#which. aaa
pidgeyatto · 3 months
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hi everyone .... i know i've been mia for a while now but i did want to come back on here and say that i do plan on making a comeback as soon as i can. i miss all of you sm and think about coming back here daily, but i've just been so busy being a Theatre KidTM and other irl responsibilities i just haven't had the time.
but when i come back. you will realize.
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m4rscreek · 7 months
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imp tweek and youth pastor craig 🔥
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fallowtail · 3 months
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i just. love them. so much :] the art for a secret project that's just about ready
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pepperpixel · 1 year
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More powerpunk girls!!! This time ft some art figuring out brutes design. And a big group picture!! That I’m rlly proud of!
#powerpuff girls#ppg#powerpunk girls#the powerpuff girls#ppnkg#ppg brute#ppg berserk#ppg brat#doodles#i basically just used the same design for brat I used last time I drew her in the group pic#but.. I might change that up a lil in the future.. idk. I feel like it could be better#the last time I posted a sketch of brute was a million years ago. and it was next to a sketch of buttercup#and someone who reblogged it in the tags was like ‘aaa my daughter going thru her emo phase!’#and it’s like I think they thought they both were buttercup.. which is understandable lol.#but no!!! buttercup is a jock!!!! brute is the emo one!!!#and it’s not a phase!!!! she’s going to be covered in fishnets leather and spikes till she dies. it’s a LIFESTYLE. shes COMMITTED#and. she’s actually more punk then emo but ghghg either way!!! either way..#I’m actuslly SO happy w the design I settled on for her! like I knew I wanted to make changes to her og design#cuz like.. I’ve always felt her outfit was a lil weird ghgh. I just wanted to make changes to it#but every time I’ve tried to figure out a design for her in the past I could never find something I liked#but I did it!!! I did it this time! I LOVE this design for her!!!#like. idk!!! idk how I finally did it but I did and I’m so happy w it! she looks so cool!!!#in drawing the powerpunks recently I’ve been having so many more ideas for my ‘powerpuff girls as highschoolers’ au.#SO many ideas…. like holy shit.. mostly. about the powerpunk girls. cuz they’re cool!!#so yeah… hopefully my hands will continue wanting to draw more ppg art ghghgh#cuz it’s fun! and I’m having ideas for it! so. it’d be cool to be able to draw them ghgh
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otomehonyaku · 29 days
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DIABOLIK LOVERS アニメ公式ノベライズ Official Anime Novelization Frontier Works, 2014 ISBN 978-4-86134-701-6
Written by Yukuzuki Hiroha 結来月ひろは Illustrated by Satoi さとい Translated from the Japanese by @otomehonyaku (you can find the translation in this post!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Story (from the blurb on the back of the dust cover) Following her father’s job transfer, Komori Yui is sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers. However, these six brothers turn out to be sadistic, ill-tempered vampires. The men are after Yui’s sweet and incredibly rare blood, and go to great lengths toying with her body and soul to get it. Before long, Yui finds herself trapped in an alluringly dangerous love game(1)...
1. 吸血愛戯 (ラブゲーム): Stylised as ‘love game’ but written with the characters for bloodsucking (吸血), love (愛), and play (戯). The latter character also has a connotation of playfulness/mischief.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I thought I’d post some pictures of the Diabolik Lovers novelization that I’m translating right now! It was sold as a proper 小説 (しょうせつ, novel) and it’s about 300 pages and 12 chapters long, but as you can tell by the relative lack of long paragraphs, it’s still more like a light novel that heavily relies on your familiarity with the characters and their looks/voices through the anime and visual novels. The two pages of the running text in the second-to-last picture only amounted to about half a page in English (*´꒳`*) It’s been really fun to translate so far, so stay tuned for the next chapters!
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gothamcityneedsme · 10 months
I love that some devs are adopting the word "overdelivering" as like. some sort of actual critique
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yumirumdraws · 8 months
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Edeleth night artstyle based on Curryuku artstyle from them comic Not so shoujo story
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tinyshinysylveon · 1 month
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astraldraco · 1 month
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One layer of sketchy magic hubris man from @comicaurora’s amazing webcomic! It was really fun playing around with effects for this, and I’m having so so so much fun with the current arc!!!
