#who i think you could argue have hobbies or enjoyment
dickheadcanons · 2 months
the secret key to writing in character dick grayson is that dick does not get enjoyment out of relaxing or doing fun things. its a hard mindset to understand because it's the opposite of what you or i as fandom people experience, but Dick is never shown to do things for fun. if he's watching a movie or playing a game, it's almost always to spend time with other people, not because that's his impulse (and lowkey he sometimes ruins it for other people by never being able to turn off his brain)
now, this is not to say that he's unhappy, or that he doesn't experience happiness in his day to day. but he doesnt get that from the things that we, as comic book readers and fanfiction writers, get enjoyment from.
Dick is the definition of a workaholic. His only enjoyment comes from a job well done, helping people, and sometimes adrenaline (as his only real canon hobby is...skydiving)
Further reading: Flash Plus Nightwing (1997) (hating on the Hardy Boys)
Nightwing (2016) #43 (being unable to take a night off)
Nightwing (1996) #140 (skydiving)
The Titans (1999) #3 (being a terrible film watcher)
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nonbinaryresource · 1 year
hmmmm not sure how to phrase this exactly, but I've been looking through the questioning tag and thought I could try just asking specifically. (Sorry it got quite long!)
I'm pretty sure watching too many trans tiktoks did not make me nonbinary, but it sure brought up questions. Mainly, what if relating to nonbinary/trans experiences in my case is just that, relating? I'm thinking I might be nonbinary or trans, all because I suck at almost everything considered my gender, from looks to skills and so my "disphoria" is me not liking how others see me, rather than it being my body. I don't want to be my body to people first and then my person, besides I get the feeling top surgery would make me look and feel aesthetically cooler lol but that's just me
Is that a thing or I'm just extremely in denial?
Not sure if you caught the study we were just reblogging on how dysphoria and transness is not caused by "social contagion" like tiktoks, but if not, it feels relevant to link.
Researchers from the Fenway Institute disproved the theory of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" (RODG) and determined that "social contagion" does not influence gender identity in the largest study of its kind, published earlier this month in Pediatrics journal.
"The hypothesis that transgender and gender diverse youth assigned female at birth identify as transgender due to social contagion does not hold up to scrutiny and should not be used to argue against the provision of gender-affirming medical care for adolescents," Dr. Alex S. Keuroghlian, the study's senior author and director of Fenway's National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, and the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Gender Identity Program, said in a statement.
But I'm gonna focus on the idea of "what if I just relate to trans experiences but aren't trans?"
What if you do?
Then what?
You...find out more about yourself?
You...discover new things about your own feelings and comfort?
You...consider all of the options and come to decide on which label is best for you to adopt?
I'm not seeing a downside here. I'm not seeing anything to panic about. The transphobes have turned exploration and experimentation into the boogeyman. Life is about exploration and experimentation. Capitalism has absolutely ruined us. It's ridiculous to expect children who aren't even done psychologically developing yet to know and pick their life path and dedicate the rest of their life to it, including going thousands of dollars in debt to get a degree if necessary. It's ridiculous to expect people to not explore and experiment and have some damn fun in life, whether that's trying out 60 different jobs to find something that they want to do or discarding and picking up a new hobby each every single week to find what they actually find enjoyable or playing around with genders/sexualities/names/pronouns/clothes/etc. to figure out their feelings and better get to know who they are.
There is nothing - NOTHING - inherently wrong, bad, or immature about exploration and experimentation in life period.
So what if you relate to trans experiences but are actually cis? So what you identify as trans now for whatever length of time and change how you label later? So what?
I am so tired of the idea that anybody knows what they are doing ever. Nobody knows! We're all just making it up! The imposter syndrome we're putting everyone through for every aspect of their lives - from their jobs to their hobbies to their genders to their sexualities - is out of control. The society we have built is not meant for people. And that's incredibly, incredibly heartbreaking.
People should be allowed to play and explore and experiment!
People should be allowed to grow and change!
People should be allowed to be confused and unsure!
People should be allowed to not know!
People should be allowed to try on identities like we try on clothes at the store!
Fuck the self-gaslighting society is pressuring you to put yourself through.
I don't care what you know for sure. I don't care if you're going by a label you're unsure of. I don't care if you're going by a label you know is technically not the most accurate. I don't care if you stuck up a bunch of identity labels on a dart board, threw a dart, and decided to identify as that one. I'm here for you. The messy, confused, complex, hard to understand you. The real you.
Could it be a thing that you relate to trans experiences, don't really relate to cis experiences, and yet are cis? Sure. (Slightly tangential, but I think you might get some food for thought out of this piece of writing.)
But don't sit here thinking you have to identify as cis because you don't have "proof" of being trans. That's not a thing. It's just what the transphobes want you to think. You can identify as any damn thing you want (let's avoid cultural appropriation, though!), even if you're only 0.5% thinking you might be that thing.
If you think you might be nonbinary, practice not giving into the thoughts like "but I can't really be nonbinary because I'm only just now thinking about it". Practice letting yourself try out being nonbinary! For at least several months, unless it's just too terrible and you realize right away that it's not right for you. Don't debate on this or put yourself through a court of law or beat yourself down. Just let yourself be nonbinary. In a couple months, then come back to the questions of "is this right for me?".
And there is no "right" or "wrong" reason to identify with whatever identity. Some people identify as nonbinary because they have a very specific, pinpointable, non-binary gender. Others identify as nonbinary because they're not really sure but nonbinary makes them the most comfortable. Others identify as nonbinary because they want to be nonbinary. Others identify as nonbinary because they don't relate to or don't understand or don't want to identify with the binarily gendered structure of our society. Whatever your reasoning, it's both valid and nobody else's business (though ofc you can tell anybody why if it's what YOU want to do).
~Mod Pluto
P.S. If anything in this ask comes off as angry or frustrated, it is not with you. It is towards society and bigots who purport attitudes that harm people, even if in seemingly "little" ways like making them feel like they can't trust their own feelings.
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ruthlesslistener · 9 months
Tbh I'm really not sure if you are a hot-head or just don't always understand that not everyone is arguing with you when they present ideas that don't align with your headcanons. I also hate how you and your followers use the whole "No reading compression" in response to that sometimes. Like dude, some people are just sharing their own perspectives? On what maye have happened in Canon? Maybe its you and your cronies that dont have proper reading compression because damm, not everyone is out to fight you over stuff. Explanations are not arguments.
I really wish you were kinder to them because you sound like a passive aggressive bully at times alongside your followers and friends. (And since you love to think this way, no it's not in relation to the Ghost and vessel discussion since that's the easiest way you can hide behind. I just hate the way you acted and responded to some of your asks when it was clear that some were just trying to explain stuff. And how your followers are... comforting you? Even though its you who is in the wrong?)
? Anon I don't think that I outright argue with people unless it's clear that they're being outright aggressive, though that could be because yes, I am a legitimate hothead (though I do my best to keep my temper in check). And I am blunt as fuck. And I am also very very bad at reading tone, including my own. And also a way that I like to respond to ideas that are different from my own is by explaining how I see things or what I enjoy from it, because that makes it easiest to compare and contrast them. I genuinely don't mind people having different interpretations from me, but a lot of the times they just don't mesh with me for personal reasons, so I explain how my pov differs so that both of us are on equal footing. I'm not arguing or debating, I'm trying to clarify
I also thought I was pretty clear that some of my takes are extremely opinionated and were not necessarily valid because of it. If not, I apologize. But I am very opinionated, and yes that does influence my views on things, and no that doesn't mean I am always right. But also fandom is a hobby for a reason, and if I don't get enjoyment out of something, I will say it. That doesn't mean its bad, it's just that I don't really care for it and dont want to engage with it because it doesn't bring me any joy. I mean, I fucking hate caramel and will say it with vigor but that doesn't mean that I think that caramel is actually bad or awful or that people who like it are wrong for enjoying it. I just happen to really fucking hate it and say it loudly so that nobody gives me caramel when I wanted chocolate. That's pretty much how I view 99% of fandom takes different than my own- if I see it in the tags when browsing, I just scroll past it, but if someone brings it into my inbox then I'm going to explain why I don't like it so that they know it's a preference and don't do it again. I really don't mean to be hostile here
Most of the 'no reading comprehension' thing that I got pissy at that I can think of was when people would say something to me in response to what I said that completely missed the point of what I said entirely, in which case I got irritated at the misinterpretations because it was clear that what they had gotten from my discussion was not what I was actually saying. They could be valid in some cases, but that doesn't really matter when they're arguing something that was never a point in the conversation to begin with. I also tend to go to people I know for secondhand interpretations of things because- and this is very important- I am autistic as fuck and come from a background where a lot of what I would say would be taken with offense so that a fight could be started. So I tend to approach topics that I can't get a read on by debating them, to try to mitigate the damage before it happens. I don't take offense to them at all, I actually did enjoy the explanations that people had, but I countered with my own feelings on the matter because I wanted people to know my own pov in turn and how I thought of things differently than them. I'm very sorry if that seemed argumentative or passive-aggressive, because I genuinely did not mean it that way. I actually really enjoy debating different takes! That's what my favorite thing to do with friends is! But sometimes other takes just don't mesh with me and I want to explain why that is so that people don't think I'm bashing them. Sorry if that came off as arguing because it really wasn't on my end
(I'm also not sure what you mean by 'hide behind the adult Ghost discussion'- that's the first discourse I've had in my inbox in a very, very long time, so that's why I tend to default to it being the problem. I'm not hiding behind it I just assume that a lot of the asks I get arguing about vessel age originate from that discussion bc that was the last point of contention. Unless there's some other thing going on that I'm not aware of...?)
Anyways I'm sorry that I come off that way but keep in mind that I am also very autistic and a.) might come off as rude or argumentative when I'm actually just talking normally and b.) like to counter people's explanations with my own bc I actually do genuinely enjoy comparing and contrasting headcanons. I genuinely don't try to come off as passive-aggressive (unless its on purpose, in which case I will make it very obvious), I am just very opinionated and very, very blunt. I'll try to add more tone-context descriptors to my replies in the future to counter this, but please do know that I'm genuinely not judging anyone for having different headcanons than I am, I just know what I like and what I don't and am very straightforward about it. This is a hobby for me, so if there's something I don't like or don't have fun talking about, I'll say it directly
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lieutenant-amuel · 9 months
you wrote once about your favorite Disney princesses. What are your thoughts on the Disney non princess? Or top 10 princes?
Thank you for the ask!
The term “Disney non-princesses” is too vast, so I’ll go with the princes :P
I’ll take the characters from the same movies the princesses are from (even if they’re not “princes” aka royal), excluding:
EoA, because I’m not even sure which characters to include. Probably Gabe and Mateo because they’re the main characters and around Elena’s age. But I won’t include them because they are not well-known outside their show and either way we all know Gabe is always my number one, so let’s make this top more interesting.
Moana and Raya and The Last Dragon, because those movies simply don’t have male characters who could be considered “princes” (I don’t have the heart to call Maui or the guys (Boun and Tong) from Raya’s gang princes, sorry and I barely remember those characters because I’m not a big fan of the movies).
Before we begin, I want to note that this top is about MY favourite princes, not the best ones, and is supposed to reflect MY opinion, not yours. If you disagree, make your own post and don’t argue with me, trying to change my mind, because this kind of conversations is simply pointless. Anyway, I’ll try to express my opinion as politely as possible so I won’t offend anyone.
And now let’s get started!
11. The Prince (Prince Florian/Ferdinand)
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I have nothing to say about him, besides he’s romantic and sweet. His role in the movie is insignificant, he appears only in two scenes and doesn’t even have speaking parts, I think?
I believe he could have a bigger impact on me if I loved the movie more, because my own bias plays a big role in making this top, but sadly he’s just bland for me.
10. Kristoff
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Please, don’t bite me.
Despite the fact Kristoff is basically a lot more round than most of the characters I put higher, I still don’t have much to say about him, because he’s simply not my type.
I absolutely love Anna, but it doesn’t make me care about Kristoff as much as about her. He’s kind, loyal, brave, and even has a backstory, but… there’s still something missing. I don’t have the heart to call him unintelligent or God forbid dumb, but he just seems superficial to me. This is kind of people I don’t really like in real life, so I suppose it makes its impact.
I’m really sorry to all Kristoff fans, because really, he’s a great character, but just not for me. I often prioritize character’s personality over their complexity (which is why I’m not a fan of Elsa or Esteban if we take EoA into account because it’s been my brand~ for a long time) and if I don’t like them as a person, I cannot care about them as a character, and Kristoff is this case.
