. The show marketed her in a way that was contradictory to her actions and who she actually was on screen.
Gerard’s hypocrisy is rooted in him going against his strongest beliefs (that the supernatural is the scum of the Earth) when he wants to become a werewolf after learning of his cancer. Big ol hypocrite!
Now for my favourite Argent, Chris. Now, I actually really liked Chris by the end of the show. I enjoyed his character arc. To me he always felt the most human of the Argents from the beginning (except for Allison until season 2). We consistently see Chris being the voice of reason and reminding his family about the code, pulling them away from what was wrong. Whilst he definitely wasn’t perfect, he was far better than the others, which I would give him credit for considering the family he was raised (and brainwashed) by. From his story about his best friend turning and comparing him to a rabid dog, we see Chris’ humanity and his purpose for what he does is due to fear of what werewolves are capable of. This isn’t his fault - all he has been taught is that they are animals who can’t control themselves, and like animals who act aggressively and harm others, they must be put down. Chris sees this isn’t true when he is forced to work with Scott and we see him open his mind to the supernatural because for the first time in his life he is seeing evidence that what he’s been taught isn’t the full truth. Some may argue he changes for Allison’s sake and is doing it to mend his relationship with his daughter, but we see him continue with this behaviour after Allison’s death. It proves he truly did change, which is a difficult thing to do for a man of his age, especially one who lived his life the opposite way for so long. I imagine being raised by Gerard with Kate as a sister wouldn’t have been easy. In comparison, Chris is very well adjusted.
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dreamy-baku · 6 months
Breaking down Squares’ Character
Thanks to @manofmanymons for the idea!
So for starters, I made old research posts about Squares that you can check out if you want some research related information. But this is goin* to be about his character as seen in Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Breakdown under the cut!
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So, for starters. When Squares first shows up in the story in around chapter 5. He merely asks Marle if she was still battling and keeping “fun”. He seemed to have no ill intentions. Which is a little strange. But, the heroes described him as being a villain to which Marle explains he wasn’t always that way.
The biggest part of the story, the exact ending of chapter 6 leading into chapter 7 is when we learn of his plan to erase everyone, but it seemed it only got that plan AFTER Marle said the people where her friends.
Then, during chapter 7, Squares on multiple occasions flipped between being “bad” and “innocent”. He threatened the heroes multiple times, but also occasionally mentioned that he was basically doing everything for his sister Marle.
He tried to keep attention off of Marle because he knew she’d tell them everything, which is why he stripped her of her memories when he “brainwashed” her. He didn’t want his plan to make Marle “love him again” to be ruined.
It becomes obvious later, in the EX chapter, that Squares became upset that Marle focused to much on the worlds. His emotional outburst that we seen in the game was because he was upset that Marle wasn’t giving him attention.
Marle also mentioned that she “forgot he was basically an infant”, most likely referring to a little bit before he “brainwashed” her shortly before PPT2 happens, as that’s when Squares needed her most. And that’s when she wasn’t there to help him.
Squares shown on multiple occasions he was still very young, and that he wasn’t truly evil, he was just misunderstood and immature that he didn’t know better. (And Marle HAD THE POWER to stop him from “brainwashing” her, so why didn’t she? Maybe she wanted it to happen?)
But, Squares’ “innocence” was more subtle, as he was played off as the “bad guy” up until the very end. But, there were clues he wasn’t evil in the slightest.
Such as when the heroes where talking and then asked Squares what his heart truly wanted and all he could reply with was “Marle…” and when Ecolo shows up and says he’s a “spoiled brat who hates change”, and Squares’ genuine reaction was complete confusion.
The heroes later picked up on the fact that Squares is immature, he has a child-like innocence, as all he did was what he assumed he HAD TO DO.
Also, Squares’ outburst could have been from something a little deeper too. STRESS, he chose to help Marle watch over order when he was created, and he was so young and took up a responsibility FAR GREATER than Marle’s own. So when Marle stopped focusing on him and could no longer support him with his duty, he grew sad and stressed because he didn’t know what to truly do.
That can be logical, because, is it REALLY ORDERLY, by his definition, of NO ONE of the worlds existed? And would that really keep Marle happy with him either?
And, when they finally calmed him down, Squares said that “He’s going to go somewhere where he’d never bother any of them again”. Which honestly sounds very depressing, because what did he mean he’d do to himself? Was he threatening to end his life? (That line legit broke me when I heard him say it- o.o;)
And finally, he showed some maturity, as he fully apologized for his actions and even acknowledged that everything he done was caused by his inexperience and immaturity, and that an apology won’t fix everything.
At the end of the EX chapter, we see he grows more, learning how he can accept himself for his mistakes. But he’s still obviously guilty and seemingly depressed about what he did, and the pain he caused everyone.
But also, he could feel guilty and depressed over failing to properly uphold “order”. As he almost ruined both the worlds because Marle stopped giving him attention.
I would have provided images to support, but I didn’t have access to any but the one image at the start! If you have any comments, feel free to send me an ask or something!
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 135- Forbidden Fruit
Summary: Legolas and company arrive in Jareth's realm. Thranduil's escape is now known to goblin town. The Elvenking reminds Raven of her place. They come across a prisoner with a shocking identity. Josie dreams of something unexpected, or was it? Garrett is given an order. Narcisse and Jo have a long talk that ends on a touchy note.
*Warnings* angst, violence, language, smut
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Breaking Dawn
The twilight hours of dawn were breaking as Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn approached the borders of Jareth's dark realm with a sinister storm lingering over the Misty Mountains. They were right on time as Legolas predicted to his father with the fortune of not having any delays, but they all knew ominous obstacles would soon entail in the dark dead forest that was very much alive.
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"Legolas. Are you there my son?" Thranduil anxiously called to the soon to be Prince again.
Legolas kept riding while he spoke to him telepathically so that outside forces would not hear his voice or what he spoke of. Aragorn glanced back at him as he noticed his slowed pace. Legolas nodded with an affirmative smile in which Aragorn understood that he was in contact with Thranduil.
"Adar. I am here with Aragorn and Gimli. We are entering the forest now. Are you alright?"
"You brought the disrelishing dwarf?!"
Legolas was taken aback by that being Thranduil's only concern and confused as to why his father would even be upset over Gimli's presence, for Thranduil knew how close he and Legolas had become and even Thranduil himself had softened to dwarf for his loyalty to his son...but then Legolas remembered what Galadriel had warned him of. That Thranduil's mind had been severely manipulated by the goblin King and his father's words just proved it.
"Father, yes. I could not spare our guard, for the spiders are out of control. I believe it to be of Shelob's doing, for she still remains in the woodland realm." Legolas explained,
Thranduil knew that Legolas would also be quite displeased with his own company, Raven, whom he decided to take with him, so he temporarily backed down some on his grievance, for it was not of priority at that time.
"Very well. I will just have to endure it....for the time being. I have my swords, and Jareth and Harker have been momentarily subdued, but the goblin guard are vastly about and..."
Horns sounded beneath the mountain, alerting Thranduil to his now known escape. He regretted not beheading the two warlocks but he also knew it would later be worth letting them exist, for he planned to torture them as they did him, just in a more purposely indiscreet way for him to take great satisfaction in....and then, he would later kill them with unkindness. Jareth would soon know who was more powerful.
"Adar??!" Legolas called to Thranduil multiple times, but with no response.
Aragorn stopped and turned his horse to face the elf. "Legolas?"
"I have lost contact. We must get inside of that mountain immediately." Legolas firmly replied.
They all carried on, cautiously creeping through the forest, eyeing all of their surroundings for the evil threats that lurked in it.
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Legolas's thoughts kept drifting to you, and he knew he had to now be careful of them. His concerns were not only of knowing any possible chance he may have had with you was now lost forever, but also of what Thranduil's changed behavior would mean for your future with the King.
Thranduil and Raven left Jareth's personal chambers with his twin swords in hand as the horns sounded and he immediately discarded Harker's sword as if it were trash.
"Are you crazy?" Raven reeled. "I'll take that. We are going to need all the help we can to get out of here now that they know you have escaped, which means Jareth is coming for us."
"It is a mere butter knife compared to my swords. We have all we need. You have power if I am not mistaken and I have regained mine. Let him come. See how far he gets."
"It will still do the job and I wouldn't be so overly confident. Our powers and these swords cannot take on thousands, if not more, of the goblins that are down here. I have seen it. There are swarms of them. Not to mention Jareth and his ring of power, now that he has recovered. You should have taken it! and also killed him and Harker! Why didn't you??! That book is not the only way to off the goblin King as most think!"
Thranduil's eyes raged as his hand snapped around her throat.
"Do not bark orders at me or question me! It is you that would seem overly confident of my help. I can and will leave you here and you will never get out of here alive. Jareth will surely torture and kill you now. The choice is yours."
Raven swiftly nodded with widened tearful eyes, for it was all that she could do in his death grip. She knew he was right. Jareth would never forgive her this time and she was one small dhampir against him and a beastly army.
"Wise choice." Thranduil snarled as he released her.
"This way." Raven forced out through her constricted airways and rushed off.
Down a dark spiral stairwell she led Thranduil, which entered in to a dripping wet and rancid dungeon with more unoccupied cages, or so she thought. As they passed one, a man's voice called out to them.
"King Thranduil?!"
Thranduil halted, not recognizing the voice. He side eyed the dimly lit cell and then slowly turned to view the tall shirtless stranger standing at the door who appeared as if he had been incarcerated for some time, for he resembled a drowned rat.
"Whom are you and how do you know of me?"
Raven was also curious to know that answer as she looked the extremely fit and oddly tattooed man up and down. She had seen the markings before. One in particular on your neck back at Lestat's now burned down chateau.
"Everyone knows of you. You are the reason I am even here. My name is Jace."
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Thranduil's eyes narrowed as he took a step towards him, studying the man's face as he stroked his damp straggly blonde hair back from his eyes with an injured hand.
"Why does that name seem familiar?"
Thranduil stepped closer into the glow of the candlelight, getting a better view of his features.
"Your...eyes. I know them....one brown, one...blue." Thranduil said in astonishment. "You are...Jareth's son. Ravenna is your mother."
"Wait, what??" Raven asked, even more astonished and bit fearful at the mention of that witch's name.
"Yes...unfortunately, both are true." Jace answered in shame.
"Why on earth would Jareth imprison his own son?" Raven asked in disbelief.
"The same reason he does not even care for his own daughter, my sister, Josephine. He's a monster. My mother is no better, and by far worse. I've been on my own for as long as I can remember, but my mother still continues to search for me as she is doing now." Jace replied.
"Yes. I know of you now. You disowned them centuries ago and have rebelled against the two. That would be the only thing I could possibly admire you for. But, you are still a warlock of his blood and that wretched witch Queen's blood as well. Why has he detained you?" Thranduil inquired.
"Because as I said, I came here for you. I had reason to believe you were alive after speaking with your Queen and I came here in secrecy to verify that. Once I had validation of seeing you in that cage, I tried to help you...but as you can see, I failed."
"Do not refer to that woman as my Queen, for that will be nullified once I have returned to my throne."
"I can see Jareth has gotten to you as he has my uncle Julian and Aunt Freya as well. I am certain he plans to do the same to me. You must realize you were brainwashed. It was Jareth's plan to make you despise everyone, to be evil like him, to no longer love your Qu...Josephine. He believes love is forbidden, a gospel passed down by my wicked grandmother Jada and he plans to turn all of middle earth into hatred, and even permanent winter if she has her way. You are his pawn. He will eventually go after the other high elves. Do you not see that you are different? This is not what you want."
"Enough! Are you implying that my feelings are not real, male witch?!"
"How else do you explain your history of loving Josephine? Your memories are in tact yes? And now they, she, suddenly mean nothing to you?"
"What do you know of love? Nothing! I have had my share of heartache from whores like her!" Thranduil growled in rage as his scars briefly surfaced, shocking Jace.
"I...I know of it because I saw it in her eyes when she spoke of you. She is broken and lost, believing you are dead...You speak ill of my sister and yet here you are with her sister that you both understandably despise?"
"Excuse me?!! You don't know me!" Raven snapped.
"I know plenty dhampir. I was not born yesterday. Word gets around, just like you do. You're wicked and if anyone should be addressed as a whore, it's you. Like mother, like daughter."
Raven gasped incredulously. "And here I was going to try and free you because I know what it's like to be a prisoner of the goblin King. You can just stay here and rot with your creepy tattoos."
"They're runes you imbecile. Apparently you were born yesterday."
"Here, let me dry you off. You reek of a wet dog!" Raven retorted with a smile on her face and raised her hand which exploded into a fireball.
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Jace became enraged as his eyes glowed a threatening orange, but that was all the power he could muster up in his enervated state.
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"Raven! Enough! He's weak and not worth the effort." Thranduil commanded. "We have wasted valuable time here. I agree, let him rot. It is time to go."
"You'll regret this if Jareth gets his hands on that book and all of middle earth becomes the evil dead!" Jace shout echoed behind them as they turned the corner without looking back.
You awoke to the sunlight beaming in your eyes from the large bay window in Narcisse's living quarters. The last thing you remembered was laying down on the sofa and gazing at the ceiling with all your thoughts swirling about in your head. Obviously you had immediately fallen asleep, which was quite understandable after yesterday's and last night's events in the city. It must have been after 4 am when you had drifted off and now it was 8 am as servants were pacing about the rooms with their daily chores of cleaning and what not.
You could hear Stephane talking to them from his bedroom chamber, which you sighed in relief to hear his voice, knowing he was alright, for your intentions had been to stay awake and watch over him.
Leean was awake as well, cooing up a storm like usual in her waking hours, waiting on you to pick her up. She was such a good baby, rarely ever cried and always seemed happy, which you were more than grateful for.
You got up and snuggled her in your arms as you discreetly peeked around the corner to see what was happening in Narcisse's room. From what you could see, he had been brought the mornings breakfast...and you could smell the aroma of maple syrup, making you slightly tear up over Garrett. You already missed him tremendously and hoped he was tuned into your present thoughts to know that. The two of you would forever be joined in that way by sharing each other's blood, but he, just like you, he had the power to shut his mind off when he wanted to.
You gathered up an armful of yours and Leean's things and pushed her crib into the washroom to feed and bathe her, and then take your turn in a desperately needed bath. As you fed her, you sat and thought about Matthew Clairmont and his revelations to you of his far away future union with your daughter and wondered when you would see him again, for you knew Haldir was right, he would surely come back. It was definitely a bit creepy, the twilight version of Jacob and Renesmee because you didn't know something like that existed...but then again, hadn't you? The world you now lived in was all of magic and it was written in the stars for you and Thranduil to find each other as well, just in a not so blatant way. You had always felt him somehow without even knowing who he was yet, and it had been the same for him....you both knew the other existed without knowing the identity or when or where you would both meet...and when the stars finally aligned... he was just...gone in the blink of an eye. The pages from your book of love just torn out and shredded.
After bathing Leean and dressing her, you then laid her back in her cradle and covered her up. You pinned up your hair and climbed into the inviting liquid and began quietly sobbing as Leean laid in her crib gazing at her hands and feet that she had recently discovered. She was growing and Thranduil was missing all of it....and she was missing all of him.
Leean soon dozed off and then so did you in the calming water....and you began to dream...of Garrett.
You were lying in bed...Garrett's bed... and he was on top of you, both of you unclothed and kissing passionately as the sunlight shone in.
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"Garrett...." you panted.
"What is it little one?" he whispered as his lips teased yours.
"I...I...love you too."
His fingers traced your skin from your forehead to your neck as his aroused deep blue eyes peered into yours with overwhelming joy of finally hearing those words from you.
"I...I don't know what to say Josephine...."
You giggled. "How about that you love me too?"
"Oh you know I do, so much it hurts. I love you Josephine. Always."
"I want you Garrett. Now. Make love to me. Please..."
He smiled and kissed you softly, gliding his cool tongue in slow gentle circles around yours, which caused you to grind your hips up against him. His cock was solid and warm, eagerly searching for your entrance. As his girthy glans found it, he thrusted into you, strong and deep, filling you up. You gasped and he growled as you dug your nails into his shoulder blades and locked your legs around him. Slowly, you both rocked together as he ravished your neck with no fear of him biting you.
His half swayed motions as he stayed pressed against you had your sweet spot daring to rupture.
"Jos...Joseph...ine...I...I can't...."
His inability to control himself triggered your release switch.
"Garrett!! Oh my...god...I...I...I'm...coming." you cried as your walls vigorously pulsated over him. "Oh goddddddd!!! FUCK!!"
Garrett groaned loudly and heavily, releasing with you as his unbeating heart audibly pounded through your ears to the rhythm of his strong vampire thrusts.
The pounding got louder and you gasped awake in the bath, still climaxing as someone was knocking on the door. You slapped your hand over your mouth as a squeal muffled through while you pressed your knees together, rocking your hips though the most insane orgasm that made your entire body convulse.
"Who..who is it?" you panted as the aftershocks rippled through your core. You stood up in shock, grabbing your robe as your legs still shook something awful.
"It's Lola Miss. The servants told me you were in here. Lord Narcisse is asking for you."
"I..I'll be right out. I was in the bath."
You quickly dried off and dressed in a furious frenzy, wondering if Garrett did this. Invaded your dreams again. He had only ever done this once before while you bathed, and that was when he was a different man, so you had a hard time believing he would do it to you again. But this time was also different. He was loving and tender, not just plain sexual. If he didn't do it, then your dream only meant one thing....it was going to happen.
"Garrett, if you were trying to prove a point, you made it...you jerk!" you reeled at your reflection in the mirror as you ripped the brush through your hair and pinned it back up.
You received no answer so he was either ignoring you or tuned out...or he just didn't know what to say,...again. But you believed he was listening. After all, you had hoped he was only moments earlier, so this was probably your fault.
"I know you can hear me! Be here...tonight. The beach. We are going to talk Garrett Lee!"
"Jo...it is really good to see you. The servants said you were still here." Narcisse said as he situated himself in the bed.
He was moving about more comfortably and his color had returned, making the bruising on his face less visible due to him headbutting that man. You sat down beside him and placed your hand upon his to try and ease his apparent anxiety. He seemed both shocked and relieved to see you, but you could tell he had been worried you left.
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"I told you I would stay didn't I? I brought Leean in here after you fell asleep and I planned on staying awake to watch over you, but I fell asleep on the sofa. You seem to be feeling better?"
"I am, all thanks to you...and of course your scrumptious sandwiches and that wicked tea I consumed. The servants brought in breakfast. Would you like to share it with me?"
"Uh, sure. But it is more imperative that you eat to help you heal."
"And you as well, for yourself and for that beautiful little girl in there. Where is she by the way? I would love to see her."
You loved how much he adored her and how good he was with her...and now you could partly see why considering he had a child of his own that you recently discovered.
"Actually, I had Lola take her out for awhile so we could finally talk. You can see her later, I promise."
"Talk, yes. I suppose there is much to be discussed." he said, not seeming too thrilled to relive yesterday.
You pulled the food tray over and handed him a glass of juice in which he wasted no time in gulping down, so you poured him another and then yourself some.
"So what would you like? It appears to be everything here but the kitchen sink."
Narcisse chuckled. "Yes, my servants feed me well. If you would be so kind, I would like some of the sausage and eggs."
You figured protein to be his choice which certainly helped him keep that gloriously fit body. Stabbing some eggs onto the fork, you began to bring it to his mouth. His eyes widened some as he embarrassingly grinned.
"You're...going to...feed me?"
"Oh..ohhh, I'm sorry. Old habits die hard I suppose. I..I used to feed my father when he was ill and...well, I just feel really stupid now."
"Jo...it's alright. Judging by my condition, I probably seem that I need some assistance, but... I...I don't mind...if..you don't."
"Hmm..well. People aren't always what they seem."
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You brought the form back up to him and he slowly took a bite as you both stared at each other.
"No..I suppose they're not. Jo, what's on your mind? I can tell there's something you wish to know."
You gave him a bite of the sausage. "I don't even know where to begin."
"The beginning is a pretty good start." he said with a smile as you continued feeding him.
"Why did you really go there last night? I heard what you said to that man....about...your father?" you blurted out.
'Well then I suppose you already know the answer to that. He killed my father many years ago. I..I don't speak of it but...no one has ever asked...until now. Annnd, with all that happened yesterday, I felt it to be a good way to get my frustrations out."
"Stephane...I..I remember when I found you in the cathedral, sitting alone in your thoughts after what Catherine did to your horse. You spoke of loss and I could tell you had suffered a great one like I had....and now I know what that loss was. I am so sorry. For your father, and just for...everything...accusing you of such horrible things. I know it was all Catherine, and I should have known it all along."
"Let's move past that. I understand why you would think what you did, now that I am able to even think straight about it all. Catherine will have her day soon enough. I have plans for her...and her daughter as well, for I believe she knew of her mother's misdeeds and that...is also a crime. With that said, why don't you tell me why...you were there."
"Well, I suppose you already know the answer to that as well. For you."
Narcisse slightly smiled and tilted his head in astonishment.
"Are you serious?"
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"I knew of the mental state you were in and when I learned of what the party was all about, I just had a really bad feeling of what you were going to do. My instincts are usually spot on and so...I needed to try and stop you from doing something foolish..."
"You were worried about me..."
"Well yes? Is that so hard to believe?"
'Actually, it is, when I have given you no reason to care for me at all."
"But you have, or I would not. So..would you like to tell me about your....son?" you asked as you fed him some more.
Narcisse stopped chewing as he gazed at you, then swallowed.
"I see Charles has been talking too much as usual. Not one of his finer qualities. He barely knows you."
"If it is some secret or whatever, you must know I would never say anything to anyone."
"Of course I know you wouldn't. It's no secret, although it was at one time. I guess I am a bit caught off guard, that's all. I never expected him to reveal that to you."
"Well don't be angry with him. Like me, he was worried about you and I think he really wanted to tell me. He...seemed quite proud of it too."
"Did he? Well, there was a time when he wanted nothing to do with me when he found out the truth. It took a lot of work to get to where we are now. You..must have been really shocked to learn I have a son with Catherine?"
"Very much so. I assume that...that is why you have not banished her from here? Charles don't seem to care much for her."
"It is, and he does not. Her great lie had finally caught up to her. When I met her all those years ago, she was married to a ruthless King, but I stupidly did not care and had my way with her behind his back. Not my finest moment, for I was in a different mind frame in those days. The affair ended with her reasoning being that she was going to try and work things out with him, and then I never saw her again for many years. I thought nothing of it, for she didn't mean anything to me...and then one day she showed up here with Claude and Charles who was then an adolescent, merely a 14 year old boy. She was distraught, told me that her husband banished her and that she took the children in the night and left. I was then informed as to why she was disowned. That Charles was my son and that her King had learned the truth one night when Charles's powers awakened. The King, knowing he was just a simple man and she a simple woman, then realized Charles was not his son. Now as ruthless as he was, he did in fact think of Charles as his own and did not hold that against him, which is why the King left all his fortune to him and Claude, but cut Catherine out. Of course, the children had no access to any of that with him still being alive and she had nowhere else to go, so...I took them all in. Charles, he figured it all out himself for the same reasons, that he had powers."
"I...yes, I saw his eyes briefly glow and...I had wondered why he addressed you by your name when he had told me he was your son."
"Yes...as I had said, he was very angry with me for sometime when he found out the truth. Catherine as well. Blamed us both for tearing his family apart, in which he had every right to feel that way. The more time we spent together, the more he softened to me, but his mother not so much. He still has never called me father and..I am ok with that, for I know he loved the father he knew. As far as Catherine, she threatened to disappear with Charles if I made her leave here. She knew how much I had grown to love him and used that against me. And...as much as I despise her now, she's still his mother and I know Charles still loves her even if he acts as if he don't, which is why I have been rather lenient with her. If I banished her or harmed her, he would hate me all over again. With that said, Charles knows of her evil ways and understands why I have her locked away. Believe me Jo, if I could do more, I wouldn't hesitate. If she had ever harmed you, it would all be over for her and the consequences be damned."
"I..I understand now and I am so sorry for how hard I was on you over her....but...what are you going to do with her then? Leave her in the dungeons forever?"
"That has yet to be determined, because there is also her daughter, whom I was told had went into labor this morning. Her and I haven't always seen eye to eye, mostly because of her advances on me just to spite her mother for her own reasons, but after what Asher did to her, like he tried to do to you, I have since tried to protect her. She did not deserve what he did to her and now the poor girl bears his child. I would have handled Asher then, but Claude would not reveal the father of her child out of fear, although I had my suspicions. After what he tried to do to you, she finally confessed it to me and so I...handled him. Shockingly though, she turned on me for it, calling me a monster. I suppose I was for how I handled it, but a lot of that had to do with Catherine's spell. So now...if the findings are that Claude aided her mother in any of her atrocities or knew about them, I will have no choice but to make her leave here eventually. I cannot have that behavior in my castle. She has a lifetime of money to raise her child and take her mother with her. I can only hope Charles will understand and hopefully choose to remain here."
"Now that he knows more of what his mother is capable of and has done, I think he will. Regardless of everything he has been through, somehow he seems to have turned out to be a pretty good kid and cares about you a lot. I don't think he would leave you. He stayed by your side the entire time last night until I came in. But...what about Catherine retaliating if you make her and Claude go? I know you were worried about that before."
"I suppose I will just have to cross that bridge when I get there. I gave orders this morning for Catherine's and Claude's rooms to be searched. So now, we wait.."
"Speaking of searching rooms, I had some things in my room I was wondering if you could ask the servants about, if they had found anything?"
"Of course Jo, what is it that you are looking for?"
"I..well, one thing is a record and then there's my dreamcatcher that Haldir had made for me and a...letter."
Narcisse strangely froze for a moment as stared at you. "A...letter?" he asked as his heart began to race, remembering Catherine had told him you would find the letter Thranduil wrote you someday.
"Yes...it was...well it was to Thranduil. Silly I know, but..it means everything to me."
He then looked a bit relieved and sighed. "Oh...well, that's not silly Jo. I will ask them when they return for the food tray. I am sure they have put your things away for safe keeping."
Narcisse's head now began to hurt as he brought his hand to it and winced. He knew his blood had all rushed into it so fast in his panic.
"Stephane?? Are you alright?"
"Yes, just a brief head rush. I suppose cracking my head against another's wasn't the brightest thing to do."
"Yeah, I'm still amazed at how it didn't even phase you in the moment. But now you have a nice shiner. You have one hard head I guess."
"That I do, in more ways than one.." he slyly smirked.
You side eyed him and shoved a whole piece of sausage in his mouth to match his double meaning, which made him laugh as he tried to chew all of it.
"I think you have suffered some brain damage." you snarked.
"Apologies Jo. I was just trying to lighten the serious mood."
"Yeah well, it's about to get more serious. Do you know a...Matthew Clairmont?"
He gulped his food down at your question. "Why on earth do you want to know about that vampire?"
"So you DO know him I see?"
"Jo, I probably know every vampire there is, just as Haldir does, so why are you asking me and not him?"
'Well because I didn't need to. Haldir had an altercation of sorts with him last night at the party...but I just wanted your input, if you had any."
"Clairmont was there? What on earth for??"
"You??? Jo...can you please be a bit more specific??" he adamantly asked as he sat all the way up.
"Calm down...I'll tell you alright? You're going to have a stroke or something."
"I'm sorry Jo but when you tell me a vampire was there for you who is quite far away from his own realm, I tend to get a little upset!"
"Well...he wasn't solely there for me..." you began to explain. You knew what you were about to tell him was going to make him explode.
"See...I had a dream on my way there..and well, I saw him in it...and then when we arrived, I saw him again but he ran off...then later he confronted me when I was alone and..."
"Jesus Jo! Why on earth didn't you tell me when..."
"I'm trying to now!! Will you just be quiet for two seconds??"
He slowly sat back with a sour look at your scolding.
"He wasn't there to harm me...."
He flung back up. "Then why did Haldir..."
"Oh my god, Stephane!!"
Narcisse sat back again with a sullen look this time. "Sorry..."
This was not going to go well you could see and you now wished you had never said anything....AND you hadn't even told him about Leean yet...and then there was also the matter of his drunken warlocks he needed to know about too.
"He was there for....Leean."
That did it. Narcisse sprung back up. "LIKE HELL!!"
You absolutely adored him in that moment, because it only verified to you how much he loved her.
You placed your hands on his face. "Hey, hey. Breathe. It's not what you think. He means her nor me any harm."
You went on to tell him the rest of the story as you watched his blood boil in the process.
"I cannot believe my ears right now. No wonder Haldir wanted his head! and you're ok with this! Is this why Haldir and you seemed at odds when he came into the arena??"
"It is, yes. I had more questions for Matthew and he scared him off. Not to mention he said some things he shouldn't have to me....and he's still angry. We had more words last night after we got back."
"Jo, you can't understand why he is so upset?? How can you even remotely be comfortable with this??"
"Ok, first of all, I do not owe you or him any explanations on why I do what I do! Do you really think I would be alright with it if I believed my daughter was in danger??? What kind of mother do you think I am??"
You were doing it all alone, with out Thranduil...and if he were here, he would hunt Clairmont down and have a bonfire with his body. Now you just felt even more guilty and began to sob with your face in your hands. Narcisse gently removed them and placed his hands on your face this time.
"I think you are the most incredible amazing loving mother in the world Jo, that would do anything to protect her child." he softly and sweetly said into your tear filled eyes. "I am so sorry for my reaction. I..I just care about you and that little girl so damn much. If you only knew..."
"It's just that...I...I saw them Stephane. I saw their love. It was real, just like I had..."
There you went bawling this time. Narcisse pulled you into his arms and held you while you cried your eyes out. The guilt was now eating him alive about Thranduil....but how on earth was he to tell you? How on earth was he to lose you?
"I...I believe you. It's just such a shock."
You sniffled and pulled back to look at him. "While we are in this heated moment, you might as well know something else."
His eyes closed as he sighed. "Alright...was is it?"
Two of your warlock guards were quite drunk last night on the patio and one said some vulgar things to me...about that drawing. Haldir heard it and not so nicely handled them both."
Narcisse rubbed his hand down your somber face. "They will answer for this, I swear it....I cannot apologize enough for ever doing that to you, humiliating you in such a way...or in any way for that matter. I..I never wanted to hurt you Jo..."
You could see the genuine remorse in his gleaming blue eyes and heard it in his soft voice.
"I know why you did it. Although I don't condone it, I understand what you were trying to do...protect me from Catherine by trying to make me hate you and leave..."
"And...do you...hate me?"
"Not even a little bit..."
There was a moment there between you both and you could tell he wanted to kiss you, but you backed away.
"I...umm...have something else to tell you too that's not of any good news either. Harker was also here...in the dark forest. He..was after me and Garrett. Narcisse, he wants that damn book and my pendant. Are you sure you do not know where my father hid Ashmole here in your realm?"
"Back up a minute please. Did he hurt you? What happened? And...why were you with Garrett...again?"
You heard it in his tone about Garrett...the jealousy.
"Why I was with him is irrelevant and I was slightly injured when Harker knocked us out of the air as Garrett tried to get me to safety...but...I am alright." you explained, leaving out your visit from Thranduil. The last thing you needed was someone else telling you it was a hallucination when you knew it wasn't. "Believe it or not, I had a similar bruise on my face like yours. And Leean...bless her sweet little heart, she, she healed it. This magnificent light came out of her tiny hand as she touched my cheek and then the bruise was just gone..."
"That is so wonderful Jo! She has your magic... and at such a young age. And no Jo, I truly do not know where the book is at. Julian did not even trust me with that secret, most likely to protect me and my kingdom."
"I believe you...and...It's Thranduil's magic...in her. His elven blood...."
"Yes, of course it is. So...do you think she could fix me up?" he chuckled.
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"I can..."
You laid your your fingers gently over his cheekbone and closed your eyes. They softly glowed a light pink and then the contusion dissipated.
"There....all gone."
