#who knows maybe his birthday is Feb 22
cvrueoftheearth · 2 years
Sitting here wondering if Montgomery Scott was a twosday twosyear baby
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heroesriseandfall · 3 months
Canonical Batfamily Birthdays
Here are all the birthdates I know of that are canon somewhere in DC, with a preference for the main comics continuities. I have included exact sources and image references when possible. I am not including character introduction dates, just actual birthdays.
If you find any other sources for Batfamily birthdays, please do share!
A moment of silence for Batfamily characters who don’t have canonical birthdays yet, so far as I know. This includes Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and more. :(
Source images will be further down, but here’s an overview in roughly age order (I’m not sure of Kate vs Selina’s ages) with the dates the birthdays were introduced and used:
Tim Drake: July 19th (from 2003)
Jason Todd: August 16th (from 2004)
Cassandra Cain: January 26th (from 2002)
Helena Bertinelli: February 14th (in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold universe, from 2010)
Helena Wayne: September 7th (from 1984), potentially October 20th or the 22nd of unknown month or maybe October 22 or maybe Feb 28th (all the New 52 on passports from 2011-2012). These could also be New 52 Helena Bertinelli’s birthdays or nobody’s birthdays. who even knows.
Dick Grayson: March 20th (from 1995), October ~24th ish (from 1990), November 11th (from 1976), December 1st (on Earth-16 in animated Young Justice universe, from 2012)
Barbara Gordon: September 23rd (from 1976), sometime in fall (from 1987)
Selina Kyle: March 14th (from 1976)
Kate Kane: January 26th (in Batwoman TV series from 2020), March 21st? (word-of-god by J.H. Williams III from 2012)
Bruce Wayne: October 7th (from 2021), February 19th (from 1970s various to more recently), April ~7th (from the late 1940s)
Jim Gordon: January 5th (from 1976)
Alfred Pennyworth: April 8th (from 1976), August 16th (in the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, from 2016)
Note: in this post when I say “main comics continuity(s)/universe” I’m referring to anything that’s been a “home” continuity for the comics at some point. For example, pre-Crisis Earth-2, Earth-1/New Earth, and Earth-0/Prime Earth, as opposed to Elseworlds or DCEU earths that are still part of the broader DC multiverse but have never been the primary continuity of the comics.
Below are further details and source panels.
Details and Sources
Tim Drake
Tim has only been given one canon birthday. He turned 16 on July 19th in Robin Vol. 2 #116 (cover date Sep 2003).
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Robin Vol. 2 #116 (Sep 2003)
Jason Todd
Jason turned 18 on August 16th in Detective Comics #790 (March 2004). This is his only canon birthday.
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Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004)
In post-Crisis/preboot (1986-2011) continuity, there was a gap of six months between when Jason died and when he was resurrected (Batman Annual 25). Jason died April 27th according to his death certificates in Batman Annual 25 and Batman Files 2011, so he would’ve resurrected near late October.
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Batman Annual 25 (May 2006)
So, it could be that post-resurrection Jason is biologically 6 months younger than he chronologically should be. But honestly, do we even really know what multiverse-breaking resurrection punches and then a Lazarus Pit on top of that do to someone’s body??? Either way it’s just much more simple to just use his chronological age.
Cassandra Cain
Much like Tim and Jason, Cass has only ever been given one birthdate: January 26th from Batgirl Vol. 1 #33. With that birthday, she turned 18 in Batgirl Vol. 1 #37.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #33 (Dec 2002)
When Jan 26th actually comes, Bruce suggests David Cain could’ve lied about it, but Cass denies that idea and continues to treat the day as her birthday.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #37 (Apr 2003)
Why it's likely her real birthday: Bruce initially believes Cain must’ve lied because he doesn’t think Cain could’ve known her birthday. However, we later learn Cain had lied about her origins and was actually her biological father. Batgirl v1 #62 and #73 show he was there for her birth and could absolutely know the date.
On top of that, in Batgirl #37 Cass remembers celebrating her birthday with him as a child, so he did seem to actually keep track of it. I honestly don’t see any reason to believe he’d lie (Bruce is just a jealous spoilsport).
Helena Bertinelli + Wayne
I’m combining them here because the New 52 gives me a headache.
Helena Bertinelli celebrated her birthday on February 14th in a spin-off comic from the animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold series. This is obviously not part of regular comics continuity and the characters differ from the usual comics in many ways. And yet, for reasons that will soon be clear, it’s my favorite for actually being about Helena Bertinelli the Huntress and for not being an utter mess.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 (Apr 2010)
In a character profile at the end of Infinity Inc. #7 (Oct 1984), Helena Wayne’s birthday was September 7th, 1959. Calculating back from October 1984, that would make her 25 at the time.
During the New 52, Helena Bertinelli was initially portrayed as a long-dead (secretly alive but don’t worry about it) mobster’s daughter and replaced by Earth-2’s Helena Wayne who got stranded on Prime Earth. This H. Wayne stole H. Bertinelli’s identity in the form of several forged passports and IDs, which had hints toward birthdates. The question is, can we take any of those birthdates seriously, and if so, which birthdates and for which character? (Cue my headache.)
Skip ahead to Dick if overthinking fake passports sounds boring.
When comparing to a real Italian passport, the date on H. Wayne’s fake Italian passport appears to be a birthdate. Note that the fake name is Carol Bertinelli, not Helena. H. Wayne said her IDs were inspired by H. Bertinelli but clearly she’s taking liberties for the IDs so that’s a point toward these being useless for H. Bertinelli birthdays.
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Huntress Vol. 3 #1 (Dec 2011)
I don’t recognize the month abbreviation as a real abbreviation, but from the visible letter O I’m going to assume it means October. If it is, then the date is 20 October 1985. Sidenote: a 1985 birthdate during 2011 could put her age at about 26, which is actually quite close to how old she could’ve been based on pre-Flashpoint! 1985 has been given as Helena Wayne’s death year before, so it’s an interesting choice of a birth year for her. (Thanks to DC’s sliding timescale, though, birth years don’t actually mean anything in the comics.)
They don’t show her complete US passport, but I can see a “22” in line where the day of the month should be for her birthdate. This already contradicts the previous passport. This one uses Helena Bertinelli’s actual name, though–does that make it more relevant than the Carol one or this all still ridiculous because of the discrepancies?
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Worlds’ Finest Vol. 1 #1 (Jul 2012)
We can try to glean the US passport birth month from the passport number at the bottom. The first two digits (“12” here) indicate the agency that issued the passport. 12 means the Honolulu agency. Right after “USA” is supposed to be the birthdate plus an extra number, in the order of year/month/day with the year being the last two digits of a year. Here we encounter another problem. It says 810228. This would imply her birthdate is 1981/02/28. That’s February 28, 1981. Since the earlier line indicated her birthday fell on a 22nd, this already contradicts itself.
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Interpreting a Machine Readable Zone (MZR) on a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD)
However, I’d bet comic writers and artists aren’t always well versed in passport numbers (it’s already a stretch for me to bother checking it…). If they put the extra digit before the birthdate instead after, and the date is formatted month/day/year (the most common format in American English, so probably their first instinct), then we can drop the first 8 and it’s 10/22/8[?] with the last digit unknown. This would put her birthday as October 22, sometime in the 1980s. The 22 matches the earlier line, the October might match the previous passport if that really did say October (but contradicts the 20th), and the 1980s year could be 1985 to match the Italian passport.
At the end of the day I’m personally just going to let Helena Bertinelli be a Valentine’s born baby and call it a day, unless/until she gets a better one in the comics. For Helena Wayne I’d easily pick September 7th.
(My question is: did they give the crossbow vigilante a Valentine’s birthday as a Cupid joke??)
Dick Grayson
Dick has probably had the most birthdays of everyone (unless Bruce has more I don’t know about). All of them have their drawbacks.
In a main comics continuity, his most popular and most recent is “the first day of spring” so probably March 20th. This comes from Robin Annual 4 when his mom says she calls him Robin because he was born on the first day of spring. That presents some problems since there are other explanations given for the origin of “Robin,” including that his mom said he was “always bobbin’ along” (Dark Victory #12, page 17) or the original inspiration of Robin Hood (Detective Comics #38, p3).
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Robin Annual 4 (Jun 1995)
Before that, in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990), Marv Wolfman wrote a version of Dick’s origins where Dick turned 10 a week before his parents died on Halloween. That would make his birthday October ~24th (presuming that “a week” before Halloween literally means 7 days here).
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990)
The first drawback of the October birthday is that it’s tied to Dick being 10 when his parents die on Halloween. Dick’s age and the date his parents die change a lot depending on the writer (Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 says his parents died June 27th, Dark Victory #8-9 says May, etc.). The second drawback is that few people remember this version of his birthday even exists.
Dick’s birthday is November 11th in Super DC Calendar 1976. Note: Despite being a non-diegetic calendar from almost 50 years ago, this source remains well known and used among comic enthusiasts (including those working at DC). Generally, I would say it should mainly apply just to pre-Crisis continuity, but it is also useful for characters that haven’t gotten updated birthdays ever since (like Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, or Selina Kyle, for example).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Sidenote: Since Damian doesn’t have a canon birthday, November 11th is favorite to steal for my own fan canon Damian birthday. Dick has plenty birthdays to share and I think it’s cute. @ DC, give Damian and Steph birthdays, they’ve been birthday-less for decades!
Indeed, DC writer Tim Sheridan and editor Mike Cotton debated whether Dick’s birthday was in March or November. They favored March 20th and wrote a birthday scene in Teen Titans Academy #1 (published March 23rd, 2021). The publishing time near Dick’s birthday was intentional, though the date isn’t mentioned within the comic itself.
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Link to tweet
The above birthdays were all meant to apply to a main comics continuity at some point. However, Earth-16, better known as the animated Young Justice universe (therefore outside of main comics continuity), says YJ Dick’s birthday is December 1st.
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Young Justice Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 2012)
Unlike Helena Bertinelli, Dick has plenty of comics birthdays to choose from, so personally I’ll only count Dec 1st as being the birthday for YJ animated/Earth-16 Dick Grayson until or unless it’s ever mentioned to apply to main comics continuity.
Barbara Gordon
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Barbara’s birthday is September 23rd.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Since then, the only time I recall her birthdate hinted at is in Secret Origins #20 when her adoptive mom says her birthday is in the fall. This could support her birthday being September 23rd.
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 1987)
Although she has celebrated her birthday on panel since then (the end of Nightwing Vol. 2 #153), she hasn’t been given any other actual birthdate. So I’ll keep September 23rd and call it a day.
Selina Kyle
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Selina’s birthday is March 14th. Once again, although it hasn’t been mentioned within a comic, it’s stuck around in popular consciousness (see: Catwoman actress Zoë Kravitz wishing Selina a happy birthday on March 14th).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Selina celebrated a birthday on panel in Catwoman (2002) #37 but the date was never mentioned. I don’t know of any other reference to her birthday, but my reading of Selina is thus far more sparse than my reading of the others.
Kate Kane
Kate’s birthday options all come from outside of the comics themselves.
