#who could forget our dear rat boy?
skleech · 1 year
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screenshot study taken from this
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prettyinpwn · 2 months
What is your opinion on Filbrick Pines?
Oh boy... long story short, my opinion on him is pretty low, not gonna lie. I went into his character a lot in my analysis post on Ford's writing (found here), since Filbrick had a large effect on Stan and Ford's characters, even if only in subtle ways. To summarize my points on Filbrick:
Definitely abusive, in my opinion. I don't think physically, but for sure emotionally and mentally. He's the type of father who provided materially, but otherwise didn't seem very good at it.
Was way too focused on money. Now, I think it's very possible that Filbrick could have a great backstory reason for this. My biggest guess is a life of poverty and wanting to provide better for his family, but the cruel irony is that in seeking wealth, he hurt his family (e.g "Stanley, by "sabotaging" Ford you hurt our whole family, because he was going to make us millions, so I'm gonna throw you out, ignoring the fact that by throwing you out I'm currently hurting the family in the way I'm accusing you of."). He also hurt Ford. The way Filbrick treated Ford was like a Willy Wonka golden ticket. "Oh, you're smart? This college might make you a millionaire? I'm impressed!". He didn't care about what Ford wanted, he cared about what Ford's brains could get him. Case in point: he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about Ford's brains or college dreams until the principal implied it could make money.
Iirc, according to Hirsch, the quote Stan says in Little Gift Shop of Horrors ("Movies are great! You watch the movie, you scare the girl, the girl snuggles up next to you, next thing you know you gotta raise a kid. Your life falls apart. Forget that last part.") was actually something Filbrick used to say. Like DEAR GOD Filbrick said that in front of Stan and Ford? "Hey kids, my life was great until I got your ma knocked up with Shermie, and then my life was pure suck after that.". Like... who... who just says that in front of their kids? Who even THINKS that about their kids? Yikes.
The way Stan and Ford are named. The code at the end of A Tale of Two Stans is played as a joke, but when you think about it, it's... kinda sad. "A STUBBORN TOUGH NEW JERSEY NATIVE, FILBRICK WASN'T TOO CREATIVE, HAVING TWINS WAS NOT HIS PLAN, SO HE JUST SHRUGGED AND NAMED BOTH STAN.". Filbrick did not give a single f*ck. "Oh, I have twins? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about a name, just call 'em practically the same thing.". What father does this?
In the post I linked above, I also hinted at how I thought Bill's manipulations of Ford almost were a mirror echo of Filbrick (even in their character design, it's odd how they both have yellow brick and blue with hats themed designs, he's got the literal word 'brick' in his name, etc). Because when you think about it, what did Ford's father teach him but "you are a puppet to be used by me to get what I want"?
There's a reason Ford and Stan are incredibly broken people, and it all started with Filbrick. He's the one that taught Stan to believe he's worthless and a f*ckup, and the one that taught Ford that he's a tool to be used. So... nah, not a fan of the guy, if I didn't make that obvious already lol. BUT... I will say this, as this is something I did give him credit for in my Ford analysis post: a lot of Ford and Stan's positive qualities are things he passed down to them, namely their protectiveness of family and "toughness". But unlike Filbrick, who manifested that in toxic ways, Stan and Ford took a heavy albatross necklace of generational trauma and turned it around to a positive.
This goes even further when Stan passes the lesson to Dipper. Dipper learning to "fight back"? That's a family lesson that comes from Filbrick, originally, when he signed Stan and Ford up for boxing. Some have criticized the way Stan taught Dipper that lesson, but you can't argue with the end result:
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TL;DR: Filbrick mostly sucks, but... like most well-written characters, he does have some gray area. Was he a good father? No. But the gauntlet meat grinder he put Ford and Stan through - worth it or not - made them the tough family protectors they are as adults. I will give him that, at least.
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howlingday · 2 months
the arc family have a unique tradition, they forge their own swords every time another of their sons reaches the age to begin training, but infuse these weapons with the spirit of said son. this creates a spirit weapon that can grow with the affore mentioned son and help them on their journey. thing is, both jaune and his sword Lucerna Intrepidus are huge dorks who have taken to wandering around vale fighting grimm to try and kick off a grand adventure so they can be heroes. with jaune's dear companion lucy growing stronger with every grimm she devours she's quickly out stripped the 12 year old in strength if only there was someplace she could go with her young partner to make them both stronger and better at fighting! summer has been retired since her run in with salem basically crippled her while her eyes remain in tact the horrors she and raven went through (mainly her since raven only showed back up at the last minute to save her) shattered her soul in ways she's only just starting to recover from. but training ruby and yang has been a fun hobby it's a shame they're going to be entering the combat school, she's got ruby for two more years and yang will still be there to train after school but it's going to be boring during the days without them. if only there was some young impressionable child she could take as an apprentice! papa arc was going to give jaune such a spanking when he found the boy, he seemed to be always just one step behind him! at least his new sword was keeping him alive after he ran off from home into the wilds to be a hero. where could he have gotten to? a story in which everyone keeps missing the plot, or rather everyone is in a different genre of story and the plot keeps switching. tldr: jaune is being trained by a retired summer and is having an action adventure. summer is going through slice of life and papa arc is handling a mystery comedy looking for his lost son who he always seems to just miss seeing only the after math of his actions and having to fix the issues spawned from it.
"Lucie~! Wait uuup~!"
Jaune Arc, a young boy off on an adventure far away from his home, followed the instinctual pull of his sword and companion, Lucierna Intrepidus! Or, as Jaune referred to her, Lucie. She was a marvelous blade, forged with the spirit of Jaune imbued into her core... located exactly on her pommel. She shone a brilliant aqua blue to match her partner's eyes.
"No way!" She called out. "We've only just started! You can't expect us to be heroes by killing just a few rats, can you?"
"N-No, but we never killed anything bigger than a rat." Jaune reasoned as he his feet were nearly dragged.
"So? This is our moment!" The sword raised itself high. "Think of it! Lucierna Intrepidus, the mighty sword held aloft by Jaune Arc, the greatest sword and swordmaster of all time~!"
"Well, maybe some day, but I'm only 12. I still need to go to school and-"
"Forget school! We need a mentor! And until we find one..." A sudden shift to the left knocked Jaune off his feet and sent him rolling down the hill. "Adventure will teach us what to do!"
"Lucie, you're being.... being..."
Not far from where Jaune landed was a Grimm. And not just any Grimm, but a Beowolf. Next to the Ursa, it was the second-biggest Grimm to wander these woods. It's blood-red eyes seemed to catch ablaze at the sight of the young hero. The young hero who was shaking in his boots.
"S-See?" Lucie said, her voice also quivering. "Adventure's, uh, just ahead of us..." Steeling her nerves, if she had any, she began barking orders to Jaune. "Dueling stance! Sword up! Sword out! Ready to fight!"
Jaune, having been drilled for the past few months by both his sword and his father, snapped into position with his blade set between himself and the black beast stalking towards him with massive jaw wide open.
"Y-Yup! That's it! Now step forward!" Jaune froze. "Hey! Don't embarrass me in our first real fight!" The boy was shoved off-balance by his sword, making him stumble and fall. As he looked up, he saw the monster set upon him. He covered his head with Lucie. "JAUNE!"
"Kids! Suppertime~!"
Ruby, Yang, and Jaune ran as fast as they could to the dining room. Before they could be told to do so, they set their training weapons upon their respective racks, then went into the bathroom to wash their hands. The three then took their seats at the dinner table, where Taiyang was already setting down the side dishes.
"Do you want roast beef, Yang?" Summer asked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah~!" The blonde girl practically vibrated in her seat.
"What do you say, Yang?" Taiyang raised his brow.
"Roast! Beef! Roast! Beef~!" Yang chanted, tapping her fork and knife on the table.
"Roast! Beef! Roast! Beef!" Ruby joined in, chanting with her sister and pounding her tableware in unison.
"Um, I would like roast beef, Mr. Xiao Long." Jaune said timidly. For his politeness, he was rewarded with the thickest (for a child) slab of roast beef placed squarely on his plate, earning whines from the two girls. "And may I have green beans and carrots, too?"
Summer giggled as her girls watched in astonishment as their own father chose her apprentice over them. While they stared, she prepared plates for them before making her own. Taiyang did the same for Jaune before sitting down.
"So, did you kids play anything fun today?" The huntress asked.
"We played hide and seek!" Ruby chirped.
"Jaune cheated." Yang huffed. "He used his sword to peek on us!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Alright, enough!" Taiyang barked. "There will be no fighting at this table. Now, I want you kids to sit there and eat your food quietly." If there were to be any grumblings, they quickly died when Tai gave them the ol' Blue Eye Bane, a glare so chilling that it made you behave real quick!
"Jaune, I was speaking to your mother today." Summer said after slicing her roast beef into little squares. "She's wondering if you're ready for your first day at Signal tomorrow with Ruby."
"Um... I think so..." Jaune answered, unsure if he really was.
"Oh, you will be!" Taiyang said with a smile. "After all, you've had plenty of Tai-me to get ready!" The blond man and his daughter shared a giggle while his wife and her daughter gave a groan. Jaune just looked confused.
"It's okay to be nervous, Jaune." Summer said. "Being nervous just means something is new to you and you don't know what the best way to go forward is. In the end, though, it always come down to one answer."
"Go forward?" Jaune guessed.
"Exactly!" Summer took a bite of her cutlet of roast beef. "Mm~! You've really outdone yourself tonight, dear!"
"Thanks, honey!" Taiyang smiled. "I'd say this beef is better than the roast~!"
"Tai, please..."
"Oh, please, be here somewhere..."
Nicholas Arc wandered into the quaint, little farming town, hoping to find some clue as to where his son ran off to this time. This was, by and far, the furthest from home Jaune had ever been. It had been almost a week since he left home on the hunt for him, doing his best to not panic at the prospect that his progeny was perforated, pulverized, or otherwise pulled apart by some predacious pests or worse, some kind of putrid pervert.
"No!" He shook his head. He had to stay focused. He had to find his son, and he could only do that with a clear head. And what better way to get a clear head than with coffee?
He entered the convenience store, a chime and a woman about his age greeting him. He greeted her back and headed to the coffee machine. Waiting for his cup to fill, he looked to the lottery tickets. Inside the glass, from and center, was a rabbit with a cute smile and a flower by their ear. The flower's petals were colored in on every other across from each other.
"Pumpkin Patty..." From the Pumpkin Pete Pumpkin Patch Pals Show that his girls loved to watch. And Jaune. In fact, Jaune was especially enamored with the girl rabbit, so much so that he drew her face with that same flower every chance he got-
"MA'AM!" The woman flinched. He pointed to the lottery box. "WHOSE RABBIT DRAWING IS THAT?!"
She looked to the drawing. "Some kid?"
"Was it a boy?!" Nicholas asked, finally pulling himself back if only just for a moment. "Was it a boy who drew that picture?!"
"Sir, I need you to calm down." She waved her hands to the counter. "He just wanted to draw on something while his teacher was waiting for the donuts."
"Teacher?! What teacher?!"
"Some woman in a white robe." She shrugged.
Nicholas would recognize that description anywhere! The White Reaper! The Angel of Death! He thought she'd retired years ago! But now, there was no mistaking it! His son was abducted by...
The woman looked outside the convenience store to the screaming man. "Sir, you need to pay for that coffee."
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - IV
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Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, slow burn, fem!reader, fluff, not proof read, angst
Stepping into the apartment made it instantly clear, that this wasn't a birthday dinner, it was a birthday party. Music played from the living room and you could hear laughter and conversation from every corner of the dwelling. In almost every crevice, there was at least a pair, usually more, cutting up and reminiscing on old times. There were cousins here you hadn't seen since early childhood. What was this all for?
Shortly after entering, your mother abandoned you to tend to whatever was in the kitchen, leaving you and the tallest person in the house to fend for yourselves. "Let's go in the dining room," you said, grabbing hold of Shoji's hand and pulling him along.
He silently nodded, feeling eyes on him from everywhere. He did truly stand out amongst your family, who mostly had emitter-type quirks if he had to guess. He could always count how many mutations he saw in any given space- something he'd learned from an early age. It was a tactic of knowing who to risk interacting with and who to avoid. He found that mutated people would find him...less unnerving.
Currently, he'd counted two people with mutations, but they looked nothing like you or your mother, so he had to guess that were were related by marriage. One was a young woman with a round head and abnormally large ears. The other was a small boy with a slender, rat-like vestigial tail- both cases of small, some might even say charming changes to a regular person's anatomy. This made Shoji feel even more freakish as he ducked into he dining room, seeing a large percentage of your family staring back at him.
The feeling, however, was lessened by the cheering that came with you entering with him; long-forgotten aunts, uncles, and cousins excited to see your face after such a long time of low contact.
"Well if it isn't our very own hero in training!" one man chirped, raising a glass. "Glad you were able to make it out to see us, don't go forgetting about us little folks when you hit the big leagues!"
"(Y/N)!" A little girl came running up to you, tugging on your pants. "Do you get to fight bad guys?!" You laughed sheepishly, explaining in the best way you could to fit a toddler's understanding what your training actually entailed.
Shoji couldn't help but feel warm watching you interact with your family. It was clear that they were all so proud of you and overjoyed to see you. To his dismay, however, the distraction of your presence from his didn't last long.
"So, kiddo, whose this uh..." the man spoke up again, raising his glass and tipping it towards your guest. "guy you brought with you?"
Your cheeks flushed as you quickly clung to Shoji's arm with a nervous smile. "Oh, how could I forget? Everyone, this is Shoji, my boyfriend!" It wasn't lost on said 'boyfriend' how your tone had changed this time around. It almost felt genuine. Almost.
"Boyfriend?" The man, one of your uncles sneered. "You're too little to be having a boyfriend, besides, you don't want anybody distracting you from going pro!"
You laughed in response, failing to sense Shoji's discomfort. "Uncle, it's not like that! Besides, Shoji's training to be a hero too! We want each other to succeed first and foremost."
"That's enough, son." An elderly voice called from the end of the table. Glancing over, your heart swelled with joy.
"Grandma!" you cheered, dashing over to sit beside her, engulfing her in a tight hug. "I miss you so much!"
"I missed you too, dear," she replied with a kind smile, patting your back. When you pulled away,. she reached forward, placing her hand on top of Shoji's.
"Now don't you pay my son any mind, young man." She reassured, eyes darting over to the said man. "He's had a few too many." It was at this point your 'beaux' realized the empty glass your uncle had been holding had tan foam collected at the bottom. It was beer. "You know, son, you outta be a lot nicer to this boy, he saved little (Y/N)'s life you know?"
Shoji wasn't sure what he'd expected your grandmother to say, but that sure wasn't it. He saved your life? When? "G-Grandma-!" you stammered, cheeks burning. "You don't have to bore them with the details!"
"Oh, no, dear, I do!" She insisted. "Don't you all remember when (Y/N) got her license to become a hero? That test she had to take?" There as collection of hums and variations of 'yes' from the crowd. "Well, that day, she called me up and she said 'Grandma! You'll never guess! During the exam, I was stuck in this trap and that handsome guy I told you about rescued me!'"
You definitely didn't tell the story like that, you cringed. She made it sound so mushy, it was like that at all!
"I don't remember that," Shoji, glanced down at you with a curious smile.
"I don't either," you grumbled. "I didn't say it like that."
"No need to be so grumpy, dear." your grandmother said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "It's alright, I think it's a romantic story."
You couldn't take this suffocation much more, feeling more humiliated by the second. Suddenly, you stood up, needing an out. "I-I think I hear Mom calling me from the kitchen, better go see what she needs!"
Before Shoji could stand to follow you, you'd disappeared. He blinked at your grandmother, confused, who beckoned him closer and he stole the seat you'd sat in and leaned closer to her. "That girl is just head over heels for you, know it?" She smiled kindly. Part of him wanted to ask if she was sure, not feeling like it was possible, but the other part of him knew that was the wrong choice. "I haven't told her yet, but my sickness has gotten worse," she confessed, looking past him, following the path you'd taken. "I won't have another birthday party, this is my last one. We wanted to make it special."
"W-With all due respect, ma'am," Shoji swallowed hard, shifting nervously in his seat. "Why are you telling me this instead of her?"
"I just wanted you to know you have my blessing." The old woman smiled, brighter than she had before, cradling one of his hands in her withered ones. "I'm content knowing my little girl is in good hands." She laughed. "And she can be a handful, but from the looks of it, I'd say youve got enough hands for the job."
Suddenly, this all felt heinous. How could he lie to this woman after she confessed to being on her last bit of time on Earth? He had to come clean. "M-Ma'am, there's something you don't know..."
"You aren't actually together, I know." she finished his thought for him.
"How did you...?"
"Some call it telepathy, I call it an old woman's intuition." She chuckled heartily. "But I'm not worried, I can see you care very deeply for my granddaughter, don't you, Mezo?"
He froze hearing his first name while knowing for a fact you hadn't introduced his full name when you came in. Obviously, the old woman had a mind-reading quirk. He chose to ignore it in favor of the bigger picture. "I-I..." he stammered, unsure of what the answer truly was.
"Only someone who cares would put themselves in the predicament you're in, am I right?" she rationed with a knowing smile as she sipped a cup of tea.
"I guess that makes sense..." Shoji finally admitted. "I guess I've always liked her a little bit, but I never really thought I had a shot."
"You've got more than a shot, son." She finally said. "You've got a guaranteed bullseye. Now just promise me one thing and I'll let you go."
"What's that?"
A tear slipped down the woman's wrinkled face. "Take care of my baby."
"I will," he lunged forward, enveloping her in a hug. "I promise."
Part I
Part II
Part III
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kinglennon · 2 years
Paul our Queen.... Ringo our sweet prince.... George the spiritual advisor
And who could forget dear Rat Boy
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Who indeed?
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Lightning Chapter 35: Unsafe
Nar Shaddaa, An inn near the Promenade
Kira Carsen forgot to knock before entering her Master’s room. She cursed, but the other Jedi hadn’t been doing anything she needed to shy away from anyway.
He was speaking to Captain Stede and her crew via holo.
“Well, after what you did there’s no way I wouldn’t return the favor,” Vajra was saying amiably.
The First mate—Jerre, was it? —gave a gruff chuckle and answered. “Well, you’d ‘ave to possess a heart uh stone not to help free innocent people used as lab rats. Or, you’d have to be Risha. Oww,” he added half-heartedly as the shifty woman had smacked him on the back of the head.
“Do not judge me before walking a mile in my shoes,” she snarled.
“Cuz after that, ye’re safe,” Stede grinned. “Cuz you’re a mile away, and wearing her shoes.” Vajra, who clearly hadn’t heard that one before, burst out laughing as Risha rolled her eyes.
“You guys make it sound like I’m a cruel, heartless bitch,” Risha pouted. “It’s true that I often don’t act when there’s no profit in it, but that’s because ‘profit’ implies ‘business.’ Meaning, someone offers you terms, and you have the opportunity to try and weigh gains versus risks. You’ll find I never take up even good contracts if I don’t have time to think. In our line of work, sentiment and emotion get you killed.” She bit her lip.
