#who happens to be a monkey haha
hookaroo · 9 months
Laden of the Torn (12 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 <3
Killian soon discovered that the wait for supplies was not the only motivation for keeping the hooks embedded. The net was still attached in several places when the high-ranking black monkey made a reappearance with a single command: 
“Secure them for Favor.”
Immediately, scorching anguish tore across Killian's shoulders as he was pulled to his knees by the remaining attached piercings. Stifling a yelp, he scrambled to accommodate their apparent wishes.
"No need to get rough." His head spun and his arms trembled beneath his weight. "If you want me to do something, all you need do is ask."
Killian worked to catch his breath as he settled carefully down onto his haunches. The attempt to avoid putting weight on the hooks in the backs of his legs and backside ultimately proved futile. He tried to focus instead on what more he could see of their surroundings now that he wasn't pinned to the floor.
Strings of fish and drying plant matter hung from the wall to his left, no more than two meters away. These were attached to loops of metal drilled directly into the stone wall, and even as he watched, it quickly became apparent that these would serve another purpose as well. A short distance away, the hands and feet of the unconscious Blackbeard had been thoroughly bound with sinewy cord, and now, that cord was being secured by an impressively athletic primate climbing the very rings projecting from the stone. Not an impossible trap to get out of, especially for a pirate, but it would certainly slow him down. And good luck trying to go unnoticed with this many eyes around.
Killian's own bound feet were already tethered to the same wall, and before the first climber had even finished securing Blackbeard, a second leapt onto Killian's shoulder and hauled a corner of the net-cape up to its level, as if fishing over the side of a human-shaped boat. The monkey on the wall curled its tail around a projection and leaned toward its comrade, who fed lengths of tangled netting into its outstretched paws. Killian braced himself for more pain, and it wasn't long in coming: the strands on that side pulled mercilessly at his inflamed skin as the ropes were tied among the cave dwellers' food stores… perhaps not as out-of-place as he would have preferred.
Cursing softly, Killian scooted awkwardly backwards to allow himself more slack. "Is this how you treat all your visitors?"
He was trying to sound nonchalant but only managed pleading. Busy overseeing the proceedings, Mandible flashed his teeth in apology.
"This is for the protection of our healers and our chieftain. He wishes to speak with you."
"Well there's no need for all of this." Killian sucked in a hissing breath as the other corner of the net joined the first, leaving his upper back awash in pulsating pain. "I give my word that I don't intend to harm any of you."
"We dare not take that risk," the black monkey growled back from a good distance away. "And you are in no position to demand otherwise."
Killian bit his tongue. If he didn't move, the pain was tolerable, but every time he shifted his weight the tiniest fraction, it was like claws were tearing him open, fiber by individual fiber, until it seemed the skin covering his back must soon turn inside out in one long strip of flayed flesh. And to add to the misery, his legs were already beginning to cramp up; what would happen when he needed to move off of them?
Off to the side, Mandible stirred vigorously at a substance within a shallow dish, and Killian caught a whiff of something strongly herbal that hinted at the healing arts. A tiny helper lugged a ceramic vessel, tucked under one arm, almost as big around as the little fellow's whole torso. He or she placed the burden within reach of Mandible and scampered away, leaving the lid secured.
Killian's arm was mostly free of netting, so he had been resting his hand on his thigh, using it for balance despite how it burned from fingertips up past the elbow. But then a being that seemed to be little more than white fluff appeared out of nowhere, grabbed onto the fishhook in his finger, and pulled. Killian shifted his weight and allowed his hand to be manipulated into the desired position, hanging loosely at his side and low enough for a rope noose to be secured around his wrist. These monkeys were not taking any chances.
Killian did not resist the brutal treatment, hoping that with good behavior he might earn their trust, especially that of their leader. Whatever deal they intended to offer probably depended on his admittedly rusty diplomacy skills. And as long as they still saw him as a threat, he remained in danger.
At first, it seemed the plan was to attach this newest rope to one of the hooks behind his head, joining the knots already there. But at an unintelligible command by Mandible, the miniature cotton puff at his side instead vaulted his knees in a single bound before scaling the dangling net like a rope ladder. It tied a knot near his shoulder, so that his arm rested loosely across his torso, with enough slack to allow some movement, but not enough to pose any threat to the primates gathered around.
Mandible took one look at the mess along Killian's forearm and immediately grabbed a monkey-sized bucket and ladle, along with a pawful of fibrous, cotton-like material. He settled himself atop Killian's thigh, not seeming to mind the slope as his miniature clawed toes found purchase in the fabric there. One of his assistants sprang closer with a short, flaming torch in paw. Using his long tail for balance, Mandible filled the ladle and stretched himself into a bipedal stance.
"Just water," he explained as the first trickle washed grit and caked blood from Killian's lacerated arm. While the ginger-furred assistant provided torchlight from a cautious distance, Mandible used his roll of cotton to dab away the grime.
It was more than a little bit surreal, watching Mandible tend to the wound in jerky, non-human movements. Killian could almost believe it to be a dream, except the pain was all too real. And the diminutive primate could exert a surprising amount of force behind the agonizing scrubbing.
Reflex jerked Killian's arm toward his chest as rough cotton discovered Blackbeard's buried needle with a deep lance of heat that seemed to radiate down to the marrow. Killian cursed, then apologized, but none of the monkeys in the vicinity seemed offended, if they even understood.
For a few seconds, Mandible leaned closer to peer at the throbbing lump, gesturing at the torchbearer in a request for more light. Then he set aside bucket and ladle to free his paws. The healer monkey seemed to have no qualms about causing his patient additional pain and went straight for the anomaly he'd spotted, obviously intending to dig it out through the torn flesh nearby. As thorn-like claws probed the area, Killian gritted his teeth, grunting,
"No plans to use your fangs, Mandible?"
"Good guess." Dainty fingers burrowed deeper. "But the name did not originate from the use of my own jaws for healing."
Another lightning bolt sizzled through Killian's arm as questing fingers found their mark.
"And besides," continued Mandible, "Torn blood is much more palatable when properly cooked."
Killian fixed his murderous stare on the unconscious Blackbeard: mental curses really ought to be aimed at the true cause of his suffering, not the torturer only trying to help.
Amazing, how easily the full repertoire of creative vulgarities came back to him despite so many years of trying to censor himself around his little girl. And honestly, Blackbeard deserved each and every one.
The flare grew white hot for an instant, the swollen flesh not easily surrendering the deeply buried needle. But Mandible's grip won out and, at last, the offending metal slid free.
Killian waited a few heartbeats for the pain to fade, then grimaced a smile. "Thank you. Much better."
Mandible was busy examining the red-tinged needle, likely checking to make sure it had remained intact, though for a moment Killian wondered whether he might decide to finish what Blackbeard had started with it. But then the healer set the needle to the side and resumed his enthusiastic scrubbing, ignoring the loose thread trailing from the wound.
"You must get plenty of practice at this," Killian commented tightly. "Considering the geography of the place you've chosen to call home."
"Probably less than you imagine. Our pelts are much tougher than yours, especially on our paws, and we are taught from birth the best way to traverse the Stone Forest."
Mandible set aside his cotton and reached for a small bowl containing crushed plant matter. "Plus, with our four-legged gait and our tails for balance, we are naturally more graceful than you Torn."
Wincing, Killian relived each tumble he had taken among the razor stone. "Can't argue with that."
"But accidents do happen from time to time, and you are fortunate that they do, because we may not have been so well-prepared otherwise." He took a pawful of the herbal paste and began to apply it to the gathering blood. Killian drew some controlled breaths in anticipation of the burn, but it was not nearly as harsh as he'd been expecting. Not exactly soothing, but nothing like the scald of a rum rinse.
Mandible included the already-sutured half of the wound in his painting, then used the residue to cover the clotted hole in the back of Killian's hand where a fishhook had been torn free. That done, the healer monkey left his perch to retrieve the as-yet untouched ceramic vessel. He handed it off to the torchbearer, who could barely even lift it, considering it was at least twice as big as her entire arm. Mandible clambered back on to Killian's thigh and twisted toward his assistant. His hind claws dug into Killian's trousers as he leaned sideways and cautiously lifted the lid a few inches. Killian caught a brief impression of writhing, skittering shadows, but then Mandible's paw flashed in and out in a movement reminiscent of a serpent strike. The healer replaced the lid just as quickly. He now held in an expert grip a dark mass of frantically struggling, jointed twigs. Obviously not actual twigs, but they certainly shared a disconcerting resemblance. What concerned Killian more were the massive jaws chomping again and again at empty air.
"Bloody hell; is that an ant or an immature lobster?"
"We call them Warrior Ants." Mandible squared himself with his patient, placing his free paw on Killian's arm for stability. "I did not invent this technique but have perfected its use among the First."
It did not take much imagination to guess what he was about to do. Eyeing the giant insect warily, Killian grimaced,
"Hence, Mandible?"
"This time, you are correct."
Without further ado, Mandible thrust the snapping jaws at Killian's wound, directly beside the point where Blackbeard's suturing left off.
The bite felt comparable to the sting of a Neverland Cockerel Wasp, though its burn started to fade faster. While Killian was still fighting the impulse to tear his arm away from the assault, Mandible performed a practiced twist of the wrist that parted the ant's head from its body, leaving a black sphere with two tightly clenched jaws embedded in either side of the laceration. The insect's legs were still twitching feebly as Mandible popped the decapitated body into his mouth.
"And nothing is wasted; an honorable death, wouldn't you agree?"
Killian watched as the monkey opened the container of ants and prepared to select another. "And this treatment is effective, is it?"
“The jaws stay locked in place for two to three days, after which they may need to be replaced, depending on the severity of the wounds.”
Alice would be fascinated by this. Not just the giant ants, but everything: the super-intelligent monkeys, the sharp Stone Labyrinth; hell, even Blackbeard over there, snoring away as though he hadn't a care in the world. Killian could hardly believe any of it himself, even with all he'd seen in his travels. So often had he wished for the ability to allow her to see such things for herself, to counteract the cruelty of imprisoning such an inquisitive mind. 
Although, as a second pair of ant jaws gnawed his flesh just beside the other, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from cursing aloud, Killian concluded that it was probably for the best that she was not here at the moment. There were plenty of other amazing places in the world he could show her that would not result in hours of meticulous and agonizing wound care, innovative though it may be. There had to be adventures far less painful that they could share together… someday…
Favor of the First Clan was a deep reddish-gold color, sleek fur framing his face like a lion’s mane and garbing the rest of him in an appropriately royal robe all the way to the tip of his feathery tail. He did not strike Killian as either remarkably large or small compared to the rest; almost exactly middle-of-the-road, in fact. An hourglass of silvery bare skin contained his facial features, which currently rested in a quietly neutral expression. Flanked by a retinue of followers, Favor came to a stop just behind Mandible’s assistant, so that he would be out of range of any sudden attempts at attack, as well as squarely in the strongest torchlight in the vicinity. He paused to study Blackbeard briefly, then cast a roaming gaze over Killian, whose kneeling pose was only incidentally deferential.
The chieftain addressed his healer first. “Do you have everything you need, Mandible?” 
His voice was as silky as his shining pelt, but its tone held a natural authority commanding instant attention. Mandible positioned a struggling ant in line with the growing number of severed heads clamped firmly into the skin all along Killian’s wound.
“Yes, Favor. The Torn intruders are in little danger of perishing from their injuries.”
“Good.” Chocolate eyes glinted in the firelight, peering into Killian’s wary gaze. “I am Favor, chief among the First Clan. Have you been advised of your situation, Laden of the Torn?”
“My situation hardly requires explanation,” Killian answered ruefully. “What I haven’t been told is what exactly you need from me so badly that you’re willing to spare my life to obtain it.”
Tawny twins crouching behind Favor shared a look of wordless disapproval at his tone, but Favor only appeared tired. 
“The fact is, Laden…” He stopped, made a furtive survey of the cave over his shoulder, then continued in a low voice. “Our rival clan dealt us a terrible blow recently, and you may be our only hope of restoring what they took.”
“Rival clan?” This was the first time Killian had considered the possibility that there may be more than one faction of these creatures. Favor bared his teeth, and even Mandible took on something of a sour expression as he dipped his fingers back into the ceramic pot. Killian glanced down at his arm, wondering how many more ants would lose their heads to finish closing the wound.
“The Less,” hissed Favor. “Savage little brutes. Always scheming, coming up with ways to expand their territory or otherwise raise their status over ours. We try not to antagonize them, but you must understand, our lands have belonged to the First for many generations, and we will always defend them.”
Killian shifted his weight, trying to relieve the worsening tingling in his feet. Pierced flesh that had gone relatively quiet suddenly flared as his movements tugged at penetrating steel. 