9. The Beast (Prince Adam)
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As much as I love Belle, I’m indifferent to the Beast. I know he kind of has a complex character arc as we see how he’s actually changing thanks to Belle’s influence, plus we know a little of him before he was turned into a beast, like the fact he loves books, which actually does add something to his character, but I just don’t think that much about him. He’s nice, and that’s all I can say.
8. Prince Charming (Prince Henry)
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I’m not sure what to say about him. He and Snow White’s prince are basically the same as neither of them plays an important role in the movies. I put him higher than the Beast mostly because of the sequels where he gets more personality (and an iconic jumping out of the window scene) that makes him a lot more enjoyable and fun to watch, even though he’s not really the character type I like.
7. Eric
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Same as for the Beast. I strongly disagree with people who call Eric dumb or bland, but the fact I don’t insult him doesn’t mean he’s a character I often think about. I’m indifferent.
I love his passion for the sea, it makes him curious and adventurous, and I think it’s actually super interesting that despite being a prince, he has a down-to-earth hobby and is nice to his crew (and he has a super cool dog).
I heard Eric got “more personality” in the remake but I haven’t watched it yet so I cannot put my two cents in. Anyway, this top is about animated princes, so I wouldn’t put him higher either way. But the movie would certainly help me to look deeper into his character.
6. Phillip
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Unexpected? Well, as I said, I’m biased. Sleeping Beauty is my favourite old Disney movie, Aurora was my favourite Disney princess as a kid and so it automatically made me love her man, too. He’s charming and brave as he’s actually rescuing Aurora, and as much as this is basically the only thing I can say about him, I still put him that high because he has a special place in my heart.
But you know, if we’re unnecessarily overanalyzing, Phillip is also kind of a rebel since when he fell in love with Aurora without knowing it was her, he refused to follow the betrothal and wanted to marry the girl he actually loved, so yeah, that’s nice. And he has a cool horse and a fun dynamic with his father.
5. Naveen
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And we’re finally getting to the characters that I actually care about and even can say something beyond “he’s nice.”
I love Naveen! He’s energetic and optimistic, and I honestly do love characters like him. He’s super fun and has a fantastic arc, and I love his passion for music. As in Eric’s case, that’s great that he has a hobby and treats common people nicely despite being a prince.
Really, I just love characters with a radiant personality.
4. John Smith
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I thought for a long time whether I should put John Smith or Naveen higher, because I like them pretty equally, but eventually John Smith won mostly because he’s deeper and I have more to say about him.
John Smith is great! He’s curious and adventurous, which I already said about Eric, but he’s a lot more dynamic and charming, and it makes him more enjoyable to me (his part in Mine, Mine, Mine is fantastic). He’s also decent, brave, loyal, caring, and what’s also important open-minded. I love characters who use to have wrong beliefs but learn eventually that they’re wrong. I think if I had rewatched Pocahontas before making this post, I’d say a lot more about him.
3. Eugene
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My Top-3!
Eugene must be one of the most loved Disney male characters, and that’s well deserved! He’s charming and witty, brave and resourceful, has a great backstory that actually makes people care about him and it leads him to have a fantastic arc.
I really don’t know what else to say about him, he’s simply an amazing round character with a unique personality, and I really love him a lot.
I’m not taking Tangled the Series Eugene into account, because I sincerely don’t like how he’s portrayed there. They make a very big emphasis on his narcissism, especially in season 1, making him a comedy relief character, whereas in the movie it isn’t even such a big deal. Not to mention his absolutely terrible arc of being the prince of the Dark Kingdom. It completely erases his backstory in the movie and makes his story of being an orphan a lot less impactful for me.
2. Shang
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Another bias, because, as you might have noticed, Mulan is my most favourite Disney movie. Just of all time.
To be serious, Shang is a perfect character for me. He’s brave, smart, takes his responsibilities seriously. He might be blunt and tough on the surface, but he’s also decent, respects his soldiers, wants his father to be proud of him, and always strives to do the right thing even if it’s contrary to his duties (I do have a type, don’t I)
and oh my goodness his song is the fire
He’s perfect, and I love him <3
1. Aladdin
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That’s my boy!
Aladdin is my second favourite Disney movie, and Aladdin himself is definitely one of the reasons why.
He’s incredibly brave, decent, kind and selfless without being too soft as he’s also witty and resourceful. He also has many insecurities that force him to make wrong decisions, but he’s learnt from each one, and the general concept of his character being “the diamond in the rough” is really the main reason why I love him.
Aladdin is so layered and dynamic, and he will always be special to me.
Bonus: Gabe
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ALRIGHT I’VE CHANGED MY MIND I will include Gabe, because it gives me an opportunity to finally ramble about my best man again and I cannot waste it.
I don’t even know where to start with.
I love his personality. He’s brave, honest, responsible, kind, selfless, protective, loving, extremely loyal and hard-working.
I love his story and how much he’s grown on me.
I love so many character tropes he embodies, and how some of the important aspects of his character resonate with me, which makes him special to me on a personal level.
He’s the character who unleashed my creativity as I created so much content of him and even built my own little universe that revolves around him and that I love to death.
He’s the only character on this list that I think about literally every day, and he will always be special to me because of the impact he’s made on me.
I love Gabe, and he’s placed out of this top, because he’s incomparable <3
Thank you again for the ask! I hope I wasn’t too mean akjsnfkk.
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cxsmiicc · 2 months
a friend of mine the other day said that he didn't see editing as a real hobby because it had no deeper meaning. everything im about to say in this post i said to his face on this day. now this dude is like. classic snobby english student. turns his nose up at any book that isn't written in such a way that it takes a week to read. genuinely enjoys poetry and is forever trying to get me to like it too (i violently hate poetry, just not my thing no hate if u like it). we somehow got onto the topic of hobbies and i was talking about how i had a fair few, and i started listing some off of the top of my head. the few i mentioned were editing, writing, reading and crocheting. he offhandedly says that he doesn't think editing is a real hobby because it has no deeper meaning and the look i gave to this boy could have levelled cities. first and foremost, editors. work. fucking. hard. it is not easy to find clips, find audios, and put them all together to make something cohesive. shit takes hours every time. i have cried over edits countless times. i've seen people cry over my edits before and it feels amazing (sounds odd i know but you get it). my next point, a hobby BY DEFINITION is something you do for fun. to relax. to enjoy yourself. not in pursuit of some deep life lesson. hobbies are hobbies because they are something you do for enjoyment, in pursuit of some peace of fucking mind. my edits lately?? mostly lanfear, with a hot audio, and minimal transitions. and what do they mean? that i think she's hot. i still made it. that edit didn't spring fully formed from the void. time and effort went into it. editing is a real hobby, a real career if you're good enough, and an edit can have as deep a meaning as any novel or any song, or be as shallow as a fucking teaspoon. and someone still made it. someone still found the song, marked the beats, cut the clips, added their effects and transitions and colouring and watermark. just as a book can be self indulgent, so can an edit. obviously the two are different, and people can and will argue themselves blue about which is better, film or literature, the old versus the new. but for fucks sake don't be like him. he knows exactly how much time i spend on my edits, how much i agonise over the smallest details. it hurt when he said that so casually. he just threw a year of my life away, saying it doesn't qualify as a pastime because it doesn't teach me anything. okay. can he use after effects with the skill that i can? no. he didn't even know what an mp4 was until i explained this morning. having practical skills can only be an advantage. plus ofc doing anything for a long period of time will teach you these deep philosophical lessons he's oh so fond of. i met my favourite person in the world through editing. she's the reason i started my current editing account. ly babe if ur reading this. posting edits and being an active part of a niche fandom is also incredible for getting better at interacting with people. both the comments on my posts and the comments i leave on other peoples edits are so so supportive and sweet, and yeah. im losing steam with this post so imma leave it here bcs its 2:30am and i am most definitely rambling.
sorry for a long post but this is important to me and every other editor who has had people laugh when they mention what they do for fun
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emblazons · 1 year
As much as i understand where the anon saying they wished the analyses were more realistic and based, i think that's not a plausable thing, because the personal experience of each person is just different. Each of us needs something else. Sure, we are all watching the same show, but since we all come from different backgrounds, lives and experiences, we all take different things from it. As much as i would die to know how the story wraps up this moment and i wish i could somehow read the Duffers's minds, watching the show, talking about it, discussing it, disecting it and even fighting over ships within the fandom is just a hobbie.
Now, don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to have their opinion, but what was told there is basically a M*lven vs Byler discourse, it looks the same. It's as if someone came and said they wished everyone just shipped M*lven instead of running away with Byler.
This being said, i heartly suggest the anon to find the roght nitche within the Byler community, you can just watch whatever you like, no one should ever force you to follow something you don't want.
I hope i didn't sound disrespectful, i really understand where they come from, i just felt like i needed to say something because i really want the anon to enjoy the experience.
I definitely don't think you sound disrespectful, so don't worry about that! That being said, I don't necessarily agree with the idea that thinking people should be more realistic or narrative focused in their analysis of Stranger Things is "implausible" (even with everyone's varied backgrounds/interests)—and I'll do my best to say why!
forewarning: long post, and (probably) unpopular opinion
Honestly, I can understand how we all get something different or latch onto something different in ST, as well as why it would be strange to expect people's personal headcanons to line up across rhe fandom for all characters—that's not really what I'm arguing for (and I don't think what anon was arguing for either). If someone is just looking for a place to enjoy the fanon versions of characters in a way that aligns with their preferred interpretation, I agree with you—you should definitely cater your experience to what you enjoy!
I think the issue of a lack of objectivity and people being "plausible" becomes a problem when you start moving into media analysis of Stranger Things, and start losing sight of the fact that media as a whole is absolutely based on objective rules and structures—whether that be in writing, narrative structure, cinematography, and everything else. As much as it can hurt to admit when you're passionate about something...some people are better at catching narrative setups and structures than others, and it's because they've trained themselves through study and experience to do it.
In the case of narrative and even writing analysis, the issue starts when people start taking any and all interpretations as equally valid analyses solely because we're all "entitled to opinions"—aka taking someone who has no real experience with critical media consumption's opinion as "just as valid" an interpretation of what goes on screen as what doesn't as someone who has made a study of these things for years, professionally or otherwise. Like, sure—fandom is just a hobby, and I can understand if people don't want to sully their enjoyment of a thing with deep dive analyses on what shot structure or 3 part structure means. Even so...that doesn't mean the skills, degrees, personal work and even just study people have done to understand how stories are told on multiple fronts isn't objectively useful to them having a better understanding of Stranger Things, or that someone with deep and time-tested media literacy doesn't have a better shot at understanding both intent and narrative as done by the Duffers than someone else (while managing their expectations better because they know how stories/shows are built).
You have to remember: The Duffers are film boys. And I don't mean that in a "they enjoy movies" way either—they have literal degrees in directorship from one of the most respected film schools in California, run a masterclass on storytelling, and have been accepted into the wider cultural zeitgeist as great writers not just by the wider public, but their own peers. They have been writing for years, just started their own production company, and work with people who have been casting, shooting, designing and making music for decades too--all fields that have objective uses and "right" way to do things, the same as you learn in any english, journalism or film class.
In that way, saying "I wish people were more objective and realistic" in their analyses (at least to me) translates to "I wish people would stop conflating their deep interest in a thing from a perspective other than the one the creators are coming from with an objective understanding of how this story will be told," which...I mean its a little harsh, but its also an extremely fair statement in my mind.
Basically: If you have a baseline for what certain things mean in media in general, your take on what is going on in the show probably by default holds a little more water as an interpretation of the events on screen—and you're a lot more likely to have an objective, universally media savvy reason (as opposed to just "I watched the show intensely") for why you believe its true. There are objective rules behind why we talk about shot structure, pacing, parallels, outfit choice, score motifs, and even dialogue...and people who know what those rules are and why they are important are how we determine levels of media literacy, which (as I'm sure you've even seen around here) is very real.
The byler fandom gets on M*levens for this all the time by saying they're "misreading the subtext" or "media illiterate," but...the tendency to miss common media cues in other areas is still just as true in the Byler fandom, because (by absolutely no fault of their own most of the time) this is people's first attempt at media analysis...and media analysis as a concept is both a practiced art and an acquired skill.
Being preemptively concerned that a lot of people in this fandom are setting themselves up for disappointment because they are applying their own background as a baseline to a show built for and by people with media / film / television backgrounds is a radical bit of honesty on that anon's part, yes—but its also true. In the same way you can't expect to walk into a grad school class full of people studying rocket propulsion to throw in your opinion on how to build a spaceship as first year english student, so people trying to act like it doesn't matter if you're familiar with narrative or media or cinematography when talking the outcome of Stranger Things simply because "its a hobby" (esp knowing who The Duffers are) is a bit...shortsighted.
