#whump responses
Reactions to Whumpee Crying
Bad Caretaker
You'll be fine
Keep crying
You're so pathetic
I don't have time for this
Is this an emergency?
Why should I care?
Are you okay?
What happened?
Everything will be okay
Don't cry
Please don't cry
No need to cry
Are these sad, or happy tears?
Do you need a shoulder to cry on?
Calm down, it's okay
Do you wanna talk about it?
Get a hold of yourself
Quit crying
Quit your yapping
*Creepy smile*
This is comedy gold
*Literally just insults whumpee*
*Mocking whumpee*
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scealaiscoite · 2 months
.☽༊˚ prompts for helping bathe an injured loved one
¹⁾ sitting on the edge of the bathtub and letting them lay their head against your thigh as the fatigue starts taking hold
²⁾ “i know, i know it hurts but hold on for just a little longer and we’re done, yeah? think you can do that for me, pet?”
³⁾ helping them lean up so you can wash their back, and pretending not to notice them shaking in your arms
⁴⁾ “you needn’t be so gentle, y’know. if today wasn’t enough to break me, i doubt an ill-applied handful of shampoo will.”
⁵⁾ using your soapstuffs because the familiar scent will, hopefully, help calm them
⁶⁾ “i can’t believe it took a night like that for you to let me help you with something.”
⁷⁾ having never seen them in a state of undress before and so, trying admirably hard to avoid looking directly at them in such a vulnerable state
⁸⁾ “so mr/mrs surly and serious likes having their hair washed for them, hm? don’t worry, i’ll keep your secret.”
⁹⁾ climbing into the bath/shower with them, more for the physical comfort than practicality
¹⁰⁾ “i wish the first time you saw me like this could’ve been under better circumstances.”
¹¹⁾ stripping down to the same level of undress as them in an effort to try and make them feel more comfortable
¹²⁾ “can we- can we just stay here, like this, for a minute? please?”
¹³⁾ using as gentle a touch as possible to clean them off and feeling your heart break each time they still suppress a pained whimper
¹⁴⁾ “it’s just me now. you don’t have to be brave anymore.”
¹⁵⁾ trying to towel them dry but ending up just cradling them to your chest with the towel pressed aimlessly between you
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
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Dune: Part Two (2024) “Chani, his body is fighting the poison and he needs your help.”
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That’s a nice fight or flight response you got there. Sure would be a shame if it turned to fawn against your will
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letitbehurt · 7 months
Undercover Whumpee with an alias freezing when they hear their real name spoken from Whumper’s mouth.
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whump-in-the-closet · 3 months
of course you have facial scars. and pronouns
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aceofwhump · 3 months
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Two times Paul held Mike's hand while he was in pain
Graceland 1x08 and 3x08
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whump-blog · 1 year
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Whump Art 9
Whumpee is safe, but terrified of his rescuers, or maybe he's still with Whumper, who is trying to be a better person, but Whumpee can't forget all the things Whumper did to him so easily.
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Hypervigilant Characters
A character goes to the dentist or other place which requires they lie down on their back; they keep their arms firmly crossed over their belly/chest at all times because they don’t like leaving that area exposed and believe it to be a weakness to not protect it.
Always having to sit facing the door in an unfamiliar place, in case someone dangerous comes through it.
Hearing people (especially children) screaming or yelling outside scares the shit out of them every time; because they think someone’s been injured or is being abused by someone else. They have to peek outside to make sure everything’s okay; it always is.
Having to check every closet, nook, crevice, behind every door whenever they get home in case someone is in their house who shouldn’t be.
Noticing instantly when the tiniest of the tiniest things are out of place on anyone and anything.
If they can’t find something, their mind always goes “someone stole it” even when it’s highly improbable, or even impossible to be true.
Having unnaturally fast reflexes that can catch practically anything no matter how sudden.
Becoming skittish and flighty in situations in which they do not have complete control over their environment.
Purposefully carrying oneself with an intimidating affect and behaving more confidently and dangerously as their level of fear increases.
Preferring booths to tables in restaurants because booths are more enclosed and therefore safer, or so they believe.
Staring down and acting menacingly towards any potential hiding spaces when they walk past them in the dark.
Scanning hotel rooms and public bathrooms for cameras and audio bugs; and/or always assuming they are being spied upon.
Refusing to cough within earshot of other people because they either believe people will judge them for being unsanitary, or that it’s a sign of weakness.
Stone cold facial expressions and purposefully being ambiguous to everyone.
Refusing to show any skin at all during the summer months because heavy clothes are their armor.
Keeping an eye on everyone in general, wherever they go.
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mj-iza-writer · 26 days
This was by special request of @monarchthefirst . I do hope you enjoy this story. Thankyou for your request.
Whumpee sighed as they felt the crowbar under their chin.
Their head was lifted up to look at their captor.