“I won’t be much help securing your borders,” he growled. “You can see for yourselves how poorly I’ve managed to navigate this terrain.” 
Furious insect jaws chomped into lacerated skin, emphasizing Killian’s point, and he gritted his teeth through the sting. 
“Our borders are secure," Favor assured him. "Though they do try, the Less have inferior warriors and unreliable weaponry, and must admit defeat every time. However, six days ago, they… you see, the best of our fighters were occupied in a skirmish, to the north, in the Triple Cascades region, and…” The chieftain seemed to grow smaller, his ears drooping and his tail wrapping protectively around his haunches. “I failed to post enough guards here at the Burrow, and Less cowards crept in and some of our sentries were slain and… a child was taken.” 
The sudden wave of heat coursing up Killian’s spine was not pain, but inspired understanding. That look in Favor’s eyes… How could he have missed it before? It was everything Killian was forced to see when faced with his own reflection. And despite the rough treatment he’d received here, his heart went out to the small creature before him.
“Not just a child. Your child. Yes?”
Favor blinked once in slow defeat. “The future matriarch of the First. My only heir, now fated to become…” 
Golden fur stood on end, then rippled into a shudder. Favor’s distress was nearly palpable, and Killian barely even noticed when Mandible quietly transitioned from ant-wrangler to bandage-wrapper. 
None of the monkeys dared glance in their leader’s direction as he took a moment to regain his composure. They fidgeted with their claws, scratched or groomed themselves anxiously, and even Mandible’s assistant kept her gaze anchored on the torchlight she was providing. Finally, Favor bared his teeth.
“Puzzle is not yet capable of producing an heir for that villain Lack. When she does, our clan will be absorbed into theirs, our people enslaved and our lands forfeit. And she will be given no choice in the matter.”
Bile rose in Killian’s throat, having little to do with his physical condition, and for an instant, he half expected Blackbeard’s ugly face to dissolve into Gothel’s even more repulsive one. To be similarly taken advantage of, and at a young age at that…
“I’m truly sorry,” he managed to say, suppressing a shudder of revulsion.  “I take it your attempts at rescue have failed?”
Favor lowered his head, half in shame, half in sullen petulance. “We are forbidden to interfere. She is theirs by law, and we cannot venture to claim her back, at least not directly, or we risk the wrath of the gods.”
Killian almost scoffed. Not at the mention of their deities or the outdated regulations permitting a young one to be stolen from her family and forced to mate with their enemy, but at the concept of a father not doing everything in his power to get her back, consequences be damned. But… the curse on his heart… didn’t that feel like a smiting every time he entered Alice’s presence? And wasn’t he allowing it to keep them apart for fear of that pain?
He could not, in fairness, fault Favor for his reluctance.
“But sending in a neutral third party,” Killian reasoned, “that would be considered an ‘indirect’ attempt?”
“The law does not forbid it.”
This was apparently the best answer Favor could provide, but Killian was no stranger to exploiting the rules in any given situation. 
“And what are the chances that this rival clan doesn’t slaughter me on sight?”
“That is a risk,” Favor admitted. “But I believe their chieftain will have a particular interest in meeting you.”
“For argument’s sake, let’s say you’re right. How do I persuade the Less Clan to release your daughter? It sounds as though I’ll need something quite valuable to offer in exchange.”
Favor lost some of his confidence then, pensively watching his healers as they began to pluck the vicious barbs from their prisoner’s skin. “Sadly, their victory makes anything we might offer them redundant.”
Killian squeezed his eyes shut as a particularly stubborn fishhook took a painful piece of flesh while tearing free. “Bloody hell. Well then I can’t imagine I’ll be very convincing. Unless this chieftain is far more merciful than you’ve made him out to be.”
Instead of responding immediately, Favor took a moment to size Killian up once again, dark eyes taking in all of the metal barbs yet to be removed, the bandage covering his wounded arm, his general exhausted pallor from days of sickness and a rough road. He must have seen through all of that, down to the sacred parental role they had in common, for no hesitation or doubt showed as he said,
“There is another way. If we appoint you as the First Clan champion, any challenge you raise, they must answer. Defeat their champion, and by sacred law, you may claim even their most prized possession as your spoils.”
Killian nearly laughed out loud. Perhaps he’d been naïve to have sworn off all dueling after his latest disaster… but he hadn’t expected to be required to break that vow so soon after making it. “Fight your battle for you, you mean.”
“It is the only way,” Favor confirmed gravely, oblivious or maybe just unconcerned about the ludicrous burden he was placing on Killian’s shoulders. On his best day, the pirate wouldn’t have thought twice about his chances against any of these excitable creatures, even the larger, more menacing ones. But he wasn’t exactly in his prime anymore, and weakened by the journey and hampered by injury…
“You’re asking a hell of a lot from an ignorant stranger you caught wandering your territory. What makes you think I’m anywhere near the right person for the job?”
“Our scouts have been watching you, Laden. We know you did not come here by choice and are not driven by such selfish motives as your Torn captor. We sense that you can be trusted with this task. You will not betray the First.”
Killian’s concern was more of physical failure than whether or not they trusted him. But what choice did he have, really? If he refused to help, he was almost certainly a dead man.
“If I succeed in bringing your princess back,” he said half-heartedly, “do I have your word that you will then release me?”
“That, and anything else you desire which is within our power to grant.”
“‘Within your power’ is a far cry from the unlimited wish-granting of legend, mate.”
“But better than leaving with nothing but your life.”
Mandible spoke up from his position atop Killian’s leg. “Do not dismiss our offer so easily, Laden. If we are able to cure your heart and restore you to your daughter, then it will be a fair trade indeed.”
Killian stared down at him, taken aback by the casual way he had just thrown those words out there. As if it would be so simple. Was it possible?
“You need not decide tonight,” said Favor, and the weary grief was back in his tone. “We will give you until tomorrow, and perhaps when you are feeling better, you will see the sense in such an arrangement.”
Without further discussion, Favor turned his back and departed the way he had come, taking most of his attendants with him. When he was out of earshot, Mandible looked up into Killian’s eyes and said sorrowfully,
“Favor did not mention this, but he also lost his mate in the same raid. Our current matriarch. Having our princess back would do much to restore joy to the First Clan. And we would then gladly use all of our resources to help find a way to return yours.”
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Jinx x f!reader and their first kiss, date, time, fight, all that couple stuff short little pieces of girlies being cute
★。/ get jinxed \。★
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pairing: jinx x f!reader
fandom: arcane
word count: 1,612
tw: canon typical swearing/slang, some light spoiler warnings, and some suggestive/NSFW content! MDNI!
notes: this is a fic i am really excited for! Thank you again for the request anon! It was really fun to write, and i got through it pretty quickly to be perfectly honest because of that haha. Not proofread because im tired, and i have no shame :D enjoy!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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➼ first date with jinx 
You worked under Silco delivering shimmer across Zaun. Of course, you knew you shouldn’t have been doing this, it could get you arrested without question and you’d find yourself in Stillwater. But it paid well, and working so closely with the Eye of Zaun meant you didn’t have to worry as much about danger in Zaun. People saw you as a god-send, you gave them their weekly hit, if anything, the danger made them respect you. 
It was during this time that you met Jinx, while picking up your next delivery of shimmer from Silco’s warehouse. She had been there to speak with him privately about some arson issue that happened in Piltover. You had heard briefly about a lanky, blue-haired girl that would build bombs in the open space beneath the warehouse, but it was rare that anyone had ever seen her. But you managed. Somehow.
She intercepts you on your trade route, setting bombs off in the street just across from one of your clients. Jinx claims to recognise you from skulking around the warehouse. And at some point her chaotic energy and her strange inability to sit still seems to lull you into some sense of security. She’s just the perfect idea of unpredictability that you needed in your otherwise boring Zaunite lifestyle. (Though you were very lucky, all things considered.)
Your first date is a simple diner one. At first, you didn’t even know it was a date, just that she wanted to do something fun with you. She takes you in to meet her favourite bartender Chuck, who seems to almost slink beneath the counter when she drags you in. I feel like Jinx would give you a little monkey bomb as a gift for your first date - though it isn’t set, it’s pretty harmless. Other than that she bombards you with strange bursts of Jinx-aligned humour, and rambles at length about her various inventions, promising to take you down to her workshop to show you everything, while tightly gripping your fingers with chipped blue nails. 
And something in those bright, blue eyes makes you think that maybe this unpredictability could be quite fun. 
‘Don’t ya get bored frownin’ like that?’ jinx drums her nails on her glass, the clinking echoing throughout the empty bar. It was quite odd, you reckon, for it to be this quiet, but maybe its just jinx. 
In her own way of trying to get a smile out of you she starts spouting some random jokes. Tries telling her own funny stories. They all mostly revolve around bombs or explosive presentations she’s organised at piltover events. Mainly the absurdity of it all gets a laugh out of you, or you just smile at the giddy, child-like happiness you see in her eyes. Something that seems so pure (ignoring the fact that she’s probably an arsonist and on several watchlists)
‘There ya go!’ she cheers, grabbing onto your hands and interlacing your fingers. You think maybe you should paint your nails too to match her, see if it makes her happy. ‘You look so much prettier with a smile, trinket’
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➼ first kiss with jinx 
It was after your third or fourth date that you ended up spending your free time in the warehouse. Jinx begins showing you all the new inventions she’s making, and all her designs for cartoony monkey bombs, you even help her draw out a few, including a cutesy little cat one that she isn’t as fond of, but she still makes one for you. 
Most of your relationship consists of Jinx making you little trinkets, like keychains, safe bombs, little bracelets and rings, and strange, misshapen sculptures made of leftover metal pieces. 
She loves you, in a very Jinx-way. She’s touchy but never very pushy. Long hugs, cuddles on a couch that she has balancing on a metal propellor in her warehouse, letting you braid her hair when she’s tired (please brush her hair, she will melt, and she needs some softness), holding hands in Zaun or dragging you to her private meetings with Silco. Whether you like it or not, you have the Eye of Zaun as an adopted father figure now. He isn’t quite sure what to think about it either. 
It is one of those cuddle sessions, after she is plagued by the voices that taunt her, that you end up just holding her face into your neck and sitting with her. These are the most important to her, like she can feel safe for once. 
‘Thank ya toots,’ she curls around you, straddling your lap and looking down on you with an innocent pout on her face. You don’t have to ask what she’s thanking you for, this has become a pretty regular occurrence. 
In her moment of calmed silence, you untie one of her braids and begin to brush through her long, blue locks with your fingers. She immediately melts into your hands, leaning forward to lean into your chest, gazing up at you. 
‘I feel like ya deserve somethin,’ she says absently, tapping her chin with one nail. Then a mischievous smile crosses her lips. ‘C’mere!’
She eagerly grabs your cheeks, barely giving you a second to register what’s happening before she smushes your faces together. Her lips are chapped, but her kiss is so enthusiastic that you have to take a moment before returning it. Your hand grips her hair in between tight fingers. 
The rest of your cuddle sesh is spent with soft, hurried kisses.
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➼ first fight with jinx 
You don’t often fight with Jinx, you don’t like to yell at her or be upset, and watch her usually gleeful expression drop into that of a kicked puppy. But you were worried about her this time. 
She had gone up to piltover against Silco’s wishes again, most likely to stir up trouble, so he decided to send you after her to drag her back to Zaun. When you had gotten there however, you found only the debris of her explosions, the spraypaint she loved, clouds of coloured smoke, and guards everywhere. 
And no Jinx.
No sign of her or where she could be, you had no choice but to return to Zaun before you got dragged into the oncoming investigation, empty-handed. You spend the rest of the day worrying over where she might be in her workshop, sitting with your head in your hands on the couch. Is she hurt? Captured? She could be dead for all you know.
So when she shows up again, seemingly ignorant to how long she has been gone or the stress she has caused, you can’t help but raise your voice, crying about how you had expected the worst. You scream back and forth for a bit before she leaves you to burn off her energy.
‘Hey trinket,’ the door to her warehouse screeches open, and she stands in the entrance, looking at you as you sit on the couch, barely even looking at her. ‘Ya still mad at me?’
She sighs when she doesn’t get a response, coming close to wipe at the dried tear-stains on your cheeks, setting down her tools and her guns to favour your face between her hands. Jinx makes sure you can see only her.
‘I’m sorry i vanished, i didnt mean to scare ya, honest.’ she pulls you down to lean into her shoulder, still stroking your cheeks with her fingers. ‘Can ya forgive me, trinket? I’ll make it up to ya, i promise.’