In “An Un-Birthday Present,” season 1 episode 11 of Batwoman, a parallel version of her twin Beth had a driver’s license showing her date of birth as January 26, 1990. She and Kate later celebrated their birthdays on an episode aired Jan 26th, 2020. I don’t keep up with live action DC shows so I unfortunately can’t offer a screenshot (if anyone has one or the timestamp, please let me know!).
(I kinda wonder if somebody looked up Batwoman’s birthday for these episodes, saw Batgirl’s (Cass’s) birthday, and just ran with it. Batwoman and a Batgirl sharing a birthday is just. Ughhh.)
In 2012, one of her comic writers tweeted to choose a random date for her birthday and picked March 21st, which so far as I know has never been used as her birthday in comics.
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Link to tweet
Bruce Wayne
Bruce’s most popular birthday is February 19th, but his most recent one is October 7th from the digital-only comic Legends of the Dark Knight. I believe that’s the only time October 7th has been referenced, but I’ve heard the animated show The Batman said his birthday was in October (can’t confirm, haven’t watched it recently).
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Legends of the Dark Knight #10 (Jun 2021) - Note: two pages have been combined into one for this post
Still, even associates of DC seem to remember his February 19th birthday better. In February 2023, Warner Bro’s Gotham Knights game did a sale for Bruce’s birthday. I’ve also heard the birthday was used in the Gotham TV show, but again, I don’t watch much live action DC shows.
The February 19th birthday appears to come from the 70s and 80s. It’s his birthday in the Super DC Calendar 1976, and in Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (May 1977). Bob Rozakis (known as DC’s “Answer Man”) said Feb 19th was Bruce’s birthday in the letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980).
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Letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980)
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Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (Jun 1977)
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Way back in the 40s, his birthday was in April, possibly April 7th. During a birthstone murder mystery, Bruce says his birthstone is a diamond, which is traditionally the April birthstone.
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World’s Finest Comics #33/6 (Mar-Apr 1948): “The 5 Jewels of Doom!”
Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949) might imply the exact date was April 7th but we’d have to assume the party is on his birthday and that “this month” refers to the publishing month of April. I believe this is where people get the April 7th birthday when they bring it up.
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Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949)
Early April also shines in Batman: Year One where it shows Bruce’s first night out as Batman being either the night of April 6th or the early morning of April 7th (Batman #405). So although the April Bruce birthday hasn’t been used in decades, it’s still a Batman birthday in a way.
I have also heard people say Frank Miller considered Bruce’s birthday to be in November. However, I have yet to find an original source of him saying that, and honestly (just like the “March 21st” birthday for Kate) if he never used it in any canon material I don’t put much weight in that.
Jim Gordon
The only birthday I’ve ever seen for Jim is January 5th from Super DC Calendar 1976.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred’s birthday in Super DC Calendar 1976 is April 8th.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe (an alternate reality where the video game of the same name is set in), they show Alfred’s birth certificate, where it says his birthday is August 16th, 1943.
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Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five #26 (Jun 2016)
Maybe you’ll notice that August 16th is Jason’s birthday. A little funny considering the issue features Alfred refusing to share his birthday only for us to learn it’s the same date as Jason’s. Still, annoying. There are so many days in the year! Stop choosing the same ones!
This Alfred birthdate runs into a similar problem Helena’s birthdates did: it’s not part of main comics canon, it’s an alternate universe, so it may not be applicable to the main comics universe.
Note: if we calculate that 1943 birth year from Jun 2016 when the comic was published, that’d make Alfred 72 soon to be 73. Does that mean anything in canon? Probably not, but oh well. Also...token British character born by Windsor Castle? …of course.
Personally, I would rather go with the April 8th birthday than the Injustice one, since Injustice is an alternate universe. Also, outside of the humor of it, the idea of Alfred and Jason sharing a birthday is a bit too much for me. Still, it’s up to people’s own cherry picking.
The birthdays in publishing order alongside notable reboots. A soft-reboot refers to reboots that only changed a few details with minor consequences, keeping the overall continuity mostly intact. A major reboot has significant effects on continuity (too many to list).
1935-1986: Pre-Crisis era (Golden Age begins ~1946, Silver Age runs from late 50s--early 70s)
Mar-Apr 1948: Bruce’s birthday is in April
Apr 1949: Bruce has a birthday party on the 7th of “this month”
Skipping a good three decades because I barely even know what’s in there. Sorry lol
Mid 70s to early 90s: Bronze Age era
1976: the super dc calendar says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th, Alfred’s is April 8th, Dick’s is November 11th, Babs is September 23rd, Selina’s is March 14th, Jim’s is Jan 5th
Jun 1977: Bruce celebrates his birthday on February 19th
Sep 1980: letter collumnist says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th
Oct 1984: Helena Wayne’s birthday is on September 7th, 1959
Mar 1986: the major Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot (begins post-Crisis/New Earth era, many previous comics are now considered Earth-2 instead)
Nov 1987: Babs birthday is in fall
Aug 1990: Dick turns 10 a week before Halloween (probably October ~24th)
Sep 1994: Zero Hour soft reboot (Batman and Robin become urban legends so Robin is not allowed on video, Bruce’s parents’ murderer is changed to unknown instead of Joe Chill, Selina is no longer a once-prostitute)
Apr 1995: Dick’s birthday is the first day of spring (probably March 20th)
Oct 2002: Cass learns her birthday is January 26th
April 2003: Cass turns 18 on January 26th
Sep 2003: Tim turns 16 on July 19th
Mar 2004: Jason turns 18 on August 16th
Jun 2006: Infinite Crisis soft reboot (Joe Chill is restored as the arrested Wayne family murderer, Superboy-Prime's punch retroactively resurrects Jason)
Apr 2010: In the Batman: Brave and the Bold universe, Helena Bertinelli celebrates her birthday February 14th
Oct 2011: the major Flashpoint reboot (end of post-Crisis/preboot, begins the New 52 and changes the primary universe to Prime Earth; significant character/timeline changes and erasures)
Dec 2011: Helena Wayne’s fake Carol Bertinelli passport seems to list October 20th as a birthdate
Jul 2012: Helena Wayne’s fake Helena Bertinelli passport lists some 22nd unknown month, Oct 22nd, or Feb 28th birthday
Sep 2012: Batwoman writer J.H. Williams III randomly picks Kate’s birthday as March 21st on Twitter
Nov 2012: Earth-16/YJ animated Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday on December 1st
Jun 2016: In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, Alfred’s birth certificate says his birthday is August 16th
Jul 2016: Rebirth reboot (restores some pre-Flashpoint continuity, some characters regain previous histories but now semi-synchronized with the New 52 era)
Jan 2020: Batwoman TV show Kate celebrates her birthday on January 26th
Mar 2021: Writer Tim Sheridan says he & his editor chose March 20th as Dick’s birthday, between the March or November birthdays
May 2021: Infinite Frontier holds all previous continuities as potential canon, restoring more of pre-Flashpoint
Jun 2021: Bruce says his birthday is October 7th in a digital-only comic
Feb 2023: Gotham Knights game has a sale for Bruce’s birthday
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deliciouskeys · 10 months
13 for the OTP thing
13- Write about your ship celebrating one of the members birthdays. From the soft OTP prompts.
I am so late in answering this, Anon-who-may-not-even-see-this, mostly because I’ve been wanting to write a full-fledged answer to this prompt but kept getting stumped by how to approach it, and had at least four different ideas:
February 22
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking HL’s fake birthday in the show is Feb 22 as per the Boys Twitter account post that he shares a birthday with George Washington. This would mean they scheduled it during the post-Christmas doldrums and nothing good on TV and not great weather, and not on the Fourth of July when every red blooded American is going to be sitting under the stars watching fireworks after a barbecue. I wouldn’t put it past them to air the special on the President’s Day Monday and not even the 22nd every year.
I wanted to write Billy watching one of the inane birthday specials in his sad apartment, drinking and scoffing and talking to himself like a sad old man, and then HL suddenly drops by and Billy’s all “whoa, I thought they aired these things live!” and HL’s all “yeah well after what happened last year they recorded it ahead 😒”, and Billy’s about to say something snarky but thinks better of it when HL is clearly here and down to fuck. They’re in a messed up enemies with benefits relationship in this version.
Fourth of July
If we follow comicsverse and the resultant wiki article, HL’s birthday is on Independence Day. Billy is having a good time at MM’s barbecue on some NYC roofdeck (he has custody of Janine on holidays), the rest of the Boys are there too, Frenchie is criticizing MM’s grilling and burger assembly techniques, Kimiko is assembling kebabs a little too aggressively, Hughie and Annie are drinking Trulys. Suddenly HL literally drops in. People on neighboring roof decks are going nuts, super pumped. The Boys are all ashen faced except maybe Kimiko who’s unfazed, and Janine is pretty enthused, and none of them want to traumatize her if at all possible, so MM is silently pleading with Billy not to escalate the situation. But Billy’s like “wtf you doing here cunt 😡” and HL’s like “First of allllllll, I’m allowed to be here” and Billy tries to object that no one invited him, but Janine’s already asking for an autograph and MM has to keep it together. And then HL is like “Also it’s my birthday, so I’d please like you all to sing happy birthday to me” and Annie’s eyes are shooting daggers because srsly, again with this stupid powerplay?? But MM is pleading with Billy to try not to turn this into a scene, and Frenchie seems down for absolutely no reason, so they all sing, pretty badly and hesitantly, and Billy distinctly says “dear supe cunt” but they do finish it out, and Billy’s dismayed that HL is maybe touched for real. And then they have a really uncomfortable remainder of a barbecue where HL plays up his aw shucks persona to Janine, and Billy is seething, but Frenchie and Hughie are kind of impressed that HL can char corn on the cob with his eyes better than the grill. They’re all very relieved when he has to leave to film his special though.
Billy’s birthday
Another enemies-with-benefits scenario. I assume Billy never does anything to mark his birthday, and figures no one knows it, but HL gets Vought Analytics to sniff it out. Billy’s hanging out in his apartment like any normal night when HL shows up with some super fancy Japanese-French bakery small cake with candles on it, and Billy bursts out laughing because it’s pretty incongruous, but then he also gets really angry, because he remembers the last person who made him a cake was Becca before 2012, and it was the exact opposite of this, homemade and kind of lopsided and the writing with icing was a mess because cake decoration wasn’t her forte. And it’s really sad and never mind I would never write this, definitely not as a oneshot 😢
HL’s real birthday
I might actually include this in my mpreg fic. I want HL’s actual birthday to be some random day in spring like they say in the show, maybe May, and for Billy to find out the real date from some godforsaken secret document from the 80s during the massive FBI investigation of all of Vought’s files. It’s something HL never found out for himself, so this piece of intel is like a gift in itself.
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luvutothemoon · 9 days
1. Who makes the first move and how? Technically Harry, at a party. He sees Brie and walks over to her. But both are willing and flirting. Iirc, Brie is the one to bring up meeting for drinks later
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better? Probably Brie, but it’s rare. Harry reassuring her makes her feel better
3. Who is the most romantic? Harry
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves? Brie— she loves touching him. Holding his hand, running fingers through his hair, linking arms, etc. She is also the one to initiate most stuff
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first? Brie, accidentally.