Narcisse just smiled and gazed at you. "I have no words for all that you have done for me. You saved my life Jo. Do you...remember when I said I felt different? Jo...I think you destroyed Catherine's spell with your magic. When you healed Haldir, or should I say resurrected, you said your emotions make you strong. I believe that so much now. I think they intensify your power."
"Then why didn't your wounds fully heal?"
"I don't know, but they're much better today. Possibly because of the severity? They were quite extensive unlike my little bruise."
"Speaking of Haldir...I should go see if he'll speak to me now. I kind of need some where to stay."
"Did you...think at all about my offer? For you and Leean to stay here at the castle with me? Jo, you and I, we can stay at my villa. You and Leean....would have your own chambers of course."
"No, I haven't really thought too much on it yet with all that has happened. I really need to speak to Haldir first and I got to talk to Garrett later too about stuff. I'll try to think it over later. And...as far as Garrett, I'll tell you what else I'd like to know. I saved this for last after what you told me of your suspicions on Claude. Someone from here put a deadly spell on him. Now of course I know you don't care and it doesn't break any of your rules because of who he is, but it fucking matters to me. Luckily, we were able to find a way to break it, but I will not let that go, just like I won't with Haldir's poisoning or what she's done to you. It was all done to hurt ME and she will suffer for that because unlike you, there's nothing keeping me setting that bitch on fire."
You sat emotionally firm in that statement as you pictured her burning at the stake.
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"For the time being, you must stay away from her and let me handle this...I have great faith that book will be recovered in today's room searches. That and any other items of interest will be taken to my Master at Arms for investigation. Jo, I understand all of your animosity towards her, you know I do. You're right, I do not care about the vampire being collateral damage, but regardless, practicing black magic in my realm with evil intent is a crime....So, what is it with you and Garrett anyways?"
The last thing you wanted to do was talk to Stephane about Garrett on a personal level, considering both men wanted your affections....and that dream you had still had you a bit hot and bothered. Even if Garrett did enter your dreams by his doing, you still enjoyed every bit of it even if it pissed you off, which was because it made you face some things, things that made you feel terribly guilty for....such as...you told him you loved him. Garrett didn't make you say that...
"I think you should finish your breakfast. I am not going to talk to you about Garrett in that way no matter how many times you ask. Your servants are back. I will see you later."
"Jo...talk to me. What are you running from?"
"Um, right now? It's you I'm running from." you retorted.
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"Jo, you didn't even eat."
"I'm just not hungry. I... I should go." you stood up, smiled and quickly left.
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Narcisse smiled back as you walked away and then heavily sighed as his smile faded. He had to find a way to win your heart, for he feared Garrett had a good grip on it....but he knew he did too. He could feel it.
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Then he remembered you had told him you would go on a date with him. Of course, it had only been to try and persuade him not to fight that man...but he was going to hold you to your words.
Narcisse finished his breakfast down to the last crumb of bread and got up to begin that tedious journey...
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marjaystuff · 8 months
Interview with Terri Parlato
What Waits in The Woods
Detective Rita Myers Book 2
Terri Parlato
Kensington Pub
Dec 26th, 2023
What Waits in The Woods by Terri Parlato has a riveting plot.  Not only does it have a full mystery with many people of interest, but it also explores how an athlete, in this case a dancer, can have their career derailed by an injury.
Esmé Foster forcibly retired from her chosen career as a ballet dancer. Now, eleven years later she returns home to Graybridge.  But her return home is anything but calm, considering it coincides with one of her high school friends, Kara Cunningham, found dead in the woods behind the Fosters’ house. Her crushed skull allows detective Rita Myers to realize it was not an accident, but a murder. 
Now, Esmé’s high school friends, her family, and neighbors are all suspects. To make matters worse the killing has intensified the nightmares Esmé had after her mother was killed in a car accident when she was nine. She remembers a man who showed up at the scene of the car accident and told Esmé he was going to kill her too. Family and friends insist that no man exists and that her memory is faulty. But that never stopped the nightmares or her determination to find the “Phantom” man. 
This story is told in two perspectives which increases the intensity. The neighbors, Mr. York, and the Ridley family, also have reasons to be considered people of interest.  One is a creepy old man, and the family has a drug dealer, a convict who finished serving time, and a sister who has a brain injury from a childhood tumble down a flight of stairs and was suspected of quarreling with her sister and drowning her. 
There are not only multiple suspects but also multiple twists and turns. Readers will be kept guessing as to who the killer is and what was their motive.
Elise Cooper: Why ballet?
Terri Parlato: I had the main character as a professional ballerina, but then her dancing days ended do to an injury.  I explored how does she move forward.  I wanted to give her a professional life and wrote about something I really love.  I vicariously enjoyed ballet and read books about ballerinas.  I went to the ballet whenever I could.  Esmé had to retire at age 27 which is not unusual because they have a short career. Ballet is very hard on the body.
EC: It seems a lot of dancers and sports figures flounder when they must retire-do you agree?
TP:  To be a ballerina and even with sports it is a passion. I wanted to write what happens to that person who devoted their whole life to something and it comes to an end.  How would she handle it?
EC: Esmé and her friends?
TP: They were close friends.  After Esmé graduated from high school she ran away to another state.  Now that she is back home, she wants to reunite with her friends and is devasted that one of them, Kara, was murdered. She feels guilty because she never tried to keep up the friendship and now that Kara is dead, she has no chance of doing it. She had a lot of regrets. All these friends become suspects in Kara’s death.
EC:  How would you describe the victim, Kara?
TP:  Sweet, naïve, trusting, and an addict. Her father left when she was little which made her insecure.
EC:  How about Esmé?
TP:  When she was young, she was selfish.  Her father was an alcoholic which affected her.  But she matures throughout the book. I want my main character to go on a journey, changing for the better. 
EC:  Why different narratives?
TP:  I used to write in third person.  But then I read a book by Mary Kubica that had several points of view.  I thought how it got me into the mind of the character, in first person. It also helps me build suspense as well.
EC: There is a quote in the book by, Esmé describing her family-can you explain?
TP: She felt being home was not great, but it was home sweet home. “There is something deep connecting us to the place where we grew up.  The familiar scenery, smells, memories.  It is a sense of belonging, shared histories…” Looking at my own life, I am very sentimental and nostalgic. Even though everything when I was a child was not necessarily happy, it was still home. I wanted to show how it was bittersweet for Esmé who was gone for eleven years, to now come home. Things might have been sad and scary, but she did find there were good times.
EC:  How would you describe Detective Rita?
TP: This is the second book in the series.  In the first book, All the Dark Places, Rita had another case to solve. I am still flushing out her personality. I wanted to create a detective who was an older woman. She is still vital in her career and is not someone who is pushed to the sidelines.  She is a workaholic that limits her social life.  She is very independent and tough.
EC:  Why the “Sweet Dancer” poem in the beginning of the book?
TP:  I am a former English teacher.  I love poetry.  To me, this sounds so much like Esmé.  It is a poem about ballet, but there is some darkness in it as well. People will have read it before they start the story.  I wanted to bring some artistic sentiment since Esmé is a retired ballerina in an emotional state. I think poetry elicits emotion. 
EC:  Next book?
TP:  Rita will be in the next book.  Same police department, same fictional town. There is no title yet.  It should come out next December.  There will be a compelling case for Rita to solve.  There will be a third point of view. This one does not start with a murder, which is different than the first two books in the series. 
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msommers · 2 years
4, 8, 15 and 23 for ellana and meredith!
thank you truths!! // questions for your inquisitor
4: Alliance with the Mages or the Templars? Explain why.
ELLANA — allied with the mages upon learning more of their plight. ellana developed a sort of reverence for the few mages in her clan, in awe of what they could accomplish with their abilities and ever thankful for how they used them to heal and provide for them all. she'd heard stories about the treatment of mages elsewhere and was not completely naive on the subject, but hadn't realized the extent of the injustices done unto them until she’d arrived at the conclave and heard firsthand accounts. her whole avenging-justice-seeker-savior complex kicked into hyper drive fairly quick and she decided that she would do what she could to help them, and the easiest step there was to offer an alliance between them and the inquisition later on.
MEREDITH — allied with the mages as she's been doing quite publicly for the past decade as queen, and before then as a little lady, though her opinion wasn’t as closely observed then. she becomes incensed that people believe they can treat the mages so cruelly and keep them locked away, then demand their services whenever it suits them. she’s been working (not entirely subtly) for years to make things easier for fereldan mages, was probably already in redcliffe providing aid right before the conclave. so you can imagine that she was more than eager to jump at the chance to offer them whatever protections and freedoms possible with the inquisition's power, free of potential overruling from the landsmeet.
8: Which candidate did they support for the position as the new Divine?
ELLANA — leliana. ellana’s of the firm belief that a lot of things need to change in thedas to start making things right, and too much time has been wasted approaching those changes at a slow pace. having a kind, accepting person who isn’t afraid to jump right to it such as leliana placed on the sunburst throne feels a great start in her eyes. 
MEREDITH — also leliana 🤷‍♀️ which everybody had expected given that their history of traveling together during the blight and maintaining a friendship after was no secret. they're a match made in heaven! two ladies wanting to use their power to usher in a new age of acceptance and freedom for those who desperately need it.
15: What does your Inquisitor think about the Grey Wardens? Did they choose to banish the order?
ELLANA — has the typical awe and respect for grey wardens that most folk do, knowing they've saved thedas multiple times over from the darkspawn destroying all. also helps that there are a few elves amongst the notable wardens, she enjoyed reading up about them in one of the various history books josephine had given her. ellana isn't a hater of blood magic because she's seen it work some miracles in healing an injured loved one and restoring life to the clan's plants, but she was lowkey horrified by what happened with the wardens as a result of their “ritual”. she struggled greatly with what the wardens did, understanding that they were terrified of their looming deaths but unable to entirely forgive the sacrificial lengths they went to fight it. in the end she did not banish them, believing they could work to restore their order (and their own humanity) by aiding the inquisition.
MEREDITH — has a unique perspective here being the former warden-commander, because it's well known that she vastly prefers politicking to her own duties as a grey warden but she admires the order so deeply. the respect she holds for the people who dedicate themselves to the duty of protecting thedas from the darkspawn is endless, and she more than anybody understands just how far some people will go just to fulfill the oaths that they swore. not to mention her own lax views on blood magic and you find yourself with an inquisitor ready to empathize with the unfortunate path that had been taken by clarel. her disgust and fury lies with the enemy who forced them into the position, while her sympathy and mercy are freely given to those present at the siege of adamant. the wardens were offered an alliance without second thought or consideration of others' opinions, clemency served right on a silver platter. smth smth meredith knows all too well how dangerous it could be for a nation to lose their wardens when there are darkspawn roaming about and would never stoop to such a level as to banish them after what she and alistair endured ten years ago.
23: Which members of the Inquisition do they stand closest to? And why?
adores cole to no end, would protect him at all costs and that’s on life. compassion is a big trait of ellana’s and seeing that shine so brightly in cole was an immediate draw, and the desire to support him came not long after. she sees a good deal of herself in him and wants to nurture that soul of his, especially once he’s begun to shift more towards human. they have chats about the feelings that he’s started to lose as his spirit abilities begin to fade and the new feelings he’s gained as a human grounded in the world. he likes her hugs a lot. they’re comforting and warm :)
quite close to blackwall even after the Big Reveal, though it did take her some time to process and deal with the feelings that came with it. their conversations flow easy, his humor brings her joy in times when it’s sorely needed and there’s a general air of security while around him. his support and admiration means a lot to her, especially with him being so vocal about them….though she could do without all the herald talk. calm down with that a bit, big guy. (they become lovers in some worlds so that definitely adds to the closeness lol)
she and bull formed quite a bond after he accompanied her for nearly her entire journey with the inquisition, save a few travels. him taking the time to give her tips on certain aspects of leading was greatly appreciated, they were refreshing moments of support amid the pressure some others heaped on as her influence and status grew. unfortunately for their other companions, their shared excitement for diving straight into dangerous fights got troublesome when they reached the milestone of being able to share a single glance of confirmation before dashing in.
because of how long they've known each other, definitely closest to leliana. they had some rough moments early on because of their differing opinions on faith, but as they grew older it wasn't as bothersome. some of their shared worldviews came into focus which led to a deeper bond, both wanting to see changes made for the Good. while she may not always agree with leliana’s advisement at the war table, she still values her thoughts and friendship greatly. they like to have occasional dinners in meredith’s quarters if this evening is quiet enough and they’re in the right headspace for company.
meredith was charmed immediately by josephine and they became quick friends, both preferring a diplomatic approach to many of the inquisition’s encounters. she attends as many of josephine’s “interludes” (aka tea parties) as she can, enjoying the pleasant conversation and brief reprieve. they spend a ridiculous amount of time discussing politics that deal with or are in the vicinity of the inquisition, out of necessity and entertainment. many in-jokes at the expense of nobles are born during those chats.
tbh she probably has an unexpected connection with iron bull. meredith loves people who are direct and honest, she’d respect him for being straightforward from the jump and they could build a good foundation of trust from there. she greatly admires his devotion to his chargers and they’d have good talks on leadership. he’d also be one of the rare folk able to persuade her into letting her hair down for a few drinks lmao.
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
a/n: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to write for Aro, he’s one of my favourite characters, more so because of Michael Sheen’s performance. I put a slight reference to something in this, you might catch it if you know other projects Michael Sheen has been in, but you might not, and that’s alright. Hope you enjoy <3
another a/n: I did put one or two feminine terms in this work, such as ‘mia regina’ which is ‘my queen’ in Italian, so do skip over it or replace it with something else if you’d like. I love writing this type of material in the middle of my classes, it adds so much adrenaline to not get caught.
Aro Volturi With A Human Mate
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Instead of being angry and frustrated like Caius, Aro was more excited.
Like as if he was getting ready for a big party.
A human for a mate was inevitable for some vampires, of course, but Aro didn’t expect to be included in the some.
He was excited since it was rare for such high profile vampires to socialize with humans.
Aro often gushed to his brothers, excited to meet you, but also for them to meet you.
He wanted to host a ball for your welcome.
But Marcus noted that it would probably be slightly frightening for you to be in a room full of vampires.
Most of the vampires would look at you as if you were some sort of a snack.
Because it Marcus’ comment, Aro assumed it would be a greater choice to send an invitation to a tour of the castle.
Free of cost, of course.
When you had received the invitation, you were beyond excited.
An invitation to a tour of an ancient castle with endless legends, for free?
The tour was the next day, so of course you were slightly nervous.
When the tour commenced, a very pretty woman named Heidi lead the tour group.
She began to speak of secrets of the castle, as well as secret corridors and legends.
Some things a normal tour guide would most likely have no idea about.
Heidi then looked in your direction, and smiled brightly at you.
“It’s very lovely here. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Just when she had finished her sentence, she opened the doors where there were three men sitting in thrones, and what seemed to be 4 guards.
The man who sat in the middle, greeted everyone and began speaking greatly of the castle.
He had only stopped when he motioned for your tour guide, Heidi, to come forward.
She did as told, and held her hand out towards him.
You would have thought it was to greet him, but it seemed like he was concentrated, or zoned out.
“Magnifico! I will get Demetri to escort them.” (Translation: “Magnificent! I will get Demetri to escort them.”
A man who you assumed was Demetri, walked in your direction.
“Come with me, all will be alright, rest assured. However, do not look behind you.”
You went with him, doing as he said, but immediately turned around when the rest of the tour began screaming.
“What the hell was that?!”
Demetri just grabbed your wrist and brought you upstairs.
“Just stay in here, I’ve been instructed to keep you under my eye. Aro will explain everything to you.”
“The man who sat in the middle throne.”
You nodded, and decided to sit on one of the window seats.
You wanted to ask Demetri as many questions as you wanted to, but you didn’t want to bother him, or disrupt him from his job.
When the door had opened and Demetri bid his farewells, you had turned around and saw Aro.
“You must be Y/n, correct?”
“Yeah, and you’re Aro?”
“I am, I assume you have a good amount of questions?”
You nodded, and Aro moved swiftly but smoothly towards the opposite side of the window seat.
“May I?”
“Of course.”
He sat opposite to you, and smiled slightly at you.
“There’s no need to be afraid of me, or the others. You’re the most safe you could ever be in the castle. I promise you, I will keep you safe.”
“May I ask why the rest of the tourists were screaming when I left?”
“I sense that that question should be answered later, appropriately.”
You were slightly frightened as to what the final answer would be, it could be anything.
Perhaps there was a reenactment of the past after you had been escorted, one of the tourists got pushed and the rest screamed since one of them fell, or the worst:
They were murdered.
“I feel like I already know what happened.”
“I sense that you do know, too. I will tell you everything in a moment. But for now, would you care to lend me your hand?”
You trusted Aro, though you were positive your ancestors were screaming from above or below not to trust him.
You held your hand out in front of him, and before he held your hand in his own, he asked for permission or something else.
“I want you to think of the happiest memory you have stored in your mind, I will describe it to you. I will not see anything else besides the things you want to show me, unless I have your permission.”
You thought of a memory, and then placed your hand in Aro’s palm.
He covered the back of your hand with the palm of his other hand, then he began telling you small details of your chosen memories you had even forgotten about.
When he was finished, he brought his head up from looking down, and smiled at your face of bewilderment.
“That is so cool! Is that like your superhero power?”
Aro smiled widely at your interest in his gift, and began explaining what his was.
“I have a gift, it’s called tactile telepathy. I can read everyone’s thoughts and memories with a single touch. The others in this coven have multiple different gifts, they help keep us safe.”
“So you’re all like superheroes?”
“Vampires, darling.”
After that, Aro enjoyed seeing your memories whenever you two were apart for some sort of time.
Especially say you were having a difficult time attempting to explain something to him, he would hold your hand and immediately understand what you were trying to say.
“I understand you, cara mia. I always will.”
And he was right, he understands you in every way possible.
Aro memorized your body language on how you react to different things, as well as your facial expressions.
When you’re uncomfortable with something, he will do absolutely everything in his power to make you comfortable.
Aro will burn down the entire world for you.
When it’s time for you to go to sleep, you best believe that Aro set up the most lavish and comfortable room for you.
The best and most comfortable bed, of course.
You lay down on his chest, and he brushes the hair out of your face, admiring your tired eyes looking back at him.
“Would you like for me to read to you, dearest?”
You nodded your head, and Aro would get up from wherever he was seated, swiftly retrieve a book, lay back down next to you, and begin reading.
He loved having you hold his hand while he read, it lets him see what you’re imagining the scene that he’s reading to you.
And when you fell asleep while he was reading, he would be so very content.
You curled up next to him, sound asleep on his chest.
Aro adored seeing what you were dreaming.
He loved how humans brains worked while they were sleeping, keeping your mind entertained with multiple little scenarios.
When you woke up, however, Aro would prefer to have you describe your dreams, if you remembered them.
He loved to learn more about humans, especially in the modern age.
And you loved to learn more about vampires, especially in the ancient times.
Aro would often tell you stories of each coven he encountered, his old family and friends, and his past human life.
As much as he wants you to be changed into a vampire like the rest, he can’t help but smile whenever you got slightly nervous around him, stuttering over your words, and hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
He pays attention to little details about you.
Especially your eyes.
Even the shade of your eyes stops him from changing you. Your eyes wouldn’t be as unique anymore, they’d be the same red as everyone else’s.
“You have the most magnificent shade of colour in your eyes, mia regina. I simply cannot get enough of them.”
Being absolute best friends with Demetri.
But wherever Demetri was, Felix wasn’t too far behind.
You three are like a troublemaker trio, always causing trouble and pulling pranks on different members of the guard.
Never Jane or Alec, though. Unless it was a scheduled board game night or something along the lines.
Which Alec loved to take away different players senses, allowing him to cheat in the games you’d play.
He doesn’t do it all the time, though.
Marcus was a lot more welcoming towards you, perhaps more than anyone else.
Whenever Aro couldn’t, he’d show you different areas of the castle you hadn’t seen yet, and would give you wonderful pieces of advice along the way.
“Remember to stay true to yourself, never let anyone think for you.”
Aro will spoil you insanely.
If you mention a specific piece of clothing even once, you better expect that when you wake up the next morning, Aro has an elegantly wrapped package placed at the foot of your bed with a note written in fine handwriting.
“Mia amato, I have seen you speak of this article of fabric, and I have gone out of my way to make sure you have every little thing you admire. I need you to be the happiest you can possibly be. Please accept my gift, and meet me by the gardens by noon. I’ll see you then. Cordialmente, Aro.”
You two have annual walks throughout the garden, usually during golden hour. The sun still above, but setting at the same time, making it seem like Aro was made of a trillion Tiffany Yellow Diamonds.
He loved finding a flower that suited your mood for the day, and putting it behind your ear.
“My beautiful.”
You two often walked either arm in arm, or hand in hand, but sometimes you would hold him closer with your arm wrapped around his waist, your head leaning on his side or shoulder.
Often times, when the moon is visible, you would slow dance together, looking at each other with smiles on your faces, just appreciating each other’s presence.
Usually, Aro would come back into the castle around 2 in the morning, carrying your sleeping self up to your shared room, after you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while sitting in the garden.
The rest of the kings and guards would be predominantly more happy than from before you had arrived.
You had given Aro something to look forward to after trials and mountains of work, something he didn’t have for hundreds of years.
Though, Caius was still slightly jealous of you.
You had practically stolen one, if the not the most, needed member of the vampire world. Aro was nearly as focused on you than he was on trials and legislature.
He’d warm up to you eventually.
At least, you hoped.
Speaking of trials, you wanted to sit in and watch the trials, to see what it was about, and how it worked.
You knew the most of it, of course, Aro had already told you. But you wanted to see it live.
Aro was quick to say no, he didn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.
He understood what would happen to him if his mate was killed, Marcus was the example. He couldn’t even bear the thought of you not being by his side.
Though, you owning the key to his heart, convinced him to let you watch, letting both Jane and Alec stay on either side of you, protecting you if anything were to go wrong.
You would usually sit on Aro’s lap, and then the throne when he had to see what was truly going on by using his gift.
Jane usually stood on the left of the throne, and Alec on the right.
Mainly since Caius sat on the throne in the left, and Jane loved to torture the criminals.
He loved the front seat view.
Constant look backs of reassurance to make sure that you’re alright.
Nearly always having your hand in his.
Forehead kisses.
Constantly bringing the back of your hand up to his lips.
Getting the absolute best care in the world, health wise especially.
When Aro proposed, it was in the bedroom the both of you share, and he was reading some poetry to you.
All was going swell, and then he got to one page.
“I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land.
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.”
At the end, you were leaned up closer to him, looking at him in awe.
He closed the book, and placed it aside gracefully, before leaning slightly closer to you. Placing his hands overs yours.
“Do you remember who wrote that, cara mia?”
“I do. That’s Oscar Wilde, right?”
“That’s right. There’s so much I want to say to you, especially in this particular moment, but I don’t think there’s enough words to express my love and affection towards you. I’ve known you for a little while, and I can feel the bond between us, and I know you can feel it, too. The universe has guided us together, and I am so very thankful for every second we have spent together, and I’m even more thankful for the rest of eternity we have. However, I am the most thankful of the fact that I have the most gorgeous human as a mate. I love you so much, anima mia. Will you do me the best thing that could ever happen to me in my thousands of years, and marry me?”
You said yes, obviously, who wouldn’t?
You leaned over to press your lips against his, as he held one side of your face with one hand, and the other hand slid a ring on your ring finger.
While Aro wanted an extremely lavish wedding, with all the diamonds in the world, you wanted something more of a homely essence.
So you compromised, and had a bit of both.
Aro invited nearly every vampire to the wedding, wanting to show you off in every way he could.
The Denali’s, Cullens, Irish coven, everyone was invited.
Except for the Romanian coven, Vladimir and Stefan. Not trusting them to be in your presence.
The wedding was held in the garden, the arch where Aro stood had your favourite flowers intertwining around it, with diamonds pressed in the centre of each individual flower.
Demetri walked you down the isle, smiling proudly when he handed you over to Aro.
Proud that his leader had finally found true love, and that one of his best friends is finally where they need to be.
After the official wedding ceremony, the rest of the night and day were spent smiling and showing off each other to the guests.
When the night ended, it was finally time for you to be changed to a vampire.
Aro sat by the bed were sitting on, making sure that you were absolutely ready to be converted to a vampire for the rest of eternity.
“Are you ready, my darling?”
You nodded your head, and Aro took one final look into your coloured eyes, attempting to remember every small detail of them.
Aro then moved your hair away from your neck, before placing his lips over where he would finally bite down and turn you immortal.
“Just say when, and I’ll see you after.”
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sturchling · 3 years
Can I get a very salt story where Marinette leaves her school for a better one. No one is the class notices. Bustier assumes she is sick but time goes by and she see Marinette eating lunch with her new friends and thinks she is skipping calls the trutant people,on her. Only it back fires on her and the class
Marinette had finally had enough. Things had gotten so much worse at the school lately. The whole class had turned against her. Not even Adrien was trying to defend her anymore. He had tried in the beginning, but his father made it clear that Adrien was not to have any conflict with Lila or he would be pulled out of school. When he noticed that the class had also started to turn against him the longer he defended Marinette, he immediately stopped and started to ignore her. It hurt Marinette deeply that not even Adrien, who knew about Lila’s lies, would stick by her. The school faculty had also turned against Marinette. Despite Lila’s “lying disease” being known by the school, they still believed every awful thing that Lila accused her of. She was given multiple detentions, and was even suspended a few times. Marinette’s parents stuck by her through it all, but even with their support, Marinette couldn’t stay at Dupont. Enough was enough.
Marinette started applying to new schools as soon as she made up her mind. There were many fantastic schools in Paris, and several of them had an amazing art program, which would be essential for her future design career. Marinette had really hesitated to leave her class, but after the most recent unwarranted suspension and how the class had been treating her, Marinette was done. Tikki also approved of the decision, as she had been worried that the negative energy of the akuma class was going to get her holder akumatized before much longer. It would be immeasurably better for Marinette to get away from that class. Soon, Marinette received dozens of acceptance letters from the schools she applied to. They all took one look at her portfolio and application and wanted her to attend their school. Marinette is, after all, a very impressive and accomplished teen.
Marinette decided which school she was going to and sent all her enrollment paper work with her parent’s help. She was out of Dupont and at her new school by Monday. She hadn’t given any notice at Dupont, but she doubted that they would even notice she was missing. They hadn’t cared about her presence lately, unless Lila had made up some story about her. While she was apprehensive, Marinette quickly grew accustomed to her new school, and made a lot of friends. She loved her new school and all her new friends. She was really happy.
Marinette was right. The class didn’t notice that Marinette was no longer attending class. But Mrs. Bustier did. She did think it was odd, Marinette hardly ever missed school. But Mrs. Bustier just assumed that Marinette was sick or something and would be back soon. After all, Mrs. Bustier hadn’t heard anything about Marinette not being in class, so it couldn’t be too serious. Probably just a bad cold.
But weeks went by and Marinette still didn’t come back. Mrs. Bustier was growing less confident as the days went by. Where could Marinette be? It didn’t make any sense. Surely if Marinette was sick enough to miss weeks of school, her parents would have called to explain. Mrs. Bustier was walking through the park on her lunch break, when she saw her. Marinette was sitting at a small café, surrounded by a bunch of kids that Mrs. Bustier didn’t recognize. They were laughing and having a great time, eating lunch. Mrs. Bustier was shocked. Marinette must be skipping school! Mrs. Bustier couldn’t believe how far her former star student had fallen. It was time to teach Marinette a lesson. So, Mrs. Bustier called the truant officer for the school district.
Officer Garnier arrived at the bakery later that day, just before close. He had been sent to inquire about Miss Dupain-Cheng and why she hadn’t been attending classes. When he was invited in to the apartment, he was expecting the parents and student to deny being truant or make up some excuse, like an illness. Instead, he was told that Marinette actually wasn’t a Dupont student. And that Marinette had been attending classes, but at her new school. He was also interested to hear that the school hadn’t contacted the family regarding their daughter’s attendance before calling him. It was clear to Officer Garnier, as he was leaving, that he would need to make some calls.
The next day, Mrs. Bustier was called into Mr. Damocles’ office. When she arrived, she saw Mr. Damocles’ looking nervously at the people sitting in front of him. The man was obviously the truant officer for their district, based on his uniform. And Mrs. Bustier recognized the woman as the head of the board of education. The woman turned to Mrs. Bustier as she came in and fixed her with a cold glare. “Mrs. Bustier, when you noticed that Miss Dupain-Cheng hadn’t been to class lately, why didn’t you contact her family before calling Officer Garnier?” Mrs. Bustier stammered for a moment, before answering. “Well, at first I assumed Marinette was simply ill, but then I saw her at a café so I knew she had to be skipping.” Officer Garnier rolled his eyes. “For your information Mrs. Bustier, I spoke with the family last night and Marinette was not skipping. She was simply on her lunch break at her new school. She transferred weeks ago and neither you nor Mr. Damocles had any idea.” 
Needless to say, things didn’t get better from there. Both Mr. Damocles and Mrs. Bustier tried to defend themselves and their actions, but it was to no avail. They were both immediately suspended, pending an investigation into their behavior. Of course, the investigation revealed their blatant pattern of favoritism, their handling of bullying, and how Miss Dupain-Cheng had been treated.  Once everything came to light, the two educators were immediately fired. The school went through major changes in how they handle bullying, and other problem areas that were revealed by the investigation. Lila was also expelled after Officer Garnier looked into her absences and found out that she had actually been truant for months and lying to her mother and the school the whole time. The board of education also reached out to the Dupain-Cheng family and apologized for what their daughter went through. They also offered to accept Marinette back if she ever wanted to return to Dupont. But Marinette was happy at her new school and never went back to Dupont. She continued to enjoy life at her new school, with her new friends, and never thought about the akuma class or Lila again.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #6: The Fate of Dr. Eggman (Part 2)
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After the exciting cliffhanger from the previous Issue, we find ourselves looking at this piece of amazing artwork. I really like this cover, with Sonic and Shadow clashing against each other, while Dr. Eggman is looming over them maliciously, as if manipulating them.
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Regarding the story, Sonic, Team Chaotix and Mr. Tinker are confronted by Shadow and Rouge, two members of Team Dark. As Rouge indicates, Shadow isn’t as forgiving as Sonic, so someone better explain what Mr. Tinker was talking about when he mentioned Eggman Land.
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As Shadow walks over to Mr. Tinker, Sonic tries to stop him, explaining how he, the Chaotix and the villagers confirmed that Dr. Eggman lost his memories, but Shadow has none of that, claiming that losing one’s memories doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
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Sonic agrees that this is a fair point and tries to push Shadow away from Mr. Tinker, as the latter is obviously out for blood. When it’s clear that Shadow isn’t about to back away, Sonic and Shadow end up in a fight, with Vector, Espio and Charmy wanting to help Sonic... only to realize that they’ll never be able to catch up to Sonic and Shadow due to their speed. So, they decide to confront Rouge for bringing Shadow over.
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Rouge explains that Shadow would’ve found Mr. Tinker regardless of her help, revealing that she was the one who gave the a call to his whereabouts and stalled Shadow long enough for Team Chaotix to bring Sonic. Their reactions to this reveal say more than words can. *laughs*
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Meanwhile, Sonic is too busy trying to convince Shadow to give Dr. Eggman/Mr. Tinker a chance; first by bringing up how Eggman helped them in Sonic Adventure 2, only for Shadow to glare at him, and Sonic realize that this was the wrong thing to bring up, since Eggman was the reason why all that mess in SA2 happened.
Sonic then brings up the events of Shadow the Hedgehog, where Eggman helped them against the Black Arms, which actually makes Shadow reflect for a moment, but he still doesn’t answer.
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Sonic then accidentally trips over a tree root, with Shadow pinning him against the tree, obviously furious. He ends up questioning Sonic about his leniency towards Eggman, reminding him of how the latter had made him suffer and tried to destroy him on multiple occasions.
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Sonic simply brings up that Shadow did too try to destroy Sonic, but was forgiven, so why shouldn’t Eggman get the same treatment?