Jinx cuddles with you on the couch for the rest of the day, showering you in kisses at your request. Safe to say, you can’t stay mad at her for very long at all.
|| ! mdni content below ! ||
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➼ first time with jinx 
Jinx has always loved touching you, whether it’s a hand on your knee, an arm around your shoulder, or a hug from behind. She just loves to be close to you. But when you begin talking about the idea of sex with her she immediately jumps on the idea (and probably jumps on you as soon as you bring it up, you only barely manage to drag her somewhere private)
She’s an enthusiastic lover in all things, of course. Fucking you isn’t going to be any different. But she’s gentle the first time, despite it all, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, i don’t think Silco really prepared her for intimate relationships. 
But still, having sex with Jinx is amusing, its not serious, always cracking little jokes or tickling each other and finding little ways to be comfortable with the process. You can’t really find it in you to be nervous. 
She’d start slowly with you though, if you wanted, just to make you comfortable <3 
‘God trinket, ya look s’ pretty like this for me,’ she’s already slightly breathless, skirting her hands and dragging her chipped nails over your ribs. She lays you down on the couch in her warehouse, sitting between your thighs, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes.
‘Ya feel alright?’ she checks in occasionally, just to be sure. 
But she lets her hands wander at the same time, she can tell you aren’t going to say no just by the look in your eyes, urging her to continue. She lets her hands travel over your stomach and down in between your thighs, but she doesn’t hurry where you need her. No, she prefers to tease you. Just a little bit to get you squirming. 
When she does finally reach your core, dipping her fingers in between your folds, does she finally let up and give you what you want.
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mllky-way-galaxy · 5 months
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✦ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰✦ Mk, Sun Wukong & Macaque x Gender-Neutral reader
✦ 𝓡𝓾𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱✦ with flirty reader that flusters them
✦ 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼-𝓾𝓹✦ Fluff, spelling errors
✦ 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼✦ This is my first post!
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꒰ ✦ ꒱   ──𝓜𝓚 "𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓚𝓲𝓭"
Oh, he gets too flustered by you, like he’s unable to comprehend your words before his brain short-circuits from your words. You just like to mess with him, why? Because he’s cute! It’s not a hard concept to understand well...he’ll get it since he’s the “smarty kid”…or maybe not.
The way he sees it is like you with him, someone like him? That causes problems wherever he goes, you like him?! Sorry, he just has to comprehend the concept of you liking him before you flirt with him.
Just showing up when MK is on his break or work is over to take him away to the new arcade place that just opened up for a “date.” (A date with you will get him so flustered anyway) First off a date?! Right now!! But he’s not even prepared or anything like he’s wearing his dirty clothes while you..just look so…✨beautiful✨..even in basic casual clothes.
Onto the arcade part: he was such a sweetheart that he won you a plushie when you asked him. hmm? How will you repay him, huh🤔? With a kiss on the lip of course!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Mk, could you win me that?” You give your irresistible smile, tapping on the glass of the claw machine, “Sure!” He smiled brightly, going over to the claw machine and grabbing the joystick.
 “don’t worry I’ll get you a big plushy!” He says confidently, moving the claw around with the joystick (while making little cute concentrating noises) and getting the claw onto this cute little monkey.
He cheers as the claw goes down, grabbing the monkey and hearing little “yes!” Before it drops and he just stares at the monkey that fell “Haha that was a mistake! Let me try again” he tries to reassure you, yet the same thing keeps on happening over and over.
 “uh, Mk you do have-“ “There” finally getting the little monkey and crouching down to get it from the little box when it fell down.
Handing you the little monkey plushie which makes you smile, “mk come closer” he does as you say and you lean to give him a kiss.
“Thank you, Mk~” you wink at him “Hahaha, it w-was n-no big deal” he stutters as blush corrodes his face, how cute can he be?
꒰ ✦ ꒱   ──𝓢𝓾𝓷 𝓦𝓾𝓴𝓸𝓷𝓰 "𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰"
Don’t you know that he’s been alive for who knows how long, a little flirting or teasing is nothing to him, he’s wooed so many people in his immortal life, what are you going to do? Tell him a cheap flirt like “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven” Oh please talk to him when you have something he can’t retort back..
His ego is through the roof like this is some kind of competition. Well, it is now! Physical or not, he’s gonna win! Getting suggestive with your actions? Well, he’ll just double down on you and go a little overboard just to stop you.
Hmm? Psst, I’ll share a secret that might be of some help, his tail, right it can be pretty sensitive when you touch it. It’s basic but your best try at getting him back, but it would be easy since it’s always moving around everywhere and he might hear you before you do it, ruining your chance, BUT hard does always pay off.
Just seeing him freak out when you pull and rub at his tail makes him freak and lose his mind. He pouts calling it “playing dirty” and you call it “thinking outside the box.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You seem pretty out of it, Wukong” you smile, trying to arouse suspicion from him while waiting for the perfect opportunity to come to you now it's time since he seems so spaced out while you two are looking at the stars together.
“Yeah..it’s nothing” he reassures you, with an awkward smile before looking back to the stars once again, his tail moved to touch your hand a little, and now the opportunity was right in front of your face.
In a swift motion, you grab onto his tall “got ya” and pull his tail, a girlish scream leaves his mouth “What are you doing?!” He turns nervous, and pulling one more, he dramatically gasps for air with blood rushing to his cheek “Knock that off!” 
“You're being dramatic” pulling another time, “Have you reached this low to THÈ Sun Wukong’s tail, that’s cheating!” “I call it thinking outside of the box” you grin, rubbing his tail up and down “You aren’t supposed to think outside the box!!” He yells at you “But what’s the fun if you just basic and do what everyone else does” You lean in to kiss his tail.
“..” “got nothing to say, Wukong?” You smile knowing you’ve won, finally won.
꒰ ✦ ꒱   ──“𝓢𝓲𝔁-𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭" 𝓜𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓺𝓾𝓮
He can handle it, he’s two-faced and a pretty good liar, and he can deal with anything you might throw at him, unlike Wukong you can't do anything because of his six ears, his ego is different from Wukong he does in mocking your type of way instead of thinking highly of himself.
He can hear you every move and word you use for your so-called “plan” which will fail like all the others since he’ll find out one way or another.
So maybe another approach: on while back you told him that you loved him, no catches no flirting just genuine feelings for him unlike your terrible flirting those days, you could see blood rushing to his ears making his ears really red.
Playing ‘innocent’ is really the way to go when it comes to macaque and getting in his head.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Dark clouds in the sky accompanied it with harsh rain, hitting the rooftop of the little outdoor public patio (not at restaurants but someplace where couples and families would come for a picnic) yet you were the idiot for not checking the weather at all today since everyone else decided to stay home today, yet it wasn’t without purpose you came here in the rain of all weather.
The reason was: that Macaque of course, was bound to turn up sooner than later (he has a habit of showing up and knocking on your window in the middle of the night scaring you to death).
“Miss me that much you waited for me” a teasing voice of a familiar monkey, before popping from beside you, hanging upside down, still scaring the living daylights out of you “Stop scaring me so much” 
“Can you blame me, now what their Highness wish from me,” 
“Nothing I wanna talk to you”
“Want my attention that bad, fine I’ll give it to you” he turned, churning into a grin that was ear to ear, his tail wrapping around your leg “be honest that’s not why you're here. Go on, hit with the line of your romance” he laughed at you waiting to see what show stopping you were going to hit him with.
“Nothing this time,” looking away from him “Really?~” “Fine I’ll say it…I love you!” You looked at him with ‘a blush’ on your face and he just looked at you blankly, unable to say anything just dumbfounded by you: who was always flirting with him ‘blushing’ and telling him you love him how couldn’t the blood rush to his ears.
“I got you” you chuckled and he immediately snapped out of it and just looked like you with a ‘you got me expression’.
 “aren’t you such an Oscar-winning actress/actor? you even got me”
“Oh no macaque I got you hook line sinker” you laughed, victory is back to its owner 
“Sure, laugh it up, I’ll get you back next time”
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semisolidmind · 11 months
What about a Bad End! Journey Wukong and *also* Yandere Macaque? Reader is having trouble enough trying to tame one yandere monkey warlord and then here comes Macaque who also decides haha nice human go brr
ooooh i do like this
(it's happening in the version of the au where wukong has the cuffs on his wrists and ankles that throw him to the ground whenever reader says the spell, but with macaque (who's still on wukongs side in this iteration) tagging along. like, this is happening after they were both keeping her on the mountain after their time with her as her little monkey companions. now reader has two rabid monkeys to deal with.)
when the bodhisattva summons reader (and by extension her two "husbands") to aid in the holy monks quest, both monkeys are given magic restraints (wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, a circlet) and told to protect the humans on the journey. the bodhisattva does this because she knows the monkeys won't allow reader to go anywhere without them, and the temptation of an easy immortality boost would be too much for them to leave the monk alive.
not only do the two mystic monkeys practically one-shot every enemy they come across without much help from the other pilgrims, they really only care about protecting their wife. were it not for reader's "request" that they help him, the boys wouldn't give a shit about the monk (aside from making fun of him/threatening to eat him/the awful headaches the stupid circlets give them). reader has to act as the intermediary with all the different people they have to save, too, or else the monkeys wouldn't be bothered to help.
on that note, the monkey warlords don't really interact with the other pilgrims very much, and they try to keep reader from doing so too at the start. the boys don't care about these other demons; they kinda just make fun of them for being bad at their jobs. the other pilgrims become friends with reader, but in that regard the two warlords keep to themselves.
oddly enough but maybe not that surprisingly, reader doesn't use the throw-down spell on macaque nearly as often as she does on wukong. mac learned early on that pushing readers buttons whilst bound by the restraining cuffs is a bad idea. he isn't as annoying as wukong is, and knows how to play his cards to get reader to give him some affection occasionally (without threats against the safety of every town they come across). and if you think he doesn't get at least a little smug about that fact, you're overestimating him.
wukong and macaque spend their downtime hunting, lazing around, or invading reader's space. they like to make fun of the pilgrims when they're in earshot, knowing that the other demons can't do anything in retaliation. they're completely unconcerned with the journey as a whole; redemption and enlightenment who?
and what's fifteen years to a couple of immortal monkeys, anyways? after this boring escort mission, they'll be back on flower fruit mountain in no time at all. at least they've got their cute lil wifey to keep them entertained :)
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littlelegoman · 11 months
Tang (possibly Pigsy, too): Wow, that sounds like a lot to go through as a child. And you bodily became 18 when you were 12? I'm so sorry, they shouldn't have done that to you..
Lloyd: Well-- it was to save the city--
Tang: What did that city ever do for you? I mean, your whole life is just one tragedy after another; your mother abandons you, your father is locked away, you get sent to a boarding school to make you evil and you still get bullied there. You're manipulated multiple times by adults, and sure, you tried to do that once to them, but you were a child. They were adults. That's not fair.
Lloyd: It was destiny, I had to because of the prophesy...
Tang: No, you had a choice. You didn't have to do all that, and even if you wanted to, you could've waited till you were mature enough to understand the severity of it. Your uncle trains you-- actually, he forcibly takes you, which legally would happen anyways as your only relative, but the law was never involved, not to mention you were under the impression you'd be hurt.
Tang: It's not your fault either. You were coerced into it. The prophesy never said when you had to defeat your father, right?
Lloyd: Well, I don't entirely remember....
Tang: You needed an adult who wasn't going to use you, and you never got that. You never got a childhood, and that's terrible. I'm so upset that this happened to you because no kid deserves this. I'm not completely okay with MK being the Monkie Kid; I mean, look at all the danger it's put him through - but at least he was an adult, old enough to make his own conscious choice.
Lloyd: I...
Lloyd: Thanks, mom.
Tang: It's no pro-- wait what?
MK: And you have elemental powers?! Oh, that's so cool! I don't have any of those, really. I mean, I can do a lot of things that the Monkey King can do, but I don't think controlling elements was one of them.
Zane: It is awesome, of course, but we have years of years of unpacked trauma.
MK: Same!! :D
Red Son: Your father... was okay with you becoming a hero?
Lloyd: He wasn't the best, but it's not completely his fault. The whole venom and oni thing really messed him up. He knew what he was, and he... deep down, he wanted a safe world for me, and fhst meant a world without him.
Red Son:.... I see.
Lloyd: So, uh, you want to be like your father?
Red Son: Well, of course I do! I'm not some a simple-minded peasant like Noodle Boy or Dragon Girl! My father's legacy is one to behold with pride.
Lloyd:... but?
Red Son, sighing: but my father barely recognizes my greatness; and Noodle Boy and his peasant friends do....
MK: Why is... why.. (MK, trying to talk about Garmadon)
Wu: Ah... My brother and I share Oni and Dragon blood... when he was bitten by The Great Devourer, it caused his blood to turn cold.
