#while mercy’s more like. obviously she loves her work too but it’s more of a compulsive ‘i NEED to do this ASAP’ type of vibe
bokatan · 14 days
⚠️🌨️☕ for all 3
[ oc emoji ask game ] @fuzzydreamin
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
Reed answered here
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and also this for these two together, once they get over the whole “what the fuck this is weird” thing, Mercy gets really defensive over Delta and the fact that they have a hard time setting boundaries
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🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
Reed’s going to go fuck off with his dog and have fun. They’re going to go exploring or something outside, maybe find a new location to dig around in for a bit, play fetch for a while, and when it starts getting dark Reed’s going to go find someone to pester(usually Delta or Mercy). If he’s not going to go hang out with anyone, he’s more than likely going to end up in either Goodneighbor or another larger settlement(Bunker Hill, The Slog, etc). He doesn’t typically drink much on his own, it’s more of a social thing for him, but he still gravitates towards bars & similar locations where he’s able to just hang out or find people to be social with if he wants.
Mercy’s going to have a nice relaxing morning, do some gardening and little chores around the house that she’s been putting off, & later will spend some time working on personal projects. She’ll probably figure out a nice dinner or something for herself and spend some time doing that too, but if she’s by herself there’s a good chance she’s going to spend a majority of the day working on personal projects. (good luck actually getting her away from what she’d consider to be her ‘responsibilities’, I genuinely don’t think she’d be able to find something to do on her own that isn’t somewhat work-related because at this point basically everything in her life is tied into that in some manner)
Delta’s going to spend some time hanging out with their cats and do some maintenance & repairs on their personal robots if needed. If they’re alone, they’re going to spend some time working on projects and cleaning up their workspace. If they end up with company(Reed), they’re probably going to end up going out to search for materials or something at some point. They typically like having nice lowkey evenings with their cats(and Reed) so that’s more than likely what they’ll be doing- just hanging out at home and relaxing. (Unsurprisingly, Delta’s very similar to Mercy with work ethics and maintaining a good work/personal life balance. They’re also very hard to pry away from work and they’d have a hard time finding other things to do because it’s basically their entire life and anything that’d count as a ‘hobby’ is tied into their work in some manner.)
☕ - What is their preferred beverage(s)?
Reed loves coffee and he gets very sad about postwar ‘coffee’ substitutes, they’re not the same and it’s just very disappointing to him. He also loves mulled wine(and wine in general) but coffee’s definitely his #1
Mercy loves tea, it’s one of her go-to’s for both herself and for other people. She really likes iced black tea & ginseng tea with honey just as a general drink, but she’s also a big fan of tea for medicinal purposes too. She also really likes red wine & whiskey.
Delta really likes beer, they usually go for lighter ones like IPAs rather than darker beers like stouts.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
loving no need to ask here’s an idea!! after carlos executes his plan of getting rid of oscar i can imagine reader being super depressed, not eating, sobbing every chance she has alone, and attempting to avoid stuff with carlos. which obviously causes problems. 🩷🩷🩷
What Happened To Oscar?
I had to save this for after Chapter Nine (for obvious reasons). Hopefully this clears up why Oscar couldn't just whisk her away to safety.
Series Masterlist
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Mark Webber was at the wedding. Thank fucking God, Oscar realised as he walked over, talking to his real boss. Mark was the one who had indoctrinated him into this life of crime, he was just on loan to the Norris family.
As much as Oscar wanted to detail every little think to Mark, he couldn't. Not here. It wasn't safe.
That much became apparent when Carlos approached him, tapping on his shoulder to get his attention. "Oscar," he said, staring down at him. (Oscar wasn't much shorter than Carlos, the Spanish man just had a much more imposing stature).
Oscar swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared at the man. Y/N's husband. He still had that bruise on his chest from where Carlos had stood on him.
"I'd just like to thank you," Carlos began, taking him entirely by surprise, "for helping my wife become so comfortable in my home. If you are to stay here with her, there are many things we need to discuss. Come and join me in my study."
Oscar spared one last look at Mark as she was led through the house, Carlos' hands on his back. Mark gave him an encouraging smile, almost like he was telling him not to be scared.
But he had every reason to be scared.
As soon as they were in Carlos' office, two men came to stand in front of the door, locking it.
Carlos sat at his desk, gesturing to the spare chair in front of it for Oscar to sit in. As did it, Carlos picked up something that looked to be a little too deadly to be a letter opener.
"You've been very friendly with my wife," he said, playing with the letter opener. Oscar gripped the arm of the chair. "I don't appreciate that. I don't appreciate other men touching what is mine."
Oscar went for the gun in his waistband and Carlos watched him. He did nothing. His men did nothing. They watched with malicious grins as Oscar pulled the trigger.
Nothing happened.
"Did you really think I'd let you into my house with a working weapon?"
Oscar gulped. He was well and truly fucked.
Standing up, Carlos leaned over him. "Here's what's going to happen. I have to get back out there to my wedding reception, to my sweet, little wife. My boys are going to take care of you in here and tonight, while I'm fucking her, we're going to ship you back to Lando. Just be glad it's not in a body bag."
"You f-" Oscar stood up suddenly, swinging his fist. But Carlos caught him easily, grabbing his gun from his waistband and holding it against Oscars neck. "Trust me, boy," he spat. "This one works."
Oscar backed down and Carlos let go of him, leaving him at the mercy of his men as he walked out of the office and back to the wedding.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie
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hubristicassholefight · 7 months
Swordswoman showdown FINALS
Hornet (Hollow Knight) vs Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Technically its not a sword but she wields a needle in a setting where swords do not exist and she wields it in an exceedingly swordlike fashion so. She counts; Girlboss demigoddess spider lady. She's been protecting an entire kingdom for longer than many of the other characters have been alive. She systematically kills her siblings for being too weak. She's simply the best.
#im pretty sure hornet can beat like. anyone in a fight.#have you ever fought hornet#its so fucking hard getting past her every time i play hk i go literally insane.
#i remember getting stuck on the first hornet fight on mt first play through and bring likr#''omg the boss fights in this are so hard!!!''#like what. you're not even half way through what are you talking about#you can't even DASH honey. you don't know what's diffcult or not in this game.
but I feel like the "she systematically kills her siblings" part needs a little clarification. See, one of her siblings was used as a living prison for an angry god and that uh. Didn't work out for the sibling in question or anyone else.
This account is itself heavily abbreviated but it's likely that any other sibling Hornet encounters will be trying to take over as the god's new prison. She appears to challenge any sibling she sees to battle, in order to test their resolve against herself and her needle - would they actually have a chance against that god?
We never actually see her kill any siblings, but she does quite pointedly tell one of them that (to paraphrase) "My needle is lethal and I would feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
Feels like a relevant quote. In any case, if they can't beat Hornet, it seems like her needle would be a far more merciful end than what the god would grant.
Anyway, a bit of additional material for @swordswomanshowdown :
As is the case for any cool swordswoman, it's not just her sword that's lethal, it's her with it. And Hornet's needle was custom made for her - the creators have said that, while other needles exist, hers was made specifically for her to wield, and its construction allows her to use her spider silk better in combat.
And another thing that I think makes her a good swordswoman: she's actually pretty thoughtful about how she uses it. There's a least one instance where she tries to warn someone off before fighting them! At the same time, when she does fight, she seems to enjoy it - during her boss battles, you can hear her laugh sometimes, as if exhiliarated. She's really got it all, as a swordswoman!!!
#HORNET SWEEP CMON PLEEEEEEASE#shes gay. shes the only sibling with a gender. shes a spider named HORNET. look like croissant. whats not to like
Warrior Princess
She wields a sword and chakram. Just had to submit a biconic swordswoman.
i love her. she made me gay as a kid. Anyway, her weapon of choice is her sword, she is obviously very good with it
#unfortunately i have to choose and i have to choose xena#a) utena had no warcry. b) xena fought gods. c) xena has kickass goofy comic book combat which is my favorite
xena didn’t just fight gods. she fucked up a girl’s life so bad that she (calisto) devoted her entire being to destroying everything that xena loved that ended up with calisto becoming a god in order to destroy xena, which didnt work because xena entombed her in lava. and then when xena and gabrielle encountered calisto in the (christian) afterlife (different from the greek one which they also fought her in), calisto dragged gabrielle to hell so xena became an archangel in order to save gabrielle and then sacrificed herself in order to undo all the harm that she did in calisto’s life and then when not!jesus (played by timothy omundson) revives xena and gabrielle, calisto impregnates xena with the reincarnation of calisto’s soul in order to end the cycle of hate. xena doesnt just fight gods. she creates and destroys them
#this isnt even mentioning her fighting julius ceasar several times#telling brutus that caesar is not his friend#xena and gabrielle’s souls reincarnating across centuries in order to kick ass and fall in love all over again#or the time xena became a god but tbh that ep is kinda ‘uhhhhh…..’ even if they did hire a consultant for it
#I think everyone here knows to vote for Xena. I think a couple people here might have some propaganda for Xena saved already#everyone remember that Xena/Gabrielle is CANON and that's a pretty big deal also#(does anyone have that Xena Loves Trans People interview around because that would also make good propaganda)
I love Xena ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️
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speadrunner · 2 months
Who is (actually) the hottest Monsters & Girls character?
Link to poll: https://www.tumblr.com/idolomantises/745892368364060672
CW: This will be a long post;
(Note: this is completely for comical purposes, please don’t take this too seriously. I have all the respect in the world for @idolomantises and their work)
1. Sera
👍: Perhaps the titular character of the series, Sera is beautiful angel (literally) and is arguably the kindest character in the whole series
👎: I challenge you to draw this woman without screaming at yourself/into a pillow
2. Lili
👍: Endearing, welcoming, understanding, and can be very fun. Pretty much wears her heart on her sleeve with how open she is.
👎: Literally THE sexy character. It’s obvious why you picked her as the hottest, now go get better tastes.
3. Cheri
👍: She’s sooo soft omg. She’s so sweet you’ll have a sweet tooth just for her even if you don’t like sweets
👎: I will not talk ill of this lady because I literally cannot, but for all intents and purposes this is a contest to see who is the hottest, not the most wholesome. Sorry 🫡
4. Junior
👍: Blunt and cute, plus a goat. Cute goats are always an A+ character design. Where would we be without them tbh?
👎: Bluntness can lead to rudeness and or discomfort. Nothing super bad about Junior just prob not the best choice for this. Just sayin
5. Scylla
👍: Lord have mercy I understand where people are coming from. Hooo doggy what a woman.
👎: I can’t remember the exact post but I recall it being said that she bites your head off or something if you get too close or look at her weird. That’s no good
6. Ciel
👍: Easily one of my favorite designs. He’s definitely the prettiest boy of the entire cast
👎: One of those cases where he’s too good for you, ya know what I mean? He’s way out of your league I don’t make the rules
7. Catty
👍: Nya~ Very fashionable going off of recent appearances. Design hasn’t changed too much in comparison to others, meaning that
👎: I like dogs more, plus she’s not open with her thoughts and feelings, leading to awkward moments when she lets it all out
8: Luvart
👍: Big, beefy, strong, fire. Need I say more? She treats sex workers with respect for their profession and would be a completely package when you don’t consider…..
👎: …She has no qualms murking you just because and her greatest offense is being the arch rival of the best character a special someone
9: Adam
👍: Dude can become a dog for you to pet and is quite honest in most cases. Plus those scars look neat wouldn’t you say?
👎: Unless you are a - former angel now fallen, a TV show host, have a broken halo, while simultaneously sharing a name with a pizza company and a game tile, then you ain’t getting nothing.
10: Domino
👍: I can see why so many are stricken by this fella, he’s quite cute, quirky, and has an adorable way of being blunt
👎: (Domi- No hoes) He’s just not good enough. He seems so ideal at face value but he berates angels to the moon and back and for what? His fault for his own downfall.
With all that said, clearly the hottest character of Monsters and Girls - for appearance AND character - is obviously….
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A Vote For Powers Is A Vote For Truth, Love, And Happiness!! Vote For Powers in the Home Stretch Now!
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sunshine--void · 10 months
🏠 Confessing to them 🏠
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Wally Darling
He shows no reaction on the outside
He just kinda stares at you for a hot minute
Because of this you obviously thought he was rejecting you
So you started backtracking, which only confused the poor lil yellow man :((
Eventually you figured it out tho
"So you don't love me?"
Julie Joyful
It was an accidental confession
She just looked so pretty you had to compliment her!
And by compliment I of course mean you blurting out how much you love her
Girly was immediately flustered
Sally Starlet
After a moment she happily accepted and returned your love
"Oh- ... Thank you neighbor!"
She already confessed multiple times albeit during plays so you thought she was just acting
L i t t l e d i d y o u k n o w
When you confess she is immediately screaming happily
She immediately kisses all over your face
Howdy Pillar
You did it while he was working
You came up behind him and just kinda blurted it out
Absolutely thought he heard you wrong so you had to repeat yourself multiple times which only made you more embarrassed each time
Eventually you get there tho eventually
Barnaby B. Beagle
You can expect a lot more free stuff from now on
Yay! No more awkward jokes!
"... I'm sorry, could you say that again?"
You were so tired of dropping hints he clearly wasn't getting
So you finally confessed
He thought you were joking </3
You had to really explain it to him
He did get it after that tho
Hooray! You now get a whole lot of bear hugs and fur in your mouth!
Poppy Partridge
You did it while the two of you were baking
She's extremely shy and embarrassed about it
But she's definitely not upset
Gives you a hug you got feathers in your mouth
Your gonna have a lot more baked goods from now on
Eddie Dear
W a t
He blue screens immediately
You like him?
When he realizes that you aren't joking or lying he gets even more flustered
Have mercy on his poor southern soul :-(
He's fidgeting with his hands and stumbling over his sentences
But he's very happy you told him
Frank Frankly
He likes you too neighbor <33
They were gonna confess! You ruined it neighbor... >:-(
Holds a slight grudge about it for like... 3 seconds
"You beat me to it..."
So dw your good
Then they see your face
Your poor, awkward, extremely nervous face
And they immediately forgive and forget
You guys go on a nice picnic then go bug catching
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luvrxbunny · 9 months
hi, im loving your work and i'm not sure if this is like where your at cause it's just regular old eddie but i was wondering if you'd write something like reader and eddie are both really into each other but haven't said anything and she knows how into d&d he is so she makes on of his campaigns into a comic but shes been so busy she unintentionally pulls away and eddies worried she finally "woke up" and realized hes a freak. maybe something like she's from new york banished to her aunts in hawkins aunts cause she has to repeat senior year again and eddie immediately is like wow. but happy ending obviously, maybe some smut if the spirit moves you. i hope this isnt too specific i know your last request was more vague but i had the idea and thought it'd be cute, if your not into it though that's fine i figure it never hurts to ask right 😘
hi! thank you for requesting! there actually isn't smut in this one but if you'd like some you can request a part 2 kinda thing!
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie feels you pulling away and assumes the worst.
Warnings: smoking (weed), misunderstandings and emotions (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 6.9k
A/N: idfk this might be word vomit- i tried please have mercy
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Eddie was the first friend you made here in Hawkins after being abandoned by your family. The sting of failing your senior year was enough, but the pain of your family being too embarrassed to house you anymore made it even worse. You had to watch all summer as all your other friends packed up for college while you were packing to be sent away. You were forced to go live with your aunt, which wasn’t the worst situation you could’ve ended in. 
She’s nice to you, understanding. She doesn’t believe in traditional schooling, she says it’s ‘no wonder’ that you failed. She claims ‘You’re a special girl with the mind of an artist’ and ‘schools aren’t built for people like you two’. You love her, you just can’t stand some of her habits. 
She lives a very hippie lifestyle. She forces you to walk to school, even on the first day, saying it was good for your mental health but all it did was make you incredibly sweaty for your first day. Although it ended up working out for the best. 
You arrived panting and sweaty from your rush over. She hadn’t told you the night before that you’d be walking so you didn’t wake up early enough. You could not stand being late to first period, not wanting to deal with the entire class watching you find a seat. So you had to haul ass to school. You had planned out an incredibly cute outfit that was now ruffled, mussed, and damp with sweat. You wanted to cry as you sat down in the back left corner of the classroom, getting a nice view of the field beside the school, the trees and flowers that live there. You’re huffing and puffing, your breathing all out of order from you trying to regulate it as students pour in. You watched as the cliques formed themselves, having been established in the previous years. You took out a notebook and buried yourself in it, hoping no one would approach you. 
The other students settled down and the teacher began her orientation. You aren’t listening as she speaks, watching the rain that's pattering gently on the classroom window. She was going on about the syllabus, informing you of the incredibly boring things you’d be learning in her class when he burst through. Opening the door with so much force that it slammed on the wall behind it, he was huffing and puffing, nearly soaked in rain with a bag loosely thrown over his shoulder. The thing about him that stuck with you though, was the blinding, dimpled, smile that was on his face. Despite being drenched, late, and the current center of attention, he had the largest smile you had seen all day. It was so genuine that you were smiling along with him without even realizing it. 
“Mr. Munson. I see you’re in my class again…” She spat the words at him so venomously you expected to see his smile drop, falter at least but it widened instead. 
“I am! Yes. I am! And I’d like to focus more on what that says about my… my determination, rather than what I may lack in this particular subject.” Again? Maybe he’s a repeat like me?
Something about the thought made you feel a bit fond of him. 
“Mhm. That’s nice. Have a seat.” She continued to drone on as he looked around for a seat, his eyes widened at you, seeing you already smiling and staring at him. This snapped you out of your trance and you tried desperately to avoid his gaze, pretending like you hadn’t been watching him since he came in. 
He decided to sit next to you and you guys hit it off instantly, later finding that you had almost every class together. You felt so lucky, he was so, so kind. He spent your first two periods and lunch together. He introduced you to his friends, let you know the special ins and outs of the school, and even offered you a ride when he found out your aunt was leaving you hanging. He told you that you’d have to wait with him after school because apparently, he ran a club called “Hellfire”. 
Honestly, in the period after lunch, without him, you questioned if this was the kind of person you should align yourself with. In the next period, with him, when you walked in the door he waved you over and moved the backpack that was on the desk next to him. “Hey! I saved you a seat.” He had that shining, dimpled, smile again and you decided it didn’t matter what kind of person he was. He was kind to you and that’s what mattered. 
You learned a lot about him and you feel like that’s when you started falling in love with him. 
