#who's to say!! but tummyache gone at least
rubberbandballqueen · 6 months
man people who have chronic pain are stronger than any us marine for real. i had a tummyache so bad earlier i had to curl up in bed and do nothing but scroll through tumblr on my phone for like fifteen minutes instead of doing what i wanted (code on the computer). cannot imagine living like that for days at a time on the regular.
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bellyasks · 5 months
totally misread a request as being for Prompts instead of Ask Game so heres this while i redo it gjhdsjhd (stuffing -> stomachache)
Challenge: Your character is a competetive type, and they'd rather die than back down from a challenge. When they're dared to finish off en enormous serving of food in one sitting, they get right on it, determined to come out on top. Whether they go at it strategically or not is up to you, but it's going to be hard on their poor stomach whether they manage to finish or not.
Challenge Aftermath: Your character is left with a painfully stretched belly, and potentially the shame of failure on top of it. Even if they finished everything, the taste of victory isn't sweet enough to cancel out their awful bellyache. Does the person who challenged them feel guilty? Do they tease your character for being such a knucklehead? Do they offer them something to help?
Appetite: Your character is absolutely starving. Their eyes are bigger than their stomach, and while the amount of food they make/order seems perfect on an empty belly, it quickly proves to be far too much. It isn't long before they start feeling full, but, not wanting to look silly for misjudging, they try to finish as much as they can. How much can they eat before their belly forces them to stop?
Appetite Aftermath: Your character is far too full to finish everything and has to reluctantly put away the leftovers. Their belly feels strained and yucky, and all they want to do now is curl up in bed and let their belly settle. Are they able to? Is anybody around to witness their tummyache? What would the other person/people do?
Defiant: Your character is a certified pain. If somebody tells them to do one thing, they just have to do the opposite. When somebody suggests they save some of their enormous meal for later so they don't make themself sick, it's no exception--now they have to finish, simply because they were instructed not to.
Defiant Aftermath: Your character has made a fool of themself whether they managed to finish their food or not; now they're saddled with a bloated, aching tummy and the shame of proving the other person right. Does the person who warned them say "I told you so"? Do they take pity on your poor overstuffed character?
Emergency: Your character has to get rid of a lot of food fast. Maybe it's about to expire, maybe it's perishable and they have nowhere to put it, maybe they're not supposed to have it and somebody's coming home early, but they need it gone, and there's only one logical place to put it. The question is, do they succeed before their belly starts aching too badly to finish?
Emergency Aftermath: Your character has managed to get rid of the food, or at least most of it, but now they're stuck sprawled out on the couch with a heavy, swollen belly. They make quite a sight for whoever next comes through the door. Their belly is bulging out uncomfortably, and they're looking more than a little green. If somebody else does come home, how do they react upon seeing your character? If not, how will your character try to soothe their sore tummy?
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vancilocs · 3 years
Oh plants? Pestle and floria?
save the beeeeees
how would they react if their s/o is sick?
He'd keep his distance a bit if it's contagious (my dude has a lousy constitution) but bring things like tea and snacks, also try and make a remedy if he can, simple cold medicine and other mixtures for tummyaches and such
She packages her wife into bed, brings her snacks and tea and whatever else she may need, makes sure she gets her rest and gets better before she does anything even a bit strenuous. Brings lots of honey in tea, cakes, etc.
what do they look for in a s/o?
Someone interesting and cute, he claims to want nothing to do with adventure but his heart keeps pulling him into shenanigans so he does crave at least some excitement
Someone cute, sweet and kind, someone she can adore freely and openly and who returns her feelings
how do they react when their s/o is gone for a week? a month?
He can deal with it, he's used to being alone. Sometimes he will deal with insecurity and jealousy but that will fade when reunited. Weeks will go by fine, a month he can handle, multiple months will make him a little antsy and jealous
She's longing and missing when not seeing her gf for a few days, a week is torture and a months makes her miserable. Not jealous, just missing her so much
how would they act if they were rejected by the person they like?
Takes it in stride, it's a bit of a hit for his self-worth but he will get over it
Smile through the pain, willing to remain friends and will get over it
how long does it take for them to say ‘i love you’?
A while. He's not very verbally affectionate in general so he'll show through actions then
Not too long, she says it to friends and family too so it's not really different from saying it to a partner
what type of gifts do they like to get their s/o?
Practical, handcrafted ones, usually mixtures or ingredients because he knows about them. He puts thought into them too, so they'll be useful.
Flowers, snacks, honeycomb, sweet and pretty ones like she is!
what do they love the most about their s/o, both physical and personality-wise?
It's endless adventure with Hibiscus, it can be exhausting sometimes but also good to have someone he can completely trust with him. Likes the determination and positivity, he can be the pessimistic side then. Physically just likes their body, doesn't mind being a bit shorter, likes their eyes and hair the most though
Maud is beautiful, kind, gentle and loving, always so thoughtful and sweet. She's tall, elegant, she's the most beautiful girl in the village, has gentle ,delicate hands and kind eyes, exquisite cheekbones
what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
Gives gifts and does acts of service, quality time is fine, limited on the physical affection. Doesn't mind verbal affection and some physical affection (mainly things like holding hands, touching hair, spooning).
Verbal and physical affection (within Maud's limits), quality time, gifts in form of flowers and honey. Also enjoys receiving all of them, likes verbal and physical affection the best.
do their relationships tend to be more serious or casual?
Fairly serious, he's had flings in the past but these days he doesn't rush into relationships and likes to stay in them
Serious, she's been with Maud since they were teens and isn't planning on ending it
what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most?
Fairly gentle kissus on cheeks and mouth, maybe put hand on hip or cheek or neck. He prefers kisses on cheeks and mouth too, maybe forehead, maybe temple.
Small kisses everywhere on face, big ones on mouth. Likes forehead and nose kisses but cheeks and mouth are great too
what do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
Not much, maybe sits next to them, stares until they look at him
Calling her name, grabby hands, goes in for the hug
would they be good at keeping a relationship secret, if needed?
Yes, he's very nondescript even when he's not keeping secrets. If someone finds out that's their problem. But if needing to keep it silent he can and he will
She would try super hard and think it's working but it really isn't. Doe eyes and pet names are too much
who would be the first to propose?
They're nowhere near that point
Mutual agreement but Floria brought it up
how would they react if their s/o died?
Despondent, hurt, angry
Absolutely inconsolable
if their s/o was hurt, what would they do?
Either mend wounds and look after, or then first mend wounds and then attack whatever hurt them, he's not a man of violence but he is armed and capable
Look after, patch wounds, if someone hurt her sic bees on them
how often do they get into fights with their s/o? who usually apologizes first?