"You know... one of your teammates here holds a secret. A secret that I need to continue with my plans. It would be better for your health if they just said it out loud", Whumper smirked, "but no..  you are making everything so difficult by ordering them to keep quiet. Though I do enjoy beating you up... it's quite annoying that I haven't gotten the secret yet. You've been here for a few days now... how much more do you think you can take?"
"I'm nearly getting started, but we can take a break if you're tired", Whumpee looked over themself, "no matter what... no matter what, they can't tell you."
The crowbar slammed into Whumpee's stomach.
"Ymm, you suck", Whumpee grunted.
"What is that code?", Whumper took a fist full of Whumpee's hair.
"I don't know the code", Whumpee winced again, "it was classified information."
"So who knows it?", Whumper looked over the group.
"That's the point. I don't know who knows it, and you don't know who knows it", Whumpee laughed while still in pain.
"I guess I'll just keep beating you up until someone spills then", Whumper hit Whumpee again with the crowbar, "or should I move on to someone else."
"No... just keep attacking me... I can.... I can handle it", Whumpee already struggled to stand.
Caretaker watched helplessly... everyone had been shackled across the room from Whumpee. All they could do was watch their leader get pummeled.
Caretaker knew the code. They wanted to say it so badly. It would doom the world, but the price their friend was paying... the world would never know of what their heroics. Their friend could possibly get killed by Whumper, and with the nature of this job, they could be buried in an unmarked spot. Unknown to the world that a hero was buried there.
"211093599999", someone next to Caretaker cried out.
It was youngest.. they were red in the face... tear tracks down their cheeks.
"Please stop hurting them", youngest screamed.
Caretaker looked at youngest then at Whumpee.
"No no no', Whumpee yelled and tugged at their restraints.
Whumper sauntered towards the teammate with a smug grin, "what was that?"
"211093599999... please don't hurt Leader anymore", Youngest sobbed.
"You've been very helpful", Whumper chuckled as they left.
"Why did you do that? How do you even know the code?", Whumpee glared, "you're the newest one here."
"I-I don't know the code. I was hoping they would give you a break", Youngest looked down.
Whumpee took a deep breath, and winced at the pain. It hurt, but they had to keep up this front. Their team needed them to be strong.... they had to be a leader first.
Whumpee sighed, "okay, but now once they find out that code is no good, they will be back. Whoever knows the real code better keep their mouth shut. I'm trying to hold out until our rescue. No matter what happens to me, it is of the utmost importance that code does not get to Whumper. I understand that I might die, but I will hold out at least until you all are rescued."
"What if we don't get rescued?", another teammate questioned.
"I sent out an SOS while we were being captured. It will take time, but it's coming", Whumpee tried to reposition how they were standing, but their face said it all.
"Let one of us take some of the beatings for you..  this isn't fair", one of teammates pleaded.
"No, I am getting all of you out of here one way or another", Whumpee frowned, "living will just be a luxury, but you will all make it out even if it kills me."
"You probably won't have long then", Caretaker said sternly, "I don't want to lose my friend... not like this."
Whumpee's breathing was ragged, and their legs struggled to keep them up.
"If... we don't... if we tell them the... code... hmmph", Whumpee almost fell forward, "then we won't... have a world to... to live in."
"I don't want to live without you Whumpee... don't you get that?", Caretaker yelled.
"I'm sorry Caretaker", Whumpee whispered, "we don't... have a choice right now. We can't doom the world because we want something."
After a few minutes the door slammed open.
"I'm gonna kill them... they wasted my time", Whumper stormed toward the youngest.
"No please", Whumpee pulled themself up and tried to run forward only stopping when the shackles held them back, "don't hurt them."
"Beg me... you better beg for me to stab you or else this one gets it", Whumper pulled a dagger out and pointed it at Youngest.
Whumpee looked at youngest then the knife.
Without another thought they swallowed their pride.
"Please I beg of you", Whumpee's body went slack in its weakness, "let me take their punishment. Please stab me, you know you are mostly frustrated with me anyway. I'm the reason the code isn't being said. I just want to see my team make it out of here. Please, I-I can take it."
"Wow the great Whumpee groveling to me", Whumper stated with an impressed tone, "fine, I'll stab you then."
Whumpee fought to stand up, a good warrior should always die on their feet. At least that's how they were trained.
"Youngest", Whumpee frowned as they watched Whumper get closer.
"Yes", youngest squeaked through their sobs.
"Close your eyes, all the rest of you can as well. I won't blame you", Whumpee's heart beat faster with every step Whumper made, "it's been an honor to serve all of you as your leader."
Whumpee watched as a few of the members averted their eyes. Whumpee locked eyes with Caretaker.
"I'll be seeing you friend", Whumpee whispered and gave a weak smile.
Whumpee gathered their strength, "HUURAH!"
Whumpee bit their bottom lip as the knife broke skin and went deep into their shoulder. They didn't want to scream and make it worse for their team.
"I'm not done with you yet... you'll die when I tell you", Whumper smirked, "you did such a good job begging I want to hear more. I want you to beg me to kill you."