Now, here is where I have to stop.
While I understand what Sonic is trying to say here; that people should be given a second chance if they show signs of change, he is fundamentally wrong for comparing Shadow’s situation to Eggman’s.
For starters, the reason Shadow had been trying to destroy Earth and all of humanity in SA2 was because he had been programmed by Professor Gerald Robotnik, who gave him false memories of Maria’s last wish, leading Shadow to believe that she desired revenge instead of asking her friend to protect Earth. The moment Shadow remembered his original promise to Maria, he immediately went to help Sonic (and Knuckles) fight the BioLizard.
Even after he lost his memories, in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow acted ultimately as a protector, even if it was out of a desire to learn more about his past. Also, if you want a good perspective on Shadow’s actions in Shadow the Hedgehog, I made a post where I found a video of someone going in depth about the game. I recommend you to watch it, it is really good.
Dr. Eggman, while he may have helped Sonic several times, would usually do so because there was a bigger threat and he couldn’t control the situation. Basically, in order to turn good, he had to have his memories erased.
So, while I’ll give Sonic points for his effort, the execution was hella flawed. Not to mention, Shadow appears to be really troubled over being reminded of his own past.
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Still, Sonic’s reasoning works, with Shadow asking him what he plans to do with Mr. Tinker... only to realize a moment later that Sonic was just a distraction.
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I absolutely love Sonic’s expression after Shadow warps away. It just screams: “Are you for real?”
He quickly follows Shadow, having established that he kept The Ultimate Life Form distracted because he knew that Shadow was too stubborn to listen to any reason.
As for Shadow, he just warps past Team Chaotix and goes into the house Mr. Tinker had barricaded himself in, with Rouge waiting for him.
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Rouge tries to convince Shadow to not hurt Mr. Tinker, with Shadow replying how he already settled that argument with Sonic, wanting only to learn what Mr. Tinker’s plans for Eggman Land truly are.
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As it turns out, Eggman Land is literally a mini amusement park Mr. Tinker made for the children of the village, leading to a rather amusing reaction shot from everyone:
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After the final confirmation of Mr. Tinker being a completely different person from Dr. Eggman, Shadow leaves, somewhat dejected. As for Rouge, she’s more than happy with the situation, believing just as much as Sonic, Team Chaotix and the villagers did that the evil persona that was Dr. Eggman was gone and that they could leave Mr. Tinker to live in peace.
Now, before I continue, I still have to add something. As someone who loves Shadow, I had been quite disappointed with how SEGA utilizes his character and had expressed anger and frustration at their mandate, which dictates that Shadow is to be written as Sonic’s Stock Shōnen Rival (aka Vegeta!Clone). I will dive into this discussion later (Issue #19 specifically), but I’ll leave this out - personally, I don’t care that Shadow is set up as Sonic’s rival. As a matter of fact, I like the idea of the two being rivals. What I have a problem with is how Shadow is written as a rival.
Another thing to note, I had mentioned that, while I don’t disagree with Sonic giving Mr. Tinker a chance, I also said that I don’t disagree with Shadow’s viewpoint either - Dr. Eggman does deserve to be punished for his crimes and Shadow is right to be paranoid regarding Mr. Tinker. After all, they have no way to confirm whether there is a way to bring back his memories of his past, turning Mr. Tinker back into Dr. Eggman.
Ultimately, it is an argument where there is no black or white, but just a massive grey area everyone has to navigate around, suggesting solutions to the current conundrum. So, instead of siding with either Sonic or Shadow, I’d say that it would be smart to leave Mr. Tinker in the village, but also keep a close eye on him and step into action the moment they sense something wrong. As I said, he may have lost his memories, but that doesn’t mean that they can leave him on his own. Another alternative is to explain to Mr. Tinker who he was in the past and observe his reaction: is he regretting his past or are there still signs of the old Dr. Eggman there?
As for Shadow, I don’t have much of an issue with how he had been written here. Rest assured, the Shadow we met in SA2, and even his amnesiac self in SH wouldn’t be this rash, literally having tunnel vision in his attempt to eliminate the threat in sight, but as someone put it in Sonic IDW TV Tropes, his thoughts and actions aren’t as clear cut as we think (not taking the mandates into consideration):
Shadow's sheer adamancy about stopping villains over protecting the innocent makes sense when you consider that the last time he let a villain go (Sonic Forces, which the comics take place directly after) resulted in said villain (Infinite) becoming a world-threatening terror and helping Eggman completely enslave the world for months, which wouldn't have happened if Shadow had simply killed him outright. Hence, Shadow wants to kill every villain he sees (no matter how many innocents get hurt in the process) to stop the creation of another Infinite. This also puts his change in personality from Sonic Forces in perspective. Being indirectly responsible for the creation of one of the deadliest foes you and your allies have ever faced as well as Eggman's complete take over of the world, already isn't going to do well for anyone's conscious (even if they are a brooding Anti-Hero). Plus unlike Sonic (whom had the 'luxury' of being imprisoned.) Shadow likely witnessed it and the brutal war that followed first hand, making whatever guilt he feels grow further. To pour more salt on the wound, He had to see Sonic (Alongside Classic Sonic and The Custom Hero) fix his mistake, while he was reduced to being another soldier on the front lines, which certainly wouldn't help his ego. When you add all that up, it makes sense why He'd grow more rasher, prideful and violent than He previously was. In his mind, He has a lot to make up for.
I’m certainly not here to excuse the bad writing done regarding Shadow’s character, but I want try interpret and rationalize how he acts in-universe without having to bring up SEGA’s mandates.
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Moving on, everything is settled down, but it appears that Sonic still has doubts regarding Mr. Tinker’s memories. So, even though he did give his amnesiac arch-enemy a second chance, it is obvious that even Sonic himself is not completely sure about his decision and this is something that will continue to haunt him in the future. Nevertheless, it is also heartwarming to see Eggman and Sonic be on friendly terms.
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The story then ends with the other Dr. Eggman moving on to his next phase of his master plan. 
You aren’t fooling anyone, Faker.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)  
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Bring Me Back
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Filming “Cherry” had its ups and downs for Tom. When filming finally takes its toll on him, you’re there to instantly bring him back from the world of Cherry.
Warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, PTSD, murder. A smidge of smut.
A/n: In honor of the Cherry🍒 trailer dropping, I decided to write this!
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(GIF creds: @atealiers )
Any kind of project was a blessing to Tom. He loved being an actor. He was fond of telling stories through the big screen and got a kick from portraying many different characters. Acting was something he felt passionate about, it was his craft and he was very dedicated when it came to becoming his roles. Cherry was quite different from the other movies he’s been in. It was dark and contained many subjects like drug addiction, PTSD, and crime. The world of Cherry was something Tom was not used to; it was twisted. He hasn’t been exposed to things like drugs or the events that Nico Walker had been through. Which was why he was hesitant to take on the role of Cherry.
When the Russo Brothers approached him with the idea, he was excited. He was getting the opportunity to tell another story and would explore the world of a new character. Though the more he looked into it, he realized that maybe he wasn’t up for the role. Was he really ready to dive into the dark and traumatizing life of Nico Walker? As an actor, he was willing to take the job, it would give him an opportunity to expand his career and would possibly be one of his best work. As Tom, he wasn’t sure if he could handle learning or re-enacting the events that occurred in Cherry. But Tom did like a challenge, which was why he ended up agreeing to become Cherry.
He prepared himself mentally and physically pre- production. For research, he interviewed army veterans and former drug addicts to get an idea of what it was like to be in those positions. To get the look of Cherry, he did a variety of things. For example, going on a diet and losing weight, then gaining said weight again once they had to shoot the army scenes. Another thing he did was shave off the gorgeous brown curls that adorned his head. At first you weren’t too happy with his change in hairstyle, but later on you found yourself running your hands along the short strands of hair, loving the fuzzy feeling it gave your palms.
After the interviews and hearing others’ experience, Tom felt a level of responsibility to tell the story of millions of people around the world. Not only was it telling the story of Nico, but of other army veterans who suffered from PTSD and people who’ve had drug addictions. He was fully on board now and there was no looking back. He was going to push himself to the limit and to places he’s never been before.
Filming was tough. There were scenes he had to do that were so unlike him, that felt wrong, and sometimes he just had to take a step back. They didn’t feel right, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. This was his job, if he wanted this movie to be the best that it can, he was going to commit. Thankfully, he was working with the Russos, who he’s known for a while now. He was familiar with the two and they were patient with him, giving him the time to regain himself before shooting an intense scene. The cast and crew were very understanding as well, creating a safe space for him on set. Having Harry along with him helped as well, the familiarity of his brother kept him grounded and avoided him from falling into the void of Cherry. Though he had all these supportive people around him, there was only one person who could calm him down when things got suffocating on set. The only person he wanted to be in Cleveland with him but wasn’t. You. Since you had your own life and job, you were unable to fly out to Cleveland with him. Instead you stayed at your shared home with Tessa as company. All he needed was you when he felt the affects of Cherry caging in on him. Just the sound of your comforting voice over the phone could clear his head and make him breath again.
He had his bad days on set, where he would have to take a moment and hide in his trailer for a few minutes. During those few minutes he liked to be alone as he waited for you to answer your phone. The line would ring, it’d stop, then the sound of your sweet voice would be the only thing he’d hear. Sometimes you didn’t answer the first time, but nonetheless you answered eventually. It wasn’t the same as having you with him in person, you had your responsibilities, and he understood that. He just wished that one day you’d come to Cleveland. He wanted to be in your arms, stuff his face into your neck, breath in your familiar scent, he just wanted to feel you. You were his home. His safe haven. And it was all he wanted right now.
Glancing at your phone, you wondered why Tom hasn’t texted you yet. Not that you were itching for him to text you, but because around this time he would be blowing up your phone telling you things that happened during filming or how his day was going. You decided that filming probably went into overtime making him busy during his break. You shrug to yourself and continue working on your laptop.
You hear the sound of Tessa’s nails clicking against the floors as she enters the office of your home. You greet her with a smile as she settles herself beside your legs.
“Is it dinner time already, Tess?” You scratch her head as you glance at the time on your screen. It was currently nine at night, a bit late for dinner, but you haven’t noticed.
“Just give me five more minutes and I’ll get us dinner. How does that sound, love?” A somewhat sound of approval emits from Tessa. You get back to work, fingers typing away as you finish off the last of your work.
You finish in four minutes, finally satisfied with your work. You let out a content sigh and turn your laptop off. When you get up you stretch and let your bones crack after being in the same position for hours. Tessa joins you, stretching out her front paws then shaking her body out. You chuckle as you lead the way to the kitchen. Taking the scoop for Tessa’s kibble, you fill her bowl up, causing the dog to look up in curiosity. Once you placed the bowl down, her tail wagged wildly as she stuffed her face into her food.
You decided on going for something simple, ramen noodles. You were too tired too cook anything and ramen noodles were the quickest thing to cook in your pantry. While you waited for the noodles to heat up you checked your phone. You went through your notifications, but there were still no texts from Tom. Though you were concerned, you assumed that they had a long shooting day, making him too busy to text. 
Hi love! I hope you’re doing well in Cleveland. I know you’re probably busy, but hopefully filming isn’t tiring you out too much. Have an amazing day! Don’t forget to drink some water from time to time and eat :) Tess and I miss you and love you so much! Talk soon xxx
You send the text with a smile. He won’t read it till he was free or done with filming, but you knew he’d see the message while you were asleep.
The microwave beeps, letting you know that your food was done. You end your night catching up on episodes of New Girl and eating soup. When you were done you did your nightly routine and settled in bed. You turn the lights off and snuggled under the warm sheets.
“Night Tessa.” You whisper to her. A huff comes out of her as she makes herself comfortable on the foot of your bed. When the both of you were settled, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
The harsh vibrations of your phone shook you awake. Desperate for sleep, you blindly grab your phone and turn it off. Silence fills the room again as you turn around to stuff your face into Tom’s pillow. You were slowly drifting back to sleep when your phone began to vibrate again. With a groan you stretch back and snatch for phone off the night stand. You don’t bother looking at the caller id.
“Hello?” Your voice rasps out.
“Thank God you answered.” The person on the other line said. “I know you’re busy, but how soon can you visit Cleveland?” The deep voice was belonged to Harry.
“Uh—I’m not too sure, I’ll need to check in with my boss.” You reply. When you start feeling more awake you become curious as to why Harry can be calling you. “Why? Is everything ok? How’s Tom? I haven’t heard from him all day.”
The younger Holland sighs. He takes a moment to answer your questions making you suffer in silence, wondering what could have happened to your boyfriend. “Um, they’ve been shooting some intense scenes lately. Tom’s been trying his best but everyone’s noticed that he’s been a bit different.”
You sit up in bed feeling more awake. “What do you mean by different, Haz?”
“Well he’s snapped at the Russos quite a few times. There was this one scene, that they shot multiple times, and Tom would just break down after every one. (Y/n), I’m concerned for my brother, I don’t know what else to do. He’s locked himself in his room after every shoot. A—and I don’t know. I’ve tried to tell him that he can talk to me but he wouldn’t.” Harry explained, his voice croaked. You heart felt heavy for him. Harry was always there for his older brother, so to see him feel so helpless made you feel sorry.
“Haz, calm down, you know how your brother can get. How long has this been happening?”
Harry sniffed over the phone, “About a few weeks now. It’s only started becoming worse last week and now.”
The concern you felt for Tom grew. From what he’s been texting you, filming had been going great. He appeared happy on your FaceTime calls and sounded like his usual self. But maybe he actually wasn’t.
“Harry everything’s gonna be fine, alright?” You assure him. “I’ll call my boss first thing in the morning and when I get the ‘ok’ to leave I’ll get the first flight out to Cleveland. How’s that sound?”
“It sounds good. Can you tell me if you can make it? I’ll have someone come with me to pick you up at the airport.” His voice is quiet, almost muffled.
“Yeah I will, don’t worry.”
“Ok, thank you (y/n).” A small smile forms on your lips. You rub the sleep out your eyes as you glance at your closet. “Alright Haz, I’m gonna go now. But if there’s anything else, just text me or call.”
“I know, stay safe (y/n).” You bid him goodbye and place your phone on the empty space beside your side of the bed. Tom’s side of the bed. You bite your lip in thought as you worry about your boyfriend. You knew he was doing almost everything he can to make sure the movie came out perfect. If that meant shredding himself emotionally and physically, he was going to do it. Tom was dedicated to his work, but he’s never done anything close to Cherry, making you worried about the thoughts that could possibly be going through your lover’s head.
Tessa, who’s now woken up, waddles closer to you, sensing your uneasiness. You appreciate the dog’s gesture and pull her into your side, resting your chin on her head. You were basically sleepless the whole night. Although you haven’t emailed your boss yet, you already had a suitcase packed of your clothes. Your passport and other important belongings were already in a bag, ready to leave London.
The morning had been hectic. You’ve managed to get two hours of sleep, waking up at six in the morning. Still in bed, you sent your boss an email about a family emergency and how you needed to be out of the country for at least a week. As if the gods above knew of your situation, your boss willingly let you go, no questions asked and gave you well wishes. With that out the way, you scowered the Internet for flights to Cleveland. Luck was on your side that morning because you’ve booked a flight that took off in the afternoon. With your bags packed, you drove to Nikki and Dom’s to drop off Tessa.
Now all checked in, you were at Heathrow Airport waiting to be called for your flight. You were sat at your gate, with an iced coffee and a croissant from Starbucks, texting Harry. The two of you were discussing the time you’d arrive and how he’d pick you up. When you were both in agreement, you two decided to catch up. He had been in Tom’s trailer eating his breakfast. An hour passes and you were being called to board the plane.
You settle in your seat, but your leg bounced in anticipation. After the things Harry told you, you just wanted to have your boyfriend in your arms. You knew everything was probably getting to his head, all you wanted to do was hold him and tell him that he was going to be ok. As the plane began to take off, your lack of sleep caught up on you. Throughout the whole flight, you slept soundly, the worries of Tom subsiding for the time being.
The plane lands in Cleveland safely. It was night when you arrived. With your bags, you looked around the airport for a familiar curly haired boy. Harry waves wildly at you before running and pulling you into a tight hug. You laugh wrapping your arms around the slender boy.
“How’s your day been, Haz?” You ruffle his hair as he rolls your suitcase to the parking lot. He shrugs, “The usual. Was on set with Tom, ran around and got things for him, nothing much happened honestly. But you’re here now, so this is the highlight of my night.”
The two of you approach a black car with a driver inside, Harry motions for him to unlock the trunk. He lifts your case in before the two of you get into the backseat.
“How was your flight?” Harry asks you. The car began to move, exiting the airport and entering the highway.
“I slept through all of it, I don’t remember a thing about the flight besides getting on and off it.” You chuckle, leaning your head back against the headrest.
Harry nudges your shoulder, “Thanks for coming out with such short notice.” You wave him off. “It’s no worries, anything for my boys.”
The car is quiet, the only sounds that could be heard is the car’s wheels against the pavement. You turn to Harry, “How was he today?”
“He was pretty good in the morning.” Harry started. “Then filming started and he would grow frustrated after a few scenes. His temper’s been short. He snapped at me during lunch, which is normal, but I just asked him if he wanted some water. He broke down after a certain scene today, I tried talking to him but he still wouldn’t open up about it.” Tom wasn’t too open about his feelings sometimes. He struggled to voice them at times making all his frustrations and feelings bottled up in his head.
Half an hour later and you guys arrive at Tom’s rented home in Atlanta. As soon as you opened the door, you felt the heavy atmosphere. It was somber and tense, the chilliness of the weather also felt inside the house. Harry gestures up the stairs, “Don’t worry, go see him. His room is the first door on the left.”
You quietly thank him and climb up the stairs. You find his door, taking a deep breath before knocking. You hear some shuffling behind the door, “Harry I’m fine! Leave me alone!” His voice was deep, a bit scratchy. You frown at the door.
“Tom?” The room falls quiet. Suddenly you hear fumbling and the sound of heavy footsteps behind the door. The door opens and you finally see him. He was dressed in a large shirt with sweatpants. He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes, eyes glassy, and chapped lips.
“(Y/n)? You’re here?” He asks you in disbelief. A tight lipped grin forms on your lips.
“Yeah, Har—“ You were going to explain how you got there but he immediately threw himself at you. His arms wrap tightly around your figure, his head dipped into your neck, pulling your closer into him. One of your arms go around his neck while the other rubs his back soothingly. A whimper bubbles out of him, his shoulders beginning to shake. You managed to shuffle the both of you back into his room, closing the door behind you.
“You’re ok.” You whisper into his ear, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. His grip around you never falters. Though he was much taller than you, he seemed so small at the moment. His body drowned in the shirt he wore, making him look thinner. You feel tears soaking into your shirt, making your heart clench in pain. You rest your forehead against his shoulder, holding and whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he was ready to speak.
A few minutes pass until his removes his head from your neck. You frown at his tear stained face, his eyes and cheeks red from quietly sobbing into your shoulder. Your hands cup his face, wiping the trails of tears on his cheeks. Tom leans closer to your touch, his eyes shut while his lips kiss your palm.
“I’m sorry, you’re probably tired from the flight.” He apologizes but you shake your head. You lead him to his bed and sit against the headboard. Tom follows in suit, desperately trying to get closer to you. His arms wrap around your torso, his head rests on your chest, while your legs tangle themselves together.
“I’ve had plenty of sleep on the flight, how are you?” Your lips are against his short hair from holding him so close. You nails scratch softly at his hair, calming him down.
“I don’t know if I could finish it.” He quietly admits. He shakes his head at himself.
“Why’s that, Tom?” Your boyfriend takes a deep breath as he sits up, removing himself from your touch. He sits across from you with legs crossed as he holds his head in his hands.
“I—I, it’s too much. There’s so much fucked up things he’s done. And all the things he’s seen. I just—sometimes I feel like it’s me who’s committed all of those things. When we shoot the scenes in the war and when I had to do drugs and rob banks, I felt like I lost myself—“ He cries interrupting himself to take a breath in. Compared to your fingers that ran gently through his hair, his clawed at his head. His palms rub harshly at his face, turning his skin a bright tint of red. To see Tom in such pain made you sad. You hated seeing him like this.
You gently remove his hands from scratching at his face and hold them in his lap. He stares down at your hands, clinging onto them as if his life depended on it. “I get lost in the character sometimes and I have to pull myself out of it to bring me back. But it keeps on happening over and over again. Then the Russos kept telling me to reshoot the scene more like Cherry, and I lost it and yelled at them.” You feel his tears fall to your your hands, making tears well up in your own eyes. You shuffle closer to him and kiss his forehead before pulling him into you. You stay quiet, letting him get whatever he wanted to get out.
Tom’s face is against your shoulder again. He sniffs before continuing, “It’s like everyday I find something he and I have in common. Then I think that maybe I’m turning into him. I don’t want him to be part of me. (Y/n), I don’t want to be him, I don’t want to do the things he’s done.” He sobs into your shoulder. Your heart breaks at how broken he sounded. His shoulders shook again, his back burning up with tension. A few tears made it’s way down your cheeks as you pulled his face away from you.
“Look at me.” You urged him. His jaw clenched, still looking down at his lap. He shook his head in response. “Tom, please. Look at me.” Your voice cracks. He slowly tilts his head up, your eyes connecting. He didn’t have that twinkle in his eyes, it’s like they’ve lost the light in them. Instead they were dark, like there was no life behind them. There was a mix of sadness, confusion, and even fear in his eyes.
You sadly smiled at him, cupping his face with your hands. “You’re not going to be him. You never will. You’re Tom. You are nothing close to Nico or Cherry. You are the sweetest man I have known in the world, you wouldn’t even hurt a damn fly. You’re not him. I know you aren’t. You wouldn’t do the things he’s ever done even if you were forced to. I know you Tom, I assure you, you’re nothing like him.” Tom hiccups, gripping onto your wrists.
“When this is all over and you’re done filming, we can forget about him. We won’t even mention him.” You assure him, stroking his cheeks.
“What if—,” You cut him off.
“No, there’s no what if’s. You’re going to be fine Tom. You’re surrounded by people who love you and will make you realize that you’re nothing even near him. You are the kindest man ever, you love your family, you care about your fans, and your brothers. You’re busy always taking care of everyone else, I think it’s time you take care of yourself, love.” You tell him. A small smile is on your face but it falters, “You don’t have to go through this alone, Tom.”
Tom takes a shaky breath in. “You’ll be there right?” He asks like a child making sure his mother will be there when he wakes up. “You’ll be there with me to bring me back?”
Your thumb smooths the crinkle between his brows, “I always will. I promise.” He nods and pulls you into him. You climb onto his lap and settle on his legs. He stares up at you, one of his his hands supporting your back, the other pressed against your cheek. “Thank you. I missed you so much. I’m sorry for not texting, everything’s just been so taxing mentally and physically.”
“No, don’t worry I get it.” You turn your face to press a light kiss on his palm. For the first time since you’ve seen him, Tom managed to crack a smile on his lips. He moves some strands of hair away from your face before resting his large hand on the back of your head. “I love you. I love you so much, (y/n).”
“I love you too, Tom.” You whisper against his lips. He takes that as a sign to finally crash your lips together. After months being apart, the feeling of his lips against yours felt like coming home. The kiss was desperate, like it was the air you both breathed. Tom had been longing for your touch, he craved you every second of the day, whether it be sexually or just missing you. The kiss grew rough, your teeth clashing, tongues poking and gliding against each other.
Tom lays you down on the bed, hovering over you. His hands grab and stroke at your body, trying to pull off your clothes to get close to your skin. He suddenly pulls away from your lips. “I need you. Please, I need you.” He almost begs you. Panting, you nod and push him to lay on his back. “Ok, let me take care of you, Tommy.”
He yanks his shirt off, throwing it to the side. You do the same, leaning down to meet his lips again. You kiss your way along his jaw and down to his neck. When you find that certain spot, he lets out a throaty groan, head falling back against the pillows. You run your nails along his chiseled abs and slightly roll your hips against his growing length. Tom grunts, hands instantly connecting to your ass and gripping onto your cheeks. He helps you roll your hips more, deeper with more friction against you two.
“Mm, Tom. I missed you.” You moan against his neck. You bite down and soothe the spot with your tongue after.
Tom looks down at you, lifting his hips to meet your clothes pussy. “Fucking miss you so much. You have no idea how much I’ve been dreaming of being buried in you again.” You kiss your way down his chest, but Tom stops you. His hands grab onto your leggings and slide them off.
“N-no foreplay. I need to feel you.” He stutters out, mouth agape. You nod in agreement and take his sweatpants off along with his boxers. You spit in your hand, running your hand along his dick to give it some wetness. Tom helps you lift yourself over him and guides your hips down his erected cock. You let out a combination of a sigh and moan as your walls envelop and stretch around him. Tom slightly sits up against the headboard, your tightness wrapping around him. He lets out a cry of relief, your walls around him feeding his cravings. You use his shoulders as leverage to pull yourself up but Tom stops you.
“What’s wrong?” You eye him cautiously. Tom shakes his head, “Nothing’s wrong. I just—can we stay like this for a while? I just want to feel you, please?”
“Yeah, we can do that.” You send him a reassuring smile as you settle back down on him. His hands make themselves comfortable around your waist. You maneuver your arms under his and wrap them around his back. Tom smiles at you, rubbing your back and guiding you into his chest. Before you can nuzzle your face into his neck, he presses a kiss to your temple and lets his fingers get tangled in your hair.
With his eyes closed in bliss, he whispers, “Thank you for bringing me back. I love you.”
You kiss his collarbone basking in the feeling him being so close to you. “I’ll always be here. I love you too.”
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starshapedkookie · 4 years
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pairing: jungkook x female reader (ft. a little sprinkle of namjoon)
genre: childhood friends to lovers, boxer jungkook, college/frat au
includes: swearing, angst, mentions of blood and violence, pining, smut (public/private, unprotected sex, hair pulling, jungkook is big guys, duh), alcohol, smoking weed, jungkook seems like an asshole but he’s really not, OC having a crisis every two seconds, some fluff here and there as well, also this takes place over many months just saying if time gets confusing
premise: Knowing Jeon Jungkook for the better part of your life, you thought you knew everything about him. Well, that was before you two disappeared from each other’s lives at least. When Jungkook suddenly finds himself buying you a coffee to rekindle your friendship, it leads to much more than you bargained for.
word count: 30k (she’s a monster sorry guys) 
quick note: this is my first story back in a year(?) give or take some weeks!! kind of nervous to post & not sure if my writing has declined in anyway but nonetheless here is the beast that has been sitting on my computer since April 2019!! quick disclaimer I don’t know much about boxing so if I get stuff wrong - I apologize!! please enjoy & let me know what you think ❤️happy 7 years BTS!
recommended songs for reading: pray (JRY, RuthAnne), mushroom chocolate (6lack, quin), hallucinate (dua lipa), wus good/curious (partynextdoor)
The evening was slow—after all, it was only a Wednesday. You had just finished serving a table of two—a young man and young woman—presumably on a midweek date. You didn’t recognize either of them which wasn’t surprising considering the campus grossed about 20,000 people. You began to wipe down tables out of boredom, glancing at the clock every two minutes hoping it would jump to when your shift was over in forty-five minutes. Thankfully, you didn’t have much work to do when you got home, but you are wishing to get in bed before 10:30 to get a full eight hours of sleep for your lectures tomorrow—something you had not had in about two months. Most days, like today, you were running on five hours of sleep and five cups of coffee. It wasn’t healthy, you knew that much, but it’s how you had to live your life. Your schedule was too demanding to hit the snooze button multiple times. You had shit to do—and getting your degree was the top priority.
“Y/N,” your coworker, Mark, called your name from behind of the counter.
“Yeah?” You respond.
“Will you come help me clean this out?” He asks you and you nod diligently.
“Of course,” you say, dropping your current task of wiping already clean tables. Mark was the one student that worked here you could stand to be around. He was very much like you in the sense that school came before anything—he too was on a full academic scholarship. He worked here before you, but he made you feel the most comfortable out of everyone. You would consider him a close friend at this point.
The espresso machine was a pain in the ass to clean and did call for two people most of the time. Besides, you would rather smell the remnants of coffee beans than the harsh chemicals of bleach gliding across a table.
“You have much work to do after your shift?” He asks you.
“No, thank god,” you shake your head, “I got most of my shit done between my classes today. You?”
“I have to write a ten page paper by midnight,” he sighs, “And guess how many pages I have started.”
You give him a short glance, “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say zero.”
“Damn right,” he smiles. A short silence between you two ensues before he speaks again, “Oh! Did I tell you I’m graduating early?”
“What? Really?” You look at him and an excited grin plays on his face. “When?”
“Yeah, I spoke to my advisor this afternoon and turns out, the classes I’m taking this semester is all I need for my degree,” he speaks with a relieved tone.
“Wow, that’s awesome,” you say genuinely, “I wish that was me,” you give out a small chuckle.
“I’m just glad I don’t have to keep stressing over this hell-hole,” he laughs, “The sooner I get out of here, the better.”
“I feel you on that,” you say, “I’m proud of you nonetheless, you’ve worked your ass off dealing with this scholarship.”
He gives you a small smile in return but it’s broken by the bell ringing from the door, signaling a new customer has decided to come in. Your eyes break from Mark’s and glance over to the door, your head doing a double take.
Your mouth goes dry when you see them—more specifically—him. 
No, it wasn’t the first time you’ve seen him, but you couldn’t remember the last time you had seen him outside of a frat party on the weekends. And truly, it was your first time getting a good look at him in awhile. You felt nervous—though you had no reason to be nervous. You had known him since long before your days as university students, but since you weren’t plastered in this scenario, looking at him seemed more like a chore than ever.
“You want me to get their table?” Mark asks you and you look back at him.
“No, I got it,” you say, throwing down the cleaning cloth, wiping your hands on your apron.
The small group of boys are too busy in their own conversation to see you approaching them. You clear your throat before grabbing some menus off of the podium.
“Hey guys, welcome,” your voice breaks their conversation. The three men your age turn to you all at once and a small smile erupts from one of them.
“Y/N? I didn’t know you worked here?” Taehyung—another person you knew all too well—smiles and speaks brightly
“Yup,” you say simply, “Just been here a little over a month,” you explain pressing the best smile you can muster up. “C’mon, I’ll get you seated and get your order in.”
You lead them towards the back of the small restaurant, seating them in a booth. As they follow you from behind, you can feel their eyes burning into your back and you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs. They sit down and you pass out the menus.
“What would you guys like to drink?” You ask, putting a hand on your hip.
“I’ll take a coke,” Hobi—you remember his name easily as you see him around in a few of your classes.
“Coke as well,” Taehyung says.
“Jungkook?” His name rolls off your tongue and it sounds foreign. You couldn’t remember the last time you had said it, let alone to his face. His brown eyes meet yours and he clears his throat.
“I’ll just take a water,” he finally speaks, his gaze breaking just as fast as it met yours.
“I’ll get those right out,” a grimace spreads on your face and you turn on your heels to fulfill their drink orders. You hadn’t expected the encounter to be so awkward and have so much tension—but what did you expect?
Your relationship with Jeon Jungkook was a strange one to say the least. You had known him longer than anyone you associated with—you meet each other at the tender age of eight in elementary school. You remember that day so vividly.
You had been assigned a seat right beside of him the first day of school. He kept his eyes away from you. Being the energetic child you were, you were expecting him to introduce himself but—he never did. It actually took being in school a whole week to get him to talk to you. You nudged his arm with your elbow and his eyes meet yours for the first time. You smiled at him, “I like your shirt,” to which he responded a small, “Thank you.” He picked at his nails and you smiled at him again, “I’m Y/N,” though he would already know that sitting beside of you. “I’m Jungkook,” he spoke again with a shy smile. That day would change both of your lives—all thanks to you and your mouth that couldn’t shut the hell up.
