#who even knows if there was an earlier instrument and we just haven't found it yet? or it was lost to the erosion of time?
odyssean-flower · 11 months
A songbird in the depths
Pairing: Neuvillette x GN! Reader (inspired by phantom of the opera)
Warnings: Slight yandere, kidnapping (kinda?), reader gets shoved to the floor, confinement
Wrote this in celebration of reaching 200 followers! Thank you guys for all your support. I wanted to write this on halloween but couldn't figure out what to write, so here we are
Based on this post
i may write a follow up to this, but it'll probably be when i feel like it.
This is a mix of the musical and book. i recommend reading the book if you haven't, it's pretty good
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A low but resonant melody drifted into your ears, rousing you from your sleep.
Where am I again? You wondered as you slowly rose from your bed. As you blinked the sleep out of your eyes, you looked around the room. It was beautifully furnished, if a bit old-fashioned, but what struck you was the flowers everywhere. There were vases placed on every surface of the room: on the table, the chest of drawers, even the floor. Their faintly sweet scents mingled together, making you feel a bit dizzy.
You gradually recalled what happened earlier. You had been in your dressing room after your very first triumph on stage. You could hardly believe that the transcendent voice that came out of your mouth belonged to you. The applause and cheers that had erupted from the audience after your performance was something you had never heard before, even for the lead singer who you replaced (under very suspicious circumstances, now that you thought about it) Just as your Angel of Music had promised, you had astonished Fontaine...
And speaking of your Angel...
A shiver of fear traveled down your spine. You had been resting in your dressing room after feeling a bit dizzy, and then suddenly, the warm, dear voice of your Angel came from the mirror, like it always did when he gave you lessons. He congratulated you on your success, and you thanked him profusely. Then, you plucked up the courage to ask him what you always wanted to ask: to be able to see him. To your surprise, he readily agreed.
Then, something happened to your mirror. It was as though it had expanded, stretched, opened...something. But whatever happened, you found yourself looking not at your reflection, but a pitch-dark opening. Your dressing room had disappeared behind you as well.
Panicking, you let out a cry and attempted to turn back, but a glove-covered hand seized your hand, and another arm wrapped around your waist. You couldn't see who it was and struggled in their arms, but their grip was strong. They dragged you downwards to a little spot with light. It was there that you were able to make out your captor's silhouette, a tall cloaked figure wearing a mask. Could this be your Angel of Music? Surely not. You had imagined him to be a radiant, golden being.
"W-Who are you? Where is my Angel?" you managed to find your voice, albeit weakly. "I-If you do not take me b-back, I-I shall--"
The masked figure looked down at you, and your words died in your throat. The mask itself was simple, but it was the eyes looking down at you that astonished you. They were a pale lilac with slitted pupils.
"A-Are you..."
But before you could finish your sentence, you heard the most transcendental, heavenly music. You didn't know where it came from. You couldn't identify the instruments. It could be coming from the masked figure itself. Whatever it was, you were pretty sure it made you fall into a trance, for you barely remembered the trip here. You recalled snatches of a large lake, though not the vessel you traveled on. There was a small house on an island in the middle, and the masked figure picked you up and carried you inside...
You couldn't remember anything that happened that.
You looked down at yourself. You were still wearing the clothes you were wearing when you came here. Nothing seemed off. But now that the effects of that music wore off, you felt terror reclaiming your mind again.
There were only two doors. One led to a bathroom. The other, suspiciously unlocked, led into a hallway. You opened it eagerly and stepped outside. The beautiful music resumed again. This time, you could tell that it was played by an organ. It didn't seem to have the same hypnotic quality as the music from before, but it was entrancing all the same.
You followed the source of the music, looking around as you did so. There were sconces with lit candles and closed wooden doors. It reminded you of the staff's living quarters up at the Opera. In fact, now that your eyes had adjusted to the dim, you were sure that they were nearly identical.
The piano was now accompanied by a low, sonorant voice. You would recognize that voice anywhere. The voice undulated, becoming quiet at one moment, and then thundering in the next. It was like the sea itself. You felt like a small boat adrift, slowly being pulled into a vortex. You knew that you shouldn't go to the source of that voice without preparation. You should at least arm yourself. But you couldn't make yourself stop.
Eventually, you ended up in front of a set of double doors. You slowly pushed them open and gasped. It was as though you've entered an underwater cave. The room was dimly lit with a few candles here and there, unlike your room which had electric lights. There was a pool of water in the center of the stone floor with a canopy hanging over it. Looking closer, you made out the shapes of pillows and sheets. There was a large window that looked out onto the lake. Turning your head, you saw a desk covered in sheets of music.
And then, slowly, you turned your head to the opposite wall.
It was covered with the pipes of an organ, and in the center of it, a cloaked figure was sitting at the keyboard, playing away. You caught glimpses of a pair of blue gloves flying across the keys. The singing was definitely coming from them. There was no doubt anymore. This was your Angel of Music.
The Angel seemed too preoccupied to notice your entrance. You slowly walked up to him, not sure what you should do. Every note of his voice was like a dagger to your heart. You felt the urge to join your voice to his. This music couldn't be of the human world. It contained too much power.
You had to see who was under that mask. You needed to know the face of that voice.
With a daring that surprised even yourself, you tucked your fingers under the smooth mask and tore it away.
The cry of rage and grief that followed would haunt your ears for the rest of your life.
You found yourself pinned to the floor, your hands held together above your head. Your back ached with pain. But you almost forgot all of that as you stared up at the face above yours.
Your Angel of Music, in some ways, was as beautiful as you imagined. He resembled the marble statues one would see at museums, beautiful and enduring relics of a bygone time. He had long silver hair that flowed like moonlight, the strands brushing against your face. His lavender eyes were framed with long lashes.
But you also noticed the other features. The blue, glowing horns sprouting from the back of his head. His slitted pupils. The pointed ears. The shimmering scales near his cheeks.
You couldn't believe you hadn't realized this earlier.
"Y-You're a dragon..." your voice was a whisper.
Those beautiful eyes bore down into yours.
"Now that you know my true identity," he said, his voice nothing like the kind and supportive Angel who had patiently tutored you for all these months. "You can never leave here again."
It felt as if all the air had been sucked out of your lungs. "No!" you shouted, struggling against him in vain. "You can't! Please, I won't ever touch your mask again. I'll forget all about it! I won't tell anyone about you, I swear on my life! So please, let me go!"
His face was as impassive as stone.
"Humans...never content with what is allowed to them. Always taking and taking. You simply had to see my face, didn't you? You weren't satisfied with only the voice?" There was something behind the distinct anger in his voice, but you were too scared to pick up on it.
"Please don't kill me..." you said, then squeezed your eyes closed. You hoped he would make it painless at the very least.
"Kill you...?" the dragon's voice was close to your ear now. You pictured his mouth, probably full of sharp fangs, so close to your neck and let out a squeak. Tears pooled in your eyes, sliding down your cheeks. To your horror, you felt something wet and rough lick at them.
You felt like you were going to go mad.
There was a brief, terrifying silence before he spoke again. "I would sooner bring down this opera house on top of my head than kill you."
"...Huh?" Your eyes flew open and stared at him. He looked away.
The grip on your hands loosened, and he helped you up. His hand went around to your back, rubbing it to alleviate the pain, you realized.
"You will remain here, with me," he said, still not looking at you. "Until you are proven to be trustworthy."
Your mind was whirling from everything that just happened, but the only thing you could understand was that you weren't going to be killed.
"H-How long will that be?" you asked.
"Until you are proven to be trustworthy," he repeated. You could tell from the tone of his voice that this wasn't up for discussion.
His hand was still rubbing your back. Gulping, you slowly stepped away. He didn't pull you back.
You could now see the situation you were in. You were completely reliant on this being's goodwill. If you ever wanted to see sunlight again, you had to win his trust and favor.
"If I am to live with you for the foreseeable future, sir," you said, keeping your voice as calm as you could and looking into those beautiful eyes. "Then might I learn your name?"
You doubt you would ever think of him as an angel ever again.
He didn't say anything for a while. You feared that you had gone too far, but then he spoke.
"My name is Neuvillette," he said.
He held out his hand. After hesitating for a brief second, you placed your hand in his, and he wrapped his fingers tightly around it, like a shackle.
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canmom · 1 month
music in sign languages
was thinking about how music is probably the closest thing to a truly human-universal art form, given as far as I know every culture has some kind of music, and it probably predates e.g. ceramics, textiles and painting, since you really only need your own body to make music. (i think the only earlier candidate I can think of is sex. does that count? depends how you define art form but I think it does.)
the obvious possible exception for music is... well, some proportion of d/Deaf people. certainly not all; many d/Deaf people enjoy music, both because it's a category that encompasses a pretty wide range of hearing, and also because the tactile sensation of vibrations can still be felt - especially at live music events and such where the bass is really strong.
still, this kind of thought led me to wondering if there is a sign language analogue to singing or rap. and... there is! in the UK at least it seems to be known as 'signsong'. there's one artist called fletch@ who performs covers of pop songs in BSL...
and there's SignKid, a London-based rapper who also performs in BSL as well as doing music production, using tech like the vibration board in this video to sync it all up...
so now I'm really curious like, what features signsong shares with singing. obviously it is like dance in that it involves rhythmic motion to music - but unlike dance, each motion is conveying like, specific semantic/grammatical meaning within a larger language. as well as rhythm, is there an analogue to pitch - signing 'high' or 'low'? dynamics? could you sign in harmony with someone? what are the differences between signsong influenced by rap and by pop music? i bet there's so much linguistic nuance, but I'm not sure where to find out more.
the above performers sign in BSL. I did a search for ASL rap and mostly found videos about sign language interpreters at rap concerts, or covers, for example interpreter Amber G covering Eminem...
...or this video in which three interpreters take turns covering Wiz Khalifa. (The host doesn't seem to be taking it too seriously, which is a shame, because a sign language rap battle is legit a great concept?)
Amber G has a whole lot of ASL song covers it turns out, including most of the entries in this playlist of ASL songs.
I also found a channel that does ASL covers of Jonathan Coulton songs, for example:
This one is interesting because it has two backing signers, who seem to repeat the same couple of words to support the main signer.
So far I've only found covers, and not yet original songs in ASL of the kind that Signkid is composing in BSL. I feel like there must be some - there are surely many more ASL signers out there - so I'm probably just not using the right search terms. (The term 'signsong' seems to be British only as far as I can tell, or at least I haven't found examples of Americans using it.)
I wonder how music would develop if humans didn't have a sense of hearing and instead communicated largely by signing? I feel like we would still have an appreciation of rhythm, that seems somehow more fundamental than sound even if hearing people mostly encounter it through sound. What sort of instruments would we make if we were focusing on the feeling of vibration in the body rather than tonal sound?
Or would a better analogue be something like a visual instrument, something kind of like wotagei (a japanese dance form using glowsticks associated with idol culture)...
I'd fucking love to see how a purely visual/tactile musical performance, with sign languages and whatever other tools to 'harmonise' visually, could work.
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goose-duck · 9 months
trolls x Male reader //characters mentioned: Floyd, Veneer, Velvet, Y/N
I thought abt this and decided to write it, ur velvet and veneer's little brother. Why brother? Why not gender neutral? Bc I'm male and I want to be the center of attention, okay?YOU ARE SIBLINGS IN THIS, DONT GET WEIRD!! AND FLOYD AND YOU ARE JUST BUDDIES!! NO FUNNY BUSINESS!!
Veneer's PoV:I was just laying on the couch in the living room, it's just a Saturday, no shows no nothing, boring. Velvet doesn't even want me to do anything today and I haven't seen Y/N yet today so he's probably still asleep..or doing something foolish, you never really know with that guy.Y'know, I could go talk to the troll...oh what's his name..? Do trolls have a name..? Oh! Flower? I think that's his name! Flower! I'll go talk to him.
••••••3rd person PoV:Veneer walks into the studio room to talk to Floyd when he sees that Floyd is in fact, not there. The whole diamond perfume bottle is gone actually! The troll Veneer trollnapped has been double trollnapped!
••••••Veneer's PoV:Sh*t...oh no...Vel's gonna kill me when she finds out Flower is missing! What do I do? What do I do? Aaaahhh.
••••••3rd person PoV:Veneer starts running around looking for "Flower" and yelling "Flower, where are you?" . Everyone in the building assumes he either lost his mind or is looking for flour for baking, not that they've ever seen him bake, but who knows what those twins get up to in their free time? I mean, their little brother bakes so who's to say the older siblings don't?
••••••Veneer's PoV: I still haven't found that dang troll! What do I dooo? Ughhh!I walk past my little brother's room to hear him talking to someone, maybe he's in a phone call...but I like to know who he's talking to because he's ended up talking to some real strange people without knowing it thanks to me and Vel bringing him to put shows. I kind of feel bad about it so I try to protect him where I can while still letting him have fun.I stand just outside Y/N's bedroom door, which he's conveniently left open. I'm just out of view from where his bed is. I don't understand why he wanted such a small room actually, he just insisted on it, saying it was more cozy or something? Maybe it is, but I'm not interested in finding out.Anyway, I stand outside his room and listen quietly to hear who he's talking to.It's that troll! I recognize that voice! What's he doing talking to my little brother!? What was Y/N doing in the studio? ...what has that troll told him..? If he knows what me and Vel did will he still love us...?I start to get worried and lean against the wall, sliding down it until I get to the floor. It's really hitting me now just how bad everything we did to that troll and everyone else is. I knew it was bad, but now that I'm worrying my little brother might never want to talk to me again...I don't know...it just really solidifies how bad of a person I've become just to make Velvet happy...
••••••Earlier in the dayY/N's PoV:I was just wondering around the mansion, it's early morning and I woke up before everyone else, as per usual. It's winter break so I don't have to go to school, but I'm still stuck on that schedule for waking up at 5, which is annoying because I was really hoping to sleep in. My older siblings are so lucky! They're famous so they don't have to go to school right now, they make so much money off their music that it doesn't matter what else they do.I remember them always being really bad singers...I guess maybe they took voice lessons? I vaguely remember Veneer saying something about that...I wish the would have asked me to sing with them but I guess that would have thrown off the twins gimmick if their little brother is also with them. I'm a great singer...I did choir for years...I've sung on stages for crowds many times...I can even play a few instruments...maybe I should just make my own music career?Actually, that'd be something to do with my morning since no one's awake to tell me not to...I can use their studio! I don't think I'll actually become famous, but it might just be fun to play with the equipment and pretend I'm a famous singer like Velvet and Veneer!
••••••3rd person PoV:Y/N starts walking to the recording studio. Normally Velvet or Veneer would make him leave but since they're both asleep no one's there to him from just going in, except maybe a lock? But Y/N doesn't believe either sibling is attentive enough to actually lock a door.
••••••Y/N PoV:I slowly push open the studio door, trying to be quiet just in case Crimp hears me and goes to wake the twins up.Once inside the room the first thing I notice is this diamond perfume bottle with this little blue thing in it, it seems alive.I walk over to it and pick up the perfume bottle, the thing inside groans, I feel bad for it and set it down."Sorry...did I hurt you..?" I ask shyly, feeling bad that I upset whatever it was.The blue thing looked shocked at my apology and shook it's head, "no, no, who...who are you? I've never seen you before, it's usually just Velvet and Veneer and sometimes Crimp.""Oh..um..I'm Y/N, I'm Velvet and Veneer's little brother. Who are you? And why are you in a perfume bottle..?" I ask curiously, I'm rather confused by why my siblings have a tiny thing in a perfume bottle."I'm Floyd, it's nice to meet you, Y/N. I don't know how you're gonna take this or if you'll even believe me, but your siblings have been keeping me in this perfume bottle and using my talent so they can sing! It's...kinda killing me..." He said nervous for my reaction.I'm upset that my siblings would go that care but not surprised either, I figure it's more Velvet's doing than Veneer's as she tends to push him around a lot, he actually kind of seems scared of her...I wonder what she does to him when I'm not around if she also does things like this to tiny blue men... actually...that's a weird looking man...I should ask him what he is."What...what are you..?" I ask awkwardly, it's such a strange question to ask someone, but I wanted to know, he's something I've never seen before.He gives me a weird look before collecting himself and saying, "I'm a troll."I gave him a weird look but nodded afterwards like it was normal. I kind of remember Velvet saying something abouts trolls in a band called "BroZone" but maybe I'm delusional? Maybe I should just ask Floyd since he's here."Um...like...from BroZone..?" I ask with some suspicion that I'm correct.He responds," yeah, Floyd, from BroZone...that's me." "Sweet." I say casually before continuing, "so...my siblings trapped you in a perfume bottle and are kinda killing you, yeah?" Floyd nods. "Cool cool...well, not cool, but, like, I'm comprehending the situation, y'know? Why am I still talking...ahhh...um.." you looked at the clock seeing it's almost 10, the time when the twins wake up, so you panic and grab the perfume bottle and run to your room. You were in such a rush that when you got in there you didn't even close the door, you just hid under the blankets with Floyd."Sorry for just grabbing you...I hope you didn't get hurt..." You say worriedly."No no, I'm okay..." Floyd says, clearly a little shaken up."Ahh, what do we do? My siblings will be awake any minute! I'd just let you go but what if they see you and hurt you?..." Y/N starts thinking out loud about how to keep Floyd safe.Floyd comforts Y/N a bit, telling him that it's gonna be okay and that they can stay under the blankets and talk about how to do this.