He told you about his struggles with his family, and why he lived with his uncle. He told you about his childhood and got a little teary-eyed, although he still kept his butterfly-inducing smile. 
He told you about his struggles with this town and warned you that you may be subject to ridicule by befriending him. That was the only time his smile fully dropped, he got this kicked puppy look in his eyes as he lied to you, telling you that ‘he’d understand.’ or that ‘you don’t need to feel bad’. You told him you’re not afraid of some small-town hicks. 
He apologized to you at the end of the class, saying it must’ve been awkward to listen to him blubber about his life all class but you, stars in your eyes and in love, adamantly assured him that you didn’t mind. 
You ended up loving his club, the planning, the theatrics, and the suspense, were unbelievable. You were engaged the whole time, obsessed with how Eddie told his story, and invested in the team and their survival. You told Eddie about how cool you thought it was the whole ride home. By the end of the ride, you were apologizing profusely for how much you had talked about it but he, red in the face and flustered, adamantly assured you that he didn’t mind. 
You guys have been almost inseparable since. It’s been about seven months here at Hawkins now and your little crush has snowballed into a bit of a colossal crush on Eddie. Nowadays, your Hellfire visits are filled with you just watching him. You don’t pay attention to the plot, to how the characters are doing, or anything… just him.
 It’s getting a bit embarrassing in fact, because you’ll have fewer things to say on the ride to your house than you usually do and he’s begun to question it, asking if you thought he needed to work on anything and not believing you when you say that ‘he doesn’t need to change anything’ or that ‘it was so perfect you have no notes.’
A secondary reason you’ve started staring at him more is because you’ve been working on something for him; a way for you to confess how you feel about him in a way that you hope he’d like. You’re completely unsure of how he may feel about you. You’ve noticed a few things… the way he’ll save a seat and always give it to you, no matter who arrived before you, how he seemed to be somewhat softer with you than he is with everyone else, but you chalked it up to hopeful thinking. 
You were trying to make a comic of the first time he invited you to Hellfire. You can remember it almost perfectly and for anything you don’t remember you can just refer to your journal. You’d written all about it after you got home. 
You’ve been spending most of your time in the art room now, trying your absolute best to make it the most professional-looking, homemade comic anyone had ever seen. You think about the smile that Eddie would wear, even if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, you at least hope he appreciates the art. 
You’ve gathered help from a lot of unsuspecting people. You found out that quite a few girls on the cheerleading team are a great help when it comes to designing the outfits. They’ve started to meet you in the art room at lunch to help with the comic, slightly invested in the plot even though you’ve explained multiple times that it’s technically Eddie’s plot. They’ve also become quite interested in your love life, knowing that it’s for Eddie. They actually root for the two of you, they were all much nicer than you expected them to be. 
You’ve started to miss a few club meetings as well. To be fair though, you aren’t technically part of the club. Eddie explained that since you don’t play you’re technically just a consistent bystander. It had hurt your feelings at first, feeling left out of the group but now it’s just convenient. You don’t have to tell Eddie in advance that you aren’t going and you don’t need to tell him why. You always go to the art room instead to work on your comic. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the cheerleaders join you after practice to help you work some more. You started to fall behind in school work, not paying attention to anyone or anything in class in favor of working on your comic instead. This little picture book has consumed your entire life for a few weeks. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was suffering the whole time.
He noticed it when it first started. At lunch one day, instead of eating and engaging in the conversation you kept opening your notebook and doodling little things he couldn’t see. He kept having to get your attention and re-explain everything that was happening whenever he tried to include you in the conversation. Eventually, you just told him, with a soft laugh, that you’re not listening. You giggled and went back to your doodling, not even realizing that what they had been talking about, was the idea of you joining Hellfire officially, even if you don’t play. Your disinterest almost broke Eddie’s heart, it hurt a lot actually but he reasoned with himself. 
Maybe she just doesn’t want all the heat, and bullying that comes with being a part of Hellfire. She’s soft, she just doesn’t want to say that right now, in front of the whole table. She’s so cute… She’ll tell me why, later.
You never did. You never explained to him why you cared so little about being in a club he cared so much about. 
You began to pull away more and more after that. He would plan campaigns with you in mind, creating twists and turns he knows you’d love, imagining the look on your face and the excitement in your voice when you’d tell him about it on the ride home. However, you started telling him you couldn’t make it to Hellfire. You never gave him an explanation and he never asked for one, you guys are just friends… he has no right. 
A little piece of his heart would chip away every time you canceled on him, breaking even more whenever he had to receive pitiful stares from everyone else when they noticed characters in the campaign that were so obviously you-coded. The confused looks from every member whenever they asked where you were, only to be met with a sad shrug, became a bit too much for him. He was still giving you a ride home, you’d arrive at the end of Hellfire with a shy smile on your face for it every day so you had to be staying somewhere at school. He was determined to find you. 
He ended Hellfire early one day and set on his quest to find you. He knows you love to read so the library was the first place he checked, only to find the doors locked. His next stop was the art room, stopping to peep inside the cafeteria on his way over and shaking his head sadly when you weren’t there. At this point, he’s sure that you’re in the art room, but what confuses him is that he can hear girly, popular, giggling coming from the very room that you must be in. He rushes over in a half-sprint, thinking that some girls were picking on you but when he gets to the door he can see you laughing along with them as you doodle on something. 
“I mean he’s… cute..” Chrissy Cunningham says to Eddie’s intense confusion. Who are they talking about..? What is she doing with Chrissy Cunningham? The other cheerleaders burst into a smaller fit of laughter at her words. 
“I think he’s cute!” You say and Eddie’s heart sinks at your words. Who? He waits there for a while but you guys never give specifics. He watches the cheerleaders giggle and tease you about your mystery crush. He only witnesses the way you fiddle with your pencil with the biggest smile he’s seen all day splitting your face. It hurts him to see you so happy over someone else, he watches you as a dark, numb, pain spreads inside his chest before walking away with tears in his eyes. His hands were in his pockets, shoulders hunched defeatedly as he heard you girls cheering behind him.
When you came for your ride he wasn’t in the Hellfire classroom waiting for you, instead, he was leaning on his van smoking. He never smoked around you, not cigs at least. You had explained your many bad memories with men who smoked and how it caused you to just despise the smell, that it even caused you a bit of anxiety before you even knew that he smoked. 
Out of kindness, Eddie just avoided smoking around you all together, but right now he was stressed, hurt, and on the verge of a breakdown and a cigarette was the only thing that could keep him from that. 
He didn’t care too much if you minded, you’d already decided you didn’t want to be around him anymore, choosing to hang out with the cheerleaders instead, letting them coax you over to the dark side from right under his nose. He should’ve held onto you tighter, he should’ve known they’d try and snatch you. You were so beautiful, and you’d be so popular under their watch but they’d also corrupt you, turn you into them, murdering the sweet, caring, and loving girl you were. The thought broke his heart, hence the cigarette in between his fingers when you approached him for your ride.
“Hey, Eddie! I was starting to think you left me!” You say with an adorable giggle that he wishes he could smile at. He blows smoke up into the air, avoiding your face, and puts it out. 
“Yeah. I was actually thinking the exact same thing.” He says with a humorless laugh that shocks you. You’re about to ask him if he’s okay when he gets in and starts the van. You rushed over to your side to get in before he drove off in silence. This is when you’d ask him about Hellfire and he’d give you the outline of what happened, but this time when you ask, he responds with “Same old, same old.”
You never thought you craved his voice as much as you do now. The drive is longer, some strange traffic blocking the way and the silence in the van gets to be too much for you. 
Forget about wrapping. 
“Eddie?” He hums at you, letting you know he heard you but doesn't turn to look at you. His eyes stay on the packed, unmoving road. “I- I made you something.”
His head turns to you so fast you can almost hear it crack. “You made me something?” The shock in his voice is surprising. It’s like he never, ever, had even considered that with all your artistic talent, you’d want to make him something. You have all of his attention now. 
“Yeah…” You reach into your bag and pull it out gently while Eddie gets off the road, pulling into a parking lot. “I- Well, I was going to wrap it but I’ll just give it to you now. I- I hope you like it…”
He’s smiling at you as you rummage through your backpack gently for whatever you have for him. He tried not to get too excited but he couldn’t help himself… 
“I’ll love it, sweetheart.” His heart is swelling at the idea of receiving a gift from you. That means at some point, somewhere you had seen something and thought of him, you thought of him so much that you just had to buy that item and you planned on gift wrapping it for him. 
Maybe it's a goodbye present. Fuck- be cool. 
Eddie tried to shove his thoughts to the back of his head, his heart was pounding as you pulled it out of your bag. It was a little book… A comic book? “Oh! What comic is this?”
He grabs it from your hand to read the cover and sees “The Brave, Bold, and Indomitable, Eddie the Banished VOL. 1” He reads it over again and again, believing that his eyes are playing tricks on him before slowly turning to look at you. You had a sweet, shy, and scared smile on your face as you awaited his reaction. “No fucking way.” His voice is a low, stunned, whisper as your smile spreads and he quickly flips through the little book. 
He opened the first page and felt like he couldn’t breathe, the art inside was breathtaking. “No fucking way.” He examined a character that was definitely him, running his fingers over the pages in awe. 
“Yeah, t-that’s you.” You scoot closer to him and lean over the center console to point him out on the page. “Here’s the rest of the party.” You point out more details to him, explaining why you picked some of the outfits you did, and why you chose certain trees and times of day but Eddie isn’t paying very much attention. He’s not even looking at the book anymore, he’s just watching you. You’re explaining every aspect of the page to him as he inspects every aspect of your face. Until you abruptly stop and he watches embarrassment creep into your features. His eyes flicker back to the page as you take your finger away from where you were pointing and he notices a little person in the corner of the page, almost hidden in the bushes as the party makes their way through a forest. 
“What-” He recognizes it on further analysis. “Is that you?” He asks with a chuckle of disbelief as he pulls the page closer to his eyes, admiring your little character. “Why are you in the bushes, sweetheart?” 
You’re stumbling over your words at the pet name. Eddie has used it twice in this car ride alone and you’re struggling not to lose your mind. “U- Um well… I’m- I’m just a bystander so… so I’m just by-standing.” You end the sentence with a sad giggle and your eyes shift to your fidgeting hands in your lap. Eddie’s smile falters at it and the memory of him inviting you to be more than. 
“Yeah. I mean- not for lack of trying y’know? I guess you’d rather be a cheerleader.” He tried to keep his tone light and jovial as he turned the page, now looking for you in every bush. He’s chuckling at your drawings as you’re overcome with confusion. “Eddie. What are you talking about?”
He doesn't look up from the book. “C’mon, love. We offered you a membership without gameplay and you just-” He takes a deep breath as he feels a small lump form at the base of his throat. “You couldn’t have been less interested.” He’s giving you that humorless laugh again as he flips the page. You’re searching your brain, racking your memories, trying to remember when this happened but coming up blank.
“Eddie, I don’t remember that happening.” He sighs, shuts the book, and shoves it under his thigh before starting the van back up, sad anger bubbling in his chest. 
“Listen, I get it. Y’know, you wanna be popular. I understand the pull, sweetheart. I don’t blame you at all.” You’ve never felt more confused as Eddie pulled out of the parking lot. Your silence makes him nervous, and nerves make his mouth run. 
“I mean… When you got here- poor unsuspecting, you- didn’t believe that the first friend you made was-” He lifts his hands from the wheel for a moment to make air quotes. “The town freak.” He gives you that laugh again.
“I’m honestly surprised that it took you so long to leave us losers for the popular crowd!” His voice is still upbeat, and light, as though he wasn’t breaking your heart and insulting you to your core at the same time. “OH! I- I guess you just needed a ride, right? It’s alright, sweetpea.” He’s so frustrating, that fake smile plastered on his face as he pulls up to your house. 
“Eddie.” Your voice is strained around the ball in your throat but still angry. “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t even like what you’re saying so either explain or just stop talking.” He parks the van on your curb and stares at you silently. You take this as the ‘stop talking’ option. “Okay. Thanks for the ride…” You hop out of his van sadly and turn around. “I- I hope you like your comic, Eddie…” With that, you slam the door closed and rush to your front porch. Eddie waits to watch you enter the house before pulling out of your driveway, trying not to let his guilt override his anger. 
On the whole drive home, Eddie is mulling over everything you said. Your seemingly genuine confusion over the invitation. He thinks over the original scene, you did say you weren’t listening. Eddie thought you meant it in the sense where you knew what the conversation was about but you wanted to stay out of it… but maybe you literally were not listening. Maybe you legitimately did not hear what they had said. 
Eddie pulls into his driveway and opens the comic book, deciding he needs to read it before heading in. He didn’t realize how long he’d end up spending in his van, reading your comic but when he finally looked up from the pages, getting butterflies from your art and how vividly you remember his campaign, the sky was dark. He chuckled to himself and headed inside to get ready for bed. 
Eddie flipped through the comic all night, noticing a pattern within your art. You were on every page that the Hellfire party was on, watching what he assumed was all of them. He was obsessed with your art, especially your character, and was psycho analyzing her when he noticed it. She was staring at his character. On every page the two of you were on, you were staring at him, your line of sight fixed on his character. 
He felt as though he was losing his mind as he frantically flipped through every page. His heart raced as he watched your character watch him. He loved it, whether you did it on purpose or not, it was doing something to him. Heat rushed to his face as he put the book away and calmed himself down. He didn’t want to read too much into it but he couldn’t help the way his heart raced when he approached you about it the next day. 
He wanted to work up to the subject, he wanted to pretend that it hadn’t consumed his every thought since he noticed but instead, he just blurted it out to you the moment he sat down.
“Why are you watching me?” His face goes red after the words shoot out, wishing he had taken more time to craft what he wanted to ask. He watches humored puzzlement bloom over your face as you giggle softly, giving him butterflies in his tummy.
 “Eddie, you just got here. I was gonna say hi…” Your voice is timid, still careful after the little argument yesterday and fear begins to curl in Eddie’s stomach. He forgot he had been an asshole to you yesterday. 
Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe she was just drawing her “good side”. Why would she be staring at you, Munson? Get a grip, Jesus.  
He tries to play it off. “I- I’m just sayin’ you could’ve waved or something.” He tries to sound upbeat, and cheerful, but he can’t get it to sound genuine. All night he’s been fantasizing about what it would be like if you actually liked him back. How he would give you hugs and kisses no matter where you were. He thought about how in love with you he’d be, it’d be pretty annoying to everyone else but he wouldn’t even care. 
He knows you’d love it too, he’d give you everything he has, everything he had and ever will have. 
He shouldn't have gotten so far ahead of himself. 
He thought about how he would follow you to whatever college you wanted to go to- if you wanted to go. He would get a job nearby and you guys could rent an apartment together. He’d wait until you’ve graduated to ask you to marry him. He’d take you to your favorite spot, with all your favorite things, and propose to you in whatever way you’d want him to. He’d spare no expense on the ring- if that’s something you’d care about. 
He’d start a mechanic shop with Wayne and they’d be so rich that you wouldn't even need to work if you didn’t want to. He thought about your kids, he’d hope that they look like you, they’d get far in the world being as beautiful as you are. He wants them to be like you too, good, sweet, and caring. He spent the night going over your whole lives together, his cheeks sore from how long he’d been smiling. But you don’t like him like that. 
Eddie distantly hears the bell ring, not realizing he’d spent the whole class moping over the fact that you don’t like him. He looks around to see you’ve already left him. You usually wait with him, you like to chat on the way to the next class. Your absence has never felt so painful for him. 
Once he’s gathered his things he heads to the next class where he sees your seat surrounded by cheerleaders, a small smile on your face as they seem to dote on you. He decides he doesn’t need to sit with you today, you have enough people to keep you company. He actively avoids looking at you for the duration of the class, rushing out once the bell rings. 
He rushes to the bathroom, bumping into people and getting insults hurled his way in the process. He gets to his stall, with all his graffiti, and slumps against the wall to the floor. His mind is racing, his chest heaving as he tries to cope with losing you. She’s with them now I guess? But- 
His memories flash back to all the times you guys hung out, just the two of you. He felt as though you were just a better, female version of him. You were an outcast but in the best- or worst- way possible. You were like a gem he had found in this pile of shit town, everyone else had overlooked you, not wanting to wash the shit off to see you shine, but he had. He didn’t care about the shit, he wanted to be there for you in the way no one was there for him when he arrived. 
He thinks he fell in love with you the moment he found out you were also repeating your senior year, not for the third time like him but still. He thought it was cute how embarrassed you were about the fact that you were repeating, he loved the way he was able to help you be more comfortable and help you understand that it’s not your fault.
 He felt like- He thought that he was something special to you, he hoped he was something special to you. He treats you like you’re something special to him because you are- or at least he thought he treated you like that. 
Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he should’ve invited you to play in Hellfire more often, invited you over more, given you more of his lunch when your aunt forgot to give you money, and given you a better discount on his weed. Maybe he should’ve just been less of a freak. 
Tears are gathering in his eyes as he angrily rubs at them, feeling pathetic. Crying over a girl in a bathroom stall. I really am a fucking loser. 
He takes a few deep breaths before getting off the ground, leaving the bathroom, and heading to the cafeteria. He expects to see you at his table, and the butterflies in his stomach come back to life when he imagines the tone you’ll give him when you ask where he’s been like you always do when he’s late. He grabs lunch and sits down… you’re nowhere to be seen. 
“Where’s your better half?” Gareth asks, gaining a laugh from the table. It just hurts Eddie more. He stays silent, pulling out his Walkman and letting music drown out every voice or thought in his head until he sees people getting up to leave. 
“Hey, Ed.” Gareth is the only one who waited for him.
“I’m sorry if I was an ass earlier. I know you like her, I just- I thought you actually did know where she was.” Eddie feels his throat close up and almost rolls his eyes at himself. 
“It’s fine, Gareth. She’s probably off with Chrissy Cunningham.” He says with a gruff, tense voice, ignoring the shock that plasters on Gareth’s face.
“Cunningham? What- How does she even know her?” Eddie shrugs and starts walking to his next class, Gareth following close behind. “She’s like what? Friends with them now? She’s gonna be a cheerleader or something?” Eddie feels his emotions building inside him, like an overfilled balloon and he’s about to pop. 