They have disagreements but not fights really, he doesn't like secrets but also is understanding so conflicts get resolved so there's not even a need for apologizing
Never, really. Floria knows what Maud hates and doesn't do that
how jealous do they get? how do they react when they get jealous?
Sometimes he does, usually when he thinks he has competition. He's a little huffy and petty, a bit more nervous than usual, needs some attention and reassurance afterwards.
Not at all, honestly. She's very secure with Maud. If someone were to flirt with her she'd get be amused but also like yep! My gf is beautiful!
what is their favorite form of physical affection?
Hands in his hair or cupping his face, holding hands
Kisses, hugs, hands on her cheeks or waist, holding hands, sitting on her gf's lap or cuddling
who likes to tease their s/o the most? how do they react to being teased?
Some snark, mainly teases about Hibiscus being horny @ Trapper (it's the jealousy and his own horniness), accepts any snark he receives in turn, it's all good-hearted
Only kind teasing, mainly Floria teases Maud by saying how beautiful and amazing she is because it makes her blush and hide because she's shy
how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
Snarking probably, or with compliments. He blushes fairly easily when the talk turns to romance or certain dreams
Maud blushes and hides at the slightest flirt and touch, it's way too easy. Floria blushes with kisses and compliments
what turns them on the most?
Battle, wine and righteous anger, apparently
Romance, touch and saucy words
do they use any nicknames/pet names for their s/o?
Will say Hibs when he doesn't want to use the full name
Honey/honeybun, beeloved, queen bee, sweetie...
how would they confess their feelings to their crush?
Strangled "I like you" when it feels appropriate. Or just kiss them if they seem accepting of it
Blush and hide and twirl hair and tell the other that she's super pretty and cute and nice and uhhh would you wanna go out
are they big on cuddling? what is their favorite position to cuddle their s/o in?
He likes to cuddle when going to sleep, otherwise he wants to have something to do (like reading a book while the other cuddles up to him). Likes to spoon or then just snuggle face-to-face, prefers to be the one held than the one holding but having someone rest against his chest is fine too
Looooves to cuddle, anything goes, being big spoon or small spoon, doesn't matter, lay on top, rest head on chest, whatever
if their s/o is sad, what would they do to make them smile again?
Offer a snack, crack dry jokes, try to find out what's making them sad, tell funny stories that happened to him that might apply to the situation, if it's a person making them sad, talk shit about that person
Bring food and drink, bring flowers to sniff, give cuddles and kisses, try and find out what's wrong and try to make it better, if not possible then just hold and try and tell jokes if it seems appropriate
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
4) au au: triplets are watching Nico when Nico has a tummyache. They don't think anything of it at first, hoping it'll go away by the time SaMiTzh come back from their date. But it only gets worse. Sae (who's had it before) suggests appendicitis, and all 3 girls panic. They drive her to the hospital. While on their date, Mina's work phone goes off with a text saying there is a 5yo in the ER with appendicitis, and then Sana's phone rings at the same time because Saya is calling her. 🦄
“Mommy… Don’t go.” Nico was attached to Sana’s leg as Sana put on her jacket. 
“I’m sorry sweetie. I’ll be back tomorrow morning okay?” Sana leaned down to kiss Nico’s forehead. “Unnies will take good care of you.” “But my tummy hurts.” Nico whined, tightened her grip on Sana.
“I know sweetie, but you don’t have a fever and your lungs are fine. Just eat your dinner and tell Unnies if you feel worse.” They were used to Nico having stomach aches. She was a sickly child, so sickness and tummy aches were just common for her. They all felt bad about it, but it was just something they were used to. Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu had been planning their date for weeks now. Since Nico didn’t have a fever and all three of her sisters were watching her, they weren’t too worried about her little tummy ache. “I love you okay?” “Okay.” Nico reluctantly let go of Sana’s leg. She slowly walked over to Tzuyu and gestured for her to pick her up. Tzuyu picked Nico up and kissed her cheek. “We have to go now kiddo.” Tzuyu informed. “Be good for Unnie’s.” Tzuyu looked up at the triplets, who were all watching from the couch. “And you three, take good care of her.” “We know.” The three nodded. 
“Bye Nico. Feel better.” Mina smiled at her youngest in her wife’s arms. “We’ll be here after her bed time, but we should be back by midnight.” “Okay.” Sae nodded. “Nico come on.” Nico pouted as Tzuyu put her down and she slowly made her way over to Sae. “Bye bye mommy, mama, ka-san.” Nico had always waved goodbye to them no matter where they were going. She had picked up the habit from Sana and it had stuck. “Bye sweetie!” Mina, Sana, and Tzuyu each made sure to kiss Nico before they left. Once they were gone Nico got up onto the couch and turned the tv on.
“Do you want to do anything Nic?” Sae turned to Nico. 
“It hurts.” Nico pouted. 
“I know.” Sae nodded.
“How about we all bring our pillows and blankets in here, that way we can have a movie night and Nico can still lay down?” Saki suggested. 
“That’s not a bad idea honestly.” Saya nodded. “I’ll go get the stuff.” “Nico, do you want to help me pick the movie?” Saki didn't even know why she bothered to ask, Nico was going to be picky anyway.
“Yeah!” Nico smiled. 
“Okay, let’s do it then.” xx 
As the night goes on, Nico gets worse and worse. At first her sisters don’t get it because Nico has a fair pain tolerance for her age, but she was still in a lot of stomach and head pain. Nico tries to be a trooper, but her sisters can tell it hurts, and that there’s something off with their baby sister.
“I’m getting kinda worried.” Sae commented as she looked into the playroom. Nico was playing cards with Saki, but she was holding one side of her stomach. “Do you think it’s appendicitis?” “It’s not that bad.” Saya shrugged.
“Not that bad;  Saya she can't even sit without holding her side.” Saya shrugged. Yes she was worried, but she didn’t want Sae to know that. 
“Nico-chan it’s your turn.” Saki prompted her little sister. Nico had been spacing off a lot more than usual in their game of go fish, and now she wasn’t even paying any attention. “Nico-chan?” “Oh.” Nico came back to reality and looked at Saki.
“Does it hurt that bad?” Saki asked, concerned.