••••••Present timeVeneer's PoV:I start panicking in the hallway about what might happen, there's no way Y/N doesn't know what Velvet and I did, he's gonna hate us! What do I do now?I see Velvet walking over, she looks angry."Veneer! Did you take the troll!" She yells at me, not even realizing the door to Y/N's room is wide open.I give her a worried look and shush her, pointing at Y/N's room. She then groans and storms off, telling me that we'll talk about this later.I see Y/N slowly pop his head out of his room and look at me, he doenst look happy, he looks disgusted and maybe even a bit scared.He asks me, "why'd you do it..? Why are you hurting this troll..? If you couldn't sing you could have been a model or an actor...it's still not too late for that stuff...just stop hurting him..." He sounds so sad, so dissapinted in me.I'm supposed to be his older brother yet I'm the immature one who was so desperate for fame and money that I hurt an innocent troll..."I'm sorry for what I did to Flower...I... shouldn't have done it...it's too late to go back on it now...I know that...but...I can help you get him past Velvet and out of here...we'll talk more about what I did later, okay? The priority right now is to get Floyd to safety. Sound good, Y/N?" I say sincerely, I truely do feel bad, I'm just so afraid of Velvet, but seeing that look on my little brother's face...I just couldn't take it any longer.Y/N agrees without a second thought, he just wants Flower to be happy and free, I guess maybe they've become friends while Velvet and I were sleeping? Anyway, not the time for logistics! It's time to save this troll!I see Y/N make a weird face for a moment before looks at me and saying, "Flower?" In a very judgy tone.I was confused and responded, "t-the troll..?"Y/N rolls his eyes at me and sighs, "yup.. definately his name...""Well what's his name?" I ask awkwardly."His name is Floyd, ya damn kidnapper!..trollnapper!" Y/N says rudely before getting up and picking up the perfume bottle with Floyd in it.I apologize quickly before I hear Velvet's heels on the ground and grab Y/N and run down the hall away from Velvet.••••••A few minutes of sneaking around the house later...Y/N's PoV:I was so shocked that Veneer was helping me, I thought he'd just cry or something like that, but he's actually helping me help Floyd...hm...that still doenst make up for what he did and we'll have to talk about this later, but it's still sweet that he's trying..my big brother has always been soft hearted...so it's nice to see him show that side.
••••••Floyd PoV:Dispite Velvet and Veneer's behavior their little brother is very kind hearted, he wanted to help me without a second thought. It's nice to know that some people aren't just power hungry succubi...I guess Veneer isn't either is he..? He's just the scared brother to Velvet. Still doenst make up for the fact that he joined in on Velvet's plan, but it does explain it...so though he's not completely off the hook in my mind, I don't hate him either.
••••••Veneer PoV:We're almost at the front door and we haven't ran into Velvet yet, this is good, maybe everything will go smoothly..? Damn it! Now that I thought that something's gonna- "Aaaa!!" I scream as I slip on soapy water in the hallway, falling onto my butt.Y/N laughs at me as he gracefully slides past me and over to the door, "haha! Should have taken ice skating with me as a child!" He opens the door and lets Floyd out of the perfume bottle."Bye bye, Floyd" Y/N waves sweetly at Floyd and he waves back. I also wave at Floyd and give him a shy smile, he nods at me as a thank you before saying to Y/N, "Thank you for saving me, I thought I was gonna die in that bottle...haha, goodbye, have a nice life you two!" He then starts walking away.Y/N says one final thing," I hope to meet again sometime!"Floyd responds by looking behind him and nodding with a smile before continuing on his way home.
••••••After Veneer and Nolan talk in Nolan's roomVeneer PoV:Me and my little brother talked about what happened, he still seems dissapinted in me but he understands why I did it. He doesn't seem to want to hold it against me but said he'll support Floyd if next time we see him he holds this over my head and honestly I agree with that, I deserve it.Y/N told me he's gonna talk to Velvet about it and that I don't have to join him if I'm too scared to, but that he's going to be giving Velvet and earful about this.Heh, for the youngest sibling, Y/N sure does act like our older brother.
Stories over <3I hope u liked it :>I tried very hard to get my thoughts into words
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josephlikesmusic · 2 months
Bando Stone and The New World - Childish Gambino (2024)
Besides the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure brainrot surfacing, causing me to accidently call this album "Dio Brando and The New World" multiple times, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this album. I don't tend to love original movie soundtracks on their own, especially when it's all done by a single artist, but I found the bits of dialogue scattered throughout the track list helped push the narrative along. I also enjoyed the variety of genres that Gambino explores on this album, although I think that I'll enjoy this feature even more when I go see the movie. Speaking of the movie, while I did enjoy listening to this album alone, it is hard to really judge a soundtrack when you haven't watched the film that goes along with it. Like I mentioned earlier, this album does work as a standalone project, but having the knowledge that this is a soundtrack for an unreleased feel makes the listen feel somewhat incomplete. I may or may not re-review this album once the movie comes out just to see if my feelings change, but between knowing that this is supposed to be Gambino's final album and that this isn't the completed project, I definitely wasn't completely satisfied with the album.
Despite my grievances, this album had many songs that I will definitely return to on their own. Lead single Lithonia surprised me on my first listen, with a slow, chill, pop-rock vibe and such a straight to the point message: nobody gives a fuck. But I think that the most shocking element of the single was it's music video and it's sudden twist that I won't spoil here. And of course we can't forget about Fartbuckle. Such a wide variety of emotions for a song that is so blunt and straightforward.
Other songs that surprised me instrumentally were No Excuses and Happy Survival. No Excuses brings on composer Ludwig Göransson, who is easily the highlight of the track. From the percussion throughout the beginning of the song, to the unexpectedly amazing saxophone solo, Göransson took a great track and made it an incredible one. As a drummer, and someone who spent his high school years in the band room fascinated with each and every percussion instrument, I appreciate how Göransson incorporated so many instruments that we almost never see in music as mainstream as Gamino's. As I mentioned earlier, Happy Survival was another instrumental that I would never expect from an artist like Gambino, yet I found myself jamming out to the bossa nova groove, with it's incredible vocal riff from Khruangbin. While I didn't find Happy Survival to be as groundbreaking as No Excuses, it's a nice, simple groove to chill out and dance to.
I've already mentioned Ludwig Göransson's work on No Excuses and Khruangbin's vocals on Happy Survival, but Bando Stone is filled with great features throughout it's runtime. I adore Jorja Smith's vocals on In the Night, especially in the post-chorus where she really shines. Smith is the highlight of this track and I wish she had more solo vocals. I also love Flo Milli's verse on Talk My Shit, a more straight forward rap song compared to the other tracks on this album, but still a super enjoyable song that features many modern references, yet doesn't feel dated.
Bando Stone and The New World surprised me with it's variety of genres, great percussion, and amazing storytelling, but I think that this album is going to need the film alongside it in order to really be a fulfilling final album for Childish Gambino. As I've mentioned before, the knowledge that this is a soundtrack rather than just a concept album makes it a bit difficult to fully judge, especially since there isn't even a known release date for the film at the time that I'm writing this. The soundtrack did get me more pumped up for the movie than the trailer did, and knowing how talented Glover is I do think that it will be an enjoyable watch, but until the film's release I really have no way of knowing. The album wasn't my favorite to be released this year, but I still enjoyed many of the individual songs and the concept surrounding them.
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azuresins · 2 years
I also just had a thought, from your O!Ciel|Fenian theory?
O!Ciel plays the violin.
I used to think that was just a reference to the demon associations, because it's a pretty common Thing. (There's the idea that Paganini sold his soul to play so well, and there's also that song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", and there are probably more references I don't know.)
The fiddle is a pretty important instrument in Celtic music, right? And from what I understand, that's just another name for the same instrument.
(part 2) Hi, it's me again---I've realized that you might have already seen that connection between fiddles/violins and O!Ciel and I just haven't run into your post about it yet, in which case please feel free to ignore my earlier ask. * Under the cut because my reply is long.
There's a direct historical link between the Irish and Scottish immigrants in the early United States, and what would eventually evolve into Country Music. "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" is a good example of this actually... parts of the violin solo, particularly the last 30 seconds of the violin solo at the end of this song, sounds almost exactly like what you'd expect of a random Irish folk solo. Scottish and Irish immigrants also influenced American Square Dancing, it's a very bastardized grandchild of Irish step and other Scottish forms of dance. I can't say that "Ireland/the scots/celts invented the violin" because almost every single country in the old world will swear up and down they "invented" what would become the thing. And that's part of why I didn't say anything sooner, it's easily dismissed as a coincidence and something that simply suited his character... But. I do know that the oldest known bowed instrument in the world that was still somewhat intact, was found Dublin and they were said to be as old as the 11th century. Though there are references that suggest people played them even earlier than that. So obviously, the violin is the eventual predecessor of these early instruments and you're right, it's a staple of Celtic music. As much of a scandal as it is to say, we know that stringed + bowed instruments were even older than pipes/bag pipes. There's records of these similar instruments that were bowed and plucked referred to as 'fiddles,' as well. To be honest, the only reason I haven't made mention of it is simply, because there's people who will swear up-and-down that there's a big difference! Between Classical Violin, and "The Celtic Fiddle", and Our!Ciel is more-than-likely learning Classical Violin pieces. It's worth mentioning that a lot of this "Big differences!" people are talking about ... have nothing to do with the instrument itself. The instrument is literally identical. It's just the techniques, song choices, and style that the instrument is played in that they mean... that's it. I can't tell you how many people I've met that sincerely thought that "country fiddles" and "irish fiddles" were literally somehow, entirely different instruments-- that an "irish fiddle" was cheap garbage compared to a "WELL MADE!" overpriced-as-shit violin. Anti-irish sentiments at it's best, what can I say. In terms of stringed instruments with a possible Irish connection, a harp, might have been another option when coming up with his character design and what-not... But unfortunately... harps by then... were so heavily associated with other things as well in Christianity. I don't see it being O!Ciel's first choice (I don't think he'd want to play the harp... it's too "angelic"). Violins are also known, for sounding much more emotional, have that 'haunted' quality, and have a reputation for sounding sad ("Let me play you a song on the world's smallest violin..." from spongebob, comes to mind whenever I think of the violin) and I think it just seemed like the perfect choice, for his character in a general sense. Although! The conscious choice to play it... in the context of his heritage, while playing the part of A Queen-loving Noble Aristocrat ... is a lot like him, in a way. Hiding in plain sight, hiding in the ambiguity. A subtle nod to his heritage that's too subtle for anyone else to notice, or "call him out" for- because Violins are very multi-cultural as well. Integrated. Respected. An instrument, that's just acceptable enough as long as you play it the right way. So what I do think? While it may have been a coincidence, simply because it's such a popular and emotional instrument that is loved across cultures that sincerely suited his character best, however, it's also equally possible that it wasn't a coincidence at all. That these thoughts were considered, by Yana when deciding what instrument Sebastian was going to teach to him.
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swordheld · 2 years
i listen to violins and other instruments as they gather together atop themselves in all their melodies and it is the closest experience i have to articulating what wind feels like; the rising of it, the soaring, how a thing like this can be everything if we only wish it, how it can fall and fly and wonder and witness everything, all at once, and the stories it could tell, each for every star.
i listen to orchestral music and i wonder what the first instrument maker felt in that final moment of creation. to finish the last curve-cut on the smooth surface of bone, and use your own breath to bring it back to a whole new tune of life. 
what would it be, to hold the very first instance of an idea to make something that exists only for the kind of connection that is not equivalent to any language: untranslatable. something entirely new, light and incredible, held in the palm of your hand, to echo a sound that will carry on the winds of time for millennium and millennium until it rests in the hands of a future you do not have the even wildest ideas or dreams to fathom. can you imagine it? 
to hold such a gift, an invention, right there, under all that brilliant sky.
to not even know the impact of a little thing you spent time creating, that you hold in your small hands on the small patch of landscape you call home; the impact of that one single piece of creativity has for all time to come.
what does that feel like? if i were to guess, i would believe, maybe: joy. so much joy it rivals even that prehistoric night sky, even their brightest star.
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scarofthewind · 3 years
Could I request for Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt (and anyone else you may want) on how they’d react to cumming very quickly, like they’re having a stressful day and haven’t dont *it* in a long time and it just happens. :) thanks
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I really liked this one....very spicy! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW, R18+, heated make-out sessions, mentions of oral, face-sitting, pet names
Characters: Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason Voorhees and Bo Sinclair
word count: 2.05k Tip Jar (every bit helps!)
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Thomas Hewitt: 
“I need you to go upstairs for me, pretty girl,” Thomas’ voice sounded darker than you remembered as you walked through the front door, letting your workbag rest against the coat rack. Your lover didn’t give you a moment to speak before he was trudging back down the steps of the basement where you heard a male beg for his life. 
With a sigh you obliged, running your hand down your stiff neck and wondering if you needed to take some time off work. You felt like you hadn’t seen Thomas, kissed him or even touched him in forever and it was starting to get to you. You both hated the fact that work had you going overtime and that he was doing busy work with stuff around the acres of land he had to maintain. All you wanted was to spend at least a full day with him where there was no work, just love making and talking. 
Making your way to the bedroom, you shut the door as the man started screaming, the familiar sound of Thomas’ chainsaw going off as you took your clothes off piece by piece and set them in the laundry hamper, reminding yourself to do laundry when you could. You moved sluggishly towards the shower, pulling the curtain back and turning the water on, getting it ready for both you and Thomas who you could hear bounding up the stairs as the water warmed. 
Strong arms covered in blood wrapped around your middle and chapped lips pressed kisses along your neck and shoulder. “No more overtime and I’m taking next week off,” you told Thomas who hummed in response, pulling back to loose his clothing before following you into the warm shower. “I missed you so much,” you said softly, your heart aching at your words as the male stared down at you with a knowing feeling.
“I didn’t go anywhere, sweetheart.” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead to which you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to your lips, letting the water run over his red-stained skin. “But shit did I miss you too,” he growled against your mouth, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip while his hands felt up your body. One of your hands traveled down towards his cock, palming it gently and feeling it twitch to life before you began pumping the shaft gently. 
Thomas’ lips worked hungrily against yours as he pressed you against the shower wall, cupping your cunt with one hand before slipping past your lower lips and delving into your aching pussy. A soft cry left your mouth and Thomas felt himself snap at the feeling of your walls sucking on his fingers so tightly. Just the thought of what your pussy would do to his cock made him cum and he pulled away from you, apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry it just been so long and-”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s okay.” You say softly, bringing his lips back to yours. “It’s not like you can’t get it back up, right?” You smirk against his mouth and let out a shriek when he pulls you out of the shower and takes you to the bed, moving to lay between your legs and bringing his mouth to your sopping cunt.
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Bo Sinclair: 
The man was practically tweaking when you walked into the house, Bo immediatley springing up from his spot on the couch and making his way towards you. “I’m sorry I’ve been too stubborn to apologize for our fight last week but please, please, please forgive me.” Bo was frantic, his pupils blown wide and an obvious tent in his shorts that made you bite back a smirk. 