Not acknowledging the background the creators come from, then acting like your background matters more than theirs—especially in terms of analyzing their show—is nonsensical, but...its what a lot of fandom (in general, not just with Stranger Things lmao) does anyway. Too often people to let their passion for something get ahead of the objective reality behind why things happen on screen--which is what is core to media literacy as a concept, even if there are still things we can't know for sure.
All that to say: if you're just doing what interests you with the characters because you like them it doesn't matter, live your best life. I agree 100% that you should cater your experience to what you want to see. But if you want to have an analytical take that in the end has a chance to hold any water, you have to funnel your understanding of ST to what The Duffers would think to do...not your own experience. That, to me and probably to the anon you're talking about, is what matters the most...and why I don't agree that its strange to hope people will learn (maybe not now, but over the course of their fandom experience) that there really are objective ways to consume and analyze film and television.
I hope you don't take this as an affront, because it was so much lmao. I just...even if we are all coming at ST with different backgrounds, there is a baseline of media understanding required to funnel down what takes are valid interpretations and which aren't—and that's something we struggle to accept as a fandom in an attempt to validate everyone (fair) but that also makes it more likely a lot of people are going to walk into S5 and be radically disappointed.
Its also probably why a lot of people think the "ship war" discourse is based on preference and not objective fact--because they don't read it from anything but "their background" and "personal interest," which isn't why I (or a lot of Bylers) think Byler is gonna happen at all. Byler isn't just a "what you prefer" ship anymore—its whats been baked into the objective fact of the narrative. People think its not....because they lack the objective media analysis I'm talking about. And that's true even with Bylers sometimes, as sad as it is to admit lmao
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sillyroundkatie · 1 year
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Who the hell is this evil walking toaster? (OC info under the cut!)
Clayton 023 | She/Her | Butch Lesbian | Cyborg | ~??? | 187 cm / 6'2" | Australian  Clayton is a genius scientist but she has decided to use that genius for turning herself into an invincible Terminator-esque robot in an attempt to cheat an eventual and ever encroaching death. Metal endoskeleton? Sure. Retractable arm-blades? Hell yeah. Automatic targeting system? Absolutely. A mohawk magnetically enhanced so that it never falls out of place? Uh,,... i guess? Clayton is extremely direct, ruthless, and intolerant of distraction (she is an asshole). But she's also someone you'd rather have on your side than against you, and she'll tolerate you if your values align with hers (i.e. being a loyal lab rat to research things she needs but lie outside her speciality). She'll do anything to cheat death, and so far she's winning. Her lab has recently found itself under constant assault by Coy and her band of mercenaries, which is annoying at best, but starting to get under Clayton's skin. Common activities/hobbies: Clayton is often busy performing her experiments, and often refuses to leave work at the end of the day. "Hobbies" isn't something she really understands. But she has a hyper-fixation on spiders, especially Huntmans, and will stop what she's doing to watch one. Unfortunately she hasn't seen many big ones since leaving Australia.  Setting: Lives in modern day Canada working at a very high tech and secretive laboratory. Clothing style: She is butch, but her fashion sense has gotten a bit demented in her age. Her clothing choices are deliberately ridiculous in order to warn people away from her, because she wants to be left alone. Her favourites are panels of spikes and studs. Beneath her labcoat, she's usually wearing a black turtleneck and black pants. You can draw them with:
Sera (colleague) - Clayton noticed a certain Dr Sera Mayfair was making great strides in chemical battery technology. Knowing she would eventually require some sort of infinite battery, Clayton poached Sera into the lab group to ensure nobody else made them first. As much as she begrudgingly respects her academically, Clayton hates Sera, finding her cuteness very unappealing. They're often found arguing, however Clayton will ensure no harm comes to Sera because of the batteries, which Sera mocks her for. 
Armance (colleague, partner) - Clayton's ever-loyal sidekick, Armance was recruited to make sure Clayton's flesh would mend well to her robotic parts (she also grows an infinite supply of more, should things go wrong.) Armance is youthful, over-eager, very enthusiastic, which Clayton tolerates as best she can. The two are an unlikely pair, but one that works well. It doesn't hurt that Armance is so tall and handsome, with floppy black hair.
Kay (partner?) - Clayton is drawn to Kay like a cation to a cathode, or a bear to a hiker's stash of food. As grumpy as Clayton is about it, and unwilling to acknowledge it, she is constantly finding ways to spend time around Kay, even if to an observer it looks like she's having the worst time of her life. It must be because she is so tall and handsome, with floppy black hair.
Additional stuff to keep in mind: Clayton is very skinny, almost skeletal beneath her clothes (she doesn't like eating, and mostly forgets to/puts it off).  She very rarely smiles, and if she does it's because she's doing some enjoyable evil science. Her normal expressions are: >:( , >:/ and >:| You can draw her arm blades curved or straight, sci-fi magic explains away how she could have curved ones She no longer has a human (bone) skeleton, it's all metal, think this. Some random trivia:
She inherited her Dad's gun and learnt to be an excellent shot. But now she's running a VATS like system in her head, so she'd never miss a shot anyway.
She has a hyper-fixation with spiders, her favourite is the Huntsman spider, she will stop what she is doing to go stare at a spider.
Despite her skeletal frame, Clayton is extremely heavy due to her metal skeleton, and thus cannot swim (she sinks to the bottom) or take a normal elevator (has to take the service elevator)
Ever since her youth every time she goes to sleep, she experiences vivid nightmares of screeching metal intertwined with broiling flesh. She's used to them now and they no longer phase her!
Clayton isn't her birth name, and 023 is (obviously) not her real surname. Further information and images of her main AU version can be found at her Toyhouse page at the link below!: Clayton's ToyHouse!
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I was an active faceup artist for years, took intl. commissions and all. I was forced to go on a hiatus due to moving for work and health reasons. I feel better now and my life is stable, and I still get a lot of requests to open up shop again, but I just...I just can't. Working on my own stuff, and having a day job that covers my living costs, made me realize how much I actually dread it towards the end. 
 It's just not worth it for how little a faceup artist earns in this hobby, and how much one has to do to even get that meager payment. Hours and hours of leaning over a tiny head, destroying my back/eyes/wrists in the process. On top of that I do Photoshop mockups, take a lot of WIP and final photos, have to discuss matters with the customer, handle shipping and customs. Materials are expensive, and sometimes difficult to get. Even when a commission goes smoothly it's still a lot of work for very little pay. And often it doesn't even go well! 
 No matter how hard I try to reduce any risks/issues, I still have customers who try their hardest to make the whole commission an absolute nightmare to deal with. Like thinking it's okay to change their mind in the middle of the commission, as if it's no big deal and I should just start over (for free, of course). Hounding me for updates several times a day, even though I had just received the head a day ago and am extremely open about my schedule (like only painting on weekends). Approving WIP shots, and later admitting they actually disliked something early on but deciding not to tell me. Arguing about my prices, as if I am not already crazily undervaluing my own work out of fear of being harassed. Wanting me to change my style completely, and then being pissed when my work looks like...well, my work. Not replying to messages for a long time, and then complaining about how long the commission takes. On a more heartbreaking note, showing absolutely no enjoyment or enthusiasm throughout the whole commission and leaving me doubting whether I made them happy and did a good job. Never confirming they actually received a package. 
 And what for in the end? 60, 70, maybe 100 bucks per head when the customer is nice and willing to pay so much? Health issues? My own doll projects waiting to be finally customized by me? In other doll communities customizers are treated so highly, just look for how much Blythe customs go and that weird cult-like fanbase some artists have. But BJD faceup artists are just seen as little painting robots. Good enough to help you get that perfect face for your doll, but not good enough to be paid a decent wage or be treated with some respect. A lot of people don't even think of what we do as art. And I am not interested in the drama if I would open up "artist choice, 300$ per faceup, I decide who gets the slot" commissions. The community is just not made for that. 
 Sure, I made good experiences too. It felt nice to help people own the doll of their dreams, or to make that character they wanted for their doll come alive. I had some great customers that were a joy to work with. Creative, patient, friendly customers. Commissions I felt helped me greatly to get better at my craft. Moments of warm fuzzy feelings when a customer received their doll and was just so happy about the face-up. Interesting dolls I was happy to see in real life, or ideas I just thought were great and wanted to execute. 
 But all this isn't enough to make me return. I dealt with this all for a very long time cause I needed all the extra funds I could get, but I just can't muster up the energy anymore. I feel bad for my nice customers who had hoped to commission me again, and all the new people who just found my work and are sad they can't commission me anymore. 
 Sorry guys, offering commissions just sucks.
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
another tag
today is a twofer brought to you by @buddyhollyscurls
1. Are you named after anyone?
No :^) people have asked me before if I was named after Princess Diana but. No it’s just the only other name my parents could agree on for a girl. I’m the second born in a set of twins with two older brothers, so my parents never anticipated having to name another girl until they got the news.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Couple days ago over pain and health anxiety.
3. Do you have kids?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. But I have four chickens that I love dearly.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m generally pretty witty and jovial but I’d say I’m less sarcastic than just silly and goofy. I’m not one of those people that sees sarcasm as the funniest sort of humor; I use it sparingly. I prefer to be the joke.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
NONE lol. But watching swordfights in Shakespeare plays recently (and also a cute artist’s model I used to have a crush on) has made me have passing thoughts of “what if I tried fencing...” (never gonna happen though, especially not now with my health being what it is)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Physically or personality-wise? If someone meets me in real life they probably notice my red hair, I suppose, since that’s a rather rare trait. But I don’t post my face all that much, especially not anymore, so it’s not like everyone who interacts with me here would first notice that. They probably notice my eclectic mix of interests and eccentric personality first. 
Although in real life I’m very reserved; I don’t share much of myself. People often pick up despite that though that I’m rather intelligent, and I don’t say that as though *I* think I’m exceptionally intelligent, but that is the way people treat me automatically sometimes when I’m not necessarily trying to show off. Idk it’s weird. I’ve always very much been the “quiet smart girl” when that’s not what I feel best represents me. It’s a very limiting role to be assigned. It’s like being written off, in a way.
7. What's your eye color?
Bleu, bleu, l’amour est bleu... 
(that is a Vicky Leandros song)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies WITH happy endings. Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.
9. Any special talents?
One could argue my poetry portrays some level of talent... cough follow @creatediana
10. Where were you born?
The Merrimack Valley region of New England. Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack all dressed in black black black. Fun fact that song is a reference to the Merrimack River and NOW YOU KNOW.
11. What are your hobbies?
Probably reading and writing are the major ones, but I’ve also enjoyed a lot of music in my life (both playing it and listening to it... but I’ve always been better at listening than playing). Acting and theater for a very short stint, although I wouldn’t be opposed to doing it ever again under the *very correct* circumstances (which would basically have to fall in my lap because I’m never seeking that shit out again). 
12. Do you have any pet?
My doggy Dickens who is a little bastard fucker and also my sweetheart. Dickens ‘n chickens.
13. How tall are you?
5′7″ but... I can get on my knees if you need me to be smaller
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved all of them, truly. Especially in college, my enjoyment depended a lot more on the enthusiasm of my professor than the subject. But one thing I’ve learned to love more in recent years is science and the visual arts. Those always eluded me when I was younger. But back in the day my favorite classes were theater, English, Spanish, history, and my guitar classes. Typical humanities girly.
15. Dream job?
Job? Fuck you, pay me. 
I’m a schoolteacher.
I would like it better if it had more financial incentives and if there weren’t so many systemic failures in the education system.
I tag: uhhmmm let me see... I’ll do @sneez @david-watts @dylaissante @angelblooms @personshapedsplder @titoro @shecomesincolors @nebylitsa @porsiempretriste and @renjunnipeikko .... if you can HANDLE IT 
(or just if you want to)
(anyone can do this actually and tag me back I love you guys xoxox)
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brattata · 2 years
Hello! I’ll be the 🪷 anon. May I request a Alphabet Matchup Event with Genshin Impact and Demon Slayer (Humans) ? From Fluff Alphabet G, B and O.
Age: 22
Preferred pronouns: Her/She
Preferred gender(s) of match: Male
personality description (at least 3-5 positive traits and 2-3 negative traits)
Introverted. I’ve been told I am a calm, respectful, and quiet individual when you first meet me. Often having a calm or blank expression on my face. And that I have a quiet and enjoyable presence. As my relationship slowly grows more I tend to express myself more with the person.
Honest: I’d be honest with my partner and for them to be too. I take responsibility for my actions as well even when challenging.
Loyalty: I treasure this in all my relationships. Where we have full trust in one in another. A loyal companion, supportive of my partner and his goals.