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome? They really wouldn’t, but if they were to, it’d have to be someone they don’t see everyday. A lady friend from out of town
7. What do they get up to on a night out? Dinner, movies, Broadway. Typically it’s just a (fancy) dinner, maybe a walk, and then back home
8. What do they like in bed? Sex and sleep, mostly, lol. Typically, Brie is on top. Brie likes cowgirl, they both enjoy lotus and doggy style.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other? Don’t know
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island? Songs: Forever In Blue Jeans & Little Lies. Books: . Luxury:
11. What do they hide from one another? They aren’t big on the hiding thing from each other, but it Would typically be presents, or some work stuff the other can’t be privy to
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious? It goes from like casual drinks to serious almost-living together very quickly. The biggest change is physical intimacy, along with being at each other’s places. Staying over starts happening
13. When do they realise they should get together? After the first real date, really
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do? Harry once made soup from scratch for Brie, when the relationship was still pretty fresh. That is now the standard.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote? It all depends on their mood. Sometimes it’s a romance, sometimes comedy, drama, documentary… And it depends who gets the final say
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together? By being very strategic, and lightening the mood with humor
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go? Back in time, always. When and where depends on how they’re feeling
18. When they fight, how do they make up? With hugs and kisses and a discussion about why they fought and what they can do to avoid it in the future.
19. Where do they go on their first date? After several casual drinks, they go to a nice restaurant of Harry’s choosing. It happens to be his birthday, and Brie only finds that out after getting a glimpse of his drivers license
20. Where do they go on holiday? For two weeks, Christmas to New Year’s, they go to their cabin in Connecticut. They’ll also go down to Florida or the Carolinas. Brie likes taking Harry up to Maine for the nostalgia purposes
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another? To Brie’s father’s house
22. Where does their first kiss happen? Iirc, Brie’s house
23. Where is their favourite place to be together? In the kitchen, cooking together. Also snuggling on the couch
24. Where do they first have sex? Harry’s couch, Feb 15. They both understand how funny that is
25. Why do they fight? Misunderstandings, one isn’t taking care of themselves, etc.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat? If one isn’t taking care of themselves, or something is wrong, and they aren’t being forthcoming about it
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them? They are two sarcastic jackasses who can banter nonstop. Some people think they’re always bickering, but they’re actually flirting
28. Why do they get jealous? They aren’t typically the jealous type. Brie gets jealous when the stereotypical business wife wants to flirt with Harry
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love? Lots of reasons, but mostly it’s one of them doing something mundane and/or cute
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them? It works between them because they both love, admire, and respect each other. They also have a lot of fun together, and always look forward to seeing each other at the end of the day.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 month
What month was each twst boy born in :^)
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HELP damn i mightve had exactly 5 if i couldve cheated with the twins LOL. you said one of these bitches had a bday near yours and idr which one it was, and that you kept mixing them up w/silver but i do NOT remember when his bday was when i looked that up either!!!
cater - feb 4
trey - oct 25
jade [and floyd] - nov 5
riddle - aug 24
azul - feb, and im pretty sure he's a pisces so that puts him at late feb... feb... 24? or am i just saying that bc riddles 24 is over there LOL uhhh. no. feb 22. 23?? 23. oh god im doubting it the more i think about it but i know hes a pisces in feb at least!!! whatever ill say feb22 idk!!!
vil - april
ruggie - april [i know this bc i know azul is in feb w/ cater and once i made a post about birthstones for cater and vil, and i had noticed tecnically azul and ruggie were in the same slots with them jsdklfdjsl and diamond is for april/you mentioned vil being 2 months after cater like Yesterday LOL] [HE ALSO LITERALLY JUST HAD A BDAY BUT I DIDNT REMEMBER THAT TIL LATER IN MY GUESSING LOL]
i cant fuckin remember many others so it's guessing time, but i AM going to use a zodiac chart for characters whose bday i dont remember but zodiac i do [thats like. 2 more LOL]
jamil - his bday book ending with riddle so he had to come before riddle but technically after aug 24... i thought for some reason they were both aug bdays but now im not sure LOL ...and i had it backwards earlier when i was gonna say like aug 8 so um. i feel like hes either like aug 30 or sept like 2 or 8 o rwhatever LOL.. um. um. im gonna go sept.
i know ortho and leona are Leo zodiacs bc they are my friend's zodiac buddies but i CANT REMEMBER which months they were. i feel like ortho was maybe july...??? leona can be august idk LOL. if i got them both wrong i want half a bonus for at least knowing their zodiac KFLJDSKLJFSD
ummm. fuck. i remember looking the other day and that lilia and malleus were in dec and jan but i forget who was where LOL umm. one of them i was like "oh wasnt he like a new years day baby" but then i failed to actually check jkdsjfldksjf i THINK lilia was january, im gonna guess jan1- WAIT YES JAN 1 bc i think it was actual lore that he doesnt know his actual birthday, so he just picked that one. jan 1 for lilia blease. december was malleus.
opens list of characters uhh who else is left
ace- fuck if i know. i think hes a summer baby? floyd were you taking zodiacs into account when you named him crabby, is he a cancer... uhh let's go with july idk
juice beloved son juice spade: SOBBING AND SCREAMING ABOUT HOW I DONT HAVE A DAMN CLUE DESPITE HAVING TWO OF HIS BDAY CARDS IN MY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! wait. engtwst is still cycling through the bloom cards rn. i have his first two but i dont THINK we've gotten his bloom card yet, and i know engtwst started with cater in terms of bday cards and so he started off our bloom cards. that means juice's bday is not feb thru april 27... that only helps a little LOL bc i already knew the only ones in those months um um. hmm. god i remember standing in target when i was summoning for one of those cards but idr what time of year it was bc i was buying recycle bags and thats not a seasonal purchase!!!! um. september?????
jack: uhhhhh ummm uhhhh uhhhh. i dont know. december???
kalim: I DONT KNOWW!!!!!!!! juuuuuuuuuuuuuune?
epel: im in hell i dont know LOL these are truly random guesses. uh god what month havent i said yet. may?
rook: 🧍 ....december???
idia: another i feel like i just looked up and forgot lol. uh. january?
silver: did lilia make one up for u too.... what day did he find u idk man ummmm u feel like a summer bday. surely if i keep saying june ill catch someone. june again!!!!!
sebek....................... wait a second. i was wrong earlier. broom sebek is def in the game bc my friend just got him fairly recentlyish [which means his bday was somewhat recentlyish!!!] so either i cant remember where we are in the bday cards in engtwst bc i usually dont summon for them lol, or sebek is also between feb and april and i just forgot about him bc i didnt mention - wait no. i forgot march existed. he feels like he could be feb but i have to stick to my guns bc i didnt mention him in the birthstone thing so im going with march for sebek!!!!!
ok thanks bye!!!
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kanmom51 · 3 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years - 2017
Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
2017 - part 2
12 Feb 2017 – “You never walk alone” preview show.  Who’s JM’s little cutie? 
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14 Feb 2017 – JM Twitter post –  the boys with matching jackets.  I know. I said not Twitter, but sometimes rules are made to be broken.
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17 Feb 2017 – Hobi’s birthday.  JM to JK: “stop coming to our room at night.” There’s something about JM throwing JK under the bus time after time.  It’s like he enjoys to see JK squirm.
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22 Feb 2017 – Gaon Chart K-pop chart – JK ushering Hobi to another seat, so that JK can sit behind JM.  JM turning around see this, rolls his eyes and smirks.
24 Feb 2017 – KBS Music Bank comeback - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4_ASZuLeVk&t=156s  
Another one of my favourites.  A perfect example for both boys hesitance, wanting to touch, but just not getting there. 
 JM putting arm behind JK, but holding on to wall behind, and then matter of factually laying it on JK’s shoulder.  
JM micro touching, or brushing JK’s hand with his thumb.  
Prior to JM brushing JK’s hand with his thumb, JK’s hand is heart signing to JM. 
The minute JM moves his hand away, you see how the expression on JK’s face changes, then he rubs his hand where JM touched him.
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24 Feb 2017 fan meet – are they in actual F… sending flying kisses to each other?
25 Feb 2017 MBC music core comeback – JK moving Hobi aside, so that JK can stand behind JM.  JK being JM’s number 1 fanboy.
26 Feb 2017 – Wings – you never walk alone fan sign.  Really JM? What was that neck grab and what exactly were you doing there????  No, I don’t believe he kissed JK’s neck, but it sure was ‘out there’, so much so that Jin was in total shock when it happened.  JK was surprised by it, and I think that even JM was shocked by his own actions waling aimlessly in what seems like the wrong direction .
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28 Feb 2017 Run BTS episode 12. This one for me was cringe worthy, at some points I felt like an actual intruder.  JK the detective and JM the prisoner.  JK whacking JM on the behind (remember JK is the younger – how bold).  JM’s private dance for JK.  I know the episode was mostly scripted, but I seriously think JM was surprised by that smack to his behind.  Also, the way JK was looking at JM when he was dancing all heart hands for him.
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12 March 2017 - Wings tour Santiago Chile
Santiago day 2 – JK suffers from exhaustion.  As he is taken back stage to a treatment room, JM is the one to race after the team into the room.
JM is in the treatment room when the cameras come in.  He is standing there, and later, as the other members are walking in, JM is by JK’s side, helping the medical team lift up one of his legs.
The rest of the members come in together to see how JK is doing, and when the medical team suggest to take off JK’s pants, all the members leave the room.  All except for JM, who stays there with JK the whole time.
JM leaves the room only together with JK, after he feels better and is able to walk out of the room on his own two feet.
Wouldn’t you expect RM, being the leader and all, to be the one by JK’s side? Or J-Hope maybe?  Wouldn’t that have made more sense under the circumstances? Why JM?  
Because, clearly JM is the one JK feels closest to, the one he can be himself with freely, the one he doesn’t feel embarrassed or needs privacy from.
JM may not have been a family member, but he was the closest thing to it.  JM to JK is and was his home, his safe place, and most certainly the one to be by his side when he was in distress.
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Santiago Chile & Brazil.  
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Chicago.
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April 2017 3rd Muster dvd – the muster was at end of 2016, but dvd was released in 2017. During photo shoots they are being posed by the photographers.  Yes, there will be authentic moments between them, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s being directed.  That’s why I don’t always like to add these to my timeline.   Even so, they were so cute, so I couldn’t leave this one out.
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3rd April 2017 – BTS Front row live entertainment interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UotjcB_X4ag . What happened there?  
This one intrigues me. I watched and re-watched the full interview several times, and for the life of me I can’t see what happened there between JM and Hobi that triggered JK’s reaction?  JM’s placating look at JK, like telling him nothing happened… this one is used a lot to create the JK jealous narrative, and to be honest, I really don’t know what happened there. When JK turns back, JM looks into the camera with an uneasy gaze.
After that, most of the time, JM looks lost in his thoughts, not happy.  Towards the end they are asked what artist they would want to collaborate with, and Suga’s answer makes them all burst out in laughter, all accept for JM.  When he is asked and answers, you also see he is unhappy.  You can easily see something is bothering him.  JM just wasn’t his happy own self.  He looked pensive.  BTS did several interviews and had a concert that day, so maybe he was just tired or wound up, but he just wasn’t acting like himself.