He stops walking and turns to him. “I don't fucking know, Gareth.” Gareth’s gaze shifts from Eddie immediately. “I don’t know why she’s hanging out with them now. I don’t know why she doesn’t come to Hellfire or why she doesn’t talk to me on the ride to her house anymore. I don’t know!” Eddie is met with silence at the end of his rant. “Oh! I know.” His voice has dropped to a low, condescending, whisper. 
“Maybe she got tired of being one of the freaks, hmm?” He rushes off to his next class and for the first time, he’s grateful that you’re not in it. 
You’re in class and your thoughts could not be further from the material. You’re thinking about Eddie of course. The way he acted in the van yesterday, the way he acted in first period, and even second period. You noticed he came into lunch late and didn’t even speak to anyone when he did come in. He didn’t look at you, talk to you, or anything. It hurt. 
You’re anxious, leg bouncing and chewing on your pen as you watch the clock. You need to see him, ask him what’s wrong. 
Maybe he figured it out. Fear shoots through you. Maybe he figured out that I like him from the comic. I didn’t get to explain much but he’s smart enough to figure it out on his own. Is this his reaction to my liking him? No. It can’t be. Even if he didn’t like me back… I don’t think he’d treat me like this. I think he would let me down gently.  
It’s a nice thought but it just leaves you back where you started. What is wrong with Eddie?
You’re ready to ask him. You got there first and pulled his desk a little closer to yours, hoping to have a full, meaningful conversation with him. He never shows. 
This isn’t alarming to anyone but you, everyone scoffs when the teacher reads out Eddie’s name the second time. There are murmurs of “took him long enough” and “I’m so shocked” hurting you with their lack of care. You wait for attendance to finish before asking to go to the bathroom. You take your bag with you and no one questions it, knowing you as the ‘good girl’, not realizing you’re about to skip class for the first time. 
You roam the school looking for Eddie. You check Hellfire’s room, the band room, even the art room but you can’t find him. You check places he wouldn’t be, the library, the computer lab, and even the abandoned school basement. Your heart is racing as you rush out to the parking lot, hoping at least his van is still here and that’s where you find him. Coughing on what you assume is cigarette smoke by his van.
“Eddie!” You shout his name without thinking and his head whips in your direction, shocked. A smile spreads on his face as you stomp toward him. Despite all the unknowing pain you’ve put him through today, the butterflies in his stomach are still alive for you. 
“Eddie, what the fuck?” His smile falters but quickly returns as he goes to hand you the joint he’s smoking. 
“You’re skipping!? You look like you need this more than I do.” You take the joint and inhale the most smoke you can without burning your lungs, Eddie looks impressed. 
“I do need this more than you.” You speak as you exhale. Eddie is staring at the joint, waiting for you to pass it back but instead, you take another hit. “I need this more than you do because I’m not the one who is stressing you beyond oblivion! What is going on with you?” Eddie’s eyes are on the ground as he kicks the little rocks there. 
“Eddie. You know you can talk to me, right? If anything is going on with Wayne or- or maybe something else? I don’t know I- I just- I can’t figure out why you’re acting so… different.”
He laughs. He fully laughs at you. His hand on his chest, leaning back and roaring his laughter into the air. “I’m acting different?” He snatches the joint from your hand. “I’m the one acting different, sweetheart? Miss ‘So sorry I can’t come to Hellfire today! No! I’m not going to explain!’, you’re telling me that I’m acting different?” He takes a drag 
“You don’t care about my campaigns anymore, you never have time to come over, you never have time for me to come over, and now you- you don’t sit with me at- at lunch anymore?” His voice breaks at the end and he turns away to take a hit before you can see the tears in his eyes. “Don’t tell me that I’m stressing you out.” He scoffs and holds his hand out, passing you the joint. 
It strikes something in you; Eddie still passing the joint back to you even though he’s upset. You take it from him with a small ‘thank you’ and take a hit before responding. “I was- It was the comic Eddie… I was working on the comic. It was harder than it looked I guess. I- I couldn’t get your hair right and-”
Eddie hasn’t reacted, he feels like he’s in shock, like his heart has stopped, he’s having a stroke, something. Your voice sounds far away as he’s buried in his thoughts. 
I’m a dickhead. I’m an asshole. She was doing it for me and I’m- I was yelling at her for it. I’m a fucking asshole. She’s still talking to me so softly too. Fuck. Why isn’t she upset with me? Why isn't she yelling at me? Why aren’t I apologizing? 
“I’m sorry!” His voice is the epitome of pitiful, he didn’t notice the knot that had made home in his throat or the tears that had been sitting on the ducts. Your eyes are wide and you almost drop the joint to hug him, knowing he gets emotional when he’s high. 
“Why are you sorry? You don’t need to be sorry- what’s wrong?” His arms wrap around you, crushing you to his chest as he huffs out breaths into your hair. He’s trying to calm down, trying to not completely break down in front of you but he’s failing so far. 
Fuck- fuck. Stop crying- what the fuck happened to you? Stop blubbering like a bitch- She’s she’s so soft- oh fuck she’s so warm. She’s so fucking sweet. I fucking love her. She’s- She’s so stupid.
“I do ne- need to be sorry what are you talking about?” He pulls away, leaving one hand on your shoulder as he runs his knuckles and the back of his arm along the bottom of his nose. “I was being an asshole- an asshole. When you were just tryna do something nice.” He’s breathing out shuddering breaths as he speaks. 
She’s too sweet to me. She still has her arms around me- such a fucking sweetheart. I love her- I want her, I wanna tell her. 
You don’t know what the fuck is going on. Eddie is a blubbery mess in front of you, holding you close as he tries to calm himself down. He’s gripping your shoulder so hard you feel like he may puncture your skin but you never want him to move it. 
You should be focusing on the fact that he’s crying because he thinks he was mean to you but all you can think about is one thing.
His lips are wet and pink from his tears and his teeth.
You try to ignore it; the urge to kiss him. You try to think about how to comfort him but your arms are still around his waist, it would be so easy to just pull him in…
“Eddie. I don’t mind, I should’ve told you.” You separate from him and he gasps softly. 
“I was actually spending so much time on it for a more selfish reason.” Your heart is racing but not as much as it was the last time you planned to confess. 
How nice he is to you has to mean something, he gives you a ride home every day. That has to mean something. He gives you discounts on weed when you know he makes Gareth pay extra. How upset he is over possibly being mean to you. That has to mean something. The way he’s looking at you right now… That has to mean something. 
“Eddie, I like you.” You shove the words out of your throat, leaving you breathless after they come out. “I- shit.” You looked at him. His face is blank. “I really like you, so much that if you don’t like me back I- I don’t care- We- we can just be friends. We can- I can pretend that this never happened… It’s okay.” You’re a little frantic as you get the words out, nervous at Eddie’s silence. 
You risk a glance at his face and there are tears in his eyes again. “Can I kiss-” He inhales a gasp. “Can I kiss you?” His face is full of wonder like he’s genuinely in disbelief at what’s happening. 
You want to cry. “Yes. Please.” You try not to sound too eager but you’re already taking a step toward him and your hands are reaching for him. 
He’s all over you in an instant, whimpering into your mouth the moment your lips meet. His hands are covering both sides of your face, pulling you into him desperately. He’s twisted you up against his van, his hands moved to your waist to bring you impossibly closer. You pull away with a smile to breathe but Eddie whimpers and leans back into your lips. 
You can’t help the giggle that comes out, breaking the kiss and causing Eddie to whine again. “I thought you wanted to kiss me? Kiss me.” 
“Wait- I’m a-” Eddie pulls back to let you speak, although you can see he wishes he didn’t have to. “Eddie… You like me?” His eyes widen and his face turns red at the question. 
“How is that even a question you’re asking me right now? I- of course, I like you. I can’t believe that you like me.” His voice is gentle as he speaks, tense like he’s waiting for you to change your mind about him. You shake your head with a smile and pull him back in, humming happily as his lips eagerly press into yours. 
You guys left school then, Eddie drives you both to his place and you guys finish the joint on the way. His hand was on your thigh the whole time with that shining, dimpled smile, beaming at the road the entire ride. It was the best ride of your life, it had you thinking about your life with him. 
How much you’d love him. How you’d give him hugs and kisses no matter where you guys were. You thought about how in love you are, it’d be pretty annoying to everyone else but you wouldn’t even care. You know he’d love it too, you’d give you everything you have, had, and ever will have. 
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Thank you so much for reading! and thank you even more for requesting!! Please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all!
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beautifulfuckup99 · 9 months
Request is simple
Alpha JK * Chubby Girl 🫠
Babes, you know I got you! Gonna make this a bit of a part 2 to "I Can Handle It", which has reached 390 hearts so far. I'm so glad ya'll enjoyed it! Lol
Title: A Little Reminder...
Warning(s): SMUT! (Obviously), Body image issues, pregnancy S!X, And, yes, fluff too! Lol
Author's Note: This is for my beautiful Big/Curvy Girls. Love ya'll!
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Jungkook's POV:
My phone rang out as I waited for the light to turn green. I looked down at my phone expecting to see my wife calling, but it wasn't her number. I picked up the call and put the phone on speaker so I could talk without getting a ticket for it.
"Hello?" I asked and quickly heard a sigh of relief come from the other side.
"Finally. What the hell are you doing out there?" Namjoon's deep voice came out in an angry tone, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the conversation I know he'll be having with me soon. Even on hiatuses, he was still my Hyung...
"Joon please, I have enough people mad at me for tonight." I muttered softly, hoping for some mercy after the week I've been dragged through.
"Well, someone's gotta figure out where your damn head is at. Y/N says you're cheating on her?" He asks and I want to yell out. 'I'M NOT CHEATING!', but I hold in the frustration. Married. Married, living together, and expecting our first child, and Y/N's insecurities had found a way right back to us.
"She called me crying after you walked out tonight? Didn't I teach you to never leave just leave a fight unresolved?" He lectures and I hit my forehead on the steering wheel before looking back at the road as I drive around the city streets of Soeul. "She said you never touch her and that-" I finally cut Namjoon off from his worried rant.
"I know what she said! I hear it all the damn time. That's why I left. I'm sick and tired of her always accusing me of looking at different women when we're out together or saying that she's not attractive anymore. She's having my child, Joon! We're married for crying out loud! What more should I do to prove I'm not going anywhere?" I asked in pure exhaustion. I'd even taken this break for her, and it seems like nothing was working. This was honestly worse than when we were dating. I hear my Hyung sigh before he begins speaking again.
"You need to understand that she's very sensitive right now, Jungkook. Any and every little thing will find a way to set her off. Especially since you guys haven't been doing much-" I cut him off again.
"That's none of your business." I say fast and then pause. "I-I'm sorry, Joon..." I sigh, just angry that Y/N would even tell him all of this. He hums.
"Jungkook. Y/N said that she believes the reason you won't touch her is because you think she's getting fat." He says, and I huff in annoyance as I stop at another red light.
"Joon..." I whispered while shaking my head. "I still, and will always, look at Y/N like I did the night we met. I've told her how much I love her body!" I try and defend. Namjoon hums again.
"But her body has changed, Jungkook." He points out. "Have you given her a reminder?" He asks and I nod my head before realizing that he can't see me.
"Not a day has gone by where I didn't tell her that..." I stated before remembering the last few weeks. "I... Well, I mean... Work has been busy lately... And... Shit!" I groaned as I hit my head on the steering wheel again before quickly focusing back on the road.
"'Shit' is right." Namjoon sighs. "You know what you've gotta do now right?" He asks and I stay silent, secretly needing this advice. Even as a grown man with a kid on the way, I knew I'll always need the insight of my Hyung.
"You gotta go home and remind your wife why you wanted a ring on that finger." He stats and I chuckle softly before sighing and pulling over on some random street.
"You're right. I gotta go. Thanks, Hyung." I mumbled and heard Namjoon say a small 'goodnight' and also 'good luck' before hanging up.
I had to make this up to my wife, and fast.
I get home just as the clock shows 2:30am, but I'm not tired at all. I close the door behind me and hear the stairs creak a bit as someone comes downstairs. Turning around, I see my beautiful wife standing at the bottom of the staircase, hands crossed over her chest as she bit the corner of her bottom lip as if waiting for the right words to come to mind... So was I.
I had everything I was gonna say ready in the back of my mind, yet now, seeing her there with her hair a mess, her cute little nose red, and her gorgeous eyes puffy, all from crying... I just felt shame for even putting her through this.
"Baby..." I begin as I started walking over to her, flowers in hand, her favorite. "I am so sorry for everything-" She cuts me off with a shake of her head.
"No... I-It's my fault." She states. "I should've known that you would never cheat on me and I'm sorry I accused you. I-It's just everyone talking about you having 'so much chemistry' with that actress in your new music video... I-I guess I just kinda... Kinda lost it." She whispers with her head going down in shame.
I open my mouth to speak again but my voice gets caught in my throat. What good are words at a point like this? I walk over to my wife and grab her chin, tilting her head up to look at me. "I want you Y/N..." I whisper as I look her in the eyes. She pauses and I grab her by the waist, pulling her against me, her curves working as amazing place holders for my arms.
"You don't have to-" I cut her off by picking her up bridal style so I could take her up the stairs to our bedroom.
"I thought I told you back when we were dating. I can handle you just fine. I think you need a little reminder." I whisper in her ear.
As soon as we get through the doorway of the bedroom, I pinned her up against the first wall I could. I didn't mean to be rough with her, but it's been so long since we've even made out... Lust clouded my mind when she moaned into the kiss because of the sting my hand had just left on her plump ass. I kissed her, my tongue shooting into her mouth so I could taste her for the first-time in... I don't know how long.
I pushed her up against the wall harder as my hands reached down to her legs so she could get the hint to jump up and wrap them around me. My hands went to the hem of my shirt she'd been wearing, basically ripping it off of her. I moved away to get a better look at her and moaned. She was wearing red lace. "You were prepared." I pant and she blushes. "I don't know what you're talking about..." She taunts quietly. I put her down to get a better view of her and her body.
Her gorgeous body...
With a spin of my index finger, I motioned for her to turn for me. She slowly and hesitantly did. She turned her back towards me and I slowly grabbed her hips and squeezed. Fuck, I love this view the most...
"I'd be insane to get tired of a body like this." I whisper in her ear, causing her to turn to look at me from over her shoulder. Her bright eyes made my heart flutter like always.
"You mean that?" She whispers softly, as if challenging my sweet words. Our relationship was always a tug of war, and I loved it. She always kept me on my toes, kept me sharp. I smile before cupping her face, the pad of my thumb stroking her cheek.
"With every fiber in my being." I whisper back before leaning in to kiss her, this time more slowly. Our lips move like butter on a hot pan, the motion is slow and consistent, her tongue licking at my lower lip makes me shiver. I pull away from her lips though as my hands pull her closer to my body.
"How did I get so lucky?" I ask as I eye her, and Y/N blushes slightly, thrusting her butt against me to bump me away a bit before turning fully towards me.
"You make it sound like I'm some goddess..." She tries to taunt but I notice how little sarcasm is in her voice, like now she truly believes that she isn't. It makes an anger spark inside me that is quickly replaced with a need to make her believe me.
"Y/N..." I whisper as I make her look at me. "You are a goddess." I state.
"No, I'm not..." She begins, but I lean in and kiss her again. She puts her hands on my shoulders to probably push me back, but I know what she likes. My lips wrap around her bottom lip to suck on softly, my arms wrapping around her waist to hold her as close as her stomach would let me.
As we make out, my hands move to grip her ass, loving the feel of it in my hands. I loved the feel of her cellulite, the stretch marks, how soft it felt when I squeezed. Like dough. I especially loved the noise it made when I...
Y/n gasps against my mouth as I rub the ass cheek I'd just smacked. "Get on the bed. I fucking missed this body." I whisper, tonguing my lip ring as I eye her bashful state. She was always so cute...
"Jungkook-" I cut her off.
"Don't 'Jungkook' me. This is what you wanted, right? Why you've been so fussy? It's cause I haven't been giving it to you lately. I'm gonna make up for that right now." I say as I grab her chin firmly, loving how she breathes unevenly at the promise. "Now get on the fucking bed." I order, not in a mood to repeat myself. Not when all I wanted was her withering under me...
Y/N is quick to get on the bed and I drop my jacket finally before walking over while undoing my belt. I yank it off and use it on her wrists, not needing her hands wondering. "Let me take care of this body." I smirk as my hands roam her half naked body now.
I grope her breasts as she gently moans and it's music to my ears. I kiss the tops of her breasts as I squeeze them. Her back aches so I can reach behind her and take her bra off. I slip her bra off of her perfect body and take time to really look at her again. Her hair's a mess, her cheeks are flushed, and she's never looked better. 
"I am so fucking lucky." I begin. "I get to wake up next to you every morning," I kiss the middle of her chest. "Come home to you every afternoon," I kiss down her stomach. "And make love to you every night. I'm in heaven..." I whispered softly before I pull her underwear all the way off and throw it over my shoulder, not caring where it lands. I spread her legs and get comfy between them.
I focus on her inner thighs, wanting to mark them up, biting and leaving hickeys on her perfect skin. "P-Please... Kookie, please!" Y/N begs in need, and it makes me smirk. Being pregnant made her more sensitive. She was practically leaking on the bed already. My breath brushes over her soaked pussy as I tease her more.
"You want it? Hm?" I taunt quietly as she shivers. I smirk and move to face her. "You know what I wanna hear." I say.
"I-I'm a pretty girl..." She whimpers softly. "Please. Please give it to me..." She whines softly. I hum and cup her pussy in one hand, rubbing my palm against her clit. It makes her moan louder and makes me smirk.
"Fuck, you're so wet, I can hear it..." I say happily as I slide two fingers into her at once cause I know she can take it. And she does. She always takes my fingers so easily. Almost as easy as she takes my cock...
"Oh my god..." She whines as her hips hump against my hand. I move to lay next to her as I focus on finger fucking her, eyes almost rolling every time her walls milked my fingers.
"Look at me. Look at me." I order between pants, and her eyes are half shut as she does, forcing herself to stay focused and not lose it to the pleasure yet. "My pretty girl. You like it?" I whisper against her lips, her hands moving against the belt tied around her wrists.
"Yes! Yes! Please, faster. Please, I love-" I cut her off by adding a third finger and rapidly thrusting them in and out, making her head roll back, and I wasn't letting up. The gushing sound coming from her pussy as I finger fucked her was egging me on too much to let up.