“Sounds like you lost someone. Who was it?” Kira asked.
Risha’s answer was surprisingly reasonable, even though her expression grew sour as a Corellian lemon. “I might tell you, once I’ve gotten to know you. You’re clearly a sharp girl, so there’s a chance we could be friends.”
Kira gave a cheeky wink. “How about a date then? Just as soon as we’re done defusing Var Suthra’s bombs.”
“She didn’t have to hurt me this bad,” Kira complained.
“I don’t plan dates months in the future, Jedi. We either have drinks today that ends with a night in bed, or nothing at all.”
“Healthy,” Kira nodded firmly. “I like it. Wish I’d known when you were right in front of me though.”
Risha rolled her eyes. “Well. You snooze, you lose, birdie.”
Vajra laughed. “Was the compensation suitable?”
“Twenty-five thousand credits, and a Jedi friend on speed dial? Perfectly suitable!” Juun said heartily. “Don’t forget, I’ve got dibs on taking you to your first real party once you turn adult!”
“So long as I can bring my friends with me.”
“Sweet! A bigger party! See you around, little Knight!”
The call ended, and Kira’s Master turned his attention to her. “What’s up?”
“I found it kinda fun to flirt right in front of my Master,” Kira noted. “Master Kiwiiks would have sent me to bed without supper. And given me scolding soup for breakfast.”
“And I just sat there cheering. I think I’m a bad Master. Perhaps the kind saint can mend my wicked ways?”
“Down, boy!” Kira smirked.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Yes. I want my next lesson.”
“Really? Okay then, sing me a lullaby to show me how good your voice is—”
“Not a singing lesson, you dumbass! Err, I mean: dear, sweet Master. Lightsaber Forms!”
“Oh, right!” He flipped onto his feet. “T7?”
The droid, which had been at rest, woke up with a “Dwoooo?”
“Keep watch till I return, would you? My Padawan here needs to be taught a lesson.”
Waving her over, the younger Jedi ran for the window.
“Umm… I’m using the door, thank you. Don’t feel like falling seventeen floors.”
He had disappeared by then, but he obviously got the gist, since she got a call seconds later. “Consider this a warmup!” he said, the sound of wind sighing over his voice.
A grumbling Kira caved, following her Master’s exit so that she could freerun her way after him. “It’s good exercise,” she muttered to herself grudgingly. Her body was still rusty after all.
She had to make her own way to the warehouse, since she had no idea which way her Master had chosen. But perhaps that was a good point in favor of the lesson. It would teach her a way to get to out-of-reach objectives in the field. Given how busy it was, the people of Nar Shaddaa didn’t pay attention to the rooftops. There were many walkways and cranes this high up. Scaffolding. Droid-pilots that paid no mind if people leapt on and off their trawlers. The occasional startled sentient.
Kira took a few more leaps, before jumping for a window. Unfortunately, her fingers weren’t strong enough to hold on, so there was a moment of stark fear before a hand shot out of the window and grabbed her.
“Hello again, stranger,” her Master grinned.
Kira almost screamed. “How did you know—”
“I stayed close enough to keep an eye on you. What kind of Master would I be if I let you fall to your death?”
“But the window! How did you know?!”
“Oh, that? I saw the path you were taking. I had a feeling the window might prove a weak point. Work on your fingers, eh?”
“Um. Sure. Pull me up, maybe?”
He considered her before shaking his head. “I think you’ve got this.”
Kira was annoyed for a flash, but relented. While Vajra would always have her back on the field, that didn’t mean she should slack off. Her ultimate goal was to become strong enough to defend herself against the great Sith, after all.
Gritting her teeth, she tried again. With a mighty effort, she pulled herself onto the ledge, and from there, got inside the abandoned room beyond it.
“Calming breaths,” she told herself. As she meditated on her breathing to calm her nerves, her Master rubbed her hands for her. “Treating me like a queen, aren’t you?”
“How am I supposed to treat you?” he asked.
“Like a student? Give advice, or encouragement?”
“Oh.” He patted her head roughly. “Good girl!” he said in a deliberately unenthusiastic tone.
She snorted before laughing. “You’re a fucking riot, Boss!”
“Take your time. The warehouse is just across the street, so we can take the boring way from here. I think we’ve achieved sufficient warmup, no?”
Kira followed her Master down the stairs. They were clean, for Nar Shaddaa. No sticky, smelly stuff “Boss?”
“Yes, Minion?”
“You seem to have gotten close to Captain Stede’s crew.”
“They’re… friendly. Stede, especially. Besides, I saw them fighting the good fight on two separate occasions. They really stepped up, even when our Military didn’t.”
“I’m just saying. Remember that they’re smugglers. There’s always a chance they’ll try to get you to help them sneak some contraband past customs.”
“You got a point. But I thought you liked Risha?”
“What, the queen of all the conceiteds?” Kira pulled a face. “No, absolutely fucking not! I was just practicing. I plan on going hunting soon. This may be Smuggler’s Moon, but there’s a lot of decent people my age. I really want to get one good fuck in before my twentieth birthday. It’s been more than a year now.”
It was just a few days off now…
“Is there anything I can get you for your birthday?” the boss asked.
“I don’t need anything big. A tiny token of appreciation will do. Like what I gave you!”
“Right,” he nodded. “I understand. I still have no fucking idea what to get you. Would you like a puppy?”
While Kira wanted nothing more than to coo at a lil black floof all day long, she had to shake her head regretfully. “That falls under ‘attachment,’ Master. Bad for Jedi and saints.”
“Oh, right,” he frowned. “Oh, I know!”
“What?” Kira asked interestedly.
“I’ll make it a surprise—”
“Oh no you don’t! Spill it!”
“Just something I saw in a shop nearby. In addition, let’s see if we can’t finish up early over here, and get that vacation you were asking for!”
“I like that idea!” Kira rubbed her hands eagerly. “We can invite Jazz along, too!”
“Hopefully, Master Kiwiiks will make it in time too.”
“Yep! Even if the Council lets me switch Masters, I still love her to the two moons and back. I want her there with me when I cut that cake! But who else do we call… Ranna?”
“The Kalikori still won’t leave their region, let alone Tython.”
“Ah, right.”
“You want to call the ‘Party Crashers?’”
“I like them,” Kira admitted. “But not that much.” They stopped at the crossing, waiting for the change in traffic signals. Nar Shaddaa had quite a strange selection of speeders, or rather, strangely decorated speeders. They were all painted in neon colors, with holographic stickers slapped all over them. Some even gave off a lot of nontoxic smoke, more like a fashion statement than burning primitive fossil fuels.
This place was full of neon lights. It had never bothered her before, but Tython had undone her acclimatization.
“Do you get much sleep in this kind of place?” she asked her Master, who grunted.
“After what we’ve seen, I don’t know if I want to,” he sighed.
Kira shivered. “Shit. I’d managed to ignore that for nearly four hours today. I know what you’ll do with the project, but what will you do with the sub—the people?”
The boss took a long time to answer. “Rehabilitation.”
“And if that’s not an option?”
“It has to be,” he said, shaking his head. “I can’t take the alternative.”
“Well, come on! I’m ready for my lesson!” He dithered nervously, obviously daunted by the mess of vehicles. Kira took his hand. “It’s okay, Boss. No sweat. See? Nothing to it.”
The Promenade, The Next Day
Vajra heard the music as the elevator door took its first crack open. Before he could do more than register the fact, the doors parted and allowed him an unobstructed view of the SIS Safehouse. That was indeed music being played on the base’s sound system, and some of the people were weakly dancing to it. Several serving droids went from group to group, offering food and beverages to the employees.
Several of the larger monitors were tuned into a live game of Huttball, which was what held most of the people’s attention. They all reacted enthusiastically to goals, tackles, passes, and pitfalls, each providing their own commentary.
“Did I miss something?” Kira wondered. “They seem so relaxed!”
“Ahhh, Jedi, come on in!” Chief Rieekan called, sounding like he’d had at least a few glasses of the harder drinks. “We’re celebrating your success in the Power Guard project! You really came through! Found a needle in a haystack in record time, then sent the Imp bastards packing! Amazing victory! Haven’t had an occasion to celebrate like this in years!”
“But we’re not done yet,” Vajra reminded him. “We still have Power Guards unaccounted for. Agent Galen is still missing too. And then there’s the matter of Lord Sadic.”
“Agent Galen is probably dead by now,” Rieekan said somberly. “It’s been a while since he’s gone missing, but we still haven’t seen any signs that the Imps got Intel out of him. As for Sadic and the missing Guards, he’s probably taken them back to his Master.”
“Don’t we have to confirm that first?” Kira questioned. “While those scenarios do seem quite likely, we can’t just assume that’s the case.”
“And we’re not,” Rieekan reassured her. “It’s been a rough few weeks, so my people need the morale boost. But I promise, we’ll get back to work by 16:00. In the meantime, have some food! We got takeout from a good Corellian restaurant nearby.”
With that, he turned and loped back to the party, immediately cheering at a good pass.
“For what it’s worth, I agree with you,” a Twi’lek sidled up to them. “Now’s not the time to get lax.”
“You’re… Agent Tander, right?” Vajra confirmed.
“That’s right. Listen, can you do me a favor? There’s stuff happening nearby. Unusual foot traffic into several nearby warehouses. More than the ordinary amount of comm static. Power fluctuations too.”
“You want me to check it out?”
“Please,” Tander nodded furiously. “Please! I’ll send you the locations of the warehouses. Call me directly if you need support. Or have anything to say whatsoever.”
“What’s the plan?” Kira asked, as she followed the Boss out onto the shop floor.
“We have to split up,” he replied. “I’ll check out the warehouses—if anyone wants to muster an assault force, that’s where they’d put them. You ask around the Promenade. See if it’s just the base that’s been getting the comm problems. Don’t ask around too long. Once you’re done, head over to the nearest comm tower. See if there’s anything wrong there. T7, look at the generators. See why there might be problems. If you find any hostile forces, call me in at once, do not engage. Both of you.”
“Got it.” <Affirmative!>
Kira decided to try the cantina before stopping random passers-by in the markets. She joined the queue of people waiting to get inside. There weren’t many yet, just seven. It was a good number, Kira thought. Perhaps she might get lucky and a few guards might discuss what she needed to know.
Or, she might see the disturbance for herself.
She paid close attention while attempting to appear the non-suspicious kind of impatient. She tapped her foot and craned her neck. She looked around and grumbled from time to time, trying to give the impression of a girl who wanted to grab a quick drink before her superior noticed she was missing.
The guards stirred eventually.
“Think the game’s still on?” the Nikto asked.
“I hope so,” replied the Houk. “Our shift ends soon. It’s always fun to watch those mooks fall into the stun traps!”
“Really? The shock cage traps?” the Nikto laughed. “Not interested in the brawls, the tackles, the biting, the hairpulling?”
“Yeah, those are fun too!” the Houk laughed. “But nothing beats the expression on a poor sod’s face when the shock cage goes off!!
Both men laughed. “Speaking of shocks, do you think there might be another—”
“I doubt it. Things feel stable now. Gave me a headache, though!” He suddenly bit his lip and looked around. “Careful what you say, you moron! Want to get us in trouble?”
“Right. Sorry.”
Kira turned that exchange over in her head. To her, that sounded like talk about the power fluctuations. But it had been rather vague! It could have been anything else, including a malfunction in the sound system. Or an influx of rowdy, would-be patrons who got turned away.
She flashed her ID, submitted to the security scan, then handed over her lightsaber to the guard. Most patrons simply checked in their weapons at this counter, but others, like Mandalorians, Sith, Jedi, Cartel bosses, refused to be parted with theirs. Some there were, who came with expensive weapons, and were wary of handing over their weapons to security. For such people, this cantina allowed them to keep them on their persons so long as they consented to a device which stopped them from being fired.
The man behind the counter slapped on this device, then pressed the button a few times to ensure that it was working. He then handed it back to her with a nod and a “Have a good day, Miss!”
Kira went inside and walked to the bar. The muscled barmaid turned to her with a bright smile after catering to a short Twi’lek with blue skin.
“What can I get you, hon?”
“I’ll have a pomace brandy and some nachos, please. And a salsa dip, if that’s not empty yet.”
“For you, anything!”
“Nice morning, isn’t it?” Kira asked as the cheerful woman worked. “The sort which makes you think nothing can go wrong?”
“I know what you mean,” she replied. “Sadly, that kind of thing’s rare here on Nar Shaddaa. Always some kind of trouble brewing. Nothing wrong today, thank the stars!”
“Cept for the crazy lights, eh, Marge?” someone behind her put in. “Rare for the Promenade to get hit with spotty power.”
Marge went stiff for a second, enough that some brandy spilled onto the counter. “It happens,” her cheer was sounding a bit forced. “Anything can cause that kind of problem. Routine maintenance, unexpected damages…”
“But some of the biggest deals on the planet are conducted here,” her coworker insisted. “Including the biggest Hutts. Wouldn’t they be unhappy with even the smallest distractions?”
She cleared her throat. “Yes. I suppose.” She shoved the drink at Kira. “Oh, your nachos.” She hurriedly scooped some into a small bowl for her, and put a small tub of salsa to go with it. That’ll be seven credits… thank you hon! Have a good day!”
As Kira walked away, she heard her whisper furiously “Haven’t you been here long enough to know that we pretend the signs aren’t happening when a customer’s around?”
Kira moved to one of the more distant tables, listening in on the conversations. She didn’t always hear anything of interest. A trio of young women were comparing notes on their hunt for employment.
“Ivorn accepted my application,” the raven-haired Zeltron said happily. “They’ve called me in for an interview.”
“They rejected me,” the dark human said. “But Ostek Solutions told me they’d be calling sometime today!”
“Ostek?” The lighter human asked. “I’ve never heard of them.”
“They’re a big cybernetics company…”
At a table several rows down were a pair of Republic soldiers, only identifiable by the badge she hadn’t seen until she was this close to them. They returned Kira’s friendly smile.
“Morning, Jedi! You look familiar…” said the male, a tall human with caramel hair.
“Hey there, Soldier. Not interrupting a date, am I?”
“We’ve probably been here too long anyway,” the woman was a Nautolan with blue skin.
“Wish we could be here longer. Today’s been a real mess!”
“Damn! I’m sorry to hear that,” Kira said sympathetically. “Not the ‘people are getting hurt’ kind of mess, I trust? Going by your tone!”
“Oh, we’d love that kind of mess!”
“We joined up to shoot and blow stuff up after all!”
“No, our problem is more on the level of electrical malfunctions. Our main server got fried from all the power surges!”
“We keep getting static on comms.”
Kira looked around covertly. “I’m actually in here for a favor to SIS right now,” she said softly. “There’s this agent who’s spooked by this. Worried that it means something is building up. Have you been on Nar Shaddaa long? Have you seen this happen before?”
Kira’s words had caused a change in the soldiers’ bearing, slight though it was.
“We weren’t worried, but I can see why it might be a red flag,” the woman replied.
“Yeah… on larger worlds, this kind of problem was sometimes seen when the Imps were masking a major raid. Can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.”
“We’ll head back to our unit,” the woman said. “The Ambassador might be in danger.”
“If the Imps do something in the Promenade—”
“Not openly, but there’s always that risk. Especially if they’ve found themselves a scapegoat.”
“Thanks for the info, guys. Hopefully it’s just an Astromech that had one too many memory wipes.”
The soldiers left at once, and Kira hurriedly finished off her meal before following suit. The man at the door removed the suppressor on her Lightsaber before bidding her a good day.
Kira thought she had what she needed. She made straight for the comm tower next. It was an effort to maintain a slow pace. Indecision plagued her. She wondered if it was a good idea to check the tower at all.
“I’ve scoured the second warehouse,” the boss whispered on his comm. “It’s empty. Moving on to the third."
“Master,” Kira whispered. “Something definitely feels wrong. The people at the cantina were on edge, and some soldiers I met agreed that it was fishy. Maybe I should just go back to the safehouse. If the enemy attacks, the Agents will all need someone to defend them.”
There was silence for a moment.
“It’s too dangerous. Don’t go in without me. I’ll meet you by the South Entrance. T7, do you have anything to repo—”
T7 interrupted suddenly, which almost made Kira drop her comm. “Trouble = located! Sabotage = confirmed! Bypasses found = 133! Low-yield detonite charges found = 26! Timer countdown: 58 seconds! Blackout = imminent!”
“Kira, please wait for me! Kira!”
“Tell you what, Boss. I’ll give you three minutes, then I go in.”
There was no response, only the sound of wind blowing.
Vajra arrived only a few seconds after Kira’s timer ran out. He’d pushed past his limits today, so he was breathing hard when he finally caught upto her.
“Master!” Kira whispered. “Did I make you run?”
“You almost made me scream,” he replied. “And not in the good way. You’ve gotten better, but I think you’re a week or two away from being able to handle a small army on your own.”
The words seemed to delight his redheaded friend. “Only that long?”
“What can I say? You’re a quick study. Honestly, it’s only your endurance that we need to work on for now. When you can stay in the zone for close to an hour—”
Kira didn’t have to ask why he had trailed off. They could see a small queue entering the shop. While it wasn’t out of the ordinary for armed guards to escort a legitimate buyer inside, they did not hesitate when the alarm bells rang in their heads.
But they were forced to obey the neutrality laws while out in the open, and therefore did not charge. It took a further forty agonizing seconds to close the gap. When they were close enough, Vajra killed the pair on guard with a stab through the chest. Their bodies stayed upright; Kira having Seized them through the Force.
“I noticed. We have no choice; we have to defend the agents, and these guys don’t stay down easy. Fast and hard!” Vajra’s voice sounded dead in his own ears, but he felt his old trepidation quivering at the back of his mind.
The second they entered the door, Kira Pulled in the frozen bodies so that they could be hidden from prying eyes, while Vajra continued on ahead to begin fighting the invaders, those poor, desperate people he had tried his best to protect.
The Power Guards. Ten of them, not counting the two Kira had stopped, had taken up position close to the elevator.
They had Imperial Commanders, of course, as they couldn’t themselves make decisions. This one, a ruddy female with a cruel sneer on her lips, screeched the command to attack in a voice like a vulture’s.
Vajra surged forth like a whip; vanishing from one spot, only to reappear in another, where his target felt his sting. The first six Guards tracked him fairly well, definitely better than unmodified soldiers could. Shots whipped through the air a heartbeat after he’d passed through. Indeed, to any outsider it might appear as though these Guards were a success, but to him they might as well have missed by a mile.
Indeed, Vajra knew that over they were no match for most higher-level Padawans, let alone full Knights.
The next four guards dropped their rifles and took out heavy viobroswords to take him on in melee combat. Vajra sidestepped their heavy blows, which sunk into the floor and pillars thanks to their awesome penetrating power.
Unfortunately for the cyborgs, this turned out to be their downfall. All four blades were momentarily stuck, leaving them momentarily exposed for the single strike which claimed their heads.
The formerly smug overseer started screaming wildly, but Vajra found no pity in his heart. He Pulled her with the Force, stabbing her through the chest.
The elevator beyond her was damaged, the doors torn out of their grooves.