“Yeah. I want Mommy.” NIco couldn’t stop the tears that came to her eyes. “Saki Unnie… Please. When is mommy coming home?” Saki’s heart broke at her little sister's question. “Why don’t I go ask okay?” Nico nodded, going back to looking at her cards while Saki got up and went to Sae and Saya. “How much longer until Mom comes home?” “A few hours…” Sae trailed off. “Look I think we need to take her to the hospital.” “Why?” Saya asked. “It’s a stomachache.” “I don’t think it is. Remember when I had appediticus? My side and stomach both hurt a lot too. Plus I can tell she has a fever from the way she’s acting. Appendicitis is more common for people when their siblings have had it, it would track for her to get it.” Sae explained. “Even if it isn’t that, we should be cautious. That stuff is serious and she’s so young she could be at a huge risk.” “I’m with Sae on this one.” Saki nodded. “There’s something really wrong with her. Now isn’t the time for your unloving big sister act Saya. She could be in real trouble.” Saya’s demanor wavered at Saki’s statement. She wasn’t against taking Nico to the hospital, she agreed it was the right call. But she just didn’t want her sisters to know she was really soft for Nico. “Fine.” Saya pouted. “Go grab her and let’s go.” 
“Can you drive Saki?” Sae asked, already moving forward to grab Nico. 
“Yup! Saya can you go grab her hospital bag?” Since Nico was such a sickly child, she had a hospital bag always at the ready. It had basic stuff that was easy to replace. Some pajamas and stuffed animals along with a small blanket. They had started keeping it around when Nico was a baby, as most sicknesses, even minor ones, sent her straight to the hospital. They had just wanted to be prepared, it was easier when they had something ready especially when they were in more of a rush to get Nico to the hospital. Nico didn’t necessarily like the hospital, but she was just used to it. Even if she wasn’t checked in she would have to go once a month to go her routine checkups, so she was used to it.
“Unnie?” Nico yawned when Sae picked her up. “Where are we going?” “You’ll see Nico-chan.” Sae looked down at her little sister. “You’ll see.” xx 
Mina, Sana, and Tzuyu hadn’t realized how much they missed dates. It was just hard for them to have them, right when the triplets were old enough for them not to worry about them being home alone Nico came along. Of course they loved their kids, but they weren’t great for dates. So this one meant a lot of them, even if there was the lingering worry over Nico’s stomach ache.
“Babe she’s fine, she gets stomach aches like once every two weeks.” Tzuyu grabbed Sana’s hand and squeezed it when she noticed how stressed her wife looked. 
“Im sorry, you know how stressed I get about her.” Sana sighed. “Omega instincts, I want to be really protective over her because she has health issues.” “Which is perfectly normal, we are all protective over her, but she’s fine. She has Saya, Sae, and Saki with her. And Sae is studying to be a doctor, she may not be Mina yet but she’s getting there.” Tzuyu joked. “Yeah, I know we worry about her, but tonight is about us.” Mina agreed, taking a sip of her wine. “No work, no kids, just us.” Right after Mina said that her phone started ringing. She groaned when she saw the caller id. “It’s work.” “Answer it darling.” Sana prompted.
“I don’t want to.” Mina sighed. “I feel like I’m always working.” “It could be an emergency.” Sana nodded. “If it’s not you have my permission to hang up on however it is, even if it’s your boss.” “Deal.” Mina laughed, getting up front the table to take the call. “Her job is so important. I forget that sometimes.” Tzuyu sighed as she watched Mina walk away.
“Yeah, I think she does too.” Sana nodded. Right after, her phone started ringing too. When she checked the caller ID she noticed it was Saya. 
“Saya?” Sana asked, answering the phone while her free hand still held Tzuyu’s.
“Mom? It’s Nico…” xx 
When Mina had gotten the call there was a five year old in the ER with appendicitis, she knew she couldn’t ignore it. Sure she didn’t normally work on kids, but the hospital was short staffed that night and they needed anyone to help the kid. She knew she could never turn it down. No kid that young deserved anything like that. Nico was that age, and she could not imagine how crushed she would be if that was her child in the ER.
However when she got to the table, Sana had more bad news for her. It wasn’t just some nameless five year old, the kid in the ER was Nico. Mina had never been more panicked before in her life. She slapped a one hundred dollar bill on that table and all three of them left quickly. The frantic drive and mood of everyone reminded her of the day Nico was born. They had all been stressed out then too. But they had tried to keep things calmer back then, at least for Sana’s state. This time though, they were all panicked.
When they got to the hospital, Mina rushed to the back to get ready for the surgery while Tzuyu and Sana found the triplets. 
“What happened?” Tzuyu was out of breath after running to find the three. 
“We don’t really know…” Saki started. “She was in a lot of pain so Sae suggested we bring her here and next thing we know the doctors are kicking us out and she’s going into surgery.” “I thought it may be appenditius because she looked like she hurt where I did when I had it, turns out I was right…” Sae sighed, avoiding her parents gaze. “I’m sorry I didn’t think of it sooner.” “No, no you did the right thing.” Tzuyu wrapped one arm around Sae. Sana was buried into her other side, trying to not show the triplets how hard she was crying. “Thank you. You saved her life Sae. We should have been the ones to do something about it, but you really saved us all.” xx 
Mina had never been happier to be done with a surgery when Nico’s was through with. Usually parents weren’t allowed to operate on their children but with the lack of surgeons on call they didn’t have any other choice. Mina was just happy things went well and Nico was okay. While the others doctors and nurses left after moving Nico to her hospital room, Mina stayed with her. She was still out cold, but Mina held her tiny hand. She hated seeing Nico like this, but they had been there more times than Mina had ever wished. 
When the rest of the family was allowed to see Nico, they all piled into her room. 
“She’s okay.” Mina had a teary smile as she turned to the rest of the family. “Thank you so much for noticing Sae.” “Of course Ka-san.” Sae nodded. “Saki and Saya helped tonight too.”
“Thank you all, you all saved your little sister's life tonight.” Mina looked at all three. “And I’m so proud of all of you for it.”
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secret-vore-lair · 4 years
More precious than water, more precious than gold
Dritha learns that sometimes you find beautiful things in the harshest places when Zali drops into her life, and her stomach. Contains digestion and a predator who doesn’t care about the safety of her prey. But Zali is, well, Zali, so there’s no peril or fear in here.
Dritha relaxed in the waning hours of the day. The sun sank down over the flat, featureless horizon. The desert-dweller was lounging against a tall formation of weathered stone, the only shade for miles. The wind tousled her feathered crest ever so slightly, but aside from that the reptile was entirely still. Her stomach was, for the first time in a long, long while, a significant part of her silhouette, and she was listening to it wind down. When the gurgling and the bubbling finally faded, she gritted her backward-angled teeth, bobbed her head upon its long neck, and hacked something up onto the patch of sand next to where she was sprawled. A large gold ring, smooth and shiny with her saliva.