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April 2017 - Bon Voyage 2 Hawaii
Highlights of the highlights: The but checking and identifying (are we taking skinship to another level, are we??).  
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JK getting drenched at the beach, JK getting drenched period. Lol.  
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JK gobbling down piping hot Pizza so JM can eat. 
JM playing footsies under the table with JK, all while sitting opposite V.  
JK edging JM to come along calling him “Aegyo” = “Baby”.  J
M making sure JK doesn’t go hungry, buying him food with his own money.  JM taking care of JK. 
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JK and JM on same team – the joy… Spending the day together and just being happy. 
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 Did JK really lose the game on purpose so he can be in the room with JM? 
The amount of times we hear Jimin-ssi in every kind of cute and flirty way JK can say it…
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22 April 2017 JK Vlive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n8y3D0Z9pM . 
JK doing everything to get JM back to his room while playing loud music. 
JK’s face lighting up when JM returns to his room. 
JK telling JM he looks handsome without makeup.  
JK pissed off when V comes in too, saying “why is everyone coming?”.    
When V touches JK’s ear, JK pushes him away.  
JM moving off camera to fix his robe, and JK not taking his eyes off him.  
V putting his foot on JK’s back (this is something I have seen V do a few times, it’s not a gentle touch, to me it feels more like asserting dominance), and JM pushes him off.    
And what exactly did JM mean when he said he has no talent for games but “I was quite good at it a year ago”?  Only to be followed by the stare, OMG, the stare.  Why, oh why did V have to ruin the moment, eh?
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22-23 April 2017 Bangkok concert. Flirting on stage, attention to each other.
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24 April 2017 Eat Jin Vlive with JM and JK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxX_UGXSlY .   
Jin complaining why JM doesn’t hit him like he did JK, so JM hits him too. Lol. JM stealing the steak JK cuts for himself, while JK lets him, smiling.  The way JK just lets JM get away with anything, even interfering with the ultimate ‘ship’ - Jungfood. 
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3 June 2017 – J-14 magazine interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7rXl8uuUTY&t=306s .  from 3.33min. to 4.37min especially.
Wtf was JM up to there????? It looks pretty dubious, especially when you look at the faces on the two of them when it was going on.  Up to your interpretation.
2 June 2017 – Ceremonial first pitch at baseball match – Hanshin Koshien stadium - JK and JM’s jersey numbers – coincidence or not?
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12 June Festa 2017 BTS BangtanTv –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWA6f7g7NUQ&t=2s.
JK’s intense stare at JM, when JM joined the others in with the others when they were laughing at JK eating everyone’s food but not ordering any for himself, which causes JM to immediately stop laughing.  
Poor JK being blindsided when it was pointed out that the only one he bought a birthday present for last year was JM.  Oops. (why oh why JM did you throw him under the bus like that??? You were curious? Really???? JM keeps doing this) Poor boy was so embarrassed.  Hobi was the one to actually save him, stating how generous JK has become lately giving away his things that he didn’t need. JK never answered the question. 
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27 June 2017 BV2 special commentary live – JK getting all flustered when asked to explain the difference between BV1 and BV2.  JM looking at him, enjoying every second.
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4 August 2017 - KBS Music Bank Singapore.  JK not loving on Taemin.  The way he turns around the minute JM and Taemin interact, and the discontent look on his face…cold.  He’s not a happy camper.  He glancing in the direction a couple of times, but he is mostly turned away from them.   And when JM runs up to slap Taemin in the butt, JK sees this, averts his head, and just keeps walking off the stage.  He is clearly upset. Besides the obvious faces he makes, not waiting for Jimin when walking off stage is not something he usually does. Was it jealousy?  Was it just a disliking of Taemin specifically?  And if he dislikes Taemin, why is that?  We can’t know. 
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OK now, I know I said that I won’t be doing Twitter, but this one I felt I had to (again, oops):
On the 6th of August 2017 JM posted a photo he took during their Hawaii trip (BV2). Why take this photo, and why post it?  Do I really have to ask this question?
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29th August 2017 the famous, or infamous People Now “arrest me” interview -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGxcMndEk8 .  
I couldn’t find the actual date of this interview, but it was uploaded end of August 2017. I really enjoyed this one.  Everyone talks about JK’s “arrest me” JM mishap during this interview.  The members reactions are to die for.  
Can someone tell me please what Suga told JK in Korean before they moved on?????  
Also, JK’s reaction when JM said he wanted to collab with Suga (watch from 7:58min), was like:
 W H A T  in  T H E  actual F U C K???. LMAO.  
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Summer package 2017 – released August 2017.
JK and JM being all playful by the pool.  JK letting us know how adorable JM is to him when he is swimming doggy style in the pool.
The one that stands out to me, though, is the ‘dream catcher necklace saga’.  Felt a little uneasy to see that one, like I was witness to a lover’s tiff.  
The boys were given a budget each to purchase themselves a gift.  They are taken together to a gift shop, where they check the merchandise out and each buy themselves a little souvenir.  When they all sit down to show each other their gifts, that’s when this moment happens.
JK takes out his gift. I once again want to emphasize, this is a gift he bought with his budget for himself.  He explains it’s a dream catcher and says he will put it in his room.  
JM, sitting next to him, takes it from JK and says: “this is a necklace Jungkook-ssi”. 
JK blurts out adamantly that he won’t hang it around his neck.   
This is when things get awkward, because you can see JM is clearly upset, throws the necklace back at JK and says: “OK, then”.
JM has a dream catcher necklace around his neck too, and when it’s his turn to tell what gift he bought himself he takes the necklace off and gives it to V, saying he bought the gift for V, who had a nightmare last night.
After JM’s mini tantrum JK, who previously adamantly professed he will not put it around his neck, does everything he can to put the necklace on, finally turning to JM to help him put the it on, which he does.  
Later on, while sitting for the personal interview, with the necklace around his neck, he tells us how from now on he won’t have nightmares.
What did I get from all that?
Clearly JM was pissed at JK’s reaction.  Why?  JK clearly bought this by himself for himself. 
But did he?  Was it something he chose for himself, or was it something JM suggested to him?
JM also bought a dream catcher.  Was that a coincidence?  For some reason, I don’t think so.  
My theory is that the dream catcher is something JM suggested or wanted JK to buy for himself, and JK reluctance to wear it offended him.  JM clearly bought the other dream catcher for V.  Perhaps he wanted both his boys to have one, and to him, JK’s comment felt as a rejection.
The way JK reacted to JM, his immediate change of attitude towards the necklace, trying to put it on, when only a second earlier he said he won’t put this around his neck, shows how attuned he was to JM, how he immediately realised he did something wrong, something to upset JM, and how he tried, in his own way, to atone for it, by wearing the same thing he but seconds ago rejected.
This brings me back to the point I made about the boys relationship, and them finding the balance. A perfect example to how there will still be conflict, but how JK realises, immediately, that he had done wrong and what he has done wrong, and immediately sets to right the wrong, hence to restore that balance.
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JM throwing the necklace at JK.  Also, notice the editor’s remark.  JM’s anger is obvious not only to me.
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To be continued... 
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imsebastiantarot · 3 years
In a previous ask, an anon wanted to know more about the future of his current relationship. I will draw 12 cards starting with the current month, so I can “look at the year ahead.”
Come on, vámonos!
Three of Wands-(Nov. 15-Dec. 16): Looking to plan the future with more conviction. Also a warning to keep an open mind to better opportunities. In love, though, this means his relationship is heading to the next phase. According to Angela’s 6 steps of moving in, they’ve done 1-5 which are: 1-spend the night, 2-spend the weekend, 3-spend a sexy weekend together somewhere, 4-give a key to their place. And the precursor to moving in, 5-spend a 10 day vacation (trial run) together, preferably somewhere tropical. The next step is 6-move in together. So there will be talks about moving in together during the dates listed above.
Queen of Cups (reversed)-(Dec. 17-Jan. 16 2022): clingy lover, dependent lover. He puts more effort into the relationship than she does. He’s more supportive and the balance is off; there might be a few arguments around this time.
Three of Pentacles-(Jan. 17 2022-Feb. 16 2022): Seems like they mend things and we’ll be seeing more couple stuff. They’ll be working on projects together but it remains to be seen whether that will be in acting or in their home(s). There are benefits now, but they are insubstantial and temporary.
Five of Swords-(Feb. 17-Mar. 19 2022): tension, conflict, arguments, fights. The atmosphere around them is tense now, maybe due to spending too much time together. Or someone could be demanding more from the other person and they’re not ready yet.
20-Judgment-(Mar. 20-Apr. 19 2022): a closer look will be taken into the relationship around this time. Judgment in tarot love meaning indicates a time of self reflection. Issues in his love life once ignored, may be seen in a new light. This could be a turning point in their relationship. They can either talk it out or call it quits.
Ten of Swords-(Apr. 20-May 20 2022): the moment a lot of people have been waiting for. Ten of swords in love tarot means a relationship coming to an end. It can also mean a certain time full of grief and pain, so he might be sad about it coming to an end. Keep in mind this is just one way things could go.
Page of Wands-(May 21-Jun. 20 2022): this is a good card to draw after the breakup, it means he’s excited to meet new people and explore more when it comes to love. He could meet someone during this time, someone who embodies the page of wands (adventurous, lively, falls in love quickly, can also get bored easily). But the romance won’t last long.
Page of Cups (reversed)-(Jun. 21-Jul. 21 2022): seems like lover boy will meet someone else. This person is shy, kind of awkward and hesitant as per the characteristics of the page of cups love meaning. They might be a little emotionally immature, so maybe someone younger than him again.
Queen of Pentacles-(Jul. 22-Aug. 22 2022): this card seems to point to someone with different qualities than the previous two, so it seems like he’ll be dating around for a few months. We may or may not be able to see who these people are in the future (if there are pap shots). This card means this person is generous, hardworking, has a talent for business and loves comfort and some luxury. Seems like he’ll be busy for his birthday and will treat himself or themselves to something.
Seven of Cups-(Aug. 23-Sep. 22 2022): there are several decisions that can be made here. He may have to decide between these people he’s been dating, or decide between love and family or love and his career even. He should trust his instincts here and keep a lookout for red flags in any of these people.
Queen of Swords-(Sep. 23-Oct. 23 2022): during this time he will be looking for self-sufficiency and independence. This doesn’t mean he’s not in a relationship, but that he’s looking for his own space within that relationship. So it seems like he will commit to someone. The person represented by the queen of swords is smart, perceptive, a little intimidating to those unknown but loving and loyal.
11-Justice-(Oct. 24-Nov. 15 2022): justice is about karma, and if he’s been putting the effort in, true love will be coming his way. He should be mindful of the way he’s treating his partner, and make sure that any conflicts are resolved with respect and trust.