MK: Does that mean you can become evil too?
Wu, caught off guard: Oh. I..
Wu, sighing: Yes. That is a possibility. I trained my students the best way I knew how... I.. admit I wasn't the best
MK, smiling brightly: HAHA, yeah, you weren't!
Wu, offended:
MK: Wait-- you ABANDONED your son to an evil school?!
Misako: I-- I did.
MK: Why not send him to a normal school?! Or with Mister Wu?! If you knew he was gonna beat up his dad, wouldn't it have helped if he grew up with morals???
Lloyd: I mean no offense, Sun Wukong, but I don't know why MK still likes you.
Wukong: Honestly, I don't either
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archiveikemen · 6 months
『 Villain's Night 』 Story Event: Chapter 2
Jude Jazza
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
(This is the place—)
My body had followed William’s command and moved according to my desires, and so I arrived at the gambling house Jude was at.
Drunk Man: Hey, kitty, you look adorable. Meow for me.
Kate: … Sorry, I’m here to look for someone.
The crowded gambling den was filled with people dressed up for Halloween.
I reluctantly put on only the cat ears Alfons had given me, and blended into the crowd.
Apparently, the place was not just a gambling house for Duel Betting, it was also a brothel. The men present were eyeing the frightened women locked in cages, as if evaluating their worth.
(... Human lives are of lower value than money here…)
While feeling disgusted by the cruel scene… I continued looking out for the man I was there to find.
(— I want to find Jude as soon as possible.)
(But… what do I want to do once I find him?)
(I highly doubt I’ll be able to convince him to return to the castle without causing trouble.)
Despite those thoughts, my body moved on its own and kept looking.
(What do I desire? Is it to find Jude?)
(I don't know what it is myself, and yet my body is following this “desire”...)
(William’s ability is truly frightening.)
Kate: Excuse me… pardon, but is there a man by the name of Jude here?
Kate: He wears a black coat, has a sinister look in his eyes, and—
I asked around while scanning the crowd, unable to find him, and just then—
???: You’re Jude Jazza’s woman?
Kate: Huh…?
Jude: If you accept my terms, I’ll spare your life at the very least.
Jude quietly put the guards to sleep and entered the room before crushing the jaws of two or three more guards, he then threw the overbearing and unreasonable terms at the organiser.
Organiser: … Hahaha. Hey, calm down.
Organiser: Withdraw from Duel Betting and human trafficking, then give you all my earnings… don’t you think you’re demanding too much?
Organiser: Didn't you lose only a few thousand pounds?
Organiser: Besides, your employees are the ones to blame for it.
Jude: I don't give a fuck. Accept my terms or die.
Jude’s glare was sharper than a newly sharpened blade, making the organiser gulp.
Then, a subordinate rushed into the room and whispered something into the organiser’s ear.
In an instant — his eyes took on a triumphant look.
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Organiser: — Looks like you’ve got a guest.
Jude: … A guest?
Brought in by two burly men, almost dragging her on the floor… was Kate who laid unconscious.
Jude: — Ah? Ꙩ_Ꙩ
Organiser: I heard that she wandered in here to look for you. A very brave lover, isn't she?
Organiser: So, what do you say? If you take back the terms you stated earlier, I’ll return this woman to you unscathed.
Organiser: Hmm? There's something in her pocket… oops, look what we have here.
Burly Man: HAHA! Bringing this sort of thing to a place like this… she’s a surprisingly slutty woman—
Burly Man: — Huh?
For a brief moment, the man blinked in confusion as if he didn't know what was happening.
His hand, along with Kate’s unconscious body, fell to the floor with a thud.
Burly Man: Wh– AAAAHHH!?
Jude: Negotiation failed.
Jude: I’ll spare the boss monkey. We have much to talk about.
Jude: Everyone else can die.
< timeskip >
Kate: ugh…
The first thing I heard after regaining consciousness was the sounds of groaning and sobbing.
(What… what happened to me…? I’m pretty sure I heard someone call out to me, and…)
Kate: Ggh…!?
The moment I got up, the horrifying scene before my eyes made my breath catch in my throat.
The floor, walls, everything was dyed red with blood splattered on them.
The dead bodies laying around barely looked like human beings anymore, they were mere red lumps of “something” thrown around like objects—
Standing in the middle of it all, was Jude.
Jude: Don’t worry, I’ll at least keep your artery intact. You can't pay me if you die from excessive blood loss.
Jude slowly cut his blood soaked sword into the legs of the man who appeared to be the boss of the establishment.
Organiser: F- Fine… ggh, I’ll give you the money! S-Sixty… sixty percent of my earnings… ugh
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Jude: WHAT!?
Organiser: AAAAAAAAAA!
Jude: You don't need ears that can’t listen well, right? Let me cut them off for you.
Jude grinned, as though he enjoyed the sound of the boss’ shrieking.
Watching the cruel scene in front of me, a feeling of fear I had long forgotten came back to me.
He was a villain who lived in a different world from mine.
(And yet… here I am, witnessing this.)
(I keep wondering if he’s bleeding from anywhere.)
I didn't know what I wanted to do after finding him.
But, now, I knew clearly what it was that I desired.
(This is like a regular occurrence for Jude.)
Even if it was due to the traits given to him by his curse, or because of a promise he made with someone I didn't know…
(For this man who lived in the darkness while putting his own life at risk, this man who was always pushing me away from that darkness… I wanted to do something for him.)
Tonight, the cursed people were even more dangerous than usual.
(And yet… all I did was cause more trouble for him.)
There was an overwhelmingly large distance between the two of us.
(— I’m so frustrated.)
I bit my lip and watched as Jude tortured the boss for the information he wanted — and he finally sheathed his sword after thrusting it into the man’s heart.
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Jude: …
(... I think this is the first time I’m seeing Jude use his sword.)
The usual Jude hurt others, but he never killed them so easily.
He would always say that it was much more efficient to exploit them for labour than to kill them, because killing them would cause him too much trouble afterwards.
– Flashback Start –
Victor: That’s right. As for the cursed person, they find it harder to control themselves… something like that.
Victor: It’s a dangerous night for both the cursed person and the people around them.
– Flashback End –
The pale moonlight shone through the window.
(Right now — Jude isn’t in his normal state.)
(It’s too dangerous to approach him.)
That was what I thought, and yet I found myself moving closer towards his bloodied back.
On this Halloween night, the cursed people were going mad—
And I, too, was going mad with desire because of William’s command.
Kate: Jude.
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Jude: …
Jude didn't look back.
My hand lifted itself and grasped his coat.
Kate: … Are you hurt?
Kate: —!
Before I could finish talking, my body was suddenly pulled.
With a thud, I collided with him and a shock ran through my back, making me gasp in pain.
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Jude: Why did you break your promise?
Kate: J-Jude…
Jude: You know what happens when you break a promise with me, don't you?
Kate: … ggh
It was hard to breathe with his hand tightly gripping my collar.
That hand felt nothing like the one that held my shoulder and drove the strange man away on the streets of London earlier that day. It was cruel and cold.
Kate: ah… ugh…
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Jude: Ahh, did you break the promise on purpose because you wanted to be punished by me?
Kate: …? …!
He snickered when I hurriedly shook my head in denial.
Jude: You probably thought I’d let you off with a couple of threats as usual, Princess.
Jude: But I don't think that’ll be enough to satisfy me tonight.
Jude: “Trick or Treat”... I’m not going to ask you that.
Jude: — Ready to be ridiculed?
Jude’s amethyst eyes glimmered under the moonlight streaming into the room through the window.
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 months
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[Bleach 083]
I am not really someone who wants to get really in the reeds about spiritual imagery and motifs and pinning those down--that is most certainly someone else's excellent project--but I wanted to take a moment here to look at all the elements that go into Kuukaku's cannon (not to be confused with Yamamoto's Kidou Cannon), because it provides an interesting template one might work from if you wanted to design some other high-level Soul Society ceremony or kidou practice.
Some observations/potentials/headcanons:
It's dawn, and this is important. Maybe the ceremony Kuukaku is drawing on relies on relationship to/power from the sun, or the sun serves as an anchor that taps into the heartbeat of this world in general. It is something that is tied, in some way, to a universe beyond oneself. (I was going to say 'maybe it needs to be dawn so the shinigami are looking into the sun and it takes longer for the Seireitei to realize a gigantic blue ball is careening toward them,' but assuming the sun rises in the east in Soul Society, that actually does not help this, haha.)
The cannon is adorned with shide, the white zigzag streamers we see associated with Shintou over here in our world. Suggestive of holy places, purification rituals.
Kuukaku is also drawing a circle around the cannon with a huge ink brush, which is reminiscent of the Buddhist ensou (圓相). Ensou "express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create" (Wiki). A circle can symbolize wholeness, perfection, emptiness, Enlightenment.
Similar to all of the kidou chants (as formalized in the Academy curriculum, whether Kuukaku considers herself a kidou practitioner or the keeper of an art that pre-exists shinigami calling it 'kidou'), lots of colors and animals involved here. (Worth noting that Kuukaku does actually mention a monkey grabbing a star with his right hand, for the Renjis in the house.) Also requires use of a sword. Zanpakutou?
But only for the first part. Kuukaku's final role in this ceremony makes use of her own arm, not a sword, in ways that require wrapped cloth and burning power and that her vassals do not seem to think was going to be an automatic/expected success--this ceremony is a BIG deal and no easy thing. (One wonders if this is what happened to Kuukaku's other arm.)
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crzyimp · 8 months
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Centuries of consequences finally caught up to our favorite monkey that the Jade Emperor called Buddha to help him. I definitely missed on my first time reading that Buddha was to defend the throne. I was confused at first since Buddha isn't part of Heaven, but then after a brief reflecting; I realized this could be an alliance between religions over ancient China. Keeping the peace and helping allies in need.
During the chapter was the fact Sun Wukong was quiet compared to earlier chapters and attacking anyone in his way. Up until Buddha showed up, new face and person to Wukong. Someone who had no part to what's been happening to him up till now and he (somewhat) peacefully talked to him and listen to Buddha deal. I strongly think if Wukong haven't PISSED ON BUDDHA'S FUCKING HAND and asked for a do over, he may have not be under a mountain.
(Writing on my hand? Eh, I'll get over it and I can wash off, but pissing on my hand? Haha! NO. Asshole move and some crimes can't be forgiven. 'Pisshead ape' go to naughty jail for 500 years to think about his (Piss) crimes)
The rest of the chapter was about the Heaven court asking Buddha to stay, party, and receive gifts. Everyone, but Buddha and his disciples cause their monks and don't drink at all, was getting drunk and celebrating that Wukong's gone.
Once Wukong got his head out of the mountain, Buddha used a golden seal to ensure he can't escape and gave instructions that someone will come to remove it 500 years later. And giving Wukong iron pellets for food and melted copper to drink. There has to be a reason or symbolism for this, but right now my mind is drawing blanks. Or there is none and really hammering in on punishing Wukong for crashing the festival.
I think that's all I have to say right now, but up for discussions!
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
So- we all agree that MK will at some point fight his friends.
But what do you think would cause an actual fight to break out? I can imagine a CONFRONTATION. Arguing, a small scale brawl or scuffle. A full blown, all out, cataclysmic battle however? HOW???
Yeah, MK did lash out at Macaque when he was pretending to be Wukong. MK was definitely upset, but the thing that made him want to straight up fight Wukong was Macaque antagonizing him and hitting him where it hurts.
Mei and the real Wukong wouldn’t do that. They love MK too much. And vice versa. I just can‘t imagine them fighting eachother while fully aware.
Do you think it would be a loss of control situation? That MK‘s too powerful to contain? Brainwashing 2.0? Golden Circlet? Someone pretending to be MK and leaving the real one to deal with thr consequences? I‘m just listing all the different tropes at this point oof
Or do you have a specific scenario in mind that you think could realistically happen or hope for?
So! I think it'll be a combination of a loss of control, good ol' fashioned manipulation, and MK learning something that pushes him over the edge.
Like, you know in 4x13 where MK says things that distinctly don't feel like MK—"We'll alright then", "Oh there's nothing mindless about me friend"—and he's smiling and very much unhinged, and it's all kinda scary? I feel like there's gonna be a lot more of that next season, all aligning with MK and his fate vs what he actually wants. Like:
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Subodhi: “Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer—but of one thing, I am certain: fate has plans for you! Great plans, or foul? Time will tell.” MK: "I- I can't be! I'm just MK!" Subodhi: "The Monkie Kid?" MK: *Gasps*
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
"Great plans, or foul?" - "Remind me how this 'game' is supposed to convince me I'm not destined to turn into an evil monkey demon thing again? Cause every option I pick takes me to this same screen!" - Aka, despite your choices the final outcome is inevitable. MK wants to be MK, but he's also the Monkie Kid, and he can't separate himself from whatever he is—i.e. MK is gonna have to reconcile the different parts of himself, including the parts of himself he refuses to acknowledge.