She watched it with an intense and predatory focus. She didn’t even allow herself to blink, closing the secondary eyelids she used to protect her vision from sun and sand so she could keep them open longer. Would it work again? She prayed it would. Not that she particularly believed in the divine. She didn’t believe in anything, really. But she would do whatever it took to avoid losing something precious. That was the only way to survive here. But this time it wasn’t water she had found. This was something far, far beyond that.
There! Dritha slowly got to her feet, still staring at the ring as it began to glow and rise into the air. She kept herself low, her long tail straight out behind her for balance as she prepared to pounce. Light was spilling out of the ring, just like last time. Little golden particles, flitting about like embers, before gathering into a shape, the shape of prey. She leapt just as the shape flashed, fading and resolving finally into a much smaller lizard, a kobold with light, sandy scales and big blue eyes.
Dritha landed on her immediately, clawed feet pinning her to the ground. The little morsel had the wind knocked out of her, but she didn’t seem too much to mind.
“OOF. Oh! It’s you again,” she wheezed. “You look much healthier than last time! Glad I could help. I’m guessing you want to go again?”
Dritha leaned down and inspected her find once more. She hadn’t changed at all from the last two times, still the same slender lizard, with upward-curving horns and little fins on the side of her head, her snout fixed in what was apparently a permanent grin. And that gold ring was firmly around her ankle, the only possession she had. Well, the only possession she had now. The coins she’d had when Dritha found her the first time were in the bag Dritha carried on her side, and the gauzy outfit she’d had on hadn’t survived the raptor’s belly. Dritha didn’t stop to chat. She opened her long jaws wide and gripped the little creature’s head, already beginning to swallow eagerly.
Zali, for her part, couldn’t have been happier. She’d found herself lost while trying to visit a friend who lived in the desert, and had been wandering for days without any food or water. The regenerative power granted her by her ring wouldn’t allow her to expire, but neither was it a fun experience. Finally, her salvation came. When she saw the big, raptor-like creature barreling toward her across the wastes, she got excited. A fellow traveler to keep her company and show her the way was exactly what she needed right now. But Dritha had leapt onto her and devoured her right away, sending her to her lean and ravenous belly in a few quick swallows. And that was even better! Dritha had apologized, and Zali tried to tell her it was okay, but apparently the poor girl needed the calories badly because Zali found herself worn down to nothing in record time.
When she popped back into existence again, Dritha was so shocked that she didn’t give Zali a chance to praise her for her stomach’s expert work, sending her right back down to gurgle again. And now that trip number three was proceeding apace, Zali was pretty sure they’d ironed out the terms of their relationship. “Not much of a talker?” she asked in a pleasant tone as her predator’s gullet squeezed and conformed to her body shape, yanking her down to the rough waters of her stomach for another round, except this time, Zali found herself in much tighter accommodations, pressed up against a texture and form she was very familiar with, thanks to certain gluttonous friends. “Heehee! Looks like there’s still a little bit left of me in here from last time!” She purred and cozied up in the mess, enjoying the additional squishy softness her degrading previous body provided while preparing to melt away again.
Dritha felt the last of her meal’s tail slip down and get sealed into her core, and collapsed. Her stomach was distended, resting on the cool sand. She panted to catch her breath, ignoring the muffled voice of her prey and focusing on the way she shifted around instead. It almost made her dizzy with pleasure. She hadn’t eaten this much or this frequently in . . . a while. Too long to remember. She savored it for several minutes, the stars coming out and the temperature sinking from blistering heat to a chill, one thankfully contested by the warmth produced by the activity inside her. Despite the amazing way it all felt, though, her stomach had slowed its processes considerably this time. Normally her metabolism was fast, allowing her to always be on the go, dashing quickly from one temporary safe haven to the next, but now she was exhausted, even in spite of the recent intake of energy. A long, labored gurgle sounded from her stomach, followed by a muffled, high pitched voice.
“Hi again! It’s a lot slower this time, huh?”
Dritha sucked in a breath and jerked her head upright, smacking it on the rocks above. “Ow! You startled me.” She rested one of her hands on her belly, feeling the subtle movements of the kobold inside. She’d never struggled. Which was weird enough, even without these . . . extra lives of hers.
“Oh, sorry! Yeah, I’m usually gone by now, aren’t I? Your belly’s really powerful! It’s nice to get a chance to go slow and take it all in this time, though.” Zali nuzzled at the folds of the stomach lining. “Maybe we should take a break after this one, though. You were really skinny when we met. I don’t want you to make yourself sick by eating too much too soon!”
Dritha narrowed her eyes. There it was. “Nice try. I’m not taking my eyes off you. You’re the only source of food around, and I can’t risk it. Sorry, but you’re mine now.”
“Aww, really? Well I appreciate the concern, but I’ll stay close! If something tries to steal me away, I’ll just yell really loud, okay?”
Dritha blinked quickly. “No, I mean, I’m not going to let you escape.”
Zali cocked her head. “Why would I want to escape?”
“Because either you’re an infinite supply of nutrients and I’m going to eat you forever or you’ve got a limited number of . . . whatever happens when you come back to life, and I’m going to use you up, and you don’t want that,” Dritha growled, exasperated.
Zali giggled. Dritha twitched. “What’s so funny?”
“I do want that,” Zali chirped. “That sounds perfect! And I’m not going to run out. At least, I don’t think so. If I had a choice, I’d spend every day like this one! You were so happy when you ate me the first time. You were hungry, and then you saw me, and you knew I could help! You wanted me. And then you kept wanting me, again and again! And your stomach! I’ve never been melted that fast before! You’re amazing! Plus, it’s a lot better in here than out there.” Zali pushed both claws against the stomach wall and began to rub gently.
Dritha shivered. She was feeling something she had never felt before. Her stomach felt fluttery, and her cheeks felt hot, and there was a tingly sensation in her tail. She’d never really been susceptible to the praise of others, but her speed, appetite, and hunting prowess were things she was proud of. To have them affirmed by her prey was the ultimate compliment. “Agree to disagree,” she muttered, trying to brush off the flattery.
“No, I mean it! You really are amazing!”
“That’s not the part I’m disagreeing with! I just meant, it can’t be . . . better in there.” Dritha couldn’t understand how anyone could want to be inside a stomach. But if this kobold really felt that way, she could definitely use it. That is, if this wasn’t just some convoluted ploy to escape. Dritha was a skilled liar herself, and she knew she’d say anything to get out of the situation her prey was in right now. “Look, what’s your name?”
“I’m Azaliak, but everyone just calls me Zali! What’s yours?”
“Dritha. Look, Zali, I wish I could believe you, but you don’t live long in this place without a developing a healthy distrust of others. Everyone’s desperate out here. Well, except an immortal, I guess. . .”