That brings us to the end, the dates are a little wonky because I started this reading a few days ago and I couldn’t figure out how I wanted to split the dates up. So they might be a little off. Thanks to everyone who has followed and sent asks. Stay tuned for more 🔮
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pannyacottafugo · 3 years
i have this vento aureo band au and idk how to write so i’m just gonna dump it here
so everyone’s in uni and giorno convinces mista and fugo (who are like close friends) that should start a band yayay and like i was thinking fugonara ?? maybe ?? idk idk it’s just random thoughts u could also do a fugio thingo too which i think would be cute but idk yet so yeh ..
also it’d be set (as in it would start) in like end of april/early may for reference (im australian so idk how times work overseas for school and uni but here uni starts around feb,, also i hc fugo as having a birthday in like early july so he would turn 19 later in the year)
fugo (18) — electric guitar (and sings sometimes ?? they alternate)
- first year studying law, him and giorno are roommates at uni, him and mista are like close long time friends probably from high school and they like playing music together, frenemies with sheila, is a massive music nerd and has narancia over (they meet through mista who asks narancia to be in the band) to play him songs he thinks he’ll like
narancia (19) — drums
- 2nd year and is doing arts maybe ??, taught himself how to play drums cause he’s cool i guess, him and mista are good friends (met at uni last year), doesn’t live on campus but basically does cause he just sleeps over
mista (20) — electric (also sometimes sings i guess)
- 2nd year but idk what he’s studying no one does idk, took a gap year (which is why he’s 2nd year), knows like everyone, lives on campus but his roommate is never in and probably throws parties all the time for no real reason, he also probably rly likes playing acoustic so he might sometimes use that at band practice ??
giorno (18) — nofing but fugo is teaching him piano and guitar
- 1st year studying either something environment/bio related or psychology related idk yet, roomies with fugo and besties with trish (from high school), his idea to start the band and comes to all their practices, never learned instruments which is why he wants to learn (not necessarily cause he wants to be in the band but more so out of interest i guess)
bucciarati (22) — also nofing :(
- 5th year and is studying to be maybe like a professor idk something smart, lives with abbacchio because they’re dating 🙄, comes to practice and sits in the corner and studies (also is the supplier of snacks cause he’s *cool*), mista sometimes gets notes off people he knows and gives them to him for exams and so the two of them are cool (mista knew abbacchio prior to him and bruno dating i think also)
abbacchio (23) — bass guitar
- not in uni but is on campus a lot to sit in the library with bruno while the two of them work, i think he might be a writer?? like he does journalism but is one of those “i’m writing a novel and have been for 17 years” headasses, mista and him are friends and mista convinced him to join their funny little uni band, OK YEH AND HIM AND GIORNO HAVE LIKE A FEUD GOING giorno works in this bookstore where abbacchio goes and he’s like his worst customer and abbacchio hates him cause he gives him sass idk i thought that might be funny
trish (17) — sings sometimes
- 1st year doing either media and comms or something music related, her and giorno are like besties and he convinced her to let them practice at her house cause she lives at home and it’s a big house with a nice garage, her and sheila are dating thanks to fugo, she’s technically not in the band but will sing sometimes (she wants to make her own music and is working towards it so she enjoys being a part of the band)
sheila e (17) — nofing either
- not in uni (either doesn’t want to go or is taking a year off), works at the campus tho in like a starbucks or something like that, fugo buys coffee and bumps into her and they clash like every morning (but they’re actually pretty good friends — she was one of the first people he met on campus cause she probably made fun of him or smthing and he got pissed off lmao), fugo brought giorno and trish with him once and accidentally became a match maker for sheila and trish, is only at practices cause she happens to also be at trish’s house
OK YEAH but like i have lots more ~thoughts~ this is kind of what i was thinking but i’m not joking i’ve got like way more written somewhere ..,, this is just a bit too long but like i’ve got plot points and like ideas of where they work and yeh,,, also ideas on how to include fugonara stuff (but now i’m also thinking there’s some cute fugio potential tbh,, so idk where to go with that)
also idk what they’d call the band lmao i’m bad with names but they make like typical teenage punk rock type music and giorno is basically the unofficial band manager cause the rest of them are hopeless but they play at mostly bars and stuff (i think the legal drinking age in italy is the same as here which is 18?? idk even if it isn’t i’m just basing it from what ik i guess)
ok that’s all for now i just had to write this somewhere LMAO
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katyobsesses · 3 years
Katy my beloved 🧡
so once you're up and you have time!!
I'm requesting your list of the characters brithdays
anyways good night may your dreams be sweet because it is late for you ✨
Good Morning! It is 8am on a Sunday! and I want to go back to sleep! but I have a train to catch at 9!
So, Birthdays!! I posted about it on Reddit like almost a year ago (the first thing i ever did on reddit, actually!) So I'll copy paste that and change some things because i think I have changed some things since.
So I started this because of my fic series One More New Direction and i went a bit inane due to, like, timelines. so i wanted to give everyone birthdays if they didn't already have them. (and obviously have a note of them all just in case they could be used in the plot)
Here is a screenshot from my timeline google sheets of all of the birthdays (ignore the OCs and the colour coding, it's just me trying to keep track of who is new and who is graduated, this is also why Roderick isn't in this, becasue in my fic he hasn't transfered yet (this is the year between S5a & 6) and Jane hasn't started highschool so that's why she's not on it) and I'll explain them (mostly S2 NDs) under the cut (my reddit comment amended, basically) 💛
I know I missed Blaine but... he's not in my fic as a ND member at all so i didn't give him a birthday just yet because i haven't needed to.
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Puck: Aug 17th 1993 I choose Mark's actual birthday because Glee did that with Kurt so why not the other characters. - I see Puck as being the second oldest after Kurt, just based on vibes, so Mark's birthday fit here.
Rachel: Dec 18th 1994 This is her canon birthday. this means she turns 16 in S2 which makes her the youngest of her year group. I've headcanoned that she skipped a grade, or maybe her dad's started her in school a year earlier than everyone else because, well, it's Rachel.
Santana: Jan 12th 1994 Basically I used Naya's birthday. I know this messes up Finn's 'canon' birthday but bare with me.
Finn: Jan 15th 1994 I didn't use Finn's canon birthday because in S4 Sue says he's 19, like a lot, and I also couldn't find it anywhere but the Fandom Wiki. So his canon birthday doesn't work. Finn dies at 19 and if his birthday was the canon one of Aug 24th 1994 he wouldn't have been 19 when he died but 18. So I changed it and used Naya's birthday and what was said during S1's madona episode that Finn was 3 days younger to come up with Jan 15th.
Quinn: Feb 1st 1994 Basically I just looked up her birthday and there was a random thread on Fandom Wiki that stated this was her birthday so I rolled with it because it works with the timeline.
Britt: March 14th 1994 It's what it says on Fandom Wiki, but I don't remember it ever being said in canon. However it's also Pi day (3.14) so that's fun for the 'math genius'
Tina: Mar 28th 1995 A year younger than the others as she graduates S4 not S3. I was going to go with Jenna's birthday just because but apparently her and Harry (Mike) share the same birthday! So I had Mike have April 28th and moved Tina's up a month
Mike: Apr 28th 1994 See above I guess. It's Harry's birthday so I rolled with it. graduates S3
Sam: May 6th 1995 A year younger because he graduates S4. It's said in the prom episode that his birthday was a week before so I looked up when American's have prom (I'm english) and yeah. this was what I decided??? I can't remember why exactly I chose that date but I'm sticking with it because I can't change it in my fic now without messing stuff up. I maybe would change it to a week earlier so at the end of April.
Kurt: May 27th 1993 This is canon and makes Kurt the oldest in the club which is fun since Chris is the youngest of the main cast and it's also Chris's Birthday take away 3 years. My headcanon is that his mum and dad kept him back a year before starting school because he was so small or something OR that he missed too much school when his mom died and had to retake a year. I'm leaning towards the latter because that's a sadder backstory.
Artie: Jun 14th 1995 A year younger than everyone. again, I used the actor's birthday because I'm lazy and it fit.
Mercedes: Jul 10th 1994 I just see Mercedes having a summer birthday for some reason. IDK? literally just picked my mom's birthday.
And that's it for the main cast.
Here's the S3&4 newbies too, but it's mostly either random or the actor's birthday.
Unique: Aug 20th 1995 so she's in the year below Sam/Tina/Artie in my headcanon which is why she's not still at McKinley or highschool in S6. Alex's Newell's birthday.
Ryder: Sep 14th 1996 A year younger than Unique. A Sophomore in S4 (I think that may be said somewhere? or at least implied?) He could be a Freshman too, so 1997 or stick with '96 and have him kept back a year because of his dyslexia, but I decided against that in my story. Just a random date I picked because I didn't have anyone else in September.
Marley: Oct 4th 1996 Also a Sophomore in S4. (again I think that's said?) Melissa's birthday
Jake: Oct 17th 1997 Freshman in S4. Honestly, it's simply because Puck doesn't know him and if he was a Freshman in S3 than Puck would have maybe interacted with him? or at least known there was another Puckerman in the school and I don't think it's said anywhere that he's transfered or anything. so hence, a freshman... Jacob Artist's birthday.
Joe: Nov 12th 1994 completely random. In my head canon he's in the same year as Sam/Tina/Artie
Sugar: Feb 14th 1996 A year younger than Sam/Tina/Artie. I also just like the idea of her birthday being on Valentine's day, it kinda makes the whole Sugar Shack thing kinda sad in a 'noone would come if it was just for my birthday but! Valentines!!' way
Kitty: Feb 22 1997 Young enough to come back in S6 as a Senior (don't get me started on the confusion of that timeline) Random date.
I also headcanon the McCarthy twins as around late-1998/1999 (I picked 23rd May because Twins and Gemini! Only one based on astrology!) and in their sophomore year in S6. Same with Spencer
Rodderick ~ 1997 ish. I believe it's stated that he's a senior in S6? Same with Alistair??
Jane's a Freshman in S6 so a late-1999/2000 birthday.
and Myron is around November 2001 ish because he turns 13 in roughly November 2014... i think... again S6 timeline is insane.
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We’re closing out our fic promo posts with one last Motivation Monday! If they aren’t on there already, make sure you add these five authors to your reading list! 
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softbrio ( @softbrio ) started writing Good Girls fic in April 2020 and have posted 32 works since then featuring a lot of fluff and soft Rio.
but tonight i'm gonna hold you so close
06 Mar 2021, T, 3.3K, 1/1
"But after everything, I don't hate you. I was scared, if anything," Beth said, staring at the wall in front of her. Her eyes fixated on the tiny crack in the wall. It was like them--together, but not perfect. "Scared of what?" Rio asked. "Getting in too deep, then driving you away,"
they say she’s gone too far this time
22 Feb 2021, T, 1.4K, 1/1
beth needs the gun that rio made her touch back, and he has a lovely idea of how she can *win* it back
after hours
18 Feb 2021, M, 1.6K, 1/1
He started to push her hair that was dangling into her view away with his hand, and he leaned in even closer. So close that she could just barely feel his breath on her neck, and it reminded her of when they were in that bathroom—and her bedroom. inspired by the s4 trailer.
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Hereliesbethboland writes Brio fic for every occasion, from one-shot to multi-chapter, T to E, canon to AU, fluff to angst and everything in between. 