Vajra leapt down the shaft, his landing and the sound it made both cushioned by the Force. He rushed out at once, and was not afforded the time to take stock of the situation; the SIS agents were being exterminated like rats.
Reigniting his Lightsaber, he first killed the overseer for this group—a light-skinned male—before going for the cyborgs, who were fanning out.
Four fell to his blade before anyone even realized what had happened, and another three before even their cybernetically enhanced reactions could keep up with. Of the seven remaining, two were definitely Mk-5s, given their obvious cyborg bodies. The other five were possibly Mk-3s or 4s.
Both 5s closed in for melee with massive vibroaxes while the others tried to surround them. They did not seem worried about friendly fire at all, opting to pepper everyone with a barrage. The 5s attacked in concert; one engaging face-to-face, the other flanking. Vajra’s blade blocked all three downward attacks while also reflecting the fire from the shooters back at them. Some of the blaster bolts bounced off an invisible wall around the 5s. He feinted a couple of hits at both of them, only to find that the Lightsaber blade bounced just like the bolts. He wondered if the shield was any stronger than one used by an elite trooper. He slipped out of the flanking 5’s attack vector when his instinct told him, and the axe crashed onto the ground and stuck there for a second. Momentarily clear of both 5s, there were a lot more shots that weren’t blocked before he needed to worry about them. His blade sang through the air, returning the bolts back where they came from.
The shooters took hits, but did not go down, their enhanced bodies better able to take such deadly blasts. He also noted that their wounds showed signs of healing already; the burns began to fade within seconds. Their regenerative factor was clearly working in high gear.
As Kira popped out of the shaft behind him, he called, “Stay back! I’ll handle these guys!”
He probed the 5s’ shields for weaknesses, hoping that they were upgraded versions of the personal shields that elite soldiers used. They were; it took three strikes to overload them, not counting the hits they took from their allies. But that didn’t mean they were vulnerable, at least not to blaster fire. The shots just bounced off their thick, armored shells.
But he did not think they’d last long against his Lightsaber, but he didn’t press his attack just yet; the agents were safe since he had the enemy’s attention after all.
No, he wanted to test these cyborgs, since there was a slight chance that the designs would get back to the Empire.
Which was why he drew out the fight, allowed them two hulking brutes the chance to push themselves to their limits.
The 5s were being hit by not only direct fire, but bolts reflected off his blade as well. The constant attacks were quite damaging to their armor, and pretty soon, chunks of metal were falling to the floor and leaving their weak inner parts exposed.
In addition, their speed was fueled by the many gears, pistons, and other moving parts in their cyborg frames. Powerful though they made them, such parts quickly built-up heat. Just as Vajra anticipated, the large Mk-5s began to overheat after just a few minutes of going toe-to-toe with him.
He decided not to risk a self-destruct. Going on the offensive, he sidestepped an attack before stabbing at a gap in her armor. His blade sank all the way into her heart, and he felt himself stumble for the fraction of a second, literally tripped by guilt.
He spun around and stabbed the second cyborg in the throat. Moments before his blow connected, he was shocked to see tears flowing in the otherwise emotionless face, a glimpse of sentience peeking through whatever programming that had been used to enslave them.
Anger and pain made him shudder and stop in his tracks for a moment, though he continued blocking all blaster bolts that came his way. Several of the shooters started going for their vibroswords while their comrades continued their relentless barrage.
He had slain the ones in the shop quickly in order to save the agents, but these, he tested. He swatted aside one strike after the next, barely needing to move. They responded alright to his feints at this speed, though they were slightly shaken by the strength in his blows. Only slightly.
Having tested their strength, Vajra decided to move on to reflexes and coordination. Abandoning his almost lazy defense, he began weaving in and out of their formation, pushing them into each other when someone charged too recklessly.
They crashed without uttering a sound, and rose again a few seconds later to resume their mindless attack.
Guns were starting to overheat now, and the remaining shooters noticed. They dropped their smoking weapons and also closed in. But now Vajra was certain he’d seen what he needed to.
Moving quickly, he began the grim task of slaying them; these poor, lost souls whom the overseer at the recruitment center had called ‘heroes.’
He gave them clean ends; his Lightsaber striking their hearts. Once they had fallen, he took a moment to gaze upon each of them. They became Power Guards to fight the Empire, or at least—as Jasme had put it—so that they could emerge from the shadow of their own weakness. Instead, they had become pawns in a game they should never have been forced to enter.
Their minds were gone; he was certain of that much. But he saw tears on several faces.
The sight conjured up a cold fist in his gut, which clenched and grabbed, twisting his inside into knots and making him dizzy.
“I’m alright, Kira. The Agents—”
“Those who aren’t already dead will probably live.” The voice had come from Agent Tander. “Two minutes. They tore through our fortified base in two minutes!”
“What the hell were these things?”
“I can’t tell you,” Vajra answered.
Tander’s eyes glowered. “Well, that’s just fine. Coz we’re not telling you anything either!”
“Our people are dead! Dead! I kept telling Rieekan that we needed to leave, but we stayed here for YOU! And now look where that got us!”
“Shut your yap, Agent!” Kira barked. “I’m sorry for your loss, but your chief knew what was at stake! Why didn’t you? Did you think SIS stood for ‘Bake Sale Club’ or something? You’re doing dangerous but essential work here! And you think you had it hard? My Master here has been marked for death by DARTH FUCKING ANGRAL! He's been fighting for his life every ten steps!"
The Agent flinched.
“Kira,” Vajra said weakly, but she ignored him.
“You want to run away? Fine! Try finding a job in the SIS which is a hundred percent risk free! Up until this moment, you were part of an investigation into those things—” Kira pointed at the Power Guards. “At stopping more from ever being made, from another Sack of Coruscant. Or worse. But if you need to be forced to do the job you signed up for, maybe you shouldn’t be here at all. Go. Go! GOOOO!”
Tander bit his cheek, then headed for the elevator. “Yeah. If you need help, you can talk to Rieekan. He’s over there.” He pointed at a burned-out corpse close to the elevator.
“It’s been wrecked,” Vajra sighed. “You’ll have to wait till reinforcements arrive. Or use cables.” The Twi’lek snarled in fury, kicking the head of the Imperial overseer.
“Listen, Jedi… we don’t all feel the same way as him,” another agent said hesitantly. “You tried to keep us safe. You saved our lives. And like the Miss said, this is what we signed up for.”
Tander had whipped around. “No! I’m the ranking officer here now! I order you to remain silent, Agent Diaz!”
“Can’t hear you, Sir. Concussion.”
A Zabrak woman nodded. “Not the first time I’ve seen this happen. I hate it, but we need to act. The mourning can come later. And therapy. And a few stiff drinks.”
Several of the surviving techs began combing through the implants on the fallen Power Guards, the others joining in hesitantly.
Tander tried to intervene by grabbing one of the techs, but Vajra restrained him. “Words only. If you try to manhandle them, I will intervene.”
Tander gave him a sour look, then growled and sat on a seat closest to the elevator.
About half an hour later, help came. Several squads of Republic soldiers, led by a pair who greeted Kira like a friend.
“What are these things?” A soldier asked.
“Not a question I can answer,” Vajra shook his head. “Have you secured the building?”
“Yeah,” the soldier replied uneasily. “Hard to believe the Imps would attack a Republic building in broad daylight—right next to the kriffing Promenade! I hope they get kicked off world for this!”
“We can hope,” Vajra replied. “Unfortunately—”
“Get the bodies prepped for evac. Including the cyborgs. We can’t let the Hutts or Imps have them. Var Suthra will contact you about where they need to be taken.”
“Yes, Sir.” The man looked doubtful. Trust in Var Suthra had been shaken deeply. Perhaps rightfully so. Vajra clenched his teeth, thinking about the Power Guards’ cruel fates, fury burning in his chest.
It was nearly an hour after the soldiers had arrived, that the techs found a lead.
The first one to have spoken up earlier came up to him looking tired but satisfied. “We got lucky. These Mark Threes… they’re constantly tracking not just each other, but other higher models too. I think we found where the final bolt hole is.”
“Where is it?”
“At these coordinates.” He pressed a datapad into his hands. “Take these guys down, Sir. Kill the Imp at the other end.”
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sparrowsabre7 · 2 years
Throwback to my liveblog of the Star Wars Holiday Special
Remember in the original Star Wars trilogy when Chewbacca spent 5 minutes watching a psychedelic circus act featuring a gimp grinch with one thigh high boot doing acrobatics and streamer twirling? No? Oh well the first 10 minutes of The Holiday Special is nothing but that.
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Featuring Ellen DeGeneres in the role of Luke Skywalker
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Shout out to the dude playing the imperial guard. The sinister energy he is channeling is unparalleled. Adam Driver wishes he was this guy. He could never sell the line "I hate fish" with such menace.
It's so bad. Truly truly awful. It's 90% Wookiee gogglebox but all the programmes are terrible.
"Oh God, this is horrible, and the terrible thing is, this is the high point. This is us allegedly having a great time."
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Gonna tell our child this was The Mandalorian.
"And who could forget dear rat boy..."
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Marvel's The Avengers (2012) Post credits scene
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0 notes
pixielle-hrrngrv · 4 years
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pictured: a selfie billy would most definitely send to steve
54 notes · View notes
thermodynamiclawyer · 2 years
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and who could forget our dear rat boy
458 notes · View notes
sludg3gor3 · 2 years
Unloved, but not by you {part 1}
Pairings- Eddie Munson x (female) reader
Fic warnings for whole series (may not apply to some chapters) - fluff, angst and smut 18+
Word count- 2.0k
Sorry if this is shitty it’s 12am😭
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“Dear diary,
Today is mine and Carters 1 year anniversary and he hasn’t even came to see me yet. I keep hoping that maybe he’s stuck in traffic or, maybe he overslept but as time goes on I feel like …maybe he just forgot. I should have known though, it’s a habit of his to forget, especially when it comes to our relationship. I feel so alone, but I can’t break up with him, he’s one of the most popular besides Jason Carver at Hawkins high…and I do..I do love him don’t get me wrong but right now I just feel so neglected. I even got him a present…now idk what to do with it..”
You finished writing with a sigh, your pen leaving little scribbles on the paperr above where you just wrote, reading over your entry. “This sucks..” you groaned, throwing your head back into your pillow. You eventually rolled over and looked at your alarm clock that flashed “5:00pm” in that stupid red color…just mocking you and your feelings. 5:00 turned to 6 and 6 turned to 7 and 7 turned to 8 and so on and on until it was too late to even think he’d be coming. You were hopeful, thinking maybe this important date wouldn’t be missed by him but you were terribly wrong, more wrong than you’ve been in awhile. The time came for you to eventually lay down and get some rest for the dragging day ahead , filled with apologizing from Carter tomorrow at the lunch table. They were useless but what could you really do?
The alarm clock on the side of your bed rang aloud, beeping in your ear repeatedly until your hand slammed down on the top to stop it. You groaned raising your head to look at the time, your vision blurry. You sat up, your hair a mess and morning breath hitting you in the face as you yawned into your hand “mom said wake your ass up” your head whipped over to see your little sister Erica standing in your door way, arms crossed and an attitude smeared on her face
“Who the hell told you, you could just barge into my room without knocking you brat?!” You hissed at the little girl who honestly had the mouth of a teen
“Mom did if you wanna know so bad…rats nest” Erica said the last bit while looking at your hair before walking away, telling you once again to get up and come downstairs for breakfast before school. You sighed heavily, eyes closed as you tried not to get irritated. You eventually got up and got ready, the events from the night before flooding your brain once again, you wanted to feel upset but you didn’t let yourself, why let some asshole get you down ? You don’t.
The time came for you to eventually get to school, upon arriving, your boyfriend ran up to you, bringing you into a kiss. “Hey baby” you didn’t say anything , just nodded. “Is something…wrong?” He asked obviously oblivious. You stopped walking and turned around to look at him, your face showing you were irritated and eyes narrowed to a glare “are you serious right now?” You ask, your head cocking to the side a bit, a smug laugh escaping your mouth “Carter, do you have any idea what yesterday was?” you waited for an answer before finally getting one that made your insides turn with anger “uhm…wait I know this- uhm- shit…were we suppose to hang out or something? If so I was with the boys, you know we hang everyday Sunday” Carter nodded his head and tried to put his arm around your shoulder but you immediately dodged it “it was our one year Carter…one fucking year and you forgot” you were on the verge of tears now but you didn’t let them escape, “baby…fuck can we talk about this later? I’m sorry it slipped my mind”
“Slipped your mind? Just like everything fucking else? It slipped your mind like that?” You didn’t give him time to respond. You just stomped away, I mean come on we all know what he was gonna say, some stupid excuse, hell he didn’t even remember your birthday, when you told him the day before, instead he just went to hang with the boys at the lake…without even asking if you’d wanna come. You were fed up, absolutely and utterly fed up and so lost in your thoughts you weren’t watching where you were walking, soon bumping into a taller figure. “Someone seems occupied today” you didn’t even have to look up to see who you bumped into, you could tell by the hands that were infested with rings on each finger helping to grab your stuff and that hellfire shirt, your brother had the same one, and that very oddly soothing voice that just makes you comfortable literally anywhere. “Shit, I’m sorry Munson I just have a lot on my mind right now” you say trying to keep it cool, not wanting to seem emotional. You both stand up and Eddie hands you your books with a small smile, he leans against a locker and tilts his head to the side a bit “let me guess…it’s the guy..I told you not to date because he was a ginormous dick but you did anyways and now you’re finding out just ho-“ “Eddie, has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be at times, seriously this is my relationship, just leave it alone” eddie obviously saw you were upset about what he had said and immediately bent down to look at you, lifting your chin with his index finger. You shooed him away and looked around hoping your boyfriend or any of his snotty friends didn’t see just how close you actually were with “the freak” Eddie Munson. “Eddie I have to get class” you began to walk pass him but Eddie grabbed you by the arm, his head hung to the side and he turned around to look at you , his eyebrow raised “y/n…seriously if something is going on you can talk to me” you sighed and dropped your head down to look at your feet, you squeezed your eyes shut, and finally looked back up at Eddie “it has nothing to do with you Munson, now please, I have to get to class” Eddie let go of your arm , your cold response hitting him right in the heart. He watched as you walked away. You really did change since you started dating that jock. Your friendship with Eddie wasn’t as strong as it was before and it was honestly all your doing, you left him because you felt you would be made fun of if caught near him, also your boyfriend didn’t like him very much, as a matter of fact no one really did, no one popular at least. Eddie knew though, deep down the old you was still there, but it wouldn’t surface as long as you were with that asshole.
You finally made it to class and felt eyes on you, when turning around you saw your boyfriend intensely staring at you from the back row. You glared at him and turned around trying to focus on your class but the feeling of being watched made you highly irritated. The whole class period you weren’t able to focus and when the bell finally rung you hurriedly got up from your seat and made your way to the door but unfortunately you were too slow. Your boyfriend if that’s even what you wanted to call him, grabbed you by the arm and yanked you back inside the empty class. His face was red, he seemed mad, why was he mad? When he was the one who forgot your one year?? “What do you want Carter?” You asked bluntly. “Have you been talking to that freak Y/n?!” With those words you felt your heart sink to your stomach, you forced a laugh that just came out nervous and stuttered “what? Carter seriously come on..” Carter gritted his teeth “Jason told me he saw you talking to that freak after you walked off on me…and he grabbed you by your arm??” Your heart started to beat faster now, becoming nervous, worried even and not just for yourself,,,but for Eddie too “Carter….Jason is lying, I wasn’t with Eddie and he didn’t touch me I swear” Carter nodded, jumping up and down to cool himself off “he better be Y/n if I even find out that freak even lays a finger on your I’ll beat his ass” with that Carter wraps his arm around your shoulders, walking with you to your next class, and your class after that and after that until it was time for lunch. Upon arriving to the lunchroom your eyes immediately look for Eddie who was sitting down at a table full of his club members. You felt a little rush of relief knowing none of the boys went to talk to him or threaten him about earlier. “So about earlier, how about I come over tonight, climb through your window and I can make up for forgetting yesterday huh?” You look up at Carter, trying to comprehend his stupid suggestion, he really thinks sex..will fix this and it made you sick. So you came up with a excuse, sitting down at the table “oh baby, I can’t. I promised Lucas a brother and sister horror movie night tonight!” You looked over at Lucas with a ‘just go with it’ look on your face and he caught on pretty fast , agreeing with your lie. “I’m sure Sinclair wouldn’t mind rescheduling, right sinclair?” Lucas looked at you, waiting for you to say something to get him out of this hole “actually, we’ve been planning this for weeks, and I finally got the movie a few days ago, we’ve been dying to watch it…I don’t think we can wait, but I’m sure you can…I mean it wouldn’t be hard” you gave Carter a smile and got up from the table “I have to use the bathroom” you walked to the big double doors that separated the hallway from the cafeteria, on your way, signaling stealthily for eddie to come out after you just a few minutes after.
You waited around the corner for 5 minutes before hearing the doors open and shut, the loud voices of children pouring out before being locked back in. Eddie, appearing around the corner. “Eddie we really need to talk..” you pulled the boy by his arm and down the hall to the janitors closet, both of you getting inside to be able to speak without being seen or heard. You looked at Eddie, a nervous look plastered on your face as you fidgeted with your fingers before speaking “Carver…he …saw us talking earlier and told Carter…now he’s like really fucking antsy and I just…I-“ you tried to find your words but they were stuck in your throat. “Why does that fucking matter? Why can’t we talk we’re friends right?” You didn’t say anything “right…Sinclair” you furrowed your brows and looked down then back up at Eddie with a sad look “not anymore Eds…Carter he’s dangerous, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, please tel me you understand ” Eddie stood there, his doe eyes were sad, like he’d just been hit with the most heartbreaking shit he could experience. “Eddie, please say something” Eddie took a deep breath and nodded slowly “as you wish, y/n” and with that Eddie exited the janitors closet leaving you alone, the dim light flickering inside. You felt a knot grow in your throat knowing you couldn’t run after him, knowing you just threw away one of the best people you had…and all to make sure he’s safe…right..or maybe it’s because you know…nevermind.
a few minutes passed before you then exited the janitors closet. You walked back to the cafeteria, when inside you looked over at the table Eddie had been at and noticed he wasn’t there anymore, neither were his friends. You bit your lip and made your way back to your table sitting down next to Carter, his arm wrapping around you as he scarfs his food down, laughing and making sexist jokes. You felt sad and empty, and there wasn’t much you could do about it.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 years
Hosea: Dutch, are we in danger?
Dutch: Oh, Hosea, my truest friend....*lying* of course not...
Arthur: *walks past*
Dutch: And Arthur, my loyal son.
John: *walks past*
Dutch: And who could forget dear Rat Boy?
John: Rat Boy?! I resent that! *gnaws*
Hosea: John, I've told you before, stop chewing on our tent!
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nat-20s · 3 years
for @jonmartinweek day 8! (which I definitely realized was happening and for sure did not forget lmao). The prompt was free day/au, so I picked my own theme of “pets”. The last few fics have been pretty loaded, so please enjoy some pure post canon (literal and figurative) fluff
“I can’t believe I married a dog person.”