"Baby! Baby!" She gasps in pleasure, hips halting as I get to her sweet spot. I relentlessly hit that spot, over and over again as she says my name and my ego grows. I always thought hearing my name from ARMY was music to my ears, but having my wife chant it as I hold her shaking body with my fingers buried deep inside her? It was just a better use of my name...
"Take me baby... Please. Please, fuck me." She whimpers and I feel completely lightheaded at her pleas. I pull my fingers out, making her groan at the loss.
"Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna give you something much bigger." I assure in her ear, making her squeal. I roll her on to her side with me behind her.
"My hands! Please!" She pants as I kiss and bite along her neck. I groan softly and kiss her ear before releasing her wrists. My hands roam her body before I finally undo my jeans that were acting as a prison for my cock. I moan at the relief of my bulge finally being free from it's trap.
Her hand is on my cock before I can even guide it between her legs myself. I smirk as I watch her eyes stay glued to the mirror by our bed. "You know exactly where to look. Good girl..." I praise as I help push into her.
She sucks in some air fast and I grab her leg to hold over my hip so I can push in deeper. "Fuck..." I groan as I feel my cock instantly become surrounded by her warm and wet walls that squeeze around my length in need. "Treat my cock so good, baby..." I pant.
"Give me..." She whines and it makes me smirk. So needy...
I start fucking her faster and her hand goes to mine that's around her waist. Her nails dig into my arm and the burn of her nails going up my forearm only makes me thrust faster. "Oh... Fuck, baby!" I groaned as I move my hips so I can find her sweet spot.
"Jungkook!" She moans out loudly and I smirk. Found it.
Y/N throws her head back, her hair everywhere and her chest moving rapidly up and down. My head moves to the cork of her neck so naturally. This was so natural. I could never experience this with anyone else. And if I had to fuck her speechless to get it through her head that she was my one and only, then so be it.
"So perfect..." I breathed out against her ear as I watch het through the mirror before slowing down. I wanted her to feel every fucking inch of my cock. I wanted to feel just how tight her walls wrap around my cock with need to keep me in.
"Look at me." I whispered and grab Y/N by her chin before she can move, making her whimper loudly. She locks eyes with me.
"Please. Please, fuck me. I have to cum..." She shivers and I smirk as I move my forehead, so it's pressed to hers. She gasps loudly as I give her hard and slow thrusts.
"You are so perfect." I breathed out and she just whispers my name shakily. I smile at her reaction, eyes rolling shut and mouth dropping open. My firm hand moves to her clit to rub it. The look on her face was one of pure need. Pure beauty...
"I love you. I love your body. I love your mind, baby. Fuck..." I pant. "I fucking love everything about you..." I ramble on as she blushes more, whining how much she loves me.
"Kookie... I... Oh god... H-Harder... I-I love you! Please, baby, harder." Y/N cries out, and I move harder. Her hand moves down to hold mine that's rubbing at her clit faster now. I kiss along her face as she trembles.
"Let go, baby." I breathe out. "Come on, beautiful... Cum for me." I continue and Y/N presses her lips against mine hard, but she barely kisses me, too lost in pleasure. I don't mind though. I swallow all of her moans as she cums hard, her whole body shaking as she throws her head back against my shoulder blade, breaking our kiss. I continue through her orgasm and after a few more thrusts, I cum just as hard inside of her.
We don't move after such an intense session. The silence in the room is loud as we try to catch our breaths. I do, however, spend time kissing all over her face, neck, and shoulder as she softly begins giggling, something she does when fully satisfied, and it's always enough to make me fall all over again.
"I love you." The voice is weak and shaky, but it belongs to the woman I love. So, it's perfect...
"I love you too, baby." I say back, my voice hoarse. I slowly move out of her, making her gasp softly at the loss. I pull her into my side to cuddle.
"I'm sorry. For being a handful." She mutters quietly and I chuckle softly.
"Don't be. I'll always be ready to remind you just how amazing you are. I can handle you, baby. Never forget it." I smirk before kissing her tenderly.
Also, can we talk about the fact that I've reached 300 followers! Love you all!
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der7py · 2 months
Yandere pop idol x reader
Your a huge fan of a certain pop idol, Kenzie Willer. The nation calls her a heartthrob, and an absolute doll!♡ But no one knew that she was a big fan of you.
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Warnings: Stalking, Slight manipulation
You had always been a huge fan of her work, she was your biggest idol! Ironic that she was a pop idol. You went to all her concerts, listened to all her albums, and bought all her mercy. You were definitely a die-hard fan
But little did you know, she was your biggest fan too. She first noticed you when she was signing autographs at her booth.
She felt her heart practically stop when she looked at you. She couldn't breathe. Did she even want to? You were the reason she could even breathe. She practically stumbled over her words as she signed your poster, adding a heart at the end of her name like she did with the rest of her posters.
After that moment, she wanted to know everything about you. Your favorite color, favorite place to eat, where you slept at night, what school you went to, ect.
She forced her managers to find all of your social media accounts so she could stalk make sure you were doing okay and staying up to date with you and your life! ♡
After that, you started receiving free stuff. A favorite plushie? On your front door step. Tickets to that movie you wanted to see? Right there in your mailbox. You even started winning tickets to her concerts! How lucky were you?
You were so pumped! You had just won free tickets to see your favorite pop idols concert! The package even came with free merchandise of hers that you were definitely wearing. Everyone screamed and cheered as she came out on stage, waving at the crowd and blowing kisses. She was truly the nation's heartthrob. She even made eye contact with you! She blew a kiss right at your direction, before starting to sing.
Her voice swayed the whole crowd, everyone singing with her while jumping up and down. This was her newest album, "Bitter Love." The album was about unrequited love, which struck you deep in your chest. You knew what it was like to chase after someone who didn't love you, and didn't even know that you existed. You had listened to it on repeat, finding comfort in the album.
"Alright, everybody! For our next song, I want one of you to come sing it with me!" She yelled, a thousand hands, including yours, shooting up into the air. She looked around, tapping her finger on her chin before pointing at you with a smile. "You! Yes, you! Come up on here, sweetheart!" You were jumping for joy as three big burly bodyguards helped you towards the stage, envious looks thrown your way. But you didn't care. You got to meet your biggest idol!
The entire time you're on stage singing with her, she's touching you in some way. Either it is a hand around your waist, hand on your shoulder, or her body simply pressing against yours. She nearly passed out with how close you two were. You've never had more fun in your life than this very moment.
Everyone knows that Kenzie is extremely affectionate, so it doesn't bother you when her hands are all over you. After the song is over, she hands you a seashell and kisses your cheek, leaving a pink lipstick stain on your cheek.
As her big burly bodyguards escort you down, you flip the seashell over to see her number, with the words call me in cursive writing. You can feel your heart speed-up.
Obviously, after the concert is over, you call her, I mean, who wouldn't? A fucking pop idol is interested in you. Why wouldn't you immediately call her after?
You two kick it off immediately. She has so much in common with you! And she's always so supportive and sweet towards you. You're honestly surprised she shares the same interests with you. You never expected someone like her to even have one thing in common with you.
Kenzie's thrilled. She finally has you in her grasp, and she's never letting you go either. You're a little fly stuck in her huge spider web.
But don't worry, sweetheart, the web is nice and soft for your pretty little head. And she'll make sure you're nice and cozied up in her silk.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 5 months
Aegon with his milf obsession, he’s absolutely the kind of person to be VERY INTERESTED in the birthing practice invented by Maegor and his wives. He doesn’t know much about history but I have a feeling this topic would interest him very much. And I fully believe he’d use it on his Hightower aunt that he’s taken if she’s going into labor.
Her contractions would be starting but instead of summoning maesters, Aegon encourages her to drink. “For the nerves” he says. Truthfully it’s an aphrodisiac. And once it starts working he uses her vulnerable state to give her more and more. Soon she’s stripped naked writhing in pleasure while feeling the contractions in her body, just like niece wife once was.
I don’t know if Aegon will have whores pleasure her with him or do it all himself because he hasn’t been able to get any at the moment and doesn’t want to miss a moment of his enjoyment. But he’s very actively tormenting her.
Obviously fully enjoying sucking at her breasts. Torturing her clit and fingering her to check when she’s ready. Who knows if he’ll take the opportunity for one last fuck or not. But one thing is for certain. Aegon is loving every minute of this.
He might not be so aware of just how addled he’s making his aunt. At a certain point it’s actually unclear if she’s feeling pleasure or pain, or if she even knows where she is. She’s covered in sweat and oils, completely naked and exposed, her body held up by the ties on her arms, while her legs are spread wide. A noble lady. Completely at Aegon’s mercy. And as she starts crowning, Aegon honestly can’t tell if she’s shaking because of the pain or because she’s close.
But either way, it’s undisputed that the Hightower lady cums hard as Aegon’s child finally slides out of her. And the cry she lets out is absolutely one of pleasure.
By then Aegon may finally allow at least a nurse in to clean her and let her down onto the bed. He moves the child to drink at her breast. And his aunt lies there still panting a little and twitching. Her eyes glassy. Her face delirious with the pleasure. Hardly aware of her surroundings while she lies there, her newborn child feeding. Aegon may start sucking at her other breast and rubbing and squeezing her body. Oh as soon as it’s safe he very much wants to do that again. His lovely aunt. Now his breeding whore
Aegon would definitely give her a high dose of aphrodisiac. She will be in a state where she is only craving pleasure...extreme pleasure. Her brain is too foggy a sex starved to realize that she is in labor.
There would definitely be whores. Aegon personally chose them. All milfs, maybe couple of them are younger. He would definitely join and find the best pleasure. And knows a great deal about this method
Even after giving birth the effect of aphrodisiac doesn't wear off easily, especially after taking such a strong dose. She is tied up, panting, moaning, begging for more. Aegon would order the whores to pleasure her as he fucks one of them.
He can't wait for her to go through this method again
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theriverdraws · 2 years
Asriel & Toriel | Chara & Asgore
So, we all know the Dreemurr family loved each other very much.
However, parents and kids can have favorites, and I believe that Asriel and Toriel / Chara and Asgore were specially close. 
Here’s proof for each duo (that I got from memory):
Asriel & Toriel:
- Asriel/Flowey, even after trying really hard and failing every time, really believed that being with TORIEL would make him feel love again, feel like himself again. And I think that says a lot.
To be honest while I searched through screenshots, Toriel seems to love her children pretty equally (she is THE goat mom so I get it). But Asriel definitely seems to have been closer to her than his father (not that he doesn’t love him as well of course).
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- Toriel obviously still misses Asriel deeply, and has a lot of regrets. She is a bit too drunk in this scene but I like to think she managed to recognize Asriel in flowey somewhat. But that’s more like self indulgence on my part.
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-  Asriel/Flowey still loves Toriel very much. Even before Frisk fell into the underground and he still had his view of “kill or be killed” - he still was empathetic enough to give her a glass of water everytime she passed out. So he cares, always have, just doesnt want to admit it. 
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(I would also mention how Flowey still hanged around in the ruins all the time. Some would say he was just waiting for humans to fall down or something, but I say he just liked to be around Toriel and I will die on this hill).
- I always found it interesting how Asriel hesitates before saying Toriel’s name here. Of course, he didn’t mention Asgore because Frisk didn’t spend that much time with him but considering previous proof, I’d like to include this here anyway.
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Annnnd that’s all I could find (from memory) for them! Feel free to add to this!
Chara & Asgore:
Surprisingly for me, I found a lot! Really thought it was gonna be the other way around here.
- They both seem to have a great love for flowers and gardening! They probably bonded a lot through it.
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- Asgore specifically recalling the “feeling of hope” in Chara’s eyes. I thought it was sweet :)!
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- It’s heavily implied that Chara was the one that made the sweater. Asriel could have helped, but considering that in the No-Mercy run, Chara doesn’t have a special comment towards the macaroni art that was also made for Asgore - you could safely assume that Asriel made the macaroni art and Chara made the sweater. It was also probably very big and a lot of work, Asgore is a very big monster after all.
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- Flowey being extremely sure that Asgore would show the souls to Chara, even after not showing it to Asriel (since that was probably one of the ways Flowey tried to get to them). You can argue it would be because Chara/Frisk would be the last human and Asgore would show it when fighting them..but it doesn’t really fit with the way Flowey says it I think, it was very specifically Chara.
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- Chara and Asgore shared love for tea... and how Asgore’s favorite tea is the golden flower tea. Since golden flowers only bloomed in the underground after Asriel and Chara died, and it was Chara’s favorite flower, They probably told Asgore about how you can make tea with them and reccomended it to him. I wish they could have enjoyed it together.
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- And also how Chara’s favorite flower is literally everywhere in new home.
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Aaaand that’s it from them as well! Feel free to add more if you find it also!
Now that you have seen the ultimate proof for both cases, do you see it nowdo you see thevdo you see the vision--
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ghoultrifle · 6 months
Trifle, i saw your ask to moony and now...i am requesting your pissboy hc's for the ghouls and ghoulettes! If you want to share them with us, that is :)
wooh boy anon i hope you knew what you were getting yourself into when you asked this, of course i want to spread the pissboys agenda!! a lot of piss below the cut (obviously)
Cirrus: Loves watching her partners squirm and writhe around as they beg for permission to go. Sometimes she'll be kind and let them, other times she sits back and watches as they piss themselves. Can also be found pissing on other ghouls.
Dewdrop: He's into the humiliation of it all. Doesn't really enjoy piss as a substance but nothing gets him going like being shamed for pissing himself. Has cum far too many times after being used as a urinal by Rain. Especially enjoys Cirrus pressing on his bladder and cooing at him when he doubles over and leaks just a tiny bit. Prefers to be humiliated but has a soft spot for putting Mountain in Scenarios because the big guy gets so embarrassed and so horny about it, how could he not? (inspired by my own ask to @high-imperatrix here, #piss pals 4ever)
Sunny: Full. Bladder. Fucking. She doesn't care who, preferably both of them. Trying not to let on to the other that they're about to burst (and bust hehe) while the pace is relentless. Each thrust feeling like it might be the last before she loses control.
Swiss: Likes the humiliation aspect but also just the feeling of pissing himself. Doesn't even really need a partner, will just go out for a walk around the grounds and start wetting himself mid-stride. Films himself every time as well, sends it to whichever unsuspecting (but consenting) ghoul he thinks will enjoy it most. Gets hard when a sibling notices and cocks an eyebrow at him, maybe goes to a quite corner near a tree and tugs himself off until he cums on his already wet jeans. (disclaimer: this is all fantasy, please do not rope in unsuspecting members of the public into your sexual play)
Cumulus: Hates humiliation but loves being a good girl for Cirrus or Mountain as they let go, perched between their legs. Loves being marked by her lovers as they drench her in their piss, watching the relief contort on their faces as they become more turned on by the second. They always fuck nasty afterwards.
Aurora: Biggest piss switch you've ever seen. Even in the same scene she will go from wetting herself at the mercy of her partner to pushing them onto the bed and fucking them with a full bladder until they leak. Her favourite is to get Ifrit all hydrated and then get him worked up, start squirming on his lap until he confesses he really has to go, and of course she doesn't let up, that would be too nice.
Mountain: Definitely a watersports kinda guy. Isn't really into wetting, all seems a bit too fabricated for him, he likes to be at one with nature, as Satan intended. Only exception to this rule is when Dew makes him wet himself, he would truly do anything for that ghoul. Also a switch so enjoys scenes with Aurora out in the woods. They bring lots of water and spend hours out there, pissing then fucking then pissing some more.
Aether: Loves piss as long as he doesn't have to touch it. For that reason he loves tying Rain up, partially suspended from the ceiling and watching him try to no avail to free himself from the rope before giving up and flooding his pants. During these scenes Aether can be found in the corner, dick in hand as he stokes himself to completion, timing it with when Rain loses control (hijacking @herbal-quintessence's addition to this post, thank you my piss pal <3)
Phantom: The ultimate piss boy <33 will do anything and everything and will get off on it every time. If there was a rice purity test of piss his score would be 0. If you can think it, he's both done it and had it done to him. Things he's done include: being pissed on, desperation, wetting himself, drinking piss, public play, diapers, being pissed in, the list goes on. Truly my Go To for piss scenarios, he's just so versatile!
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unlikelyjapan · 10 months
s2e6 rewatch notes - part 1
I'm breaking this up over two days (for length, clarity, and my own mental health) - I pause and scribble my way through scenes as I go, so there may be a few repeats here and there.
Natalie's bereft face in the opening, attempting to disassociate but failing miserably because that's not her coping style. She obviously doesn't even smoke by the way she's holding the cigarette, she just does it because - much like working inside a commercial kitchen - it's the only legitimate excuse for a break from the chaos. Both she and Mikey act like they've just exited the fog of war (because they have) and - unlike Carmy - they've never had the emotional or material means to escape it.
Sugar's "No one can make anyone else act a certain way" comment to Mikey - it's very clear that they perceive mental illness from very different angles. Mikey admonishes Natalie for her check-ins as an attempt to blunt/control Donna's outbursts, and Sugar's skepticism of Mikey's strategy of just riding the lightning/ignoring the outburst (while acknowledging that he and Carmy have more success, but she attributes most of that to being the female middle child of a grievously ill female narcissist).
Carmy coming out = a hot mess of family dynamics. He asks Mikey (innocently enough) to come in and handle the crowd by being "fun cool guy" and Mikey assures him that he will, but with a vacant look in his eye (no wonder this man was on drugs, what other choices was he afforded?). Fak is literally yelling indistinctly inside, upping the chaos, as Richie bursts outdoors amidst the three siblings to ask if "there's any family shit going on that he should know about".
Along with just trying to be ok themselves, these three adult Berzattos are a magnet for every other wayward adult-child who needs a home to reckon with their own trauma, and their inclusion becomes their problem as well and only ups the frequency of the despair. Mikey literally makes space for the three of them by dismissing Richie "for a minute", and you can tell that's not normal protocol.
"Would it kill you to pick up the phone?" - Carmy is already wounded by Mikey more than 4 years before his death. You can immediately tell by Mikey's earnest response (along with his previous discussion with Sugar) that he was just keeping Carmy at arms length to ensure he never returned, to spare just one of them from a life of hardship. In spite of everything else we see about Mikey and how poorly he manages his trauma in this episode, he is an inherently good brother who started early in inciting loathing in the person he loves above all others just to save him.