"Not with my team here", Whumpee gasped through gritted teeth.
Whumper twisted the knife into Whumpee's shoulder and cut until they hit the collar bone.
"You'll let your pride elongate your torment and for what?", Whumper made a quick jolt causing the knife to be pulled out.
"I won't let you get the satisfaction", Whumpee spat.
Whumper slammed a fist into Whumpee's stab wound.
Whumpee couldn't hold back the scream as pain shot through their upper body.
Whumper stood back for a moment to admire the great leader in this weakened state.
Suddenly the door slammed open.
In only enough time to turn, Whumper was shot dead. Their blood spattered on everyone in the room. Whumpee watched as the body slumped to the floor.
"Finally", Whumpee whispered as they also collapsed.
"Save them", Caretaker yelled as they pulled at their restraints.
Several member of the organization they worked for came streaming in. Teammates began to be removed and taken to the medics for assessment and aid.
Caretaker hurried to Whumpee's side and grasped their hand.
"Please just stay a little longer. You're a fighter, just fight a little longer for me and for this team", Caretaker pleaded.
"I did my.... job", Whumpee whispered weakly, "that... that's... I'm so tired."
Whumpee went quiet. They were too weak to continue talking. Their eyes stayed trained on Caretaker though. Almost as if they were saying that they'd stay if Caretaker stayed. Caretaker needed to stay with them. They needed to be right next to Whumpee now.
Caretaker held Whumpee's hand tightly. Whumpee's fingers shook and felt like they were ice cold.
A team of medics worked quickly and expertly on Whumpee. They had no way of moving until Whumpee was stable.
"You still with me Whumpee?", Caretaker squeezed Whumpee's hand.
Whumpee was pale and sluggish from the blood loss, but still managed to move their fingers.
"Caretaker, some of the teammates want to come up and be with Whumpee. Do we have your permission to allow them in?", someone knelt down to get closer.
Caretaker looked into Whumpee's eyes. They already knew it would dishonor Whumpee to allow the team to see them like this.
"No, request denied", Caretaker shook their head, "tell them Whumpee says, HUURAH, they will know what that means. They may not see Whumpee... right now."
Whumpee's face lit up slightly with appreciation.
"I know how you are", Caretaker whispered.
"They're talking about medivac.... you and I are getting lifted out of here in a few minutes. We are getting out of here Whumpee", Caretaker smiled, "you are doing such a good job holding on for me. I know it's... I know I am being selfish to ask this of you, but please just hold on a little longer."
Whumpee weakly nodded.
Whumpee woke up and looked around.
They were in... they looked around a little more. They had no idea where they were. Everything was too fuzzy.
"Ymph", Whumpee groaned as they tried to sit up.
A hand shot out of no where and held their good shoulder down.
Whumpee jumped... they had thought they were alone.
"Don't you dare try sitting up", a familiar voice warned.
"Where are we?", Whumpee relaxed, "that is you right Caretaker?"
"It's me", Caretaker leaned up into Whumpee's view, "we are back at home base. You went unconscious on the helicopter. Gave the team and I a moment of panic. I have a few more gray hairs thanks to you."
"Team? What about our team? Everyone is home?", Whumpee whispered.
"Yes you got everyone out just like you said you would. The worst the rest of us have is some raw skin from the shackles. You took everything else for us", Caretaker gently patted Whumpee's good shoulder, "though I think you're an absolute idiot for doing that. I'm so proud of you. I know your team is also."
"Are they all home now, anyone still in medbay?", Whumpee looked around.
"Everyone is released from med. We have to follow up every few days. All of the team is sitting outside that door waiting for permission to see you", Caretaker admitted, "they all slept in the hall last night. Much to the nurses disgust."
Whumpee looked at the door.
"You're our hero Whumpee", Caretaker sighed as they moved some clumped, matted hair from Whumpee's face.
"I'm kind of curious who knew the code now. Whoever it was did a good job keeping it", Whumpee grinned, "has the threat been figured out yet?"
"Yes the threat has been disabled. I am the one who knew the code Whumpee", Caretaker frowned, "you have no idea how many times I almost said it just to save you."
"I'm glad you didn't. You can get another leader. We can't get another world", Whumpee fidgetted with the covers for a second before settling again.
"Yes, but I can't get another Whumpee. You are not just my leader Whumpee... you are my friend" Caretaker smiled, "I don't want to replace you."
The door to the room opened.
Youngest leaned in with their hand covering their eyes.
"I'm not looking, but we can hear you both talking in here. Please can we see Leader yet", Youngest pleaded.
A bunch of agreements followed from behind Youngest.
Caretaker turned to Whumpee, "it's up to you now", Caretaker shrugged.
Whumpee looked back at the door, "alright, I suppose you've all waited long enough. Come on in."
Caretaker stood up and blocked the bed from the team.