I am told I am a caretaker / mom figure person. I enjoy taking care of the people I love and tend to their need. When a loved one is passing a hard time, I feel a deep sympathy for their suffering and misfortune, and I have a desire to extend a hand. Often staying by their side until they are back up on their feet. I attentively listen to my friends and family often confide with me and give advice when needed.
Being too strict to yourself: Often I am hard on myself. And set goals that I feel that I need to accomplish as perfect as possible. So someone who reassure to take it easy will be welcomed.
Conflict avoidance: I struggle with conflict avoidance may have a hard time talking to others because they’re afraid of upsetting people. Unless it involves my loved ones or my surrounding people (which then I would act accordingly.) , I prefer to avoid any type of conflict and keep words to myself. To maintain things peaceful even if I put myself under bad light and diffuse the matter in a very subtle manner.
Your likes and hobbies/interests
Reading: I love learning about new information of various things. I would especially enjoy if I could share it my partner and he would like to listen to me.
Gardening: I like to grow different kinds of flowers and caring for them. I would give my loved ones their favourite flowers as gifts. A place flowers that give a calming scent in rooms.
Sky/ Night gazing: I enjoy feeling the sun and gazing at the sky. At night I enjoy watching the stars and moon. I like describing the sky for my loved one and relaxing with them.
Your Dislikes:
Loud noises: I don’t mind some loud noise and will tolerate it. However I do gain a slight headache after that.
Fighting/ Arguments: I absolutely dislike arguments. It absolutely hurts me if my loved ones are fighting and will intervene to calm both parties. I would prefer not to argue with my partner at all.
relationship dealbreakers
Partners age is to be 21-26.
Exclusive relationship
Like to start a family of my own with my partner.
I would like my partner to be a kind, calm and respectful individual. And I would not like a romantic partner to be an ill tempered or extremely loud person.
Hello, and thanks for joining my event! Also, I love your choice of emoji. ☺️
For you, I think the best match is…
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Age-wise he’s technically over 6000, but his current physical form seems to be in his mid to late 20s, so I hope that’s okay. In all other respects I think he’s perfect for you - calm, kind, even-tempered, polite, and he loves sharing knowledge and stories. Since you’re naturally quiet, he does tend to do more of the talking in the relationship, but he is always ready, willing and thrilled to listen to you describe the latest book you’re reading and your favorite constellations. It’s hard to find a more loyal or honest partner, and if you’re not great with conflict, no worries. He will always stand up for you, in a respectful and even-handed way that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable.
B is for Beauty
You remind him of a glaze lily - charming even when you’re closed off, but all the more lovely in an environment that allows you to fully bloom. It goes without saying that he admires and appreciates your compassion and honesty, but most of all he loves the spark of excitement you get when you get to be the one to teach him something new.
G is for Gratitude
Zhongli is a very observant and appreciative partner. Anything you do for him will be noticed and rewarded with a “Thank you, dearest” at a minimum. He’s also, like the master of giving thoughtful and surprising gifts - usually given to him as favors for his consulting services, rather than bought with his own mora. 😅 Some hard to find flower seeds from Inazuma? A hand-painted star atlas from Sumeru? Nothing is too rare or pricey even if he has to bum some money from Childe.
O is for On Cloud Nine
Zhongli is a man of decorum and class, alright? He’s not going to be skipping down the streets of Chihu Rock, no matter how in love he may be, and he’s also not into anything but the most subtle PDA. When you’re alone with him, though, he’s a really warm and doting partner - lots of gentle smiles and even gentler touches. And those who know him best - Xiao, for example - notice a certain vitality and lightness in his demeanor that he hasn’t had in a very long time before you came around.
Imo Zhongli is like the best husband material in Genshin Impact, so congratulations! I hope he's to your liking. ☺️
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mcdougallseerup · 2 years
Azeroth Interrupted - The Couple That Plays Together, Stays Together
First, I apologize for not writing last week. I may be good at balancing life and WoW, but I've yet to master balancing anything with illness. I'm feeling a lot better now and looking forward to a game night with my husband after not having played for a week.
Are you smiling now? Are you averse to romantic virtual outings? Well, if you don't think that playing an online game can make you look like geek, you need to debate it out with Gabe. The ones who are comfortable with our geekiness will be there when you get back. Whatever geeky you are, sharing a hobby is an excellent method for a couple to stay in touch, particularly when it is time-consuming like WoW.
We're not talking about couples who are only beginning relationships. WoW dating is another issue I'll discuss in a future column. I've already covered ways to convince a wife or girlfriend to play WoW. This column is for those couples who have already played WoW. I'm also not saying that WoW dates should replace romantic dinners or other traditional activities for couples. However, romantic "outings" in WoW are an enjoyable, low-cost method to add to the other activities couples do to keep things interesting. Spend your quality time together in any way you like however, it is best to take care of the basics to get the most out of it:
Make an Appointment Make a schedule for an appointment time and date in advance and don't leave it too late. Both of you will enjoy having something to look forward too and the flexibility to plan the session. Don't "play it by your ear". This can make the person who is first ready feel neglected waiting for the other to be "available".
When planning your time, you must decide on the game you want to play. You don't want to spend your time in deciding what to do. You don't want to wait until the last moment to make a decision. One of you might be tempted to level up alts, while the other may be more inclined to play PvP. You won't be influenced by a sudden whim and it's less likely to disrupt your time by arguing. Two's company: Create it just you two. This will let you distinguish your time with your friends from the time you spend with them and any guild events you may be involved in. You can make characters on separate servers to ensure that you don't off-limit your guild members or other online friends. If your guild leader expects that all online guildies participate in every event, this will keep you in good standing.
Do not forget to do your game chores at least an hour before your date. This is supposed to be a time to spend together playing without checking the mail, checking the mail, or getting your character to the appropriate questing location. If you complete your chores before your scheduled time, you won't have to worry about waiting for hearthstone timers or goodies to arrive in the mail. This brings us to... Wow-servers.co
Send an item of gift! (optional): Have a gift with a cute/loving/sexy note waiting to be delivered to your loved one in his or her mailbox. This isn't necessary in the event that you've had a fight recently or one of you has really messed up. If you're the type of guy who brings flowers and other gifts to your first dates, this step is highly recommended since it will remind her of the feelings she experienced when you first fell in love. Although in-game gifts aren't costly (or should they) however, they can be as meaningful as any other gift related to hobbies. Like your dad could like a new pair bowling shoes or a set of golf club cozies your husband might be interested in to try that alchemy recipe that he's been looking for in the AH. Personally, I am awestruck by the Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling that my spousal unit sent me, and I keep the original note in my bank. I know that the note and gift will be gone in the same way as my desire to keep playing WoW, but the flowers and chocolates last even less time. Mmmmmm chocolate.
These simple steps will make your play-date as enjoyable as a traditional date. This will allow you to have a different experience with WoW every time and keep it fresh. This week, we will be discussing the story of a reader's success playing WoW with his wife (and any other good stories that may be received as a hint hint). In future columns, I will talk about strategies for working around different play styles and couples.
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lemliv · 3 years
this is. Very long.
Ranboo (Aka Ranboo Le Quorish)
Candy: Licorice and Taffy !
Powermove: String-Shot
A speed boost that starts fast and gets gradually slower - two licorice poles shoot up from the ground while a string of taffy wraps around them, acting as a sling shot to propel him forward!
Racer type: ??
Go to phrase:
Ranboo is a racer- at least he thinks he is. Sure he’s never completed a race and glitches the ones he is in but he can’t escape the nagging feeling that he belongs on the race track. That things will be better once he proves that he can finish a race.
For now, however, he’s learning how to be content with his foggy memory, constant glitched state, and watching from the side lines. It’s all he can do after all.
Tubbo (aka Toby Jollypop Jr)
Candy: Green apple Jolly Ranchers and Jaw Breakers
Powermove: Jolly Rollers
A protective shield that forms around Tubbo’s Kart to temporarily make him invincible and causes other players to bounce off
Racer type: Tank
can take a lot of damage at the expense of speed
Go to phrase(s): “Let’s break some jaws!” / “Sugar!”
Tubbo has a good life. He places well in races, he has a best friend, a nice house, really anything a video game character can ask for. But he can’t shake the feeling of something being wrong. And all signs point to the figure who disappears mid race after messing something up.
With enough determination, and some would argue carelessness, he is determined to figure out who the glitch really is. And more importantly, he’s determined to help him.
Tommy (Aka Tommy Sowers)
Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Powermove: Sour-Sweet-Swift
A basic speedboost! He maintains a higher speed for a short amount of time - its extended the further behind he is
Racer Type: Starter Racer
A type exclusive to Tommy. It makes him available on easy mode at all times (booting out the 9th spot if not on the roster already) Overall he’s a very well rounded but middle ground racer who is assisted by who he races with
Go to phrase(s): “Patch up your karts and let’s get sour!” / “Spice!”
Tommy is a racer in every meaning of the word. He likes competition, he’s loud and energetic, and he always seems to be going. Tommy loves his life and doesn’t get why others wouldn’t. He gets along with everyone, and wouldn’t mind if everything stayed the same.
Wilbur (aka Wilbur Cin O’Spice)
Candy: Cinnamon Discs
Powermove: Cinnamon and Spice
Wilbur throws up a cloud of spices temporarily blinding nearby racers
Racer type: Skill required
A moderate to eh racer when not properly used, but an amazing one to a devoted player. Has great handling, the kart flows through shortcuts easily, and power move is useful when applied right
Go to phrase: “Let’s spice things up!”
Wilbur is analytical, if you ask him he was simply coded that way. Always trying to find the best route and path, and figuring out solutions. It’s what he’s known for! So when Phil retired unexpectedly, giving no answers nor reason, Wilbur has determined that it’s now his job to find out why. More importantly, to get him back.
Candy: strawberry bon-bon (strawberry granny-candy)
Powermove: Straw-brawl
Temporarily gains more spikes on his kart, making him harder to hit and causing more damage to others
Racer type: Tank
can take a lot of damage at the expense of speed
Go to phrase: less lines - more so lots of noises like HEH when he gets hit and laughter when he hits others
Techno loves a good challenge, and as of recently races have been lacking. He doesn’t find the same enjoyment that he used to back before Phil stopped racing. So instead, he focuses on studying. Namely other games, but really anything he can study will do. He claims he’s read countless books from around the arcade, and will gladly give the information out if asked.
Candy: Green Peppermint Candy Canes
Powermove: ?
Racer type: ?
Go to phrase: ?
Phil used to be a racer. Arguably the best racer in the game prior to his retirement. After disappearing mid race, and not coming back until a week later he made a simple announcement. He would be stepping down as the leader of the racers and wouldn’t be racing for an undisclosed amount of time. Anytime anyone begged for the whys or whats, his lips were sealed, and still are.
Candy: Toxic Waste and Juicy Drop Pops
Powermove: Toxic Sludge
His kart lets out a liquid that causes racers behind him to slow down, it disappears after a short amount of time
Racer type: Speedy
Fastest karts at the expense of less handling and can't take a lot of punches
Dream has the fastest kart
Go to phrase(s): “Oh come on now- Smile!” / “Some people just can’t handle their sour candy”
Dream is the new leader of the Sugar Rush racers. When Phil disappeared he noticed how disorganized everything became and jumped to fix it, figuratively keeping the game running during hours. When Phil returned and didn’t take back the position, no one had any opposition to him staying. Dream runs the game democratically, seeing himself as someone to enforce rules rather than solely make them, and he tries his best to make sure everything is fun and perfect for the racers.
Candy: Red Hots
Powermove: Too Red-Hot to Handle
A speedboost that involves flames bursting out of Sapnap’s exhausts speeding him up until they burn out and he slows down quickly
Racer type: Well-rounded
Doesn’t have a particular strength or weakness - just well rounded!
Go to phrase(s): “BOOM BABY!” / “If you can’t handle the heat - get off the track!”
One of Dream’s closest friends, prior to Phil’s retirement, he was known as a dedicated and passionate racer. Now he’s one of the most trusted advisors for Dream, letting his opinions be heard with a blunt yet passionate emotion-fueled manner.
Candy: Blue Raspberry Gummy Rings
Powermove: [unnamed - send in suggestions!]
Temporarily gains the ability to bounce off of objects / racers rather than hitting and slowing down- repeated bouncing also causes a small speed boost
Racer type: Skill required
A moderate to eh racer when not properly used, but an amazing one to a devoted player. Has great handling, the kart flows through shortcuts easily, and power move is useful when applied right
Go to phrase(s): "I could beat you in my sleep!” / “Guess I’ll have to bounce back”
Dream’s other closest friend, standing in opposition to Sapnap, George could be amazing if he tried at racing a bit more. He’s known for sleeping in and showing indifference towards most things. Though for Dream, he knows George provides an analytical and logical thought process that can’t be beat.