“The way I see it, I’m more mortal than you are. You’re only going to die once, after all. And I’m plenty desperate, too. You’re just giving me what I crave right now!” Zali laughed again. “I still think you should take care of yourself, though. I don’t want to have to wait for you to eat me, either, but I’d hate for this gorgeous belly of yours to get a tummyache. That would make you have to wait even longer to eat me again, and that’s bad for us both!” Zali continued her massage, and Dritha felt her innards relaxing and responding, flexing and churning with a renewed vigor. Sensing that she’d be mush again soon, Zali said, “I promise I won’t leave you. Just think about it, okay?”
Dritha just grunted in response, feeling herself falling asleep quite quickly now that her guts had caught their second wind. The idea of having someone she could trust was a foreign concept to her. It was an unattainable dream, in the same way that flying was. A luxury afforded to some creatures and denied to others. But this little lizard might just change that. She didn’t fear Dritha because of her appetite. She embraced that appetite, in fact. And she didn’t present any threat to Dritha either. If ever there was a creature to attempt a safe first friendship with, this was her. . .
Dritha sighed. This was a dilemma she could solve in the morning, once she’d coughed up Zali’s ring again. For now, she needed to sleep, and the rhythmic gurgling of her stomach was the perfect lullaby.
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Requests are open !
So i am taking request! You all can request for Eisuke, Soryu, Baba, Mamoru from “Kissed By The Baddest Bidder (KBTBB) & Sam & Dean Winchester from “Supernatural” & guys from "Lovestruck" from GIL, AFK,L&L, Castway & HIFL. Give me number & name of the guy!
Here are some of the prompts you can request from:
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
“Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
“If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Here, let’s share the blanket.”
“You’re comfy.”
“You are my new pillow.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“We can talk over dinner.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!”
“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
“Will you let me rub your back?”
“Care to give me a back scratch?”
“Star-gazing was a good idea.”
“You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
“I think I love you.”
“You are my love.”
“How about something warm? It will will help you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“It is not morning yet.”
“Shush and go back to bed.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“We’ll do dishes together.”
“How about a kiss?”
“I love your hugs.”
Here, I saved some for you. Try it?”
“I just really need a hug right now…”
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.”
“Join me in the blanket fort. We play until dawn.”
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
“Sure, it *looks* safe, but watch what happens when I do this.”
“I had a nightmare… can you stay up with me?”
“We’re going to have to raid the neighbors if you want more pillows to turn this into a Pillow Fortress Castle.”
“This would look so cute on you!”
“Okay, but if you turn the lights off for this playthrough, I’m not being held accountable for anything I do when spooked.”
“I said we could share a blanket, but if you put your cold feet on me *one more time*…”
“You’ve been working too hard and I’m calling a Netflix intervention. Not taking no for an answer.”
“I’ve got a gallon of ice cream and if you don’t get a spoon my tummyache will be all your fault.”
“Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.”
“My hand is cold. Unless we find somewhere to stop soon, it’s going up your back.”
“Oh my god, just pet my hair already.”
“After that movie you’re staying for a sleepover. I know you don’t want to go home and sleep alone anyway.”
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?”
“C'mon, I need a Player 2.”
“I bet you can’t make it all the way through the movie without screaming at it.”
“If you put that in the microwave uncovered I swear I will beat you to death with a plastic spoon.”
“What was that flavor of cake you liked? I need to know because reasons.”
“When we get that house you’re handling the spiders.”
“Going to the mall alone is boring. Besides, I need someone to tell me how great I look in all the clothes I try on.”
“It’s not MY fault you scream like a schoolgirl on a rollercoaster.”
“It’s an arcade, do you need more reasons to go?”
“Please tell me why you were napping in my freshly dried blankets *while they’re still in the dryer*.”
“Can we please take cheesy best friend pictures in that photo booth? I promise to keep silly faces to a minimum.”
“I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.”
“C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.”
“I hate this game so much. Here’s a link, you should totally play it.”
“I take no responsibility for any smells you may or may not encounter from this point forward.”
“Okay, but consider that if you don’t watch this show with me, I’ll still rant to you just as much about the feels it gives me.”
“If anyone turns that fan off again I swear someone’s going to bleed.”
“Help me, the computer’s making sad beeps again. Make it happy, please.”
“I have in front of me: One DVD, seven remote controls, and an entertainment center. This will be a voyage of discovery.”
“If I die, you get my cat. So make sure I live through this.”
“I need someone to cling to in the haunted house, and you’re it.”
“Yeah, but you’re *my* nerd.”
“The remote is two feet thataway and I don’t feel like moving. We’re stuck with this.”
“You are aware this was the worst idea ever and you’re lucky you’re my best friend, or else I’d leave you alone to deal with this.”
“I’d say sorry my mom tried to adopt you again, but it was kind of my idea.”
“There is a perfectly good reason I’m eating these mini marshmallows right out of the package, I’m certain of it. Probably.”
“Okay but hear me out: Fluffy. Sharks.”
“Please keep your sick away from me and get better soon. I made you soup.”
“That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.”
“If you don’t come up and sing with me, I will sing and point at you. The entire. Time.
Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
“Define normal.”
“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
“Were you dropped on your head?”
“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.”
“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“If I survive, can I go home?”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you.”
“I don’t think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let’s be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.”
“Insanity run in my family. It practically gallops.”
“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.”
“Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I need therapy after this.”
“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.”
“I’m not weird. I am limited edition.”
“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.”
“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.”
“If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?”
“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
“I’d explain it to you, but you’re brain would explode.”
“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.”
“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.”
“Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“You’re good. A monster pain in the ass… but you’re good.”
“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!”
“The female of the species is more deadly than the male.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.”
“Go on, knock his teeth down his throat.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers and people who talk at the theater.”
“What’s the point in screaming? No one’s listening anyway.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.”
“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.”
“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.”
“This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some… No. No, no, all bad.”
“A little gasoline… blowtorch… no problem.”
“Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.”
“I know you can’t kill anybody, ‘cause I can’t kill anybody.”
“You’re insane, but you might also be brilliant.”
“What you call insanity, I call inspiration.”
“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.”
“I like you. You’re different.”
“You successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.”
“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.”
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
“I care so little, I almost passed out.”
“Well behaved woman rarely make history.”
“You’re so weird.” “You have no idea.”
“The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor.”
“You haven’t even seen my bad side yet.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over it’s dog.”
“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.”
“Oh God, we’re not gonna have to hug or anything, are we.”
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. Give me a drink.”
“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.”
“Have fun being deal.” “I will.”
“Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.”
“It’s called thinking. Go with it.”
“I made a new friend today.” “Real or imaginary?” “Imaginary.”
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.”