"Slowly and gently. Do not climb on top of Leader", Caretaker sighed, then glared at a member who was already ready to pounce onto the bed for a hug, "we are going to be calm. We are going to sit or stand calmly around Leader and talk. And, when Leader says they are tired we are all going to leave quietly and orderly. Am I clear?"
"Yes Caretaker", everyone straightened themselves up.
Whumpee answered a long list of questions from everyone.
After about an hour, Whumpee tiredly let their head drop a few times.
"I'm not use to Leader being like this", Youngest looked at Caretaker and frowned.
"They had a lot taken out of them to protect us", Caretaker sighed as they stood.
Whumpee woke up again and looked around, "sorry, I think I'm on my way to another nap", Whumpee frowned.
"Alright everyone out. Leader needs their rest", Caretaker started to usher everyone out.
"I need to talk to Youngest for a moment", Whumpee watched as the others left.
"Alright, I'll go get you some water", Caretaker nodded.
Youngest watched Whumpee nervously.
"Is this about me lying to try to get you a break?", Youngest fiddled with their fingers.
"Eh, sort of, but also to check on you", Whumpee sighed, "I know all of you witnessed a horrible thing, and I will require each of you to see a therapist for a few visits. Something like that can really mess with someone."
"I'm okay", Youngest couldn't make eye contact, "I was trying to help, but I didn't think about them coming back and making it worse."
"Yes. I kind of had a feeling it wouldn't go well", Whumpee smiled weakly, "though I appreciate you thinking of me. Now, back to how you're feeling. Do you want to tell me the truth now?"
Youngest continued to look at the floor. It was growing harder to hold back tears.
"You can be honest with me", Whumpee followed up.
Youngest wiped their sleeve across their eyes to wipe away the tears now falling.
"It was....uhm... I was so scared that you were going to die. I didn't want to lose you", Youngest admitted then cried louder, "I just joined your team, and I love it so much. You are a great leader, and have been so patient with my screw ups. I don't want to find another leader."
Whumpee nodded, "I'm sorry you had to witness that. I had a feeling it affected you a lot to watch."
"It's okay, I'm just glad you are okay, and that we are safe now", Youngest smiled weakly, "you are okay right?"
"I think so", Whumpee grinned, "and if Caretaker has anything to with it, I'll be well soon."
Youngest smiled bigger, "thank goodness."
Caretaker came in once Youngest walked out and skipped past.
"Alright you, I need you to drink some of this, then you can have a nap", Caretaker held a cup and helped put the straw in Whumpee's mouth.
Whumpee nodded and started to drink.
Caretaker pulled the covers up farther for Whumpee then pointed a fan at them.
"Nice and cozy", Caretaker smiled as they sat down.
"You're staying in here with me?" Whumpee looked at them questioningly.
"Don't I always stay with you when you're sick", Caretaker sat down, "your stoic personality cover doesn't fool me. You're still my poor, defenseless soldier who came under my care a few years ago when you were severely injured. You will always be my responsibility to keep safe while you're healing, no matter how dumb your motives are."
A big smile crossed Whumpee's face, "thankyou Caretaker."
"You're welcome Whumpee", Caretaker reached up and adjusted the pillow a little then moved some of Whumpee's messy hair aside, "get some rest Whumpee."
"Okay", Whumpee yawned, "huurah."
"Huurah Whumpee", Caretaker repeated, "huurah."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @clevah-girlboss
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
@valravnthefrenchie @glennemerald
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gottawhump · 28 days
CW/TW: pet whump, BbU/WRU, dubcon, conditioned responses, sickness and death mentions.
“Being a Domestic isn’t a ‘pre-existing condition’”, Carlisle says, after ending the call with the insurance representative. “Dammit.”
He slumps down into a comfortable chair, closing his eyes. At least his parents had pet insurance for the household. It just didn’t go far enough. It would not cover what his sick people need now.
It would cover quick and merciful euthanasia.
He understands, now, why the faces in the household changed so often. Easier to just burn through lives and replace them.
He doesn’t want to do that. He wants to save them. If he can.
Someone brushes the back of his hand, before putting a hot cup in it. He smells the fresh coffee, and opens his eyes so he can guide it to his mouth and inhale a mouthful.
Diamanté smiles at him, and kneels gracefully at his feet. Blond haired, blue eyed Diamanté. Beautiful even in severely cut mourning black. His parents’ Romantic.
“You’re tense,” he says, almost purrs. “Let me make you feel better.”
He nearly chokes on his coffee when Dia undoes his pants and takes his cock into his mouth. Christ, it feels good for a minute. Then he recoils, this is his parents’ Romantic, this is wrong on so many levels.
“Dia, no. Stop.”
The Romantic draws back. “Am I doing something wrong? I can do better, I promise, yo-Master.”
Carlisle takes a moment to put his cock away. “You’re perfect, Dia. But I don’t want that from you. I will never want that from you. You don’t need to do that for me.”