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thesharkcollector · 8 months
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unpretty · 5 months
saw your post about checking your spare tire last week and thought hm yeah i should do that, then never did
guess whose car is in the shop now because they blew a tire on the highway without a spare :)
anyway you were right, check your spare tires
oh nooooooooo
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
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motorcycle sketch featuring cross!! >:)
#art#illustration#utmv#xtale#xtale sans#cross sans#cross!sans#cross#sorry about the empty space at the side hh xD that's where my references were#i mixed so many different motorcycle poses and parts and honestly? i'm so happy with this!!!#i got inspired by a guy riding his (full leather jacket- sleek black helmet and leather pants) in the city and idk it looked so PRETTY!!!#it was the type you see in movies it was so impressive! but he also stood out cause who wears black (LEATHER) jackets in SUMMER??#i was dying in my t-shirt and jeans but i guess the wind blowing while driving would negate the stifling warmth hhh x)#so when i decided to make it i knew i didn't wanna color the piece- nor spend ungodly amounts of time drawing clean-ish lineart#for a machine with sooo many details like damn xD so i went the sketch-y route! comic book style hehehe >;)#if alex sees this then i was also inspired by your killer drawing!! i finally understand how satisfying your sketching method is waa<3333#i would tag you but i'm always unsure if i should unless the au belongs to them/it's fanart so aaa hope you read the tags? muah ty again!!#(btw cross is human here- fem or not is up to interpretation; but then i realized it could kinda be interpreted as a skeleton too soo#just forget the skele knuckles and you have all versions in one piece!! >B)#i couldn't pick which one of the two end results was my fav so you get both versions >;) <333#and not using blurs or effects this times makes me love it even more waa >:'D the only thing i used a layer option for was the watermark!!#like goshh this was so fun to draw hhh hopefully you guys like it too :D <3333
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purrka · 9 months
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nartothelar · 10 months
Any spare change? ToT
I've mentioned this already but I recently got an infected tooth I need to go to a specialist about it! I have some money saved up but it will cost about an estimated $1k-$3K (since I don't have insurance OTL) and since I have school coming up, I can't really work during that time...
So I'm linking my kofi for anyone who'd like to help? I only need a portion of the cost so that I don't go in the red OwO' Any help would be super appreciated!
And please only help if you can spare it; I wouldn't want to financially burden anyone with this! Also, anyone donating 4 or more kofis get a little thank you doodle request; just leave the prompt in a comment!
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presiding · 6 months
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high chaos/low chaos/join the chaos in my dishonored 2 rewrite
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tribow · 1 year
Why do I tell people to play indie games?
K' so you may have seen that post I made a little while ago asking people reblog and put into the tags an indie game that they did NOT like.
I made that post because I wanted to hear about what indie games people had bad experiences with. There was another post I made saying "Tell me you don't play indie games without telling me you don't play indie games" in response to a ton of youtube videos saying modern video games are no longer fun. A lot of tags would say, "Well indie games can suck too!" This response was extremely silly to me and I wanted to know what games they could be talking about.
I didn't ask for it, but so many people starting explaining why they didn't like a certain game. So I decided to make a little pie chart with the reason people would give in the tags
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There are some outliers not here. There were 5 tags saying a game offended them and some responses that were too specific to really count. Half of the posts also gave no explanations so I'm not going to act like this is representative of every response on that post.
Okay so what's the point? Why did I do this?
There's this one 30 minute video by Josh Strife Hayes that does a super good job showcasing all of the bad practices that happen with modern gaming. He talks about each issue thoroughly, but I'll list them here:
Microtransactions, Limited Progression, Invite Boosts, Premium Currency, Loyalty Programs, Selling Power, Battlepasses, and Selling Progression
He doesn't even mention other issues like games releasing in clearly unfinished states, games that are clearly chasing trends, and game developers being restricted by their publishers.
Why is this significant? Well answer me this: Was there a single tag response in my post that complains about an indie game doing these things?
Say what you want about indie games, but I bet you didn't pay $60 and got psychologically manipulated to spend more on that game. I bet you weren't getting manipulated by some free to play model to spend more money than you would on a normal game. I bet the game actually released in a finished state and even if it did, the game clearly communicated it wasn't done.
Sure, you could give me examples of indie games that do have those bad practices, but I guarantee you that you cannot prove that most indie games do this.
So yeah, play indie games. Don't support corporate bullshit unless you know the game was made with the player's best interest in mind.
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