The conclusion Macaque helps MK come to at the end of s4 is that no one can decide who MK is for him ("Only you get to decide who you are kiddo."), and what I LOVE to point out is that the person who decided who MK is, who he will be, was in fact himself—or at least the curse version of himself:
(*sigh* this wasn't supposed to be super long and then it was. The rest under the cut!)
Curse MK: “Haha, seriously? You still think we’re just some, noodle delivery guy? You can’t remember where we came from, and we got ALL this power, and you never once thought, WHY US? What are we? What is our purpose?”
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Curse MK: “You can’t escape it, this thing, whatever you are, embrace it. Embrace your destiny.”
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Curse MK: "You can see it, can't you? This is your fate. Your friends will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become. They will destroy you, harbinger of chaos."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
It's this interesting mess, where it seems like MK is spiraling towards becoming something else, something he doesn't want to become. So let's add a little check mark next to the "loss of control" box for why MK is fighting his friends next season—I'm not sure he'll be entirely "himself" if you catch my drift (maybe a kinda Samadhi Fire Mei situation, similar to the way she loses control).
Next point: good ol' fashioned manipulation.
So, just like LBD we got another puppet master on our hands, the person who was pulling the strings and released Azure.
AKA whoever the fuck this guy is:
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Hooded Figure: "There will of course be an inquiry into how the scroll of memory was stolen in the first place, and what is to be done now that the Jade Emperor has been dethroned. The universe is perilously close to tipping into chaos. If it comes to light that any of this party were involved, you can believe the consequences will be dire—but only a fraction of the price compared to what shall come to pass should you succeed."
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
The thing about this guy who wanted Azure to become the Jade Emperor and lose control—perhaps they wanted the Jade Emperor's power without a host so they could use it for their own purposes?—is that we don't know what their plan is, but we can assume it's going to include MK ("Great plans or foul?", MK as a "harbinger of chaos" with this mystery person trying to tip the universe into chaos, etc.—I'd argue they're the next stand in for destiny)
Which gets me to my point: our hooded figure is going to manipulate MK the same way they manipulated Azure, and the same way LBD manipulated MK before, which means gettin' all up inside MK's head. Making him doubt both himself and Monkey King and his friends.
And well, people trying to turn MK against Wukong has had a track record of MK absolutely losing his shit and going into Monkey form before (which admittedly may be the very thing the hooded figure wants):
1.) The very first time MK glitches into Monkey Form is after the curse insists that "We're just like Wukong—a fraud! A trickster! Destructive! Why would our legacy be any different? Actually, no no- the chaos and destruction we'll bring upon the world will make Wukong's past look like nothing."
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2.) Then, first time MK fully enters monkey form is after the curse insists that "It's just like the Lady Bone Demon said—all you'll ever do is cause pain and suffering!", which in itself is tied to the words Mei says to Wukong in 3x10 "Don't you see you're hurting the people who care about you the most?" which is ALSO tied to 4x08 with the reason MK decides to run off to begin with—he's afraid of hurting the people he cares about (just like Wukong) and that perhaps he really is only destined to cause pain and suffering.
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3.) After 4x07 MK goes into his Monkey Form again in 4x08, but this time it's after Azure tried to destroy MK's faith in Wukong ("Monkey King's a hero he wouldn't just-" "You saw it with your own eyes! His betrayal his brutality, he took the only friends I had from me."). MK really starts to lose it after he learns Azure won't release Wukong from the scroll ("I won't let you take Monkey King away from me again!").
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4.) Next, in 4x09, MK starts glitching into Monkey Form after Macaque insults Wukong ("Or, he was just doing his usual Wukong thing and being a lazy peach eating idiot—ignoring all the worlds problems."). It's also directly after MK wonders why Wukong stayed on flower fruit mountain all those years: "You think Monkey King ever felt like this? Maybe that's why he stayed up on this mountain, just having a good time with you guys. You know cause- cause he knew he'd be out of the way where he couldn't hurt anyone he cared about."
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5.) Next instance of Monkey Form isn't until 4x13, but I'd argue it's the most relevant of the bunch. For the entire special MK hadn't flickered into Monkey Form once, but he does after Azure starts insulting his loyalty to Wukong: ""After all Sun Wukong has put you through, how much he has let you down, you would STILL meet your fate trying to protect him? He doesn't deserve such loyalty, yet you insist on learning the hard way, just as I did. I should have never trusted the Monkey King! The false sage, equal to NOTHING!"
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And then after this we have the scariest instances of Monkey MK I ever did see:
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MK is ripe to be manipulated in all the wrong ways, specifically around his relationship with Monkey King—and perhaps even his friends if the situation gets bad enough (though I would imagine it being something more like MK trying to leave to protect them [again] and the gang not letting him) (Other side note: there are literally 5 examples of MK going into Monkey Form because of how his relationship/view of Wukong is being called into question, all at the end of s4. That is so many).
I think a la 2x05 and 4x07 MK will also have his perception of himself pushed to it's limits via our new antagonist. So rather than Wukong or Mei antagonizing MK for him to lash out, I'd say our puppet master will be the one to antagonize MK. To push him towards whatever they need MK to be for their plans.
And with that, I'm checking off box number 2 "good ol' fashioned manipulation".
Now onto point number 3, MK learning info that pushes him over the edge (which will be helped by point number 2 and lead to point number 1, FULL CIRCLE BABY).
So the special definitely set up the fact that there's more both MK and the audience don't know about Wukong's past, particularly around Macaque:
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Macaque: "Every choice has consequences kid, for someone." MK: "Okay come on man! What happened between you two, for realzies!"
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MK: "Seriously! Come on man I need answers!"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Oh sweet MK, answers you will receive! They just won't be the answers you want. (The fact that MK is questioning Wukong's past at all, along with the curse saying "We're just like Wukong" as proof they were destructive, leads me to believe that uh, maybe your boy is having some doubts! One of the things MK is specifically upset at Azure about is that the Lion attempted to "turn him against his own mentor". That's all gonna lead somewhere)
Which, the implication is clear:
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For undoubtedly some important reason, Wukong had to either kill Macaque or bring him to deaths door. But, MK over there who refused to abandon or hurt Mei even when she was going to burn away reality, who refused to abandon his friends even if it might risk unleashing the curse into the world, might not understand the nuances (hi "good guy" V "bad guy" binary mentality) of whatever happened between Wukong and Macaque.
Lego Monkie Kid is a show where plot points and arcs line up—the fact that MK's faith in Wukong is being questioned, the origin of SWK and Macaque's falling-out is just around the corner, and MK losing control is a very likely possibility, it all means I would be surprised if it everything wasn't going to be acknowledged at around the same time. All these things will build off of one another, and MK is going to spiral HARD (and SWK probably will too. Sorry boys)
The Macaque and SWK backstory alone would be enough I think, or WHATEVER other Wukong past plot points they want to introduce, but we also have the matter of MK's origins—his purpose. Why he was created and why he exists (again that who MK wants to be VS what fate has in store for him, and acknowledging the different parts of himself). MK, without any real knowledge of what he is, already believed that he was destined to bring chaos. Say, MK were to learn that he was either created for such a purpose or was something that caused chaos before (hello EAMK), this would absolutely RUIN MK's perception of himself.
So then combining all of these different problems and the culmination of MK's series long crippling self-doubt/identity arc, we're like, fucked? Honestly I can't imagine MK not having a full blown, all out, cataclysmic battle and breakdown.
There have also been certain things building up from s2 that MK never really talked about with Wukong. MK was willing to punch Wukong in 2x07 (the og "hey MK your mentor kinda sucks" episode). He was clearly hurt by Wukong's decision to leave in s2, Wukong proceeded to lie all through s3, and after Monkey King apologizes to MK in 3x14, he sort of brushes it off:
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Sun Wukong: "I know I can never make it up to you. Honestly, I- I never thought I'd live as long as I have let alone be someone's mentor—turns out I'm not very good at it. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry MK. For all of it." MK: "It's okay—I can always get another bowl of noodles."
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Sun Wukong: "Wha! No! Not the noodles! Ugh! I mean, I'm sorry for being a bad mentor and making you clean up after my mess!" MK: "I know—sometimes I just play dumb to lighten the mood."
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled) (Crying look at that face full of love. Oh my god. Fuck. Fuck me. How dare I write a meta on why these two are going to fight)
To me, this scene reeks of MK going "oh thank god things can go back to normal", and then trying to sweep everything under the rug without actually acknowledging or processing anything. He does something similar in 4x11, wanting to brush past Wukong's mistakes and rush to SWK's "path of the good guy" and "good life choices" so that he can move on.
When it comes down to it, MK doesn't want to have any issues with Wukong, but unfortunately there are very much issues. Wukong has tried his best to make amends and be better for MK, but MK isn't letting himself heal. He's running from himself, and he wants to pretend things are much simpler than they are.
And, once MK is forced to come face to face with how complex and messy both himself and Wukong are? I am expecting that kid to break and an all out fight to emerge. SWK V MK, Mentor V Student, Monkey King V Monkey Kid.
But, because Wukong is Wukong, he's not going to be able to go all out against his student (he couldn't even go all out against Macaque or Ne Zha), which, with how powerful MK is, that's not going to go well. That's where the gang steps in—they're going to have to try and put a stop to MK, and get him to see reason, to come back to himself. "Mend the fracture between [him]self and Wukong" if you will. Perhaps even Samadhi Fire Part 3 if we're lucky.
Or at least that's how I imagine it could go down!
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virgilisspidey · 9 months
Part 1/2
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More information under the cut
Staff-Verse is an AU inspired by the Spider-Verse.
This AU takes place after Season 4.
Basically, as the fabric of the whole universe was starting to collapse because of Azure's lack of control over the Jade Emperor's powers, alternate versions of people from MK's universe slipped through the cracks. Similar to the concept of "everyone can wear the mask", the people that were sent to MK's universe are people that he's known, all wielding Monkey King's staff.
There's Sun (orange) from a universe similar to MK's own. He's a version of Monkey King who's Journey to the West was still on going.
Then there's Liu'Er (purple) from a universe where he bargained with heaven and went on the Journey to the West instead of Wukong in order to work for his friend's freedom.
A younger version of Tang (blue) from a universe where he found the staff fresh out of college when he received an anonymous tip about its location, accidentally freeing DBK earlier than in canon.
A Red Son (red) who befriended his version of MK and Mei early on and perfected the gauntlet used to lift the staff to free his father, forced to fight back with the staff to protect his friends when MK accidentally found himself in the middle of his father's wrath.
And finally a Mei (green) who's Ao Lie is still alive helping to mentor her and help her wield the staff after Monkey King's mysterious disappearance after sealing DBK.
MK has to help thesw alternate versions of his friends to get back home while learning one brutal lesson...
Bad things always happens to heroes.
haha don't expect a lot of things from me cux i made this comic for funsies
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sakurangelll · 1 year
Intuitive message: Why do you have to be proud of yourself?
it's a general message so take what resonates and what doesn't just let it go.
choose the image with which you feel most connected/attracted
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Feel proud and thank yourself for having made the decision to be more free, for giving yourself the opportunity to be yourself. i feel that you have come out of a very negative atmosphere, you came out of a mental environment where you cared a lot about what others thought of you. you freed yourself from all those people who hurt you in the past. one day you just woke up and said “you know what? i'm gonna live my life in the way i want to. my life, my decisions”
I notice that you are a person who is a party person haha ​​and i am not saying this as something negative, your energy is like the energy of a concert. the vibes you give me:
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Be proud that you have learned to be your best company. you understood that there is nothing wrong with being "alone" (i don't know why at this exact moment i had a deja vu🤯maybe it's a sign for you)
I feel like you go on dates with yourself. you are not an introvert but you are not an extrovert either. i feel like you started going to a lot of concerts/festivals/parties since you decided to get ahead of that negativity. feel proud because with each step and decision you make, you are growing more.
The angel numbers of this intuitive message:
★ Angel number 1133. the number 13 is the number of lunar cycles that take place each year. Angel number 1133 indicates that we may benefit from aligning ourselves with the feminine power as an example for our conduct.
★ Angel number 145. your angels want you to realize that the changes you’ve been hoping for are about to happen. you are about to receive the rewards of your hard work. angel number 145 calls on you to make certain changes to your way of life. you have to let go of the old so that you can create room for newer, fresher energies.