Tears fill up the crystal blue eyes, spilling artfully down sculpted cheekbones. Pain just cracks the pure tenor voice. “You don’t want me? Then you’re going to return me for-for refurbishment?”
“No, no. You’re staying here. I’m trying not to break up the household, Dia, and that includes you. Just-not as my lover, my Romantic.”
He watches Diamanté work through this. The Romantic has lasted several years, he’s not stupid. This is just a new idea to process.
“Then-what do I do?”
Carlisle sips at the coffee, feeling it revive him, taking the edge off his nerves. “What do you want to do, Dia?’
“I want whatever my owner wants.”
“As your owner, I want you to have your own wants and desires outside of mine.” It’s a good counter to the conditioned response, he hopes. “Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?”
“Can I-could I learn to read?”
“Yes. I’ll ask Ellis to help you.”
“And may I massage your shoulders? Master, I need to touch someone. It’s been days.”
“All right.”
It’s a good first step, he thinks. For both of them.
Old Friends taglist: @painful-pooch @justplainwhump @redwingedwhump @maracujatangerine @honeycollectswhump @tragedyinblue
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"I just-" Whumpee's fingers curled into a fist. "I'm not broken, Caretaker."
"I know that, honey."
"I, I'm not." Tears slipped down their face. "I'm not broken. Right?"
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febuwhump · 29 days
here's the link to that doc if you want to take a look at the events: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ivpQWplix_LwJLuVeK4BxSJaVpxT1jd4umeJ3qPs3h0/edit?usp=drivesdk
thank you!! thats an insane amount of events. absolutely ridiculous in fact
Whump events calendar link here.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 months
Ugh I love how the Streetkid Chris AU shows his parallels and differences to Kauri so well.
I wonder if Jake may be expecting Chris to be a little more like Kauri, and how that preconception alongside Chris being a little older and having his pill dependency vs seeing the "statue boy" in the rain will change things. Jake is very nonjudgmental so I think he'd quickly adjust to taking him how he comes, but this is a much more guarded Chris than he's used to. Plus Antoni is clearly worried about him being in the home.
Also, from Anon: please forgive me for storming into your asks so soon after you've posted already. but i am sobbing please write a continuation for streetkid chris (if you want to)
Streetkid Chris AU: One | Two | Three | Four
CW: Brief references to dubcon, heavily internalized ableism, conditioned fear response, panic attack, meltdown with stimming that causes injury, head banging
The pills kick back in about halfway through Baldur fumbling through helping Kauri to create a bed from a pullout couch. He's had some water and a handful of crackers, in the kitchen. Kauri had pulled him into the living room and moved around the space like it was his own, pulling sheets out of a closet door Baldur hadn't even noticed yet, along with pillows that he dropped unceremoniously onto the floor before he told Baldur how to take off the couch cushions and then pull the folded-up mattress on its metal frame out. Like watching paper, he thought, that you've made snowflakes out of when you open it up.
The twinge of pain he feels when the thought comes to him makes him wince. He keeps smelling something in the oven that makes his mouth water for a familiar taste he can't remember. It's locked tight back behind the white lights in his mind, and Baldur tells his thoughts to swerve away as fast as they can, to make the pain stop threatening to take over.
He's lucky.
The pills are working.
His mind is moving slow, but it's listening to him at least. It's like syrup pouring out of a bottle onto a stack of pancakes, so slow your hand is shaking with impatience, waiting for the promised sweetness that doesn't come. He feels clouded over, wading through fog, but it's a comfortable way to be. It's being good, to be like this.
Like mornings spent lying in Sir's bed, staring upwards at the ceiling or maybe beyond it, without thinking anything at all.
It's easier, this way.
"So, there you go," Kauri says, standing back with his hands on his hips. The couch has become a cozy bed, with a half-dozen pillows and four blankets piled up high. Baldur could sleep there for days, and as long as the pills kept coming, he wouldn't even notice he wasn't moving. "Will that work? We'll have to share, though, is that okay?"
Baldur swallows. "I-I don't, um-" No. No no no. Statue boy, he reminds himself. Good boys are statue boys. Silence is better than stammering, stillness is better than what I do. His fingers twitch, just once, and then the fog of the pills smothers his fears and presses them down. The prickling energy that bursts out of him when he's sober is safely held back. He pictures his racing mind running out of air, limbs slowing, lungs expanding just once more and then no longer. "I don't mind. I... don't like to sleep alone."
"Yeah." Kauri's face briefly goes strange, like it's been emptied-out of feeling. "Me neither. Never have. Alone is-"
"-bad," Baldur finishes, in a whisper. "No one wants you."
"Right. Yeah. They taught you that, too, huh?"
"No one wants you... then you're not real," Baldur says. He can feel his handler's hand heavy on the back of his neck, like a ghost breathing against his ear.