Table It
02 Mar 2021, T, 1.8K, 1/1
Rio shows up before Beth leaves for Vegas. s3 canon divergent ficlet.
In the Loss In the Gain
28 Feb 2021, E, 18K, 3/3
After handling her rotten egg Beth is ready to get back in the game. Can she gain the keys to the kingdom without losing herself? (Season 2 canon divergent after 'Slow Down Children at Play')
21 Feb 2021, E, 35K, 4/4
a little AU fic featuring Rio as Dean's boss and Brio lust at first sight…
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Sdktrs12 ( @sdktrs12 ) has posted 24 Good Girls fics including from hefty multi-chapter AUs to canon divergent one-shots plus a number of holiday-centric fics.
A (very) Charlie Brown Christmas
14 Jan 2021, T, 2.1K, 1/1
“What is this?” Rio looks up from where he’s seated behind his desk, taking Beth in, who leans against the doorjamb on the other side of the large office space from him. She thinks for a minute she might have to clarify just what it is she’s referring to, but then he’s following her sightline and he rolls his eyes as he drops his pen, settling back in his chair with his hands folded in front of him. “Looks like a Christmas tree.” He answers glibly, rolling his shoulders back as she steps further into the office and Beth scoffs. “This is not a Christmas tree.” She laments as she gets closer to the desk, holding out one of the glasses currently occupying her hands to him, which he takes with a small nod before settling back into his chair. Her fingers come out to poke at the blue blanket that’s wrapped around the base of the small pathetic (supposed) tree, that’s currently sitting atop the desk. “You really are the grinch.” - AKA - A Brio Christmas party (but like, barely)
I Put A Spell On You (and now you're mine)
01 Jan 2021, E, 32K, 24/24
31 Days of Hauntober (A ficlet for every prompt from the #Hauntober Prompt list for October.)
Touch (without leaving a trace)
27 Dec 2020, E, 3.4K, 1/1
Kink Prompt 50. pre-brio. beth’s short at a drop and offers herself to the gang to negotiate more time. rio only watches as she get passed around, turned on but refusing to touch her. he comes to her later that night. alone. Gangbang, exhibitionism + GG Kinkfest Author Bingo Board #1 - Re-use a canon quote in a different context, Write a kink you haven’t written before, Include a scene with no dialogue.
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delicatelingon ( @delicatelingon​ ) has been writing Good Girls fic since January 2020 including a number of one shots and a four fic PWP series.
A snowflake fell (and it felt like a kiss)
31 Dec 2020, T, 2.7K, 1/1
A small road trip out of state, only they don't make it all the way back…
03 Nov 2020, E, 1.5K, 1/1
Beth’s shitfaced. She’s so drunk she can’t stand without swaying, it’s like she’s on an endless rollercoaster and she doesn’t know how to get off. Relaxing a little, she lets him support some of her weight and she can’t help but nuzzle his neck a little. Rubbing her nose at his short hair, she lets out a kitten sigh, he smells heavenly.
What Mama Say (Life is Good)
03 Nov 2020, E, >1K, 1/1
“Thank you?” This was not going where she thought it were, but if this was something he’s into… then he looks up to her and she sees the vulnerability in his eyes and she thinks, yeah, maybe he needs this. She can do this for him. She makes her voice all soft, the way she’ll talk to her kids when they’re upset or just before bedtime, “don’t worry, you’ll always be my baby. Why don’t you come up here for a cuddle?”
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Itsfatebaby has been writing a long-running kid fic series since April 2020 featuring Beth and Rio spending time with their own and each other’s kids throughout their lives.
Birthday Dinner
21 Nov 2020, M, 1.6K, 1/1
Just a nice birthday dinner.
21 Nov 2020, M, 2.1K, 1/1
Just someone who thinks they are an adult.
June 18th
03 Sep 2020, NR, 2.7K, 1/1
No matter what it comes once a year.
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If you know of anyone’s tumblr/twitter and we haven’t found it or tagged incorrectly, please send us an ask to let us know.
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blesspastacraig · 3 years
A Year in Review
I wanted to creat a list of sorts of everything I wrote in 2020, since I managed to do a lot.
Here’s my one shots:
Not Alone - Published 08 Jan 2020
"I keep telling you, I don't want to go" Craig complains as he burps one of his two newborn twin daughters. His mom, thankfully is burping the other. Craig knows he should be nicer to her but two newborns has him at the end of his tether.
"I know but I'm going to keep pushing you until you do" she says, swaying and patting Daisy's back.
or Craig and Tweek bond at a young parents group because they're the only two people with twins.
New Beginnings - Published 19 Feb 2020
Tweek doesn’t want to push her, so they’re both a little cautious of one another. Tweek doesn’t want to barge in and fill a role she hasn’t given him yet. She’s never had a second parental figure before, and Tweek doesn’t want to force himself into that slot. He barely feels worthy of being the father to his biological child, let alone a stepdad figure to this poor little girl who’s life he’s just invaded.
Or Tweek takes Craig's daughter to a daddy daughter dance because Craig is unable.
Love Chooses You - Published 29 March 2020
He's heard the phrase that you can't choose who you love before, and really, right now he knows it's true. Damien never would have chosen to love Pip of all people.
Rebuild - Published 11 May 2020
“I’m flying Craig!” Tweek cries from the top of the concrete slab. Craig doesn’t answer, only sighs. He sinks down knowing he’s gonna let it happen. He doesn’t want to let it happen but the alcohol has made him slow. Kinda in the same way the drugs have made Tweek fast. They’re out of sync with no way of catching up until sobriety. So Craig just watches, letting it happen. Like he’s watching his own body do nothing. The inner voice tells him to move, to stop it but the body can’t unstick itself from the ground.
Coming Out - Published 20 May 2020
If Tweek is being honest his friends were Craig’s friends, originally. Now they’re his friends too but before Tweek had been a bit of a loner. Not by choice, but for whatever reason kids at school either didn’t like him or just didn’t know he existed. He spent most of his time alone, reading books, studying, playing music or anything one can do alone to ease boredom. For the longest time he’d been the freak and now he actually had friends, like, for real.
Red Racer and Ice Cream - Published 12 June 2020
He could leave, but he knows Tweek will start worrying about him. Tweek is having a good night, he seems pleasantly drunk and is having a great time with Jimmy and Token. Craig doesn't want to wreck what is shaping up to ve a good night for Tweek. It's taken a while to get Tweek to really feel comfortable in social situations like these. He wants Tweek to have the best night he can.
Much Ado About Theatre - Published 15 June 2020
"It's in english stupid, just old english" Tweek reminds Craig.
"Whatever I don't get it. It's like reading gibberish" Craig says dismissively, clearly frustrated.
"Why are you -nghh- taking this class then?" Tweek asks, purely curious. It's not just Shakespeare Craig seems disinterested in. He seems uncomfortable onstage as a whole.
"Because you're taking it" Craig admits sheepishly, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
Sure - Published 19 June 2020
Craig gets his first piercing and Tweek accompanies for moral support. They talk about facing fears and the future.
or Tweek is covered with piercings and tattoos and Craig is a body mod virgin.
Firsts - Published 02 July 2020
Craig likes having a Birthday in the winter. It's kind of a good excuse for only inviting like, four people to his gatherings on the excuse they can't go outside. Craig was never big on the schoolyard politics, even when he was small. The idea that he had to have the biggest party, or the most extravagant and have to decide who or whom not to invite stressed him out. He likes having the excuse that he only had a small house, and that his Birthday was in winter in Colorado, so that he can only invite his best friends and be done with it.
or Craig and Tweek's first birthdays together as boyfriends.
Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Vasopressin - Published July 11 2020
Tweek sighs boredly as he stirs the potion in his cauldron. It's not that he doesn't like earning a living making potions for people and casting spells but it's so much of the same thing. It's always love potions, that's all he makes these days.
Distracted - Published 26 July 2020
Tweek and Craig needed this break so badly. He feels kind of bad for Craig's mom, who is probably going to have a sleepless night babysitting their son. But holy shit, they needed this.
Stir Crazy - Published 14 August 2020
Craig Tucker: Tucker baby coming 2020! We could not be more excited to announce that Tweek and I are having a baby! There's no one else I'd rather go on this crazy journey with. - with Tweek Tucker.
or Craig is pregnant in quarantine.
Source Decay - Published 16 August 2020
Craig still hasn't taken off his wedding ring. He knows he should, but he just hasn't found it in him yet. He knows Tweek hasn't either, he's seen it in pictures even though now they've been separated longer than they were together.
Baby’s First Skateboard - Published 10 September 2020
Craig and Tweek never really grew out of skateboarding. They do it less often than they did before becoming parents, but they still do their best to make time.
You’re the Boss at Home - Published 18 September 2020
So he has mixed feelings about his last day. He knows he'll miss working, he's always been a working person and he knows he won't like sitting at home waiting to go into labor. But also, he doesn't have to deal with everyone fussing over him being pregnant anymore.
Little Star - Published 03 October 2020
This can't be happening to him, he can't have a baby! What would he do with a baby? He doesn't know. He doesn't even know what he's going to do when he goes into labour. He knows, inevitably he will. That he will go into labour, the baby has to come out some way and it's gonna hurt. He knows all this, but he can't bring himself to ask for help. He knows he's in trouble but he doesn't know how to ask for help.
Baby Love - Published 02 November 2020
Craig tries to swallow down the pain. He can't yell or cry out. Everyone will know then. He has to stay quiet or else everyone will know. He bites down on his lip hard and crouches on the floor near his bed. He has to just breathe, if he breathes through it he can make it. He knows he can.
This Time Around - Published 12 November 2020
Tweek knew he was pregnant with his second child straight away. It was a 180 from his first pregnancy, where he took months to figure it out. When he was pregnant with his first child, his son Teddy, he didn't really have much in the way of symptoms besides being hungry all the time. That was pretty easy to dismiss and write off. They weren't trying for a baby, so Tweek had no reason to assume he was pregnant. He only worked it out because he began showing.
Whatever We Are - Published 22 December 2020
It's hard because Stan isn't quite sure what he is to Kyle. Is it just sex? Is it more? Does Kyle maybe wanna make it more official soon? Stan doesn't know. He knows he loves Kyle and he'd pretty much do whatever Kyle wants. But for now, he's just enjoying the intimacy.
Temptation - Published 24 December 2020
Being summoned is kinda annoying. It's kind of like being asleep, super deeply and then pulled into the bright bustling world with no warning. It's no wonder most demons are angry and violent.
Tweek is an imp, so he's more on the mischievous, poltergeist side of the spectrum. He still scares the shit out of most people who summon him. Usually kids with ouija boards who don't know what they're doing. It's whatever, Tweek usually chases them for a bit, makes them scream and that's enough mischief for one day. Tweek can choose to appear by choice, and leave when he wants to but he rarely does. Humans are mostly annoying, so he stays in his own little world until some idiot summons him.
Traditions - Published 25 December 2020
"I hate Christmas" Craig sighs, looking around at all the lights and decorations. He glares at all the people bustling around. Don't they have homes to go to? He rests a hand on his swollen stomach, he certainly wishes he was home.