They weren’t even supposed to be in the shelter. They had made no plans to visit a shelter. However, as Jon has been learning over the course of the past couple years, a Martin not under duress and given free time outside will inevitably end up trying to befriend any living nonhuman creature in the immediate vicinity.
“I’m not a dog person.”
“The lapful of beagle puppy would indicate otherwise.”
“Just because I appreciate the company of a very good boy, yes you are, doesn’t mean I’m a dog person. Dog person implies I have a preference. I like cats equally as much as I like dogs. Unlike some of us, my heart is open to all manner of furry friends.”
“I don’t...hate dogs.”
“Uh-huh. Is that why you won’t pet Rufio here?”
“He’s nippy, I don’t trust him. And it’s just that dogs are A Lot. I find most of them a bit overwhelming. And needy.”
“Pff, that’s no excuse. You’ve been best friends with overwhelming, and you married needy.”
Martin lets out a distracted giggle as Rufio finally gets in a lick on his face. Okay, maybe it is a pretty adorable sight, but that’s hardly sufficient enough evidence to actually let such an energetic ball of fluff into their home. Still, it’s enough to convince Jon to sit down next to them, and give Rufio a very tentative scritch behind the ears. “I think we both qualify as the needy one in our relationship.”
“Pretty sure that’s called codependency. What would our therapist say?”
“She’d probably say that’s a bit harsh. And that we still need to work on our separation anxiety.”
“Hey, you know what helps with separation anxiety?”
“A dog!”
They get a dog. Their flat is decently sized and they both have steady incomes and enough free time between them to take proper care of her. They don’t get Rufio, but instead a 7 year old mutt named Daffodil who is, admittedly, the most gentle and sweet creature Jon’s ever met. They also get a cat, a rambunctious 2 year old tabby named Jack (“We can change the name.” “Jon! How dare you! Jack responds to his name, clearly he likes it!”) who had already decided Daffodil was his mom, and they couldn’t possibly bear not adopting them together.
“You know, we could get a tarantula.”
“Fuck off.”
“I’m serious! They’re not, like, evil in this universe, and some of them have cutest little pink toesie woesies.”
“You’re not serious, you’re being a bastard, and I hate you.”
Martin wraps his arms around Jon’s waist and presses a kiss to the side of his face, which Jon gives a half-hearted swat at, because, again, the man’s being a bastard. Stubbornly ignoring Jon’s pout, Martin presses his cheek to the top of Jon’s head, cheerfully replying, “I’m fine with that, as long as you promise to hate me for the rest of our lives.”
“Well, I certainly can’t make that promise. I won’t even hate you ten seconds from now. I suppose you’ll have to settle for love instead.”
“Hmm. Deal.”
“We’re still not getting a fucking tarantula.”
They do not get a tarantula. Their home remains admirably spider free.
Martin’s gasp is loud enough to echo, and Jon can feel him begin to vibrate next to him. The excitement is perplexing at first, they’ve been to this bookstore dozens of times, and it’s never elicited this sort of response. Then Jon looks over to the front counter, where a medium-sized cage and a “For adoption” sign have been put on display. With a wild, jubilant glee, Martin asks, “Sonja! Are those baby. Dumbo. Rats?!”
“Sure are! I’ve got a friend who’s a breeder, I take it you’re interested?”
“Yes, absolutely, 100%, we’re getting two immediately.”
Martin snaps his head over to look at Jon with a look of betrayal the likes of which Jon hasn’t seen since the panopticon. “Jonathan, no!”
“You can not tell me you you don’t like rats! Dumbo rats especially!”
Ticking off on his fingers, Martin lists, “They’re adorable, they’re smart, they’re cleanly, they’re extremely empathetic, they’re tickilish, which is stupidly cute, they can be trained to use a litter box and do tricks, they’re snuggly and playful and perfect! They’re all the good parts of dogs combined with the best parts of cats in one tiny portable package! Look at their little ears, that are like that because of a slight difference in skull shape that has no negative health effects! Plus, we can set them up in the project room, since Captain Jack isn’t allowed in there anyway. How can you dislike rats?”
“I don’t know! They just sort of..freak me out. Or not all of them, just their feet. I don’t like their little man hands.”
Martin throws his arms in the air, proclaiming, “Their little man hands are one of their best qualities! Look, Jon, are you genuinely afraid of them, or just slightly discomfited?”
“I would say mediumly discomfited. This isn’t like spiders.”
“Cool. ‘Cause in that case, we’re getting the light tan one and the solid white one, their names shall be Peaches and Cream, and you will love them as much as you love our dog and cat children.”
“That’s a rather bold claim.”
“It’s an accurate one. You’ll see.”
Within a week, Jon is transporting Peaches ‘n’ Cream in the pocket of his hoodie, and he can feel Martin’s smug aura from two rooms away. Damn him.
“Did you know snakes don’t have an amygdala?”
“Okay? You didn’t have to bring me to a reptile store to tell me that.”
“I didn’t bring you to a reptile store to tell you that. I brought you to a reptile store because I want to hold a cornsnake.”
Jon rolls his eyes, but the fondness in his voice somewhat undercuts it. “Of course you do.”
Martin makes a scaly acquaintance in less than two minutes, and as the snake coils around his fingers, he continues, “Anyway, if they don’t have amygladas, do they feel fear in a way similar to us, or is it only a recognition of threats and instinctual response?”
“Martin, my love, I have no idea. Is this going somewhere? It’s fine if not, I’m just checking in.”
“Yes. Because if they don’t feel fear, I’m getting this snake and naming her Georgie.”
That makes Jon let out a sharp bark of laugh, and, for a moment, he’s able to reminisce without any pain. “You know, I think she’d actually love that? She also had a proclivity for all creatures great and small. And a terrible sense of humor.”
“Wow, you really have a type, huh. Also hey! My sense of humor is fantastic! It always makes my husband laugh, and he has very exacting standards.”
“Liar. Your husband finds joy with you at the slightest provocation, no good sense of humor needed.”
“Hmm. He is a bit of a softie, isn’t he? Which is why he’ll let me get this snake.”
“He most certainly will not.”
“But….look at her….”
“It’s not a matter of how cute she is, dear. It’s a matter of you made us get pet rats less than a month ago, there’s absolutely no way you’re going to be able to feed mice to a snake.”
Martin looks at the cornsnake, looks at Jon, looks back, and his shoulders slump. With a wince, he asks, “Maybe frozen mice won’t be too bad?”
“What if she’s picky?”
“...There are species of snake that only eat bugs.”
“Cornsnakes aren’t one of them.”
Waving over an assistant, Martin puts the cornsnake back with a defeated, “Fine. When you’re right, you’re right.”
Jon doesn’t particularly feel like he’s won an argument. In fact, he’s a bit disappointed himself, he always liked snakes. Big fan of reptiles in general, actually, which is probably what drives him to say, “Lizards don’t usually eat mice.”
That’s how they walk out of the store with three leopard geckos.
Jon’s helping Martin set up the gecko tank in what can now be affectionately called a zoo when all of the sudden it strikes him. Some of the animals in their home right now have life spans of 10-20 years, and never once had the necessary longevity of care come up as a reason to protest against them. Jon had felt so at ease with the concept of a future that he hadn’t even thought about it, hadn’t been steeling himself for the other shoe to drop. He’s stopped having bated breath every time something good happens, instead taking reassurance in a sense of permanence that he wasn’t sure he’d ever feel again. Martin must hear his breath hitch, because he immediately stops what he’s doing to take Jon’s hand into his own. “Something wrong, love?”
Jon shakes his head. “No, nothing. I suppose I’m realizing that we have time, don’t we?”
Martin must know exactly what he means, the weight behind the words, because he brings Jon’s hand to his lips and says, “Yes. Yes, we really, really do.”
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kikilefangirl · 4 years
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Logan Howlett x Reader
(Word Count: 1628)
“This exercise requires you to be self reliant in order to escape. While we are a team in and out of the field, each of you must be comfortable and connected with your gifts, individually.” You called out.
All of your students seemed to be a mix of over confidence, no confidence, or outright fear. You frowned.
A demonstration would be best.
“Pay attention everyone, when the test starts you’ll be on your own.” You told them.
Concentrating on the potential energy around you, you tapped into it with a stream of golden light. You collected a portion of it in your hand, and willed it into a broadsword. The energy hummed through your body as you moved with it, slashing in a downward arc through the air.
“Make your gift work for you in the moment,” With a swift motion the blade morphed into a shield, and then With a breath, you let the energy dissipate into nothing at all.
“And know when not to use it. You’ve got two weeks to prepare. And I’ve opened up office hours everyday up until then. Got it?”
The kids gave enough yeses and nods for you to dismiss them early. Once they were gone, you heard a drawn out huff from the back of the room.
“Logan!” You broke out in a wide smile and ran over to him. You knew better than to hug him, so you opted for a light hit on the shoulder.
“Charles didn’t tell anyone you were coming!” You exclaimed.
“Didn’t tell him.” Logan explained. You rolled your eyes because that was such a Logan thing to do.
Taking him in, you noticed his hair was a little shaggier than the last time you saw him, and his clothes looked like they’d been worn completely down by cold weather. He’d probably been up in the wilderness for all this time.
“I brought you booze. Most people say thank you.”
That was how you and Logan ended up drunk off your asses in your bedroom before dinner.
As a teacher you were given some grace with your room choice, meaning a larger room far away from students. You were free to do whatever and whomever, so long as you kept to yourself.
That was also the reason why you were dancing on Logan in a t- shirt and panties with the music blasting in the background. You felt his hands roam all over your body as you whined to the beat.
He was currently the one with the bottle, too. You drunkenly swirled around and took it from him. The liquor burned down your throat, but the feeling dulled when Logan slammed his lips on yours.
You felt like your body was on fire. Partly from the alcohol, partly from Logan’s hands and his kisses. He had you pinned against the wall farthest from the door, and you couldn’t concentrate on anything but Logan nor he you.
You woke the next morning to a hard body intertwined with yours.
Your room was an absolute mess, but you settled on resting your head on Logan’s bare chest. You’d get up later.
Your hair was matted in the back and the hair around your perimeter had reverted back to their coils in spite of the gel you used the day before. Plus, drunk you didn’t wear bonnets.
“Morning.” Logan said. His rough voice was throaty and tired. A pounding headache made you close your eyes and nestle in closer.
You were grateful not to see the two of you together anyway. It was never for long and never more than a fun way to spend time before you went your separate ways.
You and Logan were tumultuous at best.
The last time you saw him you were cussing him out and leaving him stranded in the city after a night out. That was two months ago. Last summer you decided to try dating, but the truth was if it wasn’t one thing, it was another, making the two of you very touch and go.
“I have a class in an hour.” You admitted.
Logan peered down at you. The corners of his lips were down turned, and his eyebrows were knitted together.
“The rug rats can live without you for a day.” He said, pulling you on top of him. You yelped at the sudden movement, but guessed that was an appropriate response to the naked girl lying in bed with him, telling him she was leaving. Even if it was for kids.
“I don’t use sick days on anybody but my mama, my daddy, and my brother.” You explained. You pecked his lips and got up.
“I fit in one category.” Logan said with a satisfied grin. You scoffed at him as you gathered your shower stuff.
“I don’t use sick days on you, Logan. Never have, never will.” You replied with a sarcastic smile.
A frantic banging on your door made both of you go quiet. Logan sniffed the air and snarled.
“It’s pretty boy.” Logan growled out. You huffed in annoyance––between him and Scott (and Jean for that, matter) nothing ever got done unless you did it. It was one of the many reasons Logan was a recurring guest at the mansion and not an occupant.
You swung the door open to a wide eyed, modest Scott, who quickly turned into arrogant, incensed Scott at the sight of a very naked Logan in your bed.
“Not now. What’s going on?” You demanded. Something wasn’t right if Scott was coming to you so early.
Bobby’s name was all he could say.
The scene that awaited you at the front door was heartbreaking.
Bobby was pacing up and down the balcony freezing anything he pointed at as he walked past. Blasts of frost shot from his hands in all directions. It was wild and uncontrolled. By the door, what looked like his parents and a brother were shouting his name in frustration. Bobby wasn’t the type to lash out for no reason, he just wasn’t that kid.
“I’m not leaving! This is my home!” Bobby cried out.
You sighed and cut your eyes to the professor, who was ushering children and staff away. A warning would have been nice, Professor.
I do apologize, this was...unexpected.
His voice rang out in your head, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Beside you, Logan drew his claws, but you put a hand on his chest. Bobby’s parents were clearly afraid of mutants and Logan was a walking stereotype of a scary mutant. Definitely not helpful.
Stepping forward, you used your powers to create a bubble around you and Bobby. Nobody needed to get hurt accidentally.
“Bobby! I need you to listen to me,” You started. The boy looked up at you tearfully, and you could see them freeze as they fell.
You took his hand, that along with the rest of his body fluctuated between ice and flesh, and held it. The cold stung, but he needed to feel your human hand.
“They’re taking me away!” He hollered. You narrowly dodged a blast of frost from your head. You held on tighter.
“I know that isn’t fair, Bobby! I know! But you have to calm down. Breathe, Bobby.” You pleaded with him. The less his parents saw him so out of control, the less likely they would send him to some camp or home for wayward mutants.
You took a deep breath, and Bobby did the same. One after another. In and out.
Slowly, his human form stabilized and his body temperature was so cold you could see his breath. You gave him a hug when his ice hand had fully reverted back to his human one. The boy clung to you for dear life, and you felt horrible for him.
“Bobby, don’t forget what you learned here, and keep in touch. When you need any of us, we’ll be there.” You said softly, pulling out a small coin and a business card. Bobby took it, confused.
“Whenever you don’t feel safe, call the number and the place they tell you to meet, then show them the token. Emergencies only.”
You walked Bobby down to his parents and they left shortly thereafter.
Watching them go sucked all the air out of you, enough for you to lean on Logan. In public. The Professor was next to the two of you.
“You are one of our finest, Y/N.” He said.
“Maybe, but it wasn’t enough.” You countered. You didn’t feel like an educator. You felt like you were fighting a losing battle and not too many of your kids would make it out unscathed.
“Social services could get ‘em.” Logan suggested.
“They might bite if they see a white boy, but the second he goes full icicle, all bets are off.” You lamented the fact that there were very few people looking out for mutant children, and you weren’t going to put Bobby on anyone’s radar unnecessarily.
The Professor nodded, before heading off to deal with the fallout with the student body. It was never easy losing a student in such a way. You weren’t prepared to do that just yet, so the two of you went back to your room.
You stayed in Logan’s arms until dark. It was the first time you and him had a rational understanding about what each of you needed in the moment.
“When I head through the city, I’ll stop by and check on the kid on my way out.” Logan said. You side eyed him.
“Play nice.” You warned. Sometimes cases required a delicacy Logan didn’t have, but his willingness to do it was a new thing for him. Far be it from you to stop him from doing something good. He finally saw how important your job was and how much you cared for your students.
You planted a kiss on his lips. And his nose and his ear and neck, among other things.
“That means I’ve got you at least one more night. Better make it count.”
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simptasia · 3 years
(Because I love when you do these so much) Could you please insult Benjamin Linus?
[rubs my hands together] who could forget dear rat boy???
ma! maaaa!!!! there's a weird fucking man outside!! BLINK MOTHERFUCKER!!!
"ben is an emotionally arrested virgin" - our lord and saviour michael emerson...... paraphrased
disclaimer: being a virgin isn't bad. it's funny because it's ben [squeezes him like a dog toy]
lemme just get this outta the way: juliet [kick] danielle [kick] alex [kick] charlie [punch] sayid [punch PUNCH] and last but not certainly not least,,, locke [taser blast to the balls]
look, i love ben but he of all people gets TWO happy endings (while sooome characters get none) so i will enjoy the cathartic thought of all the other characters beating him like a pinata
how ben's sick brain thought this would go:
arrange for ur crush's boyfriend to be killed
invite her over to discuss work but it's ACTUALLY a date. cook her a ham dinner. have a few of ur top buttons undone, of course. also imply her bf wants to fuck ana lucia aha you see, you are so clever, you have the big brain
reveal her bf's dead body to her
tell her she belongs to you
with the added bonus of the undignified waddling up the hill after you've done objectifying her existence, well done
WHY THE FUCK WOULD JULIET MAKE YOU SOUP YOU DERANGED WEENIE???? you're not her ex, you're a freak [ben slides his hand close to juliet's] thats going in the lost cringe compilation along with charlie dancing in a nappy and jack saying "if i was hitting on you, you'd know it" get the fuck outta here, you are never getting ur little possum hands on those blessed mommy milkers
he eats like a victorian ingenue eating cucumber sandwiches
his cargo pants create the illusion that he is shaped like a pear. he is a bruised pear, not even fit for juicing, just throw him away
he watched kate and sawyer have sex in a cage. also he put them in cages. he also made kate wear a dress. his daughter's dress. what the actual fuck is wrong with you
where are your glasses. where are they!! do you even need them??? (i enjoy the concept that ben can't see most of the time)
"(⊙_⊙) i used to dream once" ur doing this on purpose, aren't you
"[sees ass porn] good lord..." benjamin linus, you don't get to kinkshame people. you of ALL people don't get to do that
he's not very fond of telling the truth. he's a wee bit of a fibby boy. also he got charlotte's birthday wrong, the dickhead
his response to alex having a boyfriend is to have him sent to a seizure inducing brainwashing room. sir, respect your daughter's agency. also don't torture teenagers. "oh but she might get pregnant" ah so ben would rather brainwash a kid than maturely discuss birth control with his daughter. fucking coward. oh hey, another reason he's incompatible with juliet, a fertility doctor
we only saw his fat tits once. fucking tease (and it was in [gags] stranger in a strange land you bastard)
he's an actual not hyperbole cult leader. feels bad, man
lowkey wanna fuck your mom AND you killed your dad? how DARE you validate freud!!!
also i've heard that murder is wrong
ben is one of my favourite characters
let's point and laugh at him
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lovebillyhargrove · 3 years
Okay, so a discussion with @disdaidal kinda got me thinking about something and I can't stay quiet. When i first understood that this beautiful rat boy is a part of my life now (no less😂😂), i kinda went with the general vibe "let's not excuse Billy's awful behaviour". Then i saw a post (sorry, don't remember who wrote it and can't find it again to give credit!!) "Billy's a teenager. What do you expect him to be, A RAY OF FUCKING SUNSHINE????" and yeah .. what do we expect a broken teenage boy to be????
So, a list of bad things that boy did/ALMOST did
1. Billy was a dick to max. He was. Usually elder siblings are, especially elder brothers! Not to forget the fact, that there is unspoken history between them (the reason why they had to move to hawkins) that didn't add love to their relationship?