"... Shit. I guess even the worst shit was just part of the program, huh?" Kauri stares down at the couch-bed for one long moment of heavy silence, then he inhales sharply and laughs, empty and hollow. "We're just fucking dolls in the toy store for rich idiots to pull the legs off of, aren't we? All the same, come in the same boxes-... never mind. I'm having a weird day." He shakes himself like a dog shaking off water. "Just ignore me being weird, it happens sometimes."
"Yeah," Baldur murmurs. "Me, too. Happens... to me, too." Baldur hears an echo of someone screaming in his mind - maybe himself - but the stab of pain doesn't come. He manages to smother the memory before it can come together enough to hurt him.
Kauri takes a deep breath. "Okay, so. Weirdness steadfastly ignored, we'll just settle in and then when dinner is ready-"
The front door opens, and Baldur spins on his heels, hands slipping behind his back. Position One is thoughtless, effortless, instinctive. He always met Sir in Position One or Position Two, depending on the day. Kauri, though, doesn't slip into any position - he just smiles, wide blue eyes sparkling with a warmth Baldur has never seen in him before.
The man who walks inside isn't that much older than Baldur, but he's huge. Tall, and heavily muscled, built like the handlers who could pick Baldur up like a child and force him back against the wall or onto a table no matter how he kicked or fought, until he learned not to fight any longer. He has close-cropped ashy blond hair trending towards light brown, pale skin, and his own face lights up as soon as he sees Kauri, returning the sunshine looks they give each other.
It hurts.
Baldur's never had anyone look at him like that.
"Hey, Kauri," The man says, in a deep voice that sounds like the warm summer nights when Baldur sleeps out in the park and doesn't get cold at all. Then he looks over to Baldur, still standing in careful position, and some of the warmth fades. "Woah. Who's this?"
"Friend of mine," Kauri says, and he grabs Baldur by one arm and pulls him closer, careless of how he stumbles. Once they get close enough, Baldur can smell the tall man's cologne. It's a good smell, kind of woodsy. Not at all like Sir's, which would feel like it stuck inside of Baldur until it was all he could smell. "This is Chris."
"Hey, Chris," Jake says. His smile is back in place, but it's more polite. He holds out a hand, and after a delay, Baldur realizes he's supposed to shake and sticks his hand out. "I'm Jake Stanton."
Baldur catches the way his eyes drop, seeing the barcode on the inside of Baldur's left wrist. Nothing in his expression changes at all, but something of the fizzing tension in the air does. Baldur swallows around a tightness in his throat.
Those eyes are back on him-
Oh. Jake's eyes are blue, too. Like Kauri's but not like his at all.
"WRU, Facility 001, Designation Romantic 223499," Baldur says automatically, to the unspoken question he thinks he sees there.
"You don't have to do that here," Kauri says in a rush, putting a hand on Baldur's back. "It's not like that."
"It's... always like that," Baldur says. He thinks he sees interest in Jake's face, curiosity, and maybe that's who he'll have to give his body to, to earn dinner and the couch bed to sleep on. He can do that. As long as he keeps his mind untethered from his body, he can move his hips and arch his back and make all the sounds and drift inside of himself until it's over.
"Not here," Jake says, voice deep and gentle. He won't be so bad, Baldur thinks. He'll be slow about it, not like the ones who don't care if it hurts. He won't have to lie as hard to make it believable that he enjoys it. "You don't do that here." He turns back to Kauri, and it feels like light moves behind a cloud when his eyes are off of Baldur. "Where's Nat?"
"Up in her room," Kauri says, shrugging. "And Antoni-"
"Is here," The feline-eyed man says from the bottom of the stairs. Baldur blinks, then jumps - a half-second delayed. He hadn't even heard him come down, even though the stairs are creaky in such old houses. "I can talk to you about something?" Those dark eyes briefly rest on Baldur.
There's no warmth in them.
"Huh? What's up?"
Antoni pauses. "In my room, please, Jasha."
Baldur's heart chills. Even through the pleasant fog of pills, he can hear the coldness there. And he knows it's about him, he knows it. He's done something wrong, wrong enough to be talked about. Like handlers outside his door, talking about what he did wrong and what they'll do to make him sorry. He chokes on the fear of it - consequences hurt so much. He must have been caught swaying, or touching, or making sounds that are against his rules.
"... sure, Ant. Just a sec." Jake frowns. He leaves his sneakers on a mat by the door and follows Antoni up - the stairs creak when he walks up them. They're already talking in low voices that don't quite travel.
He hears Antoni's voice, a soft, Not sure it is a good idea for him to be here.
He did something wrong.
Suddenly, Baldur can barely breathe. His vision is blurs of color, shadow and light. His fingers twitch again, and this time they don't stop. His head is full of a crashing noise that even the pills can't hold back.
He's in trouble. He did something wrong. He's in trouble, and they'll come back down and ask, Do you know what you did, darlin'? And he'll have to guess, and he always guesses wrong.
The games are always rigged for him to lose.
You don't learn any other way, sweetheart.