Four years later, at the age of twelve, Jungkook was your best friend. For four years, he was the one person you had came to all about your problems—he as well. The two of you would complain equally about school, he would complain about his older brother picking on him, you would complain about your younger sister bothering you nonstop—the two of you were more alike in more ways than you could imagine. Despite getting older and more different, you and Jungkook shared the same friend group. You had met a girl named Kim Jennie during a pre-algebra class and Jungkook had met a lively kid named Kim Taehyung—no they weren’t related but you often joked about it. It was nice having another close friend instead of just having Jungkook—especially a girl. You and Jennie had more in common than you and Jungkook and Jungkook and Taehyung and more in common than you two. But—the four of you clicked and you spent nearly everyday with each other.
At sixteen, a lot of stuff had changed. Yes, you, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jennie had all remained best friends, but high school was definitely not the same as middle school. You and Jennie joined the tennis team, Jungkook and Taehyung joined the soccer team—Jungkook also joining the baseball team—which kept the four of you more separated than you would have liked. The four of you all sat together at lunch each day, but as each day passed, something felt different with Jungkook. And then, halfway through your second year of high school, the news broke that Jungkook had a girlfriend—a cute girl named Yuna—who was actually older than him by a year. You felt indifferent about it. He didn’t speak to you as much as he used to and he would ditch you, Jennie and Taehyung to hang out with her. It didn’t bother Jennie or Taehyung as much as it bothered you—but then again—you had known him since you were eight and it felt weird not being Jungkook’s number one girl. You hated to say it—but you were jealous and you had no idea why.
Two years had passed, the four of you all eighteen and fully legal now. It was the end of your last year of high school and you could not be more ready to leave. Growing up through high school together, the thought of all of you going to the same university was a dream. The four of you were excited to move on to new things. Jungkook and Yuna had broken up a few months prior, not being able to work through the distance of her being away at college. Jungkook soon started molding back to how he was before—texting you throughout the day, complaining, just being Jungkook—you were happy, happier than when he was with Yuna. It was May when you had received the news that you had been offered a full ride academic scholarship. You cried and cried tears of joy—finally busting your ass for so long had paid off. Jungkook was so proud of you, though he didn’t outwardly show it, the way he looked at you when you had told him was all you needed. Taehyung suggested it—a small celebration of sorts for you—a.k.a. the four of you getting absolutely plastered in his basement. Taehyung had managed to steal some alcohol from his parents and before the four of you knew it, beers had been downed and half a bottle of tequila had been drank. You were laying on the floor, giggling at everything Jennie did, dancing around the room with a bottle of vodka in hand. Jungkook had laid down beside of you, his eyes boring deep onto you. You crane your neck and give him a small smile, not realizing how little space was between the two of you. Jungkook supports himself on an elbow and it was then you had realized how handsome Jungkook had actually become. He spent so long away from you when he was dating Yuna, you didn’t realize how much he had grown into his features. That night—was singlehandedly the best and worst night of your life.
You had no idea what came over you, but you stood up throwing out your hand for Jungkook to take. He grabbed it with no hesitation, him towering over you as your chests touched and it was the closest the two of you had ever been. Jungkook had looked over to Jennie and Taehyung, still drinking and acting stupid, before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the closest bathroom and shutting the door. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you grip his shirt tightly. The next few moments are a blur—Jungkook kisses you—actually kisses you. He gripped your waist tightly, pushing you against the door. A small whine emitted from your lips as he pulled away and you couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He kissed you again, pulling your thigh up to rest in his hand. This was wrong—so wrong in so many ways. But neither of you stopped until a bang from the other side of the door broke the steamy makeup session.
That night changed everything between you two. Neither of you talked about it ever again. Despite being so drunk to the point of blacking out—you remember every detail—and so did he. That summer, you and Jungkook grew apart. And it was the worst thing to ever happen to you.
Now, at twenty-one, almost through university, you had interacted with Jungkook only a handful of times. You had studied together a few times your freshman year, but after your first year, you could count on your hands how many times you had seen each other. Most of the time, only seeing him at parties with other girls hanging off of him. It was painful to see. Even after 3 years of a drunken kiss in Taehyung’s bathroom, it hurt more than ever to see Jungkook with other girls—but at the same time you didn’t care. You had moved on and so did he. You two were now strangers but your life was good—you didn’t need him like you used to think. And he seemingly didn’t either.
“Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” Mark nudged you out of your obnoxiously long reverie and you jumped out of your skin. “Are you okay?” He asks.
You look down and realize that you haven’t taken the three of them their drinks, the ice now watering them down to shit.
“Y-yeah, I’m just tired is all,” you begin to pour out the drinks to get new ones before Mark stops you.
“Here, I’ll handle them,” he says, “You can go home early, it’s fine,” he smiles.
“A-are you sure?” You ask him, not wanting to leave him by himself.
“Yeah, it’s about closing time anyways. Just head out, I’ll close,” he nods with a smile and you can’t help but to throw you arms around him.
“Jesus, thank you. I promise I’ll make it up to you one day,” you tell him pulling away. You wash your hands quickly and throw off your apron.
“Get home safe,” he says and you tell him the same before grabbing your bag. You glance one last time to the table in the back and unexpectedly, Jungkook is staring at you. It makes your breathing hitch and you turn around on your heel quickly, not wanting to linger on his gaze longer than you need to.
The weekend comes slower than you would like, but it’s Friday which means one thing—time to go out and get a much needed dose of social life. You and Jennie had found yourself at the Beta Tau Sigma crush party at their fraternity house that evening.
“Here you go, m’lady,” Namjoon comes into your peripheral vision, handing you a drink he specially made just for you.
“Thanks,” you give him a small smile. You take a huge gulp without hesitation—you trusted Namjoon with your life. Not only was he on academic scholarship too, he was also the president of this fraternity which meant if he didn’t act straight—he would face serious consequences. The mix of brains, being ridiculously handsome, and being in a fraternity was a recipe for disaster—he was your type—bonafide. You were his type too which is maybe why the two of you clicked so well, particularly in bed.
“My feet are fucking killing me,” you groan glancing down at your heels, rolling your eyes in the back of your head. Namjoon throws an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“At least you look hot as fuck,” he lips brush against your ear and you give him a glare.
“Isn’t hot kind of a degrading term in today’s world?” You press.
He narrows his eyes at you, “Fine—you look beautiful, cute, sexy—is that better?”
“Much better,” you nod playfully and Namjoon gets bold—pulling you even closer to him for a small peck on your lips. Eyes linger on the two of you but you couldn’t care. So many girls would love to be in your position and you feel lucky to have captivated Namjoon at least for now. Besides, he was good at fucking and you needed stress relief, as did he.
Unsuspecting, Jungkook waltzed his way into the room and he immediately stops when he sees the sight of you and his older brother Namjoon. He had heard rumors about the two of you, which he brushed off—you would never go after someone like Namjoon—oh who is he kidding? You and Namjoon are the same person and it kills Jungkook inwardly. The way Namjoon is nuzzled into your neck and the way you're smiling, giggling to every word he says, makes him feel uncomfortable. You looked so different at parties than how he saw you a few days ago at your work. Your legs looked sexy as fuck in your short black dress, your hair flowed down beautifully as opposed to being thrown up, the way red lipstick painted your mouth made him semi hard. Jesus, how after all this time, does he still think about you like this?
Your eyes break away from Namjoon and your smile falls when they meet a familiar set of doe eyes from across the room. Your breath hitches and Jungkook looks so handsome you want to die. His dark hair is slightly parted, his button up is undone at the top, and his legs fulfill his pants better than any guy here. He downs two shots, not breaking his gaze from you. You feel intimidated by his gaze and presence, despite having seen him at these things multiple times. The only difference is that now—he’s giving you some attention that you weren’t ready for.
Your gaze breaks away from each other when a group of loud boys—including Taehyung as well as Kai, another brother within the fraternity—come rushing into the room, hauling a keg in tow.
“Hyung! Come on,” Taehyung teases drunkenly as they set down the keg. There are many hyung’s for Taehyung in the room to not have specified which one he was talking about, until he deadpans on Namjoon. “Namjoon-hyung, come on!”
Namjoon begins to shake his head in protest, “I’d rather not,” he puts his hands up, keeping his distance from Taehyung, “Gotta keep an eye on this one tonight,” he nudges you and Taehyung’s eyes widen when her realizes it’s actually you, standing beside of his older brother.
“Y/N! Hey! What’s up! Didn’t expect to see you here, especially with this one again,” he narrows his eyes to Namjoon.
“Hi Taehyung,” you give him a small smile.
“Do a keg stand with me?” His eyes bulge out like a puppy dog and your own widens in shock at the question.
“Oh no,” you protest, looking up at Namjoon, “Last time I did a keg stand was freshman year and I said never again,” you explain to him. He gives you a pout.
“Fuck,” Taehyung says, “Well who is gonna do this shit with me then?” He sounds impatient and frustrated.
“Get Jungkook too—he’s been looking over in this direction for too long, give ‘em something to do,” Namjoon says and you look up at him. Did he notice Jungkook looking at you? Shit.
“Hell yeah, that little shit will definitely do it,” Taheyung smirks and yells for Jungkook to come over. Jungkook is preoccupied with a girl before Taehyung breaks his mojo from across the room. Jungkook sees Taehyung and you standing together and he furrows his eyebrows. He excuses himself from his pussy date for the night and saunters his way over towards your direction. You keep your eyes anywhere but Jungkook as he approaches you.
“Hey hyung,” Jungkook greets Namjoon, “Y/N,” he says slowly and you tense up. “What do you want Taehyung?” He spits out. He’s clearly buzzed as the attitude coming off of his tongue is stronger than usual.
“Do this fucking keg stand with me pussy,” Taehyung presses and Jungkook scrunches his nose.
“Fuck no,” Jungkook responds and Taehyung rolls his eyes.
“Come onnnn,” he drags out, begging his life long best friend to do it.
“Absolutely not, I’ve done it once and I said never again,” Jungkook says and your eyes nearly pop out of your head. Taehyung looks at you and Jungkook and shakes his head.
“I swear you two are the same person in a different body, it’s weird,” Taehyung says, “Your loss,” and Taehyung is soon leaving your side to find someone else to do his proposition.
Jungkook is left standing in front of you and Namjoon in an awkward silence.
“Don’t forget, you’re on clean up duty Jeon,” Namjoon raises an eyebrow at the younger man.
Jungkook groans, “Fine, whatever hyung,” his words run together as he gives you a final glance, “See you later Y/N,” is the last thing he says before he walks away to find the girl he was smooching up prior.
Namjoon gives you a weird look before you are furrowing eyebrows at him, “What?” You ask.
“What’s up with you two?” He asks motioning over to Jungkook.
“What do you mean?” You gulp down your drink hoping to hide the nervousness in your tone.
“Didn’t you two use to be like, best friends or some shit?” He asks.
You shrug your shoulders, “Yeah, when we were kids,” you chuckle.
Namjoon doesn’t seemed convinced, “I remember you two hanging out a lot during Jungkook's freshman year here, what happened?”
You shrug once again, “People grow apart,” you answer simply, not wanting to go in detail how one kiss basically ruined whatever your friendship was with him. Namjoon suddenly smiles, a dimple showing in his left cheek.
“You know he talks about how hot you are? Not all of the time, but I’ve heard it before,” he laughs and you freeze in your spot.
“What are you trying to prove by interrogating me Joon?” You say with some attitude. That was the least thing you expected to come out of his mouth.
“Hey, I’m just asking questions!” He defends himself, “I just didn’t know if something happened between you two—like you dated or something and shit got weird, I don’t know… just curious,” he chuckles a bit.
You eyes widen and you feel yourself getting warm, “Oh no, we never dated or…anything like that…” you trail off. “We’ve just grown apart, we’re too different now.”
Namjoon raises an eyebrow at you, “According to Taehyung you two are the same person.”
You glare at him, “Get me another drink,” you shove your cup into his hand and see laughs at you before sauntering away for a few seconds. He comes back with a full glass and you down half of it in a few seconds.
“Ew,” you scrunch up your nose. Nice, you think to yourself.
“Maybe you should talk to him? I’m sure having an old friend is nice every once in awhile,” Namjoon continues, clearly interested in your history with Jungkook.
“I have Jennie,” you answer, “Besides, conversation goes both ways. If he really wanted to be friends again, he could talk to me.” You knew that answer was stupid. Jungkook didn’t even speak to you when you were younger. You were the one that initiated the friendship, not him, and you knew that.
“Whatever you say space cowboy,” Namjoon draws out and you give him a glare.
“Did you just quote Kacey Musgraves?” You ask with a small smile on your face.
“Fuck yeah I did,” he smirks, “She’s a gay icon are you kidding me, I’m obsessed with her.”
“Joonie, you’re not even gay,” you laugh.
“So? I love anyone who supports gay rights! Don’t discriminate my quotes!” He defends himself and you cannot help but laugh at him.
“Let’s go dance,” you grab his hand and pull him out of the kitchen onto the main dance floor. Namjoon was perhaps one of the more attractive people you’ve met here in your four years. He oozed sex appeal and charisma, which is why anytime he wanted to hang out or take you to a party—you obliged. If it meant getting in his bed at the end of the night, wearing the heels was worth it.
Namjoon puts his hands on your waist and the two of you dance to music in the crowded dance floor. Namjoon grabs a bottle of liquor from one of his other brothers who you have never met before and the two of you share a nice gulp of the cheap—but very strong—vodka.
You haven’t had too much to drink but you know if you drink anymore, you will not make it back to your apartment. You push the bottle away from you and turn to face Namjoon. His brown eyes stare into yours with a glassy, tipsy appearance, and he smirks at you.
“What?” You question him as his grip gets tighter on you.
“I wasn’t lying when I said you looked hot,” he says smoothly and you roll your eyes yet again.
“How sweet,” you grumble, biting down on your bottom lip. Without a warning, he leans in and pecks your lips gently. The alcohol in your veins surges through you as you lean back in and close the gap. Even in your heels, you still have to crane your neck some to fully reach his stature. His hands grip your waist tightly and you tug at his light brown locks, pulling him impossibly closer to you.
He presses himself into you a little bit harder and you can tell he wants you, his hands gripping one at your waist and the other one in your hair. Everything around you goes blank was it only feels like the two of you in the room together. Unfortunately, your moment is ruined when someone bumps into the two of you, knocking you apart. Namjoon steadies you and he glares at the two girls that ran into you.
“You want to get out of here?” Namjoon says into your ear, his breath fanning over your neck sending chills down you body.
“Yeah,” you nod a little too excitedly and he grabs your hand pulling you away from everyone. Namjoon is taking you up the stairs before someone calls out your name.
“Y/N!” You turn around in Namjoon’s grip to find Jennie holding onto the railing of the stairs, swaying back and forth drunkenly.
“Oh god,” you mutter.
“Is she okay?” Namjoon asks as he follows behind you back down the stairs. No, in fact, she looks terrible.
“Jennie, what’s up? I thought you were with Suzy?” You ask her and her face scowls.
“I was, but then… he showed up,” Jennie says, knowing exactly who she is talking about, “And he brought another girl with him! Y/N, what’s wrong with me? Am I not good enough for him?” Jennie is rambling as tears began to flow down her face. You look at Namjoon as he assesses the situation.
“I-I can get an Uber for her, if you’d like?” Namjoon offers and you nod.
“Please?” You beg and Namjoon grabs your hand squeezing it reassuringly before walking away to get the car.
“Jennie, come on, snap out of it,” you tell her and she continues to sob in your arms.
“Y/N, I don’t get it, I love him and he says he loves me but he does this shit all of the time,” she rambles.
“I know, I know,” you try to calm her down, “Jennie your drunk right now, but you’re so much better than him. I know you don’t realize it, but you are—“
“He makes me feel like shit,” Jennie sighs and you cradle your friend. Unfortunately, Jennie doesn’t have the best taste in men and she finds herself stuck in toxic situations she can’t get out of. You wish you could help more then you do but when Jennie is drunk, it’s hard to get anything through to her.
“Come on, let’s go to the bathroom,” you pull her up before she starts fighting you.
“I don’t need to use the bathroom though,” she pouts.
“Well, you might, let’s go,” you manage to hold her up and get to a bathroom in a hallway that isn’t too crowded. You reach for the handle only to be disappointed that it’s locked. Great.
You beat on the door with your free hand, “Hurry up in there! I have a crisis hanging off of my arm!”
“Hey, don’t call me that you bitch,” Jennie frowns and you roll your eyes, knowing she won’t remember any of this in the morning. You beat on the door again and again and again and finally, someone unlocks it and opens it fully.
The sight makes your eyes widen and your body heat up on fire. In front of you stands Jungkook against the counter zipping up his pants and the girl he was with earlier standing from her knees, wiping her mouth with a smirk. She leaves the bathroom, leaving you standing there with Jennie alone. When his eyes meet yours, his face goes ghostly pale. His mouth parts open and he feels like crawling into a hole to die.
“Y/N, Jennie?” Is all that comes from his mouth.
“Move Jungkook,” you say sternly and he moves to make room for you two in the bathroom.
“Uh, do you need any—“
“Leave Jungkook, I don’t need any help,” you say frustrated at the sight you just witnessed. You don’t know why you felt angry at him. You knew that he slept around like most fraternity boys—but to see him after getting sucked off in a bathroom—was new territory. Not only did it bring up the memory of you and him back in Taehyung’s bathroom all those years ago, it made you physically sick to know that you were just a pawn for him then. Who are you trying to kid? You were nothing to him. Once he figured out what his dick was used for, that’s all he cared about. Christ, you say to yourself, fuck him.
Jungkook leaves the two of you alone and within seconds, Jennie is over the toilet hurling her entire stomach up. You hold her hair back as she heaves into the toilet, trying not to gag yourself.
“Y/N,” she mumbles, “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, just keep it in the toilet please,” you say looking away at the sight.
Thankfully, Namjoon appears at the door. “The Uber is here,” he announces.
“Come on, we’re going to get you home,” you tell her, wiping her mouth with some toilet paper.
“Home?” She asks, “Thank god.”
Namjoon grabs her other side as the two of you carry her outside into the fresh air. You have to admit, the fresh air as sobered you up slightly. You spot the car waiting up front and Namjoon opens the door for Jennie.
“Thank you so much,” you tell Namjoon as he helps Jennie into the car.
“It’s seriously not a problem,” he smiles, “You should go with her,” he suggests and you feel your heart drop.
“A-are you sure?” You ask, subtle disappointment in your tone.
“Yeah, it’s fine—we’ll pick up another time,” he gives you a wink and you smile back.
“Okay, thanks again.”
You load into the back of the Uber with Jennie and you just pray that she doesn’t hurl in the car, for the sake of you and the Uber driver’s car. You were not about to pay the $200 fee for puke in the backseat. 
The next morning comes all too quickly in your deep sleep. When you wake up, you are not expecting Jennie to be in your bed with you. You had nearly forgotten she refused to sleep in her own bed last night, therefore you having to give in to her wishes of sleeping with you. Thankfully, you don’t feel like you have too bad of a hangover. For Jennie though, you know she will probably be in bed all day with a bottle of Tylenol at her bedside.
You check your phone and your eyes nearly burst from your head. It’s 1:07 PM.
“Fuck,” you groan to yourself. You did not need to sleep this late considering you absolutely needed to study for your exams on Monday. Not only was it an exam—it was your midterm exams in your human sciences and financial analytics classes, two classes that were kicking your ass. The longer you laid in your bed, meant the longer you were losing time to cram in your studying. You swig the sheets and blankets off of you to find yourself still in your party dress from last night. You grab a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt from your wardrobe before heading to the bathroom.
Your appearance makes you shudder when you seeing yourself in the mirror. You didn’t even take off your makeup, mascara and lipstick stains spread out on your face. Now it was time to really pray that you wouldn’t breakout from the old layer of foundation on your face. You grab a makeup wipe to get the gunk off of yourself before you step into an insanely hot shower.
You manage to shower quickly, scrubbing your body and face off of any stench left of you from last night. You step out, moisturizing each crevice that you can reach before you throw on your clothes. You feel 200% better now that you have showered and you can hear footsteps coming down from the hallway. Jennie appears at the bathroom door rubbing her eyes harshly.
“Good morning sleepyhead,” you comment and she stretches out her limbs, her dress hiked up far up her legs where her underwear is showing.
“Ugh!” She groans loudly, “My head is pounding. What the fuck happened last night?”
“There’s some medicine out in the kitchen,” you say as you follow her out into your living room and kitchen area. She goes immediately to the medicine cabinet and downs two pills with ease.
“Where are you going?” She asks as you began to gather up your school work into your book-bag.
“I have to study,” you tell her and she closes her eyes again, the sun being too harsh for the light.
“It’s Saturday Y/N,” she says obviously.
“I know,” you zip up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder, “But I have two midterms Monday—I can’t make below a B or I can get in trouble with the dean,” you explain and she nods, her sleepy gaze staring at you.
“Well, have fun. I’ll be here—dying,” she grins and you salute her off, leaving your shared apartment to go to the campus library.
The library is only about a ten minute walk and thankfully, not many students are flocking to the location on a Saturday afternoon. You assume that everyone is either hungover like Jennie or just don’t give a shit enough to come out and study.
You grab a coffee from the small coffee shop outside the library before you go in, sit down, and get to work on your studying. You turn on your classical music radio as you take out out your printed slides, notes, and textbooks. As strange as it is to say, as much as you hated studying—it’s where you felt the most comfortable. You knew you were smart and you knew school was your strongest trait—everyone knew that about you.
You go through each chapter of your human sciences class, writing and rewriting notes on new sheets of a paper. You make flashcards as you go along. You answer the obnoxiously long quiz questions at the end of your textbook as you go along. 
Thankfully, you haven’t had any distractions and before you know it, it’s been nearly two hours since you first sat down. Your coffee is now cold but you don’t care as you need the caffeine to keep you going. You are about to pull out all of your analytics material before suddenly, a coffee cup in placed on the table in front of you. You look at the source and look back down until you look up again. 
“Jungkook?” You ask pulling out one of your earbuds. His face is tired, the bags underneath his eyes prominent. He’s wearing a gray tracksuit, his hair messy underneath his somewhat contained beanie.
“H-hi,” he says simply, “Can I sit?” He asks referring to the chair across from you. You nod as he slings his backpack off and into the floor as he plops down in the chair.
“Hi,” you speak lowly. There’s tension between the two of you. It’s uncomfortable. You hate it, almost as much as you hate the sight you saw last night. “What’s up?” The question is simple, but forced.
He shrugs, “I dragged myself out to study despite my busting headache,” he says scratching the back of his neck.
“Jungkook in the library? To study? Did I hear that right?” You ask and he laughs slightly.
“Yup, unfortunately you did,” he answers before letting out a sigh. “I uh, got you this,” he slides the coffee cup over to you and you furrow your brows. You face heats up. Why would he buy you a coffee? The time Jungkook bought you something was a card and flowers the evening of your high school graduation, why the hell would he buy you a coffee?
“Thanks,” you laugh awkwardly grabbing the cup from him. You take a sip from the cup and realize it’s exactly how you like it. Three creams, an espresso shot, and a dash of vanilla flavoring. “How’d you know this is what I like?” You ask.
“Uh, you told me a few years back,” he says shy, his gaze ripping away from you. “I assumed it was the same, thank god,” he laughs trying to lighten up the mood.
“Thanks,” you repeat, unsure of what to say.
“Uh, how’s Jennie this morning?” He asks you with a genuine concern. You look from him, not being able to hold his gaze without burning up.
“She’s fine,” you say, keeping your eyes on your notes and hands in front of you.
“That’s good,” he says awkwardly. His leg is bouncing uncontrollably underneath the table and he feels like he needs to throw up.
“Why did you buy me this?” You ask him. He wants something, you can feel it.
“Um, no reason, I-I just saw you h-here and I know how much you love coffee,” he stumbles over his words and you meet his gaze again, before giving him a glare.
“Hm,” you mumble.
“Listen Y/N,” he starts, sounding more clear of his words, “I know we don’t really have a relationship anymore but, I-I just wanted to apologize to you about… the bathroom… last night,” he sighs and he hangs his head down for a second.
Your expression is blank and you shrug your shoulders with a small head shake, “Don’t worry about it.”
He nods slowly before a silence falls between you two.
“Listen, um I really have to get back to studying for my midterm tomorrow. Thank you again for the coffee,” you say with a small smile, trying your best to be cordial with him.
He nods getting ready to stand up but he stops abruptly, “What are you doing this week?”
The question catches you off guard.
“Oh, um,” your mouth is dry and it’s hard to find the words, “Probably studying, working, I don’t know,” you shrug again.
“Well uh, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?” He bits his lip nervously, “We haven’t hung out in awhile, I thought maybe we could catch up?”
Awhile would be an understatement. The boy and you exchange another glance before you begin to nod hesitantly.
“Sure,” you answer simply.
“Cool,” he responds, “You still have the same number?” He asks. The question is weird. How is it that your best friend of so many years has to ask if your number is the same?
“Yeah,” you nod. He nods too, saying a quick goodbye before you watch as his built frame disappears into another corridor of the library, your eyes lingering a little too long on his built frame. What the hell was that?
On Monday, both of your exams go a lot better than you were expecting them to. Your human sciences exam had already been graded and you made a 94 which in turn meant you were over the moon. Now you could only hope for that in analytics.
You know sat across from Jennie at one of your campus’s sandwich shops eating a late lunch.
“I don’t even know why you stress so much about your grades Y/N,” Jennie says, “You always end up with an A.”
“Jennie, I worry because if I don’t get A’s I can get kicked out of the honors program, you know this,” you say with pointed eyes, “Besides, I made a B in that business statistics class I had my freshman year, I’m still pissed about that!”
“Boohoo, I got a C minus in that class,” Jennie rolls her eyes, “All I’m saying is, you just need to loosen up. I know school is stressful but I know that you have to be going crazy.”
“I am going crazy Jennie,” you whine, “I’m just glad we don’t have much longer,” you sigh heavily.
“You and me both,” she adds, “I’m sorry I interrupted your stress relief the other night,” she says.
She laughs, “You almost got dicked down by Namjoon and I ruined it,” she pouts and you giggle at her.
“It’s fine,” you shake your head, “He said we could pick it up another time.”
“Good, his fine piece of ass is something you gotta keep,” she smirks. Suddenly, your phone makes a ding on the table and you grab it quickly. Your eyes widen slightly when you see the text message.
[3:32 PM Jeon Jungkook] hey do you still want to do something this week?
“Who is that?” Jennie asks you.
“Uh, nobody,” you shake your head putting the phone back down.
“It most definitely is not nobody—your eyes are huge,” she points out. Dammit.
“Um,” you start, “Well last week at work, Jungkook, Taehyung, and their friend Hobi came in later at night,” you tell her, “And it was awkward and then I saw Jungkook at the party on Saturday.”
“We see him all the time at the parties we go,” she shrugs.
“I know, but then he came up to me in the library the other day…and bought me a coffee,” you finish.
Jennie’s eyes widen. “What?”
“I know right,” you say.
“Wonder what he wants from you?” She purses her lips.
“He asked if he wanted to go out this week,” you shrug, “He said we haven’t in awhile and he wanted to ‘catch up’,” you say.
Jennie’s eyebrows furrow. “Hm,” she mumbles, “Well are you going to?”
“I don’t know,” you tell her honestly, “I think I’ve seen enough of him to last me awhile.”
Jennie grimaces at you, “Come on Y/N,” she says, “You and Jungkook used to be inseparable, I don’t even know what the fuck happened to you two.”
“We just grew apart Jennie,” you tell her.
“Friendships like you and Jungkook don’t just ‘grow apart’,” she uses air quotes.
“Believe what you want,” you mutter, picking at your food suddenly not feeling too hungry.
“Why wouldn’t you go? There’s nothing stopping you is there?” She presses.
“Not exactly, but… I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” you mumble.
“Y/N, he’s your oldest friend,” she says, “You’ve known him longer than anyone else here, I know that you miss him as your friend,” she goes on.
“I don’t know Jennie, we’re not the same people we used to be. We’re not compatible as friends anymore, it’s weird.”
“How can it already be weirder than it is now? It’s weird as fuck that you two grew up together and don’t speak to each other anymore. I’d say go, just hangout, who knows what might happen,” she reasons and you cannot help but agree with her.
You don’t say anything else as you pull your phone back out.
[3:38 PM Me] Yeah I’m free tonight if you want to do something!
Jungkook picks you up at seven on the dot. You feel nervousness settling in your stomach and you suddenly care about your appearance. When you open the door of your apartment and welcome him in, you have to tell yourself to keep your mouth closed.
He’s dressed in a sweatshirt and ripped jeans but he looks…so good? You hope you aren’t overdressed in your dress and denim jacket and he smiles when he meets your gaze.
“Hey,” he greets you and you welcome him into your apartment—a place he has never been.
“Hi,” you say grabbing your keys from the kitchen. “Jennie!” You shout and she emerges from the laundry room
“Yeah?” She stops dead in her tracks when she sees Jungkook. “Oh, hey Jungkook.”
“Hi,” he smiles.
“I’ll be back later,” you tell her, “What are you doing tonight?”
“I have to write a report and I guess I’m going to do your laundry since you’re lazier than shit,” she presses. You throw up your middle finger and turn to Jungkook.
“You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” You ask him as you make your way outside, keeping a relative distance between you and him.
“You hungry?” Jungkook proposes, almost with a playful tone.
“Mhm,” you mumble, looking down at the ground as you walk. This was weird… so fucking weird. The last time you and Jungkook had hung out was around two and a half years ago—not even shitting. You wonder if he still liked the same things, had the same hobbies, ate the same food, but you were completely unsure of yourself in this circumstance. The nervousness hasn’t settled in your stomach and your mind wonders if he’s nervous too.
“Alright, c’mon,” he says and you meet his gaze before he changes direction with you in tow.
It’s not even a five minute walk—mind you, in silence—until we reach the place Jungkook had led you to.
“Really Jungkook?” You raise an eyebrow at him as you step into your all too familiar work place.
“What?” He laughs, “The food is good,” he continues.
“I’m starting to think you brought me here for my employee discount,” you press to him and he tilts his head.
“You have an employee discount?” He repeats, “Good to know,” he chuckles and in turn, you return a small laugh, feeling a little more comfortable.
Mark isn’t working tonight, but unfortunately, a girl named Kyla is and you absolutely despise her. Her biggest personality trait is just being a bitch—a bitch for no reason! Sure, you can have your bitchy moments but you’re not going to be a bitch to someone unless they deserve it.
“Y/N… Jungkook,” Kyla says slowly, looking between the two of you. “Just sit wherever you like,” she says. The restaurant is free real estate as you two are the only ones here.
You choose a booth, sliding in on one side, Jungkook on the other.
“Do you know her?” You ask Jungkook once she walks away from your table.
Jungkook looks pale, “I’ve met her, once or twice,” he says and it’s all the confirmation you need to understand that means he’s fucked her once or twice.
You don’t say anything else as you look through the menu, already knowing exactly what you want.
“When did you start working here?” Jungkook asks you.
“Oh, about a month ago,” you say. He already knows that. I guess you and Jungkook are really too that point, huh? Small, dull, repetitive conversation?
“How did your exams go?” He asks, chewing on his bottom lip. He’s nervous—you can sense it.
“Better than I thought,” you answer honestly.
“Hm, let me guess—you thought you did terrible but ended up getting an A,” he reads you perfectly.
“Hey! I don’t think like that,” you say even thought you know that is a fat lie.
“Come on Y/N, you’ve been that way since we were fourteen. Lying sends you to hell you know,” he raises an eyebrow at you and you look away from him to suppress your laugh.
“Fine. I got a 94 on one of them, I don’t know about the other one yet,” you tell him.
“See, you’re a genius,” he says and you shake your head.
“Most definitely not,” you say.
“I was always so envious of you growing up, you just sat there in school and you just… got it,” he says remembering back to your younger days, “All of us were jealous of you,” he adds.
“I can guarantee nobody was jealous of me Jungkook,” you give him a grimace, “We all were stupid in our own ways, maybe you more than anyone else,” you decide to pick on him since you’re feeling more relaxed as the conversation keeps going.