Candy: Candy Corn and Caramel
Powermove: Trick or Treat!
Fundy throws a random item from his cart that looks noticeably self made - sometimes it’s catastrophically bad, sometimes it just helps him, and other times it actually might assist a racer nearby !
Racer type: ??
Mysteriously - Fundy’s stats seem to change every so often though, surely it's just people remembering wrong?
Go to phrase(s): “Stay crafty and stay ahead!” / “Clever as a fox and just as sweet!”
Jack of all trades - master of none suits Fundy relatively well if you don’t take coding into account. Fundy used to be Phil’s advisor on coding when he was the leader, but since his retirement and Dream’s decline of Fundy’s offer to be his advisor, he’s picked up new hobbies. He fiddles and invents things, including messing with his own kart.
With experience that no one else has but his own reservations, Fundy has his own opinions on what’s going on in Sugar Rush.
Kristin (non-racer)
Description: Bartender at a different video game called Tapper - her and Phil grew close during his break from racing and are now dating. She doesn’t play a big role in the story I just wanted to add her because they’re so sweet.
Jack Manifold (aka Jack Manifold)
Candy/sweet: Bomber pops
Powermove: [send in name suggestions}
Not so much a temporary boost as it is that when you fall off the map with Jack - instead of dying you’re placed back on the track!
Racer type:Speedy
Fastest karts at the expense of less handling and can't take a lot of punches
Go to phrase(s): “The Manifold always comes back!” “Bombs away!”
Minor rival to Tommy - just designed him because I wanted to. Does have his own track though - it’s cold / ice cream themed.
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wonwooslibrary · 3 years
Stay Forever
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pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader (told in third person)
genre: royalty!au, arranged marriage!au
word count: 2587
warnings: there are no warnings, but there is a small sword fighting scene - nothing graphic though!
author’s note: i have been planning this and stressing over this for so long, it feels great to finally post it! this is written for @ficscafe ’s royalty au drabble event! thank you @cha-lan for beta reading & editing (and writing the chan part towards the end) for me (ily lannie & this is for you!! <3), along with @minghaofilm for editing and @sanshiine​ for beta reading!! (thank you all so much!!) 
this is based heavily off of “17″ by Pink Sweat$ ft. Joshua & DK of SEVENTEEN. The title is also from that song. You can find the whole playlist for this drabble HERE. 
The throne room was large. The golden trim seemingly glowed around the ceilings, and the red velvet curtains blocked out the blinding sun from being too overbearing on one’s eyes. In the back of the room on a higher platform were two thrones: the one on the left was larger than the one on the right, and was adorned with more embellishments carved into its golden-stained wood. 
Sitting in the larger throne was an older man in his early nineties; a shiny crown sat lightly on his white hair, gleaming in the sun. Next to him on the smaller throne was a woman about the same age—her hair pulled back and out of her face, the crown on her head sparkling. Sitting in the woman’s lap were two small children, both slightly above the age of ten. 
The man beamed at the children, his smile bright and full of love. “Do you want to hear a story?”
The children giggled, their loud, high-pitched voices echoing off of the walls and throughout the room. “Yes, please, Grandpa! Tell us a story!” 
"Well, it all started when your Grandmother and I were very young," the man began. "Before your grandmother and I met, she was living in a faraway place with your Uncle Junnie." 
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The first thing Seokmin noticed about sitting at the round table in the conference room was the uncomfortable surface he was forced to perch on. You'd think as a prince living in a palace that he'd get to sit on something softer or more comfortable, but no, the King had to make him sit on the same uncomfortable wooden chairs for hours, pretending to listen to any of the information that was being said to him. 
"Seokmin? Are you even paying attention to what we are talking about?" 
Seokmin snapped out of his daydream and lifted his head off of his palm to look up at his father. 
“Oh! Um, yeah—yes. Of course, I’m paying attention.” 
The King rolled his eyes but continued to catch Seokmin up to speed with the conversation. 
“So, as you know, the Queen of Shenzhen—along with her son and daughter—are going to be visiting soon,” the King explained. “We are going to hold a ball when they get here. It will be used to announce a wedding.”
The Prince looked over at his father, tilted his head slightly to the left and raised his brow. “A wedding? For who?”
His father coughed slightly and glared at the younger boy, "You and the princess, of course." 
With that, the King stood up and walked out, leaving his middle son to sit in the still uncomfortable chair of the conference room, staring off into space.
Hours later, Seokmin was found in his older brother's bedroom. Most of Jihoon's belongings were not in the palace anymore but in the neighboring Kingdom's, leaving the room to look as if Jihoon didn’t live there for almost twenty years. 
As Jihoon was unpacking some of the clothes he brought for his stay, Seokmin and their youngest brother, Chan, sat on his bed. 
The youngest patted his hand on Seokmin’s knee, “When did father say you were getting married?”
“In, like, four days! I haven’t even met the princess yet!” 
Jihoon sighed, “I can’t believe he’s doing this again.” 
Seokmin rolled his eyes, “Tell me about it. It made sense for the eldest sibling to go through an arranged marriage, not that any of us liked putting you through that, but why me too?”
“It’s probably because Father wants someone to be in charge here after he’s gone, and it obviously can’t be hyung if he’s living in another kingdom,” Chan looked over at Seokmin. “And I am way too young to get married–”
“When do the prince and princess arrive?” Jihoon interrupted his youngest brother. 
“Tomorrow. The Queen is arriving the day before the wedding. Father says that gives us time to get acquainted with them.”
Jihoon turned around and moved his gaze from the closet he was putting clothes into and to his brothers’ faces. “It can’t be that bad to at least meet them, Seok.”  
“I just don’t want to get married, hyung. I don’t know this person, and I’m only nineteen!”
“It’ll get better, hyung,” Chan started. “I mean, they can’t force you to get married.”
Seokmin opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by a knock on the large, wooden doors of the bedroom. 
“It must be time for dinner, let’s go,” Jihoon told his brothers, setting the clothes hanger that was in his hand down onto the bed, and walked towards the door.
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“So?” the youngest of the two kids questioned the older man. “Did the prince ever meet the princess?”
“Of course he did!” The man exaggerated his words for the children’s entertainment.
“Tell us that story, Grandma!”
“Okay, Okay. When the princess met the prince, she was very—how do I say this?—surprised.”
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On the day the Queen’s children arrived, Seokmin was pleased to have met the prince, Junhui, before he met the princess. The two bonded fairly quickly over their enjoyment of sports: Seokmin with sword fighting and Junhui with martial arts. 
Seokmin had offered to show Junhui around the palace, their last stop being the training grounds where Junhui suggested that Seokmin teach him some sword fighting. 
Seokmin quickly agreed, taking Junhui to the armory to get proper protective equipment and swords. They spent most of their time outside on the battleground, swords in hand and padded gear covering their bodies. The blazing sun made Seokmin start to sweat the more he moved to practice attacking his dueling partner. 
He had easily disarmed Junhui, the elder’s inexperience in the sport evident; Seokmin took his sword and used it against his opponent. One sword in the prince's left hand, the blade behind Junhui’s neck, and the one in his right hand pointed towards his rival's chest; the edge only centimeters away from his protective gear. Seokmin smirked at Junhui's scared expression and lowered the weapons, holding his left hand out for his opponent to take his sword back. 
Suddenly, the sound of clapping echoed around him, forcing Seokmin to look around his surroundings. His eyes focussed on a woman, no older than nineteen, who was applauding almost sarcastically at the display of Seokmin’s skill.  
He slid his sword back into the sheath that was slung over his shoulder, the blade resting on his back. With long strides, he walked away from the battleground and towards the woman, only stopping when he was a few feet away from her, a dazzling smile on his face. 
Seokmin bowed, “What can I do for you, miss?” 
“Oh, today is my first day here. I was just exploring. The other people seem to gravitate towards you, you know.”
Seokmin chuckled. “Being a prince—specifically one who knows their way with a weapon—does that to you.”
The woman’s eyes widened a bit. “You wouldn’t happen to be Seokmin, would you, Your Highness?” 
“I am. Were you expecting one of my brothers instead?”
“Um, not exactly,” she began. “I’m Y/N. Princess Y/N, from Shenzhen.”
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The night following Y/N and Junhui’s arrival at the palace was a ball. His father had encouraged him to host some type of gathering to announce the wedding, and at this point, there was nothing Seokmin could really do besides agree. 
He had only spoken with the princess a few times; her calm and collected voice intimidated Seokmin a bit, not that he would admit to that. When introducing themselves at dinner later the night they met, she had expressed her love of sword fighting: it one of the main reasons that the battleground was the first place she explored when she arrived. Seokmin had wondered why he had never met the princess earlier in his life, especially since they both shared this hobby. 
Seokmin's mother made it clear—he was supposed to dance with Y/N for most of the night. The strict woman also made sure to make it very clear: 
"Do not, and I mean do not try to sneak out as your brother did. You know exactly how your father reacted to that, and we do not want to see that again." 
Of course, Seokmin rolled his eyes at that. He was not making any promises. 
Though, when it was time to get ready for the ball, Seokmin started to become impatient. He, surprisingly, was excited to see the princess again. He had never had someone that truly had the same love for sword fighting as he did, besides the generals and other soldiers—such as his close friend, Joshua. He couldn’t wait to talk to the princess about their mutual love of the sport. 
While Seokmin was getting ready for the ball in his bedroom—with the help of his best friends, Soonyoung and Seungkwan, of course—Y/N was on the other side of the castle, Seokmin’s mother helping her with her ball gown.
The dress was beautiful; the light reflected off the golden fabric and made the small sequins on the lace sleeves sparkle. The bodice of the gown was fairly plain, the off-the-shoulder neckline showing off the golden necklace that Y/N wore. The skirt of the dress, however, was the most beautiful part of the outfit. With a slim silhouette only going out a few inches around Y/N’s feet, the skirt's fabric floated slightly above the floor. 
When looking at herself in the mirror, Y/N had not failed to tell the Queen about how much she loved the dress her future mother-in-law had picked out for her. 
“Even the fabric shines in the sun,” Y/N had told the Queen. “It’s beautiful!”
The Queen was not going to argue with the princess.
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The ballroom of the castle was similar to many of its other rooms. The golden trim near the ceilings glowed, and the red velvet curtains blocked the sun from reaching the room. The colorful mural on the ceiling encouraged guests to look up and admire all the small details. 
Along the middle of the ceiling were three large crystal chandeliers, illuminating the room with a glow. Towards the left side of the room was a grand staircase, comparable to something out of a fairytale. The marble flooring matched the marble stairs; the steps led to a balcony that circled above the main level of the room. On the right side of the room on the platform were three thrones. They were smaller compared to the ones found in the throne room but just as elegant. Connected to the stairs was a hallway leading deeper into the castle on the next floor. 
The room was crowding up fast; different people from all over the kingdom arrived at the ball to hear the surprise that the prince had planned to announce. Everywhere Seokmin looked, he saw fancy gowns and hands holding champagne flutes. 
For the next while, Seokmin continued to stand at the side of the room close to the exit, greeting people as they walked in. He recognized some of the people as council members with which he and the King would have meetings. Others he recognized as villagers from the many outings he had taken to the outdoor markets deeper in the kingdom. 
As he was greeting people, he began to wonder, “Where is the princess?” 
Though, all of a sudden—
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“Did the prince see the princess wearing her big ball gown and—oh! Was the princess wearing glass slippers? Was she, Grandpa? Was she? Was she?!” the older of the two children began to tug on the man’s sleeve, demanding an answer that was enough to satisfy the child’s ever-growing imagination. 
“Yes, sweetheart. The prince did, in fact, see the princess standing at the top of those marble stairs. I don’t know about the glass slippers, though.”
“I can promise you I would never wear glass slippers to a ball. It may have worked in fairytales, but I would have tripped over that dress so quickly,” the woman sat next to the white-haired Seokmin spoke up, patting his arm to interrupt him from continuing the story. 
“What about the rest of the ball?” the other child asked. “Did the prince dance with the princess?”
“Oh, of course, he did. The prince couldn’t leave someone as beautiful as the princess waiting.”
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As Y/N walked closer to Seokmin, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When she was only a few feet away from him, she smiled. Seokmin held his hand out to her, and she took it, coming closer to him. He moved his hands to Y/N’s waist, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to not accidentally hit his crown. 
“Good evening, Princess,” Seokmin’s eyes morphed into crescents as the sides of his mouth lifted. “You look beautiful tonight.”
