#white bird in a blizzard
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Shailene Woodley (23) in White Bird in a Blizzard (2014)
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heavenhillgirl · 6 months
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White bird in a blizzard
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mallouca · 5 months
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silvergrovezelda · 1 year
my Rito oc Miphanes doin this. His head is empty. Only snow
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mister-lucky-bunny · 1 year
I saw a preview for this movie
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I cried not gonna lie because it already looks so sad and heartbreaking
Someone please tell me where I can watch it
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jimsmovieworld · 1 year
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Kat's mother disappears suddenly without leaving a note for her or her dad. Initially she feels nothing, but soon Kat is haunted by dreams and cant stop replaying the events that led to her disappearance. Two years later, Kat returns home, on break from college and tries to unravel the mystery....
An interesting movie. Strong acting and some good dialogue. The dream sequences were creepy. Amusing twist at the end of the movie i didnt see coming at all. Very Gregg Araki.
Shailene Woodley, Eva Green, Sheryl Lee and Christopher Meloni star.
Set in the late 1980's.
Directed by Gregg Araki.
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cherryobsession · 10 months
I need to revisit Now Apocalypse. I never finished it and I’m itching to see some newer Gregg Araki.
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kaitlinj16 · 11 months
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White Bird in a Blizzard || 2014
A teenager relishes her newfound freedom after her disturbed mother vanishes, but the strange facts of the disappearance soon begin to haunt her. (dir. Gregg Araki)
♡ Starring: Shailene Woodley, Eva Green, Christopher Meloni, and Shiloh Fernandez
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octastims · 1 month
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An Edda (Worldless) stimboard with snow, blizzards, storms, stars, feathers, wings, swords and bows for Anon! I hope you like it!
💙 🤍 🤍
🤍 🤍 🤍
🤍 🤍 💙
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rubystims · 2 years
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❄️ / 🧹 / ❄️ ❄️ / 🧹 / ❄️ ❄️ / 🧹 / ❄️
a nadia ( name) stimboard for anon !!
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Shailene Woodley (23) White Bird in a Blizzard (2014)
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sweetlyandsubtle · 2 years
movies that'll make you feel like ur heart got ripped out in the best or worst way possible
heathers (1988)
girl, interrupted (1999)
the virgin suicides (1999)
white bird in a blizzard (2014)
shutter island (2010)
moonrise kingdom (2012)
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
lolita (1997)
the road within (2014)
adult world (2013)
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spindleprick · 2 years
— full blood-red lips as if she's eaten all of life she can.
Leslie Zemeckis, Goddess of Love Incarnate: The Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr
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robotpussy · 1 year
i swore to never watch mysterious skin because
1. it's araki's most popular film
2. its about csa which i never do well with in movies
3. people constantly posting that gif of the girl dancing from the movie just annoyed the fuck out of me like i know i haven't seen the movie but i know the ppl posting that gif once a month haven't either
4. i prefer araki when he is giving me cool low budget b movie trash. it seems as though mysterious skin is not that
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sexsylexi · 2 months
His body heat
Arthur morgan x reader
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Summary-In the midst of a harsh winter, the gang is low on supplies, prompting Dutch to send members out to hunt. One day, Arthur Morgan offers to accompany you on a hunting trip. After hours of unsuccessful hunting, a fierce storm hits, forcing you to seek shelter in an abandoned cabin. Inside, the cold is relentless, and Arthur, seeing you shiver, wraps you in his coat and holds you close for warmth. As you nestle into his embrace, Arthur reassures you with comforting words and a gentle kiss on your head, promising to always be there for you. Safe in his arms, you find peace amidst the storm.
The biting chill of winter gnawed at every exposed bit of skin as the gang huddled around the meager campfire, its weak flames doing little to stave off the biting cold. Supplies were running low, and desperation began to seep into every conversation. Dutch, with his usual authoritative demeanor, had been sending out pairs of the gang to hunt and scavenge what they could. This morning, it was your turn.
You had been preparing yourself for the cold trek when Arthur approached, his breath visible in the frigid air. "Need some company?" he asked, his rugged features softened by a hint of concern.
You nodded, grateful for the company. Hunting alone in these conditions was not just difficult but dangerous. Arthur was not only an excellent hunter but also someone you trusted implicitly.
The two of you set out shortly after dawn, the ground crunching underfoot as you moved through the dense forest. The trees stood like skeletal sentinels, their branches heavy with snow. Every breath felt sharp, and the world was eerily silent, save for the occasional call of a distant bird.
Hours passed with little luck. The game was scarce, likely driven deep into hiding by the harsh weather. You tracked a few trails, but they all ended in disappointment. Arthur remained patient, his sharp eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of movement.
As the day wore on, the sky began to darken ominously. "We should head back," Arthur suggested, his voice low but urgent. "Looks like a storm's brewing."
Just as you turned to make your way back to camp, the wind picked up fiercely, sending a flurry of snow around you. Within minutes, the gentle snowfall turned into a blinding blizzard. The path back disappeared under a blanket of white, and visibility was reduced to a mere few feet.
"We need to find shelter," Arthur shouted over the howling wind, his voice barely audible.
You nodded, teeth chattering, as the cold began to seep through your layers of clothing. Together, you trudged through the deepening snow, searching desperately for any form of shelter. After what felt like an eternity, you stumbled upon a small, abandoned cabin nestled among the trees.
Arthur pushed the door open with a grunt, and you both hurried inside, slamming it shut against the relentless storm. The interior was dark and musty, but it provided much-needed protection from the elements.