Here’s My Multichapters, completed and ongoing:
The Sound of Silence - Completed 25 January 2020
15 Chapters
Craig manages to find himself alone, jobless and a new parent. He struggles to put the pieces of his life back together and build something new for both himself and his daughter.
Don’t Break Me - Completed 26 March 2020
2 Chapters
"What are you -ngrhh- accusing me of?" Tweek growls.
"Literally nothing Tweek, I'm accusing you of your health improving? Isn't that good?" Craig huffs in annoyance. He's sick of his intentions being misinterpreted.
Insight - Completed 10 April 2020
2 Chapters
Craig listens to the incessant ticking of the clock on his wall. He can’t actually see it, it’s night and all the lights are off. But he can hear it, a constant reminder of the passing of time. He knows he should sleep, he really wishes he could but it’s just too hard. Knowing Tweek isn’t here but not knowing where Tweek is. He can’t help but worry even though he has so much more to worry about. His mom would tell him off, tell him he needs to rest but this thing with Tweek has him so messed up.
When We’re Older - Completed 04 July 2020
10 Chapters
When they're older they'll start again. They'll get married, find a house, do it all right. Have children when the time is right and build the loving, nurturing home they both have always wanted.
Stowaway - Completed 14 July 2020
3 Chapters
He's slowly beginning to accept it himself, yes, he's pregnant. He knows it but he's not quite ready to face the consequences yet. He didn't intend to get pregnant, he just got too drunk at a party and had sex with a childhood friend. Consensual but unprotected. He feels stupid now.
So he hides them, the baby, like a little stowaway.
Algorithm - Completed 12 August 2020
5 Chapters
Craig shakes his head. He looks at the homemade bracelet which spells Craig on Tweeks wrist. His heart breaks thinking about how Tweek will cut it off once he knows the truth.
Two for the Price of One - Completed 26 August 2020
4 Chapters
Craig has never been one to succumb to baby fever. He knows a lot of people in his profession do. Both he and his husband, Tweek, professional lives revolve around babies. Newborns too, and while Craig acknowledges that babies may be cute, other people's kids have never really triggered some urge to have his own.
Hungry - Completed 11 September 2020
2 Chapters
Tweek has heard about cryptic pregnancies before. He's seen I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant before, people saying they didn't have any nausea, felt normal, didn't put on weight. This isn't quite that, Tweek gained a small amount of weight. He felt fatigued, but he just put that down to stress. He didn't feel nauseous unless he had a headache, so it was really easy to blame that on the headache. The real only symptom he's had is the hunger. He doesn't think it's far fetched that he didn't realise, surely?
or Tweek doesn't realise he's pregnant because his only real symptom is being hungry all the time :)
Creek Week 2020 - Completed 02 November 2020
7 Chapters
My contribution for this years Creek Week 2020
All seven of these are short snippets of either fics I intend to write, or AU's I have left unfinished. But I thought it might be fun to share small excerpts.
Complicated - Ongoing, Last updated 08 January 2021
18 Chapters Published, 20 Chapters all together.
Craig kind of has an image. It's not that he's pretending to be someone else, but he likes to be perceived as aloof, cold and quiet. He's nice to people who truly know him, but he doesn't like to be perceived as soft from the outside. People already think he's kind of weird, and putting up those walls really helps him to keep unwanted people out. His boyfriend sees his sensitive side, his friends do and his family do. The rest of the world gets a cold shoulder, at least until he gets to know someone and decides to let them in.
Craig and Tweek figure out an unplanned pregnancy, Craig learns families come in all shapes and sizes. Especially LGBTQ ones.
AO3 Statistics:
Word Count: 261512
Hits: 22599
Works Published: 31
Top Five Fics by Hits:
1. Complicated
2. When We’re Older
3. The Sound of Silence
4. Stowaway
5. Hungry
All in all, not a bad output. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read, leave kudos and comment. ❤️
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
since the tweet gremlin (which btw i still don't like calling the anon that haha) asked so nicely...
here is colby's tweets from early 2017.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone's tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
Jan. 1, 2017 - But I never thought I could feel this way at 19
Jan. 2 - Hahahah @/SamGolbach got me a mini fridge for my birthday so I don't have to leave my room for snacks
Jan. 5 - One of the greatest things I've learned: Just have FUN with life. It's not worth it to be sad all of the time.
Jan. 6 - Sam and I both slept passed our alarms WEEEEE
I haven't eaten all day cause of traveling and I'm STARTING TO SEE STARS.
Really want a valentine this year ..
Jan. 7 - Meeting people who support you > anything else
Jan. 12 - Me and my bed have a serious relationship. I can't be to far from it or I get withdrawals
Jan. 17 - " Woke up at 3am from a dream I had about you .. "
Jan. 18 - Everyone needs a mental break every once in a while
Jan. 19 - It's SO important to do what makes you happy. Even if it's against the "norm"
Jan. 21 - Feels like the same things happen over and over again every day.
Jan. 22 - I hope it's something worth the waiting
Jan. 24 - I love entertaining people and making them laugh .. but my main goal in life is changing the way someone thinks forever.
If you struggle with self-esteem like I do, just remember that YOU are the worst critic of yourself.
what you see/think negatively about yourself could be someone else's favorite part about you. keep your head up
Jan. 25 - Been feeling lost for the past couple days but now I'm back on track
Jan. 31 - Can't really rely on anyone out here. Just doing me and focusing on building my personal brand.
(i'm sorry... this is such a weird tweet lol i get what he's saying, but something about calling himself basically a brand is just... weird to me)
Seems like everything just falls through. My hopes rise up just to be brought back down based on what people promise/say.
Feb. 2 - My eyes will always have natural dark circles around them. No matter how much I sleep
Feb. 4 - Don't ya hate it when people say they're gunna do something .. then completely forget/just don't do it? Hahahah annoying.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to grow facial hair Hahah
I should go to a friends house and watch the super bowl.. Nah. I'll stay home alone instead and watch the puppy bowl
Feb. 6 - You know life is amazing when the only thing that truly gets under your skin is the little things that really shouldn't.
They won't be laughing later
Feb. 7 - Being honest with people is always the best. They will respect you so much more
Feb. 9 - I want to make it clear to you that success is not determined by lectures or 5 page essays or how many participation points you earn
.. But rather the passion you have for something. What you really love to do and what your heart wants. Do what makes YOU happy
... and I promise you that with effort pushed towards something you love you will find success. Maybe even greater success than a desk
Feb. 11 - " She's so simple yet confusing "
Music is my escape
Even if your friends don't understand, no matter what I'll always be your man
Feb. 13 - Never liked people who act like theyre all that. Being genuine and humble takes you far
It really sucks how the negative things are focused on SO much more than the positive.
Because of that I wanna say a genuine thank you to the people who don't leave hate and are nice! I notice you and really appreciate it:)
There's only so much immaturity I can handle in one day before I start to feel like I'm going insane
Feb. 14 - If you're single this Valentine's Day, here's my heart --> <3 Take it, it's yours
(...oh my god??? i'm crying WHERE IS THIS COLBY AT?? BRING HIM BACK)
Feb. 15 - Life is literally all about having fun! Why else would we all be alive !?
Feb. 18 - Somebody who you can watch a marathon of The Maury Show w/ is a keeper.
"We are not a fandom... we are a family" What a powerful statement. I have the best fans in the world. Onward and upward.
Feb. 19 - 3:34 wide awake. Just want to feel tired.
Surround yourself w people who make you happy and lift you up
Feb. 20 - Ready for things to change up a bit.
Hard for me to open up and really make friends. I usually keep my circle pretty small.
Feb. 21 - This might sound crazy to some .. but I'm beginning to think everything in the world is connected in some way
Feb. 23 - Im not afraid to make mistakes anymore cause I know I'll just learn from them
My future is clear, mind is not
Feb. 24 - No matter how hard you think things are, I promise there's something worth living for ... it's out there
Arguing and drama really only makes things worse in my opinion. Talking things out civilly is key
Tonight I'll be sleepin in a new house
Feb. 26 - I heard a scary noise outside my room .. have to go check it out
well I guess it started raining outside .. it was the sound of water dripping out of a gutter .. THANK GOD
Feb. 27 - Pancakes make me happy. :)
Feb. 28 - You and you only on my mind
March 1 - I'm so happy there's going to be 2 doggies in our house
March 2 - Just looking for a friend I can go on crazy adventures with ..
If he/she is loyal, keep them
March 3 - Everything has been so crazy and hectic this past week, but I love it !
March 4 - Hard for me to open up
I'll do anything to see you succeed if you're close to my heart
March 6 - I love @/ItsCoreyScherer cause he always shows me different music and then dances for my entertainment
March 7 - Never felt more inspired to be 100% me.. not caring anymore
People act like they know me and know what's going on in my life just based off of my social medias. It's crazy
March 12- I just don't care anymore.
March 14 - Crazy how much happier I become after surrounding myself with positive, fun people
Ever have those dreams that make you think really hard right when you wake up?
March 16 - Prove them wrong.
March 19 - Swam with dolphins today ... probably one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life.
One of my biggest weaknesses: I never trust anyone, it's rare when I do.
Never use another person to fill an empty feeling you have in yourself. Focus on improving YOU, and that feeling will go away
Those people calling you names now aren't gunna mean anything to you in a few years. Be yourself !
March 21 - You guys helped shape my entire future, so I swear I'll do my best to help shape yours
March 23 - I'm always afraid to start a series of a good show, I'll be in bed for the rest of eternity
March 26 - SPYRO THE DRAGON. That was my shit! Countless hours and energy put into that game
March 27 - It's been one of those "non-stop" days.. These are my favorite days to be alive.
"Don't worry if it could have, if it should have, it would have"
Sometimes I wonder why I try so hard. It feels like im putting all this extra weight on me for nothing.
March 29 - If you look into the Charles Manson documentaries it's scary as hell .. How could one person convince all those people? HEROIN
Give me 30 minutes to think by myself and I can become so inspired
I'm like the worst person when it comes to responding in group chats
March 31 - Staying humble is so important in a city like this
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annalewis63 · 3 years
Thanks fot the tag @90spopstargirl!!!
1. Name/Nickname: My name is Hariane (the "H" has no sound), but my friends call me "Annie" and my mother calls me "Anna."
2. Gender: Female.
3. Star Sign: Aquarius 
4. Heigh: 5′5
5. Time: 9:20 pm
6. Birthday: Feb. 08, 2002
7. Favorite bands: The Police, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Van Halen (with Dave), Men At Work, Oingo Boingo, Genesis, The Go-Go’s, Queen
8. Favorite solo artists: Sting, Phil Collins, Kate Bush, Prince, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Madonna
9. Song stuck in my head:  Finish What Ya Started by Van Halen
10. Last movie: How To Steal A Million
11. Last show: The Crown
12. When did I create this blog: I think it was October 2016.
13. What do I post: Everything I like, everything that has to do with me and with my personality, my favorite bands, reblogging posts about things I like, movies, series, memes, things I agree, everything a little I would say.