Y/N laughed, “Thank you, Your Highness. Her Majesty helped me with it.” 
“Mother. What can’t that woman do?”
As the music started to get heavier, Prince Chan yelped out from across the room. Seokmin and Y/N glanced in his direction, only to see the youngest brother hopping with his foot in his hand, face morphed with pain.
“I’m sorry!” another young guest exclaimed, her hands held out to try to stabilize the boy.
“Have I ever mentioned how glad I am that you don’t step on my feet while we dance?”
“Don’t push your luck, Your Highness," Y/N giggled, a sudden sly smirk upon her lips. "You never know what could happen.” 
Seokmin and Y/N proceeded to glide  across the marble floors; their conversation continued all while the prince's heart raced. 
"So, how do you feel about your first dance here in the palace?" Seokmin questioned. 
"Hm," Y/N began. "I think it's going pretty great. I didn't know you could dance.”
"It's mandatory for royals to learn here," he hummed. "I've known how to dance since I was seven."
Y/N's eyes widened, and silence ensued. Suddenly, Y/N leaned forward and rested her head on Seokmin's chest, his heart beating loudly into her ear. The two stayed like this for a while until the next song played, and Seokmin spoke up once again. 
"My father wants me to use this to announce the wedding," Seokmin looked down at Y/N. "Do you want that?" 
Y/N hummed. "I don't see why I can't learn to love someone like you, Your Highness."
Seokmin's heartbeat sped up as he moved his hand from Y/N's waist to her chin, making her face him. He bent down, his lips centimeters from hers and—
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"Ew! Cooties!" 
The two elders laughed at their grandchildren's exclamation. 
"Yes, kids. Cooties. Now, don't you think about doing that until you are much, much, much older, you hear?"
"Yes, Grandpa!" the eldest giggled. 
"But did the prince and the princess ever get their happily ever after?" the younger questioned, pouting at her Grandparents. 
"Of course they did!" Y/N told the child, running her hand through their hair. 
“The end?” 
“The end.”
“Oh! I guess I showed up at a wonderful time! C’mon kiddos, time for bed!”
The kids turned their heads to face the doorway. 
“Uncle Jun!” They bolted towards the door to greet their Uncle, throwing quick goodnights and goodbyes before exiting the room. Junhui waved to the married couple and followed after the children.
Seokmin glanced over at his wife, shot her a wink and said, "Please, princess, forever stay with me like this."
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scripttorture · 3 years
I'm trying to write a character who gets depression/anxiety after a few days of torture, but I'm worried that from an outside perspective the tiredness, lack of interest, and hyper vigilance are going to look like the character has been beaten down into meekness/compliance by the torture. Any advice on how to avoid the trope that this character was broken by their expeience when most days they're too tired to argue about anything and are slowly checking out of life due to the depression?
That’s a really good question. I think the best thing to do is combine several different approaches rather then relying on one particular thing.
 My first piece of advice holds true for writing any kind of minority experience. If you think you could be suggesting that an entire group has a particular feature/characteristic include another character from the same group who doesn’t. The more characters you have who are torture survivors the easier it is to show that they’re a diverse bunch with different symptoms and experiences.
 They don’t need to be major characters. They don’t need to be in the story for very long. But having them there makes a big difference.
 This is a lot easier if you’re talking about legally defined torture in a prison of some kind. But if that’s not the kind of story you’re telling consider bringing other survivors in during the character’s recovery. They could meet people while waiting to see the same doctor or mental health professional. They might be advised to join a group, either for group therapy or communal support. They might meet people while looking for financial support or jobs. If they’re religious they might be introduced to people through their priest or broader religious community.
 The next thing worth thinking about is: what can your character practically do?
 We have this tendency to conflate resistance with big, obvious, violent acts. Most of the time torture victims are not in a position to do that kind of thing. And in situations where people are held for a very long time (ie slavery, prisoner of war camps etc) what you tend to see are a lot of smaller or less obvious acts. Enslaved people did oppose slavery violently, with organised military action and with smaller acts of violence like poisoning slave owners.
 But they also did a host of other things. They sabotaged equipment or products they were supposed to produce. They broke valuable objects. They provided each other with material support and aid. They escaped and set up separate societies. They channelled resources into these societies. They aided others in escape attempts.
 It’s always worth thinking about what your character can actually practically do and what the risks or consequences of those actions might be.
 I talk about that in a post over here. Characters can take meaningful action even when they can’t take effective action. It’s worth taking the time to think about what would be meaningful to this character and figure out ways to show them prioritising it.
 It’s also worth considering what depression and anxiety can look like because yes, the features you describe are common in people with depression and anxiety. But they’re not necessarily constant and they’re not the only ways these conditions manifest.
 Depression can look like sleeping all the time. It can also look like not sleeping and a lack of sleep feeds into anxiety. Insomnia also causes paranoia after a while, makes it harder to interpret other people’s responses and can increase the risk of violent behaviour.
 Similarly depression can look like eating a lot, but it can also look like nausea, like being unable to eat full meals and struggling to keep food down. From the outside anxiety can be read as fear but it can also be read as aggression.
 It wouldn’t be unrealistic for this character to be more depressed at times and more anxious at others. It wouldn’t be unrealistic for them to be incredibly sleep deprived, paranoid and less able to see the risk in something like… spitting on a guard some days even if they’re generally incredibly tired, lethargic and apathetic.
 Basically even if this is the predominant way depression and anxiety manifest in this character there’s still leeway. There’s still moments when you can have them go against that. Even if it isn’t very often.
 The choice to use an outside perspective does make things harder. Especially if that perspective is a character who believes these kinds of tropes and has a poor understanding of mental health. One way to get around this is to have the point of view character’s perspective change with time and have them come to (and lead the audience to) the conclusion that they were wrong.
 But the character doesn’t need to reach that realisation if you work in enough signals to the reader that they’re unreliable. One way to do that is to contrast what the point of view character thinks with what the survivor character actually says and does.
 Let’s say the point of view character is having a conversation with another person who isn’t a survivor and they present the survivor as this sad case, broken by what they experienced because of a specific behaviour. Like sleeping a lot or being listless or not engaging with things in the way they used to.
 On it’s own that scene could easily back up these tropes (though it’s not an unrealistic scene because these tropes are commonly believed.) So let’s imagine the scene with the survivor’s response.
 They could respond that they sleep a lot because they have chronic pain or because their depression makes it hard to eat properly which leaves them exhausted. Physical symptoms like that are often easier for people to understand and it underlines the point that this is illness not some state where they’re permanently incapable. They can also respond with the steps they’re taking to try and make their life better. For chronic pain in torture survivors that can mean medication or physiotherapy. Perhaps they’re working on changing their diet or the schedule they eat at and sleep at, to work around these physical limits.
 You can apply the same kind of logic to the other points here, talk about why depression makes the character listless or stops them engaging and what they’re doing now. The aids that help them focus, how therapy is going, the new hobbies they’re exploring instead (perhaps because old ones contain triggers.)
 It’s harder to apply the same thing if the character is still imprisoned and still being tortured. But you can still do it. May be the dreams and plans the victim character had before seem meaningless now, but there will still be things they want to do and there will still be things they find meaning in.
 May be they don’t think they can be a Nobel prize winning doctor any more and may be to an outside perspective that looks like ‘broken’. But it’s harder for the audience to agree with that conclusion if the victim character is saying ‘My priorities are different now. I regret spending so much time working and I miss my family. If I get out I want to make them my focus instead of work.’
 A self aware character might be able to say ‘I don’t think I could achieve that dream anymore. But I think I could achieve this instead.’
 You can have other characters, doctors, psychologists or anyone who has worked with survivors for a long period, refute the idea these people are broken. Hurt, yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of living or of living well.
 If the perspective is more of an omnipresent narrator you’ve got more scope to show little acts of resistance the character might be engaging in. You’ve also got more scope to just straight up tell the readers what’s going on in this character’s head.
 It’s worth stressing that characters like this do still have and make choices. They are choices in incredibly awful situations and they are not free choices. But that capacity to choose is still there. And there are understandable, though not always rational, thought processes behind those choices.
 Depression doesn’t always mean checking out of life. I’ve known a fair number of people with depression who kept going with things they considered important. They just also… got no enjoyment out of it. They were miserable and in pain. But they were still trying to do the best they could for their kids or finish their degree. These efforts weren’t always successful. Depression makes most things more difficult.
 But a character willing to give up on themselves isn’t necessarily willing to give up on other things.
 At the end of the day the symptoms you choose for your character and how those symptoms manifest isn’t the problem. There’s nothing wrong with picking the symptoms that are right for your character and there’s nothing wrong with writing them in this way.
 The problem comes when we start telling people that there’s no hope, that nothing gets better. It comes when we imply that natural, physiological reactions to trauma are somehow the fault of the victim or that those reactions mean they are forever controlled by their abuser.
 Torture is an awful, effecting and life changing experience. It leaves lasting wounds.
 But humans are incredibly resilient, stubborn creatures. Our capacity for survival, to find ways to live well, is astounding.
 There’s room for optimism here and it’s worth making space for that in your story.
 I hope that helps :)
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therealsaintscully · 3 years
Mary and butterflies - the inevitability of death, murderous calling cards and collectors
Some ramblings with links to other people’s excellent meta, in which I suggest that butterflies (and/or moths) symbolize Mary as Moriarty’s reincarnation and or calling card, while also hint at her inevitable death.
Disclaimers: credits are below the cut. I’m not an expert in any of these topics. Thank you, @thewatsonbeekeepers​​ for the beta. In this post I’ll be using moths and butterflies interchangeably, apologies to any entomologists.
Mary’s appearance in the show brings with it new imagery we haven’t seen prior to The Empty Hearse - butterflies. Once Mary’s in the picture, there are butterflies in some very strategic locations, all are either visually or subtextually leading to her. The show has done that previous to season 3; Moriarty is connected to some well established symbols like magpies, apples and IOUs. 
When I first started reading meta I used to think these themes were a bit of a stretch, but I’ve since accepted  that this is a show that puts barely noticeable phoenixes in a restaurant scene that shows us Sherlock rising from his death.
Here are some of the butterflies I spotted so far:
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Butterflies (and in the case of this piece of meta, moth) symbolize most commonly resurrection, change and renewal. Behind the symbolism stands the transformation of a small, ungainly creature into something full-grown and unbound. In that case, in the simplest way, one could argue that butterflies were chosen to symbolize her because the ‘Mary Morstan’ persona was a stillborn’s identity that was stolen and used ‘reborn’ to create a new person.
But more than this simplistic idea; butterflies carry multiple symbolisms. When it comes to Sherlock, I and many others tend to look at Victorian symbolism, considering the detective’s Victorian roots. 
I find the appearance of butterflies interesting in Mary’s context, much like I find the skull interesting in Sherlock’s. The skulls, in Sherlock’s case, serve plenty of purposes, but one of them is the idea of memento mori.
Memento mori (Latin for 'remember that you [have to] die') is an artistic or symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death. These are representations that can appear in any form of art such as paintings, literature, poetry etc. It’s a concept that existed in many ancient cultures but is also deeply rooted in early Christianity. It serves to remind people of the inevitable; that even if we choose to ignore it, not think about it, it’s always there lurking, and the purpose is not to scare us but to encourage us to make good use of our time when we’re alive. Memento mori was the philosophy of reflecting on your own death as a form of spiritual improvement, and rejecting earthly vanities.
Victorians were obsessed with the concept (weren’t Victorians obsessed with everything?). They would take photographs of the dead and keep locks of hair of those who died in mourning brooches. It is said that they found these practices comforting. 
Another expression of the ‘remember that you must die’ concept was vanitas art;  vanitas is a symbolic work of art showing the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death. The Latin noun vanitas (from the Latin adjective vanus 'empty') means 'emptiness', 'futility', or 'worthlessness', the traditional Christian view being that earthly goods and pursuits are transient and worthless. It alludes to Ecclesiastes 1:2; 12:8, where vanitas translates the Hebrew word hevel (הבל), which also includes the concept of transitoriness. 
This concept reminds me, most especially, of the skull used in The Abominable Bride, which is actually Charles Allen Gilbert's 'All is Vanity' Illusion art.