“Hey, no need to shit on me like that,” he gives you a pout.
Your phone suddenly vibrates against the table. It’s probably Jennie, you think to yourself as you flip the phone over. To your surprise, it’s not Jennie—It’s Namjoon.
[7:28 PM Kim Namjoon] hope you had a good day
[7:29 PM Kim Namjoon] mine would be a lot better if you were sitting on my cock right now
Your eyes widen and you flip the phone back over with a slam to the table. Jungkook looks at you curiously.
“Whose that?” He asks.
You want to lie, but Jungkook can tell when you’re lying. “Just Namjoon,” you tell him, “He was asking about some homework.”
Jungkook nods slowly before chewing on his bottom lip again, “You and hyung are good friends?”
Your face drops and you don’t say anything.
“I’m just asking since I’ve seen you guys together at our parties,” he adds while clearing his throat.
“Yeah, we’re friends,” is all that comes from your mouth. Jungkook’s eyes are hard to read but you can tell he knows you’re not saying what you’re actually thinking. What he wants you to do is be honest with him and tell him that yeah, you and Namjoon fuck from time to time, but of course, he doesn’t get that answer.
About twenty minutes later, Kyla is bringing your food.Your stomach growls as the scent of the food comes into your nostrils. The two of you begin eating, keeping some small talk between the two of you.
“Are you still a business major?” You ask him as you chow down on your French fries loaded with ketchup.
Jungkook scrunches his face up, “Hell no,” he shakes his head.
You stop your chewing momentarily, “Oh,” is all you can muster. “I’m sure that went over well with your father.”
Jungkook gives you a short glance, a smirk across his face, “It went as well as you can imagine.”
Growing up, Jungkook was expected to go to college, get a business degree of some kind and him and his older brother were to takeover his father’s company by the time he was 30—you would know, Jungkook would secretly complain to you about nonstop as teenagers.
“What are majoring in now?”
“Photography and film,” he answers boldly.
“Oh, wow,” you tell him, “That’s a big move.”
“I’d rather die than being forced to do something I don’t want to do, that’s no way to live life,” he munches on his burger, his eyes looking straight into yours.
“How’s Taehyung?” You ask him.
“He’s good,” he laughs a little bit, “Would you believe it if I told you he has a girlfriend?” He cocks his head slightly.
“Taehyung? And a girlfriend?” You say in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope,” he chuckles, “It’s weird though, he won’t introduce me to her, hell he won’t even tell me her name.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “That is weird,” you pause, “Maybe he thinks you’ll steal her,” you smirk jokingly. 
Jungkook shakes his head, “Taehyung’s got more game than I do, trust me,” he says with a laugh. 
“I’m assuming you don’t have a girlfriend?” You ask him nervously, biting down on your bottom lip.
Jungkook stops eating and rolls his tongue on the inside of his cheek, “No, I haven’t dated anyone since Yuna really.”
The confession surprises you and you somewhat don’t believe him.
“Why not?” You press.
He shrugs, “Just haven’t found anyone I like I guess, like, really like, you know?”
You nod understandingly. Before Namjoon (whom you aren’t even dating) you had dated this guy for awhile and he was nice but you were bored as fuck in that relationship. Thankfully, you moved on from that onto better things.
Once the two of you finish your meals, Jungkook pays before you can protest and you leave the restaurant around 8:30 PM. You shove your hands into your jacket and walk along beside of Jungkook, lazily kicking rocks when you come across them.
“So, what did I do to deserve a free meal and a coffee from Jeon Jungkook in the span of two days?” You look up at him and he glances down to you quickly.
“I said I wanted to catch up, how else was I supposed to do that?” He smirks and you hit his arm playfully.
You don’t say anything so he continues.
“I don’t know, it’s just when I saw you last week working, I hadn’t seen you in so long… let alone speak to you,” he pauses, “It made me realize that I miss our friendship, I missed us…” he trails off, looking straight ahead.
“Why didn’t you reach out sooner?” You ask him seriously.
Jungkook hesitates some, “You could have reached out too, the phone works both ways” his words are unexpected, harsh. And they somewhat hurt.
You don’t say anything again, feeling a sting in your chest.
“I didn’t mean it like that Y/N,” Jungkook say, stopping his path to stand in front of you, “It’s just… we haven’t spoken in so long. I feel like you’re a completely different person ever since we got here to university. I don’t know what happened—“
“You don’t know what happened?” Your tone is sharp. “Are you stupid Jungkook?”
He looks taken aback, “W-what?”
“When we were eighteen and you fucking kissed me that’s what happened and that’s when shit changed Jungkook, don’t act like you don’t know,” you sound angry to which, you are. Talking about this gets you riled up.
Jungkook lowers his head, “We should have talked about that, I know but—“
“But what Jungkook? It ruined our friendship and you know it.”
“I ruined it?” He now sounds pissed off. “What ruined our friendship was you acting like I didn’t exist once we got here to college. You blew me off and blew me off time and time again,” he runs a hand through his hair, “I tried to maintain this friendship and you know it. If that stupid, fucking, drunken kiss bothered you that bad, you should have been a big girl and told me.”
You feel frustrated and you feel tears are threatening to spill out of you. You want to comeback with something, but you know he’s right. He did try and you were the one to put distance between you both.
“I-I,” you start but no words come out. “I’m sorry Jungkook. It’s just when we got here, things got more complicated and more stressful, and I couldn’t afford distractions—“
“So I’m a distraction now?”
“What? No, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” you shake your head in protest.
“So, hanging out at fraternity houses every weekend, getting hammered with Jennie every weekend, smoking pot once in awhile, and fucking Namjoon isn’t a distraction? But your best friend of fourteen years is a distraction?” Jungkook’s words come out in a frenzy and you feel slightly attacked.
“Excuse me what? Jungkook no—“ you stop yourself from speaking. You know he’s right but that doesn’t give him a right to attack you like that. “So, what’s your excuse then for not being the bigger person than, huh? Getting sucked off too many times in a bathroom and you realized you don’t need my attention anymore? Huh?”
Jungkook’s eyes darken and you can tell he’s pissed off.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asks you.
“Jungkook, you’re my oldest friend—“
“You don’t treat me like it—“
“Well neither do you,” you back go back and forth with each other. You’re frustrated. Angry. Sad.
Jungkook is fighting a battle in his head. “I’m sorry okay,” he says, “I think we both can admit we’ve acted shitty to each other.”
You look away from him staring aimlessly at your lap, “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Neither should have I,” he says. “I just wish you had told me about that stupid kiss, we could have talked through it Y/N. I wasn’t thinking back then.”
“Why did you kiss me?”
Jungkook’s eyes look panicked and he scratches the back of his neck.
“I had a stupid little crush on you at the time okay? And alcohol doesn’t help, it only intensified my feelings.”
“What?” Your mouth drops agape at the confession.
“I know, stupid right,” he shakes his head, “Fuck I wished we had discussed this sooner because this is so embarrassing,” he laughs while shaking his head.
You’re in disbelief. Jungkook liked you? How did you not know? It makes your insides tingle at the thought, but you know you shouldn’t get excited so you drown out the feeling deep within you. 
“Well, that was years ago,” you tell him, “All we can do now is look ahead,” your breath is uneven and shaky.
“You’re right,” he mutters, “I really am sorry Y/N, I-I just want you as a friend again—“
“I forgive you Jungkook. And I’m sorry too.”
What Jungkook does next is unexpected but all too familiar. He grabs your chin and squeezes it in his hand. You swat him away with a laugh as he pulls you in by an arm. You oblige his movements and rest your head on his shoulder as the two of you keep walking. There’s something oddly intimate about this gesture. And the whole atmosphere has changed but you like it—it feels… like home.
“Can I ask you something?” You mumble.
“You just did,” he laughs and his chest rumbles underneath you.
“Shut the fuck up,” you lean up from him with a smile, “Namjoon said you talk about me a lot…?” You trail off your question. You could be sneaky if you really wanted to be.
“He did?” Jungkook panics. Fucking Namjoon, he thinks to himself. “W-what did he say?” He stumbles on his words.
“Just stuff,” you respond hesitantly, “He may or may not have said that you called me hot.” Jungkook freezes beside of you.
“Fucking hell, I’m gonna kill hyung,” he mutters underneath his breath, “Look I’m sorry okay—I was really drunk and I saw you at one of our parties in this short ass dress and fuck, yeah I said you were hot—I’m sorry okay? I know that’s so fucking weird jeez, I’m sorry—“
“Jungkook it’s fine,” you laugh interrupting his rambling. “It’s not weird, I just wanted to know whether or not Namjoon was feeding me shit.”
“You don’t think it’s weird?” He asks and you can sense that he is very embarrassed. “I told you, I’m not good with my alcohol.”
You shake your head, “I mean, you’re pretty hot too if I say so myself,” the words tumble from your mouth and you actually want to crawl in a hole and die. Did you just say that?! Jungkook looks at you as you turn your face away from him. Fuck, he thinks to himself. He glances down your body and notices the cleavage coming through your dress and the way you hair is pulled to one side. Fuck, he thinks again, yeah, stupid little crush three years ago my ass.
“Can I tell you something?” His voice his quiet, serious.
“Of course,” you look up at him with a concern face.
“You can’t tell anyone—not even Jennie,” he says, his voice low. You give him a confused look, but nod anyways.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him. He bits at his lip, feeling uneasy.
He takes in a deep breath before exhaling, “When I changed my major a few months back, my parents threatened to cut me off—“
“Whoa, what?”
“And they’re still threatening to if I don’t get my shit straight.”
“Jungkook, I don’t get what you’re saying? Have you done something?” You ask him, feeling already too uneasy about where this conversation is going.
“No, I haven’t done anything—that’s the problem. I haven’t proved to them that I’m worthy for them to keep paying for my school. I haven’t proved to them that I can get a job somewhere. My grades aren’t proving anything to them.”
“What are you gonna do if they cut you off? You can’t pay for this shit-hole by yourself—they know that.” You notice the way his jaw is grinding and his breathing is shaking.
“Please don’t get mad at me,” he mumbles quietly. Oh god. “Recently I started taking up, um… boxing,” he says, unsure of his words.
“…Okay?” You say slowly.
“I’ve been fighting, like underground fighting,” you almost don’t hear him, but then you do, and you want to laugh in his face—but he’s being serious.
“Fighting? Jungkook what the fuck?!” You push yourself away from the comfort of his side, “Are you crazy?!”
“I’m getting paid for the fights—if I win at least,” he tries to sound reasonable but to you, you want to scream at him in anger.
“Jungkook, are you fucking kidding me? You’re fighting? Instead of finding a real job?”
“Y/N you don’t understand—I make thousands of dollars for one fight—it’s my best chance right now.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you shake your head, pulling your hands through your hair in frustration, you cannot believe this man right now.
“What are you going to do about school then? Huh?” You press him.
“I-I was hoping you would help me, at least try to tutor me,” he says hesitantly and your stomach drops. You don’t say anything for a moment, unsure if you want to scream or cry at him.
“So this is the reason why you wanted to rekindle our friendship, so I could be your fucking tutor?”
“What no—“
“Are you fucking kidding me Jungkook? I cannot believe you right now,” your voice is getting louder by the minute. You start to walk away from him back to your apartment by yourself, unable to even look at him right now.
“Wait—no, please Y/N,” Jungkook runs to you, grabbing your hand and pulls you back to him, “I know this is all bad timing but I really did miss having you as a friend and you’re the only person, I could tell this to, at least for now,” he quickly explains.
“What, so you want me to help you through school while you get the shit knocked out of you for money?” You ask him, “Jungkook I don’t want to see you go through that, you have to find another option,” your eyes are pleading with him. His grip moves from your hand to your waist which causes your heart to race irregularly.
“Y/N, please I know it’s not the best but it really is my best option. I need someone there for me and I need that person to be you,” his face is too close for comfort and you back away from him a few inches.
“Jungkook, I don’t know,” you shake your head.
“Please, Y/N, I’m begging you,” he says again.
“Have you told anyone?” You ask him.
“Aside from you, only Taehyung knows—and Yoongi, he was the one to introduce me to it.” Yoongi—a name you’re not familiar with.
“Fucking hell Jungkook,” you lean your head back, trying to contain your emotions.
“Please you can’t tell anyone Y/N, I can get in serious trouble by obtaining money this way.”
“Yeah because it’s fucking illegal,” you spit at him. You find his hand to grip a little too tightly and you want to scream at Jungkook. How could he be so stupid? And how were you going to let him be so stupid?
“I’ll help you with school Jungkook, but the fighting… I don’t know,” you tell him, “You know I’m not going to be okay with that.”
“If you makes you feel any better, I haven’t lost. The most I’ve walked away with is a few scraps and bruises on my arms,” he tries to lighten up your mood but it doesn’t work. “I promise I won’t get hurt, I know what I’m doing,” he nudges you trying to loosen you up some. He hands end up grabbing yours, intertwining them tightly.
“Don’t make me promises you can’t keep Jungkook,” you tell him and his face falls again. Both of you look at your intertwined hands. “At least promise me you’ll be careful,” you plead him.
“Of course. I promise,” he says giving your hand a squeeze. Without warning, he pulls you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around your waist tightly. Your hands snake up against his neck and pull him close to you as well.
His scent is all too familiar and it scares you that you’ve missed out on him growing into the handsome adult he is now. And now, you have to fear for his wellbeing. Fuck. Jungkook pulls away from you and your faces meet a little too close for comfort. His nose brushes against yours, his eyes burning holes into you.
“I’d trust you with my life Y/N,” he speaks again, “And I’m trusting you with this.”
Your breath hitches as his nose brushes yours again. Fuck, you think to yourself. You bite your lip, knowing that you wold absolutely die for this boy and it takes all of you to grip his shirt and push him away from you. You feel less suffocated once your space is empty and Jungkook’s hand stays in yours as he walks you home. It’s a good thing, you think, that you’ve had a stupid little crush on him too or you would most definitely not do this shit for him.
“So,” Jennie says slowly, “How was it?”
You hadn’t even walked into your apartment five feet before Jennie is rushing questions onto you.
“Um,” you pause, taking the time to take off your shoes, “It went... well,” you say, unsure of your words. Did it go well? You weren’t sure considering the two of you were in an argument nearly the whole way home.
“Well?” Jennie asks, curiosity dripping in her tone, “I need more details than that. What’d you do? What did you guys talk about?”
“Um, we just kind of caught up on things,” you knew you had to tread your words lightly. “It felt pretty normal.” You add at the last second, giving her a weak smile. She narrows her eyes at you.
“That’s it?” She somewhat frowned.
“What did you want me to say?” You give her a laugh as you begin to walk back towards your room and undress into your sleepwear. She follows your footsteps closely.
“I don’t know! I was just expecting more, more from you! You seem awfully quiet,” she says plopping down on your bed that she is oh-so accustomed to.
You look through your drawers and pull out a big t-shirt and slip it over your head. You turn to Jennie and give her another pathetic attempt of a smile.
“It’s just weird okay,” you tell her, climbing onto your bed with her, “This was the first time we’ve actually hung out by ourselves in years and I don’t know, it was good, like we picked up where we left off you know?” You knew that was a complete lie but you needed to get Jennie off your case or you were afraid you would let your worries slip.
She lets out a sigh, “I guess so. I do think about high school sometimes and we really had it good… the four of us,” she smiles fondly thinking back to simpler times.
“Yeah… we did,” you agree staring up at your ceiling.
“How’s Taehyung by the way? Did Jungkook mention him?”
You give a glance at Jennie and she’s looking at her overgrown nails. “He’s good, Jungkook said he had a girlfriend which surprised me.”
“Hm,” Jennie shrugged, “Interesting.”
You furrowed your eyebrows while looking at her. “Interesting?” You found her answer odd but she brushes it off.
“Yeah, well I have homework to do that isn’t gonna do itself unfortunately,” she stands up from your bed, “See you in the morning, goodnight.” She throws you a quick wink before she leaves, shutting your bedroom door behind of her.
You let out a sigh of relief when she leaves. As happy as you were that you and Jungkook reconnected some tonight, the uneasiness in the pit of your stomach was keeping you from focusing on the good. You couldn’t believe what Jungkook had gotten himself into. Boxing? For money? You knew Jungkook never had much common sense but this takes it to another level. You now knew one of his deepest secrets and not only could that seriously backfire on you if something went wrong. He said he trusted you with his fucking life for Christ’s sake. Who says that to someone they’ve barely spoken to in two years? Someone who is desperate, you think.
You grab a book from your nightstand for one of your classes and flip to your last read page, trying to rid your mind of Jungkook getting the shit beat out of him. And as much as you read your book and your eyelids fall sleepy, you manage to barely sleep that night, as images of your old friend are burned into your brain.
It wasn’t long after your first meetup with Jungkook that he started asking for tutoring help. Jungkook knew your schedule was busy and he didn’t want to pressure you into anything, but the more you were around Jungkook, the more desperate you were to help him. You have known him for so long and despite all your differences, he truly was and will always be one of your best friends. And best friends helped each other. Right?
“Hey—sorry I’m late,” you meet Jungkook in the back of the fourth floor of the library after your last class of the day. “I had a question about my lecture—“
“Y/N it’s fine,” Jungkook says softly, not looking up from his paper, “Don’t worry about it.”
You set down beside of him and begin to take your belongings out of your backpack and you notice Jungkook has already begun some work himself.
“How was classes today?” You ask him opening up your laptop. You give him a glance and he’s focused on the problem in front of him.
“It was alright, I slept through my first one at ten—“
“What’s that?” You ask as you let your eyes focus a little too close on his face. A cut lined across his jaw and up towards his left ear and you felt yourself begin to panic.  “Jungkook what—“
“Don’t worry about it,” he’s being cold and distant and you don’t like it. You look down his arms and onto his hands and notice some cuts and bruises there too. That’s when it hits you.
“Jungkook did you have a fight recently?” You keep your voice low so no one else could hear. He visibly tenses up beside of you and he adjusts his beanie on his to try and cover his ear area.
“Yeah,” he says simply, his eyes not looking at you one time, still focusing on the paper ahead.
“Jungkook,” your tone is deep and not happy, but you suppose there isn’t much you can do in this situation. Curiosity got the best of you and you ask, “What happened?”
“Let’s not talk about that okay?” He turns to you fully and you inwardly gasp, seeing that his right eye is half blacked behind his glasses. You feel sick to your stomach and your mouth parts. Again, you don’t say anything and just give him a nod.
The rest of the tutoring session with him goes smoothly and Jungkook has significantly picked up his understanding of his classes in a short amount of time, but in the back of your mind you wanted to scream. Scream at him. How could he be doing this to himself? He first told you he was fine. He sure doesn’t look fine. It’s getting close to 7 o’clock when you tell him you have to go get ready for your shift at the diner in an hour.
“We can pick up again whenever you need to,” you tell, “And text me if you have any questions.”
“What are you doing this weekend?” Jungkook completely ignores your sentences and you turn to him, trying not to stare at the faint of blue under his eye.
“Um, I have another shift tomorrow that starts at 7,” you tell him.
“Can you get off?” He asks almost nervously as the two of you begin to leave the library.
You chuckle, “Probably not, why?”
“Well, Taehyung and I are having a small get together at our apartment and I wanted to know if you and Jennie wanted to come?”
He sounds genuine and you know it could be fun and a little different from the chaotic frat scene that you’re used to.
“Sure, I’m sure Jennie will be down,” you give him a smile to which he returns one for the first time tonight. “If I can’t get off work I’ll just come after my shift.”
“Sounds good,” he says and you are about to part ways before he grabs your arm to stop you, “Thanks again Y/N, for helping me out,” there’s a glimmer in his eyes.
“No problem, it’s what a friend would do right?” You give him your best smile although it feels weird saying that. His face drops in the slightest way.
“Yeah…” he trails off, his hand trailing down your arm before letting go, “See you soon?”
You give him a nod, “See you soon.”
Your shift at the diner tonight was being particularly slow for a Tuesday and you found yourself aimlessly making lattes for yourself every thirty minutes. You were slightly jacked from the caffeine but you knew you would need it once you went home to finish off the load of your homework for the night. Bedtime as of right now was looking to be 3 AM, possibly 4. Mark is once again working with you tonight which makes it all the more bearable, but the more you stand behind the counter, sipping your coffee, the more you realize you do not want to waste tomorrow night working.
“Hey, Mark,” you say and he looks up from his book.
“What’s up?” He asks, his eyes focussing on you.
“Would you care…. to possibly… take my shifts this weekend?” You ask slowly, dancing around the topic. His eyebrows furrow and you could tell that is not what he wanted to hear from you.
“I mean… I don’t care to, but can I ask why?”
Shit. You couldn’t say it was to go to a small party. That would be an automatic no.
“Well, I’ve been tutoring someone recently and it's taken away from my own study time, so I really need all weekend to catch up on all my shit,” you say smoothly. Not a complete lie, but he didn’t need to know you would be catching up on your “shit” tonight and not this weekend.
“Yeah, sure whatever,” he waves his hand off, “Just be sure to tell our manager before you leave.”
“Right… thanks Mark.”
“That means you owe me a shift in the future,” he says pointedly.
“Yeah, yeah, read your fucking book.”
Friday was a blur. You went to sleep around 3:45 AM. Had to wake up at 7 AM for your 8 AM lecture, dragged your feet to your other classes, barely had time to eat anything, only consuming coffee to suppress your appetite in the afternoon, and now that you were home you couldn’t wait to lay in your bed for a few hours.
Jennie didn’t have classes on Friday’s—fuck her—so she had been chilling all day when you burst through the door exhausted.
“You look horrible,” she said as soon as you flopped down on the couch beside of her.
“You don’t have to tell me that,” you groan covering your eyes.
“Well you better get rested up before tonight,” she says.
“What’s tonight?” You mumble, nearly drifting off to sleep right then and there.
“Jungkook invited us to his apartment, that’s what you said last night,” she gave you a funny look before shaking her head.
Shit. You had forgotten about that throughout your drowsy state all day.
“Yeah, right,” you pause, looking at her through the crack of your arm, “Wake me up at 7 to get ready.” You stand up planning on taking the fattest nap of your life.
“I-I captain!” Jennie says sarcastically and it’s the last thing you hear before passing out on your bed, not even bothering to put a blanket over you.
Jungkook and Taehyung’s apartment isn’t far from yours. You wouldn’t say the exterior is nicer than yours, but the abundance of buildings shows that their community is much larger than the one you and Jennie share.
“This is right?” Jennie asks as you knock on the door heavily.
“Yeah,” you say, faintly hearing music from the other side of the door.
The door swings open and to your surprise, it’s Taehyung.
“Jennie, Y/N!” He smiles widely at the two of you before ushering you in. “It’s been wayyyy too long! You guys want a drink?”
You take a second to look around their apartment, not seeing Jungkook anywhere. There’s about two dozen people here, some playing pong, others sitting around the living area. You knew Taehyung was feeling a little drunk despite it being only 9 from the way he grabs a couple cups, the entire tower of them falling over.
“How have you guys been?!” Taehyung pours some cheap tequila into your red solo cups and hands them over.
“Good, what about you?” Jennie smiles to him and Taehyung pours another shot for himself.
“Fucking great,” he says before putting his cup out. The three of you bump cups and down the tequila, a familiar burn hitting you instantly. It’s oddly reminiscent, the three of you drinking alcohol like there are no problems with the world.
“Where’s Jungkook?” You ask, giving another glance around the apartment, only recognizing some of his frat brothers, but him still not to be found.
“He went to get more alcohol and some other things,” Taehyung says, pouring another shot for the two of you. “I heard the two of you finally got over your bullshit?”
You furrow your eyebrows and Jennie laughs. “W-what?” You have to laugh too, “Bullshit?”
“You know, how the two of you acted like neither of you existed? God it was so annoying hearing that little bitch talk about you constantly,” he rolls his eyes dramatically and Jennie eyes you suspiciously.
“Uh, yeah—“ you were unsure of what to say, “Heard you have a girlfriend now?” You change the subject quickly and Jennie raises her eyebrows at Taehyung.
“Really?” Jennie says almost passively. Taehyung doesn’t glance at you, only looking to Jennie.
“Yeah,” he says, “C’mon, drink your shit. The night is young and you guys need to catch up!”
“Or you need to slow down?” You offer and only giggles again. You down another shot and at this pace, you’ll be passed out by 11, Jennie by 10. You’ve always handle your alcohol better than her, but a shot every two minutes will do anyone in.
The three of you talk aimlessly, somewhat of an unresolved tension between Jennie and Taehyung that is impossible to avoid until you get some more alcohol in you. You’re about four shots of Jose Cuervo in and sipping on some type of seltzer when your phone buzzes in your hand.
[9:46 PM Namjoon] hey, wrud tonight
[9:46 PM You] at a friend’s place tonight, wbu
Your eyes are having trouble to focus as the alcohol begins to settle in your system. You remember vividly how you barely had any food today and you know you should stop drinking otherwise you might puke everywhere.
[9:48 PM Namjoon] damn, missing you. I believe you still owe me a rain check
You laugh at your phone.
[9:48 PM You] soon, I promise lol
“Jungkook! Fuck yes my brother!”
You instantly look up from your phone and see Jungkook walking through the front door, a case of beer in one hand and a brown bag in the other. He smiles as he sets down the case and bag of liquor as his brothers crowd around him to grab a can.
Do you go up to him? Yes, are you, stupid? But shouldn’t he look for you? What are you twelve?
Your internal monologue is interrupted when Taehyung pulls you over to Jungkook with a small push.  
“Hey Y/N,” Jungkook smiles, grabbing a beer for himself. He’s wearing a hat to cover his forehead.
“Hi,” you smile and he gives you a small, somewhat awkward hug.
“Glad you could make it,” he says, the bruises on his face from the other day already looking a lot better.
“I was not going to spend my Friday night at the restaurant,” you laugh, trying intensely to focus on his face and not zone in and out as you tend to do drunkenly.
“Jennie here?” He asks.
“Yeah, she’s uh,” you pause, actually not knowing where she went. “Oh, she’s playing pong with Taehyung.”
“Come on then,” he reaches out his hand, “Let’s play with them.”
“Jungkook I’m terrible, you know that—“
“I never said you were good, but for old times sake?” His brown eyes bore into yours and you give in, nodding your head and settling your hand into his. His hands are warm—always have been. Slightly rough and calloused but smooth—what the fuck, stop it!
The four of you, girls verses boys, start a new game of pong and you’re sure Jennie is just as bad as you. That’s evident when Jungkook and Taehyung lob four in, one after another. You’re lucky you get one in their cups. Jennie, too drunk at this point, can’t even throw straight. The whole sight is very funny as the four of you laugh like you’re the only ones in the room.
“Come on Y/N!” Taehyung yells, “I knew you were ass but really?!”
“Me! What about her!” You defend yourself as Jennie throws a ball at Jungkook’s head.
“At least Y/N can aim!” Jungkook laughs, defending you as well, rubbing his head from the plastic impact.
The game ends with Jungkook calling island and you don’t even care at this point. Pong was and never will be your favorite. Flip cup was your speciality and even Taehyung knew that. You find yourself sitting with Jungkook on their couch, legs tucked underneath you, watching at Taehyung and Jennie take on another round of pong with Jackson—a fraternity brother—and his long time girlfriend—Mina, maybe?
“Are you even drunk right now?” You deadpan Jungkook with your eyes and he gives you a small smile.
“Nah,” he says, “You are though,” he says pointedly drinking from his beer.
“Hey—“ you point, “Only a little,” you whisper close to his ear and he laughs at you again. “You sir, need to drink.”
Jungkook shakes his head before standing up, your eyes following up his jeans to his t-shirt clad chest. Has he always looked like this? You grab onto his extended hand and he leads you away from everyone and your heart rate quickens. Where are you going? What’s he doing?
To your relief, he takes to the small outside balcony, sliding the door nearly closed as you step out. There’s two other people out here smoking cigarettes that greet you and Jungkook curiously. You have seen these boys before, but you know they don’t recognize you. They obviously think you’re some random girl Jungkook has invited but—if they only knew.
The fresh air feels nice, but you can feel a chill running down your spine and you watch Jungkook’s frame go to a dark corner of the balcony, bending down to pick something off the ground.
“What are you doing?” You ask him and he turns back to you and you send some interesting paraphernalia in his hands.
“Not in a drinking mood tonight,” he says, his eyes leaving yours before focusing on the small glass bowl in his hands. He starts to pack it and you’re watching his every move closely. You never knew Jungkook to be a stoner, but the way he packs it quickly and begins to light it, tells you otherwise. He inhales through the end of the bowl deeply, exhaling once, before quickly taking another hit.
“Goddamn,” you laugh and he starts to cough a little bit, a small laugh coming from him.
Jungkook begins to walk back to the corner before you grab his shirt to pull him back.
“You heard of sharing is caring?” You say and he shakes his head.
“No, you’re drunk, you don’t need—“
“I want too,” you say. You hadn’t smoked in awhile, but you knew you could trust Jungkook. “Come on, I’m fine.”
Jungkook hesitates a little before he holds out the bowl. You take it and hold is securely between your lips. He lights the underside and you inhale deeply. The balcony begins to smell like weed, but it doesn’t bother you, it never has. You exhale and give him a small smile. He puts the illegal substances away and stands beside of you on the balcony.
“Alright, that will be five dollars,” he says and you turn to him, your mouth agape.
“Five dollars a hit? Kiss my ass,” you say and you suddenly begin to feel the effects of the marijuana, which makes you giggle a little too long.
“How was your day?” Jungkook asks you and you nearly feel like you could fall asleep.
“Exhausting,” you mumble, “I got like four hours of sleep last night and one of my professors had the audacity to tell me that my answer was wrong on my homework when literally five other people had the same answer and got it right. And then I had coffee as my meals and had a busting headache until I took the longest nap of my fucking life—“
“Slow down,” Jungkook interjects with a laugh, “Too much information that I’m not processing right now.”
You let out an “ugh” before saying, “I’ve had better days for sure.” You leave it at that. “What about you?”
He smiles before turning to you completely, “I’ve had better days, better weeks for sure.” He almost sounds annoyed now, like something is deeply bothering him.
You let a pause presume between the two of you, unsure of what to say. You know you shouldn’t bring it up, but you can’t help it. The bruises on his face, the cuts on his hands—you needed to know what happened to him. Despite your intoxicated state, you could form sentences and think pretty clearly and you weren’t letting Jungkook out of your sight without explaining himself.
“Jungkook,” you say in a whisper, looking around to see if the other guys had left. They had. “Are you gonna tell me what happened to your face?”
He looks down, almost embarrassed. “There was a fight on Tuesday,” he stops when you furrow your eyebrows at him.
“Tuesday?!” You half whisper, “What the hell are you doing fighting on a Tuesday? Jungkook you said—“
“It wasn’t an official fight Y/N,” he interrupts you, “I was fucking jumped with one of my friends,” he says and your eyes widen. You feel your head spinning and your mouth goes dry. From the weed, alcohol, or the conversation? You’re not sure.
“What?” You ask, worry filling your tone, “Jungkook what the fuck! You said you had this under control.”
“Keep your voice down!” He scolds, “I do have it under control, although you can’t really control when you get jumped.”
“W-why? Who would want—“
“His name is Eric. I beat him at the last real fight and I guess he’s a sore fucking loser. He wants a rematch and everything, said he was injured before the fight, so he sent some pussies to jump my friend Jimin and I.”
The information being taken in wasn’t something you wanted to hear. Was this stupid underground boxing that serious? And how stupid could Jungkook be to continue to do this?
“Well you’re not gonna fight him again,” you pause. He doesn’t look at you. “Are you?”
“There’s a lot of money on the line,” he says.
“Jungkook you’ve got to be joking.”
“I’m not Y/N,” he turns to you again, his body now closer than before. His knuckles gripping the railing are pale and cracked. “If I win this fight, I won’t need anymore money before the end of the year. Hell, I’ll probably even have some left over.”
“Okay? And?”