Still, despite being a dick, billy drove max around, picked her up, and generally cared for her (we're family now) in his angry way? Of course he was not happy about her friendship with lucas, NOT because lucas was black! But because lucas happened to be a teenage boy who was hitting on his little sister !!!! Elder brothers actually protect their little sisters, instinctively dislike/hate their first boyfriends, even get into fights with said boyfriends. Not to mention NEIL, and billy knows his father better than anyone
Well, max isn't a ray of sunshine herself. Flipping billy off, constantly mouthing him off, lying to him, running off with a boy (from her bedroom window (no less) on Billy's watch), always being angry to billy herself, sticking a syringe in his neck with god-knows-what, ALMOST hitting the guy's nuts with a baseball bat and establishing dominance (SAY IT). Dear max, it wasn't billy's greatest wish to always control your whereabouts, it was your parents who made him do so !!!!!!! Could he say NO to Neil????
Have you SEEN Neil????? Did you, Max, hear the shouts, or see the bruises or see Billy's tears, maybe???
2. Billy almost ran the kids over. ALMOST being the key word. Yes, that's not good. He lashed out as a follow up to their heated conversation with max (more to that mysterious mystery of WHY they moved to hawkins). But he didn't run them over. And he WOULDN'T. What is he, stupid?????? I don't think so.
3. Billy beat up Steve. Well, this is a good one. First, max goes running off (from her bedroom window, no less!!!😂) on Billy's watch. Billy gets a handful from neil. Billy finds his 13year old sister in an unknown shady house full of boys and Steve LIES to his face about Max's whereabouts??? What was billy supposed to do???? "My bad, man, just bring her back home later after you're done, 'kay????" OF COURSE, billy picked up a fight, he is a teenager with issues! And steve fought him back. Now, is Dustin's yelling "kill him, steve, kill him!!!" OKAY???????? Is it NICE??????
What else did our bad boy do there?? .. our bad teenage boy, angry, confused, unhappy, abandoned by his mom, abused by his dad..???? Yeah,
4. He shoved Lucas into some bookcase or a cupboard. Ended up being kicked in the balls by Lucas. So terrible, OMFG 😱
My point is, yeah we shouldn't excuse Billy's behaviour. Or no, actually, we shouldn't phrase it like that. We should understand his behaviour and help him because the angry confused broken abandoned and abused teenage fucking boy needs HELP. He doesn't need to be thrown in the hands of the mindflayer just to get killed off later. Fuck you again, duffers, just fuck you forever for doing what you did. Way to send a message!!!!
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 67
Firstly, I am sorry this took so long to do but it's finished now and hopefully it is a good read. Anyway, this was really fun and hard to write but I enjoyed it. I tried to make it quite light hearted compared to the others I've wrote recently and this officially marks the Lukanette part of the story. Like i know these two blueberries have been dancing around each other for a while but now they are finally on the same page on each other's feelings. However, Anatis won't be telling Lady Noir about it and vice versa. The reason is because they could work out each other's identities. Anatis thinks if he tells her, she realize he's is Luka from it as he wouldn't want to be with anyone else then Marinette and Lady Noir is still Marinette so she figures that if she tells him, he realize that both her and Marinette had the same thing happen to them at the same time and from that, he realize they are the same person. So I will be working on the Halloween Special for the Specials section and Crescendo next so I'm pretty excited about them XD
Also I changed Heureux Fin's powers a bit. He has a dust that turns people into fairytale characters that makes them not worry as a side effect. It can also change objects and places into fairytale scenery. Fairytale can shape-shift into fairytale creatures aka a fairy, a shadow and a wolf. It can also produce a dust in it's fairy form that turns Adrien's friends into the lost kids, making them think they were always lost kids while forgetting who they really are. Their canon hero names are inspiration for their lost kid names. For example, Kim is just monkey as a lost boy. Another reason why I decided to give it that power is because Neverland has that effected on the characters in the book.
Oh and for the fairytale characters that the characters became check the end notes :)
Chapter Sixty-Seven:  Heureux Fin
~Agreste Manor~
 "Thank you all for coming," Gabriel stated as he looked to his guests. Audrey and her husband were sat close to him on the right side of the tablet while Tomoe was sat next to him on the left. She was still gripping her cane. XY had come in place of his father and Amelie Graham de Vanily was sat opposite him. The only person who hadn't turned up was Alim Kubdel but this did not surprise him as Alim had walked away after the birth of his son. "As we all saw the temple of the miraculous has returned,"
 "Is that why you called us here, Gabriel?" Audrey asked, making him look at her as she glanced at her nails. "I already did my part for the order,"
 "Yes and your daughter was a wonderful contribution but now we must focus our efforts on the true goal of our organization," He stated, making almost all of them look at him. "Finding the mage's latest form,"
 "We have been looking for years," Tomoe replied. "We even hoped our own children would be him reborn and when it wasn't the case, we gave up or did you forget that?"
 "Of course, I remember that but I have reason to believe he must be here in Paris,"
 "Why on earth would the mage come here?" Amelie asked with disgust. "This rat hole is not worthy of his presence,"
 "Because of Hawkmoth," Gabriel stated, causing everyone to look at him. "Hawkmoth is currently misusing a miraculous and trying to steal more. It would make sense that this would draw the mage to Paris. In fact, I believe he might even be the one responsible for giving Anatis and Lady Noir their powers,"
 "So you're saying the mage has already been reborn?!" Amelie gasped, standing up. Gabriel nodded in reply. "Well, that simply won't do! How are we suppose to control him now?! He could be older then all of us,"
 "Relax, my dear. I have reason to be believe that he isn't that old," Gabriel replied, making her frown. "As for controlling him, there is plenty of ways to indoctrinate him into our way of thinking... as I'm sure Audrey will testify with her daughter,"
 "Yes, Zoe is doing wonderfully at her current school. By the time she is 18, she'll be a perfect fit to take over my position as both the Style Queen and Queen of the underworld," She smirked, looking at her nails. "Shame that Chloe is such a broken child though... however, I'm surprised none of you decided to put your child into the program,"
 "The Tsurugi family never let anyone dictate how they see the world," Tomoe declared, making Audrey frown deeply. "We are as elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood, and as swift as lightning. We never let anyone rule our hearts or control us,"
 "Yet you're one of the most controlling parents here," Audrey pointed out, making Tomoe frown. "So much for not letting anyone control you,"
 "At least, my family understands honor," Tomoe retorted back. "Yours only understands money,"
 "You say that like it's a bad thing," Audrey laughed. "Money is power. We all know that,"
 Gabriel clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.
 "As much as I would love to see this continue, let's focus on the subject at hand," Gabriel stated, making everyone look at him. It took a lot of mental strength for him not go to his secret garden and akumatize the room but having said that, they would make great akumas. He would even akumatize Amelie despite the fact that she was technically family. He cleared his mind of those thoughts as they began to talk about how to track down the mage's latest form and how they would take control of him. Of course, Gabriel had no intention of letting the others have him. No, he would take the mage for himself and akumatize him. He would be the perfect akuma to finally take down Anatis and Lady Noir. They wouldn't know what hit them.
~Feng's Hut~
 "Su Han used the wish?!" Luka gasped, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Why? Why did he do that? Why did he kill Toutai?"
 "Because he wanted the title," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Su Han believed it was his destiny to become the Celestial guardian as soon as he found out about my existence but when Toutai was revealed to be my most recent incarnation, Su Han became jealous. That jealousy was left to fester and grew, turning into resentment as the years passed. It did not help that both were in love with the same woman,"
 "Mulan," Luka muttered, causing Feng to nod. 
 "When she chose Toutai, it added salt to an already infected wound and the resentment that Su Han had for Toutai turned into a cold, deep hatred," He stated, making Luka frown. "From that, things just got worst. Thanks to his hatred, Su Han fell victim to the dark spirit I mentioned. This dark spirit influenced him with promises of power and his 'rightful' destiny. He tried to get Su Han to murder Toutai but when he wouldn't, he suggested using the wish to claim what he called Su Han's destiny but as you know, the wish requires a price in return for what you wish. Su Han wished to be the celestial guardian and so Toutai lost the title but even with the title, it didn't change that Toutai was the rightful guardian. Su Han only wished to be have the title. He should have wished to have been born as my reincarnation but he did not. He thought just having the title was enough. He thought that he would become the best celestial guardian there was and that Mulan would rush to his side as his bride. Of course, she didn't rush to his side and stuck with Toutai. The two of them intended to leave and rebuild else where but the dark spirit whispered in Su Han's ear, making him believe they intended to usurp him. He made a special dagger and confronted them but he did not expect Toutai to challenge him for his betrayal. They got into a fight and as a result, Toutai was murdered and the dark spirit was freed,"
 "That's when he possessed Su Han," Luka stated, making Feng nod. "Tell me more about the dark spirit,"
 "His name is Simme. He was born of humanity's cruelty and feeds off negative emotions. Feelings such as anger, jealousy and resentment are what he is drawn t. He is also drawn to those who's hearts are darker then others. Just been around him will bring these negative emotions to the surface but it goes much far then that," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is what the kwamis call Móguǐ or Devil in your tongue. He inspired the stories of Lucifer, Satan and most devil figures in mythology and religion. He is a trickster and a deal maker but those deals never go the way people want them to. They only work in his favor,"
 "How did he get trapped?"
 "Another spirit fought him and trapped him in Jīngshén, an area in the spirit realm," He replied, making Luka nod before he frowned. "Luka?"
 "Wait... if he escaped from there and possessed Su Han at the temple..." Luka muttered as the color drained out of his face. "I restored the temple! That means he's back!!"
 "Yes and no," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is a spirit, meaning it is rather difficult for him to interact with the physical world so while he is technically back, he can only do so much right now, especially with the fact that his host is weak... but should there be an event that creates enough negative emotion or if he was able to find a dark soul and use it as a host, it could be enough to allow him to break through the spiritual barriers and manifest a form in the physical world,"
 "Great... wait what's a dark soul?" Luka asked, frowning.
 "It's a form of a pure soul but one that is born pure evil," Feng replied. "It is rare but what's even rarer is a light soul, which is one born pure good. You see most souls are a mix of good and bad. It's very rare for someone to be born pure evil or pure good,"
 "And I brought this thing back?!" Luka gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "I've made a huge mistake! I should have given up been Anatis and then-"
 "Simme would have returned regardless of your choice. Whoever defeated Feast and cast the miraculous cure would have brought him back," Feng replied, making Luka at him. "But regardless, this is what was meant to happen and your choice has been made. You are Anatis and Simme is free but that doesn't mean you are helpless against him. As my reincarnation, you can use a spell to trap him back in Jīngshén,"
 "Wait... I can?" Luka asked, making Feng nod. "How? I don't know magic... or at least not that type. Obviously, I know how to project my emotions... but casting spells... isn't that evil?"
 "No, a spell is neither good nor bad. It is the intention of the caster that makes it either," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "As for learning, I can teach you. Of course, you won't be able to cast that spell yet. It is a very powerful spell and you must first learn to channel magic, which is why we have the tests,"
 "Tests?" Luka asked, confused.
 "Yes, tests," Feng replied, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "These tests are required to prove you are worthy of magic as well as the title of Celestial guardian,"
 "Whoa, whoa... Celestial guardian?!" Luka gasped, making Feng chuckle. "I'm not celestial guardian material! I'm barely guardian material, Feng!"
 "Becoming a celestial guardian is your destiny, Luka," He explained, making Luka frown. "Think of it as you are my heir and I beg to differ. You have already ticked a number of the boxes to becoming a celestial guardian and passed one of the tests,"
 "I... have?" Luka asked, surprised.
 "Yes," Feng nodded. "You lead a team of heroes, you have the trust of a civilization, you restored hope, the kwamis you have met love and respect you and you are willing to fight for the right. As for the test, you passed the test of determination... my test... when you continued to fight, despite having a chance to walk away. Whether you see it or not, you're on the path of becoming the next celestial guardian,"
 "What do you mean your test?"
 "Each test comes from our different lives," Feng replied, making Luka frown a little. "Me and Khnurn came up with them after he showed determination in saving Egypt despite having a strong dislike towards most humans,"
 "...Why does he hate people?" Luka asked, making Feng sigh.
 "It is not really my place to save but let's just say for now that Khnurn has seen how cruel humans can be," Feng replied, causing Luka to frown. "He'll tell you in his own time but for now, let me explain more about the tests,"
 "Ok," Luka nodded. "Why is your test determination?"
 "It is what I represent," Feng replied, making Luka give him a confused look. "Hmm... how to explain this? Well, I guess you could say we're the closest thing to a spirit a human can be,"
 "Wait... that does mean we're not human?!" Luka gasped, concerned. Feng chuckled a little and shook his head.
 "No, we're still human... we're just part spirit too," He replied, making Luka frown. "Well, you know Kwamis are born from concepts and Renlings are born from values. Well, spirits are born from traits,"
 "Traits?" Luka echoed, making Feng nod. "I'm not sure I fully understand,"
 "Ok," Feng replied, making a thinking face. "Well, a good example is Simme and his opposite,"
 "His opposite?"
 "All things have an opposite, Luka. Where there is light, there is always shadow and where there is evil, there is also good. The world is of balance and Simme is no different," Feng replied, making Luka blink as he stopped talking and took a drag from a pipe. He rose an eyebrow as he was certain that Feng didn't have it a moment ago. However, he blew smoke out of his mouth and to Luka's surprise, it formed shapes that resembled men. He frowned as he watched them hurt and kill each other as a new form shaped. It resembled a snake with a grin. "Simme was born from the cruelty in the hearts of man and as a result, he can influence it,"
 Luka frowned as he watched the smoke snake whisper to the men, causing them to be cruel and evil but the smoke changed and showed a smoke person offering another food.
 "But where there is cruelty, there is also kindness," Feng replied as Luka watched. "Not all humans are evil or cruel. There are kind and it was from this kindness, Simme's opposite was born,"
 From the smoke people, a new shape formed but this one resembled a bird.
 "Finni, the spirit of kindness.... you met him during the mob boss situation. It was him who guided you to safety," He replied, making Luka blink. He did remember seeing a bird but he had no idea it was a spirit. "And it is him that we owe our long lives and immortality to. He is why we are part spirit,"
 The scene changed, showing a boy in a temple surrounded by others but what made them stand out was they didn't look solid. Instead, they appeared to transparent but the boy in the scene looked solid. Luka realized the boy was Feng.
 "I was born with the gift of foresight and I have always been able to see spirits..." He replied as the smoke changed. It now showed the boy but he was alone in the temple while others whispered to each other. Luka knew they were whispering about him. "Other humans believed I was mad. Even my parents. I never fitted in and the other children thought I was weird,"
 The scene changed to the boy, walking through a forest before he stumbled on the kwamis.
 "Then one day, I met Tikki and the other kwamis. I invited them to live with me, finding that I had more in common with them then other humans," Feng replied as the scene showed him laughing and playing with them. However, the scene changed to him trying to tell his mother something during a thunderstorm. "But then I had a vision of death and war,"
 The smoke changed to Feng talking to a girl in a village before it showed him running from her.
 "I tried to warn my family but they did not believe me so I ran away," He replied as the smoke showed him going deep into a forest and crying to himself. As he did, the grinning snake approached him. "That's where I met Simme. He tried to tempt me into using my gifts for evil but I refused him and found Finni,"
 The smoke showed an injured bird and Feng trying to heal him.
 "I tried to help and my kindness saved his life but he was still weak. I took him home with me and for a small amount of time, I was happy again but my vision haunted me and one day, it came to be," The smoke changed into a scene of carnage as a village been attacked by men on horses. Luka covered his mouth in shock as he watched Feng been cut down then attacked by Simme. Before he could kill him, Finni flew in and attacked Simme to protect his friend. He used his magic to banish him, sending the snake away and tried to heal the boy's wounds with his tears. When that wasn't enough, he possessed a nearby body and lifted Feng into his arms. The smoke changed and showed Finni's host taking a dying Feng back to their temple and to the other spirits who surrounded the dying boy. The other kwamis and Finni discussed something and then the scene showed them surrounding him and singing as Finni turned into a ball of light before it covered the area. When it disappeared, the smoke showed Feng sit up, alive. Finni had sacrificed himself to heal him.
 "That war drained Finni's power a lot and he used the last of it to merge his soul with mine and save my life," Feng explained, making Luka blink as the smoke showed Feng placing his hand where his heart was. "That was the moment I became the spirit of Determination. Up until the very end, I tried to warn my family of the attack and when Finni merged his soul with mine, it made me into a spirit... well, the closest thing to a spirit a human could be. That is why my test is the test of determination and each time I have been reborn, I became a new spirit with a new trait but the same soul. Each of my tests is based on those traits,"
 "What is my trait?" Luka asked, looking at Feng. "Did you know straight away?"
 "No... and I don't know what yours is either," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "But you will find out,"
 "Can I know what the other tests will be?" Luka asked, making Feng nod.
 "You will be tested on honesty, loyalty, courage and compassion," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "But I can not tell you when you'll be tested or how. Only that you will be and what their traits are,"
 "Four tests? That's it?" Luka asked, a little surprised. "What happens if I pass them? I mean I don't feel any different from passing yours..."
 "Oh, you are different since you passed mine. You're stronger and I know you felt it," Feng smiled, making Luka remember how he felt when he transformed after reclaiming his miraculous back. He had felt stronger. "As for rewards for passing, I can teach you how to farther your magic and how to channel mine. You also unlocked one of the locks,"
 "Locks?" Luka asked as Feng gestured towards the door of the hut, the one that never opens. "There's locks on it?"
 "Yes, five all together," Feng replied, making Luka blink. "One for each trait and once you have passed all of them, it will open the door, allowing you to join me and the others in Shangi-La both spiritual and physically,"
 "Ok... cool..." Luka muttered, not entirely sure how to feel. "I am here physically?"
 "No but this is still real," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "Anyway, do you understand spirits, our lives and the tests a bit better?"
 "A little... yeah..." Luka admitted. It kind of did make sense. He had to admit he was interested in learning how to channel magic. "So you can teach me to channel your magic? Does that mean I can have visions? And will that help with learning to cast spells? Also what spells can we do? Is it like Harry Potter? Do I need a wand?"
 "Luka, calm yourself," Feng stated, making him blink and grin in a sheepish manner. He did get a bit excited. "No, you don't need a wand. It isn't like Harry Potter. We can cast any spells but certain ones need certain things and power level so you'll be learning basic spells and yes, it will help with casting and you will be able to have visions but learning your own magic will help too and most things can be a spell. We just need to work out how you cast,"
 "Ok!" Luka grinned, making Feng smile. While part of him was kind of weary of it, a bigger part of him was excited. After all, he just got told he could do actual magic and it wasn't like Issac was in his life anymore. He didn't need to be afraid of been a witch plus Feng had explained that it was his intention that determined what the magic actually was so as long as his intention was good, his magic would be too and this was a chance to learn more about his empathy. "When can we begin?"
 "Now if you want," 
 ~A Few Days Later~
 "Urg, I can't believe we're back at school," Alix groaned as a number of students walked back to the school grounds. Summer holidays were over now, meaning it was back to the humdrum routine of studying and akuma attacks but the children were back, heading to the school. Felix had returned from London and was talking to Aurora and Mireille while they waited for Jean to turn up. Nino and Alya were similar in the sense they were waiting for Adrien and Marinette. Nathaniel was already at the school and in the art room, discussing the new ideas for the comic that he and Marc came up with during the holidays. Marc was also there. Alix would have joined them but she wanted to wait for Kim and Max. Mylene and Ivan were stood with the others, waiting for Juleka, Rose and Luka. "Why couldn't the summer holidays last longer?!"