“I can’t get off without you, I can’t sleep, I can barely eat because you know I can’t cook-”
“Bo, please stop talking.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose before pulling him upstairs to your bedroom, him still babbling about useless things the whole way. As soon as you get into the comfort of the room, you shut the door behind you and turn to face him. 
“I mean I can’t even get close to finishing, it’s like my dick’s broke-” you cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. Taking his hat off and throwing it to the floor so you could run your fingers through his messy hair, you felt him relax against your touch, his hands pulling your body against his. “Please,” he groaned and you obliged, moving him over to the chair by the window and letting him sit down before climbing on his lap and unzipping his pants, spitting in your hand before pumping his shaft slowly. 
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, hips bucking at your touch while his head was buried between your breasts. “That feels so good, baby, just like that,” he let out a string of curse words while you continued your actions, running your thumb across the tip a few times while feeling a familiar wetness grow between your legs. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Bo panted, his hips moving along with your hand as he came in thick white spurts to which you wiped on his shirt. 
“That was quick,” you teased, watching him glare at you before he moved, having you seated on the chair with your legs hooked on his bare shoulders when he removed his stained shirt. “You don’t have to, Bo.” You said, watching him shake his head and pull your pants down along with your underwear. 
“I told you didn’t I? I’m a starving man and I know good eatin’ when I see it,” he winks up at you before slowly making his way to your glistening cunt. With the way he works your body like a finely tuned instrument, it doesn’t take you long to finish either and by then, he’s hard and ready to go again.
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Michael Myers: 
The air was knocked from your lungs the moment you walked through the front door as Michael shoved you against the wall, lips pressed against yours feverishly as his teeth practically clicked against your own. “What the hell, Michael?” You struggled to push the larger man off, moving slightly to the side and wiping your mouth from the wetness of the kiss. 
“I haven’t touched you in over two weeks, do you know what that’s doing to me?” He growled, pressing himself against you, your back one again meeting the wall. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of finally getting off after two straight weeks of overworking yourself and barely getting to see your ‘very busy’ serial killer lover. 
You let out a gasp when his teeth pulled at the skin on your neck, leaving various bite marks and bruises on your already sore body. “Calm down, you’re gonna kill me,” you whimper, feeling one of his hands dip between your bodies to rub your clothed pussy, the feeling still making you weak in the knees. “Bedroom, now.” You ordered, moving out from under him and not bothering to look back, knowing he was following you up the stairs. 
It didn’t take but a few seconds before you were topless, your bra still uncomfortably holding your breasts into place while you were shoved on the bed, Michael crawling on top of you faster than you could blink. Once again, his lips found yours and one of his hands found purchase on your neck, lightly thumbing over the dark marks he left there earlier while his tongue delved into your awaiting mouth. You could feel his cock straining against his pants as he slowly ground it along your pant-clad cunt, your panties becoming remarkably uncomfortable with how wet they were. 
A soft moan of his name left your lips when he slipped his hand from your neck into your pants, unbuttoning them and pushing them down enough for him to feel how wet you were. “Oh fuck,” he grunted, his chest heaving as his hands stilled and his lips moved off yours. You stared up at him in confusion as he quickly stood up, stripping himself of his pants and boxers, cursing at the copious amounts of cum that coated his now softening cock. 
“That’s new,” you tease, watching his ears turn red before he curses again. “Don’t be embarrassed, we haven't’ done anything in a while so it’s natural.” You assure him, watching him roll his eyes before moving to lay on the bed. 
“I don’t need this from you, just come here.” He grunts, getting comfortable and curling a finger at you. 
“I don’t get it, I’m not gonna ride you when you’re soft, it’ll-”
“Not my dick, Princess,” he said with a smirk, moving his hair from his face and running a hand along his mouth, his tongue licking his lips. “Come take a seat, I wanna taste you.” You didn’t have to be told twice.
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Jason Voorhees: 
It felt like their were a million things on your mind, but that he wasn’t one of them. Lately with work and your family, you’ve not been able to go out and see Jason all too much and it was starting to worry him. Did you grow tired of him? Did you find someone better?
He missed your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your body, your lips, your cunt; you name it and he was yearning for it. He hadn’t gotten off without you there since before he met you and he wasn’t about to do it again; it didn’t feel right to. So imagine your shock when you come through the cabin door, announcing your arrival and nearly getting tackled to the floor by your giant lover. 
“Jason, I missed you too but I can’t breathe,” you laughed, feeling him loosen his grip on you before cupping your face and pulling you into a deep kiss, his tongue swiping across your lip. A soft sigh leaves your lips and you drop what you have, shutting the door with your foot and ridding yourself of your coat, not caring where it falls. 
Jason can feel the bulge in his pants start to grow and he’s sure you can to by the way you run your hand over it. A shiver runs through his body before he yanks you over to the couch, wanting to be inside you as quickly as possible. “I missed you so much,” you whimpered against his lips when he lays you down gently, his frame moving between your legs and settling against your lower half. With a soft kiss to your palm before placing it on his heart, Jason told you that he loved you without having to speak before bending down again and reconnecting your soft lips with his. 
The cabin was quiet except for the soft pants and moans that came from the two of you as Jason practically humped your leg, his hands groping at the mounds of flesh on your chest while his lips worked wonders on your neck. You could feel yourself growing wetter by the minute and just as you were about to start peeling clothes off, Jason shot up and practically fell off the couch. “What? What happened? Is someone here, do I need to hide?” You asked with swollen lips, watching him hold one of the couch pillows against his front. 
“Jason what’s going on? Are you okay? Were we going too fast?” Your eyes never left his face but he stared at the floor as the gross, wet, warmth of his cum pooled inside his boxers, his pants showing a wet patch on the front to which he hesitantly showed you. he was ready to be teased but when you told him to come back to the couch, he did. 
“Look at me,” you said, gently cupping his face which was blushing a pretty shade of pink. “It’s alright. We haven’t been together in a while and you didn’t touch yourself while I was gone did you?” When he shook his head you smiled at him softly. “It’s natural to get worked up like that, it doesn’t mean we still can’t have any fun.” You whispered to him, watching his eyes narrow at you slightly before he grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you to the bedroom; challenge accepted. 
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Hunter Whispers AU!
A quick (hopefully) post about the basic things that change on the au!
Also a quick warning about blood on one of the images in the middle of the post when I start to talk about Lilith.
Like the other two aus here, it is being developed together with @bernardo-draws-and-cries, who drew some of the drawings on this post.
- Raine meets Hunter when he's pretty young, like around 8 years old and training to become the Golden Guard. They show genuine kindness to Hunter and there's a very slow adoption process (like socializing a feral kitten), Hunter sometimes sneaks out to their house, and then when the cheek wound happens when he's 12, that's the breaking point for Raine to go "that's it" and get Hunter out of the castle and adopting him.
- Hunter managed to stay pretty undetected from the EC even if Raine was getting higher and closer to the EC on the bard coven. He's not on Hexside, he and Raine managed to figure out a homeschooling system. And usually if he's not helping Raine with things, or at home, he's likely on the library or outside in the forest.
- He's part of the BATs! (Took a lot of convincing for Raine to let him join) But sometimes when dealing more directly with the EC, Raine doesn't want to risk him being caught and doesn't let him join in these missions. Resentment happens.
- Hunter resenting and feeling trapped and like no adult thinks he's capable of doing what he wants to do is a theme. He's doing better emotionally than Canon Hunter but there's a lot there that he is not doing well with and still some unprocessed trauma.
- Lilith is the in place of the Golden Guard. She has scars across her face from one time fighting Eda, where she intentionally made her turn into the Owl Beast, to try to capture here, which is why she almost always uses a mask now. She ended up telling her family about her cursing Eda and decided to isolate herself and focus only on the EC. Which is... not good for her mental health.
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She still appears mostly on the same momentos as on Canon, but the more friendly times, like Sense and Insensitivity are way less friendly and Eda is less cheery with her, for good reasons. She is Canon Lilith before s1 finale but if she stayed and spiraled.
- Raine has a flying fox palisman! I haven't decided a name for them yet
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(haven't digitalized it yet)
I based them on the animal head on their violin looking a bit like a bat! And this au is working with the headcanon that palismen for bard witches can either transform into instruments or join their witch's instrument to help with the magic casting.
So, they're the violin!
- Raine is the one who gets fooled by Belos about the whole "I'll cure Eda" thing. They don't trust Belos for obvious reasons, but they hoped this would help Eda, and they're not going for the capture path, they want to talk with Eda about all this but they never find the time to tell her their plan. Which wasn't going to be 100% doing their part of the deal either, they were planning on getting Eda cured and then let her escape. Also they also have a path of realizing that the curse itself isn't the problem, but it happens a bit too late. And Hunter doesn't know about it. Until YBOS.
- Lilith had also been trying to capture Eda, being way more aggressive about it. And she's still the one who captures Luz in AOAW and makes it seem like it was Raine's choice. Very angst
- The two appear way earlier, in Covention, and appear some more other times, like Hunter in Escape of the palisman, and the two on Grom (and more times. They become semi regular characters but we haven't figured out that much)
- Hunter ends up befriending Luz (and hexside trio) and goes to quite some sleepovers there, specially after discovering about the glyphs! (his love language is snack giving and one constant on these aus besides Hunter having a bad sleep schedule is him having a great relationship with King)
(both him and Raine have bad sleep schedules)
- Hunter gets Lil rascal on SOTP. He has the same wish as canon, just a different situation. He still feels caged and unable to fully decide what he wants for his future
- There's the obligatory awkward pining Raeda
- Eda's requiem has quite some changes that i will probably make a separate post about
- Amber, Derwin and Katya are basically like Hunter's older sibilings. He's the baby of that found family
- And on this au he acts more like an older cousin than as a brother to luz. Still close but not like a brother.
- He can kinda use bard magic but it's kinda weak since he himself is powerless (Lil Rascal helps with that), and we're using another headcanon, about bard magic being able to be used by beings without innate magic in them, just less powerful than if performed by a being with innate magic
- Raine ends up sharing the curse with Eda (the assumption that Eda cursed Raine and not that they shared the curse gets spread around) and Raine can become the Bat Beast
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Very fluffy. They can still do bard magic (but way weaker) as it is Eda who is still the main carrier of the curse.
- Things get...pretty tense with Raine and basically everyone else (specially Eda, Luz, King and Hunter) after ybos. Their relationships get slowly rebuilt but then Eda's requiem happens.
- But before that, they're around quite often on season 2, together with Hunter
This au is a lot of "Raine fucked up and is trying to fix it/make up for it" and it's really fun to work on it, even if it looks like it's mainly angst, we still have some non angst stuff about it fksmdmfm
And that's it! The basics about this au! There's a lot more stuff we're going to be slowly sharing
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 04 / all for us
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summary: a few weeks later, you’re finally allowed to leave your room. however, you notice something that you later wish you hadn’t.
note: i had the worst headache whilst editing, i apologize for mistakes.
taglist: @the-sun-baby @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @uniquepickle
warnings/notes: cursing, last chapter was the calm before the storm, brutal assault, abuse, manipulation, blood, slight mind break, drugging, use of alcohol
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YOU were surprised whenever erwin and levi told you that you'd been good enough to venture the house a little more a few weeks later. you had been doing the same thing as before, sitting in your room and crying, hanging with the two men for two hours, and back to being lonely.
right now, you were stuck in your room. staring out of the window into the garden with dull eyes, silent tears running down your face.
you want to go home and sleep in zeke's arms. you want to tell pieck you love her and you didn't mean what you'd said to her. you wanted to play goofy songs on the piano with bertholdt. you wanted to lay in the sun with porco and reiner while they both commit to a workout routine.
you'd do anything to have that again. anything.
you wiped away your tears whenever you heard footsteps. the door opened to reveal levi followed by his bear of a boyfriend. erwin had on a gentle smile while levi looked the same; irritated.
"c'mon, you're playing for me today," levi grunts and your eyes light up at the opportunity.
you haven't played any instrument since you were taken. your hands missed their place on the objects, fingers delicately strumming the strings or pressing on the keys. they missed their home, just like yourself.
you're glad that they hadn't caught any signs of you crying. if they had, you would've had to stay in the room and talk it out with them.
you obediently follow behind them, nightgown swishing as you walk excitedly. you watch them unlock a door that leads to your quarters, and for the first time you're in the living room without crying.
the living room is big and clean, so much to where you wonder if it's even been touched. you turn your gaze to the left, eyes acknowledge the large, black front door. your eyes widened while the voice in your head screams at you.
'RUN!!!' it says, 'THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE!!’
your eyes dart down to look at the doorknobs and it's locks. the door was left unlocked.
you gulp down the ball starting to form in your throat and try to ignore how you've started to sweat. you look back at levi and erwin, who are not paying any mind to what you do. they made the mistake of not holding your chain and not having one of them walk behind you.
before you can even really think, you're gliding across the room to the door. swinging the door open just as levi and erwin turn to scream at you, and you almost feel your stomach drop at the view before you.
it's a long stone walkway with a gate sitting at the end, almost teasingly. you run quickly, ignoring how the rough stone scrapes roughly against the soles of your feet. the window is rushing through your hair and slapping against your face, something you relish in temporarily.
your legs are starting to ache from how fast you're pumping them, trying to get to the gate as quick as you can. the wind has you tearing up once more, but you reach up and wipe away the small tears.
you ignore the sound of levi's footsteps as well as his and erwin's angry screams, you're so close, you're almost there.
your mind flashes to porco and reiner for a brief moment. you thank them in your head, now happy with how the two would make you race with them during their workout routines sometimes.
you're almost there, your fingers even graze against the black metal of the fence. but your breath is being knocked out of your body as you're tugged backwards.
your chain. your chain was the cause of your demise, it had been loosely swinging behind you and over your shoulder as you ran.
your head along with your back slam against the stone, loud screams of pain bursting through your mouth. you're sliding towards the person your chain is being tugged by, nightgown now tearing apart because of the friction.
levi is above you, eyes looking almost animalistic along with an angry face that stares at you as he huffs to get his breath back. you lay in the fetal position, crying out at the tip of levi's shoe kicks into your stomach. it has you barfing, but as soon as you finish levi's hands are grabbing you by the hair and dragging you back to the house.
but halfway down the pathway, he lets go and it makes you nervous. his foot comes into contact with your nose, blooding immediately gushing out of it. you sob out after he kicks you in the same spot once more, you think you hear a crack.
his foot kicks at your ribs now, taking all the breath out of your body while your eyes go blank. you can't think, even as levi's knuckles connect with your jaw. you spit out blood and cry at the scratch you get from levi's wedding band.
his hand is tangled with your hair, and instead of trying to pull away, he uses it as leverage. he squats onto a knee, eyes widened as he slams your face into the stone. you screech, nails clawing at the rough terrain and look to erwin.
"HELP!!! HELP, PLEASE," you gargle out blood mixed with your spit, reaching a shaking hand to him.
"HE'S GONNA KILL ME, PLEASE," you wail just as levi hits you again.
"that's enough levi," erwin says, now standing behind levi and staring over his shoulder.
you look absolutely damaged. blood, spit, and tears smeared across your face and scrapes all over your fragile body. levi slams your head down one last time, detangling his hand from your hair and storming off.
erwin only sighs and takes you in his arms, ignoring how your whole body trembles the moment he touches it.
"you're ignorant," he shakes his head, "i told you that levi would hurt you if you tried to run, and you didn't listen."
he's placing you onto your bed after he's walked back inside, eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared from irritation. his palm smacks you across your face, and you sob from the pain.
"let me tell you something," he murmurs into your ear, "even if you'd gotten passed the gates, we would've found you."
you're panting and sobbing, wanting erwin to step away from you.
"that little collar of your's has a tracker," he whispers, "you'll never be able to get away."
those are the last words you hear before you black out.
you sit in the bathtub a few days later, listening to the gentle singing of erwin as he drenches you in warm water.
it burns against your skin, something you'd pointed out, but they ignore. you supposed it's an extension of your punishment.
when you get out of the bath, erwin tends to your wounds. he puts on a new bandage over the cut on your face from levi's wedding band, and new bandages onto your arms and torso.
later that night, erwin finds you curled in a ball into the corner of your dark closet. hands protectively shielding your head and covering your ears, shoulders quivering as tears run down your face.