His breath gets halfway down his throat and stops there. It's stuck, and he wishes he was so drunk he blacked out, or so high he slept for the next few days, until whatever he's done wrong blows over and they forget to punish him, or maybe just punish him but he doesn't remember it.
His heart beats so loud inside of him, blood rushing in his ears. His eyes go to the wall, and he can quiet the chaos inside him if he can get to it, but his feet are stuck right here to the floor. He can't. He can't, it's against his rules, he has to be good, be a statue boy, be silent be still but being still hurts so fucking much when he's scared-
Kauri isn't looking at him. He watches the two men go, thick eyebrows a little furrowed. "I wonder what that's about. Antoni can be so weird, sometimes, I swear-" He breaks off and turns, looking at Baldur. He must see something there. He must see the terror in wide green eyes, the white showing all around, in the way his fingers are shaking, how he can't quite stop bouncing on the balls of his feet with the need to get to a place he can curl up and hide, or hit his head on the wall, until the chaos quiets and he can think again.
The pills are supposed to stop this.
They don't.
He flinches violently backwards when he realizes Kauri is right in front of him, has somehow moved without him seeing. Those long-fingered hands are warm, palms on either side of his face. Those big blue eyes are looking right at his, reflecting him there in Kauri's pupils. When he flinches, Kauri pulls away, and Baldur misses the warmth of touch the way he used to miss darkness when he lived always under white lights.
"Hey." Kauri's voice is soft, slow and gentle. "Hey. Chris, what's wrong? Talk to me?"
There aren't words. He can feel them, there are words, but they're trapped behind teeth on top of tongue. They shift, dipping beneath the surface before he can get his mouth around them. He can't use any of them at all. His hands move, shaking, to twist and pull at the hem of his shirt, but-
Have to be still-
He can't.
He can't be still. He can't be the statue boy, the fear is too strong. And if he can't be still, he'll be in even worse trouble. It's a cycle, a loop of warm ocean water sucked up into the hurricane. It's ash blocking out the sun, killing all the dinosaurs. He remembers the dinosaurs. He remembers the asteroid hit the earth, and the planet was swept by fire burning everything that survived the strike. He remembers that his mind moves like objects in space, impossibly fast and dangerous, because it isn't allowed.
"Chris?" Kauri's swimming in and out of his awareness. He knows there are hands on him, leading him to the couch bed. He feels, distantly, the softness of pillows as his back rests against them. He knows as if staring from the top of a mountain that Kauri is speaking to him in a voice like the clouds rolling in far below.
He can hear other voices, too, but they don't make it through the haze of panic. It's derailed everything. The pills aren't helping, they're making it worse. He can sense the comforting warm blanket of being high just out of reach, and instead it's all terror, overwhelming, flooding the plain.
He knows his mouth is moving.
He can hear himself, tinny and small and from a distance too far to cover, saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be mad, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I'm sorry, please don't be mad over and over again. He tries to be still. He hits his head on Kauri's shoulder and that strikes new terror, so he hits his head harder, then he bites - he buries teeth into skin that he only belatedly realizes isn't his when Kauri makes a sound of pain.
It's a cycle.
He's circling, he's a hurricane, his mind is dangerous and his body is wrong and it has to be stopped.
He can't stop.
He wails, half a scream that he tries to catch and pull back. The sound dips and drops, it becomes a low, wordless moan, over and over and over again. It rises from the person inside of him who used to exist before he signed his life away and they wrote a new him onto the body of the old one.
He used to be someone else.
He used to be someone better.
He used to make noises like this, before they made him stop. Before they made sure he knew that rocking - he's rocking, he feels himself sway forward and back, his fingers twisting and pulling at fabric, moving and moving to calm the rising chaos and violence inside of him - would lead to pain and fear. Before they taught him to take every pill he was given until his body was quiet and still and good for them, for the handlers for Sir for anyone who wants to fuck him or put a hand on his head and make him choke.
The thick clay shell they made him build up around himself, though, has gone brittle.
It shatters.
He rocks and rocks. He hears the sounds he is making like they belong to someone else. He feels tears, hot and burning as they track down his cheeks, cooling rapidly to drip onto his shirt, onto Kauri's shirt and neck when his face buries itself there. His sounds vibrate against Kauri's scarred collarbone. His fingers are gripped into Kauri's shirt now, holding so tight the threadbare fabric rips and his fingertips brush the heat of skin beneath. There are other voices besides Kauri's, but he doesn't listen to them, he can't listen to them or the fear will rise again.
Kauri is talking to him.
His chin is on Baldur's head, and he's talking, murmuring, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I've got you, I've got you, honey, it's okay," over and over and over again. One hand is on the back of his neck, a gentle weight that starts him falling back down to earth.
He rocks with Baldur.
The hurricane starts to wear itself out, spinning and spinning but the wind dies down. He's falling out of the eye onto the ground. The noise inside his head is agony but it's agony he can hear over and around. He doesn't know how long it's been. The rocking is gentle, endless and soothing, and Kauri's other hand rubs up and down his back like-
His mother-
Someone he can't remember used to do when he did this, a long time ago.