I wanted to peek behind the "Our Mother of Victory, Pray for Us" bit, as you know damn well it wasn't selected by Storer by accident. The whole idea is that Mary, the Mother of Victory "pleads our cause with a mother’s heart and concern with whatever we bring her. Confident that Our Lady’s prayers are always heard we pray"
I may be reading too much into this, but that's a whole fuckton of power projected onto Donna. Even though it's said in jest, its maternal compassion and mercy that was never extended to the Berzatto kids. It could also be seen as "only Donna's prayers are heard and answered" (through the placating and emotional gymnastics performed by her children) so they utter this little prayer to her as much as they do to God - for control, for relative calm, for the day to simply be ok. They know better than to expect much more than that.
What is the actual point of Fak and Ted? I mean this narratively. I know that the Ricky actor who plays Ted originally worked on the set of The Bear in S1. Did the producers think they had an awesome "boys club" vibe and just plop them in as chauvinistic comic relief? Or is this part of a long-con? Do Fak and Teddy embezzle all of The Bear's money and retreat to Hawaii or something? Right now it's giving "Matty Matheson needs to sell more cookware" and I need a reason for this set-up, as the rest of the players offer more than enough relevant chaos to the episode.
Also, when they ask "Mrs. B, are our skateboards in here? Can we sleep over?" as Donna is cycling in the kitchen - Matty Matheson is in his 40's, so he time-traveled back to a rough-looking 35 to freeload off of his fake-besties Mom and aid in her spiral? I don't get the age timelines/ideas on what arrested development in this show are anymore....
"Say the fucking words" - ooof. I feel like a lot of ink has already been spilled on what the word "love" means in the Berzatto realm, but no wonder Carmy can't comprehend it even when it's right in front of him. Love to him is sacrifice and struggle, panic attacks, pacifying meltdowns, idealization and inevitable betrayal (hello other shoe!), and just saying the word because it diffuses an argument - not unlike rubbing one's chest.
So....what's the likelihood that the abusive chef at EMP is just a projection of Donna living rent-free in Carmy's head at this point? The way she lobs the ball at Carmy with all of the elements that need to be swapped when the timer goes off, the practical matters of running a high-pressure kitchen trailed with jests and insults and total emasculation. Yeah...I think it's pretty high up there.
The second Richie and Carmy trade off the homemade Sprite (before Carmy can grab the prosciutto and mortadella that his mom asked for 2 seconds ago) is just enough silence for Donna to feel abandoned and start unravelling again/start screaming about moving the pot. I can't quite place my finger on the weird amalgam of mental illnesses they gave this woman (hit me up, psych majors) but if its not over-scripted/acted, its a lot.....
Richie and Mikeys "Just take a break from being a mopey little fuck" - phew, these dudes really think that a high-school chick will be Carmy's salvation.
"I don't have a love of my life?" Carmy doesn't even flinch or show recognition of who they're talking about at first, and then it dawns on him that they've probably embarrassed him and he wants to crawl in a hole and die (which is the most honest feeling expressed this episode to date).
And wow. Donna intercepts the whole thing by throwing a spoon at Stevie and screaming "Richard, bring her the fucking pop!" - a.k.a the title of the previous episode with the house party. Those words ended the gang's harassment re: Claire, but then future Carmy willingly waded right back into the abyss of thoughtless conversations, bullying, projections, others' expectations, and the terrible Christmas.
Ok, that's it for now - I'll be back on my bullshit tomorrow.
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fablesrose · 7 months
Ch 3 - The Second David Job
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Ford!Reader
Description: Part two, the season finale. Y/n finally learns what Nate does for work and aids in the payback this time.
Words: 3049
It was odd, I hadn’t heard from Nate almost the whole time I was staying in LA. I had tried to call him a couple of times, but when he did pick up, the phone calls were brief, he wouldn’t tell me where he was, and just seemed secretive and dodgy. More than usual at least. 
Maggie was busy helping at the museum, and with the Blackpoole exhibit being set up, she was working overtime. I mostly stayed at her apartment, working on my laptop that I brought with me. Luckily this project that I was working on was coming to a close which should leave me free for the opening of the exhibit and then flying back to Boston. As nice as it was here in LA, I missed home. Realistically there was nothing keeping me here, I did love art, growing up with both Nate and Maggie as guardians, but I didn’t need to stay for the exhibit. I guess I kept expecting Nate to call me. I wanted to help him. I guess this client is here too though.
I got a call one afternoon from Maggie. 
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Hey y/n, can you take a break from your work today?”
I looked at the clock, I had been working for a while, “Yeah, I can do that. What’s going on?”
“I just got a call from Professor Sinclair asking to catch up, and I don’t really want to go alone, I feel like there might be something going on.”
“You want me to either crash or stalk you two on your date?” I couldn’t hide the displeasure from my voice.
“It’s not a date. Besides, he was much more into you when we met him last.” She had a slight tease in her voice that I scoffed at.
“I call bull. He didn’t call me to ask to catch up.” I felt my stomach twist a bit. Figures he would ask my hot divorced aunt out.
“I don’t think he has your number, y/n.”
“Please? Just sit a few tables away and if you get uncomfortable there’s a couple of shops right around the corner that I know you’ll love. You can bail at any time.”
I sighed, “Fine, but you owe me. You treat me more like a cousin, or a sister than a niece, you know that?”
“You love me, see you there.”
“No comment.”
I walked in a little after Maggie, choosing a spot a couple tables away, behind Adam so I could see Maggie’s face. I was close enough that I could hear them if I wanted to, but far enough that I could tune out as well. I ordered water since I didn’t think I would be there long. Maggie was right though, the surrounding stores did look appealing. 
I watched Maggie look Adam over, then make eye contact and wink at me when he wasn’t looking. Weird. I had no idea what that meant. I tuned into their conversation to see what was going on. 
“We’re not going to talk about art all afternoon are we?” Maggie asked Adam.
All afternoon? I was definitely not staying that long. 
Adam answered no.
“Good, that’s all my ex husband wanted to talk about. That was so tedious.” She said it with a smile.
I frowned. I knew they had their problems, that’s why they got divorced, but she never spoke about Nate like that. Especially to a virtual stranger. What is going on?
“Listen,” Maggie placed her hand over Adam’s on the table and I could see him stiffen, “I want to thank you. I haven’t dated much since my marriage broke up.”
I groaned. Of course she conned me, it was obviously a date. I couldn’t stand this much longer and started to gather my things. When I looked up she had forceful eye contact with me that told me to stay put.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Adam replied.
“No, don’t be. He was obsessive, perfectionist, controlling.”
“He must have had some good qualities.”
Maggie scoffed, “No, not even in bed.”
I sputtered in my water. Gross, I did not want to hear this. I begged Maggie for mercy across the room. 
“But worst of all, he completely forgot that I gave him that same button camera for Christmas three years ago.” She smiled and waved me over.
I was so confused, but got up and joined them. Adam turned around and saw me, his face defeated.
“Hey y/n.”
I nodded, “Adam.” 
Maggie marched over to a van in the parking lot and I followed quickly after. She opened it to reveal the airport receptionist, the Italian woman, the second David seller, and Nate, all sitting together.
“I can explain.”
The drive to the random mansion was dead silent, but once we arrived, Maggie and Nate started arguing. I figured I would get my chance to rip him apart afterwards, so I didn’t join in yet. I stood in the doorway glancing between them arguing and the others grouped at the stairs. 
“I feel used.” The guy who I thought was named Adam said.
I turned a bit towards them, “Same.”
Maggie stormed outside with Nate close behind, “It’s going great,” he said as he walked out the door. 
The former Italian woman, now British, replied, “we can tell!”
The house was eerily quiet once the yelling was gone.
“So,” I looked at the four people in front of me, “are you this team Nate mentioned for his consulting thing he was doing? If that is what was going on? Or whatever?”
The young man who posed as the second David seller spoke up first, “yeah, that’s us. He didn’t lie to you about that, just the means of which we do it. I’m Hardison, resident computer guy. Thanks for the help with the supplement lawsuit thing I had to do.”
That made me smile, “Glad to hear I was of any help at all.”
The British woman approached me next, her hand outstretched, “Sophie, actor, art thief, grifter, take your pick.” She smiled with a confidence I could never hope to achieve when I shook her hand. 
Hardison introduced Parker as a thief before the last member stood from the stairs and stepped up to me. 
“And I’m Eliot, official title is retrieval specialist, these guys call me a hitter.” When he wasn’t acting as Adam, his voice was a bit gruffer, a little deeper. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his long hair down. I noticed without his glasses just how blue his eyes were.
“Well, it seems you might have some other talents too. Those soup recipes were a lifesaver.”
His lips quirked up toward a smile and I thought I saw some color in his cheeks before he ducked his head in a nod and went to sit down again. 
Nate and Maggie came back and she came up to me, tears still in her eyes, “did… did you know about Sam’s treatment?”
I looked between her, Nate, and the rest of the team, “I had an inkling. They wouldn’t pay for it right?” I looked at Nate to see the slight nod, “Who do you think helped Nate do the research on it?” My lip quivered thinking back. How happy we were that we might have found something that would help, but it didn’t make a difference. I was in the middle of a project, across the country when they called. Sam died.
Nate came and placed a hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug, Maggie joining shortly after. 
It was decided to regroup the next day to go over the plan. 
“And that, that’s the plan.” Nate placed a final push pin with string attached to the board with all the designs.
“You actually expect this to work?” Maggie was clearly skeptical.
“No no, you’re supposed to say ‘wow, that’s just crazy enough to work.’” Hardison replied. 
“Incredibly, chance does seem to bend itself to his bizarre machinations” Sophie commented with a relaxed air. 
Parker leaned next to Maggie’s ear, “that’s his super power.” She sniffed her shoulder as she pulled away.
Maggie looked over to me and I just shrugged. 
“Okay, now, do you have what we need?” Nate asked Maggie. 
“I have to check museum inventory.”
“Oh, easy.” 
Hardison typed his way on his laptop before turning it toward Maggie. 
“This is confidential, you’re not reading my emails are you?”
Hardison quickly responded, “no, no,” before nodding at Nate that he did. 
I piped up, “I was right, you do a lot more exciting things on your computer than I do.”
Hardison smiled at me before Maggie confirmed.
“This is the only thing big enough for what you need.” She turned the laptop toward Nate. 
“Great. Okay, now how soon can you get that in the restoration room?”
“Now that’s not my department. You have to convince the museum director Darien Lloyd to pull it from the display.”
“You can’t just make somebody do what you want them to do.”
There was a pause before Eliot said, “Whoa!”
“That’s what we do, I mean…” Hardison laughed.
“You’re adorable,” Parker said while stroking Maggie’s hair.
I had to admit, “That’s a bit naive, even for you Maggie. Our society is built on persuasive techniques and making people do things, for various reasons.”
Everyone just looked at me and nodded as I shrugged. 
We quickly got going to set up the con. Maggie, Sophie, and Parker were at the museum while Nate, Harison, Eliot, and I were at the mansion watching and listening through cameras and comms. We watched and listened as there was a handoff between Parker and Maggie which led to Maggie subtly pushing the director towards the Egyptian room, all while laying clues for the con on him. 
Sophie then dropped hints about the curse surrounding the sarcophagus while posing as a museum director from Cairo.
Eliot leaned over to me, “Good call about the curse by the way.”
Hardison concurred, “yeah, look, he’s already scared, he’s looking up all the places the sarcophagus was before there, lots of dead people. D-E-D dead people.”
Nate and Eliot both spelled dead correctly.
“I was throwing a little style up, just a little bit. A little style. I know how to spell dead, damn it. I can steal a bank, I can spell dead.”
I laughed, “Thanks, but I think it really comes down to Sophie and Maggie’s setup here, along with your expert hacking skills with those articles, Hardison.”
“You are a flatterer, woman. Are you sure this guy raised you?”
I shouldered Nate next to me, “unfortunately.”
I could feel his glare, but I just watched as Maggie hit the point home talking about the supposed fungus that surrounded Egyptian artifacts that were claimed to be cursed. 
The boys left shortly after to move the sarcophagus, leaving me at the mansion. I looked over the plans a couple of more times while they were gone. Maggie stayed at the museum while everyone else came back. They got to working on something when Nate came into the planning area where I was. 
“So what do you think?”
“I don’t know yet, I guess we’ll just have to see how this plays out.”
“No,” Nate stepped up next to me, “I mean, about all of this, the whole thing.”
I looked up at him, “I wish you would have told me. Why didn’t you? Did you think I wasn’t going to approve or something?”
“I just didn’t want you wrapped up in it.”
I hummed at him. “Well I think you are doing some pretty cool things, I’d be happy to be a part of it. Not that I could help much.”
There was some commotion behind us with the rest of the group arguing a bit before it fell quiet. I started walking towards the entry where they were, “It seems like you have a good team here though. I’m glad you have them, that you have each other.”
“They are the best.”
“That’s good…” I stared at the portrait they had hung on the mantle, “what is that?”
Nate looked at the picture of himself, just much older, “Don’t ask.”
The next day was when the exhibit opened. Everyone had their roles and places for the day. Now, just to put it in motion. 
Nate and I entered the museum arm in arm when Blackpoole and Sterling approached. 
“Well well well, what the hell are you doing here?” 
Nate held up two tickets, “Well I bought some tickets for me and my niece. It’s open to the public.”
“I don’t think…” Sterling started to say, glancing between the two of us.
“Of course, enjoy yourselves.” Blackpoole let us pass.
After looking at the art for a while, there was loads of commotion and chaos, just as planned. I let Nate go to the roof while I rendezvoused  with the others. We watched as he dropped down from the skylight. The security system activated, locking us in. 
“Let’s go to work.”
I helped them complete the task before they slipped me back outside in the crowd where I found Maggie.
“Maggie, what’s going on? I got separated from Nate in the confusion, have you seen him?”
Sterling was right next to us along with Blackpoole and the museum director. Sterling stared at me accusingly, but didn’t say anything. 
I followed them inside the building, once we reached the closed exhibit doors Sterling said, “This is your last chance Maggie. Come clean.” He looked over to me, “you too y/n.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The doors finally opened to reveal Nate standing in a spotlight in front of the two Davids, in their case.
“The two Davids,” Blackpoole giggled, “Thank God.”
“Got you Nate,” Sterling said. 
“Yes, that was the whole point,” Nate replied. 
“What do you mean?”
“You know all that chasing me around? ‘Don’t let Nate Ford near the two Davids, how’s Nate Ford going to get the two Davids?’ I wasn’t the mastermind on this one, Sterling… I’m the bait.”
He counted down from three for the lights to come on and reveal the walls, empty from all the art that previously decorated it. 
Blackpoole broke down in disbelief and horror. There was over $150 million worth of art that was missing. And he was responsible for all of it. It was insured by IYS which would cause a major hit to his career and company. 
“Well done,” Sterling had to admit. 
Blackpoole grabbed a gun off of a guard’s belt and pointed it at Nate’s head, “where are they?! Where are they?!”
“Nate!” I yelled, I took a step forward, but Maggie grabbed my hand. 
“Clear the room!” Sterling demanded. A guard pulled the two of us away, both of us scared for him. 
We both had comms, which helped us hear the conversation better. Nate told Sterling the terms of getting the art back for destroying Blackpoole. Sterling agreed, almost too eagerly. 
Blackpoole pointed the gun at him “No. Sterling, you work for me,” He swung back towards Nate, “IYS is my company!”
Nate responded immediately, “Can’t let personal feelings affect policy. You have a responsibility to shareholders. No exceptions.” He threw Blackpoole’s own words back at him. Nate took the gun out of his hands, “I have lost my only son. Do you really think you scare me? Huh?”
Maggie squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. 
Blackpoole came rushing towards us, “Maggie, well, you understand.”
She let go of my hand, stepped up to him, and gave him a wicked right hook to the face. I stepped up and kicked him once while he was down.
Maggie smiled at me with a thoughtful look, “screw therapy, that felt really good.”
She walked off, and after exchanging a few words with Sterling, Nate came up, hooked arms with me and we both walked out the front door.
Later, that day the three of us were sitting in the empty exhibit room, waiting for the call. 
“Are you going to stop now?” Maggie asked Nate. 
“I don’t know.”
Nate hummed in a question.
“You admitting you don’t know something.”
Nate’s phone rang, and he answered it, listened then hung up. “It’s done. Blackpoole’s out.”
“Time to return the artwork?” I asked.
“I think so,” he replied. 
He lifted the seat cover we were sitting on to reveal an opening down to the restoration room. We all climbed down. 
When I got close to the bottom, Eliot grabbed my hand with one hand on my waist to guide me, “Careful sweetheart.” 
I grabbed his hand a little tighter and felt myself blush at the nickname. 
We admired the art surrounding us before leaving the room from behind the sarcophagus.
Nate and Sophie explained how they would seal and replace the floor tiles and then move the art to the loading dock to make it look like they came from the outside. 
Maggie approached Nate, “You are not the man I married.”
I quickly decided I didn’t want to be in the middle of that conversation and dashed off behind the others. 
After we had finished the work of moving the artwork, Parker and I helped oversee the sealing of the floor. We gathered at the back of the museum, clearly about to part ways.
I looked at each of them, “Are you guys gonna keep doing this? Am I ever gonna see you all again?”
They looked at each other for a moment before Eliot stepped up to me, “uh, we don’t know. Hope so.” He touched my elbow gently before pulling away.
I smiled at him before looking at the others, “Good enough for me… I guess this is bye.”
Hardison and Eliot nodded.
“I guess so,” Parker said. 
I nodded once more before stepping into Maggie’s car and driving back to her apartment. 
The next two weeks were mundane after that. I finished the LA project and flew back home to Boston. It was reaching into that third week afterwards that I got a phone call from Nate.
“Hey, I’m lookin’ for a place… Got anything in mind?”
Tags: @isoldeahlstrom
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j0kers-light · 1 year
His Lighthouse: Losers Aren’t Weepers (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Losers Aren’t Weepers
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:  
Y/n copes with the fact she's seen the infamous face of The Joker in the aftermath of having sex with him. The decision to take their newly found relationship is taken more seriously than before and it only weights on her as well. Will the two new love birds settle quietly within their new role or will things be even more awkward now that they are together?
Authors Note:
I want to thank everyone who sent out thoughts and messages as I struggled with the loss of my furbaby. For a while there I didn't have the mindset or the energy to write, but I found a way. I couldn't leave you all hanging and on a cliffhanger no less!! So here is another installment of my dreams turned fanfic that I hope you all thoroughly enjoy! I truly look forward to any comments and feedback: They are my fuel to keep going!