“I’m getting real bored and impatient. I don’t do bored and impatient.”
“The girl is strange no question.”
“Do us a favor… I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try no to do anything… stupid.”
“I know most people don’t like me; I don’t care, I don’t like most people.”
“You are a very strange person.” “Well, thanks for noticing.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but… no.”
“I didn’t steal it. I permanently borrowed it.”
“I’m not shy. I’m just examining my prey.”
“If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs.”
“I don’t dislike you, I nothing you.”
“Are you crying? No, I’m impersonating a fountain.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.”
“You’re kinda anti-social, you know that?”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My advice is much more subtle. Stop being an ass.”
“I’m just gonna pack up and go straight to hell now.”
“My ex? Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or baseball bat.”
“She’s complicated like the DaVinci code, you know but harder to crack.”
“And just like everything else we do around here, it’s about to get weirder.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“Why do I still like you, knowing you’re a total asshole?”
“What does not kill you will likely try again.”
“Oh honey, I would but… I don’t want to.”
“And hello to you too… little homewrecker.”
“I’m gonna make you wish you were dead.”
“I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.”
“What doesn’t kill me might make me kill you.”
“In another life, I think I was in a mental institution.”
“I’m not crazy. I’m just interesting.”
“Don’t make me pop your ten grand sand bags honey.”
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.”
“You have something in your hair - let me get it for you.”
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I couldn’t help but stare at you.”
  “Um, would it be okay if I held your hand?” 
“Shut up and kiss me already.” 
“You’re the most important person in my life.” 
“Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” 
“I’m not much of a chef, but… I really hope you like this.” 
  “Sorry for calling so late - I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
“I need you more than you need me.”
“I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you… I can’t.”
“The truth is… I love you.”
“You like me more than you like them, right? Right?”
“Be mine. Please.”
“I am who I am because of you.”
“It’s been a long day… let’s take a bath together.”
“Wait, don’t pull away - I want to hug you for awhile longer.”“Ah- I adore your laugh.”
“Stop that, it tickles!”
“Ouch, I bit my lip… kiss it better?”
“I don’t want to get up… I’m so warm beside you.”
“You’re so intoxicating to me.”
“Your eyes are amazing… do you know that?”
“You’re just so wonderful.”“S-Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me blush…”
“Are you tired? Rest in your head in my lap.”
“You, Me, Order In, Netflix… waddya say?”
“I want to be more than just friends with you.”
“Fuck it - do you wanna get married?”
“Your smile is beyond gorgeous… please, keep doing it.”
“Whenever we’re together, I feel at home.”
“Will you say you love me? Pleeease?”
“Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?”
“Wow - you look… amazing.”
“*Puts hands over eyes from behind* Guess whooo?”
“I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!”
“I want to go on a date! I demand it!”
“We just met, this is crazy, I’m referencing a song… but call me maybe?”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring… I-I was looking at something behind you!”
“Do you want some? Here, open your mouth… I’ll feed you some!”
“It’s been a long day… here, let me give you a massage.”
“Is it alright if I call you princess?”
“It’s not like I like you or anything! … Okay, well- maybe I do.”
“I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you’re nothing but perfect.
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ginger-and-mint · 6 years
Halloween Party
This is just a more readable / reblog-friendly version of this post, which was prompted by @fattyatomicmutant and @bellysoupset​.
In which a very scary vampire eats way too much and needs a little help to feel better!
Previous things with Theo and Darren: [1] [2] [3] [4] (this takes place before the most recent one ^^)
“I swear to god I’ve never felt stupider in my life.”
“Never? You’re sure? I can think of a few times you might wanna consider.”
“Very funny, Darren. And yes, I’m sure.” Theo tugged at the high-necked collar on the cheap polyester cape his boyfriend had forced him into. “This is not what vampires look like. Vampires look like me.”
“Yeah, well, you usually look more like a homeless screamo fan than than Count Dracula,” said Darren teasingly. He leaned towards the bathroom mirror and began clumsily applying the black eyeliner they’d picked up at Walgreens that afternoon.
Theo watched him with a mix of affection and exasperation. He’d never seen a grown man get so excited about Halloween. Darren had been talking about dressing them both up as silly horror-movie vampires for weeks, ever since they’d gotten the invitation to his co-worker’s party. As much as Theo didn’t get appeal of wearing a stupid costume, he hadn’t been able to say no in the face of his boyfriend’s adorable enthusiasm.
It could’ve been worse, really. At least the billowing cape hid the shape of his body. Darren had taken him out to feed only yesterday and he was still pretty swollen from it. Better that Darren’s colleagues didn’t wonder why he’d spontaneously sprouted a beer belly.
“I don’t suppose you’re gonna let me put some of this eyeliner on you,” Darren mused as he moved on to his other eye.
“Absolutely not. You’ll poke my eyeball out.”
“Huh! Well, you don’t need it anyway. You’ve got your all-natural eye bags.”
“And I’m not wearing those plastic fangs you got either,” Theo added.
That made Darren’s face fall. “Aw, really? But how are people gonna know you’re supposed to be a vampire?”
“I could just leave my actual fangs out.”
“No you can’t. Not unless you can think of a good way to explain how you got your hands on Hollywood-worthy mouth prosthetics.”
“Okay, true, but I’m not wearing the plastic ones. Do you know how uncomfortable they’re gonna be? It’s hard enough to talk when the stupid long things in your mouth are your actual teeth!” Theo made a face. “I don’t know why everyone wants to be a vampire so bad. I’d be perfectly happy dressing up as a normal human.”
“Aww, cheer up, Theo! It’s the one day of the year that I can actually tell people my boyfriend is a vampire! And the one day of the year I can match you. Ah-ha-ha!” Darren spun around, striking a pose with his cape raised in front of his face. “What do you think?”
Theo felt his heart going all gooey in his chest. “I think you’re the world’s biggest dork,” he said, and the last of his resolve crumbled at the boyish delight that lit up Darren’s face. “All right, fine – give me the stupid fangs.”
The party was actually fun. Darren’s co-workers were a friendly, relaxed crowd, and surprisingly dorky for a bunch of fitness nuts. There were board games scattered around, and little pumpkins to carve, and an old-school horror movie planned for later in the night.
There was also an enormous amount of junk food. Bowls of candy sat on every table. Beer and soda was freely poured into jack-o’-lantern-patterned plastic cups. Cookies, brownies, and other themed treats sat on table against one wall, and after an hour, a delivery car drove up with nearly a dozen boxes of pizza.
Apparently being ridiculously in-shape meant you could really let loose on special occasions, Theo mused. He laughed when Darren pulled a bowl of candy onto his lap and begin fishing out all the Reese’s peanut butter cups for himself, and laughed harder when he took out his plastic fangs in defeat, realizing how difficult it was to eat with them in.