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Back to butterflies - butterflies are a staple component of vanitas art - paintings executed in the vanitas style were meant to remind viewers of the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death. They also provided a moral justification for painting attractive objects - in a way, it’s a justification for the vanity, or the human need of enjoyment of beautiful things.  Below is a vanitas by Jan Sanders van Hemessen:
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But butterflies are also considered an omen of death: 
“Butterflies and moths were associated with death, sometimes merely as omens, sometimes as the soul or ghost.” These butterfly omens came in many ways.  For example, in the nineteenth century United States, some people thought that a trio of butterflies was an omen of death.” [x]
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But I also think there’s more to the butterfly symbolism than Mary’s imminent death; I suggest that, in keeping with @loudest-subtext-in-tv​ M-Theory (suggesting that Mary was planted in John’s life by Moriarty), they symbolize Mary as Moriarty reincarnated following his death in TRF. That Moriarty had indeed not disappointed Sherlock - there was a posthumous game after all! That Sherlock was supposed to understand that while one form of Moriarty died on that roof, another had emerged, continuing the mission of burning Sherlock’s heart. Mary is Moriarty’s calling card, left behind in the crime scene. They’re different, but not separate, which is why Sherlock is so obsessed with Moriarty between HLV-T6T; he’s both wrong and correct at the same time.
So far, what I’ve suggested is that in Sherlock, skulls are Sherlock’s symbolic memento mori - the skulls are associated with Sherlock in some very significant ways. 
However, Mary’s character was doomed from the start - she dies during Sherlock’s hiatus in ACD canon. I believe many fans assumed Sherlock’s Mary expected the same fate when she was introduced to the show. Although the story of Samarra is told by Sherlock, who expects his own death in T6T, Mary is the one who ends up dying. 
Butterflies in ACD canon
Searching for the significance of butterflies in the ACD and BBC canon led me to a number of interesting directions in meta written by others. 
The first and probably the best place to start is this meta post by @tendergingergirl​​, which I strongly suggest you read in full: Butterflies, Sexual Deviancy & The Bloodline Theory in The Hound of The Baskervilles. 
Stapleton also has a hobby. He collects bugs…Butterflies, to be exact. This can often be seen as purely academic, but depending on the actions of the hobbyist, they can indicate more disturbing things. That of holding something vulnerable captive, treating it as your hostage, pinning it down. The torture of animals has come to be a good indicator of someone who would do this to a human. He had already shown callousness by laughing as he recounts to Holmes of ponies wandering onto the Moor, becoming trapped, and dying. In 1974, there was a release of a new edition of Sherlock Holmes stories, with the forward of The Hound of The Baskervilles written by British author, John Fowles. He is responsible for several well-known works, including The French Lieutenant’s Wife. Another, was a novel that Mason finds himself wondering why Fowles doesn’t mention in his introduction, since the villain is such a close parallel to Stapleton.(but as we have learned through the study of ACD, most writers will not come right out and say where they got their inspiration. They like for you to guess!)
A lonely young man, works as a clerk, and collects butterflies, becomes obsessed with a pretty young girl, Miranda, an art student. He chloroforms, and kidnaps her, taking her to his cellar basement, to add Miranda to his collection. That book was called The Collector. But what else does it sound like?
“So yes, I googled. From an article on the release of the movie’s Documentary. "The docu proves a poor reference point for anyone who wants to understand the literary and movie links for “Lambs.” There’s no mention, for example, of how Harris partly based the butterfly-loving Bill on John Fowles’ kidnapper in “The Collector” …And here I thought Mofftiss added allusions to Silence of The Lambs into Sherlock just for fun. SMH.”
@tendergingergirl​ also added this photo to their post:
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So what we have here is a chain of metatextualities/inspiration, starting with ACD’s THOB, where Jack Stapelton inspires a book about a disturbed butterfly collector (The Collector by John Fowles), which inspires a the author of Silence of the Lambs in creation of his character Buffalo Bill, a serial murderer who inserts a death's head moth into the victim's throat because he is fascinated by the insect's metamorphosis. Silence of the Lambs served as inspiration for Sherlock  as analyzed by @garkgatiss​ in Bond, Hannibal, and Holmes (I suggest you read the whole Hannibal section) . 
Let’s look again at some imagery from His Last Vow. Mary shoots Sherlock’s heart, essentially burning his heart out, and who does Sherlock meet in his Mind Palace in a very cocoon-like straightjacket? Yes, the dead dude who encourages him to die already (“one more push, and off you pop”).
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What’s the next thing we as an audience see once Sherlock opens his eyes? Mary coming to the hospital to hear that Sherlock had, in fact, survived. And what is she wearing? Her butterfly scarf, one which will another appearance later in the episode, during the tarmac scene.
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I also find it interesting that in the context of Sherlock and Silence of the Lamb, there’s an element of gender-switching between Moriarty and Mary. Buffalo Bill, the murderer from Silence of the Lambs, skins bodies of women to create himself a woman’s 'suit’; in Sherlock, Moriarty is a man-villain who transforms into a female-villain in the form of a bride and/or Mary. 
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By the way, who else is obsessed with his suits?
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Also, let’s not forget the worms, maggots and other such crawlers in the grave scene:
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Now, let’s go over some of the photos I included in the beginning of this post a bit further.
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Mrs. Hudson’s butterfly tea set is first shown in TEH - she uses it to serve John tea when he comes visiting her and tellis her about Mary. We also see it near John’s chair on the day of the wedding. This isn’t Sherlock’s set - his set is different, featuring the British Isles. Moriarty drinks from it in TRF. The next tea set we see, now that Moriarty is dead, is the butterflies one. In TLD, Mrs. Hudson uses Sherlock’s tea set - the butterflies are gone.
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Mary’s bedroom wallpaper is very feminine, with flowers and butterflies, both complementing symbols while also very common in vanitas art. Much like Mrs. Hudson’s wallpaper in Baker Street, Mary’s wallpaper is supposed to show the contrast between Mary’s flat/Mary and Sherlock’s flat/Sherlock.
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There’s an interesting moth reference in The Empty Hearse, which in my opinion, is Mary & Moriarty related. In short, in a previous piece of meta I wrote, I suggested that the Jack the Ripper case in TEH is subtext alluding to Mary’s skeletons, which Sherlock ignores because he’s upset by his reception by John. And what’s one of the first things Sherlock notices about the skeleton? New mothballs smell, hinting at an attempt to get rid of moth/butterflies - maybe a hint to  the fact that Sherlock has a chance to discover the truth about Mary but misses it. Also, in the context of Mary and the Jack the Ripper case, notice this transition:
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Transitions are important on Sherlock - they’re nearly always there to draw our attention.
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This, I think, is perhaps the most telling about a possible connection between Mary and Moriarty: we have both magpies (a Moriarty hint) and butterflies together here. This isn’t the only hint of Mary’s past we get in the wedding; there is, after all, the telegram from CAM.
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Mary’s scarf is colorful, and it appears by the time Sherlock’s subconscious suspects Mary. Mary’s black butterfly dress - an ominous dress, I’d say - is the one she wears during the labour scene in the car. The third photo is a behind the scenes photo uploaded by Amanda Abbington, although I’m unsure whether this necklace is AA’s or Mary’s (but I couldn’t pass on including this).
Interestingly, the butterflies do not appear in Rosie’s context - either because it’s a telling sign that Mary won’t be with us much longer, or because Rosie is spared being considered a part of the ‘burning Sherlock’s heart’ plan. Sherlock, on the surface, seems to love Rosie and accepts her.
Also, another BTS photograph I came across during my research which I’ve never seen before and ties nicely to the vanity topic is this one (found here):
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The Death's-head hawkmoth and ‘Death with Interruptions’
You’ll recall that I referenced The Collector and Silence of the Lambs, both featuring butterflies on their cover art. 
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The Silence of the Lambs cover features Acherontia atropos, otherwise known as the death's-head hawkmoth. It gets its name from the sinister-looking skull shape on its back. In many cultures it is thought to be an omen of death. In a bit of another coincidental but stunning piece of symbolism, all three species of the Death's-head hawkmoth are commonly observed raiding beehives of different species of honey bee; A. atropos only invades colonies of the well-known western honey bee, Apis mellifera, and feeds on both nectar and honey. They can move about in hives without being disturbed because they mimic the scent of the bees and are not recognised as intruders.
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Anyway, the use of Acherontia atropos reminded me of the book ‘Death with Interruptions’ by Jose Saramago. Interestingly, this is another book about a deathly collector with a butterfly on the cover:
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In Death with Interruptions death is a woman, and she falls in love with one of her future victims. She decides to spare his life: Every time death sends him his letter [notifying him of his imminent death], it gets returned. death discovers that, without reason, this man has mistakenly not been killed. Although originally intending merely to analyse this man and discover why he is unique, death eventually becomes infatuated with him, so much so that she takes on human form to meet him. Upon visiting the cellist, she plans to personally give him the letter; instead, she falls in love with him, and, by doing so, she becomes even more human-like.
It’s pretty common to read theories about Mary who maybe was one of the assassins due to kill John both at the pool and in front of Barts. So we have a death harbinger trying to kill someone twice and failing. She then falls in love with him.
But how does the butterfly fit in?
Well, at some point in the story, death (that’s her name, sans a capital d), contemplates that using the death head butterfly, instead of a violet piece of paper, would have sent a much stronger message to those whose death is coming for.
And here’s another last bit of coincidental reference to Sherlock: I’d argue shades of purple, among them shades of violet, are associated with Mary and her secrets. There’s the purple dress she wears in TEH, her bridesmaids’ dresses include various shades of purple (including what I would argue was a violet sash) and let’s not forget:
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Oh and, by the way, remember the song Donde Estas, Yolanda from TEH, about a woman called Yolanda? Always thought it was a bit of an odd choice for a song?
Yolanda is a female given name, of Greek origin, meaning Violet.
Credits: thank you @lukessense​ for directing me to @tendergingergirl​ meta about butterflies. Episode screenshots are from kissthemgoodbye.net.
@sarahthecoat​  @tjlcisthenewsexy​ @devoursjohnlock​ @inevitably-johnlocked​ @shylockgnomes​ @possiblyimbiassed​ @raggedyblue​ @ebaeschnbliah​ @gosherlocked​ @waitedforgarridebs​ @helloliriels​ 
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yumeka36 · 3 years
The ending of Frozen 2...a year later
I try to stay away from touchy subjects like this, at least here on Tumblr. But since @greatqueenanna @the-blue-fairie and @vuelie-frost have recently written inspiring posts on this topic (which you can read here, here, and here), I wanted to give my two cents (well, more like a thousand cents because what I thought would just be a few paragraphs ended up becoming a mini-book!)
Just to be clear, my intention here is not to argue with anyone or invalidate their feelings about the end of Frozen 2. It's quite the opposite, actually. In my view, when we're presented with a beloved hobby that has disappointed us, we have a couple of options: one is to simply stop partaking in that hobby and move onto one that brings us more pleasure (no doubt some ex-Frozen fans have done that), or keep sticking around the fandom despite constant negative feelings about it which, I can't imagine, is that enjoyable. But there's another option too: when presented with something we don't like but won't divorce ourselves from and yet have no power to change – in this case, how Frozen 2 ended – what we can change is how we view it. The fact that people who disliked Frozen 2 are still part of the fandom even a year later shows just how strong the Frozen characters and their world are…that despite dissatisfaction, fans are still not willing to give up on the franchise and leave it in favor of another fandom. And if they're not willing to give up, but still can't help feeling let down about it, I'm hoping the reasoning I present in this post can possibly offer a fresh and, hopefully, more appealing perspective. My intention here is to help alleviate hard feelings, not entice arguments.
I also want to mention that I'm only discussing the ending of the movie, specifically the fact that Anna is queen of Arendelle and Elsa is living in the forest. I've addressed most other topics of theorizing and criticism in my Frozen 2 analysis book “Seek the Truth,” which you can read here. While I did discuss the ending in detail in the last chapter, I didn't expand on it nearly as much as I will in this post.
To make things easier, I'm going to address the most common griefs about the ending one at a time and offer my input:
Anna and Elsa were separated for 13 years so they shouldn't be separated again.
I definitely agree that it would be tragic if they were forced apart again, unable to have a relationship like they did for most of their childhood. But the more times I watch Frozen 2, the more I just don't see that in the ending. To me, a separation is when both sides are split up against their will, unable to get together again. That's not the case for Anna and Elsa. I admit the epilogue of the movie was rushed, but out of the many loose ends it could have touched on, the filmmakers made sure to include Anna's letter to Elsa about charades night, which to me shows that they want us to know that the sisters still get together regularly (that's the feeling I get from the movie; I'm not including the questionable canon of the storybooks/comics in this, which I’ll discuss a little later). We could still infer they get together even if they didn't show the letter, because we know the forest is free again and Elsa can ride Nokk to Arendelle whenever she wants. But the filmmakers chose to show the letter to make it clear that there's nothing keeping them apart.