"darling," he frowns, "you've got to stop coming in here."
you don't answer, which doesn't surprise him, and only pull your hands closer to yourself. he knows you won't willingly get up, so he brings the tray into the closet.
"i have to feed you, i need you to comply," you relax, hesitantly taking your arms away from your head and lowering your knees onto the floor.
he feeds you in silence, the only noise being the air conditioner coming off and on as he spends his time in there. he notices how you struggle to swallow down your food, probably from how levi's kicks damaged your ribs along with your stomach. before he can leave, he hears your hoarse voice asking for an answer.
"erwin...," you say, "how... how did you guys kidnap me?"
erwin sighs a bit, deciding to get himself comfortable as he begins the story.
it was a rainy night, raindrops froze against your skin as they pelted towards the ground. erwin and levi, your newfound friends, had invited you to go drinking with them a couple of weeks prior. you accepted with hesitance, but the hesitance was thrown out of the window whenever you and pieck had gotten in a fight earlier that evening.
you needed to get your mind off of the heated argument, pieck told you that you're a fuck up while you said that you hate her. you knew that you would regret this in the morning, but right now you're way too sad to even give a fuck.
when you enter the club, you find levi and erwin sitting and talking to one another at the bar. they both already have drinks and look as handsome as ever.
you sing out a greeting as you take the stool between them, ordering yourself a fruity drink.
"glad you could make it," erwin smiled to you, bringing his transparent drink to his lips.
"i promised i'd be here! besides, after the night i've had, i deserve to get drunk. what are you two even drinking," you smirked while looking to levi, bumping your shoulder against his.
he rolled his eyes your antics, while erwin spoke, "levi isn't really able to get drunk, but he's drinking whiskey. i'm drinking bourbon. what happened?"
you sighed, but it's cut off whenever the bartender puts your drink onto the counter in front of you.
"my best friend and i got into a fight, something about the house we share and something her cat did. she said i was a fuck up, i said i hated her. we'll be crying and apologizing by tomorrow," you fanned your hand and take a swig of your drink.
erwin opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupt him with a hoot as you slam the glass back to the counter.
"that's strong!" you laughed, barely noticing how quickly you downed it, "can i have another one?!"
"you shouldn't drink too much," erwin said while he pats your back.
you can't yell at him since levi asks a question before you could, "wanna have shots?"
"yes, please! what should be get," you grinned, the both of you ignoring the disapproving look from erwin.
"kamikaze shots," he smirks, "unless you can't handle it."
"are you fuckin' kidding?! let's go, right now," you're overly excited, slightly buzzed as you move around.
said shots were placed before you and levi. you picked it up and clinked glasses with him as you laugh, slamming it back down to the counter and downing it with a grimace. you shouted out in excitement once again, throwing your hands into the air.
"let's fuckin' go!!"
"let's not," erwin pulled your hands back into your lap, which you giggle at.
levi orders you another drink, you don't exactly hear what it is even whenever the bartender puts it down in front of you. your words are slurring as you laugh and chat with the two of them, eyelids heavy as you feel yourself getting more and more tired.
"hey, (name)," levi pushed his knee against your's, spinning the liquid in his cup around.
"wh... what's up," you grinned stupidly whilst laying your head against the counter.
"we like you, romantically," the statement had you sobering up, eyes shooting open and head shooting up.
"huh? what'd you say? i think i'm really drunk now."
"i said what i said," erwin's slightly panicking over your shoulder, "would you want to be with us?"
you squinted your eyes, temples suddenly throbbing with pain. you came out to have fun, not this.
"no," you sighed sadly, "i don't like you guys like that. plus, i'd feel intrusive."
levi gave a drawn out hum as he takes your drink from the bartender and putting it onto the coaster before you.
"it's okay, don't worry," levi shrugged, hand retreating back to his glass of whiskey.
you sighed in relief and break into a smile, once again drowning yourself in the fruity drink levi's given you. when you slam it back down, you cringe and your face is pulled into a grimace once more.
the drink tasted weird, nothing like the name implied. you try to wrack what alcohol exactly tastes the way this one does, salty. it tastes salty. and it's not like it's only alcohol in the drink, at least you think.
your eyes shoot wide as you come to the realization. this is a rape-date drink. and you've just downed the drink within seconds.
your mouth opened, but nothing but gibberish comes out. the last thing you see before your eyes droop is levi's small smirk with arms opened wide.
the story has you recoiling into a ball again, tears streaming out of your face while erwin tries to put a hand on your shoulder.
levi inflicted so much pain. physical and mental. he's the one who got you drunk, he's the one who drugged you, he's the one who slapped you day one, and he's the one who beat you. and erwin helped. erwin ordered.
"don't touch me, please," you whisper, backing yourself further and further into the corner of the closet.
"please, i want to comfort you," he frowns, once again reaching his hand out.
"NO!!" you cry and slap his hand, immediately retracting from fear.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to," you fumble with your words and curl inwards more, "please don't hurt me again, please. i don't want to hurt anymore."
erwin's heart aches as you start to tremble, noticing how hard you were digging your nails into your scalp.
"it's okay," he says calmly, "i won't hurt you."
you choke out your words, "but levi will. he'll hurt me again."
erwin stays silent, knowing full well that you were correct. erwin was barely able to smack you without feeling bad, he couldn't imagine kicking you in the ribs. erwin can feel a ball in the back of his throat, picking up the tray in silence and leaving you alone.
you cry as you lay on the floor now, fetal position. you're going to fall asleep soon, and you're okay with you. you feel slightly more protected in the closet on the floor than in your bed.
your eyes are fluttering close.
you hope that you won't get hurt again.
141 notes · View notes
out-of-jams · 4 years
Airplane Mode || Track 13: Just One Day || jhs
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Summary: In a world where a bruise marks the first touch of your soulmate, time is the only thing that matters. The marks take hours to appear, sometimes even days if you’re really unlucky. Once First Touch is initiated, both parties only have a few weeks to find the other. From then on, the body begins to reject any form of sustenance other than the touch of the other. If one fails to find their soulmate in time, they starve to death. So what happens when your soulmate is a world famous idol?And you’re just one fan in a sea of many who can’t even speak the same language?
Pairing: Hoseok x Fem Character
Word Count: 4.3k
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Idol!au. Smut. Soulmate!au. Language barrier!au. Explicit language.
Warnings: This chapter contains swearing.
             Previous | Next | Track List | Masterlist |
By the time Eunjae got back to her apartment, it was around two in the morning. Taehyung had given her a sleepy-eyed hug goodnight before making his way to the dorm. Eunjae closed the front door behind her with an inaudible sigh, thing off her shoes by the entryway. The day had been long, filled with an excessive amount of stress at work, only to be followed by the time spent with Taehyung.
Eunjae would by lying if she said that she wasn't happy that the boys were so open about being her. That they didn't seem to be doing it just out of obligation because she was one of their member's soulmate. It was nice to feel accepted when she'd been forced into a strange new place with people she didn't know. Closing her eyes around a tired yawn, Eunjae navigated her apartment with heavy lids.
Only to stop dead when she caught sight of a foreign object in her peripheral.
Sat slouched down on the couch with his chin propped up in his hand, was her soulmate. She shouldn't have been as surprised as she was that he was there, since he knew the code to the door and all. And maybe if she'd have checked her phone that was buried somewhere at the bottom of her bag, she would have seen the text messages. But she didn't because she hadn't. Hoseok didn't notice her approach, not that he could with his eyes closed. 
By the soft, deep breaths that escaped his nose, she assumed that he must have fallen asleep. Which only served to bring up the question of how long he'd been there. Had he been waiting on her long? A surge of guilt caused Eunjae to frown as she crouched down in front of him. He'd changed out of the clothes he'd been wearing earlier that day and into a pair of joggers and a t-shirt.
Even with his eyes shut, he looked tired. Eunjae couldn't blame him, not with how busy they all were preparing for their comeback. His face was slack, dark eyelashes kissing his high cheekbones. Soft looking heart-shaped lips were slightly parted in sleep while his chest gently rose and fell with each inhale. 
Eunjae hadn't been able to fully take in his features without the fear of him catching her staring. Hoseok was beautiful, strikingly handsome with all of the sharp lines and angles that made up his symmetrical face. Why some ARMY didn't appreciate them was something that she would never be able to understand. And she wasn't just saying that because he was her soulmate. Anyone who looked at him and thought that he wasn't incredibly attractive were blind. 
There was no other excuse. 
Reaching out a hand, Eunjae gently shook his shoulder. "Hey."
He didn't respond, too wrapped up in whatever dreams were playing out behind his eyelids.
"Hobi," she tried again, shaking his shoulder a little bit harder.
Hoseok grunted, eyes fluttering open in confusion before focusing on her. They were still filled with sleep in the only way someone who'd just awoken could be. He ran a hand down his face in an attempt to bring himself back into alertness before sitting up a little straighter. When he met her gaze again, she couldn't help the small smile that broke out across her face.
"Hey, sleepyhead."
"Hey." His voice was a deep, raspy grumble that only came out when he came back from taking a trip to sleepsville. And he barely lifted a palm over his mouth to contain his yawn.
"Waiting long?" Eunjae asked, pushing herself back to her feet.
Hoseok glanced at the tiny clock embedded onto the face of the television's cable box and shook his head. "Not very."
"Sorry," she grimaced. "You, uh, hungry?"
Eunjae had to forcibly not look as he slid a hand beneath the hem of his shirt to scratch at his side subconsciously. Though it did little to prevent the small sliver of golden hued skin from popping into her peripheral. She was pretty sure that her question was stupid, that it practically answered itself because why else would he be in her apartment at two in the morning?
"Yeah." Hoseok gave her a reassuring, if not tired, smile and stood from the couch, stretching his arms above his head on the way. Glancing over towards the hallway, he wet his lips. "Can we go...sleep?"
The thought of curling up next to his warmth for a second night left Eunjae with a feeling that she couldn't quite discern. But she brushed it off, buried it deep in favor of responding. "Sure."
And as she followed him down the short hall, a thought popped up into her mind.
At least her question about whether or not they'd only recharge their metaphorical batteries during the day had been answered.
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Eunjae was in time out.
Well sorta, but she also didn’t want to move. Not when she was so comfortably stretched out on the couch with a book propped up in her lap. The sound of fingers typing across a keyboard prevented silence from overtaking the room. Namjoon’s hair reflected the light from his computer screen, bouncing off the headphones thrown over his hair.
It was barely even an hour ago that Eunjae had gotten kicked out of the stylist department. The boys had a performance on a television show tonight and the coordi noonas and stylist noonas were a frazzled mess. Eunjae was sent away ten minutes after arriving because they didn’t have time for her to “get in the way” or whatever it was that they’d said. She’d be insulted if she wasn’t so relieved.
Namjoon had found her listlessly wandering the halls of Producer’s Row, not knowing what to do with herself. Hoseok hadn’t been in his studio and he’d yet to answer her text, so she’d had no idea where to find him. Luckily, the leader of Bangtan had let her know that her soulmate was down in one of the dance studios with Seokjin. Eunjae had been hesitant on interrupting what must have been their practice for their upcoming performance. Namjoon, as perceptive as he was, had seen the look on her face and offered to let her hang out in his studio until Hoseok was finished.
Which was how she’d landed herself back in MonStudio, a pen pressed to her lips and a headache brewing. She’d met with Soyeon earlier that morning when she’d first gotten to the building for another Korean lesson. After about two hours of one-on-one conversation exercises, she’d been sent away with a stack of beginner level workbooks to go through. 
It wasn’t that Eunjae didn’t want to learn, but multiple hours of studying would wear anyone down. Letting out a long sigh, Eunjae slid further down the couch until her head was propped up by the arm rest. She barely saved the thin book in her lap from falling to the rug.
“Having trouble?” 
Starting in surprise, Eunjae glanced up to see Namjoon’s chair spun halfway around. He raised an eyebrow in amusement at the wide eyed look she sent him. One side of the headphones that'd been thrown over his head was pulled off to the side so that he could hear her response. Eunjae wondered for a moment what she'd down to garner his attention away from whatever track it was that he'd been so focused on.
“Huh?” She asked intelligently.
He nodded at the book dangling from her hand for dear life. “With your studies.” 
“Oh.” She pouted unconsciously. “Just taking a break. Too much studying gives me a headache.”
"I can understand that." Namjoon slid his headphones down to hook around his neck. "Breaks are always good."
"You sound like you're in need of one." It was Eunjae's turn to raise an eyebrow now.
"Yeah, something like that," Namjoon chuckled, running a hand through his slightly disheveled hair.
She rearranged the book to rest somewhere tucked between the couch cushions and made herself more comfortable. "What have you been working on? If you don't mind me asking of course."
"Nah, I don't mind." He stared over at his computer screen like it held the answers the the universe. "I'm working on my mixtape."
"Your own?" Eunjae's eyebrows shot up into her hairline. That was news to her. At Namjoon's nod of affirmation, she sat up a little straighter. "How far along is it?"
Namjoon pursed his lips thoughtfully, dimples indenting his cheeks. "Not very. I have some of the instrumentals done and some lyrics, but it's nowhere near complete."
Eunjae hummed. "Huh. I didn't know you were making a mixtape."
Gently rotating back-and-forth in his chair, he gave her a look that she wasn't sure how to decipher. "Hoseok is working on one too."
That would explain why he was in his studio so much at least. During the handful of times that Eunjae had met him there to sate their hunger away from prying eyes, she'd walked in to find him studiously clicking away at his computer. He'd always dropped whatever it was that he was working on to spend time with her so she hadn't really though much of it. 
Why he hadn't told her that he was working on his own mixtape, she wasn't sure, but she couldn't really hold it against her. Some people could be very private about their art and Hoseok may not feel completely comfortable with her yet, which was something that Eunjae couldn't fault him for.
"Speaking of," Namjoon began, bringing Eunjae's attention back to the present. "How're things going with you? You adjusting well? I feel like we haven't really gotten the chance to talk on-on-one."
The memory of the night she'd broken down in the shower flashed through her mind, but she metaphorically brushed it off with a nonchalant shrug. "Fine I guess."
"You guess?" He questioned, a playful lilt to his voice.
She snorted. "Yes, fine. Everyone's been nice."
"That's good to hear." He leaned back into his chair. "Moving to a new country can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you throw a soulmate into the mix."
He could say that again.
"But," Namjoon continued thoughtfully, "at least we can learn how to handle things the next time one of us gets a soulmate."
Eunjae took in the way his mouth quirked as his dark eyes traced some invisible shape into the carpet at his feet. How he was slightly slouched down in his chair and the small furrow between his eyebrows and asked the question onto tip of her tongue before she could think to stop it. "Is that something that you'd want? To find your soulmate?"
He hummed, a deep flatlined sound that didn't give away his agreement or disagreement. "Yes? No? Maybe? I don't know. Not that I think soulmates are bad or anything."
His eyes flickered up to meet hers to make sure that he hadn't accidentally offended her. At her encouraging nod, he swiped a hand down his face. "Maybe when things die down and we're not all so famous. Getting to know someone with our hectic schedules isn't easy, as you probably know. I mean the thought of a soulmate is nice, but the timing for me right now wouldn't be so great."
"In the future then," Eunjae said it more as a statement than a question. "What do you think they'd be like?"
That brought a small, pensive smile to his full lips and his eyes traced the rug again. "I used to think about it a lot when I was younger, but not so much lately. I'd hate to set expectations because who really knows? But I'd like to think that if I do end up meeting them, they'd be kind."
"I'm sure they would be." And she meant it. While Eunjae may not have known Namjoon long personally, what she did know was that he was an old soul. Someone who put others before himself always. Fate would do nothing if not give him someone who would cherish that.
He cleared his throat before finding her gaze. "We'll see."
None of them spoke about the fact that he may never see. That he could live his whole life without ever meeting his soulmate. That both she and Hoseok had been lucky to find one another out of the other 7.5 billion people that inhabited the planet. There was a reason why the statistical likelihood of finding one's other half was so small.
"Any other questions?" Namjoon changed the subject with a lighthearted smile.
"Mm, just one," Eunjae grinned.
"What is it?"
"Can I hear what you've made so far?" She nodded at his computer, which had long since put itself into sleep mode.
Huffing a laugh, Namjoon spun back around in his chair and shook the mouse to wake the computer up. "Sure. But just warning you, none of these tracks are final yet."