 "We had two months off, Alix," Max stated as he walked up to her, making her groan before she grinned. "How was your holiday... other then... you know?" 
 "History Keepers," Alix replied, rolling her eyes. "It's been fairly good. Dad's still embarrassing and Jalil is still a history geek. When's Kim gonna be here?"
 "Oh, he is currently stuck in traffic," Max replied, pushing up his glasses. "Mr Pigeon has been trying to get rid of cars. I'm surprised Alya isn't on the scene,"
 "Eh," Alya shrugged, making Nino snigger. "It's Mr Pigeon's 60th time as an akuma and it will be over soon anyway. No one wants to watch that,"
 As if on que, the miracle cure rushed throughout the city, fixing any issues the akuma had caused. The students grinned as they saw it before beginning to chat about the recent akumas and how Anatis and Lady Noir saved them. A few of them had been akumatized before going back to school. Nino had been one of them. He had been re-akumatized into the Bubbler as he wanted Summer to never end so he tried to get rid of the adults again to allow the summer holiday to continued. Fortunately, Anatis and Lady Noir had dealt with him pretty quickly. A few minutes after the cure had been cast, Juleka and Rose walked over, followed by Luka. At the same time, Marinette had rushed out of the bakery, holding a croissant in her mouth. She had ran over and hadn't seen Luka, who had been jogging to catch up with Rose and Juleka. The two of them knocked into each other and fell on the ground with Marinette landing on Luka. She jumped up and helped him up as he laughed it off.
 "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have looked where I was going!" She gushed, making him chuckle.
 "It's ok, Marinette," He replied, smiling before he pulled a face as a limo pulled up. "I was rushing too so I should have been more careful as well,"
 "Did I miss something?" Adrien asked as he climbed out, followed by Kagami. He smiled at her as he held her hand, making her smile back as she linked their fingers together. Instantly, Marinette cooed at their action, making both Adrien and Kagami blush a little. Alix laughed and moved her arm around Marinette.
 "Just Marinette and Luka falling for each other," She grinned, making both of them blush a little bit too. However, the mood soured as they heard the screech of none other then Lila Rossi. They all looked over as she waved at them before she walked up to them, instantly making a number of them feel uncomfortable.
 "Hi everyone!" She grinned before turning to Luka. "Hi, Luka! I'm so glad you decided to take the restraining order off me! I hope we can be friends,"
 "I didn't take it off. It was granted on a temporary basis and I'll be in court tomorrow afternoon to get it reinstated," He replied in a calm but cold voice. "So no, we won't be friends. Just because it is currently inactive doesn't mean you can come near me so I suggest you back off, Rossi,"
 Lila gave him a look before huffing and walking over to Alya.
 "Can you believe his attitude?" She asked, rather loudly. It was obviously to make Luka hear. He took a small breathe and ignored her, turning back to Marinette. "I just want to fix where we went wrong and he won't even give me a chance,"
 "Lila, you didn't exactly treat him nicely," Alya muttered, making Luka roll his eyes. It was more then that. "I mean you kissed him without his permission,"
 "I misread the situation!" Lila gasped.
 "Still..." Alya stated as Nino started to berate her, saying it wasn't cool to kiss people even if she thought it was but Marinette took Luka's hand and led him inside the school, making him smile a little as they walked over to the benches. They took a seat as he let out a sigh.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him nod. "How come the restraining order ran out?"
 "The court granted it on a temporary basis," He sighed, making her frown. "If the problem still occurs, we can get a fresh one which we'll be doing tomorrow. I asked if we could get it renewed before but apparently it needs to run out first and they review the case before granting a fresh one which can take up to two weeks to grant depending how bad the case is. There is a chance they won't grant a second one against her,"
 "They should," Marinette stated, taking his hand in hers as he looked at her. She gently moved his hair, causing him to close his eyes. "Are you sleeping ok? You look tired,"
 "Hmm... my nightmares aren't as bad," He muttered before a yawn escaped him. "But I'm not getting a lot of restful sleep. Music's been on my mind,"
 "Oh, you writing some new songs?" She asked, making him smile before he shook his head. "Oh?"
 "I've been practicing for that violin contest," He admitted, making her grin.
 "You're entering it?!" She gasped, clearly excited. "Wait but weren't auditions for it a couple of days ago?"
 "Yeah... I'm just waiting to find out if I got through to the next stage," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't even told his ma or Juleka that he had entered yet. He didn't want to disappoint them if he didn't get through. There had been a lot of entries for it and a lot of talent. Luka wasn't sure if he could get through to the next stage so he decided to keep quiet about it until he knew for certain. "I don't know if I'll get through and I don't want to disappoint anyone if I didn't so I figured I'd tell Ma, Juleka and you if I got through but I guess you know now... sorry for not mentioning it,"
 "Hey, it's ok," She smiled, making him smile back. "I get why but you're gonna get through to the next stage and blow those judges away!"
 "Thanks, Melody," He smiled as the first bell rang. "We better go to classes,"
 The two of them got up and walked over to the locker room as the other kids headed inside. Luka completely ignored Lila, who shoot a glare at him when she thought no one was watching before he put his stuff in his locker and grabbed what he needed for his class. Once that was done, he locked his locker and headed over to Marinette's locker as she put her things in and grabbed what she needed. The two of them left the locker room with their friends and headed upstairs to their classes.
 "See you at Lunch?" She asked, causing him to nod before she gently kissed his cheek, making him blush. He smiled dreamily at her as she waved to him before heading into her classroom. He turned and walked over to Mrs Mendeleiev's class as Aurora hooked her arm with his and grinned.
 "So you and Mari are an item?!" She grinned, clearly excited. He blushed a little. "Oh you are, aren't you?!"
 "W-We're taking it slow," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like we're not exclusively dating... just enjoying each other's company,"
 "Oh my gosh! You're courting her!" Aurora grinned, making him blush as she giggled before she leaded against him as they joined the rest of their class. "I'm so proud! Our Lu is a true gentleman!!"
 "Have you told her that you love her yet?" Mireille asked as Aurora let go of his arm and took her seat next to him. Luka rubbed his neck again. "You haven't, have you?"
 "I mean we're taking it slow..." He mused, looking to the side. "And I know she likes me but I'm still unsure if it's just because I'm her friend or more... I'm probably just a friend to her..."
 "More... it's definitely more," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He was scribbling in his notebook but he looked up to address everyone. "She flutters to you like a bee to a flower... I would use a butterfly as an example but... akumas..."
 "It's not their fault," Luka pointed out, making everyone look at him. "Hawkmoth uses the butterflies, just like he uses people,"
 "Hmm... that is a good point," Marc smiled, writing something down. "Anyway, Marinette definitely likes you. She moves her hair, blushes and she also shows you her wrists and 'vulnerabilities'... which means she trusts you,"
 "Trust and liking someone isn't the same thing," Luka pointed out but he couldn't help the smile on his face. He liked that she trusts him. "Still... it's nice that she trusts me,"
 "She's also open with you, has a genuine look in her eye when she looks at you, she mirrors you a little bit and when you two talk, she leans towards you and acts like it is only the two of you in the world," Marc pointed out, making Luka blush. "All signs that at the very least, she has a crush on you,"
 "How do you know this?" Luka asked, making Marc blush a little as he begin to fidget. "Not that it's a bad thing... I'm just curious,"
 "I wanted to show that Lady Noir has feelings for Anatis in the comic so I researched body language for it plus it helps Nathaniel with expressions when he's drawing," Marc replied, playing with his hands. "I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just think you should know that Marinette likes you a lot and definitely as more as a friend,"
 "No, it's cool," Luka smiled before looking down. "I just guess... I like that she might like me but I'm just Luka so I guess I don't really see why..."
 "Stop second guessing yourself, Couffaine," Felix stated, making everyone look at him. He was so quiet they had actually forgotten he was there. "Dupain-Cheng likes you. You like her so just date already,"
 "Felix! Be nice!" Aurora gasped, causing him to give her a cheeky grin before she turned to Luka. "But he's right. Oh, you should ask her out on an actual date and make sure she knows it's a date date!"
 "I don't know, Aurora..."
 ~Meanwhile in Miss Bustier's Class~
 "You look happy," Alya grinned, making Marinette jump a little as she had been day-dreaming about watching Luka playing violin. Alya grinned, making Marinette look at her. "So you finally asked Luka out on a real date?"
 "W-What?! No!" She blushed, covering her face with her hand. She wanted to but they were taking it slow. However, when she thought about it, she did want to been more then just what they were at the moment. She liked the idea of been his girlfriend. She liked the idea a lot. She really enjoyed going on their little dates and she had thought about kissing him a few times but hadn't done so because she wasn't sure if he wanted to. It seemed like he did but she didn't want to assume. She loved and respected him too much to do that. She looked up from her hands as Alya grinned at her. "I... I want to... but I'm not sure if he likes me like that. Like I know he likes me but I'm not sure if he likes me enough to want me to be his girlfriend,"
 "But you want to be his girlfriend?" Alya asked as Rose gushed, leaning against Juleka who gave Marinette a small but happy smile. Everyone knew she shipped what they had dubbed 'Lukanette'. Marinette slowly nodded. "Girl, you need to ask him out,"
 "I bet he would say yes!" Rose gushed, making Marinette blush even more.
 "Luka definitely likes you," Mylene agreed as Alix rolled her eyes.
 "I don't get the whole dating thing but you like him and he likes you then you should go for it," She added in, making Marinette smile. Even Chloe encouraged her in her own way. However, Lila kept to herself, digging her nails into her hands as she listened. She wanted to destroy Marinette and take everything from her but taking Luka from her will be really hard since he knows what she is like. Somehow, that freak had seen through her facade extremely quickly. Even Marinette hadn't seen through it straight away. It was only after Lila slipped up that Marinette had realized that she was lying and tried to expose her. As annoying as it was, Lila was partially glad because she couldn't stand the baker girl but she had to pretend to. Sure, she still had to pretend but before she couldn't do anything about it. Now, she could mess with her and that's exactly what she did. In fact, that's what she'll do. She might not be able to turn Luka onto her side but she could at the very least make Marinette asking him out impossible. Hell, Marinette or Luka might even get akumatized out of it. She could then claim that they hated her and it would be especially funny if Luka got akumatized. If it succeed, he would have to fight his friend for Hawkmoth and if it didn't... well, he'd be sick for a few days and out of her hair. She held back a smirk to herself as she pretended to listen to Miss Bustier. The day moved on and soon enough, it was lunch time. Marinette was getting her food and Lila was watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing Marinette walking towards the lunch table, she tried to trip her up but much to her annoyance that failed so she moved onto the next plan. She tried to get Marinette to call her out by saying something clearly false. Instead, Alya told her she didn't need to lie again and Marinette ignored her. She didn't even notice Nino rolling his eyes. After a few more attempts, she saw Luka walking in with his friends and annoyingly enough, his expression lit up when he saw Marinette. It was so obvious he had feelings for her that it sickened her. However, she also noticed a number of students looking at him. A few girls were looking at him with a dreamy expression but a couple of guys were glaring at him. Lila smirked as she saw one of the boys who she knew had a crush on Marinette, not that she understood why. She didn't know his name either and it didn't matter but luckily enough, he looked like Adrien and most of the school knew Marinette had a crush on a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. She could use that to ruin Marinette's chances with Luka by getting this boy involved. She excused herself from the table, not that Nino or Alya noticed and walked over to the boy. He looked up at her with mild surprise.
 "Hi, I have a message from Marinette for you," She smiled, making him frown.
 "Um... what is it?" He asked, a little confused.
 "She asked me to tell you that she has a crush on you but is just too shy to ask you out," She stated, making him blink.
 "Uh... isn't she with Couffaine?" He asked, making Lila mentally smirk. She knew they weren't together.
 "Oh, no they're not actually dating," She stated, making him raise an eyebrow. "She sees him as a brother and really likes you,"
 "Right... but aren't you that liar?" He asked, making her frown. "Doesn't Marinette hate you?"
 "Look, I have an illness that makes me lie sometimes but I'm currently in therapy for it and it's helping so much," She replied, making him nod. "Besides, I don't lie about crushes and I want to make up for my behavior towards Marinette so I figured getting her with the guy she likes. Anyway, you should totally ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes,"
 "Well... I do like her..." He admitted, making Lila smirk. Though she morphed it into a friendly grin. He got up and walked over to Marinette, who was chatting to Luka. Lila returned back to her seat, just as Alya looked up and the guy talked to Marinette. He frowned as she gently let him down and asked her why she got her friend to tell him otherwise. Marinette looked at him confused as he pointed out Lila. She frowned and apologized to him before she walked over.
 "Why did you tell that boy I like him?" She asked, crossing her arms. Lila gave her an innocent look.
 "Oh, I thought you did," She gasped, making Marinette grit her teeth. "I'm so sorry. I thought that's who you were talking about in class today when you were saying about having a crush on a boy called Luke was it? Or was it Luka?"
 Marinette's face went red as Lila gasped.
 "Oh, no! I must have got the names mixed up," She gasped in fake regret. "I hope I didn't embarrass you! I was just trying to help you out... I mean you suffered so badly with your crush on Adrien that I didn't want you to suffer in the same way with your new crush but I should have known it was Luka you were crushing on. I just hope you're not stalking him like you-"
 To everyone's surprise, Marinette slapped Lila across the face before storming out of the room. Lila held back a smirk but instantly started to cry. However, no one jumped to her defense. Instead, Luka rushed outside to check on Marinette and Alya leaned over to her as the rest of the room glared at her.
 "Lila, girl, I know you were trying to help but you shouldn't have done that," She gasped, making Lila frown. "Everyone knows that Marinette has a thing for Luka and moved on from her crush on Adrien. You didn't need to lie to get her to ask Luka out. We don't do those sort of plans anymore,"
 "O-oh, I thought it would be ok since you and the other girls have come up with plans like that before," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her face. "I didn't mean to embarrass her. I guess I deserved that slap..."
 "Damn right!" Alix growled as the class glared daggers at her.
 "I get it, Lila but Marinette was getting there," Alya replied, causing her to grip her fist. "It's not nice to reveal a crush like that and that poor guy... I get you were trying to encourage her but you shouldn't have told that other guy she liked him? What if he hadn't take no for answer?"
 "Oh, no! I didn't think of that,"
 "Yeah right," Nino muttered, making both Alya and Lila look at him in surprise. "It's clear you did all of that on purpose,"
 "W-what? No!" Lila gasped as Alya looked shocked. "Why would I?"
 "Because you hate Marinette and probably want Luka yourself," He pointed out, making her blink. She would have to be careful with Nino. "I mean all you do is lie. You lied to me about having a crush on Adrien, you framed Marinette and you lied about been friends with heroes,"
 "Babe, that's enough," Alya gasped, making him look at her. "I get she lied but she's trying to be better and she did it to help Marinette, right Lila?"
 "Of course," She lied, making Nino glare at her before he suddenly got up and walked off. Alya sighed and went to follow but Adrien stopped her.
 "I'll go talk to him," He stated before walking away. Alya nodded and sat down as Lila mentally frowned. Her plan didn't go the way she wanted but at least, she embarrassed Marinette enough to make it awkward with Luka.
 ~The Art Room~
 "Hey!" Adrien called out as Nino stormed in, slamming the door. He ran up to him and gently grabbed his arm. "Nino, calm down,"
 "How can I?" He asked before sitting down and taking off his cap as he ran his hand over his head. "I had to say something, dude. I wasn't there for Marinette when Lila caused her to become Princess Justice. I actually believed her until Anatis exposed her and then this whole thing Alya still believing in her. It nearly drove us apart and I keep telling her that Lila isn't a nice person and is lying to hurt people but Alya still wants to see the best in her and I love that because it's sweet but it's wasted on someone like Lila. She doesn't want to be nice! She didn't do that to make amends with Marinette. She did that to hurt her and Alya can't or doesn't want to see that. I love her but she is acting dumb around Lila!"
 "Whoa, it's ok, Nino," Adrien gasped, kneeling down as Nino tried to calm down. "I get it. You just want to look out for your friend and your girl. And someone like Lila is nasty but Alya has to realize that herself. You just need to be there for her when she does,"
 "... you're right, dude," Nino replied, nodding. "I'm sorry... I just... I just don't want Lila to destroy her faith in people but I also know she needs to realize Lila isn't the person she thinks she is,"
 "I know," Adrien stated, sitting next to him. "I wish I had realized sooner myself but if you want, I can try and talk to Alya bout Lila,"
 "That be cool," Nino sighed. "I wish I had known before Anatis exposed her. I can't believe it took that for me to see the truth,"
 "I know the feeling," Adrien sighed, looking down. "I never realized how damaging her lies could be before Anatis called her out... I really thought she was like a tabloid and that she was just doing it for attention but after he pointed out that she was hurting myself as well as others, I realized how damaging lies can be,"
 "Yeah," Nino replied before he suddenly looked up. "Wait... Anatis called her out in front of you?"
 "Y-Yeah, like a few hours before he exposed her online," Adrien replied. He was sure he had told Nino about that. "She had tried to claim she was a descendant of a superheroine and that Marinette had threatened her into blaming Chloe,"
 "Y-You knew before the rest of us?" Nino asked, making Adrien frown. "Did you know before Anatis called her out? She use to claim that she knew Aspik and Ryuko and you always seemed to ignore that..."
 "Well, I thought at first she was telling the truth but then she said something that I knew was a lie..." Adrien admitted, making Nino start at him. "I asked Nathalie about it and she just said to ignore her like a tabloid and that she would expose herself..."
 "You knew and you didn't think to warn us? Me?!" Nino gasped, surprising Adrien. "Did you not think that we wouldn't realize?!"
 "I honestly thought she would expose herself and I didn't think she would go so far," Adrien gasped as Nino looked at him with hurt, making him realize how wrong he had been. He should have exposed her straight away and he would if he could go back in time. "I'm sorry, Nino. I wish I had told you and the rest of the class. I could have saved everyone so much pain but I really thought she would expose herself and disappear like a tabloid paper,"
 "Well, she didn't!" Nino gasped, pinching his nose. "God, Adrien! This isn't a fairytale! Things don't just randomly fix themselves! You should have told us! I... I don't know how I can trust you anymore..."
 "Nino!" Adrien gasped, surprised but Nino walked out of the art room, causing Adrien to follow. "Nino, wait!"
 Nino ignored him and kept walking, failing to notice the akuma and amok heading towards him but Adrien did. He gasped and suddenly pushed him out of the way, causing Nino to turn around in anger.
 "What the- Adrien?" Nino gasped, feeling his anger melting away as he noticed Adrien gripping his head and stepping backwards towards the wall. A purple butterfly mask appeared around his eyes as he tried to fight off Hawkmoth's control. Nino gasped and reached out his hand as he realized that Adrien had taken an akuma meant for him. He gripped his shoulders as Adrien tried to fight off Hawkmoth's influence. "Adrien, dude! Fight him!"