Theo was actually finding the fake fangs pretty comfortable. They were only a little more awkward than his real ones. And he couldn’t eat any party food himself, of course. He accepted the plates people handed him, pretending to nibble at their contents before sidling up to Darren and handing the food off.
It was a few hours into the party that Theo was passed a brownie on a napkin and scanned the room for his boyfriend. He found Darren standing in a corner, looking a little uncomfortable.
“Hey,” said Theo, pushing the napkin into Darren’s hand. “Got something for you.”
“Um…” Darren took a short breath. “No thanks. I really can’t eat that.”
“Well, I sure can’t.”
“Just throw it out then.”
“What? You don’t like brownies?”
“Theo, do you realize how much food you’ve been giving me all night? How much food everyone else has been giving me all night?” Darren shot him a forlorn puppy-dog look. “I’m really, really full…. I’ve probably had like, a whole pizza to myself at this point. Not to mention all those peanut butter cups. And those cookies. And like four cups of soda, and those pumpkin cupcakes, and both of our slices of cake, ugh…. Seriously, my stomach’s done.”
Theo couldn’t help laughing. Usually he was the one whining about fullness as he struggled the get the last of his livestock feasts down, while Darren egged him on. How the tables had turned!
“Well, you’ve gotten this far!” he said cheerfully, echoing Darren’s words to him only the night before. “What’s a little bit more in that tummy, huh?”
Darren hiccuped as Theo patted him on the back. “Ugh. I dunno, I think it might – oh, hi Mark.”
Mark – a big, burly man who was one of the gym’s strength trainers –  grinned as he saw what Darren was holding. “Hey, I baked those brownies myself! What d’you think of ‘em, Darren?”
“Oh….” Darren cleared his throat and took a big bite. “Mmm. Really good.”
“Course they are.” Mark turned his attention to Theo. “I was looking for your boy, actually. Darren’s told us you’re good at word games, Theo. Want to join a round of Scrabble?”
Theo agreed and let Mark steer him over to a side table, his heart swelling a little bit at being included. What a funny thing that here, dressed as a vampire and wearing fake plastic fangs, he felt more like a normal person than he had in months.
He didn’t see Darren again until everyone began shuffling towards the TV for the movie. Seating was limited, and some partygoers were plopping down on the floor, but Darren had already commandeered a big armchair. He was sprawled out in it, head flopped back, his silly cape pooled around him.
Theo wedged himself into the chair beside his boyfriend. “Hey, sleepyhead. How’s it going?”
“Mmm…” Darren mumbled. “Theo, I don’t f–”
“All right, everyone!” the party’s host shouted. “Tonight, we’re going to watch the 1968 horror movie Night of the Living Dead! This cult classic is one of my personal favorites, and so I thought I’d share a little history about it before we get started….”
Theo was pretending to pay attention when he felt a weird rumbling sensation against his side. Beneath him, Darren shifted and groaned.
“Are you all right?” Theo whispered.
“Ughhhh,” Darren moaned quietly. “No. My stomach really hurts…”
Theo slipped a hand under his boyfriend’s cape to feel his belly. He expected to find it a little bloated – but to his shock, Darren’s stomach was sticking out like a ball, hard and packed solid under his stretched abdominal muscles. “Oh my god, Darr. You’re stuffed.”
“Ughhh, I know. I’ve eaten way too much…” Darren burped quietly as Theo’s fingers pressed gently into his tight stomach. “Doesn’t feel good.”
“Poor thing.” Theo shifted in the chair so he could wrap his free arm around Darren’s back. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have laughed at you earlier if I realized you were actually feeling sick.”
“S’all right. I was the one who shoved so much food into my stupid face. Should’ve just told you to throw your portions out.” Darren leaned into Theo’s touch, sighing. “Oof. God. I swear, I can feel my pulse in my tummy.”
“Do you wanna go home?”
Darren let out a strained chuckle. “And tell my co-workers what? That a grown man gave himself a tummyache eating too much Halloween candy?”
“They know you. They probably wouldn’t be surprised.”
It relieved Theo that Darren wasn’t feeling too unwell to laugh. “Well, I dunno if I could walk to the bus in this condition anyway. How about you just keep on rubbing my belly?”
Theo obligingly circled his hand over the big warm curve, smiling as Darren shifted and sighed in relief. As their host finally shut up and the lights went down, Theo nestled his cheek against Darren’s chest and gave his tummy a few gentle pats. “Try to digest before the movie’s over, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Darren mumbled sleepily. “Whatever you say.”
The movement of the bus seemed to be making everything worse. Darren had gone stiff and quiet, and he was hunched over in his seat, his forehead pressed against the cold glass of the window.
Theo reached over to rub his back. “Stomach still bothering you, huh?”
“Mm-hmm.” Darren winced as the bus bounced roughly over a pothole.
“Is it any better than it was earlier?”
“Not better. Different though. I don’t feel so much like I’m going to explode, but my belly is just… cramping so bad….” He sucked in a pained breath. “Oohhh….”
“Aw. Like indigestion, maybe?” Theo gently slid a hand under Darren’s arm where it was folded around his middle. It wasn’t hard to feel the grumbling and churning going on in his still-bloated belly. “Oh sweetie. It was just so much junk food at that party. No wonder your tummy’s upset.” He pressed his fingers in gently, trying to relieve some of the ache.
Darren groaned and flinched away. “Aah, don’t – hurts too much.”
“Sorry.” Theo went back to rubbing his shoulders instead. “Hang in there, baby, we’re almost home.”
Luckily the walk from the bus stop to Darren’s apartment wasn’t very far. The poor guy was almost bent double the whole way, and Theo had to help him up the stairs.
“Can’t believe I did this to myself,” Darren grumbled as he fished his keys out of his pocket. “I’m such an idiot.”
“You say it like we didn’t already know that.” Theo squeezed his arm reassuringly. “Come on, let’s just get you feeling better.”
He helped Darren strip off the stupid costume and got him into bed, where he curled up into a ball like a potato bug. Theo could hear his soft groans from the next room as he searched through bathroom cabinets for something to help.
“Can you sit up, sweetie?” he asked when he returned to the bedside.
“Yeah.” Darren struggled upright. The movement made his stomach grumble, and he let out a difficult-sounding burp. “Ughhh. Gross. Sorry.”
“Hey, whatever helps.” Theo passed him a pink cup of Pepto Bismol. “Drink that. I’m gonna go get that heat pack thing of yours. Be right back.”