Things that may resonate with you:
disco ball . maneater by nelly furtado . sexyback by justin timberlake . without my by eminem . blond hair . roller skates . y2k music . ibiza . spain . los angeles california . pay hard by david guetta . britney spears .
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You give me a loooot of vibes of being a witch, you don't necessarily have to be one, that's just the energy you project. you like to go to nature, you talk to flowers? you like to dance in the forest, your aura can be orange or purple. you have black or wavy hair, you wear a lot of long skirts, you wear a lot of rings with quartz/stones and you generally have your nails painted black. if you are a witch, you work a lot with plants, herbalism comes to mind. the vibes you give me:
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You have to be proud of the magnificent style you have when dressing. i feel like you already know that haha. (personally I want to dress like you🖤) you are working on having and projecting an image that you feel proud and comfortable with and you are achieving it.
Also feel proud to be growing magically and spiritually, for growing your powers and talents. you like astrology, you work with the phases of the moon? (btw, today January 6 is world astrology day)
The angel numbers of this intuitive message:
★ Angel number 444. the number 4 is associated with determination, professionalism, and hard work, as well as completion and totality.
★ Angel number 234. go ahead and learn as many new things as you can.
Things that may resonate with you:
stevie nicks in general but specially her song edge of the seventeen . bohemian rhapsody by queen . 🦦 . the name “sam” . arctic monkeys . call me by blondie . 1973 . rosemary . rock music . abba .
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I feel like you're working on your shyness, and creating new habits? you are starting to do yoga/pilates, to eat healthier, to connect more with your inner self, to have a more peaceful mind. you have to be proud that you are creating healthy habits.
I feel that you are a person who likes poetry? you like to read, you like rain. you really like going to places that are surrounded by nature. you like lakes, rivers or waterfalls. the vibes you give me:
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If you are working on your shyness i don't think you are doing it to be an extrovert, you are doing it to embrace your shyness/seriousness. you are realizing that there is nothing wrong with not being as open or sharing much of your life. you are at peace with yourself.
Angel numbers of this intuitive message:
★ Angel number 1234. this is the message guardian angels are sending you, to elevate your spiritual life. seeing angel number 1234 is a wake-up call for you to expand your comfort zone, to be brave and courageous for claiming what you desire.
★ Angel number 222. it is a number that guides you to move forward in harmony and faith as you build toward your soul’s desire.
Things that may resonate with you:
watermelon . mystery of love by sufjan stevens . “call me by your name” movie . fairy . european jazz . un bacio a mezzanotte by quartetto cetra . ain’t that a kick in the head by dean martin . alors on dance by stromae . je te laisserai des mots by patrick watson .
pile 4
You have to be proud because now you see your studies/school in a different way and by that i mean that you are giving the seriousness and the necessary/correct working hours to your studies. i like that despite that you are also taking time for yourself, you are not saturated with your studies, you know how to manage your time very well… although it was hard for you to be patient with yourself and not demand so much at work, you also know that a grade does not define how smart or good you are. you are beginning to have new strategies for studying?
You study business, history or tourism. the vibes you give me:
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The angel number of this intuitive message:
★ Angel number 333. the number 3 is a highly creative and joyful number that signifies every aspect of the creative process, from inspiration and growth, to manifestation and completion.
Things that may resonate with you:
teddy bear . orange . everytime by ariana grande . wine . tennis . stupid love by lady gaga . ddu-du dud-du by blackpink . new jeans . kpop . 2007
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count-alucard-tepes · 4 months
How would op hotties react to forgetting their wedding anniversary with their s/o?
Haha oh lord, here comes the chaos!
S/O: “…love, this is what I got you for our special day! What you get me?”
Kizaru ✨: *realizes what day it is and hears glass crack* “…oh I thought we’d go out today…why don’t you get ready, love?”
Akainu🌋: *curses under his breath* “…I took the weekend off for us to go on a trip…what do you think?”
Ryokugyu 🌱: *raises a brow* “…special day? It’s not my birthday…I think”
Fujitora 🐅: *literally has no idea what his S/O is talking about* “…every day with you is a special day, love…which one is this?”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *smiles nervously* “…it’s a surprise at dinner tonight…” *excuses himself to call his jeweler to get something expensive and pretty for his S/O asap*
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *realizes all hell is going to break loose* “…hehe…shall we go shopping…baby? Anything you want?”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *smiles weakly* “…I was just about to make you breakfast and…clean the entire house…for a week”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *blushes uncontrollably as he foresees what is going to happen* “…I need to head out for a bit…I bring it later, okay? Pinky promise”
Killer🔪: *is literally on the verge of tears because he forgot* “…I’m gonna need a moment, love” *sprints off to town to grab some flowers*
Kaido🐉: “…I’m sorry, honey! Please stop chasing me!!!?!”
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King 👑 : “…dammit…I’m in trouble”
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Queen👑: “…please don’t kill me”
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Izou🔫🔫: *grabs his S/O and distracts them with kisses*
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒:
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Oven Charlotte 🍞: “…babe…I’m gonna be honest…I have no idea what you’re talking about….please don’t kill me”
Buggy🤡: “…someone send help please…I’m gonna die tonight”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *rubs the back of his neck nervously* “…maybe we could have a picnic on the beach…I’m doing the cooking, love”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸:
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Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕:
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Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: he gets real quiet, “…uh…oh yeah…the best prize is a surprise…so…you got to wait, kitten…” *internal panicking initiated*
Gecko Moria🦇: he gets paler than he already is, “…what…special day…love?”
Iceburg💜: he’d grabs Tyrannosaurus, “…this is gift…he’s all yours and these are happy tears…”
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: he’d grin awkwardly and use his powers to quickly make a unique necklace, “…here you go, love…let me put it on you!”
Rob Lucci🐆: he blushes in response and tries to act cool, “…I made a reservation at your favorite restaurant, of course…for tonight…you’ll get your gift later” *he’ll get an ‘urgent’ call from work and would disappear for an hour or so to organize everything*
Karasu🐦‍⬛: he is beyond upset upon realizing that he forgot their special day. He makes up by getting his S/O’s favorite flowers and writes them a poem.
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
could I request for wukong and macaque (seperate or poly is fine!) x reader who is super physically affectionate? like they rlly enjoy cuddling or just random touches, and can get quite protective if the person they care about is ever in danger? ty!! and no worries if you don’t want to either haha
I'm feeling zesty so you can have both
Shadowpeach, SWK, and Macaque x GN!Affectionate!Reader Romantic Headcanons!
Shadowpeach - you have the combined force of two celestial monkeys to keep you company, so rest assured you’ll never be without at least a tail to hold. Most of the time what will happen is you’ll start out just doing your own things, then Wukong will stop by for a random hug or smooch but then he gets comfy with you(even if he’s in the way…he’s like a cat). Eventually Mac will come along and join in, and by then no one’s going anywhere for at least an hour. They love seeing you get all protective over them, even though they can definitely handle themselves just fine. Their favorite thing, though, is just laying down with you and chattering while grooming each other and you. It’s almost serene—these two terrifying beings are suddenly calm and purring as they aren’t causing chaos for once. 10/10
SWK - he’s very, very touch-starved so I think he’d vibe very well with you! He tends to pop up out of nowhere and kiss you for a little bit, before zooming off again— unless you stop him and insist that he stays. His absolute favorite thing is coming home after a long day of training with MK, getting into some comfy clothes, and then falling asleep cuddled up with you. He lets you do your thing being protective of him; all the while knowing that if something were to happen he would gladly take care of it. 10/10
Macaque - he is also super touch-starved but it will still take him some getting used to when it comes to receiving physical affection. But soon enough he finds himself looking forward to when you come around, because that’s when his face will be kissed ever so sweetly and his hands won’t be as cold as they usually are with you holding them. He’s extremely gentle with you when he gives affection simply out of habit. He also has a habit of retrieving you through a shadow portal, taking you back home, and wrapping you up in blankets with him so he isn’t lonely. It’s honestly cute, if it weren’t an inconvenience sometimes. Also, he is just as if not more protective over you than you are over him--see below comic 10/10
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(credit to the original artist)
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cassie48 · 10 months
•𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦•
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛: 𝚕𝚘'𝚊𝚔 𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚗𝚊𝚒𝚟𝚎!𝚘𝚌
*𝙸 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚌 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚐𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗*
*𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛𝚜*
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝, 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚋𝚊𝚍 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎, 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚞𝚝, 𝚗𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 ( probs way more I’m sorry ☺️)
(18 + Minors DNI)
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚊, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝚐𝚎𝚝s 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚜, 𝙻𝚘'𝚊𝚔 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝙰 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎
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All the sully’s made their way through a tent full of avatars. Makena walked in front of Lo’ak, holding his hand. Public affection was normal for them and none of his siblings even batted an eye when he would kiss her on the cheek, or hug her a little longer then usual, or even put his arms around her waist. It’s just how they are, and they always will be.
“Hey, spider” Norm says while smacking his towel against Spider. Makena giggled and looked back at Lo’ak who gave her a smile, feeling content seeing her so happy. Makena had always been a very sweet soul. And a naive and ignorant person. That was mainly because of Lo’ak, he didn’t let any harm go her way and protected her from any bad things in her life.
“Your ass is mine”, threatened Spider.”I’m right here”replied norm while he brushed his teeth. One of the avatars noticed the young na’vi and told them to leave”avatars only, go around ”she told them. Makena stared at her , she never liked any of the humans or avatars, they made feel scared and she never felt comfortable around them.Norm being the only exception as he made her laugh.
Lo’ak noticed her standing in place.”it’s ok syulang” Lo’ak said grabbing her little hand tighter as he pulled her along.The group continued their way to the lab
“Yeah. Those blue stripes don’t make you look any bigger, bro”Lo’ak told spider as they walked. Makena never really liked Spider. She tolerated him though because he was good friends with Lo’ak. Spider often made her feel uncomfortable and she always found herself sticking close to Lo’ak while he was around, as he wouldn’t say anything to her while the protective na’vi was around.
The four of them made their way into the lab. Spider was being teased by Lo’ak, which happened often. “Yeah haha, real hysterical guys, you know what really sucks though?Is you can breathe earth air for hours, and I can only breathe your air for like, 10 seconds”spider complained.Makena bit back the urge to tell him to just go back to his planet if he has such annoying problems with her beautiful planet.
“Yeah monkey boy that really sucks…. for you”Kirk said sarcastically.They begin to play fight with each other. Makena grabbed the oxygen mask provided for the na’vi and began to breathe it in. She found herself unconsciously leaning into Lo’ak. She hated the lab, it reminded her of the sky people that killed her parents. That was why she hated Spider so much.
“You ok pretty girl?” Asked Lo’ak noticing her anxiety. ”I don’t like this place Lo’ak, I’m scared, what if they hurt me like my parents”she said clinging to him.”Makena, as long as I’m here no one will 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳 hurt you” he promised her, his eyes suddenly going dark. She hugged him tightly and he smirked lowering his arms to just above her ass. After a few moments they pulled apart and he put his arm around her shoulder kissing her on the cheek.
After a minute she went over to Kiri who was with her mother admiring her beauty and hugging the glass covering grace. Lo’ak and spider were talking to max and some scientist. She didn’t like them that much, so she went to go find kiri.
“You get your beauty from your mother kiri”Makena told her, noticing the similarities in their faces. “Thank you sister, I’m sure you get yours from your mother too, you might not believe me, but I feel that your mother is watching over you”kiri told her step sister. “Makena didn’t know if she believed her or not, but she was saying it to make her feel better so she was thankful.”thank you kiri, I hope it’s true”she said, giving her a sad smile.
Kiri found a log video of her mother and wanted to watch it so the two of them did. Spider eventually came over, standing very close to Makena. She stood there not knowing what to do, she was a very small na’vi compared to others, making her only a tiny bit taller than Spider.She saw her step brother walk over to them and quickly moved to where he was
He saw her quickly move from spider to him. He wasn’t stupid he knew she wasn’t a big fan of spider. He noticed how she was more tense and moved away from him as soon as she could. He noticed all the small things about her that she didn’t even notice herself. This is one of the reasons why he was the only one for her. They were perfect together.
He moved over to the corner and pulled her close to him rubbing her side to try calm her. “Relax sweetheart”She visibly relaxed leaning into him. She had her neck visible to him and he couldn’t help himself. He started kissing her neck lightly. After a few moments the kisses got a little more intense. She felt herself growing hot and holding in a moan. It felt nice, similar to the feeling when he roamed his hands on her body at night, or when he kissed her on the mouth often using his tongue, telling her that it was normal, and a way to show to love to each other. She believed him but always wondered why they had to leave their family before doing it, if it was only a way to show affection to family.