 "I'm not going to listen to you!" He gasped before groaning. "I won't be one of your puppets, Hawkmoth!"
 "That's right, dude!" Nino gasped, trying to encourage him. "Think only positive thoughts! You've got this, Bro!"
 "I won't do evil for you!" Adrien gasped but his eyes widen as Hawkmoth spoke to him. Nino slowly let go as he remembered what it was like giving into him. Hawkmoth had a way with words that made it seem like the greatest idea of all time. No one could resist for long, even Adrien and both of them knew it as Adrien's arms fell limp to his side. A single tear slid down his cheek as he gave one last look of desperation towards his friend. "N-Nino... run..."
 "Adrien!" Nino gasped as the purple smog engulfed him and a small blue smog appeared next to him before it disappeared, revealing his akuma form. He actually didn't look much different or scary at all. His outfit had changed into a green tunic with leaves on his sleeves and he had matching green pants. Material shoes were on his feet and he had a dagger attached to his hip, along with a pan-flute. His hair was still blonde but it was messier in style and he had a green mask across his eyes. The only thing that he could see right now that was unusual was his ears that were now pointed. In fact, Adrien actually reminded Nino of Peter Pan. Nino stepped forward, unsure what to do but maybe he could find the akumatized item before Adrien did anything. He went to reach for him but Adrien snapped open his eyes, revealing that his scleras were now green and his irises  "A-Adrien?"
 "Not anymore," He replied, smiling as Nino stepped back in fear. Adrien took out a small bag and reached in it before taking his hand out and blowing the dust in Nino's face. His eyes rolled up into his head as he fell down onto the ground. A golden glow surrounded him as Adrien grinned. "Don't worry, Nino! You'll be seeing me soon... but first, I have a game to play! Come on, Fee!"
 He flew up into the air and laughed happily before he flew off with his sentimonster following him. 
 ~In the Courtyard~
 "Marinette!" Luka gasped as he rushed out of the canteen after her. He frowned as he looked around but he couldn't see so he took a small breathe and closed his eyes, listening for the familiar song. He picked up on it and luckily it was close by so he followed it, coming to one of the staircases. He stopped and looked underneath. Hugging her knees while sitting underneath it was Marinette. He crawled next to her and sat down, making her look up from her knees. Her eyes were bloodshot and her tears were tear-stained. Luka gave her a soft look before he opened his arms. Instantly, she crawled into them and wrapped her arms around his torso as he hugged her. "Are you ok?"
 "E-Embarrassed," She mumbled, looking up at him. "N-Not of my feelings for you but just how it came out... I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?"
 "No, you don't," He replied, moving part of her hair out of her face. "If you did, I would have told you already but I like been with you. Lila was just been a bitch because she is a black hearted coward,"
 "But... now you know I like you.." She mumbled, looking down as she pulled away. 
 "Well, I hope so... we have been going on dates with each other..."
 "Yeah but only like small dates. They're practically friend dates," She mumbled, pressing her fingers together as she still felt embarrassed. She really liked Luka but she hoped he liked her but they were probably just really close friends... even though she wanted to be more. She would love to be his girlfriend but there's no way he would like her that much, especially after Lila's stun. "Lila meant that I like you... like really like you... and I'm sure you don't like me. I mean I'm sure you like me enough to go on a few small time dates but I don't think you like me as more then that. We're just friends... right?" 
 "Marinette... I-"
 "Marinette! Luka!" Adrien's voice stated, causing Marinette to gasp and bring her hands to her face. Luka looked behind him as Adrien walked over. Before he could reach, Adrien suddenly blew a golden dust in his face, causing Luka to fall to the ground as he heard Marinette shout before he heard a thumb as well. He tried to look over and saw Marinette laying on the ground as Adrien grinned to him before he looked over at Luka. "Don't resist it, Luka! This is your happy ending!"
 Luka felt himself getting heavily before he fell into darkness...
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Dusuu, fall my feathers," Mayura declared, turning back into Nathalie. As soon as she did, she felt dizzy and began to cough. Hawkmoth went to see if she was ok but to his surprise, she pushed him away. He gave her a puzzling look as he turned back into Gabriel. "I'm fine, sir... but why didn't you recall the akuma? Adrien-"
 "It would have been too suspicious," He replied, making her frown. "That friend of his is the boyfriend of the lady blogger. If he tells her then she'll publish it and it will end up in Anatis' hand which could lead him to find out that I am Hawkmoth. I have managed to keep his investigations at bay but that would only fuel his belief that he is correct,"
 "I see, Sir," Nathalie replied as they made their way back to the lift. It took them a few minutes but once they were back in his office, she took a glass of water and sat down. Gabriel frowned to himself as he began to work on designs while keeping an eye on the news. As soon as Anatis and Lady Noir were on the scene, he would transform back into Hawkmoth but right now, Heureux Fin was wreaking havoc across Paris so he might as well do some designs while observing the situation. It also gave Nathalie time to rest. He glanced over to the news as Heureux Fin burst into the news reporter. He transformed Alec into one of the ugly step-sisters and turned Nadja into a version of the boy who cried Wolf before he addressed the camera.
 "People of Paris! I am Heureux Fin, bringer of happiness! I invite all of your to the grandest ball in the whole of Paris, brought you to by me and to be hosted at Agreste Manor!!" He declared, making both Nathalie and Gabriel to stare at the screen before he grinned and flew out. 
 "Wait what?!" Nathalie gasped before the doors suddenly burst opened and Heureux Fin flew in landing on the table.
 "Father!" He declared, grinning as Gabriel stared at him. "We're having a grand ball and I've invited everyone in Paris!"
 "Absolutely not," Gabriel declared but he regretted it. As soon as the words left his mouth, Heureux Fin's expression turned dark and his sentimonster, Fairytale, transformed into his shadow before it wrapped around Gabriel, trapping him in place. Nathalie jumped up in shock as Heureux Fin walked across the table towards his father. "Adrien, stop- hmm!"
 The shadow covered his mouth.
 "I'm not Adrien anymore! I'm Heureux Fin!" He declared, taking out his bag of dust. "We're having a grand ball and all of Paris is going to come whenever you like it or not!"
 "Hmm!" He declared as Heureux Fin took a handful of dust and blew it in his face, causing his shadow to let go him as he fell to the floor and began to glow gold as well. Nathalie rushed over to the door but the shadow got there beforehand, causing her to back up from it. She felt a tap on her shoulder before she turned around. Heureux Fin was hovering right next to her.
 "Adr-" She started but he grinned and blew the dust in her face, causing her to collapse to the floor as well. Heureux Fin turned to his shadow and grinned. "Go and bring our Princess Charming. She can help us set up the ball with her skill!! Oh and why you're at it, spread this all over Paris,"
 The shadow grinned and nodded, turning back into it's fairy form before it took the pouch that Heureux Fin handed to it. He had already transformed those who he needed to. Now he just had to set up the ball. He was even willing to let the cat and the beetle come to the ball. Though he will take their miraculous from them before the clock strikes Midnight.
 ~Back to the School Yard~
 "Luka!" A voice echoed as he slowly came around. He slowly blinked and opened his eyes, causing him to notice that he was laid on the ground. He slowly sat up and looked around as he recognized his surroundings as the school yard. Tikki flew in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. "You're ok,"
 "What happened?" He asked as he looked around. He remembered been in the courtyard with Marinette. He was making sure she was ok after Lila pulled one of her tricks and was about to fully confess to her but then they got interrupted by Adrien, only he didn't look like himself. In fact, he looked like he had been akumatized. Luka's eyes widen as he looked around and saw Marinette was gone. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was taken by something that looked like a shadow," Tikki stated, making Luka look at her. "I think your friend was akumatized.."
 "We have to transform," He declared, standing up. "Tikki, sp-"
 "Luka!" Juleka's voice echoed, making him stop and turn to Tikki. He went to open his hoodie, only to find that his clothes had changed. His new outfit resembled the waiter outfit Marinette had made him but it was more ragged and wore out. He blinked before pointing to his hair which was messier then usual. Tikki got the idea and hid in his hair as Juleka rushed over to him. Like himself, she was wearing a different outfit too. She was wearing a white dress with a blood red overcoat, matching red shoes and a ruby and gold circlet. Her hair was her natural color, which like himself was raven brown, almost black and her lips were blood red. As soon as he saw her, he realized she was suppose to be Snow White. Following her was Rose, who was wearing a pink dress in a style similar to Juleka's. "Are you ok?!"
 "I'm alright," Luka admitted. "Just confused about the new outfit,"
 "Oh, Luka must be Cinderella!" Rose gasped before yawning. Of course, she would be sleeping beauty. "Sorry!"
 "What's that?" Juleka asked, making him frown and look down. She was pointing to a golden envelope on the floor, causing Luka to pick it up and opened it. "Well?"
 "It's an invite to a ball at Agreste Castle," He stated, making him frown before he read it out. "Citizens of Paris, I, Heureux Fin, am throwing the finest ball in all of Paris! Everyone from all walks off lives are invited so they find their happy ending and forever after! Even the beetle and his cat are invited as long as they promise not to cause a fuss and hand over their miraculous! The ball starts at 7pm tonight at Agreste Manor..."
 "That's in half an hour!" Rose gasped, making him blink as she yawned. "Sorry! I'm just really tired,"
 "No worries, Rose," He replied before continuing to read. "The Dresscode is Fairytale theme. Though that shouldn't be a problem for anyone in Paris..."
 Luka's eyes widen, along with Juleka's and before anyone could say anything else, the two of them had ran out of the school. They came to a stop as they looked around. There were a number of giant beanstalks, thorn bushes and trees, making them realize that Heureux Fin had transformed the city into something out of a fairytale. The Grand Paris hotel was now a huge castle, there was a number of smaller castles and huts around. To Luka's surprise, the bakery had been transformed into a tower. Luka rushed over and made his way inside, finding Tom and Sabine had been transformed into a king and queen. He wasn't sure what fairytale they were from but he was more concerned about Marinette. They looked up at him and rose an eyebrow at his outfit.
 "I see you got hit as well," Sabine sighed, making him nod. "Are you ok? You look pale, dear,"
 "Is Marinette here?" He asked, making the two shake their heads as they looked at him with worry. "She was with me at school but the akuma ambushed us and when I woke up, I was dressed like this and Marinette was gone,"
 "We can help you look for her," Sabine stated, lifting her dress a little and following him outside with Tom. Luka nodded and led them to where Juleka was. He frowned as he noticed she was staring. He followed her look, causing him to stare at the floating ship. For a second, he thought it was Guard-O-War again until he realized it resembled the Liberty. A rope was thrown down and Anarka swung down, making them look at her. She was wearing a red captain's coat, black pants and boots but the most interesting thing was her right hand was replaced with a hook. She grinned at them. 
 "Ahoy, Me Hearties!" She grinned as a crocodile jumped down and landed next to her. Weirdly enough, they could hear ticking coming from it. "I see that scallywag hit ye all with his cursed magic,"
 "I'm afraid so," Sabine answered as a puff of glitter appeared next to Anarka before it reformed into Penny. She was wearing a silvery suit, had fairy wings and was holding a wand. "Oh, Miss Penny, you look lovely,"
 "Thank you," Penny smiled before turning to the kids. "Everyone ok?"
 "Well, no one's hurt but we've all been turned into something out of a fairytale," Juleka muttered, gesturing towards the school where a giant version of Ivan stood. Luka rose an eyebrow as he smiled and waved at him. He waved back before turning to the others. "At least, Anatis will be able to fix this,"
 "Have you seen Marinette, Penny?" He asked, making her frown as she made a thoughtful face.
 "No but I have an idea where she might end up," She stated, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "At the ball. Everyone in Paris is invited and Marinette is friends with Adrien,"
 "She's also the class representative," Rose gasped before yawning again.
 "And she's the best at making parties and organizing things," Juleka pointed out, making Luka frown before his eyes widen.
 "You don't think Adrien has taken her to help set up the ball, do you?" He asked, making everyone look at him.
 "It makes sense," Penny stated, making him frown. "We should attend the party then,"
 "Aye!" Anarka grinned as Penny cast a critical eye towards Luka, making him blink. 
 "Something wrong?" He asked, making her look in his eyes.
 "Marinette would never forgive me if I let you go to a ball dressed in rags," She pointed, making him blink. "And since I've been turned into what is clearly the fairy godmother... it makes sense that I have the ability to do this,"
 She waved her wand at Luka, causing a silver mist to move around him, causing him to shield his face as it changed his outfit. Once it disappeared, he lowered them and looked at his new outfit. He was now wearing a light blue vest with dark blue detail and silver buttons with matching light blue pants. There was a blue ruffle tie around his neck and he had a light blue gloves on his hands that only covered part of his hands and middle fingers. His boots were a dark crystal blue and sparkled like they were made from glass. Over his shirt, he had a silver tailcoat with a small amount of frills on it. It felt like it was made from the finest silk there was and his hair had been tidied up but remained in his normal style.
"Ok, now you can definitely go to the ball," Penny grinned, clearly enjoying herself. Luka would have to find a way to sneak away from them at some point during the ball so he could transform into Anatis but at least this way he could get in there without been spotted. Now just to get there. Maybe he could get close enough to Adrien to find out where the akumatized item is.
 ~Agreste Castle~
 "Are you coming to the ball as well?" Luka asked as the ship came to a stop outside the castle. Penny looked over and shook her head as Anarka walked over and handed her a bottle of rum. "I'll take that as a no,"
 "Well, I am a pirate, Lad," Anarka grinned. "We'll just wait here until Anatis fixes everything. Now go have fun at the ball!"
 "Right," He smiled before Penny lowered a plank for them to walk. Juleka and Rose went first before Luka followed. He felt nervous as he walked through the gates with a number of other people that looked like something out of a fairytale. Once he had located Marinette and made sure she was fine, he would find a way to transform. While his mother was flying them to the castle, he took a moment to check on Tikki. Luckily, she hadn't been affected by the change of clothes but gushed over his outfit. She was now resting inside his jacket, waiting for him to find the perfect moment to transform. He hadn't seen anything on Lady Noir yet so he guessed she was in a similar situation to himself. He took a deep breathe and followed Juleka and Rose in. The ball room was the grandest room he had ever seen. It was clearly based on an enchanted forest and hundreds of people there including a number of his classmates. Luka rested his hands on the edge of the banister and kept himself hidden a little as he looked around and observed the room in his luck vision, noticing the amount of exits in the place before he turned his attention to the guests. Rose and Juleka had joined the others and started to dance but Luka was observing everyone. In the back of the room was two golden thrones. A woman dressed as a queen but with a pig's nose was sat one. Judging by the color of her hair, it was Gabriel's assistant Nathalie. He noticed a frog king sat next to her that looked a little bit moody and he suspected it had seen better days. Judging by the smirk on Nathalie's face when she looked at the frog, it was Gabriel. There were other fairytale themed characters to. A lot of the guests were transformed into one might reference to as stock characters such as royalty and witches but it seemed that Adrien's friends were themed around main characters from fairytales. There was a wooden puppet next to his maker, making Luka realize it was Max and Marvok as. Alya and Nino had been transformed into Beauty and the Beast only Alya was the beast. Kim resembled a mermaid and seemed to be holding something in his hand while he sat in a bathtub. That made Luka assume he was the Little Mermaid. Near him was Alix who was talking to Aurora. Both appeared to be characters from Alice in Wonderland. Alix was clearly the white rabbit and Aurora herself was Alice. They were also talking to Nathaniel, who was Red Riding Hood, Marc who looked like a warrior, Mireille... she was the blue fairy and Jean who was dressed as Aladdin. It took Luka a second but he realized Marc was Atreyu from the Neverending Story. He took a deep breathe as he looked over the remainder of the guests, hoping to find Marinette. The Bourgeois family were there. Audrey was the Queen of Hearts and Andre was the cowardly lion but Chloe was dressed in a beautiful dress that resembled a Swan. Clara Nightingale was nearby. She was dressed as Clara from the nutcracker by the looks of her dress and she was talking with Felix who resembled a pixie. In the far corner of the room was an old witch, which he realized was Lila. Luka wasn't surprised that she had been turned into that. He moved his eyes from her and scanned the rest of the room until his eyes landed on Marinette. She was dressed in a pink tail coat with a golden waist coat and matching pants. Her boots were dark brown and her hair was tied into a loose ponytail. She had a ruffle tie around her neck and a pink rose pinned into her hair. It was simple outfit but she looked very beautiful. However, she seemed to be look around. Her eyes moved over to where he was and a look of relief came onto her face as she saw him. A blush crept over his cheek as that look turned from relief to awe. She must have spotted his outfit. Alya was next to her and said something to her but she shook her head as Luka took a deep breathe and walked over to the staircase. He descended down them as Marinette pushed through the crowd, causing people to look at her as she moved over. 
 "Hi..." She smiled shyly as she met him at the bottom of the stairs. "You look amazing,"
 "T-thanks..." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as well. "You look beautiful,"
 "Really?" She asked, making him nod before she moved closer as if to inspect him. "I'm glad you're ok. I was really worried when I woke up and you weren't around. I thought Adrien had hurt you. He assured me that he didn't and that he needed my help to set up this. I was gonna post on the akuma alert app but Adrien seems harmless and the heroes haven't turned up yet,"
 "I know," Luka replied, nodding. "I think they might be stuck in their civilian forms and haven't had the chance to escape yet,"
 "That makes sense," Marinette replied, nodding before shrugging. "Oh, well,"
 Luka nodded in reply and looked around as the music changed. It was the same song they danced to at Chloe's party and in the moonlight. He had a feeling Adrien was behind the song choice. Marinette smiled as she looked around too before Luka cleared his throat nervously.He knew he should make some excuse to get away so he can transform but it would just seem odd to just sneak off. Besides, Adrien seemed harmless as an akuma and he could fix everything later. He should be able to enjoy himself, especially since he was with Marinette. 
 "W-Would you like to dance? It's our song... You know... never mind it's stu-"
 "Yes," She stated, making him look at her. "I would love to dance with you,"
 Luka broke into a smile as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. The two of them moved together, ignoring everyone else as they just danced and zoned out into their own little world. Luka couldn't help but smile when Marinette leaned against him as they swayed. The more they danced, the more a fog seem to cloud their mind, making them forget as they continued to enjoy each other's company. Around them, the same thing seemed to be happening to everyone else. Nino, who wanted to talk to Adrien and apologize to him, decided he could just do it later. After all, he was having a good time and it was thanks to Adrien. The other guests were the same. Aurdey didn't care what people thought about her, Chloe was complimenting Sabrina and others and Marc wasn't hiding behind his hair. He was laughing and happy. Lila was talking happily to people as if she wasn't a malicious witch. Her lies and fake personality forgotten by both herself and everyone else. Even Gabriel had forgotten that he was Hawkmoth and that he was after the miraculous to bring back his wife. Instead, he was sat in Nathalie's hand as they danced, all of their worries forgotten. Luka smiled as he swayed with Marinette. His own worries lifting away and been forgotten as they danced. 