@blackreaderatrisk   @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angell
Let me know if anyone else would like to be added to the taglist!!  
Last Chapter  |  Next Chapter 
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Shocking news at the top of the hour.
Popular YA author, Y/N L/N, found dead in her apartment at the age of (insert). Authorities suspect foul play as the young writer was found in her shower with the water still running. Her work precedes her as the famous hit series, Will Hunter Bill is in the works of being turned into a movie starring famous actor...
Okay Y/n, maybe that's a bit too dramatic. Was it too pretentious of you to write your own breaking news headline? You didn't think so since your days were numbered after seeing a glimpse of Joker's bare face.
You were still huddled in the corner of the shower, wet hands covering your eyes and awaiting sudden death. Hopefully Joker would be merciful and make it quick.
A good snap of the neck or perhaps bashing your head into the tiled wall. If he got creative, he could choke you with the loofah string. Once again, writing mystery and thriller novels really broadened your knowledge of ways to kill people.
The possibilities were endless! You just wished Joker hurried up and picked one. You didn't dare to turn around but you ultimately became curious when nothing happened after a while.
Obviously you weren't tripping.
Makeup + fake name = secret. Joker was keeping his true identity from everyone yet here you are alive and well with a portion of that truth. He killed others for less. So why were you still alive? You considered yourself a somewhat lucky person but this didn't feel right. You pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming but the pain confirmed what you already knew. This was really happening. So you tempted fate and stole a peek through your fingers.
Sweet baby Jesus and the grown one too.
The sight was straight out of a Shojo anime. Joker's profile was facing you with sharp lines and dripping with masculinity through the shower fog.
In another life you believed Joker could have been a teenage heartthrob or some famous model. His eyes were closed as he washed the remainder of his makeup off and the swirls of white, red, and black dripped down his toned arms in a tantalizing manner.
And he would tip his head back underneath the shower head like this was some moody cologne commercial! Your heart skipped a beat from the fan service. Now you understand how high schoolers in anime could pop nose bleeds on command. Watching Joker wash off felt illegal. Maybe you did die and this was heaven.
You weren't hiding it anymore. You were openly staring with no shame. The man was all types of fine and right there for your viewing pleasure, heck yeah you were going to indulge!
Joker was foul for hiding his athletic build underneath dark suits and cloaks but you were glad you were the only one that got to see him like this. Each moment you spent with him felt intimate and sacred. Joker was gorgeous and all yours to admire. Without his signature red lipstick, his facial scars were more subdued and not as prominent. If you weren't actively seeking them out, you wouldn't have paid any attention to them.
You were biased of course but who cared about that? His scars took a backseat in your observation. His skin was surprisingly normal in appearance and your hands itched to touch it now that there wasn't any grease paint in the way.
Would it be soft just like you imagined it was? Scratch that. Would Joker allow you to touch him so intimately? You were sure he was going to kill you for catching just a mere glimpse.
You were so caught up in your own head, you didn't see when Joker opened his eyes and noticed that you were staring. He knew you were drifting off into lala land by how distant your e/c eyes were. He dragged a wet hand through his hair before reaching out towards you.
That put an end to your thoughts real quick. This was it; he was gonna kill you.
"Don't kill me! My favorite tv show isn't complete yet!" You screamed when Joker's hand came in contact with your wrist.
He wasn't surprised by the crazy things you said anymore. It was just a trait of yours that he accepted long ago but he did take offense to the former part of your statement.
Your other bouts of nonsense were muffled by Joker covering your lips with his own. You stopped talking and automatically looped your arms around his neck to return the romantic gesture.
Joker was such a good kisser he could quite literally reboot your thought process. It was still reloading when he pulled away to speak.
"M'not gonna kill ya sweetheart. Why would I do that?"
You stuttered trying to come up with a reply as Joker warmed you back up to his touch. The hot water pouring over his shoulder and down your naked chest in a rapid downfall aided his efforts. Anywhere that the water touched, Joker hands followed soon after. You hardly noticed him grabbing your favorite colored loofah and lathering your skin up since his kisses distracted you so well.
He cleaned you so effortlessly– like this was an everyday occasion between the two of you. The level of trust you surrendered to him was both comforting and concerning. You really did trust Joker wholeheartedly. He had free reign with your body to do with as he pleased.
'I slept with Joker. Just what were you thinking, Y/n?' You thought to yourself.
Even worse, you were actively showering with him! The aftercare was far too romantic and it didn't match Joker's character at all.
You weren't quite sure if you liked this soft version of Joker yet. It was unusual to see him so caring and eager to please. Maybe sex changed his perception of things? You doubted it.
He was still clueless about his true feelings but you could still sense his intentions in the way he barely touched your skin with each pass of the shower puff that sent goosebumps to blossom all over your body. Joker was treating you like fine china and given enough time, you could get used to being pampered but right now you kept an eye on him.
As Joker washed your upper body, you finally addressed the elephant in the room.
"Why would you kill me? B-Because I saw your face that's why! I-I know what you—" You gasped when Joker raised his head and stared you down.
You saw an array of freckles scattered across Joker's nose and you really wanted to count each one along with the long eyelashes he had. They fanned across his cheekbones every time he blinked, mesmerizing you with their beauty.
"Yeah? What about it? It was only a matter of time you saw me with-out my makeup." Joker rolled his eyes and continued rubbing the loofah down your back in soothing circles.
You hoped he wasn't downplaying the situation as a coping mechanism. This wasn't something to be taken lightly. He revealed a crucial part of himself! Shouldn't he be angry that you saw his face? You were so confused by his nonchalant attitude.
"Joker.. This is a big deal. I could go to the GCPD with this!"
He knew you weren't going to the police. He rolled his eyes at your empty threat and continued scrubbing you down. You didn't like his sass and reached up to grab his cheek, practically pleading for him to see the bigger picture here. Surely he felt it.
The innocent touch was amplified now that there wasn't a layer of white in the way.
You gained a huge portion of Joker's well guarded trust and you needed to be sure he didn't regret sharing it.
There wasn't much to focus on in the shower yet Joker found a way to avoid eye contact. Your hand felt so warm touching his cheek and it took everything in him to not lean into its comfort.
You faintly registered the mindless shapes the shower puff made on your skin as Joker washed you. His hands were covered in soap as they groped and relaxed on your body with each pass. A man like Joker showing signs of nervousness baffled your brain. You didn't like him so out of sorts and set about calming his nerves.
"Joker look at me." A kaleidoscope of greens immediately returned your gaze.
You saw the color in a brand new light these days. You were forever changed by the unusual hue. It was scary how easy you could decipher what one shade meant over another. Right now, Joker was hiding behind a smokescreen of juniper green indifference. That wouldn't do in your book.
You wanted to drag Joker into a world of acceptance. It was okay to be human. He didn't have to pretend anymore and definitely not around you. Whenever Joker was with you he could be himself and face no judgment. You tried to harness that feeling and translate it into words.
"You know this changes things between us right? We can't go back to.. w-we can't. Ugh screw this! You don't have to pretend with me anymore! I know you now. I shouldn't, but I do. It's okay to be yourself." You finally got your thoughts out and looked at Joker.
He searched your face; for what, you'll never know but apparently he found it. He huffed and dropped the shower puff to cup the back of your neck affectionately.
"I wanna know you too." He mumbled.
Your laugh chiseled away at his cold, dead heart. Since when did he get so soft? Perhaps the exact moment you tripped and fell into his life.
"I'm an open book, you know that."
But that didn't stop Joker from wanting to know more. He wanted to know you word for word, cover to cover. He wanted to immerse himself in the story of Y/n, if you'd let him.
"My favorite one." He mumbled to himself before leaning in.
He kissed you with a subdued energy, savoring what he already knew and learning each new nuance that made you unique along the way. You craned your neck back to deepen the kiss and clawed at anything your needy little hands could grab ahold of. In this case it was Joker's shoulders, still damp from the shower.
Your water bill would be extremely high this month but screw it, that didn't matter right now. Joker's mysterious aura and the hot shower blended together in a wonderful way that clouded your brain from any rational thought.
It felt silly to ever think that Joker would kill you especially since he was steering your body backwards into the shower tiles with love on the brain. You arched your back, gasping from the cold surface and Joker quickly swallowed up the sound while silently commanding you to jump up into his arms with a rough squeeze of your thighs.
You broke away from his lips hesitating, "W-What about your leg?"
His ongoing injury constantly nagged your mind. He carried you just fine out of the warehouse but that could have very well been due to adrenaline. The last you remembered he was recovering from a nasty infection.
Joker grinned and moved his hands to cup your backside before he lifted you up into his arms. From this angle you could look down into his swirling dark eyes. He thought your frown was cute and replied coyly.
"I got it checked. Doc said it needs more time to heal properly but—" Joker flexed his arms pitching you higher in his grasp. Your high pitched squeal of fright made him chuckle.
"I'm not gonna drop ya, Y/n. But uh... you're stuck with me for five more months."
Was he serious? You arched an eyebrow at Joker. Then you remembered the mutual agreement the two of you made that fateful day.
You volunteered to be his nurse in exchange for your life. Joker would rest and recover while keeping a low profile at your apartment then he would be out of your life, that is until feelings and other outside forces extended the original timeframe well past its due date. It was supposed to be two weeks tops dealing with the notorious clown. Almost a month later and Joker had fully integrated himself into your life. You couldn't get rid of him even if you tried.
Your original decision to help a wanted criminal in need clearly went off the rails but could you handle Joker for five more months?
That was enough time for him to officially move in and for you to develop deeper (toxic) feelings, not like you already have, and start adding labels to things that clearly had no business being labeled. But you found yourself unable to tear your gaze from Joker. He had a way of sucking you into his orbit with no guarantee if you would make it out alive.
You felt like Icarus skirting too close to Joker and his fervent destructive powers.
You had to remind yourself that Joker was just a temporary diversion before the inevitability of life tore the two of you apart. He was not a 'happy ever after' book troupe. He couldn't be your endgame, but that didn't mean you would waste the time you did have with him. If this arrangement was only temporary, then you were going to make the most out of every last second. Starting right now.
You wrapped your legs tighter around Joker's waist and played with a wet strand of his hair.
He desperately needed to wash it. "Wow, just five months? Whatever will I do with you?" You teased him.
You were convinced Joker's eyes glowed. "I can think of a lot of things I can do to you, Bunny." He dropped you down just a tad and you felt his growing erection rub against you.
Oh. Oh...
And he had the audacity to call you a bunny. It had barely been fifteen minutes and he was already in the mood for round two. You thanked the gods up above for Joker's stamina. Your last fling called it a night after the first round that hardly lasted ten minutes. Side note: you didn't get to cum. And here Joker was spoiling you rotten in the same hour.
You looked away, "You are seriously a danger to my health."
Joker grinned and repeated his statement from earlier. "Buuuut did you die sweetheart?"
You flushed a faint maroon and scoffed. "Yeah! My hair did! Florence is gonna murder me for not lasting a full month." You patted your braids that were being exposed to the elements even as you spoke.
Unfortunately, Joker wasn't listening to you nor did he care.
He was too busy grinding his dick against your folds and mapping out your plushy curves with his hands. You shivered when he traced your spine with his damp fingers and felt yourself grow wetter. As much as Joker liked holding you in his arms, he did need to get off of his injured leg. He spotted a seat nearby and carried you over.
It was the same bench you used to hold your candles during a nice soak. He wondered how it found its way into the shower but didn't think too much about it.
Joker sat down and plopped you down right on top of his hard on. Green eyes immediately found your gaze and for a moment– time stood still.
The steady stream of water still reached this section of the shower and it beat upon your back in gentle waves however it was nothing compared to the fervent heat that was Joker. The man ran like a furnace and his touch was even hotter. Joker continued to prove your theory of him being the sun correct and you would gladly get burned just to be in his presence. You loved playing with fire.
One day it would be your downfall.
"Lean back Y/n." He whispered.
You tilted your head and Joker admired your puppy-like confusion for a brief second before he pushed you back himself. Your startled moan was the confirmation that his idea had worked. A small jet of water traveled down your chest and concentrated straight onto your clit.
You held onto his shoulders afraid of falling over. "J-Joker!"
"I got ya.. Trust me, Y/n. I got ya." With that heated vow uttered, Joker lowered you down onto his cock. There was no resistance as his dick split you back open.
He was successful in preparing you for entry well without your knowledge. Your body was so responsive to him it was actually rather embarrassing. A little kiss here, a subtle but firm touch there; Joker could play you like an instrument.
You just had sex with Joker yet he managed to take your breath away again. The searing stretch was making you lose all train of thought. It was just too good. Your eyelashes fluttered closed and your mouth fell open in a moan that never escaped your throat.
The trickle of water kept your clit preoccupied while Joker came to a stop, fully sheathed within your warmth. He would never get used to your vice-like grip. After a shaky deep breath, he found the strength to move and slowly rocked you back and forth, groaning from the feeling.
You whimpered at the friction Joker created but he wasn't satisfied with the gentle sway. You deserved so much more. He needed more from you.
One of his hands was big enough to cup your entire back and it was a nice reminder to keep it arched. Not like you needed a reminder since the heavy drag of Joker's dick grazing your walls had your back naturally trying to snap in half. You didn't know whether to accept him or shy away from the sensation.
Joker picked up on your inner dilemma. He felt the tension in your body and also with how you clung to his shoulders with a grimace on your face.  He knew exactly what you were worried about.
"I won't let you fall, Y/n." You met Joker's gaze before bashfully looking away.
You decided to trust Joker and relaxed your body within his hold. He felt the transfer of control and for a brief moment, he almost exploited it, (he really wanted to) but he decided to focus on shifting your weight better so he could begin bouncing you up and down on his dick.
The only thing keeping you from tipping over backwards was Joker's arms and you laid on them moaning out in bliss. You felt put on display for his gaze and tried shielding yourself away but Joker read your body language and slowed down.
"No no no no.. Y/n. Don't be shyyy. Look at me." It wasn't a request, more so a demand– one that you quickly obeyed.
Your e/c met his iridescent green. "Good girl." He grinned and sped back up. After Joker said that, your brain unplugged from the socket.
You couldn't think straight with the heat from the shower and Joker's thrusts into your pussy happening all at once. Each jarring thrust up into your pussy had you gasping for air and clawing at Joker's forearms. He could see all of you splayed out in his arms and he didn't take his eyes off of you less he miss something.
Your breast bounced with each thrust and the water fell off your body in hypnotic patterns. Every inch of you was a work of art, even your moans had a special pitch to them that he could listen to for hours on repeat. Your head was thrown back in pleasure, most likely getting your braids soaking wet although you hardly cared.
You were adrift in a sea of pleasure.
Joker was utterly entranced by you and mumbled who knows what under his breath. You raised your head, straining to hear his nonsensical praises and noticed something spectacular. You weren't the only one caught up in the moment. Joker's cheeks had adopted a rosy hue like he was running a marathon and his handsome smirk was front and center even as he tipped his head back groaning.
"You.. ahh m-make me feel so good.." He canted your name like a prayer and slammed you down harder on his dick, making you whimper. "Sooo. Good." He growled.
This wasn't about gentle touches anymore. This became nothing but primal urges and the pursuit to come undone. If you didn't know any better, you would've been fooled into thinking Joker had it out for your pussy with the way he abused it for his pleasure.
Joker yanked you upright by your neck and you moaned right in his face as his other hand returned to your hip gripping it tight. More bruises to worry about later.
Joker's grip on your waist helped him maintain the brutal pace he created and he would not stop until something deep inside the both of you snapped. The distinctive sound of skin slapping against wet skin echoed throughout the glass enclosure– much louder than the shower still running. Funny how he brought you in here to get clean yet achieved the exact opposite. A shame about the wasted water though.
Perhaps he could help pay your water bill as an apology. You quoted a rough estimate in between a series of hard thrusts. He thought it was cute how your brain blurted out such insignificant facts mid sex.
He was doing a good job of making you go dumb on his cock. Joker loved seeing this new submissive side of you. There was a hot sensation slowly spreading from your core straight to your head and Joker's hand clenching around your throat made the tip of your nose tingle as well.
You would never have imagined you'd have a choking kink if Joker didn't introduce you to the idea. You wondered what other debauchery you'd discover with this madman. Hidden versions of yourself were being forced to the surface. Joker was unlocking your inner slut at every turn, why not embrace it? This was only temporary after all.
If only it weren't. Regardless, you warned Joker about your impending climax with the limited air supply you had. He didn't let up his grip on your throat just because you wanted to talk. In fact, he squeezed even harder.
He took your slurred speech as an open invitation to let go himself. He relocated his arms to wrap around your body in a fierce embrace and you sucked in a deep breath; getting dizzy off the ability to breathe again. Holding you like this was a power high Joker had never felt before. It was beyond incredible keeping you safe while tearing you apart at the seams.
His touch made you this way, no one else's. Only he got to see you writhing in pleasure crying out his name. You were all his.
You gave Joker full control to do whatever he wanted with you. That rush of control spurred Joker on to drive his dick deeper into you. He would never hold back when it came to you.
His bulbous tip repeatedly hit your g spot causing a moan to get caught in your throat. Joker felt your fingers grip his wet hair and glanced your way. Your eyes were heavy lidded but locked onto his dark forest green orbs.
He saw your tongue dart out to lick your lips and dove in. He breathed in your exhale and grinned when you chased after his lips wanting a kiss. He teased you once or twice until he granted your unspoken desire. It was a clash of teeth and tongue but the sheer desperation was felt in each lip lock.
He could taste the thought you didn't dare speak aloud. It wasn't the right time and you didn't want to ruin the mood despite your lips already parting to do just that.
You rested your forehead on Joker's and shuddered when you began to teeter over the edge. "Joker, I.. l-"
He interrupted you by biting your lower lip. He tugged at it and witnessed the exact moment your brain turned into mush. Any other thoughts fizzled away as you stared into a green void.
Maybe the heat was getting to you because you swore you heard Joker whisper a soft, "I know." on your lips before stars exploded and you crumbled apart one atom at a time.
Joker laughed as your world came crashing down. It was better than any heist he could ever plan and no reward was sweeter than watching your pleasure consume you whole.
Your body twitched uncontrollably in his hold, so he held you tighter. "That's it Bunny. L-let it ahh.. out. Breathe and give it all to meee." You obeyed without a fuss.