So then the point becomes "spending only 3 years together isn't enough." What number is enough, then? 5 years? 10 years? Any number is arbitrary for a case like this. But the length of time doesn’t matter because, to me, Frozen 1 showed how strong of a bond Anna and Elsa have despite hardly ever being in physical contact…a bond of love strong enough to thaw a frozen heart. So to think that now they could never be happy unless they're physically together 24/7 does an injustice to that bond that transcends physical boundaries. They suffered because of their separation in Frozen 1 – that was a true separation, because they wanted to have a relationship but were forced apart against their wills – and at the end of the movie, they could finally have the relationship they were yearning for. And at the end of Frozen 2, not only was their love cemented further from the epic adventure they shared, but they can continue to see each other as a family as well as live out the new roles bestowed upon them. Unlike a movie with an actual separation ending, like Toy Story 4 for example, where Woody and Buzz would never be able to see each other again except by some crazy coincidence, there is literally nothing stopping Anna and Elsa from continuing to have adventures together in future stories, while also satisfying their new duties and enjoying their lives both individually and as a family. That sounds like a very fulfilling life to me.
But the "Anna sans Elsa" book proves that they barely see each other and Anna misses Elsa a lot.
This sentiment comes down to whether you want to consider the relatively few post-movie storybooks as true canon or not. I consider them loose canon at best because no one involved with the creation of the canon Frozen movies/shorts had any involvement in their development and probably even knows they exist. There's also the fact that they're having such a minimal release – just one or two European countries have been getting them, and they're not even being released in English, which is arguably Disney's largest market. There're also conflicting implications between the stories, for example, the "Anna sans Elsa" book implies that Elsa hasn't visited for a long time, but the German comic where Elsa visits for charades implies that she does visit regularly (from @bigfrozenfan‘s translation here, she says "I wouldn't have missed an evening of charades with you for anything in the world!"). Then there's the "Explore the North Book" which shows Queen Anna visiting Elsa in the forest. Just because this book isn't a story is no reason to disregard it, especially when you consider the fact that it was the first book released to show the sisters interacting post-movie, plus it was actually released in larger markets, like the US and Japan. Even Anna's letter within the movie canon itself, telling Elsa not to be late for charades, is not written in a way that implies she hasn't seen Elsa for a long time. If anything, it implies the opposite to me…that these visits occur regularly. So what we can conclude from this is that Disney's publishing branch is releasing a few post-movie stories to limited markets to make some extra earnings, but obviously the book/comic authors are restricted with the kinds of stories they can depict; as in, they can't have stories that would affect the lore and canon, like showing Elsa's role in the forest or how Northuldra/Arendelle relationships are progressing. So they're going with safe side-stories like Anna doing familiar things in Arendelle and Elsa visiting for charades – things that can be inferred from the movie's ending but don't continue the narrative past that. This could also be why these books are having such a small release. Perhaps because the English-speaking market is so large, anything brought to that market could be seen as having relevance and clout, and Disney doesn't want that for these stories (because there's really no reason to not bring the books to other markets when children's book sales are soaring thanks to the pandemic). The "Anna sans Elsa" book is even getting a re-release with new pictures, again, only in French, which to me further illustrates the limitations on post-movie stories currently going on. So ultimately, I would not take details from these books/comics that are available to only 0000.1% of Disney's worldwide market as the "word of god," especially when they're inconsistent with each other and canon implies otherwise.
Anna isn't fit to be queen.
I'm not really sure what (canon) examples there are of Anna showing traits that would hinder her ability to be a good queen, or at least not as good a queen as Elsa. Is the reason for this because of her naivete about Hans? There's no evidence that shows she hasn't learned her lesson from that…it's not like she rushed into marrying Kristoff right away. If it's something about her personality being too reckless or something, Elsa has exhibited recklessness too, doing things without forethought like running away to live alone in an ice palace and risking her life to dive into Ahtohallan. But despite having these very human flaws, Elsa still turned out to be a good queen, so why would Anna be the opposite? Anna has proven herself to be brave, noble, and outgoing with people…all of which are great qualities for a ruler. Plus she's lived among royalty her whole life, and no doubt helped Elsa during her reign as queen, so she's not going into the position as a total novice. We barely see Elsa doing queenly activities in the Frozen canon, so how can we assume she's so much more fit to be queen than Anna? Again, I think this is another sentiment that stems from an aversion to something unfamiliar: fans want Elsa to remain queen because we've been familiar with that for years, but that doesn't mean Anna can't be a good queen, too. Canon-wise we haven't yet seen Anna do anything in the way of ruling, so why not give her the benefit of the doubt and a chance to prove herself?
The first Frozen established that Elsa shouldn't live in isolation and yet she's doing it again in Frozen 2.
In the first Frozen, Elsa isolated herself out of fear and refused to even get near anyone. What evidence is there that this is happening at the end of Frozen 2? I've heard assumptions that she's living in Ahtohallan now, but we don't know that for sure. The last scene of the movie shows her heading in that direction, but she could be visiting too. But regardless of where her actual place of dwelling is now, there's no reason to believe she's shutting herself off like she did in the first movie. The epilogue shows that she's happily interacting with the spirits, the Northuldra, and makes visits to Arendelle. Home is more than just a physical place where one dwells and sleeps; even if the forest is where Elsa does this now, Arendelle is still her home in all other regards.
An offshoot notion of Elsa living on her own in the forest is that it's somehow akin to the idea that "people who are different should live outside normal society." I don't understand this because to me it implies the person in question is being shunned; that they want to live in normal society but normal society doesn't want them. That is definitely not what's going on at the end of Frozen 2. As I'll explain in the following paragraphs, Elsa stays in the forest because she feels a newfound sense of freedom and is thrilled to explore this new world she found, but she can freely go back to Arendelle whenever she wants, and there's no indication that anyone there loves her any less (they should love her more actually because they all witnessed her save the kingdom from the tidal wave!) At the end if the movie, no one's being ostracized for being "different." Everyone's doing what makes them happy and can freely come and go as they please.
Why does Elsa need to stay in the forest? Why can't she stay in Arendelle and visit the forest?
A large majority of the hard feelings about Frozen 2's ending comes from the fact that it didn't clearly show what Elsa's role in the forest is. I definitely admit that the ending would have benefited from expanding on this, even just another line or two. But to me, it still leaves enough information for us to make reasonable inferences about what she's doing. We don't see the Northuldra or Arendellians interacting in the epilogue, which makes sense since they hated each other for decades and it'll take time to mend the relationship between them. When Elsa says to Anna "we'll continue to do this together" conveys to me that she knows they still have work to do as far as making amends between the kingdoms…she and Anna can serve as dual queen ambassadors between the two sides, a bridge, so to speak. Then there's also the fact that the spirits were angry for decades and it'll take time for them to return to the peaceful coexistent they had with the Northuldra, something Elsa can certainly help with (again, we don't see the spirits interacting with the Northuldra in the epilogue, only with Elsa).
On top of that, there's the fact that Elsa spent her whole life believing she was the only magical being in the world, and now she's discovered this whole new land of magic just waiting to be explored. As I explained in my analysis book, if we consider Elsa believing for years that her powers were a curse and no one but her possessed magic, and suddenly she's brought to a place where other magical beings exist, as well as a group of people who live in harmony with them, plus the fact that she's somehow a bridge between both magic and humans, it makes sense she'd be ecstatic and want to spend time indulging in this new land. The reason she doesn't just visit the forest while living in Arendelle is because being queen is a full time job that requires her to be present as much as possible. Trying to stay on top of all her queenly responsibilities while going back and forth to the forest all the time wouldn't amount to the kind of quality she wants for Arendelle royalty. But having someone like Anna who's already familiar with royal activities and loves Arendelle with all her heart, would be perfect for the role. Elsa never indicated it was her dream to be queen of Arendelle. She was born into the role and accepted it, and if the events of Frozen 2 never occurred, would have probably lived out her life happily in that position. But happiness isn't necessarily a final destination and sometimes things come along that alter the status quo, but also enhance what we thought was already a good life. What we can infer from Frozen 1 is that she doesn't want to live in fear and have to constantly suppress her powers and that she wants to have a relationship with her sister again. None of this is taken away from her at the end of Frozen 2: she's not living in fear but in freedom, she can use her powers without restraint and in brand new ways with the spirits and Ahtohallan, and she can not only continue to see her sister often and foster their relationship, but she can grow her relationship with herself and this new realization about the origin of her powers. And still another reason, perhaps the true purpose of the fifth spirit is more than a single task and Elsa is trying to discover what it is: what more can she do with her amazing powers now that the forest is free, both for the benefit of the Northuldra, the spirits, Arendelle…maybe even the world? There's a wealth of possibilities for future stories, and I believe this ties back to the fact that the post-movie books/comics can't touch on what her role in the forest is because it's too closely tied to continuing the canon story, and until the heads at Disney decide what direction to take it, all spin-off content will be limited.
And yes, it's true that these are just my theories, but they're theories based on many hours of rewatching, analyzing, and thinking critically about the movie, which I think is better than just dismissing the idea that Elsa has a role to play in the forest simply because it wasn't explicitly shown. Just because Elsa's new lot in life isn't spoon-fed to us doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and I think it's much more logical, and imaginative, to assume she's doing the kinds of things I just mentioned as opposed to doing nothing of significance in her life now. I prefer to be logical and imaginative, so I’m going with these reasons unless canon shows otherwise.
After reading all this, you might think I'm in love with the ending of Frozen 2 and think it's perfect, but that's not the case. While I love Frozen 2 overall, I admit that the ending was rushed and it wasn't my first choice of an ending for the sequel I was anticipating for years. But at the same time, I'm open-minded, especially in regards to the fact that the story and characters I'm invested in are not my personal creations. They’re the products of someone else’s experiences, values, and beliefs, and I have to recognize that this is what makes them interesting even though I may not agree with everything. But who am I to say that my vision and headcanons for Frozen are somehow better than those of the filmmakers? I don't think so highly of myself as being more of an authority on Frozen than the creators themselves or even my fellow hardcore fans. But I have spent many hours of my life these past 7 years examining and analyzing the franchise and its characters, so I'd like to believe my words have at least some weight to them. That's the wonder of fiction…that someone's ideas can be interpreted and appreciated in a variety of ways by a variety of people. But that's also the tragedy of fictional stories that continue on with long gaps in between, like the gap between the two Frozen movies. During that long time, we can't help but build and prop up our headcanons and develop the feeling that we know these characters inside and out, what is and isn't good for them, how they would and wouldn't react in all situations, etc,. But two and a half hours (which is about the length of time of Frozen 1 plus the two shorts) is not enough time to show so much of a characters’ personality that we could really know them as much as we’d like (especially Elsa, who got relatively little screentime in the first movie). So when we're presented with the continuation of the story and find that the creators had a different view, a view that didn't return to the status quo we were familiar with, it can be very jarring. But that's the risk of falling in love with someone else's creations. And thankfully, the beauty of headcanons is that they're all our own and can be adjusted. Even though the outcome of Frozen 2 was not what I was expecting, it was a minimal effort to adjust my headcanons because I don't feel the ending was so outrageous and far removed from everything I loved previously about the franchise, for reasons I hope I explained clearly in this post.
If you still can't feel any better about the end of Frozen 2 despite all I've discussed here, I'm sorry…I really tried my best. All I can say now is that I hope future content will rekindle your appreciation for the franchise. I know it's been over a year since Frozen 2, which seems like a long time to go without any announcements of new material, but we have to remember that that's not a long time at all by Disney standards. The recent Disney investor's meeting proves how long it takes to churn out new content, especially on the animation side of things, as it took years for Princess and the Frog, Zootopia, and Moana to finally get new content. Disney immortalizes all their popular franchises and could go back to them months, years, or even decades later (The Lion Guard series came out over 20 years after The Lion King for example). Unlike other Disney franchises like Marvel and Star Wars that have their own production teams and studios, Frozen has to share resources with all of WDAS's other projects. So a year is still too early for the studio to go back to Frozen again, especially if you consider that it's technically only been a few months since we got new Frozen content in the form of Once Upon a Snowman. Patience is the key now and we don't know what the future holds. But I'm someone whose opinions will change with new information, so maybe tomorrow we could get an announcement about a new Frozen YA novel or Disney+ series that shows Anna and Elsa rarely see each other and Anna misses Elsa and Elsa's doing nothing noteworthy in the forest and everything I've said here can be tossed out the window. I don't think that will be the case though, so as long as we don't know anything for sure, I want to go with a positive outlook because, at the end of the day, your fandoms should lift you up instead of bring you down. Frozen is a juggernaut for Disney so I'd rather they take their time with the next installment for the franchise. It's not so much a question of "if" as much as "when" and "in what form"? So until we have those answers, I wish you all well…don't let the hope die out.
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