14. Last thing I googled: I was researching on how to make polaroid photos at home.
15. Other blogs: For now I only have this blog for now.....
16. Do I get asks: YES
17. Why I choose my URL: At the time the blog was done, I had a crush on Jerry Lewis and I always loved the last name "Lewis", I don't know, I always thought it was beautiful, so I put together the nickname that my mother gave me and his last name, and mixed it with the year of my favorite movie of it, "The Nutty Professor", and the rest is history.
18. Following: 223 blogs!
19. Followers: 92! I thank everyone for making Tumblr my favorite "social network"! Thank you for your support, laughter and attention! I LOVE U GUYS!!!
20. Average hours of sleep: 5
21. Lucky number: 20
22. Instruments: I'm still learning to play acoustic guitar, but I know the basics of the piano and a little drum (thanks Dad!).
23. What I am wearing:  my minnie mouse pajamas.
24. Dream job: Live music, be a singer, actress, dancer, model, something in the artistic area.
25. Dream trip: I want to travel the world, Italy, France, London (Liverpool....), live in NEW YORK! And get through Newcastle, why not?
26. Nationality: Brazilian.
27. Favorite song: There are so many but..... What's Up by 4 Non Blondes.
28: Last book read: I'm currently reading Stewart Copeland's biography, but I just read Sting's biography, I recommend it!
29. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live: Interesting.....Harry Potter, maybe Narnia and Terabithia.
I tag: @j-e-f-3-0, @visfar-the-101, @proudduranie, @elp-asia72802, @lindseybbuckingham, @joniroxanne, @rayraycl, @magicaldestinytrash and everyone who wants to do that.
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seda-xiv-archives · 4 years
LFRP Seda’li Dhen
Yep, he’s back!
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 22
Birthday: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (Feb 14)
Race: Miqo’te (Keeper of the Moon)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Server: Balmung
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: So light it’s hard for some people to tell if it’s a shade of pink or a shade of blonde. He likes it that way. Tips stained black.
Eyes: Right eye purple, left eye seafoam green.
Height: 5'9″
Build: Lanky and lithe.
Distinguishing Marks: The hair, the light freckles, the mismatched eyes, and the shit-eating grin, obviously.
Common Accessories: A bright blue aetheryte earring in his right ear;  Golden sneakers. You heard me.
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Entertainer. He’s done everything from ring leader for a carnival troupe to hosting various performances to being involved in various performances. He likes the spotlight. Once upon a time, it was a whole different kind of entertainment, but he’s uh…he’s moved on from that. Kinda.
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing music, garnering attention, and generally being obnoxious. Sometimes, he likes to do a little woodworking. Maybe even a little cooking.
Languages: Eorzean.
Residence: Somewhere in the Mists.
Birthplace: The Shroud.
Religion: He and Menphina are tight.
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: If he told you that, you’d know.
Relationships ––– -
Parents: There’s a man, and a woman, and they’re somewhere.
Siblings: Two older brothers, Tohz and Byren. He’s not close to either of them and hasn’t spoken to them in forever.
Pets: Nada. No time!
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Rarely. Drugs: Nah. Alcohol: Socially.
RP Hooks ––– –
Entertainment/Performances - Whether he’s watching or performing himself, Seda is an absolute lover of the arts and everyone who partakes in them. He’s got a background in the industry, usually as the supporting role, so if you need an audience, some assistance, or hell, just a cheerleader, hit him up. You’re also welcome to whip up you’ve seen him somewhere in the past, even if you haven’t. I won’t tell.
Keepers - He left the Shroud by choice when he was a teenage…because he was bored. He’ll still boast his Keeper claim, while frolicking in the sunlight and parting at night. Maybe you knew him when he was younger. Maybe you think he’s an embarrassment to mooncattes everywhere. He’ll take it.
Friendbuddies! …Enemybuddies! - Seda is a social butterfly, even when people don’t want him to be. More likely than not, he’ll but into conversations he’s not invited to just for the sake of…well, being noticed. You’re more than welcome to get up in his face, too, whether it’s to be friendly or to beat him up. He’s all about that energy.
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Contact Information  ––– –
I’m available for RP in-game as Seda’li Dhen (@Malboro, but I travel). I work a weird schedule, 3-4 days (Wed-Sat) a week (the fourth day, Saturday, rotates every other week) from 7PM-7AM. This makes me the supreme overlord of being totally understandable about slow replies or people not being able to be around all that often.
That said, I’m always down for friends. Hit me up!
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@mooglemeet​  @ffxiv-crystal-rp​
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kikerino · 3 years
Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Mu--Wait, that’s not right.
Hello, how’s it going? If you’re reading this, I hope you’re doing well. As for me, I’m okay right now. I’m making progress in my endeavors (some of them, at least) and nothing is going badly today. This is all we can ask for in this day and age.
Anyway, I’ll get to the point; why am I here? I just want to track my progress in getting my life sorted. Not an easy task, when your first 22 years didn’t amount to much, delayed and perhaps even hindered future progress.
You can stop reading here if you want, it’s okay. This will be a lot. Tl;dr at the end.
When I was very, very young, my parents were discussing sending my older brother to public school. My parents had also been talking about homeschooling him. They had bad school experiences and didn’t want us to go through the same. My brother overheard and said he didn’t want to go to school. He loved me and didn’t want to be away from his beloved baby sister (things do change; we fought like cats and dogs for most of my childhood) and could they please homeschool him? And so they agreed. Good intentions, you know.
20 years, much emotional abuse, lots of home and not much school later...
I moved out of state to live with my best friend’s family a few months before I turned 21, back in May 2019. I was severely depressed, emotionally stunted, couldn’t drive, was generally not in a good way at all. It took me a bit to get it together enough to really start living my life.
Within a month I had healed enough to realize my feelings for my best friend (who had wanted me for years before that), so he’s my boyfriend now and has been since that June. I wanted to lose weight, so he started taking me to the gym with him. I got a job soon after in July. In Feb 2020 I decided I was ready to learn to drive. My boyfriend and his mother taught me. I got my license in early August, and my car later that same month.
The pandemic hit in March 2020, gyms closed, and I regained all the weight I lost and then more, which is still an ongoing battle. The day before my birthday in September, the gyms finally reopened. I can’t describe how happy I was. Best birthday present ever... then in October, almost exactly a month after my 22nd birthday, my father had a massive stroke. I drove back to my home state (following my boyfriend’s mom; she’s a saint) to be there with him when he inevitably died, and attend the funeral. That entire month is a blur to me, and I’m still working through it. The 3 month anniversary of his death is tomorrow, and I’m not sure if I should call my mom to at least acknowledge it or just let her be.
I gained even more weight after that. Current time, here I am, 22 years old, 5′1 sitting at +200lb, the heaviest I’ve ever been, trying to lose weight and finish high school so I can further my education and get a better job. Stress eating and sugar addiction is rough. I’m looking to write here daily to track progress or at least weekly with my weigh-in results. On the bright side: It’s the 19th and I’ve already been to the gym 14 times this year. That’s progress. I just got a Fitbit because I think it will motivate me to keep up healthy habits regarding activity, and so far I like it for the most part. Using every trick I can find to get myself back on track and under 200.
If you did read this far, thank you. If not, that’s okay.
tl;dr parents kept me home from school and did not teach me, and now I’m doing online high school at 22 while trying to lose weight and be healthy (oh, and work a full 40 a week in an understaffed grocery store amidst a global pandemic), and this is my space to record my progress. Expect weigh-ins, possibly recipes, and maybe some complaining.
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lieutenantcupcake · 3 years
I never did my usual survey thing at the beginning of 2020 so I’ll never know how 2019 was. Whoops. I guess here’s the one for the last year, for posterity.
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? Earned a graduate degree. Experience a pandemic.
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I have no idea. I don’t think I made any. This year I wanna be more creative, but only in ways that will make me happy.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Jonathan and his wife had a bb.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No.
5. What countries did you visit? lol
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? I’d like my confidence back. I don’t think I had realized that I’d gained some in my first two years of grad school until my new advisor kinda made me lose it all.
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 131st. j/k Time wasn’t real so idk maybe Halloween when Sarah, Elizabeth, and I had a tea party in a historic cemetery and then watched RHPS on Sarah’s porch and ate Pho.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? MFA, I guess. Though it felt/feels fake because graduation and celebrations didn’t happen.
9. What was your biggest failure? Letting shit get to me. To be fair tho, not letting shit affect me probably would have been unhealthy. Basically my thesis was fucking depressing as shit and not fun and I’m really glad I got to wing the last few months of grad school because of the pandemic (but I’d would rather have had a completely shitty time the whole time without the pandemic).
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No.
11. What was the best thing you bought? A new computer.
14. Where did most of your money go? Rent. Fuck landlords.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? When it looked like Bernie was going to do well in the primaries before the DNC fucked everything up for him. Again. Getting into a relationship?????
16. What song will always remind you of 2020? Idk probably something from Punisher.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
17. Thinner or fatter? Fatter?
18. Richer or poorer? Poorer
19. What do you wish you’d done more of? Telling people to fuck off.
20. What do you wish you’d done less of? Overthinking
21. How will you be spending Christmas? I got to be at my parent’s house after quarantining for over two weeks, so that was nice.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? Too soon to say, but it’s something.
23.  What was your best costume of the year? Probably Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows. I also liked my mostly closet Harley Quinn costume.
24. What was your favorite TV program? DS9! I watched all of it over the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, and tried to watch all Star Trek, which was really fun.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Probably some politicians. I definitely dislike a lot of people I didn’t before.
26. What was the best book you read? I read like 2/3rds of one book this year lol.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? I guess Phoebe Bridgers? Or was it discovering that I actually liked Taylor Swift with Folklore?
28. What did you want and get? A cute boy who likes me?
29. What did you want and not get? To actually see that cute boy irl. I guess technically we saw each other like Jan 2nd or 3rd last year, but that barely counts.
30. What was your favorite film of this year? I really enjoyed Birds of Prey. I’m bad at watching movies on my own. Oh wait, I def saw Parasite last Feb, so I’m changing my answer to that.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 33. Heather, Kenny, and I had drinks and ordered appetizer combos from BDubs and Applebapple. For a quarantine birthday, it was pretty good.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Not having a global pandemic? The DNC not fucking Bernie? But besides that, my thesis not being a clusterfuck.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? Goth athletic wear. Not enough tracksuits for health goth tho.
34. What kept you sane? Heather. Playing 430 hours of Destiny 2.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Went on another Hugh Dancy kick, but that’s about it.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? I worked for the Bernie data entry team which was really fun and did some text banking too. After he suspended his campaign I kinda gave up on politics, but still went to every BLM protest/march in Athens.
37. Who did you miss? Literally everyone I know. Especially Bianca.
38. Who was the best new person you met? Didn’t do a lot of meeting people this year. I enjoyed the brief period of time before my internship shut down with my supervisor. I ran an errand with him at one point and his car started playing a podcast he was listening to previously and it was William and Alaska from Drag Race and I was like 👀
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I've been running around in circles Pretending to be myself Why would somebody do this on purpose When they could do something else? Drowning out the morning birds With the same three songs over and over I wish I wrote it, but I didn't so I learn the words Hum along 'til the feeling's gone forever
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