Joker tried to prolong his own release but your fluttering walls gripped him so tight he couldn't escape. Not like he wanted to. Joker wanted to stay buried deep inside your pussy forever but he wouldn't last another minute within this glorious torture.
He chanted praises to your name as he chased after his own climax, not once caring about your overstimulated body weeping for mercy.
Your nails left claw marks on his shoulders and upper back as you cried out for more. Like you could handle anymore. You were seconds away from a heatstroke. Maybe this was the way Joker would kill you off. This was fine. It was a great way to go. You definitely had to applaud him for choosing a fun method because Joker turning you into his personal fleshlight was euphoric.
You were a ragdoll crying on his lap as he worked himself to a peak he never reached before. He thought the first round in the bedroom was mind blowing, you just kept getting better and better.
The steam only hyphened the rush of endorphins as Joker lost the ability to think straight when he came. His lips brushed your ear and you got to hear every grunt and incredibly hot broken moan leave Joker's mouth. How utterly amazing it was to render Gotham City's most notorious criminal into a moaning mess. You would celebrate that feat later.
Joker mindlessly grinded his cock into you but gradually came to a stop after he was spent. You were grateful since the overstimulation was beginning to hurt.
The shower was still running in the background though you hardly heard it over the sound of your heartbeat pounding loudly in your ears. Joker was in the same boat, panting like mad, but he still had the urge to stroke your skin– he still needed physical contact well after the sex was over to ground him back to Earth.
You clung to Joker absolutely numb, trying to come to when he decided to let you go.
The sudden loss of him snapped you out of your afterglow. Joker slipped out of you and laid you down on the bench so he could go retrieve the long forgotten loofah off of the shower floor.
You just blinked owlishly, ignoring the trickle of cum leaking out of you. You hoped to regain brain function soon.
Joker stood under the main stream of water for a minute (secretly pulling himself together) before returning to your side. And like he didn't give you another earth shattering orgasm– Joker picked up right where he left off, rubbing the shower puff along your body and bestowing kisses along the way.
He cleared his throat when your body jerked at his touch but continued unfazed. Joker picked up your limbs to give them gentle scrub downs before moving on. He was a blurry figure focused on the task at hand in your eyes.
His actions confused you. Your curiosity couldn't take it anymore. "W-why are you being so nice to me?"
Joker glanced at you for a spell until his eyes averted back to your stomach. He avoided your question by rubbing your organic soap into your skin in tantalizing circles. You grabbed his wrist to get his attention.
Joker popped a bubble on your waist and shrugged his shoulders. "Do you wanT me to be mean, Y/n?"
On cue, a dark sinister air overtook Joker's features. You secretly loved it. You knew Joker could flip a switch and be mean if you simply asked him to, but that's not what you wanted– at least not right now. He was avoiding the point here.
This soft, doting version of Joker would take some getting used to but you didn't hate it per se. It was just.. different. A new concept. You found the energy to sit up before standing on your own two feet. Joker rose to his full height to tower over you and kept a cautious hand outstretched– ready to catch you when your knees would eventually give out.
You took a step forward and just like he predicted, you stumbled. Your Dark Prince was there for you to lean on. He did get a little cocky witnessing your weak state (that he caused) and received another glare from you.
Once you were stable enough, he quickly spun you around.
"Joker!" You slapped your hands on the subway tiles in front of you to brace yourself. If he was gonna take you again, all he had to do was ask.
You jumped when hot water hit your body from all sides in a calm drizzle. Joker had redirected the shower head to suit his needs again. Since when did he become an expert on your shower controls?
Your breasts were squished against the wall as he kissed the back of your neck and idly scrubbed your back. "You were saying?" He reminded you.
How did he expect you to reply like this? His hands were massaging your soap in with a firm touch and his tall frame caged you against the wall like a frightened animal. It was definitely a turn on.
"L-Like right now! You're washing my back and giving off soft daddy vibes. WAIT!" You looked over your shoulder at Joker's amused grin. "What I meant to say is... your hands are used to detonating bombs and carving smiles on people's faces, not washing..."
You moaned aloud when he grabbed a handful of your breasts with wet, soapy hands. His words floated into your ear.
"I don't hear ya complainin' doll." Joker kissed the back of your burning ears and slotted his hands down to your waist. He cursed under his breath and you flushed harder at his compliment.
It was truly amazing how Joker could make you feel both sexy and insecure at the same time.
His touch danced across your body like a skater on ice but you felt the possessive drags of his fingers carve into your dark skin. Underneath his sweet caresses was a man who could tear you apart if he wanted to. You turned your head and met Joker's neon green eyes again. It was literally like staring into a hungry wolf's eyes.
Your only coherent thought: You couldn't believe Joker actually covered up such a handsome face every day. And his: He couldn't believe someone as beautiful as you gave him a chance.
Both thoughts were made at the same time and both of you came to another agreement without saying a single word.
You had nothing to lose throwing yourself into this torrid affair. He would lose nothing in return. Five more months with you. Did he deserve such an honor? Probably not, but it was all he could spare. Any more wouldn't be fair to either of you. Some things weren't meant to be.
Neither of you were quite sure who kissed who first. You simply fell into Joker's open arms and the shell protecting his heart cracked open to let you in.
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"We should seriously get out, Joker. My hands are all pruney."
A pale hand rose up from under the water to grab yours. Joker held your hand up to his line of sight and hummed in agreement but didn't move to exit the claw foot tub.
You had venomously complained about your future water bill while in the shower with Joker well over an hour ago. Of course he didn't relocate immediately upon your request. He had his fun showing off his meaner side and used your hips like handlebars while railing into you from behind.
You had nothing to hold onto as Joker forced more orgasms out of you. You had already passed your personal record but you'd never tell Joker that and stroke his ego even more. It became an obsession to see you come undone. With that knowledge, he would be unstoppable.
He loved extracting orgasms from you probably more than he loved watching Gotham burn.
You must've passed out in the shower since the next thing you knew, Joker had you lying on his chest submerged in the bathtub. He didn't try any more funny business here. The time in the bathtub was strictly used to clean up the mess that he made in the shower.
Your head was still spinning but you felt his hands wash you properly before he leaned back with you in his arms. Joker mysteriously kept the water hot as the both of you lay in the bathtub soaking and enjoying each other's company.
He took up drawing lazy patterns on the bruises forming along your body. He didn't mean to be so rough.. but he literally couldn't help himself when it came to you. Joker tried so hard to be gentle but you tested his patience time and time again until he finally snapped.
You got a glimpse of what Joker was truly capable of and now you were facing the consequences.
Although you would happily poke the bear as many times necessary to feel this good again. Sex with Joker was indescribable. You knew it wouldn't last so you slid your hand from his chest up into his now shampooed hair. Apparently you were the one who washed it in between getting your back blown out in the shower.
Months ago you thought that all of Joker's hair was dyed his signature green. On the contrary, his hair was a beautiful shade of brown with various hues of green running throughout it. You were dying to see its true potential, blow dried and styled. After all, Joker was an attractive man.
His choice in hair color completed his overall terrifying look as The Joker, yet for once you wanted to see a normal version of the man who terrorized Gotham. He already peeled back a layer of himself by removing his makeup. What was next?
You glanced up and was taken aback by his raw beauty all over again. Joker's head was reclined on the back of the tub and his eyes were closed, looking every bit a Greek god. He appeared to be asleep and as much as you wanted him to get his rest, (the man rarely slept) you had an urge to kiss him.
You were leaning in to claim your prize when a piercing gaze startled you.
His eyes were so warm like two cups of matcha. They displayed his satisfaction and relaxed state all because of you. You were unable to look away.
"Can I... uh helP you with something?" He asked.
Dewy fingers rose from the water and dripped down your sides. Joker must have some kind of obsession with your hips since he couldn't keep his hands off of them. He loved exploring all of your body but his hands always found their way back to his favorite handles.
"I... um. We should.." You stalled and Joker arched an eyebrow, urging you along. "We should get out. I need to moisturize." You finally mustered out.
You didn't wait for him. Seconds after you mumbled your suggestion, you rose from the bathtub and stepped down the platform towards the towels Joker set aside.
Joker eyed you like a hawk toweling off before you sat down on the wooden bench (dragged from the shower and put back in its rightful place) to start lotioning up.
His nose was hit with the rich smell of shea butter. He could watch you hum and lather your body up with lotion all day long. Not one inch of your skin was spared from the enriching moisture. You ended your session with a generous amount of butter directly onto your face. You glistened like a shiny new penny under the warm glowing lights.
Unfortunately you ruined the show by donning a bathrobe and tying it around your waist tight. That's when you looked up at Joker still submerged in the tub.
"Well? Aren't you getting out?" You laughed.
"You're the one who hopped out unexpectedly, Y/n. I was fine with just relaxing." Joker stressed his syllables again but rolled his eyes when you didn't look impressed.
He pulled the drain with a sigh before standing up, not catching your reaction when he stepped out of the tub bare naked and dripping wet.
Joker quirked an eyebrow at you. Why were you shocked at something you've already seen and touched? It didn't make any sense to Joker but he was a chiseled Adonis, tall, mysterious and deadly in your eyes.
You cleared your throat and turned around to pout at your reflection in the mirror. Your faux locs were beyond saving. With the steady stream of water from the shower, to practically drowning them in the tub, they were waterlogged and puffing up at the scalp. You only wore them for three weeks tops.
"Great. I'm gonna have to do my hair tomorrow."
You didn't notice Joker walking up behind you but felt when he rested his chin on the top of your head and returned your gaze through the mirror.
"I can help you uh take them down.. ya know." He picked up a loc and twirled it in between his fingertips.
Your doubtful eye roll had him sighing. "Why so serious Y/n? I offered up my services did I not?"
"I wouldn't have to take them down in the first place if someone were a bit more careful while having his way with me! Were you trying to sweat my braids out?" You asked.
"Yeah." Joker said it like it was common knowledge.
You dragged a hand over your face and ignored your eye twitching. "Sure you did. Do you even know how to take down braids, this particular kind at that, Joker?"
"I can show ya way better than I can tell ya." He smirked, glancing down at your neck poking out of the fluffy bathrobe you wore. The first of many love bites were visible, a testament to Joker's insatiable lust. The rest would develop as the night dragged on if he didn't add any more. You had no doubt that he would.
Who knows how long you spent in the bathroom with Joker. The sun had already set when you two finally made it inside your penthouse and you didn't have any clocks nearby to tell the actual time.
There were a ton of questions you wanted to hound Joker with but he didn't give you a moment of reprieve to ask. How did he find you so fast? Why did he care enough to come rescue you after two weeks of radio silence? How many cameras did he have installed in your apartment, and where did the two of you stand at the current moment?
Of course you two shared a moment in the shower, amongst other things, but you were a woman of clarity. You liked important things written in black and white so no discrepancies could be found.
Five months was a big deal compared to two weeks. Did Joker really want to stay in your apartment for that long? Would he contribute anything to its upkeep? How were you going to keep him a secret this time?
"Aht aht aht, Y/n. Stop thinking." You blinked back to the present to feel Joker turning you around to face him. "I know that look from anywhere. You don't have to think about anything else, at least not tonight. You've been through a loT today. Let me handle the rest."
He shut you up with a kiss. "Can I borrow your lotion?" His random request threw you off guard and your soft 'huh' wasn't any better.
Joker was already reaching for the bottle before your brain caught up to what he was asking.
"Go get dressed and meet back up in my room. Bring all of your uh hair stuff. Actually... whatever you need for the rest of the night. You're sleeping with meee." He kissed you again and shoved you towards the door.
In your confusion you didn't comment on his rough treatment. "Wait what? I am?"
One look at his green eyes had you turning to do as he said.
"Geez, sir yes sir." You mumbled under your breath.
"I heard that Y/n."
You heard his footsteps following yours and quickly slammed the door closed. You'd regret that later, judging by his sinister laugh.
Right now you had a mini slumber party to prepare for.
Your heart was beating wildly in preparation for whatever Joker had in store. As you walked towards your bedroom, you eyed the clock in the kitchen. It was well past midnight.
"Tch. Good thing I don't have work in the morning." You joked to yourself. Your hand rested on the brass doorknob of your private bedroom.
You wanted to trust that Joker respected your privacy and didn't install any cameras in here. But how could you be so sure? The handle was cool to the touch and you opened it with caution. A rush of cold air greeted you and the sight of pristine conditions and an undisturbed room.
You knew how you left it down to the placement of the pillows on the bed to the stack of books on your nightstand. No one had entered in your absence, at least that you could tell. And so you breathed a sigh of relief. This room was your sanctuary and you'd wage war if anyone disturbed it. Even with Joker.
It was then you remembered why you were in here. Pajamas and hair supplies. You honestly didn't have the energy to take your braids down tonight, especially after knowing it was so late. The darkness pouring in from your windows confirmed the hour. Gotham City's nightlife was thriving down on the streets below but with your current mindset, you didn't care much for it. You were beat after today's harrowing events that were slowly creeping up on you.
Not including surviving through Joker's three plus romps in the shower, a girl was tiied. But if Joker was offering to do all the work then by all means.
"Might as well change into some clothes for the night." You walked over to your closet where overhead lights illuminated a room full of racks and drawers.
Joker mentioned you were sleeping with him tonight. Should you wear what you normally wore to bed or jazz it up to try and seduce him again? Not like he needed any more incentive. Joker was quite the aggressive lover. If he wanted something, he simply took it, no questions asked.
You rubbed your sore waist from learning that the hard way. Maybe that was enough sex for the day. Your vagina would thank you tomorrow morning after some much needed rest. With that thought in mind, you stuck with your usual pjs and quickly put them on before standing in front of the floor length mirror. Comfy and suggestive but not overly so.
You knew Joker wouldn't keep his hands to himself, not after getting a taste of you. Five months of this delicious torture. Oh, whatever would you do? Milk it for all its worth.
You grabbed your trusty rat tooth comb, a bin of hair clips to part your hair, a satin bonnet, and your trusty scissors. A bag for disposal and another that contained your detangling creams and aftercare serums were grabbed before you selected an old towel to collect any stray hairs or wayward hair products. This wasn't your first rodeo.
You knew how long this was gonna take. Joker would probably tap out well before he started once he realized just how tedious this task was. You made a short pitstop to your living room to grab your laptop to work on. It would help you stay awake in case you had to take over. You were planning on it in fact.
Everything was hauled back into Joker's bedroom. You proceeded to dump everything you collected on the bed sheets. You were straightening things out when the bathroom door opened behind you.
"Is that everything?"
Joker didn't mean to startle you, he just had that effect on people. Occupational hazard. He walked past you to the large dresser in the room and tugged a drawer open to grab some clothes to change into. He should've known that would cause a commotion in that pretty head of yours.
"Woah woah now, wait a minute! Since when did you get clothes and make yourself comfortable in here? Honestly Joker! You're acting like nothing is wrong when in reality, if you haven't forgotten, I was kidnapped! There is so much I need to ask you but you're ignoring it!" You shouted.
He chose not to answer in favor of choosing between dark grey sleeping pants over a deep navy pair. He never slept in pajamas before since he needed to be ready at a moment's notice. He actually looked forward to a full night's rest again. On a real mattress no less. You were slowly domesticating him back to society, one small act of charity at a time. But back to the present.
He had clothes now. Joker wasn't the only one who went shopping last week. He hit the town stocking up on essentials he would need if he was staying with you. The original duffel bag Frost smuggled into the apartment with only a suit and two spare shirts wasn't gonna cut it anymore.
You were unaware but Joker had already moved in and filled your place with his personal effects. He didn't have much but you were bound to notice after a while.
"Joker. You need to start talking. What am I getting myself into here?" You begged him. You had more to say but seeing Joker drop his towel and step into a pair of pants had you tongue tied.
Why were you acting like you'd never seen Joker naked before? Sure it was quite the sight but still! You really needed to stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl and focus for once.
"Ah- ahem.. um as I was saying.. What did you get into while I was gone?"
Joker tied the drawstrings together and steadily approached you.
You held your ground until the back of your knees hit the bed and you were forced to sit down. Joker then stood above you eyeing you with an unreadable expression. You really had to get used to looking at his face without any makeup on. It was like looking at a completely different person.
The staring match ended when Joker averted his eyes down at the supplies you brought.
It was all things he was familiar with or could use without your assistance. The laptop however sparked his curiosity but he returned his focus back on you by picking up a lone braid off your chest.
He played with the ends as he spoke. "A loT happened in two weeks Y/n. I was tired of waiting around, sooo I made good use of my time. I did say, You'd be back and I'd be waiting. Now look at you! asking questions to things that shouldn't concern you."
Joker saw your sassy comment queuing up and tapped your lips with a pale finger.
"Ahhtt aht aht shush. All that matters is that you came back and that I'm here to stay. Suck it up and deal with being in the dark. I think it's uhh payback for leaving me high and dry for that annoying billionaire. Which reminds me.."
You gasped when Joker trailed his finger down to your neck, playing with the first hickey he made.
"How did Brucie handle being rejected, hm?"
You scoffed and batted Joker's hand away while doing your best to drown out his sinister laugh. He was enjoying the suffering of another person way too much. But this was The Joker you were talking about here. So you fought back.
"Sooo I'm supposed to ignore the fact that you're hiding things from me all because you think I'm hiding things about my time spent with Bruce? What is this? A game of tit for tat?" You offered.
"Exactly!" Joker beamed and bopped you on the nose. You jumped by default.
"But that's not fair, Joker! I'm willing to tell you everything that happened while I was gone. Are you?" You snapped back.
That seemed to zap Joker's joyful mood. You saw his eyes cloud over and become serious. Without warning, Joker reached behind you to grab the scissors and cut a few of your braids.
He rolled his eyes and tossed the cut braids onto the floor. "It's called... shrinkage my dear. Turn around. Lemme cut the rest." He was already snapping the scissors together, eyeing your faux locs like a madman.
"No! I'm cutting the rest! You don't know how long my natural hair is and I definitely don't trust you with scissors anymore." You eyed him warily as he leaned back, clutching imaginary pearls.
"You don't trust me? I could've drowned you in the bathtub or snapped your neck in the shower but now you're afraid of scissors? I'm disappointed you think so.. lowly of me! Too bad you already accepted my offer twice now. Turn around. Now."
You couldn't argue with his dom energy.
With a pout you did as you were told, but not without an attitude. You flicked your remaining braids over your shoulder (most likely hitting Joker in the face) before opening your laptop.