“Then I can be done with fighting,” he sounds genuine but insincere  at the same time. This greatly improves your posture and you feel your heartbeat calming down.
“B-but I figured you would need more money? Your parents Jungkook?” You stumble over some of your words.
“Y/N you don’t understand the money within these things, it’s insane. Trust me, I’ll be set with money for awhile. I just have to win that fight…”
You want to protest him. Tell him he shouldn’t do it, that he should find a normal job, get away from that stuff—but you stay silent. Jungkook always will be as stubborn as you and he seems to have made up his mind about this fighting stuff awhile ago. At the end of the day, whatever happens to him, isn’t necessarily your business.
“You know I’ll never agree with this,” you shake your head, looking down at Jungkook’s hands. They’ve relaxed against the railing and time has slowed down significantly. Every blink of your eyes seem to last 5 seconds and Jungkook could say the same thing.
“I know,” Jungkook steps towards you, overlapping one of his hands with yours, “But like I said, I trust you and you should trust me,” he almost sounds desperate. “Look at me,” he whispers and you slowly turn your head up. Your noses are nearly touching and you can smell him, your vision clouding in the dark.
“Do you trust me?” He asks quietly, licking his lips and you swallow, trying to find your breath.
You nod your head slowly, “Yes.”
You don’t know who leans in first, but when your lips meet, it’s like a siren goes off. The scene feels all too familiar. His lips are soft and they feel just like you remember. He’s gentle with you, his left hand holding your waist to pull you towards him, your bodies flush together. One of your hands finds their way to his hair and you pull him down closer to you. This feels good, really good—but isn’t this wrong? You two have just rekindled your relationship and you two didn’t even last four weeks before you two are snogging—the very reason your friendship became weird in the first place all those years ago.
You try to pull away, “Jungkook—“ he closes the gap once again and it’s like a drug—touch is like heroin in your veins. Both of you are hungry—hungry for each other. You’re not sure when, but you find yourself backed into the wall of the dark-side of the balcony. The door isn’t in view so anyone inside couldn’t see what was going on right now thank god.
“Y/N,” the groan sends your body into overdrive and he begins to trail his lips down your neck and you’ve pulled him so close to you there is barely room to breathe. It’s gotta be the alcohol—or the weed—or just Jungkook—but you’ve never wanted anyone more in your life. You squeeze your thighs together to find some unrelieved friction and Jungkook senses what you’re doing. He stops you, forcing is own leg between your crotch and you subtly moan.
“Fuck, shh,” Jungkook scolds and it makes you laugh as you check if anyone is coming to the door.
“Jungkook,” you whisper and he closes the gap between you again, covering your mouth gently and you genuinely feel butterflies in your stomach. Jungkook’s hand trails from your waist down to the front of you jeans and you pull away suddenly, “Jungkook w-what are you doing?!”
“Do you want me to do this?” He sounds mischievous as he pops open the button to your pants and you can safely say you never thought you would be in this situation with Jeon Jungkook of all people, but you are not about to stop him.
You kiss him this time, pulling on his hair, eliciting another delicious groan from him. His hand makes it way to your center and you shiver in the cold, his hands warm against your underwear. He rubs you through the material, once, twice, three times before he moves aside the fabric—the wetness covering his fingers instantly. You look towards the door again nervous that someone might walk out here and see the two of you compromised—you would die. Especially if it was Taehyung or Jennie.
“Quiet, alright?” Jungkook whispers and you nod biting your lip as he enters a finger into you. You close your eyes, mouth falling open. Your breathing picks up as he enters a second digit. His fingers are long and calloused as you noticed before but it feels so good. He brings one of your legs around his waist so he can get deeper into your center and a small, squeaky moan escapes from your mouth. Jungkook shuts you up by kissing you again and he begins to move his fingers in and out, curling them in all the right places, sending you into a silent mess.
You and Jungkook shouldn’t be doing this—not here, not right now, not ever. But you’re not doing anything to stop it. Neither is he. Is this suppose to be happening then? No—definitely yes. Wait, what? Your brain is so foggy you can’t even think straight.
Jungkook has added a third finger and it’s becoming harder and harder to stay quiet. Jungkook’s face in the crook of your neck, your neck in his—it’s all a little too intimate but it’s hot and heavy and it feels so good. Jungkook begins to use his thumb to find your clit, which he does with no problem—rubbing there and still moving in and out of you. Goddamn, he knows what he is doing.
“Jungkook, I’m gonna—“
“Shh,” he says, “Bite me, anywhere,” he says and you do as he says, your teeth clamping down onto his shoulder as you feel yourself falling off the edge. Your orgasm comes in a huge wave and it’s one of the best you’ve had in a long time—your body is shaking and you whimper into his shoulder, trying to keep as quiet as possible. Jungkook lets you finish before he pulls his hand out of your pants, letting your leg drop. You two stare at each other for a couple seconds, unsure of what to do now. You knew that Jungkook was hard in his pants but you weren’t sure if he wanted you to do anything about it. Should you ask? No that’s fucking weird. Well it’s fucking weird you just let your best friend of a billion years to give you one of the best orgasms of your life.
“Um,” he speaks first, “We should go back inside,” he says.
You nod, “Yeah, we should.”
You follow closely behind him as he slides the door open and you step back into the much warmer apartment.
“Y/N! Jungkook! What were you guys doing?!” Jennie pops out of nowhere until she steps back, “Fuck never mind, I can smell it,” she laughs, her eyes looking between the two of you. “What’s wrong with you two? Are you fighting again? Jesus fucking—“
“No, we’re fine, just high,” Jungkook gives her a reassuring smile and she nods absentmindedly. She is very drunk and then two of you might have to go home sooner than later.
“I need to call an Uber,” you say grabbing your phone from your pocket.
“I can drive you guys if you want,” Jungkook offers and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Absolutely not, you’re high.” You say pulling up the app on your phone.
“I’ve driven high before it’s not—“
“Jungkook, no,” you somewhat snap at him. This kid really knows how to grind your gears. “Thanks for inviting us, I just don’t want Jennie to do something she regrets tomorrow morning.” You try your best to lighten to mood but it’s not helping. As much progress as you and Jungkook had made the past few weeks, that all feels gone now. There’s heaviness with you and him and you hate it.
“Just let me know when you make it home?” Jungkook’s eyes are hard to read. He looks worried, anxious, high obviously, and other potential obscurities.
“I will, I promise,” you give him a smile and he returns one weakly. You look over your shoulder to find Jennie practically draping herself all over Taehyung. Fuck. “Jennie! Come on! We’re leaving,” you stomp over to the two of them and Taehyung doesn’t seemed bothered by Jennie throwing herself at him at all. If anything, they both seem to like it. “Jennie, quit, he has a girlfriend. Taehyung, you have a girlfriend,” you narrow at the both of them.
Taehyung laughs very drunkenly, “You’re right, come on Jen,” Taehyung pushes her away slightly and she stumbles over her feet.
“Our Uber is almost here,” you tell her and she nods.
“Sounds good,” she gives you a thumbs up. 
“Help me walk her Tae?” You ask and he nods.
As you and Taehyung have Jennie up around your shoulders, you look around the apartment to find Jungkook to tell him bye, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
It had been exactly one week since you’ve seen Jungkook. Since he was fist deep into your vagina, pleasuring you with at least 20 people in the room next to you. It has also been the last time you spoke to him. He didn’t reach out for any tutoring this week which was odd—as the two of you set a schedule for it a few weeks back. You were worried. You knew you should reach out to him and talk about what happened—but something was holding you back. You didn’t want to talk over the phone. It had to be done in person and it just had to be done. You didn’t want to lose Jungkook a second time to another drunken mistake.
Mistake? Since when was it a mistake? Was it a mistake?
You had no idea.
It’s why you’ve found yourself at Jungkook’s apartment a week later, waiting for someone to open the door. You wait patiently and no one answers the door. You’re about to give up when a voice startles you.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?”
Taehyung appears to your left and you jump.
“Shit Taehyung,” you hold a hand over your chest, “I’m sorry, I-I was just wondering if Jungkook was home?”
Taehyung adjusts his backpack. He must be getting back from class. “He’s probably at the gym.”
You nod slowly, “Alright, thank you.”
“No problem,” he says and you’re about to walk away and he stops you again, “Everything okay?”
You open your mouth and close it again, “Not sure,” you tell him honestly. He nods without another word, seeming to understand where you’re coming from.
If your assumptions were right, Jungkook would be at a gym about ten minutes from campus, one he frequented as a freshman all that time ago. You wanted everything to be okay, but now, you were sure you have done fucked it up once again.
The gym isn’t crowded and you don’t recognize any cars to be Jungkook’s so your mood begins to dampen as you walk towards the front door. The bell rings and you probably look like an idiot walking in with jeans and sandals, but your eyes ignore the stares as you try to find Jungkook. You walk through the gym towards the back, your neck craning each direction to find him. It smells of sweat and grit, something you haven’t done too much of lately. You’re about to give up until you reach the back, where a cracked door leads into another section of the gym. You open the crack slowly and the sounds of grunting and hard hits fill the room. You stop in your place as your eyes land on Jungkook, downing boxing gloves, a pair of shorts, and nothing else. You gulp.
He’s hitting a heavy bag hard and fast, his movements halting only for a split second before he strikes again. He’s dripping in sweat and you gulp again. Should you interrupt? He’s definitely not expecting you therefore you probably shouldn’t barge in but you’re already here, so what are you supposed to do?
“Come on Jungkook,” another man’s voice comes into play. You’ve never seen this guy with mint colored hair. “Throw a southpaw, let’s go!” 
Jungkook’s stance quickly changes and he’s throwing his right arm and then uppercutting his left arm with all of his weight. 
“Nice Jungkook,” the voice says again. Jungkook steps back with a smile on his face, looking behind him. 
“Hey,” a different voice yells over and you stop to see who it is. A guy slightly shorter than Jungkook appears in the crack of the door, a wide smile across his face.
“Good news, fight is set,” the guy smiles, although his smile reads less than enthusiastic. You notice some bruising along this guys arms, a large scrap on the side of his face. This has to be Jimin, the other guy that was jumped with Jungkook. 
“When is it?” Jungkook breathes heavily, his hair sticking to his forehead as he tries to push it back through his gloves.
“October thirteenth,” Jimin says, “A Friday.”
Jungkook laughs, “A fucking Friday the thirteenth? How cheesy could they get?”
You swallow harshly. October 13th was a less than three weeks away. You’re sure they are talking about the fight with the guy named Eric that Jungkook mentioned.
“I know right,” the nameless guy says, “But I’m sure you’ll kick his ass once again, waste of your time.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice Jimin,” Jungkook sounds annoyed and you’re starting to wonder if you should have came here at all. 
“Come on, let’s do some more sets,” the other guy says says, patting Jungkook on the shoulder.
You take in a deep breath, hoping that this doesn’t backfire. You take your chance and open the door to the room as if you just showed up. Jungkook, Jimin, and the third guy turns to you.
“Y/N?” Jungkook asks, looking confused, “What are you doing here?”
You glance around the room awkwardly, “Uh, I-uh, went to your apartment to see you if you were a-and Taehyung said you were here, so,” you sound like a babbling idiot.
Jungkook’s eyes soften and it’s hard to not stare below his neck, but somehow you manage.
“Jimin, Yoongi this is Y/N,” Jungkook formally introduces you, “She’s a friend.” A friend. That hurt more than it should have.
“Hi,” Jimin gives you a sweet smile and he seems like a person Jungkook would automatically gravitate towards. Yoongi stays quiet. He’s definitely not someone you would strike as Jungkook’s friend. 
“Sorry if I’m interrupting—I didn’t know…” you trail off, feeling more than awkward in this situation.
“No worries,” Jimin shakes his head, “We were almost done anyways.”
Jungkook’s eyes haven’t met yours since you’ve walked in. He’s staring at Jimin and knowing Jungkook, he’s going to try and leave as soon as he can.
“Wanna meet again tomorrow?” Jimin asks towards Jungkook as he packs up his bag on the floor.
“Yeah, sure,” Jungkook mutters, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. “I’m gonna stay here for a little longer though.”
“Alright,” Jimin says, “It was nice to meet you Y/N.”
You smile to him, “You too.”
Jimin and Yoongi leave the room and the silence is suffocating. You cross your arms around your chest feeling vulnerable and insecure. You look at Jungkook and he’s staring at you now. He looks away from you before turning back to the bag, lining up to strike it again.
“Jungkook,” your voice interrupts his chance to punch. He pauses with one more glance to your frame. You begin to walk closer to him wanting to get this over and done with. “What’s wrong with you?” You ask.
Jungkook looks down, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mutters and you nearly jump out of your body when he begins to strike the bag in quick, calculated motions. The bag moves backwards with each punch and his face tenses up, his mind clearly on one thing and one thing only. You exhale deeply, trying to stay calm. If that’s the way he’s going to play—you won’t keep your cool for long.
“Jungkook, stop,” you raise your voice over his movements and he suddenly quits, looking up at you again. “Don’t do this right now,” you say stepping closer to him again.
“What do you want Y/N, I’m busy alright,” he scoffs, stepping away from the bag, turning fully to you. You wish he didn’t look good drenched in sweat but it was hard to stay focused when he was looking like that.
“You know exactly what I want. You haven’t spoken to me in a fucking week Jungkook,” your words are fiery despite your cool demeanor.
“Is that really that big of an issue? We barely spoke for two years until recently,” he sounds annoyed, but also timid—you can sense something is bothering him.
You frown, “Yeah until recently because I thought we moved past that.”
He doesn’t say anything. And that’s what boils your blood. Tears are threatening to spill from your eyes—not from sadness, but frustration.  
“So is that it? I let you finger fuck me and now I don’t mean anything to you anymore?” Your words are seething and once you say this, Jungkook’s face softens that slightest bit.
“What? No Y/N—“
“Then what the fuck is wrong with you? What have I done?!” It takes all of you not to breakdown right there. You just got Jungkook back. You couldn’t lose him a second time.
“Y/N listen,” Jungkook takes off his boxing gloves, throwing them in the floor, “You haven’t done anything alright. It’s just—complicated,” he shakes his head, stepping closer to you. He tries to grab one of your hands but you pull away from him.
“No, no you don’t get to do that,” you say, “What happened to communicating Jungkook? Wasn’t that our issue all that time ago?”
He looks down and back up. You really wish he would put a shirt on. “I know, I know…” he wanders off, “If I could tell you I would, but I’m just under a lot of stress right now and—“
“Then tell me what’s wrong,” you don’t want to interrupt him, but you feel like you two are going in an endless circle. Jungkook steps towards you once again and this time you don’t back away from him.
“Look, I’m sorry alright. I shouldn’t have cut you off this past week—I just thought it would clear my head,” he says. With hesitation, he grabs your wrists gently, “That was stupid I get that okay? I’m sorry, especially after… what happened,” he says and you can tell he means it. Jungkook is a genuine person, you can’t argue that.
Your face warms up and you feel almost embarrassed. Were you overreacting?
“I just don’t understand,” you mutter, “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions but Jungkook, you’re worrying me. I don’t know what’s going on with us and this whole boxing thing is keeping me awake at night.”
He intertwines your fingers together and it’s comforting. Comfort you’ve been missing ever since a week ago. “Y/N, please just trust me okay? If I can get through these next few weeks I’m set and I promise you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
“How can you promise that?” You look up fully at him and you’re a lot closer than moments ago.
“I don’t to make promises I can’t keep.”
You sure hoped he was right.
Two weeks have gone by since your talk with Jungkook in the gym. He had resumed talking to you normally, although there was still something off about him. Then again, there was something off with you too. The intimate situation the two of you found yourself in a few weeks back, still hadn’t been fully discussed and it bothered you like no other. It bothered you because you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want it to happen again—or even further. Fuck, you shouldn’t be thinking about Jungkook like this. But don’t you have a right to? Jesus you were so confused. It’s why you have found yourself at Beta Tau Sigma once again on a Saturday night, Jennie already lost in tow somewhere, and you’re standing with Namjoon. Even though your mind was clouded with Jungkook, Namjoon was good company at keeping you distracted.
“What’s up with you lately?” Namjoon asks handing you another drink. You furrow your brows before taking a sip. Your face scrunches up at the taste—not the best.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
Namjoon gives you a straight smile, “Don’t play stupid,” he says. You don’t even try to make up a lie. Namjoon is too smart for that.
“I don’t know, Joon,” you sigh, “I’ve just been going through a lot lately I guess,” you mutter over the loud music.
“I get it,” he says, “Wanna talk about it?”
You’re about to answer him when you suddenly spot a familiar head of dark brown hair across the room. It’s Jungkook and he’s with a girl—you recognize her from somewhere. She’s standing in front of him and he’s smirking down at her and says something that makes her laugh. Then you know where you’ve seen her before—the bathroom girl. Fuck her, you don’t even realize you roll your eyes.
Namjoon laughs, “Whoa, what was that for?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“W-what?” You look back to him and he follows where your eyes had been.
“Looking at Jungkook, eh?” He smirks, “Something going on between you two?”
You shake your head immediately, “No. Absolutely not.”
You didn’t know if that was a lie or not. Sure, Jungkook and you may have swapped some bodily fluids recently, but nothing else. You were also keeping a secret of his, one that if Namjoon found out about—would have him kicked out of the frat faster than he could blink. You glance back over to Jungkook one more time and find his eyes scanning the room. They land on you within 5 seconds and he shifts uncomfortably in front of bathroom girl.
“You sure?” Namjoon finds this situation funny. You don’t.
“Shut up,” you push on his chest slightly and he grabs your hand, pulling you towards him.
“Oh I can make you shut up,” he mumbles and you laugh as he closes the distance between the two of you. Namjoon’s lips are always soft and plump but that doesn’t mean he is always the most gentle. Namjoon is rough and sometimes—it’s just what you need. Jungkook’s lips on—
You pull away quickly from him. What the fuck?
“You okay?” He asks with concern.
You nod your head, “Yeah, I, just uh need some air,” you say. It was true—your head was now spinning and the alcohol wasn’t helping. You couldn’t believe you thought of Jungkook when kissing Namjoon.
“Alright, I’ll be by the bar.”
You leave Namjoon’s side and push your way through the hoards of people and loud music. You spot a door towards the back of the kitchen and use that as your opportunity. The air is cool but crisp. Just what you needed. There’s quite a few people outside surrounding a large bonfire keeping warm. You relax against the porch railings, staring aimlessly at the ground beneath you. You pour your drink out, knowing you don’t need to drink anymore of it. You nearly shit yourself when a voice comes up directly behind you.
You whip around, clutching your chest. “Jesus Christ Jungkook,” you say. His hands are stuffed in the pockets of his jeans, a large flannel and sweatshirt covering his torso. He approaches you hastily and you don’t take your eyes off of his.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” he says, obviously trying to make small talk.
“I didn’t either until Namjoon asked me this evening,” you say and you instantly regret bringing up his name. Jungkook stiffens.
“Still good friends with him I see,” he bites his lip nervously, looking over to the bonfire. You squint your eyes at him. He sounds off and annoyed.
“I see you’re still friends with bathroom girl,” you shoot back. You’re not even drunk, barely tipsy, but the thought of Jungkook being annoyed at you and Namjoon nearly sends you. At least you know Namjoon well—the only Jungkook knows about that girl is her fucking mouth.
“Gotta an issue with that?” He runs his tongue against his mouth and he looks at your from the side.
You turn to him and this feels all too familiar. “Yeah, actually I do.”
“Well, I have an issue kissing Namjoon in front of me—are we even?” He cocks his head to the side and you’ve never felt more annoyed yet turned on at the same time.
“Whatever,” you brush him off running a hand through your hair, turning back to your front staring at the fire. “Last time I checked I don’t take orders from you.”
“I know,” he says and you feel him push his body against your side. Your breathing instantly picks up and you bite the inside of your cheek to steady yourself. One of Jungkook’s hands finds its way to your shoulder, trailing it down to your elbow, then pushing it through the crack of your arm to settle on your waist.
“Jungkook,” you say quietly, not wanting to bring any attention to the two of you. Jungkook’s head leans down, his temple brushing against yours. His hand rubs gentle circles on your waist and you inhale his scent deeply. Fuck. “Jungkook… are you drunk?”
He shakes his head, “No, are you?” You believe him. He doesn’t smell like alcohol nor does he seem tipsy.
“No,” you say. Jungkook pulls you impossibly closer to him and your throat feels like its closing up.
“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook asks and you turn your head up, your noses brushing together. What? When has he ever been this upfront? You hesitate to answer but soon nod slowly—just once—you needed to feel it again—just once again. He closes the gap between you and you nearly melt into him. One of your hands grabs his face gently, pulling him down to you. Your own hands find their way to his fluffy hair, entangling into the locks. He presses himself into you and you feel your heart beating out of your chest. You let out a small whine when he pulls on your lip with his teeth and it shakes you back to reality.
You pull away from him—your entire body on fire. He’s got you trapped against the railing and you don’t trust the old wood to support your weight much longer.
“Jungkook,” you whisper and you feel something hard pressing into your front and your throat goes dry.
“Come home with me,” he says, “Please.” Desperation. That’s what laces his tone and you’re sure your heart left from your chest. But—you know this isn’t a good idea. Blame it on being sober, but you’re not sure you should go there with Jungkook. Not right now at least. Your head was spinning and as much as you wanted to—you couldn’t.
“Jungkook,” your eyes focus on his chest, watching your hands grip his shirt gently. “I—We can’t, we shouldn’t,” you bite your lip nervously.
“Please Y/N,” he nuzzles his forehead into yours, his grip on your getting tighter, “I need you, please—“
“Jungkook, no,” you push him off of you carefully and he looks hurt and confused. “I’m sorry, I—I want to but—“
“But what?” Once again, he looks sad and maybe a little angry now? “II’m not Namjoon? Is that it?”
You shake your head, not able to find a good answer in your head. His hands drop from your side and so does your stomach. Without another glance at your frame, Jungkook walks away, pulling at the roots of his hair.
You get home alone that night. Fuck. You think you really may have messed up this time. No, Jungkook wasn’t Namjoon but Namjoon could never be Jungkook. The history the two of you have... god you were so confused. You’re not sure you’ve ever felt gravity pull you to someone more since recently, that someone being Jungkook. As confused as your feelings were, you cry some in your bed. You don’t sleep that night, worried that whatever wedge is driving itself between you and Jungkook again—won’t be fixable this time.
Jungkook, maybe much not to your surprise, cuts you off again the next week. You haven’t spoken or seen him since the party. Since he wanted you to go home with him and you nearly did, but thankfully you used your head some. You missed seeing his face dearly and missed his smile even more. When did things get so complicated with you and him? Ever since fucking graduation in high school—nothing has been the same. It’s been years and years and it’s something you’ve never gotten over. The more you think about it, the obvious reasons begin to show. Maybe Jungkook means more to you than you thought? Maybe he wasn’t just supposed to be your best friend? What if you two had been destined for something else all this time? Or maybe you weren’t meant to be friends at all?
Your thoughts are interrupted when a familiar face walks into your shift at the diner. Taehyung is by himself, his backpack thrown lazily over one of his shoulders. He looks tired, but just like you, getting through the day. His eyes meet yours and give him a small smile.
“Sit wherever,” you tell him and he decides to sit along the bar, sitting across from where you stand.
“Good evening,” he gives you a small smile, running a hand over his face.
“Hey Tae,” you breathe out, handing him a menu. He holds up his hand, not wanting it.
“Just get me a latte, extra espresso please,” he says and you nod.
“Coming right up.”
It doesn’t even take you a minute to make lattes now. The process has become so familiar it’s become second nature. Mainly due to your own obsession with lattes and your determination to perfect them yourself. You top the mug off with some foam before sliding it over to Taehyung. He doesn’t wait for it to cool before taking a big gulp.
“Rough day?” You ask, leaning forward on your elbows.
“You don’t even know,” he grumbles, “I had a quiz in my hardest class today that I didn’t know about, therefore didn’t study for,” he pauses, “I had to pick up all the slack on a group project that’s due on Saturday and then I have had to deal with Jungkook’s dumbass all week and he was at his worst this morning,” he rolls his eyes.
The mention of Jungkook makes your heart flutter yet stomach feel nauseated, “What’s wrong with Jungkook?”
Taehyung raises an eyebrow at you, “Don’t you know?”
“Um… he hasn’t talked to me in a week,” you look down at your hands, your mouth dry.
“Jesus fuck,” Taehyung groans, “No wonder he’s been in such a fucking mood. What did he do?”
You weren’t sure how to go about your answer. Um, yeah, so like Jungkook wanted me to go home with him to have sex and I did too and I didn’t and I don’t know why. Sounds great.
“It wasn’t him. It was me,” you pause, “He asked me to go home with him.”
Taehyung’s eyes widen slightly, a small smirk on his face, “Did you?”
You shake your head, “No, I couldn’t bring myself to. I wanted to but…” you trail off, slightly embarrassed to be telling Taehyung this.
“Goddammit,” he nearly laughs, “No wonder he’s pissy. Between you and tomorrow, kid’s got his work cut out.” You pick up Taehyung joking around but you still furrow your eyebrows.
“What’s tomorrow?” You ask.
“The 13th. Did he not tell you?” Fuck. His fight. Without talking to Jungkook everyday, you had forgotten about the fight.
“He mentioned it.”
“Are you going?” The question catches you off guard.
“What, oh no,” you shake your head, “No, he didn’t ask and I don’t think that’s something I wanna see anyways.”
“Trust me, he wants you there,” he says, “He’s just being a dick.”
“He’s got a funny way of showing it,” you snap. “Every time something happens between us… he shuts me off. I don’t fucking get it.”
“Y/N he does this to everyone when he’s stressed,” Taehyung pauses, “Especially since, you know,” he shrugs. The fights.
You nod, “I get it,” you slump, “It’s still frustrating.”
“You don’t have to tell me that—at least you don’t live with him,” he gives you a laugh and you send a smile in return.
“How do you feel about it?” You ask him genuinely, “The boxing I mean…”
Taehyung squints his eyes briefly, “I think it’s stupid personally,” this answer warms your heart until he continues, “But if I was as good as Jungkook I would probably do it too. The money in these things are insane.”
You raise your eyebrows, “So I’ve heard.”
Taehyung nods before he gets a text on his phone. He reads it before smiling.
“Your girlfriend?” You probe curiously.
He clears his throat, “Uh, yeah,” he responds quickly before turning his phone over. “So, what exactly is going on between you two?”
“Uh, what do you mean?” You laugh sarcastically.
Taehyung deadpans his face, “You know what I mean. I know you guys have this weird chemistry, it’s obvious. Plus he hasn’t shut up about you since you started tutoring him. Y/N this, Y/N that… it’s disgusting.”
Did Jungkook really talk about you?
“Ask him, not me because I don’t even fucking know. I could tell you what Kim Namjoon and I are before I could define mine and Jungkook’s relationship.” You let out a laugh and other eye roll.
“I’m assuming you and hyung are… what do they say? Friends with…?”
“Yeah yeah whatever you wanna call it,” you swat your hand slightly embarrassed.
“Jungkook hates it you know,” he says, switching tones. “You and Namjoon.”
You slightly snort, “And why is that?” You could tell Jungkook didn’t like seeing you with Namjoon, even before last weekend after he voiced it.
“Because he knows Namjoon is the type of guy you’ve always wanted, not him.” This takes you completely off guard.
“Why would Jungkook care about that?” You furrow.
Taehyung shrugs, staying silent this time. You weren’t stupid—you knew what Taehyung was implying by saying what he said. It makes your stomach drop. Maybe Jungkook felt more for you than he supposed to as well?
“So are you gonna come tomorrow?” He asks.
“No Taehyung,” you say, “I don’t want to see Jungkook get the shit beat out of him.”
“Jungkook won’t get the shit beat out of him, I can promise you that.”
You eyes glance over to the door as a small group of people walk into the diner. You don’t say anything else to Taehyung as you walk over to greet them. You seat them and make your way back to Taehyung, but you can’t chat much longer as you now have a table to tend to.
“Listen Y/N,” Taehyung stops you before you can walk back over with menus for the group, “If you wanna come, just text me. Like I said Jungkook wants you there, whether he’s said so or not. Also, another latte please, you’re slacking woman.”
You swat him with the menus before walking away from him. Goddamn, these next 24 hours were going to be hell.
You couldn’t remember the last time you were ever this nervous for someone aside from yourself in a very long time. You remember how nervous you were in high school when you got injured and Jennie had to double with a girl on the bench of the tennis team. You remember being nervous for your parents when you left for college. And now, you don’t ever recall a moment in your life where you have been this nervous for Jeon Jungkook of all people.
It was Friday at 3:43 PM and you day was slow but painless, and you had no official plans set for the evening. Taehyung had texted you, wondering if you wanted to hitch a ride along with him to the match. You had yet to answer him. His text mocking you from your screen and you wanted to pretend that you knew nothing of the boxing match but that was impossible.
[You 3:59 PM] What time should I be ready
You send the message before you could regret it and delete it. Jennie has yet to be home from going to the store and you would need a good, yet believable excuse for your absence tonight.
[Taehyung 4:00 PM] i’ll pick you up around 8
[You 4:00 PM] Sounds good. Have you spoken to Jungkook today?
[Taehyung 4:02 PM] no he’s been quiet all day. have you?
[You 4:02 PM] Nope
You don’t receive another text from him and you slump down on your couch. It had been nearing two full weeks since Jungkook had spoken to you. You felt like all of this was your fault, sending him mixed signals and unsure of your own feelings for him. From the secretive finger fuck to the gentle kiss you shared last week, Jungkook was on your mind 24/7—aside from taking exams of course—but he was all you could think about lately. Growing up, you obviously loved Jungkook and was practically glued to his hip, but even then you don’t recall thinking about him every single fucking second.
You pull at the roots of your hair and let out a frustrated groan. Maybe you should reach out? After all, without your initiation of friendship all those years ago, you wouldn’t be here now.
You pick up your phone and find Jungkook’s contact and before you can stop yourself, you tap the call button. Your hands are clammy and you know he probably won’t answer, but it’s worth a try. The line rings for about thirty seconds before it goes dead. That dumbass doesn’t even have voicemail set up.
Pissed off even more, you slam your phone against the coffee table and let out an exasperated ‘fuck’ before going to your room to take a nap. Fuck Jeon Jungkook, is the last thought you have before you drift off into sleep.
Taehyung picked you up at 8:02, though you told Jennie it was Namjoon who picked you up and the two of you were having a night in. You think she believed it but left her before she could ask anymore questions.
“I just don’t fucking get it Taehyung, one second he’s fine and another he’s like a child throwing a fit,” you filled Taehyung in on how you tried to call him but to no avail.
“You don’t have to tell me how he is Y/N, I fucking live with the guy,” he groans from his drivers seat. “I just think he’s going through a lot right now… with school, his parents, the boxing, you… he’s never handle stress that well you know that.”
You let out a sigh, leaning against the window, “It’s just so frustrating trying to help him only to get cut off like this…”
Taehyung looks at you with an eyeful glance though you don’t notice. “Y/N, in his eyes you’ve cut him off too, you do realize that right?”
You furrow your eyebrows. “What? No I haven’t?”
“Come on the little brat can’t keep his mouth shut. I know what happened with you two a couple weeks ago,” he says. You don’t say anything, cheeks getting warm. “And the weeks before that on our fucking balcony—“
“Okay what then Tae!” You interrupt him, too embarrassed by the memory.
“Jungkook is trying Y/N,” he says with a hint of a smirk, “He thinks you’re rejecting him,” Taehyung says matter-of-factly.
“Rejecting? C’mon Taehyung you know that I—“
“I know that you and Jungkook like each other, even though neither one of you have said anything, Jennie says it too.”
You narrow your eyebrows at your friend. “I don’t know what I think about Jungkook okay?” You’re being honest. You know you like Jungkook… but you’re scared of what that entails for the future. You want Jungkook in your future, you just don’t know what the right path is.