He eventually stopped and went back to holding her body with his arms.”So who do you think knocked her up”questioned Lo’ak. “Pretty sure it was norm”. “Totally”spider agreed.Makena had always that that Kiri was a gift from eywa. “That is not true”Makena said making spider roll his eyes at her. “Thank you Makena, as for you two, you do not deserve to live”kiri said glaring at the two boys.”No no no, think about it, right? I mean he’s the teachers pet. He’s out at the lab with her all the time” Lo’ak said trying to convince the girls”I would kill myself, I would drink acid”Kiri said dramatically”bro your right hes in like, every shot” Spider agreed laughing. They continued teasing kiri. Suddenly spider said”guys, I mean sometimes it’s not so great to know who your father was”Spider said making it about him as per usual. Makena went silent and hugged Lo’ak to contain her anger”whatever, I don’t even remember him” he added noticing the tension. Makena huffed, she had the same situation, but you don’t see her going on about it.
“No, spider” Lo’ak started. “Bro” spider said making him stop talking. “Spider….you are not him”Kiri told him hugging her. Makena knew that there was something going on between the two, often teasing Kiri about it. She didn’t like it.
(Time skip)
The group were now making their way down the vines connecting all the hallelujah mountains.Tuk joined them a little earlier. Makena didn’t like that, as she cares deeply about Tuk and dosent want any harm going her way. ”Guys wait up!” Tuk begged the older na’vi. “Come Tuk” Makena said grabbing the eight year olds hand. Tuk smiled at her.”Your my favorite makena”this made the older na’vi smile at her.
(Time skip)
The group had now made it down to the battlefield. Tuk was trailing behind Makena who noticed the small girl playing with some flowers. Lo’ak turned to check where Makena was when he saw her smiling at Tuk who had stopped.”Tuk keep up!” He told the young girl.”stay close Tuk” Makena instructed.
“Bro why’d you bring her anyway”Spider said stopping.”She’s such a crybaby, she’s all, I’m telling your not supposed to go to the battlefield, I’ll tell mom if you don’t let me come”Lo’ak said mimicking Tuk. “Don’t pick on her”Kiri said while Tuk stuck her tongue out at her older brother, making Makena giggle silently.
They continued their journey beginning to climb up a tree. “Come on” Lo’ak said. Spider and him climbed up the tree to the aircraft that had crashed their fifteen years ago.Kiri, Tuk and Makena stayed down not wanting to go up.”Is their any dead bodies up there?” Tuk asked but not getting an answer
Kiri and Makena wandered off together to see the beautiful forest they once’s lived in.They stretched their arms out to touch the plant that had flying animals, breathing out in shock as they flew over them. They looked at each other and laughed in happiness. They all missed their old home.
They both lay down in the grass, relaxing and enjoying pandoras beauty.
Spider eventually came down, looking for only Kiri, but having to look for Makena as he knew Lo’ak would kill him if he didn’t. “Kiri, Makena” Makena opened her eyes and jumped away from Spider waticjing him wake up Kiri. She left to go to Tuk and Lo’ak knowing Spider would annoy her or tease her for something if she didn’t.
She eventually saw the two and happily skipped over to her favorite boy, who quickly wrapped his arms around her, cupping her face “Pänutìng girl, don’t wander off like that, you had me worried” he told her sternly.”I’m sorry ma Lo’ak”she said, hating when he was mad at her. “It’s fine syulang” he replied kissing her cheek, on the corner of her lip.
Kiri and Spider appeared, and Lo’ak and Tuk said that they must all return home as it is almost eclipse.
They began to make their way back home when suddenly Lo’ak who was in front of Mekena stopped and jumped off the branch. “What is it” Kiri asked.Tuk started complaining about how they’re always supposed to be back by eclipse.
Mekena noticed that it was footprints they spotted.”that’s way to big for a human” Lo’ak said “avatars?”Spider suggested”maybe, but theyre for sure not ours” Lo’ak said warily.The two boys began to walk forward Lo’ak putting his arm on Mekena who was behind him.”what are you doing?” Kiri asked, slightly annoyed.”shh I’m tracking Lo’ak said
They all hid behind a bush, watching avatars with camo outfits, inspect old labs and remains from the war.”we are never supposed to come here”Kiri said sternly”dad is going to ground you” she added. “Shhh, can you stop ”Lo’ak said angrily. “For life”she said”I think maybe we should leave” Mekena agreed with Kiri is a scared voice.Lo’ak looked down at her as she was in front of him where he could see her.
“Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours syulang” he says to her”Dude we have got to check this out”he tells Spider”let’s go”he then adds. The two boys go closer and watch the avatars closely. Mekena followed them not feeling safe”Lo’ak I want to go home” she begged almost crying.”alright alright, I’m gonna call this in” he said to her softly”no bro we’re gonna get in trouble” Spider warned Lo’ak. He simply ignored him saying”let’s go”.
“Devil dog, Devil dog, this is eagle eye, over.” Lo’ak says to the thing on his neck that Mekena never understood. She didn’t really understand any humans things, especially their weapons.She heard him tell Jake what was happening when Jake asked who was there.”Me, Spider, Kiri…. Tuk and Mekena. He didn’t want to tell his father that those two were with them , knowing his father had a soft spot for them, especially Mekena.
Jake told them to pull back and leave without a sound. Lo’ak agreed and that was the end of their conversation. They started to make their way back.
“You’re going to be in so much trouble” kiri told Lo’ak. “Kiri stop” he told his sister seeing Mekena visibly shake with nerves. “Guys come on” Spider says sick of the sibling’s bickering.”it’s almost eclipse, come on!” Tuk said worried.
All of a sudden one of the avatars grabbed Tuk making her scream. “Tuk!” They all screamed worried for the young girl. The two boys put their bows up at the avatars. Lo’ak quickly put his down seeing they were out numbered. Mekena ran to him beginning to cry.” Tsun, tsun ” he repeated to her seeing her so upset. Spider was not putting his bow down making Makena even more worried” he finally did when Lo’ak told him to put it down multiple times with a sobbing Makena in his arms.
The avatars quickly grabbed one of them each of forcefully pushed them to the ground.”no” Makena begged after being grabbed away from Lo’ak.”syulang, Tsun” he repeated, hating to see her so scared.
“What have we here”Quaritch says staring at all of them his eyes lingering a little longer on Makena. One of the avatars grabbed Kirk’s hand and showed it to Quaritch” we got a half- breed” he tells him.”shit” Spider says knowing he will figure out who they were.”show me your fingers” he tells Lo’ak., making his way over to him. Lo’ak proceeds to stick up his middle fingers at him. Makena almosts laughs, almost. She would of if she wasn’t so scared” yours his aren’t you” he says knowing Jake was his father. Lo’ak hisses at him. Makena got that funny feeling inside her stomach again beginning to blush, trying to hide it knowing it’s not a great time.
He grabs Lo’ak by his tsaheylu, making him shout out in pain. Makena cry’s out for Lo’ak he notices and pushes his hands as a signal to stay calm
”where is he” Quaritch demands “ sorry, I don’t speak English… to assholes” Lo’ak says smirking a little.”where is your father” Quaritch asks puling his hair again.Lo’ak hisses again. Makena tails swishes a little as he does, feeling funny in the stomachs again. “ Really” Quaritch says not impressed.”you wanna play it this way” he asks taking out a knife. He holds it up for a minute when Makena screams out him in na’vi “ stop, stop it!” He turns to her” you need to learn to shut up” he cuts her slightly on the chest, making half of her necklace covering her chest fall down slightly” your one hell of a looker though I’ll give you that”. He says smirking at her while she sits there crying out for her step brother, who is hissing at Quaritch and trying to break free from the arms of the avatar.
He starts cursing at Quaritch” Ohe’ll kì’ ong ngenga” he screams( I’ll kill you).He moves over to Kiri but before he gets there spider starts yelling at him.” What’s your name kid” Quaritch asks wondering why there is a human with na’vi. “Spider… soccoro” he says angrily.”Miles?” Quaritch questions him.” Nobody calls me that”he says in a monotone.” Well I’ll be damned” Quaritch says in disbelief.” I figured they sent you back to earth” he adds.” You cant put baby’s in cryo dipshit” Spiders spitting his words out in pure anger. Quaritch takes one last look at him before signalling for the avatar to grab him again. He calls the other sky peope to come and get them, saying they have high value prisoners.
The avatars pushed the group to the ground. “Lo’ak im scared” Makena says wanting to hug him.” Be calm it will be ok he says wrapping his tail around her inner thigh.
(Time skip)
It’s was now night, the rain was pouring down onto all of them, all Makena wanted was to go home. She was clinging on to Lo’ak, closing her eyes and leaning her head into his neck. The two hadn’t stop screaming for each other, so the avatars eventually let them go to each other. Lo’ak held her in his arms with all his might. If any of those avatars even thought about hurting his girl he would 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭 them.
After a while of holding each other they heard Neytiris call. The avatars payed no attention to it, as it sounded like a bird, nothing else. Makena heard kiri pray to Eywa, causing the avatar to push her and look her in the face and tell her to shut up. All of a sudden neytiri had shot and killed the avatar holding Kiri. “Lo’ak bit one of the avatar holding the twos arm, letting them run free, he grabbed both Tuk and Makena running away with them.
They kept running for a few minutes before they bumped into Jake and neytiri.”Oh my eywa” neytiri said as she grabbed the three and hugged them with all her might. Jake saw them and hugged them as well . “You alright Makena”he asked her. She nodded at him crying,
“Lo’ak” she said as she grabbed him and hugged him letting all of her tears go. Her necklace covering her chest had fallen off as they were running, but the two did not care as Lo’ak had seen her with no top on many times, telling her it was natural. As they finally all made their way home he held her to his chest as hers was exposed. She was confused as to why he was allowed see her chest, but not the rest of her family? She didn’t question it though as he walked her home
Later that night she realised spider was caught by the sky people. She was happy, but she didnt tell her step siblings, knowing most cared for him, other than Neteyam.
Later that night most omaticaya where in bed but Mekena and Lo’ak were in one of the healing tents alone, as she wanted to heal Lo’aks cuts from earlier that day.
“ I was so scared Lo’ak, I thought we were going to die” Makena says looking at her step brother with teary eyes as they began to fall down her face.” Don’t cry pänutìng girl” he tell her wiping her tears. Though this dosnet help as , her crying turns into sobbing. He lets her cry it out kissing her head, temple and cheek very now and then.
Once she stops crying she looks up at him and says “ oel ngati kameie” and kisses his cheek. “ oel ngati kameie, Makena” he says as her stares at her for a moment, before grabbing the back of her head and smashing his lips onto hers. Makena gets that funny feeling in her tummy and she feels happy. She was manipulated by Lo’ak, to think that when they kiss on the lips it’s to show love, love that she believed was family love. She is too naive that she doesn’t see it for what it truly is. He picked her up and sat her on his lap, deepening the kiss. He sticks his tongue in her mouth, which she gladly excepts. His hand travels over her body, his thumb massaging her breast that had still not been covered, she moans into his mouth, liking the sensation she felt between her legs. This went on for another five minutes before he broke away, kissing her one last time on the lips. His hands left her breasts and rested on her ass as she was still on his lap.
“Remember syulang, you can’t tell any of the others that we do this, they will get jealous, because we have a close bond” he lied to her his hand brushing through her hair.
“Ok Lo’ak” she happily agrees as she jumps off of him. He smirks as he gets up, putting his arm around her waist, resting on the top of her ass.
God he couldn’t wait until her first heat.
I read a lo’ak stepcest fanfic and couldn’t help but make my own 😼😼😼😼😼😼😈😈😈😈😈😈
Request stuff I’m begging because I need ideas 😋😋😋
Kisses!!!! 😘😘😘😘
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Yandere shadowpeach dbk freenoodles sliktea greenflame spider Queen and Nezha x baby night fury/light furry mix reader
Like we are one of the eggs of toothless and his mate light furry.
But we end up get taken druing a fight and
Our egg is on a ship but somehow our egg rolls into a potrly and is in lmk world
and how the others find us is us hatching and they're stuck is so we end up in imprinting on them ( haha you are the father haha ) and they have to explain to there lovers what happened ( sun trying to explain his to his mate she did not cheat
Dbk the same to his scary wife tang to pigesy mk to Mei)
And they we see our mama and slowly turn into our human form which was still most likely look more Dragon then anything and sneeze end up doing a plasma ball lol that hits our Father lol
I always have a hard time when drawing a nightfury for when I wanted to make oc haha lol but anyway that’s off topic let’s get to it!
Warning: noob author, dark theme, female child reader, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, dbk, freenoodles, waterspider/silktea, greenflames (mk x mei), spiderqueen, nezha.