 "I love you..." He whispered, making her suddenly look up at him with surprise in her eyes. A blush crept over his face as she searched his features. A smile broke through as she looked at him as well.
 "I love you too," She stated, making him stare at her before he grinned like a love struck fool. She smiled back and gently leaned on her head against his shoulder again as they swayed. Luka smiled and pulled her a little closer to him as he rested his chin on top of her head before closing his eyes as they swayed on the spot with their friends grinning and whispering as they finally confessed their feelings for each other. However, their peace was short-lived as Heureux Fin flew in and landed on the stairs case, crowing as he did. 
 "Hello, Paris!!" He shouted, grinning before a fairy like creature flew over, trailing dust over everyone. "Let's get this party started!!"
 He laughed and flew up into the air as everyone cheered before the party kicked into a swing. Everyone laughed and danced without a single care as the castle shifted into a real forest. A huge roaring fire was created in the middle, causing everyone to dance wildly around it including Heureux Fin. It was like something out of a fairytale with wild fae and characters dancing around. Sure, it would be a mess in the morning but Luka couldn't bring himself to care. Just like everyone else, he knew Lady Noir and Anatis would fix it, even if the heroes hadn't turned up yet but that didn't matter. Now was the time to have fun. The music changed into a fast paced song, causing everyone to clap and dance faster as the evening went on. Song after song, played and Viper laughed as he spun around arm in arm with Ladybug but he suddenly stopped when he saw someone standing in the crowd, watching. He let go out of Marinette's arm as he stared towards the figure but Carapace knocked into him, making him look over.
 "Everyone ok, dude?" He asked as Viper blinked.
 "Oh, I thought I saw someone over there," He replied, looking over again but the person was gone. "Huh... guess they went away,"
 "Ah don't worry too much!" Carapace laughed, joining the party again as he howled and danced around the fire with Rena and the others. Frowning to himself, Viper glanced over to where the person had been. He felt like he knew that person and something had changed but he couldn't place his mind on it. He shrugged and turned around to dance again but something inside his mind niggled at him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong but he didn't know what it was. It just felt like he had forgotten something. He groaned a little as he felt his head ache and very slowly, the fog began to lift. It still wasn't clear what he had forgotten but it was definitely something. He moved to the side and sat down as he held his head. Ladybug moved over and leaned down in front of him. He looked up at her and frowned. Was she always dressed similar to Rena? For some reason, he was sure she was dressed as a princess before.
 "Hey, you ok?" She asked, making him look over. "You look pale,"
 "My head hurts," He replied, frowning. She frowned back and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "I feel like I've forgotten something important,"
 "Really?" She asked. "What do you think it is?"
 "I don't know," He replied, looking down. He frowned as he noticed his outfit had changed as well. Like Rena, Carapace and Ladybug, he was dressed in what he could only described as ragged clothing. He was in a teal green tunic with dark teal breeches and material shoes but he was certain he hadn't been wearing it before hand. He was sure he had been wearing something similar to Cinderella. That's what his fairy godmother put him in. Wait... not his fairy godmother but Penny! His eyes widen as he remembered her and his family. She had been transformed into the fairy godmother and his mother had been transformed into Captain Hook by an akuma. His eyes widen even more as he remembered Juleka and Rose. They were Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively and Marinette... Marinette had been Princess Charming. He glanced over and saw Rose and Juleka dancing by the fire. They were dancing as if there was no care in the world. He turned to look to Marinette, who was looked at him with worry and fear. He stood up as she watched him. "There's an akuma.. we have to get out of here,"
 "What's an akuma?" She asked, confused before gasping. "It is to do with that nasty pirate-"
 "Marinette, listen to me," He gasped, cupping her face. "Do you remember who your parents are?"
 "I don't have any, silly and my name is Ladybug," She giggled, making him frown. "We're the lost kids, remember? Part of Fin's crew. We never grow up and we get to play all the time. You know that, Viper,"
 "Viper?" He asked, frowning.
 "It's your name," She giggled, tapping the side of his head. "You came here with Tigress and Pigella,"
 "Tigress and Pigella?" He asked, causing her to point to Juleka and Rose. He frowned and shook his head before gently grabbing her shoulders. "Listen to me. None of this is real. It's the effect of the akuma,"
 "Viper, you're scar-"
 "My name isn't Viper, it's Luka," He gasped, making her frown. "And your name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Your parents are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. You're 15 years old and a fashion designer..."
 "This game isn't funny, Viper,"
 "It's not a game," He gasped before he took a deep breathe. Something told him he needed to wake her up as well. "Remember what I said to you just before Kitty Section played live. You are an extraordinary girl, Marinette. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You have been the song I hear in my head since we first met..."
 Recognition flowed into Marinette's eyes as the fog began to lift for her. She gasped and looked around, panicked.
 "Luka?" She gasped, making him let out a sigh of relief. "What happened? My mind feels foggy and confused,"
 "There's an akuma but I can't remember everything. I just know we need to get out now," He gasped, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the fire. Everyone else was having too much fun to notice. The farther they got away from the fire and the others, the clearer their minds got until they fully remembered everything including that they are heroes and that they needed a chance to escape and transform. Luka turned to Marinette, making her look at him. "I'm going to see if I can find Anatis. He might have been affected by the spell as well,"
 "Right," She nodded. "I should find Lady Noir as well,"
 He nodded before they were their separate ways. He slipped into the garden and hid behind a rose bush before letting Tikki out. He found her in his pocket asleep. He poked her and woke her up, making her yawn.
 "Luka?" She asked, making him slight in relief. "What happened?"
 "You feel asleep and I fell under the akuma's spell but now it's time to rewrite this story," He stated, making her nod before he swiped his earrings and transformed into Anatis. The rest of the fog completely cleared. He took out his yoyo and made his way back into the forest to fight Heureux Fin. He spun his yoyo when he came to the fire as all of the 'lost kids' looked at him with annoyed expressions. Heureux Fin got up from his throne and flew over, landing in front of him.
 "So you finally turned up, Bugboy," He declared, glaring at him as the lost kids sneered and shouted. "You know I'm just trying to let people have fun and helped everyone get their happy endings,"
 "By forcing them to forget who they are?" Anatis replied back, shaking his head. "That isn't how to help people... Adrien,"
 "My name is Heureux Fin!" He shouted back, taking to the air. "Besides, you can't catch me! Unlike me, you can't fly,"
 "He might not be able to fly but he isn't alone!" A voice shouted, causing Heureux Fin to look behind him as Lady Noir jumped on him. He managed to throw her off, causing her to land next to Anatis. "Got a plan?"
 "Not yet," He replied as Heureux Fin laughed and taunted them. "We need to ground him so we can find the akuma,"
 "You can't catch me!" Heureux Fin shouted before whistling. The fairy like creature flew over to him. "Fairytale, deal with this losers!"
 Fairytale turned into a giant wolf and landed on the ground, making Anatis and Lady Noir stare at it.
 "Great, he has a sentimonster," Lady Noir gasped as the wolf changed at her. She hit it with her baton as Anatis threw up his yoyo and summoned his lucky charm, which was a shoe and a sock. Anatis rose an eyebrow at it with confusion but before he could work it out, Heureux Fin tried to grab it off him. He jumped out of the way and stepped back, dropping the sock in the process. However, he was grabbed by the lost kids as Lady Noir was knocked back by the sentimonster. Anatis struggled against the lost kids as Heureux Fin flew over.
 "Now we can finally finding out who's behind that mask," He stated, reaching for his earrings. Anatis' luck vision kicked in, highlighting Heureux Fin himself, the shoe and the trees as a plan formed in his head.
 "None of this is real!" Anatis suddenly shouted, making Heureux Fin stop reaching for his earrings. "It's all a lie created by your powers. You're not Heureux Fin, you're Adrien Agreste! And this isn't a forest!"
 "You're lying!" Heureux Fin shouted but he lowered closer to the ground again, causing the lost kids to look at him with a little confusion. Seeing his chance, Anatis yanked him self free and threw the shoe, causing everyone to gasp it flew towards tree tops. Heureux Fin gasped and went to fly after it but Anatis stopped him, using his yoyo. The shoe hit the top, shattering one of the skylights before it fell down with shattered glass. The lost kids gasped and realization appeared in their eyes, causing Heureux Fin to realize. He fell down to the ground, allowing Anatis to recall his yoyo. Heureux Fin yelled out and charged at him but before he could hit, Lady Noir got the upper hand on the Sentimonster and threw it into him, causing it to fall on top of him before Anatis threw his yoyo, tying Heureux Fin and the Sentimonster to one of the trees with his yoyo. "Let me go!! Fairytale, atta- hmm!"
 To everyone's surprise, Nino shoved the lucky charm sock into Heureux Fin's mouth, cutting him off and causing Heureux Fin to look at him in surprise and slight betrayal.
 "I'm sorry, Adrien," He stated, taking the ring off and turning to Anatis, holding it out to him. "The akuma and the amok are in there. He took them to stop me from been the victim,"
 "Thank you, Nino," Anatis replied, taking the ring. "Kitten, would you mind?"
 "Cataclysm!" She called as he flipped the ring, tossing it towards her. She caught it and it rushed in her grip, causing the akuma and the amok to escape. Anatis recalled his yoyo, causing Heureux Fin to fall to his knees as Fairytale disappeared in blue smog before he threw out his yoyo and captured the akuma and the amok in it before releasing them. Lady Noir picked the shoe and handed it to him, causing him to smile as he took it. "Should I get the sock as well?"
 "The shoe will work fine," He replied before tossing it up in the air again. "Miraculous Ladybugs!!"
 The shoe burst into the cure and spreaded throughout the forest, getting rid of the trees and fire as it turned back into Agreste Manor. It washed over the party guests, turning them back to normal and restoring them to where they had been originally before bursting through the windows and spreading across Paris, turning it back into the city they loved. Heureux Fin turned back into Adrien and looked up confused as the heroes fist-bumped each other. Gabriel and Nathalie also looked around confused.
 "How did I get here?" He asked, confused before he noticed them. His eyes widen in realization and dread. "Oh, no! I was akumatized, wasn't I?"
 "Yes but I know you took it to stop Nino from been the akuma," Anatis stated, helping him to his feet as Adrien stammered an apology, "No need for an apology, Adrien,"
 "But I hurt people!" He gasped, making the heroes look at each other. "I did hurt people, didn't I?"
 "Adrien, you threw a massive party and turned people into fairytale characters," Lady Noir explained. "The most trouble you caused was causing them to forget their troubles. You didn't hurt anyone,"
 "But Nino... he must hate me," Adrien groaned, covering his face. Anatis frowned. "I... I should have never trusted Lila! All she does is hurt people and she upset my friend Marinette and Nino got upset with Alya because even though she told Lila off, she thought Lila was trying to help and fit in, just like I did. I offered to talk to her, to help her see the error of her ways like I did but in the process, Nino discovered I knew about Lila before anyone else and got upset that I didn't tell him like I should have!! I upset him and I saw an akuma coming for him! I couldn't let him down or fail to protect him again so I pushed him out of the way but the akuma and amok got in my ring and I tried to resist I swear. I-"
 "Adrien, calm down," Anatis stated, making him look at him. "Yes, you made a mistake with the whole Lila thing but that doesn't make you a bad friend. Talk to Nino and get him to help you with understanding social situations. None of this would have happened if you were taught how to interact with people your age and allowed to interact with them,"
 He shoot a look toward Gabriel, who looked at him with shock.
 "How dare you suggest that I'm the cause for this?!" Gabriel gasped. Anatis was ready to chew him out but to everyone's surprise, Nathalie stepped forward.
 "Anatis is actually correct, sir," She stated, making Gabriel look at her. "While his grades are excellent, he does lack in understanding normal social situations due to his isolated upbringing,"
 She turned to look at Anatis.
 "Which is we will work on," She stated, making him nod before she lead Adrien out, promising to get him some ice cream and to clear his schedule for a couple of days. Both Gabriel and Anatis stared in surprise as she lead him out before Gabriel turned to Anatis and held out his hand.
 "A thank you is in order," He stated as Anatis looked at it with distrust. "Is something wrong?"
 "I'm sure you saw how I call out a number of people for their behavior," He stated, making Gabriel retract his hand. "Well, you're heading to the top of the list, Mr Agreste. Adrien isn't some puppet or property. He is your son and if you keep going down this path you have chosen, you're gonna end up losing him forever,"
 "Is that a threat, Anatis?" Gabriel asked. He was certain the young hero didn't know he was Hawkmoth but he suspected the boy still suspected him. "Or a promise?"
 "Neither, Mr Agreste," He replied, making him raise an eyebrow. "It's a warning and if I were you, sir, I would heed it. Let's go, Kitten,"
 The two heroes walked out of the door, making Mr Agreste frown in a dark manner.
 "Soon enough, Anatis, I will crush you like the insect you are,"
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "So Adrien's schedule is been relaxed a little bit and he's asked me to help him to understand social ques," Nino explained as he and Marinette walked up to the school. "Though he won't be back in school for a couple of more days. Apparently, Nathalie is letting him have sweets and watch whatever he wants,"
 "That's good," Marinette replied before seeing Luka sat on one of the benches, listening to music. "Hey, would you mind going ahead? I need to do something,"
 "Sure thing, dudette," Nino smiled as he saw her looking at Luka. He grinned. "Go get him, tiger,"
 "Nino!" She gasped, blushing as he laughed and walked off. Licking her lips, she began to walk over. Since been restored, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Luka. She had tried to text him but he barely answered and she had a feeling is because of the party. She wasn't sure if it was the affect of Heureux Fin but Luka had said he loved her and she told him she loved him back. She did but she wasn't sure if he knew if she was been sincere. She had a feeling that he thought it was because of the effects of the akuma and in a way, she thought that might be the case as well. She stopped in front of him, making him jump a little and take out his headphones. "Hi..."
 "Hey," He stated, looking down at his hands. "Um... how is everything..."
 "G-Good," She mumbled, feeling her face heat up as he looked up at her. "How are you?"
 "I'm... good..." He muttered, though he didn't seem ok. In fact, he seemed surprised. Marinette rose an eyebrow. "I... I got through to the next stage for the music contest..."
 "Oh my gosh! That's great!" She gasped, going to hug him but she stopped and rubbed her neck, making him frown. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," He replied, making her smile. "But are you ok?"
 "Um... actually, I wanted to talk to you about... the party and what you said..."
 "Oh god," He muttered, making her frown as he looked down in embarrassment. "Marinette, I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me with that. I know you don't like me in that way at all. I mean if you did, you probably would said already and you're out of my league anyway. I mean why on earth would a beautiful symphony like you want to be with a sour note like myself? You deserve better then me..."
 Marinette frowned as he looked down before a wave of clarity came over her. Luka didn't think she meant it but not because he didn't love her. He did but because he thought he wasn't good enough for her. 
 "Luka," She stated, making him look at him. "You're an idiot,"
 "That's mean, Melody," He stated, making her giggle "Why am I an idiot?"
 "Because I like you," She stated, making him blink at her in surprise. "I meant what I said during the party. You're amazing, funny, brave and creative. You mean everything to me and I'm so sorry it took me a while to realize it. I was so blinded by my crush on Adrien that I didn't even consider that someone else could be the one I want to be with but with you... there isn't any of that. Everything is so easy and simple with you. I don't feel like I have to be something I'm not. When I'm with you, I'm happy. Luka, I know I'm not perfect. I'm clumsy, stupid and I'm sure there's tons of girls that are way better then me but... I like you, Luka as more then a friend. I really like you and I..."
 She took a deep breathe.
 "I want to be your girlfriend," Luka's mind went completely blank as her words sank in. Marinette... liked him. Like actually liked him in the same way he liked her and she wanted to be his girlfriend. Marinette, the most beautiful girl in the world, wanted to be his girlfriend. He must be dreaming. There's no way this could be real but when he looked up at her, she was still there and he hadn't answered yet. He needed to say something before she thought he didn't like her. He opened his mouth as she looked down. taking his silence for rejection but before she could get up and leave, Luka gently took her hand, making her look at him. The way he was looking at her made her cheeks heat up.
 "I don't think you're clumsy or stupid. I actually think you're brilliant, beautiful and gifted," He stated, making her cheek heat up even more. "And there might be tons of other girls but they don't hold a candle to you. Marinette, I meant what I said when I said you were the song in my head. I still mean it and I always will. I... I love you..."
 "Luka..." She gasped, blushing. "I-Is that a yes to been my boyfriend then?"
 "Yes, it is," He smiled before blushing as well. "I-If you'll have me that is. I mean I'm not perfect and I'm certain gonna mess up but I love you and if you'll have me, I want to be your boyfriend..."
 "Yes, absolutely!" She gasped, making him blush. "Sorry, too much?"
 "N-No... I like your enthusiasm," He replied, causing her to squeak and throw her arms around him in a hug, making him chuckle and hug back as the bell rang. "We should go to class,"
 "Ok but meet me at lunch! I want to spend it with my boyfriend and hear about the contest! Ah, I can't believe I can say that!!" She grinned, making Luka smile back. Her song was louder then it had ever been. The second bell rang and she jumped. "Right! Gotta go!! See you at lunch!!"
 She blew a kiss at him before running off to her class, making him smile dreamily before he headed to his own lesson. He couldn't wait for lunch.
Miss Bustier’s Class:
Marinette- Princess Charming/Ladybug Nino- Belle/Carapace Alya- The Beast/Rena Nathaniel- Little Red Riding Hood/Red Rose- Sleeping Beauty/Pigella Juleka- Snow White/Tigress Ivan- The BFG Mylene- Little Princess Max- Geppetto/Pegasus Marvok- Pinocchio Kim- The Little Mermaid/Monkey Alix- The White Rabbit/Bunny Sabrina- Rapunzel Chloe- The Ugly Ducking/Swan Princess/Bee Lila- The Evil Queen/Hag Miss Bustier- Mrs Darling
Mrs Mendeleiev's Class
Felix- Rumpstileskin/Chat Luka- Cinderella/Viper Kagami- Puss in Boots/Dragon Marc- Atreu (Neverending story)/Horns Aurora- Alice Liddle Mireille- Blue Fairy Jean- Aladdin Ondine- Thumbelina Mrs Mendeleiev- Unaffected
Other Characters:
Audrey Bourgeois- Queen of Hearts Andre Bourgeois- The Cowardly Lion Nathalie- The Pig-faced Princess Gabriel Agreste- The Frog King Anarka- Captain Hook (didn’t attend the party) Jagged- Tick-Tock  (didn’t attend the party) Clara Nightingale- Clara from Nutcracker Penny Rolling- Fairy Godmother (didn’t attend the party) Jean (Butler)- Knave of Hearts Mr Damocles- the Piped Piper Nadja Chamack-  The Woman who cried Wolf Gorilla-  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Officer Roger- The Huntsman (didn’t attend the party) Master Fu- Wizard Of Oz (didn’t attend the party) Master Mila- Snow Queen  (didn’t attend the party) Tomoe- Mother Gothel (didn’t attend the party) Emile- The White Queen (didn’t attend the party)
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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