Taehyung doesn’t say anything else as he pulls his car into a fairly full parking garage. It’s dimly lit and slightly freaks you out. Taehyung had to drive to the other side of the city to get here and you don’t recognize the neighborhood around.
“Stay close to me, alright?” Taehyung opened your door for you and you nod without any argument. You follow Taehyung out of the parking garage into the chilly air and you huddle by his side. The two of you walk down a couple streets before he turns down a dark, dimly lit alleyway.
“Taehyung what the fuck,” you whisper and come to a halt. His brown eyes bleed into yours despite the darkness and he takes your hand into his.
“It’s okay,” he says reassuringly, “I promise.”
You nod reluctantly and the you continue to walk down the alley, coming to a stop at the end where you spot the familiar face of Min Yoongi. He’s standing down a small flight of stairs beneath you two and he greets Taehyung with a stiff smile.
“Taehyung, what’s up,” he says, his eyes immediately looking over at you, “Y/N?”
You tighten your grip around Taehyung’s hand, Yoongi’s stare quite intimidating.
“She should be on Jungkook’s list.”
You stay quiet knowing Taehyung doing the talking is the best strategy. Yoongi looks down at a clipboard—old fashioned but effective you guess—before nodding.
“You guys are good. Hurry and find a seat, there’s a lot of people down here tonight.”  
“You got it,”  Taehyung gives him a small smile before you drag behind him down the stairs and enter through a heavy door. You already hear plenty of commotion as you enter a huge space a few feet from the door. Your eyes look around and you could see nearly a hundred people just in your line of sight.
“Holy shit,” Taehyung says.
“What?” You get nervous by his tone.
“I’ve never seen this many people here, goddamn.”
“Why are there so many people here?” You spot a large boxing ring, dead center of the room and your mouth goes dry.
“I guess people like rematches?” Taehyung raises an eyebrow at you.
“Where’s Jungkook?” You ask, noticing how some eyes are staring at you, making you shift uncomfortably in your boots.
“Probably in the locker rooms… wanna see him?” He asks.
You bite your lip. “Does he wanna see us?” You hope Taehyung says yes. It’s killing you inside not being able to see him, hear him.
“Guess we’ll find out, c’mon,” he smirks and you follow him closely. As you look around, you do notice people you somewhat recognize. Whether it’s from walking around on campus or some of your classes, all these faces are not too unfamiliar. Taehyung takes you away from the crowd of people, through another set of doors and down another hallway. With this much walking and standing, you would have worn something other than booties. You enter the “locker room” area and you suddenly feel queasy. What if Jungkook is mad that you’re here? What if he doesn’t want to see you after all? What if—
“Y/N?” Your thoughts are broken by a honey-like voice and you focus in on the source. Jungkook sits a few feet away from you and Taehyung, back leaning against a wall. He looks confused, but also pleasantly surprised. “What are you doing here?” He gets up and does the unexpected—he embraces you in a tight hug. You return it without a second though, holding him close to you. He pulls away from you after a few moments and gives Taehyung a small hug too.
“Hey,” you say shyly.
“How are you feeling?” Taehyung asks his friend and Jungkook shrugs.
“I’m alright.” Jungkook looks at you again. “I didn’t think you’d ever come to one of these,” he laughs awkwardly.
“Me either,” you say with no expression. As much as you wanted to be happy—you couldn’t. You were pissed at Jungkook for ignoring you and you were pissed that Jungkook was about to fight. You eye his frame, a white t shirt and navy sweatpants hang low on his hips. He looks calm, too calm for your liking.
“Will you give us a minute?” Jungkook suddenly turns to Taehyung and he nods glancing at you.
“I’ll get some seats.”
Taehyung leaves you and Jungkook alone and you nearly feel like crying. What the fuck is this mess?
“Y/N listen to me,” Jungkook says stepping towards you, “I’m so sorry about thess past two weeks. I-I’ve been a dick for no fucking reason and it’s not fair to you.”
You don’t say anything as you stand there with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Fuck I know I’m idiot and there’s no excuse… I’ve just been so stressed lately and you’re the best fucking part of my day—“
“Well why don’t you fucking act like it Jungkook? I’m sick of something happening between us and you acting like a I don’t exist for god knows what reason,” you raise your voice slightly.
“Y/N I,” he pauses, his hands finding their way to your shoulders, “I haven’t been honest with you and,” he pauses again and you feel your heart speed up. What’s he talking about? “I just wanna say—“
“Jungkook, you got five minutes,” the two of you turn to Park Jimin who seemed to come in at the wrong time.
“Fuck,” he says, “We’ll talk after okay?”
You nod hesitantly and before you can push yourself away from him, Jungkook places a kiss on your forehead and it makes your insides melt. Fuck, you meet his brown eyes, biting your lip nervously. 
A revelation springs into your mind; you think you might love him. He pulls you in for another hug, though this is one much shorter as Jimin is ushering you out of the locker room in the blink of an eye.
As much as you wanted to be mad at Jungkook, those thoughts had quickly subsided and replaced with butterflies and nausea. Did you really love Jungkook? You always have, but the feeling in the pit of your heart is pulling you to a different type of love. You cared about him, sometimes even more than yourself. You’ve always wanted the best for him, even if that meant sacrificing your feelings in the process. Now you were stuck between a rock in a hard place, much like you were back in high school when you had a crush on Jungkook. Fuck. And now you have to watch him fight someone like dogs,  
You shake yourself from your thoughts, as loud music flows through your ears and you look around for Taehyung. Luckily, his ashy hair color is easy to spot amongst the crowd and you push yourself to him, squeezing in between bodies and their chatter.
“My bet’s on Jeon,” a voice says.
“Fuck no, Eric isn’t gonna let the same guy beat him twice.”
You try to ignore the snide comments about Jungkook and when you get to Taehyung, he greets you with a smile.
“Hey, everything good?” He asks.
You lick you dry lips, “I don’t know,” you say honestly. Taehyung’s eyes drop and he nods. 
Suddenly, all the lights go out in the venue and a roar of screams and cheers fills the void. You stay still, pressing your body close to Taehyung. It’s not that you feel unsafe, but this environment—it wasn’t for you at all. You heart rate quickens when a man, give a few years on your age, gets into the boxing ring before you, the crowd cheering even louder for him. He bumps a microphone with his palm before bringing it to his mouth.
“Welcome, welcome!” He beams with a smile, “What an outstanding turnout we have tonight! You guys choose a good one to watch because tonight is the rematch of two of the best fighters I’ve seen in a long time…”
“Let’s give a welcome to our first fighter, weighing in at 148 pounds, 5 foot 11, Jeon Jungkook!”
Being an underground fighting ring, there isn’t a posse escorting Jungkook to the ring. He’s got Jimin by his left side, Min Yoongi on the right. Jungkook is shirtless, wearing only a pair of navy shorts, black and white boxing gloves on his hands. He enters the ring with cheers and you inhale and exhale deeply. You look up at Taehyung and he gives you a nod of reassurance to calm down. Jungkook jumps around in place a few times, shaking his arms and shoulders out. From your seat, you can’t read his eyes or facial expression—but he looks calm and unnerved.
“Coming in next, weighing in at 145 pounds, 6 feet tall, Kim Eric!”
Jungkook’s opponent walks in next, three guys surrounding him. He walks slow and steady, his bare chest tattooed beautifully, his boxing gloves a dark red. He enters the ring to cheers and this Eric guy’s gaze doesn’t leave Jungkook’s body one time. Jungkook hasn’t spared one glance at the guy and you find yourself somewhat smiling. Jungkook has always been a cocky-fuck when it’s come to sports which would usually annoy you, but here right now—he looked hot as fuck standing there as if he had no care in the world. Jungkook stands on the left corner of the ring, sitting on a small stool as Jimin and Yoongi talk to him. Jungkook nods, absorbing their information. Eric and his guys do the same.
Suddenly, both men stand and Jimin is putting a mouth guard in Jungkook’s mouth and with one last nod, he finally looks over at Eric, who has already made his way to the center of the ring with the announcer. Jungkook stalks over slowly, his eyes dark and hungry.
“Alright guys, I want a clean fight. No kicking, no cheap shots. If you get knocked down, I give you ten seconds to get up. You look me in the eyes and say you’re good before anymore fighting happens alright. We go for five rounds, unless more is needed. A knockout wins. Touch gloves.”
Jungkook sticks out his gloves for Eric but Eric only stares at him, ignoring the sign of solidarity.
“Fuck you,” Eric says to Jungkook and sends a chill down your spine. Jungkook rolls his eyes, backing away from him, but stays silent.
“Alright… ready… fight!”
Time slows as a bell rings loudly, the cheers get even louder, and you find yourself gripping Taehyung’s arm for support. Jungkook starts to move around the ring slowly, but Eric isn’t having that—immediately rushing to Jungkook to get a few jabs in. Jungkook manages to dodge them perfectly before Eric can corner him. Jungkook keeps his gloves high and never looks away from Eric. Eric comes after Jungkook again, jabbing once—twice—the third time hitting Jungkook square in the face.
“Shit,” you breathe out, eyes widening.
This time, Jungkook comes for Eric, his jabs coming quick and calculated, landing Eric in the body once. Jungkook jabs again and hits him in the face. Eric moves around quickly, Jungkook not quick to follow him. Eric comes after him again, Jungkook blocking his jabs, but missing at the end, leading to Jungkook getting hit in the face once again as well as a body shot.
Eric is coming in hot, throwing punches and jabs left and right, making Jungkook dance around to dodge them. After a few moments, Jungkook begins to fight back, landing Eric square in the face twice. You notice that Jungkook must have busted Eric’s lip as blood now protrudes from his mouth. This seems to send Eric into overdrive and attacks Jungkook quick and fast. You cover your mouth when Eric has Jungkook trapped against the rope, landing body punches after body punches.
“Alright!! Enough, break it up!!” The announcer gets Eric off of Jungkook and Eric starts to laugh in a very showman's way. Jungkook is breathing heavy and he tilts his head—a habit of his that comes out when he’s frustrated or angry. This seems to be both.
Jungkook and Eric continue to throw jabs at one another. Within a few seconds, the whole fight seems to change as Eric manages to slip past one of Jungkook’s blocks and lands him straight on the cheekbone. Jungkook’s body almost freezes before he falls back on the floor and you gasp at the sight.
“Fuck! Taehyung—“
“He’s fine, he’s fine,” he says but his eyes never met yours.
The announcer is on the floor with Jungkook counting down from ten and Jungkook finally sits up when he reaches the number four.
“You good son?” The guy asks Jungkook.
He nods, “Yeah, let’s go.”
Jungkook gets up and walks around, stretching his neck around, waiting for the ref to announce the second round.
“That’s what you get motherfucker,” Eric says walking past him to his corner. Again, Jungkook says nothing before sitting down. Jimin takes out his mouth guard and lets Jungkook drink some water.
“Why is Jungkook letting him hit him like that?!” You ask Taehyung, looking up to him, “He’s getting his ass kicked!”
Taehyung shakes his head, “Jungkook’s smart Y/N… he’s trying to run Eric’s energy out. If Eric keeps swinging the way he right now, he’ll be passed out on his own soon.”
The second round commences and this time, it’s Jungkook who comes out fast. Jungkook soon has Eric trapped against the rope, landing jab after jab. The ref intervenes and lets them get some air. Jungkook’s skin is sweaty and red hot and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look as mad as he does right now.
Eric counters quickly, catching up with Jungkook again, landing punch after punch. Jungkook escapes but Eric sticks out a foot, causing Jungkook to trip. The whole crowd—yourself included—start to yell at the action. The referee pulls Eric back and points his finger at him. You can’t hear what he’s saying, but you know it’s a scolding by the way his mouth is moving quickly. You look over at Jungkook who shakes his head disapprovingly. He’s talking to Jimin as Yoongi cares to a cut on Jungkook’s eyebrow.
“He’s a fucking asshole,” you make out Jungkook saying.
The third round starts and it seems both Eric and Jungkook are equally fighting this time. Jungkook’s combinations are cleaner than Eric’s, anyone can see that, but the way Eric keeps landing in on Jungkook—makes you feel like this isn’t going to end well for him.
“Come on Jungkook!” You find yourself yelling in the chaos, your whole body shaking as Jungkook dances around the ring to get away from Eric. Eric has him trapped again, but with Jungkook’s strength, gets Eric off of him to turn the tables. There’s sweat and blood coming off both fighters and it’s got to be the most horrifying thing you’ve ever seen.
“Come on you little bitch,” Eric spits at Jungkook, “Is that all you’ve fucking got?”
Jungkook says nothing again, jabbing when he needs to.
“Fucking hell why won’t you speak to me you fucker?” Eric speaks again.
“I don’t have shit to say to you,” Jungkook finally retorts back. “You lost my respect when you sent those pussies to jump Park and I.”
Eric swings hard and Jungkook ducks, barely missing it by an inch. Eric is tired, Jungkook too, but Jungkook can see a weakness in him now.
“Come on it was all in good fun,” he says with a smirk, “You know what else would be good fun?”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything.
“Kicking your ass,” he pauses and before Jungkook can do anything else, Eric swings down hard, landing on Jungkook’s body knocking the breath out of him. Jungkook stumbles backwards, holding his stomach, he lands again on the ground with a clunk. Eric stands over him, before taking out his mouthpiece, “And stealing your bitch you invited tonight.”
“Goddammit,” you mutter watching the scene unfold in front of you. No one knows what they’re saying to each other over the noise and you honestly couldn’t care. You just want Jungkook to get up and finish this shit.
Jungkook stands up, though with a visible wince in his face. He’s breathing heavy and is filled with pure rage. The fourth bell rings and it doesn’t take long for Jungkook to attack him. Jungkook is fast and furious, landing punch after punch and you’ve never been happier for someone to get their ass kicked. Jungkook lands a punch straight across the face, causing Eric to stumble backwards. Even though you know nothing about boxing, Eric looks exhausted where Jungkook looks ready for more. With everything left in Eric, he starts coming after Jungkook. Jungkook blocks until he can’t block no more, but something in Jungkook’s stance changes. Jungkook steps forward, his right hand landing straight on Eric’s face cause his form to break. Jungkook steps quickly again, his left hand bringing an uppercut to Eric’s jaw.
The room nearly falls silent as Eric loses balance, going down straight on his back and head. When he hits the ground, the room erupts in a roar so loud it nearly deafens you.
“Holy shit!” Taehyung exclaims. The ref is down on the ground, counting down from 10, and then it’s at 5 and then 3 and then—
“Ladies and gentlemen, Jeon Jungkook wins this rematch!” The ref grabs Jungkook’s hand and holds it up over his head and you find yourself jumping up and down, pulling Taehyung down for a hug.
“Taehyung oh my fucking god!” You exclaim. He smiles brightly at you.
“I told you, he knows what he’s doing,” he says and you nod. You couldn’t deny it now—as stupid as Jungkook was for getting involved in this, his talent for the sport was extraordinary. “Come on, let’s get to his locker room,” Taehyung pulls you by your hand and you make your way back to where you were earlier.
Jungkook hasn’t arrived yet, but you find Yoongi already in there, setting out a first aid kit.
“Hey guys,” he says, “Great fight, huh?”
“Yeah, it was brilliant,” Taehyung says. The door opening catches your attention and Jungkook walks through with Jimin.  Your eyes instantly meet and you can’t even stop yourself from running to him and throwing your arms around him. He exhales deeply with a sharp wince, returning your bone crushing grip with his own.
“Alright lovebirds, he needs to get fixed up,” Yoongi’s voice interrupts you two. You hesitantly let him go and he sits down in front of Yoongi, sitting forward on his knees. He’s still breathing heavy, dripping sweat everywhere.
“Fucking hell Jungkook, since when do you box southpaw?” Taehyung pushes his shoulder slightly and Jungkook only laughs as Yoongi wipes away the blood on his eyebrow.
“I’ve been working on it for awhile,” he says, “Just never had the right time to use it… until tonight at least,” he says giving you a glance. “Eric is all talk, no bite. I can’t fucking stand him.”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll be boxing him again anytime soon,” Jimin says, “He’s embarrassed himself twice now.”
“Yeah, agreed,” Yoongi chimes in, placing one of those bandaids that pull the skin together like stitches above Jungkook’s eyebrow. “No one will want to box you now knowing you can southpaw.”
Jungkook looks at you and you furrow your eyebrows at him. He said he wasn’t going to fight after this, but the way they are talking—it sounds as if he is.
“Well, I think my boxing career is probably over after tonight,” Jungkook speaks up as if he could read your mind. He tears his eyes away from you as the others look confused.
“Jungkook c’mon!”
“Guys,” he breathes out, “I made a promise, okay? Besides, I have enough money now, I don’t need anything else.”
Your features soften as you listen to his words. His promise was to you. A smile grows on your face as you watch his body calm down from his intensified state. Once Yoongi is finished, he packs everything up. The five of you talk amongst yourselves before Taehyung turns to you.
“You ready to go home?” He asks.
“I can take you home,” Jungkook says before you can answer.
“Okay,” you give him a small smile that he returns.
“Okay then, I’m gonna head out, I won’t be home tonight Jungkook,” he says.
“I know I know, at your girlfriends,” Jungkook swats his hand and Taehyung flips him off before leaving.
Jungkook stands up throwing on a shirt and slipping into Birkenstocks. “Come on,” he says to you, holding out his head. You gladly take it and it feels more like home than home ever has.
“Fuck Jungkook, how much money is this?” You ask him as he hands you a white envelope as he unbuckles himself in the driver seat. The envelope is thick and you peak out of curiosity, your jaw dropping.
“I told you,” he says snatching it back from you, “As much food as I’ve bought you lately, hopefully this will last.”
You swat at his sarcastic comment before letting out a laugh. Instead of going home, you asked Jungkook to go anywhere but there. You’re parked outside of his apartment complex, which was fine with you. The two of you needed to talk. Not much talking goes on as a silence falls between you two.
The two of you laugh as you speak at the same time.
“You first,” you say, turning your body to face him fully.
He takes a deep breath before speaking, “I know I said it earlier but I really am sorry about this past week. There’s not an excuse that justifies me acting like a complete dick to you, especially when you’ve been nothing but nice to me.”
You stay quiet, unsure of what to say.
“And when I said you’re the best part of my day… I fucking mean it. I’m sorry for coming onto you like I have, I just,” he doesn’t finish, his eyes looking everywhere but you.
“Jungkook,” you get his attention again, reaching over the console to grab his hand, “Don’t apologize for that. Yeah, you’ve been a dick each time something happens between us but that’s the apology I care about.”
“I just don’t know how to say it,” he mutters, caressing your hand gently.
“So you’re really not going to box anymore?” you inquire. Jungkook was good, more than good... it couldn’t be easy giving up on that. 
He shakes his head, “No. I told you I didn’t want you worrying about me anymore. I keep my promises,” his smile his sweet and you swear your feel yourself melting more and more into his touch. 
“Jungkook,” you let out a deep sigh, “I didn’t realize how much I needed you in my life until we became friends again. You know almost everything about me and I don’t want anyone else to ever take your place…”
It’s hanging there by a thread—the words on your tongue—and you’re not sure you can say them and they feel constricting—but you know you have to and—
“I love you,” the words come from your mouth and you feel like you could puke. “I don’t know when or why, but I’m in love with you Jungkook. You’re all I think about anymore and I don’t want anyone else when you’re right here.”
Jungkook parts his mouth, staring at you with a look you can’t read. Fuck, you fucked this up for sure.
“Shit—I know that was so rushed and stupid. Fuck I’m an idiot—“
“Y/N,” Jungkook’s voice interrupts you and you try to hide within your own body from embarrassment. With your hand of yours in his, he pulls on it, forcing you closer to him. You look at him wide eyed before he presses his lips against yours firmly. As usual, his lips feel so good and you melt into him. This is good right? What the hell is going on? You pull away from him after a few moments, an unsure look on your face.
He nuzzles his nose against your own before speaking, “I’ve wanted to tell you that since the night of our graduation.”
“Really?” You ask as you feel your palms sweat, heart racing.
He nods, “I’ve been in love with you for god knows how long now.”
A smile creeps upon your face and you let out a sigh of relief. Jungkook watches you with interest, tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
“I can take you home whenever,” he says quietly.
You’re quick to shake your head,  “No, it’s okay… I can stay, if you want,” your voice trails off and you suddenly feel shy under his gaze.
You don’t notice how Jungkook bites his lip but he does say, “Yeah. Of course.”
Jungkook’s apartment is how you remember it, though a lot quieter without Taehyung here. You’re sure the reason Jungkook’s apartment is spotless is because of him. He has always been clean and organized and Taehyung… well he was Taehyung.
“I’m gonna get in the shower, my room is in here if you wanna chill,” Jungkook says and you give him a small nod. He rids his shirt before he even closes the bathroom door and it makes you gulp. This is new territory for the both of you. The two of you just admitted your love for one another and you’re about to spend the night with Jungkook? And not in a friend way? Jesus Christ you could be tripping.
You walk into Jungkook’s room and it smells just like him. His bed is neatly made and his desk is sprawled with two computer monitors and some notebooks from school. His walls are decorated as you’d expect—a Korean flag hanging, a ‘Saturday’s Are For The Boys’ flag—typical—and a few Beta Tae Sigma plaques scattered. What catches your eye is a wall of neatly lined photos taped to the wall. You look around at all of them with a smile. Most of them are Jungkook and his frat brothers, Taehyung, a few of his older brother, there’s even a picture of you, him, Taehyung, and Jennie from high school. One that catches your eye the most is one of just you and him. It’s an old picture but the memories from that day flood your mind. It was from your first week of freshman year here at university. Both of your smiles are wide and you two are hugging each other’s frames closely. Jennie took the picture you remember. It makes you smile to yourself, butterflies entering in your stomach. Did you love Jungkook then and didn’t know it? The way you’re looking at him in the picture would say so.
You suddenly feel an urge to be close to him again. You’ve never been a ballsy person but as you look back at the bathroom door that’s closed, your desire to be touched again by Jungkook again overwhelms your senses. Closing your eyes briefly, you don’t need much more convincing before your stripping yourself of your jacket and shoes. You kick off your jeans and sweater, leaving you only in your undergarments. You tip toe to the bathroom, grabbing the handle, opening it easy.
The shower water is loud and there’s steam in the small quarters. Jungkook is humming to himself as you start to take off the rest of your clothing. With a deep breath, you grab the shower curtain, pulling it back. Jungkook’s back is facing you but he hears you instantly.
“Shit Y/N you scar—“ he stops mid sentence as he takes in your naked frame getting in the shower too.
“Hi,” you mumble meeting his eye contact.  
“H-hey,” he nearly chokes on his own air, trying to keep his eyes up from your breasts.
“Scooch,” you smirk at him to move to get underneath the water too. He does as you say watching you curiously. You’re in the process of wetting your hair when his chest is pressed firmly against your back.
“This wasn’t expected,” he says into your ear, his hands moving to grip your waist from behind.
“You’re the one that wanted me to go home with you,” you say giving him an innocent glance over your shoulder. He laughs biting his lip, pressing them against the skin behind of your ear. You lean into the physical contact, feeling almost all of your stress go away instantly.
You spin around to look at him fully as it’s a frenzy whose mouth collides with whose. He leans down to grasp your lips in their entirety, pulling you closer to him than you ever have been. He pulls you away from the water so it doesn’t get in your face as he presses you against the shower wall. His tongue dips in and out of your mouth, his hands free roaming over your breasts and down to your ass, whatever he likes within the moment. Your hands grip his dark locks as he moves his mouth from your mouth, to your neck, down to your chest. He waste no time taking your right nipple in his mouth and you exhale deeply at the feeling.
You pull his face back to yours, kissing him again not able to get enough of his lips. His hands trail down from your ass to the front of your thighs, getting closer and closer to your wet center.
“Is this okay?” He asks as his fingers rub slowly back forth between your entrance. You can barely speak as his touch is setting you on fire but you manage to nod.
“Yes, please, Jungkook,” you say. He enters one finger, then another stretching you out nicely. Fuck you forgot how good this felt with him.
“Fuck you’re so wet,” he breathes heavily and you glance down at his hardening cock. Your mouth waters at the sight. Jungkook lifts one of your legs and starts to take his fingers in and out of you slowly and agonizing. He fingers you deep and rough and you can already feel a climax coming.
“Shit,” you croak out as Jungkook rubs one of your nipples, kissing your neck. There’s a pain at the back of your head at his force pushing you against the wall but it’s easy to ignore when it feels so good below your waist. “Jungkook, I’m gonna come,” you say as the snap inside of you is about to break.
“Come on baby,” his voice is deep and groggy. As if on cue, you feel your climax wash over you and you’re not shy to be loud. You know no one is here so it doesn’t bother you one bit. Jungkook kisses you against feverishly as he pulls his fingers from you. You feel impossibly empty but you know what you want to do and you’re not near anywhere tired. Your hands travel down to his front, grasping his hard dick in your hands. God, he’s so big.
“Oh fuck,” Jungkook seethes through his teeth as you pull on the sensitive skin, all the way from his pubic hair down to the tip. He places a hand beside of your head, leaning forward against your forehead. His eyes are shut tightly and you lick your lips, wanting to take him in your mouth.
You push him away from you slightly and move down to your knees, your face front and center with his beautiful dick. You take no time to put him in your mouth which causes Jungkook to groan loudly.
“Y/N,” he says looking down at you. He’s never seen a better sight. You make sure to keep eye contact as you bob your head up and down his shaft. While one of Jungkook’s hands stays against the wall, his other grips your hair, fisting it into a makeshift ponytail. “Oh fuck—He pulls on your hair and it only makes you want to please him more. Your left hand go to his balls, the right helping you up and down his length. He pulls your hair again and you take as much of him as you can. His tip reaches the back of your throat and you gag around his length and Jungkook thinks he could actually cry. Watching you through half open lids, he decides this isn’t how he is going to come—not tonight at least.
He grabs your hair and pulls you away from him and you’re slightly confused when he brings you to your feet.
“Come on, I need to be inside of you,” he says and you nod eagerly as he turns off the shower. He leads you out of the bathroom in a frenzy, pulling up into his bedroom. You shut the door behind you and he pins you against it, kissing you hard and deep.
Both of you are dripping wet but neither of you care to dry off as he carries you to his bed. You settle on his lap as his hands rest on your waist tightly. Your hands grip his face just as tight but you’re careful not to touch his injury above his brow. You couldn’t believe he was just fighting two hours ago—that seemed like forever ago compared to now. A lot can change in a short period of time and it makes you slightly chuckle against his mouth.  
“What?” He breaks the kiss asking you with a hazy grin.
You shake your head, “Nothing,” you smile pushing his hair from his forehead. You liked seeing it. “I love you,” you repeat. And you probably won’t stop, ever.
“I love you too,” he says, “So much.”
“Let me ride you,” you whisper in his ear and his eyes light up like a child. “Are you clean?” You ask him. 
He nods quickly, “You?” You nod in response and both of you feel excited and anxious. 
You rub your hand against his length again and you hold it up as you adjust yourself to sit on him. As soon as his tip enters you, a shiver runs down your spine. As you sink yourself lower, groans come from both of your mouths, a deep moan erupting from you when you bottom out.
“Oh my god,” you breathe in and out to control yourself.
“Ride me baby,” he says and you start to move your hips against his. He fills up every inch of you and it feels so good. Your hips lift away from his and he chases them with his own thrusts. He kisses your neck as you throw your head back, your hands digging into his shoulders for leverage.  
“Fuck Jungkook,” you say seeing stars in your eyes, “You feel so good,” you whine.
“You have no idea,” he says against your sticky skin, one of his hands bruising into your waist helping you ride him in a fluid motion. “Goddammit,” he says.
As you grind against him, your clit rubs against his pubic hair, sending your toes curling. He senses that you’ve found your sweet spot against him and places his thumb there instead to rub the sensitive bud.
You feel yourself inching closer and closer to a second climax when Jungkook stalls your motion.
“Lay on your stomach,” he breathes and you do as he says climbing off of him quickly. He doesn’t even give you time to get there all the way before he’s grabbing your hips to pull your ass to him. He slides right into you and you nearly scream into his mattress. Your hands grip the sheets as he fucks you deeper from behind. He smacks your ass once, twice sending a loud whine from your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mutter trying to focus on Jungkook’s whines and small ministrations from his mouth. He reaches forward, rubbing your clit again and you want to die and go to heaven at the feeling. Neither of you try to be quiet anymore as you feel the second orgasm coming over you. You clench and unclench around Jungkook’s length as he stalls his thrusts to feel the action.
“Come inside of me,” you say, knowing both of you are clean and you have an IUD.
“Jesus,” he breathes, picking up his pace again chasing after his own high. As the sensitivity becomes too much, Jungkook finally lets go, coming deep inside of you. He holds your hips close against him, trying to deepen his climax as far as possible. The hot cum inside of you feels good and you moan at the feeling.
When Jungkook finishes completely in you, he pulls out with a sigh. You collapse against the bed, completely spent. Jungkook finds a clean rag in his pile of clean laundry and is quick to clean yourself and him up. You feel like you can barely move as Jungkook joins you in his bed. He turns you over to face him and he kisses you gently which you return happily.
“I love you,” he says for the third time tonight, kissing your nose.
“I love you too,” you entangling your legs together. The room is silent apart from your breathing and you’re about to go to sleep when he nudges you with his hand.  
“Come on,” he says.
“What?” You ask.
“Let’s actually take a shower now since someone wouldn’t let me,” he eyes you with accusation.
You squint at him before flipping him off. “Fuck off.”
The next morning you wake up with Jungkook hugging you from behind, his face nuzzeled in your hair. You have no clue what the time may be, but you since it’s early by the way the birds chirp out the window. You stretch out your arms as best as you could and try to move your legs, but it doesn’t work since Jungkook’s heavy legs are tangled with your own. You’re tempted to fall back asleep but when Jungkook moves behind you, you turn to see his ruckus. You’re met with his brown eyes and you jump slightly, not expecting to see him awake. Both of you let out the faintest of laughs, not saying anything.
Jungkook leans over and kisses your lips, “Good morning.” His voice is groggy and he shuts his eyes again as you fully turn your body to his.
“Good morning,” you respond, watching the way his chest rises and falls gently. “How’d you sleep?”
“Hmm, really good,” he mumbles. You are about to join him in closing your eyes again until a loud rumble comes from your belly. Jungkook laughs.
“Hungry much?”
“Starving,” you groan, “I didn’t eat dinner last night.”
“Why not?”
“I was too nervous before your match… I thought I would yak if I ate,” you answer. Stupid, you know, but it was your train of thought last night.
He opens his eyes again, “Let’s go to the diner for breakfast… employee discount.”
You glare at him, “Is that all I am to you? A fucking employee discount,” you say saracastically.
“And my girlfriend if that helps?” He raises an eyebrow. Your cheeks heat up and you smile.
“Welllll, since my boyfriend is rich now and gets a discount, I’m assuming he’s paying.”
He smirks, “Obviously.”
“Will you take me to my place so I can change? And then we’ll go?”
He nods, his hand caressing the side of your body, “As much as I wanna stay in bed, I could really go for pancakes right now.”
“Waffles are superior,” you remark.
He frowns with a disgusted face, “Get the fuck out of my bed you heathen.”
Jungkook insisted on coming up to your apartment with you because he didn’t want to wait in the car, but you know he just wants to see you change in front of him. Boys are all the fucking same.
As you fumbled with the key, the door opens and whatever Jungkook is saying to you is suddenly drowned out when you see—
The names leave yours and Jungkook’s mouth as you watch the scene in front of you. Jennie is sitting on the counter, Taehyung in between her legs with a coffee cup in hand. Could be worse but what the fuck is going on?!
“Shit,” Jennie says pushing away Taehyung. “Hey guys,” she smiles awkwardly. You and Jungkook look at each other confused before Jungkook speaks.
“Uh, Taehyung?” He asks and Taehyung is. as red as a tomato.
“Oh fuck,” Jennie mutters shaking her head. She looks at Taehyung for backup.