You both set about trying to make the space more livable. Arthur found some old, dry wood in a corner and managed to get a small fire going in the fireplace. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to stop the shivering that had taken hold of your body.
"Come here," Arthur said gently, patting the spot next to him by the fire. His eyes were filled with concern as he watched you shiver. "You need to get warm."
You hesitated for a moment before moving closer. The fire's warmth was a welcome relief, but it wasn't enough to banish the deep cold that had settled in your bones. Arthur noticed and, without a word, draped his heavy coat over your shoulders.
"That won't be enough," he murmured, pulling you gently into his side. His arms wrapped around you, and you felt the solid warmth of his body against yours. "Body heat's the best way to stay warm."
You nestled closer, your head resting against his chest. His heartbeat was a steady, comforting rhythm in your ear. The storm raged outside, but inside the cabin, a bubble of warmth and safety began to form. Arthur's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer still, and you felt the tension begin to drain from your body.
Minutes passed in silence, the only sound the crackling of the fire and the howling wind outside. Arthur's presence was a balm to your frayed nerves, his warmth seeping into you and chasing away the chill.
"You'll be alright," he whispered, his lips brushing against the top of your head. "We'll get through this. Together."
His words were a promise, and you felt a surge of gratitude and something deeper, something you hadn't fully acknowledged before. Arthur's hand moved gently, his fingers threading through your hair in a soothing gesture. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, his lips warm and reassuring.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
"No need to thank me," he replied softly. "I'll always be here for you."
The storm continued to rage outside, but inside the cabin, wrapped in Arthur's arms, you felt a sense of peace and security. The world might be harsh and unforgiving, but with Arthur by your side, you knew you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
You drifted off to sleep, cocooned in warmth and the comforting presence of the man beside you. As the fire crackled and the storm raged, you felt safe, knowing that Arthur would always be there to keep you warm.
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novlr · 9 months
What are some good ways to write about winter?
Winter. is a season of stark contrasts and sensory experiences. It provides the perfect canvas to paint vivid scenes that range from cosy romances to horror-filled stormy nights.
When writing about winter, it’s essential to capture the essence of its chill and the way it can transform the world. Here are some quick tips!
A blanket of pristine snow covering the landscape
Bare tree branches coated with frost
Delicate snowflakes drifting from the grey sky
Icicles hanging like crystal daggers from rooftops
Colourful clothes stark against the white of snow
Sunlight reflecting off the snow, creating a blinding glare
Animal tracks stamped into the powder
Frozen lakes and puddles
Man-made objects like snowmen and snow angels
Lights shining against dark backdrops
Snow muffling and dampening the usual noises
Boots crunching on the frozen ground
People laughing and shouting as they play
Wind howling through barren branches
Ice cracking underfoot or on distant lakes
The silence of a snow-covered world
Shovels scraping against sidewalks
Snowballs hitting their targets with soft thuds
Branches creaking, laden with snow
The rustle of animals keeping warm in burrows
The fresh, clean scent of snow in the air
Wood smoke curling from chimneys
The earthy aroma of damp wool from coats and gloves
The sharp tang of frost and cold metal
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Pine needles and the subtle scent of evergreen
Baking spices from holiday treats
The slight ozone smell before a snowstorm
Wet dog from snowball fights with furry friends
Leather and polish from well-worn boots
Building snow forts and castles
Ice skating on a frozen pond or rink
Snowshoeing through a silent forest
Curling up by the fire with a good book
Skiing and snowboarding down powdery slopes
Brisk walks to enjoy the winter air
Hiking up snowy mountains for panoramic views
Having snowball fights with friends or family
Feeding birds or wildlife braving the cold
Decorating the home with festive lights and ornaments
Character body language
Shivering and huddling for warmth
Rubbing hands together or blowing on them for heat
Shoulders hunched against the biting wind
Slipping and steadying oneself on icy patches
Squinting against the bright snow glare
Snuggling into oversized coats and scarves
Stamping feet to restore circulation
Clapping hands to keep the cold at bay
Arms wrapped around the torso for warmth
Quick, brisk movements to minimise exposure to the cold
Positive descriptions
The serene beauty of a snow-covered meadow at dawn
The invigorating feeling of cold air filling your lungs
The cosiness of a warm blanket on a frosty night
The joy of catching snowflakes on your tongue
The camaraderie of coming together to shovel snow
The nostalgia of winter holidays and traditions
The satisfaction of making the perfect snowball
The wonder of ice patterns on windows
The laughter and excitement of a snow day
The glistening of a frosted evergreen in the sun
Negative descriptions
The biting sting of the wind against exposed skin
The numbness of fingers and toes in the cold
The dreariness of shortened, grey days
The inconvenience of navigating slushy streets
The isolation of a blizzard keeping everyone indoors
The discomfort of wet socks and snow in your boots
The hazard of black ice on sidewalks and roads
The burden of heavy layers and winter gear
The dull ache of a cold that lingers
The gloom that can accompany the lack of sunlight
Helpful adjectives
Biting, chilly, frosty, glacial, icy
Crisp, brisk, sharp, piercing, raw
Fluffy, powdery, crunchy, slick, slippery
Dreary, overcast, bleak, sombre, grey
Cosy, snug, warm, toasty, plush
Twinkling, sparkling, shimmering, glistening
Silent, muffled, still, hushed, quiet
Fresh, clean, invigorating, brisk, bracing
Nostalgic, traditional, joyous, festive, celebratory
Isolating, inconvenient, burdensome, hazardous, gloomy
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