He had found you when he was fighting a demon who was dumb enough to try and kidnap his master and apparently that very demon had the egg you’re currently in, so they decided to bring you along for safe keeping until you hatched.
(I’m deciding to do this in the past since I didn’t really have a way to put sun in a fight that much plus I thought it would be a good and fun idea.)
You had hatched soon after and imprinted on sun some time into the journey later, they couldn’t do anything about it so they decided to go to sun’s home. When they all finally arrived to sun’s kingdom; flower fruit mountain, they weren’t expecting another monkey like sun but black aesthetic to punch sun in the face making him drop little (Y/n) who landed safely on the ground confused on what’s happening and don’t know what to do.
It was Tripitaka who was able to cool down his disciple mate and explain to him that sun did not cheat on him but actually in reality saved the little one when they came across a mishap on their journey which lead to macaque getting embarrassed and softly apologized to sun, who didn’t really care just as long as his mate know he wouldn’t do something that terrible to him and added how macaque looked hot when he punched him.
You look at the other monkey who wasn’t your father and soon declared him as your mother by talking in their language, which you had somewhat swiftly picked up on the argument from pigsy and sun along with everyone in the group are speaking to each other.
Before y’all got to flower fruit mountain; pigsy and sun was having a argument in front of you while you sun bathe which annoyed you because all you wanted was sleep and they weren’t letting you so you did what you could only do and followed your instincts; which lead for them to have a face being hit by a plasma blast shot from you before you went back to sleep now finally able to have the quiet of it that you needed to do so.
They all soon agreed to one, never mention that again and two, to never fight in front of you even if you’re not sleeping yet, cause they don’t know what else you could do and don’t want to find out; for such a young hatchling you certainly have a powerful plasma blast that even the great sun wukong don’t won’t to face again.
Macaque soon grew attached to you and now saw you as his daughter and would only let Tripitaka, Sandy, sun, and bai long ma be near you, no pigsy as he speaks loudly and you’re usually asleep when he’s around and macaque don’t want you to go through the trouble of shutting pigsy up so he makes sure he doesn’t happen.
Dbk family:
Dbk had found you in a forest as he was just taking a walk to calm his nerves and decided that you would be a big surprise to his and pif anniversary.
He had kept you a secret for the most part with only redson knowing and doing normal check ups to make sure you’ll hatch all healthy.
You had soon hatched and quickly latched onto dbk, imprinting on him as your father and soon followed him wherever he went which was hard for him to keep you a secret but apparently not good enough.
Pif had soon found the hatchling, and thought the worst; she at first thought that she could just ask her husband about it but with how hormonal she’s gotten from her period she soon grew anxious about the outcome to that which lead to her growing angry with her husband.
(I don’t know if demons can have periods or something similar to it but let’s just go with it for the post.)
Dbk forgot that it was his wife hormonal week with how excited he was about his gift for their anniversary, it wasn’t until redson had point out that it was in fact her hormonal week.
When you noticed pif it was then that you made the conclusion that she was now your mother and started cuddling with her making her settled down with your purring before her husband was finally having a chance to explain about you.
Redson mostly spent his time studying you and also playing fetch with you; he studies you because he want to make sure that he can understand the things you need, like, and other things like that, one time he was drawing on the dirt ground of the garden they had before you came over and observing what he was doing before grabbing a big enough stick before drawing yourself, one you were done you felt proud of your work before noticing redson was going to step on it and started growling at him which made him lift his foot before doing it again and seeing it result in the same reaction to when he first went to put his foot down on a line of your drawing before going around the liners and ended up to you which you jumped on him and yelled brother with a proud and happy look on your face.
Pigsy was just getting ingredients for his food that he sells in his shop when he found you about to be kidnapped while you’re in your egg not even hatched yet, which being out his overprotective side out and make the culprit regret deciding to do that.
When tang first saw the egg he had many thoughts mostly logical but then he started going down the deeper and more anxious thoughts before asking pigsy why he has a egg in his hand softly with his head down.
Pigsy was worried about his husband reaction and noticed how his shoulders would shake a little, starting to panic he quickly explained how he had saved you from some kidnappers and decided to bring you back home with him so that the two could raise together like with how they did with mk.
Tang was relieved but made pigsy let him have free noodles from now on as a way to make up for scaring him like that; he somehow doesn’t know how to react to that but relented anyway to make it up to tang.
You hatched soon afterwards and imprinted on both of them. You would tear the seats that was in the shop which lead to tang having to always carrying you so you wouldn’t be able to do that or get a reason to do that.
Tang had accidentally bought catnip and was going to bring it back for a return but you seem to have got a hold of it and now was doing things similar to how cats do when they’re on this stuff.
Tang and pigsy noticed how you seem to be more like a cat and decided to see if you would do more cat stuff with toys, pushing stuff and other things like a cat would, but it wouldn’t be long before you started to grow human features, not much but just enough to make it show. Your wings had crashed into many things which lead to you being told to do that outside when it gets stiff, and of course to ask permission and make sure you bring someone that they know they can trust; like mk, sandy, redson when he visits for his boyfriend.
You had meet him when you barely could open your eyes; he was searching for a missing cat that got lost and was close to where you were, apparently the cat wasn’t exactly lost but had sensed you and wanted to see what was what, which lead to him finding you hatching from your egg and eyes meeting resulting in you imprinting on him as your new father, plus finding the cat.
Huntsman was skeptical about you since you’re a dragon and are more damaging than a cat is but sandy won him over by saying how the two could teach you on how not to do things that would damage the boat or anything else along those line.
They took noticed on how you acted like a cat so they went from there with a few changes since you aren’t really a cat. They also got a laser just to see how you would react to it; never again are they using it as he has being chaos.
They see that you like fish and nothing more so they tried to get different fish for you so you wouldn’t get tired of it so fast which probably wouldn’t matter as that’s your species usual diet, but they do try to spice things up with ingredients that they knew you might like and wouldn’t harm you.
You then start growing more hum an features as you stay and live with them which was new since you only had dragon features before so they decided to meet up with mei to see if she possibly know why you suddenly stared growing human features.
She said maybe is was because of how long you stayed with the couple and started to gain characteristics from the two which would make sense now that they think about it. Then they left for home while saying goodbye to mei along with thanking her as well.
They started teaching you more human/demon like teachings and how to live in the city while keeping you close to them as a dragon demon is rare and only mei’s family and herself are the only ones they knew about so you might get kidnapped if the two weren’t careful about protecting you from people who would do that.
Greenflames (mei x mk):
Mei is the one who had found you since your egg was in her garden and she was just going for a little walk to past the time before her boyfriend would come over and tan sight of you in a field of small flowers of light colors; and with how your egg shell was a very noticeable color it was super easily to spot you, that had made her a little worried about any trespassers that would sometimes come to either sill something from them and if they spotted you before her, she wouldn’t know what to do of that thought as if wold bring some paranoia.
When mk’s girlfriend; mei, had shown you to him he at first didn’t know what to think as the thought of finding a dragon egg was both awesome and worrisome. Awesome because that would mean a new friend she you hatch and he can teach you a lot of things like a dad would, and worrisome as something terrible would have happened if mei didn’t find you first.
Since mei’s family is descendants to bai long ma the dragon horse that had accompanied Tripitaka and his disciples she pretty much was raised to know how to take and raise any kinds of dragons if that sort of scenario happened as weird as that is.
You had hatched a few weeks later after that and that brought a celebration in order; when they brought out a substitute for the cake you apparently blew fire in reson’s face on accident, good thing he’s fire resistant and a demon or else his face would of melt by that plasma blast that you threw at his face.
You like to swim in the pool that your new mother family own for fun, and sometime your parents would add some fish as well as change the water for you and the fish that you like to practice catching in.
They would grow protective as they both have a few possible enemies that would like to weaken them at any moment wether it’s to kill you or kidnap you; the enemy best hope it’s just kidnapping cause if anything happened to you while in the enemies hands then they are done for and not just by you, they would have mk and mei to deal with.
They would bring you to the gravity arcade a lot as it’s a fun place and thought you would have a blast and they would be able to teach you some moves on how to get prizes and tickets for the prizes and y’all would get to spend time together as a family would.
Your egg had found it’s way into her lair and was resting in the other eggs not being found out about until you hatched from that egg. Syntax was the one in the area and so he quickly alerted his queen of this new discovery which she had found amusing very much.
She was glad of this knew discovery and was thinking this was some kind of sign of her finally getting what she always dreamed of; total control of this place and hopefully soon the world, and if that happened it would be the year of the spiders all the time then.
She likes how you have more color schemes to her as it seems almost like you were meant to be under your care than any other who would fully and foolishly miss the potential that you would gain as you grow to adulthood, which is why she usually have herself and her most trusted and only minions be the one to take care of you.
She wouldn’t let you go anywhere outside the lai in fear of losing you as she ha d grown to think of you as her own daughter and child and even then you have a tracker imbeddedinto you by syntax just in case something bad happened or if you decided to wander off forgetting you mother’s words.
If anything bad happened to you then she would make sure that the culprit regrets even thinking a lost dong that then turn around to scold your for forgetting to bring strong spider, huntsman and, and syntax and your bodyguard.
You would get everything that you would want as long as log as you’re patient and if it was in her capability to get it; she would even get the head of sun wukong if it was possible and when sh get stronger than before.
She was glad that she lived somewhat close to the ocean for yoyu to get your fish as that seem to be the species diet from what she and syntax could understand as they learn from watching you follow your instincts.
You were brought to the jade emperor who thought it was wise to give you to Newhart; who was skeptical at this outcome but ended up agreeing to the jade emperor’s orders as the jade emperor is in human terms his boss.
It was a new occurrence for him to have to watch both you and the map at the same time but he was able to get used to it some time later and since you wouldn’t be able to anything at this stage of your growth so he didn’t really have that much challenge from you.
But when you did hatch it certainly became difficult for him as you can be rowdy when bored and hungry, he was able to get some things from a store in the human realm over time that would cure your boredom and huinger thankfully.
He noticed that you hav characteristics form that of a cat so h decided to see if you would play with cat toys ;Ike a laser that he can control by hand and a mouse for you to play with while he’s busy at the moment.
You soon gain human features as you grow; finally being able to stand on two legs that look like a human rather than a dragon who would be on four legs usually though you seem to have still have dragon features that now m,Ames you a half dragon.
When you had used you plasma blast for the first time it was at him when you had became grumpy by him not being able to spend time with you; and with how you’re still young and very much playful he needs to entertain you but you don’t realize how big his responsibility is right now but he still tries to raise you.
If anyone tried to take you away from him then she will make it a very painful death, even if that person is of higher wing than him; he will make sure that it was some kind of accident musta to make sure he’s able to keep you as his daughter.
(A/n: i didn’t do them all the same because some i had already put down and then remembered about the request and some of them didn’t seem like they would do that sop I hopes that was ok and hope you liked what i did with it anyway😁 hope y’all liked it as well and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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purble-turble · 9 months
"Who he brings this up to and when could cause a whole bunch of different outcomes here haha" what would those outcomes be? :0
Oh yeah, referencing Tang noticing the love potion ask.. Well, I mean, if he told the people in his immediate group like Pigsy or Sandy, they would probably just be like "huh, that's weird" and probably not think anything else of it or take any action.. I mean, what action could they take? They don't exactly know Macaque well enough to interfere.
If Tang mentioned it to MK, he'd probably try to actually go and talk Macaque out of it somehow. Futile as it might be, it'd be the only thing he could really do to try and get him to come to his senses. This would just end with Macaque lashing out at MK. The love potion doesn't let Macaque understand that he is under the effects of a love potion, so bringing it up is completely pointless. He ends up just denying that his love for Azure could ever POSSIBLY be fake. Of course it's not! He's never loved anyone more! MK is just trying to ruin everything for him, and he's not going to let that happen!
Meanwhile if Tang tells Sun Wukong that he suspects a love potion has caused Macaque's turnabout... I think at first Wukong would deny it. Azure has no reason to want Macaque to love him. Besides, he was never especially interested in the shadow monkey until one day all of a sudden Macaque sort of just left Wukong for him... I mean, it did happen kind of suddenly, now that he thinks about it. And Azure does seem like the "ends justify the means" sort of person who might do something manipulative like that... but the fact remains that Azure isn't interested in Macaque! After all, the person Azure was really pining after all that time was Wukong, wasn't it? So even if he did make one, why would he give the love potion to Macaque?? ......oh, unless..... that first night when Macaque left him for Azure... didn't Macaque drink out of his cup? ......oh shit. The Monkey King is going to fucking murder Azure Lion. There's not even gonna be anything left of him to send to the underworld.
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