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“It’s not even that bad, stop pouting.”
Eunjae dropped the recently colored strand of hair to send a glare at Soyeon. Unfortunately, the woman was too focused on keeping the car in its lane to pay any attention to her charge. “Says you. I haven’t been a brunette since I was in high school.”
Narrowing her eyes, Eunjae examined her new hairstyle in the sun visor’s mirror. She’d been forced to dye her once silver tresses to a boring dark brown. When she’d met Soyeon a few hours ago, the woman had informed her that according to whatever stupid handbook employees were required to follow, unnatural hair colors weren’t allowed. And since Eunjae was technically employed by BigHit with her fabricated internship, she had to abide by the rules. 
Which meant ruining her hair. Miles had spent an unfathomable amount of time coloring it and when she’d texted him the news at the salon, he’d practically had an aneurysm. She couldn't exactly blame him since he'd been the only one who'd been allowed to touch her hair since he'd first learned how to hold a flat iron.
"Well think of it like this," Soyeon spoke while she merged off of the freeway. "At least now you won't stick out like a sore thumb. The less people question you, the better off everyone is in the long run."
"I guess," Eunjae mumbled begrudgingly. Her tutor was right, but that didn't mean that she had to like it.
Eunjae turned her attention from the mirror to stare out of the passenger side window. The sun was getting ready to drop low beyond the horizon soon, however the day was far from over. Soyeon looked at the girl from the corner of her eye. "So, ground rules."
Raising a brow in curiosity, Eunjae turned to stare at Soyeon's side profile. "Ground rules for what?"
"For tonight. There's some things we need to go over before we get there." Bangtan was attending their first performance of the new comeback at Music Bank in three hours and Eunjae had to shadow Tiffany for the night. Which would have been exciting, if she wasn't so nervous that she'd mess something up.
"Okay." Eunjae's tone came out hesitant. 
"This is coming from the top," Soyeon pointed a finger at the roof of the car. "AKA, from Bang Si-Hyuk himself. Basically, you can't hang around the boys at all, under any circumstances. They should be getting the same spell as you right now so don't think that this is just for you. If you're caught, the staff would absolutely eat that up and rumors would spread faster than butter on toast."
Eunjae made a face at the strange analogy, but nodded her head in understanding.
"Also," the woman continued. "Hands off your soulmate unless you're helping him with his wardrobe, whether you're in the safety of the fitting room or not. None of the staff have been informed of the connection between the two of you and it's up in the air right now on when or if they will be. 
"While all of them have had to sign a basic NDA at the beginning of their contracts, that doesn't always stop gossipers unfortunately. For all shows in the near future, you'll be hitching a ride there with the rest of the coordi noonas in order to avoid suspicion on why you get special treatment by riding separately."
Eunjae trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, mind reeling. Sure, she knew that there were going to be some things that she would or wouldn't be allowed to do, but she hadn't prepared for how strict the rules would be. The whole reason she was given the internship in the first place was so that her and Hoseok could "refuel" during their upcoming tour. 
If she could barely even breathe the same air as him, how was that supposed to work? What good would fleeting touches do in the face of staving off hunger? Hell, it took at least an hour of constant touching to even begin to feel sated. Was she supposed to stay away from him for the whole tour, only sustaining herself with barely-there brushes against his skin?
She didn't voice her concerns, only hummed in agreement when Soyeon gave her a questioning glance. It wasn't exactly her place to complain since the company had already done so much for her. Though that did little to take her away from the thoughts that played on a constant loop once Soyeon turned her attention back to the road. The rest of the drive passed by in a blur. Eunjae barely recognized the building they pulled into the back parking lot of Music Bank. 
Cars were scattered throughout the spaces and vans with deeply tinted windows took up a whole row near the entrance doors. Once the engine was cut, Soyeon escorted her through the double doors and passed the check-in desk for staff where she received a badge to wear around her neck. The room that Eunjae was led to was far down the exceedingly long hallway.
None of the boys were present yet, which wasn't all too surprising since there was still a while to go until they needed to take the stage. The greenroom wasn't incredibly big, but Eunjae supposed that space wasn't exactly necessary when the boys were just meant to be in and out. Their show was going to be recorded live, so they'd only need to perform it once instead of the multiple amount of times that a prerecorded one would need.
Bangtan weren't the only ones who were taking the stage, which was something Eunjae had noticed when she was being shown to the greenroom. She'd never been backstage at a show before, television or otherwise, and it'd felt a little odd. Getting to see what went on beyond the t.v. screen was like pulling the curtain off the illusion.
Out in the halls, staff from multiple different entertainment industries passed each other, pushing clothes racks or speaking into the tiny earpieces hooked around their ears. Much like the stylist department at BigHit except a while lot more crowded and a lot louder. Eunjae had yet to see a famous group wandering around, but she'd been able to spot some familiar names on temporary signs plastered to the sides of greenroom doors.
Safely inside BTS' room, Eunjae greeted the few coordi noonas that she knew by name and shuffled across the busy room to find Tiffany. There was a flat screen television mounted on one of the walls, but it was off. And a few leather couches were pushed up against the wall opposite the overly long vanity with seven chairs already lined up in preparation. Supplies were set neatly in front of each, some of the noonas who would be doing the boy's makeup setting up their stations.
According to Tiffany, who'd assigned Eunjae the low-risk task of organizing the clothes rack with stage outfits, the boys would be arriving in an hour or so. The news would have been a relief to her slightly grumbling hunger if it weren't for the fact that she wouldn't even be able to touch her own damn soulmate. All she could do was hope that Hoseok was doing fine from the short hour they'd been able to squeeze earlier in the day.
That was the first word that came to Eunjae's mind when she came stumbling back into the room. Apparently someone had forgotten a bag full of accessories that were supposed to be worn tonight, so she'd had to run out to one of the three vans that belonged to Big Hit to hunt it down. Which was a pain in and of itself since it was dark outside and all of the vans lined up in the lot looked the exact same. Add in the fact that the bag had been hidden, tucked beneath the middle row of seats in the last van she checked, and you got a very flustered Eunjae.
She had no clue how long she'd been out there searching, but by the time she got back to the greenroom, the boys were already in their stylist's chairs getting their makeup done. Remembering the stupidly strict rules, Eunjae didn't spare them a glance. Which also meant she missed the brief look of surprise that flickered across Hoseok's face when he looked up and caught her reflection in the mirror.
Even if it weren't for the no-contact rule, she wouldn't have been able to hang out with them even if she'd wanted to. Mostly because the dressing room was a flurry of activity that passed by so fast that Eunjae barely even noticed the time. And because of course, Tiffany had decided to help get Hoseok ready herself instead of letting Eunjae assist. Which only served in making her dislike her all the more. 
If she was going to be like that throughout the whole tour, then how the hell was Eunjae going to be able to be around Hoseok at all? Hopefully the company would decide in favor of disclosing their soulmate connection, otherwise what was the point? It would just do more harm than good.
It wasn't even until the boys had left to take the stage that Eunjae actually got to take a break from the fluster of activity. The rest of the staff were either beginning to pack up their things or taking the time to sit down and relax a little bit. Someone had turned the television in the room on, so everyone could watch the performances.
Luckily by being backstage, Eunjae didn't have to fight to see over anyone out in the crowd of audience members. She was seated on one of the couches next to a coordi noona who had introduced herself a week ago as Yoona. She was a kind, older woman with long dark hair and perfect, flawless skin. While she didn't speak a lot of English, she had still tried her best to make Eunjae feel included.
On the television, she watched as the opening slow-yet-upbeat track started up. This was the first time that the title track of Bangtan's upcoming album was going to air and Eunjae would be lying if she said that she wasn't excited to hear it. The actual album release wasn't going to be for another two weeks, with the title track being dropped sometime around midnight tonight.
Just because she knew them in person, didn't make Eunjae any less of an ARMY. 
The stage was bright, encompassed by pink and purple lights. Each one of the boys had been dressed in a multicolored outfit consisting of a black, red, and blue color palette. While each of them looked good, she had a difficult time tearing her eyes off of her soulmate. Off of the way his skin glistened so prettily beneath the stage lights. And how perfectly in-sync he moved his body with the rest of them.
Confidence practically bled from his pores and he commanded the stage each and every time he took the center. Eunjae watched their live performances whenever she'd gotten the chance to, but there was something different about now knowing them that made it different. Made her feel different in a way that she couldn't quite put her finger on each time the camera tracked her soulmate dancing his way across the stage.
All three minutes and forty-four seconds that Bangtan spent performing passed by way too quickly. And before she knew it, they were finished and the television was cutting to commercial. Luckily, they'd been the last group to perform, so no one had to wait another few hours until the awards for the night were announced. Though it wasn't like Eunjae would have been able to watch who won anyway because she was put back to work the moment their performance was over.
She was too busy helping to load up the vans with the numerous boxes that had been packed back up to even get to see the boys. At least things weren't as hectic after the show like they'd been beforehand, but that didn't make it any less tiresome. The only thought that kept Eunjae going was that in less than an hour, she'd be back within the confides of her own apartment. Maybe then she'd be able to congratulate the boys on the win she knew that they were sure to secure.
It wasn't until she was staring out the car window on the drive back that she recognized exactly what it was that she'd felt both watching Hoseok perform. Her eyes widened, breath stilling in her throat. Oh shit.
She had a crush on her soulmate.
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faemoira-firebeard · 3 years
Fae's Friday session 3
This week (12/10) we had Aiko, Sol, Vi and Silver Magpie among us at the table. -it's ok! Life happens.- and, I've learning to prepare but not actually prep... we start this way... after that, I have... NO. idea. cuz dice gods and players have free will.
Reminders to self... start next session with the 4 jail-birds having a bit of a deeper descriptor and rp moment... TAKE better NOTES FAE! *make them roll initiative to see who gets searched/stripped of armor&ekips ... put in the drunk tank. this each happens separately but they all go into the same cell. *make an inventory list of things you are taking away, just like cops do.
How it ended..... *but-but-but-self-defense?!- no buts. there are no buts here, this is Nez'Queek. perhaps you should listen to the annoying gnome at the customs portal when entering a new town. There are dangers here in Artezia and that could even mean local customs or laws.
I do not apologize for the horribly drawn map of this portion of midnight. the black sail tavern is in the lower left near dock storage, the frosty stein is in the top right. approx 5k feet to travel between the taverns.
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So wait, 4 players... 4... jailbirds... wha-ha-happened-was.
The session before (when Silver Magpie couldn't make it) she spent her day looking for the missing cat that the Black Sail tavern owner had mentioned -perception check pass- you found the cat sleeping behind the tavern under the dumpsters. Story wise, Barny and Alexandrous left before the mist because Alexandrous is a lizardfolk and may have provoked attacks by the Naga.
The party gathered together in the Black Sail tavern as planned the night before. The bartender dropped off a package and letter from Barny, he "and Alexandrous (the lizard born monk) were called away earlier and will meet up with the party in Nez'Queek, this -package- will help with the fish do not hurt the fish. good luck."
After reading the note and figuring out that the package was a crank-like music box -cue creepy music box music- to help them walk through the "fish mist" without being hurt by the tiny glass guppies (1d12 if hits -Doctor who inspired, if the fish get hurt the naga will attack the one(s) that hurt the fish, these particular naga -Glass Naga- believe the fish are fellow souls of Glass Naga that haven't been brought back to life yet). They did SOOOOO good working together and it made my dm heart happy! then, they split the party, which, was fine cuz i got this *reminder guys, don't go off the path* (rolling a few survival checks on the person holding the box- passed each!- the ranger walked ahead at the edge of the music radius-you can see the top of a Pyramid, possibly Latin American or South American pyramid in the ruins but non-Naga cannot get to it, this is where the Nagas enter the city with XX perception?? sol rolled a nat 20+perception kid has special dice i swear!)
When they SUCCESSFULLY!!! reached the market Sol went ahead and heard that the market stalls and buildings were playing their own little music box like instruments. (some being played by capuchin monkeys, one was actually the Kenku merchant running a wagon, some ran by arcane? means ..fey... everywhere..).
Curiosity kills the cat dragon we know..... Sol went up by the fountain where they met Vi the day before, picked a flower (passed my check so doesn't matter)... thought about exploring.... -does an 11 hit you?- gentle reminder about fish mist and lack of music here .... Party makes it through the market stalls another gentle reminder "does an 8 hit you" -what? why? no?... im gonna go back to the party- and that is how my party split for 4 rounds and realized "this is a bad idea" told you, I GOT THIS! Sol found the rest of the party at the edge of the market.
Only three more rounds to the Frosty Stein Tavern, you've got this guys! (my dc survival check for the music box holder from here was a 12 btw +3 cuz i had a reason but amnesia and now i can't remember.......?? i think cuz i felt the dc shouldhave gotten harder cuz prolonged use?) Sol goes to the edge of the radius & checks for naga -high teens- everywhere over by the Frosty Stein... "it's fine we have the music box".....pass. -phew ok....- 11... -you hear a spring shift...- "uh guys....." (Sol is at the door and opens it for the rest of the party) roll me that last survival check...(increasing the dc +1more cuz failed previous) I believe it was an 8, they made it to the tavern door, burst through, Sol closed it before the fishes has a chance to react and swarm the party... the music box just kind of boiiiiinggggg springs, cogs, everywhere "-oops! I-i didn't mean to-" "it's ok, good thing Barny's an Artificer, make sure you get all the pieces"... The party checks with the portal master and is quickly transported through time and space to the (smaller) city of Nez'Queek..... DM point... if the Ranger had not been ranger'ing, moving ahead of the party slightly, holding the door for them and closing it as they came into the tavern... the party would have been swarmed by glass fishes on this final check, at level 3, 1d12 could be potentially deadly when being swarmed. Then... if they had attacked back they would have been swarmed by Naga.
Right, so Nez'Queek. The party is greeted by a gnome ready to brief them on the current local threats-sno-men- and the customs of Nez'Queek. Sol and Aiko departed to go finish their missions they got in Midnight. Vi, listened to most of it, then went to look for a park and found a nice area near the fountain. Silver also listened to most of it.
Vi- psychotic? tabaxi-rabbit barbarian- There was an old halfling gentleman telling a story about the frost witch that made the sno-men come to life! Vi, being from the north knew the low-down and how to handle what happened next... Picking up the snowman she created and walking over to the group of children... they turned, and promptly began screaming. The tiny snowman in this tabaxi-rabbit's hands came to life and we rolled initiative. Vi attempted to crush the sno-man 3 rounds with this sno-man and she succeeded all 3 saving throws. this is where better notes come in handy Fae....!!! She then looked around closer and saw a young child wasn't actually a child but a woman named "Lilly" -could she be my mission?- upon talking to gentlemen she found that this was in fact the delivery she had to make to the orc fort -Fort Kuflag-. Using her crazy speed she took the creature (and the seed amulet that came out of the box) to the Ancient Oak tree... setting Lilly down gently she watched as a door appeared, Lilly thanked her and walked into the tree. As the door closed behind her the tree glowed and a minute later a woman beautiful walked out of the bark of the tree. DRYAD She turns and looks at Vi, reaches out her arm and a stick appears. Vi takes it, it's a very minimalist wand, so basic that it's beautiful. -I'll let you know what that does later- i made a table with 4 fun options, after rolling a d4, Vi now has a wand of conducting that plays music so long as she's waving it. Vi returns to Nez'Queek and decides to try to find the party, heading towards the Straynj Carnival knowing that at least the brothers would probably be there.
Silver- a Tabaxi cleric -blue russian cat- spent her day in Nez'Queek exploring, looking for shinnies, bobbles or any fun trinkets on the ground. -i need to give her a list of things she found suggestions welcome- she got the Ping from the Veiled Hunt. They have given her a mission, she will need at least 3 other people to help escort a mining delivery from Frankenhollow, payment upon delivery, will supply 1 health potion/person. she went to find the brothers. Upon leaving the city and .heading towards the Straynj Carnival she found a rather large snow-dragon and chuckled to herself, she gathered that Sol and Aiko had come through here recently and followed their very distinct foot prints through the snow -I guess I assume that dragonborn have weird feet and leave odd footprints- straight to the Straynj Carnival, of course they are here. She discovered the brothers in the tent just inside the entrance of the Carnival enjoying a comedy show. -ok, so they want to enjoy some down time, lets do that soon, point out the theatre, Hanz Crispin Sanderson and other activities at the Straynj Carnival.