The distinctive sound of hair being cut made you change that attitude real quick and apologize.
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The only sound in the room was the constant tapping of computer keys and the light patter of rain against the window.
The time in the bottom corner of your laptop read 3:39AM but that didn't stop Joker from his current job nor you from getting a few more pages added to your WIP. The two of you worked in silence, feeding off each other's energy without conflict.
After Joker scared you with how close he cut to your natural hair (he was thoroughly impressed by how long it was) he made up for his blunder by working efficiently in the removal process. It was almost like he had done this before, but you weren't going to ask.
Probably another prison thing. His agile fingers unbraiding the artificial strands while gently detangling your natural hair from its hold. It was rather soothing. You kept falling asleep much to Joker's annoyance.
"Y/n keep your head up." He slapped the back of your neck with the end of the comb. It brought back memories of your mother doing the same thing on Saturday mornings. She loved styling your hair but had little patience for you if you didn't cooperate.
The sharp sting had you sitting up straight on reflex. Your hands hovered over the keyboard trying to remember where you left off before you dozed off. You were so exhausted you began brainstorming aloud to stay awake. "Uhh what's a good synonym for hot?"
"Stifling. Sweltering. You." Joker suggested.
He knew you weren't listening when you thanked him and continued typing— so he looked over your shoulder at what had you so scatterbrained. The font was ridiculously small but he knew a novel when he saw one.
"Mmm? Another L/N masterpiece? What riveting tale are you drafting this time?"
You slowly turned your head like an owl and came face to face with Joker reading your rough draft over your shoulder. The lid of your laptop was immediately slammed shut.
"I don't think you uh... saved your worK, Y/n." He joked. Joker watched you shake your head, now free, save for one pesky loc, and stand up from the bed.
You had been sitting for way too long and your legs had fallen asleep but Joker was there to catch you (again) before you hurt yourself. "T-Thanks."
Joker let go of your elbow. "Don't let it happen again." He frowned at your retreating form. "Where you goin' sweet thing? I'm not done yet."
He heard your annoyed groan coming from the bathroom.
"You and these ridiculous nicknames Joker. They just get worse and worse. I'm brushing my teeth if you must know and," He heard the water running, drowning out your voice until you spoke up, "You're more than welcome to join me!"
It sounded boring but he'd do any mundane task if it was with you. He was getting too soft. Joker sighed but made his way into the bathroom and saw you dancing to some unknown beat while brushing your teeth.
You made the otherwise messy task look absolutely adorable. He leaned against the doorframe to admire you in your natural element. It was peaceful until you tossed his long forgotten brush case at him.
"C'mon Joker! Ideally two minutes on each side if you want to keep kissing me in the future." You had spat out your paste and was swishing some mouthwash around as your hands tackled the last braid in your hair.
Joker did a marvelous job taking them down with the least amount of hair loss possible. The last piece was freed from your real hair and you shook your puffy mane out into a big afro. You definitely had to wash it tomorrow. You rested your palms on the sink when Joker walked up behind you in awe.
You saw his green eyes taking in the atrocity that was your natural texture. "I uh... that's a loT of hair, Y/n. May I?" He brought a hand up, hesitating. You eyed it warily.
Normally your hair was a hands off type deal. Only you or Florence touched it but Joker's genuine curiosity was too cute to deny. He wasn't a rude Karen in the supermarket touching it unprovoked like it was some freak attraction or a snotty nose kid who thought it was cotton candy or their next toy.
Joker was asking for permission so you obliged him. You wouldn't make a habit of it though. "You do know you were just taking it down, Joker."
"That's different. I was taking out the fake stuff. This is you. The real you." His words stirred up butterflies in your stomach.
You rinsed out your mouth and gestured for Joker to come closer. He wasted no time sinking his fingers into your tresses. His uneven fingernails worked wonders scratching/massaging your scalp. You couldn't hold back the pornographic moan in your throat.
"Ohhh it's like that huh?" He eyed your blissful face in the mirror and tested out a theory.
He intensified the pressure and was rewarded with your head tipping back into his touch. "Just like a puppy. Maybe I should call you that instead of Bunny."
And there went the mood. You groaned and backed away.
Joker frowned when you turned on the sink faucet. "Wash your hands and brush your teeth. You are so weird."
So are you. He thought. He did what you asked and begrudgingly brushed his teeth under your watchful eye.
It was nice knowing the yellow tint was just harmless paint and not his actual teeth— it was a huge turn off the first time you kissed him. You were so caught up in the moment you didn't interrogate him about it. Thankfully you came to your senses and fast. If Joker was staying under your roof he would abide by your rules. Personal hygiene was a given. You eyed his half air dried hair with a pensive stare.
Its lax state made you refocus on your unbound hair. You were too tired to wash and style it, so a protective bun would have to do for the night. You set to work throwing all of the wild frizz into a high bun and securing it with a silk scarf before topping it with your go-to nightcap.
Joker was finishing up his dental care but was distracted by watching your nightly routine. "You sure you don't wanna–"
"Nope! That's a problem for tomorrow me. I am beyond exhausted Joker. I just wanna sleep and forget that today ever happened. Again." You smirked his way, hinting at his successful method of distracting you earlier.
He smiled back and dried off his mouth with a nearby towel. He was expecting red to transfer onto the white material but being barefaced around others was something new, even for him.
He couldn't believe he trusted you with this. Just like you said, there was no going back. Joker was still lost in his thoughts and failed to hear you complain about your absent lip balm. He snapped out of it when he noticed your frantic searching.
"What is it?" Joker asked while looking around the bathroom for something he'd never seen before.
"It must be in my bathroom then. I'll go grab it and meet you in bed?" Honestly, you didn't mean to word it like a question but you were a little nervous about sharing a bed with Joker tonight.
He hardly gave you a choice on the matter but being an only child and not having any friends, you never had to share before. How would this work? Would you be the little spoon or what? Were you two moving too fast? What if he only wanted sex from you? And the spiraling thoughts began.
You jumped when Joker grabbed your shoulders. He said your name loudly to finally get your attention, "Go grab whatever you need and come to bed."
Orders. You could follow orders. You could overthink later. You nodded and left to get your balm, leaving Joker to stand in the bathroom alone. He sighed and returned to his room to clean up the mess he made and prepare for bed.
He only hoped you overcame your obvious fear and decided to join him. You weren't afraid to have sex with him but sleeping in the same bed was where you crossed the line? Of all things to be worried about, you chose the silliest thing but he accepted your weird quirks and hyperactive brain at this point.
He could only wait and hope you returned. What's the worst that could happen? So what if you didn't show?
He would roll over and catch some z's while contemplating what he said or did that drove you away. If only you didn't have that nasty habit of running away from your problems, it's what got the two of you so deep in this.... this.
What was this? A situationship? Friends with benefits (Joker laughed at that one) or was this an attempt at an actual relationship? He surely hoped it was the latter.
He would be a fool to pass up the chance to date you, unconventional circumstances notwithstanding. Joker could play the aloof game all day long but deep down he was panicking too. Should he go check up on you? Were you coming back? Maybe the reality of today's events were finally crashing down on you. He saw your mini panic attack moments before in the bathroom. What if he came on too strong and scared you away? He couldn't stomach another cool off period with you.
Joker wanted to hit the ground running with this romantic stuff and taking baths, fixing your hair, and falling asleep next to you were just a few things he wanted to experience during his short time with you.
There was so much more he wanted to do. Joker breathed a sigh of relief when you walked through the doorway wearing a sheepish smile.
"Ah sorry it took so long. I forgot to lock up and then I wanted to grab my phone and... yeah." You glanced away from Joker propped up on the headboard and already under the covers.
He looked like he belonged there. You were intimidated by his heated stare.
You shuffled your feet stalling– anything to avoid jumping into bed and coming on too eager. Joker seemed to notice your dilemma and chuckled to himself.
He crooked a tan finger, "C'mere Y/n."
You stared at it in longing. This was it. Yeah sex with Joker was great, more than great actually. That same finger urging you closer did unspeakable things to you.
But at the end of the day it was just that. Sex. But sleeping with Joker, literally, was a level of intimacy you were scared to explore. He inadvertently saved your life twice now and revealed a crucial part of himself to you. It was time to return the gesture.
With a deep sigh you slowly walked over to the side of the bed and climbed in. The plush bedding gave way to your weight and falling into Joker's arms was that much easier. You could never go back to sleeping alone if this was how couples went to sleep.
His arms were bands of warm steel trapping you into his dark cocoon. He made sure you were comfortable before throwing the covers over both of your bodies. You were rigid as a statue but quickly melted when you felt Joker's content sigh fan against the back of your neck.
Of course Joker would be the big spoon. That made you smile, then the weight of today's events hit you like a bulldozer. Your eyelids grew heavy and you didn't know you yawned until Joker cooed in your ear.
"Aww. She's all tuckered out. Try to get some sleep I guess." You were going to reply but he reached over you to hit the nightstand light, plunging the two of you into darkness.
Then it was nothing but absolute silence and the twinkling lights of Gotham City shining through the window. You had to say something. You could feel his arms subconsciously winding around you like a security blanket as his breathing slowed down.
It didn't dawn on you that maybe Joker was just as exhausted as you were. Yet you felt compelled to say something in this delicate air. Then it hit you.
You fixed your lips to finish the phrase you were trying to say in the shower. Joker stopped you then but he couldn't stop you now. It was right on the tip of your tongue, desperate to dwell in the space between him and uncertainty.
Yet the words you wanted to say never came.
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hexofvex · 1 year
We need you. I need you || Kamisato Ayato x Female!Reader
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Premise: As the wife of the Yashiro Commissioner, it wasn't exactly your job to chase down escaping conspirators. Yet you did it anyways, and got injured in the process.
CW: reader is injured, a tiny bit of angst, more fluff tho, everything's well when it ends well, ayato might be ooc bcs this is my first x reader ever pls have mercy
WC: 1136 words
A/N: so i guess this is my official tumblr debut? Leaving my lurker era and entering my writer era. Also obligatory english is not my native language so I apologize for any accidental oopsies
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You were sure your plan was perfect. You had been following the secret meetings of Lord Sato and Lord Hamada for a few months, and you knew their every move.
At least, you thought you knew their every move.
Until you were notified that they were attempting to flee Inazuma, and in your desperate try to catch them, you rushed. You slipped, and you made mistakes. And in the commotion, you recieved a concerningly deep stab in your abdomen. Not the end you had envisioned for this operation.
And that was the reason why you were laying in your bed, bandaged, with your mind clearing up from the fogginess induced by the mixture of herbs the physician gave you so he could sew the wound without you being conscious, looking up at your sister-in-law, Ayaka. She was standing by your side with a worried look on her face. She had been standing outside of the room while you were getting medical treatement, and now she was waiting for you to become lucid.
You loved Ayaka, and you would like to say that the two of you were very close, despite her timidity. She was shy around you at first, but by the time of the wedding, you already considered each other sisters.
You lightly grazed her arm to attract her attention to the fact that you were finally there, just as much mentally as physically. Ayaka tensed up, obviously taken by surprise, and grabbed your hand.
"[Name]! It's alright now, you're safe. The physician took care of your wound."
You chuckled, feeling a rush of pain in your abdomen. "I messed up a bit didn't I? You know me, always getting in trouble..."
You could see a hint of a smile on Ayaka's face, the young woman recognizing your lighthearted atitude as a sign that you were in a good enough state to engage in your usual antics. But before she could say anything in response, the sliding doors opened and your husband rushed into the room, stopping at the sight of you.
Between the two of you, Ayato had always been the composed one, the one that was hard to shake by any kind of unpredictable situation. You guessed he had no choice, seeing how he had to become the pillar of the Kamisato Clan and brought it back from the point of decline. It had always been this way: you, the overwhelming force of Pyro, and him, the temperance and adaptability of Hydro.
Yet now, a rare thing occured. You saw a glimpse of fear on your husband's face. Not fear caused by your current state, as Ayaka said, you were safe now. But it was as if he realised the terrible things that could happen, things that he thought he had control over. He worked too hard to make sure he had the ability to keep everything in order and now, that order was threatened.
"Ayaka, please, could you give us a moment?"
Ayaka nodded towards her brother, looked at you once more and swiftly left the room. Ayato took her place by the side of your bed.
"Thoma told me everything. That he begged you not to go, and you insisted."
You cursed yourself internally. This was not a conversation you could have while laying down, so you attempted to at least sit upright, which turned out to be quite the challenge with a newly sutured wound. Noticing your struggle, Ayato helped you up and placed a big pillow behind you to create a support for you to lean onto.
"Ayato, I'm...I'm really sorry for what happened. They caught on and attempted to flee and I just couldn't let them get away with it. But what I did was reckless, and I apologize. It won't happen again. Did they...did they manage to get away?"
"No," came the answer, and you let out a sigh of relief. "The Shuumatsuban apprehended them after you lost consciousness. They were tailing you, they had reason to believe your life was endangered. And it seems they were right."
You looked down. He didn't sound angry with you, but that didn't make the situation any less embaressing for you and your bruised ego.
"I know. It was downright shameful. I was meant to catch them, not get stabbed and pass out. It was unbecoming of someone who is supposed to represent the Yashiro Commission. But I supposed I should thank my stars that no one was there to see it, except...a dozen soldiers or so and Thoma." You could feel yourself cringe.
"That is not exactly the problem here, my dear." Ayato grabbed your hands, holding them in his. "Everyone can get injured in a situation like this, and you aren't a soldier. You only just started your training. It's not a shame to not be able to fight."
You stayed silent, keeping your eyes in your lap.
"[Name]. Look at me."
You slowly raised your head, forcing yourself to look into his eyes. Those eyes, who would always be commanding in the company of soldiers and other nobles, were now regarding you with gentleness.
"Do you feel like you have to prove yourself?"
"Yes. Of course I do, Ayato. I'm no longer the lady of a third rate clan. I am a member of the Kamisato Clan, and this family and the Yashiro Commission are my responsability. What kind of person would I be if I didn't react to something that threatens them both? If only I weren’t as weak as I am. I was lucky that the Shuumatsuban acted, but if they weren’t there-"
"[Name], even I do not act without knowing my agents are at the ready. You went there alone with Thoma. You were not weak, just reckless." Ayato cupped your face, bringing his closer. "But what you should do now is learn from this, not shame yourself over it. I was well aware that you would not be accustomed to being Lady Kamisato overnight when I married you. But you're learning everyday and I see the determination and potential in you. That's why I married you. This comission needs you. We need you. And I need you. So please, don't ever risk your life like this and please, don't live in the shadow of expectations and shame. I know what that can do to someone, and I won't let anyone I love go through it."
You looked at him, eyes wide. Injury be damned, you told yourself, and reached out to pull him in an embrace.
"I can't promise that I'll manage to do that. But I can swear to you that I'll try."
Ayato smiled, and hugged you tighter.
"Well if that's the case, I have faith that you will succeed, my love."
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swanimagines · 2 years
Hey could you do some head canons of how Kaz would react to the reader getting hurt?
Warnings: blood, injuries
(I noticed while I was doing the finishing touches into this that one headcanon sounds very familiar and realised I was probably subconsciously inspired with the oneshot "Inflicted Desire" by my dear friend @/jexnrey, who deactivated a while ago and said she's never going to come back as Tumblr stressed her too much, so let this be a kind of tribute for her, she constantly told me she especially loves my Kaz stuff so if you ever see this Ani, I miss you but I wish nothing but good for you ❤️)
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– If it's just a scratch or even a small wound and it isn't caused by anyone else, he isn't too bothered. He might look at it for a moment and then decide it's not anything too bad, minor injuries are an (almost) every day happening when you're a Dreg.
– Of course, if someone did it to you, he's pissed about it and sternly tells you to be more careful because he can't lose you.
– Or he doesn't say the last bit, but you can see it in his eyes as you're already in a relationship at that point.
– But if you're brought back to the Slat with a large wound, sputtering out blood or/and looking like you're about to pass out from pain, he doesn't take it as calmly, obviously.
– It's more like he freaks out and it shows in with how much he stresses for you.
– And if Kaz Brekker if overly stressed, you won't strike a friendly chat with him unless you want to risk receiving a broken hand.
– He's a walking thunderstorm and spares nobody from it.
– If you were any other Dreg, he would just ignore you and let you be tended by whoever takes up the task (as he knows his gang knows what to do in such situations), but with you, he's distracting Nina all the time by pacing back and forth, demanding her to heal you faster.
"Just do your job like you're supposed to, Zenik." -Kaz
"I'm trying, but you aren't making it easy, your heartbeat is too loud, I can barely hear Y/N's heart over it." -Nina
– He huffs at that, sitting on an armchair in the corner of the room and staring at your face. If he wouldn't see the blood, he'd think you're just sleeping.
– He tried to concentrate on your peaceful face to get his heartbeat down, knowing he can't appear weak in front of anyone.
– As soon as Nina manages to stabilize you, he goes to the office and starts the work to find out who did it.
– Inej heard a Black Tips member bragging about killing off one of the most skilled Dregs, saying you were incredibly stupid when you didn't hear him.
– Immediately when she turns his identity to Kaz, he orders that guy to be brought to him.
– Kaz makes sure all of Ketterdam hears his cries of mercy and, towards the end, pleads to kill him already.
– Kaz doesn't, of course - everyone has to know that nobody can touch what's his.
Tags: @musicallisto @take-me-to-ny @retvenkos @number-0-iz @kaqua @readingslumpfanfic @dancingwith-sunflowers @shadowhuntyi @rika90 @imma-too-many-fandoms @the-abyss-gazed-back @thereagles @louweasleymalfoy @malfoys-demigod @mxltifxnd0m @dustyjjumpwings @whatiswrongwithpeople @ellora-brekker @brekkers-desigirl @heyitsaloy @mentallynotstableghost @scandalous-chaos @nyx2021 @peter-parkers-cullen-nerd @supervalcsi @doutorbaizhu @bb-skyrunner @lightprincess-world @animalistic0 @story-scribbler @writingmysanity @lovemenotplz @directioner5life @imaginesfire @thevipers-world // send in an ask to be added, and specify which of my fandoms you want to be tagged on! Don’t just say “can you add me to your taglist” as I can’t know what taglists do you mean by that!! ALSO IF YOU WON’T INTERACT BEYOND LIKING, I’LL EVENTUALLY TAKE YOU OFF THE LIST!!
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