"It's okay. You're okay. You're okay," Kauri whispers.
There are other voices, but Baldur can't hear them or he'll be a hurricane again. He keeps his thoughts on Kauri, on the rock of their bodies together, on the weight and warmth of someone holding on to him until he can come back down to earth.
The eruption stops, the flow of rivers bright orange and red and white with heat cooling to dark, solid, safe.
His bones stop burning, his head stops pounding with the noise inside of it.
Kauri is still rocking.
"I've got you," His low voice whispers, too deep for his delicate shape and size. "I've got you, Chris. Let it out, you're okay, I've got you. I've got you."
He struggles to remember how to make the feeling inside him into words, manages to whisper, " Don't-... don't go-"
"I won't," Kauri promises. His arms are tight and strong around Baldur's shaking, skinny body. "I won't. I'm right here. I'm right here."
"What the hell-" Jake's voice interrupts. "What the hell happened?"
"Why... why is he-" That's Antoni, who wanted to talk, who was talking to Jake about him. His voice is shaking, though, his accent thick and heavy. "Why he is yelling so loud-... you can make it stop? The-... screaming-"
Baldur stiffens.
Be good.
Good boys are statue boys, good boys-
The thought breaks apart when he hears Kauri's voice crack loud like a whip against the tile floor. "Probably because the two of you decided to go goddamn gossip. Get the fuck out of this room before I take a cast iron to your faces, you assholes."
"Shit." That's Jake, he thinks. Baldur hides against Kauri's neck until he can't possibly see their faces. The anger, the hate, how they'll be planning his punishment.
But then... footsteps.
They leave.
They go.
Because Kauri told them to.
"Let it out," Kauri murmurs, once they're alone again. "Let it out. Whatever you gotta do, you do it. I'm staying right here."
Baldur tightens his grip on Kauri's torn shirt and starts, finally, to cry. The last of the hurricane falls as tears when the wind dies, draining the terror from him to soak into Kauri's shirt.
"I, I bit you," He whispers, when the words are there. When throat and teeth and tongue work together, finally, to form them. "I'm sorry. I... I, I bit you-"
"No worries," Kauri says, right against his ear. "Didn't even draw blood. Trust me, you're not the first guy to bite - probably not even the tenth - and you won't be the last. But, just between us... I think you're probably my favorite."
Baldur starts to cry again.
This time, it's not a hurricane at all. It's summer showers, welcome warm rain soaking into a thirsty dried-out earth. He cries until he's emptied-out of the fear, until all that's left is hollow like cracked clay warming in the sun.
Like grass growing between dinosaur bones.
He used to know about that.
Someone who lived in his head did, anyway.
But he knows about it, too.
Baldur didn't.
But... Chris does.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
hallo! dunno if you're currently taking suggestions/asks, but-
current thing going through my mind right now: a scenario where Whumper is gentle (in that manipulative way) whenever Whumpee wakes up from a nightmare. Which means later, after the rescue and Whumpee is with Caregiver, Whumpee refuses comfort after bad dreams because it always reminds them of Whumper
(if that makes sense)
content: rocky recovery, past trauma, nightmares, lashing out, anger as a trauma response
"Whumpee? Wake up, it's just a nightmare, you're okay... Whumpee?"
Whumpee awoke with a start, almost punching their saviour in the face. It was odd, to be granted such free movement. Whumper never allowed that, for that same reason.
"Get away from me!" they shrieked, still in a half-asleep, yet adrenaline-fuelled frenzy. "Get the fuck away from me! Get away!"
"Hey, hey, Whumpee, calm down," Caretaker said gently, putting their hands up to show peaceful intent.
"Get away!" they screamed anyway. "Get away, get away, get away!"
Caretaker got off the bed and backed up, still calm as ever. "Whumpee, it's okay. It's just me. No one will hurt you."
"Shut up!" Whumpee curled up, not even bothering to wipe the tears away; more would come within a second. "Shut up, get out, get away from me... Please, leave me alone... Get out..."
They could hear Caretaker's heavy sigh as they finally relented. "Alright. I'll be right outside, if you need anything—"
"I don't! Go back to your room, go away!"
"Alright! Alright. I'm leaving. I'm sorry."
There was some awkward shuffling in the dark, then the sound of the door opening and closing. Whumpee could finally sob in peace, knowing they would not go back to sleep tonight.
this is one of my last drabbles here, please feel free to follow me on my new blog @sowhumpshaped
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weirdstrangeandawful · 11 months
TW: trauma
Some inconvenient trauma responses for when your whumpee is triggered:
Straight up leaving the room/building/area
Throwing things
Passing out/collapsing
Breaking things
Sitting down. Right where they are. On the floor.
Wandering haphazardly. This could be within the room or over a large distance where they could conceivably get lost or too far to get back.
Becoming hyperfunctional
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