Sol- a short crystal-gem dragon born ranger- had to make a delivery for the book shop owner to the Straynj Carnival. They stayed on the path -good job sol!- talking with their Flumf-balloon who didn't like the Forest of Thee Strange. -why? prolly cuz there are wild flumfs in these woods that aren't as friendly- Upon making it to the Straynj Carnival and finding the Orc waiting outside Sol made his delivery before walking off the Orc gave them some gold for helping them and the bookshop owner out. Sol messages their brother psionically and asked "do you wanna build a snowman?"
Aiko- a short topaz-gem dragon born sorcerer- tried to find Radagast but upon asking the DM Aiko realized his mission is in FrankenHollow not Nez'Queek. He then decided to wander around trying to find his brother quickly receiving a message about building a snowman. They meet up just outside of town and begin constructing a snow-dragon, in hopes that the memory snow will bring it to life! -it doesn't cuz the memory snow only brings sno-men to life, but they manage to build a really cool snow dragon, huzzah!!!! oh but I am, in fact making notes, this is memory snow- The pair then decide to go see if they can catch a show at the Straynj Carnival, yes, comedy! 2 of 4 back together woot
Silver finds the brothers, the laughter of 2 dragonborn is kind of hard to miss. She questions them about the snow-dragon and tries to explain why the memory snow wont bring it life but the brothers -in pure Sol and Aiko fashion- don't listen. I love that my players are getting into this!!! ok cool, 3 of 4 back together- They continue watching the show. When it ends the trio begin heading back to town.
Vi found their way back during the comedy show. While heading towards the Straynj Carnival notices the big snow-dragon. Not wanting the memory snow to get any ideas they promptly begin demolishing the dragon, it was great, TAKE BETTER NOTES FAE!!! Sol, Aiko and Silver find them after they finish "slaying the dragon" and Vi joins them while they head back to the Frosty Stein.
Cool. my party is back together for the evening, what kind of shenanigans are they going to get into?! oh god... ok... here goes. It all happened fairly quickly and as I've mentioned I need to get better at notes... SO.
Sol and Silver are discussing racism, memory snow and snow-men while walking in front of Aiko and Vi, paying them no mind or attention.
Vi and Aiko begin having an argument, Vi hops on Aiko and "knocks them out" with a pretty solid hit so I allowed it -also barbarian vs sorcerer, she then used her rope and tied them up dragging Aiko behind her. yup, nothing to see here, at all. just a rabbit dragging a dragonborn through town I'm sure the memory snow is learning nothing from this unconscious dragonborn that just built a snow-dragon nothing bad will ever come of this.
The party walks into the Frosty Stein, Vi still dragging Aiko. -rolls a perception for the bartender... passes... bar tender sends for the guards- Sol realizes what has happened to their brother and starts questioning Vi, Silver is totally on their side and trying to calm Sol down and get to the bottom of this. MEANWHILE.... Aiko wakes up and breaks their bonds with a 17 strength check... and releases their breath weapon upon Vi -reflex throws from Vi, Silver and Sol -better notes fae!!!!- the guards make it to the Frosty Stein as the breath weapon releases. Originally I was only going to have Vi and Aiko arrested but the party were all involved when the guards walked in.
So, lol.
That is how the entire party got arrested and thrown in jail. I look forward to a pretty interesting RP moment when we open on Friday, time for the party to get to know each other, ya'll got time, welcome to the drunk tank, oh you're not drunk? the guards don't care -muhahahahahahaa-. I also hope that Alexandrous, Barny and the player(s) I have yet to introduce to the party/the-interwebz are able to join us soon!
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Chapter Eight: Here's To Hoping
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(Image not mine)
Rated: PG
~You see I had this crazy dream last night, this man he talked to me He told me everything that's good and bad about my history
He told me that you are, you are the future
And the future looks good The future looks good to me~
"Jack," Sam sighed, checking his watch, "You gotta face the possibility that Marty may not be coming."
Jack was pacing back and forth across the motel's parking lot, trying his best not to slip on the crystallized asphalt. Dean had called the frozen tarmac 'Black Ice' and Jack felt that the term was quite accurate, it did feel like he was trying to walk on ice. But Jack just couldn't stand still. It was seven thirty-five A.M. and Marty still had not showed.
"No, she's coming. I'm sure of it!" Jack said with conviction, wringing his hands before shoving them into the pockets of his jacket. The small amount of force he applied was enough to throw him off balance. Jack's feet slipped out from beneath him and his head smacked against the frozen tarmac.
Sam flinched in sympathy but didn't move from the spot where he leaned against the Impala. He made no move to help Jack up as this was the sixth time he had bashed his head on the black ice in the last fifteen minutes. That fall and the five others before it would have been enough to kill or at least critically injure your typical human being.
So naturally, or rather unnaturally, Jack sat up and rubbed the back of his head. The blood soaked his hand as the wound quickly mended itself. Soon all that was left of the injury was a puddle of blood, nearly identical to five others on the ground that quickly began to freeze. Jack scooted on his knees to the edge of the parking lot and used the snow gathered there to wash the crimson substance off his hand. He stood carefully before beginning yet another round of pacing that would most likely end the same way it had the last six times.
Jack wished he could be sitting in the Impala with Dean and Cas but he found that waiting for Marty was more important to him, so he kept pacing. He wouldn't have to wait much longer. Dean had said that they would wait until eight o'clock before going to look for her. That arrangement had taken quite a while to agree upon. When Marty had failed to show up at six o'clock, Jack had immediately feared the worst.
"What if-what if she's hurt, or something? What if she got kidnapped?" He had worried.
"Jack, I'm sure everything is fine. People have different versions of what 'bright and early' means," Dean had reassured him, taking a long sip of coffee. He did not want to be up, but one thousand miles was a long way to go, so it was best they got up early. Besides, the earlier they checked out, the less they would have to pay, the motel charged by the hour and the rates weren't cheap.
"I know, but you saw what happened last night! What if those guys came after her again?" Jack had leaned back against the Impala's seats. The only reason he had gotten into the car in the first place was for the air conditioning. He was deeply worried that Dean might just decide to take off without Marty.
"Jack raises a valid point, Dean. The odds that those men from the bar should come after Martina, are considerable," Cas noted.
"Fine, if the shrimp doesn't show by eight, we go looking for her, and if we can't find her by ten, then I don't care; we're leaving without her," Dean decided. That was when Jack climbed out of the vehicle and began his trek back and forth across the parking lot. Sam had just followed him.
"I dunno, Jack. She seemed sorta skittish, don't ya’ think?" Sam now spoke.
"What are you saying?" Jack asked, turning to Sam.
"I'm saying that maybe you freaked her out. Maybe she got scared and ran off. Maybe- I don't know- maybe she's hiding, or something." Jack's eyes narrowed.
"You think she's scared of me?" He asked, though it sounded like more of a statement than a question. "What did I do wrong?"
"No, no. Jack, you didn't do anything wrong. I think, maybe she's just scared of coming with us- of what that might mean for her. I don't think she's scared of you, Jack. Marty doesn't seem like the sort of person that scares easy," Sam reassured. A smile tugged at the corner of Jack's mouth.
"You're right. She doesn't."
"If she doesn't show, we'll go looking, but you have to be ready in case she's changed her mind."
"She-she wouldn't do that, she promised!" Jack insisted.
"Sometimes people break their promises," Sam warned.
"She's coming. I know she is."
"Okay, Jack." Sam ducked back into the car, leaving the young Nephilim to wait in the cold. Jack turned on his heel to resume pacing.
He forgot he was standing on the ice.
Down Jack went. Yet again. Bashing his head on the asphalt. Yet again.
This time, Jack decided to just stay down for a bit and closed his eyes. He could hear Dean's obnoxious laughter echoing from inside the Impala. Jack came to the conclusion that black ice, and ice in general, was hard, impossible to walk on, and absolutely unforgiving when you slammed your head against it. Jack decided that he didn't like the black ice, he decided that he didn't like ice at all. This was fortunate as seemed as though the feeling was mutual.
There was a skidding noise somewhere off to his left and Jack opened his eyes. He turned his head towards the sound and directly beside him was Marty's amused looking face, only eight inches from his own.
"That was the most graceful thing I think I've ever seen in my life. You should consider ballet, Jack," She said.
Marty lay on the ice next to Jack with her head propped up on her elbow. Her mouth was twisted in a smirk and she held an eyebrow in a raised position. The expression appeared condescending, but Jack could see the sparks of affectionate mirth gleaming in her eyes.
Now, the reason why Marty was laying on the ground was a mystery to Jack. He was also baffled as to how she had managed to sneak up on him the way she had. If she had been walking down the street, he would have seen her coming, but he hadn’t, and it wasn't as though he had been laying on the ground for very long. If she had been close enough to see him fall, then how had he not seen her? Jack sat up and his brows pulled together in slight confusion.
"Where did you come from?" He asked. Marty followed his lead and sat up with a shrug. A large, overstuffed backpack was slung over her shoulders, yet she carried it with ease.
"From over there," She said, causally gesturing to the thicket of trees just behind the Motel as if it was a normal thing for people to go bushwhacking to their destination instead of simply taking the road.
"Why?" Jack wondered. Marty shrugged again.
"Cause' it's faster and way funner than using the road," She answered. Then she blinked and her face sort of scrunched up and she shook her head, laughing to herself. "Funner? Funner? That's not even a word! I think I need to use the sleep." Jack laughed with her for a moment before glancing to his feet and frowning. "What's wrong Jack-Jack?" The line between Jack's brows deepened and he looked to Marty.
"Why do you call me that?" He asked, temporarily distracted from his cold, slippery problem. Marty's mouth twitched with a tiny laugh.
"Jack-Jack is a character in a movie about superheroes. Have you ever seen The Incredibles?"
"No, I haven't."
"Oof, buddy! I'll have to show it to you one of these days, just remind me. Anyway, Jack-Jack is a baby with, like 50 different powers that he just uses willie-nillie and, yeah; it's a pretty funny movie and when you said you had powers and that you're, like two, that's just what I thought of," She explained. "And I'm rambling again, sorry!"
"I don't mind. I like knowing what you're thinking about," Said Jack. Marty ducked her head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear in a shy sort of way.
"Nah, you'll get tired of it eventually." Marty tapped her forehead. "Up here is nothin' but a random mix of movie quotes, song lyrics, and paradoxical questions."
"I don't think so," Jack said, shaking his head. Marty made a face.
"Well I do! I live up there, dude! Anyway, what was the long face for?" Her change of subject brought Jack to his problem.
"I don't like ice," He said, as if that explained everything. Marty raised an eyebrow in question, "It's impossible to walk on!" Jack exclaimed.
"Ah, I see. I guess that explains why you look like a homicide victim." Marty gestured to the frozen pools of Jack's blood on the tarmac and the blood coating the back of his head. "Want some help getting up?" Jack nodded.
Planting her feet on the icy surface, Marty stood and extended her hand for Jack to take. He used her arm to pull himself up, doing his best to replicate what Marty had done to stand. He wobbled a bit and almost fell back down, but Marty caught and steadied him before that happened. When he was vertical again, Jack glanced toward the Impala and realized that now he had to get over to it without falling. Marty was quick to notice his worry.
"Come on, Jack. It's really not that hard, look!" Letting go of his hand and sliding out onto the ice, she twirled once, jumped into the air and then twirled again, lifting her foot to her knee. Her foot touched back down and dragged her to a stop, facing Jack who looked like he'd seen a miracle. "See?" Marty did jazz-hands.
"I don't think I can do that," Jack said, sounding a little intimidated.
"Oh, no way. That took me years, I was just showing off!" She explained with a wave of her hand. Moving back to him, she reached down to pick up an instrument case and wrap a gray plastic grocery bag around her hand.
"You should teach me!"
Marty chuckled and pulled some of her hair away from her face. Her black-to-grey-to-white hair was down again today, descending all the way to her knees. Jack had never met anyone with hair that long, but he thought it was amazing.
"Alright, just remind me take you ice-skating and movie bingeing, kiddo."
"I don't think you can call me 'kiddo'," Jack said with a frown.
"Why not? If you don't like it, I'll stop saying it."
"Well, I am biologically older than you, right?" Jack pointed out. Marty chuckled.
"Where does a two-year-old hear a word like 'biologically'?"
"I heard Sam use it."
"Makes sense." Marty shrugged. "Anyway, you're right, but I call everyone 'kiddo' age doesn't really matter. I call people all sorts of things."
"Like what?"
"You'll find out, honey-bunches-of-oats."
"Is that one of them?"
"Yup!" Marty snatched Jack's hand and helped him over to the car where she knocked on the driver's side window. Dean rolled it down and she glanced at the men inside. "Hey guys!"
"H-hey, Marty! You-you came!" Sam greeted me, he sounded surprised.
"I promised I would!" I said, I didn't miss the 'I-told-you-so' look Jack shot at Sam, "Dean, could you pop the trunk? I've got precious cargo." I raised the instrument case with my violin up into view.
"Yeah, sure." Dean climbed out of the car and skidded a little getting to the back where he opened the trunk.
I swallowed deeply. There were a LOT of weapons in there. Dean pulled on a tab and a panel came down, covering the arsenal in the truck's false bottom. I placed my case in carefully and slid it all the way to the back. Taking off my backpack, I positioned it between the case and the truck's door so my instrument wouldn't slide around. It was the most valuable thing I owned; I couldn't have it getting damaged. I then nodded to Dean and he closed the trunk. I was really doing this.
Jack opened the Impala's door for me and clung to it like a lifeline as I gathered my hair and slid into the backseat next to Cas. The boy followed after me and pulled the door shut.
"Here we go." Dean put the car into gear and rolled it out onto the road.
"So, where are you guy's taking me?" I asked, shifting to get comfortable in my seat.
"Lebanon, Kansas," Dean answered.
"Ooh, that's a long way away. I'm sorry I was so late. Did I make you very late?" Dean shrugged.
"Doesn't really matter, but yeah."
"I'm really sorry, I just wanted to say goodbye to somebody," I apologized, "But I brought chocolate! Will that atone for my sins?" I raised the bag of goodies Dan had given me.
"Hell yeah!" Dean reached back and opened his hand for the brown gold. I dropped a truffle into his palm, tossing one into Sam's lap and handing another to Jack. I held one out to Cas but he turned me down.
"No thank you, Martina," The angel said, gently.
"It's Marty, remember?" I corrected him and shrugged, unwrapping the candy. "Well, more for me, I guess." Dean reached his hand back again, asking for seconds. "Dude, this is gonna be a long ride, we gotta save our provisions." I declared, dramatically slapping his hand away.
"Aw, man!"
"Suck it up, butter-cup." I was about to pop the candy into my mouth when I noticed something on the wrapper. "Does anybody here like nougat?" I asked. Jack's head snapped up, his eyes begged for the truffle in my hand.
"I do."
"Oh good! I can't stand the stuff!" I passed him the chocolate. Jack looked at me like I was insane.
"Oh no, Jack. She doesn't like nougat, are you sure you guys can be friends?" Sam joked. At least I was pretty sure he was joking.
"You say that like I committed high treason!" I chimed.
"I dunno, I do feel betrayed," Jack said with his mouth full. I faked a gasp.
"I don't believe this! Jack, are you breaking up with me?" Dean burst out laughing, Sam snorted, and Jack just gave me his lopsided grin. My comment even won a quiet chuckle from Cas. I took that as a good sign.
"Yeah, I think so." Jack chuckled.
"Can we still be friends?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my every word. Jack pretended to think about that.
"Only if you teach me to ice-skate," He mock-decided.
"It's a date! Wait, no its not, you broke up with me." I reached out and shook Jack's hand, sealing our satirical deal. The car shook with laughter and I gave myself a mental tally mark as I tied up my treat bag, placing it at my feet. When the laughter died down, Castiel was the first to speak up.
"Was that an instrument case you brought with you?" He asked.
"Yeah it is. Why?"
"I'd just like to get to know you," He answered simply.
"We all do. So, what instrument do you play, Marty?" Sam turned in his seat to look at me.
"Uh, I play the violin," I answered timidly.
"Are you very good?" Sam wondered.