By the time Theo returned with the fabric sack of rice, nice and warm from the microwave, Darren had sunk back into the pillows. He stirred as Theo came in. “Can you come here? And just cuddle the hell out of me?”
Theo laughed. “Sounds like a chore, but I guess so.” He tucked the heat pack against Darren’s tummy before climbing into the bed.
They lay like that, silent and snuggled together. Darren still whimpered whenever his stomach was touched, so Theo rubbed gently at his sides instead, trying to help the relax the tightness there. It took some time, but slowly, Darren’s breathing evened and his body relaxed.
“Stomach settling a little?” Theo asked.
“Yeah.” Darren sighed heavily, then chuckled. “Jesus. I haven’t had a bellyache so bad in a long time. Makes me think of being a kid again. Like when I’d eat all my trick-or-treating candy in an hour and get sick as a dog.”
“Oh my god, Darren. Your parents didn’t stop you?” Theo’s own parents had always subjected him to a strict limit on how much of his haul he could eat on Halloween night. Three pieces only; the rest had to be saved.
“Nah. My brother tried, sometimes. He was always the sensible one. My sister was always right there with me.” Darren shifted in Theo’s arms. “God, that was a long time ago. We were such good kids back then, before all of the–”
“Hey. Don’t think about that,” Theo murmured in Darren’s ear, drawing him in closer. “You were a good kid and you grew up to be a good man.” He patted Darren’s stomach as it broke in with a low gurgle. “A stupid man, sometimes, but a good one.”
Darren laughed, although there was a little sadness in the sound. “Yeah. Guess so.” He pressed into Theo’s touch. “Thanks, Theo…. I love you.”
“Love you too.” Theo kissed his cheek softly. “Try to get some sleep, all right? You’ll feel better in the morning.”
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Damian's first night at the kitchen
Today was a holiday. Clark suggested that we take one, especially for Dami. He promised to take care of things for a week with the other league members. They all agreed that we should have one.
It was already 12 midnight and I just can’t sleep. Part of having a daily routine, I guess. I stared at the ceiling for a while, spacing out. Somehow the room felt cold. The mattress felt vast and cold like a dessert at night.
Barb was gone in an out-of-town trip. Tim was in a school trip. Jason… Well, what would you expect from him? Alfie… No. Bruce? Nah. He’s not here anymore or probably he’s just out there somewhere lost and unable to come back like what Tim insists. Hmm… Dami? Nah. I won’t bug him. The kid needs rest even though he says it’s otherwise.
My mental rambling continued on until my stomach began to rumble. Perhaps a few spoonfuls of chocolate mint ice cream wouldn’t be so bad.
I stood groggily, still exhausted from all the work. The mattress groaned in complaint. Ah, what time is it again?
The room felt a whole lot bigger than before. My feet struggled against my weight, but despite all, I was able to move on to the hallway. And soon after, the stairs then the door to the kitchen.
It was quite peculiar that the light inside was open. Vague clattering can also be heard from the outside. I wonder who’s in there. Probably, Alfie.
He must be preparing something or for something. Guess, I can ask for a few midnight snacks, can’t I?
As soon as I held the knob in my hand, the sound ceased to continue. Now, that’s even more suspicious. I opened the door brashly, ready to fight. Who would be great enough to bypass our security system? Joker? No, it can’t be… Tsk.
“Who’s in here?” My eyes surveyed the room. In the center where the kitchen table is, was Damian. His eyes was big as it can get and a spoon was hanging from his mouth which he immediately hid. “Dami? What are you doing in the middle of the night?”
“I-I, uh,” he searched for an answer at the table. “I was surveying the manor when I saw something suspicious here inside, and I simply went to inspect it!” He blurted, trying to look composed.
“Plus, I have no need to report to you, Grayson,” he crossed his arms. “And what kind of lousy fashion is that?”
He pointed out my superman pajamas. I noticed that the table was full of ice cream containers. Sighing, I knew what was up.
“Dami, you’ll get a tummyache if you try to eat all those ice cream,” Damian’s face contorted in shock and confusion, his face bright red, his eyebrows almost touching each other, and his mouth wide open.“What? Do I have something weird on my face?”
“I am not eating! I’m inspecting these samples of which the culprit could have poisoned or sabotaged!” He shouted in outrage, arms in the air. And, oh, he was still holding the spoon. He was breathing heavily. Realizing his outburst, he slowly began to calm down, lowering his arms, forgetting to hide the spoon in his hands. “What is a tummyache anyway? Is it a lethal illness causing continuous pain accumulated from extensive eating of these frozen provisions?”
What? Just what did he say? Pfft. Hahaha! If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s some kid lost in time. However, when did the use of tummyaches even began?
I walked towards the kitchen table, a wry smile on my face. “It’s just stomach pain, lil’ D. And if you’re hungry, you shouldn’t eat ice cream alone in the middle of the night. I think Alfie wouldn’t be mad if I take some cookies.” Wasn’t I just planning to eat some ice cream myself? It’s scary being an adult.
“Cookies?” He asked, trying to hide his excitement.
“Yah, so turn around now. I’ll get it. You shouldn’t see where it’s hidden,” or Alfred will either kill me or find another place that I don’t know.
Dami was just about to complain when I shot him with a bat glare. “Do it, or no cookies for you.”
With that he turned around. It’s funny how Damian acts like a child sometimes. Wait… Isn’t he a child?!
I can almost here Jason chanting in the background, stupid Dikiebird! Stupid, stupid, stupid….
“Ah, go sit in the counter. We’ll eat there-Woop! Ah, here it goes,” I held the jar in my arms. How fragrant these cookies are! Alfred, you really are a godsend. “Having a problem with sleeping?”
“I am the scion of this house! It is ridiculous to think that I, Damian Wayne, blood son of Batman, suffer inconveniences that you peasants endure!” His back was still facing me as he was sitting in the counter. I can almost tell he’s bat-glaring the poor atmosphere.
“Awww.. Same here, Dami,” I swiftly placed the jar in the counter and pulled Dami into a back hug. I kissed the crest of his head. His shock seemed to put him into a paralysis. “Do you want to sleep with me? Maybe we can watch The Lion King together, you know? We can bond like a proper brothers. Tim used to watch it with me a lot.”
B A A A M !
“I just wanted to bond with him!” Ah, the pout in Master Richard’s face is quite something.
“There, there, Master Richard. Maybe you should choose a more subtle approach to the young master,” the poor master now have a bruise in his cheek. Well, at least, I got a picture of them cuddling. It will totally be on the album. I’m sure Master Bruce would have loved it.
Note: finally had the chance to post this. If you want to share it, pls reblog don’t repost. Thank you^^ i think its a little oc tho
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