Taehyung pinches his nose before speaking, “Um… we’re dating.”
You and Jungkook have the same reaction as your mouth drops.
“Jennie is your secret girlfriend?” Jungkook asks.
“Surprise,” Jennie smiles again looking at you.
You look at Jungkook and shake your head at the four of you. What a fucking cliché.
The four of you go to breakfast together that morning and it’s like old times, just with a sprinkle of something new. As long as the four of you have known each other, you’ve always had each other’s backs. Even now, with you and Jungkook and Jennie and Taehyung—you know that would never change from here on out. Turns out, Jennie just thought her and Taehyung were friends with benefits, while Taehyung was telling everyone he had a girlfriend because he was that smitten with her. The four of you laugh at the situation at hand and you couldn’t believe everyone was back together... like this. As Jungkook’s pancakes and your waffles arrive, Jungkook’s beaming smile lighting the whole room you think to yourself—this is how it’s supposed to be. 
8K notes · View notes
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Y/N fell in love with Jason Todd, she didn’t realize the normalcy she lost would become such a problem in their relationship. And she didn’t know how much pain it would cause to hide her boyfriend’s secrets. 
Word Count: 4,600 – One Shot
A/N: This is probably a really personal story. And you all might hate it or not relate to it. But oh well...
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Y/N had her music playing in her headphones just quietly enough so she could hear them announce when her plane was boarding.
Between corporate holidays and what was left of her vacation days for the year, she was able to go home for a week and a half.
Only, she was hoping that this year she wouldn’t be going home alone.
But when Jason got sucked into a case two weeks before their flight back to her hometown, she knew there was no way he’d be accompanying her.  
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I just–“ Jason had tried to tell her when she realized they weren’t going to be spending the holidays together.
“You don’t have to apologize. There are more important things right now than meeting my crazy family,” Y/N laughed lightly. “But they’ll be bummed.”
Jason still looked so down guiltily. He knew that Y/N had been downplaying how excited she was for her family to meet him.
Yeah, Y/N was upset, but her family was even more upset. Being in a different part of the country and them never putting in the effort to visit her, they had yet to meet Jason. Even when the two of them had been dating for 10 months.
Y/N had met all of Jason’s brothers, along with Bruce and Alfred. It had all been against his will, his family strategically running into them or invading his apartment when they knew Y/N would be there. Jason acted annoyed by it, but Y/N knew he was happy for her to meet them and without him having to act like he cared.
But Jason had only ever waved on FaceTime to her family or sometimes answered calls from them when Y/N left her phone next to him and went to another room.
It wasn’t like Y/N needed her family’s approval. She knew what she wanted and what was best for her. Their opinions didn’t hold as much weight with her as they thought.
But Y/N also had never introduced her family to a boyfriend before. Things either fizzled out before then or the relationship was so casual that the thought of even mentioning a boy-toy’s name in passing to her family made her want to jump out a window.
“So Jason couldn’t get out of work last minute?” Y/N’s older sister, Kate, asked as they drove to her house after picking her up from arrivals.
And so it began.
“No,” Y/N answered. “His boss is sort of an asshole. He’s a workaholic and can’t fathom why anyone else would ever be anything different.”
The truth was that Jason didn’t really have a job. When it came to income, Jason was resourceful. He was still a hitman for hire. But once the killing part of that job stopped – which was long before Y/N ever met him – it didn’t rake in as much money. Most of his money was either stolen from criminals or he would work odd jobs here and there.
However, the lie Jason and Y/N had agreed on was that he was a mechanic. And Jason did know absolutely everything there was to know about cars and motorcycles. He’d even promised Y/N that if she ever decided she wanted him to drop the vigilante life, he would do just that and start his own mechanic shop. But Y/N knew better than to ever ask that of him.
“Cars don’t stop breaking – even around the holidays,” Y/N joked darkly.
“Mhmm,” her sister answered.
Y/N already knew what her family thought of her boyfriend’s “job”: it wasn’t good enough for them.
The only reason they let it slide was because they knew Bruce Wayne was his adoptive father. Therefore they interpreted Jason’s ‘lack of ambition’ as his personal rebellion against his privilege and upbringing.
“Mom said he sent flowers and a bottle of wine to the house today and apologized for not being able to make it,” Kate added.
Y/N quickly looked at her in surprise.
“So I’m guessing from your reaction that it wasn’t your idea,” Kate teased.
“No,” Y/N shook her head. “He didn’t even tell me he did that.”
That was a Bruce Wayne move for sure. It didn’t matter that Jason had a rocky relationship with him, the Wayne charm and manners were deceivingly contagious.
Later that night, when everyone was in bed and Y/N decided to finally unpack. And she was surprised to find two of Jason’s t-shirts hidden in her bag. They were her favorites of his, always stealing them. Mostly she wore them to lounge around the apartment or to wear to bed. But her favoritism was in no way hidden.
Jason must’ve snuck them in her bag while she wasn’t looking.
Y/N smiled as she grabbed one of the shirts and raised it to her nose. It still smelled like him.
It was enough to make her feel guilty for not having called him yet. She’d texted him that she landed, but other than that, she’d been pretty silent.
She grabbed her cell and dialed.
“Hey, you.”
He always answered her calls as if they made his day, even if she’d called him multiple times that day already. His reaction to her calls never failed to make Y/N smile.
“I didn’t really expect you to pick up,” Y/N admitted.
“Always got time for you,” he answered lightly.
But then she heard background noise: wind blowing, distant sirens, people shouting at each other nearby.
Jason was on patrol. Or maybe he was doing some recon. 
But Y/N knew not to ask. 
“I see some of your clothes made the trip,” Y/N commented through a smile. Jason could hear the smile in her voice. “Those t-shirts have a mind of their own…”
“And my mom thought the flowers and card were sweet,” she added.
“I might not have met her yet, but I know that’s not gonna be enough to win her over,” Jason answered darkly.
Y/N didn’t say anything, because they both knew he was right.
“Flight was fine?” Jason asked, changing the subject.
“I miss you.”
Y/N shook her head and laughed. “No, you don’t. I’ve been gone for like 12 hours.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
She rolled her eyes. “Always the romantic.”
More sirens could be heard. They sounded closer this time. “Are you being careful?” All playfulness had disappeared from her voice.
“Of course.”
Y/N sighed. “Jason, I’m serious. Please, be safe.”
“I know. I know. Don’t worry about me.”
“You know that’s not gonna happen, J.”
He ignored her comment. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
To say Y/N’s time at home was rough…was an understatement.
If Y/N wasn’t being asked a million questions about Jason, she was being interrogated for why he wasn’t there. And if Jason wasn’t the subject of the conversation, people acted like she was single – some even talking about setting her up.
Y/N realized she preferred the former.
Every year, her family threw a giant party.
And for the past five years, Y/N had always been the only one that was single. All of her siblings, all of her cousins, all of their family friends, all of their neighbors…every single one of them had a significant other during those years. 
Everyone...except her. Now, this year, all of them had kids or were expecting.
It was exhausting. 
Sometimes Y/N felt like they were all robots programmed to do the exact same things at the exact same time –  no original thought to be had.
Y/N would be lying if she didn’t spend most of the party wishing Jason was at her side. He would make fun of awkward situations with her. And he would stick up for her when her family teased her a little too much.
The other thing Y/N wasn’t prepared for was unintentionally studying  her family’s boyfriends or husbands. She felt like she was watching everyone’s relationships through a different lens now that she herself had her own. And to put it as kindly as possible…she was not impressed.
Y/N noticed how none of the men offered to help in the kitchen, instead deciding to sit on the couch and watch football and scream at the television. Or how when her cousin handed her son to her husband, and he acted like he didn’t even know how to hold the one year old. And later, when his diaper needed to be changed, he handed him back to his wife as if he had no idea how to do it himself.
Yet her family was stuck on Jason not being able to visit or that he was a mechanic.
What did someone’s job matter if they treated her like she was their world and he the best thing to ever happen to her?
If Jason were here, he would be in the kitchen cooking. And if they had a kid, it would be a 50/50 job – not a burden only Y/N had to bare. He would try to get to know everyone because he would want to know the people who raised the woman he loved. He’d make sure to check in on Y/N every once in awhile, making sure she didn’t need anything. 
Thinking about it all made Y/N miss Jason even more.
Needing to get some air, she decided to go outside and let the winter chill refresh her. It had been getting too hot in the house.
Y/N pulled her phone out of her back pocket and tapped Jason’s name.
“Hey, you.”
“Hi,” she sighed.
Just hearing his voice made her feel a bit better and tension left her body.
“What’s wrong?” Jason quickly asked.
“Nothing. Just…wanted to check in.”
For a second, she was going to explain that she had the sudden realization that all the men connected to her family were trash. And witnessing it was making her miss him more. But she didn’t really want to waste her breath and she figured she’d just come off dramatic more than sincere.
“Are you at your apartment?” She asked quickly.
“Yeah, I’m gonna leave for patrol in a bit…”
Then Y/N’s mind suddenly thought, ‘Fuck it.’
“Yeah, kid?”
“If you were here…” She began softly.
“Mhmm,” he encouraged.
“What would you be doing?”
Jason was a bit confused by the question for a second. But he slowly got what she was asking.
“Well,” he took in a shallow breath. “I would’ve stolen Alfred’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe and whipped up those bad boys to bring over. And I’d pretend to care about football with your dad.”
That made Y/N laugh.
“I’d help your mom in the kitchen, even when she pretended not to want it.”
“Really laying it on thick, huh?”
But Y/N knew he was right. Jason was the cook between the two of them – and a good one, too. He also was a helper. He couldn’t sit back and watch someone do something while he did nothing. No matter how big or small.
“Shhh,” Jason reprimanded and then continued. “But most importantly, I’d try to get as many embarrassing stories about you as I possibly could.”
“Well, thank goodness you’re not here then,” she teased with a roll of her eyes.
Jason was quiet a second before he asked, “Wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Just miss you.”
“I miss you, too.”
“All my family’s boyfriends and husbands are losers. And I guess I’m just now realizing it.”
“Ahh,” Jason noted.
Now he really knew why she’d asked her question.
“It’s snowing here,” he told her as he looked out the window. “It’s almost making Gotham look pretty.”
“Are you going to the manor for Christmas?”
“Probably not,” Jason answered.
“Jason,” she grumbled. “What are you going to do instead? Sit in your apartment alone?”
“I’m gonna patrol. Crime doesn’t take holidays, Y/N.”
“Cheesy,” she pointed out. “Please be with your family, Jason. I don’t want you to be alone. OK?”
“I’ll think about it.”
Y/N knew that was as good as it was going to get.
Then she felt something on her cheek and she looked up. “Hey, it just started snowing here, too…” She told him with her head tilted back.
“I love you,” he sighed.
“I love you, too. Be careful tonight, Jason.”
Y/N gave herself a few more moments outside before returning to the party.
When she walked back inside, she immediately heard her name. But no one was calling to her. 
She was being talked about. 
She recognized her mom and sister’s voices, and then a couple of her aunts. They were talking around the corner, completely unaware that Y/N was in hearing distance.
So Y/N couldn’t help but linger.
“She says he works a lot. Every time I facetime her, he’s never there,” her sister Kate told the women. “I wouldn’t even really know what he looked like if it weren’t for her photos that she’s sent me. He doesn’t have any social media.”
“I just can’t believe he couldn’t get work off. Around the holidays?” Her mom added in utter disbelief. “Sounds like it won’t be surprising when she finds out he’s been unfaithful,” one her aunts commented.
The group hummed in agreement, but also disappointment. 
“He doesn’t even live in Metropolis. He lives in Gotham,” her mother supplied, only further backing the idea that Jason wasn’t committed. “God knows why. But I hate that Y/N is constantly going there. No good news comes from that city.”
Y/N clenched her teeth in anger.
If only they knew the truth about Jason. 
He was a hero and risked his life every night for an entire city – a city that had done nothing but hurt him. And he was 20 times the man than any of the men in their family.
She just wanted to scream at them for being so judgmental about a person they’d never even met.
But she couldn’t.
So Y/N stormed up to her childhood bedroom and decided she had enough of the party.
She shouldn’t have come home for the holidays. She would’ve rather waited for Jason to get back from his Red Hood work than listen to her family misjudge the first man she ever truly loved and wanted to share with them.
Y/N was so tired when she got off the plane.
She felt like a zombie as she walked to baggage claim to grab her duffle.
What she wasn’t expecting was to find her boyfriend waiting for her in arrivals.
Y/N had told him she would just get a car.
But Jason seemed to have other ideas.
Y/N’s entire face brightened at the sight of him.
She practically ran to him and jumped into his arms.
Jason chuckled at her enthusiasm.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her words muffled by his body.
“I thought I’d surprise you,” Jason said through a smile before he kissed her head.
Y/N didn’t respond, just held him tightly.
“Come on. Let’s get your bag and head home,” he finally told her.
“So, how was it?” Jason asked once they got into his car. Y/N shrugged, “It was fine.”
Her lack of details and curt response was enough warning for Jason to realize things were not totally fine between them.
He didn’t bother asking for more details during the car ride home. Instead, he answered all her questions about what he had been up to, how the case was going, if his family was alright.
Once they got back to Y/N’s apartment in Metropolis, the grace period seemed to be over.
Y/N had grown quiet as she moved around her apartment, unpacking and putting all her things away.
Jason walked into her bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed as she folded clean clothes. “This might be a shot in the dark. But I can’t help but feel that you’re not happy with me,” he finally pointed out.
She didn’t answer or look at him, just kept folding.
“Did something happen while you were at home?” Jason pushed.
She still didn’t answer. So Jason reached for her hands, holding them gently.
“Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“I just didn’t expect how hard it was going to be…” she finally whispered with a bowed head.
“What would be?”
“Just going home without you,” she explained.
“Did something happening?”
“I mean, kinda? Not really. They just…” she hesitated. Did she really want to confess all of this to him? She knew it would only hurt him. "They think you’re a bad boyfriend.”
Jason just nodded slowly.
He should’ve seen this coming. Of course her family didn’t think he was good enough. How could they think anything different?
“I’m just…fucking frustrated,” Y/n groaned. “I knew what I was getting into when you told me about your other life and who you really were. I was willing to keep your secret and protect it. I just never thought about how hard it would be keeping it from my family.”
She shook her head. “They think you’re not committed or something. And that…that you’re probably cheating on me.”
The idea of him ever doing that her made Jason sick to his stomach.
“I’m sorry,” Jason mumbled.
“What?” Y/N gasped. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But I have,” he argued. “I put you in this position.”
“No, I did. I did when I fell in love with you,” she clarified.
“But I don’t want you lying to the people you love.”
“I’m not telling you this because I’m mad at you or blame you, Jason. I’m trying to tell you why I’m frustrated.”
She rubbed her face. “I just want them to know what an amazing person you are...and how brave and selfless. How you take care of me and love me and…and protect me.” Her eyes began to water. “They’re never gonna know the real you…even when they do meet you. And I fucking hate it.”
“So what if you told them?” Jason offered.
Her eyes widened at that. “Jason…”
“I’m serious. What if you told them?”
She thought about it. But she already knew the answer.
“It wouldn’t do any good. If I told them, then they’d be worried about me. Worried that your other life was putting me in danger. Worried that I would get pulled into it.”
Jason knew she was right.
Her family probably preferred an absentee boyfriend over a vigilante.
“But I see how the shitty men that have joined my family are. And you’re nothing like them. You’re so much better. And they’ll never even know.”
“Come here,” Jason muttered before he pulled her to him.
He let her body sink into his as he held her.
“I’ll do anything you want,” he whispered as he rubbed her back. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I always wondered what it would be like to finally been in a relationship – to just have someone on my team no matter what. I went to all those family gatherings thinking I’d never have it. And once I did, once I found you…” Her thoughts died out. “I just never expected it to be this way.”
“Do you regret it?” Jason asked as he pulled away to look in her eyes.
Her brow furrowed. “Regret what?”
“Being with me. Falling in love with me.”
Her heart broke at the question. “Oh, Jason. Of course not. Never.”
“What if I stopped?” He asked.
“No. I would never ask that of you,” she quickly shot down.
“I’d do it for you,” he tried to argue.
“I know you would. But I’m not asking. Because I know what it would do to you. Every time you’d see something in the news, you’d hate yourself. Because you would convince yourself that you could’ve stopped it. And maybe you would be right.” She took in a deep breath. “Red Hood isn’t just something you do. He’s a part of you. And even though I worry about you constantly, I’m never gonna tell you to stop.”
Jason took his time in reading her face.
“OK?” She pushed.
He nodded.
Then he embraced her once again.
“I’m sorry you have to keep my secrets,” he breathed into her hair.
Y/N walked into Jason’s apartment.
It was a Friday night and they agreed to have her come to his place this weekend.
Jason was always weary of her coming to Gotham, preferring her to stay in the safety of Metropolis.
He knew they couldn’t do the distance forever, and eventually they’d move into together. But he wasn’t ready to leave Gotham yet. And he didn’t want Y/N to lowering herself to such a city.
“J!” Y/N called when she walked in.
He had given her keys to his apartment quite early in their relationship, and told her she was welcome at his place any time. However, he wasn’t a fan of her getting there after dark. Gotham was Gotham, and he didn’t like her wandering around the city by herself just in order to give him a surprise visit.
An envelope on Jason’s kitchen counter caught her attention.
She nosily looked at it and saw that they were plane tickets to her hometown with both of their names on each of them.  
She heard Jason walk up behind her. “What’s this?”
“A surprise,” he shrugged.
“What do you mean?” She laughed.
“We’re gonna visit your family,” he explained casually. “I called your mom and sister to find a weekend that worked.”
Y/N was shocked to silence.
“I know I fucked up when I couldn’t go with you during the holidays. I know this isn’t gonna solve everything. But I figured…it’s start.” Before he could say more, Y/N threw her arms around him.
Jason Todd knew how to throw on the charm. And no matter how thick he laid it on, it always felt sincere.
Y/N smiled as she watched her boyfriend interacting with her family.
He knew so much about each of them already, that he knew exactly what to talk about with every one of them.
For their long-weekend visit, they had decided to stay with her sister.
Jason knew she would be the hardest to win over and was the most protective over Y/N. He made it his personal mission to befriend her and show her how much he loved her little sister.
Y/N never said so, but Jason knew how important it was to her that Kate approved of him.
However, Jason hadn’t been able to have a conversation alone with her all weekend.
Until their last morning there.
Y/N was still sleeping when Jason had made his way to the kitchen.
He figured he could make Kate and her husband breakfast after housing them for a long weekend. And he made sure to start a pot of coffee while he was at it.
Halfway through making his specialty waffles, Kate walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.
“Oh, hi,” she greeted, clearly surprised to find Jason cooking in her kitchen.
“Morning,” Jason greeted.
“This is a surprise,” she said as she looked around the kitchen.
“There’s coffee if you want some.”
“T-Thanks…” she managed to mutter. “Do you need some help?”
“Nope. I got it. You just relax.”
Kate seemed to be unsure of how to behave when she was alone with her little sister’s boyfriend, and eventually sat on the kitchen stool with her coffee.
“Do you cook a lot?” She finally broke the silence with her question.
“I enjoy it,” he answered with a shrug. “I figured it’s the least I can do for you guys putting us up.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Jason.”
He continued cooking.
Kate figured this was her opportunity to get to know Jason – and not just through Y/N’s eyes. So, she started asking him question after question, and he seemed happy to answer them. Kate was surprised to find out about Jason’s traumatic childhood, making him realize that Y/N must’ve only shared his relation to Bruce Wayne and nothing more about his life before becoming an adopted Wayne.
Jason wasn’t surprised Y/N kept that part of his life to herself. She was protective of him that way. She always felt like his past was his story to tell, not hers.
“I know missing the holidays didn’t leave the best impression,” Jason told her after they’d been talking for awhile.
“You really mean a lot to Y/N. And your opinion matters more to her than you might think,” he added as he crossed his arms.
Kate seemed a little taken aback by how unafraid he was of confrontation.
He seemed more mature for his age – maybe for hers, even.
“I know I’m not going to win any of you over from just a single trip,” Jason continued. “But I’m going to work my ass off to make sure I get there.”
Kate smiled at that.
“I love her,” he told her quietly, but with determination. “She’s…Well, she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Then he smirked. “And I’m not dumb enough to do anything to fuck things up with her.”
He took in a shallow breath. “I just…I just needed you to know that.”
Kate’s heart swelled from hearing her little sister’s boyfriend confessing his love for Y/N.
“Thank you for telling me that,” she whispered, trying to stop herself from crying. “I worry about her. And I hate that she’s so far away sometimes. I miss her.”
“She misses you, too,” Jason assured her.
“Thank you for taking care of her. I’m suddenly realizing you’re the only reason she’s eating anything that’s not out of a takeout container.”
Jason laughed. “I plead the fifth.”
Before any more could be said, Y/N walked into the kitchen as if she was sleep walking.
“Well, look who it is…” Jason teased.
Y/N walked to him silently, clearly wanting cuddles.
Jason chuckled at her, but gave her what she wanted. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He had kept the PDA at an absolute minimum while he had been around Y/N’s family. But he couldn’t help it when Y/N was her sleepy and adorable self.
“You sleep OK?” He tried to whisper to her.
But Kate still heard it and pretended to look down at her phone.
Y/N nodded into his neck, making him chuckle at her more.
This was new for Kate, seeing her sister being loved and loving someone. Her instinct was to say it made her uncomfortable. But it was just something she wasn’t used to.
Soon Kate’s husband woke up and they all ate breakfast together.
And a few hours later, Y/N and Jason were packed and their was a Lyft was waiting outside to take them to the airport.
Jason hugged Kate and her husband and thanked them for hosting them. Then he grabbed Y/N’s bags and gave her a moment alone with her sister as he took their stuff to the car.
“I think I owe the two of you an apology…” Kate told her little sister.
“You do?”
“I think I judged him a bit too much before really giving him a chance.”
Y/N winced, but nodded. “Yeah, you did, actually.”
“He really loves you.”
Y/N smiled. “He does.”
“I just want you to be happy, you know that right?”
“I know. But sometimes you think that what makes you happy is what would make me happy. Our lives are different. And we want different things. Just because my relationship looks different than yours doesn’t mean it’s worse in some way.”
Kate nodded sadly, knowing her sister was right. “I get that now.”
A/N: I was inspired to write this when I thought about how my own family would react to me having a boyfriend like Jason Todd: a man who was secretly a vigilante and had a past too hard for anyone to ever imagine. Hopefully, other people can relate to this and it wasn’t too personal. 😬
Let me know what you thought!!!
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omniscientwreck · 3 years
Let me combine both of your favorite things! I would love a little thing about Caduceus (in his infinite wisdom and questionable intelligence) trying to give either Essek or Caleb relationship advice that may or may not be actually helpful. Those two wizards are probably too much in their own heads to see what's right in front of them and could use a little nudge. Just imagine both of them going to Caduceus for advice on how they're attracted to the other and Caduceus just sitting there trying to fight to urge to facepalm.
Hello! Thank you for combining my two favourite things into this fic that took way too long but I'm quite pleased with! I hope you enjoy!
In which Caduceus has three conversations with two wizards fighting against a force bigger than either of them.
The first of these conversations Caduceus had was expected. Gardening alongside Essek, teaching him how to sow beauty where destruction had laid waste had been therapeutic for both of them. Caduceus had never given up on the war criminal. It’s difficult to feel no sympathy for someone whose story was written across their face in blank but pleasant stares and a mask of platitudes.
The state he’d been in when they met him at the outpost had filled Caduceus with determination. He’d been as close to a wreck as they’d ever seen him and now kneeling alongside him and looking over to see a small self-satisfied smile as he observed the work they’d done, it feels like they’ve done something right. This second chance had been well earned and he has faith that Essek will continue to earn it for the rest of his days.
This Essek is determined to right wrongs, and he’s started with the garden. He pays careful attention to the plants, always asking if he’s unsure about the compatibility of certain species, and making sure to put them exactly where they tell him. When they work past the point when the sun disappears behind emerald leaves he takes off the gloves Jester had made him and digs his hands into the ground. It seems to bring him peace, it’s good that he’s found any.
Most of the time when they work it’s silent, creases pressed into Essek’s forehead. He sweats through the layers that serve to keep him safe from the heat overhead and always has to be cajoled into taking breaks or drinking water. It reminds him a bit of Yasha.
On the third day, when he’d nearly gone faint Caduceus has to intervene, “You don’t need to hurt yourself to repent you know.”
Essek takes great care to swallow and not choke on the water he’d been sipping, bad timing. The mask comes up again, “I don’t know what you mean.” he states flatly. He knows that Caduceus is smarter than that and it shows.
“Hurting yourself doesn’t change anything. It’s the creation of beauty here that tips your scales, not the destruction of yourself.”
He nods slowly, indigo eyes downcast. “I suppose you’re correct. I have much to atone for Caduceus. There is much work to be done before I will deserve any of the kindness you foist upon me.”
“Hey now, I decide who deserves my kindness. We all do.”
Essek nods again, running a dirt stained hand through his silver hair. It leaves streaks of dirt, Caduceus says nothing.
“It’s difficult to be made aware of your stark moral failings, to learn what it means to truly care for someone again. It’s difficult to care more than you expect and to know what is enough, if anything is.”
His eyes flick behind Caduceus, where he can hear Caleb explaining something to Luc and he understands more than Essek probably wants him to. “You’ll find enough.” Essek looks at him, eyes full of a delicate hope, easily shattered, “He’ll tell you when it’s enough.”
His eyes widen just slightly and a deep blush spreads across his face alongside a smile so small it’s like he doesn’t want to let himself accept the barrage of feelings it holds back. “If.” His voice is small but the weight is heavy in the tone.
Caduceus reaches a hand to cover one of his, “When. Remember, I see things the rest of you don’t.”
Essek smiles wryly at that, voice full of mirth, “Of course Mr. Clay the ever observing.”
They go in for dinner and Essek speaks up a little more, he’s a little more alive. The change is small, but Caduceus notices.
The second conversation is less expected, completely unexpected if he’s being honest. Caleb arrives at the doorstep of the grove one evening around 8 months after they’d last seen each other. “Hallo friend, I hope I am not intruding.”
His smile is easier now, though still restrained by sadness. “Not at all Mr. Caleb you are always welcome here. There should be left overs from dinner, fix yourself a plate.”
Caleb allows himself to be ushered in and fussed over. He tells a few stories of the trial but Caduceus tries to steer away from that particular vein of conversation. It’s raw and it doesn’t look like he’s fully healed. There’s still one catch somewhere that he needs to loose himself from before the smile will be easy and free, before he can walk away from his past and toward the future.
“I am going to Aeor next.”
When Caduceus doesn’t say anything he continues, voice laced with trepidation, “I am going to ask Essek to join me.” he wants Caduceus to convince him of something.
“Well, two wizards is better than one.” He eyes Caleb knowingly and the wizard squirms a bit under his gaze.
“It is just, a little strange isn’t it? The directions we are led in.” He trails off again, maybe he’s hoping for wisdom. Caduceus decides he can probably dispense something.
“You’ve never seemed like someone who wanted much to be herded into decisions to me.”
“It’s been a journey.”
Caduceus clears his dish and sets down a teapot, “It’s a journey you’re still on. One that might not have a definite end. Is it worth it to deny yourself happiness because you’re worried about whether you deserve it?”
That caught him a little off guard, copper hair shook a bit as he’d clearly gone a little further than Caleb was expecting. He likes to talk in metaphors so that he can hide from truths later, or at least pretend everything can have multiple meanings. It’s time for Caduceus to stop letting him twist words around in that expansive brain of his until the original meaning is obscured by hypotheticals.
“I cannot tell you what’s right Caleb, but if you came here for a reasonable perspective listen to the one I’m giving you.” He pours the tea and offers honey, “You will never know if you don’t go and I know you better than you think. You don’t like loose ends, not as long as there’s something to learn.”
He nods, staring into tea, they’re so similar and so stubborn that Caduceus can feel the loving annoyance usually directed at his siblings creeping in. “Caleb, stop punishing yourself for something that wasn’t your fault in the first place.” Caleb nearly interrupts but Caduceus keeps barrelling through, “Self-flagellation won’t get you anywhere, you’ll just end up with regrets and what ifs. Go explore Aeor, forget everything else for a bit. Do that thing the two of you do where you’re finishing each other’s sentences and nobody knows why you’re bothering to speak out loud because it’s obvious you’re thinking the same things.”
Caleb’s smile is smaller now, but lighter. “Ja mein Freunde, I think you will. Thank you for tolerating questions I don’t know how to ask out loud.”
Caduceus smiles back, “I think this will be good. If you need anything while you’re there don’t hesitate to reach out. Stock up on healing, you’ll need it.”
Caleb laughs at that and spends the night, before heading to Zadash the next morning, undoubtedly to clear out Pumat’s stock of healing potions.
The third time this conversation is had it’s his fault. He doesn’t mean to start it, but honestly the situation is getting ridiculous and the sibling feelings Caduceus has to both the wizards are firmly cemented.
They decide to get everyone together maybe a year after the last conversation. It’s his first time seeing any of them since then and as soon as they’re all in the same room it’s like no time has passed at all. Essek had come to get him while Caleb gathered the rest at Beau and Yasha’s home in Rexxentrum. Jester wraps him in a crushing and loving hug, Beau gives him a punch that’s soft for her but still stings, Yasha offers clippings of flowers immediately, and Fjord’s hug is warm. Veth’s family is here and she looks happier than he’s ever seen her. Caleb greets him with the warmth that’s always burned behind eyes that hold less and less sorrow every time he sees him. He hopes they’ll drop it all together one day.
When they pop back into existence from the way Caleb and Essek look at each other Caduceus expects something to happen. He doesn’t know what exactly but they hold each other’s eyes in a profound way. There’s gravity to them and everyone can feel it, he’s getting tired of watching them fight it.
It seems so simple even though he doesn’t feel that kind of pull, to see where this is going. It’s feels like the days before a big storm, when everyone knows what’s coming and it’s getting a little ridiculous that you’re still waiting for lightning to strike.
Everyone else drinks, they cook and eat and tell stories. Caleb and Essek sit apart but spend the entire time stealing glances across the table when they don’t think the other is looking. Nearly always they catch each other.
Yasha plays on the bone harp, she’s gotten very good and Jester swings Veth around into a dance. Kingsley, three sheets to the wind, grabs Beau and whips her into a reluctant dance and her initial protests eventually bubble into laughter. Caleb sits beside Caduceus and Jester has switched to twirling a flustered Essek across the floor of the livingroom. It often turns to dancing with these people and he loves that they love it so much.
“As I recall you’re an excellent dancer Mr. Caleb, go cut in.”
He shakes his head, “Ah- I couldn’t. Yasha is playing and I don’t think you’re much of a dancer.” He looks over with a quirk of a brow.
“I’m sure Jester won’t mind a break.”
He coughs at that, “I ah-”
Caduceus shakes his head, “No, talking is done, this is getting ridiculous.” He puts a hand square on his back and guides Caleb to stand, “You two will weave circles of metaphor around each other until one of you drops. Go Caleb, follow gravity.”
He seems to understand, seems to accept Cadcueus’ words and as soon as he stands to full height, Essek is watching over Jester’s shoulder. She, thankfully, understands the same way Caduceus does and even sends a wink as she loudly proclaims, “Oh my gosh Essek I’m so tired, I think Caleb needs someone to dance with, go to him.” She extends her arm, releasing him, and his levitation doesn’t allow him to stumble at the abrupt change in momentum.
Essek and Caleb meet and Essek steps to the ground gracefully as Caleb holds his hand out and pulls him in.
Nobody says anything for fear of spooking the delicate peace that settles over both of them as they gently turn, but Yasha slows the music she’s playing a bit and a quiet celebration is shared in the eyes of the rest of the Nein.
Caduceus breathes a sigh of relief and Jester sits herself beside him, bringing an overly sweet juice she’d found on her travels for him to try. She tells him stories into the night, and the wizards never let each other’s hands go.
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