"Um, well, I don't know. I'm sorta out of practice, but I started playing when I was eight," I replied. Sam chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes." His tone was warm, despite his previous distrust. It made me smile, maybe I was winning him over.
"Okay, my turn," Dean spoke up.
"What's with the hair? I mean, that's a lot of hair. Why don't you cut it?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded, trying to think of an acceptable answer.
"Well, my mom loved to braid hair, and my sisters, Bree and Jackie, hated having long hair so they cut theirs real short and my mom couldn't do anything with it, but I liked having my hair long. My mom would spend hours working on my hair, that was our time together. See, she always got so sad when I would cut it and now I just-" I stopped and looked at the floor of the Impala. "Now I just can't bring myself to cut it. Not without her. I don't want to make her sad. It's all I've got left of her." With a start, I realized I was crying and quickly wiped my tears away with my sleeve.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I cut Dean off.
"It's okay." It had to be.
"Well, what about the color, what's that about? Or does this have a tragic story behind it too?" Dean asked, trying to make a joke. I cracked a smile.
"Oh, I've always wanted to have it like this. I love the fading colors, so hiding from a blood thirty vampire just gave me the motivation to actually go through with it," I shrugged.
"So, what's your real hair color?" Dean pressed.
"Wait, that's natural?" He sounded stunned.
"Yeah!" I giggled a little. "The black is real, only the grey and white parts are dyed."
"You're lucky, black hair is cool. Looks good on you too."
"Thanks’ Dean."
That was when we passed the small, wooden sign on the side of the road. The paint was old, faded by the sun, and chipping away but I knew what the words said.
Now leaving Copper Harbor We'll get you back soon enough!
As I watched the town I'd called home for so many years fade from my view, I found myself hoping that I'd never return. I looked forward at the road ahead of me and the hunters beside me.
I looked to the future.
The future was looking pretty good.
~See, I had this crazy dream last night, this man he talked to me He told me everything that's good and bad about my history
He told me you are, you are the future
And the future looks good The future looks good to me~
Lyrics from: The Future Looks Good by One Republic
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creambunnie · 4 years
No Rush
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ONEWE - Harin Fluff
it was your birthday.
you lied down on your bed, scrolling through your sns, waiting for a call from a certain someone, named Ju Harin.
Harin was your bestfriend (mayhaps, your crush too) and he was in a cool street band called ONEWE.
he had been busy these days with his bandmates, preparing for their upcoming gig. this gig was bigger than their previous ones, which explained why they had more things to settle .
Harin was so busy that you haven't had the chance to meet him face to face the past few weeks.
the both of you did text everyday, but they were more like short messages , just to ask about each other's wellbeing.
no deep talks, no random stuffs, just simple texts asking if they were eating and resting well.
you sighed for the nth time that day before standing up, deciding to go eat some strawberry cheesecake your family bought for your birthday.
"did harin call you already?". your mom asked as you were taking some of the dessert in the kitchen.
you only shook your head but quickly looked up when you heard your mom chuckled.
"i'm sure he will soon. just try to be presentable, okay?". your mom comforted and winked before walking out .
you blinked at her words, clearly confused about what she was talking about. you decided to just clear your mind and distract yourself with food.
after enjoying your sweet treat, which probably only took less than 10 mins, you went back to your room, and repeated the cycle earlier.
you almost dozed off to sleep while playing with your phone when suddenly your screen changed, displaying Harin's name , requesting for a videocall.
you cursed under your breath as you quickly patted down your hair quickly and rubbed your eyes to get rid of any sleep before answering the call.
you were greeted with a synchronised "Happy Birthday !" wish from all the 5 boys.
yeah, you were bestfriends with Harin so his bandmates automatically became your friends too.
Cya and Dongmyeong were like little brothers to you, you would pamper them with food everytime you visit the band.
Kanghyun was a same-age friend. you would just chill quietly with him when others were too loud and your energy had drained.
Yonghoon was a great big brother you've never had. he was the only one who knew about your crush on Harin. no, you didn't tell. he figured it out.
"y/n?? y/n ! are you okay?". your thoughts were interrupted by the sweet deep voice that you've been missing.
you quickly looked back at the screen of your phone and nodded vigorously.
"yeah yeah i'm okay! i was just a bit surprised from your call. aww thank you guys for calling!! i was about to get mad at Harin for not calling me at all on my birthday!". you explained and pouted at the last part as your gaze turned towards Harin.
you didn't notice but Harin's ears turned red when he saw your cute expression. he cleared his throat and moved around his seat.
"well i am here aren't i?". Harin tried to act normal.
his bandmates snickered at him quietly . you rolled your eyes at his response and flashed a shy smile.
all of you caught up with one another, sharing about the episodes that you've been missing out about each other.
"and then Harin got scolded by Hyungu for playing with his ukelele!". Dongmyeong, the talkative one was telling about their practice the other day.
"but who wouldn't get angry if someone played around with your instruments? it could get spoiled!". Kanghyun, the quiet one was actually loud in this videocall, trying to defend himself.
"yeah yeah, not like you've never thrown my drumsticks around the studio!". Harin contorted back.
their bickering got cut when they heard you chuckled from the screen.
"ahh i really miss you guys.... it feels so refreshing hearing you guys argue like an old married couple!".
the boys' expression softened up as they saw your happy face.
Harin can't deny the fact that he was missing you really bad right now. he wished he could just drive to your place but due to his circumstances, he wasn't able to.
Harin just wanted to pat your head lovingly right now and pinch your cute cheeks. the slight dimples on your cheeks were his favourite .
your eyes unnoticingly found its way to Harin who was staring at you admiringly. you blinked at the sudden eye contact and scratched your head awkwardly as you felt your face warmed up.
Yonghoon sensed the unspoken need of alone time for the two bestfriends. he nudged Kanghyun and poked the two youngest gently.
"hey guys, let's give Harin some time alone with his bestfriend.". Yonghoon said softly.
the three boys understood the oldest and excused themselves politely before leaving the two of you alone.
"i miss you....".
you gave a shy smile as you heard Harin's words.
"i miss you too... i hope things are settled quickly for you guys so we can meet and hang! i'm sorry i can't visit you guys too these days, i'm a bit busy with work and i don't want to disturb you...". you replied.
Harin nodded in understandment and reached his hand out as if he could hold yours.
"you don't even know how much i want to hug you right now.. hugging the members just don't feel the same.". Harin pouted as he complained.
you giggled at his randomness and shook your head.
"you're so clingy! you can hug me as much as you want when we meet , okay?". you comforted as you scrunched up your nose at Harin's cuteness.
Harin suddenly sat up and looked at his phone.
"ah!! go to your front door now! i have a surprise for you.". Harin instructed.
your eyes widened as you quickly did as told.
"Ju Harin!!! this is , beautiful!". you screamed the moment you entered back your room with your arms wrapped around some gifts .
Harin sent a delivery for your birthday gifts . you received a bouquet of flowers and a package .
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"ah let me call the others! they have to see you open your present ! it's from all of us!". Harin said and quickly screamed the members' names.
you waited for all of them to sit back down. you grinned as you excitedly unpacked the package . the boys were anticipating your reaction to their gift.
you squeled as you took out a small box that had a post-it on it saying 'OPEN ME FIRST'.
"WAHHH". you said in delight as you pulled out the ring necklace .
ONEWE smiled at your reaction and called out your name to show you their own necklaces .
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your names were engraved on the rings. they gifted you the rose gold one, and they all had the silver one.
"we decided to gift you something that is meaningful. we hope you love it!". CyA said as he fiddled with his necklace.
you nodded and wore the friendship necklace right away. "i love it!!". you exclaimed.
you admired the necklace for a few more seconds before turning back to the package. there was another box.
"oh? what's this ?". you asked as you took the box.
Harin grinned before cheekily asking the members to leave him alone again.
you raised an eyebrow before opening the second box.
you gasped at the beautiful gift and looked at Harin with admiration. "this is so beautiful Harin!". you whispered as you pulled out the watch out of the box.
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Harin smiled widely at your cute expression. he then showed his wrist and giggled cutely.
he had the bigger version of the watch while he gave you the smaller one.
"i thought besides the friendship necklace, we two should have our coup--- uhm bestfriend matching things too. so i bought this watch for us !". Harin explained, and almost exposing his feelings for you.
you scanned the watch carefully before putting it on.
"i love it!". you exclaimed over and over again, making Harin feel good of himself.
the two of you ended up sitting in front of the screen quietly, admiring each other. but your quiet moment was interrupted by Yonghoon.
"hey Harin! are you done? i wanna talk to your bestfriend too!". Yonghoon shouted from the other side.
"yeah! i want to complain a lot of things about you!". Dongmyeong added.
"you're not the only one who misses y/n!". CyA whined cutely. Kanghyun only nodded, agreeing with CyA.
Harin flashed an embarrassed smile before nodding, allowing his members to join back the call.
"don't worry, i'll call you again later at night. we can talk alone then..". you whispered through the screen.
Harin smiled shyly and nodded vigorously as he gave you a thumbs up.
the atmosphere became chaotic again as the boys talked over one another, excited to share with you everything.
you still think you were the only one who had feelings for Harin, and Harin thought he was the only one who had feelings for you.
or maybe you knew Harin liked you too. and maybe Harin too knew that you liked him.
but the two of you were too afraid to move on to the next level which might ruin your friendship in the future. the both of you decided to take it slow and enjoy your current relationship. no rush....
a/n : submitted this for a oneshot contest but didnt get the opportunity to win the prize 😆 but it's okay~ my intention was not to win but to let others enjoy some onewe contents 💕💕 hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy harin😗😗😗
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thesullengrrrl · 6 years
A/N: Hey guys, happy new year! Thank you for everyone who read and liked my first fic, Cherry ❤️ Here’s another fic inspired by this song. I know it’s not an English song but I saw a translated version of the lyrics and that’s what I used here. :) Sorry if this is too long for a one-shot!! (I got carried away lol) Hope ya’ll like it and comments are always welcome :)
Summary: Elliot decides to surprise you after days of not talking.
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Wednesday late afternoon
“What do you mean you didn’t go to prom?” I asked, surprised. I know that prom is pretty cliché but things like that don’t happen much after college. In college, it’s just all red cups and dancing.
No slow dance.
“I didn’t,” Elliot repeated as he continued typing. I sighed and stood up to go to his ‘work’ station. I laid out my hand and put on a charming smile. He just stared at me.
“One dance?” I offered.
“Pretty please?” I said in a singsong voice. That didn’t make Elliot smile even for just a bit. He just shook his head and went back to whatever he was doing. I lowered my hand and went back to the couch, feeling defeated.
Few hours later, I decided to go home. After all, I have to get to work early tomorrow because of a meeting. I collected my things and placed some food for Flipper and Qwerty. As I was about to open the door, Elliot called me. I stopped and I saw him walking up to me.
“What?” I asked.
“You didn’t say goodbye,” he mumbled. This is weird. He never did this. Wait.
“Well, goodbye,” I said.
I usually hug and kiss him when I leave, but not this time. I don’t feel like it. I just gave him a smile and left.
While on the subway, I thought about my “relationship” with Elliot. What are we anyway? Are we friends with benefits? I’m pretty sure we are, except that we hang out more than fuck. Yet no official talk was made. I get anxious sometimes because I know that I like him more than a friend already and I don’t know how to act around him. What if he finds out? What am I gonna do? I’m supposed to be chill!
I got off the train, still cringing about earlier.
Maybe it’s time to take a little step from this.
Saturday late afternoon
Y/N didn’t even send me a text whether she made it home or not. She hasn’t talked to me since that night. But I know that she made it home because she posted a photo of the book she was reading at Instagram. The girl took my advice to put on a tape over her laptop camera, that’s why I wasn’t able to see her. Good call.
Was she pissed about not dancing with her? Sad? Dismayed? Maybe she was. When she left without saying her usual cheery goodbye, it broke me a little. She never left without kissing my cheek or lips, until yesterday. I missed those goodbye moments. It’s been days without her. I miss her.
I’ll tell you a secret. Y/N brightens up my life. I know it sounds cliché as fuck, but that’s how I truly feel. I feel warm inside whenever I see her. When she hugs me before leaving. When I see her little dance while making food. When I kiss her. When we have sex. When she’s just there, I’m content. I’m really happy. My day is always complete whenever I’m with her.
With the pace of my life, I want some stability. She is that. I’m not sure if I deserve this happiness because of the things I’ve done, but can’t I just want this little ray of sunshine?  Does she deserve someone like me?
And I can’t deny that, not even to him.
Suddenly, I heard two knocks at the door. I opened it and saw Darlene with some bags. She dumped it on the floor and I looked at its contents.
“Elliot, you are so corny,” Darlene commented as she did my instructions.
“It’s worth it,” I assured her.
Saturday night
What’s on Elliot’s sleeve? Normally, when he asks me to come by, we’re going to fuck. But this time, he instructed me to wear something nice and look nice. Is he taking me out to dinner? But Elliot doesn’t seem the type to do that.
I stopped worrying and after my make-up is done, I went off.
After getting into the train, I played the song I wanted him to listen to. The whole dance thing was just a ruse for him to listen to this song, since you know, I can’t say that I like him directly. So I just asked him about prom and took a chance if he would dance with me. He didn’t.
I got off the train and after a few minutes of a walk, I arrived at Elliot’s apartment. I knocked but no one answered, so I turn the knob and I was surprised it was open. He never leaves his door open.  I went in and the view surprised me.
Elliot’s living room was surrounded by fairy lights. There was instrumental music playing. The living room was cleared out a little. His table has some food on it. I hung my bag at the back of the door and to my surprise, Elliot came out. He was wearing his usual long sleeved office attire with a bow tie. And instead of a coat, he was wearing his hoodie. I grinned at him.
“I’ve outgrown my coat,” he started. He seemed nervous. It’s adorable.
“What is this?” I asked, while looking around.
“You asked me about prom and I said I didn’t go. After you left, I thought…”
“I thought that if I’ll go to prom, I’ll go with you.”
Silence filled the air. After what seemed to be minutes, Elliot cleared his throat and closed the distance between us. 
“I’m not exactly sure how this dances work so…can you lead me?” he nervously said. I giggled like a fucking teenager.
“Sure,” I said, taking his hand. He took my hand and then he changed the song.
The song that I wanted him to hear filled the air. I gave him a “How did you know?” face. He just smiled a little. I positioned his arms where they should be and we started to sway.
A love will arrive
Finally it will not pretend
Or just be a pigment of your mind
“I hacked your Spotify playlist and this was the only song you played since Wednesday,” Elliot stated. I frowned at him.
“You promised not to hack me,” I pouted. He chuckled and gave me a small kiss.
“Sorry,” he said. “Were you angry at me?”
“No. I just felt a little weird. A little sad,”
I guess there’s no escaping this now, right? I’ve kept this for months. Maybe it’s time to let it all out and just for for the best yet expect the worst.
“I like you, Elliot. More than a friend…kind of style,” I admitted.
Elliot’s surprised look made me worry. We stopped swaying, but our arms are still around each other. The music continued playing. Did I just ruin it? Like I unknowingly yet usually do?
It is not coward
It approached you
Hooked on the last conversation
And haven't forgotten you since
“Since when?” he whispered.
“I don’t know. But I kept it inside because I don’t want to ruin whatever we have, until now.” I replied. ‘”I can’t take hiding things from you because sooner or later, you’ll find out anyway.”
“I do remember my moment,” Elliot continued.
“What moment?”
“When I first realized that I like you too.”
My eyes widened. “Remember when Flipper was at the vet and it’s was just the two of us?” he asked. I nodded. 
“You were making some dinner and while waiting for the pasta to boil, you were dancing while listening to Can’t Get You Out of My Head. You look so happy,” he amusingly recalled. 
“I love those runway playlists!” I defended.
“I know.” he replied, giving me a small peck on the lips.
It never occurred to me that Elliot noticed those things. If we’re not making out or smoking, I just feel like he’s just on his computer always, avoiding me or forgetting I exist.
But it doesn't matter
To be happy
The love came
From afar
“So you were checking me out,” I teased.
“I always check you out,” he flirted. I laughed.
“Are you high?” I asked. He shook his head.
“No…although I took a puff or two,” he admitted.
Obviously. He needs a puff to calm his nerves and to be this flirty. We continued to dance. Elliot sometimes would awkwardly look at his right then look at me again. This is the lightest I’ve seen him and I thank the universe and the gods for this moment.
Hearts got close
You will not be sad
‘Cause nothing really ends
“Y/N?” Elliot called. I looked at him.
“Can you stay the night? I want to wake up next to you,” he said.
I chuckled. “Of course,”
Elliot leaned in to kiss me, this time only deeper. His arms found its way from my shoulders to my waist and pulled me closer to him. This is the happiest I’ve been with him and I don’t want to forget this ever. 
We'll see each other again
Some other time
But it doesn't matter
To be happy
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Like any movie trilogy, there has got to be an end and here we are folks for Part 3 of PCW's 7th Anniversary weekender which ended on the evening of Saturday 18th August in front of a good sized crowd, which was promising given that Futureshock and ROH were all running big events that night plus Preston vs Stoke was on and also the big concerts involving Liam Gallagher, Britney Spears and Feeder all in the local proximity.
As I left you last time we had just finished the afternoon show on the Flag Market and was looking for somewhere to pass time for an hour, so we embarked to visit a couple of local drinking establishments that is forever growing in Preston by the month. First off was The Guild Ale House's sister pub - The Orchard which is located on Preston all-new indoor market, which for ever in you re in Preston I recommend visiting as it looks like somewhere you could easily spend a few hours.
Anyways, The Orchard even though it is relatively small, it does offer up to 10 keg lines plus 2 cask options with drinks served mainly in Schooners and costing anything upwards from £3.50, but still giving you a great taste of some of the more exotic drinks at an affordable price unlike Port Street Beer House the day before.
After having a much needed 2 half's in The Orchard whilst watching if Hemel Hempstead would score to see my Both Teams to Score bet come in (I cashed out for £27), we moved on elsewhere with the final sight of a swarm of fly's getting half cut of a 1/2 of a fruity drink in a Tiny Rebel glass - you never see stuff like this on Attenborough. Next pub was another of the new pub's to the scene 'Plug and Taps' located near to the old Corn Exchange building in the city.
As good as this pub is for it's selection of beer on tap and takeouts, you can get a bit hot and sweaty when there are a few people in there especially on a warmish Saturday afternoon as it was on this day. I had in here a 2/3rd of a Liquat sour beer costing £6 and another 2/3rds of a Outstanding Strawberry Witbier which was around the £4 range, that considered this is well worth a trip to when on your travels in Preston.
Venturing into Evoque, we took our spots in the usual position that I have taken up in the last 3 years (no not holding up the bar, before you say anything) ha! So let's get into the night's action which started at 6:10 pm with what was to be expected a raft of early matches for wrestlers who had to get elsewhere on there travels down the M6/M62.
First up was our boy Ashton Smith who is due someday to face Charlie Sterling in PCW, as they did start a feud in February, but have only had a couple of altercations since then, the last being in April/May. Ashton's opponent for this evening was Adam Brooks who has become a bit of a Marmite figure among BritWres fans some thinking he is only average and then you have some like me who has not seen him have a bad match yet, we really are a divisive bunch. 
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As ever the Ashton singing section was in full voice as the match began, in what was a really good 12 minute or so opener it was Ashton who picked up a much needed win after his earlier loss to Sheikh El-Sham on the flag market, by finishing off Brooks with a modified 'Roll of the Dice' DDT to get the 3 count and off up the road to go and Futureshock Heavyweight Title against Cyanide (You can read all about that on Andrew Gibney's review that he did for me from Saturday night on The Indy Corner - cracking read as well).
Next up we had a hotly contested PCW Women's Title match with the new Champion Nightshade taking on Viper who picked up a huge win in the afternoon show against Rhio. Surprisingly with this match, it was a comprehensive victory for Nightshade as she hit a match-winning spear to Viper to retain her title and as stated on the Blackpool review hopefully on to a new batch of challengers instead of Rhio and Viper.
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Tag Team action next with the Masked Duo of Suicide and Planet Bolton's own Arcadian taking on the World-Travelled Desmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz - 'The Rascals'. As expected this was a sight of high flying action, with the bulk of the match spilling to the outside and in this writer's opinion it was good to Arcadian get an opportunity to test himself against someone like Des and Zachary. Sadly for Arcadian it wasn't to be a fairy tale ending as Desmond and Zachary hit the push moonsault and Wentz covered Arcadian for the 3 fall. This was really good fun!!
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Up next was the eagerly anticipated confrontation between 'The Face of the Case' Tel Banham vs Magnificent Matthew Brooks in a 'Fans bring the musical instruments' match and on inspection there was a lot of guitars in the crowd, god knows which shop they found in Preston/Blackpool to buy anything musical given our failed attempt in the morning. Early doors the musical instruments came into play as Brooks climbed a top of Banham on the ropes to use a triangle symbol to deafen Banham given that Brooks can't now use his voice to do the same thing. Brooks then set a keyboard up on the outside across two chairs which he was about to put Banham through, but as ran to do said thing, he was hip-tossed by Banham through the keyboard which sounded faintly like one of the ones PROGRESS use nowadays to make its entrance themes.
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Back in the ring, with Brooks suffering from the keyboard fall, Banham tried to take the opportunity to add further misery to Brooks but Brooks managed to wriggle free to grab a didgeridoo of all things from the outside to whack Banham around the back and neck, with Brooks in control he neutralised the threat of BIG T as well, plus it has to be noted Joanna Rose got involved in Banham's business due to a confrontation at the last show when Rose was marched off to a local medical facility at the hands of Banham. With all that said , Brooks finally finished off Banham with the 'High Note' legdrop for the victory. This was everything I was expecting from the match and more to end what has been the main highlight of PCW in the past year - credit to Matthew Brooks and Tel Banham for that, take a bow lads.
Up next we had a battle of World of Sport Alumni with Iestyn Rees taking on Doug Williams who is currently in his what some have called his Retirement tour as he begins to wind down what has been a successful career which will culminate in a Wembley Arena match defending his ATLAS title against Trent Seven for PROGRESS. Rees who has been on a bit of down slope since losing his PCW Title and also Rhio in the process was looking to get back on course with a victory here against Doug, which he duly did in a hard fought contest that ended up being better than I expected it to be on paper. After the match, Doug received a standing ovation for his efforts which was well deserved!
A -ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR SUGAR DO DO DO DO!! Yes it was Archies time once again in Evoque as Sugar Dunkerton entered the building for a 6-way contest against James Finn, Rhio, Drew Parker, Dave Birch and the mystery opponent who turned out to be none other than the Former Cruiserweight and #Boom Champion Dave Rayne strutting out to the Basement Jaxx Classic 'Get Me Off'. The start of the match played host to Sugar trying to get everyone to dance along with him, but Drew was not having any of it as he jumped Sugar to get the match going, This match was similar to the 6-way the night before with the action spilling to the floor outside, but in a stroke of good fortune it was our boy Sugar who picked up the victory to send the PCW crowd into another singing session of 'Sugar Sugar', I can say that my voice was shot from singing at this stage - ouch!!
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We were treated then with an appearance by Sheikh El-Sham all suited and booted coming out to gloat about the two big victories he had picked up over the weekend on Joey Hayes and Ashton Smith respectively. In this segment, El-Sham called out PCW Owner Steven Fludder for a talk about possibly offering Fludder all of his Middle-Eastern Millions to buy the company from him and take PCW to the next level, sadly for El-Sham, Fludder wasn't of the same thinking as he politely declined Sham's offer leaving 'The Prince of Panache' seething saying that Steve will regret he ever did this. One thing I do say, PCW have done excellently to build El-Sham as the next big bad guy in the company - keep an eye on this for the next year I am guessing.
PCW Tag Team Title action next with the Champions 'The Kinky Party' Sha Samuels and Jack Jester due to take on Team Single,  Rampage Brown and T-Bone, but sadly due to Rampage still being on the shelf due to a shoulder injury that he picked up in a match against Josh Alexander for Tidal, PCW Matchmaker Greg Lambert had to search for an opponent and in he found one in the form of - 'SUGAR DO DO DO DO'. Yes it was our boy Sugar once again to form the tandem of 'T & Sugar' to see if they could rest the tag belts away from The Kinky Party, well at one stage all looked on course for T & Sugar until Sheikh El-Sham made an unwelcome appearance to attack T-Bone to cause the DQ victory for T & Sugar BOOOOOOO!! So it looks like we will be getting  Sheikh vs T-Bone match in the future at an upcoming PCW show this year.
Greg Lambert was out again next to introduce the next match which was a battle of two men from British Wrestling folklore and two men that Greg Lambert was familiar back in the heyday of the FWA with Jody Fleisch taking on 'The Wonderkid' Jonny Storm, I have to say this was a classy touch by the promotion and it made you feel invested straight away in this contest.
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What followed was a great exhibition match between Storm and Fleisch who haven't missed a step, especially Jody who looks in amazing shape with his physique and it was Jody who picked the victory here over Storm in around 10 minutes to a great ovation from the crowd. It didn't end there as Doug Williams came out to congratulate both men on the match and to say to them to continue to carry the torch of the old brigade when he retires next month, this was great to listen to and even elicited a shout of 'FWA FWA FWA' from a couple members of the audience who shall remain nameless ha! 
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With that out of the way, it was time now for your Main Event of the evening with Dean Allmark cashing in his No.1 Contenders shot which he earned by winning the Road To Glory Tournament in February and his opponent was the Champion, Lionheart who won the title in May by defeating T-Bone. After a talking segment where Lionheart mentioned about Allmark's finisher being a version of the Styles Clash which broke Lionheart's neck a few years ago on a fateful night in Evoque, this provoked some ill-advised comments from some of the local delinquents to some right head shaking from myself.
That said, the Main Event itself was a good end to proceedings but I always had the thought in my head that once Dean Allmark wins, which he did with the Smiles Clash to win the PCW Championship that a certain Mr. Tel Banham would come out to cash in his briefcase to challenge for both titles that Deano held and low and behold, the prediction what I have been shouting ever since Dean won the Road To Glory Tournament and since Banham has had the case - finally happened as Banham snuck up from behind a prone Dean to cash in his suitcase to hit two USHI-GO-RUSHI'S to get the 3-count and your NEW PCW Cruiserweight & Heavyweight Champion - Tel Banham and in this writer's opinion a well deserved one as well.
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Pictured: Your New Double Champion Tel Banham (Credit to PCW for the top picture).
In the process now for Banham, you have two ready made challengers for the belts in Dean Allmark and Matthew Brooks which should keep him busy for the next 6 months. 
So there you have it, the end of the PCW's 3-show weekender that provided lots of matches and entertainment to make the punters go home happy into the Preston night. One thing though I wish there would have been was a break in the action once again tonight, 8/9 matches in a row live can be a bit wearing on the mind but that's only one small thing. I hope you have enjoyed reading about this weekend and if it has enticed you enough, go and give PCW a try at any of there upcoming shows in Blackpool and Leeds in Early October and also there Fright Night show on October 27th with the return of Billy Gunn and X-Pac.
Next review from myself will be from NXT UK in Birmingham this coming Sunday to give you a flavour of something that you might see sometime soon on the WWE Network once they get there act together.
After that I am off to Germany for the WXW/PROGRESS show in Hamburg at the end of August and seeing as my podcast debut got good reviews, my voice will be back in September to give you a preview of some of the shows going on in the North West and Yorkshire in September including GPW/TIDAL and Futureshock Wrestling. Untll then BYE!.
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madstermojo2000 · 3 years
Seventeen were actually really important both in getting me into K-pop, and just my life in general and I do still really love their music, even though I wouldn't put them on my top 6 groups anymore. I was lukewarm to starting to get interested in K-pop (and also it was another difficult time in my life. I'm just realizing now that I've been responding to difficult times by getting into new K-pop groups for about four years now) and I'd heard a couple of their songs, and was neutral towards them (I've never really been one for the "cute/bright concepts), but then my brother showed me Healing and everything changed. I just sat down and started crying. That one song from a group I was neutral towards was exactly what I needed to hear at that part of my life. (on a personal note, this is how I realized I needed therapy)
Wow. uh. Yeah that was a little personal, but I want to share my own experience with the artists you like! I guess my relationship with Seventeen is just something special and personal. Anyway. TXT. I knew about TXT from debut, and I thought Crown was interesting, if not the kind of music or concept I'd listen to regularly (and the Nap of a Star m/v was fascinating and completely unexpected), and I guess I was looking somewhere else when Runaway happened? Anyway, then there was Dream Chapter: Eternity. And wow. That was something else entirely. I loved every song from that album. Then I was originally ambivalent toward Blue Hour (with the exception of We Lost The Summer, that song really hit me in the face), and with the Chaos Chapter: Freeze, I decided to start actively following and looking into them. I think that right now, the only reason they're not among my ults is that I'm not familiar enough with them, and I intend to change that in the near future.
As I said in an earlier ask, I'm not really familiar with Sam Kim. I kind of know him by reputation? I know a lot of people like him, and he does seem like a solid artist, but I just haven't really looked into him.
I went into this thinking I would mention Onewe, Purple Kiss, and E'Last all at once, but this ask has already gotten really long just from talking about my relationship with Seventeen and TXT, so I'll just cover Onewe for now, and talk about Purple Kiss and E'Last later.
I first found Onewe through their Parting m/v, around when it came out in mid-late 2020 and wow. The emotional impact was incredible, I loved their voices, and I have a nostalgic soft spot for rock anyway, so it was the perfect song! (also they released a "Halloween version" of Parting, and even that was beautiful) Unfortunately, I didn't really feel like getting into another group when they were first on my mind, so I put off looking deeper for a while, but I did come back to Parting every so often. But then earlier this year, well, if you actively stan Oneus or Onewe, there's a good chance you'll end up at least knowing something about the other (Not only are they under the same company, but they promoted together before debut, and Xion, Oneus's maknae, and Dongmyeong, Onewe's keyboardist are twins! They still show up to each other's activities to support each other, which I just find super sweet). They started showing up in my recommendations more, I listened to all their songs and watched everything with subs from their channel, looked up Oneus and Onewe's debut project, and they were just ult material. They don't have as many songs as other artists who've been around for the same amount of time, but every one of their songs is solid and distinctive, although they do have a consistent sound and some recurring lyrical themes (space and memories take center stage in two title tracks each), but that's to be expected when they write their own songs, with the same few instruments in mind.
I totally understand music helping you through things and I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough to tell me about it. I know it's not always easy to share things that personal but I really appreciate it. It's nice that seventeen was able to help you through that time and that healing could be a bit healing for you. (sorry bad joke) I also appreciate you mentioning your relationship with my groups as well!! It's nice to hear others stories about my favorite groups!!
You mentioned not being one for "bright/cute concepts" and that's mostly what I enjoy lol. I think it really shows how music can be subjective and people can enjoy different songs from artists regardless of their main concept or theme, especially for kpop.
I knew about Oneus and Onewe having twins!! That was one of the facts about the groups that I remembered from the little research I did when Oneus debuted. It's cool that Onewe has a recurring lyrical theme! It makes it feel like they put a lot of effort into their music!! It's always cool when groups write their own music and are able to direct the message their music is giving to people. I guess I like seventeen for the same reason since they make their own music as well.
In order to keep my response relatively short (and so we can have more to talk about over later messages) I'll talk about how I found verivery and onf and save treasure and lucy for later!! These two groups are kinda related because I found them at the same time. As I mentioned in my last response, I was really into trying to keep up with debuts for a while and it just so happened that during that time both verivery and onf debuted. I had seen their debuts and liked them both (they fit the bright concepts) but never got super into either of them. They both fell off my radar after awhile until they participated in Road to Kingdom!!! I was stunned by onf's stages on the show!! You mentioned liking dramatic music and theatrics well that's exactly what their performances were!!! I was blown away and wanted to give their music another listen and I can honestly say, they are BY FAR the kpop group with THE BEST DISCOGRAPHY!! At least in my opinion. None of their songs are a skip for me, I love every single one!! And verivery was more on the softer side but I really like that so I enjoyed their performances, especially in contrast to the other groups who were doing darker themes. Again, I gave their music a second chance and fell in love with it as well. I ended up buying both groups entire album collection in one go and now I'm following their new releases!! By the way, onf is having a comeback next month and I'm SOOOO excited!!! (so is txt)
I'm excited to hear about your other favorite artists!!!
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